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  1. G4U55

    Doll Impostor (2024) [ITA][FS/WB]

    Descrizione TROVA L'IMPOSTORE Il tuo obiettivo è trovare la bambola impostore, che giocherà con te per evitare di essere catturata. Eseguire i seguenti passaggi: - Trova indizi e prove lasciate dall'impostore - Studiare e analizzare i loro movimenti - Scartare i candidati - Trova l'impostore prima delle 9:00 INCONTRA LE BAMBOLE Le bambole hanno i propri obiettivi, preferenze, amicizie, inimicizie, amori e odi verso circostanze, eventi o altre bambole. PREPARA LE TRAPPOLE Le trappole ti aiuteranno a catturare bambole conservatrici; forse tentarli accendendo la musica o la televisione li farà reagire, permettendoti di interpretare meglio i loro gusti e apprezzamenti. NON FIDARTI Non fidarti delle loro azioni; queste bambole sono molto più intelligenti di quanto pensi. Sono capaci di spostare gli altri dal loro posto e di annientare altre bambole per confonderti, soprattutto se non conosci bene ciascuna bambola. Potresti supporre che tutto sia finito se trovi una sola bambola fuori dalla sua scatola. Tuttavia, potrebbe non essersi mosso da solo; un'altra bambola potrebbe averla spostata, o addirittura spostarne molte altre mentre rimane completamente immobile. TENERE LA PORTA CHIUSA È estremamente importante tenere la porta chiusa; non farlo potrebbe avere conseguenze catastrofiche, dal lasciare scappare l'impostore all'alterare l'ordine delle tue eliminazioni, o addirittura impedirti di superare la notte. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download v20241207-TENOKE [ITA]
  2. Descrizione Storia: Assumi il ruolo di un giovane scrittore alla ricerca di un posto conveniente in cui vivere mentre lavori al prossimo romanzo. Ti sei imbattuto in un annuncio pubblicitario per un appartamento molto economico di proprietà di una donna anziana che ha perso la figlia alcuni anni fa. In questa zona molte persone sono scomparse e la gente del posto considera il posto maledetto. Durante la tua prima notte nel tuo nuovo appartamento, un violento temporale fa saltare la corrente elettrica e senti la presenza di qualcosa di malvagio che ti osserva da dietro. Dall'appartamento dell'anziana provengono delle urla strane e si sente il bisogno di andare a vedere di cosa si tratta. Scopri il mistero dietro questo luogo maledetto, le persone scomparse e l'orribile verità sulla donna anziana in questa storia agghiacciante. Genere: Horror psicologico oscuro nel genere Walking Simulator. Ambiente: Preparati a immergerti in un mondo di paura e realismo. Basato sull'Unreal Engine 5, il gioco è progettato con iperrealismo che crea un'estetica vintage che migliora l'esperienza terrificante, con suoni di alta qualità. Assicurati di indossare le cuffie per la migliore esperienza audio. Il gioco include salti e scenari intensi. Preparati! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [SUB ITA]
  3. Descrizione BENVENUTO A CASA Mettiti nei panni di Cynthia, la bambola di una bambina contorta che non vuole altro che vendicarsi di te. Il tuo obiettivo è semplice: sopravvivere a una serie di trappole mortali progettate per porre fine alla tua vita. Utilizza il pensiero strategico e il ragionamento deduttivo per risolvere enigmi orientati all'azione e fuggire. Ricorda solo di rimanere attento e di agire in fretta, il tempo stringe. PENSA VELOCEMENTE Questo gioco è progettato per essere brutale. Se vuoi sopravvivere sono necessarie rapidità di pensiero e strategia. In un vero stile di vita o di morte, sei messo sotto pressione per risolvere ogni trappola con ogni mezzo necessario e uscirne vivo. Stai tranquillo, la soluzione è sempre nascosta in bella vista. OSSERVA Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per fuggire da ogni stanza ti viene dato. Alcune stanze hanno anche più soluzioni, purché ci sia abbastanza pensiero creativo e capacità di risolvere i problemi. Presta molta attenzione a qualsiasi suggerimento fornito... potrebbe salvarti la vita. CONSERVA Il sangue è la tua forza vitale. Più perdi, più diventi lento e disorientato. Iniettati le fiale di sangue che trovi in tutta la casa per essere veloce e recuperare tempo prezioso di reazione. Ma sii saggio quando scegli di ricaricare la tua salute, le risorse sono limitate. Non si sa mai quando qualche fiala in più tornerà utile. ELABORA UNA STRATEGIA Probabilmente morirai... molto. Fortunatamente, a differenza della vita reale, puoi riprovare. Usa ciò che hai imparato ogni volta per ideare la tua strategia di sopravvivenza. Le sfide che dovrai affrontare sono state attentamente calibrate, il che significa che puoi completare questo gioco senza perdere salute... (Esclusa un'offerta di sangue rapida e obbligatoria). A parte questo, è possibile giocare al 100% del gioco, completamente illeso. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
  4. The Pussycat Dolls - Doll Domination (2008 Deluxe) Artist...............: The Pussycat Dolls Album................: Doll Domination (Deluxe) Genre................: Source...............: CD Year.................: 2008 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 01:12:49 Total Size...........: 179,32 MB 01 - The Pussycat Dolls - When I Grow Up 04:05 02 - The Pussycat Dolls - Bottle Pop 03:30 03 - The Pussycat Dolls - Whatcha Think About That 03:48 04 - The Pussycat Dolls - I Hate This Part 03:38 05 - The Pussycat Dolls - Takin' Over The World 03:34 06 - The Pussycat Dolls - Who's Gonna Love You 03:59 07 - The Pussycat Dolls - Happily Never After 04:49 08 - The Pussycat Dolls - Magic 03:41 09 - The Pussycat Dolls - Halo 05:24 10 - The Pussycat Dolls - In Person 03:35 11 - The Pussycat Dolls - Elevator 03:41 12 - The Pussycat Dolls - Hush Hush 03:48 13 - The Pussycat Dolls - Love The Way You Love Me 03:20 14 - The Pussycat Dolls - Whatchamacallit 04:19 15 - The Pussycat Dolls - I'm Done 03:18 16 - The Pussycat Dolls - If I Was A Man (introducing Jessica Sutta) 03:31 17 - The Pussycat Dolls - Space (introducing Melody Thornton) 03:08 18 - The Pussycat Dolls - Don't Wanna Fall In Love (introducing Kimberly Wyatt) 03:21 19 - The Pussycat Dolls - Played (introducing Ashley Roberts) 03:19 20 - The Pussycat Dolls - Until U Love U (nicole Scherzinger) 03:39 Password = (8inaoTT(8)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. Links are interchangeable if the file is splitted. or or or or
