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  1. Naruto Shippuden: Saga del salvataggio del Kazekage [32/32] (2007) [1°Serie] ITA Streaming  

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    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Naruto Shippuden
    Saga del salvataggio del Kazekage    Episodi 32        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Naruto Shippuden si svolge due anni e mezzo dopo che Naruto parte per allenarsi con Jiraiya. Al suo ritorno, Naruto scopre che tutti lo hanno superato di grado, e lui è rimasto indietro. Tuttavia, l'obbiettivo di Naruto è sempre quello di salvare Sasuke, per questo dovrà affrontare nemici sempre più pericolosi. Quando il piano dell'Akatsuki si dispiega, e Naruto lentamente si perde nella Volpe a nove code, diventa chiaro che più pericoli che mai lo attendono!
    Yasuharu Takanashi
    Original Music Composer Masashi Kishimoto
    Original Series Creator Tetsuya Nishio
    Character Designer Hirofumi Suzuki
    Character Designer Shigenori Takada
    Art Direction Junko Takeuchi
    Naruto Uzumaki (voice) Chie Nakamura
    Sakura Haruno (voice) Noriaki Sugiyama
    Sasuke Uchiha (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue
    Kakashi Hatake (voice) Satoshi Hino
    Sai (voice) Akira Ishida
    Gaara (voice) Hideo Ishikawa
    Itachi Uchiha (voice) Koichi Tochika
    Neji Hyuga (voice) Keiko Nemoto
    Shizune (voice) Kujira
    Orochimaru (voice) Masako Katsuki
    Tsunade (voice) Masashi Ebara
    Might Guy (voice) Nobuo Tobita
    Zetsu (voice) Nobutoshi Canna
    Kabuto Yakushi (voice) Romi Park
    Temari (voice) Shinji Kawada
    Shino Aburame (voice) Tomoyuki Dan
    Kisame Hoshigaki (voice) Rikiya Koyama
    Yamato (voice) Nana Mizuki
    Hinata Hyuga (voice) Hochu Otsuka
    Jiraiya (voice) Kentaro Ito
    Choji Akimichi (voice) Yōichi Masukawa
    Rock Lee (voice) Yukari Tamura
    Tenten (voice) Ryoka Yuzuki
    Ino Yamanaka (voice) Kohsuke Toriumi
    Kiba Inuzuka (voice) Tessyo Genda
    Nine-tailed demon fox (voice) Episodi: 32 
    In onda il: 2007-02-15 1: Ritorno a casa
    Nel prologo, sfalsato a livello temporale rispetto all'inizio reale della serie, compare Sasuke nel covo di Orochimaru. All'inizio reale dell'episodio, Naruto e Jiraiya ritornano a Konoha e vengono ripresentati alcuni personaggi come Sakura e Konohamaru. 1: Ritorno a casa
    In onda il: 2007-02-15 Nel prologo, sfalsato a livello temporale rispetto all'inizio reale della serie, compare Sasuke nel covo di Orochimaru. All'inizio reale dell'episodio, Naruto e Jiraiya ritornano a Konoha e vengono ripresentati alcuni personaggi come Sakura e Konohamaru. In onda il: 2007-02-15 2: Alba in azione
    Naruto scopre di essere rimasto l'unico Genin della sua fascia d'età. Kakashi ripropone a Naruto e Sakura la sfida dei campanelli. Nel frattempo, al Villaggio della Sabbia, dove Gaara è diventato il nuovo Kazekage, arrivano due membri di Alba: Deidara e Sasori. 2: Alba in azione
    In onda il: 2007-02-15 Naruto scopre di essere rimasto l'unico Genin della sua fascia d'età. Kakashi ripropone a Naruto e Sakura la sfida dei campanelli. Nel frattempo, al Villaggio della Sabbia, dove Gaara è diventato il nuovo Kazekage, arrivano due membri di Alba: Deidara e Sasori. In onda il: 2007-02-22 3: I risultati dell'allenamento
    Inizia la sfida dei campanelli. Naruto e Sakura dimostrano di essere migliorati molto in forza, tecnica, ma, soprattutto, scaltrezza. Nel frattempo, Deidara invade da solo il Villaggio della Sabbia (superando senza problemi la sorveglianza) alla ricerca del Kazekage che vuole rapire. Gaara interviene e ha così inizio lo scontro fra i due. 3: I risultati dell'allenamento
    In onda il: 2007-02-22 Inizia la sfida dei campanelli. Naruto e Sakura dimostrano di essere migliorati molto in forza, tecnica, ma, soprattutto, scaltrezza. Nel frattempo, Deidara invade da solo il Villaggio della Sabbia (superando senza problemi la sorveglianza) alla ricerca del Kazekage che vuole rapire. Gaara interviene e ha così inizio lo scontro fra i due. In onda il: 2007-03-01 4: La forza portante della sabbia
    Naruto e Sakura, sfruttando la passione di Kakashi per il libro di Jiraiya "Tattiche paradisiache", riescono a togliere al loro ex-maestro i campanelli vincendo la sfida. Nel frattempo, lo scontro fra Deidara e Gaara continua; il primo tenta di colpire il nemico con degli attacchi di argilla esplosiva, il secondo cerca di catturare l'avversario con le sue tecniche di sabbia. 4: La forza portante della sabbia
    In onda il: 2007-03-01 Naruto e Sakura, sfruttando la passione di Kakashi per il libro di Jiraiya "Tattiche paradisiache", riescono a togliere al loro ex-maestro i campanelli vincendo la sfida. Nel frattempo, lo scontro fra Deidara e Gaara continua; il primo tenta di colpire il nemico con degli attacchi di argilla esplosiva, il secondo cerca di catturare l'avversario con le sue tecniche di sabbia. In onda il: 2007-03-15 5: Nel ruolo di Kazekage
    Deidara riesce a sfuggire dalla Gabbia di sabbia di Gaara, ma quest'ultimo riesce ad intrappolargli il braccio nella sabbia e a staccarglielo. Nel frattempo, Kankuro ricorda come il fratello sia riuscito a superare la sua crisi e a decidere di non trasformarsi più nel demone Shukaku. Deidara, nel tentativo di distrarre Gaara, lancia una gigantesca bomba contro il Villaggio della Sabbia. 5: Nel ruolo di Kazekage
    In onda il: 2007-03-15 Deidara riesce a sfuggire dalla Gabbia di sabbia di Gaara, ma quest'ultimo riesce ad intrappolargli il braccio nella sabbia e a staccarglielo. Nel frattempo, Kankuro ricorda come il fratello sia riuscito a superare la sua crisi e a decidere di non trasformarsi più nel demone Shukaku. Deidara, nel tentativo di distrarre Gaara, lancia una gigantesca bomba contro il Villaggio della Sabbia. In onda il: 2007-03-29 6: Missione compiuta
    La bomba fatta cadere da Deidara sul Villaggio della Sabbia viene neutralizzata da Gaara, il quale crea un gigantesco scudo di sabbia per contenere l'esplosione consumando, però, molto chakra. Deidara approfitta del momento di distrazione per attaccare Gaara attivando dei piccoli ragni di argilla esplosiva precedentemente immessi nella sua sabbia. 6: Missione compiuta
    In onda il: 2007-03-29 La bomba fatta cadere da Deidara sul Villaggio della Sabbia viene neutralizzata da Gaara, il quale crea un gigantesco scudo di sabbia per contenere l'esplosione consumando, però, molto chakra. Deidara approfitta del momento di distrazione per attaccare Gaara attivando dei piccoli ragni di argilla esplosiva precedentemente immessi nella sua sabbia. In onda il: 2007-03-29 7: Corri, Kankuro!
    Deidara riesce a colpire Gaara e a farlo svenire. Successivamente, lo rapisce e lo trasporta fuori dal villaggio. Kankuro decide di seguire Gaara per provare a liberarlo riuscendo a raggiungere Deidara e Sasori all'alba. Kankuro sfodera le sue armi migliori, ma gli attacchi con le marionette sembrano inefficaci contro Sasori. 7: Corri, Kankuro!
    In onda il: 2007-03-29 Deidara riesce a colpire Gaara e a farlo svenire. Successivamente, lo rapisce e lo trasporta fuori dal villaggio. Kankuro decide di seguire Gaara per provare a liberarlo riuscendo a raggiungere Deidara e Sasori all'alba. Kankuro sfodera le sue armi migliori, ma gli attacchi con le marionette sembrano inefficaci contro Sasori. In onda il: 2007-04-12 8: Interviene la squadra di Kakashi
    Tsunade, dopo avere ricevuto il messaggio di aiuto da parte del Villaggio della Sabbia, invia immediatamente il Team Kakashi in missione per aiutarli. Kankuro, durante il combattimento, viene avvelenato da Sasori; privo di sensi, viene riportato al Villaggio della Sabbia dalla squadra di ricognizione. 8: Interviene la squadra di Kakashi
    In onda il: 2007-04-12 Tsunade, dopo avere ricevuto il messaggio di aiuto da parte del Villaggio della Sabbia, invia immediatamente il Team Kakashi in missione per aiutarli. Kankuro, durante il combattimento, viene avvelenato da Sasori; privo di sensi, viene riportato al Villaggio della Sabbia dalla squadra di ricognizione. In onda il: 2007-04-12 9: Le lacrime della forza portante
    Al Team Kakashi si aggiunge Temari, incontrata sulla strada per il Villaggio della Sabbia. Naruto, durante il viaggio, rivela agli altri componenti della squadra che lui è la forza portante della Volpe a Nove Code. Nel frattempo, Baki si reca dai due anziani del villaggio, Chiyo ed Ebizo, informandoli dell'attacco di Sasori e richiedendo il loro aiuto. 9: Le lacrime della forza portante
    In onda il: 2007-04-12 Al Team Kakashi si aggiunge Temari, incontrata sulla strada per il Villaggio della Sabbia. Naruto, durante il viaggio, rivela agli altri componenti della squadra che lui è la forza portante della Volpe a Nove Code. Nel frattempo, Baki si reca dai due anziani del villaggio, Chiyo ed Ebizo, informandoli dell'attacco di Sasori e richiedendo il loro aiuto. In onda il: 2007-04-19 10: Tecnica di confinamento
    Gaara viene portato da Deidara e Sasori nel covo di Alba, nel Paese del Fiume; il capo dell'organizzazione convoca le immagini dei membri per poter procedere all'estrazione del demone dal corpo di Gaara. Nel frattempo, Tsunade manda il Team Gai a supporto del Team Kakashi; quest'ultimo giunge al Villaggio della Sabbia dove, ormai, Kankuro giace moribondo. 10: Tecnica di confinamento
    In onda il: 2007-04-19 Gaara viene portato da Deidara e Sasori nel covo di Alba, nel Paese del Fiume; il capo dell'organizzazione convoca le immagini dei membri per poter procedere all'estrazione del demone dal corpo di Gaara. Nel frattempo, Tsunade manda il Team Gai a supporto del Team Kakashi; quest'ultimo giunge al Villaggio della Sabbia dove, ormai, Kankuro giace moribondo. In onda il: 2007-04-26 11: L'allieva del ninja medico
    Il Team Kakashi arriva giusto in tempo per salvare Kankuro: Sakura, utilizzando le tecniche insegnate da Tsunade, riesce a estrarre il veleno dagli organi di Kankuro e a creare tre dosi di antidoto contro il veleno. Quando Kankuro riprende conoscenza, consegna a Kakashi un pezzo di tessuto del vestito di Sasori dando modo a Kakashi di far annusare il frammento di tessuto ai suoi cani, i quali si mettono immediatamente alla ricerca di Sasori. 11: L'allieva del ninja medico
    In onda il: 2007-04-26 Il Team Kakashi arriva giusto in tempo per salvare Kankuro: Sakura, utilizzando le tecniche insegnate da Tsunade, riesce a estrarre il veleno dagli organi di Kankuro e a creare tre dosi di antidoto contro il veleno. Quando Kankuro riprende conoscenza, consegna a Kakashi un pezzo di tessuto del vestito di Sasori dando modo a Kakashi di far annusare il frammento di tessuto ai suoi cani, i quali si mettono immediatamente alla ricerca di Sasori. In onda il: 2007-05-03 12: La determinazione di Chiyo
    Naruto, Sakura e Kakashi partono dal Villaggio della Sabbia per raggiungere il covo di Alba: a loro si aggiunge Chiyo che decide di partecipare alla missione in quanto nonna di Sasori. Nel frattempo, il Team Gai incontra Pakkun che indica loro dove si trova il covo di Alba. Il gruppo si affretta per poter essere di supporto al Team Kakashi. L'organizzazione, però, manda incontro ai due team, spiati da Zetsu, Kisame Hoshigaki e Itachi Uchiha. 12: La determinazione di Chiyo
    In onda il: 2007-05-03 Naruto, Sakura e Kakashi partono dal Villaggio della Sabbia per raggiungere il covo di Alba: a loro si aggiunge Chiyo che decide di partecipare alla missione in quanto nonna di Sasori. Nel frattempo, il Team Gai incontra Pakkun che indica loro dove si trova il covo di Alba. Il gruppo si affretta per poter essere di supporto al Team Kakashi. L'organizzazione, però, manda incontro ai due team, spiati da Zetsu, Kisame Hoshigaki e Itachi Uchiha. In onda il: 2007-05-10 13: Incontro con il destino
    Lo scontro fra il Team Gai e Kisame ha inizio. Nel frattempo, Kakashi spiega a Naruto, Sakura e Chiyo il pericolo dello Sharingan ipnotico di Itachi e alcuni suoi punti deboli. Il Team Gai viene rapidamente sottomesso da Kisame e Gai si ritrova a combatterlo da solo. Kakashi guida l'attacco e si lancia, per primo, contro Itachi. Naruto segue Kakashi eliminando una copia di Itachi, ma si ferma in quanto i suoi compagni svaniscono lasciandolo da solo contro tre Itachi. 13: Incontro con il destino
    In onda il: 2007-05-10 Lo scontro fra il Team Gai e Kisame ha inizio. Nel frattempo, Kakashi spiega a Naruto, Sakura e Chiyo il pericolo dello Sharingan ipnotico di Itachi e alcuni suoi punti deboli. Il Team Gai viene rapidamente sottomesso da Kisame e Gai si ritrova a combatterlo da solo. Kakashi guida l'attacco e si lancia, per primo, contro Itachi. Naruto segue Kakashi eliminando una copia di Itachi, ma si ferma in quanto i suoi compagni svaniscono lasciandolo da solo contro tre Itachi. In onda il: 2007-05-17 14: La maturità di Naruto
    Naruto capisce di essere finito in un'illusione creata da Itachi. Continua lo scontro fra Gai e Kisame. Il ninja della Foglia, trascinato sott'acqua, sembra in difficoltà, ma, grazie all'apertura di sei delle otto porte, riesce a salvarsi e a ribaltare le sorti dell'incontro. Nel frattempo, Naruto, ricordando gli insegnamenti di Jiraiya, tenta di liberarsi dall'illusione. 14: La maturità di Naruto
    In onda il: 2007-05-17 Naruto capisce di essere finito in un'illusione creata da Itachi. Continua lo scontro fra Gai e Kisame. Il ninja della Foglia, trascinato sott'acqua, sembra in difficoltà, ma, grazie all'apertura di sei delle otto porte, riesce a salvarsi e a ribaltare le sorti dell'incontro. Nel frattempo, Naruto, ricordando gli insegnamenti di Jiraiya, tenta di liberarsi dall'illusione. In onda il: 2007-05-24 15: La sfera nascosta
    Naruto, grazie all'intervento di Chiyo e Sakura, riesce a uscire dalla tecnica illusoria di Itachi. Nel frattempo, Gai, utilizzando la tecnica dell'Asa Kujaku (Pavone del mattino) riesce a sconfiggere Kisame. Naruto, contemporaneamente, riesce a sconfiggere Itachi con la sua personale versione migliorata del Rasengan, l'Oodama Rasengan (Rasengan Superiore); tuttavia, i due team scoprono che i membri di Alba sconfitti non sono Itachi e Kisame, ma un ninja sconosciuto e Yura, un Jonin del Villaggio della Sabbia. 15: La sfera nascosta
    In onda il: 2007-05-24 Naruto, grazie all'intervento di Chiyo e Sakura, riesce a uscire dalla tecnica illusoria di Itachi. Nel frattempo, Gai, utilizzando la tecnica dell'Asa Kujaku (Pavone del mattino) riesce a sconfiggere Kisame. Naruto, contemporaneamente, riesce a sconfiggere Itachi con la sua personale versione migliorata del Rasengan, l'Oodama Rasengan (Rasengan Superiore); tuttavia, i due team scoprono che i membri di Alba sconfitti non sono Itachi e Kisame, ma un ninja sconosciuto e Yura, un Jonin del Villaggio della Sabbia. In onda il: 2007-05-31 16: Il segreto della forza portante
    Una volta battuti i rispettivi avversari, il Team Kakashi e il Team Gai si rimettono in marcia verso il covo di Alba. Chiyo rivela, incrementando l'urgenza di salvare Gaara, che, nel tentativo di controllare la forza dei cercoteri, questi venivano sigillati all'interno di corpi umani (chiamati jinchūriki: forze portanti) e che l'umano utilizzato da contenitore muore nel momento in cui il bijū viene estratto dal suo corpo. Nel frattempo, gli anziani del Villaggio della Sabbia impediscono a Kankuro di organizzare una squadra per cercare Gaara, con la motivazione che l'ultima volta che era successo un evento del genere il villaggio era rimasto senza difese ed era stato attaccato. Zetsu, nel frattempo, si libera dei cadaveri dei due contenitori utilizzati da Itachi e Kisame mangiandoseli. 16: Il segreto della forza portante
    In onda il: 2007-05-31 Una volta battuti i rispettivi avversari, il Team Kakashi e il Team Gai si rimettono in marcia verso il covo di Alba. Chiyo rivela, incrementando l'urgenza di salvare Gaara, che, nel tentativo di controllare la forza dei cercoteri, questi venivano sigillati all'interno di corpi umani (chiamati jinchūriki: forze portanti) e che l'umano utilizzato da contenitore muore nel momento in cui il bijū viene estratto dal suo corpo. Nel frattempo, gli anziani del Villaggio della Sabbia impediscono a Kankuro di organizzare una squadra per cercare Gaara, con la motivazione che l'ultima volta che era successo un evento del genere il villaggio era rimasto senza difese ed era stato attaccato. Zetsu, nel frattempo, si libera dei cadaveri dei due contenitori utilizzati da Itachi e Kisame mangiandoseli. In onda il: 2007-06-07 17: La fine di Gaara
    Il Team Gai e il Team Kakashi finiscono la loro pausa e si dirigono in direzione del covo di Alba. Naruto mostra una forte passione nella missione e nella premura di raggiungere Gaara. Chiyo nota questo e Kakashi spiega che anche Naruto è un jinchūriki e che conosce bene la sofferenza che ha attraversato nella sua vita Gaara. Chiyo, a sua volta, spiega che è stata lei il ninja che ha chiuso Shukaku all'interno di Gaara, con lo scopo di proteggere il Villaggio della Sabbia. Nel frattempo, i membri dell'Organizzazione Alba finiscono di estrarre Shukaku da Gaara. Il Team Gai e il Team Kakashi si incontrano, finalmente, di fronte all'entrata del covo di Alba. Deidara e Sasori li aspettano. 17: La fine di Gaara
    In onda il: 2007-06-07 Il Team Gai e il Team Kakashi finiscono la loro pausa e si dirigono in direzione del covo di Alba. Naruto mostra una forte passione nella missione e nella premura di raggiungere Gaara. Chiyo nota questo e Kakashi spiega che anche Naruto è un jinchūriki e che conosce bene la sofferenza che ha attraversato nella sua vita Gaara. Chiyo, a sua volta, spiega che è stata lei il ninja che ha chiuso Shukaku all'interno di Gaara, con lo scopo di proteggere il Villaggio della Sabbia. Nel frattempo, i membri dell'Organizzazione Alba finiscono di estrarre Shukaku da Gaara. Il Team Gai e il Team Kakashi si incontrano, finalmente, di fronte all'entrata del covo di Alba. Deidara e Sasori li aspettano. In onda il: 2007-06-21 18: Irruzione!
    Il Team Gai e il Team Kakashi scoprono che il covo di Alba è protetto da una barriera, generata da cinque sigilli che impediscono l'apertura di un accesso al covo. Così, i quattro membri del Team Gai si recano a rimuovere i quattro sigilli di protezione attaccati nel bosco mentre Kakashi rimuove la nota sull'ingresso del covo. Quando la barriera viene disattivata, Sakura può distruggere l'enorme masso posizionato all'entrata e il Team Kakashi con Chiyo entrano nel covo. I membri di Alba, nel frattempo, avevano lasciato il covo, a eccezione di Deidara e Sasori che erano rimasti in attesa degli intrusi. 18: Irruzione!
    In onda il: 2007-06-21 Il Team Gai e il Team Kakashi scoprono che il covo di Alba è protetto da una barriera, generata da cinque sigilli che impediscono l'apertura di un accesso al covo. Così, i quattro membri del Team Gai si recano a rimuovere i quattro sigilli di protezione attaccati nel bosco mentre Kakashi rimuove la nota sull'ingresso del covo. Quando la barriera viene disattivata, Sakura può distruggere l'enorme masso posizionato all'entrata e il Team Kakashi con Chiyo entrano nel covo. I membri di Alba, nel frattempo, avevano lasciato il covo, a eccezione di Deidara e Sasori che erano rimasti in attesa degli intrusi. In onda il: 2007-07-05 19: Scatta la trappola!
    Ogni membro del Team Gai deve affrontare una propria copia, con le stesse caratteristiche sia fisiche che tecniche; quindi, non è loro possibile correre in aiuto del Team Kakashi che deve, a sua volta, dividersi. Naruto e Kakashi inseguono Deidara, scappato con il cadavere di Gaara, mentre Chiyo e Sakura restano a fronteggiare Sasori, il quale si toglie il manto scoprendo la sua vera forma, una marionetta a forma di scorpione. 19: Scatta la trappola!
    In onda il: 2007-07-05 Ogni membro del Team Gai deve affrontare una propria copia, con le stesse caratteristiche sia fisiche che tecniche; quindi, non è loro possibile correre in aiuto del Team Kakashi che deve, a sua volta, dividersi. Naruto e Kakashi inseguono Deidara, scappato con il cadavere di Gaara, mentre Chiyo e Sakura restano a fronteggiare Sasori, il quale si toglie il manto scoprendo la sua vera forma, una marionetta a forma di scorpione. In onda il: 2007-07-19 20: Hiruko contro le due ninja
    Sakura e Chiyo iniziano il combattimento contro Hiruko, la diciottesima marionetta di Sasori. Hiruko è una marionetta che non viene comandata dall'esterno, ma dall'interno in modo da proteggere meglio il suo manovratore, in questo caso Sasori. Chiyo conosce bene questa marionetta anche se l'anziana teme che Sasori ne abbia leggermente modificato la forma e le armi. Sakura e Chiyo si lanciano contro Hiruko e, una volta evitati tutti gli attacchi, Sakura distrugge la marionetta. Sasori è, quindi, costretto a uscire allo scoperto. Nel frattempo, Naruto, carico di collera, tenta di attaccare Deidara che, però, lo evita e gli dice che anche lui finirà come Gaara e che non c'è speranza nemmeno per Sakura e Chiyo in quanto il maestro Sasori è molto forte. Kakashi, nel frattempo, studia la situazione. 20: Hiruko contro le due ninja
    In onda il: 2007-07-19 Sakura e Chiyo iniziano il combattimento contro Hiruko, la diciottesima marionetta di Sasori. Hiruko è una marionetta che non viene comandata dall'esterno, ma dall'interno in modo da proteggere meglio il suo manovratore, in questo caso Sasori. Chiyo conosce bene questa marionetta anche se l'anziana teme che Sasori ne abbia leggermente modificato la forma e le armi. Sakura e Chiyo si lanciano contro Hiruko e, una volta evitati tutti gli attacchi, Sakura distrugge la marionetta. Sasori è, quindi, costretto a uscire allo scoperto. Nel frattempo, Naruto, carico di collera, tenta di attaccare Deidara che, però, lo evita e gli dice che anche lui finirà come Gaara e che non c'è speranza nemmeno per Sakura e Chiyo in quanto il maestro Sasori è molto forte. Kakashi, nel frattempo, studia la situazione. In onda il: 2007-07-26 21: Il vero volto di Sasori
    Con la sua marionetta distrutta, Sasori è costretto a mostrarsi a Chiyo e Sakura. Chiyo rimane sorpresa nel vedere che il suo aspetto è lo stesso di vent'anni prima quando lasciò il villaggio. Con un po' di nostalgia, Sasori - utilizzando un rotolo - richiama il Terzo Kazekage, il quale è stato trasformato in una marionetta umana. Utilizzando quest'ultimo come arma, Sasori riesce a intrappolare Sakura in una nube di gas velenoso. Nel frattempo, Kankuro, Ebizo e il team di Temari cercano di raggiungere il covo di Alba per soccorrere Gaara. 21: Il vero volto di Sasori
    In onda il: 2007-07-26 Con la sua marionetta distrutta, Sasori è costretto a mostrarsi a Chiyo e Sakura. Chiyo rimane sorpresa nel vedere che il suo aspetto è lo stesso di vent'anni prima quando lasciò il villaggio. Con un po' di nostalgia, Sasori - utilizzando un rotolo - richiama il Terzo Kazekage, il quale è stato trasformato in una marionetta umana. Utilizzando quest'ultimo come arma, Sasori riesce a intrappolare Sakura in una nube di gas velenoso. Nel frattempo, Kankuro, Ebizo e il team di Temari cercano di raggiungere il covo di Alba per soccorrere Gaara. In onda il: 2007-08-02 22: Le abilità segrete di Chiyo
    Sakura viene confinata nella nube tossica del Terzo Kazekage e immobilizzata da cappi lanciati dallo stesso. Nel frattempo, il Team Gai combatte ancora con le proprie copie, ma nessuno sembra in grado di sconfiggerle definitivamente. Chiyo non sa cosa fare per salvare la sua alleata, la quale fa esplodere una carta-bomba per dissipare il fumo e liberarsi. Il combattimento prosegue e Chiyo sfodera le prime due marionette create da Sasori, la madre e il padre del ragazzo. 22: Le abilità segrete di Chiyo
    In onda il: 2007-08-02 Sakura viene confinata nella nube tossica del Terzo Kazekage e immobilizzata da cappi lanciati dallo stesso. Nel frattempo, il Team Gai combatte ancora con le proprie copie, ma nessuno sembra in grado di sconfiggerle definitivamente. Chiyo non sa cosa fare per salvare la sua alleata, la quale fa esplodere una carta-bomba per dissipare il fumo e liberarsi. Il combattimento prosegue e Chiyo sfodera le prime due marionette create da Sasori, la madre e il padre del ragazzo. In onda il: 2007-08-02 23: Padre e madre
    Sasori contrattacca con la sabbia ferrifera, tecnica più potente della sua marionetta umana: Chiyo e Sakura sono costrette a difendersi sacrificando un braccio di Chiyo (meccanico) e le due marionette, paralizzate dalla sabbia. Successivamente, viene spiegata, tramite alcuni flashback, l'infanzia di Sasori, di come abbia perso i genitori e di come abbia deciso di creare le sue prime due marionette uguali a loro. Sakura si offre come "marionetta" al posto di quelle distrutte e, così, inizia un'altra fase del combattimento. 23: Padre e madre
    In onda il: 2007-08-02 Sasori contrattacca con la sabbia ferrifera, tecnica più potente della sua marionetta umana: Chiyo e Sakura sono costrette a difendersi sacrificando un braccio di Chiyo (meccanico) e le due marionette, paralizzate dalla sabbia. Successivamente, viene spiegata, tramite alcuni flashback, l'infanzia di Sasori, di come abbia perso i genitori e di come abbia deciso di creare le sue prime due marionette uguali a loro. Sakura si offre come "marionetta" al posto di quelle distrutte e, così, inizia un'altra fase del combattimento. In onda il: 2007-08-09 24: Il terzo Kazekage
    Sakura inizia uno scontro serrato con Sasori che le scaglia contro cubi e piramidi fatti di sabbia ferrifera. Sakura, grazie alla sua incredibile forza, riesce a difendersi distruggendo, però, la volta della caverna e buona parte di essa. Il Team Gai, sentito il boato del crollo, si impegna maggiormente nel combattimento, ma senza ottenere risultati. Sasori, per porre fine allo scontro, crea un fitto roveto spinoso con la sabbia e lo scaglia contro Sakura. La giovane ninja ha un lungo flashback sugli insegnamenti della sua maestra Tsunade. Al termine dell'attacco, Sakura cade a terra ferita dal veleno presente nella sabbia. Sasori lancia all'attacco la sua marionetta mentre Chiyo è bloccata da una roccia. Poco prima di subire l'attacco finale, Sakura si rialza di scatto e distrugge la marionetta. 24: Il terzo Kazekage
    In onda il: 2007-08-09 Sakura inizia uno scontro serrato con Sasori che le scaglia contro cubi e piramidi fatti di sabbia ferrifera. Sakura, grazie alla sua incredibile forza, riesce a difendersi distruggendo, però, la volta della caverna e buona parte di essa. Il Team Gai, sentito il boato del crollo, si impegna maggiormente nel combattimento, ma senza ottenere risultati. Sasori, per porre fine allo scontro, crea un fitto roveto spinoso con la sabbia e lo scaglia contro Sakura. La giovane ninja ha un lungo flashback sugli insegnamenti della sua maestra Tsunade. Al termine dell'attacco, Sakura cade a terra ferita dal veleno presente nella sabbia. Sasori lancia all'attacco la sua marionetta mentre Chiyo è bloccata da una roccia. Poco prima di subire l'attacco finale, Sakura si rialza di scatto e distrugge la marionetta. In onda il: 2007-08-16 25: Tre minuti di immunità
    Sakura, dopo avere distrutto la marionetta del Kazekage, rivela a Chiyo di essersi curata le ferite grazie all'antidoto prodotto precedentemente per salvare Kankuro. L'effetto dell'antidoto la rende immune al veleno per tre minuti. Nel frattempo, Naruto e Kakashi elaborano una strategia da usare contro Deidara mentre quest'ultimo cerca di dividere i due senza, però, riuscirci. Sasori vuole concludere il duello contro Sakura e Chiyo e utilizza un'altra marionetta umana: il proprio corpo. Inizia, così, la parte finale del combattimento. 25: Tre minuti di immunità
    In onda il: 2007-08-16 Sakura, dopo avere distrutto la marionetta del Kazekage, rivela a Chiyo di essersi curata le ferite grazie all'antidoto prodotto precedentemente per salvare Kankuro. L'effetto dell'antidoto la rende immune al veleno per tre minuti. Nel frattempo, Naruto e Kakashi elaborano una strategia da usare contro Deidara mentre quest'ultimo cerca di dividere i due senza, però, riuscirci. Sasori vuole concludere il duello contro Sakura e Chiyo e utilizza un'altra marionetta umana: il proprio corpo. Inizia, così, la parte finale del combattimento. In onda il: 2007-08-23 26: Dieci marionette contro cento
    La battaglia fra Sakura, la vecchia Chiyo e Sasori è iniziata. Sasori attacca le due ninja con del fuoco e poi con dell'acqua. Successivamente, Sasori ferisce nuovamente Sakura con la sua coda, ma l'antidoto è ancora attivo e la ragazza non viene avvelenata. Sakura riesce a colpire e a distruggere Sasori, ma il suo cuore non è stato eliminato e riesce a ricomporre il proprio corpo. A questo punto, Chiyo decide di utilizzare le sue dieci marionette. Sasori ribatte sfoderando cento marionette. Mentre Chiyo tiene impegnate le marionette del nipote, Sakura attacca Sasori bloccandone il corpo. Chiyo viene colpita da una marionetta nemica. Sakura nota che Sasori ha impiantato il proprio cuore all'interno del corpo di una delle marionette accanto a Chiyo e sta cercando di ucciderla. Sakura si getta contro Sasori ricevendo il colpo in pieno petto. 26: Dieci marionette contro cento
    In onda il: 2007-08-23 La battaglia fra Sakura, la vecchia Chiyo e Sasori è iniziata. Sasori attacca le due ninja con del fuoco e poi con dell'acqua. Successivamente, Sasori ferisce nuovamente Sakura con la sua coda, ma l'antidoto è ancora attivo e la ragazza non viene avvelenata. Sakura riesce a colpire e a distruggere Sasori, ma il suo cuore non è stato eliminato e riesce a ricomporre il proprio corpo. A questo punto, Chiyo decide di utilizzare le sue dieci marionette. Sasori ribatte sfoderando cento marionette. Mentre Chiyo tiene impegnate le marionette del nipote, Sakura attacca Sasori bloccandone il corpo. Chiyo viene colpita da una marionetta nemica. Sakura nota che Sasori ha impiantato il proprio cuore all'interno del corpo di una delle marionette accanto a Chiyo e sta cercando di ucciderla. Sakura si getta contro Sasori ricevendo il colpo in pieno petto. In onda il: 2007-08-30 27: Il sogno irrealizzabile
    Chiyo, per salvare Sakura, decide di utilizzare su di lei l'ultima dose rimasta di antidoto. Sasori tenta di uccidere Chiyo, ma questa, con le sue ultime due marionette, quelle dei genitori di Sasori, riesce a colpirlo nel suo unico punto debole, la parte che produce il suo chakra. Chiyo, poi, riesce a salvare Sakura utilizzando una tecnica di resurrezione (tensei ninjutsu) di sua invenzione dando alla ragazza parte della sua energia vitale. Sasori, prima di morire, decide di rivelare alle due kunoichi che, tra dieci giorni, si sarebbe dovuto incontrare con una sua spia che lavora presso Orochimaru al ponte Tenchi. Kakashi, nel frattempo, è pronto a utilizzare la sua nuova tecnica: lo Sharingan ipnotico. 27: Il sogno irrealizzabile
    In onda il: 2007-08-30 Chiyo, per salvare Sakura, decide di utilizzare su di lei l'ultima dose rimasta di antidoto. Sasori tenta di uccidere Chiyo, ma questa, con le sue ultime due marionette, quelle dei genitori di Sasori, riesce a colpirlo nel suo unico punto debole, la parte che produce il suo chakra. Chiyo, poi, riesce a salvare Sakura utilizzando una tecnica di resurrezione (tensei ninjutsu) di sua invenzione dando alla ragazza parte della sua energia vitale. Sasori, prima di morire, decide di rivelare alle due kunoichi che, tra dieci giorni, si sarebbe dovuto incontrare con una sua spia che lavora presso Orochimaru al ponte Tenchi. Kakashi, nel frattempo, è pronto a utilizzare la sua nuova tecnica: lo Sharingan ipnotico. In onda il: 2007-09-13 28: Il ritorno delle bestie
    Sasori, poco prima di morire, rivela a Sakura e a Chiyo il luogo dove si sarebbe dovuto incontrare con una spia infiltrata presso Orochimaru. Nel frattempo, Naruto e Kakashi inseguono Deidara e sono ormai pronti alla lotta. Lo scontro fra il Team Gai e i cloni si fa sempre più faticoso. Neji analizza la situazione e stabilisce che, continuando a lottare, le persone reali si stancano mentre i cloni restano immutati. Rock Lee intuisce che i cloni erano una replica esatta dei loro corpi, ma solo nel momento in cui loro avevano rimosso i sigilli. Il loro corpo e le loro esperienze, però, si sono evoluti durante il combattimento e, quindi, i corpi reali e i cloni, a quel punto, sono diventati differenti. Tutti si impegnano al massimo delle loro forze e ciò permette al team di aggiudicarsi lo scontro. 28: Il ritorno delle bestie
    In onda il: 2007-09-13 Sasori, poco prima di morire, rivela a Sakura e a Chiyo il luogo dove si sarebbe dovuto incontrare con una spia infiltrata presso Orochimaru. Nel frattempo, Naruto e Kakashi inseguono Deidara e sono ormai pronti alla lotta. Lo scontro fra il Team Gai e i cloni si fa sempre più faticoso. Neji analizza la situazione e stabilisce che, continuando a lottare, le persone reali si stancano mentre i cloni restano immutati. Rock Lee intuisce che i cloni erano una replica esatta dei loro corpi, ma solo nel momento in cui loro avevano rimosso i sigilli. Il loro corpo e le loro esperienze, però, si sono evoluti durante il combattimento e, quindi, i corpi reali e i cloni, a quel punto, sono diventati differenti. Tutti si impegnano al massimo delle loro forze e ciò permette al team di aggiudicarsi lo scontro. In onda il: 2007-09-27 29: Attivazione dell'occhio
