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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Degli invasori provenienti da un altro mondo sferrano un attacco improvviso utilizzando la loro arma segreta; delle biomacchine. Per scampare a questa terribile minaccia, l’umanità è obbligata ad abbandonare la Terra e a rifugiarsi sulla luna. Per cercare di riconquistare il loro pianeta, gli umani organizzano una resistenza formata da androidi-soldato, ma riescono solamente a rallentare l’avanzata delle macchine. Nella speranza che annienti il nemico, viene introdotta una nuova unità di fanteria androide, la squadra YoRHa. Su questa terra arida ed abbandonata, la brutale guerra tra le macchine e gli androidi continua ad infuriare. Una guerra che presto porterà a galla la verità su questo mondo... 益山亮司 Series Director Jun Nakai Character Designer ヨコオタロウ Series Composition 益山亮司 Series Composition Toshiaki Aoshima Director of Photography Shun Takeda Prop Designer 加藤浩 Supervising Art Director 稲田正輝 Action Director 長崎行男 Sound Director amazarashi Theme Song Performance 高橋武之 Art Designer Yuusuke Noma CGI Director 坂上裕文 Art Direction Takahiro Mogi Color Designer Kenichi Kaneko Researcher 三嶋章紀 Editor Shun Takeda Action Director Aimer Theme Song Performance Keiichi Okabe Music Producer 木村康貴 Executive Producer 齊藤陽介 Technical Supervisor 藤村智子 Producer 三宅将典 Executive Producer 松本美穂 Producer 岡山優美 Assistant Art Director Ryusuke Kodera Assistant Director of Photography 入佐芽詠美 Special Effects 石川由依 2B (voice) Natsuki Hanae 9S (voice) 諏訪彩花 A2 (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto Pod 042 (voice) あきやまかおる Pod 153 (voice) Daisuke Namikawa Adam (voice) Tatsuhisa Suzuki Eve (voice) Aoi Yūki Pascal (voice) 加納千秋 Commander (voice) 磯部恵子 Operator 60 (voice) 初美メアリ Operator 210 (voice) 種﨑敦美 Lily (voice) 白石涼子 Devola (voice) / Popola (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-01-08 1: Episodio 1 ▶▶ Rapporto: Pod 042 Anno 5012. Forme di vita conosciute come < Alieni > iniziano l'invasione della Terra. Questa unità è un dispositivo di accompagnamento, nominativo < Pod 042 >. L'androide assegnato a questa unità è < 2B >, un < modello YoRHa >. 1: Episodio 1 In onda il: 2023-01-08 ▶▶ Rapporto: Pod 042 Anno 5012. Forme di vita conosciute come < Alieni > iniziano l'invasione della Terra. Questa unità è un dispositivo di accompagnamento, nominativo < Pod 042 >. L'androide assegnato a questa unità è < 2B >, un < modello YoRHa >. In onda il: 2023-01-15 2: Episodio 2 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Trovati nuovi dati non registrati nell'archivio esistente durante le ricerche sulla superficie. La missione delle biomacchine era distruggere gli androidi. Ma le biomacchine non desideravano più combattere. 2: Episodio 2 In onda il: 2023-01-15 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Trovati nuovi dati non registrati nell'archivio esistente durante le ricerche sulla superficie. La missione delle biomacchine era distruggere gli androidi. Ma le biomacchine non desideravano più combattere. In onda il: 2023-01-22 3: Episodio 3 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Le unità YoRHa 2B e 9S hanno assistito un gruppo della Resistenza attaccato da alcune biomacchine. Il capo della Resistenza, identificatosi come < Lily >, li ha guidati alla base, l'Accampamento della Resistenza. 3: Episodio 3 In onda il: 2023-01-22 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Le unità YoRHa 2B e 9S hanno assistito un gruppo della Resistenza attaccato da alcune biomacchine. Il capo della Resistenza, identificatosi come < Lily >, li ha guidati alla base, l'Accampamento della Resistenza. In onda il: 2023-02-19 4: Episodio 4 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Durante le indagini nella Zona Desertica sono state rilevate alcune entità non presenti nei dati precedentemente registrate, descritte come "biomacchine dotate di parola" e "biomacchine molto simili agli androidi". 4: Episodio 4 In onda il: 2023-02-19 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Durante le indagini nella Zona Desertica sono state rilevate alcune entità non presenti nei dati precedentemente registrate, descritte come "biomacchine dotate di parola" e "biomacchine molto simili agli androidi". In onda il: 2023-02-26 5: Episodio 5 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Verifica delle informazioni di scambi tra la Resistenza e le biomacchine. Nonostante il rapporto di ostilità fra androidi e biomacchine, sembra che le biomacchine con cui commerciano non abbiano reazioni ostili. 5: Episodio 5 In onda il: 2023-02-26 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Verifica delle informazioni di scambi tra la Resistenza e le biomacchine. Nonostante il rapporto di ostilità fra androidi e biomacchine, sembra che le biomacchine con cui commerciano non abbiano reazioni ostili. In onda il: 2023-03-05 6: Episodio 6 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Dati trovati. Si suppone siano parte di una registrazione del passato. 8 dicembre 11941. Ho incontrato degli androidi inviati sulla Terra in missione top secret. Si fanno chiamare < soldati YoRHa >. 6: Episodio 6 In onda il: 2023-03-05 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Dati trovati. Si suppone siano parte di una registrazione del passato. 8 dicembre 11941. Ho incontrato degli androidi inviati sulla Terra in missione top secret. Si fanno chiamare < soldati YoRHa >. In onda il: 2023-03-12 7: Episodio 7 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: ―――Segnale identificazione entità: risposta di < Pascal > confermata――― Sembra che il membro di un villaggio di biomacchine sia scomparso. Proposta: iniziare ricognizione nella zona del Regno della foresta. 7: Episodio 7 In onda il: 2023-03-12 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: ―――Segnale identificazione entità: risposta di < Pascal > confermata――― Sembra che il membro di un villaggio di biomacchine sia scomparso. Proposta: iniziare ricognizione nella zona del Regno della foresta. In onda il: 2023-03-19 8: Episodio 8 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: YoRHa ricercata, identificativo < A2 >, trovata nella zona del Regno della foresta. L'unità fuggiasca ha abbandonato la sua missione e continua a essere in fuga. È considerata un individuo estremamente pericoloso. 8: Episodio 8 In onda il: 2023-03-19 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: YoRHa ricercata, identificativo < A2 >, trovata nella zona del Regno della foresta. L'unità fuggiasca ha abbandonato la sua missione e continua a essere in fuga. È considerata un individuo estremamente pericoloso. In onda il: 2023-07-23 9: Episodio 9 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Comunicazioni perse con 9S, l'individuo assegnato a questa unità. 9S ha incontrato un'unità che aveva l'aspetto di < A2 > e ha iniziato l'inseguimento. Ipotesi: 9S è diventato irraggiungibile mentre tentava di ristabilire i contatti. 9: Episodio 9 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Comunicazioni perse con 9S, l'individuo assegnato a questa unità. 9S ha incontrato un'unità che aveva l'aspetto di < A2 > e ha iniziato l'inseguimento. Ipotesi: 9S è diventato irraggiungibile mentre tentava di ristabilire i contatti. In onda il: 2023-07-23 10: Episodio 10 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'unità YoRHa 2B ha sconfitto la biomacchina anomala che si identificava come < Eve >. Ipotesi: le biomacchine nella zona si indeboliranno gradualmente a causa della perdita di Eve, il nucleo della loro rete. 10: Episodio 10 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'unità YoRHa 2B ha sconfitto la biomacchina anomala che si identificava come < Eve >. Ipotesi: le biomacchine nella zona si indeboliranno gradualmente a causa della perdita di Eve, il nucleo della loro rete. In onda il: 2023-07-23 11: Episodio 11 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Una biomacchina di classe Goliath è entrata in una furia distruttiva durante le ricerche di Adam. Il Comando ha ordinato a tutti i soldati YoRHa di intercettare le biomacchine nemiche. 11: Episodio 11 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Una biomacchina di classe Goliath è entrata in una furia distruttiva durante le ricerche di Adam. Il Comando ha ordinato a tutti i soldati YoRHa di intercettare le biomacchine nemiche. In onda il: 2023-07-23 12: Episodio 12 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Pod 042 Rapporto: L'entità < Adam > fuori controllo è stata manomessa da 9S, intercettata dalla Resistenza e bombardata con il fuoco di supporto dal Bunker. È ■■■■ ―――Errore di comunicazione――― ―――Errore di comunicazione――― 12: Episodio 12 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Pod 042 Rapporto: L'entità < Adam > fuori controllo è stata manomessa da 9S, intercettata dalla Resistenza e bombardata con il fuoco di supporto dal Bunker. È ■■■■ ―――Errore di comunicazione――― ―――Errore di comunicazione――― In onda il: 2024-07-05 13: Episodio 13 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Anno 5012. Forme di vita provenienti dallo spazio, anche note come < Alieni >, hanno invaso la Terra improvvisamente. L'umanità è fuggita sulla Luna, mentre le battaglie in superficie tra gli < Androidi > e le < Biomacchine > proseguono a lungo. 13: Episodio 13 In onda il: 2024-07-05 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Anno 5012. Forme di vita provenienti dallo spazio, anche note come < Alieni >, hanno invaso la Terra improvvisamente. L'umanità è fuggita sulla Luna, mentre le battaglie in superficie tra gli < Androidi > e le < Biomacchine > proseguono a lungo. In onda il: 2024-07-12 14: Episodio 14 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: I soldati YoRHa 2B e 9S distruggono le unità nucleo della rete delle biomacchine < Adam > e < Eve >. Le biomacchine entrano temporaneamente in uno stato di confusione. 14: Episodio 14 In onda il: 2024-07-12 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: I soldati YoRHa 2B e 9S distruggono le unità nucleo della rete delle biomacchine < Adam > e < Eve >. Le biomacchine entrano temporaneamente in uno stato di confusione. In onda il: 2024-07-19 15: Episodio 15 I soldati YoRHa e la Resistenza si uniscono in un'operazione su grande scala per sterminare le biomacchine. Viene però rilevato un numero di biomacchine superiore al previsto. Tutte le zone richiedono assistenza. Questa unità, in collaborazione con 2B, il suo partner assegnato, offrirà sostegno agli androidi sulla superficie. 15: Episodio 15 In onda il: 2024-07-19 I soldati YoRHa e la Resistenza si uniscono in un'operazione su grande scala per sterminare le biomacchine. Viene però rilevato un numero di biomacchine superiore al previsto. Tutte le zone richiedono assistenza. Questa unità, in collaborazione con 2B, il suo partner assegnato, offrirà sostegno agli androidi sulla superficie. In onda il: 2024-07-26 16: Episodio 16 Le biomacchine hanno infettato non solo i soldati YoRHa sulla superficie, ma anche il < Bunker >, attivando la sequenza di autodistruzione. 16: Episodio 16 In onda il: 2024-07-26 Le biomacchine hanno infettato non solo i soldati YoRHa sulla superficie, ma anche il < Bunker >, attivando la sequenza di autodistruzione. In onda il: 2024-08-02 17: Episodio 17 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Settore di memoria danneggiato trovato nel soggetto assegnato a questa unità. Avvio il recupero dei dati rimanenti. È stato stabilito di far eseguire una missione di combattimento a soldati < YoRHa >, nuovi modelli di androidi. 17: Episodio 17 In onda il: 2024-08-02 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Settore di memoria danneggiato trovato nel soggetto assegnato a questa unità. Avvio il recupero dei dati rimanenti. È stato stabilito di far eseguire una missione di combattimento a soldati < YoRHa >, nuovi modelli di androidi. In onda il: 2024-08-09 18: Episodio 18 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Confermata la cessazione delle attività dell'unità YoRHa < 2B > assegnata a questa unità. L'assegnazione è stata trasferita all'unità YoRHa < A2 >. 18: Episodio 18 In onda il: 2024-08-09 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Confermata la cessazione delle attività dell'unità YoRHa < 2B > assegnata a questa unità. L'assegnazione è stata trasferita all'unità YoRHa < A2 >. In onda il: 2024-08-23 19: Episodio 19 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S, il soggetto assegnato a questa unità, è rimasto ferito durante l'apparizione della struttura gigante chiamata < Torre >. Nonostante abbia bisogno di manutenzione e riposo, 9S rifiuta di ottemperare. 19: Episodio 19 In onda il: 2024-08-23 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S, il soggetto assegnato a questa unità, è rimasto ferito durante l'apparizione della struttura gigante chiamata < Torre >. Nonostante abbia bisogno di manutenzione e riposo, 9S rifiuta di ottemperare. In onda il: 2024-08-30 20: Episodio 20 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Accompagnando l'unità A2 a visitare il < Villaggio delle biomacchine > a seguito della richiesta di materiali da parte di Lily, si rileva un elevato numero di biomacchine ostili in avvicinamento. Impossibile trovare unità comandanti nel gruppo nemico. 20: Episodio 20 In onda il: 2024-08-30 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Accompagnando l'unità A2 a visitare il < Villaggio delle biomacchine > a seguito della richiesta di materiali da parte di Lily, si rileva un elevato numero di biomacchine ostili in avvicinamento. Impossibile trovare unità comandanti nel gruppo nemico. In onda il: 2024-09-06 21: Episodio 21 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'Accampamento della Resistenza viene annientato da un virus portato dai bambini del Villaggio delle biomacchine. ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S ottiene l'ultima parola chiave per l'accesso alla Torre. Condizioni mentali in rapido peggioramento. 21: Episodio 21 In onda il: 2024-09-06 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'Accampamento della Resistenza viene annientato da un virus portato dai bambini del Villaggio delle biomacchine. ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S ottiene l'ultima parola chiave per l'accesso alla Torre. Condizioni mentali in rapido peggioramento. In onda il: 2024-09-13 22: Episodio 22 Tanto, tanto tempo fa, un drago e un gigante scesero dal cielo. Dopo la loro morte, sulla Terra si diffuse una malattia mortale. Per salvare l'umanità dall'estinzione venne elaborato il Progetto Gestalt, che due androidi gemelle avrebbero dovuto portare a termine... 22: Episodio 22 In onda il: 2024-09-13 Tanto, tanto tempo fa, un drago e un gigante scesero dal cielo. Dopo la loro morte, sulla Terra si diffuse una malattia mortale. Per salvare l'umanità dall'estinzione venne elaborato il Progetto Gestalt, che due androidi gemelle avrebbero dovuto portare a termine... In onda il: 2024-09-20 23: meaningless [C]ode "Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Join at the Tower, let's play more Join at the Tower, let's play more ……Let's play" 23: meaningless [C]ode In onda il: 2024-09-20 "Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Join at the Tower, let's play more Join at the Tower, let's play more ……Let's play" In onda il: 2024-09-27 24: Episodio 24 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Lo scambio di informazioni tra me e il Pod 153 ha fatto nascere qualcosa di simile a una volontà e delle emozioni. Qual è il senso della vita? ... E se il futuro fosse diverso da quello che ci aspettiamo? 24: Episodio 24 In onda il: 2024-09-27 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Lo scambio di informazioni tra me e il Pod 153 ha fatto nascere qualcosa di simile a una volontà e delle emozioni. Qual è il senso della vita? ... E se il futuro fosse diverso da quello che ci aspettiamo? Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 3 Episodi 24 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. 伏瀬 Novel 岡咲美保 Rimuru / Slime (voice) 豊口めぐみ Raphael (voice) Tomoaki Maeno Verudora (voice) 古川慎 Benimaru / Ogre (voice) 千本木彩花 Shuna / Ogre (voice) Mao Ichimichi Shion / Ogre (voice) Takuya Eguchi Souei / Ogre (voice) Hōchū Ōtsuka Hakurou / Ogre (voice) 山本兼平 Riguldo / Village Mayor (voice) 泊明日菜 Gobuta (voice) 小林親弘 Ranga (voice) 山口太郎 Geld / Orc General E (voice) 福島潤 Gabiru (voice) 田中理恵 Trainie (voice) 日高里菜 Milim (voice) 春野杏 Ramiris (voice) Takahiro Sakurai Diablo (voice) 沼倉愛美 Hinata Sakaguchi (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: Demons and Strategies Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. 1: Demons and Strategies In onda il: 2024-04-05 Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: The Saint's Intentions Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. 2: The Saint's Intentions In onda il: 2024-04-12 Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: Peaceful Days Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. 3: Peaceful Days In onda il: 2024-04-19 Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play In onda il: 2024-04-26 Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: Meeting of Both Sides A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. 5: Meeting of Both Sides In onda il: 2024-05-03 A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: Those Approaching The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. 6: Those Approaching In onda il: 2024-05-10 The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: Saint and Demon Clash As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... 7: Saint and Demon Clash In onda il: 2024-05-17 As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: Misunderstanding The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. 8: Misunderstanding In onda il: 2024-05-24 The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days In onda il: 2024-05-31 Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: God and Demon Lord Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... 10: God and Demon Lord In onda il: 2024-06-07 Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Reconciliation and Agreement The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. 11: Reconciliation and Agreement In onda il: 2024-06-14 The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Festival Preparations Everyone in Tempest is busy preparing for the festival to celebrate the country's opening. Rimuru visits Mjöllmile to share ideas on forms of entertainment that will keep people coming back for more. 12: Festival Preparations In onda il: 2024-06-21 Everyone in Tempest is busy preparing for the festival to celebrate the country's opening. Rimuru visits Mjöllmile to share ideas on forms of entertainment that will keep people coming back for more. In onda il: 2024-06-28 13: Invitation for All Nations Demon Lord Ramiris tries to argue her way into moving to Tempest, where there's great food, hot springs, and ample entertainment. Rimuru happens to walk into the argument and comes up with a way to make use of Ramiris's skills. 13: Invitation for All Nations In onda il: 2024-06-28 Demon Lord Ramiris tries to argue her way into moving to Tempest, where there's great food, hot springs, and ample entertainment. Rimuru happens to walk into the argument and comes up with a way to make use of Ramiris's skills. In onda il: 2024-07-05 14: Labyrinth and Storm Dragon Rimuru is building a dungeon in preparation for the upcoming festival. It will feature treasure chests containing weapons made by Kurobe, and Veldora will inhabit the deepest floor as the final boss. Then Milim suddenly shows up with a suggestion... 14: Labyrinth and Storm Dragon In onda il: 2024-07-05 Rimuru is building a dungeon in preparation for the upcoming festival. It will feature treasure chests containing weapons made by Kurobe, and Veldora will inhabit the deepest floor as the final boss. Then Milim suddenly shows up with a suggestion... In onda il: 2024-07-19 15: Audience Numerous representatives from across the Great Forest of Jura have assembled in Tempest to congratulate Rimuru on his appointment to Demon Lord. Shuna requests holding a three-day audience to meet with them. 15: Audience In onda il: 2024-07-19 Numerous representatives from across the Great Forest of Jura have assembled in Tempest to congratulate Rimuru on his appointment to Demon Lord. Shuna requests holding a three-day audience to meet with them. In onda il: 2024-07-26 16: Benimaru's Ordeal On the last day of the audience, Rimuru meets Momiji, the representative of the Tengu clan. Their meeting comes after Rimuru had sent Benimaru to the Tengu village to request their permission to build a tunnel through the Kusha Mountains. 16: Benimaru's Ordeal In onda il: 2024-07-26 On the last day of the audience, Rimuru meets Momiji, the representative of the Tengu clan. Their meeting comes after Rimuru had sent Benimaru to the Tengu village to request their permission to build a tunnel through the Kusha Mountains. In onda il: 2024-08-02 17: The Lightspeed Hero After learning about an elf slave trade, Rimuru had Soei investigate, but it turns out the slave traders have already been shut down by Masayuki, the Lightspeed Hero. Word is now spreading that the Hero is headed to Tempest to slay a Demon Lord... 17: The Lightspeed Hero In onda il: 2024-08-02 After learning about an elf slave trade, Rimuru had Soei investigate, but it turns out the slave traders have already been shut down by Masayuki, the Lightspeed Hero. Word is now spreading that the Hero is headed to Tempest to slay a Demon Lord... In onda il: 2024-08-16 18: A Throng of Visitors After meeting with the kings of various nations, Rimuru heads to Engrassia to invite his former students to the festival. The kids are thrilled to go back with him to Tempest, but then the hero Masayuki arrives as well... 18: A Throng of Visitors In onda il: 2024-08-16 After meeting with the kings of various nations, Rimuru heads to Engrassia to invite his former students to the festival. The kids are thrilled to go back with him to Tempest, but then the hero Masayuki arrives as well... In onda il: 2024-08-23 19: Festival Eve The night before the Opening Festival, Rimuru throws a lavish banquet for all the nobles and royalty visiting Tempest. When the party is in full swing, Empress Elmesia of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion arrives, throwing everyone into chaos. 19: Festival Eve In onda il: 2024-08-23 The night before the Opening Festival, Rimuru throws a lavish banquet for all the nobles and royalty visiting Tempest. When the party is in full swing, Empress Elmesia of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion arrives, throwing everyone into chaos. In onda il: 2024-08-30 20: Nation's Opening Festival It's day one of the festival, and Rimuru finally gets to see all of his friends' performances and presentations. As he's enojying the festivities, he's summoned by Luminus... 20: Nation's Opening Festival In onda il: 2024-08-30 It's day one of the festival, and Rimuru finally gets to see all of his friends' performances and presentations. As he's enojying the festivities, he's summoned by Luminus... In onda il: 2024-09-06 21: The Martial Arts Tournament A martial arts tournament is being held! The winner will be given the right to challenge Rimuru. The hero, Masayuki, will be participating in the tournament. Rimuru wants to uncover the hero's true strength, so they get Geld and Gobta to participate. 21: The Martial Arts Tournament In onda il: 2024-09-06 A martial arts tournament is being held! The winner will be given the right to challenge Rimuru. The hero, Masayuki, will be participating in the tournament. Rimuru wants to uncover the hero's true strength, so they get Geld and Gobta to participate. In onda il: 2024-09-13 22: Settling the Score with the Hero Gazel and Elmesia pledge to assist Rimuru with Tempest's lack of funding. Elmesia then proposes an alliance, but she's concerned about the danger Diablo poses. 22: Settling the Score with the Hero In onda il: 2024-09-13 Gazel and Elmesia pledge to assist Rimuru with Tempest's lack of funding. Elmesia then proposes an alliance, but she's concerned about the danger Diablo poses. In onda il: 2024-09-20 23: The Labyrinth Is Opened Rimuru's dungeon is finally revealed, and his new ally Masayuki is among its first challengers. Later, after the festival is over, Rimuru's biggest job still awaits. 23: The Labyrinth Is Opened In onda il: 2024-09-20 Rimuru's dungeon is finally revealed, and his new ally Masayuki is among its first challengers. Later, after the festival is over, Rimuru's biggest job still awaits. In onda il: 2024-09-27 24: After the Festival Rimuru pays the merchants with the gold coins he's procured. The merchants try to garner futher favor, but Rimuru ceases trading with them. Rimuru then gathers his allies and calls for action again the eastern merchants who are operating in secret. 24: After the Festival In onda il: 2024-09-27 Rimuru pays the merchants with the gold coins he's procured. The merchants try to garner futher favor, but Rimuru ceases trading with them. Rimuru then gathers his allies and calls for action again the eastern merchants who are operating in secret. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer SHY Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy On the brink of a third World War, superheroes appeared on Earth. Gifted with powers, their appearance brings peace to the world. The heroes each selected a country in which they would reside, serve, and protect its citizens. Shy is Japan’s hero, endowed with super strength. Her most daunting enemy yet? Crippling shyness. Join Shy and her super friends as she defends Earth and gains confidence! 安藤正臣 Series Director Bukimi Miki Comic Book 谷口工作 Assistant Director 中西やすひろ Series Composition Hinako Tsubakiyama Original Music Composer Risa Takai Character Designer 末田晃大 Character Designer 諸貫哲朗 Action Director Fūma Aizawa CGI Director 下山和人 Art Direction Maki Saito Color Designer 魚山真志 Director of Photography 内田恵 Editor 濱野高年 Sound Director MindaRyn Theme Song Performance Yuichi Tanaka Lead Character Designer 稲田航 Art Designer Rémy Boisseuil Art Designer 福田歩美 Art Designer 齊藤めぐみ Special Effects Haruhito Nakayoshi Executive Producer Haruhisa Oya Executive Producer 裴衍杰 Executive Producer Kengo Abe Producer Yusuke Nei Producer Naoko Ito Producer 諸貫哲朗 Prop Designer 末田晃大 Prop Designer 小倉典子 Prop Designer Mitsutoshi Kubo Prop Designer Shingo Takekawa Executive Producer Mamoru Maeda Executive Producer Kuninori Yoshizaki Producer Risa Takai Prop Designer Katsuhiro Kawano Music Producer 王一雄 Producer Yuriko Yamada Producer 淡路徹 Producer Kota Yamazaki Producer Yuri Obayashi Producer Rei Jaguchi Producer Genta Arai Producer 下地紫野 Teru Momijiyama / Shy (voice) Nao Tōyama Iko Koishikawa (voice) Tomokazu Sugita N-Vilio / Ebio (voice) Mamiko Noto Pepesha Andrianov / Spirits (voice) Shin'ichirō Miki Davie Wonder John / Stardust (voice) 鈴代紗弓 Piltz Dunant / Lady Black (voice) 村瀬歩 Ming Ming Li / Meng Long (voice) Kikuko Inoue Uni-Lord (voice) 田村睦心 Stigma (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro Tzveta (voice) 日高里菜 Keheheh (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-10-03 1: I'm Shy The world is at peace, but there are still everyday dangers. So, a new breed of protectors, known simply as "Heroes" have arrived on Earth. Shy is Japan's new Hero, but is she ready to be a Hero? What does it MEAN to be a Hero anyway? 1: I'm Shy In onda il: 2023-10-03 The world is at peace, but there are still everyday dangers. So, a new breed of protectors, known simply as "Heroes" have arrived on Earth. Shy is Japan's new Hero, but is she ready to be a Hero? What does it MEAN to be a Hero anyway? In onda il: 2023-10-10 2: With All of My Heart Shy returns to school only to find herself faced with Iko Koishikawa, a girl whose injuries she blames herself for. As if that wasn't stressful enough, a mysterious young boy sows discord and forces the girls to face the darkness in their hearts. 2: With All of My Heart In onda il: 2023-10-10 Shy returns to school only to find herself faced with Iko Koishikawa, a girl whose injuries she blames herself for. As if that wasn't stressful enough, a mysterious young boy sows discord and forces the girls to face the darkness in their hearts. In onda il: 2023-10-17 3: Conversation at the Dinner Table Koishikawa takes Momijiyama out on the town in an attempt to thank her for everything she's done for her. However, Momijiyama's introverted nature and shut-in lifestyle make this difficult. The two of them are then unexpectedly summoned by Unilord. 3: Conversation at the Dinner Table In onda il: 2023-10-17 Koishikawa takes Momijiyama out on the town in an attempt to thank her for everything she's done for her. However, Momijiyama's introverted nature and shut-in lifestyle make this difficult. The two of them are then unexpectedly summoned by Unilord. In onda il: 2023-10-24 4: A Heartless Person Shy faces off against Stardust for the right to remain a hero. To stand a chance, Shy has to discover what drives her as a hero and fuels the power of her Heart-shift bracelets. Heroes from the Black Cross help manage the aftermath. 4: A Heartless Person In onda il: 2023-10-24 Shy faces off against Stardust for the right to remain a hero. To stand a chance, Shy has to discover what drives her as a hero and fuels the power of her Heart-shift bracelets. Heroes from the Black Cross help manage the aftermath. In onda il: 2023-10-31 5: Shine the Light As Shy searches for ways to strengthen the power of her heart, she finds support and inspiration in unlikely places. Help and begrudging assistance from Lady Black helps her understand struggle more as they help someone together. 5: Shine the Light In onda il: 2023-10-31 As Shy searches for ways to strengthen the power of her heart, she finds support and inspiration in unlikely places. Help and begrudging assistance from Lady Black helps her understand struggle more as they help someone together. In onda il: 2023-11-07 6: Ice White Unilord sends Shy and Spirit on an urgent mission to the North Pole. There, they rendezvous with China's hero and work together to investigate the fate of researchers who had lost contact with the Arctic Base. 6: Ice White In onda il: 2023-11-07 Unilord sends Shy and Spirit on an urgent mission to the North Pole. There, they rendezvous with China's hero and work together to investigate the fate of researchers who had lost contact with the Arctic Base. In onda il: 2023-11-14 7: Unchain Iko and Pepesha share their experiences fighting Amarariruku, and new information about Stigma and his rings comes to light. Afterward, Shy faces an important aspect of being a hero: building up her image. 7: Unchain In onda il: 2023-11-14 Iko and Pepesha share their experiences fighting Amarariruku, and new information about Stigma and his rings comes to light. Afterward, Shy faces an important aspect of being a hero: building up her image. In onda il: 2023-11-21 8: Surprise Teru travels to Russia to assist Pepesha's investigation into the mysterious girl they encountered at the North Pole. Not only are details about Pepesha's past brought to light, but new information leads to some disturbing implications about Tzveta. 8: Surprise In onda il: 2023-11-21 Teru travels to Russia to assist Pepesha's investigation into the mysterious girl they encountered at the North Pole. Not only are details about Pepesha's past brought to light, but new information leads to some disturbing implications about Tzveta. In onda il: 2023-11-28 9: Melee, Trembling Fingertips The battle with Kufufu and Tzveta heats up as Shy and Spirit desperately try to get the civilians out of harm's way. Kufufu's unpredictable actions make her difficult to fight, and Tzveta's ice powers and inescapable heart make her a formidable foe. 9: Melee, Trembling Fingertips In onda il: 2023-11-28 The battle with Kufufu and Tzveta heats up as Shy and Spirit desperately try to get the civilians out of harm's way. Kufufu's unpredictable actions make her difficult to fight, and Tzveta's ice powers and inescapable heart make her a formidable foe. In onda il: 2023-12-05 10: The Lonely Ice and Small Flame As Tzveta regains her memories, Shy and Spirit witness the tragedy of Letana's adult life firsthand and learn how her ideals formed. The strength of her dark, frozen heart clashes against Shy's warm light. 10: The Lonely Ice and Small Flame In onda il: 2023-12-05 As Tzveta regains her memories, Shy and Spirit witness the tragedy of Letana's adult life firsthand and learn how her ideals formed. The strength of her dark, frozen heart clashes against Shy's warm light. In onda il: 2023-12-12 11: What Is Conveyed and That Which Remains Stigma's twisted endeavors have provided Pepesha and Letana the opportunity to finally say all the things they never could in the past. As their battle comes to a climax and close, much is revealed about their relationship and Stigma. 11: What Is Conveyed and That Which Remains In onda il: 2023-12-12 Stigma's twisted endeavors have provided Pepesha and Letana the opportunity to finally say all the things they never could in the past. As their battle comes to a climax and close, much is revealed about their relationship and Stigma. In onda il: 2023-12-19 12: When I Cough, It's the Two of Us Reinforcements sent by Unilord arrive and assist in cleaning up the aftermath of the battle with Tzveta and Kufufu. Afterward, Teru ends up with an intense cold that leads Iko to look after her and realize just how normal heroes are. 12: When I Cough, It's the Two of Us In onda il: 2023-12-19 Reinforcements sent by Unilord arrive and assist in cleaning up the aftermath of the battle with Tzveta and Kufufu. Afterward, Teru ends up with an intense cold that leads Iko to look after her and realize just how normal heroes are. In onda il: 2024-07-02 13: Hero's High We revisit our heroes and see them going about their daily lives after the incidents with Amarariruku. A young reporter, Tojiko Asuka, crosses paths with Shy and is suddenly inspired to write an article interviewing her. 13: Hero's High In onda il: 2024-07-02 We revisit our heroes and see them going about their daily lives after the incidents with Amarariruku. A young reporter, Tojiko Asuka, crosses paths with Shy and is suddenly inspired to write an article interviewing her. In onda il: 2024-07-09 14: Wind Coming from the West A sudden thunderstorm and a forgotten umbrella trap Momijiyama at school, where she joins the hunt for one of the Seven Wonders of Tanpopo First Middle School. A young woman with a Kansai accent proves to be more capable than expected. 14: Wind Coming from the West In onda il: 2024-07-09 A sudden thunderstorm and a forgotten umbrella trap Momijiyama at school, where she joins the hunt for one of the Seven Wonders of Tanpopo First Middle School. A young woman with a Kansai accent proves to be more capable than expected. In onda il: 2024-07-16 15: Heartblade Ai showcases her skills by swiftly defeating her busybody pursuer. She then decides that Momijiyama will help her out by giving her a place to stay while she pursues her goals outside of her village. 