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  1. Divisive Echoes - Twilight Of The Round Table (2024) 48-24 Genre: Melodic Power Metal, Heavy Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 53:30 Full Size: 684.61 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  2. Nordic Twilight - Nordic Twilight (2024) 44.1-24 Country: Finland Genre: Symphonic Power Metal, Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 39:16 Full Size: 479.68 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  3. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Twilight of the Gods Stagione 1    Episodi 8         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure Zack Snyder dà vita a una versione audace e cruenta della mitologia norrena in questa serie animata per adulti incentrata su una guerriera che affronta le divinità con un'ascia. Zack Snyder Executive Producer Jay Oliva Executive Producer Steven Edwards Production Manager Sherry Gunther Producer Wesley Coller Executive Producer Deborah Snyder Executive Producer Hans Zimmer Original Music Composer Steven Doar Original Music Composer Omer Benyamin Original Music Composer Sylvia Hoeks Sigrid (voice) Stuart Martin Leif (voice) Pilou Asbæk Thor (voice) Paterson Joseph Loki (voice) Rahul Kohli Egill (voice) Jamie Clayton Seid-Kona (voice) Kristofer Hivju Andvari (voice) Peter Stormare Ulfr (voice) Birgitte Hjort Sørensen Hervor (voice) Thea Sofie Loch Næss Thyra (voice) Episodi: 8  In onda il: 2024-09-19 1: Il prezzo della sposa Le nozze tra Sigrid e re Leif si trasformano in una tragedia quando Thor scatena la sua ira durante la cerimonia, portando la sposa a giurare vendetta. 1: Il prezzo della sposa In onda il: 2024-09-19 Le nozze tra Sigrid e re Leif si trasformano in una tragedia quando Thor scatena la sua ira durante la cerimonia, portando la sposa a giurare vendetta. In onda il: 2024-09-19 2: La spada eretica Nel regno degli inferi, Loki mette in atto il suo piano. Sigrid e Leif ingaggiano una banda di guerrieri e si mettono a cercare armi realizzate con un metallo che uccide gli dei. 2: La spada eretica In onda il: 2024-09-19 Nel regno degli inferi, Loki mette in atto il suo piano. Sigrid e Leif ingaggiano una banda di guerrieri e si mettono a cercare armi realizzate con un metallo che uccide gli dei. In onda il: 2024-09-19 3: Rallegrerai i suoi corvi I cacciatori di Odino attaccano la banda di Sigrid durante un viaggio pieno di insidie verso Vanaheim. Thor e la sua avversaria mortale si affrontano in battaglia. 3: Rallegrerai i suoi corvi In onda il: 2024-09-19 I cacciatori di Odino attaccano la banda di Sigrid durante un viaggio pieno di insidie verso Vanaheim. Thor e la sua avversaria mortale si affrontano in battaglia. In onda il: 2024-09-19 4: Il verme Per ottenere un moggio di mele magiche da portare alle divinità Vanir, i guerrieri devono macchiare di sangue le spade in uno scontro contro una bestia che difende il frutteto. 4: Il verme In onda il: 2024-09-19 Per ottenere un moggio di mele magiche da portare alle divinità Vanir, i guerrieri devono macchiare di sangue le spade in uno scontro contro una bestia che difende il frutteto. In onda il: 2024-09-19 5: Il dio capro espiatorio Leif e Loki si ritrovano intrappolati in un regno maledetto. Un branco di Primi lupi aiuta i guerrieri. La storia di Sigrid conquista a sorpresa nuovi alleati. 5: Il dio capro espiatorio In onda il: 2024-09-19 Leif e Loki si ritrovano intrappolati in un regno maledetto. Un branco di Primi lupi aiuta i guerrieri. La storia di Sigrid conquista a sorpresa nuovi alleati. In onda il: 2024-09-19 6: E ora ascoltate di... Alla vigilia dello scontro, Sigrid e i suoi compagni condividono racconti fantastici tra magie e onore. Nel campo si scatena la passione e Odino lancia un avvertimento. 6: E ora ascoltate di... In onda il: 2024-09-19 Alla vigilia dello scontro, Sigrid e i suoi compagni condividono racconti fantastici tra magie e onore. Nel campo si scatena la passione e Odino lancia un avvertimento. In onda il: 2024-09-19 7: Datemi un martello L'epica battaglia ha inizio con esseri mortali, giganti e divinità Vanir che affrontano Thor e i suoi soldati. Una pericolosa missione segreta si conclude in un bagno di sangue. 7: Datemi un martello In onda il: 2024-09-19 L'epica battaglia ha inizio con esseri mortali, giganti e divinità Vanir che affrontano Thor e i suoi soldati. Una pericolosa missione segreta si conclude in un bagno di sangue. In onda il: 2024-09-19 8: Il canto di Sigrid Ora che il regno degli dei è a rischio, nascono leggende, cadono eroi e vengono a galla piani segreti. Odino ha una rivelazione scioccante. 8: Il canto di Sigrid In onda il: 2024-09-19 Ora che il regno degli dei è a rischio, nascono leggende, cadono eroi e vengono a galla piani segreti. Odino ha una rivelazione scioccante. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  4. Major Parkinson - Twilight Cinema (2014) 44.1-24 Country: Norway Genre: Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 40:05 Full Size: 468.57 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  5. Descrizione Benvenuti, tutti i sopravvissuti al continente Bonder nella sua onnipresente oscurità! Un gioco di sopravvivenza a tempo limitato intriso di elementi roguelite e uno stile artistico adorabile! Il mondo è sprofondato nell’oscurità e tu sei il suo unico faro di speranza. Resisterai fino all'alba o soccomberai a molteplici morti durante la tua ricerca? Non temere, perché è possibile raccogliere più monete per potenziarti! Un gioco completamente in 3D in stile sopravvissuto! Presenta personaggi e mostri in 3D completo, insieme a effetti sorprendenti. Con i suoi personaggi inediti, adorabili e mostri, ci sono accenni di calore anche nell'oscurità su tre diversi tipi di terreno. Pianure! Montagne innevate! Deserti! E altro ancora! Super armi abbaglianti! Abbatti i tuoi nemici con stile! Prenditi il tuo tempo per sbloccare più di 20 armi, più di 20 abilità e combinale per creare oltre 20 super armi. Falcia i tuoi nemici nello stile più magnifico possibile! Nove personaggi con stili distinti! Ogni personaggio ha armi uniche e alberi dei talenti individuali, ognuno con i propri punti di forza e di debolezza. Trova il tuo personaggio preferito e mettiti alla prova provandone di diversi! Spendi monete per rafforzare i tuoi personaggi con il sistema autonomo Talent Tree, Kwent Card e Lore. Crea un'esperienza di gioco unica che sia solo tua. La versione attuale include: - 9 personaggi giocabili - Oltre 20 armi, oltre 20 abilità e oltre 20 super armi - Sistema di albero dei talenti individuale - Oltre 100 carte Kwent - 4 mappe, 15 livelli - Oltre 50 tipi di mostri Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Twilight.Survivors.v1.0 [ENG]
  6. Jahrin & Reidak - Twilight Whispering (2024) Artist: Jahrin & Reidak Album: Twilight Whispering Released: 2024 Style: Psychedelic Format: MP3 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01.Whispers [07:39] 02.Twilighting [09:23] DOWNLOAD LINK
  7. Necrophobic - In the Twilight Grey (2024) 44.1-24 Country: Sweden Genre: Blackened Death Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 53:57 Full Size: 676.33 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  8. TITOLO ORIGINALE: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 GENERE: Fantasy, Sentimentale ANNO: 2011 REGIA: Bill Condon ATTORI: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Billy Burke, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Kellan Lutz... PAESE: USA DURATA: 119 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Eagle Pictures SCENEGGIATURA: Melissa Rosenberg FOTOGRAFIA: Guillermo Navarro MONTAGGIO: Virginia Katz MUSICHE: Carter Burwell PRODUZIONE: Summit Entertainment Bella e il vampiro Edward, dopo essersi sposati e aver vinto le ultime resistenze di lui, si concedono finalmente l’una all’altro. La ragazza, oltre a cominciare la trasformazione che la renderà immortale, rimane incinta. La sofferta nascita della figlia Renesmee sovvertirà il precario equilibrio tra i Cullen e i Vulturi, destinati a scontrarsi in una nuova battaglia.
