Info Generali
Dragons: Oltre i confini di Berk
Stagione 3 Episodi 13
Famiglia ◦ Kids ◦ Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Collocata tra Dragon Trainer e Dragon Trainer 2, le vicende seguono Hiccup mentre cerca di mantenere l'equilibrio nella nuova convivenza di draghi e vichinghi. Oltre a tenere il passo con la nuova struttura l'Accademia dei draghi, Hiccup, Sdentato, e il resto dei cavalieri dei draghi sono messi alla prova quando si trovano di fronte a nuovi mondi più duri di Berk, nuovi draghi che non possono essere addestrati tutti, e nuovi nemici che cercano ogni ragione per distruggere del tutto l'armonia tra vichinghi e draghi.
Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
Jay Baruchel
Hiccup (voice)
America Ferrera
Astrid (voice)
Zack Pearlman
Snotlout (voice)
Christopher Mintz-Plasse
Fishlegs (voice)
Episodi: 13
In onda il: 2016-06-24
1: Il nemico del mio nemico
Mentre cercano di occuparsi dei conti in sospeso, Hiccup e Sdentato sono attirati in una trappola e ricevono un improbabile aiuto.
1: Il nemico del mio nemico
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Mentre cercano di occuparsi dei conti in sospeso, Hiccup e Sdentato sono attirati in una trappola e ricevono un improbabile aiuto.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
2: L'usurpatore
La Regina dei Minidraghi è ferita e chiede aiuto ai Cavalieri per proteggere un bene prezioso da una creatura sconosciuta dotata di poteri insoliti e appiccicosi.
2: L'usurpatore
In onda il: 2016-06-24
La Regina dei Minidraghi è ferita e chiede aiuto ai Cavalieri per proteggere un bene prezioso da una creatura sconosciuta dotata di poteri insoliti e appiccicosi.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
3: Segui il Capo
Quando la situazione sfugge di mano con lui al comando, Gambedipesce non si lascia scappare un'altra occasione di dimostrare di avere le carte in regola per fare il capo.
3: Segui il Capo
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Quando la situazione sfugge di mano con lui al comando, Gambedipesce non si lascia scappare un'altra occasione di dimostrare di avere le carte in regola per fare il capo.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
4: Coda Incendiaria
Il padre di Hiccup e quello di Moccicoso mettono da parte le loro differenze per fare gioco di squadra con i figli e difendere un magazzino da un invasore inusuale.
4: Coda Incendiaria
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Il padre di Hiccup e quello di Moccicoso mettono da parte le loro differenze per fare gioco di squadra con i figli e difendere un magazzino da un invasore inusuale.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
5: Il Flagello di Odino
Dopo un'allarmante scoperta, la vita di Astrid dipende da un drago ritenuto da tutti ormai estinto. I suoi amici iniziano una corsa contro il tempo per trovarlo.
5: Il Flagello di Odino
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Dopo un'allarmante scoperta, la vita di Astrid dipende da un drago ritenuto da tutti ormai estinto. I suoi amici iniziano una corsa contro il tempo per trovarlo.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
6: Una Triste Ritirata
Un riluttante Hiccup consente ai Cavalieri di godersi un'agognata vacanza su un'isola deserta, ma la cosa ha uno strano effetto sui draghi.
6: Una Triste Ritirata
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Un riluttante Hiccup consente ai Cavalieri di godersi un'agognata vacanza su un'isola deserta, ma la cosa ha uno strano effetto sui draghi.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
7: Heather o non Heather
Dopo aver scoperto dei contatti segreti con Gambedipesce, il gruppo invita Heather alla Riva del drago per convincerla a unirsi ai Cavalieri.
7: Heather o non Heather
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Dopo aver scoperto dei contatti segreti con Gambedipesce, il gruppo invita Heather alla Riva del drago per convincerla a unirsi ai Cavalieri.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
8: L'arena della vergogna
Quando Hiccup e Sdentato finiscono involontariamente in una trappola dei Cacciatori di draghi, si ritrovano a combattere in un'arena come nuovi gladiatori.
8: L'arena della vergogna
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Quando Hiccup e Sdentato finiscono involontariamente in una trappola dei Cacciatori di draghi, si ritrovano a combattere in un'arena come nuovi gladiatori.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
9: Il Canto del Drago
Hiccup e la sua squadra salvano un uovo e lo portano alla Riva del drago, dove si schiude per rivelare una sorpresa assordante.
9: Il Canto del Drago
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Hiccup e la sua squadra salvano un uovo e lo portano alla Riva del drago, dove si schiude per rivelare una sorpresa assordante.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
10: Tra l'Incudine e il Martello
Il gruppo indaga sui blocchi di marmo estratti da una cava e misteriosamente spediti da Viggo e poi cerca di salvare due draghi sfruttati come schiavi.
10: Tra l'Incudine e il Martello
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Il gruppo indaga sui blocchi di marmo estratti da una cava e misteriosamente spediti da Viggo e poi cerca di salvare due draghi sfruttati come schiavi.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
11: Un Nobile Gesto
Quando Dagur compare inaspettatamente, Hiccup fa di tutto per impedire che il giovane e Heather scoprano delle rispettive presenze.
11: Un Nobile Gesto
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Quando Dagur compare inaspettatamente, Hiccup fa di tutto per impedire che il giovane e Heather scoprano delle rispettive presenze.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
12: Draghi all'Asta
Moccicoso partecipa sotto copertura all'asta dei draghi di Viggo come parte di un piano per salvare le creature e impedire al giovane di diventare più ricco.
12: Draghi all'Asta
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Moccicoso partecipa sotto copertura all'asta dei draghi di Viggo come parte di un piano per salvare le creature e impedire al giovane di diventare più ricco.
In onda il: 2016-06-24
13: I Paladini delle ali, parte 1
Quando Viggo offre a Hiccup una tregua, i Cavalieri diffidenti iniziano a indagare e trovano un gruppo di potenziali alleati nella lotta contro i Cacciatori di draghi.
13: I Paladini delle ali, parte 1
In onda il: 2016-06-24
Quando Viggo offre a Hiccup una tregua, i Cavalieri diffidenti iniziano a indagare e trovano un gruppo di potenziali alleati nella lotta contro i Cacciatori di draghi.
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Dragons: Oltre i confini di Berk
Stagione 2 Episodi 13
Famiglia ◦ Kids ◦ Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Collocata tra Dragon Trainer e Dragon Trainer 2, le vicende seguono Hiccup mentre cerca di mantenere l'equilibrio nella nuova convivenza di draghi e vichinghi. Oltre a tenere il passo con la nuova struttura l'Accademia dei draghi, Hiccup, Sdentato, e il resto dei cavalieri dei draghi sono messi alla prova quando si trovano di fronte a nuovi mondi più duri di Berk, nuovi draghi che non possono essere addestrati tutti, e nuovi nemici che cercano ogni ragione per distruggere del tutto l'armonia tra vichinghi e draghi.
Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
Jay Baruchel
Hiccup (voice)
America Ferrera
Astrid (voice)
Zack Pearlman
Snotlout (voice)
Christopher Mintz-Plasse
Fishlegs (voice)
Episodi: 13
In onda il: 2016-01-08
1: La Squadra di Astrid
Berk viene attaccata. Astrid addestra al combattimento una squadra di Cavalieri di riserva, ma nessuno immagina quanto sia vicino l'assalto successivo.
1: La Squadra di Astrid
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Berk viene attaccata. Astrid addestra al combattimento una squadra di Cavalieri di riserva, ma nessuno immagina quanto sia vicino l'assalto successivo.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
2: La notte dei cacciatori, Parte 1
Un nuovo nemico chiamato Ryker cattura Tempestosa. Hiccup, Sdentato e gli altri si adoperano per salvarla prima che sia troppo tardi.
2: La notte dei cacciatori, Parte 1
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Un nuovo nemico chiamato Ryker cattura Tempestosa. Hiccup, Sdentato e gli altri si adoperano per salvarla prima che sia troppo tardi.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
3: La notte dei cacciatori, Parte 2
Mentre si affrettano a salvare gli altri dai Cacciatori di draghi, Hiccup e Moccicoso non si rendono conto che qualcuno del gruppo si è alleato con il nemico.
3: La notte dei cacciatori, Parte 2
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Mentre si affrettano a salvare gli altri dai Cacciatori di draghi, Hiccup e Moccicoso non si rendono conto che qualcuno del gruppo si è alleato con il nemico.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
4: Il Drago Mannaro
Morso da una strana creatura, Testa di Tufo crede di potersi trasformare nel leggendario drago Licantroala alla prima luna piena. Riusciranno i suoi amici a salvarlo?
4: Il Drago Mannaro
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Morso da una strana creatura, Testa di Tufo crede di potersi trasformare nel leggendario drago Licantroala alla prima luna piena. Riusciranno i suoi amici a salvarlo?
In onda il: 2016-01-08
5: Storie da un Matrimonio
Intenti a portare un'ascia speciale a un matrimonio, Moccicoso e Astrid devono unire le forze quando il loro piano viene minato da un drago Ala Corazzata.
5: Storie da un Matrimonio
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Intenti a portare un'ascia speciale a un matrimonio, Moccicoso e Astrid devono unire le forze quando il loro piano viene minato da un drago Ala Corazzata.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
6: Il Bizippo Riconoscente
Dopo l'eroico salvataggio di Vomito e Rutto da parte di Hiccup e Sdentato, il riconoscente Bizippo cerca di ripagarli abbandonando Testa Bruta e Testa di Tufo.
6: Il Bizippo Riconoscente
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Dopo l'eroico salvataggio di Vomito e Rutto da parte di Hiccup e Sdentato, il riconoscente Bizippo cerca di ripagarli abbandonando Testa Bruta e Testa di Tufo.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
7: Fuga tra i Ghiacci
Intenzionato a creare una chiave per l'Occhio di drago, Ryker si reca sull'Isola del ghiacciaio per cercare Furia Gelida, che i Cavalieri stanno proteggendo.
7: Fuga tra i Ghiacci
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Intenzionato a creare una chiave per l'Occhio di drago, Ryker si reca sull'Isola del ghiacciaio per cercare Furia Gelida, che i Cavalieri stanno proteggendo.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
8: Sulla Riva del Disastro, parte 1
Quando Testa Bruta viene catturata dai Cacciatori di draghi, tocca ad Astrid e a Testa di Tufo difendere la Riva del drago dall'esercito invasore dei Cacciatori stessi.
8: Sulla Riva del Disastro, parte 1
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Quando Testa Bruta viene catturata dai Cacciatori di draghi, tocca ad Astrid e a Testa di Tufo difendere la Riva del drago dall'esercito invasore dei Cacciatori stessi.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
9: Sulla Riva del Disastro, parte 2
Ignari della guerra scoppiata alla Riva del drago, Hiccup, Moccicoso e Johann scoprono un'isola piena di creature che sono state ferite dai Cacciatori di draghi.
9: Sulla Riva del Disastro, parte 2
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Ignari della guerra scoppiata alla Riva del drago, Hiccup, Moccicoso e Johann scoprono un'isola piena di creature che sono state ferite dai Cacciatori di draghi.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
10: Loki Day
Dopo il ritrovamento nella baia del nuovo drago Squotimari, i Cavalieri devono aiutarlo a fuggire da un gruppo di Scalderoni affamati.
10: Loki Day
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Dopo il ritrovamento nella baia del nuovo drago Squotimari, i Cavalieri devono aiutarlo a fuggire da un gruppo di Scalderoni affamati.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
11: La Vendetta dello Skrill
Quando riappare il drago malefico Skrill, pieno di rancore verso Hiccup e Sdentato, i Cavalieri devono scegliere una nuova linea d'azione per fermarlo.
11: La Vendetta dello Skrill
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Quando riappare il drago malefico Skrill, pieno di rancore verso Hiccup e Sdentato, i Cavalieri devono scegliere una nuova linea d'azione per fermarlo.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
12: Mazze e artigli, parte 1
Hiccup e Astrid cercano affannosamente di impedire ai Cacciatori di draghi di trovare il Paura Volante dopo che Heather ha rivelato i segreti di Viggo Facciatruce.
12: Mazze e artigli, parte 1
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Hiccup e Astrid cercano affannosamente di impedire ai Cacciatori di draghi di trovare il Paura Volante dopo che Heather ha rivelato i segreti di Viggo Facciatruce.
In onda il: 2016-01-08
13: Mazze e artigli, parte 2
Quando Viggo e i Cacciatori di draghi catturano Heather e il Paura Volante, Hiccup deve escogitare un piano per superare in astuzia l'agguerritissimo nuovo nemico.
13: Mazze e artigli, parte 2
In onda il: 2016-01-08
Quando Viggo e i Cacciatori di draghi catturano Heather e il Paura Volante, Hiccup deve escogitare un piano per superare in astuzia l'agguerritissimo nuovo nemico.
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Futurama - Nell'immenso verde profondo
1 h 29 m (Film composto da 4 parti) 2009
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Fantascienza ◦ televisione film
Nel più epico episodio di sempre di Futurama, forze oscure antiche come la notte dei tempi sono all'attacco, decise ad arrestare l'alba di una meravigliosa nuova era. E ancora più scioccante: Bender è innamorato di una fembot sposata e Leela è in fuga dalla legge, dalla legge di Zapp Brannigan! Fry è l'ultima speranza dell'universo, reclutato per una missione super top-secret. Sarà la fine per la banda della Planet Express?
