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Tex 70 Anni Di Un Mito 119 - L'uomo dai mille volti (RCS 2020-04-02) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 146 pagine | 269 MB Collana di volumi realizzata in collaborazione con La Gazzetta dello Sport e il Corriere della Sera che presenta alcune tra le più belle avventure di Tex, il mitico eroe western della Bonelli. La serie si compone di 100 volumi cartonati da 140 pagine interamente a colori, le cui coste formano una illustrazione di Giovanni Ticci. Download Links Filestore - Dailyuploads - Turbobit
Scheda: L'Uomo Dai Mille Volti | El hombre de las mil caras | Smoke & Mirrors Spagna 2016 Genere: Thriller Durata 122' Regia di Alberto Rodriguez Con Eduard Fernández, José Coronado, Marta Etura, Carlos Santos, Enric Benavent, Alba Galocha, Philippe Rebbot, Pedro Casablanc... Trama: Anni Novanta. Francisco Paesa, ex agente segreto del governo spagnolo responsabile della più grande operazione contro l'ETA della storia, viene coinvolto in un caso di estorsione durante la crisi del Gruppo Armato di Liberazione ed è costretto a fuggire dal paese. Anni dopo rientra ma la sua vita personale non attraversa un buon momento. Riceve allora la visita di Luis Roldán, ex direttore generale della Guardia civile, e di sua moglie Nieves. Entrambi gli offrono un milione di dollari in cambio del suo aiuto per salvare 1 miliardo e mezzo di pesetas sottratte ai fondi pubblici. Francisco vi intravede allora l'opportunità di migliorare la sua situazione economica e di vendicarsi, tra l'altro, del governo spagnolo. Inizia così una magistrale operazione di spionaggio con l'aiuto dell'inseparabile amico Jesús. L.Uomo.Dai.Mille.Volti.2016.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA.SPA-Peppe.mkv
Trama Figlia di due giovani fiorai, Yumi Hanazono (Sandy in Italia), è una simpatica bambina amante dei fiori. Non va bene a scuola, ma ama disegnare, e sogna di diventare mangaka. Il giorno del Carnival Flower, la festa annuale della sua città, la ragazzina dopo essere riuscita per caso a non fare recidere un dente di leone, riceve la visita di due folletti provenienti dalla Terra dei Fiori: Kashimaru e Kakimaru (Pico e Paco in Italia). Le due buffe creature pelose, rimanendo colpite dal grande affetto di Yumi per i fiori, regalano alla bambina una bacchetta e un ciondolo fatati con i quali potrà disegnare nel vuoto qualsiasi cosa rendendola reale. I poteri mostreranno però subito i loro limiti creando non poche disavventure alla protagonista: ogni oggetto disegnato, infatti, svanisce dopo un certo tempo, non può essere ripetuto più di una volta e non può essere fatto un nuovo disegno senza che prima sia scomparso il precedente. Alla vita della protagonista si affiancheranno quelle del suo compagno di classe Kenta (Ciccio in Italia), che ha un fratello maggiore Kyohei (Roby in Italia), affascinante ragazzo che lavora come commesso presso il negozio degli Hanazono e della buffa signora Fukurokoji (Trudy in Italia), tanto grassa quanto ricca, che sembra essere allergica a tutti i fiori della città affiancata dal fido maggiordomo Carmelo. Dopo numerose e variopinte avventure, l'intero gruppo si immerge in una calda estate fino a quando verso fine agosto, inizia a cadere misteriosamente sulla città una fitta neve. Mentre nessun meteorologo riesce a spiegare lo strano fenomeno, Yumi comincia a notare che la sua magia diventa sempre più debole. Parlando coi due folletti la bambina arriva a sapere che anche nella Terra dei Fiori sta nevicando e che è per questa ragione che i suoi disegni fatati non possono più prendere vita. Le due creature, seguite dalla bambina, decidono così di tornare nel loro mondo che sembra essere una dimensione parallela, legata inesorabilmente alla città di Yumi. Giunti nella misteriosa dimensione, una intera massa di folletti spiega alla protagonista che, senza saperne la ragione, la regina dei fiori, addormentandosi in un enorme tulipano, ha fatto cadere il loro mondo in un freddissimo inverno, stagione fino a quel momento inesistente, rischiando non solo di distruggere la loro terra ma anche la città di Yumi. L'unico modo per salvare entrambe le dimensioni sembra essere quello di risvegliare la regina con delle gocce argentate che appaiono sul monte dell'Alba al primo bagliore del sole; la ragazzina aiutata da tutti i protagonisti della serie, si mette così alla ricerca delle gemme, in una vera e propria avventura fantasy, che si concluderà con il risveglio della regina. Alla fine della vicenda tutti i protagonisti si ritroveranno in un campo di tulipani della loro stessa città, quasi come se la Terra dei Fiori non fosse altro che l'intero microcosmo naturale della città di Yumi. Gli unici a non essere tornati indietro sembrano però essere proprio Keshimaru e Kakimaru, i quali spiegano telepaticamente alla ragazzina che non è conveniente che gli uomini sappiano dell'esistenza dei folletti e che per questo la devono salutare, lasciandole però come regalo i poteri magici per sempre. Scheda anime Lingua Orig. : giapponese Paese Orig. : Giappone Regia : Ryo Tachiba Soggetto : Azuma Tachibana Ryo Ishikawa Shoji Imai Sceneggiatura : Yoshiyuki Suga Char. design : Yumiko Horazawa Koji Motoyama Dir. artistica : Seiji Sato Yoshiyuki Kishi Musiche : Koji Makaino Studio : Pierrot Kitty Film Rete : Nippon Television 1ª TV : 7 marzo – 29 agosto 1986 Episodi : 25 (completa) Durata ep. : 24 min Rete it. : Italia 1 1ª TV it. : gennaio 1987 Episodi it. : 25 (completa) Durata ep. it. : 24 min Studio dopp. it. : Deneb Film Dir. dopp. it. : Guido Rutta Edizione : Dolmen/Yamato Video Formato : DVD, Schermo pieno, PAL Audio : Giapponese (Dolby Digital 2.0), Italiano (Dolby Digital 2.0) Lingua : Italiano, Giapponese Sottotitoli : Italiano Regione : Regione 2 Formato immagine : 4:3 Numero di dischi : 5 Studio : CECCHI GORI E.E. HOME VIDEO SRL Data versione DVD : 21 feb. 2013 Durata : 625 minuti Screenshots Release Report Media Info: Password Archivi : virtual
Lanciostory Maxi 92 - Kozacovich e Connors 5, In Fuga Dai Rossi (Aurea 2023-11-29) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 84 pagine | 132 MB Lanciostory Maxi è una rivista mensile italiana di fumetti, pubblicata dall'Aurea Editoriale. Ha esordito nel 2015 e viene ininterrottamente pubblicata da allora. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
Descrizione L'anime e manga DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai si trasforma in un GdR d'azione! Rivivi gli eventi dell'anime in INFINITY STRASH, in cui ti metti nei panni di Dai e dei Disciples of Avan nella loro battaglia contro la Dark Army! Bond Memories: questi oggetti ricreano le scene più iconiche del manga originale. Ottienili ed equipaggiali per migliorare le tue abilità a seconda del tuo stile di gioco. Temple of Recollection: gioca a più di 100 combinazioni di stanze in questo dungeon senza fine, in cui i mostri e le trappole cambiano ogni volta che entri. Fatti strada tra orde di nemici per raggiungere il piano finale. [STORIA] Sono passati molti anni da quando l'eroe ha riportato la pace su questa terra. In un mondo tormentato dalle forze del male, uno spadaccino e i suoi compagni partono per sconfiggere Hadlar, il Dark Lord. Su un'isola deserta nei mari del sud, un ragazzo di nome Dai vive tra i mostri e spera, un giorno, di diventare anche lui un eroe. Tutto cambia quando il Dark Lord viene riportato in vita. Con questa nuova minaccia che affligge il mondo, Dai fa una promessa al suo mentore, incontra dei nuovi amici e, lentamente, viene a conoscenza del suo inesorabile destino. Questo è l'inizio dell'avventura di Dai e della sua missione per diventare un vero eroe! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
Morgan Lost 69 - Nuove Origini N.1 - La vita sognata dai Demoni (SBE Ottobre 2023) Italiano | 69 pagine | PDF + CBR | 130 MB CLAUDIO CHIAVEROTTI L'AVEVA DETTO: NON CI AVREBBE LASCIATI SOLI AL BUIO! Wallendream, la rockstar dei serial killer, l'assassino più folle e violento di New Heliopolis, la nemesi di Morgan Lost, è di nuovo in pista! Ed è risorto in un modo così strano e imprevedibile da scardinare tutta la vita di Morgan, creando delle "Nuove origini" per il nostro eroe! Download Links Worldbytez - Katfile - Filestore
Le più belle storie Disney 66 - Dai corti al fumetto (Giunti 2024-01) Italiano | PDF + CBR | 251 pagine | 308 MB Un volume prezioso con il meglio della produzione di storie a fumetti Disney. Il libro presenta la nuova serie di storie a fumetti "C'era una volta. nel futuro", sviluppata per celebrare il centenario della Walt Disney Company. Si tratta di otto nuove storie che ripropongono le trame di alcuni classici cortometraggi di animazione Disney degli anni '30, ambientati però 100 anni dopo, nel futuro. Sono entusiasmanti storie a fumetti originali, realizzate dai più rinomati artisti di "Topolino", nel loro stile artistico, da Giovanni Rigano a Claudio Sciarrone, da Lorenzo Pastrovicchio a Francesco D'Ippolito e sceneggiate da autori del calibro di Francesco Artibani e Alessandro Sisti. Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Commedia Rentaro Aijo was rejected 100 times in middle school. He visits a shrine and prays for better luck in high school. The God of Love appears and promises that he'll soon meet 100 people he's destined to date. But there's a catch—once destiny introduces someone to him, the two must happily love each other. If they don't, they'll die. What will befall Rentaro and his 100 girlfriends in high school? Hikaru Sato Series Director Takashi Aoshima Series Composition Akane Yano Character Designer Akane Yano Supervising Animation Director Akihito Ougiyama Art Direction Aiko Matsuyama Color Designer Naomi Shima Director of Photography Mutsumi Takemiya Editor Masanori Tsuchiya Sound Director Katsuhiro Nakajima Sound Effects Shuhei Mutsuki Original Music Composer eba Original Music Composer Shunsuke Takizawa Original Music Composer Kaede Hondo Theme Song Performance Miyu Tomita Theme Song Performance Maria Naganawa Theme Song Performance Asami Seto Theme Song Performance Ayaka Asai Theme Song Performance Ryutaro Usukura Music Producer Ryota Ozaki Producer Takahiro Ishiyama Producer Haruhito Nakayoshi Executive Producer Shotaro Usui Executive Producer Cao Cong Executive Producer Shunsuke Matsuda Executive Producer Akihiro Sotokawa Executive Producer Hirotaka Kaneko Executive Producer Tatsuya Ueki Executive Producer Wataru Katoh Rentaro Aijo (voice) Kaede Hondo Hakari Hanazono (voice) Miyu Tomita Karane Inda (voice) Maria Naganawa Shizuka Yoshimoto (voice) Asami Seto Nano Eiai (voice) Ayaka Asai Kusuri Yakuzen (voice) Shigeru Chiba God (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2023-10-08 1: The 2 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really Love You (98 to Go) Aijo Rentaro has faced 100 rejections in life, and when he goes to a matchmaking shrine to pray for love, he finds that he will get more than he ever bargained for in high school. 