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  1. Khruangbin - Mordechai Remixes (2021) 96-24 Country: USA Genre: Funk, Psychedelic Rock, Neo-Psychedelia Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 57:20 Full Size: 1.08 GB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  2. Descrizione Skullgirls 2nd Encore è uno splendido e adrenalinico picchiaduro 2D acclamato dalla critica, che mette i giocatori nei panni di feroci guerrieri nello straordinario mondo di Dark Deco. Ognuno dei 14 originalissimi personaggi ha delle meccaniche di gioco uniche e personalità da vendere. Skullgirls 2nd Encore è il picchiaduro perfetto per tutti i fan del genere, dai neofiti ai giocatori più competitivi. Include una modalità storia completamente doppiata, animazioni mozzafiato e una colonna sonora firmata da Michiru Yamane. Marie: Ha vissuto abbastanza a lungo da diventare la cattiva, ma è morta da eroina: finalmente MARIE entra a far parte del cast di Skullgirls! Marie, un tempo formidabile Skullgirl, torna sul campo di battaglia con uno stormo di non-morti e il suo fidato aspirapolvere. Ma adesso lotta contro il male di cui è stata l’incarnazione. - Una bella spolverata: togli le ragnatele dallo scenario di Marie, il fatiscente Castello di Hilgard. - Questo è il tuo funerale: presentati al meglio grazie alle 29 palette ideate appositamente per Marie. - Una domestica, un'orfana e un gigan entrano in un bar: rimedia ai tuoi errori con l'aiuto dei tuoi amici nella modalità Storia di Marie. - Riposa in pezzi: annienta senza sforzo i tuoi nemici, dopo l'allenamento coi tutorial personaggio di Marie! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Skullgirls.2nd.Encore.v3.6.11.Incl.All.DLCs [SUB ITA]
  3. Descrizione L'oscurità si agita sul bordo. Sopravvivi a infestazioni di carne, attacchi di cultisti, non morti barcollanti, piogge di sangue, cacciatori invisibili e altri pericoli che distruggono la sanità mentale. Cattura e studia le entità per sfruttare il potere del Vuoto. Conduci rituali psichici e risveglia un dio macchina malvagio. RimWorld - Anomaly è un'espansione a tema horror ispirata a classici come Cabin in the Woods, La Cosa, I miti di Cthulhu, Hellraiser e molti altri. Attenzione: spoiler qui sotto. I tuoi coloni risvegliano accidentalmente un monolite oscuro e provocano una folle mente-macchina dal potere insondabile. Le sue terrificanti manifestazioni iniziano a perseguitare il mondo. Sopravvivi a questi strani avvenimenti mentre studi i nuovi fenomeni e impari come porre fine alla follia. Storie horror di ogni genere Non si tratta solo di combattere i mostri. È paranoia, guerra, infestazione e mistero. - Un cacciatore di anime umane psichicamente invisibile stride fuori dalle tue mura, tornando ogni notte per catturare una nuova vittima. L'allarme di prossimità si attiva, ma non puoi vedere la bestia. Studia campioni della creatura per imparare a rilevarla. Quindi, diventa i cacciatori e uccidilo dove vive. - Un'enorme creatura di carne sta crescendo nel paesaggio, consumando e coprendo l'intera mappa con una tremante massa di carne. Si difende con bestie e acido. Combattilo per ottenere campioni del suo sistema nervoso, quindi studiali finché non potrai avventurarti nel suo cuore e ucciderlo per sempre. - Un parassita ha controllato mentalmente alcuni dei tuoi coloni, ma chi? Fingono di essere umani mentre lavorano per infestare gli altri. Tieni traccia delle prove, imprigiona, interroga e sottoponi a test medici le persone per scoprire chi è infestato prima che sia troppo tardi. - I tuoi coloni diventano ossessionati da un bellissimo cubo d'oro, uno per uno. Costruiscono statue del cubo. Adorano il cubo. Amano il cubo. - Appare un obelisco pulsante. Il suo potere oscuro è sconosciuto: può duplicare le persone, teletrasportarle in un regno di infiniti labirinti grigi o mutarle violentemente con nuove appendici carnose. Scopri cosa fa e sovraccaricalo. - Arriva un cadavere che assomiglia esattamente a quello di uno dei tuoi coloni - e sembra seguirli. - E molti altri eventi strani e terrificanti! Combattimento horror Combatterai battaglie contro bestie di carne strillanti, orde di non morti barcollanti, macchine mortali sferiche, enormi bestie acquatiche divoratrici, imitazioni di esseri umani e molti altri pericoli che distruggono la sanità mentale. Usa i mostri contro i tuoi normali nemici umani e meccanoidi dove puoi. Quando nel terreno si apre un grande buco, dovrai avventurarti nelle caverne sottostanti, uccidere l'enorme creatura che si nasconde sotto e fuggire prima del crollo. Cattura e studia le entità oscure nella tua struttura Per sconfiggere le manifestazioni del monolite, devi ottenere il loro potere. Costruisci una grande struttura di contenimento in modo da poter catturare mostri, studiarli e sfruttarli. Espandilo con pareti, pavimenti e porte più resistenti per mantenerli al sicuro. Sfrutta i tuoi prigionieri per usare il loro potere contro i tuoi nemici, ma non spingerli troppo lontano! Raccogli la nuova risorsa di bioferrite dal tuo serraglio per creare sieri sperimentali, lanciafiamme e fucili infernali, pulsatori mutanti la carne, armi che inducono la follia e altri strumenti alimentati dal vuoto. Combatti i cultisti che servono la mente-macchina I cultisti macabri verranno ed eseguiranno i loro rituali psichici con impegno suicida. Distruggili prima che rapiscano la tua gente, evochino bestie sanguinarie o semplicemente ti facciano impazzire. Usa i rituali psichici per i tuoi scopi. Evoca i morti ammassati, fai piovere sangue pieno di rabbia o ruba le menti e la salute dei tuoi nemici, se lo desideri. Potenzia il monolite per accedere al vuoto Nel nuovo endgame, il mondo impazzirà. Tutto sarà nell'oscurità mentre il terrore si dimena nell'ombra. Solo allora potrai affrontare il dio macchina e scegliere il tuo destino. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TiNYiSO [SUB ITA/ENG]
