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  1. TITOLO ORIGINALE: The Darkest Dawn GENERE: Fantastico ANNO: 2016 REGIA: Drew Casson ATTORI: Stuart Ashen, Mawaan Rizwan, Jamie Paul, Tom Scarlett & Adam Martell PAESE: Gran Bretagna DURATA: 76' Rosie e Alex sono migliori amici. Improvvisamente, sono costretti a separarsi quando Alex e la sua famiglia devono trasferirsi da Dublino all'America. Potrà mai la loro amicizia superare il tempo e la distanza? Saranno i due ragazzi in grado di giocarsi il tutto e per tutto per il vero amore?...
  2. Progettato per OS X e i dispositivi iOS, OS X Server permette di condividere file, pianificare riunioni, sincronizzare contatti, sviluppare software, ospitare un sito web, pubblicare wiki, configurare Mac, iPhone e iPad, accedere in remoto alla rete interna e molto altro. Tutto in modo semplice e intuitivo. Il nuovo OS X Server dà una marcia in più alla tua azienda, alla tua attività, alla tua scuola. Facilissimo da installare, configurare e gestire, ha nuove funzioni che velocizzano i download sulla tua rete. Potente e intuitivo, OS X Server facilita il lavoro in team, la comunicazione e lo scambio di idee all'interno di ogni organizzazione. È facilissimo da configurare e da gestire: l'ideale per i reparti informatici sempre oberati di lavoro, e per chi non si crede capace di far funzionare un server. Grazie alla leggendaria semplicità e potenza dei Mac, ora tutti possono permettersi un server, non solo le megasocietà con megabudget e megareparti IT. E un server fa comodo proprio a tutti: piccoli studi, negozi e persino ai professionisti che lavorano da casa. Con OS X Yosemite, anche se non te ne intendi di reti puoi impostare facilmente OS X Server per dare modo ai tuoi dipendenti di collaborare a progetti e condividere file. Puoi anche fare backup automatici dei dati importanti, ospitare un sito web, un server di posta e molto altro. Come tutto ciò che è Mac, anche OS X Server è facilissimo da impostare. Una volta installato il software, l'app Server ti guida nel processo di configurazione, si tratti di creare una piccola rete aziendale o di collegarti al network esistente della tua società. L'app Server usa un linguaggio semplice, comprensibile sia ai tecnici sia agli utenti meno esperti. E ti fa solo le domande che riguardano il tuo caso specifico, chiedendoti per esempio se vuoi impostare i servizi mail, calendario o di altro tipo. E in qualsiasi momento puoi contare sull'aiuto online: devi solo fare clic. Screen Lingue: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish Requisiti: OS X 10.11.4 or later BUON DOWNLOAD
  3. eurcad

    Tidy Up 5.0.4 MacOSX [ITA][MH]

    Tidy Up è il programma per la ricerca di duplicati per utenti esperti. E' l'unica applicazione nel campo dei duplicati completa di tutte le funzionalità necessarie per realizzare ricerche e cancellazioni personalizzate. Grazie anche a numerose ricerche predefinite, ti permette di ripulire efficientemente il computer dal disordine creato dall'accumulo di file inutili. Al primo avvio, Tidy Up 4 fornisce all'utente due diversi modi di operare per trovare doppioni e organizzare il proprio HDD: metodo semplice e metodo avanzato. Queste due opzioni, come suggerisce lo stesso nome, permettono all'utente di scegliere un approccio più semplice, potendo impostare pochi parametri e automatizzando al massimo l'intero iter di ricerca. Il metodo più avanzato, invece, offre una maggiore possibilità di personalizzazione nella ricerca. In quest'ultimo caso, ad esempio, si potranno ricercare doppioni di immagini per data di scatto, posizione GPS uguale, dimensione in pixel uguale, marca o modello del dispositivo con cui sono state scattate le foto. Screen Requisiti: OS X 10.8 or later BUON DOWNLOAD
  4. Permute: il convertitore di video semplice, funzionale e personalizzabile Chi usa un dispositivo mobile come un iPhone o un iPad sa che quasi tutti i video della propria libreria necessitano di una conversione per poter essere visualizzati nel dispositivo. Bisogna quindi avere a che fare con programmi di conversione pieni di variabili come fps, risoluzione e dimensione finale. Chi cerca la semplicità può trovare un valido aiuto in Permute. Permute è un'applicazione per Mac che consente di convertire con facilità file video e audio con un semplice sistema drag and drop. L'interfaccia è ridotta all'osso: un'unica finestra che suggerisce di trascinare al suo interno i video da convertire. L'applicazione è adattissima ai nuovi utenti di Mac OS X ma anche a chi, semplicemente, non vuole complicarsi la vita. Sono infatti disponibili decine di formati di conversione tra cui scegliere a cui è stato dato il nome del dispositivo più adatto. Screen Lingue: Italiano, Bielorusso, Ceco, Cinese Semplificato, Francese, Inglese, Portoghese, Russo, Svedese, Tedesco, Ucraino Requisiti: OS X 10.11 o versioni più recenti, 64-bit processor BUON DOWNLOAD
  5. Un browser veloce, sicuro, facile da usare Con blocco integrato della pubblicità e funzione VPN, Opera offre più velocità e privacy. Funzione VPN gratuita integrata nel browser Opera: Naviga in sicurezza in modo più riservato Con Opera puoi concentrarti sui contenuti senza preoccuparti della sicurezza. Il nostro browser sicuro ti protegge dai siti pericolosi e fraudolenti. Vuoi maggiore privacy sul web? Prova la nostra funzione VPN gratuita illimitata. Goditi il web senza pubblicità Stanco degli annunci online? Opera è il primo browser che può bloccarli senza componenti aggiuntivi. In base ai test, la funzione Blocca pubblicità integrata velocizza del 90% il caricamento delle pagine web. Multitasking sul web I segnalibri visuali, la navigazione a schede e le scorciatoie personalizzabili ti permettono di organizzare facilmente i contenuti e risparmiare tempo. Non riesci a fare a meno dei video online? Grazie a una nuova finestra pop-out puoi tenerli sullo schermo mentre navighi o utilizzi altre app. Naviga più veloce e più a lungo Velocità e prestazioni sono fondamentali per Opera. La funzionalità di compressione Opera Turbo e il blocco nativo della pubblicità rendono la navigazione più veloce, mentre la nuova funzione di risparmio energia ti fa navigare più a lungo, prolungando fino al 50% la durata della batteria dei laptop. Conversione di valuta durante gli acquisti Grazie al convertitore di valuta integrato nel browser, Opera ti aiuta ad acquistare online in tutto il mondo evitando brutte sorprese nell'estratto della carta di credito. Personalizza il tuo browser Con oltre 1.000 estensioni è facile personalizzare Opera. Scarica le estensioni e i temi che ti piacciono dal catalogo dei componenti aggiuntivi e configura un browser su misura per te. Inoltre, con i temi animati potrai dare più vita alla pagina iniziale di Opera. Porta sempre con te i dati di navigazione Con la sincronizzazione di Opera puoi cambiare dispositivo e riprendere a navigare da dove eri arrivato. I segnalibri, le schede aperte e gli altri dati vengono sincronizzati attraverso il tuo account Opera. Personalizza i tuoi feed di notizie Opera ti consente di rimanere sempre aggiornato con notizie disponibili dalla pagina iniziale del browser. Puoi personalizzare i feed delle notizie di tuo interesse e aggiungere fonti di notizie preferite da tutto il mondo, oltre ai principali 50 articoli della tua regione. Sfrutta la velocità e la sicurezza del browser per arricchire la tua esperienza sul web! Screen Requisiti: MacOSX BUON DOWNLOAD
  6. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware è uno strumento estremamente performante per la rimozione di virus, spyware e malware in generale. Il software dispone di due modalità di scansione, la prima è più veloce ma non esegue il controllo di tutti i file presenti nel computer, mentre la seconda è completa ma molto più lenta della prima. Dall'interfaccia principale è possibile accedere, oltre alla Tab della scansione, a quelle per l'aggiornamento, della quarantena, delle impostazioni e dei log. Il programma è disponibile in diverse lingue tra cui l'italiano. In questa versione è stata aggiunta la funzione per la protezione del blocco degli IP e il nuovo parametro utilizzabile da linea di comando "/debugsave". Inoltre, sono stati corretti alcuni bug minori. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware è semplice da utilizzare e si presenta con un'interfaccia user friendly in modo da rendere intuitive le operazioni per l'utente. Tra le principali caratteristiche: * Scansione leggera e veloce; * possibilità di eseguire l'analisi di tutti i drive; * database delle minacce aggiornato quotidianamente; * quarantena per i file infettati; * supporto multilingua. L'applicazione integra varie tecnologie progettate per rendere l'operazione di pulizia semplice, veloce ed affidabile. Inoltre, monitora ogni processo bloccando automaticamente quelli pericolosi. Grazie alla protezione in tempo reale il computer non corre il pericolo di essere infettato durante la navigazione in Internet e il download dei file. Languages Available: English, Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. Software Requirements: - Microsoft® Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 10 (32 bit and 64 bit). - Microsoft® Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later. - Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 or newer. - 800MHZ CPU or faster. - 256MB of RAM (512MB or more recommended). - 20MB free hard disk space. - 800x600 or greater screen resolution. - Active internet connection for database and product updates. Screen BUON DOWNLOAD
  7. Cerca e scarica film e serie TV con VidMasta. Questo programma include tutto il necessario per cercare e scaricare sul nostro PC i contenuti e i file che ci interessano di più. Con VidMasta si possono scaricare non solo, e non tanto telefilm e spettacoli TV, quanto preziose informazioni su di essi. Questo programma multipiattaforma facilita l'individuazione di recensioni e altre informazioni, visione di anteprime e ricerche di vario genere, incluse quelle per la versione di migliore qualità fra tutte quelle disponibili per uno stesso video. Caratteristiche - Visualizza e scarica film e serie TV in diverso formato. - Opzioni di ricerca profonda grazie a un algoritmo che è in grado di inserire nuovi link e sceglierli in base alla loro affidabilità. - Sezioni "Popular Movies" e "Popular TV Shows" per scaricare le serie e i film più famosi. - Accedi a trailer, informazioni e descrizioni di ogni contenuto. - Cerca e scarica sottotitoli per qualsiasi film. - Diversi filtri di ricerca. - Integrazione con PeerBlock. - Compatibile con server proxy. Scrivi, filtra e scarica Il programma non nasconde complicazioni. Scegli ciò che cerchi, inserisci il titolo e seleziona dall'elenco dei risultati quello che preferisci. Potrai impostare il numero dei risultati per ogni ricerca oltre alla dimensione massima e minima dei file per scaricarne anche la loro estensione. Le fonti per scaricare sono molte e tu stesso potrai scegliere quella che è potenzialmente migliore. VidMasta non include né un riproduttore né un download manager: tutto funziona dal browser. Screen Requisiti: MacOSX Java BUON DOWNLOAD