  9. Twilight Force - Dawn of the Dragonstar (2019) 44-24 Country: Sweden Genre: Symphonic Power Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:18:24 Full Size: 975.65 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  10. Twilight Force - At the Heart of Wintervale (2023) 44.1-24 Country: Sweden Genre: Symphonic Power Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 44:52 Full Size: 551.59 MB With their new album "At the Heart of Wintervale", the adventure metallers Twilight Force begin the fourth chapter of their epic tale! Scheduled for release on January 20th, 2023, the six heroes embark on a glorious journey through their own fantastic realm - the Twilight Kingdoms - filled to the brim with gallant melodies, fierce riffs, heroic orchestrations, pounding drums and magical sagas resulting in a unique, immersive experience. Combined with stunning artwork by Kerem Beyit and presented live on 2023's Winter Wonder European headlining tour, "At the Heart of Wintervale" is a mandatory quest to join if you are looking for symphonic power metal at its most proficient and captivating. Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  11. Highway Horizon - Twilight Dimension (2022) 48-24 Country: Finland Genre: Melodic Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 55:09 Full Size: 759.47 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  12. TITOLO ORIGINALE: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse GENERE: Fantasy, Sentimentale ANNO: 2008, 2009, 2010 REGIA: Catherine Hardwicke, Chris Weitz, David Slade ATTORI: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz... PAESE: USA DURATA: 376 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Eagle Pictures SCENEGGIATURA: Melissa Rosenberg FOTOGRAFIA: Elliot Davis, Javier Aguirresarobe MONTAGGIO: Nancy Richardson, Peter Lambert, Art Jones, Nancy Richardson MUSICHE: Carter Burwell, Alexandre Desplat, Howard Shore PRODUZIONE: Temple Hill Entertainment Twilight è la storia di Edward Cullen, un vampiro che, come tutti i vampiri, è immortale ma che a differenza di tutti i vampiri non beve sangue umano e non ha i canini appuntiti, e di Bella Swan, tipica teenager americana che ovviamente s'innamora perdutamente del bello quanto tenebroso Edward.
  13. Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra - Legacy of the Dark Lands (2019) 44-24 Country: Germany Genre: Power Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 02:22:16 Full Size: 1.54 GB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  14. Tristan Harders' Twilight Theatre - Drifting Into Insanity (2022) 44.1-24 Country: Germany Genre: Power Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 48:52 Full Size: 610.41 MB Tristan Harders' Twilight Theatre is the solo project by German Power Metal Band Terra Atlantica's vocalist and guitarist Tristan Harders. The intention behind this project is to fill the void and lack of live concerts which was created by the global pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Tristan used the obtained free time to finally record a couple of songs that were gathered over the last decade but never put to an appropriate use. Musically the project is very close to Terra Atlantica's style of early 2000's melodic power metal with lots of catchy choruses and choirs but less dramatic and lyrically more personal in a direct sense. Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  15. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Parte 2 1 h 56 m    2012         Avventura ◦ Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Romance Bella si sveglia trasformata. Ora è madre e vampiro. Il suo autocontrollo è stupefacente, così come la sua forza fisica. Per paradossale che sia, non si è mai sentita più viva. Deve, però, fare i conti con l'imprinting di Jacob su sua figlia Renesmee e rimandare quelli con Charlie, che chiede spiegazioni che non può avere. Ma il vero pericolo arriva quando la piccola viene scambiata per una bambina immortale, ovvero un'umana trasformata, troppo pericolosa per essere lasciata in vita, a causa della sete da neonato e dell'incapacità di mantenere la segretezza. La notizia, sebbene menzognera, giunge ai Volturi, che raccolgono le forze per sbarazzarsi per sempre del clan dei Cullen. Debra Zane Casting Carter Burwell Original Music Composer Guillermo Navarro Director of Photography Karen Rosenfelt Producer Michael Wilkinson Costume Design Wyck Godfrey Producer Doug Hardwick Construction Coordinator Troy Sizemore Supervising Art Director Phil Tippett Visual Effects Supervisor Dane A. Davis Sound Designer Dane A. Davis Supervising Sound Editor Tim Alexander CG Artist Tony Lamberti Sound Re-Recording Mixer Bill Condon Screenplay Bill Condon Director Virginia Katz Editor Marty Bowen Executive Producer Richard Sherman Production Design Jeremy Stanbridge Supervising Art Director Barbara Kelly Associate Producer Marny Eng Stunts E. J. Foerster Second Unit Director Richard De Alba Hairstylist Melissa Rosenberg Screenplay Stephenie Meyer Producer Stephenie Meyer Novel John Bruno Visual Effects Supervisor Krista Bell Stunts Sean Cossey Casting Craig Fincannon Location Casting Lisa Mae Fincannon Location Casting Guy Oseary Executive Producer Mark Morgan Executive Producer Syd Dutton Visual Effects Art Director Clint Carleton Stunts Greg Mooradian Executive Producer Nicholas Davidoff Steadicam Operator Bill Bannerman Unit Production Manager Bill Bannerman Co-Producer Steve C. Aaron Sound Mixer Brown Cooper Camera Operator Jeff Imada Stunt Coordinator Gianna Sparacino Hairstylist Karen Lovell Hairstylist Nerses Gezalyan Foley Mixer David A. Whittaker Sound Effects Editor Lorin Flemming Art Direction Susan Germaine Key Hair Stylist David Schlesinger Set Decoration Roger Vernon Second Unit Director of Photography Brett Armstrong Stunts Ian Slater Editor Gary A. Hecker Foley Jeffery J. Tufano Camera Operator Christopher T. Welch Dialogue Editor Andrea Kinsky Stunts Janene Carleton Stunts Tom Gibbons Animation Supervisor Peter Giliberti CG Artist Jean Ann Black Makeup Department Head Dan Bronson Costume Supervisor Elizabeth Coulon Extras Casting Gary Marullo Foley Michael J. Burmeister Location Manager Jessica Lichtner Script Supervisor Rolf John Keppler Makeup Artist Adam Milo Smalley Music Editor Robert Foster Jr. Transportation Coordinator Christopher Willis Additional Music Michael Sabo Property Master David Crone Steadicam Operator Andrew Cooper Still Photographer Ralph Maiers Visual Effects Supervisor Robin Griffin Visual Effects Producer Mike Szakmeister Dialogue Editor Mike Szakmeister ADR Editor Doane Gregory Still Photographer Rocco Passionino Visual Effects Supervisor Karen M. Murphy Visual Effects Producer George Macri Visual Effects Producer Andrew G. Cox Visual Effects Coordinator Bruce Woloshyn Visual Effects Supervisor Thomas Nittmann Visual Effects Producer Edson Williams Visual Effects Supervisor Brad Minnich Visual Effects Editor Michael Minkler Sound Re-Recording Mixer Sébastien Moreau Visual Effects Supervisor Angela Quiles Production Supervisor Tom Goodrich Studio Teacher