  4. KRAFTman - Call Me Up (2021) [FLAC] Country: UK Genre: Electro, Machine Pop, Synthpop Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 32:37 Full Size: 360.92 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  5. Descrizione GLI RTS SONO DIVENTATI PIÙ GRANDI TITANS è un'enorme espansione stand-alone del gigantesco RTS Planetary Annihilation. Include il gioco base e aggiunge tantissime nuove funzionalità: Devasta i tuoi nemici con 5 enormi super unità di classe Titan, come il tellurico Atlas e l'aeronave fulminante Zeus! Espandi il tuo arsenale strategico con 16 nuove unità, fra cui i versatili elicarri, le indomite corazzate orbitali e i voraci sciami di Nanobot! Eleva il tuo gioco in singola e multiplayer con nuovi pianeti dotati di terreni multi-livello. Impara le basi molto più velocemente grazie al nuovo tutorial semplificato e poi passa al livello successivo con la nuova modalità Ricompensa per le schermaglie IA e le partite multigiocatore. Include tutto ciò che ami di Planetary Annihilation: - Dimensioni epiche - Comanda eserciti composti da migliaia di unità per mare, terra, aria e persino in orbita. Il tutto su più pianeti. - Modalità Giocatore singolo epica - La guerra galattica è una variante sulle campagne in tempo reale tradizionali. I giocatori si affrontano in una galassia dinamica, piena di contenuto creato proceduralmente. Ogni partita è diversa. - Distruggi i pianeti - Termina le partite distruggendo interi pianeti con laser giganti, collisioni di asteroidi e il nuovo Titan Ragnarok, lo spacca pianeti! - Comando e controllo avanzati - Automatizza il tuo esercito con comandi e funzionalità intuitivi, che ti permettono di creare e gestire contemporaneamente e con facilità enormi armate e linee di produzione su più fronti di diversi pianeti! - Replay istantanei - Guarda le registrazioni in tempo reale delle partite, mentre sono ancora in corso. Riavvolgi la battaglia per scoprire il momento che ne ha determinato l'esito e cambialo usando la funzione Gioca da qui. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Planetary.Annihilation.TITANS.PA.Consultants-SKIDROW [SUB ITA]
  6. Data di uscita 7 Dicembre 2021 (Italia) Genere Commedia Anno 2021 Regia Pietro Belfiore, Davide Bonacina, Andrea Fadenti, Andrea Mazzarella, David Rossi Attori Germano Lanzoni, Valerio Airò, Laura Locatelli, Leonardo Uslengo, Paolo Calabresi, Alessandro Betti, Michele Manca, Stefano Manca, Benito Urgu, Simonetta Columbu, Claudio Bisio, Lorenzo Ostuni, Jake La Furia, Elettra Lamborghini Paese Italia Durata 92 Min Distribuzione Medusa Il Signor Imbruttito, dirigente di spicco di una grande multinazionale, vive la routine nella sua frenetica Milano seguendo fedelmente il mantra della doppia F, f*** e fatturato. A rompere questo equilibrio ci pensa Brusini, eccentrico imprenditore a capo di un impero economico, che per una ragione assurda fa saltare quello che per l'Imbruttito è l'affare della vita. L'Imbruttito per la prima volta accusa il colpo, cade in depressione, non riesce più a trovare una ragione per svegliarsi al mattino. La svolta arriva da Brera, un amico di vecchia data, che propone all'Imbruttito l'acquisto di un chiringuito in Sardegna, per fare business in infradito. L'affare è fatto e, malgrado lo scetticismo del Nano, il figlio dodicenne, e la furia della moglie Laura, l'Imbruttito si lancia con entusiasmo in questa nuova avventura in compagnia del fidato Giargiana, suo "stagista di una vita". Con l'arrivo in Sardegna però il sogno si trasforma presto in un incubo: il chiringuito c'è e l'ambiente intorno è paradisiaco, ma si trova in una zona a dir poco remota dell’isola e gli abitanti del paese, Garroneddu, sono una comunità di semplici pastori avversi a ogni novità. L'Imbruttito e i sardi riusciranno a trovare un modo per convivere pur essendo così diversi? [/center]==========
  7. Data di uscita 1 Gennaio 2022 (Italia) 22 Dicembre 2021 (USA) Genere Azione , Fantascienza , Drammatico Anno 2021 Regia Lana Wachowski Attori Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jessica Henwick, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris, Priyanka Chopra, Jada Pinkett Smith, Christina Ricci, Telma Hopkins, Eréndira Ibarra, Toby Onwumere, Max Riemelt, Brian J. Smith Paese USA Durata 148 Min Distribuzione Warner Bros Due realtà differenti caratterizzano il mondo: una rappresentata dalla vita di tutti i giorni e un'altra nascosta e inaccessibile. Per scoprire se la sua realtà è un costrutto fisico o mentale, per conoscere veramente se stesso, Mr. Anderson dovrà scegliere di seguire ancora una volta il Bianconiglio. E se Thomas, Neo, ha imparato qualcosa è che la scelta, pur essendo un'illusione, è ancora una volta la via d'uscita o di ingresso in Matrix. Ovviamente, Neo sa già cosa deve fare. Ma quello che ancora non sa è che Matrix è più forte, più sicura e più pericolosa che mai. Salvato da Matrix per diventare il salvatore dell'umanità, ancora una volta dovrà scegliere quale strada prendere.
  8. Data di uscita 14 Ottobre 2021 (Italia) Genere Commedia Anno 2021 Regia Simone Godano Attori Stefano Accorsi, Miriam Leone, Thomas Trabacchi, Mario Pirrello, Andrea Di Casa, Orietta Notari, Valentina Oteri, Ariella Reggio, Marco Messeri Paese Italia Durata 110 Min Distribuzione 01 Distribution Clara (Miriam Leone) è talmente brava a mentire che è la prima a credere alle sue bugie. Vitale e caotica, ha qualche problema a tenere a freno le sue pulsioni. Diego (Stefano Accorsi) è il suo esatto contrario, un uomo provato dagli eventi, con varie psicosi e continui attacchi d'ira. Si ritrovano in un Centro Diurno per il rehab di persone disturbate. La prova che li attende sembra impossibile: devono gestire un ristorante del Centro evitando qualsiasi conflitto con il resto del gruppo. Peccato che non abbiano alcun tipo di attitudine per le imprese di successo. Ma i due inizieranno presto a scoprire che l'unione può portare a risultati incredibili. E chissà, magari anche all'amore.
