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  1. City Hunter [13/13] (1987-1991)[4°Serie] ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer City Hunter
    Stagione 4    Episodi 13        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Ryo Saeba è un investigatore privato, dotato di mira infallibile con la pistola, che combatte quotidianamente il crimine a Tokyo; per contattarlo i suoi clienti, spesso bellissime donne (suo unico tallone d'Achille), devono semplicemente scrivere un messaggio sulla bacheca della stazione di Shinjuku, indirizzandolo a XYZ. Accompagnato dalla sua assistente, l'irascibile Kaori Makimura, Ryo si troverà costantemente a dover affrontare pericolosi criminali, in un mix di azione e comicità.
    Kenji Kodama
    Series Director Mutsumi Inomata
    Animation Director Akira Kamiya
    Ryo Saeba (voice) Kazue Ikura
    Kaori Makimura (voice) Mami Koyama
    Miki (voice) Tessyo Genda
    Umibouzu (voice) Yoko Asagami
    Saeko Nogami (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 1991-04-28 1: Intrigo aereo
    Un piccolo aereo si schianta nell'appartamento di Ryo e Kaori, distruggendolo, ma miracolosamente la pilota, una giovane ragazza di nome Shoko Amano, ne esce illesa. Ryo scopre che in realtà l'aereo era stato manomesso poiché utilizzato, ad insaputa di Shoko, per trasportare droga che veniva nascosta nell'imbottitura dei sedili, decidendo quindi di aiutare la ragazza che evidentemente qualcuno vuole morta. 1: Intrigo aereo
    In onda il: 1991-04-28 Un piccolo aereo si schianta nell'appartamento di Ryo e Kaori, distruggendolo, ma miracolosamente la pilota, una giovane ragazza di nome Shoko Amano, ne esce illesa. Ryo scopre che in realtà l'aereo era stato manomesso poiché utilizzato, ad insaputa di Shoko, per trasportare droga che veniva nascosta nell'imbottitura dei sedili, decidendo quindi di aiutare la ragazza che evidentemente qualcuno vuole morta. In onda il: 1991-05-05 2: Addio Kaori
    L'agente Kuwata sta per essere trasferito all'Interpol a Parigi, ma prima di partire vuole arrestare City Hunter, convinto che sia solo un assassino che si spaccia per giustiziere. Tramite le sue azioni, Ryo dovrà convincerlo di non essere affatto un criminale e che le sue intenzioni sono sincere. 2: Addio Kaori
    In onda il: 1991-05-05 L'agente Kuwata sta per essere trasferito all'Interpol a Parigi, ma prima di partire vuole arrestare City Hunter, convinto che sia solo un assassino che si spaccia per giustiziere. Tramite le sue azioni, Ryo dovrà convincerlo di non essere affatto un criminale e che le sue intenzioni sono sincere. In onda il: 1991-05-12 3: Complotto regale
    Ryo viene assunto come guardia del corpo di Yuki, una stuntwoman che non ricorda nulla del suo passato e che ogni tanto cade inspiegabilmente in trance adottando comportamenti suicidari. La ragazza è in realtà la principessa scomparsa dell'immaginario regno di Alinamia che a breve sarebbe dovuta salire al trono, ma qualcuno vuole eliminarla. 3: Complotto regale
    In onda il: 1991-05-12 Ryo viene assunto come guardia del corpo di Yuki, una stuntwoman che non ricorda nulla del suo passato e che ogni tanto cade inspiegabilmente in trance adottando comportamenti suicidari. La ragazza è in realtà la principessa scomparsa dell'immaginario regno di Alinamia che a breve sarebbe dovuta salire al trono, ma qualcuno vuole eliminarla. In onda il: 1991-05-26 4: Un incarico particolare
    Mentre passeggia, Ryo viene accusato ingiustamente di aver rubato biancheria intima femminile ed è costretto a scappare, quando viene fatto salire su una Nissan Skyline rossa alla cui guida c'è Miyuki, una bellissima ragazza che di professione aiuta i malviventi a fuggire su compenso e con la fissa per il denaro. Dopo la fuga, Ryo si rende conto che la giovane è continuamente vittima di attentati e si offre di proteggerla. 4: Un incarico particolare
    In onda il: 1991-05-26 Mentre passeggia, Ryo viene accusato ingiustamente di aver rubato biancheria intima femminile ed è costretto a scappare, quando viene fatto salire su una Nissan Skyline rossa alla cui guida c'è Miyuki, una bellissima ragazza che di professione aiuta i malviventi a fuggire su compenso e con la fissa per il denaro. Dopo la fuga, Ryo si rende conto che la giovane è continuamente vittima di attentati e si offre di proteggerla. In onda il: 1991-06-16 5: Storia di un fantasma (prima parte)
    Lo spirito di una ragazza di nome Ami Asaka ingaggia Ryo chiedendogli di catturare l'uomo che l'ha uccisa nonché di vigilare sulla sorella gemella Mami, studentessa di pianoforte. Inizialmente Ryo si rifiuta di credere di essere stato assunto da un fantasma, ma presto dovrà ricredersi: Ami, infatti, si impossessa del corpo della sorella ogni volta che intende comunicare con lui. Ryo accetta perciò l'incarico spacciandosi per il fidanzato di Ami. 5: Storia di un fantasma (prima parte)
    In onda il: 1991-06-16 Lo spirito di una ragazza di nome Ami Asaka ingaggia Ryo chiedendogli di catturare l'uomo che l'ha uccisa nonché di vigilare sulla sorella gemella Mami, studentessa di pianoforte. Inizialmente Ryo si rifiuta di credere di essere stato assunto da un fantasma, ma presto dovrà ricredersi: Ami, infatti, si impossessa del corpo della sorella ogni volta che intende comunicare con lui. Ryo accetta perciò l'incarico spacciandosi per il fidanzato di Ami. In onda il: 1991-06-30 6: Storia di un fantasma (seconda parte)
    Al conservatorio, l'uomo si rifà vivo per uccidere anche Mami, ma Ryo la salva sistemando lo psicopatico una volta per tutte. Ami vorrebbe però ascoltare l'audizione della sorella un'ultima volta prima di partire definitivamente per l'aldilà. Kaori decide di prestarle il suo corpo, cosicché le due gemelle possano dirsi addio. 6: Storia di un fantasma (seconda parte)
    In onda il: 1991-06-30 Al conservatorio, l'uomo si rifà vivo per uccidere anche Mami, ma Ryo la salva sistemando lo psicopatico una volta per tutte. Ami vorrebbe però ascoltare l'audizione della sorella un'ultima volta prima di partire definitivamente per l'aldilà. Kaori decide di prestarle il suo corpo, cosicché le due gemelle possano dirsi addio. In onda il: 1991-07-21 7: Tutto in un giorno
    Miki deve assentarsi per un giorno, affidando il suo bar Cat's Eye a Umibozu. Ryo si è nascosto nel locale per fuggire da Kaori, infuriata con lui perché non ha accettato il lavoro offerto da un uomo. Umibozu dovrà quindi occuparsi dei clienti, quando improvvisamente nel locale irrompe un uomo armato di fucile che ha appena rapinato una banca. 7: Tutto in un giorno
