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  1. 4 padri single (2008) Streaming ITA  

    Commedia - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 4 padri single
    1 h 40 m    2009        
    Dramma ◦ Commedia
    Newyorkesi di origini italiane, Jacopo (Alessandro Gassman), Dom (Francesco Quinn), George (Lenny Venito) e Ennio (Joe Urla) sono quattro padri single legati fra loro dalla comune scuola dei figli, la prestigiosa "International school", e dalle comuni sventure coniugali. Testimoni involontari dei rispettivi conflitti matrimoniali e sentimentali, della difficile gestione del rapporto con i figli, i quattro intrecceranno un rapporto di solidale complicita' in attesa che le loro mogli ed ex mogli decidano di perdonarli per gli errori commessi.
    Denise Chamian
    Casting Gabriele Muccino
    Producer Gabriele Muccino
    Writer Paolo Buonvino
    Music Lilia Trapani
    Casting Paolo Monico
    Director Fabrizio Donvito
    Producer Tonino Zera
    Production Design Angela Demo
    Casting Andrew Cesana
    Script Supervisor Marco Cohen
    Producer Liz Tuccillo
    Writer Julie Schubert
    Casting Angela Peri
    Casting R. Vincent Smith
    Property Master Andrés Sánchez
    Director of Photography Dawn Marie Richard
    Grip Alessandro Gassmann
    Jacopo Francesco Quinn
    Dom Joe Urla
    Ennio Lenny Venito
    George Jennifer Esposito
    Suzanne J. Jewels
    Parent at school recital Ronald Boone
    Police Officer Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. 4 metà (2022) Streaming  

    Romantico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 4 metà
    1 h 30 m    2022        
    Commedia ◦ Romance
    Che per ogni persona esista un'anima gemella è una teoria molto romantica ma forse poco scientifica, e per Luca e Sara la tentazione di metterla alla prova è forte. Ma soprattutto, quest'anima gemella, com'è fatta? Ci somiglia o è il nostro opposto? È così che quasi per sfida i due invitano a cena quattro amici che, guarda caso, sono single: Chiara, Matteo, Giulia e Dario.
    Marco Chimenz
    Producer Alessio Maria Federici
    Director Giovanni Stabilini
    Producer Riccardo Tozzi
    Producer Federico Schlatter
    Cinematography Martino Coli
    Writer Christian Lombardi
    Editor Massimo Di Rocco
    Producer Laura Pozzaglio
    Production Design Luigi Napoleone
    Producer Emanuele Savoini
    Executive Producer Chiara Sfregola
    Executive Producer Alessandro Fusco
    Costume Design Daiana Lou
    Music Matteo Martari
    Matteo Matilde Gioli
    Giulia Giuseppe Maggio
    Dario Ilenia Pastorelli
    Chiara Cristiano Piacenti
    Avv. Marrale Marta Gastini
    Flavio Furno
    Nicola Lagioia
    Luís Filipe Eusébio
    Kevin Trailer Ufficiale
  3. 3x3 Occhi [4/4] (1991) ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer 3x3 Occhi
    Stagione 1    Episodi 4        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Pai è l'ultima discendente dei Sanzhiyan Hum Kara, l'antico popolo dei triclopi, detentore del segreto dell'eterna giovinezza ed immortalità. La ragazza è alla ricerca del modo per diventare un essere umano. La storia si apre in Tibet, dove il morente professor Fuji promette a Pai che suo figlio Yakumo l'aiuterà a realizzare il suo compito. Quando però Pai arriva in Giappone e riesce fortuitamente a trovare il ragazzo, Yakumo viene ucciso da Takuhi, un demone al servizio di Pai ma di cui lei perde il controllo. A Pai resta un solo modo per impedire all'anima di Yakumo di raggiungere l'aldilà: assimilarla e fare di lui il proprio Wu, il suo guardiano immortale. Da quel momento in poi la vita dei due sarà legata a doppio filo: Pai è ricercata da tutti i demoni che vogliono diventare immortali e se lei morisse morirebbe anche Yakumo. Riuscirà Yakumo con le sue sole forze a proteggerla? E soprattutto esiste ancora il modo per diventare umani?
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Megumi Hayashibara
    Pai Ayanokodzi / Sanjiyan Koji Tsujitani
    Yakumo Fujii Episodi: 4 
    In onda il: 1991-07-25 1: Transmigration
    Yakumo Fugii, an ordinary Japanese student, inherits the care of Pai, a young girl from Nepal, from his dying archaeologist father. But Pai is more than she innocently appears to be. She is the last of a vanished magical race known as the Sanjiyan Unkara, or Triclops, and is in a desperate hunt against the forces of darkness to find the Ningen no Zou (Statue of Humanity) to turn her human. Yakumo nearly dies in a fight against a demon and to save him, Pai turns him into a Wu, a zombie bound to her service who cannot die. Yakumo and Pai travel to Hong Hong to meet with Ling Ling Lee, a colleague of his father's, to track down the statue. But, the demons of the dark lord Kaiyan Wang are already there to retrieve it...whatever the cost. 1: Transmigration
    In onda il: 1991-07-25 Yakumo Fugii, an ordinary Japanese student, inherits the care of Pai, a young girl from Nepal, from his dying archaeologist father. But Pai is more than she innocently appears to be. She is the last of a vanished magical race known as the Sanjiyan Unkara, or Triclops, and is in a desperate hunt against the forces of darkness to find the Ningen no Zou (Statue of Humanity) to turn her human. Yakumo nearly dies in a fight against a demon and to save him, Pai turns him into a Wu, a zombie bound to her service who cannot die. Yakumo and Pai travel to Hong Hong to meet with Ling Ling Lee, a colleague of his father's, to track down the statue. But, the demons of the dark lord Kaiyan Wang are already there to retrieve it...whatever the cost. In onda il: 1991-09-26 2: Yakumo
    Yakumo and Pai return to Japan from Hong Kong after the Statue of Humanity disappears from the mysterious Mrs. Huang's mansion. Yakumo returns to school and his friends in the hopes of resuming a normal life. But nothing is normal when you're an undead zombie bound to a magical being and demons start attacking your schoolmates on the playground! 2: Yakumo
    In onda il: 1991-09-26 Yakumo and Pai return to Japan from Hong Kong after the Statue of Humanity disappears from the mysterious Mrs. Huang's mansion. Yakumo returns to school and his friends in the hopes of resuming a normal life. But nothing is normal when you're an undead zombie bound to a magical being and demons start attacking your schoolmates on the playground! In onda il: 1992-01-23 3: Sacrifice
    Yakumo and Pai return to Hong Kong when the Statue of Humanity turns up in the possession of Steve Long, another Monster Buster, Inc colleague. Before they can reach it, Steve and the statue are kidnapped. Yakumo, Pai, Ling Ling, and Steve's sister Meixing attempt a rescue. But it's all a trap to catch Pai, the statue, and Meixing in a human sacrifice to release the dark spirit of Kaiyan Wang! 3: Sacrifice
    In onda il: 1992-01-23 Yakumo and Pai return to Hong Kong when the Statue of Humanity turns up in the possession of Steve Long, another Monster Buster, Inc colleague. Before they can reach it, Steve and the statue are kidnapped. Yakumo, Pai, Ling Ling, and Steve's sister Meixing attempt a rescue. But it's all a trap to catch Pai, the statue, and Meixing in a human sacrifice to release the dark spirit of Kaiyan Wang! In onda il: 1992-03-19 4: Straying