1: The 2 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really Love You (98 to Go) In onda il: 2023-10-08 Aijo Rentaro has faced 100 rejections in life, and when he goes to a matchmaking shrine to pray for love, he finds that he will get more than he ever bargained for in high school. In onda il: 2023-10-15 2: First Kiss Hakari and Karane learn that Rentaro hasn't had his first kiss yet. They may both be his girlfriends, but they still want his first kiss for themselves! 2: First Kiss In onda il: 2023-10-15 Hakari and Karane learn that Rentaro hasn't had his first kiss yet. They may both be his girlfriends, but they still want his first kiss for themselves! In onda il: 2023-10-22 3: The Quiet Princess, the Knight, and the Samurai Rentaro has encountered his third soulmate: the shy and smol Yoshimoto Shizuka. How will he get her to open up to him and, more importantly, how will he choose to deal with her? 3: The Quiet Princess, the Knight, and the Samurai In onda il: 2023-10-22 Rentaro has encountered his third soulmate: the shy and smol Yoshimoto Shizuka. How will he get her to open up to him and, more importantly, how will he choose to deal with her? In onda il: 2023-10-29 4: Just When You Think It's a Hanky-Panky Episode Rentaro has a plan to break the ice between Hakari, Karane, and Shizuka, and it involves laughter and Old Maid. But things take a turn for the unexpected. 4: Just When You Think It's a Hanky-Panky Episode In onda il: 2023-10-29 Rentaro has a plan to break the ice between Hakari, Karane, and Shizuka, and it involves laughter and Old Maid. But things take a turn for the unexpected. In onda il: 2023-11-05 5: The Hyper-Efficient Girl Rentaro encounters the smartest student in school, Eiai Nano, and it turns out she's a soulmate, too! However, her extreme rationality leads him to question whether they really are meant for each other. 5: The Hyper-Efficient Girl In onda il: 2023-11-05 Rentaro encounters the smartest student in school, Eiai Nano, and it turns out she's a soulmate, too! However, her extreme rationality leads him to question whether they really are meant for each other. In onda il: 2023-11-12 6: Everyone's Favorite: The Swimsuit Episode Rentaro and the girls hit the newly opened water park at Hakari's suggestion, but Karane appears to have come down with a mysterious chill. Will the gang really get to enjoy their day out at the pool? 6: Everyone's Favorite: The Swimsuit Episode In onda il: 2023-11-12 Rentaro and the girls hit the newly opened water park at Hakari's suggestion, but Karane appears to have come down with a mysterious chill. Will the gang really get to enjoy their day out at the pool? In onda il: 2023-11-19 7: Saying Hello to the Chemistry Girl Rentaro locks eyes with another soulmate: a beautiful girl in the Chemistry Lab. But when he visits the lab the next day, he instead finds a pint-sized bundle of energy who is... obsessed with drugs? 7: Saying Hello to the Chemistry Girl In onda il: 2023-11-19 Rentaro locks eyes with another soulmate: a beautiful girl in the Chemistry Lab. But when he visits the lab the next day, he instead finds a pint-sized bundle of energy who is... obsessed with drugs? In onda il: 2023-11-26 8: Kiss Zombie Panic Under attack from the kiss zombies, can Rentaro and Kusuri figure out a way to turn them back to normal? Or are they doomed to smooch forever? 8: Kiss Zombie Panic In onda il: 2023-11-26 Under attack from the kiss zombies, can Rentaro and Kusuri figure out a way to turn them back to normal? Or are they doomed to smooch forever? In onda il: 2023-12-03 9: The Holy War of Love and Soul The gang has a day out at a flower park on Hakari's suggestion. Little did they know that she did it for a reason. 9: The Holy War of Love and Soul In onda il: 2023-12-03 The gang has a day out at a flower park on Hakari's suggestion. Little did they know that she did it for a reason. In onda il: 2023-12-10 10: Love Mission: Impossible The Rentaro Family gears up to raid the Hanazono mansion to get Hakari out. 10: Love Mission: Impossible In onda il: 2023-12-10 The Rentaro Family gears up to raid the Hanazono mansion to get Hakari out. In onda il: 2023-12-17 11: Even If It Kills Me Hahari may have been blinded by love, but Hakari's happiness remains her number one priority. How can Rentaro convince her that his love is real? 11: Even If It Kills Me In onda il: 2023-12-17 Hahari may have been blinded by love, but Hakari's happiness remains her number one priority. How can Rentaro convince her that his love is real? In onda il: 2023-12-24 12: The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You (94 to Go) How will the gang adjust to the newest girlfriend, and what shenanigans will she bring into play during this sleepover? 12: The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You (94 to Go) In onda il: 2023-12-24 How will the gang adjust to the newest girlfriend, and what shenanigans will she bring into play during this sleepover? Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Blueberry 12 - Il fantasma dai proiettili d'oro (RCS 2023-01-10) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 63 pagine | 168 MB La Gazzetta dello Sport riporta in edicola le atmosfere del west crudo e selvaggio sceneggiato da Jean-Michel Charlier e illustrato dalla grande penna di Jean Giraud (in arte Moebius). Immergiti nelle avventure leggendarie del tenente Blueberry e scopri il piacere di rivivere le storie che hanno rivoluzionato il genere western in una nuova, esclusiva edizione cronologica dalla copertina rigida in versione deluxe. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
Udemy - Python dai concetti base alla programmazione moderna - ITA Sviluppare correttamente in Python (pythonic) e versionare il proprio codice in Git Cosa imparerai: Il corso vuole introdurre i primi concetti di programmazione inerenti il mondo Python. Come in ogni corso base, si introdurranno costrutti (numeri, stringhe, list, tuple, dict, boolean) e sintassi principali (if, for, while, function, class), ovvero i mattoncini elementari del linguaggio e come vanno assemblati. Fin da subito verranno introdotti gli strumenti che ogni programmatore, dal neofita al professionista, dovrebbe usare. Quindi si parlerà di versionamento del codice con lo standard de facto "Git" e di come strutturare l'alberatura del proprio progetto. Faremo anche una rapida carrellata dei principali moduli già presenti nella libreria standard Python. Ogni lezione avrà la parte di slide, le stesse illustrate nei video, ed una parte di dispense più dettagliata con gli argomenti appena discussi. Alla fine del corso si avranno basi solide per approfondire ogni altro aspetto inerente Python. Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato: mp4 Size: 465 MB BUON DOWNLOAD
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Anne Shirley è un'orfana che, per errore, viene mandata nella casa degli anziani fratelli Cuthbert, Marilla e Matthew. Anne è una ragazzina dotata di grande fantasia e un'irrefrenabile parlantina. Dopo l'iniziale incompatibilità, Anne diventerà una presenza fondamentale nella vita dei Cuthbert e della comunità di Avonlea. TITOLO ORIGINALE: Anne of Green Gables PAESE DI PRODUZIONE: Canada ANNO: 1985 GENERE: Drammatico, Avventura NUMERO STAGIONI: 1 NUMERO EPISODI: 2 DURATA EPISODIO: 199 min Totali FORMATO: 4:3 CAST: Megan Follows: Anne Shirley, Colleen Dewhurst: Marilla Cuthbert, Richard Farnsworth: Matthew Cuthbert, Patricia Hamilton: Rachel Lynde, Marilyn Lightstone: Muriel Stacey, Schuyler Grant: Diana Barry, Jonathan Crombie: Gilbert Blythe, Miranda de Pencier: Josie Pye, Jennifer Inch: Ruby Gillis REGIA: Kevin Sullivan Anna dai capelli rossi - Miniserie (1985) [Completa] .avi BRRip AC3 ITA
Udemy - Outlook Sul Web - Corso Completo Dai Fondamentali - ITA Corso completo di Outlook sul Web per account Microsoft 365 Cosa imparerai: Gestisci la tua casella email di Office 365 da qualsiasi dispositivo Apri gli allegati direttamente nel browser Usa le menzioni e il "Mi piace" nei messaggi Aggiungi messaggi in alto e posticipa l'invio Gestisci i messaggi secondari Usa contrassegni e categorie Gestisci la posta indesiderata Archivia messaggi Pulisci o ignora conversazioni Gestisci i tuoi calendari nel browser Organizza riunioni Gestisci i tuoi contatti Crea e gestisci le tue attività Richiede Avere un account Microsoft 365 Outlook sul Web è la versione accessibile con qualsiasi browser da chi ha un account Microsoft 365, cioè business (se in azienda usi Word, Excel o altri programmi di Office, potresti già averlo). Con questo corso puoi capire i vantaggi di avere le funzionalità principali di Outlook anche sul web, e quindi utilizzarlo insieme alla versione desktop, o anche in alternativa. Nel dettaglio, ti spiegherò: Come usare l'interfaccia Come scrivere, rispondere, gestire gli allegati Come usare le menzioni, i "Mi piace" Come impostare le risposte automatiche Come organizzare la posta, contrassegnare i messaggi usare le categorie Come creare regole, gestire i messaggi secondari, l'archivio, la posta indesiderata! Come gestire gli eventi, i tuoi calendari ma anche quelli di sale e attrezzature Come creare riunioni e come rispondere agli inviti di riunione Come gestire i tuoi contatti e le tue attività Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato: mp4 Size: 2.44 GB BUON DOWNLOAD
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Dylan Dog N.442 BIS - L'isola dai due soli (SBE Luglio 2023) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 100 pagine | 147 MB COSA CI FANNO NEL CIELO DUE SOLI? Alla ricerca di un uomo scomparso durante una battuta di pesca, Dylan, dopo un drammatico naufragio, approda su un'isola dove le leggi della natura sono stravolte e non hanno più alcun valore. un luogo dove niente è vivo e nel cielo brillano due soli. Download Links Easybytez - Katfile - Rapidgator
INFO Titolo originale: World Dai Star Titolo inglese: Stella of the Theater: World Dai Star Titolo Kanji: ワールドダイスター Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Scolastico Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Progetto crossmediale Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: in corso Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso TRAMA La storia è ambientata in un mondo in cui i performer teatrali Dai Star hanno ottenuto una popolarità esplosiva nel ventesimo secolo. La sedicenne Kokona Ōtori cerca di realizzare il suo sogno di diventare una World Dai Star candidandosi per la troupe teatrale Sirius.