Lisa Tutunjian Digital Intermediate Editor Margeaux Fox Hairstylist Earl Woods Rigging Gaffer K. Emily Levine Art Department Coordinator Randall S. Coe Construction Coordinator Jeff Campbell Visual Effects Supervisor Shonta T. McCray Costumer Stephanie Flack Dialogue Editor Sean M. Harding Camera Operator Loan Phan Digital Intermediate Producer Mark Edward Wright Visual Effects Editor Melizah Anguiano Wheat Hairstylist Annette Farnsworth Costumer Paul Becker Choreographer Kosta Saric Visual Effects Editor John Trapman Helicopter Camera Renee Ragucci Costumer Vanessa Galvez Digital Intermediate Beatrice De Alba Hair Department Head Toni Atterbury Unit Publicist Michael Cavanaugh Visual Effects Editor Bonnie Clevering Hairstylist Brent Boates Storyboard Artist Steve McLeod Visual Effects Editor Jerad Marantz Character Designer Sean Oxenbury Rigging Gaffer Matthew W. Kielkopf First Assistant Sound Editor Earl Paraszczynec CG Supervisor Josh Sutherland Visual Effects Editor Joel Sevilla CG Supervisor Michael Applebaum Camera Operator Nevin Swain Property Master Mahmoud Rahnama Visual Effects Supervisor Mihaela Orzea Digital Compositor Charles Rose CG Supervisor Jimmy Almeida Animation Chuck Duke Animation Jongju Lee CG Artist Brandon Terry Visual Effects Editor Andy Hass Animation Howard R. Campbell Lighting Artist Jason Dale First Assistant Editor Isabelle Langlois Visual Effects Producer Janna Roach Assistant Property Master Yuhon Ng Animation Ronald B. Moore Visual Effects Coordinator Heather Rae Miller Costumer Bob Bates Gaffer Chris Navarro ADR Mixer Donn Kennedy Visual Effects Coordinator Forest Sala Key Hair Stylist Pamela Pearl Casting Associate Amanda McGowan Makeup Artist Stacey Panepinto Makeup Artist Frances Jacques-LeCompte Seamstress Rodney Williamson Costumer Reba Saul Costumer Vincent Poitras Digital Compositor Laurent Spillemaecker Compositing Supervisor Bob Kretschmer Wigmaker Megan Coates Costumer Peter D. Roome First Assistant Camera Matt Anderson CG Artist Alexandra Patsavas Music Supervisor Timothy James Kane First Assistant Camera Yvan Lucas Digital Colorist Sonny Kompanek Orchestrator Rochelle Okoye Stunts Mikaël Damant-Sirois CG Supervisor Janet Melody Ager/Dyer Robert Althoff Sound Mix Technician Robert Ulrich ADR & Dubbing Kevin McCloy Rigging Grip Nate Fredenburg Art Direction Jaclyn Kenney Art Department Coordinator J.J. Ogilvy Casting Associate Stacy Caballero Assistant Costume Designer Alison Fraser Assistant Costume Designer Sarah P. Koeppe Costumer Christopher M. Fisher First Assistant Camera Bryan Delorenzo First Assistant Camera Ted Sapp Rigging Grip Ahmed Shehata CG Supervisor Michael Cliett CG Supervisor Scott Singer Digital Effects Supervisor Leslie Adkins-Garza Visual Effects Coordinator Suzanne Murarik Visual Effects Coordinator Yimi Tong Visual Effects Coordinator Blaise Panfalone Visual Effects Coordinator Niketa Roman Visual Effects Coordinator Cassy Vasile Visual Effects Coordinator Ryan Robertson Visual Effects Producer Michael Farrow Scoring Mixer John Mann Storyboard Artist Greg Zenon Second Unit First Assistant Director Mollie Middleditch Costume Assistant Meghan Cornay Costumer Shayna Markowitz Casting Assistant Phillip Norwood Storyboard Artist Chris Derochie CG Animator Raphael Letertre CG Artist Simon Mercier Rotoscoping Artist Mike Wilson Stunts Chris Ankli CG Artist Carl Gagnon CG Artist Steve Cainas Production Coordinator Rick Stribling Key Grip Scott Fritts CG Animator Laetitia Seguin Visual Effects Coordinator Tristan Zerafa Digital Compositor Ruth Hasty Post Production Supervisor Gary Damian Thomas Storyboard Artist Mark Vena Storyboard Artist Tim Sibley CG Artist Karin Silvestri Stunts Skylar Gorrell Special Effects Technician Diana Ascher Post Production Accountant Sebastien Veilleux Digital Compositor André Ü Montambeault Digital Compositor Kevin Struckman CG Artist James Chretien CG Artist Lisa Hazell Hairstylist Riley McDougall Visual Effects Coordinator Rick Newsome Storyboard Designer Justin Muller First Assistant Director Arlend Engar CG Artist Ryan Farris Boom Operator Cristina Patterson Contact Lens Designer Matthieu Veillette Matte Painter Kenton Rannie Compositing Supervisor Derick Loo CG Artist Lauren Weidel Visual Effects Producer Moika Sabourin Matte Painter Simon Devault Digital Compositor Francois Croteau Matte Painter Christine Leclerc CG Artist Robert Olsson Matte Painter Colette Delacroix Seamstress Josa Leah 'SDB' Porter Visual Effects Producer Joey Bonander Visual Effects Coordinator John M. Morse Second Assistant Director Jeremy Roberts Payroll Accountant David Hallinan Second Unit First Assistant Director Dylan Hopkins Second Unit First Assistant Director Jessica Nelson Contact Lens Technician Rickey Verma Digital Compositor Ty Landry Set Dresser Toshiko Miura Digital Compositor John Dinh Digital Compositor Q Fortier Visual Effects Jean-Francois Burdin Rotoscoping Artist Clariss Morgan Hairstylist Somboun Souannhaphanh Animation Elizabeth Holmes Digital Compositor Pedram Ziaei Digital Compositor Christian Morin Digital Compositor Ainslie Thomas Visual Effects Production Manager Robert Pattinson Edward Cullen Kristen Stewart Bella Swan Taylor Lautner Jacob Black Peter Facinelli Carlisle Cullen Elizabeth Reaser Esme Cullen Ashley Greene Alice Cullen Jackson Rathbone Jasper Hale Nikki Reed Rosalie Hale Kellan Lutz Emmett Cullen Billy Burke Charlie Swan Dakota Fanning Jane Volturi Jamie Campbell Bower Caius Volturi Maggie Grace Irina Denali Mackenzie Foy Renesmee Cullen Michael Sheen Aro Volturi Cameron Bright Alec Volturi Chaske Spencer Sam Uley MyAnna Buring Tanya Denali Christopher Heyerdahl Marcus Volturi Julia Jones Leah Clearwater Booboo Stewart Seth Clearwater Andrea Powell Sasha Denali Christian Camargo Eleazar Denali Daniel Cudmore Felix Volturi Guri Weinberg Stefan Lee Pace Garrett Rami Malek Benjamin Casey LaBow Kate Denali Joe Anderson Alistair Angela Sarafyan Tia Valorie Curry Charlotte Noel Fisher Vladimir Tyson Houseman Quil Ateara Lateef Crowder Santiago Volturi Charlie Bewley Demetri Volturi Billy Wagenseller Vasilii Denali Mía Maestro Carmen Denali Wendell Pierce J. Jenks Omar Metwally Amun Andrea Gabriel Kebi Judi Shekoni Zafrina Tracey Heggins Senna Patrick Brennan Liam Marlane Barnes Maggie Toni Trucks Mary Erik Odom Peter Amadou Ly Henri Janelle Froehlich Yvette Masami Kosaka Toshiro Alex Rice Sue Clearwater Marisa Quinn Huilen Bill Tangradi Randall J. D. Pardo Nahuel Lisa Howard Siobahn Breaking Dawn Parte 2 - Trailer Italiano Ufficiale HD ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  16. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Parte 1 1 h 57 m    2011         Avventura ◦ Fantasy ◦ Romance Isabella Swan e Edward Cullen si sposano, mormorano i loro sì in sordina durante una cerimonia tradizionalmente elegante, che per una volta riunisce tutti, umani e non, Jacob compreso. Il viaggio di nozze in Brasile si conclude con una gravidanza inaspettata, per un verso miracolosa (il padre è un non morto), per l'altro pericolosa, per il ritmo di crescita del feto e il rischio a cui è sottoposta la madre. Se Bella non sente ragioni e vuole tenere il bambino, Edward e molti della sua famiglia vorrebbero invece dissuaderla. Carter Burwell Original Music Composer Guillermo Navarro Director of Photography Karen Rosenfelt Producer Michael Wilkinson Costume Design Colin Strause CG Supervisor Wyck Godfrey Producer Troy Sizemore Supervising Art Director Phil Tippett Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Dane A. Davis Supervising Sound Editor Tony Lamberti Sound Re-Recording Mixer Curtis Lindersmith Digital Intermediate Editor Bill Condon Screenplay Bill Condon Director Virginia Katz Editor Marty Bowen Executive Producer Richard Sherman Production Design Barbara Kelly Associate Producer Marny Eng Stunts E. J. Foerster Second Unit Director Anouk Deveault-Moreau Visual Effects Producer Melissa Rosenberg Screenplay Stephenie Meyer Screenplay Stephenie Meyer Producer Stephenie Meyer Novel John Bruno Visual Effects Supervisor Krista Bell Stunts Guy Oseary Executive Producer Mark Morgan Executive Producer Clint Carleton Stunts Greg Mooradian Executive Producer Bill Bannerman Unit Production Manager Bill Bannerman Co-Producer Steve C. Aaron Sound Mixer Jeff Imada Stunt Coordinator Nerses Gezalyan Foley Mixer David A. Whittaker Sound Effects Editor Lorin Flemming Art Direction Susan Germaine Key Hair Stylist David Schlesinger Set Decoration Brett Armstrong Stunts Ken Kokka Visual Effects Producer Ian Slater First Assistant Editor David 'Goldy' Goldsmith Video Assist Operator Andrea Kinsky Stunts Janene Carleton Stunts Tom Gibbons Animation Supervisor Suzanne M.B. Chambliss Set Costumer Jean Ann Black Makeup Department Head Dan Bronson Costume Supervisor Elizabeth Coulon Extras Casting Lauren Ritchie Visual Effects Producer Dottie Starling Visual Effects Supervisor Michael J. Burmeister Location Manager Jessica Lichtner Script Supervisor Rolf John Keppler Makeup Artist Adam Milo Smalley Music Editor Robert Foster Jr. Transportation Coordinator Michael Sabo Property Master David Crone Camera Operator David Crone Steadicam Operator Dane Allan Smith Visual Effects Producer Mark Van Ee Visual Effects Coordinator Andrew Cooper Still Photographer John C. Stuver Dialogue Editor Tim Carras Visual Effects Supervisor Joshua D. Comen Visual Effects Producer Robin Griffin Visual Effects Producer George Macri Visual Effects Producer Ray McIntyre Jr. Visual Effects Supervisor Bruce Woloshyn Visual Effects Supervisor Allan Magled Visual Effects Producer Thomas Nittmann Visual Effects Producer Edson Williams Visual Effects Supervisor Brad Minnich Visual Effects Editor Michael Minkler Sound Re-Recording Mixer Tom Goodrich Studio Teacher Bruce Nicholson Compositor Earl Woods Rigging Gaffer Randall S. Coe Construction Coordinator Jeff Campbell Visual Effects Supervisor Shonta T. McCray Set Costumer Stephanie Flack Dialogue Editor Stephanie Flack ADR Editor Neil Greenberg Visual Effects Editor Loan Phan Digital Intermediate Producer Annette Farnsworth Set Costumer Paul Becker Choreographer Wilson Cameron Visual Effects Producer Renee Ragucci Set Costumer Aaron Brown Compositing Supervisor Aaron Weintraub Visual Effects Supervisor Beatrice De Alba Hair Department Head Nadav Ehrlich Visual Effects Supervisor Toni Atterbury Unit Publicist Michael Cavanaugh Visual Effects Editor Bonnie Clevering Hairstylist Steve McLeod Visual Effects Editor Mary Stuart Visual Effects Producer Dion Hatch Visual Effects Supervisor Élodie Ichter Color Timer Jerad Marantz Concept Artist Matthew W. Kielkopf First Assistant Sound Editor Andrew Smith Visual Effects Editor Ryan Valade Visual Effects Editor Eric Leven Visual Effects Supervisor Daniel Flaksman Art Direction Michael Applebaum Camera Operator Andrea Simpson Key Hair Stylist Tammy Sutton Compositing Artist Jimmy Almeida Animation Andy Hass Animation Danny Southard Animation Howard R. Campbell Lighting Artist Louis Jones Animation Jonathan Lyons Animation Jess Morris Animation Christopher Mullins Animation Mark Powers Animation Miles Southan Animation Andrea Wertheim Post Production Supervisor Jason Dale Assistant Editor Janna Roach Assistant Property Master Yuhon Ng Animation Sebastien Proulx Digital Compositor Heather Rae Miller Set Costumer Chris Navarro ADR Mixer Pamela Pearl Casting Associate Amanda McGowan Makeup Artist Stacey Panepinto Makeup Artist Reba Saul Set Costumer Elbert Irving IV Visual Effects Coordinator Bob Kretschmer Wigmaker Megan Coates Set Costumer Peter D. Roome First Assistant Camera Wendy Lanning Visual Effects Producer Alexandra Patsavas Music Supervisor Timothy James Kane First Assistant Camera Sonny Kompanek Orchestrator Janet Melody Ager/Dyer Robert Ulrich ADR Supervisor Nate Fredenburg Art Direction Jaclyn Kenney Art Department Coordinator J.J. Ogilvy Casting Associate Stacy Caballero Assistant Costume Designer Alison Fraser Assistant Costume Designer Sarah P. Koeppe Set Costumer Chrissy Morris Makeup Artist Ted Sapp Key Rigging Grip Brennan Prevatt Digital Effects Supervisor Sean Rourke Visual Effects Editor Catherine Chase Visual Effects Editor Ryan French Best Boy Electric Yoshiya Yamada 3D Artist Greg Zenon Second Unit First Assistant Director Martin Pelletier CG Supervisor David Lee Gaffer Shae Salmon Assistant Editor Chris Derochie Animation Satish Ratakonda Compositor Barb Benoit Digital Compositor Mike Wilson Utility Stunts Rick Stribling Key Grip Natalie Baillie Compositor Ryan Bradley Animation Yanick Wilisky Visual Effects Supervisor Karin Silvestri Stunts Kristy Blackwell Digital Compositor Diana Ascher Post Production Accountant Craig Rowe Compositor Dana Jurcic Visual Effects Coordinator Buddy Carr Dolly Grip Neil Eskuri Digital Effects Supervisor Becca Donohoe Visual Effects Coordinator Robin Hackl Visual Effects Supervisor Crystal Choo Visual Effects Coordinator Evan Salusbury Visual Effects Editor Rick Newsome Storyboard Designer Brad Moylan Compositing Artist Paul Stevenson Foley Artist Milan Schere Matte Painter Justin Muller First Assistant Director Ryan Farris Boom Operator Cristina Patterson Contact Lens Designer Eric Doiron Compositing Supervisor Joseph Shahood Visual Effects Coordinator Gavin Soares Animation Mathew Borrett Matte Painter Anand Dorairaj Digital Compositor Phil Morris Animation Robert Olsson Matte Painter Robert Alves Animation John M. Morse Second Assistant Director Joey Amron Assistant Editor Jessica Nelson Contact Lens Technician Rigney Sackley Second Assistant Camera David Schnee Compositing Supervisor Aharon Bourland CG Supervisor Q Fortier Visual Effects Earl Fast Animation Jordan Schilling Compositor David A. Link Compositor Hans Brekke Lead Animator Christian Morin Digital Compositor Kristen Stewart Bella Swan Robert Pattinson Edward Cullen Taylor Lautner Jacob Black Billy Burke Charlie Swan Peter Facinelli Dr. Carlisle Cullen Michael Sheen Aro Elizabeth Reaser Esme Cullen Kellan Lutz Emmett Cullen Nikki Reed Rosalie Hale Jackson Rathbone Jasper Hale Ashley Greene Alice Cullen Anna Kendrick Jessica Sarah Clarke Renée Christian Camargo Eleazar Denali Gil Birmingham Billy Julia Jones Leah Clearwater Booboo Stewart Seth Clearwater Mía Maestro Carmen Denali Casey LaBow Kate Denali Maggie Grace Irina Denali MyAnna Buring Tanya Denali Ty Olsson Phil Christian Sloan Unsavory Man James Pizzinato Unsavory Man Ian Harmon Unsavory Man Gabriel Carter Unsavory Man Christian Serratos Angela Michael Welch Mike Newton Justin Chon Eric Christopher Heyerdahl Marcus Jamie Campbell Bower Caius Andy Rukes Minister Weber Alex Rice Sue Clearwater Paul Becker Dancer Stephanie Moseley Dancer Kiowa Gordon Embry Tyson Houseman Quil Chaske Spencer Sam Uley Bronson Pelletier Jared Alex Meraz Paul Tinsel Korey Emily Tanaya Beatty Rachel Sienna Joseph Claire Carolina Virguez Kaure Sebastião Lemos Gustavo Mackenzie Foy Renesmee Ali Faulkner Bianca Charlie Bewley Demetri Daniel Cudmore Felix Stephenie Meyer Wedding Guest (uncredited) Melissa Rosenberg Wedding Guest (uncredited) Breaking Dawn - Trailer italiano ufficiale. The Twilight Saga. ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  17. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Twilight Saga - Eclipse 1 h 58 m    2010         Avventura ◦ Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Romance Una serie di omicidi, sparizioni e misteriose disgrazie scuote Seattle e minaccia Forks. I Cullen comprendono in fretta che si tratta di un esercito di NeoNati della loro specie: vampiri da poco trasformati, assetati di sangue, violenti e indomabili. Mentre si domanda chi abbia voluto tutto questo e perché, Bella deve anche fronteggiare l'imminenza del diploma e soprattutto della scelta che ha fatto, una scelta irreversibile, decisa per amore di Edward ma osteggiata dal suo migliore amico, Jacob, che ha promesso di lottare fino all'ultimo per farle cambiare idea. La minaccia esterna impone un'alleanza tra vampiri e licantropi, ma della guerra interna al cuore di Bella può decidere solo lei. Howard Shore Original Music Composer Javier Aguirresarobe Director of Photography Mark Goldblatt Additional Editor Karen Rosenfelt Producer Colin Strause 3D Supervisor Wyck Godfrey Producer Doug Hardwick Construction Coordinator Phil Tippett Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Lisa Dennis Post Production Supervisor Ellen Heuer Foley Artist Rose Marie McSherry Set Decoration Robin Mathews Makeup Artist Robin Mathews Makeup Designer John Stoneham Jr. Stunt Coordinator Ellen Segal Music Editor Leslie Shatz Sound Designer Leslie Shatz Supervising Sound Editor Leslie Shatz Sound Re-Recording Mixer Marty Bowen Executive Producer David Slade Director Art Jones Editor Charles Porlier Makeup Designer Jeremy Stanbridge Art Direction Barbara Kelly Production Manager Paul D. Austerberry Production Design Jonathan Eusebio Fight Choreographer E. J. Foerster Second Unit Director Jared Brown On Set Dresser Kimberly Chiang Stunts Corbin Fox Stunts Todd Scott Stunts Melissa Rosenberg Screenplay Stephenie Meyer Novel Krista Bell Stunts Nancy Richardson Editor Sean Cossey Casting John Alvarez Assistant Art Director Guy Oseary Executive Producer Tish Monaghan Costume Design Mark Morgan Executive Producer Lloyd Adams Stunts Ashlea Earl Stunts Clint Carleton Stunts Greg Mooradian Executive Producer Stuart Provine Sound Effects Editor Bill Bannerman Unit Production Manager Bill Bannerman Co-Producer Lauro Chartrand Stunts Brad Kelly Stunts Rikki Gagne Stunts Fraser Corbett Stunts Trevor Addie Stunts Barbara Harris ADR Voice Casting Larissa Stadnichuk Stunts Lani Gelera Stunts Stuart Aikins Casting Rene Haynes Casting Roger Vernon Second Unit Director of Photography Ken Kokka Visual Effects Producer Mathieu Ledoux Stunts Janene Carleton Stunts Tom Gibbons Animation Supervisor Gina Sherritt Key Hair Stylist Layton Morrison Stunt Coordinator Debbie Geaghan Costume Coordinator Paul Timothy Carden ADR Supervisor A. Josh Reinhardt Foley Mixer Lauren Ritchie Visual Effects Producer Dottie Starling Visual Effects Supervisor Randy Link Lead Animator Nicholas Brooks Visual Effects Supervisor Adam Milo Smalley Music Editor Valerie Delahaye Visual Effects Producer Brice Liesveld Visual Effects Producer Bruce Lomet Digital Intermediate Producer Michelle Eisenreich Visual Effects Producer Kimberly French Still Photographer Trevor Jones Stunts Michael J. LeGresley Assistant Location Manager Michele C. Vallillo Visual Effects Producer Sheila Millar Set Designer Jake Callihoo Transportation Coordinator Grant Swain Property Master Mike McLeod Construction Foreman Claudia Morgado Escanilla Script Supervisor Bryan Arenas Dolby Consultant Thomas Nittmann Visual Effects Producer Edson Williams Visual Effects Supervisor James Wright Dolby Consultant Gregory D. Liegey Visual Effects Supervisor Dan Levitan Visual Effects Supervisor Sébastien Moreau Visual Effects Art Director Chad Wiebe Visual Effects Supervisor Jon Cowley Visual Effects Supervisor Stacey Butterworth Wigmaker Marshall Garlington Sound Re-Recording Mixer Harry Muller Color Timer Abraham Fraser Location Manager Kevin Tod Haug Visual Effects Supervisor Andrew Millard Visual Effects Editor Marty McInally Camera Operator Marty McInally Steadicam Operator Ryan Young ADR Mixer Mandell Winter Sound Effects Editor Sarah Payan Dialogue Editor Bonnie Clevering Assistant Hairstylist Douglas Craik Camera Operator Gary Lam Assistant Editor Everette Webber Digital Intermediate Editor Jon Valera Fight Choreographer Crystal Dowd Visual Effects Producer Eric Leven Visual Effects Supervisor Nevin Swain Property Master Warren Mazutinec Assistant Editor Alex Burdett Special Effects Coordinator Gaetan Jalbert Rigging Gaffer Shannon Gottlieb Assistant Set Decoration Brenda Turner Assistant Hairstylist Andy Hass Animation Howard R. Campbell Technical Supervisor Mark Powers Animation Miguel A. Fuertes Animation Patricia Murray Assistant Makeup Artist Dan Youngs Special Effects Michael T. Ryan Music Editor Jeremy Stewart VFX Artist Isabel Bloor Key Set Costumer Tara Conley Visual Effects Producer Chris Navarro ADR Mixer John Fox Location Production Assistant Karin Nosella Assistant Costume Designer Tess Brummitt Costumer Elbert Irving IV Visual Effects Coordinator Mathieu Raynault Visual Effects Supervisor Alexandra Patsavas Music Supervisor Isaac Klausner Associate Producer Wade Barnett ADR Recordist Travis MacKay ADR Mixer Jaclyn Kenney Art Department Coordinator Daniel Boccoli Assistant Editor Kory Grim Stunts Zarah Chun Craft Service Doug Lavender First Assistant "A" Camera Reg Milne Stunts Cameron Grierson Clearances Coordinator Deak Ferrand Visual Effects Designer Deak Ferrand Matte Painter Mark Cohen First Assistant "B" Camera Salmon Harris Storyboard Artist Brian Dunlop Foley Editor Vera Zivny Visual Effects Producer Scott Dace Senior Animator Steve Bobertz First Assistant Editor Chris Derochie Animation Warren Paeff Visual Effects Editor Saubrie Mohamed Lighting Technician Michelle Hrescak Assistant Makeup Artist James Kusan Sound Mixer Erik Jessen Assistant Editor Adrien van Viersen Storyboard Artist Brayden Jones Stunts Kelly Rae Kenan Green Visual Effects Coordinator Atlin Mitchell Stunts Tony Wyman Boom Operator Robert L. O'Hara Dolly