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  1. Scheda: Data di uscita: 08 novembre 2012 Genere: Azione, Guerra Anno: 2012 Regia: John Stockwell Attori: Cam Gigandet, Kathleen Robertson, Xzibit, Anson Mount Paese: USA Durata: 100 min Distribuzione: Koch Media Sceneggiatura: Kendall Lampkin Fotografia: Peter Holland Montaggio: Ben Callahan Musiche: Paul Haslinger Produzione: Voltage Pictures Trama: Sono passati 10 anni dagli attacchi dell'11 settembre 2001: da allora, l'intelligence americana ha scatenato la più grande caccia all'uomo di tutti i tempi. Nel 2011 però, la CIA decide di selezionare un'unità speciale di Navy Seals, per una missione segreta in Afghanistan. Il nome in codice dell'obiettivo finale è Geronimo, lo stesso del temibile capo Apache capace di sfuggire per anni alle truppe americane dell'800. Nemmeno i membri del team conoscono il reale obiettivo di questa operazione, direttamente coordinata dalla Casa Bianca: trovare e uccidere Osama Bin Laden. Il gruppo si troverà ad affrontare e gestire una crescente tensione, che porterà ogni componente a riflettere sulle proprie vite, sui propri sogni e sul senso ultimo della missione, fino a trovare la forza e il coraggio per portare a termine il proprio compito. CODE NAME GERONIMO.iso
  2. Scheda: Data di uscita: 08 novembre 2012 Genere: Azione, Guerra Anno: 2012 Regia: John Stockwell Attori: Cam Gigandet, Kathleen Robertson, Xzibit, Anson Mount Paese: USA Durata: 100 min Distribuzione: Koch Media Sceneggiatura: Kendall Lampkin Fotografia: Peter Holland Montaggio: Ben Callahan Musiche: Paul Haslinger Produzione: Voltage Pictures Trama: Sono passati 10 anni dagli attacchi dell'11 settembre 2001: da allora, l'intelligence americana ha scatenato la più grande caccia all'uomo di tutti i tempi. Nel 2011 però, la CIA decide di selezionare un'unità speciale di Navy Seals, per una missione segreta in Afghanistan. Il nome in codice dell'obiettivo finale è Geronimo, lo stesso del temibile capo Apache capace di sfuggire per anni alle truppe americane dell'800. Nemmeno i membri del team conoscono il reale obiettivo di questa operazione, direttamente coordinata dalla Casa Bianca: trovare e uccidere Osama Bin Laden. Il gruppo si troverà ad affrontare e gestire una crescente tensione, che porterà ogni componente a riflettere sulle proprie vite, sui propri sogni e sul senso ultimo della missione, fino a trovare la forza e il coraggio per portare a termine il proprio compito. Code.Name.Geronimo.2012.iTA.ENG.1080p.Untouched.BluRay.H264-PiNG.mkv Code.Name.Geronimo.2012.iTA.ENG.1080p.BluRay.x264-PiNG.mkv
  3. Scheda: Titolo originale: The Zone of Interest Data di uscita: 2024 Genere: drammatico, storico, guerra Regista: Jonathan Glazer Cast: Christian Friedel, Sandra Hüller, Johann Karthaus, Luis Noah Witte, Nele Ahrensmeier, Lilli Falk, Anastazja Drobniak, Cecylia Pekala, Kalman Wilson, Medusa Knopf, Maximilian Beck, Andrey Isaev, Julia Babiarz, Stephanie Petrowitz, Martyna Poznanski, Zuzanna Kobiela, Benjamin Utzerath, Thomas Neumann, Klaudiusz Kaufmann, Justyna Szklarska, Kacper Piwko, Marie Rosa Tietjen, Antje Falk, Jakub Sierenberg, Joerg Sierenberg... Paese: Poland, United Kingdom, United States of America Durata: 105 min Trama: Liberamente ispirato all’omonimo romanzo di Martin Amis, "La Zona d’interesse" è la storia di una famiglia tedesca apparentemente normale che vive - in una bucolica casetta con piscina - una quotidianità fatta di gite in barca, il lavoro d’ufficio del padre, i tè della moglie con le amiche, le domeniche passate a pescare al fiume. Peccato che l’uomo in questione sia Rudolf Höss, comandante di Auschwitz, e la deliziosa villetta con giardino in cui vive con la sua famiglia in una surreale serenità è situata proprio al confine con il campo di concentramento, a due passi dall’orrore, così vicino e così lontano. La.Zona.D'Interesse.2023.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA.GER-Peppe.mkv
  4. Scheda: Data di uscita: 31 agosto 2017 Genere: Drammatico, Guerra Anno: 2017 Regia: Christopher Nolan Attori: Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh, James D'Arcy, Harry Styles, Aneurin Barnard, Jack Lowden, Barry Keoghan, Fionn Whitehead, Charley Palmer Rothwell, Elliott Tittensor, Brian Vernel, Kevin Guthrie Paese: USA, Gran Bretagna, Francia Durata: 106 min Formato: 2D, 3D, IMAX Distribuzione: Warner Bros. Sceneggiatura: Christopher Nolan Fotografia: Hoyte van Hoytema Montaggio: Lee Smith Musiche: Hans Zimmer Produzione: RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Syncopy, Warner Bros Trama: Il film racconta la nota Operazione Dynamo, effettuata tra il 27 maggio e il 4 giugno del 1940, fu uno degli avvenimenti più significativi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e contribuì a spostare le sorti del conflitto in favore degli Alleati. Dunkirk racconta dunque l'incredibile evacuazione verso la Gran Bretagna di migliaia di soldati belgi, francesi e britannici, bloccati sulle spiagge di Dunkerque dall'avanzata dell'esercito tedesco, durante la cosiddetta Battaglia di Francia. Le truppe britanniche e alleate si trovano circondate da un lato dalle forze nemiche, e dall'altra dal mare, con il Canale della Manica come unica via di fuga possibile. Le operazioni di imbarco richiedono più tempo del previsto, e vengono ulteriormente rallentate da un violento bombardamento nemico che getta i soldati nel panico e nella disperazione più totali. L'intera cittadina portuale viene coinvolta nei preparativi della spedizione di salvataggio e molti civili si mobilitano per partecipare. Così dopo giorni di attesa, gli uomini vengono tratti in salvo, ma da una flotta improvvisata di imbarcazioni di vario genere, navi da pesca, da diporto e addirittura scialuppe di salvataggio. DUNKIRK.iso
  5. HP00

    Dunkirk (2017) 1080p

    Scheda: Data di uscita: 31 agosto 2017 Genere: Drammatico, Guerra Anno: 2017 Regia: Christopher Nolan Attori: Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh, James D'Arcy, Harry Styles, Aneurin Barnard, Jack Lowden, Barry Keoghan, Fionn Whitehead, Charley Palmer Rothwell, Elliott Tittensor, Brian Vernel, Kevin Guthrie Paese: USA, Gran Bretagna, Francia Durata: 106 min Formato: 2D, 3D, IMAX Distribuzione: Warner Bros. Sceneggiatura: Christopher Nolan Fotografia: Hoyte van Hoytema Montaggio: Lee Smith Musiche: Hans Zimmer Produzione: RatPac-Dune Entertainment, Syncopy, Warner Bros Trama: Il film racconta la nota Operazione Dynamo, effettuata tra il 27 maggio e il 4 giugno del 1940, fu uno degli avvenimenti più significativi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e contribuì a spostare le sorti del conflitto in favore degli Alleati. Dunkirk racconta dunque l'incredibile evacuazione verso la Gran Bretagna di migliaia di soldati belgi, francesi e britannici, bloccati sulle spiagge di Dunkerque dall'avanzata dell'esercito tedesco, durante la cosiddetta Battaglia di Francia. Le truppe britanniche e alleate si trovano circondate da un lato dalle forze nemiche, e dall'altra dal mare, con il Canale della Manica come unica via di fuga possibile. Le operazioni di imbarco richiedono più tempo del previsto, e vengono ulteriormente rallentate da un violento bombardamento nemico che getta i soldati nel panico e nella disperazione più totali. L'intera cittadina portuale viene coinvolta nei preparativi della spedizione di salvataggio e molti civili si mobilitano per partecipare. Così dopo giorni di attesa, gli uomini vengono tratti in salvo, ma da una flotta improvvisata di imbarcazioni di vario genere, navi da pesca, da diporto e addirittura scialuppe di salvataggio. Dunkirk.2017.iMAX.iTA.ENG.1080p.Untouched.BluRay.H264-PiNG.mkv Dunkirk.2017.iMAX.iTA.ENG.1080p.BluRay.x264-PiNG.mkv
  6. peppeok

    Il Cacciatore (1978) UHD 2160p 4K

