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Trovato 11 risultati

  1. Chrono Passion - Luglio-Agosto-Settembre 2023 Italiano | 100 pagine | True PDF | 35 MB Download Links Easybytez - Katfile - Rapidgator
  2. Chrono Passion - Gennaio-Febbraio-Marzo 2023 Italiano | 100 pagine | True PDF | 35 MB Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator
  3. Descrizione "CHRONO CROSS: THE RADICAL DREAMERS EDITION" è una rimasterizzazione di "CHRONO CROSS". La nuova edizione include modelli 3D migliorati in HD, nuove illustrazioni e tantissime nuove funzionalità. Inoltre, in questa edizione è incluso "RADICAL DREAMERS - Le Trésor Interdit -", il gioco che ha gettato le basi della storia! CHRONO CROSS è un GDR che trascende lo spazio e il tempo, svolgendosi in due mondi paralleli collegati tra loro. Con oltre 40 membri del party da scoprire, personaggi e dimensioni si intrecceranno in questa storia epica di un intero pianeta. Chi acquisterà il gioco riceverà anche uno sfondo di CHRONO CROSS! Nuove funzionalità dell'edizione rimasterizzata - Modelli 3D convertiti in HD - Illustrazioni dei personaggi migliorate - Musica di sottofondo di qualità superiore - Possibilità di disattivare gli incontri casuali con i nemici - Funzionalità di filtro background - Miglioramenti per semplificare i combattimenti - Funzione di combattimento automatico - Possibilità di alternare caratteri in stile pixel art e HD - Modifica della risoluzione dello schermo RADICAL DREAMERS - Le Trésor Interdit - "RADICAL DREAMERS - Le Trésor Interdit -" è uscito nel 1996 come gioco separato e non è stato accessibile con facilità negli ultimi anni. I giocatori possono ora vivere la storia che ha gettato le basi per quella di CHRONO CROSS in formato di racconto audio. Questa storia alternativa dei RADICAL DREAMERS, il trio di ladri formato da Serge, Kid e Magil, si svolge in un mondo parallelo. *È possibile alternare le versioni vecchie e nuovi dei modelli 3D e delle illustrazioni. *Modelli 3D, illustrazioni, caratteri e filtro background non possono essere alternati separatamente. Tutti gli elementi cambiano insieme. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download FLT [SUB ITA]
  4. Chrono Passion - Maggio-Giugno 2022 Italiano | 100 pagine | True PDF | 48 MB Download Links Easybytez - Rapidgator
  5. Descrizione Combinando un'azione frenetica in cui dovrai correre e sparare con una profonda meccanica roguelike, con Neon Abyss diventerai un membro della "Grim Squad": una squadra speciale istituita dallo stesso Hades per infiltrarsi nel mondo di Abyss e sconfiggere i Nuovi Dei. La morte non è la fine poiché ogni volta che morirai, ti scoprirai più potente di prima. Dungeon in evoluzione In ogni partita, sarai in grado di sbloccare nuove stanze, oggetti, boss, regole speciali e persino nuovi finali! Ciò significa che ogni dungeon è unico ed espandibile, poiché si adatta al tuo stile di gioco. Sinergie di oggetti illimitate Man mano che avanzi in ogni dungeon, gli oggetti casuali raccolti saranno fondamentali per infiltrarti nel mondo di Abyss e gli effetti passivi possono accumularsi con ogni oggetto. Il numero di applicazioni è illimitato e una grande varietà di combinazioni renderà unica ogni partita. Fai nascere ed evolvere i tuoi cuccioli Se hai bisogno di compagnia durante il tuo viaggio nelle profondità di Abyss, o solo di un aiuto aggiuntivo, puoi trovare un uovo che si trasformerà in un cucciolo casuale dotato di un'abilità speciale e che, se sopravvivi, si evolverà. Mini giochi Fai una breve pausa dalle uccisioni e partecipa a mini-giochi casuali in cui potrai accumulare bottino! Cimentati con il pianoforte, intraprendi una sfida di meditazione, gare di ballo e altro ancora: rimanere in vita è diventato molto più interessante! Chrono Trap DLC: Il contenuto scaricabile Trappola di Crono introduce in Neon Abyss una nuova Modalità infinita e il titano Crono. Modalità infinita: affronta una serie senza fine di sfide e nuovi mostri per dimostrare tutto il tuo valore. Solo i più arditi riusciranno a raggiungere la battaglia finale contro il potente Crono! Quanto a lungo riuscirai a resistere? Crono: dopo aver acquistato il contenuto scaricabile Trappola di Crono, potrai affrontare il nuovo titano Crono in due diverse modalità di gioco! Come avviare la Trappola di Crono: aziona il dispositivo di cambio modalità sul margine in prossimità del bar. Attiva la "Modalità infinita" per giocare. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Neon.Abyss.Chrono.Trap-PLAZA [SUB ITA]
  6. Descrizione Questo gioco di ruolo classico torna con tantissime novità! Viaggia nel passato più remoto, nel futuro lontano, fino a raggiungere la fine dei tempi. Questa epica avventura in cui dovrai salvare un intero pianeta farà storia ancora una volta. CHRONO TRIGGER è il celebre gioco di ruolo creato dal "Dream Team" composto da Yuji Horii, ideatore di DRAGON QUEST, Akira Toriyama, autore di Dragon Ball, e dagli sviluppatori di FINAL FANTASY. Nel corso della tua avventura visiterai varie ere: il presente, il Medioevo, il futuro, la preistoria e i tempi antichi! Quest'avventura epica intratterrà per ore e ore tanto gli appassionati della serie che i giocatori alle prime armi! In questa versione finale di CHRONO TRIGGER troverai dei comandi aggiornati e una grafica e un audio migliorati che renderanno la tua avventura ancora più epica e divertente da giocare. Per completare il tuo viaggio, questo titolo include anche due aree aggiuntive: il misterioso "Vortice dimensionale" e l'enigmatico "Santuario perduto". Se supererai i numerosi ostacoli ti saranno svelati segreti antichi... Storia: Grazie a uno scontro fortuito durante la Fiera millenaria di Guardia in Piazza Leene, il nostro giovane eroe Crono incontra una ragazza di nome Marle. I due decidono di esplorare insieme la fiera e provano una nuova tecnologia per il teletrasporto inventata da Lucca, amica di Crono. Marle, incuriosita, si offre volontaria, ma un malfunzionamento della macchina la spedisce in una dimensione alternativa. Crono trova il ciondolo di Marle e decide di provare a salvarla, lanciandosi a sua volta nel portale dimensionale... e ben presto emerge nel passato... quattrocento anni prima... Viaggia nel passato più remoto, nel futuro lontano, fino a raggiungere la Fine dei tempi. Questa epica avventura in cui dovrai salvare un intero pianeta dal suo disastroso futuro farà storia ancora una volta. Caratteristiche: Nuova versione dell'ATB Il tempo non si fermerà durante le battaglie e potrai immettere comandi quando la barra del personaggio è piena. Le posizioni dei nemici cambieranno con il passare del tempo, quindi scegli le tue azioni a seconda della situazione in cui ti trovi. Tecniche e combo Durante i combattimenti potrai usare delle tecniche speciali, che includono abilità e magie, e i personaggi potranno combinare queste abilità per scatenare delle combo uniche. Puoi realizzare più di 50 combo diverse combinando due o tre personaggi! Scopri il "Vortice dimensionale" e il "Santuario perduto" Il Vortice dimensionale: un labirinto misterioso e multiforme che esiste fuori dal tempo e dallo spazio. Che cosa troverai nel suo centro? Il Santuario perduto: degli enigmatici portali presenti in tempi preistorici e medievali ti conducono in queste sale dimenticate. Se supererai i numerosi ostacoli ti saranno svelati segreti antichi... Grafica e audio La grafica è stata ottimizzata mantenendo comunque le atmosfere del gioco originale. Per quanto riguarda i suoni e le musiche, tutti i brani sono stati aggiornati sotto la supervisione del compositore Yasunori Mitsuda per un'esperienza di gioco ancora più coinvolgente. Comandi comodi I comandi per controller e tastiera sono stati aggiornati per una migliore esperienza di gioco. Salvataggio automatico Oltre a poter salvare in un punto di salvataggio o uscendo dal gioco dal menu, i tuoi progressi verranno salvati automaticamente mentre attraversi la mappa. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download G4U55 |SUB ITA|
