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Anime Sub ITA

  1. Yume Ōkoku to nemureru 100-nin no Ōji-sama [12/12] (2018) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Yume Ōkoku to nemureru 100-nin no Ōji-sama (2018)
    Titolo inglese    100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
    Titolo breve    Yume-100
    Titolo Kanji    夢王国と眠れる100人の王子様(2018)
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Fantastico  Reverse-harem  
    Anno    2018
    Tratto da    Smartphone Game Otome
    Stagioni    Estate (2018)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Persone che trovano sostentamento e vitalità grazie alla forza dei sogni, nati dalle ardenti speranze e desideri per il futuro, abitano un mondo magico. Le case reali raccolgono e ridistribuiscono questa forza per la gente e tra la gente, cosicché questo mondo sia prospero e pacifico. Un nefasto giorno appaiono dei mostri divora-sogni, che assalgono gli uomini e, dopo essersi cibati del loro sogni, li fanno cadere in un sonno profondo. I principi di ogni nazione si riuniscono per respingere insieme la minaccia, ma il tentativo fallisce e ciascun principe finisce sigillato in un anello. Solo una persona può rompere il maleficio: la principessa Traumere. Ma la principessa si trasferisce nel Giappone attuale, divenendo una normale impiegata; inoltre non ha alcuna memoria del passato. Così il suo maggiordomo e aiutante magico, Navi, la fa ritornare nel mondo dei sogni. Riuscirà questa normale office lady a ritrovare gli anelli e risvegliare tutti i principi dal loro sonno profondo?
  2. Saihate no Paladin [12/12] (2021) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Saihate no Paladin
    Titolo inglese: The Faraway Paladin
    Titolo Kanji: 最果てのパラディン
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Azione  Fantasy  Mistero 
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Autunno (2021)
    Episodi : ?
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    In una città da tempo in rovina e lontana dalla civiltà, vive un solo bambino umano. Il suo nome è Will ed è stato cresciuto da tre non-morti: lo scheletrico guerriero Blood, la graziosa sacerdotessa mummificata Mary e lo stregone spettrale Gus. I tre amano il ragazzo e gli insegnano tutto quello che sanno. Un giorno Will inizia a chiedersi chi è e da dove viene e dovrà svelare i misteri di questo paese abitato da morti.
  3. Egao no Daika [12/12] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Egao no Daika
    Titolo inglese    The Price of Smiles
    Titolo Kanji    エガオノダイカ
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Fantascienza  Guerra  Mecha  
    Anno    2019
    Tratto da    Opera Originale
    Stagioni    Inverno (2019)
    Episodi    12
    In un pianeta molto lontano della terra esiste un regno, Soleil, i cui abitanti sono sempre pronti a sfoggiare un bel sorriso. La dodicenne principessa Yuki conduce un'esistenza serena nel sicuro palazzo reale, seguita quotidianamente dai suoi leali vassalli: il tutor Reira, il consigliere politico Izana, il capo della cavalleria Harol e il suo amico d'infanzia e attendente Joshua, tutti impegnati a proteggerne il sorriso e l'innocenza. Qual è il prezzo di un sorriso? Qual è il prezzo della felicità? La verità sta sul confine.
    Stella è invece una soldatessa di 17 anni dell'impero di Grandiiga, la ragazza, molto riservata, ha conosciuto ben presto l'amarezza della guerra ed ha da tempo perso il "vero" sorriso.
    Ecco la storia di due ragazze provenienti da due pianeti distanti, il regno di Soleil e l'impero di Grandiiga, in conflitto.
  4. Karakuri Circus [36/36] (2018) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Karakuri Circus
    Titolo inglese    Le Cirque de Karakuri
    Titolo Kanji    からくりサーカス
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Azione  Combattimento  Horror  Mistero  Thriller  
    Anno    2018 - 2019
    Tratto da    Manga Shōnen
    Stagioni    Autunno (2018) [...] Primavera (2019)
    Episodi    36
    Kato Narumi, un ex-guerriero affetto da una rara malattia che lo costringe a far ridere le persone, viene avvicinato da un misterioso bambino delle elementari con un enorme valigia, che gli domanda come fare per raggiungere il circo più vicino. Il nome del bambino è Masaru Saiga che, pur se figlio illegittimo, si ritrova inaspettatamente erede universale di tutta la fortuna economica della famiglia paterna, poco disposta a cedergli la propria ricchezza. I parenti tentano in tutti i modi di eliminarlo assoldando degli assassini esperti nel combattimento con gigantesche bambole meccaniche, derivate dall'antica tradizione artigiana giapponese dei karakuri ningyō. Ma perché usare mezzi così distruttivi per eliminare un bambino inoffensivo?
  5. Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e [12/12] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
    Titolo inglese    To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
    Titolo breve    katsu-kami
    Titolo Kanji    かつて神だった獣たちへ
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Azione  Drammatico  Fantasy  
    Anno    2019
    Tratto da    Manga Shounen
    Stagioni    Estate (2019)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    A causa di alcune dispute economiche, la nazione democratica "Patria" si divise in due parti, dando vita ad una guerra tra l'Unione di Patria del Nord e la Confederazione di Patria del Sud. A causa del vantaggio numerico di quest'ultima, il Nord decise di utilizzare una tecnologia proibita in grado di trasformare alcuni soldati in mostri dotati di poteri quasi divini, riuscendo così a porre fine alla guerra. Questi poteri, però, sul lungo periodo portano alla perdita della ragione dei loro possessori e per porre fine alla loro inarrestabile furia il comandante Hank sarà costretto a dare loro la caccia.
  6. Isekai Shōkan wa Nidome Desu [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Isekai Shōkan wa Nidome Desu
    Titolo inglese: Summoned to Another World for a Second Time
    Titolo breve: Isenido
    Titolo Kanji: 異世界召喚は二度目です
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Azione  Commedia  Ecchi  Fantasy  Sentimentale 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Primavera (2023)
    Episodi : ?
    Stato in patria: annunciato
    Un uomo viene evocato in un altro mondo che si trova in pericolo. Dopo averlo salvato, decide di continuare la sua vita in quel luogo finché è forzatamente riportato nel suo mondo originale, ritornando bambino nel processo. Trascorso del tempo, una volta diventato uno studente liceale, viene convocato nuovamente in quello stesso altro mondo. Un evento dagli sviluppi inaspettati...
  7. Okashi na Tensei: Saikyō Pâtissier Isekai Kōrin [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Okashi na Tensei: Saikyō Pâtissier Isekai Kōrin
    Titolo inglese: Sweet Reincarnation
    Titolo Kanji: おかしな転生~最強パティシエ異世界降臨~
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Fantasy  Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : ?
    Stato in patria: annunciato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato
    Pastry è un pasticciere provetto reincarnatosi nel corpo di un giovane di una povera casa nobiliare di provincia. Destinato a governare quel territorio, lotta fra mille difficoltà cercando di far sorridere le persone con i suoi dolci e al contempo creare una terra fiorente di felicità.
  8. Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note [13/13 + 2 special ] (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note
    Titolo inglese    Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note
    Titolo Kanji    ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Magia Mistero  Poliziesco  Soprannaturale  
    Anno    2019
    Tratto da    Light Novel
    Stagioni    Autunno (2018) Estate (2019) inverno (2021)
    Episodi    13+2
    Stato in patria    completato
    Lord El-Melloi II è stato il Waver Velvet che ha partecipato alla guerra per la conquista del Santo Graal narrata in Fate/Zero. Ora opera nell'ambito dell'associazione inglese dei maghi occupandosi di vari casi e misteri con l'assistenza della sua apprendista Gray. Quando va a reclamare l'eredità del castello di Aldra, viene coinvolto in una gara ad enigmi organizzata dal precedente proprietario per mettere alla prova i possibili eredi. L'anime adatterà l'arco narrativo del "Rail Zeppelin" insieme a parti di storia originali.