15: Heartblade In onda il: 2024-07-16 Ai showcases her skills by swiftly defeating her busybody pursuer. She then decides that Momijiyama will help her out by giving her a place to stay while she pursues her goals outside of her village. In onda il: 2024-07-23 16: Cloud in the Dark When an impenetrable black orb completely engulfs the heart of Tokyo, heroes from all over the world are summoned to discuss how to handle it. Shy finds herself thrust into a leadership role and is tasked with organizing a team to infiltrate the orb. 16: Cloud in the Dark In onda il: 2024-07-23 When an impenetrable black orb completely engulfs the heart of Tokyo, heroes from all over the world are summoned to discuss how to handle it. Shy finds herself thrust into a leadership role and is tasked with organizing a team to infiltrate the orb. In onda il: 2024-07-30 17: Storming In Shy and the team she's put together infiltrate the black orb and begin their rescue mission. They're beset by a member of Amarariku who squares up against Mianlong, man-to-man. 17: Storming In In onda il: 2024-07-30 Shy and the team she's put together infiltrate the black orb and begin their rescue mission. They're beset by a member of Amarariku who squares up against Mianlong, man-to-man. In onda il: 2024-08-13 18: Nothing Is Permanent The infiltration team is forced to deal with the trolly problem presented by Kufufu. In the aftermath, Ai reflects on her perception of Amarariruku and shares the details of her relationship with one of its members. 18: Nothing Is Permanent In onda il: 2024-08-13 The infiltration team is forced to deal with the trolly problem presented by Kufufu. In the aftermath, Ai reflects on her perception of Amarariruku and shares the details of her relationship with one of its members. In onda il: 2024-08-20 19: Because of Love Shy, Piltz, and Ai are beset by another member of Amarariruku. She captures Ai, intent on delivering her to her sister, and wields the power of love against Shy and Piltz. Atop the tower, Mai waits for the long-awaited confrontation. 19: Because of Love In onda il: 2024-08-20 Shy, Piltz, and Ai are beset by another member of Amarariruku. She captures Ai, intent on delivering her to her sister, and wields the power of love against Shy and Piltz. Atop the tower, Mai waits for the long-awaited confrontation. In onda il: 2024-08-27 20: A Nice Guy Stardust confronts Stigma and Quabala alone, while Ai and Shy's confrontation with Mai takes a turn for the worst. Ai struggles to accept her sister's fall from grace, and Stardust receives a bone-chilling revelation from Stigma. 20: A Nice Guy In onda il: 2024-08-27 Stardust confronts Stigma and Quabala alone, while Ai and Shy's confrontation with Mai takes a turn for the worst. Ai struggles to accept her sister's fall from grace, and Stardust receives a bone-chilling revelation from Stigma. In onda il: 2024-09-03 21: Vague With the fusion of Ai and Mai into an entirely new being, Shy is left alone atop the tower to face a formidable foe alone. Hearts clash on battlefields both physical and emotional. 21: Vague In onda il: 2024-09-03 With the fusion of Ai and Mai into an entirely new being, Shy is left alone atop the tower to face a formidable foe alone. Hearts clash on battlefields both physical and emotional. In onda il: 2024-09-10 22: Hand Reached Out Now a separate being once again, Mai returns to her internal struggles as Ai and Tokimaru desperately try to reach out to her. Members of Amarariruku ascend to the top of the tower to finish destroying the black sphere from the inside. 22: Hand Reached Out In onda il: 2024-09-10 Now a separate being once again, Mai returns to her internal struggles as Ai and Tokimaru desperately try to reach out to her. Members of Amarariruku ascend to the top of the tower to finish destroying the black sphere from the inside. In onda il: 2024-09-17 23: With the Moon... Members of Amarariruku combine their powers to shatter the top of the black sphere, releasing the city's fear into the outside world. Mai attempts to sacrifice herself to shield the outside world, but she finds she's not alone. 23: With the Moon... In onda il: 2024-09-17 Members of Amarariruku combine their powers to shatter the top of the black sphere, releasing the city's fear into the outside world. Mai attempts to sacrifice herself to shield the outside world, but she finds she's not alone. In onda il: 2024-09-24 24: Fare Thee Well With their plans thwarted, members of Amarariruku retreat. In the aftermath of the black ball's collapse, the heroes face the weight of unforeseen consequences to their victory. 24: Fare Thee Well In onda il: 2024-09-24 With their plans thwarted, members of Amarariruku retreat. In the aftermath of the black ball's collapse, the heroes face the weight of unforeseen consequences to their victory. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Misfit of Demon King Academy Stagione 2 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Dopo aver sconfitto eroi umani, spiriti e divinità, il Re Demone Anos Voldigord è ormai stanco dei perenni combattimenti e decide di reincarnarsi sperando di avere una seconda vita finalmente pacifica. Tuttavia, ciò che lo attende nella reincarnazione dopo 2000 anni erano discendenti che erano diventati troppo deboli dopo essere stati abituati alla pace e ogni tipo di magia si era deteriorata all'estremo. Anos entra nell'Accademia del Re Demone, che raccoglie ed educa coloro che sono considerati la reincarnazione del Re Demone, ma l'accademia non riesce a vedere i suoi veri poteri e finisce per bollarlo come "disadatto". Hiroya Nakata Producer Yasutaka Kurosaki Executive Producer Rieko Nagamine Producer Toshiya Niikura Producer 込山明日香 Art Direction Kento Kida Director of Photography Takuto Saiki Online Editor 徳久智成 Sound Mixer Momosu Momosu Theme Song Performance Koji Nagai Executive Producer Takami Tachikawa Online Editor 山内真治 Music Producer Akihiro Sotokawa Executive Producer Yohei Hata Producer 古神子広一 Producer Yuki Yamaoka Producer Yusuke Yoshioka Producer 三宅将典 Executive Producer 江田恵一 CGI Director Shuu Novel 吉田隼人 Color Designer 瀧川三智 Editor 飯塚彩 Producer 大和田智之 Producer Nobuhiro Nakayama Producer 長谷川嘉範 Producer 田中仁 Series Composition 川田清貴 Sound Effects Keiji Inai Original Music Composer 大沼心 Series Director 田村正文 Series Director 納谷僚介 Sound Director 山吉一幸 Character Designer 楠木ともり Misha Necron (voice) 梅原裕一郎 Anos Voldigoad (voice) 夏吉ゆうこ Sasha Necron (voice) 寺島拓篤 Lay Glanzudlii (voice) 稗田寧々 Misa Ilioroagu (voice) 渡部紗弓 Eleonore Bianca (voice) 久野美咲 Zeshia Bianca (voice) Wataru Hatano Shin Reglia (voice) 阿澄佳奈 Great Spirit Leno (voice) 小山力也 Erdomaid Dittijohn (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-01-08 1: A Lesson by God Erdomaid DittiJohn, one of the four evil royals, has appeared before Anos as a teacher at Demon King Academy. Not only that, he claims himself to be the Heavenly Father God NousGalia, and that the new "Child of God" who will vanquish the Demon King of Tyranny is also at the Demon King Academy. The “Misfit” who overcomes all odds sets off to a new battle! 1: A Lesson by God In onda il: 2023-01-08 Erdomaid DittiJohn, one of the four evil royals, has appeared before Anos as a teacher at Demon King Academy. Not only that, he claims himself to be the Heavenly Father God NousGalia, and that the new "Child of God" who will vanquish the Demon King of Tyranny is also at the Demon King Academy. The “Misfit” who overcomes all odds sets off to a new battle! In onda il: 2023-01-15 2: The Demon King's Duel of Intellect Anos and his classmates search around Demon King Academy for the “Child of God.” While Anos’ comrades are fending off the attacks from the demons of two thousand years ago, Anos himself faces the King of Death’s Army Officer, Ziek Ozma, in a duel of intellect. In this duel, Anos must speculate who the “Child of God” is and make the correct guess. However, the number of times he can make his guess is limited. What was Anos’ answer, and what is Ziek’s motive ― ?! 2: The Demon King's Duel of Intellect In onda il: 2023-01-15 Anos and his classmates search around Demon King Academy for the “Child of God.” While Anos’ comrades are fending off the attacks from the demons of two thousand years ago, Anos himself faces the King of Death’s Army Officer, Ziek Ozma, in a duel of intellect. In this duel, Anos must speculate who the “Child of God” is and make the correct guess. However, the number of times he can make his guess is limited. What was Anos’ answer, and what is Ziek’s motive ― ?! In onda il: 2023-01-22 3: The Spirit's School Building Anos and the first-year students visit Zehenburg under the guise of an expeditionary examination. Anos's goal is to find his former right-hand man, Shin Reglia, who left a message for him, "Wait for me in the Spirit Forest Aharthern." On the way to the forest, Anos meets an information broker, Lena. Together with her, who is also heading to Aharthern, the group proceeds into the forest's depths. 3: The Spirit's School Building In onda il: 2023-01-22 Anos and the first-year students visit Zehenburg under the guise of an expeditionary examination. Anos's goal is to find his former right-hand man, Shin Reglia, who left a message for him, "Wait for me in the Spirit Forest Aharthern." On the way to the forest, Anos meets an information broker, Lena. Together with her, who is also heading to Aharthern, the group proceeds into the forest's depths. In onda il: 2023-01-29 4: The Spirit's Trial In order to visit the Spirit King, Anos and his team continue to go through trials provided by the Great Tree Spirit Enyunien. The next trial, “The staircase of Geunier” is a trial where they must choose the 5 correct paths out of the 20 paths before them, which appears to be a game entirely dependent on luck. However, thanks to the advice from Lena, Anos and the team individually made their ways to the top. Lay and Misa arrive to the Spirit King’s castle first, and engage in the final trial! 4: The Spirit's Trial In onda il: 2023-01-29 In order to visit the Spirit King, Anos and his team continue to go through trials provided by the Great Tree Spirit Enyunien. The next trial, “The staircase of Geunier” is a trial where they must choose the 5 correct paths out of the 20 paths before them, which appears to be a game entirely dependent on luck. However, thanks to the advice from Lena, Anos and the team individually made their ways to the top. Lay and Misa arrive to the Spirit King’s castle first, and engage in the final trial! In onda il: 2023-02-05 5: In Between Royalty and Mixed Blood Avos Dilhevia who appeared in Delsgade was actually Misa, who was being controlled by traditions and rumors. After getting the demons in central Dilhade on her side, she declares that she will destroy Anos. Anos is making his way to the Demon King’s Castle to rescue Misa. Meanwhile, in the city, the people being controlled by Avos were attacking mixed blood demons, and they had even started making their way to Anos’ parents… 5: In Between Royalty and Mixed Blood In onda il: 2023-02-05 Avos Dilhevia who appeared in Delsgade was actually Misa, who was being controlled by traditions and rumors. After getting the demons in central Dilhade on her side, she declares that she will destroy Anos. Anos is making his way to the Demon King’s Castle to rescue Misa. Meanwhile, in the city, the people being controlled by Avos were attacking mixed blood demons, and they had even started making their way to Anos’ parents… In onda il: 2023-02-12 6: The Great Mother Spirit and the Demon King's Right-Hand Man Anos and the others have infiltrated the Underground Dungeon. Before their duel against Avos Dilheiva, they use Time Magic, Revalon, to go back in time to Gairadite two-thousand years ago, in order to unravel the secret behind Misa’s birth, Shin Reglia, Anos’ right-hand man’s, intentions, and the reason behind the Great Spirit Leno’s death. What Anos saw in the world after he had passed was―. 6: The Great Mother Spirit and the Demon King's Right-Hand Man In onda il: 2023-02-12 Anos and the others have infiltrated the Underground Dungeon. Before their duel against Avos Dilheiva, they use Time Magic, Revalon, to go back in time to Gairadite two-thousand years ago, in order to unravel the secret behind Misa’s birth, Shin Reglia, Anos’ right-hand man’s, intentions, and the reason behind the Great Spirit Leno’s death. What Anos saw in the world after he had passed was―. In onda il: 2023-08-20 7: Like a Single Stroke of a Sword The Forest of the Great Spirit Aharthern. Anos who has transformed into his younger form, takes on the fake name Anoshu Polticoal, and decides to stay to investigate for a while. They watch over Shin who was tasked with being a bodyguard of the Great Spirit Leno by Anos prior to his reincarnation, and then appears the Blaze Death King Erdomaid, who claims to have brought information regarding the gods... 7: Like a Single Stroke of a Sword In onda il: 2023-08-20 The Forest of the Great Spirit Aharthern. Anos who has transformed into his younger form, takes on the fake name Anoshu Polticoal, and decides to stay to investigate for a while. They watch over Shin who was tasked with being a bodyguard of the Great Spirit Leno by Anos prior to his reincarnation, and then appears the Blaze Death King Erdomaid, who claims to have brought information regarding the gods... In onda il: 2023-08-27 8: The Land of Demons Without a Demon King Anos and the others continue their investigation in Aharthern. Although he wasn’t able to switch his source as Avos Dilhevia as the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos receives an important hint from Leno. Lay engages in practicing swordsmanship with Shin. After this, Anos follows after Erdomaid to Delsgade. There, they encounter Demons who were ruling over humans. 8: The Land of Demons Without a Demon King In onda il: 2023-08-27 Anos and the others continue their investigation in Aharthern. Although he wasn’t able to switch his source as Avos Dilhevia as the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos receives an important hint from Leno. Lay engages in practicing swordsmanship with Shin. After this, Anos follows after Erdomaid to Delsgade. There, they encounter Demons who were ruling over humans. In onda il: 2023-09-03 9: A Prayer for Two Thousand Years Later To prevent a clash that may happen between Anos and humans 2,000 years in the future, Hero Kanon proceeds with the plan to become an imposter Demon King himself, with Shin agreeing to this decision. Gradually but surely, Shin begins to change, and Leno realizes that she loves him. However, after fulfilling his duty to protect her, Shin begins to leave her side... 9: A Prayer for Two Thousand Years Later In onda il: 2023-09-03 To prevent a clash that may happen between Anos and humans 2,000 years in the future, Hero Kanon proceeds with the plan to become an imposter Demon King himself, with Shin agreeing to this decision. Gradually but surely, Shin begins to change, and Leno realizes that she loves him. However, after fulfilling his duty to protect her, Shin begins to leave her side... In onda il: 2023-09-10 10: Send Hatred to the Past After witnessing Great Spirit Leno and Shin meet a tragic fate, Anos and his classmates return to Delsgade in the present day. There, persecution against those of mixed blood by Meleheyth and the demons whom Avos Deilhevia brainwashed was progressing. Anos holds them off and heads to the throne room. He faces off against Avos who attempts to steal Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor! 10: Send Hatred to the Past In onda il: 2023-09-10 After witnessing Great Spirit Leno and Shin meet a tragic fate, Anos and his classmates return to Delsgade in the present day. There, persecution against those of mixed blood by Meleheyth and the demons whom Avos Deilhevia brainwashed was progressing. Anos holds them off and heads to the throne room. He faces off against Avos who attempts to steal Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor! In onda il: 2023-09-17 11: To Sever the Fate Lay challenges Avos to liberate Misa whom he loves. However, Heavenly Father God NousGalia aids Avos, and seals Lay’s power of Evansmana. There, Anos and Shin arrive. Shin fights NousGalia once again to avenge his late wife, but he struggles against the enormous power of God. Then, he hears a voice for the first time in two thousand years... 11: To Sever the Fate In onda il: 2023-09-17 Lay challenges Avos to liberate Misa whom he loves. However, Heavenly Father God NousGalia aids Avos, and seals Lay’s power of Evansmana. There, Anos and Shin arrive. Shin fights NousGalia once again to avenge his late wife, but he struggles against the enormous power of God. Then, he hears a voice for the first time in two thousand years... In onda il: 2023-09-24 12: The Misfit Avos Dilhevia takes control over Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor at last. Anos gives a calm smile to the enemy who seizes everything from the Demon King of Tyranny and reigns control, however... The true purpose of Avos taking control over the Magic Sword at the end of the fierce battle is revealed. How does Anos face off against the Child of God, destroyer of the Demon King of Tyranny, and the power that destroys all life!? 12: The Misfit In onda il: 2023-09-24 Avos Dilhevia takes control over Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor at last. Anos gives a calm smile to the enemy who seizes everything from the Demon King of Tyranny and reigns control, however... The true purpose of Avos taking control over the Magic Sword at the end of the fierce battle is revealed. How does Anos face off against the Child of God, destroyer of the Demon King of Tyranny, and the power that destroys all life!? In onda il: 2024-04-13 13: Moon of Creation The Mythical Age. In an effort to destroy the Moon of Creation, Anos meets the Goddess of Creation Militia and begins to interact with her. And now the present... Anos, who has made his identity as the Demon King of Tyranny known throughout the world, joins classes at Demon King Academy as the transfer student, Anoshu. To train even stronger demons, Erdomaid instates the Great Demon King Drills. As the first initiative, swordsmanship training under Shin begins! 13: Moon of Creation In onda il: 2024-04-13 The Mythical Age. In an effort to destroy the Moon of Creation, Anos meets the Goddess of Creation Militia and begins to interact with her. And now the present... Anos, who has made his identity as the Demon King of Tyranny known throughout the world, joins classes at Demon King Academy as the transfer student, Anoshu. To train even stronger demons, Erdomaid instates the Great Demon King Drills. As the first initiative, swordsmanship training under Shin begins! In onda il: 2024-04-20 14: Goddess of Selection To investigate the dragon sighted in Azeshion, Anos and his friends visit the Hero Academy in the name of participating in an exchange program. Emilia teaches at the Hero Academy, but despite her efforts, Ledriano and the other students of the Hero Academy are rather unenthusiastic about the exchange. Furthermore, Zamira, the headmaster of the Hero Academy, issues a decree to slay the dragon. Yet, as Emilia resists his unreasonable order, the Hero Academy students begin to lose interest… 14: Goddess of Selection In onda il: 2024-04-20 To investigate the dragon sighted in Azeshion, Anos and his friends visit the Hero Academy in the name of participating in an exchange program. Emilia teaches at the Hero Academy, but despite her efforts, Ledriano and the other students of the Hero Academy are rather unenthusiastic about the exchange. Furthermore, Zamira, the headmaster of the Hero Academy, issues a decree to slay the dragon. Yet, as Emilia resists his unreasonable order, the Hero Academy students begin to lose interest… In onda il: 2024-04-27 15: Institute of the Gods Erdomaid trains the students in methods of dragon slaying. He does so in a dangerous battle with an actual dragon summoned. Anos and his friends infiltrate the dragon’s den and arrive in the Underground World, where the dragonfolk called Draconids live. Ahide, who attacked the previous evening, guides them to the Institute of the Gods, Everastanzetta. There, Anos is told how he has already been involved in the “Judgement Selection.” 15: Institute of the Gods In onda il: 2024-04-27 Erdomaid trains the students in methods of dragon slaying. He does so in a dangerous battle with an actual dragon summoned. Anos and his friends infiltrate the dragon’s den and arrive in the Underground World, where the dragonfolk called Draconids live. Ahide, who attacked the previous evening, guides them to the Institute of the Gods, Everastanzetta. There, Anos is told how he has already been involved in the “Judgement Selection.” In onda il: 2024-05-04 16: With a Pinch of Courage Emilia and her students take on the dragon-slaying and binding spell called “De Jelias.” However, Emilia and her students failed because they couldn't corporate with Laos and others. It was then that she caught a glimpse of their helplessness…. Meanwhile, Ley who was invited as a hero, has an audience with Lysius, King of Gairadite. He is asked to save the ailing royal family. But as he is shown around, what he encounters is…! 16: With a Pinch of Courage In onda il: 2024-05-04 Emilia and her students take on the dragon-slaying and binding spell called “De Jelias.” However, Emilia and her students failed because they couldn't corporate with Laos and others. It was then that she caught a glimpse of their helplessness…. Meanwhile, Ley who was invited as a hero, has an audience with Lysius, King of Gairadite. He is asked to save the ailing royal family. But as he is shown around, what he encounters is…! In onda il: 2024-05-11 17: Battle of Pride A horde of dragons approaches Azeshion! To protect their homeland with their own hands, the Hero Academy students set out to slay the dragons without the help of Anos and his friends. Under Emilia’s command, the Hero Academy students engage in a battle to the death. Meanwhile, Lay and Misa wind up in a predicament after being captured by Lysius…. Anos and the others head to the Underground World to take care of their own agenda. There, he learns that Ahide is controlling the Draconids. 17: Battle of Pride In onda il: 2024-05-11 A horde of dragons approaches Azeshion! To protect their homeland with their own hands, the Hero Academy students set out to slay the dragons without the help of Anos and his friends. Under Emilia’s command, the Hero Academy students engage in a battle to the death. Meanwhile, Lay and Misa wind up in a predicament after being captured by Lysius…. Anos and the others head to the Underground World to take care of their own agenda. There, he learns that Ahide is controlling the Draconids. In onda il: 2024-05-18 18: Almighty Demon King Ahide announces that Midhaze will be destroyed. However, the oracle’s will contradicts Arcana’s true intentions. Shin also joins in the fray as the two finally face off! Ahide possesses Arcana and thrusts the judgement of the Sword of the Almighty, Leviangilma, upon Anos. Arcana states that to destroy Ahide, he must be slashed three times with the Divine Sword. But the sword obliterates the source of anyone who draws the sword from its sheath…. 18: Almighty Demon King In onda il: 2024-05-18 Ahide announces that Midhaze will be destroyed. However, the oracle’s will contradicts Arcana’s true intentions. Shin also joins in the fray as the two finally face off! Ahide possesses Arcana and thrusts the judgement of the Sword of the Almighty, Leviangilma, upon Anos. Arcana states that to destroy Ahide, he must be slashed three times with the Divine Sword. But the sword obliterates the source of anyone who draws the sword from its sheath…. In onda il: 2024-06-01 19: The Great Demon King Drills That day, Anos had a dream about a time that he lived together with a young girl. The young girl is strangely also named Arcana…. Furthermore, the fact that the Draconids called the fusion of Sasha and Misha the Goddess of Absurdity, Genedonov, was also a problem. To investigate the piling mysteries, Anos decides to take a special class in the Underground World. And as a special lecturer, Anos teaches the student of Demon King Academy himself!? 19: The Great Demon King Drills In onda il: 2024-06-01 That day, Anos had a dream about a time that he lived together with a young girl. The young girl is strangely also named Arcana…. Furthermore, the fact that the Draconids called the fusion of Sasha and Misha the Goddess of Absurdity, Genedonov, was also a problem. To investigate the piling mysteries, Anos decides to take a special class in the Underground World. And as a special lecturer, Anos teaches the student of Demon King Academy himself!? In onda il: 2024-06-08 20: Kingdom of the Dragon God Arriving in Giorhaze, capital of the Underground World Giordal, Anos follows a wary Erdomaid to a church. There, they obtain a Pledge Jewel which summons dragons. Furthermore, Erdomaid sees Naya’s aptitude and makes a pack with her after learning her plan. Anos hears about Ahide’s actions from the bishop of the church and decides to catch him before he meets the pope. 20: Kingdom of the Dragon God In onda il: 2024-06-08 Arriving in Giorhaze, capital of the Underground World Giordal, Anos follows a wary Erdomaid to a church. There, they obtain a Pledge Jewel which summons dragons. Furthermore, Erdomaid sees Naya’s aptitude and makes a pack with her after learning her plan. Anos hears about Ahide’s actions from the bishop of the church and decides to catch him before he meets the pope. In onda il: 2024-06-15 21: Demon King Hymn No. 6 "Neighbors" The sacred Sojourner’s Psalm to be performed at the Divine Dragon Festival is in danger of being cancelled due to Ahide’s schemes! Ellen and the Anos Fan Union are asked to take the stage instead as the Dilhade Demon King Choir. The Draconids are drawn in by their song and begin to sing along. Meanwhile, while trying to pursue and capture Ahide, Anos encounters Dietrich, the King of Agatha, who has received a prophecy from the Goddess of the Future Naphta. 21: Demon King Hymn No. 6 "Neighbors" In onda il: 2024-06-15 The sacred Sojourner’s Psalm to be performed at the Divine Dragon Festival is in danger of being cancelled due to Ahide’s schemes! Ellen and the Anos Fan Union are asked to take the stage instead as the Dilhade Demon King Choir. The Draconids are drawn in by their song and begin to sing along. Meanwhile, while trying to pursue and capture Ahide, Anos encounters Dietrich, the King of Agatha, who has received a prophecy from the Goddess of the Future Naphta. In onda il: 2024-06-28 22: Liebarschend, the God of Vestiges Anos and Pope Golroana clash for the future of their respective countries! GGG launches a fierce attack with Gospel Magic using the power of the God of Gospel Doldread, who controls sound. Anos counters with the song of the Dilhade Demon King Choir and brings Golroana’s support, the former popes, into the fray. Yet even after the conclusion of the battle, Golroana continues his prayers. Anos offers him peace, but… 22: Liebarschend, the God of Vestiges In onda il: 2024-06-28 Anos and Pope Golroana clash for the future of their respective countries! GGG launches a fierce attack with Gospel Magic using the power of the God of Gospel Doldread, who controls sound. Anos counters with the song of the Dilhade Demon King Choir and brings Golroana’s support, the former popes, into the fray. Yet even after the conclusion of the battle, Golroana continues his prayers. Anos offers him peace, but… In onda il: 2024-07-03 23: The Promise Made in a Dream Ceris, commander of the Phantom Knights, who claims to be Anos' father, says that Militia gave Anos false memories. After Ceris leaves, Arcana, unable to recover her memories of Anos, falls into a dream once again. In her memory of 2,000 years ago, Arcana hears a secret about herself from Ceris. Anos reincarnates Arcana to protect her, but his wish for her at the time was… 23: The Promise Made in a Dream In onda il: 2024-07-03 Ceris, commander of the Phantom Knights, who claims to be Anos' father, says that Militia gave Anos false memories. After Ceris leaves, Arcana, unable to recover her memories of Anos, falls into a dream once again. In her memory of 2,000 years ago, Arcana hears a secret about herself from Ceris. Anos reincarnates Arcana to protect her, but his wish for her at the time was… In onda il: 2024-07-25 24: The Dream That God Saw The battle between Dilhade and Giordal intensifies! However, Anos becomes suspicious of Giordal's small fighting force. After seeing Cannibal flying out of the castle and noticing he has eaten the song of a Divine Dragon, Anos comes to one final conclusion. The 1,500 years of prayer that Giordal had continued for so long…was a never-ending barrier separating the two irreconcilable nations. 24: The Dream That God Saw In onda il: 2024-07-25 The battle between Dilhade and Giordal intensifies! However, Anos becomes suspicious of Giordal's small fighting force. After seeing Cannibal flying out of the castle and noticing he has eaten the song of a Divine Dragon, Anos comes to one final conclusion. The 1,500 years of prayer that Giordal had continued for so long…was a never-ending barrier separating the two irreconcilable nations. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Criminal Minds Stagione 9 Episodi 24 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Criminal Minds è una serie poliziesca incentrata sull'Unità di analisi criminale (BAU) che ha sede presso l'accademia dell'FBI a Quantico, in Virginia. L'unità è composta da psichiatri, psicologi e criminologi in grado di “pensare” come gli S.I., sigla che utilizzano per indicare i “soggetti ignoti” che compiono delitti seriali sui quali sono chiamati ad indagare. La squadra interviene in ogni località degli Stati Uniti ogni qual volta si sospetti che i delitti possano essere opera di un serial killer, lavora stilando un profilo psicologico del S.I. in modo da anticiparne le mosse e catturarlo. La squadra è formata da diversi elementi, ognuno con un suo ruolo ben preciso: c'è chi ha l'incarico di indagare sul campo parlando con le famiglie e relazionandosi con le forze di polizia locale, chi si immedesima nel killer per comprenderlo, chi fa ricerche sui soggetti coinvolti. Ovviamente vengono analizzate anche le relazioni tra i vari personaggi. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Joe Mantegna David Rossi Paget Brewster Emily Prentiss Adam Rodriguez Luke Alvez A.J. Cook Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau Kirsten Vangsness Penelope Garcia Aisha Tyler Dr. Tara Lewis Zach Gilford Elias Voit Ryan-James Hatanaka Tyler Green Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2013-09-25 1: L'ispirazione (1) La caccia a un killer metodico porta la squadra in Arizona alla ricerca di un soggetto ignoto in costante evoluzione. Nel primo episodio della nona stagione, il team ritiene che Hotch sia in lizza per il posto di nuovo capo dell'unità. 1: L'ispirazione (1) In onda il: 2013-09-25 La caccia a un killer metodico porta la squadra in Arizona alla ricerca di un soggetto ignoto in costante evoluzione. Nel primo episodio della nona stagione, il team ritiene che Hotch sia in lizza per il posto di nuovo capo dell'unità. In onda il: 2013-10-02 2: Vite allo specchio (2) Mentre la squadra stringe il cerchio sul sospettato degli omicidi rituali in Arizona, un singolare collegamento con la famiglia del soggetto ignoto potrebbe condurre il team ad arrestare il sospettato. 2: Vite allo specchio (2) In onda il: 2013-10-02 Mentre la squadra stringe il cerchio sul sospettato degli omicidi rituali in Arizona, un singolare collegamento con la famiglia del soggetto ignoto potrebbe condurre il team ad arrestare il sospettato. In onda il: 2013-10-09 3: L'ultimo colpo Quando un cecchino colpisce Dallas, la squadra indaga per capire se l'imminente anniversario dell'assassinio di Kennedy sia motivo di emulazione o se il criminale sia guidato da un altro intento. 3: L'ultimo colpo In onda il: 2013-10-09 Quando un cecchino colpisce Dallas, la squadra indaga per capire se l'imminente anniversario dell'assassinio di Kennedy sia motivo di emulazione o se il criminale sia guidato da un altro intento. In onda il: 2013-10-16 4: Prestare testimonianza La squadra incontra il nuovo capo di sezione, Mateo Cruz, che, all'insaputa di tutti, ha lavorato a lungo con JJ. Cruz entra nel team mentre nelle strade di Baltimora si dà la caccia a un soggetto che rende le vittime incapaci di comunicare. 4: Prestare testimonianza In onda il: 2013-10-16 La squadra incontra il nuovo capo di sezione, Mateo Cruz, che, all'insaputa di tutti, ha lavorato a lungo con JJ. Cruz entra nel team mentre nelle strade di Baltimora si dà la caccia a un soggetto che rende le vittime incapaci di comunicare. In onda il: 2013-10-23 5: Route 66 Hotch è stato accoltellato da George Foyet, conosciuto come il Mietitore. Le sue condizioni si aggravano e, mentre lotta fra la vita e la morte, ha delle visioni sulla sua ultima moglie, Haley. Intanto, la squadra ricerca una teenager scomparsa. 5: Route 66 In onda il: 2013-10-23 Hotch è stato accoltellato da George Foyet, conosciuto come il Mietitore. Le sue condizioni si aggravano e, mentre lotta fra la vita e la morte, ha delle visioni sulla sua ultima moglie, Haley. Intanto, la squadra ricerca una teenager scomparsa. In onda il: 2013-10-30 6: Nel sangue Quando la squadra indaga sulle vittime di alcuni omicidi rituali nello Utah, gli indizi la portano a credere che il killer possa subire il fascino dei processi alle streghe di Salem. Garcia si prepara a festeggiare la giornata dei morti. 6: Nel sangue In onda il: 2013-10-30 Quando la squadra indaga sulle vittime di alcuni omicidi rituali nello Utah, gli indizi la portano a credere che il killer possa subire il fascino dei processi alle streghe di Salem. Garcia si prepara a festeggiare la giornata dei morti. In onda il: 2013-11-06 7: Il guardiano A Boston si verifica una serie di omicidi per strangolamento. La squadra cerca un soggetto ignoto a cui piaccia conservare dei ricordi delle vittime, e il team si chiede se un legame esistente fra i cadaveri possa condurli al colpevole. 7: Il guardiano In onda il: 2013-11-06 A Boston si verifica una serie di omicidi per strangolamento. La squadra cerca un soggetto ignoto a cui piaccia conservare dei ricordi delle vittime, e il team si chiede se un legame esistente fra i cadaveri possa condurli al colpevole. In onda il: 2013-11-13 8: Il ritorno Quando dei ragazzini scomparsi vengono sospettati di una serie di omicidi di massa a Chicago, la squadra cerca di scoprire dove si trovino per trovare il movente dei delitti. 8: Il ritorno In onda il: 2013-11-13 Quando dei ragazzini scomparsi vengono sospettati di una serie di omicidi di massa a Chicago, la squadra cerca di scoprire dove si trovino per trovare il movente dei delitti. In onda il: 2013-11-20 9: Il frutto dell'odio Quando nel cortile di una casa in Virginia vengono ritrovati degli scheletri, la squadra concentra l'indagine sulla famiglia che vi abita, scoprendo segreti che affondano le proprie radici nelle antiche divisioni razziali del sud. 9: Il frutto dell'odio In onda il: 2013-11-20 Quando nel cortile di una casa in Virginia vengono ritrovati degli scheletri, la squadra concentra l'indagine sulla famiglia che vi abita, scoprendo segreti che affondano le proprie radici nelle antiche divisioni razziali del sud. In onda il: 2013-11-27 10: Numero privato Quando un ragazzino sparisce dalla sua casa di St. Louis, la squadra torna a indagare su un vecchio caso irrisolto molto simile per cercare di smascherare il soggetto ignoto. 