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Descrizione Parti per una folle corsa nel cosmo con una nuova avventura di Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. In questo gioco d'azione in terza persona vestirai i panni di Star-Lord che, grazie a una capacità di comando sfrontata ma discutibile, raccoglie intorno a sé uno strambo equipaggio di improbabili eroi. Un idiota (non tu, è ovvio) ha messo in moto una serie di eventi catastrofici e solo tu puoi coordinare gli imprevedibili Guardiani abbastanza a lungo da scongiurare un collasso interplanetario. Tra pistole elementali, attacchi di gruppo e calci acrobatici con gli stivali-razzo, tutto è permesso. Se credi che andrà tutto secondo i piani... preparati ad affrontare molte sorprese, perché ogni tua azione avrà conseguenze concrete sul destino dei Guardiani. In questa storia originale di Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy incontrerai nuove creature incredibilmente potenti e rivisitazioni inedite di personaggi iconici, in un'enorme battaglia per il destino della galassia. È ora di mostrare all'universo cosa sei in grado di fare. Puoi farcela. Forse. GUIDA I GUARDIANI DELLA GALASSIA Vesti i panni di Star-Lord e combatti con uno stile sfrontato oltre ogni limite che sfrutta pistole elementali, calci acrobatici con gli stivali-razzo e attacchi di gruppo. Con i Guardiani al tuo fianco, impartisci gli ordini per schiacciare gli avversari con attacchi personalizzati. Durante il viaggio dovrai affrontare le conseguenze delle tue scelte, con risultati a volte divertenti, a volte del tutto inaspettati. UNA STORIA INEDITA La banda di leggendari disadattati che hai appena messo insieme dovrà salvare l'universo in un'interpretazione inedita ma fedele dei Guardiani della Galassia. Chissà come, hai avviato una serie di eventi catastrofici che ha dato inizio a una folle corsa tra pianeti incredibili, abitati da iconici personaggi Marvel. Ascolta a tutto volume la raccolta di successi anni '80 e preparati a ballare. DA SBANDATI A SUPEREROI Sei l'unico in grado di tenere uniti gli imprevedibili Guardiani, ma devi perfezionare in fretta le tue capacità di comando. Vagando nel cosmo, condividerai gioie e dolori con questa specie di strana famiglia al tuo fianco. Qualunque cosa vi aspetti, sai già che sarà un'esperienza pazzesca. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Marvels.Guardians.of.the.Galaxy.Deluxe.Edition-G4U55 | 15.1GB [FULL ITA]
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Descrizione Little-Known Galaxy è un'accogliente avventura spaziale RPG per giocatore singolo piena di personaggi amichevoli, esplorazione, creazione e agricoltura. Storia! Unisciti alla Space Alliance come nuovo capitano in addestramento e collabora con il tuo eccentrico equipaggio per risolvere i misteri di un'antica reliquia trovata sul Pianeta Grigio. Quali misteri svelerà? Che tipo di avventura ci aspetta? E chi incontrerai lungo la strada? Adesso tocca a te, Capitano. Ricordatevi di sostenere il vostro equipaggio, di seguire il vostro cuore e di prendervi sempre cura l'uno dell'altro. Gameplay! - Personalizza il tuo spazio: se ti piace massimizzare la produzione di risorse con le macchine o se ti piace piantare una collezione di raccolti freschi, dipende da te. Con tantissime macchine, decorazioni, mobili, modelli di pareti, texture di pavimenti, percorsi e altro ancora, puoi personalizzare il tuo spazio abitativo proprio come preferisci. Espandi i tuoi alloggi. Configura lo spazio del tuo deck. Puoi persino costruire sullo scafo esterno della nave stessa! - Creazione, agricoltura e cucina: crea una gamma di macchine e decorazioni utili utilizzando il tuo banco da lavoro. Coltiva, coltiva e raccogli i raccolti direttamente a bordo della tua nave. Poi ovviamente prepara alcune deliziose ricette nella tua cucina rinnovata. Fioriere dello scafo esterno? Che tipo di colture crescerebbero nel vuoto dello spazio? - Fai amicizia con il tuo equipaggio: famiglie, amici e single sono tutti entusiasti di darti il benvenuto nella tua accogliente comunità di astronavi. Inizierai con un equipaggio affiatato di 20 persone a bordo della tua nave, ma sarai sicuro di incontrare molti nuovi amici lungo il percorso. Costruirai relazioni attraverso dialoghi quotidiani, condividendo doni, filmati di storie, obiettivi di missione e alla fine conoscerai ciascuno intimamente durante il tuo lungo viaggio insieme. Più sviluppi queste relazioni, più la tua piccola comunità si sentirà come a casa. - Xeno: fai schiudere e alleva una varietà di adorabili piccoli alieni conosciuti come Xeno. Dai loro tanto amore, attenzione e cibo per vederli crescere. - Ripristina la tua nave: il tuo raggio di ripristino ripulirà qualsiasi piccola cosa, ma gli aggiornamenti acquistati nell'officina meccanica ti aiuteranno a ripristinare le aree rotte o vuote a bordo della tua nave. Questi aggiornamenti sbloccheranno nuove funzionalità, nuove opportunità per l'equipaggio e aiuteranno a ricostruire ancora una volta la tua comunità navale. - Esplora nuovi mondi: la tua astronave può portarti su pianeti lontani e sconosciuti. Esplora mondi alieni e cerca un'ampia varietà di risorse utili per costruire nuove macchine, aggiornare i tuoi strumenti e completare le tue missioni. Attenzione però... senza dubbio incontrerai forme di vita aliene selvagge che sono tutt'altro che amichevoli su ogni pianeta. Mantieni la calma e dai loro una zappata con il tuo fidato Laser Blaster. - Romanticismo: costruisci un'amicizia, incontra e sposa uno dei 10 single a bordo della nave. Ognuno con un retroscena unico e una vasta gamma di simpatie e antipatie personali. Se riesci a conquistare il loro affetto e a trasformarti in una casa grande, allora puoi porre la domanda. Una volta sposato, avrai un compagno per tutta la vita con cui condividere i tuoi alloggi. Ma puoi sposare qualcuno che sia un androide, un alieno o un clone genetico? SÌ. Si, puoi. - Sali di livello fino a diventare capitano a tutti gli effetti - Inizierai come capitano in formazione e salirai di grado man mano che accrescerai le tue capacità di leadership. Obiettivo della missione, morale dell'equipaggio, miglioramenti della nave, produzione di risorse e ricerca sui microbi sono tutti fattori che contribuiscono a diventare un grande capitano dell'Alleanza Spaziale. I gradi di Capitano prevedono anche bonus in crediti, nuove macchine, decorazioni o pezzi personalizzabili ogni volta che aumenti il tuo grado. - Ricerca sui microbi: microbi buoni, cattivi, neutri e selvaggi si aggirano sulla tua nave! Usando il tuo rilevatore di microbi, vorrai raccoglierli per la ricerca, usarli per creare oggetti o venderli per crediti. Riuscirai a catturare e raccogliere tutti i microbi che vivono nel microbioma della tua nave? - Museo - Mentre ti trovi su pianeti diversi, scopri incredibili manufatti e gemme di eccezionale bellezza. Incontra Hermy, il granchio eremita esploratore con una passione anomala per il collezionismo. Aiutalo a completare le collezioni di gemme, artefatti e microbi del suo museo per far divertire tutti. - Personalizzazione del giocatore: crea il tuo look con acconciature, tavolozze di colori, accessori e cappelli interessanti. Forse scoprirai anche nuove tendenze calde nell'universo. - Supporto completo del controller: collega il tuo controller preferito o mettiti comodo con il tuo Steam Deck. - Colonna sonora originale - Composta dal talentuoso Dale North. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Little-Known.Galaxy.v1.0.7 [ENG]
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Descrizione Per la maggior parte, l'archeologia dovrebbe essere un lavoro tranquillo. Per questa squadra è stata incredibilmente dura. Ci sono voluti anni alla ricerca di un residuo leggendario perduto della prima civiltà spaziale, e in alcuni casi, grandi perdite personali, ma alla fine è stato trovato: IMPERO! Una nave planetaria di dimensioni e tecnologia incredibili, che secondo alcuni ha addirittura il potere di esaudire i desideri! Ma quando si rivela non solo ostile ma anche attivo, e uccide uno dei membri della squadra per poi esprimere un disperato ultimo desiderio di vendetta che in realtà decide di esaudire, le cose passano di male in disastroso! Con un'antica superarma pronta a garantire vendetta, il tuo amico ferito e una galassia ignara del pericolo che si avvicina, è qui che entri in gioco tu! Prendendo il controllo di un combattente d'élite, il Type One, dovrai prendere il volo e lo spazio attraverso 5 livelli, per fermare l'antica minaccia prima che sia troppo tardi! Padroneggia i laser della nave, le armi a raggi e il suo impulso elettronico che cancella lo schermo per farcela! E fai attenzione: il nemico ha più di qualche asso nella manica! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