    Yakumo, Pai, and the crew of Monster Buster, Inc celebrate their recapture of the statue at Madame Huang's estate, but the party is spoiled by a gruesome challenge delivered by a powerful Wu of Kaiyan Wang's. Pai meets the Wu for a showdown at Aberdeen Harbor and half the harbor is destroyed in the aftermath. How will Yakumo continue on without the anchor of his life? 4: Straying
    In onda il: 1992-03-19 Yakumo, Pai, and the crew of Monster Buster, Inc celebrate their recapture of the statue at Madame Huang's estate, but the party is spoiled by a gruesome challenge delivered by a powerful Wu of Kaiyan Wang's. Pai meets the Wu for a showdown at Aberdeen Harbor and half the harbor is destroyed in the aftermath. How will Yakumo continue on without the anchor of his life? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. 3x3 Occhi - La leggenda del demone divino [3/3] (1995) ITA Streaming  

    Anime ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer 3x3 Occhi
    3x3 Occhi - La leggenda del demone divino    Episodi 3        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Pai è l'ultima discendente dei Sanzhiyan Hum Kara, l'antico popolo dei triclopi, detentore del segreto dell'eterna giovinezza ed immortalità. La ragazza è alla ricerca del modo per diventare un essere umano. La storia si apre in Tibet, dove il morente professor Fuji promette a Pai che suo figlio Yakumo l'aiuterà a realizzare il suo compito. Quando però Pai arriva in Giappone e riesce fortuitamente a trovare il ragazzo, Yakumo viene ucciso da Takuhi, un demone al servizio di Pai ma di cui lei perde il controllo. A Pai resta un solo modo per impedire all'anima di Yakumo di raggiungere l'aldilà: assimilarla e fare di lui il proprio Wu, il suo guardiano immortale. Da quel momento in poi la vita dei due sarà legata a doppio filo: Pai è ricercata da tutti i demoni che vogliono diventare immortali e se lei morisse morirebbe anche Yakumo. Riuscirà Yakumo con le sue sole forze a proteggerla? E soprattutto esiste ancora il modo per diventare umani?
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Megumi Hayashibara
    Pai Ayanokodzi / Sanjiyan Koji Tsujitani
    Yakumo Fujii Episodi: 3 
    In onda il: 1995-07-25 1: Descent
    The time for the resurrection of the dark lord Kuei-Yan-Wang draws near, as does the end of the world. Yakuma Fuji searches for the holder of his soul so he can become human again, but first must take part in an epic battle full of ancient mysticism and blood and thunder. 1: Descent
    In onda il: 1995-07-25 The time for the resurrection of the dark lord Kuei-Yan-Wang draws near, as does the end of the world. Yakuma Fuji searches for the holder of his soul so he can become human again, but first must take part in an epic battle full of ancient mysticism and blood and thunder. In onda il: 1995-12-18 2: The Key
    As Yakumo and Pai embark on a quest to unlock Pai's hidden memories they unleash the full extent of her power. They team up with a magical monk and a disreputable treasure hunter as they try to find the Lost City of the Sanjiyan - before the ultimate battle begins. 2: The Key
    In onda il: 1995-12-18 As Yakumo and Pai embark on a quest to unlock Pai's hidden memories they unleash the full extent of her power. They team up with a magical monk and a disreputable treasure hunter as they try to find the Lost City of the Sanjiyan - before the ultimate battle begins. In onda il: 1996-06-25 3: The Return
    Yakumo and Pai's quest coming towards a conclusion as they embark on the most dangerous part of their journey. They arrive at the Sacred Gate of Lost Time where they must journey into the dark past of the Sanjigan people. The final battle fast approaches, and the forces of darkness continue to build their power, so it is down to Pai's powers to make sure good triumphs over evil. 3: The Return
    In onda il: 1996-06-25 Yakumo and Pai's quest coming towards a conclusion as they embark on the most dangerous part of their journey. They arrive at the Sacred Gate of Lost Time where they must journey into the dark past of the Sanjigan people. The final battle fast approaches, and the forces of darkness continue to build their power, so it is down to Pai's powers to make sure good triumphs over evil. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  5. 3D Kanojo: Real Girl 2 [12/12] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    3D Kanojo: Real Girl 2
    Titolo inglese    Real Girl
    Titolo Kanji    3D彼女 リアルガール
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Commedia  Scolastico  Sentimentale  
    Anno   2019
    Tratto da    Manga Shoujo
    Stagioni    Inverno (2019)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Tsutsui Hikari è un otaku che cerca in tutti i modi di evitare la vita sociale. Hikari ha un solo amico a scuola, che è un "disadattato" sociale come lui, e viene continuamente deriso dalla maggior parte dei suoi compagni di classe perché "inquietante" e "strano". Un giorno si ritrova a dover pulire la piscina della scuola con Igarashi Iroha, che sembra essere tutto quello che Tsutsui odia nelle ragazze reali: salta la scuola, ha un modo schietto di porsi, non ha amicizie di sesso femminile e sembra essere una ragazza facile. Tuttavia, lei si dimostra molto amichevole con Hikari e addirittura lo difende dalle persone che si prendono gioco di lui. A causa della sua mancanza di fiducia verso gli altri, però, Hikari finisce per dire delle cose piuttosto dure a Iroha, ma lei non lo respinge come gli altri. Sembra quasi che Iroha potrebbe diventare la sua prima ragazza reale, in 3D. Sarà in grado Hikari di gestire la cosa?
  6. 3D Kanojo: Real Girl [12/12] (2018) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    3D Kanojo: Real Girl
    Titolo inglese    Real Girl
    Titolo Kanji    3D彼女 リアルガール
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Commedia  Scolastico  Sentimentale  
    Anno    2018
    Tratto da    Manga Shoujo
    Stagioni    Primavera (2018)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Tsutsui Hikari è un otaku che cerca in tutti i modi di evitare la vita sociale. Hikari ha un solo amico a scuola, che è un "disadattato" sociale come lui, e viene continuamente deriso dalla maggior parte dei suoi compagni di classe perché "inquietante" e "strano". Un giorno si ritrova a dover pulire la piscina della scuola con Igarashi Iroha, che sembra essere tutto quello che Tsutsui odia nelle ragazze reali: salta la scuola, ha un modo schietto di porsi, non ha amicizie di sesso femminile e sembra essere una ragazza facile. Tuttavia, lei si dimostra molto amichevole con Hikari e addirittura lo difende dalle persone che si prendono gioco di lui. A causa della sua mancanza di fiducia verso gli altri, però, Hikari finisce per dire delle cose piuttosto dure a Iroha, ma lei non lo respinge come gli altri. Sembra quasi che Iroha potrebbe diventare la sua prima ragazza reale, in 3D. Sarà in grado Hikari di gestire la cosa?
