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  1. I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too è un anime prodotto da TMS Entertainment e animato da Millepensee, è stato trasmesso da aprile a giugno 2023. Trama Tenjo Yuuta è sempre stato vittima di bullismo. Il giovane vive da solo nell'abitazione del suo nonno defunto. Un giorno, mentre puliva la casa, entra in una stanza per la prima volta e, mettendo in ordine, scopre una porta misteriosa... Titolo originale Isekai de Cheat Skill o Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai o mo Musōsuru Regia Shin Itagaki, Shingo Tanabe Produttore Takuma Kishida, Satoshi Motonaga Composizione serie Shin Itagaki Char. design Hiromi Kimura Dir. artistica Masakazu Miyake Musiche Akiyuki Tateyama Studio Millepensee Rete Tokyo MX, BS11, KBS, SUN 1ª TV 6 aprile – 29 giugno 2023 Episodi 13 (completa) Rapporto 16:9 Durata ep. 24 min 1ª TV it. 24 aprile – 17 luglio 2023 1º streaming it. Crunchyroll Dialoghi it. Francesca Scivoli Studio dopp. it. Molok Studios Dir. dopp. it. Massimo Di Benedetto Report [ About file ] Screenshots Download Terabytez - Worldbytez Filestore Per supportare il mio lavoro abbonati o rinnova il premium con i miei referral Referral Filestore Referral Terabytez Referral Worldbytez
  2. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World Stagione 1    Episodi 24         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Un giovane, dopo essersi reincarnato nel corpo del nobile Ars Louvent, abitante di un altro mondo a lui sconosciuto, dovrebbe vivere come un debole aristocratico. Sia la forza fisica che l'intelligenza di Ars sono mediocri in entrambi i mondi, ma in questa realtà possiede l'abilità di valutazione, che gli permette di vedere il potenziale di qualsiasi persona. Utilizzando al meglio la propria capacità, il giovane cerca di riunire persone di talento al suo fianco. 八尋裕子 Lead Character Designer 亀山俊樹 Sound Director 加戸誉夫 Series Director 夢見クジラ Original Music Composer 中西やすひろ Series Composition Julien Vig Producer 黒須信彦 Producer Taeko Hori Character Designer 瀬川孟彦 Production Designer 山岡信一 Character Designer 山越康司 Director of Photography Tadashi Sakazaki Character Designer Miraijin A Original Story 藤原夏海 Ars Louvent (voice) 坂泰斗 Ritsu Muses (voice) 佳穂成美 Charlotte Wraith (voice) 岡咲美保 Rosell Kischa (voice) Kana Hanazawa Licia Plaid (voice) 東地宏樹 Raven Louvent / Narration (voice) Hitomi Nabatame Mireille Grangeon (voice) Haruka Tomatsu Fam (voice) 田中有紀 Selena Bandol (voice) Episodi: 24  In onda il: 2024-04-07 1: Reincarnation and Appraisal Three-year-old Ars Louvent has the power to visualize the innate talents of others. One day he meets Rietz, a man of an undesirable social class but with incredible talents, only Ars can see. Can he overcome prejudice to take him into his retinue? 1: Reincarnation and Appraisal In onda il: 2024-04-07 Three-year-old Ars Louvent has the power to visualize the innate talents of others. One day he meets Rietz, a man of an undesirable social class but with incredible talents, only Ars can see. Can he overcome prejudice to take him into his retinue? In onda il: 2024-04-14 2: Above and Below To prepare for the political turmoil ahead, Ars is now determined to recruit the most talented people he can find with the help of his Appraisal skill, and he's off to a larger town to see if he can scout someone with an aptitude for magic. 2: Above and Below In onda il: 2024-04-14 To prepare for the political turmoil ahead, Ars is now determined to recruit the most talented people he can find with the help of his Appraisal skill, and he's off to a larger town to see if he can scout someone with an aptitude for magic. In onda il: 2024-04-21 3: Answer Ars has discovered someone with an extraordinary talent for magic, just as he'd hoped. The hitch is that she has no interest whatsoever in serving him. Can Ars win her over, much less help her out of the terrible predicament she's in? 3: Answer In onda il: 2024-04-21 Ars has discovered someone with an extraordinary talent for magic, just as he'd hoped. The hitch is that she has no interest whatsoever in serving him. Can Ars win her over, much less help her out of the terrible predicament she's in? In onda il: 2024-04-28 4: Where Talent Dwells Ars's quest to recruit more talent continues into the future, especially as his family grows and tensions begin mounting. Little does he know he may find it in the most unexpected places, or rather, the most unexpected people. 4: Where Talent Dwells In onda il: 2024-04-28 Ars's quest to recruit more talent continues into the future, especially as his family grows and tensions begin mounting. Little does he know he may find it in the most unexpected places, or rather, the most unexpected people. In onda il: 2024-05-05 5: The Storm Arrives! Things are looking grim around the Louvent estate as the political situation continues to deteriorate, but nothing could prepare Ars for the storm that's about to blow in—the fiancée he didn't know he had! 5: The Storm Arrives! In onda il: 2024-05-05 Things are looking grim around the Louvent estate as the political situation continues to deteriorate, but nothing could prepare Ars for the storm that's about to blow in—the fiancée he didn't know he had! In onda il: 2024-05-12 6: The Face of a Warrior Raven's condition takes a turn for the worse as the worst comes to pass politically. The governor has been assassinated, meaning the local lords must now brace for war. Can Ars lead House Louvent in his ailing father's stead? 6: The Face of a Warrior In onda il: 2024-05-12 Raven's condition takes a turn for the worse as the worst comes to pass politically. The governor has been assassinated, meaning the local lords must now brace for war. Can Ars lead House Louvent in his ailing father's stead? In onda il: 2024-05-19 7: Succession Raven returns from the most recent campaign in dire shape. At the doctor's behest, House Louvent braces itself for a great loss. Thankfully, with Ars to succeed his father, not all hope is lost. 7: Succession In onda il: 2024-05-19 Raven returns from the most recent campaign in dire shape. At the doctor's behest, House Louvent braces itself for a great loss. Thankfully, with Ars to succeed his father, not all hope is lost. In onda il: 2024-05-26 8: A New Generation Ars has big shoes to fill as he takes over for his father as the new lord of House Louvent. With the trusty band of retainers he's built up over the years, is he up to the task? 8: A New Generation In onda il: 2024-05-26 Ars has big shoes to fill as he takes over for his father as the new lord of House Louvent. With the trusty band of retainers he's built up over the years, is he up to the task? In onda il: 2024-06-02 9: Sounding Out Now that the governor is dead, his sons are in a deadlock over who will succeed him. Lord Lumeire's league has chosen their side, but one local district remains a political holdout—and Ars is determined to figure out why. 9: Sounding Out In onda il: 2024-06-02 Now that the governor is dead, his sons are in a deadlock over who will succeed him. Lord Lumeire's league has chosen their side, but one local district remains a political holdout—and Ars is determined to figure out why. In onda il: 2024-06-09 10: Couran Salamakhia Ars receives a personal invitation to a party hosted by Couran Salamakhia, the elder of the late governor's two sons. Ars hardly knows what to make of the situation, much less the big ideas Couran is about to share with him. 10: Couran Salamakhia In onda il: 2024-06-09 Ars receives a personal invitation to a party hosted by Couran Salamakhia, the elder of the late governor's two sons. Ars hardly knows what to make of the situation, much less the big ideas Couran is about to share with him. In onda il: 2024-06-16 11: Mireille Grangeon Mireille is making a real impression at House Louvent... and it's not a good one. Ars believes in her potential, however, leaving him at a crossroads when the complaints start coming in about her. Thankfully, Mireille has an unconventional solution! 