Descrizione "Jorel’s Brother and The Most Important Game of the Galaxy" è un'avventura punta e clicca su un bambino di otto anni che vive con la sua eccentrica famiglia all'ombra di Jorel, il suo fratello bello e popolare. Basato sulla pluripremiata animazione brasiliana "Il fratello di Jorel", in questo gioco potrai indossare i panni gialli nientemeno che del fratello di Jorel in una storia interattiva piena di commedia, mistero e colpi di scena! È come riprodurre un nuovissimo episodio a grandezza naturale di un cartone animato! Quando un misterioso videogioco cade dal cielo, il più giovane della famiglia farà di tutto per giocarci, anche se questo lo porterà fino ai confini estremi della galassia! Controlla il fratello di Jorel mentre affronta astronavi aliene, clown autoritari, burocrazia, esami di guida e frullati di avocado in questo "brutale" gioco d'avventura punta e clicca con tre episodi pieni di umorismo e azione! Vivi momenti divertenti come se stessi interpretando un cartone animato! Caratteristiche principali: - Parla con più di 30 personaggi con diverse interazioni! - Visita i luoghi amati (e nuovi!) della serie animata più vista in America Latina: "Il fratello di Jorel"! - Ti sembrerà di giocare a un episodio del cartone animato, con le illustrazioni e le sceneggiature degli stessi creatori della serie animata. - Gioca a minigiochi "brutali" sulla spiaggia, nello spazio e... sotto la doccia?! - Raccogli oggetti! Risolvi enigmi! Esplora luoghi diversi! - Raccogli gli adesivi sparsi per il gioco e completa un album pieno di immagini di personaggi e luoghi della serie. - Sconfiggi la burocrazia di una motorizzazione extraterrestre! Sconfiggi alieni, DJ, clown e robot! - Puoi utilizzare un mouse, una tastiera o un controller. Gioca come preferisci! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Jorels.Brother.and.The.Most.Important.Game.of.the.Galaxy.Chapter.3-TENOKE [ENG]
Descrizione Warner Music Group e i pluri-premiati sviluppatori indie di Hello There Games uniscono le forze per il nuovo capitolo della serie acclamata dalla critica Invector: Rhythm Galaxy. Esplora nuovi mondi mozzafiato al ritmo di canzoni di successo degli artisti più famosi del momento, tra cui PinkPantheress, Charlie Puth e altri ancora. Scopri entusiasmanti nuove tracce delle migliori stelle emergenti in un viaggio cosmico nel quale saranno le note a indicarti la strada. Gioca in solitaria e padroneggia il ritmo di ogni canzone o manda in orbita i tuoi amici con la modalità multigiocatore locale a 4 giocatori e dai vita a un'entusiasmante competizione testa a testa nel tuo salotto. Con diversi livelli di difficoltà tra cui scegliere, Invector: Rhythm Galaxy promette una sfida divertente per i giocatori di ogni livello di abilità. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Invector.Rhythm.Galaxy.v1.0.7 [SUB ITA]
Jurassic Galaxy (2018) DVD5 COPIA 1:1 ITA ENG
PRINCIPESSA10 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-R
Titolo: Jurassic Galaxy Anno: 2008 Genere: Azione, Avventura Durata: 76' Caste: Eric Paul Erickson Madison West Gill Ryan Budds Doug Burch Jonathan Nation Frankie Ray Tamara Stayer In un futuro non molto lontano, degli esploratori spaziali atterrano su un pianeta sconosciuto. Molto presto, si scontreranno con una delle loro peggiori paure, scoprendo che il pianeta è abitato da terribili e famelici dinosauri… -
BIGBANG - Alive Galaxy World Tour (2012-2013, 3xDVD5)
Sekes ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
BIGBANG - Alive Galaxy World Tour (2012-2013, 3xDVD5) Title: BIGBANG - Alive Galaxy World Tour Year of release: 2012-2013 Genre: K-pop, Pop, Rap Released: YG ENTERTAINMENT Cast: Big Bang Tracklist: The BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 (referred to as the Alive Tour) is a 2012-2013 worldwide concert tour held by South Korean boy band BIGBANG. It promotes the group's third Korean-language EP, Alive (as well as their fourth Japanese-language studio album of the same name), across four continents; Asia, North America, South America and Europe. The group hired choreography and creative director Laurieann Gibson to direct the show. The tour was officially sponsored by Samsung GALAXY. DISC 1. 2012-2013 BIGBANG ALIVE GALAXY WORLD TOUR | A COLLECTION OF BEST MOMENTS [YG EDIT VER] TONIGHT FANTASTIC BABY STUPID LIAR CRAYON HIGH HIGH STRONG BABY + WHAT CAN I DO BAD BOY BLUE LOVE SONG MONSTER ONLY LOOK AT ME + WEDDING DRESS WINGS HARU HARU LIES LAST FAREWELL HEAVEN DISC 2. DOCUMENTARY OF 2012-2013 BIGBANG ALIVE GALAXY TOUR BIGBANG, ALIVE AROUND THE WORLD BIGBANG ALIVE GALAXY TOUR BEHIND THE SCENES DISC 3. 2012-2013 BIGBANG ALIVE GALAXY TOUR | SPECIAL FEATURES BIGBANG ALIVE GALAXY TOUR SPECIAL EVENTS FROM FANS BIGBANG ALIVE GALAXY TOUR DIALOGUES WITH FANS BIGBANG ALIVE GALAXY TOUR ENCORE (RECORDED BY BIGBANG ON THE STAGE) Quality: 3xDVD5 Video: MPEG-2 VIDEO, NTSC 16:9 (720x480) VBR, 8009 kb/s Audio: English, Korean / Dolby AC3, 2 ch, 192 kb/s Subtitles: English, Korean Total Size: 13.55 GB Total Time: 01:10:14, 00:50:50, 00:34:33 Download Hoster: hitfile.net, rapidgator.net, turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/F7DE48C834.html Pass: 689 -
Galaxy Quest (1999) DVD9 COPIA 1:1 ITA/ENG/SPA
PRINCIPESSA10 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-R
Galaxy Quest USA, 1999 Genere: Fantascienzadurata 102'play Regia di Dean Parisot Con Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tim Allen, Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwell, Daryl Mitchell Diciotto anni dopo il termine della serie televisiva "Galaxy Quest", i cinque attori che l'avevano interpretata - Jason Nesmith, Gwen DeMarco, Alexander Dane, Tommy Webber e Fred Kwan - continuano a comparire in pubblico in situazioni tipo convention di fantascienza o inaugurazioni di centri commerciali. Il non esaltante tran tran si interrompe quando i Termiani, extraterrestri della galassia di Klaatu, li rapiscono e li trasportano sul loro pianeta. Lo scopo: ottenere dagli ex divi - scambiati per veri eroi - un aiuto per sconfiggere le armate nemiche, guidate dal temibile generale Sarris... -
Babymetal - Legend - Metal Galaxy Day 2 (2020) BDRip 720p
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Babymetal - Legend - Metal Galaxy Day 2 (2020) BDRip 720p Screenshots: Setlist: January 26 Sunday DAY-2 in 2020 01. IN THE NAME OF 02. Distortion (feat. Alissa White-Gluz) 03. PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO) 04. KARATE 05. Kagerou 06. BxMxC 07. Syncopation 08. Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!! 09. Starlight 10. Shine 11. Arkadia 12. Bullying and No are absolute. Info: Genre: Kawaii Metal Quality: BDRip | 720p Format: MKV | 6842kbps Length: 01:11:00 | 3.13Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x544 | 21:9 | 29.970fps Audio: LPCM | 2304kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: Japanese Download: Subyshare.com, Uploadgig.com pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download. -
Babymetal - Metal Galaxy World Tour (2020) BDRip 720p
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Babymetal - Metal Galaxy World Tour (2020) BDRip 720p Screenshots: Setlist: 01. FUTURE METAL 02. DA DA DANCE (feat. Tak Matsumoto) 03. Gimme Chocolate!! 04. Elevator Girl 05. Shanti Shanti Shanti 06. Starlight 07. Kagerou 08. Distortion (feat. Alissa White-Gluz) 09. Megitsune 10. PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO) 11. KARATE 12. Road of Resistance 13. Shine 14. Arkadia Info: Genre: Kawaii Metal Quality: BDRip | 720p Format: MKV | 5947kbps Length: 01:11:00 | 3.11Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x544 | 21:9 | 29.970fps Audio: LPCM | 2304kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: Japanese Download: Subyshare.com, Uploadgig.com pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download. -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Inazuma Eleven Inazuma Eleven GO: Galaxy Episodi 43 Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Mark Evans (Mamoru Endō nella versione originale) è uno studente delle medie che frequenta l'istituto Raimon, dove vorrebbe fondare un club di calcio. All’inizio i membri sono solo in sette, ma Mark non si arrenderà e riuscirà a far crescere la squadra con l'intenzione di partecipare al Football Frontier, un torneo nazionale tra squadre dei vari istituti del Giappone. Takashi Honda Character Designer Yoshikazu Miyao Director Akihiro Hino Writer Yuko Inoue Character Designer Yuka Terasaki Tenma Matsukaze (voice) Episodi: 43 In onda il: 2013-05-08 1: The Worst! Shinsei Inazuma Japan!! Finally, the members of Inazuma Japan are announced at the Holy Road Stadium! Matsukaze Tenma, Shindou Takuto and Tsurugi Kyousuke are chosen, but all their other teammates are strangers from various schools around Japan. When they have an exhibition match against Teikoku, none of the members, other than those three, seem to know that they are doing. In fact, a few of them are only soccer beginners! The fans lose interest immediately—what a disappointment for Japan's national team. 1: The Worst! Shinsei Inazuma Japan!! In onda il: 2013-05-08 Finally, the members of Inazuma Japan are announced at the Holy Road Stadium! Matsukaze Tenma, Shindou Takuto and Tsurugi Kyousuke are chosen, but all their other teammates are strangers from various schools around Japan. When they have an exhibition match against Teikoku, none of the members, other than those three, seem to know that they are doing. In fact, a few of them are only soccer beginners! The fans lose interest immediately—what a disappointment for Japan's national team. In onda il: 2013-05-15 2: Dark Clouds Hovers Again! Starts The World Championship!! Matsukaze Tenma is excited for practice and as he arrives along with Tsurugi Kyousuke and Shindou Takuto for practice, they seem to learn a lot more about the other players. Like how Matatagi Hayato has siblings, to whom Tenma says that their brother is fast. Shindou is still angry about the new players, to the extent that he talks with Kuroiwa Ryuusei, saying the plan for the match against Fire Dragon will be just him defending, Tsurugi shooting, and Tenma passing the ball. Ibuki Munemasa overhears this and gets angry. Ibuki then keeps training hard, even though he still doesn't succeed in catching Shindou's and Tsurugi's shoots. Near night, Matatagi and Tenma have another conversation but it seems that it wasn't entirely enough to encourage Matatagi. 