  9. Descrizione Vivi la vita di un cacciatore di ghoul e scopri gli oscuri segreti di Tunguska dell'era sovietica. Avventurati in villaggi desolati, strutture abbandonate, paludi tossiche e tunnel minacciosi in questo survival horror dall'alto verso il basso e scopri la verità sul misterioso evento di Tunguska nel 1908. Tunguska: The Visitation presenta meccaniche di combattimento a doppia levetta da una vista dall'alto in 3D, infuse di elementi RPG di sopravvivenza e lite come cibo, medicine, energia corporea, buff delle statistiche del personaggio, ambienti pericolosi e gestione dell'inventario. Le meccaniche di sopravvivenza sono progettate per ridurre al minimo le faccende e le seccature per il giocatore, incoraggiando la pianificazione strategica prima di ogni combattimento. Le missioni ricche di storia e la tradizione di Tunguska incoraggiano l'esplorazione e la scoperta. Informazioni e missioni secondarie possono essere scoperte da dialoghi con NPC, conversazioni sul fuoco o da documenti e note trovati in tutta Tunguska. Ispirato da Roadside Picnic e S.T.A.L.K.E.R. serie - uno dei più grandi giochi della storia, Tunguska è la visione di un uomo e la creazione di una nuova zona post-visitazione: un luogo non solo pieno di orrore e pericolo, ma anche di libertà e opportunità ricercate da molti vicino alla caduta del URSS. Caratteristiche: - Mutanti pericolosi e NPC umani abili e ben equipaggiati alimentati dall'IA orientata agli obiettivi - Rischio da radiazioni e infezione da sindrome T, entrambi mitigati in più modi - Distorsioni spazio-temporali mortali che il giocatore deve costantemente tenere d'occhio - Inventario basato su griglia, simile a Diablo con limite di peso - Potenziamenti creati da parti del corpo mutanti con effetti sia positivi che negativi - Sistema di visuale dall'alto verso il basso che consente impegni tattici - Illuminazione completamente dinamica con lampadine distruttibili - Meteo realistico con ciclo continuo giorno/notte - Libertà di giocare di nascosto, o afferrare un fucile e diventare un campione - Rilevatori indossabili per assistere il giocatore in diverse situazioni - Arsenale di armi dell'era sovietica con munizioni abbinate Slaughterhouse DLC: Tunguska: Slaughterhouse è una modalità di difesa/sopravvivenza dalle onde ambientata in una nuova posizione nella Zona. Questo DLC finale mette alla prova tutto ciò che hai imparato. Teletrasportati in un quartier generale amministrativo sovietico e impedisci alle ondate di nemici di dare energia a Valentin, l'oscuro discepolo di Lord Kraiken che vuole rivendicare la Zona. Raccogli le Pietre dell'Anima lasciate dai tuoi nemici caduti e scambiale con armi, equipaggiamenti e rifornimenti. Usa la tua creatività con tutti gli strumenti disponibili nel gioco (e altro ancora) per sconfiggere un nemico apparentemente imbattibile. - Ondate infinite di nemici che finiranno con la sconfitta del giocatore o con quella di Valentin, a seconda del livello della sua riserva di potere. - Quattro boss che, una volta sconfitti, lasceranno al giocatore armi ed equipaggiamenti completamente nuovi nel gioco, tra cui: = carabina XM177 = SEGA M249 = PKM = Lanciagranate RG6 = Inserimento di corazzatura e imbottitura = Unità di locomozione corazzata pesante = Convertitore calibro cassa = La Follia di Klemens, un elmo magico = Cappuccio di Valentin, un altro elmo magico = Dito di Valentin che può essere utilizzato per creare evocatori di Distorsione - Tutte queste armi ed equipaggiamenti diventeranno disponibili presso i commercianti nel *Gioco principale* una volta sbloccati in Slaughterhouse! - Accesso a tutte le armi, armature, sieri ed equipaggiamenti del gioco mentre combatti nel Mattatoio. - Oggetti speciali da lancio che possono evocare diversi tipi di distorsioni contro i nemici. - Pietre dell'anima caricate che possono evocare un soldato umano a combattere per te. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Tunguska.The.Visitation.Slaughterhouse-RUNE [ENG]
  10. TITOLO ORIGINALE: L'arminuta GENERE: Drammatico ANNO: 2021 REGIA: Giuseppe Bonito ATTORI: Aurora Barulli, Carlotta De Leonardis, Fabrizio Ferracane, Sofia Fiore, Andrea Fuorto, Davide Gagliardi... PAESE: Italia DURATA: 109 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Lucky Red SCENEGGIATURA: Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Monica Zapelli FOTOGRAFIA: Alfredo Betrò MONTAGGIO: Roberto Missiroli MUSICHE: Giuliano Taviani, Carmelo Travia PRODUZIONE: Baires Film, Kafilm, Maro Film Agosto 1975. Una ragazzina di tredici anni viene restituita alla famiglia cui non sapeva di appartenere. All'improvviso perde tutto ciò che aveva con la famiglia adottiva: una casa confortevole e l'affetto esclusivo riservato a chi è figlio unico. Si ritrova così in un mondo estraneo, appena sfiorato dal progresso, dove dovrà condividere gli spazi ristretti di una casa piccola e buia con altri cinque fratelli.