    Il Team Gai, Sakura e Chiyo si muovono velocemente verso Naruto e Kakashi seguendo lo stesso percorso utilizzato precedentemente dai due. Nel frattempo, Kakashi riutilizza il suo Sharingan ipnotico che è in grado di risucchiare in un'altra dimensione Deidara. Tuttavia, riesce solo a staccargli una parte del suo braccio. Kakashi effettua un altro tentativo, però, Deidara riesce a scappare dirigendosi verso degli alberi. Naruto, poco dopo, lo attacca riuscendo a farlo cadere dall'uccello di argilla e continua ad affrontarlo, ma, dopo avere sferrato il colpo finale, scopre di avere combattuto contro una copia. La rabbia di Naruto aumenta e inizia a liberarsi dal suo corpo il chakra della Volpe. 29: Attivazione dell'occhio
    In onda il: 2007-09-27 Il Team Gai, Sakura e Chiyo si muovono velocemente verso Naruto e Kakashi seguendo lo stesso percorso utilizzato precedentemente dai due. Nel frattempo, Kakashi riutilizza il suo Sharingan ipnotico che è in grado di risucchiare in un'altra dimensione Deidara. Tuttavia, riesce solo a staccargli una parte del suo braccio. Kakashi effettua un altro tentativo, però, Deidara riesce a scappare dirigendosi verso degli alberi. Naruto, poco dopo, lo attacca riuscendo a farlo cadere dall'uccello di argilla e continua ad affrontarlo, ma, dopo avere sferrato il colpo finale, scopre di avere combattuto contro una copia. La rabbia di Naruto aumenta e inizia a liberarsi dal suo corpo il chakra della Volpe. In onda il: 2007-09-27 30: L'arte è un istante
    Mentre Naruto inizia a perdere il controllo, sopraffatto dal chakra della Volpe, Kakashi, utilizzando un sigillo ricevuto da Jiraiya, ne sopprime il chakra evitando il peggio. Grazie al Byakugan di Neji, il Team Gai trova Deidara che si era nascosto. Incapace di combattere, Deidara mangia un frammento di argilla, concentra tutto il suo chakra e fa esplodere un suo clone creando un'enorme esplosione che, però, viene fermata in tempo da Kakashi spostandola in un'altra dimensione sempre con il suo nuovo Sharingan. Sakura si accerta, successivamente, della morte di Gaara; Naruto, quindi, incolpa Chiyo accusandola di avere causato a Gaara molte sofferenze sigillandogli il demone nel suo corpo. Chiyo, quindi, sceglie di morire per far tornare in vita Gaara utilizzando la sua tecnica. 30: L'arte è un istante
    In onda il: 2007-09-27 Mentre Naruto inizia a perdere il controllo, sopraffatto dal chakra della Volpe, Kakashi, utilizzando un sigillo ricevuto da Jiraiya, ne sopprime il chakra evitando il peggio. Grazie al Byakugan di Neji, il Team Gai trova Deidara che si era nascosto. Incapace di combattere, Deidara mangia un frammento di argilla, concentra tutto il suo chakra e fa esplodere un suo clone creando un'enorme esplosione che, però, viene fermata in tempo da Kakashi spostandola in un'altra dimensione sempre con il suo nuovo Sharingan. Sakura si accerta, successivamente, della morte di Gaara; Naruto, quindi, incolpa Chiyo accusandola di avere causato a Gaara molte sofferenze sigillandogli il demone nel suo corpo. Chiyo, quindi, sceglie di morire per far tornare in vita Gaara utilizzando la sua tecnica. In onda il: 2007-10-18 31: Ciò che resta
    Chiyo prova a resuscitare Gaara, ma non possiede chakra a sufficienza per la realizzazione del suo intento. Naruto offre, quindi, a Chiyo il proprio chakra per riportare in vita l'amico. Chiyo, prima di morire, dice di essere fiduciosa in Naruto e nella nuova generazione di ninja e pensa che loro riusciranno a guidare i propri villaggi verso un futuro migliore. Nel momento in cui Gaara si riprende, attorno a lui ci sono tutti i ninja arrivati dal Villaggio della Sabbia. Tutti i presenti, assieme, iniziano a pregare per l'ormai defunta Chiyo. 31: Ciò che resta
    In onda il: 2007-10-18 Chiyo prova a resuscitare Gaara, ma non possiede chakra a sufficienza per la realizzazione del suo intento. Naruto offre, quindi, a Chiyo il proprio chakra per riportare in vita l'amico. Chiyo, prima di morire, dice di essere fiduciosa in Naruto e nella nuova generazione di ninja e pensa che loro riusciranno a guidare i propri villaggi verso un futuro migliore. Nel momento in cui Gaara si riprende, attorno a lui ci sono tutti i ninja arrivati dal Villaggio della Sabbia. Tutti i presenti, assieme, iniziano a pregare per l'ormai defunta Chiyo. In onda il: 2007-10-25 32: Il ritorno del Kazekage
    Deidara, scampato all'esplosione del suo clone, inizia a cercare il braccio e l'anello persi durante il combattimento. Nel frattempo, Zetsu e Tobi arrivano sul luogo in cui è deceduto Sasori per poter recuperare il suo anello. Tobi esprime il desiderio di unirsi ad Alba, anche perché spera di poter prendere il posto di Sasori. Zetsu e Tobi, successivamente, cercano di recuperare anche l'anello di Deidara poiché lo credono morto, ma, quando ritrovano l'arto del loro compagno, il ninja riappare. Gaara viene accolto con gioia da tutta la popolazione del Villaggio della Sabbia. Ogni onore viene riservato anche al ritorno della salma di Chiyo. I ninja della Foglia ripartono, quindi, verso casa. Nel frattempo, Danzo fornisce nuove istruzioni a Sai ordinandogli di unirsi al Team Kakashi per sostituire Sasuke. 32: Il ritorno del Kazekage
    In onda il: 2007-10-25 Deidara, scampato all'esplosione del suo clone, inizia a cercare il braccio e l'anello persi durante il combattimento. Nel frattempo, Zetsu e Tobi arrivano sul luogo in cui è deceduto Sasori per poter recuperare il suo anello. Tobi esprime il desiderio di unirsi ad Alba, anche perché spera di poter prendere il posto di Sasori. Zetsu e Tobi, successivamente, cercano di recuperare anche l'anello di Deidara poiché lo credono morto, ma, quando ritrovano l'arto del loro compagno, il ninja riappare. Gaara viene accolto con gioia da tutta la popolazione del Villaggio della Sabbia. Ogni onore viene riservato anche al ritorno della salma di Chiyo. I ninja della Foglia ripartono, quindi, verso casa. Nel frattempo, Danzo fornisce nuove istruzioni a Sai ordinandogli di unirsi al Team Kakashi per sostituire Sasuke. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. Naruto [62/62] (2005) [4°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Naruto
    Stagione 4    Episodi 62 (la puntata 45 comprende gli ep.45-47 e la puntata 56 comprende gli ep.56-57)        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Il manga racconta la storia di Naruto Uzumaki, un bambino di dodici anni con il sogno di diventare Hokage - il capo, nonché il ninja più forte, del suo villaggio. Il protagonista vive tuttavia l'infanzia nell'emarginazione a causa della Volpe a Nove Code che porta dentro di sé, sigillata - quando era ancora un neonato - dal Quarto Hokage nella speranza che un giorno riuscisse a controllarla. Iscrittosi all'accademia ninja come studente, va presto a completare il Team 7 insieme a Sasuke Uchiha (suo eterno rivale) e Sakura Haruno (di cui è follemente innamorato), sotto la guida del maestro Kakashi Hatake. Da qui cominciano le sue gesta per scalare i vari ranghi ninja, tra mille avventure, combattimenti e colpi di scena, come il tradimento di Sasuke o l'estenuante allenamento con Jiraiya per padroneggiare la tecnica del Richiamo. In un crescendo di emozioni, il manga vede Naruto protagonista di imprese eroiche e di scontri memorabili, che lo portano a difendere se stesso e il proprio villaggio dall'Akatsuki (Organizzazione Alba), i cui membri sono i veri antagonisti dell'opera.
    Seiji Morita
    Editor Masashi Kishimoto
    Author Hayato Date
    Series Director Toshio Masuda
    Music Tetsuya Nishio
    Character Designer Hirofumi Suzuki
    Character Designer Shigenori Takada
    Art Direction Takuya Kawami
    Color Designer Toshiyuki Tsuru
    Opening/Ending Animation Toshio Masuda
    Original Music Composer Junko Takeuchi
    Naruto Uzumaki (voice) Noriaki Sugiyama
    Sasuke Uchiha (voice) Chie Nakamura
    Sakura Haruno (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue
    Kakashi Hatake (voice) Hidekatsu Shibata
    Hiruzen Sarutobi (3º Hokage) (voice) Koichi Tochika
    Neji Hyuga (voice) Masashi Ebara
    Might Guy (voice) Yōichi Masukawa
    Rock Lee (voice) Yukari Tamura
    Tenten (voice) Ryoka Yuzuki
    Ino Yamanaka (voice) Showtaro Morikubo
    Shikamaru Nara (voice) Kentaro Ito
    Choji Akimichi (voice) Shinji Kawada
    Shino Aburame (voice) Nana Mizuki
    Hinata Hyuga (voice) Kohsuke Toriumi
    Kiba Inuzuka (voice) Hideo Ishikawa
    Itachi Uchiha (voice) Tomoyuki Dan
    Kisame Hoshigaki (voice) Akira Ishida
    Gaara (voice) Toshihiko Seki
    Iruka Umino (voice) Nobutoshi Canna
    Kabuto Yakushi (voice) Kujira
    Orochimaru (voice) Hochu Otsuka
    Jiraiya (voice) Keiko Nemoto
    Shizune (voice) Romi Park
    Temari (voice) Jurota Kosugi
    Asuma Sarutobi (voice) Masako Katsuki
    Tsunade (voice) Rumi Ochiai
    Kurenai Yuuhi (voice) Yasuyuki Kase
    Kankuro (voice) Episodi: 62 
    In onda il: 2005-11-09 159: Bounty Hunter from the Wilderness
    Naruto, Hinata and Kiba are sent off on a mission to capture a thief named Gosunkugi. However, on the way they meet another bounty hunter, who is after the same target as them.... 159: Bounty Hunter from the Wilderness
    In onda il: 2005-11-09 Naruto, Hinata and Kiba are sent off on a mission to capture a thief named Gosunkugi. However, on the way they meet another bounty hunter, who is after the same target as them.... In onda il: 2005-11-16 160: Hunt or Be Hunted?! Showdown at the O.K. Temple!
    Turns out Sazanami is really a wanted criminal named Toukichi who is wanted for the murder of a family of three. Truth is however, he's innocent, and wants to capture the man responsible to prove it! Sazanami teams up with the Konoha group to stop Gosunki once and for all.... 160: Hunt or Be Hunted?! Showdown at the O.K. Temple!
    In onda il: 2005-11-16 Turns out Sazanami is really a wanted criminal named Toukichi who is wanted for the murder of a family of three. Truth is however, he's innocent, and wants to capture the man responsible to prove it! Sazanami teams up with the Konoha group to stop Gosunki once and for all.... In onda il: 2005-11-23 161: The Appearance of Strange Visitors
    As Gai and Lee leave Konoha on a mission, two strangers disguise themselves as them and sneak into the village to learn its secrets. Tsunade, Sakura and Tenten have big plans in store for these imposters, plans that'll make their lives miserable. 161: The Appearance of Strange Visitors
    In onda il: 2005-11-23 As Gai and Lee leave Konoha on a mission, two strangers disguise themselves as them and sneak into the village to learn its secrets. Tsunade, Sakura and Tenten have big plans in store for these imposters, plans that'll make their lives miserable. In onda il: 2005-11-30 162: The Cursed Warrior
    Naruto, Tenten, and Neji travel to the Bird Country to exterminate a ghost named Noroimusha. 162: The Cursed Warrior
    In onda il: 2005-11-30 Naruto, Tenten, and Neji travel to the Bird Country to exterminate a ghost named Noroimusha. In onda il: 2005-12-07 163: The Tactician's Intent
    Naruto and the others attempt to prove that Kouhmei is the one responsible for the ghost. However, what Naruto and the gang discover leaves even more mysteries unsolved. 163: The Tactician's Intent
    In onda il: 2005-12-07 Naruto and the others attempt to prove that Kouhmei is the one responsible for the ghost. However, what Naruto and the gang discover leaves even more mysteries unsolved. In onda il: 2005-12-14 164: Too Late for Help
    Naruto decides to do some investigating on his own over the matter of the ghost, while Neji and Tenten try a different approach. WIth the help of two frogs, Naruto begins to learn more and more about the truth of the matter....but will what he discovers, cost him his life? 164: Too Late for Help
    In onda il: 2005-12-14 Naruto decides to do some investigating on his own over the matter of the ghost, while Neji and Tenten try a different approach. WIth the help of two frogs, Naruto begins to learn more and more about the truth of the matter....but will what he discovers, cost him his life? In onda il: 2005-12-21 165: The Death of Naruto
    Kakashi orders Neji and Tenten to return to the village with him, much to their protest. Meanwhile Koumei is about to be executed, at least until the Noroimusha shows up! Is the ghost an ally or an enemy and whatever became of Naruto? Questions are answered as Sagi reveals the truth! 165: The Death of Naruto
    In onda il: 2005-12-21 Kakashi orders Neji and Tenten to return to the village with him, much to their protest. Meanwhile Koumei is about to be executed, at least until the Noroimusha shows up! Is the ghost an ally or an enemy and whatever became of Naruto? Questions are answered as Sagi reveals the truth! In onda il: 2006-01-04 166: When Time Stands Still
    Sagi prepares his plans for revenge and he won't let anyone stand in his way! Disguised as the Noroimusha, he confronts Musou, but shocking news is revealed when they both reveal their true identities! 166: When Time Stands Still
    In onda il: 2006-01-04 Sagi prepares his plans for revenge and he won't let anyone stand in his way! Disguised as the Noroimusha, he confronts Musou, but shocking news is revealed when they both reveal their true identities! In onda il: 2006-01-04 167: When Egrets Flap Their Wings
    Shima saves Naruto from Ooki's genjutsu trap and proceeds to try and protect him. When all seems lost for our hero, a mysterious white figure appears and asks him to grant one last wish. Will Naruto find the strength to grant this request and save the day? 167: When Egrets Flap Their Wings
    In onda il: 2006-01-04 Shima saves Naruto from Ooki's genjutsu trap and proceeds to try and protect him. When all seems lost for our hero, a mysterious white figure appears and asks him to grant one last wish. Will Naruto find the strength to grant this request and save the day? In onda il: 2006-01-18 168: Mix It, Stretch It, Boil It Up! Burn, Copper Pot, Burn!
    Mr. Ichiraku, the owner of the Ichiraku Ramen shop is in trouble. His daughter has been kidnapped and he only has two days to win her back! Can Nauruto, Chouji and Sakura help Mr. Ichiraku win the contest, or will he have to hand over his Legendary Ramen recipe? 168: Mix It, Stretch It, Boil It Up! Burn, Copper Pot, Burn!
    In onda il: 2006-01-18 Mr. Ichiraku, the owner of the Ichiraku Ramen shop is in trouble. His daughter has been kidnapped and he only has two days to win her back! Can Nauruto, Chouji and Sakura help Mr. Ichiraku win the contest, or will he have to hand over his Legendary Ramen recipe? In onda il: 2006-01-25 169: Remembrance: The Lost Page
    Being some of the few Genins available, Naruto, Ino, and Shino are forced to accompany Anko on her mission to the Sea Country to destroy a sea monster and protect a boat carrying gold. However, Anko is acting strange as she begins to remember more and more events from her past, and the connection she once had with Orochimaru. 169: Remembrance: The Lost Page
    In onda il: 2006-01-25 Being some of the few Genins available, Naruto, Ino, and Shino are forced to accompany Anko on her mission to the Sea Country to destroy a sea monster and protect a boat carrying gold. However, Anko is acting strange as she begins to remember more and more events from her past, and the connection she once had with Orochimaru. In onda il: 2006-02-01 170: The Closed Door
    Naruto is recovering thanks to the mysterious girl, Isaribi. While Naruto is recovering, Anko, Shino, and Ino search for him and also meet the man in charge of the payroll shipment. The group eventually meets back up, but not before finding the sea monster's lair. 170: The Closed Door
    In onda il: 2006-02-01 Naruto is recovering thanks to the mysterious girl, Isaribi. While Naruto is recovering, Anko, Shino, and Ino search for him and also meet the man in charge of the payroll shipment. The group eventually meets back up, but not before finding the sea monster's lair. In onda il: 2006-02-08 171: Infiltration: The Set-Up!
    After Isaribi escapes, Naruto and his team decide to go to the forbidden island and confront Orochimaru and his subordinates. They soon discover that Orochimaru is not the man behind the curtain, but a man known as Amachi. Amachi is the one responsible for turning Isaribi into a monster, so why is she helping him? 171: Infiltration: The Set-Up!
    In onda il: 2006-02-08 After Isaribi escapes, Naruto and his team decide to go to the forbidden island and confront Orochimaru and his subordinates. They soon discover that Orochimaru is not the man behind the curtain, but a man known as Amachi. Amachi is the one responsible for turning Isaribi into a monster, so why is she helping him? In onda il: 2006-02-15 172: Despair: A Fractured Heart
    After narrowly escaping the collapsing lab, Naruto and the others must catch up to the money convoy. However, Amachi has already set his trap, and the convoy crew has taken the bait. Naruto and the others arrive to save the day, as all of them prepare for battle. But can the group defeat Amachi when he reveals his true self? And what will happen when Isaribi realizes how far Naruto will go to save her? 172: Despair: A Fractured Heart
    In onda il: 2006-02-15 After narrowly escaping the collapsing lab, Naruto and the others must catch up to the money convoy. However, Amachi has already set his trap, and the convoy crew has taken the bait. Naruto and the others arrive to save the day, as all of them prepare for battle. But can the group defeat Amachi when he reveals his true self? And what will happen when Isaribi realizes how far Naruto will go to save her? In onda il: 2006-02-22 173: The Battle at Sea: The Power Unleashed!
    Naruto and Amachi's battle comes to a rather quick end, or does it? Also, Anko recovers more of her past including a significant event. 173: The Battle at Sea: The Power Unleashed!
    In onda il: 2006-02-22 Naruto and Amachi's battle comes to a rather quick end, or does it? Also, Anko recovers more of her past including a significant event. In onda il: 2006-03-01 174: Impossible! Celebrity Ninja Art - Money Style Jutsu!
    Naruto was assigned a special mission to protect the son of a VIP. The boy was a spoiled brat who thought money could buy him anything. Naruto was tasked with teaching the boy about ninja skills, but the boy was more interested in playing video games. One day, the boy was kidnapped by a group of criminals. Naruto tracked down the criminals and rescued the boy, but the criminals escaped. The boy was grateful to Naruto for saving him, but he still didn't understand the importance of hard work and determination. Naruto continued to train the boy, and eventually the boy began to understand the value of hard work. He also learned that money couldn't buy him everything. The boy eventually became a skilled ninja, and he was proud to have Naruto as his mentor. 174: Impossible! Celebrity Ninja Art - Money Style Jutsu!
    In onda il: 2006-03-01 Naruto was assigned a special mission to protect the son of a VIP. The boy was a spoiled brat who thought money could buy him anything. Naruto was tasked with teaching the boy about ninja skills, but the boy was more interested in playing video games. One day, the boy was kidnapped by a group of criminals. Naruto tracked down the criminals and rescued the boy, but the criminals escaped. The boy was grateful to Naruto for saving him, but he still didn't understand the importance of hard work and determination. Naruto continued to train the boy, and eventually the boy began to understand the value of hard work. He also learned that money couldn't buy him everything. The boy eventually became a skilled ninja, and he was proud to have Naruto as his mentor. In onda il: 2006-03-08 175: The Treasure Hunt is On!
    Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata were assigned a special mission to find a hidden treasure. The treasure was said to be buried in a cave in the mountains. The three ninjas set off on their mission, and they soon found the cave. The cave was dark and dangerous, but the ninjas were determined to find the treasure. They searched the cave for hours, and they finally found the treasure chest. The chest was filled with gold and jewels, and the ninjas were overjoyed. Just as the ninjas were about to leave the cave, they were attacked by a group of bandits. The bandits wanted the treasure for themselves, but the ninjas were able to defeat them. The ninjas escaped from the cave with the treasure, and they returned to Konoha as heroes. 175: The Treasure Hunt is On!
    In onda il: 2006-03-08 Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata were assigned a special mission to find a hidden treasure. The treasure was said to be buried in a cave in the mountains. The three ninjas set off on their mission, and they soon found the cave. The cave was dark and dangerous, but the ninjas were determined to find the treasure. They searched the cave for hours, and they finally found the treasure chest. The chest was filled with gold and jewels, and the ninjas were overjoyed. Just as the ninjas were about to leave the cave, they were attacked by a group of bandits. The bandits wanted the treasure for themselves, but the ninjas were able to defeat them. The ninjas escaped from the cave with the treasure, and they returned to Konoha as heroes. In onda il: 2006-03-15 176: Run, Dodge, Zigzag! Chase or Be Chased!
    Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata were on their way back to Konoha when they were attacked by a group of ninjas. The ninjas were wearing the same uniforms as Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata, and they claimed to be the real ninjas. Naruto and his friends were confused, but they soon realized that they had been tricked. The imposters were actually evil ninjas who were trying to take over Konoha. Naruto and his friends fought bravely, and they were eventually able to defeat the imposters. The real Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata returned to Konoha as heroes. They had saved the village from the evil imposters, and they were celebrated as heroes. 176: Run, Dodge, Zigzag! Chase or Be Chased!
    In onda il: 2006-03-15 Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata were on their way back to Konoha when they were attacked by a group of ninjas. The ninjas were wearing the same uniforms as Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata, and they claimed to be the real ninjas. Naruto and his friends were confused, but they soon realized that they had been tricked. The imposters were actually evil ninjas who were trying to take over Konoha. Naruto and his friends fought bravely, and they were eventually able to defeat the imposters. The real Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata returned to Konoha as heroes. They had saved the village from the evil imposters, and they were celebrated as heroes. In onda il: 2006-03-22 177: Please, Mr. Postman!!
    Naruto accidentally met up with Jiraiya while he was working on his next book. Naruto begged Jiraiya to train him, but Jiraiya refused. He told Naruto that he had to finish his book first. Naruto was disappointed, but he didn't give up. He decided to help Jiraiya with his book. He helped Jiraiya with research, and he even helped him with the writing. One day, while Naruto was helping Jiraiya, they were attacked by a group of courier ninjas. The courier ninjas were trying to steal Jiraiya's book. Naruto and Jiraiya fought bravely, and they were eventually able to defeat the courier ninjas. They saved the book, and they also learned a valuable lesson about teamwork. 177: Please, Mr. Postman!!
    In onda il: 2006-03-22 Naruto accidentally met up with Jiraiya while he was working on his next book. Naruto begged Jiraiya to train him, but Jiraiya refused. He told Naruto that he had to finish his book first. Naruto was disappointed, but he didn't give up. He decided to help Jiraiya with his book. He helped Jiraiya with research, and he even helped him with the writing. One day, while Naruto was helping Jiraiya, they were attacked by a group of courier ninjas. The courier ninjas were trying to steal Jiraiya's book. Naruto and Jiraiya fought bravely, and they were eventually able to defeat the courier ninjas. They saved the book, and they also learned a valuable lesson about teamwork. In onda il: 2006-03-29 178: Encounter! The Boy with a Star's Name
    About 200 years, a star fell to the Hidden Star Village. This star supposedly as mystic powers. However, the village has few ninja, so they require the help of other villages. Naruto accompanies Lee, Neji, and Tenten on a mission to protect it. 178: Encounter! The Boy with a Star's Name
    In onda il: 2006-03-29 About 200 years, a star fell to the Hidden Star Village. This star supposedly as mystic powers. However, the village has few ninja, so they require the help of other villages. Naruto accompanies Lee, Neji, and Tenten on a mission to protect it. In onda il: 2006-04-05 179: The Remembered Lullaby
    When the mysterious attacker flies away with the star, using only their Chakra, the Konoha group are left in the dust. They swear to reclaim the star but it isn't as simple as they might hope. Meanwhile, Naruto learns some of Subaru's history and Natsuhiboshi... 179: The Remembered Lullaby
    In onda il: 2006-04-05 When the mysterious attacker flies away with the star, using only their Chakra, the Konoha group are left in the dust. They swear to reclaim the star but it isn't as simple as they might hope. Meanwhile, Naruto learns some of Subaru's history and Natsuhiboshi... In onda il: 2006-04-12 180: Hidden Jutsu! The Price of the Ninja Art: Kujaku
    The Konoha team continue to investigate the star's theft and start to realise everything is not quite as it seems. Everything seems to be leading to a final battle, but who is the real enemy behind all this? 180: Hidden Jutsu! The Price of the Ninja Art: Kujaku
    In onda il: 2006-04-12 The Konoha team continue to investigate the star's theft and start to realise everything is not quite as it seems. Everything seems to be leading to a final battle, but who is the real enemy behind all this? In onda il: 2006-04-19 181: Hoshikage: The Buried Truth
    Naruto has been rescued by the mysterious woman and soon learns who she really is. Can the two of them continue the mission the was started so very long ago and what will Subaru think when he discovers the truth? 181: Hoshikage: The Buried Truth
    In onda il: 2006-04-19 Naruto has been rescued by the mysterious woman and soon learns who she really is. Can the two of them continue the mission the was started so very long ago and what will Subaru think when he discovers the truth? In onda il: 2006-04-26 182: Reunion, The Remaining Time
    Subaru finally meets his mother, but is it too late for them? Can Naruto defeat Akahoshi and stop the star from falling back into his hands, and what side will the village choose to take? 182: Reunion, The Remaining Time
    In onda il: 2006-04-26 Subaru finally meets his mother, but is it too late for them? Can Naruto defeat Akahoshi and stop the star from falling back into his hands, and what side will the village choose to take? In onda il: 2006-05-03 183: The Star's Radiance
    After Akahoshi tries to execute Sumaru, Hakato and the rest of the children stand up to protect their village. Akahoshi, finding the village turning against him, takes drastic steps to ensure his success. Naruto is the only one left who can take down this menace, can he do it alone? or will he find help from someone more powerful.... 183: The Star's Radiance
    In onda il: 2006-05-03 After Akahoshi tries to execute Sumaru, Hakato and the rest of the children stand up to protect their village. Akahoshi, finding the village turning against him, takes drastic steps to ensure his success. Naruto is the only one left who can take down this menace, can he do it alone? or will he find help from someone more powerful.... In onda il: 2006-05-10 184: Kiba's Long Day!
    When Akamaru is taken ill and starts to undergo a mysterious transformation, can Kiba do anything to save his friend? When the whole village appears to be against him what lengths will he go through, to protect his friend? 184: Kiba's Long Day!
    In onda il: 2006-05-10 When Akamaru is taken ill and starts to undergo a mysterious transformation, can Kiba do anything to save his friend? When the whole village appears to be against him what lengths will he go through, to protect his friend? In onda il: 2006-05-17 185: A Legend from the Hidden Leaf: The Onbaa!
    While Naruto trains in the forest, a mysterious creature latches onto his back. This legendary creature can't be removed until it becomes an adult, but that's only the beginning of Naruto's problems. 185: A Legend from the Hidden Leaf: The Onbaa!
    In onda il: 2006-05-17 While Naruto trains in the forest, a mysterious creature latches onto his back. This legendary creature can't be removed until it becomes an adult, but that's only the beginning of Naruto's problems. In onda il: 2006-05-24 186: Laughing Shino
    Naruto and Shino go on a mission together to Motoyoshi Village, where a man named Fuuta has a strange request. To receive his inheritance money, he must not laugh at his fathers funeral. There is however one clause that may be enough to save him from losing everything when his relatives try every trick in the book, to cause laughter... 186: Laughing Shino
    In onda il: 2006-05-24 Naruto and Shino go on a mission together to Motoyoshi Village, where a man named Fuuta has a strange request. To receive his inheritance money, he must not laugh at his fathers funeral. There is however one clause that may be enough to save him from losing everything when his relatives try every trick in the book, to cause laughter... In onda il: 2006-05-31 187: Open for Business! The Leaf Moving Service
    Naruto, Hinata, and Chouji are chosen on a mission to protect some peddlers running away from a war at the Greenery Country. However, Tsunade gave them more than just a simple guard duty mission, making them movers as well. The peddlers are just simple folk, who were never even registered citizens in the country. But, when Naruto discovers the group is being pursued, the three ninja realize that there is more going on than meets the eyes. 187: Open for Business! The Leaf Moving Service
    In onda il: 2006-05-31 Naruto, Hinata, and Chouji are chosen on a mission to protect some peddlers running away from a war at the Greenery Country. However, Tsunade gave them more than just a simple guard duty mission, making them movers as well. The peddlers are just simple folk, who were never even registered citizens in the country. But, when Naruto discovers the group is being pursued, the three ninja realize that there is more going on than meets the eyes. In onda il: 2006-06-07 188: Mystery of the Targeted Merchants
    The group splits off into two, in an attempt to deter their mysterious attackers. However, when Naruto and Chouji discover the plan hasn't worked as intended, they soon realise that somebody is hiding something important.... 188: Mystery of the Targeted Merchants
    In onda il: 2006-06-07 The group splits off into two, in an attempt to deter their mysterious attackers. However, when Naruto and Chouji discover the plan hasn't worked as intended, they soon realise that somebody is hiding something important.... In onda il: 2006-06-14 189: A Limitless Supply of Ninja Tools
    Naruto, Chouji, and Yurinojou take on Ruiga, who uses water as a weapon. Ruiga has the power to draw out water from the Earth, giving him an unlimited supply of ninja weapons. How can they defeat an opponent who has a limitless supply of water? Even if they can win, can they defeat the second ninja, Jiga? Also, what is the Princess' true motive for running away? 189: A Limitless Supply of Ninja Tools
    In onda il: 2006-06-14 Naruto, Chouji, and Yurinojou take on Ruiga, who uses water as a weapon. Ruiga has the power to draw out water from the Earth, giving him an unlimited supply of ninja weapons. How can they defeat an opponent who has a limitless supply of water? Even if they can win, can they defeat the second ninja, Jiga? Also, what is the Princess' true motive for running away? In onda il: 2006-06-21 190: The Byakugan Sees the Blind Spot!
    With Naruto defeated, Hinata decides to join the fight. Will she be able to defeat the second evil ninja? And what of the princess? 190: The Byakugan Sees the Blind Spot!
    In onda il: 2006-06-21 With Naruto defeated, Hinata decides to join the fight. Will she be able to defeat the second evil ninja? And what of the princess? In onda il: 2006-06-28 191: Forecast: Death! Cloudy with Chance of Sun!
    The battle with the third and final evil ninja is on. He has only one desire and that is to kill Princess Haruna. Will Naruto be able to defeat this new menace and save Haruna? 191: Forecast: Death! Cloudy with Chance of Sun!
    In onda il: 2006-06-28 The battle with the third and final evil ninja is on. He has only one desire and that is to kill Princess Haruna. Will Naruto be able to defeat this new menace and save Haruna? In onda il: 2006-07-05 192: Ino Screams! Chubby Paradise!
    When the daughter of a Feudal Lord calls for a double, Ino is brought in to take her place. The only problem is they look nothing alike, the princess has become big boned because she had a lot of stress and ate a lot. Now Ino must stand in for her and arrange a marriage with a man from Udon Country. Can Ino arrage the marriage without problem? 192: Ino Screams! Chubby Paradise!
