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  1. Chance 2 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Chance
    Stagione 2    Episodi 10        
    Eldon Chance è un neuropsichiatra chiamato a sottovalutare le diagnosi dei suoi colleghi quando riguardano con disturbi psichici. Non passa un bel periodo, è divorziato da poco e ha una figlia adolescente. Ma la sua attenzione viene attirata da una paziente che potrebbe essere in pericolo di vita.
    Mike Malone
    Set Dresser Hugh Laurie
    Eldon Chance Ethan Suplee
    D Greta Lee
    Lucy Stefania LaVie Owen
    Nicole Chance Clarke Peters
    Carl Allan Brian Goodman
    Detective Kevin Hynes Paul Schneider
    Ryan Winter Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2017-10-11 1: Sistema multiassiale
    Chance discute con D sui metodi da usare per intimidire gli autori dei crimini, sottolineando come quelli di D siano eccessivamente violenti. Allo stesso tempo, D si accorge, anche grazie ai racconti di Nicole, che Chance sta entrando sempre piu' nella parte del "giustiziere" anche nella vita. 1: Sistema multiassiale
    In onda il: 2017-10-11 Chance discute con D sui metodi da usare per intimidire gli autori dei crimini, sottolineando come quelli di D siano eccessivamente violenti. Allo stesso tempo, D si accorge, anche grazie ai racconti di Nicole, che Chance sta entrando sempre piu' nella parte del "giustiziere" anche nella vita. In onda il: 2017-10-11 2: Il mistero di Hynes
    Con l'arrivo in ospedale, del losco Ryan Winter, Chance prova a psicanalizzarlo e a indagare su di lui per dimostrare che l'ossessione di Hynes nei suoi confronti e' giustificata. D, invece, continua a non fidarsi di Hynes e persevera nel cercare le prove della pazzia del detective. 2: Il mistero di Hynes
    In onda il: 2017-10-11 Con l'arrivo in ospedale, del losco Ryan Winter, Chance prova a psicanalizzarlo e a indagare su di lui per dimostrare che l'ossessione di Hynes nei suoi confronti e' giustificata. D, invece, continua a non fidarsi di Hynes e persevera nel cercare le prove della pazzia del detective. In onda il: 2017-10-11 3: Il caso o il destino
    Chance, D e il Detective Hynes cercano di inchiodare uno psicopatico, il signor Winter, sospettato dell'uccisione di Josefa, una paziente del dottor Chance. La polizia di San Francisco incolpa immediatamente il marito di Josefa, Ronny, perche' ha un passato di maltrattamenti domestici. 3: Il caso o il destino
    In onda il: 2017-10-11 Chance, D e il Detective Hynes cercano di inchiodare uno psicopatico, il signor Winter, sospettato dell'uccisione di Josefa, una paziente del dottor Chance. La polizia di San Francisco incolpa immediatamente il marito di Josefa, Ronny, perche' ha un passato di maltrattamenti domestici. In onda il: 2017-10-18 4: Meccanismo di difesa
    Nicole segue il consiglio di D. e rompe il setto nasale di Pepper con un libro. Suo padre le confida che probabilmente anche lei ha il suo stesso problema mentale: una tendenza all'ossessione. Winter fa un enorme donazione all'unita' e compra dei computer nuovi. 4: Meccanismo di difesa
    In onda il: 2017-10-18 Nicole segue il consiglio di D. e rompe il setto nasale di Pepper con un libro. Suo padre le confida che probabilmente anche lei ha il suo stesso problema mentale: una tendenza all'ossessione. Winter fa un enorme donazione all'unita' e compra dei computer nuovi. In onda il: 2017-10-25 5: La raccolta di opere di William Shakespeare
    Chance, D e Hynes uniscono le forze per cercare di dimostrare che Winter ha ucciso delle donne; mentre D e il detective indagano a modo loro, il dottore tenta di guadagnarsi la fiducia del probabile assassino per farlo parlare. 5: La raccolta di opere di William Shakespeare
    In onda il: 2017-10-25 Chance, D e Hynes uniscono le forze per cercare di dimostrare che Winter ha ucciso delle donne; mentre D e il detective indagano a modo loro, il dottore tenta di guadagnarsi la fiducia del probabile assassino per farlo parlare. In onda il: 2017-11-01 6: Il percorso
    Chance cerca di far confessare a Winter tutti i suoi crimini, ma l'assistente Lyndsay continua a mettergli i bastoni fra le ruote. Nel frattempo, D regola i conti con il padre e Nicole aiuta un barbone a riprendersi il cane che gli e' stato portato via da una coppia di ricchi presuntuosi. 6: Il percorso
    In onda il: 2017-11-01 Chance cerca di far confessare a Winter tutti i suoi crimini, ma l'assistente Lyndsay continua a mettergli i bastoni fra le ruote. Nel frattempo, D regola i conti con il padre e Nicole aiuta un barbone a riprendersi il cane che gli e' stato portato via da una coppia di ricchi presuntuosi. In onda il: 2017-11-08 7: Definisci normale
    Lambert, poliziotto, riconduce una serie di omicidi a Winter, in quanto riconosce la tecnica che da giovani avevano usato per l'omicidio di un altro ragazzino. Lambert si riavvicina a Winter, lo copre e diventa suo complice per un'altra serie di omicidi convincendolo a non costituirsi. 7: Definisci normale
    In onda il: 2017-11-08 Lambert, poliziotto, riconduce una serie di omicidi a Winter, in quanto riconosce la tecnica che da giovani avevano usato per l'omicidio di un altro ragazzino. Lambert si riavvicina a Winter, lo copre e diventa suo complice per un'altra serie di omicidi convincendolo a non costituirsi. In onda il: 2017-11-15 8: Un neonato, un bruto o una bestia
    Chance dice a Winter di avergli mentito riguardo al detective Hynes, e sembra cosi' aver ottenuto, dopo molti tentativi, la fiducia del suo paziente. L'uomo, pero' viene ben presto ucciso e il mandante resta misterioso. 8: Un neonato, un bruto o una bestia
    In onda il: 2017-11-15 Chance dice a Winter di avergli mentito riguardo al detective Hynes, e sembra cosi' aver ottenuto, dopo molti tentativi, la fiducia del suo paziente. L'uomo, pero' viene ben presto ucciso e il mandante resta misterioso. In onda il: 2017-11-22 9: Il lato oscuro della mente
    Chance consegna al Detective Sid Velerio una forchetta con il DNA del Vice Procuratore Distrettuale Frank Lambert per poterlo inchiodare per l'omicidio di Steve Benjamin, un caso irrisolto del 1991, ma Lambert non si fa trovare impreparato e non ci sono prove concrete contro di lui. 9: Il lato oscuro della mente
    In onda il: 2017-11-22 Chance consegna al Detective Sid Velerio una forchetta con il DNA del Vice Procuratore Distrettuale Frank Lambert per poterlo inchiodare per l'omicidio di Steve Benjamin, un caso irrisolto del 1991, ma Lambert non si fa trovare impreparato e non ci sono prove concrete contro di lui. In onda il: 2017-11-29 10: Specialmente se scappi
    Chance e D sono in una clinica di Tijuana, in Messico; D e' stato avvelenato e Chance veglia su di lui, insieme a Lorena. Mentre si trova li', il dottore si rende utile aiutando una giovanissima paziente con disturbi mentali, riscoprendo la vocazione che lo ha portato a a fare il suo mestiere. 10: Specialmente se scappi
    In onda il: 2017-11-29 Chance e D sono in una clinica di Tijuana, in Messico; D e' stato avvelenato e Chance veglia su di lui, insieme a Lorena. Mentre si trova li', il dottore si rende utile aiutando una giovanissima paziente con disturbi mentali, riscoprendo la vocazione che lo ha portato a a fare il suo mestiere. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. Chance 1 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Chance
    Stagione 1    Episodi 10        
    Eldon Chance è un neuropsichiatra chiamato a sottovalutare le diagnosi dei suoi colleghi quando riguardano con disturbi psichici. Non passa un bel periodo, è divorziato da poco e ha una figlia adolescente. Ma la sua attenzione viene attirata da una paziente che potrebbe essere in pericolo di vita.
