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  1. Dolci di Carnevale Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria - Gennaio-Febbraio 2025 Italiano | 55 pagine | PDF | 60.4 MB Download Links Filestore - Filespayout
  2. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria N.8 - Dicembre 2024 - Gennaio 2025 Italiano | 84 pagine | PDF | 88.0 MB Download Links Filestore - Filespayout
  3. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Sword Art Online The Movie: Progressive - Aria of a Starless Night 1 h 37 m    2021         Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Fantasy ◦ Fantascienza Asuna è una ragazza delle medie di buona famiglia, un'ottima studentessa con ottimi voti. Nonostante le sue capacità, è seconda nella graduatoria degli esami scolastici dietro la sua amica Mito. Dopo scuola le ragazze si ritrovano spesso a giocare assieme ai videogiochi e, durante una delle loro sessioni di gioco, Mito gli propone di giocare a Sword Art Online, un videogame che utilizza la Virtual Reality. Asuna, tornata a casa, trova il VR del fratello con il gioco e decide così di entrarci per trovare la sua amica e starci assieme. Le due si incontrano in game e iniziano ad esplorare il mondo di Aincrad. Improvvisamente, vengono teletrasportate insieme a tutti gli altri giocatori alla città centrale dove appare il creatore del gioco, Akiko Kaiba. Lo sviluppatore annuncia a tutti i giocatori di essere imprigionati in quel mondo e annuncia le regole: per vincere e liberare tutti bisogna completare 100 livelli, ma chi perde tutti i suoi HP, morirà nel mondo reale. 田中宏紀 Key Animation 甲斐泰之 Key Animation 平澤晃弘 Art Designer 廣瀬清志 Editor 甲斐泰之 Creature Design 東島久志 Prop Designer 小山恭正 Sound Effects 川原礫 Original Story 中野尚美 Color Designer 大島由貴 Director of Photography Kengo Oda CGI Director Kento Toya Supervising Animation Director 伊藤友沙 Art Direction 岩浪美和 Sound Director Risa Suzuki Animation Director LiSA Theme Song Performance Masami Niwa Producer 宮原洋平 2D Artist 関香織 2D Artist 宮川駿 Key Animation Kento Toya Animation Director 秋月彩 Character Designer 秋月彩 Key Animation 東島久志 Key Animation 山本祐子 Key Animation 김경은 Key Animation 杉田柊 Key Animation 小嶋美幸 Mechanical Designer 秋月彩 Supervising Animation Director Yoshio Chizaki Key Animation 石川愛理 Key Animation 今岡大 Key Animation 渡邊敬介 Character Designer 渡辺浩二 Animation Director 甲斐泰之 Animation Director 錦見楽 Key Animation Takeshi Matsuda Animation Director 山本祐子 Animation Director Takashi Torii Animation Director 伊藤友沙 Background Designer 小長井美南 Key Animation かわむらあきお Key Animation 林隆洋 Key Animation 清水麻未 Key Animation 永野裕大 Key Animation TOMATO Key Animation 佐藤綾香 Animation Takehiro Miura Key Animation 秋月彩 Animation Director 萩尾圭太 Animation Director Takeshi Matsuda Key Animation Tsutomu Uchida Background Designer 斉藤寛 Key Animation 猪瀬富士夫 Key Animation 坂口翔哉 Key Animation 和田伸一 Key Animation 羅燦然 Key Animation 菅野芳弘 Animation Director たかはし隆子 Key Animation 植田華菜子 Key Animation 正木優太 Key Animation Moe Wada Key Animation 古住千秋 Animation Director たかはし隆子 Animation Director Kim Yeon-hee Key Animation Seiko Asai Animation Director 横松雄馬 Animation Director 山口仁七 Animation Director 中田洵輝 Background Designer 斉藤亮 Key Animation 池津寿恵 Key Animation 谷口工作 Key Animation Nozomi Goto Key Animation 森公太 Key Animation Tomomi Ishikawa Animation Director Takehiro Miura Animation Director 斉藤亮 Animation Director Tatsuyuki Maeda Animation Director 志賀道憲 Key Animation 大野泰江 Key Animation 藤原千帆 Key Animation 東島久志 Animation Director 渡邊敬介 Animation Director 錦見楽 Animation Director 久松沙紀 Animation Director Tomomi Ishikawa Character Designer 寺尾憲治 Animation Director 徳丸輝明 Key Animation Manami Azuta Background Designer 田辺孝明 Key Animation 山村俊了 Key Animation Yu Matsuno Key Animation 阿部尚人 Key Animation 増田俊介 Key Animation 山田聖実 Assistant Editor 高瀬さやか Animation Director 渡邊敬介 Key Animation 坪井健太 Background Designer 澤井真紀 Key Animation 斎藤亮太 Key Animation Yusuke Kawabe Key Animation Shinichi Mogi Key Animation Mitsuna Fukasawa Online Editor 井上敦子 Key Animation 佐々木啓悟 Opening/Ending Animation 金子敦史 Thanks 岸祐弥 Production Assistant Kota Moroishi Key Animation 松村康功 Key Animation 石橋啓 Special Effects Yasunori Mori Music Producer Wataru Hashimoto Associate Producer 増田哲弥 Key Animation Mayuko Yamamoto Key Animation 정영훈 Key Animation Takehiro Miura Opening/Ending Animation Tatsuyuki Maeda Opening/Ending Animation 萩尾圭太 Key Animation 後藤亮太 Background Designer 中岡響香 Key Animation 川崎愛香 Key Animation 伊藤幸 Key Animation 山口貴之 Sound Mixer Yumiko Yamamoto Key Animation 高瀬さやか Key Animation Tatsuyuki Maeda Key Animation 佐藤人美 Key Animation 正金寺直子 Key Animation 大貫巧 Key Animation 長川薫 Key Animation 武佐友紀子 Key Animation Go Suzuki Key Animation 青木睦希 Assistant Director of Photography Toshiyuki Tsuchiya Associate Producer 南綾香 Online Editor 奥田陽介 Opening/Ending Animation Tetsuya Kawakami Thanks 谷内優穂 Thanks 中山信宏 Executive Producer 櫻井理恵 Online Editor 足立慎吾 Thanks Akihisa Shibuya Line Producer Lu Yao Background Designer 鈴木克 Key Animation 島田英明 Key Animation Go Suzuki Opening/Ending Animation 川村敏江 Key Animation Hikaru Yamamoku Assistant Director of Photography Ayako Kono Opening/Ending Animation 河東努 Dolby Consultant Yasukazu Kawai Associate Producer Kazuma Miki Executive Producer 大澤信博 Executive Producer Yosuke Futami Producer Katsushi Morita Key Animation Kaito Hashimoto Key Animation Kento Toya Opening/Ending Animation 柳隆太 Thanks Ryutaro Kawakami Producer Keisuke Hirai Producer Kaoru Adachi Producer Takumi Niwa Animation Daisuke Mizuguchi Animation Yoshihiro Togo Animation Miyaka Misawa Production Assistant Misako Otsu Compositing Artist Shunsuke Tsukahara Compositing Artist 斎藤久 Key Animation Yukimi Iwamoto Compositing Artist Naoki Ishikawa Compositing Artist 藤原航毅 Compositing Artist 山田晃 Storyboard Artist Ayako Kono Second Unit Director Ayako Kono Storyboard Artist 小原正和 Second Unit Director TOMATO Animation Director 小原正和 Storyboard Artist 甲斐泰之 Storyboard Artist 臼井篤史 Second Unit Director 木澤行人 Screenplay 山田晃 Second Unit Director 甲斐泰之 Second Unit Director 秋山優 Compositing Artist Mayuko Fukazawa Compositing Artist Takaya Onuma Compositing Artist Kimihiro Nakano Compositing Artist 高橋賢司 Compositing Artist Haruka Serizawa Compositing Artist Minako Maeda Compositing Artist Naoyuki Wada Compositing Artist Daichi Nogami Compositing Artist Kazuki Saito Compositing Artist 小寺翔太 Compositing Artist Saori Kezuka Compositing Artist Masatsugu Yamazaki Compositing Artist 長谷川奈穂 Compositing Artist Shiho Imaizumi Compositing Artist 小島千幸 Compositing Artist Yusuke Horie Compositing Artist Takeshi Ishizu Compositing Artist Hiroki Takano Compositing Artist Ryota Shinkai Production Assistant 梶浦由記 Original Music Composer Ayako Kono Director Kento Toya Character Designer 甲斐泰之 Action Director Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Kirito (voice) Haruka Tomatsu Asuna "Asuna" Yuuki (voice) Inori Minase Misumi "Mito" Tozawa (voice) Kōichi Yamadera Akihiko Kayaba (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto Agil (voice) Nobuyuki Hiyama Diabel (voice) 日高里菜 Silica (voice) Ryūsei Nakao Mito Avatar (Voice) Tomokazu Seki Kibaou (voice) 井澤詩織 Argo (voice) Hiroaki Hirata Klein (voice) 小林さやか Akiyo Sada (voice) Megumi Hayashibara Kyouko Yuuki (voice) 山路和弘 Shouzou Yuuki (voice) Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night (Trailer 120") ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  4. Descrizione Guida il tuo gruppo di avventurieri in stile DnD in un'impresa epica narrata da Laura Bailey. Invita i tuoi amici gratuitamente al gruppo con il Friends Pass o parti da solo. Collaborazione, tradimento e fortuna dei dadi... quali avventure selvagge intraprenderai tu e i tuoi compagni? La gente di Aria ha vissuto in pace, fino a oggi! Solo tu e i tuoi compagni di squadra potete impedire alle forze del male di conquistare il regno e usurpare il trono della regina Julia! Tuffati nell'ignoto e vivi i tuoi sogni di guidare il tuo gruppo di avventurieri. Ispirato ai giochi di ruolo da tavolo, vivi una storia di caos e cospirazione nel regno di Aria dove le tue scelte fanno la differenza. Vivi un'avventura in gruppo Con il gioco online, locale e multipiattaforma, invita i tuoi amici al tuo gruppo gratuitamente con il Friends Pass. Quale ruolo assumeranno durante il viaggio? Quali ruoli svolgeranno durante il viaggio? Collaborate per completare capitoli epici pieni di colpi di scena, quindi tirate i dadi per tentare la fortuna. È stato un successo decisivo?! Oops... forse no. Ma non preoccupatevi! Potete rigiocare i capitoli per scoprire tutti i possibili finali e segreti nascosti, non importa quanto caotici siano gli esiti. Collaborazione o tradimento? Valutate la situazione con i vostri compagni di squadra: quali scelte dovreste fare per andare avanti? Convincete il vostro gruppo a schierarsi dalla vostra parte o traditeli tutti all'ultimo minuto. Potreste aver