  9. Plunderer [24/24] (2020) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    itolo originale    Plunderer
    Titolo inglese    Plunderer
    Titolo Kanji    プランダラ
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Avventura  Azione  Ecchi  Fantasy  Magia  Sentimentale  
    Anno    2020
    Tratto da    Manga Shounen
    Stagioni    Inverno (2020) Primavera (2020)
    Episodi    24
    Stato in patria    completato
    È l’anno 305 del calendario Alcian e il mondo è totalmente dominato dai “numeri”. Ogni essere umano è segnato, fin dalla nascita, da un “conteggio”. Il numero può indicare qualunque cosa: nemici sconfitti, clienti soddisfatti, criminali arrestati, gente che apprezza il cibo preparato, ecc. Maggiore è il numero, più elevata è la posizione sociale, tuttavia, quando il conteggio crolla a 0, il malcapitato finisce risucchiato nell'Abisso. La stessa sorte toccò anche alla madre di Hina, che prima di essere trascinata nell'oscurità le fece un’ultima richiesta: partire alla ricerca del leggendario “Asso”, un eroe dotato di una forza smisurata.
  10. Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of Underworld [23/23] (2019) [4°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Sword Art Online Alicization: War of Underworld
    Titolo inglese: Sword Art Online Alicization: War of Underworld
    Genere: Avventura, Combattimento, Fantascienza
    Anno: 2019 - 2020
    Episodi: 23
    Episodi attuali: Recap + 12 + Recap + 11
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Dopo una lunga scalata all'interno della Central Cathedral, Kirito, Eugeo ed Alice sono riusciti a giungere al cospetto di Quinella, ovvero l'Administrator che governa tutto il mondo di Underworld. Nonostante la vittoria conseguita alla fine sulla despota, che è comunque costata la vita di Eugeo e di Cardinal, la situazione non è migliorata per Kirito: l'Ocean Turtle, il complesso marino che ospita le apparecchiature su cui gira il mondo di Underworld è sotto attacco da parte di soldati di provenienza ignota. Per uscire dalla crisi, Kirito è chiamato a compiere una nuova missione in cui Alice sembra essere l'elemento chiave. Ma al tempo stesso sul mondo di Underworld incombe la profetizzata invasione da parte delle forze del Dark World...
  11. Sora to Umi no Aida [12/12] (2018) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Sora to Umi no Aida
    Titolo inglese    The Space Between the Sky and the Sea
    Titolo breve    soratouminoaida
    Titolo Kanji    ソラとウミのアイダ
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Commedia  Fantascienza  Slice of Life  
    Anno    2018
    Tratto da    Smartphone game
    Stagioni    Autunno (2018)
    Episodi    12
    La storia è ambientata a Onomichi, Hiroshima nell'anno 20XX. I pesci sono scomparsi dai mari di tutto il mondo e solo le balene vivono nell'oceano. Il Ministero della pesca decide di creare giganteschi Contenitori di Pesci Universali nello spazio. Viene fondata l'Unione dei Pescatori dell'Universo di Onomichi la quale inizia a formare futuri pescatori spaziali. I pescatori di sesso femminile sono molto richiesti a causa del rafforzamento di una legge sull'uguaglianza del lavoro per uomini e donne. Sono stati selezionati sei nuovi pescatori spaziali femmina e la storia segue la loro crescita professionale
  12. Anime-Gataris [12/12] (2017) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    AnimeGataris
    Titolo inglese    Anime Stories
    Titolo Kanji    アニメガタリズ
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Commedia  Scolastico  Slice of Life  
    Anno    2017
    Tratto da    Opera originale
    Stagioni    Autunno (2017)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Minoa Asagaya si è appena iscritta alla Scuola Superiore Privata Sakaneko. La sua compagna di classe Arisu Kamiigusa le chiede di aiutarla fondare il club scolastico di “ricerca sugli anime”. Il fatto è che Minoa non sa quasi nulla di animazione, è una novellina in materia di anime; tuttavia grazie all'interazione con vari amanti degli anime (che si uniranno al club) e al confronto con Miko Kōenji, Minoa gradualmente rimarrà affascinata da questo media e finirà per amare gli anime. Le ragazze dovranno affrontare le opposizioni e le angherie del consiglio studentesco, che in più occasioni cercherà di trovare scuse per far sciogliere il club.
    Le protagoniste, mentre fronteggiano il consiglio studentesco, ignorano che la fine del mondo è vicina, continuano a parlare di anime facendo pellegrinaggi ad Akiba o nelle reali location delle loro serie preferite o ancora alla terme.
  13. Eiyū Kyōshitsu [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Classroom for Heroes
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Molto tempo fa, un potente signore dei demoni governò il popolo fino a quando arrivò un eroe altrettanto potente a sconfiggerlo. Per contrastare le minacce future fu creata la Rosewood Academy, una scuola per eroi in formazione. Oggi alla Rosewood Academy si iscrive solo il meglio del meglio, e Arnest Flaming è la migliore di tutti. Arnest è la studentessa più importante della scuola, è una ragazza rispettosa, e viene soprannominata "Imperatrice della fiamma". Un giorno, nel corridoio della scuola, ha un incontro irritante con un ragazzo scanzonato che non ha mai visto prima, nonostante sembri avere poteri tali da eguagliare i suoi. Il ragazzo si presenta solo come Blade e Arnest scopre presto che non solo il ragazzo è un nuovo studente appena trasferito, ma anche che lei è stata personalmente richiesta dal Re per aiutare il nuovo ragazzo ad ambientarsi nella vita quotidiana della Rosewood Academy.
    Keiichiro Kawaguchi
    Series Director Kousuke Kawamura
    Character Designer Naoki Hayashi
    Series Composition Shin Araki
    Novel Yui Ando
    Sound Effects Hideaki Nakano
    Assistant Director Noboru Jitsuhara
    Prop Designer Yasuhiro Moriki
    Mechanical & Creature Designer Miki Matsuda
    Mechanical & Creature Designer Ryou Akizuki
    Prop Designer Sachiko Harada
    Color Designer Junichi Higashi
    Supervising Art Director Shinya Tanaka
    Art Direction Ryota Fukai
    Art Designer Makoto Endo
    3D Director Kohei Tanada
    Director of Photography Mika Narukawa
    Special Effects Go Sadamatsu
    Editor Takayuki Yamaguchi
    Sound Director Shiori Saito
    Sound Mixer Kotaro Nakagawa
    Original Music Composer Yuki Tezuka
    Music Producer Juno Shin
    Executive Producer Ereka Wang
    Producer Reiji Kawashima
    Blade (voice) Misuzu Yamada
    Earnest Flaming (voice) Nao Toyama
    Sophie (voice) Hina Kino
    Cú Chulainn (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-07-09 1: Earnest
    Blade is an ex-hero who just wants to make friends and live an ordinary life. But on his first day at Rosewood Academy, he catches the eye of the school's number-one student, Earnest Flaming, who wants to get Blade expelled! 1: Earnest
    In onda il: 2023-07-09 Blade is an ex-hero who just wants to make friends and live an ordinary life. But on his first day at Rosewood Academy, he catches the eye of the school's number-one student, Earnest Flaming, who wants to get Blade expelled! In onda il: 2023-07-16 2: Sophie
    Blade is asked by Earnest to look after Sophie, who always practices by herself during class. But as he grows closer to Sophie, he discovers that beneath her aloof exterior and powerful fists lies a dark, disturbing secret... 2: Sophie
    In onda il: 2023-07-16 Blade is asked by Earnest to look after Sophie, who always practices by herself during class. But as he grows closer to Sophie, he discovers that beneath her aloof exterior and powerful fists lies a dark, disturbing secret... In onda il: 2023-07-23 3: Cu Chulainn
    A dragon is on the loose in Rosewood Academy, but Blade quickly subdues it with a well-placed punch. To everyone's surprise, the dragon then shapeshifts into the form of a human child... who seems to think Blade is her parent?! 3: Cu Chulainn
    In onda il: 2023-07-23 A dragon is on the loose in Rosewood Academy, but Blade quickly subdues it with a well-placed punch. To everyone's surprise, the dragon then shapeshifts into the form of a human child... who seems to think Blade is her parent?! In onda il: 2023-07-30 4: The Rosewood Academy Training Exercise
    Earnest and the student body challenge Cu to battle, to prove that they are worthy of being friends with her. Is the combined might of Rosewood Academy's heroes-in-training enough take down this fearsome dragon, fair and square?! 4: The Rosewood Academy Training Exercise
