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Urusei Yatsura (2022) [46/46] (2022-2024) Sub ITA Streaming
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Lamù e i casinisti planetari Stagione 1 Episodi 46 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia narra le bizzarre avventure di un gruppo di liceali che vivono a Tomobiki, località immaginaria nel distretto cittadino di Nerima, Tokyo, dove frequentano l'omonimo liceo. La vicenda in particolare ruota intorno ad Ataru Moroboshi, un ragazzo estremamente sfortunato e donnaiolo, e a Lamù, figlia del grande capo degli Oni giunto dallo spazio per invadere la Terra. Vestita unicamente dal suo bikini tigrato, Lamù si innamora di Ataru dopo aver frainteso una sua frase per una proposta di matrimonio. Hideya Takahashi Series Director 木村泰大 Series Director 柿原優子 Series Composition 浅野直之 Character Designer Kaoru Aoki Art Designer Yoshihiro Sono Mechanical Designer JNTHED Mechanical Designer Ryo Hirata Prop Designer Kazuhiro Takamura Character Designer mikitail Character Designer Masanobu Nomura Art Direction Ayaka Nakamura Color Designer Kanji Oshima CGI Director Yuichiro Nagata Director of Photography 廣瀬清志 Editor 横山克 Original Music Composer 岩浪美和 Sound Director Yasushi Kuwata Executive Producer Atsuhiro Iwakami Executive Producer Nobumasa Sawabe Executive Producer Ryo Fujita Executive Producer Genichi Kimura Executive Producer Hisashi Ishiwata Executive Producer Shuichiro Tanaka Executive Producer Yukiko Takase Production Supervisor 三宅将典 Executive Producer Yoshinori Takeeda Producer Kazuki Oshima Producer Noriko Fujimoto Producer Shuho Kondo Producer Masaki Hasebe Producer Toshihiro Funahashi Music Producer Hisataka Kasama Production Supervisor 亀井隆広 Series Director 小山恭正 Sound Effects Michiyo Saito Sound Effects 山口貴之 Sound Mixer Kiyomi Yamada Assistant Editor Chiyuki Kojima Assistant Director of Photography Tasuku Ishibashi Special Effects 高橋留美子 Original Concept 高橋留美子 Comic Book 神谷浩史 Ataru Moroboshi (voice) 上坂すみれ Lum (voice) 内田真礼 Shinobu Miyake (voice) Mamoru Miyano Shutaro Mendo (voice) 高木渉 Cherry (voice) 沢城みゆき Sakura (voice) Episodi: 46 In onda il: 2022-10-14 1: Corri, giovanotto / Una situazione disperata Un gruppo di alieni invasori arriva sulla Terra, l'unica speranza per l'umanità è sconfiggere la figlia del leader alieno in una sfida ad acchiapparello, ma l'umano scelto dagli invasori per competere è un liceale cascamorto di Tokyo. 1: Corri, giovanotto / Una situazione disperata In onda il: 2022-10-14 Un gruppo di alieni invasori arriva sulla Terra, l'unica speranza per l'umanità è sconfiggere la figlia del leader alieno in una sfida ad acchiapparello, ma l'umano scelto dagli invasori per competere è un liceale cascamorto di Tokyo. In onda il: 2022-10-21 2: Un dono tutto per te / Il nastro giallo della felicità Ataru è perseguitato dalla sfortuna, ma incontra una sacerdotessa che decide di esorcizzare i demoni che lo perseguitano. In seguito Ataru chiede a Cherry di preparargli un nastro per sigillare i poteri da oni di Lamù. 2: Un dono tutto per te / Il nastro giallo della felicità In onda il: 2022-10-21 Ataru è perseguitato dalla sfortuna, ma incontra una sacerdotessa che decide di esorcizzare i demoni che lo perseguitano. In seguito Ataru chiede a Cherry di preparargli un nastro per sigillare i poteri da oni di Lamù. In onda il: 2022-10-28 3: I guai piovuti dal cielo! / Aggrovigliati nel labirinto Al liceo Tomobiki arriva il ricchissimo Shutaro Mendo, un nuovo studente che conquisterà il cuore di tutte le ragazze della classe inimicandosi invece tutti i ragazzi che eleggeranno Ataru a capoclasse. 3: I guai piovuti dal cielo! / Aggrovigliati nel labirinto In onda il: 2022-10-28 Al liceo Tomobiki arriva il ricchissimo Shutaro Mendo, un nuovo studente che conquisterà il cuore di tutte le ragazze della classe inimicandosi invece tutti i ragazzi che eleggeranno Ataru a capoclasse. In onda il: 2022-11-04 4: Un bacio per suggellare il patto! Mentre i nostri protagonisti giocano a tennis, piove dal cielo una bella principessa aliena addormentata. Secondo la legge del suo pianeta, chi le darà il bacio del risveglio diventerà il suo sposo e dovrà trascorrere una notte d'amore insieme a lei. 4: Un bacio per suggellare il patto! In onda il: 2022-11-04 Mentre i nostri protagonisti giocano a tennis, piove dal cielo una bella principessa aliena addormentata. Secondo la legge del suo pianeta, chi le darà il bacio del risveglio diventerà il suo sposo e dovrà trascorrere una notte d'amore insieme a lei. In onda il: 2022-11-11 5: I guantoni dell'amore e della lotta / Quanto a lungo ti ho atteso... Al liceo Tomobiki c'è una nuova infermiera, che però sembra conoscere molto bene Ataru. Nel frattempo, i ragazzi decidono di scrivere una finta lettera d'amore ad Ataru per fare una smacco a Shutaro, ma il giovane si convince che incontrerà una ragazza in carne e ossa. 5: I guantoni dell'amore e della lotta / Quanto a lungo ti ho atteso... In onda il: 2022-11-11 Al liceo Tomobiki c'è una nuova infermiera, che però sembra conoscere molto bene Ataru. Nel frattempo, i ragazzi decidono di scrivere una finta lettera d'amore ad Ataru per fare una smacco a Shutaro, ma il giovane si convince che incontrerà una ragazza in carne e ossa. In onda il: 2022-11-18 6: Un bel giorno per partire / Oyuki / Ataru si ritira Ataru torna a casa ansioso di mangiare il sukiyaki, ma Lamù lo informa che dovrà accompagnarla nell'annuale battaglia contro le divinità della fortuna sul suo pianeta natale. Nella seconda parte, una bellissima donna delle nevi porta una valanga di emozioni nella vita di Ataru. 6: Un bel giorno per partire / Oyuki / Ataru si ritira In onda il: 2022-11-18 Ataru torna a casa ansioso di mangiare il sukiyaki, ma Lamù lo informa che dovrà accompagnarla nell'annuale battaglia contro le divinità della fortuna sul suo pianeta natale. Nella seconda parte, una bellissima donna delle nevi porta una valanga di emozioni nella vita di Ataru. In onda il: 2022-11-25 7: Casa è dove si trova il cuore / Rifiuto umido al mare Mentre sono a divertirsi in un hotel di proprietà di Shutaro, i ragazzi scoprono uno yokai che vive sul fondo della piscina. Dato che il mostro fa scappare tutti i clienti dalla paura, Ataru e Lamù decidono di trovargli una nuova abitazione. 7: Casa è dove si trova il cuore / Rifiuto umido al mare In onda il: 2022-11-25 Mentre sono a divertirsi in un hotel di proprietà di Shutaro, i ragazzi scoprono uno yokai che vive sul fondo della piscina. Dato che il mostro fa scappare tutti i clienti dalla paura, Ataru e Lamù decidono di trovargli una nuova abitazione. In onda il: 2022-12-02 8: Confronto serrato con la nuova studentessa... / Confronto serrato alla festa d'addio... Lamù si iscrive al liceo Tomobiki e diventa ufficialmente una compagna di classe di Ataru. Tuttavia, proprio mentre pensa di poter vivere tranquilla al fianco del suo darling, scopre che anche la sua migliore amica Ran si è iscritta alla scuola e in più vuole portarle via il suo darling. 8: Confronto serrato con la nuova studentessa... / Confronto serrato alla festa d'addio... In onda il: 2022-12-02 Lamù si iscrive al liceo Tomobiki e diventa ufficialmente una compagna di classe di Ataru. Tuttavia, proprio mentre pensa di poter vivere tranquilla al fianco del suo darling, scopre che anche la sua migliore amica Ran si è iscritta alla scuola e in più vuole portarle via il suo darling. In onda il: 2022-12-09 9: Uccidere per amore / Caos durante l'ora di studio Rei, l'ex fidanzato di Lamù, arriva sulla Terra per chiederle la mano. Si tratta di un affascinante ragazzo mutaforma che, quando vede il cibo, si trasforma in un mostruoso e ingordo tigrebue, aspetto che Lamù ha sempre detestato. 9: Uccidere per amore / Caos durante l'ora di studio In onda il: 2022-12-09 Rei, l'ex fidanzato di Lamù, arriva sulla Terra per chiederle la mano. Si tratta di un affascinante ragazzo mutaforma che, quando vede il cibo, si trasforma in un mostruoso e ingordo tigrebue, aspetto che Lamù ha sempre detestato. In onda il: 2022-12-16 10: Gli spaventosi colloqui scolastici / Dopo che te ne sei andata La madre di Ataru va a scuola per i colloqui con gli insegnanti e, una volta arrivata, incontra anche la madre di Lamù e quella di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte dell'episodio, Lamù dirà addio ad Ataru e abbandonerà la Terra. 