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Anime Sub ITA

  1. One Piece: Saga del Mare Orientale [61/61] (1999) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer One Piece
    Saga del Mare Orientale    Episodi 61        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia ◦ Animazione
    Monkey D. Rufy, soprannominato "Cappello di paglia", è un giovane pirata che sogna di diventare il Re dei pirati e di trovare il leggendario tesoro One Piece. Accidentalmente, da bambino, ha mangiato il frutto del diavolo Gom Gom, che gli ha conferito il potere dell'elasticità facendolo diventare letteralmente di gomma. È il capitano di una ciurma della quale fanno parte lo spadaccino Zoro, la navigatrice Nami, il cecchino Usop, il cuoco Sanji, la renna medico Chopper, l'archeologa Robin, il cyborg carpentiere Franky e lo scheletro musicista Brook. Tutti insieme affrontano avventure epiche nel loro viaggio verso Raftel, l'isola alla fine della Rotta Maggiore, e, navigando attraverso il Mare Orientale, combattono contro pirati nemici e contro la Marina pur di conquistare il loro sogno.
    Eiichiro Oda
    Original Concept 田中真弓
    Monkey D. Luffy (voice) 中井和哉
    Roronoa Zoro (voice) 岡村明美
    Nami (voice) 山口勝平
    Usopp (voice) 平田広明
    Sanji (voice) 大谷育江
    Tony Tony Chopper (voice) 山口由里子
    Nico Robin (voice) 矢尾一樹
    Franky (voice) チョー
    Brook (voice) 宝亀克寿
    Jinbe (voice) Reiko Takagi
    Jewelry Bonney (voice) 多田野曜平
    Dr. Vegapunk (voice) Episodi: 61 
    In onda il: 1999-10-20 1: Il ragazzo di gomma - Mi chiamo Rufy! Sono colui che diventerà il Re dei pirati!
    Rufy viene trovato da Koby, un mozzo agli ordini della piratessa Alvida. 1: Il ragazzo di gomma - Mi chiamo Rufy! Sono colui che diventerà il Re dei pirati!
    In onda il: 1999-10-20 Rufy viene trovato da Koby, un mozzo agli ordini della piratessa Alvida. In onda il: 1999-11-17 2: Il cacciatore di pirati - Appare il grande spadaccino! Roronoa Zoro, il cacciatore di pirati
    Rufy e Kobi arrivano a Sheltz Town dove incontrano il temibile cacciatore di pirati Zoro. 2: Il cacciatore di pirati - Appare il grande spadaccino! Roronoa Zoro, il cacciatore di pirati
    In onda il: 1999-11-17 Rufy e Kobi arrivano a Sheltz Town dove incontrano il temibile cacciatore di pirati Zoro. In onda il: 1999-11-24 3: La liberazione di Zoro - Morgan vs. Rufy! Chi è quella bellezza misteriosa?
    Rufy, dopo aver aiutato Zoro, lo convince ad entrare nella sua ciurma. Per Kobi inizia una nuova vita. 3: La liberazione di Zoro - Morgan vs. Rufy! Chi è quella bellezza misteriosa?
    In onda il: 1999-11-24 Rufy, dopo aver aiutato Zoro, lo convince ad entrare nella sua ciurma. Per Kobi inizia una nuova vita. In onda il: 1999-12-08 4: Uno sguardo al passato - Il passato di Rufy! Ecco Shanks il rosso
    Per Rufy il suo cappello di paglia ha un grande significato. Rufy si ritrova a Orange Town, territorio del pirata Buggy. 4: Uno sguardo al passato - Il passato di Rufy! Ecco Shanks il rosso
    In onda il: 1999-12-08 Per Rufy il suo cappello di paglia ha un grande significato. Rufy si ritrova a Orange Town, territorio del pirata Buggy. In onda il: 1999-12-15 5: Un pagliaccio di capitano - Un potere sconosciuto e terrificante! Il capitano Buggy, il pirata clown!
    Rufy, Nami e Zoro affrontano Buggy, il pirata clown. 5: Un pagliaccio di capitano - Un potere sconosciuto e terrificante! Il capitano Buggy, il pirata clown!
    In onda il: 1999-12-15 Rufy, Nami e Zoro affrontano Buggy, il pirata clown. In onda il: 1999-12-29 6: Il domatore domato - Situazione disperata! Moji il Domatore vs. Rufy!
    La ciurma di Cappello di Paglia si allea con il sindaco della città e con un cane per affrontare Buggy. 6: Il domatore domato - Situazione disperata! Moji il Domatore vs. Rufy!
    In onda il: 1999-12-29 La ciurma di Cappello di Paglia si allea con il sindaco della città e con un cane per affrontare Buggy. In onda il: 1999-12-29 7: La sfida - Scontro epico! Zoro lo Spadaccino vs. Kabaji l'Acrobata!
    Zoro affronta Kabaji, un abile spadaccino. Rufy e Buggy a loro volta si scontrano. 7: La sfida - Scontro epico! Zoro lo Spadaccino vs. Kabaji l'Acrobata!
    In onda il: 1999-12-29 Zoro affronta Kabaji, un abile spadaccino. Rufy e Buggy a loro volta si scontrano. In onda il: 1999-12-29 8: Una vecchia conoscenza - Chi sarà il vincitore? Scontro fra Frutti del Diavolo!
    Buggy ricorda il suo vecchio compagno di ciurma Shanks. Buggy insulta Shanks facendo infuriare Rufy. Nami, Zoro e Rufy abbandonano l'isola. 8: Una vecchia conoscenza - Chi sarà il vincitore? Scontro fra Frutti del Diavolo!
    In onda il: 1999-12-29 Buggy ricorda il suo vecchio compagno di ciurma Shanks. Buggy insulta Shanks facendo infuriare Rufy. Nami, Zoro e Rufy abbandonano l'isola. In onda il: 2000-01-12 9: Un simpatico bugiardo - Un bugiardo al servizio della giustizia? Il capitano Usopp
    Rufy, Nami e Zoro incontrano il famigerato bugiardo della città, Usop. 9: Un simpatico bugiardo - Un bugiardo al servizio della giustizia? Il capitano Usopp
    In onda il: 2000-01-12 Rufy, Nami e Zoro incontrano il famigerato bugiardo della città, Usop. In onda il: 2000-01-19 10: La forza dell'ipnosi - L'uomo più bizarro della storia! Jango l'ipnotizzatore
    Il maggiordomo Klahadore della ricca Kaya, è in realtà un pirata che lavora con un ipnotizzatore per assassinare Kaya. 10: La forza dell'ipnosi - L'uomo più bizarro della storia! Jango l'ipnotizzatore
    In onda il: 2000-01-19 Il maggiordomo Klahadore della ricca Kaya, è in realtà un pirata che lavora con un ipnotizzatore per assassinare Kaya. In onda il: 2000-01-26 11: Mai gridare "Al lupo" - Smaschera il complotto! Il maggiordomo pirata, capitan Kuro
    Zoro e Nami salvano Rufy. Usop tenta di allertare i cittadini della minaccia, ma la gente non gli crede. 11: Mai gridare "Al lupo" - Smaschera il complotto! Il maggiordomo pirata, capitan Kuro
    In onda il: 2000-01-26 Zoro e Nami salvano Rufy. Usop tenta di allertare i cittadini della minaccia, ma la gente non gli crede. In onda il: 2000-02-02 12: L'approdo sbagliato - Scontro coi Pirati del Gatto Nero! La Grande Battaglia della china!
    Rufy, Nami, Zoro e Usop arrivano giusto in tempo per affrontare i Pirati di Kuroneko. 12: L'approdo sbagliato - Scontro coi Pirati del Gatto Nero! La Grande Battaglia della china!
    In onda il: 2000-02-02 Rufy, Nami, Zoro e Usop arrivano giusto in tempo per affrontare i Pirati di Kuroneko. In onda il: 2000-02-09 13: Una terribile coppia - Il temibile duo! I fratelli Miaoban vs. Zoro
    Kaya scopre la vera natura di Klahadore. Jango ipnotizza i suoi uomini per aumentare la loro forza. 13: Una terribile coppia - Il temibile duo! I fratelli Miaoban vs. Zoro
    In onda il: 2000-02-09 Kaya scopre la vera natura di Klahadore. Jango ipnotizza i suoi uomini per aumentare la loro forza. In onda il: 2000-02-16 14: Il risveglio del ragazzo di gomma - Il risveglio di Rufy! La disperata resistenza di Kaya
    Kuro arriva sulla scena e, con Zoro ferito, Rufy debilitato, Nami e Usop troppo deboli per gestirlo, sembra non ci sia speranza. Tuttavia, la stessa Kaya sembra contrattare con Kuro. 14: Il risveglio del ragazzo di gomma - Il risveglio di Rufy! La disperata resistenza di Kaya
    In onda il: 2000-02-16 Kuro arriva sulla scena e, con Zoro ferito, Rufy debilitato, Nami e Usop troppo deboli per gestirlo, sembra non ci sia speranza. Tuttavia, la stessa Kaya sembra contrattare con Kuro. In onda il: 2000-02-23 15: Una mente diabolica - Sconfiggi Kuro! Usopp, l'Uomo dalla straziante determinazione!
    Kuro combatte Rufy, Jango insegue Kaya in ritirata e Zoro affronta Buchi. 15: Una mente diabolica - Sconfiggi Kuro! Usopp, l'Uomo dalla straziante determinazione!
    In onda il: 2000-02-23 Kuro combatte Rufy, Jango insegue Kaya in ritirata e Zoro affronta Buchi. In onda il: 2000-03-01 16: La ciurma dei coraggiosi
    Cipolla, Carota e Peperone, i bambini membri della "ciurma" di Usop, intervengono in aiuto di Kaya e combattono contro Jango. Continua il combattimento tra Kuro, conosciuto per la sua velocità nel combattimento, e Rufy. 16: La ciurma dei coraggiosi
    In onda il: 2000-03-01 Cipolla, Carota e Peperone, i bambini membri della "ciurma" di Usop, intervengono in aiuto di Kaya e combattono contro Jango. Continua il combattimento tra Kuro, conosciuto per la sua velocità nel combattimento, e Rufy. In onda il: 2000-03-08 17: Atto finale
    Zoro arriva in soccorso della ciurma di Usop sconfiggendo Jango. Anche Kuro a sua volta viene sopraffatto da Rufy. Kaya e Merry, un altro suo maggiordomo, come ringraziamento regalano alla ciurma di Rufy un'imbarcazione: la caravella Going Merry. Usop si unisce alla ciurma per realizzare il suo più grande sogno: diventare un coraggioso pirata. 17: Atto finale
    In onda il: 2000-03-08 Zoro arriva in soccorso della ciurma di Usop sconfiggendo Jango. Anche Kuro a sua volta viene sopraffatto da Rufy. Kaya e Merry, un altro suo maggiordomo, come ringraziamento regalano alla ciurma di Rufy un'imbarcazione: la caravella Going Merry. Usop si unisce alla ciurma per realizzare il suo più grande sogno: diventare un coraggioso pirata. In onda il: 2000-03-15 18: L'uomo nel forziere
    Rufy e la sua ciurma giungono in un'isola che gode della fama di essere stregata alla ricerca di un tesoro. In essa incontrano il vecchio pirata Gaimon che da vent'anni vive in quell'isola insieme a un gran numero di animali stravaganti ma fedeli ed amichevoli. L'uomo, intrappolato all'interno di un forziere, è rimasto nell'isola per difendere un tesoro che lui non ha mai visto. Pertanto la ciurma di Rufy lo aiuta, scoprendo in tal modo che il tesoro è inesistente. Gaimon tuttavia decide di rimanere nella sua isola capendo che l'unico tesoro da difendere non erano altro che i suoi amici animali. 18: L'uomo nel forziere
    In onda il: 2000-03-15 Rufy e la sua ciurma giungono in un'isola che gode della fama di essere stregata alla ricerca di un tesoro. In essa incontrano il vecchio pirata Gaimon che da vent'anni vive in quell'isola insieme a un gran numero di animali stravaganti ma fedeli ed amichevoli. L'uomo, intrappolato all'interno di un forziere, è rimasto nell'isola per difendere un tesoro che lui non ha mai visto. Pertanto la ciurma di Rufy lo aiuta, scoprendo in tal modo che il tesoro è inesistente. Gaimon tuttavia decide di rimanere nella sua isola capendo che l'unico tesoro da difendere non erano altro che i suoi amici animali. In onda il: 2000-03-22 19: Un salto nel passato
    Zoro si ricorda del suo passato e della sua amica Kuina, alla quale prima di morire fece la promessa che sarebbe diventato lo spadaccino più forte del mondo. Questa bambina, figlia del suo maestro di spada Koshiro, era sempre stata molto più abile di lui nell'uso della spada. Zoro pertanto si era duramente allenato per poterla sconfiggere. Infine la ciurma incontra due vecchi amici di Zoro, Yosaku & Johnny. 19: Un salto nel passato
    In onda il: 2000-03-22 Zoro si ricorda del suo passato e della sua amica Kuina, alla quale prima di morire fece la promessa che sarebbe diventato lo spadaccino più forte del mondo. Questa bambina, figlia del suo maestro di spada Koshiro, era sempre stata molto più abile di lui nell'uso della spada. Zoro pertanto si era duramente allenato per poterla sconfiggere. Infine la ciurma incontra due vecchi amici di Zoro, Yosaku & Johnny. In onda il: 2000-04-12 20: Il ristorante sul mare
    Rufy e la sua ciurma si dirigono verso il ristorante sul mare, Baratie, per ingaggiare un cuoco. Uno scontro con il capitano Fullbody però fa sì che Rufy danneggi il ristorante. Pertanto Zef, il capo cuoco della nave, lo prende come sguattero per ripagare i danni. 20: Il ristorante sul mare
    In onda il: 2000-04-12 Rufy e la sua ciurma si dirigono verso il ristorante sul mare, Baratie, per ingaggiare un cuoco. Uno scontro con il capitano Fullbody però fa sì che Rufy danneggi il ristorante. Pertanto Zef, il capo cuoco della nave, lo prende come sguattero per ripagare i danni. In onda il: 2000-04-12 21: Ospiti sgraditi
    Giunge nel ristorante sul mare un pirata stremato dalla fame di nome Gin. Nessuno vuole servirlo perché è un uomo del temibile Creek. Solo Sanji, il vice capo cuoco, decide di sfamarlo. Gin se ne va ringraziando Sanji. 21: Ospiti sgraditi
    In onda il: 2000-04-12 Giunge nel ristorante sul mare un pirata stremato dalla fame di nome Gin. Nessuno vuole servirlo perché è un uomo del temibile Creek. Solo Sanji, il vice capo cuoco, decide di sfamarlo. Gin se ne va ringraziando Sanji. In onda il: 2000-04-26 22: Fame di conquista
    Creek informato da Gin giunge alla Baratie per sfamare sè e la sua ciurma. Successivamente, ignorando l'aiuto ricevuto, decide di requisire l'imbarcazione. 22: Fame di conquista
    In onda il: 2000-04-26 Creek informato da Gin giunge alla Baratie per sfamare sè e la sua ciurma. Successivamente, ignorando l'aiuto ricevuto, decide di requisire l'imbarcazione. In onda il: 2000-05-03 23: Il diario di bordo
    Creek riconosce nel capo cuoco il pirata Zef Piede Rosso, celebre per la potenza dei suoi calci. Creek pretende che Zef gli consegni il suo vecchio diario di bordo in cui sono contenute informazioni importanti sulla Rotta Maggiore. Nami, dopo aver visto i volantini dei ricercati, fugge con la Merry verso una destinazione sconosciuta. 23: Il diario di bordo
    In onda il: 2000-05-03 Creek riconosce nel capo cuoco il pirata Zef Piede Rosso, celebre per la potenza dei suoi calci. Creek pretende che Zef gli consegni il suo vecchio diario di bordo in cui sono contenute informazioni importanti sulla Rotta Maggiore. Nami, dopo aver visto i volantini dei ricercati, fugge con la Merry verso una destinazione sconosciuta. In onda il: 2000-05-10 24: L'uomo dagli Occhi di Falco
    Improvvisamente la nave di Don Creek viene tagliata in due dal grande spadaccino Drakul Mihawk, cacciatore di pirati e membro della temibile flotta dei 7. Zoro lo sfida, rimanendo però quasi ucciso. Mihawk colpito dalla sua forza combattiva decide di salvargli la vita lanciandogli una sfida per il futuro. Infine Usop, Zoro e Johnny partono all'inseguimento di Nami 24: L'uomo dagli Occhi di Falco
    In onda il: 2000-05-10 Improvvisamente la nave di Don Creek viene tagliata in due dal grande spadaccino Drakul Mihawk, cacciatore di pirati e membro della temibile flotta dei 7. Zoro lo sfida, rimanendo però quasi ucciso. Mihawk colpito dalla sua forza combattiva decide di salvargli la vita lanciandogli una sfida per il futuro. Infine Usop, Zoro e Johnny partono all'inseguimento di Nami In onda il: 2000-05-17 25: Fuoco e fiamme
    Incomincia lo scontro tra i cuochi della Baratie aiutati da Rufy e Creek e i suoi uomini. Sanji si scontra con uno degli uomini più forti di Don Creek, Pearl. 25: Fuoco e fiamme
    In onda il: 2000-05-17 Incomincia lo scontro tra i cuochi della Baratie aiutati da Rufy e Creek e i suoi uomini. Sanji si scontra con uno degli uomini più forti di Don Creek, Pearl. In onda il: 2000-05-24 26: Un debito di gratitudine
    Sanji ricorda il suo passato. Zef gli salvò la vita sacrificando la sua gamba[5] in quanto condivide con lui il sogno di trovare l'All Blue. I due inoltre naufragarono su un'isola deserta nella quale patirono a lungo la fame. Zef lasciò con uno stratagemma tutte le scorte al giovane Sanji. Sopravvissuti a questa esperienza i due decisero di aprire un ristorante nel mare per aiutare tutte le persone che si fossero trovate in quella stessa condizione. Sanji è quindi pronto a tutto pur di difendere la Baratie. Infine Gin si offre volontario per uccidere Sanji. 26: Un debito di gratitudine
    In onda il: 2000-05-24 Sanji ricorda il suo passato. Zef gli salvò la vita sacrificando la sua gamba[5] in quanto condivide con lui il sogno di trovare l'All Blue. I due inoltre naufragarono su un'isola deserta nella quale patirono a lungo la fame. Zef lasciò con uno stratagemma tutte le scorte al giovane Sanji. Sopravvissuti a questa esperienza i due decisero di aprire un ristorante nel mare per aiutare tutte le persone che si fossero trovate in quella stessa condizione. Sanji è quindi pronto a tutto pur di difendere la Baratie. Infine Gin si offre volontario per uccidere Sanji. In onda il: 2000-05-31 27: Il dilemma
    Sanji e Gin iniziano a combattere fra loro. Quando però sembra che Gin abbia la meglio, il pirata non riesce a finire l'uomo che gli aveva salvato la vita. Rufy cerca di raggiungere Creek. 27: Il dilemma
    In onda il: 2000-05-31 Sanji e Gin iniziano a combattere fra loro. Quando però sembra che Gin abbia la meglio, il pirata non riesce a finire l'uomo che gli aveva salvato la vita. Rufy cerca di raggiungere Creek. In onda il: 2000-06-07 28: La forza della determinazione
    Creek, infuriato, lancia sulla nave un gas velenoso per sbarazzarsi dei nemici. Tutti si infilano la maschera antigas, ma Gin cede la sua a Rufy. Rufy propone a Zef di lasciarlo andare nel caso riuscisse a battere Don Creek. Così continua lo scontro tra i due. 28: La forza della determinazione
    In onda il: 2000-06-07 Creek, infuriato, lancia sulla nave un gas velenoso per sbarazzarsi dei nemici. Tutti si infilano la maschera antigas, ma Gin cede la sua a Rufy. Rufy propone a Zef di lasciarlo andare nel caso riuscisse a battere Don Creek. Così continua lo scontro tra i due. In onda il: 2000-06-21 29: La fine delle ostilità
    Rufy sconfigge Don Creek. Gin prende il suo capitano e parte con il resto della sua ciurma. 29: La fine delle ostilità
    In onda il: 2000-06-21 Rufy sconfigge Don Creek. Gin prende il suo capitano e parte con il resto della sua ciurma. In onda il: 2000-06-28 30: È ora di levare l'ancora
    I cuochi mettono in piedi una farsa per convincere Sanji a partire con Rufy e fargli realizzare il suo più grande sogno: trovare l'All Blue, il luogo in cui i pesci di tutti i quattro mari si incontrano. Sanji, pur scoprendo l'imbroglio, decide di unirsi alla ciurma di Cappello di Paglia e parte sulla sua nave con Rufy e Yosaku alla volta di Arlong Park. 30: È ora di levare l'ancora
    In onda il: 2000-06-28 I cuochi mettono in piedi una farsa per convincere Sanji a partire con Rufy e fargli realizzare il suo più grande sogno: trovare l'All Blue, il luogo in cui i pesci di tutti i quattro mari si incontrano. Sanji, pur scoprendo l'imbroglio, decide di unirsi alla ciurma di Cappello di Paglia e parte sulla sua nave con Rufy e Yosaku alla volta di Arlong Park. In onda il: 2000-07-12 31: Sulle tracce di Nami
    Usop, Zoro e Johnny arrivano nell'isola in cui Nami è sbarcata. Dopo aver ormeggiato scoprono che essa è controllata da un manipolo di temibili uomini-pesce guidati da Arlong. Zoro viene catturato e scopre che Nami è un membro della loro ciurma. 31: Sulle tracce di Nami
    In onda il: 2000-07-12 Usop, Zoro e Johnny arrivano nell'isola in cui Nami è sbarcata. Dopo aver ormeggiato scoprono che essa è controllata da un manipolo di temibili uomini-pesce guidati da Arlong. Zoro viene catturato e scopre che Nami è un membro della loro ciurma. In onda il: 2000-07-19 32: Ritorno alle origini
    Nami libera Zoro intimandogli di abbandonare l'isola con tutti gli altri. Usop incontra la sorella di Nami, Nojiko. 32: Ritorno alle origini
    In onda il: 2000-07-19 Nami libera Zoro intimandogli di abbandonare l'isola con tutti gli altri. Usop incontra la sorella di Nami, Nojiko. In onda il: 2000-07-19 33: La maschera
    Usop viene catturato dagli uomini-pesce. Apparentemente Nami uccide Usop gettandolo in acqua. Johnny assiste alla scena. Rufy, Sanji e Yosaku giungono nell'isola. Incontrati gli altri, Johnny racconta a tutti l'omicidio operato da Nami. Nessuno però gli crede. 33: La maschera
    In onda il: 2000-07-19 Usop viene catturato dagli uomini-pesce. Apparentemente Nami uccide Usop gettandolo in acqua. Johnny assiste alla scena. Rufy, Sanji e Yosaku giungono nell'isola. Incontrati gli altri, Johnny racconta a tutti l'omicidio operato da Nami. Nessuno però gli crede. In onda il: 2000-07-26 34: La verità
    Usop ritorna dai suoi amici. Racconta che Nami gli ha salvato la vita fingendo di ucciderlo. Per far ciò Nami si è pugnalata la mano e ha gettato Usop in mare. 34: La verità
    In onda il: 2000-07-26 Usop ritorna dai suoi amici. Racconta che Nami gli ha salvato la vita fingendo di ucciderlo. Per far ciò Nami si è pugnalata la mano e ha gettato Usop in mare. In onda il: 2000-08-02 35: Segreti del passato
    Giunge Nojiko e racconta a tutti il passato di Nami. Le due sorelle erano state adottate da una giovane donna di Coconut Village: Bellmer. Ella crebbe le due bambine fino a quando giunsero nell'isola gli uomini-pesce. Essi imposero a tutti gli abitanti del villaggio dei pagamenti in denaro. Bellmer non potendo pagare per sé e le sue figlie, si ribellò e fu uccisa da Arlong. 35: Segreti del passato
    In onda il: 2000-08-02 Giunge Nojiko e racconta a tutti il passato di Nami. Le due sorelle erano state adottate da una giovane donna di Coconut Village: Bellmer. Ella crebbe le due bambine fino a quando giunsero nell'isola gli uomini-pesce. Essi imposero a tutti gli abitanti del villaggio dei pagamenti in denaro. Bellmer non potendo pagare per sé e le sue figlie, si ribellò e fu uccisa da Arlong. In onda il: 2000-08-09 36: Un legame molto stretto
    Nojiko continua il suo racconto. Arlong, venuto a conoscenza dell'abilità di Nami nel disegnare le cartine nautiche, decide di portarla con sé. Dopo alcuni giorni, la bambina torna al villaggio dichiarando a tutti di essere entrata nella ciurma di Arlong. In verità, Nami è arrivata ad un accordo con Arlong: in cambio di 100 milioni di berry avrebbe riscattato il Villaggio di Coco. Mentre Nojiko è intenta nel raccontare questa triste storia, la Marina giunge nell'isola con l'intenzione di sequestrare tutti i tesori di Nami. 36: Un legame molto stretto
    In onda il: 2000-08-09 Nojiko continua il suo racconto. Arlong, venuto a conoscenza dell'abilità di Nami nel disegnare le cartine nautiche, decide di portarla con sé. Dopo alcuni giorni, la bambina torna al villaggio dichiarando a tutti di essere entrata nella ciurma di Arlong. In verità, Nami è arrivata ad un accordo con Arlong: in cambio di 100 milioni di berry avrebbe riscattato il Villaggio di Coco. Mentre Nojiko è intenta nel raccontare questa triste storia, la Marina giunge nell'isola con l'intenzione di sequestrare tutti i tesori di Nami. In onda il: 2000-08-16 37: La promessa spezzata
    La Marina in combutta con Arlong, che non vuole perdere il prezioso contributo di Nami, sequestra il tesoro della ragazza. La popolazione del villaggio di Coco capitanata da Genzo, venuta a conoscenza del fatto ed essendo consapevole del patto stipulato con Arlong, decide di ribellarsi e di attaccare la base degli uomini pesce. Nami disperata chiede finalmente aiuto a Rufy e alla sua ciurma. 37: La promessa spezzata
    In onda il: 2000-08-16 La Marina in combutta con Arlong, che non vuole perdere il prezioso contributo di Nami, sequestra il tesoro della ragazza. La popolazione del villaggio di Coco capitanata da Genzo, venuta a conoscenza del fatto ed essendo consapevole del patto stipulato con Arlong, decide di ribellarsi e di attaccare la base degli uomini pesce. Nami disperata chiede finalmente aiuto a Rufy e alla sua ciurma. In onda il: 2000-08-23 38: Pirati contro uomini-pesce
    Rufy, Sanji, Zoro e Usop decidono di sfidare la ciurma di Arlong. Intanto Johnny e Yosaku si mettono alla guardia delle porte di Arlong Park per evitare l'intervento dei cittadini. 38: Pirati contro uomini-pesce
    In onda il: 2000-08-23 Rufy, Sanji, Zoro e Usop decidono di sfidare la ciurma di Arlong. Intanto Johnny e Yosaku si mettono alla guardia delle porte di Arlong Park per evitare l'intervento dei cittadini. In onda il: 2000-08-30 39: Una lotta senza quartiere
    Rufy rimane intrappolato in un blocco di pietra e Arlong lo lancia in acqua. Zoro e Sanji vorrebbero aiutare il loro capitano ma vengono trattenuti dai luogotenenti di Arlong Hacchan e Kuroobi. 39: Una lotta senza quartiere
    In onda il: 2000-08-30 Rufy rimane intrappolato in un blocco di pietra e Arlong lo lancia in acqua. Zoro e Sanji vorrebbero aiutare il loro capitano ma vengono trattenuti dai luogotenenti di Arlong Hacchan e Kuroobi. In onda il: 2000-09-06 40: Lo scontro subacqueo
    Zoro riesce a sconfiggere Hacchan ma non può più combattere. Sanji intento a liberare il capitano deve lottare contro Kuroobi. Usop fugge dalla base degli uomini-pesce seguito dall'ultimo luogotenente di Arlong: Pciù. 40: Lo scontro subacqueo
    In onda il: 2000-09-06 Zoro riesce a sconfiggere Hacchan ma non può più combattere. Sanji intento a liberare il capitano deve lottare contro Kuroobi. Usop fugge dalla base degli uomini-pesce seguito dall'ultimo luogotenente di Arlong: Pciù. In onda il: 2000-09-13 41: L'ultima speranza
    Sia Kuroobi che Pciù vengono sconfitti, ma anche Sanji non è più in grado di combattere. Nojiko e Genzo liberano Cappello di paglia. Inizia lo scontro con Arlong. 41: L'ultima speranza
    In onda il: 2000-09-13 Sia Kuroobi che Pciù vengono sconfitti, ma anche Sanji non è più in grado di combattere. Nojiko e Genzo liberano Cappello di paglia. Inizia lo scontro con Arlong. In onda il: 2000-09-27 42: La sfida
    Continua lo scontro tra Rufy e Arlong. Il giovane pirata appare in difficoltà. 42: La sfida
    In onda il: 2000-09-27 Continua lo scontro tra Rufy e Arlong. Il giovane pirata appare in difficoltà. In onda il: 2000-09-27 43: La fine di un impero
    Rufy sconfigge Arlong e distrugge il suo palazzo. Anche lo studio simbolo della prigionia di Nami viene distrutto. 43: La fine di un impero
    In onda il: 2000-09-27 Rufy sconfigge Arlong e distrugge il suo palazzo. Anche lo studio simbolo della prigionia di Nami viene distrutto. In onda il: 2000-10-11 44: La partenza
    Inizia una gran festa al villaggio di Coco per la sconfitta di Arlong. Nami decide di prendere il mare con i suoi nuovi amici, desiderosa di realizzare il suo più grande desiderio: disegnare una cartina del mondo intero. Prima di partire Nami deruba tutti i suoi concittadini per stemperare la tristezza derivante dalla sua partenza. 44: La partenza
    In onda il: 2000-10-11 Inizia una gran festa al villaggio di Coco per la sconfitta di Arlong. Nami decide di prendere il mare con i suoi nuovi amici, desiderosa di realizzare il suo più grande desiderio: disegnare una cartina del mondo intero. Prima di partire Nami deruba tutti i suoi concittadini per stemperare la tristezza derivante dalla sua partenza. In onda il: 2000-10-25 45: Il ricercato
    Saliti sulla nave, la ciurma scopre un volantino con il volto di Rufy ed una taglia di 30 milioni di berry. Mihawk, venuto a conoscenza del fatto, decide di portare la notizia a Shanks il rosso. 45: Il ricercato
    In onda il: 2000-10-25 Saliti sulla nave, la ciurma scopre un volantino con il volto di Rufy ed una taglia di 30 milioni di berry. Mihawk, venuto a conoscenza del fatto, decide di portare la notizia a Shanks il rosso. In onda il: 2000-11-01 46: Avventura sul mare
