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Hardy - Live from Red Rocks (2025) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Hardy - Live from Red Rocks (2025) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Country Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:11:52 Full Size: 879.99 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5NewIwnoyw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKg5Zo8lbSM Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/67a8e65315ad3 -
AureaComix Linea BD 91 - Agenzia Hardy 5, Berlino, zona francese (Aurea 2023-06-05)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
AureaComix Linea BD 91 - Agenzia Hardy 5, Berlino, zona francese (Aurea 2023-06-05) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 54 pagine | 109 MB L'affascinante Edith Hardy ha aperto un'agenzia investigativa nel 12 arrondissement di Parigi. Nel suo primo caso la bella ed energica detective privata si trova a indagare sulla misteriosa scomparsa di un giovane chimico Durante le indagini Edith Hardy si rende conto che si sta immischiando in un gioco pericoloso nel quale sono coinvolti anche i servizi segreti... Download Links Filestore - Rapidgator - Filespayout https://filecrypt.cc/Container/81C37A6F2D.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/67686f3b6d39e -
Hardy - Quit!! (2024) Artist: Hardy Album: Quit!! Released: 2024 Style: Alternative Rock / Country Format: MP3 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01 QUIT!! 02 ROCKSTAR 03 GOOD GIRL PHASE 04 I DON'T MISS 05 PSYCHO 06 HAPPY HOUR 07 JIM BOB 08 WHYBMWL 09 TIME TO BE DEAD 10 SOUL4SALE 11 LIVE FOREVER 12 ORPHAN 13 SIX FEET UNDER DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/10B342D411.html
Hardy - Stagecoach Live (2024) HD 1080p
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Hardy - Stagecoach Live (2024) HD 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - SOLD OUT 02 - KILL SH!T TILL I DIE 03 - JACK 04 - BOOTS 05 - TRUCK BED 06 - Gin and Juice (Snoop Dogg cover) 07 - ROCKSTAR 08 - ONE BEER 09 - wait in the truck (HARDY feat. Lainey Wilson cover) (with Renee Blair) 10 - GIVE HEAVEN SOME HELL 11 - God's Country (Blake Shelton cover) 12 - UNAPOLOGETICALLY COUNTRY AS HELL Info: Genre: Nu Metal Quality: WEB-DL | 1080p Format: TS | 9000kbps Length: 00:51:08 | 3.32Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 30.000fps Audio: AAC | 128kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Download: Rapidgator.net, Uploadgig.com, Ddownload.com https://www.keeplinks.org/p84/6652f18bbdfad Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.-
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AureaComix Linea BD 96 - Agenzia Hardy 7, I Diamanti Si Sciolgono Al Sole (Aurea 05-11-2023)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
AureaComix Linea BD 96 - Agenzia Hardy 7, I Diamanti Si Sciolgono Al Sole (Aurea 05-11-2023) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 54 pagine | 111 MB Dopo un lungo silenzio di Rosa, partita per fare la reporter ad Algeri, Victor decide di arruolarsi per ritrovare la sua amata. Intanto Edith e chiamata a indagare su degli antichi gioielli che, in qualche modo laiuteranno a riportare Victor e Rosa in Francia... Per questo, la bella detective deve assolutamente ritrovare una collezione di pietre preziose di inestimabile valore, che potrebbero essere ancora a Parigi, nascoste dalla famiglia Levy Sanders prima di essere deportata e uccisa dal nazisti... Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez https://filecrypt.cc/Container/7C2CDE5AB6.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/66252d597c4f3 -
AureaComix Linea BD 93 - Agenzia Hardy 6, La Strada Dei Crimini (Aurea 05-08-2023)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
AureaComix Linea BD 93 - Agenzia Hardy 6, La Strada Dei Crimini (Aurea 05-08-2023) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 54 pagine | 101 MB Ormai le indagini della bella Edith Hardy sono ben lontane dai semplici casi di tradimento e furto di bestiame delle origini dell'agenzia. Le sue capacità e le sue doti Thanno portata a guadagnarsi la fiducia dei servizi segreti e del governo tanto che sarà la detective privata a doversi infiltrare nel gruppo di terroristi che sta organizzando l'omicidio del generale De Gaulle... Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez https://filecrypt.cc/Container/3DFBBC37DF.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/65df7763a5af2 -
