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  1. Civiltà perduta (2017) Streaming  

    Avventura - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Civiltà perduta
    2 h 21 m    2017        
    Avventura ◦ Dramma ◦ Storia
    Il militare Percy Fawcett nella Gran Bretagna dell'inizio del secolo scorso ha davanti a sé scarse possibilità di avanzare di grado. Accetta quindi la proposta della Royal Society di recarsi in Amazzonia, ai confini tra Brasile e Bolivia, per mappare un territorio sino a quel momento privo di definizioni cartografiche. Fawcett lascia la moglie per una missione che dovrebbe durare due anni. Rimane però così affascinato dalla foresta amazzonica da decidere di tornarvi alla ricerca di una città nascosta di cui è convinto di aver trovato significative tracce.
    Brad Pitt
    Executive Producer Sonia Grande
    Costume Design Darius Khondji
    Director of Photography Mark Huffam
    Executive Producer Emilia Roux
    Art Direction Jean-Vincent Puzos
    Production Design Dede Gardner
    Producer James Gray
    Screenplay James Gray
    Director James Gray
    Producer Marc Butan
    Executive Producer John Axelrad
    Editor Randall Poster
    Music Supervisor Alex Boyd
    Production Manager Anthony Katagas
    Producer Anthony Katagas
    Unit Production Manager Nana Fischer
    Hair Designer Nana Fischer
    Makeup Designer Jeremy Kleiner
    Producer Felipe Aljure
    Executive Producer George Drakoulias
    Music Supervisor Naomi Moore
    Set Decoration Lew Horwitz
    Executive Producer Luca Borghese
    Associate Producer Nigel Pollock
    Art Direction Heather Greenlees
    Art Direction Morag Cameron
    Script Supervisor Fiona Gavin
    Art Direction Adam Dale
    Aerial Director of Photography Ray Marston
    Wigmaker Paul Carter
    Property Master Aidan Elliott
    Co-Producer Aidan Monaghan
    Still Photographer Regina Calvo
    Costume Supervisor David Grann
    Novel Michael Ilitch Jr.
    Executive Producer Kate Ringsell
    Casting Maria Andrea Rangel
    Set Decoration Gabriella Loria
    Assistant Costume Designer Wanda Morales
    Assistant Costume Designer Lee Haugen
    Editor Vanessa Baker
    ADR Voice Casting Juan Pablo Rincón
    Local Casting John Merry
    Art Direction Geri Doherty
    Set Costumer Aidan Bradley
    Hairstylist Dale Armin Johnson
    Producer Julie B. May
    Executive Producer Glenn Murray
    Executive Producer Doug Torres
    Co-Producer Doug Torres
    First Assistant Director Peter N. Brown
    Construction Manager Carla Stronge
    Casting Christopher Spelman
    Music César Montoya
    Art Direction Julie Lillis
    Art Department Coordinator Archie Campbell-Baldwin
    Draughtsman Catriona Dickie
    Casting Assistant Teddy Blanks
    Title Designer Claire Leese
    Costume Coordinator Cathy Prior
    Key Costumer Manuela Galvez
    Set Costumer Giselle Guevara
    Set Costumer Margaret Pescott
    Tailor Sandra O'Brien
    Hairstylist Juanita Santamaria
    Key Makeup Artist Sarah Hood
    Second Assistant Director James Smith
    Unit Production Manager Scott Morris
    First Assistant Editor Nora Takacs Ekberg
    Art Direction Philip Stephanou
    Second Assistant Director Florence Ortiz
    Second Assistant Director Emily Austin Griswold
    VFX Artist Charlie Hunnam
    Percival Fawcett Robert Pattinson
    Henry Costin Sienna Miller
    Nina Fawcett Tom Holland
    Jack Fawcett Angus Macfadyen
    James Murray Edward Ashley
    Arthur Manley Clive Francis
    Sir John Scott Keltie Ian McDiarmid
    Sir George Goldie Franco Nero
    Baron de Gondoriz Matthew Sunderland
    Dan Johann Myers
    Willis Daniel Huttlestone
    Brian Fawcett (15 Yr Old) Harry Melling
    William Barclay Pedro Coello
    Tadjui Aleksandar Jovanović
    Urquhart Yelena Solovey
    Madame Kumel Bobby Smalldridge
    Jack Fawcett (7 Yr Old) Tom Mulheron
    Jack Fawcett (3 Yr Old) Nathaniel Bates Fisher
    Brian Fawcett (7 Yr Old) Murray Melvin
    Lord James Bernard Michael Jenn
    Brigd-General Sidney Thornton Michael Ford-FitzGerald
    Hunt Leader Frank Clem
    Texas Gunman Bethan Coomber
    Joan Fawcett (7 Yr Old) David Calder
    Secretary Bryce Stacy Shane
    American Reporter Pat Mooney
    Random Scientist 3 Colin Carnegie
    Random Scientist 2 Anthony Boyle
    Trench Runner Neil Bromley
    Reporter 3 Bill Hurst
    Reporter 1 Richard Croxford
    Officer Thomas Busby Louise Parker
    Random Woman Jose Pereira
    Chief Guarayo Gustavo Duque
    Crew Member Fernando Vigui
    Diminutive Latino Man Nicholas Agnew
    John Coundley Robert Fawsitt
    Random Man at Port Patrick McBrearty
    Whipping Officer Gary Crossan
    Waiter @ Savage Club Niall Cusack
    Random Scientist Nick Sampson
    Doctor Ruairí Heading
    Other Soldier David Coon
    Random Scientist 4 Civiltà perduta (Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson) - Trailer italiano ufficiale [HD]
  2. Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism [12/12] (2017) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo Originale: Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism
    Autore: Hideki Tachibana
    Data di Uscita: 05 Aprile 2017
    Genere: Shounen, Arti Marziali, Azione, Combattimento, Commedia, Scolastico
    Episodi: 12 - (Concluso)
    Durata Episodi: 24m
    Censura: No
    Release: BBF
    L’accademia privata Aichi Symbiosis era nata in origine come scuola superiore femminile votata l’istruzione della figlie di buona famiglia. Quando diventò mista, le ragazze - per paura dell’altra metà del cielo – chiesero ed ottennero di girare armate. La maggior parte delle studentesse è munito di lunghi e sottili bastoni, mentre un corpo scelto di 5 studentesse, le "Supreme Five Swords", ha da generazioni il permesso di portare delle vere katane. La scuola ha finito per accettare pochi studenti maschi, ma tutti delinquenti da riformare. I teppisti vengono sistematicamente affidati alle “cure” delle 5 spadaccine, vessati e messi in riga. Le studentesse mirano ad umiliarli e a demascolinizzarli, costringendoli tra l’altro a truccarsi e ad indossare vestiti femminili. La storia ha inizio con l’arrivo nell'accademia di Nomura Fudou, il ragazzaccio è stato espulso dalla sua precedente scuola poiché coinvolto in una rissa in cui si dice che abbia malmenato da solo 40 persone. Fudou ha un carattere forte ed indomito, non accetterà di farsi sottomettere e castrare psicologicamente, combatterà con l’aiuto del suo guanto speciale…
  3. Yowamushi Pedal: New Generation [25/25] (2017)[3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo Yowamushi Pedal: New Generation Sub Ita Download & Streaming Genere Commedia, Scolastico, Sport, Shounen Trama Terza stagione di “Yowamushi Pedal“.
