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Dragon Ball DAIMA [13/20] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Dragon Ball DAIMA Stagione 1 Episodi 20 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Misteriosamente trasformati in versioni mini di se stessi, Goku e i suoi amici viaggiano nel Regno dei Demoni per scoprire la verità e trovare una cura. Akira Toriyama Original Concept 中鶴勝祥 Character Designer 柿原優子 Series Composition Akira Toriyama Story 小牧文 Series Director Akira Toriyama Character Designer 内藤桂 Executive Producer 小山弘起 Executive Producer 廣川拓 Producer 国広守 Producer 山下康介 Original Music Composer Rumiko Nagai Color Designer 浅田竜 Associate Producer Zedd Theme Song Performance CLIEVY Theme Song Performance KEEN Theme Song Performance AI Songs Takashi Kurahashi Art Designer 葛西茉耶 Art Designer Masako Nozawa Son Goku (mini) (voice) 小林由美子 Kaiohshin (mini) (voice) Kōki Uchiyama Glorio (voice) Episodi: 20 In onda il: 2024-10-11 1: La cospirazione In un castello in un mondo misterioso due Majin sospetti, Gomah e Degesu, guardano uno schermo, mostrante Goku e i suoi amici che combattono contro Majin Bu. I due Majin si dirigono sulla Terra per mettere in atto la loro cospirazione. 1: La cospirazione In onda il: 2024-10-11 In un castello in un mondo misterioso due Majin sospetti, Gomah e Degesu, guardano uno schermo, mostrante Goku e i suoi amici che combattono contro Majin Bu. I due Majin si dirigono sulla Terra per mettere in atto la loro cospirazione. In onda il: 2024-10-18 2: Glorio La cospirazione di Gomah ha fatto rimpicciolire Goku e i suoi amici, che si preparano per un viaggio nel mondo demoniaco. Goku ritrova con emozione il suo bastone Nyoi, ed è proprio allora che appare il misterioso giovane Majin Glorio! 2: Glorio In onda il: 2024-10-18 La cospirazione di Gomah ha fatto rimpicciolire Goku e i suoi amici, che si preparano per un viaggio nel mondo demoniaco. Goku ritrova con emozione il suo bastone Nyoi, ed è proprio allora che appare il misterioso giovane Majin Glorio! In onda il: 2024-10-25 3: Daima Goku, Kaiohshin e Glorio partono alla volta del Regno Demoniaco, viaggiando con il loro aereo attraverso lo spazio e dimensioni misteriose. Giungono infine all’entrata del Regno Demoniaco, il “Terzo Mondo Demoniaco”. 3: Daima In onda il: 2024-10-25 Goku, Kaiohshin e Glorio partono alla volta del Regno Demoniaco, viaggiando con il loro aereo attraverso lo spazio e dimensioni misteriose. Giungono infine all’entrata del Regno Demoniaco, il “Terzo Mondo Demoniaco”. In onda il: 2024-11-01 4: Una coppia frizzante Costretti a farsi strada a piedi attraverso il Terzo Mondo dei Demoni, Goku e i suoi compagni si fermano in un drive-in solitario lungo il percorso. Lì incontrano alcuni strani souvenir e una donna Majin piuttosto loquace e stravagante insieme a suo marito! 4: Una coppia frizzante In onda il: 2024-11-01 Costretti a farsi strada a piedi attraverso il Terzo Mondo dei Demoni, Goku e i suoi compagni si fermano in un drive-in solitario lungo il percorso. Lì incontrano alcuni strani souvenir e una donna Majin piuttosto loquace e stravagante insieme a suo marito! In onda il: 2024-11-08 5: Panzy Il Majin mascherato che è apparso davanti a Goku e ai suoi compagni è in realtà una bambina di nome Panzy! Mentre Glorio la ignora freddamente, Panzy insiste per fare da guida. Il gruppo arriva davanti a un castello sospetto! 5: Panzy In onda il: 2024-11-08 Il Majin mascherato che è apparso davanti a Goku e ai suoi compagni è in realtà una bambina di nome Panzy! Mentre Glorio la ignora freddamente, Panzy insiste per fare da guida. Il gruppo arriva davanti a un castello sospetto! In onda il: 2024-11-15 6: Fulmini Dopo un incontro con la polizia militare a guardia del Regno Demoniaco, i quattro trovano riparo in una grotta, dove però li attendono altri guai! Per risolvere la situazione, l'enigmatico Glorio scatena i suoi fulmini magici contro Goku. 6: Fulmini In onda il: 2024-11-15 Dopo un incontro con la polizia militare a guardia del Regno Demoniaco, i quattro trovano riparo in una grotta, dove però li attendono altri guai! Per risolvere la situazione, l'enigmatico Glorio scatena i suoi fulmini magici contro Goku. In onda il: 2024-11-22 7: Il collare Goku e i suoi compagni continuano il loro viaggio ma vengono individuati dalla polizia militare, probabilmente per via del collare magico al collo di Panzy. Riuscirà il nuovo legame d’amicizia a salvare Panzy dal pericolo? 7: Il collare In onda il: 2024-11-22 Goku e i suoi compagni continuano il loro viaggio ma vengono individuati dalla polizia militare, probabilmente per via del collare magico al collo di Panzy. Riuscirà il nuovo legame d’amicizia a salvare Panzy dal pericolo? In onda il: 2024-11-29 8: Il Tamagami Ha inizio lo scontro con uno dei guardiani imbattuti delle Sfere del Drago, un Tamagami! Panzy e tutti gli altri assistono col fiato sospeso al combattimento tra Goku e quest’ultimo. La battaglia infuria, ma come andrà a finire? 8: Il Tamagami In onda il: 2024-11-29 Ha inizio lo scontro con uno dei guardiani imbattuti delle Sfere del Drago, un Tamagami! Panzy e tutti gli altri assistono col fiato sospeso al combattimento tra Goku e quest’ultimo. La battaglia infuria, ma come andrà a finire? In onda il: 2024-12-06 9: Ladri Tutto il Regno Demoniaco parla dell’impresa di Goku che, per evitare guai, indossa un travestimento in un hotel. Tuttavia, lo stratagemma fallisce e Goku non può abbassare la guardia nemmeno per un attimo, poiché dei ladri lo riconoscono! 9: Ladri In onda il: 2024-12-06 Tutto il Regno Demoniaco parla dell’impresa di Goku che, per evitare guai, indossa un travestimento in un hotel. Tuttavia, lo stratagemma fallisce e Goku non può abbassare la guardia nemmeno per un attimo, poiché dei ladri lo riconoscono! In onda il: 2024-12-13 10: L'oceano Goku e i suoi compagni arrivano nel misterioso Secondo Mondo Demoniaco, dove un grande oceano si estende a perdita d’occhio. Il nuovo mondo è fantastico, ma il gruppo viene immediatamente attaccato dalla polizia militare, mandata da Gomah. 10: L'oceano In onda il: 2024-12-13 Goku e i suoi compagni arrivano nel misterioso Secondo Mondo Demoniaco, dove un grande oceano si estende a perdita d’occhio. Il nuovo mondo è fantastico, ma il gruppo viene immediatamente attaccato dalla polizia militare, mandata da Gomah. In onda il: 2024-12-20 11: La leggenda Dopo essersi ricongiunti a Vegeta e gli altri, Goku e i suoi compagni arrivano su un pianeta dall’aria familiare. Mentre stanno per andarsene, un’ombra sospetta si avvicina. È il Leggendario Namecc, l’unico rimasto nel Regno Demoniaco! 11: La leggenda In onda il: 2024-12-20 Dopo essersi ricongiunti a Vegeta e gli altri, Goku e i suoi compagni arrivano su un pianeta dall’aria familiare. Mentre stanno per andarsene, un’ombra sospetta si avvicina. È il Leggendario Namecc, l’unico rimasto nel Regno Demoniaco! In onda il: 2024-12-27 12: La vera forza Quello tra Vegeta e il Tamagami è uno scontro ad armi pari, ma il Saiyan ha delle difficoltà quando viene costretto a un combattimento subacqueo. Ma è proprio quando si ritrova sul fondo dell’oceano che Vegeta sprigiona la sua vera forza! 12: La vera forza In onda il: 2024-12-27 Quello tra Vegeta e il Tamagami è uno scontro ad armi pari, ma il Saiyan ha delle difficoltà quando viene costretto a un combattimento subacqueo. Ma è proprio quando si ritrova sul fondo dell’oceano che Vegeta sprigiona la sua vera forza! In onda il: 2025-01-10 13: Surprise Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Surprise In onda il: 2025-01-10 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-17 14: Episode 14 Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14 In onda il: 2025-01-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-24 15: Episode 15 Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Episode 15 In onda il: 2025-01-24 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-31 16: Episode 16 Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Episode 16 In onda il: 2025-01-31 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-07 17: Episode 17 Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Episode 17 In onda il: 2025-02-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-14 18: Episode 18 Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Episode 18 In onda il: 2025-02-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-21 19: Episode 19 Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Episode 19 In onda il: 2025-02-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-28 20: Episode 20 Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Episode 20 In onda il: 2025-02-28 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Bleach: Sennen Kessen Hen [40/40] (2022-2024) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bleach Thousand Year Blood War Episodi 40 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Bleach segue la vita di Ichigo Kurosaki, uno studente quindicenne con l'abilità di vedere i fantasmi, e di Rukia Kuchiki, uno Shinigami che lo incontra durante una caccia ad un Hollow. Durante lo scontro con lo spirito, Rukia rimane gravemente ferita ed è costretta a trasferire parte dei suoi poteri ad Ichigo, che accetta la proposta della Shinigami nel tentativo di proteggere i suoi familiari, alimentando così la speranza di Rukia che lui sconfigga l'Hollow al suo posto. Tuttavia, durante il processo di trasferimento qualcosa va storto, e Ichigo assorbe tutti i poteri di Rukia, diventando uno Shinigami a pieno titolo. Da qui parte la loro avventura. Insieme, danno la caccia agli Hollow ed eseguono la sepoltura delle anime, mandando gli spiriti erranti nel posto che gli spetta di diritto, sia questo l'Inferno o la Soul Society. 水槽 Theme Song Performance 奥原聡美 Assistant Director of Photography 武藤晶子 Sound Effects Genki Negishi Producer Yoshihiko Tominaga Producer 本多祐 Producer Wataru Hamamoto Line Producer 山内真治 Music Producer 土方真 Producer 星野賢爾 Sound Mixer 宮川治雄 Prop Designer Kazufumi Goto CGI Director 谷岡善王 Art Direction 田口智久 Series Director 佐々木俊宏 CGI Director 三嶋章紀 Editor 長崎行男 Sound Director 山田和弘 Director of Photography Saori Goda Color Designer 平松正樹 Series Composition 田口智久 Series Composition 天田俊貴 Art Designer 鷺巣詩郎 Original Music Composer 工藤昌史 Character Designer 森田成一 Ichigo Kurosaki (voice) Fumiko Orikasa Rukia Kuchiki (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto Yasutora Sado (voice) 松岡由貴 Orihime Inoue (voice) 杉山紀彰 Uryu Ishida (voice) Episodi: 40 In onda il: 2022-10-11 1: The Blood Warfare The Soul Society is observing a sudden surge in the number of Hollows being destroyed. 1: The Blood Warfare In onda il: 2022-10-11 The Soul Society is observing a sudden surge in the number of Hollows being destroyed. In onda il: 2022-10-18 2: Foundation Stones Arrancars Nel Tu and Pesche Guatiche have come to seek Ichigo’s help explaining that Hueco Mundo is under attack by an unknown enemy. Unable to ignore the situation, Ichigo and his friends decide to set out for Hueco Mundo. 2: Foundation Stones In onda il: 2022-10-18 Arrancars Nel Tu and Pesche Guatiche have come to seek Ichigo’s help explaining that Hueco Mundo is under attack by an unknown enemy. Unable to ignore the situation, Ichigo and his friends decide to set out for Hueco Mundo. In onda il: 2022-10-25 3: March of the Starcross Ichigo and his friends arrive in Hueco Mundo to confront Quilge Opie and learn that their latest enemy are Quincies. 3: March of the Starcross In onda il: 2022-10-25 Ichigo and his friends arrive in Hueco Mundo to confront Quilge Opie and learn that their latest enemy are Quincies. In onda il: 2022-11-01 4: Kill the Shadow The Wandenreich mobilizes its elite force, the Stern Ritter, to annihilate the Soul Society. Creating massive flaming pillars of Reishi as a distraction, the Stern Ritter easily enter the Soul Society to bring carnage to the Soul Reapers. 4: Kill the Shadow In onda il: 2022-11-01 The Wandenreich mobilizes its elite force, the Stern Ritter, to annihilate the Soul Society. Creating massive flaming pillars of Reishi as a distraction, the Stern Ritter easily enter the Soul Society to bring carnage to the Soul Reapers. In onda il: 2022-11-08 5: Wrath as a Lightning Quilge Opie uses his power to imprison Ichigo inside the Garganta. As he tries to break free, Ichigo begins to hear, through his Soul Phone, the screams of the Soul Reapers falling to the enemy's onslaught. 5: Wrath as a Lightning In onda il: 2022-11-08 Quilge Opie uses his power to imprison Ichigo inside the Garganta. As he tries to break free, Ichigo begins to hear, through his Soul Phone, the screams of the Soul Reapers falling to the enemy's onslaught. In onda il: 2022-11-15 6: The Fire Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto confronts Yhwach for the first time in a thousand years. As Yhwach finally draws his sword against Genryusai, the Soul Reapers notice an abnormal change taking place across the Seireitei. 6: The Fire In onda il: 2022-11-15 Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto confronts Yhwach for the first time in a thousand years. As Yhwach finally draws his sword against Genryusai, the Soul Reapers notice an abnormal change taking place across the Seireitei. In onda il: 2022-11-22 7: Born in the Dark Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto learns that the Yhwach he defeated was an impostor. The real Yhwach then reveals himself and easily kills Genryusai, sending a wave of shock and devastation across the Soul Reapers. 7: Born in the Dark In onda il: 2022-11-22 Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto learns that the Yhwach he defeated was an impostor. The real Yhwach then reveals himself and easily kills Genryusai, sending a wave of shock and devastation across the Soul Reapers. In onda il: 2022-11-29 8: The Shooting Star Project [Zero Mix] Rescue efforts are being made across the Seireitei to find and help those who've survived the Stern Ritter attack. Meanwhile, Ichigo meets with Mayuri Kurotsuchi about fixing his broken Tensa Zangetsu. 8: The Shooting Star Project [Zero Mix] In onda il: 2022-11-29 Rescue efforts are being made across the Seireitei to find and help those who've survived the Stern Ritter attack. Meanwhile, Ichigo meets with Mayuri Kurotsuchi about fixing his broken Tensa Zangetsu. In onda il: 2022-12-06 9: The Drop Squad Zero brings Ichigo back to the Royal Palace to prepare for the coming battle. Meanwhile, Kyoraku is appointed as the new Head Captain to lead the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. 9: The Drop In onda il: 2022-12-06 Squad Zero brings Ichigo back to the Royal Palace to prepare for the coming battle. Meanwhile, Kyoraku is appointed as the new Head Captain to lead the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. In onda il: 2022-12-13 10: The Battle Kenpachi Zaraki removes his eye patch to fight Retsu Unohana, a.k.a. Yachiru Unohana, “The First Kenpachi.” Meanwhile, Ichigo and Renji head to Hoohden to meet Oh-Etsu Nimaiya, the man who is said to have created the Zanpakuto. 10: The Battle In onda il: 2022-12-13 Kenpachi Zaraki removes his eye patch to fight Retsu Unohana, a.k.a. Yachiru Unohana, “The First Kenpachi.” Meanwhile, Ichigo and Renji head to Hoohden to meet Oh-Etsu Nimaiya, the man who is said to have created the Zanpakuto. In onda il: 2022-12-20 11: Everything but the Rain Ichigo is kicked out of the Royal Palace by Oh-etsu Nimaiya for failing his test. When Ichigo next opens his eyes, he finds himself standing in front of his house in the World of the Living. 11: Everything but the Rain In onda il: 2022-12-20 Ichigo is kicked out of the Royal Palace by Oh-etsu Nimaiya for failing his test. When Ichigo next opens his eyes, he finds himself standing in front of his house in the World of the Living. In onda il: 2022-12-27 12: Everything but the Rain: June Truth Squad 10 Captain Isshin Shiba of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads decides to not report his encounter with the Quincy named Masaki Kurosaki in the World of the Living to the Head Captain. 12: Everything but the Rain: June Truth In onda il: 2022-12-27 Squad 10 Captain Isshin Shiba of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads decides to not report his encounter with the Quincy named Masaki Kurosaki in the World of the Living to the Head Captain. In onda il: 2022-12-27 13: The Blade Is Me Ichigo learns that he is the child born of a Soul Reaper and a Quincy. Finally understanding the truth behind his heritage, Ichigo decides to return to Hoohden with a renewed resolve to finish what he has started. 13: The Blade Is Me In onda il: 2022-12-27 Ichigo learns that he is the child born of a Soul Reaper and a Quincy. Finally understanding the truth behind his heritage, Ichigo decides to return to Hoohden with a renewed resolve to finish what he has started. In onda il: 2023-07-08 14: The Last 9 Days Ichigo prepares to leave the Royal Palace to return to the Seireitei but is stopped by Hyosube, who claims that Ichigo cannot defeat Yhwach as he is now. 14: The Last 9 Days In onda il: 2023-07-08 Ichigo prepares to leave the Royal Palace to return to the Seireitei but is stopped by Hyosube, who claims that Ichigo cannot defeat Yhwach as he is now. In onda il: 2023-07-15 15: PEACE FROM SHADOWS Yhwach sets his plan to end the world in nine days in motion. 15: PEACE FROM SHADOWS In onda il: 2023-07-15 Yhwach sets his plan to end the world in nine days in motion. In onda il: 2023-07-22 16: THE FUNDAMENTAL VIRULENCE Mayuri receives a call from Urahara, who had stayed behind in Hueco Mundo. 16: THE FUNDAMENTAL VIRULENCE In onda il: 2023-07-22 Mayuri receives a call from Urahara, who had stayed behind in Hueco Mundo. In onda il: 2023-07-29 17: HEART OF WOLF The Stern Ritters drive the Soul Reapers deeper into a corner. 17: HEART OF WOLF In onda il: 2023-07-29 The Stern Ritters drive the Soul Reapers deeper into a corner. In onda il: 2023-08-05 18: RAGES AT RINGSIDE Kensei Muguruma joins the battle against Masculine. 18: RAGES AT RINGSIDE In onda il: 2023-08-05 Kensei Muguruma joins the battle against Masculine. In onda il: 2023-08-12 19: THE WHITE HAZE A fearless Rukia takes on Äs Nödt. 19: THE WHITE HAZE In onda il: 2023-08-12 A fearless Rukia takes on Äs Nödt. In onda il: 2023-08-19 20: I AM THE EDGE Isane and Yachiru are attacked by Gwenael. 20: I AM THE EDGE In onda il: 2023-08-19 Isane and Yachiru are attacked by Gwenael. In onda il: 2023-08-26 21: THE HEADLESS STAR Candice, Meninas, Giselle, and Liltotto try to take down Kenpachi. 21: THE HEADLESS STAR In onda il: 2023-08-26 Candice, Meninas, Giselle, and Liltotto try to take down Kenpachi. In onda il: 2023-09-09 22: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES Ichigo tries to stop Yhwach upon learning that his real target lies within the Royal Palace. 22: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES In onda il: 2023-09-09 Ichigo tries to stop Yhwach upon learning that his real target lies within the Royal Palace. In onda il: 2023-09-16 23: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES 2 Ikkaku, Yumichika, and the Arrancars work together to fight off Giselle’s zombies. 23: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES 2 In onda il: 2023-09-16 Ikkaku, Yumichika, and the Arrancars work together to fight off Giselle’s zombies. In onda il: 2023-09-23 24: TOO EARLY TO WIN TOO LATE TO KNOW Yhwach finally enters the Royal Palace. 24: TOO EARLY TO WIN TOO LATE TO KNOW In onda il: 2023-09-23 Yhwach finally enters the Royal Palace. In onda il: 2023-09-30 25: THE MASTER Yhwach confronts Hyosube, who is protecting the real Royal Palace. 25: THE MASTER In onda il: 2023-09-30 Yhwach confronts Hyosube, who is protecting the real Royal Palace. In onda il: 2023-09-30 26: BLACK Yhwach performs Auswählen to bestow power to his fallen Royal Guards. 26: BLACK In onda il: 2023-09-30 Yhwach performs Auswählen to bestow power to his fallen Royal Guards. In onda il: 2024-10-05 27: A The battle between Squad Zero and Yhwach's Royal Guards for the Soul King rages on. 27: A In onda il: 2024-10-05 The battle between Squad Zero and Yhwach's Royal Guards for the Soul King rages on. In onda il: 2024-10-12 28: KILL THE KING Ichigo and his friends hurry to the Reio Greater Palace to stop Yhwach. 28: KILL THE KING In onda il: 2024-10-12 Ichigo and his friends hurry to the Reio Greater Palace to stop Yhwach. In onda il: 2024-10-19 29: THE DARK ARM Ichigo tries to remove the impaled sword from the Soul King and save his life. 29: THE DARK ARM In onda il: 2024-10-19 Ichigo tries to remove the impaled sword from the Soul King and save his life. In onda il: 2024-10-26 30: THE BETRAYER Ukitake takes the place of the slain Soul King by releasing the power of Mimihagi. 30: THE BETRAYER In onda il: 2024-10-26 Ukitake takes the place of the slain Soul King by releasing the power of Mimihagi. In onda il: 2024-11-02 31: AGAINST THE JUDGEMENT Yhwach is overflowing with power from having absorbed the Soul King. 31: AGAINST THE JUDGEMENT In onda il: 2024-11-02 Yhwach is overflowing with power from having absorbed the Soul King. In onda il: 2024-11-09 32: THE HOLY NEWBORN The Soul Reapers regroup to prepare their counterattack against the Quincies. 32: THE HOLY NEWBORN In onda il: 2024-11-09 The Soul Reapers regroup to prepare their counterattack against the Quincies. In onda il: 2024-11-16 33: GATE OF THE SUN Yhwach builds his new castle, Wahr Welt. 33: GATE OF THE SUN In onda il: 2024-11-16 Yhwach builds his new castle, Wahr Welt. In onda il: 2024-11-23 34: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND Kenpachi and Mayuri's group advance through Vier Ast. 34: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND In onda il: 2024-11-23 Kenpachi and Mayuri's group advance through Vier Ast. In onda il: 2024-11-30 35: DON'T CHASE A SHADOW The change in Mayuri's Spiritual Pressure is also felt elsewhere by Urahara and Kyoraku. 35: DON'T CHASE A SHADOW In onda il: 2024-11-30 The change in Mayuri's Spiritual Pressure is also felt elsewhere by Urahara and Kyoraku. In onda il: 2024-12-07 36: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND 2 [NEVER ENDING MY DREAM] Nemu ignores Mayuri's orders by intervening in his battle against Pernida. 36: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND 2 [NEVER ENDING MY DREAM] In onda il: 2024-12-07 Nemu ignores Mayuri's orders by intervening in his battle against Pernida. In onda il: 2024-12-14 37: SHADOWS GONE Lille undergoes further transformation to hunt down and pass judgment on Kyoraku. 37: SHADOWS GONE In onda il: 2024-12-14 Lille undergoes further transformation to hunt down and pass judgment on Kyoraku. In onda il: 2024-12-21 38: FRIEND As the battle between the soul reapers and the quincies rages, Haschwalt finds himself confronted by Bazz-B inside Wahrwelt 38: FRIEND In onda il: 2024-12-21 As the battle between the soul reapers and the quincies rages, Haschwalt finds himself confronted by Bazz-B inside Wahrwelt In onda il: 2024-12-28 39: THE VISIBLE ANSWER Kyoraku has paved the way for the soul reapers to reach the enemy's stronghold within Wahrwelt, but Gerard Valkyrie prevents them from advancing any further. 39: THE VISIBLE ANSWER In onda il: 2024-12-28 Kyoraku has paved the way for the soul reapers to reach the enemy's stronghold within Wahrwelt, but Gerard Valkyrie prevents them from advancing any further. In onda il: 2024-12-29 40: MY LAST WORDS Haschwalt suddenly attacks Uryu to pass judgement. The ensuing explosion and smoke draw Ichigo to the scene where he and Uryu are reunited. 40: MY LAST WORDS In onda il: 2024-12-29 Haschwalt suddenly attacks Uryu to pass judgement. The ensuing explosion and smoke draw Ichigo to the scene where he and Uryu are reunited. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e-