Grip Laurie Dobbie Property Buyer Brett Chan Stunts Andrew Chin Stunts Zack Judson 3D Generalist Jackson Spidell Fight Choreographer Mark Stainthorpe Construction Foreman Riley Jones Stunts Colby Chartrand Stunts Owen Taylor Gaffer Alicia Turner Stunt Double Jon Kralt Stunts Leif Havdale Stunts Paul Jenkinson Lead Set Dresser Lauren Geaghan Art Department Production Assistant Rodney Beech Transportation Captain John Westerlaken Key Grip Ken Steel Animation Supervisor Jack Hardy Second Unit First Assistant Director Lise Kuhr Assistant Makeup Artist Justin Muller First Assistant Director Tony Hyland Rigging Grip Gene Keigher Key Rigging Grip Julie Hansen Post Production Accountant Callie Thurman Assistant Sound Editor Cristina Patterson Contact Lens Designer Marcine Peter Contact Lens Technician Michael Brunet Animation Krista Stumph Second Assistant "B" Camera Randall James Bol Post Production Coordinator Moika Sabourin Matte Painter Adriene Wyse Camera Loader Hamish Schumacher Compositing Lead Matt Jacobs Visual Effects Supervisor Carrie Wilson Second Assistant "A" Camera Naan Spiess Sound Mixer Kevin O'Leary Generator Operator Andrea Brown Extras Casting Jan Holmsten Construction Buyer Patrick Mark Stunts Monte Thompson Stunts Dan Kuzmenko Assistant Location Manager Tia Keri Visual Effects Coordinator Josy Capkun Second Assistant Director David Schnee Compositing Supervisor Marisa Cappellaro Assistant Hairstylist Brian Howald Compositing Supervisor Yan Lecomte Stunts Roger Wells Rigging Grip Carolyn Field Stunts Aharon Bourland CG Supervisor Kathleen Whelan Production Coordinator Bill Tennant Lighting Technician Jenny Bernice Costumer Philip Chang Stunts Andre Jette Stunts Lance White Video Assist Operator Neil Macdonald Best Boy Electric Jacob Egglestone Lighting Technician Lenny Taylor Lighting Technician Brent Gies Rigging Grip Carl Jensen Best Boy Grip Ed Mac Mahon Dolly Grip Tony Derkach Grip Matt Margolis Grip Alex Godfrey Grip Bill Stephanidis Grip Brad Erickson Assistant Location Manager Shannon Corrie Location Production Assistant Chris Smith Location Production Assistant Damon Bebee Assistant Property Master Rodrigo Segovia Set Designer Anthony Beck Lead Set Dresser Chris Atherton Set Dresser Keonna Brisdon Set Dresser David Turgeon Set Decoration Buyer Janet Clark Set Decoration Buyer Neil Westlake Graphic Designer Jen Dawson Costumer Hans Brekke Animation Kristen Stewart Bella Swan Robert Pattinson Edward Cullen Taylor Lautner Jacob Black Bryce Dallas Howard Victoria Dakota Fanning Jane Billy Burke Charlie Swan Peter Facinelli Dr. Carlisle Cullen Elizabeth Reaser Esme Cullen Jackson Rathbone Jasper Hale Kellan Lutz Emmett Cullen Ashley Greene Alice Cullen Nikki Reed Rosalie Hale Anna Kendrick Jessica Michael Welch Mike Newton Justin Chon Eric Christian Serratos Angela Xavier Samuel Riley Sarah Clarke Renée Gil Birmingham Billy Black Paul Jarrett Mr. Biers Iris Quinn Mrs. Biers Kiowa Gordon Embry Call Tyson Houseman Quil Ateara Bronson Pelletier Jared Alex Meraz Paul Julia Jones Leah Clearwater Tinsel Korey Emily Chaske Spencer Sam Uley Alex Rice Sue Clearwater Booboo Stewart Seth Peter Murphy The Cold One William Belleau Quileute Warrior 1 Justin Rain Quileute Warrior 2 Monique Ganderton Beautiful Vampiress Byron Chief-Moon Taha Aki Mariel Belanger The Third Wife Jodelle Ferland Bree Tanner Dawn Chubai Female Reporter Jack Huston Royce King Ben Geldreich John Daniel Cudmore Felix Cameron Bright Alec Charlie Bewley Demitri Leah Gibson Nettie Kirsten Zien Lucy Cainan Wiebe Newborn Boy Catalina Sandino Moreno Maria (uncredited) Trailer del film THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  18. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2 h 11 m    2009         Avventura ◦ Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Romance Bella Swan partecipa alla festa per il suo diciottesimo compleanno organizzata in casa della famiglia di Edward Cullen, il vampiro eternamente diciassettenne di cui si è innamorata. Aprendo un regalo si ferisce accidentalmente con la carta del pacco, scatenando la sete incontrollabile di Jasper e la sua reazione violenta. Edward interviene per proteggerla dall'attacco e si rende conto che per Bella, lui e la sua famiglia sono una fonte perenne di pericolo. Così i Cullen decidono di lasciare Forks e Bella, nella speranza che la ragazza lo dimentichi. Bella cade in una profonda depressione. Dopo circa sei mesi, Bella esce da questa crisi ma solo parzialmente grazie all'amicizia di Jacob Black. Questa amicizia viene presto messa in crisi da un nuovo segreto: Jacob Black sviluppa il gene del licantropo, nemici naturali dei vampiri. Javier Aguirresarobe Director of Photography Joseph Middleton Casting Alexandre Desplat Original Music Composer Chris Weitz Screenplay Chris Weitz Director Karen Rosenfelt Producer Wyck Godfrey Producer Doug Hardwick Construction Coordinator David Brisbin Production Design Phil Tippett Visual Effects Supervisor Scott A. Hecker Supervising Sound Editor Mike Topoozian First Assistant Director Marty Bowen Executive Producer Lesley Beale Set Decoration Barbara Kelly Production Manager Geoff Wallace Set Designer Ken Kirzinger Stunts Martin Lacroix Boom Operator Kimberly Chiang Stunts Duane Dickinson Stunts Tony Morelli Stunts Jennifer Mylrea Stunts Melissa Rosenberg Screenplay Stephenie Meyer Novel Kerry Kohansky-Roberts Producer Caitlin McKenna ADR Voice Casting Sean Cossey Casting Guy Oseary Executive Producer Catherine Ircha Art Direction Tish Monaghan Costume Design Mark Morgan Executive Producer Clint Carleton Stunts Greg Mooradian Executive Producer Bill Bannerman Unit Production Manager Bill Bannerman Co-Producer Nerses Gezalyan Foley Mixer Stuart Aikins Casting Rene Haynes Casting Roger Vernon Second Unit Director of Photography Andy Koyama Sound Re-Recording Mixer J.J. Makaro Stunt Coordinator Ken Kokka Visual Effects Producer Gary A. Hecker Foley Artist Paul Barry Second Unit First Assistant Director Guido Cerasuolo Line Producer Peter Lambert Editor David Roker Associate Producer Kindra Marra First Assistant Editor Mike Desabrais Fight Choreographer Crystal Dalman Stunts Gina Sherritt Assistant Hairstylist Cotton Mather Stunts Lauren Ritchie Visual Effects Producer Dottie Starling Visual Effects Supervisor Randy Link Animation Gerard McCann Music Editor Brent Connolly Stunts Ai-Ling Lee Sound Effects Editor David Crone Steadicam Operator David Crone "A" Camera Operator Kimberly French Still Photographer Norma Hill-Patton Makeup Designer Peter Ochotta Set Designer Jake Callihoo Transportation Coordinator Mike McLeod Construction Foreman Claudia Morgado Escanilla Script Supervisor Cameron Waldbauer Special Effects Coordinator Rachel Aberly Unit Publicist Chad Wiebe Digital Effects Supervisor Charlene Eberle Douglas Visual Effects Producer Katherine Rose Foley Artist Lisa Tutunjian Digital Intermediate Editor Bruce Nicholson Compositor Harry Muller Color Timer Susan MacLeod Visual Effects Supervisor Kira Roessler ADR Supervisor Greg Steele ADR Mixer Sean M. Harding First Assistant "A" Camera Loan Phan Digital