    I senpai del terzo anno hanno ormai lasciato il club; Kinjo ha nominato Teshima nuovo capitano del club della Sohoku, mentre i rivali dell’accademia Hakone sono ora guidati da Izumida. Vecchi e nuovi rivali si sfideranno sulla pista in questa nuova stagione. Anno 2017 Episodi 25
  4. New Game! [12/12] (2016) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo New Game! Sub Ita Download & Streaming Genere Commedia, Slice of Life Trama La storia è ambientata nel mondo del lavoro. La protagonista, Aoba Suzukaze, finita la scuola superiore, ha cominciato a lavorare per un’azienda che produce videogiochi. Il suo capo sarà proprio la persona che ha creato il gioco che lei più ama. La storia seguirà anche altre ragazze che lavorano e aspirano ad avere successo nell’ambito della società Eagle Jump. Anno 2016 Episodi 12
  5. Ange Vierge [12/12] (2016) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo Ange Vierge Sub Ita Download & Streaming Genere Avventura, Fantasy, Magia, Scolastico Trama Ambientazione ideale di Ange Vierge è un mondo fantastico dove l’apertura di alcuni portali – detti “Hairo” – ha di fatto fuso tre dimensioni parallele, Terra compresa, facendo risvegliare in molte ragazze adolescenti, chiamate per questo “Progress”, dei poteri speciali. Per l’istruzione di queste ragazze è stata istituita una speciale accademia sull’isola Seiran nel mezzo dell’oceano Pacifico. Anno 2016 Episodi 12
  6. Ao no Exorcist Kyoto Fujouou-hen [12/12] (2017) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Blue Exorcist
    Stagione 2    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Action & Adventure
    Questo universo è composto di due mondi paralleli che si specchiano l'uno nell'altro. Il primo è il mondo degli umani, quello che noi conosciamo, Assiah. Il secondo è il regno dei demoni, Gehenna. Normalmente passare da un mondo all'altro è impossibile, tuttavia alcuni demoni sono in grado di attraversare il confine e possedere gli esseri umani. Satana, il signore dei demoni ha tutto ciò che vuole alla sua portata, tranne una cosa, presente solo nel regno degli umani. Allo scopo di recuperarla ha creato Rin, suo figlio da una donna umana. Ma Rin accetterà i piani del padre o preferirà fare di testa sua, diventando magari un esorcista?
    Yurie Oohigashi
    Character Designer Daisuke Yoshida
    Series Director Kohta Yamamoto
    Original Music Composer Hiroyuki Sawano
    Original Music Composer Toshiya Ohno
    Series Composition Kazue Kato
    Comic Book Jun Fukuyama
    Yukio Okumura (voice) Keiji Fujiwara
    Fujimoto Shirou (voice) Hiroshi Kamiya
    Mephisto Pheles (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2017-01-05 1: Piccoli inizi
    Il furto dell'Occhio sinistro del Re Impuro interrompe l'addestramento di Rin. Per proteggere l'Occhio destro, gli esorcisti si dirigono a Kyoto. 1: Piccoli inizi
    In onda il: 2017-01-05 Il furto dell'Occhio sinistro del Re Impuro interrompe l'addestramento di Rin. Per proteggere l'Occhio destro, gli esorcisti si dirigono a Kyoto. In onda il: 2017-01-12 2: Strane alleanze
    Il gruppo arriva a Kyoto e si dirige alla locanda di famiglia di Suguro. La maggior parte del personale dell'ufficio è ferito e tutti sono sospettati. 2: Strane alleanze
    In onda il: 2017-01-12 Il gruppo arriva a Kyoto e si dirige alla locanda di famiglia di Suguro. La maggior parte del personale dell'ufficio è ferito e tutti sono sospettati. In onda il: 2017-01-19 3: I sospetti porteranno altri sospetti
    Yaozo convoca una riunione per cercare di stanare il traditore della setta Myoda, con il sospetto che ricade su Tatsuma, padre di Suguro. 3: I sospetti porteranno altri sospetti
    In onda il: 2017-01-19 Yaozo convoca una riunione per cercare di stanare il traditore della setta Myoda, con il sospetto che ricade su Tatsuma, padre di Suguro. In onda il: 2017-01-26 4: Tradimento
    Suguro vede Juzo entrare nel Deep Keep e sente Mamushi schierarsi dalla parte di Todo. Suguro sospetta ancora del padre. 4: Tradimento
    In onda il: 2017-01-26 Suguro vede Juzo entrare nel Deep Keep e sente Mamushi schierarsi dalla parte di Todo. Suguro sospetta ancora del padre. In onda il: 2017-02-02 5: Misteriose connessioni
    Rin viene messo in isolamento, dove Yukio gli legge una lettera di Tatsuma. Con entrambi gli occhi rubati, Yaozo indice una riunione. 5: Misteriose connessioni
    In onda il: 2017-02-02 Rin viene messo in isolamento, dove Yukio gli legge una lettera di Tatsuma. Con entrambi gli occhi rubati, Yaozo indice una riunione. In onda il: 2017-02-08 6: Un lupo travestito da agnello