  7. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Inazuma Eleven Inazuma Eleven GO: Chrono Stone    Episodi 51         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Mark Evans (Mamoru Endō nella versione originale) è uno studente delle medie che frequenta l'istituto Raimon, dove vorrebbe fondare un club di calcio. All’inizio i membri sono solo in sette, ma Mark non si arrenderà e riuscirà a far crescere la squadra con l'intenzione di partecipare al Football Frontier, un torneo nazionale tra squadre dei vari istituti del Giappone. Takashi Honda Character Designer Yoshikazu Miyao Director Akihiro Hino Writer Yuko Inoue Character Designer Yuka Terasaki Tenma Matsukaze (voice) Episodi: 51  In onda il: 2012-04-18 1: Soccer Disappeared!? Alpha appeared for the first time, along with his team, Protocol Omega. Fey Rune appeared for the first time and was seen to bring the captain's band to Tenma.The whole Raimon soccer team appears in this episode as well (except for Tsurugi Kyousuke) but they don't remember anything about soccer and about Tenma. 1: Soccer Disappeared!? In onda il: 2012-04-18 Alpha appeared for the first time, along with his team, Protocol Omega. Fey Rune appeared for the first time and was seen to bring the captain's band to Tenma.The whole Raimon soccer team appears in this episode as well (except for Tsurugi Kyousuke) but they don't remember anything about soccer and about Tenma. In onda il: 2012-04-25 2: Tenma Leaps Through Time! The match resumes between Protocol Omega and Tenmas. Endou will appear in his young form and he will also be Tenmas' goalkeeper. Fey will have his aura fused with Kyouryuu by Wonderbot's Mixi Max Gun and will fight against Alpha's Keshin Armed. 2: Tenma Leaps Through Time! In onda il: 2012-04-25 The match resumes between Protocol Omega and Tenmas. Endou will appear in his young form and he will also be Tenmas' goalkeeper. Fey will have his aura fused with Kyouryuu by Wonderbot's Mixi Max Gun and will fight against Alpha's Keshin Armed. In onda il: 2012-05-02 3: Revive! Raimon!! Tsurugi Yuuichi joins Tenmas to help defeat Protocol Omega. Tenma and Yuuichi will use their Keshin Armed during the match and Endou will use Majin Great and Great The Hand. The Raimon (GO) will remember their memories of soccer again, except for Tsurugi Kyousuke. But the fight against El Dorado's plans is still not over yet. 3: Revive! Raimon!! In onda il: 2012-05-02 Tsurugi Yuuichi joins Tenmas to help defeat Protocol Omega. Tenma and Yuuichi will use their Keshin Armed during the match and Endou will use Majin Great and Great The Hand. The Raimon (GO) will remember their memories of soccer again, except for Tsurugi Kyousuke. But the fight against El Dorado's plans is still not over yet. In onda il: 2012-05-09 4: Last Soccer Another match starts against Protocol Omega to return Kyousuke to play soccer. They succeed, but Tenma has to say farewell to the alternate Yuuichi. Even though with this success, it is short lived as soccer is suddenly banned. 4: Last Soccer In onda il: 2012-05-09 Another match starts against Protocol Omega to return Kyousuke to play soccer. They succeed, but Tenma has to say farewell to the alternate Yuuichi. Even though with this success, it is short lived as soccer is suddenly banned. In onda il: 2012-05-16 5: Dismay! Soccer is Banned!! Everyone else time travels back 1 month ago to change back things to normal so that soccer wouldn't be banned anymore. Though they are now against a stronger opponent, Protocol Omega 2.0 which is led by Beta. The problem is that Tenma can't use his keshin armed and now, they are all violently being attacked by the other team 5: Dismay! Soccer is Banned!! In onda il: 2012-05-16 Everyone else time travels back 1 month ago to change back things to normal so that soccer wouldn't be banned anymore. Though they are now against a stronger opponent, Protocol Omega 2.0 which is led by Beta. The problem is that Tenma can't use his keshin armed and now, they are all violently being attacked by the other team In onda il: 2012-05-30 6: Fierce! Protocol Omega 2.0!! The rest of Raimon's keshins will appear to stop Beta from advancing through the field. Endou will use a catch hissatsu technique. Sangoku Taichi and Kurama Norihito are shown to be injuried. Nishizono Shinsuke replaces him as it can be seen that his uniform has changed while using his keshin, Goseishin Titanias, in the preview. Endou may also then replace Shinsuke, though he isn't seen with the Raimon uniform, but with his jacket. He's probably protecting Raimon's players from something. The hissatsu seems to be God Hand V as Endou has one hand on the other arm. 6: Fierce! Protocol Omega 2.0!! In onda il: 2012-05-30 The rest of Raimon's keshins will appear to stop Beta from advancing through the field. Endou will use a catch hissatsu technique. Sangoku Taichi and Kurama Norihito are shown to be injuried. Nishizono Shinsuke replaces him as it can be seen that his uniform has changed while using his keshin, Goseishin Titanias, in the preview. Endou may also then replace Shinsuke, though he isn't seen with the Raimon uniform, but with his jacket. He's probably protecting Raimon's players from something. The hissatsu seems to be God Hand V as Endou has one hand on the other arm. In onda il: 2012-06-06 7: Training at God Eden! The episode starts with Tenma in his bedroom, thinking about Endou being imprisoned in the compressed dimension. Then, Raimon is seen in the soccer club's room, but it's now forbidden to play soccer. Otonashi Haruna showed to Tenma and the others, that Endou was apparently dead one month ago and the people of the normal timeline believe it was in a car crash. Later, Gouenji appeared, and was shown to know all about El Dorado, and what happened to Endou. He was seen wearing the same Time Bracelet, exactly similar to the one Tsurugi Yuuichi wore in the Episode 3. He suggested to Raimon that they could go to God Eden to practice. Arriving to God Eden, Tenma and the others began trying to use the Keshin Armed mode. But, they didn't suceed to use it. Then, Team A5 appeared and their captain, Einamu, said that they were Alpha's special force team. So a five-vs-five match began between them and Raimon. Einamu immediately used a hissatsu, Shoot Command 06, and scored the first goal, breaking easily Shinsuke's Majin The Hand. 7: Training at God Eden! In onda il: 2012-06-06 The episode starts with Tenma in his bedroom, thinking about Endou being imprisoned in the compressed dimension. Then, Raimon is seen in the soccer club's room, but it's now forbidden to play soccer. Otonashi Haruna showed to Tenma and the others, that Endou was apparently dead one month ago and the people of the normal timeline believe it was in a car crash. Later, Gouenji appeared, and was shown to know all about El Dorado, and what happened to Endou. He was seen wearing the same Time Bracelet, exactly similar to the one Tsurugi Yuuichi wore in the Episode 3. He suggested to Raimon that they could go to God Eden to practice. Arriving to God Eden, Tenma and the others began trying to use the Keshin Armed mode. But, they didn't suceed to use it. Then, Team A5 appeared and their captain, Einamu, said that they were Alpha's special force team. So a five-vs-five match began between them and Raimon. Einamu immediately used a hissatsu, Shoot Command 06, and scored the first goal, breaking easily Shinsuke's Majin The Hand. In onda il: 2012-06-13 8: Master It! Keshin Armed!! Shuu helped Raimon to escape from the match with his Keshin and also helped them to master Keshin Armed. Then, Team A5 appeared and challenged them for a match again. Shindou revealed his new hissatsu, Olympus Harmony. Later, Tenma fused with Shuu's aura and broke through Team A5. He then recupered his own body and used Keshin Armed, which this time succeeded, and scored a goal to Raimon. After that, Raimon said farewell to Shuu and left God Eden. 8: Master It! Keshin Armed!! In onda il: 2012-06-13 Shuu helped Raimon to escape from the match with his Keshin and also helped them to master Keshin Armed. Then, Team A5 appeared and challenged them for a match again. Shindou revealed his new hissatsu, Olympus Harmony. Later, Tenma fused with Shuu's aura and broke through Team A5. He then recupered his own body and used Keshin Armed, which this time succeeded, and scored a goal to Raimon. After that, Raimon said farewell to Shuu and left God Eden. In onda il: 2012-06-20 9: Get The Holy Book of Champions! Raimon saw how Raimon's soccer building demolished. After that, they are going to the future and are infiltrate the soccer museum in the future to steal the Scriptures of the Champion to create the strongest team. They find the the book but the alarm is a problem. Tenma tried to get the book but he got touch by the alarm and the alarm goes off. Then they got a soccer battle with the Security Robots and Raimon won with 1-0. After that, they went back to their timeline and went to Tenma's house. 