    Scheda film: GENERE: Drammatico, Guerra ANNO: 1978 REGIA: Michael Cimino ATTORI: Robert De Niro, John Cazale, John Savage, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep, George Dzundza, Chuck Aspegren, Shirley Stoler, Rutanya Alda, Pierre Segui, Mady Kaplan, Mary Ann Haenel, Richard Kuss, Amy Wright PAESE: USA DURATA: 183 Min FORMATO: 35 MM, SCOPE, PANAVISION, TECHNICOLOR DISTRIBUZIONE: TITANUS (1979) - DOMOVIDEO, DE AGOSTINI, L' UNITA' VIDEO Trama: Tre giovani amici di origine ucraina, operai in un'acciaieria di Clairton (Pennsylvania), partono per il Vietnam dopo aver festeggiato il matrimonio (rito ortodosso) di uno di loro. Catturati dai Vietcong, subiscono la tortura della roulette russa, ma riescono a fuggire. Mike (De Niro) rimpatria, carico di medaglie; Steven (Savage) perde le gambe e Nick (Walken) trova a Saigon la morte che aveva cercato con accanimento. All'inferno e ritorno. Il Vietnam occupa la parte centrale e un breve capitolo (enfatico) verso la fine, in cadenze di un'apocalisse allucinata, di un carnevale di morte. Il.Cacciatore.1978.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.DTS.2.0.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  7. Scheda film: Titolo originale Enemy at the Gates Lingua originale inglese, tedesco, russo Paese di produzione Stati Uniti d'America, Regno Unito, Francia, Germania, Irlanda Anno 2001 Durata 131 min Genere guerra, storico Regia Jean-Jacques Annaud Sceneggiatura Alain Godard, Jean-Jacques Annaud Produttore Jean-Jacques Annaud, John D. Schofield Produttore esecutivo Alain Godard, Alisa Tager, Roland Pellegrino, Jörg Reichl Casa di produzione Mandalay Pictures, Repérage Films Fotografia Robert Fraisse Montaggio Noëlle Boisson, Humphrey Dixon Effetti speciali Uli Nefzer, Peter Chiang Musiche James Horner Scenografia Wolf Kroeger, Neil Lamont, Simon Wakefield Costumi Janty Yates Trucco Hasso von Hugo Interpreti e personaggi Jude Law: Vassili Zaitsev Ed Harris: maggiore Erwin König Joseph Fiennes: Politruk Danilov Rachel Weisz: Tania Chernova Bob Hoskins: Nikita Chruščëv Ron Perlman: soldato Koulikov Eva Mattes: signora Filipova Gabriel Marshall-Thomson: Sacha Filipov Matthias Habich: generale Friedrich Paulus Trama: Il 20 settembre 1942, la giovane recluta dell'Armata Rossa Vasilij Zajcev giunge a Stalingrado mentre la città è in gran parte occupata dall'esercito tedesco. Il suo primo impatto con la guerra è difficile, a causa del caos che regna nell'organizzazione delle difese sovietiche, ma in seguito riesce a mettersi in luce grazie alla sua straordinaria abilità come tiratore, un'abilità appresa negli Urali nella caccia al lupo fin da bambino Il.Nemico.Alle.Porte.2001.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.DTS.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  8. Scheda film: Titolo originale The Guns of Navarone Data di uscita nd (Italia) 22 Giugno 1961 (USA) Genere Azione , Avventura , Drammatico , Guerra Anno 1961 Regia J. Lee Thompson, Alexander Mackendrick Attori Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn, Stanley Baker, Anthony Quayle, James Darren, Irene Papas, Gia Scala, James Robertson Justice, Richard Harris, Bryan Forbes, Allan Cuthbertson, Michael Trubshawe, Percy Herbert, George Mikell Paese Regno Unito, USA Durata 156 Min Trama: Seconda guerra mondiale. Sull'isola di Keros, ormai in mano alle forze tedesche, sono tenuti prigionieri duemila soldati inglesi. Cinque uomini vengono incaricati di liberarli, neutralizzando gli enormi cannoni a lunga gittata posti sull'isola di Navarone. Ma tra di essi c'è un traditore. I.Cannoni.Di.Navarone.1961.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.DTS.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  9. peppeok

    Dracula Untold (2014) UHD 2160p 4K

    Scheda film: Titolo: Dracula Untold Titolo Originale: Dracula Untold Genere: azione, drammatico, fantastico, guerra, orrore Nazione: USA Anno: 2014 Durata: 92 Min Regia: Gary Shore Cast: Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Samantha Barks, Charlie Cox, Zach McGowan, William Houston, Noah Huntley, Ronan Vibert, Diarmaid Murtagh, Joseph Long Trama: Il giovane principe Vlad guida la carica per respingere i tentativi dell'impero Ottomano di utilizzare la Romania come un punto d'appoggio per conquistare il resto d'Europa. In un momento di disperazione, Vlad sale su una montagna dove risiede un oscuro potere magico con la speranza di trovare qualcosa che tenga a bada le orde turche. Quel potere lo aiuta a sconfiggere i turchi, ma questo avviene pagando il prezzo della sua trasformazione in una creatura della notte. Dracula.Untold.2014.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.DTS.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  10. Star Wars Collection 90 - Star Wars v2 3, La Guerra dei Cacciatori di Taglie (2023-06 Panini) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 176 pagine | 248 MB Il famigerato Boba Fett ha le mani su una delle più grosse taglie della galassia: Han Solo, congelato nella carbonite. Deve solo portare il contrabbandiere su Tatoine, consegnarlo a Jabba the Hutt e incassare. Cosa potrebbe andare storto? Tutto. Ed è così che scoppia la guerra fra Alleanza Ribelle, Impero e ogni cacciatore di taglie della galassia per il premio più ambito: Han Solo! Il più grande crossover della storia di Star Wars raccolto in un singolo volume insieme a tutte le storie extra collegate. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  11. Scheda: Titolo del Film : Il dottor zivago Titolo Originale del Film : Doctor Zhivago Paese di Produzione : Regno Unito, Stati Uniti d'America, Italia Anno : 1965 Edizione Rilasciata dalla Turner Entertainment Co. Warner Bros : 2016 DURATA FULL BLU-RAY : 200 min. circ. Genere : Drammatico, Sentimentale, Guerra, Epico Regia : David Lean Soggetto : dall'omonimo romanzo di Boris Pasternak Sceneggiatura : Robert Bolt Produttore : Carlo Ponti Fotografia : Freddie Young Montaggio : Norman Savage Musiche : Maurice Jarre Scenografia : Terence Marsh, Gil Parrondo, Dario Simoni Costumi : Phyllis Dalton Interpreti e Personaggi : Omar Sharif : dottor Jurij Živago Julie Christie : Lara Antipova Geraldine Chaplin : Tonja Gromeko Rod Steiger : Viktor Komarovskij Alec Guinness : generale Evgraf Živago Tom Courtenay : Pasha Antipov / Strel'nikov Siobhan McKenna : Anna Ralph Richardson : Aleksandr Gromeko Rita Tushingham : la ragazza Jeffrey Rockland : Sasha Tarek Sharif : Yuri a 8 anni Bernard Kay : il bolscevico Klaus Kinski : Kostoed Amurskij Gérard Tichy : Liberius Noel Willman : Razin Geoffrey Keen : professore medico Adrienne Corri : Amelia, madre di Lara Jack MacGowran : Petja Wolf Frees : delegato Lucy Westmore : Katja Lili Murati : donna che sale sul treno in corsa José Nieto : prete Doppiatori Italiani : Giuseppe Rinaldi : dottor Jurij Živago Maria Pia Di Meo : Lara Antipova Fiorella Betti : Tonja Gromeko Bruno Persa : Viktor Komarovskij Manlio Busoni : generale Evgraf Živago Sergio Tedesco : pascià Antipov Giovanna Scotto : Anna Nino Pavese : Aleksandr Gromeko Cesare Barbetti : Kostoed Amurskij Renato Turi : Liberius Arturo Dominici : professore medico Rosetta Calavetta : Amelia, madre di Lara Gino Baghetti : Petja Lauro Gazzolo : delegato Liliana Sorrentino : Katja Luigi Pavese : prete Mario Mastria : tenente, passeggero sul treno Nino Marchetti : cameriere Dina Perbellini : signora alla festa Gualtiero De Angelis : soldato nel vagone Trama: Gli ideali di vita di Yuri Zivago, rivolti alla poesia e al servizio dell'umanità, trovano un forte ostacolo negli eventi che caratterizzano il passaggio dal regime zarista al bolscevismo. Laureatosi in medicina e sposata la cugina Tonya, nell'esercizio dell asua professione Yuri incontra Laram una giovana donna che, dopo una triste esperienza con un ambiguo ed influente uomo politico, Komarovsky, sposerà il fidanzato Pasha, un idealista ed ambizioso rivoluzionario. Nel corso della guerra Zivago ritrova Lara, divenuta infermiera, e a lei si lega con sincero affetto. Ormai la rivoluzione ha mutato molte cose: Pasha è divenuto un potentissimo membro del governo e l'attuarsi del nuovo regime ha creato delle situazioni insostenibili. Al suo ritorno a Mosca, Yuri trova in miseria la sua famiglia, prima benestante, e denutrito il figlioletto, che non lo riconosce e lo schiaffeggia. Con l'aiuto del fratellastro, ufficiale di polizia, ottiene il permesso di trasferirsi a Varykino negli Urali dove la famiglia della moglie ha, o meglio aveva, una residenza. Lì Yuri incontra di nuovo Lara, che vi risiede con la figlioletta, e i due diventano amanti. Il.Dottor.Zivago.1965.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  12. Kriminal A Colori 049 - La guerra è bella solo per chi specula (RCS 2021-07) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 135 pagine | 141 MB Kriminal, uno dei più famosi antieroi del fumetto nero degli anni 60, ritorna in una nuova edizione in supplemento al quotidiano la" Gazzetta dello Sport". Il personaggio ideato da Max Bunker e Magnus nel 1964, viene riproposto in 114 storie a colori, con uscita settimanale. Rivedremo in azione Anthony Logan che cela la sua identità, dietro il costume giallo con impressa la fisionomia di uno scheletro e la maschera di un teschio, per diventare Kriminal e compiere furti. Opera che ha rivoluzionato il fumetto criminale e quello italiano, per le sue storie d'azione piuttosto cruente e con una piccata attenzione alle scene erotiche. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  13. peppeok

    Jojo Rabbit (2019) UHD 2160p 4K