    La lettera di Tatsuma racconta di come Fujimoto ha ottenuto la spada Koma anni prima. Nel presente, Todo e Mamushi arrivano al Goma Hall. 6: Un lupo travestito da agnello
    In onda il: 2017-02-08 La lettera di Tatsuma racconta di come Fujimoto ha ottenuto la spada Koma anni prima. Nel presente, Todo e Mamushi arrivano al Goma Hall. In onda il: 2017-02-15 7: Come un fuoco divampante
    Il Re Impuro è vivo e il Vaticano ha condannato a morte Rin. I compagni di classe del ragazzo cercano di farlo evadere, ora tutto dipende da Shiemi. 7: Come un fuoco divampante
    In onda il: 2017-02-15 Il Re Impuro è vivo e il Vaticano ha condannato a morte Rin. I compagni di classe del ragazzo cercano di farlo evadere, ora tutto dipende da Shiemi. In onda il: 2017-02-22 8: Di padre in figlio
    Mentre i miasmi si diffondono per Kyoto, tutti si dirigono a Rakuhoku. Rin e i suoi compagni cercano Tatsuma e Yukio incontra un Todo cambiato. 8: Di padre in figlio
    In onda il: 2017-02-22 Mentre i miasmi si diffondono per Kyoto, tutti si dirigono a Rakuhoku. Rin e i suoi compagni cercano Tatsuma e Yukio incontra un Todo cambiato. In onda il: 2017-03-01 9: Nel bene e nel male
    Todo deride Yukio per i suoi veri sentimenti nei confronti del fratello. Suguro accetta un contratto con Goha-en e si mette in cerca del Re Impuro con Rin. 9: Nel bene e nel male
    In onda il: 2017-03-01 Todo deride Yukio per i suoi veri sentimenti nei confronti del fratello. Suguro accetta un contratto con Goha-en e si mette in cerca del Re Impuro con Rin. In onda il: 2017-03-08 10: Indomito e indistruttibile
    Il Re Impuro appare all'arrivo dei rinforzi per Yukio. Suguro, Rin e Kuro sono intrappolati all'interno della barriera e il secondo non riesce a sfoderare la spada. 10: Indomito e indistruttibile
    In onda il: 2017-03-08 Il Re Impuro appare all'arrivo dei rinforzi per Yukio. Suguro, Rin e Kuro sono intrappolati all'interno della barriera e il secondo non riesce a sfoderare la spada. In onda il: 2017-03-15 11: Splendere come il sole
    Todo non vuole saperne di sparire. Il Re Impuro è troppo forte anche per la spada Koma di Rin, ma quando tutto sembra perduto, ecco apparire Ucchusma. 11: Splendere come il sole
    In onda il: 2017-03-15 Todo non vuole saperne di sparire. Il Re Impuro è troppo forte anche per la spada Koma di Rin, ma quando tutto sembra perduto, ecco apparire Ucchusma. In onda il: 2017-03-22 12: Sincero e libero
    Le fiamme blu di Rin hanno ripulito l'area e dopo la battaglia è tempo di visite turistiche, discorsi a cuore aperto e una discussione sul futuro del ragazzo. 12: Sincero e libero
    In onda il: 2017-03-22 Le fiamme blu di Rin hanno ripulito l'area e dopo la battaglia è tempo di visite turistiche, discorsi a cuore aperto e una discussione sul futuro del ragazzo. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. Bates Motel 1 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel
    Stagione 1    Episodi 10        
    Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero
    "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita
    Scott Kosar
    Supervising Producer Cory Bird
    Producer Matthew McCluggage
    Associate Producer Philip Buiser
    Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer
    Story Editor Alyson Evans
    Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga
    Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler
    Producer David Hadaway
    Art Direction Jessica Sherman
    Casting John Powers Middleton
    Consulting Producer Tucker Gates
    Executive Producer Chris Bacon
    Music Kerry Ehrin
    Executive Producer Carlton Cuse
    Executive Producer Robert Bloch
    Characters Justis Greene
    Producer Heather Meehan
    Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme
    Costume Design Vera Farmiga
    Norma Bates Freddie Highmore
    Norman Bates Max Thieriot
    Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke
    Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell
    Alex Romero Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2013-03-18 1: First You Dream, Then You Die
    Widow Norma Bates and her shy teenage son, Norman, seek a fresh start in a coastal town filled with secrets. The arrival of an unexpected guest turns the Bates' lives upside down. 1: First You Dream, Then You Die
    In onda il: 2013-03-18 Widow Norma Bates and her shy teenage son, Norman, seek a fresh start in a coastal town filled with secrets. The arrival of an unexpected guest turns the Bates' lives upside down. In onda il: 2013-03-25 2: Nice Town You Picked, Norma...
    Dylan immediately begins causing trouble. The Bates are drawn into the secrets surrounding White Pine Bay. 2: Nice Town You Picked, Norma...
