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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Trinity Seven Speciali Episodi 1 Animazione ◦ Commedia In questa commedia romantica, la normale vita di Arata Kasuga viene spazzata via da un bizzarro incidente noto come "Crollo Fenomeno", che causa la distruzione mondiale e porta suo cugino Hijiri Kasuga nell'aldilà. Per risolvere il "fenomeno del crollo" e riportare in vita l'Hijiri, Arata si iscrive alla Royal Biblia Academy. In attesa a scuola ci sono sette bellissime donne utilizzatrici di magia: le Trinity Seven. 小山恭正 Sound Effects Kaoru Nishimura Color Designer 康村諒 Producer Tohru Fujimura Original Music Composer Tomohisa Ishikawa Original Music Composer Youhei Matsui Original Music Composer Rie Kugimiya Theme Song Performance Shinpei Tomooka Character Designer 諏訪彩花 Theme Song Performance 内田彩 Theme Song Performance Kenji Saito Original Series Creator 関一彦 Editor Yōko Hikasa Theme Song Performance 原由実 Theme Song Performance 錦織博 Production Design 森木靖泰 Creature Design Kenji Saito Comic Book Nao Tōyama Theme Song Performance 村川梨衣 Theme Song Performance Megumi Enomoto Director of Photography Kenji Saito Original Story Akinari Nao Original Series Design 洲崎綾 Theme Song Performance ZAQ Theme Song Performance Kinichi Okubo Art Designer Ayane Sakura Theme Song Performance 柚木涼香 Theme Song Performance 吉野弘幸 Series Composition 錦織博 Series Director 岡戸智凱 Prop Designer 吉野弘幸 Scenario Writer Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Arata Kasuga (voice) 原由実 Lilith Asami (voice) Ayane Sakura Levi Kazama (voice) Nao Tōyama Sherlock Lieselotte (voice) Shin'ichirō Miki Gakuenchou Biblia (voice) 村川梨衣 Yui Kurata (voice) Yōko Hikasa Mira Yaman (voice) 内田彩 Arin Kannazuki (voice) 赤﨑千夏 Ilia (voice) 柚木涼香 Akio Fudou (voice) 洲崎綾 Selina Sherlock (voice) 福原綾香 Lugh (voice) 諏訪彩花 Hijiri Kasuga (voice) Rie Kugimiya Sora (voice) Episodi: 1 In onda il: 2015-03-25 1: Trinity Seven and Special Lesson Arata is set to be expelled! The only way to save himself is to be taught more about the magic archives from the Trinity Seven themselves. 1: Trinity Seven and Special Lesson In onda il: 2015-03-25 Arata is set to be expelled! The only way to save himself is to be taught more about the magic archives from the Trinity Seven themselves. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Descrizione Prendi il controllo dei tuoi alter ego in una missione per salvare il multiverso morente in questo platform d'azione roguelite! Esplora mondi oscuri e fantascientifici e affronta combattimenti frenetici, fluidi e precisi. Un viaggio rogue-lite attraverso il multiverso I vari rami del multiverso cambiano continuamente. Combatti in una combinazione di livelli generati proceduralmente, sfide e arene realizzate a mano che metteranno alla prova le tue abilità. I livelli con grafica 3D sono costituiti da centinaia di stanze fatte a mano. Combattimento ad alta intensità Con armi e sistemi di attacco che sfruttano la nostra precedente esperienza di lavoro sui giochi di combattimento. Scivola, scatta e schiva gli attacchi nemici e contrattacca con un arsenale di armi e abilità speciali. Tre personaggi, tre universi da esplorare Ciascuno dei tuoi alter ego ha il proprio mondo con più biomi da esplorare, oltre ai propri set di abilità e armi uniche. Viaggia attraverso un universo di lande desolate e caverne abitate da creature mutanti, fuggi dalle fucine e dai laboratori infiniti di un mondo governato dalle macchine e sopravvivi alle pericolose città celesti di una società postumana. Progressione costante Sblocca potenziamenti permanenti nell'Hub e scopri nuovi punti di partenza per la tua run mentre riconquisti le principali località di ogni universo. Ti ritrovi bloccato in un'area? Inizia la tua prossima run con una modalità diversa! Non importa dove muori o quale punto di partenza scegli, stai facendo progressi da qualche parte. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Trinity.Fusion.v20241114 [ENG]
Trinity Blood (2005) DVDRip x264 AC3 ITA JAP Sub ITA
Lelouch ha pubblicato una discussione in » Anime ITA
Trinity Blood è una serie animata di 24 episodi del 2005, realizzata dal celebre studio Gonzo e pubblicata in Italia in DVD da parte di Yamato Video. Trama Quando la popolazione della Terra aumentò drasticamente, l'umanità tentò di colonizzare Marte. Durante la colonizzazione furono scoperte due tecnologie aliene: le nanomacchine Bacillus e Crusnik. I coloni installarono il Bacillus nei loro corpi, che li trasformò in Methuselah. Invece installarono il Crusnik negli organismi di quattro bambini concepiti in provetta: Seth, Cain, Abel e Lilith i cui corpi rafforzati erano gli unici in grado di sopravvivere alla procedura. Quando i coloni tornarono sulla Terra, scoppiò una guerra tra i Methuselah e gli esseri umani rimasti. Abel, Cain e Seth si schierarono dalla parte dei Methuselah mentre Lilith sostenne la fazione dell'uomo. La continua guerra infine portò all'Armageddon, l'evento apocalittico accaduto 900 anni prima dall'inizio della storia... Titolo Originale Toriniti Buraddo Genere Horror Azione Fantascienza Soprannaturale Regia Tomohiro Hirata Soggetto Atsuhiro Tomioka, Yuuji Hosono Char. design Atsuko Nakajima, THORES Shibamoto Mecha design Shingo Suzuki Musiche Takahito Eguchi Studio Gonzo 1ª TV 28 aprile - 27 ottobre 2005 Episodi 24 (completa) Aspect ratio 16:9 Durata ep. 25 min Editore it. Yamato Video (DVD) Rete it. Man-Ga 1ª TV it. 30 dicembre 2010 - 24 marzo 2011 Episodi it. 24 (completa) Durata ep. it. 25 min Dialoghi it. Ad Libitum Studio dopp. it. Raflesia Dir. dopp. it. Dania Cericola Report [ About file ] Screenshots Download Filestore - Terabytez - Worldbytez https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/41FA08670E.html Per supportare il mio lavoro abbonati o rinnova il premium con i miei referral Referral Filestore Referral Terabytez Referral Worldbytez -
Trinity Blood (2005) BDMux 1080p AC3 ITA AAC JAP Sub ITA
Lelouch ha pubblicato una discussione in » Anime ITA