2: Dark Clouds Hovers Again! Starts The World Championship!! In onda il: 2013-05-15 Matsukaze Tenma is excited for practice and as he arrives along with Tsurugi Kyousuke and Shindou Takuto for practice, they seem to learn a lot more about the other players. Like how Matatagi Hayato has siblings, to whom Tenma says that their brother is fast. Shindou is still angry about the new players, to the extent that he talks with Kuroiwa Ryuusei, saying the plan for the match against Fire Dragon will be just him defending, Tsurugi shooting, and Tenma passing the ball. Ibuki Munemasa overhears this and gets angry. Ibuki then keeps training hard, even though he still doesn't succeed in catching Shindou's and Tsurugi's shoots. Near night, Matatagi and Tenma have another conversation but it seems that it wasn't entirely enough to encourage Matatagi. In onda il: 2013-05-22 3: A Small Change The match between Inazuma Japan and Fire Dragon continued. Fire Dragon easily obtained the lead with 0-1 and Inazuma Japan were still not up to their fullest. What would happen next? Would Inazuma Japan be able to win or would they be eliminated before their challenge to the world even begins? 3: A Small Change In onda il: 2013-05-22 The match between Inazuma Japan and Fire Dragon continued. Fire Dragon easily obtained the lead with 0-1 and Inazuma Japan were still not up to their fullest. What would happen next? Would Inazuma Japan be able to win or would they be eliminated before their challenge to the world even begins? In onda il: 2013-05-29 4: The Mystery of The Team Formed The match between Inazuma Japan and Fire Dragon has ended with Inazuma Japan winning. However, some members of the team don't participate in training because of their contract with Kuroiwa that they can do whatever they want after winning the first match. Tenma tries to persuade everyone to join the training but fails. Shindou goes to Gouenji's place to ask for a back-up and finds out that Kuroiwa is trying to take over the world of soccer into darkness. The next day, an withdrawal exam of Inazuma Japan is announced that those who passes will be allowed to withdraw from the team and fulfill their contract. 4: The Mystery of The Team Formed In onda il: 2013-05-29 The match between Inazuma Japan and Fire Dragon has ended with Inazuma Japan winning. However, some members of the team don't participate in training because of their contract with Kuroiwa that they can do whatever they want after winning the first match. Tenma tries to persuade everyone to join the training but fails. Shindou goes to Gouenji's place to ask for a back-up and finds out that Kuroiwa is trying to take over the world of soccer into darkness. The next day, an withdrawal exam of Inazuma Japan is announced that those who passes will be allowed to withdraw from the team and fulfill their contract. In onda il: 2013-06-05 5: Inazuma Japan Withdrawal Test! The withdrawal exam is that the members have to miss five penalty kicks without a goalkeeper. All the members take the exam except for Tenma, Tsurugi, Shindou, Matatagi and Ibuki. When the exam starts, it turns out that Kuroiwa assembled spectators and news reporters to watch their performance. Tetsukado is the first one and he fails to shoot four times. However, after hearing the encouragements from the crowd and remembering what his mentor in boxing told him, he decides to stay in the team and makes a shoot into the goal. The other members become motivated after seeing his shoot. In the end, everyone decides to stay in the team. 5: Inazuma Japan Withdrawal Test! In onda il: 2013-06-05 The withdrawal exam is that the members have to miss five penalty kicks without a goalkeeper. All the members take the exam except for Tenma, Tsurugi, Shindou, Matatagi and Ibuki. When the exam starts, it turns out that Kuroiwa assembled spectators and news reporters to watch their performance. Tetsukado is the first one and he fails to shoot four times. However, after hearing the encouragements from the crowd and remembering what his mentor in boxing told him, he decides to stay in the team and makes a shoot into the goal. The other members become motivated after seeing his shoot. In the end, everyone decides to stay in the team. In onda il: 2013-06-12 6: An Enemy Within The Team! The match between Inazuma Japan and Big Waves is about to start. Inazuma Japan easily obtains a one-point lead with Tsurugi's Bicycle Sword. Much to everyone's surprise, Cole LaRuze easily ties the score with Megalodon. As the game progresses, Sakura tries to prove her ability to her parents, even hurting her teammates when she could not seem to succeed. Big Waves reveals their tactics, Suck Out and continuously obtains the ball, breaking through Inazuma Japan's tactic Kami no Takuto. Big Waves obtains a lead of 2-1 and tries for the third goal, but Ibuki manages to pull out Wild Dunk, saving the goal. Will Inazuma Japan be able to even the score, let alone win? 6: An Enemy Within The Team! In onda il: 2013-06-12 The match between Inazuma Japan and Big Waves is about to start. Inazuma Japan easily obtains a one-point lead with Tsurugi's Bicycle Sword. Much to everyone's surprise, Cole LaRuze easily ties the score with Megalodon. As the game progresses, Sakura tries to prove her ability to her parents, even hurting her teammates when she could not seem to succeed. Big Waves reveals their tactics, Suck Out and continuously obtains the ball, breaking through Inazuma Japan's tactic Kami no Takuto. Big Waves obtains a lead of 2-1 and tries for the third goal, but Ibuki manages to pull out Wild Dunk, saving the goal. Will Inazuma Japan be able to even the score, let alone win? In onda il: 2013-06-19 7: Let’s Play Fun Soccer! The match between Big Waves and Inazuma Japan continues. Sakura, who still tries to prove her ability to her parents, continues doing her solo-playing but fails after a few attempts. She doesn't want to look bad in front of them anymore, so she purposely bumps on Konoha, pretending that her leg is hurt. Her position gets changed, and she becomes a defender. Inazuma Japan ties the score thanks to Matatagi's new hisasstu, Parkour Attack. Sakura finally comes back to her senses and gets over her fear of failure thanks to Tenma's encouragment. She tries to break through Suck Out with Shindou's Kami no Takuto but fails. She doesn't lose hope and tries again with Kami no Takuto FI and successfully passes the Big Waves players. She then passes the ball to Manabe who scores an unintentional goal with a slip. The match ends with Inazuma Japan winning the match by a score of 3-2. 7: Let’s Play Fun Soccer! In onda il: 2013-06-19 The match between Big Waves and Inazuma Japan continues. Sakura, who still tries to prove her ability to her parents, continues doing her solo-playing but fails after a few attempts. She doesn't want to look bad in front of them anymore, so she purposely bumps on Konoha, pretending that her leg is hurt. Her position gets changed, and she becomes a defender. Inazuma Japan ties the score thanks to Matatagi's new hisasstu, Parkour Attack. Sakura finally comes back to her senses and gets over her fear of failure thanks to Tenma's encouragment. She tries to break through Suck Out with Shindou's Kami no Takuto but fails. She doesn't lose hope and tries again with Kami no Takuto FI and successfully passes the Big Waves players. She then passes the ball to Manabe who scores an unintentional goal with a slip. The match ends with Inazuma Japan winning the match by a score of 3-2. In onda il: 2013-06-26 8: Kusaka’s Two Faces The members of Inazuma Japan are all training together and most of the members have improved. The next day, they are told that their next opponent is Saudi Arabia's representative Shamshir. Kuroiwa tells everyone that there will be no training so each member trains in his or her own way. Kusaka gets caught by the police because he got involved in a gang fight but is released thanks to Kuroiwa. After he comes back, Manabe and Minaho tell the other members about Kusaka's background. The next day, as the match between Inazuma Japan and Shamshir starts, Kusaka notices his childhood friend, Kanda Satoko, is in the audience. The match begins and Inazuma instantly loses a point. Kusaka is called "weak" by the members from Shamshir and he attacks them the same way he did the Teikoku players during the exhibition match. What would happen now? Can Inazuma Japan turn back the score? 