    In onda il: 2013-03-25 Dylan immediately begins causing trouble. The Bates are drawn into the secrets surrounding White Pine Bay. In onda il: 2013-04-01 3: What's Wrong with Norman
    Dylan learns there is more to his new job than he originally thought. Emma and Norman make a shocking discovery. 3: What's Wrong with Norman
    In onda il: 2013-04-01 Dylan learns there is more to his new job than he originally thought. Emma and Norman make a shocking discovery. In onda il: 2013-04-08 4: Trust Me
    Norma deals with distractions as her suspicions grow about certain town residents. 4: Trust Me
    In onda il: 2013-04-08 Norma deals with distractions as her suspicions grow about certain town residents. In onda il: 2013-04-15 5: Ocean View
    Norma receives some much-needed help, while Norman desperately awaits his mother's return home. Emma and Norman follow more clues, leading to a big discovery. 5: Ocean View
    In onda il: 2013-04-15 Norma receives some much-needed help, while Norman desperately awaits his mother's return home. Emma and Norman follow more clues, leading to a big discovery. In onda il: 2013-04-22 6: The Truth
    Dylan asks Norman to move in with him; Norma warns Emma that some things are best kept to themselves. 6: The Truth
    In onda il: 2013-04-22 Dylan asks Norman to move in with him; Norma warns Emma that some things are best kept to themselves. In onda il: 2013-04-29 7: The Man in Number 9
    The Bates Motel welcomes its first guest. Norman learns that popular girls come with many complications. 7: The Man in Number 9
    In onda il: 2013-04-29 The Bates Motel welcomes its first guest. Norman learns that popular girls come with many complications. In onda il: 2013-05-06 8: A Boy and His Dog
    A mysterious stranger causes problems for Norma. Bradley is not happy when rumors spread at school. Dylan and Remo go on a fateful road trip. Norman takes up a grisly hobby. 8: A Boy and His Dog
    In onda il: 2013-05-06 A mysterious stranger causes problems for Norma. Bradley is not happy when rumors spread at school. Dylan and Remo go on a fateful road trip. Norman takes up a grisly hobby. In onda il: 2013-05-13 9: Underwater
    Abernathy increases the pressure. Bradley and Dylan connect. Miss Watson encourages Norman's active imagination. Emma takes a trip. 9: Underwater
    In onda il: 2013-05-13 Abernathy increases the pressure. Bradley and Dylan connect. Miss Watson encourages Norman's active imagination. Emma takes a trip. In onda il: 2013-05-20 10: Midnight
    Romero decides to take action. Norman takes Emma to the dance. Norman gets a ride home from Miss Watson. 10: Midnight
    In onda il: 2013-05-20 Romero decides to take action. Norman takes Emma to the dance. Norman gets a ride home from Miss Watson. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  8. Bates Motel 2 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel
    Stagione 2    Episodi 10        
    Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero
    "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita
    Scott Kosar
    Supervising Producer Cory Bird
    Producer Matthew McCluggage
    Associate Producer Philip Buiser
    Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer
    Story Editor Alyson Evans
    Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga
    Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler
    Producer David Hadaway
    Art Direction Jessica Sherman
    Casting John Powers Middleton
    Consulting Producer Tucker Gates
    Executive Producer Chris Bacon
    Music Kerry Ehrin
    Executive Producer Carlton Cuse
    Executive Producer Robert Bloch
    Characters Justis Greene
    Producer Heather Meehan
    Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme
    Costume Design Vera Farmiga
    Norma Bates Freddie Highmore
    Norman Bates Max Thieriot
    Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke
    Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell
    Alex Romero Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2014-03-03 1: Gone But Not Forgotten
    Norman fixates on Miss Watson's death; Norma worries about the future of the motel when plans for the bypass move ahead of schedule; Bradley is driven to extremes as she searches for her father's killer. 1: Gone But Not Forgotten
    In onda il: 2014-03-03 Norman fixates on Miss Watson's death; Norma worries about the future of the motel when plans for the bypass move ahead of schedule; Bradley is driven to extremes as she searches for her father's killer. In onda il: 2014-03-10 2: Shadow of a Doubt
    Norma tries to distract Norman from his obsession with Miss Watson by joining a play. Bradley turns to Norman for help when she has to escape a dire situation. Romero is pressured to make an arrest for the murder. A new player at work has Dylan and Remo on edge. 2: Shadow of a Doubt
    In onda il: 2014-03-10 Norma tries to distract Norman from his obsession with Miss Watson by joining a play. Bradley turns to Norman for help when she has to escape a dire situation. Romero is pressured to make an arrest for the murder. A new player at work has Dylan and Remo on edge. In onda il: 2014-03-17 3: Caleb
    Dylan tries to bridge the gap between Norma and her brother Caleb, who shows up at the motel. Norma meets an ally in her battle to stop the bypass. Emma's memorial for a friend leads to a new relationship. Norman falls under the influence of a townie girl. 3: Caleb
    In onda il: 2014-03-17 Dylan tries to bridge the gap between Norma and her brother Caleb, who shows up at the motel. Norma meets an ally in her battle to stop the bypass. Emma's memorial for a friend leads to a new relationship. Norman falls under the influence of a townie girl. In onda il: 2014-03-24 4: Check-Out
    The fall-out from Caleb’s return causes Dylan to question his loyalty to Norma and Norman. Christine brings Norma into the White Pine social scene. Norman grows increasingly worried about Caleb’s presence in town. Romero finds himself caught in the middle of Zane’s war with a rival drug family. 4: Check-Out
    In onda il: 2014-03-24 The fall-out from Caleb’s return causes Dylan to question his loyalty to Norma and Norman. Christine brings Norma into the White Pine social scene. Norman grows increasingly worried about Caleb’s presence in town. Romero finds himself caught in the middle of Zane’s war with a rival drug family. In onda il: 2014-03-31 5: The Escape Artist
    Norman trusts Cody with a family secret. Dylan finds himself fighting for his life as Zane’s war escalates. Norma makes a deal with a mysterious man to help stop the bypass. 5: The Escape Artist
    In onda il: 2014-03-31 Norman trusts Cody with a family secret. Dylan finds himself fighting for his life as Zane’s war escalates. Norma makes a deal with a mysterious man to help stop the bypass. In onda il: 2014-04-07 6: Plunge
    Dylan is asked to manage an explosive situation; Norma and Norman's relationship is threatened by a growing secret; Emma lands in a dangerous situation. 6: Plunge