10: Numero privato In onda il: 2013-11-27 Quando un ragazzino sparisce dalla sua casa di St. Louis, la squadra torna a indagare su un vecchio caso irrisolto molto simile per cercare di smascherare il soggetto ignoto. In onda il: 2013-12-11 11: Rabbia assassina La squadra è convocata a Kansas City per indagare su una serie di omicidi. Blake rivede suo padre, un capitano di polizia in pensione, e suo fratello, un detective, e l'incontro è carico di tensioni. Dovranno lavorare insieme per risolvere il caso. 11: Rabbia assassina In onda il: 2013-12-11 La squadra è convocata a Kansas City per indagare su una serie di omicidi. Blake rivede suo padre, un capitano di polizia in pensione, e suo fratello, un detective, e l'incontro è carico di tensioni. Dovranno lavorare insieme per risolvere il caso. In onda il: 2014-01-15 12: La Regina Nera Quando la squadra si reca a San Jose per indagare su una serie di delitti, Garcia scava nel suo passato di hacker e risente una vecchia fiamma per aiutare il team con il caso. 12: La Regina Nera In onda il: 2014-01-15 Quando la squadra si reca a San Jose per indagare su una serie di delitti, Garcia scava nel suo passato di hacker e risente una vecchia fiamma per aiutare il team con il caso. In onda il: 2014-01-22 13: La strada di casa (1) Mentre la squadra è alla ricerca di un giustiziere a piede libero a Cleveland, Rossi si preoccupa quando il suo ex sergente della Marina scompare. Pertanto, si dirige verso Los Angeles per trovarlo. 13: La strada di casa (1) In onda il: 2014-01-22 Mentre la squadra è alla ricerca di un giustiziere a piede libero a Cleveland, Rossi si preoccupa quando il suo ex sergente della Marina scompare. Pertanto, si dirige verso Los Angeles per trovarlo. In onda il: 2014-02-05 14: 200 (2) Quando JJ viene rapita, la squadra indaga sul periodo da lei trascorso al Dipartimento di Stato per trovare degli indizi sulla sua scomparsa e scoprire una missione segreta che mette a rischio la sua vita. Il team chiede aiuto a Prentiss. 14: 200 (2) In onda il: 2014-02-05 Quando JJ viene rapita, la squadra indaga sul periodo da lei trascorso al Dipartimento di Stato per trovare degli indizi sulla sua scomparsa e scoprire una missione segreta che mette a rischio la sua vita. Il team chiede aiuto a Prentiss. In onda il: 2014-02-19 15: Il signore e la signora Anderson Quando la squadra indaga su degli omicidi vicino Pittsburgh, il team ricerca una coppia di killer che lavora insieme. Garcia e Morgan parlano dei loro progetti per festeggiare San Valentino con i rispettivi partner. 15: Il signore e la signora Anderson In onda il: 2014-02-19 Quando la squadra indaga su degli omicidi vicino Pittsburgh, il team ricerca una coppia di killer che lavora insieme. Garcia e Morgan parlano dei loro progetti per festeggiare San Valentino con i rispettivi partner. In onda il: 2014-02-26 16: Gabby Quando in Mississippi scompare una bambina di quattro anni che stava da un parente, la squadra scopre delle sorprendenti verità mentre si affanna a trovare la piccola e a portarla a casa sana e salva. 16: Gabby In onda il: 2014-02-26 Quando in Mississippi scompare una bambina di quattro anni che stava da un parente, la squadra scopre delle sorprendenti verità mentre si affanna a trovare la piccola e a portarla a casa sana e salva. In onda il: 2014-03-05 17: Persuasione Nel deserto di Las Vegas vengono ritrovati dei corpi affogati misteriosamente, e la squadra cerca di capire la vera causa e il movente degli omicidi. 17: Persuasione In onda il: 2014-03-05 Nel deserto di Las Vegas vengono ritrovati dei corpi affogati misteriosamente, e la squadra cerca di capire la vera causa e il movente degli omicidi. In onda il: 2014-03-12 18: Idrofobo In una tomba vuota vicino Milwaukee vengono trovati tre cadaveri che mostrano segni di diversi morsi e la squadra si trova ad affrontare degli interrogativi. Reid e Garcia si allenano per un test di fitness a insaputa di Morgan. 18: Idrofobo In onda il: 2014-03-12 In una tomba vuota vicino Milwaukee vengono trovati tre cadaveri che mostrano segni di diversi morsi e la squadra si trova ad affrontare degli interrogativi. Reid e Garcia si allenano per un test di fitness a insaputa di Morgan. In onda il: 2014-03-19 19: La realtà dimenticata Mentre la squadra fa il bilancio di un'indagine su degli insoliti accoltellamenti nello Stato di New York, la visita di Morgan a uno dei sopravvissuti agli attacchi potrebbe sollevare ulteriori domande a cui il team non ha ancora fornito risposta. 19: La realtà dimenticata In onda il: 2014-03-19 Mentre la squadra fa il bilancio di un'indagine su degli insoliti accoltellamenti nello Stato di New York, la visita di Morgan a uno dei sopravvissuti agli attacchi potrebbe sollevare ulteriori domande a cui il team non ha ancora fornito risposta. In onda il: 2014-04-02 20: Relazioni di sangue Quando vengono trovate due vittime in una remota comunità del West Virginia, la squadra svela una lunga faida fra due famiglie e deve capire quale delle due potrebbe essere responsabile delle morti. 20: Relazioni di sangue In onda il: 2014-04-02 Quando vengono trovate due vittime in una remota comunità del West Virginia, la squadra svela una lunga faida fra due famiglie e deve capire quale delle due potrebbe essere responsabile delle morti. In onda il: 2014-04-09 21: Che succede a Mecklinburg... Una serie di rapimenti mirati fa sì che la squadra ricerchi dei punti in comune fra gli scomparsi e un movente che conduca al responsabile. Savannah comunica a Morgan la sua frustrazione in merito ai numerosi viaggi che deve affrontare. 21: Che succede a Mecklinburg... In onda il: 2014-04-09 Una serie di rapimenti mirati fa sì che la squadra ricerchi dei punti in comune fra gli scomparsi e un movente che conduca al responsabile. Savannah comunica a Morgan la sua frustrazione in merito ai numerosi viaggi che deve affrontare. In onda il: 2014-04-30 22: Destino Quando in California vengono trovati dei cadaveri avvelenati, delle minacce di morte scritte a mano spingono la squadra a cercare un criminale appassionato di mitologia greca. Hotch non sa se partecipare alla giornata di orientamento di Jack. 22: Destino In onda il: 2014-04-30 Quando in California vengono trovati dei cadaveri avvelenati, delle minacce di morte scritte a mano spingono la squadra a cercare un criminale appassionato di mitologia greca. Hotch non sa se partecipare alla giornata di orientamento di Jack. In onda il: 2014-05-07 23: Angeli (1) La squadra viene chiamata in Texas per indagare sull'omicidio di alcune prostitute. Nella prima parte del finale della nona stagione, il team si immerge nelle indagini, ma potrebbe correre dei seri rischi. 23: Angeli (1) In onda il: 2014-05-07 La squadra viene chiamata in Texas per indagare sull'omicidio di alcune prostitute. Nella prima parte del finale della nona stagione, il team si immerge nelle indagini, ma potrebbe correre dei seri rischi. In onda il: 2014-05-14 24: Demoni (2) La squadra continua a indagare sugli omicidi in Texas e gli indizi svelano una rete di corruzione che potrebbe costituire il movente. La vita di un membro del team è in grave pericolo in questo ultimo episodio del finale della nona stagione. 24: Demoni (2) In onda il: 2014-05-14 La squadra continua a indagare sugli omicidi in Texas e gli indizi svelano una rete di corruzione che potrebbe costituire il movente. La vita di un membro del team è in grave pericolo in questo ultimo episodio del finale della nona stagione. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Criminal Minds Stagione 8 Episodi 24 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Criminal Minds è una serie poliziesca incentrata sull'Unità di analisi criminale (BAU) che ha sede presso l'accademia dell'FBI a Quantico, in Virginia. L'unità è composta da psichiatri, psicologi e criminologi in grado di “pensare” come gli S.I., sigla che utilizzano per indicare i “soggetti ignoti” che compiono delitti seriali sui quali sono chiamati ad indagare. La squadra interviene in ogni località degli Stati Uniti ogni qual volta si sospetti che i delitti possano essere opera di un serial killer, lavora stilando un profilo psicologico del S.I. in modo da anticiparne le mosse e catturarlo. La squadra è formata da diversi elementi, ognuno con un suo ruolo ben preciso: c'è chi ha l'incarico di indagare sul campo parlando con le famiglie e relazionandosi con le forze di polizia locale, chi si immedesima nel killer per comprenderlo, chi fa ricerche sui soggetti coinvolti. Ovviamente vengono analizzate anche le relazioni tra i vari personaggi. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Joe Mantegna David Rossi Paget Brewster Emily Prentiss Adam Rodriguez Luke Alvez A.J. Cook Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau Kirsten Vangsness Penelope Garcia Aisha Tyler Dr. Tara Lewis Zach Gilford Elias Voit Ryan-James Hatanaka Tyler Green Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2012-09-26 1: Il silenziatore Dopo che Emily Prentiss è stata trasferita, la Squadra Analisi Comportamentale dell'FBI guidata da Hotchner acquista un nuovo membro, l'esperta di linguistica forense Alex Blake... 1: Il silenziatore In onda il: 2012-09-26 Dopo che Emily Prentiss è stata trasferita, la Squadra Analisi Comportamentale dell'FBI guidata da Hotchner acquista un nuovo membro, l'esperta di linguistica forense Alex Blake... In onda il: 2012-10-10 2: L'accordo La squadra viene chiamata ad indagare su due casi di omicidio troppo simili per non essere collegati, ma avvenuti quasi contemporaneamente uno a San Diego e uno a Los Angeles... 2: L'accordo In onda il: 2012-10-10 La squadra viene chiamata ad indagare su due casi di omicidio troppo simili per non essere collegati, ma avvenuti quasi contemporaneamente uno a San Diego e uno a Los Angeles... In onda il: 2012-10-17 3: Attraverso lo specchio La squadra è chiamata a Kansas City, dove una famiglia è stata massacrata, e un'altra è sparita dalla circolazione. Il team di Hotch non ha dubbi che i due casi siano collegati... 3: Attraverso lo specchio In onda il: 2012-10-17 La squadra è chiamata a Kansas City, dove una famiglia è stata massacrata, e un'altra è sparita dalla circolazione. Il team di Hotch non ha dubbi che i due casi siano collegati... In onda il: 2012-10-24 4: Il complesso di Dio Ai confini col Messico viene trovato un cadavere privo della gamba destra. Nella stessa zona, un ragazzo viene ricoverato in un ospedale perché qualcuno gli ha amputato proprio la gamba destra..... 4: Il complesso di Dio In onda il: 2012-10-24 Ai confini col Messico viene trovato un cadavere privo della gamba destra. Nella stessa zona, un ragazzo viene ricoverato in un ospedale perché qualcuno gli ha amputato proprio la gamba destra..... In onda il: 2012-10-31 5: La buona terra In una zona rurale dell'Oregon tre uomini sono scomparsi dopo un incidente stradale. Hotch e i suoi volano nella regione per capire quale sia il collegamento tra i tre casi, tanto simili tra loro... 5: La buona terra In onda il: 2012-10-31 In una zona rurale dell'Oregon tre uomini sono scomparsi dopo un incidente stradale. Hotch e i suoi volano nella regione per capire quale sia il collegamento tra i tre casi, tanto simili tra loro... In onda il: 2012-11-07 6: L'apprendista La squadra è chiamata a Miami per il caso dell'omicidio di una giovane prostituta: la polizia è convinta che il delitto possa essere solo il primo di una serie... 6: L'apprendista In onda il: 2012-11-07 La squadra è chiamata a Miami per il caso dell'omicidio di una giovane prostituta: la polizia è convinta che il delitto possa essere solo il primo di una serie... In onda il: 2012-11-14 7: Dedicato a... Sotto il famosissimo molo di Santa Monica vengono rinvenuti tre corpi carbonizzati. La polizia locale chiama la squadra di Hotch per capire se ci si trovi di fronte ad un serial killer... 7: Dedicato a... In onda il: 2012-11-14 Sotto il famosissimo molo di Santa Monica vengono rinvenuti tre corpi carbonizzati. La polizia locale chiama la squadra di Hotch per capire se ci si trovi di fronte ad un serial killer... In onda il: 2012-11-21 8: Dei del combattimento Nell'area di Washington uno scuolabus, con 25 studenti a bordo, viene 'dirottato', il GPS disabilitato, e il tutto scompare nel nulla... 8: Dei del combattimento In onda il: 2012-11-21 Nell'area di Washington uno scuolabus, con 25 studenti a bordo, viene 'dirottato', il GPS disabilitato, e il tutto scompare nel nulla... In onda il: 2012-11-28 9: Magnifica luce A Seattle due persone vengono pugnalate a morte nelle proprie case, sui muri delle quali viene vergata una scritta inquietante col sangue. La squadra vola in città per indagare... 9: Magnifica luce In onda il: 2012-11-28 A Seattle due persone vengono pugnalate a morte nelle proprie case, sui muri delle quali viene vergata una scritta inquietante col sangue. La squadra vola in città per indagare... In onda il: 2012-12-05 10: La recita Il team è alla ricerca di un killer che tortura le sue vittime dislocandone gli arti. Intanto la misteriosa donna di Reid è pronta per incontrarlo, ma riuscirà Spencer a superare le sue ansie? 10: La recita In onda il: 2012-12-05 Il team è alla ricerca di un killer che tortura le sue vittime dislocandone gli arti. Intanto la misteriosa donna di Reid è pronta per incontrarlo, ma riuscirà Spencer a superare le sue ansie? In onda il: 2012-12-12 11: Fantasmi dell'anima Il BAU viaggia verso il sud del paese per indagare su un killer il cui modus operandi è simile a quello di un assassino seriale vissuto trent'anni prima. Il team scopre inoltre che qualcuno sta replicando i crimini su cui la squadra ha già indagato. 11: Fantasmi dell'anima In onda il: 2012-12-12 Il BAU viaggia verso il sud del paese per indagare su un killer il cui modus operandi è simile a quello di un assassino seriale vissuto trent'anni prima. Il team scopre inoltre che qualcuno sta replicando i crimini su cui la squadra ha già indagato. In onda il: 2013-01-16 12: Zugzwang Reid scopre che la sua ragazza è stata rapita dal suo stalker e insieme al suo team deve ritrovarla prima che sia troppo tardi. 12: Zugzwang In onda il: 2013-01-16 Reid scopre che la sua ragazza è stata rapita dal suo stalker e insieme al suo team deve ritrovarla prima che sia troppo tardi. In onda il: 2013-01-23 13: Magnum Opus Spencer non riesce a riprendersi dalla sua perdita, tanto da rimanere in totale isolamento e rinunciare a collaborare al nuovo caso, quello di due uccisioni apparentemente senza connessioni avvenute a San Francisco. 13: Magnum Opus In onda il: 2013-01-23 Spencer non riesce a riprendersi dalla sua perdita, tanto da rimanere in totale isolamento e rinunciare a collaborare al nuovo caso, quello di due uccisioni apparentemente senza connessioni avvenute a San Francisco. In onda il: 2013-02-06 14: Quel che resta... Caso singolare per la squadra, nel Maryland: quando le figlie di Bruce Morrison, un professore universitario in congedo e scrittore, la cui moglie è misteriosamente scomparsa un anno fa, spariscono in occasione dell’anniversario della scomparsa della madre. Il team dela BAU dovrà cercare di comprendere se le due giovane ragazze siano realmente scomparse o il padre le abbia fatte sparire. 14: Quel che resta... In onda il: 2013-02-06 Caso singolare per la squadra, nel Maryland: quando le figlie di Bruce Morrison, un professore universitario in congedo e scrittore, la cui moglie è misteriosamente scomparsa un anno fa, spariscono in occasione dell’anniversario della scomparsa della madre. Il team dela BAU dovrà cercare di comprendere se le due giovane ragazze siano realmente scomparse o il padre le abbia fatte sparire. In onda il: 2013-02-20 15: Identità violate La BAU raggiunge Austin per indagare su delle vittime ritrovate con i loro orologi regolati in maniera inesatta, un indizio che potrebbe collegare i crimini. Nel frattempo, l’S.I. che perseguita la BAU si avvicina poco alla volta nella sua caccia alla squadra. 15: Identità violate In onda il: 2013-02-20 La BAU raggiunge Austin per indagare su delle vittime ritrovate con i loro orologi regolati in maniera inesatta, un indizio che potrebbe collegare i crimini. Nel frattempo, l’S.I. che perseguita la BAU si avvicina poco alla volta nella sua caccia alla squadra. In onda il: 2013-02-27 16: Omicidi fotocopia Il killer che sta sfidando il BAU, replicando alcuni dei casi cui la squadra ha lavorato nel passato, ha colpito ancora. L'omicidio è avvenuto a Philadelphia, ma il folle killer stavolta ha commesso un errore... 16: Omicidi fotocopia In onda il: 2013-02-27 Il killer che sta sfidando il BAU, replicando alcuni dei casi cui la squadra ha lavorato nel passato, ha colpito ancora. L'omicidio è avvenuto a Philadelphia, ma il folle killer stavolta ha commesso un errore... In onda il: 2013-03-20 17: Terapia di gruppo Persone molto attive sui social network, generose nel condividere dettagli anche intimi della propria vita, sono le vittime di un misterioso serial killer, La squadra di Hotch indaga. Nel frattempo Kevin si ingelosisce quando scopre che Garcia potrebbe avere un nuovo amore. 17: Terapia di gruppo In onda il: 2013-03-20 Persone molto attive sui social network, generose nel condividere dettagli anche intimi della propria vita, sono le vittime di un misterioso serial killer, La squadra di Hotch indaga. Nel frattempo Kevin si ingelosisce quando scopre che Garcia potrebbe avere un nuovo amore. In onda il: 2013-04-03 18: Restauro Il BAU va nel vecchio quartiere di Morgan nelle aree urbane di Chicago in cerca di un soggetto ignoto che mira agli uomini di mezza età. Un indizio porta Morgan a credere che gli omicidi che avvengono a Chicago possano essere collegati a un uomo che lo ha molestato quando era solo un ragazzino. 18: Restauro In onda il: 2013-04-03 Il BAU va nel vecchio quartiere di Morgan nelle aree urbane di Chicago in cerca di un soggetto ignoto che mira agli uomini di mezza età. Un indizio porta Morgan a credere che gli omicidi che avvengono a Chicago possano essere collegati a un uomo che lo ha molestato quando era solo un ragazzino. In onda il: 2013-04-10 19: La pagherete in futuro Una capsula del tempo in una piccola città del Colorado viene aperta dopo 25 anni e il suo contenuto riporta alla luce una raccapricciante scoperta, seppellita un quarto di secolo prima, che potrebbe in qualche modo essere collegata e riconducibile alla morte di un agente della polizia locale. 19: La pagherete in futuro In onda il: 2013-04-10 Una capsula del tempo in una piccola città del Colorado viene aperta dopo 25 anni e il suo contenuto riporta alla luce una raccapricciante scoperta, seppellita un quarto di secolo prima, che potrebbe in qualche modo essere collegata e riconducibile alla morte di un agente della polizia locale. In onda il: 2013-05-01 20: Alchimia Stavolta i nostri amati detective del BAU affrontano un viaggio che li porta fino a Rapid City, dopo che due vittime di sesso maschile vengono scoperte assassinato in modo rituale. Reid continua a soffrire per la morte di Maeve. 20: Alchimia In onda il: 2013-05-01 Stavolta i nostri amati detective del BAU affrontano un viaggio che li porta fino a Rapid City, dopo che due vittime di sesso maschile vengono scoperte assassinato in modo rituale. Reid continua a soffrire per la morte di Maeve. In onda il: 2013-05-08 21: Mia cara tata Il BAU si reca a Los Angeles, alla cerca di un soggetto ignoto che rapisce i bambini, ma non sarà per niente facile risalire all’identità della balia mentalmente disturbata. 21: Mia cara tata In onda il: 2013-05-08 Il BAU si reca a Los Angeles, alla cerca di un soggetto ignoto che rapisce i bambini, ma non sarà per niente facile risalire all’identità della balia mentalmente disturbata. In onda il: 2013-05-15 22: Numero 6 Il BAU si reca a Detroit per seguire un soggetto ignoto che gioca con la vita di due persone e una di loro dovrà uccidere l’altra per non farsi ammazzare. Oltre al gioco spietato e crudele, il marito di Blake fa ritorno da oltreoceano per proporle un cambiamento di vita grazie a una proposta di lavoro a lei riservata. 22: Numero 6 In onda il: 2013-05-15 Il BAU si reca a Detroit per seguire un soggetto ignoto che gioca con la vita di due persone e una di loro dovrà uccidere l’altra per non farsi ammazzare. Oltre al gioco spietato e crudele, il marito di Blake fa ritorno da oltreoceano per proporle un cambiamento di vita grazie a una proposta di lavoro a lei riservata. In onda il: 2013-05-22 23: I fratelli Hotchner (1) Il Replicatore si avvicina ulteriormente al team mettendo al centro del mirino un membro della squadra. Il BAU intanto indaga su una serie di morti a Manhattan che sembrano essere avvenute per un overdose di ecstasy. Hotch scopre che suo fratello Sean era il fidanzato di una delle vittime. 23: I fratelli Hotchner (1) In onda il: 2013-05-22 Il Replicatore si avvicina ulteriormente al team mettendo al centro del mirino un membro della squadra. Il BAU intanto indaga su una serie di morti a Manhattan che sembrano essere avvenute per un overdose di ecstasy. Hotch scopre che suo fratello Sean era il fidanzato di una delle vittime. In onda il: 2013-05-22 24: Il replicatore (2) Mentre indagano sui decessi avvenuti per overdose, i membri del BAU si rendono conto che il Replicatore è riuscito ad entrare nel sistema informatico di Garcia, postando le foto di ogni singolo membro del team come minaccia di morte, e allo stesso tempo scoprono che Erin Strauss ha continuato a indagare sul Replicatore tendendogli una trappola. 24: Il replicatore (2) In onda il: 2013-05-22 Mentre indagano sui decessi avvenuti per overdose, i membri del BAU si rendono conto che il Replicatore è riuscito ad entrare nel sistema informatico di Garcia, postando le foto di ogni singolo membro del team come minaccia di morte, e allo stesso tempo scoprono che Erin Strauss ha continuato a indagare sul Replicatore tendendogli una trappola. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Criminal Minds Stagione 7 Episodi 24 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Criminal Minds è una serie poliziesca incentrata sull'Unità di analisi criminale (BAU) che ha sede presso l'accademia dell'FBI a Quantico, in Virginia. L'unità è composta da psichiatri, psicologi e criminologi in grado di “pensare” come gli S.I., sigla che utilizzano per indicare i “soggetti ignoti” che compiono delitti seriali sui quali sono chiamati ad indagare. La squadra interviene in ogni località degli Stati Uniti ogni qual volta si sospetti che i delitti possano essere opera di un serial killer, lavora stilando un profilo psicologico del S.I. in modo da anticiparne le mosse e catturarlo. La squadra è formata da diversi elementi, ognuno con un suo ruolo ben preciso: c'è chi ha l'incarico di indagare sul campo parlando con le famiglie e relazionandosi con le forze di polizia locale, chi si immedesima nel killer per comprenderlo, chi fa ricerche sui soggetti coinvolti. Ovviamente vengono analizzate anche le relazioni tra i vari personaggi. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Joe Mantegna David Rossi Paget Brewster Emily Prentiss Adam Rodriguez Luke Alvez A.J. Cook Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau Kirsten Vangsness Penelope Garcia Aisha Tyler Dr. Tara Lewis Zach Gilford Elias Voit Ryan-James Hatanaka Tyler Green Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2011-09-21 1: Contro ogni nemico I membri della squadra affrontano una Commissione del Senato che li interroga su quanto fatto per vendicare la morte di Prentiss ma un volto familiare tiene unito il gruppo. 1: Contro ogni nemico In onda il: 2011-09-21 I membri della squadra affrontano una Commissione del Senato che li interroga su quanto fatto per vendicare la morte di Prentiss ma un volto familiare tiene unito il gruppo. In onda il: 2011-09-28 2: Prova estrema La squadra rastrella l'Oklahoma rurale in caccia di un omicida che ruba alle donne i loro cinque sensi. Reid, che si trova ad affrontare l'inganno subito, si mostra molto freddo con J.J. e Prentiss. 2: Prova estrema In onda il: 2011-09-28 La squadra rastrella l'Oklahoma rurale in caccia di un omicida che ruba alle donne i loro cinque sensi. Reid, che si trova ad affrontare l'inganno subito, si mostra molto freddo con J.J. e Prentiss. In onda il: 2011-10-05 3: Prigioniero della mente La squadra indaga su un omicidio di massa presso un'azienda di sicurezza su Internet e ritiene che il sospettato non sia il classico serial killer. Prentiss deve completare l'addestramento di ricertificazione sotto l'occhio vigile di Morgan. 3: Prigioniero della mente In onda il: 2011-10-05 La squadra indaga su un omicidio di massa presso un'azienda di sicurezza su Internet e ritiene che il sospettato non sia il classico serial killer. Prentiss deve completare l'addestramento di ricertificazione sotto l'occhio vigile di Morgan. In onda il: 2011-10-12 4: L'escluso La squadra deve agire quando i sopravvissuti a un massacro in un liceo di Boise di dieci anni prima vengono presi di mira da un nuovo serial killer. 4: L'escluso In onda il: 2011-10-12 La squadra deve agire quando i sopravvissuti a un massacro in un liceo di Boise di dieci anni prima vengono presi di mira da un nuovo serial killer. In onda il: 2011-10-19 5: Il dolore della colpa La squadra indaga sui rapimenti a St. Louis di alcuni ragazzini provenienti da famiglie difficili. Rossi riprende i contatti con la sua prima moglie che ha delle notizie sconvolgenti. 5: Il dolore della colpa In onda il: 2011-10-19 La squadra indaga sui rapimenti a St. Louis di alcuni ragazzini provenienti da famiglie difficili. Rossi riprende i contatti con la sua prima moglie che ha delle notizie sconvolgenti. In onda il: 2011-11-02 6: Al di là della morte La squadra setaccia una foresta californiana dopo che alcuni cadaveri affiorano nei laghi situati fra le montagne della zona. Rossi lotta con una drammatica decisione riguardante l'ex moglie. 6: Al di là della morte In onda il: 2011-11-02 La squadra setaccia una foresta californiana dopo che alcuni cadaveri affiorano nei laghi situati fra le montagne della zona. Rossi lotta con una drammatica decisione riguardante l'ex moglie. In onda il: 2011-11-09 7: Nell'occhio del tornado Quando alcuni tornado colpiscono il Kansas, la squadra è chiamata a indagare sul ritrovamento di alcuni corpi di ragazzi rinvenuti in seguito alle tempeste. Il lavoro mette J.J. sotto pressione sulla sfera privata. 7: Nell'occhio del tornado In onda il: 2011-11-09 Quando alcuni tornado colpiscono il Kansas, la squadra è chiamata a indagare sul ritrovamento di alcuni corpi di ragazzi rinvenuti in seguito alle tempeste. Il lavoro mette J.J. sotto pressione sulla sfera privata. In onda il: 2011-11-16 8: Speranza Un caso diventa personale per Garcia: la squadra indaga sulla scomparsa di una donna appartenente al suo gruppo di sostegno di sopravvissuti e madre di una bambina svanita nel a sette anni prima. 8: Speranza In onda il: 2011-11-16 Un caso diventa personale per Garcia: la squadra indaga sulla scomparsa di una donna appartenente al suo gruppo di sostegno di sopravvissuti e madre di una bambina svanita nel a sette anni prima. In onda il: 2011-12-07 9: Onore e disciplina La squadra indaga sulle vere motivazioni celate dietro quello che sembra essere un suicidio di massa in un'accademia militare. Hotch e Morgan si scontrano quando un membro del gruppo potrebbe essere in pericolo. 9: Onore e disciplina In onda il: 2011-12-07 La squadra indaga sulle vere motivazioni celate dietro quello che sembra essere un suicidio di massa in un'accademia militare. Hotch e Morgan si scontrano quando un membro del gruppo potrebbe essere in pericolo. In onda il: 2011-12-14 10: Ultimo round La squadra, in caccia di un killer assetato di sangue, passa al setaccio l'ambiente pugilistico di Philadelphia. Hotch lega con un'attraente compagna di triathlon. 10: Ultimo round In onda il: 2011-12-14 La squadra, in caccia di un killer assetato di sangue, passa al setaccio l'ambiente pugilistico di Philadelphia. Hotch lega con un'attraente compagna di triathlon. In onda il: 2012-01-18 11: Veri geni Una serie di omicidi a San Francisco portano il marchio del killer dello Zodiaco, pertanto la squadra si chiede se il noto serial killer sia tornato. 11: Veri geni In onda il: 2012-01-18 Una serie di omicidi a San Francisco portano il marchio del killer dello Zodiaco, pertanto la squadra si chiede se il noto serial killer sia tornato. In onda il: 2012-01-25 12: Soggetto ignoto La squadra va a Houston dove uno stupratore conosciuto come "l'uomo del piano" torna a molestare le sue vittime. Prentiss cerca di lavorare sul trauma subito l'anno precedente e di riunirsi al gruppo. 12: Soggetto ignoto In onda il: 2012-01-25 La squadra va a Houston dove uno stupratore conosciuto come "l'uomo del piano" torna a molestare le sue vittime. Prentiss cerca di lavorare sul trauma subito l'anno precedente e di riunirsi al gruppo. In onda il: 2012-02-08 13: Il banco vince sempre La squadra cerca di vincere il banco quando indaga su una serie di omicidi correlati a un casinò di Atlantic City. Garcia si chiede se lei e Morgan siano diventati troppo intimi in seguito a un litigio con il fidanzato. 13: Il banco vince sempre In onda il: 2012-02-08 La squadra cerca di vincere il banco quando indaga su una serie di omicidi correlati a un casinò di Atlantic City. Garcia si chiede se lei e Morgan siano diventati troppo intimi in seguito a un litigio con il fidanzato. In onda il: 2012-02-15 14: L'ultimo bicchiere La squadra scopre una serie di cadaveri nascosti nelle torrette dei bagnini lungo la costa della California meridionale. 14: L'ultimo bicchiere In onda il: 2012-02-15 La squadra scopre una serie di cadaveri nascosti nelle torrette dei bagnini lungo la costa della California meridionale. In onda il: 2012-02-22 15: Una linea sottile La squadra indaga su una serie di brutali omicidi e intrusioni domestiche nell'area di Inland Empire della California che sembrano essere correlati a delle bande; l'indagine, tuttavia, potrebbe svelare una realtà più spaventosa. 15: Una linea sottile In onda il: 2012-02-22 La squadra indaga su una serie di brutali omicidi e intrusioni domestiche nell'area di Inland Empire della California che sembrano essere correlati a delle bande; l'indagine, tuttavia, potrebbe svelare una realtà più spaventosa. In onda il: 2012-02-29 16: Affari di famiglia La squadra indaga su alcuni omicidi di donne e gli indizi conducono sulle tracce di un killer che non lavora da solo. 16: Affari di famiglia In onda il: 2012-02-29 La squadra indaga su alcuni omicidi di donne e gli indizi conducono sulle tracce di un killer che non lavora da solo. In onda il: 2012-03-14 17: Ti amo, Tommy Brown Quando alcune coppie sposate con bambini in affido vengono uccise, la squadra ricerca un assassino con un istinto materno e omicida. Garcia teme una possibile proposta di matrimonio da Kevin. 17: Ti amo, Tommy Brown In onda il: 2012-03-14 Quando alcune coppie sposate con bambini in affido vengono uccise, la squadra ricerca un assassino con un istinto materno e omicida. Garcia teme una possibile proposta di matrimonio da Kevin. In onda il: 2012-03-21 18: La moneta del ricordo Quando un ragazzino viene ritrovato in un deserto e un altro risulta scomparso, la squadra comincia a dare la caccia al rapitore mentre Morgan cerca di legare con il bambino ritrovato. 18: La moneta del ricordo In onda il: 2012-03-21 Quando un ragazzino viene ritrovato in un deserto e un altro risulta scomparso, la squadra comincia a dare la caccia al rapitore mentre Morgan cerca di legare con il bambino ritrovato. In onda il: 2012-04-04 19: La dimora degli Heathridge La squadra indaga su una serie di omicidi rituali. 19: La dimora degli Heathridge In onda il: 2012-04-04 La squadra indaga su una serie di omicidi rituali. In onda il: 2012-04-11 20: La società Quando sua cugina riappare, Morgan è costretto ad affrontare una bugia raccontata per proteggere la famiglia. La squadra, invece, dovrà riaprire il fascicolo relativo alla scomparsa della donna. 20: La società In onda il: 2012-04-11 Quando sua cugina riappare, Morgan è costretto ad affrontare una bugia raccontata per proteggere la famiglia. La squadra, invece, dovrà riaprire il fascicolo relativo alla scomparsa della donna. In onda il: 2012-05-02 21: La bacchetta del rabdomante Dopo l'esecuzione di un noto serial killer, un assassino comincia a seguirne le orme uccidendo donne nella stessa cittadina dell'Oklahoma e nello stesso modo. La squadra deve agire in fretta prima che ci siano altre vittime. 21: La bacchetta del rabdomante In onda il: 2012-05-02 Dopo l'esecuzione di un noto serial killer, un assassino comincia a seguirne le orme uccidendo donne nella stessa cittadina dell'Oklahoma e nello stesso modo. La squadra deve agire in fretta prima che ci siano altre vittime. In onda il: 2012-05-09 22: A lezione dai profiler Rossi e la squadra insegnano agli studenti universitari la scienza del profiling criminale, mentre analizzano un vecchio caso di un serial killer che agì per quasi 20 anni. 22: A lezione dai profiler In onda il: 2012-05-09 Rossi e la squadra insegnano agli studenti universitari la scienza del profiling criminale, mentre analizzano un vecchio caso di un serial killer che agì per quasi 20 anni. In onda il: 2012-05-16 23: Colpisci... (1) Nella prima parte del finale di stagione, la squadra affronta una banda di serial killer rapinatori di banche e la posta in gioco diventa molto alta quando uno degli agenti viene preso in ostaggio. 23: Colpisci... (1) In onda il: 2012-05-16 Nella prima parte del finale di stagione, la squadra affronta una banda di serial killer rapinatori di banche e la posta in gioco diventa molto alta quando uno degli agenti viene preso in ostaggio. In onda il: 2012-05-16 24: ...e fuggi (2) Nella seconda e ultima parte del finale di stagione, la squadra continua a negoziare con i rapinatori di banche e serial killer. Un membro del team si sposa. Prentiss riflette sul suo futuro. 24: ...e fuggi (2) In onda il: 2012-05-16 Nella seconda e ultima parte del finale di stagione, la squadra continua a negoziare con i rapinatori di banche e serial killer. Un membro del team si sposa. Prentiss riflette sul suo futuro. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Criminal Minds Stagione 6 Episodi 24 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Criminal Minds è una serie poliziesca incentrata sull'Unità di analisi criminale (BAU) che ha sede presso l'accademia dell'FBI a Quantico, in Virginia. L'unità è composta da psichiatri, psicologi e criminologi in grado di “pensare” come gli S.I., sigla che utilizzano per indicare i “soggetti ignoti” che compiono delitti seriali sui quali sono chiamati ad indagare. La squadra interviene in ogni località degli Stati Uniti ogni qual volta si sospetti che i delitti possano essere opera di un serial killer, lavora stilando un profilo psicologico del S.I. in modo da anticiparne le mosse e catturarlo. La squadra è formata da diversi elementi, ognuno con un suo ruolo ben preciso: c'è chi ha l'incarico di indagare sul campo parlando con le famiglie e relazionandosi con le forze di polizia locale, chi si immedesima nel killer per comprenderlo, chi fa ricerche sui soggetti coinvolti. Ovviamente vengono analizzate anche le relazioni tra i vari personaggi. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Joe Mantegna David Rossi Paget Brewster Emily Prentiss Adam Rodriguez Luke Alvez A.J. Cook Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau Kirsten Vangsness Penelope Garcia Aisha Tyler Dr. Tara Lewis Zach Gilford Elias Voit Ryan-James Hatanaka Tyler Green Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2010-09-22 1: Una lunga, lunga notte Il primo episodio della sesta stagione conclude la caccia della squadra al serial killer che terrorizza Los Angeles e che ora tiene in ostaggio la figlia del Detective Spicer della polizia di Los Angeles. 