    In onda il: 2006-07-05 When the daughter of a Feudal Lord calls for a double, Ino is brought in to take her place. The only problem is they look nothing alike, the princess has become big boned because she had a lot of stress and ate a lot. Now Ino must stand in for her and arrange a marriage with a man from Udon Country. Can Ino arrage the marriage without problem? In onda il: 2006-07-12 193: Viva Dojo Challenge! Youth is All About Passion!
    When Naruto returns from a mission, he discovers that Lee has set up a Dojo and is desperate for a challenger. When Gai discovers nobody has challenged him he steps up to the plate! However, a last minute change in plans throws changes everything, and when an imposter joins the fray, chaos ensues.... 193: Viva Dojo Challenge! Youth is All About Passion!
    In onda il: 2006-07-12 When Naruto returns from a mission, he discovers that Lee has set up a Dojo and is desperate for a challenger. When Gai discovers nobody has challenged him he steps up to the plate! However, a last minute change in plans throws changes everything, and when an imposter joins the fray, chaos ensues.... In onda il: 2006-07-19 194: The Mysterious Curse of the Haunted Castle
    Naruto, Hinata, and Kiba are sent to the Land of Honey to search for the Daimyō's wife. There, they find an eerie castle, and journey inside to search for clues. 194: The Mysterious Curse of the Haunted Castle
    In onda il: 2006-07-19 Naruto, Hinata, and Kiba are sent to the Land of Honey to search for the Daimyō's wife. There, they find an eerie castle, and journey inside to search for clues. In onda il: 2006-07-26 195: The Third Super-Beast!
    When Lee misses his check-up with Tsunade, Naruto is sent to find him. Meanwhile Gai is training someone called Yagura and has decided that Lee and Yagura should have a training match. Can Lee beat the new trainee after hearing some uncomfortable news at his examination? 195: The Third Super-Beast!
    In onda il: 2006-07-26 When Lee misses his check-up with Tsunade, Naruto is sent to find him. Meanwhile Gai is training someone called Yagura and has decided that Lee and Yagura should have a training match. Can Lee beat the new trainee after hearing some uncomfortable news at his examination? In onda il: 2006-08-09 196: Hot-Blooded Confrontation: Student vs. Sensei
    Gai is trapped inside a fortress made of practice posts. Yagura appears but is he there to help or to hinder? Naruto, Neji and Tenten show up to try and rescue Gai, but will it be too much for them to handle on their own? 196: Hot-Blooded Confrontation: Student vs. Sensei
    In onda il: 2006-08-09 Gai is trapped inside a fortress made of practice posts. Yagura appears but is he there to help or to hinder? Naruto, Neji and Tenten show up to try and rescue Gai, but will it be too much for them to handle on their own? In onda il: 2006-08-16 197: Crisis: The Hidden Leaf 11 Gather!
    Naruto meets an old man, a construction worker named Gennou. However, when Gennou steals plans for some of the buildings in Konoha, Naruto suddenly finds himself under investigation by the ANBU. What is the truth behind Gennou and why does nobody seem to know what is going on? 197: Crisis: The Hidden Leaf 11 Gather!
    In onda il: 2006-08-16 Naruto meets an old man, a construction worker named Gennou. However, when Gennou steals plans for some of the buildings in Konoha, Naruto suddenly finds himself under investigation by the ANBU. What is the truth behind Gennou and why does nobody seem to know what is going on? In onda il: 2006-08-23 198: The ANBU Gives Up? Naruto's Recollection
    In order to get the information they need about Gennou, the ANBU put Naruto in a trance, hoping to prong the information they need from Naruto's memory. However, even by doing all of this, will they get the information they need? 198: The ANBU Gives Up? Naruto's Recollection
    In onda il: 2006-08-23 In order to get the information they need about Gennou, the ANBU put Naruto in a trance, hoping to prong the information they need from Naruto's memory. However, even by doing all of this, will they get the information they need? In onda il: 2006-08-30 199: The Missed Target
    Naruto and the others continue their search for any clues leading to Gennou or his plan. During an investigation of the Ninja Academy, they discover a suspicious training post which leads to an even scarier discovery. 199: The Missed Target
    In onda il: 2006-08-30 Naruto and the others continue their search for any clues leading to Gennou or his plan. During an investigation of the Ninja Academy, they discover a suspicious training post which leads to an even scarier discovery. In onda il: 2006-09-13 200: The Powerful Helper
    With the city of Konoha mapped in explosive tags, a decision must be made weather to try and remove them, or to evacuate the entire city! However, something is strange about these tags, can they discover what it is? And can they remove all of them in time? 200: The Powerful Helper
    In onda il: 2006-09-13 With the city of Konoha mapped in explosive tags, a decision must be made weather to try and remove them, or to evacuate the entire city! However, something is strange about these tags, can they discover what it is? And can they remove all of them in time? In onda il: 2006-09-20 201: Multiple Traps! Countdown to Destruction
    While Shikamaru tries to figure out what Gennou is planning next, Naruto is fighting Gennou in the Great Stone faces. Can Shikamaru stop Gennou's next step in the plan before it is to late? And will Naruto be able to defeat the Trap Master? 201: Multiple Traps! Countdown to Destruction
    In onda il: 2006-09-20 While Shikamaru tries to figure out what Gennou is planning next, Naruto is fighting Gennou in the Great Stone faces. Can Shikamaru stop Gennou's next step in the plan before it is to late? And will Naruto be able to defeat the Trap Master? In onda il: 2006-09-27 202: The Top 5 Ninja Battles!
    Naruto and Sakura host a special recap episode featuring the top five battles so far! There are also interviews with some of the team, and perhaps even some of the enemy.... 202: The Top 5 Ninja Battles!
    In onda il: 2006-09-27 Naruto and Sakura host a special recap episode featuring the top five battles so far! There are also interviews with some of the team, and perhaps even some of the enemy.... In onda il: 2006-10-05 203: Kurenai's Decision: Squad 8 Left Behind
    Naruto encounters a girl named Yakumo who has a surprising talent for destruction. Shortly after, Kurenai Yuhi, leader of Team 8 makes a startling decision and Naruto is determined to find out why. 203: Kurenai's Decision: Squad 8 Left Behind
    In onda il: 2006-10-05 Naruto encounters a girl named Yakumo who has a surprising talent for destruction. Shortly after, Kurenai Yuhi, leader of Team 8 makes a startling decision and Naruto is determined to find out why. In onda il: 2006-10-05 204: Yakumo's Sealed Ability
    Naruto sneaks into Yakumo's mansion in the night, and has a dream that Kurenai threatened to seal Yakumo's abilities. He then discovers that this is the reason why she left the team, but Kurenai refuses to disclose any more. As Kurenai goes to see Yakumo, several Kurama Clan members attack. 204: Yakumo's Sealed Ability
    In onda il: 2006-10-05 Naruto sneaks into Yakumo's mansion in the night, and has a dream that Kurenai threatened to seal Yakumo's abilities. He then discovers that this is the reason why she left the team, but Kurenai refuses to disclose any more. As Kurenai goes to see Yakumo, several Kurama Clan members attack. In onda il: 2006-10-05 205: Kurenai's Top Secret Mission: The Promise with the Third Hokage
    As Kurenai attempts to escape with Yakumo, Naruto and Sakura, Team 8 and Might Gai arrive to lend their assistance. We learn some of the history between Kurenai and Yakumo and discover why things have turned out the way they have... 205: Kurenai's Top Secret Mission: The Promise with the Third Hokage
    In onda il: 2006-10-05 As Kurenai attempts to escape with Yakumo, Naruto and Sakura, Team 8 and Might Gai arrive to lend their assistance. We learn some of the history between Kurenai and Yakumo and discover why things have turned out the way they have... In onda il: 2006-10-19 206: Genjutsu or Reality?
    Naruto, Kurenai, Yakumo and Team 8 return to Konoha to a shocking discovery. Can this really be reality or is it all some kind of sick illusion? 206: Genjutsu or Reality?
    In onda il: 2006-10-19 Naruto, Kurenai, Yakumo and Team 8 return to Konoha to a shocking discovery. Can this really be reality or is it all some kind of sick illusion? In onda il: 2006-10-26 207: The Supposed Sealed Ability
    Naruto and the members of Team 8 head into Yakumo's house to find her with Kurenai. It is revealed that a mysterious entity might be behind all this. Can the group discover the truth in time? 207: The Supposed Sealed Ability
    In onda il: 2006-10-26 Naruto and the members of Team 8 head into Yakumo's house to find her with Kurenai. It is revealed that a mysterious entity might be behind all this. Can the group discover the truth in time? In onda il: 2006-11-02 208: The Weight of the Prized Artifact!
    Naruto and Kiba are ordered to escort a man named Shinemon who is transporting a rare and valuable artifact. However, when Bandits steal the artifact, can the pair retrieve it and keep Shinemon alive? 208: The Weight of the Prized Artifact!
    In onda il: 2006-11-02 Naruto and Kiba are ordered to escort a man named Shinemon who is transporting a rare and valuable artifact. However, when Bandits steal the artifact, can the pair retrieve it and keep Shinemon alive? In onda il: 2006-11-09 209: The Enemy: Ninja Dropouts
    Naruto, Sakura and Lee are sent to escort a prisoner named Gantetsu to the Forest Country Capital. Their job is only to back up the escort group incase something goes wrong, which inevitably, it does.... 209: The Enemy: Ninja Dropouts
    In onda il: 2006-11-09 Naruto, Sakura and Lee are sent to escort a prisoner named Gantetsu to the Forest Country Capital. Their job is only to back up the escort group incase something goes wrong, which inevitably, it does.... In onda il: 2006-11-16 210: The Bewildering Forest
    With the ship split in half, Naruto, Todoroki and Gantetsu are seperated from the others. Now Naruto must face the other three Shinobazu that Gantetsu was with. Can Naruto lead them out or will they have to trust Gantetsu to lead the way? 210: The Bewildering Forest
    In onda il: 2006-11-16 With the ship split in half, Naruto, Todoroki and Gantetsu are seperated from the others. Now Naruto must face the other three Shinobazu that Gantetsu was with. Can Naruto lead them out or will they have to trust Gantetsu to lead the way? In onda il: 2006-11-30 211: Memory of Flames
    Todoroki wants to avenge his family and kill Gantetsu. The only problem is that Naruto has other ideas. Elsewhere, Lee and Sakura are surrounded by children who are demanding they give them Gantetsu. Can Naruto and Todoroki get Gantetsu back? And what are the childrens reasons for wanting him? 211: Memory of Flames
    In onda il: 2006-11-30 Todoroki wants to avenge his family and kill Gantetsu. The only problem is that Naruto has other ideas. Elsewhere, Lee and Sakura are surrounded by children who are demanding they give them Gantetsu. Can Naruto and Todoroki get Gantetsu back? And what are the childrens reasons for wanting him? In onda il: 2006-12-07 212: To Each His Own Path
    Naruto arrives to save Gantetsu and the kids but has trouble when Akio is kidnapped and Todoroki realizes his brother is alive. Will Naruto and Todoroki be able to save Akio? 212: To Each His Own Path
    In onda il: 2006-12-07 Naruto arrives to save Gantetsu and the kids but has trouble when Akio is kidnapped and Todoroki realizes his brother is alive. Will Naruto and Todoroki be able to save Akio? In onda il: 2006-12-14 213: Vanished Memories
    Naruto rescues a kid who was injured but he is an outsider to Konoha. Tsunade assigns Naruto to take care of the kid until he gets his memory back. What was this kid doing outside of Konoha and why can't he remember anything? 213: Vanished Memories
    In onda il: 2006-12-14 Naruto rescues a kid who was injured but he is an outsider to Konoha. Tsunade assigns Naruto to take care of the kid until he gets his memory back. What was this kid doing outside of Konoha and why can't he remember anything? In onda il: 2006-12-21 214: Bringing Back Reality
    Naruto and Menma manage to get Tsunade to let them go find Menma's memories. However, they are forced to go with Neji and Tenten guarding them. On the way, they come across a burned-down village. There, they greet the villagers and ask them what happened. Unfortunately, the villagers aren't too happy to see them. 214: Bringing Back Reality
    In onda il: 2006-12-21 Naruto and Menma manage to get Tsunade to let them go find Menma's memories. However, they are forced to go with Neji and Tenten guarding them. On the way, they come across a burned-down village. There, they greet the villagers and ask them what happened. Unfortunately, the villagers aren't too happy to see them. In onda il: 2006-12-21 215: A Past to Be Erased
    Ran wants to kill Menma, upon seeing the mark on his arm, but Neji stands in the way, saying it would be unfair to kill a criminal without any memories of his crimes. Ran finally agrees and performs surgery on Menma, saving his life, but the villagers aren’t as happy. Are they prepared for when foreign shinobi group comes for a second attack? 215: A Past to Be Erased
    In onda il: 2006-12-21 Ran wants to kill Menma, upon seeing the mark on his arm, but Neji stands in the way, saying it would be unfair to kill a criminal without any memories of his crimes. Ran finally agrees and performs surgery on Menma, saving his life, but the villagers aren’t as happy. Are they prepared for when foreign shinobi group comes for a second attack? In onda il: 2007-01-11 216: The Targeted Shukaku
    A Sand shinobi, Matsuri, has been abducted by a mysterious ninja. In order to bring them bring back, Gaara must accept the mystery ninja's challenge. Can Naruto prevent this challenge ending in catastrophe? 216: The Targeted Shukaku
    In onda il: 2007-01-11 A Sand shinobi, Matsuri, has been abducted by a mysterious ninja. In order to bring them bring back, Gaara must accept the mystery ninja's challenge. Can Naruto prevent this challenge ending in catastrophe? In onda il: 2007-01-18 217: Sand Alliance With The Leaf Shinobi
    The rogue ninjas continue running as Gaara, Temari and Kankuro give chase. At the same time, Shino, Hinata and Neji are using their abilities to try and find the Shitenshounnin. Who will end up fighting first and, who will ultimately win? 217: Sand Alliance With The Leaf Shinobi
    In onda il: 2007-01-18 The rogue ninjas continue running as Gaara, Temari and Kankuro give chase. At the same time, Shino, Hinata and Neji are using their abilities to try and find the Shitenshounnin. Who will end up fighting first and, who will ultimately win? In onda il: 2007-01-25 218: The Counterattack!
    Shikamaru and Ino arrive to help out Temari against Kyaku, while Kiba and Chouji go to help Konkuro. All seems to be going well until Neji notices something odd... 218: The Counterattack!
    In onda il: 2007-01-25 Shikamaru and Ino arrive to help out Temari against Kyaku, while Kiba and Chouji go to help Konkuro. All seems to be going well until Neji notices something odd... In onda il: 2007-02-01 219: The Ultimate Weapon Reborn
    Even with his chakra so low, Gaara fights the Shitenshounin leader. When he fails and is trapped, Naruto arrives to try and rescue him. But when the leader of Takumi Village, Seimei, is revived, can Naruto save Gaara before Shukaku takes complete control of him? 219: The Ultimate Weapon Reborn
    In onda il: 2007-02-01 Even with his chakra so low, Gaara fights the Shitenshounin leader. When he fails and is trapped, Naruto arrives to try and rescue him. But when the leader of Takumi Village, Seimei, is revived, can Naruto save Gaara before Shukaku takes complete control of him? In onda il: 2007-02-08 220: Departure
    The exciting conclusion to Naruto. What will become of Gaara, and now that Jiraiya has returned, will Naruto finally leave Konoha to begin his training? 220: Departure
    In onda il: 2007-02-08 The exciting conclusion to Naruto. What will become of Gaara, and now that Jiraiya has returned, will Naruto finally leave Konoha to begin his training? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  3. Naruto [54/54] (2004) [3°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Naruto
    Stagione 3    Episodi 54 (La puntata 23 comprende sia l'ep. 23 che l'ep.24)        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Il manga racconta la storia di Naruto Uzumaki, un bambino di dodici anni con il sogno di diventare Hokage - il capo, nonché il ninja più forte, del suo villaggio. Il protagonista vive tuttavia l'infanzia nell'emarginazione a causa della Volpe a Nove Code che porta dentro di sé, sigillata - quando era ancora un neonato - dal Quarto Hokage nella speranza che un giorno riuscisse a controllarla. Iscrittosi all'accademia ninja come studente, va presto a completare il Team 7 insieme a Sasuke Uchiha (suo eterno rivale) e Sakura Haruno (di cui è follemente innamorato), sotto la guida del maestro Kakashi Hatake. Da qui cominciano le sue gesta per scalare i vari ranghi ninja, tra mille avventure, combattimenti e colpi di scena, come il tradimento di Sasuke o l'estenuante allenamento con Jiraiya per padroneggiare la tecnica del Richiamo. In un crescendo di emozioni, il manga vede Naruto protagonista di imprese eroiche e di scontri memorabili, che lo portano a difendere se stesso e il proprio villaggio dall'Akatsuki (Organizzazione Alba), i cui membri sono i veri antagonisti dell'opera.
    Seiji Morita
    Editor Masashi Kishimoto
    Author Hayato Date
    Series Director Toshio Masuda
    Music Tetsuya Nishio
    Character Designer Hirofumi Suzuki
    Character Designer Shigenori Takada
    Art Direction Takuya Kawami
    Color Designer Toshiyuki Tsuru
    Opening/Ending Animation Toshio Masuda
    Original Music Composer Junko Takeuchi
    Naruto Uzumaki (voice) Noriaki Sugiyama
    Sasuke Uchiha (voice) Chie Nakamura
    Sakura Haruno (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue
    Kakashi Hatake (voice) Hidekatsu Shibata
    Hiruzen Sarutobi (3º Hokage) (voice) Koichi Tochika
    Neji Hyuga (voice) Masashi Ebara
    Might Guy (voice) Yōichi Masukawa
    Rock Lee (voice) Yukari Tamura
    Tenten (voice) Ryoka Yuzuki
    Ino Yamanaka (voice) Showtaro Morikubo
    Shikamaru Nara (voice) Kentaro Ito
    Choji Akimichi (voice) Shinji Kawada
    Shino Aburame (voice) Nana Mizuki
    Hinata Hyuga (voice) Kohsuke Toriumi
    Kiba Inuzuka (voice) Hideo Ishikawa
    Itachi Uchiha (voice) Tomoyuki Dan
    Kisame Hoshigaki (voice) Akira Ishida
    Gaara (voice) Toshihiko Seki
    Iruka Umino (voice) Nobutoshi Canna
    Kabuto Yakushi (voice) Kujira
    Orochimaru (voice) Hochu Otsuka
    Jiraiya (voice) Keiko Nemoto
    Shizune (voice) Romi Park
    Temari (voice) Jurota Kosugi
    Asuma Sarutobi (voice) Masako Katsuki
    Tsunade (voice) Rumi Ochiai
    Kurenai Yuuhi (voice) Yasuyuki Kase
    Kankuro (voice) Episodi: 54 
    In onda il: 2004-10-20 105: Scontro frontale
    Idate, con l’aiuto di Naruto, riesce ad arrivare in cima alla scalinata del tempio di Modoroki e si appropria della gemma. A questo punto non gli resta che tornare indietro e cercare di tagliare per primo il traguardo. 105: Scontro frontale
    In onda il: 2004-10-20 Idate, con l’aiuto di Naruto, riesce ad arrivare in cima alla scalinata del tempio di Modoroki e si appropria della gemma. A questo punto non gli resta che tornare indietro e cercare di tagliare per primo il traguardo. In onda il: 2004-10-27 106: The Last Leg: A Final Act of Desperation
    Now that Sasuke and Sakura are trapped at the bottom of a cliff, it's up the Number One Knucklehead Ninja to defeat the malevolent Aoi and help Idate cross the finish line. 106: The Last Leg: A Final Act of Desperation
    In onda il: 2004-10-27 Now that Sasuke and Sakura are trapped at the bottom of a cliff, it's up the Number One Knucklehead Ninja to defeat the malevolent Aoi and help Idate cross the finish line. In onda il: 2004-11-03 107: Sasuke contro Naruto
    Sasuke è ricoverato in ospedale, in convalescenza dopo le ferite riportate al Paese del Thè. Mentre si riposa a letto, ripensa al passato, all’incontro con suo fratello Itachi e alla potenza di Naruto, che ha dimostrato di essere più bravo di lui. 107: Sasuke contro Naruto
    In onda il: 2004-11-03 Sasuke è ricoverato in ospedale, in convalescenza dopo le ferite riportate al Paese del Thè. Mentre si riposa a letto, ripensa al passato, all’incontro con suo fratello Itachi e alla potenza di Naruto, che ha dimostrato di essere più bravo di lui. In onda il: 2004-11-10 108: Il sapore della vendetta
    Tra Sasuke e Naruto è lotta all’ultimo respiro, a colpi di Rasengan e Mille Falchi, le tecniche più potenti dei due. Fortunatamente Kakashi arriva per tempo a dividerli e a ristabilire l’ordine. 108: Il sapore della vendetta
    In onda il: 2004-11-10 Tra Sasuke e Naruto è lotta all’ultimo respiro, a colpi di Rasengan e Mille Falchi, le tecniche più potenti dei due. Fortunatamente Kakashi arriva per tempo a dividerli e a ristabilire l’ordine. In onda il: 2004-11-17 109: La mossa del Suono
    Sasuke viene circondato dal Quartetto del Suono. Purtroppo, il ragazzo non riesce a tenere testa a tutti e quattro e viene ridotto piuttosto male. O quattro non hanno l’ordine di rapirlo, quanto di convincerlo a lasciare il villaggio per seguire Orochimaru. 109: La mossa del Suono
    In onda il: 2004-11-17 Sasuke viene circondato dal Quartetto del Suono. Purtroppo, il ragazzo non riesce a tenere testa a tutti e quattro e viene ridotto piuttosto male. O quattro non hanno l’ordine di rapirlo, quanto di convincerlo a lasciare il villaggio per seguire Orochimaru. In onda il: 2004-11-24 110: Formazione a fila indiana
    Appresa la notizia della fuga di Sasuke, Tsunade convoca immediatamente Shikamaru e gli affida la sua prima missione da chunin. Deve ritrovare Sasuke e riportarlo al villaggio, a qualsiasi costo. 110: Formazione a fila indiana
    In onda il: 2004-11-24 Appresa la notizia della fuga di Sasuke, Tsunade convoca immediatamente Shikamaru e gli affida la sua prima missione da chunin. Deve ritrovare Sasuke e riportarlo al villaggio, a qualsiasi costo. In onda il: 2004-11-24 111: Il potere del quartetto del suono
    Per accelerare il passaggio al secondo livello del Segno Maledetto, Sasuke deve sottoporsi a un processo pericolosissimo. Per questo, Sakon gli offre prima la pillola che stimola il processo e poi il sostegno necessario a resistere alle sollecitazioni fisiche cui verrà sottoposto. 111: Il potere del quartetto del suono
    In onda il: 2004-11-24 Per accelerare il passaggio al secondo livello del Segno Maledetto, Sasuke deve sottoporsi a un processo pericolosissimo. Per questo, Sakon gli offre prima la pillola che stimola il processo e poi il sostegno necessario a resistere alle sollecitazioni fisiche cui verrà sottoposto. In onda il: 2004-12-01 112: Trappola di terra
    Il gruppo di Shikamaru viene subito smascherato dal Quartetto che reagisce all’istante nell’agguato. Jirobo, grazie alle sue capacità, riesce a rinchiuderli in una gabbia di terra mentre i compagni scappano con la botte in cui è stato messo Sasuke. 112: Trappola di terra
    In onda il: 2004-12-01 Il gruppo di Shikamaru viene subito smascherato dal Quartetto che reagisce all’istante nell’agguato. Jirobo, grazie alle sue capacità, riesce a rinchiuderli in una gabbia di terra mentre i compagni scappano con la botte in cui è stato messo Sasuke. In onda il: 2004-12-08 113: La potenza di Choji
    Fuori dalla trappola di terra creata da Jirobo, i cinque si trovano finalmente di fronte al nemico. Jirobo si rivela immediatamente un osso duro e Shikamaru decide di dividere il gruppo, ma Choji vuole affrontare il nemico da solo. 113: La potenza di Choji
    In onda il: 2004-12-08 Fuori dalla trappola di terra creata da Jirobo, i cinque si trovano finalmente di fronte al nemico. Jirobo si rivela immediatamente un osso duro e Shikamaru decide di dividere il gruppo, ma Choji vuole affrontare il nemico da solo. In onda il: 2004-12-15 114: Per amicizia...
    Choji si accorge che la prima pillola Akimichi lascia degli effetti dolorosi, ma davanti alla rinnovata potenza di Jirobo, è pronto a prendere anche la seconda pillola, quella al curry. 114: Per amicizia...
    In onda il: 2004-12-15 Choji si accorge che la prima pillola Akimichi lascia degli effetti dolorosi, ma davanti alla rinnovata potenza di Jirobo, è pronto a prendere anche la seconda pillola, quella al curry. In onda il: 2004-12-22 115: Di lui mi occupo io
    Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji e Naruto continuano a seguire Sasuke e purtroppo si imbattono in un altro ostacolo. Kidomaru. Maestro dei ragni e delle ragnatele, riesce a imprigionarli temporaneamente tre le sue trame. 115: Di lui mi occupo io
    In onda il: 2004-12-22 Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji e Naruto continuano a seguire Sasuke e purtroppo si imbattono in un altro ostacolo. Kidomaru. Maestro dei ragni e delle ragnatele, riesce a imprigionarli temporaneamente tre le sue trame. In onda il: 2005-01-05 116: Il punto cieco
    Neji si batte come un leone, costringendo Kidomaru allo scontro a distanza. L’avversario si è infatti reso conto che, contro Neji, il combattimento ravvicinato non avrebbe esito positivo. 116: Il punto cieco
    In onda il: 2005-01-05 Neji si batte come un leone, costringendo Kidomaru allo scontro a distanza. L’avversario si è infatti reso conto che, contro Neji, il combattimento ravvicinato non avrebbe esito positivo. In onda il: 2005-01-05 117: Non posso perdere
    Kidomaru scaglia una delle sue frecce letali, ma Neji riesce a scansarla. Purtroppo però ormai l’avversario ha capito che ha un punto debole, un cono d’ombra che gli impedisce di vedere il colpo diretto alla schiena, e ne approfitta. 117: Non posso perdere
    In onda il: 2005-01-05 Kidomaru scaglia una delle sue frecce letali, ma Neji riesce a scansarla. Purtroppo però ormai l’avversario ha capito che ha un punto debole, un cono d’ombra che gli impedisce di vedere il colpo diretto alla schiena, e ne approfitta. In onda il: 2005-01-12 118: Troppo tardi
    Orochimaru ha urgentemente bisogno di un nuovo corpo, il suo sta letteralmente cadendo a pezzi. Purtroppo per lui, Sasuke non è arrivato per tempo e Kimimaro non è in grado di regalargli il corpo che gli aveva promesso. 118: Troppo tardi
    In onda il: 2005-01-12 Orochimaru ha urgentemente bisogno di un nuovo corpo, il suo sta letteralmente cadendo a pezzi. Purtroppo per lui, Sasuke non è arrivato per tempo e Kimimaro non è in grado di regalargli il corpo che gli aveva promesso. In onda il: 2005-01-19 119: Un nuovo nemico
    Costretti allo scontro, Kiba e Akamaru non riescono a difendersi e finiscono in un burrone, seguiti da Sakon. Shikamaru e Naruto, invece, riescono a portare via la botte che contiene Sasuke. Ma sul più bello arriva Kimimaro. 119: Un nuovo nemico
    In onda il: 2005-01-19 Costretti allo scontro, Kiba e Akamaru non riescono a difendersi e finiscono in un burrone, seguiti da Sakon. Shikamaru e Naruto, invece, riescono a portare via la botte che contiene Sasuke. Ma sul più bello arriva Kimimaro. In onda il: 2005-02-02 120: L'amico più fedele
    Mentre Naruto affronta il perfido Kimimaro e Shikamaru cerca di annientare Tayuya, che si avvale dell’arte musicale del flato, Kiba e Akamaru sono alle prese con Sakon. 120: L'amico più fedele
    In onda il: 2005-02-02 Mentre Naruto affronta il perfido Kimimaro e Shikamaru cerca di annientare Tayuya, che si avvale dell’arte musicale del flato, Kiba e Akamaru sono alle prese con Sakon. In onda il: 2005-02-09 121: To Each His Own Battle
    With the Sasuke retrieval squad now split into individual battles, it's up to Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru to stop the sound ninja. But little do they realize that there's more to their opponents than their basic techniques. 121: To Each His Own Battle
    In onda il: 2005-02-09 With the Sasuke retrieval squad now split into individual battles, it's up to Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru to stop the sound ninja. But little do they realize that there's more to their opponents than their basic techniques. In onda il: 2005-02-16 122: La seconda mossa
    Kiba e AkamaruMentre cercano disperatamente di sfuggire a Sakon lungo il fiume, Naruto continua lo scontro con il terribile Kimimaro, che gli illustra una serie di tecniche a lui sconosciute. 122: La seconda mossa
    In onda il: 2005-02-16 Kiba e AkamaruMentre cercano disperatamente di sfuggire a Sakon lungo il fiume, Naruto continua lo scontro con il terribile Kimimaro, che gli illustra una serie di tecniche a lui sconosciute. In onda il: 2005-02-23 123: Il ninja verde della foglia
    Mentre Naruto cerca di respingere gli attacchi di Kimimaro, Sasuke completa la trasformazione ed esce dalla botte. Naruto è felicissimo di vederlo, ma davanti alla reazione sprezzante dell’amico capisce che è successo qualcosa di grave. 123: Il ninja verde della foglia
    In onda il: 2005-02-23 Mentre Naruto cerca di respingere gli attacchi di Kimimaro, Sasuke completa la trasformazione ed esce dalla botte. Naruto è felicissimo di vederlo, ma davanti alla reazione sprezzante dell’amico capisce che è successo qualcosa di grave. In onda il: 2005-03-02 124: La nuova alleanza
    Rock Lee è in stato di confusione totale e Kimimaro intende approfittarne. Ma Rock Lee si riprende e scarica addosso all’avversario il Loto Frontale. 124: La nuova alleanza
    In onda il: 2005-03-02 Rock Lee è in stato di confusione totale e Kimimaro intende approfittarne. Ma Rock Lee si riprende e scarica addosso all’avversario il Loto Frontale. In onda il: 2005-03-09 125: L'intesa tra Sabbia e Foglia
    I tre combattimenti proseguono senza esclusione di colpi. I ninja della Foglia ora possono anche contare sull’aiuto dei compagni della Sabbia, che hanno già in mente delle strategie per affrontare al meglio i propri avversari. 125: L'intesa tra Sabbia e Foglia
    In onda il: 2005-03-09 I tre combattimenti proseguono senza esclusione di colpi. I ninja della Foglia ora possono anche contare sull’aiuto dei compagni della Sabbia, che hanno già in mente delle strategie per affrontare al meglio i propri avversari. In onda il: 2005-03-16 126: Gaara contro Kimimaro
    Gaara decide di occuparsi personalmente di Kimimaro, rendendosi conto della debolezza di Rock Lee, che vorrebbe tanto fare qualcosa, ma non ne ha la possibilità. Durante lo scontro, si capisce che Gaara è diventato ancora più forte di un tempo e Rock Lee rimane senza parole. 126: Gaara contro Kimimaro
    In onda il: 2005-03-16 Gaara decide di occuparsi personalmente di Kimimaro, rendendosi conto della debolezza di Rock Lee, che vorrebbe tanto fare qualcosa, ma non ne ha la possibilità. Durante lo scontro, si capisce che Gaara è diventato ancora più forte di un tempo e Rock Lee rimane senza parole. In onda il: 2005-03-30 127: Il trionfo di Gaara
    Dopo uno scontro estenuante, Gaara dà fondo a tutto il chakra che gli è rimasto e fa sprofondare Kimimaro 200 metri sotto terra, dove resterà imprigionato sotto il peso della sua sabbia. 127: Il trionfo di Gaara
    In onda il: 2005-03-30 Dopo uno scontro estenuante, Gaara dà fondo a tutto il chakra che gli è rimasto e fa sprofondare Kimimaro 200 metri sotto terra, dove resterà imprigionato sotto il peso della sua sabbia. In onda il: 2005-03-30 128: Il richiamo del passato
    Finalmente Naruto raggiunge Sasuke e si accorge che il compagno si sta trasformando in qualcosa di orrendo. Davanti alla freddezza dell’amico, Naruto ricorda il passato e tutti gli amici che hanno rischiato la vita per salvarlo dalla perdizione. 128: Il richiamo del passato
    In onda il: 2005-03-30 Finalmente Naruto raggiunge Sasuke e si accorge che il compagno si sta trasformando in qualcosa di orrendo. Davanti alla freddezza dell’amico, Naruto ricorda il passato e tutti gli amici che hanno rischiato la vita per salvarlo dalla perdizione. In onda il: 2005-04-06 129: Un fratello scomodo
    Mentre Sasuke si trova davanti Naruto, ripercorre mentalmente tutta la storia della sua vita. Quando era ancora un ninja al primo anno di accademia, Itachi era già chunin e il suo valore era non solo riconosciuto, ma anche temuto da tutti. 129: Un fratello scomodo
    In onda il: 2005-04-06 Mentre Sasuke si trova davanti Naruto, ripercorre mentalmente tutta la storia della sua vita. Quando era ancora un ninja al primo anno di accademia, Itachi era già chunin e il suo valore era non solo riconosciuto, ma anche temuto da tutti. In onda il: 2005-04-13 130: Una macchia sul ventaglio Uchiha
    Sasuke torna ai tempi in cui, per rendere orgoglioso suo padre, ha imparato la tecnica della palla di fuoco suprema in pochi giorni. A quei tempi suo padre e Itachi già non si parlavano più. 130: Una macchia sul ventaglio Uchiha
    In onda il: 2005-04-13 Sasuke torna ai tempi in cui, per rendere orgoglioso suo padre, ha imparato la tecnica della palla di fuoco suprema in pochi giorni. A quei tempi suo padre e Itachi già non si parlavano più. In onda il: 2005-04-20 131: Il segreto dello Sharingan Ipnotico
    Ripensando al passato, Sasuke arriva al punto focale della sua gioventù, quello che ha deviato il corso della sua esistenza: l’eccidio del clan Uchiha . 131: Il segreto dello Sharingan Ipnotico
    In onda il: 2005-04-20 Ripensando al passato, Sasuke arriva al punto focale della sua gioventù, quello che ha deviato il corso della sua esistenza: l’eccidio del clan Uchiha . In onda il: 2005-04-27 132: For a Friend
    Kakashi learns the truth about the chase after Sasuke, and orders his dogs, including Pakkun, to go find Naruto and Sasuke. However, things are looking grim as the clash between the Chidori and the Rasengan ensues. The attacks are even, causing Naruto and Sasuke to both fly back. Naruto finally realizes how serious Sasuke is, and gets the snot beat out of him while he remembers how he always wanted to be friends with Sasuke. 132: For a Friend
    In onda il: 2005-04-27 Kakashi learns the truth about the chase after Sasuke, and orders his dogs, including Pakkun, to go find Naruto and Sasuke. However, things are looking grim as the clash between the Chidori and the Rasengan ensues. The attacks are even, causing Naruto and Sasuke to both fly back. Naruto finally realizes how serious Sasuke is, and gets the snot beat out of him while he remembers how he always wanted to be friends with Sasuke. In onda il: 2005-05-04 133: A Plea from a Friend
    Naruto proves to be too much for Sasuke to handle as Naruto fights back with renewed vigour. Finally acknowledging Naruto's strength, Sasuke puts on his forehead protector, symbolizing both as equals. But when Sasuke's Sharingan is upgraded to level 3, the tables turn on Naruto. Just when all hope seems lost for Naruto, he undergoes a startling transformation, but will it be enough? 133: A Plea from a Friend
    In onda il: 2005-05-04 Naruto proves to be too much for Sasuke to handle as Naruto fights back with renewed vigour. Finally acknowledging Naruto's strength, Sasuke puts on his forehead protector, symbolizing both as equals. But when Sasuke's Sharingan is upgraded to level 3, the tables turn on Naruto. Just when all hope seems lost for Naruto, he undergoes a startling transformation, but will it be enough? In onda il: 2005-05-11 134: The End of Tears
    The battle between Naruto and Sasuke comes to a close, as One-Tailed Naruto takes on Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke in one final Rasengan vs. Chidori clash! And this time...only one person will emerge victorious. Will Kakashi and Pakkun make it in time? And who is this mysterious ninja watching everything? 134: The End of Tears
    In onda il: 2005-05-11 The battle between Naruto and Sasuke comes to a close, as One-Tailed Naruto takes on Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke in one final Rasengan vs. Chidori clash! And this time...only one person will emerge victorious. Will Kakashi and Pakkun make it in time? And who is this mysterious ninja watching everything? In onda il: 2005-05-18 135: The Promise That Could Not Be Kept
    Shikamaru's group is brought back to Konoha with many injuries. Neji and Chouji could possibly die, Kiba has a deep wound but nothing too serious, and Naruto and Shimakamru have a few injuries. When Sakura finds out they are back ,she goes immediatley to see Sasuke and Naruto but finds out Sasuke got away. Can Naruto keep his promise to Sakura? And what news does the Jiraiya have for Naruto? 135: The Promise That Could Not Be Kept
    In onda il: 2005-05-18 Shikamaru's group is brought back to Konoha with many injuries. Neji and Chouji could possibly die, Kiba has a deep wound but nothing too serious, and Naruto and Shimakamru have a few injuries. When Sakura finds out they are back ,she goes immediatley to see Sasuke and Naruto but finds out Sasuke got away. Can Naruto keep his promise to Sakura? And what news does the Jiraiya have for Naruto? In onda il: 2005-05-25 136: Deep Cover?! A Super S-Ranked Mission!
