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Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Mufasa - Il re leone 1 h 58 m 2024 Avventura ◦ Famiglia ◦ Dramma ◦ Animazione Rafiki narra la leggenda di Mufasa alla giovane leoncina Kiara, figlia di Simba e Nala, con Timon e Pumbaa che offrono il loro caratteristico spettacolo. Raccontata attraverso flashback, la storia presenta Mufasa, un cucciolo orfano, perso e solo fino a quando incontra un leone compassionevole di nome Taka, erede di una stirpe reale. L'incontro casuale dà il via al viaggio di uno straordinario gruppo di sventurati alla ricerca del proprio destino: i loro legami saranno messi alla prova mentre lavorano insieme per sfuggire a un nemico minaccioso e letale. Joi McMillon Editor Peter M. Tobyansen Executive Producer Mark Friedberg Production Design Lin-Manuel Miranda Songs Jeff Nathanson Screenplay Lebo M. Additional Music Paula Fairfield Sound Designer Barry Jenkins Director Adele Romanski Producer Mark Ceryak Producer James Laxton Director of Photography James Earl Jones In Memory Of Dave Metzger Original Music Composer Onnalee Blank Supervising Sound Editor Irene Mecchi Thanks Jonathan Roberts Thanks Linda Woolverton Thanks Lebo M. Vocals Francine Maisler Casting Jared Patrick Gerbig Art Direction Dan Webster Supervising Art Director Harry Cohen Sound Designer Benjamin L. Cook Sound Editor Adam Valdez Visual Effects Supervisor Aaron Pierre Mufasa (voice) Kelvin Harrison Jr. Taka (voice) Tiffany Boone Sarabi (voice) Kagiso Lediga Young Rafiki (voice) Preston Nyman Zazu (voice) Blue Ivy Carter Kiara (voice) John Kani Rafiki (voice) Mads Mikkelsen Kiros (voice) Seth Rogen Pumbaa (voice) Billy Eichner Timon (voice) Thandiwe Newton Eshe (voice) Lennie James Obasi (voice) Anika Noni Rose Afia (voice) Keith David Masego (voice) Braelyn Rankins Mufasa Cub (voice) Theo Somolu Taka Cub (voice) Donald Glover Simba (voice) Beyoncé Nala (voice) Folake Olowofoyeku Amara (voice) Joanna Jones Akua (voice) Thuso Mbedu Junia (voice) Sheila Atim Ajarry (voice) Abdul Salis Chigaru (voice) Dominique Jennings Sarafi (voice) Derrick L. McMillon Mosi (voice) Maestro Harrell Inaki (voice) AJ Beckles Azibo (voice) David S. Lee Mobo (voice) Brielle Rankins Mufasa Cub additional lines (voice) Mufasa: Il Re Leone | Trailer Finale | Dal 19 Dicembre al Cinema Mufasa: Il Re Leone | Nuovo Trailer | Dal 19 Dicembre al Cinema Mufasa: Il Re Leone | Trailer Ufficiale | Dal 19 Dicembre al Cinema Mufasa: Il Re Leone | Trailer Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Scheda: Data di uscita: 19 dicembre 2024 Genere: Drammatico, Avventura, Family Anno: 2024 Regia: Barry Jenkins Attori: Aaron Pierre, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Tiffany Boone, Kagiso Lediga, Preston Nyman, Luca Marinelli, Mads Mikkelsen, Alberto Boubakar Malanchino, Thandiwe Newton, Elodie... Paese: USA Durata: 118 min Distribuzione: The Walt Disney Company Italia Sceneggiatura: Jeff Nathanson Fotografia: James Laxton Montaggio: Joi McMillon Musiche: Nicholas Britell, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Pharrell Williams Produzione: Fairview Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures Trama: Mufasa: Il Re Leone, film diretto da Barry Jenkins, è il prequel del classico Disney Il Re Leone (1994) e vede Rafiki, Timon e Pumbaa intenti a raccontare la storia di Mufasa, il padre di Simba, a un piccolo cucciolo di leone (Kiara, figlia di Simba e Nala), narrando l'ascesa di quello che è stato uno dei più grandi re delle Terre del Branco. Attraverso flashback, riviviamo la storia di Mufasa, un cucciolo orfano, perso e solo fino a quando incontra un leone comprensivo di nome Taka, erede di una stirpe reale. L'incontro casuale dà il via al viaggio di uno straordinario gruppo di sventurati alla ricerca del proprio destino: i loro legami saranno messi alla prova mentre lavorano insieme per sfuggire a un nemico minaccioso e letale. Mufasa.Il.Re.Leone.2024.iTALiAN.ADS.MD.TS.XviD-WRS.avi Mufasa.Il.Re.Leone.2024.iTALiAN.ADS.MD.720p.HDRip.x264-WRS.mkv Mufasa.Il.Re.Leone.2024.iTALiAN.ADS.MD.1080p.HDRip.x264-WRS.mkv
Kimba Il Leone Bianco Serie 2 (1966) 9xDVD5 Custom Ita Jap
virtualman ha pubblicato una discussione in » Anime ITA
Scheda anime Autore : Osamu Tezuka Regia : Eichi Yamamoto Rete : TV Tokyo 1ª TV : 5 ottobre 1966 – 29 marzo 1967 Episodi : 26 (completa) Rete it. : Televisioni locali 1ª TV it. : 1978 Episodi it. : 26 (completa) DVD : 9xDVD5 Trama La storia parla e si concentra sulle avventure d'un giovane leone albino che vuole governare la foresta in cui vive dopo la morte dei suoi genitori. Panja è il re del suo regno all'interno della giungla africana. La razza umana sta diventando una minaccia più grave dello stesso deserto... La vicenda si snoda per lo più in Africa, a partir dalla metà del XX secolo. L'invasione del territorio della giungla da parte dell'umanità (e conseguente "corruzione") procede inesorabile; a fronte di ciò un leone bianco, Panja (Grande Cesare nel 1° doppiaggio), cerca di cambiare in qualche modo lo stato delle cose: egli si preoccupa di donare a tutti gli animali della foresta un luogo e rifugio sicuro e confortevole sicuro in cui poter finalmente vivere in pace, liberi dalla paura derivata dalla convivenza con gli uomini, data dalla loro obbligata vicinanza. In buona parte ottiene il proprio scopo, compiendo però un unico errore, per lui foriero di gravi conseguenze: libera cioè i bovini dai vicini villaggi, riuscendo in tal maniera a farne infuriare gli abitanti: rubando il bestiame, loro unica fonte di ricchezza, per sfamare gli abitanti carnivori della giungla, di cui si sente responsabile, si mette decisamente di traverso alle mire di potere e conquista degli umani. Un cacciatore professionista, Hamegg, assieme al suo assistente, viene allora ingaggiato per porre fine a queste incursioni da parte dei leoni. Ma invece di combatterli apertamente, il cacciatore escogita una trovata molto astuta, la quale consiste appunto nell'evitar di attaccare direttamente Panja (ché una tal tattica non ha mai avuto granché successo, tutte le volte ch'è stata messa in pratica dai cacciatori che han provato a catturarlo prima di lui), e di utilizzare invece la leva dell'amore che lega Panja alla sua compagna Eliza. Eccolo allora subdolamente registrare il ruggito di Panja in un disco ed utilizzarlo poi per attirar la leonessa in una trappola e così catturarla. A questo punto ella stessa diviene l'esca per catturare Panja, che viene in tal modo assassinato a tradimento, dopo esser stato attirato in una valle senza sbocchi. La sua pregiatissima pelliccia bianca finisce per divenir trofeo di caccia dell'umano senza scrupoli. Eliza, già incinta, viene imbarcata su un traghetto per essere venduta ad uno zoo. Kimba nasce in alto mare mentre Eliza è in viaggio sulla nave. La madre si prende il compito di trasmettere al figlio gli ideali del padre, che il piccolo mette in pratica immediatamente, facendosi amici i ratti che si trovano a bordo della nave. Nel mentre che si sta avvicinando una terribile tempesta, incoraggia il piccolo a fuggire attraverso le sbarre della gabbia ed andar a reclamare il suo giusto posto sul trono ch'era di suo padre. Nel frattempo l'improvvisa tempesta conduce l'imbarcazione al naufragio, distruggendo la nave contro gli scogli e lasciando Kimba da solo disperso a galleggiar dibattendosi in balia delle altissime onde dell'Oceano. Solo la benevolenza dei pesci lo aiuta a sopravvivere; per merito loro impara a nuotare. Con l'incoraggiamento ed il sostegno costante della madre (le stelle del cielo assumono a tal compito la sua forma) e guidato dalle farfalle, Kimba riesce finalmente a raggiungere la terraferma sano e salvo. Egli è però ancora molto lontano dalla sua terra natìa, ma viene trovato, curato ed accudito da alcune persone di buon cuore. Viaggia quindi con loro in varie città abitate dagli uomini (Londra, Parigi etc), giungendo infine a riconoscere sia la malvagità sia la bontà insita indistricabilmente all'interno del cuore umano; viene inoltre a conoscenza delle varie capacità tecnologiche e mediche dell'umanità. Grazie alla sua naturale e spiccata intelligenza, Kimba incomincia ad accorgersi delle cose positive provenienti dagli esseri umani, dei benefici e dei possibili vantaggi anche per gli animali derivanti dalla loro cultura. Si persuade allora, presa coscienza di ciò, di continuare certamente l'opera lasciata in sospeso dal padre ma anche d'espanderla ed ampliarla con le cose apprese, una volta fatto ritorno a casa. Decide di tornare nella sua patria naturale per donare agli abitanti della foresta le migliori conoscenze della civiltà; cercherà sempre un possibile incontro pacifico tra mondo umano e selvaggio. La serie mostra la vita di Kimba dopo il ritorno nel suo ambiente naturale all'interno della foresta africana e ciò che egli apprende crescendo, durante l'anno seguente: la vera pace richiede comunicazione e mutua comprensione tra animali e gli onnipresenti umani. Qui però lo attendono ancora molte prove: dovrà difatti affrontare e superare Bubu, il leone che s'era autoproclamato re assoluto dopo la morte di Panja, il quale com'è facile immaginarsi non è affatto contento del ritorno del legittimo erede. Ma Kimba, con la sua personalità e carattere schietto e sincero riesce ad affascinare gli animali della giungla e, grazie al carisma naturale che lo contraddistingue, diventar loro leader, nonostante l'ancor giovanissima età: da quel momento in poi cercherà di far vivere gli animali in un mondo più civile. Vi sarà ovviamente una notevole resistenza iniziale a questi strani ed improvvisi cambiamenti; ma il nuovo re ha al suo fianco molti preziosi alleati. Kimba vuol essere altrettanto forte ed orgoglioso come fu capace d'esserlo il padre quando governava autorevolmente l'intera giungla. Il suo modello di vita è in parte progettato sulla società umana, anche se migliorata notevolmente, sforzandosi costantemente per realizzare una forma giusta di convivenza per tutte le specie animali, le quali si riuniscono in alleanza contro la distruzione del loro habitat da parte dell'uomo; vogliono e chiedono inoltre esser riconosciute come aventi eguali diritti nei confronti degli umani. Per giungere alla realizzazione di questi obiettivi Kimba convince anche i carnivori a diventar vegetariani, insegnandogli a praticar l'agricoltura, a cui infine si dedicheranno con fervore. Apriranno anche una scuola, un ufficio postale ed un ristorante. Fino a quando diverrà adulto, Kimba passerà attraverso una quantità sterminata d'avventure,... fino ad uccidersi per donare la propria pelle e carne nell'intento di salvar dalla morte un suo amico umano. Screenshots Release Report Media Info: Password Archivi : vercingetorige -
Kimba Il Leone Bianco Serie 1 (1966) 13xDVD5 Custom Ita Jap
virtualman ha pubblicato una discussione in » Anime ITA
Trama La storia parla e si concentra sulle avventure d'un giovane leone albino che vuole governare la foresta in cui vive dopo la morte dei suoi genitori. Panja è il re del suo regno all'interno della giungla africana. La razza umana sta diventando una minaccia più grave dello stesso deserto... La vicenda si snoda per lo più in Africa, a partir dalla metà del XX secolo. L'invasione del territorio della giungla da parte dell'umanità (e conseguente "corruzione") procede inesorabile; a fronte di ciò un leone bianco, Panja (Grande Cesare nel 1° doppiaggio), cerca di cambiare in qualche modo lo stato delle cose: egli si preoccupa di donare a tutti gli animali della foresta un luogo e rifugio sicuro e confortevole sicuro in cui poter finalmente vivere in pace, liberi dalla paura derivata dalla convivenza con gli uomini, data dalla loro obbligata vicinanza... Continua... Scheda anime Autore : Osamu Tezuka Regia : Eichi Yamamoto Rete : TV Tokyo 1ª TV : 5 ottobre 1966 – 29 marzo 1967 Episodi : 26 (completa) Rete it. : Televisioni locali 1ª TV it. : 1978 Episodi it. : 26 (completa) DVD : 13xDVD5 Screenshots Release Report Media Info: Password Archivi : vercingetorige -
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Il Regicida - Caccia a Riccardo Cuor di Leone 1 h 33 m 2023 Azione Second metà del XII secolo. Riccardo I d'Inghilterra, detto Cuor di leone, prima di ascendere al trono deve combattere per la sopravvivenza e deve imparare sulla propria pelle le responsabilità della leadership, durante un'infida imboscata che mette a rischio le vite dei suoi uomini. Stuart Brennan Director Stuart Brennan Writer Stuart Brennan Producer Gareth Wiley Producer Stuart Brennan Richard the Lionheart Carolina Carlsson Léa Ryan Gage Aumônier Anselme David Hayman Dafydd Ellie-Rose Mackinlay millicent John Rhys-Davies Guillaume Maréchal Ian Hanmore Davos Sarina Taylor Leith John Wolfe Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Le Orme - Il Leone E La Bandiera (2024)
_Goldrake_ ha pubblicato una discussione in » Album Italiani
Le Orme - Il Leone E La Bandiera (2024) Artist: Le Orme Album: Il Leone E La Bandiera Year: 2024 Genre: Pop Format: MP3 Bitrate: 320 Kbps Total Size: 103 MB File: MUSIC1821 01. Le Orme - Ouverture 02. Le Orme - Acqua di luna 03. Le Orme - Ferro e fuoco 04. Le Orme - Lucciole di vetro 05. Le Orme - L' alba della partenza 06. Le Orme - Rosa dei venti 07. Le Orme - Caigo 08. Le Orme - Rosa dei venti (Live) 09. Le Orme - Acqua di luna (Live) Link unico, veloce, gratuito e senza premium [Hidden Content] -
AureaComix 149 - Dago 169, Il ruggito del leone (Aurea 2024-01-12)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
AureaComix 149 - Dago 169, Il ruggito del leone (Aurea 2024-01-12) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 70 pagine | 126 MB Collana mensile di volumi a fumetti pubblicata dalla Editoriale Aurea che pubblica prevalentemente fumetti di origine francese o sudamericana e tutti in formato cartonato. La collana eredita e prosegue alcune delle serie pubblicate da Eura Editoriale sulle collane Euracomix ed Euramaster ma pubblica anche nuove serie e storie autoconclusive. La serie più pubblicata all'interno della collana è Dago. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez https://filecrypt.cc/Container/E74E80B7F8.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/66573969baa5f -
Un Giorno Da Leone (2023).mkv WEBRiP x264 AC3 - iTA
LiZARDER ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
TITOLO ORIGINALE: One Day as a Lion GENERE: Azione, Commedia, Thriller ANNO: 2023 REGIA: John Swab ATTORI: Scott Caan, Frank Grillo, Marianne Rendón, Taryn Manning, George Carroll, Virginia Madsen, J.K. Simmons, Billy Blair, Dash Melrose... PAESE: USA DURATA: 87 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Universal Pictures SCENEGGIATURA: Scott Caan FOTOGRAFIA: Will Stone MONTAGGIO: Andrew Aaronson MUSICHE: David Sardy PRODUZIONE: Roxwell Films Jackie Powers è fermamente intenzionato a impedire a tutti i costi che il figlio segua il suo esempio scegliendo una vita da criminale. Inseguito dal suo datore di lavoro mafioso in seguito a uno sgarro, la sua fuga verrà dirottata da un incontro casuale in un ristorante. -