8: Kusaka’s Two Faces In onda il: 2013-06-26 The members of Inazuma Japan are all training together and most of the members have improved. The next day, they are told that their next opponent is Saudi Arabia's representative Shamshir. Kuroiwa tells everyone that there will be no training so each member trains in his or her own way. Kusaka gets caught by the police because he got involved in a gang fight but is released thanks to Kuroiwa. After he comes back, Manabe and Minaho tell the other members about Kusaka's background. The next day, as the match between Inazuma Japan and Shamshir starts, Kusaka notices his childhood friend, Kanda Satoko, is in the audience. The match begins and Inazuma instantly loses a point. Kusaka is called "weak" by the members from Shamshir and he attacks them the same way he did the Teikoku players during the exhibition match. What would happen now? Can Inazuma Japan turn back the score? In onda il: 2013-07-03 9: The Emperor’s Tears! The match between Inazuma Japan and Shamshir continues with the second-half starting. The other members in Inazuma Japan refrain from passing the ball to Kusaka Ryuuji in order to prevent him from going on a rampage. However, the Shamshir members start to continuously do rough plays on him, calling him weak. Even worse, the gang Kusaka had beaten interrupts the match to get revenge on him. He goes into a rampage once more and wants to attack them but Matsukaze Tenma stops him by taking his blow in his face. The gang still continues to insult Kusaka. Unable to control himself anymore, Kusaka changes into his Berserker Mode. When he is about to attack, he is halted by none other than his childhood friend, Kanda Satoko, who calls out to him from the audience. What will she do to help him? Can Kusaka realize the meaning of "true" strength?. 9: The Emperor’s Tears! In onda il: 2013-07-03 The match between Inazuma Japan and Shamshir continues with the second-half starting. The other members in Inazuma Japan refrain from passing the ball to Kusaka Ryuuji in order to prevent him from going on a rampage. However, the Shamshir members start to continuously do rough plays on him, calling him weak. Even worse, the gang Kusaka had beaten interrupts the match to get revenge on him. He goes into a rampage once more and wants to attack them but Matsukaze Tenma stops him by taking his blow in his face. The gang still continues to insult Kusaka. Unable to control himself anymore, Kusaka changes into his Berserker Mode. When he is about to attack, he is halted by none other than his childhood friend, Kanda Satoko, who calls out to him from the audience. What will she do to help him? Can Kusaka realize the meaning of "true" strength?. In onda il: 2013-07-10 10: Training! The Black Room! The match between Inazuma Japan and Shamshir has ended with Inazuma Japan winning. The team continues training as usual. Shindou Takuto has started to accept Inazuma Japan as shown when he compliments and gives advice to Tetsukado Shin. Manabe Jinichirou's parents visit him and tell him to give up soccer and continue studying, with Minaho Kazuto overhearing them. Later, Manabe and Minaho have a conversation together. They told each other about their backgrounds and then suddenly get into a fight. The next day, Kuroiwa Ryuusei takes everyone to the Black Room which allows them to train in a virtual city and different virtual dimensions for the past 3 days. Most of the team have started to think about winning FFIV2 even though they didn't need to. Later, their next opponent in semi-final is announced to be Thailand's representive, Mach Tiger. 10: Training! The Black Room! In onda il: 2013-07-10 The match between Inazuma Japan and Shamshir has ended with Inazuma Japan winning. The team continues training as usual. Shindou Takuto has started to accept Inazuma Japan as shown when he compliments and gives advice to Tetsukado Shin. Manabe Jinichirou's parents visit him and tell him to give up soccer and continue studying, with Minaho Kazuto overhearing them. Later, Manabe and Minaho have a conversation together. They told each other about their backgrounds and then suddenly get into a fight. The next day, Kuroiwa Ryuusei takes everyone to the Black Room which allows them to train in a virtual city and different virtual dimensions for the past 3 days. Most of the team have started to think about winning FFIV2 even though they didn't need to. Later, their next opponent in semi-final is announced to be Thailand's representive, Mach Tiger. In onda il: 2013-07-17 11: I Hate Myself The team has started to get a lot of progesses. However, Konoha loses her confidence of staying in Inazuma Japan and leaves the training camp. Tenma, Kusaka and Aoi go searching for her and end up finding her at the zoo playing with a rabbit. At the training camp, Manabe and Minaho are looking through the data of the teams they have faced and find out that the data of each member has increased drastically compares to the data before the tournament. Meanwhile, Tenma talks to Konoha and she tells him about her sad past. Kusaka suddenly comes in the conversation and his words have offended her when he said that she is 'irritating'. Konoha runs away and saves a cat from being hit by a truck on the road in the blink of eye. Tenma, Kusaka and Aoi try to persuade her once more time and Konoha decides to come back to the team. At the end of the episode, Potomuri and Kuroiwa are talking together and it is revealed that FFIV2 has a secret. 11: I Hate Myself In onda il: 2013-07-17 The team has started to get a lot of progesses. However, Konoha loses her confidence of staying in Inazuma Japan and leaves the training camp. Tenma, Kusaka and Aoi go searching for her and end up finding her at the zoo playing with a rabbit. At the training camp, Manabe and Minaho are looking through the data of the teams they have faced and find out that the data of each member has increased drastically compares to the data before the tournament. Meanwhile, Tenma talks to Konoha and she tells him about her sad past. Kusaka suddenly comes in the conversation and his words have offended her when he said that she is 'irritating'. Konoha runs away and saves a cat from being hit by a truck on the road in the blink of eye. Tenma, Kusaka and Aoi try to persuade her once more time and Konoha decides to come back to the team. At the end of the episode, Potomuri and Kuroiwa are talking together and it is revealed that FFIV2 has a secret. In onda il: 2013-07-24 12: Confessions on the Field Kusaka feels guilty of saying to Konoha that she is irritating and tries to apolgize with the help of his teammates but fails. What's worse of all is that she now keeps avoiding him whenever he approaches her. Manabe and Minaho then think of a plan by making a situation where the two are alone so they can talk, but they also miserably fail. The day of the match against Mach Tiger has came and started. However, Inazuma Japan loses a goal to Mach Tiger because the team was focusing on offense which left the defense in weak spot. To everyones surprise, Kusaka suddenly turns into his Berserker Mode and confessess to Konoha that he loves her! Can Inazuma Japan catch up to Mach Tiger? What will Konoha do after suddenly being confessed to by Kusaka? 12: Confessions on the Field In onda il: 2013-07-24 Kusaka feels guilty of saying to Konoha that she is irritating and tries to apolgize with the help of his teammates but fails. What's worse of all is that she now keeps avoiding him whenever he approaches her. Manabe and Minaho then think of a plan by making a situation where the two are alone so they can talk, but they also miserably fail. The day of the match against Mach Tiger has came and started. However, Inazuma Japan loses a goal to Mach Tiger because the team was focusing on offense which left the defense in weak spot. To everyones surprise, Kusaka suddenly turns into his Berserker Mode and confessess to Konoha that he loves her! Can Inazuma Japan catch up to Mach Tiger? What will Konoha do after suddenly being confessed to by Kusaka? In onda il: 2013-07-31 13: Key to Victory The match opposing Shinsei Inazuma Japan to Mach Tiger continues. Kuroiwa Ryuusei tells Manabe Jinichirou and Minaho Kazuto to find the "key to victory". However, their calculations don't seem to work, and Tamugan Jar is able to score a second goal for Thailand's team, Ibuki Munemasa being unable to stop Ivory Crash. Manabe is disturbed by his parents' arrival in the stadium and can't find a way to stop Mach Tiger's players from attacking, but Minaho gives him advice to do so. He also tells Manabe about his childhood and his deceased father. They both use hissatsus, Defense Houteishiki belonging to Manabe and Trace Press belonging to Minaho, and allow Shinsei Inazuma Japan to make a counter-attack. Tsurugi Kyousuke ties the score by using Bicycle Sword, and then Matsukaze Tenma scores the third and final goal with God Wind. The match ends 3-2, Shinsei Inazuma Japan wins and advances to the final. 