Trinity Blood è una serie animata di 24 episodi del 2005, realizzata dal celebre studio Gonzo e pubblicata in Italia in DVD da parte di Yamato Video. Trama Quando la popolazione della Terra aumentò drasticamente, l'umanità tentò di colonizzare Marte. Durante la colonizzazione furono scoperte due tecnologie aliene: le nanomacchine Bacillus e Crusnik. I coloni installarono il Bacillus nei loro corpi, che li trasformò in Methuselah. Invece installarono il Crusnik negli organismi di quattro bambini concepiti in provetta: Seth, Cain, Abel e Lilith i cui corpi rafforzati erano gli unici in grado di sopravvivere alla procedura. Quando i coloni tornarono sulla Terra, scoppiò una guerra tra i Methuselah e gli esseri umani rimasti. Abel, Cain e Seth si schierarono dalla parte dei Methuselah mentre Lilith sostenne la fazione dell'uomo. La continua guerra infine portò all'Armageddon, l'evento apocalittico accaduto 900 anni prima dall'inizio della storia... Titolo Originale Toriniti Buraddo Genere Horror Azione Fantascienza Soprannaturale Regia Tomohiro Hirata Soggetto Atsuhiro Tomioka, Yuuji Hosono Char. design Atsuko Nakajima, THORES Shibamoto Mecha design Shingo Suzuki Musiche Takahito Eguchi Studio Gonzo 1ª TV 28 aprile - 27 ottobre 2005 Episodi 24 (completa) Aspect ratio 16:9 Durata ep. 25 min Editore it. Yamato Video (DVD) Rete it. Man-Ga 1ª TV it. 30 dicembre 2010 - 24 marzo 2011 Episodi it. 24 (completa) Durata ep. it. 25 min Dialoghi it. Ad Libitum Studio dopp. it. Raflesia Dir. dopp. it. Dania Cericola Report Screenshots Download Filestore - Terabytez - Worldbytez https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/FEAF25F1DC.html Per supportare il mio lavoro abbonati o rinnova il premium con i miei referral Referral Filestore Referral Terabytez Referral Worldbytez -
Trinity Blood è una serie animata di 24 episodi del 2005, realizzata dal celebre studio Gonzo e pubblicata in Italia in DVD da parte di Yamato Video. Trama Quando la popolazione della Terra aumentò drasticamente, l'umanità tentò di colonizzare Marte. Durante la colonizzazione furono scoperte due tecnologie aliene: le nanomacchine Bacillus e Crusnik. I coloni installarono il Bacillus nei loro corpi, che li trasformò in Methuselah. Invece installarono il Crusnik negli organismi di quattro bambini concepiti in provetta: Seth, Cain, Abel e Lilith i cui corpi rafforzati erano gli unici in grado di sopravvivere alla procedura. Quando i coloni tornarono sulla Terra, scoppiò una guerra tra i Methuselah e gli esseri umani rimasti. Abel, Cain e Seth si schierarono dalla parte dei Methuselah mentre Lilith sostenne la fazione dell'uomo. La continua guerra infine portò all'Armageddon, l'evento apocalittico accaduto 900 anni prima dall'inizio della storia... Titolo Originale Toriniti Buraddo Genere Horror Azione Fantascienza Soprannaturale Regia Tomohiro Hirata Soggetto Atsuhiro Tomioka, Yuuji Hosono Char. design Atsuko Nakajima, THORES Shibamoto Mecha design Shingo Suzuki Musiche Takahito Eguchi Studio Gonzo 1ª TV 28 aprile – 27 ottobre 2005 Episodi 24 (completa) Aspect ratio 16:9 Durata ep. 25 min Editore it. Yamato Video (DVD) Rete it. Man-Ga 1ª TV it. 30 dicembre 2010 – 24 marzo 2011 Episodi it. 24 (completa) Durata ep. it. 25 min Dialoghi it. Ad Libitum Studio dopp. it. Raflesia Dir. dopp. it. Dania Cericola Screenshots Download Filestore - Terabytez - Worldbytez https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/84DEAF0CA4.html Cover https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/038F8130A7.html Per supportare il mio lavoro abbonati o rinnova il premium con i miei referral Referral Filestore Referral Terabytez Referral Worldbytez
Descrizione Trinity Building Editor è un gioco di simulazione autonomo che stiamo realizzando in preparazione di un'uscita più grande in futuro. Il nostro grande progetto principale è Trinity Mysterious System, ma abbiamo deciso che consentire ai giocatori di accedere a un Building Editor complesso e unico da solo sarebbe molto divertente, quindi lo abbiamo reso il nostro primo passo verso l'obiettivo. Trinity Building Editor ti darà una libertà di creazione illimitata. Costruisci case, gioca con l'interior design e il giardinaggio, prova strumenti e meccaniche speciali. Il nostro sistema incentrato sui blocchi consente una varietà estrema di forme e dimensioni di quasi ogni dettaglio della casa: - Combina diverse parti in vari modi per mostrare la tua immaginazione architettonica. Accorcia o allunga, ingrandisci o contrai per cambiare la forma di muri, finestre e altro senza il timore di deformazioni della trama. Anche parti del tetto personalizzate. I tetti non fanno eccezione alla libertà di personalizzazione, tra cui forma, scala e angolazione. Niente è generato al computer, quindi sei in grado di costruire ogni volta una casa diversa e completamente unica. Casa rotonda, triangolare, a zigzag o una creazione contemporanea selvaggia. La tua casa, le tue regole. Esercita la tua immaginazione e divertiti. - Usa angoli diversi per creare stanze con configurazioni insolite, non sei più limitato a 90 gradi. Sono incluse anche opzioni rotonde di pareti e finestre! Altre opzioni saranno aggiunte in seguito. - Progetta l'aspetto di ogni piccola cosa con texture realistiche in una grande varietà di materiali. Puoi cambiare colore, proprietà metalliche, lucentezza e ruvidità di qualsiasi texture disponibile. Ora puoi personalizzare anche l'opacità delle tue finestre e aggiungere qualsiasi motivo per un effetto vetro colorato. - Avrai anche un set di strumenti per trasformare il terreno sul tuo lotto. Include scavare verso il basso, costruire verso l'alto e intorno e persino creare grotte. Ci siamo assicurati di dare un po' più di varietà di possibili forme che puoi anche inventare. Abbellisci il tuo giardino con cespugli, fiori, alberi e diverse decorazioni da giardino. Gioca con le dimensioni e la disposizione della vegetazione. Così tanto da provare! - Poiché il Trinity Building Editor è ambientato su un pianeta diverso, ottieni un set bonus di piante ultraterrene, funghi, pietre e uno scenario insolito e mozzafiato. - A volte è una pacifica nebbia mattutina, una leggera pioggia che cade a dirotto sulle finestre o un'intera tempesta furiosa! Non importa quanto possa essere complicato completare il tuo prossimo capolavoro architettonico, devi giocare con gli ostacoli. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
Ekseption - Trinity (Remastered 2023) (1973) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Ekseption - Trinity (Remastered 2023) (1973) 96-24 Country: Netherlands Genre: Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 47:05 Full Size: 923.21 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqGToL7aihg Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6669ee3c7f4e4 -
Ronnie Atkins (Pretty Maids) - Trinity (2023) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Ronnie Atkins (Pretty Maids) - Trinity (2023) 44.1-24 Country: Denmark Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 53:51 Full Size: 660.27 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS2jJLlFGF4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs0GqQMDrI0 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/65296b2d4c0c1-
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- (2023)