11: Mireille Grangeon In onda il: 2024-06-16 Mireille is making a real impression at House Louvent... and it's not a good one. Ars believes in her potential, however, leaving him at a crossroads when the complaints start coming in about her. Thankfully, Mireille has an unconventional solution! In onda il: 2024-06-23 12: Oath The mock battle to decide Mierille's fate and the future of House Louvent is on! 12: Oath In onda il: 2024-06-23 The mock battle to decide Mierille's fate and the future of House Louvent is on! In onda il: 2024-09-29 13: Promise With war now upon the province, Ars and his retinue return to trade city of Semplar for Couran's next military conference. Their faction is strapped for ideas, leading them to look to unexpected places for unexpected aid... 13: Promise In onda il: 2024-09-29 With war now upon the province, Ars and his retinue return to trade city of Semplar for Couran's next military conference. Their faction is strapped for ideas, leading them to look to unexpected places for unexpected aid... In onda il: 2024-10-06 14: Negotiation Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Negotiation In onda il: 2024-10-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-10-13 15: The Image of a Lord Ars and his retinue wrap up negotiations with the neighboring provinces, and upon their return home, Lord Couran gives Ars his most important and most dangerous mission to date... Does he have what it takes to face it? 15: The Image of a Lord In onda il: 2024-10-13 Ars and his retinue wrap up negotiations with the neighboring provinces, and upon their return home, Lord Couran gives Ars his most important and most dangerous mission to date... Does he have what it takes to face it? In onda il: 2024-10-20 16: Vakumakuro Fortress Under the leadership of Ars and Lumeire, Canarre's army attacks the Vakmakro fortress. Only by capturing it can they seize Castle Samkh and thereby conquer the entire district. However, the defenders of Vakmakro have come up with a surprising strategy... 16: Vakumakuro Fortress In onda il: 2024-10-20 Under the leadership of Ars and Lumeire, Canarre's army attacks the Vakmakro fortress. Only by capturing it can they seize Castle Samkh and thereby conquer the entire district. However, the defenders of Vakmakro have come up with a surprising strategy... In onda il: 2024-11-03 17: Taking Castle Samkh The forces of Samkh remain defiant even after Fort Vakmakro falls. Ars and his people come up with a strategy to minimize bloodshed, but Rosell harbors doubts. 17: Taking Castle Samkh In onda il: 2024-11-03 The forces of Samkh remain defiant even after Fort Vakmakro falls. Ars and his people come up with a strategy to minimize bloodshed, but Rosell harbors doubts. In onda il: 2024-11-10 18: Evolution Couran's forces prepare for their next campaign, and Ars is sent to negotiate with one of the defiant enemy leaders. But there seems to be more going on than meets the eye... 18: Evolution In onda il: 2024-11-10 Couran's forces prepare for their next campaign, and Ars is sent to negotiate with one of the defiant enemy leaders. But there seems to be more going on than meets the eye... In onda il: 2024-11-17 19: The Threat of Castle Rolto Ars tries to put their plan into action, to take save the hostages from Castle Rolto and defeat the enemy force. But the plan will put Ars's own life on the line... 19: The Threat of Castle Rolto In onda il: 2024-11-17 Ars tries to put their plan into action, to take save the hostages from Castle Rolto and defeat the enemy force. But the plan will put Ars's own life on the line... In onda il: 2024-11-24 20: Family Ars's side has taken heavy losses, but the battle of Castle Rolto is still undecided. Can Couran's forces take the victory, and will Lupa and his wife be reunited? 20: Family In onda il: 2024-11-24 Ars's side has taken heavy losses, but the battle of Castle Rolto is still undecided. Can Couran's forces take the victory, and will Lupa and his wife be reunited? In onda il: 2024-12-01 21: A New Threat Ars sends Pham to report to Couran about their victory at Castle Rolto, but the battle at Castle Staatz is just heating up as Thomas hatches a plan to take Couran out directly. 21: A New Threat In onda il: 2024-12-01 Ars sends Pham to report to Couran about their victory at Castle Rolto, but the battle at Castle Staatz is just heating up as Thomas hatches a plan to take Couran out directly. In onda il: 2024-12-08 22: Episode 22 Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22 In onda il: 2024-12-08 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-15 23: Episode 23 Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23 In onda il: 2024-12-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-22 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-12-22 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  3. Udemy - Mindset e soft skill per il digitale - ITA La mentalità giusta e le competenze trasversali più opportune nel mondo moderno Cosa imparerai: Comprendere cosa sono le soft skill e la loro importanza nel mondo digitale Capire quali competenze trasversali sono più richieste dalle aziende Conoscere le soft skill più rilevanti per chi utilizza strumenti digitali nel lavoro Individuare le competenze che aiutano a sfruttare meglio le tecnologie digitali Il corso esamina l'atteggiamento e le competenze necessarie per vivere e lavorare in un mondo pervaso dal digitale cogliendone adeguatamente tutte le opportunità, ma sapendone anche dominare le incertezze. Verranno quindi esaminate quali sono e come si sviluppano le competenze "soft" che servono per capitalizzare le opportunità della Rete, pianificare e gestire i canali e gli strumenti digitali. Queste capacità servono per capire e affrontare meglio il contesto professionale nonché per gestire efficacemente le relazioni con le persone (utenti, clienti, colleghi, partner, ecc.). E non si tratta solo di competenze acquisite dall'esperienza ma dei veri e propri stadi mentali ("mindset", appunto) che è opportuno applicare per vivere al meglio il rapporto con il digitale e l'evoluzione tecnologica. Coltivare alcune soft skill consente anche di attenuare il rischio che la propria professione sia soppiantata dalla tecnologia, che sia un robot o uno strumento di intelligenza artificiale. Ne deriva che studiare ed applicare queste competenze, aumenta le probabilità di ingaggi e sbocchi professionali nonché l'attitudine a contestualizzare le opportunità del digitale. Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato: mp4 Size: 1.48 GB BUON DOWNLOAD
  4. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Ryouta Satou, morto per il troppo lavoro, si è reincarnato in un mondo parallelo. Nonostante in questo nuovo mondo sia vivo, egli è gravato dall'inconveniente che il suo livello è fissato a 1. Pur non riuscendo ad avanzare di livello, ha un'abilità unica: può creare un oggetto cheat che non dovrebbe esistere in un mondo del genere. Con l'aiuto di alcuni oggetti che aumentano le abilità, Ryouta riesce a raccogliere un gran numero di armi e altri oggetti che solo lui è in grado di usare e, sebbene continui a rimanere fermo al livello 1, possiede l'equipaggiamento più forte di tutti. Yuuji Yanase Series Director Yuka Yamada Series Composition Miyako Nishida Character Designer Eri Kojima Character Designer Kaho Deguchi Character Designer Yuuko Ooba Character Designer Chiho Fukaya Art Direction Aki Watanabe Color Designer Yukina Nomura Director of Photography Masanori Tsuchiya Sound Director Endo. Original Music Composer Miki Nazuna Novel Kaito Ishikawa Ryota Sato (voice) Rin Kusumi Emily Brown (voice) Marika Kouno Eve Callusleader (voice) Saori Onishi Celeste (voice) Kanon Takao Alice Wonderland (voice) Mai Fuchigami Erza Monsoon (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2023-07-08 1: He's a Human That Was Dropped by a Slime Ryota awakens in another world, dropped by a slime that a girl named