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Un giorno da leone 1 h 27 m 2023 Azione ◦ Thriller ◦ Crime Jackie Powers non si fermerà davanti a nulla per impedire a suo figlio di seguirlo in una vita criminale. John Swab Director Scott Caan Writer Gabriel Hansen Stunt Coordinator Hans Marrero Stunt Coordinator Jeremy M. Rosen Casting Will Stone Director of Photography Andrew Aaronson Editor David Sardy Original Music Composer Jeremy M. Rosen Music Supervisor Barry Brooker Executive Producer Stan Wertlieb Executive Producer Josh Spector Executive Producer Scott Caan Executive Producer Viviana Zarragoitia Executive Producer Ali Jazayeri Executive Producer Jeremy M. Rosen Producer Miles Rogoish Production Design Misty Rose Costume Designer Sonia Antar Key Costumer Jim Schultz Music Editor Scott Caan Jackie Powers Frank Grillo Pauly Russo Virginia Madsen Valerie Brisky J.K. Simmons Walter Boggs Taryn Manning Taylor Love Marianne Rendón Lola Brisky Slaine Dom Lorenzo Billy Blair Ken Walsh Bruce Davis Bob Dash Melrose Billy Powers Gabriel Hansen Shotgun Terrance Reed Darrell Tompkins Brett Swab Judge Simon Bruce Roach DA Thomas Michael Pitt Dom Lorenzo (Uncredited) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Leone il cane fifone Stagione 4 Episodi 25 (ogni puntata contiene 2 episodi, tranne la puntata 7 che sarebbe l'episodio 13) Famiglia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia La serie narra le peripezie di Leone, un cane timido e coraggioso rimasto orfano e adottato dalla gentile Marilù (Muriel) e dal burbero Giustino (Eustace) Bagge, una coppia di anziani agricoltori che vivono in una fattoria isolata, nelle vicinanze della pericolosa e fittizia città di Altrove (the City of Nowhere nella versione originale, lett. "la città di nessun luogo/nessuna parte"), in Kansas. In questo strano luogo il povero cane rimane costantemente vittima di avvenimenti ai limiti dell'assurdo. Ha a che fare con creature folli e spesso crudeli, che coinvolgono quasi sempre Marilù a causa del suo candore e della sua bontà, ma Leone riesce sempre a salvarla. Ethan Kanfer Storyboard Artist Winnie Chaffee Producer Ray daSilva Art Department Manager Andy Ezrin Music John R. Dilworth Executive Producer Jody Gray Music Marty Grabstein Courage (voice) Thea White Muriel Bagge (voice) Lionel G. Wilson Eustace Bagge (voice) Simon Prebble The Computer (voice) Billie Lou Watt Ma Bagge (voice) Paul Schoeffler Katz (voice) Arthur Anderson Eustace Bagge (voice) Episodi: 25 In onda il: 2002-09-06 1: A Beaver's Tale The Bagge's yard gets flouded, Eustace and Muriel go for a swim. Everything is alright until the water rises too high and enters their house. Courage paddles around in the water to the town of Nowhere and stops when he sees a beaver putting up a dam. Courage trys to ask him nicely to stop building it because it ruining there home, but the beaver just hits him with his tail. Courage then finds out the beaver's real love is for music and not construction. The beaver starts to hit his tail as a rythem on the dam.Courage picks the string on his yo-yo, like an instrument. The beaver's tale constatly hiting the dam eventually breaks it. Courage's house's water level drys up to nothing. Muriel and Eustace then attend a concert in a local karaoke-type place to watch Courage and the beaver play their instruments. 1: A Beaver's Tale In onda il: 2002-09-06 The Bagge's yard gets flouded, Eustace and Muriel go for a swim. Everything is alright until the water rises too high and enters their house. Courage paddles around in the water to the town of Nowhere and stops when he sees a beaver putting up a dam. Courage trys to ask him nicely to stop building it because it ruining there home, but the beaver just hits him with his tail. Courage then finds out the beaver's real love is for music and not construction. The beaver starts to hit his tail as a rythem on the dam.Courage picks the string on his yo-yo, like an instrument. The beaver's tale constatly hiting the dam eventually breaks it. Courage's house's water level drys up to nothing. Muriel and Eustace then attend a concert in a local karaoke-type place to watch Courage and the beaver play their instruments. In onda il: 2002-09-06 2: The Nutcracker "The Nutcracker" The Bagges go to the junkyard to hunt for useful trash, and Courage finds a nutcracker. But two man-eating rats want to feast on Muriel and Eustace. After Eustace is captured, Courage must get Muriel away from the rats. 2: The Nutcracker In onda il: 2002-09-06 "The Nutcracker" The Bagges go to the junkyard to hunt for useful trash, and Courage finds a nutcracker. But two man-eating rats want to feast on Muriel and Eustace. After Eustace is captured, Courage must get Muriel away from the rats. In onda il: 2002-09-13 3: Rumpledkiltskin "Rumpledkiltskin" Muriel's "Uncle Angus" invites her to Scotland, where he imprisons her and demands that she makes thousands of kilts. It's up to Courage to learn Uncle's real name and free Muriel. 3: Rumpledkiltskin In onda il: 2002-09-13 "Rumpledkiltskin" Muriel's "Uncle Angus" invites her to Scotland, where he imprisons her and demands that she makes thousands of kilts. It's up to Courage to learn Uncle's real name and free Muriel. In onda il: 2002-09-13 4: House Calls "Housecalls" Lonely Dr. Gerhart wants some neighbors, but his jealous old house fends them away. So he "brings" the Bagges' farm next to his house. But Gerhart's house intends on destroying the Bagges' home, and Courage has to find a way to make the house happy again. 4: House Calls In onda il: 2002-09-13 "Housecalls" Lonely Dr. Gerhart wants some neighbors, but his jealous old house fends them away. So he "brings" the Bagges' farm next to his house. But Gerhart's house intends on destroying the Bagges' home, and Courage has to find a way to make the house happy again. In onda il: 2002-09-20 5: Le Quack Balloon "Le Quack Balloon" Le Quack returns with a new scheme: he replaces Muriel's cookie recipe with one that calls for "rare Swedish vinegar" - then arrives on the scene to take her to Sweden in a hot air balloon so she can get some. His plan is to use her to steal money from the Piggy Bank of Sweden, and Courage must find a way to save her. 5: Le Quack Balloon In onda il: 2002-09-20 "Le Quack Balloon" Le Quack returns with a new scheme: he replaces Muriel's cookie recipe with one that calls for "rare Swedish vinegar" - then arrives on the scene to take her to Sweden in a hot air balloon so she can get some. His plan is to use her to steal money from the Piggy Bank of Sweden, and Courage must find a way to save her. In onda il: 2002-09-20 6: Windmill Vandals The windmill is broken. Courage finds that whenever the windmill stops... four armored skeletons on horseback come towards him! He finds signs on the windmill vanes and his computer says they are mystic signs made by the first owner of the farm house. Vandals who had a broken paddle wheel needed energy, so they tried to steal the windmill, but the owner put mystic signs on them to keep them away. Whenever, it stops, the ghosts of the vandals come back... and they want to cut everyone's head off! The windmill eventually gets fixed and the skeletons go away. 6: Windmill Vandals In onda il: 2002-09-20 The windmill is broken. Courage finds that whenever the windmill stops... four armored skeletons on horseback come towards him! He finds signs on the windmill vanes and his computer says they are mystic signs made by the first owner of the farm house. Vandals who had a broken paddle wheel needed energy, so they tried to steal the windmill, but the owner put mystic signs on them to keep them away. Whenever, it stops, the ghosts of the vandals come back... and they want to cut everyone's head off! The windmill eventually gets fixed and the skeletons go away. In onda il: 2002-09-27 7: The Uncommon Cold Muriel gets a terrible cold, and after a while, she sees a talking slug that wants help. Following directions, Courage and Muriel go to a swamp where there are slugs that are ruled by a snake named Big Bayou. He sheds his skin and makes the slugs make statues out of them. They say Bayou has a magic book that will free them and cure Muriel. Courage gets the book and cures Muriel. Bayou then comes after him, and he bites the book, and his venom magically makes the snake-skin statues attack him. Muriel uses her nail-file to free the slugs. 7: The Uncommon Cold In onda il: 2002-09-27 Muriel gets a terrible cold, and after a while, she sees a talking slug that wants help. Following directions, Courage and Muriel go to a swamp where there are slugs that are ruled by a snake named Big Bayou. He sheds his skin and makes the slugs make statues out of them. They say Bayou has a magic book that will free them and cure Muriel. Courage gets the book and cures Muriel. Bayou then comes after him, and he bites the book, and his venom magically makes the snake-skin statues attack him. Muriel uses her nail-file to free the slugs. In onda il: 2002-09-27 8: Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted It's the first day of hunting season, and Eustace goes hunting to prove he's better then his dead brother, Horace. He uses Horace's old gun, a laser gun! Courage goes with him to makes sure he's safe. Eustace spots a bunch of deer and fails to shoot them. The father deer then gets his own laser gun and goes after Eustace! Courage says he can settle this by having a game show with the deer and Eustace called, "Hunt For Knowledge." The deer wins. Eustace tries to shoot him, but instead he hits a bear's lollipop. When he asks who shot it, Eustace takes the deer's antlers and says he's a deer. But then hunters come by and think he's a deer and shoot him. His head gets mounted on a car. 8: Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted In onda il: 2002-09-27 It's the first day of hunting season, and Eustace goes hunting to prove he's better then his dead brother, Horace. He uses Horace's old gun, a laser gun! Courage goes with him to makes sure he's safe. Eustace spots a bunch of deer and fails to shoot them. The father deer then gets his own laser gun and goes after Eustace! Courage says he can settle this by having a game show with the deer and Eustace called, "Hunt For Knowledge." The deer wins. Eustace tries to shoot him, but instead he hits a bear's lollipop. When he asks who shot it, Eustace takes the deer's antlers and says he's a deer. But then hunters come by and think he's a deer and shoot him. His head gets mounted on a car. In onda il: 2002-10-04 9: Bride of the Swamp Monster "Bride of the Swamp Monster" The truck crashes into a swamp one night and Muriel loses her new locket, which holds a picture of her inside it. The locket descends into the murky swamp and is found by the Swamp Monster, who sees Muriel's picture and believes she is his long-lost love. He vows to find her and bring her home. Swamp Monster tracks Muriel down and takes her to the swamp to be his bride. Courage must locate his REAL long-lost love and save Muriel. 9: Bride of the Swamp Monster In onda il: 2002-10-04 "Bride of the Swamp Monster" The truck crashes into a swamp one night and Muriel loses her new locket, which holds a picture of her inside it. The locket descends into the murky swamp and is found by the Swamp Monster, who sees Muriel's picture and believes she is his long-lost love. He vows to find her and bring her home. Swamp Monster tracks Muriel down and takes her to the swamp to be his bride. Courage must locate his REAL long-lost love and save Muriel. In onda il: 2002-10-04 10: Goat Pain Muriel's back starts to hurt, so Eustace takes her to Dr. Vindaloo because she can't make him any food in that condition. He tells them they must go to a top of Mount Nowhere, where a hot spring is located in order to heal her. Courage, Muriel, and Eustace head up toward the mountain. On top lives a goat, who has been neglected by humans, trashing his habitat, and draining up the spring. Eventually, he was the only one left, and now, he chases people off the island by hitting them with his horns. After the goat tells his story, he makes Muriel and Courage hold up gigantic rocks for torture. Courage then accidentally re-opens the hot spring and he cleans up the garbage. The goat and Muriel return to normal health by relaxing in the spring. 10: Goat Pain In onda il: 2002-10-04 Muriel's back starts to hurt, so Eustace takes her to Dr. Vindaloo because she can't make him any food in that condition. He tells them they must go to a top of Mount Nowhere, where a hot spring is located in order to heal her. Courage, Muriel, and Eustace head up toward the mountain. On top lives a goat, who has been neglected by humans, trashing his habitat, and draining up the spring. Eventually, he was the only one left, and now, he chases people off the island by hitting them with his horns. After the goat tells his story, he makes Muriel and Courage hold up gigantic rocks for torture. Courage then accidentally re-opens the hot spring and he cleans up the garbage. The goat and Muriel return to normal health by relaxing in the spring. In onda il: 2002-10-11 11: Muriel Blows Up After a missile explodes over the farmhouse, Muriel finds a giant carrot growing in her garden. After eating it, Muriel begins to expand. On TV, the General warns Nowhere about the missile and says only he can disarm it. Using a computer camera, Courage sees a carrot robot. Courage goes in and eats it, then gets burped out. As courage begins to expand, he goes to General, who goes inside Courage and disarms the carrot. Courage burps them up, only to have Eustace eat it. Because the carrot was not properly disabled, Eustace explodes. 11: Muriel Blows Up In onda il: 2002-10-11 After a missile explodes over the farmhouse, Muriel finds a giant carrot growing in her garden. After eating it, Muriel begins to expand. On TV, the General warns Nowhere about the missile and says only he can disarm it. Using a computer camera, Courage sees a carrot robot. Courage goes in and eats it, then gets burped out. As courage begins to expand, he goes to General, who goes inside Courage and disarms the carrot. Courage burps them up, only to have Eustace eat it. Because the carrot was not properly disabled, Eustace explodes. In onda il: 2002-10-11 12: Profiles in Courage "Profiles in Courage" At a county fair, a mysterious paper-cutter offers to make full-size cameo silhouettes of Muriel and the Farmer. Back at the Farmhouse, Muriel mounts the cameos on the wall and heads upstairs to bed. Courage sees the silhouettes moving in their picture-frames, and screams as the cameos pull themselves free and head upstairs. The sinister silhouettes drape themselves over the sleeping Farmer and Muriel and steal their souls, pulling the life force out of them both and leaving only their inanimate bodies behind. The silhouettes "fill out" into three dimensions, still made of paper but shaped like real people now. Courage must find a way to get the silhouettes to leave so that Muriel and the Farmer can return. 12: Profiles in Courage In onda il: 2002-10-11 "Profiles in Courage" At a county fair, a mysterious paper-cutter offers to make full-size cameo silhouettes of Muriel and the Farmer. Back at the Farmhouse, Muriel mounts the cameos on the wall and heads upstairs to bed. Courage sees the silhouettes moving in their picture-frames, and screams as the cameos pull themselves free and head upstairs. The sinister silhouettes drape themselves over the sleeping Farmer and Muriel and steal their souls, pulling the life force out of them both and leaving only their inanimate bodies behind. The silhouettes "fill out" into three dimensions, still made of paper but shaped like real people now. Courage must find a way to get the silhouettes to leave so that Muriel and the Farmer can return. In onda il: 2002-10-18 13: The Mask A strange, dog-hating woman named Kitty, wearing a mask, appears at the Bagges' house. She recklessly starts beating Courage and she tells the Bagges that her best friend Bunny fell in love with a gangster named Mad Dog, who treats Bunny as a slave, and when she tried to flee with Bunny, she was threatened. Courage then tries to free Bunny. 