  7. 365 giorni (2020) Streaming  

    Erotico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 365 giorni
    1 h 56 m    2020        
    Romance ◦ Dramma
    Un'energica manager bloccata in una relazione in crisi è rapita da un potente boss mafioso che la imprigiona dandole un anno di tempo per innamorarsi di lui.
    Barbara Białowąs
    Screenplay Barbara Białowąs
    Director Tomasz Mandes
    Screenplay Tomasz Mandes
    Director Tomasz Mandes
    Producer Tomasz Mandes
    Casting Marcin Kasiński
    Sound Director Robert Kijak
    Co-Producer Tomasz Klimala
    Screenplay Bartek Cierlica
    Director of Photography Malgorzata Skorupa
    Costume Design Magdalena Sekrecka
    Costume Design Blanka Lipińska
    Novel Maciej Kawulski
    Producer Michał Sarapata
    Music Mateusz Sarapata
    Music Marcin Drewnowski
    Editor Ewa Lewandowska
    Producer Anna Waśniewska-Gill
    Co-Producer Agnieszka Bartold
    Production Design Dagmara Pokromska
    Set Decoration Agata Biedrzycka
    Casting Grzegorz Szczuka
    Makeup Artist Adrianna Bartkowska
    Assistant Director Anna-Maria Sieklucka
    Laura Biel Michele Morrone
    Massimo Torricelli Bronisław Wrocławski
    Mario Otar Saralidze
    Domenico Magdalena Lamparska
    Olga Natasza Urbańska
    Anna Grażyna Szapołowska
    Klara (Laura's Mother) Tomasz Stockinger
    Thomasz (Laura's Father) Gianni Parisi
    Massimo's Father Mateusz Łasowski
    Martin Agnieszka Warchulska
    Bank Manager Przemysław Sadowski
    Hotel Manager Michał Mikołajczak
    Security Chief Andrea Batti
    Zdrajca Alfredo Mateusz Grydlik
    Bank Manager Natalia Janoszek
    Karolina Tomasz Mandes
    Massimo's Cousin Blanka Lipińska
    Bride Ewa Lewandowska
    Bank Manager Bartek Cierlica
    Lovelas Ewelina Plizga
    Stewardess Adrianna Bartkowska
    girl 365 DNI [365 GIORNI] TRAILER ITA | La storia di Massimo e Laura
  8. 365 giorni - Adesso (2022) Streaming  

    Erotico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 365 giorni - Adesso
    1 h 49 m    2022        
    Romance ◦ Dramma
    Laura e Massimo sono tornati e non sono mai stati così travolti dalla passione. Ma il nuovo inizio della coppia è complicato dai legami familiari di Massimo e da un uomo misterioso che si insinua nella vita di Laura per conquistare il cuore e la fiducia della donna… a ogni costo.
    Barbara Białowąs
    Director Tomasz Mandes
    Director Tomasz Mandes
    Producer Tomasz Mandes
    Casting Tomasz Mandes
    Writer Bartek Cierlica
    Director of Photography Blanka Lipińska
    Novel Blanka Lipińska
    Writer Maciej Kawulski
    Producer Marcin Drewnowski
    Editor Ewa Lewandowska
    Producer Grzegorz Szczuka
    Makeup Designer Dominic Buczkowski-Wojtaszek
    Music Joanna Białousz
    Production Design Joanna Białousz
    Set Decoration Mojca Tirs
    Writer Patryk Komór
    Music Krzysztof Szymański
    Camera Car Anna-Maria Sieklucka
    Laura Torricelli Michele Morrone
    Massimo Torricelli / Adriano Torricelli Simone Susinna
    Marcelo "Nacho" Matos Magdalena Lamparska
    Olga Otar Saralidze
    Domenico Natasza Urbańska
    Anna Ramón Langa
    Don Fernando Matos Ewa Kasprzyk
    Klara Dariusz Jakubowski
    Tomasz Tomasz Mandes
    Tommaso Blanka Lipińska
    Elena Natalia Siwiec
    Emi Karolina Pisarek
    Amelia Robert Wabich
    Priest Sławomir Mandes
    Italian Man Rafał Iwaniuk
    Laura's bodyguard Nessun Trailer disponibile
  9. 3022 (2019) Streaming  

    Fantascienza - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 3022
    1 h 31 m    2019        
    Dopo che la Terra vive un evento apocalittico, quattro astronauti abbandonati su una stazione spaziale alla deriva devono intraprendere una lotta disperata per la sopravvivenza. Nell'orrore che li circonda, capiranno cosa significa essere gli ultimi sopravvissuti del genere umano...
    Tara L. Craig
    Producer John Suits
    Director John Suits
    Editor John Suits
    Producer Giles Daoust
    Executive Producer Potsy Ponciroli
    Executive Producer Van Ayasit
    Stunt Coordinator Jimmy LaValle
    Music Ryan Noto
    Executive Producer Jack Campbell
    Executive Producer Matthew Helderman
    Executive Producer Kathryn Lyn
    Executive Producer Aaron Hawley
    Stunt Double Ryan Binaco
    Writer Shanan Becker
    Executive Producer Bill Bromiley
    Executive Producer Ness Saban
    Executive Producer Luke Taylor
    Executive Producer Catherine Dumonceaux
    Executive Producer Richie Parker
    Stunt Double Jonathan Saba
    Executive Producer Shannon Houchins
    Executive Producer Rosslyn Luke
    Stunt Double Trevor O'Neil
    Executive Producer Will Stone
    Director of Photography Brandon Shealy
    Stunts Omar Epps
    Captain John Laine Kate Walsh
    Jackie Miller Angus Macfadyen
    Dr. Richard Valin Jorja Fox
    Captain Diane Ursula Miranda Cosgrove
    Lisa Brown Enver Gjokaj
    Vincent Bernard Haaz Sleiman
    Thomas Dahan Audrey Looye
    Margaret Valin Brent Yoshida
    Sam (uncredited) Sara Tomko
    Pangea (voice) Brandon English
    Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. 300: L'alba di un impero (2014) ITA Streaming  

    Azione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 300 - L'alba di un impero
    1 h 42 m    2014        
    Azione ◦ Dramma ◦ Guerra
    Grazie al sacrificio alle Termopili dei 300 valorosi spartani guidati da Leonida, la Grecia ha una possibilità di resistere all'invasione dell'Impero Persiano. Ma la speranza è legata alla capacità di Temistocle, guida militare degli ateniesi, di riuscire a unire le città-stato indipendenti nella lotta per la libertà dell'Ellade e di contrastare con l'astuzia e le tattiche di combattimento la forza preponderante della flotta persiana.