  8. Per amministrare le finanze di casa non devi usare noiosi fogli di calcolo. Puoi utilizzare programmi di gestione che non hanno nulla da invidiare a quelli di tipo professionale, come per esempio è il caso di Money Pro. Amministrazione domestica all'altezza dei programmi professionali. Tutta la tua contabilità sotto controllo sul tuo Mac Con questo programma potrai amministrare la tua economia domestica con lusso di particolari: pianifica le fatture, elabora preventivi, realizza verifiche dei tuoi conti... di fatto le funzioni di cui dispone questo programma per gestire le tue finanze con il tuo Mac sono le seguenti: Calendario per pianificare i pagamenti. Vista del giorno. Notifiche di pagamenti e di fatture pendenti. Funzione per eseguire preventivi. Registrazione degli assegni. Importazione degli estratti conto bancari. Calcolatore e convertitore di valuta. Ricerca di movimenti. Rapporti dettagliati. Diverse opzioni di personalizzazione. Integrazione con iCloud. Profili multipli. Stampa ed esportazione di file in formato PDF, GIF e CSV. Senza dubbio è un programma completo che trasformerà il tuo Mac in un contabile dotato di molte funzioni. Screen Requisiti: OS X 10.10 o successivo e processore a 64 bit. BUON DOWNLOAD
  9. Downie for Mac è un potente download manager per computer Mac che permette di scaricare i filmati dalla rete direttamente offline sul computer. Trattasi di un applicativo che va ben oltre il semplice download manager per YouTube perchè Downie for Mac supporta oltre 1000 siti di video sharing. Downie for Mac supporta non solo il Full HD ma anche il download dei video in 4K. Inoltre, è possibile convertire i filmati in MP4 per poterli poi esportare altrove. Downie for Mac è costantemente aggiornato ed è dotato di un'interfaccia chiara ed esaustiva e pure localizzata in più lingue. Tutto quello che si dovrà fare è copiare l'URL del video ed avviare il suo download. Vista la natura del programma si invita ad un suo utilizzo responsabile per scaricare dalla rete solamente filmati non protetti da diritto d'autore. Screen Requisiti: OS X 10.10 or higher BUON DOWNLOAD
  10. Malware Hunter è un anti malware in grado di proteggere il computer Windows dalle più ricorrenti minacce della rete. Grazie al suo potente motore di scansione, questo programma è in grado di rilevare, fermare ed eliminare anche le minacce più recenti. Il tutto con grande velocità e con poco impiego di risorse di sistema. Malware Hunter potregge la privacy degli utenti evitando che i loro dati siano rubati da malintenzionati o da programmi spia. Malware Hunter fornisce una protezione completa contro tutti i tipi di minacce, protegge i vostri dati, protegge la tua privacy e assicura che il tuo PC rimane privo di virus. È dotato di: veloce scansioni iper, rilevare e rimuovere malware testardo, contro il pericolo potenziale, aggiornamenti automatici e altro ancora. Screen Requisiti: Microsoft Windows BUON DOWNLOAD
  11. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Necropolis - La città dei morti 1 h 33 m    2014         Horror ◦ Thriller Miglia di tortuose catacombe si nascondono sotto le strade di Parigi, la dimora eterna di un numero senza fine di anime. Quando una squadra di esploratori si avventura in un inesplorato labirinto di ossa, scopriranno il segreto per il quale la città dei morti era stata destinata. Suzanne Smith Crowley Casting Sarah Halley Finn Casting Philippe Hubin Special Effects Supervisor Jean-Christophe Magnaud Special Effects Coordinator Juliette Ménager Casting Eric Viellerobe Set Decoration Philippe Guégan Stunt Coordinator Thomas Tull Producer Jon Jashni Producer Daniel Chuba Co-Producer Annie Bloom Costume Design John Erick Dowdle Screenplay John Erick Dowdle Director Jamie Dixon Visual Effects Supervisor Jamie Dixon Co-Producer Drew Dowdle Screenplay Drew Dowdle Producer Beau Borders Sound Re-Recording Mixer Patrick Aiello Producer Elliot Greenberg Editor Joe Barnett Sound Re-Recording Mixer Léo Hinstin Director of Photography Darren Sunny Warkentin Foley Editor Tamara Hunter Casting Keefus Ciancia Original Music Composer Bruno Calvo Still Photographer Pascal Le Guellec Art Direction Gary Marullo Foley Aaron Becker Title Designer Tim Walston Sound Designer Louise Marzaroli Production Design Frédéric Cambon Assistant Art Director Augustin Collet Assistant Art Director Frank Pitussi Property Master Gautier Isern Boom Operator Karen Vassar Triest Sound Designer Michelle Eisenreich Visual Effects Producer Laurent Bourgeat Gaffer Arnaud Dutarte Best Boy Electric Moïra Douguet Key Costumer Daniel Hawley Digital Intermediate Producer Chloé Rudolf Script Supervisor Arnaud Kaiser Location Manager Vahe Giragol Digital Intermediate Jake Rice Post Production Supervisor Martinus Van Lunen Construction Coordinator Kelly Oxford Supervising Sound Editor Fabien Raymondaud Construction Buyer Pierre-Emmanuel Chatiliez Storyboard Artist Isaac Lipstadt Visual Effects Coordinator Laurence Wayser Casting Assistant Dan Wilcox Music Supervisor Nicolas Rapin Electrician Rowan Maher Additional Editor Claire Koonce Casting Associate David Foquin Second Assistant Camera Grégori Gajéro Second Assistant Camera Isabelle Saintive Makeup Department Head Samir Moundy Construction Grip William Pruss First Assistant Director Katrina Kim Visual Effects Coordinator Ségolène Amice Lagny Production Coordinator Brian Wensel Production Controller Patrick Inzerillo Hair Assistant Dustin Chow Assistant Editor Kay Philips Hair Department Head Pierluigi De Palo First Assistant Camera Amador Valenzuela Title Designer Eric Canto Digital Intermediate Jason Modica Digital Intermediate Emmanuelle Balestrieri Production Accountant Aurélie Avram Extras Casting Stéphane Brisset Swing Ashleigh Falls Editorial Production Assistant Miguel Santos Hair Assistant Anouk Grédoire-Colombel Hair Assistant Pierre Farinole Assistant Property Master Mathieu Chatagnon Construction Buyer Xavier Longuet Construction Buyer Frédéric Garrone Construction Buyer Miguel Dos Santos Construction Grip Didier Roussel Construction Grip Bertrand Terreyre Construction Grip Adail Viveiros Construction Grip Jean-Claude Waeyaert Construction Grip Matthieu Van Lunen Dressing Prop Adèle Belliot Electrician Fabrice Mignot Electrician François Tille Key Grip Floriane Gaudin Costumer Marie Lévy Casting Assistant Émilie Mériot Casting Assistant Victor Nataf Extras Casting Assistant Yeonsoo Kim 3D Artist Ken Pellegrino 3D Artist Alexa Marie-Jeanne First Assistant Editor Perdita Weeks Scarlett Ben Feldman George Edwin Hodge Benji François Civil Papillon Marion Lambert Souxie Ali Marhyar Zed Cosme Castro La Taupe Hamid Djavadan Reza Théo Cholbi Gloomy Teenager Emy Lévy Tour Guide Roger Van Hool Scarlett's Father Olivia Csiky Trnka Strange Young Woman Hellyette Bess Strange Old Woman Aryan Rahimian Iranian Armed Guard Samuel Aouizerate Danny Kaya Blocksage Female Curator Necropolis - La Città dei Morti - Trailer italiano ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  12. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Officer Down 1 h 38 m    2013         Crime ◦ Dramma David Callahan è un poliziotto che si è lasciato alle spalle un passato corrotto, legato al mondo della droga. Quando si ritrova alle prese con un caso di aggressioni a giovani donne di un night club, il difficile passato del detective torna a galla, ponendolo di fronte a un dilemma di vita o morte. Danny Saphire Editor Jeff Most Producer Shannon Makhanian Casting Nick Everhart Production Manager Jerome Dillon Music Jason Yanuzzi Colorist Bob Mori Editor John W. Frost Sound Re-Recording Mixer Phil Vo Sound Editor Ryan Samul Director of Photography Emma Potter Costume Design Matthew Stratton Armorer Jeff Rice Producer Brian A. Miller Director Russell M. Jaeger Production Design David Gere Stunts David Gere Co-Producer Corey Gegner First Assistant Camera Juan Nunez Sound Mixer John Chase Writer Jeff Bozz Producer Mohammad Zahoor Producer Krystal Phillips Makeup Department Head King Orba Property Master Charlie Anderson Digital Imaging Technician Jordan Bell Electrician Sara Krueger Art Department Coordinator Ryan McCabe Sound Editor Anthony Bozanich Assistant Editor Hanna Shea Wardrobe Assistant Beauxregard Neylon ADR Mixer Steve Sterling Key Grip Rachel Konstantin Extras Casting Daniel April Grip Eric J. Stolz Sound Re-Recording Mixer Paul Mollan Production Coordinator Kristen Graham Key Hair Stylist Russell Gorsky Sound Editor Grant DeSimone Location Manager Dan Gartner Gaffer Mykl Rogers Sound Editor Bobby Boothe Camera Operator Michael Sevilla Sound Editor Joseph Battelli Boom Operator Jeff Most Music Supervisor Bob Blankemeier Grip Ian Woolston-Smith Steadicam Operator Neil Hillman ADR Recordist Trevor Fields Best Boy Electric Susan Barrett Set Decoration Arnee Dodd Assistant Makeup Artist Jennifer Provost Assistant Makeup Artist Kristina Kasmin Assistant Property Master Katy Most Camera Operator Justin Amorusi Electrician Regina Amato Wardrobe Supervisor Olivia Dahan Production Assistant Wesley Ortiz Set Production Assistant Rabb Whitehead ADR Recordist Kevin E. Young Art Direction Kate Fiore Makeup Artist Lucas Field Leadman Andrew Espinal Set Dresser Ian Marques Set Dresser Douglas K. Horton Digital Imaging Technician Keith Hueffmeier First Assistant Camera Kay Hung Second Assistant Camera Kevin F. Jacobsen Second Assistant Camera Jake Magee Second Assistant Camera Drew Amato Still Photographer Cherin Perelman Casting Phil John Casting Assistant Nick Makedon Casting Assistant Madolyn Rose Casting Assistant Daniel Rozsa Smith Casting Assistant Natacha Perez Assistant Costume Designer Julia Cairo Set Costumer Amanda Szot Post Production Assistant Danny Johnston Production Accountant Greg Black Production Assistant Rony Cohen Production Assistant Peter Farnsworth Set Production Assistant Travis Somerville Set Production Assistant Linda Peckel Assistant Location Manager Trevor S. Lindborg First Assistant Editor Jack Rametta ADR Mixer Sam Vargas Sound Editor Stephen Dorff Det. David 'Cal' Callahan AnnaLynne McCord Zhanna Dronov David Boreanaz Det. Les Scanlon Stephen Lang Lieutenant Jake 'Lieu' LaRussa Dominic Purcell Royce Walker Walton Goggins The Angel / Det. Logue James Woods Captain Verona Elisabeth Röhm Alexandra Callahan Bree Michael Warner Brogan Tommy Flanagan Father Reddy Bea Miller Lanie Callahan Johnny Messner McAlister Soulja Boy Rudy Oleg Taktarov Oleg Emelyanenko Laura Harris Ellen Logue Kamaliya Katya (uncredited) Zoran Radanovich Sergei Dronov Jas Anderson Ellis Dracut Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  13. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Mud 2 h 10 m    2013         Dramma Due ragazzini incontrano un fuggitivo, nascosto su un’isoletta del Mississippi, e fanno un patto con lui per aiutarlo a ritrovare la donna amata e fuggire. Aaron Ryder Producer Francine Maisler Casting Sarah Green Producer Sarah Green Unit Production Manager Julie Monroe Editor Kari Perkins Costume Design Beauchamp Fontaine Set Decoration Clinton Wayne Makeup Designer Jeff Nichols Director Jeff Nichols Writer Adam Stone Director of Photography Gareth Smith Executive Producer David Wingo Original Music Composer Tom Heller Executive Producer Elliott Glick Art Direction Glen Basner Executive Producer Lisa Maria Falcone Producer Ethan Andrus Sound Mixer Mickey Giacomazzi Stunt Coordinator Richard A. Wright Production Design Shayna Brown Sound Re-Recording Mixer Brandon Proctor Sound Re-Recording Mixer Lyman Hardy Sound Effects Editor Michael Flynn Executive Producer Michael Flynn Unit Production Manager Will Files Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jeremy Bowker Sound Effects Editor Brad Engleking Mixing Engineer Robin Fredriksz Makeup Artist Dan Glass Co-Executive Producer Hope Garrison Second Assistant Director Carla Brenholtz Makeup Artist Morgan Pollitt Associate Producer Danny Wynands Stunts Cas Donovan First Assistant Director Matthew McConaughey Mud Reese Witherspoon Juniper Tye Sheridan Ellis Jacob Lofland Neckbone Sam Shepard Tom Ray McKinnon Senior Sarah Paulson Mary Lee Michael Shannon Galen Joe Don Baker King Paul Sparks Carver Bonnie Sturdivant May Pearl Stuart Greer Miller John Ward Jr. Galen's Helper Kristy Barrington Princess Johnny Cheek Kyle Kenneth Hill Nelson Michael Abbott Jr. James Earnest McCoy Man at Budget Inn Allie Wade May Pearl's Friend Douglas Ligon Motel Clerk Matt Newcomb Male Nurse Mary Alice Jones Female Nurse Tate Smalley Older Kid at Food King Jimmy Dinwiddie Bartender Ryan Jacks Trooper at Roadblock Richard Ledbetter Man on Street (uncredited) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  14. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Resta anche domani 1 h 46 m    2014         Dramma Alla prese con la decisione più difficile della sua vita, la diciassettenne Mia Hall (Chloë Gratz Moretz) è chiamata a scegliere tra il perseguimento dei suoi sogni musicali a Juilliard ed Adam (Jamie Backley), l'amore della sua vita. Il destino, però, ha in serbo tutt'altro e un brutto incidente automobilistico la manda in coma. Con ogni cosa che improvvisamente cambia, Mia ha un'esperienza extra-corporea e si ritrova sospesa tra la vita e la morte ad osservare tutto ciò che accade intorno a lei, chiedendosi cosa fare: risvegliarsi e vivere un'esistenza più complessa di come immaginasse o dormire per sempre. Ronna Kress Casting Denise Di Novi Executive Producer Monique Prudhomme Costume Design Linda Cohen Music Supervisor Roxanne Methot Art Direction John de Borman Director of Photography Louise Roper Set Decoration Brad Van Arragon Executive Producer Alison Greenspan Producer Heitor Pereira Original Music Composer Shauna Cross Screenplay R.J. Cutler Director Scott J. Ateah Stunt Coordinator Brent Thomas Production Design Anji Bemben Key Hair Stylist Keith Henderson Editor Jessica Clothier Script Supervisor Gayle Forman Executive Producer Gayle Forman Novel Fay von Schroeder Makeup Artist Tara Colledge Hairstylist Sean Gilhooly Visual Effects Coordinator Chloë Grace Moretz Mia Hall Jamie Blackley Adam Wilde Liana Liberato Kim Schein Mireille Enos Kat Hall Joshua Leonard Denny Hall Stacy Keach Gramps Gabrielle Rose Gran Jakob Davies Teddy Hall Ali Milner Liz Aisha Hinds Nurse Ramirez Gabrielle Cerys Haslett Young Mia Lauren Lee Smith Willow Adam Solomonian Henry John Emmet Tracy Surgeon Chelah Horsdal Liddy Christine Willes Nurse Davis Arielle Tuliao Astrid Sarah Grey Cute Groupie William Vaughan Male EMT Paul Jarrett Surgeon Giles Panton Teddy's Surgeon Dave Collette Orderly David Orth Surgeon for Driver Camille Atebe Nurse Annabel Kershaw Wife of Driver Toby Hargrave Mosh Pit Oaf Primo Allon Punker John Shaw Music Aficionado Michael Adamthwaite Security Guard Jameson Trenholm Skeleton Donnie MacNeil Cool Rocker Guy Genevieve Buechner Cute Groupie #2 Alisa Weilerstein Herself Elisa King Autograph Girl Brett Wise Bartender Steven Jeays High Five Guy Boyd Ferguson Orderly #2 Sylvesta Stuart Security Guard #2 Ben Klassen Willamette Stone Band Ryan Stephenson Willamette Stone Band Tom Vanderkam Willamette Stone Band Tony Dubroy Bassist for Nasty Bruises Aliyah O'Brien Female EMT Resta anche domani - Trailer Italiano Ufficiale | HD ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  15. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Tartarughe Ninja: Fuori dall'ombra 1 h 52 m    2016         Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Commedia ◦ Famiglia ◦ Fantascienza La città di New York (e non solo) è nuovamente sotto minaccia. Le quattro tartarughe mutanti Michelangelo, Donatello, Raffaello e Leonardo, uniscono ancora le loro forze per scongiurare il peggio, aiutati dall'impavida giornalista April O'Neil. Michael Bay Producer Jacques Haitkin Second Unit Director of Photography Jim May Editor Jack Gill Stunt Coordinator Lisa Scoppa Set Decoration Buyer Grant Curtis Executive Producer Bob Ducsay Editor Martin Laing Production Design David Leitch Second Unit Director Debra Neil-Fisher Editor Anna MacKenzie ADR Editor Terry Wolcott Second Assistant Camera Denis L. Stewart Executive Producer Denis L. Stewart Unit Production Manager John Caglione Jr. Makeup Department Head Galen Walker Producer Kevin Eastman Characters Peter Laird Characters Debra Schutt Set Decoration Steve Jablonsky Original Music Composer Ray Bushey III Visual Effects Editor Mike Maggi Special Effects Technician Angela Levin Makeup Artist Henry Kingi Stunts Sarah Edwards Costume Designer Kathleen Chopin Casting Joe Bucaro III Stunts Lula Carvalho Director of Photography Andrew Form Producer Bradley Fuller Producer Jonathan Eusebio Stunt Coordinator Dawn Fintor Foley Artist Alicia Stevenson Foley Artist Daren Hicks Production Supervisor Scott Mednick Producer Danielle Legovich Visual Effects Producer Lisa Fields Casting Basil Grillo Unit Production Manager Basil Grillo Associate Producer Terry Porter Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jalil Jay Lynch Stunts Stephen E. Hagen First Assistant Director Wanda Patterson Makeup Artist Jimmy N. Roberts Stunts Spiro Razatos Stunt Coordinator Spiro Razatos Second Unit Director Josh Appelbaum Executive Producer Josh Appelbaum Writer Denney Pierce Stunts Barbara Harris ADR Voice Casting Phil Culotta Stunts Miguel López-Castillo Art Direction Andy Gill Stunt Coordinator John Barba Casting Associate Fabricio Tadeu Camera Operator André Nemec Executive Producer André Nemec Writer Eric J. Crown Executive Producer Kevin McKeever Music Editor J.D. Schwalm Special Effects Supervisor Dave Green Director Kachina Dechert Stunts George B. Colucci Jr. Stunts Pedro Von Krüger First Assistant Camera Gail A. Fitzgibbons Costume Supervisor Stephen Wong First Assistant Camera Winsome G. McKoy Costume Supervisor Diana Burton Property Master Kate Edwards Costume Supervisor Dan O'Connell Foley Artist Chris Diebold Sound Effects Editor Chris Terhune Sound Effects Editor Nancy Nugent Supervising Sound Editor John Marquis Sound Designer John Marquis Sound Effects Editor Michael Hertlein Dialogue Editor Leslie Fuller Makeup Artist Tim Zydel Set Dresser John Moskowitz Script Coordinator John T. Cucci Foley Artist Pablo Helman Visual Effects Supervisor Pablo Helman Second Unit Director Sam Willing Visual Effects Editor John C. Stuver ADR Editor Deirdre Horgan Script Supervisor Oakley Lehman Stunts Brian Machleit Stunts Kevin Hughes Grip Veronica Lupu Script Supervisor Conrad V. Brink Jr. Special Effects Technician Anna Behlmer Sound Re-Recording Mixer Lorelei David Visual Effects Editor David B. Nowell Aerial Director of Photography Alex Gibson Supervising Music Editor Kira Roessler ADR Editor Thomas M. Smalley Costumer Philip Canfield Leadman Jay Fortune Chief Lighting Technician Sam Bollinger First Assistant Editor Jason W. Jennings Supervising Sound Editor Henry Tirl "B" Camera Operator Robert Weaver Visual Effects Supervisor Jeannette Kim Assistant Art Director Julian Foddy Visual Effects Supervisor Renée Tondelli ADR Editor Ben Lock Visual Effects Producer Matthew Moriarty Steadicam Operator Matthew Moriarty "A" Camera Operator Laurent Hugueniot CG Supervisor Crystal Dowd Visual Effects Producer Daniel Nichols "C" Camera Operator Brian Smyj Stunts Debra L. Tennant First Assistant Editor Sean Amborn Special Effects Technician Jim Schwalm Special Effects Coordinator Onofrio Nino Pansini "A" Camera Operator Todd Harris Storyboard Artist Frank Graziadei Boom Operator Scott Tinsley First Assistant Camera Patrick Capone Additional Director of Photography David Lowery Storyboard Artist Dan Sweetman Storyboard Artist Shawn Kelly Animation Supervisor Tim Drnec Stunts Phil Langone Storyboard Artist Peter Bulavinetz First Company Grip Jack Donnelly Additional Director of Photography Tom Prate First Company Grip Tim Norman "B" Camera Operator Tina Khayat Set Decorating Coordinator Corey Allen Jackson Additional Music Brian McClean Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Joel Erickson Sound Effects Editor Miriam Schapiro Art Department Coordinator Paul Cheponis Set Decoration Buyer Susan Greenhow Visual Effects Producer Greg Luntzel First Assistant Camera Deanna Leslie Second Assistant Director Michael Miller ADR Mixer Maria Gonzales Assistant Editor Kathleen Gerlach Costume Supervisor Chris Cenatiempo Stunts Tom Nelson Sound Mixer John DeSimone Production Supervisor Kevin Rogers Stunts Bobby Mancuso First Assistant Camera Jessica Miglio Still Photographer Nils Widboom Location Manager Shane Gross Special Effects Technician Wendy Williams Unit Production Manager Don Hewitt Jr. Stunts James Ashwill Foley Mixer Justin Sundquist Stunts Danielle Cadorette Tailor Timothy Limner Rigging Grip Angela Meryl Stunts Jay Flood Additional Music Jeffrey D. McDonald Assistant Art Director Karina Walters Casting Associate Alexander H. Gayner First Assistant Director Peter Chrimes First Company Grip David Fleming Additional Music Paul M. Lane Stunts Micah Karns Stunts Lori Scowley Production Controller Lori Scowley Associate Producer John Naclerio Production Supervisor Donald Glenn Dolly Grip Judah Getz ADR Mixer David Jobe Foley Mixer Nelson Sepulveda Compositing Supervisor Malu Miranda Second Unit First Assistant Director Chad Eric Murnane Casting Assistant Fernando Zagallo Production Manager Edu Mourão Second Company Grip Sarah Dennis Assistant Set Decoration Sandi Figueroa Costumer Josh Turi Special Effects Makeup Artist James Currier Second Unit First Assistant Director Corri Hopkins Assistant Location Manager Scott Gastellu Compositing Artist Gary Martori Key Hair Stylist Michael Auszura Assistant Art Director Mark Vena Storyboard Artist Brandon Malone Dolly Grip Jessica Chaney Costumer Rob Harlow Dolly Grip Ken C. Wu Second Assistant Director Jim Ng Stunts Ethan Borsuk First Assistant Camera Debbie Peiser Hairstylist Nick Irving Allen Visual Effects Coordinator Kimmie Guiragossian Costumer Alex Worster Second Assistant Camera Shima Majidi Assistant Production Coordinator Todd Schlopy First Assistant Camera Jasen Joseph Sica Hair Department Head Melissa Franco Visual Effects Coordinator Anne Davison Casting Associate Kevin LaNeave Visual Effects Assistant Editor Mara Alcaly Assistant Location Manager Anis Cheurfa Stunts Thang Le Visual Effects Art Director Malte Bieler Sound Effects Editor Jamie Clarke Assistant Editor John Gutierrez Boom Operator Greg Thompson Assistant Editor Richard Duarte Foley Mixer Todd Giresi Grip Vicki Lemar ADR Mixer James LaRocca Second Unit First Assistant Director Kevin Martel Animation Supervisor Dan Seddon Visual Effects Supervisor Gary English Hair Department Head Aimee Dombo Desmond Assistant Art Director Noreen R. Cheleden Second Assistant Director Leandro Estebecorena CG Supervisor Jeremiah Cooke Special Effects Technician Robert M. Sagaser First Assistant Camera Marcus Taormina Visual Effects Production Manager Symon Mink First Assistant Camera Matt Fortlage Second Assistant Camera Troy Sola Second Assistant Camera Craig Pressgrove First Assistant Camera Daniel McIntosh Sound Mixer Jack Cucci Foley Mixer Renato Mineirinho First Company Grip Keone Kim Stunts Nicholas Kay Digital Imaging Technician Greg Bryant Special Effects Technician Woodrow Travers Second Second Assistant