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  1. The Sinner 2 [8/8] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Sinner
    Stagione 2 - Julian    Episodi 8        
    Crime ◦ Dramma
    Cora Tannetti è una giovane madre che, sopraffatta da un attacco di rabbia improvviso, commette un sorprendente atto di violenza pubblico, un orrore cui non si riesce a dare una spiegazione. Mentre l'avvenimento scatena una serie di eventi incredibile, Harry Ambrose, un detective ossessionato dal movente della donna, si ritrova coinvolto con lei in un viaggio straziante nelle profondità della sua psiche e dei violenti segreti nascosti del suo passato.
    Phillip Barker
    Production Design Aaron Seliquini
    Producer Ellen Marie Blum
    Producer Jonathan Caren
    Co-Executive Producer Gerald Cuesta
    Co-Executive Producer Nina Braddock
    Executive Producer Jenny Zhang
    Co-Producer Mia Chung
    Story Editor Kathy Houghton
    Production Manager Robin D. Cook
    Local Casting Tyler Emms
    Key Grip John Gallagher
    Gaffer David Kimelman
    "A" Camera Operator Robert Stecko
    "B" Camera Operator Andrew Rillie
    Production Sound Mixer Ann Bromley
    Art Direction Gary Coates
    Special Effects Coordinator Steve Shewchuk
    Set Decoration David DeMarinis
    Assistant Set Decoration Daniel Vella
    Property Master Ashley Nay
    Hair Department Head Rebecca Hickey
    Makeup Department Head Randy Boliver
    Stunt Coordinator George Bunce
    Online Editor John Crowley
    Colorist Justin Elsworth
    Third Assistant Director Joe McKibbon
    Location Manager William Flower
    Marine Coordinator Ryan Hupponen
    Production Office Coordinator Matthew Glasner
    Casting Associate Millie Tom
    Casting Associate Daniel Freed
    Casting Assistant Jill Knox-Gosse
    Production Accountant Corey Jones
    Script Supervisor Kathryn Moïse
    Script Coordinator Scott Thom
    Construction Coordinator Rodney Dominey
    Transportation Coordinator Tom Carew
    Transportation Captain Janice Sheridan
    First Assistant Accountant Gloria Pongoski
    First Assistant Accountant Eve Del Prado
    Post Production Coordinator Rabia Minhas
    Post Production Coordinator Luke DiTommaso
    VFX Supervisor Scott Johnson
    Music Editor Oliver Hild
    Music Supervisor Johanna Shurko
    Additional Casting Charlotte Shurko
    Additional Casting Peter Waggoner
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Adam Bernstein
    Executive Producer Lisa R. Frucht
    Costume Design Emily Rucker
    Casting Assistant Steve Borne
    Supervising Sound Editor Jessica Biel
    Executive Producer Charlie Gogolak
    Executive Producer Michelle Purple
    Executive Producer Stephanie Holbrook
    Casting Petra Hammesfahr
    Book Ronit Kirchman
    Original Music Composer Derek Simonds
    Executive Producer Bill Pullman
    Harry Ambrose Frances Fisher
    Meg Muldoon Alice Kremelberg
    Percy Muldoon Neal Huff
    Sean Muldoon Cindy Cheung
    Stephanie Lam Ronin Wong
    Mike Lam Jessica Hecht
    Sonya Barzel Michael Mosley
    Colin Muldoon Episodi: 8 
    In onda il: 2018-08-01 1: Parte I
    Il detective Harry Ambrose torna nel paese nativo per aiutare la polizia locale a risolvere lo sconcertante caso di un ragazzo reo confesso dell'omicidio dei genitori. 1: Parte I
    In onda il: 2018-08-01 Il detective Harry Ambrose torna nel paese nativo per aiutare la polizia locale a risolvere lo sconcertante caso di un ragazzo reo confesso dell'omicidio dei genitori. In onda il: 2018-08-08 2: Parte II
    Heather e Ambrose interrogano Vera e scoprono che vive a Mosswood Grove, una comune al centro di polemiche. Mentre è in affidamento, Julian soffre di orribili visioni. 2: Parte II
    In onda il: 2018-08-08 Heather e Ambrose interrogano Vera e scoprono che vive a Mosswood Grove, una comune al centro di polemiche. Mentre è in affidamento, Julian soffre di orribili visioni. In onda il: 2018-08-15 3: Parte III
    Julian si sottopone a un esame psicologico. Un ricordo che riguarda Marin porta Heather a una rivelazione. Durante una festa, Ambrose è perseguitato da flashback. 3: Parte III
    In onda il: 2018-08-15 Julian si sottopone a un esame psicologico. Un ricordo che riguarda Marin porta Heather a una rivelazione. Durante una festa, Ambrose è perseguitato da flashback. In onda il: 2018-08-22 4: Parte IV
    La storia di una paziente internata spinge Heather a cercare Marin. Ambrose fa visita a Vera a Mosswood e si fa un'idea dell'intensa "attività" del gruppo. 4: Parte IV
    In onda il: 2018-08-22 La storia di una paziente internata spinge Heather a cercare Marin. Ambrose fa visita a Vera a Mosswood e si fa un'idea dell'intensa "attività" del gruppo. In onda il: 2018-08-29 5: Parte V
    Heather affronta Vera a proposito di Julian. Mentre i segreti di Mosswood vengono a galla, Ambrose oltrepassa il limite per avvicinarsi alla verità. 5: Parte V
    In onda il: 2018-08-29 Heather affronta Vera a proposito di Julian. Mentre i segreti di Mosswood vengono a galla, Ambrose oltrepassa il limite per avvicinarsi alla verità. In onda il: 2018-09-05 6: Parte VI
    Una scioccante scoperta porta Ambrose da Vera e lei racconta la storia di Mosswood. Grazie a nuove informazioni, Ambrose prepara una trappola per una persona importante. 6: Parte VI
    In onda il: 2018-09-05 Una scioccante scoperta porta Ambrose da Vera e lei racconta la storia di Mosswood. Grazie a nuove informazioni, Ambrose prepara una trappola per una persona importante. In onda il: 2018-09-12 7: Parte VII
    Mentre la polizia irrompe a Mosswood, Vera perde il controllo. Heather e Ambrose infrangono ogni regola e la loro forsennata ricerca porta a una sorpresa. 7: Parte VII
    In onda il: 2018-09-12 Mentre la polizia irrompe a Mosswood, Vera perde il controllo. Heather e Ambrose infrangono ogni regola e la loro forsennata ricerca porta a una sorpresa. In onda il: 2018-09-19 8: Parte VIII
    Di fronte a una scelta, Julian chiede aiuto ad Ambrose. Finalmente si scopre la triste verità sul passato di Marin. 8: Parte VIII
    In onda il: 2018-09-19 Di fronte a una scelta, Julian chiede aiuto ad Ambrose. Finalmente si scopre la triste verità sul passato di Marin. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. Knightfall 2 [8/8] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Knightfall
    Stagione 2    Episodi 8        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Dramma
    Knightfall comincia dopo la caduta della città di Acri, l'ultima roccaforte dei Templari in Terra Santa, dove il Santo Graal andò perduto, inabissandosi insieme alla nave che lo trasportava. Anni dopo, emerge un indizio che suggerisce la possibile ubicazione del Graal, incredibilmente ricomparso in Francia, e i Templari, guidati dal nobile Landry, partono per una missione di vita o di morte per ritrovarlo.