    In onda il: 2023-07-30 Earnest and the student body challenge Cu to battle, to prove that they are worthy of being friends with her. Is the combined might of Rosewood Academy's heroes-in-training enough take down this fearsome dragon, fair and square?! In onda il: 2023-08-06 5: The Demon King's Daughter
    One day, Claire asks Blade to do a favor for Maria, a quiet, clumsy girl who happened to take part in the battle against Cu. As it so happens, Maria's request for Blade is none other than... to kill her?! 5: The Demon King's Daughter
    In onda il: 2023-08-06 One day, Claire asks Blade to do a favor for Maria, a quiet, clumsy girl who happened to take part in the battle against Cu. As it so happens, Maria's request for Blade is none other than... to kill her?! In onda il: 2023-08-13 6: The General and the Sacred Bird
    While exploring the royal capital, Blade comes across Dione, a centaur who once fought alongside him as a hero. As it turns out, Dione was tasked by the king with transporting what happens to be some very special cargo... 6: The General and the Sacred Bird
    In onda il: 2023-08-13 While exploring the royal capital, Blade comes across Dione, a centaur who once fought alongside him as a hero. As it turns out, Dione was tasked by the king with transporting what happens to be some very special cargo... In onda il: 2023-08-20 7: The Springtime of Life at Rosewood Academy
    The king unveils a new virtual reality training program at Rosewood Academy. However, it inadvertently creates a rift in the friend group made up of Claire, Yessica, Clay, and Kassim. Now it's up to Blade to patch things up! 7: The Springtime of Life at Rosewood Academy
    In onda il: 2023-08-20 The king unveils a new virtual reality training program at Rosewood Academy. However, it inadvertently creates a rift in the friend group made up of Claire, Yessica, Clay, and Kassim. Now it's up to Blade to patch things up! In onda il: 2023-08-27 8: Less Than Human
    A mysterious robot shows up on the Rosewood Academy campus. Claire quickly befriends the robot, who she dubs Iona, and decides to enlist help from her friends to accomplish Iona's mission: to eradicate Blade! 8: Less Than Human
    In onda il: 2023-08-27 A mysterious robot shows up on the Rosewood Academy campus. Claire quickly befriends the robot, who she dubs Iona, and decides to enlist help from her friends to accomplish Iona's mission: to eradicate Blade! In onda il: 2023-09-03 9: The Superorganism Suppression Committee
    The Superorganism Suppression Committee is a motley crew of Rosewood Academy students, united by a common goal: to defeat the superorganism himself, Blade. But this fearsome Great Hero isn't about to go down without a fight! 9: The Superorganism Suppression Committee
    In onda il: 2023-09-03 The Superorganism Suppression Committee is a motley crew of Rosewood Academy students, united by a common goal: to defeat the superorganism himself, Blade. But this fearsome Great Hero isn't about to go down without a fight! In onda il: 2023-09-10 10: I'm Looking for Something Tastier than Me
    Earnest decides that a birthday meal for Blade would be the perfect gift, so the king arranges for a trip down to the Royal Pantry, a sprawling wilderness inhabited by vicious foodstuff. Now, it's eat or be eaten! 10: I'm Looking for Something Tastier than Me
    In onda il: 2023-09-10 Earnest decides that a birthday meal for Blade would be the perfect gift, so the king arranges for a trip down to the Royal Pantry, a sprawling wilderness inhabited by vicious foodstuff. Now, it's eat or be eaten! In onda il: 2023-09-17 11: The Sophie Series (Part 1)
    One day during training, Blade is suddenly attacked by Sophie. This Sophie, however, turns out to be one of five identical clone assassins, who will do anything it takes to murder the Great Hero and prove their superiority! 11: The Sophie Series (Part 1)
    In onda il: 2023-09-17 One day during training, Blade is suddenly attacked by Sophie. This Sophie, however, turns out to be one of five identical clone assassins, who will do anything it takes to murder the Great Hero and prove their superiority! In onda il: 2023-09-24 12: The Sophie Series (Part 2)
    Blade wakes up to find that Sophie has left Rosewood Academy in the middle of the night, in pursuit of her clones. Now, it's up to Blade and his friends to find a way to save both Sophie and her sisters from their cruel fates... 12: The Sophie Series (Part 2)
    In onda il: 2023-09-24 Blade wakes up to find that Sophie has left Rosewood Academy in the middle of the night, in pursuit of her clones. Now, it's up to Blade and his friends to find a way to save both Sophie and her sisters from their cruel fates... Nessun Trailer disponibile
  14. Tengoku Daimakyou [13/13] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Tengoku Daimakyou
    Titolo inglese: Heavenly Delusion
    Titolo Kanji: 国大魔境
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Mistero  Thriller 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Primavera (2023)
    Episodi : 13
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    Dentro a una misteriosa struttura dotata di un’area verde sono ospitati dei ragazzini. Durante una verifica, Tokio riceve un fugace messaggio che recita: “Vorresti andare all’esterno dell’esterno?”, e da quel momento comincia a chiedersi come sia il mondo al di fuori. Altrove, Maru e Kiruko, impegnati in una quotidiana lotta per la sopravvivenza in ciò che resta del Giappone, sono alla ricerca del “paradiso”...
  15. Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Bōkenroku: Jichō o Shiranai Kamigami no Shito [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Bōkenroku: Jichō o Shiranai Kamigami no Shito
    Titolo inglese: The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Servings Gods Who Go Too Far
    Titolo Kanji: 転生貴族の異世界冒険録 ~自重を知らない神々の使徒~
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Fantasy  Magia  Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Primavera (2023)
    Episodi : ?
    Stato in patria: annunciato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato
    Il protagonista Kazuya Shiina, deceduto nel tentativo di proteggere la sorellina di un suo amico di infanzia da un aggressore, si reincarna in un mondo fantasy da "spada e magia" nei panni di Cain Von Silford, terzogenito di una famiglia nobiliare. In quel nuovo mondo, tra divinità capricciose, famiglie di aristocratici e varie pretendenti, cerca di nascondere le sue abilità e la benedizione ricevuta dagli dei per non essere coinvolto in imprese, quest e macchinazioni all'ordine del giorno. Ce la farà?
  16. Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko 2 [12/12] (2023) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko 2
    Titolo inglese: By the Grace of the Gods 2
    Titolo breve: kamihiro 2
    Titolo Kanji: 神達に拾われた男2
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Fantasy  Magia 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Inverno (2023)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Seconda stagione di "Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko"
  17. Otonari ni Ginga [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Otonari ni Ginga
    Titolo inglese: A Galaxy Next Door
    Titolo Kanji: おとなりに銀河
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Commedia  Sentimentale  Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Primavera (2023)
    Episodi : ?
    Stato in patria: annunciato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato
    Dopo la morte prematura di suo padre, Kuga Ichiro ha dovuto prendersi cura dei suoi due fratelli più piccoli. Diventato mangaka, il ragazzo fatica a stare al passo con i ritmi di questo lavoro, soprattutto dopo che i suoi assistenti lo hanno lasciato. Finché, con l'avvicinarsi di una scadenza viene contattato dal suo editore, che gli comunica di aver trovato un nuovo assistente. La persona in questione è una misteriosa ragazza che sembra conoscerlo molto bene.
  18. Bullbuster [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer BULLBUSTER
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
    Mysterious creatures have been terrorizing an island, forcing locals to flee their once-thriving home. With government funds lacking for monster eradication, Tajima purchases the only construction company left and transforms it for the task. Thankfully, the brilliant Testuro Okino and his new robot, Bullbuster, come to their aid. But the team is on a tight budget. Can they save the island?