Director Marissa Gomes Visual Effects Producer Gavin Holmes Jr. Grip Doug Facciponti Special Effects Technician Eve Strickman Second Assistant Camera Robert Strait Digital Imaging Technician John Oliveri Additional First Assistant Camera Daniel Slavin Special Effects Technician David S. Clark Assistant Editor Abraham Altbuch Grip Diogo Ribeiro Second Assistant Camera David Gray Rigging Grip Ben Ng Lighting Technician Abdelkarim Belkasemi Camera Loader Ilya Akiyoshi Digital Imaging Technician Nicolau Saldanha Second Assistant Camera Chris Silano First Assistant Camera Eduardo Duque Pimenta First Assistant Camera Gilberto Araujo Second Company Grip Daniel Hernandez Stunts Rafael Lima Location Manager Matt Emig Stunts Nina Harlan Compositing Artist Amanda Haddad Production Coordinator Peter Dorsey Assistant Art Director Alexander W. Lewis Camera Loader Patrice Canfield Longo Set Dresser Sandro Galvão Camera Operator Anna Olshansky Second Assistant Director Anthony Coan Second Assistant Camera Alex Anagnostidis Stunts Alex Scricco Additional Second Assistant Director Justin Mancuso Camera Loader Kevin Chase Stunts David Ganczewski Grip Gregory Hill Graphic Designer Amanda O'Reilly Assistant Production Coordinator Arianna Gallo Assistant Costume Designer Matthew Farrell Grip Anthony Zwartouw CG Supervisor Brady Nelson Boom Operator Brady Nelson Cableman Kane Delaney Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Kenneth Potter Lighting Technician Brendan K. Russell Second Assistant Camera Jim Cook Set Dresser Damon Hahn Set Dresser Robbin Park Second Company Grip Roland Fullajtar Special Effects Technician David Schanker Assistant Property Master Michael Bruno Set Dresser Connie Huang Camera Loader Michael Mortell Lighting Technician Kenneth Nelson Construction Coordinator Ian O'Neill Dolly Grip Steven R. Paquette Second Company Grip Bryan Cantwell CG Supervisor Mike Ryan Stunts Eve Morrow Key Makeup Artist Brett Roedel Second Assistant Camera Robert H. Paquette Special Effects Technician Brendan Lowry Grip Luca Waldman Second Second Assistant Director Nathanael Brotherhood Special Effects Technician Eric Jolley Special Effects Technician Debbie Canfield Set Dresser Richard K. Hoppe Set Dresser Veronique Lee Assistant Production Coordinator Christian Sharaf Assistant Editor James A. Dolan Chief Lighting Technician Katherine Glendenning Rigging Grip Aleksandr Lokensgard Special Effects Technician Skylar Nichols Visual Effects Coordinator Paul Grunke Rigging Grip Napoleon Smith III Executive Producer Marc Pappalardo Associate Producer Bret Rowe Associate Producer Teresa Kelly Canfield Set Dresser Richard Augusto Burgos Stunts Danny Graham Stunts Rocco Muniz Stunts Andrew Nelson Second Assistant Camera Peter Fonda Sound Mixer Jeffrey Hinnes Lighting Technician Patrick Lynch Lighting Technician Glenn Heap Lighting Technician Gregory M. Dressel Dolly Grip Joaquin E. Padilla Grip Shaun Patrick Lowry Rigging Grip Douglas Kennedy Rigging Grip Michael Norman Buck Techno Crane Operator Nathaniel Acord Special Effects Technician Mike Derry Special Effects Technician David Eland Special Effects Technician Raymond Hoffman Special Effects Technician David K. Lieber III Special Effects Technician Charles R. Simunek Special Effects Technician Matthew Wilson Special Effects Technician Jim Bilz Pyrotechnician Robert Noonan Assistant Location Manager Jamie Vermilye Assistant Location Manager Casey Devlin Set Dresser Tom Tamborello Set Dresser Kathleen St. John Costumer Byron Johnson Hairstylist Stephanie Coats Post Production Assistant Ron San Agustin Visual Effects Assistant Editor Joseph Landry Additional Second Assistant Director John McKenna Jr. Second Second Assistant Director Tony Liberatore Storyboard Artist Chance Tanner 3D Coordinator Gary Dworetsky Additional Music Dave Satin Digital Imaging Technician David L. Kissinger II Lighting Technician Dylan Crawshay-Williams Grip Craig William Catolane Grip Manuel Abad III Rigging Grip Billie Jo Fisher Costumer Kyle Knudson First Assistant Camera James A. Sylvia Second Assistant Camera Robert Mabin Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Gerard Lowry Second Company Grip James Glenn Grip Veloz U.R. Gomez Grip Rachel English Makeup Artist Alex Viana Second Company Grip Jazmin Castillo Location Manager Marcelo San Martin Assistant Location Manager Dan Wheaton Visual Effects Art Director Megan Fox April O'Neil Will Arnett Vernon Fenwick Laura Linney Chief Vincent Stephen Amell Casey Jones Noel Fisher Michelangelo Jeremy Howard Donatello Pete Ploszek Leonardo Alan Ritchson Raphael Tyler Perry Baxter Stockman Brian Tee Shredder Gary Anthony Williams Bebop Stephen Farrelly Rocksteady Peter Donald Badalamenti II Splinter Tony Shalhoub Splinter (voice) Brad Garrett Krang (voice) Opal Alladin Security Officer Brittany Ishibashi Karai Connor Fox Trevor Alessandra Ambrosio Self Stan Demidoff Uniformed Cop Jill Martin Self Greg Hildreth Security Guard Dean Winters Bartender Antoinette Kalaj Hostess Alice Callahan Attractive Detective Jane Wu Jade Steve Lacy News Anchor Carmelo Anthony Self DeAndre Jordan Self JJ Redick Self Matt Barnes Self Austin Rivers Self Langston Arnold Galloway Self Shane Larkin Self Lou Amundson Self Andrea Bargnani Self Quincy Acy Self Courtney L. Kirkland Referee Justin Van Duyne Referee Joslyn Brewster Bumbleebee Robert Clohessy Deputy Warden Hamlett Alexis Suarez Officer John Palladino Officer Meredith Travers Schoolgirl Edwin J. Birmingham NYPD ESU Paul Teutul, Jr. Corrections Officer Kevin Eastman Pizza Delivery Guy TARTARUGHE NINJA - FUORI DALL'OMBRA - Secondo trailer italiano ufficiale TARTARUGHE NINJA - FUORI DALL'OMBRA - Trailer italiano ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  16. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Hercules - Il guerriero 1 h 38 m    2014         Azione ◦ Avventura Hercules, figlio di Zeus e una mortale, semidio inviso ad Era che ha compiuto 12 fatiche prodigiose per guadagnarsi il diritto alla vita, è il più grande guerriero dell'Attica, un vero mito le cui storie passano di bocca in bocca, cantato dagli aedi e magnificato nei racconti. Eppure la realtà non è esattamente così. Nonostante sia un colosso umano, dalla forza superiore alla media, dall'intelligenza tattica e il coraggio in battaglia invidiabili, Hercules è anche il primo propagatore della propria leggenda, conscio che più è temuto, più potrà vincere battaglie. Coadiuvato da una squadra di fedelissimi guerrieri è un mercenario avvezzo all'arte dell'inganno, i cui servizi vengono acquistati da un re che vuole scacciare gli invasori dalla Tracia. Anch'egli conosce le gesta prodigiose di Hercules e anch'egli ha bisogno di un miracolo da un uomo che non è ben chiaro se ne possa fare o meno. Lucinda Syson Casting Mark Helfrich Editor Amanda Mackey Casting Cathy Sandrich Gelfond Casting Beau Flynn Producer Martin Cantwell Supervising Sound Editor Greg Powell Stunt Coordinator Jany Temime Costume Design Peter Burgis Foley Dante Spinotti Director of Photography Tina Jones Set Decoration Robert Cowper Art Direction Alexander Witt Second Unit Director Jean-Vincent Puzos Production Design Tim Chau Sound Designer Tim Chau Supervising Sound Editor Brett Ratner Director Brett Ratner Producer Peter Berg Executive Producer Zsolt Csutak Casting Fernando Velázquez Music Sarah Aubrey Executive Producer John Bruno Visual Effects Supervisor Julia Wong Editor Barry Levine Producer Lorenzo Senatore Camera Operator Lorenzo Senatore Steadicam Operator Evan Spiliotopoulos Screenplay Tanoai Reed Stunt Double Ross T. Fanger Executive Producer Graeme Purdy Property Master Rohan Harris Scenic Artist Sacha Walker Dialogue Editor Jesse Berger Executive Producer Jason Knox-Johnston Supervising Art Director Clifford De Spenser Dialect Coach Ryan Condal Screenplay Johannes Vogel Original Music Composer Ádám Fillenz Camera Operator Bence Erdélyi Art Direction Tommy Lockett Music Editor Jason Swanscott Foley Jon Marson Greensman David Rosenbaum Transportation Coordinator Monica Hada Visual Effects Producer Pinto Sasikumar Visual Effects Producer Katherine Renee Jones Visual Effects Supervisor Kerry Brown Still Photographer Tom Still Art Direction Éva Zöld Art Department Coordinator Annamária Orosz Assistant Art Director Tamas Ordodi Sculptor Zoltán Kiss Sculptor Clayton Weber Sound Designer Chris Burdon Sound Re-Recording Mixer Doug Cooper Sound Re-Recording Mixer James Shannon Dolby Consultant György Mihályi Boom Operator Maria Pudlowska Special Effects Coordinator Priyanka Balasubramania Visual Effects Producer Lisa Goldberg Visual Effects Producer Jessica Newhouse-Smith Visual Effects Producer Steve Street Visual Effects Supervisor Simon Stanley-Clamp Visual Effects Supervisor Domonkos Párdányi Stunt Coordinator Ildikó Szücs Stunt Coordinator Ami Verge Stunt Coordinator Alessandro Brambilla Camera Operator Alessandro Brambilla Steadicam Operator Zsolt Büti Gaffer Zsoka Hoka Costume Supervisor Claudia Kossik Transportation Coordinator Susie Jones Script Supervisor Laszlo Rorariusz Location Manager Balint Kovacs Location Manager James Baker Visual Effects Erica Jean Yeager Compositors Richard Davies Assistant Costume Designer Géza Kovács Stunts Russell Pawson Visual Effects Editor Dayna Grant Stunt Double Kate Phillips Visual Effects Producer Soren Bendt Aaboe Pedersen Concept Artist Michael Eaton Graphic Designer Dwayne Johnson Hercules Ian McShane Amphiarus John Hurt Cotys Rufus Sewell Autolycus Aksel Hennie Tydeus Ingrid Bolsø Berdal Atalanta Reece Ritchie Iolaus Joseph Fiennes King Eurystheus Tobias Santelmann Rhesus Peter Mullan Sitacles Rebecca Ferguson Ergenia Irina Shayk Megara Erika Marozsán Ergenia's Maiden Isaac Andrews Arius Joe Anderson Phineas Stephen Peacocke Stephanos Nicholas Moss Demetrius Robert Maillet l'exécuteur Ian Whyte le chef des guerriers Bessi Barbara Palvin Antimache Caroline Boulton Vixen Christopher Fairbank Gryza John Cross Lieutenant Markos Máté Haumann les gardes Cotys Matt Devere les gardes Cotys Robert Whitelock Nicolaus Karolina Szymczak Alcmene Mark Phelan Corsair Tonia Sotiropoulou Vixen Robert Maillet Executioner Oliver Doherty Hercules' Child Tom Doherty Hercules' Child Kovács Panka Hercules' Child Peter Ivanyi Wolf Handler Nóra Lili Hörich Ergenia's Maiden Athina Papadimitriu Midwife Anna Trokán Midwife Judit Viktor Tavern Madame Csilla Baksa Tavern Vixen Elena V. Holovcsak Tavern Vixen Petra Piringer Tavern Vixen Erika Lajos Tavern Vixen Dora Kanizsa Tavern Vixen Sydney van den Bosch Tavern Vixen Lilla Bozoki Tavern Vixen Dalma Lörincz Tavern Vixen Patricia Hegedus Feasting Hall Server Tímea Vajna Feasting Hall Guest Benjamin Blankenship Feasting Hall Guest Erik Orgovan Feasting Hall Guest Shay Sabag Athenian Citizen Anna Zsíros Athenian Citizen Jean Pigozzi Athenian Lord Anna Skidanova Athenian Lady Kristina Starostina Dancer Dorottya Podmaniczky Dancer Lilla Babos Dancer Aden G. Wright Child Hercules Tamas Csernus Baby Hercules HERCULES: Il Guerriero - Trailer Ufficiale italiano (HD) ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  17. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Planes 2 - Missione antincendio 1 h 23 m    2014         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Avventura ◦ Famiglia L'ex areoplanino agricolo Dusty, diventato in Planes un campione di gare ad alta quota, scopre di avere un terribile problema: il suo gruppo di trasmissione sta cedendo, e i pezzi che lo compongono sono fuori produzione. "Se ti spingerai oltre il limite ti schianterai", gli rivela Dottie. "Devi ridurre la potenza, rallentare". Il che significa smettere di gareggiare. È un brutto colpo per Dusty, ma poiché le disgrazie non vengono mai sole, il ministero per la Sicurezza e i trasporti fa chiudere l'aeroporto ove fanno base gli amici aeroplani, fra cui il fido Mayday "vecchio e ossidato". Urge un ammodernamento antincendio, e Mayday ha bisogno di un "secondo" ad assisterlo nella sua attività di pompiere. Inizia così la nuova grande sfida di Dusty: sottoporsi ad un addestramento come aereo cisterna presso la base specializzata capitanata dall'esperto elicottero antincendio Blade, e popolata da una serie di velivoli e veicoli che diventeranno nuovi personaggi della saga. John Lasseter Executive Producer John Lasseter Characters Mark Mancina Music Dan Molina Editor Ferrell Barron Producer Klay Hall Characters Roberts Gannaway Director Roberts Gannaway Story Jeffrey M. Howard Screenplay Jeffrey M. Howard Characters Jeffrey M. Howard Story Jason Henkel Casting Toby Wilson Production Design Toby Wilson Art Direction Sachin Bangera Animation Samidha Nagwekar Animation Ed Harris Blade Ranger (voice) Dane Cook Dusty Crophopper (voice) Julie Bowen Dipper (voice) Curtis Armstrong Maru (voice) John Michael Higgins Cad (voice) Hal Holbrook Mayday (voice) Teri Hatcher Dottie (voice) Brad Garrett Chug (voice) Wes Studi Windlifter Stacy Keach Skipper (voice) Cedric the Entertainer Leadbottom (voice) Danny Mann Sparky (voice) Barry Corbin Ol' Jammer (voice) Regina King Dynamite (voice) Anne Meara Winnie (voice) Jerry Stiller Harvey (voice) Fred Willard Secretary of the Interior (voice) Dale Dye Cabbie (voice) Matt Jones Drip (voice) Bryan Callen Avalanche (voice) Danny Pardo Blackout (voice) Corri English Pinecone (voice) Kari Wahlgren Patch (voice) Patrick Warburton Pulaski (voice) René Auberjonois Concierge (voice) Erik Estrada Nick 'Loop'n' Lopez (voice) Steve Schirripa Steve (voice) Brent Musburger Brent Mustangburger (voice) John Ratzenberger Brodi (voice) Caroline Aaron Additional Voices (voice) Ferrell Barron Additional Voices (voice) Roberts Gannaway Additional Voices (voice) Kate Micucci Additional Voices (voice) Masasa Moyo Additional Voices (voice) Brad Paisley Additional Voices (voice) Kevin Michael Richardson Ryker (voice) Planes 2: Missione antincendio -- Trailer Ufficiale Italiano | HD ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  18. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Una notte in giallo 1 h 35 m    2014         Commedia Un'aspirante presentatrice del telegiornale, dopo una notte di baldoria alcolica seguita a una delusione lavorativa, si risveglia nel letto di uno sconosciuto senza memoria né soldi né auto, ma utilizza il telefono fisso per controllare la sua segreteria telefonica, dove ha ricevuto un messaggio dal suo produttore che le annuncia di essere nuovamente in corsa per la grande promozione, a condizione di arrivare presso l’emittente televisiva entro l’inizio della trasmissione. La donna dovrà affrontare un duro viaggio attraverso la caotica Los Angeles in preda ai postumi della sbornia in tempo per ricevere l'agognata promozione e realizzare il suo sogno. Tom Rosenberg Producer John Debney Original Music Composer Gary Lucchesi Producer Deborah Aquila Casting Karen O'Hara Set Decoration Steven Brill Director Steven Brill Writer Perry Andelin Blake Production Design Alan Au Art Direction Sidney Kimmel Producer Eric Reid Executive Producer Jennifer L. Smith Casting Jonathan Brown Director of Photography Krista Bell Stunt Double Matt Berenson Executive Producer Patrick J. Don Vito Editor Tricia Wood Casting Ted Gidlow Executive Producer Darrin Prescott Stunt Coordinator Darrin Prescott Second Unit Director Lindsay McKay Costume Design Judy Yonemoto Key Makeup Artist Cheryl Marks Hair Department Head Meagan Herrera Key Hair Stylist Elizabeth Banks Meghan James Marsden Gordon Gillian Jacobs Rose Sarah Wright Denise Ethan Suplee Officer Dave Bill Burr Officer Walter Ken Davitian Cab Driver Lawrence Gilliard Jr. Scrilla Alphonso McAuley Pookie Da'Vone McDonald Hulk Eric Etebari Biker Boy Oliver Hudson Kyle Jacob Timothy Manown Kid with Bike Carol Mansell Charon Bryan Callen Dealer Tig Notaro Impound Woman Willie Garson Dan Karlin Erin Segal Gwen Chris Conner Tommy Liz Carey Jordan Brandon Scott Josh Ian Roberts Main Network Executive Kevin Nealon Chopper Steve Dan Callahan Young Producer Jerry Minor Lt. Drier Niecy Nash Bus Driver Eve Brenner Old Lady P.J. Byrne Moshe Jordan Levenson Elder Tonja Kahlens Ginger the Hooker John Farley John Richard Cabral Gang Member Geoffrey Rivas Store Owner Cindera Che Madame Carolina Monte Rosa Kyle's Girlfriend Sam Upton Cop Vic Chao Shift Captain Jacob Irving Cherry Male Intern Mason Pryor Lookout Kid Anna Halprin Granny Bandit Rebecca Brunk Meghan's Mom Kate Mulligan Stage Manager China Morbosa Bartender Ann Marie Strucke Waitress Donnie Smith Biker Boy Crew #1 Amie Dellavalle Station Employee David Bortolucci Duke Nilla Elizabeth Watkins Hooker Amanda Young Julie David Winston Barge Chuck Rogers Gillian Vigman Female Blooper Anchor #1 Justin Smith Male Blooper Anchor #1 Ann Reilly Female Blooper Anchor #2 Cooper Thornton Male Blooper Anchor #2 Anna Bocci Female Blooper Anchor #3 Jay Montepare Male Blooper Anchor #3 Emily Wagner Female Blooper Anchor #1 Elizabeth Chomko Female Blooper Anchor #5 Rocky Russo Male Blooper Reporter #1 Keeshan Giles Male Blooper Reporter #2 Andrew Friedman Male Blooper Reporter #3 Steven Brill Male Blooper Lawyer Jesse Erwin Prankster Nick Barghini Kissing Couple (uncredited) Mark Cirillo Charlie (uncredited) Stuart Evan Davis Solitary Jogger (uncredited) Gary Sievers Hasidic Jew (uncredited) Craig Taylor Drug Lord (uncredited) Maggie Wagner News Station Executive (uncredited) Michelle Winters Kissing Couple (uncredited) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  19. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Tartarughe Ninja 1 h 41 m    2014         Fantascienza ◦ Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Commedia La città ha bisogno di eroi. L’oscurità è calata su New York City quando Shredder e il suo diabolico Clan del Piede hanno preso il controllo su tutto, dalla polizia alla politica. Il futuro è buio, o almeno lo sarà fino a che quattro improbabili ed emarginati fratelli usciranno dalle fognature per scoprire il loro destino come Tartarughe Ninja. Le Tartarughe dovranno lavorare senza paura con la reporter April e il suo fantastico cameraman Vern Fenwick per salvare la città e svelare il piano diabolico di Shredder. Debra Zane Casting Michael Bay Producer Glen Scantlebury Editor Jim May Additional Editing Brian Tyler Original Music Composer Adam Kirley Stunts Lisa Scoppa Set Decoration Ian Bryce Producer Neil Spisak Production Design Dan Bradley Second Unit Director Hank Amos Stunt Coordinator Daniel Bernhardt Stunts David M. Dunlap "B" Camera Operator David Leitch Stunt Coordinator David Leitch Second Unit Director Denis L. Stewart Executive Producer Denis L. Stewart Unit Production Manager Joel Negron Editor Galen Walker Producer Kevin Eastman Characters Peter Laird Characters Debra Schutt Set Decoration Mitchell Amundsen Second Unit Director of Photography Walter Anderson Sound Mixer Sarah Edwards Costume Designer Kathleen Chopin Casting Lula Carvalho Director of Photography Andrew Form Producer Bradley Fuller Producer Jonathan Eusebio Stunt Coordinator Scott Curtis Foley Editor Dawn Fintor Foley Artist Alicia Stevenson Foley Artist Allegra Clegg Unit Production Manager Daren Hicks Production Supervisor Rebecca Weigold Visual Effects Editor Scott Mednick Producer Declan Mulvey Stunts Jonathan Liebesman Director Basil Grillo Unit Production Manager Basil Grillo Associate Producer Terry Porter Sound Re-Recording Mixer Burt Dalton Special Effects Supervisor Susan E. Novick Post Production Supervisor Jason Reed Executive Producer Christine Domaniecki Makeup Artist Christopher 'Critter' Antonucci Stunts Josh Appelbaum Writer Peter Epstein Stunts Christopher Place Stunts Evan Daugherty Writer Barbara Harris ADR Voice Casting Alexa Marcigliano Stunts Michael Anthony Jackson Storyboard Artist Garrett Warren Stunt Coordinator Miguel López-Castillo Art Direction Buddy Sosthand Stunts André Nemec Writer Eric J. Crown Executive Producer Jim Wilkey Stunts Bobby Beckles Stunts Aaron Vexler Stunts Don Theerathada Stunts J.D. Schwalm Special Effects Supervisor Rachael Weinzimer Property Master Rebecca Meis DeMarco Set Decoration Buyer Coy Aune Camera Operator Airon Armstrong Stunts Geoffrey Nightingale Set Dresser Peter Gvozdas Additional Editing Jeremy Marinas Stunts Tristan Paris Bourne Assistant Art Director Jef Groff Stunts Alberto Gonzalez-Reyna Assistant Art Director Tannis Vallely Casting Assistant Ashley Ryan Makeup Artist Luis Tolentino Stunts Jeffrey Lee Gibson Stunts Denise Paulson Makeup Department Head Patricio M. Farrell Art Direction Mindy Hall Makeup Department Head Lisa Lovaas Costume Supervisor Kurt D. Lott Stunts Samantha MacIvor Stunts Jared Burke Stunts Diana Burton Property Master Kate Edwards Costume Supervisor Dan O'Connell Foley Artist Joe Lisanti Music Editor Nick Miller Construction Coordinator David V. Butler Dialogue Editor Lee Gilmore Sound Effects Editor John T. Cucci Foley Artist Bob E. Krattiger Chief Lighting Technician Jaclyn Tamizato Set Costumer Pablo Helman Visual Effects Supervisor Pablo Helman Second Unit Director Susan Dudeck ADR Editor Erik Aadahl Supervising Sound Editor Ethan van der Ryn Supervising Sound Editor Eric Frazier Special Effects Coordinator Anthony Vincent Stunts Amanda Moss Serino Set Decoration Oakley Lehman Stunts Masako Masuda Set Designer Shane B. Scott Script Supervisor Stanton Barrett Stunts Bob Kellough Sound Effects Editor Gui DaSilva-Greene Stunts David Emmerichs Steadicam Operator David Emmerichs "A" Camera Operator Laurent Kossayan Supervising Sound Editor Luciano Acuna Jr. Stunts Anna Behlmer Sound Re-Recording Mixer Polly McKinnon ADR Supervisor Jeremy Bradley Visual Effects Editor David B. Nowell Aerial Director of Photography Zahida Bacchus 3D Supervisor Duane Manwiller Camera Operator Lyn Pinezich Unit Production Manager Susan MacLeod Visual Effects Producer Christine Fennell Key Hair Stylist Elizabeth Schlitten Property Master Philip Canfield Leadman Scott Rogers Stunt Coordinator Pam Aaron Costumer Jay Fortune Chief Lighting Technician Phil Barrie Sound Effects Editor Meghan L. Noble 3D Editor Jason W. Jennings Sound Designer Mathew Price Sound Mixer Ruth Falco Assistant Art Director Jonathan Beck "A" Camera Operator Fríða Aradóttir Hairstylist Heather Elwell Art Department Coordinator Jonathan Hook Location Manager Tommy Aagaard First Assistant Editor Chris Burton Special Effects Coordinator Randy James Beckman Stunts Nito Larioza Stunts Jon Valera Stunts Charlotte Parker Hair Department Head Dave DeGaetano Construction Coordinator Todd Ellis Property Master Sabrina Calley Set Costumer Sabrina Calley Costumer Philip J. Silvera Stunts Bryce Burke Stunts Kayla Franklin 3D Coordinator Todd Harris Storyboard Artist Katri Billard Script Supervisor Scott Tinsley Second Assistant Camera Patrick Capone Second Unit Director of Photography Chris Castaldi Second Unit First Assistant Director Robert Consing Storyboard Artist Bruce Y. Kuroyama Special Effects Technician Brandon Beckman Stunts Rockey Dickey