9: Get The Holy Book of Champions! In onda il: 2012-06-20 Raimon saw how Raimon's soccer building demolished. After that, they are going to the future and are infiltrate the soccer museum in the future to steal the Scriptures of the Champion to create the strongest team. They find the the book but the alarm is a problem. Tenma tried to get the book but he got touch by the alarm and the alarm goes off. Then they got a soccer battle with the Security Robots and Raimon won with 1-0. After that, they went back to their timeline and went to Tenma's house. In onda il: 2012-06-27 10: A Shocking Reunion! Endou Daisuke!! Raimon is looking at the Scriptures of the Champion but they can't figured out what is wrote in the book. Then, in El Dorado's headquarts, Protocol Omega 2.0 is seen, with Beta talking to Toudou about what Einamu and the others did. Toudou was about to send them to the Eternal Prison when Beta stopped him, saying they should give a chance to Einamu and the four others members of Team A5. 10: A Shocking Reunion! Endou Daisuke!! In onda il: 2012-06-27 Raimon is looking at the Scriptures of the Champion but they can't figured out what is wrote in the book. Then, in El Dorado's headquarts, Protocol Omega 2.0 is seen, with Beta talking to Toudou about what Einamu and the others did. Toudou was about to send them to the Eternal Prison when Beta stopped him, saying they should give a chance to Einamu and the four others members of Team A5. In onda il: 2012-07-04 11: Find Them! The Strongest Eleven In History!? Endou Daisuke is the coach of Raimon for the second half. Raimon revealed their new Hissatsu Tactic, 3D Reflector and Tenma fused with his Keshin and scored the first goal for Raimon. Then Fei fused with Kyouryuu and scored the second goal with Kodai No Kiba. Tsurugi mastered Keshin Armed and scored the third point for Raimon. Beta doesn't like it and used ghost Mixi Max. Beta fused with her Keshin and scored the third goal for Protocol Omega 2.0 with Shoot Command 07. After that, Protocol Omega 2.0 scored two points and Raimon lost the match with 5-3. Beta used the Sphere Device to turn Daisuke into the Chrono Stone. After that, Daisuke told Raimon about the Scriptures of the Champion. Raimon returned to their own timeline and searched for information. After they found information, Raimon traveled to the Sengoku time. 11: Find Them! The Strongest Eleven In History!? In onda il: 2012-07-04 Endou Daisuke is the coach of Raimon for the second half. Raimon revealed their new Hissatsu Tactic, 3D Reflector and Tenma fused with his Keshin and scored the first goal for Raimon. Then Fei fused with Kyouryuu and scored the second goal with Kodai No Kiba. Tsurugi mastered Keshin Armed and scored the third point for Raimon. Beta doesn't like it and used ghost Mixi Max. Beta fused with her Keshin and scored the third goal for Protocol Omega 2.0 with Shoot Command 07. After that, Protocol Omega 2.0 scored two points and Raimon lost the match with 5-3. Beta used the Sphere Device to turn Daisuke into the Chrono Stone. After that, Daisuke told Raimon about the Scriptures of the Champion. Raimon returned to their own timeline and searched for information. After they found information, Raimon traveled to the Sengoku time. In onda il: 2012-07-11 12: Arrival! Nobunaga's Town Raimon arrived in the Sengoku time and they are searching for information about Nobunaga. Shindou met Okatsu and Okatsu brought Shindou to her house for a talk. Tenma, Shinsuke and Aoi saw some boys playing soccer and Tenma and Shinsuke decided to join. When they lost the ball and a boy wanted to pick up the ball, two guys kidnapped the boy but Tenma stopped the two guys with the ball. The two guys wanted to attack Tasuke and Tenma but Kinoshita stopped them. Okatsu threw some water at Shindou. 12: Arrival! Nobunaga's Town In onda il: 2012-07-11 Raimon arrived in the Sengoku time and they are searching for information about Nobunaga. Shindou met Okatsu and Okatsu brought Shindou to her house for a talk. Tenma, Shinsuke and Aoi saw some boys playing soccer and Tenma and Shinsuke decided to join. When they lost the ball and a boy wanted to pick up the ball, two guys kidnapped the boy but Tenma stopped the two guys with the ball. The two guys wanted to attack Tasuke and Tenma but Kinoshita stopped them. Okatsu threw some water at Shindou. In onda il: 2012-07-18 13: Huge Battle! Team White Deer!! Raimon must play against Team White Deer to free Tasuke and the others who were captured. AtShinsuke stopping the shot. 13: Huge Battle! Team White Deer!! In onda il: 2012-07-18 Raimon must play against Team White Deer to free Tasuke and the others who were captured. AtShinsuke stopping the shot. In onda il: 2012-07-25 14: Infiltration! The Great Dancer Mission!! Shindou is still trying to get his Keshin Armed and almost succeeded to. To get closer to Nobunaga, Raimon infiltrates the cherry blossom viewing party disguised as dancers, but instead of dancing, they played soccer. 14: Infiltration! The Great Dancer Mission!! In onda il: 2012-07-25 Shindou is still trying to get his Keshin Armed and almost succeeded to. To get closer to Nobunaga, Raimon infiltrates the cherry blossom viewing party disguised as dancers, but instead of dancing, they played soccer. In onda il: 2012-08-01 15: Training in the Owari Province! Raimon got arrested and Shindou explained to Nobunaga that they come from the future and that Nobunaga will not rule in Japan, which shocked everyone. Tasuke and his friends are learning soccer in order to play against Protocol Omega 2.0. Shindou is trying to get Keshin Armed and almost succeeded. Tasuke, Shishimaru and Gorouta are trying to create a block hissatsu, called Ichiyajou and Raimon is about to play against Protocol Omega 2.0. 15: Training in the Owari Province! In onda il: 2012-08-01 Raimon got arrested and Shindou explained to Nobunaga that they come from the future and that Nobunaga will not rule in Japan, which shocked everyone. Tasuke and his friends are learning soccer in order to play against Protocol Omega 2.0. Shindou is trying to get Keshin Armed and almost succeeded. Tasuke, Shishimaru and Gorouta are trying to create a block hissatsu, called Ichiyajou and Raimon is about to play against Protocol Omega 2.0. In onda il: 2012-08-15 16: Final Battle at the Fool's Festival! Raimon is playing against Protocol Omega 2.0. Protocol Omega 2.0 reveals some new hissatsu and takes the lead in the first half. In the second half, Raimon counterattacks and Tasuke and his friends revealed their new hissatsu called, Ichiyajou and Raimon make it tied. Protocol Omega 2.0 received power of Beta and is counterattacking. Shindou tried to fuse with his Keshin but failed again. Beta scores another goal and Protocol Omega takes the lead again. 16: Final Battle at the Fool's Festival! In onda il: 2012-08-15 Raimon is playing against Protocol Omega 2.0. Protocol Omega 2.0 reveals some new hissatsu and takes the lead in the first half. In the second half, Raimon counterattacks and Tasuke and his friends revealed their new hissatsu called, Ichiyajou and Raimon make it tied. Protocol Omega 2.0 received power of Beta and is counterattacking. Shindou tried to fuse with his Keshin but failed again. Beta scores another goal and Protocol Omega takes the lead again. In onda il: 2012-08-22 17: The Dream of Rule Shindou tried Keshin Armed again but failed. Nobunaga came to Shindou to talk to him an gave him some advice. After that, he mastered his Keshin Armed and scored the second goal for Raimon. Shindou Mixi Maxed with Nobunaga and easily dribbled around the Protocol Omega 2.0 members. Shindou used Setsuna Boost for the first time and scored the third and winning goal for Raimon. Beta restored Raimon's memory back to normal, but Gamma appeared. At the end, Okatsu and Shindou were seen crying about each other. 