    Bagy il Clown, dopo varie vicissitudini, arriva nell'isola del vecchio pirata Gaimon con il quale stringe una sincera amicizia. Successivamente, incontra Albida che, dopo avere mangiato uno dei frutti del diavolo, quello Swish-Swish, che rende il corpo scivoloso, è diventata anche una bellissima donna. 46: Avventura sul mare
    In onda il: 2000-11-01 Bagy il Clown, dopo varie vicissitudini, arriva nell'isola del vecchio pirata Gaimon con il quale stringe una sincera amicizia. Successivamente, incontra Albida che, dopo avere mangiato uno dei frutti del diavolo, quello Swish-Swish, che rende il corpo scivoloso, è diventata anche una bellissima donna. In onda il: 2000-11-08 47: Il ritorno del pagliaccio
    Moji e Kabaji, convinti della morte dell'amato leader, iniziano a combattere fra di loro per decidere chi sarà il nuovo capitano. Dopo una lunga lotta sembra prevale Richi, il leone di Moji, che li colpisce nel sonno. Nella notte i pirati vengono catturati da un gruppo d'indigeni. Ma Bagy e la sua nuova alleata vengono in aiuto dei pirati liberandoli. 47: Il ritorno del pagliaccio
    In onda il: 2000-11-08 Moji e Kabaji, convinti della morte dell'amato leader, iniziano a combattere fra di loro per decidere chi sarà il nuovo capitano. Dopo una lunga lotta sembra prevale Richi, il leone di Moji, che li colpisce nel sonno. Nella notte i pirati vengono catturati da un gruppo d'indigeni. Ma Bagy e la sua nuova alleata vengono in aiuto dei pirati liberandoli. In onda il: 2000-11-22 48: La terra del re dei pirati
    La Going Merry arriva a Rogue Town, isola natale del grande Re dei pirati Gol D. Roger dove fu anche giustiziato. I membri della ciurma si dividono per far compere. Rufy va alla ricerca del luogo in cui fu giustiziato Gold Roger. Incontra Smoker, un capitano della Marina. Giungono nell'isola anche Bagy ed Albida alla ricerca di Rufy. 48: La terra del re dei pirati
    In onda il: 2000-11-22 La Going Merry arriva a Rogue Town, isola natale del grande Re dei pirati Gol D. Roger dove fu anche giustiziato. I membri della ciurma si dividono per far compere. Rufy va alla ricerca del luogo in cui fu giustiziato Gold Roger. Incontra Smoker, un capitano della Marina. Giungono nell'isola anche Bagy ed Albida alla ricerca di Rufy. In onda il: 2000-11-22 49: Le nuove spade di Zoro
    Zoro con l'aiuto di Tashigi, vice di Smoker, acquista le sue nuove spade. Esse sono dotate di un grande potere. Bagy continua a cercare Rufy. 49: Le nuove spade di Zoro
    In onda il: 2000-11-22 Zoro con l'aiuto di Tashigi, vice di Smoker, acquista le sue nuove spade. Esse sono dotate di un grande potere. Bagy continua a cercare Rufy. In onda il: 2000-11-29 50: Una prova di coraggio
    Usop intento a comprare un nuovo paio di occhiali da cecchino inizia a litigare con una bambina. Lei è la figlia di Daddy Masterson, un temibile cacciatore di pirati ormai in pensione, che sfida a duello Usop. Il pirata dal naso lungo riuscirà nell'impresa dimostrando il suo coraggio e la sua grande precisione. 50: Una prova di coraggio
    In onda il: 2000-11-29 Usop intento a comprare un nuovo paio di occhiali da cecchino inizia a litigare con una bambina. Lei è la figlia di Daddy Masterson, un temibile cacciatore di pirati ormai in pensione, che sfida a duello Usop. Il pirata dal naso lungo riuscirà nell'impresa dimostrando il suo coraggio e la sua grande precisione. In onda il: 2000-12-06 51: Il cuoco dell'anno
    Sanji, mentre è alla ricerca di cibo per le scorte della nave, incontra un pesce molto raro che però non è in vendita, ma può essere vinto solo partecipando ad un concorso di cucina. Sanji decide di partecipare e seppur ostacolato dalla bella Carmen, riesce a vincere. 51: Il cuoco dell'anno
    In onda il: 2000-12-06 Sanji, mentre è alla ricerca di cibo per le scorte della nave, incontra un pesce molto raro che però non è in vendita, ma può essere vinto solo partecipando ad un concorso di cucina. Sanji decide di partecipare e seppur ostacolato dalla bella Carmen, riesce a vincere. In onda il: 2000-12-13 52: Il passato ritorna
    Rufy finalmente trova il luogo in cui fu giustiziato Gold Roger. Ma viene trovato anche da Bagy, Albida e anche dalla Marina. Rufy sta per essere giustiziato sulla gogna in cui anche il re dei pirati fu ucciso. Miracolosamente Rufy riesce a salvarsi e con la sua ciurma riesce a scappare verso la Going Merry. Bagy, la sua ciurma e Albida vengono catturati dalla Marina, ma riescono poi a fuggire e a prendere il mare. 52: Il passato ritorna
    In onda il: 2000-12-13 Rufy finalmente trova il luogo in cui fu giustiziato Gold Roger. Ma viene trovato anche da Bagy, Albida e anche dalla Marina. Rufy sta per essere giustiziato sulla gogna in cui anche il re dei pirati fu ucciso. Miracolosamente Rufy riesce a salvarsi e con la sua ciurma riesce a scappare verso la Going Merry. Bagy, la sua ciurma e Albida vengono catturati dalla Marina, ma riescono poi a fuggire e a prendere il mare. In onda il: 2001-01-10 53: Il viaggio riprende
    I pirati riprendono il mare essendo ormai arrivati ai confini della Rotta Maggiore. Sulla nave i cinque pirati ribadiscono i loro desideri e la loro amicizia. 53: Il viaggio riprende
    In onda il: 2001-01-10 I pirati riprendono il mare essendo ormai arrivati ai confini della Rotta Maggiore. Sulla nave i cinque pirati ribadiscono i loro desideri e la loro amicizia. In onda il: 2001-01-17 54: Una ragazza misteriosa
    In una notte tempestosa una bambina di nome Apis scappa da una nave della Marina. La bimba giunge sulla nave di Cappello di Paglia. All'inizio è un po' intimorita dai pirati, ma ben presto familiarizza con loro, confidandogli così di essere fuggita dalla Marina. 54: Una ragazza misteriosa
    In onda il: 2001-01-17 In una notte tempestosa una bambina di nome Apis scappa da una nave della Marina. La bimba giunge sulla nave di Cappello di Paglia. All'inizio è un po' intimorita dai pirati, ma ben presto familiarizza con loro, confidandogli così di essere fuggita dalla Marina. In onda il: 2001-01-24 55: Una creatura leggendaria
    Giunti nell'isola di Apis, la bimba conduce i giovani dal suo anziano nonno. La bambina durante un estenuante racconto del vecchio sparisce nel nulla. Rufy, avendola seguita, scopre che Apis ha come amico un vecchio drago di nome Ryu. La bambina può comunicare con lui in quanto ha mangiato uno dei frutti del diavolo ovvero quello Whisper-Whisper che le permette di parlare con qualsiasi animale. 55: Una creatura leggendaria
    In onda il: 2001-01-24 Giunti nell'isola di Apis, la bimba conduce i giovani dal suo anziano nonno. La bambina durante un estenuante racconto del vecchio sparisce nel nulla. Rufy, avendola seguita, scopre che Apis ha come amico un vecchio drago di nome Ryu. La bambina può comunicare con lui in quanto ha mangiato uno dei frutti del diavolo ovvero quello Whisper-Whisper che le permette di parlare con qualsiasi animale. In onda il: 2001-01-31 56: Fuga dall'isola
    Il vecchio Ryu esprime il desiderio di andare nell'isola perduta in cui afferma potrebbe riprendere le forze. Erik, un mercenario al soldo dell'ammiraglio di divisione Nelson (che vuole ottenere l'immortalità con le ossa del vecchio Ryu), arriva sull'isola. Erik ha mangiato uno dei frutti del diavolo, quello Gust-Gust che gli permette di scatenare fendenti d'aria tagliente dalle mani. La ciurma di Rufy però riesce a prendere il mare con Ryu e Apis. 56: Fuga dall'isola
    In onda il: 2001-01-31 Il vecchio Ryu esprime il desiderio di andare nell'isola perduta in cui afferma potrebbe riprendere le forze. Erik, un mercenario al soldo dell'ammiraglio di divisione Nelson (che vuole ottenere l'immortalità con le ossa del vecchio Ryu), arriva sull'isola. Erik ha mangiato uno dei frutti del diavolo, quello Gust-Gust che gli permette di scatenare fendenti d'aria tagliente dalle mani. La ciurma di Rufy però riesce a prendere il mare con Ryu e Apis. In onda il: 2001-02-07 57: La leggendaria isola perduta
    La ciurma di Rufy arriva in quella che dovrebbe essere l'isola perduta ma ben presto capiscono che non è quella. In essa però trovano le indicazioni per quella vera. 57: La leggendaria isola perduta
    In onda il: 2001-02-07 La ciurma di Rufy arriva in quella che dovrebbe essere l'isola perduta ma ben presto capiscono che non è quella. In essa però trovano le indicazioni per quella vera. In onda il: 2001-02-21 58: Duello alle rovine
    Erik, che ha ormai raggiunto la Ciurma di Cappello di Paglia, si scontra con Zoro. Nel frattempo, gli altri riprendono il mare, ma si ritrovano di fronte alla flotta dell'ammiraglio Nelson. 58: Duello alle rovine
    In onda il: 2001-02-21 Erik, che ha ormai raggiunto la Ciurma di Cappello di Paglia, si scontra con Zoro. Nel frattempo, gli altri riprendono il mare, ma si ritrovano di fronte alla flotta dell'ammiraglio Nelson. In onda il: 2001-02-21 59: Siamo circondati
    Rufy, Sanji e Zoro iniziano a combattere contro la potente flotta dell'ammiraglio Nelson che ormai li ha circondati. Ryu cerca di aiutare i suoi amici, ma a sua volta viene colpito dai cannoni e ferito gravemente. Rufy arrabbiato distrugge la nave dove si trova Nelson, dividendola in due con un devastante calcio. 59: Siamo circondati
    In onda il: 2001-02-21 Rufy, Sanji e Zoro iniziano a combattere contro la potente flotta dell'ammiraglio Nelson che ormai li ha circondati. Ryu cerca di aiutare i suoi amici, ma a sua volta viene colpito dai cannoni e ferito gravemente. Rufy arrabbiato distrugge la nave dove si trova Nelson, dividendola in due con un devastante calcio. In onda il: 2001-02-28 60: I draghi volanti
    Ryu con un ultimo grido chiama i suoi compagni che arrivano a centinaia: il luogo della battaglia navale non è altro che l'Isola Perduta o il Nido dei Draghi. Apis capisce finalmente che il vecchio Ryu era venuto a morire in quell'isola. Ma mentre il vecchio Ryu muore, le uova dei draghi si schiudono mostrando il ciclo della vita. Nel frattempo, Erik trova ed uccide l'ammiraglio Nelson e si scontra con Rufy, il quale, nonostante le ferite provocategli dalle potenti tecniche dell'avversario, riesce a resistervi ed a sconfiggerlo per poi lanciarlo via con un Gom Gom Bazooka. 60: I draghi volanti
    In onda il: 2001-02-28 Ryu con un ultimo grido chiama i suoi compagni che arrivano a centinaia: il luogo della battaglia navale non è altro che l'Isola Perduta o il Nido dei Draghi. Apis capisce finalmente che il vecchio Ryu era venuto a morire in quell'isola. Ma mentre il vecchio Ryu muore, le uova dei draghi si schiudono mostrando il ciclo della vita. Nel frattempo, Erik trova ed uccide l'ammiraglio Nelson e si scontra con Rufy, il quale, nonostante le ferite provocategli dalle potenti tecniche dell'avversario, riesce a resistervi ed a sconfiggerlo per poi lanciarlo via con un Gom Gom Bazooka. In onda il: 2001-03-07 61: Una nuova avventura
    Prima di entrare nella Rotta Maggiore, la ciurma di Rufy deve scalare con la Going Merry la Reverse Mountain, un'alta montagna. L'improvvisa comparsa di Erik, che si era nascosto dentro la nave per vendicarsi, non causa problemi in quanto Nami provvede tempestivamente a farlo cadere con un calcio ed i ragazzi riescono nell'impresa. Ma, all'arrivo, una grandissima balena ingoia la nave. 61: Una nuova avventura
    In onda il: 2001-03-07 Prima di entrare nella Rotta Maggiore, la ciurma di Rufy deve scalare con la Going Merry la Reverse Mountain, un'alta montagna. L'improvvisa comparsa di Erik, che si era nascosto dentro la nave per vendicarsi, non causa problemi in quanto Nami provvede tempestivamente a farlo cadere con un calcio ed i ragazzi riescono nell'impresa. Ma, all'arrivo, una grandissima balena ingoia la nave. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha Hen [7/7] (2021) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Demon Slayer
    Il Capitolo del Treno Mugen    Episodi 7        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Giappone, periodo Taisho. Tanjiro trova la sua famiglia massacrata da un demone mentre sua sorella minore Nezuko, l’unica sopravvissuta, è stata lei stessa trasformata in un demone. Tanjiro decide quindi di diventare un "cacciatore di demoni" per far tornare sua sorella umana e uccidere chi ha massacrato la sua famiglia.
    Original Story Nessun dato per il Cast disponibile
    Episodi: 7 
    In onda il: 2021-10-10 1: Il pilastro delle fiamme, Rengoku Kyojuro
    Il pilastro delle fiamme, Kyojuro Rengoku, viene inviato ad indagare sulla sparizione del treno Mugen, a seguito della scomparsa di numerosi passeggeri. 1: Il pilastro delle fiamme, Rengoku Kyojuro
    In onda il: 2021-10-10 Il pilastro delle fiamme, Kyojuro Rengoku, viene inviato ad indagare sulla sparizione del treno Mugen, a seguito della scomparsa di numerosi passeggeri. In onda il: 2021-10-17 2: Sonno profondo
    Rengoku sale sul Treno Mugen per indagare sulla scomparsa di più di quaranta passeggeri. Tanjiro, Zenitsu e Inosuke lo raggiungono per dargli una mano. 2: Sonno profondo
    In onda il: 2021-10-17 Rengoku sale sul Treno Mugen per indagare sulla scomparsa di più di quaranta passeggeri. Tanjiro, Zenitsu e Inosuke lo raggiungono per dargli una mano. In onda il: 2021-10-24 3: Se fosse vero
    Intrappolati nell'incantesimo di Enmu, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke e Rengoku cadono sempre più in un sonno eterno. Tanjiro capisce di essere in un sogno, ma non sa come uscirne. 3: Se fosse vero
    In onda il: 2021-10-24 Intrappolati nell'incantesimo di Enmu, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke e Rengoku cadono sempre più in un sonno eterno. Tanjiro capisce di essere in un sogno, ma non sa come uscirne. In onda il: 2021-11-07 4: Affronto
    Quando Tanjiro si risveglia con successo dal suo sogno, affronta il demone responsabile, Enmu. Ma la situazione mette in discussione la determinazione di Tanjiro quando Enmu si dimostra più potente di qualsiasi demone che abbia mai affrontato. 4: Affronto
    In onda il: 2021-11-07 Quando Tanjiro si risveglia con successo dal suo sogno, affronta il demone responsabile, Enmu. Ma la situazione mette in discussione la determinazione di Tanjiro quando Enmu si dimostra più potente di qualsiasi demone che abbia mai affrontato. In onda il: 2021-11-14 5: Verso il futuro
    Tanjiro e Inosuke si scontrano con Enmu, che ha trasformato l'intero treno nel suo corpo, mentre Zenitsu, Nezuko e Rengoku proteggono i passeggeri. 5: Verso il futuro
    In onda il: 2021-11-14 Tanjiro e Inosuke si scontrano con Enmu, che ha trasformato l'intero treno nel suo corpo, mentre Zenitsu, Nezuko e Rengoku proteggono i passeggeri. In onda il: 2021-11-21 6: Akaza
    Tanjiro e Inosuke riescono a tagliare il collo di Enmu, e il treno si schianta. Sembra tutto finito, ma qualcosa di pericoloso si avvicina. 6: Akaza
    In onda il: 2021-11-21 Tanjiro e Inosuke riescono a tagliare il collo di Enmu, e il treno si schianta. Sembra tutto finito, ma qualcosa di pericoloso si avvicina. In onda il: 2021-11-28 7: Fai ardere il tuo cuore!
    Rengoku continua a respingere Akaza subendo ferite mortali nel mentre, mentre il demone guarisce all'istante. Tanjiro e Inosuke guardano impotenti mentre il potente Pilastro viene abbattuto dalla Luna Crescente. 7: Fai ardere il tuo cuore!
    In onda il: 2021-11-28 Rengoku continua a respingere Akaza subendo ferite mortali nel mentre, mentre il demone guarisce all'istante. Tanjiro e Inosuke guardano impotenti mentre il potente Pilastro viene abbattuto dalla Luna Crescente. Demon Slayer 1 Trailer ita
  3. Boku no Hero Academia 7 [7/12] (2024) [7°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer My Hero Academia
    Stagione 7    Episodi 12        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    In un mondo in cui essere supereroi è la normalità, nascere senza particolari poteri equivale a una vera e propria disgrazia. Izuku Midoriya dovrà mettercela tutta per ottenere un superpotere e, nonostante l’impresa sembra impossibile, qualcuno finirà per notare le sue capacità.
    Series Director 長崎健司
    Series Director Yoshihiko Umakoshi
    Character Designer 堀越耕平
    Original Story Nessun dato per il Cast disponibile
    Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-05-04 1: L'Occidente all'improvviso!! Arriva un pezzo grosso
    Mentre il caos dilaga in Giappone, Star and Stripe vola dagli Stati Uniti per aiutare e trova Shigaraki che la aspetta nel mezzo della sua traiettoria di volo. 1: L'Occidente all'improvviso!! Arriva un pezzo grosso
    In onda il: 2024-05-04 Mentre il caos dilaga in Giappone, Star and Stripe vola dagli Stati Uniti per aiutare e trova Shigaraki che la aspetta nel mezzo della sua traiettoria di volo. In onda il: 2024-05-11 2: Spettro
    La lotta tra Star and Stripe e Shigaraki sta volgendo al termine, ma Star ha un altro asso nella manica con il New Order. 2: Spettro
    In onda il: 2024-05-11 La lotta tra Star and Stripe e Shigaraki sta volgendo al termine, ma Star ha un altro asso nella manica con il New Order. In onda il: 2024-05-18 3: Villain
    Dopo aver fallito nel rubare il Quirk di Star e aver perso molti altri Quirk, Shigaraki e All For One si preparano per la loro prossima mossa. Chi è il traditore alla U.A.? 3: Villain
    In onda il: 2024-05-18 Dopo aver fallito nel rubare il Quirk di Star e aver perso molti altri Quirk, Shigaraki e All For One si preparano per la loro prossima mossa. Chi è il traditore alla U.A.? In onda il: 2024-05-25 4: La storia di come tutti siamo diventati Heroes
    A causa della sua relazione con All For One, Aoyama si definisce un villain, ma Deku gli dice che può ancora essere un eroe e gli tende una mano. 4: La storia di come tutti siamo diventati Heroes
    In onda il: 2024-05-25 A causa della sua relazione con All For One, Aoyama si definisce un villain, ma Deku gli dice che può ancora essere un eroe e gli tende una mano. In onda il: 2024-06-01 5: Let you down
    Mentre eroi e cattivi si preparano per la battaglia imminente, Deku e gli altri lasciano la U.A., e Deku viene chiamato da Aoyama, che dovrebbe essere ancora imprigionato. 5: Let you down
    In onda il: 2024-06-01 Mentre eroi e cattivi si preparano per la battaglia imminente, Deku e gli altri lasciano la U.A., e Deku viene chiamato da Aoyama, che dovrebbe essere ancora imprigionato. In onda il: 2024-06-08 6: Division
    È finalmente giunto il momento della battaglia decisiva tra eroi e Villain! Il piano di All Might, Aizawa e gli altri prevede che inizino i loro combattimenti in vari luoghi del Giappone! 6: Division
    In onda il: 2024-06-08 È finalmente giunto il momento della battaglia decisiva tra eroi e Villain! Il piano di All Might, Aizawa e gli altri prevede che inizino i loro combattimenti in vari luoghi del Giappone! In onda il: 2024-06-15 7: Inflation
    Nonostante le Unicità di Shigaraki siano sigillate, attacca Bakugo e gli altri con un aspetto e un potere strani e nuovi. Nel frattempo, Deku viene trascinato dove Toga è stata teletrasportata e Todoroki e Dabi si affrontano! 7: Inflation
    In onda il: 2024-06-15 Nonostante le Unicità di Shigaraki siano sigillate, attacca Bakugo e gli altri con un aspetto e un potere strani e nuovi. Nel frattempo, Deku viene trascinato dove Toga è stata teletrasportata e Todoroki e Dabi si affrontano! In onda il: 2024-06-22 8: Two Flashfires
    Nessuna trama disponibile 8: Two Flashfires
    In onda il: 2024-06-22 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-29 9: Episode 9
    Nessuna trama disponibile 9: Episode 9
    In onda il: 2024-06-29 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-13 10: Episode 10
    Nessuna trama disponibile 10: Episode 10
    In onda il: 2024-07-13 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-20 11: Episode 11
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Episode 11
    In onda il: 2024-07-20 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-27 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-07-27 Nessuna trama disponibile My Hero Academia (Trailer)
  4. T・P BON [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer T・P BON
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Dopo essere intervenuto per sbaglio in un caso della Time Patrol, Bon deve unirsi all'agente Ream per salvare vite innocenti del passato, assistendo agli eventi della storia.
    Michiru Oshima
    Original Music Composer Masahiro Ando
    Series Director Fujiko F. Fujio
    Comic Book Yuko Kakihara
    Series Composition Masahiro Sato
    Supervising Animation Director Masahiro Sato
    Character Designer Junichiro Tamamori
    Mechanical Designer Eiko Tsunado
    Art Designer Tatsuro Onishi
    Art Direction Shihoko Nakayama
    Color Designer Zhang Yingying
    Director of Photography Takuma Miyake
    3D Director Ayumu Takahashi
    Editor Kazuhiro Wakabayashi
    Sound Director Shizuo Kurahashi
    Sound Effects Sachiko Nishi
    Sound Effects Akihisa Wakayama
    Bon Namihira (voice) Atsumi Tanezaki
    Ream Stream (voice) Mamoru Miyano
    Buyoyon (voice) Tomoyo Kurosawa
    Yumiko Yasukawa (voice) Yoko Hikasa
    Tetsuo Shiraish (voice) Setsuo Ito
    Yanagisawa (voice) Saho Shirasu
    Yoko (voice) Yasuyuki Kase
    Gayler (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 1: Non sarò cancellato!
    A casa di un amico, Bon Namihira è per caso testimone dell'effetto dei viaggi nel tempo e scopre che sarà cancellato perché ciò che ha visto deve rimanere segreto. 1: Non sarò cancellato!
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 A casa di un amico, Bon Namihira è per caso testimone dell'effetto dei viaggi nel tempo e scopre che sarà cancellato perché ciò che ha visto deve rimanere segreto. In onda il: 2024-05-02 2: L'apprendista T・P
    Dopo aver evitato per poco di essere cancellato, Bon deve imparare come si diventa un agente della Pattuglia del tempo. Prima missione: Tokyo nel 1947 durante il tifone Kathleen. 2: L'apprendista T・P
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Dopo aver evitato per poco di essere cancellato, Bon deve imparare come si diventa un agente della Pattuglia del tempo. Prima missione: Tokyo nel 1947 durante il tifone Kathleen. In onda il: 2024-05-02 3: Il segreto della piramide
    Nella missione successiva, Bon deve andare in Egitto nel lontano 2.592 a.C. per impedire con l'aiuto di Ream che l'innocente Thoth sia sepolto vivo. 3: Il segreto della piramide
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Nella missione successiva, Bon deve andare in Egitto nel lontano 2.592 a.C. per impedire con l'aiuto di Ream che l'innocente Thoth sia sepolto vivo. In onda il: 2024-05-02 4: Nell'antichità un uomo attraversa il Pacifico
    Dopo essere stato ripreso da Ream per aver sfoggiato l'equipaggiamento, Bon va con la squadra nell'800 a.C. per aiutare un antenato in una pericolosa traversata verso il Giappone. 4: Nell'antichità un uomo attraversa il Pacifico
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Dopo essere stato ripreso da Ream per aver sfoggiato l'equipaggiamento, Bon va con la squadra nell'800 a.C. per aiutare un antenato in una pericolosa traversata verso il Giappone. In onda il: 2024-05-02 5: Caccia alle streghe
    Bon e Ream tornano indietro di 350 anni e vanno nel sud della Francia per impedire la tortura e la morte di Celine, una potenziale vittima della caccia alle streghe europea. 5: Caccia alle streghe
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Bon e Ream tornano indietro di 350 anni e vanno nel sud della Francia per impedire la tortura e la morte di Celine, una potenziale vittima della caccia alle streghe europea. In onda il: 2024-05-02 6: La montagna e il ruggito del drago bianco
    In missione nel 628 d.C. nei monti del Tian Shan, Bon capisce che il gruppo che seguono ha ispirato l'epica storia di "Il viaggio in Occidente". 6: La montagna e il ruggito del drago bianco
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 In missione nel 628 d.C. nei monti del Tian Shan, Bon capisce che il gruppo che seguono ha ispirato l'epica storia di "Il viaggio in Occidente". In onda il: 2024-05-02 7: Il labirinto oscuro
    Nel 1.500 a.C. a Creta, Bon e Ream pagano il prezzo per non essersi presi cura delle loro navi. Riusciranno a salvare i loro obiettivi in tempo? 7: Il labirinto oscuro
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Nel 1.500 a.C. a Creta, Bon e Ream pagano il prezzo per non essersi presi cura delle loro navi. Riusciranno a salvare i loro obiettivi in tempo? In onda il: 2024-05-02 8: La bella ragazza sul campo di battaglia
    Partiti con la missione di salvare una sola persona durante la battaglia di Okinawa del 1945, Bon e Ream devono venire a patti con i limiti della Pattuglia del tempo. 8: La bella ragazza sul campo di battaglia
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Partiti con la missione di salvare una sola persona durante la battaglia di Okinawa del 1945, Bon e Ream devono venire a patti con i limiti della Pattuglia del tempo. In onda il: 2024-05-02 9: Cavalcare un dinosauro in vacanza
    La squadra va in vacanza nel Giurassico superiore, ma finisce per bloccare un bracconiere la cui caccia sfrenata potrebbe minacciare l'umanità intera. 9: Cavalcare un dinosauro in vacanza
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 La squadra va in vacanza nel Giurassico superiore, ma finisce per bloccare un bracconiere la cui caccia sfrenata potrebbe minacciare l'umanità intera. In onda il: 2024-05-02 10: Sparatoria vicino all'O.K. Corral
    Per trovare indizi sull'identità del loro prossimo obiettivo, Bon e Ream devono infiltrarsi tra i pistoleri dell'Ottocento di Tombstone, negli USA. 10: Sparatoria vicino all'O.K. Corral
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Per trovare indizi sull'identità del loro prossimo obiettivo, Bon e Ream devono infiltrarsi tra i pistoleri dell'Ottocento di Tombstone, negli USA. In onda il: 2024-05-02 11: La battaglia di Maratona
    La squadra arriva nel 490 a.C. e salva numerose vite durante la Battaglia di Maratona. Poi Bon modifica incautamente la storia ed è costretto a sostituire un messaggero importante. 11: La battaglia di Maratona
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 La squadra arriva nel 490 a.C. e salva numerose vite durante la Battaglia di Maratona. Poi Bon modifica incautamente la storia ed è costretto a sostituire un messaggero importante. In onda il: 2024-05-02 12: Il naufrago dell'iperspazio
    Durante una pericolosa missione per salvare un viaggiatore del tempo, Bon e Ream rimangono bloccati nel futuro. Riusciranno a tornare a casa? 12: Il naufrago dell'iperspazio
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Durante una pericolosa missione per salvare un viaggiatore del tempo, Bon e Ream rimangono bloccati nel futuro. Riusciranno a tornare a casa? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  5. Sand Land: The Series [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer SAND LAND: THE SERIES
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
    Sand Land è un mondo misterioso dove demoni e umani vivono in una terra desolata arida e desertica. Per rifornire le proprie scorte d’acqua, il Principe dei Demoni Beelzebub, un demone di nome Thief e lo Sceriffo umano Rao si imbarcano in un viaggio alla ricerca della Sorgente Leggendaria.