detto che sareste stati buoni e avreste seguito la legge, ma cosa succederebbe se lasciaste emergere il vostro lato malvagio? Questa è una storia di cospirazione e caos in cui le vostre scelte possono cambiare tutto, quindi non abbiate paura di creare un po' di dramma tutto vostro. Ispirato ai giochi di ruolo Gioca come uno dei 12 personaggi, ognuno con le proprie abilità e personalità speciali, dal Mago al Mercante. Crea la squadra perfetta per aiutarti a progredire nella storia. Incontra una varietà di creature magiche e PNG, tutti ispirati ai giochi di ruolo da tavolo. E non dimenticare di raccogliere tutti i tesori e gli oggetti leggendari che potresti scoprire durante le tue avventure. Ti serviranno per trionfare sui pericoli che affronterai! Caratteristiche: - Gioca da solo o con un massimo di 4 persone in modalità online, locale e multipiattaforma. - I tuoi amici possono unirsi a te gratuitamente con il Friends Pass! - Porta a termine una missione leggendaria in un mondo fantasy pieno di drammi narrati da Laura Bailey! - Collabora per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi come una squadra o pianifica i tuoi guadagni. - Tira i dadi per rivelare l'esito delle tue scelte. - Interpreta il ruolo che preferisci! Scegli tra 12 personaggi, ognuno con un set di abilità, personalità e voce unici. - Un'esperienza da tavolo che prende vita! Immergiti nei dungeon e incontra creature e personaggi ispirati ai giochi di ruolo da tavolo fantasy. - Salpa in mare aperto, fatti strada tra tetre miniere, prendi il controllo di una piccola attività che vende idromele: Aria è piena zeppa di luoghi emozionanti da esplorare! - Ricco di rigiocabilità, rilancia i dadi e racconta la storia in modi completamente nuovi. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
  5. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria N.7 - Ottobre-Novembre 2024 Italiano | 84 pagine | PDF | 77.4 MB Download Links Filestore - Dailyuploads
  6. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria N.6 - Agosto-Settembre 2024 Italiano | 84 pagine | PDF | 70.1 MB Download Links Filestore - Dailyuploads
  7. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria - 23 Luglio 2024 Italiano | 84 pagine | PDF | 68.7 MB Download Links Filestore - Dailyuploads
  8. Ricchi e Poveri – Aria [singolo] (2024) INFORMATION Artist........Ricchi e Poveri Name of track........Aria Year........2024 Genre........Pop Size........9.1 mb Codec........mp3 - 320Kbps TRACKLIST Aria DOWNLOAD
  9. Artista: Marcella Bella Album: Nell'aria Anno: 1983 Genere: Pop Qualità: Mp3 320 Kbps Tracce: 1 - Nell'Aria 2 - La Battaglia 3 - Miao 4 - Quel Muro 5 - Sesso E Amore 6 - Di Nuovo In Volo 7 - Non Mi Avrai 8 - Ancora Tu Password: muw
  10. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria N.4 - Aprile-Maggio 2024 Italiano | 84 pagine | PDF | 83.9 MB Download Links Filestore - Katfile
  11. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Aria Stagione 3    Episodi 13         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Anno terrestre 2301: sono ormai passati 150 anni da quando Marte è stato terraformato. Al pianeta è stato dato il nuovo nome di Aqua a causa dello scioglimento della quasi totalità dei suoi ghiacci, cosa che gli ha anche portato il soprannome di "pianeta dell'acqua", mentre alla Terra è stato dato il nuovo nome di Man-Home. Akari Mizunashi è una giovane terrestre che si trasferisce su Aqua per imparare il mestiere di Undine, le gondoliere che fanno da guida turistica a Neo Venezia, riproduzione dell'antica Venezia terrestre ormai completamente sommersa. Nella "città sull'acqua", che non presenta ancora le innovazioni tecnologiche ormai parte della quotidianità sul pianeta madre, s'intrecciano le vicende di Akari, diventata apprendista all'Aria Company, e delle persone che incontra nel suo cammino verso il professionismo. Masayuki Onji Supervising Animation Director Yukako Inoue Music Producer Kenichi Tajiri Art Direction Toshiaki Asaka Producer Yoshikazu Beniya Producer Kaoru Matsumoto 3D Artist Tsuyoshi Yoshida Thanks Takahiro Natori Second Assistant Director Shinsaku Hatta Thanks Kenichi Takeshita Assistant Director Toshio Iizuka Producer Shinya Tagashira Producer Kentaro Tsubone Editor Masatsugu Arakawa Layout Supervisor Yoshiyuki Matsunaga Thanks Kazunori Okuda Online Editor Emi Maruo Online Editor Junichi Sato Series Composition Tetsuo Uchida Producer Junichi Sato Series Director Makoto Koga Character Designer Masao Fukuda Music Producer Toshiya Wada Sound Effects Takeshi Senoo Original Music Composer Hiroshi Yoshida Director of Photography Yasuhiro Mikami Thanks Sumihiro Kamitamari Thanks Hiroaki Yoshida Thanks Yoshitaka Hashimoto Thanks Nobue Yoshinaga Casting Kimitaka Kawasaki Sound Recordist Yoshimi Kawakami Color Designer Yui Makino Theme Song Performance Choro Club Musician Takeshi Senoo Musician Choro Club Original Music Composer Kozue Amano Comic Book Eri Kawai Vocals Erino Hazuki Akari Mizunashi (voice) Chiwa Saito Aika S. Granzchesta (voice) Ryo Hirohashi Alice Carroll (voice) Sayaka Ohara Alicia Florence (voice) Chinami Nishimura Aria Pokoteng (voice) Kaori Mizuhashi Ai Aino / Hime M. Granzchesta (voice) Episodi: 13  In onda il: 2008-01-08 1: That Imminent Spring Breeze... As winter melts into spring, Akari, Aika and Alice all continue to practice and set new goals for themselves. But Akari still feels like she isn't good enough to become a Prima. Will she or any of the girls ever be truly satisfied with their talents? 1: That Imminent Spring Breeze... In onda il: 2008-01-08 As winter melts into spring, Akari, Aika and Alice all continue to practice and set new goals for themselves. But Akari still feels like she isn't good enough to become a Prima. Will she or any of the girls ever be truly satisfied with their talents? In onda il: 2008-01-15 2: That Smiling Customer... Someone has requested Akari for a gondola tour! An old woman with a kind smile says that she'd like to see a side of Neo-Venezia that only Akari can show her. Akari takes her to many unique spots, but the woman already seems familiar with them all... 2: That Smiling Customer... In onda il: 2008-01-15 Someone has requested Akari for a gondola tour! An old woman with a kind smile says that she'd like to see a side of Neo-Venezia that only Akari can show her. Akari takes her to many unique spots, but the woman already seems familiar with them all... In onda il: 2008-01-22 3: Those Feelings Within... A new vendor has opened up shop in Piazza San Marco, selling heart-shaped chocolates in glass bottles. Akari buys a bottle, and later goes to buy another, but by then, the patissier has mysteriously disappeared. Where did he go, and will he ever return? 3: Those Feelings Within... In onda il: 2008-01-22 A new vendor has opened up shop in Piazza San Marco, selling heart-shaped chocolates in glass bottles. Akari buys a bottle, and later goes to buy another, but by then, the patissier has mysteriously disappeared. Where did he go, and will he ever return? In onda il: 2008-01-29 4: Those Who Aim for Tomorrow... Akari wants to help out more around the Aria Company, but she's only a Single. So Alicia suggests she try her hand at working on a Traghetto! A Traghetto is a ferry-style gondola run exclusively by Singles. Will Akari be up to the challenge? 4: Those Who Aim for Tomorrow... In onda il: 2008-01-29 Akari wants to help out more around the Aria Company, but she's only a Single. So Alicia suggests she try her hand at working on a Traghetto! A Traghetto is a ferry-style gondola run exclusively by Singles. Will Akari be up to the challenge? In onda il: 2008-02-05 5: That Keepsake Clover... Athena and Alicia both have wonderful talents, but what about Akira? For that matter, what about Aika? Aika gets discouraged, thinking that maybe she doesn't have any natural talent, but Akira has an old story to tell that might lift Aika's spirits. 5: That Keepsake Clover... In onda il: 2008-02-05 Athena and Alicia both have wonderful talents, but what about Akira? For that matter, what about Aika? Aika gets discouraged, thinking that maybe she doesn't have any natural talent, but Akira has an old story to tell that might lift Aika's spirits. In onda il: 2008-02-12 6: That Wonderful Extracurricular Lesson... Akari can be a bit clumsy and makes plenty of mistakes, but it seems like Alicia never gets angry with her. Alice makes it her mission to see how Alicia handles Akari's faults, and to see if it's true that no matter what, she never scolds Akari. 