    Jiraiya begins to worry about Naruto and Sakura's wellbeing. He then requests that Tsunade send them on a mission with him. He finds Naruto telling Sakura he is not going to stop her from going after Sasuke, but he is going with her, and tells them about the mission. They head off to Rice Country to find the Hidden Sound Village, and hopefully Sasuke as well. 136: Deep Cover?! A Super S-Ranked Mission!
    In onda il: 2005-05-25 Jiraiya begins to worry about Naruto and Sakura's wellbeing. He then requests that Tsunade send them on a mission with him. He finds Naruto telling Sakura he is not going to stop her from going after Sasuke, but he is going with her, and tells them about the mission. They head off to Rice Country to find the Hidden Sound Village, and hopefully Sasuke as well. In onda il: 2005-06-01 137: A Town of Outlaws, The Shadow of the Fuma Clan
    Naruto, Sakura and Jiraiya end up in a town that is even worse than the one they were chased out of. Jiraiya heads off and leaves Naruto and Sakura to get some food. Along the way they find the ninja that attacked them before, but things are not as clearcut as they might seem. 137: A Town of Outlaws, The Shadow of the Fuma Clan
    In onda il: 2005-06-01 Naruto, Sakura and Jiraiya end up in a town that is even worse than the one they were chased out of. Jiraiya heads off and leaves Naruto and Sakura to get some food. Along the way they find the ninja that attacked them before, but things are not as clearcut as they might seem. In onda il: 2005-06-08 138: Pure Betrayal, and a Fleeting Plea!
    When Sasame drugs the gang, she prepares to hand them over to Orochimaru. But, when she discovers that they are to be killed, she has a change of heart... 138: Pure Betrayal, and a Fleeting Plea!
    In onda il: 2005-06-08 When Sasame drugs the gang, she prepares to hand them over to Orochimaru. But, when she discovers that they are to be killed, she has a change of heart... In onda il: 2005-06-15 139: Pure Terror! The House of Orochimaru
    Sasame leads Naruto, Jiraiya, and Sakura to Orochimaru's hideout. They send Sasame back to the village because of the danger level. Jiraiya summons Gamakichi to go in first and investigate. The four come to three tunnels. Jiraiya goes off to the right, Naruto and Sakura down the middle and Gamakichi down the left. Will the four of them make it past the traps? 139: Pure Terror! The House of Orochimaru
    In onda il: 2005-06-15 Sasame leads Naruto, Jiraiya, and Sakura to Orochimaru's hideout. They send Sasame back to the village because of the danger level. Jiraiya summons Gamakichi to go in first and investigate. The four come to three tunnels. Jiraiya goes off to the right, Naruto and Sakura down the middle and Gamakichi down the left. Will the four of them make it past the traps? In onda il: 2005-06-22 140: Two Heartbeats: Kabuto's Trap
    Naruto arrives in the nick of time to save Sakura, but not before Kabuto tells her that Sasuke is dead! Naruto attacks but ends up tangled in a deadly trap of Kabuto's. Is it all over for our hero and will they find Arashi? 140: Two Heartbeats: Kabuto's Trap
    In onda il: 2005-06-22 Naruto arrives in the nick of time to save Sakura, but not before Kabuto tells her that Sasuke is dead! Naruto attacks but ends up tangled in a deadly trap of Kabuto's. Is it all over for our hero and will they find Arashi? In onda il: 2005-06-29 141: Sakura's Determination
    The battle between Naruto and Arashi continues, but Naruto's injury is making it difficult for him to succeed. Sasame jumps in to try to save Naruto but will it be enough? 141: Sakura's Determination
    In onda il: 2005-06-29 The battle between Naruto and Arashi continues, but Naruto's injury is making it difficult for him to succeed. Sasame jumps in to try to save Naruto but will it be enough? In onda il: 2005-07-06 142: The Three Villains from the Maximum Security Prison
    With the events of the Rice Field Country behind them, everyone prepares for their training. But a new threat soon arises. Remember Mizuki? He's back and he's planning to break out of Konoha's Correctional 142: The Three Villains from the Maximum Security Prison
    In onda il: 2005-07-06 With the events of the Rice Field Country behind them, everyone prepares for their training. But a new threat soon arises. Remember Mizuki? He's back and he's planning to break out of Konoha's Correctional In onda il: 2005-07-13 143: Tonton! I'm Counting on You!
    Shizune and her team encounter Mizuki, but it doesn't go as planned! When Ton-ton comes back to warn Tsunade, Naruto takes the initiative to find Shizune with Ton-ton's help. Kakashi arrives and lends Pakkun's assistance to Iruka before departing on a mission of his own. Will it all be enough to save the day? 143: Tonton! I'm Counting on You!
    In onda il: 2005-07-13 Shizune and her team encounter Mizuki, but it doesn't go as planned! When Ton-ton comes back to warn Tsunade, Naruto takes the initiative to find Shizune with Ton-ton's help. Kakashi arrives and lends Pakkun's assistance to Iruka before departing on a mission of his own. Will it all be enough to save the day? In onda il: 2005-07-20 144: A New Squad! Two People and a Dog?!
    Naruto is having trouble with the two brothers and Iruka is having his share of difficulties with Mizuki! Iruka struggles to try and get the old Mizuki back but he doesn't have much success.... Meanwhile, when things are looking bleak for Naruto, can 3 friendly Ninja save the day? 144: A New Squad! Two People and a Dog?!
    In onda il: 2005-07-20 Naruto is having trouble with the two brothers and Iruka is having his share of difficulties with Mizuki! Iruka struggles to try and get the old Mizuki back but he doesn't have much success.... Meanwhile, when things are looking bleak for Naruto, can 3 friendly Ninja save the day? In onda il: 2005-07-27 145: A New Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!
    Naruto's backup has arrived and they are Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji. They tell Naruto that they will take care of the brothers. Naruto leaves to catch up to Iruka, who is fighting Mizuki. Can Naruto arrive before Mizuki kills Iruka? And can Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji hold off the brothers? 145: A New Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!
    In onda il: 2005-07-27 Naruto's backup has arrived and they are Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji. They tell Naruto that they will take care of the brothers. Naruto leaves to catch up to Iruka, who is fighting Mizuki. Can Naruto arrive before Mizuki kills Iruka? And can Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji hold off the brothers? In onda il: 2005-08-10 146: Orochimaru's Shadow
    Naruto, Iruka and Pakkun meet up with Mizuki's fiancee Tsubaki and she has come to offer help to the three. Meanwhile, Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are having trouble holding the two brothers at bay. While this is going on, Tsunade discovers a startling secret about Mizuki and Orochimaru and plans to take matters into her own hands.... 146: Orochimaru's Shadow
    In onda il: 2005-08-10 Naruto, Iruka and Pakkun meet up with Mizuki's fiancee Tsubaki and she has come to offer help to the three. Meanwhile, Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are having trouble holding the two brothers at bay. While this is going on, Tsunade discovers a startling secret about Mizuki and Orochimaru and plans to take matters into her own hands.... In onda il: 2005-08-17 147: A Clash of Fate: You Can't Bring Me Down!
    Mizuki is determined to make Naruto and Iruka suffer and it appears that he has the upper edge with his improved strength and speed! Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are also at their limits and now Fuujin and Raijin are free. Can Tsunade arrive in time to help? 147: A Clash of Fate: You Can't Bring Me Down!
    In onda il: 2005-08-17 Mizuki is determined to make Naruto and Iruka suffer and it appears that he has the upper edge with his improved strength and speed! Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are also at their limits and now Fuujin and Raijin are free. Can Tsunade arrive in time to help? In onda il: 2005-08-17 148: Search for the Rare Bikochu Beetle
    Naruto is unable to search for Sasuke due to Tsunade's orders, while Kiba and Hinata wonder how they can help him out. Shino remembers a special type of bug that if it is found, could easily track Sasuke down. they go and discuss it with Tsunade, who agrees to let them search for it, making Shino the leader. Tsunade discovers Naruto eavsfropping the conversation and lets him go with them. But, can they complete a mission with only a 10% success rate? As they travel, Naruto has difficulty dealing with Shino's bizzare behavior. Hinata also sneaks out in the middle of the night to practice some mysterious moves. After two days of travelling, they finally reach their destination. And they're not alone, a mysterious group is also after the same thing. 148: Search for the Rare Bikochu Beetle
    In onda il: 2005-08-17 Naruto is unable to search for Sasuke due to Tsunade's orders, while Kiba and Hinata wonder how they can help him out. Shino remembers a special type of bug that if it is found, could easily track Sasuke down. they go and discuss it with Tsunade, who agrees to let them search for it, making Shino the leader. Tsunade discovers Naruto eavsfropping the conversation and lets him go with them. But, can they complete a mission with only a 10% success rate? As they travel, Naruto has difficulty dealing with Shino's bizzare behavior. Hinata also sneaks out in the middle of the night to practice some mysterious moves. After two days of travelling, they finally reach their destination. And they're not alone, a mysterious group is also after the same thing. In onda il: 2005-08-24 149: What's the Difference? Don't All Insects Look Alike?
    The group struggles to find a Bikouchuu, but seem to fail at every turn. When it starts to rain they realise they only have one more chance to find it, will Hinata's Byakugan be enough? 149: What's the Difference? Don't All Insects Look Alike?
    In onda il: 2005-08-24 The group struggles to find a Bikouchuu, but seem to fail at every turn. When it starts to rain they realise they only have one more chance to find it, will Hinata's Byakugan be enough? In onda il: 2005-08-31 150: A Battle of Bugs: The Deceivers and the Deceived
    With Hinata's safety in danger, the group must try and figure out a way to save her and protect the Bikouchuu at the same time. Every time one side seems to have an edge though, the other reveals yet a new trick. As dawn approaches, they don't have long left....can they succeed? 150: A Battle of Bugs: The Deceivers and the Deceived
    In onda il: 2005-08-31 With Hinata's safety in danger, the group must try and figure out a way to save her and protect the Bikouchuu at the same time. Every time one side seems to have an edge though, the other reveals yet a new trick. As dawn approaches, they don't have long left....can they succeed? In onda il: 2005-09-14 151: Blaze Away, Byakugan! This is My Ninja Way!
    With the group trapped, Shino makes a deal to trade the Bikouchuu for Hinata. Unfortunately for the opponents, Hinata got away, making the deal worthless! They begin to attack but can Hinata show up to save the day? 151: Blaze Away, Byakugan! This is My Ninja Way!
    In onda il: 2005-09-14 With the group trapped, Shino makes a deal to trade the Bikouchuu for Hinata. Unfortunately for the opponents, Hinata got away, making the deal worthless! They begin to attack but can Hinata show up to save the day? In onda il: 2005-09-21 152: Funeral March for the Living
    When Naruto rescues three strangers he finds himself dragged into yet another mission. However, this time he doesn't want to partake in it! That is until he hears that there might be a connection to Akatsuki. With Neji, Lee and Tenten as his teammates, will he find the information he is looking for? 152: Funeral March for the Living
    In onda il: 2005-09-21 When Naruto rescues three strangers he finds himself dragged into yet another mission. However, this time he doesn't want to partake in it! That is until he hears that there might be a connection to Akatsuki. With Neji, Lee and Tenten as his teammates, will he find the information he is looking for? In onda il: 2005-09-28 153: A Lesson Learned: The Iron Fist of Love!
    Out to try and save Rourusuke, Naruto and the others ambush members of the Kurosuke Family and save an old man. They soon hear the funeral bell and go and save Rourusuke. However, Rock lee meets an old friend among the group, and Lee must now convince Kurashi to return his his old way of life. Their time together is cut short, as Raiga watches from the sidelines. Can Naruto, Neji, Rock Lee, and Tenten defeat an enemy that not even Neji's Byakugan can see? 153: A Lesson Learned: The Iron Fist of Love!
    In onda il: 2005-09-28 Out to try and save Rourusuke, Naruto and the others ambush members of the Kurosuke Family and save an old man. They soon hear the funeral bell and go and save Rourusuke. However, Rock lee meets an old friend among the group, and Lee must now convince Kurashi to return his his old way of life. Their time together is cut short, as Raiga watches from the sidelines. Can Naruto, Neji, Rock Lee, and Tenten defeat an enemy that not even Neji's Byakugan can see? In onda il: 2005-10-05 154: The Enemy of the Byakugan
    Naruto, Tenten, Neji and Lee continue their mission to stop Raiga and save the Rourusuke Family. They try to work out a plan but the thick fog makes it difficult for them to see. Even Neji's Byakugan doesn't seem to help. Lee fights Raiga and manages to knock a bag off his back. What is this bag and what is inside it that seems so important? Meanwhile Naruto steps up to battle Raiga. Will he be able to defeat him? 154: The Enemy of the Byakugan
    In onda il: 2005-10-05 Naruto, Tenten, Neji and Lee continue their mission to stop Raiga and save the Rourusuke Family. They try to work out a plan but the thick fog makes it difficult for them to see. Even Neji's Byakugan doesn't seem to help. Lee fights Raiga and manages to knock a bag off his back. What is this bag and what is inside it that seems so important? Meanwhile Naruto steps up to battle Raiga. Will he be able to defeat him? In onda il: 2005-10-12 155: The Dark Creeping Clouds
    With Raiga seemingly defeated, the group can get on with clearing up the remaining enemy Ninja and returning the village to normal. However, what will they do with Ranmaru who tells them about his tragic past? 155: The Dark Creeping Clouds
    In onda il: 2005-10-12 With Raiga seemingly defeated, the group can get on with clearing up the remaining enemy Ninja and returning the village to normal. However, what will they do with Ranmaru who tells them about his tragic past? In onda il: 2005-10-19 156: Raiga's Counterattack
    Ranmaru is determined to bring Raiga back from the dead and appears to suceed! An enraged raiga now goes on the offensive, starting with Tenten. Karashi runs back to the Curry House to tell the others what has happened, but who's side is he really on? 156: Raiga's Counterattack
    In onda il: 2005-10-19 Ranmaru is determined to bring Raiga back from the dead and appears to suceed! An enraged raiga now goes on the offensive, starting with Tenten. Karashi runs back to the Curry House to tell the others what has happened, but who's side is he really on? In onda il: 2005-10-26 157: Run! The Curry of Life
    Lee is left facing Raiga alone while Tenten and the others hurry to bring them the curry of life. Ranmaru is reunited with Raiga, but are things the same as they were before? 157: Run! The Curry of Life
    In onda il: 2005-10-26 Lee is left facing Raiga alone while Tenten and the others hurry to bring them the curry of life. Ranmaru is reunited with Raiga, but are things the same as they were before? In onda il: 2005-11-02 158: Follow My Lead! The Great Survival Challenge
    Every Genin is assigned a squad of Cadets to lead on a mission that forces all of them to race to the top of a mountain to retrieve a scroll and, wouldn't you know it, guess who Naruto ends up leading? Its none other than the Konohamaru corps. However, when a storm causes the mission to be cancelled without his knowing, he will have to be a better leader than ever to keep his team alive! 158: Follow My Lead! The Great Survival Challenge
    In onda il: 2005-11-02 Every Genin is assigned a squad of Cadets to lead on a mission that forces all of them to race to the top of a mountain to retrieve a scroll and, wouldn't you know it, guess who Naruto ends up leading? Its none other than the Konohamaru corps. However, when a storm causes the mission to be cancelled without his knowing, he will have to be a better leader than ever to keep his team alive! Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. Naruto [52/52] (2003) [2°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Naruto
    Stagione 2    Episodi 52        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Il manga racconta la storia di Naruto Uzumaki, un bambino di dodici anni con il sogno di diventare Hokage - il capo, nonché il ninja più forte, del suo villaggio. Il protagonista vive tuttavia l'infanzia nell'emarginazione a causa della Volpe a Nove Code che porta dentro di sé, sigillata - quando era ancora un neonato - dal Quarto Hokage nella speranza che un giorno riuscisse a controllarla. Iscrittosi all'accademia ninja come studente, va presto a completare il Team 7 insieme a Sasuke Uchiha (suo eterno rivale) e Sakura Haruno (di cui è follemente innamorato), sotto la guida del maestro Kakashi Hatake. Da qui cominciano le sue gesta per scalare i vari ranghi ninja, tra mille avventure, combattimenti e colpi di scena, come il tradimento di Sasuke o l'estenuante allenamento con Jiraiya per padroneggiare la tecnica del Richiamo. In un crescendo di emozioni, il manga vede Naruto protagonista di imprese eroiche e di scontri memorabili, che lo portano a difendere se stesso e il proprio villaggio dall'Akatsuki (Organizzazione Alba), i cui membri sono i veri antagonisti dell'opera.
    Seiji Morita
    Editor Masashi Kishimoto
    Author Hayato Date
    Series Director Toshio Masuda
    Music Tetsuya Nishio
    Character Designer Hirofumi Suzuki
    Character Designer Shigenori Takada
    Art Direction Takuya Kawami
    Color Designer Toshiyuki Tsuru
    Opening/Ending Animation Toshio Masuda
    Original Music Composer Junko Takeuchi
    Naruto Uzumaki (voice) Noriaki Sugiyama
    Sasuke Uchiha (voice) Chie Nakamura
    Sakura Haruno (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue
    Kakashi Hatake (voice) Hidekatsu Shibata
    Hiruzen Sarutobi (3º Hokage) (voice) Koichi Tochika
    Neji Hyuga (voice) Masashi Ebara
    Might Guy (voice) Yōichi Masukawa
    Rock Lee (voice) Yukari Tamura
    Tenten (voice) Ryoka Yuzuki
    Ino Yamanaka (voice) Showtaro Morikubo
    Shikamaru Nara (voice) Kentaro Ito
    Choji Akimichi (voice) Shinji Kawada
    Shino Aburame (voice) Nana Mizuki
    Hinata Hyuga (voice) Kohsuke Toriumi
    Kiba Inuzuka (voice) Hideo Ishikawa
    Itachi Uchiha (voice) Tomoyuki Dan
    Kisame Hoshigaki (voice) Akira Ishida
    Gaara (voice) Toshihiko Seki
    Iruka Umino (voice) Nobutoshi Canna
    Kabuto Yakushi (voice) Kujira
    Orochimaru (voice) Hochu Otsuka
    Jiraiya (voice) Keiko Nemoto
    Shizune (voice) Romi Park
    Temari (voice) Jurota Kosugi
    Asuma Sarutobi (voice) Masako Katsuki
    Tsunade (voice) Rumi Ochiai
    Kurenai Yuuhi (voice) Yasuyuki Kase
    Kankuro (voice) Episodi: 52 
    In onda il: 2003-10-08 53: L'eremita dei rospi
    A stendere Ebsu è stato l’eremita dei rospi, Jiraiya. Naruto vorrebbe che lo seguisse nell’addestramento, ma Jiraiya si fa pregare un po’, prima di accettare. 53: L'eremita dei rospi
    In onda il: 2003-10-08 A stendere Ebsu è stato l’eremita dei rospi, Jiraiya. Naruto vorrebbe che lo seguisse nell’addestramento, ma Jiraiya si fa pregare un po’, prima di accettare. In onda il: 2003-10-15 54: La tecnica del richiamo
    Hayate riesce a origliare una conversazione tra Kabuto e Baki e scopre che il villaggio della Sabbia è in realtà in combutta con il villaggio del suono per distruggere il villaggio della Foglia. Ma mentre cerca di scappare per riferire il messaggio all’Hokage, viene attaccato da Baki. 54: La tecnica del richiamo
    In onda il: 2003-10-15 Hayate riesce a origliare una conversazione tra Kabuto e Baki e scopre che il villaggio della Sabbia è in realtà in combutta con il villaggio del suono per distruggere il villaggio della Foglia. Ma mentre cerca di scappare per riferire il messaggio all’Hokage, viene attaccato da Baki. In onda il: 2003-10-22 55: Un fiore pieno di speranza
    Sakura decide di andare a trovare Sasuke in ospedale e ovviamente Ino decide di accompagnarla per non lasciare i due da soli. Ma Sasuke è sparito, nonostante le sue condizioni siano precarie. 55: Un fiore pieno di speranza
    In onda il: 2003-10-22 Sakura decide di andare a trovare Sasuke in ospedale e ovviamente Ino decide di accompagnarla per non lasciare i due da soli. Ma Sasuke è sparito, nonostante le sue condizioni siano precarie. In onda il: 2003-10-29 56: Questione di vita o di morte
    Il maestro Jiraiya non è soddisfatto di Naruto. Secondo lui non ha ancora dato l’anima per riuscire a dominare la tecnica del richiamo. 56: Questione di vita o di morte
    In onda il: 2003-10-29 Il maestro Jiraiya non è soddisfatto di Naruto. Secondo lui non ha ancora dato l’anima per riuscire a dominare la tecnica del richiamo. In onda il: 2003-11-05 57: Gamabunta, il sovrano dei rospi
    Finalmente Naruto è riuscito a evocare il sovrano dei rospi, Gamabunta che però non riesce a credere di essere stato chiamato da un marmocchio. Naruto vuole farsi chiamare maestro dal rospo, che ovviamente rifiuta. 57: Gamabunta, il sovrano dei rospi
    In onda il: 2003-11-05 Finalmente Naruto è riuscito a evocare il sovrano dei rospi, Gamabunta che però non riesce a credere di essere stato chiamato da un marmocchio. Naruto vuole farsi chiamare maestro dal rospo, che ovviamente rifiuta. In onda il: 2003-11-12 58: Naruto e Shikamaru contro Gaara!
    Naruto è in ospedale dopo l’estenuante fatica dell’evocazione di Gamabunta. Shikamaru va a trovarlo e finalmente, dopo tre giorni e tre notti di sonno, Naruto si sveglia. Il ragazzo comincia ad agitarsi perché ha perso tempo prezioso per esercitarsi in vista della prova finale del giorno seguente. 58: Naruto e Shikamaru contro Gaara!
    In onda il: 2003-11-12 Naruto è in ospedale dopo l’estenuante fatica dell’evocazione di Gamabunta. Shikamaru va a trovarlo e finalmente, dopo tre giorni e tre notti di sonno, Naruto si sveglia. Il ragazzo comincia ad agitarsi perché ha perso tempo prezioso per esercitarsi in vista della prova finale del giorno seguente. In onda il: 2003-11-19 59: Verso la finale
    Naruto è nervoso. Sta preparandosi mentalmente al primo match del torneo, che lo vede avversario del terribile Neji. Hinata lo sostiene, ma la tensione si fa sentire. 59: Verso la finale
    In onda il: 2003-11-19 Naruto è nervoso. Sta preparandosi mentalmente al primo match del torneo, che lo vede avversario del terribile Neji. Hinata lo sostiene, ma la tensione si fa sentire. In onda il: 2003-11-26 60: Vincerò io, costi quel che costi
    Sta per iniziare il torneo finale per la selezione dei chunin. Ma Sasuke non si presenta all’apertura ufficiale. L’Hokage teme il peggio e sguinzaglia la squadra assassina, nella speranza di trovare qualche traccia. 60: Vincerò io, costi quel che costi
    In onda il: 2003-11-26 Sta per iniziare il torneo finale per la selezione dei chunin. Ma Sasuke non si presenta all’apertura ufficiale. L’Hokage teme il peggio e sguinzaglia la squadra assassina, nella speranza di trovare qualche traccia. In onda il: 2003-12-03 61: Difesa assoluta
    Il match contro Neji procede senza esclusione di colpi. Sul più bello, Neji sferra un attacco micidiale con la tecnica delle 64 chiusure, che sarebbe riservata unicamente alla casata principale del clan Hyuga. 61: Difesa assoluta
    In onda il: 2003-12-03 Il match contro Neji procede senza esclusione di colpi. Sul più bello, Neji sferra un attacco micidiale con la tecnica delle 64 chiusure, che sarebbe riservata unicamente alla casata principale del clan Hyuga. In onda il: 2003-12-10 62: La forza nascosta dei falliti!
    Esausto e praticamente prosciugato di tutto il suo chakra, Naruto si rende conto che la sua unica risorsa è utilizzare il chakra della Volpe a nove code! Basterà questo per sconfiggere Neji una volta per tutte?! 62: La forza nascosta dei falliti!
    In onda il: 2003-12-10 Esausto e praticamente prosciugato di tutto il suo chakra, Naruto si rende conto che la sua unica risorsa è utilizzare il chakra della Volpe a nove code! Basterà questo per sconfiggere Neji una volta per tutte?! In onda il: 2003-12-17 63: A rischio di squalifica
    Neji giace in infermeria quando riceve la visita di Hiashi, che gli consegna il rotolo in cui sua padre gli ha scritto la verità sugli ultimi suoi istanti di vita. Neji viene così a sapere che suo padre ha deciso liberamente di morire al posto del fratello. 63: A rischio di squalifica
    In onda il: 2003-12-17 Neji giace in infermeria quando riceve la visita di Hiashi, che gli consegna il rotolo in cui sua padre gli ha scritto la verità sugli ultimi suoi istanti di vita. Neji viene così a sapere che suo padre ha deciso liberamente di morire al posto del fratello. In onda il: 2003-12-24 64: Spirito di combattimento zero!
    Catapultato in arena, Shikamaru non può più tirarsi indietro. Deve affrontare Temari, più determinata che mai. Inizia subito perdendo tempo. Scansa gli attacchi dell’avversaria a una velocità inaudita. 64: Spirito di combattimento zero!
