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  1. Vita da gatto (2023) Streaming  

    Avventura - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Vita da gatto
    1 h 23 m    2023        
    Avventura ◦ Famiglia ◦ Dramma ◦ Fantasy
    Il fllm segue il viaggio di Clémence e del suo gattino, Rroû, mentre lasciano Parigi per trascorrere le vacanze in campagna. Mentre è lì, Rroû si gode la fauna selvatica e fa amicizia con Câline, un gattino bianco che si aggira nei boschi.
    Guillaume Maidatchevsky
    Director Guillaume Maidatchevsky
    Screenplay Michaël Souhaité
    Screenplay Maurice Genevoix
    Novel Julien Jaouen
    Music Dan Meyer
    Director of Photography Marie Credou
    Costume Design Samuel Potin
    Dialogue Editor Paul Cognet
    Second Assistant Camera Benoît Dupont
    Gaffer Ludovic Jacques
    Grip Oscar Kurkjian
    Second Assistant Camera Sébastien Lane
    Electrician Rémy Pigeard
    Best Boy Electric Léonard Rollin
    Digital Imaging Technician Julien Le Roux
    Location Manager Julien Le Roux
    Location Scout Samuel Potin
    Music Editor Jean-Pierre Bailly
    Producer Stéphane Millière
    Producer Loïc Fontimpe
    Storyboard Artist Loïc Gourbe
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Clément Maurin
    Supervising Sound Editor Arnaud Mellet
    Sound Recordist Guillaume Mattana
    First Assistant Camera Inès Meddar
    Assistant Camera Raphaël Palin Sainte Agathe
    First Assistant Camera Stéphane Azouze-Cardin
    Colorist Capucine Sainson-Fabresse
    Clémence Corinne Masiero
    Madeleine Nicolas Umbdenstock
    Clémence's Father Fred Lucie Laurent
    Isa Juliette Gillis
    Clémence's Friend Vita Da Gatto - Trailer Italiano Ufficiale
  2. Come un'onda [12/12] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Come un'onda
    Miniserie    Episodi 12        
    Dramma ◦ War & Politics
    Una frenetica lotta di potere tra il primo ministro e la vice prima ministra scoppia il giorno in cui il presidente resta vittima di un attentato.
    Park Jang-hyuk
    Director of Photography 유영종
    Lighting Director Kim Jey-hyun
    Executive Producer 유상원
    Executive Producer Park Sang-hyun
    Executive Producer Kim Sung-min
    Executive Producer 송진선
    Executive Producer Lee Jung-mook
    Producer 조수영
    Producer Son Min-jeong
    Production Design 함민
    Production Sound Mixer 정재욱
    Props Hong Su-hee
    Costume Design 박갑진
    Martial Arts Choreographer Kim Na-young
    Editor Kim Dong-wook
    Original Music Composer Yoo Seok-won
    Sound Supervisor 한준희
    VFX Supervisor 설경구
    Park Dong-ho 김희애
    Jung Su-jin 김미숙
    Choi Yeon-sook 김영민
    Kang Sang-woon 임세미
    Seo Jung-yeon Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 1: Episodio 1
    Deciso a cambiare le carte in tavola, Park Dong-ho tenta di assassinare il presidente. Ma Jeong Su-jin interviene prontamente per realizzare il proprio piano. 1: Episodio 1
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Deciso a cambiare le carte in tavola, Park Dong-ho tenta di assassinare il presidente. Ma Jeong Su-jin interviene prontamente per realizzare il proprio piano. In onda il: 2024-06-28 2: Episodio 2
    Kang Sang-un sfrutta le informazioni a sua disposizione e fa un'offerta a Dong-ho. Il tentativo di Dong-ho di avviare un'inchiesta a tutto campo subisce un intoppo. 2: Episodio 2
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Kang Sang-un sfrutta le informazioni a sua disposizione e fa un'offerta a Dong-ho. Il tentativo di Dong-ho di avviare un'inchiesta a tutto campo subisce un intoppo. In onda il: 2024-06-28 3: Episodio 3
    Dong-ho rischia tutto per riavviare l'indagine prima che il presidente si riprenda. In risposta Su-jin ricorre a una tattica brutale per ribaltare la situazione. 3: Episodio 3
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Dong-ho rischia tutto per riavviare l'indagine prima che il presidente si riprenda. In risposta Su-jin ricorre a una tattica brutale per ribaltare la situazione. In onda il: 2024-06-28 4: Episodio 4
    Dong-ho rivolge la sua attenzione alla campagna presidenziale e tende una trappola per Su-jin. Più tardi cerca di ottenere un vantaggio in modo discutibile. 4: Episodio 4
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Dong-ho rivolge la sua attenzione alla campagna presidenziale e tende una trappola per Su-jin. Più tardi cerca di ottenere un vantaggio in modo discutibile. In onda il: 2024-06-28 5: Episodio 5
    Spinto a dimettersi, Dong-ho parla con Su-jin in privato, poi affronta Jo Sang-cheon in un dibattito in cui la questione della Corea del Nord minaccia la sua campagna elettorale. 5: Episodio 5
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Spinto a dimettersi, Dong-ho parla con Su-jin in privato, poi affronta Jo Sang-cheon in un dibattito in cui la questione della Corea del Nord minaccia la sua campagna elettorale. In onda il: 2024-06-28 6: Episodio 6
    Sebbene Su-jin sia in possesso di una prova schiacciante contro di lui, Dong-ho rivela di avere un asso nella manica. Su-jin concentra la sua attenzione su Park Chang-sik. 6: Episodio 6
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Sebbene Su-jin sia in possesso di una prova schiacciante contro di lui, Dong-ho rivela di avere un asso nella manica. Su-jin concentra la sua attenzione su Park Chang-sik. In onda il: 2024-06-28 7: Episodio 7
    Dong-ho attua un piano per esporre completamente Su-jin al pubblico, ma vuole spingere Lee Jang-seok a rivoltarsi contro Dong-ho prima che inizi l'udienza. 7: Episodio 7
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Dong-ho attua un piano per esporre completamente Su-jin al pubblico, ma vuole spingere Lee Jang-seok a rivoltarsi contro Dong-ho prima che inizi l'udienza. In onda il: 2024-06-28 8: Episodio 8
    Su-jin è diventata prima ministra e Dong-ho incontra il presidente Kang nel tentativo di smantellare la sua cerchia ristretta, obbligandola a organizzare la propria vendetta. 8: Episodio 8
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Su-jin è diventata prima ministra e Dong-ho incontra il presidente Kang nel tentativo di smantellare la sua cerchia ristretta, obbligandola a organizzare la propria vendetta. In onda il: 2024-06-28 9: Episodio 9
    Su-jin spinge Sang-un a fornire una testimonianza schiacciante contro Dong-ho e convincere l'opinione pubblica. Minacciato con l'impeachment, Dong-ho si rivolge al presidente Kang. 9: Episodio 9
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Su-jin spinge Sang-un a fornire una testimonianza schiacciante contro Dong-ho e convincere l'opinione pubblica. Minacciato con l'impeachment, Dong-ho si rivolge al presidente Kang. In onda il: 2024-06-28 10: Episodio 10
    Dong-ho rivela la sua colpa per assicurare i suoi nemici alla giustizia e corre un rischio legale. A sua volta Su-jin fa di tutto perché Dong-ho sia arrestato. 10: Episodio 10
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Dong-ho rivela la sua colpa per assicurare i suoi nemici alla giustizia e corre un rischio legale. A sua volta Su-jin fa di tutto perché Dong-ho sia arrestato. In onda il: 2024-06-28 11: Episodio 11
    Su-jin ostacola l'indagine su Daejin e punta nuovamente lo sguardo su Dong-ho. Quando uno sciopero minaccia il suo potere, Dong-ho usa l'asso nella manica. 11: Episodio 11
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Su-jin ostacola l'indagine su Daejin e punta nuovamente lo sguardo su Dong-ho. Quando uno sciopero minaccia il suo potere, Dong-ho usa l'asso nella manica. In onda il: 2024-06-28 12: Episodio 12
    L'atto finale di Dong-ho costringe Su-jin a compiere una scelta cruciale: rivelare la verità o cadere in disgrazia. Prevarrà la giustizia alla fine? 12: Episodio 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 L'atto finale di Dong-ho costringe Su-jin a compiere una scelta cruciale: rivelare la verità o cadere in disgrazia. Prevarrà la giustizia alla fine? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  3. Za Nyū Gēto [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The New Gate
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure
    The new game è un gioco online che cattura i suoi giocatori e li coinvolge in un gioco mortale. Le migliaia di giocatori intrappolati sono stati liberati grazie agli sforzi di Shin, uno dei giocatori più forti al mondo. Però, dopo aver sconfitto l'ultimo boss e liberato tutti, Shin viene inghiottito da una strana luce e si ritrova dentro il mondo di un gioco 500 anni nel futuro. Sembra che tornare indietro sia impossibile.