    Bub Asman
    Supervising Sound Editor Mark Holding
    Sound Mixer Frank Miller
    Novel Patrick Tatopoulos
    Production Design David Brenner
    Editor Gianni Nunnari
    Producer Simon Duggan
    Director of Photography Jim Passon
    Color Timer Simon Wakefield
    Set Decoration Alexandra Byrne
    Costume Design Zack Snyder
    Screenplay Zack Snyder
    Producer Richard F. Mays
    Set Designer Kurt Johnstad
    Screenplay Sue Chan
    Supervising Art Director Lucy Bevan
    Casting Lesley Smith
    Makeup & Hair Walter Anderson
    Sound Mixer Mark Canton
    Producer Thomas Tull
    Producer Tom Holkenborg
    Music Philip A. Patterson
    First Assistant Director Lorenzo Senatore
    Second Unit Director of Photography Stefan Sonnenfeld
    Digital Intermediate Colorist Bernie Goldmann
    Producer Sonya Savova
    Art Direction Noam Murro
    Director Wesley Coller
    Co-Producer Deborah Snyder
    Producer Paola Chavez
    Visual Effects Coordinator Jo Rosen
    Costumer Eric A. Norris
    Sound Designer Jay Oliva
    Storyboard Jay Oliva
    Storyboard Artist Carla Vicenzino
    Makeup & Hair Michael Keller
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Anton Bakarski
    Camera Operator Dave Kim
    Visual Effects Coordinator Rosen Stefanov
    Lead Set Dresser Natalie Thimm
    Makeup Artist Carmen Pepelea
    Production Supervisor Desislava Andonova
    Key Costumer Tim Rigby
    Stunt Coordinator Wayne Dalglish
    Stunts Kelly Golden
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist Justin Raleigh
    Makeup Department Head Christine Bieselin Clark
    Costume Design Tisha D. Nagel
    Costumer Patricio M. Farrell
    Art Direction Eleanor Sabaduquia
    Makeup Artist Rachel Parkin
    Key Costumer Yana Stoyanova
    Key Makeup Artist Christian Cordella
    Costume Illustrator Stephen Webster
    ADR Mixer Darren Fitzsimons
    Sculptor Roger Holden
    Greensman Tom Kramer
    Music Editor Jasmina Vasileva
    Costume Supervisor Yossif Mladenov
    Set Designer Dan O'Connell
    Foley Artist Felicity Wright
    Makeup & Hair James P. Schramm
    Thanks Anna Hadzhieva
    Art Department Coordinator Dian Hristov
    Stunt Coordinator Asen Karanikolov
    Set Costumer Vyarka Sirkova
    Set Costumer Shelly Stoyanova
    Script Supervisor Tammy S. Lee
    Set Designer Trisha Burton
    Script Supervisor Timothy M. Earls
    Set Designer David V. Butler
    Dialogue Editor John T. Cucci
    Foley Artist Ai-Ling Lee
    Sound Editor Troy Robinson
    Stunts Wyatt Smith
    Editor Alexei Karagyaur
    Art Direction Darren Poe
    Art Direction Jenny Oman
    Set Decoration Mirel Ahmed
    Sculptor Petar Alexandrov
    Sculptor Laurent Ben-Mimoun
    Conceptual Design Allison Klein
    Art Department Coordinator Stefan Manchev
    Set Designer Anshuman Prasad
    Set Designer Nikolai Nikolov
    Set Designer Brian Shell
    Construction Coordinator Dirk Buchmann
    Property Master Randall D. Wilkins
    Set Designer Chris Jenkins
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Alan Robert Murray
    Supervising Sound Editor Tom Ozanich
    Sound Designer Allen Hall
    Special Effects Coordinator Ilona Blyth
    Visual Effects Producer Natasha Anne Francis
    Visual Effects Producer Jasmin Hasel
    Visual Effects Producer Charley Henley
    Visual Effects Supervisor Richard E. Hollander
    Visual Effects Supervisor Michel Mielke
    Visual Effects Producer Oliver Money
    Visual Effects Producer Julie Orosz
    Visual Effects Producer Betsy Paterson
    Visual Effects Supervisor Danielle Plantec
    Visual Effects Supervisor Damon Caro
    Stunt Coordinator Yavor Zahariev
    Gaffer Hristo Dimitrov
    Casting Tricia Yoo
    Set Costumer Joshua Coleman
    Set Costumer Melissa Muik
    Music Editor Collin Butrum
    Transportation Coordinator Kalin Nikolov
    Transportation Coordinator George A. Sack
    Transportation Coordinator Michael Jon Sparks
    Transportation Captain Jaclyn Tamizato
    Set Costumer David Chow
    Set Designer Susan Dudeck
    Sound Editor Timo Rolle
    Visual Effects Editor Willard Overstreet
    Foley Editor Gracie Edscer
    Visual Effects Producer Steve M. Davison
    Stunts Rhonda C. Gunner
    Visual Effects Producer Michael Harden
    Visual Effects Editor Brad Minnich
    Visual Effects Editor Clay Enos
    Still Photographer Peter McCaffrey
    Camera Operator Alice Hobden
    Underwater Camera Andy Stevens
    Visual Effects Editor Veselin Karadjov
    Production Manager Pete Romano
    Underwater Director of Photography John 'D.J.' Des Jardin
    Visual Effects Supervisor Ani Plotkin-Maloney
    Makeup Artist Paul Stemmer
    Visual Effects Coordinator Viktor Lonek
    Video Assist Operator Danielle Noe
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist Kosta Saric
    Visual Effects Editor Erik Kaufmann
    Digital Intermediate Editor Daniela Avramova
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist Sofi Hvarleva
    Makeup Supervisor Ryan Young
    ADR Recordist Axel Nicolet
    Construction Manager Mihail Yanakiev
    Second Assistant Camera Delyan Borisov
    Production Accountant Andy Lesniak
    CG Supervisor Scott Anderson
    Visual Effects Editor Tim Pounds-Cornish
    Visual Effects Production Manager David Schmalz
    Video Assist Operator Julie Stark
    Sequence Supervisor Jason King
    Sound Editor Kevin Murray
    Assistant Sound Editor Valentin Valov
    Makeup Artist Liz Mendoza
    Makeup Artist Petya Simeonova
    Makeup Artist Harry Mukhopadhyay
    CG Supervisor Clare Ramsey
    Makeup & Hair Eryn Krueger Mekash
    Makeup Artist James Baker
    Visual Effects Cindy Liu
    Visual Effects Editor Mohsen Mousavi
    Digital Effects Supervisor Katy Wood
    Supervising ADR Editor Mike Mekash
    Makeup Artist Hristo Idakiev
    Gaffer Mariana Popova
    Script Supervisor Lukas Lepicovsky