    Jeremy Renner
    Executive Producer Jan Blahák
    Stunts Tom Cullen
    Landry de Lauzon Pádraic Delaney
    Gawain Simon Merrells
    Tancrède de Hauteville Julian Ovenden
    William De Nogaret Ed Stoppard
    King Philip IV of France Nasser Memarzia
    Draper Jim High
    Ulric Mark Hamill
    Master Talus Jim Carter
    Pope Boniface VIII Tom Forbes
    Prince Louis of France Episodi: 8 
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 1: Per l'amore di Dio
    Bandito dai Cavalieri Templari dopo la scoperta della tresca con la regina, Landry deve rientrare nell'ordine come novizio e rifare il percorso per redimersi. Re Filippo formula un piano per intentare un'azione contro i Templari, mentre è alle prese con il ritorno di suo figlio, il Principe Luigi. 1: Per l'amore di Dio
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 Bandito dai Cavalieri Templari dopo la scoperta della tresca con la regina, Landry deve rientrare nell'ordine come novizio e rifare il percorso per redimersi. Re Filippo formula un piano per intentare un'azione contro i Templari, mentre è alle prese con il ritorno di suo figlio, il Principe Luigi. In onda il: 2019-07-04 2: Un demone dentro
    Rientrato nell'Ordine come un iniziato, Landry continua con l'allenamento sotto la guida di Talus. De Nogaret implora Re Filippo di intentare una causa pubblica contro i Templari, cercando l'aiuto di un ex membro dell'Ordine. Principe Luigi viene incaricato di una importante e segreta missione. 2: Un demone dentro
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 Rientrato nell'Ordine come un iniziato, Landry continua con l'allenamento sotto la guida di Talus. De Nogaret implora Re Filippo di intentare una causa pubblica contro i Templari, cercando l'aiuto di un ex membro dell'Ordine. Principe Luigi viene incaricato di una importante e segreta missione. In onda il: 2019-07-04 3: Abbi fede
    Dopo aver subito una perdita, l'Ordine dei Templari si prepara per la vendetta. 3: Abbi fede
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 Dopo aver subito una perdita, l'Ordine dei Templari si prepara per la vendetta. In onda il: 2019-07-04 4: Uguali dinnanzi a Dio
    Un misterioso cavaliere giunge al Tempio di Chartres, portando terribili notizie ai Cavalieri Templari. Luigi si dispera per avere un erede, creando un muro tra lui e la moglie. Re Filippo invia Gawain in un missione dove si ritrova faccia a faccia con i suoi ex fratelli Templari. 4: Uguali dinnanzi a Dio
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 Un misterioso cavaliere giunge al Tempio di Chartres, portando terribili notizie ai Cavalieri Templari. Luigi si dispera per avere un erede, creando un muro tra lui e la moglie. Re Filippo invia Gawain in un missione dove si ritrova faccia a faccia con i suoi ex fratelli Templari. In onda il: 2019-07-04 5: Oscuri segreti
    Landry si riunisce con la figlia, solo per essere separati ancora. Crescendo d'impazienza riguardo la strategia per via "legale" di De Nogaret, Re Filippo prepara l'armata per la guerra. Margaret scopre uno degli oscuri segreti del Principe Luigi. 5: Oscuri segreti
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 Landry si riunisce con la figlia, solo per essere separati ancora. Crescendo d'impazienza riguardo la strategia per via "legale" di De Nogaret, Re Filippo prepara l'armata per la guerra. Margaret scopre uno degli oscuri segreti del Principe Luigi. In onda il: 2019-07-04 6: Una roccia intrisa di sangue
    Re Filippo lancia un massiccio attacco al Tempio di Chartres, dando vita ad una battaglia che segnerà il destino dei Cavalieri Templari. 6: Una roccia intrisa di sangue
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 Re Filippo lancia un massiccio attacco al Tempio di Chartres, dando vita ad una battaglia che segnerà il destino dei Cavalieri Templari. In onda il: 2019-07-04 7: Venerdì 13
    Catturati e riportati a Parigi, i Cavalieri Templari sono soggetti ad un'inchiesta per accusa di eresia. 7: Venerdì 13
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 Catturati e riportati a Parigi, i Cavalieri Templari sono soggetti ad un'inchiesta per accusa di eresia. In onda il: 2019-07-04 8: Sentenze
    La morte dell'Ordine dei Templari è imminente mentre Landry si avvia con i suoi fratelli Templari verso le pire per i roghi. 8: Sentenze
    In onda il: 2019-07-04 La morte dell'Ordine dei Templari è imminente mentre Landry si avvia con i suoi fratelli Templari verso le pire per i roghi. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  3. Virtual Storm - Storm Watch (2002) Streaming  

    Fantascienza - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Virtual Storm. Tempesta virtuale
    1 h 40 m    2002        
    Fantascienza ◦ Azione
    America's best player is being pulled in to the ultimate cyber-terror. The game's mastermind has stolen his identity, put him on the FBI's Most Wanted List, and is blackmailing him to take a part in a real twisted plan of world destruction. With just hours left, can the code be broken to save the world from total annihilation?
    Eugene Collier
    Stunt Double Jacques Haitkin
    Director of Photography Sean Murray
    Original Music Composer Lisa M. Hansen
    Producer Paul Hertzberg
    Producer Steve Latshaw
    Writer Neil Elman
    Producer Terry Cunningham
    Director Terry Cunningham
    Writer Hans Ritter
    Producer Denney Pierce
    Stunt Double Merritt Yohnka
    Utility Stunts Kurt Bryant
    Stunt Coordinator Rich Delia
    Casting Flavia Carrozzi
    Writer Ted Barba
    Stunt Double Carl Milinac
    Utility Stunts Vanessa Marcil
    Tess Woodward Serena Scott Thomas
    Dr. Valerie Harman Bai Ling
    Skylar Nick Cornish
    Nick 'Jester' Chase Adrian Paul
    Neville Coolio
    Outlaw Scott Rinker
    Mason Kemeny Richard Cox
    Richard Clark Jerry Doyle
    Admiral Renner Wesley Jonathan
    Ravi Nora Dunn
    Rose Chase Tone Loc
    Ray Adam Lieberman
    Hotel Clerk (as Adam Gordon) Burt Bulos
    NSA Agent Kevin Fry-Bowers
    Officer Clemens Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. I flagelli di Breslavia (2018) Streaming  

    Thriller - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer I flagelli di Breslavia
    1 h 33 m    2018        
    Crime ◦ Azione ◦ Thriller
    Dopo il ritrovamento di un corpo in una sacca fatta di pelle bovina, una detective polacca si accorge che un killer sta ricreando una serie di punizioni tipiche del '700.
    Patryk Vega
    Director Patryk Vega
    Writer Łukasz Targosz
    Original Music Composer Łukasz Targosz
    Musician Łukasz Targosz
    Music Producer Aniko Kiss
    Production Design Mirosłow Kuba Brożek
    Director of Photography Maksymilian Michasiów
    Casting Tomasz Widarski
    Editor Agata Strożyńska
    Production Design Maciej Sojka
    Producer Małgorzata Bednarek-Chumakou
    Costume Design Sylwia Koperska-Mrozinska
    Writer Jerzy Dziegielewski
    Producer Grzegorz Esz
    Producer Małgorzata Kożuchowska
    Helena Ruś Daria Widawska
    Magda Drewniak / Iwona Bogacka Tomasz Oświeciński
    Bronson Andrzej Grabowski
    Public prosecutor Filip Chajzer
    Chief ABW Ewa Kasprzyk
    Alicja Drewniak Iwona Bielska
    Pathomorphologist Maria Dejmek
    Agnieszka Lenarcik Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
    Nastka Jacek Beler
    Felo Igor Kujawski
    Michalik Wojciech Kalinowski
    Commander Sebastian Stankiewicz
    TV Operator Nessun Trailer disponibile
  5. La famiglia Willoughbys (2020) Streaming  

    Animazione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La famiglia Willoughby
    1 h 32 m    2020        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Famiglia
    Quattro bambini abbandonati da genitori egoisti cercano di adeguare i loro valori d'altri tempi a quelli del mondo contemporaneo.