    In onda il: 2003-12-24 Catapultato in arena, Shikamaru non può più tirarsi indietro. Deve affrontare Temari, più determinata che mai. Inizia subito perdendo tempo. Scansa gli attacchi dell’avversaria a una velocità inaudita. In onda il: 2004-01-07 65: Il ritorno di Sasuke
    Dopo la costernazione generale per il ritiro di Shikamaru, tutti attendono con ansia l’inizio del match tra Gaara e Sasuke. Ma di Sasuke non c’è ancora traccia. 65: Il ritorno di Sasuke
    In onda il: 2004-01-07 Dopo la costernazione generale per il ritiro di Shikamaru, tutti attendono con ansia l’inizio del match tra Gaara e Sasuke. Ma di Sasuke non c’è ancora traccia. In onda il: 2004-01-14 66: Sasuke al via
    Lo scontro epico tra Sasuke e Gaara ha inizio. Il ragazzo Uchiha va in vantaggio e dimostra di aver raggiunto lo stesso livello di velocità di Rock Lee, che assiste esterrefatto ai progressi del compagno. 66: Sasuke al via
    In onda il: 2004-01-14 Lo scontro epico tra Sasuke e Gaara ha inizio. Il ragazzo Uchiha va in vantaggio e dimostra di aver raggiunto lo stesso livello di velocità di Rock Lee, che assiste esterrefatto ai progressi del compagno. In onda il: 2004-01-14 67: La tecnica dei mille falchi
    Kakashi invita Naruto a non preoccuparsi perché sa che cosa è in grado di fare il suo allievo. E infatti da lì a poco Sasuke stupisce tutti con la tecnica dei mille falchi grazie alla quale riesce a perforare la sfera di sabbia di Gaara. 67: La tecnica dei mille falchi
    In onda il: 2004-01-14 Kakashi invita Naruto a non preoccuparsi perché sa che cosa è in grado di fare il suo allievo. E infatti da lì a poco Sasuke stupisce tutti con la tecnica dei mille falchi grazie alla quale riesce a perforare la sfera di sabbia di Gaara. In onda il: 2004-01-28 68: Attacco alla foglia
    Il Villaggio della Sabbia sferra l’attacco contro la Foglia, che viene colta di sorpresa. L’Hokage viene catturato dal Kazekage, che è Orochimaru sotto mentite spoglie. Gai e Kakashi cercano di eliminare qualche nemico, ma avranno bisogno dell’aiuto di Naruto e Shikamaru. 68: Attacco alla foglia
    In onda il: 2004-01-28 Il Villaggio della Sabbia sferra l’attacco contro la Foglia, che viene colta di sorpresa. L’Hokage viene catturato dal Kazekage, che è Orochimaru sotto mentite spoglie. Gai e Kakashi cercano di eliminare qualche nemico, ma avranno bisogno dell’aiuto di Naruto e Shikamaru. In onda il: 2004-02-04 69: Missione di livello A
    Seguendo gli ordini di Kakashi, Sakura sveglia Naruto e Shikamaru, che ha finto di dormire, per andare a cercare Sasuke. Il terzetto verrà condotto da Pakkun, un’evocazione di Kakashi nella forma di cane. 69: Missione di livello A
    In onda il: 2004-02-04 Seguendo gli ordini di Kakashi, Sakura sveglia Naruto e Shikamaru, che ha finto di dormire, per andare a cercare Sasuke. Il terzetto verrà condotto da Pakkun, un’evocazione di Kakashi nella forma di cane. In onda il: 2004-02-11 70: L'imboscata di Shikamaru
    Il gruppo all’inseguimento d Sasuke si accorge di essere tallonato dagli scagnozzi di Orochimaru. Shikamaru propone una tattica diversiva, per rallentare gli inseguitori. Si offre di fare da esca per bloccare il nemico, nel frattempo gli altri tre possono continuare le ricerche. 70: L'imboscata di Shikamaru
    In onda il: 2004-02-11 Il gruppo all’inseguimento d Sasuke si accorge di essere tallonato dagli scagnozzi di Orochimaru. Shikamaru propone una tattica diversiva, per rallentare gli inseguitori. Si offre di fare da esca per bloccare il nemico, nel frattempo gli altri tre possono continuare le ricerche. In onda il: 2004-02-18 71: Hokage contro Hokage
    Lo scontro epico tra Orochimaru e l’Hokage entra nel cuore dell’azione. Tra i due non c’è esclusione di colpi. L’Hokage è addirittura costretto a battersi contro il primo e il secondo Hokage, che sono stati riportati in vita da Orochimaru con la tecnica della Resurrezione. 71: Hokage contro Hokage
    In onda il: 2004-02-18 Lo scontro epico tra Orochimaru e l’Hokage entra nel cuore dell’azione. Tra i due non c’è esclusione di colpi. L’Hokage è addirittura costretto a battersi contro il primo e il secondo Hokage, che sono stati riportati in vita da Orochimaru con la tecnica della Resurrezione. In onda il: 2004-02-25 72: L'errore dell'Hokage
    Lo scontro tra Orochimaru e l’Hokage prosegue, mentre Sasuke cerca di fermare Kankuro e Gaara con tutti i mezzi che conosce. Nel pieno dell’azione dell’invasione, si viene a sapere che Orochimaru, in passato, rapiva giovani ninja per usarne il corpo a suo piacimento. 72: L'errore dell'Hokage
    In onda il: 2004-02-25 Lo scontro tra Orochimaru e l’Hokage prosegue, mentre Sasuke cerca di fermare Kankuro e Gaara con tutti i mezzi che conosce. Nel pieno dell’azione dell’invasione, si viene a sapere che Orochimaru, in passato, rapiva giovani ninja per usarne il corpo a suo piacimento. In onda il: 2004-03-03 73: Il sigillo del Diavolo
    L’Hokage, in un estremo tentativo di salvare il villaggio, evoca una tecnica segreta, quella del sigillo della morte, che già ha salvato la Foglia una volta in passato, sigillando lo spirito della Volpe a nove code nel corpo di Naruto. 73: Il sigillo del Diavolo
    In onda il: 2004-03-03 L’Hokage, in un estremo tentativo di salvare il villaggio, evoca una tecnica segreta, quella del sigillo della morte, che già ha salvato la Foglia una volta in passato, sigillando lo spirito della Volpe a nove code nel corpo di Naruto. In onda il: 2004-03-10 74: La vera identità di Gaara
    Mentre Orochimaru e il terzo Hokage continuano la sfida all’ultimo respiro nell’arena del villaggio, Sasuke riesce a raggiungere Gaara. Kankuro vorrebbe occuparsi di lui personalmente, dando a Temari la possibilità di portare via Gaara. 74: La vera identità di Gaara
    In onda il: 2004-03-10 Mentre Orochimaru e il terzo Hokage continuano la sfida all’ultimo respiro nell’arena del villaggio, Sasuke riesce a raggiungere Gaara. Kankuro vorrebbe occuparsi di lui personalmente, dando a Temari la possibilità di portare via Gaara. In onda il: 2004-03-17 75: La determinazione di Sasuke
    Gaara e Sasuke si affrontano direttamente. Gaara diventa sempre più mostruoso e potente. Sasuke sa che non può evocare più di due volte la tecnica dei Mille Falchi, altrimenti rischia di restare senza chakra o addirittura di morire. 75: La determinazione di Sasuke
    In onda il: 2004-03-17 Gaara e Sasuke si affrontano direttamente. Gaara diventa sempre più mostruoso e potente. Sasuke sa che non può evocare più di due volte la tecnica dei Mille Falchi, altrimenti rischia di restare senza chakra o addirittura di morire. In onda il: 2004-03-24 76: Omicidio al chiaro di luna
    Gaara sfida apertamente Naruto, che cerca di fargli capire il valore dell’amicizia sfidandolo a non sfiorare più i suoi compagni di squadra. 76: Omicidio al chiaro di luna
    In onda il: 2004-03-24 Gaara sfida apertamente Naruto, che cerca di fargli capire il valore dell’amicizia sfidandolo a non sfiorare più i suoi compagni di squadra. In onda il: 2004-03-31 77: Il nome di Gaara
    Lo scontro fra Naruto e Gaara entra nel vivo. Nel frattempo la battaglia fra il Terzo Hokage ed Orochimaru resta in situazione di stallo. 77: Il nome di Gaara
    In onda il: 2004-03-31 Lo scontro fra Naruto e Gaara entra nel vivo. Nel frattempo la battaglia fra il Terzo Hokage ed Orochimaru resta in situazione di stallo. In onda il: 2004-04-07 78: Naruto alla riscossa
    Lo scontro tra Naruto e Gaara continua senza battute d’arresto. Gaara è colpito dal sentimento di amicizia che anima Naruto, ma questo non gli impedisce di infierire sull’avversario. 78: Naruto alla riscossa
    In onda il: 2004-04-07 Lo scontro tra Naruto e Gaara continua senza battute d’arresto. Gaara è colpito dal sentimento di amicizia che anima Naruto, ma questo non gli impedisce di infierire sull’avversario. In onda il: 2004-04-14 79: Il colpo finale
    Dopo un lungo scontro tra Gamabunta trasformato in Volpe e il Demone Tasso, Nasuto riesce a risvegliare Gaara e il demone perde potenza. Tra i due lo scontro è totale e si conclude con un colpo di testa di Naruto. I due avversari giacciono a terra, privi di forze. 79: Il colpo finale
    In onda il: 2004-04-14 Dopo un lungo scontro tra Gamabunta trasformato in Volpe e il Demone Tasso, Nasuto riesce a risvegliare Gaara e il demone perde potenza. Tra i due lo scontro è totale e si conclude con un colpo di testa di Naruto. I due avversari giacciono a terra, privi di forze. In onda il: 2004-04-21 80: La fine del terzo Hokage
    Naruto e Gaara si dividono, esausti, dopo un combattimento all’ultimo respiro. Sasuke, Sakura e Naruto tornano al villaggio e si preparano ai funerali del terzo Hokage. 80: La fine del terzo Hokage
    In onda il: 2004-04-21 Naruto e Gaara si dividono, esausti, dopo un combattimento all’ultimo respiro. Sasuke, Sakura e Naruto tornano al villaggio e si preparano ai funerali del terzo Hokage. In onda il: 2004-04-28 81: Il ritorno della nebbia
    Sepolte le vittime di guerra, tra cui anche il terzo Hokage, tutti cercano di tornare alla vita normale. Konohamaru dà una mano insieme ai compagni a ricostruire le aule dell’accademia, Naruto torna ad allenasi. 81: Il ritorno della nebbia
    In onda il: 2004-04-28 Sepolte le vittime di guerra, tra cui anche il terzo Hokage, tutti cercano di tornare alla vita normale. Konohamaru dà una mano insieme ai compagni a ricostruire le aule dell’accademia, Naruto torna ad allenasi. In onda il: 2004-05-05 82: Sharingan contro Sharingan
    Itachi e Kisame affrontano Kurenai e Asuma, ma i due se la vedono brutta. Fortunatamente interviene Kakashi, che li costringere a chiudere gli occhi per evitare il contatto con lo Sharingan caleidoscopico di Itachi. 82: Sharingan contro Sharingan
    In onda il: 2004-05-05 Itachi e Kisame affrontano Kurenai e Asuma, ma i due se la vedono brutta. Fortunatamente interviene Kakashi, che li costringere a chiudere gli occhi per evitare il contatto con lo Sharingan caleidoscopico di Itachi. In onda il: 2004-05-12 83: Jiraya e Naruto
    Jiraiya e Naruto partono per il loro viaggio alla ricerca della donna ninja che interessa al grande maestro. Strada facendo, Jiraiya ricorda i vecchi tempi, quando era allievo del terzo Hokage. La sua infanzia assomiglia molto a quella di Naruto. 83: Jiraya e Naruto
    In onda il: 2004-05-12 Jiraiya e Naruto partono per il loro viaggio alla ricerca della donna ninja che interessa al grande maestro. Strada facendo, Jiraiya ricorda i vecchi tempi, quando era allievo del terzo Hokage. La sua infanzia assomiglia molto a quella di Naruto. In onda il: 2004-05-19 84: La furia di Sasuke
    Naruto apre la porta e si trova davanti Itachi e Kisame, i quali lo invitano ad andare con loro. Arriva anche Sasuke, che sfida il fratello e finisce con un braccio fratturato. 84: La furia di Sasuke
    In onda il: 2004-05-19 Naruto apre la porta e si trova davanti Itachi e Kisame, i quali lo invitano ad andare con loro. Arriva anche Sasuke, che sfida il fratello e finisce con un braccio fratturato. In onda il: 2004-05-26 85: Questione tra fratelli
    Jiraiya riesce a fare ben poco, solo a salvare i ragazzi attraverso l’arte illusoria e l’evocazione del rospo. I due nemici riescono infatti a scappare indenni. Sasuke resta al tappeto e avrà bisogno di cure. 85: Questione tra fratelli
    In onda il: 2004-05-26 Jiraiya riesce a fare ben poco, solo a salvare i ragazzi attraverso l’arte illusoria e l’evocazione del rospo. I due nemici riescono infatti a scappare indenni. Sasuke resta al tappeto e avrà bisogno di cure. In onda il: 2004-06-02 86: Più forte
    Mentre Tsunade si appresta a una sessione di gioco d’azzardo senza precedenti, Jiraiya cerca di raccontare la sua storia a Naruto, informandolo dei problemi che la donna ha avuto con i soldi e il gioco. 86: Più forte
    In onda il: 2004-06-02 Mentre Tsunade si appresta a una sessione di gioco d’azzardo senza precedenti, Jiraiya cerca di raccontare la sua storia a Naruto, informandolo dei problemi che la donna ha avuto con i soldi e il gioco. In onda il: 2004-06-09 87: Sempre più difficile
    Mentre Naruto si allena fino allo sfinimento, nel tentativo di far esplodere il palloncino e imparare la tecnica elaborata dal Quarto Hokage, Jiraiya si diverte in città. 87: Sempre più difficile
    In onda il: 2004-06-09 Mentre Naruto si allena fino allo sfinimento, nel tentativo di far esplodere il palloncino e imparare la tecnica elaborata dal Quarto Hokage, Jiraiya si diverte in città. In onda il: 2004-06-16 88: Il coprifronte della Foglia
    Naruto si esercita per riuscire a far scoppiare la palla di gomma. Il suo problema è la concentrazione e Jiraiya gli insegna un piccolo trucco che ricorda molto gli insegnamenti del maestro Iruka al tempo dell’accademia. 88: Il coprifronte della Foglia
    In onda il: 2004-06-16 Naruto si esercita per riuscire a far scoppiare la palla di gomma. Il suo problema è la concentrazione e Jiraiya gli insegna un piccolo trucco che ricorda molto gli insegnamenti del maestro Iruka al tempo dell’accademia. In onda il: 2004-06-23 89: La terza fase
    Mentre Naruto e Jiraiya continuano a cercare Tsunade, l’addestramento continua. Ora si tratta di imparare la terza fase, quella in cui la rotazione e la potenza vanno mescolate in modo omogeneo e trattenute. 89: La terza fase
    In onda il: 2004-06-23 Mentre Naruto e Jiraiya continuano a cercare Tsunade, l’addestramento continua. Ora si tratta di imparare la terza fase, quella in cui la rotazione e la potenza vanno mescolate in modo omogeneo e trattenute. In onda il: 2004-07-07 90: Rabbia esplosiva
    Orochimaru propone a Tsunade di curarlo. In cambio riporterà in vita le persone più care a cui la donna era affezionata. La decisione è difficile e Orochimaru e Kabuto le lasciano una settimana di tempo per riflettere. 90: Rabbia esplosiva
    In onda il: 2004-07-07 Orochimaru propone a Tsunade di curarlo. In cambio riporterà in vita le persone più care a cui la donna era affezionata. La decisione è difficile e Orochimaru e Kabuto le lasciano una settimana di tempo per riflettere. In onda il: 2004-07-14 91: Il ciondolo di Tsunade
    Tsunade resta sorpresa del fegato di Naruto, ma soprattutto dalla tecnica che le sembra di riconoscere, quella del quarto Hokage: il Rasengan. Capisce subito che è stato Jiraiya a insegnargliela, anche se è evidente che il ragazzo non la domina ancora perfettamente. 91: Il ciondolo di Tsunade
    In onda il: 2004-07-14 Tsunade resta sorpresa del fegato di Naruto, ma soprattutto dalla tecnica che le sembra di riconoscere, quella del quarto Hokage: il Rasengan. Capisce subito che è stato Jiraiya a insegnargliela, anche se è evidente che il ragazzo non la domina ancora perfettamente. In onda il: 2004-07-21 92: Il grande giorno
    Dopo una settimana di allenamenti estenuanti, Naruto cade a terra, esausto. Fortunatamente Shizune lo tiene sotto controllo e corre in suo aiuto appena lo vede crollare. 92: Il grande giorno
    In onda il: 2004-07-21 Dopo una settimana di allenamenti estenuanti, Naruto cade a terra, esausto. Fortunatamente Shizune lo tiene sotto controllo e corre in suo aiuto appena lo vede crollare. In onda il: 2004-07-28 93: La rottura delle trattative
    La voglia di Tsunade di rivedere il fratello e il fidanzato era fortissima, ma ha avuto il sopravvento il rispetto per il loro sogno di diventare Hokage della Foglia. 93: La rottura delle trattative
    In onda il: 2004-07-28 La voglia di Tsunade di rivedere il fratello e il fidanzato era fortissima, ma ha avuto il sopravvento il rispetto per il loro sogno di diventare Hokage della Foglia. In onda il: 2004-08-04 94: Rasengan
    È il momento dello scontro diretto tra Jiraiya e Orochimaru, mentre Kabuto dovrà occuparsi degli altri. I due ninja leggendari ricorrono alla tecnica del richiamo. Orochimaru riesce a evocare i suoi serpenti, ma Jiraiya è ancora spossato e riesce a evocare solo i figli di Gamabunta. 94: Rasengan
    In onda il: 2004-08-04 È il momento dello scontro diretto tra Jiraiya e Orochimaru, mentre Kabuto dovrà occuparsi degli altri. I due ninja leggendari ricorrono alla tecnica del richiamo. Orochimaru riesce a evocare i suoi serpenti, ma Jiraiya è ancora spossato e riesce a evocare solo i figli di Gamabunta. In onda il: 2004-08-11 95: Quinto Hokage a qualsiasi costo
    Kabuto è ridotto male dopo il colpo micidiale di Naruto, che, spossato dall’impresa, cade a terra esanime. Tsdunade, spaventata per le sorti del ragazzo che ha dimostrato di avere la stoffa dell’Hokage, corre in suo aiuto e lo protegge dai colpi di Orochimaru. 95: Quinto Hokage a qualsiasi costo
    In onda il: 2004-08-11 Kabuto è ridotto male dopo il colpo micidiale di Naruto, che, spossato dall’impresa, cade a terra esanime. Tsdunade, spaventata per le sorti del ragazzo che ha dimostrato di avere la stoffa dell’Hokage, corre in suo aiuto e lo protegge dai colpi di Orochimaru. In onda il: 2004-08-11 96: Scontro leggendario
    Orochimaru, Jiraiya e Tsunade, opportunamente sorretti dagli amici evocati, si affrontano direttamente. Manda, il serpnte di Orochimaru, chiede per i suoi servigi il sacrificio di 100 persone. 96: Scontro leggendario
    In onda il: 2004-08-11 Orochimaru, Jiraiya e Tsunade, opportunamente sorretti dagli amici evocati, si affrontano direttamente. Manda, il serpnte di Orochimaru, chiede per i suoi servigi il sacrificio di 100 persone. In onda il: 2004-08-18 97: Kidnapped! Naruto's Hot Spring Adventure!
    The group are on their way back to Konoha when they stop at a town with hotsprings. Unknown to them they are being watched by men looking for Tsunade. Naruto's room gets raided and the necklace he was given goes missing with nothing but a ransom note left behind. What does it all mean? Can Naruto get the necklace back and why are they looking for Tsunade in the first place? 97: Kidnapped! Naruto's Hot Spring Adventure!
    In onda il: 2004-08-18 The group are on their way back to Konoha when they stop at a town with hotsprings. Unknown to them they are being watched by men looking for Tsunade. Naruto's room gets raided and the necklace he was given goes missing with nothing but a ransom note left behind. What does it all mean? Can Naruto get the necklace back and why are they looking for Tsunade in the first place? In onda il: 2004-08-25 98: Il futuro di Rock Lee
    Mentre fervono i preparativi per la cerimonia di insediamento di Tsunade, Naruto la convince a passare dall’ospedale a visitare Sasuke, Kakashi e Rock Lee. Con i primi due, la visita porta buono risultati. Dopotutto le loro ferite erano serie, ma non permanenti. 98: Il futuro di Rock Lee
    In onda il: 2004-08-25 Mentre fervono i preparativi per la cerimonia di insediamento di Tsunade, Naruto la convince a passare dall’ospedale a visitare Sasuke, Kakashi e Rock Lee. Con i primi due, la visita porta buono risultati. Dopotutto le loro ferite erano serie, ma non permanenti. In onda il: 2004-09-01 99: Il futuro della Foglia
    Tsunade è rimasta molto colpita dalla situazione di Rock Lee. Dagli annali del Villaggio è evidente che il ragazzo poteva avere una grande carriera davanti a sé e alla fine decide di studiare un modo per aumentare le probabilità di successo di un eventuale intervento in grado di rigenerargli le cellule. 99: Il futuro della Foglia
    In onda il: 2004-09-01 Tsunade è rimasta molto colpita dalla situazione di Rock Lee. Dagli annali del Villaggio è evidente che il ragazzo poteva avere una grande carriera davanti a sé e alla fine decide di studiare un modo per aumentare le probabilità di successo di un eventuale intervento in grado di rigenerargli le cellule. In onda il: 2004-09-08 100: Un maestro per la vita
    Rock Lee è sempre più depresso, dopo la rivelazione di Tsunade. Demotivato, non frequenta nemmeno più le sedute di riabilitazione. Nemmeno Sakura riesce a risollevargli il morale, con il suo mazzo di fiori. 100: Un maestro per la vita
    In onda il: 2004-09-08 Rock Lee è sempre più depresso, dopo la rivelazione di Tsunade. Demotivato, non frequenta nemmeno più le sedute di riabilitazione. Nemmeno Sakura riesce a risollevargli il morale, con il suo mazzo di fiori. In onda il: 2004-09-15 101: Dietro la maschera
    Sasuke, Naruto e Sakura si sono messi in testa di vedere che cosa nasconde il maestro Kakashi dietro la maschera. Per riuscirci, cercano di metterlo in situazioni in cui sia costretto a levarsela. Ma il maestro non ci casca mai. 101: Dietro la maschera
    In onda il: 2004-09-15 Sasuke, Naruto e Sakura si sono messi in testa di vedere che cosa nasconde il maestro Kakashi dietro la maschera. Per riuscirci, cercano di metterlo in situazioni in cui sia costretto a levarsela. Ma il maestro non ci casca mai. In onda il: 2004-09-22 102: In missione nel paese del tè
    Tsunade in persona affida a Sakura, Naruto e Sasuke una nuova importante missione. I tre ragazzi dovranno fare infatti da scorta a un concorrente che partecipa a una strana competizione nel Paese del Tè. 102: In missione nel paese del tè
    In onda il: 2004-09-22 Tsunade in persona affida a Sakura, Naruto e Sasuke una nuova importante missione. I tre ragazzi dovranno fare infatti da scorta a un concorrente che partecipa a una strana competizione nel Paese del Tè. In onda il: 2004-09-29 103: Attacco in mare aperto
    Tsunade in persona affida a Sakura, Naruto e Sasuke una nuova importante missione. I tre ragazzi dovranno fare infatti da scorta a un concorrente che partecipa a una strana competizione nel Paese del Tè. 103: Attacco in mare aperto
    In onda il: 2004-09-29 Tsunade in persona affida a Sakura, Naruto e Sasuke una nuova importante missione. I tre ragazzi dovranno fare infatti da scorta a un concorrente che partecipa a una strana competizione nel Paese del Tè. In onda il: 2004-10-13 104: Il passato di Idate
    Aoi ha avvelenato tutti gli avversari con i suoi aghi micidiali. Fortunatamente, Tsunade aveva dato a Sakura un rimedio medico per riprendersi da eventuali attacchi. È così che Sasuke, Naruto e Idate riescono a recuperare le forze. Ma il giovane Idate si sente sconfitto. 104: Il passato di Idate
    In onda il: 2004-10-13 Aoi ha avvelenato tutti gli avversari con i suoi aghi micidiali. Fortunatamente, Tsunade aveva dato a Sakura un rimedio medico per riprendersi da eventuali attacchi. È così che Sasuke, Naruto e Idate riescono a recuperare le forze. Ma il giovane Idate si sente sconfitto. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  5. Katekyo Hitman Reborn! [8/8] (2008) [3°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
    Stagione 3    Episodi 8        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure
    Non c'è da scherzare: Sunayoshi Sawada è semplicemente un buono a nulla. È goffo, senza talento e disperatamente innamorato dell'idolo della scuola Kyouko Sasagawa, una ragazza completamente fuori dalla sua portata. Soprannominato "Tsuna il perdente" dai suoi compagni di classe, sembra essere la personificazione stessa del fallimento nelle vesti di un ragazzo delle medie. La vita noiosa di Tsuna prende una svolta straordinaria quando incontra il misterioso Reborn, che si dà il caso sia un sicario... e, sorprendentemente, un bambino! Inviato dalla famiglia mafiosa più forte d'Italia, a Reborn viene assegnata l'ardua missione di preparare lo scialbo studente delle medie a succedere al nono boss della famigerata famiglia Vongola, che è sull'orlo della pensione. Lo scialbo ragazzo ha una strada estenuante davanti a sé, ma con l'aiuto dei suoi nuovi affiliati criminali e del suo particolare tutor domestico, forse anche Tsuna il Perdente può raggiungere la grandezza.
    Toshihiko Sahashi
    Music Hideki Mitsui
    Scenario Writer Nobuaki Kishima
    Scenario Writer Masashi Suzuki
    Scenario Writer Masayoshi Tanaka
    Animation Kenichi Imaizumi
    Director Kazuhisa Sakaguchi
    Scenario Writer Yoshiro Kataoka
    Producer Takashi Kondo
    Kyoya Hibari Toshinobu Iida
    Mukuro Rokudo Kenjiro Tsuda
    Lambo Yukari Kokubun
    Tsunayoshi Sawada Yuka Terasaki
    Basil Junko Takeuchi
    Lambo Satomi Akesaka
    Chrome Dokuro Suguru Inoue
    Takeshi Yamamoto Hidenobu Kiuchi
    Ryohei Sasagawa Daisuke Namikawa
    Giotto Episodi: 8 
    In onda il: 2008-01-19 66: Shivering Ghost
    The battle for the rings has ended and Tsuna is enjoying the peace. Reborn suggests that they have an out-of-season "test of courage." Tsuna doesn't like the idea at first, but he learns that Kyoko is participating and becomes eager to pair up with her. But when he gets to the graveyard, all the participants, besides him and Lambo, are doing the scaring. Tsuna is disappointed, but doesn't want to look like a coward in front of Kyoko. He decides to go into the creepy graveyard with Lambo. The two get separated, and when they meet again, Lambo has switched places with Adult Lambo. But for some reason, there's something a little different about Adult Lambo 66: Shivering Ghost
    In onda il: 2008-01-19 The battle for the rings has ended and Tsuna is enjoying the peace. Reborn suggests that they have an out-of-season "test of courage." Tsuna doesn't like the idea at first, but he learns that Kyoko is participating and becomes eager to pair up with her. But when he gets to the graveyard, all the participants, besides him and Lambo, are doing the scaring. Tsuna is disappointed, but doesn't want to look like a coward in front of Kyoko. He decides to go into the creepy graveyard with Lambo. The two get separated, and when they meet again, Lambo has switched places with Adult Lambo. But for some reason, there's something a little different about Adult Lambo In onda il: 2008-01-26 67: Vongola-style Open House
    It's Open House! Tsuna is poor at studying, and for him it’s just a day of terrible experiences. He’s hit with a question he doesn't know the answer to and opens his mouth to give a random answer, but his tutor, Reborn, won't allow that to happen. Reborn is watching from behind the parents to see that Tsuna gets the answer right. But then Lambo and the others come barging in! In the end, the teacher has to leave to carry off Gokudera after he passes from seeing Bianchi. The classroom is unsettled. At that moment, a certain man stands at the front of the class! 67: Vongola-style Open House
    In onda il: 2008-01-26 It's Open House! Tsuna is poor at studying, and for him it’s just a day of terrible experiences. He’s hit with a question he doesn't know the answer to and opens his mouth to give a random answer, but his tutor, Reborn, won't allow that to happen. Reborn is watching from behind the parents to see that Tsuna gets the answer right. But then Lambo and the others come barging in! In the end, the teacher has to leave to carry off Gokudera after he passes from seeing Bianchi. The classroom is unsettled. At that moment, a certain man stands at the front of the class! In onda il: 2008-02-02 68: Happy? Wedding
    One day, Tsuna receives an invitation to a wedding ceremony. The names of the bride and the groom are Bianchi and Reborn! It seems that Nana found her wedding pictures the other day, which made Bianchi crazy about getting married. At first, Tsuna is sure that Reborn would never consent, but when he sees Bianchi in a wedding dress at the church he realizes the ceremony is real. Tsuna goes to the groom's room to congratulate Reborn, but he learns the surprising truth from Dino! 68: Happy? Wedding
    In onda il: 2008-02-02 One day, Tsuna receives an invitation to a wedding ceremony. The names of the bride and the groom are Bianchi and Reborn! It seems that Nana found her wedding pictures the other day, which made Bianchi crazy about getting married. At first, Tsuna is sure that Reborn would never consent, but when he sees Bianchi in a wedding dress at the church he realizes the ceremony is real. Tsuna goes to the groom's room to congratulate Reborn, but he learns the surprising truth from Dino! In onda il: 2008-02-09 69: Crazy Criminal Brother Trio
    Nana's wallet has been stolen. Angered about dinner, Reborn and the other freeloaders step up to catch the thief. Naturally, Tsuna is dragged along. The Sawada family walks through the shopping district with guards around Nana. The group grabs the attention of three men, the Crime Brothers, who are causing a stir in town. The youngest brother was the one who stole Nana's wallet the day before! 69: Crazy Criminal Brother Trio
    In onda il: 2008-02-09 Nana's wallet has been stolen. Angered about dinner, Reborn and the other freeloaders step up to catch the thief. Naturally, Tsuna is dragged along. The Sawada family walks through the shopping district with guards around Nana. The group grabs the attention of three men, the Crime Brothers, who are causing a stir in town. The youngest brother was the one who stole Nana's wallet the day before! In onda il: 2008-02-16 70: The Misfortune of Shoichi Irie
    Lambo is beat up by Reborn as usual and is tossed into a neighboring house. The boy living there, Shoichi Irie, goes to the Sawada household to return a box that contains a gifts of thanks from the Bovino Family, the family that Lambo belongs to. But unusual things begin to happen! A beautiful woman sunbathing out of season, a talking baby, an exploding child, and a suspicious black luxury car… Shoichi Irie is confused by the strange happenings and has no chance to return the box. 70: The Misfortune of Shoichi Irie
    In onda il: 2008-02-16 Lambo is beat up by Reborn as usual and is tossed into a neighboring house. The boy living there, Shoichi Irie, goes to the Sawada household to return a box that contains a gifts of thanks from the Bovino Family, the family that Lambo belongs to. But unusual things begin to happen! A beautiful woman sunbathing out of season, a talking baby, an exploding child, and a suspicious black luxury car… Shoichi Irie is confused by the strange happenings and has no chance to return the box. In onda il: 2008-03-23 71: Fighting Spirit! Absolute Evil Fist
    A dojo buster has appeared in Namimori. Kyoko and Haru see him in action and are angered at how merciless he is, even against children. They are frustrated that they aren't able to do anything. Reborn tells them that Tsuna will defeat the dojo buster for them. Naturally, Tsuna doesn't want to. But when he sees Kyoko's sad expression, he is unable to refuse and begins training. The name of the technique that Reborn is trying to teach Tsuna is called the "Absolute Evil Fist." But for some reason, Reborn won't tell him what kind of fighting style it is 71: Fighting Spirit! Absolute Evil Fist
    In onda il: 2008-03-23 A dojo buster has appeared in Namimori. Kyoko and Haru see him in action and are angered at how merciless he is, even against children. They are frustrated that they aren't able to do anything. Reborn tells them that Tsuna will defeat the dojo buster for them. Naturally, Tsuna doesn't want to. But when he sees Kyoko's sad expression, he is unable to refuse and begins training. The name of the technique that Reborn is trying to teach Tsuna is called the "Absolute Evil Fist." But for some reason, Reborn won't tell him what kind of fighting style it is In onda il: 2008-03-01 72: Expulsion Crisis
    Nezu is a terrible teacher who makes fun of students who get bad grades. On the day he has to return his students’ science tests, he shows the entire class Tsuna's answer sheet, which has received poor marks. Gokudera is angered at Nezu for making fun of Tsuna and confronts him, but Tsuna and Yamamoto stop him from causing any physical harm. Nezu falls over and is angered; he blames Tsuna and his friends for his injuries. He says that they should be expelled. Thanks to Kyoko's pleading, Nezu will forgive them if they retake the science test and get good scores, but… 72: Expulsion Crisis
    In onda il: 2008-03-01 Nezu is a terrible teacher who makes fun of students who get bad grades. On the day he has to return his students’ science tests, he shows the entire class Tsuna's answer sheet, which has received poor marks. Gokudera is angered at Nezu for making fun of Tsuna and confronts him, but Tsuna and Yamamoto stop him from causing any physical harm. Nezu falls over and is angered; he blames Tsuna and his friends for his injuries. He says that they should be expelled. Thanks to Kyoko's pleading, Nezu will forgive them if they retake the science test and get good scores, but… In onda il: 2008-03-08 73: Mother's Day Vongola-style
    Everyone suddenly receives an invitation from Reborn to attend a Vongola-style Maman Appreciation Day party. Reborn is holding this event to entertain Nana, who is always taking care of everyone. But with a name that includes “Vongola-style,” it can't be normal. At the party, Nana selects a winner by giving points to people who reveal their secret talents. The chances that the winner's wish will be granted is, amazingly, 100 percent! Everyone wants their wish granted, and the Sawada family living room becomes a place for serious battle with greed swirling all around. 73: Mother's Day Vongola-style
    In onda il: 2008-03-08 Everyone suddenly receives an invitation from Reborn to attend a Vongola-style Maman Appreciation Day party. Reborn is holding this event to entertain Nana, who is always taking care of everyone. But with a name that includes “Vongola-style,” it can't be normal. At the party, Nana selects a winner by giving points to people who reveal their secret talents. The chances that the winner's wish will be granted is, amazingly, 100 percent! Everyone wants their wish granted, and the Sawada family living room becomes a place for serious battle with greed swirling all around. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  6. Katekyo Hitman Reborn! [32/32] (2007) [2°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
    Stagione 2    Episodi 32        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure
    Non c'è da scherzare: Sunayoshi Sawada è semplicemente un buono a nulla. È goffo, senza talento e disperatamente innamorato dell'idolo della scuola Kyouko Sasagawa, una ragazza completamente fuori dalla sua portata. Soprannominato "Tsuna il perdente" dai suoi compagni di classe, sembra essere la personificazione stessa del fallimento nelle vesti di un ragazzo delle medie. La vita noiosa di Tsuna prende una svolta straordinaria quando incontra il misterioso Reborn, che si dà il caso sia un sicario... e, sorprendentemente, un bambino! Inviato dalla famiglia mafiosa più forte d'Italia, a Reborn viene assegnata l'ardua missione di preparare lo scialbo studente delle medie a succedere al nono boss della famigerata famiglia Vongola, che è sull'orlo della pensione. Lo scialbo ragazzo ha una strada estenuante davanti a sé, ma con l'aiuto dei suoi nuovi affiliati criminali e del suo particolare tutor domestico, forse anche Tsuna il Perdente può raggiungere la grandezza.
    Toshihiko Sahashi
    Music Hideki Mitsui
    Scenario Writer Nobuaki Kishima
    Scenario Writer Masashi Suzuki
    Scenario Writer Masayoshi Tanaka
    Animation Kenichi Imaizumi
    Director Kazuhisa Sakaguchi
    Scenario Writer Yoshiro Kataoka
    Producer Takashi Kondo
    Kyoya Hibari Toshinobu Iida
    Mukuro Rokudo Kenjiro Tsuda
    Lambo Yukari Kokubun
    Tsunayoshi Sawada Yuka Terasaki
    Basil Junko Takeuchi
    Lambo Satomi Akesaka
    Chrome Dokuro Suguru Inoue
    Takeshi Yamamoto Hidenobu Kiuchi
    Ryohei Sasagawa Daisuke Namikawa
    Giotto Episodi: 32 
    In onda il: 2007-06-02 34: The Varia Arrive
    On a day out having fun, Tsuna and his friends come across a boy using the Dying Will Flame and is being attacked by a swordsman, but when they try to help, they prove to be no match for him. 34: The Varia Arrive
    In onda il: 2007-06-02 On a day out having fun, Tsuna and his friends come across a boy using the Dying Will Flame and is being attacked by a swordsman, but when they try to help, they prove to be no match for him. In onda il: 2007-06-09 35: The Seven Vongola Rings
    Dino manages to fend off the swordsman, Squalo, and explains the situation: a subgroup of the Vongola Family called The Varia is after the Vongola Rings which are held by the leading members of the family, which he then proceeds to give to Tsuna and six other people. They have ten days to train in order to become strong enough to fight off The Varia. Meanwhile, Tsuna's father returns. 35: The Seven Vongola Rings
    In onda il: 2007-06-09 Dino manages to fend off the swordsman, Squalo, and explains the situation: a subgroup of the Vongola Family called The Varia is after the Vongola Rings which are held by the leading members of the family, which he then proceeds to give to Tsuna and six other people. They have ten days to train in order to become strong enough to fight off The Varia. Meanwhile, Tsuna's father returns. In onda il: 2007-06-16 36: Tutors on the Move
    Tsuna and the other six members chosen to hold one of the 7 half rings, all start to train, in preparation to face The Varia. Some even get themselves their own home tutors. Meanwhile Tsuna is told that besides him the First Vongola also used gloves, and he will soon find out who the two others with the ring are. 36: Tutors on the Move
    In onda il: 2007-06-16 Tsuna and the other six members chosen to hold one of the 7 half rings, all start to train, in preparation to face The Varia. Some even get themselves their own home tutors. Meanwhile Tsuna is told that besides him the First Vongola also used gloves, and he will soon find out who the two others with the ring are. In onda il: 2007-06-23 37: Teacher and Student Together
    All of them are going through training by their respective tutors. Tsuna is being trained by Reborn, Yamamoto by his father, Gokudera by Dr. Shamal, Ryohei by Colonello and Hibari by Dino. 37: Teacher and Student Together
    In onda il: 2007-06-23 All of them are going through training by their respective tutors. Tsuna is being trained by Reborn, Yamamoto by his father, Gokudera by Dr. Shamal, Ryohei by Colonello and Hibari by Dino. In onda il: 2007-06-30 38: The Selfish Baby Cow Vanishes
    Under Reborn's instruction, Tsuna embarks on a search to find the missing Lambo. At the same time, Haru is testing Tsuna to find out whether he is still the kind and compassionate Tsuna who had saved her in the river. 38: The Selfish Baby Cow Vanishes
    In onda il: 2007-06-30 Under Reborn's instruction, Tsuna embarks on a search to find the missing Lambo. At the same time, Haru is testing Tsuna to find out whether he is still the kind and compassionate Tsuna who had saved her in the river. In onda il: 2007-07-07 39: The Unseen Enemies' Goal
    A Vongola weapon alteration expert shows up to improve everyone's weapon. Meanwhile, two men appear, aiming to assassinate Tsuna. 39: The Unseen Enemies' Goal
    In onda il: 2007-07-07 A Vongola weapon alteration expert shows up to improve everyone's weapon. Meanwhile, two men appear, aiming to assassinate Tsuna. In onda il: 2007-07-14 40: The Battle of the Rings Begins!