  11. Descrizione World War Z: Aftermath, ispirato al film campione d'incassi di Paramount Pictures, è lo sparatutto zombie co-op definitivo, nuova evoluzione dell'originale World War Z che ha appassionato 15 milioni di giocatori. Affronta l'apocalisse zombi su console e PC grazie al cross-play. Gioca insieme a un massimo di tre amici oppure in singolo con compagni IA contro orde di zombi famelici in nuovi episodi narrativi ambientati in tutto il mondo. Riconquista la Città del Vaticano in un'epica sfida a Roma e unisci le forze con i sopravvissuti nell'innevata penisola della Kamchatka, in Russia. Nuove storie da un mondo in guerra Nuove missioni storia: riconquista la Città del Vaticano in un'epica sfida a Roma e unisci le forze con i sopravvissuti nell'innevata penisola della Kamchatka, in Russia. Gioca nei panni di personaggi vecchi e nuovi e fronteggia i non-morti con un nuovo brutale sistema di combattimento in mischia, decimando zombi con mosse uniche, vantaggi e nuove armi come la falce e la mannaia. Respingi nuove mostruosità non-morte, compresi branchi di topi affamati di carne che semineranno il caos nella tua squadra. La nuova generazione degli sciami di zombi Gioca in glorioso 4K|60 FPS. Affronta ondate di zombi di difficoltà crescente nella nuova modalità di gioco Resistenza XL, con una quantità di non-morti mai vista finora sul tuo schermo! Resistenza XL arriverà su PC in un aggiornamento gratuito post-lancio. Una nuova prospettiva più coinvolgente Vivi una prospettiva nuova ed incredibilmente emozionante con la modalità in prima persona di Aftermath. Fai salire di livello otto classi (Pistolero, Devastatore, Macellaio, Medico, Meccanico, Sterminatore, Dronista e la nuovissima classe Avanguardia), ognuna con i propri vantaggi e stili di gioco. Personalizza le tue armi per sopravvivere a ogni sfida e supera missioni giornaliere con modificatori speciali per ricompense bonus. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download World.War.Z.Aftermath.Valley.of.the.Zeke.Episode-TENOKE [SUB ITA]
  12. Descrizione Celebra la storia della Steel Division con Steel Division 2: Tribute to Normandy '44. Questa nuova grande espansione introduce 14 divisioni della Steel Division originale: Normandy '44 fino al suo popolarissimo successore, Steel Division 2. Coprendo la campagna della Normandia nel 1944 dal D-Day, il 6 giugno, alla Liberazione di Parigi il 25 agosto, Steel Division 2: Tribute to Normandy '44 è un'espansione a lungo richiesta dalla comunità, con gruppi tattici come la 101a divisione aviotrasportata alleata, Divisione corazzata d'élite della Guardia britannica e forze speciali della Demi-Brigata francese SAS, all'Axis Festung Groß-Paris, alla temuta 1. SS-Panzerdivision "LSSAH" e all'unica nel suo genere 91. Luftlande-Division. Steel Division 2: Tribute to Normandy '44 presenta tutte le restanti divisioni del gioco originale, completando il trasferimento dell'arsenale del predecessore a Steel Division 2. Tutte le nuove divisioni sono giocabili da soli, online o in modalità cooperativa. Steel Division 2: Tribute to Normandy '44 completa la tua esperienza in Steel Division 2 con 14 nuove divisioni da cinque nazioni, 200 nuove unità, inclusi nuovissimi modelli di veicoli e aerei, doppiaggio e nuovi set di modelli di fanteria. CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI: - Comanda 14 nuove divisioni meticolosamente ricercate provenienti da cinque nazioni (Stati Uniti alleati, Regno Unito, Canada, Francia e Germania dell'Asse), come originariamente presentato in Steel Division: Normandy '44. - Vai in battaglia con i gruppi tattici a 7 Assi, rielaborati per adattarsi al gameplay e alle caratteristiche di Steel Division 2, tra cui la veterana 2. Panzerdivision, la 9. Panzerdivision, la temuta 1. SS-Panzerdivision "LSSAH", la 16. Luftwaffe-Feld-Division , improvvisarono Festung Groß-Paris, la 91. Luftlande-Division, ed i vecchi e storpi difensori della 716. Infanterie-Division. - Prendi il comando dei veterani alleati della 1a divisione di fanteria degli Stati Uniti, della famosa 101a divisione aviotrasportata o della 4a divisione corazzata leggera. Le forze del Commonwealth portano il rullo compressore della Divisione corazzata della Guardia britannica, la 7a Divisione corazzata “Desert Rats”, stanca della guerra, o la 4a Divisione corazzata canadese mista. I commando francesi della Demi-Brigade SAS devastano le retrovie nemiche. - Accedi a oltre 200 nuove unità, con 14 nuovissimi modelli di veicoli, 3 nuovi modelli di aerei, oltre a molte nuove squadre di fanteria e varianti di unità. Espandi l'arsenale della Steel Division 2 con il cacciacarri Marder I auf 39H(f), il cannone antiaereo Flak 41 da 88 mm, il camion antiaereo pesante NAG 4500 Drilling, l'APC pesante canadese Wallaby e l'auto blindata Otter. Gli aerei includono i bombardieri americani A-20G e B-25C, oltre all'esclusiva conversione Piper Cub dotata di bazooka Rosie the Rocketeer. - È possibile incontrare nuovi modelli di fanteria in tutte le nazioni, inclusi i famosi predoni Filthy Thirteen della 101st Airborne, le SAS francesi e i Miliciens allineati a Vichy collaborazionisti. - Invoca non meno di 8 nuovi eroici assi, ciascuno schierato sul campo di battaglia in un'unità mimetizzata o contrassegnata in modo univoco, tra cui il comandante del carro armato Sherman Creighton Abrams, il tenente paracadutista Richard Winters, l'asso del Königstiger Kurt Knispel o la leggenda dei Fallschirmjäger Alexander Ulhig. - Questa espansione include nuovi doppiatori, tra cui piloti alleati belgi e neozelandesi che volano in copertura. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download [ENG]
  13. Titolo originale Nightmare Alley Data di uscita 27 Gennaio 2022 (Italia) 3 Dicembre 2021 (USA) Genere Drammatico , Giallo , Thriller Anno 2021 Regia Guillermo del Toro Attori Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett, Toni Collette, Willem Dafoe, Richard Jenkins, Rooney Mara, Ron Perlman, David Strathairn, Mark Povinelli, Mary Steenburgen Paese USA Durata 150 Min Distribuzione Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Italia Il giovane e ambizioso giostraio Stanton 'Stan' Carlisle ha la straordinaria capacità di manipolare le persone ricorrendo all'uso di poche parole ben scelte. La sua esistenza avrà una svolta inaspettata quando incontrerà la psichiatra Lilith Ritter, ancor più pericolosa e affamata di denaro di lui.