17: The Dream of Rule In onda il: 2012-08-22 Shindou tried Keshin Armed again but failed. Nobunaga came to Shindou to talk to him an gave him some advice. After that, he mastered his Keshin Armed and scored the second goal for Raimon. Shindou Mixi Maxed with Nobunaga and easily dribbled around the Protocol Omega 2.0 members. Shindou used Setsuna Boost for the first time and scored the third and winning goal for Raimon. Beta restored Raimon's memory back to normal, but Gamma appeared. At the end, Okatsu and Shindou were seen crying about each other. In onda il: 2012-08-29 18: Everyone Is back! The Raimon's brainwashed members came back to the soccer club. There is also a new member called Nanobana Kinako, who said she's Raimon's ace striker as she won a striker battle against Tsurugi. Shindou showed his ability to mixi max with Nobunaga, which surprised Raimon's members. Daisuke said that they should take the aura from Jeanne d'Arc. The next morning, Kariya said that Kirino was jealous on Shindou because he had a Keshin, can use Keshin Armed and can use Mixi Max. Daisuke selected eleven members of Raimon, but Kirino wasn't. Kariya offered his place to Kirino and Raimon went to Jeanne's era, at 1427. Zanak Abalonic escaped from the Eternal Prison. He met Protocol Omega 3.0 at Jeanne d'Arc's era, beat them and took control over them. 18: Everyone Is back! In onda il: 2012-08-29 The Raimon's brainwashed members came back to the soccer club. There is also a new member called Nanobana Kinako, who said she's Raimon's ace striker as she won a striker battle against Tsurugi. Shindou showed his ability to mixi max with Nobunaga, which surprised Raimon's members. Daisuke said that they should take the aura from Jeanne d'Arc. The next morning, Kariya said that Kirino was jealous on Shindou because he had a Keshin, can use Keshin Armed and can use Mixi Max. Daisuke selected eleven members of Raimon, but Kirino wasn't. Kariya offered his place to Kirino and Raimon went to Jeanne's era, at 1427. Zanak Abalonic escaped from the Eternal Prison. He met Protocol Omega 3.0 at Jeanne d'Arc's era, beat them and took control over them. In onda il: 2012-09-05 19: The Girl in the Armor As Raimon arrived in the medieval France era, they got surrounded by knights who believed that they were spies. Then, Jeanne d'Arc appeared and Shindou told her that they came from the future. Jeanne gave Raimon candy and brought them to her castle. During their stay there, they played soccer to pass time. Wonderbot then tried to Mixi Max Kinako with Jeanne but failed. In the afternoon, Jeanne asked if Raimon will help her and Kirino agreed. 19: The Girl in the Armor In onda il: 2012-09-05 As Raimon arrived in the medieval France era, they got surrounded by knights who believed that they were spies. Then, Jeanne d'Arc appeared and Shindou told her that they came from the future. Jeanne gave Raimon candy and brought them to her castle. During their stay there, they played soccer to pass time. Wonderbot then tried to Mixi Max Kinako with Jeanne but failed. In the afternoon, Jeanne asked if Raimon will help her and Kirino agreed. In onda il: 2012-09-12 20: Soccer in the Flames! Jeanne d'Arc and the others arrived at Charles palace. Kirino and Jeanne went inside while the others were outside playing soccer. Charles agreed with sending more soldiers for the war. Jeanne and the others went back to Shindou and the others along with the soldiers. Jeanne and Kirino had a talk about the war. Jeanne went outside and fought against the enemies. Kirino thought it was his fault and he ran outside, the others followed him. Zanak created a soccer field and Raimon must fight against Protocol Omega 3.0 in order to proceed. Gamma released his Keshin and scored the first goal. Jeanne is scared and Kirino is worried about her. 20: Soccer in the Flames! In onda il: 2012-09-12 Jeanne d'Arc and the others arrived at Charles palace. Kirino and Jeanne went inside while the others were outside playing soccer. Charles agreed with sending more soldiers for the war. Jeanne and the others went back to Shindou and the others along with the soldiers. Jeanne and Kirino had a talk about the war. Jeanne went outside and fought against the enemies. Kirino thought it was his fault and he ran outside, the others followed him. Zanak created a soccer field and Raimon must fight against Protocol Omega 3.0 in order to proceed. Gamma released his Keshin and scored the first goal. Jeanne is scared and Kirino is worried about her. In onda il: 2012-09-19 21: A Vow Upon This Flag Raimon continued their fight against Protocol Omega 3.0. Kirino Ranmaru is still worrying about Jeanne and having a flashback of Shindou. Charles changed Raimon's formation for the second half. Kirino became injured and Shindou said that he shouldn't worry and he dashed to the opponents to stop them. Kirino has a flashback and realized that he is jealous and dashed to Shindou to help him. Kirino revealed his Keshin and later, he Mixi Maxed with Jeanne and Raimon won with 2-1 versus Protocol Omega 3.0. 21: A Vow Upon This Flag In onda il: 2012-09-19 Raimon continued their fight against Protocol Omega 3.0. Kirino Ranmaru is still worrying about Jeanne and having a flashback of Shindou. Charles changed Raimon's formation for the second half. Kirino became injured and Shindou said that he shouldn't worry and he dashed to the opponents to stop them. Kirino has a flashback and realized that he is jealous and dashed to Shindou to help him. Kirino revealed his Keshin and later, he Mixi Maxed with Jeanne and Raimon won with 2-1 versus Protocol Omega 3.0. In onda il: 2012-10-03 22: Liu Bei is funny! Raimon was seen training in the soccer building. Amemiya Taiyou appeared and told about his recovery and that he already knew what Raimon was doing. Gouenji appeared with a new artifact and Daisuke selected eleven new members and those members went to The Three Kingdoms era. There, they saw Ryuu Gentoku with a canon. Raimon and Ryuu Gentoku walked to a building and Zanark brainwashed Chouhi and Kanu. Three members of Zanark Domain challenged Raimon in a soccer battle with Chouhi and Kanu at their side. Shindou, Tenma, Tsurugi, Kinako and Ryuu Gentoku were seen playing in the battle. But then, Ryuu Gentoku left the goal open and shocked all the members of Raimon. 22: Liu Bei is funny! In onda il: 2012-10-03 Raimon was seen training in the soccer building. Amemiya Taiyou appeared and told about his recovery and that he already knew what Raimon was doing. Gouenji appeared with a new artifact and Daisuke selected eleven new members and those members went to The Three Kingdoms era. There, they saw Ryuu Gentoku with a canon. Raimon and Ryuu Gentoku walked to a building and Zanark brainwashed Chouhi and Kanu. Three members of Zanark Domain challenged Raimon in a soccer battle with Chouhi and Kanu at their side. Shindou, Tenma, Tsurugi, Kinako and Ryuu Gentoku were seen playing in the battle. But then, Ryuu Gentoku left the goal open and shocked all the members of Raimon. In onda il: 2012-10-10 23: Surprise! Kongming's Fortress! Raimon resumes the soccer battle against Zanark Domain. Shindou blocked the shoot in order to save the goal. Raimon won the soccer battle with 1-0. After that, they advanced their journey to search Shokatsu Koumei. They must proceed the challenge that Shokatsu Koumei has made. After that, they have to play soccer against Terracotta. Ryuu Gentoku was placed as goalkeeper and Shinsuke said that he have to defend the goal. After some shoots that Ryuu Gentoku has blocked, he injured himself with blocking the shoots without a hissatsu and Shinsuke replaced him. Shindou and Kirino helped Shinsuke to defend the goal. Ryuu Gentoku encouraged Shinsuke and Shinsuke used Buttobi Punch. At the end, Raimon won with 2-1 and they met Shokatsu Koumei. 