Udemy - Outlook Sul Web - Corso Completo Dai Fondamentali - ITA Corso completo di Outlook sul Web per account Microsoft 365 Cosa imparerai: Gestisci la tua casella email di Office 365 da qualsiasi dispositivo Apri gli allegati direttamente nel browser Usa le menzioni e il "Mi piace" nei messaggi Aggiungi messaggi in alto e posticipa l'invio Gestisci i messaggi secondari Usa contrassegni e categorie Gestisci la posta indesiderata Archivia messaggi Pulisci o ignora conversazioni Gestisci i tuoi calendari nel browser Organizza riunioni Gestisci i tuoi contatti Crea e gestisci le tue attività Richiede Avere un account Microsoft 365 Outlook sul Web è la versione accessibile con qualsiasi browser da chi ha un account Microsoft 365, cioè business (se in azienda usi Word, Excel o altri programmi di Office, potresti già averlo). Con questo corso puoi capire i vantaggi di avere le funzionalità principali di Outlook anche sul web, e quindi utilizzarlo insieme alla versione desktop, o anche in alternativa. Nel dettaglio, ti spiegherò: Come usare l'interfaccia Come scrivere, rispondere, gestire gli allegati Come usare le menzioni, i "Mi piace" Come impostare le risposte automatiche Come organizzare la posta, contrassegnare i messaggi usare le categorie Come creare regole, gestire i messaggi secondari, l'archivio, la posta indesiderata! Come gestire gli eventi, i tuoi calendari ma anche quelli di sale e attrezzature Come creare riunioni e come rispondere agli inviti di riunione Come gestire i tuoi contatti e le tue attività Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato: mp4 Size: 2.44 GB BUON DOWNLOAD
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Udemy - Microsoft Excel 365 dai fondamentali al livello avanzato 4.0 - ITA La guida definitiva per lavorare con Excel 365 in un unico corso completo. Il corso "Microsoft Excel: dai fondamentali al livello avanzato" (un Udemy best seller in senso assoluto: 32.500 iscritti, 11.476 valutazioni, dati a dicembre 2021) si rinnova: nuovi contenuti, nuova versione di Excel, più focus e verticalità sulle nozioni che davvero servono e sono richiesti dal mercato di settore: l'industria 4.0. Il concetto di Database e gli strumenti/funzioni per la loro gestione, le Excel automations, efficacia e ottimizzazione del nostro lavoro e del tempo che dedichiamo ad esso sono i motivi trainanti di "Microsoft Excel 365, dai fondamentali al livello avanzato 4.0", un corso nuovo, dedicato (ma non solo) agli utilizzatori di Microsoft 365 perchè questa la piattaforma trend dei prossimi anni. Le prerogative dei corsi di Excel8020 Academy vengono qui ancora più enfatizzate: - NO ai video troppo lunghi: diventano noiosi e distolgono l'attenzione: 8 min in media e max 12 min, per un totale di 22+ ore di contenuti. - NO ai corsi presentazione, con nessun o poco riferimento ai casi concreti di lavoro - No ai corsi Excel base, Excel intermedio, Excel intermedio-Avanzato, Excel medio-alto... qui si usa la formula "all-inclusive"! - NO ai video con cam, sigle di presentazione, musichette di sottofondo: focus verticale sui contenuti e full immersion. Le lezioni sono state registrate con Excel 365 versione abbonamento ma, con la inevitabile perdita di un 20% di contenuti, specialmente nel livello avanzato, può essere seguito anche dalle utenze che utilizzano versioni di Excel dalla 2013, mentre non viene supportata l'utenza Mac, qualora Excel venisse fatto girare in ambiente IOs. (Gli utenti Mac perderanno un 30% della parte avanzata). Le lezioni seguono una logica studiata meticolosamente e frutto di innumerevoli ore di lezione in aula presso importantissime società e Corporate in campo bancario, assicurativo, energetico e informatico. Ovviamente non esiste un corso Excel che sia omnicomprensivo, ma vale sempre un principio fondamentale: l'80% dei risultati sono ottenuti dal 20% delle potenzialità di Excel, e io ti assicuro che ho messo in campo tutta quella che è la mia esperienza come consulente aziendale e formatore per far si che tu posssa ottenere subito i tuoi risultati, efficacemente e professionalmente, indipendentemente dalle tue esperienze pregresse. Ti chiedo solo una cosa in cambio: cerca, da parte tua, di mettere in campo la stessa dedizione ed entusiasmo nel seguirlo che ho riservato io nel progettarlo e pubblicarlo, e ti assicuro che i risultati saranno garantiti. Prima di iscriverti dai un'occhiata alla preview del corso e ai vari video introduttivi e se decidi di iscriverti, porta fino in fondo l'impegno che avrai preso con te stesso, come fanno tutti gli iscritti ai corsi di Excel8020 Academy. Questo è un corso trasformativo che ti aprirà un mondo: un nuovo modo di approcciare lo strumento al fine di rimanere al passo con i tempi, con le richieste del mercato, e che può essere il punto di partenza qualora tu volessi continuare la tua esperienza nel fantastico mondo della Microsoft Analytics. Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato Mp4 Size 10 GB BUON DOWNLOAD
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Dragon Quest Stagione 1 Episodi 100 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Molto tempo fa, c'era un valoroso spadaccino che divenne noto semplicemente come "l'eroe". C'era un demone che ha causato sofferenza alle persone. L'eroe e i suoi compagni arrivarono per sfidare il demone in una battaglia e unendo i loro poteri, la battaglia fu portata a termine rapidamente. Senza nessuno in giro a causare problemi, l'isola divenne un luogo tranquillo dove tutti potevano vivere insieme in pace. Diversi anni dopo, il demone viene rianimato. Il nostro protagonista attuale, Dai, vive su un'isola remota nei mari del sud e sogna di diventare un grande eroe. Quando viene a sapere del risveglio del demone, Dai e i suoi amici si impegnano a fermare lui e la forza del male che lo ha rianimato. Lungo la strada, Dai scopre l'identità dell'"eroe", la verità dietro la forza del male che ha riportato in vita il demone e i poteri nascosti di Dai che emergono nei momenti di pericolo. Ayaka Fujii Art Direction Emiko Miyamoto Character Designer Yuki Hayashi Original Music Composer Aya Mori Color Designer Katsuhiko Chiba Series Composition Yoko Sakurai Sound Effects Hidemitsu Masui Prop Designer Shuntaro Mura Creature Design Tsuneyoshi Nakamura Associate Producer Riku Sanjou Comic Book Kazuya Karasawa Series Director Paolo Andrea Di Pietro Songs Atsumi Tanezaki Dai (voice) Toshiyuki Toyonaga Popp (voice) Mikako Komatsu Maam (voice) Yuki Kaji Hyunckel (voice) Takahiro Sakurai Avan (voice) Saori Hayami Leona (voice) Kenichi Ogata Brass (voice) Ai Furihata Gome-chan (voice) Tomokazu Seki Hadlar (voice) Takehito Koyasu Myst-Vearn (voice) Toru Nara Flazzard (voice) Show Hayami Baran (voice) Takaya Hashi Vearn (voice) Tomoaki Maeno Crocodine (voice) Mitsuo Iwata Zaboera (voice) Hiroshi Iwasaki Masopho (voice) Hiro Shimono Deroline (voice) Yasuhiro Mamiya Heroh Heroh (voice) Yoko Hikasa Zulbon (voice) Hitoshi Kubota voice of god (voice) Episodi: 100 In onda il: 2020-10-02 1: Dai, The Tiny Hero Young Dai lives on Dermline Island, where he dreams of being a Hero. One day, a Hero and his companions come to the island. Dai is excited at first, but their true intent is to steal his best friend, Gomechan, the mythical Golden Metal Slime. 1: Dai, The Tiny Hero In onda il: 2020-10-02 Young Dai lives on Dermline Island, where he dreams of being a Hero. One day, a Hero and his companions come to the island. Dai is excited at first, but their true intent is to steal his best friend, Gomechan, the mythical Golden Metal Slime. In onda il: 2020-10-10 2: Dai and Princess Leona Dai must take Leona to the Earth Cave for a ritual. At first, Dai dislikes Leona, but they slowly come to understand each other. Suddenly, a giant Evil Scorpion attacks. Dai defeats it, but Leona is poisoned. As Dai’s wishes to save her... 2: Dai and Princess Leona In onda il: 2020-10-10 Dai must take Leona to the Earth Cave for a ritual. At first, Dai dislikes Leona, but they slowly come to understand each other. Suddenly, a giant Evil Scorpion attacks. Dai defeats it, but Leona is poisoned. As Dai’s wishes to save her... In onda il: 2020-10-16 3: The Hero's Tutor A dark power affects Dai’s monster friends, driving them berserk. Brass tries to get Dai to leave. As they argue, a Hero trainer arrives to inform Dai that the Dark Lord has returned. To save those he cares about, Dai undergoes Hero training. 3: The Hero's Tutor In onda il: 2020-10-16 A dark power affects Dai’s monster friends, driving them berserk. Brass tries to get Dai to leave. As they argue, a Hero trainer arrives to inform Dai that the Dark Lord has returned. To save those he cares about, Dai undergoes Hero training. In onda il: 2020-10-24 4: The Dark Lord Hadlar's Return Avan turned into a dragon and attacks Dai. Dai fights back to no avail. To defeat Avan’s flames requires Wave Slash. As Dai clears his objective, someone enters the island. Who should appear before Avan but the worst possible being...! 4: The Dark Lord Hadlar's Return In onda il: 2020-10-24 Avan turned into a dragon and attacks Dai. Dai fights back to no avail. To defeat Avan’s flames requires Wave Slash. As Dai clears his objective, someone enters the island. Who should appear before Avan but the worst possible being...! In onda il: 2020-10-31 5: The Insignia of Avan Avan is overpowered by Hadlar, who is now stronger than ever. To protect his students and the world, Avan gathers the last of his strength and faces Hadlar. Dai can do nothing but watch. Finally, the showdown between Avan and Hadlar is concluded. 5: The Insignia of Avan In onda il: 2020-10-31 Avan is overpowered by Hadlar, who is now stronger than ever. To protect his students and the world, Avan gathers the last of his strength and faces Hadlar. Dai can do nothing but watch. Finally, the showdown between Avan and Hadlar is concluded. In onda il: 2020-11-07 6: Crocodine, the Beast King Nessuna trama disponibile 6: Crocodine, the Beast King In onda il: 2020-11-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2020-11-14 7: Maam's Turmoil Thanks to Maam’s help, Dai goes on the offensive against Crocodine. Popp joins in and the battle intensifies. Seeing Dai and Popp fight, Maam remembers Avan’s words to her when she was young and comes to a decision. 7: Maam's Turmoil In onda il: 2020-11-14 Thanks to Maam’s help, Dai goes on the offensive against Crocodine. Popp joins in and the battle intensifies. Seeing Dai and Popp fight, Maam remembers Avan’s words to her when she was young and comes to a decision. In onda il: 2020-11-21 8: Furfang Full Assault Dai and company arrive late at night to the castle town of Romos. The next morning, Crocodine attacks with the Furfang Legion. In Romos Castle, Dai faces Crocodine. Crocodine decides to use the weapon that Zaboera gave him. 8: Furfang Full Assault In onda il: 2020-11-21 Dai and company arrive late at night to the castle town of Romos. The next morning, Crocodine attacks with the Furfang Legion. In Romos Castle, Dai faces Crocodine. Crocodine decides to use the weapon that Zaboera gave him. In onda il: 2020-11-28 9: A Single Shard of Courage Dai is heavily wounded by Crocodine’s Beast King Anguish Blast. Maam tries to save Dai, but is bound by a Heyedra. Masopho, the Mage from the fake Hero’s party shows this to Popp, who remains paralyzed by fear. Masopho then speaks of his past... 9: A Single Shard of Courage In onda il: 2020-11-28 Dai is heavily wounded by Crocodine’s Beast King Anguish Blast. Maam tries to save Dai, but is bound by a Heyedra. Masopho, the Mage from the fake Hero’s party shows this to Popp, who remains paralyzed by fear. Masopho then speaks of his past... In onda il: 2020-12-05 10: Onto Papnica Kingdom Having won the battle with Crocodine, Dai and company head to Papnica Kingdom, which is under attack by the Undead Legion of the Dark Army. Upon arrival, Dai sees an unbelievable sight. Meanwhile, Hadlar summons all Legion Commanders, but... 10: Onto Papnica Kingdom In onda il: 2020-12-05 Having won the battle with Crocodine, Dai and company head to Papnica Kingdom, which is under attack by the Undead Legion of the Dark Army. Upon arrival, Dai sees an unbelievable sight. Meanwhile, Hadlar summons all Legion Commanders, but... In onda il: 2020-12-12 11: Hyunckel, the Dark Swordsman Dai’s Avan Strash had no effect on Hyunckel. Hyunckel dons his “Dark Armour Blade” to face Dai and his companions. Just why does Hyunckel hate Avan so much? Hyunckel reveals his past with Avan to answer Maam’s question. 