Jr. Stunts Daniel Graham Stunts Blythe R.D. Quinlan Assistant Art Director Megan Asbee Costume Supervisor Mandy Lyons Hair Department Head Linda Haftel Script Supervisor Maria T. Bierniak Location Manager Chris Navarro ADR Mixer Donna Madrigal Assistant Editor John Bernecker Stunts Tim Norman "B" Camera Operator Kris Smith Script Supervisor Sam Ly Stunts Brian McClean Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Susan Greenhow Visual Effects Producer E.J. Misisco First Assistant Camera Michael Miller ADR Mixer Tim Harrington Animation Supervisor Chrissy Callan Assistant Costume Designer Jimmy E. Jensen First Assistant Camera Gerard Sava Steadicam Operator Gerard Sava "B" Camera Operator William Sarokin Sound Mixer Brianna Hoskins Assistant Production Coordinator Mark Cotone Second Unit First Assistant Director Kelly Solomon Set Decorating Coordinator Harry Humphries Stunts Scott Burik Stunts Cort Hessler Stunts Bobby Mancuso First Assistant Camera James Ashwill Foley Mixer George Leong Boom Operator Jill Alexander Property Master Shayna Markowitz Casting Assistant Jeffrey D. McDonald Assistant Art Director Kraig Tytus Visual Effects Coordinator Thomas M. Dangcil Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Stephen Izzi Stunts Rose Chatterton Hairstylist David Fischer Second Assistant Director Joe Nin Williams Stunts Lori Scowley Production Controller Lori Scowley Associate Producer Hiroo Minami Stunts Eric Glasser Second Assistant Director Jacob Dewitt Stunts Judah Getz ADR Mixer Jonathan Klein Foley Supervisor David Jobe Foley Mixer Bart Barbuscia Leadman Darin Rivetti First Assistant Director Ryan Hanna Stunts Terry Chapman Special Effects Technician Schavaria Reeves Utility Sound Jackson Spidell Stunts Mark Vena Storyboard Artist Holly Isaacson Post Production Assistant Danny Wynands Stunts Rori Bergman Casting Associate Jim Ng Stunts Kyle Mclean Stunts Suo Liu Stunts Jeremy Marks Second Second Assistant Director Kyle Gardiner Stunts Kimmie Guiragossian Costumer Nikki Brower Stunts Thomas Place Stunts Alex Worster Second Assistant Camera Glenn Young Boom Operator Christie Kwan Production Coordinator Tad Griffith Stunts David Amborn Special Effects Coordinator Jake Huang Stunts Anis Cheurfa Stunts Raymond L. Negron Second Second Assistant Director Michael Roundy Special Effects Technician Ryan Roundy Special Effects Technician Emily Gunshor Assistant Costume Designer Adam Wood Stunts Caitlin Machak Second Assistant Camera Maryellen Aviano Extras Casting William O'Leary Chief Lighting Technician Aaron Joshua Stunts Frazer Newton Special Effects Technician Jon Recher Second Second Assistant Director Justin Rosini Assistant Location Manager Frank Verderosa ADR Mixer John Guentner Foley Mixer Jesse Rosenman Assistant Sound Editor Mark Trapenberg Second Unit First Assistant Director Jeff Tomcho Digital Imaging Technician Holly Watson Graphic Designer Brent Egan Second Assistant Camera Michael Wesley Assistant Location Manager Brendon Huor Stunts Jason Ng Stunts Monica Fedrick Graphic Designer Chad Hessler Stunts Jose Antonio Paramo Special Effects Technician Kimmy Suzuki Stunts Nicholas Kay Digital Imaging Technician Meg Kettell Second Assistant Camera Dimitra Bixby Special Effects Technician Robert Strait Digital Imaging Technician Cathleen McFadyen Additional Second Assistant Director John Oliveri Second Assistant Camera Kevin Stermer Assistant Editor Julian J. Delacruz First Assistant Camera Pete Klein Stunts Chad Bowman Stunts Braden Belmonte First Assistant Camera Nitasha Bhambree Stunts Maggie Murphy Second Assistant Director Chris Silano First Assistant Camera Daniel Hernandez Stunts Allison Gross Assistant Property Master Matt Emig Stunts Chris Brewster Stunts Scott Sullens Production Coordinator Peter Dorsey Assistant Art Director Eugene Hitt Special Effects Technician Stuart Nicolai Location Manager Tracey Ruggiero Stunts Ben Dailey First Assistant Camera April Schuller Hairstylist Tim West ADR Mixer Hannah Scott Stunts Anthony Coan Second Assistant Camera Justin Mancuso Camera Loader Tom Glick Second Second Assistant Director Kristina Baskett Stunts Elijah Cornell Extras Casting Assistant Jared S. Eddo Stunts Michael McGuire Stunts Courtney D'Alesio Costumer Rick Figalan Special Effects Technician Adam Bernard Additional Second Assistant Director Genelle Ciccarelli Set Dresser David E. Bisson Assistant Production Coordinator Shelly Lloyd-Samson Visual Effects Production Manager Gabriella Chabrier Stunts Bridget Ritzinger Makeup Artist Yolan Fisher Assistant Property Master G. Victoria Ruskin Assistant Art Director Eric Jolley Special Effects Technician Veronique Lee Assistant Production Coordinator Thomas K. Lee Second Assistant Director Gwyneth E. Larsen Stunts Deborah Canfield Set Dresser Aleksandr Lokensgard Special Effects Technician Mary McNamara Makeup Artist Napoleon Smith III Executive Producer Cale Steven Schultz Stunts Marc Pappalardo Associate Producer Bret Rowe Associate Producer Joseph Martin Special Effects Technician Christopher Jones Special Effects Technician James Henry Special Effects Technician John Greene Special Effects Technician Christy Cham Assistant Costume Designer Katie Riley Assistant Costume Designer Lauren Butler Assistant Production Coordinator Sean Murray Assistant Production Coordinator Meghan Hart Casting Assistant Madeline Austin-Kulat Art Department Coordinator Teresa Kelly Canfield Set Dresser Natalie Setoute Post Production Assistant Keith Putnam Digital Imaging Technician Michael Erik Majesky Stunts Angelo Bua Set Dresser Eddie Campbell Set Decorating Coordinator Michelle Vitone Makeup Artist Megan Fox April O'Neil Will Arnett Vernon Fenwick William Fichtner Eric Sacks Danny Woodburn Splinter Abby Elliott Taylor Noel Fisher Michelangelo Jeremy Howard Donatello Pete Ploszek Leonardo Alan Ritchson Raphael Johnny Knoxville Leonardo (voice) Tony Shalhoub Splinter (voice) Tohoru Masamune Shredder Whoopi Goldberg Bernadette Thompson Minae Noji Karai Madison Mason Councilman Taran Killam McNaughton K. Todd Freeman Dr. Baxter Stockman Paul Fitzgerald Dr. O'Neil Malina Weissman Young April O'Neil Venida Evans Subway Hostage Mikal Vega Sacks Bodyguard Harley Pasternak Self Braeson Herold Reporter Chris Wylde Reporter Chance Kelly Mr. Rivetti Rick Chambers News Anchor Leyna Nguyen News Anchor Derek Mears Dojo Ninja Rick Bolander Foot Soldier (uncredited) Chris Brewster Foot Soldier (uncredited) Greg Duncan Foot Soldier (uncredited) Kevin Kent Foot Soldier (uncredited) Tartarughe Ninja - Terzo Trailer Ufficiale Italiano ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  20. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Grey's Anatomy Stagione 13    Episodi 24         Dramma Meredith Grey è una giovane ragazza di Boston che, dopo la laurea in medicina, riesce ad entrare nel gruppo di tirocinanti di chirurgia del Seattle Grace Hospital. Si trasferisce così a Seattle, nella vecchia casa appartenuta alla madre. Qui si ritrova a condividere questa nuova esperienza insieme ad un gruppo di giovani coetanei, tutti alle prese con i più svariati problemi. Meredith è figlia di Ellis Grey, una famosa dottoressa specialista in chirurgia generale, e sente molto il peso del suo cognome. La sera prima di iniziare il tirocinio, Meredith incontra in un pub Derek, un affascinante uomo con cui passa la notte; solo il giorno dopo scopre che in realtà lui è Derek Shepherd, neurochirurgo dell'ospedale, nonché suo supervisore. Meredith deve così districarsi tra lo studio e il lavoro per poter diventare un chirurgo, e i sentimenti che prova per Derek. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Ellen Pompeo Meredith Grey Chandra Wilson Miranda Bailey James Pickens Jr. Richard Webber Kevin McKidd Owen Hunt Camilla Luddington Jo Wilson Kim Raver Teddy Altman Chris Carmack Atticus Lincoln Jake Borelli Levi Schmitt Anthony Hill Winston Ndugu Caterina Scorsone Amelia Shepherd Kelly McCreary Maggie Pierce Harry Shum Jr. Benson 'Blue' Kwan Adelaide Kane Jules Millin Alexis Floyd Simone Griffith Niko Terho Lucas Adams Midori Francis Mika Yasuda Episodi: 24  In onda il: 2016-09-22 1: Annulla Al Grey Sloan arriva DeLuca in condizioni critiche e, mentre il capo Bailey cerca di capire cosa sia successo, il resto dei dottori fa di tutto per aiutare lo specializzando. Intanto Meredith si ritrova ad avere un enorme segreto che influenzerà i suoi rapporti con Alex e Maggie. 1: Annulla In onda il: 2016-09-22 Al Grey Sloan arriva DeLuca in condizioni critiche e, mentre il capo Bailey cerca di capire cosa sia successo, il resto dei dottori fa di tutto per aiutare lo specializzando. Intanto Meredith si ritrova ad avere un enorme segreto che influenzerà i suoi rapporti con Alex e Maggie. In onda il: 2016-09-29 2: Catastrofe e cura Meredith deve prendere una decisione circa la sua lealtà nei confronti dei suoi amici, mentre Alex è alle prese con le conseguenze delle sue azioni. Mentre Jackson propone ad April una soluzione per aiutarla durante la sua convalescenza, Amelia e Owen ospitano i loro amici per una cena. 2: Catastrofe e cura In onda il: 2016-09-29 Meredith deve prendere una decisione circa la sua lealtà nei confronti dei suoi amici, mentre Alex è alle prese con le conseguenze delle sue azioni. Mentre Jackson propone ad April una soluzione per aiutarla durante la sua convalescenza, Amelia e Owen ospitano i loro amici per una cena. In onda il: 2016-10-06 3: Non faccio miracoli Una famiglia piuttosto litigiosa arriva all’ospedale Grey Sloan in seguito a un incidente d’auto avvenuto durante un funerale. Nel frattempo continuano le peripezie di Alex dopo aver ridotto in condizioni gravi DeLuca prendendolo a pugni. 3: Non faccio miracoli In onda il: 2016-10-06 Una famiglia piuttosto litigiosa arriva all’ospedale Grey Sloan in seguito a un incidente d’auto avvenuto durante un funerale. Nel frattempo continuano le peripezie di Alex dopo aver ridotto in condizioni gravi DeLuca prendendolo a pugni. In onda il: 2016-10-13 4: Caduta lenta Alex cerca di fare la cosa giusta, ma non vuole prendere una pausa. Jackson e April provano ad adattarsi alla "nuova normalità" con il bambino. Mentre Meredith e Nathan capiscono cosa succeda tra loro, Amelia mette in discussione lo stato della sua relazione con Owen. 4: Caduta lenta In onda il: 2016-10-13 Alex cerca di fare la cosa giusta, ma non vuole prendere una pausa. Jackson e April provano ad adattarsi alla "nuova normalità" con il bambino. Mentre Meredith e Nathan capiscono cosa succeda tra loro, Amelia mette in discussione lo stato della sua relazione con Owen. In onda il: 2016-10-20 5: Entrambe le parti Meredith e Bailey sono in disaccordo sui loro pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di fegato; Owen ha il compito di prendersi cura del bambino Harriet; Amelia ha difficoltà a parlare con Owen di alcune importanti novità. 5: Entrambe le parti In onda il: 2016-10-20 Meredith e Bailey sono in disaccordo sui loro pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di fegato; Owen ha il compito di prendersi cura del bambino Harriet; Amelia ha difficoltà a parlare con Owen di alcune importanti novità. In onda il: 2016-10-27 6: Ruggire Un volto familiare fa ritorno al Grey Sloan. Catherine mette pressione a Miranda Baley affinché prenda una decisione su Alex Karev. Intanto Amelia deve gestire un caso molto difficile al pronto soccorso. 