    Tamaki Nakatsu
    Series Director Shinogi Kazanami
    Novel Yoshiyuki Miwa
    Comic Book Tatsuki Takemoto
    Character Designer Tatsuhiko Saiki
    Original Music Composer 森 悠也
    Original Music Composer Yuuya Mori
    Original Music Composer 内田裕基
    Series Composition 小野賢章
    Shin (voice) 瀬戸麻沙美
    Schnee Raizer (voice) 本渡楓
    Tiera Lucent (voice) 岡咲美保
    Yuzuha (voice) 比留間俊哉
    Wilhelm Avis (voice) 涼本あきほ
    Millie (voice) 石原夏織
    Lasia Ruzel (voice) Lynn
    Leon Streil Beirlicht (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-04-14 1: The Third Truth
    When Shin finds himself trapped in a video game turned deadly with thousands of other players, he fights until the bitter end to free everyone. His reward? Waking up inside the game five hundred years later, where he must now forge a new legend! 1: The Third Truth
    In onda il: 2024-04-14 When Shin finds himself trapped in a video game turned deadly with thousands of other players, he fights until the bitter end to free everyone. His reward? Waking up inside the game five hundred years later, where he must now forge a new legend! In onda il: 2024-04-21 2: A Little Partner
    In an attempt to avoid unwanted attention, Shin tries to keep a low profile as word of his deeds already begins spreading through town. But even so, a curious request from a curious girl has him back in the northern woods on a rescue mission. 2: A Little Partner
    In onda il: 2024-04-21 In an attempt to avoid unwanted attention, Shin tries to keep a low profile as word of his deeds already begins spreading through town. But even so, a curious request from a curious girl has him back in the northern woods on a rescue mission. In onda il: 2024-04-28 3: A Strange Request
    Shin finds a strange request from the church orphanage on the guild board. Intrigued and hoping to learn more about the orphan girl he met before anyway, he decides to go scope out the situation there. 3: A Strange Request
    In onda il: 2024-04-28 Shin finds a strange request from the church orphanage on the guild board. Intrigued and hoping to learn more about the orphan girl he met before anyway, he decides to go scope out the situation there. In onda il: 2024-05-05 4: After the Long Night
    Shin escorts a young nun on a mission into the Ghost Plains, notorious for spawning undead at frightening rates. Shin's going to find more than he bargained for there, both for better and for worse. 4: After the Long Night
    In onda il: 2024-05-05 Shin escorts a young nun on a mission into the Ghost Plains, notorious for spawning undead at frightening rates. Shin's going to find more than he bargained for there, both for better and for worse. In onda il: 2024-05-12 5: A Momentary Break
    Now that the immediate danger has passed, Shin opens up to Wilhelm and catches up with an old friend. Then it's time to plan for his next adventure. This world has secrets, and Shin is still determined to figure them out. 5: A Momentary Break
    In onda il: 2024-05-12 Now that the immediate danger has passed, Shin opens up to Wilhelm and catches up with an old friend. Then it's time to plan for his next adventure. This world has secrets, and Shin is still determined to figure them out. In onda il: 2024-05-19 6: Escort Mission
    Shin and Tiera begin making preparations for the trip ahead of them. Then, on the way out of town, they pick up Tiera's first adventurers guild quest: an escort mission for a merchant. 6: Escort Mission
    In onda il: 2024-05-19 Shin and Tiera begin making preparations for the trip ahead of them. Then, on the way out of town, they pick up Tiera's first adventurers guild quest: an escort mission for a merchant. In onda il: 2024-05-25 7: Bayreun
    Shin and Tiera complete their quest and reach Bayreun, where they'll make a few important acquisitions and meet up with Schnee before setting out on the second half of their journey. 7: Bayreun
    In onda il: 2024-05-25 Shin and Tiera complete their quest and reach Bayreun, where they'll make a few important acquisitions and meet up with Schnee before setting out on the second half of their journey. In onda il: 2024-06-01 8: Trusted and Entrusted
    Shin and company reach the Farnid Beast Alliance, where they meet Shin's former companion and the nation's first king, Girart. After five hundred long years, Girart has an unusual request for his old friend... 8: Trusted and Entrusted
    In onda il: 2024-06-01 Shin and company reach the Farnid Beast Alliance, where they meet Shin's former companion and the nation's first king, Girart. After five hundred long years, Girart has an unusual request for his old friend... In onda il: 2024-06-08 9: The Princess of Bayrelicht
    Shin decides it's time to raise his adventurer rank, but waiting for him at the guild is royal summons from Bayrelicht. 9: The Princess of Bayrelicht
    In onda il: 2024-06-08 Shin decides it's time to raise his adventurer rank, but waiting for him at the guild is royal summons from Bayrelicht. In onda il: 2024-06-15 10: Demon
    Shin's summons to the castle doesn't go exactly as he thought it would when the princess challenges him to a duel. Then when the aftermath of their fight goes horribly awry, it's up to Schnee to investigate. 10: Demon
    In onda il: 2024-06-15 Shin's summons to the castle doesn't go exactly as he thought it would when the princess challenges him to a duel. Then when the aftermath of their fight goes horribly awry, it's up to Schnee to investigate. In onda il: 2024-06-22 11: The Closed Holy Land
    Shin and Princess Rionne now find themselves effectively trapped in the holy land, forced to fight their way out. Can Shin pull it off without revealing his true strength? 11: The Closed Holy Land
    In onda il: 2024-06-22 Shin and Princess Rionne now find themselves effectively trapped in the holy land, forced to fight their way out. Can Shin pull it off without revealing his true strength? In onda il: 2024-06-29 12: Major Flood
    Shin and Rionne spy a large horde of monsters headed straight for Valmer, where they're supposed to meet up with Schnee and Tiera. Can they reach the city in time to save it? 12: Major Flood
    In onda il: 2024-06-29 Shin and Rionne spy a large horde of monsters headed straight for Valmer, where they're supposed to meet up with Schnee and Tiera. Can they reach the city in time to save it? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. Tonari no Yōkai-san [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Yōkai Next to Me
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    La storia è ambientata in una città rurale dove yokai, esseri umani e divinità vivono la loro quotidianità in un mix di calore e mistero. Un'estate, il gatto ventenne Buchio si evolve improvvisamente in un nekomata. Impensierito da questa trasformazione, si ripromette di scoprirne di più insieme a Yuri, che si sta trasformando in una kitsune. Muu-chan spia il corvo-tengu Jirou mentre svolge i suoi doveri di tengu e inizia a vederlo sotto una nuova luce. Allo stesso tempo, iniziano a diffondersi voci su una sfortunata nue...