13: Key to Victory In onda il: 2013-07-31 The match opposing Shinsei Inazuma Japan to Mach Tiger continues. Kuroiwa Ryuusei tells Manabe Jinichirou and Minaho Kazuto to find the "key to victory". However, their calculations don't seem to work, and Tamugan Jar is able to score a second goal for Thailand's team, Ibuki Munemasa being unable to stop Ivory Crash. Manabe is disturbed by his parents' arrival in the stadium and can't find a way to stop Mach Tiger's players from attacking, but Minaho gives him advice to do so. He also tells Manabe about his childhood and his deceased father. They both use hissatsus, Defense Houteishiki belonging to Manabe and Trace Press belonging to Minaho, and allow Shinsei Inazuma Japan to make a counter-attack. Tsurugi Kyousuke ties the score by using Bicycle Sword, and then Matsukaze Tenma scores the third and final goal with God Wind. The match ends 3-2, Shinsei Inazuma Japan wins and advances to the final. In onda il: 2013-08-07 14: Assault! Resistance Japan!!! Inazuma Japan has finally reached to the finals of FFIV2 and their opponent is Uzbekistan's representive team, Storm Wolf. Then, Inazuma Japan is announced that they will have a practice match the next day. The next day, their opponent for the practice match is revealed to be Resistance Japan which surprises the Raimon trio as all the members are people they know from the Holy road and also the nationals. When the match just starts, the other members, except for Tenma, Tsurugi and Shindou, cannot catch up with Resistance Japan at all. The match ends with as score of 3-1 with Resistance Japan winning. The 8 beginners of Inazuma Japan realize that they still can't win with their current level. After learning the shocking fact, what will they do now to win the finals? 14: Assault! Resistance Japan!!! In onda il: 2013-08-07 Inazuma Japan has finally reached to the finals of FFIV2 and their opponent is Uzbekistan's representive team, Storm Wolf. Then, Inazuma Japan is announced that they will have a practice match the next day. The next day, their opponent for the practice match is revealed to be Resistance Japan which surprises the Raimon trio as all the members are people they know from the Holy road and also the nationals. When the match just starts, the other members, except for Tenma, Tsurugi and Shindou, cannot catch up with Resistance Japan at all. The match ends with as score of 3-1 with Resistance Japan winning. The 8 beginners of Inazuma Japan realize that they still can't win with their current level. After learning the shocking fact, what will they do now to win the finals? In onda il: 2013-08-14 15: Fierce Battle! Challenge of the World Inazuma Japan, excluding Tenma, Shindou and Tsurugi don't attend the practice but focus on their training in the Black Room. Ibuki still tries to prove his ability to Shindou, but Shindou still doesn't accept him as a goalkeeper which makes both of them get irritated at each other again. Meanwhile, Tenma has seen great improvements from his teammates but he still feels that something is lacking. The day of the final match between Inazuma Japan and Storm Wolf has finally arrived. Before the match starts, Ibuki stated he will block all the shoots perfectly. However, when the match just starts, Storm Wolf quickly scores the first goal with Gold Fever. Ibuki gets depressed for being unable to stop the shoot and Shindou gets frustrated at him. What will Inazuma Japan do now? Can they win the final match that decides the one to go to the world? 15: Fierce Battle! Challenge of the World In onda il: 2013-08-14 Inazuma Japan, excluding Tenma, Shindou and Tsurugi don't attend the practice but focus on their training in the Black Room. Ibuki still tries to prove his ability to Shindou, but Shindou still doesn't accept him as a goalkeeper which makes both of them get irritated at each other again. Meanwhile, Tenma has seen great improvements from his teammates but he still feels that something is lacking. The day of the final match between Inazuma Japan and Storm Wolf has finally arrived. Before the match starts, Ibuki stated he will block all the shoots perfectly. However, when the match just starts, Storm Wolf quickly scores the first goal with Gold Fever. Ibuki gets depressed for being unable to stop the shoot and Shindou gets frustrated at him. What will Inazuma Japan do now? Can they win the final match that decides the one to go to the world? In onda il: 2013-08-21 16: The Power to Trust and Unite! The match between Inazuma Japan and Storm Wolf continues. Inazuma Japan has been able to cope up with Storm Wolf equally but Matsukaze Tenma still feels something is lacking. Then, Storm Wolf scores another goal with Gold Fever which makes Ibuki Munemasa very frustrated. Most of the team doesn't follow Tenma's orders and charges ahead alone. After seeing their movements, Ibuki remembers his past. Will Ibuki realize what Shindou Takuto was trying to tell him by doing those things? 16: The Power to Trust and Unite! In onda il: 2013-08-21 The match between Inazuma Japan and Storm Wolf continues. Inazuma Japan has been able to cope up with Storm Wolf equally but Matsukaze Tenma still feels something is lacking. Then, Storm Wolf scores another goal with Gold Fever which makes Ibuki Munemasa very frustrated. Most of the team doesn't follow Tenma's orders and charges ahead alone. After seeing their movements, Ibuki remembers his past. Will Ibuki realize what Shindou Takuto was trying to tell him by doing those things? In onda il: 2013-08-28 17: The End and the Beginning of a Battle Inazuma Japan takes back a point with their counterattack. The second half starts, with the score being 2-1. However, Storm Wolf's movements become different from the moves they showed in the first half, which surprises a lot of Japan's players. 17: The End and the Beginning of a Battle In onda il: 2013-08-28 Inazuma Japan takes back a point with their counterattack. The second half starts, with the score being 2-1. However, Storm Wolf's movements become different from the moves they showed in the first half, which surprises a lot of Japan's players. In onda il: 2013-09-04 18: A Visitor After witnessing Storm Wolf's players turning into aliens and seeing the spaceship in the sky, Inazuma Japan is awestruck to see the players "collected" by the spaceship and an alien called Bitway Ozrock appears in front of them. Bitway informs the team that they were now Earth's representative team, not Japan's, to participate in the Grand Celesta Galaxy. Confused at his words, Gouenji Shuuya suddenly walks into the stadium and explains everything. 18: A Visitor In onda il: 2013-09-04 After witnessing Storm Wolf's players turning into aliens and seeing the spaceship in the sky, Inazuma Japan is awestruck to see the players "collected" by the spaceship and an alien called Bitway Ozrock appears in front of them. Bitway informs the team that they were now Earth's representative team, not Japan's, to participate in the Grand Celesta Galaxy. Confused at his words, Gouenji Shuuya suddenly walks into the stadium and explains everything. In onda il: 2013-09-11 19: Let's go! To Space!! After witnessing Storm Wolf's players turning into aliens and seeing the spaceship in the sky, Inazuma Japan is awestruck to see the players "collected" by the spaceship and an alien called Bitway Ozrock appears in front of them. Bitway informs the team that they were now Earth's representative team, not Japan's, to participate in the Grand Celesta Galaxy. Confused at his words, Gouenji Shuuya suddenly walks into the stadium and explains everything. 19: Let's go! To Space!! In onda il: 2013-09-11 After witnessing Storm Wolf's players turning into aliens and seeing the spaceship in the sky, Inazuma Japan is awestruck to see the players "collected" by the spaceship and an alien called Bitway Ozrock appears in front of them. Bitway informs the team that they were now Earth's representative team, not Japan's, to participate in the Grand Celesta Galaxy. Confused at his words, Gouenji Shuuya suddenly walks into the stadium and explains everything. In onda il: 2013-09-18 20: Arrival at the Sand Star!! As Galaxy Nauts Gou gets ready to be warped, Tetsukado notices that there is another person on the train. The members of Earth Eleven then begin the search but there aren't any traces of another person. Then, they arrive to the last place which is the canteen. To their surprise, the one they were searching for is actually a member of Raimon, Nishizono Shinsuke. What are they going to do now that Shinsuke tagged along with them? 20: Arrival at the Sand Star!! In onda il: 2013-09-18 As Galaxy Nauts Gou gets ready to be warped, Tetsukado notices that there is another person on the train. The members of Earth Eleven then begin the search but there aren't any traces of another person. Then, they arrive to the last place which is the canteen. To their surprise, the one they were searching for is actually a member of Raimon, Nishizono Shinsuke. What are they going to do now that Shinsuke tagged along with them? In onda il: 2013-10-09 21: Rampage! The Black Room!! After Kazerma Woorg left, all the members of Earth Eleven reunite together. Meanwhile, Barga Zachs, a member of Shitennou who was sent from Faram Obius comes to Sandorius Eleven and offers to help them fight against Earth Eleven. Shinsuke becomes determined to be stronger after being looked by Ibuki because of his goalkeeping skills. He goes to Black Room with Tetsukado joins him for training. However, due to Tetsukado randomly starting the program, both of them end up get trapped inside it. And now, they have to face a group of Haniwa Paolo. 