6: Ruggire In onda il: 2016-10-27 Un volto familiare fa ritorno al Grey Sloan. Catherine mette pressione a Miranda Baley affinché prenda una decisione su Alex Karev. Intanto Amelia deve gestire un caso molto difficile al pronto soccorso. In onda il: 2016-11-03 7: Perché cercare di cambiare adesso L'arrivo di un nuovo consulente porta scompiglio tra i dottori, sopratutto quando si intromette in sala operatoria. Amelia e Owen portano i loro problemi personali in ospedale, mentre April attraversa un territorio inesplorato. 7: Perché cercare di cambiare adesso In onda il: 2016-11-03 L'arrivo di un nuovo consulente porta scompiglio tra i dottori, sopratutto quando si intromette in sala operatoria. Amelia e Owen portano i loro problemi personali in ospedale, mentre April attraversa un territorio inesplorato. In onda il: 2016-11-10 8: La sala dove tutto accade Un difficile intervento chirurgico riporta alla memoria eventi cruciali per Meredith, Richard, Owen e Stephanie, che lavorano insieme per salvare una vita. 8: La sala dove tutto accade In onda il: 2016-11-10 Un difficile intervento chirurgico riporta alla memoria eventi cruciali per Meredith, Richard, Owen e Stephanie, che lavorano insieme per salvare una vita. In onda il: 2016-11-17 9: Non hai fatto niente Credendo di essere diretto in prigione, Alex fa un'importante scelta riguardo il suo futuro; i medici curano le vittime del crollo di un edificio; Richard vuole risposte riguardo la presenze di Aliza al Grey Sloan. 9: Non hai fatto niente In onda il: 2016-11-17 Credendo di essere diretto in prigione, Alex fa un'importante scelta riguardo il suo futuro; i medici curano le vittime del crollo di un edificio; Richard vuole risposte riguardo la presenze di Aliza al Grey Sloan. In onda il: 2017-01-26 10: Puoi guardare (ma è meglio non toccare) Bailey, Arixon e Jo vanno in un carcere femminile di massima sicurezza per curare una ragazza di 16 anni incinta. 10: Puoi guardare (ma è meglio non toccare) In onda il: 2017-01-26 Bailey, Arixon e Jo vanno in un carcere femminile di massima sicurezza per curare una ragazza di 16 anni incinta. In onda il: 2017-02-02 11: Dove sono tutti? Richard e gli specializzandi rendono difficile il primo giorno di Eliza al Grey Sloan. Intanto Meredith cerca Alex. 11: Dove sono tutti? In onda il: 2017-02-02 Richard e gli specializzandi rendono difficile il primo giorno di Eliza al Grey Sloan. Intanto Meredith cerca Alex. In onda il: 2017-02-09 12: Non è affar tuo Maggie riceve una visita a sorpresa della madre in ospedale. Bailey deve prendere una difficile decisione quando uno degli specializzandi si rifiuta di lavorare insieme a Eliza, mentre Stephanie viene coinvolta nel personale dramma di Owen e Amelia. 12: Non è affar tuo In onda il: 2017-02-09 Maggie riceve una visita a sorpresa della madre in ospedale. Bailey deve prendere una difficile decisione quando uno degli specializzandi si rifiuta di lavorare insieme a Eliza, mentre Stephanie viene coinvolta nel personale dramma di Owen e Amelia. In onda il: 2017-02-16 13: Va solo molto peggio I residenti sono eccitati per la prossima fase dell'insegnamento di Eliza, ma passano la giornata tra gli specializzandi in guerra tra loro. Nel frattempo il primo giorno di April nel suo nuovo ruolo in ospedale appare particolarmente impegnativo. 13: Va solo molto peggio In onda il: 2017-02-16 I residenti sono eccitati per la prossima fase dell'insegnamento di Eliza, ma passano la giornata tra gli specializzandi in guerra tra loro. Nel frattempo il primo giorno di April nel suo nuovo ruolo in ospedale appare particolarmente impegnativo. In onda il: 2017-02-23 14: Ritorno alle origini Alex fa ritorno in ospedale e scopre che sono cambiate molte cose. Nel frattempo Jo deve prendere una decisione difficile riguardo un caso, mentre Arizona cerca di prendere le distanze da Eliza. 14: Ritorno alle origini In onda il: 2017-02-23 Alex fa ritorno in ospedale e scopre che sono cambiate molte cose. Nel frattempo Jo deve prendere una decisione difficile riguardo un caso, mentre Arizona cerca di prendere le distanze da Eliza. In onda il: 2017-03-09 15: Guerra civile Richard, Jackson, April e Catherine affrontano un difficile caso di trauma, reso ancora più ostico dalla politica ospedaliera. Amelia affronta finalmente i suoi sentimenti per Owen. Meredith viene coinvolta da Nathan e Alex riguardo un paziente. 15: Guerra civile In onda il: 2017-03-09 Richard, Jackson, April e Catherine affrontano un difficile caso di trauma, reso ancora più ostico dalla politica ospedaliera. Amelia affronta finalmente i suoi sentimenti per Owen. Meredith viene coinvolta da Nathan e Alex riguardo un paziente. In onda il: 2017-03-16 16: Chi è lui (e cos'è per te?) Jackson e April vanno in viaggio nel Montana per eseguire un complicato intervento chirurgico, ma la mente di Jackson è altrove e April è costretta a un doppio lavoro per farlo tornare concentrato. 16: Chi è lui (e cos'è per te?) In onda il: 2017-03-16 Jackson e April vanno in viaggio nel Montana per eseguire un complicato intervento chirurgico, ma la mente di Jackson è altrove e April è costretta a un doppio lavoro per farlo tornare concentrato. In onda il: 2017-03-23 17: Finché non te lo sento dire Diane Pierce torna al Grey Sloan, ma Maggie è ancora all'oscuro riguardo il motivo della sua visita. Owen e Amelia discutono dei loro problemi mentre lavorano a un caso insieme. Bailey cerca di ricucire il rapporto con Richard. 17: Finché non te lo sento dire In onda il: 2017-03-23 Diane Pierce torna al Grey Sloan, ma Maggie è ancora all'oscuro riguardo il motivo della sua visita. Owen e Amelia discutono dei loro problemi mentre lavorano a un caso insieme. Bailey cerca di ricucire il rapporto con Richard. In onda il: 2017-03-30 18: Chetati anima mia Quando le condizioni di salute della madre di Maggie peggiorano, i dottori sono in disaccordo su come curarla. Nel frattempo Richard si deve confrontare con la scomoda situazione del tradimento di Bailey riguardo il Residency Program. 18: Chetati anima mia In onda il: 2017-03-30 Quando le condizioni di salute della madre di Maggie peggiorano, i dottori sono in disaccordo su come curarla. Nel frattempo Richard si deve confrontare con la scomoda situazione del tradimento di Bailey riguardo il Residency Program. In onda il: 2017-04-06 19: Quel che è dentro Quando Maggie si occupa di un caso importante, molti dei medici sono preoccupati che lei non sia la persona adatta. Intanto Stephanie commette un errore. 19: Quel che è dentro In onda il: 2017-04-06 Quando Maggie si occupa di un caso importante, molti dei medici sono preoccupati che lei non sia la persona adatta. Intanto Stephanie commette un errore. In onda il: 2017-04-13 20: Nell'aria Stanotte Meredit e Nathan devono confrontarsi con i loro sentimenti quando sono bloccati, seduti uno accanto all'altra, su un aereo. 20: Nell'aria Stanotte In onda il: 2017-04-13 Meredit e Nathan devono confrontarsi con i loro sentimenti quando sono bloccati, seduti uno accanto all'altra, su un aereo. In onda il: 2017-04-27 21: Non fermarmi adesso Baley e April lavorano per risolvere le cose tra Richard e Catherine; Eliza continua a cercare Arizona; uno dei pazienti passati di Alex torna al Grey Sloan. 21: Non fermarmi adesso In onda il: 2017-04-27 Baley e April lavorano per risolvere le cose tra Richard e Catherine; Eliza continua a cercare Arizona; uno dei pazienti passati di Alex torna al Grey Sloan. In onda il: 2017-05-04 22: Lascialo lì April e Andrew si consultano con un paziente che ha un tumore al cuore non operabile; Alex ed Eliza sono in contrasto riguardo le cure per una giovane paziente; Stephanie e Ben compiono importanti decisioni. 22: Lascialo lì In onda il: 2017-05-04 April e Andrew si consultano con un paziente che ha un tumore al cuore non operabile; Alex ed Eliza sono in contrasto riguardo le cure per una giovane paziente; Stephanie e Ben compiono importanti decisioni. In onda il: 2017-05-11 23: Colori veri I dottori del Grey Sloan si trovano davanti a un difficile case che coinvolge un pericoloso paziente. Nel frattempo Owen riceve una di quelle notizie che cambiano la vita, che spinge Amelia ad aiutarlo. Altrove, Alex partecipa a una conferenza medica dopo aver fatto una scioccante scoperta. 23: Colori veri In onda il: 2017-05-11 I dottori del Grey Sloan si trovano davanti a un difficile case che coinvolge un pericoloso paziente. Nel frattempo Owen riceve una di quelle notizie che cambiano la vita, che spinge Amelia ad aiutarlo. Altrove, Alex partecipa a una conferenza medica dopo aver fatto una scioccante scoperta. In onda il: 2017-05-18 24: L'anello di fuoco Finale di stagione. Le vite dei dottori sono a rischio dopo che un pericolo paziente fugge dalla stanza dell'ospedale. Alex deve compiere una difficile scelta riguardo la sua relazione con o, mentre Meredith ha alcune importanti novità per Nathan che porta le cose a un punto di svolta. 24: L'anello di fuoco In onda il: 2017-05-18 Finale di stagione. Le vite dei dottori sono a rischio dopo che un pericolo paziente fugge dalla stanza dell'ospedale. Alex deve compiere una difficile scelta riguardo la sua relazione con o, mentre Meredith ha alcune importanti novità per Nathan che porta le cose a un punto di svolta. Grey's Anatomy Trailer ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  21. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Empire Stagione 3    Episodi 18         Dramma Ambientato a Philadelphia e incentrato sul mondo della musica e delladiscografia, questo nuovo musical drama di Lee Daniels e' stato applaudito fin dal suo esordio come il primo grande successo della TV americana del 2015, elevandolo a serie cult per la nuova generazione. Lucious Lyon e' il re dell'hip-hop: artista di talento, CEO della Empire Entertainment ed ex delinquente, ha visto il suo impero vivere incontrastato per anni.  Ma tutto e' destinato a cambiare quando scopre di avere una malattia che lo rendera' paralitico e si trova costretto a decidere a quale dei suoi figli cedere lo scettro senza distruggere la sua famiglia gia' fratturata.  Il suo preferito e' Hakeem, il piu' giovane, un musicista di talento e un playboy viziato. Il figlio di mezzo, Jamal, ha un animo sensibile ed e' un prodigio della musica, ma preferisce stare lontano dai riflettori e il suo essere gay fa infuriare suo padre.  Andre, il maggiore, istruito e con portato per gli affari, manca pero' di carisma. Come se non bastasse, la scelta di Lucious diventa ancora piu' difficile quando la sua ex moglie, Cookie, torna nella sua vita dopo essere stata a lungo in prigione. Lee Daniels Executive Producer Terrence Howard Lucious Lyon Taraji P. Henson Cookie Lyon Bryshere Y. Gray Hakeem Lyon Trai Byers Andre Lyon Gabourey Sidibe Becky Vivica A. Fox Candace Episodi: 18  In onda il: 2016-09-21 1: Light in Darkness Lucious pursues his music legacy with his streaming service, while clashing with his half-brother, Tariq, who is leading a federal task force investigating him. 1: Light in Darkness In onda il: 2016-09-21 Lucious pursues his music legacy with his streaming service, while clashing with his half-brother, Tariq, who is leading a federal task force investigating him. In onda il: 2016-09-28 2: Sin That Amends In an attempt to cope with life after being shot, Jamal teams up with businessman Angelo Dubois, to talk about gun violence and host a summit for awareness. When he tries to perform again, things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Lucious attempts to win over Cookie, Hakeem starts to record new songs with Shine, and Andre runs into some trouble with the police. 