AureaComix Linea BD 87 - Agenzia Hardy 3, Veleno rosso (Aurea 2023-02-05)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
AureaComix Linea BD 87 - Agenzia Hardy 3, Veleno rosso (Aurea 2023-02-05) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 54 pagine | 109 MB Una donna affascinante e piena di risorse come Edith Hardy, detective di professione, ma in questa occasione prestata allo spionaggio... Un quadro desiderato da molti... uno zingaro col suo orso più o meno ammaestrato... gli immancabili agenti russi... Alle avventure dell'Agenzia Hardy non manca sicuramente niente per catturare l'attenzione di chiunque ami l'avventura. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez - Rapidgator https://filecrypt.cc/Container/52CE9FC12B.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/65397072bd128 -
AureaComix Linea BD 82 - Agenzia Hardy 2, Una lieve traccia (Aurea 2022-09-05)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
AureaComix Linea BD 82 - Agenzia Hardy 2, Una lieve traccia (Aurea 2022-09-05) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 54 pagine | 104 MB L'affascinante Edith Hardy ha aperto un'agenzia investigativa nel 12° arrondissement di Parigi. Nel suo primo caso la bella ed energica detective privata si trova a indagare sulla misteriosa scomparsa di un giovane chimico. Durante le indagini Edith Hardy si rende conto che si sta immischiando in un gioco pericoloso, nel quale sono coinvolti anche i servizi segreti... Download Links Easybytez - Katfile - Rapidgator https://filecrypt.cc/Container/8AB6351CDF.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/64bc0097e3830-
- 1
- 2022-09-05)
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AureaComix Linea BD 78 - Agenzia Hardy 1, Il profumo scomparso (Aurea 2022-05-05)
iTALiANO ha pubblicato una discussione in » Fumetti & Comics
AureaComix Linea BD 78 - Agenzia Hardy 1, Il profumo scomparso (Aurea 2022-05-05) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 54 pagine | 126 MB L'affascinante Edith Hardy ha aperto un'agenzia investigativa nel 12° arrondissement di Parigi. Nel suo primo caso la bella ed energica detective privata si trova a indagare sulla misteriosa scomparsa di un giovane chimico. Durante le indagini Edith Hardy si rende conto che si sta immischiando in un gioco pericoloso, nel quale sono coinvolti anche i servizi segreti... Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator https://filecrypt.cc/Container/A58A54A7A2.html https://www.keeplinks.org/p95/64789ad8374bf-
- 2022-05-05)
- (aurea
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Hardy Boys Stagione 2 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Mistero Quando Frank e Joe Hardy arrivano a Bridgeport, decidono di scoprire la verità dietro la recente tragedia che ha cambiato le loro vite. In tal modo, si imbattono in qualcosa di molto più sinistro, qualcosa che solo gli Hardy Boys possono fermare. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Rohan Campbell Frank Hardy Alexander Elliot Joe Hardy Keana Bastidas Callie Shaw Riley O'Donnell Biff Hooper Adam Swain Chet Morton Bea Santos Trudy Hardy Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2022-04-06 1: A Disappearance Frank and Joe Hardy return to detective work when a classmate goes missing. 1: A Disappearance In onda il: 2022-04-06 Frank and Joe Hardy return to detective work when a classmate goes missing. In onda il: 2022-04-06 2: Conflicting Reports Joe suspects Dennis’s girlfriend, Lucy, is hiding something about the night he went missing, and Frank realizes The Eye is trying to show him something about the case. 2: Conflicting Reports In onda il: 2022-04-06 Joe suspects Dennis’s girlfriend, Lucy, is hiding something about the night he went missing, and Frank realizes The Eye is trying to show him something about the case. In onda il: 2022-04-06 3: The Missing Camera When Frank is led to believe a local recluse is their prime suspect, the team attempts a risky break-in to retrieve the video camera Dennis lost in the woods. 