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Descrizione Entra nel mondo di Trinity Trigger, un nuovissimo gioco di ruolo d'azione che combina l'aspetto e l'atmosfera degli iconici giochi di ruolo degli anni '90 con un'enfasi moderna sul combattimento frenetico e personalizzabile. Nei panni di Cyan, un giovane gravato dagli dei con il mantello del Guerriero del Caos e un inevitabile scontro con il Guerriero dell'Ordine, i giocatori partiranno per una grande avventura per sfidare il destino e salvare Trinitia. Cyan e i suoi compagni Elise e Zantis sono accompagnati da strane creature conosciute come Trigger che possono trasformarsi in otto tipi di armi, e i giocatori possono passare liberamente da un personaggio all'altro per implementare una strategia di combattimento in solitaria o allearsi con un massimo di due amici per il locale cooperativa. Insieme, scriveranno un nuovo destino. Padroneggia le armi degli dei Risolvi enigmi e sconfiggi i nemici da solo o con gli amici in cooperativa locale mentre attraversi i sotterranei di ogni Arma, torri realizzate con le armi cadute degli dei. Scopri i misteri di Trinitia Rivela passaggi nascosti esplorando ogni singolo frammento dei diversi biomi di Trinitia. Chatta con i cittadini alla ricerca di indizi per scoprire i segreti gelosamente custoditi custoditi in queste foreste, deserti, campi innevati e altro ancora. Cambia le sorti della battaglia Fai un uso esperto della ruota delle armi in battaglia per cambiare al volo tra otto tipi di armi. Ogni nemico ha una debolezza: trovarla e sfruttarla è la chiave per la vittoria. Un epico gioco di ruolo generazionale Trinity Trigger è stato ispirato dagli iconici giochi di ruolo del passato, ma il suo gameplay accessibile e gratificante incorpora svolazzi moderni per renderlo una nuova entusiasmante avventura per giocatori di tutte le età. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download SKIDROW [ENG]
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Blade: Trinity 2 h 3 m 2004 Azione ◦ Horror ◦ Fantasy Blade questa volta se la deve vedere con Dracula Il cacciatore di vampiri Blade e il suo mentore Whister si mettono sulle tracce del temibile vampiro Drake, dotato di poteri straordinari che gli consentono di affrontare anche la luce del giorno... David S. Goyer Director David S. Goyer Producer David S. Goyer Writer Lynn Harris Producer RZA Original Music Composer Ronnie Yeskel Casting Steven Bernstein Additional Photography Stan Lee Executive Producer Avi Arad Executive Producer Deb Asch Technical Supervisor Skip Lievsay Sound Re-Recording Mixer Laura Jean Shannon Costume Design Ezra Dweck Sound Effects Editor Jim Passon Color Timer Peter Frankfurt Producer Alexandra Altrocchi Visual Effects Producer Vic Armstrong Action Director Howard E. Smith Editor Gabriel Beristain Director of Photography Cale Boyter Executive Producer Wesley Snipes Producer Chris Gorak Production Design Garvin Cross Stunts Eric Fraser Art Direction Toby Emmerich Executive Producer Lisa Love Makeup Artist Erik Holmberg Executive In Charge Of Production Ramin Djawadi Original Music Composer Leon Dudevoir Production Executive Tedd Kuchera Set Decoration Colin Decker Utility Stunts James Bamford Stunts Kimberly Chiang Stunts Jeff Sanca Stunts Todd Scott Stunts Krista Bell Stunts Conrad Smart Editor Aaron Au Stunts Lloyd Adams Stunts Gary Archer Prosthetics Clint Carleton Stunts Rorelee Tio Stunts Everett Burrell Digital Effects Supervisor Hugo Steele Stunts Gerald Paetz Stunts Rick Canelli ADR Recordist Mike Carpenter Stunts Marvin Walowitz Sound Effects Editor Marv Wolfman Characters Darryl Scheelar Stunts Loyd Bateman Stunts Paul M. Wagner Visual Effects Editor Patrick Kalyn Pre-Visualization Supervisor Brad Kelly Stunts Terrance Leigh Stunts Christopher Gordon Stunts Scott J. Ateah Stunts Lennox Brown Stand In Matt Russell Visual Effects Production Assistant Stephen Hunter Flick Sound Effects Editor Chuck Jeffreys Fight Choreographer Patrick Banister Art Direction Brett Armstrong Stunts John Ashker Stunt Driver Eddie Perez Stunt Coordinator Eddie Perez Second Unit Director Doug Chapman Stunts Jeff Miller Production Assistant Gene Colan Characters John Roesch Foley Artist Brian Ho Stunts Jonathan Davidson Production Controller Anji Bemben Key Hair Stylist David Ghegan Electrician George Drakoulias Music Supervisor Nancy Ford Assistant Art Director John Joseph Thomas Sound Effects Editor John Joseph Thomas Foley Supervisor Mike Desabrais Stunts Glenn Ennis Stunts Tom Glass Stunts Sylvesta Stuart Stunts Andrea Kinsky Stunts Michael C. Young Location Manager Clay Donahue Fontenot Stunt Coordinator Ryan Ennis Stunts Ryan Ennis Stunt Coordinator Dave Griffiths Boom Operator Mike Ching Stunts Susan O'Hara Set Costumer Andy Nieman Property Master Piero Mura Sound Effects Editor Trevor Jones Stunt Double Sheila Millar Set Designer Chris Del Conte Visual Effects Producer Desi Ortiz Visual Effects Editor Rory Cutler Special Effects Coordinator Alyson Dee Moore Foley Artist John Beatty Carpenter Greg Baxter Visual Effects Production Manager Steven J. Winslow Camera Technician Diyah Pera Still Photographer Steven McMichael Stunt Double Alex Gibson Music Editor Craig Fikse Steadicam Operator Lucrezia Casta Production Design Jamie Jonasson Set Decoration Sydney Silvert Makeup Artist Danna Rutherford Hairstylist George A. Grieve Production Manager Sara Romilly Post Production Supervisor Yoichi Art Sakamoto Makeup Effects Harlow MacFarlane Makeup Effects Lin-Li-Anne Lee Art Department Coordinator Chris Claridge Construction Coordinator Andrei Andrianko Set Designer Eileen Cunningham Scenic Artist Perry Battista Leadman Vern Lavoie Lead Painter Joe Wilmott Lead Painter Jordu Schell Sculptor Max Chickite Sculptor Aaron Glascock Supervising Sound Editor Aaron Glascock Sound Re-Recording Mixer Curt Schulkey Supervising Sound Editor Kira Roessler Dialogue Editor Joseph B. Conmy IV Visual Effects Producer Vicki Galloway Weimer Visual Effects Producer Meredith Meyer-Nichols Visual Effects Producer John Vegher Visual Effects Supervisor Joe Bauer Visual Effects Supervisor Larry Lam Stunts Larry Lam Stunt Coordinator Mark Chow Camera Operator Marco Ciccone Camera Operator Lou Gruzelier Camera Operator Richard Wilson Camera Operator Steve Koster Aerial Director of Photography Jeff Upton Gaffer Bill Kassis Gaffer Lance Fisher Additional Camera Luisa Dalmagro Set Costumer Lee Sollenberger Set Costumer Faye Sevilla Costume Supervisor Karin Graziani Digital Intermediate Brad Reinke Digital Intermediate Linda Williams Digital Intermediate Editor Tim Abbatoye Transportation Coordinator Mike Sassen Transportation Coordinator Jeannine Dupuy