23: Surprise! Kongming's Fortress! In onda il: 2012-10-10 Raimon resumes the soccer battle against Zanark Domain. Shindou blocked the shoot in order to save the goal. Raimon won the soccer battle with 1-0. After that, they advanced their journey to search Shokatsu Koumei. They must proceed the challenge that Shokatsu Koumei has made. After that, they have to play soccer against Terracotta. Ryuu Gentoku was placed as goalkeeper and Shinsuke said that he have to defend the goal. After some shoots that Ryuu Gentoku has blocked, he injured himself with blocking the shoots without a hissatsu and Shinsuke replaced him. Shindou and Kirino helped Shinsuke to defend the goal. Ryuu Gentoku encouraged Shinsuke and Shinsuke used Buttobi Punch. At the end, Raimon won with 2-1 and they met Shokatsu Koumei. In onda il: 2012-10-17 24: Fierce Attack! Zanak Domain!! Raimon reached Shokatsu Koumei and Ryuu Gentoku asked Shokatsu Koumei to help him but Shokatsu Koumei declined. Raimon tried to convince Shokatsu Koumei but then, Zanark Domain appeared and challenged Raimon for a soccer match. Raimon was playing well but then, Zanark violently tackled Shindou and Raimon was shocked. Zanark scored the first goal with Disaster Break. Kirino Mixi Transed with Jeanne and used La Flamme. When Tsurugi tried to score with Keshin Armed, Zanark Mixi Transed with Sousou and used his Mixi Max Keshin. After that, Zanark Domain began to play roughly and injured Raimon. Shokatsu Koumei released her Keshin and Mixi Maxed with Taiyou. 24: Fierce Attack! Zanak Domain!! In onda il: 2012-10-17 Raimon reached Shokatsu Koumei and Ryuu Gentoku asked Shokatsu Koumei to help him but Shokatsu Koumei declined. Raimon tried to convince Shokatsu Koumei but then, Zanark Domain appeared and challenged Raimon for a soccer match. Raimon was playing well but then, Zanark violently tackled Shindou and Raimon was shocked. Zanark scored the first goal with Disaster Break. Kirino Mixi Transed with Jeanne and used La Flamme. When Tsurugi tried to score with Keshin Armed, Zanark Mixi Transed with Sousou and used his Mixi Max Keshin. After that, Zanark Domain began to play roughly and injured Raimon. Shokatsu Koumei released her Keshin and Mixi Maxed with Taiyou. In onda il: null 25: Explosion! The power of Komei!! Taiyou Mixi Maxed with Shokatsu Koumei and revealed a new Hissatsu Tactic called, Kimon Tonkou no Jin and sealed Zanark in it. Zanark used his own Keshin and used Keshin Armed. He broke thorugh the Tactic and used Disaster Break after that. Shinsuke was too scared to stop the shoot and the score is 2-1. Zanark used his Hissatsu once more but it got blocked by Fei in Mixi Max form, Tenma in Keshin Zanark going out of control. Armed and Taiyou. After that, Shinsuke Mixi Maxed with Ryuu Gentoku and stopped Disaster Break on his own. Taiyou used Mixi Trans and scored the second goal for Raimon. After that, Zanark went out of control and the match ended. After the match, Raimon returned to their present time and an unknown man with a beard was seen talking to Zanark.The mysterious man, who makes his first appearance. 25: Explosion! The power of Komei!! In onda il: null Taiyou Mixi Maxed with Shokatsu Koumei and revealed a new Hissatsu Tactic called, Kimon Tonkou no Jin and sealed Zanark in it. Zanark used his own Keshin and used Keshin Armed. He broke thorugh the Tactic and used Disaster Break after that. Shinsuke was too scared to stop the shoot and the score is 2-1. Zanark used his Hissatsu once more but it got blocked by Fei in Mixi Max form, Tenma in Keshin Zanark going out of control. Armed and Taiyou. After that, Shinsuke Mixi Maxed with Ryuu Gentoku and stopped Disaster Break on his own. Taiyou used Mixi Trans and scored the second goal for Raimon. After that, Zanark went out of control and the match ended. After the match, Raimon returned to their present time and an unknown man with a beard was seen talking to Zanark.The mysterious man, who makes his first appearance. In onda il: 2012-10-31 26: Sakamoto Ryouma Makes His Appearance!! Raimon finally returns but they cannot just rest yet. They time-travel to the Shogunate era and seek Okita Souji and Sakamoto Ryouma. Nishiki handles finding Sakamoto and Midori handles finding Okita. Following Nishiki's group, they encounter Zanark Domain. After a soccer battle challenge, Hikaru wins with Extend Zone. They are invited by a person that they met to eat, and during this time, Zanark seals Kondou Isami, and brainwashes other members of his faction. With this, the faction barges towards the house that Nishiki and the others are in. Shockingly, it was revealed that the person with them all along was in fact Sakamoto Ryouma. With this, another match is about to start. 26: Sakamoto Ryouma Makes His Appearance!! In onda il: 2012-10-31 Raimon finally returns but they cannot just rest yet. They time-travel to the Shogunate era and seek Okita Souji and Sakamoto Ryouma. Nishiki handles finding Sakamoto and Midori handles finding Okita. Following Nishiki's group, they encounter Zanark Domain. After a soccer battle challenge, Hikaru wins with Extend Zone. They are invited by a person that they met to eat, and during this time, Zanark seals Kondou Isami, and brainwashes other members of his faction. With this, the faction barges towards the house that Nishiki and the others are in. Shockingly, it was revealed that the person with them all along was in fact Sakamoto Ryouma. With this, another match is about to start. In onda il: 2012-11-07 27: Swordman of the Shogunate era! Okita Souji!!! ■Sakamoto Ryouma played for Raimon, while Okita Souji played for Zanark Domain. ■Wonderbot tried to make a Mixi Max between Sakamoto and Nishiki, but it failed. ■Raimon played against Zanark Domain in a soccer battle and won with 1-0. 27: Swordman of the Shogunate era! Okita Souji!!! In onda il: 2012-11-07 ■Sakamoto Ryouma played for Raimon, while Okita Souji played for Zanark Domain. ■Wonderbot tried to make a Mixi Max between Sakamoto and Nishiki, but it failed. ■Raimon played against Zanark Domain in a soccer battle and won with 1-0. In onda il: 2012-11-14 28: Soccer Battle! Sakamoto VS Okita Okita Souji leaves the Raimon members. Tenma and Fei were wondering about Okita but then, Nakaoka came and told Raimon that Sakamoto went to Bakufu. Sakamoto was seen bowing and said that they should let him go through them. The Raimon’s members went to Sakamoto’s house and Nishiki was excited that he was in Sakamoto’s house. Midori said that Nishiki should calm down. Kinako opened a window and was shouting but Nakaoka closed the window and said that she shouldn’t do that and Kinako apologizes. 28: Soccer Battle! Sakamoto VS Okita In onda il: 2012-11-14 Okita Souji leaves the Raimon members. Tenma and Fei were wondering about Okita but then, Nakaoka came and told Raimon that Sakamoto went to Bakufu. Sakamoto was seen bowing and said that they should let him go through them. The Raimon’s members went to Sakamoto’s house and Nishiki was excited that he was in Sakamoto’s house. Midori said that Nishiki should calm down. Kinako opened a window and was shouting but Nakaoka closed the window and said that she shouldn’t do that and Kinako apologizes. In onda il: 2012-11-14 29: The Men Who Create Eras Raimon was behind with two points in the match against Zanark Domain. The Zanark Domain's members were easily passing Raimon's members. Tsurugi Mixi Maxed with Okita and used Kiku Ichimonji and scored the first goal. Zanark went out of control but Nishiki saved him. Nishiki Mixi Maxed with Sakamoto and used Kuroshio Ride and Shindou used Mixi Trans Nobunaga and scored the second goal with Setsuna Boost. Nishiki mastered his Keshin Armed and scored the third point. But after the match, two mysterious people appeared... 29: The Men Who Create Eras In onda il: 2012-11-14 Raimon was behind with two points in the match against Zanark Domain. The Zanark Domain's members were easily passing Raimon's members. Tsurugi Mixi Maxed with Okita and used Kiku Ichimonji and scored the first goal. Zanark went out of control but Nishiki saved him. Nishiki Mixi Maxed with Sakamoto and used Kuroshio Ride and Shindou used Mixi Trans Nobunaga and scored the second goal with Setsuna Boost. Nishiki mastered his Keshin Armed and scored the third point. But after the match, two mysterious people appeared... In onda il: 2012-11-21 30: The Legend of Endou Mamoru! Fei Lune and Matsukaze Tenma end up talking with Kino Aki after she walked around with Sasuke. She talked more about the past, specifically about their Coach Endou Mamoru's past. Both persons are amazed by his accomplishments and all the trials he has been through, and because of that they are more inspired to do harder next time. And so, another challenge awaits... 