    In onda il: 1991-07-21 Miki deve assentarsi per un giorno, affidando il suo bar Cat's Eye a Umibozu. Ryo si è nascosto nel locale per fuggire da Kaori, infuriata con lui perché non ha accettato il lavoro offerto da un uomo. Umibozu dovrà quindi occuparsi dei clienti, quando improvvisamente nel locale irrompe un uomo armato di fucile che ha appena rapinato una banca. In onda il: 1991-07-28 8: La donna che grida vendetta
    Sonia Field, bellissima ragazza americana, vuole ingaggiare Falcon (Umibozu) per eliminare Ryo e vendicare così la morte del padre Kenny. Quest'ultimo, infatti, era stato ucciso anni prima proprio da Saeba nonostante fosse il suo socio, quando ancora lavorava in America. Umibozu accetta l'incarico, proponendo di sfidarlo in un duello all'ultimo sangue e per questo motivo decide di rompere con Miki. 8: La donna che grida vendetta
    In onda il: 1991-07-28 Sonia Field, bellissima ragazza americana, vuole ingaggiare Falcon (Umibozu) per eliminare Ryo e vendicare così la morte del padre Kenny. Quest'ultimo, infatti, era stato ucciso anni prima proprio da Saeba nonostante fosse il suo socio, quando ancora lavorava in America. Umibozu accetta l'incarico, proponendo di sfidarlo in un duello all'ultimo sangue e per questo motivo decide di rompere con Miki. In onda il: 1991-08-04 9: City Hunter morirà all'alba
    Il duello si svolge al cimitero dov'è seppellito il fratello di Kaori, il detective Hideyuki Makimura. Miki rivela a Sonia che suo padre fu costretto a battersi con Ryo in quanto minacciato da una potente organizzazione criminale che altrimenti gli avrebbe ucciso la figlia. Sonia, sebbene scossa, viene convinta e si precipita da Falcon per farli smettere, ma l'uomo decide ugualmente di proseguire lo scontro. Fortunatamente il duello si conclude in parità: Ryo e Umibozu sono entrambi feriti, ma ancora vivi. 9: City Hunter morirà all'alba
    In onda il: 1991-08-04 Il duello si svolge al cimitero dov'è seppellito il fratello di Kaori, il detective Hideyuki Makimura. Miki rivela a Sonia che suo padre fu costretto a battersi con Ryo in quanto minacciato da una potente organizzazione criminale che altrimenti gli avrebbe ucciso la figlia. Sonia, sebbene scossa, viene convinta e si precipita da Falcon per farli smettere, ma l'uomo decide ugualmente di proseguire lo scontro. Fortunatamente il duello si conclude in parità: Ryo e Umibozu sono entrambi feriti, ma ancora vivi. In onda il: 1991-09-22 10: Cenerentola per una notte
    Kaori incontra Eriko, ex compagna di liceo ora proprietaria di una boutique. La ragazza intuisce che la giovane investigatrice nutre dei sentimenti per il collega Ryo e con un furbo stratagemma le combina un appuntamento truccandola in modo tale da non essere riconosciuta da lui. I due trascorrono una serata romantica che termina a mezzanotte, proprio come nella fiaba di Cenerentola. Ciononostante, alla fine Ryo capisce che quella ragazza camuffata era proprio la sua assistente. 10: Cenerentola per una notte
    In onda il: 1991-09-22 Kaori incontra Eriko, ex compagna di liceo ora proprietaria di una boutique. La ragazza intuisce che la giovane investigatrice nutre dei sentimenti per il collega Ryo e con un furbo stratagemma le combina un appuntamento truccandola in modo tale da non essere riconosciuta da lui. I due trascorrono una serata romantica che termina a mezzanotte, proprio come nella fiaba di Cenerentola. Ciononostante, alla fine Ryo capisce che quella ragazza camuffata era proprio la sua assistente. In onda il: 1991-10-10 11: Il detective che amò Saeko
    Dopo sei anni Saeko si ritrova a lavorare nuovamente con il detective Asakura, con cui in passato aveva avuto una relazione nonostante fosse molto più giovane di lui. L'uomo è infatti sulle tracce di Rin Ho Shen, un boss della mafia di Hong Kong rifugiatosi in Giappone, che pochi anni prima gli aveva ammazzato moglie e figlia. Preoccupata per il collega, Saeko chiede quindi a Ryo di vigilare su Asakura. 11: Il detective che amò Saeko
    In onda il: 1991-10-10 Dopo sei anni Saeko si ritrova a lavorare nuovamente con il detective Asakura, con cui in passato aveva avuto una relazione nonostante fosse molto più giovane di lui. L'uomo è infatti sulle tracce di Rin Ho Shen, un boss della mafia di Hong Kong rifugiatosi in Giappone, che pochi anni prima gli aveva ammazzato moglie e figlia. Preoccupata per il collega, Saeko chiede quindi a Ryo di vigilare su Asakura. In onda il: 1991-10-10 12: La collana dei ricordi
    Kaori e Ryo apprendono dalla tv che la regina del fittizio regno di Meraldo, Rika Shiraishi, ha appena divorziato. Nelle immagini, l'ormai ex sovrana indossa una collana a loro familiare, innescando in Ryo un flashback: egli infatti aveva conosciuto Rika alcuni anni prima, la quale lo aveva convinto a rubare il collier in cambio di sesso (in questo episodio Ryo fa la conoscenza del detective Makimura, fratello di Kaori, e di Saeko). 12: La collana dei ricordi
    In onda il: 1991-10-10 Kaori e Ryo apprendono dalla tv che la regina del fittizio regno di Meraldo, Rika Shiraishi, ha appena divorziato. Nelle immagini, l'ormai ex sovrana indossa una collana a loro familiare, innescando in Ryo un flashback: egli infatti aveva conosciuto Rika alcuni anni prima, la quale lo aveva convinto a rubare il collier in cambio di sesso (in questo episodio Ryo fa la conoscenza del detective Makimura, fratello di Kaori, e di Saeko). In onda il: 1991-10-10 13: Ninna nanna funebre
    Mentre fa visita alla tomba del fratello, Kaori s'imbatte in Hans, un ragazzo austriaco venuto in Giappone per visitare il Paese d'origine della madre, morta quando era molto piccolo. La giovane lo ospita a casa sua, ma Ryo lo riconosce subito, dato che si tratta in realtà di un killer molto pericoloso. Hans ha infatti assassinato il boss di un'organizzazione criminale che non voleva renderlo libero e per questo ora è ricercato dai suoi membri. 13: Ninna nanna funebre
    In onda il: 1991-10-10 Mentre fa visita alla tomba del fratello, Kaori s'imbatte in Hans, un ragazzo austriaco venuto in Giappone per visitare il Paese d'origine della madre, morta quando era molto piccolo. La giovane lo ospita a casa sua, ma Ryo lo riconosce subito, dato che si tratta in realtà di un killer molto pericoloso. Hans ha infatti assassinato il boss di un'organizzazione criminale che non voleva renderlo libero e per questo ora è ricercato dai suoi membri. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. Róise & Frank (2022) Streaming  

    Drammatico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Róise & Frank
    1 h 28 m    2022        
    Dramma ◦ Famiglia ◦ Commedia
    Róise, affranta dal dolore, ha perso il marito Frank due anni fa. Suo figlio, Alan, si preoccupa per lei, ma l'arrivo di un cane misterioso sembra portare di nuovo la felicità nella sua vita. Róise arriva presto a credere che il cane sia, in realtà, la reincarnazione di Frank. È tornato per stare di nuovo con lei... e per allenare la squadra sportiva locale...
