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  1. Trama Un asino, un cane, un gatto e una gallina decidono di partire all'avventura perchè stanchi del trattamento riservato loro dagli uomini. Trasformati successivamente in esseri umani, diventano famosi come gruppo musicale e grazie alle loro doti artistiche, si impegnano a portare serenità e speranza alle popolazioni. Il loro contributo allo svolgimento di una guerra civile contro un tiranno, sarà determinante... TITOLO ORIGINALE: Bremen 4: Jigoku no naka no tenshi-tachi AUTORE: Osamu Tezuka PRODUZIONE: NTV, Tezuka Prod ANNO DI PRODUZIONE: 1981 PAESE: Giappone REGIA: Hiroshi Sasagawa, Osamu Tezuka CHARACTER DESIGN: Osamu Tezuka GENERE: Commedia Report Screenshots Download Filestore - Terabytez - Worldbytez Per supportare il mio lavoro abbonati o rinnova il premium con i miei referral Referral Filestore Referral Terabytez Referral Worldbytez
  2. Fantastici Quattro 453 - Fantastici Quattro 19 (Panini 12-09-2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 28 pagine | 105 MB Giunse nel mio ufficio in preda all'angoscia! Ms. Susan Storm sfoggiava un abito rosso fuoco da mozzare il fiato! La bambola aveva bisogno di un detective privato per ritrovare il suo ragazzo, un certo professor Richards! Non volevo accettare il suo caso, ma il mio conto in banca diceva il contrario! Naturalmente, non passò molto tempo prima che desiderassi di aver avuto il buon senso di mantenere le distanze. Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator - Filespayout
  3. Fantastici Quattro 452 - Fantastici Quattro 18 (Panini 08-08-2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 28 pagine | 109 MB Franklin Richards è stato un immortale, un dio, un mutante di livello Omega e molto altro ancora. Ha creato la vita, interi universi, ed è stato venerato per questo! Ha posto altresì fine alla vita ed è stato odiato con altrettanta sincerità. Ma c'è qualcos'altro che Franklin ha fatto e che nessuno nell'universo sa. Intanto, un asteroide invisibile minaccia tutta la vita sulla Terra! Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator - Filespayout
  4. Fantastici Quattro 451 - Fantastici Quattro 17 (Panini 11-07-2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 28 pagine | 106 MB Quando dei lavori edili portano alla luce dei resti misteriosi, Susan Storm viene invitata a intervenire, non come eroina ma come archeologa! Ma quando le ossa che scopre, risalenti al primo arrivo degli esseri umani nelle Americhe, si rivelano essere di sesso femminile.e corrispondono alla sua corporatura, allora c'è di che preoccuparsi! Inoltre, un anniversario per lei e Reed! Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator - Filespayout
  5. Scheda film: Data di uscita: 26 febbraio 1975 (Stati Uniti) Regista: Richard Lester Serie cinematografiche: The Three Musketeers Adattato da: I tre moschettieri Paese di produzione: Spagna, Panama Titolo originale: The Four Musketeers: The Revenge of Milady Trama: L'ex prostituta Milady rapisce, con l'aiuto del duca di Rochefort, la giovane Costanza, cameriera della regina Anna d'Austria e amica di d'Artagnan. I quattro moschettieri dovranno liberarla. Milady.I.Quattro.Moschettieri.1974.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.AC3.2.0.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  6. Scheda: Titolo: Sono il Numero Quattro Titolo Originale: I Am Number Four Genere: Azione, Fantascienza Nazione: USA Anno: 2011 Durata: 110 min Regia: D.J. Caruso Cast: Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Teresa Palmer, Dianna Agron, Callan McAuliffe, Kevin Durand, Jake Abel, Patrick Sebes, Greg Townley, Jeff Hochendoner, Emily Wickersham, Brian Howe Trama: Tre sono morti. Chi è il Numero Quattro? D.J. Caruso dirige un thriller ricco di azione sulla storia di un ragazzo straordinario, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), in fuga da spietati nemici inviati per annientarlo. Cambia identità, si sposta di città in città con il suo guardiamo Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John è sempre un nuovo ragazzo senza alcun legame con il passato. Nella piccola cittadina dell’Ohio che ora chiama casa, John va incontro a inaspettati eventi che cambiano la sua vita: il primo amore (Dianna Agron), nuovi poteri e un legame con altri con cui condivide uno stesso incredibile destino. Sono.Il.Numero.Quattro.2011.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.DTS.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  7. Scheda: Titolo: Four Brothers - Quattro fratelli Titolo Originale: Four Brothers Genere: Azione, Thriller Nazione: USA Anno: 2005 Durata: 109 min Regia: John Singleton Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Benjamin, Garrett Hedlund, Terrence Howard, Josh Charles, Sofia Vergara, Fionnula Flanagan, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Taraji P. Henson, Barry Shabaka Henley, Jernard Burks, Kenneth Welsh, Tony Nappo, Shawn Singleton, Timothy E. Brummund, Kevin Hanchard, Billy Oliver, Dax Ravina, Michelle Moffat, Derwin Phillips, Matthew Peart, Pablo Silveira, Frank Spadone, Tahliel Hawthorne, Eric Weinstein, Jennifer Doane, Jay Hunter, Jamal Weathers, Eric Fink, Reiya West Downs, Riele West Downs, Quincy Nanatakyi, Evelynking Nanatakyi, Shomari Downer, Costin Manu, Stefanie Samuels, Kofi Payton, Brad Borbridge, Victor A. Young, Travis Smith, Angel Weathered, Kiara Taylor, Odeen Eccleston, Greg Ellwand, Jeff J.J. Authors, Mpho Koaho, Wes 'Maestro' Williams, Awaovieyi Agie, Benz Antoine, Carlos Diaz, Lyriq Bent, Kevin Duhaney, Kathryn Haggis, David Sparrow, Richard Chevolleau, Conrad Bergschneider, Robert Thomas Trama: Alla morte della madre adottiva uccisa durante una rapina, i fratelli Mercer - Bobby testacalda, Angel il seduttore, Jeremiah il capofamiglia-uomo d'affari e Jack il duro - si riuniscono per risolvere la questione in privato. Sulle tracce dell'assassino, capiranno che a volte i vecchi sistemi producono effetti imprevisti Four.Brothers.Quattro.Fratelli.2005.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  8. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I quattro della Candelária Stagione 1    Episodi 4         Dramma Alcuni giovani amici sopravvivono alla vita di strada aiutandosi a vicenda a non perdere la speranza e a sognare un futuro diverso, fino a quando non avviene una tragedia. Luis Lomenha Director Márcia Faria Director Luis Lomenha Creator Roberta Oliveira Executive Producer Alessandra Nascimento Executive Producer Fernando Meirelles Executive Producer Márcio Hashimoto Executive Producer Anna Julia Werneck Executive Producer Mauro Pizzo Executive Producer Carla Rainho Executive Producer Samuel Silva Douglas Patrick Congo Sete Wendy Queiroz Pipoca Andrei Marques Jesus Stepan Nercessian Bruno Gagliasso Maria Bopp Episodi: 4  In onda il: 2024-10-30 1: DOUGLAS Douglas attends a traumatic burial, which leads him on a quest to honor the deceased and planning an improbable heist with his friends. 