    Mark Mothersbaugh
    Music Tom Myers
    Sound Designer Tom Myers
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Ricky Gervais
    Executive Producer Luke Carroll
    Producer Kris Pearn
    Director Kris Pearn
    Writer Aaron L. Gilbert
    Producer Scott Winlaw
    Editor Lois Lowry
    Book Jason Cloth
    Executive Producer Tony Villaflor
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Kyle McQueen
    Production Design Steve Slanec
    Supervising Sound Editor Brenda Gilbert
    Producer Craig Kellman
    Character Designer Chris Conover
    Executive Producer Andrew Pollack
    Executive Producer Pete Oswald
    Character Designer Dale Wells
    Executive Producer Rav Grewal
    Director of Photography Sebastian Brodin
    Director of Photography Cory Evans
    Co-Director Rob Lodermeier
    Co-Director Mark Stanleigh
    Screenplay Kyu Hyung Ray Lee
    Lighting Artist Kyu Hyung Ray Lee
    Compositing Artist Adam Wood
    Thanks Will Forte
    Tim Willoughby (voice) Maya Rudolph
    Nanny (voice) Alessia Cara
    Jane Willoughby (voice) Terry Crews
    Commander Melanoff (voice) Martin Short
    The Father (voice) Jane Krakowski
    The Mother (voice) Seán Cullen
    Barnaby Twins (voice) Ricky Gervais
    The Cat (voice) Fiona Toth
    Travel Agent (voice) Islie Hirvonen
    Perfect Daughter (voice) Colleen Wheeler
    Social Worker (voice) Bonnie Riley
    Mikelina (voice) Robyn Ross
    Real Estate Agent (voice) Shannon Chan-Kent
    Baby Ruth (voice) Rebecca Husain
    Sweetie (voice) Cristina Rosato
    Reporter (voice) La famiglia Willoughby | Trailer ufficiale | Netflix
  6. Empire 5 [18/18] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Empire
    Stagione 5    Episodi 18        
    Ambientato a Philadelphia e incentrato sul mondo della musica e delladiscografia, questo nuovo musical drama di Lee Daniels e' stato applaudito fin dal suo esordio come il primo grande successo della TV americana del 2015, elevandolo a serie cult per la nuova generazione. Lucious Lyon e' il re dell'hip-hop: artista di talento, CEO della Empire Entertainment ed ex delinquente, ha visto il suo impero vivere incontrastato per anni.  Ma tutto e' destinato a cambiare quando scopre di avere una malattia che lo rendera' paralitico e si trova costretto a decidere a quale dei suoi figli cedere lo scettro senza distruggere la sua famiglia gia' fratturata.  Il suo preferito e' Hakeem, il piu' giovane, un musicista di talento e un playboy viziato. Il figlio di mezzo, Jamal, ha un animo sensibile ed e' un prodigio della musica, ma preferisce stare lontano dai riflettori e il suo essere gay fa infuriare suo padre.  Andre, il maggiore, istruito e con portato per gli affari, manca pero' di carisma. Come se non bastasse, la scelta di Lucious diventa ancora piu' difficile quando la sua ex moglie, Cookie, torna nella sua vita dopo essere stata a lungo in prigione.
    Lee Daniels
    Executive Producer Terrence Howard
    Lucious Lyon Taraji P. Henson
    Cookie Lyon Bryshere Y. Gray
    Hakeem Lyon Trai Byers
    Andre Lyon Gabourey Sidibe
    Becky Vivica A. Fox
    Candace Episodi: 18 
    In onda il: 2018-09-26 1: Steal from the Thief
    Two years after losing Empire to Eddie Barker, Cookie and Lucious are still in the midst of picking up the pieces. The family is now completely dispersed and coping in their own ways after experiencing unimaginable tragedies. Meanwhile, in an effort to reclaim the Lyons' position in the music industry, Cookie sets her eyes on a talented new singer and rapper, Treasure. 1: Steal from the Thief
    In onda il: 2018-09-26 Two years after losing Empire to Eddie Barker, Cookie and Lucious are still in the midst of picking up the pieces. The family is now completely dispersed and coping in their own ways after experiencing unimaginable tragedies. Meanwhile, in an effort to reclaim the Lyons' position in the music industry, Cookie sets her eyes on a talented new singer and rapper, Treasure. In onda il: 2018-10-03 2: Pay for Their Presumptions
    Cookie and Lucious learn the difficulties of launching an artist without Empire Entertainment's resources, and their future with new artist Treasure is jeopardized. So when they receive two interesting offers that will launch them back into power in the music industry, they make a surprising decision. Meanwhile, Jamal decides to put his family first and move back to New York, leaving Kai with some tough decisions. 2: Pay for Their Presumptions
    In onda il: 2018-10-03 Cookie and Lucious learn the difficulties of launching an artist without Empire Entertainment's resources, and their future with new artist Treasure is jeopardized. So when they receive two interesting offers that will launch them back into power in the music industry, they make a surprising decision. Meanwhile, Jamal decides to put his family first and move back to New York, leaving Kai with some tough decisions. In onda il: 2018-10-10 3: Pride
    Cookie and Lucious push to get back in the music game, but they'll need the whole family and some old allies to make serious sacrifices in order to do so. Meanwhile, Andre finds a risky way to make a name for himself among his fellow inmates. 3: Pride
    In onda il: 2018-10-10 Cookie and Lucious push to get back in the music game, but they'll need the whole family and some old allies to make serious sacrifices in order to do so. Meanwhile, Andre finds a risky way to make a name for himself among his fellow inmates. In onda il: 2018-10-17 4: Love All, Trust a Few
    The Lyon family works to get back in their groove with a brand-new project underway. As Cookie and Portia attempt to sign Devon, who has just the sound they're looking for, Andre tries to prove himself useful to Lucious on the business side of things. Not having heard from Kai, Jamal panics and looks back at their history together. At Empire, the new management entangles itself with a dangerous tie from the Lyon family's past. 4: Love All, Trust a Few
    In onda il: 2018-10-17 The Lyon family works to get back in their groove with a brand-new project underway. As Cookie and Portia attempt to sign Devon, who has just the sound they're looking for, Andre tries to prove himself useful to Lucious on the business side of things. Not having heard from Kai, Jamal panics and looks back at their history together. At Empire, the new management entangles itself with a dangerous tie from the Lyon family's past. In onda il: 2018-10-31 5: The Depth of Grief
    Lucious and Cookie prep their new artist Devon (guest star Mario) for a premiere listening party, but worry he may not be ready for that kind of pressure. Hakeem is determined to convince Tiana that he's matured, but she has a hard time letting go of everything they've struggled through the past couple years. Meanwhile, Cookie becomes concerned about Jamal. 5: The Depth of Grief
    In onda il: 2018-10-31 Lucious and Cookie prep their new artist Devon (guest star Mario) for a premiere listening party, but worry he may not be ready for that kind of pressure. Hakeem is determined to convince Tiana that he's matured, but she has a hard time letting go of everything they've struggled through the past couple years. Meanwhile, Cookie becomes concerned about Jamal. In onda il: 2018-11-07 6: What Is Done
    In an effort to sign more artists, Cookie and Lucious make a bet to see who can find someone first. While Lucious bets on the chance to meet an up and coming rapper in a high stakes poker game, Cookie takes to the streets to find untapped talent in a set of auditions. Meanwhile, Hakeem refuses to leave the studio when his rage inspires what he considers his best music yet and Jamal finds himself at a crossroads when Becky claims he's spending too much time with Kai. 6: What Is Done
    In onda il: 2018-11-07 In an effort to sign more artists, Cookie and Lucious make a bet to see who can find someone first. While Lucious bets on the chance to meet an up and coming rapper in a high stakes poker game, Cookie takes to the streets to find untapped talent in a set of auditions. Meanwhile, Hakeem refuses to leave the studio when his rage inspires what he considers his best music yet and Jamal finds himself at a crossroads when Becky claims he's spending too much time with Kai. In onda il: 2018-11-14 7: Treasons, Stratagems, and Spoils
    In an effort to bridge the gap between Lyon Family Management and Empire, Lucious must play nice with Jeff Kingsley, so that the two companies can get girl group TBD back on the map. Meanwhile, Jamal grows frustrated with Cookie when she tries to steal his London artist, Wynter, out from under him, Andre works with the mother of one of his old inmates to help free her innocent son and Cookie realizes her sister is in danger. 7: Treasons, Stratagems, and Spoils
    In onda il: 2018-11-14 In an effort to bridge the gap between Lyon Family Management and Empire, Lucious must play nice with Jeff Kingsley, so that the two companies can get girl group TBD back on the map. Meanwhile, Jamal grows frustrated with Cookie when she tries to steal his London artist, Wynter, out from under him, Andre works with the mother of one of his old inmates to help free her innocent son and Cookie realizes her sister is in danger. In onda il: 2018-11-28 8: Master of What is Mine Own
    The cost of running Lyon Family Management starts to put pressure on Cookie and Lucious' relationship. When Kingsley pulls a power move of his own that has major financial repercussions for Lucious, Cookie thinks back to their early struggles. Kai becomes upset when Jamal announces their engagement on live TV and Tiana hits a crossroad with Hakeem, who refuses to set aside his beef with Blake. Meanwhile, Candace becomes vindictive after feeling betrayed by Cookie and Giselle uncovers a key to her future. 8: Master of What is Mine Own
