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  1. I Griffin 17 [20/20] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV Animate - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I Griffin
    Stagione 17    Episodi 20        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    La famiglia protagonista del cartone è la dissacrante rappresentazione della tipica American way of life. Le loro vicende sono fuori dalla realtà, con continui flashback in vari punti della storia che esplicano i comportamenti dei personaggi. Le trame degli episodi molto spesso non seguono un senso logico, ma sono sempre dotate di una forte vena umoristico-demenziale, l'inserimento, con il passare delle stagioni, di nuovi personaggi, ha ulteriormente scavato in questo punto, riuscendo nell'intento di far guadagnare alla serie una popolarità smisurata.
    Danny Smith
    Executive Producer Seth MacFarlane
    Peter Griffin / Brian Griffin / Stewie Griffin / Glenn Quagmire / Tom Tucker (voice) Alex Borstein
    Lois Griffin / Tricia Takanawa / Loretta Brown / Barbara Pewterschmidt (voice) Mila Kunis
    Meg Griffin (voice) Seth Green
    Chris Griffin (voice) Patrick Warburton
    Joe Swanson (voice) Arif Zahir
    Cleveland Brown (voice) Episodi: 20 
    In onda il: 2018-09-30 1: Sposata con cancro
    Brian si innamora di una donna di nome Jess, che rivela di essere malata di cancro e che sta morendo. Brian decide di sposarla, tuttavia arriva molto presto a pentirsi della sua scelta quando scoprono che il suo cancro è regredito. 1: Sposata con cancro
    In onda il: 2018-09-30 Brian si innamora di una donna di nome Jess, che rivela di essere malata di cancro e che sta morendo. Brian decide di sposarla, tuttavia arriva molto presto a pentirsi della sua scelta quando scoprono che il suo cancro è regredito. In onda il: 2018-10-07 2: Cane morto in marcia
    Il matrimonio di Brian con Jess non è quello che aveva immaginato e decide di lasciarsi andare su suggerimento di Peter. Questo porta Jess a fare un annuncio sorprendente. 2: Cane morto in marcia
    In onda il: 2018-10-07 Il matrimonio di Brian con Jess non è quello che aveva immaginato e decide di lasciarsi andare su suggerimento di Peter. Questo porta Jess a fare un annuncio sorprendente. In onda il: 2018-10-14 3: L'amico di Stewie
    Dopo l'ennesimo tentativo di uccidere Lois, Stewie viene fermato da un bambino di nome Hudson. Il bambino aiuta Stewie a riconnettersi con se stesso e i due diventano migliori amici. Dopo aver scoperto di non essere stato invitato alla festa di compleanno di Hudson, Stewie prova ad uccidere il bambino. Nel frattempo, Lois porta Peter a un seminario sulla propria responsabilizzazione secondo Tony Robbins. Peter è fermamente convinto di essere un imbroglione, ma Tony Robbins non si arrenderà nel tentativo di aiutarlo. Dopo essere stato colpito da un fulmine, il fantasma di Tony Robbins si trasferisce apparentemente nell'auto di Peter. Tony Robbins è ancora in grado di dare a Peter la giusta sicurezza, tuttavia, più tardi, si scopre che Robbins non è morto e che in realtà vive nel bagagliaio dell'auto. 3: L'amico di Stewie
    In onda il: 2018-10-14 Dopo l'ennesimo tentativo di uccidere Lois, Stewie viene fermato da un bambino di nome Hudson. Il bambino aiuta Stewie a riconnettersi con se stesso e i due diventano migliori amici. Dopo aver scoperto di non essere stato invitato alla festa di compleanno di Hudson, Stewie prova ad uccidere il bambino. Nel frattempo, Lois porta Peter a un seminario sulla propria responsabilizzazione secondo Tony Robbins. Peter è fermamente convinto di essere un imbroglione, ma Tony Robbins non si arrenderà nel tentativo di aiutarlo. Dopo essere stato colpito da un fulmine, il fantasma di Tony Robbins si trasferisce apparentemente nell'auto di Peter. Tony Robbins è ancora in grado di dare a Peter la giusta sicurezza, tuttavia, più tardi, si scopre che Robbins non è morto e che in realtà vive nel bagagliaio dell'auto. In onda il: 2018-10-21 4: Grandi problemi nella piccola Quahog
    Dopo essere stato preso in giro da Brian per la sua bassa statura, Stewie inventa una macchina restringente per pareggiare le altezze. Tuttavia, dopo l'accensione, i due vengono ridotti a dimensioni microscopiche. 4: Grandi problemi nella piccola Quahog
    In onda il: 2018-10-21 Dopo essere stato preso in giro da Brian per la sua bassa statura, Stewie inventa una macchina restringente per pareggiare le altezze. Tuttavia, dopo l'accensione, i due vengono ridotti a dimensioni microscopiche. In onda il: 2018-11-04 5: Riguardo a Carter
    È il compleanno di Lois. Carter le regala una pistola che lei cerca di nascondere alla famiglia, ma Peter e i bambini la trovano e iniziano a giocarci. 5: Riguardo a Carter
    In onda il: 2018-11-04 È il compleanno di Lois. Carter le regala una pistola che lei cerca di nascondere alla famiglia, ma Peter e i bambini la trovano e iniziano a giocarci. In onda il: 2018-11-11 6: Resta con Meg
    Peter scopre che suo figlio Chris non può più frequentare le lezioni. Viene quindi mandato in una scuola professionale e adotta il comportamento stereotipato degli studenti italiani, suoi compagni di scuola. 6: Resta con Meg
    In onda il: 2018-11-11 Peter scopre che suo figlio Chris non può più frequentare le lezioni. Viene quindi mandato in una scuola professionale e adotta il comportamento stereotipato degli studenti italiani, suoi compagni di scuola. In onda il: 2018-11-18 7: I giochi invernali dei Griffin
    Meg sorprende tutta la famiglia rivelando di essere una brava biathleta. La famiglia si reca quindi in Corea del Sud per partecipare ai Giochi olimpici invernali. 7: I giochi invernali dei Griffin
    In onda il: 2018-11-18 Meg sorprende tutta la famiglia rivelando di essere una brava biathleta. La famiglia si reca quindi in Corea del Sud per partecipare ai Giochi olimpici invernali. In onda il: 2018-12-02 8: La finta ereditiera
    Notando la foto di Brian in un quotidiano mondano, Stewie scopre che il suo amico sta uscendo con vecchie signore benestanti in cambio della loro eredità. Entrambi si innamorano della stessa persona e aspettano la sua morte così da intascarsi il suo patrimonio. 8: La finta ereditiera
    In onda il: 2018-12-02 Notando la foto di Brian in un quotidiano mondano, Stewie scopre che il suo amico sta uscendo con vecchie signore benestanti in cambio della loro eredità. Entrambi si innamorano della stessa persona e aspettano la sua morte così da intascarsi il suo patrimonio. In onda il: 2018-12-09 9: La mascotte
    Peter sbaglia funerale e invece di andare in quello di Angela pronuncia un'orazione al funerale di uno sconosciuto. Il giorno dopo, lo staff del birrificio scopre che ora ha una coppia come capi. Peter si trova assegnato a diversi servizi che non gli piacciono, finché non gli viene offerto di diventare il nuovo volto della birra Pawtucket. 9: La mascotte
    In onda il: 2018-12-09 Peter sbaglia funerale e invece di andare in quello di Angela pronuncia un'orazione al funerale di uno sconosciuto. Il giorno dopo, lo staff del birrificio scopre che ora ha una coppia come capi. Peter si trova assegnato a diversi servizi che non gli piacciono, finché non gli viene offerto di diventare il nuovo volto della birra Pawtucket. In onda il: 2019-01-06 10: Notevoli sfumature di grigio
    Peter scopre che nella sua casa è avvenuto un omicidio tanti anni fa, quindi con i suoi amici decidono di indagare. 10: Notevoli sfumature di grigio
    In onda il: 2019-01-06 Peter scopre che nella sua casa è avvenuto un omicidio tanti anni fa, quindi con i suoi amici decidono di indagare. In onda il: 2019-01-13 11: Un tizio di nome Trump
    Peter e la sua famiglia arrivano a Washington e vengono ricevuti da Donald Trump. Ma quando sua figlia Ivanka decide di diventare amica di Meg, Donald non può fare a meno di molestarla. 11: Un tizio di nome Trump
    In onda il: 2019-01-13 Peter e la sua famiglia arrivano a Washington e vengono ricevuti da Donald Trump. Ma quando sua figlia Ivanka decide di diventare amica di Meg, Donald non può fare a meno di molestarla. In onda il: 2019-02-10 12: Robot Brian
    Brian si preoccupa dell'eredità che si sta lasciando alle spalle, così Stewie gli costruisce un robot duplicato come sua biografia vivente. 12: Robot Brian
    In onda il: 2019-02-10 Brian si preoccupa dell'eredità che si sta lasciando alle spalle, così Stewie gli costruisce un robot duplicato come sua biografia vivente. In onda il: 2019-02-17 13: Trans-grasso
    Peter viene erroneamente identificato come transgender, il che lo porta a un evento inaspettato e un'importante lezione. 13: Trans-grasso
    In onda il: 2019-02-17 Peter viene erroneamente identificato come transgender, il che lo porta a un evento inaspettato e un'importante lezione. In onda il: 2019-03-03 14: Un racconto fremente