    All of the selected one are forced to battle against each other who have the same type of rings. 40: The Battle of the Rings Begins!
    In onda il: 2007-07-14 All of the selected one are forced to battle against each other who have the same type of rings. In onda il: 2007-07-21 41: The Guardian of the Sun Ring's Feelings
    Lussuria and Ryohei fight in a heavily lighted boxing arena. Ryohei is being beaten severely by Lussuria but then Ryohei remembers his sister and the reason he became a boxer. He then gets back up ready to fight. 41: The Guardian of the Sun Ring's Feelings
    In onda il: 2007-07-21 Lussuria and Ryohei fight in a heavily lighted boxing arena. Ryohei is being beaten severely by Lussuria but then Ryohei remembers his sister and the reason he became a boxer. He then gets back up ready to fight. In onda il: 2007-07-28 42: The Power to Overcome Adversity
    Ryohei continues his fight with Lussuria. When the battle seems to favour Lussuria, Kyoko & Hana appear and give Ryohei the support he needs to release his Extreme Sun Maximum Canon. Later, Tsuna wonders if Lambo can really fight in the next round. Tsuna then talks with Lambo from 10 years later who tells him not to let 5 year old Lambo use the 10 year Bazooka, for Adult Lambo may be from a future parallel world. 42: The Power to Overcome Adversity
    In onda il: 2007-07-28 Ryohei continues his fight with Lussuria. When the battle seems to favour Lussuria, Kyoko & Hana appear and give Ryohei the support he needs to release his Extreme Sun Maximum Canon. Later, Tsuna wonders if Lambo can really fight in the next round. Tsuna then talks with Lambo from 10 years later who tells him not to let 5 year old Lambo use the 10 year Bazooka, for Adult Lambo may be from a future parallel world. In onda il: 2007-08-04 43: Thunder Strike from Twenty Years Later
    Lambo's fight versus Levi A. Than of Varia. As a 5‑year-old and a 15‑year-old, he stands no chance to the "Levi Volta" attack of Levi. However, when the 15‑year-old Lambo used the 10-year bazooka, Lambo from 20 years later appears. The 25-year-old defeats Leviathan with relative ease using his "Elettrico reverse" and "Elettrico Cornata" techniques, but the 5-minute limit of the 10 Year Bazooka ended, and Lambo reverted to his 5-year-old form. Just as Leviathan is about to severely injure Lambo, Tsuna stops the match in Hyper Dying Will Mode, surprising everyone. 43: Thunder Strike from Twenty Years Later
    In onda il: 2007-08-04 Lambo's fight versus Levi A. Than of Varia. As a 5‑year-old and a 15‑year-old, he stands no chance to the "Levi Volta" attack of Levi. However, when the 15‑year-old Lambo used the 10-year bazooka, Lambo from 20 years later appears. The 25-year-old defeats Leviathan with relative ease using his "Elettrico reverse" and "Elettrico Cornata" techniques, but the 5-minute limit of the 10 Year Bazooka ended, and Lambo reverted to his 5-year-old form. Just as Leviathan is about to severely injure Lambo, Tsuna stops the match in Hyper Dying Will Mode, surprising everyone. In onda il: 2007-08-11 44: The Stolen Sky Ring
    Tsuna's ring is taken from him for having interfered in Lambo's fight. Tsuna's father leaves for Italy, after Xanxus hints at having done something to the 9th boss of Vongola. While Tsuna continues his training, Gokudera is trying to perfect his ultimate technique. 44: The Stolen Sky Ring
    In onda il: 2007-08-11 Tsuna's ring is taken from him for having interfered in Lambo's fight. Tsuna's father leaves for Italy, after Xanxus hints at having done something to the 9th boss of Vongola. While Tsuna continues his training, Gokudera is trying to perfect his ultimate technique. In onda il: 2007-08-18 45: Raging Storm Battle
    Gokudera fights a losing battle to Belphegor. Belphegor's attacks were somehow going right to him without much effort on Bel's part. However, Gokudera figures out the secret to his trick, and unveils his new technique: Rocket Bombs. However, once Gokudera finally strikes Belphegor, he starts to act strangely. 45: Raging Storm Battle
    In onda il: 2007-08-18 Gokudera fights a losing battle to Belphegor. Belphegor's attacks were somehow going right to him without much effort on Bel's part. However, Gokudera figures out the secret to his trick, and unveils his new technique: Rocket Bombs. However, once Gokudera finally strikes Belphegor, he starts to act strangely. In onda il: 2007-08-25 46: Reason to Fight
    After Belphegor reveals his true nature, Gokudera lures Belphegor into the library for a final stand. After a brief struggle between the two, Gokudera won, but as the time limit for the match expired, it became a struggle match for the two. Not wanting to lose his friend, Tsuna persuaded Gokudera to abandon the ring. Gokudera's match concludes 46: Reason to Fight
    In onda il: 2007-08-25 After Belphegor reveals his true nature, Gokudera lures Belphegor into the library for a final stand. After a brief struggle between the two, Gokudera won, but as the time limit for the match expired, it became a struggle match for the two. Not wanting to lose his friend, Tsuna persuaded Gokudera to abandon the ring. Gokudera's match concludes In onda il: 2007-09-01 47: The Strongest, Invincible Style
    The battle for the Ring of Rain between Yamamoto and Squalo is announced. Hibari causes a commotion at the school as the battles have caused major damage to the grounds. Dino reveals that Squalo once defeated the Swords Emperor of the old Varia and that Yamamoto's Shigure Souen Style is useless against him. Yamamoto receives a shinai from his father that transforms into a katana only when using the Shigure Souen Style. 47: The Strongest, Invincible Style
    In onda il: 2007-09-01 The battle for the Ring of Rain between Yamamoto and Squalo is announced. Hibari causes a commotion at the school as the battles have caused major damage to the grounds. Dino reveals that Squalo once defeated the Swords Emperor of the old Varia and that Yamamoto's Shigure Souen Style is useless against him. Yamamoto receives a shinai from his father that transforms into a katana only when using the Shigure Souen Style. In onda il: 2007-09-08 48: Flow of Battle
    The battle for the Ring of Rain commences. Yamamoto shows off his new Shigure Souen Style and it looks like victory is assured. But slowly Squalo gains the upper hand as none of Yamamoto's attacks are hitting. He then reveals that he can read through all of Yamamoto's moves. 48: Flow of Battle
    In onda il: 2007-09-08 The battle for the Ring of Rain commences. Yamamoto shows off his new Shigure Souen Style and it looks like victory is assured. But slowly Squalo gains the upper hand as none of Yamamoto's attacks are hitting. He then reveals that he can read through all of Yamamoto's moves. In onda il: 2007-09-15 49: Requiem Rain
    Having crushed the Shigure Souen Style before, Squalo becomes confident once more. Yamamoto manages to hurt him with the 8th Form: Pelting Rain, after Squalo revealed he had encountered a different 8th Form. Yamamoto reveals his newly created 9th Form as Squalo bares his fangs. The Shark and Rain collide on this exciting conclusion. 49: Requiem Rain
    In onda il: 2007-09-15 Having crushed the Shigure Souen Style before, Squalo becomes confident once more. Yamamoto manages to hurt him with the 8th Form: Pelting Rain, after Squalo revealed he had encountered a different 8th Form. Yamamoto reveals his newly created 9th Form as Squalo bares his fangs. The Shark and Rain collide on this exciting conclusion. In onda il: 2007-09-22 50: The Guardian of the Mist Ring Arrives!?
    On Tsuna's side of the world, he is curious to know who is the Guardian of the Mist only to faint at the sight of Chikusa and Ken. At the Vongola Compound in Italy, an attempted recon mission is enacted by Iemitsu to find out what happened to Vongola the 9th. When Tsuna regains consciousness, he and his 'family' find out who is really the Guardian of the Mist. 50: The Guardian of the Mist Ring Arrives!?
    In onda il: 2007-09-22 On Tsuna's side of the world, he is curious to know who is the Guardian of the Mist only to faint at the sight of Chikusa and Ken. At the Vongola Compound in Italy, an attempted recon mission is enacted by Iemitsu to find out what happened to Vongola the 9th. When Tsuna regains consciousness, he and his 'family' find out who is really the Guardian of the Mist. In onda il: 2007-09-29 51: Illusion vs. Illusion
    Having found out that Chrome Dokuro is the Vongola's representative of Guardian of the Mist, Tsuna acknowledges her as a part of the family and allows her to take part in the duel. After many exerted attempts to attack 'Mammon' (now known as Viper of the indigo pacifier), Chrome eventually loses to the illusions. However, the battle does not end and an unexpected person comes in to assist in the battle. 51: Illusion vs. Illusion
    In onda il: 2007-09-29 Having found out that Chrome Dokuro is the Vongola's representative of Guardian of the Mist, Tsuna acknowledges her as a part of the family and allows her to take part in the duel. After many exerted attempts to attack 'Mammon' (now known as Viper of the indigo pacifier), Chrome eventually loses to the illusions. However, the battle does not end and an unexpected person comes in to assist in the battle. In onda il: 2007-10-06 52: The Truth About the Mist
    The unexpected person, turned from Chrome, turns out to be Mukuro Rokudo. A series of chaotic illusions battle starts. During the fight, Tsuna experiences flashbacks of Mukuro on how he sacrificed himself for Ken and Chikusa to escape. Mukuro ends up being the winner, almost killing Mammon, who escaped from the battle field with his reserved power. Mukuro fainted after the battle, turning himself back to Chrome. 52: The Truth About the Mist
    In onda il: 2007-10-06 The unexpected person, turned from Chrome, turns out to be Mukuro Rokudo. A series of chaotic illusions battle starts. During the fight, Tsuna experiences flashbacks of Mukuro on how he sacrificed himself for Ken and Chikusa to escape. Mukuro ends up being the winner, almost killing Mammon, who escaped from the battle field with his reserved power. Mukuro fainted after the battle, turning himself back to Chrome. In onda il: 2007-10-13 53: A Hint of Uneasiness
    Everyone in Tsuna's family is worried about the outcome of the Cloud battle. If it's Hibari that's fighting, then they should have a one-hit K.O. no-worry win. However, when it seems that the daunting Gola Mosca is more than he appears to be, even Tsuna, who's still training to complete his Zero-Point, gets very worried. 53: A Hint of Uneasiness
    In onda il: 2007-10-13 Everyone in Tsuna's family is worried about the outcome of the Cloud battle. If it's Hibari that's fighting, then they should have a one-hit K.O. no-worry win. However, when it seems that the daunting Gola Mosca is more than he appears to be, even Tsuna, who's still training to complete his Zero-Point, gets very worried. In onda il: 2007-10-20 54: The Cloud Guardian's Rampage
    After the Cloud ring conflict, Xanxus tries retrieve Gola Mosca. After Hibari halts his attempt at retrieval, Mosca goes on a rampage, shooting wildly at everyone friend and foe. Back at the 9th's house it is revealed that the 9th living there is in fact a fake. Tsuna comes to the rescue of his friends and holds off Mosca at which time Mosca attacks Tsuna only. 54: The Cloud Guardian's Rampage
    In onda il: 2007-10-20 After the Cloud ring conflict, Xanxus tries retrieve Gola Mosca. After Hibari halts his attempt at retrieval, Mosca goes on a rampage, shooting wildly at everyone friend and foe. Back at the 9th's house it is revealed that the 9th living there is in fact a fake. Tsuna comes to the rescue of his friends and holds off Mosca at which time Mosca attacks Tsuna only. In onda il: 2007-10-27 55: Determination
    Tsuna opens Gola Mosca to find the body of the 9th who was its power supply. Xanxus is revealed to have been behind a coup attempt. It is revealed that Tsuna has met the 9th before and that he was the true choice for the position of the 10th Vongola Boss. After which the Sky Match is announced for the next night. Xanxus gives the sky ring to Tsuna before he leaves. The 9th is taken for medical attention and everyone returns home. Tsuna returns to school the next day where he receives an amulet from Kyoko. 55: Determination
    In onda il: 2007-10-27 Tsuna opens Gola Mosca to find the body of the 9th who was its power supply. Xanxus is revealed to have been behind a coup attempt. It is revealed that Tsuna has met the 9th before and that he was the true choice for the position of the 10th Vongola Boss. After which the Sky Match is announced for the next night. Xanxus gives the sky ring to Tsuna before he leaves. The 9th is taken for medical attention and everyone returns home. Tsuna returns to school the next day where he receives an amulet from Kyoko. In onda il: 2007-11-03 56: Gokudera's Story
    As Lambo wakes up from his coma, Gokudera recounts what has happened during the Varia arc. 56: Gokudera's Story
    In onda il: 2007-11-03 As Lambo wakes up from his coma, Gokudera recounts what has happened during the Varia arc. In onda il: 2007-11-10 57: The Sky Ring Battle Begins!
    Everyone arrives at Nami Middle to find Tsuna and Xanxus about to fight. The Cervello put watches on the guardians that poison them and the only antidote is to put the guardian ring in the watch itself. Just before the fight begins Xanxus makes a decisive first strike. 57: The Sky Ring Battle Begins!
    In onda il: 2007-11-10 Everyone arrives at Nami Middle to find Tsuna and Xanxus about to fight. The Cervello put watches on the guardians that poison them and the only antidote is to put the guardian ring in the watch itself. Just before the fight begins Xanxus makes a decisive first strike. In onda il: 2007-10-17 58: Flame of Fury
    The Battle of the Sky gets started and the strengths of Xanxus and Tsuna are exposed. Not to mention a couple of the guardians seem to be coming around. 58: Flame of Fury
    In onda il: 2007-10-17 The Battle of the Sky gets started and the strengths of Xanxus and Tsuna are exposed. Not to mention a couple of the guardians seem to be coming around. In onda il: 2007-11-24 59: Supporters
    All the Guardians have been injected with a poison and rendered unmovable. Hibari, however, manages to help himself and on the way saves Gokudera. On Xanxus's side, Bel and Levi have also been freed. Gokudera rushes to save a helpless Lambo from Levi. Meanwhile, the Sky battle has begun to heat up. 59: Supporters
    In onda il: 2007-11-24 All the Guardians have been injected with a poison and rendered unmovable. Hibari, however, manages to help himself and on the way saves Gokudera. On Xanxus's side, Bel and Levi have also been freed. Gokudera rushes to save a helpless Lambo from Levi. Meanwhile, the Sky battle has begun to heat up. In onda il: 2007-12-01 60: Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough
    Tsuna prepares to use the fruit of his hard training: the Zero Point Breakthrough. Xanxus, however, recognizes this attack and proceeds in a hectic beat down. Reborn reveals that maybe using it to attack won't beat Xanxus anyway. 60: Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough
    In onda il: 2007-12-01 Tsuna prepares to use the fruit of his hard training: the Zero Point Breakthrough. Xanxus, however, recognizes this attack and proceeds in a hectic beat down. Reborn reveals that maybe using it to attack won't beat Xanxus anyway. In onda il: 2007-12-08 61: Zero Point Breakthrough Revised
    Xanxus is firing relentlessly leaving no time for Tsuna to execute his attack. But Tsuna is getting stronger with each hit he takes due to the Zero Point Breakthrough Revised. Meanwhile, Hibari has saved Yamamoto and Gokudera freed Ryohei. Tsuna's family are all saved. Dino arrives at the battle with an unexpected guest and Chrome is being held hostage by Marmon and Bel. 61: Zero Point Breakthrough Revised
    In onda il: 2007-12-08 Xanxus is firing relentlessly leaving no time for Tsuna to execute his attack. But Tsuna is getting stronger with each hit he takes due to the Zero Point Breakthrough Revised. Meanwhile, Hibari has saved Yamamoto and Gokudera freed Ryohei. Tsuna's family are all saved. Dino arrives at the battle with an unexpected guest and Chrome is being held hostage by Marmon and Bel. In onda il: 2007-12-15 62: Tactics
    Dino's unsuspected guest is revealed to be Squalo, who Dino saved instead of Yamamoto and brings to see the sky match. Yamamoto along with Gokudera propose a trade between Mammon and Bel, which turns out to be a well played trick but is countered by Mammon's illusions which binds both Yamamoto and Gokudera, Gokudera of which drops the remaining rings. Tsuna and Xanxus have a struggle where Xanxus powers up, which seems to turn the tide of the battle. Tsuna and Xanxus then charge at each other which results in a huge explosion. After the smoke clears, Tsuna's Zero Point Breakthrough froze Xanxus's hand; revealing he has mastered the First's technique. 62: Tactics
    In onda il: 2007-12-15 Dino's unsuspected guest is revealed to be Squalo, who Dino saved instead of Yamamoto and brings to see the sky match. Yamamoto along with Gokudera propose a trade between Mammon and Bel, which turns out to be a well played trick but is countered by Mammon's illusions which binds both Yamamoto and Gokudera, Gokudera of which drops the remaining rings. Tsuna and Xanxus have a struggle where Xanxus powers up, which seems to turn the tide of the battle. Tsuna and Xanxus then charge at each other which results in a huge explosion. After the smoke clears, Tsuna's Zero Point Breakthrough froze Xanxus's hand; revealing he has mastered the First's technique. In onda il: 2007-12-22 63: Freezing Flame
    As the fight continues, Xanxus tries to break the ice and release his flames. However, Tsuna prevents him and begins to freeze Xanxus' entire body. As Xanxus becomes frozen, he reveals that this scenario is similar to when the 9th Vongola froze him. Squalo finally reveals the whole story of what happened 8 years ago during the "Crib Incident" and how the Varia attacked Vongola headquarters but failed due to the freezing of Xanxus. Meanwhile, Ryohei is shown freeing Gokudera, Yamamoto and Chrome from Mammon and Bel's trap. However, Mammon was able to get all the guardian rings and is seen at the end hovering over the frozen Xanxus saying that all the rings will reawaken Xanxus.\ 63: Freezing Flame
    In onda il: 2007-12-22 As the fight continues, Xanxus tries to break the ice and release his flames. However, Tsuna prevents him and begins to freeze Xanxus' entire body. As Xanxus becomes frozen, he reveals that this scenario is similar to when the 9th Vongola froze him. Squalo finally reveals the whole story of what happened 8 years ago during the "Crib Incident" and how the Varia attacked Vongola headquarters but failed due to the freezing of Xanxus. Meanwhile, Ryohei is shown freeing Gokudera, Yamamoto and Chrome from Mammon and Bel's trap. However, Mammon was able to get all the guardian rings and is seen at the end hovering over the frozen Xanxus saying that all the rings will reawaken Xanxus.\ In onda il: 2008-01-05 64: The Truth Behind The Rage
    After the fight, Xanxus is released with the power of the 7 rings which he was originally released by from the 9th. There is a short flashback of his life, and a secret is revealed: Xanxus is not actually the 9th's blood son, and so, the rings rejected him. At the end of this, an elite group of Varia arrives. 64: The Truth Behind The Rage
    In onda il: 2008-01-05 After the fight, Xanxus is released with the power of the 7 rings which he was originally released by from the 9th. There is a short flashback of his life, and a secret is revealed: Xanxus is not actually the 9th's blood son, and so, the rings rejected him. At the end of this, an elite group of Varia arrives. In onda il: 2008-01-12 65: Conclusion!
    Due to the timely arrival of Lancia,the elite group of Varia are defeated and Tsuna is pronounced the winner of the sky ring. They celebrate with a party at Yamamato's house. 65: Conclusion!
    In onda il: 2008-01-12 Due to the timely arrival of Lancia,the elite group of Varia are defeated and Tsuna is pronounced the winner of the sky ring. They celebrate with a party at Yamamato's house. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. Sailor Moon Eternal Movie: Parte 2 (2021) ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal - Il film: Parte 2
    1 h 21 m    2021        
    Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Fantasy ◦ Romance
    Sotto le cure delle guerriere del sistema solare esterno, Hotaru comincia a crescere rapidamente. Per le guerriere Sailor è arrivato il momento di ritrovarsi!
    Kazuyuki Fudeyasu
    Screenplay Naoko Takeuchi
    Comic Book Naoya Kinoshita
    Executive Producer Yasuharu Takanashi
    Original Music Composer Shunji Yoshida
    Director Shunji Yoshida
    Second Unit Director Takashi Hashimoto
    Animation Director Asako Nishida
    Supervising Animation Director Shinya Takahashi
    Key Animation Kazuko Tadano
    Character Designer Toshimitsu Kobayashi
    Supervising Animation Director Hitomi Sano
    Color Designer Kyoko Kametani
    Animation Director Kyoko Kametani
    Prop Designer Hirofumi Morimoto
    Animation Director Yuka Kudou
    Supervising Animation Director Satomi Tamura
    Animation Director Michio Fukuda
    Storyboard Artist Shigemitsu Hamao
    Director of Photography Tomochi Kosaka
    Prop Designer Chiaki Kon
    Director Chiaki Kon
    Second Unit Director Maki Fujii
    Supervising Animation Director Terumi Nishii
    Animation Director Terumi Nishii
    Supervising Animation Director Emi Ota
    Layout Supervisor Hiromi Ishigami
    Animation Director Hideharu Gomi
    Producer Yosuke Asama
    Producer Tomoko Ito
    Animation Director Asami Sodeyama
    Animation Director Hidenobu Muramatsu
    Executive Producer Ruka Tanaka
    Producer Takashi Yanagida
    Director of Photography Mayumi Fukushi
    Animation Director Shuu Sugita
    Key Animation Kouhei Furukawa
    Executive Producer Taiichi Nakaguma
    Animation Director Yuu Yoshiyama
    Key Animation Yuu Yoshiyama
    Layout Supervisor Tomomi Ikeda
    Director Tomomi Ikeda
    Second Unit Director Osamu Ii
    Art Designer Tomoyo Sawada
    Animation Director Ayaka Shimoji
    Animation Director Emi Kojima
    Animation Director Nobuo Hikawa
    Storyboard Artist Akira Hashimoto
    Director Akira Hashimoto
    Second Unit Director Miki Takihara
    Supervising Animation Director Miho Sugimoto
    Animation Director Katsuhiro Takagi
    Executive Producer Junnosuke Miyamoto
    Executive Producer Masahiro Iida
    Executive Producer Akihiro Sato
    Executive Producer Yui Azumi
    Color Designer Kotono Mitsuishi
    Usagi Tsukino / Eternal Sailor Moon / Princess Serenity (voice) Misato Fukuen
    Chibiusa / Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon (voice) Hisako Kanemoto
    Ami Mizuno / Eternal Sailor Mercury (voice) Rina Sato
    Rei Hino / Eternal Sailor Mars (voice) Ami Koshimizu
    Makoto Kino / Eternal Sailor Jupiter (voice) Shizuka Itoh
    Minako Aino / Eternal Sailor Venus (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
    Pegasus / Helios (voice) Kenji Nojima
    Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Mask (voice) Nanao
    Queen Nehelenia (voice) Junko Minagawa
    Haruka Tenou / Eternal Sailor Uranus (voice) Sayaka Ohara
    Michiru Kaiou / Eternal Sailor Neptune (voice) Ai Maeda
    Setsuna Meiou / Eternal Sailor Pluto (voice) Yukiyo Fujii
    Hotaru Tomoe / Eternal Sailor Saturn (voice) Naomi Watanabe
    Zirconia (voice) Reina Ueda
    CereCere / Sailor Ceres (voice) Sumire Morohoshi
    PallaPalla / Sailor Pallas (voice) Yuuko Hara
    JunJun / Sailor Juno (voice) Rie Takahashi
    VesVes / Sailor Vesta (voice) Ryo Hirohashi
    Luna (voice) Taishi Murata
    Artemis (voice) Shoko Nakagawa
    Diana (voice) Mami Koyama
    Queen Serenity (voice) Ruriko Noguchi
    Maenad #1 (voice) Yuuki Hirose
    Maenad #2 (voice) Mutsumi Tamura
    Young Mamoru (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  8. SPY x FAMILY 2 [12/12] (2023) [2°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer SPY x FAMILY
    Stagione 2    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure
    Twilight, una delle migliori spie al mondo, ha trascorso la vita ad affrontare missioni sotto copertura per rendere il mondo un posto migliore. Un giorno però riceve un compito particolarmente difficile, per riuscire nella sua nuova missione dovrà formare una famiglia temporanea e iniziare una nuova vita!
    Takahiro Harada
    Series Director Ichirou Ookouchi
    Series Composition Daishiro Tanimura
    Series Composition Ayumu Hisao
    Series Composition Ado
    Theme Song Performance Vaundy
    Theme Song Performance Minami Usui
    Art Direction Yoshinori Shiozawa
    Art Designer Kyoko Hara
    Color Designer Yuya Sakuma
    Director of Photography Katsuaki Miyaji
    3D Director Cory Wong
    Theme Song Performance Yoko Kanno
    Theme Song Performance Kazuhiro Furuhashi
    Series Director Kazuaki Shimada
    Character Designer Akari Saitoh
    Editor Shoji Hata
    Sound Director Noriko Izumo
    Sound Effects Makoto Miyazaki
    Original Music Composer Shuhei Mutsuki
    Original Music Composer Takuya Eguchi
    Loid Forger (voice) Atsumi Tanezaki
    Anya Forger (voice) Saori Hayami
    Yor Forger (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-07 1: Pediniamo papà e mamma
    Una sera Yor torna a casa dal lavoro e sembra essere di pessimo umore. Loid, temendo che il suo finto matrimonio stia fallendo, invita Yor a trascorrere una giornata da solo con lui per rilassarsi. 1: Pediniamo papà e mamma
    In onda il: 2023-10-07 Una sera Yor torna a casa dal lavoro e sembra essere di pessimo umore. Loid, temendo che il suo finto matrimonio stia fallendo, invita Yor a trascorrere una giornata da solo con lui per rilassarsi. In onda il: 2023-10-14 2: La strategia di sopravvivenza di Bond - La gita educativa di Damian
    Yor prepara il pasto di Bond, poiché si è dimenticata di comprargli delle crocchette. Tuttavia, Bond si considera ancora troppo giovane per lasciare questo mondo e decide di andare alla ricerca dell'unica persona che può salvarlo dal mangiare un pasto avvelenato. 2: La strategia di sopravvivenza di Bond - La gita educativa di Damian
    In onda il: 2023-10-14 Yor prepara il pasto di Bond, poiché si è dimenticata di comprargli delle crocchette. Tuttavia, Bond si considera ancora troppo giovane per lasciare questo mondo e decide di andare alla ricerca dell'unica persona che può salvarlo dal mangiare un pasto avvelenato. In onda il: 2023-10-21 3: Missione famiglia - L'elegante Bondman
    A Yuri viene assegnata la missione di monitorare un ex giornalista per vedere se scrive notizie false sulla loro madrepatria. L'eroe dei cartoni animati preferito di Anya, Bondman, mostra le sue eleganti mosse da spia!! 3: Missione famiglia - L'elegante Bondman
    In onda il: 2023-10-21 A Yuri viene assegnata la missione di monitorare un ex giornalista per vedere se scrive notizie false sulla loro madrepatria. L'eroe dei cartoni animati preferito di Anya, Bondman, mostra le sue eleganti mosse da spia!! In onda il: 2023-10-28 4: Il dolce della conoscenza - Il grande Piano Romantico dell'informatore II
    Il leggendario dessert dell'Eden finalmente appare! Per ottenere gli amaretti che presumibilmente possono trasformarti in un Imperial Scholar se mangiati, Anya e le sue amiche corrono per raggiungerli per primi. 4: Il dolce della conoscenza - Il grande Piano Romantico dell'informatore II
    In onda il: 2023-10-28 Il leggendario dessert dell'Eden finalmente appare! Per ottenere gli amaretti che presumibilmente possono trasformarti in un Imperial Scholar se mangiati, Anya e le sue amiche corrono per raggiungerli per primi. In onda il: 2023-11-04 5: Operazione espatrio
    A Yor viene assegnata una nuova missione che differisce da quelle che è abituata a svolgere. Questa volta dovrà proteggere due persone che degli assassini stanno cercando di uccidere. 5: Operazione espatrio
    In onda il: 2023-11-04 A Yor viene assegnata una nuova missione che differisce da quelle che è abituata a svolgere. Questa volta dovrà proteggere due persone che degli assassini stanno cercando di uccidere. In onda il: 2023-11-11 6: La spaventosa nave da crociera di lusso
    Dopo l'imbarco sulla nave da crociera, Yor inizia il suo dovere di guardia del corpo. 6: La spaventosa nave da crociera di lusso
    In onda il: 2023-11-11 Dopo l'imbarco sulla nave da crociera, Yor inizia il suo dovere di guardia del corpo. In onda il: 2023-11-18 7: A chi giova questo lavoro
    Yor e i suoi clienti sono ora il bersaglio degli assassini sulla nave da crociera. Anya e Loid, invece, approfittano di tutte le attività a loro disposizione. 7: A chi giova questo lavoro
    In onda il: 2023-11-18 Yor e i suoi clienti sono ora il bersaglio degli assassini sulla nave da crociera. Anya e Loid, invece, approfittano di tutte le attività a loro disposizione. In onda il: 2023-11-25 8: Sinfonia sulla nave - L'infuso di mia sorella
    Yor continua a respingere i crescenti attacchi degli assassini. Nel frattempo, Anya si gode i fuochi d'artificio sul mare. 8: Sinfonia sulla nave - L'infuso di mia sorella
    In onda il: 2023-11-25 Yor continua a respingere i crescenti attacchi degli assassini. Nel frattempo, Anya si gode i fuochi d'artificio sul mare. In onda il: 2023-12-02 9: La mano che afferra il futuro
    Yor continua la sua lotta contro gli assassini. Anya cerca di sbarazzarsi di suo padre per aiutare sua madre. Loid scopre delle bombe a bordo della nave. 9: La mano che afferra il futuro
    In onda il: 2023-12-02 Yor continua la sua lotta contro gli assassini. Anya cerca di sbarazzarsi di suo padre per aiutare sua madre. Loid scopre delle bombe a bordo della nave. In onda il: 2023-12-09 10: Godersi l'isola turistica - Vantarsi della vacanza
    La famiglia Forger trascorre una giornata in famiglia su in'isola. Una volta tornata, Anya pensa solo a una cosa: vantarsi per impressionare Damian. 10: Godersi l'isola turistica - Vantarsi della vacanza
    In onda il: 2023-12-09 La famiglia Forger trascorre una giornata in famiglia su in'isola. Una volta tornata, Anya pensa solo a una cosa: vantarsi per impressionare Damian. In onda il: 2023-12-16 11: Berlint Love - Una normale giornata di Nightfall
    Becky finalmente decide di incontrare il padre di Anya, l'uomo di cui è perdutamente innamorata da quando lo ha visto nella foto di famiglia della sua compagna di classe. 11: Berlint Love - Una normale giornata di Nightfall
    In onda il: 2023-12-16 Becky finalmente decide di incontrare il padre di Anya, l'uomo di cui è perdutamente innamorata da quando lo ha visto nella foto di famiglia della sua compagna di classe. In onda il: 2023-12-23 12: Parte della famiglia
    Mentre Bond è a passeggio con Loid, ha la premonizione di un incidente, quindi cerca di fermarlo, ma viene rimproverato da Loid. Poi ha la visione di un edificio in fiamme e di una ragazza che singhiozza in piedi di fronte ad esso. 12: Parte della famiglia
    In onda il: 2023-12-23 Mentre Bond è a passeggio con Loid, ha la premonizione di un incidente, quindi cerca di fermarlo, ma viene rimproverato da Loid. Poi ha la visione di un edificio in fiamme e di una ragazza che singhiozza in piedi di fronte ad esso. Anteprima Ufficiale
    Anteprima Ufficiale
    Anteprima Ufficiale
  9. School Rumble 2 [26/26] (2006) [2°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer School Rumble
    Stagione 2    Episodi 26        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Tenma Tsukamoto è una studentessa innamorata dell'amore ma anche di un suo compagno di classe, il misterioso e talvolta assurdo Karashima. Ingenua e un po' tonta, Tenma non si accorge invece delle attenzioni che le vengono riservate da Harima, un altro suo compagno di classe dall'aspetto un po' strano e con un passato da teppista. Attorno a questo strano triangolo ruoteranno le storie degli amici e delle amiche dei tre, tra cui spiccheranno la ricca e viziata Eri Sawachika, la sportiva Mikoto Suo e la silenziosa Yakumo Tsukamoto, sorella di Tenma.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Ami Koshimizu
    Tenma Tsukamoto (voice) Yui Horie
    Eri Sawachika (voice) Hitomi Nabatame
    Mikoto Suou (voice) Hiroki Takahashi
    Kenji Harima (voice) Kaori Shimizu
    Akira Takano (voice) Mamiko Noto
    Yakumo Tsukamoto (voice) Shinji Kawada
    Haruki Hanai (voice) Yuu Asakawa
    Itoko Osakabe (voice) Episodi: 26 
    In onda il: 2006-04-03 1: Scramble Reloaded! Requesting a Superstar! A Scandalous Restart!
    Scramble Reloaded!: The situation between Yakumo and Harima goes from bad to worse when Tenma thinks that the two are dating. 1: Scramble Reloaded! Requesting a Superstar! A Scandalous Restart!