3: The Missing Camera In onda il: 2022-04-06 When Frank is led to believe a local recluse is their prime suspect, the team attempts a risky break-in to retrieve the video camera Dennis lost in the woods. In onda il: 2022-04-06 4: A Clue on Film It’s a waiting game as Callie tries to repair Dennis’s damaged videotape, and the whole gang attends the annual Demon Night drive-in. 4: A Clue on Film In onda il: 2022-04-06 It’s a waiting game as Callie tries to repair Dennis’s damaged videotape, and the whole gang attends the annual Demon Night drive-in. In onda il: 2022-04-06 5: Heading for Destruction The gang races to stop a potential bombing at the Demon Day Parade, while Fenton makes a shocking discovery of his own. 5: Heading for Destruction In onda il: 2022-04-06 The gang races to stop a potential bombing at the Demon Day Parade, while Fenton makes a shocking discovery of his own. In onda il: 2022-04-06 6: Hunting an Intruder In the aftermath of the bombing, the team realizes Wilt’s may not have been the intended target. 6: Hunting an Intruder In onda il: 2022-04-06 In the aftermath of the bombing, the team realizes Wilt’s may not have been the intended target. In onda il: 2022-04-06 7: The Doctor’s Orders When Dr. Burelli plans to move Dennis to another facility, Joe fears the worst and convinces Lucy, Biff and Phil to help him stop her. 7: The Doctor’s Orders In onda il: 2022-04-06 When Dr. Burelli plans to move Dennis to another facility, Joe fears the worst and convinces Lucy, Biff and Phil to help him stop her. In onda il: 2022-04-06 8: A Midnight Scare Frank and Callie make a shocking revelation about the Project Midnight test subjects, while Joe impatiently tries to enlist the help of J.B. Cox to get the power out of Frank. 8: A Midnight Scare In onda il: 2022-04-06 Frank and Callie make a shocking revelation about the Project Midnight test subjects, while Joe impatiently tries to enlist the help of J.B. Cox to get the power out of Frank. In onda il: 2022-04-06 9: Captured! Joe conspires with J.B. to steal the relic from Stratemeyer Global and get the power out of Frank, but The Eye has other plans. 9: Captured! In onda il: 2022-04-06 Joe conspires with J.B. to steal the relic from Stratemeyer Global and get the power out of Frank, but The Eye has other plans. In onda il: 2022-04-06 10: An Unexpected Return With Frank missing from the school dance, Joe and the gang must race against time to locate his whereabouts and stop the Shadow Man from completing his ultimate plan. 10: An Unexpected Return In onda il: 2022-04-06 With Frank missing from the school dance, Joe and the gang must race against time to locate his whereabouts and stop the Shadow Man from completing his ultimate plan. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Hardy Boys Stagione 1 Episodi 13 Dramma ◦ Mistero Quando Frank e Joe Hardy arrivano a Bridgeport, decidono di scoprire la verità dietro la recente tragedia che ha cambiato le loro vite. In tal modo, si imbattono in qualcosa di molto più sinistro, qualcosa che solo gli Hardy Boys possono fermare. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Rohan Campbell Frank Hardy Alexander Elliot Joe Hardy Keana Bastidas Callie Shaw Riley O'Donnell Biff Hooper Adam Swain Chet Morton Bea Santos Trudy Hardy Episodi: 13 In onda il: 2020-12-04 1: Welcome to Your Life Frank and Joe Hardy move to the small town of Bridgeport for the summer and set out to uncover the truth behind a recent family tragedy. 1: Welcome to Your Life In onda il: 2020-12-04 Frank and Joe Hardy move to the small town of Bridgeport for the summer and set out to uncover the truth behind a recent family tragedy. In onda il: 2020-12-04 2: Where the Light Can't Find You Fenton leaves town to search for the missing Rupert Khan. Joe delivers a message for a shady stranger, and Frank connects Laura to a local legend and a mysterious object pulled from the sea. 2: Where the Light Can't Find You In onda il: 2020-12-04 Fenton leaves town to search for the missing Rupert Khan. Joe delivers a message for a shady stranger, and Frank connects Laura to a local legend and a mysterious object pulled from the sea. In onda il: 2020-12-04 3: Of Freedom and Pleasure A terrifying man tracks Joe to the carnival, where a curious new trinket grants Joe incredible luck. Frank tries to find out why Laura was so interested in a decades-old local mine collapse. 