Script Supervisor Julia Frittaion Unit Publicist Tracey Shelley-Lavery Studio Teachers Greg Steele ADR Mixer Danny Braet Lead Animator Scott Nicholson Stunts Rod Newby Rigging Gaffer Chris Cochrane Best Boy Electric Karen Eisenstadt Production Accountant Trevor Jones Stunt Double Dean Choe Stunts Andre Brouwer Truck Costumer Jeremy Oddo Senior Animator Seth Clark Assistant Editor Mary Jo Lang Foley Mixer Rob Meyers Digital Compositors Rob Meyers Digital Supervisor John Lavell Propmaker Art Schaefer Unit Production Manager Art Schaefer Co-Producer Amanda Alexander Script Supervisor Sean Goojha Art Department Production Assistant Bart Fisher Post Production Assistant Mark Edwards Visual Effects Coordinator Robert Milicevic Security Alison Fraser Wardrobe Supervisor Errin Lally Casting Assistant Dawn Climie Costume Set Supervisor Nancy Duggan Assistant Costume Designer Ryan Steacy Armorer Deak Ferrand Matte Painter Herb DeWaal Rigging Grip James Doh Storyboard Artist Darrin Denlinger Storyboard Artist Alex Chiang Stunts Jill Bogdanowicz Digital Intermediate Colorist Matthew Clancy Standby Carpenter Mike Marsten Set Dresser Brian Walsh Production Supervisor Oscar Mitt Assistant Sound Editor TyRuben Ellingson Concept Artist Mark Aisbett Stunts Paul Prokop Executive in Charge of Finance Alan Cohen First Assistant Camera Mark Hensley ADR Mixer Doug Parton Construction Foreman John Dines Generator Operator Mindy Elliott First Assistant Editor John Reynolds Special Effects Best Boy Gary Burritt Negative Cutter Cindy Smith Second Assistant Director Pete Whyte First Assistant Director Rebecca Lee Assistant Makeup Artist Niles Heckman Compositing Supervisor Ray Scalice General Manager Paul Herndon Conceptual Design Lenore Nemani Location Manager Raymond Alley Painter Martin Emond Production Illustrator David Pirrie Standby Painter James L. Hurford Key Grip Grant Hamakawa Grip Miya Dube Set Dressing Artist Miya Dube Set Dresser Barb Foster Chef Lisa Ahlers Craft Service Paul Amenta Driver Vanessa Andrascik Camera Loader Adrian Diepold Key Set Production Assistant Joe Boswell Systems Administrators & Support Tim Fortin Transportation Captain Harley Ware Transportation Co-Captain Caroline Liem Casting Associate Troy James Miller Production Coordinator Lindsay Bucknell Sound Mixer Gregory Arbit 3D Artist Akira Orikasa Animation Supervisor Jeff Varga Visual Effects Rob Gibbs Assistant Chef Rob 'Sluggo' Boyce Stunts Shawn Orr Stunts Scott Morgan Foley Recordist Colby Chartrand Stunts Donna Smith Assistant Property Master Corry Glass Stunts Darren McGuire Stunts Jon Kralt Stunts Mike Cook Stunts Tracy B. Dunlop Set Dresser Natasha Young Script Supervisor Jason Crosby CG Supervisor Thomas J. O'Connell ADR Mixer Sharon Simms Stunts Ocea Ringrose Set Dresser Mark Chin Stunts Gloria O'Brien Stunt Double Joe Doserro Stunts Adam Tayler Special Effects Technician Anthony Alvaro Production Secretary Naan Spiess Sound Assistant Leanne Buchanan Stunt Double Rob Miller Contact Lens Technician Brant Lindroos Set Dresser Guy Miller Set Dresser Rob Wilton Stunts Betty Burkhart Post Production Coordinator Joanne Leach Stunts Ginger Joyce Accountant Leah Hong Graphic Designer Claire Webb Stunts Ryan Carpenter Third Assistant Director Jonathan Jakubec Construction Buyer Dinesh Gill Property Buyer Steve Fox Special Effects Assistant Dennis Skog Best Boy Grip Martin Udo Haas Dolly Grip Heidi Buecking Second Assistant Camera Sarah Done Assistant Location Manager Mark Dumas Animal Coordinator Denise Love Assistant Production Coordinator Sylvia Jang First Assistant Accountant Jason Fischer First Assistant Production Coordinator Derry Frost Head of Production Howard Blank Technical Advisor Curt Bonn Stunts Don Lew Stunts Janina Dall Stunts Caroline Field Stunts Yuka Kobayashi Stunts Paul Goodwin Set Dresser Colin Meacham Set Dresser Clint Cadinha Fight Choreographer Ryan Schroeder Stunts Ruby J. Munro Script Supervisor Wesley Snipes Eric Brooks / Blade Jessica Biel Abigail Whistler Ryan Reynolds Hannibal King Kris Kristofferson Abraham Whistler Dominic Purcell Dracula / Drake Parker Posey Danica Talos Natasha Lyonne Sommerfield James Remar Ray Cumberland John Michael Higgins Dr. Edgar Vance Patton Oswalt Hedges Callum Keith Rennie Asher Talos Paul Michael Lévesque Jarko Grimwood Françoise Yip Virago Mark Berry Chief Martin Vreede Paul Anthony Wolfe Michael Anthony Rawlins Wilson Hale Ginger Broatch Zoe Eric Bogosian Bentley Tittle Erica Cerra Goth Vixen Wannabe Clay Cullen Stone Shannon Powell Woman Bystander Birkett Turton Dingo Brian Steele Drake Creature (uncredited) Christopher Heyerdahl Caulder Blade Trinity trailer ita ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Gekijouban Trinity Seven: Heavens Library to Crimson Lord (2019) Sub ITA Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Trinity Seven: Heavens Library and Crimson Lord 1 h 1 m 2019 Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Fantasy ◦ Commedia Arata Kasuga è un Candidato Signore dei Demoni che possiede il "Gene del Signore dei Demoni", che si dice distruggerà il mondo. Lui, insieme a Lilith Asami, indaga su una fine certa. All'improvviso, un'accecante luce scende dal cielo. Un uomo misterioso con un cappuccio, che somiglia molto ad Arata, fa la sua comparsa. L'uomo ha riacquistato il suo potere da Signore dei Demoni e ora progetta di distruggere il mondo. Rivela ad Arata una scioccante verità... Lilith è la figlia del più potente Signore dei Demoni! Un Candidato Signore dei Demoni contro il più potente dei Signori dei Demoni. Arata si accinge a fronteggiare il più grande pericolo mai visto nella storia di Trinity Seven... Kaoru Nishimura Color Designer Akinari Nao Original Series Design Kenji Saito Original Series Creator Mami Goto Director of Photography えびなやすのり Sound Director ZAQ Theme Song Performance 関一彦 Editor Kenji Saito Original Story Shinpei Tomooka Character Designer Kenji Saito Comic Book Megumi Yamamoto Art Direction Naoto Yamaguchi 3D Animator Koji Kawashima 3D Animator 飯村真一 Key Animation 中島竜生 Key Animation 錦織博 Director Kenji Saito Screenplay 内田彩 Kanazuki Arin (voice) Ayane Sakura Kazama Levy (voice) 原由実 Asami Lilith (voice) 柚木涼香 Fudou Akio (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Kasuga Arata (voice) 村川梨衣 Kurata Yui (voice) Nao Tōyama Lieselotte Sherlock (voice) Yōko Hikasa Yamana Mira (voice) Tomoaki Maeno Abyss Trinity (voice) Shin'ichirō Miki Biblia Gakuenchou (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Gekijouban Trinity Seven -Yuukyuu Toshokan to Renkinjutsu Shoujo-