11: Hyunckel, the Dark Swordsman In onda il: 2020-12-12 Dai’s Avan Strash had no effect on Hyunckel. Hyunckel dons his “Dark Armour Blade” to face Dai and his companions. Just why does Hyunckel hate Avan so much? Hyunckel reveals his past with Avan to answer Maam’s question. In onda il: 2020-12-19 12: The Collaborative Raidein Thanks to Crocodine, Dai and Popp managed to escape. Popp says to Dai that if they don’t defeat Hyunckel, they won’t be able save Maam or Leona. Morning comes. Popp has come up with a plan to defeat Hyunckel and suggests the use of a certain spell. 12: The Collaborative Raidein In onda il: 2020-12-19 Thanks to Crocodine, Dai and Popp managed to escape. Popp says to Dai that if they don’t defeat Hyunckel, they won’t be able save Maam or Leona. Morning comes. Popp has come up with a plan to defeat Hyunckel and suggests the use of a certain spell. In onda il: 2020-12-26 13: The Deciding Moment Hyunckel withstands the Zapple spell. His spell thwarted, Dai falls prey to Hyunckel’s Bloody Scryde. At that moment, Maam appears and hands a Soul Shell found in a hidden room to Hyunckel. It contains a shocking truth about Hyunckel’s past. 13: The Deciding Moment In onda il: 2020-12-26 Hyunckel withstands the Zapple spell. His spell thwarted, Dai falls prey to Hyunckel’s Bloody Scryde. At that moment, Maam appears and hands a Soul Shell found in a hidden room to Hyunckel. It contains a shocking truth about Hyunckel’s past. In onda il: 2021-01-09 14: Blizzblaze General Flazzard After their fierce battle against Hyunckel, Dai and friends set out to find Leona. They launch signal flares and are met by Amy of the Papnica Troika, who takes them to where Leona is hiding, but Blizzblaze General Flazzard reaches her first...! 14: Blizzblaze General Flazzard In onda il: 2021-01-09 After their fierce battle against Hyunckel, Dai and friends set out to find Leona. They launch signal flares and are met by Amy of the Papnica Troika, who takes them to where Leona is hiding, but Blizzblaze General Flazzard reaches her first...! In onda il: 2021-01-16 15: The Terrifying Curse Field Dai faces off with Flazzard. His Magic Sword is effective, but Flazzard fires off the rocks in his body in both an attack and a signal to activate the Blizzblaze Curse Field. The surrounding area is encased in a field, and Dai’s group is weakened. 15: The Terrifying Curse Field In onda il: 2021-01-16 Dai faces off with Flazzard. His Magic Sword is effective, but Flazzard fires off the rocks in his body in both an attack and a signal to activate the Blizzblaze Curse Field. The surrounding area is encased in a field, and Dai’s group is weakened. In onda il: 2021-01-23 16: The Grand Sorcerer Matoriv Matoriv is a Grand Sorcerer living in a cave. At first, he’s resistant to helping, but upon learning that Dai is Avan’s last student, he agrees to help save Leona. Meanwhile, Hadlar’s Dark Army prepares a scheme. 16: The Grand Sorcerer Matoriv In onda il: 2021-01-23 Matoriv is a Grand Sorcerer living in a cave. At first, he’s resistant to helping, but upon learning that Dai is Avan’s last student, he agrees to help save Leona. Meanwhile, Hadlar’s Dark Army prepares a scheme. In onda il: 2021-01-30 17: The Death-Defying Savior Dai and Baduck reach the Dark Flame Spire to find Zaboera, Mystvearn, and their Legion monsters waiting for them. Waiting for Popp and Maam at the Dark Ice Spire is Hadlar. Dai and his friends are in danger. Just then, an unlikely savior appears. 17: The Death-Defying Savior In onda il: 2021-01-30 Dai and Baduck reach the Dark Flame Spire to find Zaboera, Mystvearn, and their Legion monsters waiting for them. Waiting for Popp and Maam at the Dark Ice Spire is Hadlar. Dai and his friends are in danger. Just then, an unlikely savior appears. In onda il: 2021-02-06 18: Hyunckel Versus Hadlar Popp and Maam are shocked by the appearance of Hyunckel. It turns out he was saved by Crocodine. Having come to help the Disciples of Avan, Hyunckel sends Popp and Maam off to Valge Tower and faces off with Hadlar. 18: Hyunckel Versus Hadlar In onda il: 2021-02-06 Popp and Maam are shocked by the appearance of Hyunckel. It turns out he was saved by Crocodine. Having come to help the Disciples of Avan, Hyunckel sends Popp and Maam off to Valge Tower and faces off with Hadlar. In onda il: 2021-02-13 19: The Final Avan Style Technique Dai, Popp, and Maam reach Valge Tower where they are stopped by Flazzard. Realizing he is at a disadvantage, Flazzard shatters himself into bullets of rocks and launches himself as projectiles. Just then, the words of Avan flash through Dai’s mind! 19: The Final Avan Style Technique In onda il: 2021-02-13 Dai, Popp, and Maam reach Valge Tower where they are stopped by Flazzard. Realizing he is at a disadvantage, Flazzard shatters himself into bullets of rocks and launches himself as projectiles. Just then, the words of Avan flash through Dai’s mind! In onda il: 2021-02-20 20: Now I Slice Everything With his core destroyed by Dai’s Air Slash, Flazzard splits his body. Mystvearn appears and gives Flazzard the Shadow Legion’s ultimate armour. Flazzard attacks Dai. But having completed his Avan Style Sword Technique, Dai remains unfazed...! 20: Now I Slice Everything In onda il: 2021-02-20 With his core destroyed by Dai’s Air Slash, Flazzard splits his body. Mystvearn appears and gives Flazzard the Shadow Legion’s ultimate armour. Flazzard attacks Dai. But having completed his Avan Style Sword Technique, Dai remains unfazed...! In onda il: 2021-02-27 21: Maam's Decision Dai and his friends prepare for their next battle as Papnica rebuilds. Maam hears the words of Matoriv and comes to a decision. Meanwhile, Vearn’s personal assassin, Killvearn and his companion Piroro appear before Hadlar. What will they say to him? 21: Maam's Decision In onda il: 2021-02-27 Dai and his friends prepare for their next battle as Papnica rebuilds. Maam hears the words of Matoriv and comes to a decision. Meanwhile, Vearn’s personal assassin, Killvearn and his companion Piroro appear before Hadlar. What will they say to him? In onda il: 2021-03-06 22: Off To the Department Store Dai and Leona head to Bengarna Kingdom to get Dai a new weapon. Freed from her duties as princess, Leona enjoys her shopping. Dai and Popp spend their time amazed by all the new sights. New encounters and new threats await them. 22: Off To the Department Store In onda il: 2021-03-06 Dai and Leona head to Bengarna Kingdom to get Dai a new weapon. Freed from her duties as princess, Leona enjoys her shopping. Dai and Popp spend their time amazed by all the new sights. New encounters and new threats await them. In onda il: 2021-03-13 23: The Dragon Knight Dai faces the Dragons attacking Bengarna. His sword shatters. Dragons that Popp failed to defeat join in. All prepare for defeat, but Dai unleashes the power of the Dragon Crest. Nabara and Merle realize a truth that Dai himself doesn’t yet know. 23: The Dragon Knight In onda il: 2021-03-13 Dai faces the Dragons attacking Bengarna. His sword shatters. Dragons that Popp failed to defeat join in. All prepare for defeat, but Dai unleashes the power of the Dragon Crest. Nabara and Merle realize a truth that Dai himself doesn’t yet know. In onda il: 2021-03-20 24: Dragon Master General Baran Baran reveals the duty of a Dragon Knight: to wipe out the humans. Baran explains why Dragon Knights were born. Dai rejects Baran’s words. Growing impatient, Baran blows Dai away with a powerful attack. Baran then reveals a shocking truth…! 24: Dragon Master General Baran In onda il: 2021-03-20 Baran reveals the duty of a Dragon Knight: to wipe out the humans. Baran explains why Dragon Knights were born. Dai rejects Baran’s words. Growing impatient, Baran blows Dai away with a powerful attack. Baran then reveals a shocking truth…! In onda il: 2021-03-27 25: The Terrifying Draconic Aura With the secret to the Dragon Knights’ supremacy, the “Draconic Aura” deployed, Baran is invulnerable to Crocodine’s attacks. Crocodine continues to stand up to Baran. And Dai, as well. They attack Baran together, but Baran forms a plan. 25: The Terrifying Draconic Aura In onda il: 2021-03-27 With the secret to the Dragon Knights’ supremacy, the “Draconic Aura” deployed, Baran is invulnerable to Crocodine’s attacks. Crocodine continues to stand up to Baran. And Dai, as well. They attack Baran together, but Baran forms a plan. In onda il: 2021-04-03 26: The Dragon Masters Approach Baran summons the Dragon Masters, three powerful Dragon Riders, and heads to Teran Kingdom to reclaim Dai. Leona and the others shelter Dai in a prison cell. Detecting Baran and the Dragon Masters, the group is at a loss. Just then, Popp acts. 26: The Dragon Masters Approach In onda il: 2021-04-03 Baran summons the Dragon Masters, three powerful Dragon Riders, and heads to Teran Kingdom to reclaim Dai. Leona and the others shelter Dai in a prison cell. Detecting Baran and the Dragon Masters, the group is at a loss. Just then, Popp acts. In onda il: 2021-04-10 27: Land Rider Larhart Popp faces the Dragon Masters alone and falls into peril. Hyunckel arrives to save him. Popp and Hyunckel defeat Galdandy and Borahorn. Popp loses consciousness and Hyunckel faces Larhart. But Larhart is far more powerful than Galdandy or Borahorn. 27: Land Rider Larhart In onda il: 2021-04-10 Popp faces the Dragon Masters alone and falls into peril. Hyunckel arrives to save him. Popp and Hyunckel defeat Galdandy and Borahorn. Popp loses consciousness and Hyunckel faces Larhart. But Larhart is far more powerful than Galdandy or Borahorn. In onda il: 2021-04-17 28: Dai's Secret Baran approaches Teran Castle where Dai is kept. Leona gives Dai his knife and encourages him to fight before heading off to face Baran with Crocodine. Meanwhile, Hyunckel lies beaten by Larhart. Larhart tells him Baran’s tumultuous past... 28: Dai's Secret In onda il: 2021-04-17 Baran approaches Teran Castle where Dai is kept. Leona gives Dai his knife and encourages him to fight before heading off to face Baran with Crocodine. Meanwhile, Hyunckel lies beaten by Larhart. Larhart tells him Baran’s tumultuous past... In onda il: 2021-04-24 29: Baran's Rage With Popp as his hostage, Borahorn threatens Hyunckel. Larhart takes unexpected action. Larhart reveals his past. Meanwhile, Baran appears at Teran Castle. Hearing of Popp’s actions, Crocodine employs a desperate strategy against Baran! 