    Scheda film: Titolo originale:Jojo Rabbit Nazione:Germania Anno:2019 Genere:Commedia, Drammatico, Guerra Durata:108' Regia:Taika Waititi Cast:Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson, Taika Waititi, Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson, Alfie Allen, Stephen Merchant Produzione:TSG Entertainment, Piki Films, Defender Films, Czech Anglo Productions Distribuzione:20th Century Fox Trama: Il giovanissimo Jojo Betzler ha 10 anni e ha molte difficoltà a relazionarsi con i suoi coetanei. Sempre impacciato viene appunto chiamato Jojo Rabbit - coniglio - per sottolineare, con la crudeltà di certi bambini, sostenuti dagli adulti in divisa nazista, le sue difficoltà. Per cercare di affrontare un mondo che gli sembra sempre ostile, Jojo si rivolge allora al suo amico immaginario che ha il volto di Adolf Hitler, interpretato dallo stesso regista. Ma il giovanissimo comincia a porsi molte domande sulla legittimità di quanto gli viene insegnato a scuola e nel campo di addestramento, quando scopre che la madre nasconde in soffitta Elsa, una ragazza ebrea. Tra Jojo e Elsa nasce un'amicizia che porta il ragazzino a guardare con altri occhi quanto sta succedendo intorno a lui e a dubitare sulla bontà degli insegnamenti relativi al nazismo che riceve. Jojo.Rabbit.2019.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.DTS.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  14. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La guerra dei nonni 1 h 36 m    2023         Commedia Gerri (Vincenzo Salemme) è un nonno attento e premuroso, vive con la famiglia della figlia, aiuta in casa e si prende cura dei suoi amati nipoti. In questo perfetto equilibrio familiare irrompe nonno Tom (Max Tortora), che dopo anni vissuti all’estero torna in Italia per trascorrere un po’ di tempo con i nipotini. Esuberante e chiassoso, nonno Tom è pronto a infrangere ogni regola stabilita da nonno Gerri pur di realizzare i desideri dei bambini e conquistare il loro amore. Dall’incontro tra Gerri e Tom nascerà un’accesa competizione che darà vita a una serie di esilaranti sfide tra nonni, senza esclusione di colpi… e colpi di scena. Gianluca Ansanelli Screenplay Gianluca Ansanelli Director Tito Buffolini Screenplay Marco Belardi Producer Magda Accolti Gil Costumer Jacopo Reale Editor Tiziana Liberotti Production Design Donato Sileo Director of Photography Vincenzo Salemme Gerri Max Tortora Tom Ana Caterina Morariu Federica Luca Angeletti Ernesto Bianca Guaccero Viki Herbert Ballerina Gaetano Greta Santi Giulia Luigi Fosco Marco Chloe Aquino Loretta La Guerra Dei Nonni | Trailer HD | Dal 30 novembre al cinema ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  15. TITOLO ORIGINALE: La Guerra dei Nonni GENERE: Commedia ANNO: 2023 REGIA: Gianluca Ansanelli ATTORI: Vincenzo Salemme, Max Tortora, Luca Angeletti, Ana Caterina Morariu, Bianca Guaccero, Herbert Ballerina, Greta Santi, Luigi Fosco... PAESE: Italia DURATA: 97 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Medusa Film SCENEGGIATURA: Gianluca Ansanelli, Tito Buffulini FOTOGRAFIA: Donato Sileo MONTAGGIO: Jacopo Reale MUSICHE: Umberto Scipione PRODUZIONE: Greenboo Production, Medusa Film, Netflix Gerri è un nonno attento e premuroso: vive con la famiglia della figlia, aiuta in casa e si prende cura degli amati nipotini. In questo perfetto equilibrio familiare irrompe nonno Tom, che dopo anni vissuti all’estero torna in Italia per trascorrere un po’ di tempo con i nipoti. Esuberante e chiassoso, nonno Tom è pronto a infrangere ogni regola stabilita da nonno Gerri pur di realizzare i desideri dei bambini e conquistare il loro amore.
  16. Scheda: Titolo del Film : Il domani che verrà - The Tomorrow Series Titolo Originale del Film : Tomorrow, When the War Began Paese di Produzione : Australia Anno : 2010 DURATA FULL BLU-RAY : 104 min. circ. Genere : Avventura, Azione, Guerra Regia : Stuart Beattie Soggetto : John Marsden (romanzo) Sceneggiatura : Stuart Beattie Produttore : Andrew Mason, Michael Boughen Produttore Esecutivo : Christopher Mapp, Matthew Street, David Whealy, Peter Graves Casa di Produzione : Ambience Entertainment, Omnilab Media Fotografia : Ben Nott Montaggio : Marcus D'Arcy Musiche : Johnny Klimek e Reinhold Heil Scenografia : Robert Webb Costumi : Terry Ryan Trucco : Zeljka Stanin Interpreti e Personaggi : Caitlin Stasey : Ellie Linton Rachel Hurd-Wood : Corrie Lincoln Lewis : Kevin Deniz Akdeniz : Homer Phoebe Tonkin : Fiona Maxwell Chris Pang : Lee Ashleigh Cummings : Robyn Mathers Andy Ryan : Chris Lang Colin Friels : Dr. Clement Doppiatori Italiani : Alessia Amendola : Ellie Linton Chiara Gioncardi : Corrie Davide Perino : Kevin Flavio Aquilone : Homer Valentina Mari : Fiona "Fi" Maxwell Fabrizio De Flaviis : Lee Valentina Favazza : Robyn Mathers Edoardo Stoppacciaro : Chris Lang Antonio Sanna : Dr. Clement Trama: Insieme a un gruppo di amici, Ellie decide di passare qualche giorno in campeggio in una località sul litorale vicino casa, chiamata The Hell (l’inferno), posto incantevole su cui aleggia l’ombra di vecchie terribili leggende. Una volta rientrati nelle loro abitazioni, i ragazzi scoprono che i genitori sono scomparsi a causa dell’invasione di un’ostile e ignota forza militare. Per mettersi in salvo e pianificare cosa fare, decideranno di rifugiarsi nell’unico luogo sicuro che conoscono, il campeggio. Il.Domani.Che.Verrà.The.Tomorrow.Series.2010.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.DTS.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  17. Scheda film: Titolo originale Inglourious Basterds Data di uscita 2 Ottobre 2009 (Italia) 20 Agosto 2009 (Germania) Genere Guerra , Azione Anno 2009 Regia Quentin Tarantino Attori Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth, Michael Fassbender, Diane Kruger, Daniel Brühl, Til Schweiger, Gedeon Burkhard, Jacky Ido, B.J. Novak, Omar Doom, August Diehl, Denis Menochet, Sylvester Groth, Martin Wuttke, Mike Myers, Julie Dreyfus, Richard Sammel, Alexander Fehling, Christian Berkel, Rod Taylor, Soenke Möhring, Samm Levine, Paul Rust, Michael Bacall, Anne-Sophie Franck, Léa Seydoux, Ludger Pistor, Samuel L. Jackson, Enzo G. Castellari, Tina Rodriguez, Lena Friedrich Paese Francia, Germania, USA Durata 153 Min Distribuzione Universal Pictures Trama: Nella Francia occupata dai nazisti, durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, Shosanna Dreyfus assiste all'esecuzione della sua famiglia su ordine del colonnello nazista Hans Landa, ma riesce a fuggire a Parigi dove assume una nuova identità, come operatrice e titolare di un cinematografo. Bastardi.Senza.Gloria.2009.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.DTS.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  18. Titolo originale: The War of the Worlds Paese: Regno Unito Anno: 2019 Formato: serie TV Genere: fantascienza, drammatico, in costume, postapocalittico Episodi: 3 Durata: 50/55 min (episodio) Regia: Craig Viveiros Interpreti e personaggi Principali: Eleanor Tomlinson: Amy Rafe Spall: George Rupert Graves: Frederick Nicholas Le Prevost: Ciambellano Harry Melling: artigliere Jonathan Aris: curato Susan Wooldridge: sig.ra Elphinstone Robert Carlyle: Ogilvy TRAMA Ambientata nell'Inghilterra edoardiana del 1905, la miniserie segue il giornalista George e la sua amante Amy (lavora come assistente dello scienziato locale Ogilvy) iniziare una nuova vita insieme nella città di Woking, sfidando la società britannica, lontano dalla moglie di George (sua moglie non è disposta a concedere il divorzio). L'improvvisa caduta di asteroidi che si riveleranno essere macchine da guerra marziane.. La Guerra Dei Mondi - Miniserie (2019) BDMux 1080P ITA ENG AC3 x264 mkv La Guerra Dei Mondi - Miniserie (2019) BDMux 720P ITA ENG AC3 x264 mkv La Guerra Dei Mondi - Miniserie (2019) BDMux 1080P HEVC ITA ENG AC3 x265 mkv La Guerra Dei Mondi - Miniserie (2019) BDMux ITA ENG AC3 Avi
  19. Dragonero 129 - Mondo Oscuro 16, L'eterna guerra di luce e tenebre (SBE 2024-02-09) Italiano | 100 pagine | CBR + PDF | 203 MB L'ordine si regge sull'equilibrio fra luce e tenebre. spezzarlo è facile, quello che ne consegue terribile. L'invasione degli Abominii non ha risparmiato nemmeno l'enclave dei Grandi Laghi, dove qualcosa di potente si è erto a difesa degli abitanti: ancestrali protettori, il cui risveglio ha però provocato una frattura nell'equilibrio delle cose. Fra colline boscose e laghi le cui profondità celano misteriose creature, Ian e Myrva si troveranno ad affrontare qualcosa di superiore perfino alle loro forze, riportato alla vita come fatale conseguenza dell'eterna guerra di luce e ombra! Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  20. Titolo originale: War of the Worlds Nazionalità: USA Anno: 2005 Genere: thriller, fantascienza, avventura, orrore Durata: 116 min Cast: Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, Justin Chatwin, Tim Robbins, Miranda Otto Regia: Steven Spielberg Dopo tanto tempo, il divorziato Ray Ferrier sta per passare un fine settimana con i figlioletti Robbie e Rachel. A un tratto, però, uno strano marchingegno emerge dal suolo e incenerisce tutto ciò che incontra: è l'inizio dell'attacco degli alieni alla Terra. Nel panico generale, Ray cerca di salvare i suoi bambini...
