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Descrizione L'Artico è sempre stato un luogo misterioso. Anche gestire un motel nell'Artico è un'esperienza rara. Attraverso l'Arctic Motel Simulator, vogliamo simulare il clima e il tempo mutevole dell'Artico, vogliamo anche offrire ai giocatori un'esperienza di gestione di motel in stile artico. Ciò si riflette nei seguenti aspetti: Espandi il tuo territorio L’Artico è un luogo vasto e scarsamente popolato. Nel gioco potrai espandere il territorio del motel nella foresta primordiale. Espandi il tuo business Non è facile trovare un motel nell'Artico. I motel spesso forniscono molti tipi diversi di servizi. Oltre a fornire vari tipi di camere in affitto, anche i negozi che vendono specialità artiche e i ristoranti che offrono cucina artica possono farti guadagnare un sacco di soldi. Ce ne sono altri, comprese lavanderie e altre attività che aspettano di essere scoperte. Tipologie di camere Abbiamo preparato otto tipologie di camere da scoprire per i giocatori. Diversi tipi di camere hanno i loro vantaggi e i giocatori possono scegliere liberamente in base alle proprie preferenze. Quattro stagioni Tutti sanno che l'inverno nell'Artico è molto freddo, ma l'Artico ha ancora le sue quattro stagioni uniche. Simuliamo il clima e la temperatura delle quattro stagioni nell'Artico, nonché il gameplay corrispondente, ad esempio: Controllo dell'umidità della stanza in estate. Gestione della temperatura ambiente in inverno. Camper noleggiabili in primavera, estate e autunno. Igloo artici disponibili in inverno. Armi e caccia Ci sono molti animali selvatici nell’Artico, quindi la caccia legale è consentita in molti luoghi. Nel gioco, i giocatori possono cacciare legalmente durante la stagione di caccia invernale. Ci sono anche diversi tipi di armi disponibili nel gioco e i giocatori possono scegliere le loro armi preferite per la caccia. Anche le ricette delle specialità artiche invernali sono uno degli scopi della caccia. Dipendenti L’espansione di un’impresa non può mai contare su una sola persona. Nel gioco, i giocatori possono assumere dipendenti e agenti speciali per espandere l'attività del motel. I giocatori possono formare i dipendenti e organizzare il loro lavoro in base a diversi focus. Eventi e criminali ricercati Il gioco è pieno di vari eventi casuali, ad esempio compagni di viaggio che indagano su imbrogli, polizia che pattuglia il tuo motel, ispezioni sanitarie, eventi sconosciuti, ecc. E a causa dell'insufficiente presenza della polizia nell'Artico, la polizia ha anche bisogno del tuo aiuto per arrestare i criminali ricercati. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ITA]
Leslie's Motel - Dirty Sheets [1972] (2025) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Leslies Motel - Dirty Sheets [1972] (2025) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 43:28 Full Size: 529.57 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKisiAuFC2U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeCaufxIdN0 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/677c0e65a60b4 -
Julia N.315 - Emerald Motel (SBE Dicembre 2024)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
Julia N.315 - Emerald Motel (SBE Dicembre 2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 116 pagine | 260 MB Quando il corpo di Ned Wheeler affiora nel Marigold, tutto parla di suicidio. finché una lettera anonima non porta Julia all'Emerald Motel. Ned Wheeler, 36 anni, celibe, dedito all'alcol e pieno di debiti. La sua vita era un susseguirsi di guai, uno dietro l'altro. È stato ripescato in un affluente del fiume Marigold con in corpo una dose massiccia di tranquillanti. Il caso viene archiviato come suicidio, ma Julia riceve una lettera anonima che la esorta a indagare nelle stanze dell'Emerald Motel. Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator - Filespayout https://filecrypt.cc/Container/E2811E4B4D.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/675d4eb18660f -
Foghat - Boogie Motel [2016 Remaster] (1979) [192kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Foghat - Boogie Motel [2016 Remaster] (1979) 192-24 Country: UK Genre: Hard Rock, Blues Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [192kHz/24 bit] Time: 36:42 Full Size: 1.3 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISKPxMB7rHQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyNNdN1Y4l8 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/66dc8f75d7c96 -
Leonardo979 - Overdrive Motel (2024) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Leonardo979 - Overdrive Motel (2024) 44.1-24 Country: Italy Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 50:24 Full Size: 585.81 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q57jx7xL5eE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onLu81aknWc Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6679ad5d30be6-