29: Baran's Rage In onda il: 2021-04-24 With Popp as his hostage, Borahorn threatens Hyunckel. Larhart takes unexpected action. Larhart reveals his past. Meanwhile, Baran appears at Teran Castle. Hearing of Popp’s actions, Crocodine employs a desperate strategy against Baran! In onda il: 2021-05-01 30: Popp's Resolve As a Dragonoid, Baran’s power is beyond imagination. Just as everyone prepares to die, Dai appears. When the meeting between father and son that they had hoped to prevent happens, Popp remembers the final moments of his master, Avan. 30: Popp's Resolve In onda il: 2021-05-01 As a Dragonoid, Baran’s power is beyond imagination. Just as everyone prepares to die, Dai appears. When the meeting between father and son that they had hoped to prevent happens, Popp remembers the final moments of his master, Avan. In onda il: 2021-05-08 31: A Father and Son Clash The Dragon Crest appears on Dai’s right hand. Is it a miracle brought on by his mother, Soala...? By focusing his power, Dai gains power beyond Baran’s. Baran wields his Draconic Aura and fights back. The two Dragon Knights clash in an epic battle. 31: A Father and Son Clash In onda il: 2021-05-08 The Dragon Crest appears on Dai’s right hand. Is it a miracle brought on by his mother, Soala...? By focusing his power, Dai gains power beyond Baran’s. Baran wields his Draconic Aura and fights back. The two Dragon Knights clash in an epic battle. In onda il: 2021-05-15 32: Farewell To the Father With his weapon lost, Dai must defend himself. Baran lacks the Magic Power for his full Gigabreak. Dai is given Hyunckel’s Dark Armour Blade and faces off with Baran one last time. Meanwhile, Popp remains unresponsive to Leona’s Zing spell... 32: Farewell To the Father In onda il: 2021-05-15 With his weapon lost, Dai must defend himself. Baran lacks the Magic Power for his full Gigabreak. Dai is given Hyunckel’s Dark Armour Blade and faces off with Baran one last time. Meanwhile, Popp remains unresponsive to Leona’s Zing spell... In onda il: 2021-05-22 33: Zaboera's Scheme With one final chance from Vearn, Hadlar himself heads out with Zaboera to kill Dai. Dai and his friends rest their wounds in Merle’s cottage. As Popp stands guard outside, someone makes an unexpected appearance. 33: Zaboera's Scheme In onda il: 2021-05-22 With one final chance from Vearn, Hadlar himself heads out with Zaboera to kill Dai. Dai and his friends rest their wounds in Merle’s cottage. As Popp stands guard outside, someone makes an unexpected appearance. In onda il: 2021-05-29 34: The Romos Martial Arts Tournament Dai and his friends return to Papnica. They learn of a Martial Arts Tournament in Romos where the winner will receive a legendary weapon. Dai and Popp head to the tournament where a certain contestant’s fighting catches their eyes. 34: The Romos Martial Arts Tournament In onda il: 2021-05-29 Dai and his friends return to Papnica. They learn of a Martial Arts Tournament in Romos where the winner will receive a legendary weapon. Dai and Popp head to the tournament where a certain contestant’s fighting catches their eyes. In onda il: 2021-06-05 35: The Incident At the Finals Dai and Popp were reunited with Maam. Maam promises to win the Sword of Champions. Maam wins her way through the preliminary fights. But an evil plot unfurls behind the scenes... As the finals are about to begin, one man springs into action. 35: The Incident At the Finals In onda il: 2021-06-05 Dai and Popp were reunited with Maam. Maam promises to win the Sword of Champions. Maam wins her way through the preliminary fights. But an evil plot unfurls behind the scenes... As the finals are about to begin, one man springs into action. In onda il: 2021-06-12 36: The Superior Being Versus Chiu A giant body, unbelievable speed, unparalleled strength, and rapid regeneration... The Superior Being, Zamza, is a terrifying threat. Dai faces him but loses stamina too quickly. Dai falls. All hope seems lost. But only Chiu refuses to give up...! 36: The Superior Being Versus Chiu In onda il: 2021-06-12 A giant body, unbelievable speed, unparalleled strength, and rapid regeneration... The Superior Being, Zamza, is a terrifying threat. Dai faces him but loses stamina too quickly. Dai falls. All hope seems lost. But only Chiu refuses to give up...! In onda il: 2021-06-19 37: All In An Instant The Refractor Fist is effective against the seemingly invincible Superior Being. Using her nimble skills and the Refractor Fist, Maam succeeds in freeing Dai. Dai sees her fight and discovers a clue. Dai prepares a final counterattack. 37: All In An Instant In onda il: 2021-06-19 The Refractor Fist is effective against the seemingly invincible Superior Being. Using her nimble skills and the Refractor Fist, Maam succeeds in freeing Dai. Dai sees her fight and discovers a clue. Dai prepares a final counterattack. In onda il: 2021-07-03 38: The World Summit To fight the Dark Army, Leona gathers world leaders for a summit. Dai hopes to learn of a new legendary weapon. In Zaboera’s hideout, Hadlar is hooked up inside a large bio-chamber. Hadlar is letting Zaboera perform a certain experiment on him... 38: The World Summit In onda il: 2021-07-03 To fight the Dark Army, Leona gathers world leaders for a summit. Dai hopes to learn of a new legendary weapon. In Zaboera’s hideout, Hadlar is hooked up inside a large bio-chamber. Hadlar is letting Zaboera perform a certain experiment on him... In onda il: 2021-07-10 39: The Landing of Sovereign Rock Castle Lon Beruk, begins forging the greatest sword in the world for Dai. Meanwhile, in Papnica, the world summit of the world’s leaders begins. But the talks drag on without progress, troubling Leona. Just then a giant enemy appears... 39: The Landing of Sovereign Rock Castle In onda il: 2021-07-10 Lon Beruk, begins forging the greatest sword in the world for Dai. Meanwhile, in Papnica, the world summit of the world’s leaders begins. But the talks drag on without progress, troubling Leona. Just then a giant enemy appears... In onda il: 2021-07-17 40: Master of Darkness Against His Pupil With Mystvearn’s declaration of war, the battle begins. The companions fight, but against an endless enemy, they’re slowly forced back. Help arrives, reigniting the weakened flame in everyone’s hearts. At last, Mystvearn himself appears...! 40: Master of Darkness Against His Pupil In onda il: 2021-07-17 With Mystvearn’s declaration of war, the battle begins. The companions fight, but against an endless enemy, they’re slowly forced back. Help arrives, reigniting the weakened flame in everyone’s hearts. At last, Mystvearn himself appears...! In onda il: 2021-07-24 41: The Strongest Sword Hyunckel unleashes a strike with the Aura of Justice. Enraged, Mystbearn unleashes his Dark Aura to tear Popp and the others apart. Sovereign Rock Castle heads for the Grand Chapel. Meanwhile, Lon Beruk finally completes the sword for Dai. 41: The Strongest Sword In onda il: 2021-07-24 Hyunckel unleashes a strike with the Aura of Justice. Enraged, Mystbearn unleashes his Dark Aura to tear Popp and the others apart. Sovereign Rock Castle heads for the Grand Chapel. Meanwhile, Lon Beruk finally completes the sword for Dai. In onda il: 2021-07-31 42: The Field of Death The Sword of Dai cuts Sovereign Rock Castle in half. Mystvearn tries to reveal his true power, but Killvearn appears. With Mystvearn’s anger quelled, and the two retreat. Popp gives chase. Popp reaches the dark island known as the Field of Death. 42: The Field of Death In onda il: 2021-07-31 The Sword of Dai cuts Sovereign Rock Castle in half. Mystvearn tries to reveal his true power, but Killvearn appears. With Mystvearn’s anger quelled, and the two retreat. Popp gives chase. Popp reaches the dark island known as the Field of Death. In onda il: 2021-08-07 43: The Clash of Powerful Swords Hadlar was more powerful than ever. Along with an indomitable Superior Being body and an unbreakable will, he also has the ability to cast spells. Dai could only defend himself. Cornered, Dai unleashes an Avan Strash with the Sword of Dai. 43: The Clash of Powerful Swords In onda il: 2021-08-07 Hadlar was more powerful than ever. Along with an indomitable Superior Being body and an unbreakable will, he also has the ability to cast spells. Dai could only defend himself. Cornered, Dai unleashes an Avan Strash with the Sword of Dai. In onda il: 2021-08-14 44: The Hero Lost in the Glacier Dai and Hadlar’s battle ended in a draw, with Dai lost in the ocean. Killvearn attacks the despondent Popp. Popp remembers the words of Matoriv and retreats, but Killvearn pursues. Can Popp escape? And what happened to Dai...? 44: The Hero Lost in the Glacier In onda il: 2021-08-14 Dai and Hadlar’s battle ended in a draw, with Dai lost in the ocean. Killvearn attacks the despondent Popp. Popp remembers the words of Matoriv and retreats, but Killvearn pursues. Can Popp escape? And what happened to Dai...? In onda il: 2021-08-21 45: The Orichalcum Warrior Popp, Crocodine, and Chiu search for Dai. Zaboera also leads his servants to find Dai, causing the parties to clash. Popp rescues Dai, but Zaboera unleashes his Super Spell. Just then, a mysterious shining warrior appears between them and...? 45: The Orichalcum Warrior In onda il: 2021-08-21 Popp, Crocodine, and Chiu search for Dai. Zaboera also leads his servants to find Dai, causing the parties to clash. Popp rescues Dai, but Zaboera unleashes his Super Spell. Just then, a mysterious shining warrior appears between them and...? In onda il: 2021-08-28 46: The Extreme Annihilation Spell, Medoroa The showdown with Vearn is in five days. Dai and his friends head out to spend the remaining time training. Popp visits Matoriv to find a way to counter the Hadlar Royal Guard. Matoriv decides to teach Popp a spell that he himself fears to use. 46: The Extreme Annihilation Spell, Medoroa In onda il: 2021-08-28 The showdown with Vearn is in five days. Dai and his friends head out to spend the remaining time training. Popp visits Matoriv to find a way to counter the Hadlar Royal Guard. Matoriv decides to teach Popp a spell that he himself fears to use. In onda il: 2021-09-04 47: To the Final Battleground The members return, having completed their training. Dai and his friends head to Carl Kingdom. There’s a change in the Field of Death and they land with a heightened sense of tension. Meanwhile, in a remote cave, Baran and Killvearn face off... 47: To the Final Battleground In onda il: 2021-09-04 The members return, having completed their training. Dai and his friends head to Carl Kingdom. There’s a change in the Field of Death and they land with a heightened sense of tension. Meanwhile, in a remote cave, Baran and Killvearn face off... In onda il: 2021-09-11 48: The Hadlar Royal Guard Nova is General Bowson’s son. Refusing to fight together with Dai, he heads off to fight the Dark Army. Dai and Popp hurry after him, but Nova arrives first. Nova fights valiantly, but the Orichalcum warriors reveal their true terror...! 48: The Hadlar Royal Guard In onda il: 2021-09-11 Nova is General Bowson’s son. Refusing to fight together with Dai, he heads off to fight the Dark Army. Dai and Popp hurry after him, but Nova arrives first. Nova fights valiantly, but the Orichalcum warriors reveal their true terror...! In onda il: 2021-09-18 49: The Team Battle Begins Zababa becomes the stage for the battle between Dai, with his friends, and the Hadlar Royal Guard. Our heroes fight using their individual strengths, but the Orichalcum warriors are powerful enemies. Just who will prevail in this fierce battle...? 