  21. Collana West 56 - Storia del West 56, Grido di guerra (SBE 2023-11-04) Italiano | PDF + CBR | If edizioni | 100 pagine | 174 MB Gli uomini bianchi hanno sterminato tutti i bisonti, riducendo il popolo rosso alla fame. E davanti alle mura di Adobe Walls, Ben MacDonald ascolterà con angoscia Quanah Parker, capo Comanche, lanciare il suo terribile "Grido di guerra"! Diretto verso Fort Sill, sulla pista Chisholm, Ben vede con i suoi occhi gli sconsiderati eccidi di bisonti che i cacciatori bianchi stanno compiendo. Nessuna sorpresa, quindi, che i Comanches siano sul piede di guerra. Eppure Ben ha fortuna, perché il capo Quanah Parker ha un debito verso i MacDonald e lo lascia passare incolume. Raggiunta la sua meta, Ben ha un'altra sorpresa: la ballerina del salon è proprio la dolce Lily che non l'ha mai dimenticato. Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  22. Scheda: Genere: Guerra Anno: 1990 Regia: Michael Caton-Jones Attori: Matthew Modine, Eric Stoltz, Tate Donovan, D.B. Sweeney, Billy Zane, Jodie Wilson, Harry Connick Jr., David Strathairn, Sean Astin, Reed Diamond, Keith Edwards, Courtney Gains, Neil Giuntoli, Jane Horrocks, John Lithgow, Steven Mackintosh, Mac MacDonald Paese: USA Durata: 107 min Distribuzione: WARNER BROS ITALIA S.P.A. - WARNER HOME VIDEO (GLI SCUDI) Sceneggiatura: Monte Merrick Fotografia: David Watkin Montaggio: Jim Clark Musiche: George Fenton Produzione: DAVID PUTTNAM E CATHERINE WYLER PER ENIGMA PRODUCTION Trama: Nel maggio del 1943, durante la seconda guerra mondiale, da un campo d'aviazione delle Forze Americane in Inghilterra si leva in volo, per la sua venticinquesima missione sulla Germania nazista, la "MEMPHIS BELLE", una fortezza volante pilotata dal giovane comandante Dennis Dearborn. A bordo di questo gigantesco bombardiere B-17 ci sono nove membri di equipaggio: Luke Sinclair, l'ambizioso secondo pilota; Danny Daly, il marconista irlandese-americano pieno di ideali; Val Koslowski, il bombardiere; Phil Rosenthal, il navigatore di bordo amante del bere; il motorista-mitragliere Virgil; Jack Bocci, Eugene McVey, Clay Busby e Richard "Rascal" Morre, quattro mitraglieri diversi tra loro nei comportamenti. La missione si rivela particolarmente pericolosa per l'assalto degli aerei nemici, per il fittissimo fuoco di sbarramento delle batterie contraeree e per le proibitive condizioni atmosferiche. Dopo un incendio a bordo e il grave ferimento di un membro dell'equipaggio, portata a termine la missione, il "MEMPHIS BELLE" riesce, fortunosamente, ad atterrare. Memphis.Belle.1990.iTA.ENG.1080p.Untouched.BluRay.H264-PiNG.mkv Memphis.Belle.1990.iTA.ENG.1080p.BluRay.x264-PiNG.mkv
  23. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Robotech Stagione 3 - Terza guerra di Robotech (The New Generation) - Gli Invid    Episodi 25         Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Nel 1999, una ciclopica astronave aliena si schianta su Macross, un'isola della Terra. Dallo studio di questo eccezionale artefatto, gli scienziati terrestri ottengono conoscenze tecnologiche piuttosto avanzate, che portano alla costruzione di nuovi mezzi bellici come i caccia trasformabili VF-1 Varitech (soprannominati anche Valkyrie) ed al ripristino della stessa astronave aliena (ribattezzata, in seguito, SDF-1, Super Dimensional Fortress 1). Durante la cerimonia d'inaugurazione della nave, il popolo alieno dei giganteschi Zentradi attacca l'isola ed i suoi abitanti. Un pilota acrobatico, Rick Hunter, sale a bordo di un aereo militare (un caccia Valkyrie) e viene suo malgrado coinvolto nel combattimento (schiantandosi infine, sulla casa di una giovane ragazza, Lynn Minmay). Le forze aliene sono così superiori a quelle terrestri che e il comandante dell'SDF-1, Henry Gloval, ordina di compiere un salto iperspaziale, che trasferisce la fortezza spaziale e, come effetto collaterale, anche gran parte dell'isola di Macross e le due navi da guerra Daedalus e Prometeus, in prossimità di Plutone. La gigantesca astronave diventa così una vera città spaziale, in cui i superstiti dell'incidente vivono sotto la costante minaccia degli Zentradi, i quali, localizzata la nave ne inseguono la scia. Carl Macek Producer Kenji Yoshida Producer Cam Clarke Lance Belmont (voice) Gregory Snegoff Scott Bernard (voice) Melanie MacQueen Ariel (voice) Susie London Rook Bartley (voice) Episodi: 25  In onda il: 1985-05-27 1: The Invid Invasion The Earth is invaded by a race of aliens calling themselves the Invid. They have come to the Earth to cultivate its vast supplies of Protoculture, a multipurpose energy source & foodstuff, which is of prime importance to their race. Without Protoculture, the Invid Colony could wither and die. With enough, their race could grow and become the most powerful in the universe. Their invasion & conquest of the Earth is swift and complete. A huge interstellar fleet is sent to Earth by Admiral Rick Hunter to appraise the situation and test the strengths of this new alien threat. The test ends in failure, as the Invid meets the challenge of these new Robotech Defenders with swift and conclusive action! Few of these defenders survive the Invid attack. One survivor, Scott Bernard, decides that, even if it means his own destruction, he must carry out his orders to find and destroy the Invid's main base, a complex hive known as Reflex Point. Luckily, Scott finds that he is not alone! 1: The Invid Invasion In onda il: 1985-05-27 The Earth is invaded by a race of aliens calling themselves the Invid. They have come to the Earth to cultivate its vast supplies of Protoculture, a multipurpose energy source & foodstuff, which is of prime importance to their race. Without Protoculture, the Invid Colony could wither and die. With enough, their race could grow and become the most powerful in the universe. Their invasion & conquest of the Earth is swift and complete. A huge interstellar fleet is sent to Earth by Admiral Rick Hunter to appraise the situation and test the strengths of this new alien threat. The test ends in failure, as the Invid meets the challenge of these new Robotech Defenders with swift and conclusive action! Few of these defenders survive the Invid attack. One survivor, Scott Bernard, decides that, even if it means his own destruction, he must carry out his orders to find and destroy the Invid's main base, a complex hive known as Reflex Point. Luckily, Scott finds that he is not alone! In onda il: 1985-05-28 2: The Lost City Rand & Scott Bernard start a dangerous journey, which will lead them into the very heartland of the Invid empire. They are planning to pick up supplies and rebel fighters, who are eager to join them in their struggle to defeat the Invid. But the intrepid pair are unaware of the traps that the alien invaders and their frightened slaves have prepared. Swift destruction for anyone foolish enough to try to defeat the all-powerful Invid Regiss, and her army of Shocktroops. 2: The Lost City In onda il: 1985-05-28 Rand & Scott Bernard start a dangerous journey, which will lead them into the very heartland of the Invid empire. They are planning to pick up supplies and rebel fighters, who are eager to join them in their struggle to defeat the Invid. But the intrepid pair are unaware of the traps that the alien invaders and their frightened slaves have prepared. Swift destruction for anyone foolish enough to try to defeat the all-powerful Invid Regiss, and her army of Shocktroops. In onda il: 1985-05-29 3: Lonely Soldier Boy Scott Bernard, and his growing band of resistance fighters, try to avoid capture by the persistent Invid Scouts, who patrol the wastelands on the outskirts of their foreign empire. Reaching a small outpost of struggling humanity on the outer edge of the Invid domain, Scott, Rand, and Annie try to blend in to the local scene. They attend a special live club concert staged by Yellow Dancer, a famous rockstar, who has followed in the footsteps of Lynn Minmei. But, in the unpredictable world of these new Robotech Defenders, things are not always as they seem! 3: Lonely Soldier Boy In onda il: 1985-05-29 Scott Bernard, and his growing band of resistance fighters, try to avoid capture by the persistent Invid Scouts, who patrol the wastelands on the outskirts of their foreign empire. Reaching a small outpost of struggling humanity on the outer edge of the Invid domain, Scott, Rand, and Annie try to blend in to the local scene. They attend a special live club concert staged by Yellow Dancer, a famous rockstar, who has followed in the footsteps of Lynn Minmei. But, in the unpredictable world of these new Robotech Defenders, things are not always as they seem! In onda il: 1985-05-30 4: Survival The Invid have trapped Scott Bernard, and his band of freedom fighters, in a secluded forest. The dangers mount, as the new Robotech Defenders must try and protect themselves against the aliens, and the forces of nature. 4: Survival In onda il: 1985-05-30 The Invid have trapped Scott Bernard, and his band of freedom fighters, in a secluded forest. The dangers mount, as the new Robotech Defenders must try and protect themselves against the aliens, and the forces of nature. In onda il: 1985-05-31 5: Curtain Call Scott's band of freedom fighters devise an ingenious plan to steal a critical supply of Protoculture from the Invid! It is a complex game of cat & mouse, as the group tries to do the impossible. 5: Curtain Call In onda il: 1985-05-31 Scott's band of freedom fighters devise an ingenious plan to steal a critical supply of Protoculture from the Invid! It is a complex game of cat & mouse, as the group tries to do the impossible. In onda il: 1985-06-03 6: Hard Times Rook Bartley returns to her hometown, and to painful memories. She tries to face up to a situation which caused her to leave the man she loved and become an outcast. 6: Hard Times In onda il: 1985-06-03 Rook Bartley returns to her hometown, and to painful memories. She tries to face up to a situation which caused her to leave the man she loved and become an outcast. In onda il: 1985-06-04 7: Paper Hero Lunk makes a slight detour to keep a promise made to a dying friend. He is not prepared for the reception he gets. He ends up fighting for his life, for the freedom of his friends, and the return of their stolen Robotech mecha. 