    Mike Malone
    Set Dresser Hugh Laurie
    Eldon Chance Ethan Suplee
    D Greta Lee
    Lucy Stefania LaVie Owen
    Nicole Chance Clarke Peters
    Carl Allan Brian Goodman
    Detective Kevin Hynes Paul Schneider
    Ryan Winter Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2016-10-19 1: L'estate dell'amore
    Lo psichiatra Eldon Chance affronta il suo divorzio mentre sta cercando di salvare il rapporto con la figlia. Stanco dei pazienti con disturbi intrattabili, decide di aiutare un'enigmatica donna minacciata da un marito violento. 1: L'estate dell'amore
    In onda il: 2016-10-19 Lo psichiatra Eldon Chance affronta il suo divorzio mentre sta cercando di salvare il rapporto con la figlia. Stanco dei pazienti con disturbi intrattabili, decide di aiutare un'enigmatica donna minacciata da un marito violento. In onda il: 2016-10-19 2: L'assioma della scelta
    Chance indaga su l'ultimo psichiatra che aveva in cura Jaclyn, le sue azioni attirano le attenzioni di un detective e di Raymond, il marito poliziotto di Jaclyn. 2: L'assioma della scelta
    In onda il: 2016-10-19 Chance indaga su l'ultimo psichiatra che aveva in cura Jaclyn, le sue azioni attirano le attenzioni di un detective e di Raymond, il marito poliziotto di Jaclyn. In onda il: 2016-10-26 3: L'ingaggio
    Mentre Jaclyn continua la sua terapia, Chance cerca di proteggere se stesso e la sua famiglia dalle nuove minacce di Raymond. 3: L'ingaggio
    In onda il: 2016-10-26 Mentre Jaclyn continua la sua terapia, Chance cerca di proteggere se stesso e la sua famiglia dalle nuove minacce di Raymond. In onda il: 2016-11-02 4: Il dottore pazzo
    Chance e D iniziano a seguire Raymond, i due vogliono trovare le prove della sua corruzione. Chance inizia a mettere in discussione la sua sanita' mentale quando capisce che salvare Jaclyn e' diventata per lui un'ossessione. 4: Il dottore pazzo
    In onda il: 2016-11-02 Chance e D iniziano a seguire Raymond, i due vogliono trovare le prove della sua corruzione. Chance inizia a mettere in discussione la sua sanita' mentale quando capisce che salvare Jaclyn e' diventata per lui un'ossessione. In onda il: 2016-11-09 5: Un punto fermo nel mondo che gira
    Chance esegue una TAC al cervello per cercare di trovare una spiegazione medica al suo insolito comportamento. Nel frattempo, Raymond organizza un pestaggio e la missione di Chance e D per incriminarlo finisce in maniera disastrosa. 5: Un punto fermo nel mondo che gira
    In onda il: 2016-11-09 Chance esegue una TAC al cervello per cercare di trovare una spiegazione medica al suo insolito comportamento. Nel frattempo, Raymond organizza un pestaggio e la missione di Chance e D per incriminarlo finisce in maniera disastrosa. In onda il: 2016-11-16 6: Un'inarrestabile scintilla
    Chance trascorre una notte con Jaclyn e comincia a sospettare che lei non sia cosi' indifesa come aveva sempre pensato. Chance e D, approfittando che Raymond e' ricoverato in ospedale, irrompono a casa del poliziotto per cercare le prove della sua corruzione. 6: Un'inarrestabile scintilla
    In onda il: 2016-11-16 Chance trascorre una notte con Jaclyn e comincia a sospettare che lei non sia cosi' indifesa come aveva sempre pensato. Chance e D, approfittando che Raymond e' ricoverato in ospedale, irrompono a casa del poliziotto per cercare le prove della sua corruzione. In onda il: 2016-11-23 7: Risveglia i tuoi poteri nascosti
    Mentre D e' in ospedale, Chance e sconvolto quando scopre la verita' sulle persone piu' vicine a lui. Nuovi misteri coinvolgono Raymond. 7: Risveglia i tuoi poteri nascosti
    In onda il: 2016-11-23 Mentre D e' in ospedale, Chance e sconvolto quando scopre la verita' sulle persone piu' vicine a lui. Nuovi misteri coinvolgono Raymond. In onda il: 2016-11-30 8: La casa dello spazio e del tempo
    D fugge dall'ospedale. Jaclyn rivela un lato diverso di se stessa. Chance finalmente si prepara a distruggere il suo nemico quando riceve nuove informazioni sull'attivita' criminale di Raymond da una fonte inaspettata. 8: La casa dello spazio e del tempo
    In onda il: 2016-11-30 D fugge dall'ospedale. Jaclyn rivela un lato diverso di se stessa. Chance finalmente si prepara a distruggere il suo nemico quando riceve nuove informazioni sull'attivita' criminale di Raymond da una fonte inaspettata. In onda il: 2016-12-07 9: Camera oscura
    Chance e D devono decidere quali passi fare affinche' Nicole sia rilasciata, Chance si prepara alla resa dei conti con Raymond. 9: Camera oscura
    In onda il: 2016-12-07 Chance e D devono decidere quali passi fare affinche' Nicole sia rilasciata, Chance si prepara alla resa dei conti con Raymond. In onda il: 2016-12-14 10: Gestione dei fluidi
    Chance comincia a ricordare il motivo per cui e' finito in ospedale, preparato al peggio, torna al negozio di antiquariato per scoprire la verita' su Raymond e Jaclyn/Jackie. 10: Gestione dei fluidi
    In onda il: 2016-12-14 Chance comincia a ricordare il motivo per cui e' finito in ospedale, preparato al peggio, torna al negozio di antiquariato per scoprire la verita' su Raymond e Jaclyn/Jackie. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  3. Blue Giant (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer BLUE GIANT
    2 h 0 m    2023        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Musica
    La vita di Dai Miyamoto, studente delle superiori, viene stravolta il giorno in cui scopre il jazz. Prendendo in mano un sassofono e lasciando la sua sonnolenta città natale per i vivaci locali notturni di Tokyo, Dai scoprirà che la vita di un musicista professionista non è per i deboli di cuore, dovendo confrontarsi con ciò che significa veramente essere grandi.
    Director NUMBER 8
    Screenplay Tomoaki Baba
    Musician Hiromi Uehara
    Original Music Composer Shun Ishiwaka
    Musician Hiromi Uehara
    Musician 劉子涵
    Key Animation Takao Maki
    Lead Animator Masato Takahashi
    3D Director 小丸敏之
    Lead Animator 高橋裕一
    Supervising Animation Director 廣瀬清志
    Editor Takao Maki
    Prop Designer 横山なつき
    Prop Designer 平柳悟
    Art Direction 東郷香澄
    Director of Photography 堀川佳典
    Color Designer 高橋裕一
    Character Designer John Coltrane
    Music Shun Ishiwaka
    Theme Song Performance Kazuma Jinnouchi
    Additional Music Tomoaki Baba
    Theme Song Performance Hiromi Uehara
    Theme Song Performance 木村智
    Key Animation Shinichi Ishizuka
    Comic Book 木村智
    Storyboard Artist Takayuki Yamamoto
    Second Unit First Assistant Director Satoshi Matsubara
    Second Unit First Assistant Director aditya
    Key Animation Jiang Zhouyong
    Key Animation Kanako Maru
    Key Animation Maki Matsuura
    Key Animation 三好和也
    Animation Director 若山和人
    Key Animation Hiromatsu Shu
    Storyboard Artist teiadam
    Key Animation 東亮太
    Key Animation 南井尚子
    Key Animation 小丸敏之
    Animation Director Dong Chang
    Key Animation 三島詠子
    Key Animation Kenichi Shima
    Key Animation bs_kim
    Key Animation 浅野直之
    Key Animation 翁長くみこ
    Key Animation 望月智充
    Storyboard Artist Koyo Ogata
    Second Unit Director 高橋裕一
    Key Animation 藤井俊郎
    Key Animation 中山見都美
    Key Animation 潘婧
    Key Animation 立川譲
    Storyboard Artist Hiromatsu Shu
    Second Unit Director Vercreek
    Key Animation Koyo Ogata
    Second Unit Director Takeo Shutou
    Key Animation 西畑佑紀
    Second Unit Director Takao Maki
    Animation Director Saurabh Singh
    Key Animation Takao Maki
    Key Animation Hiromatsu Shu
    Key Animation 永田大樹
    Key Animation Shin'ichi Kurita
    Key Animation Takuya Yoshihara
    Key Animation 立川譲
    Second Unit Director 木村智
    Second Unit Director 梁博雅