6: That Wonderful Extracurricular Lesson... In onda il: 2008-02-12 Akari can be a bit clumsy and makes plenty of mistakes, but it seems like Alicia never gets angry with her. Alice makes it her mission to see how Alicia handles Akari's faults, and to see if it's true that no matter what, she never scolds Akari. In onda il: 2008-02-19 7: In That Gently Passing Time... Akari and Alicia are going to visit Anna, the woman who trained with Alicia in the early days of the Aria Company! Many memories will be shared on this visit, including how the Aria Company itself was first founded. 7: In That Gently Passing Time... In onda il: 2008-02-19 Akari and Alicia are going to visit Anna, the woman who trained with Alicia in the early days of the Aria Company! Many memories will be shared on this visit, including how the Aria Company itself was first founded. In onda il: 2008-02-26 8: The Memories of That Precious Person... Alice and Athena are going on a picnic! Alice chooses a date and makes all sorts of elaborate plans... but Athena gets overloaded with work, and can't come. Athena tries to chase after Alice to apologize, but trips and falls - and somehow loses her memory! 8: The Memories of That Precious Person... In onda il: 2008-02-26 Alice and Athena are going on a picnic! Alice chooses a date and makes all sorts of elaborate plans... but Athena gets overloaded with work, and can't come. Athena tries to chase after Alice to apologize, but trips and falls - and somehow loses her memory! In onda il: 2008-03-04 9: Surrounded by That Orange Wind... Alice has just graduated from middle school. She feels confident, and excited about what's to come. And then, Athena suggests that they finally go on the picnic that they've been planning for so long. Alice's world is about to change... 9: Surrounded by That Orange Wind... In onda il: 2008-03-04 Alice has just graduated from middle school. She feels confident, and excited about what's to come. And then, Athena suggests that they finally go on the picnic that they've been planning for so long. Alice's world is about to change... In onda il: 2008-03-11 10: The Excitement on That Moon-Gazing Night... Akari, Aika and Alice decide to partake in an old Manhome tradition, Moon-watching. Aika secretly invited Al to their get-together, but he hasn't shown up yet. Aika goes to look for him, but she has no idea what surprises the night has in store. 10: The Excitement on That Moon-Gazing Night... In onda il: 2008-03-11 Akari, Aika and Alice decide to partake in an old Manhome tradition, Moon-watching. Aika secretly invited Al to their get-together, but he hasn't shown up yet. Aika goes to look for him, but she has no idea what surprises the night has in store. In onda il: 2008-03-18 11: Those Ever-Changing Days... Alice is so busy now; every waking moment is full of appointments and work. Though she enjoys the life she has now, she still misses the time that she spent with her friends. It's starting to feel like she might never see Akari and Aika again. 11: Those Ever-Changing Days... In onda il: 2008-03-18 Alice is so busy now; every waking moment is full of appointments and work. Though she enjoys the life she has now, she still misses the time that she spent with her friends. It's starting to feel like she might never see Akari and Aika again. In onda il: 2008-03-25 12: Embraced by That Blue Sea and Wind... As Akari and Aika leave for practice one cold winter morning, Aika has something to tell Akari. The two of them can't practice together anymore... As if that shock weren't enough, Alicia has something important to say as well. 12: Embraced by That Blue Sea and Wind... In onda il: 2008-03-25 As Akari and Aika leave for practice one cold winter morning, Aika has something to tell Akari. The two of them can't practice together anymore... As if that shock weren't enough, Alicia has something important to say as well. In onda il: 2008-04-01 13: To That New Beginning... Over the years, the Aria Company has changed. First it was Grandma's Aria Company, then it was Alicia's, and someday, it will be Akari's Aria Company. But that day might come sooner than Akari expected. Will she be ready for the future that lies ahead? 13: To That New Beginning... In onda il: 2008-04-01 Over the years, the Aria Company has changed. First it was Grandma's Aria Company, then it was Alicia's, and someday, it will be Akari's Aria Company. But that day might come sooner than Akari expected. Will she be ready for the future that lies ahead? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  12. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Aria Stagione 2    Episodi 26         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Anno terrestre 2301: sono ormai passati 150 anni da quando Marte è stato terraformato. Al pianeta è stato dato il nuovo nome di Aqua a causa dello scioglimento della quasi totalità dei suoi ghiacci, cosa che gli ha anche portato il soprannome di "pianeta dell'acqua", mentre alla Terra è stato dato il nuovo nome di Man-Home. Akari Mizunashi è una giovane terrestre che si trasferisce su Aqua per imparare il mestiere di Undine, le gondoliere che fanno da guida turistica a Neo Venezia, riproduzione dell'antica Venezia terrestre ormai completamente sommersa. Nella "città sull'acqua", che non presenta ancora le innovazioni tecnologiche ormai parte della quotidianità sul pianeta madre, s'intrecciano le vicende di Akari, diventata apprendista all'Aria Company, e delle persone che incontra nel suo cammino verso il professionismo. Masayuki Onji Supervising Animation Director Yukako Inoue Music Producer Kenichi Tajiri Art Direction Toshiaki Asaka Producer Yoshikazu Beniya Producer Kaoru Matsumoto 3D Artist Tsuyoshi Yoshida Thanks Takahiro Natori Second Assistant Director Shinsaku Hatta Thanks Kenichi Takeshita Assistant Director Toshio Iizuka Producer Shinya Tagashira Producer Kentaro Tsubone Editor Masatsugu Arakawa Layout Supervisor Yoshiyuki Matsunaga Thanks Kazunori Okuda Online Editor Emi Maruo Online Editor Junichi Sato Series Composition Tetsuo Uchida Producer Junichi Sato Series Director Makoto Koga Character Designer Masao Fukuda Music Producer Toshiya Wada Sound Effects Takeshi Senoo Original Music Composer Hiroshi Yoshida Director of Photography Yasuhiro Mikami Thanks Sumihiro Kamitamari Thanks Hiroaki Yoshida Thanks Yoshitaka Hashimoto Thanks Nobue Yoshinaga Casting Kimitaka Kawasaki Sound Recordist Yoshimi Kawakami Color Designer Yui Makino Theme Song Performance Choro Club Musician Takeshi Senoo Musician Choro Club Original Music Composer Kozue Amano Comic Book Eri Kawai Vocals Erino Hazuki Akari Mizunashi (voice) Chiwa Saito Aika S. Granzchesta (voice) Ryo Hirohashi Alice Carroll (voice) Sayaka Ohara Alicia Florence (voice) Chinami Nishimura Aria Pokoteng (voice) Kaori Mizuhashi Ai Aino / Hime M. Granzchesta (voice) Episodi: 26  In onda il: 2006-04-02 1: That Encounter at the Carnevale... Two wonderful things have happened: it's time for Neo-Venezia's annual Carnevale, and Ai has come back to Aqua for a visit! As Akari and Ai wander through streets full of bright colors and beautiful masks, they catch a glimpse of Casanova, the mysterious master of ceremonies. Who is the man behind the mask? The two are curious, but they'll need to be careful. You know what they say about curiosity and the cat, after all... 1: That Encounter at the Carnevale... In onda il: 2006-04-02 Two wonderful things have happened: it's time for Neo-Venezia's annual Carnevale, and Ai has come back to Aqua for a visit! As Akari and Ai wander through streets full of bright colors and beautiful masks, they catch a glimpse of Casanova, the mysterious master of ceremonies. Who is the man behind the mask? The two are curious, but they'll need to be careful. You know what they say about curiosity and the cat, after all... In onda il: 2006-04-09 2: Looking for That Treasure... Spring is beginning to bloom in Neo-Venezia, bringing with it sunshine and warm breezes. Akari, Aika and Alice are out practicing their sculling when they find a small treasure box hidden by a statue. Inside there's a a simple little riddle that sends them off on a treasure hunt that spans the entire city! What sort of riches await them at the finish line? 2: Looking for That Treasure... In onda il: 2006-04-09 Spring is beginning to bloom in Neo-Venezia, bringing with it sunshine and warm breezes. Akari, Aika and Alice are out practicing their sculling when they find a small treasure box hidden by a statue. Inside there's a a simple little riddle that sends them off on a treasure hunt that spans the entire city! What sort of riches await them at the finish line? In onda il: 2006-04-16 3: That Night of the Meteor Shower... There's going to be a meteor shower, and Akari, Aika and Alice have made plans to watch it together. But this time, there's a little twist - Al, one of Neo-Venezia's gravity-controlling Gnomes, will be there as well. Even though he's shorter than the girls, he's actually three years their senior; and he knows all about physics, planets, and the beauty of the universe. What he doesn't seem to know, however, is how Aika feels whenever she's with him. 3: That Night of the Meteor Shower... In onda il: 2006-04-16 There's going to be a meteor shower, and Akari, Aika and Alice have made plans to watch it together. But this time, there's a little twist - Al, one of Neo-Venezia's gravity-controlling Gnomes, will be there as well. Even though he's shorter than the girls, he's actually three years their senior; and he knows all about physics, planets, and the beauty of the universe. What he doesn't seem to know, however, is how Aika feels whenever she's with him. In onda il: 2006-04-23 4: That Neo-Venezia–Colored Heart... The mailman's gondola is being repaired, so just for today, Akari is making the rounds with him to get the job done. As she learns the ins and outs of what it means to be a mail carrier, she meets a boy who needs his letter delivered at any cost. Whatever the envelope he's holding contains, it's very close to his heart. 