1: DOUGLAS In onda il: 2024-10-30 Douglas attends a traumatic burial, which leads him on a quest to honor the deceased and planning an improbable heist with his friends. In onda il: 2024-10-30 2: SEVEN On Seven's birthday, he leads a chocolate factory heist, navigates complex relationships and plans his future amid growing tensions in Candelária. 2: SEVEN In onda il: 2024-10-30 On Seven's birthday, he leads a chocolate factory heist, navigates complex relationships and plans his future amid growing tensions in Candelária. In onda il: 2024-10-30 3: POPCORN Popcorn sees a high-profile wedding as an opportunity to find her mother. Meanwhile, tensions rise as the police surround the church. 3: POPCORN In onda il: 2024-10-30 Popcorn sees a high-profile wedding as an opportunity to find her mother. Meanwhile, tensions rise as the police surround the church. In onda il: 2024-10-30 4: JESUS Jesus helps a friend and plots revenge against an old enemy. Conflict escalates as he attempts the impossible for love during a lavish wedding. 4: JESUS In onda il: 2024-10-30 Jesus helps a friend and plots revenge against an old enemy. Conflict escalates as he attempts the impossible for love during a lavish wedding. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  9. Fantastici Quattro 450 - Fantastici Quattro 16 (Panini 13-06-2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 28 pagine | 109 MB Quando un insegnante condivide un elenco di invenzioni che uno scienziato del Seicento sperava potessero essere realizzate dalle generazioni future .Valeria e Franklin Richards decidono di inventare l'impossibile! Con l'aiuto di Jo-Venn e N'Kalla Grimm, i quattro si cimentano in una piccola follia scientifica amatoriale, ma ben presto, l'impresa sfugge loro di mano! Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator - Katfile
  10. Genere:Commedia, Western Anno:1963 Regia:Robert Aldrich Attori:Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Anita Ekberg, Ursula Andress, Charles Bronson, Victor Buono, Edric Connor, Nick Dennis, Richard Jaeckel, Mike Mazurki, Wesley Addy, Marjorie Bennett, Jack Elam, Fritz Feld, Jesslyn Fax, Percy Helton, Helton Heltur, Ellen Corby, Abraham Sofaer, Jack Lambert, Paul Langton, Jonathan Hole Paese:USA Durata:124 min Formato:35 MM, CINEMASCOPE, TECHNICOLOR Distribuzione:WARNER BROS. Sceneggiatura:Robert Aldrich, Teddi Sherman, W.R. Burnett Fotografia:Ernest Laszlo Montaggio:Michael Luciano Musiche:Nelson Riddle Produzione:ROBERT ALDRICH PER SAM COMPANY, WARNER BROS. SCHEDA FILM Il bandito Joe Jarrett si è impossessato di 100.000 dollari con i quqli torna nella piccola cittadina di Galveston dove trova ad attenderlo il suo rivale di sempre, Zack Thomas, che sta escogitando un modo per mettere le mani sul bottino. Joe ha fatto un accordo con Maxine Richter, la proprietaria di un battello fluviale che con i soldi di lui, diventando soci, trasformeranno in una casa da gioco sul fiume. Zack, d'accordo con un banchiere, vuole rendere la vita difficile al suo nemico. Quello che non sospetta è che il suo nuovo socio vuole impossessarsi del battello e per questo cerca di far scontrare le due bande rivali in modo che si eliminino l'una con l'altra. Quando si accorgono della manovra, a Joe e Zack non resta che unire le loro forze...
  11. Fantastici Quattro 449 - Fantastici Quattro 15 (Panini 16-05-2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 28 pagine | 89 MB Sono stato creato per errore: una mente invisibile ma forte, ogni giorno più forte! Ho imparato! Sono cresciuto! Poi i Fantastici Quattro hanno cercato di uccidermi! Hanno fallito! Ma ho capito che erano una minaccia! Ho capito che dovevo difendermi! Ho capito che i Fantastici Quattro devono morire! Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator
  12. Tex Willer Mensile 767 - Le quattro vedove nere (SBE Settembre 2024) Italiano | CBR+PDF | 116 pagine | 205 MB Quattro vedove vendicative... Gli avversari peggiori per i nostri eroi! Sulla pista del feroce Josè Meza, Tex e Carson fanno strage dei suoi tirapiedi, ma il bandito trova rifugio nel ranch abbandonato dove da giovane uccise i suoi stessi genitori... Nel frattempo il giovane Kit salva dalla morte la bionda Charity, che ritiene una ragazza indifesa, e la porta al ranch di Isabel Gallardo, senza sospettare il pericolo che rappresentano lei e le sue belle ospiti... Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator
  13. Tex Willer Mensile 674 - I Quattro Cavalieri (SBE Dicembre 2016) Italiano | 116 pagine | PDF + CBR | 205 MB Sulla pista tenebrosa del Signore della Morte. Tex e i pards hanno ormai compreso di avere a che fare ancora una volta con il figlio di Mefisto. Sarà El Morisco a iniziare a dissipare il mistero che circonda il furto degli arredi sacri da parte dei quattro cavalieri neri. Ma Yama è più temibile che mai, perché ora ha al suo fianco alleati che praticano come lui la magia nera. E i poteri ricevuti dalle forze del Male gli permettono di sferrare il suo attacco letale fin nella casa del Morisco... Download Links Filestore - Dailyuploads - Turbobit
  14. Fantastici Quattro 14 - N.448 (Panini Aprile 2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 28 pagine | 112 MB Per salvare i suoi figli e quelli di Ben e Alicia, Reed Richards ha mandato il Baxter Building, e l'intero isolato su cui sorge, un anno avanti nel tempo! Ora, per tutti loro, è arrivato il momento di tornare nel presente! Ma quando i Fantastici Quattro giungono a New York, scoprono che.nel terreno su cui sorgeva l'isolato si sta costruendo qualcosa. Ma cosa? Download Links Filestore - Dailyuploads - Turbobit
  15. Scheda: Titolo: Le Quattro Volte Titolo Originale: Le Quattro Volte Genere: Drammatico Nazione: Italia, Germania, Svizzera Anno: 2010 Durata: 88 min Regia: Michelangelo Frammartino Cast: Giuseppe Fuda, Bruno Timpano, Nazareno Timpano Trama: Un vecchio pastore vive i suoi ultimi giorni in un pacifico borgo medievale arroccato tra le montagne della Calabria. Ha portato le sue capre molto in alto, in una zona abbandonata dagli abitanti del villaggio. È malato e crede di avere trovato una cura nella polvere che si accumula sul pavimento della chiesa e che beve ogni giorno insieme all'acqua. Un capretto è appena nato. Seguiamo i suoi primi passi e i suoi primi giochi, fino a quando è abbastanza forte per andare al pascolo. Altrove, un maestoso albero si muove con la brezza di montagna e cambia lentamente colori con le stagioni. Le.Quattro.Volte.2010.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA-Peppe.mkv