    Key Animation 寺岡巌
    Storyboard Artist 高橋裕一
    Animation Director DogDog
    Key Animation 小丸敏之
    Key Animation Katsutoshi Nakamura
    Key Animation 飯村真一
    Key Animation 談凱琪
    Key Animation Akane Tamai
    Key Animation Fei Hung
    Key Animation 川尻健太郎
    Key Animation Xu Jiafu
    Key Animation Jeong Soon-an
    Key Animation Willie Blue Bussell
    Key Animation 中村真由美
    Key Animation 横山なつき
    Key Animation 吉村萌
    Key Animation Yuki Arinaga
    Key Animation 菅井翔
    Key Animation 堀内博之
    Key Animation 吉岡敏幸
    Key Animation 才木康寛
    Key Animation 森田二惟奈
    Key Animation 木村文香
    Key Animation Barkarott
    Key Animation Takashi Yoshiyama
    Key Animation Moon Joo-yeon
    Key Animation 緒方歩惟
    Key Animation 川上暢彦
    Key Animation 下川寿士
    Key Animation 谷口繁則
    Key Animation Ryushi Tokunaga
    Key Animation coachP
    Key Animation Kenichi Shima
    Animation Director Taishi Fujimori
    Key Animation 山本健
    Key Animation 村形まゆ
    Key Animation Misa Matsuoka
    Key Animation Lu Qiang
    Key Animation 桂木杏
    Key Animation 鈴木理沙
    Key Animation Yuka Fukuchi
    Key Animation 沖田直美
    Key Animation Wu Guangxu
    Key Animation 斉藤和也
    Key Animation Xu Jingyu
    Key Animation Julius de Belen
    Key Animation Yuria
    Key Animation 加藤明日美
    Key Animation 粟田香菜子
    Key Animation 野津美智子
    Key Animation 池田佳織
    Key Animation Vann Oba
    Key Animation 谷口亜希子
    Key Animation Tomosato Hosokawa
    Key Animation Su Shiyi
    Key Animation Andy Zhu
    Key Animation Serena Koi
    Key Animation Juneng Binggui
    Key Animation 朝香栞
    Key Animation Sumire Fukazawa
    Key Animation Yuji Hosogoe
    Key Animation 山口菜
    Key Animation Sho Uchida
    Key Animation Kei Miura
    Second Unit First Assistant Director 月田文律
    Key Animation 山田潮美
    Key Animation Surasak Phapijit
    Animation Dong Chang
    Animation Miho Hazama
    Musician Marty Holoubek
    Musician 山田裕貴
    Dai Miyamoto (voice) 間宮祥太朗
    Yukinori Sawabe (voice) 岡山天音
    Shunji Tamada (voice) Yusuke Kondoh
    Masayuki Miyamoto (voice) Mirei Suda
    Ayaka Miyamoto (voice) 乃村健次
    Yui (voice) 東地宏樹
    Tyra (voice) 青山穣
    Kawakita (voice) Masayuki Katô
    Isogai (voice) Sayaka Kinoshita
    Akiko (voice) 木内秀信
    Amanuma (voice) 四宮豪
    Uchiyama (voice) 高橋伸也
    Mochizuke (voice) 東地宏樹
    Taira (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. Blue Giant (2023) ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer BLUE GIANT
    2 h 0 m    2023        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Musica
    La vita di Dai Miyamoto, studente delle superiori, viene stravolta il giorno in cui scopre il jazz. Prendendo in mano un sassofono e lasciando la sua sonnolenta città natale per i vivaci locali notturni di Tokyo, Dai scoprirà che la vita di un musicista professionista non è per i deboli di cuore, dovendo confrontarsi con ciò che significa veramente essere grandi.
    Director NUMBER 8
    Screenplay Tomoaki Baba
    Musician Hiromi Uehara
    Original Music Composer Shun Ishiwaka
    Musician Hiromi Uehara
    Musician 劉子涵
    Key Animation Takao Maki
    Lead Animator Masato Takahashi
    3D Director 小丸敏之
    Lead Animator 高橋裕一
    Supervising Animation Director 廣瀬清志
    Editor Takao Maki
    Prop Designer 横山なつき
    Prop Designer 平柳悟
    Art Direction 東郷香澄
    Director of Photography 堀川佳典
    Color Designer 高橋裕一
    Character Designer John Coltrane
    Music Shun Ishiwaka
    Theme Song Performance Kazuma Jinnouchi
    Additional Music Tomoaki Baba
    Theme Song Performance Hiromi Uehara
    Theme Song Performance 木村智
    Key Animation Shinichi Ishizuka
    Comic Book 木村智
    Storyboard Artist Takayuki Yamamoto
    Second Unit First Assistant Director Satoshi Matsubara
    Second Unit First Assistant Director aditya
    Key Animation Jiang Zhouyong
    Key Animation Kanako Maru
    Key Animation Maki Matsuura
    Key Animation 三好和也
    Animation Director 若山和人
    Key Animation Hiromatsu Shu
    Storyboard Artist teiadam
    Key Animation 東亮太
    Key Animation 南井尚子
    Key Animation 小丸敏之
    Animation Director Dong Chang
    Key Animation 三島詠子
    Key Animation Kenichi Shima
    Key Animation bs_kim
    Key Animation 浅野直之
    Key Animation 翁長くみこ
    Key Animation 望月智充
    Storyboard Artist Koyo Ogata
    Second Unit Director 高橋裕一
    Key Animation 藤井俊郎
    Key Animation 中山見都美
    Key Animation 潘婧
    Key Animation 立川譲
    Storyboard Artist Hiromatsu Shu
    Second Unit Director Vercreek
    Key Animation Koyo Ogata
    Second Unit Director Takeo Shutou
    Key Animation 西畑佑紀
    Second Unit Director Takao Maki
    Animation Director Saurabh Singh
    Key Animation Takao Maki
    Key Animation Hiromatsu Shu
    Key Animation 永田大樹
    Key Animation Shin'ichi Kurita
    Key Animation Takuya Yoshihara
    Key Animation 立川譲
    Second Unit Director 木村智
    Second Unit Director 梁博雅
    Key Animation 寺岡巌
    Storyboard Artist 高橋裕一
    Animation Director DogDog
    Key Animation 小丸敏之
    Key Animation Katsutoshi Nakamura
    Key Animation 飯村真一
    Key Animation 談凱琪
    Key Animation Akane Tamai
    Key Animation Fei Hung
    Key Animation 川尻健太郎
    Key Animation Xu Jiafu
    Key Animation Jeong Soon-an
    Key Animation Willie Blue Bussell
    Key Animation 中村真由美
    Key Animation 横山なつき
    Key Animation 吉村萌
    Key Animation Yuki Arinaga
    Key Animation 菅井翔
    Key Animation 堀内博之
    Key Animation 吉岡敏幸
    Key Animation 才木康寛
    Key Animation 森田二惟奈
    Key Animation 木村文香
    Key Animation Barkarott
    Key Animation Takashi Yoshiyama
    Key Animation Moon Joo-yeon
    Key Animation 緒方歩惟
    Key Animation 川上暢彦
    Key Animation 下川寿士
    Key Animation 谷口繁則
    Key Animation Ryushi Tokunaga
    Key Animation coachP
    Key Animation Kenichi Shima
    Animation Director Taishi Fujimori
    Key Animation 山本健
    Key Animation 村形まゆ
    Key Animation Misa Matsuoka
    Key Animation Lu Qiang
    Key Animation 桂木杏
    Key Animation 鈴木理沙
    Key Animation Yuka Fukuchi
    Key Animation 沖田直美
    Key Animation Wu Guangxu
    Key Animation 斉藤和也
    Key Animation Xu Jingyu
    Key Animation Julius de Belen
    Key Animation Yuria
    Key Animation 加藤明日美
    Key Animation 粟田香菜子
    Key Animation 野津美智子
    Key Animation 池田佳織
    Key Animation Vann Oba
    Key Animation 谷口亜希子
    Key Animation Tomosato Hosokawa
    Key Animation Su Shiyi
    Key Animation Andy Zhu
    Key Animation Serena Koi
    Key Animation Juneng Binggui
    Key Animation 朝香栞
    Key Animation Sumire Fukazawa
    Key Animation Yuji Hosogoe
    Key Animation 山口菜
    Key Animation Sho Uchida
    Key Animation Kei Miura
    Second Unit First Assistant Director 月田文律
    Key Animation 山田潮美
    Key Animation Surasak Phapijit
    Animation Dong Chang
    Animation Miho Hazama
    Musician Marty Holoubek
    Musician 山田裕貴
    Dai Miyamoto (voice) 間宮祥太朗
    Yukinori Sawabe (voice) 岡山天音
    Shunji Tamada (voice) Yusuke Kondoh
    Masayuki Miyamoto (voice) Mirei Suda
    Ayaka Miyamoto (voice) 乃村健次
    Yui (voice) 東地宏樹
    Tyra (voice) 青山穣
    Kawakita (voice) Masayuki Katô
    Isogai (voice) Sayaka Kinoshita
    Akiko (voice) 木内秀信
    Amanuma (voice) 四宮豪
    Uchiyama (voice) 高橋伸也
    Mochizuke (voice) 東地宏樹
    Taira (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  5. Hotspot - Amore senza rete (2023) Streaming  

    Romantico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Hotspot - Amore senza rete
    1 h 45 m    2023        
    Commedia ◦ Romance
    Tina e Pietro si incontrano quando lei chiede di usare il suo hotspot per partecipare a un bando come ballerina alla Scala. Il fato farà incrociare di nuovo le loro strade, ma a volte anche il destino ha bisogno di una mano.