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Trinity Seven Movie: Eternity Library to Alchemic Girl 0 h 55 m 2017 Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Commedia ◦ Fantasy ◦ Romance Dopo aver inavvertitamente toccato il Grimoire di Lilith, Hermes Apocrypha, Arata viene avvolta da una luce bianca ed una ragazza compare davanti ai suoi occhi. La ragazza dice di chiamarsi Lilim, e tratta Arata e Lilith come fossero suoi parenti; nel frattempo, la Libreria Eterna si risveglia, liberando il White Demon Lord, culmine finale dell'alchimia lì imprigionato. Lo scopo del White Demon Lord è quello di eliminare Arata e le Trinity Seven e diventare il Demon Lord. L'attacco del White Demon Lord scatena una crisi in grado di distruggere il mondo, se Arata e le Trinity Seven non riusciranno a sconfiggerlo. 小平麻紀 Storyboard Artist Shinpei Tomooka Storyboard Artist 錦織博 Storyboard Artist ZAQ Theme Song Performance Kenji Saito Original Story えびなやすのり Sound Director 関一彦 Editor Takuji Jizomoto Art Designer Kenji Saito Comic Book Kinichi Okubo Art Direction Shinpei Tomooka Character Designer Kenji Saito Screenplay Kenji Saito Original Series Creator Kaoru Nishimura Color Designer Akinari Nao Original Series Design 粟井重紀 Key Animation Eiichi Tokura Key Animation 飯塚葉子 Key Animation 岸祐弥 Key Animation 和田弓枝 Key Animation 小野寺博文 Key Animation 小林ゆかり Key Animation 雨宮英雄 Key Animation Takuo Tominaga Key Animation 津熊健徳 Key Animation 大森英敏 Key Animation 梶山亜里沙 Key Animation Hidenori Miyahara Key Animation 岡戸智凱 Prop Designer 錦織博 Director 森木靖泰 Creature Design Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Arata Kasuga (voice) 原由実 Lilith Asami (voice) 日高里菜 Lilim (voice) Nobunaga Shimazaki Last Trinity (voice) Mao Ichimichi Anastasia L (voice) 柚木涼香 Akio Fudou (voice) 内田彩 Arin Kannazuki (voice) Ayane Sakura Levi Kazama (voice) 村川梨衣 Yui Kurata (voice) Nao Tōyama Sherlock Lieselotte (voice) Yōko Hikasa Mira Yaman (voice) Shin'ichirō Miki Gakuenchou Biblia (voice) 赤﨑千夏 Ilia (voice) Rie Kugimiya Sora (voice) 南條愛乃 Master Akarsha (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Trinity Seven: 7-Nin no Mahoutsukai [12/12] (2014) Sub Ita Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Trinity Seven Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Commedia In questa commedia romantica, la normale vita di Arata Kasuga viene spazzata via da un bizzarro incidente noto come "Crollo Fenomeno", che causa la distruzione mondiale e porta suo cugino Hijiri Kasuga nell'aldilà. Per risolvere il "fenomeno del crollo" e riportare in vita l'Hijiri, Arata si iscrive alla Royal Biblia Academy. In attesa a scuola ci sono sette bellissime donne utilizzatrici di magia: le Trinity Seven. 小山恭正 Sound Effects Kaoru Nishimura Color Designer 康村諒 Producer Tohru Fujimura Original Music Composer Tomohisa Ishikawa Original Music Composer Youhei Matsui Original Music Composer Rie Kugimiya Theme Song Performance Shinpei Tomooka Character Designer 諏訪彩花 Theme Song Performance 内田彩 Theme Song Performance Kenji Saito Original Series Creator 関一彦 Editor Yōko Hikasa Theme Song Performance 原由実 Theme Song Performance 錦織博 Production Design 森木靖泰 Creature Design Kenji Saito Comic Book Nao Tōyama Theme Song Performance 村川梨衣 Theme Song Performance Megumi Enomoto Director of Photography Kenji Saito Original Story Akinari Nao Original Series Design 洲崎綾 Theme Song Performance ZAQ Theme Song Performance Kinichi Okubo Art Designer Ayane Sakura Theme Song Performance 柚木涼香 Theme Song Performance 吉野弘幸 Series Composition 錦織博 Series Director 岡戸智凱 Prop Designer 吉野弘幸 Scenario Writer Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Arata Kasuga (voice) 原由実 Lilith Asami (voice) Ayane Sakura Levi Kazama (voice) Nao Tōyama Sherlock Lieselotte (voice) Shin'ichirō Miki Gakuenchou Biblia (voice) 村川梨衣 Yui Kurata (voice) Yōko Hikasa Mira Yaman (voice) 内田彩 Arin Kannazuki (voice) 赤﨑千夏 Ilia (voice) 柚木涼香 Akio Fudou (voice) 洲崎綾 Selina Sherlock (voice) 福原綾香 Lugh (voice) 諏訪彩花 Hijiri Kasuga (voice) Rie Kugimiya Sora (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2014-10-08 1: Administer and Third Selection Arata Kasuga, a high school student, is being targeted by a girl with humongous boobs. In exchange for his life, Lilith says that she can erase his memories, but he chooses the third option. As a result, he ends up at a magic school, but why is there a naked girl in the men's bath? 1: Administer and Third Selection In onda il: 2014-10-08 Arata Kasuga, a high school student, is being targeted by a girl with humongous boobs. In exchange for his life, Lilith says that she can erase his memories, but he chooses the third option. As a result, he ends up at a magic school, but why is there a naked girl in the men's bath? In onda il: 2014-10-15 2: Prison Lock and Grimoire Security In order to become a mage, you need a research theme which archives one of the seven deadly sins. While thinking about what his theme will be, Arata and 3 others are locked in a barrier, with no exit to be found. But then Lilith and the others find themselves needing to use the restroom... Good luck, girls! 2: Prison Lock and Grimoire Security In onda il: 2014-10-15 In order to become a mage, you need a research theme which archives one of the seven deadly sins. While thinking about what his theme will be, Arata and 3 others are locked in a barrier, with no exit to be found. But then Lilith and the others find themselves needing to use the restroom... Good luck, girls! In onda il: 2014-10-22 3: Magus and Alchemist It's summer. The gang's on a southern island, and there's cute girls in swimsuits abound. Arata's cooking yakisoba for some reason, but these things happen. The quartermaster is repairing the school that Arata destroyed in his collapse phenomenon. The girls enjoy a mixed-gender bath, and the demon lord candidate decides on a theme--control. 3: Magus and Alchemist In onda il: 2014-10-22 It's summer. The gang's on a southern island, and there's cute girls in swimsuits abound. Arata's cooking yakisoba for some reason, but these things happen. The quartermaster is repairing the school that Arata destroyed in his collapse phenomenon. The girls enjoy a mixed-gender bath, and the demon lord candidate decides on a theme--control. In onda il: 2014-10-29 4: Labyrinth and Magic Gunner A power leaks from underneath the school, Arata and the gang head down into the labyrinth to protect the school from the collapse phenomenon. 4: Labyrinth and Magic Gunner In onda il: 2014-10-29 A power leaks from underneath the school, Arata and the gang head down into the labyrinth to protect the school from the collapse phenomenon. In onda il: 2014-11-05 5: Dream World and Sub-Administer The girls are running in their exercise outfits, with the boobs swaying to and fro. Arata's heart races. Everyone's having great time, and then a ghost appears in the library. Arata and the gang go to check it out, and are forcefully transported to the "Eternal Library". There they find the lost Trinity Seven! 