4: That Neo-Venezia–Colored Heart... In onda il: 2006-04-23 The mailman's gondola is being repaired, so just for today, Akari is making the rounds with him to get the job done. As she learns the ins and outs of what it means to be a mail carrier, she meets a boy who needs his letter delivered at any cost. Whatever the envelope he's holding contains, it's very close to his heart. In onda il: 2006-04-30 5: The Wonder of That Rainy Day... / The Discoveries on That Spring Day... Akari and Alicia are visiting a shrine that looks just like the old Japanese shrines on Manhome. Though the grounds are beautiful, there's also a hint of mystery and danger in the air... Later, they are wandering on a different island, looking for a beautiful spot that Alicia once saw. But the farther they go, the less certain their path becomes. How do you reach your destination when you don't know the way there? 5: The Wonder of That Rainy Day... / The Discoveries on That Spring Day... In onda il: 2006-04-30 Akari and Alicia are visiting a shrine that looks just like the old Japanese shrines on Manhome. Though the grounds are beautiful, there's also a hint of mystery and danger in the air... Later, they are wandering on a different island, looking for a beautiful spot that Alicia once saw. But the farther they go, the less certain their path becomes. How do you reach your destination when you don't know the way there? In onda il: 2006-05-07 6: The Smile Reflected in that Mirror... Something's strange about Alice... Athena has noticed that Alice doesn't really seem to have any friends her own age. If she's not with Akari and Aika, she's simply alone. In fact, when Alice receives an invitation to a party with other Orange Planet Pairs, she flatly rejects it. It's up to Aika and Akari to get to the bottom of Alice's puzzling behavior. 6: The Smile Reflected in that Mirror... In onda il: 2006-05-07 Something's strange about Alice... Athena has noticed that Alice doesn't really seem to have any friends her own age. If she's not with Akari and Aika, she's simply alone. In fact, when Alice receives an invitation to a party with other Orange Planet Pairs, she flatly rejects it. It's up to Aika and Akari to get to the bottom of Alice's puzzling behavior. In onda il: 2006-05-14 7: To the Kingdom of Cats... While practicing one day, the girls see President Aria in his own little gondola. But he doesn't see them... instead, he disappears down a canal that's normally closed off. According to Alicia, there's an old legend on Manhome that tells of the Kingdom of Cats, a strange realm that people aren't allowed to enter. Could such a place really exist? 7: To the Kingdom of Cats... In onda il: 2006-05-14 While practicing one day, the girls see President Aria in his own little gondola. But he doesn't see them... instead, he disappears down a canal that's normally closed off. According to Alicia, there's an old legend on Manhome that tells of the Kingdom of Cats, a strange realm that people aren't allowed to enter. Could such a place really exist? In onda il: 2006-05-21 8: The Day of Festa del Bocolo... Another wonderful holiday has arrived: Festa Del Bocolo! This day is a celebration of an ages-old story on Manhome, about a knight whose love for his lady lived on after his death in the form of a rose. In Neo-Venezia, that means that women everywhere receive roses from the people who admire them. Akatsuki wants to give Alicia as many roses as he can, but he's too nervous to deliver them (even though he'd never admit it). Will Akari be able to help? 8: The Day of Festa del Bocolo... In onda il: 2006-05-21 Another wonderful holiday has arrived: Festa Del Bocolo! This day is a celebration of an ages-old story on Manhome, about a knight whose love for his lady lived on after his death in the form of a rose. In Neo-Venezia, that means that women everywhere receive roses from the people who admire them. Akatsuki wants to give Alicia as many roses as he can, but he's too nervous to deliver them (even though he'd never admit it). Will Akari be able to help? In onda il: 2006-05-28 9: Those Honest Stars... Akari is taking customers out for a tour! Alicia is along to help, of course, and it's a good thing she's there. When the tourists start asking questions that Akari doesn't know the answers to, Alicia answers them with ease... but this worries Akari. Will she ever know the city as well as Alicia? This sparks a fire in Aika and Alice as well - they've decided to compete to see which one of them knows the most hidden wonders in Neo-Venezia. 9: Those Honest Stars... In onda il: 2006-05-28 Akari is taking customers out for a tour! Alicia is along to help, of course, and it's a good thing she's there. When the tourists start asking questions that Akari doesn't know the answers to, Alicia answers them with ease... but this worries Akari. Will she ever know the city as well as Alicia? This sparks a fire in Aika and Alice as well - they've decided to compete to see which one of them knows the most hidden wonders in Neo-Venezia. In onda il: 2006-06-04 10: That Heartwarming Town and Its People... Even though Akari is originally from Manhome, she seems to know more people in Neo-Venezia than Aika and Alice do, and they've lived on Aqua all their lives. No matter where she is, Akari has the ability to befriend any stranger. To learn more about this mysterious power Akari has, Aika and Alice decide to follow her in secret... but they might have to blow their cover once Akari innocently starts talking to a dangerous-looking man in black! 10: That Heartwarming Town and Its People... In onda il: 2006-06-04 Even though Akari is originally from Manhome, she seems to know more people in Neo-Venezia than Aika and Alice do, and they've lived on Aqua all their lives. No matter where she is, Akari has the ability to befriend any stranger. To learn more about this mysterious power Akari has, Aika and Alice decide to follow her in secret... but they might have to blow their cover once Akari innocently starts talking to a dangerous-looking man in black! In onda il: 2006-06-11 11: That Precious Sparkle... Akari has been given her very first solo job: carrying a shipment of Neo-Venezian glassware. They're beautiful pieces that sparkle in the sun, but the glassmaker's apprentice has a disposition that's anything but bright. He's sour and angry, and he's the one who'll be traveling with Akari as she delivers the shipment. Will Akari be able to handle the pressure of fragile cargo and a critical taskmaster? 11: That Precious Sparkle... In onda il: 2006-06-11 Akari has been given her very first solo job: carrying a shipment of Neo-Venezian glassware. They're beautiful pieces that sparkle in the sun, but the glassmaker's apprentice has a disposition that's anything but bright. He's sour and angry, and he's the one who'll be traveling with Akari as she delivers the shipment. Will Akari be able to handle the pressure of fragile cargo and a critical taskmaster? In onda il: 2006-06-18 12: Chasing That Mirage... / The Light from That Nightshine Chime... Summer is blazing in Neo-Venezia. The days are so hot that Akari is starting to see things... One minute, she's walking down a crowded street, and the next, everyone is gone. Following President Aria in a haze, Akari wanders into a mysterious cafe, with a very unusual clientele... Later, the girls all decide to buy Nightshine Chimes, delicate little wind chimes with a glowing bead inside. The glow only lasts for a month before it fades, so Akari decides to make the most of the time she has. 12: Chasing That Mirage... / The Light from That Nightshine Chime... In onda il: 2006-06-18 Summer is blazing in Neo-Venezia. The days are so hot that Akari is starting to see things... One minute, she's walking down a crowded street, and the next, everyone is gone. Following President Aria in a haze, Akari wanders into a mysterious cafe, with a very unusual clientele... Later, the girls all decide to buy Nightshine Chimes, delicate little wind chimes with a glowing bead inside. The glow only lasts for a month before it fades, so Akari decides to make the most of the time she has. In onda il: 2006-06-25 13: Those Really Self-Imposed Rules... Alice has created a new challenge for herself: when she walks home from school, she can only step on shadows. This is an ironclad law for her - but try as she might, she keeps failing. Even worse, Athena interferes by trying to help out. Alice's self-imposed challenge is something that she must conquer alone, or so she thinks; but maybe there's more to success than just doing everything by yourself. 