    Dopo un incidente sul lavoro Peter decide di prendere più seriamente la sua salute, inizia così a seguire una dieta con l'aiuto di Quagmire, Cleveland e Joe. Quando Lois scrive un romanzo fantasy-romantico Brian e Stewie pensano che abbia una relazione. 14: Un racconto fremente
    In onda il: 2019-03-03 Dopo un incidente sul lavoro Peter decide di prendere più seriamente la sua salute, inizia così a seguire una dieta con l'aiuto di Quagmire, Cleveland e Joe. Quando Lois scrive un romanzo fantasy-romantico Brian e Stewie pensano che abbia una relazione. In onda il: 2019-03-10 15: Nessun Giggity, nessun dubbio
    Quando i ragazzi si offrono di andare al ballo del liceo, Quagmire incontra Courtney, che si rivela essere sua figlia. 15: Nessun Giggity, nessun dubbio
    In onda il: 2019-03-10 Quando i ragazzi si offrono di andare al ballo del liceo, Quagmire incontra Courtney, che si rivela essere sua figlia. In onda il: 2019-03-24 16: In sala di incisione
    La famiglia Griffin commenta un episodio de "I Griffin" mentre sono in sala di doppiaggio. Si scoprono così dettagli poco noti sulla relazione tra Peter e Lois. 16: In sala di incisione
    In onda il: 2019-03-24 La famiglia Griffin commenta un episodio de "I Griffin" mentre sono in sala di doppiaggio. Si scoprono così dettagli poco noti sulla relazione tra Peter e Lois. In onda il: 2019-03-31 17: Avventura sull'isola
    In cerca del triciclo di Stewie, lui e Brian si imbarcano per un'avventura su un'isola galleggiante di rifiuti nell'oceano. 17: Avventura sull'isola
    In onda il: 2019-03-31 In cerca del triciclo di Stewie, lui e Brian si imbarcano per un'avventura su un'isola galleggiante di rifiuti nell'oceano. In onda il: 2019-04-28 18: Gettalo via
    Dopo aver letto un libro sulle gioie del disfarsi delle cose tristi, Lois obbliga il resto della famiglia a disfarsi delle cose che non gli danno gioia. 18: Gettalo via
    In onda il: 2019-04-28 Dopo aver letto un libro sulle gioie del disfarsi delle cose tristi, Lois obbliga il resto della famiglia a disfarsi delle cose che non gli danno gioia. In onda il: 2019-05-05 19: Una ragazza su Internet
    Meg diventa popolare su Internet e con l'aiuto di Peter crea un suo nuovo brand. Nel frattempo Brian e Stewie fanno un incidente in macchina e in attesa di ripararla si fanno prestare un SUV. 19: Una ragazza su Internet
    In onda il: 2019-05-05 Meg diventa popolare su Internet e con l'aiuto di Peter crea un suo nuovo brand. Nel frattempo Brian e Stewie fanno un incidente in macchina e in attesa di ripararla si fanno prestare un SUV. In onda il: 2019-05-12 20: Il liceo Adam West
    Quando la proposta di Brian di nominare il liceo di Quahog in memoria di Adam West ha successo, decide di candidarsi come sindaco. Dopo averlo saputo Quagmire decide di sfidarlo. 20: Il liceo Adam West
    In onda il: 2019-05-12 Quando la proposta di Brian di nominare il liceo di Quahog in memoria di Adam West ha successo, decide di candidarsi come sindaco. Dopo averlo saputo Quagmire decide di sfidarlo. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. I Simpson 30 [23/23] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV Animate - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I Simpson
    Stagione 30    Episodi 23        
    Famiglia ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia
    I Simpson (The Simpsons) è una popolare sitcom animata creata dal fumettista statunitense Matt Groening alla fine degli anni ottanta per la Fox Broadcasting Company. È una parodia satirica della società e dello stile di vita statunitensi, personificati dalla famiglia protagonista, di cui fanno parte Homer, Marge e i loro tre figli Bart, Lisa e Maggie. Ambientato in una cittadina statunitense chiamata Springfield, lo show tratta in chiave umoristica molti aspetti della condizione umana, così come la cultura, la società in generale e la stessa televisione.
    Danny Elfman
    Main Title Theme Composer Dan Castellaneta
    Homer Simpson / Abe Simpson / Barney Gumble / Krusty (voice) Julie Kavner
    Marge Simpson / Patty Bouvier / Selma Bouvier (voice) Nancy Cartwright
    Bart Simpson / Nelson Muntz / Ralph Wiggum (voice) Yeardley Smith
    Lisa Simpson (voice) Hank Azaria
    Moe Szyslak / Chief Wiggum / Apu / Comic Book Guy / Carl (voice) Harry Shearer
    Ned Flanders / Mr. Burns / Smithers / Skinner / Lenny (voice) Episodi: 23 
    In onda il: 2018-09-30 1: Bart non è morto
    Bart prende parte a una sfida che lo vede finire in ospedale. Cercando di coprire sé stesso ed Homer, Bart fa un reclamo per incontrare Gesù in Paradiso. Quando i produttori di Natale vogliono fargli un'offerta per un film, Bart inizia a sentirsi colpevole per aver ingannato. 1: Bart non è morto
    In onda il: 2018-09-30 Bart prende parte a una sfida che lo vede finire in ospedale. Cercando di coprire sé stesso ed Homer, Bart fa un reclamo per incontrare Gesù in Paradiso. Quando i produttori di Natale vogliono fargli un'offerta per un film, Bart inizia a sentirsi colpevole per aver ingannato. In onda il: 2018-10-07 2: Sfida sull'isola
    Marge ed Homer diventano i concorrenti dello show americano The Amazing Place, il sogno di tutta la vita di Marge. Tuttavia Homer finisce per rovinare tutto, venendo così cacciato alla prima sfida e facendo arrabbiare Marge, specialmente dal momento in cui vengono a conoscenza del fatto che dovranno passare sei settimane nell'hotel dell'aeroporto. Quando gli viene offerta una seconda possibilità per sfidarsi tra di loro, Marge scambierà Homer con un altro partner, guastando l'intera competizione. Homer diventa tanto impassibile che per la prima volta, le persone provano dispiacere per lui e non per Marge. 2: Sfida sull'isola
    In onda il: 2018-10-07 Marge ed Homer diventano i concorrenti dello show americano The Amazing Place, il sogno di tutta la vita di Marge. Tuttavia Homer finisce per rovinare tutto, venendo così cacciato alla prima sfida e facendo arrabbiare Marge, specialmente dal momento in cui vengono a conoscenza del fatto che dovranno passare sei settimane nell'hotel dell'aeroporto. Quando gli viene offerta una seconda possibilità per sfidarsi tra di loro, Marge scambierà Homer con un altro partner, guastando l'intera competizione. Homer diventa tanto impassibile che per la prima volta, le persone provano dispiacere per lui e non per Marge. In onda il: 2018-10-14 3: Il paradiso a modo mio
    L'episodio si svolge in Paradiso dove troviamo San Pietro e Dio. Quest'ultimo decide di aprire le porte del Paradiso ad alcune categorie di persone. 3: Il paradiso a modo mio
    In onda il: 2018-10-14 L'episodio si svolge in Paradiso dove troviamo San Pietro e Dio. Quest'ultimo decide di aprire le porte del Paradiso ad alcune categorie di persone. In onda il: 2018-10-21 4: La paura fa novanta XXIX
    Le storie questa volta sono quattro: -La zuppa verde di vongole -L'invasione degli ultra-pod -Multip-lisa-ta -Geriatric Park 4: La paura fa novanta XXIX
    In onda il: 2018-10-21 Le storie questa volta sono quattro: -La zuppa verde di vongole -L'invasione degli ultra-pod -Multip-lisa-ta -Geriatric Park In onda il: 2018-11-04 5: Baby, non puoi guidare la mia auto
    Homer viene licenziato dal signor Burns e deve trovarsi un altro lavoro. Comincia a lavorare in una start-up nel campo dell'alta tecnologia: la CarGo. Dopo averne visto i vantaggi, a questo lavoro si unisce anche Marge. Successivamente si uniscono anche gli impiegati della Centrale Nucleare del signor Burns. Quest'ultimo, insieme a Smithers, Homer e Marge (annoiati dalla manipolazione delle loro vite tramite le auto), manomettono e disattivano i sistemi di controllo della CarGo, nel frattempo andata in bancarotta. Così, alla fine, Homer chiede a Burns, invano, se ci fosse possibilità di trovare un impiego a lui e a Marge insieme. 5: Baby, non puoi guidare la mia auto
    In onda il: 2018-11-04 Homer viene licenziato dal signor Burns e deve trovarsi un altro lavoro. Comincia a lavorare in una start-up nel campo dell'alta tecnologia: la CarGo. Dopo averne visto i vantaggi, a questo lavoro si unisce anche Marge. Successivamente si uniscono anche gli impiegati della Centrale Nucleare del signor Burns. Quest'ultimo, insieme a Smithers, Homer e Marge (annoiati dalla manipolazione delle loro vite tramite le auto), manomettono e disattivano i sistemi di controllo della CarGo, nel frattempo andata in bancarotta. Così, alla fine, Homer chiede a Burns, invano, se ci fosse possibilità di trovare un impiego a lui e a Marge insieme. In onda il: 2018-11-11 6: From Russia Without Love
    On a mission to play hardcore pranks, Bart, Nelson and Milhouse get Moe a mail-order bride on the Dark Web. 6: From Russia Without Love
    In onda il: 2018-11-11 On a mission to play hardcore pranks, Bart, Nelson and Milhouse get Moe a mail-order bride on the Dark Web. In onda il: 2018-11-18 7: Werking Mom
    Marge wants a job, and stumbles into becoming a plastic food storage container-selling drag queen. Meanwhile, Lisa tries to make the world better in the style of "Amelie" 7: Werking Mom