    CG Supervisor Adam Blank
    Matchmove Supervisor Sheila Giroux
    Visual Effects Coordinator Brook Willard
    Camera Technician Nick Kray
    ADR Mixer David Willinsky
    Visual Effects Editor Sharon Long
    Assistant Costume Designer Michael Runyard
    Stunts F. Hudson Miller
    Sound Editor Rachael Lin Gallaghan
    Production Coordinator Evgeni Yordanov
    Construction Manager Emiliano Topai
    First Assistant "A" Camera Murray Gale
    Visual Effects Coordinator Dimiter Petkov
    Painter Ivaylo Nikolov
    Concept Artist Stefan Razlojki
    Props Greta Velikova
    Makeup Artist Yovko Dogandjiiski
    Special Effects Supervisor Ivan Vatsov
    Camera Operator Hristo Aleksandrov
    First Assistant Camera Victoria Albanese
    Visual Effects Coordinator Shane Hayes
    ADR Mixer Blake Collins
    Foley Mixer Zave Jackson
    2D Supervisor A. Anthony Cappello
    First Assistant Camera Aileen Seaton
    Hair Designer Michael Botha
    ADR Mixer Lorraine Martin
    Makeup Artist James Ashwill
    Foley Mixer Gabriella Loria
    Assistant Costume Designer Annie Johnson
    Digital Intermediate Producer Jeremy Brussell
    Key Rigging Grip Eric Petey
    Animation Supervisor Anna Guseva
    Visual Effects Coordinator Neil Blackman
    Underwater Gaffer Richard B. Molina
    First Assistant Editor Kraig Tytus
    Visual Effects Coordinator Jason Pomerantz
    Production Manager Court Chu
    Concept Artist Ian Bird
    Key Grip Arek Komorowski
    Compositing Supervisor Ann Chow
    Visual Effects Coordinator Martin Mecko
    Video Assist Operator José Manuel Weil
    3D Artist Gareth Viner
    Libra Head Technician Martin L. Mercer
    Storyboard Artist Marshall Richard Krasser
    Compositing Supervisor Joshua Min
    Concept Artist Josh Tessier
    Stunts Luca Nemolato
    Concept Artist Kelton Cram
    Concept Artist Cass McClure
    Prosthetics Georgi Petkov
    Key Grip Max Wood
    CG Supervisor Jack Geist
    Visual Effects Producer Darryl Henley
    Storyboard Artist Jason Oliver
    ADR Mixer Darrell Warner
    Costume Illustrator Gary Damian Thomas
    Storyboard Artist Carlos Castillon
    Assistant Editor Harriet Kendall
    Key Costumer Toby Gallo
    Digital Imaging Technician Karin Silvestri
    Stunts Patrick Smith
    Pre-Visualization Supervisor Robert McKinnon
    Costume Illustrator Violeta Piperevska
    Production Coordinator Melissa Franco
    Visual Effects Coordinator Gena Vazquez
    Props Carrie-Ann Banner
    Production Coordinator Walid Mouawad
    3D Artist Axel Akesson
    CG Supervisor Rebecca Scott
    Visual Effects Coordinator Serge Crozon-Cazin
    Stunts Nicola Matthews
    Key Hair Stylist Eric Kimelton
    Visual Effects Coordinator Tim Mulvihill
    Visual Effects Editor Bronwyn Edwards
    2D Supervisor Ivan Aleksandrov
    Key Grip Johannes Vogl
    3D Artist Nick Crew
    Compositing Supervisor John K. Goodman
    Animation Supervisor John Guentner
    Foley Mixer Crystal Compton
    Visual Effects Coordinator James Grummitt
    Visual Effects Coordinator Ashlyn Hardie
    Visual Effects Coordinator Chris Jestico
    Visual Effects Coordinator James Purdy
    Visual Effects Coordinator James Hyde
    ADR Recordist Richard Clarke
    VFX Supervisor Kevin Kirkpatrick
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist Jateen Thakkar
    Sequence Supervisor Cristina Patterson
    Contact Lens Designer Kristina Sakizli
    Assistant Director Trainee James Cochrane
    Visual Effects Coordinator Maxim Penev
    Assistant Camera Steffen Reichstadt
    Concept Artist Aaron Sims
    Concept Artist David Harter
    Compositing Supervisor Jason Bauer
    Digital Imaging Technician Lauren McCallum
    Visual Effects Production Manager Claudia Huerta
    3D Editor Rebecca Collis
    Production Secretary Matina Skouteri
    Visual Effects Coordinator Santiago Colomo
    Lead Animator Hélène Bécourt
    Visual Effects Coordinator Ryk Fortuna
    Prosthetics Natalie Padilla
    Stunts Krasimir Rizov
    Graphic Designer Mihaela Gavanozova
    Set Painter Adam M. Duthie
    Assistant Editor Nikifor Shopov
    Rigging Gaffer Ventsislava Yoveva
    Production Accountant Alexandre Trenev
    Electrician Dimitar Dimitrov
    Rigging Grip Borislav Belberov
    Second Assistant Camera Clint G. Reagan
    Pre-Visualization Supervisor Charuhas Sonar
    Visual Effects Producer Jyoti Bhalchandra Deshpande
    Production Manager Evan Fraser
    Matchmove Supervisor Adam M. West
    Costumer Eric Jewett
    First Assistant Director Mike Wächter
    Lighting Design Emily Williams
    Visual Effects Production Manager Elliot Newman
    CG Supervisor Kristin Arrigo
    Assistant Hairstylist Matthew Novak
    Visual Effects Technical Director Kasia Chojnowska
    Costumer Alexander Kenanov
    Second Assistant Camera R. Scott Lawrence
    Video Assist Operator Sidony Etherton
    Makeup Artist Toby Pease
    First Assistant Director Alan Villanueva
    Costume Illustrator Felix Laser
    Compositing Lead Will Telford
    Digital Effects Supervisor Vipin Raj
    Modeling Thom Jones
    Modeling Ryan A. McCoy
    Pre-Visualization Supervisor Karishma Mirashi
    Shading Zaira Brilhante
    Visual Effects Coordinator Sian Judge
    Visual Effects Coordinator Joshua Pang
    Visual Effects Coordinator Uday Joshi
    Visual Effects Coordinator David Stephens
    Visual Effects Editor Danny Huerta
    Visual Effects Production Manager Francesco Corvino
    Concept Artist Gavriil Klimov
    Concept Artist Ivan Dimitrov
    Set Dresser Pavel Bayraktarski
    Storyboard Artist Stephen Perone
    Music Programmer Christian Wood
    Digital Compositor Sullivan Stapleton
    Themistocles Eva Green
    Artemisia Lena Headey
    Queen Gorgo Callan Mulvey
    Scylias David Wenham
    Dillios Rodrigo Santoro
    Xerxes Jack O'Connell
    Calisto Andrew Tiernan