Emily had killed. Emily is strong, but her drop rates are pathetic, so she doesn't earn enough to afford a home. So, since Ryota's drop rates are through the roof, he decides to help. 1: He's a Human That Was Dropped by a Slime In onda il: 2023-07-08 Ryota awakens in another world, dropped by a slime that a girl named Emily had killed. Emily is strong, but her drop rates are pathetic, so she doesn't earn enough to afford a home. So, since Ryota's drop rates are through the roof, he decides to help. In onda il: 2023-07-15 2: Dead or Carrot A bunny girl named Eve attacks Ryota, but he survives thanks to his enormous HP stat. Then Eve reveals that the real reason she came to him was because she saw him getting carrots from a dungeon, and she wants some. 2: Dead or Carrot In onda il: 2023-07-15 A bunny girl named Eve attacks Ryota, but he survives thanks to his enormous HP stat. Then Eve reveals that the real reason she came to him was because she saw him getting carrots from a dungeon, and she wants some. In onda il: 2023-07-22 3: Kill All the Little Black Things Ryota and Emily decide to try out the second level of the dungeon Nihonium for some new drops, but Emily has a problem with the monsters they find there... 3: Kill All the Little Black Things In onda il: 2023-07-22 Ryota and Emily decide to try out the second level of the dungeon Nihonium for some new drops, but Emily has a problem with the monsters they find there... In onda il: 2023-07-29 4: Moving to a New Place! Just Relaxing at Home Ryota's skill has proven so profitable that he decides it's time to move into a new home with Emily. But then he learns about magic carts, which can help him carry even more items out of dungeons, and sees an opportunity for even greater profits. 4: Moving to a New Place! Just Relaxing at Home In onda il: 2023-07-29 Ryota's skill has proven so profitable that he decides it's time to move into a new home with Emily. But then he learns about magic carts, which can help him carry even more items out of dungeons, and sees an opportunity for even greater profits. In onda il: 2023-08-05 5: Yay! It's My Turn Now A magic storm occurs, nullifying all magic and leaving magic-based adventurers powerless. But Ryota learns of one magic user who's stuck in a dungeon, unable to fight, and volunteers to help her when no one else is willing to take the risk. 5: Yay! It's My Turn Now In onda il: 2023-08-05 A magic storm occurs, nullifying all magic and leaving magic-based adventurers powerless. But Ryota learns of one magic user who's stuck in a dungeon, unable to fight, and volunteers to help her when no one else is willing to take the risk. In onda il: 2023-08-12 6: A Beautiful Girl Appears Ryota obtains a second gun, which helps him discover a powerful new use for his special bullets. His exploits catch the eye of Secro's dungeon chief, who has a favor to ask of him... 6: A Beautiful Girl Appears In onda il: 2023-08-12 Ryota obtains a second gun, which helps him discover a powerful new use for his special bullets. His exploits catch the eye of Secro's dungeon chief, who has a favor to ask of him... In onda il: 2023-08-19 7: This Dungeon Battle Is a Vortex of Schemes A new dungeon has been discovered right between Secro and the neighboring city of Hetero. The battle is on to determine which city will claim ownership of the dungeon, and both sides will use any trick in the book to win. 7: This Dungeon Battle Is a Vortex of Schemes In onda il: 2023-08-19 A new dungeon has been discovered right between Secro and the neighboring city of Hetero. The battle is on to determine which city will claim ownership of the dungeon, and both sides will use any trick in the book to win. In onda il: 2023-08-26 8: You Can Do It! Get 'Em, Celeste! The dungeon master of Selen has appeared, and the dungeon is deemed off-limits until it is defeated. Only a party of three adventurers with very high stats may challenge the powerful dungeon master, but Ryota has a plan... 8: You Can Do It! Get 'Em, Celeste! In onda il: 2023-08-26 The dungeon master of Selen has appeared, and the dungeon is deemed off-limits until it is defeated. Only a party of three adventurers with very high stats may challenge the powerful dungeon master, but Ryota has a plan... In onda il: 2023-09-02 9: We've All Been Waiting! It's Eve's Turn to Shine Since Ryota left for Selen, Eve has been unable to find enough of the carrots she loves so much. She's overjoyed when he finally returns to Secro, but Ryota thinks it's time Eve started getting her own carrots. 9: We've All Been Waiting! It's Eve's Turn to Shine In onda il: 2023-09-02 Since Ryota left for Selen, Eve has been unable to find enough of the carrots she loves so much. She's overjoyed when he finally returns to Secro, but Ryota thinks it's time Eve started getting her own carrots. In onda il: 2023-09-09 10: The Arrival of Alice A young adventurer named Alice is looking for a party to join, but because her max level is only two, no one wants her. Only Ryota is willing to give her a chance. As he's helping her raise her stats, he learns she has a unique skill of her own... 10: The Arrival of Alice In onda il: 2023-09-09 A young adventurer named Alice is looking for a party to join, but because her max level is only two, no one wants her. Only Ryota is willing to give her a chance. As he's helping her raise her stats, he learns she has a unique skill of her own... In onda il: 2023-09-16 11: Time for the Harvest Festival The harvest festival has begun, and the main event is the creation of strays for courageous adventurers to battle. Naturally, Ryota decides to participate in hopes of winning the rare item reward. 11: Time for the Harvest Festival In onda il: 2023-09-16 The harvest festival has begun, and the main event is the creation of strays for courageous adventurers to battle. Naturally, Ryota decides to participate in hopes of winning the rare item reward. In onda il: 2023-09-23 12: We're All Having a Party All the members of the Ryota Family have grown stronger than ever, and they decide to throw a party at their new house to celebrate. 12: We're All Having a Party In onda il: 2023-09-23 All the members of the Ryota Family have grown stronger than ever, and they decide to throw a party at their new house to celebrate. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  5. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Ryouta Satou, morto per il troppo lavoro, si è reincarnato in un mondo parallelo. Nonostante in questo nuovo mondo sia vivo, egli è gravato dall'inconveniente che il suo livello è fissato a 1. Pur non riuscendo ad avanzare di livello, ha un'abilità unica: può creare un oggetto cheat che non dovrebbe esistere in un mondo del genere. Con l'aiuto di alcuni oggetti che aumentano le abilità, Ryouta riesce a raccogliere un gran numero di armi e altri oggetti che solo lui è in grado di usare e, sebbene continui a rimanere fermo al livello 1, possiede l'equipaggiamento più forte di tutti. 山田由香 Series Composition 出口花穂 Character Designer 西田美弥子 Character Designer 大場優子 Character Designer 小島えり Character Designer 柳瀬雄之 Series Director Miki Nazuna Novel エンドウ. Original Music Composer 深谷知穂 Art Direction 土屋雅紀 Sound Director 渡辺亜紀 Color Designer 野村雪菜 Director of Photography ディック小鹿原 3D Director Kaito Ishikawa Ryota Sato (voice) 久住琳 Emily Brown (voice) 高野麻里佳 Eve Callusleader (voice) 大西沙織 Celeste (voice) 高尾奏音 Alice Wonderland (voice) 渕上舞 Erza Monsoon (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2023-07-08 1: He's a Human That Was Dropped by a Slime Ryota awakens in another world, dropped by a slime that a girl named Emily had killed. Emily is strong, but her drop rates are pathetic, so she doesn't earn enough to afford a home. So, since Ryota's drop rates are through the roof, he decides to help. 1: He's a Human That Was Dropped by a Slime In onda il: 2023-07-08 Ryota awakens in another world, dropped by a slime that a girl named Emily had killed. Emily is strong, but her drop rates are pathetic, so she doesn't earn enough to afford a home. So, since Ryota's drop rates are through the roof, he decides to help. In onda il: 2023-07-15 2: Dead or Carrot A bunny girl named Eve attacks Ryota, but he survives thanks to his enormous HP stat. Then Eve reveals that the real reason she came to him was because she saw him getting carrots from a dungeon, and she wants some. 2: Dead or Carrot In onda il: 2023-07-15 A bunny girl named Eve attacks Ryota, but he survives thanks to his enormous HP stat. Then Eve reveals that the real reason she came to him was because she saw him getting carrots from a dungeon, and she wants some. In onda il: 2023-07-22 3: Kill All the Little Black Things Ryota and Emily decide to try out the second level of the dungeon Nihonium for some new drops, but Emily has a problem with the monsters they find there... 