10: Gli spaventosi colloqui scolastici / Dopo che te ne sei andata In onda il: 2022-12-16 La madre di Ataru va a scuola per i colloqui con gli insegnanti e, una volta arrivata, incontra anche la madre di Lamù e quella di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte dell'episodio, Lamù dirà addio ad Ataru e abbandonerà la Terra. In onda il: 2022-12-23 11: I fratelli Mendo / Strana festa di capodanno nella fastidiosa villa dei Mendo A scuola arriva una strana ragazza a cui piace fare scherzi che si presenta come la promessa sposa di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte, Ataru e Lamù sono invitati a casa dei Mendo per festeggiare il capodanno, ma si troveranno coinvolti in uno strano gioco. 11: I fratelli Mendo / Strana festa di capodanno nella fastidiosa villa dei Mendo In onda il: 2022-12-23 A scuola arriva una strana ragazza a cui piace fare scherzi che si presenta come la promessa sposa di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte, Ataru e Lamù sono invitati a casa dei Mendo per festeggiare il capodanno, ma si troveranno coinvolti in uno strano gioco. In onda il: 2023-01-06 12: È arrivato Ten! / Appuntamento a due Arriva sulla Terra Ten, cugino di Lamù e piccolo oni in grado di fluttuare e sputare fiammate. Dato che tutte le ragazze lo ricoprono di attenzioni, Ataru prova invidia per il bambino e idea un piano per fare in modo che sia odiato da Sakura. 12: È arrivato Ten! / Appuntamento a due In onda il: 2023-01-06 Arriva sulla Terra Ten, cugino di Lamù e piccolo oni in grado di fluttuare e sputare fiammate. Dato che tutte le ragazze lo ricoprono di attenzioni, Ataru prova invidia per il bambino e idea un piano per fare in modo che sia odiato da Sakura. In onda il: 2023-01-13 13: La grande guerra del fast food / Un dono da Ten! I professori del liceo Tomobiki decidono di usare il pugno di ferro per vietare agli studenti di uscire dalla scuola a comprare da mangiare. Nella seconda parte, Ten ordina la Pallina LoveLove™ che mostra l'anima gemella con cui ci si sposerà, ma quando le ragazze la provano non vedono chi si aspettavano. 13: La grande guerra del fast food / Un dono da Ten! In onda il: 2023-01-13 I professori del liceo Tomobiki decidono di usare il pugno di ferro per vietare agli studenti di uscire dalla scuola a comprare da mangiare. Nella seconda parte, Ten ordina la Pallina LoveLove™ che mostra l'anima gemella con cui ci si sposerà, ma quando le ragazze la provano non vedono chi si aspettavano. In onda il: 2023-01-20 14: That Mizunokoji Boy / Love Letter Trouble All’s fair in love and… baseball? It’s time for a showdown on the baseball diamond! And once the dust settles, a “love letter” stirs up trouble. 14: That Mizunokoji Boy / Love Letter Trouble In onda il: 2023-01-20 All’s fair in love and… baseball? It’s time for a showdown on the baseball diamond! And once the dust settles, a “love letter” stirs up trouble. In onda il: 2023-01-27 15: Anko Pathos, the Taste of Love?! / Memories and a Close Call... / Adverse Effects Lum and Ran are friends, but one can best describe their relationship as prickly. 15: Anko Pathos, the Taste of Love?! / Memories and a Close Call... / Adverse Effects In onda il: 2023-01-27 Lum and Ran are friends, but one can best describe their relationship as prickly. In onda il: 2023-02-03 16: Family Feud!! / Hello, Sailor Suit!! Ataru and his friends were supposed to have a fun beach trip, but they find themselves swept up in Ryunosuke’s family drama instead! 16: Family Feud!! / Hello, Sailor Suit!! In onda il: 2023-02-03 Ataru and his friends were supposed to have a fun beach trip, but they find themselves swept up in Ryunosuke’s family drama instead! In onda il: 2023-02-10 17: A Chest Full of Longing!! / Wish Upon a Star Ryunosuke teams up with three delinquents to help Shinobu ward off an unwanted suitor. Later, Ataru’s family must be careful what they wish for. 17: A Chest Full of Longing!! / Wish Upon a Star In onda il: 2023-02-10 Ryunosuke teams up with three delinquents to help Shinobu ward off an unwanted suitor. Later, Ataru’s family must be careful what they wish for. In onda il: 2023-02-17 18: Indelible Lipstick Magic!! / Lethal Attacks: Yaminabe! There is nothing suspicious about the lipstick Lum wants to put on Ataru. Nope, nothing suspicious at all. Later, Ataru’s class takes the dreaded Yaminabe food challenge! 18: Indelible Lipstick Magic!! / Lethal Attacks: Yaminabe! In onda il: 2023-02-17 There is nothing suspicious about the lipstick Lum wants to put on Ataru. Nope, nothing suspicious at all. Later, Ataru’s class takes the dreaded Yaminabe food challenge! In onda il: 2023-02-24 19: Magic Realm! Jungle of Terror / Pickled Pro tip: never hurt an octopus’ feelings and never give an oni pickled plums. 19: Magic Realm! Jungle of Terror / Pickled In onda il: 2023-02-24 Pro tip: never hurt an octopus’ feelings and never give an oni pickled plums. In onda il: 2023-03-03 20: Recovering That Which Was Lost Three punks challenge Lum and her friends to a duel after stealing Benten’s precious chain. 20: Recovering That Which Was Lost In onda il: 2023-03-03 Three punks challenge Lum and her friends to a duel after stealing Benten’s precious chain. In onda il: 2023-03-10 21: Cosmo Teacher CAO-2 / Ooh, Scary! Voodoo Doll Lum and her friends worry the past will come back to haunt them. Later, Mendo’s life becomes much more complicated thanks to a voodoo doll. 21: Cosmo Teacher CAO-2 / Ooh, Scary! Voodoo Doll In onda il: 2023-03-10 Lum and her friends worry the past will come back to haunt them. Later, Mendo’s life becomes much more complicated thanks to a voodoo doll. In onda il: 2023-03-17 22: Big Bottle, Little Bottle / When Love Strikes Lum is quite the handful, no matter what size she is. Later, a shapeshifting fox takes a liking to Shinobu. 22: Big Bottle, Little Bottle / When Love Strikes In onda il: 2023-03-17 Lum is quite the handful, no matter what size she is. Later, a shapeshifting fox takes a liking to Shinobu. In onda il: 2023-03-24 23: Title Match!! The Tomo-1 Queen Contest The finalists have different motives. Lum wants Ataru’s attention, Ran wants to get in Lum’s way, Shinobu and Sakura want the money, and Ryunosuke has something to prove. 23: Title Match!! The Tomo-1 Queen Contest In onda il: 2023-03-24 The finalists have different motives. Lum wants Ataru’s attention, Ran wants to get in Lum’s way, Shinobu and Sakura want the money, and Ryunosuke has something to prove. In onda il: 2024-01-12 24: Fantasy Balloon Gum / Love Knows No Barriers Surely Ataru wouldn’t misuse bubble gum that has the power to create whatever he wants. But would that be worse than Lum losing the ability to speak other languages? 24: Fantasy Balloon Gum / Love Knows No Barriers In onda il: 2024-01-12 Surely Ataru wouldn’t misuse bubble gum that has the power to create whatever he wants. But would that be worse than Lum losing the ability to speak other languages? In onda il: 2024-01-19 25: Trickle of Memories / Album of Memories / The Home Visit Blues: Feuding Fujinami Edition Ryunosuke grew up without a mother and wants to know more about her. Unfortunately, her father is keeping an important detail from her. 25: Trickle of Memories / Album of Memories / The Home Visit Blues: Feuding Fujinami Edition In onda il: 2024-01-19 Ryunosuke grew up without a mother and wants to know more about her. Unfortunately, her father is keeping an important detail from her. In onda il: 2024-01-26 26: Electric Jungle Lum has a new suitor, but it doesn’t take long before there’s trouble in paradise. 26: Electric Jungle In onda il: 2024-01-26 Lum has a new suitor, but it doesn’t take long before there’s trouble in paradise. In onda il: 2024-02-02 27: Love Thief / That Mizunokoji Girl Relationship drama swiftly follows when Kurama sets her eyes on Rei. Speaking of relationships, Mendo discovers that he’s engaged to Tobimaro’s sister. 27: Love Thief / That Mizunokoji Girl In onda il: 2024-02-02 Relationship drama swiftly follows when Kurama sets her eyes on Rei. Speaking of relationships, Mendo discovers that he’s engaged to Tobimaro’s sister. In onda il: 2024-02-09 28: The Continuation of: That Mizunokoji Girl As Mendo desperately tries to escape his unwanted engagement, Asuka’s upbringing gives a whole new meaning to the term sheltered. 