    Comic Book 山内愛弥
    Series Director 金春智子
    Series Composition 阿部慈光
    Character Designer Nobuhiro Ando
    Prop Designer 坪井健太
    Art Direction Emiko Onodera
    Color Designer Naho Hasegawa
    Director of Photography Blue Bird's Nest
    Original Music Composer 八巻大樹
    Sound Director 結川あさき
    Mutsumi Sugimoto (voice) 比嘉良介
    Jirobo Enkazan (voice) 梶裕貴
    Buchio Oishi (voice) 浦山迅
    Tazenbo Fuchibiyama (voice) 大地葉
    Yuri Tachibana (voice) 浜田賢二
    Taichi Tanaka (voice) 田村睦心
    Takumi Oishi (voice) Yuko Sanpei
    Ryo Sano (voice) 潘めぐみ
    Rein Nakagawa (voice) 甲斐田裕子
    Hayachiyo (voice) 三上哲
    Gorozaemon Sanmoto (voice) 川澄綾子
    Suzu Sakaki (voice) 橘龍丸
    Benmaru Kobayashi (voice) 川島得愛
    Chiaki Nishiya (voice) 田中秀幸
    Kazuhiko Nishiya (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-04-07 1: Episode 1
    When Buchio, a 20-year-old cat, is reborn as a nekomata, his family happily accepts him. As young Mutsumi worries about her missing father, Jiro the crow tengu comforts her. Tales of a mysterious yet warm day-to-day life shared by humans, gods, and yokai begin here. 1: Episode 1
    In onda il: 2024-04-07 When Buchio, a 20-year-old cat, is reborn as a nekomata, his family happily accepts him. As young Mutsumi worries about her missing father, Jiro the crow tengu comforts her. Tales of a mysterious yet warm day-to-day life shared by humans, gods, and yokai begin here. In onda il: 2024-04-14 2: Episode 2
    As Buchio ponders what to do with his new life, Yuri the bakegitsune teaches him how to transform. Rain, a kappa in Ryo's class who has a crush on him, sees a certain someone for romantic advice... 2: Episode 2
    In onda il: 2024-04-14 As Buchio ponders what to do with his new life, Yuri the bakegitsune teaches him how to transform. Rain, a kappa in Ryo's class who has a crush on him, sees a certain someone for romantic advice... In onda il: 2024-04-21 3: Episode 3
    Takumi and Buchio encounter a mythical beast said to bring misfortune to those who hear its voice. Mutsumi learns that Jiro once killed a giant serpent, but it turns out the serpent remained as a vengeful spirit... 3: Episode 3
    In onda il: 2024-04-21 Takumi and Buchio encounter a mythical beast said to bring misfortune to those who hear its voice. Mutsumi learns that Jiro once killed a giant serpent, but it turns out the serpent remained as a vengeful spirit... In onda il: 2024-04-28 4: Episode 4
    Buchio starts attending driving school, where he meets a tsukumogami who's inhabited a car. Meanwhile, at the elementary school, a raiju falls from a rift in the sky... 4: Episode 4
    In onda il: 2024-04-28 Buchio starts attending driving school, where he meets a tsukumogami who's inhabited a car. Meanwhile, at the elementary school, a raiju falls from a rift in the sky... In onda il: 2024-05-05 5: Episode 5
    Seeing Buchio enjoying a happy life with his family makes Yuri remember her tumultuous past with her own family, leaving her angry and irritable. Then she finds herself caught up in an unbelievable incident... 5: Episode 5
    In onda il: 2024-05-05 Seeing Buchio enjoying a happy life with his family makes Yuri remember her tumultuous past with her own family, leaving her angry and irritable. Then she finds herself caught up in an unbelievable incident... In onda il: 2024-05-12 6: Episode 6
    After returning from the parallel world, Yuri is finally ready to stop living in the past. To set herself free, she sets off to visit the family home she left behind many years ago under the crushing weight of pride and tradition. 6: Episode 6
    In onda il: 2024-05-12 After returning from the parallel world, Yuri is finally ready to stop living in the past. To set herself free, she sets off to visit the family home she left behind many years ago under the crushing weight of pride and tradition. In onda il: 2024-05-19 7: Episode 7
    Buchio grapples with a concern that all yokai like him eventually face: the fact that his lifespan is much longer than that of humans. His new friend Wagen has been dealing with the same concern in his life with his aging partner, Kazuhiko. 7: Episode 7
    In onda il: 2024-05-19 Buchio grapples with a concern that all yokai like him eventually face: the fact that his lifespan is much longer than that of humans. His new friend Wagen has been dealing with the same concern in his life with his aging partner, Kazuhiko. In onda il: 2024-05-26 8: Episode 8
    Buchio realizes that the source of his fear is loneliness, and learns the importance of living in the here and now. Jiro reveals the sad memories he's kept locked up inside in his efforts to avoid worrying Mutsumi. 8: Episode 8
    In onda il: 2024-05-26 Buchio realizes that the source of his fear is loneliness, and learns the importance of living in the here and now. Jiro reveals the sad memories he's kept locked up inside in his efforts to avoid worrying Mutsumi. In onda il: 2024-06-02 9: Episode 9
    Rain learns that she's been feeling so cold lately because her body is trying to revert to its kappa origins. The doctor warns her to avoid catching a chill, but when Ryo is dragged into the river, she can't stop herself from diving in after him. 9: Episode 9
    In onda il: 2024-06-02 Rain learns that she's been feeling so cold lately because her body is trying to revert to its kappa origins. The doctor warns her to avoid catching a chill, but when Ryo is dragged into the river, she can't stop herself from diving in after him. In onda il: 2024-06-09 10: Episode 10
    A strange shadow appears near the Sugimoto house and nearly swallows Mutsumi. Jiro and Tazenbo manage to save her at the last moment. As Mutsumi recovers, they question the shadow about its obsession with her. 10: Episode 10
    In onda il: 2024-06-09 A strange shadow appears near the Sugimoto house and nearly swallows Mutsumi. Jiro and Tazenbo manage to save her at the last moment. As Mutsumi recovers, they question the shadow about its obsession with her. In onda il: 2024-06-16 11: Episode 11
    Takumi is curious to see the Space-Time Laboratory scientists in action, and Buchio accompanies him to observe them. A catastrophe strikes when Buchio is called away to Tokyo on business. 11: Episode 11
    In onda il: 2024-06-16 Takumi is curious to see the Space-Time Laboratory scientists in action, and Buchio accompanies him to observe them. A catastrophe strikes when Buchio is called away to Tokyo on business. In onda il: 2024-06-23 12: Episode 12
    A boundary break causes an army of oni to appear from a rift in the sky and attack people. Jiro saves the Suginami family from attack, but then he makes a shocking observation about the oni... 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-23 A boundary break causes an army of oni to appear from a rift in the sky and attack people. Jiro saves the Suginami family from attack, but then he makes a shocking observation about the oni... In onda il: 2024-06-30 13: Episode 13
    The world is inverted, and all the yokai born of kotodama collapse one after another. Even Buchio and Jiro... Can the world be restored to normal? 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-06-30 The world is inverted, and all the yokai born of kotodama collapse one after another. Even Buchio and Jiro... Can the world be restored to normal? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  5. Kenka Dokugaku [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Viral Hit
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure
    Lo studente liceale dalla corporatura magra Hobin Yoo non ha mai pensato di partecipare a un programma di NewTube specializzato nel combattimento. Ma dopo aver seguito alcuni consigli forniti da una fonte misteriosa, Hobin sta mettendo fuori combattimento ragazzi più forti di lui e guadagnando molti soldi. Riuscirà Hobin a continuare in questo difficile percorso?