49: The Team Battle Begins In onda il: 2021-09-18 Zababa becomes the stage for the battle between Dai, with his friends, and the Hadlar Royal Guard. Our heroes fight using their individual strengths, but the Orichalcum warriors are powerful enemies. Just who will prevail in this fierce battle...? In onda il: 2021-09-25 50: We're The Beast King Commandos Popp’s Medroa was strong enough to carve out the ground. Dai and his friends celebrate their victory. Meanwhile, Chiu forms the Beast King Commandos and works to uncover the secret of the enemy stronghold. But the evil hand of the enemy closes in. 50: We're The Beast King Commandos In onda il: 2021-09-25 Popp’s Medroa was strong enough to carve out the ground. Dai and his friends celebrate their victory. Meanwhile, Chiu forms the Beast King Commandos and works to uncover the secret of the enemy stronghold. But the evil hand of the enemy closes in. In onda il: 2021-10-02 51: The Avan Style Ultimate Technique Popp, Hyunckel, and Crocodine find the wounded Chiu. Hyunckel deduces it was Fenbren who fought him, and Baran who saved him. Hyunckel sends Popp home and calls out to Baran. Sensing a change in Baran’s demeanor, Hyunckel attempts to stop him...! 51: The Avan Style Ultimate Technique In onda il: 2021-10-02 Popp, Hyunckel, and Crocodine find the wounded Chiu. Hyunckel deduces it was Fenbren who fought him, and Baran who saved him. Hyunckel sends Popp home and calls out to Baran. Sensing a change in Baran’s demeanor, Hyunckel attempts to stop him...! In onda il: 2021-10-09 52: Father and Son Dragons Set Out Though shocked by Baran’s sudden appearance, Leona decides to accept his assistance. The Hadlar Royal Guard is lured to the surface while Dai and Baran head to destroy the Dark Citadel Gate. But someone awaits them at the Dark Citadel Gate. 52: Father and Son Dragons Set Out In onda il: 2021-10-09 Though shocked by Baran’s sudden appearance, Leona decides to accept his assistance. The Hadlar Royal Guard is lured to the surface while Dai and Baran head to destroy the Dark Citadel Gate. But someone awaits them at the Dark Citadel Gate. In onda il: 2021-10-16 53: Hadlar's Challenge Popp and his friends face the Hadlar Royal Guard. Meanwhile, Dai and Baran battle Fenbren, and Dai instinctively saves his ally, Baran. The battle with Fenbren ends. Beyond the Dark Citadel Gate, they find Hadlar ready to battle the Dragon Knights. 53: Hadlar's Challenge In onda il: 2021-10-16 Popp and his friends face the Hadlar Royal Guard. Meanwhile, Dai and Baran battle Fenbren, and Dai instinctively saves his ally, Baran. The battle with Fenbren ends. Beyond the Dark Citadel Gate, they find Hadlar ready to battle the Dragon Knights. In onda il: 2021-10-23 54: Hadlar Verus Baran Hadlar’s Black Core could explode at any moment, leaving Dai and Baran unable to attack. Unaware of his own situation, Hadlar unleashes an even more intense barrage of attacks at the two. To resolve the situation, Baran attempts a risky maneuver. 54: Hadlar Verus Baran In onda il: 2021-10-23 Hadlar’s Black Core could explode at any moment, leaving Dai and Baran unable to attack. Unaware of his own situation, Hadlar unleashes an even more intense barrage of attacks at the two. To resolve the situation, Baran attempts a risky maneuver. In onda il: 2021-10-30 55: The Black Core After putting Dai to sleep, Baran turns into the Dragonoid for the final fight with Hadlar. Hadlar focuses all his strength to combat Baran. Meanwhile, from his throne, Dark King Vearn watches their battle with a cool gaze. 55: The Black Core In onda il: 2021-10-30 After putting Dai to sleep, Baran turns into the Dragonoid for the final fight with Hadlar. Hadlar focuses all his strength to combat Baran. Meanwhile, from his throne, Dark King Vearn watches their battle with a cool gaze. In onda il: 2021-11-06 56: The Inherited Heart Popp and the others have managed to survive the Black Core’s explosion. Realizing that the explosion happened while Dai and Baran were fighting, the group rushes to find Dai and Baran. There, they see a shocking sight. 56: The Inherited Heart In onda il: 2021-11-06 Popp and the others have managed to survive the Black Core’s explosion. Realizing that the explosion happened while Dai and Baran were fighting, the group rushes to find Dai and Baran. There, they see a shocking sight. In onda il: 2021-11-13 57: The God of the Underworld Dai and his friends finally face off against Vearn, who uses his Dark Aura to blast Dai away and casts powerful spells with his overwhelming Magic Power. Vearn is in control even against five opponents. Do Dai and his friends stand a chance...? 57: The God of the Underworld In onda il: 2021-11-13 Dai and his friends finally face off against Vearn, who uses his Dark Aura to blast Dai away and casts powerful spells with his overwhelming Magic Power. Vearn is in control even against five opponents. Do Dai and his friends stand a chance...? In onda il: 2021-11-20 58: The Unlikely Savior Dai’s Avan Strash hit Vearn, but it’s not enough to defeat him. Vearn rises again and summons the Staff of Edacity, which converts Magic Power into raw attack power. With Vearn’s Magic Power, its attack is strong enough to shake the heavens and...? 58: The Unlikely Savior In onda il: 2021-11-20 Dai’s Avan Strash hit Vearn, but it’s not enough to defeat him. Vearn rises again and summons the Staff of Edacity, which converts Magic Power into raw attack power. With Vearn’s Magic Power, its attack is strong enough to shake the heavens and...? In onda il: 2021-11-27 59: The Survivors Dai and his friends faced absolute defeat. Dai is taken away by the Holy Mother Dragon and Hyunckel and Crocodine are missing. Popp and Maam wash up on a beach in Carl Kingdom. The two learn that Vearn has begun his attack on the Surface World. 59: The Survivors In onda il: 2021-11-27 Dai and his friends faced absolute defeat. Dai is taken away by the Holy Mother Dragon and Hyunckel and Crocodine are missing. Popp and Maam wash up on a beach in Carl Kingdom. The two learn that Vearn has begun his attack on the Surface World. In onda il: 2021-12-04 60: Dai and Popp The missing Hyunckel and Crocodine are prisoners of the Dark Army. A meeting is held in which it’s decided that Dai should rally the forces. Meanwhile, Dai awakens, but is unable to bear the weight of being a Hero and runs. He ends up in...? 60: Dai and Popp In onda il: 2021-12-04 The missing Hyunckel and Crocodine are prisoners of the Dark Army. A meeting is held in which it’s decided that Dai should rally the forces. Meanwhile, Dai awakens, but is unable to bear the weight of being a Hero and runs. He ends up in...? In onda il: 2021-12-11 61: Avan, The Hero A story of Avan when Hadlar was still the Dark Lord. The Order of Carl faces the Dark Army with its princess, Flora. A young Avan protects the princess. Hadlar attacks Carl Castle to capture Flora and...? How Avan and Hadlar’s rivalry began... 61: Avan, The Hero In onda il: 2021-12-11 A story of Avan when Hadlar was still the Dark Lord. The Order of Carl faces the Dark Army with its princess, Flora. A young Avan protects the princess. Hadlar attacks Carl Castle to capture Flora and...? How Avan and Hadlar’s rivalry began... In onda il: 2021-12-18 62: The Cave of Trials Seeking the legendary spell Kaglimmer, Leona, Maam, Merle, and Flora brave the Cave of Trials. Dai sets out to train until Leona returns. As they prepare, Flora tells Maam a secret of the Insignias of Avan. When Popp overhears them...? 62: The Cave of Trials In onda il: 2021-12-18 Seeking the legendary spell Kaglimmer, Leona, Maam, Merle, and Flora brave the Cave of Trials. Dai sets out to train until Leona returns. As they prepare, Flora tells Maam a secret of the Insignias of Avan. When Popp overhears them...? In onda il: 2021-12-25 63: The Sacred Inheritance Dai trains with Nova and masters both types of Avan Strash, leading him to create a new attack. Leona and the others search the Cave of Trials to attain Kaglimmer. Popp grows desperate that his Isignia of Avan is the only one which will not glow...? 63: The Sacred Inheritance In onda il: 2021-12-25 Dai trains with Nova and masters both types of Avan Strash, leading him to create a new attack. Leona and the others search the Cave of Trials to attain Kaglimmer. Popp grows desperate that his Isignia of Avan is the only one which will not glow...? In onda il: 2022-01-08 64: The Night Before the Battle Lon Beruk brings the restored Sword of Dai and new weapons. The group renews their resolve. Maam is shaken by Amy’s feelings for Hyunckel and Popp is frustrated his Insignia of Avan won’t shine. As the final battle approaches, things grow shaky... 64: The Night Before the Battle In onda il: 2022-01-08 Lon Beruk brings the restored Sword of Dai and new weapons. The group renews their resolve. Maam is shaken by Amy’s feelings for Hyunckel and Popp is frustrated his Insignia of Avan won’t shine. As the final battle approaches, things grow shaky... In onda il: 2022-01-15 65: The Dark Hyunckel The execution day has arrived. As noon approaches and Vearn Palace arrives in the sky above, Mystvearn appears before Hyunckel and Crocodine. Mystvearn makes Hyunckel an offer: accept his Dark Aura or die. Hyunckel makes an unexpected choice. 65: The Dark Hyunckel In onda il: 2022-01-15 The execution day has arrived. As noon approaches and Vearn Palace arrives in the sky above, Mystvearn appears before Hyunckel and Crocodine. Mystvearn makes Hyunckel an offer: accept his Dark Aura or die. Hyunckel makes an unexpected choice. In onda il: 2022-01-22 66: The Five Colors of Light The five Disciples of Avan have gathered. Mystvearn attempts to intervene, but Lon Beruk stops him. Crocodine and the others fight the army of monsters. The Disciples of Avan prepare the ritual to cast Kaglimmer. But Popp remains uncertain... 66: The Five Colors of Light In onda il: 2022-01-22 The five Disciples of Avan have gathered. Mystvearn attempts to intervene, but Lon Beruk stops him. Crocodine and the others fight the army of monsters. The Disciples of Avan prepare the ritual to cast Kaglimmer. But Popp remains uncertain... In onda il: 2022-01-29 67: The Peril of the Great Purification Spell The Disciples of Avan try to cast Kaglimmer. But Popp’s Insignia won’t glow. Maam tries to encourage Popp, but only increases his pain. Powerful monsters enter the fray. As Dai and friends begin to panic, Zaboera schemes. 67: The Peril of the Great Purification Spell In onda il: 2022-01-29 The Disciples of Avan try to cast Kaglimmer. But Popp’s Insignia won’t glow. Maam tries to encourage Popp, but only increases his pain. Powerful monsters enter the fray. As Dai and friends begin to panic, Zaboera schemes. In onda il: 2022-02-05 68: The Last Challenge Popp’s soul is awakened. He realizes his abilities as a Sage and heals Merle. Dai and friends continue the ritual to cast Kaglimmer and nullify Vearn’s magic field to enter Vearn Palace, where some unexpected individuals appear before them. 68: The Last Challenge In onda il: 2022-02-05 Popp’s soul is awakened. He realizes his abilities as a Sage and heals Merle. Dai and friends continue the ritual to cast Kaglimmer and nullify Vearn’s magic field to enter Vearn Palace, where some unexpected individuals appear before them. In onda il: 2022-02-12 69: The Clash of Love Maam’s plea for a truce goes unheard and she is attacked relentlessly by Albinass’s true form. Maam sees Albinass’s strong devotion to Hadlar, but soon remembers Avan’s words, which motivate her to fight back...! 69: The Clash of Love In onda il: 2022-02-12 Maam’s plea for a truce goes unheard and she is attacked relentlessly by Albinass’s true form. Maam sees Albinass’s strong devotion to Hadlar, but soon remembers Avan’s words, which motivate her to fight back...! In onda il: 2022-02-19 70: Victory Or Annihilation The Disciples of Avan continue to fight the Hadlar Royal Guard. Maam defeats Albinass and Hyunckel defeats Hym. But Popp struggles against Sigma. The two battle over the only spell that has any effect on Sigma, Medroa. 