13: Those Really Self-Imposed Rules... In onda il: 2006-06-25 Alice has created a new challenge for herself: when she walks home from school, she can only step on shadows. This is an ironclad law for her - but try as she might, she keeps failing. Even worse, Athena interferes by trying to help out. Alice's self-imposed challenge is something that she must conquer alone, or so she thinks; but maybe there's more to success than just doing everything by yourself. In onda il: 2006-07-02 14: That Newest Memory... Many of the water touring companies in Neo-Venezia have their own palina - a tall, decorated pole used to hitch gondolas. But strangely, the Aria Company doesn't have one. When Akari asks Alicia about it, Alicia gives her full permission to make a palina of her own! It's tough work building something from scratch, but Akari is determined to make the best palina possible. 14: That Newest Memory... In onda il: 2006-07-02 Many of the water touring companies in Neo-Venezia have their own palina - a tall, decorated pole used to hitch gondolas. But strangely, the Aria Company doesn't have one. When Akari asks Alicia about it, Alicia gives her full permission to make a palina of her own! It's tough work building something from scratch, but Akari is determined to make the best palina possible. In onda il: 2006-07-09 15: The Center of That Large Circle... Even though Akari is relatively new to Neo-Venezia, most of her friends have lived in the quiet island town all their lives. One sunny afternoon, as Akari, Akatsuki, Akria and Al are all eating lunch together, Al tells a story about when they were children, and the mysterious young boy who put Akatsuki squarely in his place. 15: The Center of That Large Circle... In onda il: 2006-07-09 Even though Akari is relatively new to Neo-Venezia, most of her friends have lived in the quiet island town all their lives. One sunny afternoon, as Akari, Akatsuki, Akria and Al are all eating lunch together, Al tells a story about when they were children, and the mysterious young boy who put Akatsuki squarely in his place. In onda il: 2006-07-16 16: Parting with That Gondola... When Akari takes her gondola in for a routine inspection, she's given some startling news - the repairman tells her that the gondola is now too old and worn for tourism use, and should be sold off for hauling cargo. Although she at first resists, Akari knows that the repairman is right; so she decides to travel with her gondola to all the wonderful places that she's been, as a way of saying goodbye. 16: Parting with That Gondola... In onda il: 2006-07-16 When Akari takes her gondola in for a routine inspection, she's given some startling news - the repairman tells her that the gondola is now too old and worn for tourism use, and should be sold off for hauling cargo. Although she at first resists, Akari knows that the repairman is right; so she decides to travel with her gondola to all the wonderful places that she's been, as a way of saying goodbye. In onda il: 2006-07-23 17: After That Rainy Night... On the night before her old gondola is set to be taken away, Akari and Alicia decide to have an evening picnic out on the water. As they laugh and talk, Alicia tells her stories of the gondola, and how it was an important part of her life as an apprentice, as well. 17: After That Rainy Night... In onda il: 2006-07-23 On the night before her old gondola is set to be taken away, Akari and Alicia decide to have an evening picnic out on the water. As they laugh and talk, Alicia tells her stories of the gondola, and how it was an important part of her life as an apprentice, as well. In onda il: 2006-07-30 18: That New Me... Aika is proud of her long, beautiful hair, and takes care of it as best she can... but things don't always go the way we want. One afternoon, while everyone is enjoying a cook-out on the beach, Aika leans in a little too close to the grill, and her hair catches on fire! No one is hurt, but her long beautiful locks are a lost cause. How will the hot-tempered Aika handle losing something that was so precious to her? 18: That New Me... In onda il: 2006-07-30 Aika is proud of her long, beautiful hair, and takes care of it as best she can... but things don't always go the way we want. One afternoon, while everyone is enjoying a cook-out on the beach, Aika leans in a little too close to the grill, and her hair catches on fire! No one is hurt, but her long beautiful locks are a lost cause. How will the hot-tempered Aika handle losing something that was so precious to her? In onda il: 2006-08-06 19: That Crybaby... / That Young Girl's Heart... Aika is stuck in bed after catching a cold. She wonders about Akari and Alice... Are they slacking off without her? Surely they're lost without her guidance! So she sneaks out of bed one day to go take a peek... Later, Aika has a cute new set of hairpins, and she'd like to show them to Al. But she can't find the chance to visit him, and it's bothering her more than it should. Why does her heart ache when she thinks about it? 19: That Crybaby... / That Young Girl's Heart... In onda il: 2006-08-06 Aika is stuck in bed after catching a cold. She wonders about Akari and Alice... Are they slacking off without her? Surely they're lost without her guidance! So she sneaks out of bed one day to go take a peek... Later, Aika has a cute new set of hairpins, and she'd like to show them to Al. But she can't find the chance to visit him, and it's bothering her more than it should. Why does her heart ache when she thinks about it? In onda il: 2006-08-13 20: That Shadowless Invitation... The whole town is sizzling in a strong summer heat wave, and the girls are doing the best they can to beat the heat. But then, Akari spots a woman dressed all in black, with even her face covered with a thick black veil. Aika tells Akari a Manhome legend about the spirit of a woman dressed in black, who was angered that she couldn't be buried on San Michele Island. Supposedly the ghost spirits away any gondolier foolish enough to take her on board... but that's only an old story, right? 20: That Shadowless Invitation... In onda il: 2006-08-13 The whole town is sizzling in a strong summer heat wave, and the girls are doing the best they can to beat the heat. But then, Akari spots a woman dressed all in black, with even her face covered with a thick black veil. Aika tells Akari a Manhome legend about the spirit of a woman dressed in black, who was angered that she couldn't be buried on San Michele Island. Supposedly the ghost spirits away any gondolier foolish enough to take her on board... but that's only an old story, right? In onda il: 2006-08-20 21: That Night of the Galaxy Express... In the still of the night, Akari is woken up by the distant sound of a train. But Neo-Venezia's trains don't run at that hour, so what was it she heard? And to make matters even more mysterious, the next day, President Aria gifts her with a train ticket. It would seem Akari is about to have another brush with the secretive spirit, Cait Sith... 21: That Night of the Galaxy Express... In onda il: 2006-08-20 In the still of the night, Akari is woken up by the distant sound of a train. But Neo-Venezia's trains don't run at that hour, so what was it she heard? And to make matters even more mysterious, the next day, President Aria gifts her with a train ticket. It would seem Akari is about to have another brush with the secretive spirit, Cait Sith... In onda il: 2006-08-27 22: That Mysterious World... / That Guardian of Aqua... When Akari innocently suggests that perhaps the little space between two stairs at the Aria Company is a portal to another world, President Aria, ever curious, squeezes through the gap, and pops out on the other side to find a terrifying sight! The second story is a flashback to when Akatsuki was little. He considered himself to be a superhero, but he wasn't quite as heroic as his imagination led him to believe... 