- leonardo979
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Play Motel (1979) .avi BRRip XviD AC3 Ita Eng
picard74 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
Usciti dal Play Motel, il giovane attore Roberto Vinci e sua moglie Patrizia scoprono nel bagagliaio della loro automobile il cadavere di una donna. La vittima è Maria Conti, sposata con il commendator Rinaldo Cortesi. All'insaputa del marito la donna indagava su un tentativo di ricatto di cui suo marito era rimasto vittima dopo un incontro d'amore avvenuto in una camera del Play Motel, con una fotomodella di un giornale pornografico diretto da un certo Max Liguori. Convinti a collaborare con la polizia, Roberto e Patrizia si improvvisano detective e, pur correndo rischi mortali, riescono a smascherare l'organizzazione specializzata in ricatti che si celava dietro il giornale di Liguori e nelle stanze del Play Motel, e il cui capo era proprio l'insospettabile, astuto Rinaldo Cortesi. Genere: Erotico Anno: 1979 Regia: Mario Gariazzo Attori: Ray Lovelock, Annamaria Rizzoli, Mario Cutini, Antonio De Teffè, Mario Novelli, Enzo Fisichella, Antonella Antinori, Patricia Ben Paese: Italia Durata: 85 min Formato: PANORAMICO - COLORE Distribuzione: ALPHERAT - VIDEO KINEO Sceneggiatura: Mario Gariazzo Fotografia: Aldo Greci Montaggio: Vincenzo Tomassi Musiche: Ubaldo Continiello Produzione: ARMANDO NOVELLI PER MIDIA CINEMATOGRAFICA -
Sun God Motel - Dissolve - Reform (2024) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Sun God Motel - Dissolve - Reform (2024) 96-24 Country: USA Genre: Progressive Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 43:52 Full Size: 940.84 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3pwXw4gYto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5M3DxVcHZo Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/vvm80mhds1ma -
Titolo originale: Bates Motel Paese: Stati Uniti d'America Anno: 2017 Formato: serie TV Genere: drammatico, thriller Episodi: 10 Durata: 45 min (episodio) Ideatore: Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin, Anthony Cipriano Interpreti e personaggi Freddie Highmore: Norman Bates Vera Farmiga: Norma Bates Max Thieriot: Dylan Massett Nicola Peltz: Bradley Martin Olivia Cooke: Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell: Alex Romero Kenny Johnson: Caleb Calhoun TRAMA Due anni dopo gli eventi della quarta stagione, Norman vive da solo al Bates Motel, in compagnia di "Norma", dal momento che il giovane ragazzo non crede alla sua morte. Stringe amicizia con Madeleine Loomis, giovane ragazza che sembra ricordargli molto sua madre. Dylan ed Emma sono sposati, hanno una figlia di pochi mesi e sono del tutto inconsapevoli della morte di Norma per mano di Norman in un suo raptus di follia. Bates Motel - Stagione 5 (2017) (Completa) DLMux ITA ENG MP3 Avi
Titolo originale: Bates Motel Paese: Stati Uniti d'America Anno: 2013 Formato: serie TV Genere: Thriller Episodi: 10 Durata: 45 min (episodio) Ideatore: Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin, Anthony Cipriano Interpreti e personaggi Freddie Highmore: Norman Bates Vera Farmiga: Norma Bates Max Thieriot: Dylan Massett Nicola Peltz: Bradley Kenner Olivia Cooke: Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell: Alex Romero Kenny Johnson: Caleb Calhoun Nota: La serie è basata sui personaggi del romanzo Psycho di Robert Bloch del 1959 e rappresentati nel film diretto da Alfred Hitchcock, è incentrata sul rapporto tra Norman Bates e sua madre, interpretati da Freddie Highmore e Vera Farmiga. Nonostante cronologicamente si tratti di un prequel, la serie ha un'ambientazione contemporanea TRAMA Dopo la morte del padre, vittima apparentemente di un incidente, il 17enne Norman Bates e sua madre Norma si trasferiscono nella sonnolenta città di White Pine Bay per cominciare una nuova vita. Norma acquista un motel, mentre un Norman restio incontra i compagni di scuola, tra cui la bella e popolare Bradley e l’eccentrica Emma, affetta da una grave malattia. Entrambi brillanti ed emotivamente complessi, madre e figlio si ritrovano velocemente in una difficile situazione quando il loro lato oscuro viene allo scoperto. Bates Motel - Stagione 1 (2013) (Completa) DLMux ITA ENG MP3 Avi