7: Paper Hero In onda il: 1985-06-04 Lunk makes a slight detour to keep a promise made to a dying friend. He is not prepared for the reception he gets. He ends up fighting for his life, for the freedom of his friends, and the return of their stolen Robotech mecha. In onda il: 1985-06-05 8: Eulogy The valiant band of freedom fighters stumble upon an outpost under the command of Colonel Jonathan Wolfe, one of Admiral Hunter's new generation of Robotech Defenders. Eager to join up with this underground army, Scott & his friends are caught up in schemes which shatter the foundation of their quest to defeat the Invid. 8: Eulogy In onda il: 1985-06-05 The valiant band of freedom fighters stumble upon an outpost under the command of Colonel Jonathan Wolfe, one of Admiral Hunter's new generation of Robotech Defenders. Eager to join up with this underground army, Scott & his friends are caught up in schemes which shatter the foundation of their quest to defeat the Invid. In onda il: 1985-06-06 9: The Genesis Pits Scott, and his band of rebel fighters, are thrust into the thick of combat with the Invids, as they approach a top secret Invid installation, engaged in biogenetic engineering experiments. 9: The Genesis Pits In onda il: 1985-06-06 Scott, and his band of rebel fighters, are thrust into the thick of combat with the Invids, as they approach a top secret Invid installation, engaged in biogenetic engineering experiments. In onda il: 1985-06-07 10: Enter Marlene The Invid hatch a strange plot, which involves placing a simulagent into the ranks of Scott Bernard's band of freedom fighters. The destruction wrought by the early Invid victories in this Robotech War, provides the backdrop for this episode. 10: Enter Marlene In onda il: 1985-06-07 The Invid hatch a strange plot, which involves placing a simulagent into the ranks of Scott Bernard's band of freedom fighters. The destruction wrought by the early Invid victories in this Robotech War, provides the backdrop for this episode. In onda il: 1985-06-10 11: The Secret Route The depth of human deprivation is seen, as the band of Robotech Defenders, under the leadership of Scott Bernard, must deal with the delicate situation of greed vs. human compassion. Lancer bumps into an old flame, Carla, who played a crutial role in his facade as Yellow Dancer. 11: The Secret Route In onda il: 1985-06-10 The depth of human deprivation is seen, as the band of Robotech Defenders, under the leadership of Scott Bernard, must deal with the delicate situation of greed vs. human compassion. Lancer bumps into an old flame, Carla, who played a crutial role in his facade as Yellow Dancer. In onda il: 1985-06-11 12: The Fortress A daring attack is staged at an abandoned Robotech fortress, used by the Invid as a military base and research laboratory. The plans are complicated by Rand & Annie's discovery of a massive living computer, which controls the aliens on the planet. 12: The Fortress In onda il: 1985-06-11 A daring attack is staged at an abandoned Robotech fortress, used by the Invid as a military base and research laboratory. The plans are complicated by Rand & Annie's discovery of a massive living computer, which controls the aliens on the planet. In onda il: 1985-06-12 13: Sandstorm Rand lives through a nightmare hallucination, as he falls victim to the power of the Invid Flower Of Life. This dream seems real, and eventually provides Rand with an insight into the ultimate goals of the Invid. 13: Sandstorm In onda il: 1985-06-12 Rand lives through a nightmare hallucination, as he falls victim to the power of the Invid Flower Of Life. This dream seems real, and eventually provides Rand with an insight into the ultimate goals of the Invid. In onda il: 1985-06-13 14: Annie's Wedding The valiant band of freedom fighters stumble into a sacred Invid garden, populated by a tribe of primitive warriors. Accused of offending the tribe's ancient river gods, Scott & his squad are forced to play both sides against each other if they hope to survive. 14: Annie's Wedding In onda il: 1985-06-13 The valiant band of freedom fighters stumble into a sacred Invid garden, populated by a tribe of primitive warriors. Accused of offending the tribe's ancient river gods, Scott & his squad are forced to play both sides against each other if they hope to survive. In onda il: 1985-06-14 15: Separate Ways The complexion of the war with the Invids is about to change forever. The pressure of constantly being on the offensive, leaves Scott Bernard and his valiant band of Robotech Defenders little option, but to split up and pursue guerilla tactics as lone freedom fighters. 15: Separate Ways In onda il: 1985-06-14 The complexion of the war with the Invids is about to change forever. The pressure of constantly being on the offensive, leaves Scott Bernard and his valiant band of Robotech Defenders little option, but to split up and pursue guerilla tactics as lone freedom fighters. In onda il: 1985-06-17 16: Metamorphosis The Invid Regiss transforms her royal children into perfect human replicas, into order to begin her plans for universal conquest. In a rare moment's break from fighting, Scott's group has an opportunity to relax. But, their rest is short lived, as this new threat is unleashed! 16: Metamorphosis In onda il: 1985-06-17 The Invid Regiss transforms her royal children into perfect human replicas, into order to begin her plans for universal conquest. In a rare moment's break from fighting, Scott's group has an opportunity to relax. But, their rest is short lived, as this new threat is unleashed! In onda il: 1985-06-18 17: The Midnight Sun A savage battle takes place, which could determine the fate of all mankind! It is a time of reckoning, when Scott Bernard's leadership and courage is put to the test. 17: The Midnight Sun In onda il: 1985-06-18 A savage battle takes place, which could determine the fate of all mankind! It is a time of reckoning, when Scott Bernard's leadership and courage is put to the test. In onda il: 1985-06-19 18: Ghost Town The past comes vividly alive, as Scott Bernard & his gang of freedom fighters come face to face, with a group of aging veterans that fought alongside Rick Hunter during an earlier war. The true nature of heroism is explored in this episode. 18: Ghost Town In onda il: 1985-06-19 The past comes vividly alive, as Scott Bernard & his gang of freedom fighters come face to face, with a group of aging veterans that fought alongside Rick Hunter during an earlier war. The true nature of heroism is explored in this episode. In onda il: 1985-06-20 19: Frost Bite The freedom fighters take a detour from their journey to Reflex Point, to explore a city preserved under a canopy of ice & snow. It's a time to replenish their food supplies, and morale, after suffering so much at the hands of the Invid. 19: Frost Bite In onda il: 1985-06-20 The freedom fighters take a detour from their journey to Reflex Point, to explore a city preserved under a canopy of ice & snow. It's a time to replenish their food supplies, and morale, after suffering so much at the hands of the Invid. In onda il: 1985-06-21 20: Birthday Blues A surprise birthday party for young Annie turns into a nightmare, as Corg leads a band of Invid Shocktroopers against the unsuspecting Robotech Defenders. 20: Birthday Blues In onda il: 1985-06-21 A surprise birthday party for young Annie turns into a nightmare, as Corg leads a band of Invid Shocktroopers against the unsuspecting Robotech Defenders. In onda il: 1985-06-24 21: Hired Gun A hired gun upsets the balance of peace in a barren wilderness, as he attempts to exact revenge against a town he feels has deserted him. However, nobody anticipates the intervention of Scott Bernard and his band of freedom fighters! 21: Hired Gun In onda il: 1985-06-24 A hired gun upsets the balance of peace in a barren wilderness, as he attempts to exact revenge against a town he feels has deserted him. However, nobody anticipates the intervention of Scott Bernard and his band of freedom fighters! In onda il: 1985-06-25 22: The Big Apple A search for Protoculture energy cells takes the freedom fighters on a dangerous journey into a large urban complex controlled by the Invid. 22: The Big Apple In onda il: 1985-06-25 A search for Protoculture energy cells takes the freedom fighters on a dangerous journey into a large urban complex controlled by the Invid. In onda il: 1985-06-26 23: Reflex Point The stage is set for a battle between Admiral Rick Hunter's returning Robotech Expeditionary Force and the Invid horde. It is a time for valiant deeds and heroic action! 23: Reflex Point In onda il: 1985-06-26 The stage is set for a battle between Admiral Rick Hunter's returning Robotech Expeditionary Force and the Invid horde. It is a time for valiant deeds and heroic action! In onda il: 1985-06-27 24: Dark Finale The war with the Invid comes to a head, as Rick Hunter's returning expeditionary force presses the attack against the alien invaders to the very gates of Reflex Point! There is no margin for error in this final battle to free the planet from alien domination. 24: Dark Finale In onda il: 1985-06-27 The war with the Invid comes to a head, as Rick Hunter's returning expeditionary force presses the attack against the alien invaders to the very gates of Reflex Point! There is no margin for error in this final battle to free the planet from alien domination. In onda il: 1985-06-28 25: Symphony of Light The war with the Invid comes to a head, as Rick Hunter's returning expeditionary force presses the attack against the alien invaders to the very gates of Reflex Point! There is no margin for error in this final battle to free the planet from alien domination. 25: Symphony of Light In onda il: 1985-06-28 The war with the Invid comes to a head, as Rick Hunter's returning expeditionary force presses the attack against the alien invaders to the very gates of Reflex Point! There is no margin for error in this final battle to free the planet from alien domination. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  24. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Robotech Stagione 2 - Seconda guerra di Robotech (The Masters) - I Signori di Robotech    Episodi 24         Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Nel 1999, una ciclopica astronave aliena si schianta su Macross, un'isola della Terra. Dallo studio di questo eccezionale artefatto, gli scienziati terrestri ottengono conoscenze tecnologiche piuttosto avanzate, che portano alla costruzione di nuovi mezzi bellici come i caccia trasformabili VF-1 Varitech (soprannominati anche Valkyrie) ed al ripristino della stessa astronave aliena (ribattezzata, in seguito, SDF-1, Super Dimensional Fortress 1). Durante la cerimonia d'inaugurazione della nave, il popolo alieno dei giganteschi Zentradi attacca l'isola ed i suoi abitanti. Un pilota acrobatico, Rick Hunter, sale a bordo di un aereo militare (un caccia Valkyrie) e viene suo malgrado coinvolto nel combattimento (schiantandosi infine, sulla casa di una giovane ragazza, Lynn Minmay). Le forze aliene sono così superiori a quelle terrestri che e il comandante dell'SDF-1, Henry Gloval, ordina di compiere un salto iperspaziale, che trasferisce la fortezza spaziale e, come effetto collaterale, anche gran parte dell'isola di Macross e le due navi da guerra Daedalus e Prometeus, in prossimità di Plutone. La gigantesca astronave diventa così una vera città spaziale, in cui i superstiti dell'incidente vivono sotto la costante minaccia degli Zentradi, i quali, localizzata la nave ne inseguono la scia. Carl Macek Producer Kenji Yoshida Producer Cam Clarke Lance Belmont (voice) Gregory Snegoff Scott Bernard (voice) Melanie MacQueen Ariel (voice) Susie London Rook Bartley (voice) Episodi: 24  In onda il: 1985-04-23 1: Dana's Story A new generation of warriors has been called into battle. They face the threat of the Robotech Masters, who have made the 15 year journey to Earth to retrieve their lost Protoculture Factory. Dana Sterling relates the courtship of her parents, Max & Miriya, to her pal, Bowie Grant. 1: Dana's Story In onda il: 1985-04-23 A new generation of warriors has been called into battle. They face the threat of the Robotech Masters, who have made the 15 year journey to Earth to retrieve their lost Protoculture Factory. Dana Sterling relates the courtship of her parents, Max & Miriya, to her pal, Bowie Grant. In onda il: 1985-04-24 2: False Start A new threat has surfaced, for the next generation of Robotech Defenders, who have grown up in the wake of Earth's first victory over their alien invaders. Calling themselves the 'Robotech Masters', this ancient race of techno-voyagers has come to the Earth to claim the mysterious substance known as Protoculture. 2: False Start In onda il: 1985-04-24 A new threat has surfaced, for the next generation of Robotech Defenders, who have grown up in the wake of Earth's first victory over their alien invaders. Calling themselves the 'Robotech Masters', this ancient race of techno-voyagers has come to the Earth to claim the mysterious substance known as Protoculture. In onda il: 1985-04-25 3: Southern Cross The Robotech Masters bring the war to Earth, as they attempt to reclaim their lost Protoculture. The 15th Tactical Armored Corp is put to the test. 3: Southern Cross In onda il: 1985-04-25 The Robotech Masters bring the war to Earth, as they attempt to reclaim their lost Protoculture. The 15th Tactical Armored Corp is put to the test. In onda il: 1985-04-26 4: Volunteers The United Earth Defense forces plan a daring mission which could decide the fate of the entire world! Answering a call for volunteers, Dana Sterling offers the services of the 15th Tactical Armored Division in an operation to reestablish communications with Earth's triple satellite com-link, Space Station Liberty. The assignment throws Lt. Sterling & her squad into the lap of Marie Crystal, Dana's friendly rival. The action is heavy as this band of Robotech Defenders work together toward a common goal. 4: Volunteers In onda il: 1985-04-26 The United Earth Defense forces plan a daring mission which could decide the fate of the entire world! Answering a call for volunteers, Dana Sterling offers the services of the 15th Tactical Armored Division in an operation to reestablish communications with Earth's triple satellite com-link, Space Station Liberty. The assignment throws Lt. Sterling & her squad into the lap of Marie Crystal, Dana's friendly rival. The action is heavy as this band of Robotech Defenders work together toward a common goal. In onda il: 1985-04-29 5: Half Moon The Robotech Masters try to establish a base on Earth, near the vicinity of the fallen SDF-1. Once here, under the direction of Zor Prime, the alien force hopes to extract the Earth's remaining supply of Protoculture. A routine patrol for Dana & Bowie turns into a nightmare. 5: Half Moon In onda il: 1985-04-29 The Robotech Masters try to establish a base on Earth, near the vicinity of the fallen SDF-1. Once here, under the direction of Zor Prime, the alien force hopes to extract the Earth's remaining supply of Protoculture. A routine patrol for Dana & Bowie turns into a nightmare. In onda il: 1985-04-30 6: Danger Zone The war against the Robotech Masters has escalated into a serious military confrontation, with neither side willing to make even the smallest concession to avoid turning the planet Earth into a living battleground. The United Earth Defense Forces plan to take the battle into space, to protect their homeworld and challenge their alien foes. Using the main bulk of their Tactical Armored Space Corp, the Robotech Defenders plan to test the mettle of their mysterious enemies. 6: Danger Zone In onda il: 1985-04-30 The war against the Robotech Masters has escalated into a serious military confrontation, with neither side willing to make even the smallest concession to avoid turning the planet Earth into a living battleground. The United Earth Defense Forces plan to take the battle into space, to protect their homeworld and challenge their alien foes. Using the main bulk of their Tactical Armored Space Corp, the Robotech Defenders plan to test the mettle of their mysterious enemies. In onda il: 1985-05-01 7: Prelude to Battle The war returns to the Earth, as the Robotech Masters press the attack. The control of Protoculture is essential, if the Robotech Masters are to maintain their hold on the interplanetary syndicate that they've created. And so, a battle which starts out with regimented discipline, and high hopes for victory on both sides, degenerates into a brutal and undefendable, high tech brawl. 7: Prelude to Battle In onda il: 1985-05-01 The war returns to the Earth, as the Robotech Masters press the attack. The control of Protoculture is essential, if the Robotech Masters are to maintain their hold on the interplanetary syndicate that they've created. And so, a battle which starts out with regimented discipline, and high hopes for victory on both sides, degenerates into a brutal and undefendable, high tech brawl. In onda il: 1985-05-02 8: The Trap Dana Sterling leads her 15th Tactical Armored Corp, into the fallen flagship of the Robotech Masters, in daring recon mission ordered by the supreme leaders of the United Earth Defense forces. This military tactic was anticipated by the Robotech Masters, who relish the opportunity to capture a few human specimens, dead or alive! 8: The Trap In onda il: 1985-05-02 Dana Sterling leads her 15th Tactical Armored Corp, into the fallen flagship of the Robotech Masters, in daring recon mission ordered by the supreme leaders of the United Earth Defense forces. This military tactic was anticipated by the Robotech Masters, who relish the opportunity to capture a few human specimens, dead or alive! In onda il: 1985-05-03 9: Metal Fire Dana Sterling tries to keep her mind on business, while she struggles to shake off the aftereffects of a near fatal meeting with the warriors of the Robotech Masters. Her mind fills with haunting memories, which lead her to believe that she is related in some strange way to the mysterious aliens who have come to Earth to claim their lost Protoculture Matrix. 9: Metal Fire In onda il: 1985-05-03 Dana Sterling tries to keep her mind on business, while she struggles to shake off the aftereffects of a near fatal meeting with the warriors of the Robotech Masters. Her mind fills with haunting memories, which lead her to believe that she is related in some strange way to the mysterious aliens who have come to Earth to claim their lost Protoculture Matrix. In onda il: 1985-05-06 10: Star Dust The Robotech Masters subject human prisoners to a series of mental probes, to determine the extent of their knowledge of Protoculture. Their concern is twofold: without Protoculture, their civilization will crumble; and eventually their archenemies, the Invid, will sense the presence of Protoculture on Earth... and come looking for it! 10: Star Dust In onda il: 1985-05-06 The Robotech Masters subject human prisoners to a series of mental probes, to determine the extent of their knowledge of Protoculture. Their concern is twofold: without Protoculture, their civilization will crumble; and eventually their archenemies, the Invid, will sense the presence of Protoculture on Earth... and come looking for it! In onda il: 1985-05-07 11: Outsiders An advanced recon vessel blasts into the vicinity of Earth from hyperspace, only to find their home planet surrounded by an armada of gigantic alien warships! Unable to make contact with Earth, and remembering what happened to their planet in the past when it was invaded by the Zentraedi, the crew of this heavily armed starship make a desperate decision, to meet the alien armada with a surprise attack. The outcome of their effort is uncertain. 11: Outsiders In onda il: 1985-05-07 An advanced recon vessel blasts into the vicinity of Earth from hyperspace, only to find their home planet surrounded by an armada of gigantic alien warships! Unable to make contact with Earth, and remembering what happened to their planet in the past when it was invaded by the Zentraedi, the crew of this heavily armed starship make a desperate decision, to meet the alien armada with a surprise attack. The outcome of their effort is uncertain. In onda il: 1985-05-08 12: Deja Vu Lt. Nova Satori begins a complex psychological profile on a captured alien Bioroid pilot, identified only as Zor. The Supreme Command of the Army of the Southern Cross believes that the debriefing of this particular alien, might provide them with the key to unlock the riddle of this new interstellar war. Meanwhile, Dana practices on a battle simulator hoping to explain her empathy for this captured alien, and to end any doubts about her ability to defend the planet. 