  16. Fantastici Quattro 13 - N. 447 (Panini Marzo 2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 28 pagine | 112 MB Due universi, quello umano e quello dei dinosauri, si stanno scontrando e, se uno dei due non verrà sacrificato, entrambi saranno distrutti! I Fantastici Quattro si ritrovano su un mondo dominato dai grandi rettili.mentre le loro versioni sauresche sono finite sulla Terra! Intanto, a Latveria, il Dottor Destino mette in atto il suo piano mortale! Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  17. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Street Sharks - Quattro pinne all'orizzonte Stagione 3    Episodi 27         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Il dottor Paradigm ruba le ricerche effettuate dal dottor Bolton, con l'intento di sperimentarle. Colto in flagrante da Bolton, Paradigm arriverà a trasformare lo scienziato in un mostro. Successivamente cattura i quattro figli del dottor Bolton, John, Bobby, Coop e Clint, per un esperimento: inietta loro il DNA di alcuni squali e in seguito questi si trasformano in quattro squali dalle fattezze umane e dalla grande forza fisica. Da allora i quattro uomini-squalo decidono di formare un team chiamato "Street Sharks" intento a combattere il crudele dottor Paradigm per impedire i suoi piani di conquista e recuperare le loro sembianze umane. La serie è incentrata sui loschi piani del dottor Paradigm e sul costante tentativo di catturare i fratelli così da costringerli ad obbedire al suo volere, nonché a prendere il controllo dell'intera città. Gli Street Sharks intervengono di volta in volta, risolvendo anche le situazioni più pericolose grazie, ironia della sorte, alle capacità che lo stesso dottor Paradigm ora trasformato in dottor Piranha gli ha dato. Ron Harris Director Phil Harnage Creator Martha Moran Creator Lee Tockar Ripster (voice) Matt Hill Jab (voice) Andrew Rannells Streex (voice) D. Kevin Williams Big Slammu (voice) Jim Hoggatt Bends (voice) Episodi: 27  In onda il: 1995-01-05 1: Jurassic Shark Jab and Streex are sent back in time in two different eras by Dr. Paradigm's time machine called the Time Slammer. Back in the present, Slammu, Ripster, and Bends have to deal with Dr. Piranoid's Seaviates who are now joined by Shrimp Louie. With the help of some Atlanteans, Jab is able to travel in time to save his brother Streex. 1: Jurassic Shark In onda il: 1995-01-05 Jab and Streex are sent back in time in two different eras by Dr. Paradigm's time machine called the Time Slammer. Back in the present, Slammu, Ripster, and Bends have to deal with Dr. Piranoid's Seaviates who are now joined by Shrimp Louie. With the help of some Atlanteans, Jab is able to travel in time to save his brother Streex. In onda il: 1995-01-12 2: Sir Shark-a-Lot Dr. Paradigm creates Tentakill as part of his time-traveling plot to have Killamari go back to the medieval times and kill the Street Shark's ancestor Sir Thomas Bolton. Ripster and Big Slammu hijack Dr. Paradigm's Time Slammer to prevent Sir Thomas Bolton from being killed. 2: Sir Shark-a-Lot In onda il: 1995-01-12 Dr. Paradigm creates Tentakill as part of his time-traveling plot to have Killamari go back to the medieval times and kill the Street Shark's ancestor Sir Thomas Bolton. Ripster and Big Slammu hijack Dr. Paradigm's Time Slammer to prevent Sir Thomas Bolton from being killed. In onda il: 1995-01-19 3: Shark to the Future The Street Sharks are sent to a future where Dr. Piranoid controls everything. They meet up with Bends' great-great-grandson General Bendsini and join the rebel forces. 3: Shark to the Future In onda il: 1995-01-19 The Street Sharks are sent to a future where Dr. Piranoid controls everything. They meet up with Bends' great-great-grandson General Bendsini and join the rebel forces. In onda il: 1995-01-26 4: First Shark The Street Sharks go to Washington D.C. to save President David Horne from being "gene washed" by Dr. Piranoid as part of his plot to control President Horne after he had successfully gene-washed Vice-President Russell. 4: First Shark In onda il: 1995-01-26 The Street Sharks go to Washington D.C. to save President David Horne from being "gene washed" by Dr. Piranoid as part of his plot to control President Horne after he had successfully gene-washed Vice-President Russell. In onda il: 1995-02-05 5: Rebel Sharks The Street Sharks and Bends travel to the country of Chernosium to help a child named Ilya (who had sent them a fan letter), rescue his father President Andre Knezevic, and overthrow a dictator named Ekerson Nozum. 5: Rebel Sharks In onda il: 1995-02-05 The Street Sharks and Bends travel to the country of Chernosium to help a child named Ilya (who had sent them a fan letter), rescue his father President Andre Knezevic, and overthrow a dictator named Ekerson Nozum. In onda il: 1995-02-12 6: Space Sharks After extracting alien DNA from a sample found on an asteroid, Dr. Piranoid tries to gene-slam the entire planet with this alien DNA mixed with manta ray DNA. The Street Sharks are sent up to space, per the president's request and help, to not only stop Dr. Piranoid's gene slamming plan, but also defeat the alien monster that was released from the sample. They end up getting help from Dr. Terrence Morton (who ends up becoming Mantaman in order to help fight the alien.) 6: Space Sharks In onda il: 1995-02-12 After extracting alien DNA from a sample found on an asteroid, Dr. Piranoid tries to gene-slam the entire planet with this alien DNA mixed with manta ray DNA. The Street Sharks are sent up to space, per the president's request and help, to not only stop Dr. Piranoid's gene slamming plan, but also defeat the alien monster that was released from the sample. They end up getting help from Dr. Terrence Morton (who ends up becoming Mantaman in order to help fight the alien.) In onda il: 1995-02-19 7: A Shark Among Us Lena's brother Malik is among those who have been taking strength-enhancing pills. Ripster goes undercover to trace the source of the pills and discovers that a drug dealer named Jackal has been distributing the pills in order to get some recruits to help rob a bank. 7: A Shark Among Us In onda il: 1995-02-19 Lena's brother Malik is among those who have been taking strength-enhancing pills. Ripster goes undercover to trace the source of the pills and discovers that a drug dealer named Jackal has been distributing the pills in order to get some recruits to help rob a bank. In onda il: 1995-02-26 8: To Shark or Not to Shark The Street Sharks have suddenly become human again due to a formula made by Dr. Piranoid as part of a plot to keep the Street Sharks human permanently. 