    Masakazu Hishida
    Series Director 大野敏哉
    Series Composition Satomi Miyazaki
    Character Designer Yutaka Yamada
    Original Music Composer Satomi Miyazaki
    Supervising Animation Director 鈴木勘太
    Action Director 鈴木勘太
    Prop Designer Aiko Mizuno
    Color Designer 林竜太
    Art Direction Naotaka Watanabe
    Director of Photography Yuki Honda
    Editor Takatoshi Hamano
    Sound Director Asa Suehira
    Other 丹羽哲士
    Kota Shimura (voice) 岡本信彦
    Toru Kaneko (voice) ファイルーズあい
    Aki Yashio (voice) 石川由依
    Kaho Asamiya (voice) 武内駿輔
    Hamaken (voice) 石川界人
    Reo Shinjo (voice) 青山吉能
    Rumi Meguro (voice) 中村悠一
    Tatsuya Ogi (voice) 杉田智和
    Tokei (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-04-11 1: First Upload
    With his mother in the hospital, Hobin Yu can only look on in envy as his classmates make obscene amounts of money from live streaming on NewTubu, but when he accidentally goes viral, a new world of possibilities opens up to him. 1: First Upload
    In onda il: 2024-04-11 With his mother in the hospital, Hobin Yu can only look on in envy as his classmates make obscene amounts of money from live streaming on NewTubu, but when he accidentally goes viral, a new world of possibilities opens up to him. In onda il: 2024-04-18 2: I Have to Become Stronger
    After tasting viral success, Hobin and Snapper try to come up with ways to keep their new audience interested. However, when Hobin calls out Pakgo live on stream, he finds out he's not as ready for a fight as he thought he was. 2: I Have to Become Stronger
    In onda il: 2024-04-18 After tasting viral success, Hobin and Snapper try to come up with ways to keep their new audience interested. However, when Hobin calls out Pakgo live on stream, he finds out he's not as ready for a fight as he thought he was. In onda il: 2024-04-25 3: The Date
    In an attempt to get back his phone that has Bomi's precious contact info on it, Hobin confronts the couple who mugged him in a karaoke booth live on stream. 3: The Date
    In onda il: 2024-04-25 In an attempt to get back his phone that has Bomi's precious contact info on it, Hobin confronts the couple who mugged him in a karaoke booth live on stream. In onda il: 2024-05-02 4: Humiliation
    Munseong's arrival leaves Hobin feeling like a third wheel, so he makes his excuses and leaves. But after a pep talk from Snapper, he returns with the intention of telling Bomi exactly how he feels. 4: Humiliation
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Munseong's arrival leaves Hobin feeling like a third wheel, so he makes his excuses and leaves. But after a pep talk from Snapper, he returns with the intention of telling Bomi exactly how he feels. In onda il: 2024-05-09 5: Friends
    Nessuna trama disponibile 5: Friends
    In onda il: 2024-05-09 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-05-16 6: The Devil
    With Pakgo finally out of the picture and a new video editor on board, Hobin and Snapper turn their attentions to the next bully they are going to challenge. 6: The Devil
    In onda il: 2024-05-16 With Pakgo finally out of the picture and a new video editor on board, Hobin and Snapper turn their attentions to the next bully they are going to challenge. In onda il: 2024-05-23 7: Special Training
    Taehun is Hobin's next opponent, but unlike Pakgo, Taehun is a trained martial artist specializing in taekwondo who used to fight in an MMA series. Can Hobin really defeat a former pro? 7: Special Training
    In onda il: 2024-05-23 Taehun is Hobin's next opponent, but unlike Pakgo, Taehun is a trained martial artist specializing in taekwondo who used to fight in an MMA series. Can Hobin really defeat a former pro? In onda il: 2024-05-30 8: A Real Fight
    After a month of training, Hobin feels he is ready to take on taekwondo specialist Taehun. But despite much of the early sparring going his way, Hobin quickly realizes how big the gulf in skill is between them. 8: A Real Fight
    In onda il: 2024-05-30 After a month of training, Hobin feels he is ready to take on taekwondo specialist Taehun. But despite much of the early sparring going his way, Hobin quickly realizes how big the gulf in skill is between them. In onda il: 2024-06-06 9: Comrades
    Despite her impressive editing skills and everyone describing her as cute, first-year Gaeul isn't immune to being bullied. Will Hobin and Snapper leap to her aid? 9: Comrades
    In onda il: 2024-06-06 Despite her impressive editing skills and everyone describing her as cute, first-year Gaeul isn't immune to being bullied. Will Hobin and Snapper leap to her aid? In onda il: 2024-06-13 10: A New Enemy
    The prank videos shot by the Navel Musketeers were maliciously edited to deceive viewers. When Kota learned that Asamiya got injured in one of their pranks, he decided to challenge the Navel Musketeers to a live-streamed battle. Is there a way to win against multiple opponents? 10: A New Enemy
    In onda il: 2024-06-13 The prank videos shot by the Navel Musketeers were maliciously edited to deceive viewers. When Kota learned that Asamiya got injured in one of their pranks, he decided to challenge the Navel Musketeers to a live-streamed battle. Is there a way to win against multiple opponents? In onda il: 2024-06-20 11: A Tight Feeling in the Chest
    Hobin's intimidation tactics don't go exactly as planned, so he's forced to fall back on moves he perfected for previous fights without Samdak's guiding voice booming around his head to get him through. 11: A Tight Feeling in the Chest
    In onda il: 2024-06-20 Hobin's intimidation tactics don't go exactly as planned, so he's forced to fall back on moves he perfected for previous fights without Samdak's guiding voice booming around his head to get him through. In onda il: 2024-06-27 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-27 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  6. Fancy Dance (2024) Streaming  

    Drammatico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Fancy Dance
    1 h 31 m    2024        
    Dopo la scomparsa di sua sorella, Jax e sua nipote devono rimanere unite. Nel disperato tentativo di tenere unito ciò che resta della famiglia, Jax e Roki sfidano la legge e si mettono in viaggio verso il Grand Nation Powwow a Oklahoma City.
    Erica Tremblay
    Director Erica Tremblay
    Screenplay Erica Tremblay
    Producer Miciana Alise
    Screenplay Deidre Backs
    Producer Heather Rae
    Producer Nina Yang Bongiovi
    Producer Tommy Oliver
    Producer Bird Runningwater
    Executive Producer Charlotte Koh
    Executive Producer Carolina Costa
    Director of Photography Robert Grigsby Wilson
    Editor Samantha Crain
    Original Music Composer Amy Higdon
    Costume Design Sharon Tabb
    Makeup & Hair Charlotte Royer
    Production Design Sierra Revis
    Art Direction Tafv Sampson
    Set Decoration Stacy Suvino
    Set Decoration Buyer Forest Whitaker
    Executive Producer Macy Hays
    Costume Supervisor Sydne Rain Gray
    Set Costumer Tahlee Redcorn
    Set Dresser Micah Floyd
    Second Second Assistant Director Klein Haley
    Second Assistant Director Michelle C. McGhan
    First Assistant Director Mark Gullickson
    Sound Mixer Krista Perry
    Stunt Coordinator Jake Basnett
    Gaffer Charles E. Elmore
    Camera Operator Madison Wofford
    Grip Bryan Binder
    Visual Effects Producer Marisa Defranco
    Casting Associate Stacey Rice
    Casting Nathan Carlson
    Title Designer Amira Borg
    Visual Effects Producer James Spiteri
    Visual Effects Producer Philip Byrd
    Camera Operator Philip Byrd
    First Assistant Camera Loren Waters
    Extras Casting Lily Gladstone
    Executive Producer Lily Gladstone
    Jax Isabel Deroy-Olson
    Roki Ryan Begay
    JJ Shea Whigham
    Frank Audrey Wasilewski
    Nancy Crystle Lightning
    Sapphire Tamara Podemski
    Ricky Patrice Fisher
    Ruth Ryan RedCorn
    Powwow Emcee Jason Alan Smith
    FBI Agent Lillian Faye Thomas
    Lillie Casey Camp-Horinek
    Mary Tyler Tipton
    Chad Dennis Newman
    Derrick Trey Munden
    Ryan Arianne Martin
    Donna Marsh Blayne Allen
    Boo Michael Rowe
    Elder Philip Hauli Gray
    Tawi Blake Blair
    Tanner Miciana Alise
    Makeup Artist Kylie DIrtseller
    Phaya Colleen Elizabeth Miller
    Server Cory Hart
    ICE Agent Lewis P.J. Sosko
    Night Manger Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. Oi! Tonbo [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Tonbo!
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma
    A causa di un certo "incidente", un golfista professionista ha deciso di ritirarsi dalle competizioni sportive per nascondersi su un'isola sperduta dove incontra un prodigio del golf, una giovane ragazza.