13: The Mask In onda il: 2002-10-18 A strange, dog-hating woman named Kitty, wearing a mask, appears at the Bagges' house. She recklessly starts beating Courage and she tells the Bagges that her best friend Bunny fell in love with a gangster named Mad Dog, who treats Bunny as a slave, and when she tried to flee with Bunny, she was threatened. Courage then tries to free Bunny. In onda il: 2002-10-25 14: Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog "Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog" The family is taking a tour of the Great Wall of China, led by their tour guide, Di Lung. Muriel is suddenly abducted, orchestrated by Di Lung in the service of his godmother: the Empress Dowager of China. The Empress has kept the people of China in her thrall, but now the secret source of her power -- the magic silkworm -- has transcended to another world. The only way the Empress can contact the silkworm is through the bones of a genuine soul... and Muriel, innocent source of tranquility, is that soul. Courage must find a way to rescue Muriel before her bones are extracted. 14: Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog In onda il: 2002-10-25 "Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog" The family is taking a tour of the Great Wall of China, led by their tour guide, Di Lung. Muriel is suddenly abducted, orchestrated by Di Lung in the service of his godmother: the Empress Dowager of China. The Empress has kept the people of China in her thrall, but now the secret source of her power -- the magic silkworm -- has transcended to another world. The only way the Empress can contact the silkworm is through the bones of a genuine soul... and Muriel, innocent source of tranquility, is that soul. Courage must find a way to rescue Muriel before her bones are extracted. In onda il: 2002-10-25 15: Muted Muriel Muriel refuses to talk after Eustace keeps ignoring her, so Shirley makes a giant starfish attack and it can only be stopped at the sound of Muriel's voice. 15: Muted Muriel In onda il: 2002-10-25 Muriel refuses to talk after Eustace keeps ignoring her, so Shirley makes a giant starfish attack and it can only be stopped at the sound of Muriel's voice. In onda il: 2002-10-25 16: Aqua-Farmer "Aqua Farmer" Unimpressed by Jojo the Dolphin's performance at a local aquarium, Eustace challenges the sea mammal to a race, losing pathetically. He demands a rematch, staking his wife as the prize of the race. 16: Aqua-Farmer In onda il: 2002-10-25 "Aqua Farmer" Unimpressed by Jojo the Dolphin's performance at a local aquarium, Eustace challenges the sea mammal to a race, losing pathetically. He demands a rematch, staking his wife as the prize of the race. In onda il: 2002-10-25 17: Food of the Dragon Muriel and Courage make the house look like a pirate theme, Eustace isn't too thrilled about it. Muriel and Courage are dressed up in pirate clothes. The three of them eat seafood, then all of the sudden comes a dragon. He eats Eustace, and chases after Muriel and Courage. The dragon tells them he wishes he could fly, and if Courage could teach him how to fly, he would not eat them. Courage, after many attempts, tries to make him fly, but fails. The dragon doesn't want to eat them, but has no choice, so he continues to chase them through the town of Nowhere, and into the jungle. Once Courage and Muriel get to a body of water in the jungle, another dragon appears, who is friendly because he is a water dragon who just eats seafood. The other dragon finds out this water dragon is his long lost brother, and he wasn't meant to fly since he is also a water dragon. Courage, Muriel, and the two water dragons eat some seafood together. The one dragon spits out Eustace, but a bad flying dragon flies overhead and eats him again. 17: Food of the Dragon In onda il: 2002-10-25 Muriel and Courage make the house look like a pirate theme, Eustace isn't too thrilled about it. Muriel and Courage are dressed up in pirate clothes. The three of them eat seafood, then all of the sudden comes a dragon. He eats Eustace, and chases after Muriel and Courage. The dragon tells them he wishes he could fly, and if Courage could teach him how to fly, he would not eat them. Courage, after many attempts, tries to make him fly, but fails. The dragon doesn't want to eat them, but has no choice, so he continues to chase them through the town of Nowhere, and into the jungle. Once Courage and Muriel get to a body of water in the jungle, another dragon appears, who is friendly because he is a water dragon who just eats seafood. The other dragon finds out this water dragon is his long lost brother, and he wasn't meant to fly since he is also a water dragon. Courage, Muriel, and the two water dragons eat some seafood together. The one dragon spits out Eustace, but a bad flying dragon flies overhead and eats him again. In onda il: 2002-11-01 18: The Last of the Starmakers Muriel's back starts to hurt, so Eustace takes her to Dr. Vindaloo because she can't make him any food in that condition. He tells them they must go to a top of Mount Nowhere, where a hot spring is located in order to heal her. Courage, Muriel, and Eustace head up toward the mountain. On top lives a goat, who has been neglected by humans, trashing his habitat, and draining up the spring. Eventually, he was the only one left, and now, he chases people off the island by hitting them with his horns. After the goat tells his story, he makes Muriel and Courage hold up gigantic rocks for torture. Courage then accidentally re-opens the hot spring and he cleans up the garbage. The goat and Muriel return to normal health by relaxing in the spring. 18: The Last of the Starmakers In onda il: 2002-11-01 Muriel's back starts to hurt, so Eustace takes her to Dr. Vindaloo because she can't make him any food in that condition. He tells them they must go to a top of Mount Nowhere, where a hot spring is located in order to heal her. Courage, Muriel, and Eustace head up toward the mountain. On top lives a goat, who has been neglected by humans, trashing his habitat, and draining up the spring. Eventually, he was the only one left, and now, he chases people off the island by hitting them with his horns. After the goat tells his story, he makes Muriel and Courage hold up gigantic rocks for torture. Courage then accidentally re-opens the hot spring and he cleans up the garbage. The goat and Muriel return to normal health by relaxing in the spring. In onda il: 2002-11-01 19: Son of the Chicken from Outer Space Ashamed at what happened to her husband, the wife of the Chicken from Outer Space sends their three-headed son to destroy Courage. When they land, they try to just zap him, but they hit Eustace instead. Then they tried a bomb disguised as an egg, but Courage puts it in the toilet, and blows up Eustace. And they finally try tieing Courage up and running over him with a train. The three-headed chicken fails and starts getting in a fight with itself. They start crying because it's mother said that if they don't kill Courage, they can't come home. The middle head always carries a camera, so Courage has them take pictures of Courage being tortured. With that, the chicken bades farewell, but Eustace, Muriel, and Courage end up looking like a three-headed chicken. 19: Son of the Chicken from Outer Space In onda il: 2002-11-01 Ashamed at what happened to her husband, the wife of the Chicken from Outer Space sends their three-headed son to destroy Courage. When they land, they try to just zap him, but they hit Eustace instead. Then they tried a bomb disguised as an egg, but Courage puts it in the toilet, and blows up Eustace. And they finally try tieing Courage up and running over him with a train. The three-headed chicken fails and starts getting in a fight with itself. They start crying because it's mother said that if they don't kill Courage, they can't come home. The middle head always carries a camera, so Courage has them take pictures of Courage being tortured. With that, the chicken bades farewell, but Eustace, Muriel, and Courage end up looking like a three-headed chicken. In onda il: 2002-11-08 20: Courageous Cure Two multi-armed aliens come to Earth to find an antidote for a disease that makes everyone on their planet beat each other up with their arms. They expriment on Eustace and Muriel, only to find they don't have the antibodies to get the cure. Courage had the cure in him the whole time, and the aliens get it. 20: Courageous Cure In onda il: 2002-11-08 Two multi-armed aliens come to Earth to find an antidote for a disease that makes everyone on their planet beat each other up with their arms. They expriment on Eustace and Muriel, only to find they don't have the antibodies to get the cure. Courage had the cure in him the whole time, and the aliens get it. In onda il: 2002-11-08 21: Ball of Revenge "Ball of Revenge" The Farmer is in an exceptionally bitter mood, taking note of all the attention Muriel gives to Courage. The last straw breaks when Muriel gives Courage a colorful new blanket that The Farmer assumed she was knitting for him. He decides to get rid of Courage once and for all. He gathers many of Courage's former "enemies" and they create a plan of attack. In order to lure Courage into the plot, The Farmer has Muriel kidnapped. Courage must find a way to save Muriel and himself. 21: Ball of Revenge In onda il: 2002-11-08 "Ball of Revenge" The Farmer is in an exceptionally bitter mood, taking note of all the attention Muriel gives to Courage. The last straw breaks when Muriel gives Courage a colorful new blanket that The Farmer assumed she was knitting for him. He decides to get rid of Courage once and for all. He gathers many of Courage's former "enemies" and they create a plan of attack. In order to lure Courage into the plot, The Farmer has Muriel kidnapped. Courage must find a way to save Muriel and himself. In onda il: 2002-11-15 22: Cabaret Courage "Wrath of the Librarian" Courage finds a two year overdue book. When he decides to return it, he does not have enough money for the $10,000 fee, so the librarian casts a spell on Muriel and Eustace, turning them into the characters from the book until Courage finds enough money to pay the fee for the book. 22: Cabaret Courage In onda il: 2002-11-15 "Wrath of the Librarian" Courage finds a two year overdue book. When he decides to return it, he does not have enough money for the $10,000 fee, so the librarian casts a spell on Muriel and Eustace, turning them into the characters from the book until Courage finds enough money to pay the fee for the book. In onda il: 2002-11-15 23: Wrath of the Librarian Eustace and Muriel never returned a book named "The Pixie and the Prickle Pirate," so they become characters in the book until Courage pays the fine. So Courage tries to find ways of gaining money, even making a performance of Eustace and Muriel as characters 23: Wrath of the Librarian In onda il: 2002-11-15 Eustace and Muriel never returned a book named "The Pixie and the Prickle Pirate," so they become characters in the book until Courage pays the fine. So Courage tries to find ways of gaining money, even making a performance of Eustace and Muriel as characters In onda il: 2002-11-22 24: Remembrance of Courage Past "Remembrance of Courage Past" After Courage sees a list of missing dogs, a flashback appears showing how Courage's parents got sent into outer space by an evil veterinarian. Muriel and Eustace take Courage to the same veterinarian to get him checked out. But the veterinarian plans to send Muriel and Eustace to outer space. Determined not to lose his owners like his parents, he must rescue them before they too suffer the same fate. 24: Remembrance of Courage Past In onda il: 2002-11-22 "Remembrance of Courage Past" After Courage sees a list of missing dogs, a flashback appears showing how Courage's parents got sent into outer space by an evil veterinarian. Muriel and Eustace take Courage to the same veterinarian to get him checked out. But the veterinarian plans to send Muriel and Eustace to outer space. Determined not to lose his owners like his parents, he must rescue them before they too suffer the same fate. In onda il: 2002-11-22 25: Perfect "Perfect" The Farmer gets fed up with Courage's incompetence, and begins looking for a professional to make Courage better. The Perfectionist appears, an old Victorian schoolteacher who carries a large wooden ruler and speaks in a commanding tone. The Perfectionist begins showing Courage how to be perfect, but he fails at all the assignments. Courage must find a way to be "perfect" or get rid of The Perfectionist. 25: Perfect In onda il: 2002-11-22 "Perfect" The Farmer gets fed up with Courage's incompetence, and begins looking for a professional to make Courage better. The Perfectionist appears, an old Victorian schoolteacher who carries a large wooden ruler and speaks in a commanding tone. The Perfectionist begins showing Courage how to be perfect, but he fails at all the assignments. Courage must find a way to be "perfect" or get rid of The Perfectionist. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Leone il cane fifone Stagione 3 Episodi 26 (Ogni puntata contiene 2 episodi) Famiglia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia La serie narra le peripezie di Leone, un cane timido e coraggioso rimasto orfano e adottato dalla gentile Marilù (Muriel) e dal burbero Giustino (Eustace) Bagge, una coppia di anziani agricoltori che vivono in una fattoria isolata, nelle vicinanze della pericolosa e fittizia città di Altrove (the City of Nowhere nella versione originale, lett. "la città di nessun luogo/nessuna parte"), in Kansas. In questo strano luogo il povero cane rimane costantemente vittima di avvenimenti ai limiti dell'assurdo. Ha a che fare con creature folli e spesso crudeli, che coinvolgono quasi sempre Marilù a causa del suo candore e della sua bontà, ma Leone riesce sempre a salvarla. Ethan Kanfer Storyboard Artist Winnie Chaffee Producer Ray daSilva Art Department Manager Andy Ezrin Music John R. Dilworth Executive Producer Jody Gray Music Marty Grabstein Courage (voice) Thea White Muriel Bagge (voice) Lionel G. Wilson Eustace Bagge (voice) Simon Prebble The Computer (voice) Billie Lou Watt Ma Bagge (voice) Paul Schoeffler Katz (voice) Arthur Anderson Eustace Bagge (voice) Episodi: 26 In onda il: 2001-11-16 1: Muriel Meets Her Match A criminal lady named Maria Ladrones and her husband who is just a hand, (named Milo Ladrones) comes to Muriel's house when the TV needs fixing. Eustace goes in the van to watch their TV. For fun, Mariah says, she makes her hair like Muriel's and dresses up like Muriel. She steals Muriel's gift certificate and everything. When Mariah and Milo steal a diamond the police think Muriel did it because Mariah looked like Muriel. Courage must clear Muriel's name. 1: Muriel Meets Her Match In onda il: 2001-11-16 A criminal lady named Maria Ladrones and her husband who is just a hand, (named Milo Ladrones) comes to Muriel's house when the TV needs fixing. Eustace goes in the van to watch their TV. For fun, Mariah says, she makes her hair like Muriel's and dresses up like Muriel. She steals Muriel's gift certificate and everything. When Mariah and Milo steal a diamond the police think Muriel did it because Mariah looked like Muriel. Courage must clear Muriel's name. In onda il: 2001-11-16 2: Courage Vs. Mecha-Courage The science teen (or Di Lung as some call him) makes an ultra robot he calls Mecha-Courage. It takes Courage's place. Muriel and Eustace can't tell the difference, and they like Mecha-Courage better. (mostly Eustace) Courage challenges Mecha-Courage to a battle in the Roman Colessium! Mecha-Courage beats Courage good, but in the end, his battery runs out and he blows up. Courage is happy to be back with Muriel. 