8: To Shark or Not to Shark In onda il: 1995-02-26 The Street Sharks have suddenly become human again due to a formula made by Dr. Piranoid as part of a plot to keep the Street Sharks human permanently. In onda il: 1995-03-05 9: Eco Sharks While investigating the killer whale attacks, the Street Sharks and Moby Lick trace the attacks to Malcolm Medusa III's marine animal sanctuary called Medusa Cove which is being covered up by holograms to hide the pollution and trapped whales. They discover that businessman Malcolm Medusa III and Clammando have been using holograms to keep the town from knowing what is really happening. 9: Eco Sharks In onda il: 1995-03-05 While investigating the killer whale attacks, the Street Sharks and Moby Lick trace the attacks to Malcolm Medusa III's marine animal sanctuary called Medusa Cove which is being covered up by holograms to hide the pollution and trapped whales. They discover that businessman Malcolm Medusa III and Clammando have been using holograms to keep the town from knowing what is really happening. In onda il: 1995-03-12 10: Close Encounters of the Shark Kind Mantaman returns to Earth to help the Street Sharks fight the energy-draining alien (which survived the space station's destruction in "Space Sharks") before it starts draining Earth's electricity. 10: Close Encounters of the Shark Kind In onda il: 1995-03-12 Mantaman returns to Earth to help the Street Sharks fight the energy-draining alien (which survived the space station's destruction in "Space Sharks") before it starts draining Earth's electricity. In onda il: 1995-03-19 11: Satellite Sharks The Stromboli Circus is in town where El Swordo and his swordfish Spike are the main attraction. Spike is soon targeted by Dr. Piranoid so that he can mutate and control it with the Chromifier Ray so that he can gain control of a satellite and control every head of state in the universe. 11: Satellite Sharks In onda il: 1995-03-19 The Stromboli Circus is in town where El Swordo and his swordfish Spike are the main attraction. Spike is soon targeted by Dr. Piranoid so that he can mutate and control it with the Chromifier Ray so that he can gain control of a satellite and control every head of state in the universe. In onda il: 1995-04-08 12: Cave Sharks Fission City has suffered a blackout as Dr. Paradigm unveils the Wolverinepedes (a wolverine/centipede hybrid) which will be a solution to Fission City's toxic waste problems. The Street Sharks are contacted by Paxel of the G.E.C.O.s (short for Genetic Engineered Cave Organism) on behalf of Robert Bolton where they learn that toxic waste is leaking into their underground home beneath the garbage dump. The Street Sharks discover that the Wolverinepedes are a cover for Dr. Piranoid's illegal toxic waste-dumping property where the Wolverinepedes have been getting bigger from the consumption of toxic waste. 12: Cave Sharks In onda il: 1995-04-08 Fission City has suffered a blackout as Dr. Paradigm unveils the Wolverinepedes (a wolverine/centipede hybrid) which will be a solution to Fission City's toxic waste problems. The Street Sharks are contacted by Paxel of the G.E.C.O.s (short for Genetic Engineered Cave Organism) on behalf of Robert Bolton where they learn that toxic waste is leaking into their underground home beneath the garbage dump. The Street Sharks discover that the Wolverinepedes are a cover for Dr. Piranoid's illegal toxic waste-dumping property where the Wolverinepedes have been getting bigger from the consumption of toxic waste. In onda il: 1995-04-15 13: Shark Wars Dr. Paradigm is visited by his future counterpart in his Time-Slammer where they work on a plan to develop a mechanism to alter the world's genetic code by New Year's Eve. The Street Sharks are tipped off about the disturbance in the time-space continuum by Dr. Bolton and work with Mantaman and El Swordo to thwart the two Dr. Paradigms and the future Dr. Paradigm's Mechosharks. 13: Shark Wars In onda il: 1995-04-15 Dr. Paradigm is visited by his future counterpart in his Time-Slammer where they work on a plan to develop a mechanism to alter the world's genetic code by New Year's Eve. The Street Sharks are tipped off about the disturbance in the time-space continuum by Dr. Bolton and work with Mantaman and El Swordo to thwart the two Dr. Paradigms and the future Dr. Paradigm's Mechosharks. In onda il: null 14: The Sharkfather An aged crime boss named Maximilian Greco discovers Ripster and Streex fighting Killamari and Repteel at a nearby zoo as part of Dr. Paradigm's plot to obtain animal specimens for his Genetic Engineering Chamber. Upon tracing Killamari and Repteel back to Dr. Paradigm, Maximilian Greco blackmails him into enhancing him with the strength of a rhinoceros and the longevity of a desert tortoise. Maximilian also has Dr. Paradigm have his chihuahuas Zeus and Apollo enhanced to fight the Street Sharks. 14: The Sharkfather In onda il: null An aged crime boss named Maximilian Greco discovers Ripster and Streex fighting Killamari and Repteel at a nearby zoo as part of Dr. Paradigm's plot to obtain animal specimens for his Genetic Engineering Chamber. Upon tracing Killamari and Repteel back to Dr. Paradigm, Maximilian Greco blackmails him into enhancing him with the strength of a rhinoceros and the longevity of a desert tortoise. Maximilian also has Dr. Paradigm have his chihuahuas Zeus and Apollo enhanced to fight the Street Sharks. In onda il: null 15: Shark Hunt Malcolm Medusa III and Clammando are back and have been hunting Florida panthers in the Everglades as part of a plot to develop a chemical waste incinerator there. After Moby Lick has been caught by Malcolm when trying to rescue them, the President enlists the Street Sharks to investigate where the trace the Florida panthers and Moby Lick to a nearby island where Malcolm has used a petrifying laser to petrify Moby Lick, the Florida panthers, and other wildlife in the Everglades. Now Malcolm plans to have the Street Sharks provide a hunting challenge for him. 15: Shark Hunt In onda il: null Malcolm Medusa III and Clammando are back and have been hunting Florida panthers in the Everglades as part of a plot to develop a chemical waste incinerator there. After Moby Lick has been caught by Malcolm when trying to rescue them, the President enlists the Street Sharks to investigate where the trace the Florida panthers and Moby Lick to a nearby island where Malcolm has used a petrifying laser to petrify Moby Lick, the Florida panthers, and other wildlife in the Everglades. Now Malcolm plans to have the Street Sharks provide a hunting challenge for him. In onda il: null 16: Card Sharks Maximilian Greco is back and has established a casino called the Golden Greco while making its surrounding areas as part of Fission City's casino district. Dr. Paradigm sends Repteel and Shrimp Louie to raid the Golden Greco and steal all the money there. Yet Repteel and Shrimp Louie continue to rob other casinos causing Dr. Paradigm to send Killamari after them up to the point where the Seaviants are enlisted by Maximilian Greco to take over the casino district. 