21: Rampage! The Black Room!! In onda il: 2013-10-09 After Kazerma Woorg left, all the members of Earth Eleven reunite together. Meanwhile, Barga Zachs, a member of Shitennou who was sent from Faram Obius comes to Sandorius Eleven and offers to help them fight against Earth Eleven. Shinsuke becomes determined to be stronger after being looked by Ibuki because of his goalkeeping skills. He goes to Black Room with Tetsukado joins him for training. However, due to Tetsukado randomly starting the program, both of them end up get trapped inside it. And now, they have to face a group of Haniwa Paolo. In onda il: 2013-10-16 22: Clash! Space Soccer!! As the day of the match between Earth Eleven and Sandorius Eleven is coming near, Earth Eleven is still unable to play soccer properly due to the difference of the gravitational force. Most of the members are under pressure because of being the representative of Earth. 22: Clash! Space Soccer!! In onda il: 2013-10-16 As the day of the match between Earth Eleven and Sandorius Eleven is coming near, Earth Eleven is still unable to play soccer properly due to the difference of the gravitational force. Most of the members are under pressure because of being the representative of Earth. In onda il: 2013-10-23 23: Soul's Appearance! Sandorius Eleven keeps pushing Earth Eleven to the edge with their rough plays and the tension between the members of Earth Eleven increases. However, something shocking has happened! Konoha releases her Soul, named Fox! As for Sandorius Eleven, everyone realizes the importance of their pride and decides to play fairly after listening to Kazerma and Badai. This causes Barga to leave the field in anger, due to his plan failing. Both teams then continue the match and Earth Eleven ends up winning. Though, they couldn't be happy because Sandorius will be destroyed due to the consequences of their win. 23: Soul's Appearance! In onda il: 2013-10-23 Sandorius Eleven keeps pushing Earth Eleven to the edge with their rough plays and the tension between the members of Earth Eleven increases. However, something shocking has happened! Konoha releases her Soul, named Fox! As for Sandorius Eleven, everyone realizes the importance of their pride and decides to play fairly after listening to Kazerma and Badai. This causes Barga to leave the field in anger, due to his plan failing. Both teams then continue the match and Earth Eleven ends up winning. Though, they couldn't be happy because Sandorius will be destroyed due to the consequences of their win. In onda il: 2013-10-30 24: The Warriors of the Water Star! Potomuri appears before Earth Eleven and reveals the truth about him and Mizukawa. He has been controlling Mizukawa's body since the time he used the last of his power to save her. He also reveals that Kiel was ruined by a black hole. Tsurugi, who got kidnapped, is brought to Faram Obius to meet queen Lalaya. He then gets proposed to become Lalaya's husband. 24: The Warriors of the Water Star! In onda il: 2013-10-30 Potomuri appears before Earth Eleven and reveals the truth about him and Mizukawa. He has been controlling Mizukawa's body since the time he used the last of his power to save her. He also reveals that Kiel was ruined by a black hole. Tsurugi, who got kidnapped, is brought to Faram Obius to meet queen Lalaya. He then gets proposed to become Lalaya's husband. In onda il: 2013-11-06 25: Matatagi Hayato's Darkness! As Earth Eleven discussed about how Sazanaara's citizens were able to predict their moves, Mizukawa told them that they could "see" other peoples' hearts. This fact shocked the team, especially Matatagi. In Sazanaara Eleven's clubroom, Powai Pichori had a talk with Van Tareru about Matatagi. He told her that Matatagi has a dark, ugly and twisted "azur". Hilary Flail then came in and used her hair to drain the life force of Powai when she refused to share news about Matatagi with her. 25: Matatagi Hayato's Darkness! In onda il: 2013-11-06 As Earth Eleven discussed about how Sazanaara's citizens were able to predict their moves, Mizukawa told them that they could "see" other peoples' hearts. This fact shocked the team, especially Matatagi. In Sazanaara Eleven's clubroom, Powai Pichori had a talk with Van Tareru about Matatagi. He told her that Matatagi has a dark, ugly and twisted "azur". Hilary Flail then came in and used her hair to drain the life force of Powai when she refused to share news about Matatagi with her. In onda il: 2013-11-13 26: Awakening! My Dark Side!! Earth Eleven has started their match against Sazanaara Eleven. Though, for some reasons, Sazanaara Eleven keeps stealing the ball from them but they let Matatagi pass through them and immediately attack him aggressively. Unknown to Earth Eleven, Powai Pichori along with her teammates has a secret plan of destroying Matatagi's dark "azur". 26: Awakening! My Dark Side!! In onda il: 2013-11-13 Earth Eleven has started their match against Sazanaara Eleven. Though, for some reasons, Sazanaara Eleven keeps stealing the ball from them but they let Matatagi pass through them and immediately attack him aggressively. Unknown to Earth Eleven, Powai Pichori along with her teammates has a secret plan of destroying Matatagi's dark "azur". In onda il: 2013-11-20 27: Minaho's Own Goal With Hilary Flail joining the second half of the game, Sazanaara Eleven starts to see Earth Eleven's minds, making the game even harder for Earth's team to win. Just when Earth Eleven has a chance of scoring, Minaho unexpectedly shoots towards his team's goalpost and scores an own goal! What is Minaho thinking? 27: Minaho's Own Goal In onda il: 2013-11-20 With Hilary Flail joining the second half of the game, Sazanaara Eleven starts to see Earth Eleven's minds, making the game even harder for Earth's team to win. Just when Earth Eleven has a chance of scoring, Minaho unexpectedly shoots towards his team's goalpost and scores an own goal! What is Minaho thinking? In onda il: 2013-11-27 28: Scorching Planet Gurdon! Earth Eleven has arrived to the planet of fire, Gurdon. After being toured around by Ishigashi, they get to know that this planet is divided into two factions: the Pro-Machine of the west and Anti-Machine Factions of the east. While in Faram Obius, Lalaya goes out to the city with Tsurugi in disguise and finds out that Faram Obius isn't an ideal planet that she has been wanting to protect. 28: Scorching Planet Gurdon! In onda il: 2013-11-27 Earth Eleven has arrived to the planet of fire, Gurdon. After being toured around by Ishigashi, they get to know that this planet is divided into two factions: the Pro-Machine of the west and Anti-Machine Factions of the east. While in Faram Obius, Lalaya goes out to the city with Tsurugi in disguise and finds out that Faram Obius isn't an ideal planet that she has been wanting to protect. In onda il: 2013-12-04 29: The Warriors who Threw Away their Wings As Shindou and Ibuki attempted to get back to Galaxy Nauts Gou, they were rescued by the leader of the eastern tribe, Roglos Gordon. As the two asked about the location of the red stone, Roglos brought them even more shocking news about the two factions. Meanwhile, Earth Eleven were told that Shindou and Ibuki would surely return to the match of the next day, but couldn't return now for certain reasons... The next morning, Shindou and Ibuki got up and watched Roglos flying, though the next moment the duo were brought up to the sky and dropped off towards a volcano! What was the elder thinking? 