    Eisaku Kubonouchi
    Character Designer Hiroyasu Aoki
    Series Director Takahisa Katagiri
    Character Designer Takahisa Katagiri
    Supervising Animation Director Hiroyasu Aoki
    Series Composition IZMOJUKI
    Mechanical Designer Hiroyuki Nakao
    Original Story Konomi Suzuki
    Theme Song Performance Yuya Takashima
    Researcher Kei Ichikura
    Art Direction Yoshinori Horikawa
    Color Designer Shinya Matsui
    Director of Photography Yumi Jinguji
    Editor Kohei Yoshida
    Sound Director Masahiro Tokuda
    Original Music Composer Takahisa Katagiri
    Creature Design Haruki Satomi
    Executive Producer Keisuke Sano
    Executive Producer Hajime Maruyama
    Executive Producer Hirotaka Kaneko
    Executive Producer Yoshihiro Kanno
    Lead Animator Daisuke Hiraga
    Executive Producer Nobuyuki Takeuchi
    Executive Producer Sho Tanaka
    Executive Producer Maori Yusa
    2D Artist Tomoyasu Fujise
    Art Designer Masato Takahashi
    3D Director Gou Wakabayashi
    Music Producer Chieko Mizutori
    Music Director Saori Takeyama
    Music Director Kazufumi Kikushima
    Producer Kenichi Tokumura
    Producer Aya Iizuka
    Producer Takuji Wada
    Producer Riko Higa
    Producer Nao Matsumura
    Producer Shoya Chiba
    Tetsurō Okino (voice) Asami Seto
    Arumi Nikaidō (voice) Shin-ichiro Miki
    Kōji Tajima (voice) Yuuki Takada
    Miyuki Shirogane (voice) Uoken
    Kintarō Kataoka (voice) Taiten Kusunoki
    Ginnosuke Mutō (voice) Yuma Uchida
    Shūichi Namari (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-04 1: Bullbuster, Activate! A Small Business on the Verge of Bankruptcy Challenges a Mysterious Monster?!
    Pest control company, Namidome Industries, receives a new helper robot along with a new pilot for it at a critical time. But what exactly are these so-called "pests" they are tasked with exterminating? 1: Bullbuster, Activate! A Small Business on the Verge of Bankruptcy Challenges a Mysterious Monster?!
    In onda il: 2023-10-04 Pest control company, Namidome Industries, receives a new helper robot along with a new pilot for it at a critical time. But what exactly are these so-called "pests" they are tasked with exterminating? In onda il: 2023-10-11 2: No Money! No Ship, Either?! The Only Way to Survive Is to Rebrand Namidome!
    Namidome's history as a construction company brings them under fire from the local Builders Union, which fears the competition they might represent. To relieve the pressure, they'll need to undergo a full rebrand. 2: No Money! No Ship, Either?! The Only Way to Survive Is to Rebrand Namidome!
    In onda il: 2023-10-11 Namidome's history as a construction company brings them under fire from the local Builders Union, which fears the competition they might represent. To relieve the pressure, they'll need to undergo a full rebrand. In onda il: 2023-10-18 3: Okino Steps in It! The Islanders Are Angry... In the Company's Hour of Need, Its President Stands Tall!
    Tetsuro makes a terrible mistake that could threaten the very existence of Namidome Industries. More information about the islanders' plight comes to light, while Tajima pursues the mystery of the toxic gas. 3: Okino Steps in It! The Islanders Are Angry... In the Company's Hour of Need, Its President Stands Tall!
    In onda il: 2023-10-18 Tetsuro makes a terrible mistake that could threaten the very existence of Namidome Industries. More information about the islanders' plight comes to light, while Tajima pursues the mystery of the toxic gas. In onda il: 2023-10-25 4: The Incredible Operation to Capture a Giant Beast Alive Begins!
    Arumi's late-night run-in with a smaller "pest" on Ryugan Island raises a number of questions on the true nature of the Giant Beasts and reviewing footage captured by Bullbuster reveals something startling. 4: The Incredible Operation to Capture a Giant Beast Alive Begins!
    In onda il: 2023-10-25 Arumi's late-night run-in with a smaller "pest" on Ryugan Island raises a number of questions on the true nature of the Giant Beasts and reviewing footage captured by Bullbuster reveals something startling. In onda il: 2023-11-01 5: We Can Count on Manpower! The Help of a Young Researcher Reveals the Truth of the Giant Beasts?!
    While a Shiota Chemical offer to send the company a college-educated intern leaves Tetsuro feeling threatened, a brave move by a young researcher may be the break they need to learn what the Giant Beasts really are. 5: We Can Count on Manpower! The Help of a Young Researcher Reveals the Truth of the Giant Beasts?!
    In onda il: 2023-11-01 While a Shiota Chemical offer to send the company a college-educated intern leaves Tetsuro feeling threatened, a brave move by a young researcher may be the break they need to learn what the Giant Beasts really are. In onda il: 2023-11-08 6: The New Star Employee Is a Problem Child?! Okino Snaps at the Cold-Hearted Smarty-Pants!
    The new intern arrives but immediately starts getting the backs up of the rest of the team. Meanwhile, the mouse released by Tetsuro on Ryugan Island re-emerges in an altered state. 6: The New Star Employee Is a Problem Child?! Okino Snaps at the Cold-Hearted Smarty-Pants!
    In onda il: 2023-11-08 The new intern arrives but immediately starts getting the backs up of the rest of the team. Meanwhile, the mouse released by Tetsuro on Ryugan Island re-emerges in an altered state. In onda il: 2023-11-15 7: Shiro Loses Control! Can They Save Their Stranded Companions? Bullbuster’s First Urban Battle!
    The Giant Beast that was formerly Arumi's pet dog turns out to be less dead than it first appeared. With it running amok in Shiota Bio's HQ, can the team neutralize the threat before things get even more out of hand? 7: Shiro Loses Control! Can They Save Their Stranded Companions? Bullbuster’s First Urban Battle!
    In onda il: 2023-11-15 The Giant Beast that was formerly Arumi's pet dog turns out to be less dead than it first appeared. With it running amok in Shiota Bio's HQ, can the team neutralize the threat before things get even more out of hand? In onda il: 2023-11-22 8: Muto Roars! The Sorrows of a Man Left Behind by Time... And What Does Shiota Have Up Its Sleeve?
    With the company modernizing more and more, old hand Muto feels like things were simpler before all the high-tech machines and smartphones. But with the bigwigs looking to throw extra funds at Namidome, will this stick-in-the-mud prove to be a hindrance? 8: Muto Roars! The Sorrows of a Man Left Behind by Time... And What Does Shiota Have Up Its Sleeve?
    In onda il: 2023-11-22 With the company modernizing more and more, old hand Muto feels like things were simpler before all the high-tech machines and smartphones. But with the bigwigs looking to throw extra funds at Namidome, will this stick-in-the-mud prove to be a hindrance? In onda il: 2023-11-29 9: The Merger Draws Near! Shiota's Plot, and the Origin of the Giant Beasts, Are Both Revealed! What Will Namidome Do?
    As the finer points of the prospective merger between Shiota and Namidome Industries get hammered out, a potential root cause of the giant beast mutation is finally discovered. 9: The Merger Draws Near! Shiota's Plot, and the Origin of the Giant Beasts, Are Both Revealed! What Will Namidome Do?
    In onda il: 2023-11-29 As the finer points of the prospective merger between Shiota and Namidome Industries get hammered out, a potential root cause of the giant beast mutation is finally discovered. In onda il: 2023-12-06 10: Namidome Industries on the Verge of Collapse! A Clash of Emotions... Tajima Makes the Hard Call!
    Following the bombshell about the potential origins of the Giant Beasts, each member of the team grapples with what to do with the info. Will they simply stay quiet and let the merger happen as planned, or will their desire for the truth win out? 10: Namidome Industries on the Verge of Collapse! A Clash of Emotions... Tajima Makes the Hard Call!
    In onda il: 2023-12-06 Following the bombshell about the potential origins of the Giant Beasts, each member of the team grapples with what to do with the info. Will they simply stay quiet and let the merger happen as planned, or will their desire for the truth win out? In onda il: 2023-12-13 11: Namidome Strikes Back! The Secret Weapon to Resist an Evil Corporation Is... Leather Coral?!