Matt Groening
Executive Producer
Matt Groening
Original Series Creator
Paul D. Calder
Christopher Tyng
Original Music Composer
Peter Avanzino
David X. Cohen
Executive Producer
David X. Cohen
Original Series Creator
Ken Keeler
Claudia Katz
Lee Supercinski
Doug Tiano
David Lee
Visual Effects
John MacFarlane
Visual Effects
Scott Vanzo
Michael Hughes
Production Supervisor
Billy West
Philip J. Fry / Dr. Zoidberg / Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (voice)
Katey Sagal
Turanga Leela (voice)
John DiMaggio
Bender (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Fanny / Michael's Wife / Boobs Vanderbilt / Dixie / Linda / Petunia / Ruth Ginsberg's Head / Mom (voice)
Maurice LaMarche
Kif Kroker (voice)
Phil LaMarr
Hermes Conrad (voice)
Lauren Tom
Amy Wong (voice)
David Herman
The Number 9 Man / Scruffy / Michael / Neputnian (voice)
Dawnn Lewis
LaBarbara Conrad / Womens' Prison Warden (voice)
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg's Head (voice)
Phil Hendrie
Frida Waterfall / Hutch Waterfall / The Encyclopod (voice)
Seth MacFarlane
Mars Vegas Singer (singing voice)
Penn Jillette
Penn Jillette's Head (voice)
Teller's Head (credit only)
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Futurama - Il gioco di Bender
1 h 28 m (Film composto da 4 parti) 2008
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Fantascienza ◦ televisione film
Il prezzo del carburante sta schizzando alle stelle, così l'equipaggio del Planet Express decide di intraprendere una nuova rischiosa missione: infiltrarsi nell'unica miniera di materia oscura, la sostanza da cui si ricava il carburante per astronavi.Ma nelle oscure profondità che i nostri eroi raggiungono si nasconde un luogo molto più strano: un regno medievale popolato da draghi, stregoneria, e guerrieri intossicati stranamente somiglianti a Bender….
Matt Groening
Executive Producer
Matt Groening
Original Series Creator
Dwayne Carey-Hill
Paul D. Calder
Christopher Tyng
Original Music Composer
David X. Cohen
Executive Producer
David X. Cohen
David X. Cohen
David X. Cohen
Original Series Creator
Eric Horsted
Eric Horsted
Patric M. Verrone
Eric Kaplan
Michael Rowe
Claudia Katz
Lee Supercinski
Scott Vanzo
Michael Hughes
Production Supervisor
Billy West
Philip J. Fry / Frydo / Prof. Farnsworth (voice)
Katey Sagal
Turanga Leela (voice)
John DiMaggio
Bender (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Mom (voice)
Maurice LaMarche
Walt (voice)
Phil LaMarr
Hermes Conrad (voice)
Lauren Tom
Amy Wong (voice)
David Herman
Roberto (voice)
Kath Soucie
Cubert Farnsworth (voice)
Frank Welker
Nibbler (voice)
Gary Gygax
Himself (voice)
Rich Little
Himself (voice)
George Takei
Himself (voice)
Paul D. Calder
The Die of Power (voice) (uncredited)
David X. Cohen
The Die of Power (voice) (uncredited)
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Futurama - La bestia con un miliardo di schiene
1 h 30 m (Film composto da 4 parti) 2008
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Fantascienza ◦ televisione film
Nella loro ultima impresa spaziale – mai vista prima in TV – Bender, Fry, Lela e tutta la squadra incontrano una ripugnante creatura dalle dimensioni planetarie dotata di miliardi di inquietanti tentacoli… e ben presto si vedranno coinvolti in una sconvolgente e voluttuosa interplanetaria storia d’amore!
Matt Groening
Executive Producer
Matt Groening
Original Series Creator
Paul D. Calder
Christopher Tyng
Original Music Composer
Peter Avanzino
David X. Cohen
Executive Producer
David X. Cohen
Original Series Creator
José Zelaya
Character Designer
Eric Kaplan
Eric Kaplan
Co-Executive Producer
Claudia Katz
Lee Supercinski
Scott Schirle
Music Editor
Michael Hughes
Supervising Producer
Scott Muller
Billy West
Philip Fry / Dr. Zoidberg / Prof. Farnsworth / Various (voice)
Katey Sagal
Turanga Leela (voice)
John DiMaggio
Bender / Various (voice)
Phil LaMarr
Hermes Conrad / Billionairebot / Various (voice)
Lauren Tom
Amy Wong / Inez Wong (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Various (voice)
Maurice LaMarche
Kif Kroker / Calculon / Hedonismbot / Various (voice)
David Herman
Dr. Wernstrom / Various (voice)
Dan Castellaneta
The Robot Devil (voice)
David Cross
Yivo (voice)
Stephen Hawking
Himself (voice)
Brittany Murphy
Colleen O'Hallahan (voice)
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Futurama - Il colpo grosso di Bender
1 h 28 m (Film composto da 4 parti) 2007
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Fantascienza ◦ televisione film
Nel 3007, tre viscidi alieni nudisti riescono a prendere il controllo della Planet Express e dell'intero pianeta Terra, grazie all’inganno delle truffe su internet. Dopo aver scoperto sul sedere di Fry il segreto del viaggio nel tempo, obbligano Bender a rubare i più grandi tesori dell’umanità.
Matt Groening
Executive Producer
Matt Groening
Original Series Creator
Dwayne Carey-Hill
Paul D. Calder
Christopher Tyng
Original Music Composer
David X. Cohen
Executive Producer
David X. Cohen
David X. Cohen
Original Series Creator
Ken Keeler
Ken Keeler
Claudia Katz
Lee Supercinski
Doug Tiano
David Lee
Visual Effects
John MacFarlane
Visual Effects
Scott Vanzo
Michael Hughes
Production Supervisor
Billy West
Philip Fry / Dr. Zoidberg / Prof. Farnsworth / Various (voice)
Katey Sagal
Turanga Leela (voice)
John DiMaggio
Bender / Various (voice)
Phil LaMarr
Hermes Conrad / Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate / Various (voice)
Lauren Tom
Amy Wong / Philip J. Fry II (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Linda van Schoonhoven / Dr. Cahill / Various (voice)
Maurice LaMarche
Kif Kroker / Schlump / Various (voice)
David Herman
Nudar / Various (voice)
Dawnn Lewis
LaBarbara Conrad (voice)
Kath Soucie
Cubert Farnsworth (voice)
Frank Welker
Nibbler / Fleb / Seymour (voice)
Kwanzaa-bot (voice)
Al Gore
Al Gore (voice)
Mark Hamill
Chanukah Zombie (voice)
Tom Kenny
Yancy Fry Jr. (voice)
Sarah Silverman
Michelle (voice)
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Dungeons & Dragons
Stagione 3 Episodi 6
Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Kids
L'introduzione è mostrata nella sigla iniziale, in cui un gruppo di adolescenti si ritrova al Luna Park dove decide di entrare in un'attrazione che ha per tema il gioco Dungeons & Dragons e da qui finiscono in un mondo fantasy simile a quello delle ambientazioni del gioco. I giovani si ritrovano vestiti con abiti e accessori tipici di alcune classi del gioco (cavaliere, ladro, mago, acrobata, barbaro, ranger) e vengono dotati dal Dungeon Master di alcuni oggetti magici in grado di aiutarli nel loro nuovo "ruolo" e nel primo scontro con i cattivi del cartone, ovvero il demone Venger e il drago policefalo Tiamat. Durante la storia i personaggi cercheranno informazioni sul modo per poter tornare nel loro mondo, aiutati nella loro missione da un cucciolo di unicorno e dalle (a volte ambigue) missioni dategli dal Dungeon Master.
Karl Geurs
Gary Gygax
Lee Gunther
David H. DePatie
Takashi Masunaga
Production Design
Adam Rich
Presto the Magician
Bob Holt
Shadow Demon
Don Most
Eric the Cavalier
Frank Welker
Uni the Unicorn
Frank Welker
Katie Leigh
Sheila the Thief
Peter Cullen
Sidney Miller
Dungeon Master
Teddy Field III
Bobby the Barbarian
Tonia Gayle Smith
Diana the Acrobat
Willie Aames
Hank the Ranger
Jennifer Darling
Episodi: 6
In onda il: 1985-09-14
1: The Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn
Eric and Bobby retrieve a box for Dungeon Master. Dispite the fact that they were under strict orders not to open it, Eric gets curious. Just as he pulls the pin from the lock, Dungeon Master appears and warns Eric to place the pin back in place before it's too late. But Eric is taken by surprise when a force blows the top of the box off and releases He Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken. He is Venger's master, pure evil, and a powerful entity. The Realm is covered in darkness and a whirlwind envelopes the land. Dungeon Master then instructs the kids to flee on foot, and he joins them. When Eric demands to know why he should follow any further, Dungeon Master simply informs him: We are running, Cavalier, for our very lives.
1: The Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn
In onda il: 1985-09-14
Eric and Bobby retrieve a box for Dungeon Master. Dispite the fact that they were under strict orders not to open it, Eric gets curious. Just as he pulls the pin from the lock, Dungeon Master appears and warns Eric to place the pin back in place before it's too late. But Eric is taken by surprise when a force blows the top of the box off and releases He Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken. He is Venger's master, pure evil, and a powerful entity. The Realm is covered in darkness and a whirlwind envelopes the land. Dungeon Master then instructs the kids to flee on foot, and he joins them. When Eric demands to know why he should follow any further, Dungeon Master simply informs him: We are running, Cavalier, for our very lives.
In onda il: 1985-09-21
2: The Time Lost
Venger's got a new idea for eliminating his annoying young enemies, and pulls both a futuristic plane and a WWII Nazi fighter pilot into the Realm using his Crystal of Chronos. Venger intends to send Josef Mueller, the pilot, back to Earth to win the war for Germany, but after meeting the kids, Josef has other plans.
2: The Time Lost
In onda il: 1985-09-21
Venger's got a new idea for eliminating his annoying young enemies, and pulls both a futuristic plane and a WWII Nazi fighter pilot into the Realm using his Crystal of Chronos. Venger intends to send Josef Mueller, the pilot, back to Earth to win the war for Germany, but after meeting the kids, Josef has other plans.
In onda il: 1985-09-28
3: Odyssey of the Twelfth Talisman
A lonely but smart orphan, Lorne, finds a lost amulet that leads him into big trouble. He and Eric become fast friends through the usual exchange of insults and bad-mouthing, and the gang teams up with him on their search for the Stone of Astra. But the wizard Korlok also seeks the Stone, and is close on their tail.
3: Odyssey of the Twelfth Talisman
In onda il: 1985-09-28
A lonely but smart orphan, Lorne, finds a lost amulet that leads him into big trouble. He and Eric become fast friends through the usual exchange of insults and bad-mouthing, and the gang teams up with him on their search for the Stone of Astra. But the wizard Korlok also seeks the Stone, and is close on their tail.
In onda il: 1985-10-12
4: Citadel of Shadow
After getting yelled at by Eric for botching up a thieving job, Sheila is anxious to prove her worth by befriending Karena, a young woman who is more than she appears to be. Soon the gang finds themselves caught in the middle of a very bitter family feud when they realize Karena is related to none other than...Venger!
4: Citadel of Shadow
In onda il: 1985-10-12
After getting yelled at by Eric for botching up a thieving job, Sheila is anxious to prove her worth by befriending Karena, a young woman who is more than she appears to be. Soon the gang finds themselves caught in the middle of a very bitter family feud when they realize Karena is related to none other than...Venger!
In onda il: 1985-11-09
5: Cave of the Fairie Dragons
Tasmira, queen of the Faerie Dragons, is held prisoner by the greedy King Varen, an evil warlord who desires their treasure. Aided by the sassy little dragon Amber, the gang must free her and help her people find a new home.
5: Cave of the Fairie Dragons
In onda il: 1985-11-09
Tasmira, queen of the Faerie Dragons, is held prisoner by the greedy King Varen, an evil warlord who desires their treasure. Aided by the sassy little dragon Amber, the gang must free her and help her people find a new home.
In onda il: 1985-12-07
6: The Winds of Darkness
The Darkling, a skeletal creature of darkness, kidnaps Hank. The kids have to convince the kindly Martha to help rescue their leader, before the Darkling claims his final victim and his Winds of Darkness destroy all light in the Realm. But Martha has been hurt by the creature one too many times and wants nothing to do with their quest.
6: The Winds of Darkness
In onda il: 1985-12-07
The Darkling, a skeletal creature of darkness, kidnaps Hank. The kids have to convince the kindly Martha to help rescue their leader, before the Darkling claims his final victim and his Winds of Darkness destroy all light in the Realm. But Martha has been hurt by the creature one too many times and wants nothing to do with their quest.
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Dungeons & Dragons
Stagione 2 Episodi 8
Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Kids
L'introduzione è mostrata nella sigla iniziale, in cui un gruppo di adolescenti si ritrova al Luna Park dove decide di entrare in un'attrazione che ha per tema il gioco Dungeons & Dragons e da qui finiscono in un mondo fantasy simile a quello delle ambientazioni del gioco. I giovani si ritrovano vestiti con abiti e accessori tipici di alcune classi del gioco (cavaliere, ladro, mago, acrobata, barbaro, ranger) e vengono dotati dal Dungeon Master di alcuni oggetti magici in grado di aiutarli nel loro nuovo "ruolo" e nel primo scontro con i cattivi del cartone, ovvero il demone Venger e il drago policefalo Tiamat. Durante la storia i personaggi cercheranno informazioni sul modo per poter tornare nel loro mondo, aiutati nella loro missione da un cucciolo di unicorno e dalle (a volte ambigue) missioni dategli dal Dungeon Master.
Karl Geurs
Gary Gygax
Lee Gunther
David H. DePatie
Takashi Masunaga
Production Design
Adam Rich
Presto the Magician
Bob Holt
Shadow Demon
Don Most
Eric the Cavalier
Frank Welker
Uni the Unicorn
Frank Welker
Katie Leigh
Sheila the Thief
Peter Cullen
Sidney Miller
Dungeon Master
Teddy Field III
Bobby the Barbarian
Tonia Gayle Smith
Diana the Acrobat
Willie Aames
Hank the Ranger
Jennifer Darling
Episodi: 8
In onda il: 1984-09-08
1: The Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow
The children meet a girl who has been swept into the Realm, as they have, on a rollercoaster car. The girl, Terri, has the ability to dream the future. Together they set out to find the portal home that is hidden at the end of Venger's Maze of Darkness.
1: The Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow
In onda il: 1984-09-08
The children meet a girl who has been swept into the Realm, as they have, on a rollercoaster car. The girl, Terri, has the ability to dream the future. Together they set out to find the portal home that is hidden at the end of Venger's Maze of Darkness.
In onda il: 1984-09-15
2: The Treasure Of Tardos
Dungeon Master sends the Young Ones to the walled city of Tardos Keep to save Queen Solinara and her people from Venger's besigement. But the evil wizard has a wicked surprise for the kids--Demodragon, a two-headed fire and ice spitting monster capable of trashing the entire Realm. Will they learn what the fabled treasure of Tardos Keep is before the out-of-control Demodragon destroys their chance to get home?