    In onda il: 2018-11-18 Marge wants a job, and stumbles into becoming a plastic food storage container-selling drag queen. Meanwhile, Lisa tries to make the world better in the style of "Amelie" In onda il: 2018-11-25 8: Krusty the Clown
    Homer finds his calling as a TV recapper, but his harsh grading causes a brawl with Krusty. After almost killing Homer, Krusty hides out at a real circus, and finds happiness there. 8: Krusty the Clown
    In onda il: 2018-11-25 Homer finds his calling as a TV recapper, but his harsh grading causes a brawl with Krusty. After almost killing Homer, Krusty hides out at a real circus, and finds happiness there. In onda il: 2018-12-02 9: Daddicus Finch
    Lisa and Homer's bond gets stronger when they start spending real quality time together, and Bart feels neglected. So Marge tries to help Homer balance his attention between the kids. 9: Daddicus Finch
    In onda il: 2018-12-02 Lisa and Homer's bond gets stronger when they start spending real quality time together, and Bart feels neglected. So Marge tries to help Homer balance his attention between the kids. In onda il: 2018-12-09 10: 'Tis the 30th Season
    After a failed Black Friday shopping spree, Marge is determined to fix Christmas; Homer and the kids surprise Marge with a vacation to a Florida resort. 10: 'Tis the 30th Season
    In onda il: 2018-12-09 After a failed Black Friday shopping spree, Marge is determined to fix Christmas; Homer and the kids surprise Marge with a vacation to a Florida resort. In onda il: 2019-01-06 11: Mad About the Toy
    When Marge and Homer leave Grampa to baby-sit the kids, some little green army men trigger a PTSD episode, sending the family on a journey to Grampa's past and the time period when he was a post-war toy model. 11: Mad About the Toy
    In onda il: 2019-01-06 When Marge and Homer leave Grampa to baby-sit the kids, some little green army men trigger a PTSD episode, sending the family on a journey to Grampa's past and the time period when he was a post-war toy model. In onda il: 2019-01-13 12: The Girl on the Bus
    When Lisa spots a new best friend from the window of the bus, she gets a taste of what life could be like with a different, more cultured family. 12: The Girl on the Bus
    In onda il: 2019-01-13 When Lisa spots a new best friend from the window of the bus, she gets a taste of what life could be like with a different, more cultured family. In onda il: 2019-02-10 13: I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can
    Homer angers Marge by binging their favorite show without her, and has to pick up a new skill in order to make amends. Meanwhile, Bart prepares to compete in "Krusty's Holiday Trample". 13: I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can
    In onda il: 2019-02-10 Homer angers Marge by binging their favorite show without her, and has to pick up a new skill in order to make amends. Meanwhile, Bart prepares to compete in "Krusty's Holiday Trample". In onda il: 2019-02-17 14: The Clown Stays in the Picture
    Krusty reveals the untold story of his past in his movie "The Sands of Space". While working as personal assistants on the movie, Bart and Lisa learn about the early years of their parents' relationship. 14: The Clown Stays in the Picture
    In onda il: 2019-02-17 Krusty reveals the untold story of his past in his movie "The Sands of Space". While working as personal assistants on the movie, Bart and Lisa learn about the early years of their parents' relationship. In onda il: 2019-03-03 15: 101 Mitigations
    Comic Book Guy sues Homer for joyriding in his car. Meanwhile, Guillermo del Toro saves Mr. Burns from his troubles with the law. 15: 101 Mitigations
    In onda il: 2019-03-03 Comic Book Guy sues Homer for joyriding in his car. Meanwhile, Guillermo del Toro saves Mr. Burns from his troubles with the law. In onda il: 2019-03-10 16: I Want You (She's So Heavy)
    When a romantic night ends in injury, Marge recovers by taking up kite boarding while Homer bonds with his hallucinated hernia; Lisa attempts to fix her parents' strained relationship by seeking advice from an unlikely source. 16: I Want You (She's So Heavy)
    In onda il: 2019-03-10 When a romantic night ends in injury, Marge recovers by taking up kite boarding while Homer bonds with his hallucinated hernia; Lisa attempts to fix her parents' strained relationship by seeking advice from an unlikely source. In onda il: 2019-03-17 17: E My Sports
    As Bart begins to excel in video game competitions, Homer discovers a passion for coaching him; Lisa attempts to bring Homer back to reality, but the plan causes chaos. 17: E My Sports
    In onda il: 2019-03-17 As Bart begins to excel in video game competitions, Homer discovers a passion for coaching him; Lisa attempts to bring Homer back to reality, but the plan causes chaos. In onda il: 2019-03-24 18: Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy
    Krusty releases an all-female reboot of “Itchy and Scratchy,” so Bart and his crew of all-male friends decide to boycott the show. After Bart’s friends turn on him for laughing at the reboot, Bart joins a woke group of sixth-grade girls who commit crimes against patriarchy. 18: Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy
    In onda il: 2019-03-24 Krusty releases an all-female reboot of “Itchy and Scratchy,” so Bart and his crew of all-male friends decide to boycott the show. After Bart’s friends turn on him for laughing at the reboot, Bart joins a woke group of sixth-grade girls who commit crimes against patriarchy. In onda il: 2019-03-31 19: Girl's in the Band
    Homer works extra shifts at the plant so Lisa can play in the Capitol City Philharmonic. 19: Girl's in the Band
    In onda il: 2019-03-31 Homer works extra shifts at the plant so Lisa can play in the Capitol City Philharmonic. In onda il: 2019-04-07 20: I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'oh
    Marge becomes director of Springfield's local theater, armed with Lisa's script resembling "Hamilton"; Homer joins a baby class with Maggie, and he takes a liking to supervisor Chloe. 20: I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'oh
    In onda il: 2019-04-07 Marge becomes director of Springfield's local theater, armed with Lisa's script resembling "Hamilton"; Homer joins a baby class with Maggie, and he takes a liking to supervisor Chloe. In onda il: 2019-04-28 21: D'oh Canada
    Lisa is mistakenly given political asylum in Canada during a family trip to Niagara Falls; Homer goes to a “Daddy and Me” class with Maggie. 21: D'oh Canada
    In onda il: 2019-04-28 Lisa is mistakenly given political asylum in Canada during a family trip to Niagara Falls; Homer goes to a “Daddy and Me” class with Maggie. In onda il: 2019-05-05 22: Woo-Hoo Dunnit?
    The documentary crime series “Dateline: Springfield” goes in-depth to solve the case of Lisa’s missing college fund. 22: Woo-Hoo Dunnit?
    In onda il: 2019-05-05 The documentary crime series “Dateline: Springfield” goes in-depth to solve the case of Lisa’s missing college fund. In onda il: 2019-05-12 23: Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion
    Marge starts a business selling healing crystals to the naive mothers of Springfield when Homer’s work cuts children’s health-care benefits, leading Marge to use the crystals as a cheaper solution for Bart’s ADD. 23: Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion
    In onda il: 2019-05-12 Marge starts a business selling healing crystals to the naive mothers of Springfield when Homer’s work cuts children’s health-care benefits, leading Marge to use the crystals as a cheaper solution for Bart’s ADD. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  3. The Cured (2017) ITA Streaming  

    Horror - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Cured
    1 h 35 m    2017        
    Horror ◦ Dramma ◦ Fantascienza
    Quando è scoppiata una sorta di apocalisse zombie, per via di un virus detto Maze che ha trasformato le persone in folli e veloci cannibali, la situazione è stata tenuta sotto controllo in varie Nazioni, ma non Irlanda. Qui l'emergenza è finita solo quando è stata trovata una cura dalla Dottoressa Lyons, però non tutti gli infetti vengono guariti e il 25% tra loro si è rivelato resistente alla terapia ed è stato dunque imprigionato. Tra questi c'è anche una persona cara alla dottoressa, che continua a lavorare per una cura più efficace. Le persone guarite hanno poi un serissimo problema: ricordano tutto quello che hanno fatto mentre erano impazzite e il loro reintegro nella società incontra forte opposizione. La giornalista e vedova, Abbie accetta di accogliere in casa sua Senan, appartenente alla terza e ultima ondata di persone curate e che era amico di suo marito. L'ex "capo-branco" del ragazzo però continua a interferire nella vita di Abbie e Senan.