Chris Forsyth - Solar Motel (Expanded) (2023) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Chris Forsyth - Solar Motel (Expanded) (2023) 48-24 Country: USA Genre: Psychedelic Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:17:43 Full Size: 837.58 MB Over the last two decades Philadelphia-based guitarist Chris Forsyth has released over a dozen critically lauded albums that have established him as one of today's most unique and acclaimed guitar player /composers - a forward-thinking classicist synthesizing cinematic expansiveness with a pithy lyricism and rhythmic directness that makes even his 20-minute workouts feel as clear, direct, and memorable as a 4-minute song. In retrospect, Forsyth's career can be divided into two periods: Before "Solar Motel" and After "Solar Motel." Originally released in 2013, "Solar Motel" was named after a run-down old lodge in New Jersey, near where Chris grew up. The Motel was a halfway point between his home and City Gardens and 10 minutes from the Princeton Record Exchange, two beacons in the cultural void of the northeast corridor suburbs. Upon its release, the record - his first full-band project - was considered his most ambitious and sublime work of "Cosmic Americana" to date, and the idea of the Motel also figured into a band where vacancies would open and close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy7AAaiQD8I&list=OLAK5uy_ktZ7KbSjZJb8D6OL6VLmBj8SqCUW6dPqo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHogI2QRee4&list=OLAK5uy_ktZ7KbSjZJb8D6OL6VLmBj8SqCUW6dPqo Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/t4e79rsee0le -
Midnite Motel - Gimme Some... (2023) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Midnite Motel - Gimme Some... (2023) 44.1-24 Country: Spain Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 35:26 Full Size: 425.79 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1exucRPxkck&list=OLAK5uy_kxuLdVOYAHBjyTO6qt4Z6W3lX8FlOxJIw&index https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRyUuKG2Lyo&list=OLAK5uy_kxuLdVOYAHBjyTO6qt4Z6W3lX8FlOxJIw&index Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/zbja65c51a33 -
Apollo Motel - Apollo Motel (2023) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Apollo Motel - Apollo Motel (2023) 48-24 Country: South Africa Genre: Blues, Blues Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 29:53 Full Size: 359.29 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq95g5U48FA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqO4NmazfIs Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/z8i7md3mtyqi -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel Stagione 5 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita Scott Kosar Supervising Producer Cory Bird Producer Matthew McCluggage Associate Producer Philip Buiser Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer Story Editor Alyson Evans Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler Producer David Hadaway Art Direction Jessica Sherman Casting John Powers Middleton Consulting Producer Tucker Gates Executive Producer Chris Bacon Music Kerry Ehrin Executive Producer Carlton Cuse Executive Producer Robert Bloch Characters Justis Greene Producer Heather Meehan Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme Costume Design Vera Farmiga Norma Bates Freddie Highmore Norman Bates Max Thieriot Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell Alex Romero Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2017-02-20 1: Dark Paradise Norman tries to keep up appearances despite a troubling discovery. Dylan and Emma receive a surprise guest. 1: Dark Paradise In onda il: 2017-02-20 Norman tries to keep up appearances despite a troubling discovery. Dylan and Emma receive a surprise guest. In onda il: 2017-02-27 2: The Convergence of the Twain Norman's date doesn't go as planned. Romero's frustrations reach a boiling point. Chick brings Norman a gift. 2: The Convergence of the Twain In onda il: 2017-02-27 Norman's date doesn't go as planned. Romero's frustrations reach a boiling point. Chick brings Norman a gift. In onda il: 2017-03-06 3: Bad Blood Norman helps Chick with a project. Romero makes his move. An apologetic Madeleine reaches out to Norman. 3: Bad Blood In onda il: 2017-03-06 Norman helps Chick with a project. Romero makes his move. An apologetic Madeleine reaches out to Norman. In onda il: 2017-03-13 4: Hidden Norman learns who he can rely on as he attempts to protect his secrets; Romero struggles to find safety. 4: Hidden In onda il: 2017-03-13 Norman learns who he can rely on as he attempts to protect his secrets; Romero struggles to find safety. In onda il: 2017-03-20 5: Dreams Die First Norman tries to piece together Mother's movements; in Seattle, Dylan and Emma confront an ugly truth; Sam's girlfriend, Marion, makes an impulsive decision with far-reaching consequences. 5: Dreams Die First In onda il: 2017-03-20 Norman tries to piece together Mother's movements; in Seattle, Dylan and Emma confront an ugly truth; Sam's girlfriend, Marion, makes an impulsive decision with far-reaching consequences. In onda il: 2017-03-27 6: Marion A special guest checks into the motel; Dylan grapples with devastating news; Sam and Madeleine's marriage reaches a crossroads. 