1: Una lunga, lunga notte In onda il: 2010-09-22 Il primo episodio della sesta stagione conclude la caccia della squadra al serial killer che terrorizza Los Angeles e che ora tiene in ostaggio la figlia del Detective Spicer della polizia di Los Angeles. In onda il: 2010-09-29 2: JJ J.J. cerca di ricongiungere una famiglia alla figlia scomparsa, mentre la squadra subisce una tragica perdita. 2: JJ In onda il: 2010-09-29 J.J. cerca di ricongiungere una famiglia alla figlia scomparsa, mentre la squadra subisce una tragica perdita. In onda il: 2010-10-06 3: Il ricordo delle cose passate Diverse donne vengono assassinate, e uno schema familiare suggerisce a Rossi di riesaaminare un vecchio caso che lo turba da 25 anni. 3: Il ricordo delle cose passate In onda il: 2010-10-06 Diverse donne vengono assassinate, e uno schema familiare suggerisce a Rossi di riesaaminare un vecchio caso che lo turba da 25 anni. In onda il: 2010-10-13 4: Posizioni compromettenti La squadra profila un serial killer che prende di mira coppie sposate. 4: Posizioni compromettenti In onda il: 2010-10-13 La squadra profila un serial killer che prende di mira coppie sposate. In onda il: 2010-10-20 5: Anime malvagie Un serial killer prende di mira le famiglie del Midwest; Ellie Spicer fugge dalla famiglia che la tiene in affidamento e corre a trovare Morgan. 5: Anime malvagie In onda il: 2010-10-20 Un serial killer prende di mira le famiglie del Midwest; Ellie Spicer fugge dalla famiglia che la tiene in affidamento e corre a trovare Morgan. In onda il: 2010-10-27 6: La notte del diavolo La squadra va a Detroit per catturare un killer che, da tre anni a questa parte, colpisce durante "la notte delle streghe", la festa cittadina che precede Halloween. 6: La notte del diavolo In onda il: 2010-10-27 La squadra va a Detroit per catturare un killer che, da tre anni a questa parte, colpisce durante "la notte delle streghe", la festa cittadina che precede Halloween. In onda il: 2010-11-03 7: Bisogno d'amore La squadra dà la caccia a dei serial killer in Indiana che uccidono danzatrici esotiche e scaricano i loro corpi nei campi di granoturco. 7: Bisogno d'amore In onda il: 2010-11-03 La squadra dà la caccia a dei serial killer in Indiana che uccidono danzatrici esotiche e scaricano i loro corpi nei campi di granoturco. In onda il: 2010-11-10 8: Riflesso del desiderio Una donna viene rapita e uccisa in un vicolo di Washington, D.C., e la squadra corre a caccia del killer prima che colpisca un'altra volta. 8: Riflesso del desiderio In onda il: 2010-11-10 Una donna viene rapita e uccisa in un vicolo di Washington, D.C., e la squadra corre a caccia del killer prima che colpisca un'altra volta. In onda il: 2010-11-17 9: Dentro i boschi La squadra dà la caccia a un killer che prende di mira i bambini sul sentiero degli Appalachi. 9: Dentro i boschi In onda il: 2010-11-17 La squadra dà la caccia a un killer che prende di mira i bambini sul sentiero degli Appalachi. In onda il: 2010-12-08 10: Cercando il perdono La squadra profila un killer che prende di mira le donne in una chiusa comunità del Nuovo Messico; nel frattempo Hotch chiede aiuto a un cadetto dell'FBI. 10: Cercando il perdono In onda il: 2010-12-08 La squadra profila un killer che prende di mira le donne in una chiusa comunità del Nuovo Messico; nel frattempo Hotch chiede aiuto a un cadetto dell'FBI. In onda il: 2010-12-15 11: Una storia complessa Morgan si pente di avere aiutato un prigioniero ad ottenere la libertà vigilata, quando l'uomo uccide qualcuno pochi giorni dopo il suo rilascio. 11: Una storia complessa In onda il: 2010-12-15 Morgan si pente di avere aiutato un prigioniero ad ottenere la libertà vigilata, quando l'uomo uccide qualcuno pochi giorni dopo il suo rilascio. In onda il: 2011-01-19 12: La forza del cuore Mentre la squadra indaga su una serie di omicidi ritualistici a Miami, Reid è colpito da forti emicranie e allucinazioni, che lo fanno preoccupare per la sua salute. 12: La forza del cuore In onda il: 2011-01-19 Mentre la squadra indaga su una serie di omicidi ritualistici a Miami, Reid è colpito da forti emicranie e allucinazioni, che lo fanno preoccupare per la sua salute. In onda il: 2011-01-26 13: Il tredicesimo piano La squadra è sulle tracce di due giovani amanti che uccidono in diversi stati; Prentiss riceve notizie preoccupanti dal suo ex capo. 13: Il tredicesimo piano In onda il: 2011-01-26 La squadra è sulle tracce di due giovani amanti che uccidono in diversi stati; Prentiss riceve notizie preoccupanti dal suo ex capo. In onda il: 2011-02-09 14: L'odore del passato La squadra si reca a Los Angeles per indagare su alcuni insoliti omicidi in città; Prentiss svela nuovi dettagli sul suo passato misterioso. 14: L'odore del passato In onda il: 2011-02-09 La squadra si reca a Los Angeles per indagare su alcuni insoliti omicidi in città; Prentiss svela nuovi dettagli sul suo passato misterioso. In onda il: 2011-02-16 15: Il prezzo del cambiamento La squadra viene convocata a New York per indagare alcune misteriose scomparse; Prentiss riceve notizie inquietanti su uno dei suoi ex colleghi all'Interpol. 15: Il prezzo del cambiamento In onda il: 2011-02-16 La squadra viene convocata a New York per indagare alcune misteriose scomparse; Prentiss riceve notizie inquietanti su uno dei suoi ex colleghi all'Interpol. In onda il: 2011-02-23 16: Note dal profondo Il legame di Reid con un ragazzino autistico potrebbe aiutare la squadra a localizzare i genitori scomparsi del ragazzo; Prentiss recluta due ex colleghi dell'Interpol per dare la caccia a un vecchio rivale. 16: Note dal profondo In onda il: 2011-02-23 Il legame di Reid con un ragazzino autistico potrebbe aiutare la squadra a localizzare i genitori scomparsi del ragazzo; Prentiss recluta due ex colleghi dell'Interpol per dare la caccia a un vecchio rivale. In onda il: 2011-03-02 17: Valhalla Prentiss sospetta che il suo vecchio rivale all'Interpol abbia commesso una serie di omicidi, facendola preoccupare per la sicurezza della squadra, mano a mano che lui le si avvicina. 17: Valhalla In onda il: 2011-03-02 Prentiss sospetta che il suo vecchio rivale all'Interpol abbia commesso una serie di omicidi, facendola preoccupare per la sicurezza della squadra, mano a mano che lui le si avvicina. In onda il: 2011-03-16 18: Lauren Mentre Prentiss si prepara ad affrontare una volta per tutte il suo vecchio rivale, Ian Doyle, la squadra si rivolge a un suo ex membro per trovare Prentiss e catturare Doyle. 18: Lauren In onda il: 2011-03-16 Mentre Prentiss si prepara ad affrontare una volta per tutte il suo vecchio rivale, Ian Doyle, la squadra si rivolge a un suo ex membro per trovare Prentiss e catturare Doyle. In onda il: 2011-03-30 19: Con amici come questi... La squadra si reca a Portland per catturare una gang di assassini prima che aggrediscano un'altra vittima. 19: Con amici come questi... In onda il: 2011-03-30 La squadra si reca a Portland per catturare una gang di assassini prima che aggrediscano un'altra vittima. In onda il: 2011-04-06 20: Stadi del dolore La squadra indaga su un killer che colpisce a Tampa, mentre affronta la perdita di Prentiss. 20: Stadi del dolore In onda il: 2011-04-06 La squadra indaga su un killer che colpisce a Tampa, mentre affronta la perdita di Prentiss. In onda il: 2011-04-13 21: Ombre del passato La squadra rintraccia un assassino che perseguita studentesse del college; nel frattempo, passa sotto la supervisione di Strauss, che subentra a Prentiss. 21: Ombre del passato In onda il: 2011-04-13 La squadra rintraccia un assassino che perseguita studentesse del college; nel frattempo, passa sotto la supervisione di Strauss, che subentra a Prentiss. In onda il: 2011-05-04 22: Alla ricerca di Rose La squadra è chiamata in una cittadina turistica del Nord Carolina dopo che una donna viene rinvenuta gravemente ferita e un'altra è dispersa. 22: Alla ricerca di Rose In onda il: 2011-05-04 La squadra è chiamata in una cittadina turistica del Nord Carolina dopo che una donna viene rinvenuta gravemente ferita e un'altra è dispersa. In onda il: 2011-05-11 23: Il mare è grande La squadra indaga sui cadaveri ritrovati in fondo all'oceano al largo di Jacksonville; il caso coinvolge Morgan personalmente, quando sua zia ritiene che la figlia scomparsa sia una delle vittime. 23: Il mare è grande In onda il: 2011-05-11 La squadra indaga sui cadaveri ritrovati in fondo all'oceano al largo di Jacksonville; il caso coinvolge Morgan personalmente, quando sua zia ritiene che la figlia scomparsa sia una delle vittime. In onda il: 2011-05-18 24: Domanda e offerta La squadra indaga su un sospetto traffico di esseri umani; Hotchner accenna a cambiamenti sul lavoro mentre un membro del team torna a farsi vivo. 24: Domanda e offerta In onda il: 2011-05-18 La squadra indaga su un sospetto traffico di esseri umani; Hotchner accenna a cambiamenti sul lavoro mentre un membro del team torna a farsi vivo. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Mentre una profezia funesta colpisce le tranquille terre di Britannia, un ragazzo dal cuore puro parte in un viaggio di scoperta... e vendetta. 鈴木央 Comic Book Shigeru Murakoshi Series Composition 山本康太 Original Music Composer 高田洋一 Character Designer 小村将 Percival (voice) 島田愛野 Nasiens (voice) 中村カンナ Anghalad (voice) 戸谷菊之介 Donny (voice) 内山昂輝 Lancelot / Shin (voice) 小山力也 Pellegarde (voice) 國立幸 Arthur Pendragon (voice) 森川智之 Ironside (voice) 森久保祥太郎 Mortlach Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-10-08 1: Un ragazzo in partenza Quando Percival compie sedici anni, suo nonno gli parla del mondo oltre la loro casa isolata... ma il giovane sembra essere più interessato alla cena. 1: Un ragazzo in partenza In onda il: 2023-10-08 Quando Percival compie sedici anni, suo nonno gli parla del mondo oltre la loro casa isolata... ma il giovane sembra essere più interessato alla cena. In onda il: 2023-10-15 2: Un potere sconosciuto Durante un viaggio in cerca del padre che non conosce, Percival incontra alcuni artisti girovaghi che gli danno un passaggio fino al villaggio più vicino. 2: Un potere sconosciuto In onda il: 2023-10-15 Durante un viaggio in cerca del padre che non conosce, Percival incontra alcuni artisti girovaghi che gli danno un passaggio fino al villaggio più vicino. In onda il: 2023-10-22 3: I Quattro Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse Anche se Percival dà il meglio nello scontro, il cavaliere nero non ha dato ancora fondo a tutta la sua potenza. All'improvviso appare una misteriosa volpe rossa. 3: I Quattro Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse In onda il: 2023-10-22 Anche se Percival dà il meglio nello scontro, il cavaliere nero non ha dato ancora fondo a tutta la sua potenza. All'improvviso appare una misteriosa volpe rossa. In onda il: 2023-10-29 4: Il demonio della Valle dell'Eco Percival si risveglia completamente legato e scopre di essere una cavia per un esperimento. Il suo carceriere lo informa che la medicina su cui sta lavorando è quasi pronta. 4: Il demonio della Valle dell'Eco In onda il: 2023-10-29 Percival si risveglia completamente legato e scopre di essere una cavia per un esperimento. Il suo carceriere lo informa che la medicina su cui sta lavorando è quasi pronta. In onda il: 2023-11-05 5: Un'ulteriore decisione Per far riacquistare al nonno le sue sembianze iniziali, Nasiens deve sconfiggere un ulteriore Cavaliere Sacro e Percival è pronto a dare una mano. 5: Un'ulteriore decisione In onda il: 2023-11-05 Per far riacquistare al nonno le sue sembianze iniziali, Nasiens deve sconfiggere un ulteriore Cavaliere Sacro e Percival è pronto a dare una mano. In onda il: 2023-11-19 6: Sistana trema Percival e i suoi amici incrociano Anne, una donna giovane e determinata che contrariamente ai desideri del padre vuole entrare a far parte dei Cavalieri Sacri. 6: Sistana trema In onda il: 2023-11-19 Percival e i suoi amici incrociano Anne, una donna giovane e determinata che contrariamente ai desideri del padre vuole entrare a far parte dei Cavalieri Sacri. In onda il: 2023-11-26 7: Il nome del potere Anche se Ironside è più forte di loro, Percival, Anne e Nasiens dimostrano coraggio durante lo scontro. Intanto Donny è scomparso. 7: Il nome del potere In onda il: 2023-11-26 Anche se Ironside è più forte di loro, Percival, Anne e Nasiens dimostrano coraggio durante lo scontro. Intanto Donny è scomparso. In onda il: 2023-12-03 8: Piccoli eroi Mentre Percival e la banda cercano di distruggere il Feretro dell'eterna oscurità, un personaggio misterioso e potente affronta i mostri in città. 8: Piccoli eroi In onda il: 2023-12-03 Mentre Percival e la banda cercano di distruggere il Feretro dell'eterna oscurità, un personaggio misterioso e potente affronta i mostri in città. In onda il: 2023-12-10 9: Maestro e allievo L'esuberante Anne ora fa parte della squadra che decide di fermarsi nella selvaggia città di Cant. Qui Donny finisce in un'imbarazzante riunione di famiglia. 9: Maestro e allievo In onda il: 2023-12-10 L'esuberante Anne ora fa parte della squadra che decide di fermarsi nella selvaggia città di Cant. Qui Donny finisce in un'imbarazzante riunione di famiglia. In onda il: 2023-12-17 10: Il ruggito della distruzione Mentre sono prigionieri, Howzer, Nasiens e gli altri scoprono che Edlin ha rubato un uovo di drago mettendo così in pericolo tutta la città. 10: Il ruggito della distruzione In onda il: 2023-12-17 Mentre sono prigionieri, Howzer, Nasiens e gli altri scoprono che Edlin ha rubato un uovo di drago mettendo così in pericolo tutta la città. In onda il: 2023-12-24 11: Un vero Cavaliere Sacro Percival, Donny e Anne fanno di tutto per provare a fermare il drago. Intanto un ubriaco Howzer chiede a Nasiens di farlo tornare sobrio. 11: Un vero Cavaliere Sacro In onda il: 2023-12-24 Percival, Donny e Anne fanno di tutto per provare a fermare il drago. Intanto un ubriaco Howzer chiede a Nasiens di farlo tornare sobrio. In onda il: 2024-01-07 12: A Sinister Endeavor Nessuna trama disponibile 12: A Sinister Endeavor In onda il: 2024-01-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-01-14 13: The Cornered Nessuna trama disponibile 13: The Cornered In onda il: 2024-01-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-01-21 14: The Goat Sin Nessuna trama disponibile 14: The Goat Sin In onda il: 2024-01-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-01-28 15: The Dark Talismans Nessuna trama disponibile 15: The Dark Talismans In onda il: 2024-01-28 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-04 16: Departing from Sin Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Departing from Sin In onda il: 2024-02-04 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-11 17: The King of Liones Nessuna trama disponibile 17: The King of Liones In onda il: 2024-02-11 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-18 18: Knights of Prophecy Meet Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Knights of Prophecy Meet In onda il: 2024-02-18 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-25 19: Liones in Flames Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Liones in Flames In onda il: 2024-02-25 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-03 20: Taming a Wild Horse Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Taming a Wild Horse In onda il: 2024-03-03 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-10 21: The Four Knights vs. the Servants of Chaos Nessuna trama disponibile 21: The Four Knights vs. the Servants of Chaos In onda il: 2024-03-10 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-17 22: Freezing, Burning Hearts Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Freezing, Burning Hearts In onda il: 2024-03-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-24 23: Royal Holy Knights vs. Mela-Galland Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Royal Holy Knights vs. Mela-Galland In onda il: 2024-03-24 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-31 24: Advent Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Advent In onda il: 2024-03-31 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Stagione 2 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Il 34enne vergine perdente viene cacciato di casa dalla sua famiglia e si rende conto che la sua vita è completamente finita. Mentre si pente di aver sprecato la sua vita, un camion lo investe e muore. Quando si sveglia... è in un mondo di spada e stregoneria! Rinato come un bambino di nome Rudeus, decide che questa volta vivrà una vita di cui non si pentirà! Toshiya Otomo Production Supervisor Sou Yurugi Producer Nobuhiro Oosawa Executive Producer 山崎史紀 Executive Producer 菱山光輝 Producer LONGMAN Theme Song Performance Sanae Shimada Character Designer 大野敏哉 Series Composition Shirotaka Character Designer Yoshiaki Fujisawa Original Music Composer 理不尽な孫の手 Novel 齊藤佳子 Character Designer Takurou Hatakeyama Producer 大須賀翔 Producer 大和田智之 Producer 今井遼介 Producer 山中隆弘 Producer 小林健樹 Music Producer 明田川仁 Sound Director 頓所信二 Director of Photography 三宅昌和 Art Direction 三嶋章紀 Editor Makiko Doi Color Designer 上野励 Sound Effects 内山夕実 Rudeus Greyrat (voice) 杉田智和 Rudeus Greyrat's Former Self (voice) 茅野愛衣 Sylphiette / Fitz (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-07-10 1: Il mago disperato Rudeus viaggia verso le aspre terre del nord alla ricerca della madre perduta. O almeno, questo è ciò che dice a se stesso. Le cicatrici della separazione da Eris sono profonde e rimettersi in piedi potrebbe non essere così facile. 1: Il mago disperato In onda il: 2023-07-10 Rudeus viaggia verso le aspre terre del nord alla ricerca della madre perduta. O almeno, questo è ciò che dice a se stesso. Le cicatrici della separazione da Eris sono profonde e rimettersi in piedi potrebbe non essere così facile. In onda il: 2023-07-17 2: La foresta a mezzanotte Rudeus si avvicina sempre di più a Counter Arrow, mentre si ambienta alla vita di avventuriero nelle Terre del Nord. Quando il pericolo si ripresenta, si ritrova a rischiare tutto per i suoi nuovi amici. 2: La foresta a mezzanotte In onda il: 2023-07-17 Rudeus si avvicina sempre di più a Counter Arrow, mentre si ambienta alla vita di avventuriero nelle Terre del Nord. Quando il pericolo si ripresenta, si ritrova a rischiare tutto per i suoi nuovi amici. In onda il: 2023-07-24 3: Rapido avvicinamento Le cose sembrano migliorare per Rudeus. E quando Sara gli chiede un appuntamento, decide di dimenticare il suo dolore e iniziare una nuova storia d'amore. Ma lasciarsi il passato alle spalle potrebbe essere più facile a dirsi che a farsi. 3: Rapido avvicinamento In onda il: 2023-07-24 Le cose sembrano migliorare per Rudeus. E quando Sara gli chiede un appuntamento, decide di dimenticare il suo dolore e iniziare una nuova storia d'amore. Ma lasciarsi il passato alle spalle potrebbe essere più facile a dirsi che a farsi. In onda il: 2023-07-31 4: Lettera d'invito Dopo due anni di avventure con Soldat, Rudeus non è più vicino a trovare sua madre o a curare la sua impotenza. Ma l'arrivo improvviso di un elfo seducente e un'offerta inaspettata potrebbero dare una svolta alla sua vita. 4: Lettera d'invito In onda il: 2023-07-31 Dopo due anni di avventure con Soldat, Rudeus non è più vicino a trovare sua madre o a curare la sua impotenza. Ma l'arrivo improvviso di un elfo seducente e un'offerta inaspettata potrebbero dare una svolta alla sua vita. In onda il: 2023-08-07 5: L'accademia di magia di Ranoa Seguendo il consiglio dell'Uomo-Dio, Rudeus si iscrive a scuola. Si riunisce con un vecchio amico e incontra potenziali nuovi nemici, ma troverà ciò che cerca? E cosa riserva il futuro a lui e all'enigmatico "Silent Fitz"? 5: L'accademia di magia di Ranoa In onda il: 2023-08-07 Seguendo il consiglio dell'Uomo-Dio, Rudeus si iscrive a scuola. Si riunisce con un vecchio amico e incontra potenziali nuovi nemici, ma troverà ciò che cerca? E cosa riserva il futuro a lui e all'enigmatico "Silent Fitz"? In onda il: 2023-08-14 6: Non voglio morire Rudeus si sta adattando alla vita scolastica e sta conoscendo meglio l'enigmatico Silent Fitz. Ma quando i suoi sforzi per insegnare a Zanoba incontrano un ostacolo, il suo nuovo amico propone una soluzione drastica. 6: Non voglio morire In onda il: 2023-08-14 Rudeus si sta adattando alla vita scolastica e sta conoscendo meglio l'enigmatico Silent Fitz. Ma quando i suoi sforzi per insegnare a Zanoba incontrano un ostacolo, il suo nuovo amico propone una soluzione drastica. In onda il: 2023-08-21 7: Rapimento e prigionia delle figlie degli uomini-bestia Quando Rudeus scopre che due dei suoi nuovi compagni di scuola hanno distrutto una delle sue preziose figure, giura vendetta. Ma anche se potrebbe riuscire a sconfiggere le studentesse in una rissa, capire cosa farne dopo non sarà così facile. 7: Rapimento e prigionia delle figlie degli uomini-bestia In onda il: 2023-08-21 Quando Rudeus scopre che due dei suoi nuovi compagni di scuola hanno distrutto una delle sue preziose figure, giura vendetta. Ma anche se potrebbe riuscire a sconfiggere le studentesse in una rissa, capire cosa farne dopo non sarà così facile. In onda il: 2023-08-28 8: Il fidanzato disperato L'amore è nell'aria. Innanzitutto, un compagno di classe innamorato cerca l'aiuto di Rudeus per incontrare la ragazza dei suoi sogni. Poi la stagione degli amori delle bestie mette Rudeus in una posizione scomoda, da cui dovrà lottare per uscire. 8: Il fidanzato disperato In onda il: 2023-08-28 L'amore è nell'aria. Innanzitutto, un compagno di classe innamorato cerca l'aiuto di Rudeus per incontrare la ragazza dei suoi sogni. Poi la stagione degli amori delle bestie mette Rudeus in una posizione scomoda, da cui dovrà lottare per uscire. In onda il: 2023-09-04 9: La maschera bianca Le indagini sul teletrasporto di massa portano Rudeus a cercare il suo compagno di classe più sfuggente: il brillante Silent Sevenstar. Ma quando si reca alla torre del laboratorio di Silent, trova un volto familiare che non si aspettava e che non gradisce. 9: La maschera bianca In onda il: 2023-09-04 Le indagini sul teletrasporto di massa portano Rudeus a cercare il suo compagno di classe più sfuggente: il brillante Silent Sevenstar. Ma quando si reca alla torre del laboratorio di Silent, trova un volto familiare che non si aspettava e che non gradisce. In onda il: 2023-09-11 10: Questi sentimenti Rudeus si abitua alla sua routine universitaria. Ma col passare del tempo, Silent Fitz è sempre più nei suoi pensieri. Cosa prova veramente per il suo enigmatico compagno di classe? E fino a che punto potrà indagare nei segreti di un amico per scoprirlo? 10: Questi sentimenti In onda il: 2023-09-11 Rudeus si abitua alla sua routine universitaria. Ma col passare del tempo, Silent Fitz è sempre più nei suoi pensieri. Cosa prova veramente per il suo enigmatico compagno di classe? E fino a che punto potrà indagare nei segreti di un amico per scoprirlo? In onda il: 2023-09-18 11: A te Ariel pone Sylphiette davanti a una scelta: rivelarsi a Rudeus o tagliare i legami con lui per sempre. Determinata a fare un'ultima spinta per rinfrescare la memoria di Rudeus, Sylphiette lo invita a una spedizione nella foresta. 11: A te In onda il: 2023-09-18 Ariel pone Sylphiette davanti a una scelta: rivelarsi a Rudeus o tagliare i legami con lui per sempre. Determinata a fare un'ultima spinta per rinfrescare la memoria di Rudeus, Sylphiette lo invita a una spedizione nella foresta. In onda il: 2023-09-25 12: Voglio trasmetterli Sylphiette si rivela e Rudeus ammette i suoi sentimenti, ma anche questo non basta a curare ciò che lo affligge. Dopo il loro dialogo a cuore aperto, Sylphiette si propone di porre fine al suo problema una volta per tutte. 12: Voglio trasmetterli In onda il: 2023-09-25 Sylphiette si rivela e Rudeus ammette i suoi sentimenti, ma anche questo non basta a curare ciò che lo affligge. Dopo il loro dialogo a cuore aperto, Sylphiette si propone di porre fine al suo problema una volta per tutte. In onda il: 2024-04-08 13: My Dream Home Newly cured and brimming with confidence, Rudeus resolves to marry Sylphie. Just one problem: he has no idea how marriage works in this world. And when friends tell him any newlywed needs a house, he winds up with a haunted mansion. 13: My Dream Home In onda il: 2024-04-08 Newly cured and brimming with confidence, Rudeus resolves to marry Sylphie. Just one problem: he has no idea how marriage works in this world. And when friends tell him any newlywed needs a house, he winds up with a haunted mansion. In onda il: 2024-04-15 14: Wedding Reception The newlyweds have settled into their new home. Next, custom dictates they throw a party for everyone they know. Preparing to host a crowd won't be easy. And even if they pull it off, the big day has surprises in store. 14: Wedding Reception In onda il: 2024-04-15 The newlyweds have settled into their new home. Next, custom dictates they throw a party for everyone they know. Preparing to host a crowd won't be easy. And even if they pull it off, the big day has surprises in store. In onda il: 2024-04-22 15: Afar Rudeus receives a letter from Paul. The letter explains that Norn and Aisha, Rudeus's younger sisters, have been sent to join Rudeus. Meanwhile Nanahoshi continues her research into summoning magic for a way to return to her original world. 15: Afar In onda il: 2024-04-22 Rudeus receives a letter from Paul. The letter explains that Norn and Aisha, Rudeus's younger sisters, have been sent to join Rudeus. Meanwhile Nanahoshi continues her research into summoning magic for a way to return to her original world. In onda il: 2024-04-29 16: Norn and Aisha Rudeus's sisters arrive with an unexpected chaperone. After catching up with an old friend, Rudeus decides it's time to send the girls to school. But convincing Norn and Aisha turns out to be more trouble than he bargained for. 16: Norn and Aisha In onda il: 2024-04-29 Rudeus's sisters arrive with an unexpected chaperone. After catching up with an old friend, Rudeus decides it's time to send the girls to school. But convincing Norn and Aisha turns out to be more trouble than he bargained for. In onda il: 2024-05-06 17: My Older Brother's Feelings Norn shuts herself in her dorm room and refuses to attend classes. Haunted by the specter of his past life, Rudeus sets out to solve his sister's problems, only to discover that he is the cause. 17: My Older Brother's Feelings In onda il: 2024-05-06 Norn shuts herself in her dorm room and refuses to attend classes. Haunted by the specter of his past life, Rudeus sets out to solve his sister's problems, only to discover that he is the cause. In onda il: 2024-05-13 18: Turning Point 3 Life is looking up for Rudeus. His sisters are settling in, and he has plenty of time for friends and family... until an announcement from Sylphie and an unexpected letter upend his idyllic school life. 18: Turning Point 3 In onda il: 2024-05-13 Life is looking up for Rudeus. His sisters are settling in, and he has plenty of time for friends and family... until an announcement from Sylphie and an unexpected letter upend his idyllic school life. In onda il: 2024-05-27 19: Desert Journey With Nanahoshi's help, Rudeus gains a way to shorten his journey, but he and Elinalise will still need to hurry if they hope to return before Sylphie gives birth. Their first obstacle: the harsh desert of Begaritt and its monstrous denizens. 19: Desert Journey In onda il: 2024-05-27 With Nanahoshi's help, Rudeus gains a way to shorten his journey, but he and Elinalise will still need to hurry if they hope to return before Sylphie gives birth. Their first obstacle: the harsh desert of Begaritt and its monstrous denizens. In onda il: 2024-06-03 20: Into the Labyrinth Rudeus and Elinalise reach Rapan and soon reunite with Paul, only to learn that a deadly labyrinth has claimed both Zenith and Roxy. The fruits of Rudeus's studies offer a last, faint hope to reach his mother and his mentor in time. 20: Into the Labyrinth In onda il: 2024-06-03 Rudeus and Elinalise reach Rapan and soon reunite with Paul, only to learn that a deadly labyrinth has claimed both Zenith and Roxy. The fruits of Rudeus's studies offer a last, faint hope to reach his mother and his mentor in time. In onda il: 2024-06-10 21: Magic Circle to the Sixth Stratum With Roxy's rescue, the search for Zenith resumes in earnest. Rudeus reconnects with his mentor amid the perils of the labyrinth. But why does she seem a little more awkward around him than before? 21: Magic Circle to the Sixth Stratum In onda il: 2024-06-10 With Roxy's rescue, the search for Zenith resumes in earnest. Rudeus reconnects with his mentor amid the perils of the labyrinth. But why does she seem a little more awkward around him than before? In onda il: 2024-06-17 22: Parents The rescue party reaches the heart of the Teleporter Labyrinth and confronts its guardian. But when the monster shrugs off Rudeus's magic, they realize they may have bitten off more than they can chew. 22: Parents In onda il: 2024-06-17 The rescue party reaches the heart of the Teleporter Labyrinth and confronts its guardian. But when the monster shrugs off Rudeus's magic, they realize they may have bitten off more than they can chew. In onda il: 2024-06-23 23: Let's Go Home Roxy makes a desperate move to pull Rudeus out of his depression. As the group journeys home, both of them must face their feelings and negotiate the consequences. 23: Let's Go Home In onda il: 2024-06-23 Roxy makes a desperate move to pull Rudeus out of his depression. As the group journeys home, both of them must face their feelings and negotiate the consequences. In onda il: 2024-07-01 24: Succession Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Succession In onda il: 2024-07-01 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Black Butler Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Nell'Inghilterra vittoriana un devastante incendio doloso uccide entrambi i genitori di Ciel Phantomhive il quale viene rapito. Durante la sua prigionia stringe un contratto con un demone: la sua anima in cambio di vendetta. Il demone diventa così il maggiordomo del giovane al fine di proteggere e servire Ciel, aiutandolo nei suoi compiti di cane da guardia della regina fino alla conclusione del contratto . 岡田堅二朗 Series Director Yumi Shimizu Character Designer Ryo Kawasaki Original Music Composer 吉野弘幸 Series Composition Yana Toboso Comic Book 小野大輔 Sebastian Michaelis (voice) Maaya Sakamoto Ciel Phantomhive (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2008-10-02 1: His Butler, Able The Phantomhive estate bustles with preparations for an important meeting between the Young Master and a slithering captain of industry. The maid, the gardener, and the cook are fools, but the Butler is a man of hidden talents. 1: His Butler, Able In onda il: 2008-10-02 The Phantomhive estate bustles with preparations for an important meeting between the Young Master and a slithering captain of industry. The maid, the gardener, and the cook are fools, but the Butler is a man of hidden talents. In onda il: 2008-10-09 2: His Butler, Strongest Plans to suppress an uprising of the vermin variety are put on hold when the Young Master is abducted. The Butler is obligated to act decisively in such matters, and no one sets the table better than Sebastian. 2: His Butler, Strongest In onda il: 2008-10-09 Plans to suppress an uprising of the vermin variety are put on hold when the Young Master is abducted. The Butler is obligated to act decisively in such matters, and no one sets the table better than Sebastian. In onda il: 2008-10-16 3: His Butler, Omnipotent When the Young Master’s fiancée drops by for an unannounced visit, the Phantomhive Estate experiences a sickening outbreak of “cuteness.” Meanwhile, the Butler has his hands full with a suicidal apprentice. 3: His Butler, Omnipotent In onda il: 2008-10-16 When the Young Master’s fiancée drops by for an unannounced visit, the Phantomhive Estate experiences a sickening outbreak of “cuteness.” Meanwhile, the Butler has his hands full with a suicidal apprentice. In onda il: 2008-10-23 4: His Butler, Capricious The Young Master dons an evening gown to apprehend a monster who’s been butchering women of the night, but if his talent for cross-dressing is discovered, the Phantomhive name will be irreversibly sullied. 4: His Butler, Capricious In onda il: 2008-10-23 The Young Master dons an evening gown to apprehend a monster who’s been butchering women of the night, but if his talent for cross-dressing is discovered, the Phantomhive name will be irreversibly sullied. In onda il: 2008-10-30 5: His Butler, Chance Encounter The Butler and his Young Master scour the seedy back alleys of London in search of an infamous butcher. Imagine their surprise upon discovering that the ripper may actually be a reaper! 5: His Butler, Chance Encounter In onda il: 2008-10-30 The Butler and his Young Master scour the seedy back alleys of London in search of an infamous butcher. Imagine their surprise upon discovering that the ripper may actually be a reaper! In onda il: 2008-11-06 6: His Butler, at the Funeral Sebastian continues his gruesome battle with the rogue reaper, and the Young Master takes special care to ensure that his beloved aunt is buried in the proper colors. 6: His Butler, at the Funeral In onda il: 2008-11-06 Sebastian continues his gruesome battle with the rogue reaper, and the Young Master takes special care to ensure that his beloved aunt is buried in the proper colors. In onda il: 2008-11-13 7: His Butler, Merrymaking At the behest of the Queen, the Young Master and his underlings travel to a dreary land supposedly haunted by a demon dog. This new mission makes the Butler uneasy, but he’s always been more of a cat person. 7: His Butler, Merrymaking In onda il: 2008-11-13 At the behest of the Queen, the Young Master and his underlings travel to a dreary land supposedly haunted by a demon dog. This new mission makes the Butler uneasy, but he’s always been more of a cat person. In onda il: 2008-11-20 8: His Butler, Training The Butler puts on an exhibition in the art of training demonic canines to shake, roll over, and refrain from terrorizing gloomy villages. Meanwhile, the Gardener gets his first, painful taste of love. 8: His Butler, Training In onda il: 2008-11-20 The Butler puts on an exhibition in the art of training demonic canines to shake, roll over, and refrain from terrorizing gloomy villages. Meanwhile, the Gardener gets his first, painful taste of love. In onda il: 2008-11-27 9: His Butler, Phantom Image The Young Master’s latest acquisition is a haunted camera which can photograph beings not of this world. Calamites are sure to follow when the servants set out to snap a shot of the elusive Butler. 9: His Butler, Phantom Image In onda il: 2008-11-27 The Young Master’s latest acquisition is a haunted camera which can photograph beings not of this world. Calamites are sure to follow when the servants set out to snap a shot of the elusive Butler. In onda il: 2008-12-04 10: His Butler, on Ice Already a man of many talents, the Butler adds ice sculpting to his repertoire in an attempt to acquire a priceless-but-cursed gem for his Young Master. 10: His Butler, on Ice In onda il: 2008-12-04 Already a man of many talents, the Butler adds ice sculpting to his repertoire in an attempt to acquire a priceless-but-cursed gem for his Young Master. In onda il: 2008-12-11 11: His Butler, However You Please When his betrothed is abducted by a deranged doll maker, the Young Master travels to London to investigate. Little does he know, the search will be complicated by a lovesick reaper who’s lost his scythe. 