2: The Treasure Of Tardos
In onda il: 1984-09-15
Dungeon Master sends the Young Ones to the walled city of Tardos Keep to save Queen Solinara and her people from Venger's besigement. But the evil wizard has a wicked surprise for the kids--Demodragon, a two-headed fire and ice spitting monster capable of trashing the entire Realm. Will they learn what the fabled treasure of Tardos Keep is before the out-of-control Demodragon destroys their chance to get home?
In onda il: 1984-09-22
3: City at the Edge of Midnight
Back in the real world, a boy named Jimmy is pulled under his bed and vanishes. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, the kids are lost. The Dungeon Master tells them they have to find the City at the Edge of Midnight, where children from this world and the theirs are being held prisoner. They then find an oasis, that's inhabited by a clan of monsters. When the monsters have them surrounded, a traveller by the name of Ramuud comes and saves them. He then leads them away from the cursed oasis to his own encampment. Ramuud then explains that long ago his daughter, Aisha, was kidnapped by the Nightwalker and is being held prisoner at the City at the Edge of Midnight. Wanting to return the favor of saving them from the monsters, the kids offer their help, but Ramuud tells them that it's not nessary. But when Bobby is kidnapped that night, they're forced to enter the City at the Edge of Midnight to fight the dreaded Nightwalker.
3: City at the Edge of Midnight
In onda il: 1984-09-22
Back in the real world, a boy named Jimmy is pulled under his bed and vanishes. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, the kids are lost. The Dungeon Master tells them they have to find the City at the Edge of Midnight, where children from this world and the theirs are being held prisoner. They then find an oasis, that's inhabited by a clan of monsters. When the monsters have them surrounded, a traveller by the name of Ramuud comes and saves them. He then leads them away from the cursed oasis to his own encampment. Ramuud then explains that long ago his daughter, Aisha, was kidnapped by the Nightwalker and is being held prisoner at the City at the Edge of Midnight. Wanting to return the favor of saving them from the monsters, the kids offer their help, but Ramuud tells them that it's not nessary. But when Bobby is kidnapped that night, they're forced to enter the City at the Edge of Midnight to fight the dreaded Nightwalker.
In onda il: 1984-09-29
4: The Traitor
While resting in the Moon Forest, they're awakened during a sneak attack by Venger's Orc Army. Bobby and Hank are captured and Shiela tells everyone that she's going to follow the Orcs to see where they take them. The remaining three escape with these creatures called Cloud Bears. When Shiela searches for Hank, she's shocked to find him planning an ambush with the orc army, even saying that Venger need not worry and that everything will happen as planned. When he returns to the group, Shiela exposes him to the rest and he's branded a traitor by his friends. The truth is Hank is going along with Venger so he will not harm Bobby. If Hank so much as reveals his true cause for betrayal, he endangers Bobby's life. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Hank must still lead his non-trusting friends and help save Bobby.
4: The Traitor
In onda il: 1984-09-29
While resting in the Moon Forest, they're awakened during a sneak attack by Venger's Orc Army. Bobby and Hank are captured and Shiela tells everyone that she's going to follow the Orcs to see where they take them. The remaining three escape with these creatures called Cloud Bears. When Shiela searches for Hank, she's shocked to find him planning an ambush with the orc army, even saying that Venger need not worry and that everything will happen as planned. When he returns to the group, Shiela exposes him to the rest and he's branded a traitor by his friends. The truth is Hank is going along with Venger so he will not harm Bobby. If Hank so much as reveals his true cause for betrayal, he endangers Bobby's life. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Hank must still lead his non-trusting friends and help save Bobby.
In onda il: 1984-10-06
5: Day of the Dungeon Master
After an attack by a swarm of wasps, the Dungeon Master greets the kids. Eric expresses that Dungeon Master's presence is always convient for him and his power is going to waste. The Dungeon Master then explains that his job requires him to give his attention to many places that need him and that his job is never an easy one. When Eric states that if he were dungeon master it would be the easiest job in the world, the Dungeon Master takes him up on his offer. For one whole day, Eric is the Dungeon Master. His last instructions are to head to Dark Haven to seek the Golden Grimoir, which holds the key to everything they seek. When everyone starts to think Eric being the dungeon master is a bad idea, Eric promises to get everyone home once he figures out the powers of being dungeon master. Soon Venger finds out about Eric being dungeon master and begins searching for his chance to aquire the power of Dungeon Master.
5: Day of the Dungeon Master
In onda il: 1984-10-06
After an attack by a swarm of wasps, the Dungeon Master greets the kids. Eric expresses that Dungeon Master's presence is always convient for him and his power is going to waste. The Dungeon Master then explains that his job requires him to give his attention to many places that need him and that his job is never an easy one. When Eric states that if he were dungeon master it would be the easiest job in the world, the Dungeon Master takes him up on his offer. For one whole day, Eric is the Dungeon Master. His last instructions are to head to Dark Haven to seek the Golden Grimoir, which holds the key to everything they seek. When everyone starts to think Eric being the dungeon master is a bad idea, Eric promises to get everyone home once he figures out the powers of being dungeon master. Soon Venger finds out about Eric being dungeon master and begins searching for his chance to aquire the power of Dungeon Master.
In onda il: 1984-10-13
6: The Last Illusion
The children come to a cursed village in the middle of the Swamp of Darkness. Venger is using a wild talent illusionist called Varla to keep the village in a permanent state of decay. The children meet Varla's parents and have their weapons stolen by Venger, who uses Varla's powers to trick them and bring the village against them. The children set out to regain their weapons and rescue Varla from Venger's fortress.
6: The Last Illusion
In onda il: 1984-10-13
The children come to a cursed village in the middle of the Swamp of Darkness. Venger is using a wild talent illusionist called Varla to keep the village in a permanent state of decay. The children meet Varla's parents and have their weapons stolen by Venger, who uses Varla's powers to trick them and bring the village against them. The children set out to regain their weapons and rescue Varla from Venger's fortress.
In onda il: 1984-10-20
7: The Dragon's Graveyard
After another attempt at getting home is foiled by Venger, the frustration is too much for the kids. They decide to take the fight to Venger and finish things once and for all. Their idea: Tiamat - Venger's mortal enemy. When they disregard Dungeon Master's next mission to embark on their own, he advises against it and then indicates where they can find Tiamat. A place called the Dragon's Graveyard, where old dragons go to die. The kids then start their journey to the graveyard, but not without the presence of Venger in the midsts.
7: The Dragon's Graveyard
In onda il: 1984-10-20
After another attempt at getting home is foiled by Venger, the frustration is too much for the kids. They decide to take the fight to Venger and finish things once and for all. Their idea: Tiamat - Venger's mortal enemy. When they disregard Dungeon Master's next mission to embark on their own, he advises against it and then indicates where they can find Tiamat. A place called the Dragon's Graveyard, where old dragons go to die. The kids then start their journey to the graveyard, but not without the presence of Venger in the midsts.
In onda il: 1984-10-27
8: Child of the Stargazer
The kids stumble upon a young man, sick from exhaustion and hunger. His name is Kosar and he has escaped imprisonment by a demon called Queen Seris. She wanted Kosar out of the way so she can remain in rule, fearing the 1000 year-old ancient prophecy that must be fulfilled by a 'child of the stargazer.' The legend states: And on the night of star fall, the child of the stargazer shall come from a faraway land to stand in the Temple of Light. The demon shall be vanished and the child shall journey home. After an attack to take back Kosar, the kids start their journey to the Temple of Light. But when Kosar is taken back by magical means, Diana is taken back with him. Once there, they have to fulfill the prophecy until the others catch up with them.
8: Child of the Stargazer
In onda il: 1984-10-27
The kids stumble upon a young man, sick from exhaustion and hunger. His name is Kosar and he has escaped imprisonment by a demon called Queen Seris. She wanted Kosar out of the way so she can remain in rule, fearing the 1000 year-old ancient prophecy that must be fulfilled by a 'child of the stargazer.' The legend states: And on the night of star fall, the child of the stargazer shall come from a faraway land to stand in the Temple of Light. The demon shall be vanished and the child shall journey home. After an attack to take back Kosar, the kids start their journey to the Temple of Light. But when Kosar is taken back by magical means, Diana is taken back with him. Once there, they have to fulfill the prophecy until the others catch up with them.
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Final Space
Stagione 3 Episodi 13
Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
Dopo aver incontrato un adorabile alieno capace di distruggere pianeti, un umano prigioniero nello spazio intraprende un'avventura interstellare per salvare l'universo.
Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
Fred Armisen
KVN (voice)
Tom Kenny
HUE (voice)
Olan Rogers
Gary Goodspeed (voice)
Coty Galloway
Avocato (voice)
Tika Sumpter
Quinn / Nightfall (voice)
Steven Yeun
Little Cato (voice)
Episodi: 13
In onda il: 2021-03-20
1: Episodio 1
Dopo uno straziante inseguimento nello Spazio Finale, Gary, Quinn e l'equipaggio si schiantano su un pianeta desolato, dove i loro problemi non fanno che aumentare.
1: Episodio 1
In onda il: 2021-03-20
Dopo uno straziante inseguimento nello Spazio Finale, Gary, Quinn e l'equipaggio si schiantano su un pianeta desolato, dove i loro problemi non fanno che aumentare.
In onda il: 2021-03-27
2: Episodio 2
Dopo aver incontrato l'ultimo sopravvissuto della Terra, Gary, Quinn, HUE e KVN cercano una nave a Parigi. Tribore dà il benvenuto a un nuovo membro della famiglia.
2: Episodio 2
In onda il: 2021-03-27
Dopo aver incontrato l'ultimo sopravvissuto della Terra, Gary, Quinn, HUE e KVN cercano una nave a Parigi. Tribore dà il benvenuto a un nuovo membro della famiglia.
In onda il: 2021-04-03
3: Episodio 3
Il Lord Comandante fa emergere l'oscuro passato di Avogatto. Quinn nasconde la propria malattia a Gary. Mooncake fa squadra con Bolo.
3: Episodio 3
In onda il: 2021-04-03
Il Lord Comandante fa emergere l'oscuro passato di Avogatto. Quinn nasconde la propria malattia a Gary. Mooncake fa squadra con Bolo.
In onda il: 2021-04-10
4: Episodio 4
Tribore e Quatronostro si imbattono in una nuova civiltà. Quinn riceve una notizia dolorosa. Ash combatte contro il Lord Comandante.
4: Episodio 4
In onda il: 2021-04-10
Tribore e Quatronostro si imbattono in una nuova civiltà. Quinn riceve una notizia dolorosa. Ash combatte contro il Lord Comandante.
In onda il: 2021-04-17
5: Episodio 5
Temerari come sempre, Gary e l'equipaggio usano Piegaluce nel tentativo di sfuggire al Lord Comandante... ma finiscono in una situazione ancora più pericolosa.
5: Episodio 5
In onda il: 2021-04-17
Temerari come sempre, Gary e l'equipaggio usano Piegaluce nel tentativo di sfuggire al Lord Comandante... ma finiscono in una situazione ancora più pericolosa.
In onda il: 2021-04-24
6: Episodio 6
La salute di Quinn peggiora, così HUE escogita un piano d'emergenza per salvarla in extremis. Tribore e Quatronostro vengono a sapere di una grande profezia.
6: Episodio 6
In onda il: 2021-04-24
La salute di Quinn peggiora, così HUE escogita un piano d'emergenza per salvarla in extremis. Tribore e Quatronostro vengono a sapere di una grande profezia.
In onda il: 2021-05-01
7: Episodio 7
Ash ritorna, ma Gary e Avogatto non possono fare a meno di notare la sua trasformazione. Nel frattempo, la salute di Bolo peggiora e l'equipaggio corre in suo aiuto.
7: Episodio 7
In onda il: 2021-05-01
Ash ritorna, ma Gary e Avogatto non possono fare a meno di notare la sua trasformazione. Nel frattempo, la salute di Bolo peggiora e l'equipaggio corre in suo aiuto.
In onda il: 2021-05-08
8: Episodio 8
La squadra fatica ad accettare una perdita importante e Avogatto rivela una verità dolorosa. Sconvolta, Ash prende parte a una terapia della distruzione.
8: Episodio 8
In onda il: 2021-05-08
La squadra fatica ad accettare una perdita importante e Avogatto rivela una verità dolorosa. Sconvolta, Ash prende parte a una terapia della distruzione.
In onda il: 2021-05-15
9: Episodio 9
Per riuscire a fuggire dallo Spazio Finale, Gary e l'equipaggio avranno bisogno dell'aiuto di un personaggio improbabile e francamente antipatico.
9: Episodio 9
In onda il: 2021-05-15
Per riuscire a fuggire dallo Spazio Finale, Gary e l'equipaggio avranno bisogno dell'aiuto di un personaggio improbabile e francamente antipatico.
In onda il: 2021-05-22
10: Episodio 10
Sheryl, Avogatto e alcuni ospiti a sorpresa inseguono il Lord Comandante nel sottosuolo. Nel frattempo, Gary e Quinn trovano un passaggio verso... il Wisconsin!
10: Episodio 10
In onda il: 2021-05-22
Sheryl, Avogatto e alcuni ospiti a sorpresa inseguono il Lord Comandante nel sottosuolo. Nel frattempo, Gary e Quinn trovano un passaggio verso... il Wisconsin!
In onda il: 2021-05-29
11: Episodio 11
Dopo essere sfuggito al Lord Comandante, l'equipaggio deve affrontare un'invasione di Gary posseduti. Quinn e Avogatto chiariscono le cose.
11: Episodio 11
In onda il: 2021-05-29
Dopo essere sfuggito al Lord Comandante, l'equipaggio deve affrontare un'invasione di Gary posseduti. Quinn e Avogatto chiariscono le cose.
In onda il: 2021-06-07
12: Episodio 12
La squadra si mette all'opera per riparare il Ponte Iper-transdimensionale. Gatto Junior fa domande sulla madre. Gary e Quinn trascorrono tempo da soli.
12: Episodio 12
In onda il: 2021-06-07
La squadra si mette all'opera per riparare il Ponte Iper-transdimensionale. Gatto Junior fa domande sulla madre. Gary e Quinn trascorrono tempo da soli.
In onda il: 2021-06-14
13: Episodio 13
Ash porta un confuso Gatto Junior da Invictus mentre Gary e Avogatto li seguono da vicino. Nel frattempo, Quinn fa un passo fondamentale.