    Toshihisa Yokoshima
    Series Director Hiroshi Koujina
    Other Hayashi Mori
    Series Composition Yoshikazu Iwanami
    Sound Director Yugo Kanno
    Original Music Composer Akira Toriyama
    Original Story Yuki Kawashita
    Director of Photography Shun Tokuda
    Editor Yuji Kaneko
    Art Direction Nagisa Abe
    Color Designer Naoyuki Shigekawa
    CGI Director Kimitoshi Yamane
    Mechanical Designer Takehiko Hoashi
    Mechanical Designer Makoto Asanuma
    Executive Producer Nao Udagawa
    Executive Producer Akira Toriyama
    Character Designer Takayuki Yamaguchi
    Sound Mixer Yasumasa Koyama
    Sound Effects Shunsuke Matsuda
    Music Producer Masayuki Hirano
    Producer Tasuke Sasaki
    Producer Junpei Mizusaki
    Associate Producer Tetsuro Satomi
    Associate Producer Osamu Taniguchi
    Associate Producer Ryoto Ohara
    Theme Song Performance Natsuki Fujimoto
    Theme Song Performance AAAMYYY
    Theme Song Performance Reo Uchida
    Theme Song Performance Kroi
    Theme Song Performance Mutsumi Tamura
    Beelzebub (voice) Kazuhiro Yamaji
    Rao (voice) Cho
    Thief (voice) Satoshi Tsuruoka
    General Are (voice) Nobuo Tobita
    General Zeu (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 1: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP 1: Si parte
    Un umano, il Principe dei Demoni Beelzebub e Thief, un demone, cercano la Sorgente Leggendaria. 1: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP 1: Si parte
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Un umano, il Principe dei Demoni Beelzebub e Thief, un demone, cercano la Sorgente Leggendaria. In onda il: 2024-03-20 2: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP 2: Il segreto dell’Esercito Reale
    Il trio ruba un carro armato dell’Esercito Reale e si scontra con un aereo dell’Esercito. 2: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP 2: Il segreto dell’Esercito Reale
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Il trio ruba un carro armato dell’Esercito Reale e si scontra con un aereo dell’Esercito. In onda il: 2024-03-20 3: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP3: Un uomo chiamato leggenda
    Mentre emerge il triste passato di Rao, il trio si scontra col Colonnello Are e i suoi carri armati. 3: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP3: Un uomo chiamato leggenda
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Mentre emerge il triste passato di Rao, il trio si scontra col Colonnello Are e i suoi carri armati. In onda il: 2024-03-20 4: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP4: Oltre la tempesta di sabbia
    Quando i Swimmers attaccano all’improvviso, Beelzebub li insegue e scopre qualcosa di incredibile. 4: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP4: Oltre la tempesta di sabbia
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Quando i Swimmers attaccano all’improvviso, Beelzebub li insegue e scopre qualcosa di incredibile. In onda il: 2024-03-20 5: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP5: I terrificanti Uomini Insetto
    Il trio arriva alla riserva d’acqua del Re e ha inizio la battaglia col Generale Supremo Zeu. 5: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP5: I terrificanti Uomini Insetto
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Il trio arriva alla riserva d’acqua del Re e ha inizio la battaglia col Generale Supremo Zeu. In onda il: 2024-03-20 6: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP6: Il demone Beelzebub
    Beelzebub sopraffà gli Uomini Insetto e Rao si infiltra nel trasportatore aereo mega dell’Esercito. 6: La storia del Principe dei Demoni EP6: Il demone Beelzebub
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Beelzebub sopraffà gli Uomini Insetto e Rao si infiltra nel trasportatore aereo mega dell’Esercito. In onda il: 2024-03-20 7: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP1: Verso una nuova avventura
    Il fiume scorre di nuovo a Sand Land e porta con sé nuovi incontri e una nuova avventura. 7: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP1: Verso una nuova avventura
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Il fiume scorre di nuovo a Sand Land e porta con sé nuovi incontri e una nuova avventura. In onda il: 2024-03-27 8: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP2: Operazione: Intrufolarsi nella capitale!
    Il trio e la nuova amica cercano di fermare l’imminente esecuzione di Re Jam. 8: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP2: Operazione: Intrufolarsi nella capitale!
    In onda il: 2024-03-27 Il trio e la nuova amica cercano di fermare l’imminente esecuzione di Re Jam. In onda il: 2024-04-03 9: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP3: Il potere dei demoni
    L’esecuzione di Re Jam è imminente e il Generale Bred e Muniel mettono all’angolo Beelzebub. 9: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP3: Il potere dei demoni
    In onda il: 2024-04-03 L’esecuzione di Re Jam è imminente e il Generale Bred e Muniel mettono all’angolo Beelzebub. In onda il: 2024-04-10 10: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP4: L’urna di Muniel
    Un indizio di Lango porta i quattro al villaggio dei demoni dove re Lucifer e Muniel si affrontano. 10: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP4: L’urna di Muniel
    In onda il: 2024-04-10 Un indizio di Lango porta i quattro al villaggio dei demoni dove re Lucifer e Muniel si affrontano. In onda il: 2024-04-17 11: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP5: La fortezza volante Garam
    La Fortezza Volante Garam riprende il volo e i quattro protagonisti fanno il possibile per fermarla. 11: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP5: La fortezza volante Garam
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 La Fortezza Volante Garam riprende il volo e i quattro protagonisti fanno il possibile per fermarla. In onda il: 2024-04-24 12: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP6: La battaglia finale!
    Beelzebub e Ann riescono a eludere Bred per fermare Garam, ma dovranno affrontare Muniel. 12: La storia dell’angelo salvatore EP6: La battaglia finale!
    In onda il: 2024-04-24 Beelzebub e Ann riescono a eludere Bred per fermare Garam, ma dovranno affrontare Muniel. In onda il: 2024-05-01 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-05-01 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  6. Grimm Kumikyoku [6/6] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Grimm Variations
    Stagione 1    Episodi 6        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Questa antologia ispirata ai classici racconti dei fratelli Grimm include sei fiabe dai toni dark che esplorano il lato oscuro del desiderio umano.
    Michiko Yokote
    Series Composition Akira Miyagawa
    Original Music Composer Naohiro Osugi
    Character Designer George Wada
    Producer Taiki Sakurai
    Executive Producer Kisuke Koizumi
    Sound Director Kazuhiro Hotchi
    Opening/Ending Animation Misato Fukuen
    Charlotte Grimm (voice) Tatsuhisa Suzuki
    Jacob Grimm (voice) Kenji Nojima
    Wilhelm Grimm (voice) Episodi: 6 
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 1: Cinderella
    Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved playing with dolls. But Kiyoko's new stepfamily soon realizes that they may be her new playthings. 1: Cinderella
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved playing with dolls. But Kiyoko's new stepfamily soon realizes that they may be her new playthings. In onda il: 2024-04-17 2: Little Red Riding Hood
    In a dystopian future, Grey and his club of "wolves" use AR to hunt and kill women for leisure — until he meets his first real-life prey, Scarlet. 2: Little Red Riding Hood
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 In a dystopian future, Grey and his club of "wolves" use AR to hunt and kill women for leisure — until he meets his first real-life prey, Scarlet. In onda il: 2024-04-17 3: Hansel and Gretel
    In the deepest, darkest part of the forest, Hansel and Gretel face a tough dilemma when an old woman tempts them with sweets and forbidden knowledge. 3: Hansel and Gretel
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 In the deepest, darkest part of the forest, Hansel and Gretel face a tough dilemma when an old woman tempts them with sweets and forbidden knowledge. In onda il: 2024-04-17 4: The Elves and the Shoemaker
    Years after his last success, washed-up writer N encounters a sharp-tongued child and later wakes up with a literary hit — one he can't remember writing. 4: The Elves and the Shoemaker
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 Years after his last success, washed-up writer N encounters a sharp-tongued child and later wakes up with a literary hit — one he can't remember writing. In onda il: 2024-04-17 5: The Town Musicians of Bremen
    Former deputy Dog roams the land with unlikely companions, but their search for a home is interrupted when they run into the notorious Wade Brothers. 5: The Town Musicians of Bremen
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 Former deputy Dog roams the land with unlikely companions, but their search for a home is interrupted when they run into the notorious Wade Brothers. In onda il: 2024-04-17 6: Pied Piper of Hamelin
    The sheltered and precocious Maria is content with her bleak village life until her obsessed teacher shows her an illicit picture from the outside world. 6: Pied Piper of Hamelin
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 The sheltered and precocious Maria is content with her bleak village life until her obsessed teacher shows her an illicit picture from the outside world. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. Kaijuu 8-gou [10/12] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Kaiju No. 8
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Il trentaduenne Kafka Hibino fa parte di una squadra speciale addetta allo smantellamento dei resti dei Kaiju, che vengono uccisi dalle forze di difesa. Kafka è amico d'infanzia di Mina Ashiro. I due, tempo addietro, si promisero di entrare nel corpo delle forze di difesa e proteggere il Giappone dai Kaiju. Hibino non riuscì a superare l'esame di ammissione, abbandonando i suoi sogni. Mina, mantenendo la promessa, divenne invece il capitano della III divisione del corpo delle forze di difesa. Un giorno, Kafka affronta uno strano Kaiju con il quale si fonde. Da quel momento il giovane acquisisce la capacità di trasformarsi nel Kaiju numero 8, ottenendo particolari abilità.
    Naoya Matsumoto
    Comic Book 西尾鉄也
    Character Designer Shinji Kimura
    Art Direction 前田真宏
    Creature Design Yuta Bandoh
    Original Music Composer 大河内一楼
    Series Composition 宮繁之
    Series Director Tomomi Kamiya
    Series Director Izumi Hirose
    Color Designer Eiji Arai
    Director of Photography Aya Hida
    Editor Fumiyuki Goh
    Sound Director Masaru Matsumoto
    3D Director Ryan Tedder
    Songs Zach Filkins
    Songs Drew Brown
    Songs Brent Kutzle
    Songs Eddie Fisher
    Songs Brian Willett
    Songs Yungblud
    Theme Song Performance 常木志伸
    Mechanical Designer Atsushi Takahashi
    Executive Producer Akifumi Fujio
    Executive Producer Kazutaka Yamanaka
    Executive Producer 大好誠
    Executive Producer 武井克弘
    Producer Shunsuke Yanagisawa
    Producer Ryu Hashimoto
    Producer Takemasa Arita
    Producer 森廣扶美
    Producer Takatoshi Okajima
    Producer Tatsuro Hayashi
    Producer 大田圭二
    Executive Producer Yoshihisa Heishi
    Executive Producer Hiroshi Ueda
    Executive Producer 和田丈嗣
    Executive Producer Tomoyuki Ogata
    Executive Producer 渡部由紀子
    Prop Designer 北條真純
    Prop Designer 福西勝也
    Kafka Hibino / Kaiju No. 8 (voice) 瀬戸麻沙美
    Mina Ashiro (voice) 加藤渉
    Reno Ichikawa (voice) ファイルーズあい
    Kikoru Shinomiya (voice) 河西健吾
    Soshiro Hoshina (voice) 河本啓佑
    Haruichi Izumo (voice) 武内駿輔
    Aoi Kaguragi (voice) 新祐樹
    Iharu Furuhashi (voice) 千本木彩花
    Konomi Okonogi (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-04-13 1: The Man Who Became a Kaiju
    Kafka Hibino has almost abandoned his dream of joining the anti-Kaiju "Defense Force." He now works in Kaiju clean-up, disposing of the bodies of slain Kaiju and thinking back with regret to the days he spent with his childhood friend Mina Ashiro, captain of Defense Force's Third Division. 1: The Man Who Became a Kaiju
    In onda il: 2024-04-13 Kafka Hibino has almost abandoned his dream of joining the anti-Kaiju "Defense Force." He now works in Kaiju clean-up, disposing of the bodies of slain Kaiju and thinking back with regret to the days he spent with his childhood friend Mina Ashiro, captain of Defense Force's Third Division. In onda il: 2024-04-20 2: The Kaiju Who Defeats Kaiju
    After turning into a Kaiju, Kafka is forced to flee. His escape is interrupted, however, by the arrival of another Kaiju... 2: The Kaiju Who Defeats Kaiju
    In onda il: 2024-04-20 After turning into a Kaiju, Kafka is forced to flee. His escape is interrupted, however, by the arrival of another Kaiju... In onda il: 2024-04-27 3: Revenge Match
    Kafka arrives for one last shot at the Defense Force entry exam... but can he pass while keeping his Kaiju powers a secret? 3: Revenge Match
    In onda il: 2024-04-27 Kafka arrives for one last shot at the Defense Force entry exam... but can he pass while keeping his Kaiju powers a secret? In onda il: 2024-05-04 4: Fortitude 9.8
    An unexpected incident during the exam forces Kafka to use his powers at the risk of revealing his secret. 4: Fortitude 9.8
    In onda il: 2024-05-04 An unexpected incident during the exam forces Kafka to use his powers at the risk of revealing his secret. In onda il: 2024-05-11 5: Joining Up!
    Kafka is now a member of the Defense Force, if not a full-fledged one. But Hoshina tells him he has three months to prove himself before he's fired... 5: Joining Up!
    In onda il: 2024-05-11 Kafka is now a member of the Defense Force, if not a full-fledged one. But Hoshina tells him he has three months to prove himself before he's fired... In onda il: 2024-05-18 6: Sagamihara Neutralization Operation at Daybreak
    It's time for Kafka's first mission, and he witnesses the true power of the Defense Force when a Kaiju strikes a nearby city. 6: Sagamihara Neutralization Operation at Daybreak
    In onda il: 2024-05-18 It's time for Kafka's first mission, and he witnesses the true power of the Defense Force when a Kaiju strikes a nearby city. In onda il: 2024-05-25 7: Kaiju No. 9
    Reno and Iharu encounter a powerful humanoid Kaiju that quickly overwhelms them. Can help arrive in time? 7: Kaiju No. 9
    In onda il: 2024-05-25 Reno and Iharu encounter a powerful humanoid Kaiju that quickly overwhelms them. Can help arrive in time? In onda il: 2024-06-01 8: Welcome to the Defense Force
    After transforming into a Kaiju to rescue Reno and Iharu, Kafka is found by Hoshina, who immediately attacks him. 8: Welcome to the Defense Force
    In onda il: 2024-06-01 After transforming into a Kaiju to rescue Reno and Iharu, Kafka is found by Hoshina, who immediately attacks him. In onda il: 2024-06-08 9: Raid on Tachikawa Base
    Tachikawa base comes under attack from the air, as a powerful Kaiju has its sights set on the Defense Force. 9: Raid on Tachikawa Base
    In onda il: 2024-06-08 Tachikawa base comes under attack from the air, as a powerful Kaiju has its sights set on the Defense Force. In onda il: 2024-06-15 10: Secret Revealed
    When the Defense Force is in danger, Kafka is forced to choose between keeping his secret and saving his comrades. 10: Secret Revealed
    In onda il: 2024-06-15 When the Defense Force is in danger, Kafka is forced to choose between keeping his secret and saving his comrades. In onda il: 2024-06-22 11: Episode 11
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Episode 11
    In onda il: 2024-06-22 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-29 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-29 Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale
  8. Wind Breaker [11/12] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer WIND BREAKER
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure
    La Fuurin è una scuola nota per avere gli studenti con i peggiori rendimenti scolastici e i combattenti più forti in circolazione. Volendo diventare il più forte di tutti e venire considerato alla stregua di un eroe, Sakura Haruka si unisce a un gruppo nato per proteggere la città.
    Supervising Animation Director 浅賀和行
    Action Director 羽土真衣子
    Prop Designer 守安靖尚
    Art Direction 守安靖尚
    Art Designer 横田明日香
    Color Designer 長瀬由起子
    Director of Photography 渡邉啓太
    3D Director 三嶋章紀
    Editor 明田川仁
    Sound Director 高橋諒
    Original Music Composer 瀬古浩司
    Series Composition 川上大志
    Character Designer 赤井俊文
    Series Director 三宅将典
    Executive Producer 清水博之
    Executive Producer 古川慎
    Executive Producer 瓜生恭子
    Producer 大和雅恵
    Producer 前田俊博
    Producer 山崎博昭
    Producer 福島祐一
    Producer 岡部正昭
    Producer 山内真治
    Music Producer 西田圭稀
    Music Director 上野励
    Sound Effects 小笠原頌
    Sound Mixer にいさとる
    Original Story 内田雄馬
    Haruka Sakura (voice) 千葉翔也
    Akihiko Nirei (voice) 内山昂輝
    Kyotaro Sugishita (voice) 島﨑信長
    Hayato Suo (voice) 鈴木崚汰
    Toma Hiragi (voice) 中村悠一
    Hajime Umemiya (voice) 小林千晃
    Sako Kota Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: SAKURA ARRIVES AT FURIN
    An admirer of strong people with a complete disinterest in the weak, Haruka Sakura, a loner and delinquent high school student, aims to be a fighter at the top of Furin High School. Coming from outside the city, Sakura enrolls in Furin High School, infamous for its delinquents. 1: SAKURA ARRIVES AT FURIN
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 An admirer of strong people with a complete disinterest in the weak, Haruka Sakura, a loner and delinquent high school student, aims to be a fighter at the top of Furin High School. Coming from outside the city, Sakura enrolls in Furin High School, infamous for its delinquents. In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: THE HERO OF MY DREAMS
    It is the morning of the school entrance ceremony, and Furin High School has transformed into a group that protects the town now known as the "Chime of the Wind Breaker" — Bofurin. 2: THE HERO OF MY DREAMS
    In onda il: 2024-04-12 It is the morning of the school entrance ceremony, and Furin High School has transformed into a group that protects the town now known as the "Chime of the Wind Breaker" — Bofurin. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: THE MAN WHO STANDS AT THE TOP
    Furin High School's first-year Class 1 is infamous for its group of strong fighters. One of the students in the class, Kyotaro Sugishita, becomes furious with what Sakura said and throws a punch at him. The two begin a spectacular fight, ignoring an aloof Hayato Suo, who's carefully watching the fight, and Nirei, who's now panicking. A tremendously loud voice echoes throughout the school, interrupting the fight between the two young men. The owner of that voice that instantly changed the mood of the entire school is none other than Umemiya, the Representative of Bofurin. Sakura and the rest look nervously up at the speakers to hear Umemiya say something completely unexpected. 3: THE MAN WHO STANDS AT THE TOP
    In onda il: 2024-04-19 Furin High School's first-year Class 1 is infamous for its group of strong fighters. One of the students in the class, Kyotaro Sugishita, becomes furious with what Sakura said and throws a punch at him. The two begin a spectacular fight, ignoring an aloof Hayato Suo, who's carefully watching the fight, and Nirei, who's now panicking. A tremendously loud voice echoes throughout the school, interrupting the fight between the two young men. The owner of that voice that instantly changed the mood of the entire school is none other than Umemiya, the Representative of Bofurin. Sakura and the rest look nervously up at the speakers to hear Umemiya say something completely unexpected. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: CLASH
    A fight breaks out between Bofurin and Shishitoren as Bofurin tries to protect the town's middle schoolers. Sakura receives a declaration of war from the group's second-in-command, Jo Togame. Sakura and one of the Four Kings of Bofurin, Toma Hiragi, tell Umemiya what happened. 4: CLASH
    In onda il: 2024-04-26 A fight breaks out between Bofurin and Shishitoren as Bofurin tries to protect the town's middle schoolers. Sakura receives a declaration of war from the group's second-in-command, Jo Togame. Sakura and one of the Four Kings of Bofurin, Toma Hiragi, tell Umemiya what happened. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: A GENTLEMAN
    "That’s why I'm going to take all of Furin…and you for myself!" declares Shishitoren's leader, Choji Tomiyama, as he makes his way onto Furin High School grounds. Finally, it's a one-on-one showdown between Bofurin and Shishitoren! 5: A GENTLEMAN
    In onda il: 2024-05-03 "That’s why I'm going to take all of Furin…and you for myself!" declares Shishitoren's leader, Choji Tomiyama, as he makes his way onto Furin High School grounds. Finally, it's a one-on-one showdown between Bofurin and Shishitoren! In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: VOW TO FOLLOW
    Tomiyama and Togame, far from worrying about their teammate who lost the battle, expel him from their team. While this peculiar spectacle shakes Sakura and the rest, Suo becomes unexpectedly emotional and wins against Minoru Kanuma, earning another win for Bofurin. 6: VOW TO FOLLOW
    In onda il: 2024-05-10 Tomiyama and Togame, far from worrying about their teammate who lost the battle, expel him from their team. While this peculiar spectacle shakes Sakura and the rest, Suo becomes unexpectedly emotional and wins against Minoru Kanuma, earning another win for Bofurin. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: FIGHT TO WIN
    It’s now time for the battle of those second-in-command: Sakura versus Togame — a fight that will set things on fire! 7: FIGHT TO WIN
    In onda il: 2024-05-17 It’s now time for the battle of those second-in-command: Sakura versus Togame — a fight that will set things on fire! In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: SUCCEEDING THE PAST
    Togame can no longer hide the fact he's feeling lost. He remembers when he met Tomiyama, the fun days he had with Shishitoren, how the team changed when Tomiyama became the leader, and the things he's done himself. 8: SUCCEEDING THE PAST
    In onda il: 2024-05-24 Togame can no longer hide the fact he's feeling lost. He remembers when he met Tomiyama, the fun days he had with Shishitoren, how the team changed when Tomiyama became the leader, and the things he's done himself. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: UMEMIYA'S STYLE
    It's now time for a one-on-one fight between Umemiya and Tomiyama. Tomiyama believed that by winning against Umemiya, he would obtain Furin High School, freedom, and a sense of fun that would rival no other. 9: UMEMIYA'S STYLE
    In onda il: 2024-05-31 It's now time for a one-on-one fight between Umemiya and Tomiyama. Tomiyama believed that by winning against Umemiya, he would obtain Furin High School, freedom, and a sense of fun that would rival no other. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: DIALOGUE
    Admitting defeat, Tomiyama tries to pass Shishitoren on to Umemiya — to which Umemiya declares, "Instead of taking over your team, we'll be friends!" Bofurin and Shishitoren are dumbfounded at this turn of events but talks progress, food is brought, and a celebratory afterparty starts. 10: DIALOGUE
    In onda il: 2024-06-07 Admitting defeat, Tomiyama tries to pass Shishitoren on to Umemiya — to which Umemiya declares, "Instead of taking over your team, we'll be friends!" Bofurin and Shishitoren are dumbfounded at this turn of events but talks progress, food is brought, and a celebratory afterparty starts. In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Episode 11
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Episode 11
    In onda il: 2024-06-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-21 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  9. Kurayukaba (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer クラユカバ
    1 h 2 m    2024        
    Animazione ◦ Avventura ◦ Mistero
    Gli affari vanno a rilento per l'agenzia investigativa Ōtsuji. Sotarō e la sua giovane aiutante Saki si ritrovano ad accettare qualsiasi tipo di lavoro, anche quelli più pericolosi di quanto valgano. Nella città è il periodo del festival, ma lontano dagli occhi del pubblico iniziano a verificarsi una serie di misteriose sparizioni. Un giornalista assume Sotarō per indagare, suggerendogli che le risposte potrebbero trovarsi a Kuragiri, una misteriosa città labirinto situata nel sottosuolo dove è presente un diverso concetto morale e sociale. L'investigatore decide di subappaltare il caso a Saki, ma ben presto se ne pente a causa della sparizione della ragazza. Sotarō ora è costretto a scendere a Kuragiri alla ricerca della verità, confrontandosi con gli strani abitanti del luogo, che comprendono una banda di criminali chiamata "Laughing Masks", e una squadra di poliziotti rinnegati a bordo di un treno blindato, comandati dalla misteriosa Tanne.
    Kazunori Minagawa
    Character Designer Ryo-timo
    Animation maxcaffy
    Director of Photography maxcaffy
    CGI Director Shigeyoshi Tsukahara
    Screenplay Shigeyoshi Tsukahara
    Director Shigeyoshi Tsukahara
    Original Story Poti
    Art Designer Kentaro Ohnuki
    Art Direction Eriko Kimura
    Sound Director Katsuhiro Nakano
    Sound Effects Hakuzan Kanda
    Soutarou (voice) Tomoyo Kurosawa
    Tanne (voice) Yu Serizawa
    Saki (voice) Raikou Sakamoto
    Inarizaka (voice) Setsuji Sato
    Command Team Leader (voice) Sho Karino
    Matsui (voice) Nozomi Nishiyama
    Tomeomi (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Kuramerukagari (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer クラメルカガリ
    1 h 0 m    2024        
    Animazione ◦ Avventura ◦ Mistero
    Hakoniwa è una piccola città mineraria piena di piccoli escavatori che ogni giorno cambia come fosse un labirinto. Qui vivono Kagari e Yuya, la prima è una ragazza che gestisce un'attività di cartografia mentre il secondo è un ragazzo che sogna di liberarsi da questa città. Ma quando i due, assieme ad un gruppo di singolari cittadini, si ritroveranno ad affrontare una cospirazione che scuoterà l'intera Hakoniwa, rimarranno solamente le mappe di Kagari per salvare la città dal proprio destino.
    Shigeyoshi Tsukahara
    Director Chota Akatsuki
    Original Music Composer Katsuhiro Nakano
    Sound Effects Akane Maeda
    Sound Director Kentaro Ohnuki
    Art Direction Poti
    Art Designer Shigeyoshi Tsukahara
    Original Story Shigeyoshi Tsukahara
    Screenplay Ryohgo Narita
    Scenario Writer Kazunori Minagawa
    Character Designer Kitsuneiro
    Character Designer Shie Nanahara
    Character Designer Ayane Sakura
    Kagari (voice) Yoshimasa Hosoya
    Eiwazima (voice) Nanako Mori
    Shiina (voice) Yuki Sakakihara
    Yuuya (voice) Aoi Yuki
    Ameya (voice) Takeo Otsuka
    Iseya (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3 [10/11] (2024) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!
    Stagione 3    Episodi 11        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    La storia della "home comedy nel mondo alternativo", ha come protagonista l'hikikomori e otaku di anime, manga e videogames, Kazuma Satou che un giorno, nel tentativo di salvare una ragazza, è vittima di un incidente stradale. Giunto nell'aldilà incontra una ragazza di nome Aqua che gli si presenta come la dea addetta a coloro che vi giungono dopo la morte. Oltre ad andare in paradiso o a reincarnarsi, la dea propone una soluzione alternativa a Kazuma: essere inviato in un mondo fantasy per sconfiggere il Re dei Demoni che in quella dimensione sta affliggendo la popolazione e minando l'equilibrio delle reincarnazioni. Dopo aver canzonato Kazuma per le circostanze della sua morte gli fa un ulteriore concessione: "Scegli una qualsiasi abilità o una qualsiasi cosa a tuo piacimento e potrai portarla con te per adempiere alla tua missione", ma Kazuma la spiazza dicendo "...Allora, scelgo te.".
    Series Director 岩浪美和
    Sound Director 上江洲誠
    Series Composition Machico
    Theme Song Performance 菊田幸一
    Character Designer 小山恭正
    Sound Effects 金崎貴臣
    Series Director Masato Kouda
    Original Music Composer 山口貴之
    Sound Recordist 雨宮天
    Theme Song Performance 高橋李依
    Theme Song Performance 茅野愛衣
    Theme Song Performance 暁なつめ
    Novel 福島潤
    Kazuma Satou (voice) 雨宮天
    Aqua (voice) 高橋李依
    Megumin (voice) 茅野愛衣
    Lalatina 'Darkness' Dustiness Ford (voice) Episodi: 11 
    In onda il: 2024-04-10 1: God's Blessings on This Bright Future!
    After defeating Sylvia at the Crimson Demon Village, Kazuma and his party look forward to receiving a reward that could mean freedom from the grind of having to fulfill quests. Kazuma himself, however, seems to be having nightmares and bouts of paranoia. 1: God's Blessings on This Bright Future!
    In onda il: 2024-04-10 After defeating Sylvia at the Crimson Demon Village, Kazuma and his party look forward to receiving a reward that could mean freedom from the grind of having to fulfill quests. Kazuma himself, however, seems to be having nightmares and bouts of paranoia. In onda il: 2024-04-17 2: A Smile for This Dour Girl!
    Kazuma and the gang receive a letter from Princess Iris. She wants to share a meal with them while hearing about their adventures. While Kazuma is giddy with wonderment of her beauty, Darkness is terrified of heads rolling in the event of any rudeness. 2: A Smile for This Dour Girl!
    In onda il: 2024-04-17 Kazuma and the gang receive a letter from Princess Iris. She wants to share a meal with them while hearing about their adventures. While Kazuma is giddy with wonderment of her beauty, Darkness is terrified of heads rolling in the event of any rudeness. In onda il: 2024-04-24 3: A Re-education for This Bright Little Girl!
    What started as dinner at Darkness's mansion with Princess Iris has turned into Kazuma being dragged back to the castle! Rain explains the situation, and Kazuma agrees to keep Iris company. His wild stories leave the princess with stars in her eyes. 3: A Re-education for This Bright Little Girl!
    In onda il: 2024-04-24 What started as dinner at Darkness's mansion with Princess Iris has turned into Kazuma being dragged back to the castle! Rain explains the situation, and Kazuma agrees to keep Iris company. His wild stories leave the princess with stars in her eyes. In onda il: 2024-05-01 4: Divine Punishment for This Handsome Gentleman Thief!
    Kazuma thinks of a way to stay in the capital for Iris's sake, and declares that he will capture the thief who's causing a stir in the streets! Since the thief targets nobles with bad behavior, Kazuma and his friends decide to stay at Alderp's mansion. 4: Divine Punishment for This Handsome Gentleman Thief!
    In onda il: 2024-05-01 Kazuma thinks of a way to stay in the capital for Iris's sake, and declares that he will capture the thief who's causing a stir in the streets! Since the thief targets nobles with bad behavior, Kazuma and his friends decide to stay at Alderp's mansion. In onda il: 2024-05-08 5: Nefarious Friends for This Sheltered Princess!
    The Devil King's army attack alarm rings in the royal capital! The adventurer's guild calls on high-level adventurers to join the battle. Having failed to capture the thief at Alderp's mansion, Kazuma joins the fight in order to redeem his reputation. 5: Nefarious Friends for This Sheltered Princess!
    In onda il: 2024-05-08 The Devil King's army attack alarm rings in the royal capital! The adventurer's guild calls on high-level adventurers to join the battle. Having failed to capture the thief at Alderp's mansion, Kazuma joins the fight in order to redeem his reputation. In onda il: 2024-05-15 6: A Farewell to This Lavish Lifestyle!
    Chris tells Kazuma that the necklace he and Iris swapped bodies with is a sacred treasure, and it is dangerous and can threaten lives depending on its use. Princess Iris is in danger! Two robbers dressed in black sneak into the royal castle at night! 6: A Farewell to This Lavish Lifestyle!
    In onda il: 2024-05-15 Chris tells Kazuma that the necklace he and Iris swapped bodies with is a sacred treasure, and it is dangerous and can threaten lives depending on its use. Princess Iris is in danger! Two robbers dressed in black sneak into the royal castle at night! In onda il: 2024-05-22 7: Rest for This Up-and-Coming Adventurer!
    Kazuma and his friends return to Axel and receive 300 million eris as a reward for subjugating Sylvia, an executive of the Devil King's army. Kazuma and Aqua go to high-end restaurants, and Aqua enjoys her long-awaited life as a celebrity. 7: Rest for This Up-and-Coming Adventurer!
    In onda il: 2024-05-22 Kazuma and his friends return to Axel and receive 300 million eris as a reward for subjugating Sylvia, an executive of the Devil King's army. Kazuma and Aqua go to high-end restaurants, and Aqua enjoys her long-awaited life as a celebrity. In onda il: 2024-05-29 8: An Eternal Rest for the Master of This Lake!
    Kazuma and the gang fail to defeat the hydra in the lake near Axel. The gang hopes to rely on knights from the capital, but they've been delayed due to a bandit disturbance for which a bounty has been issued. Darkness, however, is obsessed with the hydra. 8: An Eternal Rest for the Master of This Lake!