11: His Butler, However You Please In onda il: 2008-12-11 When his betrothed is abducted by a deranged doll maker, the Young Master travels to London to investigate. Little does he know, the search will be complicated by a lovesick reaper who’s lost his scythe. In onda il: 2008-12-18 12: His Butler, Forlorn The Master’s birthday approaches, but rescuing Elizabeth is of far greater importance than celebrating. A vile puppeteer is terrorizing London, and only the Butler can cut down his army of marionettes. 12: His Butler, Forlorn In onda il: 2008-12-18 The Master’s birthday approaches, but rescuing Elizabeth is of far greater importance than celebrating. A vile puppeteer is terrorizing London, and only the Butler can cut down his army of marionettes. In onda il: 2008-12-25 13: His Butler, Freeloader A postcolonial conflict boils over when an Indian prince visits the Phantomhive estate. Later, the Butler’s prowess with a blade is unexpectedly matched by his foreign counterpart. 13: His Butler, Freeloader In onda il: 2008-12-25 A postcolonial conflict boils over when an Indian prince visits the Phantomhive estate. Later, the Butler’s prowess with a blade is unexpectedly matched by his foreign counterpart. In onda il: 2009-01-15 14: His Butler, Supremely Talented Prince Soma has been betrayed by his manservant, and the Butler must put his hellish talents to the test in a curry-cooking competition against the blessed right hand of an Indian deity. 14: His Butler, Supremely Talented In onda il: 2009-01-15 Prince Soma has been betrayed by his manservant, and the Butler must put his hellish talents to the test in a curry-cooking competition against the blessed right hand of an Indian deity. In onda il: 2009-01-22 15: His Butler, Competing The Queen is on hand as the Butler wages culinary warfare against Prince Soma’s royal servant. The competition reaches an unprecedented level of ferocity when someone’s secret ingredient unleashes the demon god of curry. 15: His Butler, Competing In onda il: 2009-01-22 The Queen is on hand as the Butler wages culinary warfare against Prince Soma’s royal servant. The competition reaches an unprecedented level of ferocity when someone’s secret ingredient unleashes the demon god of curry. In onda il: 2009-01-29 16: His Butler, in an Isolated Castle When the Young Master is defeated in a supernatural chess match, he must surrender his most prized possession to a ghostly prince. Locating a very old and very specific skull is the key to bringing Sebastian back. 16: His Butler, in an Isolated Castle In onda il: 2009-01-29 When the Young Master is defeated in a supernatural chess match, he must surrender his most prized possession to a ghostly prince. Locating a very old and very specific skull is the key to bringing Sebastian back. In onda il: 2009-02-05 17: His Butler, Offering The Queen orders young Master Phantomhive to investigate reports of a cult that promises to “purify” its unclean members. The mission is complicated by the appearance of a familiar reaper. 17: His Butler, Offering In onda il: 2009-02-05 The Queen orders young Master Phantomhive to investigate reports of a cult that promises to “purify” its unclean members. The mission is complicated by the appearance of a familiar reaper. In onda il: 2009-02-13 18: His Butler, Transmitted An angel abducts Ciel and attempts to rewrite his unhappy memories of the past. The Butler is powerless to assist, but fortunately, the Young Master has an unhealthy attachment to his hatred. 18: His Butler, Transmitted In onda il: 2009-02-13 An angel abducts Ciel and attempts to rewrite his unhappy memories of the past. The Butler is powerless to assist, but fortunately, the Young Master has an unhealthy attachment to his hatred. In onda il: 2009-02-20 19: His Butler, Imprisoned There’s a potent new drug plaguing the backstreets of London, and it’s being sold in stolen Phantomhive candy wrappers. The Young Master is being set up, but what manner of man wants him to take the fall? 19: His Butler, Imprisoned In onda il: 2009-02-20 There’s a potent new drug plaguing the backstreets of London, and it’s being sold in stolen Phantomhive candy wrappers. The Young Master is being set up, but what manner of man wants him to take the fall? In onda il: 2009-02-27 20: His Butler, Escaping While the Young Master continues his investigation into the opium-filled, counterfeit candy wrappers, the Butler is chained and tortured in the Tower of London. 20: His Butler, Escaping In onda il: 2009-02-27 While the Young Master continues his investigation into the opium-filled, counterfeit candy wrappers, the Butler is chained and tortured in the Tower of London. In onda il: 2009-03-06 21: His Butler, Engaging Servants A series of flashbacks reveals the secret pasts - and hidden talents - of the Phantomhive staff. While the servants go about their daily duties, the Young Master gives a chess lesson to pretty lady. 21: His Butler, Engaging Servants In onda il: 2009-03-06 A series of flashbacks reveals the secret pasts - and hidden talents - of the Phantomhive staff. While the servants go about their daily duties, the Young Master gives a chess lesson to pretty lady. In onda il: 2009-03-13 22: His Butler, Dissolution The Young Master’s journey to Paris leads to another showdown with the Queen’s angelic butler and a painful parting of the ways with someone dear to his heart. Can Ciel survive without the demonic assistance he’s grown so accustomed to? 22: His Butler, Dissolution In onda il: 2009-03-13 The Young Master’s journey to Paris leads to another showdown with the Queen’s angelic butler and a painful parting of the ways with someone dear to his heart. Can Ciel survive without the demonic assistance he’s grown so accustomed to? In onda il: 2009-03-20 23: His Butler, Up in Flames The Young Master arrives in London only to find the city engulfed by flames. After an ominous warning from the undertaker, Ciel attempts to visit the queen, but he’s shocked by his treatment at the hands of the palace guards. 23: His Butler, Up in Flames In onda il: 2009-03-20 The Young Master arrives in London only to find the city engulfed by flames. After an ominous warning from the undertaker, Ciel attempts to visit the queen, but he’s shocked by his treatment at the hands of the palace guards. In onda il: 2009-03-27 24: His Butler, Fluent Having regained the services of his Butler, the Young Master issues a chilling order to kill. Sebastian is eager to please, but this task will require a revelation of his true nature. 24: His Butler, Fluent In onda il: 2009-03-27 Having regained the services of his Butler, the Young Master issues a chilling order to kill. Sebastian is eager to please, but this task will require a revelation of his true nature. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Duke of Death and His Maid Stagione 1 Episodi 36 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma A causa di una maledizione infantile, tutto ciò che il Duca tocca morirà, il che rende il comportamento della sua cameriera civettuola ancora più scioccante! Riusciranno il Duca e i suoi compagni a spezzare la maledizione, o è condannato a una vita in cui l'amore è per sempre fuori dalla sua portata? 進藤公隆 Sound Mixer 伊藤悠公 Producer 和田俊也 Sound Effects 大和田智之 Producer 髙橋和彰 Producer 藤平直孝 Music Producer 渡辺剛 Original Music Composer 奥田弦 Original Music Composer 福世晋吾 Director of Photography 畑野雄哉 Character Modelling Supervisor 明田川仁 Sound Director 坪根健太郎 Editor 木村美保 Color Designer 鈴木朗 Art Direction 井上小春 Comic Book 桑波田満 Character Designer 白根秀樹 Series Composition Yoshiki Yamakawa Series Director 花江夏樹 Duke (voice) 真野あゆみ Alice (voice) 大塚芳忠 Rob (voice) 水瀬いのり Viola (voice) 倉持若菜 Cuff (voice) 神谷浩史 Zain (voice) 内田雄馬 Walter (voice) 日笠陽子 Dulles (voice) Episodi: 36 In onda il: 2021-07-04 1: "Il Duca e Alice" "Un adolescente vive nel profondo della foresta, lontano dalla sua famiglia e maledetto per uccidere tutto ciò che tocca. La sua cameriera, Alice, lo prende costantemente in giro e si avvicina troppo..." 1: "Il Duca e Alice" In onda il: 2021-07-04 "Un adolescente vive nel profondo della foresta, lontano dalla sua famiglia e maledetto per uccidere tutto ciò che tocca. La sua cameriera, Alice, lo prende costantemente in giro e si avvicina troppo..." In onda il: 2021-07-11 2: "Il duca, il suo maggiordomo e un gatto smarrito" "Dopo essersi ripreso da un infortunio alla schiena, l'anziano maggiordomo del Duca, Rob, riprende il suo posto. Ma mentre il suo lavoro è impeccabile, alcuni dei suoi cinque sensi non sono proprio all'altezza. Nel frattempo, una coppia di ospiti inattesi fa visita alla villa del duca..." 2: "Il duca, il suo maggiordomo e un gatto smarrito" In onda il: 2021-07-11 "Dopo essersi ripreso da un infortunio alla schiena, l'anziano maggiordomo del Duca, Rob, riprende il suo posto. Ma mentre il suo lavoro è impeccabile, alcuni dei suoi cinque sensi non sono proprio all'altezza. Nel frattempo, una coppia di ospiti inattesi fa visita alla villa del duca..." In onda il: 2021-07-18 3: "Il Duca e la pioggia di meteoriti durante la luna piena" "Dopo aver perso una scommessa con Alice, il Duca accetta di portarla alla festa in maschera della città. Ma i due si separano quando il Duca, vestito con un goffo costume d'acciaio per proteggere gli altri dal suo tocco di morte, viene trascinato via dalla folla..." 3: "Il Duca e la pioggia di meteoriti durante la luna piena" In onda il: 2021-07-18 "Dopo aver perso una scommessa con Alice, il Duca accetta di portarla alla festa in maschera della città. Ma i due si separano quando il Duca, vestito con un goffo costume d'acciaio per proteggere gli altri dal suo tocco di morte, viene trascinato via dalla folla..." In onda il: 2021-07-25 4: "Il Duca, Alice e i ricordi della neve" "Quando Alice perde uno degli orecchini di sua madre nella neve, il Duca esce nella notte fredda e buia per cercarlo. Nel frattempo, una strega smarrita trova il Duca che giace privo di sensi nella neve e decide di aiutarlo. Ma lei sa come spezzare la sua maledizione?". 4: "Il Duca, Alice e i ricordi della neve" In onda il: 2021-07-25 "Quando Alice perde uno degli orecchini di sua madre nella neve, il Duca esce nella notte fredda e buia per cercarlo. Nel frattempo, una strega smarrita trova il Duca che giace privo di sensi nella neve e decide di aiutarlo. Ma lei sa come spezzare la sua maledizione?". In onda il: 2021-08-01 5: "Il giovane maestro, l'uccello e il pattino" "Improvvisamente, Viola viene a trovarci in casa. Naturalmente, sta cercando Rob, ma è anche interessata ad Alice, che non è sicura di che tipo di ragazza sia. Così Viola dà ad Alice un corso di fascino, stile Viola. Qualche giorno dopo, quando il ragazzino e Alice stanno pattinando su un lago ghiacciato, un corvo bianco parla improvvisamente al ragazzino e ......." 5: "Il giovane maestro, l'uccello e il pattino" In onda il: 2021-08-01 "Improvvisamente, Viola viene a trovarci in casa. Naturalmente, sta cercando Rob, ma è anche interessata ad Alice, che non è sicura di che tipo di ragazza sia. Così Viola dà ad Alice un corso di fascino, stile Viola. Qualche giorno dopo, quando il ragazzino e Alice stanno pattinando su un lago ghiacciato, un corvo bianco parla improvvisamente al ragazzino e ......." In onda il: 2021-08-08 6: The Duke, Alice, and a Night in the Witches' World The night of the blood moon has arrived, and Cuff and Zain show up at the Duke’s mansion to take him to the witches’ sabbath. What will he do if he finds the witch that cursed him there? 6: The Duke, Alice, and a Night in the Witches' World In onda il: 2021-08-08 The night of the blood moon has arrived, and Cuff and Zain show up at the Duke’s mansion to take him to the witches’ sabbath. What will he do if he finds the witch that cursed him there? In onda il: 2021-08-15 7: The Duke's and Alice's Uneventful Day With the witches' sabbath over and the Duke no closer to ridding himself of his curse, he and Alice spend the day trying out various enchanted items to break the curse, with hilarious results… 7: The Duke's and Alice's Uneventful Day In onda il: 2021-08-15 With the witches' sabbath over and the Duke no closer to ridding himself of his curse, he and Alice spend the day trying out various enchanted items to break the curse, with hilarious results… In onda il: 2021-08-22 8: White Snow, Black Clothes On a snowstormy night, Alice is reminded of when she first began working as the Duke's maid. Despondent and holed up in his dark, messy room, the Duke can't even remember who Alice is and is ready to dismiss her. How will she get him to open his heart? 8: White Snow, Black Clothes In onda il: 2021-08-22 On a snowstormy night, Alice is reminded of when she first began working as the Duke's maid. Despondent and holed up in his dark, messy room, the Duke can't even remember who Alice is and is ready to dismiss her. How will she get him to open his heart? In onda il: 2021-08-29 9: Il Duca, Alice e il voto della vigilia di Natale "È la vigilia di Natale e gli amici e i parenti del duca si riuniscono nella sua villa per una festa di Natale. Ci sarà tutta la banda: Alice, Rob, Cuff, Zane e Viola. Ma quando Walter vede Viola partire e decide di inseguirla..." 9: Il Duca, Alice e il voto della vigilia di Natale In onda il: 2021-08-29 "È la vigilia di Natale e gli amici e i parenti del duca si riuniscono nella sua villa per una festa di Natale. Ci sarà tutta la banda: Alice, Rob, Cuff, Zane e Viola. Ma quando Walter vede Viola partire e decide di inseguirla..." In onda il: 2021-09-05 10: Il Duca, Alice e una canzone per due Jain, che è stato criticato da Viola, dicendo: "È colpa tua se Carp è così stupido". Ho dovuto mandare Carp da solo per vedere se c'era qualcosa che stava cercando di capire. E... Nel frattempo, per il maestro che non riesco a dormire nella villa, Alice ha suggerito di dormire accanto a lui..." 10: Il Duca, Alice e una canzone per due In onda il: 2021-09-05 Jain, che è stato criticato da Viola, dicendo: "È colpa tua se Carp è così stupido". Ho dovuto mandare Carp da solo per vedere se c'era qualcosa che stava cercando di capire. E... Nel frattempo, per il maestro che non riesco a dormire nella villa, Alice ha suggerito di dormire accanto a lui..." In onda il: 2021-09-12 11: Il duca e la magia segreta "Durante la perquisizione della residenza principale, Viola si imbatte in un vecchio registro della servitù, tenuto all'incirca nel periodo in cui il duca fu maledetto. Quando lo dà ad Alice, Dalet lo scopre e cerca di distruggerlo. Cosa vuole tenere segreto Dalet?". 11: Il duca e la magia segreta In onda il: 2021-09-12 "Durante la perquisizione della residenza principale, Viola si imbatte in un vecchio registro della servitù, tenuto all'incirca nel periodo in cui il duca fu maledetto. Quando lo dà ad Alice, Dalet lo scopre e cerca di distruggerlo. Cosa vuole tenere segreto Dalet?". In onda il: 2021-09-19 12: Insieme al Duca... "La madre del duca lo convoca nella residenza principale e gli dà un ultimatum. Ma anche il duca ha qualcosa da dirle..." 12: Insieme al Duca... In onda il: 2021-09-19 "La madre del duca lo convoca nella residenza principale e gli dà un ultimatum. Ma anche il duca ha qualcosa da dirle..." In onda il: 2023-07-09 13: The Duke, Alice, and the Magic Pool On a cold winter's day, Cuff arrives at the mansion with a magic item that can summon a swimming pool from out of nowhere. 13: The Duke, Alice, and the Magic Pool In onda il: 2023-07-09 On a cold winter's day, Cuff arrives at the mansion with a magic item that can summon a swimming pool from out of nowhere. In onda il: 2023-07-16 14: The Duke, Golf, and the Mysterious Beauty Alice and the Duke play a game of mini-golf while receiving an unexpected visitor. 14: The Duke, Golf, and the Mysterious Beauty In onda il: 2023-07-16 Alice and the Duke play a game of mini-golf while receiving an unexpected visitor. In onda il: 2023-07-23 15: The Duke, Alice, and the Spectral Bride The Duke and Alice receive two visitors: a ghost, and a woman who says she can break the curse. 15: The Duke, Alice, and the Spectral Bride In onda il: 2023-07-23 The Duke and Alice receive two visitors: a ghost, and a woman who says she can break the curse. In onda il: 2023-07-30 16: The Duke, Alice, and Circus 101 The Duke and Alice join the circus as the Duke prepares to talk to Zain. 16: The Duke, Alice, and Circus 101 In onda il: 2023-07-30 The Duke and Alice join the circus as the Duke prepares to talk to Zain. In onda il: 2023-08-06 17: Cuff, Zain, and the Confession Zain decides it's time to leave Gemini Circus, but wants to confess his feelings to Cuff before he goes. 17: Cuff, Zain, and the Confession In onda il: 2023-08-06 Zain decides it's time to leave Gemini Circus, but wants to confess his feelings to Cuff before he goes. In onda il: 2023-08-13 18: The Duke and Everyone's Daily Life The Duke and Alice return to the mansion, bearing gifts from Circus Gemini. Cuff and Zain go out for their first date, but get caught out in the rain. 18: The Duke and Everyone's Daily Life In onda il: 2023-08-13 The Duke and Alice return to the mansion, bearing gifts from Circus Gemini. Cuff and Zain go out for their first date, but get caught out in the rain. In onda il: 2023-08-20 19: The Duke, Alice, and the Encounter in the Witches' World Walter, Alice, and the Duke head to the Witches' World to find out more about the curse. Walter has an unexpected encounter. 19: The Duke, Alice, and the Encounter in the Witches' World In onda il: 2023-08-20 Walter, Alice, and the Duke head to the Witches' World to find out more about the curse. Walter has an unexpected encounter. In onda il: 2023-08-27 20: The Duke, Alice, and the Kissing Window Walter, Alice, and the Duke learn more about the Duke's curse, and the Duke gets a lamp that can grant any wish. 20: The Duke, Alice, and the Kissing Window In onda il: 2023-08-27 Walter, Alice, and the Duke learn more about the Duke's curse, and the Duke gets a lamp that can grant any wish. In onda il: 2023-09-03 21: The Duke, Alice, and the Second Anniversary It's been two years since Alice came to the mansion, and the Duke wants to do something special for her. 21: The Duke, Alice, and the Second Anniversary In onda il: 2023-09-03 It's been two years since Alice came to the mansion, and the Duke wants to do something special for her. In onda il: 2023-09-10 22: The Duke, Alice, and the Flying Broom Alice gets a flying broom, and the Duke gets a pair of unusual visitors with a shocking offer. 22: The Duke, Alice, and the Flying Broom In onda il: 2023-09-10 Alice gets a flying broom, and the Duke gets a pair of unusual visitors with a shocking offer. In onda il: 2023-09-17 23: The Duke, Alice, and the Wizardry School The Duke and all his friends head off to the wizardry school, and Daleth follows as well. 23: The Duke, Alice, and the Wizardry School In onda il: 2023-09-17 The Duke and all his friends head off to the wizardry school, and Daleth follows as well. In onda il: 2023-09-24 24: The Duke, Alice, and the Curse Witch Zain takes the crew back in time to confront Sade in the past. 24: The Duke, Alice, and the Curse Witch In onda il: 2023-09-24 Zain takes the crew back in time to confront Sade in the past. In onda il: 2024-04-07 25: The Duke, Alice, and Reuniting with Mom The Duke, Alice, Cuff, and Zain spend some time at the wizardry school. Meanwhile, Daleth finds someone rather unexpected in the Underworld and takes them to the Duke's mansion. 25: The Duke, Alice, and Reuniting with Mom In onda il: 2024-04-07 The Duke, Alice, Cuff, and Zain spend some time at the wizardry school. Meanwhile, Daleth finds someone rather unexpected in the Underworld and takes them to the Duke's mansion. In onda il: 2024-04-14 26: The Duke, Alice, and the Mysterious Clone Sharon, having been freed from her curse, reunites with her former friends and acquaintances. Unbeknownst to her, Sade hid within her magical clones, bent on attacking anyone who threatens her plans. 26: The Duke, Alice, and the Mysterious Clone In onda il: 2024-04-14 Sharon, having been freed from her curse, reunites with her former friends and acquaintances. Unbeknownst to her, Sade hid within her magical clones, bent on attacking anyone who threatens her plans. In onda il: 2024-04-21 27: The Duke, Alice, and Mother and Mother The Duke catches a cold, and Alice's mother reunites with the Duke's mother after years of separation. 27: The Duke, Alice, and Mother and Mother In onda il: 2024-04-21 The Duke catches a cold, and Alice's mother reunites with the Duke's mother after years of separation. In onda il: 2024-04-28 28: The Duke, Alice, and Sade's Love The Duke and Alice get a very unexpected pair of visitors at the mansion. 28: The Duke, Alice, and Sade's Love In onda il: 2024-04-28 The Duke and Alice get a very unexpected pair of visitors at the mansion. In onda il: 2024-05-05 29: Dance Party (Part 1) The Duke and Alice visit the family mansion, where a fancy ball is about to take place. 29: Dance Party (Part 1) In onda il: 2024-05-05 The Duke and Alice visit the family mansion, where a fancy ball is about to take place. In onda il: 2024-05-12 30: Dance Party (Part 2) Daleth tells Walter that she wants to become human, and Nico arrives to tell the group that final preparations are complete. 30: Dance Party (Part 2) In onda il: 2024-05-12 Daleth tells Walter that she wants to become human, and Nico arrives to tell the group that final preparations are complete. In onda il: 2024-05-19 31: Coming Together The Duke enjoys his last few days before going back into the past to meet Sade. 31: Coming Together In onda il: 2024-05-19 The Duke enjoys his last few days before going back into the past to meet Sade. In onda il: 2024-05-26 32: Persuasion The Duke and his friends go back into the past and try to persuade Sade to break the curse. 32: Persuasion In onda il: 2024-05-26 The Duke and his friends go back into the past and try to persuade Sade to break the curse. In onda il: 2024-06-02 33: Loneliness and Uncertainty The battle with Sade begins in earnest as Zain tries to persuade her to come to the present with them. 33: Loneliness and Uncertainty In onda il: 2024-06-02 The battle with Sade begins in earnest as Zain tries to persuade her to come to the present with them. In onda il: 2024-06-09 34: Victor's Grandson. Sharon's Daughter Alice goes inside Sade to help heal her loneliness. 34: Victor's Grandson. Sharon's Daughter In onda il: 2024-06-09 Alice goes inside Sade to help heal her loneliness. In onda il: 2024-06-16 35: Friends, a Broken Curse, And Then... The battle with Sade ends as Alice decides what decision she'll make about her future. 35: Friends, a Broken Curse, And Then... In onda il: 2024-06-16 The battle with Sade ends as Alice decides what decision she'll make about her future. In onda il: 2024-06-23 36: Episode 36 Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Episode 36 In onda il: 2024-06-23 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Dungeon Food Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Sotterranei, draghi... e un delizioso stufato di mostri! Alcuni esploratori si avventurano in un regno sepolto e maledetto per salvare un'amica, cucinando a più non posso. 九井諒子 Comic Book 宮島善博 Series Director うえのきみこ Series Composition 竹田直樹 Character Designer Yasunori Mitsuda Original Music Composer Yuto Kaneko Creature Design Sachiko Nishiguchi Art Direction Yusuke Nishikimi Art Direction Hitoki Takeda Color Designer peppe Theme Song Performance Sayaka Shimada Concept Artist 吉武将人 Editor 小山健二 Sound Effects 佐竹秀幸 Assistant Director Katsunori Shiradoh Director of Photography 吉田光平 Sound Director 八巻大樹 Sound Recordist Shunsuke Shida Animation Manager Juno Shin Executive Producer Yoshiki Usa Executive Producer 松浦裕暁 Executive Producer 田中翔 Executive Producer Masahiko Otsuka Other 熊谷健太郎 Laios (voice) 千本木彩花 Marcille (voice) 泊明日菜 Chilchuck (voice) 中博史 Senshi (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2024-01-04 1: Episodio 1: Hot pot/Tortino Dopo una terribile perdita, Laios, Marcille e Chilchuck tornano rapidamente nel dungeon per salvare Falin, ma questa volta hanno un piano infallibile. 1: Episodio 1: Hot pot/Tortino In onda il: 2024-01-04 Dopo una terribile perdita, Laios, Marcille e Chilchuck tornano rapidamente nel dungeon per salvare Falin, ma questa volta hanno un piano infallibile. In onda il: 2024-01-11 2: Episodio 2: Basilisco arrosto/Omelette/Kakiage Svegliata da un profumo delizioso, Marcille deve sorbirsi una lezione di Senshi sulle diete equilibrate. La squadra aiuta un esploratore avvelenato da un basilisco. 2: Episodio 2: Basilisco arrosto/Omelette/Kakiage In onda il: 2024-01-11 Svegliata da un profumo delizioso, Marcille deve sorbirsi una lezione di Senshi sulle diete equilibrate. La squadra aiuta un esploratore avvelenato da un basilisco. In onda il: 2024-01-18 3: Episodio 3: Armature viventi Laios e il team accedono a un'area nascosta e custodita dalle misteriose Armature viventi, che sembrano proteggere qualcosa di potenzialmente delizioso. 3: Episodio 3: Armature viventi In onda il: 2024-01-18 Laios e il team accedono a un'area nascosta e custodita dalle misteriose Armature viventi, che sembrano proteggere qualcosa di potenzialmente delizioso. In onda il: 2024-01-25 4: Episodio 4: Cavolo stufato/Orchi Raggiunto il terzo livello del dungeon, Senshi conduce la squadra nel suo orto segreto. Poi una banda di orchi arrabbiati e disperati li avvicina. 4: Episodio 4: Cavolo stufato/Orchi In onda il: 2024-01-25 Raggiunto il terzo livello del dungeon, Senshi conduce la squadra nel suo orto segreto. Poi una banda di orchi arrabbiati e disperati li avvicina. In onda il: 2024-02-01 5: Episodio 5: Snack/Sorbetto Mentre un altro gruppo di esploratori trova uno scrigno con un tesoro, un nugolo di fantasmi terrificanti insegue Laios e i suoi. Per fortuna Senshi ha un dolce piano. 5: Episodio 5: Snack/Sorbetto In onda il: 2024-02-01 Mentre un altro gruppo di esploratori trova uno scrigno con un tesoro, un nugolo di fantasmi terrificanti insegue Laios e i suoi. Per fortuna Senshi ha un dolce piano. In onda il: 2024-02-08 6: Episodio 6: Cucina di corte/Bollito in acqua salata La fame spinge Laios a cercare cibo nei quadri viventi, facendo arrabbiare un elfo misterioso. Più tardi Chilchuck si ritrova intrappolato con un Mimic scorbutico. 6: Episodio 6: Cucina di corte/Bollito in acqua salata In onda il: 2024-02-08 La fame spinge Laios a cercare cibo nei quadri viventi, facendo arrabbiare un elfo misterioso. Più tardi Chilchuck si ritrova intrappolato con un Mimic scorbutico. In onda il: 2024-02-15 7: Episodio 7: Kelpie/Porridge/Alla griglia con salsa Succede qualcosa di strano in questo nuovo dungeon! La squadra attraversa un lago pericoloso e durante il percorso affronta feroci creature marine e avventurieri caduti. 7: Episodio 7: Kelpie/Porridge/Alla griglia con salsa In onda il: 2024-02-15 Succede qualcosa di strano in questo nuovo dungeon! La squadra attraversa un lago pericoloso e durante il percorso affronta feroci creature marine e avventurieri caduti. In onda il: 2024-02-22 8: Episodio 8: Lamponi/Carne grigliata Marcille ripensa a quando ha conosciuto Falin mentre erano studentesse. Dopo una rinfrescata, una sua piccola disattenzione provoca le ire di uno spirito procurandole grossi guai. 8: Episodio 8: Lamponi/Carne grigliata In onda il: 2024-02-22 Marcille ripensa a quando ha conosciuto Falin mentre erano studentesse. Dopo una rinfrescata, una sua piccola disattenzione provoca le ire di uno spirito procurandole grossi guai. In onda il: 2024-02-29 9: Episodio 9: Tentacoli/Stufato Il profumo di carne alla griglia attira ospiti inattesi tra cui un volto noto. Per procedere sarà necessario sconfiggere lo spirito collaborando insieme. 9: Episodio 9: Tentacoli/Stufato In onda il: 2024-02-29 Il profumo di carne alla griglia attira ospiti inattesi tra cui un volto noto. Per procedere sarà necessario sconfiggere lo spirito collaborando insieme. In onda il: 2024-03-07 10: Episodio 10: Rane giganti/In superficie La squadra evita una discesa pungente verso la città castello dove si nasconde il drago rosso. Ma per sconfiggerlo ci vorranno un piano infallibile... e un pasto incoraggiante. 10: Episodio 10: Rane giganti/In superficie In onda il: 2024-03-07 La squadra evita una discesa pungente verso la città castello dove si nasconde il drago rosso. Ma per sconfiggerlo ci vorranno un piano infallibile... e un pasto incoraggiante. In onda il: 2024-03-14 11: Episodio 11: Drago Rosso I La squadra affronta il Drago Rosso con una grandiosa strategia, che però va presto a rotoli. La bestia è sempre più furiosa... ma chi si aggiudicherà il boccone finale? 11: Episodio 11: Drago Rosso I In onda il: 2024-03-14 La squadra affronta il Drago Rosso con una grandiosa strategia, che però va presto a rotoli. La bestia è sempre più furiosa... ma chi si aggiudicherà il boccone finale? In onda il: 2024-03-21 12: Episodio 12: Drago Rosso II Una ricerca disperata nello stomaco del drago porta a una scoperta raccapricciante e rivela che la sola magia di resurrezione non sarà sufficiente a rianimare Falin. 12: Episodio 12: Drago Rosso II In onda il: 2024-03-21 Una ricerca disperata nello stomaco del drago porta a una scoperta raccapricciante e rivela che la sola magia di resurrezione non sarà sufficiente a rianimare Falin. In onda il: 2024-03-28 13: Episodio 13: Drago Rosso III/Buona medicina Falin inizia a comportarsi in modo strano nel cuore della notte e spinge Laios e la sua banda verso a una figura minacciosa che vuole eliminarli. 13: Episodio 13: Drago Rosso III/Buona medicina In onda il: 2024-03-28 Falin inizia a comportarsi in modo strano nel cuore della notte e spinge Laios e la sua banda verso a una figura minacciosa che vuole eliminarli. In onda il: 2024-04-04 14: Episodio 14: Serpente di mare Di nuovo in un dungeon di livello superiore, Kabru e i suoi si svegliano e scoprono che le loro provviste sono scomparse, poi cadono in un'imboscata mentre tornano in superficie. 14: Episodio 14: Serpente di mare In onda il: 2024-04-04 Di nuovo in un dungeon di livello superiore, Kabru e i suoi si svegliano e scoprono che le loro provviste sono scomparse, poi cadono in un'imboscata mentre tornano in superficie. In onda il: 2024-04-11 15: Episodio 15: Driade/Coccatrice Intrappolato nel dungeon e preoccupato, Senshi prepara un pasto nutriente per il gruppo affamato. Questo fornisce a Marcille energia a sufficienza per elaborare un piano. 15: Episodio 15: Driade/Coccatrice In onda il: 2024-04-11 Intrappolato nel dungeon e preoccupato, Senshi prepara un pasto nutriente per il gruppo affamato. Questo fornisce a Marcille energia a sufficienza per elaborare un piano. In onda il: 2024-04-18 16: Episodio 16: Pulitori/Essiccati con dolce sakè Chilchuck trova un modo per fuggire dal dungeon, ma la fuga del gruppo è interrotta dall'incontro inatteso con un vecchio amico in disperato bisogno di sostentamento. 16: Episodio 16: Pulitori/Essiccati con dolce sakè In onda il: 2024-04-18 Chilchuck trova un modo per fuggire dal dungeon, ma la fuga del gruppo è interrotta dall'incontro inatteso con un vecchio amico in disperato bisogno di sostentamento. In onda il: 2024-04-25 17: Episodio 17: Harpy/Chimera I party devono unirsi per respingere l'attacco delle crudeli Arpie, ma l'apparizione inaspettata di una Falin trasformata stupisce tutti. 17: Episodio 17: Harpy/Chimera In onda il: 2024-04-25 I party devono unirsi per respingere l'attacco delle crudeli Arpie, ma l'apparizione inaspettata di una Falin trasformata stupisce tutti. In onda il: 2024-05-02 18: Episodio 18: Shapeshifter Mentre inseguono Falin, Laios e la squadra cercano riparo da una tormenta, ma sono sopraffatti da copie mutaforma di loro stessi. Come faranno a riconoscere gli impostori? 18: Episodio 18: Shapeshifter In onda il: 2024-05-02 Mentre inseguono Falin, Laios e la squadra cercano riparo da una tormenta, ma sono sopraffatti da copie mutaforma di loro stessi. Come faranno a riconoscere gli impostori? In onda il: 2024-05-09 19: Episodio 19: Strega/Incubo La squadra è costretta a trovare una soluzione all'orribile problema di una conoscente. Più tardi, Laios entra nell'incubo di Marcille e scopre la sua più grande paura. 19: Episodio 19: Strega/Incubo In onda il: 2024-05-09 La squadra è costretta a trovare una soluzione all'orribile problema di una conoscente. Più tardi, Laios entra nell'incubo di Marcille e scopre la sua più grande paura. In onda il: 2024-05-16 20: Episodio 20: Ice Golem/Barometz Izutsumi si rivela un'utile alleata nonostante le maniere non troppo raffinate a tavola e il rifiuto di mangiare mostri, ma la gentilezza del gruppo la mette a suo agio. 20: Episodio 20: Ice Golem/Barometz In onda il: 2024-05-16 Izutsumi si rivela un'utile alleata nonostante le maniere non troppo raffinate a tavola e il rifiuto di mangiare mostri, ma la gentilezza del gruppo la mette a suo agio. In onda il: 2024-05-23 21: Episode 21: Egg/The Golden Country With the dungeon's fate hanging in the balance, Kabru negotiates with the elves. Meanwhile, a ghost drags Laios and crew into the cursed Golden Country. 21: Episode 21: Egg/The Golden Country In onda il: 2024-05-23 With the dungeon's fate hanging in the balance, Kabru negotiates with the elves. Meanwhile, a ghost drags Laios and crew into the cursed Golden Country. In onda il: 2024-05-30 22: Episode 22: Griffin/Familiars Leaving the safety of the Golden Country, Senshi ends up in the clutches of a ferocious griffin. The crew must summon help if they want to save him. 22: Episode 22: Griffin/Familiars In onda il: 2024-05-30 Leaving the safety of the Golden Country, Senshi ends up in the clutches of a ferocious griffin. The crew must summon help if they want to save him. In onda il: 2024-06-06 23: Episode 23: Griffin Soup/Dumplings -1- Back at camp, Senshi finally reveals his painful history with the dungeon. The next day, the crew is rudely awakened by a perplexing transformation. 23: Episode 23: Griffin Soup/Dumplings -1- In onda il: 2024-06-06 Back at camp, Senshi finally reveals his painful history with the dungeon. The next day, the crew is rudely awakened by a perplexing transformation. In onda il: 2024-06-13 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-06-13 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Dungeon Food Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Sotterranei, draghi... e un delizioso stufato di mostri! Alcuni esploratori si avventurano in un regno sepolto e maledetto per salvare un'amica, cucinando a più non posso. 九井諒子 Comic Book 宮島善博 Series Director うえのきみこ Series Composition Naoki Takeda Character Designer Yasunori Mitsuda Original Music Composer Yuto Kaneko Creature Design Sachiko Nishiguchi Art Direction Yusuke Nishikimi Art Direction Hitoki Takeda Color Designer peppe Theme Song Performance Sayaka Shimada Concept Artist 吉武将人 Editor 小山健二 Sound Effects 佐竹秀幸 Assistant Director Katsunori Shiradoh Director of Photography 吉田光平 Sound Director 八巻大樹 Sound Recordist Shunsuke Shida Animation Manager Juno Shin Executive Producer Yoshiki Usa Executive Producer 松浦裕暁 Executive Producer 田中翔 Executive Producer Masahiko Otsuka Other 熊谷健太郎 Laios (voice) 千本木彩花 Marcille (voice) 泊明日菜 Chilchuck (voice) 中博史 Senshi (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2024-01-04 1: Episodio 1: Hot pot/Tortino Dopo una terribile perdita, Laios, Marcille e Chilchuck tornano rapidamente nel dungeon per salvare Falin, ma questa volta hanno un piano infallibile. 1: Episodio 1: Hot pot/Tortino In onda il: 2024-01-04 Dopo una terribile perdita, Laios, Marcille e Chilchuck tornano rapidamente nel dungeon per salvare Falin, ma questa volta hanno un piano infallibile. In onda il: 2024-01-11 2: Episodio 2: Basilisco arrosto/Omelette/Kakiage Svegliata da un profumo delizioso, Marcille deve sorbirsi una lezione di Senshi sulle diete equilibrate. La squadra aiuta un esploratore avvelenato da un basilisco. 