28: The Continuation of: That Mizunokoji Girl In onda il: 2024-02-09 As Mendo desperately tries to escape his unwanted engagement, Asuka’s upbringing gives a whole new meaning to the term sheltered. In onda il: 2024-02-16 29: Kotatsu Love / Lum Becomes a Cow / The Home Visit Blues: Luxurious Mendo Edition Life is full of unexpected events, like an extra lively kotatsu purchase and Lum believing she’s turning into a cow. 29: Kotatsu Love / Lum Becomes a Cow / The Home Visit Blues: Luxurious Mendo Edition In onda il: 2024-02-16 Life is full of unexpected events, like an extra lively kotatsu purchase and Lum believing she’s turning into a cow. In onda il: 2024-02-23 30: Eerie Earmuffs / Family Tree No good can come of Ataru and Ten switching bodies, nor using Lum’s shortcut to get to school on time. 30: Eerie Earmuffs / Family Tree In onda il: 2024-02-23 No good can come of Ataru and Ten switching bodies, nor using Lum’s shortcut to get to school on time. In onda il: 2024-03-01 31: Open the Door (1) Shinobu, Lum, and Ataru take an unexpected trip to the future. The good news is they discover who their spouses are. The bad news is their disappointment is immeasurable. 31: Open the Door (1) In onda il: 2024-03-01 Shinobu, Lum, and Ataru take an unexpected trip to the future. The good news is they discover who their spouses are. The bad news is their disappointment is immeasurable. In onda il: 2024-03-08 32: Open the Door (2) / The Home Visit Blues: Prohibitive Miyake Edition The trio are determined to find their ideal futures, but each one they find leave them unsatisfied. And Inaba’s coworkers are not happy with the group’s meddling. 32: Open the Door (2) / The Home Visit Blues: Prohibitive Miyake Edition In onda il: 2024-03-08 The trio are determined to find their ideal futures, but each one they find leave them unsatisfied. And Inaba’s coworkers are not happy with the group’s meddling. In onda il: 2024-03-15 33: Haunted Mendo / Last Date Whether it’s an octopus or a girl burdened by regrets, spirits need assistance from the living. Unexpectedly, Mendo and Ataru find themselves navigating these burdens. 33: Haunted Mendo / Last Date In onda il: 2024-03-15 Whether it’s an octopus or a girl burdened by regrets, spirits need assistance from the living. Unexpectedly, Mendo and Ataru find themselves navigating these burdens. In onda il: 2024-03-22 34: The Case of the Battered Principal / The Secret Garden / The Home Visit Blues: Hellish Moroboshi Edition Whodunit? No one saw what happened to the principal despite all of them being in the same room. Later, chaos ensues when flowers start spreading rumors around town. 34: The Case of the Battered Principal / The Secret Garden / The Home Visit Blues: Hellish Moroboshi Edition In onda il: 2024-03-22 Whodunit? No one saw what happened to the principal despite all of them being in the same room. Later, chaos ensues when flowers start spreading rumors around town. In onda il: 2024-03-29 35: Lovely Darling in Danger!! / Foxes in the Moonlight / The Home Visit Blues: Mark Onsen Goes to Space Lum finds herself in a race against time to save Ataru. Later, a certain fox seeks to recreate an old legend with magic horsetail shoots. Even later, Mark meets Lum's parents. 35: Lovely Darling in Danger!! / Foxes in the Moonlight / The Home Visit Blues: Mark Onsen Goes to Space In onda il: 2024-03-29 Lum finds herself in a race against time to save Ataru. Later, a certain fox seeks to recreate an old legend with magic horsetail shoots. Even later, Mark meets Lum's parents. In onda il: 2024-04-12 36: Wretched Shutaro!! What kind of training is Mendo doing, anyway? Lum and Ataru are going to find out. 36: Wretched Shutaro!! In onda il: 2024-04-12 What kind of training is Mendo doing, anyway? Lum and Ataru are going to find out. In onda il: 2024-04-19 37: Asuka Returns / A Stormy Date (1) Asuka's mother hatches a plan to help her daughter overcome her fear of men. It appears that drastic measures are on the horizon. 37: Asuka Returns / A Stormy Date (1) In onda il: 2024-04-19 Asuka's mother hatches a plan to help her daughter overcome her fear of men. It appears that drastic measures are on the horizon. In onda il: 2024-04-26 38: A Stormy Date (2) Asuka and Mendo go on a date and to say things don’t go as planned would be a vast understatement. 38: A Stormy Date (2) In onda il: 2024-04-26 Asuka and Mendo go on a date and to say things don’t go as planned would be a vast understatement. In onda il: 2024-05-03 39: Nagisa's Fiancé / The Fairy's Parasol Ryunosuke and her father are now the proud owners of a seaside cafe and an island after paying a suspiciously cheap price! Later, a fairy asks Ten to find his missing parasol. 39: Nagisa's Fiancé / The Fairy's Parasol In onda il: 2024-05-03 Ryunosuke and her father are now the proud owners of a seaside cafe and an island after paying a suspiciously cheap price! Later, a fairy asks Ten to find his missing parasol. In onda il: 2024-05-10 40: One Night's Battle / Deadly Peril in the Classroom Nagisa needs a kiss from Ryunosuke to pass on, which is easier said than done. Later, Mark threatens his class with supplementary lessons if he catches them talking. 40: One Night's Battle / Deadly Peril in the Classroom In onda il: 2024-05-10 Nagisa needs a kiss from Ryunosuke to pass on, which is easier said than done. Later, Mark threatens his class with supplementary lessons if he catches them talking. In onda il: 2024-05-17 41: Flower Petals of Love and Courage Inaba returns and has an important question for Shinobu. 41: Flower Petals of Love and Courage In onda il: 2024-05-17 Inaba returns and has an important question for Shinobu. In onda il: 2024-05-24 42: Lum's Wrath / Steal My Heart Ten must apologize for ruining Ataru’s scarf, but how? Later, candy hearts have the same effect as love potions. Meanwhile, the Dark Dominion lies on the horizon. 42: Lum's Wrath / Steal My Heart In onda il: 2024-05-24 Ten must apologize for ruining Ataru’s scarf, but how? Later, candy hearts have the same effect as love potions. Meanwhile, the Dark Dominion lies on the horizon. In onda il: 2024-05-31 43: Boy Meets Girl: The Morning of Farewell Lum is not happy when she learns she’s being forced into an arranged marriage thanks to her great grandfather. 43: Boy Meets Girl: The Morning of Farewell In onda il: 2024-05-31 Lum is not happy when she learns she’s being forced into an arranged marriage thanks to her great grandfather. In onda il: 2024-06-07 44: Boy Meets Girl: Are You Really Getting Married? Ataru and Mendo team up with Lum’s friends to save her from a forced marriage. But they aren’t the only ones who’re trying to stop the wedding. 44: Boy Meets Girl: Are You Really Getting Married? In onda il: 2024-06-07 Ataru and Mendo team up with Lum’s friends to save her from a forced marriage. But they aren’t the only ones who’re trying to stop the wedding. In onda il: 2024-06-14 45: Boy Meets Girl: Crooked Heart What started as a misunderstanding ends in a falling out. Now Lum refuses to return until Ataru apologizes. 45: Boy Meets Girl: Crooked Heart In onda il: 2024-06-14 What started as a misunderstanding ends in a falling out. Now Lum refuses to return until Ataru apologizes. In onda il: 2024-06-21 46: Boy Meets Girl: I Want You When I Can't Have You Nessuna trama disponibile 46: Boy Meets Girl: I Want You When I Can't Have You In onda il: 2024-06-21 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I Cavalieri del Drago Stagione 1 Episodi 46 Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia Sono trascorsi ormai tredici anni dalla sconfitta del Re dei Demoni Hadler per mano dell'eroe Aban. Dai, un orfano di dodici anni cresciuto su un'isola popolata da mostri pacifici, sogna di diventare anche lui un valoroso eroe. Un giorno, come ricompensa per aver salvato una principessa in visita sull'isola da un tentativo di assassinio, Dai riceve finalmente il privilegio di essere allenato da Aban in persona, ma durante l'addestramento Aban viene attaccato da Hadler, ritornato in vita grazie alla magia oscura del Grande Satana Baan. Nemmeno sacrificando la sua vita Aban riesce a fermare Hadler e solo il risveglio di un misterioso potere di Dai costringe il Re dei Demoni a battere in ritirata. Questi tragici eventi segnano l'inizio del viaggio di Dai per vendicare la morte di Aban, sconfiggere l'esercito demoniaco e riportare la pace nel mondo. Nobutaka Nishizawa Director Junki Takegami Screenplay Kazuhiko Godo Screenplay Yukiyoshi Ôhashi Screenplay Masayuki Akehi