5: Dream World and Sub-Administer In onda il: 2014-11-05 The girls are running in their exercise outfits, with the boobs swaying to and fro. Arata's heart races. Everyone's having great time, and then a ghost appears in the library. Arata and the gang go to check it out, and are forcefully transported to the "Eternal Library". There they find the lost Trinity Seven! In onda il: 2014-11-12 6: Dark Mage and Big Event Liese, the last Trinity Seven, appears in the Eternal Library bearing a demon lord seal, making her a demon lord candidate, as well. She tries to entice Arata to join the evil mage side to help save Hijiri, and kisses Arata while he's unsure what to do. Arata has his magic stolen from him, and Liese decides to attack the school. 6: Dark Mage and Big Event In onda il: 2014-11-12 Liese, the last Trinity Seven, appears in the Eternal Library bearing a demon lord seal, making her a demon lord candidate, as well. She tries to entice Arata to join the evil mage side to help save Hijiri, and kisses Arata while he's unsure what to do. Arata has his magic stolen from him, and Liese decides to attack the school. In onda il: 2014-11-19 7: Lost Technica and Problem Solving The headmaster's grimoire, Solomon's Gate, has activated. Even high level mages go crazy if they stare at it too long. Liese escapes battle with the headmaster, and attacks Arata and the others, where she uses her ultimate secret technique, Final Crest. And then, the school in the West falls when Liese freezes time... 7: Lost Technica and Problem Solving In onda il: 2014-11-19 The headmaster's grimoire, Solomon's Gate, has activated. Even high level mages go crazy if they stare at it too long. Liese escapes battle with the headmaster, and attacks Arata and the others, where she uses her ultimate secret technique, Final Crest. And then, the school in the West falls when Liese freezes time... In onda il: 2014-11-26 8: Study and Holiday Arata is appointed to be the second in charge for the censorship committee. The whole gang is transported to the destroyed Royal Liber Magic Academy, and there he finds his long lost cousin, but... 8: Study and Holiday In onda il: 2014-11-26 Arata is appointed to be the second in charge for the censorship committee. The whole gang is transported to the destroyed Royal Liber Magic Academy, and there he finds his long lost cousin, but... In onda il: 2014-12-02 9: Bible Battle and Sweet Memory Arata and the others appear in a world floating in a rift in the sea of parallel dimensions. Monsters attack. The legendary grimoire, "Fragments of the Iliad" challenges them to a fight. An evil power awakes in Arata due to his anger when the Astil Codex are sealed... 9: Bible Battle and Sweet Memory In onda il: 2014-12-02 Arata and the others appear in a world floating in a rift in the sea of parallel dimensions. Monsters attack. The legendary grimoire, "Fragments of the Iliad" challenges them to a fight. An evil power awakes in Arata due to his anger when the Astil Codex are sealed... In onda il: 2014-12-09 10: Game Master and Satan Slave The ultimate demon lord, Astral Trinity, shows up in the form of Arata with a grotesque new appearance. Hijiri appears as well, and the others discover that she is a high-level mage whose goal is to kill Arata and destroy the school. 10: Game Master and Satan Slave In onda il: 2014-12-09 The ultimate demon lord, Astral Trinity, shows up in the form of Arata with a grotesque new appearance. Hijiri appears as well, and the others discover that she is a high-level mage whose goal is to kill Arata and destroy the school. In onda il: 2014-12-16 11: Fianna Knights and Sisters Lugh attacks the school while Arata and Mira are being held far away. Yui evacuates everyone in the school into her dream to protect them, and Levi sets out to fight alone. But Lugh is a demon lord candidate who has obtained a demon lord element. 11: Fianna Knights and Sisters In onda il: 2014-12-16 Lugh attacks the school while Arata and Mira are being held far away. Yui evacuates everyone in the school into her dream to protect them, and Levi sets out to fight alone. But Lugh is a demon lord candidate who has obtained a demon lord element. In onda il: 2014-12-23 12: Criminal Girl and His World It's the last episode, and Hijiri and Arata have their final showdown. Lugh joins in the fight, along with the Trinity Seven--Lilith, Levi, Arin, Mira, Akio, Yui, and Liese. Why is she attacking Arata? And what secret does Arata hold? 12: Criminal Girl and His World In onda il: 2014-12-23 It's the last episode, and Hijiri and Arata have their final showdown. Lugh joins in the fight, along with the Trinity Seven--Lilith, Levi, Arin, Mira, Akio, Yui, and Liese. Why is she attacking Arata? And what secret does Arata hold? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Kill II This - Trinity (2001) Artist: Kill II This Album: Trinity Released: 2001 Style: Hard Rock Format: MP3 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01 Art. Emotion. Religion 02 Figure Of Eight 03 God On Drugs 04 This Is The News 05 2 Tribes (Frankie Goes to Hollywood cover) 06 Spiritual Darkness 07 The Way Of All Flesh 08 Trinity 09 Heal The Separation 10 Guided By Voices DOWNLOAD LINK http://uploadboy.me/225kcom7azzk.html
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Trinity Blood Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Quando la popolazione della Terra aumentò drasticamente, l'umanità tentò di colonizzare Marte. Durante la colonizzazione furono scoperte due tecnologie aliene: le nanomacchine Bacillus e Crusnik. I coloni installarono il Bacillus nei loro corpi, che li trasformò in Methuselah. Invece installarono il Crusnik negli organismi di quattro bambini concepiti in provetta: Seth, Cain, Abel e Lilith i cui corpi rafforzati erano gli unici in grado di sopravvivere alla procedura. Quando i coloni tornarono sulla Terra, scoppiò una guerra tra i Methuselah e gli esseri umani rimasti. Abel, Cain e Seth si schierarono dalla parte dei Methuselah mentre Lilith sostenne la fazione dell'uomo. La continua guerra infine portò all'Armageddon, l'evento apocalittico accaduto 900 anni prima dall'inizio della storia. Durante la guerra, Cain impazzì e uccise Lilith. Afflitto dal dolore, Abel portò il suo corpo in Vaticano, dove fu sepolta e dove lui rimase al suo fianco piangendo per 900 anni. All'inizio della storia, i vampirici Methuselah, essendo ancora una grande forza politica e militare, continuano