13: Episodio 13
In onda il: 2021-06-14
Ash porta un confuso Gatto Junior da Invictus mentre Gary e Avogatto li seguono da vicino. Nel frattempo, Quinn fa un passo fondamentale.
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
Final Space
Stagione 2 Episodi 13
Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
Dopo aver incontrato un adorabile alieno capace di distruggere pianeti, un umano prigioniero nello spazio intraprende un'avventura interstellare per salvare l'universo.
Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
Fred Armisen
KVN (voice)
Tom Kenny
HUE (voice)
Olan Rogers
Gary Goodspeed (voice)
Coty Galloway
Avocato (voice)
Tika Sumpter
Quinn / Nightfall (voice)
Steven Yeun
Little Cato (voice)
Episodi: 13
In onda il: 2019-06-24
1: La regata del toro
La buona notizia: Gary è vivo. Quella cattiva: è stato imprigionato da un nemico psicopatico e ha una sola e rischiosa possibilità di liberarsi.
1: La regata del toro
In onda il: 2019-06-24
La buona notizia: Gary è vivo. Quella cattiva: è stato imprigionato da un nemico psicopatico e ha una sola e rischiosa possibilità di liberarsi.
In onda il: 2019-07-01
2: Il posto felice
Nessuno è così felice, giusto? Gary e i compagni scoprono (forse troppo tardi) che un equipaggio maniacalmente allegro nasconde un segreto sinistro.
2: Il posto felice
In onda il: 2019-07-01
Nessuno è così felice, giusto? Gary e i compagni scoprono (forse troppo tardi) che un equipaggio maniacalmente allegro nasconde un segreto sinistro.
In onda il: 2019-07-08
3: La grande scomparsa
Quando Ash confida il suo passato, la ciurma fa visita al suo pianeta natale e intanto cerca di aiutare uno sposo insicuro ad arrivare in tempo al proprio matrimonio.
3: La grande scomparsa
In onda il: 2019-07-08
Quando Ash confida il suo passato, la ciurma fa visita al suo pianeta natale e intanto cerca di aiutare uno sposo insicuro ad arrivare in tempo al proprio matrimonio.
In onda il: 2019-07-15
4: L'altro lato
Dopo una collisione con una scheggia di tempo, metà della ciurma della Luce Cremisi finisce in una dimensione alternativa e tocca a Gatto Junior salvare la situazione.
4: L'altro lato
In onda il: 2019-07-15
Dopo una collisione con una scheggia di tempo, metà della ciurma della Luce Cremisi finisce in una dimensione alternativa e tocca a Gatto Junior salvare la situazione.
In onda il: 2019-07-22
5: La famosa signora Goodspeed
Quando riceve nuove informazioni su dove si trova sua madre, Gary si impegna a rintracciare la donna che lo ha abbandonato e dirle esattamente cosa pensa.
5: La famosa signora Goodspeed
In onda il: 2019-07-22
Quando riceve nuove informazioni su dove si trova sua madre, Gary si impegna a rintracciare la donna che lo ha abbandonato e dirle esattamente cosa pensa.
In onda il: 2019-07-29
6: Aracnitetti
Quando Mooncake scompare, Gary e l'equipaggio fanno di tutto per ritrovare il loro amico. Intanto Tribore si impegna a ricostruire la resistenza.
6: Aracnitetti
In onda il: 2019-07-29
Quando Mooncake scompare, Gary e l'equipaggio fanno di tutto per ritrovare il loro amico. Intanto Tribore si impegna a ricostruire la resistenza.
In onda il: 2019-08-05
7: Il loro primo incontro
Il bisogno di Nightfall di avere un compagno ha ripercussioni pericolose. Con AVA offline, HUE ha l'occasione di farsi valere. Clarence si fa altri nemici.
7: Il loro primo incontro
In onda il: 2019-08-05
Il bisogno di Nightfall di avere un compagno ha ripercussioni pericolose. Con AVA offline, HUE ha l'occasione di farsi valere. Clarence si fa altri nemici.
In onda il: 2019-08-12
8: I ricordati
Un viaggio nel passato dà alla ciurma la possibilità di vendicarsi di una vecchia nemesi e ritrovare un volto amico... e familiare.
8: I ricordati
In onda il: 2019-08-12
Un viaggio nel passato dà alla ciurma la possibilità di vendicarsi di una vecchia nemesi e ritrovare un volto amico... e familiare.
In onda il: 2019-08-19
9: Più ti avvicini
Dopo aver ricevuto un messaggio criptico da Quinn, Gary e la ciurma si avventurano in una missione di salvataggio. Intanto Tribore compiange un amore impossibile.
9: Più ti avvicini
In onda il: 2019-08-19
Dopo aver ricevuto un messaggio criptico da Quinn, Gary e la ciurma si avventurano in una missione di salvataggio. Intanto Tribore compiange un amore impossibile.
In onda il: 2019-08-26
10: La spia smarrita
Ansioso di dimenticare il passato, Gatto Junior abbandona la nave, ma Gary non ha intenzione di lasciare il suo amico. Intanto Clarence corteggia una ricca vedova.
10: La spia smarrita
In onda il: 2019-08-26
Ansioso di dimenticare il passato, Gatto Junior abbandona la nave, ma Gary non ha intenzione di lasciare il suo amico. Intanto Clarence corteggia una ricca vedova.
In onda il: 2019-09-09
11: Il tranello
Mentre Clarence stringe una diabolica alleanza con la mamma di Gary, HUE e Mooncake vanno in città per una serata tra ragazzi.
11: Il tranello
In onda il: 2019-09-09
Mentre Clarence stringe una diabolica alleanza con la mamma di Gary, HUE e Mooncake vanno in città per una serata tra ragazzi.
In onda il: 2019-09-16
12: La discesa nell'oscurità
Mentre Gary e l'equipaggio della Luce Cremisi si avvicinano alla quinta e ultima chiave dimensionale, HUE e AVA passano un po' di tempo di qualità insieme.
12: La discesa nell'oscurità
In onda il: 2019-09-16
Mentre Gary e l'equipaggio della Luce Cremisi si avvicinano alla quinta e ultima chiave dimensionale, HUE e AVA passano un po' di tempo di qualità insieme.
In onda il: 2019-09-23
13: La sesta chiave
Gary e la ciurma raggiungono la Nebulosa di Orione con l'obiettivo di salvare Quinn... ma le cose stanno per complicarsi.
13: La sesta chiave
In onda il: 2019-09-23
Gary e la ciurma raggiungono la Nebulosa di Orione con l'obiettivo di salvare Quinn... ma le cose stanno per complicarsi.
Nessun Trailer disponibile
Info Generali
He-Man e i dominatori dell'universo
Stagione 2 Episodi 65
Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
He-Man e i dominatori dell'universo (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe) è una serie televisiva di animazione statunitense prodotta nel 1983 dalla Filmation, a supporto della linea di giocattoli Action figure della Mattel: “Masters of the Universe”. È composta da due stagioni di 65 episodi cadauna. Questa serie animata ebbe un grande successo ed è oggi considerata un pilastro della animazione anni ottanta. Il protagonista di questa serie animata, basata su di un’impostazione "fantasy eroico", è He-Man, “l’uomo più forte dell'universo”, dedito a proteggere Eternia e Grayskull dalle mire di conquista del malvagio stregone Skeletor.
Rick Maki
Haim Saban
Original Music Composer
Shuki Levy
Original Music Composer
Erika Lane
Original Music Composer
Randy Sanchez
Brynne Stephens
Lou Scheimer
Norm Prescott
Patricia Ryan
Erika Lane
John Erwin
He-Man / Prince Adam / Ram Man / Beast Man / Whiplash / Webstor / Faker / Granamyr
Alan Oppenheimer
Skeletor / Battle Cat / Cringer / Man-at-Arms / Mer-Man / Buzz-Off
Linda Gary
Teela / Evil-Lyn / Queen Marlena / Sorceress of Castle Greyskull
Erika Scheimer
Lou Scheimer
Orko / King Randor / Stratos / Mekaneck / Man-E-Faces
Episodi: 65
In onda il: 1984-09-11
1: The Shadow of Skeletor
When Beast Man crashlands by Palace Eternia in one of Skeletor's shuttles, Adam, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Man-E-Faces and Ram Man discover that he was being sent to the Dark Moon of Eternia. Curious as to why Skeletor wanted to send him there, they imprison Beast Man in jail and take the ship up there themselves. Reaching Eternia's Bright Moon, they discover that Eternia's two moons are at war with one another after a resident of the Dark Moon reported seeing the people of the Bright Moon causing severe destruction on the Dark Moon. Knowing that the residents of the Bright Moon are innocent, the heroic warriors realise that Skeletor must be the real cause of the destruction, and so Man-E-Faces disguises himself with a Beast Man costume, and goes to the Dark Moon to spy on Skeletor and his warriors and foil their scheme.
1: The Shadow of Skeletor
In onda il: 1984-09-11
When Beast Man crashlands by Palace Eternia in one of Skeletor's shuttles, Adam, Teela, Man-At-Arms, Man-E-Faces and Ram Man discover that he was being sent to the Dark Moon of Eternia. Curious as to why Skeletor wanted to send him there, they imprison Beast Man in jail and take the ship up there themselves. Reaching Eternia's Bright Moon, they discover that Eternia's two moons are at war with one another after a resident of the Dark Moon reported seeing the people of the Bright Moon causing severe destruction on the Dark Moon. Knowing that the residents of the Bright Moon are innocent, the heroic warriors realise that Skeletor must be the real cause of the destruction, and so Man-E-Faces disguises himself with a Beast Man costume, and goes to the Dark Moon to spy on Skeletor and his warriors and foil their scheme.
In onda il: 1984-09-12
2: The Energy Beast
An ancient temple is found within Mount Eternia, and when investigating it, Orko accidentally unleashes The Energy Beast, a powerful electrical demon that once ruled Eternia. He-Man, Man-At-Arms and Teela must drill into the mountain to find the Gold Chamber, which contains the magic needed to control the Energy Beast, before it is too late. But they also face trouble from Skeletor, who is hoping to strike a deal with the Energy Beast himself.
2: The Energy Beast
In onda il: 1984-09-12
An ancient temple is found within Mount Eternia, and when investigating it, Orko accidentally unleashes The Energy Beast, a powerful electrical demon that once ruled Eternia. He-Man, Man-At-Arms and Teela must drill into the mountain to find the Gold Chamber, which contains the magic needed to control the Energy Beast, before it is too late. But they also face trouble from Skeletor, who is hoping to strike a deal with the Energy Beast himself.
In onda il: 1984-09-13
3: Fisto's Forest
Fisto tells a young boy the story of how he was once a bad guy, terrorizing the forest.
3: Fisto's Forest
In onda il: 1984-09-13
Fisto tells a young boy the story of how he was once a bad guy, terrorizing the forest.
In onda il: 1984-09-14
4: The Gamesman
A chess-playing nobleman called Lord Todd, from a far-off land, visits Palace Eternia and instantly charms and astounds the Royal Family with the wonderful gifts he provides them, and his incredible skill at chess. To repay King Randor for allowing him to visit, he offers to take Teela on a tour of his own home- the far-off Castle Star. The two of them depart together. However, things turn disturbing when Man-At-Arms is called to Grayskull by The Sorceress, who tells him that a great evil has arrived on Eternia from another dimension... and it has taken its base nowhere other than Castle Star.....
4: The Gamesman
In onda il: 1984-09-14
A chess-playing nobleman called Lord Todd, from a far-off land, visits Palace Eternia and instantly charms and astounds the Royal Family with the wonderful gifts he provides them, and his incredible skill at chess. To repay King Randor for allowing him to visit, he offers to take Teela on a tour of his own home- the far-off Castle Star. The two of them depart together. However, things turn disturbing when Man-At-Arms is called to Grayskull by The Sorceress, who tells him that a great evil has arrived on Eternia from another dimension... and it has taken its base nowhere other than Castle Star.....
In onda il: 1984-09-15
5: The Rarest Gift of All
When Orko messes up several attempts to help his friends prepare for the King and Queen's wedding anniversary, he decides he is useless and runs away from the palace with Cringer. He-Man, Teela and Man-At-Arms begin to search for him, to get him back and convince him that they love him as he is.
5: The Rarest Gift of All
In onda il: 1984-09-15
When Orko messes up several attempts to help his friends prepare for the King and Queen's wedding anniversary, he decides he is useless and runs away from the palace with Cringer. He-Man, Teela and Man-At-Arms begin to search for him, to get him back and convince him that they love him as he is.
In onda il: 1984-09-18
6: To Save Skeletor
Whiplash arrives at the Royal Palace, badly wounded, and asking for help. Skeletor has tried to summon up Sh'Gora, a dreaded creature from another dimension, only to have the being turn on him and imprison him along with Evil Lyn and Trap Jaw. Reluctantly, He-Man and his allies must rescue Skeletor and join forces to stop Sh'Gora taking over Eternia and the powers of Castle Grayskull...
6: To Save Skeletor
In onda il: 1984-09-18
Whiplash arrives at the Royal Palace, badly wounded, and asking for help. Skeletor has tried to summon up Sh'Gora, a dreaded creature from another dimension, only to have the being turn on him and imprison him along with Evil Lyn and Trap Jaw. Reluctantly, He-Man and his allies must rescue Skeletor and join forces to stop Sh'Gora taking over Eternia and the powers of Castle Grayskull...
In onda il: 1984-09-19
7: The Good Shall Survive
A prehistoric race of Bee People know as the Tychons come back to life, and threaten to steal the food supply of Buzz-Off and his hive. And when Skeletor gets involved, the stakes are raised.
7: The Good Shall Survive
In onda il: 1984-09-19
A prehistoric race of Bee People know as the Tychons come back to life, and threaten to steal the food supply of Buzz-Off and his hive. And when Skeletor gets involved, the stakes are raised.
In onda il: 1984-09-20
8: Day of the Machines
Man-At-Arms almost kills the King and Queen when a device accidentally malfunctions, and fearing his skills are weakening with age, considers resigning from his position. Skeletor takes advantage of the situation by installing an energy bug called Byte into the Royal computers to make all the machinery malfunction. Can He-Man find the cause of the problem before it is too late?
8: Day of the Machines
In onda il: 1984-09-20
Man-At-Arms almost kills the King and Queen when a device accidentally malfunctions, and fearing his skills are weakening with age, considers resigning from his position. Skeletor takes advantage of the situation by installing an energy bug called Byte into the Royal computers to make all the machinery malfunction. Can He-Man find the cause of the problem before it is too late?