6: Marion In onda il: 2017-03-27 A special guest checks into the motel; Dylan grapples with devastating news; Sam and Madeleine's marriage reaches a crossroads. In onda il: 2017-04-03 7: Inseparable Norman and Mother are brought together as trouble looms large. Romero convalesces with the aid of an old friend. Dylan returns home. 7: Inseparable In onda il: 2017-04-03 Norman and Mother are brought together as trouble looms large. Romero convalesces with the aid of an old friend. Dylan returns home. In onda il: 2017-04-10 8: The Body Mother uses tough love to protect Norman. Sheriff Greene opens a murder investigation. Dylan gets help for his brother. 8: The Body In onda il: 2017-04-10 Mother uses tough love to protect Norman. Sheriff Greene opens a murder investigation. Dylan gets help for his brother. In onda il: 2017-04-17 9: Visiting Hours Norman's legal problems worsen. Emma takes care of family business as Dylan finds himself caught between his past and his future. Romero begins his plan for revenge. 9: Visiting Hours In onda il: 2017-04-17 Norman's legal problems worsen. Emma takes care of family business as Dylan finds himself caught between his past and his future. Romero begins his plan for revenge. In onda il: 2017-04-24 10: The Cord Norman comes home. 10: The Cord In onda il: 2017-04-24 Norman comes home. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Titolo originale: Bates Motel Paese: Stati Uniti d'America Anno: 2016 Formato: serie TV Genere: drammatico, thriller Episodi: 10 Durata: 45 min (episodio) Ideatore: Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin, Anthony Cipriano Interpreti e personaggi Freddie Highmore: Norman Bates Vera Farmiga: Norma Bates Max Thieriot: Dylan Massett Nicola Peltz: Bradley Martin Olivia Cooke: Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell: Alex Romero Kenny Johnson: Caleb Calhoun TRAMA Dopo la morte del marito, Norma Bates compra un motel situato nella cittadina di White Pine Bay, in Oregon, e vi si trasferisce insieme al figlio Norman. La stessa notte in cui i due giungono in città, un uomo si introduce nella loro nuova casa e cerca di stuprare Norma ma il figlio arriva in tempo e stordisce l'uomo mentre la donna, traumatizzata da ciò che stava per accadere, accoltella a morte l'uomo. I due, dopo essersi resi conto di ciò che hanno fatto, gettano il cadavere nel mare, ma ben presto, lo sceriffo e il vice sceriffo notano la mancanza dell'uomo in città. Bates Motel - Stagione 4 (2016) (Completa) DLMux ITA ENG MP3 Avi
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel Stagione 1 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita Scott Kosar Supervising Producer Cory Bird Producer Matthew McCluggage Associate Producer Philip Buiser Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer Story Editor Alyson Evans Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler Producer David Hadaway Art Direction Jessica Sherman Casting John Powers Middleton Consulting Producer Tucker Gates Executive Producer Chris Bacon Music Kerry Ehrin Executive Producer Carlton Cuse Executive Producer Robert Bloch Characters Justis Greene Producer Heather Meehan Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme Costume Design Vera Farmiga Norma Bates Freddie Highmore Norman Bates Max Thieriot Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell Alex Romero Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2013-03-18 1: First You Dream, Then You Die Widow Norma Bates and her shy teenage son, Norman, seek a fresh start in a coastal town filled with secrets. The arrival of an unexpected guest turns the Bates' lives upside down. 1: First You Dream, Then You Die In onda il: 2013-03-18 Widow Norma Bates and her shy teenage son, Norman, seek a fresh start in a coastal town filled with secrets. The arrival of an unexpected guest turns the Bates' lives upside down. In onda il: 2013-03-25 2: Nice Town You Picked, Norma... Dylan immediately begins causing trouble. The Bates are drawn into the secrets surrounding White Pine Bay. 2: Nice Town You Picked, Norma... In onda il: 2013-03-25 Dylan immediately begins causing trouble. The Bates are drawn into the secrets surrounding White Pine Bay. In onda il: 2013-04-01 3: What's Wrong with Norman Dylan learns there is more to his new job than he originally thought. Emma and Norman make a shocking discovery. 3: What's Wrong with Norman In onda il: 2013-04-01 Dylan learns there is more to his new job than he originally thought. Emma and Norman make a shocking discovery. In onda il: 2013-04-08 4: Trust Me Norma deals with distractions as her suspicions grow about certain town residents. 4: Trust Me In onda il: 2013-04-08 Norma deals with distractions as her suspicions grow about certain town residents. In onda il: 2013-04-15 5: Ocean View Norma receives some much-needed help, while Norman desperately awaits his mother's return home. Emma and Norman follow more clues, leading to a big discovery. 