3: Of Freedom and Pleasure In onda il: 2020-12-04 A terrifying man tracks Joe to the carnival, where a curious new trinket grants Joe incredible luck. Frank tries to find out why Laura was so interested in a decades-old local mine collapse. In onda il: 2020-12-04 4: Secrets and Lies Joe tries to cover up his connection to a criminal and ends up learning his identity. While following Laura’s investigative footsteps, Frank learns his Grandmother is lying to him. 4: Secrets and Lies In onda il: 2020-12-04 Joe tries to cover up his connection to a criminal and ends up learning his identity. While following Laura’s investigative footsteps, Frank learns his Grandmother is lying to him. In onda il: 2020-12-04 5: The Drop After an attempt to lure out the buyer of a twice-stolen object, Frank and Joe find themselves pursued by someone they believed to be dead. Their friends are welcomed onto the team. 5: The Drop In onda il: 2020-12-04 After an attempt to lure out the buyer of a twice-stolen object, Frank and Joe find themselves pursued by someone they believed to be dead. Their friends are welcomed onto the team. In onda il: 2020-12-04 6: In Plain Sight Frank and Callie grow closer during an entrance exam to a prestigious school, only to find more secrets. Joe and Biff decide to hide his lucky charm from a threatening pursuer. Fenton takes another step in his search. 6: In Plain Sight In onda il: 2020-12-04 Frank and Callie grow closer during an entrance exam to a prestigious school, only to find more secrets. Joe and Biff decide to hide his lucky charm from a threatening pursuer. Fenton takes another step in his search. In onda il: 2020-12-04 7: A Figure in Hiding Frank and Callie look behind the veil at Rosegrave Prep and learn that Laura's investigation started in high school, while Joe tries to prove their conspiracy has a local police connection. 7: A Figure in Hiding In onda il: 2020-12-04 Frank and Callie look behind the veil at Rosegrave Prep and learn that Laura's investigation started in high school, while Joe tries to prove their conspiracy has a local police connection. In onda il: 2020-12-04 8: What Happened in Bridgeport The boys head back to school, but Frank and Callie have different takes on the new girl. Frank learns more about young Laura, while an old friend returns to offer Joe information...for a price. 8: What Happened in Bridgeport In onda il: 2020-12-04 The boys head back to school, but Frank and Callie have different takes on the new girl. Frank learns more about young Laura, while an old friend returns to offer Joe information...for a price. In onda il: 2020-12-04 9: The Key Frank and Joe exchange truths with their Grandmother and find a long-hidden secret in her home. Fenton finds what he's looking for. Meanwhile, other forces work against them all. 9: The Key In onda il: 2020-12-04 Frank and Joe exchange truths with their Grandmother and find a long-hidden secret in her home. Fenton finds what he's looking for. Meanwhile, other forces work against them all. In onda il: 2020-12-04 10: The Secret Room Taking a step farther than their mother did and learning the nature of the object at the heart of the mystery, Frank and Joe's unity fractures over what to do next. Tensions between Chet, Callie, Frank and Stacy reach a peak. 10: The Secret Room In onda il: 2020-12-04 Taking a step farther than their mother did and learning the nature of the object at the heart of the mystery, Frank and Joe's unity fractures over what to do next. Tensions between Chet, Callie, Frank and Stacy reach a peak. In onda il: 2020-12-04 11: No Getting Out Trapped and lost, Biff and Joe’s friendship is tested. Frank can only help find them by revealing too much to people he can’t trust. 