Storyboard Yoshikata Nitta Storyboard Yasuchika Nagaoka Character Designer Atsushi Kido Producer Hiroshi Inoue Producer Yoshio Takami Producer Riku Sanjou Comic Book Hideyuki Tanaka Sound Director Koichi Sugiyama Original Music Composer Toshiko Fujita Dai Aya Hisakawa Princess Leona Banjo Ginga Crocodine Hideyuki Hori Hyunckel Isamu Tanonaka Gramps Brass Kenji Utsumi Vearn Mina Tominaga Maam Takeshi Aono Hudler Yumi Touma Gome-chan Aruno Tahara Badak Chieko Namba Meruru Ken Yamaguchi Flaizzard Naoki Tatsuta Zaboela Unsho Ishizuka Baran Hiroshi Masuoka Temujin Kiyoyuki Yanada Horukinsu Episodi: 46 In onda il: 1991-10-17 1: Ore wa Chiisana Yuusha Dai!! Nessuna trama disponibile 1: Ore wa Chiisana Yuusha Dai!! In onda il: 1991-10-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-10-24 2: Shinasete tamaru ka Leona Hime Nessuna trama disponibile 2: Shinasete tamaru ka Leona Hime In onda il: 1991-10-24 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-10-30 3: Feel anger Dai! Shine Dragon's Emblem!! Nessuna trama disponibile 3: Feel anger Dai! Shine Dragon's Emblem!! In onda il: 1991-10-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-11-07 4: Yuusha no Kateikyoushi Aban Toujou Nessuna trama disponibile 4: Yuusha no Kateikyoushi Aban Toujou In onda il: 1991-11-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-11-14 5: Aban Ryuu Yuusha no Chou Tokkusen!! Nessuna trama disponibile 5: Aban Ryuu Yuusha no Chou Tokkusen!! In onda il: 1991-11-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-11-21 6: Mahou Hudler Shutsugen! Kimeru Hissatsu Waza Uminami Kiri!! Nessuna trama disponibile 6: Mahou Hudler Shutsugen! Kimeru Hissatsu Waza Uminami Kiri!! In onda il: 1991-11-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-11-28 7: Sotsugyou no Akashi wa Karimen, Kessen!! Hudler tai Aban Nessuna trama disponibile 7: Sotsugyou no Akashi wa Karimen, Kessen!! Hudler tai Aban In onda il: 1991-11-28 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-12-05 8: Aban Jiko Gisei Jumon ni Chiru!? Ute, Saikou Waza!! Nessuna trama disponibile 8: Aban Jiko Gisei Jumon ni Chiru!? Ute, Saikou Waza!! In onda il: 1991-12-05 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-12-12 9: Saraba Delmurin Shima! Daibouken he no Tabidachi!! Nessuna trama disponibile 9: Saraba Delmurin Shima! Daibouken he no Tabidachi!! In onda il: 1991-12-12 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1991-12-19 10: Samayoeru Ma no Mori! Kedamono Ou Crocodine Toujou Nessuna trama disponibile 10: Samayoeru Ma no Mori! Kedamono Ou Crocodine Toujou In onda il: 1991-12-19 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-01-09 11: Unaru Shinkuu no Ono! Mukae Geki te Aban Ryuu Katanasatsubou Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Unaru Shinkuu no Ono! Mukae Geki te Aban Ryuu Katanasatsubou In onda il: 1992-01-09 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-01-16 12: Warera ga Shi Aban, Madan Gun ni Nokosareta Omoide Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Warera ga Shi Aban, Madan Gun ni Nokosareta Omoide In onda il: 1992-01-16 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-01-23 13: Youma Shikyou Zaboela no Wana A!? Nise Yuusha Goichigyousama Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Youma Shikyou Zaboela no Wana A!? Nise Yuusha Goichigyousama In onda il: 1992-01-23 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-01-30 14: Hyakujuu Madan Soushingeki!! Romos Oukoku Kiki wo Sugue! Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Hyakujuu Madan Soushingeki!! Romos Oukoku Kiki wo Sugue! In onda il: 1992-01-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-02-06 15: Naze? Dai wo Osou Brass!! Hiretsu nari Youma Shikyou Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Naze? Dai wo Osou Brass!! Hiretsu nari Youma Shikyou In onda il: 1992-02-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-02-13 16: Furui Okose Pop! Hitokakera no Yuuki wo!! Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Furui Okose Pop! Hitokakera no Yuuki wo!! In onda il: 1992-02-13 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-02-20 17: Kiseki wo Yobu Haja Jumon!! Yuujou yoi Makoko ni... Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Kiseki wo Yobu Haja Jumon!! Yuujou yoi Makoko ni... In onda il: 1992-02-20 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-02-27 18: Ikari no Monshou ga Chokugeki!! Hoeru Kedamono Ou Crocodine Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Ikari no Monshou ga Chokugeki!! Hoeru Kedamono Ou Crocodine In onda il: 1992-02-27 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-03-05 19: Umi wo Watare Dai! Maou Ikusa 6 Daigun Danchou Shuugetsu!! Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Umi wo Watare Dai! Maou Ikusa 6 Daigun Danchou Shuugetsu!! In onda il: 1992-03-05 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-03-12 20: Osorubeki Teki Arawaru!? Ma Ken Senshi Hyunkel! Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Osorubeki Teki Arawaru!? Ma Ken Senshi Hyunkel! In onda il: 1992-03-12 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-03-19 21: Chichi no Kataki wa Aban!? Nikushimi no Kuroki Saikyou Ken!! Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Chichi no Kataki wa Aban!? Nikushimi no Kuroki Saikyou Ken!! In onda il: 1992-03-19 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-03-26 22: Ankoku Touki! "Tou Ma Kairai Tanagokoro" ga Dai wo Osou!! Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Ankoku Touki! "Tou Ma Kairai Tanagokoro" ga Dai wo Osou!! In onda il: 1992-03-26 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-04-16 23: Mam no Kiki! Chikara wo Awasete Inazuma Yoge!! Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Mam no Kiki! Chikara wo Awasete Inazuma Yoge!! In onda il: 1992-04-16 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-04-23 24: Mam wo Sukue! Chitei Ma Shiro Sennyuu Shi no Dungeon!! Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Mam wo Sukue! Chitei Ma Shiro Sennyuu Shi no Dungeon!! In onda il: 1992-04-23 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-04-30 25: Omoide wo... Arigatou... Shinjitsu no Chichi no Koe!! Nessuna trama disponibile 25: Omoide wo... Arigatou... Shinjitsu no Chichi no Koe!! In onda il: 1992-04-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-05-07 26: Saraba Kodoku no Senshi Hyunkel!! Kecchaku no Mahouken Nessuna trama disponibile 26: Saraba Kodoku no Senshi Hyunkel!! Kecchaku no Mahouken In onda il: 1992-05-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-05-14 27: Sora kara Kita Mikata!! Dai yo Kyuuge Leona no Moto he Nessuna trama disponibile 27: Sora kara Kita Mikata!! Dai yo Kyuuge Leona no Moto he In onda il: 1992-05-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-05-21 28: Leona wa Ore ga Mamoru! Taiketsu!! Yuusha tai Hien Shogun Nessuna trama disponibile 28: Leona wa Ore ga Mamoru! Taiketsu!! Yuusha tai Hien Shogun In onda il: 1992-05-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-05-28 29: Hien Kekkai!! Aa! Leona ga Kooreru Bijou ni... Nessuna trama disponibile 29: Hien Kekkai!! Aa! Leona ga Kooreru Bijou ni... In onda il: 1992-05-28 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-06-04 30: Aban no Tomo!? Dai Ma Michi Shi Matolif no Dai Tokkun!! Nessuna trama disponibile 30: Aban no Tomo!? Dai Ma Michi Shi Matolif no Dai Tokkun!! In onda il: 1992-06-04 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-06-11 31: Leona Kyuushutsusakusen no Hajimari da! Baruji Shima Jyouriku!! Nessuna trama disponibile 31: Leona Kyuushutsusakusen no Hajimari da! Baruji Shima Jyouriku!! In onda il: 1992-06-11 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-06-18 32: Shukuteki Hudler!! Pop yo Yuuki de Tachimukae!! Nessuna trama disponibile 32: Shukuteki Hudler!! Pop yo Yuuki de Tachimukae!! In onda il: 1992-06-18 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-06-25 33: Senshi wa Fukkatsushita!! Gekitou Hyunkel tai Hudler Nessuna trama disponibile 33: Senshi wa Fukkatsushita!! Gekitou Hyunkel tai Hudler In onda il: 1992-06-25 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-07-02 34: Inochi no Kagayaki! Saishuu Touki Grand Cross!! Nessuna trama disponibile 34: Inochi no Kagayaki! Saishuu Touki Grand Cross!! In onda il: 1992-07-02 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-07-09 35: Fureizaudo Shouri e no Shounen! Arashi no Dangan Bakkasan Nessuna trama disponibile 