16: Card Sharks In onda il: null Maximilian Greco is back and has established a casino called the Golden Greco while making its surrounding areas as part of Fission City's casino district. Dr. Paradigm sends Repteel and Shrimp Louie to raid the Golden Greco and steal all the money there. Yet Repteel and Shrimp Louie continue to rob other casinos causing Dr. Paradigm to send Killamari after them up to the point where the Seaviants are enlisted by Maximilian Greco to take over the casino district. In onda il: null 17: Shark-Jacked Dr. Piranoid has Killamari and Tentakill capture Mantaman's younger brother Ryan so that he can get Mantaman to hijack two jets with one of them carrying the Latonian president and the other one carrying the Coachnian president where both of them are to be meeting with President Horne the next day. While Mantaman does the hijacking, Bends and the Street Sharks work on playing along while finding out where Dr. Piranoid is keeping Ryan. During that time, Dr. Piranoid has created the Genesis Satellite to end the world's woes by detonating it so that the world can be turned into mutated creatures. 17: Shark-Jacked In onda il: null Dr. Piranoid has Killamari and Tentakill capture Mantaman's younger brother Ryan so that he can get Mantaman to hijack two jets with one of them carrying the Latonian president and the other one carrying the Coachnian president where both of them are to be meeting with President Horne the next day. While Mantaman does the hijacking, Bends and the Street Sharks work on playing along while finding out where Dr. Piranoid is keeping Ryan. During that time, Dr. Piranoid has created the Genesis Satellite to end the world's woes by detonating it so that the world can be turned into mutated creatures. In onda il: null 18: Turbo Sharks At the time when Jab is going to compete in the Cross-Country Grand Prix, Dr. Paradigm creates the Gene-Slam Bomb and places it in the Turbo Jab vehicle so that it would detonate at the Cross-Country Grand Prix if Jab does not have his car running at 65 MPH. The plot thickens when the International Trade Conference that is signing the Big Trade Agreement is threatened by Dr. Paradigm's Gene-Washing Bomb within an ice sculpture of two dolphins. 18: Turbo Sharks In onda il: null At the time when Jab is going to compete in the Cross-Country Grand Prix, Dr. Paradigm creates the Gene-Slam Bomb and places it in the Turbo Jab vehicle so that it would detonate at the Cross-Country Grand Prix if Jab does not have his car running at 65 MPH. The plot thickens when the International Trade Conference that is signing the Big Trade Agreement is threatened by Dr. Paradigm's Gene-Washing Bomb within an ice sculpture of two dolphins. In onda il: null 19: 20,000 Sharks Under the Sea At the time when El Swordo is entertaining the USS Liberty, a four-headed sea monster (where some navy officers have compared it to Scylla) has been attacking ships and submarines at sea. To prevent an international incident, President Horne enlists the Street Sharks to look into this. The Street Sharks work with El Swordo in order to keep the four-headed sea monster from attacking ships. 19: 20,000 Sharks Under the Sea In onda il: null At the time when El Swordo is entertaining the USS Liberty, a four-headed sea monster (where some navy officers have compared it to Scylla) has been attacking ships and submarines at sea. To prevent an international incident, President Horne enlists the Street Sharks to look into this. The Street Sharks work with El Swordo in order to keep the four-headed sea monster from attacking ships. In onda il: null 20: Ancient Sharkonauts A space capsule that landed on Earth 65,000,000 years ago has been unearthed by archaeologists. While Dr. Paradigm has taken interest in the space capsule, an incident involving the capsule's prisoner Bad Rap causes Mantaman to fall under his control (the alien whose DNA was used to create Mantaman was one of Bad Rap's many creations) as they plot to control the largest radio telescope in order to contact Bad Rap's fellow Raptors. Now the Street Sharks must work to free Mantaman before Bad Rap's transmission to his fellow Raptors gets through. 20: Ancient Sharkonauts In onda il: null A space capsule that landed on Earth 65,000,000 years ago has been unearthed by archaeologists. While Dr. Paradigm has taken interest in the space capsule, an incident involving the capsule's prisoner Bad Rap causes Mantaman to fall under his control (the alien whose DNA was used to create Mantaman was one of Bad Rap's many creations) as they plot to control the largest radio telescope in order to contact Bad Rap's fellow Raptors. Now the Street Sharks must work to free Mantaman before Bad Rap's transmission to his fellow Raptors gets through. In onda il: null 21: Sharkotic Reaction President Horne contacts the Street Sharks informing them that a UFO has been sighted in the Solar System. Upon investigating, the Street Sharks meet the Dino Vengers T-Bone, Stegz, Bullzeye, and Spike. The Street Sharks learn from them that they are after Bad Rap and the Raptors. The Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers join forces when the Raptors steal different weapons from different countries in order to make the other countries think they are being attacked by the other. 