2: Episodio 2: Basilisco arrosto/Omelette/Kakiage In onda il: 2024-01-11 Svegliata da un profumo delizioso, Marcille deve sorbirsi una lezione di Senshi sulle diete equilibrate. La squadra aiuta un esploratore avvelenato da un basilisco. In onda il: 2024-01-18 3: Episodio 3: Armature viventi Laios e il team accedono a un'area nascosta e custodita dalle misteriose Armature viventi, che sembrano proteggere qualcosa di potenzialmente delizioso. 3: Episodio 3: Armature viventi In onda il: 2024-01-18 Laios e il team accedono a un'area nascosta e custodita dalle misteriose Armature viventi, che sembrano proteggere qualcosa di potenzialmente delizioso. In onda il: 2024-01-25 4: Episodio 4: Cavolo stufato/Orchi Raggiunto il terzo livello del dungeon, Senshi conduce la squadra nel suo orto segreto. Poi una banda di orchi arrabbiati e disperati li avvicina. 4: Episodio 4: Cavolo stufato/Orchi In onda il: 2024-01-25 Raggiunto il terzo livello del dungeon, Senshi conduce la squadra nel suo orto segreto. Poi una banda di orchi arrabbiati e disperati li avvicina. In onda il: 2024-02-01 5: Episodio 5: Snack/Sorbetto Mentre un altro gruppo di esploratori trova uno scrigno con un tesoro, un nugolo di fantasmi terrificanti insegue Laios e i suoi. Per fortuna Senshi ha un dolce piano. 5: Episodio 5: Snack/Sorbetto In onda il: 2024-02-01 Mentre un altro gruppo di esploratori trova uno scrigno con un tesoro, un nugolo di fantasmi terrificanti insegue Laios e i suoi. Per fortuna Senshi ha un dolce piano. In onda il: 2024-02-08 6: Episodio 6: Cucina di corte/Bollito in acqua salata La fame spinge Laios a cercare cibo nei quadri viventi, facendo arrabbiare un elfo misterioso. Più tardi Chilchuck si ritrova intrappolato con un Mimic scorbutico. 6: Episodio 6: Cucina di corte/Bollito in acqua salata In onda il: 2024-02-08 La fame spinge Laios a cercare cibo nei quadri viventi, facendo arrabbiare un elfo misterioso. Più tardi Chilchuck si ritrova intrappolato con un Mimic scorbutico. In onda il: 2024-02-15 7: Episodio 7: Kelpie/Porridge/Alla griglia con salsa Succede qualcosa di strano in questo nuovo dungeon! La squadra attraversa un lago pericoloso e durante il percorso affronta feroci creature marine e avventurieri caduti. 7: Episodio 7: Kelpie/Porridge/Alla griglia con salsa In onda il: 2024-02-15 Succede qualcosa di strano in questo nuovo dungeon! La squadra attraversa un lago pericoloso e durante il percorso affronta feroci creature marine e avventurieri caduti. In onda il: 2024-02-22 8: Episodio 8: Lamponi/Carne grigliata Marcille ripensa a quando ha conosciuto Falin mentre erano studentesse. Dopo una rinfrescata, una sua piccola disattenzione provoca le ire di uno spirito procurandole grossi guai. 8: Episodio 8: Lamponi/Carne grigliata In onda il: 2024-02-22 Marcille ripensa a quando ha conosciuto Falin mentre erano studentesse. Dopo una rinfrescata, una sua piccola disattenzione provoca le ire di uno spirito procurandole grossi guai. In onda il: 2024-02-29 9: Episodio 9: Tentacoli/Stufato Il profumo di carne alla griglia attira ospiti inattesi tra cui un volto noto. Per procedere sarà necessario sconfiggere lo spirito collaborando insieme. 9: Episodio 9: Tentacoli/Stufato In onda il: 2024-02-29 Il profumo di carne alla griglia attira ospiti inattesi tra cui un volto noto. Per procedere sarà necessario sconfiggere lo spirito collaborando insieme. In onda il: 2024-03-07 10: Episodio 10: Rane giganti/In superficie La squadra evita una discesa pungente verso la città castello dove si nasconde il drago rosso. Ma per sconfiggerlo ci vorranno un piano infallibile... e un pasto incoraggiante. 10: Episodio 10: Rane giganti/In superficie In onda il: 2024-03-07 La squadra evita una discesa pungente verso la città castello dove si nasconde il drago rosso. Ma per sconfiggerlo ci vorranno un piano infallibile... e un pasto incoraggiante. In onda il: 2024-03-14 11: Episodio 11: Drago Rosso I La squadra affronta il Drago Rosso con una grandiosa strategia, che però va presto a rotoli. La bestia è sempre più furiosa... ma chi si aggiudicherà il boccone finale? 11: Episodio 11: Drago Rosso I In onda il: 2024-03-14 La squadra affronta il Drago Rosso con una grandiosa strategia, che però va presto a rotoli. La bestia è sempre più furiosa... ma chi si aggiudicherà il boccone finale? In onda il: 2024-03-21 12: Episodio 12: Drago Rosso II Una ricerca disperata nello stomaco del drago porta a una scoperta raccapricciante e rivela che la sola magia di resurrezione non sarà sufficiente a rianimare Falin. 12: Episodio 12: Drago Rosso II In onda il: 2024-03-21 Una ricerca disperata nello stomaco del drago porta a una scoperta raccapricciante e rivela che la sola magia di resurrezione non sarà sufficiente a rianimare Falin. In onda il: 2024-03-28 13: Episodio 13: Drago Rosso III/Buona medicina Falin inizia a comportarsi in modo strano nel cuore della notte e spinge Laios e la sua banda verso a una figura minacciosa che vuole eliminarli. 13: Episodio 13: Drago Rosso III/Buona medicina In onda il: 2024-03-28 Falin inizia a comportarsi in modo strano nel cuore della notte e spinge Laios e la sua banda verso a una figura minacciosa che vuole eliminarli. In onda il: 2024-04-04 14: Episodio 14: Serpente di mare Di nuovo in un dungeon di livello superiore, Kabru e i suoi si svegliano e scoprono che le loro provviste sono scomparse, poi cadono in un'imboscata mentre tornano in superficie. 14: Episodio 14: Serpente di mare In onda il: 2024-04-04 Di nuovo in un dungeon di livello superiore, Kabru e i suoi si svegliano e scoprono che le loro provviste sono scomparse, poi cadono in un'imboscata mentre tornano in superficie. In onda il: 2024-04-11 15: Episodio 15: Driade/Coccatrice Intrappolato nel dungeon e preoccupato, Senshi prepara un pasto nutriente per il gruppo affamato. Questo fornisce a Marcille energia a sufficienza per elaborare un piano. 15: Episodio 15: Driade/Coccatrice In onda il: 2024-04-11 Intrappolato nel dungeon e preoccupato, Senshi prepara un pasto nutriente per il gruppo affamato. Questo fornisce a Marcille energia a sufficienza per elaborare un piano. In onda il: 2024-04-18 16: Episodio 16: Pulitori/Essiccati con dolce sakè Chilchuck trova un modo per fuggire dal dungeon, ma la fuga del gruppo è interrotta dall'incontro inatteso con un vecchio amico in disperato bisogno di sostentamento. 16: Episodio 16: Pulitori/Essiccati con dolce sakè In onda il: 2024-04-18 Chilchuck trova un modo per fuggire dal dungeon, ma la fuga del gruppo è interrotta dall'incontro inatteso con un vecchio amico in disperato bisogno di sostentamento. In onda il: 2024-04-25 17: Episodio 17: Harpy/Chimera I party devono unirsi per respingere l'attacco delle crudeli Arpie, ma l'apparizione inaspettata di una Falin trasformata stupisce tutti. 17: Episodio 17: Harpy/Chimera In onda il: 2024-04-25 I party devono unirsi per respingere l'attacco delle crudeli Arpie, ma l'apparizione inaspettata di una Falin trasformata stupisce tutti. In onda il: 2024-05-02 18: Episodio 18: Shapeshifter Mentre inseguono Falin, Laios e la squadra cercano riparo da una tormenta, ma sono sopraffatti da copie mutaforma di loro stessi. Come faranno a riconoscere gli impostori? 18: Episodio 18: Shapeshifter In onda il: 2024-05-02 Mentre inseguono Falin, Laios e la squadra cercano riparo da una tormenta, ma sono sopraffatti da copie mutaforma di loro stessi. Come faranno a riconoscere gli impostori? In onda il: 2024-05-09 19: Episodio 19: Strega/Incubo La squadra è costretta a trovare una soluzione all'orribile problema di una conoscente. Più tardi, Laios entra nell'incubo di Marcille e scopre la sua più grande paura. 19: Episodio 19: Strega/Incubo In onda il: 2024-05-09 La squadra è costretta a trovare una soluzione all'orribile problema di una conoscente. Più tardi, Laios entra nell'incubo di Marcille e scopre la sua più grande paura. In onda il: 2024-05-16 20: Episodio 20: Ice Golem/Barometz Izutsumi si rivela un'utile alleata nonostante le maniere non troppo raffinate a tavola e il rifiuto di mangiare mostri, ma la gentilezza del gruppo la mette a suo agio. 20: Episodio 20: Ice Golem/Barometz In onda il: 2024-05-16 Izutsumi si rivela un'utile alleata nonostante le maniere non troppo raffinate a tavola e il rifiuto di mangiare mostri, ma la gentilezza del gruppo la mette a suo agio. In onda il: 2024-05-23 21: Episode 21 Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Episode 21 In onda il: 2024-05-23 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-05-30 22: Episode 22 Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22 In onda il: 2024-05-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-06 23: Episode 23 Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23 In onda il: 2024-06-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-13 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-06-13 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer MASHLE: MAGIC AND MUSCLES Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia si svolge in un mondo in cui esiste la magia e viene usata per qualunque occorrenza della vita quotidiana. Mash è un ragazzo che vive nelle profondità della foresta e trascorre le giornate impegnandosi in esercizi per fortificare il corpo. Non riesce a usare la magia ma vive comunque una vita pacifica con suo padre. Un giorno però la sua vita viene messa in pericolo; basterà il suo corpo muscoloso a proteggerlo dalla magia che i suoi aggressori useranno contro di lui? Hajime Komoto Comic Book Tomonari Tanaka Series Director Yosuke Kuroda Series Composition Hisashi Higashijima Character Designer Masaru Yokoyama Original Music Composer Akihito Suzuki Director of Photography Saki Hisamatsu Character Designer Nozomi Goto Character Designer Hiroaki Goda Action Director Hitoki Takeda Color Designer Hideyasu Narita Art Designer Yusa Ito Art Direction Daisuke Fukuda CGI Director Masato Yoshitake Editor Satoshi Motoyama Sound Director Yui Ando Sound Effects Takeshi Matsuda Creature Design Sayaka Takase Prop Designer Masaharu Yamanouchi Music Producer Koki Adaniya Music Director Masanori Miyake Executive Producer Akifumi Fujio Executive Producer Sota Furuhashi Producer Takao Shimazaki Producer Lu Xiana Producer Akira Shimizu Production Supervisor Jun Katou Production Supervisor Taiiku Okazaki Theme Song Performance Kimiya Nobukawa Assistant Director of Photography Noriko Masuko Special Effects Chiaki Kobayashi Mash Burnedead (voice) Reiji Kawashima Finn Ames (voice) Kaito Ishikawa Lance Crown (voice) Takuya Eguchi Dot Barrett (voice) Reina Ueda Lemon Irvine (voice) Hiroaki Hirata Narration (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-04-08 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods In onda il: 2023-04-08 This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... In onda il: 2023-04-15 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze In onda il: 2023-04-15 For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. In onda il: 2023-04-22 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully In onda il: 2023-04-22 Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! In onda il: 2023-04-29 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User In onda il: 2023-04-29 It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! In onda il: 2023-05-06 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate In onda il: 2023-05-06 It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! In onda il: 2023-05-13 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron In onda il: 2023-05-13 Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. In onda il: 2023-05-27 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master In onda il: 2023-05-27 Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. In onda il: 2023-06-03 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic In onda il: 2023-06-03 After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... In onda il: 2023-06-10 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle In onda il: 2023-06-10 After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! In onda il: 2023-06-17 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary In onda il: 2023-06-17 While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? In onda il: 2023-06-24 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest In onda il: 2023-06-24 Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! In onda il: 2023-07-01 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror In onda il: 2023-07-01 Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! In onda il: 2024-01-06 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries In onda il: 2024-01-06 After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... In onda il: 2024-01-13 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit In onda il: 2024-01-13 The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? In onda il: 2024-01-20 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift In onda il: 2024-01-20 Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! In onda il: 2024-01-27 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon In onda il: 2024-01-27 The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." In onda il: 2024-02-03 17: Finn Ames and the Friend Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… 17: Finn Ames and the Friend In onda il: 2024-02-03 Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… In onda il: 2024-02-17 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life In onda il: 2024-02-17 Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… In onda il: 2024-02-24 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro In onda il: 2024-02-24 The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? In onda il: 2024-03-02 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower In onda il: 2024-03-02 Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! In onda il: 2024-03-09 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness In onda il: 2024-03-09 Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… In onda il: 2024-03-16 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger In onda il: 2024-03-16 Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! In onda il: 2024-03-23 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In onda il: 2024-03-23 In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! In onda il: 2024-03-30 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends Innocent Zero leaves a fusion of dead monster bodies that form a giant in his wake. Seeing Mash fight against this monster in a trapped, hopeless situation where all magic has become ineffective, the students from the school start to cheer him on. 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends In onda il: 2024-03-30 Innocent Zero leaves a fusion of dead monster bodies that form a giant in his wake. Seeing Mash fight against this monster in a trapped, hopeless situation where all magic has become ineffective, the students from the school start to cheer him on. Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Mentre una profezia funesta colpisce le tranquille terre di Britannia, un ragazzo dal cuore puro parte in un viaggio di scoperta... e vendetta. Nakaba Suzuki Comic Book Shigeru Murakoshi Series Composition Kohta Yamamoto Original Music Composer Yoichi Takada Character Designer Shou Komura Percival (voice) Aino Shimada Nasiens (voice) Kanna Nakamura Anghalad (voice) Kikunosuke Toya Donny (voice) Koki Uchiyama Lancelot / Shin (voice) Rikiya Koyama Pellegarde (voice) Sachi Kokuryu Arthur Pendragon (voice) Toshiyuki Morikawa Ironside (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-10-08 1: Un ragazzo in partenza Quando Percival compie sedici anni, suo nonno gli parla del mondo oltre la loro casa isolata... ma il giovane sembra essere più interessato alla cena. 1: Un ragazzo in partenza In onda il: 2023-10-08 Quando Percival compie sedici anni, suo nonno gli parla del mondo oltre la loro casa isolata... ma il giovane sembra essere più interessato alla cena. In onda il: 2023-10-15 2: Un potere sconosciuto Durante un viaggio in cerca del padre che non conosce, Percival incontra alcuni artisti girovaghi che gli danno un passaggio fino al villaggio più vicino. 2: Un potere sconosciuto In onda il: 2023-10-15 Durante un viaggio in cerca del padre che non conosce, Percival incontra alcuni artisti girovaghi che gli danno un passaggio fino al villaggio più vicino. In onda il: 2023-10-22 3: I Quattro Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse Anche se Percival dà il meglio nello scontro, il cavaliere nero non ha dato ancora fondo a tutta la sua potenza. All'improvviso appare una misteriosa volpe rossa. 3: I Quattro Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse In onda il: 2023-10-22 Anche se Percival dà il meglio nello scontro, il cavaliere nero non ha dato ancora fondo a tutta la sua potenza. All'improvviso appare una misteriosa volpe rossa. In onda il: 2023-10-29 4: Il demonio della Valle dell'Eco Percival si risveglia completamente legato e scopre di essere una cavia per un esperimento. Il suo carceriere lo informa che la medicina su cui sta lavorando è quasi pronta. 4: Il demonio della Valle dell'Eco In onda il: 2023-10-29 Percival si risveglia completamente legato e scopre di essere una cavia per un esperimento. Il suo carceriere lo informa che la medicina su cui sta lavorando è quasi pronta. In onda il: 2023-11-05 5: Un'ulteriore decisione Per far riacquistare al nonno le sue sembianze iniziali, Nasiens deve sconfiggere un ulteriore Cavaliere Sacro e Percival è pronto a dare una mano. 5: Un'ulteriore decisione In onda il: 2023-11-05 Per far riacquistare al nonno le sue sembianze iniziali, Nasiens deve sconfiggere un ulteriore Cavaliere Sacro e Percival è pronto a dare una mano. In onda il: 2023-11-19 6: Sistana trema Percival e i suoi amici incrociano Anne, una donna giovane e determinata che contrariamente ai desideri del padre vuole entrare a far parte dei Cavalieri Sacri. 6: Sistana trema In onda il: 2023-11-19 Percival e i suoi amici incrociano Anne, una donna giovane e determinata che contrariamente ai desideri del padre vuole entrare a far parte dei Cavalieri Sacri. In onda il: 2023-11-26 7: Il nome del potere Anche se Ironside è più forte di loro, Percival, Anne e Nasiens dimostrano coraggio durante lo scontro. Intanto Donny è scomparso. 7: Il nome del potere In onda il: 2023-11-26 Anche se Ironside è più forte di loro, Percival, Anne e Nasiens dimostrano coraggio durante lo scontro. Intanto Donny è scomparso. In onda il: 2023-12-03 8: Piccoli eroi Mentre Percival e la banda cercano di distruggere il Feretro dell'eterna oscurità, un personaggio misterioso e potente affronta i mostri in città. 8: Piccoli eroi In onda il: 2023-12-03 Mentre Percival e la banda cercano di distruggere il Feretro dell'eterna oscurità, un personaggio misterioso e potente affronta i mostri in città. In onda il: 2023-12-10 9: Maestro e allievo L'esuberante Anne ora fa parte della squadra che decide di fermarsi nella selvaggia città di Cant. Qui Donny finisce in un'imbarazzante riunione di famiglia. 9: Maestro e allievo In onda il: 2023-12-10 L'esuberante Anne ora fa parte della squadra che decide di fermarsi nella selvaggia città di Cant. Qui Donny finisce in un'imbarazzante riunione di famiglia. In onda il: 2023-12-17 10: Il ruggito della distruzione Mentre sono prigionieri, Howzer, Nasiens e gli altri scoprono che Edlin ha rubato un uovo di drago mettendo così in pericolo tutta la città. 10: Il ruggito della distruzione In onda il: 2023-12-17 Mentre sono prigionieri, Howzer, Nasiens e gli altri scoprono che Edlin ha rubato un uovo di drago mettendo così in pericolo tutta la città. In onda il: 2023-12-24 11: Un vero Cavaliere Sacro Percival, Donny e Anne fanno di tutto per provare a fermare il drago. Intanto un ubriaco Howzer chiede a Nasiens di farlo tornare sobrio. 11: Un vero Cavaliere Sacro In onda il: 2023-12-24 Percival, Donny e Anne fanno di tutto per provare a fermare il drago. Intanto un ubriaco Howzer chiede a Nasiens di farlo tornare sobrio. In onda il: 2024-01-07 12: A Sinister Endeavor Nessuna trama disponibile 12: A Sinister Endeavor In onda il: 2024-01-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-01-14 13: The Cornered Nessuna trama disponibile 13: The Cornered In onda il: 2024-01-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-01-21 14: The Goat Sin Nessuna trama disponibile 14: The Goat Sin In onda il: 2024-01-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-01-28 15: The Dark Talismans Nessuna trama disponibile 15: The Dark Talismans In onda il: 2024-01-28 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-04 16: Departing from Sin Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Departing from Sin In onda il: 2024-02-04 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-11 17: The King of Liones Nessuna trama disponibile 17: The King of Liones In onda il: 2024-02-11 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-18 18: Knights of Prophecy Meet Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Knights of Prophecy Meet In onda il: 2024-02-18 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-25 19: Liones in Flames Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Liones in Flames In onda il: 2024-02-25 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-03 20: Taming a Wild Horse Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Taming a Wild Horse In onda il: 2024-03-03 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-10 21: The Four Knights vs. the Servants of Chaos Nessuna trama disponibile 21: The Four Knights vs. the Servants of Chaos In onda il: 2024-03-10 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-17 22: Freezing, Burning Hearts Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Freezing, Burning Hearts In onda il: 2024-03-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-24 23: Royal Holy Knights vs. Mela-Galland Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Royal Holy Knights vs. Mela-Galland In onda il: 2024-03-24 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-31 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-03-31 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 2 Episodi 24 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. Fuse Novel Miho Okasaki Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2021-01-12 1: Rimuru's Busy Life Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... 1: Rimuru's Busy Life In onda il: 2021-01-12 Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... In onda il: 2021-01-19 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom In onda il: 2021-01-19 Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. In onda il: 2021-01-26 3: Paradise, Once More Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. 3: Paradise, Once More In onda il: 2021-01-26 Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. In onda il: 2021-02-02 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth In onda il: 2021-02-02 Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. In onda il: 2021-02-09 5: Prelude to the Disaster Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. 5: Prelude to the Disaster In onda il: 2021-02-09 Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. In onda il: 2021-02-16 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move In onda il: 2021-02-16 At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. In onda il: 2021-02-23 7: Despair Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. 7: Despair In onda il: 2021-02-23 Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. In onda il: 2021-03-02 8: Hope Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. 8: Hope In onda il: 2021-03-02 Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-09 9: Putting Everything on the Line In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. 9: Putting Everything on the Line In onda il: 2021-03-09 In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-16 10: Megiddo The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. 10: Megiddo In onda il: 2021-03-16 The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. In onda il: 2021-03-23 11: Birth of a Demon Lord Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... 11: Birth of a Demon Lord In onda il: 2021-03-23 Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... In onda il: 2021-03-30 12: The One Unleashed Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. 12: The One Unleashed In onda il: 2021-03-30 Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. In onda il: 2021-07-06 13: The Visitors A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. 13: The Visitors In onda il: 2021-07-06 A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. In onda il: 2021-07-13 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters In onda il: 2021-07-13 As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... In onda il: 2021-07-20 15: Ramiris's Warning Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. 15: Ramiris's Warning In onda il: 2021-07-20 Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. In onda il: 2021-07-27 16: The Congress Dances A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? 16: The Congress Dances In onda il: 2021-07-27 A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? In onda il: 2021-08-03 17: The Eve of Battle To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... 17: The Eve of Battle In onda il: 2021-08-03 To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... In onda il: 2021-08-10 18: The Demon Lords Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. 18: The Demon Lords In onda il: 2021-08-10 Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. In onda il: 2021-08-17 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet In onda il: 2021-08-17 Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. In onda il: 2021-08-24 20: On This Land Where It All Happened Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. 20: On This Land Where It All Happened In onda il: 2021-08-24 Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. In onda il: 2021-08-31 21: Adalman, the Index Finger With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. 21: Adalman, the Index Finger In onda il: 2021-08-31 With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. In onda il: 2021-09-07 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ In onda il: 2021-09-07 Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. In onda il: 2021-09-14 23: Returning from the Brink Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. 23: Returning from the Brink In onda il: 2021-09-14 Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. In onda il: 2021-09-21 24: Octagram Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. 24: Octagram In onda il: 2021-09-21 Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. Fuse Novel Miho Okasaki Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2018-10-02 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora In onda il: 2018-10-02 Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. In onda il: 2018-10-09 2: Meeting the Goblins The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. 2: Meeting the Goblins In onda il: 2018-10-09 The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. In onda il: 2018-10-16 3: Battle at the Goblin Village After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! 3: Battle at the Goblin Village In onda il: 2018-10-16 After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! In onda il: 2018-10-23 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves In onda il: 2018-10-23 Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! In onda il: 2018-10-30 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo In onda il: 2018-10-30 Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... In onda il: 2018-11-06 6: Shizu One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. 6: Shizu In onda il: 2018-11-06 One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. In onda il: 2018-11-13 7: Conqueror of Flames The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. 7: Conqueror of Flames In onda il: 2018-11-13 The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. In onda il: 2018-11-20 8: Inherited Will When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... 8: Inherited Will In onda il: 2018-11-20 When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... In onda il: 2018-11-27 9: Attack of the Ogres Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? 9: Attack of the Ogres In onda il: 2018-11-27 Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? In onda il: 2018-12-04 10: The Orc Lord Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... 10: The Orc Lord In onda il: 2018-12-04 Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... In onda il: 2018-12-11 11: Gabiru is Here! Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... 11: Gabiru is Here! In onda il: 2018-12-11 Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... In onda il: 2018-12-18 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control In onda il: 2018-12-18 The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2018-12-25 13: The Great Clash Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. 13: The Great Clash In onda il: 2018-12-25 Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. In onda il: 2019-01-08 14: The One Who Devours All The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... 14: The One Who Devours All In onda il: 2019-01-08 The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... In onda il: 2019-01-15 15: The Jura Forest Alliance Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... 15: The Jura Forest Alliance In onda il: 2019-01-15 Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... In onda il: 2019-01-22 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks In onda il: 2019-01-22 The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. In onda il: 2019-01-29 17: The Gathering The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. 17: The Gathering In onda il: 2019-01-29 The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. In onda il: 2019-02-05 18: Evil Creeps Closer Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. 18: Evil Creeps Closer In onda il: 2019-02-05 Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2019-02-12 19: Charybdis Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... 19: Charybdis In onda il: 2019-02-12 Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... In onda il: 2019-02-19 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka In onda il: 2019-02-19 The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. In onda il: 2019-02-26 21: Shizu-san's Students Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. 21: Shizu-san's Students In onda il: 2019-02-26 Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. In onda il: 2019-03-05 22: Conquering the Labyrinth Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. 22: Conquering the Labyrinth In onda il: 2019-03-05 Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. In onda il: 2019-03-12 23: Saved Souls Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... 23: Saved Souls In onda il: 2019-03-12 Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... In onda il: 2019-03-19 24: Black and the Mask This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... 24: Black and the Mask In onda il: 2019-03-19 This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 2 Episodi 24 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. Fuse Novel Miho Okasaki Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2021-01-12 1: Rimuru's Busy Life Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... 1: Rimuru's Busy Life In onda il: 2021-01-12 Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... In onda il: 2021-01-19 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom In onda il: 2021-01-19 Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. In onda il: 2021-01-26 3: Paradise, Once More Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. 3: Paradise, Once More In onda il: 2021-01-26 Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. In onda il: 2021-02-02 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth In onda il: 2021-02-02 Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. In onda il: 2021-02-09 5: Prelude to the Disaster Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. 5: Prelude to the Disaster In onda il: 2021-02-09 Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. In onda il: 2021-02-16 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move In onda il: 2021-02-16 At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. In onda il: 2021-02-23 7: Despair Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. 7: Despair In onda il: 2021-02-23 Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. In onda il: 2021-03-02 8: Hope Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. 8: Hope In onda il: 2021-03-02 Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-09 9: Putting Everything on the Line In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. 9: Putting Everything on the Line In onda il: 2021-03-09 In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-16 10: Megiddo The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. 10: Megiddo In onda il: 2021-03-16 The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. In onda il: 2021-03-23 11: Birth of a Demon Lord Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... 11: Birth of a Demon Lord In onda il: 2021-03-23 Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... In onda il: 2021-03-30 12: The One Unleashed Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. 12: The One Unleashed In onda il: 2021-03-30 Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. In onda il: 2021-07-06 13: The Visitors A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. 13: The Visitors In onda il: 2021-07-06 A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. In onda il: 2021-07-13 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters In onda il: 2021-07-13 As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... In onda il: 2021-07-20 15: Ramiris's Warning Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. 15: Ramiris's Warning In onda il: 2021-07-20 Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. In onda il: 2021-07-27 16: The Congress Dances A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? 16: The Congress Dances In onda il: 2021-07-27 A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? In onda il: 2021-08-03 17: The Eve of Battle To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... 17: The Eve of Battle In onda il: 2021-08-03 To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... In onda il: 2021-08-10 18: The Demon Lords Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. 18: The Demon Lords In onda il: 2021-08-10 Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. In onda il: 2021-08-17 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet In onda il: 2021-08-17 Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. In onda il: 2021-08-24 20: On This Land Where It All Happened Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. 20: On This Land Where It All Happened In onda il: 2021-08-24 Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. In onda il: 2021-08-31 21: Adalman, the Index Finger With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. 21: Adalman, the Index Finger In onda il: 2021-08-31 With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. In onda il: 2021-09-07 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ In onda il: 2021-09-07 Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. In onda il: 2021-09-14 23: Returning from the Brink Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. 