3: Kill All the Little Black Things In onda il: 2023-07-22 Ryota and Emily decide to try out the second level of the dungeon Nihonium for some new drops, but Emily has a problem with the monsters they find there... In onda il: 2023-07-29 4: Moving to a New Place! Just Relaxing at Home Ryota's skill has proven so profitable that he decides it's time to move into a new home with Emily. But then he learns about magic carts, which can help him carry even more items out of dungeons, and sees an opportunity for even greater profits. 4: Moving to a New Place! Just Relaxing at Home In onda il: 2023-07-29 Ryota's skill has proven so profitable that he decides it's time to move into a new home with Emily. But then he learns about magic carts, which can help him carry even more items out of dungeons, and sees an opportunity for even greater profits. In onda il: 2023-08-05 5: Yay! It's My Turn Now A magic storm occurs, nullifying all magic and leaving magic-based adventurers powerless. But Ryota learns of one magic user who's stuck in a dungeon, unable to fight, and volunteers to help her when no one else is willing to take the risk. 5: Yay! It's My Turn Now In onda il: 2023-08-05 A magic storm occurs, nullifying all magic and leaving magic-based adventurers powerless. But Ryota learns of one magic user who's stuck in a dungeon, unable to fight, and volunteers to help her when no one else is willing to take the risk. In onda il: 2023-08-12 6: A Beautiful Girl Appears Ryota obtains a second gun, which helps him discover a powerful new use for his special bullets. His exploits catch the eye of Secro's dungeon chief, who has a favor to ask of him... 6: A Beautiful Girl Appears In onda il: 2023-08-12 Ryota obtains a second gun, which helps him discover a powerful new use for his special bullets. His exploits catch the eye of Secro's dungeon chief, who has a favor to ask of him... In onda il: 2023-08-19 7: This Dungeon Battle Is a Vortex of Schemes A new dungeon has been discovered right between Secro and the neighboring city of Hetero. The battle is on to determine which city will claim ownership of the dungeon, and both sides will use any trick in the book to win. 7: This Dungeon Battle Is a Vortex of Schemes In onda il: 2023-08-19 A new dungeon has been discovered right between Secro and the neighboring city of Hetero. The battle is on to determine which city will claim ownership of the dungeon, and both sides will use any trick in the book to win. In onda il: 2023-08-26 8: You Can Do It! Get 'Em, Celeste! The dungeon master of Selen has appeared, and the dungeon is deemed off-limits until it is defeated. Only a party of three adventurers with very high stats may challenge the powerful dungeon master, but Ryota has a plan... 8: You Can Do It! Get 'Em, Celeste! In onda il: 2023-08-26 The dungeon master of Selen has appeared, and the dungeon is deemed off-limits until it is defeated. Only a party of three adventurers with very high stats may challenge the powerful dungeon master, but Ryota has a plan... In onda il: 2023-09-02 9: We've All Been Waiting! It's Eve's Turn to Shine Since Ryota left for Selen, Eve has been unable to find enough of the carrots she loves so much. She's overjoyed when he finally returns to Secro, but Ryota thinks it's time Eve started getting her own carrots. 9: We've All Been Waiting! It's Eve's Turn to Shine In onda il: 2023-09-02 Since Ryota left for Selen, Eve has been unable to find enough of the carrots she loves so much. She's overjoyed when he finally returns to Secro, but Ryota thinks it's time Eve started getting her own carrots. In onda il: 2023-09-09 10: The Arrival of Alice A young adventurer named Alice is looking for a party to join, but because her max level is only two, no one wants her. Only Ryota is willing to give her a chance. As he's helping her raise her stats, he learns she has a unique skill of her own... 10: The Arrival of Alice In onda il: 2023-09-09 A young adventurer named Alice is looking for a party to join, but because her max level is only two, no one wants her. Only Ryota is willing to give her a chance. As he's helping her raise her stats, he learns she has a unique skill of her own... In onda il: 2023-09-16 11: Time for the Harvest Festival The harvest festival has begun, and the main event is the creation of strays for courageous adventurers to battle. Naturally, Ryota decides to participate in hopes of winning the rare item reward. 11: Time for the Harvest Festival In onda il: 2023-09-16 The harvest festival has begun, and the main event is the creation of strays for courageous adventurers to battle. Naturally, Ryota decides to participate in hopes of winning the rare item reward. In onda il: 2023-09-23 12: We're All Having a Party All the members of the Ryota Family have grown stronger than ever, and they decide to throw a party at their new house to celebrate. 12: We're All Having a Party In onda il: 2023-09-23 All the members of the Ryota Family have grown stronger than ever, and they decide to throw a party at their new house to celebrate. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  6. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too Stagione 1    Episodi 13         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure Tenjo Yuuta è sempre stato vittima di bullismo. Il giovane vive da solo nell'abitazione del suo nonno defunto. Un giorno, mentre puliva la casa, entra in una stanza per la prima volta e, mettendo in ordine, scopre una porta misteriosa... Shingo Tanabe Series Director Shin Itagaki Series Director Shin Itagaki Series Composition Rein Kuwashima Character Designer Hiromi Kimura Character Designer Hiromi Kimura Supervising Animation Director Masakazu Miyake Art Direction Yukiko Uegaki Art Designer Yuri Sanami Art Designer Aiko Yamagami Color Designer Junko Nagaoka Color Designer Naoki Yorozu Director of Photography Kenta Fujita Director of Photography Shota Tanaka Director of Photography You Wenting Editor Ryosuke Naya Sound Director Shin Itagaki Sound Director Akiyuki Tateyama Original Music Composer Miku Original Story Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Yuuya Tenjou (voice) Akari Kito Kaori Houjou (voice) Kaori Maeda Lexia von Arcelia (voice) Sayaka Senbongi Miwa Midou (voice) Ayana Taketatsu Kaede Kazama (voice) Shizuka Ishigami Yukine Hyoudou (voice) Mai Nakahara Rin Kanzaki (voice) Nobuhiko Okamoto Ryou Igarashi (voice) Ayumu Murase Shingo Kurata (voice) Ai Kakuma Runa (voice) Rina Hidaka Yuty (voice) Nao Toyama Night (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue Usagi (voice) Yuka Iguchi Akatsuki (voice) Episodi: 13  In onda il: 2023-04-07 1: To Another World Yuuya Tenjou has been bullied all his life. Then he discovers a door to another world. Powerful weapons. Vicious monsters. It all seems like a fantasy game! And when he returns to his world, he realizes that his leveling up comes with him. 1: To Another World In onda il: 2023-04-07 Yuuya Tenjou has been bullied all his life. Then he discovers a door to another world. Powerful weapons. Vicious monsters. It all seems like a fantasy game! And when he returns to his world, he realizes that his leveling up comes with him. In onda il: 2023-04-14 2: Ousei Academy When Yuuya reunites with the girl he saved back at the convenience store, she invites him to attend the prestigious Ousei Academy. Yuuya isn’t sure that he’s worthy of attending a school full of geniuses, but he’s persuaded to try it for just one day. 2: Ousei Academy In onda il: 2023-04-14 When Yuuya reunites with the girl he saved back at the convenience store, she invites him to attend the prestigious Ousei Academy. Yuuya isn’t sure that he’s worthy of attending a school full of geniuses, but he’s persuaded to try it for just one day. In onda il: 2023-04-21 3: Life Changes Yuuya realizes that he doesn’t have many clothes that fit his new, leveled-up height. So, he heads to the mall where, in an unexpected turn of events, he ends up participating in a fashion photoshoot opposite a super popular female model?! 