12: Deja Vu In onda il: 1985-05-08 Lt. Nova Satori begins a complex psychological profile on a captured alien Bioroid pilot, identified only as Zor. The Supreme Command of the Army of the Southern Cross believes that the debriefing of this particular alien, might provide them with the key to unlock the riddle of this new interstellar war. Meanwhile, Dana practices on a battle simulator hoping to explain her empathy for this captured alien, and to end any doubts about her ability to defend the planet. In onda il: 1985-05-09 13: A New Recruit It is decided to induct Zor into the Army of the Southern Cross, in the hopes that an association with a military environment would spur his lost memory, and provide some important clues to the origin & tactical strength of the Earth's powerful and mysterious interplanetary enemies, the Robotech Masters. Lt. Dana Sterling relishes the assignment of turning Zor into a human being! It is an assignment which brings her closer to solving a personal mystery surrounding her own origins, as well as giving her an opportunity to test her charms as a woman on an unsuspecting subject. 13: A New Recruit In onda il: 1985-05-09 It is decided to induct Zor into the Army of the Southern Cross, in the hopes that an association with a military environment would spur his lost memory, and provide some important clues to the origin & tactical strength of the Earth's powerful and mysterious interplanetary enemies, the Robotech Masters. Lt. Dana Sterling relishes the assignment of turning Zor into a human being! It is an assignment which brings her closer to solving a personal mystery surrounding her own origins, as well as giving her an opportunity to test her charms as a woman on an unsuspecting subject. In onda il: 1985-05-10 14: Triumvirate The United Earth forces pull together to mount a full scale attack on the armada of the Robotech Masters. Dana Sterling & the 15th Tactical Armored Division are left behind. It is a plan masterminded by Commander Leonard, a command that did not pass by the mysterious Robotech Elders. 14: Triumvirate In onda il: 1985-05-10 The United Earth forces pull together to mount a full scale attack on the armada of the Robotech Masters. Dana Sterling & the 15th Tactical Armored Division are left behind. It is a plan masterminded by Commander Leonard, a command that did not pass by the mysterious Robotech Elders. In onda il: 1985-05-13 15: Clone Chamber The control of space in the immediate vicinity of planet Earth forms the battle strategy mapped out by Supreme Commander Leonard, as he forces his entire fleet of cosmic warships to engage the armada of gigantic alien battle cruisers in combat. It is the classic situation of David & Goliath, only this time, the legendary rock hurled by David is a massive barrage of laser cannons and powerful proton torpedoes! The Second Robotech War may not turn out the same as the first. The Robotech Masters are playing for keeps, with their entire civilization at stake the odds are too great to permit failure. 15: Clone Chamber In onda il: 1985-05-13 The control of space in the immediate vicinity of planet Earth forms the battle strategy mapped out by Supreme Commander Leonard, as he forces his entire fleet of cosmic warships to engage the armada of gigantic alien battle cruisers in combat. It is the classic situation of David & Goliath, only this time, the legendary rock hurled by David is a massive barrage of laser cannons and powerful proton torpedoes! The Second Robotech War may not turn out the same as the first. The Robotech Masters are playing for keeps, with their entire civilization at stake the odds are too great to permit failure. In onda il: 1985-05-14 16: Love Song The intergalactic war takes a back-seat, as personal conflicts surface in the Army of the Southern Cross. On the eve of a major battle, Marie Crystal is haunted by the vision of her boyfriend Sean Phillips fraternizing with several beautiful women. To Marie, the enemy has become the green eyed monster... jealousy! She sets out on a one-woman crusade to paint the town red, no matter what the cost. 16: Love Song In onda il: 1985-05-14 The intergalactic war takes a back-seat, as personal conflicts surface in the Army of the Southern Cross. On the eve of a major battle, Marie Crystal is haunted by the vision of her boyfriend Sean Phillips fraternizing with several beautiful women. To Marie, the enemy has become the green eyed monster... jealousy! She sets out on a one-woman crusade to paint the town red, no matter what the cost. In onda il: 1985-05-15 17: The Hunters Rolf Emerson leads the Tactical Armored Space Corp into battle with the Robotech Masters. A new Robotech device, born in the convoluted mind of Corporal Louie Nichols, is pirated by the Military Police for use as a tactical weapon! Resentment is cast aside, as the anticipation of the battle begins to affect the 15th Squad of the Tactical Armored Corp. 17: The Hunters In onda il: 1985-05-15 Rolf Emerson leads the Tactical Armored Space Corp into battle with the Robotech Masters. A new Robotech device, born in the convoluted mind of Corporal Louie Nichols, is pirated by the Military Police for use as a tactical weapon! Resentment is cast aside, as the anticipation of the battle begins to affect the 15th Squad of the Tactical Armored Corp. In onda il: 1985-05-16 18: Mind Game A battle rages between the Robotech Masters and the entire interstellar fleet of the United Earth Government! It is a crucial battle, which could decide the fate of the two civilizations. Utilizing advanced weaponry, and fighting with renewed vigor, the stage is set for a battle royale. 18: Mind Game In onda il: 1985-05-16 A battle rages between the Robotech Masters and the entire interstellar fleet of the United Earth Government! It is a crucial battle, which could decide the fate of the two civilizations. Utilizing advanced weaponry, and fighting with renewed vigor, the stage is set for a battle royale. In onda il: 1985-05-17 19: Dana in Wonderland Dana Sterling & the 15th Tactical Armored Corp are held prisoner, captives of the Robotech Masters. During their imprisonment, many secrets concerning the true nature of the Robotech cloning process are uncovered! 19: Dana in Wonderland In onda il: 1985-05-17 Dana Sterling & the 15th Tactical Armored Corp are held prisoner, captives of the Robotech Masters. During their imprisonment, many secrets concerning the true nature of the Robotech cloning process are uncovered! In onda il: 1985-05-20 20: Crisis Point Outright rebellion becomes the first order of the day, as Musica and Zor reject the teachings of the Robotech Masters and turn to aid the human captives. It is a fantastic journey in ultimate truths for Zor, as his originator's memory comes back to haunt him. 20: Crisis Point In onda il: 1985-05-20 Outright rebellion becomes the first order of the day, as Musica and Zor reject the teachings of the Robotech Masters and turn to aid the human captives. It is a fantastic journey in ultimate truths for Zor, as his originator's memory comes back to haunt him. In onda il: 1985-05-21 21: Daydreamer The survivors of a critical battle against the armada of the Robotech Masters, return to Earth. Bowie gets his friends in the 15th Squad to help him smuggle his newfound love, Musica, past the Military Police, but the plan backfires, requiring Bowie & Musica to flee for their lives! 21: Daydreamer In onda il: 1985-05-21 The survivors of a critical battle against the armada of the Robotech Masters, return to Earth. Bowie gets his friends in the 15th Squad to help him smuggle his newfound love, Musica, past the Military Police, but the plan backfires, requiring Bowie & Musica to flee for their lives! In onda il: 1985-05-22 22: Final Nightmare Bowie & Musica become fugitives, fleeing from a trap set for them by Nova Satori. At the site of the SDF-1, amid the wreckage of the First Robotech War, they make a startling discovery concerning the nature of Protoculture, and the relationship of this mysterious energy force to the Invid. Learn the secrets of the Invid Flower Of Life! 22: Final Nightmare In onda il: 1985-05-22 Bowie & Musica become fugitives, fleeing from a trap set for them by Nova Satori. At the site of the SDF-1, amid the wreckage of the First Robotech War, they make a startling discovery concerning the nature of Protoculture, and the relationship of this mysterious energy force to the Invid. Learn the secrets of the Invid Flower Of Life! In onda il: 1985-05-23 23: The Invid Connection A desperate situation calls for extraordinary measures by the 15th Tactical Squadron, and the mysterious Zor, if the Earth is to survive the final offensive mounted by the Robotech Masters, as they try one last time to recover their rapidly mutating supply of Protoculture, before the arrival of the Invid. 23: The Invid Connection In onda il: 1985-05-23 A desperate situation calls for extraordinary measures by the 15th Tactical Squadron, and the mysterious Zor, if the Earth is to survive the final offensive mounted by the Robotech Masters, as they try one last time to recover their rapidly mutating supply of Protoculture, before the arrival of the Invid. In onda il: 1985-05-24 24: Catastrophe The survivors of the 15th Tactical Squad plan a daring mission to thwart the plans of the Robotech Masters, who have virtually crippled the United Earth Government defense forces. The young heroes come face to face with the dreaded Robotech Masters in a no-win situation, which must be faced if the Earth is to survive. 24: Catastrophe In onda il: 1985-05-24 The survivors of the 15th Tactical Squad plan a daring mission to thwart the plans of the Robotech Masters, who have virtually crippled the United Earth Government defense forces. The young heroes come face to face with the dreaded Robotech Masters in a no-win situation, which must be faced if the Earth is to survive. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  25. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Naruto Shippuden Grande guerra ninja: Obito Uchiha    Episodi 21         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Naruto Shippuden si svolge due anni e mezzo dopo che Naruto parte per allenarsi con Jiraiya. Al suo ritorno, Naruto scopre che tutti lo hanno superato di grado, e lui è rimasto indietro. Tuttavia, l'obbiettivo di Naruto è sempre quello di salvare Sasuke, per questo dovrà affrontare nemici sempre più pericolosi. Quando il piano dell'Akatsuki si dispiega, e Naruto lentamente si perde nella Volpe a nove code, diventa chiaro che più pericoli che mai lo attendono! Yasuharu Takanashi Original Music Composer Masashi Kishimoto Original Series Creator Tetsuya Nishio Character Designer Hirofumi Suzuki Character Designer Shigenori Takada Art Direction Junko Takeuchi Naruto Uzumaki (voice) Chie Nakamura Sakura Haruno (voice) Noriaki Sugiyama Sasuke Uchiha (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue Kakashi Hatake (voice) Satoshi Hino Sai (voice) Akira Ishida Gaara (voice) Hideo Ishikawa Itachi Uchiha (voice) Koichi Tochika Neji Hyuga (voice) Keiko Nemoto Shizune (voice) Kujira Orochimaru (voice) Masako Katsuki Tsunade (voice) Masashi Ebara Might Guy (voice) Nobuo Tobita Zetsu (voice) Nobutoshi Canna Kabuto Yakushi (voice) Romi Park Temari (voice) Shinji Kawada Shino Aburame (voice) Tomoyuki Dan Kisame Hoshigaki (voice) Rikiya Koyama Yamato (voice) Nana Mizuki Hinata Hyuga (voice) Hochu Otsuka Jiraiya (voice) Kentaro Ito Choji Akimichi (voice) Yōichi Masukawa Rock Lee (voice) Yukari Tamura Tenten (voice) Ryoka Yuzuki Ino Yamanaka (voice) Kohsuke Toriumi Kiba Inuzuka (voice) Tessyo Genda Nine-tailed demon fox (voice) Episodi: 21  In onda il: 2014-08-21 373: Team 7 Assemble! Team 7 is finally reunited when Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke join forces. 373: Team 7 Assemble! In onda il: 2014-08-21 Team 7 is finally reunited when Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke join forces. In onda il: 2014-08-28 374: The New Three-Way Deadlock Bearing a close resemblance to the Legendary Sannin, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke make a stunning arrival on the battlefield with each of their summonings. 374: The New Three-Way Deadlock In onda il: 2014-08-28 Bearing a close resemblance to the Legendary Sannin, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke make a stunning arrival on the battlefield with each of their summonings. In onda il: 2014-09-04 375: Kakashi vs. Obito Kakashi holds on to the hope that Obito can return to being the young man that he remembers. But Obito has abandoned the present as well as the memories of his friends and is determined to end the world! 375: Kakashi vs. Obito In onda il: 2014-09-04 Kakashi holds on to the hope that Obito can return to being the young man that he remembers. But Obito has abandoned the present as well as the memories of his friends and is determined to end the world! In onda il: 2014-09-11 376: The Directive to Take the Nine-Tails! Part 1 of a special two-part extra edition! The townspeople are going about their daily business on the streets of the Leaf Village when someone suddenly appears and starts sending them flying! 376: The Directive to Take the Nine-Tails! In onda il: 2014-09-11 Part 1 of a special two-part extra edition! The townspeople are going about their daily business on the streets of the Leaf Village when someone suddenly appears and starts sending them flying! In onda il: 2014-09-11 377: Naruto vs. Mecha Naruto Part 2 of a special two-part extra edition! The townspeople are going about their daily business on the streets of the Leaf Village when someone suddenly appears and starts sending them flying! 377: Naruto vs. Mecha Naruto In onda il: 2014-09-11 Part 2 of a special two-part extra edition! The townspeople are going about their daily business on the streets of the Leaf Village when someone suddenly appears and starts sending them flying! In onda il: 2014-09-18 378: The Ten Tails' Jinchuriki Obito completely absorbs the giant Ten Tails, undergoes a transformation and becomes the Ten Tails' Jinchuriki. 378: The Ten Tails' Jinchuriki In onda il: 2014-09-18 Obito completely absorbs the giant Ten Tails, undergoes a transformation and becomes the Ten Tails' Jinchuriki. In onda il: 2014-09-25 379: An Opening Obito has gained complete control over his power as the Ten Tails Jinchuriki. His powerful, cold-blooded attacks force Naruto and his friends into a corner. 379: An Opening In onda il: 2014-09-25 Obito has gained complete control over his power as the Ten Tails Jinchuriki. His powerful, cold-blooded attacks force Naruto and his friends into a corner. In onda il: 2014-10-02 380: The Day Naruto Was Born Minato is filled with regret during his confrontation with Obito. He thinks if only he had recognized Obito as the Masked Man during the assault on the Hidden Leaf Village, he could have stopped the attack, and maybe Kushina would not have died. 380: The Day Naruto Was Born In onda il: 2014-10-02 Minato is filled with regret during his confrontation with Obito. He thinks if only he had recognized Obito as the Masked Man during the assault on the Hidden Leaf Village, he could have stopped the attack, and maybe Kushina would not have died. In onda il: 2014-10-09 381: The Divine Tree Naruto and Minato combine their powers to perform a Sage Jutsu attack on Obito. 381: The Divine Tree In onda il: 2014-10-09 Naruto and Minato combine their powers to perform a Sage Jutsu attack on Obito. In onda il: 2014-10-16 382: A Shinobi's Dream The Ten Tails morphs into its final form, "The Divine Tree," and attacks the shinobi, absorbing their chakra one after another. 382: A Shinobi's Dream In onda il: 2014-10-16 The Ten Tails morphs into its final form, "The Divine Tree," and attacks the shinobi, absorbing their chakra one after another. In onda il: 2014-10-23 383: Pursuing Hope Naruto's past, thoughts, and feelings flow into the consciousness of every shinobi, unifying their hearts. 383: Pursuing Hope In onda il: 2014-10-23 Naruto's past, thoughts, and feelings flow into the consciousness of every shinobi, unifying their hearts. In onda il: 2014-10-30 384: A Heart Filled With Comrades Naruto and Sasuke size up Obito as the final battle looms. 384: A Heart Filled With Comrades In onda il: 2014-10-30 Naruto and Sasuke size up Obito as the final battle looms. In onda il: 2014-11-06 385: Obito Uchiha Naruto objects to Obito’s claim that he is the second Sage of Six Paths and declares that he is Obito Uchiha. 385: Obito Uchiha In onda il: 2014-11-06 Naruto objects to Obito’s claim that he is the second Sage of Six Paths and declares that he is Obito Uchiha. In onda il: 2014-11-13 386: I'm Always Watching Pressed by Naruto, Obito remembers the time he, Kakashi, and Rin teamed up for the Chunin Exam and when he promised Rin that he would become Hokage. 386: I'm Always Watching In onda il: 2014-11-13 Pressed by Naruto, Obito remembers the time he, Kakashi, and Rin teamed up for the Chunin Exam and when he promised Rin that he would become Hokage. In onda il: 2014-11-20 387: The Promise That Was Kept Naruto's power of persuasion moves Obito's heart. Due to the influence of the Ten Tails, visions of himself and Rin from the past appear in the inner realm and play havoc with Obito’s emotions. 387: The Promise That Was Kept In onda il: 2014-11-20 Naruto's power of persuasion moves Obito's heart. Due to the influence of the Ten Tails, visions of himself and Rin from the past appear in the inner realm and play havoc with Obito’s emotions. In onda il: 2014-11-27 388: My First Friend All the Tailed Beasts are freed, and old friends Kakashi and Obito come face to face with each other. What will Obito's response be? Meanwhile, the Tailed Beasts and the Allied Shinobi Forces shift their focus onto their greatest foe, Madara Uchiha. Gaara is reunited with his former Tailed Beast, Shukaku. When Gaara asks Shukaku to lend his power to seal Madara, he refuses. Will their history of animosity prevent them from working together? 388: My First Friend In onda il: 2014-11-27 All the Tailed Beasts are freed, and old friends Kakashi and Obito come face to face with each other. What will Obito's response be? Meanwhile, the Tailed Beasts and the Allied Shinobi Forces shift their focus onto their greatest foe, Madara Uchiha. Gaara is reunited with his former Tailed Beast, Shukaku. When Gaara asks Shukaku to lend his power to seal Madara, he refuses. Will their history of animosity prevent them from working together? In onda il: 2014-12-04 389: The Adored Elder Sister Hanabi adores her sister Hinata, who struggles to become a worthy successor to the Hyuga Clan. 389: The Adored Elder Sister In onda il: 2014-12-04 Hanabi adores her sister Hinata, who struggles to become a worthy successor to the Hyuga Clan. In onda il: 2014-12-04 390: Hanabi's Decision When Hinata is labeled unfit as a successor, Hanabi's heart becomes bound to her destiny. 390: Hanabi's Decision In onda il: 2014-12-04 When Hinata is labeled unfit as a successor, Hanabi's heart becomes bound to her destiny. In onda il: 2014-12-11 391: Madara Uchiha Arises Naruto and the Allied Shinobi Forces successfully extract the Tailed Beasts from Obito. Only Madara remains, and Naruto heads out to tackle this foe. 391: Madara Uchiha Arises In onda il: 2014-12-11 Naruto and the Allied Shinobi Forces successfully extract the Tailed Beasts from Obito. Only Madara remains, and Naruto heads out to tackle this foe. In onda il: 2014-12-18 392: The Hidden Heart With his newly revived strength, Madara doesn't give in against the nine Tailed Beasts. 392: The Hidden Heart In onda il: 2014-12-18 With his newly revived strength, Madara doesn't give in against the nine Tailed Beasts. In onda il: 2014-12-25 393: A True Ending Despite all efforts, Kurama is extracted from Naruto, and ultimately, all the Tailed Beasts are imprisoned inside the Gedo Statue. 393: A True Ending In onda il: 2014-12-25 Despite all efforts, Kurama is extracted from Naruto, and ultimately, all the Tailed Beasts are imprisoned inside the Gedo Statue. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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