    Peter Robertson
    Cinematography Maureen Hughes
    Casting Director Padraig O'Neill
    Production Designer Colm Mac Con Iomaire
    Music Fiachra O'Hanlon
    Sound Mixer Liam Byrne
    Data Wrangler Judith Williams
    Costume Designer Martin Maguire
    Still Photographer Áine Máire Ní Tháibhís
    Script Supervisor Sarah McLoughlin
    Standby Art Director Rachael Moriarty
    Director Rachael Moriarty
    Writer Mike Hayes
    First Assistant Director Terry Mulligan
    Electrician Niamh Glynn
    Hair Designer Conor Crowley
    Loader Catherine O'Flaherty
    Production Coordinator Peter Murphy
    Director Peter Murphy
    Writer Cúán Mac Conghail
    Producer Mary Crumlish
    Editor Miriam McCarthy
    Assistant Makeup Artist Eoin Canny
    Third Assistant Director Shane Deasy
    Focus Puller John Wilson
    Health and Safety Suzanne Colwell
    Line Producer Nicola McGealy
    Hair Designer Bernie McBride
    Makeup Designer Michael Moynihan
    Art Designer Lisa Ní Mháille
    Assistant Production Coordinator Eannaí O'Sullivan
    Production Trainee Ashifa Lalani
    Production Accountant Mary Martin-Sullivan
    Assistant Accountant Fiachra Davoren
    Art Department Trainee Joe Doherty
    Set Dresser Karl Freyne
    Props Sarah Beth Moylan
    Second Assistant Director Paula Uí Uallacháin
    Extras Casting Coordinator Helena Keane
    Assistant Director Trainee Morgan Mansfield
    Camera Trainee Sarah Jones
    Casting Associate Nessa O'Reilly
    Costume Supervisor Laia Ballestar
    Costume Assistant Anna Gyo
    Costume Assistant Grant Bobbett
    Location Manager Alastair Agnew
    Location Assistant Paul Fitzgerald
    Script Editor Andrew Douglas
    Boom Operator Rose Ann Foley
    Epk Producer Catherine Foley
    Epk Producer Stephen McConville
    Dailies Manager Kevin Scott
    Grip John Dunne
    Grip Roy Carney
    Dailies Operator Eoin O'Keefe
    Camera Loader Stephen Carroll
    Loader Ritchie Ormonde
    Driver Maurice Butler
    Driver John Henley
    Driver Clive Wincote
    Driver Frank Forbes
    Driver Asley Foster
    Animal Coordinator Martin McCann, Celtic Soul Food
    Catering Ruth Hunter
    Legal Services Tara Smith
    Legal Services Ceoladh Sheahan
    Finance Sue Henderson
    Finance Elaine Gill
    Finance Lara Stewart
    Assistant Editor Bríd Ní Neachtain
    Róise Cillian O'Gairbhi
    Alan Lorcan Cranitch
    Donncha Ruadhán de Faoite
    Maidhcí Michelle Beamish
    Anna Claire O'Connor
    Sinéad Peadar Cox
    Sonnaí Deaglan de Paor
    Cormac Cormac Hennessy
    Jack Seán Mac Gearailt
    Conor Aine Ni Mhuiri
    Monica Jim Cunningham
    Séamas Elaine O'Hara
    Eileen Aonghus Og McAnally
    Garda Jeanne O'Connor
    Pauline Seán T. Ó Meallaigh
    Greg Tara Carpenter
    Sally Olga Wehrly
    Lisa Áine Ní Laoghaire
    Sarah Susie Lambe
    Gráinne Domhnall Ó Murchadha
    Pól Liam Ryan
    Liam Deuglán Turraoin
    Hugh Martin Angolo
    Martin Nioclás Maccraith
    Tadhg Emma Walsh
    Lynn Eilís Carey
    Jessica Luisne Nic Craith
    Máire Mamie Ní Chionnfhaolaidh
    Sorcha Mark Lawrence
    Doctor Myfi Clancy Davis
    Síle Barley
    Frank Madra Meg Ní Ríain
    Cáit Nessun Trailer disponibile
  3. Yubisaki to Renren [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer A Sign of Affection
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma
    Yuki è la tipica studentessa universitaria: la sua vita ruota attorno agli amici e ai social network. Ma è anche sorda dalla nascita. L'incontro casuale con Itsuomi, un amico di amici che studia nella sua stessa università, le fa battere il cuore. Però, nonostante Itsuomi sappia parlare tre lingue, quella dei segni non è tra queste. Riusciranno a trovare un modo per comunicare i propri sentimenti?
    Yuta Murano
    Series Director Yoko Yonaiyama
    Series Composition Kasumi Sakai
    Character Designer Yukari Hashimoto
    Original Music Composer Makiro
    Comic Book Nachiyan
    Character Designer Kasumi Sakai
    Supervising Animation Director Yuki Nishioka
    Supervising Animation Director Emiko Endo
    Supervising Animation Director Kazue Tamari
    Supervising Animation Director Kanako Tsuji
    Supervising Animation Director Yuka Aono
    Costume Design Ryo Hirata
    Prop Designer Yoshiaki Yanagida
    Animation Masaya Fujimori
    Animation Yuki Miyamoto
    Animation Masayuki Sekine
    Settings Kohei Honda
    Art Direction Eiko Tsunado
    Art Designer Risa Iraha
    Art Designer Naomi Nakano
    Color Designer Teppei Sato
    Director of Photography Akane Shiraishi
    Editor Hiromi Kikuta
    Sound Director Asa Suehira
    Other Emiko Iijima
    Producer Sumire Morohoshi
    Yuki Itose (voice) Yu Miyazaki
    Itsuomi Nagi (voice) Takeo Otsuka
    Oushi Ashioki (voice) Kaede Hondo
    Rin Fujishiro (voice) Ryota Osaka
    Kyouya Nagi (voice) Nao Toyama
    Emma Nakasono (voice) Tasuku Hatanaka
    Shin Iryu (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-06 1: Yuki's World
    Yuki, who was born in a world where sounds don't sound like anything, runs into the enigmatic Itsuomi and immediately takes an interest in him. 1: Yuki's World
    In onda il: 2024-01-06 Yuki, who was born in a world where sounds don't sound like anything, runs into the enigmatic Itsuomi and immediately takes an interest in him. In onda il: 2024-01-13 2: To Affection
    Yuki tries to come to terms with her newfound feelings for Itsuomi, while Oushi offers a glimpse into what he's been trying to come to terms with for a long time. 2: To Affection
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 Yuki tries to come to terms with her newfound feelings for Itsuomi, while Oushi offers a glimpse into what he's been trying to come to terms with for a long time. In onda il: 2024-01-20 3: Someone Is Thinking of Someone
    Having come to terms with her feelings for Itsuomi, Yuki prepares to make her move, but she encounters a sight that throws her into confusion and doubt. 3: Someone Is Thinking of Someone
    In onda il: 2024-01-20 Having come to terms with her feelings for Itsuomi, Yuki prepares to make her move, but she encounters a sight that throws her into confusion and doubt. In onda il: 2024-01-27 4: What Kind of Voice?
    Having made plans with Kyouya to go shopping, Rin invites Yuki and Itsuomi to join them. 4: What Kind of Voice?
    In onda il: 2024-01-27 Having made plans with Kyouya to go shopping, Rin invites Yuki and Itsuomi to join them. In onda il: 2024-02-03 5: The Answer
    Itsuomi and Yuki have a chat at his place, and several lingering questions are answered. 5: The Answer
    In onda il: 2024-02-03 Itsuomi and Yuki have a chat at his place, and several lingering questions are answered. In onda il: 2024-02-10 6: I Thought I Wanted to Keep Watching Her Forever
    Yuki and Kyouya each urge Itsuomi to make himself clear on where he stands in his relationship with Yuki, and he surprises them with his answer. 6: I Thought I Wanted to Keep Watching Her Forever
    In onda il: 2024-02-10 Yuki and Kyouya each urge Itsuomi to make himself clear on where he stands in his relationship with Yuki, and he surprises them with his answer. In onda il: 2024-02-17 7: Let Me Introduce You to My Girlfriend
    Itsuomi is away on his trip, and Yuki is left trying to come to grips with their new reality. 7: Let Me Introduce You to My Girlfriend
    In onda il: 2024-02-17 Itsuomi is away on his trip, and Yuki is left trying to come to grips with their new reality. In onda il: 2024-02-24 8: One Small Step
    Being introduced to Yuki gets Shin reminiscing about his high school days with Itsuomi and Emma. 8: One Small Step
    In onda il: 2024-02-24 Being introduced to Yuki gets Shin reminiscing about his high school days with Itsuomi and Emma. In onda il: 2024-03-02 9: I Don't Want to Leave
    The gang heads up the mountains for a very eventful boot camp. 9: I Don't Want to Leave
    In onda il: 2024-03-02 The gang heads up the mountains for a very eventful boot camp. In onda il: 2024-03-09 10: Oushi's World
    Itsuomi knows that a confrontation with Oushi is inevitable and decides to take matters into his own hands. 10: Oushi's World
    In onda il: 2024-03-09 Itsuomi knows that a confrontation with Oushi is inevitable and decides to take matters into his own hands. In onda il: 2024-03-16 11: Promise
    Yuki faces her nerves before an interview for her part-time job, and Shin has to battle his to finally break the news to Emma. 11: Promise
    In onda il: 2024-03-16 Yuki faces her nerves before an interview for her part-time job, and Shin has to battle his to finally break the news to Emma. In onda il: 2024-03-23 12: Our World
    Yuki and Itsuomi have their first date as a couple, and it leads to them learning more about each other. 12: Our World
    In onda il: 2024-03-23 Yuki and Itsuomi have their first date as a couple, and it leads to them learning more about each other. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Shiki Tsubasa si è appena trasferito da Tokyo a Hokkaido in pieno inverno. Non apprezzando quanto siano distanti le città nel paese, scende dal taxi alla città successiva alla sua destinazione per poter vedere i luoghi intorno a casa sua, ma rimane scioccato quando scopre che la "città successiva" è a 3 ore di cammino. Tuttavia, incontra anche una simpatica gyaru Dosanko (nata e cresciuta a Hokkaido) di nome Fuyuki Minami che sta sfidando 8 gradi celsius sotto lo 0 con il tipico abbigliamento gyaru di gonne corte e gambe nude!