    Jin-Koo Oh
    Series Director Mitsutaka Hirota
    Series Composition 武内啓
    Character Designer Naoto Kondo
    Color Designer Kazuhiro Arai
    Art Direction Keita Hattori
    CGI Director Tomoyuki Ishiyama
    Director of Photography 三間雅文
    Sound Director Nobuko Toda
    Original Music Composer はやしりか
    Tonbo Oi (voice) 東地宏樹
    Kazuyoshi Igarashi (voice) 青森伸
    Gonjii (voice) 有馬瑞香
    Setsubaa (voice) 榎木淳弥
    Bunpei (voice) Mimi Maihane
    Yōko Adaniya (voice) 山内健嗣
    Kanchō (voice) 高野憲太朗
    Chūzai (voice) Arisa Sekine
    Wataru (voice) 小橋里美
    Yūma (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-04-06 1: Tonbo and the 3-iron
    Igarashi hits rock bottom as he loses his family and his job. He flees society on a ferry to Hinoshima - “Japan’s last hidden paradise.” There, he meets Tonbo, the island's only middleschooler. As Igarashi explores the remote island, he senses something odd—a pervasive golf theme, despite no golf course or known golfers on the island. What secrets does this golf-enveloped, mysterious island hold? 1: Tonbo and the 3-iron
    In onda il: 2024-04-06 Igarashi hits rock bottom as he loses his family and his job. He flees society on a ferry to Hinoshima - “Japan’s last hidden paradise.” There, he meets Tonbo, the island's only middleschooler. As Igarashi explores the remote island, he senses something odd—a pervasive golf theme, despite no golf course or known golfers on the island. What secrets does this golf-enveloped, mysterious island hold? In onda il: 2024-04-13 2: The secret of the 3-iron!
    While visiting a golf course on the island made by the residents, Igarashi witnesses Tonbo's incredible super shot. Intrigued by each other's golf skills, they decide to play together again the next day. While playing, Tonbo opens up about her love for the island. Returning at sunset, Gon encourages Igarashi to experience the island's starry sky, under which Tonbo reveals her past. 2: The secret of the 3-iron!
    In onda il: 2024-04-13 While visiting a golf course on the island made by the residents, Igarashi witnesses Tonbo's incredible super shot. Intrigued by each other's golf skills, they decide to play together again the next day. While playing, Tonbo opens up about her love for the island. Returning at sunset, Gon encourages Igarashi to experience the island's starry sky, under which Tonbo reveals her past. In onda il: 2024-04-20 3: Wedges and regrets
    Tonbo impresses seasoned golfer Igarashi with her unique style, playing solely with a 3-iron. Intrigued, Igarashi adapts his wedge with her 3-iron's grip and coaches her on its use. Teaching Tonbo reminds him of instructing his son, Rintaro, evoking regrets about robbing Rintaro of golf's joy. 3: Wedges and regrets
    In onda il: 2024-04-20 Tonbo impresses seasoned golfer Igarashi with her unique style, playing solely with a 3-iron. Intrigued, Igarashi adapts his wedge with her 3-iron's grip and coaches her on its use. Teaching Tonbo reminds him of instructing his son, Rintaro, evoking regrets about robbing Rintaro of golf's joy. In onda il: 2024-04-27 4: Sashimi Shot
    As Igarashi adjusts to island life, he observes the interactions between Bunpei and Yoko. Golfing daily with Tonbo, he sees how the island has influenced her impressive shots. Inspired by her uninhibited style, Igarashi wants her to try tournament golf. However, he feels there's something unusual about her play. Unexpectedly, a squall hits them on the course. 4: Sashimi Shot
    In onda il: 2024-04-27 As Igarashi adjusts to island life, he observes the interactions between Bunpei and Yoko. Golfing daily with Tonbo, he sees how the island has influenced her impressive shots. Inspired by her uninhibited style, Igarashi wants her to try tournament golf. However, he feels there's something unusual about her play. Unexpectedly, a squall hits them on the course. In onda il: 2024-05-04 5: This isn't real golf!
    Igarashi's unease with Tonbo's golf stems from the fact that she doesn’t feel the pressure that comes with a competition. On the island's cliff-top course, he sees his past failures with his son in her. Yet, Tonbo's actions make him reconsider, accepting her as she is. Learning from Yoko that Tonbo hates the idea of leaving, Igarashi realizes that a change in perspective, not location, is needed. 5: This isn't real golf!
    In onda il: 2024-05-04 Igarashi's unease with Tonbo's golf stems from the fact that she doesn’t feel the pressure that comes with a competition. On the island's cliff-top course, he sees his past failures with his son in her. Yet, Tonbo's actions make him reconsider, accepting her as she is. Learning from Yoko that Tonbo hates the idea of leaving, Igarashi realizes that a change in perspective, not location, is needed. In onda il: 2024-05-11 6: The Okinawan Rival!
    Igarashi heads to Kagoshima to find a young golfer who can match Tonbo, who refuses to leave the island. Despite visiting several ranges, no one measures up. On the ferry back, Igarashi learns from Yoko that her niece is a junior tournament winner. Excited, he arranges her visit to Hino Island. Days later, a pickup truck arrives by ferry, with the girl sleeping in the back. 6: The Okinawan Rival!
    In onda il: 2024-05-11 Igarashi heads to Kagoshima to find a young golfer who can match Tonbo, who refuses to leave the island. Despite visiting several ranges, no one measures up. On the ferry back, Igarashi learns from Yoko that her niece is a junior tournament winner. Excited, he arranges her visit to Hino Island. Days later, a pickup truck arrives by ferry, with the girl sleeping in the back. In onda il: 2024-05-18 7: The Great Monotony
    Despite meeting for the first time, Tonbo and Tsubura hit it off and decided to play a round on the island's golf course. Tsubura is amazed by Tonbo's free-spirited style. However, Tsubura's own approach is methodical and precise, with calculated shots. Inspired by each other's contrasting styles, a competitive spirit grows within Tonbo, determined not to lose. How will their match turn out? 7: The Great Monotony
    In onda il: 2024-05-18 Despite meeting for the first time, Tonbo and Tsubura hit it off and decided to play a round on the island's golf course. Tsubura is amazed by Tonbo's free-spirited style. However, Tsubura's own approach is methodical and precise, with calculated shots. Inspired by each other's contrasting styles, a competitive spirit grows within Tonbo, determined not to lose. How will their match turn out? In onda il: 2024-05-25 8: The Phantom Hole
    The typhoon hit Hinojima directly. At the development center, Tonbo and Tsubura took refuge. Despite the power outage, Tsubura practiced her swings and shared her feelings. After the typhoon, she gifted her 5-wood to Tonbo. Igarashi then found plans for a hidden hole on the island's golf course and took Tonbo to play it. 8: The Phantom Hole
    In onda il: 2024-05-25 The typhoon hit Hinojima directly. At the development center, Tonbo and Tsubura took refuge. Despite the power outage, Tsubura practiced her swings and shared her feelings. After the typhoon, she gifted her 5-wood to Tonbo. Igarashi then found plans for a hidden hole on the island's golf course and took Tonbo to play it. In onda il: 2024-06-01 9: Off to Akureki
    Igarashi travels to Akureki to meet Mr. Kuta, the designer of the Hinonoshima golf course. He shares his past with Tonbo, who fears leaving the island. The next morning, Tonbo joins him willingly. Mr. Kuta warmly welcomes them and shows them a special one-hole course he created in the forest by a small pond. 9: Off to Akureki
    In onda il: 2024-06-01 Igarashi travels to Akureki to meet Mr. Kuta, the designer of the Hinonoshima golf course. He shares his past with Tonbo, who fears leaving the island. The next morning, Tonbo joins him willingly. Mr. Kuta warmly welcomes them and shows them a special one-hole course he created in the forest by a small pond. In onda il: 2024-06-08 10: Criteria for a Famous Golf Hole
    The single-hole course designed by Mr. Kuta on Warizumajima Island, with its beautiful scenery, was a challenging monster hole. Igarashi struggles to conquer it, while Tonbo impresses with creative shots, though Mr. Kuta has doubts about her use of a 3-iron for putting. 10: Criteria for a Famous Golf Hole
    In onda il: 2024-06-08 The single-hole course designed by Mr. Kuta on Warizumajima Island, with its beautiful scenery, was a challenging monster hole. Igarashi struggles to conquer it, while Tonbo impresses with creative shots, though Mr. Kuta has doubts about her use of a 3-iron for putting. In onda il: 2024-06-15 11: A Line Without an Answer
    Mr. Kuta asserts, "Tonbo's golf style won't work in competition," and takes Tonbo and Igarashi to a challenging practice green. As Tonbo tackles the monstrous green all day, she starts to appreciate the kindness of Igarashi and Mr. Kuta. 11: A Line Without an Answer
    In onda il: 2024-06-15 Mr. Kuta asserts, "Tonbo's golf style won't work in competition," and takes Tonbo and Igarashi to a challenging practice green. As Tonbo tackles the monstrous green all day, she starts to appreciate the kindness of Igarashi and Mr. Kuta. In onda il: 2024-06-22 12: Straightforward Feelings
    The children of the island had to write an essay titled "The Last Summer Vacation" at the end of their final middle school summer. After returning from Akurekijima, Tonbo expressed feelings for the island and new resolutions in essay. The islanders were surprised, and Igaiga worked hard to support her. By spring, at the graduation ceremony, Tonbo had grown taller, and hair reached her shoulders. 12: Straightforward Feelings
    In onda il: 2024-06-22 The children of the island had to write an essay titled "The Last Summer Vacation" at the end of their final middle school summer. After returning from Akurekijima, Tonbo expressed feelings for the island and new resolutions in essay. The islanders were surprised, and Igaiga worked hard to support her. By spring, at the graduation ceremony, Tonbo had grown taller, and hair reached her shoulders. In onda il: 2024-06-29 13: I'm Off!