3: Life Changes In onda il: 2023-04-21 Yuuya realizes that he doesn’t have many clothes that fit his new, leveled-up height. So, he heads to the mall where, in an unexpected turn of events, he ends up participating in a fashion photoshoot opposite a super popular female model?! In onda il: 2023-04-28 4: A Step of Courage Yuya responds to Princess Lexia's marriage proposal and receives an invitation to an audience at the royal palace. At the same time, he returned to the Ôsei Academy. 4: A Step of Courage In onda il: 2023-04-28 Yuya responds to Princess Lexia's marriage proposal and receives an invitation to an audience at the royal palace. At the same time, he returned to the Ôsei Academy. In onda il: 2023-05-05 5: New Family As Yuuya tries to find a way to level up in the Darkest Regions, he comes across a Black Fenrir pup. Yuuya Tames him, names him Night, and brings him home to live together as family. Side by side, they explore the Darkest Regions...and also go for walks. 5: New Family In onda il: 2023-05-05 As Yuuya tries to find a way to level up in the Darkest Regions, he comes across a Black Fenrir pup. Yuuya Tames him, names him Night, and brings him home to live together as family. Side by side, they explore the Darkest Regions...and also go for walks. In onda il: 2023-05-12 6: The Sage and Magic Yuuya has found The Book of the Sage. As he reads it, he realizes that it’s even more amazing than it seems. Meanwhile, the class’s study trip draws near. Yuuya is at the department store with his friends to buy supplies when trouble suddenly strikes. 6: The Sage and Magic In onda il: 2023-05-12 Yuuya has found The Book of the Sage. As he reads it, he realizes that it’s even more amazing than it seems. Meanwhile, the class’s study trip draws near. Yuuya is at the department store with his friends to buy supplies when trouble suddenly strikes. In onda il: 2023-05-19 7: An Encounter in the Woods Yuuya runs across a girl fighting monsters in the Darkest Regions. She calls herself Luna. They begin spending their days training together, sweating side by side. Back at Ousei Academy, the off-campus study trip begins at a site deep in the mountains. 7: An Encounter in the Woods In onda il: 2023-05-19 Yuuya runs across a girl fighting monsters in the Darkest Regions. She calls herself Luna. They begin spending their days training together, sweating side by side. Back at Ousei Academy, the off-campus study trip begins at a site deep in the mountains. In onda il: 2023-05-26 8: Off-Campus Study Trip The study trip isn’t at all what Yuuya and the others had imagined. They’re faced with a series of unexpected challenges. Later, Yuuya meets with Lexia and her guards so they can escort him to his audience with the king, but Night begins acting strangely. 8: Off-Campus Study Trip In onda il: 2023-05-26 The study trip isn’t at all what Yuuya and the others had imagined. They’re faced with a series of unexpected challenges. Later, Yuuya meets with Lexia and her guards so they can escort him to his audience with the king, but Night begins acting strangely. In onda il: 2023-06-02 9: The Princess and the Assassin Lexia has been attacked, a crime punishable by execution. But Yuuya knows the would-be assassin and he can’t help wondering what could have caused them to do such a thing. The answer is is the arrival of a new family member for Yuuya. 9: The Princess and the Assassin In onda il: 2023-06-02 Lexia has been attacked, a crime punishable by execution. But Yuuya knows the would-be assassin and he can’t help wondering what could have caused them to do such a thing. The answer is is the arrival of a new family member for Yuuya. In onda il: 2023-06-09 10: Master and Apprentice Yuuya gets an offer to join the entertainment industry. His friends are stunned to learn that he’s already had a brush with that life. In the other world, Yuuya’s leveling up plateaus and he wonders if he’ll be able to get any stronger on his own. 10: Master and Apprentice In onda il: 2023-06-09 Yuuya gets an offer to join the entertainment industry. His friends are stunned to learn that he’s already had a brush with that life. In the other world, Yuuya’s leveling up plateaus and he wonders if he’ll be able to get any stronger on his own. In onda il: 2023-06-16 11: To the Royal Capital The Director still has designs on Yuuya, but he's too busy studying for his upcoming exams to worry about it. Kaori comes over to help him with math, and then...! Later, Yuuya takes advantage of a short school holiday to head for the royal capital. 11: To the Royal Capital In onda il: 2023-06-16 The Director still has designs on Yuuya, but he's too busy studying for his upcoming exams to worry about it. Kaori comes over to help him with math, and then...! Later, Yuuya takes advantage of a short school holiday to head for the royal capital. In onda il: 2023-06-23 12: The Mysterious Assailant Lexia is determined to make the most of Yuuya's visit to the capital in spite of everything that's happened. When Luna and Lexia take Yuuya out of the castle to show him around town, the signboard of a certain guild catches his eye. 12: The Mysterious Assailant In onda il: 2023-06-23 Lexia is determined to make the most of Yuuya's visit to the capital in spite of everything that's happened. When Luna and Lexia take Yuuya out of the castle to show him around town, the signboard of a certain guild catches his eye. In onda il: 2023-06-30 13: Yuuya and Kaori Reigar has been captured and must pay the price for his crimes, but Yuuya still has to deal with the enemy girl who proved to be just as strong as he is. 13: Yuuya and Kaori In onda il: 2023-06-30 Reigar has been captured and must pay the price for his crimes, but Yuuya still has to deal with the enemy girl who proved to be just as strong as he is. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  7. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too Stagione 1    Episodi 13         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure Tenjo Yuuta è sempre stato vittima di bullismo. Il giovane vive da solo nell'abitazione del suo nonno defunto. Un giorno, mentre puliva la casa, entra in una stanza per la prima volta e, mettendo in ordine, scopre una porta misteriosa... 