70: Victory Or Annihilation In onda il: 2022-02-19 The Disciples of Avan continue to fight the Hadlar Royal Guard. Maam defeats Albinass and Hyunckel defeats Hym. But Popp struggles against Sigma. The two battle over the only spell that has any effect on Sigma, Medroa. In onda il: 2022-02-26 71: Battle of True Dragons Popp and the others return to Dai. There, they witness an unbelievable clash between Dai and Haldar. The sight is a recreation of the legendary “Battle of True Dragons.” The others can only stand back and observe. The moment of truth arrives...! 71: Battle of True Dragons In onda il: 2022-02-26 Popp and the others return to Dai. There, they witness an unbelievable clash between Dai and Haldar. The sight is a recreation of the legendary “Battle of True Dragons.” The others can only stand back and observe. The moment of truth arrives...! In onda il: 2022-03-05 72: The Last Attack Hadlar rises again out of sheer force of will to face his true final battle. Dai accepts this challenge and chooses his Magic Sword. Though weaker than his Avan Strash Cross, Dai still has one ace up his sleeve...!? Their final attacks clash...! 72: The Last Attack In onda il: 2022-03-05 Hadlar rises again out of sheer force of will to face his true final battle. Dai accepts this challenge and chooses his Magic Sword. Though weaker than his Avan Strash Cross, Dai still has one ace up his sleeve...!? Their final attacks clash...! In onda il: 2022-04-16 73: The Hope in the Flames Killvearn’s trap imprisoned Dai, Popp, and Hadlar. Powerful flames gradually eat away at their stamina and spirits. Dai and Popp begin to lose hope. Just then, a single ray of light shines through. Can they escape this hopeless situation...?! 73: The Hope in the Flames In onda il: 2022-04-16 Killvearn’s trap imprisoned Dai, Popp, and Hadlar. Powerful flames gradually eat away at their stamina and spirits. Dai and Popp begin to lose hope. Just then, a single ray of light shines through. Can they escape this hopeless situation...?! In onda il: 2022-04-23 74: Return of the Great Hero It was Avan, returned from the dead, who saved Popp and Hadlar! Dai, Popp, and Maam embrace their Master in tears. But Hyunckel, caught between conflicting emotions, is unable to face Avan. The party welcomes their new ally and heads towards Vearn’s palace! 74: Return of the Great Hero In onda il: 2022-04-23 It was Avan, returned from the dead, who saved Popp and Hadlar! Dai, Popp, and Maam embrace their Master in tears. But Hyunckel, caught between conflicting emotions, is unable to face Avan. The party welcomes their new ally and heads towards Vearn’s palace! In onda il: 2022-04-30 75: The Secret Way of Purification Hyunckel refuses to proceed with Avan and stays behind. Dai and the others are bewildered but advance without him. The party reaches the doors to Vearn Palace. At a loss as to how to breach the doors, Avan steps forward… 75: The Secret Way of Purification In onda il: 2022-04-30 Hyunckel refuses to proceed with Avan and stays behind. Dai and the others are bewildered but advance without him. The party reaches the doors to Vearn Palace. At a loss as to how to breach the doors, Avan steps forward… In onda il: 2022-05-07 76: The Steady Advance of Justice Leaving Hyunckel to guard the rear, Dai and his friends enter Vearn Palace. Avan scouts ahead and asks a favor of Leona. Back on the surface, the humans overcome Zaboera’s monster horde. The tide of battle is turning, then Zaboera executes a plan. 76: The Steady Advance of Justice In onda il: 2022-05-07 Leaving Hyunckel to guard the rear, Dai and his friends enter Vearn Palace. Avan scouts ahead and asks a favor of Leona. Back on the surface, the humans overcome Zaboera’s monster horde. The tide of battle is turning, then Zaboera executes a plan. In onda il: 2022-05-14 77: The Other Hero Zaboera reveals his ace, the Superior Being Zombie. Crocodine and the humans are out of options. As morale fades, Nova, Hero of the North, risks his life to face the enemy. 77: The Other Hero In onda il: 2022-05-14 Zaboera reveals his ace, the Superior Being Zombie. Crocodine and the humans are out of options. As morale fades, Nova, Hero of the North, risks his life to face the enemy. In onda il: 2022-05-21 78: The Survivor From Hell After the battle of Loroi Valley, Crocodine finds Zaboera who managed to survive. Meanwhile, Hyunckel battles the monster horde. Then an unexpected individual appears...! 78: The Survivor From Hell In onda il: 2022-05-21 After the battle of Loroi Valley, Crocodine finds Zaboera who managed to survive. Meanwhile, Hyunckel battles the monster horde. Then an unexpected individual appears...! In onda il: 2022-05-28 79: The Silver-Haired Hym Hym returns from hell stronger than ever. Hyunckel faces Hym using only his fists and Aura. Who will be the victor in the clash between fists of fortitude and implacability? 79: The Silver-Haired Hym In onda il: 2022-05-28 Hym returns from hell stronger than ever. Hyunckel faces Hym using only his fists and Aura. Who will be the victor in the clash between fists of fortitude and implacability? In onda il: 2022-06-04 80: Checkmate A new enemy, the king Maximum appears with an Orichalcum Army. Hyunckel and Hym are in peril. Hyunckel stands his wounded body up and burns his fortitude to face their enemy! 80: Checkmate In onda il: 2022-06-04 A new enemy, the king Maximum appears with an Orichalcum Army. Hyunckel and Hym are in peril. Hyunckel stands his wounded body up and burns his fortitude to face their enemy! In onda il: 2022-06-11 81: The Battle in the White Garden Larhart appears before Hyunckel and Hym, and takes the Dark Armour Spear before leaving to protect Dai. Meanwhile, Dai, Popp, and Maam face off against Mystvearn. 81: The Battle in the White Garden In onda il: 2022-06-11 Larhart appears before Hyunckel and Hym, and takes the Dark Armour Spear before leaving to protect Dai. Meanwhile, Dai, Popp, and Maam face off against Mystvearn. In onda il: 2022-06-18 82: The Successor of Justice Avan is taken by Killvearn and challenged to a duel. Meanwhile, Dai and his friends challenge Mystvearn in hopes of finding out how to save their Master, but...? 82: The Successor of Justice In onda il: 2022-06-18 Avan is taken by Killvearn and challenged to a duel. Meanwhile, Dai and his friends challenge Mystvearn in hopes of finding out how to save their Master, but...? In onda il: 2022-06-25 83: Baran's Last Will Mystvearn captures Popp and Maam and all seems lost. But Land Rider Larhart appears and rescues them before kneeling before Dai and relaying Baran’s last wish to him... 83: Baran's Last Will In onda il: 2022-06-25 Mystvearn captures Popp and Maam and all seems lost. But Land Rider Larhart appears and rescues them before kneeling before Dai and relaying Baran’s last wish to him... In onda il: 2022-07-02 84: Rise, Knight of Destiny Leona is captured. Dai chases after her and arrives at a “living engine", the Dark Force Reactor. Dai attempts to rescue Leona, but is stopped. What will happen to her...? 84: Rise, Knight of Destiny In onda il: 2022-07-02 Leona is captured. Dai chases after her and arrives at a “living engine", the Dark Force Reactor. Dai attempts to rescue Leona, but is stopped. What will happen to her...? In onda il: 2022-07-09 85: Vearn, The Dark King Dai and Leona reach the top of the Tower of Supremacy. Facing Vearn, Dai recalls his past loss against him and is struck with fear. Vearn is wary of Dai’s Twin Dragon Crests. 85: Vearn, The Dark King In onda il: 2022-07-09 Dai and Leona reach the top of the Tower of Supremacy. Facing Vearn, Dai recalls his past loss against him and is struck with fear. Vearn is wary of Dai’s Twin Dragon Crests. In onda il: 2022-07-16 86: Killvearn's Trap Dai’s power could match or exceed Vearn’s. Vearn invites Dai to serve him. Meanwhile, Avan and Killvearn continue to fight. Can Avan win against the Reaper? 86: Killvearn's Trap In onda il: 2022-07-16 Dai’s power could match or exceed Vearn’s. Vearn invites Dai to serve him. Meanwhile, Avan and Killvearn continue to fight. Can Avan win against the Reaper? In onda il: 2022-07-23 87: The Deciding Attack Hym unleashes attacks against the heretofore invulnerable Mystvearn. Dai holds the upper hand against Vearn, but feels overwhelmed by his confidence. How will each fight end? 87: The Deciding Attack In onda il: 2022-07-23 Hym unleashes attacks against the heretofore invulnerable Mystvearn. Dai holds the upper hand against Vearn, but feels overwhelmed by his confidence. How will each fight end? In onda il: 2022-07-30 88: The Shadow Raiment The consecutive Doruoras swallowed Dark King Vearn. Popp and the others decide to regroup with Dai. The fallen Mystvearn stands again and removes his Shadow Raiment. 88: The Shadow Raiment In onda il: 2022-07-30 The consecutive Doruoras swallowed Dark King Vearn. Popp and the others decide to regroup with Dai. The fallen Mystvearn stands again and removes his Shadow Raiment. In onda il: 2022-08-06 89: The Secret Spell of Frozen Time Nessuna trama disponibile 89: The Secret Spell of Frozen Time In onda il: 2022-08-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2022-08-13 90: Myst and Kill With Popp and Brokeena gone, the others lose their will to fight. Then, Killvearn appears, announcing Avan’s death. But something about Killvearn is different...? 90: Myst and Kill In onda il: 2022-08-13 With Popp and Brokeena gone, the others lose their will to fight. Then, Killvearn appears, announcing Avan’s death. But something about Killvearn is different...? In onda il: 2022-08-20 91: Vearn's Truth Avan reveals Mystvearn’s true identity and Dark King Vearn’s greatest secret. Meanwhile, in the Tower of Supremacy, dark clouds gather above Dai and Leona... 91: Vearn's Truth In onda il: 2022-08-20 Avan reveals Mystvearn’s true identity and Dark King Vearn’s greatest secret. Meanwhile, in the Tower of Supremacy, dark clouds gather above Dai and Leona... In onda il: 2022-08-27 92: The Demonic Guard of Heaven and Earth Myst tries to make Hyunckel’s body his own. Meanwhile, Dai faces off with Vearn, the True Dark King. Dai’s strongest attack, Giga Strash, is met with an unknown stance... 92: The Demonic Guard of Heaven and Earth In onda il: 2022-08-27 Myst tries to make Hyunckel’s body his own. Meanwhile, Dai faces off with Vearn, the True Dark King. Dai’s strongest attack, Giga Strash, is met with an unknown stance... In onda il: 2022-09-03 93: The Eye Jewel The Demonic Guard of Heaven and Earth beats Dai’s Gigastrash. When Leona refuses to become Vearn’s servant, he takes away her freedom. Just then, Popp and the others arrive! 