    Chris Gill
    Editor Elliot Page
    Producer Tiziana Corvisieri
    Costume Design Louise Kiely
    Casting Piers McGrail
    Director of Photography Francis Taaffe
    Art Direction Jens Rosenlund Petersen
    Sound Designer Jens Rosenlund Petersen
    Supervising Sound Editor Conor Dennison
    Production Design Kevin McCabe
    Set Decoration Dave Moran
    Script Supervisor Thyrza Ging
    Casting Jim Walsh
    Property Master Simon Murphy
    Boom Operator Caroline Harrington
    Costume Supervisor Paul Maynes
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Cormac O'Omáille
    First Assistant Camera David Freyne
    Director David Freyne
    Writer Rachael O'Kane
    Producer Rory Dungan
    Producer Julie-Ann Ryan
    Makeup Designer Julie-Ann Ryan
    Prosthetic Designer Tim Fletcher
    Gaffer Rory Friers
    Original Music Composer Niall Kennedy
    Original Music Composer Karl Daly
    Location Manager Steve Jackson
    Boom Operator Niamh Glynn
    Hair Department Head Belinda Roche
    Hairstylist Stuart Pearson
    Dialogue Editor Darren Nash
    Visual Effects Supervisor Tommy Fitzgerald
    Camera Operator Elliot Page
    Abbie Sam Keeley
    Senan Tom Vaughan-Lawlor
    Conor Stuart Graham
    Cantor Paula Malcomson
    Dr. Lyons Lesley Conroy
    Katie Natalia Kostrzewa
    Allison Hilda Fay
    Jo Landecker Barry McGovern
    Patrick Ryan Art Campion
    Luke Oscar Nolan
    Cillian Chelsea Debo
    Cured Wife Frank Cannon
    Garda / Ranger / Zombie / UN Soldier Amy De Bhrún
    American Journalist (uncredited) Tadhg Devery
    Soldier Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. Zombieland: Doppio Colpo (2019) ITA Streaming  

    Commedia - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Zombieland - Doppio colpo
    1 h 39 m    2019        
    Commedia ◦ Horror
    Il gruppo affronterà una nuova minaccia zombi quando viene creata una nuova razza di zombi. Questo nuovo tipo di super-zombi è più veloce, più grande e più forte del precedente ceppo ed è più difficile da uccidere: questi super-zombi hanno iniziato a raggrupparsi in un'orda che va di città in città lasciando dietro di sé un percorso di distruzione.
    John Papsidera
    Casting John Papsidera
    Casting Director K.C. Hodenfield
    First Assistant Director Rhett Reese
    Screenplay Rhett Reese
    Executive Producer Rhett Reese
    Characters Robert Fechtman
    Set Designer Christine Wada
    Costume Design Jeong Jeong-hun
    Director of Photography Harry B. Miller III
    Additional Editor Kami Asgar
    Supervising Sound Editor Gavin Polone
    Producer Martin Whist
    Production Design David Sardy
    Original Music Composer Dave Callaham
    Screenplay Chad Seiter
    Orchestrator Dirk Westervelt
    Editor Adrian Medhurst
    Foley Artist Ruben Fleischer
    Director Ruben Fleischer
    Executive Producer Paul Wernick
    Screenplay Paul Wernick
    Executive Producer Paul Wernick
    Characters Markos Rounthwaite
    Stunt Coordinator Markos Rounthwaite
    Second Unit Director Michelle Rose
    Stunts Jack Heller
    Executive Producer Rebecca Rivo
    Executive Producer Rebecca Rivo
    Unit Production Manager Jay Amor
    Stunts Glenn Foster
    Stunt Coordinator B. J. McDonnell
    "A" Camera Operator Paul D. Kelly
    Art Direction John Dixon
    Stunts David Bernad
    Executive Producer Chris Terhune
    Sound Effects Editor Terry Collis
    Transportation Coordinator Matthew Gatlin
    Art Direction Michael Hertlein
    Dialogue Editor Robert Troy
    Dialogue Editor Neishaw Ali
    Visual Effects Producer Paul Pirola
    Foley Supervisor J. Christopher Campbell
    "B" Camera Operator Kevin O’Connell
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jim Schultz
    Music Editor Will Files
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer George Macri
    Visual Effects Producer Don Miloyevich
    Property Master Ernie Avila
    Set Designer Laura Wolford
    Costumer Erin Oakley
    Supervising Sound Editor Tracey Rogers
    Costumer Dan Cornwall
    Chief Lighting Technician Hector C. Gika
    Sound Effects Editor Melizah Anguiano Wheat
    Key Hair Stylist Curtis Crowe
    Construction Coordinator Fríða Aradóttir
    Hairstylist Lauren Abiouness
    Art Direction Sean Ryan Jennings
    Art Direction Adam O'Brien-Locke
    Visual Effects Producer Gunnar Hansen
    Visual Effects Supervisor Casey Genton
    Sound Designer Lindsey Alvarez
    Dialogue Editor Robert Chen
    Dialogue Editor Sarah Mays
    Makeup Department Head Kate Abraham
    Costumer Meredith Richardson
    Stunts Gabe Hilfer
    Music Supervisor Roxie Hodenfield
    Hair Department Head Eric Withee
    Visual Effects Production Manager Mary H. Ellis
    Production Sound Mixer Matthew A. Petrosky
    "B" Camera Operator Jamie Famularo
    Foley Editor Katherine Steets
    Script Supervisor Sara Cobbeldick
    Costumer Isabelle Fretheim
    Stunts Paul Linden
    Visual Effects Supervisor Claudia Bonfe
    Set Decoration Will Greenfield
    Unit Production Manager Richard Castro
    Production Accountant Crystal Hooks
    Stunts Jessica Erin Bennett
    Stunts Jessica Erin Bennett
    Stunt Double Ashley McGuire
    Makeup Artist Sébastien Bergeron
    Visual Effects Supervisor Dane Farwell
    Stunts Kenneth Yu
    Production Supervisor Gina Nalli
    Costumer Toni Crey
    Script Supervisor Lea E. Miller
    Dolly Grip Matt Evans
    First Assistant Editor Katie Eischen
    Stunts Andy Hoehn
    First Assistant "A" Camera Mela Rayne
    Assistant Location Manager Kim Winther
    Casting Associate Conte Mark Matal
    Second Assistant Director Mark LeDoux
    Visual Effects Supervisor Marcella Elisa Caudill
    Costumer Susie Bench
    Conductor Emily Bohbrink
    Casting Assistant Steve Kupfer
    Rigging Grip Jessica Merideth
    Stunts Jessica Merideth
    Stunt Double Nancy Thurston
    Stunts Shauna Galligan
    Stunts Nicole Marines
    Stunts Leo Satkovich
    Key Makeup Artist Julia Maggio
    Stunts Julia Maggio
    Stunt Double Sarah Reagin
    Stunts Sarah Reagin
    Stunt Double Erinn Knight
    Assistant Costume Designer Troy A. Johnson
    Boom Operator Christian Hejnal
    Visual Effects Producer Dale Fowler
    Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Chris Waegner
    Visual Effects Supervisor Kyle Spicer
    Digital Imaging Technician Ryan Squires
    Foley Recordist Wassila Lmouaci
    Visual Effects Producer Kevin Boyett
    Costumer Michael Saunders
    Second Assistant Director Mohamed Sobhy
    Visual Effects Supervisor Doug Belgrad
    Executive Producer Monique Lewis
    Hairstylist Brendan Croxon
    Foley Mixer Brendan Hill
    Foley Editor Jessica Medina
    Stunt Double Sarah Irwin
    Stunts Jeremy Wisham
    Dolly Grip Kim Khoo
    Production Coordinator Jeffrey Neumeier
    Assistant Accountant Sam Fan
    Sound Effects Editor Kurt Kornemann
    Key Grip Jenny Reyes
    Key Costumer Jess Durham
    Stunts Christian Wood
    Compositor D.J. Phillips
    Camera Loader Dena Sodano
    Stunts Duncan Key
    Compositor Heather Taylor
    Visual Effects Editor Joshua Young
    Compositor Ndosi Anyabwile
    Compositor Tanner Bartlett
    Compositor Christopher Cheng
    Compositor Alexander Johnson
    Compositor Daniel J. Pastor
    Compositor Paul Song
    Compositor Zachary S. Willis
    3D Artist Piotr Żyła
    Animation Adrien Barbier
    Senior Animator Ailene Roberts
    Assistant Sound Editor Casey Ann Zeller
    Stunts Elecia Avila
    Additional Second Assistant Director Christopher Zou
    Additional Second Assistant Director Ian Campbell
    First Assistant "B" Camera Jamie Pair
    Second Assistant "A" Camera Mary Parker
    Music Editor Kate Stauduhar
    Visual Effects Editor Hunter Barcroft
    Production Secretary Paul E. Woods
    Second Assistant "B" Camera Silvia Mahapatra
    Set Designer Forrest Hill
    Makeup Artist Chris Ward
    Set Designer Bobby Tucker
    Visual Effects Producer Steve Ramome
    Visual Effects Supervisor Marie-Josee Paradis
    Visual Effects Producer Kevin Miller
    Visual Effects Producer Christopher Waegner
    Visual Effects Supervisor Shawn Knight
    Best Boy Grip Matthew B. Chamberlin
    Location Manager Joseph Patrick Miller
    Assistant Location Manager Sean Crane
    Assistant Location Manager Tracy Swiatly
    Makeup Artist Julio Allen
    Utility Sound Chris Hoehner
    Assistant Production Coordinator Eric Buchholz
    Orchestrator Woody Harrelson
    Tallahassee Jesse Eisenberg
    Columbus Emma Stone
    Wichita Abigail Breslin
    Little Rock Zoey Deutch
    Madison Avan Jogia
    Berkeley Rosario Dawson
    Nevada Luke Wilson
    Albuquerque Thomas Middleditch
    Flagstaff Victoria Hall
    Babylonian Gatekeeper Victor Rivera
    Civil War Bearded Guy Ian Gregg
    Bowel Blast Guy Devin Mojica
    Cool Hat Guy Rachel Luttrell
    Terrified Woman in Snow John Dixon
    Homer Zombie in Snow Ronny Mathew
    Scared Lab Tech Jess Durham
    Beatrix Hawking David Fleischer
    Exoculated Scientist Jenin Gonzalez
    Survivor with Flashlight Felix Betancourt
    Ninja Zombie Lucas Fleischer
    Dave Sanderman Gianni Biasetti Jr.