    Mirai Minato
    Series Director Mirai Minato
    Series Composition Katsuyuki Satou
    Character Designer Kai Ikada
    Comic Book Misuzu Hoshino
    Series Director Masayoshi Oishi
    Theme Song Performance Yayoi Tateishi
    Sound Director Atsushi Kano
    Director of Photography Aiko Taira
    Art Direction Sonosuke Takao
    Original Music Composer Tsutomu Ogasawara
    3D Director Aiko Yamagami
    Color Designer Nobutaka Maki
    Editor Ayane Sakura
    Minami Fuyuki (voice) Nobunaga Shimazaki
    Tsubasa Shiki (voice) Yumiri Hanamori
    Sayuri Akino (voice) Reina Ueda
    Rena Natsukawa (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
    Matsuo Takayumi (voice) Rika Nagae
    Momoko Fuyuki (voice) Eri Kitamura
    Mai Fuyuki (voice) Mariko Nagai
    Asuka (voice) Yurika Kubo
    Hina (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-09 1: Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!
    Shiki Tsubasa has just moved from Tokyo to the city of Kitami in Hokkaido. When he gets lost, a flirty gal named Fuyuki Minami points him in the right direction. After the two meet again at school, Minami invites Tsubasa to hang out with her at home. 1: Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!
    In onda il: 2024-01-09 Shiki Tsubasa has just moved from Tokyo to the city of Kitami in Hokkaido. When he gets lost, a flirty gal named Fuyuki Minami points him in the right direction. After the two meet again at school, Minami invites Tsubasa to hang out with her at home. In onda il: 2024-01-16 2: It's Super Warm Inside the Snow Fort
    Tsubasa decides to attend the Kitami Winter Festival with Minami. Tsubasa is nervous and wonders if it classifies as a date. Some days later, during lunch, Minami asks if she can go to Tsubasa's house. On their way there the two come upon a snow mound. 2: It's Super Warm Inside the Snow Fort
    In onda il: 2024-01-16 Tsubasa decides to attend the Kitami Winter Festival with Minami. Tsubasa is nervous and wonders if it classifies as a date. Some days later, during lunch, Minami asks if she can go to Tsubasa's house. On their way there the two come upon a snow mound. In onda il: 2024-01-23 3: Akino-san Is Super Unfriendly
    Tsubasa starts learning to ski on a class trip to the slopes. He's told to partner with Akino Sayuri, a pretty loner that Minami is fascinated with. When he runs to the bus to grab his chopsticks for lunch, he finds Akino half-naked and covered in sweat. 3: Akino-san Is Super Unfriendly
    In onda il: 2024-01-23 Tsubasa starts learning to ski on a class trip to the slopes. He's told to partner with Akino Sayuri, a pretty loner that Minami is fascinated with. When he runs to the bus to grab his chopsticks for lunch, he finds Akino half-naked and covered in sweat. In onda il: 2024-01-30 4: Nighttime Calls Are Super Ticklish
    Tsubasa tries walking to school in a blizzard, but Minami and her flirty mother pick him up. After class, Tsubasa, Minami, and Sayuri hang out at a big shopping center. Later that night, Minami shocks Tsubasa with a steaming hot video call from the bath. 4: Nighttime Calls Are Super Ticklish
    In onda il: 2024-01-30 Tsubasa tries walking to school in a blizzard, but Minami and her flirty mother pick him up. After class, Tsubasa, Minami, and Sayuri hang out at a big shopping center. Later that night, Minami shocks Tsubasa with a steaming hot video call from the bath. In onda il: 2024-02-06 5: Super Bitter, Super Sweet
    Tsubasa's classmates at karaoke are excited for Valentine's Day. Sayuri says she isn't interested but later bumps into Minami while gazing at the Valentine's display from afar. She then decides to ask Minami a question. 5: Super Bitter, Super Sweet
    In onda il: 2024-02-06 Tsubasa's classmates at karaoke are excited for Valentine's Day. Sayuri says she isn't interested but later bumps into Minami while gazing at the Valentine's display from afar. She then decides to ask Minami a question. In onda il: 2024-02-13 6: Natsukawa-Senpai Is Super Good-Looking
    Tsubasa, Sayuri, and Minami have a study party. Tsubasa loses track of time and is scolded when he gets home late. The next day, Tsubasa bumps into the breathtaking Rena-senpai on his way to school and is soon shocked to realize that she is his neighbor. 6: Natsukawa-Senpai Is Super Good-Looking
    In onda il: 2024-02-13 Tsubasa, Sayuri, and Minami have a study party. Tsubasa loses track of time and is scolded when he gets home late. The next day, Tsubasa bumps into the breathtaking Rena-senpai on his way to school and is soon shocked to realize that she is his neighbor. In onda il: 2024-02-20 7: Final Exams Are Super Hard
    Tsubasa is ordered to score high on exams, so when the lovely Rena offers to tutor him, he accepts. He soon realizes that Rena expects a reward for her help. Minami spots them together and is thrilled at first, but then starts to feel very uncomfortable. 7: Final Exams Are Super Hard
    In onda il: 2024-02-20 Tsubasa is ordered to score high on exams, so when the lovely Rena offers to tutor him, he accepts. He soon realizes that Rena expects a reward for her help. Minami spots them together and is thrilled at first, but then starts to feel very uncomfortable. In onda il: 2024-02-27 8: Yakiniku with Friends Is Super Delish
    Minami and Sayuri race to the scene of Tsubasa and Reina's date. After being moved to tears over the movie heroine's story, Reina tells Tsubasa about her own circumstances. Tsubasa, having been reminded of his own situation, then tells her his story. 8: Yakiniku with Friends Is Super Delish
    In onda il: 2024-02-27 Minami and Sayuri race to the scene of Tsubasa and Reina's date. After being moved to tears over the movie heroine's story, Reina tells Tsubasa about her own circumstances. Tsubasa, having been reminded of his own situation, then tells her his story. In onda il: 2024-03-05 9: Lake Abashiri Is Super Relaxing
    Matsuo, a class friend who made amends with Minami, takes Tsubasa smelt fishing as a thank you for his consultation. Minami, who happened to be at the fishing spot, joins them, and they discuss makeup. Later, Minami visits Tsubasa who's caught a cold. 9: Lake Abashiri Is Super Relaxing
    In onda il: 2024-03-05 Matsuo, a class friend who made amends with Minami, takes Tsubasa smelt fishing as a thank you for his consultation. Minami, who happened to be at the fishing spot, joins them, and they discuss makeup. Later, Minami visits Tsubasa who's caught a cold. In onda il: 2024-03-12 10: Time Flies Super Fast
    The new term begins. Minami catches Tsubasa on the way to class and starts teasing him ruthlessly. The two are thrilled to learn they are in the same class again, but Minami still seems gloomy. After school, Minami says she has something to tell Tsubasa. 10: Time Flies Super Fast
    In onda il: 2024-03-12 The new term begins. Minami catches Tsubasa on the way to class and starts teasing him ruthlessly. The two are thrilled to learn they are in the same class again, but Minami still seems gloomy. After school, Minami says she has something to tell Tsubasa. In onda il: 2024-03-19 11: Youth Hits Super Hard in the Feels
    A sleep-deprived Tsubasa meets up with Minami and they head to her secret location. Later, Minami suggests they should return there years from now and Tsubasa wonders what she means by that. She then reveals what it is she wanted to convey. 11: Youth Hits Super Hard in the Feels
    In onda il: 2024-03-19 A sleep-deprived Tsubasa meets up with Minami and they head to her secret location. Later, Minami suggests they should return there years from now and Tsubasa wonders what she means by that. She then reveals what it is she wanted to convey. In onda il: 2024-03-26 12: Life Without You Feels Super Off
    Tsubasa and Minami miss the last bus home from the park and end up getting a hotel room, making the overnight date that Minami had joked about a reality. However, Minami sneaks out early, leaving Tsubasa confused and afraid to face her before she leaves. 12: Life Without You Feels Super Off
    In onda il: 2024-03-26 Tsubasa and Minami miss the last bus home from the park and end up getting a hotel room, making the overnight date that Minami had joked about a reality. However, Minami sneaks out early, leaving Tsubasa confused and afraid to face her before she leaves. Anteprima Ufficiale
  5. Blue Whale - Sfida Mortale (2021) Streaming  

    Thriller - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Blue Whale - Sfida Mortale
    1 h 33 m    2021        
    Thriller ◦ Horror ◦ Dramma
    Cercando di scoprire com'è morta sua sorella, la studentessa Dana si imbatte in un disgustoso gioco sui social media in cui si incoraggiano gli adolescenti ad affrontare sfide di autolesionismo per non perdere amici, familiari o la loro stessa vita. Per rintracciare i responsabili della morte della sorella, Dana entra nel gioco.