Intermediate Producer Rick Hromadka Sound Effects Editor Abraham Fraser Location Manager Russell Darling CG Supervisor Jennifer Hutcheon Visual Effects Editor Tineka Becker Casting Associate Douglas Craik "B" Camera Operator Ellen Freund Property Master Ben Vonzastrow CG Painter David Jacox Stunts Mathew Krentz Compositor Tony Bacigalupi Assistant Editor Chris Carpenter Sound Re-Recording Mixer Charles Martin Inouye Music Editor Thom MacIntyre Key Hair Stylist Tanya Hudson Makeup Artist Thom Kyle Assistant Editor Howard R. Campbell Technical Supervisor Miguel A. Fuertes Animation Andrea Wertheim Post Production Supervisor Travis Tohill Animation Paul Edwards Key Hair Stylist Brian Fisher Compositor Todd Masters Special Effects Makeup Artist Kurtis Reeves Costume Coordinator Karin Nosella Assistant Costume Designer Tess Brummitt Costumer Alexandra Patsavas Music Supervisor Byron Wilson Dialogue Editor Christopher Flick Foley Editor Martin Allan Kloner Visual Effects Editor Alison Fraser Costumer Zarah Chun Craft Service Nathan Abbot Compositor Michael Hatzer Digital Intermediate Colorist Laura Lee Connery Stunts Darren Brisker Sound Mixer Mark Cohen First Assistant "B" Camera Chad Bellamy Stunts Dustin Brooks Stunts Salmon Harris Storyboard Artist Mimi Abers Compositor David Fogg Compositor Len Morganti Storyboard Artist Satish Ratakonda Compositor Mike Splatt Special Effects Technician Shawn Beaton Stunts Maja Aro Stunts Atlin Mitchell Stunts Tyler Woeste Second Assistant "A" Camera Alex Martinez Second Assistant "B" Camera Cindy Smith Second Assistant Director Gary Damian Thomas Storyboard Artist Mark Stainthorpe Construction Foreman Owen Taylor Gaffer Matt Dawson ADR Mixer Jon Kralt Stunts Derek Pippert Foley Supervisor Leif Havdale Stunts Paul Jenkinson Set Dresser Laurie Edmundson Set Dresser Rodney Beech Transportation Captain Zabrina Matiru Assistant Makeup Artist Shane Davidson Compositor John Westerlaken Key Grip Rick Newsome Storyboard Designer Rick Newsome Storyboard Artist David S. Peng Animation Randy Ui 3D Generalist Roy Seeger Assistant Sound Editor Julie Hansen Post Production Accountant Lynell Bangs Production Accountant Cristina Patterson Contact Lens Designer Tom Lamb Compositor Kurt Bruun Assistant Property Master Marcine Peter Contact Lens Technician Dorothee Deichmann Assistant Makeup Artist Heath Stevenson Stunts Caleb Owens Compositor Jeff Vacanti Animation Mannix Bennett Matte Painter Chad Belair Third Assistant Director Henry Jefferson Compositor Louis Kim Compositor Nikolai Michaleski Compositor Matt Jacobs Visual Effects Supervisor Matt Yeoman Compositor Riley Benard Compositor Simone Gore Art Department Coordinator Andrea Brown Extras Casting Sigurjón F. Gardarsson Compositor Jan Holmsten Construction Buyer Richard Brooks Stunts Katie Calogero Casting Assistant Kathleen Whelan Production Coordinator Q Fortier Visual Effects Susan Stewart Matte Painter Jordan Schilling Compositor Melissa Best Compositor Elena Dresser Set Dresser Hans Brekke Animation Kelly Santbergen Set Dresser Kristen Stewart Bella Swan Robert Pattinson Edward Cullen Taylor Lautner Jacob Black Dakota Fanning Jane Michael Sheen Aro Ashley Greene Alice Cullen Rachelle Lefevre Victoria Sutherland Billy Burke Charlie Swan Peter Facinelli Dr. Carlisle Cullen Elizabeth Reaser Esme Cullen Jackson Rathbone Jasper Hale Kellan Lutz Emmett Cullen Nikki Reed Rosalie Hale Edi Gathegi Laurent Graham Greene Harry Clearwater Gil Birmingham Billy Black Anna Kendrick Jessica Michael Welch Mike Newton Justin Chon Eric Christian Serratos Angela Jamie Campbell Bower Caius Christina Jastrzembska Gran/Bella Russell Roberts Mr. Berty Christopher Heyerdahl Marcus Curtis Caravaggio Rogue Vampire Daniel Cudmore Felix Charlie Bewley Demetri Chaske Spencer Sam Uley Adrien Dorval Bob Marks Michael Adamthwaite Chet Alexander Mendeluk Frat Boy Hunter Jackson Frat Boy Gavin Bristol Frat Boy Sean McGrath Frat Boy Tyson Houseman Quil Ateara Kiowa Gordon Embry Call Alex Meraz Paul Bronson Pelletier Jared Tinsel Korey Emily Corinna Russo Italian Child Maria Grazia Pompei Italian Mother Roberto Marchetti Italian Father Alessandro Federico Police Officer Justine Wachsberger Gianna Cameron Bright Alec Noot Seear Heidi Trailer ufficiale del film New Moon ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  19. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Twilight 2 h 2 m    2008         Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Romance Quando sua madre si accompagna con un altro uomo, Bella decide di andare a vivere con il padre, nella piovosa cittadina di Forks. Non prevede che la sua vita possa subire dei grandi cambiamenti, prevede al massimo di adattarsi. Ma nel nuovo liceo incontra Edward Cullen, un ragazzo schivo, diverso da ogni altro. Edward ha 17 anni come lei, solo che ce li ha dal 1918. È un vampiro, che però ha scelto, insieme con la sua famiglia, di non bere sangue umano ma solo animale. Bella e Edward si innamorano perdutamente, ma l'odore di lei scatena la sete di James, un vampiro nemico e niente affatto vegetariano. Carter Burwell Original Music Composer Deborah Aquila Casting Karen Rosenfelt Executive Producer Elliot Davis Director of Photography Wyck Godfrey Producer Gene Serdena Set Decoration Frank Gaeta Sound Designer Frank Gaeta Supervising Sound Editor Frank Gaeta Sound Re-Recording Mixer Catherine Harper Foley Artist Christopher Moriana Foley Artist Robert Pattinson Songs Patrick Loungway Second Unit Director of Photography Roland N. Thai Sound Effects Editor Catherine Hardwicke Director Leslie Shatz Sound Re-Recording Mixer Ian Phillips Art Direction Marty Bowen Executive Producer Wendy Chuck Costume Design Michele Imperato Executive Producer Michele Imperato Unit Production Manager Melissa Rosenberg Screenplay Stephenie Meyer Novel Andy Cheng Stunt Coordinator Andy Cheng Second Unit Director Nancy Richardson Editor Guy Oseary Executive Producer Mark Morgan Producer Danny Downey Stunts Greg Mooradian Producer Jamie Marshall Co-Producer Jamie Marshall First Assistant Director Michael Viglietta Second Unit First Assistant Director Patrick Giraudi Foley Editor Geoffrey Hancock Digital Effects Supervisor Helena Barrett Stunt Double Greg Zimmerman ADR Recordist Alice Rietveld Stunt Double Tricia Wood Casting Richard Kidd Visual Effects Supervisor Kindra Marra First Assistant Editor Jeanne Van Phue Key Makeup Artist Georgia Simon ADR Voice Casting Dana Kay Hart Costume Supervisor Paul Timothy Carden ADR Supervisor Rolf John Keppler Makeup Artist Adam Milo Smalley Music Editor Grant Samson Leadman Jamison Scott Goei Visual Effects Supervisor Tim Croshaw Set Designer Timothy Eulich Stunts George Billinger III Steadicam Operator Daniel Brimer Visual Effects Producer Jinnie Pak Visual Effects Producer Petra Holtorf Visual Effects Producer Mary Ann Valdes Key Hair Stylist Deana Newcomb Still Photographer James J. Gilson Gaffer Rickley W. Dumm Sound Effects Editor Peter J. Silbermann Unit Publicist Marshall Garlington Sound Re-Recording Mixer Harry Muller Color Timer Greg Steele ADR Mixer Judi Townsend