22: That Mysterious World... / That Guardian of Aqua... In onda il: 2006-08-27 When Akari innocently suggests that perhaps the little space between two stairs at the Aria Company is a portal to another world, President Aria, ever curious, squeezes through the gap, and pops out on the other side to find a terrifying sight! The second story is a flashback to when Akatsuki was little. He considered himself to be a superhero, but he wasn't quite as heroic as his imagination led him to believe... In onda il: 2006-09-03 23: That Sea, Love, and Heart... As summer begins to wane, Alicia and Akari give a tour to an elderly couple who have come to Neo-Venezia to celebrate their anniversary. Although the woman is sweet and charming, the man is a bit of a grump. He orders her around, doesn't seem interested in sightseeing with his wife, and just acts cranky in general. But things aren't always as they appear... Even though he's tough on the outside, he still wants what's best for his wife, and it's up to the girls to help him set up a celebration that she'll remember always. 23: That Sea, Love, and Heart... In onda il: 2006-09-03 As summer begins to wane, Alicia and Akari give a tour to an elderly couple who have come to Neo-Venezia to celebrate their anniversary. Although the woman is sweet and charming, the man is a bit of a grump. He orders her around, doesn't seem interested in sightseeing with his wife, and just acts cranky in general. But things aren't always as they appear... Even though he's tough on the outside, he still wants what's best for his wife, and it's up to the girls to help him set up a celebration that she'll remember always. In onda il: 2006-09-10 24: Those Undines of Tomorrow... Heavy rain keeps the girls from their usual gondola practice, so instead they spend the day at Himeya. They start off studying at first, but when their minds drift off to what nicknames they'll take as Primas, Akira steps in and gives them some good old-fashioned paperwork to do. Even that can't get Aika down, however... because she's noticed lately that people whisper to each other when she walks past. Does that mean she's finally being recognized for her skills as an Undine? 24: Those Undines of Tomorrow... In onda il: 2006-09-10 Heavy rain keeps the girls from their usual gondola practice, so instead they spend the day at Himeya. They start off studying at first, but when their minds drift off to what nicknames they'll take as Primas, Akira steps in and gives them some good old-fashioned paperwork to do. Even that can't get Aika down, however... because she's noticed lately that people whisper to each other when she walks past. Does that mean she's finally being recognized for her skills as an Undine? In onda il: 2006-09-17 25: The Fruits of That Encounter... Akari, Aika and Alice have been given their latest assignment: they must host a party on the Festa del Redentore! It's a festival that marks the start of autumn, and it's celebrated with feasts and fireworks. They rent a large boat, and start brushing up on their hostess skills, but Akari can't help but be a little distracted. She hasn't heard from Ai in a while, and all her emails have gone unanswered... 25: The Fruits of That Encounter... In onda il: 2006-09-17 Akari, Aika and Alice have been given their latest assignment: they must host a party on the Festa del Redentore! It's a festival that marks the start of autumn, and it's celebrated with feasts and fireworks. They rent a large boat, and start brushing up on their hostess skills, but Akari can't help but be a little distracted. She hasn't heard from Ai in a while, and all her emails have gone unanswered... In onda il: 2006-09-24 26: That White, Kind City... As snow softly covers Neo-Venezia, Akari and Alicia are out for a walk. Akari asks Alicia what she thought as a child - back then, what did she want to be like when she grew up? But in response, Alicia just begins to roll a ball of snow on the ground. As they walk around the city pushing the snowball, it grows bigger and bigger, to the point where people remark on it everywhere they go. Alicia only continues to smile, but it's certain that her answer is hidden there somewhere. 26: That White, Kind City... In onda il: 2006-09-24 As snow softly covers Neo-Venezia, Akari and Alicia are out for a walk. Akari asks Alicia what she thought as a child - back then, what did she want to be like when she grew up? But in response, Alicia just begins to roll a ball of snow on the ground. As they walk around the city pushing the snowball, it grows bigger and bigger, to the point where people remark on it everywhere they go. Alicia only continues to smile, but it's certain that her answer is hidden there somewhere. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  13. Il Piccolo Ranger 025 - Aria di pericolo (RCS 2022-11-22) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 85 pagine | 138 MB La Gazzetta dello Sport ti porta nel west per farti rivivere le straordinarie avventure del ranger che ha preso vita grazie ad Andrea Lavezzolo e Francesco Gamba. Un'entusiasmante rassegna di avventure che spaziano tra dramma, commedia e fantascienza all'interno di volumi restaurati, interamente colorati e presentati con le storiche copertine di Franco Donatelli e altri indimenticabili maestri del fumetto italiano. Kit Teller e i suoi compagni d'avventura ti aspettano! Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  14. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria N.3 - Febbraio-Marzo 2024 Italiano | 84 pagine | PDF | 76.0 MB Download Links Filestore - Katfile
  15. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria N.2 - Dicembre 2023 - Gennaio 2024 Italiano | 86 pagine | PDF | 75 MB Download Links Filestore - Katfile
  16. Ricette Per Friggitrici Ad Aria N.1 - Ottobre-Novembre 2023 Italiano | 84 pagine | PDF | 72 MB Download Links Filestore - Katfile
  17. Scheda dell'anime: #TITOLO ITALIANO: "Aria - The Animation" (s.1) / "Aria - The Natural" (s.2) / "Aria - The Origination" (s.3) #TITOLO ORIGINALE: "Aria - The Animation" (s.1) / "Aria - The Natural" (s.2) / "Aria - The Origination" (s.3) #PRODUZIONE: ARIA Company/Hal Film Maker, 2005-2006-2008 #TRASMESSO IN ITALIA: RaiSat Smash Girls, dal 18 maggio 2009; Rai 4, dal 3 ottobre 2009; Rai Gulp, dal novembre 2009 #NUMERO EPISODI: 13 + 26 + 13 #DURATA EPISODIO: 24 minuti #REGIA: Junichi Sato * EDIZIONE ITALIANA: Yamato Video (2009) * DOPPIAGGIO ITALIANO: RAFLESIA - Milano * POST-PRODUZIONE: Giovanni Petronaci * DIALOGHI ITALIANI: AD LIBITUM * COORDINAMENTO: Roberta Poggio * DIREZIONE DEL DOPPIAGGIO: Aldo Stella, Massimo Di Benedetto (s.2) * FONICI DI DOPPIAGGIO: Camillo Pellegrino, Sebastiano Greco * SINCRONIZZAZIONE e MIX: Massimo Parretti Trama L'opera è ambientata nel futuro (XXIII secolo) su Marte, ora chiamato Aqua, poiché i ghiacci delle calotte polari marziane sciogliendosi ricoprirono per il 90% d'acqua il pianeta. Grazie a questo fatto iniziò un processo di terraforming e il pianeta si ritrovò cosparso di isole che furono equamente divise tra le varie nazioni. Il manga è ambientato principalmente dell'isola di Neo-Venezia una riproduzione fedele della vera Venezia sulla Terra (che è stata sommersa), ma spesso le protagoniste si spostano in altri luoghi come un'isola che assomiglia al Giappone o un'isola tropicale. Screen Report Link Aria - The Animation Aria - The Natural ARIA The OVA - Arietta Aria - The Origination (Questo è il 2° episodio di Arietta)
  18. Lorenzo Fragola, Mameli – TESTA X ARIA [singolo] (2022) INFORMATIONS Artist........Lorenzo Fragola, Mameli Name of track.........TESTA X ARIA Year........2022 Genre.........Pop Size.........11.2 mb Codec.......mp3 - 32oKbps TRACKLIST TESTA X ARIA DOWNLOAD