    Tonbo decided to leave the island, which greatly impacted the residents of the surrounding islands. Amidst the mixed emotions, a farewell golf tournament was held, with just one day left until departure. 13: I'm Off!
    In onda il: 2024-06-29 Tonbo decided to leave the island, which greatly impacted the residents of the surrounding islands. Amidst the mixed emotions, a farewell golf tournament was held, with just one day left until departure. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  8. Date A Live [5/5] (2013-2020) [Specials] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Date A Live
    Speciali    Episodi 5        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure
    Trent'anni fa uno strano fenomeno chiamato "terremoto spaziale" devastò il centro dell'Eurasia, provocando la morte di almeno 150 milioni di persone. Da allora, piccoli terremoti spaziali affliggono il mondo in modo irregolare. Shido Itsuka, un liceale apparentemente normale, incontra una ragazza misteriosa al ground zero di un terremoto spaziale e scopre che lei è uno degli "Spiriti" che sono la vera causa dei terremoti spaziali che si verificano quando si manifestano nel mondo. Viene reclutato per utilizzare la sua misteriosa capacità di sigillare i poteri degli Spiriti, impedendo loro di essere una minaccia per l'umanità. Tuttavia, c'è un problema: per sigillare il potere di uno Spirito, deve farla innamorare di lui e baciarlo.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Shido Itsuka (voice) 井上麻里奈
    Tohka Yatogami (voice) 富樫美鈴
    Origami Tobiichi (voice) 竹達彩奈
    Kotori Itsuka (voice) 野水伊織
    Yoshino (voice) 真田アサミ
    Kurumi Tokisaki (voice) 内田真礼
    Kaguya Yamai (voice) ブリドカットセーラ恵美
    Kuzuru Yamai (voice) 茅原実里
    Miku Iyazoi (voice) 遠藤綾
    Reine Murasame (voice) Takehito Koyasu
    Kyōhei Kannazuki (voice) Episodi: 5 
    In onda il: 2013-12-06 1: Date to Date
    Unaired S1 episode 13. While Tohka experiments with the new cellphone she got from Kotori, Origami approaches Shido and demands a date with him. Unable to refuse, Shido is assisted by the Fraxinus crew to ensure that their date becomes a total failure but all his attempts to ditch her are futile. Meanwhile while shopping for dinner, Tohka calls Shido at his phone and believing his words of rejection are to her, she falls into despair and her powers go haywire, until Shido runs after her to clear the misunderstanding. Some time later, Shido has a date in the arcade with Tohka and when he asks to take a picture with her, she refuses and enters the photo cabin by herself instead, giving him a picture of hers that she claims is for his eyes only. Back at the school, the other students accidentally see the picture, which turns out to be a photo of a revealing Tohka, as the only photo she ever took was during a medical examination and believed Shido wanted a similar one, much to his chagrin. 1: Date to Date
    In onda il: 2013-12-06 Unaired S1 episode 13. While Tohka experiments with the new cellphone she got from Kotori, Origami approaches Shido and demands a date with him. Unable to refuse, Shido is assisted by the Fraxinus crew to ensure that their date becomes a total failure but all his attempts to ditch her are futile. Meanwhile while shopping for dinner, Tohka calls Shido at his phone and believing his words of rejection are to her, she falls into despair and her powers go haywire, until Shido runs after her to clear the misunderstanding. Some time later, Shido has a date in the arcade with Tohka and when he asks to take a picture with her, she refuses and enters the photo cabin by herself instead, giving him a picture of hers that she claims is for his eyes only. Back at the school, the other students accidentally see the picture, which turns out to be a photo of a revealing Tohka, as the only photo she ever took was during a medical examination and believed Shido wanted a similar one, much to his chagrin. In onda il: 2014-12-09 2: Kurumi Star Festival
    Unaired 11th episode of season 2. The story is set on July 7th. "In the midst of the Tanabata festival celebrations, Shidou meets Kurumi, the worst Spirit. And the couple's destination is ...a wedding ceremony hall?!" 2: Kurumi Star Festival
    In onda il: 2014-12-09 Unaired 11th episode of season 2. The story is set on July 7th. "In the midst of the Tanabata festival celebrations, Shidou meets Kurumi, the worst Spirit. And the couple's destination is ...a wedding ceremony hall?!" In onda il: 2015-08-22 3: Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment
    A huge sphere suddenly began to emit a mysterious spiritual wave in Tengu City and disrupts its peace. A mysterious, beautiful girl showed up at the same time. Secretly, what is her purpose to cast her line of sight to Shido and the others? 3: Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment
    In onda il: 2015-08-22 A huge sphere suddenly began to emit a mysterious spiritual wave in Tengu City and disrupts its peace. A mysterious, beautiful girl showed up at the same time. Secretly, what is her purpose to cast her line of sight to Shido and the others? In onda il: 2020-08-14 4: Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet
    This is the story of Tokisaki Kurumi that shouldn't have been told. The amnesiac young girl, Empty, who woke up in the neighboring world encounters Tokisaki Kurumi. Led by her, the place she arrived at was the school's classroom. In order to kill each other, the girls known as semi-Spirits gathered. Now then——Let's begin our battle (date). 4: Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet
    In onda il: 2020-08-14 This is the story of Tokisaki Kurumi that shouldn't have been told. The amnesiac young girl, Empty, who woke up in the neighboring world encounters Tokisaki Kurumi. Led by her, the place she arrived at was the school's classroom. In order to kill each other, the girls known as semi-Spirits gathered. Now then——Let's begin our battle (date). In onda il: 2020-11-13 5: Date A Bullet: Nightmare or Queen
    Second part of the Date a Bullet spin-off. 5: Date A Bullet: Nightmare or Queen
    In onda il: 2020-11-13 Second part of the Date a Bullet spin-off. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  9. Mending the Line (2023) Streaming  

    Drammatico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Mending the Line
    1 h 57 m    2023        
    Dramma ◦ Guerra
    Un marine ferito in Afghanistan viene ricoverato in una struttura di riabilitazione nel Montana. Qui incontra e fa amicizia con un veterano del Vietnam, che gli insegna a pescare con il metodo della mosca per aiutarlo ad affrontare il suo trauma emotivo e fisico.