2: Courage Vs. Mecha-Courage In onda il: 2001-11-16 The science teen (or Di Lung as some call him) makes an ultra robot he calls Mecha-Courage. It takes Courage's place. Muriel and Eustace can't tell the difference, and they like Mecha-Courage better. (mostly Eustace) Courage challenges Mecha-Courage to a battle in the Roman Colessium! Mecha-Courage beats Courage good, but in the end, his battery runs out and he blows up. Courage is happy to be back with Muriel. In onda il: 2002-02-08 3: Campsite of Terror "Campsite of Terror" Muriel, Eustace, and Courage go to a campsite for the weekend, and Muriel is kidnapped by two raccoons. Courage must save her as well as the raccoons who are trying to be captured by Eustace, who wants to get a $50,000 reward. 3: Campsite of Terror In onda il: 2002-02-08 "Campsite of Terror" Muriel, Eustace, and Courage go to a campsite for the weekend, and Muriel is kidnapped by two raccoons. Courage must save her as well as the raccoons who are trying to be captured by Eustace, who wants to get a $50,000 reward. In onda il: 2002-02-08 4: Record Deal While Eustace is driving home,Shirley the Medium throws out a Velvet Vic record when doing some spring cleaning and Eustace plays the record Velvet Vic comes out and then Muriel becomes trapped in the record and Courage has to get her out. 4: Record Deal In onda il: 2002-02-08 While Eustace is driving home,Shirley the Medium throws out a Velvet Vic record when doing some spring cleaning and Eustace plays the record Velvet Vic comes out and then Muriel becomes trapped in the record and Courage has to get her out. In onda il: 2002-03-15 5: Stormy Weather A storm goddess who always has a raincloud around her, comes to the Bagge house. She's looking for her dog, Duncan, who looks just like Courage. She wants a new dog so desperate she tries to steal Courage. Muriel argues with her, while the stormcloud destorys the house.Mr.(Charlie) Mouse tells Courage where Duncan is. Courage looks for Duncan and finally finds him in a sewer licking the God Bone. He gets him back and the goddess goes away and all's well with the exception that the house is still destroyed and Eustace was sucked up by the cloud. 5: Stormy Weather In onda il: 2002-03-15 A storm goddess who always has a raincloud around her, comes to the Bagge house. She's looking for her dog, Duncan, who looks just like Courage. She wants a new dog so desperate she tries to steal Courage. Muriel argues with her, while the stormcloud destorys the house.Mr.(Charlie) Mouse tells Courage where Duncan is. Courage looks for Duncan and finally finds him in a sewer licking the God Bone. He gets him back and the goddess goes away and all's well with the exception that the house is still destroyed and Eustace was sucked up by the cloud. In onda il: 2002-03-15 6: The Sandman Sleeps "The Sandman Sleeps" The sandman is having trouble sleeping at night, so he takes Muriel's sleeping sand, causing Muriel to have insomnia. Courage must find the sandman and get her sleeping sand back. 6: The Sandman Sleeps In onda il: 2002-03-15 "The Sandman Sleeps" The sandman is having trouble sleeping at night, so he takes Muriel's sleeping sand, causing Muriel to have insomnia. Courage must find the sandman and get her sleeping sand back. In onda il: 2002-06-07 7: Hard Drive Courage "Hard Drive Courage" The computer develops a virus and it traps Muriel inside the computer. Courage must go into the computer world to bring her back. 7: Hard Drive Courage In onda il: 2002-06-07 "Hard Drive Courage" The computer develops a virus and it traps Muriel inside the computer. Courage must go into the computer world to bring her back. In onda il: 2002-06-07 8: The Ride of the Valkyries During a vacation to a viking location, Muriel is mistaken as the leader of a group of vikings! Courage now has to retrieve her before the battle against the trolls. One of the trolls and the valkyries get married and peace is settled between the 2 groups. Courage and Muriel attend the wedding. 8: The Ride of the Valkyries In onda il: 2002-06-07 During a vacation to a viking location, Muriel is mistaken as the leader of a group of vikings! Courage now has to retrieve her before the battle against the trolls. One of the trolls and the valkyries get married and peace is settled between the 2 groups. Courage and Muriel attend the wedding. In onda il: 2002-06-14 9: Scuba Scuba Doo "Scuba Scuba Doo" While on a tropical island, Courage and Muriel discover a underwater city made of coral. There, they befriend the citizens. Meanwhile, Eustace informs Ma that there are small creatures living in the coral. Ma decides that the coral there can make fine wigs, and sets off to destroy the coral city and evict the creatures of their coral for her wig factory. 9: Scuba Scuba Doo In onda il: 2002-06-14 "Scuba Scuba Doo" While on a tropical island, Courage and Muriel discover a underwater city made of coral. There, they befriend the citizens. Meanwhile, Eustace informs Ma that there are small creatures living in the coral. Ma decides that the coral there can make fine wigs, and sets off to destroy the coral city and evict the creatures of their coral for her wig factory. In onda il: 2002-06-14 10: Conway the Contaminationist A plane crashes down at the Bagge house.A guy inside the plane named Conway claimes by living in a dirty house you can live better, and pay less.The Bagge house gets full of garbage, and Muriel and Eustice get really skinny. The dirty atmosphere ruins their health. Courage turns Conway's plane into a big vacuum and sucks up the dirtyness in their house. Conway leaves, and Muriel and Eustice return to normal health. 10: Conway the Contaminationist In onda il: 2002-06-14 A plane crashes down at the Bagge house.A guy inside the plane named Conway claimes by living in a dirty house you can live better, and pay less.The Bagge house gets full of garbage, and Muriel and Eustice get really skinny. The dirty atmosphere ruins their health. Courage turns Conway's plane into a big vacuum and sucks up the dirtyness in their house. Conway leaves, and Muriel and Eustice return to normal health. In onda il: 2002-06-21 11: Katz Under the Sea Courage and Muriel go on a much needed trip to get away from Eustace. They go aboard the Katz submarine and Muriel is put to work making tea. Courage is really not allowed on the ship but he sneaks into someone's suitcase and pretends to be a ventriloquist dummy. He finds out that Katz plans to sink the ship with everybody on it. Courage burps up bubbles and everybody floats to the surface to safety,except Katz who gets ate by a shark. 11: Katz Under the Sea In onda il: 2002-06-21 Courage and Muriel go on a much needed trip to get away from Eustace. They go aboard the Katz submarine and Muriel is put to work making tea. Courage is really not allowed on the ship but he sneaks into someone's suitcase and pretends to be a ventriloquist dummy. He finds out that Katz plans to sink the ship with everybody on it. Courage burps up bubbles and everybody floats to the surface to safety,except Katz who gets ate by a shark. In onda il: 2002-06-21 12: Curtain of Cruelty "Curtain of Cruelty" When a strange pink curtain is going through Nowhere making the citizens cruel and mean, Courage finds out that all of this is caused by Old Man, who is cruel and unhappy, and wants everyone else to be cruel and unhappy. 12: Curtain of Cruelty In onda il: 2002-06-21 "Curtain of Cruelty" When a strange pink curtain is going through Nowhere making the citizens cruel and mean, Courage finds out that all of this is caused by Old Man, who is cruel and unhappy, and wants everyone else to be cruel and unhappy. In onda il: 2002-06-28 13: Feast of the Bullfrogs A group of bullfrogs with no pond invade the Bagge house. Their leader is named Buffo. They build a pond on the floor and Eustace and Muriel have to act like frogs and will even be eaten. Courage sticks bees to flypaper and sticks it on the ceiling near the fan. The bullfrogs, thinking it's appetizers stick their tongues to it, but Courage turns the fan on which whirls the tongues around and Courage holds their tongues and tosses them away. All except for Buffo, who goes away and becomes a baseball player. 13: Feast of the Bullfrogs In onda il: 2002-06-28 A group of bullfrogs with no pond invade the Bagge house. Their leader is named Buffo. They build a pond on the floor and Eustace and Muriel have to act like frogs and will even be eaten. Courage sticks bees to flypaper and sticks it on the ceiling near the fan. The bullfrogs, thinking it's appetizers stick their tongues to it, but Courage turns the fan on which whirls the tongues around and Courage holds their tongues and tosses them away. All except for Buffo, who goes away and becomes a baseball player. In onda il: 2002-06-28 14: Tulip's Worm "Tulip's Worm" Two alien teddy bears blast the citizens out of sight when they are looking for a giant worm. Courage discovers the worm outside of the farmhouse, and it reacts whenever he plays a tuba. The space bears come to the scene, and reveal that the little worm is actually a space worm owned by an alien girl named Tulip. As Muriel and the two teddy bears are eaten by the beast, Courage must take the worm to outer space before Muriel and the bears are digested. 14: Tulip's Worm In onda il: 2002-06-28 "Tulip's Worm" Two alien teddy bears blast the citizens out of sight when they are looking for a giant worm. Courage discovers the worm outside of the farmhouse, and it reacts whenever he plays a tuba. The space bears come to the scene, and reveal that the little worm is actually a space worm owned by an alien girl named Tulip. As Muriel and the two teddy bears are eaten by the beast, Courage must take the worm to outer space before Muriel and the bears are digested. In onda il: 2002-07-05 15: So In Louvre Are We Two Courage,Muriel,and Eustace win a trip to an art museum in Europe. Muriel talks about how her mother aways said that Muriel aways looked liked the Mona Lisa. They go into the museum right before closing time and then get locked in. They fall asleep in their and when they wake up Muriel walks up to the painting of the Mona Lisa and gets pulled in. Then the Mona Lisa steps out of the painting (the plantets align and the portrait people switch places with real people) Eustace switches places with the thinker and Courage has to chase down the Mona Lisa so he can get Muriel back. The Thinker and the Mona Lisa go on a date into some portraits. Courage and Muriel enter a painting of what they say looks like there house (and it is) and they sit there at home wondering where Eustace is? 15: So In Louvre Are We Two In onda il: 2002-07-05 Courage,Muriel,and Eustace win a trip to an art museum in Europe. Muriel talks about how her mother aways said that Muriel aways looked liked the Mona Lisa. They go into the museum right before closing time and then get locked in. They fall asleep in their and when they wake up Muriel walks up to the painting of the Mona Lisa and gets pulled in. Then the Mona Lisa steps out of the painting (the plantets align and the portrait people switch places with real people) Eustace switches places with the thinker and Courage has to chase down the Mona Lisa so he can get Muriel back. The Thinker and the Mona Lisa go on a date into some portraits. Courage and Muriel enter a painting of what they say looks like there house (and it is) and they sit there at home wondering where Eustace is? In onda il: 2002-07-05 16: Night of the Scarecrow "Night of the Scarecrow" After leaving a county fair, the Bagges get lost through a cornfield and crash into a scarecrow. They take him home where Muriel fixes him up and makes him a mouth so he can talk. But he becomes depressed when he isn't scary enough to frighten away Muriel's attackers, so he decides to train himself to be a much stronger and scarier scarecrow. 16: Night of the Scarecrow In onda il: 2002-07-05 "Night of the Scarecrow" After leaving a county fair, the Bagges get lost through a cornfield and crash into a scarecrow. They take him home where Muriel fixes him up and makes him a mouth so he can talk. But he becomes depressed when he isn't scary enough to frighten away Muriel's attackers, so he decides to train himself to be a much stronger and scarier scarecrow. In onda il: 2002-07-12 17: Mondo Magic "Mondo Magic" Muriel feels she is being watched by someone, and Courage discovers a magic kit on the porch, and after doing tricks with it, a magician named Mondo comes out and shows off his magic. He is soon discovered to be a hideous creature who traps Eustace in the TV and making Muriel his bride by turning her into the same creature. 17: Mondo Magic In onda il: 2002-07-12 "Mondo Magic" Muriel feels she is being watched by someone, and Courage discovers a magic kit on the porch, and after doing tricks with it, a magician named Mondo comes out and shows off his magic. He is soon discovered to be a hideous creature who traps Eustace in the TV and making Muriel his bride by turning her into the same creature. In onda il: 2002-07-12 18: Watch The Birdies Muriel and Courage are feeding birds outside.Suddenly Muriel is taken away by a gigantic vulture! The vulture makes Muriel watch her baby birds (while she goes to look for a new husband) and if the birds feathers are harmed in anyway, she eat Muriel with a cereal spoon! Courage has to feed the birds and protect it from bees. Then a snake comes and starts to go after the baby birds but then go... 18: Watch The Birdies In onda il: 2002-07-12 Muriel and Courage are feeding birds outside.Suddenly Muriel is taken away by a gigantic vulture! The vulture makes Muriel watch her baby birds (while she goes to look for a new husband) and if the birds feathers are harmed in anyway, she eat Muriel with a cereal spoon! Courage has to feed the birds and protect it from bees. Then a snake comes and starts to go after the baby birds but then go... In onda il: 2002-07-19 19: Fishy Business A lady fish or fishonnary comes to take Muriel, Courage and Eustace back to "where they came from". It turns out they really go to an underwater bio-dome becausea all life originally came from the sea. These three fish judges annouce them guilty of uncivilized behavior (sipping tea, wearing shoes, etc.). So they put them in a goldfish bowl with gills that let them breathe underwater. They have to act like fish and even eat fishfood! Courage must save everyone. 19: Fishy Business In onda il: 2002-07-19 A lady fish or fishonnary comes to take Muriel, Courage and Eustace back to "where they came from". It turns out they really go to an underwater bio-dome becausea all life originally came from the sea. These three fish judges annouce them guilty of uncivilized behavior (sipping tea, wearing shoes, etc.). So they put them in a goldfish bowl with gills that let them breathe underwater. They have to act like fish and even eat fishfood! Courage must save everyone. In onda il: 2002-07-19 20: Angry Nasty People "Angry Nasty People" Benton Tarantella, the zombie director returns to convince the Bagges to star in his latest film Angry Nasty People. 20: Angry Nasty People In onda il: 2002-07-19 "Angry Nasty People" Benton Tarantella, the zombie director returns to convince the Bagges to star in his latest film Angry Nasty People. In onda il: 2002-07-26 21: Dome of Doom Eustace is mad they he can't grow plants, so they buy a dome that covers the house.A salesman comes to Courage,Muriel, and Eustace's home to set up dome on top of their house so produce will grow there.When they go outside to pick produce it attacks them and takes over the house.Storms build up inside the dome. Eventually Courage thinks up a plan to destroy the man-eating produce and they end up eating each other.Eustace gets to keep some of it... and the dome is removed. 