  5. Lazy Doll - Fall Fair (2023) 44.1-24 Country: France Genre: Progressive Rock, Crossover Prog Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 48:13 Full Size: 554.81 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  6. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer My Dress-Up Darling Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma Wakana Gojou è un liceale di quindici anni che in passato è stato traumatizzato a causa delle sue passioni. Questo incidente l'ha trasformato in un recluso, finché un giorno non ha incontrato Kitagawa, una gyaru molto socievole che è il suo completo opposto. Presto i due si trovano a condividere le loro passioni, facendo nascere un rapporto piuttosto bizzarro. Shinichi Fukuda Comic Book Keisuke Shinohara Series Director Kazumasa Ishida Character Designer Akiko Fujita Sound Director Takeshi Nakatsuka Original Music Composer Yoriko Tomita Series Composition Naoya Takahashi Lead Animator Mai Yamaguchi Color Designer Chiemi Irisa Special Effects Tsubasa Kanamori Director of Photography Yuya Sakuma Technical Supervisor Katsuaki Miyaji CGI Director Daisuke Hiraki Editor Hiroki Nozaki Sound Effects Airi Kobayashi Sound Effects Yoshihiro Hiramine Assistant Director Mikiha Theme Song Performance Masuda Theme Song Performance Yuji Teraniji Theme Song Performance Shota Umehara Line Producer Masaharu Yamanouchi Music Producer Nobuhiro Nakayama Producer Shota Komatsu Producer Yoshinori Hasegawa Producer Fumitaka Kitazawa Producer Tomoyuki Ohwada Producer Ruri Satou Assistant Director of Photography Kenji Hoshino Sound Mixer Masanori Miyake Executive Producer Yasutaka Kimura Executive Producer Akihiro Sotokawa Executive Producer Hirotaka Kaneko Executive Producer Akira Shimizu Production Supervisor Hiroyuki Nemoto Art Designer Akari Akase Theme Song Performance Erika Nishihara Costume Designer Rumi Maruyama Assistant Editor Shoya Ishige Wakana Gojo (voice) Hina Suguta Marin Kitagawa (voice) Atsumi Tanezaki Sajuna Inui (voice) Hina Yomiya Shinju Inui (voice) Atsushi Ono Kaoru Gojo (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2022-01-09 1: Someone Who Lives in the Exact Opposite World as Me Wakana Gojo is a high school student who dreams of becoming a kashirashi for hina dolls one day. Because his life is all about making hina dolls, he has a hard time fitting into his class because his interests are so different than anyone else’s. His classmate, Marin Kitagawa, is always at the center of attention and from another world. One day, they both end up on classroom cleaning duty and… 1: Someone Who Lives in the Exact Opposite World as Me In onda il: 2022-01-09 Wakana Gojo is a high school student who dreams of becoming a kashirashi for hina dolls one day. Because his life is all about making hina dolls, he has a hard time fitting into his class because his interests are so different than anyone else’s. His classmate, Marin Kitagawa, is always at the center of attention and from another world. One day, they both end up on classroom cleaning duty and… In onda il: 2022-01-16 2: Wanna Hurry Up, and Do It? After seeing how passionate Marin is about the things she loves, Wakana decides to help her with making outfits. He decides to help her out in making a cosplay for Shizuku Kuroe-tan from the game "Slippery Girls 2." They had planned to reconvene later to get the measurements started, but Marin couldn't wait and ends up coming to Wakana's house over the weekend. 2: Wanna Hurry Up, and Do It? In onda il: 2022-01-16 After seeing how passionate Marin is about the things she loves, Wakana decides to help her with making outfits. He decides to help her out in making a cosplay for Shizuku Kuroe-tan from the game "Slippery Girls 2." They had planned to reconvene later to get the measurements started, but Marin couldn't wait and ends up coming to Wakana's house over the weekend. In onda il: 2022-01-23 3: Then Why Don't We? Marin and Wakana start to grow closer as he helps her create her cosplay. Though he's happy about the fact that Marin treats him the same way at school as anywhere else, he also starts to worry about the fact that other people think it's weird that they're hanging out. Despite that, Marin takes Wakana shopping so they can look for materials needed for her cosplay. 3: Then Why Don't We? In onda il: 2022-01-23 Marin and Wakana start to grow closer as he helps her create her cosplay. Though he's happy about the fact that Marin treats him the same way at school as anywhere else, he also starts to worry about the fact that other people think it's weird that they're hanging out. Despite that, Marin takes Wakana shopping so they can look for materials needed for her cosplay. In onda il: 2022-01-30 4: Are These Your Girlfriend's? Wakana felt relieved just for a moment after they got all of the materials they needed for Marin's cosplay, but then he's shocked to find out that he needs to finish the cosplay in two weeks. On top of that, his grandfather, Kaoru, hurts his back, so Wakana has to run the shop and he also has midterms. Wakana feels overwhelmed and gets depressed, wondering if he'll ever actually become a kashirashi at this point. 