田辺慎吾 Series Director Naoki Yorozu Director of Photography 立山秋航 Original Music Composer Hiromi Kimura Supervising Animation Director 上垣裕起子 Art Designer You Wenting Editor Rein Kuwashima Character Designer 板垣伸 Series Director 佐南友理 Art Designer 納谷僚介 Sound Director 板垣伸 Series Composition Hiromi Kimura Character Designer 三宅昌和 Art Direction 山上愛子 Color Designer 田中翔太 Director of Photography Junko Nagaoka Color Designer Kenta Fujita Director of Photography 板垣伸 Sound Director 美紅 Original Story Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Yuuya Tenjou (voice) 鬼頭明里 Kaori Houjou (voice) 前田佳織里 Lexia von Arcelia (voice) 千本木彩花 Miwa Midou (voice) 竹達彩奈 Kaede Kazama (voice) 石上静香 Yukine Hyoudou (voice) Mai Nakahara Rin Kanzaki (voice) Nobuhiko Okamoto Ryou Igarashi (voice) 村瀬歩 Shingo Kurata (voice) 加隈亜衣 Runa (voice) 日高里菜 Yuty (voice) Nao Tōyama Night (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue Usagi (voice) 井口裕香 Akatsuki (voice) Episodi: 13  In onda il: 2023-04-07 1: To Another World Yuuya Tenjou has been bullied all his life. Then he discovers a door to another world. Powerful weapons. Vicious monsters. It all seems like a fantasy game! And when he returns to his world, he realizes that his leveling up comes with him. 1: To Another World In onda il: 2023-04-07 Yuuya Tenjou has been bullied all his life. Then he discovers a door to another world. Powerful weapons. Vicious monsters. It all seems like a fantasy game! And when he returns to his world, he realizes that his leveling up comes with him. In onda il: 2023-04-14 2: Ousei Academy When Yuuya reunites with the girl he saved back at the convenience store, she invites him to attend the prestigious Ousei Academy. Yuuya isn’t sure that he’s worthy of attending a school full of geniuses, but he’s persuaded to try it for just one day. 2: Ousei Academy In onda il: 2023-04-14 When Yuuya reunites with the girl he saved back at the convenience store, she invites him to attend the prestigious Ousei Academy. Yuuya isn’t sure that he’s worthy of attending a school full of geniuses, but he’s persuaded to try it for just one day. In onda il: 2023-04-21 3: Life Changes Yuuya realizes that he doesn’t have many clothes that fit his new, leveled-up height. So, he heads to the mall where, in an unexpected turn of events, he ends up participating in a fashion photoshoot opposite a super popular female model?! 3: Life Changes In onda il: 2023-04-21 Yuuya realizes that he doesn’t have many clothes that fit his new, leveled-up height. So, he heads to the mall where, in an unexpected turn of events, he ends up participating in a fashion photoshoot opposite a super popular female model?! In onda il: 2023-04-28 4: A Step of Courage Yuya responds to Princess Lexia's marriage proposal and receives an invitation to an audience at the royal palace. At the same time, he returned to the Ôsei Academy. 4: A Step of Courage In onda il: 2023-04-28 Yuya responds to Princess Lexia's marriage proposal and receives an invitation to an audience at the royal palace. At the same time, he returned to the Ôsei Academy. In onda il: 2023-05-05 5: New Family As Yuuya tries to find a way to level up in the Darkest Regions, he comes across a Black Fenrir pup. Yuuya Tames him, names him Night, and brings him home to live together as family. Side by side, they explore the Darkest Regions...and also go for walks. 5: New Family In onda il: 2023-05-05 As Yuuya tries to find a way to level up in the Darkest Regions, he comes across a Black Fenrir pup. Yuuya Tames him, names him Night, and brings him home to live together as family. Side by side, they explore the Darkest Regions...and also go for walks. In onda il: 2023-05-12 6: The Sage and Magic Yuuya has found The Book of the Sage. As he reads it, he realizes that it’s even more amazing than it seems. Meanwhile, the class’s study trip draws near. Yuuya is at the department store with his friends to buy supplies when trouble suddenly strikes. 6: The Sage and Magic In onda il: 2023-05-12 Yuuya has found The Book of the Sage. As he reads it, he realizes that it’s even more amazing than it seems. Meanwhile, the class’s study trip draws near. Yuuya is at the department store with his friends to buy supplies when trouble suddenly strikes. In onda il: 2023-05-19 7: An Encounter in the Woods Yuuya runs across a girl fighting monsters in the Darkest Regions. She calls herself Luna. They begin spending their days training together, sweating side by side. Back at Ousei Academy, the off-campus study trip begins at a site deep in the mountains. 7: An Encounter in the Woods In onda il: 2023-05-19 Yuuya runs across a girl fighting monsters in the Darkest Regions. She calls herself Luna. They begin spending their days training together, sweating side by side. Back at Ousei Academy, the off-campus study trip begins at a site deep in the mountains. In onda il: 2023-05-26 8: Off-Campus Study Trip The study trip isn’t at all what Yuuya and the others had imagined. They’re faced with a series of unexpected challenges. Later, Yuuya meets with Lexia and her guards so they can escort him to his audience with the king, but Night begins acting strangely. 8: Off-Campus Study Trip In onda il: 2023-05-26 The study trip isn’t at all what Yuuya and the others had imagined. They’re faced with a series of unexpected challenges. Later, Yuuya meets with Lexia and her guards so they can escort him to his audience with the king, but Night begins acting strangely. In onda il: 2023-06-02 9: The Princess and the Assassin Lexia has been attacked, a crime punishable by execution. But Yuuya knows the would-be assassin and he can’t help wondering what could have caused them to do such a thing. The answer is is the arrival of a new family member for Yuuya. 9: The Princess and the Assassin In onda il: 2023-06-02 Lexia has been attacked, a crime punishable by execution. But Yuuya knows the would-be assassin and he can’t help wondering what could have caused them to do such a thing. The answer is is the arrival of a new family member for Yuuya. In onda il: 2023-06-09 10: Master and Apprentice Yuuya gets an offer to join the entertainment industry. His friends are stunned to learn that he’s already had a brush with that life. In the other world, Yuuya’s leveling up plateaus and he wonders if he’ll be able to get any stronger on his own. 10: Master and Apprentice In onda il: 2023-06-09 Yuuya gets an offer to join the entertainment industry. His friends are stunned to learn that he’s already had a brush with that life. In the other world, Yuuya’s leveling up plateaus and he wonders if he’ll be able to get any stronger on his own. In onda il: 2023-06-16 11: To the Royal Capital The Director still has designs on Yuuya, but he's too busy studying for his upcoming exams to worry about it. Kaori comes over to help him with math, and then...! Later, Yuuya takes advantage of a short school holiday to head for the royal capital. 11: To the Royal Capital In onda il: 2023-06-16 The Director still has designs on Yuuya, but he's too busy studying for his upcoming exams to worry about it. Kaori comes over to help him with math, and then...! Later, Yuuya takes advantage of a short school holiday to head for the royal capital. In onda il: 2023-06-23 12: The Mysterious Assailant Lexia is determined to make the most of Yuuya's visit to the capital in spite of everything that's happened. When Luna and Lexia take Yuuya out of the castle to show him around town, the signboard of a certain guild catches his eye. 12: The Mysterious Assailant In onda il: 2023-06-23 Lexia is determined to make the most of Yuuya's visit to the capital in spite of everything that's happened. When Luna and Lexia take Yuuya out of the castle to show him around town, the signboard of a certain guild catches his eye. In onda il: 2023-06-30 13: Yuuya and Kaori Reigar has been captured and must pay the price for his crimes, but Yuuya still has to deal with the enemy girl who proved to be just as strong as he is. 13: Yuuya and Kaori In onda il: 2023-06-30 Reigar has been captured and must pay the price for his crimes, but Yuuya still has to deal with the enemy girl who proved to be just as strong as he is. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  8. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Il comune giapponese medio, Mukouda Tsuyoshi, viene evocato in un mondo dalle atmosfere fantasy. Egli inizia a immaginarsi le fantastiche avventure che lo attendono, ma scopre ben presto che è stato evocato per errore al posto dell'eroe predestinato, e pertanto decide di fare buon viso a cattivo gioco e darsi all'esplorazione per conto suo. Mukouda può comunque contare su una sua abilità unica, l' "Online Supermarket" con cui può procurarsi il cibo del moderno anche nel nuovo mondo fantastico. E in più i piatti preparati con quegli alimenti hanno effetti speciali sorprendenti... Dopo essere riuscito a riunire una clientela di fiducia alquanto bizzarra, quali saranno quindi le conseguenze per lui e per la sua avventura? 