    Haybale Z Ari Loeb
    T-800 Z Anthony Dilio
    Matteo Bianchi Bill Murray
    Bill Murray Julia Vasi
    Publicist Al Roker
    Reporter Lili Estefan
    Reporter Joshua Alex Horowitz
    Reporter Grace Randolph
    Reporter Sergio Briones
    T-800 (uncredited) Timothy Carr
    T-800 Zombie (uncredited) Nathan W. Collins
    Zombie (uncredited) Isabelle Fretheim
    Hotel Guest (uncredited) Brianna Gardner
    T-800 Attack Zombie (uncredited) Kyra Elise Gardner
    T-800 Attack Zombie (uncredited) Kandis Hargrave
    Dept. Store Female Zombie (uncredited) Julian B Lin
    T-800 Zombie (uncredited) Louie g Maldonado
    Straggler Zombie (uncredited) Tim McAdams
    Cameraman (uncredited) Andrew R. McCallister
    T800 (uncredited) Zara McDowell
    Zombie (uncredited) Jessica Medina
    White House Zombie (uncredited) Oscar Rodriguez III
    Zombie / T800 (uncredited) MWW Michael Wilkerson
    T 800 Zombie (uncredited) Otis Winston
    T 800 Zombie (uncredited) Lewis Wright
    Zombie (uncredited) Zombieland - Doppio Colpo | 2° Trailer - Dal 14 novembre al cinema
    Zombieland - Doppio Colpo | Trailer Ufficiale Italiano
  5. Assassins Pride [12/12] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Assassins Pride
    Titolo inglese    Assassin's Pride
    Titolo Kanji    アサシンズプライド
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Azione  Ecchi  Fantasy  Harem  Sentimentale  
    Anno    2019
    Tratto da    Light Novel
    Stagioni    Autunno (2019)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    In un mondo in cui soltanto gli aristocratici hanno il potere di usare il mana per combattere, Melida Angel sembra essere l'eccezione; per questo motivo la ragazza è sospettata di essere in realtà frutto di una relazione extraconiugale della madre. A Kufa, un giovane sicario, viene quindi assegnata una singolare missione: tentare di risvegliare in Melida la capacità di utilizzare il mana oppure, in caso di fallimento, uccidere la ragazza per evitare che il nome della casata venga macchiato.
  6. Radiant 2 [21/21] (2019) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Radiant
    Stagione 2    Episodi 21        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Seth è un aspirante mago della regione di Pompo Hills. Come tutti i maghi è un “infetto”, un essere molto raro che è riuscito a sopravvivere al contatto con un Nemesis, delle creature cadute dal cielo che hanno contaminato e ucciso quasi tutti coloro che han toccato. La sua apparente immunità al tocco del Nemesis gli ha fatto comprendere che il suo destino è ormai segnato: deve diventare un cacciatore di taglie e combattere i Nemesis. Tuttavia il suo obiettivo non è solo cacciare questi terribili mostri, ma anche quello di trovare il Radiant, quella che si crede possa essere la tana dei Nemesis. Insieme ad altri maghi percorrerà il mondo alla ricerca del Radiant, stando continuamente attento a fuggire dall’Inquisizione o da qualsiasi ostacolo si ponga sulla sua strada.
    Theme Song Performance 渡井翔汰
    Theme Song Performance 齋木孝平
    Theme Song Performance 白井將人
    Theme Song Performance 片山僚
    Theme Song Performance Tony Valente
    Comic Book Nozomi Kawano
    Supervising Animation Director Nozomi Kawano
    Character Designer Tomonari Suzuki
    Art Direction 花守ゆみり
    Seth (voice) Aoi Yūki
    Mélie (voice) Kōji Yusa
    Dragunov (voice) 小市眞琴
    Mister Bobley (voice) 大畑伸太郎
    Doc (voice) Takehito Koyasu
    Grim (voice) Shō Hayami
    Narration (voice) 渕上舞
    Ocoho (voice) Bin Shimada
    Myr (voice) Episodi: 21 
    In onda il: 2019-10-02 1: Toward a New Adventure -Overture-
    Seth returns with Alma before leaving for the city of Caislean Merlin, capital of the sorcerer knights to find the answers he needs. Meanwhile, Captain Dragunov is sent to a secluded place in what he believes is a punishment for his actions, but ... 1: Toward a New Adventure -Overture-
    In onda il: 2019-10-02 Seth returns with Alma before leaving for the city of Caislean Merlin, capital of the sorcerer knights to find the answers he needs. Meanwhile, Captain Dragunov is sent to a secluded place in what he believes is a punishment for his actions, but ... In onda il: 2019-10-09 2: An Encounter in the Rain -Mist-
    Seth sets out for the capital but gets intercepted by a Merchant-Baron airship. Seth barely escapes thanks to Grimm, and successfully reaches the capital where he encounters Doc and Melie. 2: An Encounter in the Rain -Mist-
    In onda il: 2019-10-09 Seth sets out for the capital but gets intercepted by a Merchant-Baron airship. Seth barely escapes thanks to Grimm, and successfully reaches the capital where he encounters Doc and Melie. In onda il: 2019-10-16 3: The City of Knights -Caislean Merlin-
    After attempting to enter the castle's archives, Seth gets kicked out! Seth is later introduced to Ocoho and joins her in battle. 3: The City of Knights -Caislean Merlin-
    In onda il: 2019-10-16 After attempting to enter the castle's archives, Seth gets kicked out! Seth is later introduced to Ocoho and joins her in battle. In onda il: 2019-10-23 4: The Bringer of Calamity -Dullahan-
    Seth and Ocoho face off against a powerful Spectral Nemesis band while attempting to protect a small farm from destruction. 4: The Bringer of Calamity -Dullahan-
    In onda il: 2019-10-23 Seth and Ocoho face off against a powerful Spectral Nemesis band while attempting to protect a small farm from destruction. In onda il: 2019-10-30 5: Silent Rain, Distant Hearts -Rain-
    Seth tracks down Melie and Doc at the Luchorpan Inn, and attempts to make amends with them. 5: Silent Rain, Distant Hearts -Rain-
    In onda il: 2019-10-30 Seth tracks down Melie and Doc at the Luchorpan Inn, and attempts to make amends with them. In onda il: 2019-11-06 6: His Name Is -Diabal-
    Guided by a reocurring dream, Seth attempts to sneak into the archives at Caislean Merlin. Here, he learns a dark truth about the origins of the Spectral Nemesis. 6: His Name Is -Diabal-
    In onda il: 2019-11-06 Guided by a reocurring dream, Seth attempts to sneak into the archives at Caislean Merlin. Here, he learns a dark truth about the origins of the Spectral Nemesis. In onda il: 2019-11-13 7: The Spectre Battle -Spectre-
    Seth hangs on for dear life as he attempts to escape the Diabal’s grasp. Meanwhile, Grimm is badly wounded in an altercation. 7: The Spectre Battle -Spectre-
    In onda il: 2019-11-13 Seth hangs on for dear life as he attempts to escape the Diabal’s grasp. Meanwhile, Grimm is badly wounded in an altercation. In onda il: 2019-11-20 8: Seth in the Forest of Time -Caillte-
    Seriously wounded after his clash with Diabal, Seth is collected by Myr. Meanwhile, Melie, Ocoho and Doc set off in search of the young wizard. Their research leads them to the forest of Caillte, a mysterious place from which nobody returns... 8: Seth in the Forest of Time -Caillte-
    In onda il: 2019-11-20 Seriously wounded after his clash with Diabal, Seth is collected by Myr. Meanwhile, Melie, Ocoho and Doc set off in search of the young wizard. Their research leads them to the forest of Caillte, a mysterious place from which nobody returns... In onda il: 2019-11-27 9: The Palace of Schemes -Palace-
    In order to master the power within him, Seth decides to stay in the Caillte forest to train with Myr. Meanwhile, Melie and Ocoho are summoned by Queen Boadicea for disobeying orders during the battle against the spectrums. 9: The Palace of Schemes -Palace-
    In onda il: 2019-11-27 In order to master the power within him, Seth decides to stay in the Caillte forest to train with Myr. Meanwhile, Melie and Ocoho are summoned by Queen Boadicea for disobeying orders during the battle against the spectrums. In onda il: 2019-12-04 10: The Qualifications of a Knight -Quality-
    As Seth continues his training with Myr, the Witch-Knights face a nemesis threatening the people of Cyfandir. Despite the presence of the gallant Lord Gulis, defeating the monster could be a harder task than it seems ... 10: The Qualifications of a Knight -Quality-
    In onda il: 2019-12-04 As Seth continues his training with Myr, the Witch-Knights face a nemesis threatening the people of Cyfandir. Despite the presence of the gallant Lord Gulis, defeating the monster could be a harder task than it seems ... In onda il: 2019-12-11 11: Now, Feel the World -Resonance-
    After rescuing villagers from a nemesis, Ocoho and Melie return to Caislean Merlin. Meanwhile, Seth completes his training with Myr and learns more about the mysterious old man... 11: Now, Feel the World -Resonance-
    In onda il: 2019-12-11 After rescuing villagers from a nemesis, Ocoho and Melie return to Caislean Merlin. Meanwhile, Seth completes his training with Myr and learns more about the mysterious old man... In onda il: 2019-12-18 12: The Truth Is Like a Curse -Ocoho-
    Peace has reigned in Caislean Merlin for some time. However, Lord Brangoire behaves suspiciously and seems to be watching Ocoho and his friends closely. 12: The Truth Is Like a Curse -Ocoho-
    In onda il: 2019-12-18 Peace has reigned in Caislean Merlin for some time. However, Lord Brangoire behaves suspiciously and seems to be watching Ocoho and his friends closely. In onda il: 2019-12-25 13: Your Decision -Knighthood