a fare la guerra contro i "Terran", come chiamano i normali esseri umani. La Santa Romana Chiesa, invece, è anch'essa una grande potenza militare ed è decisa a proteggere gli esseri umani dai Methuselah, con la sua sede di potere situata nel Vaticano. Inoltre i Methuselah hanno la loro capitale a Bisanzio, che è circondata da un campo di particelle che filtrano i raggi ultravioletti per proteggere la loro popolazione. Entrambi i gruppi utilizzano le "tecnologie perdute", come aeronavi, missili e computer, per intraprendere una guerra fredda l'uno contro l'altro. Una terza grande potenza, Albion, svolge un ruolo nella guerra con il suo arsenale superiore di tecnologia perduta, armi e maggiore capacità manifatturiera rispetto al Vaticano. La monarchia indipendente di Albion è un paese essenzialmente umano, ma il segreto della loro esperienza nella tecnologia perduta si trova nel Ghetto, una città sotterranea di schiavi Methuselah. Sono questi Methuselah che gestiscono e realizzano la tecnologia perduta, ma con la morte della regina di Albion, alcuni dei vampiri schiavi hanno iniziato una ribellione per la libertà di tutti i residenti del Ghetto. Jin Aketagawa Sound Director Toshiyuki Tokuda Art Direction Kojiro Hayashi Director of Photography Masaru Yanaka Background Designer Tomohiro Hirata Series Composition Kiyoshi Hirose Editor Atsuko Nakajima Character Designer Shingo Suzuki Mechanical Designer Thores Shibamoto Character Designer Atsuhiro Tomioka Series Composition Atsushi Sakurai Lyricist Makoto Kobayashi Production Design Takahito Eguchi Original Music Composer Tomohiro Hirata Series Director Hiroki Touchi Abel Nightroad (voice) Mamiko Noto Esther Blanchett (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2005-04-29 1: Flight Night The airship Tristan is hijacked by a member of the Fleurs du Mal who demands the release of his comrades held in Vatican captivity. But one passenger stands in his way - Abel Nightroad. 1: Flight Night In onda il: 2005-04-29 The airship Tristan is hijacked by a member of the Fleurs du Mal who demands the release of his comrades held in Vatican captivity. But one passenger stands in his way - Abel Nightroad. In onda il: 2005-05-06 2: Witch Hunt Abel encounters a girl with abilities both strange and deadly. When she attempts to flee, Abel must turn against his own in order to save her life. 2: Witch Hunt In onda il: 2005-05-06 Abel encounters a girl with abilities both strange and deadly. When she attempts to flee, Abel must turn against his own in order to save her life. In onda il: 2005-05-13 3: The Star of Sorrow I. City of Blood Abel's search for the "star" has tangled him in the web of war. Sister Esther seeks vengeance for the death of her mentor and has gone to great lengths in her quest to eliminate the one ultimately responsible. 3: The Star of Sorrow I. City of Blood In onda il: 2005-05-13 Abel's search for the "star" has tangled him in the web of war. Sister Esther seeks vengeance for the death of her mentor and has gone to great lengths in her quest to eliminate the one ultimately responsible. In onda il: 2005-05-20 4: The Star of Sorrow II. Hunter's Banquet The Rosen Kreuz has surfaced again. Fueling the personal revenge of others for their own evil ends, the nefarious order could plunge both races back into the dark days of Armageddon. 4: The Star of Sorrow II. Hunter's Banquet In onda il: 2005-05-20 The Rosen Kreuz has surfaced again. Fueling the personal revenge of others for their own evil ends, the nefarious order could plunge both races back into the dark days of Armageddon. In onda il: 2005-05-26 5: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow After returning to Rome and joining AX, Sister Esther encounters a crying boy on the vast grounds. Following her attempts at comforting him, she learns that he is none other than Pope Alessandro. 5: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow In onda il: 2005-05-26 After returning to Rome and joining AX, Sister Esther encounters a crying boy on the vast grounds. Following her attempts at comforting him, she learns that he is none other than Pope Alessandro. In onda il: 2005-06-10 6: Sword Dancer The murder of clergy in Amsterdam, their bodies drained of blood, draws Lady Caterina's attention. The local vampires, fearing Vatican retribution, seek out those responsible as Father Hugue investigates. 6: Sword Dancer In onda il: 2005-06-10 The murder of clergy in Amsterdam, their bodies drained of blood, draws Lady Caterina's attention. The local vampires, fearing Vatican retribution, seek out those responsible as Father Hugue investigates. In onda il: 2005-06-17 7: Never Land A string of freighter attacks seems to be the work of unusual vampiric faeries. On an island meant to be a retreat for the orphaned, Abel and former AX agent Leon investigate the mystery. 7: Never Land In onda il: 2005-06-17 A string of freighter attacks seems to be the work of unusual vampiric faeries. On an island meant to be a retreat for the orphaned, Abel and former AX agent Leon investigate the mystery. In onda il: 2005-06-24 8: Silent Noise Abel and Sister Noelle travel to Barcelona to sift through the ruins of the collapsed National Palace. True feelings surface against such a beautiful backdrop - but so does the face of the enemy. 8: Silent Noise In onda il: 2005-06-24 Abel and Sister Noelle travel to Barcelona to sift through the ruins of the collapsed National Palace. True feelings surface against such a beautiful backdrop - but so does the face of the enemy. In onda il: 2005-07-01 9: Overcount I. The Belfry of Downfall AX scrambles to prevent Rosen Kreuz from destroying Rome with the Silent Noise device, but they may have to act without Abel. Driven by despair, Abel considers turning in his gun. 9: Overcount I. The Belfry of Downfall In onda il: 2005-07-01 AX scrambles to prevent Rosen Kreuz from destroying Rome with the Silent Noise device, but they may have to act without Abel. Driven by despair, Abel considers turning in his gun. In onda il: 2005-07-08 10: Overcount II. Lucifer's Choice Under house arrest, Lady Caterina finds herself face to face with a manipulative enemy. Abel's efforts to save her result in an encounter with a dangerous new foe. 10: Overcount II. Lucifer's Choice In onda il: 2005-07-08 Under house arrest, Lady Caterina finds herself face to face with a manipulative enemy. Abel's efforts to save her result in an encounter with a dangerous new foe. In onda il: 2005-07-15 11: From the Empire To hunt a mass murderer in Venice, Nightroad works with Asta, who holds a great deal of contempt for all things human. 