In onda il: 1984-09-21
9: The Cat and the Spider
Prince Adam and Melaktha undertake an archaeological expedition of the Temple of the Cats, once occupied by an apparently extinct race of Cat People. They take from the temple an ancient statue, called the Grymalkin. But unknown to them, the Cat People still exist and dwell deep within the temple- and the Grymalkin contains an evil demon imprisoned inside. The Cat People's king sends an agile Catwoman, Kittrina, to recover the statue from the Royal Palace. But at the same time, Skeletor sends his minion Webstor after the statue, and beating Kittrina to it, Webstor takes the statue back to his master, who subsequently frees the demon.....
9: The Cat and the Spider
In onda il: 1984-09-21
Prince Adam and Melaktha undertake an archaeological expedition of the Temple of the Cats, once occupied by an apparently extinct race of Cat People. They take from the temple an ancient statue, called the Grymalkin. But unknown to them, the Cat People still exist and dwell deep within the temple- and the Grymalkin contains an evil demon imprisoned inside. The Cat People's king sends an agile Catwoman, Kittrina, to recover the statue from the Royal Palace. But at the same time, Skeletor sends his minion Webstor after the statue, and beating Kittrina to it, Webstor takes the statue back to his master, who subsequently frees the demon.....
In onda il: 1984-09-22
10: Trouble in Trolla
Dree Elle comes to Eternia to enlist Orko's help, explaining that an ambitious Trollan wizard called Snoob has defeated Uncle Montork and taken his position as head of the Academy of Magic. Since Montork claims to have felt inexplicably weak when fighting Snoob, they suspect unfair play was used. Orko and Dree Elle go to Trolla, followed by He-Man and Battle Cat, and it soon transpires that Snoob is being controlled by Whiplash, who is trying to learn magic in order to impress Skeletor. It is up to He-Man to stop his scheme, with the help of his Trollan friends!
10: Trouble in Trolla
In onda il: 1984-09-22
Dree Elle comes to Eternia to enlist Orko's help, explaining that an ambitious Trollan wizard called Snoob has defeated Uncle Montork and taken his position as head of the Academy of Magic. Since Montork claims to have felt inexplicably weak when fighting Snoob, they suspect unfair play was used. Orko and Dree Elle go to Trolla, followed by He-Man and Battle Cat, and it soon transpires that Snoob is being controlled by Whiplash, who is trying to learn magic in order to impress Skeletor. It is up to He-Man to stop his scheme, with the help of his Trollan friends!
In onda il: 1984-09-25
11: The Great Books Mystery
Orko is searching all over the Royal Palace for a book he has bought Prince Adam for his birthday. It soon transpires that not only this book is missing, but every book in the kingdom! The books have been stolen by a villain called Batros, who has hidden them in the Temple of the Sun. As the heroes set out to recover the books, Skeletor sends Beast Man and Trap Jaw out to recruit Batros into his army.
11: The Great Books Mystery
In onda il: 1984-09-25
Orko is searching all over the Royal Palace for a book he has bought Prince Adam for his birthday. It soon transpires that not only this book is missing, but every book in the kingdom! The books have been stolen by a villain called Batros, who has hidden them in the Temple of the Sun. As the heroes set out to recover the books, Skeletor sends Beast Man and Trap Jaw out to recruit Batros into his army.
In onda il: 1984-09-26
12: Origin of the Sorceress
The Sorceress realizes her old enemy Morgoth is attempting to return to Eternia. She decides to make a stand and tells He-Man how her first battle against Morgoth caused her to take up the mantle of Sorceress of Grayskull.
12: Origin of the Sorceress
In onda il: 1984-09-26
The Sorceress realizes her old enemy Morgoth is attempting to return to Eternia. She decides to make a stand and tells He-Man how her first battle against Morgoth caused her to take up the mantle of Sorceress of Grayskull.
In onda il: 1984-09-27
13: Betrayal of Stratos
Stratos is exiled from Avion after being accused of sabotaging the kingdom's defense shield. During his next attack, Skeletor manages to steal the Egg of Avion and hides it in the Demon Zone with his ally Whiplash.
13: Betrayal of Stratos
In onda il: 1984-09-27
Stratos is exiled from Avion after being accused of sabotaging the kingdom's defense shield. During his next attack, Skeletor manages to steal the Egg of Avion and hides it in the Demon Zone with his ally Whiplash.
In onda il: 1984-09-28
14: The Ice Age Cometh
An irresponsible junior guard, Philip, fails to notice Whiplash sneaking into the palace grounds to steal the King's Ice Raider. He-Man stops Whiplash just in time, but King Randor relocates Philip to the Eternian Weather Station to improve his responsibilities. Skeletor, determined to get hold of the Ice Raider, consults his agent in the North, Icer, and orders him to take over the Weather Station. Icer has no trouble in taking over, and before long weather disasters are occurring all over Eternia.
14: The Ice Age Cometh
In onda il: 1984-09-28
An irresponsible junior guard, Philip, fails to notice Whiplash sneaking into the palace grounds to steal the King's Ice Raider. He-Man stops Whiplash just in time, but King Randor relocates Philip to the Eternian Weather Station to improve his responsibilities. Skeletor, determined to get hold of the Ice Raider, consults his agent in the North, Icer, and orders him to take over the Weather Station. Icer has no trouble in taking over, and before long weather disasters are occurring all over Eternia.
In onda il: 1984-09-29
15: The Arena
Man-At-Arms has managed to make contact with a peaceful alien being called Om, hovering above Eternia. When Om is being welcomed by the people of Eternos, Skeletor invades the city with General Tataran and the Goblin Army. A fierce battle follows, and Om is confused by the way the two sides fight against one another, as his race knows no violence. So to see which side is wiser and stronger, Om selects He-Man from the side of good, and Skeletor from the side of evil, and pits them against one another in a fight to the finish.
15: The Arena
In onda il: 1984-09-29
Man-At-Arms has managed to make contact with a peaceful alien being called Om, hovering above Eternia. When Om is being welcomed by the people of Eternos, Skeletor invades the city with General Tataran and the Goblin Army. A fierce battle follows, and Om is confused by the way the two sides fight against one another, as his race knows no violence. So to see which side is wiser and stronger, Om selects He-Man from the side of good, and Skeletor from the side of evil, and pits them against one another in a fight to the finish.
In onda il: 1984-10-02
16: Disappearing Dragons
Once again, Granamyr asks for He-Man's help. The dragons of Eternia are mysteriously disappearing and Webstor and Kobra Khan seem to be behind it.
16: Disappearing Dragons
In onda il: 1984-10-02
Once again, Granamyr asks for He-Man's help. The dragons of Eternia are mysteriously disappearing and Webstor and Kobra Khan seem to be behind it.
In onda il: 1984-10-03
17: Island of Fear
Man-At-Arms has built a new dam around the kingdom of Eternos, to block off the Eternian ocean and prevent flooding. However, some of his food ships have gone missing, and while flying over the ocean to investigate, Buzz-Off has noticed a strange volcanic island which is not marked on any map. Adam, Cringer, Orko, Man-At-Arms, Teela and Buzz-Off go to investigate further. It soon turns out that Skeletor is the source of the problem, using a floating island to capture the food ships, planning to starve the Eternians then smash through the dam to flood Randor's kingdom! Can the heroes stop him before he succeeds?
17: Island of Fear
In onda il: 1984-10-03
Man-At-Arms has built a new dam around the kingdom of Eternos, to block off the Eternian ocean and prevent flooding. However, some of his food ships have gone missing, and while flying over the ocean to investigate, Buzz-Off has noticed a strange volcanic island which is not marked on any map. Adam, Cringer, Orko, Man-At-Arms, Teela and Buzz-Off go to investigate further. It soon turns out that Skeletor is the source of the problem, using a floating island to capture the food ships, planning to starve the Eternians then smash through the dam to flood Randor's kingdom! Can the heroes stop him before he succeeds?
In onda il: 1984-10-04
18: Revenge Is Never Sweet
As Prince Adam and Teela attempt to fix a broken-down Attak Trak in the desert, Orko stumbles upon the wizard Kothos, who was transformed into a sand slug by Evil-Lyn in the earlier episode "The Witch and the Warrior". He turns him back to his true form, but has made a mistake as Kothos captures the heroes and offers them to Skeletor in return for his second-in-command, Evil-Lyn, upon whom Kothos is determined to enact revenge.
18: Revenge Is Never Sweet
In onda il: 1984-10-04
As Prince Adam and Teela attempt to fix a broken-down Attak Trak in the desert, Orko stumbles upon the wizard Kothos, who was transformed into a sand slug by Evil-Lyn in the earlier episode "The Witch and the Warrior". He turns him back to his true form, but has made a mistake as Kothos captures the heroes and offers them to Skeletor in return for his second-in-command, Evil-Lyn, upon whom Kothos is determined to enact revenge.
In onda il: 1984-10-05
19: The Littlest Giant
Squinch the Widget visits Snake Mountain, hoping that Skeletor may be able to help him become bigger and stronger. Evil-Lyn gives him a gift for He-Man, and tells him she will make him big if he delivers it to He-Man. But of course, when he delivers it it turns out to be a trick- the box contains soporific mist which makes He-Man and Battle Cat fall asleep, thus enabling Skeletor to capture them! Realising he has been tricked, Squinch vows to make up for his mistake. But with his small size, is he big or strong enough to rescue Eternia's hero himself?
19: The Littlest Giant
In onda il: 1984-10-05
Squinch the Widget visits Snake Mountain, hoping that Skeletor may be able to help him become bigger and stronger. Evil-Lyn gives him a gift for He-Man, and tells him she will make him big if he delivers it to He-Man. But of course, when he delivers it it turns out to be a trick- the box contains soporific mist which makes He-Man and Battle Cat fall asleep, thus enabling Skeletor to capture them! Realising he has been tricked, Squinch vows to make up for his mistake. But with his small size, is he big or strong enough to rescue Eternia's hero himself?
In onda il: 1984-10-06
20: Attack from Below
Teela and Orko are returning from admiring one of the Eternian farmer's bumper crops, when strong tremors suddenly shake the ground and whole crops disappear. Teela is sucked underground with one of the tremors, where she finds herself in the tunnels of an underground community called the Belats. While Orko raises the alarm, the Belat's King, Subternias, who is determined to feed his people no matter what, holds Teela prisoner, and she finds that the Belats are not evil, but are very mistrusting, after being tricked by Skeletor years before...
20: Attack from Below
In onda il: 1984-10-06
Teela and Orko are returning from admiring one of the Eternian farmer's bumper crops, when strong tremors suddenly shake the ground and whole crops disappear. Teela is sucked underground with one of the tremors, where she finds herself in the tunnels of an underground community called the Belats. While Orko raises the alarm, the Belat's King, Subternias, who is determined to feed his people no matter what, holds Teela prisoner, and she finds that the Belats are not evil, but are very mistrusting, after being tricked by Skeletor years before...
In onda il: 1984-10-09
21: Into the Abyss
Prince Adam finds his work as He-Man is tiring him out, and Teela is getting frustrated with Adam's apparent laziness, unaware of the real reason for it. After a heated argument between the two of them, Teela decides to make up for it by making Adam train in a fun way, by following her across an obstacle course with a tracking device. Teela runs way ahead of Adam, but runs headfirst into danger as she slips over the edge of Castle Grayskull's abyss and falls down into its bottomless depths. When they realise the possibly fatal situation Teela is in, Adam (as He-Man), Man-At-Arms and The Sorceress must do their best to rescue her before it's too late.
21: Into the Abyss
In onda il: 1984-10-09
Prince Adam finds his work as He-Man is tiring him out, and Teela is getting frustrated with Adam's apparent laziness, unaware of the real reason for it. After a heated argument between the two of them, Teela decides to make up for it by making Adam train in a fun way, by following her across an obstacle course with a tracking device. Teela runs way ahead of Adam, but runs headfirst into danger as she slips over the edge of Castle Grayskull's abyss and falls down into its bottomless depths. When they realise the possibly fatal situation Teela is in, Adam (as He-Man), Man-At-Arms and The Sorceress must do their best to rescue her before it's too late.
In onda il: 1984-10-10
22: Fraidy Cat
Skeletor devises a cunning scheme to capture Queen Marlena and lead He-Man to his robot bird Screeech, and he sends Whiplash, Merman, Clawful and Kobra Khan to carry it out. Kobra Khan kidnaps Marlena after overpowering the Royal Family with his sleep gas, then he and Merman take her through the Haunted Forest back to Snake Mountain. Whiplash and Clawful, meanwhile, create visible tracks in the ground in the opposite direction. When the Royal Family awake, He-Man, Man-At-Arms and Teela follow Whiplash and Clawful's false trail, which will only lead them to Screech. But Cringer's sense of smell detects that Marlena was taken towards the Haunted Forest, and so he and Orko set out to follow the correct trail. Encountering many dangers along the way, this is Cringer's big chance to prove he's no Fraidy Cat!
22: Fraidy Cat
In onda il: 1984-10-10
Skeletor devises a cunning scheme to capture Queen Marlena and lead He-Man to his robot bird Screeech, and he sends Whiplash, Merman, Clawful and Kobra Khan to carry it out. Kobra Khan kidnaps Marlena after overpowering the Royal Family with his sleep gas, then he and Merman take her through the Haunted Forest back to Snake Mountain. Whiplash and Clawful, meanwhile, create visible tracks in the ground in the opposite direction. When the Royal Family awake, He-Man, Man-At-Arms and Teela follow Whiplash and Clawful's false trail, which will only lead them to Screech. But Cringer's sense of smell detects that Marlena was taken towards the Haunted Forest, and so he and Orko set out to follow the correct trail. Encountering many dangers along the way, this is Cringer's big chance to prove he's no Fraidy Cat!
In onda il: 1984-10-11
23: The Rainbow Warrior
Skeletor captures King Randor, Prince Adam, Teela, Man-At-Arms and Orko, intending to attack the Palace and take over Eternos City. Since Adam is unable to become He-Man when in Skeletor's clutches, only one person is able to save them... Queen Marlena, as pilot of the Rainbow Explorer, the ship which brought her from Earth to Eternia. Using her amazing pilot skills she leads a fleet towards Snake ountain to rescue Skeletor's captives.