  14. Duran Duran - Austin City Limits Live (2021) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Invisible 02 - A View To A Kill 03 - Anniversary 04 - Ordinary World 05 - Tonight United 06 - (Reach Up For The) Sunrise 07 - Planet Earth 08 - Hungry Like the Wolf 09 - Girls on Film / Acceptable in the 80’s 10 - Save A Prayer 11 - interview 12 - closing credits Info: Source: PBS Genre: New Wave | Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: TS | 5792kbps Length: 00:52:31 | 2.38Gb Video: MPEG2 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Download:, Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  15. Data di uscita 28 Luglio 2021 (Italia) 20 Luglio 2021 (USA) Genere Azione , Avventura , Commedia Anno 2021 Regia Jaume Collet-Serra Attori Emily Blunt, Dwayne Johnson, Jesse Plemons, Paul Giamatti, Edgar Ramirez, Veronica Falcón, Jack Whitehall, Andy Nyman, Raphael Alejandro, Simone Lockhart Paese USA Durata 127 Min Distribuzione Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Italia Lily, una ricercatrice londinese, parte per la foresta amazzonica e ingaggia Frank per guidarla lungo il corso del fiume con La Quila, la sua barca diroccata. Lily è alla ricerca di un antico albero dalle straordinarie qualità curative. Durante questa epica ricerca, l’improbabile duo incontra innumerevoli pericoli e forze soprannaturali, nascosti nell’ingannevole bellezza della rigogliosa foresta pluviale. Ma quando vengono svelati i segreti dell’albero perduto, la posta in gioco per Lily e Frank diventa sempre più alta e il loro destino e quello dell’umanità sono appesi a un filo.
  16. Titolo originale: Coming 2 America Nazione: Belgio, Irlanda, Regno Unito, Svezia, USA Anno: 2021 Genere: Commedia Durata: 110 Regia: Craig Brewer Cast: Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Jermaine Fowler, Leslie Jones, Tracy Morgan, Kiki Layne, Wesley Snipes, Shari Headley, James Earl Jones Nel rigoglioso regno di Zamunda, Re Akeem (Eddie Murphy) è appena stato incoronato e con il suo fidato consigliere Semmi (Arsenio Hall) intraprende una nuova ed esilarante avventura che li porta ad attraversare il globo partendo dalla loro meravigliosa nazione africana fino al Queens, il quartiere di New York dove tutto è iniziato, per rintracciare il figlio.
  17. Data di uscita 3 Novembre 2021 (Italia) Genere Drammatico Anno 2021 Regia Roberto Andò Attori Silvio Orlando, Giuseppe Pirozzi, Roberto Herlitzka, Lino Musella, Enzo Casertano, Imma Villa, Salvatore Striano, Tonino Taiuti, Martina Lampugnani, Alfonso Postiglione, Claudio Di Palma, Sergio Basile, Gianfelice Imparato, Francesco Di Leva Paese Italia Durata 110 Min Distribuzione 01 Distribution Gabriele Santoro vive in un quartiere popolare di Napoli ed è titolare della cattedra di pianoforte al Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella. Una mattina, mentre sta radendosi la barba, il postino suona al citofono per avvertirlo che c'è un pacco, lui apre la porta e, prima di accoglierlo, corre a lavarsi la faccia. In quel breve lasso di tempo, un bambino di dieci anni si insinua nel suo appartamento e vi si nasconde. "Il maestro" – così lo chiamano nel quartiere - se ne accorgerà solo a tarda sera. Quando accade, riconoscerà nell'intruso, Ciro, un bambino che abita con i genitori e con i fratelli nell'attico del suo stesso palazzo. Interrogato sul perché della sua fuga Ciro non parla. Nonostante questo, il maestro, d'istinto, decide di nasconderlo in casa, ingaggiando una singolare, e tenace, sfida ai nemici di Ciro.
  18. Descrizione Il castello del re demone in rovina La razza umana che attacca il castello del Re Demone non è una novità ed è già accaduta innumerevoli volte. Ciò che rende questa volta diversa, però, è che gli Avventurieri hanno deciso di unire le forze con l'Esercito Imperiale e con l '"Eroe di Caerleon" per condurre un attacco totale nella speranza di spazzare via i Demoni una volta per tutte. Hanno attaccato la roccaforte dei demoni con un numero schiacciante e sono riusciti nella sua totale distruzione. Tutti i demoni nel castello furono fatti prigionieri tranne uno scheletro solitario chiamato "Skul". Azione platform a scorrimento laterale 'Skul: The Hero Slayer' è un platform d'azione che vanta caratteristiche simili a canaglia come mappe in continua evoluzione e impegnative. Ti manterrà sulle spine, poiché non saprai mai cosa aspettarti. Tantissimi teschi, tantissimi personaggi giocabili Skul non è uno scheletro ordinario. Oltre alle sue formidabili abilità di combattimento, può acquisire nuove ed eccitanti abilità a seconda del teschio che indossa. Usa fino a 2 teschi alla volta, ognuno dei quali ha il proprio raggio di attacco, velocità e potenza unici. Scegli combo che si adattano al tuo stile di gioco e scambiali nel pieno della battaglia per mettere in ginocchio i tuoi nemici. Il potere è nelle tue mani! Gli avventurieri Skul ha incrociato un gruppo di avventurieri! Sono nemici potenti che cacciano i demoni per sport. Anche se Skul può essere piccolo, ha comunque un bel pugno. Quindi aspetta e vedi chi è veramente il cacciatore e chi è la preda ... Boss corrotti dal quarzo oscuro Alla fine di ogni capitolo, affronta boss enormi corrotti da Dark Quartz e potenti oltre ogni immaginazione. Derivato dal dolore e dall'odio della vita stessa, il Quarzo Oscuro contamina e prende il controllo di tutto ciò che tocca. Mythology Pack: Un teschio mitico è disceso su Harmonia! Questo è il primo DLC di Skul: The Hero Slayer, la storia di un piccolo scheletro speciale, Skul, che combatte gli umani per salvare il re demone catturato. Come suggerisce il nome, il pacchetto Mythic è composto da componenti aggiuntivi che si adattano al tema mitico. Ti fornirà un'esperienza di combattimento completamente nuova. Componenti aggiuntivi Nuovo teschio leggendario "Re sconosciuto" 4 nuovi teschi che possono essere risvegliati - Teschio unico "Asceta" - Teschio raro "Ufficiale" - Teschio comune 'Schiavo' - Teschio comune 'Vichingo' 20 nuovi articoli Una nuova iscrizione, 'Mistero' Crea nuove e potenti combinazioni con i poteri mitici che sono scesi su Harmonia! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Skul.The.Hero.Slayer.v1.9.0 [ENG]
  19. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 2    Episodi 24         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. Fuse Novel Miho Okasaki Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24  In onda il: 2021-01-12 1: Rimuru's Busy Life Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... 1: Rimuru's Busy Life In onda il: 2021-01-12 Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... In onda il: 2021-01-19 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom In onda il: 2021-01-19 Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. In onda il: 2021-01-26 3: Paradise, Once More Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. 3: Paradise, Once More In onda il: 2021-01-26 Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. In onda il: 2021-02-02 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth In onda il: 2021-02-02 Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. In onda il: 2021-02-09 5: Prelude to the Disaster Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. 5: Prelude to the Disaster In onda il: 2021-02-09 Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. In onda il: 2021-02-16 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move In onda il: 2021-02-16 At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. In onda il: 2021-02-23 7: Despair Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. 