11: No Getting Out In onda il: 2020-12-04 Trapped and lost, Biff and Joe’s friendship is tested. Frank can only help find them by revealing too much to people he can’t trust. In onda il: 2020-12-04 12: Eye to Eye Regaining possession of something long-lost, Gloria reasserts old power. Fenton returns and is stunned to see his sons in the middle of secrets that he, too, has uncovered. Frank enters an uneasy alliance, and climactic events are set in motion. 12: Eye to Eye In onda il: 2020-12-04 Regaining possession of something long-lost, Gloria reasserts old power. Fenton returns and is stunned to see his sons in the middle of secrets that he, too, has uncovered. Frank enters an uneasy alliance, and climactic events are set in motion. In onda il: 2020-12-04 13: While the Clock Ticked The Hardy boys and the gang embark on a daring mission to finally uncover the truth… but in revealing the truth could they unleash a dark power beyond their control? 13: While the Clock Ticked In onda il: 2020-12-04 The Hardy boys and the gang embark on a daring mission to finally uncover the truth… but in revealing the truth could they unleash a dark power beyond their control? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Hardy - Discography 2019-2021 Artist...............: Hardy Album................: Discography 2019-2021 Genre................: Folk, World, & Country Source...............: CD Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Hardy - A Rock (2020)\ 01 - Hardy - Truck 03:38 02 - Hardy - Boyfriend 03:39 03 - Hardy - Give Heaven Some Hell 03:37 04 - Hardy - Boots 03:13 05 - Hardy - Where Ya At 02:59 06 - Hardy - Ain't A Bad Day 03:22 07 - Hardy - One Beer (feat. Lauren Alaina & Devin Dawson) 02:53 08 - Hardy - So Close (feat. Ashland Craft) 03:45 09 - Hardy - Broke Boy 03:52 10 - Hardy - Hate Your Hometown 03:28 11 - Hardy - Unapologetically Country As Hell 03:55 12 - Hardy - A Rock 03:40 cover Hardy - Hixtape_ Vol. 1 (2019)\ 01 - Hixtape - Boy From The South (hardy Feat. Cole Swindell, Dustin Lynch) 03:05 02 - Hixtape - He Went To Jared (hardy Feat. Morgan Wallen) 03:33 03 - Hixtape - Redneck Tendencies (hardy Feat. Trace Adkins, Joe Diffie) 02:52 04 - Hixtape - Nothin’ Out Here (hardy Feat. Thomas Rhett) 03:34 05 - Hixtape - My Kinda Livin’ (hardy Feat. Hunter Phelps, Jameson Rodgers) 03:19 06 - Hixtape - No Place Like Hometown (hardy Feat. Keith Urban, Hillary Lindsey) 04:01 07 - Hixtape - Something A Lil' Stronger (hardy Feat. Mitchell Tenpenny, Jon Langston) 03:17 08 - Hixtape - What They Make Backroads For (hardy Feat. Tracy Lawrence, Jake Owen) 03:18 09 - Hixtape - Turn You Down (hardy Feat. Morgan Wallen, Zakk Wylde) 02:35 10 - Hardy - One Beer (feat. Lauren Alaina & Devin Dawson) 02:53 cover Hardy - Hixtape_ Vol. 2 (2021)\ 01 - Hixtape - Hometown Boys (feat. Matt Stell, Dierks Bentley & Hardy) 03:44 02 - Hixtape - Wd-40 4wd (feat. Jimmie Allen & Justin Moore) 03:17 03 - Larry Fleet - In Love With My Problems (feat. Jon Pardi) 03:03 04 - Hixtape - To Hank (feat. Hardy, Brantley Gilbert & Colt Ford) 03:17 05 - Hixtape - Small Town On It (feat. Chris Lane & Scotty Mccreery) 02:56 06 - Hixtape - Break Your Own Damn Heart (feat. Midland & Marty Stuart) 03:26 07 - Hixtape - Drink Up (feat. Lee Brice, Randy Houser & Hardy) 03:05 08 - Hixtape - Jonesin’ (feat. Ronnie Dunn, Jake Owen & Jake Worthington) 02:59 09 - Hixtape - Red Dirt Clouds (feat. David Lee Murphy, Ben Burgess & Ernest) 03:16 10 - Hixtape - Beer With My Buddies (feat. Hardy, Josh Thompson & Travis Denning) 03:09 11 - Hixtape - One Of Y’all (feat. Hardy, Rhett Akins & The Cadillac Three) 03:05 12 - Hixtape - I Smoke Weed (feat. Ashland Craft & Brothers Osborne) 04:19 13 - Hixtape - Beer Song (feat. Lainey Wilson, Chase Rice & Granger Smith) 03:32 14 - Hixtape - Goin’ Nowhere (feat. Hardy, Morgan Wallen & Chris Shiflett) 03:09 cover Password = (8oTogrT(8)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. Links are interchangeable if the file is splitted. https://workupload.com/file/Ht63muVPQc9 or https://1fichier.com/?pjinfwkovqy04btrvdvd or https://krakenfiles.com/view/DwX10yu8oL/file.html
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