29: The Warriors who Threw Away their Wings In onda il: 2013-12-04 As Shindou and Ibuki attempted to get back to Galaxy Nauts Gou, they were rescued by the leader of the eastern tribe, Roglos Gordon. As the two asked about the location of the red stone, Roglos brought them even more shocking news about the two factions. Meanwhile, Earth Eleven were told that Shindou and Ibuki would surely return to the match of the next day, but couldn't return now for certain reasons... The next morning, Shindou and Ibuki got up and watched Roglos flying, though the next moment the duo were brought up to the sky and dropped off towards a volcano! What was the elder thinking? In onda il: 2013-12-11 30: Intense! Shoot Counter!! The match between Earth Eleven and Gurdon Eleven started without Shindou and Ibuki present, leaving the team's goal to Shinsuke. Gurdon Eleven used their advanced machines to their advantage and made the match ever harder for Earth Eleven, especially for Shinsuke who had a hard time defending the goal on his own as he was injured. Suddenly, Tetsukado Shin used a new hissatsu and his Soul showed signs... Will Ibuki and Shindou make it in time to the match before it ends? 30: Intense! Shoot Counter!! In onda il: 2013-12-11 The match between Earth Eleven and Gurdon Eleven started without Shindou and Ibuki present, leaving the team's goal to Shinsuke. Gurdon Eleven used their advanced machines to their advantage and made the match ever harder for Earth Eleven, especially for Shinsuke who had a hard time defending the goal on his own as he was injured. Suddenly, Tetsukado Shin used a new hissatsu and his Soul showed signs... Will Ibuki and Shindou make it in time to the match before it ends? In onda il: 2013-12-18 31: Double Soul! Ibuki and Shindou!! Tetsukado, who was determined to activate his Soul, finally unleashed it, named Buffalo! Shindou and Ibuki eventually returned to the match in the second half and switched in for Konoha and Shinsuke. However, unbeknownst to both Earth Eleven and Gurdon Eleven, Rodan prepared some traps: magma rock balls that hit straight towards the stadium! But then something even more shocking happened: Arbega Gordon unleashed his Soul Gouryuu and saved both teams from being crushed by a magma rock ball! 31: Double Soul! Ibuki and Shindou!! In onda il: 2013-12-18 Tetsukado, who was determined to activate his Soul, finally unleashed it, named Buffalo! Shindou and Ibuki eventually returned to the match in the second half and switched in for Konoha and Shinsuke. However, unbeknownst to both Earth Eleven and Gurdon Eleven, Rodan prepared some traps: magma rock balls that hit straight towards the stadium! But then something even more shocking happened: Arbega Gordon unleashed his Soul Gouryuu and saved both teams from being crushed by a magma rock ball! In onda il: 2013-12-25 32: The Green Planet Ratoniik! Potomuri finally believed Tenma's story that Katra still lived, but still couldn't understand why Katra didn't appear before him. The two members of Shitennou, Ryugel Baran and Gandales Baran, thought that they arrived to a planet called Ratoniik but ended up getting lost on an unknown planet. 32: The Green Planet Ratoniik! In onda il: 2013-12-25 Potomuri finally believed Tenma's story that Katra still lived, but still couldn't understand why Katra didn't appear before him. The two members of Shitennou, Ryugel Baran and Gandales Baran, thought that they arrived to a planet called Ratoniik but ended up getting lost on an unknown planet. In onda il: 2014-01-08 33: Limited Time! Eternal Friendship!! As Banda suggested, Earth Eleven and Ratoniik Eleven have a joint-training. However. While watching Ratoniik Eleven's own training, one of the players died suddenly. Banda told them that Ratoniik's inhabitants only have a lifespan of approximately one month, which shocked Earth Eleven a lot. During the break after the joint-training, Tenma and his teammates have a talk recalling their memories of the Grand Celesta Galaxy tournament they have gone through so far. 33: Limited Time! Eternal Friendship!! In onda il: 2014-01-08 As Banda suggested, Earth Eleven and Ratoniik Eleven have a joint-training. However. While watching Ratoniik Eleven's own training, one of the players died suddenly. Banda told them that Ratoniik's inhabitants only have a lifespan of approximately one month, which shocked Earth Eleven a lot. During the break after the joint-training, Tenma and his teammates have a talk recalling their memories of the Grand Celesta Galaxy tournament they have gone through so far. In onda il: 2014-01-15 34: The Berserk Shoot of Tears! Under the Baran brothers' attack, Earth Eleven was once again suppressed. However, Minaho surprisingly unleashed a shocking new hissatsu named Asoko ni UFO! The two Shitennou members were so furious, they left during the first-half! 34: The Berserk Shoot of Tears! In onda il: 2014-01-15 Under the Baran brothers' attack, Earth Eleven was once again suppressed. However, Minaho surprisingly unleashed a shocking new hissatsu named Asoko ni UFO! The two Shitennou members were so furious, they left during the first-half! In onda il: 2014-01-22 35: The Fragment of Hope Kabata Shizune started examining the fragments of hope with the machines on Galaxy Nauts Gou. Potomuri Emnator changed into his real form and explained to Earth Eleven that the fragments of hope are the ingredients to make the last material of cosmic plasma photon cannon, mithril. However, Manuuba Gibutsu suddenly started attacking Earth Eleven with a laser gun and threatened Potomuri with it. He then kidnapped Potomuri together with the fragments of hope. 35: The Fragment of Hope In onda il: 2014-01-22 Kabata Shizune started examining the fragments of hope with the machines on Galaxy Nauts Gou. Potomuri Emnator changed into his real form and explained to Earth Eleven that the fragments of hope are the ingredients to make the last material of cosmic plasma photon cannon, mithril. However, Manuuba Gibutsu suddenly started attacking Earth Eleven with a laser gun and threatened Potomuri with it. He then kidnapped Potomuri together with the fragments of hope. In onda il: 2014-01-29 36: The Strongest! The Birth of Ixal Fleet!! As Earth Eleven arrived at Faram Obius, Kuroiwa Ryuusei resigned from the position of coach. On the other hand, Bitway Ozrock told Potomuri Emnator to invent the cosmic plasma photon cannon. When Potomuri was hesitanting, one of his servants brought Katra Paige into the scene. It was revealed that Ozrock kidnapped Katra when Kiel was about to be destroyed. Katra then explained to Potomuri the life energy that is created out from people's clashing wills. Unbeknownst to them, the light Pixie and the dark Pixie secretly watched the conversation... 36: The Strongest! The Birth of Ixal Fleet!! In onda il: 2014-01-29 As Earth Eleven arrived at Faram Obius, Kuroiwa Ryuusei resigned from the position of coach. On the other hand, Bitway Ozrock told Potomuri Emnator to invent the cosmic plasma photon cannon. When Potomuri was hesitanting, one of his servants brought Katra Paige into the scene. It was revealed that Ozrock kidnapped Katra when Kiel was about to be destroyed. Katra then explained to Potomuri the life energy that is created out from people's clashing wills. Unbeknownst to them, the light Pixie and the dark Pixie secretly watched the conversation... In onda il: 2014-02-05 37: Decisive Battle! Faram Dite!! As Earth Eleven arrived at Faram Obius, Kuroiwa Ryuusei resigned from the position of coach. On the other hand, Bitway Ozrock told Potomuri Emnator to invent the cosmic plasma photon cannon. When Potomuri was hesitanting, one of his servants brought Katra Paige into the scene. It was revealed that Ozrock kidnapped Katra when Kiel was about to be destroyed. Katra then explained to Potomuri the life energy that is created out from people's clashing wills. Unbeknownst to them, the light Pixie and the dark Pixie secretly watched the conversation... 37: Decisive Battle! Faram Dite!! In onda il: 2014-02-05 As Earth Eleven arrived at Faram Obius, Kuroiwa Ryuusei resigned from the position of coach. On the other hand, Bitway Ozrock told Potomuri Emnator to invent the cosmic plasma photon cannon. When Potomuri was hesitanting, one of his servants brought Katra Paige into the scene. It was revealed that Ozrock kidnapped Katra when Kiel was about to be destroyed. Katra then explained to Potomuri the life energy that is created out from people's clashing wills. Unbeknownst to them, the light Pixie and the dark Pixie secretly watched the conversation... In onda il: 2014-02-12 38: Tenma VS Tsurugi! The match between Earth Eleven and Faram Dite continued as the life energy gauge filled up because of their intense plays. Ibuki received multiple shoots and tackles from Faram Dite, which was part Kuroiwa Ryuusei's plan to injure his ankle. After the first-half ended, Shinsuke took over as the goalkeeper for the second-half. In addition, Shinsuke was able to use his new hissatsu, Ginga Rocket. Zanakurou also tied the score to 2-2 with Great Max na Ore. Meanwhile, the life energy gauge's level continued to increase from the clash between both sides, which excited Bitway Ozrock. Then, something unexpected occurred when Faram Dite changed their player to Kuroiwa Ryuusei himself! 38: Tenma VS Tsurugi! In onda il: 2014-02-12 The match between Earth Eleven and Faram Dite continued as the life energy gauge filled up because of their intense plays. Ibuki received multiple shoots and tackles from Faram Dite, which was part Kuroiwa Ryuusei's plan to injure his ankle. After the first-half ended, Shinsuke took over as the goalkeeper for the second-half. In addition, Shinsuke was able to use his new hissatsu, Ginga Rocket. Zanakurou also tied the score to 2-2 with Great Max na Ore. Meanwhile, the life energy gauge's level continued to increase from the clash between both sides, which excited Bitway Ozrock. Then, something unexpected occurred when Faram Dite changed their player to Kuroiwa Ryuusei himself! In onda il: 2014-02-19 39: Take Flight! My Soul!! Kuroiwa Ryuusei performed some old original moves used by Kidou Yuuto and Gouenji Shuuya. Kuroiwa Ryuusei, who was hit by the Anti-Cheating laser, turned out to be an android. Matsukaze Tenma and Tsurugi Kyousuke used their Soul for the first time. The match concluded with Earth Eleven winning 4-3. Katra Paige revealed the truth about Grand Celesta Galaxy. A flashback showed the conversation between Tsurugi and Acrous Obies. The cosmic plasma photon canon was completed. Ixal Fleet came to the stadium and tried to take the cosmic plasma photon canon. Bitway Ozrock broke his promise with Katra of erasing the black hole to save the galaxy. 