    In onda il: 2018-11-28 The cost of running Lyon Family Management starts to put pressure on Cookie and Lucious' relationship. When Kingsley pulls a power move of his own that has major financial repercussions for Lucious, Cookie thinks back to their early struggles. Kai becomes upset when Jamal announces their engagement on live TV and Tiana hits a crossroad with Hakeem, who refuses to set aside his beef with Blake. Meanwhile, Candace becomes vindictive after feeling betrayed by Cookie and Giselle uncovers a key to her future. In onda il: 2018-12-05 9: Had It From My Father
    The financial security of the Lyon family is on the line as their LFM showcase quickly approaches. Kai's research for an expose on Empire uncovers some dirty activity within the company and causes conflict with Jamal. Meanwhile, Hakeem and Tiana finally reach an agreement on how best to move forward with their relationship, Andre struggles with his decision to let a new love interest in and Kingsley strikes a deal with Giselle. 9: Had It From My Father
    In onda il: 2018-12-05 The financial security of the Lyon family is on the line as their LFM showcase quickly approaches. Kai's research for an expose on Empire uncovers some dirty activity within the company and causes conflict with Jamal. Meanwhile, Hakeem and Tiana finally reach an agreement on how best to move forward with their relationship, Andre struggles with his decision to let a new love interest in and Kingsley strikes a deal with Giselle. In onda il: 2019-03-13 10: My Fault Is Past
    With the control of Empire within reach again, the Lyons must pull out all the stops to prove Lucious and Becky's innocence in the datamining scandal. Meanwhile, Cookie struggles with Lucious' past and Jeff Kingsley's place in it, Jamal and Kai try to figure out where they stand and a mystery begins to unravel. 10: My Fault Is Past
    In onda il: 2019-03-13 With the control of Empire within reach again, the Lyons must pull out all the stops to prove Lucious and Becky's innocence in the datamining scandal. Meanwhile, Cookie struggles with Lucious' past and Jeff Kingsley's place in it, Jamal and Kai try to figure out where they stand and a mystery begins to unravel. In onda il: 2019-03-20 11: In Loving Virtue
    With the reputation of the family business on the line, the Lyons strategize on how to clean up Kingsley's mess and introduce a new and improved Empire. As Lucious and Cookie hire an old acquaintance to help track down the money Eddie stole, Andre tries to convince Devon's record label to let him record with Empire. Meanwhile, Treasure and Tiana fight for the female vocalist track on Jamal's new song. 11: In Loving Virtue
    In onda il: 2019-03-20 With the reputation of the family business on the line, the Lyons strategize on how to clean up Kingsley's mess and introduce a new and improved Empire. As Lucious and Cookie hire an old acquaintance to help track down the money Eddie stole, Andre tries to convince Devon's record label to let him record with Empire. Meanwhile, Treasure and Tiana fight for the female vocalist track on Jamal's new song. In onda il: 2019-03-27 12: Shift and Save Yourself
    Cookie is offered a career game-changer that would put her future in the family business in jeopardy. Jamal works diligently to try to make Tiana and Treasure's track a success, as Lucious, Cookie and Giselle deliberate future plans for Hakeem and the rest of the artists at Empire. Meanwhile, the feds pressure Thirsty, due to his affiliation with Lucious and Damon Cross, and Andre receives startling news. 12: Shift and Save Yourself
    In onda il: 2019-03-27 Cookie is offered a career game-changer that would put her future in the family business in jeopardy. Jamal works diligently to try to make Tiana and Treasure's track a success, as Lucious, Cookie and Giselle deliberate future plans for Hakeem and the rest of the artists at Empire. Meanwhile, the feds pressure Thirsty, due to his affiliation with Lucious and Damon Cross, and Andre receives startling news. In onda il: 2019-04-03 13: Hot Blood, Hot Thoughts, Hot Deeds
    When Empire launches its national tour in Philly, things heat up and egos clash. Jamal and Kai's relationships gets complicated and Treasure has an embarrassing mishap on stage. Cookie tries to grapple with her feelings for Damon, while the Feds start investigating Empire. 13: Hot Blood, Hot Thoughts, Hot Deeds
    In onda il: 2019-04-03 When Empire launches its national tour in Philly, things heat up and egos clash. Jamal and Kai's relationships gets complicated and Treasure has an embarrassing mishap on stage. Cookie tries to grapple with her feelings for Damon, while the Feds start investigating Empire. In onda il: 2019-04-10 14: Without All Remedy
    After receiving news about Andre's health, the Lyon family does everything in its power to support him, while continuing the tour. As Cookie and Lucious hash out their wrongdoings, Kai comforts Jamal through this process. Meanwhile, Maya comes to terms with where she stands with Blake and the others, and the rest of Empire must make sure the tour stays afloat. 14: Without All Remedy
    In onda il: 2019-04-10 After receiving news about Andre's health, the Lyon family does everything in its power to support him, while continuing the tour. As Cookie and Lucious hash out their wrongdoings, Kai comforts Jamal through this process. Meanwhile, Maya comes to terms with where she stands with Blake and the others, and the rest of Empire must make sure the tour stays afloat. In onda il: 2019-04-17 15: A Wise Father That Knows His Own Child
    As the Feds close in on Empire, Jeff Kingsley seeks the truth about what really happened between Lucious and Tracy Kingsley. Meanwhile, Teri and the Lyons pray for Andre's health, and Cookie faces the truth about her relationship with Damon Cross. Jamal and Kai reach an understanding, while Hakeem attempts to figure out where he stands among his relationships. 15: A Wise Father That Knows His Own Child
    In onda il: 2019-04-17 As the Feds close in on Empire, Jeff Kingsley seeks the truth about what really happened between Lucious and Tracy Kingsley. Meanwhile, Teri and the Lyons pray for Andre's health, and Cookie faces the truth about her relationship with Damon Cross. Jamal and Kai reach an understanding, while Hakeem attempts to figure out where he stands among his relationships. In onda il: 2019-04-24 16: Never Doubt I Love
    It's a special day for Jamal and Kai, but drama might ruin it when AUSA's Meghan Conway continues to pursue the Lyons by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Damon shows up, threatening to expose Cookie's secret; Teri confides in Cookie, sharing a big secret; and Andre asks Lucious for help with a life-altering task. 16: Never Doubt I Love
    In onda il: 2019-04-24 It's a special day for Jamal and Kai, but drama might ruin it when AUSA's Meghan Conway continues to pursue the Lyons by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Damon shows up, threatening to expose Cookie's secret; Teri confides in Cookie, sharing a big secret; and Andre asks Lucious for help with a life-altering task. In onda il: 2019-05-01 17: My Fate Cries Out
    Cookie gets picked up by AUSA Conway, while Lucious is visited by his past. Becky, Hakeem and Andre devise a plan to save Empire by putting on a show with special guests Sevyn Streeter and Ty Dolla $ign. Meanwhile, Andre helps Empire by getting help from the last person the Lyons expect and Cookie may never forgive Lucious for what he's done. 17: My Fate Cries Out
    In onda il: 2019-05-01 Cookie gets picked up by AUSA Conway, while Lucious is visited by his past. Becky, Hakeem and Andre devise a plan to save Empire by putting on a show with special guests Sevyn Streeter and Ty Dolla $ign. Meanwhile, Andre helps Empire by getting help from the last person the Lyons expect and Cookie may never forgive Lucious for what he's done. In onda il: 2019-05-08 18: The Roughest Day
    As Cookie and Lucious deal with each other's betrayals, they wonder if this could be the end for their relationship. Meanwhile, Andre's life hangs in the balance and the future of Empire is in jeopardy as the Feds close in and the mystery of who is in the coffin is finally. 18: The Roughest Day
    In onda il: 2019-05-08 As Cookie and Lucious deal with each other's betrayals, they wonder if this could be the end for their relationship. Meanwhile, Andre's life hangs in the balance and the future of Empire is in jeopardy as the Feds close in and the mystery of who is in the coffin is finally. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. Empire 6 [18/18] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Empire
    Stagione 6    Episodi 18        
    Ambientato a Philadelphia e incentrato sul mondo della musica e delladiscografia, questo nuovo musical drama di Lee Daniels e' stato applaudito fin dal suo esordio come il primo grande successo della TV americana del 2015, elevandolo a serie cult per la nuova generazione. Lucious Lyon e' il re dell'hip-hop: artista di talento, CEO della Empire Entertainment ed ex delinquente, ha visto il suo impero vivere incontrastato per anni.  Ma tutto e' destinato a cambiare quando scopre di avere una malattia che lo rendera' paralitico e si trova costretto a decidere a quale dei suoi figli cedere lo scettro senza distruggere la sua famiglia gia' fratturata.  Il suo preferito e' Hakeem, il piu' giovane, un musicista di talento e un playboy viziato. Il figlio di mezzo, Jamal, ha un animo sensibile ed e' un prodigio della musica, ma preferisce stare lontano dai riflettori e il suo essere gay fa infuriare suo padre.  Andre, il maggiore, istruito e con portato per gli affari, manca pero' di carisma. Come se non bastasse, la scelta di Lucious diventa ancora piu' difficile quando la sua ex moglie, Cookie, torna nella sua vita dopo essere stata a lungo in prigione.