4: Are These Your Girlfriend's? In onda il: 2022-01-30 Wakana felt relieved just for a moment after they got all of the materials they needed for Marin's cosplay, but then he's shocked to find out that he needs to finish the cosplay in two weeks. On top of that, his grandfather, Kaoru, hurts his back, so Wakana has to run the shop and he also has midterms. Wakana feels overwhelmed and gets depressed, wondering if he'll ever actually become a kashirashi at this point. In onda il: 2022-02-06 5: It's Probably Because This Is the Best Boob Bag Here Wakana finally completes the Shizuku cosplay. Marin is super excited that she gets to dress as her beloved Shizuku-tan and suggests that the two of them go to a cosplay event the next day. Even though it's her first time at a cosplay event, Marin gets requests for photos left and right. Wakana is overwhelmed with feelings as he watches over Marin, but... 5: It's Probably Because This Is the Best Boob Bag Here In onda il: 2022-02-06 Wakana finally completes the Shizuku cosplay. Marin is super excited that she gets to dress as her beloved Shizuku-tan and suggests that the two of them go to a cosplay event the next day. Even though it's her first time at a cosplay event, Marin gets requests for photos left and right. Wakana is overwhelmed with feelings as he watches over Marin, but... In onda il: 2022-02-13 6: For Real?! Marin and Wakana have a successful first cosplay event. Because of something Wakana said, Marin's mental and emotional state starts to change a little. Even though she was just spending time at the Gojos' home with Wakana and Kaoru to wash her outfit, she can't seem to calm down. Meanwhile, a certain person comes to Gojo Dolls after seeing the photos Marin posted onto social media of her Shizuku cosplay. 6: For Real?! In onda il: 2022-02-13 Marin and Wakana have a successful first cosplay event. Because of something Wakana said, Marin's mental and emotional state starts to change a little. Even though she was just spending time at the Gojos' home with Wakana and Kaoru to wash her outfit, she can't seem to calm down. Meanwhile, a certain person comes to Gojo Dolls after seeing the photos Marin posted onto social media of her Shizuku cosplay. In onda il: 2022-02-20 7: A Home Date With the Guy I Wuv Is the Best Marin is going to do a group cosplay with her idol, the cosplayer "Juju," whose real name is Sajuna Inui, and they're going to cosplay as Black Lobelia and Black Lily from the magical girl anime "Flower Girl Blaze!!". Wakana heads over to Marin's home so that he can borrow the "Blaze!!" DVDs for research to make the outfits for them. 7: A Home Date With the Guy I Wuv Is the Best In onda il: 2022-02-20 Marin is going to do a group cosplay with her idol, the cosplayer "Juju," whose real name is Sajuna Inui, and they're going to cosplay as Black Lobelia and Black Lily from the magical girl anime "Flower Girl Blaze!!". Wakana heads over to Marin's home so that he can borrow the "Blaze!!" DVDs for research to make the outfits for them. In onda il: 2022-02-27 8: Backlighting Is the Best Juju's photographer and younger sister, Shinju Inui, meets Wakana and Marin for the first time. They're shocked at how opposite her appearance is to Sajuna, but they quickly become closer when they excitedly talk about cameras. Later on, Sajuna suggests that they check out the abandoned hospital that they'll be using for their group cosplay but... 8: Backlighting Is the Best In onda il: 2022-02-27 Juju's photographer and younger sister, Shinju Inui, meets Wakana and Marin for the first time. They're shocked at how opposite her appearance is to Sajuna, but they quickly become closer when they excitedly talk about cameras. Later on, Sajuna suggests that they check out the abandoned hospital that they'll be using for their group cosplay but... In onda il: 2022-03-06 9: A Lot Happened After I Saw That Photo Gojo is able to complete the Black Lobelia and Black Lily cosplays thanks to Marin's help. Both Marin and Sajuna try on their cosplays and they're both excited about how nicely they turned out, and Marin is even more excited about their upcoming group cosplay. When the day finally arrives, Marin and Sajuna get an unexpected visitor. 9: A Lot Happened After I Saw That Photo In onda il: 2022-03-06 Gojo is able to complete the Black Lobelia and Black Lily cosplays thanks to Marin's help. Both Marin and Sajuna try on their cosplays and they're both excited about how nicely they turned out, and Marin is even more excited about their upcoming group cosplay. When the day finally arrives, Marin and Sajuna get an unexpected visitor. In onda il: 2022-03-13 10: We've All Got Struggles Wakana and Shinju's secret plan was a success, which added to the success of their first group cosplay photoshoot. As Juju and Shinju look through the photos from the photoshoot, the sisters find out how they both feel. Meanwhile, Marin and Wakana are enjoying their summer vacation. They were preparing Marin's cosplay for a fighting game character named Veronica-tya, but then a problem arises... 10: We've All Got Struggles In onda il: 2022-03-13 Wakana and Shinju's secret plan was a success, which added to the success of their first group cosplay photoshoot. As Juju and Shinju look through the photos from the photoshoot, the sisters find out how they both feel. Meanwhile, Marin and Wakana are enjoying their summer vacation. They were preparing Marin's cosplay for a fighting game character named Veronica-tya, but then a problem arises... In onda il: 2022-03-20 11: I Am Currently at a Love Hotel Liz is a succubus who appears in one of Marin's favorite slice of life series, "SuccIDK." Marin had some interest in cosplaying Liz-kyun but didn't think she could pull it off until Wakana gave her a little push. With the cosplay ready, they head to a studio for a photoshoot, but the studio happened to be a rather unexpected location. 