    In onda il: 2006-04-03 Scramble Reloaded!: The situation between Yakumo and Harima goes from bad to worse when Tenma thinks that the two are dating. In onda il: 2006-04-10 2: Strategy Battlefield Comrades
    Strategy: Class 2-C is the only class that hasn't decided on what to do for the upcoming Cultural Festival. Should they do a cafe or a theatrical play (or even a swimsuit sumo wrestling competition)? What's the best way to decide? Why, play a survival game, of course (which was proposed by Takano Akira)! 2: Strategy Battlefield Comrades
    In onda il: 2006-04-10 Strategy: Class 2-C is the only class that hasn't decided on what to do for the upcoming Cultural Festival. Should they do a cafe or a theatrical play (or even a swimsuit sumo wrestling competition)? What's the best way to decide? Why, play a survival game, of course (which was proposed by Takano Akira)! In onda il: 2006-04-17 3: Beautiful Beast VS Beastly Beauty God of War VS God of Fighting Teacher VS Student
    Nakamura is about to shoot Asou, but a snipers bullet causes him to dive out of the way instead. 3: Beautiful Beast VS Beastly Beauty God of War VS God of Fighting Teacher VS Student
    In onda il: 2006-04-17 Nakamura is about to shoot Asou, but a snipers bullet causes him to dive out of the way instead. In onda il: 2006-04-24 4: Theatrical Ideas! Bath House Ideas! Rice Ball Ideas!
    Since everyone in class has ideas for the play, Mai and Yuuki makes each person write it up, on the condition that they cant include themselves. 4: Theatrical Ideas! Bath House Ideas! Rice Ball Ideas!
    In onda il: 2006-04-24 Since everyone in class has ideas for the play, Mai and Yuuki makes each person write it up, on the condition that they cant include themselves. In onda il: 2006-05-01 5: Escorts are culture! Manga is culture! Cakes are also culture!
    The day of the culture festival has finally arrived! 5: Escorts are culture! Manga is culture! Cakes are also culture!
    In onda il: 2006-05-01 The day of the culture festival has finally arrived! In onda il: 2006-05-08 6: Sleeping, Beast Kiss, Impossible Finale
    Harima shows Yakumo a part of his manga, where a prince (Harima) has to save a sleeping princess (Tenma). 6: Sleeping, Beast Kiss, Impossible Finale
    In onda il: 2006-05-08 Harima shows Yakumo a part of his manga, where a prince (Harima) has to save a sleeping princess (Tenma). In onda il: 2006-05-15 7: Fight, Hunter! Fight, Eater! Fight, Part Timer!
    The girls are together for an outing in the mountains. 7: Fight, Hunter! Fight, Eater! Fight, Part Timer!
    In onda il: 2006-05-15 The girls are together for an outing in the mountains. In onda il: 2006-05-22 8: Blow out, the birth of the girl's basketball team! Please take care of me, Sempai! Collapse, the swing of tears...
    Tenma is excited about playing basketball after reading a basketball manga. 8: Blow out, the birth of the girl's basketball team! Please take care of me, Sempai! Collapse, the swing of tears...
    In onda il: 2006-05-22 Tenma is excited about playing basketball after reading a basketball manga. In onda il: 2006-05-29 9: Pass! Dribble! Shoot!
    With Satsuki still unable to make her shots, Tae sends Asou to give her some help 9: Pass! Dribble! Shoot!
    In onda il: 2006-05-29 With Satsuki still unable to make her shots, Tae sends Asou to give her some help In onda il: 2006-06-12 10: Hee~ Hee hee~ Hee hee hee!
    Tenma goes on a diet, but fails horribly at sticking with it. 10: Hee~ Hee hee~ Hee hee hee!
    In onda il: 2006-06-12 Tenma goes on a diet, but fails horribly at sticking with it. In onda il: 2006-06-19 11: Napoleon, between life and death... Nishimoto, between one's nature and one's motives... Sara, between a saint and me
    Everyone is attending Mikotos familys nabe party. 11: Napoleon, between life and death... Nishimoto, between one's nature and one's motives... Sara, between a saint and me
    In onda il: 2006-06-19 Everyone is attending Mikotos familys nabe party. In onda il: 2006-06-26 12: Perfect, prohibition! Entering, prohibition! Knickerbockers, prohibition!
    Tenma goes to the library to study, but ends up sleeping instead. 12: Perfect, prohibition! Entering, prohibition! Knickerbockers, prohibition!
    In onda il: 2006-06-26 Tenma goes to the library to study, but ends up sleeping instead. In onda il: 2006-07-03 13: People with death Behind them, Place the name of Karasuma, Unlocking all the secrets of the riddle!
    There is a legend of a ryuunen-sensei - a teacher who appears whenever a student is in danger of failing and being held back a grade. 13: People with death Behind them, Place the name of Karasuma, Unlocking all the secrets of the riddle!
    In onda il: 2006-07-03 There is a legend of a ryuunen-sensei - a teacher who appears whenever a student is in danger of failing and being held back a grade. In onda il: 2006-07-10 14: At Colorado, In America(26F), With America(26H),
    The class celebrates Tenma's birthday by having a party. 14: At Colorado, In America(26F), With America(26H),
    In onda il: 2006-07-10 The class celebrates Tenma's birthday by having a party. In onda il: 2006-07-17 15: Men who have been given up now! Men who are invited! Men who are tested!
    Harimas manga actually gets published in place of Karasumas. 15: Men who have been given up now! Men who are invited! Men who are tested!
    In onda il: 2006-07-17 Harimas manga actually gets published in place of Karasumas. In onda il: 2006-07-24 16: Don't want to be shackled by anyone! Don't want to go back to school and home! In the tent of darkness!
    Harima wakes up all tied up outside the Tsukamoto home. 16: Don't want to be shackled by anyone! Don't want to go back to school and home! In the tent of darkness!
    In onda il: 2006-07-24 Harima wakes up all tied up outside the Tsukamoto home. In onda il: 2006-07-31 17: ...Eri's escape! ...Harima's lullaby! ...The fake bride!
    Nakamura sees Eri ride away with Harima, but he cant catch them. 17: ...Eri's escape! ...Harima's lullaby! ...The fake bride!
    In onda il: 2006-07-31 Nakamura sees Eri ride away with Harima, but he cant catch them. In onda il: 2006-08-07 18: Sweet trap of part-time work, sweet trap of the classroom, sweet trap of celebrity
    Eri tells Mikoto about how she stayed together with Harima under a single blanket at the temple. 18: Sweet trap of part-time work, sweet trap of the classroom, sweet trap of celebrity
    In onda il: 2006-08-07 Eri tells Mikoto about how she stayed together with Harima under a single blanket at the temple. In onda il: 2006-08-14 19: Here, There, Everywhere Is Christmas! Bravely Moving Forward For Christmas! Shatter, Christmas!
    Finally finished with his manuscript, Harima wants to have Tenma to read it first. 19: Here, There, Everywhere Is Christmas! Bravely Moving Forward For Christmas! Shatter, Christmas!
    In onda il: 2006-08-14 Finally finished with his manuscript, Harima wants to have Tenma to read it first. In onda il: 2006-08-21 20: More than friends... Less than sweethearts... Before that...
    This act starts out with Karens brother, Kousuke pestering a very tired Karen while she is brushing her teeth. 20: More than friends... Less than sweethearts... Before that...
    In onda il: 2006-08-21 This act starts out with Karens brother, Kousuke pestering a very tired Karen while she is brushing her teeth. In onda il: 2006-08-21 21:'s School Rumble's really School Rumble .........I said it's School Rumble!
    It's School Rumble: My Mai Dream! Mai, the princess of the Magical Realm, wants to use the rare blue Damask rose to make Masked Kamen fall for her, but The Evil Cartoon King kidnapped him! It's up to Mai to save the day. it's Really School Rumble: The Perverted Cartoon King is in his castle, and Mai, with the help of Karasuma, succeeds in breaking in. But why is the Cartoon King doing this? And what lies underneath Karasuma's school uniform? I said it's School Rumble: Turns out The Evil Perverted Cartoon Kings has a heart after all! But magical love is no love at all, Mai. The true identity of Masked Kamen is revealed! Just remember, it's still School Rumble. Doraibu is good, but it's still not School Rumble. 21:'s School Rumble's really School Rumble .........I said it's School Rumble!
    In onda il: 2006-08-21 It's School Rumble: My Mai Dream! Mai, the princess of the Magical Realm, wants to use the rare blue Damask rose to make Masked Kamen fall for her, but The Evil Cartoon King kidnapped him! It's up to Mai to save the day. it's Really School Rumble: The Perverted Cartoon King is in his castle, and Mai, with the help of Karasuma, succeeds in breaking in. But why is the Cartoon King doing this? And what lies underneath Karasuma's school uniform? I said it's School Rumble: Turns out The Evil Perverted Cartoon Kings has a heart after all! But magical love is no love at all, Mai. The true identity of Masked Kamen is revealed! Just remember, it's still School Rumble. Doraibu is good, but it's still not School Rumble. In onda il: 2006-08-28 22: Year's first dream, Lion dance, New Year's
    The Phantom has found a worthy opponent. First Dream: It's not the first time Harima had dreamt about Tenma accepting his love but this is the first dream of the new year, which means it will come true! If that is true, then why is Tenma praying with Karasuma, while Harima is stuck with Eri? Lion Dance: Harima and Eri are assigned for the traditional Lion Dance. But Harima must follow Tenma! The people of Japan just aren't used to see a giant Lion roaming the streets. New Year: People do many things on New Year's Day in Japan. They fly kites, play games, and beat up Imadori. 22: Year's first dream, Lion dance, New Year's
    In onda il: 2006-08-28 The Phantom has found a worthy opponent. First Dream: It's not the first time Harima had dreamt about Tenma accepting his love but this is the first dream of the new year, which means it will come true! If that is true, then why is Tenma praying with Karasuma, while Harima is stuck with Eri? Lion Dance: Harima and Eri are assigned for the traditional Lion Dance. But Harima must follow Tenma! The people of Japan just aren't used to see a giant Lion roaming the streets. New Year: People do many things on New Year's Day in Japan. They fly kites, play games, and beat up Imadori. In onda il: 2006-09-04 23: Jumbo dream, Dream jump, Dream express
    Tenma decides it's time to lose some weight yeah, right. Jumbo Dream : Tenma and her friends have gone skiing, while Itoko and her friend have gone to Okinawa. But with a 30 page script to write and no money at all, Harima can only gaze from afar Dream Jump: Everybody has a shocking side- Tenma is great at ski, and Karasuma likes to dress as a snowman. Not to mention Ichijou's great ice skating skills. Now Lala is envious. Dream Express: Yakumo is all alone, and isn't feeling well. Harima is all alone, too. Can a giraffe help them both? 23: Jumbo dream, Dream jump, Dream express
    In onda il: 2006-09-04 Tenma decides it's time to lose some weight yeah, right. Jumbo Dream : Tenma and her friends have gone skiing, while Itoko and her friend have gone to Okinawa. But with a 30 page script to write and no money at all, Harima can only gaze from afar Dream Jump: Everybody has a shocking side- Tenma is great at ski, and Karasuma likes to dress as a snowman. Not to mention Ichijou's great ice skating skills. Now Lala is envious. Dream Express: Yakumo is all alone, and isn't feeling well. Harima is all alone, too. Can a giraffe help them both? In onda il: 2006-09-11 24: Southern Rainbow of 2-C! Mysterious Yaakumo Island! The Seven Seas...!
    All the students of 2-C go on Eri's cruise through the Pacific for their winter vacation. They eventually hit a reef and the engine breaks down, leaving them stranded. Hanai flies on his kite to an island populated by what seems to be a Mesoamerican civilization, featuring familiar faces. 24: Southern Rainbow of 2-C! Mysterious Yaakumo Island! The Seven Seas...!
    In onda il: 2006-09-11 All the students of 2-C go on Eri's cruise through the Pacific for their winter vacation. They eventually hit a reef and the engine breaks down, leaving them stranded. Hanai flies on his kite to an island populated by what seems to be a Mesoamerican civilization, featuring familiar faces. In onda il: 2006-09-18 25: Isn't it romantic, Harima? Harima, published in Jingama! Come quickly, Harima!
    Harima gets unexpected assistance from Tenma for his manga, increasing their bond. Yakumo remembers a book from her childhood. 25: Isn't it romantic, Harima? Harima, published in Jingama! Come quickly, Harima!
    In onda il: 2006-09-18 Harima gets unexpected assistance from Tenma for his manga, increasing their bond. Yakumo remembers a book from her childhood. In onda il: 2006-09-25 26: Period.
    Harima has his best chance yet to confess to Tenma. There are big news about Karasuma. Yakumo is visited again by the ghost girl, who interrogates her about her feelings for Harima. Flashbacks reveal Yakumo's relationship with Tenma as children, when Yakumo's character was quite different. We learn the importance of the children's book. The third term starts, and Harima has to decide whether to stay at school or not. 26: Period.
    In onda il: 2006-09-25 Harima has his best chance yet to confess to Tenma. There are big news about Karasuma. Yakumo is visited again by the ghost girl, who interrogates her about her feelings for Harima. Flashbacks reveal Yakumo's relationship with Tenma as children, when Yakumo's character was quite different. We learn the importance of the children's book. The third term starts, and Harima has to decide whether to stay at school or not. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Sailor Moon Sailor Stars [34/34] (1996) [5°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Sailor Moon
    Sailor Moon Sailor Stars    Episodi 34        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Bunny è una ragazza che frequenta le scuole medie, che tramite una gatta parlante chiamata Luna scopre di essere Sailor Moon, la guerriera dell'amore e della giustizia, il cui compito è quello di rintracciare la principessa dell'antico regno lunare, Silver Millennium, e proteggere la terra dal Regno delle Tenebre. Nella sua missione Bunny verrà aiutata dalle amiche Amy, Rea, Morea e Marta, anch'esse guerriere Sailor, e dal misterioso Milord.
    Takuya Igarashi
    Series Director Kunihiko Ikuhara
    Series Director Kotono Mitsuishi
    Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (voice) Aya Hisakawa
    Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (voice) Michie Tomizawa
    Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (voice) Emi Shinohara
    Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice) Rica Fukami
    Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (voice) Toru Furuya
    Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Mask (voice) Keiko Han
    Luna (voice) Kae Araki
    Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon (voice) Yasuhiro Takato
    Artemis (voice) Episodi: 34 
    In onda il: 1996-03-09 1: The Flower of Nightmares Scatters! The Queen of Darkness Returns
    As Usagi and her friends begin high school, a mysterious force releases Queen Nehellenia from her mirror, encouraging her to take revenge on them. 1: The Flower of Nightmares Scatters! The Queen of Darkness Returns
    In onda il: 1996-03-09 As Usagi and her friends begin high school, a mysterious force releases Queen Nehellenia from her mirror, encouraging her to take revenge on them. In onda il: 1996-03-23 2: Saturn Awakens! The Ten Sailor Guardians Unite
    While Queen Nehellenia continues to exert her evil influence on the earth, the rapidly aging Hotaru re-awakens as Sailor Saturn. 2: Saturn Awakens! The Ten Sailor Guardians Unite
    In onda il: 1996-03-23 While Queen Nehellenia continues to exert her evil influence on the earth, the rapidly aging Hotaru re-awakens as Sailor Saturn. In onda il: 1996-04-13 3: The Cursed Mirror! Mamoru Caught in a Nightmare
    People all around Tokyo, including Mamoru, become entranced by mirrors. Usagi remembers a shadow she saw in Mamoru's mirror, and races off with the other soldiers to find him. 3: The Cursed Mirror! Mamoru Caught in a Nightmare
    In onda il: 1996-04-13 People all around Tokyo, including Mamoru, become entranced by mirrors. Usagi remembers a shadow she saw in Mamoru's mirror, and races off with the other soldiers to find him. In onda il: 1996-04-20 4: Night of Destiny! The Sailor Guardians’ Ordeals
    Sailor Moon is left devastated after seeing Mamoru get abducted right before her very eyes. To make matters worse, Nehelenia's action is starting to cause a time paradox, which threatens to end Chibiusa's existence. 4: Night of Destiny! The Sailor Guardians’ Ordeals
    In onda il: 1996-04-20 Sailor Moon is left devastated after seeing Mamoru get abducted right before her very eyes. To make matters worse, Nehelenia's action is starting to cause a time paradox, which threatens to end Chibiusa's existence. In onda il: 1996-04-27 5: For Love! The Endless Battle in the Dark World
    Sailor Moon runs off to save Mamoru from Nehelina alone. The rest of the Sailor Guardians try to go after her, but one by one they fall victim to Nehelina's traps. 5: For Love! The Endless Battle in the Dark World
    In onda il: 1996-04-27 Sailor Moon runs off to save Mamoru from Nehelina alone. The rest of the Sailor Guardians try to go after her, but one by one they fall victim to Nehelina's traps. In onda il: 1996-05-04 6: Moon Power of Love! The Nightmare Ends
    Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Saturn make it to Nehelinia's palace, where Mamoru is being held prisoner. But despite their best efforts, the two Guardians are unable to free him, and Sailor Chibi Moon fades from existence. 6: Moon Power of Love! The Nightmare Ends
    In onda il: 1996-05-04 Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Saturn make it to Nehelinia's palace, where Mamoru is being held prisoner. But despite their best efforts, the two Guardians are unable to free him, and Sailor Chibi Moon fades from existence. In onda il: 1996-05-11 7: Farewells and Encounters! The Transitioning Stars of Destiny
    Mamoru tells Usagi that he's accepted an offer to study abroad in the U.S., which will force them to have a long-distance relationship. Saddened at first, Usagi eventually decides to root for her boyfriend's dream and sends him off with a smile. 7: Farewells and Encounters! The Transitioning Stars of Destiny
    In onda il: 1996-05-11 Mamoru tells Usagi that he's accepted an offer to study abroad in the U.S., which will force them to have a long-distance relationship. Saddened at first, Usagi eventually decides to root for her boyfriend's dream and sends him off with a smile. In onda il: 1996-05-18 8: A School Storm! The Transfer Students Are Idols
    Usagi runs into Seiya again and is annoyed by his cocky attitude. The next day, she is surprised to find that Seiya and the rest of the Three Lights have transferred to her school. 8: A School Storm! The Transfer Students Are Idols
    In onda il: 1996-05-18 Usagi runs into Seiya again and is annoyed by his cocky attitude. The next day, she is surprised to find that Seiya and the rest of the Three Lights have transferred to her school. In onda il: 1996-05-25 9: Becoming an Idol! Minako’s Ambition
    Minako decides to work for the Three Lights as their personal assistant thinking it will help her quickly get into the entertainment industry. But Minkao soon realizes that being a star isn't all fun and glamor. 9: Becoming an Idol! Minako’s Ambition
    In onda il: 1996-05-25 Minako decides to work for the Three Lights as their personal assistant thinking it will help her quickly get into the entertainment industry. But Minkao soon realizes that being a star isn't all fun and glamor. In onda il: 1996-06-08 10: Fighter’s Secret Identity! The Shocking Super Transformation
    The Three Lights are rehearsing for their upcoming musical, which they will be starring in. But they seem to have a hard time winning the approval of the stage director, especially Seiya, who feels that he is being personally tested. 10: Fighter’s Secret Identity! The Shocking Super Transformation
    In onda il: 1996-06-08 The Three Lights are rehearsing for their upcoming musical, which they will be starring in. But they seem to have a hard time winning the approval of the stage director, especially Seiya, who feels that he is being personally tested. In onda il: 1996-06-15 11: A Star of Dreams and Wishes! Taiki’s Transformation
    Ami invited Taiki to come and watch the Wataru's Comet pass by Earth with their science teacher, Amanogawa, only to be rejected. 11: A Star of Dreams and Wishes! Taiki’s Transformation
    In onda il: 1996-06-15 Ami invited Taiki to come and watch the Wataru's Comet pass by Earth with their science teacher, Amanogawa, only to be rejected. In onda il: 1996-06-22 12: Luna’s Discovery! The Real Face of Yaten
    Yaten temporarily adopts Luna. 12: Luna’s Discovery! The Real Face of Yaten
    In onda il: 1996-06-22 Yaten temporarily adopts Luna. In onda il: 1996-06-29 13: Friend or Foe? Star Lights and the Sailor Guardians
    Taiki asks Makoto to appear on a cooking show with him. Usagi decides to tag along, but her clumsiness creates a huge mess at the TV studio. 13: Friend or Foe? Star Lights and the Sailor Guardians
    In onda il: 1996-06-29 Taiki asks Makoto to appear on a cooking show with him. Usagi decides to tag along, but her clumsiness creates a huge mess at the TV studio. In onda il: 1996-07-13 14: Calling of the Shining Stars! Enter Haruka and Michiru
    Usagi and the girls try to buy tockets to a Three Lights concert, only to learn it is already sold out. Michiru then passes by and gives them the tickets, revealing that she will be performing with the Three Lights. 14: Calling of the Shining Stars! Enter Haruka and Michiru
    In onda il: 1996-07-13 Usagi and the girls try to buy tockets to a Three Lights concert, only to learn it is already sold out. Michiru then passes by and gives them the tickets, revealing that she will be performing with the Three Lights. In onda il: 1996-07-20 15: Seiya and Usagi’s Heart-Pounding Date
    Seiya asks Usagi on a date, to which she reluctantly agrees. Sailor Iron Mouse attempts to make up for her recent failures by going after Seiya's star seed. 15: Seiya and Usagi’s Heart-Pounding Date
    In onda il: 1996-07-20 Seiya asks Usagi on a date, to which she reluctantly agrees. Sailor Iron Mouse attempts to make up for her recent failures by going after Seiya's star seed. In onda il: 1996-08-03 16: Invaders from Outer Space! The Coming of Siren
    Usagi and Lina encounters a little girl who appears to be lost. The two later return home that day and are surprised to find the same girl now living in Usagi's house as her younger sister. 16: Invaders from Outer Space! The Coming of Siren
    In onda il: 1996-08-03 Usagi and Lina encounters a little girl who appears to be lost. The two later return home that day and are surprised to find the same girl now living in Usagi's house as her younger sister. In onda il: 1996-08-10 17: The Screaming Dead Terror of the Camp Monster
    Over the summer, the girls go camping in the mountains, where they run into the Three Lights, who are there shooting for an upcoming film. 17: The Screaming Dead Terror of the Camp Monster
    In onda il: 1996-08-10 Over the summer, the girls go camping in the mountains, where they run into the Three Lights, who are there shooting for an upcoming film. In onda il: 1996-08-17 18: A Night Alone Together! Usagi In Danger
    When Usagi is home alone, she invites Seiya over. The other Senshi and some surprise visitors show up as well! 18: A Night Alone Together! Usagi In Danger
    In onda il: 1996-08-17 When Usagi is home alone, she invites Seiya over. The other Senshi and some surprise visitors show up as well! In onda il: 1996-08-31 19: Taiki’s Song Filled With Passion and Faith
    Taiki begins to question if their activity as the Three Lights is really helping with their goal of finding their missing princess. His frustration continues to grow, to the point where he no longer feels like singing. 19: Taiki’s Song Filled With Passion and Faith
    In onda il: 1996-08-31 Taiki begins to question if their activity as the Three Lights is really helping with their goal of finding their missing princess. His frustration continues to grow, to the point where he no longer feels like singing. In onda il: 1996-09-07 20: Chibi-chibi’s Mystery! the Big Noisy Chase
    Lately, Chibi-Chibi has been coming home with a lot of snacks. Curious to know where she's been getting all the snacks from, Usagi and the girls decide to follow Chibi-Chibi around for the day. 20: Chibi-chibi’s Mystery! the Big Noisy Chase
    In onda il: 1996-09-07 Lately, Chibi-Chibi has been coming home with a lot of snacks. Curious to know where she's been getting all the snacks from, Usagi and the girls decide to follow Chibi-Chibi around for the day. In onda il: 1996-09-14 21: The Shining Power of a Star! Chibi-chibi’s Transformation
    Usagi finds herself teamed up with Seiya for the annual school softball tournament. To make matters worse, Isagi becomes a target of Seiya's fans, who think she is hitting on him. 21: The Shining Power of a Star! Chibi-chibi’s Transformation
    In onda il: 1996-09-14 Usagi finds herself teamed up with Seiya for the annual school softball tournament. To make matters worse, Isagi becomes a target of Seiya's fans, who think she is hitting on him. In onda il: 1996-09-21 22: Invitation to Terror! Usagi’s Night Flight
    Sailor Aluminum Siren learns that Usagi is Sailor Moon. Using this knowledge, she sets a trap on a plane where the Three Lights are holding an in-flight event in order to get Usagi's attention. 22: Invitation to Terror! Usagi’s Night Flight
    In onda il: 1996-09-21 Sailor Aluminum Siren learns that Usagi is Sailor Moon. Using this knowledge, she sets a trap on a plane where the Three Lights are holding an in-flight event in order to get Usagi's attention. In onda il: 1996-10-19 23: Duty or Friendship? Conflict Between the Sailor Guardians
    The Inner Senshi and the Starlights learn each others real identities, but distrust each other, Usagi and Seiya try to bring both groups together. 23: Duty or Friendship? Conflict Between the Sailor Guardians
    In onda il: 1996-10-19 The Inner Senshi and the Starlights learn each others real identities, but distrust each other, Usagi and Seiya try to bring both groups together. In onda il: 1996-10-26 24: Truth Revealed! the Star Lights’ Past
    Seiya and Usagi try to stay together after the Outer Senshi and the other two Starlights forbid them from seeing each other. 24: Truth Revealed! the Star Lights’ Past
    In onda il: 1996-10-26 Seiya and Usagi try to stay together after the Outer Senshi and the other two Starlights forbid them from seeing each other. In onda il: 1996-11-09 25: Butterflies of Light! a New Chapter on the Horizon
    Ami and the others try to clear up the misunderstanding the Three Lights have about Usagi but are unable to get in touch with them. As a last resort, the girls decide to enter a video game tournament where the winner gets a chance to speak with Taiki. 25: Butterflies of Light! a New Chapter on the Horizon
    In onda il: 1996-11-09 Ami and the others try to clear up the misunderstanding the Three Lights have about Usagi but are unable to get in touch with them. As a last resort, the girls decide to enter a video game tournament where the winner gets a chance to speak with Taiki. In onda il: 1996-11-16 26: Go for Your Dream! Minako Becomes an Idol
    Minako is close to realizing her lifelong dream of become an idol after making it to the final round of auditions in a talent-search contest. But Minako is now thinking of turning down the offer, as she cannot ignore her duty as a Sailor Guardian. 26: Go for Your Dream! Minako Becomes an Idol
    In onda il: 1996-11-16 Minako is close to realizing her lifelong dream of become an idol after making it to the final round of auditions in a talent-search contest. But Minako is now thinking of turning down the offer, as she cannot ignore her duty as a Sailor Guardian. In onda il: 1996-11-30 27: The Stolen Silver Crystal! Princess Kakyu Appears
    Usagi and her classmates are all busy preparing for the upcoming Juban School Festival. Meanwhile, Sailor Lead Crow finds a note left behind by her deceased friend Sailor Aluminum Siren that contains information on Sailor Moon's true identity. 27: The Stolen Silver Crystal! Princess Kakyu Appears
    In onda il: 1996-11-30 Usagi and her classmates are all busy preparing for the upcoming Juban School Festival. Meanwhile, Sailor Lead Crow finds a note left behind by her deceased friend Sailor Aluminum Siren that contains information on Sailor Moon's true identity. In onda il: 1996-12-07 28: Crusade for the Galaxy! Legend of The Sailor Wars
    Princess Kakyu, the missing princess whom the Star Lights have long been searching for, finally appears before the Sailor Guardians. Princess Kakyu explains that she has come to Earth in search of the Light of Hope. 28: Crusade for the Galaxy! Legend of The Sailor Wars
    In onda il: 1996-12-07 Princess Kakyu, the missing princess whom the Star Lights have long been searching for, finally appears before the Sailor Guardians. Princess Kakyu explains that she has come to Earth in search of the Light of Hope. In onda il: 1996-12-14 29: Princess Kakyu Perishes! Advent of Galaxia
    Usagi finally confesses to Rei that she has been unable to get in touch with Mamoru for the past several months. Meanwhile, the Three Lights publicly announce their intention to disband their group. 29: Princess Kakyu Perishes! Advent of Galaxia
    In onda il: 1996-12-14 Usagi finally confesses to Rei that she has been unable to get in touch with Mamoru for the past several months. Meanwhile, the Three Lights publicly announce their intention to disband their group. In onda il: 1997-01-11 30: Countdown to Destruction! the Sailor Guardians’ Last Battle
    Princess Kakyu perishes after being defeated by Galaxia. Devastated, the Sailor Star Lights go after Galaxia to avenge their fallen princess. Meanwhile, Sailor Moon and the rest of the Guardians also prepare for their battle to protect the galaxy. 30: Countdown to Destruction! the Sailor Guardians’ Last Battle
    In onda il: 1997-01-11 Princess Kakyu perishes after being defeated by Galaxia. Devastated, the Sailor Star Lights go after Galaxia to avenge their fallen princess. Meanwhile, Sailor Moon and the rest of the Guardians also prepare for their battle to protect the galaxy. In onda il: 1997-01-18 31: Ruler of the Galaxy! The Menace of Galaxia
    Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus lose their star seeds after shielding Sailor Moon and the Star Lights from Galaxia's attack. The four Outer Guardians entrust Sailor Moon to the Star Lights while they try to stop Galaxia. 31: Ruler of the Galaxy! The Menace of Galaxia
    In onda il: 1997-01-18 Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus lose their star seeds after shielding Sailor Moon and the Star Lights from Galaxia's attack. The four Outer Guardians entrust Sailor Moon to the Star Lights while they try to stop Galaxia. In onda il: 1997-01-25 32: Dying Stars! Uranus and Neptune’s Last Stand
    Uranus and Neptune have turned against the Sailor Guardians by swearing allegiance to Galaxia. Despite Sailor Moon's desperate plea, the two continue their attack, forcing Sailor Moon and the Star Lights to retreat. 32: Dying Stars! Uranus and Neptune’s Last Stand
    In onda il: 1997-01-25 Uranus and Neptune have turned against the Sailor Guardians by swearing allegiance to Galaxia. Despite Sailor Moon's desperate plea, the two continue their attack, forcing Sailor Moon and the Star Lights to retreat. In onda il: 1997-02-01 33: The Light of Hope! The Final Battle for the Galaxy
    Galaxia is revealed to be the Legendary Sailor Guardian who sealed away Chaos long ago. However, she has since become corrupt and has gone to conquer the galaxy herself. 33: The Light of Hope! The Final Battle for the Galaxy
    In onda il: 1997-02-01 Galaxia is revealed to be the Legendary Sailor Guardian who sealed away Chaos long ago. However, she has since become corrupt and has gone to conquer the galaxy herself. In onda il: 1997-02-08 34: Usagi’s Love! The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy
    As Galaxia closes in to take Sailor Moon's star seed, the Light of Hope finally reveals itself. Turning into a sword, the Light of Hope begs Usagi to use its power to stop Galaxia, who is now fully consumed by Chaos. 34: Usagi’s Love! The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy
    In onda il: 1997-02-08 As Galaxia closes in to take Sailor Moon's star seed, the Light of Hope finally reveals itself. Turning into a sword, the Light of Hope begs Usagi to use its power to stop Galaxia, who is now fully consumed by Chaos. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Sailor Moon SuperS [39/39] (1995) [4°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Sailor Moon
    Sailor Moon SuperS    Episodi 39        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Bunny è una ragazza che frequenta le scuole medie, che tramite una gatta parlante chiamata Luna scopre di essere Sailor Moon, la guerriera dell'amore e della giustizia, il cui compito è quello di rintracciare la principessa dell'antico regno lunare, Silver Millennium, e proteggere la terra dal Regno delle Tenebre. Nella sua missione Bunny verrà aiutata dalle amiche Amy, Rea, Morea e Marta, anch'esse guerriere Sailor, e dal misterioso Milord.