    Timur Bekmambetov
    Producer Mariya Zatulovskaya
    Producer Igor Mishin
    Producer Anna Zaytseva
    Screenplay Anna Zaytseva
    Director Anna Shalashina
    Producer Evgeniya Bogomyakova
    Screenplay Olga Klemesheva
    Screenplay Anna Potebnya
    Dana Timofey Eletskiy
    Ekaterina Stulova
    Diana Shulmina
    Olga Pipchenko
    Polina Vataga
    Pavel Yulku
    Daniil Kiselev
    Nessun Trailer disponibile
  6. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken [24/24] (2018) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime
    Stagione 1    Episodi 24        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
    Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci.
    Novel Miho Okasaki
    Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2018-10-02 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora
    Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora
    In onda il: 2018-10-02 Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. In onda il: 2018-10-09 2: Meeting the Goblins
    The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. 2: Meeting the Goblins
    In onda il: 2018-10-09 The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. In onda il: 2018-10-16 3: Battle at the Goblin Village
    After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! 3: Battle at the Goblin Village
    In onda il: 2018-10-16 After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! In onda il: 2018-10-23 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves
    Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves
    In onda il: 2018-10-23 Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! In onda il: 2018-10-30 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo
    Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo
    In onda il: 2018-10-30 Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... In onda il: 2018-11-06 6: Shizu
    One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. 6: Shizu
    In onda il: 2018-11-06 One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. In onda il: 2018-11-13 7: Conqueror of Flames
    The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. 7: Conqueror of Flames
    In onda il: 2018-11-13 The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. In onda il: 2018-11-20 8: Inherited Will
    When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... 8: Inherited Will
    In onda il: 2018-11-20 When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... In onda il: 2018-11-27 9: Attack of the Ogres
    Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? 9: Attack of the Ogres
    In onda il: 2018-11-27 Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? In onda il: 2018-12-04 10: The Orc Lord
    Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... 10: The Orc Lord
    In onda il: 2018-12-04 Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... In onda il: 2018-12-11 11: Gabiru is Here!
    Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... 11: Gabiru is Here!
    In onda il: 2018-12-11 Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... In onda il: 2018-12-18 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control
    The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control
    In onda il: 2018-12-18 The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2018-12-25 13: The Great Clash
    Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. 13: The Great Clash
    In onda il: 2018-12-25 Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. In onda il: 2019-01-08 14: The One Who Devours All
    The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... 14: The One Who Devours All
    In onda il: 2019-01-08 The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... In onda il: 2019-01-15 15: The Jura Forest Alliance
    Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... 15: The Jura Forest Alliance
    In onda il: 2019-01-15 Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... In onda il: 2019-01-22 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks
    The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks
    In onda il: 2019-01-22 The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. In onda il: 2019-01-29 17: The Gathering
    The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. 17: The Gathering
    In onda il: 2019-01-29 The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. In onda il: 2019-02-05 18: Evil Creeps Closer
    Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. 18: Evil Creeps Closer
    In onda il: 2019-02-05 Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2019-02-12 19: Charybdis
    Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... 19: Charybdis
    In onda il: 2019-02-12 Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... In onda il: 2019-02-19 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka
    The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka
    In onda il: 2019-02-19 The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. In onda il: 2019-02-26 21: Shizu-san's Students
    Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. 21: Shizu-san's Students
    In onda il: 2019-02-26 Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. In onda il: 2019-03-05 22: Conquering the Labyrinth
    Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. 22: Conquering the Labyrinth
    In onda il: 2019-03-05 Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. In onda il: 2019-03-12 23: Saved Souls
    Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... 23: Saved Souls
    In onda il: 2019-03-12 Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... In onda il: 2019-03-19 24: Black and the Mask
    This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... 24: Black and the Mask
    In onda il: 2019-03-19 This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. Snack Basue [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Snack Basue
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Esiste un bar a Sapporo gestito da persone molto particolari. In questo locale si riuniscono tanti clienti, ognuno con una storia bizzarra da raccontare.
    Forbidden Shibukawa
    Comic Book Minoru Ashina
    Series Director Minoru Ashina
    Series Composition Minoru Ashina
    Art Direction Toyama.
    Character Designer Toyama.
    Supervising Animation Director Junichi Okubo
    Director of Photography Fumiyuki Goh
    Sound Director Yuji Furuya
    Sound Effects Shota Kowashi
    Original Music Composer Rie Takahashi
    Akemi (voice) Kimiko Saito
    Basue (voice) Yohei Azakami
    Yamada (voice) Fukushi Ochiai
    Tatsu (voice) Ryota Iwasaki
    Morita (voice) Jun Fukushima
    Kazama (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 1: Let's Stay Together / I Ain't Gonna Stand for It / God's Gift to the World
    In Hokkaido, a man wanders into a bar named Snack Basue. His first snack bar experience becomes a night to remember when he meets the two eccentric ladies who run the place. Along with other patrons, they willingly (or not) discuss what's on their minds. 1: Let's Stay Together / I Ain't Gonna Stand for It / God's Gift to the World
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 In Hokkaido, a man wanders into a bar named Snack Basue. His first snack bar experience becomes a night to remember when he meets the two eccentric ladies who run the place. Along with other patrons, they willingly (or not) discuss what's on their minds. In onda il: 2024-01-20 2: Come Rain or Come Shine / Sweet Baby / Still Waiting
    The ladies at the snack bar planned on interviewing two new hires—a girl named Kosame and a robber?! With trouble at hand, will they be able to handle this one? With passionate talks of princes on white horses, etc., it's another fun night at Snack Basue. 2: Come Rain or Come Shine / Sweet Baby / Still Waiting
    In onda il: 2024-01-20 The ladies at the snack bar planned on interviewing two new hires—a girl named Kosame and a robber?! With trouble at hand, will they be able to handle this one? With passionate talks of princes on white horses, etc., it's another fun night at Snack Basue. In onda il: 2024-01-27 3: You're Still My Brother / As the Years Go Passing By / Try Me
    Two men walk into the snack bar, and what do they find? A murder scene?! Has Akemi had enough of her boss's shenanigans?! Find out, with talks of the past and secret techniques to follow! Another lively night at Snack Basue. 3: You're Still My Brother / As the Years Go Passing By / Try Me
    In onda il: 2024-01-27 Two men walk into the snack bar, and what do they find? A murder scene?! Has Akemi had enough of her boss's shenanigans?! Find out, with talks of the past and secret techniques to follow! Another lively night at Snack Basue. In onda il: 2024-02-03 4: There Is Love (When You Fall in Love) / If I Should Die Tonight (I'm Done for Tonight) / Soul Shadows (It Was Like an Illusion)
    Love is in the air as the men of the snack bar dare to ask the difficult question: What is Akemi's type?! With the stresses of life eating away at the patrons' souls, it's a good opportunity to find out if you see it too! 4: There Is Love (When You Fall in Love) / If I Should Die Tonight (I'm Done for Tonight) / Soul Shadows (It Was Like an Illusion)
    In onda il: 2024-02-03 Love is in the air as the men of the snack bar dare to ask the difficult question: What is Akemi's type?! With the stresses of life eating away at the patrons' souls, it's a good opportunity to find out if you see it too! In onda il: 2024-02-10 5: Get on the Good Foot (Put Best Foot Forward) / Talki' Loud and Saying Nothin' (Don't Say Mean Things.) / My Funny Valentine (To My Dearest Love)
    Azuma is back to impress the ladies through palm reading written by none other than Love Guru Douglas Hamada?! The night goes on as Valentine's day chocolate is given and smack talk is served, making it another lively night! 5: Get on the Good Foot (Put Best Foot Forward) / Talki' Loud and Saying Nothin' (Don't Say Mean Things.) / My Funny Valentine (To My Dearest Love)
    In onda il: 2024-02-10 Azuma is back to impress the ladies through palm reading written by none other than Love Guru Douglas Hamada?! The night goes on as Valentine's day chocolate is given and smack talk is served, making it another lively night! In onda il: 2024-02-17 6: Hello Stranger (Seeds of Salvation...) / What a Wonderful World (Welcome to the Lifestyle of the Wonderful Other World) / As (Let's Meet at That Place) / Mean Old World (It's of the Past...)