    In onda il: 2024-05-29 Kazuma and the gang fail to defeat the hydra in the lake near Axel. The gang hopes to rely on knights from the capital, but they've been delayed due to a bandit disturbance for which a bounty has been issued. Darkness, however, is obsessed with the hydra. In onda il: 2024-06-05 9: A Talking-To for This Runaway!
    Darkness departs the mansion leaving behind a note. Not satisfied by a single note, Kazuma, Aqua, and Megumin protest in front of the Dustiness manor but are rudely turned away. Kazuma, frustrated with everything, is approached by Dust who needs his help. 9: A Talking-To for This Runaway!
    In onda il: 2024-06-05 Darkness departs the mansion leaving behind a note. Not satisfied by a single note, Kazuma, Aqua, and Megumin protest in front of the Dustiness manor but are rudely turned away. Kazuma, frustrated with everything, is approached by Dust who needs his help. In onda il: 2024-06-12 10: Blessings for This Selfish Bride!
    Darkness's wedding to Aldarp is imminent. Despite Aqua's and Megumin's pleas, Kazuma has no intention of intervening. Vanir then visits the mansion and reveals a shocking secret to Kazuma. 10: Blessings for This Selfish Bride!
    In onda il: 2024-06-12 Darkness's wedding to Aldarp is imminent. Despite Aqua's and Megumin's pleas, Kazuma has no intention of intervening. Vanir then visits the mansion and reveals a shocking secret to Kazuma. In onda il: 2024-06-19 11: God's Blessing for These Unchanging Days!
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: God's Blessing for These Unchanging Days!
    In onda il: 2024-06-19 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! [2/2] (2016) [Specials] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!
    Speciali    Episodi 2        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    La storia della "home comedy nel mondo alternativo", ha come protagonista l'hikikomori e otaku di anime, manga e videogames, Kazuma Satou che un giorno, nel tentativo di salvare una ragazza, è vittima di un incidente stradale. Giunto nell'aldilà incontra una ragazza di nome Aqua che gli si presenta come la dea addetta a coloro che vi giungono dopo la morte. Oltre ad andare in paradiso o a reincarnarsi, la dea propone una soluzione alternativa a Kazuma: essere inviato in un mondo fantasy per sconfiggere il Re dei Demoni che in quella dimensione sta affliggendo la popolazione e minando l'equilibrio delle reincarnazioni. Dopo aver canzonato Kazuma per le circostanze della sua morte gli fa un ulteriore concessione: "Scegli una qualsiasi abilità o una qualsiasi cosa a tuo piacimento e potrai portarla con te per adempiere alla tua missione", ma Kazuma la spiazza dicendo "...Allora, scelgo te.".
    Yujiro Abe
    Series Director Makoto Uezu
    Series Composition Yoshikazu Iwanami
    Sound Director Koichi Kikuta
    Character Designer Yasumasa Koyama
    Sound Effects Machico
    Theme Song Performance Takaomi Kanasaki
    Series Director Masato Kouda
    Original Music Composer Takayuki Yamaguchi
    Sound Recordist Sora Amamiya
    Theme Song Performance Rie Takahashi
    Theme Song Performance Ai Kayano
    Theme Song Performance Natsume Akatsuki
    Novel Jun Fukushima
    Kazuma Satou (voice) Sora Amamiya
    Aqua (voice) Rie Takahashi
    Megumin (voice) Ai Kayano
    Lalatina 'Darkness' Dustiness Ford (voice) Kanon Takao
    Iris (voice) Sayuri Yahagi
    Claire (voice) Reina Ueda
    Rain (voice) Episodi: 2 
    In onda il: 2016-06-24 1: God's Blessing on This Wonderful Choker!
    Kazuma finds a choker at Wiz's magic shop said to grant any one wish and decides to put it on. The problem? He'll die in four days from strangulation if the wish isn't granted. And Kazuma can't remember what he wished for, so he has no idea how his party members can help. The girls therefore have no choice but to submit to his every whim if they want to save him. 1: God's Blessing on This Wonderful Choker!
    In onda il: 2016-06-24 Kazuma finds a choker at Wiz's magic shop said to grant any one wish and decides to put it on. The problem? He'll die in four days from strangulation if the wish isn't granted. And Kazuma can't remember what he wished for, so he has no idea how his party members can help. The girls therefore have no choice but to submit to his every whim if they want to save him. In onda il: 2017-07-24 2: God's Blessings on These Wonderful Works of Art!
    Kazuma's incorrigible ego forces him and his unmotivated idiosyncratic party to accept quest after dangerous quest following his bragging in front of his first hardcore fan. This time, the adventurer's guild requests that they take out a giant golem guarding ancient ruins... 2: God's Blessings on These Wonderful Works of Art!
    In onda il: 2017-07-24 Kazuma's incorrigible ego forces him and his unmotivated idiosyncratic party to accept quest after dangerous quest following his bragging in front of his first hardcore fan. This time, the adventurer's guild requests that they take out a giant golem guarding ancient ruins... Nessun Trailer disponibile
  13. Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei [11/12] (2024) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Irregular at Magic High School
    Stagione 3    Episodi 13        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    In un mondo in cui la magia non è una favola ma esiste da cento anni, i fratelli Tatsuya e Miyuki Shiba si preparano a iniziare i loro studi presso l'élite Private Magic University Affiliated High School (Magic High School in breve). Entrando a diversi livelli dello spettro accademico, i due trasformano il campus un tempo tranquillo in uno caotico.
    Editor 中村悠一
    Tatsuya Shiba (voice) 早見沙織
    Miyuki Shiba (voice) 日笠陽子
    Angelina Kudou Shields (voice) 内山夕実
    Erika Chiba (voice) 寺島拓篤
    Leonhard Saijou (voice) 佐藤聡美
    Mizuki Shibata (voice) 田丸篤志
    Mikihiko Yoshida (voice) 雨宮天
    Honoka Mitsui (voice) 巽悠衣子
    Shizuku Kitayama (voice) 花澤香菜
    Mayumi Saegusa (voice) 井上麻里奈
    Mari Watanabe (voice) 諏訪部順一
    Katsuto Juumonji (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: Double Seven (1)
    It has reached the month of April in 2096, and various aspects of Tatsuya's life was changing as he advances to the second year. Tatsuya and Mizuki transferred to the newly established Department of Magical Engineering, and Mikihiko has also transferred out of Course 2, and was now a Course 1 student. Along with this change, Tatsuya and Miyuki were now living with Minami who was sent to stay with them by the Yotsuba Family. Tatsuya enters the school year hoping they would have a peaceful student life this time around, but the new year meant the arrival of new students, like Kasumi and Izumi, the twins of the Sagusa Family, and Takuma Shippou, the new student valedictorian who feels a rivalry towards the Saegusa Family. All of them having their own quirk or two, for better or for worse... 1: Double Seven (1)
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 It has reached the month of April in 2096, and various aspects of Tatsuya's life was changing as he advances to the second year. Tatsuya and Mizuki transferred to the newly established Department of Magical Engineering, and Mikihiko has also transferred out of Course 2, and was now a Course 1 student. Along with this change, Tatsuya and Miyuki were now living with Minami who was sent to stay with them by the Yotsuba Family. Tatsuya enters the school year hoping they would have a peaceful student life this time around, but the new year meant the arrival of new students, like Kasumi and Izumi, the twins of the Sagusa Family, and Takuma Shippou, the new student valedictorian who feels a rivalry towards the Saegusa Family. All of them having their own quirk or two, for better or for worse... In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: Double Seven (2)
    The entrance ceremony has ended, and club recruitment of the freshmen has begun. Amidst the competitive recruitment frenzy, the Robot Research Club and Motorcycle Club were getting in a heated stare off over a freshman that both clubs were aiming to recruit. Kasumi, from the Disciplinary Committee, and Shippou, from the Extracurricular Activities Federation, intervene. However, now the two who had come to break up the fight begin arguing amongst themselves over who should have authority over the situation, and were on the brink of initiating a physical fight. Meanwhile, Koichi, the head of the Saegusa Family, was devising a plan to mitigate the Yotsuba Family's power through a false anti-magician campaign that the USNA's Humanist Extremist group was drawing up for the media. 2: Double Seven (2)
    In onda il: 2024-04-12 The entrance ceremony has ended, and club recruitment of the freshmen has begun. Amidst the competitive recruitment frenzy, the Robot Research Club and Motorcycle Club were getting in a heated stare off over a freshman that both clubs were aiming to recruit. Kasumi, from the Disciplinary Committee, and Shippou, from the Extracurricular Activities Federation, intervene. However, now the two who had come to break up the fight begin arguing amongst themselves over who should have authority over the situation, and were on the brink of initiating a physical fight. Meanwhile, Koichi, the head of the Saegusa Family, was devising a plan to mitigate the Yotsuba Family's power through a false anti-magician campaign that the USNA's Humanist Extremist group was drawing up for the media. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: Double Seven (3)
    Information gets out that Kanda, an anti-magic advocate and Diet member, will visit First High School with the media to observe the school's curriculum, claiming that he has heard disturbing rumors about it. He plans to create an uproar with the media and assert that the school is brainwashing students into the military - if he finds anything suspicious of that nature. To stop this ploy, Tatsuya suggests performing an experiment showing the students creating a Sustained Gravity Control-Type Magic Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor = Stellar Furnace. The students plan on demonstrating that the magic education they receive at the school can solve energy problems, and that magic can contribute to the peace of humankind depending on the type of magic they use. 3: Double Seven (3)
    In onda il: 2024-04-19 Information gets out that Kanda, an anti-magic advocate and Diet member, will visit First High School with the media to observe the school's curriculum, claiming that he has heard disturbing rumors about it. He plans to create an uproar with the media and assert that the school is brainwashing students into the military - if he finds anything suspicious of that nature. To stop this ploy, Tatsuya suggests performing an experiment showing the students creating a Sustained Gravity Control-Type Magic Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor = Stellar Furnace. The students plan on demonstrating that the magic education they receive at the school can solve energy problems, and that magic can contribute to the peace of humankind depending on the type of magic they use. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: Double Seven (4)
    News outlets were enthusiastically reporting the great success of the stellar furnace experiment carried out by the students at First High School. However, since Takuma Shippou had heard from his father that the Saegusa Family was going to be the ones to deal with Diet member Kanda, he thinks they used Tatsuya to claim credit for the experiment's success themselves. Takuma then takes his pent-up anger out on Kasumi Saegusa, who he happened to pass by on campus. Kasumi, unable to turn a blind eye to these insults against her family, is on the brink of engaging in a magic fight with Takuma... But then, the Disciplinary Committee intervenes before either of them makes their move, and takes them in for questioning. Tatsuya suggests they let them duke it out in an official match to end this mutual enmity between the two once and for all. 4: Double Seven (4)
    In onda il: 2024-04-26 News outlets were enthusiastically reporting the great success of the stellar furnace experiment carried out by the students at First High School. However, since Takuma Shippou had heard from his father that the Saegusa Family was going to be the ones to deal with Diet member Kanda, he thinks they used Tatsuya to claim credit for the experiment's success themselves. Takuma then takes his pent-up anger out on Kasumi Saegusa, who he happened to pass by on campus. Kasumi, unable to turn a blind eye to these insults against her family, is on the brink of engaging in a magic fight with Takuma... But then, the Disciplinary Committee intervenes before either of them makes their move, and takes them in for questioning. Tatsuya suggests they let them duke it out in an official match to end this mutual enmity between the two once and for all. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: Steeplechase (1)
    A notice has been sent to the magic high schools across the country that a portion of the events in the Nine Schools Competition will be changed. Shockingly, three of the six events will be changed. In order to respond to the sudden change in events, First High School's Student Council is thrown in a frenzy to understand the new rules, reselecting athletes and readjusting their CADs. While everyone was complaining about the Competition's management due to the sudden change in timing, one month before the start of the Nine Schools Competition, Tatsuya had a growing suspicion about the strong military flavor of all the newly added events. 5: Steeplechase (1)
    In onda il: 2024-05-03 A notice has been sent to the magic high schools across the country that a portion of the events in the Nine Schools Competition will be changed. Shockingly, three of the six events will be changed. In order to respond to the sudden change in events, First High School's Student Council is thrown in a frenzy to understand the new rules, reselecting athletes and readjusting their CADs. While everyone was complaining about the Competition's management due to the sudden change in timing, one month before the start of the Nine Schools Competition, Tatsuya had a growing suspicion about the strong military flavor of all the newly added events. In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: Steeplechase (2)
    Tatsuya and the other Student Council members were spending their days extremely busy in order to deal with the sudden change of events for the Nine Schools Competition. However, out of the blue, Tatsuya receives an email from an unknown sender. The email states that the changes in the competition were due to pressure from the JDF, and that the Kudou Family was planning to piggyback on the JDF's order to test out a secretly developed military weapon at the Steeplechase Cross-country Event. This prompts Tatsuya to head to Nara, where the Kudou Family's stronghold is based, to find out more about the experiments they are conducting. 6: Steeplechase (2)
    In onda il: 2024-05-10 Tatsuya and the other Student Council members were spending their days extremely busy in order to deal with the sudden change of events for the Nine Schools Competition. However, out of the blue, Tatsuya receives an email from an unknown sender. The email states that the changes in the competition were due to pressure from the JDF, and that the Kudou Family was planning to piggyback on the JDF's order to test out a secretly developed military weapon at the Steeplechase Cross-country Event. This prompts Tatsuya to head to Nara, where the Kudou Family's stronghold is based, to find out more about the experiments they are conducting. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: Steeplechase (3)
    It turns out that the secret experiments that the Kudou Family has been conducting was for developing parasite dolls, a female combat robot possessed by a parasite. Experiments on the dolls' operations are being conducted at the Steeplechase Cross-country venue, where security is abnormally tight - so much so that Tatsuya himself can't even break into the premises. As such, Tatsuya orders Pixie to keep an eye out for the parasites while he conducts adjustments to the CADs and gives instructions to the underclassmen as an engineer. However, this continual sense of nervousness and nonstop days of hard work are tiring out Tatsuya. He's never felt this tired before. 7: Steeplechase (3)
    In onda il: 2024-05-17 It turns out that the secret experiments that the Kudou Family has been conducting was for developing parasite dolls, a female combat robot possessed by a parasite. Experiments on the dolls' operations are being conducted at the Steeplechase Cross-country venue, where security is abnormally tight - so much so that Tatsuya himself can't even break into the premises. As such, Tatsuya orders Pixie to keep an eye out for the parasites while he conducts adjustments to the CADs and gives instructions to the underclassmen as an engineer. However, this continual sense of nervousness and nonstop days of hard work are tiring out Tatsuya. He's never felt this tired before. In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: Steeplechase (4)
    The women's division of the Steeplechase Cross-country Event has finally begun. Tatsuya has Pixie figure out the location of all the parasite dolls and tries to eliminate them before they come into contact with the players. However, the parasite dolls unleash their magic at speeds that exceed Tatsuya's imagination. Though it is difficult, he manages to seal away the first parasite doll. Tatsuya goes on to seal away the remaining parasite dolls one after another, but the highest-performance models, the Prime Four, now stand in his way. 8: Steeplechase (4)
    In onda il: 2024-05-24 The women's division of the Steeplechase Cross-country Event has finally begun. Tatsuya has Pixie figure out the location of all the parasite dolls and tries to eliminate them before they come into contact with the players. However, the parasite dolls unleash their magic at speeds that exceed Tatsuya's imagination. Though it is difficult, he manages to seal away the first parasite doll. Tatsuya goes on to seal away the remaining parasite dolls one after another, but the highest-performance models, the Prime Four, now stand in his way. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: Ancient City Insurrection (1)
    The Nine Schools Competition has ended, and it is now the second semester. Ayako and Fumiya visit Tatsuya to deliver a letter they were entrusted directly from Maya. The letter was a request asking for Tatsuya's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. The Kurobas were also pursuing him but lost sight of him in the Kyoto area. It seems Gongjin Zhou has been receiving help from the Traditionalists, a faction of Ancient Magicians, in his escape. The Traditionalists and the Kudou Family have been in conflict with each other for many years. So, Tatsuya decides to reach out to Fujibayashi, Retsu Kudou's granddaughter, to ask for Retsu's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. 9: Ancient City Insurrection (1)
    In onda il: 2024-05-31 The Nine Schools Competition has ended, and it is now the second semester. Ayako and Fumiya visit Tatsuya to deliver a letter they were entrusted directly from Maya. The letter was a request asking for Tatsuya's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. The Kurobas were also pursuing him but lost sight of him in the Kyoto area. It seems Gongjin Zhou has been receiving help from the Traditionalists, a faction of Ancient Magicians, in his escape. The Traditionalists and the Kudou Family have been in conflict with each other for many years. So, Tatsuya decides to reach out to Fujibayashi, Retsu Kudou's granddaughter, to ask for Retsu's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: Ancient City Insurrection (2)
    In order to obtain cooperation from Retsu Kudou to capture Gongjin Zhou, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Minami visit Nara, the home of the Kudou Family. Retsu Kudou readily accepts Tatsuya's offer and introduces him to his grandson, Minoru. Minoru is one year Tatsuya's junior, and although he is physically weak, he is said to be a very powerful magician. At the dinner table, Minoru hears that Tatsuya and his friends are looking for a traditional magic user and offers his help. The next day, as Tatsuya and the others are scouting the Traditionalists' base in Nara under Minoru's guidance, they are attacked by the Traditionalists at Nara Park. 10: Ancient City Insurrection (2)
    In onda il: 2024-06-07 In order to obtain cooperation from Retsu Kudou to capture Gongjin Zhou, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Minami visit Nara, the home of the Kudou Family. Retsu Kudou readily accepts Tatsuya's offer and introduces him to his grandson, Minoru. Minoru is one year Tatsuya's junior, and although he is physically weak, he is said to be a very powerful magician. At the dinner table, Minoru hears that Tatsuya and his friends are looking for a traditional magic user and offers his help. The next day, as Tatsuya and the others are scouting the Traditionalists' base in Nara under Minoru's guidance, they are attacked by the Traditionalists at Nara Park. In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Ancient City Insurrection (3)
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Ancient City Insurrection (3)
    In onda il: 2024-06-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-28 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  14. Snack Basue [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Snack Basue
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia
    Esiste un bar a Sapporo gestito da persone molto particolari. In questo locale si riuniscono tanti clienti, ognuno con una storia bizzarra da raccontare.
    Forbidden Shibukawa
    Comic Book Minoru Ashina
    Series Director Minoru Ashina
    Series Composition Minoru Ashina
    Art Direction Toyama.
    Character Designer Toyama.
    Supervising Animation Director Junichi Okubo
    Director of Photography Fumiyuki Goh
    Sound Director Yuji Furuya
    Sound Effects Shota Kowashi
    Original Music Composer Rie Takahashi
    Akemi (voice) Kimiko Saito
    Basue (voice) Yohei Azakami
    Yamada (voice) Fukushi Ochiai
    Tatsu (voice) Ryota Iwasaki
    Morita (voice) Jun Fukushima
    Kazama (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 1: Let's Stay Together / I Ain't Gonna Stand for It / God's Gift to the World
    In Hokkaido, a man wanders into a bar named Snack Basue. His first snack bar experience becomes a night to remember when he meets the two eccentric ladies who run the place. Along with other patrons, they willingly (or not) discuss what's on their minds. 1: Let's Stay Together / I Ain't Gonna Stand for It / God's Gift to the World
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 In Hokkaido, a man wanders into a bar named Snack Basue. His first snack bar experience becomes a night to remember when he meets the two eccentric ladies who run the place. Along with other patrons, they willingly (or not) discuss what's on their minds. In onda il: 2024-01-20 2: Come Rain or Come Shine / Sweet Baby / Still Waiting
    The ladies at the snack bar planned on interviewing two new hires—a girl named Kosame and a robber?! With trouble at hand, will they be able to handle this one? With passionate talks of princes on white horses, etc., it's another fun night at Snack Basue. 2: Come Rain or Come Shine / Sweet Baby / Still Waiting
    In onda il: 2024-01-20 The ladies at the snack bar planned on interviewing two new hires—a girl named Kosame and a robber?! With trouble at hand, will they be able to handle this one? With passionate talks of princes on white horses, etc., it's another fun night at Snack Basue. In onda il: 2024-01-27 3: You're Still My Brother / As the Years Go Passing By / Try Me
    Two men walk into the snack bar, and what do they find? A murder scene?! Has Akemi had enough of her boss's shenanigans?! Find out, with talks of the past and secret techniques to follow! Another lively night at Snack Basue. 3: You're Still My Brother / As the Years Go Passing By / Try Me
    In onda il: 2024-01-27 Two men walk into the snack bar, and what do they find? A murder scene?! Has Akemi had enough of her boss's shenanigans?! Find out, with talks of the past and secret techniques to follow! Another lively night at Snack Basue. In onda il: 2024-02-03 4: There Is Love (When You Fall in Love) / If I Should Die Tonight (I'm Done for Tonight) / Soul Shadows (It Was Like an Illusion)
    Love is in the air as the men of the snack bar dare to ask the difficult question: What is Akemi's type?! With the stresses of life eating away at the patrons' souls, it's a good opportunity to find out if you see it too! 4: There Is Love (When You Fall in Love) / If I Should Die Tonight (I'm Done for Tonight) / Soul Shadows (It Was Like an Illusion)
    In onda il: 2024-02-03 Love is in the air as the men of the snack bar dare to ask the difficult question: What is Akemi's type?! With the stresses of life eating away at the patrons' souls, it's a good opportunity to find out if you see it too! In onda il: 2024-02-10 5: Get on the Good Foot (Put Best Foot Forward) / Talki' Loud and Saying Nothin' (Don't Say Mean Things.) / My Funny Valentine (To My Dearest Love)
    Azuma is back to impress the ladies through palm reading written by none other than Love Guru Douglas Hamada?! The night goes on as Valentine's day chocolate is given and smack talk is served, making it another lively night! 5: Get on the Good Foot (Put Best Foot Forward) / Talki' Loud and Saying Nothin' (Don't Say Mean Things.) / My Funny Valentine (To My Dearest Love)
    In onda il: 2024-02-10 Azuma is back to impress the ladies through palm reading written by none other than Love Guru Douglas Hamada?! The night goes on as Valentine's day chocolate is given and smack talk is served, making it another lively night! In onda il: 2024-02-17 6: Hello Stranger (Seeds of Salvation...) / What a Wonderful World (Welcome to the Lifestyle of the Wonderful Other World) / As (Let's Meet at That Place) / Mean Old World (It's of the Past...)
    Come on a journey as Snack Basue dives into the world of fantasy and games. New but recognizable customers join the gang as the night heats up in debate and apologies are given to publishing companies. Fishing and reunions also to come! 6: Hello Stranger (Seeds of Salvation...) / What a Wonderful World (Welcome to the Lifestyle of the Wonderful Other World) / As (Let's Meet at That Place) / Mean Old World (It's of the Past...)
    In onda il: 2024-02-17 Come on a journey as Snack Basue dives into the world of fantasy and games. New but recognizable customers join the gang as the night heats up in debate and apologies are given to publishing companies. Fishing and reunions also to come! In onda il: 2024-02-24 7: Closer (Don't Leave Me Behind) / What a Fool Believes (Don't Make Fun of Me) / God Blessed Our Love (None of Your Business)
    The night opens as Morita tries to string Yamada along as his virgin buddy, though Yamada claims he's not. Will the salary man be able to prove it?! Come walk down memory lane as the patrons talk of their past struggles and enjoy a good glass or ten. 7: Closer (Don't Leave Me Behind) / What a Fool Believes (Don't Make Fun of Me) / God Blessed Our Love (None of Your Business)
    In onda il: 2024-02-24 The night opens as Morita tries to string Yamada along as his virgin buddy, though Yamada claims he's not. Will the salary man be able to prove it?! Come walk down memory lane as the patrons talk of their past struggles and enjoy a good glass or ten. In onda il: 2024-03-02 8: None of Us Are Free (See Me as I Am) / In the Midnight Hour (Dedicated to the Strong Enemies......!) / Twinkle Twinkle Little Me (Embrace Your Inner Child) / Angel (That Honest Girl)
    Akemi has a new challenge on her hands as baddies crowd the bar. Will she have good advice for these evil commanders? Tonight, skills will be tested and regrets will be born as the hostess and junior hostess serve another odd crowd! 8: None of Us Are Free (See Me as I Am) / In the Midnight Hour (Dedicated to the Strong Enemies......!) / Twinkle Twinkle Little Me (Embrace Your Inner Child) / Angel (That Honest Girl)
    In onda il: 2024-03-02 Akemi has a new challenge on her hands as baddies crowd the bar. Will she have good advice for these evil commanders? Tonight, skills will be tested and regrets will be born as the hostess and junior hostess serve another odd crowd! In onda il: 2024-03-09 9: Release Yourself (You're Thinking Too Much) / Bad, Bad Whiskey (The Me Who Can't Get Drunk) / Can't Get Any Harder (Don't Make Me Wait)
    In today's episode, the Hero returns with very normal stories about swords and strength. Will he be able to find the answer he needs? Join Basue and Akemi as they assist their patrons with self preservation and self discovery. 9: Release Yourself (You're Thinking Too Much) / Bad, Bad Whiskey (The Me Who Can't Get Drunk) / Can't Get Any Harder (Don't Make Me Wait)
    In onda il: 2024-03-09 In today's episode, the Hero returns with very normal stories about swords and strength. Will he be able to find the answer he needs? Join Basue and Akemi as they assist their patrons with self preservation and self discovery. In onda il: 2024-03-16 10: Friend to Friend (Please Be My Friend?) / Wednesday Night (How About a Night Like This?) / Only Sixteen (It Must Be Nice Being Young)
    To make a friend or not to make a friend, that is the question this week at our lovely run-down snack bar. Find out whose point is superior and meet the new customers who drop in this time! Grab a drink and listen in on tonight's shenanigans. 10: Friend to Friend (Please Be My Friend?) / Wednesday Night (How About a Night Like This?) / Only Sixteen (It Must Be Nice Being Young)
    In onda il: 2024-03-16 To make a friend or not to make a friend, that is the question this week at our lovely run-down snack bar. Find out whose point is superior and meet the new customers who drop in this time! Grab a drink and listen in on tonight's shenanigans. In onda il: 2024-03-23 11: Under the Cherry Moon (As Long as You Love Me) / Adult Education (An Adult`s Reason) / Solitude (I Don`t Have a Lot of Friends)
    Heated debates stir up the snack bar this week as Akemi goes head-to-head with her patrons. Who will you side with, and are the topics worth debating? Grab a drink and come decide for yourself at Snack Basue! 11: Under the Cherry Moon (As Long as You Love Me) / Adult Education (An Adult`s Reason) / Solitude (I Don`t Have a Lot of Friends)
    In onda il: 2024-03-23 Heated debates stir up the snack bar this week as Akemi goes head-to-head with her patrons. Who will you side with, and are the topics worth debating? Grab a drink and come decide for yourself at Snack Basue! In onda il: 2024-03-29 12: The Great Pretender (I'll Become Who I Want to Be) / Let Me into Your World (It's Hard to Understand) / Trouble Man (Who Do You Think You Are?)
    Welcome home, dear viewer, as you're greeted by a new face tonight. Meet Misawa, Akemi's friend! How will she react when she meets Morita for the first time? Find out in tonight's episode of lies and manhood. 12: The Great Pretender (I'll Become Who I Want to Be) / Let Me into Your World (It's Hard to Understand) / Trouble Man (Who Do You Think You Are?)
    In onda il: 2024-03-29 Welcome home, dear viewer, as you're greeted by a new face tonight. Meet Misawa, Akemi's friend! How will she react when she meets Morita for the first time? Find out in tonight's episode of lies and manhood. In onda il: 2024-04-05 13: Risen' to the Top (If You're a Man, You Desire) / Try a Little Tenderness (With Kindness) / Just One Look (A Gift from the Heart)
    In this final week, join the patrons one last time as Akemi reaches new heights of ridiculousness involving inappropriate words. So pick up a glass and enjoy the run-down snack bar as you de-stress, engage, and sing along! 13: Risen' to the Top (If You're a Man, You Desire) / Try a Little Tenderness (With Kindness) / Just One Look (A Gift from the Heart)
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 In this final week, join the patrons one last time as Akemi reaches new heights of ridiculousness involving inappropriate words. So pick up a glass and enjoy the run-down snack bar as you de-stress, engage, and sing along! Nessun Trailer disponibile
  15. Bucchigiri?! [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer BUCCHIGIRI?!
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Arajin Tomoshibi, dopo aver ritrovato il suo vecchio migliore amico Matakara Asamine, finisce in mezzo ad una serie di battaglie per determinare chi è la persona più forte. Nel frattempo la gigantesca ombra di un genio incombe su di loro...
    Hiroko Utsumi
    Series Director Hiroko Utsumi
    Original Story Taku Kishimoto
    Original Story Taku Kishimoto
    Series Composition Takahiro Kagami
    Character Designer Kiminori Itou
    Character Designer Hiroyuki Saita
    Character Designer Kurumi Suzuki
    Art Direction Yukiko Kakita
    Color Designer Shinnosuke Kato
    Director of Photography Tomoki Nagasaka
    Editor Michiru Oshima
    Original Music Composer Hiromi Kikuta
    Sound Director Takahiro Ogawa
    Line Producer Kroi
    Theme Song Performance Mahiru Koda
    Theme Song Performance Genki Okawa
    Arajin Tomoshibi (voice) Masafumi Kobatake
    Majin Senya (voice) Anna Nagase
    Mahoro (voice) Yusuke Hoshino
    Matakara Asamine (voice) Jiro Saito
    Ken'ichiro (voice) Yukihiro Nozuyama
    Zabu (voice) Kappei Yamaguchi
    Komao (voice) Nozomu Sasaki
    Marito (voice) Ryota Takeuchi
    Outa (voice) Makoto Furukawa
    Jabashiri (voice) Shota Hayama
    Hagure (voice) Chihiro Suzuki
    Akutaro (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 1: Merge?! Fall in Love With Fortune Bang Bang Chicken!
    Arajin dreams of a sweet high school life at a new school, where the Minato Kai and Siguma Squad gangs fight to be on "top." Arajin meets the charming Mahoro, his childhood friend Matakara, and then a legendary djinn Senya, and his fate begins to change. 1: Merge?! Fall in Love With Fortune Bang Bang Chicken!
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 Arajin dreams of a sweet high school life at a new school, where the Minato Kai and Siguma Squad gangs fight to be on "top." Arajin meets the charming Mahoro, his childhood friend Matakara, and then a legendary djinn Senya, and his fate begins to change. In onda il: 2024-01-20 2: Wanna Take You On! The Chu Chu Chinese Pepper Steak Train!