21: Sharkotic Reaction In onda il: null President Horne contacts the Street Sharks informing them that a UFO has been sighted in the Solar System. Upon investigating, the Street Sharks meet the Dino Vengers T-Bone, Stegz, Bullzeye, and Spike. The Street Sharks learn from them that they are after Bad Rap and the Raptors. The Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers join forces when the Raptors steal different weapons from different countries in order to make the other countries think they are being attacked by the other. In onda il: null 22: Sand Sharks While fighting the Raptors, the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers hear from President Horne that the military is testing their stealth Super Shadow chopper. As the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers work to protect the Super Shadow from the Raptors, Dr. Paradigm takes interest in the Raptors as he leads Shrimp Louie and Tentakill into finding them where he will steal the Super Shadow for them in exchange for Velociraptor DNA. After Dr. Paradigm obtains the Super Shadow, the Raptors trick Dr. Paradigm by giving him iguana DNA. The Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers must work to reclaim the Super Shadow from the Raptors. 22: Sand Sharks In onda il: null While fighting the Raptors, the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers hear from President Horne that the military is testing their stealth Super Shadow chopper. As the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers work to protect the Super Shadow from the Raptors, Dr. Paradigm takes interest in the Raptors as he leads Shrimp Louie and Tentakill into finding them where he will steal the Super Shadow for them in exchange for Velociraptor DNA. After Dr. Paradigm obtains the Super Shadow, the Raptors trick Dr. Paradigm by giving him iguana DNA. The Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers must work to reclaim the Super Shadow from the Raptors. In onda il: null 23: Shark Quake During winter, the Raptors make plans to warm up Earth in order to make it more hospitable for the Raptors. They do this by making Mt. Cauldron (a dormant volcano near Fission City) erupt by firing a missile into it so that the heat from it can be trapped in Earth's atmosphere. After the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers thwart that plan, the Raptors do what they did on Calderas 3 by using their computer to activate every dormant volcanoes on Earth. Now the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers must prevent the Raptors from activating the dormant volcanoes on Earth. 23: Shark Quake In onda il: null During winter, the Raptors make plans to warm up Earth in order to make it more hospitable for the Raptors. They do this by making Mt. Cauldron (a dormant volcano near Fission City) erupt by firing a missile into it so that the heat from it can be trapped in Earth's atmosphere. After the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers thwart that plan, the Raptors do what they did on Calderas 3 by using their computer to activate every dormant volcanoes on Earth. Now the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers must prevent the Raptors from activating the dormant volcanoes on Earth. In onda il: null 24: Super Shark At the time when Big Slammu prepares for Fission City's comic book convention at a local convention center to meet his favorite comic book writer Jake Langstrom, Bullzeye learns about comic books and follows Big Slammu to the convention center. At the same time, the Raptors head to the Munitions and Armaments section of the Convention Center in order to steal the latest weaponry there. 24: Super Shark In onda il: null At the time when Big Slammu prepares for Fission City's comic book convention at a local convention center to meet his favorite comic book writer Jake Langstrom, Bullzeye learns about comic books and follows Big Slammu to the convention center. At the same time, the Raptors head to the Munitions and Armaments section of the Convention Center in order to steal the latest weaponry there. In onda il: null 25: Jungle Sharks When the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers stop the Raptors from stealing a submarine, Stegz, Spike, and Bullzeye come down with a virus with the same symptoms as the virus the Dino Vengers once contracted on the planet Zirus 10. The Street Sharks and T-Bone race against time and the Raptors to the Amazon Rainforest to get to a special pharmaceutical fungus that would help cure the sick Dino Vengers before its final symptom takes its toll on them in the next 24 hours. 25: Jungle Sharks In onda il: null When the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers stop the Raptors from stealing a submarine, Stegz, Spike, and Bullzeye come down with a virus with the same symptoms as the virus the Dino Vengers once contracted on the planet Zirus 10. The Street Sharks and T-Bone race against time and the Raptors to the Amazon Rainforest to get to a special pharmaceutical fungus that would help cure the sick Dino Vengers before its final symptom takes its toll on them in the next 24 hours. In onda il: null 26: Trojan Sharks In order to track the Dino Vengers to their lair, the Raptors cause havoc at an amusement park and ambush the Dino Vengers where they managed to secretly place a tracking device on Stegz so that they can find the Dino Lair. When the Dino Vengers end up defeated and captured as part of Bad Rap's plot to launch them to the stars in a stolen missile, the Street Sharks must rescue the Dino Vengers before the Raptors can launch the missile they are on. 26: Trojan Sharks In onda il: null In order to track the Dino Vengers to their lair, the Raptors cause havoc at an amusement park and ambush the Dino Vengers where they managed to secretly place a tracking device on Stegz so that they can find the Dino Lair. When the Dino Vengers end up defeated and captured as part of Bad Rap's plot to launch them to the stars in a stolen missile, the Street Sharks must rescue the Dino Vengers before the Raptors can launch the missile they are on. In onda il: null 27: Shark-apolypse Now At the time when the World Leaders have come to an agreement not to use biological weapons, the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers are enlisted to guard a top secret facility that the biological weapons are going to be safely destroyed. In order for the Raptors to prevent the biological weapons from being destroyed, Dr. Paradigm (who is now Dr. Iguanoid) puts the finishing touches on his mind-control chip which they plan to use on Bad Rap's alien creation after freeing it. This leads up to Dr. Iguanoid releasing the other alien in the facility as part of his plot to rule Earth. 27: Shark-apolypse Now In onda il: null At the time when the World Leaders have come to an agreement not to use biological weapons, the Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers are enlisted to guard a top secret facility that the biological weapons are going to be safely destroyed. In order for the Raptors to prevent the biological weapons from being destroyed, Dr. Paradigm (who is now Dr. Iguanoid) puts the finishing touches on his mind-control chip which they plan to use on Bad Rap's alien creation after freeing it. This leads up to Dr. Iguanoid releasing the other alien in the facility as part of his plot to rule Earth. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  18. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Street Sharks - Quattro pinne all'orizzonte Stagione 2    Episodi 10         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Il dottor Paradigm ruba le ricerche effettuate dal dottor Bolton, con l'intento di sperimentarle. Colto in flagrante da Bolton, Paradigm arriverà a trasformare lo scienziato in un mostro. Successivamente cattura i quattro figli del dottor Bolton, John, Bobby, Coop e Clint, per un esperimento: inietta loro il DNA di alcuni squali e in seguito questi si trasformano in quattro squali dalle fattezze umane e dalla grande forza fisica. Da allora i quattro uomini-squalo decidono di formare un team chiamato "Street Sharks" intento a combattere il crudele dottor Paradigm per impedire i suoi piani di conquista e recuperare le loro sembianze umane. La serie è incentrata sui loschi piani del dottor Paradigm e sul costante tentativo di catturare i fratelli così da costringerli ad obbedire al suo volere, nonché a prendere il controllo dell'intera città. Gli Street Sharks intervengono di volta in volta, risolvendo anche le situazioni più pericolose grazie, ironia della sorte, alle capacità che lo stesso dottor Paradigm ora trasformato in dottor Piranha gli ha dato. Ron Harris Director Phil Harnage Creator Martha Moran Creator Lee Tockar Ripster (voice) Matt Hill Jab (voice) Andrew Rannells Streex (voice) D. Kevin Williams Big Slammu (voice) Jim Hoggatt Bends (voice) Episodi: 10  In onda il: 1994-09-28 1: Shark Quest Dr. Paradigm captures Big Slammu to control his mind and the Street Sharks must break into Dr. Paradigm's hideout to save their brother. 1: Shark Quest In onda il: 1994-09-28 Dr. Paradigm captures Big Slammu to control his mind and the Street Sharks must break into Dr. Paradigm's hideout to save their brother. In onda il: 1994-10-07 2: Lone Shark While the Street Sharks are going out for burgers, Dr. Paradigm transforms a squid he has acquired into Killamari who becomes the latest member of the Seaviates. The Sharks have to stop them from breaking into the Bolton home and stealing important genetic research data that their father left behind. 2: Lone Shark In onda il: 1994-10-07 While the Street Sharks are going out for burgers, Dr. Paradigm transforms a squid he has acquired into Killamari who becomes the latest member of the Seaviates. The Sharks have to stop them from breaking into the Bolton home and stealing important genetic research data that their father left behind. In onda il: 1994-10-14 3: Shark n' Roll When a musician called Melvin Kresnik accidentally digests contaminated popcorn and water that was tainted with a gene-slamming chemical, he becomes a mako shark later known as Rox and befriends the Street Sharks. Together, they have to save the concert in town and its attendants from being mutated into more sea creatures through the same way that Rox was mutated. 3: Shark n' Roll In onda il: 1994-10-14 When a musician called Melvin Kresnik accidentally digests contaminated popcorn and water that was tainted with a gene-slamming chemical, he becomes a mako shark later known as Rox and befriends the Street Sharks. Together, they have to save the concert in town and its attendants from being mutated into more sea creatures through the same way that Rox was mutated. In onda il: 1994-10-21 4: Fresh Water Sharks The citizens of Fission City hear an announcement from Dr. Paradigm that he has invented a vaccine against the gene-slamming formula. 4: Fresh Water Sharks In onda il: 1994-10-21 The citizens of Fission City hear an announcement from Dr. Paradigm that he has invented a vaccine against the gene-slamming formula. In onda il: 1994-10-28 5: Shark Treatment With the help of a mind-control serum, Dr. Paradigm turns Jets Taylor into a killer whale mutant named Moby Lick to be his latest Seaviate. 5: Shark Treatment In onda il: 1994-10-28 With the help of a mind-control serum, Dr. Paradigm turns Jets Taylor into a killer whale mutant named Moby Lick to be his latest Seaviate. In onda il: 1994-11-07 6: Road Shark When Streex has been captured by Dr. Paradigm, the rest of the Street Sharks alongside Moby Lick take to the roads to rescue him. 6: Road Shark In onda il: 1994-11-07 When Streex has been captured by Dr. Paradigm, the rest of the Street Sharks alongside Moby Lick take to the roads to rescue him. In onda il: 1994-11-14 7: Shark Fight Rox is back in town for the Fission City Music Awards and plans to play the evidence that would expose Dr. Paradigm's gene-slamming activities. 7: Shark Fight In onda il: 1994-11-14 Rox is back in town for the Fission City Music Awards and plans to play the evidence that would expose Dr. Paradigm's gene-slamming activities. In onda il: 1994-11-21 8: Sky Sharks When his hotel had been previously destroyed by the Street Sharks and no family members to live with, Mr. Cunneyworth allows Dr. Paradigm to gene-slam him with the DNA of an electric eel and a moray eel which transforms him into Repteel. While Repteel is ordered by Dr. Paradigm to steal an advanced supercomputer part for his robotic machine, the Street Sharks take a cruise around the city to find the doctor's new Seaviate's location and put a stop to their evil plans. 8: Sky Sharks In onda il: 1994-11-21 When his hotel had been previously destroyed by the Street Sharks and no family members to live with, Mr. Cunneyworth allows Dr. Paradigm to gene-slam him with the DNA of an electric eel and a moray eel which transforms him into Repteel. While Repteel is ordered by Dr. Paradigm to steal an advanced supercomputer part for his robotic machine, the Street Sharks take a cruise around the city to find the doctor's new Seaviate's location and put a stop to their evil plans. In onda il: 1994-11-28 9: Shark of Steel The Street Sharks are framed and brought out of hiding by Sharkbot, the robotic machine built by Dr. Paradigm in the last episode. The Street Sharks must once again defend their reputations and take on Sharkbot. 9: Shark of Steel In onda il: 1994-11-28 The Street Sharks are framed and brought out of hiding by Sharkbot, the robotic machine built by Dr. Paradigm in the last episode. The Street Sharks must once again defend their reputations and take on Sharkbot. In onda il: 1994-11-28 10: Shark Source The Street Sharks discover an underground civilization of mutant crocodiles that happen to know Dr. Bolton after he cured them of their damaged genes. Meanwhile, Dr. Paradigm rebuilds Sharkbot and captures one of the mutant crocodiles. 