    After the collapse of the merger between Namidome Industries and Shiota, it seems like Namidome's days are numbered. That is, until a man representing another company shows up with an interesting proposal... 11: Namidome Strikes Back! The Secret Weapon to Resist an Evil Corporation Is... Leather Coral?!
    In onda il: 2023-12-13 After the collapse of the merger between Namidome Industries and Shiota, it seems like Namidome's days are numbered. That is, until a man representing another company shows up with an interesting proposal... In onda il: 2023-12-20 12: Rise, Bullbuster! All Out War Between Namidome and Shiota! Which Will Prevail: the Big Business’s Logic or the Small Business’s Guts?!
    Standing up for the little guy against big business, Namidome Industries declares war on Shiota Chemical and sets about ridding Ryugan Island of the Giant Beasts as well as the bacteria that has been causing the animals to mutate. 12: Rise, Bullbuster! All Out War Between Namidome and Shiota! Which Will Prevail: the Big Business’s Logic or the Small Business’s Guts?!
    In onda il: 2023-12-20 Standing up for the little guy against big business, Namidome Industries declares war on Shiota Chemical and sets about ridding Ryugan Island of the Giant Beasts as well as the bacteria that has been causing the animals to mutate. Anteprima Ufficiale
  19. Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei [11/12] (2024) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Irregular at Magic High School
    Stagione 3    Episodi 13        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    In un mondo in cui la magia non è una favola ma esiste da cento anni, i fratelli Tatsuya e Miyuki Shiba si preparano a iniziare i loro studi presso l'élite Private Magic University Affiliated High School (Magic High School in breve). Entrando a diversi livelli dello spettro accademico, i due trasformano il campus un tempo tranquillo in uno caotico.
    Editor 中村悠一
    Tatsuya Shiba (voice) 早見沙織
    Miyuki Shiba (voice) 日笠陽子
    Angelina Kudou Shields (voice) 内山夕実
    Erika Chiba (voice) 寺島拓篤
    Leonhard Saijou (voice) 佐藤聡美
    Mizuki Shibata (voice) 田丸篤志
    Mikihiko Yoshida (voice) 雨宮天
    Honoka Mitsui (voice) 巽悠衣子
    Shizuku Kitayama (voice) 花澤香菜
    Mayumi Saegusa (voice) 井上麻里奈
    Mari Watanabe (voice) 諏訪部順一
    Katsuto Juumonji (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: Double Seven (1)
    It has reached the month of April in 2096, and various aspects of Tatsuya's life was changing as he advances to the second year. Tatsuya and Mizuki transferred to the newly established Department of Magical Engineering, and Mikihiko has also transferred out of Course 2, and was now a Course 1 student. Along with this change, Tatsuya and Miyuki were now living with Minami who was sent to stay with them by the Yotsuba Family. Tatsuya enters the school year hoping they would have a peaceful student life this time around, but the new year meant the arrival of new students, like Kasumi and Izumi, the twins of the Sagusa Family, and Takuma Shippou, the new student valedictorian who feels a rivalry towards the Saegusa Family. All of them having their own quirk or two, for better or for worse... 1: Double Seven (1)
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 It has reached the month of April in 2096, and various aspects of Tatsuya's life was changing as he advances to the second year. Tatsuya and Mizuki transferred to the newly established Department of Magical Engineering, and Mikihiko has also transferred out of Course 2, and was now a Course 1 student. Along with this change, Tatsuya and Miyuki were now living with Minami who was sent to stay with them by the Yotsuba Family. Tatsuya enters the school year hoping they would have a peaceful student life this time around, but the new year meant the arrival of new students, like Kasumi and Izumi, the twins of the Sagusa Family, and Takuma Shippou, the new student valedictorian who feels a rivalry towards the Saegusa Family. All of them having their own quirk or two, for better or for worse... In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: Double Seven (2)
    The entrance ceremony has ended, and club recruitment of the freshmen has begun. Amidst the competitive recruitment frenzy, the Robot Research Club and Motorcycle Club were getting in a heated stare off over a freshman that both clubs were aiming to recruit. Kasumi, from the Disciplinary Committee, and Shippou, from the Extracurricular Activities Federation, intervene. However, now the two who had come to break up the fight begin arguing amongst themselves over who should have authority over the situation, and were on the brink of initiating a physical fight. Meanwhile, Koichi, the head of the Saegusa Family, was devising a plan to mitigate the Yotsuba Family's power through a false anti-magician campaign that the USNA's Humanist Extremist group was drawing up for the media. 2: Double Seven (2)
    In onda il: 2024-04-12 The entrance ceremony has ended, and club recruitment of the freshmen has begun. Amidst the competitive recruitment frenzy, the Robot Research Club and Motorcycle Club were getting in a heated stare off over a freshman that both clubs were aiming to recruit. Kasumi, from the Disciplinary Committee, and Shippou, from the Extracurricular Activities Federation, intervene. However, now the two who had come to break up the fight begin arguing amongst themselves over who should have authority over the situation, and were on the brink of initiating a physical fight. Meanwhile, Koichi, the head of the Saegusa Family, was devising a plan to mitigate the Yotsuba Family's power through a false anti-magician campaign that the USNA's Humanist Extremist group was drawing up for the media. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: Double Seven (3)
    Information gets out that Kanda, an anti-magic advocate and Diet member, will visit First High School with the media to observe the school's curriculum, claiming that he has heard disturbing rumors about it. He plans to create an uproar with the media and assert that the school is brainwashing students into the military - if he finds anything suspicious of that nature. To stop this ploy, Tatsuya suggests performing an experiment showing the students creating a Sustained Gravity Control-Type Magic Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor = Stellar Furnace. The students plan on demonstrating that the magic education they receive at the school can solve energy problems, and that magic can contribute to the peace of humankind depending on the type of magic they use. 3: Double Seven (3)
    In onda il: 2024-04-19 Information gets out that Kanda, an anti-magic advocate and Diet member, will visit First High School with the media to observe the school's curriculum, claiming that he has heard disturbing rumors about it. He plans to create an uproar with the media and assert that the school is brainwashing students into the military - if he finds anything suspicious of that nature. To stop this ploy, Tatsuya suggests performing an experiment showing the students creating a Sustained Gravity Control-Type Magic Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor = Stellar Furnace. The students plan on demonstrating that the magic education they receive at the school can solve energy problems, and that magic can contribute to the peace of humankind depending on the type of magic they use. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: Double Seven (4)
    News outlets were enthusiastically reporting the great success of the stellar furnace experiment carried out by the students at First High School. However, since Takuma Shippou had heard from his father that the Saegusa Family was going to be the ones to deal with Diet member Kanda, he thinks they used Tatsuya to claim credit for the experiment's success themselves. Takuma then takes his pent-up anger out on Kasumi Saegusa, who he happened to pass by on campus. Kasumi, unable to turn a blind eye to these insults against her family, is on the brink of engaging in a magic fight with Takuma... But then, the Disciplinary Committee intervenes before either of them makes their move, and takes them in for questioning. Tatsuya suggests they let them duke it out in an official match to end this mutual enmity between the two once and for all. 4: Double Seven (4)
    In onda il: 2024-04-26 News outlets were enthusiastically reporting the great success of the stellar furnace experiment carried out by the students at First High School. However, since Takuma Shippou had heard from his father that the Saegusa Family was going to be the ones to deal with Diet member Kanda, he thinks they used Tatsuya to claim credit for the experiment's success themselves. Takuma then takes his pent-up anger out on Kasumi Saegusa, who he happened to pass by on campus. Kasumi, unable to turn a blind eye to these insults against her family, is on the brink of engaging in a magic fight with Takuma... But then, the Disciplinary Committee intervenes before either of them makes their move, and takes them in for questioning. Tatsuya suggests they let them duke it out in an official match to end this mutual enmity between the two once and for all. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: Steeplechase (1)
    A notice has been sent to the magic high schools across the country that a portion of the events in the Nine Schools Competition will be changed. Shockingly, three of the six events will be changed. In order to respond to the sudden change in events, First High School's Student Council is thrown in a frenzy to understand the new rules, reselecting athletes and readjusting their CADs. While everyone was complaining about the Competition's management due to the sudden change in timing, one month before the start of the Nine Schools Competition, Tatsuya had a growing suspicion about the strong military flavor of all the newly added events. 5: Steeplechase (1)