35: Fureizaudo Shouri e no Shounen! Arashi no Dangan Bakkasan In onda il: 1992-07-09 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-07-16 36: Deta! Aban Ryuu Saigo no Okugi Soraretsukiri Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Deta! Aban Ryuu Saigo no Okugi Soraretsukiri In onda il: 1992-07-16 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-07-23 37: Aban Sutorasshu!! Ima... Subete o Kiru... Nessuna trama disponibile 37: Aban Sutorasshu!! Ima... Subete o Kiru... In onda il: 1992-07-23 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-07-30 38: Aban no Shito no Michi... Soshite, Mam no Hetsui Nessuna trama disponibile 38: Aban no Shito no Michi... Soshite, Mam no Hetsui In onda il: 1992-07-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-08-06 39: Subarashiki Nakama Mam yo, Mata au Hi made... Nessuna trama disponibile 39: Subarashiki Nakama Mam yo, Mata au Hi made... In onda il: 1992-08-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-08-13 40: Bengaana he Kaimono da!! Depaato he Ikou! Nessuna trama disponibile 40: Bengaana he Kaimono da!! Depaato he Ikou! In onda il: 1992-08-13 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-08-20 41: Chou Ryuu Gundan Jyouriku! Bengaana no Machi wo Mamore!! Nessuna trama disponibile 41: Chou Ryuu Gundan Jyouriku! Bengaana no Machi wo Mamore!! In onda il: 1992-08-20 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-08-27 42: Shinpi no Kuni Teran Oukoku... Densetsu ni Nemuru Dragon no Kishi! Nessuna trama disponibile 42: Shinpi no Kuni Teran Oukoku... Densetsu ni Nemuru Dragon no Kishi! In onda il: 1992-08-27 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-09-03 43: Ryuuki Shou Baran wa Kataru... Dragon no Kishi no Shimei! Nessuna trama disponibile 43: Ryuuki Shou Baran wa Kataru... Dragon no Kishi no Shimei! In onda il: 1992-09-03 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-09-10 44: Oyako no Kizuna wa Kanashiki Sadame! Chichi to Ko no Tatakai!! Nessuna trama disponibile 44: Oyako no Kizuna wa Kanashiki Sadame! Chichi to Ko no Tatakai!! In onda il: 1992-09-10 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-09-17 45: Saikyuu no Himitsu wa Dragonicoora!? Oretachi no Dai wo Mamore! Nessuna trama disponibile 45: Saikyuu no Himitsu wa Dragonicoora!? Oretachi no Dai wo Mamore! In onda il: 1992-09-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 1992-09-24 46: Dai yo Tachi Uegare! Yuusha no Michi wa Eien ni! Nessuna trama disponibile 46: Dai yo Tachi Uegare! Yuusha no Michi wa Eien ni! In onda il: 1992-09-24 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Sailor Moon Sailor Moon Episodi 46 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Bunny è una ragazza che frequenta le scuole medie, che tramite una gatta parlante chiamata Luna scopre di essere Sailor Moon, la guerriera dell'amore e della giustizia, il cui compito è quello di rintracciare la principessa dell'antico regno lunare, Silver Millennium, e proteggere la terra dal Regno delle Tenebre. Nella sua missione Bunny verrà aiutata dalle amiche Amy, Rea, Morea e Marta, anch'esse guerriere Sailor, e dal misterioso Milord. Takuya Igarashi Series Director Kunihiko Ikuhara Series Director Kotono Mitsuishi Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (voice) Aya Hisakawa Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (voice) Michie Tomizawa Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (voice) Emi Shinohara Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice) Rica Fukami Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (voice) Toru Furuya Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Mask (voice) Keiko Han Luna (voice) Kae Araki Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon (voice) Yasuhiro Takato Artemis (voice) Episodi: 46 In onda il: 1992-03-07 1: Una guerriera speciale Usagi Tsukino è una normale ragazza giapponese che frequenta la seconda media, piagnucolosa e un po' goffa, come lei stessa ammette, la cui vita subisce un cambiamento radicale il giorno in cui incontra una gatta parlante di nome Luna. Questa le spiega che lei è destinata a diventare una delle Guerriere Sailor paladine della giustizia, per salvare il mondo dalle forze del male e al contempo trovare le sue compagne e la Princess. La sua prima missione risulta esser quella di aiutare la sua migliore amica Naru Osaka, e sua madre proprietaria di un negozio di gioielleria; impara così ad utilizzare i suoi nuovi poteri per combattere i nemici in battaglia, che vogliono impossessarsi dell'energia (energia vitale nell'adattamento italiano) degli esseri umani. Ma ecco che nel momento di maggior difficoltà viene salvata dal misterioso Tuxedo Kamen abbigliato in smoking e cilindro, di cui immediatamente s'innamora. 1: Una guerriera speciale In onda il: 1992-03-07 Usagi Tsukino è una normale ragazza giapponese che frequenta la seconda media, piagnucolosa e un po' goffa, come lei stessa ammette, la cui vita subisce un cambiamento radicale il giorno in cui incontra una gatta parlante di nome Luna. Questa le spiega che lei è destinata a diventare una delle Guerriere Sailor paladine della giustizia, per salvare il mondo dalle forze del male e al contempo trovare le sue compagne e la Princess. La sua prima missione risulta esser quella di aiutare la sua migliore amica Naru Osaka, e sua madre proprietaria di un negozio di gioielleria; impara così ad utilizzare i suoi nuovi poteri per combattere i nemici in battaglia, che vogliono impossessarsi dell'energia (energia vitale nell'adattamento italiano) degli esseri umani. Ma ecco che nel momento di maggior difficoltà viene salvata dal misterioso Tuxedo Kamen abbigliato in smoking e cilindro, di cui immediatamente s'innamora. In onda il: 1992-03-14 2: Vedo e prevedo La Queen Beryl del Dark Kingdom manda il suo servitore Jadeite sulla Terra a raccogliere l'energia degli esseri umani, questo per poter risvegliare dal suo sonno la grande Queen Metaria. Questi tramite un negozio di cartomanzia attira ed inganna un gran numero di persone desiderose di andar a farsi legger la mano e conoscer il proprio futuro, e mediante l'uso della carta del diavolo li rende servitori del male e ad essi ordina di esaudire ogni loro desiderio Dopo aver osservato lo strano comportamento di alcuni dei suoi amici, tra cui Umino Gurio, che vi si sono recati, Usagi si rende conto che sta succedendo qualcosa di strano e si reca, col supporto di Luna, ad indagare. 2: Vedo e prevedo In onda il: 1992-03-14 La Queen Beryl del Dark Kingdom manda il suo servitore Jadeite sulla Terra a raccogliere l'energia degli esseri umani, questo per poter risvegliare dal suo sonno la grande Queen Metaria. Questi tramite un negozio di cartomanzia attira ed inganna un gran numero di persone desiderose di andar a farsi legger la mano e conoscer il proprio futuro, e mediante l'uso della carta del diavolo li rende servitori del male e ad essi ordina di esaudire ogni loro desiderio Dopo aver osservato lo strano comportamento di alcuni dei suoi amici, tra cui Umino Gurio, che vi si sono recati, Usagi si rende conto che sta succedendo qualcosa di strano e si reca, col supporto di Luna, ad indagare. In onda il: 1992-03-21 3: Lettere d'amore Ora Jadeite raccoglie l'energia umana attraverso una spilla a forma di fiore, la flower brooch, che viene consegnata in regalo per posta a coloro le cui lettere d'amore vengono scelte per esser lette al programma Midnight Zero ("Mezzanotte lettere d'amore in diretta" nell'adattamento italiano) dalla stazione radio FM no.10; una delle prime vittime è la professoressa d'inglese di Usagi, Haruna Sakurada, e poi la stessa Naru. Luna scopre il pericolo e convince Usagi ad indagare Trasformatasi grazie alla "penna magica", la penna del cambiamento (penna lunare nell'adattamento italiano) in una conduttrice radiofonica e riesce ad entrare nella stazione radio: dopo essersi trasformata in Sailor Moon si troverà a dover combattere contro Jadeite; per fortuna proprio nel momento in cui si trova più in pericolo compare Tuxedo Kamen ad aiutarla come al solito. 