11: I Am Currently at a Love Hotel In onda il: 2022-03-20 Liz is a succubus who appears in one of Marin's favorite slice of life series, "SuccIDK." Marin had some interest in cosplaying Liz-kyun but didn't think she could pull it off until Wakana gave her a little push. With the cosplay ready, they head to a studio for a photoshoot, but the studio happened to be a rather unexpected location. In onda il: 2022-03-27 12: My Dress-Up Darling Summer vacation is coming to a close. Wakana received an SOS from Marin, who hadn't finished her homework, so he ended up helping her study at her house. They later realize that Marin had forgotten some math drills at school, so they go to get them. While alone at the school, Marin and Wakana make plans to go to a summer festival together. And when that day finally arrived... 12: My Dress-Up Darling In onda il: 2022-03-27 Summer vacation is coming to a close. Wakana received an SOS from Marin, who hadn't finished her homework, so he ended up helping her study at her house. They later realize that Marin had forgotten some math drills at school, so they go to get them. While alone at the school, Marin and Wakana make plans to go to a summer festival together. And when that day finally arrived... My Dress-Up Darling | Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  7. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Prima Doll Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Le automata sono bambole meccaniche che lavorano al Kuronekotei, una caffetteria che si si trova all'angolo del quinto distretto della capitale imperiale. Originariamente furono create per essere utilizzate come armi per una grande guerra finita ormai da diversi anni. Ora sono state riparate e indossano kimono scintillanti... Touya Okano Series Composition 天衝 Series Director 矢野茜 Character Designer 土屋雅紀 Sound Director 荒井和浩 Art Designer 武宮むつみ Editor 太田ゆいは Color Designer 三宅昌和 Art Direction 佐南友理 Art Designer Ryoji Minowa CGI Director 魁 Series Composition Yuga Kai Director of Photography En Morikura Character Designer Hiroo Saito Producer 小山恭正 Sound Effects 和氣あず未 Haizakura (voice) 楠木ともり Karasuba (voice) Miyu Tomita Gekka (voice) 中島由貴 Houkiboshi (voice) 鬼頭明里 Retzel (voice) 黒沢ともよ Haikagura (voice) 村瀬歩 Nagi Tooma (voice) 久野美咲 Chiyo (voice) 諏訪彩花 Otome Okumiya (voice) Mikako Komatsu Yuugiri (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2022-07-09 1: The First Melody An automata awakens in a basement with no memory or purpose. She is not alone, but her fellow doll sits broken and unresponsive. 1: The First Melody In onda il: 2022-07-09 An automata awakens in a basement with no memory or purpose. She is not alone, but her fellow doll sits broken and unresponsive. In onda il: 2022-07-10 2: Playing Alongside the Moon During an outing, Haizakura's upbeat attitude clashes with Gekka's more stoic personality. How did the automaton become so cold, and why can't she seem to smile anymore? 2: Playing Alongside the Moon In onda il: 2022-07-10 During an outing, Haizakura's upbeat attitude clashes with Gekka's more stoic personality. How did the automaton become so cold, and why can't she seem to smile anymore? In onda il: 2022-07-17 3: Starry Sky Requiem Houkiboshi's voice once brought hope to the troops in times of fear and darkness. Now a voice from the past will bring her the same. 3: Starry Sky Requiem In onda il: 2022-07-17 Houkiboshi's voice once brought hope to the troops in times of fear and darkness. Now a voice from the past will bring her the same. In onda il: 2022-07-24 4: Fluttering Wings Return It's only logical to fix a malfunction, but Karasuba is offended that Haizakura suggested Nagi repair her. 4: Fluttering Wings Return In onda il: 2022-07-24 It's only logical to fix a malfunction, but Karasuba is offended that Haizakura suggested Nagi repair her. In onda il: 2022-07-31 5: Singing in the Rain An automata's philosophical proof of existence can be measured as such: "I have orders, therefore I am." But if that's true, then what is an automata with no orders at all? 5: Singing in the Rain In onda il: 2022-07-31 An automata's philosophical proof of existence can be measured as such: "I have orders, therefore I am." But if that's true, then what is an automata with no orders at all? In onda il: 2022-08-07 6: The Black Cat's Concert Clients are in short supply after recent incidents involving automata, but Haizakura has an idea to attract new patrons — an idea that requires advice from an unlikely source… 6: The Black Cat's Concert In onda il: 2022-08-07 Clients are in short supply after recent incidents involving automata, but Haizakura has an idea to attract new patrons — an idea that requires advice from an unlikely source… In onda il: 2022-08-14 7: Dreamlike Days While Master Nagi travels abroad on a military mission, the dolls contemplate attending the Capital Fair, and a kindly elderly couple takes a shine to Gekka. 7: Dreamlike Days In onda il: 2022-08-14 While Master Nagi travels abroad on a military mission, the dolls contemplate attending the Capital Fair, and a kindly elderly couple takes a shine to Gekka. In onda il: 2022-08-21 8: Rondo of Eternal Winter A doll’s duty is never done. After receiving worrisome news, Karasuba and Haizakura venture beyond the walls of the Black Cat on an important mission. 