    Ephialtes Ashraf Barhom
    General Bandari Andrew Pleavin
    Daxos Hans Matheson
    Aesyklos Peter Mensah
    Persian Emissary Ben Turner
    General Artaphernes Christopher Boyer
    Senator Fred Ochs
    Senator Price Carson
    Senator John Michael Herndon
    Senator David Pevsner
    Senator Peter Ferdinando
    Greek Ambassador Igal Naor
    King Darius Luke Roberts
    Butcher George Georgiou
    Greek Citizen Farshad Farahat
    Persian Officer Christopher Sciueref
    General Kashani Steven Cree
    Decapitated Greek marine Caitlin Carmichael
    8 Year Old Artemisia Jade Chynoweth
    13 Year Old Artemisia Kevin Fry-Bowers
    Lascivious Greek David Sterne
    Old Statesman Gregor Truter
    Small Ambassador Vincent Walsh
    Naval Commander Nick Court
    Theban Commander Mark Killeen
    Greek Commander Stefan Ivanov
    Persian Commander Atanas Srebrev
    Blacksmith Mark Aaron Wagner
    Artemesia's Father (uncredited) Nancy McCrumb
    Athenian Woman (uncredited) Bo Roberts
    Spartan Warrior (uncredited) Gregory Shelby
    Spartan Warrior (uncredited) Wayne Dalglish
    Young Spartan (uncredited) Velimir Velev
    Hermit (uncredited) Dimo Alexiev
    Rope Puller Georgi Stanislavov
    Persian Bomber 03 (uncredited) Dimiter Doichinov
    Spartan Warrior (uncredited) Velizar Peev
    Spartan Warrior (uncredited) Aleksandar Belovski
    Greek Citizen (uncredited) 300 - L'Alba di un Impero - Trailer Italiano Ufficiale | HD
  11. 300 (2007) ITA Streaming  

    Avventura - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 300
    1 h 57 m    2007        
    Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Guerra
    300 è il numero di spartani che si opposero al re persiano Serse nel 480 A.C. Questa pellicola narra infatti di una storia realmente accaduta, di una battaglia epica combattuta al passo delle Termopili che vedeva contrapporsi 300 spartani contro un milione di persiani. Re Serse, spinto dalla sua insaziabile sete di conquista, invia un messaggero in Grecia, a Sparta, che viene accolto dal re Leonida (G. Butler) e dalla regina Gorgo (L. Headey). Ma quando l’emissario pronuncia la parola 'sottomissione' decreta l’inizio della semi-disfatta per i persiani. Leonida, dopo aver ucciso il messaggero, decide di affrontare questa nuova minaccia chiamata Persia: dopo aver radunato 300 tra i migliori combattenti spartani si dirige allo stretto passo delle Termopili per contrastare il temibile nemico..
    William Hoy
    Editor Frank Miller
    Executive Producer Frank Miller
    Novel Michael Wilkinson
    Costume Design Paul Hotte
    Set Decoration Colin Strause
    Visual Effects Supervisor Greg Strause
    Visual Effects Supervisor Carrie Hilton
    Casting Ben Waisbren
    Executive Producer Isabelle Guay
    Supervising Art Director James D. Bissell
    Production Design Chad Stahelski
    Stunt Coordinator David Leitch
    Stunts Gianni Nunnari
    Producer David Rapaport
    Additional Casting Zack Snyder
    Screenplay Zack Snyder
    Director Tyler Bates
    Original Music Composer Darrell Hall
    Music Editor Scott A. Hecker
    Supervising Sound Editor Nina Fallon
    Visual Effects Producer Larry Fong
    Director of Photography Kurt Johnstad
    Screenplay Kristy Carlson
    Casting Andrea Kenyon
    Casting Tamara Notcutt
    Casting Associate Nicolas Lepage
    Art Direction Christophe Giraud
    Makeup Artist Jeffrey Silver
    Producer Gilles Fortier
    Rigging Gaffer Ismat Zaidi
    Visual Effects Producer Thomas Tull
    Executive Producer William Fay
    Executive Producer Lindsey Hayes Kroeger
    Additional Casting Derek Vanderhorst
    Sound Designer Derek Vanderhorst
    Sound Effects Editor Thierry Delattre
    Visual Effects Supervisor Anouk Deveault-Moreau
    Visual Effects Coordinator Jeremy Hunt
    Visual Effects Supervisor Daniel Leduc
    Visual Effects Producer Richard Martin
    Visual Effects Supervisor Caitlin McKenna
    ADR Voice Casting Scott Mednick
    Executive Producer Stefan Sonnenfeld
    Colorist Bernie Goldmann
    Producer Wesley Coller
    Associate Producer Deborah Snyder
    Executive Producer Clint Carleton
    Stunts Stéphane Lefebvre
    Stunt Coordinator François Daignault
    Camera Operator Mirosław Baszak
    Second Unit Director of Photography Eric A. Norris
    Supervising Sound Effects Editor Martin Walters
    First Assistant Director Chris Watts
    Visual Effects Supervisor Alejandro Valdes-Rochin
    Visual Effects Assistant Editor Doug Chapman
    Stunts Craig J. Flores
    Executive Producer David Uloth
    Techno Crane Operator Nathalie Trépanier
    Key Makeup Artist Jean-Francois Morissette
    3D Tracking Layout Randi Wells
    Casting Associate Simonetta Mariano
    Costume Illustrator Brent Lambert
    Set Designer Tim Rigby
    Stunts Tim Rigby
    Utility Stunts Michael B. Gordon
    Screenplay Christine Bieselin Clark
    Assistant Costume Designer Azalia Snail
    Costumer Michelle Côté
    Hairstylist Philippe Lord
    Set Decoration Jean-Pierre Paquet
    Art Direction Scott Wheeler
    Makeup Department Head Lyse Pomerleau
    Costume Supervisor Frederick H. Stahly
    Dialogue Editor Chris Jenkins
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Danielle Plantec
    CG Supervisor Collin Butrum
    Transportation Coordinator Michael J. Broomberg
    Foley Artist Vincent Gingras-Liberali
    Set Designer Maxime Ferland
    Boom Operator Julie Amyot
    Dresser Daniel Matthews
    Transportation Coordinator John Bober
    Transportation Captain Chad Malbon
    Visual Effects Producer Frédéric Amblard
    Set Designer Alex Touikan
    Set Designer Denis Hamel
    Property Master Lucie Fournier
    Sculptor Michael Meagher
    Visual Effects Producer Takashi Seida
    Still Photographer Gayle Busby
    Visual Effects Producer David Werntz
    Sound Effects Editor Ray McIntyre Jr.