  19. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Sword Art Online The Movie: Progressive - Aria of a Starless Night 1 h 37 m    2021         Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Fantasy ◦ Fantascienza Asuna è una ragazza delle medie di buona famiglia, un'ottima studentessa con ottimi voti. Nonostante le sue capacità, è seconda nella graduatoria degli esami scolastici dietro la sua amica Mito. Dopo scuola le ragazze si ritrovano spesso a giocare assieme ai videogiochi e, durante una delle loro sessioni di gioco, Mito gli propone di giocare a Sword Art Online, un videogame che utilizza la Virtual Reality. Asuna, tornata a casa, trova il VR del fratello con il gioco e decide così di entrarci per trovare la sua amica e starci assieme. Le due si incontrano in game e iniziano ad esplorare il mondo di Aincrad. Improvvisamente, vengono teletrasportate insieme a tutti gli altri giocatori alla città centrale dove appare il creatore del gioco, Akiko Kaiba. Lo sviluppatore annuncia a tutti i giocatori di essere imprigionati in quel mondo e annuncia le regole: per vincere e liberare tutti bisogna completare 100 livelli, ma chi perde tutti i suoi HP, morirà nel mondo reale. Yuki Kajiura Original Music Composer Akihiro Hirasawa Art Designer Shingo Adachi Thanks Tsutomu Kawahigashi Dolby Consultant Yoshikazu Iwanami Sound Director Keigo Sasaki Opening/Ending Animation Masakazu Obara Storyboard Artist Masakazu Obara Second Unit Director Reki Kawahara Original Story LiSA Theme Song Performance Yohei Miyahara 2D Artist Koji Watanabe Animation Director Kazuma Miki Executive Producer Nobuhiro Nakayama Executive Producer Hideaki Shimada Key Animation Naoyuki Wada Compositing Artist Nobuhiro Oosawa Executive Producer Ayako Kono Director Ayako Kono Opening/Ending Animation Ayako Kono Storyboard Artist Ayako Kono Second Unit Director Daichi Nogami Compositing Artist Kaoru Adachi Producer Tetsuya Kawakami Thanks Aika Kawasaki Key Animation Kiyoshi Hirose Editor Hironori Tanaka Key Animation Yosuke Futami Producer Tomomi Ishikawa Animation Director Tomomi Ishikawa Character Designer Yasumasa Koyama Sound Effects Yousuke Okuda Opening/Ending Animation Shinichi Wada Key Animation Seiko Asai Animation Director Keita Hagio Animation Director Keita Hagio Key Animation Asami Shimizu Key Animation Yukito Kizawa Screenplay Ayaka Minami Online Editor Toshie Kawamura Key Animation Yasunori Mori Music Producer Naoto Abe Key Animation Chiaki Furuzumi Animation Director Tatsuyuki Maeda Animation Director Tatsuyuki Maeda Key Animation Tatsuyuki Maeda Opening/Ending Animation Takeshi Matsuda Animation Director Takeshi Matsuda Key Animation Teruaki Tokumaru Key Animation Takashi Torii Animation Director Hisashi Higashijima Animation Director Hisashi Higashijima Prop Designer Hisashi Higashijima Key Animation Kanako Ueda Key Animation Yuko Yamamoto Animation Director Yuko Yamamoto Key Animation Naoko Shokin Key Animation Go Suzuki Key Animation Go Suzuki Opening/Ending Animation Hisashi Saito Key Animation Yuho Taniuchi Thanks Shunryo Yamamura Key Animation Takayoshi Hayashi Key Animation Kenta Tsuboi Background Designer Naomi Nakano Color Designer Mayuko Yamamoto Key Animation Kento Toya Animation Director Kento Toya Character Designer Kento Toya Opening/Ending Animation Kento Toya Supervising Animation Director Yumiko Yamamoto Key Animation Takayuki Yamaguchi Sound Mixer Jinshichi Yamaguchi Animation Director Tetsuya Masuda Key Animation Akio Kawamura Key Animation Naho Hasegawa Compositing Artist Yuki Oshima Director of Photography Keisuke Watanabe Animation Director Keisuke Watanabe Character Designer Keisuke Watanabe Key Animation Michinori Shiga Key Animation Nozomi Goto Key Animation Saki Hisamatsu Animation Director Kenji Takahashi Compositing Artist Luo Canran Key Animation Kaoru Nagakawa Key Animation Fujio Inose Key Animation Yasuyuki Kai Creature Design Yasuyuki Kai Animation Director Yasuyuki Kai Key Animation Yasuyuki Kai Storyboard Artist Yasuyuki Kai Action Director Yasuyuki Kai Second Unit Director Shuu Sugita Key Animation Minami Konagai Key Animation Yoshihiro Kanno Animation Director Shun Miyakawa Key Animation Kim Kyung-eun Key Animation TOMATO Animation Director TOMATO Key Animation Sayaka Takase Animation Director Sayaka Takase Key Animation Yu Matsuno Key Animation Takehiro Miura Animation Director Takehiro Miura Key Animation Takehiro Miura Opening/Ending Animation Maki Sawai Key Animation Yuta Masaki Key Animation Yoshio Chizaki Key Animation Yusuke Kawabe Key Animation Shoya Sakaguchi Key Animation Takaaki Tanabe Key Animation Yuki Ito Key Animation Kenji Terao Animation Director Hitomi Sato Key Animation Hiroo Nagano Key Animation Takako Takahashi Animation Director Takako Takahashi Key Animation Yuuma Yokomatsu Animation Director Sue Ikezu Key Animation Hiroshi Saito Key Animation Raku Nishikimi Animation Director Raku Nishikimi Key Animation Takumi Oonuki Key Animation Chiho Fujiwara Key Animation Yuya Kishi Production Assistant Hiroshi Imaoka Key Animation Yukiko Busa Key Animation Akira Yamada Storyboard Artist Akira Yamada Second Unit Director Ryuuta Yanagi Thanks Kouta Mori Key Animation Atsushi Usui Second Unit Director Aya Akizuki Animation Director Aya Akizuki Character Designer Aya Akizuki Key Animation Aya Akizuki Supervising Animation Director Yasue Ohno Key Animation Kaito Hashimoto Key Animation Kousaku Taniguchi Key Animation Katsushi Suzuki Key Animation Kengo Oda CGI Director Yusa Ito Art Direction Yusa Ito Background Designer Masami Niwa Producer Chung Young-hoon Key Animation Kaori Seki 2D Artist Airi Ishikawa Key Animation Shinichi Mogi Key Animation Yasunori Matsumura Key Animation Atsuko Inoue Key Animation Junki Nakata Background Designer Akihisa Shibuya Line Producer Kota Moroishi Key Animation Ryota Goto Background Designer Kiyomi Yamada Assistant Editor Mitsuna Fukasawa Online Editor Toshiyuki Tsuchiya Associate Producer Wataru Hashimoto Associate Producer Yoshihiro Togo Animation Tasuku Ishibashi Special Effects Shota Kodera Compositing Artist Lu Yao Background Designer Hiroki Takano Compositing Artist Tsutomu Uchida Background Designer Kyoka Nakaoka Key Animation Rie Sakurai Online Editor Yu Akiyama Compositing Artist Mutsuki Aoki Assistant Director of Photography Katsushi Morita Key Animation Ryo Saito Animation Director Ryo Saito Key Animation Kim Yeon-hee Key Animation Ryota Saito Key Animation Haruka Serizawa Compositing Artist Hikaru Yamamoku Assistant Director of Photography Risa Suzuki Animation Director Saori Kezuka Compositing Artist Ayaka Sato Animation Miyuki Kojima Mechanical Designer Manami Azuta Background Designer Moe Wada Key Animation Shunsuke Masuda Key Animation Atsushi Kaneko Thanks Yasukazu Kawai Associate Producer Ryutaro Kawakami Producer Keisuke Hirai Producer Daisuke Mizuguchi Animation Takumi Niwa Animation Miyaka Misawa Production Assistant Shiho Imaizumi Compositing Artist Misako Otsu Compositing Artist Chiyuki Kojima Compositing Artist Yukimi Iwamoto Compositing Artist Shunsuke Tsukahara Compositing Artist Mayuko Fukazawa Compositing Artist Koki Fujiwara Compositing Artist Minako Maeda Compositing Artist Naoki Ishikawa Compositing Artist Yusuke Horie Compositing Artist Takaya Onuma Compositing Artist Takeshi Ishizu Compositing Artist Masatsugu Yamazaki Compositing Artist Kazuki Saito Compositing Artist Kimihiro Nakano Compositing Artist Ryota Shinkai Production Assistant Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Kirito (voice) Haruka Tomatsu Asuna "Asuna" Yuuki (voice) Inori Minase Misumi "Mito" Tozawa (voice) Koichi Yamadera Akihiko Kayaba (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto Agil (voice) Nobuyuki Hiyama Diabel (voice) Rina Hidaka Silica (voice) Ryusei Nakao Mito Avatar (Voice) Tomokazu Seki Kibaou (voice) Shiori Izawa Argo (voice) Hiroaki Hirata Klein (voice) Sayaka Kobayashi Akiyo Sada (voice) Megumi Hayashibara Kyouko Yuuki (voice) Kazuhiro Yamaji Shouzou Yuuki (voice) Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night (Trailer 120") ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  20. Alan Sorrenti - Aria (1972) Artist...............: Alan Sorrenti Album................: Aria Genre................: Progressive Source...............: CD Year.................: 1972 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.92 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: CBR 320, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 40:28 Total Size...........: 92,80 MB 01.Aria 02.La Mia mente 03.Un fiume Tranquillo 04.Vorri Incontrarti Password = (8oTT(8Ari)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. Links are interchangeable if the file is splitted. or or or
  21. Descrizione La principessa Aria del Regno di Tamageria visita il piccolo villaggio di campagna di Latebra, durante il suo pellegrinaggio del rito della successione. È qui che la principessa Aria viene trascinata nella lotta con la misteriosa organizzazione nota come "The Cult", dalla quale scoprirà la sconvolgente verità nascosta nelle profondità... Caratteristiche: Personaggi unici… La principessa Aria, che, contrariamente al suo aspetto innocente e affascinante, possiede un cuore intrepido, è solo uno di tutti i personaggi accattivanti che appaiono in questo gioco. Preparati a essere trascinato nell'elaborata opera d'arte, non solo degli eroi, ma di i mostri che incontrerai durante il gioco. Battaglie strategiche a turni... Goditi le battaglie strategiche che ti terranno sicuramente sulle spine. Un aspetto importante di questo gioco è la gestione della mentalità di ogni eroe, che influenzerà notevolmente le loro prestazioni in battaglia. Assicurati di stare attento ai progressi della battaglia, in modo da poter utilizzare appieno le capacità di tutto il tuo gruppo. Numerosi elementi personalizzabili... Puoi partire per una missione con un gruppo di un massimo di cinque eroi decisi da te. Il lavoro di Aria può essere scelto tra 14 tipi e ogni lavoro può essere ulteriormente personalizzato e migliorato disponendo armi, abilità, tratti, ecc. Missioni impegnative... I dungeon sono randomizzati, in modo da poter esplorare una nuova mappa per ogni missione. Gli eventi avversi nella missione faranno cadere gli attributi dei tuoi alleati o addirittura faranno sì che abbandonino il gruppo. Pertanto, è fondamentale mantenere la vigilanza per mantenere il tuo gruppo in condizioni ottimali. Una storia epica... Una storia iniziata in un villaggio di campagna apparentemente pacifico evolve gradualmente in un'avventura epica. Goditi la trama imprevedibile! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download PLAZA [JAP SUB ENG]