23: The Rainbow Warrior
In onda il: 1984-10-11
Skeletor captures King Randor, Prince Adam, Teela, Man-At-Arms and Orko, intending to attack the Palace and take over Eternos City. Since Adam is unable to become He-Man when in Skeletor's clutches, only one person is able to save them... Queen Marlena, as pilot of the Rainbow Explorer, the ship which brought her from Earth to Eternia. Using her amazing pilot skills she leads a fleet towards Snake ountain to rescue Skeletor's captives.
In onda il: 1984-10-12
24: A Trip to Morainia
King Randor sends Adam, Cringer and Orko to the Ice Kingdom of Morainia, to collect a powerful energy crystal from his friend King Moraius. However, Skeletor wants the crystal for himself and follows them, capturing King Moraius and demanding that the Royals give him the crystal in return for their King. As He-Man, Adam teams up with the King's daughter, Princess Janis, who helps devise a scheme to rescue her father.King Randor sends Adam, Cringer and Orko to the Ice Kingdom of Morainia, to collect a powerful energy crystal from his friend King Moraius. However, Skeletor wants the crystal for himself and follows them, capturing King Moraius and demanding that the Royals give him the crystal in return for their King. As He-Man, Adam teams up with the King's daughter, Princess Janis, who helps devise a scheme to rescue her father.
24: A Trip to Morainia
In onda il: 1984-10-12
King Randor sends Adam, Cringer and Orko to the Ice Kingdom of Morainia, to collect a powerful energy crystal from his friend King Moraius. However, Skeletor wants the crystal for himself and follows them, capturing King Moraius and demanding that the Royals give him the crystal in return for their King. As He-Man, Adam teams up with the King's daughter, Princess Janis, who helps devise a scheme to rescue her father.King Randor sends Adam, Cringer and Orko to the Ice Kingdom of Morainia, to collect a powerful energy crystal from his friend King Moraius. However, Skeletor wants the crystal for himself and follows them, capturing King Moraius and demanding that the Royals give him the crystal in return for their King. As He-Man, Adam teams up with the King's daughter, Princess Janis, who helps devise a scheme to rescue her father.
In onda il: 1984-10-13
25: Things That Go Bump in the Night
A runaway Prince called Glitch from the planet Celasia has joined Skeletor's crew at Snake Mountain, but is so weak and pitiful that he is thrown out violently by Skeletor. The Royal Family take him to the palace to look after him, but Glitch is totally consumed by fear after his ordeal at Snake Mountain. When Glitch's father turns up on Eternia to look for him, and Skeletor attempts to recapture him, He-Man helps Glitch to face his fears.
25: Things That Go Bump in the Night
In onda il: 1984-10-13
A runaway Prince called Glitch from the planet Celasia has joined Skeletor's crew at Snake Mountain, but is so weak and pitiful that he is thrown out violently by Skeletor. The Royal Family take him to the palace to look after him, but Glitch is totally consumed by fear after his ordeal at Snake Mountain. When Glitch's father turns up on Eternia to look for him, and Skeletor attempts to recapture him, He-Man helps Glitch to face his fears.
In onda il: 1984-10-16
26: Three on a Dare
Man-At-Arms needs a sample of Rainbow Quartz to repair a frequency transmitter. But the only place where they can find Rainbow Quartz is in a cavern in Snake Mountain! Adam and Cringer have no choice but to venture into Skeletor's domain to find the Quartz- and at the same time, Teela and three students she was training, who have taken a dare, also end up in Skeletor's clutches! With all this unwanted company suddenly invading Snake Mountain, ultimate chaos is sure to ensue!
26: Three on a Dare
In onda il: 1984-10-16
Man-At-Arms needs a sample of Rainbow Quartz to repair a frequency transmitter. But the only place where they can find Rainbow Quartz is in a cavern in Snake Mountain! Adam and Cringer have no choice but to venture into Skeletor's domain to find the Quartz- and at the same time, Teela and three students she was training, who have taken a dare, also end up in Skeletor's clutches! With all this unwanted company suddenly invading Snake Mountain, ultimate chaos is sure to ensue!
In onda il: 1984-10-17
27: Just a Little Lie
When Orko finds out that Adam's visiting cousin, Prince Dal, doesn't think Eternos is as magical as his own home kingdom, he gives Prince Dal a pretty rock and tells him that its called the Star Crystal and that it will protect anyone who has it. Prince Dal believes the lie and steals the rock from Orko later to bring to his father, who is fighting a war against the Torks, thinking it will make him invincible.
27: Just a Little Lie
In onda il: 1984-10-17
When Orko finds out that Adam's visiting cousin, Prince Dal, doesn't think Eternos is as magical as his own home kingdom, he gives Prince Dal a pretty rock and tells him that its called the Star Crystal and that it will protect anyone who has it. Prince Dal believes the lie and steals the rock from Orko later to bring to his father, who is fighting a war against the Torks, thinking it will make him invincible.
In onda il: 1984-10-18
28: One for All
A small agricultural village is invaded by Space Pirates. When Adam, Teela, Orko and Cringer investigate the village, the Space Pirates steal Adam's sword, leaving him unable to become He-Man. So Adam must take the leading role in his regular identity and convince the villagers to fight back against the Space Pirates, while Cringer sets out to recover the sword.
28: One for All
In onda il: 1984-10-18
A small agricultural village is invaded by Space Pirates. When Adam, Teela, Orko and Cringer investigate the village, the Space Pirates steal Adam's sword, leaving him unable to become He-Man. So Adam must take the leading role in his regular identity and convince the villagers to fight back against the Space Pirates, while Cringer sets out to recover the sword.
In onda il: 1984-10-19
29: Jacob and the Widgets
Merman attacks a seafaring hermit called Jacob with some mechanical sea monsters, but his attack fails and He-Man, Teela and the Widgets rescue Jacob. Merman thinks he could use the Widgets' Coridite to make his mechanical demons stronger, so he sets up a scheme to steal the Coridite. He-Man and his friends must stop Merman, with the help of Jacob.
29: Jacob and the Widgets
In onda il: 1984-10-19
Merman attacks a seafaring hermit called Jacob with some mechanical sea monsters, but his attack fails and He-Man, Teela and the Widgets rescue Jacob. Merman thinks he could use the Widgets' Coridite to make his mechanical demons stronger, so he sets up a scheme to steal the Coridite. He-Man and his friends must stop Merman, with the help of Jacob.
In onda il: 1984-10-20
30: Trouble's Middle Name
The Sunstone, which is held within the Temple of the Sun, is running out of power and must be recharged, in The Ceremony of the Sun, which takes place once a century. The Sunstone's keepers invite He-Man and his companions to the ceremony, but on the way they face trouble from Negator, who wants the Sunstone's power for himself, and even more inconveniently a Trollan called Prankster who is deliberately making a nuisance of himself and will only go home if they can guess his name.
30: Trouble's Middle Name
In onda il: 1984-10-20
The Sunstone, which is held within the Temple of the Sun, is running out of power and must be recharged, in The Ceremony of the Sun, which takes place once a century. The Sunstone's keepers invite He-Man and his companions to the ceremony, but on the way they face trouble from Negator, who wants the Sunstone's power for himself, and even more inconveniently a Trollan called Prankster who is deliberately making a nuisance of himself and will only go home if they can guess his name.
In onda il: 1984-10-23
31: Journey to Stone City
Prince Adam, Man-At-Arms and Orko are searching the Vine Jungle for the legendary Stone City- but unbeknownst to them, they are being followed by Evil-Lyn, Webstor and Kobra Khan, who are after the city's treasures. By stealing a map, the villains beat the heroes to Stone City, which is filled with realistic-looking statues. When teleporting a life-bringer machine to Snake Mountain, Evil-Lyn accidentally revives the city's warrior king, Vokan! Vokan reveals that his people have been sleeping in stone for thousands of years, to be awakened when Eternia next needs their help. When he notices the life bringer is missing, Evil-Lyn tells him that it is located in Castle Grayskull. Before long, Vokan himself is attacking Grayskull, unwittingly being used by Evil-Lyn, who wants to gain the castle's powers!
31: Journey to Stone City
In onda il: 1984-10-23
Prince Adam, Man-At-Arms and Orko are searching the Vine Jungle for the legendary Stone City- but unbeknownst to them, they are being followed by Evil-Lyn, Webstor and Kobra Khan, who are after the city's treasures. By stealing a map, the villains beat the heroes to Stone City, which is filled with realistic-looking statues. When teleporting a life-bringer machine to Snake Mountain, Evil-Lyn accidentally revives the city's warrior king, Vokan! Vokan reveals that his people have been sleeping in stone for thousands of years, to be awakened when Eternia next needs their help. When he notices the life bringer is missing, Evil-Lyn tells him that it is located in Castle Grayskull. Before long, Vokan himself is attacking Grayskull, unwittingly being used by Evil-Lyn, who wants to gain the castle's powers!
In onda il: 1984-10-24
32: A Bird in the Hand
He-Man and company race to recover the Ancient's Book of Spells from it's long-lost hiding place. Skeletor learns of its existence and seeks to take it for himself.
32: A Bird in the Hand
In onda il: 1984-10-24
He-Man and company race to recover the Ancient's Book of Spells from it's long-lost hiding place. Skeletor learns of its existence and seeks to take it for himself.
In onda il: 1984-10-25
33: Battlecat
Man-At-Arms tells Orko the origin of Battle Cat, from how Adam discovered Cringer in the forest as a child, to how Cringer acquired the powers of Grayskull and became Battle Cat.
33: Battlecat
In onda il: 1984-10-25
Man-At-Arms tells Orko the origin of Battle Cat, from how Adam discovered Cringer in the forest as a child, to how Cringer acquired the powers of Grayskull and became Battle Cat.
In onda il: 1984-10-26
34: The Time Wheel
When investigating an ancient temple with Prince Adam, Orko accidentally brings the barbaric King Tamask from Ancient Eternia to the present, with a magical Time Wheel. When he comes across the Royal Palace, Tamask is confused by how it has changed and believes Randor is a magician who has taken over his kingdom. Angrily, he attempts to fight to reclaim the kingdom he thinks has been stolen from him. He-Man must help Tamask see the light, as well as convincing him to turn from his violent ways.
34: The Time Wheel
In onda il: 1984-10-26
When investigating an ancient temple with Prince Adam, Orko accidentally brings the barbaric King Tamask from Ancient Eternia to the present, with a magical Time Wheel. When he comes across the Royal Palace, Tamask is confused by how it has changed and believes Randor is a magician who has taken over his kingdom. Angrily, he attempts to fight to reclaim the kingdom he thinks has been stolen from him. He-Man must help Tamask see the light, as well as convincing him to turn from his violent ways.
In onda il: 1984-10-27
35: Search for the Past
Man-at-Arms stumbles upon a royal trinket that could belong to King Miro, King Randor's long-lost father. With the help of He-Man and Man-at-Arms, Randor journeys to the Swamps of Enchantment in search of his father.
35: Search for the Past
In onda il: 1984-10-27
Man-at-Arms stumbles upon a royal trinket that could belong to King Miro, King Randor's long-lost father. With the help of He-Man and Man-at-Arms, Randor journeys to the Swamps of Enchantment in search of his father.
In onda il: 1984-10-30
36: Hunt for He-Man
Prince Adam and Cringer crashland in the Misty Swamps when their Wind Raider is attacked by Skeletor's crew. Adam transforms to He-Man and manages to stop them sinking, but he feels weak, poisoned by the swamp water. A boy called Drak and his grandfather find He-Man, and the grandfather decides to transport him along to their village where he can be cured. But Drak, who is tempted by power and wealth, wants to turn He-Man in to Skeletor to gain riches in reward. As they journey to the village, they are pursued by Trap Jaw and Whiplash- will Drak betray He-Man and give him over to the bad guys, or will he see the light and help fend off Skeletor and his minions?
36: Hunt for He-Man
In onda il: 1984-10-30
Prince Adam and Cringer crashland in the Misty Swamps when their Wind Raider is attacked by Skeletor's crew. Adam transforms to He-Man and manages to stop them sinking, but he feels weak, poisoned by the swamp water. A boy called Drak and his grandfather find He-Man, and the grandfather decides to transport him along to their village where he can be cured. But Drak, who is tempted by power and wealth, wants to turn He-Man in to Skeletor to gain riches in reward. As they journey to the village, they are pursued by Trap Jaw and Whiplash- will Drak betray He-Man and give him over to the bad guys, or will he see the light and help fend off Skeletor and his minions?
In onda il: 1984-10-31
37: The Greatest Show on Eternia
The circus is coming to the kingdom, much to the excitement of Orko, who wants to become a circus performer. Skeletor, enraged that the circus wouldn't come and perform for him at Snake Mountain, sends Evil-Lyn and Beast Man to cause enough ruin to see that it never opens, so that he can take it over himself and be entertained by it whenever he likes...
37: The Greatest Show on Eternia
In onda il: 1984-10-31
The circus is coming to the kingdom, much to the excitement of Orko, who wants to become a circus performer. Skeletor, enraged that the circus wouldn't come and perform for him at Snake Mountain, sends Evil-Lyn and Beast Man to cause enough ruin to see that it never opens, so that he can take it over himself and be entertained by it whenever he likes...
In onda il: 1984-11-01
38: Not So Blind
He-Man meets a blind boy called Lous, whose friends consider him to be helpless just because he is blind. To give him a chance to prove himself, He-Man offers to take Lous on an adventure with himself and Ram Man, to the caves of the Singing Crystal. Lous accompanies them to the caves, but once inside, a flash of light blinds both He-Man and Ram Man. With all three of them blind, Lous uses his senses and bravery to lead them back to safety, across many dangerous obstacles.
38: Not So Blind
In onda il: 1984-11-01
He-Man meets a blind boy called Lous, whose friends consider him to be helpless just because he is blind. To give him a chance to prove himself, He-Man offers to take Lous on an adventure with himself and Ram Man, to the caves of the Singing Crystal. Lous accompanies them to the caves, but once inside, a flash of light blinds both He-Man and Ram Man. With all three of them blind, Lous uses his senses and bravery to lead them back to safety, across many dangerous obstacles.
In onda il: 1984-11-02
39: The Secret of Grayskull
Orko runs away, thinking his friends don't really like him. The Sorceress solves his problem, but on his way back to the palace he is captured by Skeletor, who puts him under a spell to reveal the riddle of the jaw bridge. Skeletor uses this riddle to break into Grayskull, and The Sorceress must defend the castle while He-Man tries to free Orko.