21: Dome of Doom In onda il: 2002-07-26 Eustace is mad they he can't grow plants, so they buy a dome that covers the house.A salesman comes to Courage,Muriel, and Eustace's home to set up dome on top of their house so produce will grow there.When they go outside to pick produce it attacks them and takes over the house.Storms build up inside the dome. Eventually Courage thinks up a plan to destroy the man-eating produce and they end up eating each other.Eustace gets to keep some of it... and the dome is removed. In onda il: 2002-07-26 22: Snowman's Revenge Muriel, Eustace and Coruage come home to find out everything is covered in snow!! They find the Snowman has returned!!!! He has a blue thumb he uses to freeze things. He puts a huge pole in their house, and it will blot out the sun, making it snow everywhere. He succeeds, but is still sad he doesn't have any of his snowpeople friends. He says the hole in the Ozone Layer melted them and the North Pole. So Coruage goes on a plane and literally sews up the hole in the Ozone Layer! The sno 22: Snowman's Revenge In onda il: 2002-07-26 Muriel, Eustace and Coruage come home to find out everything is covered in snow!! They find the Snowman has returned!!!! He has a blue thumb he uses to freeze things. He puts a huge pole in their house, and it will blot out the sun, making it snow everywhere. He succeeds, but is still sad he doesn't have any of his snowpeople friends. He says the hole in the Ozone Layer melted them and the North Pole. So Coruage goes on a plane and literally sews up the hole in the Ozone Layer! The sno In onda il: 2002-08-02 23: The Quilt Club While shopping for quilting supplies, Muriel meets the mysterious Siamese-twin Stitch sisters, who invite her to join their "quilt club"... if she can prove she's good enough! Muriel becomes obsessed with proving she's "quilt club" material, but when the Stitch sisters come over to initate her, they use their wicked magic to literally make Muriel into quilt material! 23: The Quilt Club In onda il: 2002-08-02 While shopping for quilting supplies, Muriel meets the mysterious Siamese-twin Stitch sisters, who invite her to join their "quilt club"... if she can prove she's good enough! Muriel becomes obsessed with proving she's "quilt club" material, but when the Stitch sisters come over to initate her, they use their wicked magic to literally make Muriel into quilt material! In onda il: 2002-08-02 24: Swindlin' Wind "Swindlin' Wind" Eustace, Muriel, and Courage go to Shirley's Shop, where Muriel sees a necklace she wants. Eustace gives Shirley an oil deed for the necklace, but she realizes that it's an oil bill. Shirley gets upset for being ripped off, and casts a spell on Eustace and Muriel that causes them to swindle each other, and it's up to Courage to break the spell. 24: Swindlin' Wind In onda il: 2002-08-02 "Swindlin' Wind" Eustace, Muriel, and Courage go to Shirley's Shop, where Muriel sees a necklace she wants. Eustace gives Shirley an oil deed for the necklace, but she realizes that it's an oil bill. Shirley gets upset for being ripped off, and casts a spell on Eustace and Muriel that causes them to swindle each other, and it's up to Courage to break the spell. In onda il: 2002-08-09 25: King of Flan Muriel and Eustace get hypnotised by a Flan Infomercial. The whole town of Nowhere gets hypnotised. They eat Flan's food product and get fat. Courage must stop Flan so he wouldn't make any more people fat and hypnotised.Courage makes Flan eat his own product and he gets hypnotised and fat himself. 25: King of Flan In onda il: 2002-08-09 Muriel and Eustace get hypnotised by a Flan Infomercial. The whole town of Nowhere gets hypnotised. They eat Flan's food product and get fat. Courage must stop Flan so he wouldn't make any more people fat and hypnotised.Courage makes Flan eat his own product and he gets hypnotised and fat himself. In onda il: 2002-08-09 26: Courage Under the Volcano "Courage Under the Volcano" Eustace, Muriel, and Courage crash down on an island, and is welcomed by a native chief. The citizens dress Muriel in their special native clothing so she can be sacrificed to the Volcano God, who is causing the island to shake. Courage must go inside the volcano and talk to the god before the natives drop Muriel in the volcano. 26: Courage Under the Volcano In onda il: 2002-08-09 "Courage Under the Volcano" Eustace, Muriel, and Courage crash down on an island, and is welcomed by a native chief. The citizens dress Muriel in their special native clothing so she can be sacrificed to the Volcano God, who is causing the island to shake. Courage must go inside the volcano and talk to the god before the natives drop Muriel in the volcano. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Leone il cane fifone Stagione 2 Episodi 25 (Ogni puntata contiene 2 episodi) Famiglia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia La serie narra le peripezie di Leone, un cane timido e coraggioso rimasto orfano e adottato dalla gentile Marilù (Muriel) e dal burbero Giustino (Eustace) Bagge, una coppia di anziani agricoltori che vivono in una fattoria isolata, nelle vicinanze della pericolosa e fittizia città di Altrove (the City of Nowhere nella versione originale, lett. "la città di nessun luogo/nessuna parte"), in Kansas. In questo strano luogo il povero cane rimane costantemente vittima di avvenimenti ai limiti dell'assurdo. Ha a che fare con creature folli e spesso crudeli, che coinvolgono quasi sempre Marilù a causa del suo candore e della sua bontà, ma Leone riesce sempre a salvarla. Ethan Kanfer Storyboard Artist Winnie Chaffee Producer Ray daSilva Art Department Manager Andy Ezrin Music John R. Dilworth Executive Producer Jody Gray Music Marty Grabstein Courage (voice) Thea White Muriel Bagge (voice) Lionel G. Wilson Eustace Bagge (voice) Simon Prebble The Computer (voice) Billie Lou Watt Ma Bagge (voice) Paul Schoeffler Katz (voice) Arthur Anderson Eustace Bagge (voice) Episodi: 25 In onda il: 2000-10-31 1: The Magic Tree of Nowhere Eustace grows a magical tree that can grant him whatever he wants. When it gets more attention than Eustace, he decides to cut it down. Courage protects it, but eventually it's cut down. However, the tree has enough power to give Courage the cure to Muriel's new bloated head sickness. 1: The Magic Tree of Nowhere In onda il: 2000-10-31 Eustace grows a magical tree that can grant him whatever he wants. When it gets more attention than Eustace, he decides to cut it down. Courage protects it, but eventually it's cut down. However, the tree has enough power to give Courage the cure to Muriel's new bloated head sickness. In onda il: 2000-10-31 2: Robot Randy On a distant planet, there was a race of robots who lived to kill stuff. One non-bloodthirsty robot named Randy was banished from his planet. To show he's worth it, he goes to Earth and enslaves Muriel, Eustace, and Courage. Later, Courage finds Randy alone talking to himself on how he doesn't want to destroy, and he really likes carving wood. Later, when the three fail to follow Randy's orders, Randy is about to crush Eustace and Muriel. Courage challenges Randy to a break dancing competition to set their fates. Courage wins, having Muriel and Courage get Randy to renew his faith in carving a reindeer. On his home planet, Randy opens a wood reindeer stand and m... 2: Robot Randy In onda il: 2000-10-31 On a distant planet, there was a race of robots who lived to kill stuff. One non-bloodthirsty robot named Randy was banished from his planet. To show he's worth it, he goes to Earth and enslaves Muriel, Eustace, and Courage. Later, Courage finds Randy alone talking to himself on how he doesn't want to destroy, and he really likes carving wood. Later, when the three fail to follow Randy's orders, Randy is about to crush Eustace and Muriel. Courage challenges Randy to a break dancing competition to set their fates. Courage wins, having Muriel and Courage get Randy to renew his faith in carving a reindeer. On his home planet, Randy opens a wood reindeer stand and m... In onda il: 2000-12-08 3: The Curse of Shirley "Curse of Shirley" Shirley returns to the Farmhouse in the guise of a beggar. Muriel and Courage each give her something, but the Farmer slams the door in her face. She puts a curse on him that can only be undone if he learns to give of himself. 3: The Curse of Shirley In onda il: 2000-12-08 "Curse of Shirley" Shirley returns to the Farmhouse in the guise of a beggar. Muriel and Courage each give her something, but the Farmer slams the door in her face. She puts a curse on him that can only be undone if he learns to give of himself. In onda il: 2000-12-08 4: Courage in the Big Stinkin' City Muriel is slated to perform at New York City. A shady bug named Shwick claims to work for the show and brings them to a room below the stage. The bug sends Courage to pick up a package and if he doesn't, he'd kill Muriel. Courage brings it back, but it's broken. Courage grabs Muriel and runs toward the stage to preform. Swhwick chases them onto the stage, where the police spot and arrest him. 4: Courage in the Big Stinkin' City In onda il: 2000-12-08 Muriel is slated to perform at New York City. A shady bug named Shwick claims to work for the show and brings them to a room below the stage. The bug sends Courage to pick up a package and if he doesn't, he'd kill Muriel. Courage brings it back, but it's broken. Courage grabs Muriel and runs toward the stage to preform. Swhwick chases them onto the stage, where the police spot and arrest him. In onda il: 2000-12-29 5: Family Business Basil, a confused burgular, comes to the Bagge house. At one minute he tries to take them hostage, the next minute he invites himself to a dinner with Eustace, Muriel, and Courage. He renames all of them, he thinks they are his family. He calls Courage ""Nigel"", Muriel is ""Mama Mash Potatos"" and Eustace is ""Uncle Twinkle Toes"". After the strange supper, the burgular takes all three of them to Mount Rushmore. He wants to remove all of the heads off it! The police struggle to get the burgular (in Lincoln's nose) Courage just saves him, and the burgular then decides to take up a new profession... 5: Family Business In onda il: 2000-12-29 Basil, a confused burgular, comes to the Bagge house. At one minute he tries to take them hostage, the next minute he invites himself to a dinner with Eustace, Muriel, and Courage. He renames all of them, he thinks they are his family. He calls Courage ""Nigel"", Muriel is ""Mama Mash Potatos"" and Eustace is ""Uncle Twinkle Toes"". After the strange supper, the burgular takes all three of them to Mount Rushmore. He wants to remove all of the heads off it! The police struggle to get the burgular (in Lincoln's nose) Courage just saves him, and the burgular then decides to take up a new profession... In onda il: 2000-12-29 6: 1000 Years of Courage "1,000 Years of Courage" Due to a meteor impacting the planet, Courage, Eustace, and Muriel are hurtled a thousand years into the future and sent into the country "Great Banana Republic"; which is inhabited by banana people. 6: 1000 Years of Courage In onda il: 2000-12-29 "1,000 Years of Courage" Due to a meteor impacting the planet, Courage, Eustace, and Muriel are hurtled a thousand years into the future and sent into the country "Great Banana Republic"; which is inhabited by banana people. In onda il: 2001-01-19 7: Courage Meets the Mummy A baker back in eygptian times was killed by the queen because she thinks he stole the cookies he baked for her and sold them.He was mummified. One day the mummy awakes and sets out to find the queen, he comes to Muriel's house and thinks Muriel is the queen (she looks very much like her) and Courage hypnotises Muriel into being a queen and Eustace into the royal pumba. Actually the royal pumba back in ancient times was the real criminal not the baker.Eustace is to be mummified (not really, just to get the mummy satisfied by saying this). The Queen (Muriel) says the baker is innocent, and is sorry for him and says how can she make it up to him? She gives the mummy one of Eustace's favorite sheets to sleep in and he gives her a cookie recipe. 7: Courage Meets the Mummy In onda il: 2001-01-19 A baker back in eygptian times was killed by the queen because she thinks he stole the cookies he baked for her and sold them.He was mummified. One day the mummy awakes and sets out to find the queen, he comes to Muriel's house and thinks Muriel is the queen (she looks very much like her) and Courage hypnotises Muriel into being a queen and Eustace into the royal pumba. Actually the royal pumba back in ancient times was the real criminal not the baker.Eustace is to be mummified (not really, just to get the mummy satisfied by saying this). The Queen (Muriel) says the baker is innocent, and is sorry for him and says how can she make it up to him? She gives the mummy one of Eustace's favorite sheets to sleep in and he gives her a cookie recipe. In onda il: 2001-01-19 8: Invisible Muriel "Invisible Muriel" Muriel becomes invisible when wears a magical gem. She is then captured by the government. Courage and Eustace, with the help of Dr. Vindaloo, set out to rescue her. 8: Invisible Muriel In onda il: 2001-01-19 "Invisible Muriel" Muriel becomes invisible when wears a magical gem. She is then captured by the government. Courage and Eustace, with the help of Dr. Vindaloo, set out to rescue her. In onda il: 2001-02-16 9: Human Habitrail "Human Habitrail" Doc Gerbil captures Eustace and Muriel and uses them for an experiment for his strange products while Courage sets out to rescue them. 9: Human Habitrail In onda il: 2001-02-16 "Human Habitrail" Doc Gerbil captures Eustace and Muriel and uses them for an experiment for his strange products while Courage sets out to rescue them. In onda il: 2001-02-16 10: Mission To The Sun Courage is ordered to go to the sun and fix the lightbulb on it. Everything is ok until Muriel's brain gets taken over by an alien! It makes Muriel mean and trys to throw Courage out of the spaceship. Meanwhile Eustace's hat gets stuck in the toliet and gets pumped out into space! Eustace chases after it. Muriel then destroys wires in the spaceship and the ship goes out of control and dives into the sun! Luckily there ok. Courage fixes the lightbulb and Muriel's alien leaves. To get back home, they see Eustace riding on a asteroid holding his hat! They hitch a ride and get home. But the Alien says he'll be back,(as the episode ends the alien enters Eustace's brain... 10: Mission To The Sun In onda il: 2001-02-16 Courage is ordered to go to the sun and fix the lightbulb on it. Everything is ok until Muriel's brain gets taken over by an alien! It makes Muriel mean and trys to throw Courage out of the spaceship. Meanwhile Eustace's hat gets stuck in the toliet and gets pumped out into space! Eustace chases after it. Muriel then destroys wires in the spaceship and the ship goes out of control and dives into the sun! Luckily there ok. Courage fixes the lightbulb and Muriel's alien leaves. To get back home, they see Eustace riding on a asteroid holding his hat! They hitch a ride and get home. But the Alien says he'll be back,(as the episode ends the alien enters Eustace's brain... In onda il: 2001-03-16 11: Courage the Fly "Courage the Fly" Courage is turned into a fly by Di Lung, and must figure out how to save the Bagges' farm house before a gigantic satellite falls on it. 11: Courage the Fly In onda il: 2001-03-16 "Courage the Fly" Courage is turned into a fly by Di Lung, and must figure out how to save the Bagges' farm house before a gigantic satellite falls on it. In onda il: 2001-03-16 12: Katz Kandy Katz wants one of Muriel's recipes and wants to know the secret ingredient so he can win an annual contest that Muriel always wins.He sends out a jelly monster (made out of real jelly) to capture Muriel & Courage follows to save Muriel. Katz holds Muriel captive in his cand 12: Katz Kandy In onda il: 2001-03-16 Katz wants one of Muriel's recipes and wants to know the secret ingredient so he can win an annual contest that Muriel always wins.He sends out a jelly monster (made out of real jelly) to capture Muriel & Courage follows to save Muriel. Katz holds Muriel captive in his cand In onda il: 2001-04-06 13: Nowhere TV Eustace and Muriel's tv breaks and they call Le Quak to fix it,but Le Quack does something to the Tv to make it hypnotize people.He makes them go steal money and eventually Courage fights Le Quack in a 3D Television Battle and the police come and capture Le Quack, Muriel, & Eustace become their normal selves again. 