  22. Trama Anno terrestre 2301: sono ormai passati 150 anni da quando Marte è stato terraformato. Al pianeta è stato dato il nuovo nome di Aqua a causa dello scioglimento della quasi totalità dei suoi ghiacci, cosa che gli ha anche portato il soprannome di "pianeta dell'acqua", mentre alla Terra è stato dato il nuovo nome di Man-Home. Akari Mizunashi è una giovane terrestre che si trasferisce su Aqua per imparare il mestiere di Undine, le gondoliere che fanno da guida turistica a Neo Venezia, riproduzione dell'antica Venezia terrestre ormai completamente sommersa. Nella "città sull'acqua", che non presenta ancora le innovazioni tecnologiche ormai parte della quotidianità sul pianeta madre, s'intrecciano le vicende di Akari, diventata apprendista all'Aria Company, e delle persone che incontra nel suo cammino verso il professionismo. Trasmessa in Giappone nel 2005 e in Italia acquistata dalla Yamato Video, è stata trasmessa dal maggio 2009 sul canale 610 di Sky RaiSat Smash Girls, su Rai 4 la domenica mattina e sul canale Man-ga. La versione italiana è stata poi pubblicata anche per lo streaming su internet sul canale di YouTube Yamato Animation dal 31 gennaio 2014. La storia segue a grandi linee quella del manga. L'arrivo e le prime esperienze di Akari su Aqua vengono vissute sotto forma di flashback. Alcuni episodi sono ispirati a capitoli del manga, mentre altri sono stati appositamente elaborati per l'anime. Nella serie tv, inoltre, sono stati aggiunti dei nuovi personaggi non presenti nel manga originale. La sigla di apertura è Undine, cantata da Yui Makino: i testi sono ad opera di Eri Kawai e l'arrangiamento è a cura di Mina Kubota. La sigla di chiusura invece è Rainbow, cantata da Nino: i testi sono ad opera di Katsutoshi Kitagawa e l'arrangiamento è a cura di ROUND TABLE e Yasushi Sakurai. serie TV : Anime Lingua orig. : giapponese Paese orig. : Giappone Regia Jun'ichi Sato Composizione serie Jun'ichi Sato Char. design Makoto Koga Dir. artistica Kenichi Tajiri Musiche Choro Club, Takeshi Senoo Studio Hal Film Maker Rete TXN 1ª TV 7 gennaio – 31 marzo 2008 Episodi 14 (completa) Rapporto 16:9 Durata ep. 30 min Editore it. Yamato Video Episodi it. 14 (completa) Durata ep. it. 24 min Durata ep. it. : 24 min DVD : 3xDVD9 Formato : ISO Sottotitoli : si Screenshots Release Report Media Info: Password Archivi : vercingetorige
  23. Trama Anno terrestre 2301: sono ormai passati 150 anni da quando Marte è stato terraformato. Al pianeta è stato dato il nuovo nome di Aqua a causa dello scioglimento della quasi totalità dei suoi ghiacci, cosa che gli ha anche portato il soprannome di "pianeta dell'acqua", mentre alla Terra è stato dato il nuovo nome di Man-Home. Akari Mizunashi è una giovane terrestre che si trasferisce su Aqua per imparare il mestiere di Undine, le gondoliere che fanno da guida turistica a Neo Venezia, riproduzione dell'antica Venezia terrestre ormai completamente sommersa. Nella "città sull'acqua", che non presenta ancora le innovazioni tecnologiche ormai parte della quotidianità sul pianeta madre, s'intrecciano le vicende di Akari, diventata apprendista all'Aria Company, e delle persone che incontra nel suo cammino verso il professionismo. Trasmessa in Giappone nel 2005 e in Italia acquistata dalla Yamato Video, è stata trasmessa dal maggio 2009 sul canale 610 di Sky RaiSat Smash Girls, su Rai 4 la domenica mattina e sul canale Man-ga. La versione italiana è stata poi pubblicata anche per lo streaming su internet sul canale di YouTube Yamato Animation dal 31 gennaio 2014. La storia segue a grandi linee quella del manga. L'arrivo e le prime esperienze di Akari su Aqua vengono vissute sotto forma di flashback. Alcuni episodi sono ispirati a capitoli del manga, mentre altri sono stati appositamente elaborati per l'anime. Nella serie tv, inoltre, sono stati aggiunti dei nuovi personaggi non presenti nel manga originale. La sigla di apertura è Undine, cantata da Yui Makino: i testi sono ad opera di Eri Kawai e l'arrangiamento è a cura di Mina Kubota. La sigla di chiusura invece è Rainbow, cantata da Nino: i testi sono ad opera di Katsutoshi Kitagawa e l'arrangiamento è a cura di ROUND TABLE e Yasushi Sakurai. serie TV : Anime Lingua orig. : giapponese Paese orig. : Giappone Regia : Jun'ichi Sato Ken'ichi Takeshita Composizione serie : Jun'ichi Sato Char. design : Makoto Koga Dir. artistica : Hiroshi Yoshikawa Musiche : Choro Club feat. Senoo Studio : Hal Film Maker Rete : TXN 1ª TV : 2 aprile – 24 settembre 2006 Episodi : 26 (completa) Rapporto : 4:3 Durata ep. : 24 min Editore it. : Yamato Video Episodi it. : 26 (completa) Durata ep. it. : 24 min DVD : 6xDVD9 Formato : ISO Sottotitoli : si Screenshots Release Report Media Info: Password Archivi : vercingetorige
  24. Trama Anno terrestre 2301: sono ormai passati 150 anni da quando Marte è stato terraformato. Al pianeta è stato dato il nuovo nome di Aqua a causa dello scioglimento della quasi totalità dei suoi ghiacci, cosa che gli ha anche portato il soprannome di "pianeta dell'acqua", mentre alla Terra è stato dato il nuovo nome di Man-Home. Akari Mizunashi è una giovane terrestre che si trasferisce su Aqua per imparare il mestiere di Undine, le gondoliere che fanno da guida turistica a Neo Venezia, riproduzione dell'antica Venezia terrestre ormai completamente sommersa. Nella "città sull'acqua", che non presenta ancora le innovazioni tecnologiche ormai parte della quotidianità sul pianeta madre, s'intrecciano le vicende di Akari, diventata apprendista all'Aria Company, e delle persone che incontra nel suo cammino verso il professionismo. Trasmessa in Giappone nel 2005 e in Italia acquistata dalla Yamato Video, è stata trasmessa dal maggio 2009 sul canale 610 di Sky RaiSat Smash Girls, su Rai 4 la domenica mattina e sul canale Man-ga. La versione italiana è stata poi pubblicata anche per lo streaming su internet sul canale di YouTube Yamato Animation dal 31 gennaio 2014. La storia segue a grandi linee quella del manga. L'arrivo e le prime esperienze di Akari su Aqua vengono vissute sotto forma di flashback. Alcuni episodi sono ispirati a capitoli del manga, mentre altri sono stati appositamente elaborati per l'anime. Nella serie tv, inoltre, sono stati aggiunti dei nuovi personaggi non presenti nel manga originale. La sigla di apertura è Undine, cantata da Yui Makino: i testi sono ad opera di Eri Kawai e l'arrangiamento è a cura di Mina Kubota. La sigla di chiusura invece è Rainbow, cantata da Nino: i testi sono ad opera di Katsutoshi Kitagawa e l'arrangiamento è a cura di ROUND TABLE e Yasushi Sakurai. serie TV : Anime (Serie TV + Movie) Lingua orig. : giapponese Paese orig. : Giappone Regia : Jun'ichi Sato Kazunobu Fuseki (aiuto regista) Composizione serie : Jun'ichi Sato Char. design : Makoto Koga Dir. artistica : Jun'ichiro Nishikawa Musiche : Choro Club Takeshi Senoo Studio : Hal Film Maker Rete : TXN 1ª TV : 5 ottobre – 28 dicembre 2005 Episodi : 13 (completa) Rapporto : 4:3 Durata ep. : 24 min Editore it. : Yamato Video Rete it. : RaiSat Smash Girls Rai Gulp 1ª TV it. : 18 maggio 2009 Episodi it. : 13 (completa) Durata ep. it. : 24 min DVD : 3xDVD9 Formato : ISO Screenshots Release Report Media Info: Password Archivi : vercingetorige
  25. INFO Titolo originale: Gekijouban Sword Art Online: Progressive - Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria Titolo inglese: Sword Art Online the Movie Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night Titolo breve: SAO Progressive Titolo Kanji: 劇場版 ソードアート・オンライン プログレッシブ 星なき夜のアリア Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Film Genere: Avventura Azione Combattimento Fantasy Gioco Anno: 2021 Tratto da: Light Novel Stagioni: Autunno (2021) Episodi : 1 Stato in patria: completato TRAMA Progressive rinarra le vicende del primo arco narrativo di Aincrad ponendo maggiore attenzione a tutti i piani da conquistare. Screen Report Link oppure NOTA:Bisogna essere iscritti all'host per scaricare,usate il link in firma per registrarvi
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