    Come on a journey as Snack Basue dives into the world of fantasy and games. New but recognizable customers join the gang as the night heats up in debate and apologies are given to publishing companies. Fishing and reunions also to come! 6: Hello Stranger (Seeds of Salvation...) / What a Wonderful World (Welcome to the Lifestyle of the Wonderful Other World) / As (Let's Meet at That Place) / Mean Old World (It's of the Past...)
    In onda il: 2024-02-17 Come on a journey as Snack Basue dives into the world of fantasy and games. New but recognizable customers join the gang as the night heats up in debate and apologies are given to publishing companies. Fishing and reunions also to come! In onda il: 2024-02-24 7: Closer (Don't Leave Me Behind) / What a Fool Believes (Don't Make Fun of Me) / God Blessed Our Love (None of Your Business)
    The night opens as Morita tries to string Yamada along as his virgin buddy, though Yamada claims he's not. Will the salary man be able to prove it?! Come walk down memory lane as the patrons talk of their past struggles and enjoy a good glass or ten. 7: Closer (Don't Leave Me Behind) / What a Fool Believes (Don't Make Fun of Me) / God Blessed Our Love (None of Your Business)
    In onda il: 2024-02-24 The night opens as Morita tries to string Yamada along as his virgin buddy, though Yamada claims he's not. Will the salary man be able to prove it?! Come walk down memory lane as the patrons talk of their past struggles and enjoy a good glass or ten. In onda il: 2024-03-02 8: None of Us Are Free (See Me as I Am) / In the Midnight Hour (Dedicated to the Strong Enemies......!) / Twinkle Twinkle Little Me (Embrace Your Inner Child) / Angel (That Honest Girl)
    Akemi has a new challenge on her hands as baddies crowd the bar. Will she have good advice for these evil commanders? Tonight, skills will be tested and regrets will be born as the hostess and junior hostess serve another odd crowd! 8: None of Us Are Free (See Me as I Am) / In the Midnight Hour (Dedicated to the Strong Enemies......!) / Twinkle Twinkle Little Me (Embrace Your Inner Child) / Angel (That Honest Girl)
    In onda il: 2024-03-02 Akemi has a new challenge on her hands as baddies crowd the bar. Will she have good advice for these evil commanders? Tonight, skills will be tested and regrets will be born as the hostess and junior hostess serve another odd crowd! In onda il: 2024-03-09 9: Release Yourself (You're Thinking Too Much) / Bad, Bad Whiskey (The Me Who Can't Get Drunk) / Can't Get Any Harder (Don't Make Me Wait)
    In today's episode, the Hero returns with very normal stories about swords and strength. Will he be able to find the answer he needs? Join Basue and Akemi as they assist their patrons with self preservation and self discovery. 9: Release Yourself (You're Thinking Too Much) / Bad, Bad Whiskey (The Me Who Can't Get Drunk) / Can't Get Any Harder (Don't Make Me Wait)
    In onda il: 2024-03-09 In today's episode, the Hero returns with very normal stories about swords and strength. Will he be able to find the answer he needs? Join Basue and Akemi as they assist their patrons with self preservation and self discovery. In onda il: 2024-03-16 10: Friend to Friend (Please Be My Friend?) / Wednesday Night (How About a Night Like This?) / Only Sixteen (It Must Be Nice Being Young)
    To make a friend or not to make a friend, that is the question this week at our lovely run-down snack bar. Find out whose point is superior and meet the new customers who drop in this time! Grab a drink and listen in on tonight's shenanigans. 10: Friend to Friend (Please Be My Friend?) / Wednesday Night (How About a Night Like This?) / Only Sixteen (It Must Be Nice Being Young)
    In onda il: 2024-03-16 To make a friend or not to make a friend, that is the question this week at our lovely run-down snack bar. Find out whose point is superior and meet the new customers who drop in this time! Grab a drink and listen in on tonight's shenanigans. In onda il: 2024-03-23 11: Under the Cherry Moon (As Long as You Love Me) / Adult Education (An Adult`s Reason) / Solitude (I Don`t Have a Lot of Friends)
    Heated debates stir up the snack bar this week as Akemi goes head-to-head with her patrons. Who will you side with, and are the topics worth debating? Grab a drink and come decide for yourself at Snack Basue! 11: Under the Cherry Moon (As Long as You Love Me) / Adult Education (An Adult`s Reason) / Solitude (I Don`t Have a Lot of Friends)
    In onda il: 2024-03-23 Heated debates stir up the snack bar this week as Akemi goes head-to-head with her patrons. Who will you side with, and are the topics worth debating? Grab a drink and come decide for yourself at Snack Basue! In onda il: 2024-03-29 12: The Great Pretender (I'll Become Who I Want to Be) / Let Me into Your World (It's Hard to Understand) / Trouble Man (Who Do You Think You Are?)
    Welcome home, dear viewer, as you're greeted by a new face tonight. Meet Misawa, Akemi's friend! How will she react when she meets Morita for the first time? Find out in tonight's episode of lies and manhood. 12: The Great Pretender (I'll Become Who I Want to Be) / Let Me into Your World (It's Hard to Understand) / Trouble Man (Who Do You Think You Are?)
    In onda il: 2024-03-29 Welcome home, dear viewer, as you're greeted by a new face tonight. Meet Misawa, Akemi's friend! How will she react when she meets Morita for the first time? Find out in tonight's episode of lies and manhood. In onda il: 2024-04-05 13: Risen' to the Top (If You're a Man, You Desire) / Try a Little Tenderness (With Kindness) / Just One Look (A Gift from the Heart)
    In this final week, join the patrons one last time as Akemi reaches new heights of ridiculousness involving inappropriate words. So pick up a glass and enjoy the run-down snack bar as you de-stress, engage, and sing along! 13: Risen' to the Top (If You're a Man, You Desire) / Try a Little Tenderness (With Kindness) / Just One Look (A Gift from the Heart)
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 In this final week, join the patrons one last time as Akemi reaches new heights of ridiculousness involving inappropriate words. So pick up a glass and enjoy the run-down snack bar as you de-stress, engage, and sing along! Nessun Trailer disponibile
  8. Grimm Kumikyoku [6/6] (2024) ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Grimm Variations
    Stagione 1    Episodi 6        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Questa antologia ispirata ai classici racconti dei fratelli Grimm include sei fiabe dai toni dark che esplorano il lato oscuro del desiderio umano.