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Kami no Tō 2nd Season [23/26] (2024) [2° Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Tower of God Stagione 2 Episodi 26 Animazione ◦ Mistero ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure Raggiungi la vetta e tutto ti apparterrà. Nella cima della Torre esiste tutto ciò che c'è nel mondo e tutto ciò può essere tuo. Puoi diventare un Dio. Questa è la storia dell'inizio e della fine di Rachel, la ragazza che ha scalato la Torre per poter vedere le stelle e di Bam, il ragazzo che non aveva bisogno di nulla tranne che di lei. Nel tentativo di ricongiungersi con la sua amica, il ragazzo ha deciso di scalare la torre, affrontando una moltitudine di sfide mortali atte a determinare chi è degno di accedere ai piani superiori e chi, invece, sarà costretto a terminare il suo viaggio. 竹内一義 Other 鈴木慧 Series Director 富崎杏奈 Compositing Lead 前田真希 Producer 冨田静加 Producer Yutaro Takadera Supervising Producer 菊川裕之 Supervising Producer Takashi Iida Supervising Producer Takenari Maeda Producer saechan Producer Max Nishi Producer Joseph Chou Producer Haruhito Nakayoshi Executive Producer Takaya Yamaguchi Executive Producer 及川雪江 Editor 関根里枝子 Color Designer 平澤晃弘 Art Designer 池田裕輔 Art Direction 鹿島功光 Character Designer 北澤精吾 Character Designer SIU Original Concept Kevin Penkin Original Music Composer Hiromitsu Iijima Music Producer 山口貴之 Sound Director 谷野美穂 Character Designer 吉田恵里香 Series Composition 市川太一 Jue Viole Grace / Bam (voice) Saori Hayami Rachel (voice) Nobuhiko Okamoto Khun Aguero Agnes (voice) 内田雄馬 Ja Wangnan (voice) 渡部紗弓 Yeon Yihwa (voice) 嶋村侑 Yeo Goseng (voice) 宮下早紀 Yeo Miseng (voice) 松田健一郎 Kang Horyang (voice) 白石兼斗 Hon Akraptor (voice) 河西健吾 Prince (voice) 阿部菜摘子 Nya Nia (voice) 入江直樹 Kim Lurker (voice) Episodi: 26 In onda il: 2024-07-07 1: Last Chance On the twentieth level, there is another test to determine who may continue to climb the tower. Many who have failed and buried their dreams gather there. However, Ja Wangnan does not want to give up and puts everything on one last chance. 1: Last Chance In onda il: 2024-07-07 On the twentieth level, there is another test to determine who may continue to climb the tower. Many who have failed and buried their dreams gather there. However, Ja Wangnan does not want to give up and puts everything on one last chance. In onda il: 2024-07-14 2: The Strongest Regular Once all the successful candidates had gathered, the second test began. However, the Test Director makes a strange proposal to Viole, who passes the test with top marks. 2: The Strongest Regular In onda il: 2024-07-14 Once all the successful candidates had gathered, the second test began. However, the Test Director makes a strange proposal to Viole, who passes the test with top marks. In onda il: 2024-07-21 3: The Trustworthy Room Viole refused to choose companions for the journey ahead. Therefore, another test is being conducted to resolve this issue. 3: The Trustworthy Room In onda il: 2024-07-21 Viole refused to choose companions for the journey ahead. Therefore, another test is being conducted to resolve this issue. In onda il: 2024-07-28 4: Ramen and the Great Big Sky In the test on the 20th floor, the examinees are supposed to form teams and capture rooms. However, trust is a rare resource in a world that rewards betrayal. 4: Ramen and the Great Big Sky In onda il: 2024-07-28 In the test on the 20th floor, the examinees are supposed to form teams and capture rooms. However, trust is a rare resource in a world that rewards betrayal. In onda il: 2024-08-04 5: The Other Team Khun continues to climb the tower, thinking of his best friend Bam. He has assembled a new team and is dragging along the sluggish Rachel. But there's much more going on behind the scenes. 5: The Other Team In onda il: 2024-08-04 Khun continues to climb the tower, thinking of his best friend Bam. He has assembled a new team and is dragging along the sluggish Rachel. But there's much more going on behind the scenes. In onda il: 2024-08-11 6: Zygaena's Flower The team with Viole and Wangnan faces the next test on their journey to the top of the tower. But before that, they are evaluated by Viole's friends from FUG. 6: Zygaena's Flower In onda il: 2024-08-11 The team with Viole and Wangnan faces the next test on their journey to the top of the tower. But before that, they are evaluated by Viole's friends from FUG. In onda il: 2024-08-18 7: Mazino Magic The battle against Urek continues in Zygaena. In a deadly game between Urek and Viole, the stakes are Zygaena's flower. But then, everything takes an unexpected turn. 7: Mazino Magic In onda il: 2024-08-18 The battle against Urek continues in Zygaena. In a deadly game between Urek and Viole, the stakes are Zygaena's flower. But then, everything takes an unexpected turn. In onda il: 2024-08-25 8: Her Name Is Emily Both Khun's team and the team of Wangnan and Viole continue to climb the tower, facing the necessary trials along the way. In the process, they discover a new tool: the increasingly popular chat AI, Emile. 8: Her Name Is Emily In onda il: 2024-08-25 Both Khun's team and the team of Wangnan and Viole continue to climb the tower, facing the necessary trials along the way. In the process, they discover a new tool: the increasingly popular chat AI, Emile. In onda il: 2024-09-01 9: One-Winged Devil Kang Horyang shares his past with his teammates and asks Viole about the source of his power. 9: One-Winged Devil In onda il: 2024-09-01 Kang Horyang shares his past with his teammates and asks Viole about the source of his power. In onda il: 2024-09-08 10: The Hand of Arlen Kang Horyang leaves to look for Cassano alone. Unable to abandon their teammate, Viole and the others go after him. 10: The Hand of Arlen In onda il: 2024-09-08 Kang Horyang leaves to look for Cassano alone. Unable to abandon their teammate, Viole and the others go after him. In onda il: 2024-09-15 11: A Thick and Distant Wall Viole witnesses Kang Horyang's defeat and unleashes an incredible power. Meanwhile, Khun realizes he has been betrayed and rushes to save his teammates. 11: A Thick and Distant Wall In onda il: 2024-09-15 Viole witnesses Kang Horyang's defeat and unleashes an incredible power. Meanwhile, Khun realizes he has been betrayed and rushes to save his teammates. In onda il: 2024-09-22 12: A New Trial The Hand of Arlen is destroyed by FUG. Wangnan's team rescues Khun from the rubble, who explain that the long-haired man he saw is FUG Slayer Candidate Jue Viole Grace. While contemplating recent events, Khun encounters a familiar face... 12: A New Trial In onda il: 2024-09-22 The Hand of Arlen is destroyed by FUG. Wangnan's team rescues Khun from the rubble, who explain that the long-haired man he saw is FUG Slayer Candidate Jue Viole Grace. While contemplating recent events, Khun encounters a familiar face... In onda il: 2024-09-29 13: Archimedes Khun learns the truth from Hwaryun and decides to join Wangnan's team in the Workshop Battle. Meanwhile, Bam remains on Team FUG as Viole. 13: Archimedes In onda il: 2024-09-29 Khun learns the truth from Hwaryun and decides to join Wangnan's team in the Workshop Battle. Meanwhile, Bam remains on Team FUG as Viole. In onda il: 2024-10-06 14: Meeting the Traveler Workshop Manager Io announces a game in which all participants will compete for a spot on the floating ship. As each team prepares for the start of the game, Viole rescues a Traveler being chased by a security robot in a back alley. 14: Meeting the Traveler In onda il: 2024-10-06 Workshop Manager Io announces a game in which all participants will compete for a spot on the floating ship. As each team prepares for the start of the game, Viole rescues a Traveler being chased by a security robot in a back alley. In onda il: 2024-10-13 15: The Promise of That Day Unaware that FUG agent Viole is actually Bam, Endorsi Jahad attempts to capture him. Meanwhile, Team Shibisu launches a surprise attack on the hotel where Team FUG is staying and Wangnan and Team Khun face off against Chang and Quaetro. 15: The Promise of That Day In onda il: 2024-10-13 Unaware that FUG agent Viole is actually Bam, Endorsi Jahad attempts to capture him. Meanwhile, Team Shibisu launches a surprise attack on the hotel where Team FUG is staying and Wangnan and Team Khun face off against Chang and Quaetro. In onda il: 2024-10-20 16: Bam Venticinquesimo Shibisu e i suoi compagni attaccano l'hotel dove alloggiano i membri del FUG. Jue Viole Grace li affronta per evitare una catastrofe. 16: Bam Venticinquesimo In onda il: 2024-10-20 Shibisu e i suoi compagni attaccano l'hotel dove alloggiano i membri del FUG. Jue Viole Grace li affronta per evitare una catastrofe. In onda il: 2024-10-27 17: Funky! The participants that acquired boarding passes enjoy a moment’s rest aboard the Archimedes. Khun is reunited with Rak on the floating ship. With their determination to take back Viole (Bam) from FUG, the “Flag” Workshop Battle finally begins! 17: Funky! In onda il: 2024-10-27 The participants that acquired boarding passes enjoy a moment’s rest aboard the Archimedes. Khun is reunited with Rak on the floating ship. With their determination to take back Viole (Bam) from FUG, the “Flag” Workshop Battle finally begins! In onda il: 2024-11-03 18: The Mad Dog and the Lizard As soon as the game begins, Wangnan, Prince, and Akraptor are forced to fight against Miseng, who has been driven mad by Verdi’s ability. Unable to communicate with Miseng, how will they stop her rampage? 18: The Mad Dog and the Lizard In onda il: 2024-11-03 As soon as the game begins, Wangnan, Prince, and Akraptor are forced to fight against Miseng, who has been driven mad by Verdi’s ability. Unable to communicate with Miseng, how will they stop her rampage? In onda il: 2024-11-10 19: All In Special rules are applied to Anaak and Ran’s match, and they face off against each other one-on-one. As both combatants fight fiercely with all their strength, the gamblers become excited, and the battle finally nears its end! Meanwhile, Beta, who was created in the workshop, appears before Viole... 19: All In In onda il: 2024-11-10 Special rules are applied to Anaak and Ran’s match, and they face off against each other one-on-one. As both combatants fight fiercely with all their strength, the gamblers become excited, and the battle finally nears its end! Meanwhile, Beta, who was created in the workshop, appears before Viole... In onda il: 2024-11-17 20: Like a Flame in the Wind The results of the individual tournament pit the two winning teams, Team Mad Dog and Team FUG, against each other in the Workshop Battle, while the losing teams advance to the training tournament. As their respective battles begin, Khun and Wangnan begin summoning their teammates. 20: Like a Flame in the Wind In onda il: 2024-11-17 The results of the individual tournament pit the two winning teams, Team Mad Dog and Team FUG, against each other in the Workshop Battle, while the losing teams advance to the training tournament. As their respective battles begin, Khun and Wangnan begin summoning their teammates. In onda il: 2024-11-24 21: The Beginning of Dawn Viole is sent to the bottom by Beta where the Thorn can be found. Reflejo appears before the massive Thorn to reveal the truth to Viole. Meanwhile, Team Khun is reunited with Team Shibisu, and they learn FUG’s true goal hidden within the Workshop Battle... 21: The Beginning of Dawn In onda il: 2024-11-24 Viole is sent to the bottom by Beta where the Thorn can be found. Reflejo appears before the massive Thorn to reveal the truth to Viole. Meanwhile, Team Khun is reunited with Team Shibisu, and they learn FUG’s true goal hidden within the Workshop Battle... In onda il: 2024-12-01 22: Their Workshop Khun and the others learn Viole is in trouble and head to the summoning station so they can rescue him. Meanwhile, Beta receives Medina the Regular as a teammate from the gambler sent by FUG. Beta allows Medina to enter his body and becomes its host, making him a legitimate competitor, as he sets out to eliminate all of Viole’s friends! 22: Their Workshop In onda il: 2024-12-01 Khun and the others learn Viole is in trouble and head to the summoning station so they can rescue him. Meanwhile, Beta receives Medina the Regular as a teammate from the gambler sent by FUG. Beta allows Medina to enter his body and becomes its host, making him a legitimate competitor, as he sets out to eliminate all of Viole’s friends! In onda il: 2024-12-08 23: The End of Dawn Nessuna trama disponibile 23: The End of Dawn In onda il: 2024-12-08 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-15 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-12-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-22 25: Episode 25 Nessuna trama disponibile 25: Episode 25 In onda il: 2024-12-22 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-29 26: Episode 26 Nessuna trama disponibile 26: Episode 26 In onda il: 2024-12-29 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan [34/36] (2023-2024) Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Rurouni Kenshin Stagione 1 Episodi 47 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure Sono passati dieci anni dalla fine di Bakumatsu, un'epoca di guerra che vide la rivolta dei cittadini contro lo shogunato Tokugawa. I rivoluzionari volevano creare un tempo di pace e un paese fiorente e libero dall’oppressione. La nuova era Meiji è arrivata, ma la pace non è ancora stata raggiunta. Le spade sono vietate ma le persone vengono ancora uccise per le strade. Gli orfani dei veterani di guerra non hanno nessun posto dove andare, mentre il governo sembra accontentarsi di riempirgli le tasche di soldi. 倉田英之 Series Composition 髙見優 Original Music Composer 西位輝実 Character Designer 和月伸宏 Comic Book 納谷僚介 Sound Director 齋藤幸洋 Art Direction 小山恭正 Sound Effects 小菅和久 Prop Designer 黒碕薫 Series Composition 長谷川舞 Editor 北尾勝 Lead Animator Nasuka Costume Designer 高津純平 Director of Photography Aiko Shinohara Color Designer Masami Niwa Producer 岩上敦宏 Executive Producer 橋本龍 Producer Yoshinori Takeeda Producer 瓶子吉久 Executive Producer Hisashi Ishiwata Executive Producer 中山信宏 Executive Producer Yasushi Kuwata Executive Producer 徳久智成 Sound Mixer 藤尾明史 Executive Producer Shinichi Uehara Art Designer Riona Takanashi Art Designer 成毛克憲 Executive Producer 中谷強 Art Designer Sōma Saitō Kenshin Himura (voice) 高橋李依 Kaoru Kamiya (voice) 八代拓 Sanosuke Sagara (voice) 小市眞琴 Yahiko Myojin (voice) 大西沙織 Megumi Takani (voice) Episodi: 47 In onda il: 2023-07-07 1: Kenshin - Himura Battosai 11th year of the Meiji Era in downtown Tokyo. Kaoru Kamiya, the acting master of the “Kamiya Kasshin-ryu” style, was chasing after the “Hitokiri Battosai,” who was claiming to be a user of her sword style. One night, Kaoru meets a man carrying a sword. She immediately questions the man, but he seems to have absolutely no will to fight. “Is this the rumored Hitokiri Battosai?” As Kaoru dubiously looks on, the man introduces himself as Kenshin Himura, a “Rurouni.” 1: Kenshin - Himura Battosai In onda il: 2023-07-07 11th year of the Meiji Era in downtown Tokyo. Kaoru Kamiya, the acting master of the “Kamiya Kasshin-ryu” style, was chasing after the “Hitokiri Battosai,” who was claiming to be a user of her sword style. One night, Kaoru meets a man carrying a sword. She immediately questions the man, but he seems to have absolutely no will to fight. “Is this the rumored Hitokiri Battosai?” As Kaoru dubiously looks on, the man introduces himself as Kenshin Himura, a “Rurouni.” In onda il: 2023-07-14 2: Tokyo Samurai - Yahiko Myojin It's been a week since the resolution of the crossroad killing case, in which the name of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu was deceptively used. Although the name of Kamiya Dojo has been cleared, there's no sign of an increase in the number of Kaoru's students. Then a passing boy, Yahiko Myojin, pickpockets Kenshin's wallet. Kenshin gives him the wallet, saying that it was his fault for allowing it to get stolen. Yahiko is repulsed at being treated like a child, but he has a reason to collect the money. 2: Tokyo Samurai - Yahiko Myojin In onda il: 2023-07-14 It's been a week since the resolution of the crossroad killing case, in which the name of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu was deceptively used. Although the name of Kamiya Dojo has been cleared, there's no sign of an increase in the number of Kaoru's students. Then a passing boy, Yahiko Myojin, pickpockets Kenshin's wallet. Kenshin gives him the wallet, saying that it was his fault for allowing it to get stolen. Yahiko is repulsed at being treated like a child, but he has a reason to collect the money. In onda il: 2023-07-21 3: Kasshin-ryu - Reborn Yahiko's heart is moved by Kenshin and he decides to quit pickpocketing. Yahiko refuses to pay Kanto Shueigumi and resists their demands, but he is beaten up. Kenshin comes to his rescue and settles the matter. Regretful that he could not solve the problem by himself, Yahiko wishes to become stronger. Seeing this, Kenshin takes Yahiko to the Kamiya Dojo. 3: Kasshin-ryu - Reborn In onda il: 2023-07-21 Yahiko's heart is moved by Kenshin and he decides to quit pickpocketing. Yahiko refuses to pay Kanto Shueigumi and resists their demands, but he is beaten up. Kenshin comes to his rescue and settles the matter. Regretful that he could not solve the problem by himself, Yahiko wishes to become stronger. Seeing this, Kenshin takes Yahiko to the Kamiya Dojo. In onda il: 2023-07-28 4: The Fighter for Hire - Sanosuke Sagara Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko visit Akabeko, a beef hot-pot restaurant, where a group of democratic rights activists gets into a heated argument. One of them throws a bottle of sake, and it hits Kenshin, causing a commotion. Sanosuke Sagara, who happened to be in the store during the quarrel, stood up and blew away the activists with a single flick to the forehead. Seeing Kenshin's strength, Sanosuke's curiosity is roused and he asks, "You wanna buy a fight from me?" 4: The Fighter for Hire - Sanosuke Sagara In onda il: 2023-07-28 Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko visit Akabeko, a beef hot-pot restaurant, where a group of democratic rights activists gets into a heated argument. One of them throws a bottle of sake, and it hits Kenshin, causing a commotion. Sanosuke Sagara, who happened to be in the store during the quarrel, stood up and blew away the activists with a single flick to the forehead. Seeing Kenshin's strength, Sanosuke's curiosity is roused and he asks, "You wanna buy a fight from me?" In onda il: 2023-08-04 5: And Then, Another Kenshin confronts Sanosuke, who wields the giant Zanbato with ease. However, Sanosuke shows his incredible durability after withstanding a strike from Kenshin with ease. This leads Kenshin to instead launch a barrage of blows at him, and Sanosuke falls to the ground. For a moment it looked as if victory has been decided. However, while Sanosuke is in a daze, he recalls the reason for his obsession with victory, his past from ten years ago when he was in the Sekiho Army... 5: And Then, Another In onda il: 2023-08-04 Kenshin confronts Sanosuke, who wields the giant Zanbato with ease. However, Sanosuke shows his incredible durability after withstanding a strike from Kenshin with ease. This leads Kenshin to instead launch a barrage of blows at him, and Sanosuke falls to the ground. For a moment it looked as if victory has been decided. However, while Sanosuke is in a daze, he recalls the reason for his obsession with victory, his past from ten years ago when he was in the Sekiho Army... In onda il: 2023-08-11 6: Kurogasa Kenshin receives a request from the police chief, asking for his help to take down "Kurogasa," a serial killer who has been repeatedly targeting former Revolutionary warriors. Kenshin and Sanosuke go to escort Jusanro Tani, who received a letter containing a death threat. As warned in the letter, at 1:00 a.m. sharp, Kurogasa appears. His true identity was Jine Udo, a vagabond slayer who had made a name for himself in the assassination business since the Bakumatsu Era. 6: Kurogasa In onda il: 2023-08-11 Kenshin receives a request from the police chief, asking for his help to take down "Kurogasa," a serial killer who has been repeatedly targeting former Revolutionary warriors. Kenshin and Sanosuke go to escort Jusanro Tani, who received a letter containing a death threat. As warned in the letter, at 1:00 a.m. sharp, Kurogasa appears. His true identity was Jine Udo, a vagabond slayer who had made a name for himself in the assassination business since the Bakumatsu Era. In onda il: 2023-08-18 7: The Two Hitokiri Knowing how strong Kenshin was when he was the Hitokiri Battosai, Jine takes Kaoru hostage in order to fuel Kenshin's anger. The two engage in a fierce battle. However, Jine, believing that Kenshin has not yet regained his former strength, inflicts the Nikaido Heiho "Shin no Ippo" on Kaoru, causing her to stop breathing. With only two minutes until Kaoru dies of asphyxiation - Kenshin's anger reaches its peak. 7: The Two Hitokiri In onda il: 2023-08-18 Knowing how strong Kenshin was when he was the Hitokiri Battosai, Jine takes Kaoru hostage in order to fuel Kenshin's anger. The two engage in a fierce battle. However, Jine, believing that Kenshin has not yet regained his former strength, inflicts the Nikaido Heiho "Shin no Ippo" on Kaoru, causing her to stop breathing. With only two minutes until Kaoru dies of asphyxiation - Kenshin's anger reaches its peak. In onda il: 2023-08-25 8: Beauty on the Run Sanosuke's friend has died from an opium overdose. However, Kenshin and Sanosuke are perplexed at how he even got his hands on the drug, since opium is banned and too expensive for the average person to afford. Then a mysterious woman, Megumi Takani, appears before them. Kenshin and the others fight off Kanryu Takeda's private army who is trying to capture Megumi. However, Megumi is carrying opium... 8: Beauty on the Run In onda il: 2023-08-25 Sanosuke's friend has died from an opium overdose. However, Kenshin and Sanosuke are perplexed at how he even got his hands on the drug, since opium is banned and too expensive for the average person to afford. Then a mysterious woman, Megumi Takani, appears before them. Kenshin and the others fight off Kanryu Takeda's private army who is trying to capture Megumi. However, Megumi is carrying opium... In onda il: 2023-09-01 9: The Oniwabanshu Strike Hyottoko, a member of the Oniwaban group, raids Kamiya Dojo, where Megumi is hiding. He unleashes his special attack "Fire Breath," in which he breathes fire from his mouth, onto Kenshin and Sanosuke. Anticipating the defeat of Kenshin and the others at the appearance of the powerful middle-ranked spy, Megumi tries to flee the scene, but Kaoru stops her and says "He's fighting for you," telling her to believe in Kenshin's strength. 9: The Oniwabanshu Strike In onda il: 2023-09-01 Hyottoko, a member of the Oniwaban group, raids Kamiya Dojo, where Megumi is hiding. He unleashes his special attack "Fire Breath," in which he breathes fire from his mouth, onto Kenshin and Sanosuke. Anticipating the defeat of Kenshin and the others at the appearance of the powerful middle-ranked spy, Megumi tries to flee the scene, but Kaoru stops her and says "He's fighting for you," telling her to believe in Kenshin's strength. In onda il: 2023-09-08 10: A Reason to Act The pursuers from the Oniwaban Group haven't made an appearance for over a week, and during this time Megumi familiarized herself with the Kamiya Dojo group. Sanosuke, however, was still unsettled and feeling frustrated knowing that Megumi was the one who made the opium that caused his friend's death. Then one day, Megumi suddenly disappears. In a letter they found from her, it stated that she had left of her own volition, but Kenshin and the others found this to be unnatural. They decide to head to Kanryu Takeda's residence, the man who was sending spies after her. 10: A Reason to Act In onda il: 2023-09-08 The pursuers from the Oniwaban Group haven't made an appearance for over a week, and during this time Megumi familiarized herself with the Kamiya Dojo group. Sanosuke, however, was still unsettled and feeling frustrated knowing that Megumi was the one who made the opium that caused his friend's death. Then one day, Megumi suddenly disappears. In a letter they found from her, it stated that she had left of her own volition, but Kenshin and the others found this to be unnatural. They decide to head to Kanryu Takeda's residence, the man who was sending spies after her. In onda il: 2023-09-15 11: Savage Han'nya - Honorable Shikijo Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Yahiko scramble to take back Megumi from the Kanryu residence. They are confronted by Han'nya, a spy of the Oniwaban Group. He trifles Kenshin with his martial arts skills and his "Arm-extension Spell", but Kenshin successfully conquers him when he uncovers the secret of the technique during the fight. Just when it looked like the battle was up, Han'nya removes his mask and reveals his startling true face. 11: Savage Han'nya - Honorable Shikijo In onda il: 2023-09-15 Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Yahiko scramble to take back Megumi from the Kanryu residence. They are confronted by Han'nya, a spy of the Oniwaban Group. He trifles Kenshin with his martial arts skills and his "Arm-extension Spell", but Kenshin successfully conquers him when he uncovers the secret of the technique during the fight. Just when it looked like the battle was up, Han'nya removes his mask and reveals his startling true face. In onda il: 2023-09-22 12: Okashira - Aoshi Shinomori At last, Kenshin faces off against Aoshi Shinomori, the head of the Oniwaban Group. In the Bakumatsu Era, the battle-obsessed "Oniwaban group" lost their meaning of existence after surrendering the castle they served without even being able to fight. Aoshi is unable to bear this regret and is in earnest pursuit of the title of the strongest warrior. As a former Revolutionary warrior, Kenshin cannot tolerate conflict without morality. Two men who made killing their profession in the Bakumatsu Era clash against one another, putting their pride on the line. 12: Okashira - Aoshi Shinomori In onda il: 2023-09-22 At last, Kenshin faces off against Aoshi Shinomori, the head of the Oniwaban Group. In the Bakumatsu Era, the battle-obsessed "Oniwaban group" lost their meaning of existence after surrendering the castle they served without even being able to fight. Aoshi is unable to bear this regret and is in earnest pursuit of the title of the strongest warrior. As a former Revolutionary warrior, Kenshin cannot tolerate conflict without morality. Two men who made killing their profession in the Bakumatsu Era clash against one another, putting their pride on the line. In onda il: 2023-09-29 13: Battle's End In order to kill Kenshin, Kanryu uses his Gatling gun and rains a flurry of bullets at him, uncaring that the Oniwaban Group that was under his command would also be hit by this attack. In the face of this evil act, the Oniwaban Group make full use of their individual abilities to counter the Gatling gun. At this moment, theirs and Kenshin's purpose become one. Kenshin and the Oniwaban group team up to challenge the overwhelming power of a modern weapon. 