    Joshua Caldwell
    Director Stephen Camelio
    Writer Robert Ogden Barnum
    Executive Producer Joshua Caldwell
    Producer Stephen Camelio
    Producer Brian Cox
    Ike Fletcher Sinqua Walls
    Colter Perry Mattfeld
    Lucy Patricia Heaton
    Dr. Burke Wes Studi
    Harrison Irene Bedard
    Mrs. Redcloud Julian Works
    Ram Chris Galust
    Kovacs Tristan Thompson
    McDowell (McD) Pressly Coker
    Blitz Michaela Sasner
    Ruth Melanie Rae Wendt
    Meth House Junkie Gabriel Clark
    Blitz's Dad Jenna Ciralli
    Navy Doctor Scott McCauley
    Bar patron Phaedra Nielson
    Martha Josef Patterson
    Death Star (voice) Catherine Deriana
    School Administrator Quenby Iandiorio
    Nurse Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Fuoco cammina con me (1992) Streaming  

    Giallo - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Fuoco cammina con me
    2 h 15 m    1992        
    Dramma ◦ Mistero ◦ Horror
    Un agente dell'FBI scompare misteriosamente durante le indagini sulla morte di un'adolescente, Teresa Banks, avvenuto nei dintorni della cittadina di Twin Peaks. L'omicidio sembra essere collegato a quello di Laura Palmer, un'altra ragazza del luogo, invischiata in una serie di torbide vicende di sesso e droga. Il brillante investigatore Dale Cooper tenta di scovare l'assassino attraverso una serie di indizi che gli appaiono in sogno.
    Gregg Fienberg
    Producer Ronald Víctor García
    Director of Photography David Lynch
    Director Mary Sweeney
    Editor Francis Bouygues
    Producer Angelo Badalamenti
    Music Sophia Barashkoff
    Painter Jon Kazunaga
    Construction Foreman Daniel Kuttner
    Property Master David Lynch
    Sound Designer Douglas Murray
    Supervising Sound Editor David Parker
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Christopher Rohde
    Visual Effects Rufus Reid
    Musician Frank Canonica
    Sound Recordist Diana Wagner-Boyd
    Stunts Norbert F. Quiban
    Electrician Elaine J. Huzzar
    Casting Associate Heidi Walker
    Casting Cheri Reed
    Set Costumer Angelo Badalamenti
    Orchestrator Leslie Morales
    Set Decoration Stephen Kearney
    Assistant Sound Editor Del Reahm
    Special Effects John Buckley
    Gaffer Dan Kneece
    Steadicam Operator Stephen McGehee
    Lighting Technician Rick Wiley
    Key Grip James Hynes
    Musician Patricia Norris
    Costume Design Sabrina McCarthy
    Special Effects Darrell Pritchett
    Special Effects Vince Rapini
    Grip Eric Thomas
    Electrician Ron Carter
    Musician David Cooper
    Musician Marvin Perry
    Carpenter Carlos Quintero
    Carpenter Gunter Simon
    Special Effects Johanna Ray
    Casting Patricia Norris
    Production Design Phil Benson
    Assistant Sound Editor Kristen Gerstner
    Assistant Sound Editor Bob Rose
    Musician John Wentworth
    Co-Producer Mike Malone
    Set Dresser David E. Robinson
    Scenic Artist Bob Riggs
    Special Effects Coordinator Vinnie Bell
    Musician William Fairbanks
    Musician David Jaurequi
    Musician Art Polhemus
    Scoring Mixer Chris Kelly
    Painter Bob McCarthy
    Special Effects Coordinator Hannah Kozak
    Stunts Traci Clauson
    Stand In David Lynch
    Executive Producer Katharina Hirsch-Smith
    Key Makeup Artist John Canedo
    Painter Debbie Pinthus
    Boom Operator Kathleen Reilly
    Stunts Tasso Bravos
    Grip Lloyd Moriarity
    Key Grip Deborah Gavlak
    First Assistant Editor Dave Alvin
    Musician Myles Boisen
    Musician Steven Hodges
    Musician Dana Eskelson
    Stand In Morgan Flaherty
    Carpenter David Boushey
    Stunts Ryan Purcell
    Grip Kinny Landrum
    Musician David Slusser
    Musician Buster Williams
    Musician Tim Harbert
    Associate Producer Johanna Ray
    Co-Producer Jon Huck
    Sound Recordist Donny Miele
    Sound Effects Editor Stephen Les
    Grip Tom Marvel
    Best Boy Electric Lloyd Moriarity
    Dolly Grip Shade Rupe
    Grip Shannon Ward
    Casting Assistant Andy Armor
    Musician David Christopher Campbell
    Carpenter Keith Cox
    Construction Coordinator Jon H. Epstein
    Stunt Coordinator Jay Johnson
    Electrician Don Falzone
    Musician Mark Frost
    Executive Producer Richard F.W. Davis
    Sound Effects Editor James Lebrecht
    Sound Effects Editor Dan Olmsted
    Sound Recordist Terry Shattuck
    Special Effects Kyle Carver
    Electrician Amy Stofsky
    Costume Supervisor Joe Fineman
    Post Production Consulting Angelo Badalamenti
    Musician Donald Bailey
    Musician Lori L. Eschler
    Music Editor Al Regni
    Musician Grady Tate
    Musician Audrey Stanzler
    Set Dresser T.J. Williams
    Steadicam Operator Jay Hoggard
    Musician Cori Glazer
    Script Supervisor Brent Lavett
    Hairstylist Gregg Fienberg
    Unit Production Manager Deepak Nayar
    First Assistant Director Richard Oswald
    Second Assistant Director Tyler Dupuy
    Carpenter James 'Bud' Hays
    Carpenter William Buckingham III
    Grip Bruce Alan Greene
    Steadicam Operator Stephanie Sandston
    Leadman David Lynch
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Michael Semanick
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jeff Smolek
    Stunt Coordinator Colleen Kingdon
    Electrician Miguel Rico
    Electrician Joe Montrone
    Production Manager Pierre Edelman
    Thanks Barry Littman
    Stand In Gaye Pope
    Unit Publicist Sean Doyle
    Additional Photography Barbara Harris
    ADR Voice Casting Angelo Badalamenti
    Original Music Composer Andrew Durham
    Production Assistant David Lynch
    Writer Robert Engels
    Writer Mark Frost
    Original Series Creator David Lynch
    Original Series Creator Mark Frost
    Writer Sheryl Lee
    Laura Palmer Ray Wise
    Leland Palmer Mädchen Amick
    Shelly Johnson Dana Ashbrook
    Bobby Briggs Phoebe Augustine
    Ronette Pulaski David Bowie
    Phillip Jeffries Eric DaRe
    Leo Johnson Miguel Ferrer
    Albert Rosenfield Pamela Gidley
    Teresa Banks Heather Graham
    Annie Blackburn Chris Isaak
    Chester Desmond Moira Kelly
    Donna Heyward Peggy Lipton
    Norma Jennings David Lynch
    Gordon Cole James Marshall
    James Hurley Jürgen Prochnow
    Woodsman Harry Dean Stanton
    Carl Rodd Kiefer Sutherland
    Sam Stanley Lenny Von Dohlen
    Harold Smith Grace Zabriskie
    Sarah Palmer Kyle MacLachlan
    Dale Cooper Frances Bay
    Mrs. Tremond (Chalfont) Catherine E. Coulson
    The Log Lady Michael J. Anderson
    Man From Another Place Frank Silva
    Bob Walter Olkewicz
    Jacques Renault Al Strobel
    Philip Gerard (The One Armed Man) Gary Hershberger
    Mike Nelson Sandra Kinder
    Irene at Hap's Chris Pedersen
    Tommy Victor Rivers
    Buck Rick Aiello
    Cliff Howard Gary Bullock
    Sheriff Cable Jon Huck
    FBI Agent Mike Malone
    FBI Agent Joe Berman
    Bus Driver Yvonne Roberts
    First Prostitute Audra L. Cooper
    Second Prostitute John Hoobler
    Pilot Kimberly Anne Cole
    Lil the Dancer Elizabeth McCarthy
    Giggling Secretary C.H. Evans
    Jack at Hap's Paige Bennett
    French Girl at Hap's G. Kenneth Davidson
    Old Guy at Hap's Ingrid Brucato
    Curious Woman Chuck McQuary
    Medic Margaret Adams
    Fat Trout Neighbor Carlton Lee Russell
    Jumping Man Calvin Lockhart
    The Electrician Jonathan J. Leppell
    Mrs. Tremond's Grandson David Brisbin
    Second Woodsman Andrea Hays
    Heidi Julee Cruise
    Roadhouse Singer Steven Hodges
    Band at Roadhouse William Ungerman
    Band at Roadhouse Joseph 'Simon' Szeibert
    Band at Roadhouse Smokey Hormel
    Band at Roadhouse Joseph L. Altruda
    Band at Roadhouse James Parks
    Service Station Mechanic Jane Jones
    School Teacher Karin Robison
    Angel in Train Car Lorna MacMillan
    Angel in Red Room Philip Anagnos
    Student (uncredited) Anne Gaybis
    Dancer on Stage in 'Pink Room' (uncredited) John Nelson
    Double R Diner Customer (uncredited) Twin Peaks - Fuoco cammina con me (film 1992) TRAILER ITALIANO
  11. Girls Band Cry [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Girls Band Cry
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma
    La protagonista, una ragazza che ha abbandonato la scuola al secondo anno delle superiori, e inizia a lavorare a Tokyo. Una ragazza che viene tradita dai suoi amici e non sa che fare. Una ragazza che viene abbandonata dai suoi genitori, e lavora part-time per sopravvivere nella grande città. Questo mondo ci tradisce sempre. Niente è come sembra. Ma noi vogliamo amare qualcosa. Perché crediamo che da qualche parte ci sia un posto per noi. E per questo cantiamo.