    In onda il: 2014-04-07 Dylan is asked to manage an explosive situation; Norma and Norman's relationship is threatened by a growing secret; Emma lands in a dangerous situation. In onda il: 2014-04-14 7: Presumed Innocent
    Norma's faith in Norman is questioned; Dylan is threatened by a revengeful Zane; Romero receives new evidence in the murder of Miss Watson; Cody and Norman's friendship reaches the breaking point. 7: Presumed Innocent
    In onda il: 2014-04-14 Norma's faith in Norman is questioned; Dylan is threatened by a revengeful Zane; Romero receives new evidence in the murder of Miss Watson; Cody and Norman's friendship reaches the breaking point. In onda il: 2014-04-21 8: Meltdown
    Romero digs deeper into the murder of Miss Watson; the conflict between the drug families leaves Dylan facing an impossible choice; Norma refuses to tell Norman the truth about his blackouts. 8: Meltdown
    In onda il: 2014-04-21 Romero digs deeper into the murder of Miss Watson; the conflict between the drug families leaves Dylan facing an impossible choice; Norma refuses to tell Norman the truth about his blackouts. In onda il: 2014-04-28 9: The Box
    Norma is desperate to connect with Norman; Dylan must decide if he should risk his life to save a loved one; Romero hopes a former colleague can help him determine Norman's involvement in a crime. 9: The Box
    In onda il: 2014-04-28 Norma is desperate to connect with Norman; Dylan must decide if he should risk his life to save a loved one; Romero hopes a former colleague can help him determine Norman's involvement in a crime. In onda il: 2014-05-05 10: The Immutable Truth
    A tragic event from the past haunts Norman; Norma tries to prevent Norman from making a terrible mistake; Romero and Dylan find a way to end the drug war; Emma makes a decision about her future. 10: The Immutable Truth
    In onda il: 2014-05-05 A tragic event from the past haunts Norman; Norma tries to prevent Norman from making a terrible mistake; Romero and Dylan find a way to end the drug war; Emma makes a decision about her future. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  9. Bates Motel 3 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel
    Stagione 3    Episodi 10        
    Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero
    "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita
    Scott Kosar
    Supervising Producer Cory Bird
    Producer Matthew McCluggage
    Associate Producer Philip Buiser
    Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer
    Story Editor Alyson Evans
    Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga
    Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler
    Producer David Hadaway
    Art Direction Jessica Sherman
    Casting John Powers Middleton
    Consulting Producer Tucker Gates
    Executive Producer Chris Bacon
    Music Kerry Ehrin
    Executive Producer Carlton Cuse
    Executive Producer Robert Bloch
    Characters Justis Greene
    Producer Heather Meehan
    Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme
    Costume Design Vera Farmiga
    Norma Bates Freddie Highmore
    Norman Bates Max Thieriot
    Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke
    Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell
    Alex Romero Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2015-03-09 1: A Death in the Family
    Norman and Emma make decisions regarding their future; Norma informs Norman of his boundaries. 1: A Death in the Family
    In onda il: 2015-03-09 Norman and Emma make decisions regarding their future; Norma informs Norman of his boundaries. In onda il: 2015-03-16 2: The Arcanum Club
    Norma and Norman focus on Annika's disappearance; Norma learns the truth about the Arcanum Club. 2: The Arcanum Club
    In onda il: 2015-03-16 Norma and Norman focus on Annika's disappearance; Norma learns the truth about the Arcanum Club. In onda il: 2015-03-23 3: Persuasion
    Norman's relationship with Emma weakens his bond with Norma; Romero asks Norman some hard questions. 3: Persuasion
    In onda il: 2015-03-23 Norman's relationship with Emma weakens his bond with Norma; Romero asks Norman some hard questions. In onda il: 2015-03-30 4: Unbreak-Able
    Emma and Norman spend a day away from the motel; Romero looks into two strange deaths in White Pine Bay; Norma returns to school; Caleb and Dylan's hidden secrets unravel. 4: Unbreak-Able
    In onda il: 2015-03-30 Emma and Norman spend a day away from the motel; Romero looks into two strange deaths in White Pine Bay; Norma returns to school; Caleb and Dylan's hidden secrets unravel. In onda il: 2015-04-06 5: The Deal
    Norma turns to Romero for guidance when she finds herself in an unexpected position of power. 5: The Deal
    In onda il: 2015-04-06 Norma turns to Romero for guidance when she finds herself in an unexpected position of power. In onda il: 2015-04-13 6: Norma Louise
    Norma contemplates a life outside of White Pine Bay; Emma and Dylan bond while helping Norman. 6: Norma Louise
    In onda il: 2015-04-13 Norma contemplates a life outside of White Pine Bay; Emma and Dylan bond while helping Norman. In onda il: 2015-04-20 7: The Last Supper
    Norman agrees to get help; Dylan learns disturbing news about Emma's health. 7: The Last Supper
    In onda il: 2015-04-20 Norman agrees to get help; Dylan learns disturbing news about Emma's health. In onda il: 2015-04-27 8: The Pit
    Romero confronts Norma about newly learned information; Caleb and Dylan take a risky job. 8: The Pit
    In onda il: 2015-04-27 Romero confronts Norma about newly learned information; Caleb and Dylan take a risky job. In onda il: 2015-05-04 9: Crazy
    Norman spends the day with a surprise visitor; Norma attempts to keep secrets from being revealed. 9: Crazy
    In onda il: 2015-05-04 Norman spends the day with a surprise visitor; Norma attempts to keep secrets from being revealed. In onda il: 2015-05-11 10: Unconscious
    Norman's issues push Norma to the breaking point; Emma has an unexpected reaction to good news. 10: Unconscious
    In onda il: 2015-05-11 Norman's issues push Norma to the breaking point; Emma has an unexpected reaction to good news. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Bates Motel 4 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel
    Stagione 4    Episodi 10        
    Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero
    "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita
    Scott Kosar
    Supervising Producer Cory Bird
    Producer Matthew McCluggage
    Associate Producer Philip Buiser
    Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer
    Story Editor Alyson Evans
    Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga
    Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler
    Producer David Hadaway
    Art Direction Jessica Sherman
    Casting John Powers Middleton
    Consulting Producer Tucker Gates
    Executive Producer Chris Bacon
    Music Kerry Ehrin
    Executive Producer Carlton Cuse
    Executive Producer Robert Bloch
    Characters Justis Greene
    Producer Heather Meehan
    Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme
    Costume Design Vera Farmiga
    Norma Bates Freddie Highmore
    Norman Bates Max Thieriot
    Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke
    Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell
    Alex Romero Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2016-03-07 1: A Danger to Himself and Others
    Norma searches for Norman, who finds himself in unfamiliar surroundings; Dylan waits for news about Emma; Romero gets a surprising proposition. 1: A Danger to Himself and Others
    In onda il: 2016-03-07 Norma searches for Norman, who finds himself in unfamiliar surroundings; Dylan waits for news about Emma; Romero gets a surprising proposition. In onda il: 2016-03-14 2: Goodnight, Mother
    Norma and Norman each suspect the other of a terrible deed; Dylan contemplates his future with Emma; Romero makes a choice that dramatically impacts the Bates family. 2: Goodnight, Mother
    In onda il: 2016-03-14 Norma and Norman each suspect the other of a terrible deed; Dylan contemplates his future with Emma; Romero makes a choice that dramatically impacts the Bates family. In onda il: 2016-03-21 3: 'Til Death Do You Part
    Norma and Romero take a big step together; Norman attempts to accept his new circumstances; Dylan tries to shed old business. 3: 'Til Death Do You Part
    In onda il: 2016-03-21 Norma and Romero take a big step together; Norman attempts to accept his new circumstances; Dylan tries to shed old business. In onda il: 2016-03-28 4: Lights of Winter
    Norman and his new friend have an adventure; Norma experiences her first taste of real happiness in some time during an annual festival in White Pine Bay; Dylan becomes caught between two families. 4: Lights of Winter
    In onda il: 2016-03-28 Norman and his new friend have an adventure; Norma experiences her first taste of real happiness in some time during an annual festival in White Pine Bay; Dylan becomes caught between two families. In onda il: 2016-04-11 5: Refraction
    Norman worries about revealing too much to Dr. Edwards; Norma hires an artisan to repair a window; a crime investigation threatens Romero's new life. 5: Refraction
    In onda il: 2016-04-11 Norman worries about revealing too much to Dr. Edwards; Norma hires an artisan to repair a window; a crime investigation threatens Romero's new life. In onda il: 2016-04-18 6: The Vault
    Norman uncovers painful truths as his therapy progresses; Norma works to prevent a secret from being revealed; Romero assists an old friend despite the risk to his career. 6: The Vault
    In onda il: 2016-04-18 Norman uncovers painful truths as his therapy progresses; Norma works to prevent a secret from being revealed; Romero assists an old friend despite the risk to his career. In onda il: 2016-04-25 7: There's No Place Like Home
    Norman returns home after making an unanticipated discovery; Norma takes on new projects; Dylan's search for Emma's mother leads to disturbing results. 7: There's No Place Like Home
    In onda il: 2016-04-25 Norman returns home after making an unanticipated discovery; Norma takes on new projects; Dylan's search for Emma's mother leads to disturbing results. In onda il: 2016-05-02 8: Unfaithful
    Norma is torn between Norman and Romero; during a holiday outing, Norman comes to the realization that everyone has changed during his time away. 8: Unfaithful
    In onda il: 2016-05-02 Norma is torn between Norman and Romero; during a holiday outing, Norman comes to the realization that everyone has changed during his time away. In onda il: 2016-05-09 9: Forever
    Norma and Norman attempt to reconnect as they plan for the future. Dylan and Romero decide to take action for Norman's own good. 9: Forever
    In onda il: 2016-05-09 Norma and Norman attempt to reconnect as they plan for the future. Dylan and Romero decide to take action for Norman's own good. In onda il: 2016-05-16 10: Norman
    Norman plans a special event for his mother; Romero experiences pressure over his actions; Dylan considers reaching out to Norman. 10: Norman
    In onda il: 2016-05-16 Norman plans a special event for his mother; Romero experiences pressure over his actions; Dylan considers reaching out to Norman. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Underworld (2003) ITA Streaming  

    Azione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Underworld
    2 h 1 m    2003        
    Fantasy ◦ Azione ◦ Thriller
    La vampira Selene ha una missione: distruggere i licantropi. Scopre però che c'è un accordo segreto tra il capo dei vampiri Kraven e quello dei licantropi Lucian che coinvolge un essere umano, Michael. Per neutralizzare il piano Selene risveglia il nobile vampiro Viktor.
    Kevin Phipps
    Supervising Art Director Tom Rosenberg
    Producer Bruton Jones
    Production Design Celestia Fox
    Casting Paul Haslinger
    Original Music Composer Len Wiseman
    Director Len Wiseman
    Story Kevin Grevioux
    Story Kevin Grevioux
    Associate Producer Gary Lucchesi
    Producer Richard S. Wright
    Producer Richard S. Wright
    Unit Production Manager Skip Williamson
    Executive Producer Henry Winterstern
    Executive Producer Terry McKay
    Executive Producer James McQuaide
    Executive Producer Robert Bernacchi
    Executive Producer Tony Pierce-Roberts
    Director of Photography Martin Hunter
    Editor Wendy Partridge
    Costume Design Claude Letessier
    Sound Designer Patrick Tatopoulos
    Production Design Patrick Tatopoulos
    Creature Design Deborah Aquila
    Casting Mark Egerton
    Second Unit Mark Egerton
    Assistant Director Nigel Galt
    Additional Editing Malcolm Stone
    Set Decoration Csaba Stork
    Art Direction Katalin Jakots
    Makeup Artist Alex Johnson
    Casting Assistant Jennifer L. Smith
    Casting Associate Anja Stadelmann
    Production Supervisor Danny Lohner
    Music Supervisor Brad Martin
    Stunt Coordinator Brad Martin
    Second Unit Director Stephen Taylor
    Production Accountant György Sánta
    Production Manager Nerses Gezalyan
    Sound Mixer Gábor Forgács
    Camera Operator Tricia Wood
    Casting Dean Tschetter
    Graphic Designer Zoltán Horváth
    Set Dressing Artist Marcel Spisak
    Sound Editor Gyula Herjeczki
    Construction Coordinator Danny McBride
    Screenplay Danny McBride
    Story Danny McBride
    Associate Producer Gabriella Németh
    Hairstylist Augusto Grassi
    Costume Supervisor Joo Fürst
    Foley Artist Nick Allder
    Special Effects Supervisor Attila Kiss
    Assistant Property Master Valerie Delahaye
    Post Production Supervisor Matt Kasmir
    Digital Compositor Jesse D'Angelo
    Makeup Effects Pit Kuhlmann
    Sound Designer Egon Endrényi
    Still Photographer Péter Sidló
    Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Zsoka Hoka
    Dresser Leslie Huntley
    Visual Effects Producer Robert Duncan
    Visual Effects Supervisor Nicole Randall
    Stunt Double Stuart Howell
    Steadicam Operator Zahida Bacchus
    Digital Intermediate Moira Houlihan
    Unit Publicist Tony Magaletta
    Second Assistant Camera Norbert Zich
    Dolby Consultant Ralph Flores Jr.