    Giulio Manfredonia
    Director Mauro Graiani
    Screenplay Roberto Proia
    Screenplay Roberto Proia
    Producer Marcello Montarsi
    Director of Photography Cristina Audisio
    Costumer Gianluca Leurini
    Executive Producer Denise Tantucci
    Tina Francesco Arca
    Pietro Erasmo Genzini
    Anna Lucia Pierro
    Peppe Servillo
    Rosalia Porcaro
    Hotspot - Amore Senza Rete | Trailer Ufficiale
    Hotspot - Amore Senza Rete | Trailer Ufficiale
  6. His Three Daughters (2024) Streaming  

    Drammatico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer His Three Daughters
    1 h 44 m    2024        
    Dramma ◦ Commedia
    Le emozioni si fanno sentire quando tre sorelle, che non si vedono da tempo, si riuniscono in un angusto appartamento di New York per assistere il padre malato nei suoi ultimi giorni di vita.
    Jack Selby
    Producer Tim Headington
    Producer Lia Buman
    Producer Peter Friedlander
    Executive Producer Carrie Coon
    Executive Producer Sam Levy
    Director of Photography Natasha Lyonne
    Executive Producer Elizabeth Olsen
    Executive Producer Marc Marrie
    Producer Danielle Renfrew Behrens
    Executive Producer Maya Rudolph
    Executive Producer Neil Shah
    Executive Producer Mal Ward
    Producer Azazel Jacobs
    Producer Matt Aselton
    Producer Sophia Lin
    Executive Producer Rodrigo Amarante
    Original Music Composer Azazel Jacobs
    Editor Nicole Arbusto
    Casting Azazel Jacobs
    Director Alex Orlovsky
    Producer Duncan Montgomery
    Producer Diaz Jacobs
    Co-Producer Max Silva
    Executive Producer Azazel Jacobs
    Writer Kendall Anderson
    Production Design Carrie Coon
    Katie Natasha Lyonne
    Rachel Elizabeth Olsen
    Christina Jay O. Sanders
    Vincent Jovan Adepo
    Benji Rudy Galvan
    Angel Jose Febus
    Victor Randy Ramos Jr.
    Parent Jasmine Bracey
    Nurse Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. MONSTERS: La storia di Lyle ed Erik Menendez [9/9] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer MONSTERS: La storia di Lyle ed Erik Menendez
    Stagione 1    Episodi 9        
    Dramma ◦ Crime
    Questa avvincente serie true crime esplora la vita dei fratelli Menendez, condannati per il brutale omicidio dei genitori avvenuto a Beverly Hills nel 1989.
    Ian Brennan
    Executive Producer Ryan Murphy
    Executive Producer Cooper Koch
    Erik Menendez Nicholas Alexander Chavez
    Lyle Menendez Javier Bardem
    José Menendez Chloë Sevigny
    Mary Louise 'Kitty' Menendez Nathan Lane
    Dominick Dunne Ari Graynor
    Leslie Abramson Marlene Forte
    Marta Cano Blanca Araceli
    Grandma Maria Dallas Roberts
    Dr. Jerome Oziel Leslie Grossman
    Judalon Smyth Charlie Hall
    Craig Cignarelli Nathen Gurrola
    Andy Cano Episodi: 9 
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 1: Blame It on the Rain
    Tormentato da pensieri cupi dopo gli omicidi, Erik si apre con il suo terapista e racconta dettagli inquietanti che mettono il medico in una posizione difficile. 1: Blame It on the Rain
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Tormentato da pensieri cupi dopo gli omicidi, Erik si apre con il suo terapista e racconta dettagli inquietanti che mettono il medico in una posizione difficile. In onda il: 2024-09-19 2: Spese folli
    Dopo aver deviato i sospetti durante l'interrogatorio della polizia, Lyle ed Erik si danno a spese folli mentre aspettano che sia letto il testamento di Jose. 2: Spese folli
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Dopo aver deviato i sospetti durante l'interrogatorio della polizia, Lyle ed Erik si danno a spese folli mentre aspettano che sia letto il testamento di Jose. In onda il: 2024-09-19 3: Hai qualche spicciolo?
    I fratelli affrontano la vita dietro le sbarre dopo che la polizia riceve una soffiata sui nastri. Una nuova avvocata della difesa spinge Erik a parlare del passato. 3: Hai qualche spicciolo?
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 I fratelli affrontano la vita dietro le sbarre dopo che la polizia riceve una soffiata sui nastri. Una nuova avvocata della difesa spinge Erik a parlare del passato. In onda il: 2024-09-19 4: Uccidi o vieni ucciso
    Lyle condivide i ricordi dolorosi dei suoi tentativi di soddisfare le aspettative del padre, descrivendo la tempistica e l'impatto degli abusi di Jose e il loro effetto su Erik. 4: Uccidi o vieni ucciso
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Lyle condivide i ricordi dolorosi dei suoi tentativi di soddisfare le aspettative del padre, descrivendo la tempistica e l'impatto degli abusi di Jose e il loro effetto su Erik. In onda il: 2024-09-19 5: L'uomo ferito
    Nel corso di una commovente chiacchierata con Leslie, Erik racconta lo straziante abuso sessuale e le torture che ha subito durante l'infanzia. 5: L'uomo ferito
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Nel corso di una commovente chiacchierata con Leslie, Erik racconta lo straziante abuso sessuale e le torture che ha subito durante l'infanzia. In onda il: 2024-09-19 6: Don't Dream It's Over
    Dal corteggiamento al matrimonio ormai in frantumi: il racconto del legame tra Jose e Kitty si alterna alle sedute di terapia familiare. 6: Don't Dream It's Over
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Dal corteggiamento al matrimonio ormai in frantumi: il racconto del legame tra Jose e Kitty si alterna alle sedute di terapia familiare. In onda il: 2024-09-19 7: Inizia lo spettacolo
    Erik e Lyle faticano a organizzare la propria difesa prima del processo. Poi scoppia la mania per i Menendez, con folle esultanti, lettere dei fan e telecamere in tribunale. 7: Inizia lo spettacolo
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Erik e Lyle faticano a organizzare la propria difesa prima del processo. Poi scoppia la mania per i Menendez, con folle esultanti, lettere dei fan e telecamere in tribunale. In onda il: 2024-09-19 8: Terremoto
    Una testimone intrigante stravolge le dinamiche del processo, mentre le dichiarazioni di Erik provocano uno scontro tra fratelli. La popolarità dei Menendez comincia a sfiorire. 8: Terremoto
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Una testimone intrigante stravolge le dinamiche del processo, mentre le dichiarazioni di Erik provocano uno scontro tra fratelli. La popolarità dei Menendez comincia a sfiorire. In onda il: 2024-09-19 9: Gli impiccati
    Durante un secondo processo, l'accusa vuole dimostrare che Erik e Lyle sono killer spietati. I fratelli affrontano una nuova realtà dopo il verdetto. 9: Gli impiccati
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Durante un secondo processo, l'accusa vuole dimostrare che Erik e Lyle sono killer spietati. I fratelli affrontano una nuova realtà dopo il verdetto. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  8. Tasogare Outfocus [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Twilight Out of Focus
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Mao Tsuchiya e Hisashi Otomo sono compagni di dormitorio. Hisashi è gay, così i due hanno stabilito alcune regole di convivenza: per prima cosa, Mao non dovrà svelare a nessuno il segreto di Hisashi; come seconda regola, Hisashi non dovrà interessarsi a Mao; inoltre nessuno dovrà interferire nei bisogni personali e sessuali dell’altro. Tutto sembra procedere tranquillamente finché il club di cinema, di cui anche Mao fa parte, decide di produrre un film di genere Boys’ Love, con Hisashi come protagonista…
    Character Designer 成田良美
    Series Composition 渡部穏寛
    Series Director Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
    Mao Tsuchiya (voice) 内田雄馬
    Hisashi Ootomo (voice) Sōma Saitō
    Shion Yoshino (voice) 古川慎
    Jin Kikuchihara (voice) Takuya Eguchi