30: The Legend of Endou Mamoru! In onda il: 2012-11-21 Fei Lune and Matsukaze Tenma end up talking with Kino Aki after she walked around with Sasuke. She talked more about the past, specifically about their Coach Endou Mamoru's past. Both persons are amazed by his accomplishments and all the trials he has been through, and because of that they are more inspired to do harder next time. And so, another challenge awaits... In onda il: 2012-11-28 31: Go To The Age Of The Dinosaurs! ■Raimon entered the Jurassic era. ■Daisuke chose Kinako, Hayami, Tsurugi, Tenma, Fei, Taiyou, Kariya, Shinsuke, Nishiki, Shindou and Kirino to go to the Jurassic Era. ■Raimon set off to find Rockstar. But it seems Rei has already found her... 31: Go To The Age Of The Dinosaurs! In onda il: 2012-11-28 ■Raimon entered the Jurassic era. ■Daisuke chose Kinako, Hayami, Tsurugi, Tenma, Fei, Taiyou, Kariya, Shinsuke, Nishiki, Shindou and Kirino to go to the Jurassic Era. ■Raimon set off to find Rockstar. But it seems Rei has already found her... In onda il: 2012-12-05 32: See That?! The Dinosaur King As Raimon journey around the jurassic era, they learn more about Tobu, but then Rei Rukh confronts Raimon and challenges them for a soccer match, and Raimon ends up losing to Perfect Cascade with a score of 19-0. With the devastation, another event happens, which happens at the time that Rockstar dies. 32: See That?! The Dinosaur King In onda il: 2012-12-05 As Raimon journey around the jurassic era, they learn more about Tobu, but then Rei Rukh confronts Raimon and challenges them for a soccer match, and Raimon ends up losing to Perfect Cascade with a score of 19-0. With the devastation, another event happens, which happens at the time that Rockstar dies. In onda il: 2012-12-12 33: Decisive Battle in the Valley of the Beast! ■Dinosaurs were seen playing soccer to help Raimon by their training. ■Fei was seen to be sad in the night with Big behind him. ■Kinako used her Keshin, Akatsuki no Miko Amaterasu, for the first time. ■Rei Rukh confronted Raimon again and challenged Raimon for a match against Perfect Cascade. ■All the Raimon's members who had a Mixi Max , used their Mixi Trans (except for Tenma). ■Perfect Cascade brainwashed dinosaurs and used them to get past Raimon's defense. ■The score was 7-0 for Perfect Cascade at the end of the episode, with seeing the most Mixi Max users tired. ■Kinako asked Fei why he did not use a keshin. ■While in practice, Fei almost fell and Tenma caught him, which seems as a result of the process of Extreme Rabbit. 33: Decisive Battle in the Valley of the Beast! In onda il: 2012-12-12 ■Dinosaurs were seen playing soccer to help Raimon by their training. ■Fei was seen to be sad in the night with Big behind him. ■Kinako used her Keshin, Akatsuki no Miko Amaterasu, for the first time. ■Rei Rukh confronted Raimon again and challenged Raimon for a match against Perfect Cascade. ■All the Raimon's members who had a Mixi Max , used their Mixi Trans (except for Tenma). ■Perfect Cascade brainwashed dinosaurs and used them to get past Raimon's defense. ■The score was 7-0 for Perfect Cascade at the end of the episode, with seeing the most Mixi Max users tired. ■Kinako asked Fei why he did not use a keshin. ■While in practice, Fei almost fell and Tenma caught him, which seems as a result of the process of Extreme Rabbit. In onda il: 2012-12-19 34: The Voice that Howled a Goodbye The Raimon team is having a hard time against Perfect Cascade once again. They know how powerful this team is, and so they unleash their full strength... except for one certain person; Fei Lune. Nanobana Kinako knows the truth, that Fei has been hiding his keshin for a long time, but with Kinako's determination, she was able to convince Fei to forget about his past of being abandoned by his father, and finally called out his keshin, and with that, he Mixi Maxed with Big and armed his keshin. With Matsukaze Tenma, they pulled off Extreme Rabbit, but Perfect Cascade withdraws due to something 'urgent'. Going to El Dorado's base, the Second Stage Children have already infiltrated and are suddenly blocked by the reappearance of Perfect Cascade. But, back at Raimon, Fei questions Kinako about one thing.... 34: The Voice that Howled a Goodbye In onda il: 2012-12-19 The Raimon team is having a hard time against Perfect Cascade once again. They know how powerful this team is, and so they unleash their full strength... except for one certain person; Fei Lune. Nanobana Kinako knows the truth, that Fei has been hiding his keshin for a long time, but with Kinako's determination, she was able to convince Fei to forget about his past of being abandoned by his father, and finally called out his keshin, and with that, he Mixi Maxed with Big and armed his keshin. With Matsukaze Tenma, they pulled off Extreme Rabbit, but Perfect Cascade withdraws due to something 'urgent'. Going to El Dorado's base, the Second Stage Children have already infiltrated and are suddenly blocked by the reappearance of Perfect Cascade. But, back at Raimon, Fei questions Kinako about one thing.... In onda il: 2012-12-26 35: Jump to The Legend! It seems that the Second Stage Children are planning something, but for now, after the match against Perfect Cascade, the Raimon team returns to their timeline and practice. After that, Endou Daisuke explains the 9th and 10th powers. Then, they start talking about King Arthur and Dr. Arno Crossword reappears to say that they need an artifact, strangely, Nanobana Kinako gets the artifact, which shocks everyone. Afterwards, Fei Lune questions Kinako again but doesn't get a straightforward response. However, chaos ensues when they time travel, as something went wrong and now Matsukaze Tenma, Fei and Wonderbot are the only ones travelling, but when they arrived at King Arthur's castle, they are shocked to find Shindou Takuto and the others leading the Round Table Knights. 35: Jump to The Legend! In onda il: 2012-12-26 It seems that the Second Stage Children are planning something, but for now, after the match against Perfect Cascade, the Raimon team returns to their timeline and practice. After that, Endou Daisuke explains the 9th and 10th powers. Then, they start talking about King Arthur and Dr. Arno Crossword reappears to say that they need an artifact, strangely, Nanobana Kinako gets the artifact, which shocks everyone. Afterwards, Fei Lune questions Kinako again but doesn't get a straightforward response. However, chaos ensues when they time travel, as something went wrong and now Matsukaze Tenma, Fei and Wonderbot are the only ones travelling, but when they arrived at King Arthur's castle, they are shocked to find Shindou Takuto and the others leading the Round Table Knights. In onda il: 2013-01-09 36: Assemble! Knights of the Round Table The Tenmas returned for a match against a team led by Shindou Takuto which included all the members of Raimon except Fei Lune and Matsukaze Tenma. The match ended with a score of 1-1. But then Master Dragon appeared under the control of Rei Rukh. A heroic act was made by Nanobana Kinako saving Sorano Aoi but being kidnapped by Master Dragon herself. Now Raimon and King Arthur are on a journey to find Kinako. 36: Assemble! Knights of the Round Table In onda il: 2013-01-09 The Tenmas returned for a match against a team led by Shindou Takuto which included all the members of Raimon except Fei Lune and Matsukaze Tenma. The match ended with a score of 1-1. But then Master Dragon appeared under the control of Rei Rukh. A heroic act was made by Nanobana Kinako saving Sorano Aoi but being kidnapped by Master Dragon herself. Now Raimon and King Arthur are on a journey to find Kinako. In onda il: 2013-01-16 37: King Arthur and Master Dragon Entaku no Kishi passed several tests and arrived to the cave in which Master Dragon lives, to save Nanobana Kinako from him and the dark knight. King Arthur and Master Dragon battled against each other. Master Dragon lost the battle and fell into the water, letting the others think she's dead. Then, Perfect Cascade appeared to have a match against Entaku no Kishi in their Hyper Dive Mode. 37: King Arthur and Master Dragon In onda il: 2013-01-16 Entaku no Kishi passed several tests and arrived to the cave in which Master Dragon lives, to save Nanobana Kinako from him and the dark knight. King Arthur and Master Dragon battled against each other. Master Dragon lost the battle and fell into the water, letting the others think she's dead. Then, Perfect Cascade appeared to have a match against Entaku no Kishi in their Hyper Dive Mode. In onda il: 2013-01-23 38: Hyper Dive Mode of Fear! Entaku no Kishi continued their match against Perfect Cascade. Entaku no Kishi suffered a severe blow when Perfect Cascade scored 2 early goals in the first half. If things weren't bad enough all the Perfect Cascade players used their Keshin Armed and scored another goal in the second half. The odds were evened when Nanobana Kinako and Matsukaze Tenma achieved their Mixi Max. Entaku no Kishi made a 4-3 comeback to win the match. But in the end Raimon was teleported into the Route Craft. 