3: Lettere d'amore In onda il: 1992-03-21 Ora Jadeite raccoglie l'energia umana attraverso una spilla a forma di fiore, la flower brooch, che viene consegnata in regalo per posta a coloro le cui lettere d'amore vengono scelte per esser lette al programma Midnight Zero ("Mezzanotte lettere d'amore in diretta" nell'adattamento italiano) dalla stazione radio FM no.10; una delle prime vittime è la professoressa d'inglese di Usagi, Haruna Sakurada, e poi la stessa Naru. Luna scopre il pericolo e convince Usagi ad indagare Trasformatasi grazie alla "penna magica", la penna del cambiamento (penna lunare nell'adattamento italiano) in una conduttrice radiofonica e riesce ad entrare nella stazione radio: dopo essersi trasformata in Sailor Moon si troverà a dover combattere contro Jadeite; per fortuna proprio nel momento in cui si trova più in pericolo compare Tuxedo Kamen ad aiutarla come al solito. In onda il: 1992-03-28 4: Cura dimagrante Usagi è ingrassata di qualche chilo e gli è venuta l'ossessione del peso. Jadeite apre una palestra (palestra con salone di bellezza nell'adattamento italiano), la Shapely (Beauty Gym nell'adattamento italiano), che si occupa principalmente di far perdere peso in brevissimo tempo; in realtà si tratta d'una trappola appositamente escogitata per attrarre le persone in speciali capsule e rubargli in tal modo l'energia mediante i raggi Shape (raggi rinvigorenti nell'adattamento italiano). Usagi e gle sue amiche decidono di entrar in questa palestra attirate dalla prova gratuita e per vedere come ha fatto la loro insegnante a perder molto di peso in un giorno solo; Usagi dopo esser fuggita, scoraggiata dalla troppa fatica, tornerò successivamente, pentita, con Luna insieme a Luna e quest'ultima, vedendo la Professoressa Haruna molto debilitata la segue e scopre le capsule. Convinta Usagi a seguirla, e a trasformarsi in Sailor Moon, si confrontano con Jadeite, il quale però stavolta riesce a fuggire dopo aver fatto raccolto una grande quantità d'energia umana, lasciando però Sailor Moon lottare contro gli allenatori della palestra da lui controllati. Gli allenatori controllati mediante un diadema attaccano Sailor Moon che, convinta da una possibile perdita di peso reagisce, e grazie alla tiara distrugge i diademi e libera i malcapitati. 4: Cura dimagrante In onda il: 1992-03-28 Usagi è ingrassata di qualche chilo e gli è venuta l'ossessione del peso. Jadeite apre una palestra (palestra con salone di bellezza nell'adattamento italiano), la Shapely (Beauty Gym nell'adattamento italiano), che si occupa principalmente di far perdere peso in brevissimo tempo; in realtà si tratta d'una trappola appositamente escogitata per attrarre le persone in speciali capsule e rubargli in tal modo l'energia mediante i raggi Shape (raggi rinvigorenti nell'adattamento italiano). Usagi e gle sue amiche decidono di entrar in questa palestra attirate dalla prova gratuita e per vedere come ha fatto la loro insegnante a perder molto di peso in un giorno solo; Usagi dopo esser fuggita, scoraggiata dalla troppa fatica, tornerò successivamente, pentita, con Luna insieme a Luna e quest'ultima, vedendo la Professoressa Haruna molto debilitata la segue e scopre le capsule. Convinta Usagi a seguirla, e a trasformarsi in Sailor Moon, si confrontano con Jadeite, il quale però stavolta riesce a fuggire dopo aver fatto raccolto una grande quantità d'energia umana, lasciando però Sailor Moon lottare contro gli allenatori della palestra da lui controllati. Gli allenatori controllati mediante un diadema attaccano Sailor Moon che, convinta da una possibile perdita di peso reagisce, e grazie alla tiara distrugge i diademi e libera i malcapitati. In onda il: 1992-04-11 5: Scent of a Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love Usagi tries to convince her parents to let her adopt Luna, but her brother Shingo has a great disliking of Luna and slight ailurophobia. Later, a mysterious new pet store opens in town which is selling strange new creatures that put Shingo and everyone else who gets one into a hypnotic trance. 5: Scent of a Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love In onda il: 1992-04-11 Usagi tries to convince her parents to let her adopt Luna, but her brother Shingo has a great disliking of Luna and slight ailurophobia. Later, a mysterious new pet store opens in town which is selling strange new creatures that put Shingo and everyone else who gets one into a hypnotic trance. In onda il: 1992-04-18 6: Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid Usagi befriends Yusuke Amade, a jazz musician who is being followed by a Youma, and helps him confess to the woman he loves. 6: Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid In onda il: 1992-04-18 Usagi befriends Yusuke Amade, a jazz musician who is being followed by a Youma, and helps him confess to the woman he loves. In onda il: 1992-04-25 7: Usagi Learns Her Lesson: Becoming a Star Is Hard Work Usagi and Naru both dream of becoming stars like Mikan Shiritori, a graduate from their school. When the girls hear that Mikan is holding a talent contest, they see their chance to achieve stardom. 7: Usagi Learns Her Lesson: Becoming a Star Is Hard Work In onda il: 1992-04-25 Usagi and Naru both dream of becoming stars like Mikan Shiritori, a graduate from their school. When the girls hear that Mikan is holding a talent contest, they see their chance to achieve stardom. In onda il: 1992-05-02 8: The Girl Genius Is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror The Sailor Guardians go to the Dream Land amusement park, where visitors have reportedly gone missing. The team splits into two groups: Usagi and Rei and Ami and Luna. But, much to Rei's frustration, Usagi is more focused on playing than finding the missing people. 8: The Girl Genius Is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror In onda il: 1992-05-02 The Sailor Guardians go to the Dream Land amusement park, where visitors have reportedly gone missing. The team splits into two groups: Usagi and Rei and Ami and Luna. But, much to Rei's frustration, Usagi is more focused on playing than finding the missing people. In onda il: 1992-05-09 9: Usagi's Disaster: Beware of the Clock of Confusion Usagi and Ami go to the city to enjoy some shopping, where they find a clock store selling a clock that resembles Luna. Later that day, Usagi is happy to learn that her mother bought the exact same clock as a gift. But that night, the clocks from the store emit a strange light, making Usagi and the rest of Tokyo very impatient. 9: Usagi's Disaster: Beware of the Clock of Confusion In onda il: 1992-05-09 Usagi and Ami go to the city to enjoy some shopping, where they find a clock store selling a clock that resembles Luna. Later that day, Usagi is happy to learn that her mother bought the exact same clock as a gift. But that night, the clocks from the store emit a strange light, making Usagi and the rest of Tokyo very impatient. In onda il: 1992-05-16 10: The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, the Guardian of Fire Several people who take the bus near the Hikawa Shrine have gone missing. Usagi, Ami, and Luna decide to investigate by visiting the shrine. There, they meet Rei Hino, a shrine maiden with strong spiritual powers. 10: The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, the Guardian of Fire In onda il: 1992-05-16 Several people who take the bus near the Hikawa Shrine have gone missing. Usagi, Ami, and Luna decide to investigate by visiting the shrine. There, they meet Rei Hino, a shrine maiden with strong spiritual powers. In onda il: 1992-05-23 11: Usagi vs. Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land Queen Beryl is increasingly furious with Jadeite for his repeated failures; he starts up a theme park, but the general public notices the large number of disappearances. Usagi and Rei, who is now Sailor Mars, begin their combative friendship. 11: Usagi vs. Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land In onda il: 1992-05-23 Queen Beryl is increasingly furious with Jadeite for his repeated failures; he starts up a theme park, but the general public notices the large number of disappearances. Usagi and Rei, who is now Sailor Mars, begin their combative friendship. In onda il: 1992-05-30 12: I Want a Boyfriend: The Luxury Cruise Ship Is a Trap One of Queen Beryl's youma offers to help Jadeite with his wicked plans. Rei wins tickets on a luxury cruise ship and, since she has no boyfriend, asks Ami to accompany her. A jealous Usagi sneaks aboard after them. 12: I Want a Boyfriend: The Luxury Cruise Ship Is a Trap In onda il: 1992-05-30 One of Queen Beryl's youma offers to help Jadeite with his wicked plans. Rei wins tickets on a luxury cruise ship and, since she has no boyfriend, asks Ami to accompany her. A jealous Usagi sneaks aboard after them. In onda il: 1992-06-06 13: Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite Usagi continues to be attracted to both Motoki and Tuxedo Mask. Threatened with Eternal Sleep if should he fail again, Jadeite confronts the Sailor Guardians at an airport. 