    Rei Inaba (voice) 中澤まさとも
    Giichi Ichikawa (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-07-04 1: If This Love Is Going to be Over Before It Even Begins
    In the dormitory of an all-boys school, Mao ends up sharing a room with Hisashi. They make three promises to each other: "Mao won't disclose that Hisashi is gay and has a boyfriend," "Kotobuki won't see Mao as a romantic interest and won't make a move on him," and "they won't interfere with each other's private activities." 1: If This Love Is Going to be Over Before It Even Begins
    In onda il: 2024-07-04 In the dormitory of an all-boys school, Mao ends up sharing a room with Hisashi. They make three promises to each other: "Mao won't disclose that Hisashi is gay and has a boyfriend," "Kotobuki won't see Mao as a romantic interest and won't make a move on him," and "they won't interfere with each other's private activities." In onda il: 2024-07-11 2: Pick Me
    Mao prepares to shoot the BL movie for his film club. Hisashi gets ready to play the handsome, troubled, gay lead. Mao starts to feel something beyond friendship toward Hisashi, but is bound by their promise. However, the night before the shoot begins... 2: Pick Me
    In onda il: 2024-07-11 Mao prepares to shoot the BL movie for his film club. Hisashi gets ready to play the handsome, troubled, gay lead. Mao starts to feel something beyond friendship toward Hisashi, but is bound by their promise. However, the night before the shoot begins... In onda il: 2024-07-18 3: Our Feelings Aren't Always Pretty
    Preoccupied with their fragile promises, Mao tries to film Hisashi's kiss scene but gets distracted and is injured on set. Hisashi carries Mao to the nurse's office and, when alone, asks Mao to express his true feelings. Mao opens his heart to Hisashi... 3: Our Feelings Aren't Always Pretty
    In onda il: 2024-07-18 Preoccupied with their fragile promises, Mao tries to film Hisashi's kiss scene but gets distracted and is injured on set. Hisashi carries Mao to the nurse's office and, when alone, asks Mao to express his true feelings. Mao opens his heart to Hisashi... In onda il: 2024-07-25 4: Like the Movies
    Wanting Mao to keep watching him after the club wraps their shoot, Hisashi considers the drama club. Mao and Hisashi sneak out of their dorms one night. Earlier in spring, Ichikawa Giichi feels an intense rivalry with the third-year president... 4: Like the Movies
    In onda il: 2024-07-25 Wanting Mao to keep watching him after the club wraps their shoot, Hisashi considers the drama club. Mao and Hisashi sneak out of their dorms one night. Earlier in spring, Ichikawa Giichi feels an intense rivalry with the third-year president... In onda il: 2024-08-01 5: Kikuchihara Jin's Troubles
    popular film club president Kikuchihara Jin is regularly berated by his younger rival, Ichikawa Giichi. Durin a violent argument one day, the two accidentally kiss. Due to an unexpected family issue, Giichi is then assigned to become Jin's new roommate 5: Kikuchihara Jin's Troubles
    In onda il: 2024-08-01 popular film club president Kikuchihara Jin is regularly berated by his younger rival, Ichikawa Giichi. Durin a violent argument one day, the two accidentally kiss. Due to an unexpected family issue, Giichi is then assigned to become Jin's new roommate In onda il: 2024-08-08 6: Kikuchihara Jin's First Love
    Jin and rival director Giichi are now roommates. Tensions between them start to relax as they get used to each other's more playful behavior at home. But when another member announces he plans to quit the club, it reignites the conflict between the two. (HindiAnimeVerse_) 6: Kikuchihara Jin's First Love
    In onda il: 2024-08-08 Jin and rival director Giichi are now roommates. Tensions between them start to relax as they get used to each other's more playful behavior at home. But when another member announces he plans to quit the club, it reignites the conflict between the two. (HindiAnimeVerse_) In onda il: 2024-08-15 7: Settle The Feud
    After Jin's confession, Giichi is overwhelmed with confusion and excitement. Giichi realizes that he competed with Jin in an art contest for kids and that Jin was inspired by him. The two stay in that night to watch a movie and talk about their feelings. (Azanime) 7: Settle The Feud
    In onda il: 2024-08-15 After Jin's confession, Giichi is overwhelmed with confusion and excitement. Giichi realizes that he competed with Jin in an art contest for kids and that Jin was inspired by him. The two stay in that night to watch a movie and talk about their feelings. (Azanime) In onda il: 2024-08-22 8: A Real Trashy Boyfriend
    When first year student Shion joins the film club to find love, former VP Rei coolly warns him he'll never get a boyfriend. Rei later finds Shion crying and, to comfort him, suggests they date. Shion soon learns that Rei is actually a very trashy person. (Azanime) 8: A Real Trashy Boyfriend
    In onda il: 2024-08-22 When first year student Shion joins the film club to find love, former VP Rei coolly warns him he'll never get a boyfriend. Rei later finds Shion crying and, to comfort him, suggests they date. Shion soon learns that Rei is actually a very trashy person. (Azanime) In onda il: 2024-08-29 9: You Should Want to See Me More
    Shion is now formally dating the ex-film club president, Rei. Shion has high expectations for the relationship, but Rei keeps disappointing. However, when Shion gets into an argument with his roommate, Rei invites him over to spend the night in his room. (Azanime) 9: You Should Want to See Me More
    In onda il: 2024-08-29 Shion is now formally dating the ex-film club president, Rei. Shion has high expectations for the relationship, but Rei keeps disappointing. However, when Shion gets into an argument with his roommate, Rei invites him over to spend the night in his room. (Azanime) In onda il: 2024-09-05 10: Promise Me This Is Forever
    With Shion avoiding him, Rei starts wondering if he's been dumped. Rei and Jin have a heart-to-heart talk about relationships. Jin points out that Rei has changed a lot. Jin convinces Rei to run after Shion and try to salvage things before it's too late. (Azanime) 10: Promise Me This Is Forever
    In onda il: 2024-09-05 With Shion avoiding him, Rei starts wondering if he's been dumped. Rei and Jin have a heart-to-heart talk about relationships. Jin points out that Rei has changed a lot. Jin convinces Rei to run after Shion and try to salvage things before it's too late. (Azanime) In onda il: 2024-09-12 11: Paths
    The festival competition has ended. Mao and Hisashi go back to their respective clubs, but now have to think seriously about the future. Mao realizes he's feeling lonely as he watches Hisashi spread his wings. Then, Ichikawa's movie starts going viral... (Azanime) 11: Paths
    In onda il: 2024-09-12 The festival competition has ended. Mao and Hisashi go back to their respective clubs, but now have to think seriously about the future. Mao realizes he's feeling lonely as he watches Hisashi spread his wings. Then, Ichikawa's movie starts going viral... (Azanime) In onda il: 2024-09-19 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  9. Gimai Seikatsu [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Days with My Stepsister
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Quando suo padre si risposa, Yuuta si ritrova con una sorellastra, che è anche la ragazza più bella della scuola: Saki Ayase. I due si promettono di non entrare troppo in confidenza, né di ostacolarsi a vicenda. Entrambi sono molto cauti: Saki non è abituata a far affidamento sugli altri e Yuuta non sa bene in che modo trattarla. Piano piano impareranno a convivere e smetteranno di essere due completi estranei.