    In onda il: 2024-05-03 A notice has been sent to the magic high schools across the country that a portion of the events in the Nine Schools Competition will be changed. Shockingly, three of the six events will be changed. In order to respond to the sudden change in events, First High School's Student Council is thrown in a frenzy to understand the new rules, reselecting athletes and readjusting their CADs. While everyone was complaining about the Competition's management due to the sudden change in timing, one month before the start of the Nine Schools Competition, Tatsuya had a growing suspicion about the strong military flavor of all the newly added events. In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: Steeplechase (2)
    Tatsuya and the other Student Council members were spending their days extremely busy in order to deal with the sudden change of events for the Nine Schools Competition. However, out of the blue, Tatsuya receives an email from an unknown sender. The email states that the changes in the competition were due to pressure from the JDF, and that the Kudou Family was planning to piggyback on the JDF's order to test out a secretly developed military weapon at the Steeplechase Cross-country Event. This prompts Tatsuya to head to Nara, where the Kudou Family's stronghold is based, to find out more about the experiments they are conducting. 6: Steeplechase (2)
    In onda il: 2024-05-10 Tatsuya and the other Student Council members were spending their days extremely busy in order to deal with the sudden change of events for the Nine Schools Competition. However, out of the blue, Tatsuya receives an email from an unknown sender. The email states that the changes in the competition were due to pressure from the JDF, and that the Kudou Family was planning to piggyback on the JDF's order to test out a secretly developed military weapon at the Steeplechase Cross-country Event. This prompts Tatsuya to head to Nara, where the Kudou Family's stronghold is based, to find out more about the experiments they are conducting. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: Steeplechase (3)
    It turns out that the secret experiments that the Kudou Family has been conducting was for developing parasite dolls, a female combat robot possessed by a parasite. Experiments on the dolls' operations are being conducted at the Steeplechase Cross-country venue, where security is abnormally tight - so much so that Tatsuya himself can't even break into the premises. As such, Tatsuya orders Pixie to keep an eye out for the parasites while he conducts adjustments to the CADs and gives instructions to the underclassmen as an engineer. However, this continual sense of nervousness and nonstop days of hard work are tiring out Tatsuya. He's never felt this tired before. 7: Steeplechase (3)
    In onda il: 2024-05-17 It turns out that the secret experiments that the Kudou Family has been conducting was for developing parasite dolls, a female combat robot possessed by a parasite. Experiments on the dolls' operations are being conducted at the Steeplechase Cross-country venue, where security is abnormally tight - so much so that Tatsuya himself can't even break into the premises. As such, Tatsuya orders Pixie to keep an eye out for the parasites while he conducts adjustments to the CADs and gives instructions to the underclassmen as an engineer. However, this continual sense of nervousness and nonstop days of hard work are tiring out Tatsuya. He's never felt this tired before. In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: Steeplechase (4)
    The women's division of the Steeplechase Cross-country Event has finally begun. Tatsuya has Pixie figure out the location of all the parasite dolls and tries to eliminate them before they come into contact with the players. However, the parasite dolls unleash their magic at speeds that exceed Tatsuya's imagination. Though it is difficult, he manages to seal away the first parasite doll. Tatsuya goes on to seal away the remaining parasite dolls one after another, but the highest-performance models, the Prime Four, now stand in his way. 8: Steeplechase (4)
    In onda il: 2024-05-24 The women's division of the Steeplechase Cross-country Event has finally begun. Tatsuya has Pixie figure out the location of all the parasite dolls and tries to eliminate them before they come into contact with the players. However, the parasite dolls unleash their magic at speeds that exceed Tatsuya's imagination. Though it is difficult, he manages to seal away the first parasite doll. Tatsuya goes on to seal away the remaining parasite dolls one after another, but the highest-performance models, the Prime Four, now stand in his way. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: Ancient City Insurrection (1)
    The Nine Schools Competition has ended, and it is now the second semester. Ayako and Fumiya visit Tatsuya to deliver a letter they were entrusted directly from Maya. The letter was a request asking for Tatsuya's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. The Kurobas were also pursuing him but lost sight of him in the Kyoto area. It seems Gongjin Zhou has been receiving help from the Traditionalists, a faction of Ancient Magicians, in his escape. The Traditionalists and the Kudou Family have been in conflict with each other for many years. So, Tatsuya decides to reach out to Fujibayashi, Retsu Kudou's granddaughter, to ask for Retsu's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. 9: Ancient City Insurrection (1)
    In onda il: 2024-05-31 The Nine Schools Competition has ended, and it is now the second semester. Ayako and Fumiya visit Tatsuya to deliver a letter they were entrusted directly from Maya. The letter was a request asking for Tatsuya's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. The Kurobas were also pursuing him but lost sight of him in the Kyoto area. It seems Gongjin Zhou has been receiving help from the Traditionalists, a faction of Ancient Magicians, in his escape. The Traditionalists and the Kudou Family have been in conflict with each other for many years. So, Tatsuya decides to reach out to Fujibayashi, Retsu Kudou's granddaughter, to ask for Retsu's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: Ancient City Insurrection (2)
    In order to obtain cooperation from Retsu Kudou to capture Gongjin Zhou, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Minami visit Nara, the home of the Kudou Family. Retsu Kudou readily accepts Tatsuya's offer and introduces him to his grandson, Minoru. Minoru is one year Tatsuya's junior, and although he is physically weak, he is said to be a very powerful magician. At the dinner table, Minoru hears that Tatsuya and his friends are looking for a traditional magic user and offers his help. The next day, as Tatsuya and the others are scouting the Traditionalists' base in Nara under Minoru's guidance, they are attacked by the Traditionalists at Nara Park. 10: Ancient City Insurrection (2)
    In onda il: 2024-06-07 In order to obtain cooperation from Retsu Kudou to capture Gongjin Zhou, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Minami visit Nara, the home of the Kudou Family. Retsu Kudou readily accepts Tatsuya's offer and introduces him to his grandson, Minoru. Minoru is one year Tatsuya's junior, and although he is physically weak, he is said to be a very powerful magician. At the dinner table, Minoru hears that Tatsuya and his friends are looking for a traditional magic user and offers his help. The next day, as Tatsuya and the others are scouting the Traditionalists' base in Nara under Minoru's guidance, they are attacked by the Traditionalists at Nara Park. In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Ancient City Insurrection (3)
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Ancient City Insurrection (3)
    In onda il: 2024-06-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Episode 12
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12
    In onda il: 2024-06-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-06-28 13: Episode 13
    Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13
    In onda il: 2024-06-28 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  20. Tonari no Kyuuketsuki san [12/12] (2018) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Tonari no Kyuuketsuki san
    Titolo inglese    Ms vampire who lives in my neighborhood
    Titolo breve    kyuketsukisan
    Titolo Kanji    となりの吸血鬼さん
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Fantasy  
    Anno    2018
    Tratto da    Manga 4-koma
    Stagioni    Autunno (2018)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Dopo essersi persa nel bosco, Akari viene salvata da una ragazza-vampiro di nome Sophie. Da quel momento, Akari inizia a nutrire un certo interesse per Sophie che, però, preferisce stare per conto suo.
  21. Trinity Seven Movie 1: Eternity Library to Alchemic Girl (2017) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Gekijouban Trinity Seven -Yuukyuu Toshokan to Renkinjutsu Shoujo-
    Titolo inglese    Gekijouban Trinity Seven: Eternity Library & Alchemic Girl
    Titolo breve    Trinity Seven Movie
    Titolo Kanji    劇場版 トリニティセブン -悠久図書館と錬金術少女-
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Film  
    Genere    Azione  Combattimento  Soprannaturale  
    Anno    2017
    Tratto da    Manga
    Stagioni    Inverno (2017)
    Episodi    1
    Stato in patria    completato
    Dopo aver inavvertitamente toccato il Grimoire di Lilith, Hermes Apocrypha, Arata viene avvolta da una luce bianca ed una ragazza compare davanti ai suoi occhi. La ragazza dice di chiamarsi Lilim, e tratta Arata e Lilith come fossero suoi parenti; nel frattempo, la Libreria Eterna si risveglia, liberando il White Demon Lord, culmine finale dell'alchimia lì imprigionato. Lo scopo del White Demon Lord è quello di eliminare Arata e le Trinity Seven e diventare il Demon Lord. L'attacco del White Demon Lord scatena una crisi in grado di distruggere il mondo, se Arata e le Trinity Seven non riusciranno a sconfiggerlo.