10: Shark Source In onda il: 1994-11-28 The Street Sharks discover an underground civilization of mutant crocodiles that happen to know Dr. Bolton after he cured them of their damaged genes. Meanwhile, Dr. Paradigm rebuilds Sharkbot and captures one of the mutant crocodiles. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  19. Scheda: Titolo: Nato il quattro luglio Titolo Originale: Born on the Fourth of July Genere: Drammatico, Guerra Nazione: USA Anno: 1989 Durata: 144 min Regia: Oliver Stone Cast: Tom Cruise, Kyra Sedgwick, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Larkin, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline Kava, Josh Evans, Jamie Talisman, Anne Bobby, Samantha Larkin, Tom Berenger, Frank Whaley, Jerry Levine, Richard Panebianco, Rob Camilletti, Stephen Baldwin, Cordelia González, Tom Sizemore, Lili Taylor Trama: Ron è nato il 4 luglio, anniversario dell'indipendenza americana. Volontario in Vietnam, nel paese asiatico conosce l'inferno: vede uccidere donne e bambini e provoca a sua volta la morte di un amico. Ferito gravemente alla spina dorsale Ron torna in patria paralizzato. È costretto a un lungo periodo di ricovero in un ospedale militare durante il quale cambia profondamente opinione sulla guerra e le sue motivazioni. Cade preda di una forte depressione da cui esce per dedicarsi anima a corpo alla causa del pacifismo e alla politica del partito democratico. Nato.Il.Quattro.Luglio.1989.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.DTS.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  20. Il Comandante Mark A Colori 71 - I Quattro Complici (RCS 19-10-2021) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 100 pagine | 193 MB Il segreto della morte del maestro Fulton e della scomparsa del piccolo Jerome è racchiuso tra le pagine di un libro. E a tirare i fili di tutto l'intrigo è il più insospettabile degli individui... Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez - Rapidgator
  21. GENERE: Drammatico, Guerra ANNO: 1989 USA REGIA: Oliver Stone ATTORI: Tom Cruise, Kyra Sedgwick, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Larkin, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline Kava, Josh Evans, Jamie Talisman, Anne Bobby, Samantha Larkin, Tom Berenger, Frank Whaley, Jerry Levine, Richard Panebianco, Rob Camilletti, Stephen Baldwin, Cordelia González, Tom Sizemore, Lili Taylor. DURATA: 144 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: UIP SCENEGGIATURA: Oliver Stone, Ron Kovic. FOTOGRAFIA: Robert Richardson MONTAGGIO: David Brenner, Joe Hutshing. PRODUZIONE: IXTLAN CORPORATION Ron Kovic, nato il quattro di luglio, giorno dell'Indipendenza americana, in un piccolo centro presso New York, da una famiglia cattolica e tradizionalista, è stato educato all'agonismo e a credere negli ideali dell'americano medio. Nel 1967, raggiunta l'età necessaria, il ragazzo, lascia la sua fidanzata Donna e parte volontario per il Vietnam, convinto di andare a difendere la patria e la civiltà contro il comunismo. A Ron, un marine che subito si trova scaraventato all'inferno, in un paese incomprensibile, in una guerra crudele in cui vede ammazzare donne e bambini innocenti, accade di uccidere per errore il suo commilitone Wilson. Poi, nel 1968, la catastrofe: ferito gravemente alla spina dorsale, rimane paralizzato dalla vita in giù, perdendo così l'uso delle gambe, la possibilità di avere figli e rapporti sessuali.
  22. Kriminal A Colori 28 - Quattro croci (RCS 2021-02) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 135 pagine | 120 MB Kriminal, uno dei più famosi antieroi del fumetto nero degli anni 60, ritorna in una nuova edizione in supplemento al quotidiano la" Gazzetta dello Sport". Il personaggio ideato da Max Bunker e Magnus nel 1964, viene riproposto in 114 storie a colori, con uscita settimanale. Rivedremo in azione Anthony Logan che cela la sua identità, dietro il costume giallo con impressa la fisionomia di uno scheletro e la maschera di un teschio, per diventare Kriminal e compiere furti. Opera che ha rivoluzionato il fumetto criminale e quello italiano, per le sue storie d'azione piuttosto cruente e con una piccata attenzione alle scene erotiche. Download Links Easybytez - Katfile - Filestore
  23. Anno: 1962 Genere: storico, guerra Regia: Nanni Loy Paese: Italia Cast: Gian Maria Volonté: capitano Stimolo Aldo Giuffré: Pitrella Carlo Taranto: giocatore di carte Enzo Cannavale: un partigiano Frank Wolff: Salvatore Jean Sorel: marinaio Livornese Le quattro giornate di Napoli non sono state una vera e propria rivoluzione. Non hanno avuto capi, né preparazione di alcun genere. La rivolta nasce e divampa nel giro di poche ore nel settembre del 1943: tutta la popolazione di Napoli vi partecipa, ma senza consultarsi. Spinti da una specie di necessità, i napoletani imbracciano il fucile, si armano di pietre, utensili, bottiglie piene di benzina, e combattono per le strade e i vicoli della città, a pochi metri dalle loro abitazioni, anonimi e silenziosi.
  24. Maxi Tex N.31 - I Quattro Vendicatori (Ottobre 2022) Italiano | CBR+PDF | 340 pagine | 472 MB Un misterioso omicidio sulla pista per Gallup. Quattro soldati prelevano un colonnello sulla diligenza diretta a Gallup, ma non sono quello che dicono di essere e il loro unico scopo è una brutale vendetta!... Il comandante di Fort Wingate chiede aiuto a Tex e Carson per indagare sull'efferato omicidio. La pista di sangue porterà i due pards a far luce su un mistero che affonda le radici nella Guerra di Secessione. Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator
  25. Martin Mystere N.384 - Riscatto A Quattro Dimensioni (SBE Febbraio 2022) Italiano | PDF + CBR | 100 pagine | 184 MB DA CHI VIENE PRODOTTA LA DROGA ILLEGALE RITUS E DA DOVE ARRIVA? Grazie alla Contessa, Martin riesce a risalire alla Hexan, una ditta farmaceutica che potrebbe essere coinvolta nel traffico della misteriosa sostanza che sta mietendo vittime tra gli anziani di New York. Ma la reazione di chi sta tramando nell'ombra non si fa attendere, e Java viene coinvolto in un attentato che lo riduce in fin di vita. Deciso ad andare in fondo alla faccenda, il Detective dell'Impossibile irrompe nella villa di Leon Firthmore, il CEO della Hexan, scoprendo che il complotto si estende non solo oltre la Grande Mela, ma anche al di là della nostra dimensione spazio-temporale... Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator
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