8: Rondo of Eternal Winter In onda il: 2022-08-21 A doll’s duty is never done. After receiving worrisome news, Karasuba and Haizakura venture beyond the walls of the Black Cat on an important mission. In onda il: 2022-08-28 9: A Momentary Sextet A lost automata wanders into the path of the Black Cat’s staff, but who exactly is she? They’ve never seen a model quite like Haikagura before… 9: A Momentary Sextet In onda il: 2022-08-28 A lost automata wanders into the path of the Black Cat’s staff, but who exactly is she? They’ve never seen a model quite like Haikagura before… In onda il: 2022-09-04 10: Unending Unison In the wake of disaster, Haikagura sleeps, and her origin remains a mystery. While Nagi investigates the mysterious automata, the other dolls prepare for the Capital Fair. 10: Unending Unison In onda il: 2022-09-04 In the wake of disaster, Haikagura sleeps, and her origin remains a mystery. While Nagi investigates the mysterious automata, the other dolls prepare for the Capital Fair. In onda il: 2022-09-11 11: Thunderous War Song Two sisters, forged in secret. A successor, made in memory. Fragments of the past and future collide as Haikagura attempts to assume control. 11: Thunderous War Song In onda il: 2022-09-11 Two sisters, forged in secret. A successor, made in memory. Fragments of the past and future collide as Haikagura attempts to assume control. In onda il: 2022-09-18 12: Let These Feelings Resound Haizakura knows what she must do to save her friends, but her actions will come at a cost unimaginable. Nevertheless, Haizakura is committed to finding her purpose. 12: Let These Feelings Resound In onda il: 2022-09-18 Haizakura knows what she must do to save her friends, but her actions will come at a cost unimaginable. Nevertheless, Haizakura is committed to finding her purpose. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  8. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Russian Doll Stagione 2    Episodi 7         Commedia ◦ Dramma Una donna viene catturata in un loop misterioso, frequentando ripetutamente la stessa festa e morendo alla fine della notte, solo per svegliarsi il giorno dopo illesa. Christopher Minard Art Direction Lindsay Stephen Set Decoration Alice Ju Producer Alexander Buono Executive Producer Allison Silverman Executive Producer Regina Corrado Executive Producer Lilly Burns Executive Producer Dave Becky Executive Producer Tony Hernandez Executive Producer Kate Arend Executive Producer Alison McDonald Co-Executive Producer Jared Ian Goldman Co-Executive Producer Diane Lederman Production Design Natasha Lyonne Executive Producer Amy Poehler Executive Producer Leslye Headland Executive Producer Joe Wong Original Music Composer Natasha Lyonne Nadia Vulvokov Charlie Barnett Alan Zaveri Greta Lee Maxine Chloë Sevigny Lenora Vulvokov Elizabeth Ashley Ruth Brenner Episodi: 7  In onda il: 2022-04-20 1: Una nuova prospettiva Manca poco al suo quarantesimo compleanno e Nadia vuole festeggiarlo con Alan in tutta tranquillità. Poi però succede qualcosa di molto strano... 1: Una nuova prospettiva In onda il: 2022-04-20 Manca poco al suo quarantesimo compleanno e Nadia vuole festeggiarlo con Alan in tutta tranquillità. Poi però succede qualcosa di molto strano... In onda il: 2022-04-20 2: Figlio di Coney Island Mentre gira per la città alla ricerca dei krugerrand scomparsi, Nadia incrocia un viso familiare che le dà una mano. 2: Figlio di Coney Island In onda il: 2022-04-20 Mentre gira per la città alla ricerca dei krugerrand scomparsi, Nadia incrocia un viso familiare che le dà una mano. In onda il: 2022-04-20 3: Fuga di cervelli Nadia scopre un fatto interessante sulle ricchezze di famiglia e si mette in cerca di indizi, ma la situazione prende una svolta bizzarra. 3: Fuga di cervelli In onda il: 2022-04-20 Nadia scopre un fatto interessante sulle ricchezze di famiglia e si mette in cerca di indizi, ma la situazione prende una svolta bizzarra. In onda il: 2022-04-20 4: Da stazione a stazione Alan viene in contatto con le sue radici a Berlino. Durante un viaggio a Budapest, Nadia e Maxine finiscono in una festa allucinante. 4: Da stazione a stazione In onda il: 2022-04-20 Alan viene in contatto con le sue radici a Berlino. Durante un viaggio a Budapest, Nadia e Maxine finiscono in una festa allucinante. In onda il: 2022-04-20 5: Cadavere squisito Nadia ritrova gli oggetti preziosi trafugati ed elabora un piano per garantire un futuro alla sua famiglia. Poi però ha una rivelazione sconfortante. 5: Cadavere squisito In onda il: 2022-04-20 Nadia ritrova gli oggetti preziosi trafugati ed elabora un piano per garantire un futuro alla sua famiglia. Poi però ha una rivelazione sconfortante. In onda il: 2022-04-20 6: Ruth secondo Schrödinger Dopo il viaggio più assurdo mai fatto in metropolitana, Nadia affronta una situazione paradossale, mentre Alan si mette a cercarla disperatamente. 6: Ruth secondo Schrödinger In onda il: 2022-04-20 Dopo il viaggio più assurdo mai fatto in metropolitana, Nadia affronta una situazione paradossale, mentre Alan si mette a cercarla disperatamente. In onda il: 2022-04-20 7: Matrioska Nel giorno del suo compleanno Nadia si ritrova con Alan in un luogo familiare, ma i due non sono d'accordo su come gestire il futuro... e neanche il passato. 7: Matrioska In onda il: 2022-04-20 Nel giorno del suo compleanno Nadia si ritrova con Alan in un luogo familiare, ma i due non sono d'accordo su come gestire il futuro... e neanche il passato. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  9. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Russian Doll Stagione 1    Episodi 8         Commedia ◦ Dramma Una donna viene catturata in un loop misterioso, frequentando ripetutamente la stessa festa e morendo alla fine della notte, solo per svegliarsi il giorno dopo illesa. Christopher Minard Art Direction Lindsay Stephen Set Decoration Alice Ju Producer Alexander Buono Executive Producer Allison Silverman Executive Producer Regina Corrado Executive Producer Lilly Burns Executive Producer Dave Becky Executive Producer Tony Hernandez Executive Producer Kate Arend Executive Producer Alison McDonald Co-Executive Producer Jared Ian Goldman Co-Executive Producer Diane Lederman Production Design Natasha Lyonne Executive Producer Amy Poehler Executive Producer Leslye Headland Executive Producer Joe Wong Original Music Composer Natasha Lyonne Nadia Vulvokov Charlie Barnett Alan Zaveri Greta Lee Maxine Chloë Sevigny Lenora Vulvokov Elizabeth Ashley Ruth Brenner Episodi: 8  In onda il: 2019-02-01 1: Niente in questo mondo è facile Nella serata del suo trentaseiesimo compleanno, Nadia fa una fine prematura, per poi ritrovarsi di nuovo alla festa che i suoi amici le avevano organizzato. 1: Niente in questo mondo è facile In onda il: 2019-02-01 Nella serata del suo trentaseiesimo compleanno, Nadia fa una fine prematura, per poi ritrovarsi di nuovo alla festa che i suoi amici le avevano organizzato. In onda il: 2019-02-01 2: La grande fuga Confusa e con i postumi di una sbornia, Nadia cerca di ricostruire cosa è successo la notte precedente. Poi rintraccia Wardog, lo spacciatore delle canne israeliane. 2: La grande fuga In onda il: 2019-02-01 Confusa e con i postumi di una sbornia, Nadia cerca di ricostruire cosa è successo la notte precedente. Poi rintraccia Wardog, lo spacciatore delle canne israeliane. In onda il: 2019-02-01 3: Un corpo caldo Nadia è a caccia d'indizi e arriva a una scuola della Yeshiva, ma ha bisogno dell'aiuto di John. Mentre cerca Oatmeal, Nadia fa amicizia con un senzatetto. 3: Un corpo caldo In onda il: 2019-02-01 Nadia è a caccia d'indizi e arriva a una scuola della Yeshiva, ma ha bisogno dell'aiuto di John. Mentre cerca Oatmeal, Nadia fa amicizia con un senzatetto. In onda il: 2019-02-01 4: La routine di Alan Alan si prepara con la sua tipica meticolosità per un appuntamento con la fidanzata. Intanto, Nadia fa una scoperta che la sconvolge. 4: La routine di Alan In onda il: 2019-02-01 Alan si prepara con la sua tipica meticolosità per un appuntamento con la fidanzata. Intanto, Nadia fa una scoperta che la sconvolge. In onda il: 2019-02-01 5: Complesso di superiorità Alan è turbato dai cambiamenti nella sua routine e si presenta alla festa di compleanno di Nadia. Lei cerca di farsi perdonare da John, e Alan affronta Mike. 5: Complesso di superiorità In onda il: 2019-02-01 Alan è turbato dai cambiamenti nella sua routine e si presenta alla festa di compleanno di Nadia. Lei cerca di farsi perdonare da John, e Alan affronta Mike. In onda il: 2019-02-01 6: Riflesso Nadia e Alan cercano di capire in che modo sono collegati. Alan non riesce a ricordare la prima volta che è morto, così Nadia lo segue per tutta la serata. 6: Riflesso In onda il: 2019-02-01 Nadia e Alan cercano di capire in che modo sono collegati. Alan non riesce a ricordare la prima volta che è morto, così Nadia lo segue per tutta la serata. In onda il: 2019-02-01 7: La via più facile Mentre il presente incomincia a disfarsi, Nadia è tormentata dal suo passato torbido e Alan teme che il tempo stia per scadere. 7: La via più facile In onda il: 2019-02-01 Mentre il presente incomincia a disfarsi, Nadia è tormentata dal suo passato torbido e Alan teme che il tempo stia per scadere. In onda il: 2019-02-01 8: Arianna Nadia e Alan si cercano e finalmente s'incrociano al minimarket. C'è qualcosa che non va, ma non hanno intenzione di lasciarsi. 8: Arianna In onda il: 2019-02-01 Nadia e Alan si cercano e finalmente s'incrociano al minimarket. C'è qualcosa che non va, ma non hanno intenzione di lasciarsi. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  10. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer My Dress-Up Darling Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma Wakana Gojou è un liceale di quindici anni che in passato è stato traumatizzato a causa delle sue passioni. Questo incidente l'ha trasformato in un recluso, finché un giorno non ha incontrato Kitagawa, una gyaru molto socievole che è il suo completo opposto. Presto i due si trovano a condividere le loro passioni, facendo nascere un rapporto piuttosto bizzarro. 福田晋一 Comic Book 石田一将 Character Designer 冨田頼子 Series Composition 篠原啓輔 Series Director Takeshi Nakatsuka Original Music Composer 藤田亜紀子 Sound Director 平木大輔 Editor Yuji Teraniji Theme Song Performance Naoya Takahashi Lead Animator 金森つばさ Director of Photography Airi Kobayashi Sound Effects Mikiha Theme Song Performance Masuda Theme Song Performance 入佐芽詠美 Special Effects Mai Yamaguchi Color Designer 佐久間悠也 Technical Supervisor 野崎博樹 Sound Effects 宮地克明 CGI Director 平峯義大 Assistant Director 梅原翔太 Line Producer 星野賢爾 Sound Mixer Shota Komatsu Producer 大和田智之 Producer 中山信宏 Producer Fumitaka Kitazawa Producer 長谷川嘉範 Producer 山内真治 Music Producer 佐藤瑠里 Assistant Director of Photography 清水暁 Production Supervisor 外川明宏 Executive Producer 三宅将典 Executive Producer 金子広孝 Executive Producer 木村康貴 Executive Producer Hiroyuki Nemoto Art Designer Akari Akase Theme Song Performance 西原恵利香 Costume Designer Rumi Maruyama Assistant Editor 直田姫奈 Marin Kitagawa (voice) 石毛翔弥 Wakana Gojo (voice) 種﨑敦美 Sajuna Inui (voice) 羊宮妃那 Shinju Inui (voice) 斧アツシ Kaoru Gojo (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2022-01-09 1: Someone Who Lives in the Exact Opposite World as Me Wakana Gojo is a high school student who dreams of becoming a kashirashi for hina dolls one day. Because his life is all about