13: Nowhere TV In onda il: 2001-04-06 Eustace and Muriel's tv breaks and they call Le Quak to fix it,but Le Quack does something to the Tv to make it hypnotize people.He makes them go steal money and eventually Courage fights Le Quack in a 3D Television Battle and the police come and capture Le Quack, Muriel, & Eustace become their normal selves again. In onda il: 2001-04-06 14: Mega Muriel the Magnificent Courage's Computer,who is sick and tired of answering Courage's questions about shadows,monsters,etc. and thinks there not scary so he does something evil ... he uploads his memory into Muriel's body and control's it. He does stunts to make Courage have to rescue the Computer (which is in Muriel's body) Eventually he gets stuck and Courage has to save him from a machine. Even the Nowhere News was there to telecast these stunts of Muriel or (the Computer). Eventually the computer apologizes and goes back into the monitor and Muriel returns to her normal self. 14: Mega Muriel the Magnificent In onda il: 2001-04-06 Courage's Computer,who is sick and tired of answering Courage's questions about shadows,monsters,etc. and thinks there not scary so he does something evil ... he uploads his memory into Muriel's body and control's it. He does stunts to make Courage have to rescue the Computer (which is in Muriel's body) Eventually he gets stuck and Courage has to save him from a machine. Even the Nowhere News was there to telecast these stunts of Muriel or (the Computer). Eventually the computer apologizes and goes back into the monitor and Muriel returns to her normal self. In onda il: 2001-04-13 15: Bad Hair Day We find out that Muriel has a rare blood type of ABXYZ. People from Growth Industries take her away where her hair is experimented on. The whole scheme is backed up by Ma.Courage saves Muriel. 15: Bad Hair Day In onda il: 2001-04-13 We find out that Muriel has a rare blood type of ABXYZ. People from Growth Industries take her away where her hair is experimented on. The whole scheme is backed up by Ma.Courage saves Muriel. In onda il: 2001-04-13 16: The Forbidden Hat of Gold "Forbidden Hat of Gold" Eustace finds Horst's map, leading to a hat made of gold, and takes Muriel and Courage along, leading them all into danger. 16: The Forbidden Hat of Gold In onda il: 2001-04-13 "Forbidden Hat of Gold" Eustace finds Horst's map, leading to a hat made of gold, and takes Muriel and Courage along, leading them all into danger. In onda il: 2001-04-20 17: Serpent of Evil River "Serpent of the Evil River" The Bagges are suckered into a free cruise, only to be tricked into assisting the captain in capturing an opera-loving sea serpent named Carmen. 17: Serpent of Evil River In onda il: 2001-04-20 "Serpent of the Evil River" The Bagges are suckered into a free cruise, only to be tricked into assisting the captain in capturing an opera-loving sea serpent named Carmen. In onda il: 2001-04-20 18: The Transplant Courage finds a bone in the backyard, which turns out to be the bone of the extinct kangaroo monster as Courage's compter says.(Apparently the scientists weren't very creative in the name). A whole skeleton is found and Eustace sells bones to scientists. When Courage comes Eustace accidently falls off the roof, and their doctor says a bone transplant is needed. Courage decides to use the kangaroo monster bone to transplant into 18: The Transplant In onda il: 2001-04-20 Courage finds a bone in the backyard, which turns out to be the bone of the extinct kangaroo monster as Courage's compter says.(Apparently the scientists weren't very creative in the name). A whole skeleton is found and Eustace sells bones to scientists. When Courage comes Eustace accidently falls off the roof, and their doctor says a bone transplant is needed. Courage decides to use the kangaroo monster bone to transplant into In onda il: 2001-10-26 19: Car Broke, Phone Yes A strange person comes to the house. Muriel shows good hospitality toward it and the creature turns out to be an alien in disguise. The alien steals Muriel's kindness and Muriel becomes just like Eustace. Courage goes after the alien and eventually, gets Muriel's kindness back. 19: Car Broke, Phone Yes In onda il: 2001-10-26 A strange person comes to the house. Muriel shows good hospitality toward it and the creature turns out to be an alien in disguise. The alien steals Muriel's kindness and Muriel becomes just like Eustace. Courage goes after the alien and eventually, gets Muriel's kindness back. In onda il: 2001-10-26 20: Cowboy Courage "Cowboy Courage" Courage and Muriel fantasize that they were in the old west, with Courage playing the sheriff, Muriel as the bartender, and Eustace as the outlaw. 20: Cowboy Courage In onda il: 2001-10-26 "Cowboy Courage" Courage and Muriel fantasize that they were in the old west, with Courage playing the sheriff, Muriel as the bartender, and Eustace as the outlaw. In onda il: 2001-11-02 21: Evil Weevil "Evil Weevil" Eustace hits a strange weevil with his truck, and Muriel invites it to stay over for dinner. But it soon begins sucking the Bagges' lives away. 21: Evil Weevil In onda il: 2001-11-02 "Evil Weevil" Eustace hits a strange weevil with his truck, and Muriel invites it to stay over for dinner. But it soon begins sucking the Bagges' lives away. In onda il: 2001-11-02 22: McPhearson Phantom Muriel gets blamed whenever she gives Eustace or helps Eustace because something weird happens after she does so. Courage can't figure out what it is. Eustace blames Muriel for trying to get rid of him. Muriel is innocent and is doing nothing. Eustace calls his mother to work out this problem, but she is actually part of this problem. While Courage trys to get Muriel and Eustace on friendly grounds, Eustace's mother bumps into a... 22: McPhearson Phantom In onda il: 2001-11-02 Muriel gets blamed whenever she gives Eustace or helps Eustace because something weird happens after she does so. Courage can't figure out what it is. Eustace blames Muriel for trying to get rid of him. Muriel is innocent and is doing nothing. Eustace calls his mother to work out this problem, but she is actually part of this problem. While Courage trys to get Muriel and Eustace on friendly grounds, Eustace's mother bumps into a... In onda il: 2001-11-09 23: The House of Discontent Eustace's plants never grow right. The moon has gotten tired of watching Eustace fail to grow just 1 plant so he haunts the house by making objects like food,applainces,etc. come to life. He tells Muriel,Eustace, and Courage they must get out of the house if they don't grow 1 plant by midnight. At exactly 12:00 Courage takes some of Eustace's sweat ( he is sweating beacause of the moons torture which is making the house extremly hot for them so they'll move out of the house) and puts it on the plant,it grows! They stay at the house and the moon stops being unfriendly. Eustace puts up a plant stand and is dermited to sell plants since he grew this plant ""all by himself""! 23: The House of Discontent In onda il: 2001-11-09 Eustace's plants never grow right. The moon has gotten tired of watching Eustace fail to grow just 1 plant so he haunts the house by making objects like food,applainces,etc. come to life. He tells Muriel,Eustace, and Courage they must get out of the house if they don't grow 1 plant by midnight. At exactly 12:00 Courage takes some of Eustace's sweat ( he is sweating beacause of the moons torture which is making the house extremly hot for them so they'll move out of the house) and puts it on the plant,it grows! They stay at the house and the moon stops being unfriendly. Eustace puts up a plant stand and is dermited to sell plants since he grew this plant ""all by himself""! In onda il: 2001-11-09 24: The Sand Whale Strikes "The Sand Whale Strikes" A sand whale mistakes Eustace for his dead father, Eickett, and demands on giving back his accordion he swindled from him. 24: The Sand Whale Strikes In onda il: 2001-11-09 "The Sand Whale Strikes" A sand whale mistakes Eustace for his dead father, Eickett, and demands on giving back his accordion he swindled from him. In onda il: 2002-01-11 25: The Tower of Dr. Zalost Dr. Zalost has been unhappy since he can remember, and demands the mayor to give him a tremendous amount of money, but when he doesn't give it to him, he starts shooting cannonballs that make people unhappy. Muriel is hit by one, and she goes in a depressing state. But even when the mayor gives him the money, Zalost is still shooting the unhappy balls. Courage must go inside Zalost's tower and stop him once and for all. 25: The Tower of Dr. Zalost In onda il: 2002-01-11 Dr. Zalost has been unhappy since he can remember, and demands the mayor to give him a tremendous amount of money, but when he doesn't give it to him, he starts shooting cannonballs that make people unhappy. Muriel is hit by one, and she goes in a depressing state. But even when the mayor gives him the money, Zalost is still shooting the unhappy balls. Courage must go inside Zalost's tower and stop him once and for all. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Leone il cane fifone Stagione 1 Episodi 26 Famiglia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia La serie narra le peripezie di Leone, un cane timido e coraggioso rimasto orfano e adottato dalla gentile Marilù (Muriel) e dal burbero Giustino (Eustace) Bagge, una coppia di anziani agricoltori che vivono in una fattoria isolata, nelle vicinanze della pericolosa e fittizia città di Altrove (the City of Nowhere nella versione originale, lett. "la città di nessun luogo/nessuna parte"), in Kansas. In questo strano luogo il povero cane rimane costantemente vittima di avvenimenti ai limiti dell'assurdo. Ha a che fare con creature folli e spesso crudeli, che coinvolgono quasi sempre Marilù a causa del suo candore e della sua bontà, ma Leone riesce sempre a salvarla. Ethan Kanfer Storyboard Artist Winnie Chaffee Producer Ray daSilva Art Department Manager Andy Ezrin Music John R. Dilworth Executive Producer Jody Gray Music Marty Grabstein Courage (voice) Thea White Muriel Bagge (voice) Lionel G. Wilson Eustace Bagge (voice) Simon Prebble The Computer (voice) Billie Lou Watt Ma Bagge (voice) Paul Schoeffler Katz (voice) Arthur Anderson Eustace Bagge (voice) Episodi: 26 In onda il: 1999-11-12 1: A Night at the Katz Motel Courage, Muriel, and Eustace stay at a motel and get freaked out by spiders and a crazy cat called Katz, who hunts them down. Muriel comes to the rescue and saves Courage from Katz, then takes everyone home. 1: A Night at the Katz Motel In onda il: 1999-11-12 Courage, Muriel, and Eustace stay at a motel and get freaked out by spiders and a crazy cat called Katz, who hunts them down. Muriel comes to the rescue and saves Courage from Katz, then takes everyone home. In onda il: 1999-11-12 2: Cajun Granny Stew Muriel and Courage are feeding birds at the park. A cajun fox walks by and decides to capture Muriel, so he can make a cajun granny stew. Courage and the fox fight over her on land and on an airplane. Finally, Courage saves her at the last minute. 2: Cajun Granny Stew In onda il: 1999-11-12 Muriel and Courage are feeding birds at the park. A cajun fox walks by and decides to capture Muriel, so he can make a cajun granny stew. Courage and the fox fight over her on land and on an airplane. Finally, Courage saves her at the last minute. In onda il: 1999-11-19 3: The Shadow of Courage A scientist dies and his shadow spooks the town of Nowhere and then the Bagge's house. 3: The Shadow of Courage In onda il: 1999-11-19 A scientist dies and his shadow spooks the town of Nowhere and then the Bagge's house. In onda il: 1999-11-19 4: Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist Muriel and Courage are feeding birds at the park. A cajun fox walks by and decides to capture Muriel, so he can make a cajun granny stew. Courage and the fox fight over her on land and on an airplane. Finally, Courage saves her at the last minute. 4: Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist In onda il: 1999-11-19 Muriel and Courage are feeding birds at the park. A cajun fox walks by and decides to capture Muriel, so he can make a cajun granny stew. Courage and the fox fight over her on land and on an airplane. Finally, Courage saves her at the last minute. In onda il: 1999-11-26 5: Courage Meets Bigfoot "Courage Meets Bigfoot" A hungry Bigfoot turns up at the farm. Courage is terrified at first, but befriends the gentle monster and must save him from the Farmer and an angry mob. 5: Courage Meets Bigfoot In onda il: 1999-11-26 "Courage Meets Bigfoot" A hungry Bigfoot turns up at the farm. Courage is terrified at first, but befriends the gentle monster and must save him from the Farmer and an angry mob. In onda il: 1999-11-26 6: Hothead A scientist dies and his shadow spooks the town of Nowhere and then the Bagge's house. The shadow then admits he is tired of scaring people and decides to become a star in the sky, literally! 6: Hothead In onda il: 1999-11-26 A scientist dies and his shadow spooks the town of Nowhere and then the Bagge's house. The shadow then admits he is tired of scaring people and decides to become a star in the sky, literally! In onda il: 1999-12-03 7: The Demon in the Mattress "The Demon in the Mattress" Muriel needs a new mattress. The one she orders comes with a bonus: a demon, which takes over her body. Courage must find a way to get rid of the demon and the new mattress. 7: The Demon in the Mattress In onda il: 1999-12-03 "The Demon in the Mattress" Muriel needs a new mattress. The one she orders comes with a bonus: a demon, which takes over her body. Courage must find a way to get rid of the demon and the new mattress. In onda il: 1999-12-03 8: Freaky Fred Muriel invites her deranged relative, Fred, to their home. He has a problem, though. He can't stop giving haircuts. He shaves all of Courage's hair off, and he gets caught by the police, who send him back to an insane asylum. 8: Freaky Fred In onda il: 1999-12-03 Muriel invites her deranged relative, Fred, to their home. He has a problem, though. He can't stop giving haircuts. He shaves all of Courage's hair off, and he gets caught by the police, who send him back to an insane asylum. In onda il: 1999-12-17 9: Night of the Weremole "Night of the Weremole" Muriel is bitten by what she thinks is a rabbit while gardening. She is transformed into a weremole (that was no rabbit!), and Courage must find the antidote. 