11: From the Empire In onda il: 2005-07-15 To hunt a mass murderer in Venice, Nightroad works with Asta, who holds a great deal of contempt for all things human. In onda il: 2005-07-22 12: The Ibelis I. Evening Visitors Whispers of an assassination attempt on the Lady Caterina turn agents of the Vatican against each other. Abel seeks a safe path through the hostilities harbored by both sides, and Esther must be the guide. 12: The Ibelis I. Evening Visitors In onda il: 2005-07-22 Whispers of an assassination attempt on the Lady Caterina turn agents of the Vatican against each other. Abel seeks a safe path through the hostilities harbored by both sides, and Esther must be the guide. In onda il: 2005-07-29 13: The Ibelis II. Betrayal Blaze Abel and Esther must protect the messenger from the Empire, Ion Fortuna. And as Cartago undergoes martial law, hope rests on the small group of refugees, alone and outnumbered, forced underground. 13: The Ibelis II. Betrayal Blaze In onda il: 2005-07-29 Abel and Esther must protect the messenger from the Empire, Ion Fortuna. And as Cartago undergoes martial law, hope rests on the small group of refugees, alone and outnumbered, forced underground. In onda il: 2005-08-05 14: The Ibelis III. A Mark of Sinner As the Puppet Master, a face from Esther's past, creates chaos, the Rosen Kreuz formulates a murderous plan to inflame the hatred between the two races. 14: The Ibelis III. A Mark of Sinner In onda il: 2005-08-05 As the Puppet Master, a face from Esther's past, creates chaos, the Rosen Kreuz formulates a murderous plan to inflame the hatred between the two races. In onda il: 2005-08-12 15: The Night Lords I. Return of the Envoy The Puppet Master has turned Ion's childhood home into a carnival of carnage, and with the young vampire blamed for the atrocities, Abel must seek help from the only other vampire he's ever let live. 15: The Night Lords I. Return of the Envoy In onda il: 2005-08-12 The Puppet Master has turned Ion's childhood home into a carnival of carnage, and with the young vampire blamed for the atrocities, Abel must seek help from the only other vampire he's ever let live. In onda il: 2005-08-19 16: The Night Lords II. Twilight of the Capital Abel and Asta plan to plead Ion's case to the Imperial Council, and Ion and Esther search the city for answers. But when their trail leads to further intrigue, betrayal comes from beyond the grave. 16: The Night Lords II. Twilight of the Capital In onda il: 2005-08-19 Abel and Asta plan to plead Ion's case to the Imperial Council, and Ion and Esther search the city for answers. But when their trail leads to further intrigue, betrayal comes from beyond the grave. In onda il: 2005-08-26 17: The Night Lords III. The Island of Her Darling Children While Esther recovers from her injuries with the help of the enigmatic child Seth, Ion is stunned to find himself face to face with Radu. 17: The Night Lords III. The Island of Her Darling Children In onda il: 2005-08-26 While Esther recovers from her injuries with the help of the enigmatic child Seth, Ion is stunned to find himself face to face with Radu. In onda il: 2005-09-16 18: The Night Lords IV. The Palace of Jade Ion and Esther find themselves unwitting pawns in an elaborate plot to murder the Empress. As treachery emerges from shadow, so does a ghost from Ester's past. 18: The Night Lords IV. The Palace of Jade In onda il: 2005-09-16 Ion and Esther find themselves unwitting pawns in an elaborate plot to murder the Empress. As treachery emerges from shadow, so does a ghost from Ester's past. In onda il: 2005-09-23 19: The Night Lords V. A Start of Pilgrimage Esther and Ion are freed from prison, and the true identity of the Empress is revealed. When she joins Abel in battle against Dietrich, secrets of the past come to light. 19: The Night Lords V. A Start of Pilgrimage In onda il: 2005-09-23 Esther and Ion are freed from prison, and the true identity of the Empress is revealed. When she joins Abel in battle against Dietrich, secrets of the past come to light. In onda il: 2005-09-30 20: The Throne of Roses I. Kingdom of the North While in Londinium for the Queen of Albion's funeral, Esther and Pope Alessandro are taken hostage by vampires. The AX must rescue them before Cardinal Medici makes a martyr of the Pope. 20: The Throne of Roses I. Kingdom of the North In onda il: 2005-09-30 While in Londinium for the Queen of Albion's funeral, Esther and Pope Alessandro are taken hostage by vampires. The AX must rescue them before Cardinal Medici makes a martyr of the Pope. In onda il: 2005-10-07 21: The Throne of Roses II. The Refuge The AX, the Inquisitorial Department, and the rebel terrorists each race to find Pope Alessandro first. Meanwhile, the Rosen Kreuz prepares to exploit the crisis for its own sinister purpose. 21: The Throne of Roses II. The Refuge In onda il: 2005-10-07 The AX, the Inquisitorial Department, and the rebel terrorists each race to find Pope Alessandro first. Meanwhile, the Rosen Kreuz prepares to exploit the crisis for its own sinister purpose. In onda il: 2005-10-14 22: The Throne of Roses III. Lord of Abyss Rosen Kreuz soldiers slaughter the underground populace, while Petro battles to guide the Pope to safety. Abel's confrontation with Dietrich leads to a foe of even greater power. 22: The Throne of Roses III. Lord of Abyss In onda il: 2005-10-14 Rosen Kreuz soldiers slaughter the underground populace, while Petro battles to guide the Pope to safety. Abel's confrontation with Dietrich leads to a foe of even greater power. In onda il: 2005-10-21 23: The Crown of Thorns I. City in the Mist Cain and Isaak Fernand von Kampfer begin the first phase of their quest to destroy the people of the world, both human and vampire. Meanwhile, a startling revelation awaits Esther, one that will forever reshape her destiny. 23: The Crown of Thorns I. City in the Mist In onda il: 2005-10-21 Cain and Isaak Fernand von Kampfer begin the first phase of their quest to destroy the people of the world, both human and vampire. Meanwhile, a startling revelation awaits Esther, one that will forever reshape her destiny. In onda il: 2005-10-28 24: The Crown of Thorns II. The Lord of Oath Allies and enemies, both human and vampire, work together against the enemy of the world - the Contra Mundi. Resurrected from the grave, not even death can keep Abel Nightroad from his fate. 24: The Crown of Thorns II. The Lord of Oath In onda il: 2005-10-28 Allies and enemies, both human and vampire, work together against the enemy of the world - the Contra Mundi. Resurrected from the grave, not even death can keep Abel Nightroad from his fate. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e