    Visual Effects Supervisor Frank A. Montaño
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Charlotte Raybourn
    Art Department Coordinator Helene Lamarre
    Art Department Coordinator Simon Chamberland
    Property Master Hiroshi Yada
    Sculptor Keith Christensen
    Sculptor Marc Chow
    Sculptor Martin Laneuville
    Greensman Miguel Rivera
    Dialogue Editor Stephen Gilbert
    Special Effects Coordinator Andy Fowler
    Visual Effects Producer Thomas Nittmann
    Visual Effects Producer Persis Reynolds
    Visual Effects Producer Mandy Tankenson
    Visual Effects Producer George McCarthy
    Visual Effects Editor Kirsty Millar
    Visual Effects Supervisor Edson Williams
    Visual Effects Supervisor Daniel Sauvé
    Camera Operator Daniel Sauvé
    Steadicam Operator John Lewin
    Gaffer Pierre Blondin
    Location Manager Kimi Webber
    Script Supervisor Nadine Thouin
    Choreographer Jerie McBride
    Studio Teachers Jennifer Anderson
    Costume Assistant John 'D.J.' Des Jardin
    Visual Effects Supervisor Erik Liles
    Compositing Supervisor Réjean Forget
    Key Hair Stylist Zack Davis
    ADR Supervisor Audrey L. Anzures
    Hair Department Head Marco Venditto
    Rigging Gaffer Des Carey
    Digital Intermediate Producer Missy Papageorge
    Digital Intermediate Producer Ryan Zuttermeister
    Visual Effects Coordinator Melissa Remenarich
    First Assistant Editor Chris Holmes
    Compositing Supervisor Jeff Rosen
    ADR Editor Jon Mete
    Sound Effects Editor Kyle Rochlin
    Foley Mixer Brad North
    Sound Effects Editor Cristin Pescosolido
    Digital Effects Supervisor Derek Wentworth
    Digital Effects Supervisor Jean-Jacques Dion
    Hairstylist Jocelyne Bellemare
    Key Makeup Artist Hugo Dominguez
    Visual Effects Stephen Coren
    CG Supervisor Michael Cozens
    Lead Animator Andrea Wertheim
    Post Production Supervisor Jake Morrison
    Digital Effects Supervisor Clay Staub
    Second Unit Director Chris Wells
    CG Supervisor Martine Gagnon
    Costume Assistant Serge Lavigueur
    Armory Coordinator Mark Pappas
    Foley Supervisor Ryan Kuba
    Visual Effects Coordinator Tyler Foell
    Digital Effects Supervisor Julie Garceau
    Video Assist Operator Yoshiya Yamada
    Modelling Supervisor Robert B. Baylis
    Key Grip Shawn Sykora
    Foley Editor Rosalie Clermont-Bilodeau
    Wardrobe Assistant Martin Zwanzger
    Compositing Artist Eric Aubin
    Second Assistant "B" Camera Alain Bisson Doyal
    Grip Meinert Hansen
    Concept Artist Dane Farwell
    Stunts Julie Breton
    Extras Casting William R. Dalgleish
    First Assistant Camera Noel Donnellon
    Epk Camera Operator Christian Chabot
    Lighting Technician Guy Pigeon
    Set Designer Miguel Ortega
    Modeling Yves Drapeau
    First Assistant Camera Mo Henry
    Negative Cutter Garson Yu
    Title Designer Catherine Lavoie
    Assistant Makeup Artist Yanick Wilisky
    CG Supervisor Alain Masse
    Key Grip Richard Boucher
    Dolly Grip Jean Courteau
    Chief Lighting Technician Gillian Chandler
    Assistant Makeup Artist Shawn Roberts
    Casting Assistant Dan Milligan
    Concept Artist Dean Gula
    Visual Effects Coordinator Nathan Gunn
    Assistant Editor Tad Griffith
    Stunts Tad Griffith
    Stunt Coordinator Tad Griffith
    Utility Stunts Chadi Abo
    Pre-Visualization Supervisor Patrice Lapointe
    Dolly Grip Marco Nero
    Concept Artist Catherine Gélinas
    Dresser Caroline Béliveau
    Second Assistant Camera Bret St. Clair
    CG Supervisor Jayne Herrmann
    Visual Effects Coordinator Todd Baillere
    Post Production Consulting Louis Frederic Denomme
    Set Dresser P. Whitney Gearin
    Visual Effects Coordinator Richard Cote
    Visual Effects Coordinator Bill Holley
    Colorist Richard Bennett
    Storyboard Artist Larysa Chernienko
    Makeup Artist Nerys Lincoln
    3D Artist Danielle Rubin
    Visual Effects Coordinator Julia Reinhard
    Compositing Artist Marco Lavallée
    Set Dresser Sergio Ayrosa
    Compositing Artist Andreas Nehls
    3D Modeller Dylan Carter
    Online Editor Mathieu Price
    Grip Sylvain Dupuis
    Second Assistant "A" Camera Stephane Boisvert
    Generator Operator David Dinel
    Best Boy Grip Stephen Wells
    Dolly Grip Jeff Scott
    Best Boy Electrician Joshua Cordes
    Animation Supervisor Grant Freckelton
    Visual Effects Art Director Karl Rogovin
    Visual Effects Coordinator Pierre Beaulieu
    Lighting Technician Jacques Langlois
    Pyrotechnician Henri Aubertin
    Key Dresser Neal Sopata
    VFX Artist Melina Di Cristo
    Assistant Makeup Artist Annick Legout
    Assistant Makeup Artist David Scott
    Makeup Artist Adam Forman
    Tattooist Christian Lemay
    Assistant Camera Richard Alger
    Electrician Robert Lapierre Jr.
    Grip Martine Vincent
    Grip Sandrin Olivier
    Rigging Grip Tereska Gesing
    Dresser Pascal Gauthier
    Key Dresser Yolanda Santosa
    Title Designer Caroline Lachance
    Art Department Production Assistant Mark Alan Yates
    Storyboard Artist Stephan Schweizer
    Compositing Artist Cesar Dacol Jr.