    Liselotte and Dragunov meet Baron Doussant, who tells them of his terrible intentions. Ocoho, meanwhile, leaves to ask Mordred for an explanation about his condition after each of their meetings. 13: Your Decision -Knighthood
    In onda il: 2019-12-25 Liselotte and Dragunov meet Baron Doussant, who tells them of his terrible intentions. Ocoho, meanwhile, leaves to ask Mordred for an explanation about his condition after each of their meetings. In onda il: 2020-01-08 14: The Final Battlefield -Battlefield-
    The Inquisition begins the invasion. Queen Boudica swears to resist until the end. Meanwhile, Seth infiltrates the castle and questions Diabal about his origins. Then listen to Piodon's secret. Who are these men? And who is Seth? 14: The Final Battlefield -Battlefield-
    In onda il: 2020-01-08 The Inquisition begins the invasion. Queen Boudica swears to resist until the end. Meanwhile, Seth infiltrates the castle and questions Diabal about his origins. Then listen to Piodon's secret. Who are these men? And who is Seth? In onda il: 2020-01-15 15: Led to the Abyss by a Melody of Death -Harmonizium-
    The war between Cyfandir and the Inquisition is raging, and the anti-Fantasia device pushes the Knights-Wizards to their last entrenchments. In the basement of Caislean Merlin's castle, Seth tries to convince Diabal to join him. 15: Led to the Abyss by a Melody of Death -Harmonizium-
    In onda il: 2020-01-15 The war between Cyfandir and the Inquisition is raging, and the anti-Fantasia device pushes the Knights-Wizards to their last entrenchments. In the basement of Caislean Merlin's castle, Seth tries to convince Diabal to join him. In onda il: 2020-01-22 16: The Light of Life is Extinguished -Tragedy-
    On the Barons-Merchant ship, Baron Doussant reveals to Ocoho his objective behind the Cyfandir invasion. On the ground, Lord Brangoire and Queen Boadicea struggled as best they could against the Thaumaturges and the troops of the Inquisition. 16: The Light of Life is Extinguished -Tragedy-
    In onda il: 2020-01-22 On the Barons-Merchant ship, Baron Doussant reveals to Ocoho his objective behind the Cyfandir invasion. On the ground, Lord Brangoire and Queen Boadicea struggled as best they could against the Thaumaturges and the troops of the Inquisition. In onda il: 2020-01-29 17: The Black Dragon Descends -Pen Draig-
    Queen Boadicea was captured by the Inquisition, and the plight of the Sorcerer Sorcerers appears hopeless. Meanwhile, Seth and Mélie are struggling with the miracle workers Dragunov and Liselotte. 17: The Black Dragon Descends -Pen Draig-
    In onda il: 2020-01-29 Queen Boadicea was captured by the Inquisition, and the plight of the Sorcerer Sorcerers appears hopeless. Meanwhile, Seth and Mélie are struggling with the miracle workers Dragunov and Liselotte. In onda il: 2020-02-05 18: The Will of the People Shines Bright -Resistance-
    Doc bursts into battle in mysterious armor and faces Verona, the young Thaumaturge. Meanwhile, Seth fights mercilessly against Colonel Santori. 18: The Will of the People Shines Bright -Resistance-
    In onda il: 2020-02-05 Doc bursts into battle in mysterious armor and faces Verona, the young Thaumaturge. Meanwhile, Seth fights mercilessly against Colonel Santori. In onda il: 2020-02-12 19: I Can't Hear Your Voice -Myrddin-
    Seth defeated Thaumaturge Santori in a fierce battle, and Ocoho finally cornered Baron-Marchand Doussant on his own ship. Cyfandir seems to be on the verge of winning the war, but that is without counting on the plan of the inquisitive commander Ullmina ... 19: I Can't Hear Your Voice -Myrddin-
    In onda il: 2020-02-12 Seth defeated Thaumaturge Santori in a fierce battle, and Ocoho finally cornered Baron-Marchand Doussant on his own ship. Cyfandir seems to be on the verge of winning the war, but that is without counting on the plan of the inquisitive commander Ullmina ... In onda il: 2020-02-19 20: A Bouquet of Flowers for This Land -Fantasia-
    Devastated by Jill's death, Myr is determined to eradicate humanity in Cyfandir. Seth also gives up on the rage, as affected by the despair of the forest elf. Can Melia, Ocoho, Doc and Dragunov manage to soothe these two forces of nature? 20: A Bouquet of Flowers for This Land -Fantasia-
    In onda il: 2020-02-19 Devastated by Jill's death, Myr is determined to eradicate humanity in Cyfandir. Seth also gives up on the rage, as affected by the despair of the forest elf. Can Melia, Ocoho, Doc and Dragunov manage to soothe these two forces of nature? In onda il: 2020-02-26 21: The Future is With You -Eternity-
    The kingdom of Cyfandir emerged victorious from its war against the Inquisition, but not unscathed. However, the appointment of a new sovereign may well bring hope to this battered land. 21: The Future is With You -Eternity-
    In onda il: 2020-02-26 The kingdom of Cyfandir emerged victorious from its war against the Inquisition, but not unscathed. However, the appointment of a new sovereign may well bring hope to this battered land. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. Machikado Mazoku [12/12] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Machikado Mazoku
    Titolo inglese    Machikado Mazoku
    Titolo breve    machikado
    Titolo Kanji    まちカドまぞく
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Commedia  Fantastico  Maho Shojo  Soprannaturale  
    Anno    2019
    Tratto da    Manga Seinen
    Stagioni    Estate (2019)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Un giorno le abilità demoniache della quindicenne Yuko Yoshida si risvegliano, facendole crescere una coda e delle corna. La sua famiglia, infatti, discende dal Clan dell'Oscurità, che per secoli ha combattuto contro il Clan della Luce. La vittoria di quest'ultimo, ha privato i membri del Clan dell'Oscurità dei loro poteri e della loro fortuna, costringendoli a vivere come dei comuni esseri umani. Per poter recuperare completamente i suoi poteri, Yuko dovrà sconfiggere una maghetta, tuttavia, quella presente nella sua città è in grado di bloccare un camion con una sola mano e i consigli di sua madre sono tutt'altro che utili. Come può riuscire nel suo intento con un corpo così debole?
  8. Ikusa × Koi [12/12] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Ikusa × Koi
    Titolo inglese    Val × Love
    Titolo breve    Val x Love
    Titolo Kanji    戦×恋
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Commedia  Fantasy  Harem  Scolastico  Sentimentale  
    Anno    2019
    Tratto da    Manga Shounen
    Stagioni    Autunno (2019)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Takuma Akustu vuole vivere una vita pacifica e solitaria dedicandosi allo studio. Il suo volto parecchio spaventoso gli impedisce di fare amicizia e gli ha procurato il soprannome "Akuma" (diavolo), ma nonostante tutto vive una vita soddisfacente e si impegna per diventare la brava persona che la sua mamma scomparsa vedeva in lui. Tutto cambia quando resta coinvolto nelle vicende delle sorelle Saotome, delle valchirie! Takuma viene convocato da Odino per allearsi alle ragazze e difendere il mondo dai demoni e dalla distruzione totale. Il potere delle valchirie deriva dall'amore quindi il ragazzo dovrà vivere con loro e diventare sempre più intimo. La prima con cui cerca di approfondire il rapporto è Natsuki, la più forte. Riusciranno Takuma e le valchirie a salvare il mondo?
  9. Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi dette Itta yo ne! [12/12] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Quando Adele von Ascham, la figlia maggiore del Visconte Ascham, compie dieci anni, le viene un mal di testa lancinante che la porta a ricordare tutto ciò che è avvenuto nella sua vita passata. La sé stessa precedente, la diciottenne giapponese Kurihara Misato, è morta nel tentativo di aiutare una bambina ed è arrivata quindi al cospetto di Dio. Misato è sempre stata una ragazza molto dotata ma proprio per questo era soffocata dalle aspettative altrui e ha chiesto quindi a Dio di poter rinascere come una persona mediocre. Adele cerca quindi di tenere sotto controllo le sue abilità per non diventare una cacciatrice di livello S e vivere una vita assolutamente normale.
    Sou Watanabe
    Character Designer Yasuhiro Misawa
    Original Music Composer 太田雅彦
    Series Director あおしまたかし
    Series Composition Masazumi Matsumiya
    Art Direction 宮本実生
    Art Direction 鈴木ようこ
    Color Designer 濱村敏郎
    CGI Director Fumiaki Nimura
    Director of Photography 小野寺絵美
    Editor えびなやすのり
    Sound Director 和氣あず未
    Mile (voice) 徳井青空
    Reina (voice) 内村史子
    Mavis (voice) 田澤茉純
    Pauline (voice) Wataru Hatano
    Nano-chan (voice) 河野ひより
    Lenny (voice) 河瀬茉希
    Marcela (voice) 安野希世乃
    Monika (voice) 東城日沙子
    Aureana (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2019-10-07 1: You Said I'd Get a Do-Over in a New World!
    Mile is a super normal 12 year old girl! Or so it seems... She's actually one of those reincarnated-into-another-world people that are all the rage right now, who has all her memories of her past life as a Japanese high school girl named Kurihara Misato! Lots of stuff happened and Mile decided to become a Hunter, so she's arrived in the Kingdom of Tiers where she learns of a series of child kidnappings in the capitol. Being a good person, Mile looks into the incident, but... 1: You Said I'd Get a Do-Over in a New World!