5: Ocean View In onda il: 2013-04-15 Norma receives some much-needed help, while Norman desperately awaits his mother's return home. Emma and Norman follow more clues, leading to a big discovery. In onda il: 2013-04-22 6: The Truth Dylan asks Norman to move in with him; Norma warns Emma that some things are best kept to themselves. 6: The Truth In onda il: 2013-04-22 Dylan asks Norman to move in with him; Norma warns Emma that some things are best kept to themselves. In onda il: 2013-04-29 7: The Man in Number 9 The Bates Motel welcomes its first guest. Norman learns that popular girls come with many complications. 7: The Man in Number 9 In onda il: 2013-04-29 The Bates Motel welcomes its first guest. Norman learns that popular girls come with many complications. In onda il: 2013-05-06 8: A Boy and His Dog A mysterious stranger causes problems for Norma. Bradley is not happy when rumors spread at school. Dylan and Remo go on a fateful road trip. Norman takes up a grisly hobby. 8: A Boy and His Dog In onda il: 2013-05-06 A mysterious stranger causes problems for Norma. Bradley is not happy when rumors spread at school. Dylan and Remo go on a fateful road trip. Norman takes up a grisly hobby. In onda il: 2013-05-13 9: Underwater Abernathy increases the pressure. Bradley and Dylan connect. Miss Watson encourages Norman's active imagination. Emma takes a trip. 9: Underwater In onda il: 2013-05-13 Abernathy increases the pressure. Bradley and Dylan connect. Miss Watson encourages Norman's active imagination. Emma takes a trip. In onda il: 2013-05-20 10: Midnight Romero decides to take action. Norman takes Emma to the dance. Norman gets a ride home from Miss Watson. 10: Midnight In onda il: 2013-05-20 Romero decides to take action. Norman takes Emma to the dance. Norman gets a ride home from Miss Watson. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel Stagione 2 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita Scott Kosar Supervising Producer Cory Bird Producer Matthew McCluggage Associate Producer Philip Buiser Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer Story Editor Alyson Evans Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler Producer David Hadaway Art Direction Jessica Sherman Casting John Powers Middleton Consulting Producer Tucker Gates Executive Producer Chris Bacon Music Kerry Ehrin Executive Producer Carlton Cuse Executive Producer Robert Bloch Characters Justis Greene Producer Heather Meehan Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme Costume Design Vera Farmiga Norma Bates Freddie Highmore Norman Bates Max Thieriot Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell Alex Romero Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2014-03-03 1: Gone But Not Forgotten Norman fixates on Miss Watson's death; Norma worries about the future of the motel when plans for the bypass move ahead of schedule; Bradley is driven to extremes as she searches for her father's killer. 1: Gone But Not Forgotten In onda il: 2014-03-03 Norman fixates on Miss Watson's death; Norma worries about the future of the motel when plans for the bypass move ahead of schedule; Bradley is driven to extremes as she searches for her father's killer. In onda il: 2014-03-10 2: Shadow of a Doubt Norma tries to distract Norman from his obsession with Miss Watson by joining a play. Bradley turns to Norman for help when she has to escape a dire situation. Romero is pressured to make an arrest for the murder. A new player at work has Dylan and Remo on edge. 2: Shadow of a Doubt In onda il: 2014-03-10 Norma tries to distract Norman from his obsession with Miss Watson by joining a play. Bradley turns to Norman for help when she has to escape a dire situation. Romero is pressured to make an arrest for the murder. A new player at work has Dylan and Remo on edge. In onda il: 2014-03-17 3: Caleb Dylan tries to bridge the gap between Norma and her brother Caleb, who shows up at the motel. Norma meets an ally in her battle to stop the bypass. Emma's memorial for a friend leads to a new relationship. Norman falls under the influence of a townie girl. 3: Caleb In onda il: 2014-03-17 Dylan tries to bridge the gap between Norma and her brother Caleb, who shows up at the motel. Norma meets an ally in her battle to stop the bypass. Emma's memorial for a friend leads to a new relationship. Norman falls under the influence of a townie girl. In onda il: 2014-03-24 4: Check-Out The fall-out from Caleb’s return causes Dylan to question his loyalty to Norma and Norman. Christine brings Norma into the White Pine social scene. Norman grows increasingly worried about Caleb’s presence in town. Romero finds himself caught in the middle of Zane’s war with a rival drug family. 