    Michiko Yokote
    Series Composition Akira Miyagawa
    Original Music Composer Naohiro Osugi
    Character Designer George Wada
    Producer Taiki Sakurai
    Executive Producer Kisuke Koizumi
    Sound Director Kazuhiro Hotchi
    Opening/Ending Animation Misato Fukuen
    Charlotte Grimm (voice) Tatsuhisa Suzuki
    Jacob Grimm (voice) Kenji Nojima
    Wilhelm Grimm (voice) Episodi: 6 
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 1: Cinderella
    Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved playing with dolls. But Kiyoko's new stepfamily soon realizes that they may be her new playthings. 1: Cinderella
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved playing with dolls. But Kiyoko's new stepfamily soon realizes that they may be her new playthings. In onda il: 2024-04-17 2: Little Red Riding Hood
    In a dystopian future, Grey and his club of "wolves" use AR to hunt and kill women for leisure — until he meets his first real-life prey, Scarlet. 2: Little Red Riding Hood
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 In a dystopian future, Grey and his club of "wolves" use AR to hunt and kill women for leisure — until he meets his first real-life prey, Scarlet. In onda il: 2024-04-17 3: Hansel and Gretel
    In the deepest, darkest part of the forest, Hansel and Gretel face a tough dilemma when an old woman tempts them with sweets and forbidden knowledge. 3: Hansel and Gretel
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 In the deepest, darkest part of the forest, Hansel and Gretel face a tough dilemma when an old woman tempts them with sweets and forbidden knowledge. In onda il: 2024-04-17 4: The Elves and the Shoemaker
    Years after his last success, washed-up writer N encounters a sharp-tongued child and later wakes up with a literary hit — one he can't remember writing. 4: The Elves and the Shoemaker
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 Years after his last success, washed-up writer N encounters a sharp-tongued child and later wakes up with a literary hit — one he can't remember writing. In onda il: 2024-04-17 5: The Town Musicians of Bremen
    Former deputy Dog roams the land with unlikely companions, but their search for a home is interrupted when they run into the notorious Wade Brothers. 5: The Town Musicians of Bremen
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 Former deputy Dog roams the land with unlikely companions, but their search for a home is interrupted when they run into the notorious Wade Brothers. In onda il: 2024-04-17 6: Pied Piper of Hamelin
    The sheltered and precocious Maria is content with her bleak village life until her obsessed teacher shows her an illicit picture from the outside world. 6: Pied Piper of Hamelin
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 The sheltered and precocious Maria is content with her bleak village life until her obsessed teacher shows her an illicit picture from the outside world. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  9. Double Soul (2023) Streaming  

    Thriller - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Double Soul
    1 h 34 m    2023        
    Due gemelle, identiche nell’aspetto ma diverse nell’anima, vivono vite opposte: una nello spietato mondo dell’alta finanza, l’altra nell’universo onirico dell’arte. Un doppio punto di vista femminile, narrato tra l’Italia e il Medio Oriente, tra l’affermazione dell’identità e i rischi che le persone sono disposte a correre per ottenere ciò che vogliono.
    Valerio Esposito
    Director Francesco Maria Dominedò
    Writer Giulia Pagnacco
    Writer Valentina Ghetti
    Writer Roberto Cipullo
    Writer Andrea Arnone
    Director of Photography Federico Conforti
    Editor Błażej Wasiak
    Production Design Francesca Leondeff
    Costumer Alberto Bof
    Original Music Composer Roberto Cipullo
    Producer Mario Pezzi
    Producer Angela Fontana
    Luna Marianna Fontana
    Anna Marco Bocci
    Omar Paz Vega
    Sofia Julian Sands
    Orlandi Danny Glover
    Michael Tedeschi F. Murray Abraham
    Mentor Francesca Tizzano
    Sigrid Vito Vinci
    Sharif Aymen Mabrouk
    Amir Double Soul - Trailer Italiano Ufficiale
  10. The Flood (2023) Streaming  

    Azione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Flood
    1 h 33 m    2023        
    Azione ◦ Mistero ◦ Thriller ◦ Horror
    Un audace tentativo di fuga da un carcere di massima sicurezza, compiuto approfittando di una tempesta che rende impossibile la caccia all'uomo, viene interrotta dall'appetito di un gruppo di alligatori affamati.
    Brandon Slagle
    Producer Chad Law
    Writer Josh Ridgway
    Writer Mark Boot
    Producer Carolina Brasil
    Co-Executive Producer James Cullen Bressack
    Co-Executive Producer Ryan Francis
    Executive Producer Landon Gorman
    Executive Producer Daemon Hillin
    Producer Joseph Lanius
    Executive Producer Anselmo Martini
    Co-Executive Producer Ellen S. Wander
    Executive Producer Daniel Figueiredo
    Sound Niccolo De La Fere
    Cinematography James Kondelik
    Editor Gavin Peretti
    First Assistant Director Wendy Wallace
    Second Assistant Director Leota Rhodes
    Script Supervisor Brooklen Bruce
    Production Coordinator Brandon Slagle
    Director Joe Simpson
    Executive Producer Simon Williams
    Executive Producer Jordan Dykstra
    Executive Producer Nicky Whelan
    Sheriff Jo Newman Casper Van Dien
    Russell Cody Louis Mandylor
    Rafe Calderon Devanny Pinn
    Sommer Edward Randy Wayne
    Dale Elkins Kim DeLonghi
    Eva Carter Ryan Francis
    Jay Stamper Mike Ferguson
    Floyd McGraw Eoin O'Brien
    'Big Jim' Pruett Randall J. Bacon
    Jonathan 'Jox' Apone Beau Travis Williams
    Angelo Cooper Alex Farnham
    Nate Hudson Kelly B. Jones
    Newscaster Jonathan Samson
    Deputy Markus Pine Alexander Winters
    Deputy Whitlock John Garrett Mahlmeister
    Clarence Edward Luis Nava
    Omar Vasquez Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Kaii to Otome to Kamigakushi [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Mysterious Disappearances
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Mistero ◦ Dramma
    Sumireko è una ragazza dal carattere semplice che vorrebbe diventare una scrittrice. La giovane lavora in una libreria di Adashino, un luogo misterioso. Un giorno, uno strano incidente si verifica in città.