    Arajin surprises everyone when he uses Senya's power to land a punch on Marito. Marito falls in love with that fist and tries to convince Arajin to join Siguma Squad, but Matakara asks Arajin to join Minato Kai to continue their Honki training together. 2: Wanna Take You On! The Chu Chu Chinese Pepper Steak Train!
    In onda il: 2024-01-20 Arajin surprises everyone when he uses Senya's power to land a punch on Marito. Marito falls in love with that fist and tries to convince Arajin to join Siguma Squad, but Matakara asks Arajin to join Minato Kai to continue their Honki training together. In onda il: 2024-01-27 3: Love at Fist Fight! The One and Only Quail in the World
    Despite Matakara's protests, Arajin joins Siguma Squad to please Mahoro. Marito takes Arajin out and tells him that they're headed to a raunchy welcome party full of girls. When they arrive, Arajin discovers that the party is not at all what he imagined. 3: Love at Fist Fight! The One and Only Quail in the World
    In onda il: 2024-01-27 Despite Matakara's protests, Arajin joins Siguma Squad to please Mahoro. Marito takes Arajin out and tells him that they're headed to a raunchy welcome party full of girls. When they arrive, Arajin discovers that the party is not at all what he imagined. In onda il: 2024-02-03 4: Stop the War! ~Sometimes You Gotta Eat Goya Chanpuru~
    Siguma Squad goes to Minato Kai headquarters to avenge their injured comrades. The Minato side claims that their members were jumped by Siguma. Sensing something afoot, Matakara asks Mahoro and Arajin to persuade Marito to prevent an inevitable gang war. 4: Stop the War! ~Sometimes You Gotta Eat Goya Chanpuru~
    In onda il: 2024-02-03 Siguma Squad goes to Minato Kai headquarters to avenge their injured comrades. The Minato side claims that their members were jumped by Siguma. Sensing something afoot, Matakara asks Mahoro and Arajin to persuade Marito to prevent an inevitable gang war. In onda il: 2024-02-10 5: Frightening! Chili Shrimps Falling Down Like Snowflakes!
    Akutaro sees potential in Arajin and asks him to join NG BOYS. Arajin finds the offer tempting but is disturbed by the bloodthirsty look in the members' eyes. Matakara confronts Akutaro about the war being a set-up and is jailed so he cannot warn anyone. 5: Frightening! Chili Shrimps Falling Down Like Snowflakes!
    In onda il: 2024-02-10 Akutaro sees potential in Arajin and asks him to join NG BOYS. Arajin finds the offer tempting but is disturbed by the bloodthirsty look in the members' eyes. Matakara confronts Akutaro about the war being a set-up and is jailed so he cannot warn anyone. In onda il: 2024-02-17 6: Much Much Friendship! "Nira-Reba"-lution 21!
    Despite Matakara's efforts, the fight between Kenichiro and Marito begins. Taking advantage of their position, the NG BOYS enter the battle between Minato Kai and Siguma Squad. How will the war end, and what will happen to Arajin and Senya's training? 6: Much Much Friendship! "Nira-Reba"-lution 21!
    In onda il: 2024-02-17 Despite Matakara's efforts, the fight between Kenichiro and Marito begins. Taking advantage of their position, the NG BOYS enter the battle between Minato Kai and Siguma Squad. How will the war end, and what will happen to Arajin and Senya's training? In onda il: 2024-03-02 7: Group Date?! The Sea, Maji Croquette, and I!
    As Arajin keeps trying to capture Mahoro's heart, the injured Marito invites him to a "group date" at the beach. Arajin agrees and buffs up for the party. When the day comes, Arajin realizes that he was set to 'date' very different partners... in battle. 7: Group Date?! The Sea, Maji Croquette, and I!
    In onda il: 2024-03-02 As Arajin keeps trying to capture Mahoro's heart, the injured Marito invites him to a "group date" at the beach. Arajin agrees and buffs up for the party. When the day comes, Arajin realizes that he was set to 'date' very different partners... in battle. In onda il: 2024-03-09 8: Sad News! Seriously Falling in Love With Gomoku Soba!
    Nessuna trama disponibile 8: Sad News! Seriously Falling in Love With Gomoku Soba!
    In onda il: 2024-03-09 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-16 9: Temptation! Soup-Related Etceteras!
    Nessuna trama disponibile 9: Temptation! Soup-Related Etceteras!
    In onda il: 2024-03-16 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-23 10: Fallen Friend! This Love, This Pain, This Almond Tofu!
    After Akutaro warns Arajin that a Majin's goal is to take over his host's body, Senya disappears. Meanwhile, Ichiya commands Matakara to fight as many people as he can. Matakara's uncharacteristic brutality leads him to one very dangerous confrontation. 10: Fallen Friend! This Love, This Pain, This Almond Tofu!
    In onda il: 2024-03-23 After Akutaro warns Arajin that a Majin's goal is to take over his host's body, Senya disappears. Meanwhile, Ichiya commands Matakara to fight as many people as he can. Matakara's uncharacteristic brutality leads him to one very dangerous confrontation. In onda il: 2024-03-30 11: Unanswered Wishes! Sudden Crab Fried Rice
    Matakara's violence is unstoppable after merging with Ichiya and defeating Marito. He demands that Kenichiro fight him one-on-one. Meanwhile, Mahoro waits anxiously for Marito to regain consciousness and Senya finally explains his true goals to Arajin. 11: Unanswered Wishes! Sudden Crab Fried Rice
    In onda il: 2024-03-30 Matakara's violence is unstoppable after merging with Ichiya and defeating Marito. He demands that Kenichiro fight him one-on-one. Meanwhile, Mahoro waits anxiously for Marito to regain consciousness and Senya finally explains his true goals to Arajin. In onda il: 2024-04-06 12: Fateful Duel! Beyond the Gyoza Dumplings
    The fate of two friendships hangs in the balance of one final, brutal showdown. Can Senya and Ichiya finally make peace with their past? And, more importantly, can Matakara and Arajin survive it? 12: Fateful Duel! Beyond the Gyoza Dumplings
    In onda il: 2024-04-06 The fate of two friendships hangs in the balance of one final, brutal showdown. Can Senya and Ichiya finally make peace with their past? And, more importantly, can Matakara and Arajin survive it? Anteprima Ufficiale
    Anteprima Ufficiale
  16. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken [11/12] (2024) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime
    Stagione 3    Episodi 24        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
    Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci.
    Novel 岡咲美保
    Rimuru (voice) 豊口めぐみ
    Raphael (voice) 古川慎
    Benimaru (voice) 千本木彩花
    Shuna (voice) 市道真央
    Shion (voice) 江口拓也
    Souei (voice) 大塚芳忠
    Hakurou (voice) 山本兼平
    Riguldo (voice) 泊明日菜
    Gobuta (voice) 小林親弘
    Ranga (voice) 山口太郎
    Geld (voice) 福島潤
    Gabiru (voice) 田中理恵
    Trainie (voice) 日高里菜
    Milim (voice) 春野杏
    Ramiris (voice) 櫻井孝宏
    Diablo (voice) 前野智昭
    Verudora (voice) 沼倉愛美
    Hinata Sakaguchi (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: Demons and Strategies
    Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. 1: Demons and Strategies
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: The Saint's Intentions
    Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. 2: The Saint's Intentions
    In onda il: 2024-04-12 Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: Peaceful Days
    Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. 3: Peaceful Days
    In onda il: 2024-04-19 Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play
    Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play
    In onda il: 2024-04-26 Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: Meeting of Both Sides
    A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. 5: Meeting of Both Sides
    In onda il: 2024-05-03 A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: Those Approaching
    The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. 6: Those Approaching
    In onda il: 2024-05-10 The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: Saint and Demon Clash
    As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... 7: Saint and Demon Clash
    In onda il: 2024-05-17 As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: Misunderstanding
    The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. 8: Misunderstanding
    In onda il: 2024-05-24 The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days
    Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days
    In onda il: 2024-05-31 Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: God and Demon Lord
    Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... 10: God and Demon Lord
    In onda il: 2024-06-07 Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Reconciliation and Agreement
    The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. 11: Reconciliation and Agreement
    In onda il: 2024-06-14 The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-28 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-05 14: Episode 14
    Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14
    In onda il: 2024-07-05 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-12 15: Episode 15
    Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Episode 15
    In onda il: 2024-07-12 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-19 16: Episode 16
    Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Episode 16
    In onda il: 2024-07-19 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-26 17: Episode 17
    Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Episode 17
    In onda il: 2024-07-26 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-02 18: Episode 18
    Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Episode 18
    In onda il: 2024-08-02 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-09 19: Episode 19
    Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Episode 19
    In onda il: 2024-08-09 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-16 20: Episode 20
    Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Episode 20
    In onda il: 2024-08-16 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-23 21: Episode 21
    Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Episode 21
    In onda il: 2024-08-23 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-30 22: Episode 22
    Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22
    In onda il: 2024-08-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-06 23: Episode 23
    Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23
    In onda il: 2024-09-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-13 24: Episode 24
    Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24
    In onda il: 2024-09-13 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  17. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken [24/24] (2021) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime
    Stagione 2    Episodi 24        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
    Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci.
    Novel Miho Okasaki
    Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2021-01-12 1: Rimuru's Busy Life
    Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... 1: Rimuru's Busy Life
    In onda il: 2021-01-12 Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... In onda il: 2021-01-19 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom
    Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom
    In onda il: 2021-01-19 Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. In onda il: 2021-01-26 3: Paradise, Once More
    Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. 3: Paradise, Once More
    In onda il: 2021-01-26 Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. In onda il: 2021-02-02 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth
    Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth
    In onda il: 2021-02-02 Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. In onda il: 2021-02-09 5: Prelude to the Disaster
    Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. 5: Prelude to the Disaster
    In onda il: 2021-02-09 Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. In onda il: 2021-02-16 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move
    At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move
    In onda il: 2021-02-16 At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. In onda il: 2021-02-23 7: Despair
    Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. 7: Despair
    In onda il: 2021-02-23 Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. In onda il: 2021-03-02 8: Hope
    Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. 8: Hope
    In onda il: 2021-03-02 Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-09 9: Putting Everything on the Line
    In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. 9: Putting Everything on the Line
    In onda il: 2021-03-09 In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-16 10: Megiddo
    The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. 10: Megiddo
    In onda il: 2021-03-16 The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. In onda il: 2021-03-23 11: Birth of a Demon Lord
    Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... 11: Birth of a Demon Lord
    In onda il: 2021-03-23 Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... In onda il: 2021-03-30 12: The One Unleashed
    Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. 12: The One Unleashed
    In onda il: 2021-03-30 Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. In onda il: 2021-07-06 13: The Visitors
    A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. 13: The Visitors
    In onda il: 2021-07-06 A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. In onda il: 2021-07-13 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters
    As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters
    In onda il: 2021-07-13 As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... In onda il: 2021-07-20 15: Ramiris's Warning
    Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. 15: Ramiris's Warning
    In onda il: 2021-07-20 Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. In onda il: 2021-07-27 16: The Congress Dances
    A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? 16: The Congress Dances
    In onda il: 2021-07-27 A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? In onda il: 2021-08-03 17: The Eve of Battle
    To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... 17: The Eve of Battle
    In onda il: 2021-08-03 To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... In onda il: 2021-08-10 18: The Demon Lords
    Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. 18: The Demon Lords
    In onda il: 2021-08-10 Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. In onda il: 2021-08-17 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet
    Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet
    In onda il: 2021-08-17 Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. In onda il: 2021-08-24 20: On This Land Where It All Happened
    Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. 20: On This Land Where It All Happened
    In onda il: 2021-08-24 Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. In onda il: 2021-08-31 21: Adalman, the Index Finger
    With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. 21: Adalman, the Index Finger
    In onda il: 2021-08-31 With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. In onda il: 2021-09-07 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~
    Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~
    In onda il: 2021-09-07 Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. In onda il: 2021-09-14 23: Returning from the Brink
    Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. 23: Returning from the Brink
    In onda il: 2021-09-14 Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. In onda il: 2021-09-21 24: Octagram
    Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. 24: Octagram
    In onda il: 2021-09-21 Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  18. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken [24/24] (2018) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

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    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime
    Stagione 1    Episodi 24        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
    Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci.
    Novel Miho Okasaki
    Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2018-10-02 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora
    Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. 1: The Storm Dragon, Veldora
    In onda il: 2018-10-02 Mikami Satoru, a businessman, is stabbed by a criminal on the street and killed. When he regains consciousness in the darkness, he finds that he's been reincarnated as a slime! With nothing better to do, he spends his time devouring all the rare herbs and precious ores he comes across. As he does, he encounters the Storm Dragon Veldora, who was sealed in this cave 300 years ago by a hero's "Unlimited Imprisonment" skill. He's frightened at first, but as they talk, he becomes friends with the long-isolated Veldora. In onda il: 2018-10-09 2: Meeting the Goblins
    The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. 2: Meeting the Goblins
    In onda il: 2018-10-09 The slime Mikami and the Storm Dragon Veldora decide to give each other names. Veldora gives the slime Mikami the name "Rimuru," and Rimuru comes up with a family name for both of them: "Tempest." Then Rimuru uses his Predator skill to take Veldora into his body and analyze the "Unlimited Imprisonment" seal in hopes of breaking it... but this action sends a shock through the nations surrounding the Great Forest of Jura. With Veldora gone, there's a chance that the larger nations could become bold and invade the smaller provinces. With no knowledge of this, Rimuru leaves the cave and meets some Goblins. In onda il: 2018-10-16 3: Battle at the Goblin Village
    After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! 3: Battle at the Goblin Village
    In onda il: 2018-10-16 After leaving the cave, Rimuru encounters a village of Goblins under attack by a clan of Direwolves. Caught in the heat of the moment, Rimuru agrees to help the Goblins in their battle. That night, the Direwolves arrive to try to take over as the new rulers of the Great Forest of Jura! In onda il: 2018-10-23 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves
    Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! 4: In the Kingdom of the Dwarves
    In onda il: 2018-10-23 Rimuru and his companions visit the Dwarven Kingdom, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, in search of some artisans to help the Goblins learn to supply their own food, shelter, and clothing. However, a skirmish just outside the city gate lands Rimuru and Gobta in a prison cell. Then there's a report of an Armorsaurus in the nearby mines! In onda il: 2018-10-30 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo
    Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... 5: Hero King, Gazel Dwargo
    In onda il: 2018-10-30 Thanks to Rimuru's skill, Kaijin was able to finish all the longswords and deliver them to the king, so the two of them celebrate by heading to a bar staffed by lots of elf girls. One of them reads Rimuru's fortune for fun, and sees an image in her crystal ball of someone she believes Rimuru is destined to be with. As everyone wonders who this person could be, Vesta shows up and starts to hassle Rimuru... In onda il: 2018-11-06 6: Shizu
    One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. 6: Shizu
    In onda il: 2018-11-06 One day, in the midst of the improvements on the Goblin Village with the help of Kaijin and the dwarves, Rimuru meets a trio of adventurers from the Guild who've been temporarily joined by a masked woman named Shizu. Shizu turns out to be the person Rimuru is destined to be with, as his fortune said. Shizu also came to this world from Japan, but unlike him, she was summoned here many years ago. So Rimuru uses his Thought Communication skill to show Shizu what Japan looks like today. In onda il: 2018-11-13 7: Conqueror of Flames
    The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. 7: Conqueror of Flames
    In onda il: 2018-11-13 The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell summoned Shizu out of Tokyo as it burned during in the air raids, then forced the high-ranked spirit Ifrit to possess her. After taking over Shizu's body, Ifrit begins to rampage. In onda il: 2018-11-20 8: Inherited Will
    When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... 8: Inherited Will
    In onda il: 2018-11-20 When Shizu was still with Demon Lord Leon, it was a Hero who rescued her. That Hero was Shizu's inspiration to help as many people as she could for many years. She even worked as a teacher for children who'd come from other worlds. And now, as her time comes to an end, Shizu asks Rimuru for one last favor... In onda il: 2018-11-27 9: Attack of the Ogres
    Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? 9: Attack of the Ogres
    In onda il: 2018-11-27 Rimuru and the Goblins' village is developing nicely. The Dwarves are building all kinds of houses and furniture, and the local Goblin Lords have appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King. As Rimuru watches everything come together, he decides to return to the cave and test the skills he received from Shizu. While there, he receives a request for help from Ranga through Thought Communication, and he rushes back to find his friends facing six Ogres. One of them orders Rimuru to "reveal his true identity." What is going on in the Great Forest of Jura? In onda il: 2018-12-04 10: The Orc Lord
    Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... 10: The Orc Lord
    In onda il: 2018-12-04 Six Ogres are all that remain of their clan after an attack by an Orc army. They say that the Orcs were traveling with a mysterious majin who wore plate mail and a clown mask. Rimuru proposes that the Ogres join his ranks, and they accept on the condition that they will get to take down the one leading the Orcs, so Rimuru gives all six of them names. Meanwhile, the Orcs begin to invade the marshlands surrounding Lake Siss that are inhabited by the Lizardmen. So the Lizardman chieftan gives his son, Gabiru, an order... In onda il: 2018-12-11 11: Gabiru is Here!
    Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... 11: Gabiru is Here!
    In onda il: 2018-12-11 Rimuru's village has gained Benimaru and the other five Ogres as its newest allies. Soon after, the Lizardman Gabiru visits the village, having heard rumors about it. Gabiru has been visiting Goblin villages throughout the Great Forest of Jura to enlist their aid in fighting off the Orc army. When he faces Ranga with an attitude of provocation, Ranga tells him that if he can defeat Gobta, they'll hear what he has to say... In onda il: 2018-12-18 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control
    The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. 12: The Gears Spin Out of Control
    In onda il: 2018-12-18 The Orc army, led by the Orc Lord, continues its conquest throughout the Great Forest of Jura. The crisis has spurred Treyni of the Dryads, the caretakers of the forest, to take action. She has had her eye on Rimuru after noticing his rise to prominence in the forest, and she wants Rimuru to defeat the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2018-12-25 13: The Great Clash
    Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. 13: The Great Clash
    In onda il: 2018-12-25 Rimuru and his Goblin riders set out for the marshlands to finalize their alliance with the Lizardmen. On the way, they save a Lizardman who'd been attacked by the Orcs. The victim turns out to be Gabiru's younger sister, who reveals that Gabiru led an insurrection and left to fight the Orc Lord without waiting for the alliance. She also pleads with Rimuru to save Gabiru and the rest of her clan. Meanwhile, Gabiru faces the massive Orc army and is shocked when he witnesses the power of their unique skill, Starved. In onda il: 2019-01-08 14: The One Who Devours All
    The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... 14: The One Who Devours All
    In onda il: 2019-01-08 The majin Gelmud makes his appearance at last. His true goal was to evolve the Orc Lord into the Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord, and have him reign over the Forest of Jura. Upon learning this, the Orc Lord takes action... In onda il: 2019-01-15 15: The Jura Forest Alliance
    Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... 15: The Jura Forest Alliance
    In onda il: 2019-01-15 Post-war arrangements following the battle with the Orcs have begun. At the meeting, Rimuru reveals that he made a promise with the Orc Disaster, Geld, to take all of the Orcs' sins upon himself. When the Ogres and Lizardmen hear this... In onda il: 2019-01-22 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks
    The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. 16: Demon Lord Milim Attacks
    In onda il: 2019-01-22 The Jura Tempest Federation, with Rimuru as its leader, has formed an alliance with the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Just as Rimuru thinks there are only peaceful days ahead, he senses an enormous mass of magical power heading straight for his location at an incredible speed. When the smoke from its collision with the ground clears, standing in its place is a humanoid figure. She is the Demon Mord Milim, the one and only Dragonoid and the one bearing the nickname "Destroyer." Ranga, Benimaru, and the others who face her are quickly overwhelmed by her power. In onda il: 2019-01-29 17: The Gathering
    The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. 17: The Gathering
    In onda il: 2019-01-29 The Demon Lord Carrion has sent one of his Three Beastketeers, Phobio, on a raid of Rimuru's city. However, Phobio is quickly defeated when Milim meets his attack with her own. Rimuru and his subordinates then ask Phobio why he has come to their town. In onda il: 2019-02-05 18: Evil Creeps Closer
    Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. 18: Evil Creeps Closer
    In onda il: 2019-02-05 Phobio can't restrain his anger toward Milim. He finds himself faced with Footman and Tear, two masked members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, who suggest that he become a Demon Lord to take revenge on Milim. They tell him that he can accomplish this using the power of Charybdis. Meanwhile, the Jura Tempest Federation sends Youm out on a journey to make the world believe he was the champion who defeated the Orc Lord. In onda il: 2019-02-12 19: Charybdis
    Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... 19: Charybdis
    In onda il: 2019-02-12 Its seal removed, the calamity-class monster Charybdis and its Medalodon minions advance on the capital city of Rimuru. The Jura Tempest Federation combines all its forces under Rimuru to intercept the attack. King Gazel even sends 100 of his Pegasus Knights to aid in the battle. But Charybdis's extra skills Magic Jamming and Ultraspeed Regeneration make it a formidable foe. So Rimuru unleashes his new skill, Gluttony... In onda il: 2019-02-19 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka
    The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. 20: Yuuki Kagurazaka
    In onda il: 2019-02-19 The threat of Charybdis has gone. That night, Rimuru has a dream in which he sees Shizu teaching children at her school in the Kingdom of Ingrassia—a dream showing Shizu's lingering regret. To see her wishes through, Rimuru leaves the Jura Tempest Federation and heads for the capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. His first goal is to meet with the Grandmaster of the Guild, Yuuki Kagurazaka, who happens to be a Summon and a former student of Shizu's. In onda il: 2019-02-26 21: Shizu-san's Students
    Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. 21: Shizu-san's Students
    In onda il: 2019-02-26 Rimuru becomes the new teacher for Shizu's students. However, having been summoned into this world against their will and facing shortened lifespans as a result, the children's feelings are complicated, and they're reluctant to accept Rimuru. So Rimuru proposes a series of mock battles with each of them to ascertain their abilities and allow them to let off steam. In onda il: 2019-03-05 22: Conquering the Labyrinth
    Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. 22: Conquering the Labyrinth
    In onda il: 2019-03-05 Rimuru tries to think of a way to save the children of Freedom Academy who are fated to die. The idea he comes up with is to have superior spirits inhabit each of them, as Shizu had, so their lives won't end prematurely. Determined to whatever it takes to save them, Rimuru leads the children to the Dwelling of Spirits, where superior spirits can be found. But as they make their way further inside, a Golem made of magisteel and controlled by the fairy Ramiris stands in their path. In onda il: 2019-03-12 23: Saved Souls
    Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... 23: Saved Souls
    In onda il: 2019-03-12 Rimuru and the children reach the deepest level of the Dwelling of Spirits, where they stand on a pedestal bathed in light to summon superior spirits. Will their summoning be successful? Amidst the uncertainty, the first to attempt the summoning is Gale, followed by Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and finally Chloe. But instead of a spirit, Chloe's summoning brings forth an unknown spiritual form with an immense amount of energy. Just what is this spiritual being? Ramiris seems to sense something about it... In onda il: 2019-03-19 24: Black and the Mask
    This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... 24: Black and the Mask
    In onda il: 2019-03-19 This story takes place before Rimuru's reincarnation. Shizu, also known as the Conqueror of Flames, responds to an urgent request calling her to the Kingdom of Filtwood. When she reaches the castle, many adventurers are already there. What request could have demanded such a huge gathering? It turns out a demon has been revived, and the adventurers have been called to subjugate it. It is said that more than ten of the most skilled adventurers have already been killed by this demon. But there is more to this request than meets the eye... Nessun Trailer disponibile
  19. Metallic Rouge [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Metallic Rouge
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
    In un mondo in cui gli umani convivono con gli androidi chiamati Neans, un gruppo noto come Immortal Nine si ribella contro la società. Incaricati di eliminare i rivoltosi, un Nean di nome Rouge Redstar (alias Metal Rouge) e l'investigatrice Naomi Orthmann si dirigono su Marte per rintracciarli... ma prima Rouge vuole del cioccolato.
    Yutaka Izubuchi
    Series Composition Motonobu Hori
    Series Director Toshihiro Kawamoto
    Character Designer Taisei Iwasaki
    Original Music Composer Yutaka Izubuchi
    Technical Supervisor Yuma Yamaguchi
    Original Music Composer TOWA TEI
    Original Music Composer Yasushi Muraki
    Special Effects Supervisor Takayuki Takeya
    Creature Design Tamotsu Shinohara
    Creature Design Tomoyuki Hirao
    Mechanical Designer Kazutaka Miyatake
    Prop Designer Shingo Takeba
    Set Designer Yasushi Ishizu
    Set Designer Akihiro Yamada
    Costume Design Takuya Ebisawa
    Art Direction Hiroko Umezaki
    Color Designer Masataka Ikegami
    Director of Photography Yoshikazu Kon
    CG Supervisor Daiki Uchida
    CGI Director Mitsuyasu Sakai
    Researcher Katsuie Shibata
    Researcher Haru Yamada
    Sound Director YU-KA
    Theme Song Performance DAZBEE
    Theme Song Performance Toshizo Nemoto
    Series Composition Hideki Kakita
    Lead Animator Kenta Yokoya
    Lead Animator Nobuaki Nagano
    Lead Animator Kumiko Sakamoto
    Editor Tomokazu Mii
    Sound Effects Yasushi Kuwata
    Producer Asa Suehira
    Producer Zhang Shengyan
    Producer Masahiko Minami
    Producer Yutaro Takadera
    Producer Tatsumi Yoda
    Producer Mitsuharu Moriya
    Producer Hidenori Hamada
    Producer Yutaka Izubuchi
    Original Concept Shoji Naoto
    Producer Yutaka Izubuchi
    Director Yume Miyamoto
    Rouge Redstar (voice) Tomoyo Kurosawa
    Naomi Orthmann (voice) Shunsuke Takeuchi
    Gene Junghardt (voice) Yu Shimamura
    Sarah Fitzgerald (voice) Hiroyuki Yoshino
    Giallon Fate (voice) Yui Ogura
    Jill Sturgeon (voice) Kenjiro Tsuda
    Afdal Bashar (voice) Kazuyuki Okitsu
    Eden Varock (voice) Atsushi Miyauchi
    Ash Stahl (voice) Chiaki Kobayashi
    Noid 262 (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 1: Crimson Is the Sound of Dawn
    La cantante Sarah Fitzgerald assume Rouge come aiutante, ma il suo passato diventa oscuro quando Sarah e il suo amante vengono attaccati, portando Naomi a rivelare informazioni misteriose. 1: Crimson Is the Sound of Dawn
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 La cantante Sarah Fitzgerald assume Rouge come aiutante, ma il suo passato diventa oscuro quando Sarah e il suo amante vengono attaccati, portando Naomi a rivelare informazioni misteriose. In onda il: 2024-01-18 2: Wander in the Labyrinth
    Rouge e Naomi prendono un autobus attraverso Marte alla ricerca del prossimo membro degli Immortal Nine. All'improvviso un convoglio di veicoli armati attacca l'autobus. 2: Wander in the Labyrinth
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 Rouge e Naomi prendono un autobus attraverso Marte alla ricerca del prossimo membro degli Immortal Nine. All'improvviso un convoglio di veicoli armati attacca l'autobus. In onda il: 2024-01-25 3: Marginal City
    One of the Immortal Nine, Phantom Verde, is said to be staying in a certain Nean settlement, but only authorized personnel are allowed in. While walking around town, Rouge meets a doctor who works in the settlement and seeks his help to get inside. 3: Marginal City
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 One of the Immortal Nine, Phantom Verde, is said to be staying in a certain Nean settlement, but only authorized personnel are allowed in. While walking around town, Rouge meets a doctor who works in the settlement and seeks his help to get inside. In onda il: 2024-02-01 4: Freedom and Phantoms
    Rouge is held by the CFN under suspicion of murdering Juval. Naomi advises her on how to escape, but Rouge suspects that Phantom Verde is involved and chooses to stay. Meanwhile, the police dispatch a security force to the Nean settlement... 4: Freedom and Phantoms
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Rouge is held by the CFN under suspicion of murdering Juval. Naomi advises her on how to escape, but Rouge suspects that Phantom Verde is involved and chooses to stay. Meanwhile, the police dispatch a security force to the Nean settlement... In onda il: 2024-02-08 5: Carnival Dances with Lost Memories
    The imprisoned Rouge is lost in an illusion that can't be called either a dream or a memory: her life just after she was born, her days with her kind older brother Gene and her father Roy... as well as an unfamiliar woman and a masked man. 5: Carnival Dances with Lost Memories
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 The imprisoned Rouge is lost in an illusion that can't be called either a dream or a memory: her life just after she was born, her days with her kind older brother Gene and her father Roy... as well as an unfamiliar woman and a masked man. In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: Nameless Guest
    A murder occurs on the ship carrying Rouge and Naomi. The killer is captured by a surveillance camera, but another camera shows the same person elsewhere at the same time. Then another murder occurs, and the killer on camera looks like Naomi... 6: Nameless Guest
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 A murder occurs on the ship carrying Rouge and Naomi. The killer is captured by a surveillance camera, but another camera shows the same person elsewhere at the same time. Then another murder occurs, and the killer on camera looks like Naomi... In onda il: 2024-02-22 7: Appropriate Gear
    Naomi meets with Gene Junghardt as more pieces of the puzzle are revealed. Meanwhile, Rouge, who is due to be transferred to Ochrona, has an unexpected reunion. 7: Appropriate Gear
    In onda il: 2024-02-22 Naomi meets with Gene Junghardt as more pieces of the puzzle are revealed. Meanwhile, Rouge, who is due to be transferred to Ochrona, has an unexpected reunion. In onda il: 2024-02-29 8: Nowhere House
    Rouge reunites with Gene and they visit Dr. Junghardt's Memory Library. Rouge traces his memories to learn about herself, Code Eve, and Dr. Jung's goals. Then a girl shows up claiming to be Rouge's younger sister, Cyan... 8: Nowhere House
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 Rouge reunites with Gene and they visit Dr. Junghardt's Memory Library. Rouge traces his memories to learn about herself, Code Eve, and Dr. Jung's goals. Then a girl shows up claiming to be Rouge's younger sister, Cyan... In onda il: 2024-03-07 9: The Ones Who Visited
    Mentre Rouge lotta contro Aerkos, Silvia e Graupon, Eden si presenta per salvarla, ma si scopre che anche lui fa parte dei Nove Immortali. Arrivano una nave usurpatrice e la Cyan e la situazione precipita nel caos. Potrebbe Cyan essere davvero la sorella di Rouge? 9: The Ones Who Visited
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 Mentre Rouge lotta contro Aerkos, Silvia e Graupon, Eden si presenta per salvarla, ma si scopre che anche lui fa parte dei Nove Immortali. Arrivano una nave usurpatrice e la Cyan e la situazione precipita nel caos. Potrebbe Cyan essere davvero la sorella di Rouge? In onda il: 2024-03-14 10: Family Portrait
    In viaggio verso Venere, Rouge e Naomi scoprono che Cyan si è nascosto sulla loro nave. È convinta che Rouge sia sua sorella maggiore e insiste per viaggiare con lei, nonostante le proteste di Naomi. Davanti a loro, Gene raggiunge Venere e incontra il Burattinaio. 10: Family Portrait
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 In viaggio verso Venere, Rouge e Naomi scoprono che Cyan si è nascosto sulla loro nave. È convinta che Rouge sia sua sorella maggiore e insiste per viaggiare con lei, nonostante le proteste di Naomi. Davanti a loro, Gene raggiunge Venere e incontra il Burattinaio. In onda il: 2024-03-21 11: Target Planet
    After making an emergency landing on Venus, Rouge's group enters the Cloud Plant to find Gene, but Silvia picks up on their movements. As Gene looks on, the Puppetmaster begins to talk about his mother, Eva Kristella, and her creation, Code Eve. 11: Target Planet
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 After making an emergency landing on Venus, Rouge's group enters the Cloud Plant to find Gene, but Silvia picks up on their movements. As Gene looks on, the Puppetmaster begins to talk about his mother, Eva Kristella, and her creation, Code Eve. In onda il: 2024-03-28 12: Mask Graveyard
    Rouge and Naomi find Gene, but his behavior seems off. Eden battles Grauphon, both fighting for their convictions and the people they love. And Cyan is captured by the Puppetmaster, robbed of her consciousness, and forced to play a certain role. 12: Mask Graveyard
    In onda il: 2024-03-28 Rouge and Naomi find Gene, but his behavior seems off. Eden battles Grauphon, both fighting for their convictions and the people they love. And Cyan is captured by the Puppetmaster, robbed of her consciousness, and forced to play a certain role. In onda il: 2024-04-04 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-04-04 Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale 4
    Anteprima Ufficiale 3
    Anteprima Ufficiale 2
    Anteprima Ufficiale 1
  20. Shaman King Flowers [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer SHAMAN KING FLOWERS
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Sequel animato di SHAMAN KING. Il giovane Hana Asakura, erede di un noto casato di sciamani, vive nella sua grande casa di Tokyo senza i genitori, sempre lontani per lavoro. A causa del divieto di usare i propri poteri sciamanici, il ragazzo è sempre annoiato, ma un giorno viene attaccato da membri del ramo cadetto degli Asakura che vogliono assumere il controllo della famiglia.