4: Check-Out In onda il: 2014-03-24 The fall-out from Caleb’s return causes Dylan to question his loyalty to Norma and Norman. Christine brings Norma into the White Pine social scene. Norman grows increasingly worried about Caleb’s presence in town. Romero finds himself caught in the middle of Zane’s war with a rival drug family. In onda il: 2014-03-31 5: The Escape Artist Norman trusts Cody with a family secret. Dylan finds himself fighting for his life as Zane’s war escalates. Norma makes a deal with a mysterious man to help stop the bypass. 5: The Escape Artist In onda il: 2014-03-31 Norman trusts Cody with a family secret. Dylan finds himself fighting for his life as Zane’s war escalates. Norma makes a deal with a mysterious man to help stop the bypass. In onda il: 2014-04-07 6: Plunge Dylan is asked to manage an explosive situation; Norma and Norman's relationship is threatened by a growing secret; Emma lands in a dangerous situation. 6: Plunge In onda il: 2014-04-07 Dylan is asked to manage an explosive situation; Norma and Norman's relationship is threatened by a growing secret; Emma lands in a dangerous situation. In onda il: 2014-04-14 7: Presumed Innocent Norma's faith in Norman is questioned; Dylan is threatened by a revengeful Zane; Romero receives new evidence in the murder of Miss Watson; Cody and Norman's friendship reaches the breaking point. 7: Presumed Innocent In onda il: 2014-04-14 Norma's faith in Norman is questioned; Dylan is threatened by a revengeful Zane; Romero receives new evidence in the murder of Miss Watson; Cody and Norman's friendship reaches the breaking point. In onda il: 2014-04-21 8: Meltdown Romero digs deeper into the murder of Miss Watson; the conflict between the drug families leaves Dylan facing an impossible choice; Norma refuses to tell Norman the truth about his blackouts. 8: Meltdown In onda il: 2014-04-21 Romero digs deeper into the murder of Miss Watson; the conflict between the drug families leaves Dylan facing an impossible choice; Norma refuses to tell Norman the truth about his blackouts. In onda il: 2014-04-28 9: The Box Norma is desperate to connect with Norman; Dylan must decide if he should risk his life to save a loved one; Romero hopes a former colleague can help him determine Norman's involvement in a crime. 9: The Box In onda il: 2014-04-28 Norma is desperate to connect with Norman; Dylan must decide if he should risk his life to save a loved one; Romero hopes a former colleague can help him determine Norman's involvement in a crime. In onda il: 2014-05-05 10: The Immutable Truth A tragic event from the past haunts Norman; Norma tries to prevent Norman from making a terrible mistake; Romero and Dylan find a way to end the drug war; Emma makes a decision about her future. 10: The Immutable Truth In onda il: 2014-05-05 A tragic event from the past haunts Norman; Norma tries to prevent Norman from making a terrible mistake; Romero and Dylan find a way to end the drug war; Emma makes a decision about her future. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel Stagione 3 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita Scott Kosar Supervising Producer Cory Bird Producer Matthew McCluggage Associate Producer Philip Buiser Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer Story Editor Alyson Evans Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler Producer David Hadaway Art Direction Jessica Sherman Casting John Powers Middleton Consulting Producer Tucker Gates Executive Producer Chris Bacon Music Kerry Ehrin Executive Producer Carlton Cuse Executive Producer Robert Bloch Characters Justis Greene Producer Heather Meehan Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme Costume Design Vera Farmiga Norma Bates Freddie Highmore Norman Bates Max Thieriot Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell Alex Romero Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2015-03-09 1: A Death in the Family Norman and Emma make decisions regarding their future; Norma informs Norman of his boundaries. 1: A Death in the Family In onda il: 2015-03-09 Norman and Emma make decisions regarding their future; Norma informs Norman of his boundaries. In onda il: 2015-03-16 2: The Arcanum Club Norma and Norman focus on Annika's disappearance; Norma learns the truth about the Arcanum Club. 2: The Arcanum Club In onda il: 2015-03-16 Norma and Norman focus on Annika's disappearance; Norma learns the truth about the Arcanum Club. In onda il: 2015-03-23 3: Persuasion Norman's relationship with Emma weakens his bond with Norma; Romero asks Norman some hard questions. 3: Persuasion In onda il: 2015-03-23 Norman's relationship with Emma weakens his bond with Norma; Romero asks Norman some hard questions. In onda il: 2015-03-30 4: Unbreak-Able Emma and Norman spend a day away from the motel; Romero looks into two strange deaths in White Pine Bay; Norma returns to school; Caleb and Dylan's hidden secrets unravel. 