    Sodai Ueno
    Series Director 山田香織
    Sound Effects 小沼則義
    Sound Director 広田光毅
    Series Composition 三河ごーすと
    Novel 仁井学
    Character Designer CITOCA
    Original Music Composer Hiten
    Character Designer Takahiro Ueno
    Director Takahiro Ueno
    Storyboard 天﨑滉平
    Yuta Asamura (voice) 中島由貴
    Saki Ayase (voice) 鈴木みのり
    Shiori Yomiuri (voice) Ayu Suzuki
    Narasaka Maaya (voice) 濱野大輝
    Tomokazu Maru (voice) 小林親弘
    Taichi Asamura (voice) Reina Ueda
    Akiko Ayase (voice) 種﨑敦美
    Kaho Fujinami (voice) 新井良平
    Keisuke Shinjou (voice) 園崎未恵
    Eiha Kudou (voice) 阿部菜摘子
    Jihanki no Onseiannai (voice) 石上静香
    Yuuta Asamura (Child) (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-07-04 1: I'm Home with a Stranger
    High school student Yuta Asamura begins living with his stepsister Saki Ayase and her mother due to his father's remarriage. Both Yuta and Saki, who hold cautious values regarding relationships between men and women, agree to live with an appropriate sense of distance between them. 1: I'm Home with a Stranger
    In onda il: 2024-07-04 High school student Yuta Asamura begins living with his stepsister Saki Ayase and her mother due to his father's remarriage. Both Yuta and Saki, who hold cautious values regarding relationships between men and women, agree to live with an appropriate sense of distance between them. In onda il: 2024-07-11 2: A Deal and a Fried Egg
    At school, Yuta notices that there are some sensational rumors circulating about Saki due to her striking appearance. When he tries to talk to her about it, it quickly becomes clear that there is much more to the story than the rumors suggest. 2: A Deal and a Fried Egg
    In onda il: 2024-07-11 At school, Yuta notices that there are some sensational rumors circulating about Saki due to her striking appearance. When he tries to talk to her about it, it quickly becomes clear that there is much more to the story than the rumors suggest. In onda il: 2024-07-18 3: Reflection and Revision
    Yuta and Saki take turns making missteps in their new, still somewhat awkward home life together. As they reflect on these mistakes and figure out how to move forward, Saki realizes she's less and less sure how to feel about Yuta. (SubsFlix_) 3: Reflection and Revision
    In onda il: 2024-07-18 Yuta and Saki take turns making missteps in their new, still somewhat awkward home life together. As they reflect on these mistakes and figure out how to move forward, Saki realizes she's less and less sure how to feel about Yuta. (SubsFlix_) In onda il: 2024-07-25 4: Tendencies and Strategies
    A month has passed since Yuta and Saki started living together. As Yuta starts to understand the ambiguity of their relationship, Saki asks him for help studying modern literature. The two work together to prepare Saki for a test retake. 4: Tendencies and Strategies
    In onda il: 2024-07-25 A month has passed since Yuta and Saki started living together. As Yuta starts to understand the ambiguity of their relationship, Saki asks him for help studying modern literature. The two work together to prepare Saki for a test retake. In onda il: 2024-08-01 5: A Late Show and the Real Deal
    Shiori invites Yuta to a late showing of a movie adaptation of a book she enjoys. Saki takes an interest and goes to the bookstore the next day, where she meets Shiori for the first time. 5: A Late Show and the Real Deal
    In onda il: 2024-08-01 Shiori invites Yuta to a late showing of a movie adaptation of a book she enjoys. Saki takes an interest and goes to the bookstore the next day, where she meets Shiori for the first time. In onda il: 2024-08-08 6: Sweet & Sour Pork and Rain
    Saki asks her classmate Narasaka Maaya to come over after school and help her study. Yuta decides to make dinner for a change so Saki can keep studying. Maaya helps Yuta with the recipe and then starts interrogating him about his relationship with Saki. 6: Sweet & Sour Pork and Rain
    In onda il: 2024-08-08 Saki asks her classmate Narasaka Maaya to come over after school and help her study. Yuta decides to make dinner for a change so Saki can keep studying. Maaya helps Yuta with the recipe and then starts interrogating him about his relationship with Saki. In onda il: 2024-08-15 7: Feelings and Summer Vacation
    Saki adjusts to her new job over summer vacation. Taichi and Akiko notice that Yuta and Saki keep calling each other by their family names. Saki senses a change in how she feels about Yuta and wonders if she should describe it honestly in her diary. 7: Feelings and Summer Vacation
    In onda il: 2024-08-15 Saki adjusts to her new job over summer vacation. Taichi and Akiko notice that Yuta and Saki keep calling each other by their family names. Saki senses a change in how she feels about Yuta and wonders if she should describe it honestly in her diary. In onda il: 2024-08-22 8: A Response and Hot Milk
    Yuta starts to get worried about Saki and asks Akiko for advice. Akiko tells him that he should take Saki out for a break now and then, even if he has to insist. Later, when Yuta tries to talk to Saki about the pool trip with Maaya, Saki reacts harshly. (Subs Flix_) 8: A Response and Hot Milk
    In onda il: 2024-08-22 Yuta starts to get worried about Saki and asks Akiko for advice. Akiko tells him that he should take Saki out for a break now and then, even if he has to insist. Later, when Yuta tries to talk to Saki about the pool trip with Maaya, Saki reacts harshly. (Subs Flix_) In onda il: 2024-08-29 9: Stepsister and Diary
    Yuta and Saki accept Maaya's invitation to go to the pool with a group of friends. Saki enjoys the time at one of her favorite places and is finally able to let loose a little. Then, on the way home, Saki blurts something out that leaves Yuta speechless. (Subs Flix_) 9: Stepsister and Diary
    In onda il: 2024-08-29 Yuta and Saki accept Maaya's invitation to go to the pool with a group of friends. Saki enjoys the time at one of her favorite places and is finally able to let loose a little. Then, on the way home, Saki blurts something out that leaves Yuta speechless. (Subs Flix_) In onda il: 2024-09-05 10: Relations and Regrets
    A new school term has started, and parent-teacher meetings are on the horizon. At school, Yuta and Saki still have not told anyone that they are siblings. As their mother, Akiko wants to attend both meetings, but she worries it would expose their secret. (AzAnime) 10: Relations and Regrets
    In onda il: 2024-09-05 A new school term has started, and parent-teacher meetings are on the horizon. At school, Yuta and Saki still have not told anyone that they are siblings. As their mother, Akiko wants to attend both meetings, but she worries it would expose their secret. (AzAnime) In onda il: 2024-09-12 11: Brother and Sister
    When Yuta is killing time in the library, Maaya confronts him and asks if he has feelings for Saki. After the parent-teacher meetings, Saki attends the open campus event at a prestigious women's college and is confronted by a particularly nosy professor. (Subs Flix_) 11: Brother and Sister
    In onda il: 2024-09-12 When Yuta is killing time in the library, Maaya confronts him and asks if he has feelings for Saki. After the parent-teacher meetings, Saki attends the open campus event at a prestigious women's college and is confronted by a particularly nosy professor. (Subs Flix_) In onda il: 2024-09-19 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Ramen Aka Neko [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Red Cat Ramen
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Tamako è riuscita ad ottenere un colloquio per lavorare in un ristorante di ramen che scopre essere gestito da gatti. Durante l'intervista il manager felino chiede alla ragazza se le piacciono i gatti e quando Tamako dice di essere più un "tipo da cani" finisce per essere assunta immediatamente! Però il lavoro è ben diverso da quello che si aspettava dall'annuncio...
    Toru Kubo
    Series Composition 清水久敏
    Series Director Michinori Chiba
    Character Designer Angyaman
    Comic Book 柳圭介
    Editor Akane Maeda
    Sound Director 宅間麻姫
    Sound Effects 五十嵐慎一
    Director of Photography Yann Le Gall
    Art Direction Hiroaki Matsuoka
    Original Music Composer Kouki Aoshima
    Assistant Director Suga Tomohiko
    3D Director 鎌田千賀子
    Color Designer Kenjirō Tsuda
    文蔵 折原くるみ
    社 珠子 村瀬迪与
    サブ 杉山紀彰
    佐々木 プリン Rie Kugimiya
    ハナ Saori Hayami
    クリシュナ 黒田崇矢
    寺田 みきお Kōki Uchiyama
    城崎 朴璐美
    ラットのママ Chika Anzai
    御所川原 凜 磯辺万沙子
    但馬 照 浦山迅
    先代 Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-07-04 1: 1st Serving: "A Closed-Door Hire" "The Athletic Black Cat"
    Tamako arrives at Ramen Akaneko, a ramen restaurant run by cats, for a part-time job interview. When asked by owner Bunzo if she likes cats, Tamako admits that she's more of a dog person. This gets her hired immediately, leading to the beginning of Tamako's new friendships with the other feline employees of the restaurant. 1: 1st Serving: "A Closed-Door Hire" "The Athletic Black Cat"
    In onda il: 2024-07-04 Tamako arrives at Ramen Akaneko, a ramen restaurant run by cats, for a part-time job interview. When asked by owner Bunzo if she likes cats, Tamako admits that she's more of a dog person. This gets her hired immediately, leading to the beginning of Tamako's new friendships with the other feline employees of the restaurant. In onda il: 2024-07-11 2: 2nd Serving: "Hana-chan's Professionalism" "The Tiger in the Noodle Room"
    Bunzo asks Tamako to help out with dishwashing during the dinner shift. Hana is against the idea as it goes against the restaurant's concept of a feline-only staff. Sasaki suggests dressing Tamako in an outfit that will allow her to blend in… 2: 2nd Serving: "Hana-chan's Professionalism" "The Tiger in the Noodle Room"
    In onda il: 2024-07-11 Bunzo asks Tamako to help out with dishwashing during the dinner shift. Hana is against the idea as it goes against the restaurant's concept of a feline-only staff. Sasaki suggests dressing Tamako in an outfit that will allow her to blend in… In onda il: 2024-07-18 3: 3rd Serving: "Nothing wrong with that" "Service First" "The Masked Engineer"
    Tamako decides to create a poster promoting the Akaneko Special upon hearing from Krishna that the dish is not very popular with customers. Krishna is embarrassed about her photo being used for the poster, despite the idea being well-received by the other staff members. 3: 3rd Serving: "Nothing wrong with that" "Service First" "The Masked Engineer"
    In onda il: 2024-07-18 Tamako decides to create a poster promoting the Akaneko Special upon hearing from Krishna that the dish is not very popular with customers. Krishna is embarrassed about her photo being used for the poster, despite the idea being well-received by the other staff members. In onda il: 2024-07-25 4: 4th Serving: "The Gentle Tiger" "Tiger Paw Noodles" "The Late Night Cat " "A Story From A Little While Back"
    Bunzo makes dumplings and vegetable soup for Tamako, who is concerned about her recent weight gain caused by eating too much ramen. After lunch, the restaurant staff decide to take a nap before the dinner shift. 4: 4th Serving: "The Gentle Tiger" "Tiger Paw Noodles" "The Late Night Cat " "A Story From A Little While Back"
    In onda il: 2024-07-25 Bunzo makes dumplings and vegetable soup for Tamako, who is concerned about her recent weight gain caused by eating too much ramen. After lunch, the restaurant staff decide to take a nap before the dinner shift. In onda il: 2024-08-01 5: 5th Serving: "Brushing Makes Cat Talkative" "The Calm Superior" "Way to Go!"