13: Battle's End In onda il: 2023-09-29 In order to kill Kenshin, Kanryu uses his Gatling gun and rains a flurry of bullets at him, uncaring that the Oniwaban Group that was under his command would also be hit by this attack. In the face of this evil act, the Oniwaban Group make full use of their individual abilities to counter the Gatling gun. At this moment, theirs and Kenshin's purpose become one. Kenshin and the Oniwaban group team up to challenge the overwhelming power of a modern weapon. In onda il: 2023-10-06 14: Yahiko's Battle Yahiko, the sole student of the Kamiya Dojo, has started to step away from his training from time to time. He says he's merely going on a walk, but it is clear that he takes his swordsmanship training very seriously, and it doesn’t look like he's ditching to slack off. Curious about what he's doing, Kenshin, Kaoru, and Sanosuke decide to follow him. What exactly is Yahiko's reason for ditching? 14: Yahiko's Battle In onda il: 2023-10-06 Yahiko, the sole student of the Kamiya Dojo, has started to step away from his training from time to time. He says he's merely going on a walk, but it is clear that he takes his swordsmanship training very seriously, and it doesn’t look like he's ditching to slack off. Curious about what he's doing, Kenshin, Kaoru, and Sanosuke decide to follow him. What exactly is Yahiko's reason for ditching? In onda il: 2023-10-13 15: That Man - Raijuta Kaoru, Kenshin, and Yahiko visit Maekawa Dojo for a training session. The dojo is very lively, and Kaoru's training is well-received by the students of other sword styles. Then a swordsman named Isurugi Raijuta breaks in. He says he is concerned about the future of sword art, and the man, carrying only an actual sword, dismisses the idea of a bamboo sword match. In order to defeat the challenger, Maekawa, the master of Maekawa Dojo, takes on Raijuta, but... 15: That Man - Raijuta In onda il: 2023-10-13 Kaoru, Kenshin, and Yahiko visit Maekawa Dojo for a training session. The dojo is very lively, and Kaoru's training is well-received by the students of other sword styles. Then a swordsman named Isurugi Raijuta breaks in. He says he is concerned about the future of sword art, and the man, carrying only an actual sword, dismisses the idea of a bamboo sword match. In order to defeat the challenger, Maekawa, the master of Maekawa Dojo, takes on Raijuta, but... In onda il: 2023-10-20 16: The Ideal Man Raijuta, who wants to revive the murderous sword, considers Kenshin, who denies his idea, as an enemy. Raijuta initiates a fight using his actual sword, but Kenshin lands a blow that breaks Raijuta's sword and stops the situation from escalating further. After some time has passed, Yutaro, a boy who claims to be Raijuta's apprentice, arrives at the Kamiya Dojo. He claims he has come to challenge Yahiko, with whom he doesn't get along, to a match, but the way Yutaro holds his bamboo sword is no good... 16: The Ideal Man In onda il: 2023-10-20 Raijuta, who wants to revive the murderous sword, considers Kenshin, who denies his idea, as an enemy. Raijuta initiates a fight using his actual sword, but Kenshin lands a blow that breaks Raijuta's sword and stops the situation from escalating further. After some time has passed, Yutaro, a boy who claims to be Raijuta's apprentice, arrives at the Kamiya Dojo. He claims he has come to challenge Yahiko, with whom he doesn't get along, to a match, but the way Yutaro holds his bamboo sword is no good... In onda il: 2023-10-27 17: Settling the Score Yutaro sustains a heavy injury from Raijuta's sword, and it is so severe that he will never be able to swing a sword with that arm ever again. Although Yahiko was constantly disagreeing with Yutaro until now, he understood very well what swordsmanship meant to him. He takes Yutaro's hand and leads him out of the medical room, so they could witness the final battle between Kenshin and Raijuta. Deep in the night on a woodland path, Kenshin and Raijuta's duel begins. 17: Settling the Score In onda il: 2023-10-27 Yutaro sustains a heavy injury from Raijuta's sword, and it is so severe that he will never be able to swing a sword with that arm ever again. Although Yahiko was constantly disagreeing with Yutaro until now, he understood very well what swordsmanship meant to him. He takes Yutaro's hand and leads him out of the medical room, so they could witness the final battle between Kenshin and Raijuta. Deep in the night on a woodland path, Kenshin and Raijuta's duel begins. In onda il: 2023-11-03 18: Sanosuke & Nishiki Paintings Sanosuke is visiting the sukiyaki restaurant Akabeko, where he always leaves his bill on a tab. One of Akabeko's workers, Tae, asks him to go buy a Nishiki painting from the painting shop on her behalf. Though Sanosuke had no interest in paintings, he finds one at the store that catches his eye. It was a painting of the man he looked up to as his master back when he was a member of the Sekiho Army, Captain Sagara. With a gleam in his eyes, Sanosuke makes his way to meet with the artist of the painting. 18: Sanosuke & Nishiki Paintings In onda il: 2023-11-03 Sanosuke is visiting the sukiyaki restaurant Akabeko, where he always leaves his bill on a tab. One of Akabeko's workers, Tae, asks him to go buy a Nishiki painting from the painting shop on her behalf. Though Sanosuke had no interest in paintings, he finds one at the store that catches his eye. It was a painting of the man he looked up to as his master back when he was a member of the Sekiho Army, Captain Sagara. With a gleam in his eyes, Sanosuke makes his way to meet with the artist of the painting. In onda il: 2023-11-10 19: Tsunan & Nishiki Paintings Tsunan is seeking to clear his decade-old unresolved regrets surrounding the Sekiho Army. Empathizing with him, Sanosuke joins Tsunan in conspiring an attack on the Home Ministry. However, Kenshin was waiting for them inside the building to stop them. Seeing the former Revolutionary warrior standing in their way, the same way they faced off against Revolutionary warriors when they were in the Sekiho Army, Tsunan's fighting spirit burns. A flurry of explosives are hurled at Kenshin. 19: Tsunan & Nishiki Paintings In onda il: 2023-11-10 Tsunan is seeking to clear his decade-old unresolved regrets surrounding the Sekiho Army. Empathizing with him, Sanosuke joins Tsunan in conspiring an attack on the Home Ministry. However, Kenshin was waiting for them inside the building to stop them. Seeing the former Revolutionary warrior standing in their way, the same way they faced off against Revolutionary warriors when they were in the Sekiho Army, Tsunan's fighting spirit burns. A flurry of explosives are hurled at Kenshin. In onda il: 2023-11-17 20: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story, Act Zero (1) Kenshin and the group are enjoying some tea time together. The group probes Kenshin to entertain them with an interesting story from his travels, specifically requesting "a story that's unusual, fun, and includes a villain's defeat." To answer to their demands, Kenshin decides to tell them about someone he met when he was visiting a foreign settlement in the lively city of Yokohama. A foreign doctor named Elder who was always wearing a mask. 20: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story, Act Zero (1) In onda il: 2023-11-17 Kenshin and the group are enjoying some tea time together. The group probes Kenshin to entertain them with an interesting story from his travels, specifically requesting "a story that's unusual, fun, and includes a villain's defeat." To answer to their demands, Kenshin decides to tell them about someone he met when he was visiting a foreign settlement in the lively city of Yokohama. A foreign doctor named Elder who was always wearing a mask. In onda il: 2023-11-24 21: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story, Act Zero (2) The current Kenshin has left his past as a manslayer and wished for a peaceful world. Though Elder looked at him with eyes of confusion, Kenshin knew that Elder also shared this same desire for a healthy society and felt a sense of comradery with him. Meanwhile, another doctor called Deian Ishizu was scheming to get rid of Elder, as Elder did not seek monetary gain in exchange for her medical services, and Deian thought this was disrupting his business. Deian hires Espiral, a master of Western swordsmanship, to get rid of Elder. However, it seems Espiral has an entirely different motive for taking on the job... 21: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story, Act Zero (2) In onda il: 2023-11-24 The current Kenshin has left his past as a manslayer and wished for a peaceful world. Though Elder looked at him with eyes of confusion, Kenshin knew that Elder also shared this same desire for a healthy society and felt a sense of comradery with him. Meanwhile, another doctor called Deian Ishizu was scheming to get rid of Elder, as Elder did not seek monetary gain in exchange for her medical services, and Deian thought this was disrupting his business. Deian hires Espiral, a master of Western swordsmanship, to get rid of Elder. However, it seems Espiral has an entirely different motive for taking on the job... In onda il: 2023-12-01 22: Resurrection of the Wolf Kenshin sees a dream recalling the Shinsengumi, who he faced off against back when he was a Revolutionary warrior. The Shinsengumi was a group of highly skilled swordsmen who he fought on equal footing back when he was the Hitokiri Battosai. He feels unsettled and ponders why he is suddenly remembering them. As the tension persists, a mysterious man with very unique-looking eyes pays a visit to the Kamiya Dojo while Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko are not home. When he meets Sanosuke, who just happened to be at the Dojo, he claims that he is Goro Fujita, a medicine seller, but... 22: Resurrection of the Wolf In onda il: 2023-12-01 Kenshin sees a dream recalling the Shinsengumi, who he faced off against back when he was a Revolutionary warrior. The Shinsengumi was a group of highly skilled swordsmen who he fought on equal footing back when he was the Hitokiri Battosai. He feels unsettled and ponders why he is suddenly remembering them. As the tension persists, a mysterious man with very unique-looking eyes pays a visit to the Kamiya Dojo while Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko are not home. When he meets Sanosuke, who just happened to be at the Dojo, he claims that he is Goro Fujita, a medicine seller, but... In onda il: 2023-12-08 23: The Wolf's Fangs After defeating Arundo Akamatsu, Kenshin returns to the Kamiya Dojo and sees Hajime Saito. Hajime had introduced himself to Kaoru and Yahiko as Goro Fujita, the police officer, and they had invited him into the Dojo without any suspicion. Hajime criticizes Kenshin and the others for their naivety. Over the past ten years that Kenshin had washed his hands of manslaying, Hajime had honed his killing intent and skills as a hitman, and now Hajime's ferocity was aimed at them. 23: The Wolf's Fangs In onda il: 2023-12-08 After defeating Arundo Akamatsu, Kenshin returns to the Kamiya Dojo and sees Hajime Saito. Hajime had introduced himself to Kaoru and Yahiko as Goro Fujita, the police officer, and they had invited him into the Dojo without any suspicion. Hajime criticizes Kenshin and the others for their naivety. Over the past ten years that Kenshin had washed his hands of manslaying, Hajime had honed his killing intent and skills as a hitman, and now Hajime's ferocity was aimed at them. In onda il: 2023-12-15 24: Meiji 11, May 14th The person who had sent Hajime to face Kenshin was none other than the Head of the Home Ministry, former Satsuma Domain Revolutionary warrior, Toshimichi Okubo. He asks Kenshin to go to Kyoto to stop the secret plans of a man who claims to be the legitimate successor of the Hitokiri Battosai. However, that man was supposed to have been killed 10 years ago by his own comrades in the government, as they regarded him as a threat. Receiving this request to conduct an assassination, what will Kenshin's answer be...? 24: Meiji 11, May 14th In onda il: 2023-12-15 The person who had sent Hajime to face Kenshin was none other than the Head of the Home Ministry, former Satsuma Domain Revolutionary warrior, Toshimichi Okubo. He asks Kenshin to go to Kyoto to stop the secret plans of a man who claims to be the legitimate successor of the Hitokiri Battosai. However, that man was supposed to have been killed 10 years ago by his own comrades in the government, as they regarded him as a threat. Receiving this request to conduct an assassination, what will Kenshin's answer be...? In onda il: 2024-10-04 25: To Kyoto Making the decision to fight against Shishio, Kenshin leaves Kamiya Dojo and sets off for Kyoto via the Tokaido by himself. Meanwhile, Sanosuke and Yahiko attempt to go to Kyoto to follow Kenshin. 25: To Kyoto In onda il: 2024-10-04 Making the decision to fight against Shishio, Kenshin leaves Kamiya Dojo and sets off for Kyoto via the Tokaido by himself. Meanwhile, Sanosuke and Yahiko attempt to go to Kyoto to follow Kenshin. In onda il: 2024-10-11 26: In viaggio sulla Tokaido dell'era Meiji Rimasta a Tokyo, Megumi incontra Aoshi al dojo Kamiya. Aoshi chiede a Megumi dove sia Kenshin. Quando Megumi cerca di far finta di niente, Aoshi minaccia di ucciderla. Tuttavia, in quel momento appare Saito. Nel frattempo, Kenshin, che si sta dirigendo a Kyoto, incontra una ragazza nella foresta tra le montagne ad Hakone... 26: In viaggio sulla Tokaido dell'era Meiji In onda il: 2024-10-11 Rimasta a Tokyo, Megumi incontra Aoshi al dojo Kamiya. Aoshi chiede a Megumi dove sia Kenshin. Quando Megumi cerca di far finta di niente, Aoshi minaccia di ucciderla. Tuttavia, in quel momento appare Saito. Nel frattempo, Kenshin, che si sta dirigendo a Kyoto, incontra una ragazza nella foresta tra le montagne ad Hakone... In onda il: 2024-10-18 27: Il villaggio abbandonato Misao è alla ricerca di Aoshi e degli Oniwabanshu. Kenshin è sorpreso di sentire il nome di Aoshi e dei suoi uomini. Vedendo la sua reazione, Misao chiede dove sia Aoshi, ma Kenshin si rifiuta di parlare. A poco a poco, però, i sentimenti di Misao per Aoshi smuovono Kenshin, che alla fine decide di andare con lei a Kyoto. 27: Il villaggio abbandonato In onda il: 2024-10-18 Misao è alla ricerca di Aoshi e degli Oniwabanshu. Kenshin è sorpreso di sentire il nome di Aoshi e dei suoi uomini. Vedendo la sua reazione, Misao chiede dove sia Aoshi, ma Kenshin si rifiuta di parlare. A poco a poco, però, i sentimenti di Misao per Aoshi smuovono Kenshin, che alla fine decide di andare con lei a Kyoto. In onda il: 2024-10-25 28: Portrait of the Ambitious Kenshin steps into Shingetsu Village, a place where the Mishima brothers escaped from. The village is currently under the control of Senkaku, Shishio’s subordinate, who rules with an iron fist and uses violence to control the villagers. They are frightened of the violence and unable to do anything but obey. The village has decayed and exudes an unusual aura about it. Kenshin heads over to where Shishio is located with Hajime, who’s learned about the current situation and visited the village. In the background of these events, Eiji’s heart burns with the desire for revenge against Senkaku. 28: Portrait of the Ambitious In onda il: 2024-10-25 Kenshin steps into Shingetsu Village, a place where the Mishima brothers escaped from. The village is currently under the control of Senkaku, Shishio’s subordinate, who rules with an iron fist and uses violence to control the villagers. They are frightened of the violence and unable to do anything but obey. The village has decayed and exudes an unusual aura about it. Kenshin heads over to where Shishio is located with Hajime, who’s learned about the current situation and visited the village. In the background of these events, Eiji’s heart burns with the desire for revenge against Senkaku. In onda il: 2024-11-01 29: To Kyoto, Once More Nessuna trama disponibile 29: To Kyoto, Once More In onda il: 2024-11-01 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-11-08 30: Encounter in the Forest Nessuna trama disponibile 30: Encounter in the Forest In onda il: 2024-11-08 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-11-15 31: Arrival in Kyoto Nessuna trama disponibile 31: Arrival in Kyoto In onda il: 2024-11-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-11-22 32: Cho of the Ten of Swords Nessuna trama disponibile 32: Cho of the Ten of Swords In onda il: 2024-11-22 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-11-29 33: Drawing of the Forbidden Known as “the Sword Hunter” in the Ten Swords organization, Cho is adept at maneuvering a variety of different and unique swords. As for Kenshin, he continues to risk his life and fight for peace in the new era and to save Seiku’s son, Iori, even though he’s forced to fight with a broken sakabato. 33: Drawing of the Forbidden In onda il: 2024-11-29 Known as “the Sword Hunter” in the Ten Swords organization, Cho is adept at maneuvering a variety of different and unique swords. As for Kenshin, he continues to risk his life and fight for peace in the new era and to save Seiku’s son, Iori, even though he’s forced to fight with a broken sakabato. In onda il: 2024-12-06 34: Sakabato First Attack Nessuna trama disponibile 34: Sakabato First Attack In onda il: 2024-12-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-13 35: Episode 35 Nessuna trama disponibile 35: Episode 35 In onda il: 2024-12-13 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-20 36: Episode 36 Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Episode 36 In onda il: 2024-12-20 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-27 37: Episode 37 Nessuna trama disponibile 37: Episode 37 In onda il: 2024-12-27 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-03 38: Episode 38 Nessuna trama disponibile 38: Episode 38 In onda il: 2025-01-03 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-10 39: Episode 39 Nessuna trama disponibile 39: Episode 39 In onda il: 2025-01-10 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-17 40: Episode 40 Nessuna trama disponibile 40: Episode 40 In onda il: 2025-01-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-24 41: Episode 41 Nessuna trama disponibile 41: Episode 41 In onda il: 2025-01-24 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-31 42: Episode 42 Nessuna trama disponibile 42: Episode 42 In onda il: 2025-01-31 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-07 43: Episode 43 Nessuna trama disponibile 43: Episode 43 In onda il: 2025-02-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-14 44: Episode 44 Nessuna trama disponibile 44: Episode 44 In onda il: 2025-02-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-21 45: Episode 45 Nessuna trama disponibile 45: Episode 45 In onda il: 2025-02-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-02-28 46: Episode 46 Nessuna trama disponibile 46: Episode 46 In onda il: 2025-02-28 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-03-07 47: Episode 47 Nessuna trama disponibile 47: Episode 47 In onda il: 2025-03-07 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e-
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Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest [19/24] (2024) [Sequel] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Stagione 1 Episodi 25 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Dopo aver superato le minacce di Acnologia e Zeref, Fairy Tail è più forte ed energico che mai! Natsu e compagni sono partiti per la quest dei 100 anni, e per loro e i membri rimasti alla gilda si preannunciano nuove avventure all'orizzonte! 迫由里香 Character Designer 高梨康治 Original Music Composer はたしょう二 Sound Director 冨岡淳広 Series Composition 渡部穏寛 Series Director Atsuo Ueda Original Concept 石平信司 Other 合田知弘 Other 真島ヒロ Original Concept 大野亮介 Producer 迫由里香 Animation 古川慎 Other 大胡寛二 Other 後藤正浩 Editor 斎藤譲 Producer 勝股英夫 Other 魏斯曼 Art Direction 伊藤由紀子 Color Designer 紅谷佳和 Other 新居祐介 Other 廣瀬唯希 Director of Photography 遠藤哲哉 Producer 角田真敏 Other 寺尾友里 Producer 東山敦 Other 塩谷佳之 Other Tetsuya Kakihara Natsu (voice) 平野綾 Lucy (voice) Rie Kugimiya Happy (voice) Yuichi Nakamura Gray (voice) Sayaka Ōhara Erza (voice) 佐藤聡美 Wendy (voice) Yui Horie Charles (voice) Episodi: 25 In onda il: 2024-07-07 1: The "First" Guild and the "Strongest" Guild Natsu and friends visit the very first Wizard Guild to take a quest that no one has ever completed: the "100 Years Quest." Meanwhile, new recruits join Fairy Tail, but one of them is a little odder than usual... 1: The "First" Guild and the "Strongest" Guild In onda il: 2024-07-07 Natsu and friends visit the very first Wizard Guild to take a quest that no one has ever completed: the "100 Years Quest." Meanwhile, new recruits join Fairy Tail, but one of them is a little odder than usual... In onda il: 2024-07-14 2: The Sea of Dragons The town of Ermina turns out to be a city for fish, where the whole town is submerged in water during high tide. The moment the party mentions Water God Dragon, the fish turn hostile. 2: The Sea of Dragons In onda il: 2024-07-14 The town of Ermina turns out to be a city for fish, where the whole town is submerged in water during high tide. The moment the party mentions Water God Dragon, the fish turn hostile. In onda il: 2024-07-21 3: Blade, Armor, Ash Dragon Eaters are after Mercphobia to gain the power of Water God Dragon. Natsu and the others join in the battle to aid him, but the foes are strong. Meanwhile, Gajeel, Juvia, and Lily investigate Touka despite the protest from Levy. 3: Blade, Armor, Ash In onda il: 2024-07-21 Dragon Eaters are after Mercphobia to gain the power of Water God Dragon. Natsu and the others join in the battle to aid him, but the foes are strong. Meanwhile, Gajeel, Juvia, and Lily investigate Touka despite the protest from Levy. In onda il: 2024-07-28 4: Dyed White Natsu, Wendy, and Erza are captured by the Diabolos, and Lucy sets out to go rescue them. On her way, she meets someone unexpected… Meanwhile, Jellal finds out the secret of Touka. 4: Dyed White In onda il: 2024-07-28 Natsu, Wendy, and Erza are captured by the Diabolos, and Lucy sets out to go rescue them. On her way, she meets someone unexpected… Meanwhile, Jellal finds out the secret of Touka. In onda il: 2024-08-04 5: A Bitter Choice Natsu and the others manage to drive away the Diabolos for now. Then Mercphobia starts to destroy Ermina and its people, which forces Natsu and his friends to make a tough decision. Meanwhile, the White Mage sets out to do what she came to do… 5: A Bitter Choice In onda il: 2024-08-04 Natsu and the others manage to drive away the Diabolos for now. Then Mercphobia starts to destroy Ermina and its people, which forces Natsu and his friends to make a tough decision. Meanwhile, the White Mage sets out to do what she came to do… In onda il: 2024-08-11 6: Lineage of Fire When Mercphobia goes out of control and almost takes out Natsu, a hand shows up to save him. And it belongs to someone Natsu didn't expect: The Fire Dragon God and the son of Igneel, Ignia. 