making hina dolls, he has a hard time fitting into his class because his interests are so different than anyone else’s. His classmate, Marin Kitagawa, is always at the center of attention and from another world. One day, they both end up on classroom cleaning duty and… 1: Someone Who Lives in the Exact Opposite World as Me In onda il: 2022-01-09 Wakana Gojo is a high school student who dreams of becoming a kashirashi for hina dolls one day. Because his life is all about making hina dolls, he has a hard time fitting into his class because his interests are so different than anyone else’s. His classmate, Marin Kitagawa, is always at the center of attention and from another world. One day, they both end up on classroom cleaning duty and… In onda il: 2022-01-16 2: Wanna Hurry Up, and Do It? After seeing how passionate Marin is about the things she loves, Wakana decides to help her with making outfits. He decides to help her out in making a cosplay for Shizuku Kuroe-tan from the game "Slippery Girls 2." They had planned to reconvene later to get the measurements started, but Marin couldn't wait and ends up coming to Wakana's house over the weekend. 2: Wanna Hurry Up, and Do It? In onda il: 2022-01-16 After seeing how passionate Marin is about the things she loves, Wakana decides to help her with making outfits. He decides to help her out in making a cosplay for Shizuku Kuroe-tan from the game "Slippery Girls 2." They had planned to reconvene later to get the measurements started, but Marin couldn't wait and ends up coming to Wakana's house over the weekend. In onda il: 2022-01-23 3: Then Why Don't We? Marin and Wakana start to grow closer as he helps her create her cosplay. Though he's happy about the fact that Marin treats him the same way at school as anywhere else, he also starts to worry about the fact that other people think it's weird that they're hanging out. Despite that, Marin takes Wakana shopping so they can look for materials needed for her cosplay. 3: Then Why Don't We? In onda il: 2022-01-23 Marin and Wakana start to grow closer as he helps her create her cosplay. Though he's happy about the fact that Marin treats him the same way at school as anywhere else, he also starts to worry about the fact that other people think it's weird that they're hanging out. Despite that, Marin takes Wakana shopping so they can look for materials needed for her cosplay. In onda il: 2022-01-30 4: Are These Your Girlfriend's? Wakana felt relieved just for a moment after they got all of the materials they needed for Marin's cosplay, but then he's shocked to find out that he needs to finish the cosplay in two weeks. On top of that, his grandfather, Kaoru, hurts his back, so Wakana has to run the shop and he also has midterms. Wakana feels overwhelmed and gets depressed, wondering if he'll ever actually become a kashirashi at this point. 4: Are These Your Girlfriend's? In onda il: 2022-01-30 Wakana felt relieved just for a moment after they got all of the materials they needed for Marin's cosplay, but then he's shocked to find out that he needs to finish the cosplay in two weeks. On top of that, his grandfather, Kaoru, hurts his back, so Wakana has to run the shop and he also has midterms. Wakana feels overwhelmed and gets depressed, wondering if he'll ever actually become a kashirashi at this point. In onda il: 2022-02-06 5: It's Probably Because This Is the Best Boob Bag Here Wakana finally completes the Shizuku cosplay. Marin is super excited that she gets to dress as her beloved Shizuku-tan and suggests that the two of them go to a cosplay event the next day. Even though it's her first time at a cosplay event, Marin gets requests for photos left and right. Wakana is overwhelmed with feelings as he watches over Marin, but... 5: It's Probably Because This Is the Best Boob Bag Here In onda il: 2022-02-06 Wakana finally completes the Shizuku cosplay. Marin is super excited that she gets to dress as her beloved Shizuku-tan and suggests that the two of them go to a cosplay event the next day. Even though it's her first time at a cosplay event, Marin gets requests for photos left and right. Wakana is overwhelmed with feelings as he watches over Marin, but... In onda il: 2022-02-13 6: For Real?! Marin and Wakana have a successful first cosplay event. Because of something Wakana said, Marin's mental and emotional state starts to change a little. Even though she was just spending time at the Gojos' home with Wakana and Kaoru to wash her outfit, she can't seem to calm down. Meanwhile, a certain person comes to Gojo Dolls after seeing the photos Marin posted onto social media of her Shizuku cosplay. 6: For Real?! In onda il: 2022-02-13 Marin and Wakana have a successful first cosplay event. Because of something Wakana said, Marin's mental and emotional state starts to change a little. Even though she was just spending time at the Gojos' home with Wakana and Kaoru to wash her outfit, she can't seem to calm down. Meanwhile, a certain person comes to Gojo Dolls after seeing the photos Marin posted onto social media of her Shizuku cosplay. In onda il: 2022-02-20 7: A Home Date With the Guy I Wuv Is the Best Marin is going to do a group cosplay with her idol, the cosplayer "Juju," whose real name is Sajuna Inui, and they're going to cosplay as Black Lobelia and Black Lily from the magical girl anime "Flower Girl Blaze!!". Wakana heads over to Marin's home so that he can borrow the "Blaze!!" DVDs for research to make the outfits for them. 7: A Home Date With the Guy I Wuv Is the Best In onda il: 2022-02-20 Marin is going to do a group cosplay with her idol, the cosplayer "Juju," whose real name is Sajuna Inui, and they're going to cosplay