Script Supervisor Thom 'Coach' Ehle Dolby Consultant Sarah Payan Dialogue Editor Cynthia Nibler Property Master Earl Paraszczynec CG Artist Lara Ramirez Visual Effects Editor Mark Maccora Digital Compositor David Grant Dialogue Editor Catherine Childers Additional Hairstylist Philip Keller Storyboard Artist Lisa Zagoria Casting Associate Joe Lemola Assistant Sound Editor Alexandra Patsavas Music Supervisor Angel Pine Post Production Supervisor Travis MacKay ADR Recordist Robert 'Caz' Duffy Second Assistant "A" Camera Christopher Brown Art Direction Michael Farrow Scoring Mixer Richard Bullock Jr. Boom Operator Jim Hartz Studio Teacher Joshua Raymond Lee Editorial Production Assistant Nicholas Elwell Visual Effects Coordinator Camille M. Bratkowski Set Designer Kasey Truman Music Coordinator Jade Quon Stunts Kelly Bellini Stunts Karin Justman Stunts Robert K. Johnson Transportation Coordinator Harrison Marks Visual Effects Coordinator Greg Hale Second Assistant Director Darrin Mann Foley Mixer Shawn Kautz Stunts Mark Vena Storyboard Artist Daniel Cairnie Compositor Jerry T. Adams Stunts Laura Connolly Additional Hairstylist Seth Duhame Stunts Louis Leung CG Artist Alan Z. McCurdy First Assistant Editor Steve Won Visual Effects Coordinator Andy Weder Special Effects Coordinator Eric Thompson ADR Mixer Tom McHattie Compositor Thomas Rosseter Compositor Mark Casey Compositing Supervisor Philip Blackburn Set Dresser Ricardo Quintero Compositor Noel Wright Compositor Nate Goodman Second Assistant "B" Camera Glenn Micallef Sound Mixer Ahren Thomas Digital Compositor Catherine Kagan Location Manager Lynne Martin Second Second Assistant Director Bruce Robinson First Assistant "B" Camera Jerome Bakum Visual Effects Editor Jennifer Cobb Stunts Thomas Coe Second Assistant Director Bill George Visual Effects Supervisor Lars Petersen Construction Coordinator Jeanie King Visual Effects Producer Maggie-Jo Turner Stunts Moritz Eiche Compositing Supervisor Cathy Marshall Payroll Accountant Chad L. Fox CG Artist David Galbraith First Assistant "A" Camera Lizzy Pattinson Music Kristen Stewart Bella Swan Robert Pattinson Edward Cullen Billy Burke Charlie Swan Peter Facinelli Dr. Carlisle Cullen Elizabeth Reaser Esme Cullen Cam Gigandet James Ashley Greene Alice Cullen Anna Kendrick Jessica Nikki Reed Rosalie Taylor Lautner Jacob Black Kellan Lutz Emmet Cullen Jackson Rathbone Jasper Michael Welch Mike Newton Gil Birmingham Billy Black Justin Chon Eric Christian Serratos Angela José Zúñiga Mr. Molina Rachelle Lefevre Victoria Edi Gathegi Laurent Sarah Clarke Renée Matt Bushell Phil Gregory Tyree Boyce Tyler Trish Egan High School Administrator Ayanna Berkshire Cora Ned Bellamy Waylon Forge Bryce Flint-Sommerville Mine Security Guard Solomon Trimble Jacob's Friend Alexander Mendeluk Frat Boy Hunter Jackson Frat Boy Gavin Bristol Frat Boy Sean McGrath Frat Boy Katie Powers Waitress Catherine Grimme Young Bella William Joseph Elk III Native Wolf Pack Member #2 (uncredited) Victoria Geil 1920's Vampire Victim (uncredited) Stephenie Meyer Diner Customer (uncredited) Rick Mora Native Werewolf Tribe #1 - Flashback Sequence (uncredited) Rana Morrison Patron in Restaurant (uncredited) Edward Stiner Man in Cafe (uncredited) Robert Zorn Logger (uncredited) Humberto Amor Jacob in Spanish (uncredited) Kristopher Hyatt Embry Call (uncredited) Sherry Nelson Restaurant Patron (uncredited) Tyler Nordby Biology Class Student (uncredited) Trip Ross Coffee Shop Guy (uncredited) Josh Turner Townsperson (uncredited) Maggie-Jo Turner Volleyball Player (uncredited) Twilight: Trailer 10° anniversario | HD Twilight - Trailer ITA ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  20. Saga - Images at Twilight 1979 (Remastered 2021) 48-24 Country: Canada Genre: Progressive rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48 kHz/24 bit] Time: 38:15 Full Size: 475.57 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b] Download from [b]DaoFile[/b]
  21. G4U55

    Twilight Drive (2021) [ENG][EB]

    Descrizione Twilight Drive è un gioco di guida dall'alto verso il basso in cui muovi il turbo, derapate e usi un rampino come un meccanico per girare gli angoli mentre imposti tempi di pista sempre più veloci per guadagnare medaglie e battere i tuoi amici. Molti angoli possono essere attaccati tramite un meccanismo simile a un rampino: Corri contro i fantasmi dei tempi delle medaglie e i fantasmi dei tempi migliori dei tuoi amici mentre cerchi di competere per essere il più veloce. Caratteristiche: - 40 diversi tracciati su cui guidare, con varie ambientazioni: erba, deserto, mare, sottosuolo; giorno, notte, crepuscolo! - Un modo unico per prendere gli angoli attaccandosi ad essi - Divertente modello fisico di guida, incluso il drifting - Motore di gioco personalizzato con ombre completamente dinamiche - Corri contro i tempi di bronzo, argento e oro per guadagnare medaglie e batti i tuoi amici - Supporto per l'accessibilità: menu completamente vocali, velocità di gioco inferiori, ingrandimento, modalità ad alto contrasto, campo visivo regolabile. - Colonna sonora elettronica individuale per traccia - Musica dinamica che si adatta ai tuoi progressi in gara Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download PLAZA [ENG]
  22. Descrizione Yukumo è una giovane ragazza che attraversa il mondo a bordo del suo amato dirigibile. Quando arriva in una particolare città dell'Estremo Oriente per fare alcune commissioni, il suo dirigibile si rompe improvvisamente. Decide di esplorare la città alla ricerca di parti da riparare; tuttavia, la città è diventata silenziosa senza alcuna traccia delle persone che vi abitano, gli unici abitanti sono una strana specie felina ... Tasomachi è un gioco di avventura in cui puoi esplorare liberamente una città fantasy dell'Estremo Oriente. Controllerai Yukumo mentre esplori la città misteriosa, cancelli i sotterranei e raccogli oggetti per riparare il tuo dirigibile rotto. La città. Passeggia ed esplora questa misteriosa e bellissima città. Mentre il tempo scorre lentamente, le sottili differenze nella città tra notte e giorno sono ipnotizzanti. La tribù Nezu, gli unici abitanti rimasti della città, potrebbe fornire alcuni suggerimenti utili sulle Fonti della Terra. Santuari. Metti alla prova le tue abilità nei "Santuari" simili a un palcoscenico atletico situato ai margini della città. Il tuo dirigibile. Salta sul fidato dirigibile di Yukumo per esplorare moli, valli e laghi. Raccogli le Fonti della Terra per espandere ulteriormente la portata della tua avventura. Cambiamenti di abbigliamento e altri extra. Raccogli soldi in giro per la città per cambiare abiti e decorare la tua stanza. Prova a completare l'intera collezione! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download DARKSiDERS [ENG]
  23. Twilight Force - Dawn Of The Dragonstar (2019) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Nuclear Blast Country: Sweden Genre: Symphonic Power Metal Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 01:18:30 Full Size: 975.7 MB <
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