6: Lineage of Fire In onda il: 2024-08-11 When Mercphobia goes out of control and almost takes out Natsu, a hand shows up to save him. And it belongs to someone Natsu didn't expect: The Fire Dragon God and the son of Igneel, Ignia. In onda il: 2024-08-18 7: All's Well That Ends Well As a thank-you for saving Ermina, Mercphobia gives the group information on the rest of the Five Dragon Gods. And while they're in the town of Tekka, they encounter someone who looks exactly like Erza... 7: All's Well That Ends Well In onda il: 2024-08-18 As a thank-you for saving Ermina, Mercphobia gives the group information on the rest of the Five Dragon Gods. And while they're in the town of Tekka, they encounter someone who looks exactly like Erza... In onda il: 2024-08-25 8: Aldoron, the Wood Dragon God The group is headed to Drasil to find Aldoron. Juvia joins, but she is acting strange and warns the group about the White Mage. Drasil turns out to be a town built on Aldoron, and a kind old man shows them around town. But then... 8: Aldoron, the Wood Dragon God In onda il: 2024-08-25 The group is headed to Drasil to find Aldoron. Juvia joins, but she is acting strange and warns the group about the White Mage. Drasil turns out to be a town built on Aldoron, and a kind old man shows them around town. But then... In onda il: 2024-09-01 9: Whiteout Touka the White Mage brainwashed the Fairy Tail members. She plans to destroy the orbs of the five towns on Aldoron to defeat him; Natsu and the other must fight their friends to save them from the White Mage and stop her plan. 9: Whiteout In onda il: 2024-09-01 Touka the White Mage brainwashed the Fairy Tail members. She plans to destroy the orbs of the five towns on Aldoron to defeat him; Natsu and the other must fight their friends to save them from the White Mage and stop her plan. In onda il: 2024-09-08 10: New Foes Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza fight their own Guild friends to free them from the hypnosis. Then, Wendy encounters a new Dragon Eater. And another Dragon Eater Natsu meets turns out to be... 10: New Foes In onda il: 2024-09-08 Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza fight their own Guild friends to free them from the hypnosis. Then, Wendy encounters a new Dragon Eater. And another Dragon Eater Natsu meets turns out to be... In onda il: 2024-09-15 11: Wraith, the Spirit Dragon Natsu fights Wraith, the Spirit Dragon, but Natsu's attacks are useless against him. On the verge of death, Natsu sees Zeref, Mavis, and Igneel. As a thoughtform, Natsu is finally able to attack Wraith. That's when Wraith finds a body to possess... 11: Wraith, the Spirit Dragon In onda il: 2024-09-15 Natsu fights Wraith, the Spirit Dragon, but Natsu's attacks are useless against him. On the verge of death, Natsu sees Zeref, Mavis, and Igneel. As a thoughtform, Natsu is finally able to attack Wraith. That's when Wraith finds a body to possess... In onda il: 2024-09-22 12: A Card in the Hand It turns out that Wraith used to be a Fairy Tail wizard, and Makarov and Wraith were a guild family. Meanwhile, Wendy struggles against Nebaru, and Lucy starts collecting the other Fairy Tail members with the help of Cana and her Magic Cards. 12: A Card in the Hand In onda il: 2024-09-22 It turns out that Wraith used to be a Fairy Tail wizard, and Makarov and Wraith were a guild family. Meanwhile, Wendy struggles against Nebaru, and Lucy starts collecting the other Fairy Tail members with the help of Cana and her Magic Cards. In onda il: 2024-09-29 13: Scarlet Showdown Natsu and Happy find out that Touka is actually a cat, and she has mistaken Happy as Natsu. Meanwhile, Laxus unleashes his new skill, Red Lightning, against Erza. Now it's down to two orbs, but when Happy throws an orb at the White Mage... 13: Scarlet Showdown In onda il: 2024-09-29 Natsu and Happy find out that Touka is actually a cat, and she has mistaken Happy as Natsu. Meanwhile, Laxus unleashes his new skill, Red Lightning, against Erza. Now it's down to two orbs, but when Happy throws an orb at the White Mage... In onda il: 2024-10-13 14: Clinging Dragon Berserk The outcomes of the battles are being decided... While Lucy and the others continue trying to enclose their comrades within the cards, Wendy faces off against the sticky dragon Nebaru, who wants to devour her! 14: Clinging Dragon Berserk In onda il: 2024-10-13 The outcomes of the battles are being decided... While Lucy and the others continue trying to enclose their comrades within the cards, Wendy faces off against the sticky dragon Nebaru, who wants to devour her! In onda il: 2024-10-20 15: The Howling Earth When all five orbs are broken, something unexpected happens: The Wood Dragon God, Aldoron, is revived. It also activates God Seeds, who start attacking Natsu and the others by becoming the person who they consider to be the strongest. 15: The Howling Earth In onda il: 2024-10-20 When all five orbs are broken, something unexpected happens: The Wood Dragon God, Aldoron, is revived. It also activates God Seeds, who start attacking Natsu and the others by becoming the person who they consider to be the strongest. In onda il: 2024-10-27 16: God Seeds Natsu turns Wolfen into a fake Zeref and uses Ankhseram's curse on Wolfen. Other Fairy Tail wizards face three other God Seeds: Metro, Gears, and Doom. Then, the leader of God Seeds, Aldoron, shows up in front of Natsu 16: God Seeds In onda il: 2024-10-27 Natsu turns Wolfen into a fake Zeref and uses Ankhseram's curse on Wolfen. Other Fairy Tail wizards face three other God Seeds: Metro, Gears, and Doom. Then, the leader of God Seeds, Aldoron, shows up in front of Natsu In onda il: 2024-11-03 17: Strength to Live Gray and Juvia take on Metro's main body, while the others fight his golems. In the meantime, Jellal takes on Gears. When it's down to Aldoron himself, an unexpected yet familiar face shows up: Brandish. 17: Strength to Live In onda il: 2024-11-03 Gray and Juvia take on Metro's main body, while the others fight his golems. In the meantime, Jellal takes on Gears. When it's down to Aldoron himself, an unexpected yet familiar face shows up: Brandish. In onda il: 2024-11-10 18: Burning Will Gajeel turns into a giant by Brandish's magic and fights the Wood Dragon God. Now all that's left to defeat is the God Seed Aldoron. Natsu's fire burns Aldoron, who has no respect for human lives as he regards them only as his food. 18: Burning Will In onda il: 2024-11-10 Gajeel turns into a giant by Brandish's magic and fights the Wood Dragon God. Now all that's left to defeat is the God Seed Aldoron. Natsu's fire burns Aldoron, who has no respect for human lives as he regards them only as his food. In onda il: 2024-11-17 19: Aqua Aera White Mage uses Aqua Aera, Touka's spell, to take Fairy Tail wizards to Elentear, her homeland, but they end up in Edolas. After they get reunited with the Fairy Tail in Edolas, Natsu and the others go to see Mystogan for help. 19: Aqua Aera In onda il: 2024-11-17 White Mage uses Aqua Aera, Touka's spell, to take Fairy Tail wizards to Elentear, her homeland, but they end up in Edolas. After they get reunited with the Fairy Tail in Edolas, Natsu and the others go to see Mystogan for help. In onda il: 2024-11-24 20: Selene, the Moon Dragon God The White Mage reveals that her name is Faris and she is from Elentear. She tells the Fairy Tail that she was only doing the Moon Dragon God Selene's bidding to save Elentear. When Selene shows up, she send everyone to Elentear. 20: Selene, the Moon Dragon God In onda il: 2024-11-24 The White Mage reveals that her name is Faris and she is from Elentear. She tells the Fairy Tail that she was only doing the Moon Dragon God Selene's bidding to save Elentear. When Selene shows up, she send everyone to Elentear. In onda il: 2024-12-01 21: The Moonlight Divinities After Selene transports Natsu and the others to Elentear, they are attacked by her lackeys, the Moonlight Divinities. They fight with the Spirit Arts, which is different from Magic or spells, and the Fairy Tail wizards are in trouble. 21: The Moonlight Divinities In onda il: 2024-12-01 After Selene transports Natsu and the others to Elentear, they are attacked by her lackeys, the Moonlight Divinities. They fight with the Spirit Arts, which is different from Magic or spells, and the Fairy Tail wizards are in trouble. In onda il: 2024-12-08 22: Episode 22 Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22 In onda il: 2024-12-08 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-15 23: Episode 23 Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23 In onda il: 2024-12-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-22 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-12-22 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-29 25: Episode 25 Nessuna trama disponibile 25: Episode 25 In onda il: 2024-12-29 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
NieR:Automata Ver1.1a [24/24] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Degli invasori provenienti da un altro mondo sferrano un attacco improvviso utilizzando la loro arma segreta; delle biomacchine. Per scampare a questa terribile minaccia, l’umanità è obbligata ad abbandonare la Terra e a rifugiarsi sulla luna. Per cercare di riconquistare il loro pianeta, gli umani organizzano una resistenza formata da androidi-soldato, ma riescono solamente a rallentare l’avanzata delle macchine. Nella speranza che annienti il nemico, viene introdotta una nuova unità di fanteria androide, la squadra YoRHa. Su questa terra arida ed abbandonata, la brutale guerra tra le macchine e gli androidi continua ad infuriare. Una guerra che presto porterà a galla la verità su questo mondo... 益山亮司 Series Director Jun Nakai Character Designer ヨコオタロウ Series Composition 益山亮司 Series Composition Toshiaki Aoshima Director of Photography Shun Takeda Prop Designer 加藤浩 Supervising Art Director 稲田正輝 Action Director 長崎行男 Sound Director amazarashi Theme Song Performance 高橋武之 Art Designer Yuusuke Noma CGI Director 坂上裕文 Art Direction Takahiro Mogi Color Designer Kenichi Kaneko Researcher 三嶋章紀 Editor Shun Takeda Action Director Aimer Theme Song Performance Keiichi Okabe Music Producer 木村康貴 Executive Producer 齊藤陽介 Technical Supervisor 藤村智子 Producer 三宅将典 Executive Producer 松本美穂 Producer 岡山優美 Assistant Art Director Ryusuke Kodera Assistant Director of Photography 入佐芽詠美 Special Effects 石川由依 2B (voice) Natsuki Hanae 9S (voice) 諏訪彩花 A2 (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto Pod 042 (voice) あきやまかおる Pod 153 (voice) Daisuke Namikawa Adam (voice) Tatsuhisa Suzuki Eve (voice) Aoi Yūki Pascal (voice) 加納千秋 Commander (voice) 磯部恵子 Operator 60 (voice) 初美メアリ Operator 210 (voice) 種﨑敦美 Lily (voice) 白石涼子 Devola (voice) / Popola (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-01-08 1: Episodio 1 ▶▶ Rapporto: Pod 042 Anno 5012. Forme di vita conosciute come < Alieni > iniziano l'invasione della Terra. Questa unità è un dispositivo di accompagnamento, nominativo < Pod 042 >. L'androide assegnato a questa unità è < 2B >, un < modello YoRHa >. 1: Episodio 1 In onda il: 2023-01-08 ▶▶ Rapporto: Pod 042 Anno 5012. Forme di vita conosciute come < Alieni > iniziano l'invasione della Terra. Questa unità è un dispositivo di accompagnamento, nominativo < Pod 042 >. L'androide assegnato a questa unità è < 2B >, un < modello YoRHa >. In onda il: 2023-01-15 2: Episodio 2 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Trovati nuovi dati non registrati nell'archivio esistente durante le ricerche sulla superficie. La missione delle biomacchine era distruggere gli androidi. Ma le biomacchine non desideravano più combattere. 2: Episodio 2 In onda il: 2023-01-15 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Trovati nuovi dati non registrati nell'archivio esistente durante le ricerche sulla superficie. La missione delle biomacchine era distruggere gli androidi. Ma le biomacchine non desideravano più combattere. In onda il: 2023-01-22 3: Episodio 3 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Le unità YoRHa 2B e 9S hanno assistito un gruppo della Resistenza attaccato da alcune biomacchine. Il capo della Resistenza, identificatosi come < Lily >, li ha guidati alla base, l'Accampamento della Resistenza. 3: Episodio 3 In onda il: 2023-01-22 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Le unità YoRHa 2B e 9S hanno assistito un gruppo della Resistenza attaccato da alcune biomacchine. Il capo della Resistenza, identificatosi come < Lily >, li ha guidati alla base, l'Accampamento della Resistenza. In onda il: 2023-02-19 4: Episodio 4 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Durante le indagini nella Zona Desertica sono state rilevate alcune entità non presenti nei dati precedentemente registrate, descritte come "biomacchine dotate di parola" e "biomacchine molto simili agli androidi". 4: Episodio 4 In onda il: 2023-02-19 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Durante le indagini nella Zona Desertica sono state rilevate alcune entità non presenti nei dati precedentemente registrate, descritte come "biomacchine dotate di parola" e "biomacchine molto simili agli androidi". In onda il: 2023-02-26 5: Episodio 5 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Verifica delle informazioni di scambi tra la Resistenza e le biomacchine. Nonostante il rapporto di ostilità fra androidi e biomacchine, sembra che le biomacchine con cui commerciano non abbiano reazioni ostili. 5: Episodio 5 In onda il: 2023-02-26 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Verifica delle informazioni di scambi tra la Resistenza e le biomacchine. Nonostante il rapporto di ostilità fra androidi e biomacchine, sembra che le biomacchine con cui commerciano non abbiano reazioni ostili. In onda il: 2023-03-05 6: Episodio 6 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Dati trovati. Si suppone siano parte di una registrazione del passato. 8 dicembre 11941. Ho incontrato degli androidi inviati sulla Terra in missione top secret. Si fanno chiamare < soldati YoRHa >. 6: Episodio 6 In onda il: 2023-03-05 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Dati trovati. Si suppone siano parte di una registrazione del passato. 8 dicembre 11941. Ho incontrato degli androidi inviati sulla Terra in missione top secret. Si fanno chiamare < soldati YoRHa >. In onda il: 2023-03-12 7: Episodio 7 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: ―――Segnale identificazione entità: risposta di < Pascal > confermata――― Sembra che il membro di un villaggio di biomacchine sia scomparso. Proposta: iniziare ricognizione nella zona del Regno della foresta. 7: Episodio 7 In onda il: 2023-03-12 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: ―――Segnale identificazione entità: risposta di < Pascal > confermata――― Sembra che il membro di un villaggio di biomacchine sia scomparso. Proposta: iniziare ricognizione nella zona del Regno della foresta. In onda il: 2023-03-19 8: Episodio 8 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: YoRHa ricercata, identificativo < A2 >, trovata nella zona del Regno della foresta. L'unità fuggiasca ha abbandonato la sua missione e continua a essere in fuga. È considerata un individuo estremamente pericoloso. 8: Episodio 8 In onda il: 2023-03-19 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: YoRHa ricercata, identificativo < A2 >, trovata nella zona del Regno della foresta. L'unità fuggiasca ha abbandonato la sua missione e continua a essere in fuga. È considerata un individuo estremamente pericoloso. In onda il: 2023-07-23 9: Episodio 9 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Comunicazioni perse con 9S, l'individuo assegnato a questa unità. 9S ha incontrato un'unità che aveva l'aspetto di < A2 > e ha iniziato l'inseguimento. Ipotesi: 9S è diventato irraggiungibile mentre tentava di ristabilire i contatti. 9: Episodio 9 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Comunicazioni perse con 9S, l'individuo assegnato a questa unità. 9S ha incontrato un'unità che aveva l'aspetto di < A2 > e ha iniziato l'inseguimento. Ipotesi: 9S è diventato irraggiungibile mentre tentava di ristabilire i contatti. In onda il: 2023-07-23 10: Episodio 10 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'unità YoRHa 2B ha sconfitto la biomacchina anomala che si identificava come < Eve >. Ipotesi: le biomacchine nella zona si indeboliranno gradualmente a causa della perdita di Eve, il nucleo della loro rete. 10: Episodio 10 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'unità YoRHa 2B ha sconfitto la biomacchina anomala che si identificava come < Eve >. Ipotesi: le biomacchine nella zona si indeboliranno gradualmente a causa della perdita di Eve, il nucleo della loro rete. In onda il: 2023-07-23 11: Episodio 11 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Una biomacchina di classe Goliath è entrata in una furia distruttiva durante le ricerche di Adam. Il Comando ha ordinato a tutti i soldati YoRHa di intercettare le biomacchine nemiche. 11: Episodio 11 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: Una biomacchina di classe Goliath è entrata in una furia distruttiva durante le ricerche di Adam. Il Comando ha ordinato a tutti i soldati YoRHa di intercettare le biomacchine nemiche. In onda il: 2023-07-23 12: Episodio 12 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Pod 042 Rapporto: L'entità < Adam > fuori controllo è stata manomessa da 9S, intercettata dalla Resistenza e bombardata con il fuoco di supporto dal Bunker. È ■■■■ ―――Errore di comunicazione――― ―――Errore di comunicazione――― 12: Episodio 12 In onda il: 2023-07-23 ▶▶ Pod 042 e Pod 153 - Rapporto congiunto: Pod 042 Rapporto: L'entità < Adam > fuori controllo è stata manomessa da 9S, intercettata dalla Resistenza e bombardata con il fuoco di supporto dal Bunker. È ■■■■ ―――Errore di comunicazione――― ―――Errore di comunicazione――― In onda il: 2024-07-05 13: Episodio 13 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Anno 5012. Forme di vita provenienti dallo spazio, anche note come < Alieni >, hanno invaso la Terra improvvisamente. L'umanità è fuggita sulla Luna, mentre le battaglie in superficie tra gli < Androidi > e le < Biomacchine > proseguono a lungo. 13: Episodio 13 In onda il: 2024-07-05 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Anno 5012. Forme di vita provenienti dallo spazio, anche note come < Alieni >, hanno invaso la Terra improvvisamente. L'umanità è fuggita sulla Luna, mentre le battaglie in superficie tra gli < Androidi > e le < Biomacchine > proseguono a lungo. In onda il: 2024-07-12 14: Episodio 14 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: I soldati YoRHa 2B e 9S distruggono le unità nucleo della rete delle biomacchine < Adam > e < Eve >. Le biomacchine entrano temporaneamente in uno stato di confusione. 14: Episodio 14 In onda il: 2024-07-12 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: I soldati YoRHa 2B e 9S distruggono le unità nucleo della rete delle biomacchine < Adam > e < Eve >. Le biomacchine entrano temporaneamente in uno stato di confusione. In onda il: 2024-07-19 15: Episodio 15 I soldati YoRHa e la Resistenza si uniscono in un'operazione su grande scala per sterminare le biomacchine. Viene però rilevato un numero di biomacchine superiore al previsto. Tutte le zone richiedono assistenza. Questa unità, in collaborazione con 2B, il suo partner assegnato, offrirà sostegno agli androidi sulla superficie. 15: Episodio 15 In onda il: 2024-07-19 I soldati YoRHa e la Resistenza si uniscono in un'operazione su grande scala per sterminare le biomacchine. Viene però rilevato un numero di biomacchine superiore al previsto. Tutte le zone richiedono assistenza. Questa unità, in collaborazione con 2B, il suo partner assegnato, offrirà sostegno agli androidi sulla superficie. In onda il: 2024-07-26 16: Episodio 16 Le biomacchine hanno infettato non solo i soldati YoRHa sulla superficie, ma anche il < Bunker >, attivando la sequenza di autodistruzione. 16: Episodio 16 In onda il: 2024-07-26 Le biomacchine hanno infettato non solo i soldati YoRHa sulla superficie, ma anche il < Bunker >, attivando la sequenza di autodistruzione. In onda il: 2024-08-02 17: Episodio 17 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Settore di memoria danneggiato trovato nel soggetto assegnato a questa unità. Avvio il recupero dei dati rimanenti. È stato stabilito di far eseguire una missione di combattimento a soldati < YoRHa >, nuovi modelli di androidi. 17: Episodio 17 In onda il: 2024-08-02 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Settore di memoria danneggiato trovato nel soggetto assegnato a questa unità. Avvio il recupero dei dati rimanenti. È stato stabilito di far eseguire una missione di combattimento a soldati < YoRHa >, nuovi modelli di androidi. In onda il: 2024-08-09 18: Episodio 18 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Confermata la cessazione delle attività dell'unità YoRHa < 2B > assegnata a questa unità. L'assegnazione è stata trasferita all'unità YoRHa < A2 >. 18: Episodio 18 In onda il: 2024-08-09 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Confermata la cessazione delle attività dell'unità YoRHa < 2B > assegnata a questa unità. L'assegnazione è stata trasferita all'unità YoRHa < A2 >. In onda il: 2024-08-23 19: Episodio 19 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S, il soggetto assegnato a questa unità, è rimasto ferito durante l'apparizione della struttura gigante chiamata < Torre >. Nonostante abbia bisogno di manutenzione e riposo, 9S rifiuta di ottemperare. 19: Episodio 19 In onda il: 2024-08-23 ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S, il soggetto assegnato a questa unità, è rimasto ferito durante l'apparizione della struttura gigante chiamata < Torre >. Nonostante abbia bisogno di manutenzione e riposo, 9S rifiuta di ottemperare. In onda il: 2024-08-30 20: Episodio 20 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Accompagnando l'unità A2 a visitare il < Villaggio delle biomacchine > a seguito della richiesta di materiali da parte di Lily, si rileva un elevato numero di biomacchine ostili in avvicinamento. Impossibile trovare unità comandanti nel gruppo nemico. 20: Episodio 20 In onda il: 2024-08-30 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Accompagnando l'unità A2 a visitare il < Villaggio delle biomacchine > a seguito della richiesta di materiali da parte di Lily, si rileva un elevato numero di biomacchine ostili in avvicinamento. Impossibile trovare unità comandanti nel gruppo nemico. In onda il: 2024-09-06 21: Episodio 21 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'Accampamento della Resistenza viene annientato da un virus portato dai bambini del Villaggio delle biomacchine. ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S ottiene l'ultima parola chiave per l'accesso alla Torre. Condizioni mentali in rapido peggioramento. 21: Episodio 21 In onda il: 2024-09-06 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: L'Accampamento della Resistenza viene annientato da un virus portato dai bambini del Villaggio delle biomacchine. ▶▶ Pod 153 - Rapporto: 9S ottiene l'ultima parola chiave per l'accesso alla Torre. Condizioni mentali in rapido peggioramento. In onda il: 2024-09-13 22: Episodio 22 Tanto, tanto tempo fa, un drago e un gigante scesero dal cielo. Dopo la loro morte, sulla Terra si diffuse una malattia mortale. Per salvare l'umanità dall'estinzione venne elaborato il Progetto Gestalt, che due androidi gemelle avrebbero dovuto portare a termine... 22: Episodio 22 In onda il: 2024-09-13 Tanto, tanto tempo fa, un drago e un gigante scesero dal cielo. Dopo la loro morte, sulla Terra si diffuse una malattia mortale. Per salvare l'umanità dall'estinzione venne elaborato il Progetto Gestalt, che due androidi gemelle avrebbero dovuto portare a termine... In onda il: 2024-09-20 23: meaningless [C]ode "Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Join at the Tower, let's play more Join at the Tower, let's play more ……Let's play" 23: meaningless [C]ode In onda il: 2024-09-20 "Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Join at the Tower, let's play more Join at the Tower, let's play more ……Let's play" In onda il: 2024-09-27 24: Episodio 24 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Lo scambio di informazioni tra me e il Pod 153 ha fatto nascere qualcosa di simile a una volontà e delle emozioni. Qual è il senso della vita? ... E se il futuro fosse diverso da quello che ci aspettiamo? 24: Episodio 24 In onda il: 2024-09-27 ▶▶ Pod 042 - Rapporto: Lo scambio di informazioni tra me e il Pod 153 ha fatto nascere qualcosa di simile a una volontà e delle emozioni. Qual è il senso della vita? ... E se il futuro fosse diverso da quello che ci aspettiamo? Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Misfit of Demon King Academy Stagione 2 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Dopo aver sconfitto eroi umani, spiriti e divinità, il Re Demone Anos Voldigord è ormai stanco dei perenni combattimenti e decide di reincarnarsi sperando di avere una seconda vita finalmente pacifica. Tuttavia, ciò che lo attende nella reincarnazione dopo 2000 anni erano discendenti che erano diventati troppo deboli dopo essere stati abituati alla pace e ogni tipo di magia si era deteriorata all'estremo. Anos entra nell'Accademia del Re Demone, che raccoglie ed educa coloro che sono considerati la reincarnazione del Re Demone, ma l'accademia non riesce a vedere i suoi veri poteri e finisce per bollarlo come "disadatto". Hiroya Nakata Producer Yasutaka Kurosaki Executive Producer Rieko Nagamine Producer Toshiya Niikura Producer 込山明日香 Art Direction Kento Kida Director of Photography Takuto Saiki Online Editor 徳久智成 Sound Mixer Momosu Momosu Theme Song Performance Koji Nagai Executive Producer Takami Tachikawa Online Editor 山内真治 Music Producer Akihiro Sotokawa Executive Producer Yohei Hata Producer 古神子広一 Producer Yuki Yamaoka Producer Yusuke Yoshioka Producer 三宅将典 Executive Producer 江田恵一 CGI Director Shuu Novel 吉田隼人 Color Designer 瀧川三智 Editor 飯塚彩 Producer 大和田智之 Producer Nobuhiro Nakayama Producer 長谷川嘉範 Producer 田中仁 Series Composition 川田清貴 Sound Effects Keiji Inai Original Music Composer 大沼心 Series Director 田村正文 Series Director 納谷僚介 Sound Director 山吉一幸 Character Designer 楠木ともり Misha Necron (voice) 梅原裕一郎 Anos Voldigoad (voice) 夏吉ゆうこ Sasha Necron (voice) 寺島拓篤 Lay Glanzudlii (voice) 稗田寧々 Misa Ilioroagu (voice) 渡部紗弓 Eleonore Bianca (voice) 久野美咲 Zeshia Bianca (voice) Wataru Hatano Shin Reglia (voice) 阿澄佳奈 Great Spirit Leno (voice) 小山力也 Erdomaid Dittijohn (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-01-08 1: A Lesson by God Erdomaid DittiJohn, one of the four evil royals, has appeared before Anos as a teacher at Demon King Academy. Not only that, he claims himself to be the Heavenly Father God NousGalia, and that the new "Child of God" who will vanquish the Demon King of Tyranny is also at the Demon King Academy. The “Misfit” who overcomes all odds sets off to a new battle! 1: A Lesson by God In onda il: 2023-01-08 Erdomaid DittiJohn, one of the four evil royals, has appeared before Anos as a teacher at Demon King Academy. Not only that, he claims himself to be the Heavenly Father God NousGalia, and that the new "Child of God" who will vanquish the Demon King of Tyranny is also at the Demon King Academy. The “Misfit” who overcomes all odds sets off to a new battle! In onda il: 2023-01-15 2: The Demon King's Duel of Intellect Anos and his classmates search around Demon King Academy for the “Child of God.” While Anos’ comrades are fending off the attacks from the demons of two thousand years ago, Anos himself faces the King of Death’s Army Officer, Ziek Ozma, in a duel of intellect. In this duel, Anos must speculate who the “Child of God” is and make the correct guess. However, the number of times he can make his guess is limited. What was Anos’ answer, and what is Ziek’s motive ― ?! 2: The Demon King's Duel of Intellect In onda il: 2023-01-15 Anos and his classmates search around Demon King Academy for the “Child of God.” While Anos’ comrades are fending off the attacks from the demons of two thousand years ago, Anos himself faces the King of Death’s Army Officer, Ziek Ozma, in a duel of intellect. In this duel, Anos must speculate who the “Child of God” is and make the correct guess. However, the number of times he can make his guess is limited. What was Anos’ answer, and what is Ziek’s motive ― ?! In onda il: 2023-01-22 3: The Spirit's School Building Anos and the first-year students visit Zehenburg under the guise of an expeditionary examination. Anos's goal is to find his former right-hand man, Shin Reglia, who left a message for him, "Wait for me in the Spirit Forest Aharthern." On the way to the forest, Anos meets an information broker, Lena. Together with her, who is also heading to Aharthern, the group proceeds into the forest's depths. 3: The Spirit's School Building In onda il: 2023-01-22 Anos and the first-year students visit Zehenburg under the guise of an expeditionary examination. Anos's goal is to find his former right-hand man, Shin Reglia, who left a message for him, "Wait for me in the Spirit Forest Aharthern." On the way to the forest, Anos meets an information broker, Lena. Together with her, who is also heading to Aharthern, the group proceeds into the forest's depths. In onda il: 2023-01-29 4: The Spirit's Trial In order to visit the Spirit King, Anos and his team continue to go through trials provided by the Great Tree Spirit Enyunien. The next trial, “The staircase of Geunier” is a trial where they must choose the 5 correct paths out of the 20 paths before them, which appears to be a game entirely dependent on luck. However, thanks to the advice from Lena, Anos and the team individually made their ways to the top. Lay and Misa arrive to the Spirit King’s castle first, and engage in the final trial! 4: The Spirit's Trial In onda il: 2023-01-29 In order to visit the Spirit King, Anos and his team continue to go through trials provided by the Great Tree Spirit Enyunien. The next trial, “The staircase of Geunier” is a trial where they must choose the 5 correct paths out of the 20 paths before them, which appears to be a game entirely dependent on luck. However, thanks to the advice from Lena, Anos and the team individually made their ways to the top. Lay and Misa arrive to the Spirit King’s castle first, and engage in the final trial! In onda il: 2023-02-05 5: In Between Royalty and Mixed Blood Avos Dilhevia who appeared in Delsgade was actually Misa, who was being controlled by traditions and rumors. After getting the demons in central Dilhade on her side, she declares that she will destroy Anos. Anos is making his way to the Demon King’s Castle to rescue Misa. Meanwhile, in the city, the people being controlled by Avos were attacking mixed blood demons, and they had even started making their way to Anos’ parents… 5: In Between Royalty and Mixed Blood In onda il: 2023-02-05 Avos Dilhevia who appeared in Delsgade was actually Misa, who was being controlled by traditions and rumors. After getting the demons in central Dilhade on her side, she declares that she will destroy Anos. Anos is making his way to the Demon King’s Castle to rescue Misa. Meanwhile, in the city, the people being controlled by Avos were attacking mixed blood demons, and they had even started making their way to Anos’ parents… In onda il: 2023-02-12 6: The Great Mother Spirit and the Demon King's Right-Hand Man Anos and the others have infiltrated the Underground Dungeon. Before their duel against Avos Dilheiva, they use Time Magic, Revalon, to go back in time to Gairadite two-thousand years ago, in order to unravel the secret behind Misa’s birth, Shin Reglia, Anos’ right-hand man’s, intentions, and the reason behind the Great Spirit Leno’s death. What Anos saw in the world after he had passed was―. 6: The Great Mother Spirit and the Demon King's Right-Hand Man In onda il: 2023-02-12 Anos and the others have infiltrated the Underground Dungeon. Before their duel against Avos Dilheiva, they use Time Magic, Revalon, to go back in time to Gairadite two-thousand years ago, in order to unravel the secret behind Misa’s birth, Shin Reglia, Anos’ right-hand man’s, intentions, and the reason behind the Great Spirit Leno’s death. What Anos saw in the world after he had passed was―. In onda il: 2023-08-20 7: Like a Single Stroke of a Sword The Forest of the Great Spirit Aharthern. Anos who has transformed into his younger form, takes on the fake name Anoshu Polticoal, and decides to stay to investigate for a while. They watch over Shin who was tasked with being a bodyguard of the Great Spirit Leno by Anos prior to his reincarnation, and then appears the Blaze Death King Erdomaid, who claims to have brought information regarding the gods... 7: Like a Single Stroke of a Sword In onda il: 2023-08-20 The Forest of the Great Spirit Aharthern. Anos who has transformed into his younger form, takes on the fake name Anoshu Polticoal, and decides to stay to investigate for a while. They watch over Shin who was tasked with being a bodyguard of the Great Spirit Leno by Anos prior to his reincarnation, and then appears the Blaze Death King Erdomaid, who claims to have brought information regarding the gods... In onda il: 2023-08-27 8: The Land of Demons Without a Demon King Anos and the others continue their investigation in Aharthern. Although he wasn’t able to switch his source as Avos Dilhevia as the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos receives an important hint from Leno. Lay engages in practicing swordsmanship with Shin. After this, Anos follows after Erdomaid to Delsgade. There, they encounter Demons who were ruling over humans. 8: The Land of Demons Without a Demon King In onda il: 2023-08-27 Anos and the others continue their investigation in Aharthern. Although he wasn’t able to switch his source as Avos Dilhevia as the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos receives an important hint from Leno. Lay engages in practicing swordsmanship with Shin. After this, Anos follows after Erdomaid to Delsgade. There, they encounter Demons who were ruling over humans. In onda il: 2023-09-03 9: A Prayer for Two Thousand Years Later To prevent a clash that may happen between Anos and humans 2,000 years in the future, Hero Kanon proceeds with the plan to become an imposter Demon King himself, with Shin agreeing to this decision. Gradually but surely, Shin begins to change, and Leno realizes that she loves him. However, after fulfilling his duty to protect her, Shin begins to leave her side... 9: A Prayer for Two Thousand Years Later In onda il: 2023-09-03 To prevent a clash that may happen between Anos and humans 2,000 years in the future, Hero Kanon proceeds with the plan to become an imposter Demon King himself, with Shin agreeing to this decision. Gradually but surely, Shin begins to change, and Leno realizes that she loves him. However, after fulfilling his duty to protect her, Shin begins to leave her side... In onda il: 2023-09-10 10: Send Hatred to the Past After witnessing Great Spirit Leno and Shin meet a tragic fate, Anos and his classmates return to Delsgade in the present day. There, persecution against those of mixed blood by Meleheyth and the demons whom Avos Deilhevia brainwashed was progressing. Anos holds them off and heads to the throne room. He faces off against Avos who attempts to steal Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor! 10: Send Hatred to the Past In onda il: 2023-09-10 After witnessing Great Spirit Leno and Shin meet a tragic fate, Anos and his classmates return to Delsgade in the present day. There, persecution against those of mixed blood by Meleheyth and the demons whom Avos Deilhevia brainwashed was progressing. Anos holds them off and heads to the throne room. He faces off against Avos who attempts to steal Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor! In onda il: 2023-09-17 11: To Sever the Fate Lay challenges Avos to liberate Misa whom he loves. However, Heavenly Father God NousGalia aids Avos, and seals Lay’s power of Evansmana. There, Anos and Shin arrive. Shin fights NousGalia once again to avenge his late wife, but he struggles against the enormous power of God. Then, he hears a voice for the first time in two thousand years... 11: To Sever the Fate In onda il: 2023-09-17 Lay challenges Avos to liberate Misa whom he loves. However, Heavenly Father God NousGalia aids Avos, and seals Lay’s power of Evansmana. There, Anos and Shin arrive. Shin fights NousGalia once again to avenge his late wife, but he struggles against the enormous power of God. Then, he hears a voice for the first time in two thousand years... In onda il: 2023-09-24 12: The Misfit Avos Dilhevia takes control over Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor at last. Anos gives a calm smile to the enemy who seizes everything from the Demon King of Tyranny and reigns control, however... The true purpose of Avos taking control over the Magic Sword at the end of the fierce battle is revealed. How does Anos face off against the Child of God, destroyer of the Demon King of Tyranny, and the power that destroys all life!? 12: The Misfit In onda il: 2023-09-24 Avos Dilhevia takes control over Magic Sword of Destruction Venuzdnor at last. Anos gives a calm smile to the enemy who seizes everything from the Demon King of Tyranny and reigns control, however... The true purpose of Avos taking control over the Magic Sword at the end of the fierce battle is revealed. How does Anos face off against the Child of God, destroyer of the Demon King of Tyranny, and the power that destroys all life!? In onda il: 2024-04-13 13: Moon of Creation The Mythical Age. In an effort to destroy the Moon of Creation, Anos meets the Goddess of Creation Militia and begins to interact with her. And now the present... Anos, who has made his identity as the Demon King of Tyranny known throughout the world, joins classes at Demon King Academy as the transfer student, Anoshu. To train even stronger demons, Erdomaid instates the Great Demon King Drills. As the first initiative, swordsmanship training under Shin begins! 13: Moon of Creation In onda il: 2024-04-13 The Mythical Age. In an effort to destroy the Moon of Creation, Anos meets the Goddess of Creation Militia and begins to interact with her. And now the present... Anos, who has made his identity as the Demon King of Tyranny known throughout the world, joins classes at Demon King Academy as the transfer student, Anoshu. To train even stronger demons, Erdomaid instates the Great Demon King Drills. As the first initiative, swordsmanship training under Shin begins! In onda il: 2024-04-20 14: Goddess of Selection To investigate the dragon sighted in Azeshion, Anos and his friends visit the Hero Academy in the name of participating in an exchange program. Emilia teaches at the Hero Academy, but despite her efforts, Ledriano and the other students of the Hero Academy are rather unenthusiastic about the exchange. Furthermore, Zamira, the headmaster of the Hero Academy, issues a decree to slay the dragon. Yet, as Emilia resists his unreasonable order, the Hero Academy students begin to lose interest… 14: Goddess of Selection In onda il: 2024-04-20 To investigate the dragon sighted in Azeshion, Anos and his friends visit the Hero Academy in the name of participating in an exchange program. Emilia teaches at the Hero Academy, but despite her efforts, Ledriano and the other students of the Hero Academy are rather unenthusiastic about the exchange. Furthermore, Zamira, the headmaster of the Hero Academy, issues a decree to slay the dragon. Yet, as Emilia resists his unreasonable order, the Hero Academy students begin to lose interest… In onda il: 2024-04-27 15: Institute of the Gods Erdomaid trains the students in methods of dragon slaying. He does so in a dangerous battle with an actual dragon summoned. Anos and his friends infiltrate the dragon’s den and arrive in the Underground World, where the dragonfolk called Draconids live. Ahide, who attacked the previous evening, guides them to the Institute of the Gods, Everastanzetta. There, Anos is told how he has already been involved in the “Judgement Selection.” 15: Institute of the Gods In onda il: 2024-04-27 Erdomaid trains the students in methods of dragon slaying. He does so in a dangerous battle with an actual dragon summoned. Anos and his friends infiltrate the dragon’s den and arrive in the Underground World, where the dragonfolk called Draconids live. Ahide, who attacked the previous evening, guides them to the Institute of the Gods, Everastanzetta. There, Anos is told how he has already been involved in the “Judgement Selection.” In onda il: 2024-05-04 16: With a Pinch of Courage Emilia and her students take on the dragon-slaying and binding spell called “De Jelias.” However, Emilia and her students failed because they couldn't corporate with Laos and others. It was then that she caught a glimpse of their helplessness…. Meanwhile, Ley who was invited as a hero, has an audience with Lysius, King of Gairadite. He is asked to save the ailing royal family. But as he is shown around, what he encounters is…! 16: With a Pinch of Courage In onda il: 2024-05-04 Emilia and her students take on the dragon-slaying and binding spell called “De Jelias.” However, Emilia and her students failed because they couldn't corporate with Laos and others. It was then that she caught a glimpse of their helplessness…. Meanwhile, Ley who was invited as a hero, has an audience with Lysius, King of Gairadite. He is asked to save the ailing royal family. But as he is shown around, what he encounters is…! In onda il: 2024-05-11 17: Battle of Pride A horde of dragons approaches Azeshion! To protect their homeland with their own hands, the Hero Academy students set out to slay the dragons without the help of Anos and his friends. Under Emilia’s command, the Hero Academy students engage in a battle to the death. Meanwhile, Lay and Misa wind up in a predicament after being captured by Lysius…. Anos and the others head to the Underground World to take care of their own agenda. There, he learns that Ahide is controlling the Draconids. 17: Battle of Pride In onda il: 2024-05-11 A horde of dragons approaches Azeshion! To protect their homeland with their own hands, the Hero Academy students set out to slay the dragons without the help of Anos and his friends. Under Emilia’s command, the Hero Academy students engage in a battle to the death. Meanwhile, Lay and Misa wind up in a predicament after being captured by Lysius…. Anos and the others head to the Underground World to take care of their own agenda. There, he learns that Ahide is controlling the Draconids. In onda il: 2024-05-18 18: Almighty Demon King Ahide announces that Midhaze will be destroyed. However, the oracle’s will contradicts Arcana’s true intentions. Shin also joins in the fray as the two finally face off! Ahide possesses Arcana and thrusts the judgement of the Sword of the Almighty, Leviangilma, upon Anos. Arcana states that to destroy Ahide, he must be slashed three times with the Divine Sword. But the sword obliterates the source of anyone who draws the sword from its sheath…. 18: Almighty Demon King In onda il: 2024-05-18 Ahide announces that Midhaze will be destroyed. However, the oracle’s will contradicts Arcana’s true intentions. Shin also joins in the fray as the two finally face off! Ahide possesses Arcana and thrusts the judgement of the Sword of the Almighty, Leviangilma, upon Anos. Arcana states that to destroy Ahide, he must be slashed three times with the Divine Sword. But the sword obliterates the source of anyone who draws the sword from its sheath…. In onda il: 2024-06-01 19: The Great Demon King Drills That day, Anos had a dream about a time that he lived together with a young girl. The young girl is strangely also named Arcana…. Furthermore, the fact that the Draconids called the fusion of Sasha and Misha the Goddess of Absurdity, Genedonov, was also a problem. To investigate the piling mysteries, Anos decides to take a special class in the Underground World. And as a special lecturer, Anos teaches the student of Demon King Academy himself!? 19: The Great Demon King Drills In onda il: 2024-06-01 That day, Anos had a dream about a time that he lived together with a young girl. The young girl is strangely also named Arcana…. Furthermore, the fact that the Draconids called the fusion of Sasha and Misha the Goddess of Absurdity, Genedonov, was also a problem. To investigate the piling mysteries, Anos decides to take a special class in the Underground World. And as a special lecturer, Anos teaches the student of Demon King Academy himself!? In onda il: 2024-06-08 20: Kingdom of the Dragon God Arriving in Giorhaze, capital of the Underground World Giordal, Anos follows a wary Erdomaid to a church. There, they obtain a Pledge Jewel which summons dragons. Furthermore, Erdomaid sees Naya’s aptitude and makes a pack with her after learning her plan. Anos hears about Ahide’s actions from the bishop of the church and decides to catch him before he meets the pope. 20: Kingdom of the Dragon God In onda il: 2024-06-08 Arriving in Giorhaze, capital of the Underground World Giordal, Anos follows a wary Erdomaid to a church. There, they obtain a Pledge Jewel which summons dragons. Furthermore, Erdomaid sees Naya’s aptitude and makes a pack with her after learning her plan. Anos hears about Ahide’s actions from the bishop of the church and decides to catch him before he meets the pope. In onda il: 2024-06-15 21: Demon King Hymn No. 6 "Neighbors" The sacred Sojourner’s Psalm to be performed at the Divine Dragon Festival is in danger of being cancelled due to Ahide’s schemes! Ellen and the Anos Fan Union are asked to take the stage instead as the Dilhade Demon King Choir. The Draconids are drawn in by their song and begin to sing along. Meanwhile, while trying to pursue and capture Ahide, Anos encounters Dietrich, the King of Agatha, who has received a prophecy from the Goddess of the Future Naphta. 21: Demon King Hymn No. 6 "Neighbors" In onda il: 2024-06-15 The sacred Sojourner’s Psalm to be performed at the Divine Dragon Festival is in danger of being cancelled due to Ahide’s schemes! Ellen and the Anos Fan Union are asked to take the stage instead as the Dilhade Demon King Choir. The Draconids are drawn in by their song and begin to sing along. Meanwhile, while trying to pursue and capture Ahide, Anos encounters Dietrich, the King of Agatha, who has received a prophecy from the Goddess of the Future Naphta. In onda il: 2024-06-28 22: Liebarschend, the God of Vestiges Anos and Pope Golroana clash for the future of their respective countries! GGG launches a fierce attack with Gospel Magic using the power of the God of Gospel Doldread, who controls sound. Anos counters with the song of the Dilhade Demon King Choir and brings Golroana’s support, the former popes, into the fray. Yet even after the conclusion of the battle, Golroana continues his prayers. Anos offers him peace, but… 22: Liebarschend, the God of Vestiges In onda il: 2024-06-28 Anos and Pope Golroana clash for the future of their respective countries! GGG launches a fierce attack with Gospel Magic using the power of the God of Gospel Doldread, who controls sound. Anos counters with the song of the Dilhade Demon King Choir and brings Golroana’s support, the former popes, into the fray. Yet even after the conclusion of the battle, Golroana continues his prayers. Anos offers him peace, but… In onda il: 2024-07-03 23: The Promise Made in a Dream Ceris, commander of the Phantom Knights, who claims to be Anos' father, says that Militia gave Anos false memories. After Ceris leaves, Arcana, unable to recover her memories of Anos, falls into a dream once again. In her memory of 2,000 years ago, Arcana hears a secret about herself from Ceris. Anos reincarnates Arcana to protect her, but his wish for her at the time was… 23: The Promise Made in a Dream In onda il: 2024-07-03 Ceris, commander of the Phantom Knights, who claims to be Anos' father, says that Militia gave Anos false memories. After Ceris leaves, Arcana, unable to recover her memories of Anos, falls into a dream once again. In her memory of 2,000 years ago, Arcana hears a secret about herself from Ceris. Anos reincarnates Arcana to protect her, but his wish for her at the time was… In onda il: 2024-07-25 24: The Dream That God Saw The battle between Dilhade and Giordal intensifies! However, Anos becomes suspicious of Giordal's small fighting force. After seeing Cannibal flying out of the castle and noticing he has eaten the song of a Divine Dragon, Anos comes to one final conclusion. The 1,500 years of prayer that Giordal had continued for so long…was a never-ending barrier separating the two irreconcilable nations. 24: The Dream That God Saw In onda il: 2024-07-25 The battle between Dilhade and Giordal intensifies! However, Anos becomes suspicious of Giordal's small fighting force. After seeing Cannibal flying out of the castle and noticing he has eaten the song of a Divine Dragon, Anos comes to one final conclusion. The 1,500 years of prayer that Giordal had continued for so long…was a never-ending barrier separating the two irreconcilable nations. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hashira Geiko Hen [8/8] (2024) [5°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Demon Slayer Il Capitolo dell'allenamento dei Pilastri Episodi 8 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Giappone, periodo Taisho. Tanjiro trova la sua famiglia massacrata da un demone mentre sua sorella minore Nezuko, l’unica sopravvissuta, è stata lei stessa trasformata in un demone. Tanjiro decide quindi di diventare un "cacciatore di demoni" per far tornare sua sorella umana e uccidere chi ha massacrato la sua famiglia. 