7: Despair In onda il: 2021-02-23 Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. In onda il: 2021-03-02 8: Hope Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. 8: Hope In onda il: 2021-03-02 Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-09 9: Putting Everything on the Line In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. 9: Putting Everything on the Line In onda il: 2021-03-09 In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-16 10: Megiddo The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. 10: Megiddo In onda il: 2021-03-16 The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. In onda il: 2021-03-23 11: Birth of a Demon Lord Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... 11: Birth of a Demon Lord In onda il: 2021-03-23 Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... In onda il: 2021-03-30 12: The One Unleashed Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. 12: The One Unleashed In onda il: 2021-03-30 Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. In onda il: 2021-07-06 13: The Visitors A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. 13: The Visitors In onda il: 2021-07-06 A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. In onda il: 2021-07-13 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters In onda il: 2021-07-13 As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... In onda il: 2021-07-20 15: Ramiris's Warning Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. 15: Ramiris's Warning In onda il: 2021-07-20 Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. In onda il: 2021-07-27 16: The Congress Dances A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? 16: The Congress Dances In onda il: 2021-07-27 A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? In onda il: 2021-08-03 17: The Eve of Battle To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... 17: The Eve of Battle In onda il: 2021-08-03 To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... In onda il: 2021-08-10 18: The Demon Lords Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. 18: The Demon Lords In onda il: 2021-08-10 Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. In onda il: 2021-08-17 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet In onda il: 2021-08-17 Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. In onda il: 2021-08-24 20: On This Land Where It All Happened Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. 20: On This Land Where It All Happened In onda il: 2021-08-24 Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. In onda il: 2021-08-31 21: Adalman, the Index Finger With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. 21: Adalman, the Index Finger In onda il: 2021-08-31 With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. In onda il: 2021-09-07 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ In onda il: 2021-09-07 Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. In onda il: 2021-09-14 23: Returning from the Brink Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. 23: Returning from the Brink In onda il: 2021-09-14 Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. In onda il: 2021-09-21 24: Octagram Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. 24: Octagram In onda il: 2021-09-21 Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  20. Scheda film: USA, 2021 Genere: Azione durata 145' Regia di Justin Lin Con Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, John Cena, Nathalie Emmanuel, Ludacris, Tyrese Gibson, Lucas Black, Charlize Theron.. Trama: Dom Toretto sta conducendo una vita tranquilla fuori dal giro, con Letty e suo figlio, il piccolo Brian, ma sa che il pericolo è sempre in agguato al di là del suo pacifico orizzonte. Una nuova minaccia lo costringerà presto a confrontarsi con i peccati del suo passato, se vuole salvare coloro che più ama. La sua squadra si riunisce nuovamente per fermare un complotto a risonanza mondiale guidato dal più abile assassino e pilota ad alte prestazioni che abbiano mai incontrato: il fratello rinnegato di Dom, Jakob. Fast.And.Furious.9.The.Fast.Saga.DC.2021.Director's.Cut.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.AC3.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
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    No Time To Die (2021) UHD 2160p 4K

    Scheda film: USA, Gran Bretagna, 2021 Genere: Spionaggio durata 163' Regia di Cary Fukunaga Con Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Rory Kinnear, Léa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, Jeffrey Wright, Ana de Armas Trama: James Bond ha lasciato i servizi segreti e si gode una vita tranquilla in Giamaica. La sua pace, però, dura poco: ben presto, al suo cospetto si palesa il vecchio amico Felix Leiter, agente della Cia, chiedendo aiuto. La missione tesa a salvare uno scienziato rapito si rivelerà molto più insidiosa del previsto e porterà Bond sulle tracce di un misterioso criminale armato di una nuova pericolosa tecnologia. No.Time.To.Die.2021.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.AC3.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
  24. Descrizione "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" è l'ultimo arrivato nell'acclamata serie di giochi di combattimento Guilty Gear. Creato da Daisuke Ishiwatari e sviluppato da Arc System Works, "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" tiene fede alla reputazione della serie per la rivoluzionaria grafica ibrida 2D/3D con cel-shading e l'azione di gioco intensa e gratificante. C'è una modalità storia completamente doppiata che esplora a fondo l'universo di Guilty Gear, nuovi personaggi che si uniscono a quelli già amati dai fan e un robusto rollback netcode. C'è di mezzo il destino dell'universo… La storia di Guilty Gear, che copre oltre 20 anni, giungerà alla sua conclusione con "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-". Le prove e le tribolazioni degli eroi e dei cattivi della serie troveranno finalmente una risoluzione. Scopri la sorprendente verità che ti attende alla fine di questa avventura. Grafica e animazioni sorprendenti. La grafica ibrida 2D/3D all'avanguardia, introdotta per la prima volta nella serie Guilty Gear, è stata portata a un livello superiore in "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-". La nuova direzione artistica e il miglioramento delle animazioni dei personaggi sono al di là di quanto mai visto in un gioco di combattimento! Nuova rivoluzione nei giochi di combattimento! Guilty Gear -Strive- offre una serie di meccaniche di gioco innovative, progettate per consentire ai giocatori alle prime armi di apprendere rapidamente i fondamenti, mantenendo l'azione di gioco profonda e creativa che è tipica di Guilty Gear. Le novità aggiunte alla serie, come il Wall Break, offriranno nuovi ed entusiasmanti approcci alla battaglia. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download GUILTY.GEAR.STRIVE.v1.34-TENOKE [SUB ITA]