    Hiroyuki Takei
    Other Jouji Furuta
    Series Director Shouji Yonemura
    Series Composition Mayuko Yamamoto
    Lead Character Designer Yuji Shibata
    Prop Designer Jinya Kimura
    Art Direction Jinya Kimura
    Art Designer Natsuko Otsuka
    Color Designer Teruyuki Kawase
    Director of Photography Kumiko Sakamoto
    Editor Yuki Hayashi
    Original Music Composer Masafumi Mima
    Sound Director Yoko Hikasa
    Hana Asakura (voice) Katsuyuki Konishi
    Amidamaru (voice) Sumire Uesaka
    Alumi Niumbirch (voice) Shun Horie
    Yohane Asakura (voice) Kentaro Ito
    Daikyoh Oboro (voice) Ami Koshimizu
    Luca Asakura (voice) Nana Mizuki
    Tamao Tamamura (voice) Takumu Miyazono
    Ponchi (voice) Noriaki Kanze
    Conchi (voice) Masahiko Tanaka
    Ryunosuke Umemiya (voice) Wataru Takagi
    Tokagerō (voice) Kenta Miyake
    Ryuji Ichihara (voice) Michiko Kaiden
    Gakko Ibuki (voice) Chihiro Ueda
    Namaha (voice) Romi Park
    Tao Men (voice) Minami Takayama
    Hao Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-01-10 1: Asakura vs. Secret Asakura
    14 years after the Shaman Fight, Asakura Hana is attacked by Yohane and Luca who want to kill Hana and take his place as the true heirs of the Asakura Family. 1: Asakura vs. Secret Asakura
    In onda il: 2024-01-10 14 years after the Shaman Fight, Asakura Hana is attacked by Yohane and Luca who want to kill Hana and take his place as the true heirs of the Asakura Family. In onda il: 2024-01-17 2: West Tokyo Sound Effect Festival
    After running across Tamamura Tamao, Asakura Hana hides that he was fighting again and rushes back to Funbari Onsen. Tamao decides to take Umemiya Ryunosuke's motorcycle so that she can investigate the secret Asakura Family. Back at the inn, Hana is caught by the Hana-Gumi Waitresses. By the time Hana returns with the first aid kit to the cemetery, Yohane is gone. 2: West Tokyo Sound Effect Festival
    In onda il: 2024-01-17 After running across Tamamura Tamao, Asakura Hana hides that he was fighting again and rushes back to Funbari Onsen. Tamao decides to take Umemiya Ryunosuke's motorcycle so that she can investigate the secret Asakura Family. Back at the inn, Hana is caught by the Hana-Gumi Waitresses. By the time Hana returns with the first aid kit to the cemetery, Yohane is gone. In onda il: 2024-01-24 3: The Return of the Precocious Shaman
    After waking up in the hospital, Asakura Hana believes the previous night's events to have been a dream and intults Alumi Numbirch's appearance. Overhearing this, she punishes him and then chews out Umemiya Ryunosuke, Tokageroh, and Amidamaru. 3: The Return of the Precocious Shaman
    In onda il: 2024-01-24 After waking up in the hospital, Asakura Hana believes the previous night's events to have been a dream and intults Alumi Numbirch's appearance. Overhearing this, she punishes him and then chews out Umemiya Ryunosuke, Tokageroh, and Amidamaru. In onda il: 2024-01-31 4: Sense of Loss
    Despite being sworn enemies, Hana takes it upon herself to mentor Haba, a newcomer to the world of education, on the intricacies of being a transfer student. She also warns Haba about her behavior, which mirrors that of a rebellious second-year junior high school student. Surprisingly, Haba discovers that Hana, despite her yearning for friendship, is also friendless. In a bold declaration, Haba names herself 'Friend No. 1'. Just as they agree to coexist peacefully, a mysterious new transfer student arrives, setting the stage for an unexpected twist in their intertwined destinies... 4: Sense of Loss
    In onda il: 2024-01-31 Despite being sworn enemies, Hana takes it upon herself to mentor Haba, a newcomer to the world of education, on the intricacies of being a transfer student. She also warns Haba about her behavior, which mirrors that of a rebellious second-year junior high school student. Surprisingly, Haba discovers that Hana, despite her yearning for friendship, is also friendless. In a bold declaration, Haba names herself 'Friend No. 1'. Just as they agree to coexist peacefully, a mysterious new transfer student arrives, setting the stage for an unexpected twist in their intertwined destinies... In onda il: 2024-02-07 5: Shocking Mall
    Amidamaru was turned into stone by Rika's hands. Hana, who has no more spirits, is hit by Ryuji's special move « Wal no Ryofu » and faints. Rika uses Ryuji to try to stop Hana from dying to its roots. Seeing this, Haba realizes that her sister is being manipulated by something and tries to release her oversoul, but... 5: Shocking Mall
    In onda il: 2024-02-07 Amidamaru was turned into stone by Rika's hands. Hana, who has no more spirits, is hit by Ryuji's special move « Wal no Ryofu » and faints. Rika uses Ryuji to try to stop Hana from dying to its roots. Seeing this, Haba realizes that her sister is being manipulated by something and tries to release her oversoul, but... In onda il: 2024-02-14 6: Oni Sleeps on the Riverbank
    A flower that experienced death in the past and was brought back to life by Hao. The condition was that the flower would possess the power of a demon, and that power would be activated when the flower was on the verge of death, so that it would never die again. Hana learns this fact and becomes depressed. He realizes that he can't do anything without Amidamaru, and he becomes keenly aware of his own helplessness. 6: Oni Sleeps on the Riverbank
    In onda il: 2024-02-14 A flower that experienced death in the past and was brought back to life by Hao. The condition was that the flower would possess the power of a demon, and that power would be activated when the flower was on the verge of death, so that it would never die again. Hana learns this fact and becomes depressed. He realizes that he can't do anything without Amidamaru, and he becomes keenly aware of his own helplessness. In onda il: 2024-02-21 7: Demon Rumble
    Hana wonders who she is on a hill above the cemetery. She realizes that Gakko Ibuki, a Yankee-style shaman who suddenly speaks to her from behind, has picked a fight with her, and she prepares for battle. Hana counters Gakko, who unleashes Oversoul NAMA-HAGE, with the "demon" that resides within her. Gradually, Hana loses her sanity and is absorbed by the power of a giant demon. 7: Demon Rumble
    In onda il: 2024-02-21 Hana wonders who she is on a hill above the cemetery. She realizes that Gakko Ibuki, a Yankee-style shaman who suddenly speaks to her from behind, has picked a fight with her, and she prepares for battle. Hana counters Gakko, who unleashes Oversoul NAMA-HAGE, with the "demon" that resides within her. Gradually, Hana loses her sanity and is absorbed by the power of a giant demon. In onda il: 2024-02-28 8: Flower of Nanchara
    Just when Gakko and Namaha think they have conquered the power of the demonized flower, they find themselves in a pinch when faced with the demonized flower again. At that moment, aluminum appeared... Aluminum calls Gakko "Team Hao Anti-Demon Division Commander," and introduces Haba, who has joined them, to Gakko as "a member of Team Hao." Hana and Haha don't know what's going on, so Alumi begins to explain about "Flower of Maze." 8: Flower of Nanchara
    In onda il: 2024-02-28 Just when Gakko and Namaha think they have conquered the power of the demonized flower, they find themselves in a pinch when faced with the demonized flower again. At that moment, aluminum appeared... Aluminum calls Gakko "Team Hao Anti-Demon Division Commander," and introduces Haba, who has joined them, to Gakko as "a member of Team Hao." Hana and Haha don't know what's going on, so Alumi begins to explain about "Flower of Maze." In onda il: 2024-03-06 9: The Same Age ~ Me, My Father, and My Uncle! ~
    Nessuna trama disponibile 9: The Same Age ~ Me, My Father, and My Uncle! ~
    In onda il: 2024-03-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-13 10: Island of Death Zero
    Nessuna trama disponibile 10: Island of Death Zero
    In onda il: 2024-03-13 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-20 11: Black Maiden
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Black Maiden
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-27 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-03-27 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-04-03 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-04-03 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  21. Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Dōchū 2 [23/25] (2024) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-
    Stagione 2    Episodi 25        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia
    Makoto Misumi è solo un normale studente delle superiori che vive una vita normale, ma all'improvviso viene convocato nell'altro mondo per diventare un "eroe". La dea dell'altro mondo, tuttavia, lo insulta per essere diverso e spoglia il suo titolo di "eroe", prima di gettarlo nel deserto ai confini del mondo. Mentre vaga per le terre selvagge, Makoto incontra draghi, ragni, orchi, nani e ogni sorta di tribù non umane. Poiché Makoto proviene da un mondo diverso, è in grado di scatenare poteri magici e abilità di combattimento inimmaginabili. Ma come gestirà i suoi incontri con varie specie e sopravviverà nel suo nuovo ambiente. In questa fantasia, Makoto cerca di trasformare l'altro mondo in un posto migliore nonostante gli umani e gli dei gli abbiano voltato le spalle.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Makoto (voice) 佐倉綾音
    Tomoe (voice) 鬼頭明里
    Mio (voice) 早見沙織
    Emma (voice) 藤井ゆきよ
    Rona (voice) Episodi: 25 
    In onda il: 2024-01-08 1: What? Moon over the Ruined Castle?
    Mikoto and Shiki are making their way to Rotsgard Academy in hopes of opening a new store. Meanwhile, back in the demiplane, everyone is helping Mio practice her cooking skills by taste-testing her dishes. 1: What? Moon over the Ruined Castle?
    In onda il: 2024-01-08 Mikoto and Shiki are making their way to Rotsgard Academy in hopes of opening a new store. Meanwhile, back in the demiplane, everyone is helping Mio practice her cooking skills by taste-testing her dishes. In onda il: 2024-01-15 2: The Heroes Are a Couple of Beauties
    We meet one of Misumi Makoto's classmates back on earth, who also has a curious encounter with a certain goddess who presides over a certain isekai. She and one other are sent there as heroes to help the hyumans defeat the demons. 2: The Heroes Are a Couple of Beauties
    In onda il: 2024-01-15 We meet one of Misumi Makoto's classmates back on earth, who also has a curious encounter with a certain goddess who presides over a certain isekai. She and one other are sent there as heroes to help the hyumans defeat the demons. In onda il: 2024-01-22 3: Stellar Wars
    Hibiki and Tomoki's parties prepare for the attack on Fort Stella (the one Makoto ended up being somewhat involved in against his will). The two human heroes couldn't be more different, posing challenges beyond the simple difficulty of facing the demons. 3: Stellar Wars
    In onda il: 2024-01-22 Hibiki and Tomoki's parties prepare for the attack on Fort Stella (the one Makoto ended up being somewhat involved in against his will). The two human heroes couldn't be more different, posing challenges beyond the simple difficulty of facing the demons. In onda il: 2024-01-29 4: Why Am I a Teacher?!
    Makoto finally arrives in Rotsgard, but is shocked to find that he's somehow ended up registered to take a teacher's exam instead of one for students. On the way there, he crosses paths with some haughty students of the school... 4: Why Am I a Teacher?!
    In onda il: 2024-01-29 Makoto finally arrives in Rotsgard, but is shocked to find that he's somehow ended up registered to take a teacher's exam instead of one for students. On the way there, he crosses paths with some haughty students of the school... In onda il: 2024-02-05 5: The Lesson Will Now Begin
    Makoto starts planning his curriculum and class size now that he's employed at Rotsgard Academy. He wants to teach students to expand their use of elemental magic, but his first class seems to think that's simply impossible. 5: The Lesson Will Now Begin
    In onda il: 2024-02-05 Makoto starts planning his curriculum and class size now that he's employed at Rotsgard Academy. He wants to teach students to expand their use of elemental magic, but his first class seems to think that's simply impossible. In onda il: 2024-02-12 6: Becoming a Three-Star Chef
    Tsubasa, Sayuri, and Minami have a study party. Tsubasa loses track of time and is scolded when he gets home late. The next day, Tsubasa bumps into the breathtaking Rena-senpai on his way to school and is soon shocked to realize that she is his neighbor. 6: Becoming a Three-Star Chef
    In onda il: 2024-02-12 Tsubasa, Sayuri, and Minami have a study party. Tsubasa loses track of time and is scolded when he gets home late. The next day, Tsubasa bumps into the breathtaking Rena-senpai on his way to school and is soon shocked to realize that she is his neighbor. In onda il: 2024-02-19 7: New Member Audition
    Makoto returns to the demiplane to check out his new house, which has finally completed construction. He arrives to find that the weather is unseasonably hot, and the source of the problem might be his fault. 7: New Member Audition
    In onda il: 2024-02-19 Makoto returns to the demiplane to check out his new house, which has finally completed construction. He arrives to find that the weather is unseasonably hot, and the source of the problem might be his fault. In onda il: 2024-02-26 8: The Notorious Beautiful Sisters
    Makoto had a busy but fun time in the demiplane. After finishing his business, he returns to Rotsgard with Shiki. Meanwhile, at Rotsgard Academy, Shifu and Yuno Rembrandt have returned to school and will attend a lecture with transfer student Karen Force. 8: The Notorious Beautiful Sisters
    In onda il: 2024-02-26 Makoto had a busy but fun time in the demiplane. After finishing his business, he returns to Rotsgard with Shiki. Meanwhile, at Rotsgard Academy, Shifu and Yuno Rembrandt have returned to school and will attend a lecture with transfer student Karen Force. In onda il: 2024-03-04 9: The Perverted Dragon
    Lime sets out to investigate hyuman experiments that are secretly being carried out in Rotsgard. He ends up being captured by an underground organization along with Eva. After that, the two manage to escape and meet up with Shin and the others. 9: The Perverted Dragon
    In onda il: 2024-03-04 Lime sets out to investigate hyuman experiments that are secretly being carried out in Rotsgard. He ends up being captured by an underground organization along with Eva. After that, the two manage to escape and meet up with Shin and the others. In onda il: 2024-03-11 10: Watch as I Improve the World
    Shin and company begin full-scale action to destroy the underground organization with demon general Rona's help. The group discovers that the mastermind is Bright, an instructor at Rotsgard Academy. Bright's willingness to make sacrifices angers Makoto. 10: Watch as I Improve the World
    In onda il: 2024-03-11 Shin and company begin full-scale action to destroy the underground organization with demon general Rona's help. The group discovers that the mastermind is Bright, an instructor at Rotsgard Academy. Bright's willingness to make sacrifices angers Makoto. In onda il: 2024-03-18 11: Summer of Growth and New Skills
    It's summer vacation for Rotsgard Academy. Makoto spends his time doing miscellaneous work and learning magic. One day it's decided he will have a mock battle against the wingkin. Makoto braces himself against his powerful enemies who are undefeated. 11: Summer of Growth and New Skills
    In onda il: 2024-03-18 It's summer vacation for Rotsgard Academy. Makoto spends his time doing miscellaneous work and learning magic. One day it's decided he will have a mock battle against the wingkin. Makoto braces himself against his powerful enemies who are undefeated. In onda il: 2024-03-25 12: Attack of the Giant Monsters
    One day near summer's end, the highland orcs are attacked by wolves and bears while exploring the forest. After hearing the news, Makoto goes to the forest in an attempt to make peace between them, but the bear he meets looks upon him with hostility. 12: Attack of the Giant Monsters
    In onda il: 2024-03-25 One day near summer's end, the highland orcs are attacked by wolves and bears while exploring the forest. After hearing the news, Makoto goes to the forest in an attempt to make peace between them, but the bear he meets looks upon him with hostility. In onda il: 2024-04-01 13: The Very Busy Academy Festival
    The academy festival is fast approaching. Shinai, a temple priest, arranges a meeting with Makoto on short notice. Shinai informs Makoto about rumors concerning the medicine being sold at the shop and offers Makoto a proposal to help dispel them. 13: The Very Busy Academy Festival
    In onda il: 2024-04-01 The academy festival is fast approaching. Shinai, a temple priest, arranges a meeting with Makoto on short notice. Shinai informs Makoto about rumors concerning the medicine being sold at the shop and offers Makoto a proposal to help dispel them. In onda il: 2024-04-08 14: I'm Not a Fan of High Society
    Makoto attends a luncheon on the second day of the festival and is approached by Sairitsu, an official with the Laurel Commonwealth. She suspects Makoto may be from another world because of the foreign characters on the Kuzunoha Trading Company's sign. 14: I'm Not a Fan of High Society
    In onda il: 2024-04-08 Makoto attends a luncheon on the second day of the festival and is approached by Sairitsu, an official with the Laurel Commonwealth. She suspects Makoto may be from another world because of the foreign characters on the Kuzunoha Trading Company's sign. In onda il: 2024-04-15 15: A Fierce Tournament
    Students take on the individual competition in the school festival's highlight event, the combat tournament. Due to a nobleman plot, they are forced to face off against their peers. Jin advances to the finals and faces off against Ilumgand Hopleys. 15: A Fierce Tournament
    In onda il: 2024-04-15 Students take on the individual competition in the school festival's highlight event, the combat tournament. Due to a nobleman plot, they are forced to face off against their peers. Jin advances to the finals and faces off against Ilumgand Hopleys. In onda il: 2024-04-22 16: A Certain Student's Secret
    Due to the incident with Zara, Makoto decides to join the demons, and after witnessing the fighting tournament, he decides to leave Rotsgard. The next day, Jin and his friends advance to the finals of the team competition and face a team led by Ilumgand. 16: A Certain Student's Secret
    In onda il: 2024-04-22 Due to the incident with Zara, Makoto decides to join the demons, and after witnessing the fighting tournament, he decides to leave Rotsgard. The next day, Jin and his friends advance to the finals of the team competition and face a team led by Ilumgand. In onda il: 2024-04-29 17: Mutation Hazard
    Ilumgand was transformed into a monster. Jin and Abelia launch an attack to stop him. However, their attacks have no effect, and they lose their fighting spirit and energy in the face of an enemy stronger than ever. 17: Mutation Hazard
    In onda il: 2024-04-29 Ilumgand was transformed into a monster. Jin and Abelia launch an attack to stop him. However, their attacks have no effect, and they lose their fighting spirit and energy in the face of an enemy stronger than ever. In onda il: 2024-05-06 18: Fall of the Academy City
    Rotsgard's turmoil continues. Numerous mutants have appeared in the city and Jin and his friends attempt to subjugate them. Meanwhile, Mio, who has been ordered by Makoto to protect the shelter, detects a strange smell from Makoto during her mission. 18: Fall of the Academy City
    In onda il: 2024-05-06 Rotsgard's turmoil continues. Numerous mutants have appeared in the city and Jin and his friends attempt to subjugate them. Meanwhile, Mio, who has been ordered by Makoto to protect the shelter, detects a strange smell from Makoto during her mission. In onda il: 2024-05-13 19: The Unruly Merchant
    The mutant turmoil shows no signs of ending. At the evacuation center, people who've transformed into new mutants have appeared, anxiety and fatigue have reached their peak. To change the situation, Misumi's group joins the mutant subjugation force. 19: The Unruly Merchant
    In onda il: 2024-05-13 The mutant turmoil shows no signs of ending. At the evacuation center, people who've transformed into new mutants have appeared, anxiety and fatigue have reached their peak. To change the situation, Misumi's group joins the mutant subjugation force. In onda il: 2024-05-20 20: The Utterly Hateable Good-for-Nothing
    Using the mutant disturbance as a decoy the demon army advances on the Kingdom of Limia and the Empire of Gritonia. The hyuman army tries to intercept them, but are quickly outnumbered and overpowered. The two great powers are on the verge of collapse. 20: The Utterly Hateable Good-for-Nothing
    In onda il: 2024-05-20 Using the mutant disturbance as a decoy the demon army advances on the Kingdom of Limia and the Empire of Gritonia. The hyuman army tries to intercept them, but are quickly outnumbered and overpowered. The two great powers are on the verge of collapse. In onda il: 2024-05-27 21: The Heroes Fight Bravely
    Tomoe, Mio, and the residents of the demiplane are ordered by Makoto to take back Kaleneon, and enter enemy territory. Meanwhile, in the Gritonia Empire, Tomoki and his friends head to the battlefield, where they encounter Sofia standing in their way. 21: The Heroes Fight Bravely
    In onda il: 2024-05-27 Tomoe, Mio, and the residents of the demiplane are ordered by Makoto to take back Kaleneon, and enter enemy territory. Meanwhile, in the Gritonia Empire, Tomoki and his friends head to the battlefield, where they encounter Sofia standing in their way. In onda il: 2024-06-03 22: Fight On, Hero!
    Makoto is shaken by the revelation that the hero he meets on the battlefield is his high school senior, Hibiki Otonashi. Unable to dwell on it, Makoto enters a battle with Io to whom he suggests the demons retreat, in order to avoid a pointless battle 22: Fight On, Hero!
    In onda il: 2024-06-03 Makoto is shaken by the revelation that the hero he meets on the battlefield is his high school senior, Hibiki Otonashi. Unable to dwell on it, Makoto enters a battle with Io to whom he suggests the demons retreat, in order to avoid a pointless battle In onda il: 2024-06-10 23: Episode 23
    Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23
    In onda il: 2024-06-10 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-17 24: Episode 24
    Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24
    In onda il: 2024-06-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-24 25: Episode 25
    Nessuna trama disponibile 25: Episode 25
    In onda il: 2024-06-24 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  22. Sengoku Yōko [13/37] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming (In Pausa)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Sengoku Youko
    Stagione 1    Episodi 37        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma
    "Ferma le tue azioni malvagie e percorri la retta via!"; questo è il credo di Yōko Tama e del suo fratellastro minore, Jinka Yamato. I due demoni viaggiano per il paese allo scopo di fermare tutte le persone che compiono azioni malvagie, accompagnati da Hyoudou Shinsuke, uno spadaccino terrorizzato dai gatti incontrato lungo la strada. Nel loro vagare si imbatteranno in un'organizzazione di monaci alquanto sospetta, con la quale, presto dovranno scontrarsi.
    Satoshi Mizukami
    Comic Book Kagetsu Aizawa
    Series Director Jukki Hanada
    Series Composition Jukki Hanada
    Writer Yousuke Okuda
    Character Designer Evan Call
    Original Music Composer Shinpei Kobayashi
    Character Designer Yousuke Okuda
    Supervising Animation Director Shinpei Kobayashi
    Supervising Animation Director Youhei Yaegashi
    Supervising Animation Director Chang Shao-wei
    Prop Designer Ke Wei Lin
    Prop Designer Hiroyuki Kodama
    Prop Designer Miu Miyamoto
    Art Direction Miyuki Sato
    Color Designer Daisuke Horino
    Director of Photography Hisashi Akimoto
    CGI Director Masayuki Kurosawa
    Editor Satoki Iida
    Sound Director Chang Shao-wei
    Creature Design Soma Saito
    Jinka (voice) Yuuki Takada
    Tama (voice) Ryohei Kimura
    Shinsuke (voice) Tomoyo Kurosawa
    Shakugan (voice) Hiroki Nanami
    Senya (voice) Maaya Uchida
    Tsukiko (voice) Kenji Nomura
    Jinun (voice) Aki Toyosaki
    Nau (voice) Tetsu Inada
    Dōren (voice) Kazuki Miyagi
    Resshin (voice) Ayahi Takagaki
    Mountain God (voice) Aina Suzuki
    Rinzu (voice) Kenjiro Tsuda
    Yazen (voice) Hiroki Touchi
    Raidō Zanzō (voice) Episodi: 37 
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 1: We Are Those Who Lament This Barbaric Age
    Shinsuke plans to attack a local group of brigands, only to be beaten to the punch by the eccentric Tama and Jinka. Impressed by their prowess in battle, Shinsuke becomes determined to follow them, and offers to take them to the brigands' leader. 1: We Are Those Who Lament This Barbaric Age
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 Shinsuke plans to attack a local group of brigands, only to be beaten to the punch by the eccentric Tama and Jinka. Impressed by their prowess in battle, Shinsuke becomes determined to follow them, and offers to take them to the brigands' leader. In onda il: 2024-01-18 2: Shakugan
    The party retreats after failing to defeat the rampaging katawara. The monks in their party are shocked when they learn exactly who taught Jinka the secret of spirit transformation. Shinsuke, in turn, is shocked to learn the katawara's true origins. 2: Shakugan
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 The party retreats after failing to defeat the rampaging katawara. The monks in their party are shocked when they learn exactly who taught Jinka the secret of spirit transformation. Shinsuke, in turn, is shocked to learn the katawara's true origins. In onda il: 2024-01-25 3: Year Seven of the Eiroku Period
    Jinka pours his fury out on the Dangaisyuu temple, prompting the local leaders to discuss moving operations elsewhere. Meanwhile, Tama tells Shinsuke and Shakugan a little more about herself and Jinka's spirit transformation. 3: Year Seven of the Eiroku Period
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 Jinka pours his fury out on the Dangaisyuu temple, prompting the local leaders to discuss moving operations elsewhere. Meanwhile, Tama tells Shinsuke and Shakugan a little more about herself and Jinka's spirit transformation. In onda il: 2024-02-01 4: Jinka and Humans
    Shinsuke and Shakugan are staying with Jinka and Tama, but Shinsuke isn't learning much in the way of fighting skills. Instead, Shinsuke is left behind to do chores when Tama and Jinka are informed of trouble with a local katawara. 4: Jinka and Humans
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Shinsuke and Shakugan are staying with Jinka and Tama, but Shinsuke isn't learning much in the way of fighting skills. Instead, Shinsuke is left behind to do chores when Tama and Jinka are informed of trouble with a local katawara. In onda il: 2024-02-08 5: Higan
    Shinsuke starts training with Zanzou, who's recuperating in a mountain cave and requests payment in the form of food. Zanzou tells Shinsuke about his sister, and how she came to join the Dangaisyuu as a nun. 5: Higan
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 Shinsuke starts training with Zanzou, who's recuperating in a mountain cave and requests payment in the form of food. Zanzou tells Shinsuke about his sister, and how she came to join the Dangaisyuu as a nun. In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: Fukou
    Raidou departs the party, but not without giving Shinsuke a surprising gift first. The journey to Kagan's home is long, and the others are exhausted when they cross paths with a group of monkey katawara. 6: Fukou
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Raidou departs the party, but not without giving Shinsuke a surprising gift first. The journey to Kagan's home is long, and the others are exhausted when they cross paths with a group of monkey katawara. In onda il: 2024-02-22 7: Kagan & Shakuyaku
    The party finally reaches Kagan's hometown, a settlement of katawara. Coincidentally, a pregnant human arrives at the same time, seeking shelter so she can give birth. Not coincidentally, some Dangaisyuu agents also arrive... 7: Kagan & Shakuyaku
    In onda il: 2024-02-22 The party finally reaches Kagan's hometown, a settlement of katawara. Coincidentally, a pregnant human arrives at the same time, seeking shelter so she can give birth. Not coincidentally, some Dangaisyuu agents also arrive... In onda il: 2024-02-29 8: Mystic Swordsman
    Nessuna trama disponibile 8: Mystic Swordsman
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-07 9: The Mountain Goddess (Part 1)
    Jinka, Tama, and Shinsuke meet with the Mountain Goddess to discuss their next course of action against the Dangaisyuu, while Jinun and Senya continue to hunt for them. 9: The Mountain Goddess (Part 1)
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 Jinka, Tama, and Shinsuke meet with the Mountain Goddess to discuss their next course of action against the Dangaisyuu, while Jinun and Senya continue to hunt for them. In onda il: 2024-03-14 10: The Mountain Goddess (Part 2)
    Nessuna trama disponibile 10: The Mountain Goddess (Part 2)
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-21 11: The Strongest of the Dangaisyuu
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: The Strongest of the Dangaisyuu
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-28 12: Jinka & Douren, Takekichi & Barry
    Battles unfold in parallel with Jinka and Shinsuke taking on Douren and Resshin. But even if they succeed, how can they take down Taizan, who's been turned into a walking fortress? 12: Jinka & Douren, Takekichi & Barry
    In onda il: 2024-03-28 Battles unfold in parallel with Jinka and Shinsuke taking on Douren and Resshin. But even if they succeed, how can they take down Taizan, who's been turned into a walking fortress? In onda il: 2024-04-04 13: Godbeast
    Jinka squares off for the final battle against Yazen, but as the two spiritually transformed humans fight, Jinka treads into dangerous territory. 13: Godbeast
    In onda il: 2024-04-04 Jinka squares off for the final battle against Yazen, but as the two spiritually transformed humans fight, Jinka treads into dangerous territory. In onda il: null 14: Episode 14
    Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 15: Episode 15
    Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Episode 15
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 16: Episode 16
    Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Episode 16
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 17: Episode 17
    Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Episode 17
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 18: Episode 18
    Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Episode 18
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 19: Episode 19
    Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Episode 19
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 20: Episode 20
    Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Episode 20
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 21: Episode 21
    Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Episode 21
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 22: Episode 22
    Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 23: Episode 23
    Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 24: Episode 24
    Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 25: Episode 25
    Nessuna trama disponibile 25: Episode 25
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 26: Episode 26
    Nessuna trama disponibile 26: Episode 26
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 27: Episode 27
    Nessuna trama disponibile 27: Episode 27
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 28: Episode 28
    Nessuna trama disponibile 28: Episode 28
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 29: Episode 29
    Nessuna trama disponibile 29: Episode 29
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 30: Episode 30
    Nessuna trama disponibile 30: Episode 30
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 31: Episode 31
    Nessuna trama disponibile 31: Episode 31
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 32: Episode 32
    Nessuna trama disponibile 32: Episode 32
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 33: Episode 33
    Nessuna trama disponibile 33: Episode 33
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 34: Episode 34
    Nessuna trama disponibile 34: Episode 34
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 35: Episode 35
    Nessuna trama disponibile 35: Episode 35
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 36: Episode 36
    Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Episode 36
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 37: Episode 37
    Nessuna trama disponibile 37: Episode 37
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale
  23. Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi o Hajimemashita. [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Ivy si è reincarnata mantenendo i ricordi della sua vita precedente. La giovane possiede un'unica abilità, quella di riuscire a domare i mostri, ma non essendo molto capace riesce soltanto a controllare gli slime. In questa realtà dove i deboli non sono benvoluti soltanto una signora le dimostra affetto. Quando l'anziana muore, Ivy si ritrova da sola e decide di lasciare il villaggio dedicandosi all'avventura. Le farà compagnia Sora, uno dei mostri controllati da lei.