as Black Lobelia and Black Lily from the magical girl anime "Flower Girl Blaze!!". Wakana heads over to Marin's home so that he can borrow the "Blaze!!" DVDs for research to make the outfits for them. In onda il: 2022-02-27 8: Backlighting Is the Best Juju's photographer and younger sister, Shinju Inui, meets Wakana and Marin for the first time. They're shocked at how opposite her appearance is to Sajuna, but they quickly become closer when they excitedly talk about cameras. Later on, Sajuna suggests that they check out the abandoned hospital that they'll be using for their group cosplay but... 8: Backlighting Is the Best In onda il: 2022-02-27 Juju's photographer and younger sister, Shinju Inui, meets Wakana and Marin for the first time. They're shocked at how opposite her appearance is to Sajuna, but they quickly become closer when they excitedly talk about cameras. Later on, Sajuna suggests that they check out the abandoned hospital that they'll be using for their group cosplay but... In onda il: 2022-03-06 9: A Lot Happened After I Saw That Photo Gojo is able to complete the Black Lobelia and Black Lily cosplays thanks to Marin's help. Both Marin and Sajuna try on their cosplays and they're both excited about how nicely they turned out, and Marin is even more excited about their upcoming group cosplay. When the day finally arrives, Marin and Sajuna get an unexpected visitor. 9: A Lot Happened After I Saw That Photo In onda il: 2022-03-06 Gojo is able to complete the Black Lobelia and Black Lily cosplays thanks to Marin's help. Both Marin and Sajuna try on their cosplays and they're both excited about how nicely they turned out, and Marin is even more excited about their upcoming group cosplay. When the day finally arrives, Marin and Sajuna get an unexpected visitor. In onda il: 2022-03-13 10: We've All Got Struggles Wakana and Shinju's secret plan was a success, which added to the success of their first group cosplay photoshoot. As Juju and Shinju look through the photos from the photoshoot, the sisters find out how they both feel. Meanwhile, Marin and Wakana are enjoying their summer vacation. They were preparing Marin's cosplay for a fighting game character named Veronica-tya, but then a problem arises... 10: We've All Got Struggles In onda il: 2022-03-13 Wakana and Shinju's secret plan was a success, which added to the success of their first group cosplay photoshoot. As Juju and Shinju look through the photos from the photoshoot, the sisters find out how they both feel. Meanwhile, Marin and Wakana are enjoying their summer vacation. They were preparing Marin's cosplay for a fighting game character named Veronica-tya, but then a problem arises... In onda il: 2022-03-20 11: I Am Currently at a Love Hotel Liz is a succubus who appears in one of Marin's favorite slice of life series, "SuccIDK." Marin had some interest in cosplaying Liz-kyun but didn't think she could pull it off until Wakana gave her a little push. With the cosplay ready, they head to a studio for a photoshoot, but the studio happened to be a rather unexpected location. 11: I Am Currently at a Love Hotel In onda il: 2022-03-20 Liz is a succubus who appears in one of Marin's favorite slice of life series, "SuccIDK." Marin had some interest in cosplaying Liz-kyun but didn't think she could pull it off until Wakana gave her a little push. With the cosplay ready, they head to a studio for a photoshoot, but the studio happened to be a rather unexpected location. In onda il: 2022-03-27 12: My Dress-Up Darling Summer vacation is coming to a close. Wakana received an SOS from Marin, who hadn't finished her homework, so he ended up helping her study at her house. They later realize that Marin had forgotten some math drills at school, so they go to get them. While alone at the school, Marin and Wakana make plans to go to a summer festival together. And when that day finally arrived... 12: My Dress-Up Darling In onda il: 2022-03-27 Summer vacation is coming to a close. Wakana received an SOS from Marin, who hadn't finished her homework, so he ended up helping her study at her house. They later realize that Marin had forgotten some math drills at school, so they go to get them. While alone at the school, Marin and Wakana make plans to go to a summer festival together. And when that day finally arrived... My Dress-Up Darling | Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  11. Michaela Döll - Infiammazioni. I killer nascosti (2010) PDF Molti disturbi e patologie anche gravi sono accomunati dal fatto di avere all'origine un'infiammazione. Gli stati infiammatori trascurati e trascinati nel tempo sono molto nocivi per l'organismo perché provocano una degenerazione cellulare. Tra l'altro lo stile di vita odierno - alimentazione errata o carente, mancanza di esercizio fisico, stress psicofisico e assunzione di sostanze tossiche e inquinanti (radicali liberi) favorisce lo sviluppo di queste patologie. Ma curare le infiammazioni oggi è possibile grazie a numerosi rimedi naturali di comprovata efficacia. Sostanze e alimenti d'uso comune e facili da procurarsi, come il resveratrolo, la vitamina E, le alghe, la rosa canina, gli oligoelementi, gli omega-3, gli enzimi e alcune piante medicinali contribuiscono in maniera determinante sia a mantenere la salute che, se necessario, a riconquistarla. In quest'opera unica per la sua completezza, l'autrice presenta soluzioni per curare e prevenire in modo naturale un ampio spettro di patologie come malattie cardiovascolari, ictus, cancro, diabete, artrosi, disturbi allo stomaco, reflusso gastroesofageo, obesità, ipercolesterolemia e gengiviti. Download Links
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