    Lee Daniels
    Executive Producer Terrence Howard
    Lucious Lyon Taraji P. Henson
    Cookie Lyon Bryshere Y. Gray
    Hakeem Lyon Trai Byers
    Andre Lyon Gabourey Sidibe
    Becky Vivica A. Fox
    Candace Episodi: 18 
    In onda il: 2019-09-24 1: What Is Love
    Lucious, who is now a wanted fugitive, is on the run from the Feds. Cookie keeps busy by focusing on her brand outside of Empire, which now includes a daytime talk show and a community center. Andre, currently sitting on the Empire throne, is confronted by several people who now want to get in on the company and Hakeem sets his sights on the lead role in the first EMPIRE movie. Meanwhile, Becky and Giselle search for their first Bossy Media artist. 1: What Is Love
    In onda il: 2019-09-24 Lucious, who is now a wanted fugitive, is on the run from the Feds. Cookie keeps busy by focusing on her brand outside of Empire, which now includes a daytime talk show and a community center. Andre, currently sitting on the Empire throne, is confronted by several people who now want to get in on the company and Hakeem sets his sights on the lead role in the first EMPIRE movie. Meanwhile, Becky and Giselle search for their first Bossy Media artist. In onda il: 2019-10-01 2: Got on My Knees to Pray
    While Lucious is still on the run, Cookie confronts Damon about why he lied to her. Andre, who is dealing with his own personal trauma, is suddenly forced to grapple with an unforeseen family complication. Meanwhile, Becky and Giselle try to get the star power they need out of their first Bossy Media artist and Tiana tries to help Devon find his sound. 2: Got on My Knees to Pray
    In onda il: 2019-10-01 While Lucious is still on the run, Cookie confronts Damon about why he lied to her. Andre, who is dealing with his own personal trauma, is suddenly forced to grapple with an unforeseen family complication. Meanwhile, Becky and Giselle try to get the star power they need out of their first Bossy Media artist and Tiana tries to help Devon find his sound. In onda il: 2019-10-08 3: You Broke Love
    While Lucious' plan to escape from the Feds finally comes to a head, Cookie finds herself in a dangerous situation with Damon. Andre is haunted by a ghost from his past that he can't seem to shake and Tiana receives backlash from fans over a social media post. Meanwhile, Becky tries her new artist on track and is surprised by an unexpected visit from family. 3: You Broke Love
    In onda il: 2019-10-08 While Lucious' plan to escape from the Feds finally comes to a head, Cookie finds herself in a dangerous situation with Damon. Andre is haunted by a ghost from his past that he can't seem to shake and Tiana receives backlash from fans over a social media post. Meanwhile, Becky tries her new artist on track and is surprised by an unexpected visit from family. In onda il: 2019-10-15 4: Tell the Truth
    A happy family occasion brings the Lyon family back together, but it becomes apparent that no one seems to see eye-to-eye. Lucious, unhappy with how Empire and the Empire movie are progressing, springs into action and comes face-to-face with demons from his past. Meanwhile, Cookie reaches her breaking point and considers seeking help and Andre encourages Tiana to smooth over the controversy she created for the company. 4: Tell the Truth
    In onda il: 2019-10-15 A happy family occasion brings the Lyon family back together, but it becomes apparent that no one seems to see eye-to-eye. Lucious, unhappy with how Empire and the Empire movie are progressing, springs into action and comes face-to-face with demons from his past. Meanwhile, Cookie reaches her breaking point and considers seeking help and Andre encourages Tiana to smooth over the controversy she created for the company. In onda il: 2019-11-05 5: Stronger Than My Rival
    Lucious, still obsessed with his past, tries to make amends for his wrongdoings with an old friend. Cookie vies to take control of the house, putting the whole family in the middle. Andre and Lucious go head-to-head in a competition to figure out the direction Empire should be heading in. Meanwhile, Becky and Giselle are at odds over the future of Bossy music. 5: Stronger Than My Rival
    In onda il: 2019-11-05 Lucious, still obsessed with his past, tries to make amends for his wrongdoings with an old friend. Cookie vies to take control of the house, putting the whole family in the middle. Andre and Lucious go head-to-head in a competition to figure out the direction Empire should be heading in. Meanwhile, Becky and Giselle are at odds over the future of Bossy music. In onda il: 2019-11-12 6: Heart of Stone
    Candace and Carol take Cookie on a girls' trip to Miami to have some fun and take her mind off Lucious. After an unsettling visit with Leah, Lucious is left to deal with some inward self-reflection. Meanwhile, Andre makes a bold decision regarding Treasure's upcoming album and Giselle goes behind Becky's back to find Tiana a new audience. 6: Heart of Stone
    In onda il: 2019-11-12 Candace and Carol take Cookie on a girls' trip to Miami to have some fun and take her mind off Lucious. After an unsettling visit with Leah, Lucious is left to deal with some inward self-reflection. Meanwhile, Andre makes a bold decision regarding Treasure's upcoming album and Giselle goes behind Becky's back to find Tiana a new audience. In onda il: 2019-11-19 7: Good Enough
    After realizing that music is her real first love, Cookie makes moves to get back into the music world and offers to throw an event to gain exposure for Bossy Media. Meanwhile, Lucious tries to regain control of Empire by attempting to sabotage Andre’s vision for the company. Also, Hakeem feels threatened by DeVon’s strong bond with Prince and Bella. 7: Good Enough
    In onda il: 2019-11-19 After realizing that music is her real first love, Cookie makes moves to get back into the music world and offers to throw an event to gain exposure for Bossy Media. Meanwhile, Lucious tries to regain control of Empire by attempting to sabotage Andre’s vision for the company. Also, Hakeem feels threatened by DeVon’s strong bond with Prince and Bella. In onda il: 2019-11-26 8: Do You Remember Me
    Upon taking her first steps back into music, Cookie discovers an artist with raw talent when Lucious dismissed years ago. Meanwhile, Lucious spends a day in the city with Yana and is surprised to discover they have much more in common than he thought. Also, Andre pulls out all the stops in order to convince a reluctant artist to sign with Empire, Tracy finds evidence that incriminates Lucious and Giselle runs into an old friend who could help Bossy Media with its financial trouble. 8: Do You Remember Me
    In onda il: 2019-11-26 Upon taking her first steps back into music, Cookie discovers an artist with raw talent when Lucious dismissed years ago. Meanwhile, Lucious spends a day in the city with Yana and is surprised to discover they have much more in common than he thought. Also, Andre pulls out all the stops in order to convince a reluctant artist to sign with Empire, Tracy finds evidence that incriminates Lucious and Giselle runs into an old friend who could help Bossy Media with its financial trouble. In onda il: 2019-12-03 9: Remember the Music
    Hakeem raises concerns over Lucious’ changes to the Empire movie script, causing Lucious and Cookie to come together to recount the events that lead to the evolution of Empire. Andre turns to Kelly Patel to help him gain controlling interest in the company, as Teri grows increasingly suspicious of Andre’s role in signing Prophet the Poet. Meanwhile, Bossy Media considers taking on a silent partner to help with their financial issues and Philly Street confronts Lucious about the info he received from White Tracy. 9: Remember the Music
    In onda il: 2019-12-03 Hakeem raises concerns over Lucious’ changes to the Empire movie script, causing Lucious and Cookie to come together to recount the events that lead to the evolution of Empire. Andre turns to Kelly Patel to help him gain controlling interest in the company, as Teri grows increasingly suspicious of Andre’s role in signing Prophet the Poet. Meanwhile, Bossy Media considers taking on a silent partner to help with their financial issues and Philly Street confronts Lucious about the info he received from White Tracy. In onda il: 2019-12-10 10: Cold Cold Man
    Cookie becomes frustrated with Lucious, who is struggling to accept that their relationship is over. Upon being shut out of the ASA nominations, the women of Bossy choose Melody to take their performance slot at the ASAs, causing Tiana to question all of her decisions over the past few months. Meanwhile, Teri confronts Andre over his lies and elsewhere, an emotional confrontation ends with a bang... or two. 10: Cold Cold Man
    In onda il: 2019-12-10 Cookie becomes frustrated with Lucious, who is struggling to accept that their relationship is over. Upon being shut out of the ASA nominations, the women of Bossy choose Melody to take their performance slot at the ASAs, causing Tiana to question all of her decisions over the past few months. Meanwhile, Teri confronts Andre over his lies and elsewhere, an emotional confrontation ends with a bang... or two. In onda il: 2020-03-03 11: Can't Truss 'Em