9: Night of the Weremole In onda il: 1999-12-17 "Night of the Weremole" Muriel is bitten by what she thinks is a rabbit while gardening. She is transformed into a weremole (that was no rabbit!), and Courage must find the antidote. In onda il: 1999-12-17 10: Mother's Day Eustace & Courage visit Ma (Eustace's Mother). Muriel refuses to see her. When they arive at her trailer, she welcomes Courage instead of Eustace because he is just a "stupid boy." When they eat lunch, Courage gets a lot of dogfood and Eustace barely gets any bacon. Eustace gives Ma some gifts, but rejects them all except one, a mirror. Ma then gives Courage a teddy bear. She doesn't have a gift for Eustace. Ma then tells Eustace ahow he always was a scared child. Eustace then proves his manhood by arm wrestling her. She almost wins but Courage sticks some flowers in her face, (which she is allergic to) making her sneeze, which stops the arm wrestling. Her wig falls off and she complains of being ugly. Eustace says ""No, Ma, you've always looked good to me."" He then takes off his hat and shows his bald head, too. They end up bonding together. 10: Mother's Day In onda il: 1999-12-17 Eustace & Courage visit Ma (Eustace's Mother). Muriel refuses to see her. When they arive at her trailer, she welcomes Courage instead of Eustace because he is just a "stupid boy." When they eat lunch, Courage gets a lot of dogfood and Eustace barely gets any bacon. Eustace gives Ma some gifts, but rejects them all except one, a mirror. Ma then gives Courage a teddy bear. She doesn't have a gift for Eustace. Ma then tells Eustace ahow he always was a scared child. Eustace then proves his manhood by arm wrestling her. She almost wins but Courage sticks some flowers in her face, (which she is allergic to) making her sneeze, which stops the arm wrestling. Her wig falls off and she complains of being ugly. Eustace says ""No, Ma, you've always looked good to me."" He then takes off his hat and shows his bald head, too. They end up bonding together. In onda il: 2000-01-14 11: The Duck Brothers "The Duck Brothers" Duck brothers from outer space kidnap Muriel - they've come to Nowhere to rescue their brother. Courage must save Muriel, and ends up helping the brothers as well. 11: The Duck Brothers In onda il: 2000-01-14 "The Duck Brothers" Duck brothers from outer space kidnap Muriel - they've come to Nowhere to rescue their brother. Courage must save Muriel, and ends up helping the brothers as well. In onda il: 2000-01-14 12: Shirley the Medium Eustace hires Shirley the medium to settle differences between Eustace and his dead brother, Horace. Some creepy stuff happens and Eustace gets his brother's box, but not in a good way. 12: Shirley the Medium In onda il: 2000-01-14 Eustace hires Shirley the medium to settle differences between Eustace and his dead brother, Horace. Some creepy stuff happens and Eustace gets his brother's box, but not in a good way. In onda il: 2000-01-21 13: King Ramses' Curse Courage finds a slab that belonged to a dead guy named King Ramses. A guy named Professor Flith comes and says the slab belongs in the museum. However, Eustace (knowing it's worth a lot) won't give it to him. So, the ghost of King Ramses comes and causes plagues to happen that won't stop until Eustace returns the slab to the museum. The first is a flood, the second is loud music, and the third is locusts. The slab is finally returned, but Eustace is now possessed by King Ramses, as punishment for his greediness. 13: King Ramses' Curse In onda il: 2000-01-21 Courage finds a slab that belonged to a dead guy named King Ramses. A guy named Professor Flith comes and says the slab belongs in the museum. However, Eustace (knowing it's worth a lot) won't give it to him. So, the ghost of King Ramses comes and causes plagues to happen that won't stop until Eustace returns the slab to the museum. The first is a flood, the second is loud music, and the third is locusts. The slab is finally returned, but Eustace is now possessed by King Ramses, as punishment for his greediness. In onda il: 2000-01-21 14: The Clutching Foot "The Clutching Foot" Fungal gangsters consume Eustace's body (starting with his foot) and take Muriel hostage which forces Courage to carry out their footwork. 14: The Clutching Foot In onda il: 2000-01-21 "The Clutching Foot" Fungal gangsters consume Eustace's body (starting with his foot) and take Muriel hostage which forces Courage to carry out their footwork. In onda il: 2000-01-28 15: The Hunchback of Nowhere A hunchback who is rejected by everyone wants to find a house to sleep in. He goes to the Bagge house, but Eustace rejects him. It's raining and Courage gets Eustace's raincoat and finds the hunchback in the barn. He is very friendly and together have fun doing shadow puppets, acrobatic stunts and bell ringing. Muriel is happy to have the hunchback stay with them, but Eustace wants him to go. 15: The Hunchback of Nowhere In onda il: 2000-01-28 A hunchback who is rejected by everyone wants to find a house to sleep in. He goes to the Bagge house, but Eustace rejects him. It's raining and Courage gets Eustace's raincoat and finds the hunchback in the barn. He is very friendly and together have fun doing shadow puppets, acrobatic stunts and bell ringing. Muriel is happy to have the hunchback stay with them, but Eustace wants him to go. In onda il: 2000-01-28 16: The Gods Must Be Goosey A Goose God wants to marry Muriel. He flirts with her, but Courage is angry because he thinks the Goose God will take Muriel away forever. He tries to act as though Eustace is being nice to Muriel. Muriel says she can't marry the goose god because she's "already spoken for". The Goose God tries to kidnap her, but when Courage makes Eustace's truck honk, the Goose God loves it and leaves Muriel. He ends up marrying Eustace's truck! 16: The Gods Must Be Goosey In onda il: 2000-01-28 A Goose God wants to marry Muriel. He flirts with her, but Courage is angry because he thinks the Goose God will take Muriel away forever. He tries to act as though Eustace is being nice to Muriel. Muriel says she can't marry the goose god because she's "already spoken for". The Goose God tries to kidnap her, but when Courage makes Eustace's truck honk, the Goose God loves it and leaves Muriel. He ends up marrying Eustace's truck! In onda il: 2000-03-02 17: Queen of the Black Puddle A Queen who lives in a puddle in the yard of the farm rises up out of the puddle. Eustace sees this Queen and decides to follow the hot chick. Little does he know that she is bad and plans to eat him. She drags him into the puddle, and Courage follows to save Eustace. She lives in a castle, which is where she plans to eat him. Courage saves him and gets out of the puddle as they just miss being captured. 17: Queen of the Black Puddle In onda il: 2000-03-02 A Queen who lives in a puddle in the yard of the farm rises up out of the puddle. Eustace sees this Queen and decides to follow the hot chick. Little does he know that she is bad and plans to eat him. She drags him into the puddle, and Courage follows to save Eustace. She lives in a castle, which is where she plans to eat him. Courage saves him and gets out of the puddle as they just miss being captured. In onda il: 2000-03-02 18: Everyone Wants to Direct Benton Tarentella and Erin Von Volkheim are two dead jailed movie directors who plan to capture Muriel and eat her. Eustace loves this idea of being in a movie for the money, while Muriel loves to be on camera. Courage hates the idea. Eustace eventually locks Courage up in a trunk because he kept trying to stop this real movie from happening. Courage finds the script in the trunk and rewrites it so Muriel gets saved. Then, Benton and Erin get in a fight and claim to never work together again, giving up on their realistic movie idea and to bury themselves back where they've always been buried: under the Bagge's basement! Everything goes back to normal. 18: Everyone Wants to Direct In onda il: 2000-03-02 Benton Tarentella and Erin Von Volkheim are two dead jailed movie directors who plan to capture Muriel and eat her. Eustace loves this idea of being in a movie for the money, while Muriel loves to be on camera. Courage hates the idea. Eustace eventually locks Courage up in a trunk because he kept trying to stop this real movie from happening. Courage finds the script in the trunk and rewrites it so Muriel gets saved. Then, Benton and Erin get in a fight and claim to never work together again, giving up on their realistic movie idea and to bury themselves back where they've always been buried: under the Bagge's basement! Everything goes back to normal. In onda il: 2000-03-09 19: The Snowman Cometh Courage, Muriel, and Eustace go on vacation to the North Pole. Courage goes out to get firewood and comes back to the igloo (where they were staying) and finds everybody else is gone. Courage knew it was a snowman because he saw it earlier. He figured out that the snowman was taking a liquid from Eustace and Muriel's body to be able to live in hot weather and not melt. Courage gets captured by the snowman but breaks out and saves both. The snowman falls into icy water while chasing them and freezes into a giant ice cube. Muriel, Courage, and Eustace go home. 19: The Snowman Cometh In onda il: 2000-03-09 Courage, Muriel, and Eustace go on vacation to the North Pole. Courage goes out to get firewood and comes back to the igloo (where they were staying) and finds everybody else is gone. Courage knew it was a snowman because he saw it earlier. He figured out that the snowman was taking a liquid from Eustace and Muriel's body to be able to live in hot weather and not melt. Courage gets captured by the snowman but breaks out and saves both. The snowman falls into icy water while chasing them and freezes into a giant ice cube. Muriel, Courage, and Eustace go home. In onda il: 2000-03-09 20: The Precious, Wonderful, Adorable, Lovable Duckling Courage finds a duck egg, brings it inside, and gives it to Eustace. Eustace thinks he is going to eat it for breakfast, but finds out its still alive. It hatches and thinks Eustace is his mom. The duck becomes "Eustace's slave" and it is jealous of Muriel and Courage, which makes it do nasty tricks on both. Courage eventually puts a stop to this, in which... 20: The Precious, Wonderful, Adorable, Lovable Duckling In onda il: 2000-03-09 Courage finds a duck egg, brings it inside, and gives it to Eustace. Eustace thinks he is going to eat it for breakfast, but finds out its still alive. It hatches and thinks Eustace is his mom. The duck becomes "Eustace's slave" and it is jealous of Muriel and Courage, which makes it do nasty tricks on both. Courage eventually puts a stop to this, in which... In onda il: 2000-03-16 21: Heads of Beef Muriel is sick, so she sends Courage and Eustace to go to the bakery for her. Eustace gets in his truck and decides to go to eat first. He goes to a place called "Burgers: Really Cheap!". The owner is a pig named Jonn Bonne. He gives Eustace and Courage burgers. When Courage sees a guy come into a room and not come back, he thinks he was made into a burger because the burger looks just like him. He goes down and sees Jonn Bonne and his wife talking over a silhoutte of a person's head on a table! The Bonnes go after Courage, but he escapes through the mail slot and runs all the way home. Muriel has gotten better. It turns out the heads were really sculptures made of hamburger meat that Jonn Bonne makes. He, his wife, Eustace and that guy eat one of Eustace. 21: Heads of Beef In onda il: 2000-03-16 Muriel is sick, so she sends Courage and Eustace to go to the bakery for her. Eustace gets in his truck and decides to go to eat first. He goes to a place called "Burgers: Really Cheap!". The owner is a pig named Jonn Bonne. He gives Eustace and Courage burgers. When Courage sees a guy come into a room and not come back, he thinks he was made into a burger because the burger looks just like him. He goes down and sees Jonn Bonne and his wife talking over a silhoutte of a person's head on a table! The Bonnes go after Courage, but he escapes through the mail slot and runs all the way home. Muriel has gotten better. It turns out the heads were really sculptures made of hamburger meat that Jonn Bonne makes. He, his wife, Eustace and that guy eat one of Eustace. In onda il: 2000-03-16 22: Klub Katz Marooned during a cruise, Courage and his owners once again run afoul of Katz. Transformed at his spa into machines designed to fight for Katz's amusement, Muriel places her hope of rescue on Courage. 22: Klub Katz In onda il: 2000-03-16 Marooned during a cruise, Courage and his owners once again run afoul of Katz. Transformed at his spa into machines designed to fight for Katz's amusement, Muriel places her hope of rescue on Courage. In onda il: 2000-03-23 23: The Revenge of the Chicken from Outer Space Courage notices a familiar UFO come toward the Bagge's House. He sees a chicken (the same chicken from the pilot episode. Courage shot the chicken with a raygun and blew up the chicken's head) The chicken wants revenge, so he captures Muriel. Courage saves her before any harm is done. He captures Eustace and pulls off his head with a plunger! The chicken (with Eustace's head) chases Muriel and Courage, but later everything turns out OK with the exception of Eustace's missing head. 23: The Revenge of the Chicken from Outer Space In onda il: 2000-03-23 Courage notices a familiar UFO come toward the Bagge's House. He sees a chicken (the same chicken from the pilot episode. Courage shot the chicken with a raygun and blew up the chicken's head) The chicken wants revenge, so he captures Muriel. Courage saves her before any harm is done. He captures Eustace and pulls off his head with a plunger! The chicken (with Eustace's head) chases Muriel and Courage, but later everything turns out OK with the exception of Eustace's missing head. In onda il: 2000-03-23 24: Journey to the Center of Nowhere Eustace hires Shirley the medium to settle differences between Eustace and his dead brother, Horace. Some creepy stuff happens and Eustace gets his brother's box, but not in a good way. 24: Journey to the Center of Nowhere In onda il: 2000-03-23 Eustace hires Shirley the medium to settle differences between Eustace and his dead brother, Horace. Some creepy stuff happens and Eustace gets his brother's box, but not in a good way. In onda il: 2000-03-30 25: Little Muriel "Little Muriel" A tornado rips through Nowhere, destroying the farmhouse and turning Muriel into a little girl again - just three-and-a-half years old. 25: Little Muriel In onda il: 2000-03-30 "Little Muriel" A tornado rips through Nowhere, destroying the farmhouse and turning Muriel into a little girl again - just three-and-a-half years old. In onda il: 2000-03-30 26: The Great Fusilli The Great Fusilli: A traveling trailer comes by. The Great Fusilli houses it and decides to make Eustace, Muriel, and Courage acting stars in his portable set. But Courage discovers a bunch of marionettes and sees that Eustace and Muriel have transformed into marionettes. Courage must stop the madness. 26: The Great Fusilli In onda il: 2000-03-30 The Great Fusilli: A traveling trailer comes by. The Great Fusilli houses it and decides to make Eustace, Muriel, and Courage acting stars in his portable set. But Courage discovers a bunch of marionettes and sees that Eustace and Muriel have transformed into marionettes. Courage must stop the madness. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Leone il cane fifone Speciali Episodi 4 (Episodio 4 inedito in Italia) Famiglia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia La serie narra le peripezie di Leone, un cane timido e coraggioso rimasto orfano e adottato dalla gentile Marilù (Muriel) e dal burbero Giustino (Eustace) Bagge, una coppia di anziani agricoltori che vivono in una fattoria isolata, nelle vicinanze della pericolosa e fittizia città di Altrove (the City of Nowhere nella versione originale, lett. "la città di nessun luogo/nessuna parte"), in Kansas. In questo strano luogo il povero cane rimane costantemente vittima di avvenimenti ai limiti dell'assurdo. Ha a che fare con creature folli e spesso crudeli, che coinvolgono quasi sempre Marilù a causa del suo candore e della sua bontà, ma Leone riesce sempre a salvarla. Ethan Kanfer Storyboard Artist Winnie Chaffee Producer Ray daSilva Art Department Manager Andy Ezrin Music John R. Dilworth Executive Producer Jody Gray Music Marty Grabstein Courage (voice) Thea White Muriel Bagge (voice) Lionel G. Wilson Eustace Bagge (voice) Simon Prebble The Computer (voice) Billie Lou Watt Ma Bagge (voice) Paul Schoeffler Katz (voice) Arthur Anderson Eustace Bagge (voice) Episodi: 4 In onda il: 1995-04-30 1: The Chicken from Outer Space A chicken from outer space fights Courage, while Muriel cooks Eustace some strange eggs for breakfast that she got from the outerspace chicken. Eustace turns into a chicken, and Courage shoots both the alien chicken and the Eustace chicken with a laser gun. 1: The Chicken from Outer Space In onda il: 1995-04-30 A chicken from outer space fights Courage, while Muriel cooks Eustace some strange eggs for breakfast that she got from the outerspace chicken. Eustace turns into a chicken, and Courage shoots both the alien chicken and the Eustace chicken with a laser gun. In onda il: 2002-08-23 2: The Wind Whispers Courage Two music video promos aired during Cartoon Cartoon Weekend Summerfest. One was called "The Wind Whispers Courage," which was about a lady named Kitten (a singer), who comes to Courage's house and sings about him. 2: The Wind Whispers Courage In onda il: 2002-08-23 Two music video promos aired during Cartoon Cartoon Weekend Summerfest. One was called "The Wind Whispers Courage," which was about a lady named Kitten (a singer), who comes to Courage's house and sings about him. In onda il: 2002-08-23 3: They Might Be Giants Two teddy bears in a spaceship land on Earth to look for a worm. One is quite handy with a laser gun. Courage plays the horn and it attracts a worm, which just happens to be the worm that the teddy bears are after. When Muriel won't tell them where it is, and the teddy bears blow up part of their house. The worm comes and it turns out he is a giant blue worm from outer space that eats the teddy bears as well as Muriel. The worm belongs to a giant... 3: They Might Be Giants In onda il: 2002-08-23 Two teddy bears in a spaceship land on Earth to look for a worm. One is quite handy with a laser gun. Courage plays the horn and it attracts a worm, which just happens to be the worm that the teddy bears are after. When Muriel won't tell them where it is, and the teddy bears blow up part of their house. The worm comes and it turns out he is a giant blue worm from outer space that eats the teddy bears as well as Muriel. The worm belongs to a giant... In onda il: 2014-10-31 4: The Fog of Courage When Courage finds a mysterious amulet while digging through the yard, a Ghostly Fog covers the farmhouse. Eustace, however, refuses to return the amulet that apparently belongs to the Fog Ghost's long lost love. Now Courage must protect his family from the vengeful fog spirit. 4: The Fog of Courage In onda il: 2014-10-31 When Courage finds a mysterious amulet while digging through the yard, a Ghostly Fog covers the farmhouse. Eustace, however, refuses to return the amulet that apparently belongs to the Fog Ghost's long lost love. Now Courage must protect his family from the vengeful fog spirit. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Il leone d'inverno (1968) .avi DVDRip AC3 Ita
picard74 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
Enrico II Plantageneto, re d'Inghilterra, preoccupato per il destino del regno dopo la sua morte convoca la moglie Eleonora d'Aquitania, i tre figli ed il re francese Filippo in un castello bretone con la scusa di festeggiare il Natale. In quei pochi giorni i corridoi e le camere del castello diventano teatro di orrende cospirazioni, violente liti, scenate di gelosia. Alla fine il risultato sarà una nuova distribuzione dei poteri all'interno del regno, soprattutto nelle mani di Eleonora. TITOLO ORIGINALE: The Lion in Winter ANNO: 1968 GENERE: Epico, Drammatico, Storico PAESE: Regno Unito DURATA: 134 Min REGIA: Anthony Harvey ATTORI: Peter O'Toole: Enrico II d'Inghilterra, Katharine Hepburn: Eleonora d'Aquitania, Anthony Hopkins: Riccardo, John Castle: Goffredo, Nigel Terry: Giovanni, Timothy Dalton: Re Filippo di Francia, Jane Merrow: Alice, Nigel Stock: Guglielmo il Maresciallo MUSICHE: John Barry DISTRIBUZIONE: EURO - DOMOVIDEO, GENERAL VIDEO, RICORDI VIDEO, BMG VIDEO (PARADE) -
Mia E Il Leone Bianco (2018).avi BDRiP XviD AC3 - iTA
LiZARDER ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
TITOLO ORIGINALE: Mia and the White Lion DATA USCITA: 17 gennaio 2019 GENERE: Drammatico, Family ANNO: 2018 REGIA: Gilles de Maistre ATTORI: Daniah De Villiers, Mélanie Laurent, Langley Kirkwood, Ryan Mac Lennan, Lionel Newton, Tessa Jubber, Brandon Auret PAESE: Francia DURATA: 98 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Eagle Pictures in collaborazione con Leone Film Group SCENEGGIATURA: William Davies, Jean-Paul Husson, Gilles de Maistre, Prune de Maistre MONTAGGIO: Julien Rey MUSICHE: Armand Amar PRODUZIONE: Galatée Films, Outside Films, Film Afrika Worldwide, M6 Films, StudioCanal Mia è solo una bambina quando stringe una straordinaria amicizia con Charlie, un leoncino bianco nato nell’allevamento di felini dei genitori in Sudafrica. Per anni, i due crescono insieme e condividono ogni cosa. Ormai quattordicenne, Mia scopre che il padre ha intenzione di vendere Charlie, divenuto uno splendido esemplare adulto, ad alcuni bracconieri senza scrupoli. Determinata a salvare il suo migliore amico, non ha altra scelta che scappare con lui per raggiungere la riserva naturale di Timbavati, dove il leone sarà protetto per sempre. -
Il re leone II - Il regno di Simba (1998) .avi DVDRip AC3 Ita
picard74 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
Il re leone [Special Edition] (1994) .avi DVDRip AC3 Ita Eng
picard74 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
In seguito alla morte del padre, il cucciolo di leone Simba deve combattere il malvagio zio Scar che cerca di rubargli il trono di re della giungla. In suo aiuto ci sono due simpatici compagni, Timon e Pumbaa. TITOLO: The Lion King ANNO: 1994 GENERE: Animazione PAESE: USA DURATA: 89 Min REGIA: Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff -
Il re leone 3 - Hakuna matata (2004) .avi DVDRip AC3 Ita
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Il Re Leone (2019).avi BDRiP XviD AC3 - iTA
LiZARDER ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
TITOLO ORIGINALE: The Lion King DATA DI USCITA: 21 agosto 2019 GENERE: Animazione, Avventura, Azione ANNO: 2019 REGIA: Jon Favreau ATTORI: Marco Mengoni, Elisa, Edoardo Leo, Stefano Fresi, Luca Ward, Massimo Popolizio, Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Tony Garrani, Beyoncé, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Keegan Michael Key, James Earl Jones, Alfre Woodard, John Kani, Florence Kasumba, John Oliver, Billy Eichner, Eric André PAESE: USA DURATA: 118 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Walt Disney Italia SCENEGGIATURA: Jeff Nathanson FOTOGRAFIA: Caleb Deschanel MONTAGGIO: Adam Gerstel, Mark Livolsi MUSICHE: Hans Zimmer PRODUZIONE: Fairview Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures Creduto responsabile della morte del padre, il re Mufasa, il leoncino Simba viene allontanato dal regno dei leoni dalle macchinazioni del malvagio zio Scar. Tornerà tempo dopo per riprendersi il posto che gli spetta.- 2 risposte
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- leone
- (2019).avi
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George Foreman - Cuore Da Leone (2023).avi BDRiP XviD AC3 - iTA
LiZARDER ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
TITOLO ORIGINALE: Heart of a Lion GENERE: Biografico, Drammatico ANNO: 2023 REGIA: George Tillman Jr. ATTORI: Sonja Sohn, Forest Whitaker, Matthew Glave, John Magaro, Sam Trammell, Erica Tazel, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., Deion Smith, Al Sapienza... PAESE: USA DURATA: 129 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Sony Pictures SCENEGGIATURA: Dan Gordon, Frank Baldwin, George Tillman Jr. FOTOGRAFIA: John Matysiak, David Tattersall MONTAGGIO: Alex Blatt, Craig Hayes MUSICHE: Marcelo Zarvos PRODUZIONE: Affirm Films, Mandalay Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, State Street Pictures Vita e avventure sul ring di George Foreman, pugile di classe e potenza cristalline protagonista di una delle carriere più lunghe e peculiari nella storia dello sport: attivo fra il 1969 e il 1977, periodo nel quale vinse il suo primo titolo mondiale poi perso contro Mohammed Alì nella celeberrima Rumbe in the Jungle di Kinshasa, Foreman si ritirò dopo aver scoperto la religione, per poi tornare a competere nel 1987 e vincere nuovamente la cintura di campione del mondo nel 1994, a 45 anni. -
George Foreman - Cuore da leone (2023) DVD5 COMPRESSO ITA
PRINCIPESSA10 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-R
Heart of a Lion USA, 2023 Genere: Biografico durata 133' Regia di George Tillman jr. Con Forest Whitaker, Matthew Glave, John Magaro, Sonja Sohn, Sam Trammell, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., Erica Tazel, Jasmine Mathews... Vedi cast completo Guardalo su Vita e avventure sul ring di George Foreman, pugile di classe e potenza cristalline protagonista di una delle carriere più lunghe e peculiari nella storia dello sport: attivo fra il 1969 e il 1977, periodo nel quale vinse il suo primo titolo mondiale poi perso contro Mohammed Alì nella celeberrima Rumbe in the Jungle di Kinshasa, Foreman si ritirò dopo aver scoperto la religione, per poi tornare a competere nel 1987 e vincere nuovamente la cintura di campione del mondo nel 1994, a 45 anni. -
George Foreman - Cuore da leone (2023) DVD9 COPIA 1:1 ITA ENG
PRINCIPESSA10 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-R
Heart of a Lion USA, 2023 Genere: Biografico durata 133' Regia di George Tillman jr. Con Forest Whitaker, Matthew Glave, John Magaro, Sonja Sohn, Sam Trammell, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., Erica Tazel, Jasmine Mathews... Vedi cast completo Guardalo su Vita e avventure sul ring di George Foreman, pugile di classe e potenza cristalline protagonista di una delle carriere più lunghe e peculiari nella storia dello sport: attivo fra il 1969 e il 1977, periodo nel quale vinse il suo primo titolo mondiale poi perso contro Mohammed Alì nella celeberrima Rumbe in the Jungle di Kinshasa, Foreman si ritirò dopo aver scoperto la religione, per poi tornare a competere nel 1987 e vincere nuovamente la cintura di campione del mondo nel 1994, a 45 anni. -
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer George Foreman - Cuore da leone 2 h 9 m 2023 Storia ◦ Dramma Vita e avventure sul ring di George Foreman, pugile di classe e potenza cristalline protagonista di una delle carriere più lunghe e peculiari nella storia dello sport: attivo fra il 1969 e il 1977, periodo nel quale vinse il suo primo titolo mondiale poi perso contro Mohammed Alì nella celeberrima Rumbe in the Jungle di Kinshasa, Foreman si ritirò dopo aver scoperto la religione, per poi tornare a competere nel 1987 e vincere nuovamente la cintura di campione del mondo nel 1994, a 45 anni. Clay A. Griffith Production Design Mary Vernieu Casting Director Peter Guber Executive Producer David Tattersall Director of Photography Mary Claire Hannan Costume Design Marcelo Zarvos Original Music Composer Dan Gordon Screenstory David Zelon Producer George Foreman Executive Producer George Tillman Jr. Screenplay George Tillman Jr. Director George Tillman Jr. Screenstory Alex Blatt Editor Wendy Williams Executive Producer Claire Sanchez Set Decoration Lindsay Graham Ahanonu Casting Director Mark Simon Storyboard Artist John Matysiak Director of Photography Frank Baldwin Screenplay Frank Baldwin Screenstory Angela Stauffer Supervising Art Director William A. Cimino Set Decoration Craig Hayes Editor Jim Magdaleno Storyboard Artist Heidi Erl Production Supervisor Ryan Goertz Art Direction Maurice Sessoms First Assistant Director Soren Miltich Second Assistant Director Henry W. Holmes Jr. Executive Producer Christina Phensy Art Direction Ricky Autiello Assistant Property Master Addie Elisabeth Thibodeaux Production Assistant Khris Davis George Foreman Forest Whitaker Doc Broadus Sullivan Jones Muhammad Ali Deion Smith Roy Foreman Matthew Glave Howard Cosell John Magaro Desmond Sonja Sohn Nancy Foreman Sam Trammell Rev. Virdell Stokes Lawrence Gilliard Jr. Archie Moore Jasmine Mathews Mary Joan Shein Mompremier Paula Robert Cicchini Angelo Dundee Erica Tazel Mary Foreman Dwayne L. Barnes Dick Sadler K. Steele Gloria Foreman Austin David Jones Teenage George Jr. Jordan Yarborough Teenage Mary Foreman Philip Fornah Sonny Foreman Al Sapienza Gil Clancy Brian Ibsen Jim Lampley Kei Young George Judd Lormand Dr. West Don Tieri Larry Merchant Robert Larriviere Bank Manager Ayden Gavin Young Roy Foreman Azaria Carter Teenage Gloria Foreman Tom Virtue Johnny Carson Anthony Marble Ned Miller Jordan Bates Mitchell Dinetia Dean Party Beauty Russell Mora Mercante (Frazier Ref) Deneen Tyler Mrs. Burke Madison Dirks Neighbor April Dupré News Reporter Nile Memmezzwattay Maurice T.C. Matherne Director Julia Lashae Mrs. Jennings Ray King Sr. Crowd Guy Booker Slim Danger Barkowska Old Fat Bald Man Martin Bats Bradford Marcus Tucker Greg Wattkis Drunk Man Samantha Beaulieu Cousin Rita Eric Hanson George Colton Kenneth Martin Jr. Younger George Jr. Selase Botchway Reporter - Kingston Makario Glenn Jalen Burke Tom Gregory Sports Anchor Michael Papajohn Officer Dell Matthew Rimmer Job Corps Worker Simms Tre Styles Street Guy Lamont Billy Slaughter Kurt Gaines Chukwuma Onwuchekwa Dressing Room Soldier Lara Grice Roberta Keith Hughes Moorer Referee Michael Harrity Zouski's Trainer Chance C Morris Sneaker Thief Bill Martin Williams Ring Doctor Desiree Edwards Singing Congregant Jimbo Stevenson Zouski Referee Jonathan Mercedes Foreman Cornerman Jason Elwood Hanna Foreman Cornerman John Palmeri Johnson Cornerman Michael Thomas Johnson Cornerman Raion Hill Cepulis Referee José José Reinaldo Flora Ali Referee Tommy Wright Announcer Cedric Boswell Sonny Liston Charles Brewer Jr. Michael Moorer DJ Walton Miguel Angel Paez David Jite Jimmy Young Carlos Takam Joe Frazier Barry Hanley Steve Zouski Zephaniah Terry Royce Philip Craddock Cepulis Matt Frost Don Waldheim Bob Pelletier Lead Cop Michael Ricca Bob Hazelton David Proctor Jr. Alonzo Johnson Joshua Wade Sparring Partner Adnan Virk Sports Announcer Brian Kenny Sports Announcer Robert Flores Sports Announcer Al Bernstein Sports Announcer Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Il Comandante Mark (a colori) 021 - Il Leone Nero (RCS 2020-11)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
Il Comandante Mark (a colori) 021 - Il Leone Nero (RCS 2020-11) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 101 pagine | 193 MB Una affascinante contessa, un carico d'armi nelle Antille, il fanatico capo di un'isola popolata da ex schiavi, detto il Leone Nero. Con tutto questo dovrà vedersela il nostro Comandante, tra lusinghe d'amore, scaramucce armate, le insidie del doppio gioco. Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator https://filecrypt.cc/Container/A9418C15B7.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/6379121f4c2e8