矢中勝 Art Direction Yuri Kabasawa Art Direction 松島晃 Character Designer 松島晃 Supervising Animation Director 吾峠呼世晴 Original Story 花江夏樹 Tanjiro Kamado (voice) 鬼頭明里 Nezuko Kamado (voice) 下野紘 Zenitsu Agatsuma (voice) 松岡禎丞 Inosuke Hashibira (voice) 櫻井孝宏 Giyu Tomioka (voice) 小西克幸 Tengen Uzui (voice) 河西健吾 Muichiro Tokito (voice) 花澤香菜 Mitsuri Kanroji (voice) 早見沙織 Shinobu Kocho (voice) Kenichi Suzumura Obanai Iguro (voice) 関智一 Sanemi Shinazugawa (voice) 杉田智和 Gyomei Himejima (voice) Episodi: 8 In onda il: 2024-05-12 1: Per sconfiggere Kibutsuji Muzan Due demoni di rango superiore furono sconfitti nel Villaggio degli Spadaccini, grazie a Tanjiro, ai suoi compagni e agli sforzi e al coraggio di due Hashira. Tuttavia, il fatto che Nezuko abbia conquistato il sole prefigura l'imminente battaglia su larga scala contro Muzan Kibutsuji. Nel frattempo, gli Hashira sono stati convocati alla Residenza Ubuyashiki per un incontro... 1: Per sconfiggere Kibutsuji Muzan In onda il: 2024-05-12 Due demoni di rango superiore furono sconfitti nel Villaggio degli Spadaccini, grazie a Tanjiro, ai suoi compagni e agli sforzi e al coraggio di due Hashira. Tuttavia, il fatto che Nezuko abbia conquistato il sole prefigura l'imminente battaglia su larga scala contro Muzan Kibutsuji. Nel frattempo, gli Hashira sono stati convocati alla Residenza Ubuyashiki per un incontro... In onda il: 2024-05-19 2: La sofferenza di Tomioka Giyu, il Pilastro dell'Acqua Kasugai Crow di Kagaya appare all'improvviso di fronte a Tamayo e la invita al quartier generale dei Demon Slayer, nonostante sia un demone. Nel frattempo, dopo aver ricevuto una lettera da Kagaya alla Butterfly Mansion, Tanjiro fa visita a Giyu, che non partecipa all'Hashira Training. All'inizio, Tanjiro viene respinto da Giyu, ma continua pazientemente a provare a parlargli. Giyu, che cede alla persistenza di Tanjiro, inizia a condividere il motivo per cui non parteciperà all'allenamento. 2: La sofferenza di Tomioka Giyu, il Pilastro dell'Acqua In onda il: 2024-05-19 Kasugai Crow di Kagaya appare all'improvviso di fronte a Tamayo e la invita al quartier generale dei Demon Slayer, nonostante sia un demone. Nel frattempo, dopo aver ricevuto una lettera da Kagaya alla Butterfly Mansion, Tanjiro fa visita a Giyu, che non partecipa all'Hashira Training. All'inizio, Tanjiro viene respinto da Giyu, ma continua pazientemente a provare a parlargli. Giyu, che cede alla persistenza di Tanjiro, inizia a condividere il motivo per cui non parteciperà all'allenamento. In onda il: 2024-05-26 3: Tanjiro di nuovo in forma! Si partecipa agli allenamenti! Dopo aver parlato con Tanjiro, Giyu riesce a superare il suo sé passato e decide di unirsi all'allenamento. Nel frattempo, le ferite di Tanjiro sono guarite abbastanza da unirsi all'allenamento e si dirige al suo primo allenamento con l'ex Hashira, Uzui. 3: Tanjiro di nuovo in forma! Si partecipa agli allenamenti! In onda il: 2024-05-26 Dopo aver parlato con Tanjiro, Giyu riesce a superare il suo sé passato e decide di unirsi all'allenamento. Nel frattempo, le ferite di Tanjiro sono guarite abbastanza da unirsi all'allenamento e si dirige al suo primo allenamento con l'ex Hashira, Uzui. In onda il: 2024-06-02 4: Possiamo ritrovare il sorriso Dopo aver completato l'addestramento con Uzui, Tanjiro visita la residenza dei Tokito. Gli spadaccini Demon Slayer che hanno già iniziato l'addestramento sono scoraggiati dall'intenso allenamento di Muichiro e dalle sue dure parole. Tanjiro sente gli spadaccini discutere se c'è qualcosa che possono fare al riguardo... 4: Possiamo ritrovare il sorriso In onda il: 2024-06-02 Dopo aver completato l'addestramento con Uzui, Tanjiro visita la residenza dei Tokito. Gli spadaccini Demon Slayer che hanno già iniziato l'addestramento sono scoraggiati dall'intenso allenamento di Muichiro e dalle sue dure parole. Tanjiro sente gli spadaccini discutere se c'è qualcosa che possono fare al riguardo... In onda il: 2024-06-09 5: I Even Ate Demons... After completing Mitsuri's training, Tanjiro heads to train with Iguro. When he arrives at the training site, Iguro is waiting for him, visibly angry. Will he be able to complete this horrifying training where he'll have to fix his sword skills? 5: I Even Ate Demons... In onda il: 2024-06-09 After completing Mitsuri's training, Tanjiro heads to train with Iguro. When he arrives at the training site, Iguro is waiting for him, visibly angry. Will he be able to complete this horrifying training where he'll have to fix his sword skills? In onda il: 2024-06-16 6: The Strongest of the Demon Slayer Corps Tanjiro and Zenitsu head to Himejima's training site deep in the mountains and reunite with Inosuke and Murata. 6: The Strongest of the Demon Slayer Corps In onda il: 2024-06-16 Tanjiro and Zenitsu head to Himejima's training site deep in the mountains and reunite with Inosuke and Murata. In onda il: 2024-06-23 7: Stone Hashira Gyomei Himejima Tanjiro was struggling with Himejima's tasks. Now he finally manages to move the boulder after receiving advice from Genya, whom he meets by chance. With this breakthrough, will Tanjiro be able to overcome Himejima's rigorous training? 7: Stone Hashira Gyomei Himejima In onda il: 2024-06-23 Tanjiro was struggling with Himejima's tasks. Now he finally manages to move the boulder after receiving advice from Genya, whom he meets by chance. With this breakthrough, will Tanjiro be able to overcome Himejima's rigorous training? In onda il: 2024-06-30 8: The Hashira Unite During a silent night when the moon shines, Kagaya finally meets Muzan Kibutsuji, who appears at the Ubuyashiki Mansion. 8: The Hashira Unite In onda il: 2024-06-30 During a silent night when the moon shines, Kagaya finally meets Muzan Kibutsuji, who appears at the Ubuyashiki Mansion. Demon Slayer 1 Trailer ita ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid [36/36] (2021-2024) Sub ITA Streaming
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Duke of Death and His Maid Stagione 1 Episodi 36 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma A causa di una maledizione infantile, tutto ciò che il Duca tocca morirà, il che rende il comportamento della sua cameriera civettuola ancora più scioccante! Riusciranno il Duca e i suoi compagni a spezzare la maledizione, o è condannato a una vita in cui l'amore è per sempre fuori dalla sua portata? 進藤公隆 Sound Mixer 伊藤悠公 Producer 和田俊也 Sound Effects 大和田智之 Producer 髙橋和彰 Producer 藤平直孝 Music Producer 渡辺剛 Original Music Composer 奥田弦 Original Music Composer 福世晋吾 Director of Photography 畑野雄哉 Character Modelling Supervisor 明田川仁 Sound Director 坪根健太郎 Editor 木村美保 Color Designer 鈴木朗 Art Direction 井上小春 Comic Book 桑波田満 Character Designer 白根秀樹 Series Composition Yoshiki Yamakawa Series Director 花江夏樹 Duke (voice) 真野あゆみ Alice (voice) 大塚芳忠 Rob (voice) 水瀬いのり Viola (voice) 倉持若菜 Cuff (voice) 神谷浩史 Zain (voice) 内田雄馬 Walter (voice) 日笠陽子 Dulles (voice) Episodi: 36 In onda il: 2021-07-04 1: "Il Duca e Alice" "Un adolescente vive nel profondo della foresta, lontano dalla sua famiglia e maledetto per uccidere tutto ciò che tocca. La sua cameriera, Alice, lo prende costantemente in giro e si avvicina troppo..." 1: "Il Duca e Alice" In onda il: 2021-07-04 "Un adolescente vive nel profondo della foresta, lontano dalla sua famiglia e maledetto per uccidere tutto ciò che tocca. La sua cameriera, Alice, lo prende costantemente in giro e si avvicina troppo..." In onda il: 2021-07-11 2: "Il duca, il suo maggiordomo e un gatto smarrito" "Dopo essersi ripreso da un infortunio alla schiena, l'anziano maggiordomo del Duca, Rob, riprende il suo posto. Ma mentre il suo lavoro è impeccabile, alcuni dei suoi cinque sensi non sono proprio all'altezza. Nel frattempo, una coppia di ospiti inattesi fa visita alla villa del duca..." 2: "Il duca, il suo maggiordomo e un gatto smarrito" In onda il: 2021-07-11 "Dopo essersi ripreso da un infortunio alla schiena, l'anziano maggiordomo del Duca, Rob, riprende il suo posto. Ma mentre il suo lavoro è impeccabile, alcuni dei suoi cinque sensi non sono proprio all'altezza. Nel frattempo, una coppia di ospiti inattesi fa visita alla villa del duca..." In onda il: 2021-07-18 3: "Il Duca e la pioggia di meteoriti durante la luna piena" "Dopo aver perso una scommessa con Alice, il Duca accetta di portarla alla festa in maschera della città. Ma i due si separano quando il Duca, vestito con un goffo costume d'acciaio per proteggere gli altri dal suo tocco di morte, viene trascinato via dalla folla..." 3: "Il Duca e la pioggia di meteoriti durante la luna piena" In onda il: 2021-07-18 "Dopo aver perso una scommessa con Alice, il Duca accetta di portarla alla festa in maschera della città. Ma i due si separano quando il Duca, vestito con un goffo costume d'acciaio per proteggere gli altri dal suo tocco di morte, viene trascinato via dalla folla..." In onda il: 2021-07-25 4: "Il Duca, Alice e i ricordi della neve" "Quando Alice perde uno degli orecchini di sua madre nella neve, il Duca esce nella notte fredda e buia per cercarlo. Nel frattempo, una strega smarrita trova il Duca che giace privo di sensi nella neve e decide di aiutarlo. Ma lei sa come spezzare la sua maledizione?". 4: "Il Duca, Alice e i ricordi della neve" In onda il: 2021-07-25 "Quando Alice perde uno degli orecchini di sua madre nella neve, il Duca esce nella notte fredda e buia per cercarlo. Nel frattempo, una strega smarrita trova il Duca che giace privo di sensi nella neve e decide di aiutarlo. Ma lei sa come spezzare la sua maledizione?". In onda il: 2021-08-01 5: "Il giovane maestro, l'uccello e il pattino" "Improvvisamente, Viola viene a trovarci in casa. Naturalmente, sta cercando Rob, ma è anche interessata ad Alice, che non è sicura di che tipo di ragazza sia. Così Viola dà ad Alice un corso di fascino, stile Viola. Qualche giorno dopo, quando il ragazzino e Alice stanno pattinando su un lago ghiacciato, un corvo bianco parla improvvisamente al ragazzino e ......." 5: "Il giovane maestro, l'uccello e il pattino" In onda il: 2021-08-01 "Improvvisamente, Viola viene a trovarci in casa. Naturalmente, sta cercando Rob, ma è anche interessata ad Alice, che non è sicura di che tipo di ragazza sia. Così Viola dà ad Alice un corso di fascino, stile Viola. Qualche giorno dopo, quando il ragazzino e Alice stanno pattinando su un lago ghiacciato, un corvo bianco parla improvvisamente al ragazzino e ......." In onda il: 2021-08-08 6: The Duke, Alice, and a Night in the Witches' World The night of the blood moon has arrived, and Cuff and Zain show up at the Duke’s mansion to take him to the witches’ sabbath. What will he do if he finds the witch that cursed him there? 6: The Duke, Alice, and a Night in the Witches' World In onda il: 2021-08-08 The night of the blood moon has arrived, and Cuff and Zain show up at the Duke’s mansion to take him to the witches’ sabbath. What will he do if he finds the witch that cursed him there? In onda il: 2021-08-15 7: The Duke's and Alice's Uneventful Day With the witches' sabbath over and the Duke no closer to ridding himself of his curse, he and Alice spend the day trying out various enchanted items to break the curse, with hilarious results… 7: The Duke's and Alice's Uneventful Day In onda il: 2021-08-15 With the witches' sabbath over and the Duke no closer to ridding himself of his curse, he and Alice spend the day trying out various enchanted items to break the curse, with hilarious results… In onda il: 2021-08-22 8: White Snow, Black Clothes On a snowstormy night, Alice is reminded of when she first began working as the Duke's maid. Despondent and holed up in his dark, messy room, the Duke can't even remember who Alice is and is ready to dismiss her. How will she get him to open his heart? 8: White Snow, Black Clothes In onda il: 2021-08-22 On a snowstormy night, Alice is reminded of when she first began working as the Duke's maid. Despondent and holed up in his dark, messy room, the Duke can't even remember who Alice is and is ready to dismiss her. How will she get him to open his heart? In onda il: 2021-08-29 9: Il Duca, Alice e il voto della vigilia di Natale "È la vigilia di Natale e gli amici e i parenti del duca si riuniscono nella sua villa per una festa di Natale. Ci sarà tutta la banda: Alice, Rob, Cuff, Zane e Viola. Ma quando Walter vede Viola partire e decide di inseguirla..." 9: Il Duca, Alice e il voto della vigilia di Natale In onda il: 2021-08-29 "È la vigilia di Natale e gli amici e i parenti del duca si riuniscono nella sua villa per una festa di Natale. Ci sarà tutta la banda: Alice, Rob, Cuff, Zane e Viola. Ma quando Walter vede Viola partire e decide di inseguirla..." In onda il: 2021-09-05 10: Il Duca, Alice e una canzone per due Jain, che è stato criticato da Viola, dicendo: "È colpa tua se Carp è così stupido". Ho dovuto mandare Carp da solo per vedere se c'era qualcosa che stava cercando di capire. E... Nel frattempo, per il maestro che non riesco a dormire nella villa, Alice ha suggerito di dormire accanto a lui..." 10: Il Duca, Alice e una canzone per due In onda il: 2021-09-05 Jain, che è stato criticato da Viola, dicendo: "È colpa tua se Carp è così stupido". Ho dovuto mandare Carp da solo per vedere se c'era qualcosa che stava cercando di capire. E... Nel frattempo, per il maestro che non riesco a dormire nella villa, Alice ha suggerito di dormire accanto a lui..." In onda il: 2021-09-12 11: Il duca e la magia segreta "Durante la perquisizione della residenza principale, Viola si imbatte in un vecchio registro della servitù, tenuto all'incirca nel periodo in cui il duca fu maledetto. Quando lo dà ad Alice, Dalet lo scopre e cerca di distruggerlo. Cosa vuole tenere segreto Dalet?". 11: Il duca e la magia segreta In onda il: 2021-09-12 "Durante la perquisizione della residenza principale, Viola si imbatte in un vecchio registro della servitù, tenuto all'incirca nel periodo in cui il duca fu maledetto. Quando lo dà ad Alice, Dalet lo scopre e cerca di distruggerlo. Cosa vuole tenere segreto Dalet?". In onda il: 2021-09-19 12: Insieme al Duca... "La madre del duca lo convoca nella residenza principale e gli dà un ultimatum. Ma anche il duca ha qualcosa da dirle..." 12: Insieme al Duca... In onda il: 2021-09-19 "La madre del duca lo convoca nella residenza principale e gli dà un ultimatum. Ma anche il duca ha qualcosa da dirle..." In onda il: 2023-07-09 13: The Duke, Alice, and the Magic Pool On a cold winter's day, Cuff arrives at the mansion with a magic item that can summon a swimming pool from out of nowhere. 13: The Duke, Alice, and the Magic Pool In onda il: 2023-07-09 On a cold winter's day, Cuff arrives at the mansion with a magic item that can summon a swimming pool from out of nowhere. In onda il: 2023-07-16 14: The Duke, Golf, and the Mysterious Beauty Alice and the Duke play a game of mini-golf while receiving an unexpected visitor. 14: The Duke, Golf, and the Mysterious Beauty In onda il: 2023-07-16 Alice and the Duke play a game of mini-golf while receiving an unexpected visitor. In onda il: 2023-07-23 15: The Duke, Alice, and the Spectral Bride The Duke and Alice receive two visitors: a ghost, and a woman who says she can break the curse. 15: The Duke, Alice, and the Spectral Bride In onda il: 2023-07-23 The Duke and Alice receive two visitors: a ghost, and a woman who says she can break the curse. In onda il: 2023-07-30 16: The Duke, Alice, and Circus 101 The Duke and Alice join the circus as the Duke prepares to talk to Zain. 16: The Duke, Alice, and Circus 101 In onda il: 2023-07-30 The Duke and Alice join the circus as the Duke prepares to talk to Zain. In onda il: 2023-08-06 17: Cuff, Zain, and the Confession Zain decides it's time to leave Gemini Circus, but wants to confess his feelings to Cuff before he goes. 17: Cuff, Zain, and the Confession In onda il: 2023-08-06 Zain decides it's time to leave Gemini Circus, but wants to confess his feelings to Cuff before he goes. In onda il: 2023-08-13 18: The Duke and Everyone's Daily Life The Duke and Alice return to the mansion, bearing gifts from Circus Gemini. Cuff and Zain go out for their first date, but get caught out in the rain. 18: The Duke and Everyone's Daily Life In onda il: 2023-08-13 The Duke and Alice return to the mansion, bearing gifts from Circus Gemini. Cuff and Zain go out for their first date, but get caught out in the rain. In onda il: 2023-08-20 19: The Duke, Alice, and the Encounter in the Witches' World Walter, Alice, and the Duke head to the Witches' World to find out more about the curse. Walter has an unexpected encounter. 19: The Duke, Alice, and the Encounter in the Witches' World In onda il: 2023-08-20 Walter, Alice, and the Duke head to the Witches' World to find out more about the curse. Walter has an unexpected encounter. In onda il: 2023-08-27 20: The Duke, Alice, and the Kissing Window Walter, Alice, and the Duke learn more about the Duke's curse, and the Duke gets a lamp that can grant any wish. 20: The Duke, Alice, and the Kissing Window In onda il: 2023-08-27 Walter, Alice, and the Duke learn more about the Duke's curse, and the Duke gets a lamp that can grant any wish. In onda il: 2023-09-03 21: The Duke, Alice, and the Second Anniversary It's been two years since Alice came to the mansion, and the Duke wants to do something special for her. 21: The Duke, Alice, and the Second Anniversary In onda il: 2023-09-03 It's been two years since Alice came to the mansion, and the Duke wants to do something special for her. In onda il: 2023-09-10 22: The Duke, Alice, and the Flying Broom Alice gets a flying broom, and the Duke gets a pair of unusual visitors with a shocking offer. 22: The Duke, Alice, and the Flying Broom In onda il: 2023-09-10 Alice gets a flying broom, and the Duke gets a pair of unusual visitors with a shocking offer. In onda il: 2023-09-17 23: The Duke, Alice, and the Wizardry School The Duke and all his friends head off to the wizardry school, and Daleth follows as well. 23: The Duke, Alice, and the Wizardry School In onda il: 2023-09-17 The Duke and all his friends head off to the wizardry school, and Daleth follows as well. In onda il: 2023-09-24 24: The Duke, Alice, and the Curse Witch Zain takes the crew back in time to confront Sade in the past. 24: The Duke, Alice, and the Curse Witch In onda il: 2023-09-24 Zain takes the crew back in time to confront Sade in the past. In onda il: 2024-04-07 25: The Duke, Alice, and Reuniting with Mom The Duke, Alice, Cuff, and Zain spend some time at the wizardry school. Meanwhile, Daleth finds someone rather unexpected in the Underworld and takes them to the Duke's mansion. 25: The Duke, Alice, and Reuniting with Mom In onda il: 2024-04-07 The Duke, Alice, Cuff, and Zain spend some time at the wizardry school. Meanwhile, Daleth finds someone rather unexpected in the Underworld and takes them to the Duke's mansion. In onda il: 2024-04-14 26: The Duke, Alice, and the Mysterious Clone Sharon, having been freed from her curse, reunites with her former friends and acquaintances. Unbeknownst to her, Sade hid within her magical clones, bent on attacking anyone who threatens her plans. 26: The Duke, Alice, and the Mysterious Clone In onda il: 2024-04-14 Sharon, having been freed from her curse, reunites with her former friends and acquaintances. Unbeknownst to her, Sade hid within her magical clones, bent on attacking anyone who threatens her plans. In onda il: 2024-04-21 27: The Duke, Alice, and Mother and Mother The Duke catches a cold, and Alice's mother reunites with the Duke's mother after years of separation. 27: The Duke, Alice, and Mother and Mother In onda il: 2024-04-21 The Duke catches a cold, and Alice's mother reunites with the Duke's mother after years of separation. In onda il: 2024-04-28 28: The Duke, Alice, and Sade's Love The Duke and Alice get a very unexpected pair of visitors at the mansion. 28: The Duke, Alice, and Sade's Love In onda il: 2024-04-28 The Duke and Alice get a very unexpected pair of visitors at the mansion. In onda il: 2024-05-05 29: Dance Party (Part 1) The Duke and Alice visit the family mansion, where a fancy ball is about to take place. 29: Dance Party (Part 1) In onda il: 2024-05-05 The Duke and Alice visit the family mansion, where a fancy ball is about to take place. In onda il: 2024-05-12 30: Dance Party (Part 2) Daleth tells Walter that she wants to become human, and Nico arrives to tell the group that final preparations are complete. 30: Dance Party (Part 2) In onda il: 2024-05-12 Daleth tells Walter that she wants to become human, and Nico arrives to tell the group that final preparations are complete. In onda il: 2024-05-19 31: Coming Together The Duke enjoys his last few days before going back into the past to meet Sade. 31: Coming Together In onda il: 2024-05-19 The Duke enjoys his last few days before going back into the past to meet Sade. In onda il: 2024-05-26 32: Persuasion The Duke and his friends go back into the past and try to persuade Sade to break the curse. 32: Persuasion In onda il: 2024-05-26 The Duke and his friends go back into the past and try to persuade Sade to break the curse. In onda il: 2024-06-02 33: Loneliness and Uncertainty The battle with Sade begins in earnest as Zain tries to persuade her to come to the present with them. 33: Loneliness and Uncertainty In onda il: 2024-06-02 The battle with Sade begins in earnest as Zain tries to persuade her to come to the present with them. In onda il: 2024-06-09 34: Victor's Grandson. Sharon's Daughter Alice goes inside Sade to help heal her loneliness. 34: Victor's Grandson. Sharon's Daughter In onda il: 2024-06-09 Alice goes inside Sade to help heal her loneliness. In onda il: 2024-06-16 35: Friends, a Broken Curse, And Then... The battle with Sade ends as Alice decides what decision she'll make about her future. 