    In onda il: 2019-10-07 Mile is a super normal 12 year old girl! Or so it seems... She's actually one of those reincarnated-into-another-world people that are all the rage right now, who has all her memories of her past life as a Japanese high school girl named Kurihara Misato! Lots of stuff happened and Mile decided to become a Hunter, so she's arrived in the Kingdom of Tiers where she learns of a series of child kidnappings in the capitol. Being a good person, Mile looks into the incident, but... In onda il: 2019-10-14 2: Didn't I Say the Four of Us Would Be a Party?!
    After successfully(?) concluding the incident, Mile enters the Kingdom of Tils' Hunter Prep School where she reunites with the three girls she met while investigating - Reina, Mavis, Pauline - and ends up forming a party with them. The experiences from her previous life make Mile dream of average happiness, but the three girls are very curious about the cheat-level power she just can't seem to keep hidden. Will Mile's dream ever come true? 2: Didn't I Say the Four of Us Would Be a Party?!
    In onda il: 2019-10-14 After successfully(?) concluding the incident, Mile enters the Kingdom of Tils' Hunter Prep School where she reunites with the three girls she met while investigating - Reina, Mavis, Pauline - and ends up forming a party with them. The experiences from her previous life make Mile dream of average happiness, but the three girls are very curious about the cheat-level power she just can't seem to keep hidden. Will Mile's dream ever come true? In onda il: 2019-10-21 3: Didn't I Say to Make My Graduation Plain and Simple?!
    It's been six months since they started at the Hunter Prep School. Drawn along by Mile's insane abilities, Reina and the others' skills have rapidly improved so that they've mega leveled up without noticing. But just before graduation, Mile is pulled into a sordid plot. In order to protect the Hunter Prep School and keep it from getting closed down, Mile and the others must take on the challenge of the "Graduation Certification Mock Battle." It's a fight they can't afford to lose! 3: Didn't I Say to Make My Graduation Plain and Simple?!
    In onda il: 2019-10-21 It's been six months since they started at the Hunter Prep School. Drawn along by Mile's insane abilities, Reina and the others' skills have rapidly improved so that they've mega leveled up without noticing. But just before graduation, Mile is pulled into a sordid plot. In order to protect the Hunter Prep School and keep it from getting closed down, Mile and the others must take on the challenge of the "Graduation Certification Mock Battle." It's a fight they can't afford to lose! In onda il: 2019-10-28 4: Didn't I Say This Was the Crimson Vow's First Step?!
    Now full-fledged Hunters, Mile, Reina, Mavis and Pauline form the "Crimson Vow." That said, they're still just novices, so they work some questionable side-jobs while steadily gaining experience through straight-foward quests. One day, while on a quest as guards, they are attacked by bandits. The bandits think they'll have an easy time of things, but Reina's acting strangely... 4: Didn't I Say This Was the Crimson Vow's First Step?!
    In onda il: 2019-10-28 Now full-fledged Hunters, Mile, Reina, Mavis and Pauline form the "Crimson Vow." That said, they're still just novices, so they work some questionable side-jobs while steadily gaining experience through straight-foward quests. One day, while on a quest as guards, they are attacked by bandits. The bandits think they'll have an easy time of things, but Reina's acting strangely... In onda il: 2019-11-04 5: Didn't I Say That We're Doing Everyone's Backstories?!
    Reina reveals her past... Memories of a tragedy that torments her still. Then Pauline reveals her past, and Mavis reveals hers too. Then, suddenly, Mile gives confirmation of her past as well. Up until now, she's managed to gloss things over, but the truth of her reincarnation into another world is here! And, of course, "those girls" will make an appearance too! 5: Didn't I Say That We're Doing Everyone's Backstories?!
    In onda il: 2019-11-04 Reina reveals her past... Memories of a tragedy that torments her still. Then Pauline reveals her past, and Mavis reveals hers too. Then, suddenly, Mile gives confirmation of her past as well. Up until now, she's managed to gloss things over, but the truth of her reincarnation into another world is here! And, of course, "those girls" will make an appearance too! In onda il: 2019-11-11 6: Didn't I Say I'm Not Going Into the Forest Anymore?!
    Now that they each know the burdens of each other's pasts, the Crimson Vow has only grown closer. Their job guarding has come to a successful close and they have a moment to enjoy a brief rest, but sudden bad news brings the smoldering embers of Reina's resentment roaring back to life. How will Mile and the others face this first threat to the Crimson Vow? Their friendship is about to be tested... 6: Didn't I Say I'm Not Going Into the Forest Anymore?!
    In onda il: 2019-11-11 Now that they each know the burdens of each other's pasts, the Crimson Vow has only grown closer. Their job guarding has come to a successful close and they have a moment to enjoy a brief rest, but sudden bad news brings the smoldering embers of Reina's resentment roaring back to life. How will Mile and the others face this first threat to the Crimson Vow? Their friendship is about to be tested... In onda il: 2019-11-18 7: Didn't I Say We Should Take Breaks Sometimes?!
    Having worked much too hard, Mile and the others decide the Crimson Vow should cease activities for a little while. In plain terms this means... That's right, every working person's inalienable right —— a vacation! While each of the friends enjoys their time off in their own way, Mile, with her sad history as a master of spending time by herself in her previous life, goes off to savor her time off on her own, but... Also, on an unrelated note, this episode contains swimsuits. 7: Didn't I Say We Should Take Breaks Sometimes?!
    In onda il: 2019-11-18 Having worked much too hard, Mile and the others decide the Crimson Vow should cease activities for a little while. In plain terms this means... That's right, every working person's inalienable right —— a vacation! While each of the friends enjoys their time off in their own way, Mile, with her sad history as a master of spending time by herself in her previous life, goes off to savor her time off on her own, but... Also, on an unrelated note, this episode contains swimsuits. In onda il: 2019-11-25 8: No One Mentioned That Pauline's Getting Married, Did They?!
    After a holiday, cruel reality is the destiny that awaits... Even in another world, that doesn't change. Mile and the others are worried about Pauline who has suddenly disappeared. Then Mavis receives a letter from home saying that her older brother is getting married, and his bride to be is none other than Pauline!? In order to settle the debts of Pauline's past and deal with Mavis' family situation, Mile and the others head to Pauline's home town! 8: No One Mentioned That Pauline's Getting Married, Did They?!
    In onda il: 2019-11-25 After a holiday, cruel reality is the destiny that awaits... Even in another world, that doesn't change. Mile and the others are worried about Pauline who has suddenly disappeared. Then Mavis receives a letter from home saying that her older brother is getting married, and his bride to be is none other than Pauline!? In order to settle the debts of Pauline's past and deal with Mavis' family situation, Mile and the others head to Pauline's home town! In onda il: 2019-12-02 9: Didn't I Say Wyvern Hunting?!
    To make it through, you need money! Even in another world, money is valued more than life! Being poor is the problem! To turn the tables on a tightfisted little girl, Mile and the others take on a high-paying quest with a high degree of difficulty -- that fantasy standard, wyvern hunting. For the sake of money, they'll even make their friends cry! This is the epic struggle of Hunters running low on money! Also, completely unrelated, there will be baths in this episode. 9: Didn't I Say Wyvern Hunting?!
    In onda il: 2019-12-02 To make it through, you need money! Even in another world, money is valued more than life! Being poor is the problem! To turn the tables on a tightfisted little girl, Mile and the others take on a high-paying quest with a high degree of difficulty -- that fantasy standard, wyvern hunting. For the sake of money, they'll even make their friends cry! This is the epic struggle of Hunters running low on money! Also, completely unrelated, there will be baths in this episode. In onda il: 2019-12-09 10: Didn't I Say Surprises Should Be Kept Secret?!
    Someone once said that to be alone is to be indifferent to one's surroundings... Preposterous! When you're alone, because you're alone, you are more sensitive to your surroundings than anyone else. That is why Mile, with a long history of alone-ness, notices. She has noticed. And she wonders, "could it be that everyone's avoiding me?!" Mile fears the looming threat of being alone again. What are Reina and the others' true intentions? 10: Didn't I Say Surprises Should Be Kept Secret?!
    In onda il: 2019-12-09 Someone once said that to be alone is to be indifferent to one's surroundings... Preposterous! When you're alone, because you're alone, you are more sensitive to your surroundings than anyone else. That is why Mile, with a long history of alone-ness, notices. She has noticed. And she wonders, "could it be that everyone's avoiding me?!" Mile fears the looming threat of being alone again. What are Reina and the others' true intentions? In onda il: 2019-12-16 11: Didn't I Say Arrogance Leads to Trouble?!
    Having made tremendous advances, breaking through everything in their path since their Hunter debut, the Crimson Vow is now being treated as the next generation of ace Hunters by the Guild. They take on a difficult quest that other Hunters shy away from, but, lurking in the shadows of the quest, beastpeople are on the move. And it seems even that is not all there is to this quest... The Crimson Vow faces its most dire threat ever. The greatest of enemies appears before Mile! 11: Didn't I Say Arrogance Leads to Trouble?!
    In onda il: 2019-12-16 Having made tremendous advances, breaking through everything in their path since their Hunter debut, the Crimson Vow is now being treated as the next generation of ace Hunters by the Guild. They take on a difficult quest that other Hunters shy away from, but, lurking in the shadows of the quest, beastpeople are on the move. And it seems even that is not all there is to this quest... The Crimson Vow faces its most dire threat ever. The greatest of enemies appears before Mile! In onda il: 2019-12-23 12: Didn't I Say The Crimson Vow Would Never Be Destroyed?!