    The Lyons' world is turned upside down as they face a loss, which forces one Lyon to deal with an unresolved trauma from the past. Meanwhile, Andre makes an important decision about his health, family and career and Devon confronts Tiana about her relationship with Hakeem. Also, a shocking revelation about the future of the Lyons is revealed. 11: Can't Truss 'Em
    In onda il: 2020-03-03 The Lyons' world is turned upside down as they face a loss, which forces one Lyon to deal with an unresolved trauma from the past. Meanwhile, Andre makes an important decision about his health, family and career and Devon confronts Tiana about her relationship with Hakeem. Also, a shocking revelation about the future of the Lyons is revealed. In onda il: 2020-03-10 12: Talk Less
    Lucious hunts for a record deal for Yana, but is met with surprising feedback from the label execs. Meanwhile, Cookie struggles with her inability to shake memories of the secret she's kept for so many years. Also, Lala, feeling neglected by her team at Bossy Media, pulls a dangerous stunt to take promotion into her own hands, and Andre suffers from brownouts and lapses of judgement as Kingsley pushes for more control. 12: Talk Less
    In onda il: 2020-03-10 Lucious hunts for a record deal for Yana, but is met with surprising feedback from the label execs. Meanwhile, Cookie struggles with her inability to shake memories of the secret she's kept for so many years. Also, Lala, feeling neglected by her team at Bossy Media, pulls a dangerous stunt to take promotion into her own hands, and Andre suffers from brownouts and lapses of judgement as Kingsley pushes for more control. In onda il: 2020-03-17 13: Come Undone
    Cookie continues to keep her secret from her sisters, but Lucious feels she needs to come clean in order to move forward. When Treasure is unable to perform at the upcoming showcase, Becky suggests that Yana take the spot, but Lucious feels she's not ready. Meanwhile, Giselle struggles with keeping her family secret from Julian, Maya sets her sights on her own recording deal and Andre's actions put Quincy in a very bad situation. 13: Come Undone
    In onda il: 2020-03-17 Cookie continues to keep her secret from her sisters, but Lucious feels she needs to come clean in order to move forward. When Treasure is unable to perform at the upcoming showcase, Becky suggests that Yana take the spot, but Lucious feels she's not ready. Meanwhile, Giselle struggles with keeping her family secret from Julian, Maya sets her sights on her own recording deal and Andre's actions put Quincy in a very bad situation. In onda il: 2020-03-24 14: I Am Who I Am
    While on a road trip, Cookie, Candace and Carol take a painful trip down memory lane, shedding light on their childhood and exposing heartbreaking secrets from the past. Lucious uses something special from the past to help give Yana her big break. Meanwhile, Maya hatches a scheme to generate more buzz for the "Birth of an Empire" movie and Teri becomes increasingly more fearful of Andre. 14: I Am Who I Am
    In onda il: 2020-03-24 While on a road trip, Cookie, Candace and Carol take a painful trip down memory lane, shedding light on their childhood and exposing heartbreaking secrets from the past. Lucious uses something special from the past to help give Yana her big break. Meanwhile, Maya hatches a scheme to generate more buzz for the "Birth of an Empire" movie and Teri becomes increasingly more fearful of Andre. In onda il: 2020-03-31 15: Love Me Still
    As their wedding day arrives, Teri's fears concerning Andre's temper continue to surface. Meanwhile, Cookie finds a shocking discovery while digging into Bossy's finances, which leads to a heated confrontation with Giselle. Then, Yana starts to fall for Lucious again and Maya sets her sights on Hakeem, 15: Love Me Still
    In onda il: 2020-03-31 As their wedding day arrives, Teri's fears concerning Andre's temper continue to surface. Meanwhile, Cookie finds a shocking discovery while digging into Bossy's finances, which leads to a heated confrontation with Giselle. Then, Yana starts to fall for Lucious again and Maya sets her sights on Hakeem, In onda il: 2020-04-07 16: We Got Us
    After witnessing Andre's breakdown, Cookie and Lucious have him committed to the same treatment facility as Leah and the guilt Cookie feels from Andre's situation causes her to wonder how different life would be if she had not gone to prison. Meanwhile, Becky struggles with balancing her personal and professional relationships and Hakeem and Maya find themselves in a less-than-ideal situation after a drunken night in Vegas. 16: We Got Us
    In onda il: 2020-04-07 After witnessing Andre's breakdown, Cookie and Lucious have him committed to the same treatment facility as Leah and the guilt Cookie feels from Andre's situation causes her to wonder how different life would be if she had not gone to prison. Meanwhile, Becky struggles with balancing her personal and professional relationships and Hakeem and Maya find themselves in a less-than-ideal situation after a drunken night in Vegas. In onda il: 2020-04-14 17: Over Everything
    Lucious continues to run Empire and discovers some of Andre's business missteps by way of Kelly Patel. Meanwhile, Cookie tries to relaunch BossyFest but is met with major obstacles from the ASAs. Also, Hakeem and Maya's unlikely partnership proves to be beneficial and Becky celebrates her birthday. 17: Over Everything
    In onda il: 2020-04-14 Lucious continues to run Empire and discovers some of Andre's business missteps by way of Kelly Patel. Meanwhile, Cookie tries to relaunch BossyFest but is met with major obstacles from the ASAs. Also, Hakeem and Maya's unlikely partnership proves to be beneficial and Becky celebrates her birthday. In onda il: 2020-04-21 18: Home Is on the Way
    In the midst of the Bossyfest launch and the fight to regain control of Empire, Cookie reflects on her life and the woman she has become. Lucious finds it impossible to deny his feelings for Cookie, while continuing to support Yana and her rise to stardom. When the Lyons face their biggest threat yet, Lucious prepares for the battle of his life and realizes that in the end, family is what matters the most. 18: Home Is on the Way
    In onda il: 2020-04-21 In the midst of the Bossyfest launch and the fight to regain control of Empire, Cookie reflects on her life and the woman she has become. Lucious finds it impossible to deny his feelings for Cookie, while continuing to support Yana and her rise to stardom. When the Lyons face their biggest threat yet, Lucious prepares for the battle of his life and realizes that in the end, family is what matters the most. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  8. Bungou Stray Dogs 3 [12/12] (2019) [3° Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Bungou Stray Dogs
    Titolo inglese: Bungo Stray Dogs
    Titolo Kanji: 文豪ストレイドッグス
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Azione  Crimine  Giallo  Mistero 
    Anno: 2016
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Primavera (2016) [...] Inverno (2023)
    Episodi : 50+
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    Atsushi Nakajima è stato cacciato fuori dall'orfanotrofio in cui viveva e ora non ha né cibo né un posto dove dormire. Mentre sta sul ciglio di un fiume, salva un uomo che tenta di suicidarsi, costui si chiama Osamu Dazai e insieme al suo partner Kunikida fanno parte di un'agenzia di detective davvero particolare. Entrambi sono dotati di poteri soprannaturali e si occupano di casi troppo rischiosi per la polizia o i militari. Al momento stanno dando la caccia a una tigre apparsa nell'area recentemente, la quale sembra avere una sorta di connessione con Atsushi. Una volta concluso il caso è chiaro che ora il destino di Atsushi è collegato a quello dei due detective.
  9. Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple (2018) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Bungo Stray Dogs DEAD APPLE
    Titolo inglese: Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple
    Titolo Kanji: 文豪ストレイドッグス DEAD APPLE
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Film 
    Genere: Azione  Crimine  Giallo  Mistero 
    Anno: 2018
    Tratto da: Storia originale
    Stagioni: Inverno (2018)
    Episodi : 1
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato
    Una grave minaccia incombe sull'Agenzia di Detective Armati. Una misteriosa nebbia inizia ad apparire in tutto il mondo; al suo diradarsi, vengono rinvenuti i cadaveri di individui dotati di abilità speciali, uccisi dalla loro stessa abilità. Il colpevole sembra essere una vecchia conoscenza di Dazai e della Port Mafia, ma anche di Atsushi, quel Shibusawa Tatsuhiko che fu anche la mente dietro il conflitto della Testa del Drago di sei anni prima. Mentre l'agenzia viene incaricata dal Ministero di porre fine al problema, tuttavia, la misteriosa nebbia si diffonde per tutta Yokohama. A complicare la situazione, compare anche il demone Fedor, mentre invece Dazai fa perdere le sue tracce.