    Series Director Nari Teshima
    Character Designer 玉井健二
    Music Producer 花田十輝
    Series Composition Yuusuke Tanaka
    Original Music Composer 理名
    Theme Song Performance 美怜
    Theme Song Performance 凪都
    Theme Song Performance 夕莉
    Theme Song Performance 朱李
    Theme Song Performance 理名
    Nina Iseri (voice) 夕莉
    Momoka Kawaragi (voice) 美怜
    Subaru Awa (voice) 凪都
    Tomo Ebizuka (voice) 朱李
    Rupa (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-04-06 1: Tokyo Hype
    Nina Iseri, a high school dropout who left Kumamoto, arrives in Kawasaki to prove her family she can live by herself. 1: Tokyo Hype
    In onda il: 2024-04-06 Nina Iseri, a high school dropout who left Kumamoto, arrives in Kawasaki to prove her family she can live by herself. In onda il: 2024-04-13 2: Three Night Owls
    As Nina enrolls at a college out of a need to advance to university, Momoka brings up the proposition of forming a band upon seeing her skills as a vocalist from their street performance. 2: Three Night Owls
    In onda il: 2024-04-13 As Nina enrolls at a college out of a need to advance to university, Momoka brings up the proposition of forming a band upon seeing her skills as a vocalist from their street performance. In onda il: 2024-04-20 3: Stumbling Conversation
    The girls discuss on what type of song they should compose as a band. After the meeting Subaru offers to walk Nina home. 3: Stumbling Conversation
    In onda il: 2024-04-20 The girls discuss on what type of song they should compose as a band. After the meeting Subaru offers to walk Nina home. In onda il: 2024-04-27 4: Gratitude (Surprise!)
    While taking a break from rehearsing, Subaru receives a message which prompts her to leave ahead of Nina and Momoka. 4: Gratitude (Surprise!)
    In onda il: 2024-04-27 While taking a break from rehearsing, Subaru receives a message which prompts her to leave ahead of Nina and Momoka. In onda il: 2024-05-04 5: Raise Your Voice
    Momoka reserves Shin-Kawasaki to a live house gig and tasks each member to sell tickets. 5: Raise Your Voice
    In onda il: 2024-05-04 Momoka reserves Shin-Kawasaki to a live house gig and tasks each member to sell tickets. In onda il: 2024-05-11 6: A Tribute to the Outcasts
    Two girls are shown rewatching Shin-Kawasaki's live house gig before recording a song. 6: A Tribute to the Outcasts
    In onda il: 2024-05-11 Two girls are shown rewatching Shin-Kawasaki's live house gig before recording a song. In onda il: 2024-05-18 7: Giving It a Name
    With Rupa and Tomo's inclusion, the girls discuss on renaming the band from Shin-Kawasaki as Momoka is invited by one of her friends to perform at a live house in Suwa. 7: Giving It a Name
    In onda il: 2024-05-18 With Rupa and Tomo's inclusion, the girls discuss on renaming the band from Shin-Kawasaki as Momoka is invited by one of her friends to perform at a live house in Suwa. In onda il: 2024-05-25 8: If You Should Cry
    A flashback shows Momoka and her Diamond Dust bandmates in high school discussing on dropping out to focus on their music career, with an idealistic Momoka assuring they will succeed and not give up. 8: If You Should Cry
    In onda il: 2024-05-25 A flashback shows Momoka and her Diamond Dust bandmates in high school discussing on dropping out to focus on their music career, with an idealistic Momoka assuring they will succeed and not give up. In onda il: 2024-06-01 9: Waning Moon Riding High
    Togenashi Togeari rehearses a song for the festival; however, Momoka feels their song sounds generic. 9: Waning Moon Riding High
    In onda il: 2024-06-01 Togenashi Togeari rehearses a song for the festival; however, Momoka feels their song sounds generic. In onda il: 2024-06-08 10: Wandervogel
    As Togenashi Togeari discusses on getting nowhere with their popularity, a talent agency scout named Miura Shiomi approaches them. 10: Wandervogel
    In onda il: 2024-06-08 As Togenashi Togeari discusses on getting nowhere with their popularity, a talent agency scout named Miura Shiomi approaches them. In onda il: 2024-06-15 11: The Center of the World
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: The Center of the World
    In onda il: 2024-06-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-22 12: The Sky Darkens Further Still
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: The Sky Darkens Further Still
    In onda il: 2024-06-22 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-29 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-06-29 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. Un piedipiatti a Beverly Hills: Axel F (2024) Streaming  

    Azione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Un piedipiatti a Beverly Hills: Axel F
    1 h 55 m    2024        
    Azione ◦ Commedia ◦ Crime
    Quarant'anni dopo il suo indimenticabile primo caso a Beverly Hills, il poliziotto di Detroit Axel Foley torna a fare ciò in cui eccelle: risolvere crimini e seminare il caos.
    Jerry Bruckheimer
    Producer Daniel Petrie Jr.
    Characters Eddie Murphy
    Producer Christopher Glass
    Production Design Jill Ambrosino
    Pre-Visualization Coordinator Huan Phan
    Visual Effects Gregory Ecklund
    Visual Effects Chris 'Willie' Williams
    Visual Effects Steve Yamamoto
    Pre-Visualization Supervisor Mark Molloy
    Director Charisse M. Hewitt
    Executive Producer Ray Angelic
    Executive Producer Melissa Reid
    Co-Producer Elia P. Popov
    Special Effects Supervisor Jennifer Lukehart
    Set Decoration Nancy Steiner
    Costume Design Willie D. Burton
    Sound Mixer Lauren Shaw
    Stunt Driver Mallory Thompson
    Stunts Blake Hooks
    Additional Second Assistant Camera Chick Bernhard
    Stunt Driver Will Beall
    Screenplay Will Beall
    Story Tom Gormican
    Screenplay Kevin Etten
    Screenplay Danilo Bach
    Characters Dan Lebental
    Editor John K. Campbell
    Associate Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura
    Executive Producer Chad Oman
    Producer Lorne Balfe
    Original Music Composer Eduard Grau
    Director of Photography Geo Corvera
    Stunts Eddie Murphy
    Axel Foley Judge Reinhold
    Billy Rosewood John Ashton
    John Taggart Joseph Gordon-Levitt
    Det. Bobby Abbott Kevin Bacon
    Capt. Cade Grant Taylour Paige
    Jane Foley Paul Reiser
    Det. Jeffrey Friedman Bronson Pinchot
    Serge James Preston Rogers
    Kurtz Patricia Belcher
    Judge Angelic Giovannie Cruz
    Damien Diaz
    Sam Enriquez Joseph Aviel
    Silva Ambur Marie
    Brenda Amanda Fields
    Model Sean Liang
    Boghos Luis Guzmán
    Royce Mealin Jr.
    Beverly Hills Pedestrian Sarah Stark
    Detroit Red Wings Fan Maria Bata
    Woman At Cafe Un piedipiatti a Beverly Hills: Axel F | Trailer ufficiale | Netflix Italia
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