13: Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite In onda il: 1992-06-06 Usagi continues to be attracted to both Motoki and Tuxedo Mask. Threatened with Eternal Sleep if should he fail again, Jadeite confronts the Sailor Guardians at an airport. In onda il: 1992-06-13 14: A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite's Evil Crest Nephrite is appointed as Jadeite's successor and begins selecting individual targets for energy, the first one being Naru's friend Rui. 14: A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite's Evil Crest In onda il: 1992-06-13 Nephrite is appointed as Jadeite's successor and begins selecting individual targets for energy, the first one being Naru's friend Rui. In onda il: 1992-06-20 15: Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date Rei falls for Mamoru and persuades him to go on a date with her, whilst Nephrite targets the caretaker of a local park. 15: Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date In onda il: 1992-06-20 Rei falls for Mamoru and persuades him to go on a date with her, whilst Nephrite targets the caretaker of a local park. In onda il: 1992-06-27 16: A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes a Bride Usagi decides to enter a homemade wedding dress contest, while her home economics teacher is targeted by Nephrite. 16: A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes a Bride In onda il: 1992-06-27 Usagi decides to enter a homemade wedding dress contest, while her home economics teacher is targeted by Nephrite. In onda il: 1992-07-04 17: Usagi's a Model: The Flash of the Monster Camera Nephrite targets a gifted young photographer, while Usagi tries to achieve her dream of becoming a model. 17: Usagi's a Model: The Flash of the Monster Camera In onda il: 1992-07-04 Nephrite targets a gifted young photographer, while Usagi tries to achieve her dream of becoming a model. In onda il: 1992-07-11 18: Shingo's Love: The Grieving Doll Shingo upsets his friend Mika, an award-winning doll maker whose skills make her the next target for Nephrite's energy gathering. 18: Shingo's Love: The Grieving Doll In onda il: 1992-07-11 Shingo upsets his friend Mika, an award-winning doll maker whose skills make her the next target for Nephrite's energy gathering. In onda il: 1992-07-25 19: Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask Nephrite takes advantage of Sailor Moon's attraction to Tuxedo Mask by sending love letters to Usagi and her classmates. Naru falls in love with him in his civilian disguise, allowing him to drain a large amount of her energy. 19: Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask In onda il: 1992-07-25 Nephrite takes advantage of Sailor Moon's attraction to Tuxedo Mask by sending love letters to Usagi and her classmates. Naru falls in love with him in his civilian disguise, allowing him to drain a large amount of her energy. In onda il: 1992-08-01 20: The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts Usagi, Ami, Rei, and Luna take a vacation in order to train, but the hotel they have booked is haunted by a strange phenomenon. 20: The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts In onda il: 1992-08-01 Usagi, Ami, Rei, and Luna take a vacation in order to train, but the hotel they have booked is haunted by a strange phenomenon. In onda il: 1992-08-08 21: Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime Nephrite uses his most powerful Youma to target an animator working for the new Sailor V movie. 21: Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime In onda il: 1992-08-08 Nephrite uses his most powerful Youma to target an animator working for the new Sailor V movie. In onda il: 1992-08-15 22: Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss Both Luna and Queen Beryl wonder if a visiting princess could be the one the Sailor Senshi has been looking for. Mamoru dreams he is Tuxedo Mask and a girl is asking him for the Silver Crystal. At the ball, Usagi gets her first kiss. 22: Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss In onda il: 1992-08-15 Both Luna and Queen Beryl wonder if a visiting princess could be the one the Sailor Senshi has been looking for. Mamoru dreams he is Tuxedo Mask and a girl is asking him for the Silver Crystal. At the ball, Usagi gets her first kiss. In onda il: 1992-08-22 23: Wish upon a Star: Naru's First Love Zoisite decides to use Nephrite's recently discovered romantic feelings for Naru to manipulate him into handing over the Black Crystal to him. 23: Wish upon a Star: Naru's First Love In onda il: 1992-08-22 Zoisite decides to use Nephrite's recently discovered romantic feelings for Naru to manipulate him into handing over the Black Crystal to him. In onda il: 1992-08-29 24: Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love Still in love with Nephrite, Naru becomes an unwilling tool in the power struggle between Nephrite and Zoisite. 24: Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love In onda il: 1992-08-29 Still in love with Nephrite, Naru becomes an unwilling tool in the power struggle between Nephrite and Zoisite. In onda il: 1992-09-05 25: Jupiter, The Powerful Girl in Love Queen Beryl partially awakens the evil entity Metalia and sends Zoisite and Kunzite to find the Seven Great Youma and their Rainbow Crystals. Meanwhile, the tomboyish Makoto Kino transfers into Usagi's school and falls for a crane-game whiz at the arcade. 25: Jupiter, The Powerful Girl in Love In onda il: 1992-09-05 Queen Beryl partially awakens the evil entity Metalia and sends Zoisite and Kunzite to find the Seven Great Youma and their Rainbow Crystals. Meanwhile, the tomboyish Makoto Kino transfers into Usagi's school and falls for a crane-game whiz at the arcade. In onda il: 1992-09-12 26: Restore Naru's Smile: Usagi's Friendship Naru is still very depressed after Nephrite's death. Usagi and Umino decide to take her to Yokohama to cheer her up. There, a kindly priest is attacked by Zoisite. Mamoru realizes that he is Tuxedo Mask, and drops a locket on the ground, where Usagi finds it. 26: Restore Naru's Smile: Usagi's Friendship In onda il: 1992-09-12 Naru is still very depressed after Nephrite's death. Usagi and Umino decide to take her to Yokohama to cheer her up. There, a kindly priest is attacked by Zoisite. Mamoru realizes that he is Tuxedo Mask, and drops a locket on the ground, where Usagi finds it. In onda il: 1992-10-10 27: Crushing On Ami: The Boy Who Can See the Future Ami meets Ryo Urawa, a clairvoyant boy who has a crush on her. However, Urawa's power makes him aware that he will soon be transformed into a Youma by Zoisite. 27: Crushing On Ami: The Boy Who Can See the Future In onda il: 1992-10-10 Ami meets Ryo Urawa, a clairvoyant boy who has a crush on her. However, Urawa's power makes him aware that he will soon be transformed into a Youma by Zoisite. In onda il: 1992-10-17 28: The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer Usagi and Mamoru are asked to model for the reclusive painter Yumemi Yumeno, who is unexpectedly targeted by Zoisite. 28: The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer In onda il: 1992-10-17 Usagi and Mamoru are asked to model for the reclusive painter Yumemi Yumeno, who is unexpectedly targeted by Zoisite. In onda il: 1992-10-24 29: Total Chaos: The Messy Love Rectangle Makoto, like Usagi, develops a crush on Motoki. The two then decide to pursue him simultaneously, even after finding out that he has a girlfriend, who, meanwhile, is targeted by Zoisite and Kunzite. 29: Total Chaos: The Messy Love Rectangle In onda il: 1992-10-24 Makoto, like Usagi, develops a crush on Motoki. The two then decide to pursue him simultaneously, even after finding out that he has a girlfriend, who, meanwhile, is targeted by Zoisite and Kunzite. In onda il: 1992-10-31 30: Grandpa Loses Control: Rei in Danger After fighting off an attack by Zoisite, Rei's grandfather takes on an apprentice and begins acting strangely. 