    Underwater Camera Marcus Alexander
    Visual Effects Editor David Heinz
    Post Production Assistant Iván Pohárnok
    Prosthetic Supervisor Gary E. Beach
    Visual Effects Coordinator John Bailie
    First Assistant Camera Tommy Finch
    Gaffer Tommy Finch
    Chief Lighting Technician Justin Ditter
    Wigmaker Clive Miles
    Location Manager Caroline Sax
    Script Supervisor Collin Grant
    Storyboard Artist Christof Ebhardt
    Sound Effects Editor Michael Miller
    ADR Mixer Jon Baker
    Armorer Sean Landeros
    Sound Recordist Joanie Diener
    Music Editor Alex Matcham
    Production Controller Christopher Warren
    VFX Director of Photography György Homonnay
    Wardrobe Master Ferenc Berecz
    Stunts Béla Vaszary
    Set Medic Sam Greenmun
    Conceptual Design Gergö Balika
    Art Department Coordinator Adrien Asztalos
    Set Designer Lajos E. Szabó
    Standby Painter Darren Quinn
    First Company Grip Giovanni Giuliano
    Key Hair Stylist Csaba Vásári
    Carpenter Zoltán Fohn
    Driver Attila Csabai
    Loader János Czakó
    Property Master Richard Szabó
    Security Kinga Baranyai
    Special Effects Coordinator Ferenc Béres
    Transportation Captain Kornél Sipos
    Unit Production Manager Craig Appel
    Utility Stunts Gábor Kasza
    Video Assist Operator Zoltán Halmágyi
    Electrician Grant Grabowski
    Production Coordinator Pál Szûrös
    Boom Operator Sören Blüthgen
    Foley Recordist Eric Jennings
    3D Supervisor Julia Egerton
    Digital Compositors Chad Dombrova
    Visual Effects Robert L. Benun
    Thanks Tamás Vass
    Second Second Assistant Director Jet Omoshebi
    Colorist Benedikt Just
    Sound Effects Editor Robert James Ashe
    Visual Effects Editor Colin Cooper
    ADR Recordist Kasi Béla
    Stunts Levente Lezsák
    Stunts Katona Péter
    Stunts Lucy Egerton
    Third Assistant Director Zsuzsanna Mile
    Contact Lens Technician Irene Angotti
    Conceptual Illustrator Lajos Farkas
    Storyboard Artist Károly Gerlei
    Swing Garry Cooper
    Special Effects Technician Péter Bartos
    Assistant Camera István Bese
    Dolly Grip Zsigmond Molcsány
    Second Company Grip Frank Dürschinger
    CG Animator Winnie Cheng
    Post Production Coordinator Ágnes Berecz
    Administrative Assistant Kinga Kovacs
    Assistant Accountant Beatrix Szombati
    Assistant Production Coordinator Iván Erõs
    Assistant Unit Manager Zoltán Seres
    Base Camp Operator Judit Csepregi
    Catering Wannapa 'Gai' Sinthunawa
    First Assistant Accountant Andrew Shuford
    Production Accountant Krisztina László
    Production Secretary Attila Erczkovi
    Pyrotechnician Eva Mayer
    Stunts Kate Beckinsale
    Selene Scott Speedman
    Michael Corvin Michael Sheen
    Lucian Shane Brolly
    Kraven Bill Nighy
    Viktor Erwin Leder
    Singe Sophia Myles
    Erika Robbie Gee
    Kahn Wentworth Miller
    Dr. Adam Lockwood Kevin Grevioux
    Raze Zita Görög
    Amelia Scott McElroy
    Soren Richard Cetrone
    Pierce Mike Mukatis
    Taylor Dennis J. Kozeluh
    Dignitary Todd Schneider
    Trix Sándor Bolla
    Rigel Hank Amos
    Nathaniel Zsuzsa Barsi
    Gunshot Girl Andreas Patton
    Death Dealer Captain Danny McBride
    Mason Jázmin Dammak
    Sonja Judit Kuchta
    Zsuzsa Vanessa Nagy
    Timea Atilla Pinke
    Wolfgang Ildikó Kovács
    Michael's Old Girlfriend Sándor Boros
    Candidate #1 János Oláh
    Candidate #2 Brian Steele
    Werewolf Kurt Carley
    Werewolf Rana Morrison
    Female Vampire (uncredited) Zoltan Papp
    Werewolf (uncredited) Underworld trailer ita
  12. Underworld 2 – Evolution (2006) ITA Streaming  

    Azione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Underworld: Evolution
    1 h 46 m    2006        
    Fantasy ◦ Azione ◦ Thriller
    Continua la saga della guerra tra Vampiri e Licantropi. Si scoprono le origini dell'odio tra le due razze grazie alle ricerche della vampira Selene e dell'ibrido Michael, che tentano di venire a capo della loro discendenza. Naturalmente questo finirà per portarli ad una nuova resa dei conti...