35: Friends, a Broken Curse, And Then... In onda il: 2024-06-16 The battle with Sade ends as Alice decides what decision she'll make about her future. In onda il: 2024-06-23 36: Episode 36 Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Episode 36 In onda il: 2024-06-23 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer MASHLE: MAGIC AND MUSCLES Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia si svolge in un mondo in cui esiste la magia e viene usata per qualunque occorrenza della vita quotidiana. Mash è un ragazzo che vive nelle profondità della foresta e trascorre le giornate impegnandosi in esercizi per fortificare il corpo. Non riesce a usare la magia ma vive comunque una vita pacifica con suo padre. Un giorno però la sua vita viene messa in pericolo; basterà il suo corpo muscoloso a proteggerlo dalla magia che i suoi aggressori useranno contro di lui? Hajime Komoto Comic Book Tomonari Tanaka Series Director Yosuke Kuroda Series Composition Hisashi Higashijima Character Designer Masaru Yokoyama Original Music Composer Akihito Suzuki Director of Photography Saki Hisamatsu Character Designer Nozomi Goto Character Designer Hiroaki Goda Action Director Hitoki Takeda Color Designer Hideyasu Narita Art Designer Yusa Ito Art Direction Daisuke Fukuda CGI Director Masato Yoshitake Editor Satoshi Motoyama Sound Director Yui Ando Sound Effects Takeshi Matsuda Creature Design Sayaka Takase Prop Designer Masaharu Yamanouchi Music Producer Koki Adaniya Music Director Masanori Miyake Executive Producer Akifumi Fujio Executive Producer Sota Furuhashi Producer Takao Shimazaki Producer Lu Xiana Producer Akira Shimizu Production Supervisor Jun Katou Production Supervisor Taiiku Okazaki Theme Song Performance Kimiya Nobukawa Assistant Director of Photography Noriko Masuko Special Effects Chiaki Kobayashi Mash Burnedead (voice) Reiji Kawashima Finn Ames (voice) Kaito Ishikawa Lance Crown (voice) Takuya Eguchi Dot Barrett (voice) Reina Ueda Lemon Irvine (voice) Hiroaki Hirata Narration (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-04-08 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods In onda il: 2023-04-08 This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... In onda il: 2023-04-15 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze In onda il: 2023-04-15 For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. In onda il: 2023-04-22 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully In onda il: 2023-04-22 Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! In onda il: 2023-04-29 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User In onda il: 2023-04-29 It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! In onda il: 2023-05-06 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate In onda il: 2023-05-06 It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! In onda il: 2023-05-13 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron In onda il: 2023-05-13 Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. In onda il: 2023-05-27 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master In onda il: 2023-05-27 Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. In onda il: 2023-06-03 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic In onda il: 2023-06-03 After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... In onda il: 2023-06-10 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle In onda il: 2023-06-10 After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! In onda il: 2023-06-17 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary In onda il: 2023-06-17 While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? In onda il: 2023-06-24 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest In onda il: 2023-06-24 Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! In onda il: 2023-07-01 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror In onda il: 2023-07-01 Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! In onda il: 2024-01-06 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries In onda il: 2024-01-06 After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... In onda il: 2024-01-13 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit In onda il: 2024-01-13 The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? In onda il: 2024-01-20 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift In onda il: 2024-01-20 Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! In onda il: 2024-01-27 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon In onda il: 2024-01-27 The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." In onda il: 2024-02-03 17: Finn Ames and the Friend Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… 17: Finn Ames and the Friend In onda il: 2024-02-03 Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… In onda il: 2024-02-17 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life In onda il: 2024-02-17 Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… In onda il: 2024-02-24 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro In onda il: 2024-02-24 The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? In onda il: 2024-03-02 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower In onda il: 2024-03-02 Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! In onda il: 2024-03-09 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness In onda il: 2024-03-09 Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… In onda il: 2024-03-16 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger In onda il: 2024-03-16 Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! In onda il: 2024-03-23 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In onda il: 2024-03-23 In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! In onda il: 2024-03-30 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends Innocent Zero leaves a fusion of dead monster bodies that form a giant in his wake. Seeing Mash fight against this monster in a trapped, hopeless situation where all magic has become ineffective, the students from the school start to cheer him on. 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends In onda il: 2024-03-30 Innocent Zero leaves a fusion of dead monster bodies that form a giant in his wake. Seeing Mash fight against this monster in a trapped, hopeless situation where all magic has become ineffective, the students from the school start to cheer him on. Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer MASHLE: MAGIC AND MUSCLES Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia si svolge in un mondo in cui esiste la magia e viene usata per qualunque occorrenza della vita quotidiana. Mash è un ragazzo che vive nelle profondità della foresta e trascorre le giornate impegnandosi in esercizi per fortificare il corpo. Non riesce a usare la magia ma vive comunque una vita pacifica con suo padre. Un giorno però la sua vita viene messa in pericolo; basterà il suo corpo muscoloso a proteggerlo dalla magia che i suoi aggressori useranno contro di lui? Hajime Komoto Comic Book Tomonari Tanaka Series Director Yosuke Kuroda Series Composition Hisashi Higashijima Character Designer Masaru Yokoyama Original Music Composer Akihito Suzuki Director of Photography Saki Hisamatsu Character Designer Nozomi Goto Character Designer Hiroaki Goda Action Director Hitoki Takeda Color Designer Hideyasu Narita Art Designer Yusa Ito Art Direction Daisuke Fukuda CGI Director Masato Yoshitake Editor Satoshi Motoyama Sound Director Yui Ando Sound Effects Takeshi Matsuda Creature Design Sayaka Takase Prop Designer Masaharu Yamanouchi Music Producer Koki Adaniya Music Director Masanori Miyake Executive Producer Akifumi Fujio Executive Producer Sota Furuhashi Producer Takao Shimazaki Producer Lu Xiana Producer Akira Shimizu Production Supervisor Jun Katou Production Supervisor Taiiku Okazaki Theme Song Performance Kimiya Nobukawa Assistant Director of Photography Noriko Masuko Special Effects Chiaki Kobayashi Mash Burnedead (voice) Reiji Kawashima Finn Ames (voice) Kaito Ishikawa Lance Crown (voice) Takuya Eguchi Dot Barrett (voice) Reina Ueda Lemon Irvine (voice) Hiroaki Hirata Narration (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-04-08 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods In onda il: 2023-04-08 This is the Magic Realm. Naturally, all who reside in this world can use magic. Magic is a normal part of everyday life. But deep within a certain forest lives a boy named Mash and his father-figure, Regro. Mash was frequently told to avoid going into town. The reason being, the mark that is ever present on everyone’s face does not exist on Mash — for he cannot use magic. One day, while Regro is away, Mash ventures into town to buy his favorite cream puffs.... In onda il: 2023-04-15 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. 2: Mash Burnedead and the Mysterious Maze In onda il: 2023-04-15 For the sake of living peacefully with Regro, Mash decided to take the admission exam for the prestigious Easton Magic Academy in order to be selected as the most excellent and valued student — the Divine Visionary. Only those with exceptional magic power can pass the admission exam, so he smashes through various exams with power. In the maze exam, Mash is approached by a female student name Lemon, and together they aim to reach the goal. In onda il: 2023-04-22 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! 3: Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully In onda il: 2023-04-22 Mash continues life at the magic academy with the help of Finn, with whom he shares the same dorm room. One day, Mash is called out by Lloyd, a continuing student similar to Finn, and is unwittingly made into an errand boy under the impression it will help him become the Divine Visionary. As the situation gradually escalates, he coincidentally discovers Finn lying in front of Lloyd, bleeding...! In onda il: 2023-04-29 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! 4: Mash Burnedead and the Challenging Magic User In onda il: 2023-04-29 It is decided that Mash will participate in "Duelo," a popular sport in the Magic Realm that uses brooms, to represent Adler Dorm. During the match, a player of the opposing team from Lang Dorm begins to widen the gap between the scores with cowardly acts such as striking last year's MVP, Tom. As Adler Dorm finds themselves in a clutch, will Mash be able to use his muscles to lead them to victory...?! Later, Mash is suddenly approached by the top exam student with two marks, the handsome Lance...! In onda il: 2023-05-06 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! 5: Mash Burnedead and the Unpopular Classmate In onda il: 2023-05-06 It is a match against Lance with their silver coins on the line. Victorious, Mash manages to rescue Finn, Lemon, and Tom from the bottle. While smoothly moving through classes and assignments, a joint extracurricular activity is held for the Adler and Lang Dorms. Their task is to dispatch the forest scorpions to earn coins. After entering the forest and ending up lost and alone, Mash winds up working with a first-year student from his dorm named Dot...?! In onda il: 2023-05-13 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. 6: Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron In onda il: 2023-05-13 Mash and Dot are spotted by Silva, a Lang dorm student known for his bad behavior. Silva offers a bet on whether the boys can endure five hits each of his magic. Silva says he'll give up a silver coin if he can endure, and Dot says he'll take hits for Mash, too. Dot withstands ten hits, but Silva reveals the brutal reality. Looking on, Mash takes decisive action. In onda il: 2023-05-27 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. 7: Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master In onda il: 2023-05-27 Mash beats Silva, defeats the giant forest scorpion, and successfully completes the joint extracurricular activity. The five silver coins collected become one gold coin, and Mash learns about the existence of Lang Dorm’s core students who hunt coins — the seven students of the Magia Lupus. But later, Mash, searching for his next classroom, wanders into the Magia Lupus stronghold. Although he makes it out alive, a black shadow approaches Mash and his friends while cleaning out the owl huts…. In onda il: 2023-06-03 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... 8: Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic In onda il: 2023-06-03 After Mash and Lance defeat Olore and Anser of the Magia Lupus, Abyss appears before them to collect his comrades, leaving behind a disturbing atmosphere. Mash discusses the future with Lance while baking cream puffs when Lemon rushes in. It seems that Tom has temporarily lost his ability to use magic. That night, while Mash and his friends explore the school to unravel the mystery, they discover a strange-looking Lemon.... In onda il: 2023-06-10 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! 9: Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle In onda il: 2023-06-10 After chasing Lemon and discovering a door to the basement, Mash and the others are confronted by the Magia Lupus at the bottom of their way down. It's Lance vs. the Third Fang Wirth and Mash vs. the Second Fang Abyss. The decisive battle begins!! In onda il: 2023-06-17 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? 10: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionary In onda il: 2023-06-17 While Mash and Lance beat their respective opponents and proceed to help Lemon, Dot and Finn battle the Fifth Fang Love and the Forth Fang Milo. Dot fiercely struggles against Love's strength, but due to something unexpected, his magical power suddenly increases, and he undergoes a transformation. The secret is...? In onda il: 2023-06-24 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! 11: Mash Burnedead and the Survival of the Fittest In onda il: 2023-06-24 Even with a win over Love, Dot is battered and bruised. Milo gives up on using petrification magic on Mash and launches an attack on Dot. Suddenly, the Divine Visionary Rayne appears, and Milo collapses in an instant. Rayne was informed by Wahlberg that Innocent Zero's agents were coming to school, and he showed up to respond. Meanwhile, Mash has made his way to the First Fang Abel. Mash reveals his quiet rage. What will be the course of this decisive battle?! In onda il: 2023-07-01 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! 12: Mash Burnedead and the Magic Mirror In onda il: 2023-07-01 Mash overcomes Abel. Other than Lemon, Mash and the others are overjoyed after the other students are released from being transformed into puppets. Meanwhile, Rayne confronts a member of Innocent Zero who disguised himself as Lance. But he is left behind, and the Innocent Zero agent escapes to go after Abel, who is no longer of use. A new threat creeps up upon Mash and his friends...! In onda il: 2024-01-06 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... 13: Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries In onda il: 2024-01-06 After Cell War from Innocent Zero leaves, a rumor that Mash can't use magic begins to spread around the school. On the other hand, Mash and his friends win the battle against Magia Lupus and take Lang Dorm's coins for the Alder Dorm, thus bringing them a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. After school, they celebrate their victory with a party with Abel and Abyss joining them, when an owl suddenly appears and drops off a letter... In onda il: 2024-01-13 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? 14: Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit In onda il: 2024-01-13 The Bureau of Magic calls upon an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of Mash's lack of magic, and the Divine Visionaries gather one by one before Mash. The Divine Visionaries seek punishment for Mash on this, but Rayne and Wahlberg bow their heads down in a plea. Thus, the Divine Visionaries offer to defer the punishment on the condition that Mash becomes a Divine Visionary Candidate. Dot and the rest learn of this, and then everyone goes off to have some fun...? In onda il: 2024-01-20 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! 15: Rayne Ames and God's Gift In onda il: 2024-01-20 Right before the selection exam, Mash goes home with Finn and the rest of the gang, where Regro is waiting for him. For a brief moment, Mash and his friends can enjoy a calming break, but the prefect from Orca Dorm, Margarette Macaron, draws in closer to the group. Divine Visionary Rayne, however, stands in the way of Macaron. As Mash and his friends enjoy board games, a high-caliber fight between Macaron and Rayne unfolds in the background! In onda il: 2024-01-27 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." 16: Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon In onda il: 2024-01-27 The Divine Visionary Selection Exam finally begins. Traditionally, only those who have collected five or more coins were allowed to take the selection exam, but with Innocent Zero's interfering and the exam being accelerated this year, anybody with three or more coins is qualified to take the exam. Mash, Finn, Lance, and Dot, now qualified to take the exam, challenge themselves to a dead-or-alive qualifying round, also known as "Deadervant's Haunt." In onda il: 2024-02-03 17: Finn Ames and the Friend Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… 17: Finn Ames and the Friend In onda il: 2024-02-03 Mash and his friends safely passed the first round of the selection exam and were formed into a team of three out of the nine people who passed. Their next challenge is “The Life Crystal,” a competition where teams must simply break the other teams’ crystals. However, two of the three people on Mash's team (consisting of him, Dot, and Finn) break the crystals given to them before the challenge even starts. With only one crystal left for their team, the three members start the game in different locations. Finn then encounters Carpaccio Luo-yang from the Orca Dorm… In onda il: 2024-02-17 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… 18: Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life In onda il: 2024-02-17 Finn refuses to abandon his friends and faces off against Carpaccio while Mash rushes to save Finn. There are 13 ancient wands said to exist in the Magic World, known as the “Master Canes.” Carpaccio was chosen by one of them and was considered invincible as he was able to void any wounds. Mash completely defeats him. Margarette defeats Carpaccio’s two other team members elsewhere, ending the challenge. And just before the last exam, somebody comes to meet Mash and his friends in the waiting room… In onda il: 2024-02-24 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? 19: Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro In onda il: 2024-02-24 The last test of the Divine Visionary Candidate Exam is a one-on-one battle. The first match pits Mash against Margarette. Mash faces off against Macaron, a magic user said to have great magic power and is treated on the same level as a Divine Visionary. How and where will this tough fight end? In onda il: 2024-03-02 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! 20: Mash Burnedead and the Tall Tower In onda il: 2024-03-02 Mash wins against Macaron, but Innocent Zero unexpectedly appears from the sky and freezes time in the exam venue. Wahlberg confronts Innocent Zero. Kaldo and other Divine Visionaries along with prefect Margarette, now unfrozen, face off against monsters to protect the students. At the same time, a battle between Mash and Cell War unfolds! In onda il: 2024-03-09 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… 21: Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness In onda il: 2024-03-09 Sitter Baby, one of Innocent Zero’s army of death row inmates, the Criminal Canes, turns Lance and Dot into babies. But Lance manages to defeat Sitter Baby with his overwhelming strength. Midair in the distant sky, Innocent Zero uses a forbidden spell to resurrect Adam Jobs, whom Wahlberg faces off with. Adam was considered a top legendary magic user in the Magic Realm and Wahlberg and Innocent Zero’s master at the same time… In onda il: 2024-03-16 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! 22: Wahlberg Baigan and the Greatest Danger In onda il: 2024-03-16 Although Cell used the true, summoned power of his wand, Mash decidedly defeated him. At the same time, Wahlberg shows his ever-powerful abilities to face off with Criminal Cane’s Necromance and Adam’s dark magic, both of which Innocent Zero controls. And finally, the peak showdown between Wahlberg and Innocent Zero begins! In onda il: 2024-03-23 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! 23: Mash Burnedead and the Origin of the Greatest Magic User In onda il: 2024-03-23 In exchange for his life, Wahlberg attempts to whittle down Innocent Zero by manifesting Thirds, which opens the true power of his wand. Innocent Zero manages to escape the spell using his superior magic. Fallen into a desperate situation with no escape, Wahlberg is saved by…none other than Mash Burnedead himself! In onda il: 2024-03-30 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Mash Burnedead and His Good Friends In onda il: 2024-03-30 Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
- (2023-2024)
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Super DragonBall Heroes [2/2] (2020) [Specials] Sub ITA Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Super Dragon Ball Heroes Speciali Episodi 2 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Trunks del Futuro si reca nel presente per allenarsi con Vegeta e Goku, ma viene catturato da Fu e poi imprigionato sul Pianeta Prigione, un mondo dove si trovano tutti i guerrieri più forti di tutti i luoghi e dimensioni. Poi il demone Fu si dirige da Goku, Vegeta e Mai del Futuro e li convince a raggiungere Trunks, imprigionando anche loro. I protagonisti scoprono che l'unico modo per uscire è utilizzare le Sfere del Drago. YOFFY Theme Song Performance Mayumi Gojo Theme Song Performance Takayoshi Tanimoto Theme Song Performance Akira Toriyama Characters Masako Nozawa Son Goku / Xeno Goku (voice) Ryou Horikawa Vegeta / Xeno Vegeta (voice) Takeshi Kusao Future Trunks / Xeno Trunks (voice) Kappei Yamaguchi Fu (voice) Episodi: 2 In onda il: 2020-02-23 1: Battaglia decisiva! I pattugliatori del tempo contro il signore dell'oscurità In un'altra linea temporale, la Pattuglia Temporale affronta l'esercito del Re Oscuro Mechikabura. Il Kaiohshin del Tempo e i Pattugliatori Temporali (Xeno Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Pan e Trunks del futuro) invadono il Regno dei Demoni. Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks e Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Vegeth combattono Mechikabura, e il Kaiohshin del Tempo rafforza la Parola Chiave di Trunks, permettendogli di ferire Mechikabura. Il Kaiohshin del Tempo sigilla Mechikabura con la magia e Toki-Toki distrugge il palazzo dei demoni. Il Kaiohshin del Tempo ringrazia i Pattugliatori e tutti tornano a casa trionfanti. Tuttavia, prima della distruzione del Regno dei Demoni, Towa e Mira mandano il figlio di Towa nel flusso temporale per salvarlo. Quel bambino è una versione giovane di Fu. 1: Battaglia decisiva! I pattugliatori del tempo contro il signore dell'oscurità In onda il: 2020-02-23 In un'altra linea temporale, la Pattuglia Temporale affronta l'esercito del Re Oscuro Mechikabura. Il Kaiohshin del Tempo e i Pattugliatori Temporali (Xeno Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Pan e Trunks del futuro) invadono il Regno dei Demoni. Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks e Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Vegeth combattono Mechikabura, e il Kaiohshin del Tempo rafforza la Parola Chiave di Trunks, permettendogli di ferire Mechikabura. Il Kaiohshin del Tempo sigilla Mechikabura con la magia e Toki-Toki distrugge il palazzo dei demoni. Il Kaiohshin del Tempo ringrazia i Pattugliatori e tutti tornano a casa trionfanti. Tuttavia, prima della distruzione del Regno dei Demoni, Towa e Mira mandano il figlio di Towa nel flusso temporale per salvarlo. Quel bambino è una versione giovane di Fu. In onda il: 2020-11-15 2: Di corsa verso il campo di battaglia! Dragon Ball Heroes! Due adolescenti, un ragazzo e una ragazza, partecipano al campionato del decimo anniversario di Super Dragon Ball Heroes usando una console di realtà virtuale che li trasporta nel mondo di Dragon Ball come avatar. Entrambi gli avatar raggiungono il Super Saiyan blu e sono supportati da squadre di guerrieri di Dragon Ball: il ragazzo è aiutato da Vegeth, Yamcha, Xeno Trunks, Goku, Bardack e Jiren, mentre la ragazza da Gogeta, il Saiyan Mascherato, Broly, il Re Oscuro Mascherato, il Gran Sacerdote e Demigra. Le due squadre si scontrano in una lunga battaglia, al termine della quale il ragazzo viene dichiarato campione. Tuttavia, tre nuovi avatar sfidano il campione, supportati da Heles, Champa, Vados, Beerus, Whis e Belmod. I nuovi arrivati inizialmente dominano, ma l'avatar del campione e Goku accedono all'Ultra Istinto, ribaltando le sorti. Con il sostegno del suo gruppo, il campione ritrova energia e si prepara a continuare il gioco con entusiasmo. 2: Di corsa verso il campo di battaglia! Dragon Ball Heroes! In onda il: 2020-11-15 Due adolescenti, un ragazzo e una ragazza, partecipano al campionato del decimo anniversario di Super Dragon Ball Heroes usando una console di realtà virtuale che li trasporta nel mondo di Dragon Ball come avatar. Entrambi gli avatar raggiungono il Super Saiyan blu e sono supportati da squadre di guerrieri di Dragon Ball: il ragazzo è aiutato da Vegeth, Yamcha, Xeno Trunks, Goku, Bardack e Jiren, mentre la ragazza da Gogeta, il Saiyan Mascherato, Broly, il Re Oscuro Mascherato, il Gran Sacerdote e Demigra. Le due squadre si scontrano in una lunga battaglia, al termine della quale il ragazzo viene dichiarato campione. Tuttavia, tre nuovi avatar sfidano il campione, supportati da Heles, Champa, Vados, Beerus, Whis e Belmod. I nuovi arrivati inizialmente dominano, ma l'avatar del campione e Goku accedono all'Ultra Istinto, ribaltando le sorti. Con il sostegno del suo gruppo, il campione ritrova energia e si prepara a continuare il gioco con entusiasmo. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e-
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Dr. Stone New World [22/22] (2023) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: DR. STONE NEW WORLD Titolo inglese: Dr. Stone New World Titolo breve: Dr. Stone 3 Titolo Kanji: ドクターストーン (2023) Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Avventura Azione Commedia Fantascienza Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Manga Shounen Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: in corso TRAMA Trovato il petrolio necessario a creare il primo combustibile fossile dello Stone World, Senku e il Regno della Scienza possono finalmente procedere con la costruzione della nave che permetterà loro di lasciare il Giappone alla ricerca di indizi sul mistero della pietrificazione. Che l’era dell’esplorazione abbia inizio! -
Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru [15/15] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru Titolo inglese: Reign of the Seven Spellblades Titolo Kanji: 七つの魔剣が支配する Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Azione Commedia Fantasy Magia Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Light Novel Stagioni: Estate (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: in corso Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso TRAMA Primavera. Nella prestigiosa scuola di magia di Kimberly arrivano i nuovi studenti. Vestito con abiti neri, con un bastone bianco e una spada legati al fianco, Oliver cela nel suo petto un certo orgoglio. Mentre i fiori di ciliegio sbocciano, i maghi in erba sono accolti da una sfilata di creature magiche. Tuttavia, gli è concesso solo un momento di svago: un labirinto sotterraneo che inghiotte gli studenti per capriccio, studenti più grandi che somigliano a dei mostri, e una fazione che si oppone ai diritti umani per i semi-umani. Mentre cerca di sopravvivere in un posto inquietante e terrificante insieme ai suoi compagni, Oliver conosce una ragazza con una spada giapponese legata al fianco, la samurai Nanao. Inizia così la storia di due spade che si scontrano. -
Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita? [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita? Titolo inglese: Am I Actually the Strongest? Titolo Kanji: 実は俺、最強でした? Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Commedia Ecchi Fantasy Sentimentale Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Light Novel Stagioni: Estate (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: annunciato Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato TRAMA Il protagonista si reincarna in un altro mondo con la promessa di una vita tranquilla. Anche se nato nella famiglia reale, i suoi nuovi genitori non ci pensano due volte ad abbandonarlo nella foresta, dato che la magia del piccolo sembra troppo debole. In realtà, il suo potere è al limite del sovrumano. Cosa dovrà affrontare per ottenere la quiete tanto desiderata? -
Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3 [12/12] (2023) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3 Titolo inglese: Rent a Girlfriend 3 Titolo breve: KanoKari 3 Titolo Kanji: 彼女, お借りします 3 Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Commedia Harem Sentimentale Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Manga Shounen Stagioni: Estate (2023) Episodi : ?? Stato in patria: in corso TRAMA Terza stagione della serie "Rent-a-Girlfriend". -
Niehime to Kemono no Ou [24/24] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Niehime to Kemono no Ou Titolo inglese: Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts Titolo Kanji: 贄姫と獣の王 Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Drammatico Fantasy Sentimentale Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Manga Shoujo Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: in corso Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso TRAMA Saliphie, novantanovesimo sacrificio per il terribile re dei demoni, ha scoperto due segreti su quest'ultimo: il primo è che ha sempre lasciato scappare via le sue vittime sacrificali, il secondo è che metà del suo sangue è umano. A poco a poco la ragazza impara a conoscere la sofferenza e la gentilezza del re e ne diventa la consorte nonostante la diversità delle loro razze. Tutto ciò però non fa piacere agli altri demoni... -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Spy Classroom Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Mistero ◦ Action & Adventure Un mondo dove le guerre vengono combattute dalle spie. Alla spia Klaus, che ha una percentuale di successi del 100%, viene affidata una missione pressoché impossibile, con un tasso stimato di insuccesso e conseguente morte del 90%. E in questa missione sono coinvolte anche sette ragazze alle prime armi! 川口敬一郎 Series Director 猪爪慎一 Series Composition Sumie Kinoshita Character Designer Riri Honma Costume Designer Keita Shimizu Lead Animator Motoaki Satou Lead Animator 鈴木典孝 Prop Designer Yoshiaki Fujisawa Original Music Composer 常木志伸 Mechanical Designer Rumi Maruyama Editor Ayaka Hozumi Lead Animator 納谷僚介 Sound Director 池端隆史 Assistant Director You Iwaida Color Designer Kuniaki Masuda Lead Animator 小川耕平 3D Director 長澤順子 Art Designer 岩畑剛一 Prop Designer Fumito Nanba Director of Photography 海野よしみ Art Direction 徳久智成 Sound Mixer 久保田暁 Executive Producer 田中翔 Executive Producer 山崎明日香 Executive Producer 竹山沙織 Music Director 和田俊也 Sound Effects 元長聡 Producer 飯塚彩 Producer 外川明宏 Producer 水鳥智栄子 Music Producer Kayoko Ninomiya Producer Yuki Ogasawara Associate Producer Hajime Maruyama Producer 長谷川嘉範 Associate Producer Yuta Uchida Online Editor 若林豪 Music Producer Yui Tsukane Online Editor 國枝信吾 Executive Producer nonoc Theme Song Performance 雨宮天 Lily (voice) 伊藤美来 Grete (voice) Nao Tōyama Sybilla (voice) Aoi Yūki Monika (voice) Sumire Uesaka Thea (voice) Ayane Sakura Sara (voice) 楠木ともり Annette (voice) 梅原裕一郎 Klaus (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-01-05 1: MISSION: Flower Garden I Spy-school washout Lily just accepted a provisional graduation, and she couldn’t be happier! But there’s more to her new assignment (and her new teacher) than meets the eye. 1: MISSION: Flower Garden I In onda il: 2023-01-05 Spy-school washout Lily just accepted a provisional graduation, and she couldn’t be happier! But there’s more to her new assignment (and her new teacher) than meets the eye. In onda il: 2023-01-12 2: MISSION: Flower Garden II From defeat comes wisdom. To vanquish Klaus, Team Lamplight must learn from their mistakes — but once they enter enemy territory, the time for mistakes will be over. 2: MISSION: Flower Garden II In onda il: 2023-01-12 From defeat comes wisdom. To vanquish Klaus, Team Lamplight must learn from their mistakes — but once they enter enemy territory, the time for mistakes will be over. In onda il: 2023-01-19 3: MISSION: Flower Garden III Impossible Mission or not, it doesn’t make sense for a team that legendary to go down so easily. A traitor betrays his team. 3: MISSION: Flower Garden III In onda il: 2023-01-19 Impossible Mission or not, it doesn’t make sense for a team that legendary to go down so easily. A traitor betrays his team. In onda il: 2023-01-26 4: FILE: Fool Erna Nine elite members form a new team called Lamplight, and they’re going to pick up where Inferno left off. 4: FILE: Fool Erna In onda il: 2023-01-26 Nine elite members form a new team called Lamplight, and they’re going to pick up where Inferno left off. In onda il: 2023-02-02 5: FILE: Lamplight Days With Wunderkind Lily at its head, Lamplight's going to lead the charge. Their inaugural Impossible Mission is just around the corner. 5: FILE: Lamplight Days In onda il: 2023-02-02 With Wunderkind Lily at its head, Lamplight's going to lead the charge. Their inaugural Impossible Mission is just around the corner. In onda il: 2023-02-09 6: FILE: Pandemonium Sybilla The girls receive some advice: “Deceive each other. Trick each other. Improve each other.” 6: FILE: Pandemonium Sybilla In onda il: 2023-02-09 The girls receive some advice: “Deceive each other. Trick each other. Improve each other.” In onda il: 2023-02-16 7: FILE: Meadow Sara With a ghost on the loose and a literal ticking time bomb, the girls start worrying about the manor's structural integrity. 7: FILE: Meadow Sara In onda il: 2023-02-16 With a ghost on the loose and a literal ticking time bomb, the girls start worrying about the manor's structural integrity. In onda il: 2023-03-02 8: MISSION: Daughter Dearest I Coming back from a break, everyone is recharged and ready for the next mission. Lamplight's been promoted from a provisional team to an actual team. 8: MISSION: Daughter Dearest I In onda il: 2023-03-02 Coming back from a break, everyone is recharged and ready for the next mission. Lamplight's been promoted from a provisional team to an actual team. In onda il: 2023-03-09 9: MISSION: Daughter Dearest II When you’re a spy, sometimes being stealthy is not enough. You also have to be well fed! 9: MISSION: Daughter Dearest II In onda il: 2023-03-09 When you’re a spy, sometimes being stealthy is not enough. You also have to be well fed! In onda il: 2023-03-16 10: MISSION: Daughter Dearest III During the Pre-Impossible Mission Planning, the assassins make their way into the manor disguised as delivery people. 10: MISSION: Daughter Dearest III In onda il: 2023-03-16 During the Pre-Impossible Mission Planning, the assassins make their way into the manor disguised as delivery people. In onda il: 2023-03-23 11: MISSION: Daughter Dearest IV Lamplight faces a battle they have to win on their own. 11: MISSION: Daughter Dearest IV In onda il: 2023-03-23 Lamplight faces a battle they have to win on their own. In onda il: 2023-03-30 12: FILE: Daughter Dearest Grete This will be the first time in a long while that all nine Lamplight members back together! 12: FILE: Daughter Dearest Grete In onda il: 2023-03-30 This will be the first time in a long while that all nine Lamplight members back together! In onda il: 2023-07-13 13: MISSION: Forgetter I Sometimes, you have to give yourself a little reward to make it all worth it. 13: MISSION: Forgetter I In onda il: 2023-07-13 Sometimes, you have to give yourself a little reward to make it all worth it. In onda il: 2023-07-20 14: MISSION: Forgetter II Under rare circumstances, cornered spies will turn to desperate acts of violence. All they can do is pray that others don't get dragged into the situation. 14: MISSION: Forgetter II In onda il: 2023-07-20 Under rare circumstances, cornered spies will turn to desperate acts of violence. All they can do is pray that others don't get dragged into the situation. In onda il: 2023-07-27 15: MISSION: Forgetter III The team faces a moral dilemma over Matilda’s fate. She may be an enemy spy, but she is also Annette’s mother. 15: MISSION: Forgetter III In onda il: 2023-07-27 The team faces a moral dilemma over Matilda’s fate. She may be an enemy spy, but she is also Annette’s mother. In onda il: 2023-08-03 16: MISSION: Forgetter IV There’s only one way to get Matilda out of a jam and sneaking her into a cargo freighter leaving the port may be the team’s last hope. 16: MISSION: Forgetter IV In onda il: 2023-08-03 There’s only one way to get Matilda out of a jam and sneaking her into a cargo freighter leaving the port may be the team’s last hope. In onda il: 2023-08-10 17: FILE: Glint Everyone is starting to slip up and show signs of psychological strain. Everyone, with one exception. 17: FILE: Glint In onda il: 2023-08-10 Everyone is starting to slip up and show signs of psychological strain. Everyone, with one exception. In onda il: 2023-08-17 18: FILE: Dreamspeaker Thea This will be the first time in a long while that all nine Lamplight members back together! 18: FILE: Dreamspeaker Thea In onda il: 2023-08-17 This will be the first time in a long while that all nine Lamplight members back together! In onda il: 2023-08-24 19: FILE: Forgetter Annette Annette runs out of spending money buying parts for a machine she is building. The solution? She gets a side job! 19: FILE: Forgetter Annette In onda il: 2023-08-24 Annette runs out of spending money buying parts for a machine she is building. The solution? She gets a side job! In onda il: 2023-08-31 20: MISSION: Dreamspeaker I The latest mission is going to involve infiltrating a foreign country. This will be a major trial for Lamplight. 20: MISSION: Dreamspeaker I In onda il: 2023-08-31 The latest mission is going to involve infiltrating a foreign country. This will be a major trial for Lamplight. In onda il: 2023-09-07 21: MISSION: Dreamspeaker II The group questions bringing Roland with them. Unfortunately, he’s the only one who knows what Purple Ant looks like and that makes him valuable. 21: MISSION: Dreamspeaker II In onda il: 2023-09-07 The group questions bringing Roland with them. Unfortunately, he’s the only one who knows what Purple Ant looks like and that makes him valuable. In onda il: 2023-09-14 22: MISSON: Dreamspeaker III Someone once told Miranda that when she was in the depths of despair, a hero would come to save her. Will that be true in practice? 22: MISSON: Dreamspeaker III In onda il: 2023-09-14 Someone once told Miranda that when she was in the depths of despair, a hero would come to save her. Will that be true in practice? In onda il: 2023-09-21 23: MISSION: Dreamspeaker IV An intense encounter at a bar. Tears are shed. A gun on the table. What is going on here? 23: MISSION: Dreamspeaker IV In onda il: 2023-09-21 An intense encounter at a bar. Tears are shed. A gun on the table. What is going on here? In onda il: 2023-09-28 24: FILE: Flower Garden Lily All roads have led to this as Lamplight shines in this thrilling season finale of Spy Classroom. 24: FILE: Flower Garden Lily In onda il: 2023-09-28 All roads have led to this as Lamplight shines in this thrilling season finale of Spy Classroom. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Great Cleric Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Il dio del destino della Terra e il dio supremo di un altro mondo, chiamato Galdarudia, hanno fatto una scommessa. Ma il dio del destino ha perso e ha dovuto scegliere 10 anime e cederle al dio di Galdarudia, che ha donato loro delle nuove abilità. Tra queste anime mediocri, c'è anche quella di un salaryman che ha lottato contro il suo funesto destino. Quale sarà la crescita di quest'uomo? Né i due dei, né l'autore stesso hanno idea di cosa accadrà. 玉川真人 Series Director 大知慶一郎 Series Composition Wang Guonian Character Designer 佐橋俊彦 Original Music Composer Toshiyuki Tokuda Art Direction 納谷僚介 Sound Director 墳下芳弘 CGI Director 金武慎也 Director of Photography 佐藤美由紀 Color Designer 長谷川舞 Editor 岩永悦宜 Prop Designer Hiiro Akikaze Other Broccoli Lion Other sime Other 川島零士 Luciel (voice) Akio Ōtsuka Brod (voice) Tomoaki Maeno Gulgar (voice) Daisuke Ono Galba (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2023-07-14 1: The Healers' Guild A salaryman meets an untimely demise and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world as a fifteen-year-old boy named Luciel. Luciel uses his business skills to talk his way into a nearby town's Healers' Guild, where he begins a crash course in magic. 1: The Healers' Guild In onda il: 2023-07-14 A salaryman meets an untimely demise and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world as a fifteen-year-old boy named Luciel. Luciel uses his business skills to talk his way into a nearby town's Healers' Guild, where he begins a crash course in magic. In onda il: 2023-07-21 2: The Adventurers' Guild Luciel starts to get a handle on his healing powers and what it's going to take to improve them and survive in this new world, so he charts a course for a rather unexpected training destination—the Adventurers' Guild! 2: The Adventurers' Guild In onda il: 2023-07-21 Luciel starts to get a handle on his healing powers and what it's going to take to improve them and survive in this new world, so he charts a course for a rather unexpected training destination—the Adventurers' Guild! In onda il: 2023-07-28 3: A Talent for Martial Arts Luciel registers with the Adventurers' Guild and begins martial arts training with chief instructor Brod. As part of that training, he is forced to drink Substance X, a mysterious and disgusting beverage that confers special powers like a cheat item. 3: A Talent for Martial Arts In onda il: 2023-07-28 Luciel registers with the Adventurers' Guild and begins martial arts training with chief instructor Brod. As part of that training, he is forced to drink Substance X, a mysterious and disgusting beverage that confers special powers like a cheat item. In onda il: 2023-08-04 4: Substance X and a Small Change Luciel gets a break from training to learn about butchering monsters with Gulgar's brother, Galba, and study world history and culture with Nanaella. While shopping with Nanaella one day, he discovers Monika unconscious and bleeding on the street. 4: Substance X and a Small Change In onda il: 2023-08-04 Luciel gets a break from training to learn about butchering monsters with Gulgar's brother, Galba, and study world history and culture with Nanaella. While shopping with Nanaella one day, he discovers Monika unconscious and bleeding on the street. In onda il: 2023-08-11 5: The Healing Clinic and the Arrival of Bottaculli It's been a year and Luciel needs to renew his registration at the Healer's Guild. What rank will he be? Luciel jumps into the next level of his training, when he encounters the Healer who left Monika to die... 5: The Healing Clinic and the Arrival of Bottaculli In onda il: 2023-08-11 It's been a year and Luciel needs to renew his registration at the Healer's Guild. What rank will he be? Luciel jumps into the next level of his training, when he encounters the Healer who left Monika to die... In onda il: 2023-08-18 6: On a Journey After Luciel's encounter with Bottaculli, Brod decides that he'll need to get even stronger to survive whatever the corrupt healer might throw at him. Little do they expect the mysterious letter that's about to arrive and change everything. 6: On a Journey In onda il: 2023-08-18 After Luciel's encounter with Bottaculli, Brod decides that he'll need to get even stronger to survive whatever the corrupt healer might throw at him. Little do they expect the mysterious letter that's about to arrive and change everything. In onda il: 2023-09-01 7: The Holy City of Shurule Luciel makes his intrepid, if reluctant, trip the Holy City of Shurule, where he learns more about the Church and what he'll be doing there. Is this a setup? Or just another stepping stone on the path to survival? 7: The Holy City of Shurule In onda il: 2023-09-01 Luciel makes his intrepid, if reluctant, trip the Holy City of Shurule, where he learns more about the Church and what he'll be doing there. Is this a setup? Or just another stepping stone on the path to survival? In onda il: 2023-09-01 8: A Threat in the Boss Room Luciel makes progress at his new job, potentially even getting in over his head. He's up against a strange encounter in the boss room, and an even more mysterious one afterward... 8: A Threat in the Boss Room In onda il: 2023-09-01 Luciel makes progress at his new job, potentially even getting in over his head. He's up against a strange encounter in the boss room, and an even more mysterious one afterward... In onda il: 2023-09-08 9: Training with the Paladin Regiment Luciel starts to doubt his fighting skills after clearing the boss room on the tenth level, so he asks to train with Lumina and the Valkyrie Paladin Regiment. After clearing the twentieth level, he meets the pope again to learn more about the wights. 9: Training with the Paladin Regiment In onda il: 2023-09-08 Luciel starts to doubt his fighting skills after clearing the boss room on the tenth level, so he asks to train with Lumina and the Valkyrie Paladin Regiment. After clearing the twentieth level, he meets the pope again to learn more about the wights. In onda il: 2023-09-15 10: The Secret of Substance X Luciel agrees to heal the adventurers in Shurule but demands that they stop calling him "maso-zombie." Cattleya realizes Luciel has been consuming Substance X and informs the pope, who explains the origin of the mysterious drink. 10: The Secret of Substance X In onda il: 2023-09-15 Luciel agrees to heal the adventurers in Shurule but demands that they stop calling him "maso-zombie." Cattleya realizes Luciel has been consuming Substance X and informs the pope, who explains the origin of the mysterious drink. In onda il: 2023-09-22 11: Trouble in St. Shurule Luciel runs into trouble in the streets of the capital, and an altogether different danger awaits him in the depths below the city... 11: Trouble in St. Shurule In onda il: 2023-09-22 Luciel runs into trouble in the streets of the capital, and an altogether different danger awaits him in the depths below the city... In onda il: 2023-09-29 12: S-Rank Healer and Exorcist Luciel's Declaration The depths of the undead labyrinth force Luciel to keep going, testing his mettle as a healer and an adventurer. What will he find at the end, and what will he find when he finally returns to the surface? 12: S-Rank Healer and Exorcist Luciel's Declaration In onda il: 2023-09-29 The depths of the undead labyrinth force Luciel to keep going, testing his mettle as a healer and an adventurer. What will he find at the end, and what will he find when he finally returns to the surface? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyō desu [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyō desu Titolo inglese: My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1 Titolo Kanji: レベル1だけどユニークスキルで最強です Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Avventura Commedia Fantasy Harem Sentimentale Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Light Novel Stagioni: Estate (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: in corso Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio in corso, Sottotitoli in corso TRAMA Con l'aiuto di alcuni oggetti che aumentano le abilità, Ryouta riesce a raccogliere un gran numero di armi e altri oggetti che solo lui è in grado di usare e, sebbene continui a rimanere fermo al livello 1, possiede l'equipaggiamento più forte di tutti. -
Jidō Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyū wo Samayō [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Jidō Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyū wo Samayō Titolo inglese: Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon Titolo Kanji: 自動販売機に生まれ変わった俺は迷宮を彷徨う Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Commedia Fantasy Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Light Novel Stagioni: Estate (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: annunciato Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio annunciato, Sottotitoli annunciato TRAMA Un uomo assiste a un incidente: un camion sbanda e il distributore automatico che stava trasportando viene sbalzato via. L'uomo, sulla traiettoria di caduta, ovviamente schiva il macchinario... e invece no, tenta invano di salvare il distributore, morendo ovviamente nel tentativo. Si risveglierà in un altro mondo, con le sembianze di un distributore automatico, sua grande passione. -
INFO Titolo originale: Ayaka Titolo inglese: Ayaka Titolo Kanji: あやか Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Soprannaturale Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Opera Originale Stagioni: Estate (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: annunciato Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato TRAMA Yanagi Yukito è un orfano che un giorno incontra un eccentrico discepolo di suo padre. L'uomo lo porta nella sua città natale Ayakajima, composta da sette isole dove si dice risiedano esseri misteriosi chiamati "Mitama" e draghi. Lì, Yukito incontra gli altri due discepoli di suo padre, che proteggono la pace ad Ayakajima... che però presto rischia di crollare.
INFO Titolo originale: Isekai de Cheat Skill o Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai o mo Musōsuru Titolo inglese: I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too Titolo breve: iseleve Titolo Kanji: 異世界でチート能力を手にした俺は、現実世界をも無双する Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Avventura Azione Fantasy Harem Scolastico Slice of Life Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Light Novel Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: annunciato TRAMA Tenjo Yuuta è sempre stato vittima di bullismo. Il giovane vive da solo nell'abitazione del suo nonno defunto. Un giorno, mentre puliva la casa, entra in una stanza per la prima volta e, mettendo in ordine, scopre una porta misteriosa...
Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi: Seiiki-hen [12/12] (2023) [4°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi: Seiiki-hen Titolo inglese: Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Doom of Dragon's Sanctuary Titolo Kanji: 魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅聖域編 Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Avventura Commedia Fantasy Magia Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Light Novel Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: annunciato Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato TRAMA Quarta stagione del remake di "Lo stregone Orphen". -
Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru. [13/13] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
INFO Titolo originale: Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru. Titolo inglese: My Clueless First Friend Titolo Kanji: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。 Nazionalità: Giappone Categoria: Serie TV Genere: Commedia Drammatico Scolastico Sentimentale Slice of Life Anno: 2023 Tratto da: Manga Shonen Stagioni: Primavera (2023) Episodi : ? Stato in patria: annunciato Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato TRAMA La storia narra le vicende di una ragazzina che viene presa in giro dai suoi compagni di classe, e che vede la sua situazione cambiare quando il nuovo studente trasferito, ignorando la situazione, decide di avvicinarsi a lei.