39: The Secret of Grayskull
In onda il: 1984-11-02
Orko runs away, thinking his friends don't really like him. The Sorceress solves his problem, but on his way back to the palace he is captured by Skeletor, who puts him under a spell to reveal the riddle of the jaw bridge. Skeletor uses this riddle to break into Grayskull, and The Sorceress must defend the castle while He-Man tries to free Orko.
In onda il: 1984-11-03
40: No Job Too Small
As the heroes visit the planet Phantos, Evil-Lyn kidnaps Teela, Man-At-Arms and Orko, and takes them to Snake Mountain, where she shrinks them using a Reducto-Ray. He-Man goes to rescue them, but finds them placed in a trap which will either shrink him or kill them if he uses mere brawn to save them. So he realises he must use his brain to solve the problem- and since Teela has been complaining that Adam is lacking in brain power, he decides to do the job as Adam.
40: No Job Too Small
In onda il: 1984-11-03
As the heroes visit the planet Phantos, Evil-Lyn kidnaps Teela, Man-At-Arms and Orko, and takes them to Snake Mountain, where she shrinks them using a Reducto-Ray. He-Man goes to rescue them, but finds them placed in a trap which will either shrink him or kill them if he uses mere brawn to save them. So he realises he must use his brain to solve the problem- and since Teela has been complaining that Adam is lacking in brain power, he decides to do the job as Adam.
In onda il: 1984-11-06
41: The Bitter Rose
Orko wants to impress Dree Elle with a special birthday present, so he goes to Rose Mountain in search of the legendary Bitter Rose, which was formed by the tears of a grieving goddess. However, when he picks the rose it causes an avalanche, which almost destroys the village of the Kex below- and also draws the attention of Skeletor, who sends Beast Man and Trap Jaw to steal the rose for him.
41: The Bitter Rose
In onda il: 1984-11-06
Orko wants to impress Dree Elle with a special birthday present, so he goes to Rose Mountain in search of the legendary Bitter Rose, which was formed by the tears of a grieving goddess. However, when he picks the rose it causes an avalanche, which almost destroys the village of the Kex below- and also draws the attention of Skeletor, who sends Beast Man and Trap Jaw to steal the rose for him.
In onda il: 1984-11-07
42: The Gambler
The Royal Family are holding a celebration with the Widgets, celebrating the completion of Man-At-Arms' new machine- the Coridite Reactor, which will generate electricity for all Eternians. Smudge, a Widget who has been given the job of guarding the reactor, becomes addicted to gambling with a showman called Melbrag at the ceremony. Melbrag tricks Smudge into gambling away some Coridite, and he flees with the sample, intending to sell it to Skeletor. When He-Man pursues Melbrag, he only tempts him even further, as Melbrag plans to capture He-Man, and deliver him to Skeletor for an even bigger payment!
42: The Gambler
In onda il: 1984-11-07
The Royal Family are holding a celebration with the Widgets, celebrating the completion of Man-At-Arms' new machine- the Coridite Reactor, which will generate electricity for all Eternians. Smudge, a Widget who has been given the job of guarding the reactor, becomes addicted to gambling with a showman called Melbrag at the ceremony. Melbrag tricks Smudge into gambling away some Coridite, and he flees with the sample, intending to sell it to Skeletor. When He-Man pursues Melbrag, he only tempts him even further, as Melbrag plans to capture He-Man, and deliver him to Skeletor for an even bigger payment!
In onda il: 1984-11-08
43: Teela's Triumph
Skeletor uses a teleportation device to teleport The Sorceress, in the form of Zoar, to another planet. As He-Man and Battle Cat go to this planet to rescue The Sorceress, Teela is given the task of guarding Grayskull in The Sorceress' place. Unaware that someday she will inherit the position of Sorceress for good, will she be able to live up to her destiny?
43: Teela's Triumph
In onda il: 1984-11-08
Skeletor uses a teleportation device to teleport The Sorceress, in the form of Zoar, to another planet. As He-Man and Battle Cat go to this planet to rescue The Sorceress, Teela is given the task of guarding Grayskull in The Sorceress' place. Unaware that someday she will inherit the position of Sorceress for good, will she be able to live up to her destiny?
In onda il: 1984-11-09
44: Orko's New Friend
Orko is visited by his old friend (yes, old friend, in spite of the title) Squunge, from the Academy of Magic on Trolla. Squunge has a knack for telling wild lies and tall tales, and quickly begins to annoy Orko and his friends with this habit. Then Orko winds up being captured by an intergalactic criminal called the Slave Master, scouring the universe for powerful slaves- will Squunge be able to convince the others that he's not lying this time?
44: Orko's New Friend
In onda il: 1984-11-09
Orko is visited by his old friend (yes, old friend, in spite of the title) Squunge, from the Academy of Magic on Trolla. Squunge has a knack for telling wild lies and tall tales, and quickly begins to annoy Orko and his friends with this habit. Then Orko winds up being captured by an intergalactic criminal called the Slave Master, scouring the universe for powerful slaves- will Squunge be able to convince the others that he's not lying this time?
In onda il: 1984-11-10
45: The Problem with the Power
Skeletor tricks He-Man into thinking he has accidentally killed a man and, consumed by guilt, He-Man transforms back to Adam and drops his sword down the abyss of Grayskull, deciding he is no longer worthy of Grayskull's powers. Skeletor then opens a portal to the goblin world, enabling General Tataran's army to enter Eternia, with possibly enough power and strength to conquer the planet. Can Eternia survive without its greatest hero... and will Adam realize he has been tricked before it is too late?
45: The Problem with the Power
In onda il: 1984-11-10
Skeletor tricks He-Man into thinking he has accidentally killed a man and, consumed by guilt, He-Man transforms back to Adam and drops his sword down the abyss of Grayskull, deciding he is no longer worthy of Grayskull's powers. Skeletor then opens a portal to the goblin world, enabling General Tataran's army to enter Eternia, with possibly enough power and strength to conquer the planet. Can Eternia survive without its greatest hero... and will Adam realize he has been tricked before it is too late?
In onda il: 1984-11-13
46: Double Trouble
A fierce storm, raging around Snake Mountain, uncovers a secret passage beneath the ancient fortress. Skeletor, Evil-Lyn and Beast Man investigate, and they find a mystic-looking glass called the Mirror of Moruvad, which has the power to create a double of anyone which is the opposite of what they are. Skeletor decides to capture someone close to He-Man, and make an evil double of them that will steal the secrets of Grayskull for him. He captures Koldar, a heroic ally of He-Man's, who has just arrived at the palace for a welcoming ceremony. He uses the Mirror to create an evil double of Koldar, which he sends to the Palace, to trick He-Man into letting him enter Castle Grayskull! But Koldar lures Skeletor in front of the mirror... and a heroic Skeletor is created, which goes to help foil Skeletor's plan!
46: Double Trouble
In onda il: 1984-11-13
A fierce storm, raging around Snake Mountain, uncovers a secret passage beneath the ancient fortress. Skeletor, Evil-Lyn and Beast Man investigate, and they find a mystic-looking glass called the Mirror of Moruvad, which has the power to create a double of anyone which is the opposite of what they are. Skeletor decides to capture someone close to He-Man, and make an evil double of them that will steal the secrets of Grayskull for him. He captures Koldar, a heroic ally of He-Man's, who has just arrived at the palace for a welcoming ceremony. He uses the Mirror to create an evil double of Koldar, which he sends to the Palace, to trick He-Man into letting him enter Castle Grayskull! But Koldar lures Skeletor in front of the mirror... and a heroic Skeletor is created, which goes to help foil Skeletor's plan!
In onda il: 1984-11-14
47: The Eternia Flower
Chad (from the episode "Double-Edged Sword") comes to Eternos with his older brother, Johno, who is about to be presented with an award for 'boy of the year'. However, Johno is secretly caught up in an obsessive drug addiction- he has been paying Count Marzo for sniffs of The Black Nightmare, a dangerous plant which originated on Trolla. The drug drives Johno to attempt a dangerous stunt during the 'boy of the year' ceremony, which humiliates him and causes King Randor to withdraw his award. However, naive young boys have been impressed by Johno's stunt, and Count Marzo uses the drug-addicted boy to lure them all to his evil services so he can use the flower to get them all under his power... when the heroic warriors realise what is happening, it is down to them to foil Marzo's plan and rescue Johno from his addiction before the children of Eternia are doomed.
47: The Eternia Flower
In onda il: 1984-11-14
Chad (from the episode "Double-Edged Sword") comes to Eternos with his older brother, Johno, who is about to be presented with an award for 'boy of the year'. However, Johno is secretly caught up in an obsessive drug addiction- he has been paying Count Marzo for sniffs of The Black Nightmare, a dangerous plant which originated on Trolla. The drug drives Johno to attempt a dangerous stunt during the 'boy of the year' ceremony, which humiliates him and causes King Randor to withdraw his award. However, naive young boys have been impressed by Johno's stunt, and Count Marzo uses the drug-addicted boy to lure them all to his evil services so he can use the flower to get them all under his power... when the heroic warriors realise what is happening, it is down to them to foil Marzo's plan and rescue Johno from his addiction before the children of Eternia are doomed.
In onda il: 1984-11-15
48: Happy Birthday Roboto
He-Man and Man-At-Arms discover a crashed spaceship piloted by a robot. They take him back to the palace, where Man-At-Arms manages to repair the robot, who tells them his name is Roboto and he is a space explorer from the planet Robotica. He expresses his interest to explore Eternia, but during the night he is captured by Modulok, Man-At-Arms' sworn enemy! Modulok reprogrammes him to do his own dirty work, which involves the dastardly experiment of transplanting Man-At-Arms' brain into Modulok's extra head.....
48: Happy Birthday Roboto
In onda il: 1984-11-15
He-Man and Man-At-Arms discover a crashed spaceship piloted by a robot. They take him back to the palace, where Man-At-Arms manages to repair the robot, who tells them his name is Roboto and he is a space explorer from the planet Robotica. He expresses his interest to explore Eternia, but during the night he is captured by Modulok, Man-At-Arms' sworn enemy! Modulok reprogrammes him to do his own dirty work, which involves the dastardly experiment of transplanting Man-At-Arms' brain into Modulok's extra head.....
In onda il: 1984-11-16
49: Battle of the Dragons
An evil dragon called Morning Star hopes to resurrect the age-old war between the dragons and humans on Eternia. He extinguishes the Dragon fire, that powers Granamyr's kingdom, and blames it on the humans. War is declared between the humans and dragons, and He-Man is sent on a mission to recover the dragon fire and put and end to the war.
49: Battle of the Dragons
In onda il: 1984-11-16
An evil dragon called Morning Star hopes to resurrect the age-old war between the dragons and humans on Eternia. He extinguishes the Dragon fire, that powers Granamyr's kingdom, and blames it on the humans. War is declared between the humans and dragons, and He-Man is sent on a mission to recover the dragon fire and put and end to the war.
In onda il: 1984-11-17
50: Time Doesn't Fly
Adam, Teela and Orko are enjoying some recreation (while Cringer sleeps!) when they notice that no time seems to have passed since they began. After He-Man has rescues a young girl by from a giant underground creature confused by the stop of time, the girl turns out to be Princess Kaffay, daughter of the Emperor of Sinba. She explains that evil wizard Hexon has captured her father and the Keeper of Time, and has used his powers to effectively stop time from passing. It is written that the Emperor must appear to the Council of Seasons on the first day of Spring, and request permission to rule for another year. With the Emperor captured and the stopping of time causing disarray, Hexon plans to step in and take the throne for himself...
50: Time Doesn't Fly
In onda il: 1984-11-17
Adam, Teela and Orko are enjoying some recreation (while Cringer sleeps!) when they notice that no time seems to have passed since they began. After He-Man has rescues a young girl by from a giant underground creature confused by the stop of time, the girl turns out to be Princess Kaffay, daughter of the Emperor of Sinba. She explains that evil wizard Hexon has captured her father and the Keeper of Time, and has used his powers to effectively stop time from passing. It is written that the Emperor must appear to the Council of Seasons on the first day of Spring, and request permission to rule for another year. With the Emperor captured and the stopping of time causing disarray, Hexon plans to step in and take the throne for himself...
In onda il: 1984-11-20
51: Here, There, Skeletors Everywhere
Man-At-Arms is testing out a new duplicating machine, which can make a replica of any solid object. However, the machine is not yet perfect and so its replicas come out being half the size of the original objects. But Skeletor steals the machine, and he uses it to create a whole army of miniature Skeletors to do his bidding... and before long, the palace is overrun with Skeletors!
51: Here, There, Skeletors Everywhere
In onda il: 1984-11-20
Man-At-Arms is testing out a new duplicating machine, which can make a replica of any solid object. However, the machine is not yet perfect and so its replicas come out being half the size of the original objects. But Skeletor steals the machine, and he uses it to create a whole army of miniature Skeletors to do his bidding... and before long, the palace is overrun with Skeletors!
In onda il: 1984-11-21
52: Beauty and the Beast
Skeletor captures Teela and Orko, and sends them to be imprisoned in the dark, dismal kingdom of Morragor, ruled over by an enslaved monster in thrall to Skeletor. But the monster, despite his gruesome appearance, comes across as noble and friendly, and treats his captives with utmost dignity. As He-Man journeys to rescue his friends, Teela, seeing the monster's true personality beneath the surface, encourages him to break himself free from his unwilling devotion to Skeletor.
52: Beauty and the Beast
In onda il: 1984-11-21
Skeletor captures Teela and Orko, and sends them to be imprisoned in the dark, dismal kingdom of Morragor, ruled over by an enslaved monster in thrall to Skeletor. But the monster, despite his gruesome appearance, comes across as noble and friendly, and treats his captives with utmost dignity. As He-Man journeys to rescue his friends, Teela, seeing the monster's true personality beneath the surface, encourages him to break himself free from his unwilling devotion to Skeletor.
In onda il: 1984-11-22
53: Orko's Return
Beast Man and Trap Jaw go into business for themselves, having stolen the Amber Crystal of Milaka. They use the Crystal to capture Orko and hold him to ransom, for all the Photanium in Eternia. As He-Man and Man-At-Arms set about looking for a way to rescue Orko without meeting the ransom demand, the imprisoned Orko uses his magic to the effect that Beast Man and Trap Jaw wish they'd never captured him in the first place...