  22. Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu [13/13 + Special] (2018) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudo-bu
    Titolo inglese: Tsurune: Kazemai High School's Archery Club
    Titolo breve: Tsurune
    Titolo Kanji: ツルネ
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Commedia  Psicologico  Scolastico  Sport 
    Anno: 2018 - 2019
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Autunno (2018) Inverno (2019)
    Episodi : 13+1
    Stato in patria: completato
    Sin da bambino Minato Narumiya è affascinato dal kyūdō, il tiro con l'arco tradizionale giapponese, precisamente da quando la sua defunta madre l'ha portato a vedere una gara. Durante l'incontro, il piccolo Minato è rimasto rapito dallo "tsurune", il suono dello scocco, incominciando a desiderare di riuscire a produrlo lui stesso. Così, alle scuole medie, diviene una grande promessa di quest'arte marziale. Tuttavia, un giorno qualcosa si rompe e Minato non riesce più a cogliere il fino ad allora sempre centrato bersaglio. Sconfortato, abbandona la disciplina finché, arrivato al liceo, si riavvicina al club di tiro con l'arco con alcuni nuovi compagni e alcuni vecchi amici d'infanzia, puntando al torneo della prefettura, anche grazie alla guida di un nuovo giovane maestro.
  23. Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party o Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life Suru Koto ni Shimashita [13/13] (2021) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streamming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Banished from the Hero's Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    In un mondo fantastico in cui una ragazza con la Protezione Divina dell'Eroe combatte contro il signore dei demoni, Red, il fratello maggiore della giovane eroina, è in possesso della Protezione divina della Guida, che gli garantisce solo un alto livello iniziale e per questo motivo può combattere solo all'inizio delle battaglie. Tuttavia, con una Protezione Divina che dà solamente un alto livello ma nessuna magia, né arte marziale o abilità soprannaturale, Red non riesce a tenere il passo dei suoi compagni e viene cacciato fuori dal gruppo. Col cuore infranto, Red lascia il campo di battaglia con l'obiettivo di vivere una vita solitaria, guadagnandosi da vivere vendendo erbe grazie alle conoscenze acquisite durante i suoi viaggi.
    Ruriko Watanabe
    Character Designer Makoto Hoshino
    Series Director Yui Nishio
    Theme Song Performance JYOCHO
    Theme Song Performance Megumi Shimizu
    Series Composition Ryota Suzuki
    Red (voice) Kanon Takao
    Rit (voice) Naomi Ohzora
    Ruti (voice) Yumiri Hanamori
    Van (voice) Ai Kakuma
    Lavender (voice) Satoshi Mikami
    Cardinal Ljubo (voice) Aya Uchida
    Esta (voice) Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2021-10-06 1: Tu non sei un vero compagno
    Red si gode la vita lenta, raccoglie erbe medicinali e risparmia per aprire un negozio. La sua vita non è stata sempre così semplice, ma se lo tiene per sé. Quando un ragazzo del posto si ammala, Red entra in azione. Rit è incuriosita quando ne viene a conoscenza, ma perché? 1: Tu non sei un vero compagno
    In onda il: 2021-10-06 Red si gode la vita lenta, raccoglie erbe medicinali e risparmia per aprire un negozio. La sua vita non è stata sempre così semplice, ma se lo tiene per sé. Quando un ragazzo del posto si ammala, Red entra in azione. Rit è incuriosita quando ne viene a conoscenza, ma perché? In onda il: 2021-10-13 2: The Princess Who Didn't Join the Hero's Party
    Red hoped for the slow life but not slow business. Rit offers to help, but is it more than he wants? Red reflects on their history together and how Rit has changed. The Hero's party welcomes a new member and prepares for a new quest. 2: The Princess Who Didn't Join the Hero's Party
    In onda il: 2021-10-13 Red hoped for the slow life but not slow business. Rit offers to help, but is it more than he wants? Red reflects on their history together and how Rit has changed. The Hero's party welcomes a new member and prepares for a new quest. In onda il: 2021-10-20 3: Let's Start Our Quiet Life Together
    Red and Rit's partnership begins. Red explains how Blessings works to Tanta and his friend. Rit helps try to get Red's new concoction approved. Red tries a new product to boost sales. Some of the Heroes' party have second thoughts about Gideon leaving. 3: Let's Start Our Quiet Life Together
    In onda il: 2021-10-20 Red and Rit's partnership begins. Red explains how Blessings works to Tanta and his friend. Rit helps try to get Red's new concoction approved. Red tries a new product to boost sales. Some of the Heroes' party have second thoughts about Gideon leaving. In onda il: 2021-10-27 4: Of Mead and Motives
    Red ponders his new life. Rit has a hankering for mead. Red gets an unfriendly visit. A sauna trip turns into a "heated" contest. Zeff's sauna business is in need of saving. Red finally learns what caused Rit's hankering. The Hero's party is on the rocks. 4: Of Mead and Motives
    In onda il: 2021-10-27 Red ponders his new life. Rit has a hankering for mead. Red gets an unfriendly visit. A sauna trip turns into a "heated" contest. Zeff's sauna business is in need of saving. Red finally learns what caused Rit's hankering. The Hero's party is on the rocks. In onda il: 2021-11-03 5: The Amber Bracelet
    Rit has some important visitors who want her back in the guild, and they're not the only ones. Red gives Rit a gift, and she recalls the time she spent with him in the Hero's party. Rit has a run-in with Dir. Ruti recalls how she felt when Red left. 5: The Amber Bracelet
    In onda il: 2021-11-03 Rit has some important visitors who want her back in the guild, and they're not the only ones. Red gives Rit a gift, and she recalls the time she spent with him in the Hero's party. Rit has a run-in with Dir. Ruti recalls how she felt when Red left. In onda il: 2021-11-10 6: The Rampage Begins
    Red's visit with Dr. Newman becomes an emergency. Red and Rit have fun by the river. Will they take it to the next level? The Hero's Party seeks the former Demon Lord's weapon. Red reminisces about Ruti. A stormy night is suddenly interrupted. 6: The Rampage Begins
    In onda il: 2021-11-10 Red's visit with Dr. Newman becomes an emergency. Red and Rit have fun by the river. Will they take it to the next level? The Hero's Party seeks the former Demon Lord's weapon. Red reminisces about Ruti. A stormy night is suddenly interrupted. In onda il: 2021-11-17 7: The Chaos After the Storm
    Al is injured, but where are his parents? Ademi vanishes after accusations arise, and the people rise in protest. Red springs into action when Tanta is hauled in for questioning. The Hero's party's quest for the previous Demon Lord's weapon ends. 7: The Chaos After the Storm
    In onda il: 2021-11-17 Al is injured, but where are his parents? Ademi vanishes after accusations arise, and the people rise in protest. Red springs into action when Tanta is hauled in for questioning. The Hero's party's quest for the previous Demon Lord's weapon ends. In onda il: 2021-11-24 8: The Man Who Would Be a Hero
    The double bed finally arrives. Rit tries to thwart a plot. Bighawk unveils his plan. When one of his own is in danger, Red comes to the rescue. Albert's quest for glory takes a dark turn. Al defuses an angry mob and heads off on his first adventure. 8: The Man Who Would Be a Hero
    In onda il: 2021-11-24 The double bed finally arrives. Rit tries to thwart a plot. Bighawk unveils his plan. When one of his own is in danger, Red comes to the rescue. Albert's quest for glory takes a dark turn. Al defuses an angry mob and heads off on his first adventure. In onda il: 2021-12-01 9: Days of Peace and Ease
    Ruti and Tisse go on a quest for a certain medicine, but can they avoid attracting attention? Red and Rit try to drum up business. Red and Tisse unwittingly cross paths. Rit and Red aid a sick fay. Ruti finds what she's looking for and then some. 9: Days of Peace and Ease
    In onda il: 2021-12-01 Ruti and Tisse go on a quest for a certain medicine, but can they avoid attracting attention? Red and Rit try to drum up business. Red and Tisse unwittingly cross paths. Rit and Red aid a sick fay. Ruti finds what she's looking for and then some. In onda il: 2021-12-08 10: The Story of Saving the Hero