39: Take Flight! My Soul!! In onda il: 2014-02-19 Kuroiwa Ryuusei performed some old original moves used by Kidou Yuuto and Gouenji Shuuya. Kuroiwa Ryuusei, who was hit by the Anti-Cheating laser, turned out to be an android. Matsukaze Tenma and Tsurugi Kyousuke used their Soul for the first time. The match concluded with Earth Eleven winning 4-3. Katra Paige revealed the truth about Grand Celesta Galaxy. A flashback showed the conversation between Tsurugi and Acrous Obies. The cosmic plasma photon canon was completed. Ixal Fleet came to the stadium and tried to take the cosmic plasma photon canon. Bitway Ozrock broke his promise with Katra of erasing the black hole to save the galaxy. In onda il: 2014-02-26 40: Our Last Battle! The match between Earth Eleven and Ixal Fleet started. Bitway Ozrock used a soccer ball to make Faram Dite disappear. Coach Kuriowa Ryussei appeared on the field, rhetorically asking if Earth Eleven could overcome the enemy's madness. At the start of the match, Ixal Fleet released an enormous amount of dark life energy to overwhelm Earth Eleven. Ozrock scored the first goal by using Stargazer. Ibuki used Rising Slash but it failed. Tsurugi and Matatagi faked their hissatsus to break through and mislead the defense of Ixal Fleet. Matsukaze Tenma and Tsurugi Kyousuke used Fire Tornado DD to score the first goal for Earth Eleven. Phobos Quasar smiled smugly while catching Fire Tornado DD and then let it in. Ozrock released another enormous amount of dark life energy and used Stargazer towards Earth Eleven, scoring another goal. At the end of the episode, Bitway Ozrock then laughed at Earth Eleven and released his soul Ixaal with an enormous amount of dark life energy. 40: Our Last Battle! In onda il: 2014-02-26 The match between Earth Eleven and Ixal Fleet started. Bitway Ozrock used a soccer ball to make Faram Dite disappear. Coach Kuriowa Ryussei appeared on the field, rhetorically asking if Earth Eleven could overcome the enemy's madness. At the start of the match, Ixal Fleet released an enormous amount of dark life energy to overwhelm Earth Eleven. Ozrock scored the first goal by using Stargazer. Ibuki used Rising Slash but it failed. Tsurugi and Matatagi faked their hissatsus to break through and mislead the defense of Ixal Fleet. Matsukaze Tenma and Tsurugi Kyousuke used Fire Tornado DD to score the first goal for Earth Eleven. Phobos Quasar smiled smugly while catching Fire Tornado DD and then let it in. Ozrock released another enormous amount of dark life energy and used Stargazer towards Earth Eleven, scoring another goal. At the end of the episode, Bitway Ozrock then laughed at Earth Eleven and released his soul Ixaal with an enormous amount of dark life energy. In onda il: 2014-03-05 41: The Soul on Rampage! Earth Eleven despaired as Bitway Ozrock unleashed his nightmarish Soul, Ixaal, which easily scored a goal against Earth Eleven's Soul defense. 41: The Soul on Rampage! In onda il: 2014-03-05 Earth Eleven despaired as Bitway Ozrock unleashed his nightmarish Soul, Ixaal, which easily scored a goal against Earth Eleven's Soul defense. In onda il: 2014-03-12 42: Storm Tornado Hurricane! Galaxy Eleven continued their battle against Ixal Fleet. However, Ixal Fleet continued to use rough plays against Galaxy Eleven which caused them unable to withstand the pressures. Earth Eleven decided to replace Galaxy Eleven to continue the match and came back to the field one more time. Even though they managed to score more goals and get even, Ozrock scored another goal with his soul. Although Tenma tried to encourage everyone to keep moving on, Matatagi didn't like the 'captain' himself right now but wanted to see 'real' Tenma. What was that meant to be? 42: Storm Tornado Hurricane! In onda il: 2014-03-12 Galaxy Eleven continued their battle against Ixal Fleet. However, Ixal Fleet continued to use rough plays against Galaxy Eleven which caused them unable to withstand the pressures. Earth Eleven decided to replace Galaxy Eleven to continue the match and came back to the field one more time. Even though they managed to score more goals and get even, Ozrock scored another goal with his soul. Although Tenma tried to encourage everyone to keep moving on, Matatagi didn't like the 'captain' himself right now but wanted to see 'real' Tenma. What was that meant to be? In onda il: 2014-03-19 43: The Last Kick! Fly Towards Tomorrow! The match between Earth Eleven and Ixal Fleet ended with Earth Eleven winning with a score of 8-7. The last goal was scored by Matsukaze Tenma, Shindou Takuto, and Tsurugi Kyousuke using The Earth ∞. The cosmic plasma photon cannon didn't succeed in stopping the black hole at first, it fell back but Earth Eleven kicked it back to the black hole as their last kick towards tomorrow. Potomuri Emnator's spirit left Mizukawa Minori's body and disappeared, together with Acrous Obies and Sarjes Rugu. Earth Eleven were given a flower crown by Lalaya Obies as a reward for saving the galaxy. Kuroiwa Ryuusei was seen looking at Earth Eleven leaving Faram Obius and then smiled and was teleported into an unknown spaceship. Earth Eleven then finally came back to Earth. 43: The Last Kick! Fly Towards Tomorrow! In onda il: 2014-03-19 The match between Earth Eleven and Ixal Fleet ended with Earth Eleven winning with a score of 8-7. The last goal was scored by Matsukaze Tenma, Shindou Takuto, and Tsurugi Kyousuke using The Earth ∞. The cosmic plasma photon cannon didn't succeed in stopping the black hole at first, it fell back but Earth Eleven kicked it back to the black hole as their last kick towards tomorrow. Potomuri Emnator's spirit left Mizukawa Minori's body and disappeared, together with Acrous Obies and Sarjes Rugu. Earth Eleven were given a flower crown by Lalaya Obies as a reward for saving the galaxy. Kuroiwa Ryuusei was seen looking at Earth Eleven leaving Faram Obius and then smiled and was teleported into an unknown spaceship. Earth Eleven then finally came back to Earth. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Babymetal - Legend - Metal Galaxy Day-1 (2020) HD 1080p
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Babymetal - Legend - Metal Galaxy Day-1 (2020) HD 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: 01. FUTURE METAL 02. DA DA DANCE 03. Elevator Girl 04. Oh! MAJINAI 05. YAVA! 06. Brand New Day 07. Megitsune 08. Night Night Burn! 09. THE ONE 10. Road of Resistance Info: Source: Genre: Kawaii Metal Quality: HDTVRip | 1080p Format: MKV | 8000kbps Length: 00:56:57 | 3.22Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AAC | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: Japanese | English -
Descrizione Marco, un orfano con ricordi mancanti, e Arco, un drago che governa la galassia, stavano cercando tesori nello spazio! In una delle loro avventure, a Marco è stato dato un indizio su dove si trovasse sua madre. La loro prossima fermata, la sua città natale - Terra! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download CODEX [JAP SUB ENG]
Jurassic Galaxy (2018).avi BDRiP XviD AC3 - iTA
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TITOLO ORIGINALE: Jurassic Galaxy GENERE: Azione, Avventura, Fantascienza ANNO: 2018 REGIA: James Kondelik, Jon Kondelik ATTORI: Ryan Budds, Doug Burch, Eric Paul Erickson, James Ferrero, Jonathan Nation, Frankie Ray, Tamara Stayer, Madison West PAESE: Francia DURATA: 75 Min SCENEGGIATURA: Jacoby Bancroft, Eric Paul Erickson FOTOGRAFIA: Joel Hodge MONTAGGIO: James Kondelik MUSICHE: Christopher Cano In un futuro non molto lontano, degli esploratori spaziali atterrano su un pianeta sconosciuto. Molto presto, si scontreranno con una delle loro peggiori paure, scoprendo che il pianeta è abitato da terribili e famelici dinosauri... -
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Galaxy Express 999 (1977) 20xDVD9 Copia 1:1 Ita/Jap Sub Ita
virtualman ha pubblicato una discussione in » Anime ITA
Titolo originale : Ginga Tetsudo Suri Nain Autore : Leiji Matsumoto Regia : Nobutaka Nishizawa regia della serie Regia Episodi : Masayuki Akehi Disegni : Shingo Araki Shigeru Kogawa Sceneggiatura : Keisuke Fujikawa Hiroyasu Yamamura Animazione : Kazuo Komatsubara direttore dell'animazione Studio : Toei Animation Musiche : Nozomi Aoki Rete : Fuji TV 1ª TV : 14 settembre 1978 – 9 aprile 1981 DVD : 20xDVD9 Episodi : 113 (completa) Durata ep. : 25 min Reti italiane : Rai 2 Junior TV Italia 7 Italia Teen Television Man-Ga 1ª TV it. ; 1982 Durata ep. it. ; 24' Trama Screenshots Release Report Media Info: https://www.keeplinks.eu/p44/595f788da506e https://www.bigfile.to/list/U634nQzGp8e2 Password Archivi : vercingetorige