4: Unbreak-Able In onda il: 2015-03-30 Emma and Norman spend a day away from the motel; Romero looks into two strange deaths in White Pine Bay; Norma returns to school; Caleb and Dylan's hidden secrets unravel. In onda il: 2015-04-06 5: The Deal Norma turns to Romero for guidance when she finds herself in an unexpected position of power. 5: The Deal In onda il: 2015-04-06 Norma turns to Romero for guidance when she finds herself in an unexpected position of power. In onda il: 2015-04-13 6: Norma Louise Norma contemplates a life outside of White Pine Bay; Emma and Dylan bond while helping Norman. 6: Norma Louise In onda il: 2015-04-13 Norma contemplates a life outside of White Pine Bay; Emma and Dylan bond while helping Norman. In onda il: 2015-04-20 7: The Last Supper Norman agrees to get help; Dylan learns disturbing news about Emma's health. 7: The Last Supper In onda il: 2015-04-20 Norman agrees to get help; Dylan learns disturbing news about Emma's health. In onda il: 2015-04-27 8: The Pit Romero confronts Norma about newly learned information; Caleb and Dylan take a risky job. 8: The Pit In onda il: 2015-04-27 Romero confronts Norma about newly learned information; Caleb and Dylan take a risky job. In onda il: 2015-05-04 9: Crazy Norman spends the day with a surprise visitor; Norma attempts to keep secrets from being revealed. 9: Crazy In onda il: 2015-05-04 Norman spends the day with a surprise visitor; Norma attempts to keep secrets from being revealed. In onda il: 2015-05-11 10: Unconscious Norman's issues push Norma to the breaking point; Emma has an unexpected reaction to good news. 10: Unconscious In onda il: 2015-05-11 Norman's issues push Norma to the breaking point; Emma has an unexpected reaction to good news. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bates Motel Stagione 4 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero "Prequel contemporaneo" del film Psyco di Hitchcock, in cui viene raccontata la vita di Norman Bates e sua di sua madre Norma prima di quanto narrato nel film del 1960. La serie inizia con la morte del padre di Norman e l'acquisto - da parte di sua madre - di un motel in cui entrambi potranno iniziare una nuova vita Scott Kosar Supervising Producer Cory Bird Producer Matthew McCluggage Associate Producer Philip Buiser Executive Story Editor Torrey Speer Story Editor Alyson Evans Co-Executive Producer Vera Farmiga Executive Producer Jamie Vega Wheeler Producer David Hadaway Art Direction Jessica Sherman Casting John Powers Middleton Consulting Producer Tucker Gates Executive Producer Chris Bacon Music Kerry Ehrin Executive Producer Carlton Cuse Executive Producer Robert Bloch Characters Justis Greene Producer Heather Meehan Co-Producer Monique Prudhomme Costume Design Vera Farmiga Norma Bates Freddie Highmore Norman Bates Max Thieriot Dylan Massett Olivia Cooke Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell Alex Romero Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2016-03-07 1: A Danger to Himself and Others Norma searches for Norman, who finds himself in unfamiliar surroundings; Dylan waits for news about Emma; Romero gets a surprising proposition. 1: A Danger to Himself and Others In onda il: 2016-03-07 Norma searches for Norman, who finds himself in unfamiliar surroundings; Dylan waits for news about Emma; Romero gets a surprising proposition. In onda il: 2016-03-14 2: Goodnight, Mother Norma and Norman each suspect the other of a terrible deed; Dylan contemplates his future with Emma; Romero makes a choice that dramatically impacts the Bates family. 2: Goodnight, Mother In onda il: 2016-03-14 Norma and Norman each suspect the other of a terrible deed; Dylan contemplates his future with Emma; Romero makes a choice that dramatically impacts the Bates family. In onda il: 2016-03-21 3: 'Til Death Do You Part Norma and Romero take a big step together; Norman attempts to accept his new circumstances; Dylan tries to shed old business. 3: 'Til Death Do You Part In onda il: 2016-03-21 Norma and Romero take a big step together; Norman attempts to accept his new circumstances; Dylan tries to shed old business. In onda il: 2016-03-28 4: Lights of Winter Norman and his new friend have an adventure; Norma experiences her first taste of real happiness in some time during an annual festival in White Pine Bay; Dylan becomes caught between two families. 4: Lights of Winter In onda il: 2016-03-28 Norman and his new friend have an adventure; Norma experiences her first taste of real happiness in some time during an annual festival in White Pine Bay; Dylan becomes caught between two families. In onda il: 2016-04-11 5: Refraction Norman worries about revealing too much to Dr. Edwards; Norma hires an artisan to repair a window; a crime investigation threatens Romero's new life. 5: Refraction In onda il: 2016-04-11 Norman worries about revealing too much to Dr. Edwards; Norma hires an artisan to repair a window; a crime investigation threatens Romero's new life. In onda il: 2016-04-18 6: The Vault Norman uncovers painful truths as his therapy progresses; Norma works to prevent a secret from being revealed; Romero assists an old friend despite the risk to his career. 