    Tamako brushes Krishna, who is irritable lately due to shedding season. Bunzo, Sasaki and Sabu share old stories about the staff with Tamako, who expresses that she wants to get to know everyone better. 5: 5th Serving: "Brushing Makes Cat Talkative" "The Calm Superior" "Way to Go!"
    In onda il: 2024-08-01 Tamako brushes Krishna, who is irritable lately due to shedding season. Bunzo, Sasaki and Sabu share old stories about the staff with Tamako, who expresses that she wants to get to know everyone better. In onda il: 2024-08-08 6: 6th Serving: "Intrigue" "I Really Wanna Know!" "Fitting in"
    Three ramen enthusiasts visit the restaurant, which strictly prohibits photography. When Sasaki steps in to stop one of the three men from taking photos of the ramen, he is met with a slight resistance… 6: 6th Serving: "Intrigue" "I Really Wanna Know!" "Fitting in"
    In onda il: 2024-08-08 Three ramen enthusiasts visit the restaurant, which strictly prohibits photography. When Sasaki steps in to stop one of the three men from taking photos of the ramen, he is met with a slight resistance… In onda il: 2024-08-15 7: 7th Serving: "Tough Love" "Today's Reflection" "Ambition and Animals"
    Teru Tajima, who sells her handmade menma only to establishments that she feels are worthy, visits the restaurant out of the blue. She orders a bowl of Akaneko Shoyu Ramen, making the staff nervous. 7: 7th Serving: "Tough Love" "Today's Reflection" "Ambition and Animals"
    In onda il: 2024-08-15 Teru Tajima, who sells her handmade menma only to establishments that she feels are worthy, visits the restaurant out of the blue. She orders a bowl of Akaneko Shoyu Ramen, making the staff nervous. In onda il: 2024-08-22 8: 8th Serving: "All Ages Welcome" "A Highly Rated Brushing" "Crazy About Ramen"
    On a hot summer day, Sasaki comes across a mother and her child who are lost. He invites the pair to Ramen Akaneko, and proceeds to soothe the baby skillfully. 8: 8th Serving: "All Ages Welcome" "A Highly Rated Brushing" "Crazy About Ramen"
    In onda il: 2024-08-22 On a hot summer day, Sasaki comes across a mother and her child who are lost. He invites the pair to Ramen Akaneko, and proceeds to soothe the baby skillfully. In onda il: 2024-08-29 9: 9th Serving: "The Case of the Missing Confit" "One's True Strength" "It's Not Really a Secret"
    Sabu discovers that his special treats, "Returning Bonito Confit", have been eaten without his knowledge. He suspects Hana, who often eats his treats without permission, leading to a disagreement between the pair. 9: 9th Serving: "The Case of the Missing Confit" "One's True Strength" "It's Not Really a Secret"
    In onda il: 2024-08-29 Sabu discovers that his special treats, "Returning Bonito Confit", have been eaten without his knowledge. He suspects Hana, who often eats his treats without permission, leading to a disagreement between the pair. In onda il: 2024-09-05 10: 10th Serving: "Love Button" "The Lovely Pipi-chan" "Work"
    A woman named Yoko visits the busy Ramen Akaneko out of the blue and refers to Hana as "Lovely Pipi-chan". The woman invites Hana, who is troubled by the sudden visit, to go home with her. It is then revealed that Yoko is Hana's previous owner. 10: 10th Serving: "Love Button" "The Lovely Pipi-chan" "Work"
    In onda il: 2024-09-05 A woman named Yoko visits the busy Ramen Akaneko out of the blue and refers to Hana as "Lovely Pipi-chan". The woman invites Hana, who is troubled by the sudden visit, to go home with her. It is then revealed that Yoko is Hana's previous owner. In onda il: 2024-09-12 11: 11th Serving: "A Story of Warm and Fuzzy Memories" "It Depends on the Cat" "My Specialty"
    The owner of Ramen Akaneko rescues two kittens but is unable to keep them at the restaurant. The owner gives the two kittens, named Tart and Pudding, to a regular named Sasaki but Tart, an orange tabby, escapes. 11: 11th Serving: "A Story of Warm and Fuzzy Memories" "It Depends on the Cat" "My Specialty"
    In onda il: 2024-09-12 The owner of Ramen Akaneko rescues two kittens but is unable to keep them at the restaurant. The owner gives the two kittens, named Tart and Pudding, to a regular named Sasaki but Tart, an orange tabby, escapes. In onda il: 2024-09-19 12: 12th Serving: "Choose Your Team" "As Always, Thanks for Coming!" "Congratulations"
    Sabu enters an online game competition, but gets disqualified after the second round. The next day, Tamako asks Sabu about ignoring the opposing team's invitation to join their team. A panicked Sabu rushes to check his email. 12: 12th Serving: "Choose Your Team" "As Always, Thanks for Coming!" "Congratulations"
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Sabu enters an online game competition, but gets disqualified after the second round. The next day, Tamako asks Sabu about ignoring the opposing team's invitation to join their team. A panicked Sabu rushes to check his email. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Twilight of the Gods [8/8] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV Animate - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Twilight of the Gods
    Stagione 1    Episodi 8        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
    Zack Snyder dà vita a una versione audace e cruenta della mitologia norrena in questa serie animata per adulti incentrata su una guerriera che affronta le divinità con un'ascia.