  10. Il silenzio della palude (2020) Streaming  

    Thriller - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Il silenzio della palude
    1 h 32 m    2019        
    "Q" è un giornalista divenuto scrittore di romanzi noir. In due dei suoi libri pubblicati, ambientati sempre nella natia Valencia, Q racconta di sanguinosi omicidi usando come sfondo la corruzione politica e il marciume dell'animo umano. I crimini che racconta però non sono così di finzione come sembra.
    Gemma Fauria
    Art Direction Zeltia Montes
    Music Rocío Pastor
    Costume Design Marc Vigil
    Director Isaac Vila
    Director of Photography Sergio Francisco
    Assistant Director Jesús Guerra
    Makeup & Hair Sergio Burmann
    Sound Antonio Asensio Mosbah
    Producer Ester Velasco
    Production Manager Sara Antuña
    Screenplay Ana Sainz-Trápaga
    Casting Patricia Álvarez de Miranda
    Casting Iñaki Juaristi
    Producer Juanjo Braulio
    Novel Carlos de Pando
    Screenplay Eli Adánez
    Makeup & Hair Pedro Alonso
    Q Nacho Fresneda
    Falconetti Carmina Barrios
    La Puri Àlex Monner
    Fran Zaira Romero
    Sara Maite Sandoval
    Isabel Javier Godino
    Vicent José Ángel Egido
    Carretero Raúl Prieto
    Nacho Miguel Ángel Romo
    Tailor Luis Zahera
    Taxi Driver Miguel de Lira
    Onofre Joan Carreras
    Muñoz Enric Benavent
    Ricardo Pep Molina
    Luis Pep Ricart
    Sebas Ferrán Gadea
    Toni Ernesto Pastor
    Carcoma Óscar de la Fuente
    Castaños Assaf Cohen
    (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Tredici 3 [13/13] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Tredici
    Stagione 3    Episodi 13        
    Dramma ◦ Mistero
    Dopo il suicidio di una ragazza un suo compagno di classe riceve una serie di cassette che rilevano le ragioni della sua scelta.
    Allen MacDonald
    Executive Producer Jane Bartelme
    Producer Tom McCarthy
    Executive Producer Michael Sugar
    Executive Producer Steve Golin
    Executive Producer Mandy Teefey
    Executive Producer Brian Yorkey
    Executive Producer Joy Gorman Wettels
    Executive Producer Selena Gomez
    Executive Producer Jay Asher
    Novel Kristel Laiblin
    Executive Producer Dylan Minnette
    Clay Jensen Grace Saif
    Ani Achola Christian Navarro
    Tony Padilla Alisha Boe
    Jessica Davis Brandon Flynn
    Justin Foley Justin Prentice
    Bryce Walker Miles Heizer
    Alex Standall Ross Butler
    Zach Dempsey Devin Druid
    Tyler Down Timothy Granaderos
    Montgomery de la Cruz Amy Hargreaves
    Lainie Jensen Mark Pellegrino
    Bill Standall Tyler Barnhardt
    Charlie St. George Jan Luis Castellanos
    Diego Torres Deaken Bluman
    Winston Williams Gary Sinise
    Robert Ellman Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 1: Si, Sono la Ragazza Nuova
    La polizia interroga Clay sulla scomparsa di Bryce. Il ragazzo ricorda come ha coperto le tracce di Tyler e incontrato Ani dopo la Festa di primavera. 1: Si, Sono la Ragazza Nuova
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 La polizia interroga Clay sulla scomparsa di Bryce. Il ragazzo ricorda come ha coperto le tracce di Tyler e incontrato Ani dopo la Festa di primavera. In onda il: 2019-08-23 2: Se Respiri, Sei un Bugiardo
    Dopo aver saputo della gravidanza di Chloe, Clay e Ani vanno a trovarla. Chloe ricorda come ha trovato conforto in Zach... sempre all'insaputa di Bryce. 2: Se Respiri, Sei un Bugiardo
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 Dopo aver saputo della gravidanza di Chloe, Clay e Ani vanno a trovarla. Chloe ricorda come ha trovato conforto in Zach... sempre all'insaputa di Bryce. In onda il: 2019-08-23 3: La Brava Persona è Indistinguibile da Quella Cattiva
    Mentre le indagini della polizia mettono in agitazione la scuola, Ani ricorda lo scontro tra Jessica e Bryce. Sempre più sospettosi della ragazza, Ani e Clay la seguono. 3: La Brava Persona è Indistinguibile da Quella Cattiva
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 Mentre le indagini della polizia mettono in agitazione la scuola, Ani ricorda lo scontro tra Jessica e Bryce. Sempre più sospettosi della ragazza, Ani e Clay la seguono. In onda il: 2019-08-23 4: Arrabbiato, Giovane e Maschio
    Il gruppo sorveglia Tyler a scuola dopo che ha ammesso di avere ancora una pistola. La preoccupazione aumenta quando si scopre che aveva un motivo per uccidere Bryce. 4: Arrabbiato, Giovane e Maschio
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 Il gruppo sorveglia Tyler a scuola dopo che ha ammesso di avere ancora una pistola. La preoccupazione aumenta quando si scopre che aveva un motivo per uccidere Bryce. In onda il: 2019-08-23 5: Nessuno è Pulito
    La polizia perquisisce la scuola dopo aver trovato steroidi nell'auto di Bryce. Alex ricorda come Bryce l'abbia aiutato dopo l'abbandono da parte di Jessica. 5: Nessuno è Pulito
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 La polizia perquisisce la scuola dopo aver trovato steroidi nell'auto di Bryce. Alex ricorda come Bryce l'abbia aiutato dopo l'abbandono da parte di Jessica. In onda il: 2019-08-23 6: Si Può capire la Natura di un Uomo da Come Soffre
    La polizia interroga Tony. Al funerale di Bryce, Ani scopre due segreti incriminanti. 6: Si Può capire la Natura di un Uomo da Come Soffre
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 La polizia interroga Tony. Al funerale di Bryce, Ani scopre due segreti incriminanti. In onda il: 2019-08-23 7: Clay Jensen Ha Diversi Problemi
    La polizia interroga Justin e Clay sulla notte in cui Clay ha puntato una pistola contro Bryce. Clay scopre che Ani e Bryce erano più legati di quanto lui pensasse. 7: Clay Jensen Ha Diversi Problemi
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 La polizia interroga Justin e Clay sulla notte in cui Clay ha puntato una pistola contro Bryce. Clay scopre che Ani e Bryce erano più legati di quanto lui pensasse. In onda il: 2019-08-23 8: Al Liceo, Anche nei Giorni Migliori, è Difficile Capire Chi Sta dalla Tua Parte
    Il signor Porter interroga gli studenti su Clay, che dichiara la sua innocenza alla signora Walker. Clay e Ani riflettono sul fatto che Porter era il counselor di Bryce. 8: Al Liceo, Anche nei Giorni Migliori, è Difficile Capire Chi Sta dalla Tua Parte
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 Il signor Porter interroga gli studenti su Clay, che dichiara la sua innocenza alla signora Walker. Clay e Ani riflettono sul fatto che Porter era il counselor di Bryce. In onda il: 2019-08-23 9: Sempre in Attesa della Prossima Cattiva Notizia
    La polizia ritiene Clay un sospettato dell'omicidio. Ani capisce che Justin sta mentendo dopo aver saputo che Bryce l'ha tirato fuori da una situazione pericolosa. 9: Sempre in Attesa della Prossima Cattiva Notizia
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 La polizia ritiene Clay un sospettato dell'omicidio. Ani capisce che Justin sta mentendo dopo aver saputo che Bryce l'ha tirato fuori da una situazione pericolosa. In onda il: 2019-08-23 10: Il Mondo Sta per Crollare
    La madre di Hannah torna in città. Incoraggia Clay a proteggersi e gli rivela qualcosa che lui non sapeva sul rapporto tra Tony e Bryce. 10: Il Mondo Sta per Crollare
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 La madre di Hannah torna in città. Incoraggia Clay a proteggersi e gli rivela qualcosa che lui non sapeva sul rapporto tra Tony e Bryce. In onda il: 2019-08-23 11: Ci Sono Alcune Cose Che Non Ti Ho Detto
    Mentre la polizia mette alle strette Clay, il principale sospettato, i violenti scontri alla partita rivelano che tutti avevano un motivo per uccidere Bryce. 11: Ci Sono Alcune Cose Che Non Ti Ho Detto
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 Mentre la polizia mette alle strette Clay, il principale sospettato, i violenti scontri alla partita rivelano che tutti avevano un motivo per uccidere Bryce. In onda il: 2019-08-23 12: Poi è Arrivato l'Uragano
    L'arresto di Clay spinge i suoi amici a prendere decisioni rischiose. Emergono tutti i dettagli sulla rissa scoppiata alla partita. 12: Poi è Arrivato l'Uragano
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 L'arresto di Clay spinge i suoi amici a prendere decisioni rischiose. Emergono tutti i dettagli sulla rissa scoppiata alla partita. In onda il: 2019-08-23 13: Lascia Che i Morti Seppelliscano i Morti
    Clay è rilasciato su cauzione, Ani mette in atto un piano per scagionarlo e la verità sull'omicidio di Bryce viene finalmente a galla. 13: Lascia Che i Morti Seppelliscano i Morti
    In onda il: 2019-08-23 Clay è rilasciato su cauzione, Ani mette in atto un piano per scagionarlo e la verità sull'omicidio di Bryce viene finalmente a galla. Tredici - Annuncio esordio - Netflix
  12. Taken 2 [16/16] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Taken
    Stagione 2    Episodi 16        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Crime
    Il giovane ex berretto verde Bryan Mills medita di vendicarsi dopo aver subito una tragedia personale, ma viene invischiato in un gioco pericoloso dalla CIA, in cui Mills dovrà mettere in campo tutte le sue abilità.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Clive Standen
    Bryan Mills Jennifer Beals
    Christina Hart Adam Goldberg
    Kilroy Jessica Camacho
    Santana Episodi: 16 
    In onda il: 2018-01-12 1: S.E.R.E.