  25. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 2    Episodi 24         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. Fuse Novel Miho Okasaki Rimuru (voice) Episodi: 24  In onda il: 2021-01-12 1: Rimuru's Busy Life Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... 1: Rimuru's Busy Life In onda il: 2021-01-12 Rimuru sends a delegation led by Benimaru to the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, ruled by the Demon Lord Carrion, also known as the Beastmaster, to establish diplomatic relations after becoming indebted to him in the battle against Charybdis. A delegation from Eurazania is set to arrive in Tempest around the same time, but the Animal Kingdom is a very warlike nation, and Shion is enraged when one of the delegates, Suphia of the Three Beastketeers, makes a belittling remark toward Rimuru. The goal was a friendly relationship, but it takes no time at all for a fight to break out... In onda il: 2021-01-19 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. 2: Trade with the Animal Kingdom In onda il: 2021-01-19 Despite the initial conflict, Eurazania and Tempest have deemed each other to be worthy of establishing friendly relations, and diplomacy between them officially begins. Tempest agrees to share its industrial techniques in return for Eurazania's agricultural techniques, and Rimuru decides to use the apple brandy produced as a result of this exchange to seek friendly relations with the Armed Nation of Dwargon next. He's accompanied by Shuna and Shion along with the former residents of Dwargon, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, who are welcomed back to their home nation as state guests. In onda il: 2021-01-26 3: Paradise, Once More Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. 3: Paradise, Once More In onda il: 2021-01-26 Rimuru completes the two very important duties of a discussion with King Dwargon and a public speech announcing the two nations' friendship to the people. Now it's time to head out for a little fun at the paradise he promised Gobta... while making sure Shuna and Shion don't notice. In onda il: 2021-02-02 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. 4: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth In onda il: 2021-02-02 Tempest is preparing a feast in celebration of Rimuru's return home. Then a newcomer, the majin Myulan, arrives to scope out Tempest on the Demon Lord Clayman's orders, having joined up with Youm's crew as their military advisor in order to enter the nation. Upon arriving, she's surprised to see what a strong nation it is, but continues to talk with its citizens to learn more. Meanwhile, the king of Falmuth, who sees Tempest as a nuisance, conspires with the Western Holy Church in a plot to invade the monster nation. In onda il: 2021-02-09 5: Prelude to the Disaster Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. 5: Prelude to the Disaster In onda il: 2021-02-09 Following Clayman's orders, Myulan ignores the words of Youm and Grucius, both of whom have fallen in love with her, and activates the Anti-Magic Area spell. At the same time, Reyheim also activates Prison Field. The double barrier prevents Shion and the other fighters of Tempest from fighting as well as usual, and they end up at a disadvantage in their fights with three Otherworlders. Benimaru tries to contact Rimuru, who still hasn't returned, but he can't even get in touch with him due to the barriers. In onda il: 2021-02-16 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. 6: The Beauty Makes Her Move In onda il: 2021-02-16 At the same time as the attack on Tempest, Rimuru is also under attack. With one look, Rimuru realizes that his assailant is one of Shizu's former students, an Otherworlder, and the woman then introduces herself as the strongest of the Holy Knights, Hinata Sakaguchi. Rimuru is backed into a corner when her Holy Field seals most of his magic. At the same time, Shion and Hakurou, whose magic has been sealed by a similar barrier, are backed into a corner by Shogo and Kyoya. In onda il: 2021-02-23 7: Despair Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. 7: Despair In onda il: 2021-02-23 Rimuru faced grave danger in his battle with Hinata, but he managed to escape in the nick of time by using a doppelganger to take the damage while he rushed back to Tempest. Upon arrival, he found the city in a tragic state, engulfed by blood and smoke. Benimaru tries to capture Myulan, the top suspect behind this disaster, but Youm and Grucius stand in his way. Swallowing his rage and grief, Rimuru realizes who their true enemy is and calmly questions Myulan instead of punishing her. In onda il: 2021-03-02 8: Hope Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. 8: Hope In onda il: 2021-03-02 Rimuru learns about Clayman and the schemes of the Kingdom of Falmuth, but no matter how hard he wishes for it, his fallen comrades and their peaceful lifestyle will never return. He's just about to give up when Eren tells him of a fairy tale that might offer a glimmer of hope. The probability of success is about 3%... but if Rimuru can manage to become a Demon Lord by taking in the souls of 10,000 humans as nourishment, he just might have a chance at bringing his comrades back to life. As Falmuth's army of 20,000 men marches toward Tempest, Rimuru takes hold of that hope and decides to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-09 9: Putting Everything on the Line In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. 9: Putting Everything on the Line In onda il: 2021-03-09 In order to come to terms with his own negligence and revive Shion, Gobta, and his other fallen comrades, Rimuru reveals that he used to be a human. But his allies think nothing of it and accept him regardless, as if it's the natural thing to do. Filled with gratitude for the warm, accepting environment he's in, Rimuru turns his focus to the army from Falmuth. He entrusts Benimaru and the others to destroy the devices that are generating the enemy's Prison Field while Rimuru himself sets out to attack the advancing army and use them as nourishment to become a Demon Lord. In onda il: 2021-03-16 10: Megiddo The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. 10: Megiddo In onda il: 2021-03-16 The battle for revenge has begun. Benimaru and his trusted companions carry out their respective missions, while Hakurou and his party face Shogo and Kyoya once again. And Rimuru's fury rains down upon the army from Falmuth. In onda il: 2021-03-23 11: Birth of a Demon Lord Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... 11: Birth of a Demon Lord In onda il: 2021-03-23 Rimuru succeeds in collecting enough souls to carry out his plan to evolve, and the Harvest Festival begins. But he's suddenly overcome by intense sleepiness at the same time, so he summons a demon to stop Razen, the one target who escaped alive. Then, upon returning to Tempest after successfully becoming a Demon Lord, Rimuru sets about attempting to revive Shion and the rest of the fallen. Through Raphael, the evolved form of Great Sage, the Secret Arts of Spirit Resurrection and Revival of the Dead are activated... In onda il: 2021-03-30 12: The One Unleashed Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. 12: The One Unleashed In onda il: 2021-03-30 Shion and the rest of the fallen are revived, Diablo has joined the team... It seems as if all is going smoothly, but Rimuru then receives a report that Milim has declared war and Eurazania has been destroyed, and there's still the matter of the Western Holy Church's hostility toward monsters, even with Falmuth out of the picture. But at the same time, Raphael informs him that the Appraisal of Unlimited Imprisonment has been completed. At last, two years after Rimuru's reincarnation into this world, he can finally fulfill the first promise he made here: to free Veldora. In onda il: 2021-07-06 13: The Visitors A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. 