    Comic Book 望月智充
    Series Director Kayo Konishi
    Original Music Composer Yukio Kondo
    Original Music Composer Takuya Tani
    Character Designer Toshiyuki Sakae
    Art Direction Fumiyuki Goh
    Sound Director Tomomi Saito
    Director of Photography Miyoko Ichinose
    Color Designer Masaki Utsunomiya
    Editor Hiyori Denforword Akishino
    Prop Designer 出雲範子
    Sound Effects 望月智充
    Series Composition Yuyu
    Theme Song Performance Nonoka Obuchi
    Theme Song Performance ファイルーズあい
    Sumireko Ogawa (voice) 山下大輝
    Ren Adashino (voice) 幸村恵理
    Oto Adashino (voice) 堀江由衣
    Manami Uname (voice) 高橋李依
    Shizuku (voice) 会沢紗弥
    Nodoka Ametsuchi (voice) 内田夕夜
    John Doe (voice) 大空直美
    Jormun Himeuo (voice) 野沢雅子
    Attendant of Kisaragi Station (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-04-10 1: The Cursed Book, the Maiden, and the Birthday
    Sumireko and Adashino work and chat together in the quiet of the bookshop where they're employed. Their manager appears and gives Sumireko a strange book of unknown origins. Just after midnight, she casually picks it up to read it, and then... 1: The Cursed Book, the Maiden, and the Birthday
    In onda il: 2024-04-10 Sumireko and Adashino work and chat together in the quiet of the bookshop where they're employed. Their manager appears and gives Sumireko a strange book of unknown origins. Just after midnight, she casually picks it up to read it, and then... In onda il: 2024-04-17 2: Schoolhouse, Drool, and an Apartment Wife
    The curse of Tsukuyomi's Water of Youth hasn't finished with Sumireko yet. Meanwhile, Adashino's younger sister, Oto, picks up on the presence of a Curiosity at the school she attends. Sumireko poses as Oto's friend in order to infiltrate the school. 2: Schoolhouse, Drool, and an Apartment Wife
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 The curse of Tsukuyomi's Water of Youth hasn't finished with Sumireko yet. Meanwhile, Adashino's younger sister, Oto, picks up on the presence of a Curiosity at the school she attends. Sumireko poses as Oto's friend in order to infiltrate the school. In onda il: 2024-04-24 3: Horns, Bullying, and a Hair Ornament
    Uname's childhood in the countryside caused her to become a teacher with a strong desire to eliminate bullying. After hearing about the dribblers from Sumireko, Adashino is certain that a Curiosity is involved and comes up with a plan to catch it. 3: Horns, Bullying, and a Hair Ornament
    In onda il: 2024-04-24 Uname's childhood in the countryside caused her to become a teacher with a strong desire to eliminate bullying. After hearing about the dribblers from Sumireko, Adashino is certain that a Curiosity is involved and comes up with a plan to catch it. In onda il: 2024-05-01 4: A Bath, Cleaning, and a Surprise
    The cuckoo known as Adashino cries in the deserted Midori Bookshop once more. Sumireko intends to spend her day off writing. As she's admiring the sakura outside her window, she gets a text from Adashino asking her to look after Oto for two or three days. 4: A Bath, Cleaning, and a Surprise
    In onda il: 2024-05-01 The cuckoo known as Adashino cries in the deserted Midori Bookshop once more. Sumireko intends to spend her day off writing. As she's admiring the sakura outside her window, she gets a text from Adashino asking her to look after Oto for two or three days. In onda il: 2024-05-08 5: Underwear, Snacks, and Scarlet Clothes
    Sumireko looks after Oto while Adashino is away. They go to Oto's school where Sumireko revels in the joys of youth. She and Oto run into Uname and spend the evening with her. But their peace is short-lived as the shadow of a new Curiosity draws near. 5: Underwear, Snacks, and Scarlet Clothes
    In onda il: 2024-05-08 Sumireko looks after Oto while Adashino is away. They go to Oto's school where Sumireko revels in the joys of youth. She and Oto run into Uname and spend the evening with her. But their peace is short-lived as the shadow of a new Curiosity draws near. In onda il: 2024-05-15 6: A Curiosity, a Maid, and a Cultured Young Lady
    Shizuku is looking for Tomoko, who disappeared on a rainy night a year ago. Based on Tomoko's final video call, Adashino has a guess about the Curiosity, but he has a few concerns. Oto wants to help Shizuku, so she begins her own search. 6: A Curiosity, a Maid, and a Cultured Young Lady
    In onda il: 2024-05-15 Shizuku is looking for Tomoko, who disappeared on a rainy night a year ago. Based on Tomoko's final video call, Adashino has a guess about the Curiosity, but he has a few concerns. Oto wants to help Shizuku, so she begins her own search. In onda il: 2024-05-22 7: A Station, Scissors, and a Haircut
    The hong yi xiao nu hai has become a Curiosity which kills the living who answer its knock at the door. But that isn't all. When Shizuku learns the conclusion that Sumireko and Adashino have come to, she steels her resolve and does the unthinkable. 7: A Station, Scissors, and a Haircut
    In onda il: 2024-05-22 The hong yi xiao nu hai has become a Curiosity which kills the living who answer its knock at the door. But that isn't all. When Shizuku learns the conclusion that Sumireko and Adashino have come to, she steels her resolve and does the unthinkable. In onda il: 2024-05-29 8: A Book, an Affair, and a Mermaid
    When Sumireko was young, her inability to express herself often led to trouble with her friends. One day, she ran from them and ended up at a strange bookshop. The woman there recommended a book and offered a suggestion to help her speak more easily. 8: A Book, an Affair, and a Mermaid
    In onda il: 2024-05-29 When Sumireko was young, her inability to express herself often led to trouble with her friends. One day, she ran from them and ended up at a strange bookshop. The woman there recommended a book and offered a suggestion to help her speak more easily. In onda il: 2024-06-05 9: Dreams, Dance, and a Tsukumogami
    Oto's friend Nodoka dreams of becoming an idol, but as her family runs a hospital, there are certain expectations for her future. Her sole comfort is the VTuber Himeuo Yorumun. But one day... 9: Dreams, Dance, and a Tsukumogami
    In onda il: 2024-06-05 Oto's friend Nodoka dreams of becoming an idol, but as her family runs a hospital, there are certain expectations for her future. Her sole comfort is the VTuber Himeuo Yorumun. But one day... In onda il: 2024-06-12 10: A Live Performance, a Curse, and the Person Inside
    Yorumun begins hijacking popular streamers' videos, rapidly escalating the commotion around her. Adashino tries to save Nodoka, but Nodoka refuses his help, defending Yorumun instead. Then Uname brings a woman in a wheelchair to meet them. 10: A Live Performance, a Curse, and the Person Inside
    In onda il: 2024-06-12 Yorumun begins hijacking popular streamers' videos, rapidly escalating the commotion around her. Adashino tries to save Nodoka, but Nodoka refuses his help, defending Yorumun instead. Then Uname brings a woman in a wheelchair to meet them. In onda il: 2024-06-19 11: Cats, Swimsuits, and a Black Aenoium
    Adashino and Sumireko discuss the coming of summer and what that means regarding the wearing of swimsuits. Then, as Adashino answers his phone, an otherworldly space envelops the two of them, and Sumireko notices a mysterious figure in the distance. 11: Cats, Swimsuits, and a Black Aenoium
    In onda il: 2024-06-19 Adashino and Sumireko discuss the coming of summer and what that means regarding the wearing of swimsuits. Then, as Adashino answers his phone, an otherworldly space envelops the two of them, and Sumireko notices a mysterious figure in the distance. In onda il: 2024-06-26 12: A Ticket, a Video, and Mysterious Disappearances
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: A Ticket, a Video, and Mysterious Disappearances
    In onda il: 2024-06-26 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. La famiglia Claus 2 (2021) Streaming  

    Fantascienza - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La famiglia Claus 2
    1 h 38 m    2021        
    Famiglia ◦ Commedia ◦ Fantasy
    Jules Claus ha fatto pace con il Natale e si sta preparando al periodo più indaffarato dell'anno insieme a nonno Noël. Tutto sembra andare per il meglio, finché Jules non riceve una lettera molto speciale che contiene una strana domanda. The Claus Family 2 è un film pieno di buoni sentimenti per tutta la famiglia interpretato da alcuni grandi talenti olandesi e fiamminghi.
    Elke de Gezelle
    Scenario Writer Gert Stas
    Set Designer Philip van Volsem
    Cinematography Nico Poedts
    Editor Joëlle Meerbergen
    Costume Design Willem Pruijssers
    Producer Stefan Rycken
    VFX Supervisor Anne Kathrin Dern
    Music Ruben Vandenborre
    Screenplay Ruben Vandenborre
    Director Ruben Vandenborre
    Producer Ruben Vandenborre
    Writer Ruben Vandenborre
    Scenario Writer Anthony Van Biervliet
    Producer Mireille Hoetelmans
    Makeup & Hair Jan Decleir
    Noël Claus Mo Bakker
    Jules Claus Bracha van Doesburgh
    Suzanne Stefaan Degand
    Holger Eva van der Gucht
    Gunna Josje Huisman
    Ikka Janne Desmet
    Assa Emma Moortgat
    Caro Renée Soutendijk
    Grandma Sien Eggers
    Jet Pommelien Thijs
    Ella Kürt Rogiers
    Jef Amber Metdepenningen
    Noor Claus Pieter Verelst
    Fred Rashif El Kaoui
    Farid Carly Wijs
    Jantien Jasmina Fall
    Marie Elise Bundervoet
    Mireille Siegfried De Doncker
    security guard Jetty Mathurin
    Elly Lauren Müller
    Tine Everon Jackson Hooi
    Steven Nessun Trailer disponibile
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