    Ruti reunites with Gideon and tries to get him to rejoin her party. But seeing how happy he is, she has to make a tough choice. Tisse and Ruti have a communication breakdown. Bui hunts for something he needs. Ruti opens up about her emotions. 10: The Story of Saving the Hero
    In onda il: 2021-12-08 Ruti reunites with Gideon and tries to get him to rejoin her party. But seeing how happy he is, she has to make a tough choice. Tisse and Ruti have a communication breakdown. Bui hunts for something he needs. Ruti opens up about her emotions. In onda il: 2021-12-15 11: A Gathering of Champions
    Tisse gets Red up to speed about Ruti's situation. Red and Danan catch up. Ares encounters Danan, too, but something doesn't add up. Red and company head for an ancient ruins to find Ruti, but a fateful showdown awaits when former comrades cross paths. 11: A Gathering of Champions
    In onda il: 2021-12-15 Tisse gets Red up to speed about Ruti's situation. Red and Danan catch up. Ares encounters Danan, too, but something doesn't add up. Red and company head for an ancient ruins to find Ruti, but a fateful showdown awaits when former comrades cross paths. In onda il: 2021-12-22 12: A Parting of Ways
    Red and company seek Ares in the ancient elven ruins. Ares tries to make Ruti return to her role as the Hero. Danan confronts and exposes Bui and Theodora makes a shocking move. Friendships are tested and comrades betrayed in a climactic battle. 12: A Parting of Ways
    In onda il: 2021-12-22 Red and company seek Ares in the ancient elven ruins. Ares tries to make Ruti return to her role as the Hero. Danan confronts and exposes Bui and Theodora makes a shocking move. Friendships are tested and comrades betrayed in a climactic battle. In onda il: 2021-12-29 13: The Guide
    Ruti learns what it means to be the Hero, and Theodora has a change of heart. Ruti enjoys the slow life. Red and company attend Ares' funeral and ponder the mystery of the holy swords. Red and Rit grow even closer, but is a complication on the horizon? 13: The Guide
    In onda il: 2021-12-29 Ruti learns what it means to be the Hero, and Theodora has a change of heart. Ruti enjoys the slow life. Red and company attend Ares' funeral and ponder the mystery of the holy swords. Red and Rit grow even closer, but is a complication on the horizon? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  24. Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi
    Titolo inglese: My Tiny Senpai
    Titolo Kanji: うちの会社の小さい先輩の話
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Commedia  Sentimentale  Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: annunciato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato
    Shinozaki è un impiegato che si prende cura della sua collega Katase Shiori, che reputa gentile e amorevole. Forse i sorrisi della donna sono solo espressione di cortesia, come pensa il giovane, ma è comunque felice di starle accanto.
  25. To aru Majutsu no Index: Endymion no Kiseki - Movie (2013) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Gekijouban To aru Majutsu no Index: Endymion no Kiseki
    Titolo inglese    A Certain Magical Index the Movie - The Miracle of Endymion
    Titolo Kanji    劇場版 とある魔術の禁書目録[インデックス] エンデュミオンの奇蹟
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Film  
    Genere    Azione  Fantascienza  Soprannaturale  
    Anno    2013
    Episodi    1
    Stato in patria    completato
    Poco prima che nella Città Accademia venga completato l'ascensore spaziale "Endimione", Touma fa la conoscenza di una ragazza di Livello 0 (senza poteri speciali) di nome Arisa. Contemporaneamente però una squadra di maghi si infiltra nella città, contrastata da un team interno della Città.
    La giovane Arisa però potrebbe essere la chiave per scongiurare una possibile guerra tra il mondo della magia e quello della scienza.
  26. Fairy Tail Movie 2: Dragon Cry (2017) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Scheda dell’anime *
    Titolo: Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry
    Titolo Originale: 劇場版 FAIRY TAIL 『DRAGON CRY』
    Trasmesso: 2017
    Durata: 84 minuti
    Genere: Fantasy, shounen, magia
    Soggetto originale: Hiro Mashima
    Regia: Tatsuma Minamikawa
    Musiche: Yasuharu Takanashi
    Character Design: : Yuuko Yamada
    Studio: A-1 Pictures
    Episodi: 1
    Secondo film dedicato al manga di Hiro Mashima.
    Natsu, Lucy, Happy e gli altri membri di Fairy Tail, vengono chiamati dal Re per una importante missione: recuperare il Dragon Cry, un artefatto magico, rubato giorni addietro da un tempio di Fiore, con abbastanza potere da distruggere una nazione.
    Il gruppo parte così per il regno di Stella, dove si trova l’uomo in possesso del Dragon Cry.
  27. Kizuna no Allele [24/24] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Kizuna no Allele
    Titolo inglese: Kizuna no Allele
    Titolo Kanji: 絆のアリル
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Musica 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Opera originale
    Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Autunno (2023)
    Episodi : 24
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    "Miracle" è una ragazza che sogna di diventare un'artista virtuale proprio come Kizuna Ai. "Diventerò la persona che desidero e porterò un sogno e una speranza al mondo!" "Miracle" insieme alla sua forte volontà inizia a muoversi verso un punto più alto con i suoi amici che condividono la stessa passione. La sua storia inizia ora...
  28. Mahou Tsukai no Yome Season 2 [24/24] (2023) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Mahou Tsukai no Yome Season 2
    Titolo inglese: The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2
    Titolo Kanji: 魔法使いの嫁 SEASON2
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Fantasy  Magia  Mistero  Sentimentale  Slice of Life  Soprannaturale 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Shounen
    Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Autunno (2023)
    Episodi : 24
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio in corso, Sottotitoli in corso
    Chise è riuscita ad accettare se stessa ed Elias. Ora che Cartaphilus dorme profondamente, ha trovato finalmente un po’ di pace, ma ecco che viene invitata a recarsi al college, la scuola degli stregoni… Nelle profondità della British Library si apre il sipario su un nuovo palcoscenico e prende vita una nuova storia. Gli esseri umani imparano, pensano, crescono… E quelli non umani?
  29. Otona no Bōguya-san [12/12] (2018) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Otona no Bōguya-san
    Titolo inglese    Adult Armor Shop / Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen
    Titolo breve    otonabougu
    Titolo Kanji    おとなの防具屋さん
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Commedia  Ecchi  Fantasy  Slice of Life  
    Anno    2018
    Tratto da    Web Manga 4-Koma
    Stagioni    Autunno (2018)
    Episodi    12
    In un mondo fantastico nel segno della "Spada e Stregoneria", il giovane villico Kautsu finisce impiegato in un negozio di equipaggiamenti per avventurieri che però è specializzato in articoli un po' per adulti...
  30. Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! [23/23] (2019) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! Season 2
    Titolo inglese    Ace Attorney Season 2
    Titolo breve    Ace Attorney 2
    Titolo Kanji    逆転裁判~その「真実」, 異議あり!~ Season 2
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Azione  Legal Drama  
    Anno    2018 - 2019
    Tratto da    Videogioco
    Stagioni    Autunno (2018) Inverno (2019)
    Episodi    23
    Stato in patria    completato
    Seconda serie anime di “Ace Attorney” (basata sul terzo videogame della serie “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Trials and Tribulation”.
    Alcuni anni addietro Mia Fey, a quei tempi solo una giovane avvocatessa alle prime armi, difese un giovane Phoenix Wright in tribunale da un'accusa di omicidio. I misteri sollevati da quel processo riaffiorano nuovamente al giorno d'oggi e sarà compito di Phoenix scoprire finalmente la verità.
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