藤岡誠一 Assistant Art Director 大濵夢奈 Assistant Art Director Kyoko Nakamoto Assistant Director of Photography Rei Ooyama Assistant Art Director 赤木寿子 Art Designer 村松尚雄 Prop Designer Enishi Shinkawa Prop Designer 十河圭祐 Foley Artist Toru Kubo Associate Producer Hiroyuki Tanaka Associate Producer 八巻大樹 Sound Recordist 高橋謙仁 Opening/Ending Animation Chamakou Opening/Ending Animation 谷口久美子 Special Effects Supervisor Takahiro Ogawa Line Producer Megumi Iwabuchi 2D Artist Minami Koide 2D Artist Takero Sekijima Original Music Composer Yoshiyuki Kawaguchi Original Music Composer 近藤研二 Original Music Composer 栗原正己 Original Music Composer 内田雄馬 Theme Song Performance 大津直 Character Designer 鎌田千賀子 Color Designer 横手美智子 Series Composition 赤木寿子 Art Direction 甲田雅人 Original Music Composer うたたね歌菜 Original Music Composer 谷口久美子 Special Effects Kiyoshi Matsuda Series Director 定松剛 Editor 小泉紀介 Sound Director Saho Sawada Director of Photography Ren Eguchi Novel 内田雄馬 Mukohda (voice) Satoshi Hino Fel (voice) 木野日菜 Sui (voice) Maaya Uchida Ninlil (voice) 大地葉 Agni (voice) 甲斐田裕子 Kisharle (voice) 白砂沙帆 Rusalka (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2023-01-11 1: My Absurd Skill Is Unexpectedly Useful One day, Tsuyoshi Mukohda, an extremely ordinary salaryman, gets caught up in a hero summons being performed in another world. At the time of his summoning, he receives a unique skill known as "Online Grocery", that allows him to bring food ingredients and seasonings from his original world. Even though this skill seems plain at first glance, the food he brings into this new world has an absurd effect...!? 1: My Absurd Skill Is Unexpectedly Useful In onda il: 2023-01-11 One day, Tsuyoshi Mukohda, an extremely ordinary salaryman, gets caught up in a hero summons being performed in another world. At the time of his summoning, he receives a unique skill known as "Online Grocery", that allows him to bring food ingredients and seasonings from his original world. Even though this skill seems plain at first glance, the food he brings into this new world has an absurd effect...!? In onda il: 2023-01-18 2: The Salient Familiar Is a Living Legend After the legendary wolf monster Fenrir got attracted to the delicious smell of Mukohda's food and signed the Familiar Contract with him, Mukohda decides to register with the Guild in Fallières his next stop. 2: The Salient Familiar Is a Living Legend In onda il: 2023-01-18 After the legendary wolf monster Fenrir got attracted to the delicious smell of Mukohda's food and signed the Familiar Contract with him, Mukohda decides to register with the Guild in Fallières his next stop. In onda il: 2023-01-25 3: My Super Power Is All About Cooking After registering with both the Merchant's and the Adventurer's Guilds, Mukohda immediately decides to take on a beginner’s quest. However, when they deliver the monsters that Fel caught during their quest to the Guild, they find out that most of these monsters are B-rank or higher. 3: My Super Power Is All About Cooking In onda il: 2023-01-25 After registering with both the Merchant's and the Adventurer's Guilds, Mukohda immediately decides to take on a beginner’s quest. However, when they deliver the monsters that Fel caught during their quest to the Guild, they find out that most of these monsters are B-rank or higher. In onda il: 2023-02-01 4: Cannot Start the Journey Without a Map Mukohda asks Fel to teach him how to use magic after witnessing his wind magic. However, when things do not seem to go well, Fel decides to start a Spartan training regimen for him. 4: Cannot Start the Journey Without a Map In onda il: 2023-02-01 Mukohda asks Fel to teach him how to use magic after witnessing his wind magic. However, when things do not seem to go well, Fel decides to start a Spartan training regimen for him. In onda il: 2023-02-08 5: The Goddess of Wind Has a Sweet Tooth Mukohda and Fel arrive at a large lake, where they catch some fish and have their usual meal. But right when they start eating inside the barrier that keeps monsters at bay, a baby slime appears out of nowhere...? 5: The Goddess of Wind Has a Sweet Tooth In onda il: 2023-02-08 Mukohda and Fel arrive at a large lake, where they catch some fish and have their usual meal. But right when they start eating inside the barrier that keeps monsters at bay, a baby slime appears out of nowhere...? In onda il: 2023-02-15 6: Growth Happens Out of Nowhere The place Fel decides to bring Mukohda to get some battle experience ends up being a creepy dungeon. Even so, Mukohda gets ready for battle and increases his stats by eating a meal from his original world using the “Online Grocery”. However... 6: Growth Happens Out of Nowhere In onda il: 2023-02-15 The place Fel decides to bring Mukohda to get some battle experience ends up being a creepy dungeon. Even so, Mukohda gets ready for battle and increases his stats by eating a meal from his original world using the “Online Grocery”. However... In onda il: 2023-02-22 7: Dances with Wolves and Monsters Mukohda and his familiars dash through the forest, after strengthening their bonds in the dungeon. However, they soon find themselves in the territory of dangerous monsters and, just like Mukohda expected, surrounded by a pack of orthros... 7: Dances with Wolves and Monsters In onda il: 2023-02-22 Mukohda and his familiars dash through the forest, after strengthening their bonds in the dungeon. However, they soon find themselves in the territory of dangerous monsters and, just like Mukohda expected, surrounded by a pack of orthros... In onda il: 2023-03-01 8: All of the Boss Monsters Are Tasty After Mukohda rescues a traveling caravan from a band of bandits, they set out together for the great city of Karelina. But when Mukohda visits the Adventurer’s Guild in the city, he gets notified that his membership was revoked...? 8: All of the Boss Monsters Are Tasty In onda il: 2023-03-01 After Mukohda rescues a traveling caravan from a band of bandits, they set out together for the great city of Karelina. But when Mukohda visits the Adventurer’s Guild in the city, he gets notified that his membership was revoked...? In onda il: 2023-03-08 9: Hunting Quests Are All About Meat and Money Mukohda gets summoned by the guild master after defeating an entire settlement of goblins while finishing a guild request. Although Mukohda didn't want to make a big deal out of it, he receives a high-ranking quest directly from the guild master...? 9: Hunting Quests Are All About Meat and Money In onda il: 2023-03-08 Mukohda gets summoned by the guild master after defeating an entire settlement of goblins while finishing a guild request. Although Mukohda didn't want to make a big deal out of it, he receives a high-ranking quest directly from the guild master...? In onda il: 2023-03-15 10: My Two Familiars Are Too Overpowered Mukohda and his familiars receive a request to head towards a mine and hunt down the metal lizard that inhabits it. Instead, they run into a rare mithril lizard. After Mukohda defeats the lizard, with the help of Fel and Sui, Fel turns his interest towards a different and tastier prey...? 10: My Two Familiars Are Too Overpowered In onda il: 2023-03-15 Mukohda and his familiars receive a request to head towards a mine and hunt down the metal lizard that inhabits it. Instead, they run into a rare mithril lizard. After Mukohda defeats the lizard, with the help of Fel and Sui, Fel turns his interest towards a different and tastier prey...? In onda il: 2023-03-22 11: Doing Business for The Missus Lambert consults Mukohda about a gift for his wife. When Mukohda suggests a certain product he purchased from the online grocery, it leads to an unexpected situation. Meanwhile, a pack of dangerous monsters, called wyverns, are approaching the town...? 11: Doing Business for The Missus In onda il: 2023-03-22 Lambert consults Mukohda about a gift for his wife. When Mukohda suggests a certain product he purchased from the online grocery, it leads to an unexpected situation. Meanwhile, a pack of dangerous monsters, called wyverns, are approaching the town...? In onda il: 2023-03-29 12: Adventures Are as Countless as Varieties of Food After easily defeating the pack of dangerous yet powerful wyverns, Mukohda and his familiars receive praise not only from the guild, but also from the entire town. Unfazed by the attention, Mukohda goes out to look for a certain thing that he's always wanted to get in ever since he got summoned to this world. 