    Novel Shigeyasu Yamauchi
    Series Director Naoki Horiuchi
    Series Director Katsuhiko Takayama
    Series Composition Hu Fengcheng
    Character Designer Yuki Ikeda
    Character Designer Kujira Yumemi
    Original Music Composer Aina Suzuki
    Theme Song Performance Nama
    Original Series Design Takuya Imakado
    Creature Design W18
    Prop Designer Ayumi Yoshida
    Color Designer Masazumi Matsumiya
    Art Designer Toshihide Inoue
    Art Direction Akihiro Fujishima
    Director of Photography Lucas Cisterne
    CGI Director Maki Sendo
    Editor Jun Watanabe
    Sound Director Takuya Imakado
    Prop Designer Aina Suzuki
    Ivy (voice) Mutsumi Tamura
    Sora (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-12 1: On a Journey Alone
    Femicia is an 8-year-old girl who has lived in the forest ever since the head of her village ordered her capture. With nothing left to keep her in the village, she changes her name and sets out on a journey. What she discovers changes everything for her. 1: On a Journey Alone
    In onda il: 2024-01-12 Femicia is an 8-year-old girl who has lived in the forest ever since the head of her village ordered her capture. With nothing left to keep her in the village, she changes her name and sets out on a journey. What she discovers changes everything for her. In onda il: 2024-01-19 2: To Latoto Village
    Ivy visits a village after catching a field mouse in a trap. She sees everyone going about their work using their magical skills and frets over her own skill. Ivy sells her mouse meat and buys the first bread she's had in years, but there's a problem... 2: To Latoto Village
    In onda il: 2024-01-19 Ivy visits a village after catching a field mouse in a trap. She sees everyone going about their work using their magical skills and frets over her own skill. Ivy sells her mouse meat and buys the first bread she's had in years, but there's a problem... In onda il: 2024-01-26 3: Toward Those Remembered Days
    Femicia lives with her loving family. She's about to turn five—the age at which everyone receives a magical skill. No one knows what skill they will receive. That is left to the will of the gods. Femicia wants to be a tamer and work with monsters, but... 3: Toward Those Remembered Days
    In onda il: 2024-01-26 Femicia lives with her loving family. She's about to turn five—the age at which everyone receives a magical skill. No one knows what skill they will receive. That is left to the will of the gods. Femicia wants to be a tamer and work with monsters, but... In onda il: 2024-02-02 4: Toward an Unexpected Situation
    Ivy and Sora continue their journey, enjoying their time together. In an attempt to get Sora to sleep early, Ivy begins to tell a bedtime story. Long, long ago, the world was at war. To stop the war, a magician used a certain magic... 4: Toward an Unexpected Situation
    In onda il: 2024-02-02 Ivy and Sora continue their journey, enjoying their time together. In an attempt to get Sora to sleep early, Ivy begins to tell a bedtime story. Long, long ago, the world was at war. To stop the war, a magician used a certain magic... In onda il: 2024-02-09 5: To Latome Village
    At the entrance to the next village, Ivy spots a scary-looking guard standing watch. Trembling with fear, she attempts to pass, but the guard stops and questions her. When she says that she's come from Latomi Village, the guard says something unexpected. 5: To Latome Village
    In onda il: 2024-02-09 At the entrance to the next village, Ivy spots a scary-looking guard standing watch. Trembling with fear, she attempts to pass, but the guard stops and questions her. When she says that she's come from Latomi Village, the guard says something unexpected. In onda il: 2024-02-16 6: Beyond My Thoughts
    When Ivy goes into the village to sell her catch, everyone is really nice to her which makes her nervous. Later, she chances upon a peddler selling zaro, a specialty of Latomi Village. When she asks how the village is faring, the answer surprises her. 6: Beyond My Thoughts
    In onda il: 2024-02-16 When Ivy goes into the village to sell her catch, everyone is really nice to her which makes her nervous. Later, she chances upon a peddler selling zaro, a specialty of Latomi Village. When she asks how the village is faring, the answer surprises her. In onda il: 2024-02-23 7: On the Road to Adventure
    Ivy, Sora, and Ciel continue their travels. Suddenly, something starts chasing them! Ivy manages to get away, but runs into a horde of monsters! As Ivy tries to escape, she gets caught in a trap and can't move! Then a team of adventurers appears! 7: On the Road to Adventure
    In onda il: 2024-02-23 Ivy, Sora, and Ciel continue their travels. Suddenly, something starts chasing them! Ivy manages to get away, but runs into a horde of monsters! As Ivy tries to escape, she gets caught in a trap and can't move! Then a team of adventurers appears! In onda il: 2024-03-01 8: To a Dangerous Town
    Ivy's delicious cooking has made her very popular. The suppression squad feasts after a job well done and the next day, they set out for Otolwa with Ivy. She's deeply impressed by her first sight of a big town, but it hides a serious problem. 8: To a Dangerous Town
    In onda il: 2024-03-01 Ivy's delicious cooking has made her very popular. The suppression squad feasts after a job well done and the next day, they set out for Otolwa with Ivy. She's deeply impressed by her first sight of a big town, but it hides a serious problem. In onda il: 2024-03-08 9: Toward a Confrontation with the Organization
    When Ivy says that she's just turned nine, everyone congratulates her. Ivy is deeply moved by their well wishes. The members of Blazing Sword and Lighting King explain the organization's crimes and Ivy offers analysis, with Sora and her past life's help. 9: Toward a Confrontation with the Organization
    In onda il: 2024-03-08 When Ivy says that she's just turned nine, everyone congratulates her. Ivy is deeply moved by their well wishes. The members of Blazing Sword and Lighting King explain the organization's crimes and Ivy offers analysis, with Sora and her past life's help. In onda il: 2024-03-15 10: Into the Vortex of Incidents
    Ivy and Rattleua go to eat sweets with Meera and the others. According to Sora, the twin brothers Torto and Maruma were bad people after all. Considering the situation, Midorikaze may be the organization's favorite. If this continues, Meera and the others will be killed. So Ivy goes against it and says she's going to become an Otori. 10: Into the Vortex of Incidents
    In onda il: 2024-03-15 Ivy and Rattleua go to eat sweets with Meera and the others. According to Sora, the twin brothers Torto and Maruma were bad people after all. Considering the situation, Midorikaze may be the organization's favorite. If this continues, Meera and the others will be killed. So Ivy goes against it and says she's going to become an Otori. In onda il: 2024-03-22 11: Into Battle
    Ivy and Rattleua begin the operation. The two pretend to be caught in a trap and arrive at the sweet shop where the enemy is located, along with Midori no Kaze. There, Rattorua questions Meera and the others. Torto and Maruma, whose true identity is revealed, fight Rattorua. Meanwhile, Flaming Sword and Thunder King are carrying out another operation with Captain Barksby. 11: Into Battle
    In onda il: 2024-03-22 Ivy and Rattleua begin the operation. The two pretend to be caught in a trap and arrive at the sweet shop where the enemy is located, along with Midori no Kaze. There, Rattorua questions Meera and the others. Torto and Maruma, whose true identity is revealed, fight Rattorua. Meanwhile, Flaming Sword and Thunder King are carrying out another operation with Captain Barksby. In onda il: 2024-03-29 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-03-29 Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale
  24. Chiyu Mahō no Machigatta Tsukai-kata: Senjō o Kakeru Kaifuku Yōin [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Durante un giorno di forte pioggia, Ken Usato, uno studente senza nessuna abilità particolare, viene evocato in un altro mondo insieme ad altre due persone: un bel ragazzo e una bella ragazza con i quali aveva stranamente iniziato ad andare d'accordo da quel giorno stesso. Dato che Ken è conscio di non avere nessuna qualità particolare, pensa che verrà messo da parte, in realtà però, i due ragazzi si dimostreranno inaspettatamente gentili. Il mondo in cui Ken si trova è parecchio diverso dalla realtà, difatti, qui il ragazzo possiede un talento magico nascosto che potrà portare alla luce solo sottoponendosi ad un addestramento infernale!
    Shogo Yasukawa
    Series Composition KeG
    Character Designer Kurokata
    Novel Takahide Ogata
    Series Director Kenji Tanabe
    Character Designer Hitoshi Fujima
    Original Music Composer Seima Kondo
    Original Music Composer ChouCho
    Theme Song Performance waterweed
    Theme Song Performance Elements Garden
    Original Music Composer Ken Naito
    Art Direction Yuichi Imaizumi
    Sound Director Kohei Yamamoto
    Director of Photography Masaaki Hino
    Color Designer Hiromi Komine
    Editor Shogo Sakata
    Usato (voice) Ayaka Nanase
    Suzune (voice) Kengo Takanashi
    Kazuki (voice) Saya Aizawa
    Amako (voice) Atsuko Tanaka
    Rose (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-01-06 1: Dragged into Another World!
    Ordinary high school student Usato is mistakenly suddenly summoned to another world along with his classmates and student council members Suzune and Kazuki. 1: Dragged into Another World!
    In onda il: 2024-01-06 Ordinary high school student Usato is mistakenly suddenly summoned to another world along with his classmates and student council members Suzune and Kazuki. In onda il: 2024-01-13 2: The Training from Hell Begins!
    Following the discovery of his unique power, Usato has been recruited/abducted into the kingdom's Rescue Team. And he has no idea the hellacious training he's in for! 2: The Training from Hell Begins!
    In onda il: 2024-01-13 Following the discovery of his unique power, Usato has been recruited/abducted into the kingdom's Rescue Team. And he has no idea the hellacious training he's in for! In onda il: 2024-01-20 3: Brutal! The Darkness of Llinger!
    Usato is quite literally thrown into his next training assignment: surviving the wild woods known as the Darkness of Llinger until he can slay its most fearsome inhabitant. 3: Brutal! The Darkness of Llinger!
    In onda il: 2024-01-20 Usato is quite literally thrown into his next training assignment: surviving the wild woods known as the Darkness of Llinger until he can slay its most fearsome inhabitant. In onda il: 2024-01-27 4: Rescue Team Member Usato!
    As the demon threat looms over the kingdom, Captain Rose decides it's high time for Usato to get a taste of what a healer's job is like on the battlefield. She tests his resolve, both mentally and physically. 4: Rescue Team Member Usato!
    In onda il: 2024-01-27 As the demon threat looms over the kingdom, Captain Rose decides it's high time for Usato to get a taste of what a healer's job is like on the battlefield. She tests his resolve, both mentally and physically. In onda il: 2024-02-03 5: Usato, Back in the Forest!
    Usato gets drafted to help Inukami on a training expedition outside the castle to get some real combat experience. He's only supposed to be there in case things go wrong, but things definitely go wrong! 5: Usato, Back in the Forest!
    In onda il: 2024-02-03 Usato gets drafted to help Inukami on a training expedition outside the castle to get some real combat experience. He's only supposed to be there in case things go wrong, but things definitely go wrong! In onda il: 2024-02-10 6: Impending Danger...!
    Captain Rose receives grim news from the king: invasion is imminent. Can she rally her small team before all hell breaks loose? Moreover, is Usato even ready for war? 6: Impending Danger...!
    In onda il: 2024-02-10 Captain Rose receives grim news from the king: invasion is imminent. Can she rally her small team before all hell breaks loose? Moreover, is Usato even ready for war? In onda il: 2024-02-17 7: A Night of Decisions!
    Now that Usato, Kazuki, and Suzune all know that war is upon them, they must each steel themselves to face the battle ahead—because the invasion is coming, ready or not! 7: A Night of Decisions!
    In onda il: 2024-02-17 Now that Usato, Kazuki, and Suzune all know that war is upon them, they must each steel themselves to face the battle ahead—because the invasion is coming, ready or not! In onda il: 2024-02-24 8: Battalion Commander Rose
    A look back into Rose's past as a new battalion commander and her relationship with her old team. Just who were they? And where did things go wrong...? 8: Battalion Commander Rose
    In onda il: 2024-02-24 A look back into Rose's past as a new battalion commander and her relationship with her old team. Just who were they? And where did things go wrong...? In onda il: 2024-03-02 9: The End and the Beginning
    Resolve bridges Rose's tragic past into her future as she and the rest of the Rescue Team make their way to the battlefield where they're fated to cross with the demons. 9: The End and the Beginning
    In onda il: 2024-03-02 Resolve bridges Rose's tragic past into her future as she and the rest of the Rescue Team make their way to the battlefield where they're fated to cross with the demons. In onda il: 2024-03-09 10: Unhinged?! The Black Knight Appears!
    Usato, Kazuki, and Suzune finally set foot on their first battlefield. The conflict is harrowing enough as it is for all of them, but reports of a terrifying foe among the demon army have Usato in particular shaking in his boots... 10: Unhinged?! The Black Knight Appears!
    In onda il: 2024-03-09 Usato, Kazuki, and Suzune finally set foot on their first battlefield. The conflict is harrowing enough as it is for all of them, but reports of a terrifying foe among the demon army have Usato in particular shaking in his boots... In onda il: 2024-03-16 11: Wham! Ultimate Healing Punch!
    Usato's first battle quickly turns into a waking nightmare when he realizes his friends are tangling with their fated foe, the Black Knight. Can he make it in time to save them? 11: Wham! Ultimate Healing Punch!
    In onda il: 2024-03-16 Usato's first battle quickly turns into a waking nightmare when he realizes his friends are tangling with their fated foe, the Black Knight. Can he make it in time to save them? In onda il: 2024-03-23 12: The True Face of the Black Knight!
    Now that Usato's first clash with the Demon Lord's army is over, he's going to have to deal with the aftermath—including a prisoner of war. 12: The True Face of the Black Knight!
    In onda il: 2024-03-23 Now that Usato's first clash with the Demon Lord's army is over, he's going to have to deal with the aftermath—including a prisoner of war. In onda il: 2024-03-30 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-03-30 Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale
  25. Majo to Yajū [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Witch and the Beast
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Dramma
    In una città abitata dalle streghe, un giorno giunge un uomo che trasporta una bara in compagnia di una ragazza con gli occhi di una bestia. I due seguono le loro prede, le streghe, scatenando una feroce battaglia a ogni loro incontro.
    Takayuki Hamana
    Series Director Hiroya Iijima
    Character Designer Kousuke Satake
    Comic Book Yuichiro Momose
    Series Composition Miki Matsuda
    Prop Designer Hirotsugu Kakoi
    Art Direction Mai Hasegawa
    Editor Natsumi Uchida
    Director of Photography Takuya Hiramitsu
    Sound Director Natsumi Tabuchi
    Original Music Composer Hanae Nakamura
    Original Music Composer Daigoro Yamaguchi
    Art Designer Satoshi Miura
    Art Designer Wang Hee-sook
    Color Designer Takuji Goto
    CGI Director Hiroyuki Yazaki
    2D Artist Shoya Goto
    Creature Design You Taichi
    Guideau (voice) Toshiyuki Morikawa
    Ashaf (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-12 1: The Witch and the City of Blazing Red
    Two strangers start asking around town for a witch, but the locals don't take kindly to their insinuations. Do they speak from baseless prejudice, or is there more to the city's hero than she lets on? 1: The Witch and the City of Blazing Red
    In onda il: 2024-01-12 Two strangers start asking around town for a witch, but the locals don't take kindly to their insinuations. Do they speak from baseless prejudice, or is there more to the city's hero than she lets on? In onda il: 2024-01-19 2: The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act
    Guideau's frustration mounts as witch-related cases prove hard to come by, but a string of horrific serial murders may prove the answer to her prayers. Meanwhile, the city police force's only mage has her own ideas about the case. 2: The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-01-19 Guideau's frustration mounts as witch-related cases prove hard to come by, but a string of horrific serial murders may prove the answer to her prayers. Meanwhile, the city police force's only mage has her own ideas about the case. In onda il: 2024-01-26 3: The Witch's Pastime: Final Act
    With all the signs pointing to a witch being behind the murders, Ashaf and Guideau must track down the perp. Unfortunately for them, however, this serial killer is powerful and always seems to be one step ahead. 3: The Witch's Pastime: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-01-26 With all the signs pointing to a witch being behind the murders, Ashaf and Guideau must track down the perp. Unfortunately for them, however, this serial killer is powerful and always seems to be one step ahead. In onda il: 2024-02-02 4: Beauty and Death: Opening Act
    An outbreak of rogue undead baffles local police. Ashaf can't crack the case, but he knows who can: the Order's leading necromancer and her hapless assistant. 4: Beauty and Death: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-02-02 An outbreak of rogue undead baffles local police. Ashaf can't crack the case, but he knows who can: the Order's leading necromancer and her hapless assistant. In onda il: 2024-02-09 5: Beauty and Death: Final Act
    The renegade necromancer has his pursuers right where he wants them—or so it seems. But Phanora remains cool under pressure. Does she have another trick up her sleeve? 5: Beauty and Death: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-02-09 The renegade necromancer has his pursuers right where he wants them—or so it seems. But Phanora remains cool under pressure. Does she have another trick up her sleeve? In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Opening Act
    Ashaf and Guideau's new mission sees them travel to the Third Continent in pursuit of a witch on a killing spree. 6: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Ashaf and Guideau's new mission sees them travel to the Third Continent in pursuit of a witch on a killing spree. In onda il: 2024-03-01 7: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act II
    Helga and Guideau go head-to-head with the Paladin Corps's Matt Cugat, an ice mage with power to rival a witch. While they struggle to escape with the Demon Sword, Ashaf suspects a plot. 7: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act II
    In onda il: 2024-03-01 Helga and Guideau go head-to-head with the Paladin Corps's Matt Cugat, an ice mage with power to rival a witch. While they struggle to escape with the Demon Sword, Ashaf suspects a plot. In onda il: 2024-03-08 8: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act III
    Wounded and worn out, Ashaf, Guideau, and Cugat are all that stand between an Executioner with a fortress full of Paladins at his command and the Demon Sword. 8: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act III
    In onda il: 2024-03-08 Wounded and worn out, Ashaf, Guideau, and Cugat are all that stand between an Executioner with a fortress full of Paladins at his command and the Demon Sword. In onda il: 2024-03-15 9: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Final Act
    Ashgan has lost control, and Ashaf finally unleashes Guideau to stop it. But even with the curse undone, can the beast stand up to the Demon Sword's apocalyptic power? 9: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-03-15 Ashgan has lost control, and Ashaf finally unleashes Guideau to stop it. But even with the curse undone, can the beast stand up to the Demon Sword's apocalyptic power? In onda il: 2024-03-22 10: Origin Witch
    Ashaf heads off with Helga to find somewhere safer for her to stay, but while they are gone, Guideau overhears a bunch of kids talking about a witch and goes to investigate. But is the rumor all that it seems? 10: Origin Witch
    In onda il: 2024-03-22 Ashaf heads off with Helga to find somewhere safer for her to stay, but while they are gone, Guideau overhears a bunch of kids talking about a witch and goes to investigate. But is the rumor all that it seems? In onda il: 2024-03-29 11: Eloquence and Silence: Opening Act
    Ashaf reminisces about his first meeting with Guideau. Three years ago, a sleepy farming town blamed a young witch for a string of gruesome incidents. But what kind of "witch" can't use magic? 11: Eloquence and Silence: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-03-29 Ashaf reminisces about his first meeting with Guideau. Three years ago, a sleepy farming town blamed a young witch for a string of gruesome incidents. But what kind of "witch" can't use magic? In onda il: 2024-04-05 12: Eloquence and Silence: Final Act
    Ashaf taught Guideau the way of breaking the curse, instead that she would protect the witches. The Executioners, who was a mastermind of that case, instigated the villeges to take the witch's power and caught Falvell. Guideau arrived that situation and tried to save Falvell, but she couldn't show her true power and got injured by the Executioners. Guideau was in the spot, but the kiss with Falvell is awaking her true body...!! 12: Eloquence and Silence: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 Ashaf taught Guideau the way of breaking the curse, instead that she would protect the witches. The Executioners, who was a mastermind of that case, instigated the villeges to take the witch's power and caught Falvell. Guideau arrived that situation and tried to save Falvell, but she couldn't show her true power and got injured by the Executioners. Guideau was in the spot, but the kiss with Falvell is awaking her true body...!! Anteprima Ufficiale
  26. Dungeon Meshi [24/24] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Dungeon Food
    Stagione 1    Episodi 24        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
    Sotterranei, draghi... e un delizioso stufato di mostri! Alcuni esploratori si avventurano in un regno sepolto e maledetto per salvare un'amica, cucinando a più non posso.
    Comic Book 宮島善博
    Series Director うえのきみこ
    Series Composition 竹田直樹
    Character Designer Yasunori Mitsuda
    Original Music Composer Yuto Kaneko
    Creature Design Sachiko Nishiguchi
    Art Direction Yusuke Nishikimi
    Art Direction Hitoki Takeda
    Color Designer peppe
    Theme Song Performance Sayaka Shimada
    Concept Artist 吉武将人
    Editor 小山健二
    Sound Effects 佐竹秀幸
    Assistant Director Katsunori Shiradoh
    Director of Photography 吉田光平
    Sound Director 八巻大樹
    Sound Recordist Shunsuke Shida
    Animation Manager Juno Shin
    Executive Producer Yoshiki Usa
    Executive Producer 松浦裕暁
    Executive Producer 田中翔
    Executive Producer Masahiko Otsuka
    Other 熊谷健太郎
    Laios (voice) 千本木彩花
    Marcille (voice) 泊明日菜
    Chilchuck (voice) 中博史
    Senshi (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2024-01-04 1: Episodio 1: Hot pot/Tortino
    Dopo una terribile perdita, Laios, Marcille e Chilchuck tornano rapidamente nel dungeon per salvare Falin, ma questa volta hanno un piano infallibile. 1: Episodio 1: Hot pot/Tortino
    In onda il: 2024-01-04 Dopo una terribile perdita, Laios, Marcille e Chilchuck tornano rapidamente nel dungeon per salvare Falin, ma questa volta hanno un piano infallibile. In onda il: 2024-01-11 2: Episodio 2: Basilisco arrosto/Omelette/Kakiage
    Svegliata da un profumo delizioso, Marcille deve sorbirsi una lezione di Senshi sulle diete equilibrate. La squadra aiuta un esploratore avvelenato da un basilisco. 2: Episodio 2: Basilisco arrosto/Omelette/Kakiage
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 Svegliata da un profumo delizioso, Marcille deve sorbirsi una lezione di Senshi sulle diete equilibrate. La squadra aiuta un esploratore avvelenato da un basilisco. In onda il: 2024-01-18 3: Episodio 3: Armature viventi
    Laios e il team accedono a un'area nascosta e custodita dalle misteriose Armature viventi, che sembrano proteggere qualcosa di potenzialmente delizioso. 3: Episodio 3: Armature viventi
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 Laios e il team accedono a un'area nascosta e custodita dalle misteriose Armature viventi, che sembrano proteggere qualcosa di potenzialmente delizioso. In onda il: 2024-01-25 4: Episodio 4: Cavolo stufato/Orchi
    Raggiunto il terzo livello del dungeon, Senshi conduce la squadra nel suo orto segreto. Poi una banda di orchi arrabbiati e disperati li avvicina. 4: Episodio 4: Cavolo stufato/Orchi
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 Raggiunto il terzo livello del dungeon, Senshi conduce la squadra nel suo orto segreto. Poi una banda di orchi arrabbiati e disperati li avvicina. In onda il: 2024-02-01 5: Episodio 5: Snack/Sorbetto
    Mentre un altro gruppo di esploratori trova uno scrigno con un tesoro, un nugolo di fantasmi terrificanti insegue Laios e i suoi. Per fortuna Senshi ha un dolce piano. 5: Episodio 5: Snack/Sorbetto
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Mentre un altro gruppo di esploratori trova uno scrigno con un tesoro, un nugolo di fantasmi terrificanti insegue Laios e i suoi. Per fortuna Senshi ha un dolce piano. In onda il: 2024-02-08 6: Episodio 6: Cucina di corte/Bollito in acqua salata
    La fame spinge Laios a cercare cibo nei quadri viventi, facendo arrabbiare un elfo misterioso. Più tardi Chilchuck si ritrova intrappolato con un Mimic scorbutico. 6: Episodio 6: Cucina di corte/Bollito in acqua salata
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 La fame spinge Laios a cercare cibo nei quadri viventi, facendo arrabbiare un elfo misterioso. Più tardi Chilchuck si ritrova intrappolato con un Mimic scorbutico. In onda il: 2024-02-15 7: Episodio 7: Kelpie/Porridge/Alla griglia con salsa
    Succede qualcosa di strano in questo nuovo dungeon! La squadra attraversa un lago pericoloso e durante il percorso affronta feroci creature marine e avventurieri caduti. 7: Episodio 7: Kelpie/Porridge/Alla griglia con salsa
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Succede qualcosa di strano in questo nuovo dungeon! La squadra attraversa un lago pericoloso e durante il percorso affronta feroci creature marine e avventurieri caduti. In onda il: 2024-02-22 8: Episodio 8: Lamponi/Carne grigliata
    Marcille ripensa a quando ha conosciuto Falin mentre erano studentesse. Dopo una rinfrescata, una sua piccola disattenzione provoca le ire di uno spirito procurandole grossi guai. 8: Episodio 8: Lamponi/Carne grigliata
    In onda il: 2024-02-22 Marcille ripensa a quando ha conosciuto Falin mentre erano studentesse. Dopo una rinfrescata, una sua piccola disattenzione provoca le ire di uno spirito procurandole grossi guai. In onda il: 2024-02-29 9: Episodio 9: Tentacoli/Stufato
    Il profumo di carne alla griglia attira ospiti inattesi tra cui un volto noto. Per procedere sarà necessario sconfiggere lo spirito collaborando insieme. 9: Episodio 9: Tentacoli/Stufato
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 Il profumo di carne alla griglia attira ospiti inattesi tra cui un volto noto. Per procedere sarà necessario sconfiggere lo spirito collaborando insieme. In onda il: 2024-03-07 10: Episodio 10: Rane giganti/In superficie
    La squadra evita una discesa pungente verso la città castello dove si nasconde il drago rosso. Ma per sconfiggerlo ci vorranno un piano infallibile... e un pasto incoraggiante. 10: Episodio 10: Rane giganti/In superficie
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 La squadra evita una discesa pungente verso la città castello dove si nasconde il drago rosso. Ma per sconfiggerlo ci vorranno un piano infallibile... e un pasto incoraggiante. In onda il: 2024-03-14 11: Episodio 11: Drago Rosso I
    La squadra affronta il Drago Rosso con una grandiosa strategia, che però va presto a rotoli. La bestia è sempre più furiosa... ma chi si aggiudicherà il boccone finale? 11: Episodio 11: Drago Rosso I
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 La squadra affronta il Drago Rosso con una grandiosa strategia, che però va presto a rotoli. La bestia è sempre più furiosa... ma chi si aggiudicherà il boccone finale? In onda il: 2024-03-21 12: Episodio 12: Drago Rosso II
    Una ricerca disperata nello stomaco del drago porta a una scoperta raccapricciante e rivela che la sola magia di resurrezione non sarà sufficiente a rianimare Falin. 12: Episodio 12: Drago Rosso II
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 Una ricerca disperata nello stomaco del drago porta a una scoperta raccapricciante e rivela che la sola magia di resurrezione non sarà sufficiente a rianimare Falin. In onda il: 2024-03-28 13: Episodio 13: Drago Rosso III/Buona medicina
    Falin inizia a comportarsi in modo strano nel cuore della notte e spinge Laios e la sua banda verso a una figura minacciosa che vuole eliminarli. 13: Episodio 13: Drago Rosso III/Buona medicina
    In onda il: 2024-03-28 Falin inizia a comportarsi in modo strano nel cuore della notte e spinge Laios e la sua banda verso a una figura minacciosa che vuole eliminarli. In onda il: 2024-04-04 14: Episodio 14: Serpente di mare
    Di nuovo in un dungeon di livello superiore, Kabru e i suoi si svegliano e scoprono che le loro provviste sono scomparse, poi cadono in un'imboscata mentre tornano in superficie. 14: Episodio 14: Serpente di mare
    In onda il: 2024-04-04 Di nuovo in un dungeon di livello superiore, Kabru e i suoi si svegliano e scoprono che le loro provviste sono scomparse, poi cadono in un'imboscata mentre tornano in superficie. In onda il: 2024-04-11 15: Episodio 15: Driade/Coccatrice
    Intrappolato nel dungeon e preoccupato, Senshi prepara un pasto nutriente per il gruppo affamato. Questo fornisce a Marcille energia a sufficienza per elaborare un piano. 15: Episodio 15: Driade/Coccatrice
    In onda il: 2024-04-11 Intrappolato nel dungeon e preoccupato, Senshi prepara un pasto nutriente per il gruppo affamato. Questo fornisce a Marcille energia a sufficienza per elaborare un piano. In onda il: 2024-04-18 16: Episodio 16: Pulitori/Essiccati con dolce sakè
    Chilchuck trova un modo per fuggire dal dungeon, ma la fuga del gruppo è interrotta dall'incontro inatteso con un vecchio amico in disperato bisogno di sostentamento. 16: Episodio 16: Pulitori/Essiccati con dolce sakè
    In onda il: 2024-04-18 Chilchuck trova un modo per fuggire dal dungeon, ma la fuga del gruppo è interrotta dall'incontro inatteso con un vecchio amico in disperato bisogno di sostentamento. In onda il: 2024-04-25 17: Episodio 17: Harpy/Chimera
    I party devono unirsi per respingere l'attacco delle crudeli Arpie, ma l'apparizione inaspettata di una Falin trasformata stupisce tutti. 17: Episodio 17: Harpy/Chimera
    In onda il: 2024-04-25 I party devono unirsi per respingere l'attacco delle crudeli Arpie, ma l'apparizione inaspettata di una Falin trasformata stupisce tutti. In onda il: 2024-05-02 18: Episodio 18: Shapeshifter
    Mentre inseguono Falin, Laios e la squadra cercano riparo da una tormenta, ma sono sopraffatti da copie mutaforma di loro stessi. Come faranno a riconoscere gli impostori? 18: Episodio 18: Shapeshifter
    In onda il: 2024-05-02 Mentre inseguono Falin, Laios e la squadra cercano riparo da una tormenta, ma sono sopraffatti da copie mutaforma di loro stessi. Come faranno a riconoscere gli impostori? In onda il: 2024-05-09 19: Episodio 19: Strega/Incubo
    La squadra è costretta a trovare una soluzione all'orribile problema di una conoscente. Più tardi, Laios entra nell'incubo di Marcille e scopre la sua più grande paura. 19: Episodio 19: Strega/Incubo
    In onda il: 2024-05-09 La squadra è costretta a trovare una soluzione all'orribile problema di una conoscente. Più tardi, Laios entra nell'incubo di Marcille e scopre la sua più grande paura. In onda il: 2024-05-16 20: Episodio 20: Ice Golem/Barometz
    Izutsumi si rivela un'utile alleata nonostante le maniere non troppo raffinate a tavola e il rifiuto di mangiare mostri, ma la gentilezza del gruppo la mette a suo agio. 20: Episodio 20: Ice Golem/Barometz
    In onda il: 2024-05-16 Izutsumi si rivela un'utile alleata nonostante le maniere non troppo raffinate a tavola e il rifiuto di mangiare mostri, ma la gentilezza del gruppo la mette a suo agio. In onda il: 2024-05-23 21: Episode 21: Egg/The Golden Country
    With the dungeon's fate hanging in the balance, Kabru negotiates with the elves. Meanwhile, a ghost drags Laios and crew into the cursed Golden Country. 21: Episode 21: Egg/The Golden Country
    In onda il: 2024-05-23 With the dungeon's fate hanging in the balance, Kabru negotiates with the elves. Meanwhile, a ghost drags Laios and crew into the cursed Golden Country. In onda il: 2024-05-30 22: Episode 22: Griffin/Familiars
    Leaving the safety of the Golden Country, Senshi ends up in the clutches of a ferocious griffin. The crew must summon help if they want to save him. 22: Episode 22: Griffin/Familiars
    In onda il: 2024-05-30 Leaving the safety of the Golden Country, Senshi ends up in the clutches of a ferocious griffin. The crew must summon help if they want to save him. In onda il: 2024-06-06 23: Episode 23: Griffin Soup/Dumplings -1-
    Back at camp, Senshi finally reveals his painful history with the dungeon. The next day, the crew is rudely awakened by a perplexing transformation. 23: Episode 23: Griffin Soup/Dumplings -1-
    In onda il: 2024-06-06 Back at camp, Senshi finally reveals his painful history with the dungeon. The next day, the crew is rudely awakened by a perplexing transformation. In onda il: 2024-06-13 24: Episode 24
    Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24
    In onda il: 2024-06-13 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  27. Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete [13/13] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I Admire Magical Girls, and...