13: The Visitors In onda il: 2021-07-06 A feast is thrown to celebrate the revival of Tempest's fallen and the return of Veldora. After enjoying a brief, peaceful respite, Rimuru tells everyone his future plans: he's going to get the word out to the whole world that he's a Demon Lord and declare war against Clayman. Then King Gazel of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Fuze of the Kingdom of Blumund, and Eren's father, Archduke Elalude of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, all arrive in Tempest, and an important meeting to discuss the nation's future begins. In onda il: 2021-07-13 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... 14: A Meeting of Humans and Monsters In onda il: 2021-07-13 As prominent figures from several nations assemble in Tempest for a meeting, Laplace and his companions formulate a plan centered around Clayman. Then someone familiar joins the discussion... In onda il: 2021-07-20 15: Ramiris's Warning Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. 15: Ramiris's Warning In onda il: 2021-07-20 Rimuru announces his plan to back Youm as the new king of Falmuth. After hearing this, Gazel tests Youm to see if he has what it takes to be a ruler, and Youm answers with full sincerity. Erald also takes a liking to Rimuru after hearing him say he just wants to create a world where everyone can prosper and smile. Thus Rimuru and his allies look ahead to the battle against their new enemy, Clayman. In onda il: 2021-07-27 16: The Congress Dances A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? 16: The Congress Dances In onda il: 2021-07-27 A new force has suddenly risen to power in the Great Forest of Jura, and its leader, Clayman, proposes that the Demon Lords hold Walpurgis with the goal of sanctioning the slime who deceived him. Rimuru also begins to prepare for a battle with Clayman, but observing the enemy army's movements reveals that Clayman's target is not Tempest, but Eurazania. Clayman's army will arrive in Eurazania within two days. Can Rimuru's forces get there in time? In onda il: 2021-08-03 17: The Eve of Battle To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... 17: The Eve of Battle In onda il: 2021-08-03 To put a stop to Clayman's plans, Rimuru uses transport magic on a large scale to both move Tempest's army to Eurazania and evacuate the people of Eurazania to Tempest. Rimuru also decides to crash Walpurgis, the Demon Lords' banquet, in order to settle the score with Clayman personally. Since this will be a return match for Shion, he decides to take her and Ranga along. New military forces are organized in Tempest in preparation for the battle against Clayman's army. At last, the eve of battle is upon them... In onda il: 2021-08-10 18: The Demon Lords Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. 18: The Demon Lords In onda il: 2021-08-10 Benimaru leads his army to Eurazania, and Youm heads to Falmuth to take it over along with his buddies and Diablo. Rimuru succeeds in outwitting Clayman by transporting all of Eurazania's refugees to Tempest. Since Clayman has been striving to evolve into an Awakened Demon Lord for a long time, his resentment toward Rimuru grows. Meanwhile, Demon Lord Leon, Veldora's sister Velzard, and Guy, the oldest of the Demon Lords, become increasingly impressed with Rimuru. In onda il: 2021-08-17 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. 19: The Signal to Begin the Banquet In onda il: 2021-08-17 Rimuru continues with preparations for Walpurgis, including making Treyni evolve into a Dryas Doll Dryad. Meanwhile, Benimaru and his forces have arrived in Eurazania via transport magic, and they promptly run Clayman's army into a trap set by Geld. The Three Beastketeers, determined to rescue Carrion, set out to subdue the enemy army's leader. Albis fights one-on-one with Yamza of the Five Fingers, while Phobio takes on Footman and Tear. In onda il: 2021-08-24 20: On This Land Where It All Happened Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. 20: On This Land Where It All Happened In onda il: 2021-08-24 Gabiru narrowly wins his battle against Hermes. Watching their outcome is Middray of the Dragon Faithful, whose skill was enough to overwhelm even Suphia. Though he looks like a human, he is actually a Dragonewt like Gabiru. Meanwhile, Yamza uses his artifact Doppelganger to create a double of himself, but Albis still defeats him soundly. He tries to surrender, but Clayman takes control of him and forces him to transform into Charybdis. In onda il: 2021-08-31 21: Adalman, the Index Finger With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. 21: Adalman, the Index Finger In onda il: 2021-08-31 With all the preparations complete, Rimuru heads out to attend Walpurgis with Shion and Ranga, while Ramiris takes Beretta and Treyni. In the meantime, Shuna, Hakuro, and Soei find both their vision and their magic detection abilities hindered by a thick fog as they draw closer to Clayman's castle. From within the fog appears the Index Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Adalman, also known as the White King. Hakuro and Soei hold the enemies around them at bay while Shuna faces Adalman one-on-one. In onda il: 2021-09-07 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. 22: Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~ In onda il: 2021-09-07 Clayman tries to convince the other Demon Lords that Rimuru should be purged, but Guy tells him that if he is truly a Demon Lord, he should defeat Rimuru himself. What should be a one-on-one battle between Rimuru and Clayman is joined by Milim, who has been brainwashed by Clayman, so Rimuru takes on Milim while Shion faces Clayman. But Rimuru is at a disadvantage against Milim and finds himself pushed back... until Veldora bursts onto the scene and takes Milim's attack in Rimuru's place. In onda il: 2021-09-14 23: Returning from the Brink Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. 23: Returning from the Brink In onda il: 2021-09-14 Clayman and his pawns stand no chance against Rimuru and his allies. At a loss, Clayman orders Milim to use Stampede to kill everyone present, but Milim reveals he was never controlling her from the start. It was all an act to expose Clayman's plans and identify the mastermind behind it all. Even Carrion is still alive and well. On the brink of death, Clayman uses the souls of everyone he has killed as energy for his awakening. Thus the final battle to settle the score between Rimuru and Clayman begins. In onda il: 2021-09-21 24: Octagram Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. 24: Octagram In onda il: 2021-09-21 Rimuru backs Clayman into a corner trying to get him to reveal who he's working for, but even on death's door, Clayman's lips are sealed. Left with no other choice, Rimuru finishes Clayman off. With Clayman dead and Carrion and Frey announcing that they're stepping down as Demon Lords, the total number of Demon Lords including Rimuru is reduced from ten to eight. Guy coerces Rimuru into coming up with a new name for their group, and Rimuru's solution is "Octagram," representing each of the Demon Lords as an eight-pointed star. Thus a slime became one of the eight Demon Lords, marking the start of a new age. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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