    Tom Rosenberg
    Producer Scott Martin Gershin
    Sound Designer Len Wiseman
    Director Len Wiseman
    Executive Producer Len Wiseman
    Characters Len Wiseman
    Story Kevin Grevioux
    Characters Kevin Grevioux
    Co-Producer Gary Lucchesi
    Producer Richard S. Wright
    Producer Skip Williamson
    Executive Producer Henry Winterstern
    Executive Producer Terry McKay
    Executive Producer James McQuaide
    Executive Producer Wendy Partridge
    Costume Design Patrick Tatopoulos
    Production Design Deborah Aquila
    Casting Marco Beltrami
    Original Music Composer Marco Beltrami
    Conductor Nicolas De Toth
    Editor David Leitch
    Stunts David Coatsworth
    Producer David Coatsworth
    Unit Production Manager Simon Duggan
    Director of Photography Chris August
    Art Direction Lin MacDonald
    Set Decoration Bryan Bowen
    Sound Effects Editor Chris Palermo
    Stunts Jennifer L. Smith
    Casting Associate Scott Cozens
    Loader Aaron Meziere
    Key Set Production Assistant Clint Carleton
    Stunts Rosalina Da Silva
    Key Makeup Artist Monique Ganderton
    Stunts Stephen Jackson
    Chief Lighting Technician Brad Martin
    Stunt Coordinator Brad Martin
    Second Unit Director Kirk Caouette
    Stunt Double Ron Bedrosian
    ADR Mixer James Moriana
    Foley Artist Hollywood Heard
    Best Boy Electric Tricia Wood
    Casting Doug Chapman
    Stunt Double Larkin MacKenzie-Ast
    Casting Assistant Sam Harris
    First Assistant Director Mike Fields
    Makeup Effects Owen Walstrom
    Stunt Driver Jim Filippone
    Pilot Danny McBride
    Screenplay Danny McBride
    Executive Producer Danny McBride
    Characters Danny McBride
    Story Jana MacDonald
    Assistant Costume Designer Paolo G. Venturi
    Assistant Art Director Vincent Cirelli
    CG Supervisor Dan Sissons
    Property Master Jaydene Maryk
    Art Department Assistant Lloyd Lee Barnett
    Visual Effects Supervisor Brian McNelis
    Music Supervisor John T. Cucci
    Foley Mixer Allison Klein
    Executive Assistant Brian Shell
    Construction Coordinator David Crone
    Camera Operator David Crone
    Steadicam Operator Joel Whist
    Special Effects Coordinator Blue Angus
    Transportation Coordinator Larry Kemp
    ADR Supervisor Daniel S. Irwin
    Dialogue Editor John Burke
    Set Designer Douglas Curran
    Still Photographer Nicole Randall
    Stunt Double Artin Matousian
    Systems Administrators & Support Sean M. Harding
    First Assistant Camera Trevor Ward
    Dolby Consultant Lee Anne Muldoon
    Unit Publicist Michael Toby
    Production Illustrator Rick Rasmussen
    Picture Car Coordinator Merribelle Anderson
    Hairstylist Des Carey
    Digital Intermediate Producer Daniel Scarcello
    Sculptor Gary Oldroyd
    Post Production Coordinator Denise Okimoto
    Music Editor David Heinz
    Visual Effects Editor Bridget Allen
    Production Supervisor Thom MacIntyre
    Key Hair Stylist Terry Calhoun
    Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Brad Alexander
    Lighting Artist Franco Pante
    Assistant Editor Franziska Keller
    Art Department Coordinator Kee Kee Buckley
    Thanks James Andrykowski
    First Assistant Editor Stephen R. Sheridan
    Color Timer Derek Ledbetter
    Visual Effects Patrick Cusack
    Assistant Sound Editor Petra Bergholz
    Seamstress David Husby
    Sound Mixer Keith Splinter Davis
    Stunts Charles O'Shea
    Boom Operator Siggy Ferstl
    Digital Intermediate Colorist Ken Decker
    Generator Operator Nick Diomis
    Transportation Captain Andy Chung
    Concept Artist Antonio Germinario
    Assistant Property Master Robert L. Benun
    Thanks Brian Bero
    Armorer Miguel Ortega
    Modeling Tim Webb
    Sound Recordist Misha Bukowski
    Third Assistant Director Mark Moretti
    Storyboard Artist Kim Olsen
    First Company Grip Dan Akers
    Digital Compositors H. Christopher Hunter
    Dolly Grip Niles Harrison
    Visual Effects Coordinator Corry Glass
    Stunts Monica Sandstede
    Story Editor Dan Cervin
    Special Effects Assistant Artaya Boonsoong
    Technical Supervisor Justin Johnson
    Compositing Supervisor Jody Chow
    Assistant Production Coordinator Teresa A. Meyer
    Makeup Artist Wayne 'Woody' Cone
    Key Grip Paul Arnel
    Grip Greyson R. Wolf
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist John T. Boe
    Set Dressing Artist Dale Allen
    Carpenter Lee McNish
    Chef Ildiko Barritt
    Craft Service Dwayne Deverill
    Driver Casey Dexter
    Post Production Assistant Mark Hoeppner
    Security Renée George
    Electrician Rick Dean
    Lighting Technician Ralph Guttman
    Rigging Grip Kendrie Upton
    Location Manager Julia Bogdan-Rollo
    Production Accountant Craig Dumont
    Production Coordinator Elizabeth Hill
    Production Manager Glen Suhy
    3D Artist Cameron Gray
    Animation Supervisor Phil Notaro
    Special Effects Supervisor Alex Brownell
    Visual Effects Producer Ken Brooker
    Assistant Location Manager Julio Carmona
    ADR Recordist Stephanie Boeke
    Extras Casting Mark Gordon
    Second Assistant Camera Chris Bignell
    Special Effects Technician Marcine Peter
    Contact Lens Technician Brent Bennett
    Set Buyer Gareth Farfan
    Second Company Grip Leon Serginson
    Assistant Camera Debbie Humphreys
    Wardrobe Supervisor Darren Robertson
    Playback Coordinator Steven Flegel
    Second Assistant Production Coordinator Maureen Carey
    Construction Buyer Michele Lee
    First Assistant Accountant Ishi Dinim
    Camera Trainee Jeff Barnes
    Production Executive Dinesh Gill
    Property Buyer Patty Hunter
    Costume Set Supervisor Kia Porter
    Dresser Donald Campbell
    VFX Artist James Kantola
    Best Boy Grip Terry Shigemitsu
    CG Artist Ralph Denson
    General Manager Wendy Klein
    Matte Painter Ryan Garcia
    Production Assistant Caroline Field
    Stunts Kate Beckinsale
    Selene Scott Speedman
    Michael Corvin Tony Curran
    Marcus Corvinus Shane Brolly
    Kraven Derek Jacobi
    Alexander Corvinus Bill Nighy
    Viktor Steven Mackintosh
    Andreas Tanis Zita Görög
    Amelia Brian Steele
    William Corvinus John Mann
    Samuel Scott McElroy
    Soren Michael Sheen
    Lucian Sophia Myles
    Erika Richard Cetrone
    Pierce Mike Mukatis
    Taylor Raoul Ganeev
    Truck Driver Andrew Kavadas
    Selene's Father Kayla Levins
    Selene's Sister Attila Lovaghy
    Tavern Cop #1 Monica Hamburg
    Newscaster Travis Webster
    Cleaner Kaja Gjesdal
    Tanis Vamp #2 Lily Mo Sheen
    Young Selene Adrian Hough
    Pilot Michasha Armstrong
    Gunner Krsy Fox
    Tanis Vamp #1 Julius Chapple
    French Cleaner Aide Underworld Evolution (film 2006) TRAILER ITALIANO
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