    Takuya Igarashi
    Series Director Kunihiko Ikuhara
    Series Director Kotono Mitsuishi
    Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (voice) Aya Hisakawa
    Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (voice) Michie Tomizawa
    Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (voice) Emi Shinohara
    Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice) Rica Fukami
    Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (voice) Toru Furuya
    Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Mask (voice) Keiko Han
    Luna (voice) Kae Araki
    Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon (voice) Yasuhiro Takato
    Artemis (voice) Episodi: 39 
    In onda il: 1995-03-04 1: Meeting of Destiny! The Night Pegasus Dances
    During a solar eclipse, a mysterious floating circus tent appears in the sky over Tokyo. Meanwhile, Chibiusa is fascinated by a Pegasus who appears to her in a dream. 1: Meeting of Destiny! The Night Pegasus Dances
    In onda il: 1995-03-04 During a solar eclipse, a mysterious floating circus tent appears in the sky over Tokyo. Meanwhile, Chibiusa is fascinated by a Pegasus who appears to her in a dream. In onda il: 1995-03-11 2: Super Transformation! Once Again Pegasus’s Power
    When Reika returns from Africa, Usagi becomes concerned that she and Motoki are having relationship problems. Meanwhile, Tiger's Eye selects Reika as a target. 2: Super Transformation! Once Again Pegasus’s Power
    In onda il: 1995-03-11 When Reika returns from Africa, Usagi becomes concerned that she and Motoki are having relationship problems. Meanwhile, Tiger's Eye selects Reika as a target. In onda il: 1995-03-18 3: Protect Mom’s Dream! Double Moon’s New Attack
    When Ikuko is attacked by Hawk's Eye, Sailor Moon must once again rely on the mysterious Pegasus for assistance. 3: Protect Mom’s Dream! Double Moon’s New Attack
    In onda il: 1995-03-18 When Ikuko is attacked by Hawk's Eye, Sailor Moon must once again rely on the mysterious Pegasus for assistance. In onda il: 1995-03-25 4: Catch Pegasus! The Amazon’s Trap
    When Hawk's Eye announces he has designed a system to trap Pegasus, Tiger's Eye approaches Naru with the intention of using her as bait. 4: Catch Pegasus! The Amazon’s Trap
    In onda il: 1995-03-25 When Hawk's Eye announces he has designed a system to trap Pegasus, Tiger's Eye approaches Naru with the intention of using her as bait. In onda il: 1995-04-15 5: The Perfect Couple! Usagi and Mamoru’s Love
    Chibiusa worries that Saori, a friend of Mamoru's from college, is romantically interested in him. 5: The Perfect Couple! Usagi and Mamoru’s Love
    In onda il: 1995-04-15 Chibiusa worries that Saori, a friend of Mamoru's from college, is romantically interested in him. In onda il: 1995-04-29 6: Artemis is Cheating?! Enter the Mysterious Kitten
    Rumors of Artemis' interest in other women spiral out of control after a small talking kitten appears, claiming that Artemis is her father. 6: Artemis is Cheating?! Enter the Mysterious Kitten
    In onda il: 1995-04-29 Rumors of Artemis' interest in other women spiral out of control after a small talking kitten appears, claiming that Artemis is her father. In onda il: 1995-05-13 7: Makoto’s Friendship! The Girl Who Admired Pegasus
    Usagi and Chibiusa are excited to discover that a best-selling book was written by an old friend of Makoto's. 7: Makoto’s Friendship! The Girl Who Admired Pegasus
    In onda il: 1995-05-13 Usagi and Chibiusa are excited to discover that a best-selling book was written by an old friend of Makoto's. In onda il: 1995-05-20 8: Connecting Hearts! Chibi-Usa and Pegasus
    Tiger's Eye targets Chibiusa's art teacher in the hopes of attacking Pegasus and finding his host. 8: Connecting Hearts! Chibi-Usa and Pegasus
    In onda il: 1995-05-20 Tiger's Eye targets Chibiusa's art teacher in the hopes of attacking Pegasus and finding his host. In onda il: 1995-05-27 9: Protect Mamoru! Ninja Usagi’s Jealousy
    Mamoru moves into the Hikawa Shrine after his apartment is wrecked, so Usagi assumes the guise of a ninja to protect his honor. 9: Protect Mamoru! Ninja Usagi’s Jealousy
    In onda il: 1995-05-27 Mamoru moves into the Hikawa Shrine after his apartment is wrecked, so Usagi assumes the guise of a ninja to protect his honor. In onda il: 1995-06-03 10: Forest of Illusion! A Beautiful Fairy’s Invitation
    Chibi-Usa befriends a young man, an artist fixated on the existence of fairies, who is targeted by Fish-eye. 10: Forest of Illusion! A Beautiful Fairy’s Invitation
    In onda il: 1995-06-03 Chibi-Usa befriends a young man, an artist fixated on the existence of fairies, who is targeted by Fish-eye. In onda il: 1995-06-10 11: Drive to the Heavens! The Dream Car Fueled with Love
    Ami befriends Mamoru's colleague Natsumi, a widow who is trying to restore a classic car. 11: Drive to the Heavens! The Dream Car Fueled with Love
    In onda il: 1995-06-10 Ami befriends Mamoru's colleague Natsumi, a widow who is trying to restore a classic car. In onda il: 1995-06-17 12: Aiming for the Top! The Pretty Swordswoman’s Dilemma
    A young girl with dreams of being the strongest swordsman in Japan is targeted by Tiger's Eye. 12: Aiming for the Top! The Pretty Swordswoman’s Dilemma
    In onda il: 1995-06-17 A young girl with dreams of being the strongest swordsman in Japan is targeted by Tiger's Eye. In onda il: 1995-07-01 13: We Love Fashion! The Stylish Guardians
    Fisheye targets the fashion designer Yoshiki Usui, while Usagi hopes to persuade the designer to make her a wedding dress for free. 13: We Love Fashion! The Stylish Guardians
    In onda il: 1995-07-01 Fisheye targets the fashion designer Yoshiki Usui, while Usagi hopes to persuade the designer to make her a wedding dress for free. In onda il: 1995-07-08 14: Storm of Lov!e Minako’s Grand Two-Timing Plan
    Usagi and the girls are shocked to find out that Minako is dating two boys at the same time, but little does anymore realize that her suitors are Tiger's Eye and Hawk's Eye. 14: Storm of Lov!e Minako’s Grand Two-Timing Plan
    In onda il: 1995-07-08 Usagi and the girls are shocked to find out that Minako is dating two boys at the same time, but little does anymore realize that her suitors are Tiger's Eye and Hawk's Eye. In onda il: 1995-07-15 15: The Secret Mansion! A Menu of Love for You
    The girls become interested in an apparently antisocial old woman after she takes Diana into her home. 15: The Secret Mansion! A Menu of Love for You
    In onda il: 1995-07-15 The girls become interested in an apparently antisocial old woman after she takes Diana into her home. In onda il: 1995-07-22 16: Believe in Pegasus! The Four Guardians’ Super Transformation
    Reports begin to flood in of a Pegasus wreaking havoc in the city. Meanwhile, a popular boy shows an interest in Chibiusa. 16: Believe in Pegasus! The Four Guardians’ Super Transformation
    In onda il: 1995-07-22 Reports begin to flood in of a Pegasus wreaking havoc in the city. Meanwhile, a popular boy shows an interest in Chibiusa. In onda il: 1995-08-12 17: Shining Summer Days! Ami Under the Sea-Breeze
    Shingo develops a crush on Ami during a trip to the beach, while Tiger's Eye plot to seduce her. 17: Shining Summer Days! Ami Under the Sea-Breeze
    In onda il: 1995-08-12 Shingo develops a crush on Ami during a trip to the beach, while Tiger's Eye plot to seduce her. In onda il: 1995-08-19 18: Become a Prima! Usagi’s Ballet
    Usagi begins ballet lesson in the hope of becoming a prima. Fisheye enrolls in the same class, and soon catches the eye of the instructor. 18: Become a Prima! Usagi’s Ballet
    In onda il: 1995-08-19 Usagi begins ballet lesson in the hope of becoming a prima. Fisheye enrolls in the same class, and soon catches the eye of the instructor. In onda il: 1995-08-26 19: Juban Holiday! The Carefree Princess
    Usagi and Chibiusa are befriended by a mysterious foreign woman who accompanies them to the Azabu-Juuban summer festival. Unbeknownst to them, their acquaintance is a visiting princess who is being pursed by both her government and Hawk's Eye. 19: Juban Holiday! The Carefree Princess
    In onda il: 1995-08-26 Usagi and Chibiusa are befriended by a mysterious foreign woman who accompanies them to the Azabu-Juuban summer festival. Unbeknownst to them, their acquaintance is a visiting princess who is being pursed by both her government and Hawk's Eye. In onda il: 1995-09-02 20: Destined Partners! Makoto’s Innocence
    Tiger's Eye plans to seduce the girls at a university dance party, while Makoto is immediately smitten with the charming stranger. 20: Destined Partners! Makoto’s Innocence
    In onda il: 1995-09-02 Tiger's Eye plans to seduce the girls at a university dance party, while Makoto is immediately smitten with the charming stranger. In onda il: 1995-09-23 21: Shadow of Evil! The Trio’s Last Chance
    While Fisheye targets Mamoru, Queen Nehellenia appears before the Amazon Trio and warns them that without the Golden Crystal, they will soon revert to their animal forms. 21: Shadow of Evil! The Trio’s Last Chance
    In onda il: 1995-09-23 While Fisheye targets Mamoru, Queen Nehellenia appears before the Amazon Trio and warns them that without the Golden Crystal, they will soon revert to their animal forms. In onda il: 1995-10-21 22: Mirrors of Dreams! the Amazon’s Last Stage
    Fisheye discovers Chibiusa communicating with Pegasus, but refuses to cooperate with Zirconia's plans. As Hawk's Eye pursues Usagi for her Dream Mirror, Zirconia decides that the Amazon Trio have outlived their usefulness. 22: Mirrors of Dreams! the Amazon’s Last Stage
    In onda il: 1995-10-21 Fisheye discovers Chibiusa communicating with Pegasus, but refuses to cooperate with Zirconia's plans. As Hawk's Eye pursues Usagi for her Dream Mirror, Zirconia decides that the Amazon Trio have outlived their usefulness. In onda il: 1995-10-28 23: The Amazoness! Nightmare From Behind the Mirrors
    Zirconia sends the Amazoness Quartet in search of the Golden Mirror, and their first target is Chibiusa's friend Momoko. 23: The Amazoness! Nightmare From Behind the Mirrors
    In onda il: 1995-10-28 Zirconia sends the Amazoness Quartet in search of the Golden Mirror, and their first target is Chibiusa's friend Momoko. In onda il: 1995-11-04 24: True Power Explodes! Ami’s Melody of the Heart
    Ami becomes obsessed with a tune she found on the internet, and writes lyrics to it. Meanwhile, VesVes of the Amazoness Quartet targets the tune's composer. 24: True Power Explodes! Ami’s Melody of the Heart
    In onda il: 1995-11-04 Ami becomes obsessed with a tune she found on the internet, and writes lyrics to it. Meanwhile, VesVes of the Amazoness Quartet targets the tune's composer. In onda il: 1995-11-11 25: Flames of Passion! Mars’s Raging Super Attack
    Rei becomes a celebrity after being featured in a magazine article, and gains a dedicated young fan called Nanako. 25: Flames of Passion! Mars’s Raging Super Attack
    In onda il: 1995-11-11 Rei becomes a celebrity after being featured in a magazine article, and gains a dedicated young fan called Nanako. In onda il: 1995-11-18 26: Dentist of Horrors? Palla-Palla’s House
    When Usagi and ChibiUsa need to go to dentist, they try a new office which has opened in the neighborhood, but is it a trap? 26: Dentist of Horrors? Palla-Palla’s House
    In onda il: 1995-11-18 When Usagi and ChibiUsa need to go to dentist, they try a new office which has opened in the neighborhood, but is it a trap? In onda il: 1995-11-25 27: Clash of Dreams! Minako and Makoto’s Broken Friendship
    Makoto and Minako both fall for an attractive kindergarten teacher, but Minako's all-out attempts to ingratiate herself with him soon annoyed to Makoto. 27: Clash of Dreams! Minako and Makoto’s Broken Friendship
    In onda il: 1995-11-25 Makoto and Minako both fall for an attractive kindergarten teacher, but Minako's all-out attempts to ingratiate herself with him soon annoyed to Makoto. In onda il: 1995-12-02 28: Overcome Your Fear! the Jump to Freedom
    On the eve of his school's athletic meet, Kyuusuke worries about the box horse, the one obstacle he is unable to clear. JunJun approaches him with the intention of taking his Dream Mirror, and offers to be his coach. 28: Overcome Your Fear! the Jump to Freedom
    In onda il: 1995-12-02 On the eve of his school's athletic meet, Kyuusuke worries about the box horse, the one obstacle he is unable to clear. JunJun approaches him with the intention of taking his Dream Mirror, and offers to be his coach. In onda il: 1995-12-09 29: Don’t Lose Sight of Your Dreams! The Mirror of Truth
    Usagi and Chibiusa befriend Kamoi, a starving young artist, who is later targeted by CereCere. 29: Don’t Lose Sight of Your Dreams! The Mirror of Truth
    In onda il: 1995-12-09 Usagi and Chibiusa befriend Kamoi, a starving young artist, who is later targeted by CereCere. In onda il: 1995-12-16 30: Pegasus Disappears! Wavering Friendship
    While VesVes targets an eccentric acquaintance of Chibiusa's who is trying to make a flying machine, Chibiusa worries that Pegasus does not trust her. 30: Pegasus Disappears! Wavering Friendship
    In onda il: 1995-12-16 While VesVes targets an eccentric acquaintance of Chibiusa's who is trying to make a flying machine, Chibiusa worries that Pegasus does not trust her. In onda il: 1995-12-23 31: Pegasus’s Secret: The Boy Who Protects the Dream World
    PallaPalla's magic causes Usagi and Chibiusa to switch ages, turning Usagi into a child and Chibiusa into a teenager. While Chibiusa is thrilled with her new body, she is distressed to discover that she can no longer call Pegasus. 31: Pegasus’s Secret: The Boy Who Protects the Dream World
    In onda il: 1995-12-23 PallaPalla's magic causes Usagi and Chibiusa to switch ages, turning Usagi into a child and Chibiusa into a teenager. While Chibiusa is thrilled with her new body, she is distressed to discover that she can no longer call Pegasus. In onda il: 1996-01-13 32: Chibi-Usa’s Little Rhapsody of Love
    As Chibiusa becomes even more enamoured of Helios, Usagi and her friends realise that she is in love, and are determined to discover the identity of her crush. 32: Chibi-Usa’s Little Rhapsody of Love
    In onda il: 1996-01-13 As Chibiusa becomes even more enamoured of Helios, Usagi and her friends realise that she is in love, and are determined to discover the identity of her crush. In onda il: 1996-01-20 33: Dream to be an Adult! The Amazoness’ Confusion
    Usagi and her friends, along with the Amazoness Quartet, assist in the organization of a coming-of-age ceremony. 33: Dream to be an Adult! The Amazoness’ Confusion
    In onda il: 1996-01-20 Usagi and her friends, along with the Amazoness Quartet, assist in the organization of a coming-of-age ceremony. In onda il: 1996-01-27 34: Terror in Motion! The Dark Queen’s Evil Hand
    Intent on escaping her mirror, Queen Nehellenia causes spider webs to appear all over the city, casting it into darkness. 34: Terror in Motion! The Dark Queen’s Evil Hand
    In onda il: 1996-01-27 Intent on escaping her mirror, Queen Nehellenia causes spider webs to appear all over the city, casting it into darkness. In onda il: 1996-02-03 35: The Source of Darkness: Dead Moon Circus
    The Sailor Team infiltrate the Dead Moon Circus and are confronted by Zirconia. 35: The Source of Darkness: Dead Moon Circus
    In onda il: 1996-02-03 The Sailor Team infiltrate the Dead Moon Circus and are confronted by Zirconia. In onda il: 1996-02-10 36: Labyrinth of Mirrors! Chibi Moon Captured
    After being captured by Queen Nehellenia, Sailor Chibi Moon confronts the evil queen. 36: Labyrinth of Mirrors! Chibi Moon Captured
    In onda il: 1996-02-10 After being captured by Queen Nehellenia, Sailor Chibi Moon confronts the evil queen. In onda il: 1996-02-17 37: The Golden Crystal Appears: Nehellenia's Magic
    Queen Nehellenia forces Helios to return to his body and give up the Golden Crystal, allowing the evil queen to break free from her mirror. 37: The Golden Crystal Appears: Nehellenia's Magic
    In onda il: 1996-02-17 Queen Nehellenia forces Helios to return to his body and give up the Golden Crystal, allowing the evil queen to break free from her mirror. In onda il: 1996-02-24 38: When the Crystal Shines! The Beautiful Power of Dreams
    Queen Nehellenia, free from her mirror at last, prepares to use the power of the Golden Crystal. 38: When the Crystal Shines! The Beautiful Power of Dreams
    In onda il: 1996-02-24 Queen Nehellenia, free from her mirror at last, prepares to use the power of the Golden Crystal. In onda il: 1996-03-02 39: Dreams Forever! Fill the Heavens with Light
    Queen Nehellenia makes a desperate last stand as the Golden Crystal destroys the Dead Moon Circus. 39: Dreams Forever! Fill the Heavens with Light
    In onda il: 1996-03-02 Queen Nehellenia makes a desperate last stand as the Golden Crystal destroys the Dead Moon Circus. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. Sailor Moon S [38/38] (1994) [3°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Sailor Moon
    Sailor Moon S    Episodi 38        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Bunny è una ragazza che frequenta le scuole medie, che tramite una gatta parlante chiamata Luna scopre di essere Sailor Moon, la guerriera dell'amore e della giustizia, il cui compito è quello di rintracciare la principessa dell'antico regno lunare, Silver Millennium, e proteggere la terra dal Regno delle Tenebre. Nella sua missione Bunny verrà aiutata dalle amiche Amy, Rea, Morea e Marta, anch'esse guerriere Sailor, e dal misterioso Milord.
    Takuya Igarashi
    Series Director Kunihiko Ikuhara
    Series Director Kotono Mitsuishi
    Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (voice) Aya Hisakawa
    Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (voice) Michie Tomizawa
    Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (voice) Emi Shinohara
    Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice) Rica Fukami
    Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (voice) Toru Furuya
    Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Mask (voice) Keiko Han
    Luna (voice) Kae Araki
    Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon (voice) Yasuhiro Takato
    Artemis (voice) Episodi: 38 
    In onda il: 1994-03-19 1: Premonition of the Apocalypse? The Mysterious New Guardians Appear
    After she experiences apocalyptic visions, Rei is attacked by an extremely powerful monster that Sailor Moon cannot fight. 1: Premonition of the Apocalypse? The Mysterious New Guardians Appear
    In onda il: 1994-03-19 After she experiences apocalyptic visions, Rei is attacked by an extremely powerful monster that Sailor Moon cannot fight. In onda il: 1994-03-26 2: The Rod of Love is Born! Usagi’s New Transformation
    A young girl is attacked by a Daimon, but Usagi is no longer able to transform into Sailor Moon, and the overpowered Sailor Team must one again rely on the mysterious new Sailor Senshi. 2: The Rod of Love is Born! Usagi’s New Transformation
    In onda il: 1994-03-26 A young girl is attacked by a Daimon, but Usagi is no longer able to transform into Sailor Moon, and the overpowered Sailor Team must one again rely on the mysterious new Sailor Senshi. In onda il: 1994-04-16 3: A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh’s Secret
    Usagi and Minako become besotted with Haruka Tenou, an attractive and sophisticated boy...or so they believe. 3: A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh’s Secret
    In onda il: 1994-04-16 Usagi and Minako become besotted with Haruka Tenou, an attractive and sophisticated boy...or so they believe. In onda il: 1994-04-23 4: Usagi’s Idol! The Graceful Genius Michiru
    Concerned that she is not intelligent enough for the sophisticated Mamoru, Usagi seeks advice from Michiru. 4: Usagi’s Idol! The Graceful Genius Michiru
    In onda il: 1994-04-23 Concerned that she is not intelligent enough for the sophisticated Mamoru, Usagi seeks advice from Michiru. In onda il: 1994-04-30 5: Protect the Pure Heart! The Three-Way Battle
    Usagi's friend, Unazuki, is attacked by a Daimon and has her Pure Heart Crystal. After the crystal is dropped, Sailor Moon must race to find it and save Unazuki. 5: Protect the Pure Heart! The Three-Way Battle
    In onda il: 1994-04-30 Usagi's friend, Unazuki, is attacked by a Daimon and has her Pure Heart Crystal. After the crystal is dropped, Sailor Moon must race to find it and save Unazuki. In onda il: 1994-05-07 6: Let Moon Help with Your Love Problems
    Naru and Umino enter an Affection Contest in order to prove their love for each other, but find themselves targeted by a Daimon. 6: Let Moon Help with Your Love Problems
    In onda il: 1994-05-07 Naru and Umino enter an Affection Contest in order to prove their love for each other, but find themselves targeted by a Daimon. In onda il: 1994-05-14 7: Coldhearted Uranus? Makoto in Danger
    Makoto is targeted by a Daimon, but manages to evade it. Haruka befriends Makoto in order to get close to her and her pure heart crystal. 7: Coldhearted Uranus? Makoto in Danger
    In onda il: 1994-05-14 Makoto is targeted by a Daimon, but manages to evade it. Haruka befriends Makoto in order to get close to her and her pure heart crystal. In onda il: 1994-05-21 8: The Labyrinth of Water! Ami Targeted
    Ami's desire to avoid competition leads to her offending Michiru during a swimming race. Meanwhile, a Daimon selects Ami as her target. 8: The Labyrinth of Water! Ami Targeted
    In onda il: 1994-05-21 Ami's desire to avoid competition leads to her offending Michiru during a swimming race. Meanwhile, a Daimon selects Ami as her target. In onda il: 1994-05-28 9: To Save Our Friends! Moon and Uranus Join Forces
    After Sailor Neptune is captured and possibly killed by Kaolinite, Sailor Moon and Sailor Uranus find themselves shackled together and are forced to reassess their attitudes toward each tower. 9: To Save Our Friends! Moon and Uranus Join Forces
    In onda il: 1994-05-28 After Sailor Neptune is captured and possibly killed by Kaolinite, Sailor Moon and Sailor Uranus find themselves shackled together and are forced to reassess their attitudes toward each tower. In onda il: 1994-06-18 10: A Man’s Kindness! Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei?
    Worried by Rei's increasingly intensive meditation, Yuuichirou becomes concerned that she has fallen for another man. When he sees her with Haruka, he is convinced that she is Rei's new suitor. 10: A Man’s Kindness! Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei?
    In onda il: 1994-06-18 Worried by Rei's increasingly intensive meditation, Yuuichirou becomes concerned that she has fallen for another man. When he sees her with Haruka, he is convinced that she is Rei's new suitor. In onda il: 1994-05-25 11: I Want to Quit Being a Sailor Guardian! Minako’s Dilemma
    inako becomes despondent about her life as a Sailor Venus. Meanwhile, an old friend of hers is attacked by Daimon. 11: I Want to Quit Being a Sailor Guardian! Minako’s Dilemma
    In onda il: 1994-05-25 inako becomes despondent about her life as a Sailor Venus. Meanwhile, an old friend of hers is attacked by Daimon. In onda il: 1994-07-02 12: Usagi in Tears! A Glass Slipper for My Birthday
    Usagi is mad at Mamoru for not knowing its her birthday, but feels guilty because she realizes she never told him when it was. For her birthday, Mamo gets her glass slippers, but the Heart Daimon egg is inside. 12: Usagi in Tears! A Glass Slipper for My Birthday
    In onda il: 1994-07-02 Usagi is mad at Mamoru for not knowing its her birthday, but feels guilty because she realizes she never told him when it was. For her birthday, Mamo gets her glass slippers, but the Heart Daimon egg is inside. In onda il: 1994-07-16 13: The Stolen Pure Heart! Usagi’s Crisis
    Sailor Moon's heart crystal was almost stolen. Neptune and Uranus restore it, and the senshi know they are Michiru and Haruka. A battle with Kaori, causes her to fall down to her death and well, she dies. 13: The Stolen Pure Heart! Usagi’s Crisis
    In onda il: 1994-07-16 Sailor Moon's heart crystal was almost stolen. Neptune and Uranus restore it, and the senshi know they are Michiru and Haruka. A battle with Kaori, causes her to fall down to her death and well, she dies. In onda il: 1994-08-06 14: The Arrival of a Small Pretty Guardian
    Chibiusa comes to town during a carnival, where all the senshi are working. A singer for the carnival in Eugeal's target, and she is attacked...and all the senshi, including Chibiusa as Chibi Moon, fight to save her heart. 14: The Arrival of a Small Pretty Guardian
    In onda il: 1994-08-06 Chibiusa comes to town during a carnival, where all the senshi are working. A singer for the carnival in Eugeal's target, and she is attacked...and all the senshi, including Chibiusa as Chibi Moon, fight to save her heart. In onda il: 1994-07-20 15: Making New Friends! Chibi Moon’s Adventure
    Lonely Chibiusa looks for friends, and when she finds's a target, so they must help to save his heart. 15: Making New Friends! Chibi Moon’s Adventure
    In onda il: 1994-07-20 Lonely Chibiusa looks for friends, and when she finds's a target, so they must help to save his heart. In onda il: 1994-08-27 16: I Want Power! Mako Lost in Doubt
    Makoto loses a fight, and decides to go to a training place with one of the smartest and most courageous trainers of all time, and the girls follow. The master happens to be a target, and they must save his heart as soon as they can, but Jupiter is especially on the job. 16: I Want Power! Mako Lost in Doubt
    In onda il: 1994-08-27 Makoto loses a fight, and decides to go to a training place with one of the smartest and most courageous trainers of all time, and the girls follow. The master happens to be a target, and they must save his heart as soon as they can, but Jupiter is especially on the job. In onda il: 1994-09-03 17: The Bond of Destiny! Uranus’s Distant Past
    Haruka thinks about old times, while Usagi and the inners explore their soon-to-be high school, where they meet Haruka's old racing friend, Elsa Gray...who is a target. Uranus and Neptune, along with the inners, fight to save her heart against the daimon, and her heart is not pure, so it is restored. 17: The Bond of Destiny! Uranus’s Distant Past
    In onda il: 1994-09-03 Haruka thinks about old times, while Usagi and the inners explore their soon-to-be high school, where they meet Haruka's old racing friend, Elsa Gray...who is a target. Uranus and Neptune, along with the inners, fight to save her heart against the daimon, and her heart is not pure, so it is restored. In onda il: 1994-09-10 18: Art Is an Explosion of Love!Chibi-Usa’s First Love
    Chibiusa develops a crush on Masanori, the young sculptor in her art class. However, Masanori seems more interested in Michiru. 18: Art Is an Explosion of Love!Chibi-Usa’s First Love
    In onda il: 1994-09-10 Chibiusa develops a crush on Masanori, the young sculptor in her art class. However, Masanori seems more interested in Michiru. In onda il: 1994-09-17 19: Usagi Dancing to the Waltz
    Usagi and her friends are invited to a party for foreign university students, but her enthusiasm is tempered by the knowledge that most of the conversation will be in English. 19: Usagi Dancing to the Waltz
    In onda il: 1994-09-17 Usagi and her friends are invited to a party for foreign university students, but her enthusiasm is tempered by the knowledge that most of the conversation will be in English. In onda il: 1994-09-24 20: The Shocking Moment! Everyone’s Identities Revealed
    Minako realizes that she is the only one of the Sailor Team not to have been targeted for her Pure Heart Crystal, and takes increasingly absurd measures to prove her purity. 20: The Shocking Moment! Everyone’s Identities Revealed
    In onda il: 1994-09-24 Minako realizes that she is the only one of the Sailor Team not to have been targeted for her Pure Heart Crystal, and takes increasingly absurd measures to prove her purity. In onda il: 1994-10-15 21: The Death of Uranus and Neptune: The Talismans Appear
    The time has come! Eugeal wants a fight with Neptune and Uranus, and they will sacrifice even each other to get the talismans. But then they learn that they, and Pluto, hold the talismans. Neptune's Mirror, Uranus' Sword and Pluto's Garnet Orb. 21: The Death of Uranus and Neptune: The Talismans Appear
    In onda il: 1994-10-15 The time has come! Eugeal wants a fight with Neptune and Uranus, and they will sacrifice even each other to get the talismans. But then they learn that they, and Pluto, hold the talismans. Neptune's Mirror, Uranus' Sword and Pluto's Garnet Orb. In onda il: 1994-10-22 22: The Holy Grail’s Mystical Power! Moon’s Double Transformation
    Sailor Pluto appears and reawakens Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, and the three talismans resonate with each other (The third being Pluto's Garnet Orb). The Holy Grail appears, and Sailor Moon drives Eudial out. Mimete kills Eudial by sabotaging her car. 22: The Holy Grail’s Mystical Power! Moon’s Double Transformation
    In onda il: 1994-10-22 Sailor Pluto appears and reawakens Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, and the three talismans resonate with each other (The third being Pluto's Garnet Orb). The Holy Grail appears, and Sailor Moon drives Eudial out. Mimete kills Eudial by sabotaging her car. In onda il: 1994-11-05 23: Who Is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness
    Chibi-Usa meets up with Hotaru Tomoe, who has quite a darkside. 23: Who Is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness
    In onda il: 1994-11-05 Chibi-Usa meets up with Hotaru Tomoe, who has quite a darkside. In onda il: 1994-11-12 24: A House Filled with Evil Presence: The Beautiful Hotaru’s Secret
    Usagi discovers that Kaori is alive and posing as Tomoe maid. Does Hotaru have anything to do with the messiah? 24: A House Filled with Evil Presence: The Beautiful Hotaru’s Secret
    In onda il: 1994-11-12 Usagi discovers that Kaori is alive and posing as Tomoe maid. Does Hotaru have anything to do with the messiah? In onda il: 1994-11-19 25: I Love Idols! Mimete’s Dilemma
    Mimet is a fan of idols. Will this affect her abilities as a Death Buster? 25: I Love Idols! Mimete’s Dilemma
    In onda il: 1994-11-19 Mimet is a fan of idols. Will this affect her abilities as a Death Buster? In onda il: 1994-11-26 26: Shadow of Silence?! The Pale Glimmer of a Firefly
    Hotaru over-exerts herself and is taken to hospital, while Mimete targets a television actor for his Pure Heart Crystal. 26: Shadow of Silence?! The Pale Glimmer of a Firefly
    In onda il: 1994-11-26 Hotaru over-exerts herself and is taken to hospital, while Mimete targets a television actor for his Pure Heart Crystal. In onda il: 1994-12-03 27: Sunny Skies After a Storm! A Friendship Dedicated to Hotaru
    Chibiusa invites Hotaru on a picnic at a local botanical garden, not realizing that the resident botanist is the next target of the Death Busters. 27: Sunny Skies After a Storm! A Friendship Dedicated to Hotaru
    In onda il: 1994-12-03 Chibiusa invites Hotaru on a picnic at a local botanical garden, not realizing that the resident botanist is the next target of the Death Busters. In onda il: 1994-12-10 28: Higher and Stronger! A Cheer from Usagi
    Everyone begins to learn more about the outer soliders through Mamoru's story. 28: Higher and Stronger! A Cheer from Usagi
    In onda il: 1994-12-10 Everyone begins to learn more about the outer soliders through Mamoru's story. In onda il: 1994-12-17 29: The Battle Inside the Demonic Space: The Sailor Guardians' Gamble
    When Mimete decides to help in the production of a Daimon, she accidentally creates an anomaly that fractures the dimensions inside the Tomoe residence, trapping Chibiusa and Hotaru. 29: The Battle Inside the Demonic Space: The Sailor Guardians' Gamble
    In onda il: 1994-12-17 When Mimete decides to help in the production of a Daimon, she accidentally creates an anomaly that fractures the dimensions inside the Tomoe residence, trapping Chibiusa and Hotaru. In onda il: 1994-12-24 30: The Messiah of Silence Awakens! Stars of Destiny
    Chibiusa invites Hotaru to a show at the planetarium, while Mimete plans to steal the Pure Heart Crystal of the DJ Thomas Harris. 30: The Messiah of Silence Awakens! Stars of Destiny
    In onda il: 1994-12-24 Chibiusa invites Hotaru to a show at the planetarium, while Mimete plans to steal the Pure Heart Crystal of the DJ Thomas Harris. In onda il: 1995-01-07 31: An Invasion from Another Dimension! Mystery of Mugen Academy
    After Hotaru and her father disappear from their house, the Sailor Senshi infiltrate Mugen Academy, suspicious that it is connected to the Death Busters. 31: An Invasion from Another Dimension! Mystery of Mugen Academy
    In onda il: 1995-01-07 After Hotaru and her father disappear from their house, the Sailor Senshi infiltrate Mugen Academy, suspicious that it is connected to the Death Busters. In onda il: 1995-01-14 32: A Bewitching Flower That Steals Hearts! Tellu, the Third Witch
    Tellu opens a store selling Telluns, plants designed to remove Pure Heart Crystals. Meanwhile, Hotaru wakes up, confused, in the Messiah of Silence's chamber. 32: A Bewitching Flower That Steals Hearts! Tellu, the Third Witch
    In onda il: 1995-01-14 Tellu opens a store selling Telluns, plants designed to remove Pure Heart Crystals. Meanwhile, Hotaru wakes up, confused, in the Messiah of Silence's chamber. In onda il: 1995-01-21 33: Believe in Love: Ami, the Kindhearted Guardian
    With the latest round of national Patrice exams being held at Mugen Academy, the Sailor Team infiltrate the school and Ami encounters her academic rival, Yui Bidou. 33: Believe in Love: Ami, the Kindhearted Guardian
    In onda il: 1995-01-21 With the latest round of national Patrice exams being held at Mugen Academy, the Sailor Team infiltrate the school and Ami encounters her academic rival, Yui Bidou. In onda il: 1995-01-28 34: Shadow of Destruction: The Messiah of Silence Awakens
    Cyprine, the last of the Witches 5, summons Mugen Academy's students in order to remove their Pure Heart Crystal, while Kaolinite targets Chibiusa. 34: Shadow of Destruction: The Messiah of Silence Awakens
    In onda il: 1995-01-28 Cyprine, the last of the Witches 5, summons Mugen Academy's students in order to remove their Pure Heart Crystal, while Kaolinite targets Chibiusa. In onda il: 1995-02-04 35: The Coming Terror of Darkness! Struggle of the Eight Guardians
    The Sailor Senshi approach Mugen Academy in order to save Chibiusa and defeat the Death Busters, while Mistress 9 plans to steal the Holy Grail from Sailor Moon. 35: The Coming Terror of Darkness! Struggle of the Eight Guardians
    In onda il: 1995-02-04 The Sailor Senshi approach Mugen Academy in order to save Chibiusa and defeat the Death Busters, while Mistress 9 plans to steal the Holy Grail from Sailor Moon. In onda il: 1995-02-11 36: The Shining Shooting Star! Saturn and the Messiah
    Mistress 9 steals the Holy Grail, allowing Pharaoh 90 to pass through the portal to Earth. The fate of the world rests in the hands of the Senshi of Ruin, Sailor Saturn. 36: The Shining Shooting Star! Saturn and the Messiah
    In onda il: 1995-02-11 Mistress 9 steals the Holy Grail, allowing Pharaoh 90 to pass through the portal to Earth. The fate of the world rests in the hands of the Senshi of Ruin, Sailor Saturn. In onda il: 1995-02-18 37: A New Life! Parting of the Stars of Destiny
    The Death Busters have been defeated, but Hotaru is reduced to infancy and Sailor Pluto's whereabouts are still unknown. Meanwhile, Haruka and Michiru have one last mission before they leave Azabu-Juban. 37: A New Life! Parting of the Stars of Destiny
    In onda il: 1995-02-18 The Death Busters have been defeated, but Hotaru is reduced to infancy and Sailor Pluto's whereabouts are still unknown. Meanwhile, Haruka and Michiru have one last mission before they leave Azabu-Juban. In onda il: 1995-02-25 38: A Guardian’s Realization: Strength Lies Within a Pure Heart
    A final Daimon emerges from the rubble of Mugen Academy and begins to steal pure hearts. Chibiusa leaves for the future, and comes back just in time to help destroy the Daimon. 38: A Guardian’s Realization: Strength Lies Within a Pure Heart
    In onda il: 1995-02-25 A final Daimon emerges from the rubble of Mugen Academy and begins to steal pure hearts. Chibiusa leaves for the future, and comes back just in time to help destroy the Daimon. Nessun Trailer disponibile
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