    Modelling Supervisor Chris Capell
    Visual Effects Coordinator Marie-Claude Aubry
    Visual Effects Coordinator Marie-Chantale Savard-Côté
    Visual Effects Coordinator Ana Marie Cruz
    Visual Effects Coordinator Elizabeth Ross
    Assistant Editor Éric Gaudry
    Colorist Arild Anfinnsen
    VFX Artist Marie-Maude Grenier
    Costumer Lisa Marra
    Visual Effects Coordinator Gerard Butler
    King Leonidas Lena Headey
    Gorgo Dominic West
    Theron David Wenham
    Dilios Vincent Regan
    Captain Michael Fassbender
    Stelios Tom Wisdom
    Astinos Andrew Pleavin
    Daxos Andrew Tiernan
    Ephialtes Rodrigo Santoro
    Xerxes Giovani Cimmino
    Pleistarchos Stephen McHattie
    Loyalist Greg Kramer
    Ephor #1 Alex Ivanovici
    Ephor #2 Kelly Craig
    Oracle Girl Eli Snyder
    Leonidas @ 7/8 yrs Tyler Neitzel
    Leonidas @ 15 yrs Tim Connolly
    Leonidas' Father Marie-Julie Rivest
    Leonidas' Mother Sebastian St. Germain
    Fighting Boy (12 years old) Peter Mensah
    Messenger Arthur Holden
    Partisan Michael Sinelnikoff
    Elder Councilman John Dunn-Hill
    Councilman Dennis St John
    Spartan Baby Inspector Neil Napier
    Spartan with Stick Dylan Smith
    Sentry #1 Maurizio Terrazzano
    Sentry #2 Robert Paradis
    Spartan General Kwasi Songui
    Persian Alexandra Beaton
    Burned Village Child Frédéric Smith
    Statesman Loucas Minchillo
    Spartan Baby A Nicholas Minchillo
    Spartan Baby B Tom Rack
    Ephor #3 David Francis
    Ephor #4 James Bradford
    Ephor #5 Andrew Shaver
    Free Greek-Potter Robin Wilcock
    Free Greek-Sculptor Kent McQuaid
    Free Greek-Blacksmith Marcel Jeannin
    Free Greek-Baker Jere Gillis
    Spartan General #2 Jeremy Thibodeau
    Spartan Boy Tyrone Benskin
    Persian Emissary Robert Maillet
    Uber Immortal (Giant) Patrick Sabongui
    Persian General Leon Laderach
    Executioner Dave Lapommeray
    Persian General Slaughtered Vervi Mauricio
    Armless Concubine Charles Papasoff
    Blacksmith Isabelle Champeau
    Mother at Market Veronique-Natale Szalankiewicz
    Daughter at Market (3/5 years old) Maéva Nadon
    Girl at Market David Thibodeau
    Boy #1 at Market David Schaap
    Potter Jean Michel Paré
    Other Council Guard Stewart Myiow
    Persian General Andreanne Ross
    Concubine Sara Giacalone
    Concubine Ariadne Bourbonnière
    Kissing Concubine Isabelle Fournel
    Kissing Concubine Sandrine Merette-Attiow
    Contortionist Elisabeth Etienne
    Dancer Danielle Hubbard
    Dancer Ruan Vibegaard
    Dancer Geneviève Guilbault
    Slave Girl Bonnie Mak
    Slave Girl Amélie Sorel
    Slave Girl Caroline Aspirot
    Slave Girl Gina Gagnon
    Slave Girl Tania Trudel
    Slave Girl Stéphanie Aubry
    Slave Girl Mercedes Leggett
    Slave Girl Stephania Gambaroff
    Slave Girl Chanelle Lamothe
    Slave Girl Sabrina-Jasmine Guilbault
    Slave Girl Manny Cortez Tuazon
    Transsexual (Asian) #1 Cindy
    Transsexual (Asian) #2 Atif Y. Siddiqi
    Transsexual (Arabian) #3 Camille Rizkallah
    Giant with Arrow Trudi Hanley
    Long Neck Woman Neon Cobran
    Litter Bearer/Slave Gary A. Hecker
    Ubermortal Vocals (voice) 300 trailer ita
  12. 30-sai made Doutei da to Mahou Tsukai ni Nareru Rashii [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    All'età di trent'anni, Adachi è ancora un uomo vergine, che tuttavia ha sviluppato lo speciale potere di leggere nella mente delle persone, semplicemente sfiorandole. All'inizio, Adachi viene sopraffatto dal suo potere, salvo scoprire che una tale abilità non gli è affatto utile nella vita. Dopo aver sfiorato accidentalmente il suo bel collega di lavoro Kurosawa, Adachi apprende che l'uomo ha una cotta per nient'altri che lui!
    Yoshiko Okuda
    Series Director Takahiro Kishida
    Character Designer Tomoko Konparu
    Series Composition Yoko Komiya
    Art Designer Takeshi Satou
    Art Direction Kumiko Nakayama
    Color Designer Jun Kubota
    Director of Photography Ryoko Kaneshige
    Editor Yuko Miyamura
    Sound Director Kenji Koyama
    Sound Effects Tomoki Hasegawa
    Original Music Composer Yuu Toyota
    Creator Chiaki Kobayashi
    Kiyoshi Adachi (voice) Ryota Suzuki
    Yuichi Kurosawa (voice) Makoto Furukawa
    Masato Tsuge (voice) Gen Sato
    Minato Wataya (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 1: Episode 1
    30-year-old virgin Kiyoshi Adachi discovers he has the ability to hear people's thoughts when he touches them. It's mostly a daily annoyance, until his powers reveal that his handsome and popular coworker Yuichi Kurosawa only has eyes for him! 1: Episode 1
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 30-year-old virgin Kiyoshi Adachi discovers he has the ability to hear people's thoughts when he touches them. It's mostly a daily annoyance, until his powers reveal that his handsome and popular coworker Yuichi Kurosawa only has eyes for him! In onda il: 2024-01-18 2: Episode 2
    Nessuna trama disponibile 2: Episode 2
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-01-25 3: Episode 3
    Nessuna trama disponibile 3: Episode 3
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-01 4: Episode 4
    Nessuna trama disponibile 4: Episode 4
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-08 5: Episode 5
    Nessuna trama disponibile 5: Episode 5
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-14 6: Episode 6
    Spending time at work with Fujisaki makes Adachi finally come to a decision about his feelings for Kurosawa. Meanwhile, as Tsuge agonizes over his crush on the deliveryman, they run into each other out on the street. 6: Episode 6
    In onda il: 2024-02-14 Spending time at work with Fujisaki makes Adachi finally come to a decision about his feelings for Kurosawa. Meanwhile, as Tsuge agonizes over his crush on the deliveryman, they run into each other out on the street. In onda il: 2024-02-21 7: Episode 7
    Kurosawa and Adachi go out on their first date together, and Adachi tries not to let his nerves get the better of him. 7: Episode 7
    In onda il: 2024-02-21 Kurosawa and Adachi go out on their first date together, and Adachi tries not to let his nerves get the better of him. In onda il: 2024-02-29 8: Episode 8
    Adachi agonizes over whether to tell Kurosawa the truth about his powers, Tsuge accompanies Minato to a club and struggles with feeling out of place, and Kurosawa's jealousy gets the better of him again at a work event. 8: Episode 8
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 Adachi agonizes over whether to tell Kurosawa the truth about his powers, Tsuge accompanies Minato to a club and struggles with feeling out of place, and Kurosawa's jealousy gets the better of him again at a work event. In onda il: 2024-03-07 9: Episode 9
    Tsuge tries to mitigate the awkwardness between Minato and Rokkaku. Adachi gets an offer to transfer to their company's newly-established Nagasaki branch, but worries about moving far away from Kurosawa when they've only just started dating. 9: Episode 9
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 Tsuge tries to mitigate the awkwardness between Minato and Rokkaku. Adachi gets an offer to transfer to their company's newly-established Nagasaki branch, but worries about moving far away from Kurosawa when they've only just started dating. In onda il: 2024-03-14 10: Episode 10
    Adachi tries to figure out how to mend his relationship with Kurosawa. As Minato tries to chase his dream of being a professional dancer, Tsuge does his best to support him. 10: Episode 10
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 Adachi tries to figure out how to mend his relationship with Kurosawa. As Minato tries to chase his dream of being a professional dancer, Tsuge does his best to support him. In onda il: 2024-03-21 11: Episode 11
    "I have to tell him." Adachi writes Kurosawa a letter to lay out his feelings as clearly as he can. Tsuge tries to be content to cheer Minato on from the shadows, but loneliness gets the better of him. 11: Episode 11
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 "I have to tell him." Adachi writes Kurosawa a letter to lay out his feelings as clearly as he can. Tsuge tries to be content to cheer Minato on from the shadows, but loneliness gets the better of him. In onda il: 2024-03-28 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-03-28 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
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