23: Returning from the Brink In onda il: 2021-09-14 Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. In onda il: 2021-09-21 24: Octagram Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. 24: Octagram In onda il: 2021-09-21 Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. Fuse Novel Miho Okasaki Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2018-10-02 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora In onda il: 2018-10-02 Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. In onda il: 2018-10-09 2: Meeting the Goblins The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. 2: Meeting the Goblins In onda il: 2018-10-09 The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. In onda il: 2018-10-16 3: Battle at the Goblin Village After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! 3: Battle at the Goblin Village In onda il: 2018-10-16 After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! In onda il: 2018-10-23 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves In onda il: 2018-10-23 Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! In onda il: 2018-10-30 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo In onda il: 2018-10-30 Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... In onda il: 2018-11-06 6: Shizu One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. 6: Shizu In onda il: 2018-11-06 One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. In onda il: 2018-11-13 7: Conqueror of Flames The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. 7: Conqueror of Flames In onda il: 2018-11-13 The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. In onda il: 2018-11-20 8: Inherited Will When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... 8: Inherited Will In onda il: 2018-11-20 When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... In onda il: 2018-11-27 9: Attack of the Ogres Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? 9: Attack of the Ogres In onda il: 2018-11-27 Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? In onda il: 2018-12-04 10: The Orc Lord Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... 10: The Orc Lord In onda il: 2018-12-04 Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... In onda il: 2018-12-11 11: Gabiru is Here! Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... 11: Gabiru is Here! In onda il: 2018-12-11 Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... In onda il: 2018-12-18 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control In onda il: 2018-12-18 The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2018-12-25 13: The Great Clash Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. 13: The Great Clash In onda il: 2018-12-25 Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. In onda il: 2019-01-08 14: The One Who Devours All The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... 14: The One Who Devours All In onda il: 2019-01-08 The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... In onda il: 2019-01-15 15: The Jura Forest Alliance Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... 15: The Jura Forest Alliance In onda il: 2019-01-15 Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... In onda il: 2019-01-22 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks In onda il: 2019-01-22 The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. In onda il: 2019-01-29 17: The Gathering The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. 17: The Gathering In onda il: 2019-01-29 The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. In onda il: 2019-02-05 18: Evil Creeps Closer Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. 18: Evil Creeps Closer In onda il: 2019-02-05 Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2019-02-12 19: Charybdis Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... 19: Charybdis In onda il: 2019-02-12 Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... In onda il: 2019-02-19 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka In onda il: 2019-02-19 The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. In onda il: 2019-02-26 21: Shizu-san's Students Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. 21: Shizu-san's Students In onda il: 2019-02-26 Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. In onda il: 2019-03-05 22: Conquering the Labyrinth Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. 22: Conquering the Labyrinth In onda il: 2019-03-05 Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. In onda il: 2019-03-12 23: Saved Souls Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... 23: Saved Souls In onda il: 2019-03-12 Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... In onda il: 2019-03-19 24: Black and the Mask This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... 24: Black and the Mask In onda il: 2019-03-19 This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer SYNDUALITY Noir Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy È l'anno 2242. Kanata, che aspira a diventare un Drifter, incontra Noir, una Magus senza memoria, forse difettosa e, tuttavia, capace di eccellere in battaglia contro gli Ender. Kanata, in coppia con lei, scopre cosa serve esattamente per diventare un Drifter. Ippei Gyobu Mechanical Designer Yosuke Futami Producer neco Character Designer Yusuke Yamamoto Series Director Takashi Aoshima Series Composition Masato Nakayama Original Music Composer Kenta Masuda Art Direction Ken'ichirou Katsura Character Designer Hajime Kamoshida Original Story Wataru Inata Production Design Kazutaka Miyatake Mechanical Designer Hijiri Yamamoto Director of Photography Ken Okawara Executive Producer Haruhisa Oya Executive Producer Shunsuke Matsuda Executive Producer Koji Tezuka Executive Producer Noriaki Tanaka Executive Producer Shin Unozawa Production Supervisor Makoto Asanuma Production Supervisor Yuya Takashima Researcher Hiroaki Murakami Researcher Masahiro Satou Art Designer Chen Jiahao Art Designer Jin Aketagawa Sound Director Ryutaro Usukura Music Producer Hiroshi Matsuda Producer Go Sadamatsu Editor Hirokazu Suyama Production Supervisor Hidenori Kosuge Production Supervisor R・O・N Theme Song Performance Ryoko Kaneshige Assistant Editor Kohei Fujimori Online Editor Yuichi Aoki Online Editor Kazumi Taniguchi Online Editor Tomokazu Mii Sound Effects Kimitaka Shindo Sound Recordist Takeo Otsuka Kanata (voice) Aoi Koga Noir (voice) Nagisa Aoyama Ciel (voice) Yusuke Kobayashi Tokio (voice) Fuminori Komatsu Mouton (voice) Konomi Inagaki Ellie (voice) Ayaka Ohashi Ange (voice) Taito Ban Kurokamen (voice) Mao Ichimichi Schnee (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-07-11 1: Mi chiamo... Kanata, un aspirante Drifter, esplorando delle rovine con un famoso Drifter di nome Tokio, trova una Magus priva di memoria. Poi gli Ender attaccano e Rock Town è in pericolo. 1: Mi chiamo... In onda il: 2023-07-11 Kanata, un aspirante Drifter, esplorando delle rovine con un famoso Drifter di nome Tokio, trova una Magus priva di memoria. Poi gli Ender attaccano e Rock Town è in pericolo. In onda il: 2023-07-18 2: Il mio master Kanata torna alle rovine dove Noir è alla ricerca di indizi sul suo passato. Mentre Range, a capo della criminalità organizzata di Baccarat Nest, cerca di allontanare con l'inganno Noir da Rock Town, lei incontra Ciel, una Magus dalla voce angelica. 2: Il mio master In onda il: 2023-07-18 Kanata torna alle rovine dove Noir è alla ricerca di indizi sul suo passato. Mentre Range, a capo della criminalità organizzata di Baccarat Nest, cerca di allontanare con l'inganno Noir da Rock Town, lei incontra Ciel, una Magus dalla voce angelica. In onda il: 2023-07-25 3: Dietro la maschera Kanata, che ora è il master di Noir, è sulla buona strada per diventare un Drifter. Tokio dichiara di voler fare di Kanata un uomo adulto e lo porta a Desire Nest, la città del piacere. Lo vengono a sapere Ellie, Ange e Noir, che si dirigono quindi a Desire Nest per riportare a casa Kanata. 3: Dietro la maschera In onda il: 2023-07-25 Kanata, che ora è il master di Noir, è sulla buona strada per diventare un Drifter. Tokio dichiara di voler fare di Kanata un uomo adulto e lo porta a Desire Nest, la città del piacere. Lo vengono a sapere Ellie, Ange e Noir, che si dirigono quindi a Desire Nest per riportare a casa Kanata. In onda il: 2023-08-01 4: Margherita selvatica Kanata si allena per diventare più forte combattendo contro gli Ender senza l'aiuto di Noir, ma, poco prima di essere sconfitto, un Cradle Coffin distrugge gli Ender con uno sparo da lunga distanza. I suoi salvatori sono Claudia e la sua Magus Flamme che hanno una richiesta importante per Kanata. 4: Margherita selvatica In onda il: 2023-08-01 Kanata si allena per diventare più forte combattendo contro gli Ender senza l'aiuto di Noir, ma, poco prima di essere sconfitto, un Cradle Coffin distrugge gli Ender con uno sparo da lunga distanza. I suoi salvatori sono Claudia e la sua Magus Flamme che hanno una richiesta importante per Kanata. In onda il: 2023-08-08 5: Il labirinto Kanata apprende di dover rafforzare il legame con la sua partner Magus, se vuole diventare un Drifter più forte. Parte quindi per le rovine del labirinto di Fes insieme a Noir. Frattanto, Tokio viene a sapere che un gruppo attacca i Magus Amasiani di tipo zero e i loro Drifter. 5: Il labirinto In onda il: 2023-08-08 Kanata apprende di dover rafforzare il legame con la sua partner Magus, se vuole diventare un Drifter più forte. Parte quindi per le rovine del labirinto di Fes insieme a Noir. Frattanto, Tokio viene a sapere che un gruppo attacca i Magus Amasiani di tipo zero e i loro Drifter. In onda il: 2023-08-15 6: Il dado è tratto Kanata e Tokio vengono sorpresi dalla pioggia mentre cercano i cristalli AO. Tokio suggerisce di cercare riparo nella vicina città di Baccarat Nest dove trovano una Magus solitaria che canta. Si tratta di Ciel, la stessa Magus che Noir aveva incontrato quando Range aveva cercato di rapirla. 6: Il dado è tratto In onda il: 2023-08-15 Kanata e Tokio vengono sorpresi dalla pioggia mentre cercano i cristalli AO. Tokio suggerisce di cercare riparo nella vicina città di Baccarat Nest dove trovano una Magus solitaria che canta. Si tratta di Ciel, la stessa Magus che Noir aveva incontrato quando Range aveva cercato di rapirla. In onda il: 2023-08-22 7: Mio caro Cercando di sapere di più sul passato di Noir, Kanata chiede a Maria di sottoporla a manutenzione. Ellie, che ha deciso di occuparsi della casa di Kanata mentre Noir non può, scopre che l'abitazione, tenuta solitamente molto male, è pulitissima ora che c'è Ciel. 7: Mio caro In onda il: 2023-08-22 Cercando di sapere di più sul passato di Noir, Kanata chiede a Maria di sottoporla a manutenzione. Ellie, che ha deciso di occuparsi della casa di Kanata mentre Noir non può, scopre che l'abitazione, tenuta solitamente molto male, è pulitissima ora che c'è Ciel. In onda il: 2023-08-29 8: Puro sogno Kanata invita Ellie al Satellite Aqua. Ellie è emozionata perché pensa si tratti di un appuntamento, ma, quando arrivano, si accorge che non sono soli. Con Ciel sul palco che fa impazzire la folla, il divertimento a bordo piscina è garantito. 8: Puro sogno In onda il: 2023-08-29 Kanata invita Ellie al Satellite Aqua. Ellie è emozionata perché pensa si tratti di un appuntamento, ma, quando arrivano, si accorge che non sono soli. Con Ciel sul palco che fa impazzire la folla, il divertimento a bordo piscina è garantito. In onda il: 2023-09-05 9: Eroe leggendario Andando a Trader Nest, Kanata vede un Drifter solitario che cammina sotto la pioggia. I due si incontrano di nuovo a Trader Nest. Il Drifter solitario, che dice di chiamarsi Alba, è un veterano e, come spiega lui stesso a Kanata, conduce una ricerca sui Magus. 9: Eroe leggendario In onda il: 2023-09-05 Andando a Trader Nest, Kanata vede un Drifter solitario che cammina sotto la pioggia. I due si incontrano di nuovo a Trader Nest. Il Drifter solitario, che dice di chiamarsi Alba, è un veterano e, come spiega lui stesso a Kanata, conduce una ricerca sui Magus. In onda il: 2023-09-12 10: L'orgoglio dei Drifter Qualcuno o qualcosa sta devastando i Nest intorno a Rock Town. Kanata vuole indagare, ma Tokio si rifiuta. Quando il leader di Rock Town ordina loro di condurre l'indagine insieme, i due non riescono a trovarsi d'accordo e, in un momento di tensione, Kanata parte da solo. 10: L'orgoglio dei Drifter In onda il: 2023-09-12 Qualcuno o qualcosa sta devastando i Nest intorno a Rock Town. Kanata vuole indagare, ma Tokio si rifiuta. Quando il leader di Rock Town ordina loro di condurre l'indagine insieme, i due non riescono a trovarsi d'accordo e, in un momento di tensione, Kanata parte da solo. In onda il: 2023-09-19 11: Tempesta d'IA I Drifter dei Nest vicini vanno in aiuto di Rock Town che si prepara ad affrontare la Silver Storm. Frattanto, il misterioso gruppo che cerca Noir approfitta della confusione e ordina a Ciel di eliminare Kanata. Protraendosi la battaglia, i Drifter iniziano a perdere la speranza di sopravvivere. 11: Tempesta d'IA In onda il: 2023-09-19 I Drifter dei Nest vicini vanno in aiuto di Rock Town che si prepara ad affrontare la Silver Storm. Frattanto, il misterioso gruppo che cerca Noir approfitta della confusione e ordina a Ciel di eliminare Kanata. Protraendosi la battaglia, i Drifter iniziano a perdere la speranza di sopravvivere. In onda il: 2023-09-26 12: Il miraggio perfetto È l'ultima tappa della battaglia contro la Silver Storm. Tutti sono feriti e anche il DAISYOGRE potenziato sta subendo pesanti colpi, ma Kanata si rifiuta di arrendersi. In questa lotta all'ultimo sangue, le preoccupazioni di Noir raggiungono il culmine e lei subisce una trasformazione. 12: Il miraggio perfetto In onda il: 2023-09-26 È l'ultima tappa della battaglia contro la Silver Storm. Tutti sono feriti e anche il DAISYOGRE potenziato sta subendo pesanti colpi, ma Kanata si rifiuta di arrendersi. In questa lotta all'ultimo sangue, le preoccupazioni di Noir raggiungono il culmine e lei subisce una trasformazione. In onda il: 2024-01-09 13: Doppio cast Sono trascorsi alcuni giorni dalla battaglia infuocata contro la Silver Storm, ma Noir, tramutatasi in Mystere, non è ancora tornata in sé. Kanata porta Mystere nei luoghi dei quali lui e Noir hanno dei ricordi in comune, sperando che ciò risvegli Noir. 13: Doppio cast In onda il: 2024-01-09 Sono trascorsi alcuni giorni dalla battaglia infuocata contro la Silver Storm, ma Noir, tramutatasi in Mystere, non è ancora tornata in sé. Kanata porta Mystere nei luoghi dei quali lui e Noir hanno dei ricordi in comune, sperando che ciò risvegli Noir. In onda il: 2024-01-16 14: Il viaggio misterioso Mystere dice a Kanata che Histoire esiste, perché lei e il suo ex master erano riusciti a mettersi in contatto con la rete di Histoire durante i loro viaggi. Tuttavia, Kanata dovrà sottoporsi a un duro addestramento, prima di intraprendere un eventuale viaggio verso Historie. 14: Il viaggio misterioso In onda il: 2024-01-16 Mystere dice a Kanata che Histoire esiste, perché lei e il suo ex master erano riusciti a mettersi in contatto con la rete di Histoire durante i loro viaggi. Tuttavia, Kanata dovrà sottoporsi a un duro addestramento, prima di intraprendere un eventuale viaggio verso Historie. In onda il: 2024-01-23 15: Duello di destini Kanata si dirige a Cartagine, nei cui pressi dovrebbe trovarsi un vecchio spazioporto, alla ricerca di indizi che lo conducano alla leggendaria Histoire. Cerca di entrare, ma all'improvviso lo attaccano. Quando affronta chi lo attacca, viene sfidato a duello per la propria Magus. 15: Duello di destini In onda il: 2024-01-23 Kanata si dirige a Cartagine, nei cui pressi dovrebbe trovarsi un vecchio spazioporto, alla ricerca di indizi che lo conducano alla leggendaria Histoire. Cerca di entrare, ma all'improvviso lo attaccano. Quando affronta chi lo attacca, viene sfidato a duello per la propria Magus. In onda il: 2024-01-30 16: La pioggia di Noir Noir scopre che potrebbe scomparire una volta completata la sequenza di auto-riparazione di Mystere. Noir accetta il suo destino, credendo che Kanata stia meglio con Mystere al suo fianco, ma Kanata è all'oscuro di tutto. Come gesto finale, Noir decide di cucinare per lui. 16: La pioggia di Noir In onda il: 2024-01-30 Noir scopre che potrebbe scomparire una volta completata la sequenza di auto-riparazione di Mystere. Noir accetta il suo destino, credendo che Kanata stia meglio con Mystere al suo fianco, ma Kanata è all'oscuro di tutto. Come gesto finale, Noir decide di cucinare per lui. In onda il: 2024-02-06 17: Zona grigiastra Per la sventatezza di Noir, Mystere e Noir stessa non funzionano più. Nessuna delle due si sveglia, così Kanata chiede aiuto ad Alba. Secondo Alba, per salvarle occorre un'altra Magus di tipo zero. Forse ce n'è una tra le rovine di Amasia. Kanata e Ciel si mettono dunque in viaggio per trovarla. 17: Zona grigiastra In onda il: 2024-02-06 Per la sventatezza di Noir, Mystere e Noir stessa non funzionano più. Nessuna delle due si sveglia, così Kanata chiede aiuto ad Alba. Secondo Alba, per salvarle occorre un'altra Magus di tipo zero. Forse ce n'è una tra le rovine di Amasia. Kanata e Ciel si mettono dunque in viaggio per trovarla. In onda il: 2024-02-13 18: Oltre il cielo Tradito da un fidato alleato, Kanata viene fatto prigioniero e altri due suoi amici vengono visti tra le fila di Ideal. A peggiorare le cose, Weisheit svela un passato scioccante. 18: Oltre il cielo In onda il: 2024-02-13 Tradito da un fidato alleato, Kanata viene fatto prigioniero e altri due suoi amici vengono visti tra le fila di Ideal. A peggiorare le cose, Weisheit svela un passato scioccante. In onda il: 2024-02-20 19: Controfigura Ellie, temendo per l'incolumità di Kanata, va a cercarlo e lo trova in stato di shock, mentre incolpa sé stesso con Ciel esanime tra le braccia. Non c'è più tempo da perdere per Noir e Mystere, ma lui è incapace di scegliere. Nel corso di un'accesa discussione, Kanata è costretto a decidere. 19: Controfigura In onda il: 2024-02-20 Ellie, temendo per l'incolumità di Kanata, va a cercarlo e lo trova in stato di shock, mentre incolpa sé stesso con Ciel esanime tra le braccia. Non c'è più tempo da perdere per Noir e Mystere, ma lui è incapace di scegliere. Nel corso di un'accesa discussione, Kanata è costretto a decidere. In onda il: 2024-02-27 20: I loro racconti Pascale ha lasciato un messaggio che descrive il passato di Noir e Mystere quando erano entrate in contatto con Histoire. Nel frattempo, Macht ricorda il momento della stipula del contratto con Schnee. I suoi ricordi rivelano il segreto di Ideal, mentre lo scontro con Kanata si avvicina sempre più. 20: I loro racconti In onda il: 2024-02-27 Pascale ha lasciato un messaggio che descrive il passato di Noir e Mystere quando erano entrate in contatto con Histoire. Nel frattempo, Macht ricorda il momento della stipula del contratto con Schnee. I suoi ricordi rivelano il segreto di Ideal, mentre lo scontro con Kanata si avvicina sempre più. In onda il: 2024-03-05 21: La tua canzone Nell'imminenza della battaglia contro Ideal, Kanata apporta delle migliorie al DAISYOGRE ALTER. Frattanto Noir, che non si capacita di essere stata salvata da Ciel, girovagando incontra una fan di quest'ultima e rievoca con lei le sue canzoni. Poi Noir dice a Kanata di voler provare a cantare. 21: La tua canzone In onda il: 2024-03-05 Nell'imminenza della battaglia contro Ideal, Kanata apporta delle migliorie al DAISYOGRE ALTER. Frattanto Noir, che non si capacita di essere stata salvata da Ciel, girovagando incontra una fan di quest'ultima e rievoca con lei le sue canzoni. Poi Noir dice a Kanata di voler provare a cantare. In onda il: 2024-03-12 22: Gravity Coffin Grazie al razzo di Maria, Kanata può finalmente raggiungere Histoire. Tuttavia, Ideal non è d'accordo e cerca di fermarlo. Weisheit ordina a Macht di rapire Mystere dando così il via a un'imponente battaglia tra i Drifter di Rock Town e Ideal. 22: Gravity Coffin In onda il: 2024-03-12 Grazie al razzo di Maria, Kanata può finalmente raggiungere Histoire. Tuttavia, Ideal non è d'accordo e cerca di fermarlo. Weisheit ordina a Macht di rapire Mystere dando così il via a un'imponente battaglia tra i Drifter di Rock Town e Ideal. In onda il: 2024-03-19 23: Oltre il limite Per riportare indietro Mystere, Kanata decide d'inseguire Weisheit con l'ultimo razzo rimasto. Lui e Noir salutano Rock Town prima di arrivare finalmente a Histoire, dove Weisheit li aspetta impaziente. 23: Oltre il limite In onda il: 2024-03-19 Per riportare indietro Mystere, Kanata decide d'inseguire Weisheit con l'ultimo razzo rimasto. Lui e Noir salutano Rock Town prima di arrivare finalmente a Histoire, dove Weisheit li aspetta impaziente. In onda il: 2024-03-26 24: My Name is... Noir / Drifters Everything went just as Weisheit planned and every Magus has ceased functioning. However, Noir is the only Magus unaffected due to her unique origins. Now all hope rests on her shoulders. The time has come for Kanata and Noir to face off against Weisheit in their final battle. 24: My Name is... Noir / Drifters In onda il: 2024-03-26 Everything went just as Weisheit planned and every Magus has ceased functioning. However, Noir is the only Magus unaffected due to her unique origins. Now all hope rests on her shoulders. The time has come for Kanata and Noir to face off against Weisheit in their final battle. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Il monologo della Speziale Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero L'anime segue la storia di Maomao, una ragazzina figlia di uno speziale e cresciuta in un piccolo paesino di provincia dell'impero cinese. Non avrebbe mai pensato però di essere rapita e di essere venduta proprio al palazzo imperiale dove, a causa delle sue capacità, notate dal cerusico Jinshi, si ritrova a dover identificare i veleni che potrebbero essere inseriti nel cibo destinati alla consorte preferita dell'imperatore. Akinori Fudesaka Assistant Director Yukiko Nakatani Character Designer Misato Aida Color Designer Shoji Hata Sound Director Norihiro Naganuma Series Director Norihiro Naganuma Series Composition Katsumi Takao Art Direction Rumi Ishiguro Director of Photography Daisuke Imai Editor Satoru Kosaki Original Music Composer Kevin Penkin Original Music Composer Alisa Okehazama Original Music Composer Natsu Hyuuga Novel Yu Nagai CGI Director Yoshihiro Nagamori Character Designer Kazutaka Yamanaka Executive Producer Atsushi Takahashi Executive Producer Katsuhiro Takei Executive Producer Keiji Ota Executive Producer Tatsuya Maeda Executive Producer Hideki Kama Executive Producer Mitsuharu Moriya Executive Producer Nobumasa Sawabe Executive Producer Ryuji Abe Executive Producer Mitsuteru Hishiyama Producer Yuito Hirahara Producer Katsuji Morishita Producer Junya Okamoto Producer Tomoko Fujimura Producer Yoshiki Kobayashi Music Producer Takahiro Sato Executive Producer Aya Kawamura Producer Hiroshi Muto Producer Kohei Takara Foley Artist Haruka Matsushita Sound Recordist Masamune Otani Assistant Editor Taiki Onoue Associate Producer Takanari Iwata Associate Producer Ryo Ebina Associate Producer Kana Miyai Character Designer Ryo Hirata Prop Designer mikitail Prop Designer Eiji Sumitomo Production Manager Aoi Yuki Maomao (voice) Takeo Otsuka Jinshi (voice) Katsuyuki Konishi Gaoshun (voice) Atsumi Tanezaki Gyokuyou (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-10-22 1: Maomao After being kidnapped and forced to work as a servant in the rear palace, former apothecary Maomao inadvertently draws the attention of the higher ranks when she investigates what's causing the emperor's infant heirs to fall mysteriously ill. 1: Maomao In onda il: 2023-10-22 After being kidnapped and forced to work as a servant in the rear palace, former apothecary Maomao inadvertently draws the attention of the higher ranks when she investigates what's causing the emperor's infant heirs to fall mysteriously ill. In onda il: 2023-10-22 2: Chilly Apothecary Maomao tries to settle into her promotion to lady-in-waiting and food taster, but struggles to fend off both boredom and the overly-familiar Jinshi. That is, until she gets an assignment of her dreams: to concoct an aphrodisiac. 2: Chilly Apothecary In onda il: 2023-10-22 Maomao tries to settle into her promotion to lady-in-waiting and food taster, but struggles to fend off both boredom and the overly-familiar Jinshi. That is, until she gets an assignment of her dreams: to concoct an aphrodisiac. In onda il: 2023-10-22 3: The Unsettling Matter of the Spirit Tasked with investigating a ghostly woman dancing nightly on the palace walls, Maomao finds a sleepwalking Concubine Fuyou. But with no medicinal cure for sleepwalking, she's forced to dig deeper to find the real reason behind Fuyou's affliction. 3: The Unsettling Matter of the Spirit In onda il: 2023-10-22 Tasked with investigating a ghostly woman dancing nightly on the palace walls, Maomao finds a sleepwalking Concubine Fuyou. But with no medicinal cure for sleepwalking, she's forced to dig deeper to find the real reason behind Fuyou's affliction. In onda il: 2023-10-29 4: The Threat Under direct orders from the emperor himself, Maomao tries to care for an ailing Concubine Lihua, but finds her work impeded by Lihua's own ladies-in-waiting. 4: The Threat In onda il: 2023-10-29 Under direct orders from the emperor himself, Maomao tries to care for an ailing Concubine Lihua, but finds her work impeded by Lihua's own ladies-in-waiting. In onda il: 2023-11-05 5: Covert Operations A eunuch stricken by a curse comes begging for aid. Meanwhile, the rear palace buzzes with excitement as everyone prepares for the upcoming garden party, and Gyokuyou's ladies-in-waiting aren't about to let Maomao get away without dressing her up. 5: Covert Operations In onda il: 2023-11-05 A eunuch stricken by a curse comes begging for aid. Meanwhile, the rear palace buzzes with excitement as everyone prepares for the upcoming garden party, and Gyokuyou's ladies-in-waiting aren't about to let Maomao get away without dressing her up. In onda il: 2023-11-12 6: The Garden Party Maomao does her best to navigate the complex social situations at the garden party, including meeting the other Upper First rank concubines. But once she settles down to do her work as a food-taster, she discovers a surprise in a bowl of soup. 6: The Garden Party In onda il: 2023-11-12 Maomao does her best to navigate the complex social situations at the garden party, including meeting the other Upper First rank concubines. But once she settles down to do her work as a food-taster, she discovers a surprise in a bowl of soup. In onda il: 2023-11-19 7: Homecoming Gaoshun goes to Maomao to get her help in resolving the events of the garden party. Later, Xiaolan explains the purpose of the hairpins Maomao was gifted, and Maomao makes a deal with Lihaku in order to finally visit home. 7: Homecoming In onda il: 2023-11-19 Gaoshun goes to Maomao to get her help in resolving the events of the garden party. Later, Xiaolan explains the purpose of the hairpins Maomao was gifted, and Maomao makes a deal with Lihaku in order to finally visit home. In onda il: 2023-11-26 8: Wheat Stalks Maomao's peaceful morning at home is interrupted when she's called in to investigate an apparent double suicide at one of the local brothels. 8: Wheat Stalks In onda il: 2023-11-26 Maomao's peaceful morning at home is interrupted when she's called in to investigate an apparent double suicide at one of the local brothels. In onda il: 2023-12-03 9: Suicide or Murder? An older acquaintance of Jinshi's dies while drinking at a party. A servant's body turns up in a moat. Both deaths are written off as self-inflicted, but Maomao's keen observations tell her that there's more to both stories. 9: Suicide or Murder? In onda il: 2023-12-03 An older acquaintance of Jinshi's dies while drinking at a party. A servant's body turns up in a moat. Both deaths are written off as self-inflicted, but Maomao's keen observations tell her that there's more to both stories. In onda il: 2023-12-10 10: Honey A tea party hosted by Lady Gyokuyou puts the politics of the rear palace at the forefront, and Maomao learns something new about Lady Lishu. His true intentions unclear, Jinshi sends Maomao to work for Lady Ah-Duo. 10: Honey In onda il: 2023-12-10 A tea party hosted by Lady Gyokuyou puts the politics of the rear palace at the forefront, and Maomao learns something new about Lady Lishu. His true intentions unclear, Jinshi sends Maomao to work for Lady Ah-Duo. In onda il: 2023-12-17 11: Reducing Two to One Maomao confronts Fengming about the dark secret she's been hiding from her noble Lady Ah-Duo. 11: Reducing Two to One In onda il: 2023-12-17 Maomao confronts Fengming about the dark secret she's been hiding from her noble Lady Ah-Duo. In onda il: 2023-12-24 12: The Eunuch and the Courtesan Discovering that Maomao's kidnappers were connected to Fengming's family, Jinshi is faced with a choice between keeping Maomao in the rear palace where he can be near her or releasing her from her service. 12: The Eunuch and the Courtesan In onda il: 2023-12-24 Discovering that Maomao's kidnappers were connected to Fengming's family, Jinshi is faced with a choice between keeping Maomao in the rear palace where he can be near her or releasing her from her service. In onda il: 2024-01-07 13: Serving in the Outer Court To Maomao's surprise, Jinshi brings her directly to his house instead of taking her back to the rear palace, and tells her she's to work in the outer court. Not only is there much to learn, it seems there's many eyes on her as the new hire. 13: Serving in the Outer Court In onda il: 2024-01-07 To Maomao's surprise, Jinshi brings her directly to his house instead of taking her back to the rear palace, and tells her she's to work in the outer court. Not only is there much to learn, it seems there's many eyes on her as the new hire. In onda il: 2024-01-14 14: The New Pure Consort Ah-Duo's replacement has arrived in the rear palace, and Maomao is assigned to give a certain lecture to all four high concubines. Later, Maomao helps Lihaku investigate a warehouse explosion. 14: The New Pure Consort In onda il: 2024-01-14 Ah-Duo's replacement has arrived in the rear palace, and Maomao is assigned to give a certain lecture to all four high concubines. Later, Maomao helps Lihaku investigate a warehouse explosion. In onda il: 2024-01-21 15: Raw Fish Gaoshun requests Maomao's help in solving an apparent poisoning case. Meanwhile, Jinshi deals with an unwelcome visitor who's taken to lingering in his office. 15: Raw Fish In onda il: 2024-01-21 Gaoshun requests Maomao's help in solving an apparent poisoning case. Meanwhile, Jinshi deals with an unwelcome visitor who's taken to lingering in his office. In onda il: 2024-01-28 16: Lead A shack, a chest of drawers, and a fishbowl are all that a talented metalworker leaves to his three sons upon his death. Maomao is assigned to investigate how these strange inheritances all fit together. 16: Lead In onda il: 2024-01-28 A shack, a chest of drawers, and a fishbowl are all that a talented metalworker leaves to his three sons upon his death. Maomao is assigned to investigate how these strange inheritances all fit together. In onda il: 2024-02-04 17: A Jaunt Around Town Covering up Jinshi's otherworldly beauty is no easy task, but after Maomao takes the challenge head-on, she's surprised when she's also asked to don the disguise of a noblewoman and escort "Jinka" outside the palace. 17: A Jaunt Around Town In onda il: 2024-02-04 Covering up Jinshi's otherworldly beauty is no easy task, but after Maomao takes the challenge head-on, she's surprised when she's also asked to don the disguise of a noblewoman and escort "Jinka" outside the palace. In onda il: 2024-02-11 18: Lakan Back at home, Maomao visits an annex building at the Verdigris House that hides one of the brothel's secrets. Lakan continues to antagonize Jinshi as his connection to Maomao becomes clear. 18: Lakan In onda il: 2024-02-11 Back at home, Maomao visits an annex building at the Verdigris House that hides one of the brothel's secrets. Lakan continues to antagonize Jinshi as his connection to Maomao becomes clear. In onda il: 2024-02-18 19: Chance or Something More A discussion with Lihaku about recent events leads Maomao to realize that the mysteries she's helped to solve are connected. As the final piece of the puzzle falls into place, she rushes to stop impending disaster. 19: Chance or Something More In onda il: 2024-02-18 A discussion with Lihaku about recent events leads Maomao to realize that the mysteries she's helped to solve are connected. As the final piece of the puzzle falls into place, she rushes to stop impending disaster. In onda il: 2024-02-25 20: Thornapple Maomao was able to stop the assassination attempt, but was heavily injured in the process. However, the injuries aren't enough to stop her curiosity, driving her to confront the culprit behind the incident. 20: Thornapple In onda il: 2024-02-25 Maomao was able to stop the assassination attempt, but was heavily injured in the process. However, the injuries aren't enough to stop her curiosity, driving her to confront the culprit behind the incident. In onda il: 2024-03-03 21: How to Buy Out a Contract Back to work at the rear palace, Maomao listens to Guen talk about his family's business. Meanwhile, Lihaku hears a rumor that whips him into action. 21: How to Buy Out a Contract In onda il: 2024-03-03 Back to work at the rear palace, Maomao listens to Guen talk about his family's business. Meanwhile, Lihaku hears a rumor that whips him into action. In onda il: 2024-03-10 22: Blue Roses Lakan challenges Jinshi to produce blue roses to present at the upcoming garden party, forcing Jinshi to turn once again to Maomao for her help. 22: Blue Roses In onda il: 2024-03-10 Lakan challenges Jinshi to produce blue roses to present at the upcoming garden party, forcing Jinshi to turn once again to Maomao for her help. In onda il: 2024-03-17 23: Balsam and Woodsorrel No longer willing to keep running away from Lakan, Maomao decides to face off against him. She challenges him on his own turf, in a chess match. 23: Balsam and Woodsorrel In onda il: 2024-03-17 No longer willing to keep running away from Lakan, Maomao decides to face off against him. She challenges him on his own turf, in a chess match. In onda il: 2024-03-24 24: Jinshi and Maomao Lakan must now choose a courtesan to buy out. As a high-ranking military official, he can afford to freely choose, even from one of the Three Princesses. Who will he choose? Who does Maomao really want him to choose? 24: Jinshi and Maomao In onda il: 2024-03-24 Lakan must now choose a courtesan to buy out. As a high-ranking military official, he can afford to freely choose, even from one of the Three Princesses. Who will he choose? Who does Maomao really want him to choose? Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Undead Unluck Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure Andy, un Annullatore con l'abilità “Undead”, è da tempo in cerca di qualcuno con l'abilità di donargli una "vera morte". Fuko Izumo porta sfortuna a coloro che la circondano a causa della sua abilità “Unluck”. I due decidono di unirsi all'Unione, un'organizzazione che mira a controllare e proteggere il mondo da fenomeni non identificati. I due scoprono il mistero del mondo mentre cercano la "morte migliore di sempre". Yoshifumi Tozuka Comic Book Yuki Yase Series Director Hideyuki Morioka Character Designer Kenichiro Suehiro Original Music Composer Keito Watanabe Art Direction Jin Aketagawa Sound Director Shin'ya Takano CGI Director Takao Saito Director of Photography Aiko Mizuno Color Designer Kiyoshi Hirose Editor Ryo Ohashi VFX Supervisor Yamato Haishima Series Composition Yoshihisa Heishi Executive Producer Tadashi Takezaki Executive Producer Shuichiro Tanaka Executive Producer Hiroyuki Ookaji Lead Animator Mamoru Kurosawa Art Designer Yukako Ogawa Art Direction Yasumasa Koyama Sound Effects Nobuhiro Negishi Sound Mixer Yukiko Nishiyama Music Producer Hiroyasu Shinohara Executive Producer Makoto Oyoshi Executive Producer Masahiro Tomobe Producer Sota Sato Producer Hiroshi Kamei Producer Kosuke Matsunaga Production Supervisor Kiyomi Yamada Assistant Editor Noboru Kurota Assistant Editor Hironobu Hatanaka Assistant Director of Photography Shoko Harada Special Effects Miyuka Kidachi Publicist Hiroki Wakou Publicist Hitomi Ando Publicist Hirokazu Sato Lead Animator Moe Kahara Fuko Izumo (voice) Yuichi Nakamura Andy (voice) Natsuki Hanae Shen (voice) Kenji Nomura Void (voice) Aoi Yuki Gina (voice) Koji Yusa Nico (voice) Mariya Ise Juiz (voice) Rie Kugimiya Tatiana (voice) Nobuhiko Okamoto Top (voice) Rikiya Koyama Billy (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-10-07 1: Undead e Unluck Fuko Izumo, una ragazza con l'abilità "Unluck", porta sfortuna a coloro che la toccano. Un "Undead" dal corpo immortale le appare davanti, mentre Fuko sta cercando di suicidarsi, e gioisce del fatto di aver finalmente incontrato qualcuno con l'abilità di dargli una vera morte. Rapisce Fuko e cerca di scatenare il più grande colpo di sfortuna di sempre mentre i cacciatori dell'Organizzazione per il Controllo dei Fenomeni Anti-Non-Identificati, noto come l'"Unione", danno loro la caccia! 1: Undead e Unluck In onda il: 2023-10-07 Fuko Izumo, una ragazza con l'abilità "Unluck", porta sfortuna a coloro che la toccano. Un "Undead" dal corpo immortale le appare davanti, mentre Fuko sta cercando di suicidarsi, e gioisce del fatto di aver finalmente incontrato qualcuno con l'abilità di dargli una vera morte. Rapisce Fuko e cerca di scatenare il più grande colpo di sfortuna di sempre mentre i cacciatori dell'Organizzazione per il Controllo dei Fenomeni Anti-Non-Identificati, noto come l'"Unione", danno loro la caccia! In onda il: 2023-10-14 2: Unione Un grande colpo di sfortuna arriva quando Fuko bacia Andy l'Undead. Andy fa una mossa con Fuko pensando che accadrà una sfortuna maggiore se porteranno oltre il loro contatto fisico! Per evitare un’aggressione, Fuko spiega che più lei è amabile, maggiore è la sfortuna. Andy dichiara allora che, se le cose stanno così, la farà innamorare di lui per dargli il più grande colpo di sfortuna e, fino ad allora, non la lascerà mai morire. Intanto i cacciatori dell'Unione si avvicinano a Andy e Fuko... 2: Unione In onda il: 2023-10-14 Un grande colpo di sfortuna arriva quando Fuko bacia Andy l'Undead. Andy fa una mossa con Fuko pensando che accadrà una sfortuna maggiore se porteranno oltre il loro contatto fisico! Per evitare un’aggressione, Fuko spiega che più lei è amabile, maggiore è la sfortuna. Andy dichiara allora che, se le cose stanno così, la farà innamorare di lui per dargli il più grande colpo di sfortuna e, fino ad allora, non la lascerà mai morire. Intanto i cacciatori dell'Unione si avvicinano a Andy e Fuko... In onda il: 2023-10-21 3: Come usare la mia Unluck Tra tre giorni, un membro dell'Unione farà un'indagine UMA in Russia. Andy e Fuko vanno verso il Lago Baikal dopo essere stati informati che, uccidendo questo membro, potranno entrare nell'Unione. Fuggendo dall'inseguimento dell'Unione, la coppia arriva al Lago Baikal, ma si separa appena arriva a causa di alcune faccende di Andy. Fuko incontra una ragazza vestita con un abito simile a un'uniforme scolastica giapponese. Sta dipingendo e, sollecitata da lei, Fuko decide di dipingere con lei... 3: Come usare la mia Unluck In onda il: 2023-10-21 Tra tre giorni, un membro dell'Unione farà un'indagine UMA in Russia. Andy e Fuko vanno verso il Lago Baikal dopo essere stati informati che, uccidendo questo membro, potranno entrare nell'Unione. Fuggendo dall'inseguimento dell'Unione, la coppia arriva al Lago Baikal, ma si separa appena arriva a causa di alcune faccende di Andy. Fuko incontra una ragazza vestita con un abito simile a un'uniforme scolastica giapponese. Sta dipingendo e, sollecitata da lei, Fuko decide di dipingere con lei... In onda il: 2023-10-28 4: Ami il cambiamento in me? La ragazza che dipinge con Fuko al Lago Baikal è Gena, l’Annullatrice che ha catturato Andy in passato! Andy cerca un modo di contrattaccare cercando di capire cosa lei neghi esattamente. Così si rende conto che Gena è Unchange, l’Annullatrice che nega agli oggetti di cambiare forma. Gena crede che Fuko le abbia rubato la sua cotta, Andy, e mostra sentimenti di rivalità per gelosia nei confronti di Fuko. Mentre l'attacco di Gena continua, Fuko nota qualcosa... 4: Ami il cambiamento in me? In onda il: 2023-10-28 La ragazza che dipinge con Fuko al Lago Baikal è Gena, l’Annullatrice che ha catturato Andy in passato! Andy cerca un modo di contrattaccare cercando di capire cosa lei neghi esattamente. Così si rende conto che Gena è Unchange, l’Annullatrice che nega agli oggetti di cambiare forma. Gena crede che Fuko le abbia rubato la sua cotta, Andy, e mostra sentimenti di rivalità per gelosia nei confronti di Fuko. Mentre l'attacco di Gena continua, Fuko nota qualcosa... In onda il: 2023-11-04 5: Uniti neghiamo Andy e Fuko vengono portati alla Tavola Rotonda dove attendono i membri dell'Unione. Lì, Apocalypse consegna il nuovo turno di missioni. Apocalypse è il primo "Artefatto" trovato sulla Terra che impone compiti irragionevoli all'Unione. Fuko pone la questione ai membri, che credono che sia naturale accettare le missioni, e suggerisce un cambiamento, ma il leader Juiz la pensa diversamente. 5: Uniti neghiamo In onda il: 2023-11-04 Andy e Fuko vengono portati alla Tavola Rotonda dove attendono i membri dell'Unione. Lì, Apocalypse consegna il nuovo turno di missioni. Apocalypse è il primo "Artefatto" trovato sulla Terra che impone compiti irragionevoli all'Unione. Fuko pone la questione ai membri, che credono che sia naturale accettare le missioni, e suggerisce un cambiamento, ma il leader Juiz la pensa diversamente. In onda il: 2023-11-11 6: Rovina Andy e gli altri sono arrivati negli Stati Uniti per catturare l'UMA, Spoil. Dopo aver fatto un controllo del cadavere in putrefazione collegato a Spoil, viene alla luce che era originario di Longing. Stando ai rapporti di agenti che sono stati a Longing, non c'è dubbio che Spoil e gli zombie creati siano all'interno. Appena arrivano, Andy trova uno zombie che non si è ancora mescolato completamente nelle orde. Cerca di chiedere a quello zombie dove si trova Spoil... 6: Rovina In onda il: 2023-11-11 Andy e gli altri sono arrivati negli Stati Uniti per catturare l'UMA, Spoil. Dopo aver fatto un controllo del cadavere in putrefazione collegato a Spoil, viene alla luce che era originario di Longing. Stando ai rapporti di agenti che sono stati a Longing, non c'è dubbio che Spoil e gli zombie creati siano all'interno. Appena arrivano, Andy trova uno zombie che non si è ancora mescolato completamente nelle orde. Cerca di chiedere a quello zombie dove si trova Spoil... In onda il: 2023-11-18 7: Sogno Gli abitanti della città di Longing si sono trasformati tutti in zombie a causa di Spoil. Dai bambini che si nascondono in un rifugio sotterraneo, Fuko scopre esattamente cosa è successo e come hanno evitato di trasformarsi in zombie. Intanto, Andy combatte in superficie insieme agli altri zombie contro Spoil. Quando uno zombie accidentalmente tocca Fuko, si scatena un colpo di sfortuna. Andy si rende conto che i poteri di Fuko funzionano anche sugli zombie... 7: Sogno In onda il: 2023-11-18 Gli abitanti della città di Longing si sono trasformati tutti in zombie a causa di Spoil. Dai bambini che si nascondono in un rifugio sotterraneo, Fuko scopre esattamente cosa è successo e come hanno evitato di trasformarsi in zombie. Intanto, Andy combatte in superficie insieme agli altri zombie contro Spoil. Quando uno zombie accidentalmente tocca Fuko, si scatena un colpo di sfortuna. Andy si rende conto che i poteri di Fuko funzionano anche sugli zombie... In onda il: 2023-11-25 8: Victhor Spoil passa alla Fase 2, scomponendo qualsiasi cosa si avvicini e usando un laser decomponente per ciò che fugge. Shen contrattacca con il suo artefatto e la sua abilità di negazione. Spoil non riesce a contrattaccare, ma la battaglia arriva a uno stallo poiché Spoil non può essere toccato direttamente. Per questo tipo di UMA, la cattura è completata quando il "centro" all'interno del suo corpo viene estratto, cosa che crea il bisogno di capire come sopprimere completamente l'abilità di Spoil. 8: Victhor In onda il: 2023-11-25 Spoil passa alla Fase 2, scomponendo qualsiasi cosa si avvicini e usando un laser decomponente per ciò che fugge. Shen contrattacca con il suo artefatto e la sua abilità di negazione. Spoil non riesce a contrattaccare, ma la battaglia arriva a uno stallo poiché Spoil non può essere toccato direttamente. Per questo tipo di UMA, la cattura è completata quando il "centro" all'interno del suo corpo viene estratto, cosa che crea il bisogno di capire come sopprimere completamente l'abilità di Spoil. In onda il: 2023-12-02 9: Ritorno Victor, l'uomo che un tempo portò la vittoria su innumerevoli campi di battaglia. Questa è l'altra faccia di Andy, che appare quando viene rimossa la carta sulla sua fronte. Nonostante Spoil sia stato catturato, Andy rimane Victor. I membri dell'Unione lo affrontano per farlo tornare come prima. Tuttavia, con poteri che superano quelli di Andy e una personalità aggressiva, Victor è un avversario difficile da battere per i membri dell'Unione. Fuko passa all'azione per riportare indietro Andy! 9: Ritorno In onda il: 2023-12-02 Victor, l'uomo che un tempo portò la vittoria su innumerevoli campi di battaglia. Questa è l'altra faccia di Andy, che appare quando viene rimossa la carta sulla sua fronte. Nonostante Spoil sia stato catturato, Andy rimane Victor. I membri dell'Unione lo affrontano per farlo tornare come prima. Tuttavia, con poteri che superano quelli di Andy e una personalità aggressiva, Victor è un avversario difficile da battere per i membri dell'Unione. Fuko passa all'azione per riportare indietro Andy! In onda il: 2023-12-09 10: Risultato L'Apocalisse porta i risultati delle missioni davanti ai membri dell'Unione. Con il fallimento della sesta missione, l'Apocalisse si aggiunge come penalità per la UMA Galaxy. I membri dell'Unione si dirigono in superficie e l'alterazione del mondo comincia davanti ai loro occhi. Questa volta il Rule crea alieni che hanno viaggiato attraverso le galassie per invadere la Terra. 10: Risultato In onda il: 2023-12-09 L'Apocalisse porta i risultati delle missioni davanti ai membri dell'Unione. Con il fallimento della sesta missione, l'Apocalisse si aggiunge come penalità per la UMA Galaxy. I membri dell'Unione si dirigono in superficie e l'alterazione del mondo comincia davanti ai loro occhi. Questa volta il Rule crea alieni che hanno viaggiato attraverso le galassie per invadere la Terra. In onda il: 2023-12-16 11: Rio de Janeiro Viene confermata l'ubicazione dell’Annullatore Unrepair vicino a un'asta del mercato nero, così Andy e gli altri si dirigono lì. Annullatori, UMA e Artefatti che l'Unione non è stata in grado di gestire circolano in questo mercato. Andy e Fuko si infiltrano all'asta fingendosi una coppia sposata. Ascoltano le conversazioni attorno a loro e sentono parlare di Annullatori e UMA come merci, quindi Fuko chiede a Andy se per gli Annullatori sia meglio entrare nell'Unione o essere venduti. 11: Rio de Janeiro In onda il: 2023-12-16 Viene confermata l'ubicazione dell’Annullatore Unrepair vicino a un'asta del mercato nero, così Andy e gli altri si dirigono lì. Annullatori, UMA e Artefatti che l'Unione non è stata in grado di gestire circolano in questo mercato. Andy e Fuko si infiltrano all'asta fingendosi una coppia sposata. Ascoltano le conversazioni attorno a loro e sentono parlare di Annullatori e UMA come merci, quindi Fuko chiede a Andy se per gli Annullatori sia meglio entrare nell'Unione o essere venduti. In onda il: 2023-12-23 12: Activate The Union and the Negator Hunters have infiltrated the black market auction venue for a new Negator. Andy and Fuko hurry towards the auction item storage, to stop the Negator Hunters who seek revenge against the world. 12: Activate In onda il: 2023-12-23 The Union and the Negator Hunters have infiltrated the black market auction venue for a new Negator. Andy and Fuko hurry towards the auction item storage, to stop the Negator Hunters who seek revenge against the world. In onda il: 2024-01-06 13: Tatiana While Tatiana fights members of the Negator Hunters, she receives a report that Fuko was wounded by Unrepair. Tatiana unleashes her powers in order to save Fuko! 13: Tatiana In onda il: 2024-01-06 While Tatiana fights members of the Negator Hunters, she receives a report that Fuko was wounded by Unrepair. Tatiana unleashes her powers in order to save Fuko! In onda il: 2024-01-13 14: Crimson Bullet A huge explosion occurs from within the luxury liner sends Andy and company up into the air. They find Rip and company among the rubble. If they let Rip get away, Fuko will die. A roller-coaster ride of a battle ensues. 14: Crimson Bullet In onda il: 2024-01-13 A huge explosion occurs from within the luxury liner sends Andy and company up into the air. They find Rip and company among the rubble. If they let Rip get away, Fuko will die. A roller-coaster ride of a battle ensues. In onda il: 2024-01-20 15: Under Fuko and Andy head over to right outside Chikara’s school in order to hear his reply about joining the Union. Rip, who was supposedly dead, suddenly shows up as a young boy. Chikara over hears their conversation... 15: Under In onda il: 2024-01-20 Fuko and Andy head over to right outside Chikara’s school in order to hear his reply about joining the Union. Rip, who was supposedly dead, suddenly shows up as a young boy. Chikara over hears their conversation... In onda il: 2024-01-27 16: Revolution Apocalypse reads out the quests that have the 100th penalty on the line. However, Billy suddenly declares that it’s impossible for the Union to kill God, and tries to take off with the Roundtable... 16: Revolution In onda il: 2024-01-27 Apocalypse reads out the quests that have the 100th penalty on the line. However, Billy suddenly declares that it’s impossible for the Union to kill God, and tries to take off with the Roundtable... In onda il: 2024-02-03 17: Outsmart To regain the Roundtable, the Union commences an operation with Andy and Fuko as central members. Andy chops his head off while being kissed by Fuko. His head turns into a Parts Bullet and goes into Burn's stomach. 17: Outsmart In onda il: 2024-02-03 To regain the Roundtable, the Union commences an operation with Andy and Fuko as central members. Andy chops his head off while being kissed by Fuko. His head turns into a Parts Bullet and goes into Burn's stomach. In onda il: 2024-02-09 18: Cry for the Moon The Union regains control of Apocalypse, but the Roundtable has been seized. Juiz starts telling the members how this world is in a Loop of destruction and reconstruction by the hands of God, and that the Union is an organization she created to thwart such actions. 18: Cry for the Moon In onda il: 2024-02-09 The Union regains control of Apocalypse, but the Roundtable has been seized. Juiz starts telling the members how this world is in a Loop of destruction and reconstruction by the hands of God, and that the Union is an organization she created to thwart such actions. In onda il: 2024-02-17 19: Undead + Unluck The possibility has risen that Fuko’s bible in life “To You, From Me” was a manga drawn with an Artifact. Andy and Fuko are tasked with checking the status of the raw manuscripts and gaining intel about Anno Un. 19: Undead + Unluck In onda il: 2024-02-17 The possibility has risen that Fuko’s bible in life “To You, From Me” was a manga drawn with an Artifact. Andy and Fuko are tasked with checking the status of the raw manuscripts and gaining intel about Anno Un. In onda il: 2024-02-23 20: Anno Un Andy and Fuko await for Anno Un on a bench in Stanley Park. Before they know it, Anno is reading Fuko’s manga and declares that they know what the pair is looking for... 20: Anno Un In onda il: 2024-02-23 Andy and Fuko await for Anno Un on a bench in Stanley Park. Before they know it, Anno is reading Fuko’s manga and declares that they know what the pair is looking for... In onda il: 2024-03-02 21: Memento Mori Andy's memories become a book thanks to Autumn's claw that Anno Un materialized. Using the Artifact Soul Caliber, Anno Un plucks out Fuko's soul to send her inside Andy's book. The journey to learn about Andy begins. 21: Memento Mori In onda il: 2024-03-02 Andy's memories become a book thanks to Autumn's claw that Anno Un materialized. Using the Artifact Soul Caliber, Anno Un plucks out Fuko's soul to send her inside Andy's book. The journey to learn about Andy begins. In onda il: 2024-03-08 22: Profile Fuko arrives at Victor's memories but is killed by him shortly. Time flies by and Fuko moves on to the final chapter. While Fuko searches Shinjuku for Andy, Victor's blades are unleashed! 22: Profile In onda il: 2024-03-08 Fuko arrives at Victor's memories but is killed by him shortly. Time flies by and Fuko moves on to the final chapter. While Fuko searches Shinjuku for Andy, Victor's blades are unleashed! In onda il: 2024-03-15 23: A Story I Won't See Coming Anno Un's true self is Akira Kuno. Young Akira's came across the Artifact, "G-Liner." This Artifact allows the first person to touch it to see the past and future events of the current loop in its entirety. This incident greatly changes his future destiny. 23: A Story I Won't See Coming In onda il: 2024-03-15 Anno Un's true self is Akira Kuno. Young Akira's came across the Artifact, "G-Liner." This Artifact allows the first person to touch it to see the past and future events of the current loop in its entirety. This incident greatly changes his future destiny. In onda il: 2024-03-22 24: To You, From Me Now that Autumn is stronger, individual attacks are of no use. Anno Un asks Andy and the gang to buy some time to draw the most powerful Artifact necessary in capturing Autumn... 24: To You, From Me In onda il: 2024-03-22 Now that Autumn is stronger, individual attacks are of no use. Anno Un asks Andy and the gang to buy some time to draw the most powerful Artifact necessary in capturing Autumn... Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer MASHLE: MAGIC AND MUSCLES Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia si svolge in un mondo in cui esiste la magia e viene usata per qualunque occorrenza della vita quotidiana. Mash è un ragazzo che vive nelle profondità della foresta e trascorre le giornate impegnandosi in esercizi per fortificare il corpo. Non riesce a usare la magia ma vive comunque una vita pacifica con suo padre. Un giorno però la sua vita viene messa in pericolo; basterà il suo corpo muscoloso a proteggerlo dalla magia che i suoi aggressori useranno contro di lui? Hajime Komoto Comic Book Tomonari Tanaka Series Director Yosuke Kuroda Series Composition Hisashi Higashijima Character Designer Masaru Yokoyama Original Music Composer Akihito Suzuki Director of Photography Saki Hisamatsu Character Designer Nozomi Goto Character Designer Hiroaki Goda Action Director Hitoki Takeda Color Designer Hideyasu Narita Art Designer Yusa Ito Art Direction Daisuke Fukuda CGI Director Masato Yoshitake Editor Satoshi Motoyama Sound Director Yui Ando Sound Effects Takeshi Matsuda Creature Design Sayaka Takase Prop Designer Masaharu Yamanouchi Music Producer Koki Adaniya Music Director Masanori Miyake Executive Producer Akifumi Fujio Executive Producer Sota Furuhashi Producer Takao Shimazaki Producer Lu Xiana Producer Akira Shimizu Production Supervisor Jun Katou Production Supervisor Taiiku Okazaki Theme Song Performance Kimiya Nobukawa Assistant Director of Photography Noriko Masuko Special Effects Chiaki Kobayashi Mash Burnedead (voice) Reiji Kawashima Finn Ames (voice) Kaito Ishikawa Lance Crown (voice) Takuya Eguchi Dot Barrett (voice) Reina Ueda Lemon Irvine (voice) Hiroaki Hirata Narration (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-04-08 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods In onda il: 2023-04-08 This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... In onda il: 2023-04-15 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze In onda il: 2023-04-15 For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. In onda il: 2023-04-22 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully In onda il: 2023-04-22 Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! In onda il: 2023-04-29 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User In onda il: 2023-04-29 It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! In onda il: 2023-05-06 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate In onda il: 2023-05-06 It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! In onda il: 2023-05-13 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron In onda il: 2023-05-13 Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. In onda il: 2023-05-27 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master In onda il: 2023-05-27 Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. In onda il: 2023-06-03 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic In onda il: 2023-06-03 After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... In onda il: 2023-06-10 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle In onda il: 2023-06-10 After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! In onda il: 2023-06-17 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary In onda il: 2023-06-17 While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? In onda il: 2023-06-24 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest In onda il: 2023-06-24 Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! In onda il: 2023-07-01 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror In onda il: 2023-07-01 Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! In onda il: 2024-01-06 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries In onda il: 2024-01-06 After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... In onda il: 2024-01-13 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit In onda il: 2024-01-13 The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? In onda il: 2024-01-20 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift In onda il: 2024-01-20 Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! In onda il: 2024-01-27 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon In onda il: 2024-01-27 The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." In onda il: 2024-02-03 17: Finn Ames and the Friend Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… 17: Finn Ames and the Friend In onda il: 2024-02-03 Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… In onda il: 2024-02-17 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life In onda il: 2024-02-17 Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… In onda il: 2024-02-24 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro In onda il: 2024-02-24 The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? In onda il: 2024-03-02 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower In onda il: 2024-03-02 Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! In onda il: 2024-03-09 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness In onda il: 2024-03-09 Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… In onda il: 2024-03-16 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger In onda il: 2024-03-16 Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! In onda il: 2024-03-23 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In onda il: 2024-03-23 In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! In onda il: 2024-03-30 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends In onda il: 2024-03-30 Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
- (2023-2024)
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Ragna Crimson Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy In un mondo in cui i draghi sono la più grande calamità che l'umanità deve affrontare, esiste una potente gilda di cacciatori specializzata nella loro uccisione. Ragna è l'assistente e amico di Leonica, che è una delle più abili cacciatrici di draghi. Tra i due c'è un profondo legame, e per proteggerla e sconfiggere più bestie possibili Ragna è disposto a tutto. Nel suo vagare Ragna salva Elisa, una ragazzina indifesa, ma il suo vero nome è Crimson ed è molto più di cosa sembri. Ha così inizio il loro viaggio per vendicarsi ed eradicare la minaccia una volta per tutte. Daiki Kobayashi Comic Book Deko Akao Series Composition Ken Takahashi Series Director Koji Fujimoto Original Music Composer Osamu Sasaki Original Music Composer Shinpei Aoki Character Designer Asuka Komiyama Art Direction Makoto Endo 3D Director Fumiyuki Goh Sound Director Atsushi Satou Director of Photography Taeko Mizuno Color Designer Kentaro Tsubone Editor Go Nakanishi Executive Producer Hiroo Maruyama Executive Producer Yasutaka Kimura Executive Producer Akihiro Sotokawa Executive Producer Hiroyuki Aoi Producer Shota Komatsu Producer Tomoyuki Ohwada Producer Hiroto Utsunomiya Producer Yuki Ogasawara Producer Akihiro Narita Executive Producer Kazumi Saito Producer Akiho Igari Producer Chiaki Kobayashi Ragna (voice) Ayumu Murase Crimson (voice) Inori Minase Leonica (voice) Mamiko Noto Chimera (voice) Hiroki Touchi Golem (voice) Reina Ueda Ultimatia (voice) Takehito Koyasu Grymwelte (voice) Shunsuke Takeuchi Disas Trois (voice) Kozo Shioya Temruogtaf (voice) Nobutoshi Canna Future Ragna (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-10-01 1: The Day the Reaper Was Born Death and fire haunt Ragna’s dreams and, deep within his heart, he somehow knows they’re omens. If he doesn’t grow stronger, and soon, all that awaits him is lifelong regret. 1: The Day the Reaper Was Born In onda il: 2023-10-01 Death and fire haunt Ragna’s dreams and, deep within his heart, he somehow knows they’re omens. If he doesn’t grow stronger, and soon, all that awaits him is lifelong regret. In onda il: 2023-10-08 2: The Beginning of the Story Temruogtaf must be stopped. But Ragna loses interest in the dragon and turns his attention to one of his maids. Thanks to his new old memories, he knows who she really is. 2: The Beginning of the Story In onda il: 2023-10-08 Temruogtaf must be stopped. But Ragna loses interest in the dragon and turns his attention to one of his maids. Thanks to his new old memories, he knows who she really is. In onda il: 2023-10-15 3: Agitation Crimson is no hero. He will manipulate and use others if it furthers his goal, and that callousness is precisely what makes him a needed ally against dragons. 3: Agitation In onda il: 2023-10-15 Crimson is no hero. He will manipulate and use others if it furthers his goal, and that callousness is precisely what makes him a needed ally against dragons. In onda il: 2023-10-22 4: Action Dragons have another weakness aside from sunlight and silverine: pride. But Ultimatia is not like other dragons. 4: Action In onda il: 2023-10-22 Dragons have another weakness aside from sunlight and silverine: pride. But Ultimatia is not like other dragons. In onda il: 2023-10-29 5: Wing Ragna met Ultimatia before in another life and he did not emerge from that encounter unscathed. Now, in this life, dragons are disappearing and Ultimatia needs to know why. 5: Wing In onda il: 2023-10-29 Ragna met Ultimatia before in another life and he did not emerge from that encounter unscathed. Now, in this life, dragons are disappearing and Ultimatia needs to know why. In onda il: 2023-11-05 6: Reunion Ultimatia may have control over time itself, but Crimson knows her powers must have a weakness. Once that happens, all variables will be accounted for. Or so Crimson believes. 6: Reunion In onda il: 2023-11-05 Ultimatia may have control over time itself, but Crimson knows her powers must have a weakness. Once that happens, all variables will be accounted for. Or so Crimson believes. In onda il: 2023-11-12 7: Act and Guilt Ragna’s relentless assault forces Ultimatia on the defensive. Unaware of his identity, an unexpected emotion overtakes the dragon monarch as their battle rages on: Fear. 7: Act and Guilt In onda il: 2023-11-12 Ragna’s relentless assault forces Ultimatia on the defensive. Unaware of his identity, an unexpected emotion overtakes the dragon monarch as their battle rages on: Fear. In onda il: 2023-11-19 8: A Painful Blow Ultimatia made an impossible choice and, with Nebulim out for their blood, Ragna and Crimson must now withdraw. However, they may have only exchanged one problem for another. 8: A Painful Blow In onda il: 2023-11-19 Ultimatia made an impossible choice and, with Nebulim out for their blood, Ragna and Crimson must now withdraw. However, they may have only exchanged one problem for another. In onda il: 2023-11-26 9: Negotiation and True Nature Starlia's ability to see a person's true nature puts Crimson at a disadvantage, but when Ragna suddenly appears, the princess sees something in him she's never seen before. 9: Negotiation and True Nature In onda il: 2023-11-26 Starlia's ability to see a person's true nature puts Crimson at a disadvantage, but when Ragna suddenly appears, the princess sees something in him she's never seen before. In onda il: 2023-12-03 10: Stakes and Cooperation While Crimson uses Ragna as a bargaining chip to convince Starlia to accept their aid, Woltekamui vows to remain at Ultimatia's side and gives her much-needed encouragement. 10: Stakes and Cooperation In onda il: 2023-12-03 While Crimson uses Ragna as a bargaining chip to convince Starlia to accept their aid, Woltekamui vows to remain at Ultimatia's side and gives her much-needed encouragement. In onda il: 2023-12-10 11: Tactics and Knowledge Ragna spars with the Argentum Corps and infuses their weapons, while Crimson assists with the teleportation circles. But they are not the only ones preparing for battle. 11: Tactics and Knowledge In onda il: 2023-12-10 Ragna spars with the Argentum Corps and infuses their weapons, while Crimson assists with the teleportation circles. But they are not the only ones preparing for battle. In onda il: 2023-12-17 12: Determination and Readiness The battle begins at sunset, but before they confront an uncertain fate, Starlia asks Ragna to listen to a heartfelt request. 12: Determination and Readiness In onda il: 2023-12-17 The battle begins at sunset, but before they confront an uncertain fate, Starlia asks Ragna to listen to a heartfelt request. In onda il: 2024-01-14 13: Hero of the Battle The battle has begun, but Ragna and the Argentum Corps are not facing just any enemy. They are facing those who mean to exterminate them by any means necessary. 13: Hero of the Battle In onda il: 2024-01-14 The battle has begun, but Ragna and the Argentum Corps are not facing just any enemy. They are facing those who mean to exterminate them by any means necessary. In onda il: 2024-01-21 14: Impatience and Vigilance Olto Zora's cunning plan overwhelms the corps as they face the power of mature dragons. However, Crimson's impending offensive and Starlia's resolve may be the key to victory. 14: Impatience and Vigilance In onda il: 2024-01-21 Olto Zora's cunning plan overwhelms the corps as they face the power of mature dragons. However, Crimson's impending offensive and Starlia's resolve may be the key to victory. In onda il: 2024-01-28 15: Latent Awakening The tide is turning as the corps claw their way through the battlefield—Ragna and Starlia the source of their inspiration. But none are aware of Crimson's callous scheme. 15: Latent Awakening In onda il: 2024-01-28 The tide is turning as the corps claw their way through the battlefield—Ragna and Starlia the source of their inspiration. But none are aware of Crimson's callous scheme. In onda il: 2024-02-04 16: Will of Resistance Olto Zora used to be someone else once, and Starlia reminds him of someone he knew long ago. 16: Will of Resistance In onda il: 2024-02-04 Olto Zora used to be someone else once, and Starlia reminds him of someone he knew long ago. In onda il: 2024-02-11 17: My Comrade Olto Zora and Taratectra are lifelong friends who stand at a crossroads that could determine the battle. Now, Ragna and Starlia may be the only ones who can prevent calamity. 17: My Comrade In onda il: 2024-02-11 Olto Zora and Taratectra are lifelong friends who stand at a crossroads that could determine the battle. Now, Ragna and Starlia may be the only ones who can prevent calamity. In onda il: 2024-02-18 18: End of the Battle to the Death The battle is over, but at a heavy price. While a weary corps mourn their losses, representatives from the Solarian Church arrive to meet the fabled Reaper. 18: End of the Battle to the Death In onda il: 2024-02-18 The battle is over, but at a heavy price. While a weary corps mourn their losses, representatives from the Solarian Church arrive to meet the fabled Reaper. In onda il: 2024-02-25 19: Reason to Fight Ragna has found a reason to fight, and he and the Argentum Corps will take the battle to the Blood of the Wing, no matter what Crimson thinks. 19: Reason to Fight In onda il: 2024-02-25 Ragna has found a reason to fight, and he and the Argentum Corps will take the battle to the Blood of the Wing, no matter what Crimson thinks. In onda il: 2024-03-03 20: Just Watch Me Four superior dragons stand between them and the Winged Monarch. With unyielding resolve, the Argentum Corps storm a dead capital for the final battle. 20: Just Watch Me In onda il: 2024-03-03 Four superior dragons stand between them and the Winged Monarch. With unyielding resolve, the Argentum Corps storm a dead capital for the final battle. In onda il: 2024-03-10 21: Words Aren't Needed Multiple battles erupt in an all-out war against the Blood of the Wing. As each side engages in mortal combat, a crucial decision awaits Crimson. 21: Words Aren't Needed In onda il: 2024-03-10 Multiple battles erupt in an all-out war against the Blood of the Wing. As each side engages in mortal combat, a crucial decision awaits Crimson. In onda il: 2024-03-17 22: The Winged Monarch The darkest hour is at hand. As cherished comrades fall on both sides, bittersweet memories of the past surge to the forefront. 22: The Winged Monarch In onda il: 2024-03-17 The darkest hour is at hand. As cherished comrades fall on both sides, bittersweet memories of the past surge to the forefront. In onda il: 2024-03-24 23: Lightning God As Ragna and Woltekamui's titanic battle rages across the heavens, the dragon is reminded of another encounter—one that shaped him into the warrior he is today. 23: Lightning God In onda il: 2024-03-24 As Ragna and Woltekamui's titanic battle rages across the heavens, the dragon is reminded of another encounter—one that shaped him into the warrior he is today. In onda il: 2024-03-31 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-03-31 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e