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia
    Hiiragi Utena ha sempre ammirato le ragazze magiche, fantasticando sul riuscire a trasformarsi in una eroina per proteggere i deboli dal male. Una sera, una misteriosa figura si avvicina a lei affermando di voler risvegliare il suo potere magico dormiente, ma la trasforma in un essere malvagio. In poco tempo emerge la vera natura della ragazza, scoprendo il suo piacere nell’infliggere dolore agli altri.
    Akihiro Ononaka
    Comic Book Masato Suzuki
    Series Director Atsushi Ootsuki
    Series Director Noboru Kimura
    Series Composition Naka Otaki
    Character Designer Satoshi Motoyama
    Sound Director Yasuharu Takanashi
    Original Music Composer Akinari Suzuki
    Original Music Composer Johannes Nilsson
    Original Music Composer Arisa Taira
    Art Direction Shuuji Uemura
    Color Designer Ryou Kujirai
    Director of Photography Yoko Sakurai
    Sound Effects Fuka Izumi
    Hiiragi Utena / Magia Baiser (voice) Misato Fukuen
    Venarita (voice) Aoi Koga
    Araga Kiwi / Leopard (voice) Shiori Sugiura
    Morino Korisu / Nero Alice (voice) Kaori Maeda
    Haruka Hanabishi / Magia Magenta (voice) Mayuko Kazama
    Sayo Minakami / Magia Azul (voice) Misaki Ikeda
    Kaoruko Tenkawa / Magia Sulfur (voice) Kana Asumi
    Vatz (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-01-03 1: A Villain Is Born?!
    Hiiragi Utena is just an average magical girl fan who longs to be like the superheroines she idolizes. Suddenly, a mascot character offers to make her dream come true. 1: A Villain Is Born?!
    In onda il: 2024-01-03 Hiiragi Utena is just an average magical girl fan who longs to be like the superheroines she idolizes. Suddenly, a mascot character offers to make her dream come true. In onda il: 2024-01-10 2: Her Name Is Magia Baiser!
    Hiiragi's been forced into becoming a villain! Now that she's gotten a taste for BDSM, though, she's raring for more---this time, from Magia Azure. 2: Her Name Is Magia Baiser!
    In onda il: 2024-01-10 Hiiragi's been forced into becoming a villain! Now that she's gotten a taste for BDSM, though, she's raring for more---this time, from Magia Azure. In onda il: 2024-01-17 3: The Explosive Leopard!
    Utena visits Enormita's evil lair, Nacht Base, where she meets Aragawa Kiwi, AKA Leoparde. Despite claiming they should be friends, Leoparde attacks her! 3: The Explosive Leopard!
    In onda il: 2024-01-17 Utena visits Enormita's evil lair, Nacht Base, where she meets Aragawa Kiwi, AKA Leoparde. Despite claiming they should be friends, Leoparde attacks her! In onda il: 2024-01-24 4: Everyone Loves the Tres Magia!
    Tres Magia's main job is to take down Enormita, but they've got side jobs too, like maintaining appearances! They're in the middle of a photoshoot when it’s interrupted... 4: Everyone Loves the Tres Magia!
    In onda il: 2024-01-24 Tres Magia's main job is to take down Enormita, but they've got side jobs too, like maintaining appearances! They're in the middle of a photoshoot when it’s interrupted... In onda il: 2024-01-31 5: Neroalice in Wonderland
    Utena and Kiwi meet a new member of their evil team, Neroalice. Venalita soon gives them a demonstration of what the young girl can do to their magical girl enemies... 5: Neroalice in Wonderland
    In onda il: 2024-01-31 Utena and Kiwi meet a new member of their evil team, Neroalice. Venalita soon gives them a demonstration of what the young girl can do to their magical girl enemies... In onda il: 2024-02-07 6: The Tres Magia's Secret Backstory
    Haruka runs into Korisu at the park, and they have a grand time playing house together. When Korisu is sad to see her leave, the villain uses her powers to keep playtime going! 6: The Tres Magia's Secret Backstory
    In onda il: 2024-02-07 Haruka runs into Korisu at the park, and they have a grand time playing house together. When Korisu is sad to see her leave, the villain uses her powers to keep playtime going! In onda il: 2024-02-14 7: Azure In Trouble
    After recent battles with Enormita, Azure wonders why she can't keep her head on straight. Stealing time for herself, she finds herself in a compromised situation. 7: Azure In Trouble
    In onda il: 2024-02-14 After recent battles with Enormita, Azure wonders why she can't keep her head on straight. Stealing time for herself, she finds herself in a compromised situation. In onda il: 2024-02-21 8: Here Comes the Lord Squad!
    Baiser meets the original Enormita squad, and they're none too happy about the antics with the magical girls. However, they're willing to give them a second chance. 8: Here Comes the Lord Squad!
    In onda il: 2024-02-21 Baiser meets the original Enormita squad, and they're none too happy about the antics with the magical girls. However, they're willing to give them a second chance. In onda il: 2024-02-28 9: Gushing Over Pop Idols!
    Loco Musica's trying to fulfill her dream of becoming a pop idol, until Baiser and the crew crash her concert! Can Loco turn the tides in the following battle? 9: Gushing Over Pop Idols!
    In onda il: 2024-02-28 Loco Musica's trying to fulfill her dream of becoming a pop idol, until Baiser and the crew crash her concert! Can Loco turn the tides in the following battle? In onda il: 2024-03-06 10: Loco x Leber
    Loco and Leber defect and want to rejoin Utena. However, first they must participate in a “team building” exercise of Utena’s wicked design. 10: Loco x Leber
    In onda il: 2024-03-06 Loco and Leber defect and want to rejoin Utena. However, first they must participate in a “team building” exercise of Utena’s wicked design. In onda il: 2024-03-13 11: Gushing Over World Domination!
    Lord Enorme is at her wit's end with the traitorous villain who refuses to join her in her quest for world domination. Baiser finds a creative way to defeat Lord Enorme. 11: Gushing Over World Domination!
    In onda il: 2024-03-13 Lord Enorme is at her wit's end with the traitorous villain who refuses to join her in her quest for world domination. Baiser finds a creative way to defeat Lord Enorme. In onda il: 2024-03-20 12: Supreme Commander Magia Baiser Calls the Shots
    Everyone took a beating during the battle with Lord: both the exhausted Enormita villains and the city itself! When the magical girls show up, Utena happens to run into Azure. 12: Supreme Commander Magia Baiser Calls the Shots
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Everyone took a beating during the battle with Lord: both the exhausted Enormita villains and the city itself! When the magical girls show up, Utena happens to run into Azure. In onda il: 2024-03-27 13: Still Gushing Over Magical Girls
    Utena and the gang head to the beach for a day off. But their summer fun won't last when Enormita and the Tres Magia show up to duke it out! 13: Still Gushing Over Magical Girls
    In onda il: 2024-03-27 Utena and the gang head to the beach for a day off. But their summer fun won't last when Enormita and the Tres Magia show up to duke it out! Nessun Trailer disponibile
  28. Yūki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Brave Bang Bravern!
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    In un mondo in cui le armi corazzate umanoidi conosciute come "Titatonostrider" ("TS" in breve) vengono utilizzate in guerra, truppe provenienti da vari paesi convergono sull'isola di Oahu, nelle Hawaii, tra cui Ao Isami della Forza di autodifesa terrestre giapponese e Lewis Smith del Corpo dei Marines degli Stati Uniti. Isami e Smith si incrociano durante la battaglia, ma all'improvviso le loro squadre vengono attaccate da un nemico sconosciuto, disperdendo i soldati e mandando le loro forze allo sbando. Per salvare i loro amici e sopravvivere sul campo di battaglia mortale, devono combattere con ogni grammo di coraggio e orgoglio che riescono a raccogliere.
    Masami Obari
    Series Director Katsuya Shigehara
    Assistant Director Keigo Koyanagi
    Series Composition Kouichi Motomura
    Character Designer Kenji Teraoka
    Production Design Yoshinori Nakano
    3D Director Kenta Hayashi
    Director of Photography Nanako Okazaki
    Color Designer Takumi Hashimoto
    Art Direction Akinori Mishima
    Editor Yasumasa Koyama
    Sound Effects Masami Obari
    Sound Director Takashi Watanabe
    Original Music Composer Junya Ishigaki
    Mechanical Designer Kanta Suzuki
    Mechanical Designer Rihiro Yamane
    Mechanical Designer Sakura Mizuki
    Mechanical Designer Akira Amemiya
    Opening/Ending Animation Kenichi Suzumura
    Theme Song Performance Ryota Suzuki
    Isami Ao (voice) Yohei Azakami
    Lewis Smith (voice) Kenichi Suzumura
    Bravern (voice) Saya Aizawa
    Lulu (voice) Yume Miyamoto
    Hibiki Rio (voice) Ai Kakuma
    Miyu Katō (voice) Kaori Maeda
    Honoka Suzunagi (voice) Yukiyo Fujii
    Karen Aldrin (voice) Nanako Mori
    Nina Kowalski (voice) Kenta Miyake
    Hal King (voice) Tomoyuki Shimura
    Thomas J. Prahmman (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 1: Wait's Over, Isami!
    The nations of the world are taking part in joint military exercises when a devastating attack is suddenly unleashed on the world from outer space. 1: Wait's Over, Isami!
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 The nations of the world are taking part in joint military exercises when a devastating attack is suddenly unleashed on the world from outer space. In onda il: 2024-01-18 2: Isami?! You'll Be Here Soon, Won't You, Isami?!
    After saving the day, Isami is interrogated about this strange new mech suit that can not only talk, but seemingly has sentience and desperately wants to be reunited with Isami. 2: Isami?! You'll Be Here Soon, Won't You, Isami?!
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 After saving the day, Isami is interrogated about this strange new mech suit that can not only talk, but seemingly has sentience and desperately wants to be reunited with Isami. In onda il: 2024-01-25 3: Lulu... That's Her Name
    Naked and hating life, Isami holes himself up in Bravern's cockpit and refuses to come out. Meanwhile, Lt. Smith has to work out if the strange girl he tripped over on the beach is friend or foe. 3: Lulu... That's Her Name
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 Naked and hating life, Isami holes himself up in Bravern's cockpit and refuses to come out. Meanwhile, Lt. Smith has to work out if the strange girl he tripped over on the beach is friend or foe. In onda il: 2024-02-01 4: Isami, It Seems You Still Have Much to Learn About People
    Isami gets some sweet new duds, though not everyone is impressed, and Bravern grapples with a question that has plagued heroes since time immemorial: When is the best time to make your grand entrance? 4: Isami, It Seems You Still Have Much to Learn About People
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Isami gets some sweet new duds, though not everyone is impressed, and Bravern grapples with a question that has plagued heroes since time immemorial: When is the best time to make your grand entrance? In onda il: 2024-02-08 5: That's One Thing That's Beyond My Powers
    As the newly formed Allied Task Force races toward Japan, Smith becomes concerned about Isami's mental state. 5: That's One Thing That's Beyond My Powers
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 As the newly formed Allied Task Force races toward Japan, Smith becomes concerned about Isami's mental state. In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: Everything Will Be Okay. For I... I Am Bravern!
    Nessuna trama disponibile 6: Everything Will Be Okay. For I... I Am Bravern!
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-22 7: Well, Isami? What Would You Do in a Situation Like This?
    A new Deathdrive appears from the nearby Tower and Bravern must beat it if the Allied Task Force is to have any hope of liberating Japan. 7: Well, Isami? What Would You Do in a Situation Like This?
    In onda il: 2024-02-22 A new Deathdrive appears from the nearby Tower and Bravern must beat it if the Allied Task Force is to have any hope of liberating Japan. In onda il: 2024-02-29 8: Until We Meet Again, Smith
    Newly promoted First Lieutenant Lewis Smith has wanted to be a hero ever since he was small, but when the chips are down and lives are on the line, what lengths will he go to in order to save the day? 8: Until We Meet Again, Smith
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 Newly promoted First Lieutenant Lewis Smith has wanted to be a hero ever since he was small, but when the chips are down and lives are on the line, what lengths will he go to in order to save the day? In onda il: 2024-03-07 9: Isami! We Must Save the World Together!!
    With the situation looking increasingly dire, Isami and Bravern must somehow find a way to defeat the two Deathdrives standing in their way without backup. 9: Isami! We Must Save the World Together!!
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 With the situation looking increasingly dire, Isami and Bravern must somehow find a way to defeat the two Deathdrives standing in their way without backup. In onda il: 2024-03-14 10: In Japan, They Call This OMIAI
    Lulu makes a surprise announcement that she intends to pilot Superbia, but like with any matchmaking process, it remains to be seen if the pair will actually hit it off. 10: In Japan, They Call This OMIAI
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 Lulu makes a surprise announcement that she intends to pilot Superbia, but like with any matchmaking process, it remains to be seen if the pair will actually hit it off. In onda il: 2024-03-21 11: Commence Operation Bonfire!
    With just three Deathdrives remaining, the final battle to decide the fate of the planet looms. But first, an all-important bonding session! 11: Commence Operation Bonfire!
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 With just three Deathdrives remaining, the final battle to decide the fate of the planet looms. But first, an all-important bonding session! In onda il: 2024-03-28 12: Beyond Brave Bang!
    The final battle has not started well for humanity's last hope. Is this the end for planet Earth? 12: Beyond Brave Bang!
    In onda il: 2024-03-28 The final battle has not started well for humanity's last hope. Is this the end for planet Earth? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  29. Gekkan Mōsō Kagaku [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Delusional Monthly Magazine
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
    A Most City l'affascinante caporedattore Tarō J. Suzuki, il suo giovane assistente Jirō Tanaka ed il cane Saburō gestiscono una piccola casa editrice. Questo trio si occupa di una rivista mensile che tratta di strani fenomeni paranormali ed eventi bizzarri. Un giorno uno scienziato, Gorō Satō, visita la redazione e tutti quanti si ritrovano coinvolti in un incidente che nemmeno la scienza può spiegare.
    Chizuru Miyawaki
    Director Hiroko Kanasugi
    Series Composition Akane Hirota
    Character Designer Joji Shimura
    Prop Designer Nao Sato
    Color Designer Fumie Nuibe
    Art Direction Atsuki Sato
    Director of Photography Mayumi Komori
    Editor Akiyuki Tateyama
    Sound Ryosuke Naya
    Sound Director Airi Kobayashi
    Sound Effects Hiroki Nozaki
    Sound Effects Takahide Ishii
    Taro J. Suzuki (voice) Kazutomi Yamamoto
    Jiro Tanaka (voice) Yusuke Shirai
    Saburo (voice) Shunichi Toki
    Goro Sato (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 1: Issue 1: More than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!
    The lackadaisical staff of the unusual Monthly Moso Science magazine have their routine shaken up when an unlucky research scientist shows up out of the blue asking for their assistance in uncovering the truth about a mysterious lost continent. 1: Issue 1: More than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 The lackadaisical staff of the unusual Monthly Moso Science magazine have their routine shaken up when an unlucky research scientist shows up out of the blue asking for their assistance in uncovering the truth about a mysterious lost continent. In onda il: 2024-01-18 2: Issue 2: Hold on a Moment, Why Are You Working Here?!
    Continuing his search for information on the mysterious Mo Continent, Goro Sato joins the staff at Monthly Moso Science to investigate strange rumors of an unusual glowing well. 2: Issue 2: Hold on a Moment, Why Are You Working Here?!
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 Continuing his search for information on the mysterious Mo Continent, Goro Sato joins the staff at Monthly Moso Science to investigate strange rumors of an unusual glowing well. In onda il: 2024-01-25 3: Issue 3: More than Just Singing?! Musical Speak?!
    At last, Moment Marriage discovers a possible match for Taro. Unfortunately, his date plans are interrupted by an actor who can't stop singing. 3: Issue 3: More than Just Singing?! Musical Speak?!
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 At last, Moment Marriage discovers a possible match for Taro. Unfortunately, his date plans are interrupted by an actor who can't stop singing. In onda il: 2024-02-01 4: Issue 4: Monstrous Mystery?! The Secret of Loch Nuss
    Monthly Moso Science needs a big scoop to satisfy its new advertisers, and the secret may be lurking in the waters of the picturesque Loch Nuss. 4: Issue 4: Monstrous Mystery?! The Secret of Loch Nuss
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Monthly Moso Science needs a big scoop to satisfy its new advertisers, and the secret may be lurking in the waters of the picturesque Loch Nuss. In onda il: 2024-02-08 5: Episode 5
    Goro is determined to investigate the legend of the Expressway Mask, a mysterious figure rumored to cause accidents. Meanwhile, a figure skating coach shows up at the café in search of information regarding an odd situation with one of his skaters. 5: Episode 5
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 Goro is determined to investigate the legend of the Expressway Mask, a mysterious figure rumored to cause accidents. Meanwhile, a figure skating coach shows up at the café in search of information regarding an odd situation with one of his skaters. In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: There's Whole Mobs of Them?! This Is Where the Cats Gather
    Frustrated by having his romantic encounters ruined by allergies, a model contacts Monthly Moso Science to investigate why hordes of cats congregate outside his apartment every night. 6: There's Whole Mobs of Them?! This Is Where the Cats Gather
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Frustrated by having his romantic encounters ruined by allergies, a model contacts Monthly Moso Science to investigate why hordes of cats congregate outside his apartment every night. In onda il: 2024-02-22 7: The Moment Is Here! A Matchmaking Party
    Taro's dream of becoming a homemaker seems closer than ever when he receives an invitation to an exclusive VIP-only matchmaking event. But there's a catch: he has to bring Goro. Meanwhile, White Pegasus makes a move to steal the remaining MOParts. 7: The Moment Is Here! A Matchmaking Party
    In onda il: 2024-02-22 Taro's dream of becoming a homemaker seems closer than ever when he receives an invitation to an exclusive VIP-only matchmaking event. But there's a catch: he has to bring Goro. Meanwhile, White Pegasus makes a move to steal the remaining MOParts. In onda il: 2024-02-29 8: Body Moving! Walk One Dog and More Will Follow
    The White Pegasus Company is sponsoring Most City's first-ever dog show, and the staff of Monthly Moso Science have been personally invited. Saburo seems strangely eager to participate, but is there more to this competition than it seems? 8: Body Moving! Walk One Dog and More Will Follow
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 The White Pegasus Company is sponsoring Most City's first-ever dog show, and the staff of Monthly Moso Science have been personally invited. Saburo seems strangely eager to participate, but is there more to this competition than it seems? In onda il: 2024-03-07 9: Mystery Moments! The Young Genius' Past
    The secret origin of Edward Chi's fascination with the Mo Continent reveals a surprising connection... 9: Mystery Moments! The Young Genius' Past
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 The secret origin of Edward Chi's fascination with the Mo Continent reveals a surprising connection... In onda il: 2024-03-14 10: Holy Moly! Fight and a Continental Rising!
    Catherine presents Goro with all six MOParts, leaving the decision to use them in the hands of Monthly Moso's staff. At last, the Mo Continent's true nature might come to light. 10: Holy Moly! Fight and a Continental Rising!
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 Catherine presents Goro with all six MOParts, leaving the decision to use them in the hands of Monthly Moso's staff. At last, the Mo Continent's true nature might come to light. In onda il: 2024-03-21 11: Move Out! Catherine, Why Didn't You Warn Us?!
    Everyone rushes to the newly raised Mo Continent, where they learn of an advanced weapon with the power to eradicate humanity. 11: Move Out! Catherine, Why Didn't You Warn Us?!
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 Everyone rushes to the newly raised Mo Continent, where they learn of an advanced weapon with the power to eradicate humanity. In onda il: 2024-03-28 12: The Unbelievable World, In Motion!
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: The Unbelievable World, In Motion!
    In onda il: 2024-03-28 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  30. Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun 2 [13/13] (2024) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki
    Stagione 2    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma
    La vita non ha delle regole semplici. Ciò che possiede, invece, sono irrazionalità e disuguaglianza: i forti hanno piena libertà, mentre i deboli non hanno altra scelta che condurre un'esistenza svantaggiata. Per questo la vita altro non è che un pessimo videogioco. Non c'è dubbio, perché è il protagonista, il miglior giocatore del Giappone, a sostenerlo. Tuttavia c'è una persona al suo stesso livello, che se ne va in giro a dire “La vita è un gioco fantastico”: la perfetta e determinata eroina della scuola, Hinami Aoi. Possibile che abbia ragione lei?
    Fumihiko Shimo
    Series Composition Akane Yano
    Character Designer Satoshi Motoyama
    Sound Director Hiromi Mizutani
    Original Music Composer DIALOGUE+
    Theme Song Performance Yuki Yaku
    Novel Shinsuke Yanagi
    Series Director Keiko Kitayama
    Prop Designer Gen Sato
    Fumiya Tomozaki (voice) Hisako Kanemoto
    Aoi Hinami (voice) Ikumi Hasegawa
    Minami Nanami (voice) Ai Kayano
    Fuka Kikuchi (voice) Ryoko Maekawa
    Hanabi Natsubayashi (voice) Nene Hieda
    Yuzu Izumi (voice) Nobunaga Shimazaki
    Takahiro Mizusawa (voice) Nobuhiko Okamoto
    Shuji Nakamura (voice) Shuntaro Mizuno
    Takei (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-01-03 1: The best games make reconnaissance fun
    As the second term begins, Tomozaki's first task (courtesy of Hinano) is getting popular girl Erika Konno motivated for the school sports tournament. 1: The best games make reconnaissance fun
    In onda il: 2024-01-03 As the second term begins, Tomozaki's first task (courtesy of Hinano) is getting popular girl Erika Konno motivated for the school sports tournament. In onda il: 2024-01-10 2: A happy ending doesn't mean this game is over
    Erika Konno starts lashing out at her classmates after the school's sports festival, and opinions are deeply divided on the best way to shut her down. 2: A happy ending doesn't mean this game is over
    In onda il: 2024-01-10 Erika Konno starts lashing out at her classmates after the school's sports festival, and opinions are deeply divided on the best way to shut her down. In onda il: 2024-01-17 3: Battles go better when you're fighting alongside someone whose signature move is the opposite of yours
    Tomozaki enlists the help of friends to help Tama improve and boost the mood at school, but Aoi Hinami is vehemently opposed to Tama changing at all. 3: Battles go better when you're fighting alongside someone whose signature move is the opposite of yours
    In onda il: 2024-01-17 Tomozaki enlists the help of friends to help Tama improve and boost the mood at school, but Aoi Hinami is vehemently opposed to Tama changing at all. In onda il: 2024-01-24 4: Villagers have their own way of life
    Team Tomozaki continues to coach Tama in becoming more integrated with the class. Tomozaki brings in a special pinch-hitter with wise words to share. 4: Villagers have their own way of life
    In onda il: 2024-01-24 Team Tomozaki continues to coach Tama in becoming more integrated with the class. Tomozaki brings in a special pinch-hitter with wise words to share. In onda il: 2024-01-31 5: If you keep upgrading your initial equipment, it'll usually become your most powerful weapon
    Simmering classroom unrest over Konno and Tama reaches a boiling point as Aoi steps in, revealing a side of herself that Tomozaki didn't want to see. 5: If you keep upgrading your initial equipment, it'll usually become your most powerful weapon
    In onda il: 2024-01-31 Simmering classroom unrest over Konno and Tama reaches a boiling point as Aoi steps in, revealing a side of herself that Tomozaki didn't want to see. In onda il: 2024-02-07 6: Everyone has different expectations about a big event
    Tomozaki confronts Hinami over her handling of the Konno affair. He's tasked with making a good impression on his classmates--plus a big decision. 6: Everyone has different expectations about a big event
    In onda il: 2024-02-07 Tomozaki confronts Hinami over her handling of the Konno affair. He's tasked with making a good impression on his classmates--plus a big decision. In onda il: 2024-02-14 7: Important items are usually lying around in enchanted forests
    It's up to Tomozaki to find a suitable play to perform at the culture festival, all while trying to check more of Hinami's tasks off his Pinsta list. 7: Important items are usually lying around in enchanted forests
    In onda il: 2024-02-14 It's up to Tomozaki to find a suitable play to perform at the culture festival, all while trying to check more of Hinami's tasks off his Pinsta list. In onda il: 2024-02-21 8: Sometimes the main character can't enter the village of another species on his own
    Tomozaki and Mizusawa scope out a girls' school festival (and its girls). Tomozaki has a deep discussion with Fuka the author. Mimimi drops a bomb. 8: Sometimes the main character can't enter the village of another species on his own
    In onda il: 2024-02-21 Tomozaki and Mizusawa scope out a girls' school festival (and its girls). Tomozaki has a deep discussion with Fuka the author. Mimimi drops a bomb. In onda il: 2024-02-28 9: If you don't make up your mind, the story won't advance
    Things get awkward around Mimimi. Tomozaki finally chooses the two girls he'd like to pursue, and Hinami gives him more tasks in pursuit of his goals. 9: If you don't make up your mind, the story won't advance
    In onda il: 2024-02-28 Things get awkward around Mimimi. Tomozaki finally chooses the two girls he'd like to pursue, and Hinami gives him more tasks in pursuit of his goals. In onda il: 2024-03-06 10: The patterns carved into the stone tablet are connected to the mysteries of the world
    Roles are assigned in the class play, and Kikuchi goes in a new direction while revising her script; as research, she wants to know more about Hinami. 10: The patterns carved into the stone tablet are connected to the mysteries of the world
    In onda il: 2024-03-06 Roles are assigned in the class play, and Kikuchi goes in a new direction while revising her script; as research, she wants to know more about Hinami. In onda il: 2024-03-13 11: Even fairies feel lonely when they're away from their spring by themselves
    As rehearsals begin and Kikuchi polishes her script, she reveals her philosophy to a concerned Tomozaki. Mimimi and Tomozaki work on their comedy. 11: Even fairies feel lonely when they're away from their spring by themselves
    In onda il: 2024-03-13 As rehearsals begin and Kikuchi polishes her script, she reveals her philosophy to a concerned Tomozaki. Mimimi and Tomozaki work on their comedy. In onda il: 2024-03-20 12: Sometimes the ancient tome in the first town is the key to the final dungeon
    Tomozaki tries to show Kikuchi the issues with her world view. Mimimi and Tomozaki perform their comedy routine. The curtain rises on the class play. 12: Sometimes the ancient tome in the first town is the key to the final dungeon
    In onda il: 2024-03-20 Tomozaki tries to show Kikuchi the issues with her world view. Mimimi and Tomozaki perform their comedy routine. The curtain rises on the class play. In onda il: 2024-03-27 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-03-27 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
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