    Zack Snyder
    Executive Producer Jay Oliva
    Executive Producer Steven Edwards
    Production Manager Sherry Gunther
    Producer Wesley Coller
    Executive Producer Deborah Snyder
    Executive Producer Hans Zimmer
    Original Music Composer Steven Doar
    Original Music Composer Omer Benyamin
    Original Music Composer Sylvia Hoeks
    Sigrid (voice) Stuart Martin
    Leif (voice) Pilou Asbæk
    Thor (voice) Paterson Joseph
    Loki (voice) Rahul Kohli
    Egill (voice) Jamie Clayton
    Seid-Kona (voice) Kristofer Hivju
    Andvari (voice) Peter Stormare
    Ulfr (voice) Birgitte Hjort Sørensen
    Hervor (voice) Thea Sofie Loch Næss
    Thyra (voice) Episodi: 8 
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 1: Il prezzo della sposa
    Le nozze tra Sigrid e re Leif si trasformano in una tragedia quando Thor scatena la sua ira durante la cerimonia, portando la sposa a giurare vendetta. 1: Il prezzo della sposa
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Le nozze tra Sigrid e re Leif si trasformano in una tragedia quando Thor scatena la sua ira durante la cerimonia, portando la sposa a giurare vendetta. In onda il: 2024-09-19 2: La spada eretica
    Nel regno degli inferi, Loki mette in atto il suo piano. Sigrid e Leif ingaggiano una banda di guerrieri e si mettono a cercare armi realizzate con un metallo che uccide gli dei. 2: La spada eretica
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Nel regno degli inferi, Loki mette in atto il suo piano. Sigrid e Leif ingaggiano una banda di guerrieri e si mettono a cercare armi realizzate con un metallo che uccide gli dei. In onda il: 2024-09-19 3: Rallegrerai i suoi corvi
    I cacciatori di Odino attaccano la banda di Sigrid durante un viaggio pieno di insidie verso Vanaheim. Thor e la sua avversaria mortale si affrontano in battaglia. 3: Rallegrerai i suoi corvi
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 I cacciatori di Odino attaccano la banda di Sigrid durante un viaggio pieno di insidie verso Vanaheim. Thor e la sua avversaria mortale si affrontano in battaglia. In onda il: 2024-09-19 4: Il verme
    Per ottenere un moggio di mele magiche da portare alle divinità Vanir, i guerrieri devono macchiare di sangue le spade in uno scontro contro una bestia che difende il frutteto. 4: Il verme
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Per ottenere un moggio di mele magiche da portare alle divinità Vanir, i guerrieri devono macchiare di sangue le spade in uno scontro contro una bestia che difende il frutteto. In onda il: 2024-09-19 5: Il dio capro espiatorio
    Leif e Loki si ritrovano intrappolati in un regno maledetto. Un branco di Primi lupi aiuta i guerrieri. La storia di Sigrid conquista a sorpresa nuovi alleati. 5: Il dio capro espiatorio
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Leif e Loki si ritrovano intrappolati in un regno maledetto. Un branco di Primi lupi aiuta i guerrieri. La storia di Sigrid conquista a sorpresa nuovi alleati. In onda il: 2024-09-19 6: E ora ascoltate di...
    Alla vigilia dello scontro, Sigrid e i suoi compagni condividono racconti fantastici tra magie e onore. Nel campo si scatena la passione e Odino lancia un avvertimento. 6: E ora ascoltate di...
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Alla vigilia dello scontro, Sigrid e i suoi compagni condividono racconti fantastici tra magie e onore. Nel campo si scatena la passione e Odino lancia un avvertimento. In onda il: 2024-09-19 7: Datemi un martello
    L'epica battaglia ha inizio con esseri mortali, giganti e divinità Vanir che affrontano Thor e i suoi soldati. Una pericolosa missione segreta si conclude in un bagno di sangue. 7: Datemi un martello
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 L'epica battaglia ha inizio con esseri mortali, giganti e divinità Vanir che affrontano Thor e i suoi soldati. Una pericolosa missione segreta si conclude in un bagno di sangue. In onda il: 2024-09-19 8: Il canto di Sigrid
    Ora che il regno degli dei è a rischio, nascono leggende, cadono eroi e vengono a galla piani segreti. Odino ha una rivelazione scioccante. 8: Il canto di Sigrid
    In onda il: 2024-09-19 Ora che il regno degli dei è a rischio, nascono leggende, cadono eroi e vengono a galla piani segreti. Odino ha una rivelazione scioccante. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. Giji Harem [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Pseudo Harem
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Eiji Kitahama frequenta il secondo anno delle superiori e vuole solo essere popolare. Per aiutarlo a realizzare questo sogno, Rin Nanakura, sua compagna al club di recitazione, usa le sue doti recitative per creare un harem di ragazze che lo adorino. Riuscirà la giovane attrice a farsi strada nel cuore di Eiji?
    Yu Saito
    Comic Book 渡辺剛
    Original Music Composer 菊池聡延
    Series Director 柿原優子
    Series Composition 佐藤義久
    Character Designer Shinji Katahira
    Art Direction 佐藤卓哉
    Sound Director 武宮むつみ
    Editor 町田啓
    Director of Photography Azusa Sasaki
    Color Designer Saori Hayami
    Theme Song Performance Nobuhiko Okamoto
    Eiji Kitahama (voice) Saori Hayami
    Rin Nanakura (voice) 鳴海まい
    Ayaka Nanakura (voice) Jun'ichi Suwabe
    Motokuni Nakayama (voice) Kōji Yusa
    Tsuguto 'Tsu-chan' Iwata (voice) 阿保まりあ
    Megu (voice) 佐藤未奈子
    Kiri Shirasawa (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-07-05 1: The Beginning of a Story?
    In the theater club, Rin meets Eiji, who has always wished for his own harem. Rin has a whole array of roles ready to keep Eiji on his toes. 1: The Beginning of a Story?
    In onda il: 2024-07-05 In the theater club, Rin meets Eiji, who has always wished for his own harem. Rin has a whole array of roles ready to keep Eiji on his toes. In onda il: 2024-07-12 2: Confession?
    The number of characters Rin plays in front of Eiji keeps increasing. When it is revealed that Rin has a younger sister, she plays a little sister character. During the cultural festival, strange characters also begin to emerge. 2: Confession?
    In onda il: 2024-07-12 The number of characters Rin plays in front of Eiji keeps increasing. When it is revealed that Rin has a younger sister, she plays a little sister character. During the cultural festival, strange characters also begin to emerge. In onda il: 2024-07-19 3: Lessons in Love?
    Rehearsals are in full swing, and Rin now has her own juniors. But can she get closer to her own senior? 3: Lessons in Love?
    In onda il: 2024-07-19 Rehearsals are in full swing, and Rin now has her own juniors. But can she get closer to her own senior? In onda il: 2024-07-26 4: WOW?
    It's all fun and games at drama club until a bit of unexpected weather on the way home sends Rin to Eiji's house to meet his mother... 4: WOW?
    In onda il: 2024-07-26 It's all fun and games at drama club until a bit of unexpected weather on the way home sends Rin to Eiji's house to meet his mother... In onda il: 2024-08-02 5: Summer Vacation
    Eiji meets Rin's younger sister Ayaka, who sheds some interesting new insights about her big sister right before summer vacation begins. 5: Summer Vacation
    In onda il: 2024-08-02 Eiji meets Rin's younger sister Ayaka, who sheds some interesting new insights about her big sister right before summer vacation begins. In onda il: 2024-08-09 6: First Date?
    The cultural festival is approaching, and Eiji needs to perfect the stage design so that Rin can give her all in the lead role! 6: First Date?
    In onda il: 2024-08-09 The cultural festival is approaching, and Eiji needs to perfect the stage design so that Rin can give her all in the lead role! In onda il: 2024-08-16 7: Graduation
    Eiji's third and final year of high school is coming to an end, but before that happens, Rin wants to make her feelings clear. 7: Graduation
    In onda il: 2024-08-16 Eiji's third and final year of high school is coming to an end, but before that happens, Rin wants to make her feelings clear. In onda il: 2024-08-23 8: Adults
    Rin and Eiji have less time together now that Eiji is getting ready for college, but they're working to make the most of it, as she helps him pick out a new outfit. 8: Adults
    In onda il: 2024-08-23 Rin and Eiji have less time together now that Eiji is getting ready for college, but they're working to make the most of it, as she helps him pick out a new outfit. In onda il: 2024-08-30 9: A Person to Love
    Rin's anxiety about how well Eiji is liked by the girls at college leads to a trip to the campus with unexpected consequences. 9: A Person to Love
    In onda il: 2024-08-30 Rin's anxiety about how well Eiji is liked by the girls at college leads to a trip to the campus with unexpected consequences. In onda il: 2024-09-06 10: Birthday
    Rin's birthday is coming, and Eiji is working to save up and buy a gift. But when your girlfriend is sometimes multiple people, who exactly do you buy a birthday present for? 10: Birthday
    In onda il: 2024-09-06 Rin's birthday is coming, and Eiji is working to save up and buy a gift. But when your girlfriend is sometimes multiple people, who exactly do you buy a birthday present for? In onda il: 2024-09-13 11: Love Triangle?
    Eiji's decision to dedicate himself to Rin exclusively has Rin feeling insecure on the behalf of her characters. But can a love polygon really exist with only two people involved? 11: Love Triangle?
    In onda il: 2024-09-13 Eiji's decision to dedicate himself to Rin exclusively has Rin feeling insecure on the behalf of her characters. But can a love polygon really exist with only two people involved? In onda il: 2024-09-20 12: The Beginning of a Story
    A short film made by Eiji's friend starring Rin ends up drawing attention from a talent agency. On the verge of graduating, the time has come for her to make a big decision. 12: The Beginning of a Story
    In onda il: 2024-09-20 A short film made by Eiji's friend starring Rin ends up drawing attention from a talent agency. On the verge of graduating, the time has come for her to make a big decision. Nessun Trailer disponibile
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