53: Orko's Return
In onda il: 1984-11-22
Beast Man and Trap Jaw go into business for themselves, having stolen the Amber Crystal of Milaka. They use the Crystal to capture Orko and hold him to ransom, for all the Photanium in Eternia. As He-Man and Man-At-Arms set about looking for a way to rescue Orko without meeting the ransom demand, the imprisoned Orko uses his magic to the effect that Beast Man and Trap Jaw wish they'd never captured him in the first place...
In onda il: 1984-11-23
54: Visitors from Earth
Two Earth astronauts, Mark Blaze and Andrea Steele, are on a mission to save Earth from a meteor that is about to collide with the planet. but on their mission, they are sucked through the same portal which brought Marlena to Eternia, and they find themselves on Eternia, now ruled by the missing astronaut Marlena Glenn. And things turn drastic when Skeletor captures Blaze, and steals the ship's missile, intending to use it to blow up Grayskull! Can He-Man stop Skeletor's scheme... and can he help Blaze and Steele to save Earth before it is too late?
54: Visitors from Earth
In onda il: 1984-11-23
Two Earth astronauts, Mark Blaze and Andrea Steele, are on a mission to save Earth from a meteor that is about to collide with the planet. but on their mission, they are sucked through the same portal which brought Marlena to Eternia, and they find themselves on Eternia, now ruled by the missing astronaut Marlena Glenn. And things turn drastic when Skeletor captures Blaze, and steals the ship's missile, intending to use it to blow up Grayskull! Can He-Man stop Skeletor's scheme... and can he help Blaze and Steele to save Earth before it is too late?
In onda il: 1984-11-24
55: Monster on the Mountain
The residents of the small village of Ruckstown are living in permanent fear of a monster they call 'The Tingler' that is said to live on Mount Fear, which overlooks the village. In the hope of hunting down and catching the Tingler, they call Prince Adam and Teela to their aid. Orko and Cringer accompany them, but soon they find themselves captured by the Tingler himself and taken to his home... but once they've got to know him, they find that The Tingler isn't as bad as the locals think...
55: Monster on the Mountain
In onda il: 1984-11-24
The residents of the small village of Ruckstown are living in permanent fear of a monster they call 'The Tingler' that is said to live on Mount Fear, which overlooks the village. In the hope of hunting down and catching the Tingler, they call Prince Adam and Teela to their aid. Orko and Cringer accompany them, but soon they find themselves captured by the Tingler himself and taken to his home... but once they've got to know him, they find that The Tingler isn't as bad as the locals think...
In onda il: 1984-11-27
56: The Magic Falls
Skeletor and Evil-Lyn send a disguised Kobra Khan to Palace Eternia to disrupt the Eternia Day Celebration. But knowing Orko's magic will see through Khan's disguise, Evil-Lyn uses her magic to erase Orko's entirely. He-Man and Orko set out to recover Orko's missing magic, but the only way they can do it is by finding the Magic Falls- can they reach them in time?
56: The Magic Falls
In onda il: 1984-11-27
Skeletor and Evil-Lyn send a disguised Kobra Khan to Palace Eternia to disrupt the Eternia Day Celebration. But knowing Orko's magic will see through Khan's disguise, Evil-Lyn uses her magic to erase Orko's entirely. He-Man and Orko set out to recover Orko's missing magic, but the only way they can do it is by finding the Magic Falls- can they reach them in time?
In onda il: 1984-11-28
57: Search for a Son
Mekaneck explains that he was given his bionic neck by Man-At-Arms after his neck was badly injured in severe storm winds. In the storm, he lost track of his son, Philip, and pledged his services to King Randor and the Royal guard in the hope of some day finding his son. It is revealed that his son was recovered from the storm winds by the evil Count Marzo, who had held him captive ever since and offers his return in exchange for the throne of Eternia. Buzz-Off appears. Teela tells viewers to be careful when running or climbing, and that it's more important to get somewhere at all than get there fast.
57: Search for a Son
In onda il: 1984-11-28
Mekaneck explains that he was given his bionic neck by Man-At-Arms after his neck was badly injured in severe storm winds. In the storm, he lost track of his son, Philip, and pledged his services to King Randor and the Royal guard in the hope of some day finding his son. It is revealed that his son was recovered from the storm winds by the evil Count Marzo, who had held him captive ever since and offers his return in exchange for the throne of Eternia. Buzz-Off appears. Teela tells viewers to be careful when running or climbing, and that it's more important to get somewhere at all than get there fast.
In onda il: 1984-11-29
58: Mistaken Identity
A boy called Tharen is jealous of his girlfriend Careel's admiration for He-Man, so he tricks her into thinking he is He-Man's secret identity in the hope that she'll like him better. Meanwhile, at Eternos jail, a criminal scientist caled Galen Nycroft has managed to teleport to his cell a strange machine to increase his power. The machine transforms him into Modulok, and he escapes from jail and sets out to capture He-Man, in the hope of convincing Skeletor to recruit him. He overhears Tharen telling Careel that he is He-Man, and captures him, thinking he is He-Man's alter ego! Can the real He-Man rescue Tharen... and will his real secret identity be threatened in the process?
58: Mistaken Identity
In onda il: 1984-11-29
A boy called Tharen is jealous of his girlfriend Careel's admiration for He-Man, so he tricks her into thinking he is He-Man's secret identity in the hope that she'll like him better. Meanwhile, at Eternos jail, a criminal scientist caled Galen Nycroft has managed to teleport to his cell a strange machine to increase his power. The machine transforms him into Modulok, and he escapes from jail and sets out to capture He-Man, in the hope of convincing Skeletor to recruit him. He overhears Tharen telling Careel that he is He-Man, and captures him, thinking he is He-Man's alter ego! Can the real He-Man rescue Tharen... and will his real secret identity be threatened in the process?
In onda il: 1984-11-30
59: The Toy Maker
A villain called the Toy Maker offers his services to Skeletor, saying he creates toys which appear harmless at first, but are capable of growing to giant size and obeying his every command. Between them, the Toy Maker and Skeletor devise a plot. The Toy Maker sells his toys to Orko, then when Orko takes them back to the palace, the toys grow to giant size and capture Man-At-Arms. He-Man and his friends set out to rescue Man-At-Arms, while Skeletor plots to use the toys to capture He-Man as well.
59: The Toy Maker
In onda il: 1984-11-30
A villain called the Toy Maker offers his services to Skeletor, saying he creates toys which appear harmless at first, but are capable of growing to giant size and obeying his every command. Between them, the Toy Maker and Skeletor devise a plot. The Toy Maker sells his toys to Orko, then when Orko takes them back to the palace, the toys grow to giant size and capture Man-At-Arms. He-Man and his friends set out to rescue Man-At-Arms, while Skeletor plots to use the toys to capture He-Man as well.
In onda il: 1984-12-01
60: Bargain with Evil
An evil king from the Dimension of Evil has kidnapped a good wizard. In order to get his freedom back, his daughter makes a bargain that she will kidnap the Star Child so that the evil king can look upon her. However, she soon finds out that she's bee duped when the evil king breaks his bargain and transports her, the Star Child and the heroes (along with the Star Child's body guard) to his dimension, hoping to force the Star Child to use her powers to open a gate to Eternia for himself and his forces to come through and take over.
60: Bargain with Evil
In onda il: 1984-12-01
An evil king from the Dimension of Evil has kidnapped a good wizard. In order to get his freedom back, his daughter makes a bargain that she will kidnap the Star Child so that the evil king can look upon her. However, she soon finds out that she's bee duped when the evil king breaks his bargain and transports her, the Star Child and the heroes (along with the Star Child's body guard) to his dimension, hoping to force the Star Child to use her powers to open a gate to Eternia for himself and his forces to come through and take over.
In onda il: 1984-12-04
61: Capture the Comet Keeper
Remembering the failure of his last attempt to control The Cosmic Comet, Skeletor decides he can only control the comets if he controls Zagraz, the comet keeper. He sends Two Bad out to capture Zagraz, and with the comet keeper in his clutches, Skeletor sets out using the comets to attack the Royal Palace and Castle Grayskull.
61: Capture the Comet Keeper
In onda il: 1984-12-04
Remembering the failure of his last attempt to control The Cosmic Comet, Skeletor decides he can only control the comets if he controls Zagraz, the comet keeper. He sends Two Bad out to capture Zagraz, and with the comet keeper in his clutches, Skeletor sets out using the comets to attack the Royal Palace and Castle Grayskull.
In onda il: 1984-12-05
62: The Ancient Mirror of Avathar
Prince Adam, Melaktha and Moss Man set sail on an archaeological expedition to the lost island continent of Avathar. When exploring the ancient ruins of the island they come across its legendary mirror, which holds all the greatest knowledge within its glass. They load the mirror onto the ship for their return journey, but its safety is threatened by a disguised Trap Jaw spying on them, and a storm at sea.
62: The Ancient Mirror of Avathar
In onda il: 1984-12-05
Prince Adam, Melaktha and Moss Man set sail on an archaeological expedition to the lost island continent of Avathar. When exploring the ancient ruins of the island they come across its legendary mirror, which holds all the greatest knowledge within its glass. They load the mirror onto the ship for their return journey, but its safety is threatened by a disguised Trap Jaw spying on them, and a storm at sea.
In onda il: 1984-12-06
63: The Games
An alien race called the Vendari, which knows no evil, visits Eternia, wishing to see the difference between good and evil for themselves, and which side is stronger. They select Fisto from the side of good and Spikor from the side of evil, to compete against one another in a series of games. However, Fisto's chances of victory are threatened by Skeletor and his crew, who refuse to play fair and do all they can to ensure Spikor emerges victorious.
63: The Games
In onda il: 1984-12-06
An alien race called the Vendari, which knows no evil, visits Eternia, wishing to see the difference between good and evil for themselves, and which side is stronger. They select Fisto from the side of good and Spikor from the side of evil, to compete against one another in a series of games. However, Fisto's chances of victory are threatened by Skeletor and his crew, who refuse to play fair and do all they can to ensure Spikor emerges victorious.
In onda il: 1984-12-07
64: To Save the Creatures
There is a bit party at the palace and everyone is invited, except for Skeletor and co. They go to the forest and capture animals which they let loose at the party so He-Man has to intervene to save the day.
64: To Save the Creatures
In onda il: 1984-12-07
There is a bit party at the palace and everyone is invited, except for Skeletor and co. They go to the forest and capture animals which they let loose at the party so He-Man has to intervene to save the day.
In onda il: 1984-12-08
65: The Cold Zone
Kobra Khan visits the heroic warriors, offering a truce in exchange for their help. He tells them that his people, the Reptons (a snake clan to whom he belonged before he joined Skeletor's forces) are in need of help- someone has extinguished the furnace which heats their underground kingdom, plunging the whole kingdom into severe coldness. Khan wants them to find the culprit and re-heat the furnace. He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Battle Cat and Orko go to the Reptons kingdom with Khan, but it soon transpires that Khan is not to be trusted... for it was he who extinguished the furnace himself, and he intends to frame He-Man for the crime and expose them, in the hope of gaining the Repton King's crown in return!
65: The Cold Zone
In onda il: 1984-12-08
Kobra Khan visits the heroic warriors, offering a truce in exchange for their help. He tells them that his people, the Reptons (a snake clan to whom he belonged before he joined Skeletor's forces) are in need of help- someone has extinguished the furnace which heats their underground kingdom, plunging the whole kingdom into severe coldness. Khan wants them to find the culprit and re-heat the furnace. He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Battle Cat and Orko go to the Reptons kingdom with Khan, but it soon transpires that Khan is not to be trusted... for it was he who extinguished the furnace himself, and he intends to frame He-Man for the crime and expose them, in the hope of gaining the Repton King's crown in return!
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Info Generali
AlRawabi School for Girls
Stagione 2 Episodi 6
Emarginate e bullizzate in una scuola femminile in Giordania, tramano la vendetta perfetta da servire alle loro aguzzine. Creato da Tima Shomali.
Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
Nessun dato per il Cast disponibile
Episodi: 6
In onda il: 2024-02-15
1: New Beginnings
It's a new school year, and Sarah dreams of going viral, but her posts aren't getting much traction — until she posts a video that gets some attention.
1: New Beginnings
In onda il: 2024-02-15
It's a new school year, and Sarah dreams of going viral, but her posts aren't getting much traction — until she posts a video that gets some attention.
In onda il: 2024-02-15
2: Fancy Purple
Sarah gets invited to Tasneem's house for a sleepover, but Hiba isn't happy about it. Meanwhile, Nadeen befriends the mysterious Shams.
2: Fancy Purple
In onda il: 2024-02-15
Sarah gets invited to Tasneem's house for a sleepover, but Hiba isn't happy about it. Meanwhile, Nadeen befriends the mysterious Shams.
In onda il: 2024-02-15
3: Meet Your Favorite Candidate
Tensions build as the candidates for school president give speeches to their peers. Sarah gets caught in the middle of two competing campaigns.
3: Meet Your Favorite Candidate
In onda il: 2024-02-15
Tensions build as the candidates for school president give speeches to their peers. Sarah gets caught in the middle of two competing campaigns.
In onda il: 2024-02-15
4: A Blast from the Past
At Omar's birthday party, Sarah is on cloud nine — until a message from an admirer brings her back down to earth. Hiba gets back at Tasneem.
4: A Blast from the Past
In onda il: 2024-02-15
At Omar's birthday party, Sarah is on cloud nine — until a message from an admirer brings her back down to earth. Hiba gets back at Tasneem.
In onda il: 2024-02-15
5: Holy Uniform
When Sarah tries to escape school, an unlikely ally catches wind of her secrets. Meanwhile, Jawad struggles to keep a secret of his own.
5: Holy Uniform
In onda il: 2024-02-15
When Sarah tries to escape school, an unlikely ally catches wind of her secrets. Meanwhile, Jawad struggles to keep a secret of his own.
In onda il: 2024-02-15
6: If I Could Do It All Again...
Nadeen teams up with a past rival for a risky mission to save their friend. Farah chases her dream of performing with Tasneem in front of the school.
6: If I Could Do It All Again...
In onda il: 2024-02-15
Nadeen teams up with a past rival for a risky mission to save their friend. Farah chases her dream of performing with Tasneem in front of the school.
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