    La prima stagione della serie si è chiusa sul rifiuto di Bryan Mills di uccidere l'assassino di sua sorella, come ordinatogli dal suo superiore della CIA Christina Hart. Nel primo episodio della seconda stagione ritroviamo l'ex-berretto verde in una prigione messicana segretamente gestita dagli Stati Uniti... 1: S.E.R.E.
    In onda il: 2018-01-12 La prima stagione della serie si è chiusa sul rifiuto di Bryan Mills di uccidere l'assassino di sua sorella, come ordinatogli dal suo superiore della CIA Christina Hart. Nel primo episodio della seconda stagione ritroviamo l'ex-berretto verde in una prigione messicana segretamente gestita dagli Stati Uniti... In onda il: 2018-01-19 2: Quarry
    Quando l'aereo su cui viaggia insieme a un testimone chiave precipita, Mills deve dar fondo a tutte le sue doti di sopravvivenza… 2: Quarry
    In onda il: 2018-01-19 Quando l'aereo su cui viaggia insieme a un testimone chiave precipita, Mills deve dar fondo a tutte le sue doti di sopravvivenza… In onda il: 2018-01-26 3: Hammurabi
    Un uomo ingiustamente licenziato si vendica prendendo in ostaggio un alto dirigente dell'azienda per cui lavorava… 3: Hammurabi
    In onda il: 2018-01-26 Un uomo ingiustamente licenziato si vendica prendendo in ostaggio un alto dirigente dell'azienda per cui lavorava… In onda il: 2018-02-02 4: Opsec
    La "valigetta dell'apocalisse" (quella con cui il presidente degli Stati Uniti può dare il via a una guerra nucleare) è scomparsa, e Mills e il suo team devono darsi da fare per recuperarla prima che accada il peggio. 4: Opsec
    In onda il: 2018-02-02 La "valigetta dell'apocalisse" (quella con cui il presidente degli Stati Uniti può dare il via a una guerra nucleare) è scomparsa, e Mills e il suo team devono darsi da fare per recuperarla prima che accada il peggio. In onda il: 2018-03-02 5: Absalom
    Il rapimento di un diplomatico straniero coinvolto in un giro di pedofili costringe Santana a fare i conti con il proprio passato. 5: Absalom
    In onda il: 2018-03-02 Il rapimento di un diplomatico straniero coinvolto in un giro di pedofili costringe Santana a fare i conti con il proprio passato. In onda il: 2018-03-09 6: Charm School
    Mills e il suo team sono incaricati d'indagare sulla misteriosa scomparsa della moglie di un senatore… 6: Charm School
    In onda il: 2018-03-09 Mills e il suo team sono incaricati d'indagare sulla misteriosa scomparsa della moglie di un senatore… In onda il: 2018-03-16 7: Invitation Only
    Un fisico nucleare a lungo creduto morto è detenuto, in realtà, in una prigione segreta nord-coreana, e Mills ha il compito di liberarlo… 7: Invitation Only
    In onda il: 2018-03-16 Un fisico nucleare a lungo creduto morto è detenuto, in realtà, in una prigione segreta nord-coreana, e Mills ha il compito di liberarlo… In onda il: 2018-03-23 8: Strelochnik
    Christina si lancia in una missione solitaria sulle tracce del mentore che l'ha tradita e la squadra deve riuscire a localizzarla prima che sia troppo tardi. 8: Strelochnik
    In onda il: 2018-03-23 Christina si lancia in una missione solitaria sulle tracce del mentore che l'ha tradita e la squadra deve riuscire a localizzarla prima che sia troppo tardi. In onda il: 2018-03-30 9: Verum Nocet
    Un ex-giornalista bandito dal paese ha intenzione di rivelare i nomi di alcuni agenti governativi distaccati all'estero e Christina deve trovare il modo d'impedirglielo. 9: Verum Nocet
    In onda il: 2018-03-30 Un ex-giornalista bandito dal paese ha intenzione di rivelare i nomi di alcuni agenti governativi distaccati all'estero e Christina deve trovare il modo d'impedirglielo. In onda il: 2018-04-06 10: All About Eve
    Chi ha rubato i semi di alcune specie invasive dalla banca globale delle sementi in Norvegia ha probabilmente intenzione di compiere un atto di terrorismo biologico che Bryan deve sventare a tutti i costi. 10: All About Eve
    In onda il: 2018-04-06 Chi ha rubato i semi di alcune specie invasive dalla banca globale delle sementi in Norvegia ha probabilmente intenzione di compiere un atto di terrorismo biologico che Bryan deve sventare a tutti i costi. In onda il: 2018-04-13 11: Password
    Dopo l'esplosione di una bomba a Washington, il team sospetta che l'apparente colpevole sia stato, in realtà, incastrato… 11: Password
    In onda il: 2018-04-13 Dopo l'esplosione di una bomba a Washington, il team sospetta che l'apparente colpevole sia stato, in realtà, incastrato… In onda il: 2018-05-26 12: Imperium
    Un pericoloso trafficante ha organizzato una consegna d'armi a New York e Bryan si allea con l'FBI per bloccarlo prima che possa trovare riparo in acque internazionali. 12: Imperium
    In onda il: 2018-05-26 Un pericoloso trafficante ha organizzato una consegna d'armi a New York e Bryan si allea con l'FBI per bloccarlo prima che possa trovare riparo in acque internazionali. In onda il: 2018-06-02 13: ACGT
    Per ritrovare il figlio rapito di un analista CIA, il team cerca aiuto presso una fonte anomala – un'altra vittima di sequestro. 13: ACGT
    In onda il: 2018-06-02 Per ritrovare il figlio rapito di un analista CIA, il team cerca aiuto presso una fonte anomala – un'altra vittima di sequestro. In onda il: 2018-06-09 14: Carapace
    Bryan deve correre in aiuto del cugino, preso di mira da un potente clan criminale. 14: Carapace
    In onda il: 2018-06-09 Bryan deve correre in aiuto del cugino, preso di mira da un potente clan criminale. In onda il: 2018-06-23 15: Render
    Quando la figlia di un funzionario governativo di stanza oltremare viene rapita, un improvviso sospetto manda all'aria l'operazione di salvataggio orchestrata da Bryan. 15: Render
    In onda il: 2018-06-23 Quando la figlia di un funzionario governativo di stanza oltremare viene rapita, un improvviso sospetto manda all'aria l'operazione di salvataggio orchestrata da Bryan. In onda il: 2018-06-30 16: Viceroy
    Con Christina Hart in grave pericolo, il team deve trovare da solo il modo di fermare Ramsey prima che il suo piano per assassinare un senatore scateni una guerra con il terrorismo internazionale. 16: Viceroy
    In onda il: 2018-06-30 Con Christina Hart in grave pericolo, il team deve trovare da solo il modo di fermare Ramsey prima che il suo piano per assassinare un senatore scateni una guerra con il terrorismo internazionale. TAKEN Season 1 Trailer TV Show 2017
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