38: Hyper Dive Mode of Fear! In onda il: 2013-01-23 Entaku no Kishi continued their match against Perfect Cascade. Entaku no Kishi suffered a severe blow when Perfect Cascade scored 2 early goals in the first half. If things weren't bad enough all the Perfect Cascade players used their Keshin Armed and scored another goal in the second half. The odds were evened when Nanobana Kinako and Matsukaze Tenma achieved their Mixi Max. Entaku no Kishi made a 4-3 comeback to win the match. But in the end Raimon was teleported into the Route Craft. In onda il: 2013-01-30 39: Union! Raimon and El Dorado Raimon is brought to the El Dorado headquarters and there they learn more about the Second Stage Children, and then Raimon decided to join El Dorado. Raimon started practising with the members from Protocol Omega but they can't work together. 39: Union! Raimon and El Dorado In onda il: 2013-01-30 Raimon is brought to the El Dorado headquarters and there they learn more about the Second Stage Children, and then Raimon decided to join El Dorado. Raimon started practising with the members from Protocol Omega but they can't work together. In onda il: 2013-02-06 40: Grand Opening! The Final Battle, Ragnarok The Second Stage Children destroyed the El Dorado headquarters and created the Ragnarok Stadium with its ruins. Fei discovers his true identity at the image of Saryuu Evan. The match between El Dorado Team 1 and Zan starts with Zan playing dirty and injuring Tsurugi. 40: Grand Opening! The Final Battle, Ragnarok In onda il: 2013-02-06 The Second Stage Children destroyed the El Dorado headquarters and created the Ragnarok Stadium with its ruins. Fei discovers his true identity at the image of Saryuu Evan. The match between El Dorado Team 1 and Zan starts with Zan playing dirty and injuring Tsurugi. In onda il: 2013-02-13 41: Fei's Awakening The match between Zan and El Dorado Team 01 continued. Sangoku levels up his God Hand X, thus reaching the Zetsu level. SARU uses his power to awake Fei's memories. Fei Rune scores a goal and reveals he is a part of Feida. Kinako uses her Keshin Armed and scored her team's only goal. El Dorado Team 01 lost the match 5-1. Zanark told SARU that the reason he joined them is to fight against Nishiki again, then left Feida, saying "this isn't my place to be". 41: Fei's Awakening In onda il: 2013-02-13 The match between Zan and El Dorado Team 01 continued. Sangoku levels up his God Hand X, thus reaching the Zetsu level. SARU uses his power to awake Fei's memories. Fei Rune scores a goal and reveals he is a part of Feida. Kinako uses her Keshin Armed and scored her team's only goal. El Dorado Team 01 lost the match 5-1. Zanark told SARU that the reason he joined them is to fight against Nishiki again, then left Feida, saying "this isn't my place to be". In onda il: 2013-02-20 42: Strongest Eleven Through Space Time! Fei met Helper X and SARU in a room and was seen talking to each other. SARU was seen to have doubts about Helper X. Zanark was revealed to be the eleventh player by Endou Daisuke. He also joined El Dorado Team 02. The match opposing El Dorado Team 02 and Giru started. Shindou had problems to lead the team, as the team didn't listen to his orders. Rujiku got injured while trying to stop Dead Future, and Mecha Endou was brought in to replace him. 42: Strongest Eleven Through Space Time! In onda il: 2013-02-20 Fei met Helper X and SARU in a room and was seen talking to each other. SARU was seen to have doubts about Helper X. Zanark was revealed to be the eleventh player by Endou Daisuke. He also joined El Dorado Team 02. The match opposing El Dorado Team 02 and Giru started. Shindou had problems to lead the team, as the team didn't listen to his orders. Rujiku got injured while trying to stop Dead Future, and Mecha Endou was brought in to replace him. In onda il: 2013-02-27 43: Mecha Endou Appears! The match continues onward with the members still fighting amongst them, but with some help with Sakamaki, Shindou Takuto finally leads Alpha, Beta and Gamma to cooperate, successfully using Omega Attack and scoring a goal. Shindou scores one more and they have won the match with casualties of losing Mecha Endou. Everything ends well with the three El Dorado captains being in peace with each other... but Zanark Avalonic still needs to control his power and trains... 43: Mecha Endou Appears! In onda il: 2013-02-27 The match continues onward with the members still fighting amongst them, but with some help with Sakamaki, Shindou Takuto finally leads Alpha, Beta and Gamma to cooperate, successfully using Omega Attack and scoring a goal. Shindou scores one more and they have won the match with casualties of losing Mecha Endou. Everything ends well with the three El Dorado captains being in peace with each other... but Zanark Avalonic still needs to control his power and trains... In onda il: 2013-03-06 44: Fei's The Enemy!? The next match starts but everyone is shocked to find out that Fei Lune is the captain of the third team of Feida; Garu. As the match starts, Fei stops Taiyou's Keshin Armed shoot with only his foot and passes through everyone in a rough manner that shocks Tenma. He tries to persuade Fei to come back but is kicked right in front of his face with the soccer ball. All hope seems lost but then... Zanark Avalonic comes back and seems to have finished his training. 44: Fei's The Enemy!? In onda il: 2013-03-06 The next match starts but everyone is shocked to find out that Fei Lune is the captain of the third team of Feida; Garu. As the match starts, Fei stops Taiyou's Keshin Armed shoot with only his foot and passes through everyone in a rough manner that shocks Tenma. He tries to persuade Fei to come back but is kicked right in front of his face with the soccer ball. All hope seems lost but then... Zanark Avalonic comes back and seems to have finished his training. In onda il: 2013-03-13 45: Great Max na Ore! Zanark returned from his training. He Mixi Maxed with Clara Jane, and thus became the eleventh and the last member of the Hasha no Seiten, and scored two goals using Great Max na Ore, which made the two teams tied. Kirino and Torb used their Keshin Armed for the first time.At the end of the episode, SARU is seen standing, looking at Fei as he's not happy anymore about the score of the match. Zanark explains what he did for his training in order to become one of the Ultimate Eleven. 45: Great Max na Ore! In onda il: 2013-03-13 Zanark returned from his training. He Mixi Maxed with Clara Jane, and thus became the eleventh and the last member of the Hasha no Seiten, and scored two goals using Great Max na Ore, which made the two teams tied. Kirino and Torb used their Keshin Armed for the first time.At the end of the episode, SARU is seen standing, looking at Fei as he's not happy anymore about the score of the match. Zanark explains what he did for his training in order to become one of the Ultimate Eleven. In onda il: 2013-03-20 46: Identity of Helper X! The episode starts with Zanark scoring the second goal and making the two teams tie 2-2. But later, Fei suddenly uses his Second Stage Children's powers as SARU ordered him. Fei causes El Dorado Team 03's players have headaches and forbidden them to play. Garu then attacks, but Rei Rukh isn't affected by Fei's powers and stops them. Using his Keshin Armed and Hyper Dive Mode, he stops them and tries to score a goal, but fails. Garu's players then shoot to him, and Rei malfunctions. Seeing Fei, the Helper X intervenes and tells him to stop. Fei is tormented by him and SARU and collapses, then the match finishes. As Ragnarok ends with a tie between Feida and El Dorado, SARU asks Toudou to organize a fourth and last match, to which he agrees. The Helper X brings him to a locker room, and reveals himself to be Asurei Lune and to be Fei's father, which surprises him and everyone. But Fei keeps telling him he won't change and will stay at Feida. 