    Mile has been utterly defeated by the strongest creature in the world -- the elder dragon. The average abilities she wished for when she was reborn failed against the elder dragon, crushing her spirit and breaking her heart. Who speaks to Mile in her moment of despair? What will become of Reina and the others who stand in the face of the elder dragon because they believe in Mile? Will Mile ever attain normal happiness? This is the end. Blaze away, Crimson Vow! 12: Didn't I Say The Crimson Vow Would Never Be Destroyed?!
    In onda il: 2019-12-23 Mile has been utterly defeated by the strongest creature in the world -- the elder dragon. The average abilities she wished for when she was reborn failed against the elder dragon, crushing her spirit and breaking her heart. Who speaks to Mile in her moment of despair? What will become of Reina and the others who stand in the face of the elder dragon because they believe in Mile? Will Mile ever attain normal happiness? This is the end. Blaze away, Crimson Vow! Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Testimone d'accusa (1957) Streaming  

    Giallo - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Testimone d'accusa
    1 h 56 m    1957        
    Dramma ◦ Mistero ◦ Crime
    Vole è accusato di aver assassinato una ricca vedova. Il testamento dell'uccisa, steso pochi giorni prima della sua morte, costituisce erede di una notevole sostanza il presunto assassino. La situazione di Vole è resa ancora più delicata dall'atteggiamento ambiguo della moglie Christine, una tedesca, ch'egli, inglese, ha incontrato ad Amburgo ed ha sposato durante l'ultima guerra. Il caso di Vole interessa vivamente un celebre avvocato, sir Wilfred Roberts, il quale, convinto dell'innocenza dell'imputato, malgrado la sua età non più giovane e le sue precarle condizioni di salute, ne assume la difesa.
    Billy Wilder
    Screenplay Billy Wilder
    Director Doane Harrison
    Production Assistant Daniel Mandell
    Editor Alexandre Trauner
    Production Design Alexandre Trauner
    Art Direction Harry Ray
    Makeup Artist Russell Harlan
    Director of Photography Edith Head
    Costume Design Wally Westmore
    Makeup Artist Leonid Raab
    Music Arranger Agatha Christie
    Novel Agatha Christie
    Story Ernest Gold
    Conductor Noël Coward
    Dialogue Howard Bristol
    Set Decoration Harry Kurnitz
    Screenplay Fred Lau
    Sound Nellie Manley
    Hairdresser Edward Small
    Executive Producer Edward Small
    Presenter Lawrence B. Marcus
    Adaptation Helene Parrish
    Hairdresser Gustaf Norin
    Makeup Artist Lee Zavitz
    Special Effects Arthur Hornblow Jr.
    Producer Charles Gemora
    Makeup Artist Joe King
    Costume Design John Franco
    Script Supervisor Matty Malneck
    Original Music Composer Adele Parmenter
    Costume Design Ben Hersh
    Production Supervisor Emmett Emerson
    Assistant Director Madison S. Lacy
    Still Photographer William Maybery
    Casting Stanley Detlie
    Property Master Ray Sebastian
    Makeup Artist Frank Losee
    Second Assistant Director Bert Steiner
    Dialogue Basil Bleck
    Technical Advisor Tyrone Power
    Leonard Vole Marlene Dietrich
    Christine Vole Charles Laughton
    Sir Wilfrid Robarts Elsa Lanchester
    Miss Plimsoll John Williams
    Brogan-Moore Henry Daniell
    Mayhew Ian Wolfe
    Carter Torin Thatcher
    Mr. Myers Norma Varden
    Emily Jane French Una O'Connor
    Janet McKenzie Francis Compton
    Judge Philip Tonge
    Inspector Hearne Ruta Lee
    Diana Patrick Aherne
    Court Officer (uncredited) Don Ames
    Bar Patron (uncredited) Walter Bacon
    Bar Patron (uncredited) Eddie Baker
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Benjie Bancroft
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) John Barton
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Brandon Beach
    Juror (uncredited) George Blagoi
    Juror (uncredited) Arline Bletcher
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Danny Borzage
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Tex Brodus
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) George Bruggeman
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) George Calliga
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Steve Carruthers
    Barrister (uncredited) Albert Cavens
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Oliver Cross
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Harry Denny
    Juror (uncredited) Helen Dickson
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Minta Durfee
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Marjorie Eaton
    Miss O'Brien (uncredited) Franklyn Farnum
    Barrister (uncredited) Bess Flowers
    Courtroom spectator (uncredited) Herschel Graham
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Marion Gray
    Stuart Hall
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Art Howard
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Michael Jeffers
    Cafe Patron (uncredited) Colin Kenny
    Juror (uncredited) Paul Kruger
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Jeanne Lafayette
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Wilbur Mack
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Frank McLure
    Court Officer (uncredited) Ottola Nesmith
    Miss Johnson (uncredited) William H. O'Brien
    Barrister (uncredited) J. Pat O'Malley
    Shorts Salesman (uncredited) George Pelling
    Bit Part (uncredited) Fred Rapport
    Juror (uncredited) Jack Raine
    Doctor (uncredited) Waclaw Rekwart
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Leoda Richards
    Hat Store Sales Clerk (uncredited) John Roy
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Edna Smith
    Scott Seaton
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Cap Somers
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Bert Stevens
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Jeffrey Sayre
    Clerk at Old Bailey (uncredited) Norbert Schiller
    Spotlight Operator in German Cafe (uncredited) Arthur Tovey
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Ben Wright
    Barrister Reading Charges (uncredited) Glen Walters
    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Assassinio sul Nilo (1978) Streaming  

    Poliziesco - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Assassinio sul Nilo
    2 h 20 m    1978        
    La morte... corre sul fiume: ci pensa Poirot. Durante una crociera sul Nilo, viene uccisa una giovane ereditiera. Hercule Poirot indaga, ma tra i partecipanti alla vacanza sono in molti ad avere un plausibile movente: le cose si semplificano quando la lista dei possibili colpevoli comincia ad accorciarsi...
    Nino Rota
    Original Music Composer Jack Cardiff
    Director of Photography John Guillermin
    Director Anthony Shaffer
    Screenplay Anthony Powell
    Costume Design Peter Murton
    Production Design Terry Ackland-Snow
    Art Direction Agatha Christie
    Novel Agatha Christie
    Writer Brian Ackland-Snow
    Art Direction Dyson Lovell
    Casting Malcolm Cooke
    Editor John Brabourne
    Producer Richard Goodwin
    Producer Norton Knatchbull
    Associate Producer Chris Kelly
    Assistant Editor Ted Sturgis
    Second Assistant Director Peter Ustinov
    Hercule Poirot Jane Birkin
    Louise Bourget Lois Chiles
    Linnet Ridgeway Doyle Bette Davis
    Marie Van Schuyler Mia Farrow
    Jacqueline de Bellefort Jon Finch
    James Ferguson Olivia Hussey
    Rosalie Otterbourne I.S. Johar
    Mr. Choudhury George Kennedy
    Andrew Pennington Angela Lansbury
    Salome Otterbourne Simon MacCorkindale
    Simon Doyle David Niven
    Colonel Race Maggie Smith
    Miss Bowers Jack Warden
    Ludwig Bessner Harry Andrews
    Barnstaple Sam Wanamaker
    Rockford Celia Imrie
    Maid (uncredited) Saeed Jaffrey
    Servant (uncredited) Barbara Hicks
    Schoolteacher (uncredited) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. Il trucido e lo sbirro (1976) Streaming  

    Poliziesco - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Il trucido e lo sbirro
    1 h 35 m    1976        
    Azione ◦ Crime
    Dopo che una spietata banda ha sequestrato una bimba malata, un commissario di polizia fa uscire dal carcere un gruppetto di noti criminali e, con la loro collaborazione, parte alla liberazione della bambina.
    Eugenio Alabiso
    Editor Bruno Canfora
    Original Music Composer Umberto Lenzi
    Director Umberto Lenzi
    Writer Luigi Kuveiller
    Director of Photography Sebastiano Celeste
    Director of Photography Dardano Sacchetti
    Writer Giorgio Bertolini
    Art Direction Franco Di Girolamo
    Makeup Artist Riccardo Petrazzi
    Stunt Coordinator Nick Alexander
    ADR & Dubbing Roberto Petrozzi
    Sound Editor Filiberto Fiaschi
    Assistant Director Enrico Fantacci
    Set Decoration Tomas Milian
    Sergio Marazzi 'Monnezza' Nicoletta Machiavelli
    Mara Claudio Cassinelli
    Antonio Sarti Claudio Undari
    Mario Henry Silva
    Brescianelli Biagio Pelligra
    Calabrese Umberto Raho
    Lawyer Giuseppe Castellano
    Vallelunga Mario Erpichini
    Paolo Finzi Dana Ghia
    Clara Tano Cimarosa
    Cravatta Susanna Melandri
    Camilla Valentino Macchi
    Policeman Tom Felleghy
    Jeweller Luciano Rossi
    Dealer Antonio Casale
    El Greco Tomati Salvatore Billa
    Tomati Thug Benito Pacifico
    Tomati Thug Sergio Smacchi
    Tomati Thug Giovanni Cianfriglia
    Club Bouncer Claudio Ruffini
    Club Bouncer Riccardo Petrazzi
    Brescianelli Henchman Rosario Borelli
    Brescianelli Henchman Pietro Torrisi
    Brescianelli Henchman / Man in Western Movie Ernesto Colli
    Roschettov Arturo Dominici
    De Rita Massimo Bonetti
    Purse Snatcher Rossana Canghiari
    Cinema Cashier (uncredited) Liana Tabacchino
    Restaurant diner (uncredited) Fulvio Mingozzi
    Police captain Nessun Trailer disponibile
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