6: The Vault In onda il: 2016-04-18 Norman uncovers painful truths as his therapy progresses; Norma works to prevent a secret from being revealed; Romero assists an old friend despite the risk to his career. In onda il: 2016-04-25 7: There's No Place Like Home Norman returns home after making an unanticipated discovery; Norma takes on new projects; Dylan's search for Emma's mother leads to disturbing results. 7: There's No Place Like Home In onda il: 2016-04-25 Norman returns home after making an unanticipated discovery; Norma takes on new projects; Dylan's search for Emma's mother leads to disturbing results. In onda il: 2016-05-02 8: Unfaithful Norma is torn between Norman and Romero; during a holiday outing, Norman comes to the realization that everyone has changed during his time away. 8: Unfaithful In onda il: 2016-05-02 Norma is torn between Norman and Romero; during a holiday outing, Norman comes to the realization that everyone has changed during his time away. In onda il: 2016-05-09 9: Forever Norma and Norman attempt to reconnect as they plan for the future. Dylan and Romero decide to take action for Norman's own good. 9: Forever In onda il: 2016-05-09 Norma and Norman attempt to reconnect as they plan for the future. Dylan and Romero decide to take action for Norman's own good. In onda il: 2016-05-16 10: Norman Norman plans a special event for his mother; Romero experiences pressure over his actions; Dylan considers reaching out to Norman. 10: Norman In onda il: 2016-05-16 Norman plans a special event for his mother; Romero experiences pressure over his actions; Dylan considers reaching out to Norman. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Titolo originale: Bates Motel Paese: Stati Uniti d'America Anno: 2015 Formato: serie TV Genere: Thriller Episodi: 10 Durata: 45 min (episodio) Ideatore: Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin, Anthony Cipriano Interpreti e personaggi Freddie Highmore: Norman Bates Vera Farmiga: Norma Bates Max Thieriot: Dylan Massett Nicola Peltz: Bradley Kenner Olivia Cooke: Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell: Alex Romero Kenny Johnson: Caleb Calhoun Nota: La serie è basata sui personaggi del romanzo Psycho di Robert Bloch del 1959 e rappresentati nel film diretto da Alfred Hitchcock, è incentrata sul rapporto tra Norman Bates e sua madre, interpretati da Freddie Highmore e Vera Farmiga. Nonostante cronologicamente si tratti di un prequel, la serie ha un'ambientazione contemporanea. TRAMA Dopo la morte del padre, vittima apparentemente di un incidente, il 17enne Norman Bates e sua madre Norma si trasferiscono nella sonnolenta città di White Pine Bay per cominciare una nuova vita. Norma acquista un motel, mentre un Norman restio incontra i compagni di scuola, tra cui la bella e popolare Bradley e l’eccentrica Emma, affetta da una grave malattia. Entrambi brillanti ed emotivamente complessi, madre e figlio si ritrovano velocemente in una difficile situazione quando il loro lato oscuro viene allo scoperto. Bates Motel - Stagione 3 (2015) (Completa) DLMux ITA ENG MP3 Avi
Titolo originale: Bates Motel Paese: Stati Uniti d'America Anno: 2015 Formato: serie TV Genere: Thriller Episodi: 10 Durata: 45 min (episodio) Ideatore: Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin, Anthony Cipriano Interpreti e personaggi Freddie Highmore: Norman Bates Vera Farmiga: Norma Bates Max Thieriot: Dylan Massett Nicola Peltz: Bradley Kenner Olivia Cooke: Emma Decody Nestor Carbonell: Alex Romero Kenny Johnson: Caleb Calhoun Nota: La serie è basata sui personaggi del romanzo Psycho di Robert Bloch del 1959 e rappresentati nel film diretto da Alfred Hitchcock, è incentrata sul rapporto tra Norman Bates e sua madre, interpretati da Freddie Highmore e Vera Farmiga. Nonostante cronologicamente si tratti di un prequel, la serie ha un'ambientazione contemporanea. TRAMA Dopo la morte del padre, vittima apparentemente di un incidente, il 17enne Norman Bates e sua madre Norma si trasferiscono nella sonnolenta città di White Pine Bay per cominciare una nuova vita. Norma acquista un motel, mentre un Norman restio incontra i compagni di scuola, tra cui la bella e popolare Bradley e l’eccentrica Emma, affetta da una grave malattia. Entrambi brillanti ed emotivamente complessi, madre e figlio si ritrovano velocemente in una difficile situazione quando il loro lato oscuro viene allo scoperto. Bates Motel - Stagione 2 (2015) (Completa) DLMux ITA ENG MP3 Avi