30: Grandpa Loses Control: Rei in Danger In onda il: 1992-10-31 After fighting off an attack by Zoisite, Rei's grandfather takes on an apprentice and begins acting strangely. In onda il: 1992-11-07 31: Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever Luna discovers that she has an admirer, in the form of an overweight tomcat named Rhett Butler. Meanwhile, the Sailor Guardians and Zoisite compete for the last Rainbow Crystal. 31: Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever In onda il: 1992-11-07 Luna discovers that she has an admirer, in the form of an overweight tomcat named Rhett Butler. Meanwhile, the Sailor Guardians and Zoisite compete for the last Rainbow Crystal. In onda il: 1992-11-14 32: Umino's Resolve: I'll Protect Naru Umino misinterprets Usagi's advice on seducing Naru, and begins to adopt the persona of Tuxedo Mask. 32: Umino's Resolve: I'll Protect Naru In onda il: 1992-11-14 Umino misinterprets Usagi's advice on seducing Naru, and begins to adopt the persona of Tuxedo Mask. In onda il: 1992-11-21 33: Enter Venus, The Last Sailor Guardian Zoisite disguises himself as Sailor Moon to lure Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Guardians out into the open. The Dark Kingdom injures Tuxedo Mask's identity, but they are foiled by the appearance of Sailor Venus. 33: Enter Venus, The Last Sailor Guardian In onda il: 1992-11-21 Zoisite disguises himself as Sailor Moon to lure Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Guardians out into the open. The Dark Kingdom injures Tuxedo Mask's identity, but they are foiled by the appearance of Sailor Venus. In onda il: 1992-11-28 34: The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears Mamoru is forced to confront Zoisite in a duel over the Rainbow Crystals, but Usagi inadvertently becomes involved. 34: The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears In onda il: 1992-11-28 Mamoru is forced to confront Zoisite in a duel over the Rainbow Crystals, but Usagi inadvertently becomes involved. In onda il: 1992-12-05 35: Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru's Past Usagi and Mamoru remember their former lives as Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion. The Dark Kingdom kidnaps the injured Mamoru, but Queen Beryl executes Zoisite for his attempt to kill him. Luna and Artemis tell the Sailor Guardians about their tragic past. 35: Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru's Past In onda il: 1992-12-05 Usagi and Mamoru remember their former lives as Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion. The Dark Kingdom kidnaps the injured Mamoru, but Queen Beryl executes Zoisite for his attempt to kill him. Luna and Artemis tell the Sailor Guardians about their tragic past. In onda il: 1992-12-12 36: Usagi's Confusion: Is Tuxedo Mask Evil? Minako tries to cheer Usagi up by taking her to a hair salon, leading to the discovery that Tuxedo Mask is still alive, but now very different. 36: Usagi's Confusion: Is Tuxedo Mask Evil? In onda il: 1992-12-12 Minako tries to cheer Usagi up by taking her to a hair salon, leading to the discovery that Tuxedo Mask is still alive, but now very different. In onda il: 1992-12-19 37: Let's Become a Princess: Usagi's Bizarre Training Determined to become more like the princess she is supposed to be, Usagi decides to enlist in Countess Rose's Princess Seminar. 37: Let's Become a Princess: Usagi's Bizarre Training In onda il: 1992-12-19 Determined to become more like the princess she is supposed to be, Usagi decides to enlist in Countess Rose's Princess Seminar. In onda il: 1992-12-26 38: The Snow, the Mountains, Friendship and Monsters Usagi and her friends visit the Moonlight Course skiing resort, unaware that Kunzite has sabotaged the Moon Princess Contest in order to unmask Sailor Moon. 38: The Snow, the Mountains, Friendship and Monsters In onda il: 1992-12-26 Usagi and her friends visit the Moonlight Course skiing resort, unaware that Kunzite has sabotaged the Moon Princess Contest in order to unmask Sailor Moon. In onda il: 1993-01-09 39: Paired With a Monster: Mako, the Ice Skating Queen After discovering that the Moon Princess was once known for her graceful ice skating, Kunzite tries to use this information to trap Sailor Moon. The best skater among the girls, however, turns out to be Makoto. Tuxedo Mask appears to help them, but only because he does not agree with Kunzite's method of involving bystanders. 39: Paired With a Monster: Mako, the Ice Skating Queen In onda il: 1993-01-09 After discovering that the Moon Princess was once known for her graceful ice skating, Kunzite tries to use this information to trap Sailor Moon. The best skater among the girls, however, turns out to be Makoto. Tuxedo Mask appears to help them, but only because he does not agree with Kunzite's method of involving bystanders. In onda il: 1993-01-16 40: The Legendary Lake Yokai: The Bond of Usagi's Family Usagi and her family visit a hot springs resort, while Endymion is sent to resurrect an ancient legendary monster. 40: The Legendary Lake Yokai: The Bond of Usagi's Family In onda il: 1993-01-16 Usagi and her family visit a hot springs resort, while Endymion is sent to resurrect an ancient legendary monster. In onda il: 1993-01-23 41: I Won't Run Away from Love Anymore: Ami vs. Mamoru Queen Beryl orders the seven people gathered who had carried Rainbow Crystals, intending to combine them into one huge youma. Ami is determined to protect Urawa. Sailor Moon tries to heal Endymion. 41: I Won't Run Away from Love Anymore: Ami vs. Mamoru In onda il: 1993-01-23 Queen Beryl orders the seven people gathered who had carried Rainbow Crystals, intending to combine them into one huge youma. Ami is determined to protect Urawa. Sailor Moon tries to heal Endymion. In onda il: 1993-01-30 42: Sailor Venus' Past: Minako's Tragic Love Kunzite probes Sailor V's connection with the Sailor Senshi by targeting Katarina, an old acquaintance of Minako's. 42: Sailor Venus' Past: Minako's Tragic Love In onda il: 1993-01-30 Kunzite probes Sailor V's connection with the Sailor Senshi by targeting Katarina, an old acquaintance of Minako's. In onda il: 1993-02-06 43: Usagi Abandoned: The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians On orders from Queen Beryl, Kunzite and his Youma investigate the rumors of a rift between Sailor Moon and the other Inner Sailor Guardians, who seem to want both the mystical Moon Stick and the Silver Crystal for themselves. 43: Usagi Abandoned: The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians In onda il: 1993-02-06 On orders from Queen Beryl, Kunzite and his Youma investigate the rumors of a rift between Sailor Moon and the other Inner Sailor Guardians, who seem to want both the mystical Moon Stick and the Silver Crystal for themselves. In onda il: 1993-02-13 44: Usagi's Awakening: A Message from the Distant Past A blast of energy sends the Guardians to the ruined Moon Kingdom, where they meet a hologram of Queen Serenity and learn about their past. Luna and Artemis find the entrance to the Dark Kingdom. Kunzite attacks, but is finally defeated by Sailor Moon. 44: Usagi's Awakening: A Message from the Distant Past In onda il: 1993-02-13 A blast of energy sends the Guardians to the ruined Moon Kingdom, where they meet a hologram of Queen Serenity and learn about their past. Luna and Artemis find the entrance to the Dark Kingdom. Kunzite attacks, but is finally defeated by Sailor Moon. In onda il: 1993-02-20 45: Death of the Sailor Guardians: The Tragic Final Battle After defeating Kunzite, regaining their past memories, and discovering the Dark Kingdom's hideout the Sailor Senshi head for the enemy, but they must prepare for the ultimate sacrifice. 45: Death of the Sailor Guardians: The Tragic Final Battle In onda il: 1993-02-20 After defeating Kunzite, regaining their past memories, and discovering the Dark Kingdom's hideout the Sailor Senshi head for the enemy, but they must prepare for the ultimate sacrifice. In onda il: 1993-02-27 46: Usagi's Eternal Wish: A Brand New Life With her friends killed, Sailor Moon is transported inside the Dark Kingdom to face Queen Beryl and the brainwashed Prince Endymion. 46: Usagi's Eternal Wish: A Brand New Life In onda il: 1993-02-27 With her friends killed, Sailor Moon is transported inside the Dark Kingdom to face Queen Beryl and the brainwashed Prince Endymion. 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