46: Identity of Helper X! In onda il: 2013-03-20 The episode starts with Zanark scoring the second goal and making the two teams tie 2-2. But later, Fei suddenly uses his Second Stage Children's powers as SARU ordered him. Fei causes El Dorado Team 03's players have headaches and forbidden them to play. Garu then attacks, but Rei Rukh isn't affected by Fei's powers and stops them. Using his Keshin Armed and Hyper Dive Mode, he stops them and tries to score a goal, but fails. Garu's players then shoot to him, and Rei malfunctions. Seeing Fei, the Helper X intervenes and tells him to stop. Fei is tormented by him and SARU and collapses, then the match finishes. As Ragnarok ends with a tie between Feida and El Dorado, SARU asks Toudou to organize a fourth and last match, to which he agrees. The Helper X brings him to a locker room, and reveals himself to be Asurei Lune and to be Fei's father, which surprises him and everyone. But Fei keeps telling him he won't change and will stay at Feida. In onda il: 2013-04-03 47: Gathered! Ultimate Space Time Eleven The shocking revelation, Nanobana Kinako being Fei Lune's mother has reached the young soccer player's heart. She tells the story of how she met Asurei Lune and finally was able to change his son's heart. With that, Fei leaves Feida and gets the Chrono Stone of Endou Mamoru and is shocked at the welcoming party that arrives in front of him when he comes back to Raimon. They also successfully return their coach back to normal. Everything may seem happy and all... but it isn't over yet as Meia and Gillis join The Lagoon... 47: Gathered! Ultimate Space Time Eleven In onda il: 2013-04-03 The shocking revelation, Nanobana Kinako being Fei Lune's mother has reached the young soccer player's heart. She tells the story of how she met Asurei Lune and finally was able to change his son's heart. With that, Fei leaves Feida and gets the Chrono Stone of Endou Mamoru and is shocked at the welcoming party that arrives in front of him when he comes back to Raimon. They also successfully return their coach back to normal. Everything may seem happy and all... but it isn't over yet as Meia and Gillis join The Lagoon... In onda il: 2013-04-10 48: SARU's power! Endou Mamoru is back, and becomes Chrono Storm's coach as the Raimon players asked him to be so, much to Wonderbot's disappointment. The match opposing them to The Lagoon is about to start, and Meia and Giris are on Feida's ultimate team! A wormhole is then created by SARU's gun, and the whole stadium entered in it, shocking the audience and Chrono Storm's players. Then, the match finally starts. A fierce battle opposing the two teams occurs, but The Lagoon takes the lead due to SARU's Shellbit Burst. With this, Meia and Giris are able to take the control of the match and score a second goal. But this doesn't make Chrono Storm give up, and Zanark is able to reduce the score to 2-1. After this, The Lagoon's players release their stored auras, allowing them to fully use their powers and become faster and stronger. A defender, Daku, scores the third goal! How will Chrono Storm be able to reverse the score and win? 48: SARU's power! In onda il: 2013-04-10 Endou Mamoru is back, and becomes Chrono Storm's coach as the Raimon players asked him to be so, much to Wonderbot's disappointment. The match opposing them to The Lagoon is about to start, and Meia and Giris are on Feida's ultimate team! A wormhole is then created by SARU's gun, and the whole stadium entered in it, shocking the audience and Chrono Storm's players. Then, the match finally starts. A fierce battle opposing the two teams occurs, but The Lagoon takes the lead due to SARU's Shellbit Burst. With this, Meia and Giris are able to take the control of the match and score a second goal. But this doesn't make Chrono Storm give up, and Zanark is able to reduce the score to 2-1. After this, The Lagoon's players release their stored auras, allowing them to fully use their powers and become faster and stronger. A defender, Daku, scores the third goal! How will Chrono Storm be able to reverse the score and win? In onda il: 2013-04-17 49: Attack! The Second Stage Children! The episode starts with The Lagoon scoring their third goal. They're taking the lead over the match more and more. As Fei is facing SARU, he suddenly becomes surrounded by an aura similar to the Mixi Max's one, and becomes stronger and bigger. 49: Attack! The Second Stage Children! In onda il: 2013-04-17 The episode starts with The Lagoon scoring their third goal. They're taking the lead over the match more and more. As Fei is facing SARU, he suddenly becomes surrounded by an aura similar to the Mixi Max's one, and becomes stronger and bigger. In onda il: 2013-04-24 50: The Last Time Jump! Chrono Storm now fiercely attacks, this time realizing the harmonies within and finally unlocking Saikyou Eleven Hadou. Saryuu Evan retaliates by trying to stop it with his foot but fails. With the hanging score of 5-4 and a few minutes left, the whole Lagoon realize something important and share it with Saru, and now with more determination, for the last few minutes Matsukaze Tenma and Saryuu Evan battle it out! And finally after the match the two teams reconcile and everything seems well except for the sad goodbye's the Raimon have to give to Fei Lune, Clark Wonderbot, Zanark Avalonic, Nanobana Kinako and Torb. As for the near future, well... Fei Lune visits a certain someone in the hospital and makes his goodbye to her. 50: The Last Time Jump! In onda il: 2013-04-24 Chrono Storm now fiercely attacks, this time realizing the harmonies within and finally unlocking Saikyou Eleven Hadou. Saryuu Evan retaliates by trying to stop it with his foot but fails. With the hanging score of 5-4 and a few minutes left, the whole Lagoon realize something important and share it with Saru, and now with more determination, for the last few minutes Matsukaze Tenma and Saryuu Evan battle it out! And finally after the match the two teams reconcile and everything seems well except for the sad goodbye's the Raimon have to give to Fei Lune, Clark Wonderbot, Zanark Avalonic, Nanobana Kinako and Torb. As for the near future, well... Fei Lune visits a certain someone in the hospital and makes his goodbye to her. In onda il: 2013-05-01 51: Soccer is Back! Finally with everything settled, Matsukaze Tenma, Nishizono Shinsuke and Sorano Aoi look at the past and what happened as time passed and are amazed by what happened. Some kids appear and play soccer and they give out happy looks. Kino Aki arrives and both Tenma and Shinsuke are overjoyed when the topic goes about the Football Frontier International, and especially shocked at the part that girls can now participate. With that both are overjoyed but then Tenma looks up at the sky one last time and wonder if everything was a dream, but he commented that if it was a dream, it was definitely a good dream. After everything, he rejoices that soccer is indeed back. 51: Soccer is Back! In onda il: 2013-05-01 Finally with everything settled, Matsukaze Tenma, Nishizono Shinsuke and Sorano Aoi look at the past and what happened as time passed and are amazed by what happened. Some kids appear and play soccer and they give out happy looks. Kino Aki arrives and both Tenma and Shinsuke are overjoyed when the topic goes about the Football Frontier International, and especially shocked at the part that girls can now participate. With that both are overjoyed but then Tenma looks up at the sky one last time and wonder if everything was a dream, but he commented that if it was a dream, it was definitely a good dream. After everything, he rejoices that soccer is indeed back. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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