12: Adventures Are as Countless as Varieties of Food In onda il: 2023-03-29 After easily defeating the pack of dangerous yet powerful wyverns, Mukohda and his familiars receive praise not only from the guild, but also from the entire town. Unfazed by the attention, Mukohda goes out to look for a certain thing that he's always wanted to get in ever since he got summoned to this world. Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  9. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I've Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia di un giovane ragazzo, Al Wayne, che per passare dal fondo della società fino ai suoi vertici, decide di potenziare al massimo le sue capacità di contadino riuscendo a tirare fuori dai guai occasionalmente i suoi amici. Un giorno, quando riesce a raggiunge il livello massimo come agricoltore, la sua vita cambia drasticamente prendendo una via totalmente diversa da quella dei campi. ながはまのりひこ Series Director 待田堂子 Series Composition Masami Sueoka Character Designer Yuichi Goto 3D Director 森下広人 Sound Director 伊賀拓郎 Original Music Composer Ryota Katsuta Color Designer Maki Yamamoto Color Designer 滝口勝久 Art Designer 根岸大輔 Art Direction Keisuke Takahashi Director of Photography sogawa Character Designer 榎木淳弥 Al (voice) 田中美海 Fal (voice) 大久保瑠美 Helen (voice) 諏訪彩花 Ruri (voice) Yukari Tamura Ilvia (voice) 伊藤昌弘 Reaks (voice) Mai Nakahara Luccia Wayne (voice) 浜田賢二 Gilles Wayne (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2022-10-01 1: Top Notch Farmer All Al wants to do is live a tranquil existence as a farmer. Unfortunately for him, unwittingly rescuing the princess means his life is about to become far more complicated. 1: Top Notch Farmer In onda il: 2022-10-01 All Al wants to do is live a tranquil existence as a farmer. Unfortunately for him, unwittingly rescuing the princess means his life is about to become far more complicated. In onda il: 2022-10-08 2: The Farmer and The Guild It was supposed to be a simple gathering quest, but Al’s discovery of a black dragon scale becomes an omen of things to come. 2: The Farmer and The Guild In onda il: 2022-10-08 It was supposed to be a simple gathering quest, but Al’s discovery of a black dragon scale becomes an omen of things to come. In onda il: 2022-10-15 3: The Farmer and The Malevolent Dragon Ouroborus Al encounters the ghost of Helen’s brother, who begs him to save his sister from Ouroboros. 3: The Farmer and The Malevolent Dragon Ouroborus In onda il: 2022-10-15 Al encounters the ghost of Helen’s brother, who begs him to save his sister from Ouroboros. In onda il: 2022-10-22 4: The Farmer and the Life That Was Saved Ouroboros won’t go down that easily; the battle for Helen’s soul has only just begun. 4: The Farmer and the Life That Was Saved In onda il: 2022-10-22 Ouroboros won’t go down that easily; the battle for Helen’s soul has only just begun. In onda il: 2022-10-29 5: The Farmer and Lulugus A fellow adventurer joins Al on his way to Lurugus. 5: The Farmer and Lulugus In onda il: 2022-10-29 A fellow adventurer joins Al on his way to Lurugus. In onda il: 2022-11-05 6: The Farmer and The Hero Who Can't Be a Hero Loki will stop at nothing to ensure the Hero’s bloodline ends with Ruri! 6: The Farmer and The Hero Who Can't Be a Hero In onda il: 2022-11-05 Loki will stop at nothing to ensure the Hero’s bloodline ends with Ruri! In onda il: 2022-11-12 7: The Farmer and The Princess's Resolution Heavy is the head that wears the crown; Fal must accept a political marriage for the sake of the kingdom. 7: The Farmer and The Princess's Resolution In onda il: 2022-11-12 Heavy is the head that wears the crown; Fal must accept a political marriage for the sake of the kingdom. In onda il: 2022-11-19 8: The Farmer and The Wedding Al, Helen, and Ruri must expose Nedilus’ evil deeds and thwart his plan! However, everything depends on rescuing a hostage imprisoned in the castle first. 8: The Farmer and The Wedding In onda il: 2022-11-19 Al, Helen, and Ruri must expose Nedilus’ evil deeds and thwart his plan! However, everything depends on rescuing a hostage imprisoned in the castle first. In onda il: 2022-11-26 9: Al's Past Al had another childhood friend other than Testa, and her name was Ilvia. Al will always remember her. 9: Al's Past In onda il: 2022-11-26 Al had another childhood friend other than Testa, and her name was Ilvia. Al will always remember her. In onda il: 2022-12-03 10: The Farmer and Aspara Town Linea knows something is wrong in Gull Town and wants the guild to investigate. 10: The Farmer and Aspara Town In onda il: 2022-12-03 Linea knows something is wrong in Gull Town and wants the guild to investigate. In onda il: 2022-12-10 11: The Reunion of The Farmer and The Demon King's Castle Al gets more than he bargains for when he rescues a young girl from her assailants; she’s the daughter of the Demon King, and she needs Al’s help to save demon kind! 11: The Reunion of The Farmer and The Demon King's Castle In onda il: 2022-12-10 Al gets more than he bargains for when he rescues a young girl from her assailants; she’s the daughter of the Demon King, and she needs Al’s help to save demon kind! In onda il: 2022-12-17 12: The Farmer and The New Resolution Al’s mind reels from a shocking revelation! He has many questions, but he will only receive the answers if he accepts a dark bargain. 12: The Farmer and The New Resolution In onda il: 2022-12-17 Al’s mind reels from a shocking revelation! He has many questions, but he will only receive the answers if he accepts a dark bargain. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  10. Udemy - Mindset e soft skill per il digitale - ITA La mentalità giusta e le competenze trasversali più opportune nel mondo moderno Cosa imparerai: Comprendere cosa sono le soft skill e la loro importanza nel mondo digitale Capire quali competenze trasversali sono più richieste dalle aziende Conoscere le soft skill più rilevanti per chi utilizza strumenti digitali nel lavoro Individuare le competenze che aiutano a sfruttare meglio le tecnologie digitali Il corso esamina l'atteggiamento e le competenze necessarie per vivere e lavorare in un mondo pervaso dal digitale cogliendone adeguatamente tutte le opportunità, ma sapendone anche dominare le incertezze. Verranno quindi esaminate quali sono e come si sviluppano le competenze "soft" che servono per capitalizzare le opportunità della Rete, pianificare e gestire i canali e gli strumenti digitali. Queste capacità servono per capire e affrontare meglio il contesto professionale nonché per gestire efficacemente le relazioni con le persone (utenti, clienti, colleghi, partner, ecc.). E non si tratta solo di competenze acquisite dall'esperienza ma dei veri e propri stadi mentali ("mindset", appunto) che è opportuno applicare per vivere al meglio il rapporto con il digitale e l'evoluzione tecnologica. Coltivare alcune soft skill consente anche di attenuare il rischio che la propria professione sia soppiantata dalla tecnologia, che sia un robot o uno strumento di intelligenza artificiale. Ne deriva che studiare ed applicare queste competenze, aumenta le probabilità di ingaggi e sbocchi professionali nonché l'attitudine a contestualizzare le opportunità del digitale. Requisiti: - Microsoft Windows o Mac - Formato: mp4 Size: 1.48 GB BUON DOWNLOAD
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