93: The Eye Jewel In onda il: 2022-09-03 The Demonic Guard of Heaven and Earth beats Dai’s Gigastrash. When Leona refuses to become Vearn’s servant, he takes away her freedom. Just then, Popp and the others arrive! In onda il: 2022-09-10 94: On This Bond Popp tries to uncover the secret of the Dark King’s ultimate skill. He stands strong despite being battered by Vearn’s offensive, bolstering the morale of Hym and Larhart. 94: On This Bond In onda il: 2022-09-10 Popp tries to uncover the secret of the Dark King’s ultimate skill. He stands strong despite being battered by Vearn’s offensive, bolstering the morale of Hym and Larhart. In onda il: 2022-09-17 95: The Greatest, Final Comeback Nessuna trama disponibile 95: The Greatest, Final Comeback In onda il: 2022-09-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2022-09-24 96: Like a Bright Flash The Black Cores in the Pillars of Vearn begin counting down to the world’s end. Dai is broken, and Popp loses the will to fight... Suddenly, a voice rings in Popp’s ears! 96: Like a Bright Flash In onda il: 2022-09-24 The Black Cores in the Pillars of Vearn begin counting down to the world’s end. Dai is broken, and Popp loses the will to fight... Suddenly, a voice rings in Popp’s ears! In onda il: 2022-10-01 97: The Tear of the Gods To Vearn’s confusion, Dai and Popp rise up again and again. The Dark King tries to detonate the Black Core below, but suddenly the unbelievable happens! 97: The Tear of the Gods In onda il: 2022-10-01 To Vearn’s confusion, Dai and Popp rise up again and again. The Dark King tries to detonate the Black Core below, but suddenly the unbelievable happens! In onda il: 2022-10-08 98: Dai's Decision With Gomechan’s miracle, the hearts of all the people of the world have been united. They all work together to stop the Black Cores... What will happen to the Surface World?! 98: Dai's Decision In onda il: 2022-10-08 With Gomechan’s miracle, the hearts of all the people of the world have been united. They all work together to stop the Black Cores... What will happen to the Surface World?! In onda il: 2022-10-15 99: Victory By These Hands Having become the Dragonoid, Dai pummels Vearn. Meanwhile, Popp and the other heroes have been dropped into the heart of Vearn Palace, where they face a new threat...! 99: Victory By These Hands In onda il: 2022-10-15 Having become the Dragonoid, Dai pummels Vearn. Meanwhile, Popp and the other heroes have been dropped into the heart of Vearn Palace, where they face a new threat...! In onda il: 2022-10-22 100: Farewell, This World That I Love In the conclusion to the epic battle between the Hero and the Dark King, Dai fights with his father’s Demon Dragon Blade, and Vearn counters with beams and his rigid body. 100: Farewell, This World That I Love In onda il: 2022-10-22 In the conclusion to the epic battle between the Hero and the Dark King, Dai fights with his father’s Demon Dragon Blade, and Vearn counters with beams and his rigid body. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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AureaComix 120 - Dago 140, Una Lama Dai Rossi Riflessi (Aurea 2021-08-11) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 70 pagine | 145 MB Collana mensile di volumi a fumetti pubblicata dalla Editoriale Aurea che pubblica prevalentemente fumetti di origine francese o sudamericana e tutti in formato cartonato. La collana eredita e prosegue alcune delle serie pubblicate da Eura Editoriale sulle collane Euracomix ed Euramaster ma pubblica anche nuove serie e storie autoconclusive. La serie più pubblicata all'interno della collana è Dago. Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator
Udemy - Disegno a mano libera: dai forma alla tua creatività - ITA Corso pratico per esprimere te stesso e liberare la tua creatività: sei tecniche per il disegno a mano libera Parlare di te attraverso le figure ed i colori come i poeti con i versi ed i compositori con la musica Capire la prospettiva centrale, le ombre, il chiaro scuro Trasformare le emozioni in colori e linee Realizzare affascinanti disegni con varie tecniche: matita, sanguigna, pastelli, carboncino, acquerelli e china In questo corso verrai guidato da Linda Paoli, artista professionista e laureata all'Accademia Delle Belle Arti di Firenze, alla scoperta di sei tecniche di disegno a mano libera. Le tecniche esaminate saranno: La matita La sanguigna Il carboncino I pastelli L'acquerello La china Ogni lezione illustrerà la tecnica attraverso le immagini e le parole della docente, che accompagnerà le linee su carta con semplici e chiari richiami alla storia dell'arte ed a curiosità sugli artisti citati. Le riprese sono particolarmente curate e nitide, al fine di permettere una chiara visione dei dettagli al fruitore. Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac Size: 9.7 GB BUON DOWNLOAD
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Udemy - Python dai concetti base alla programmazione moderna - ITA Sviluppare correttamente in Python (pythonic) e versionare il proprio codice in Git Cosa imparerai: Il corso vuole introdurre i primi concetti di programmazione inerenti il mondo Python. Come in ogni corso base, si introdurranno costrutti (numeri, stringhe, list, tuple, dict, boolean) e sintassi principali (if, for, while, function, class), ovvero i mattoncini elementari del linguaggio e come vanno assemblati. Fin da subito verranno introdotti gli strumenti che ogni programmatore, dal neofita al professionista, dovrebbe usare. Quindi si parlerà di versionamento del codice con lo standard de facto "Git" e di come strutturare l'alberatura del proprio progetto. Faremo anche una rapida carrellata dei principali moduli già presenti nella libreria standard Python. Ogni lezione avrà la parte di slide, le stesse illustrate nei video, ed una parte di dispense più dettagliata con gli argomenti appena discussi. Alla fine del corso si avranno basi solide per approfondire ogni altro aspetto inerente Python. Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato: mp4 Size: 465 MB BUON DOWNLOAD
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Microsoft Excel 365 dai fondamentali al livello avanzato 4.0 [Udemy] eLearning | Durata: 22,5 Ore | OS: Windows, Mac OSX | 9,7 Gb Lingua: Italiano La guida definitiva per lavorare con Excel 365 in un unico corso completo. Il corso "Microsoft Excel: dai fondamentali al livello avanzato" (un Udemy best seller in senso assoluto: 32.500 iscritti, 11.476 valutazioni, dati a dicembre 2021) si rinnova: nuovi contenuti, nuova versione di Excel, più focus e verticalità sulle nozioni che davvero servono e sono richiesti dal mercato di settore: l'industria 4.0. Il concetto di Database e gli strumenti/funzioni per la loro gestione, le Excel automations, efficacia e ottimizzazione del nostro lavoro e del tempo che dedichiamo ad esso sono i motivi trainanti di "Microsoft Excel 365, dai fondamentali al livello avanzato 4.0", un corso nuovo, dedicato (ma non solo) agli utilizzatori di Microsoft 365 perchè questa la piattaforma trend dei prossimi anni. Le prerogative dei corsi di Excel8020 Academy vengono qui ancora più enfatizzate: - NO ai video troppo lunghi: diventano noiosi e distolgono l'attenzione: 8 min in media e max 12 min, per un totale di 22+ ore di contenuti. - NO ai corsi presentazione, con nessun o poco riferimento ai casi concreti di lavoro - No ai corsi Excel base, Excel intermedio, Excel intermedio-Avanzato, Excel medio-alto... qui si usa la formula "all-inclusive"! - NO ai video con cam, sigle di presentazione, musichette di sottofondo: focus verticale sui contenuti e full immersion. Le lezioni sono state registrate con Excel 365 versione abbonamento ma, con la inevitabile perdita di un 20% di contenuti, specialmente nel livello avanzato, può essere seguito anche dalle utenze che utilizzano versioni di Excel dalla 2013, mentre non viene supportata l'utenza Mac, qualora Excel venisse fatto girare in ambiente IOs. (Gli utenti Mac perderanno un 30% della parte avanzata). Le lezioni seguono una logica studiata meticolosamente e frutto di innumerevoli ore di lezione in aula presso importantissime società e Corporate in campo bancario, assicurativo, energetico e informatico. Ovviamente non esiste un corso Excel che sia omnicomprensivo, ma vale sempre un principio fondamentale: l'80% dei risultati sono ottenuti dal 20% delle potenzialità di Excel, e io ti assicuro che ho messo in campo tutta quella che è la mia esperienza come consulente aziendale e formatore per far si che tu posssa ottenere subito i tuoi risultati, efficacemente e professionalmente, indipendentemente dalle tue esperienze pregresse. Ti chiedo solo una cosa in cambio: cerca, da parte tua, di mettere in campo la stessa dedizione ed entusiasmo nel seguirlo che ho riservato io nel progettarlo e pubblicarlo, e ti assicuro che i risultati saranno garantiti. Prima di iscriverti dai un'occhiata alla preview del corso e ai vari video introduttivi e se decidi di iscriverti, porta fino in fondo l'impegno che avrai preso con te stesso, come fanno tutti gli iscritti ai corsi di Excel8020 Academy. Questo è un corso trasformativo che ti aprirà un mondo: un nuovo modo di approcciare lo strumento al fine di rimanere al passo con i tempi, con le richieste del mercato, e che può essere il punto di partenza qualora tu volessi continuare la tua esperienza nel fantastico mondo della Microsoft Analytics. Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato: mp4 Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator Password: programmi
Claudio Lolli - Disoccupate Le Strade Dai Sogni (1977) Artist...............: Claudio Lolli Album................: Disoccupate le strade dai sogni Genre................: Pop, Folk, World, & Country Source...............: CD Year.................: 1977 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 45:56 Total Size...........: 107,40 MB 01 - Claudio Lolli - Alba meccanica.mp3 02:54 02 - Claudio Lolli - Incubo numero zero.mp3 06:31 03 - Claudio Lolli - La socialdemocrazia.mp3 03:28 04 - Claudio Lolli - Analfabetizzazione.mp3 05:25 05 - Claudio Lolli - Attenzione.mp3 04:13 06 - Claudio Lolli - Canzone dell'amore o della precarietà.mp3 02:12 07 - Claudio Lolli - Canzone scritta su un muro.mp3 07:39 08 - Claudio Lolli - Autobiografia industriale.mp3 07:10 09 - Claudio Lolli - Da zero e dintorni.mp3 03:40 10 - Claudio Lolli - I giornali di marzo.mp3 03:08 Password = (8isooTT(8)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. In all links, if the file is splitted, parts are interchangeable. or or
Wagakki Band - Dai Shinnenkai (2021) BDRip 720p Screenshots: Setlist: 01. Overture ~Amanoiwato~ 02. Senbonzakura (千本桜) 03. Reload Dead 04. Hangeki no Ha (反撃の刃) 05. Hana Hi (華火) 06. Okinotayuu (オキノタユウ) 07. Kishikaisei (起死回生) 08. Nichirin (日輪) 09. Seimei no Aria (生命のアリア) 10. Gekka Bijin (月下美人) 11. Episode.0 12. Wagakki & EDM Session (Haru no umi Remix) 13. Supesharumedore 2021 (Chirudorenrekodo ~Perfect buru~World domination~Hana ichi-monme~Igunaito~Tsuki kage-mai hana~Nijiiro chocho~Hoshidzukiyo) 14. Doramu wadaiko batoru ~Tohan moda~ 15. Appare ga seigi. (あっぱれが正義。) 16. Sasameyuki (細雪) 17. IZANA 18. EN1 Akatsuki no Ito (EN1 暁ノ糸) 19. EN2 Singin' for... Info: Genre: J-Rock | Folk Rock Quality: BDRip | 720p Format: MKV | 4051kbps Length: 02:16:00 | 6.16Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 23.976fps Audio: LPCM | 2304kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: Japanese Download:,, pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.