2: Sin That Amends In onda il: 2016-09-28 In an attempt to cope with life after being shot, Jamal teams up with businessman Angelo Dubois, to talk about gun violence and host a summit for awareness. When he tries to perform again, things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Lucious attempts to win over Cookie, Hakeem starts to record new songs with Shine, and Andre runs into some trouble with the police. In onda il: 2016-10-05 3: What Remains Is Bestial Cookie calls in a favor with mega-superstar Kitty to record a new song with Jamal, hoping he will overcome his inability to perform. Meanwhile, Andre runs into some trouble and things don’t go as planned. Cookie and Lucious are at odds, Hakeem and Gram fight for Tiana’s attention, and things heat up between Cookie and Angelo Dubois 3: What Remains Is Bestial In onda il: 2016-10-05 Cookie calls in a favor with mega-superstar Kitty to record a new song with Jamal, hoping he will overcome his inability to perform. Meanwhile, Andre runs into some trouble and things don’t go as planned. Cookie and Lucious are at odds, Hakeem and Gram fight for Tiana’s attention, and things heat up between Cookie and Angelo Dubois In onda il: 2016-10-12 4: Cupid Kills Things heat up between Cookie and Angelo, so Lucious finally recognizes Angelo as a formidable rival and prepares to take him on. Meanwhile, Jamal is finally able to face Freda Gatz, a big first step on his journey to recovery. Also, Anika goes back to work at Empire and instantly causes turmoil, while Hakeem starts falling for Nessa, even though she might be into a different Lyon. 4: Cupid Kills In onda il: 2016-10-12 Things heat up between Cookie and Angelo, so Lucious finally recognizes Angelo as a formidable rival and prepares to take him on. Meanwhile, Jamal is finally able to face Freda Gatz, a big first step on his journey to recovery. Also, Anika goes back to work at Empire and instantly causes turmoil, while Hakeem starts falling for Nessa, even though she might be into a different Lyon. In onda il: 2016-11-09 5: One Before Another Lucious and Andre are on high alert as they wait for Shine to retaliate after their latest business encounter went south. Jamal, who has yet to perform in front of his fans, teams up with Hakeem for a performance that he thinks could help him face his fears. Meanwhile, Cookie is caught off-guard during a routine meeting with her probation officer 5: One Before Another In onda il: 2016-11-09 Lucious and Andre are on high alert as they wait for Shine to retaliate after their latest business encounter went south. Jamal, who has yet to perform in front of his fans, teams up with Hakeem for a performance that he thinks could help him face his fears. Meanwhile, Cookie is caught off-guard during a routine meeting with her probation officer In onda il: 2016-11-16 6: Chimes at Midnight Empire is hacked and the leak creates feuds between artists and among the Lyon family. Andre takes advantage of the leak to step up and prove his worth to the company. Meanwhile, Lucious continues to try and drive a wedge between Cookie and Angelo, and Jamal finds himself in a love triangle. 6: Chimes at Midnight In onda il: 2016-11-16 Empire is hacked and the leak creates feuds between artists and among the Lyon family. Andre takes advantage of the leak to step up and prove his worth to the company. Meanwhile, Lucious continues to try and drive a wedge between Cookie and Angelo, and Jamal finds himself in a love triangle. In onda il: 2016-11-30 7: What We May Be Cookie looks to Candace for tips on how to plan an elaborate family dinner that will impress Angelo's mother, Diane. Meanwhile, old home videos cause Cookie to face secrets about her relationship with her father that she had tried to hide from her kids, and Andre organizes an unlikely duet 7: What We May Be In onda il: 2016-11-30 Cookie looks to Candace for tips on how to plan an elaborate family dinner that will impress Angelo's mother, Diane. Meanwhile, old home videos cause Cookie to face secrets about her relationship with her father that she had tried to hide from her kids, and Andre organizes an unlikely duet In onda il: 2016-12-07 8: The Unkindest Cut Andre sabotages Tiana's big appearance at a fashion edvent in an attempt to get Nessa into the spotlight. Meanwhile, Tariq works with Leah to try to bring down Lucious, and Jamal works with Philip to get over his PTSD. 8: The Unkindest Cut In onda il: 2016-12-07 Andre sabotages Tiana's big appearance at a fashion edvent in an attempt to get Nessa into the spotlight. Meanwhile, Tariq works with Leah to try to bring down Lucious, and Jamal works with Philip to get over his PTSD. In onda il: 2016-12-14 9: A Furnace For Your Foe Cookie attempts to help Angelo appeal to the masses and win the mayoral bid, by hosting a free park concert. Meanwhile, the FBI continues to investigate Lucious and freezes all of Empire's assets, which has major repercussions. 9: A Furnace For Your Foe In onda il: 2016-12-14 Cookie attempts to help Angelo appeal to the masses and win the mayoral bid, by hosting a free park concert. Meanwhile, the FBI continues to investigate Lucious and freezes all of Empire's assets, which has major repercussions. In onda il: 2017-03-22 10: Sound & Fury After launching a deadly missile at Angelo, Lucious announces his new music project, Inferno, and puts everyone on notice - especially Cookie, who then vows to knock him off his throne for good. Meanwhile, Jamal befriends musician Tory Ash during his stay in rehab, Andre continues with his plan to take over EMPIRE, and Hakeem and Tiana battle Nessa for a spot in the music showcase. 10: Sound & Fury In onda il: 2017-03-22 After launching a deadly missile at Angelo, Lucious announces his new music project, Inferno, and puts everyone on notice - especially Cookie, who then vows to knock him off his throne for good. Meanwhile, Jamal befriends musician Tory Ash during his stay in rehab, Andre continues with his plan to take over EMPIRE, and Hakeem and Tiana battle Nessa for a spot in the music showcase. In onda il: 2017-03-29 11: Play On Cookie tries to move forward with Angelo, while struggling with guilt over her run-in with Lucious. Meanwhile, Leah seeks out Tariq's help in taking down Anika, and Jamal and Tory team up in the studio. 11: Play On In onda il: 2017-03-29 Cookie tries to move forward with Angelo, while struggling with guilt over her run-in with Lucious. Meanwhile, Leah seeks out Tariq's help in taking down Anika, and Jamal and Tory team up in the studio. In onda il: 2017-04-05 12: Strange Bedfellows Angelo makes an unsettling discovery and is concerned that Cookie's past isn't in the past and will hurt his chances of becoming the Mayor. Anika is faced with a life-changing decision after Tariq reveals what he is really after. Meanwhile, Hakeem's 21st birthday party takes an unexpected turn. 12: Strange Bedfellows In onda il: 2017-04-05 Angelo makes an unsettling discovery and is concerned that Cookie's past isn't in the past and will hurt his chances of becoming the Mayor. Anika is faced with a life-changing decision after Tariq reveals what he is really after. Meanwhile, Hakeem's 21st birthday party takes an unexpected turn. In onda il: 2017-04-12 13: My Naked Villainy Hakeem throws an epic 21st birthday party and live-streams it all on Empire Xstream. Meanwhile, suspicions surrounding Anika's motives put the Lyons on high alert and the arrival of Giuliana gives Cookie a run for her money. 13: My Naked Villainy In onda il: 2017-04-12 Hakeem throws an epic 21st birthday party and live-streams it all on Empire Xstream. Meanwhile, suspicions surrounding Anika's motives put the Lyons on high alert and the arrival of Giuliana gives Cookie a run for her money. In onda il: 2017-04-26 14: Love Is a Smoke Cookie gives Lucious unexpected news that makes him feel uneasy about the future. Hoping to make Cookie jealous, Giuliana moves in on Lucious and persuades him to comply with her new plans. Meanwhile, Anika and Tariq devise a new plan and Charlotte Frost holds the Empire Las Vegas dream in her hands. 14: Love Is a Smoke In onda il: 2017-04-26 Cookie gives Lucious unexpected news that makes him feel uneasy about the future. Hoping to make Cookie jealous, Giuliana moves in on Lucious and persuades him to comply with her new plans. Meanwhile, Anika and Tariq devise a new plan and Charlotte Frost holds the Empire Las Vegas dream in her hands. In onda il: 2017-05-03 15: Civil Hands Unclean Angelo's relationship with Cookie turns toxic and leaves her questioning her decisions. Hakeem makes a public plea for Lucious to give him paternity of Bella during his return to Empire Xstream. Meanwhile, Cookie becomes increasingly more suspicious of Lucious' intentions with Giuliana and Empire's future in Vegas, and Lucious and Jamal work overtime to finish their albums. 15: Civil Hands Unclean In onda il: 2017-05-03 Angelo's relationship with Cookie turns toxic and leaves her questioning her decisions. Hakeem makes a public plea for Lucious to give him paternity of Bella during his return to Empire Xstream. Meanwhile, Cookie becomes increasingly more suspicious of Lucious' intentions with Giuliana and Empire's future in Vegas, and Lucious and Jamal work overtime to finish their albums. In onda il: 2017-05-10 16: Absent Child The Lyons fear that the Dubois family is to blame for their latest family crisis, so when no one is willing to give up any information, Cookie takes matters into her own hands. Jamal and Lucious reach a breakthrough in a song on which they have been working, and Andre lashes out. Meanwhile, Cookie sets her eyes on a new plan for Empire in Vegas. 16: Absent Child In onda il: 2017-05-10 The Lyons fear that the Dubois family is to blame for their latest family crisis, so when no one is willing to give up any information, Cookie takes matters into her own hands. Jamal and Lucious reach a breakthrough in a song on which they have been working, and Andre lashes out. Meanwhile, Cookie sets her eyes on a new plan for Empire in Vegas. In onda il: 2017-05-17 17: Toil and Trouble (1) When Cookie is banned from Leviticus Vegas, she pulls together a team of her own allies to seek revenge on Giuliana and steal her secret weapon. Meanwhile, Jamal is encouraged to put his album on hold, so as not to compete with Lucious' "Inferno". 17: Toil and Trouble (1) In onda il: 2017-05-17 When Cookie is banned from Leviticus Vegas, she pulls together a team of her own allies to seek revenge on Giuliana and steal her secret weapon. Meanwhile, Jamal is encouraged to put his album on hold, so as not to compete with Lucious' "Inferno". In onda il: 2017-05-24 18: Toil and Trouble (2) As Lucious gets ready to launch Empire Las Vegas with Giuliana at his side, Cookie pulls together her own team of allies to wreak havoc on the opening. 18: Toil and Trouble (2) In onda il: 2017-05-24 As Lucious gets ready to launch Empire Las Vegas with Giuliana at his side, Cookie pulls together her own team of allies to wreak havoc on the opening. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  22. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Empire Stagione 2    Episodi 18         Dramma Ambientato a Philadelphia e incentrato sul mondo della musica e delladiscografia, questo nuovo musical drama di Lee Daniels e' stato applaudito fin dal suo esordio come il primo grande successo della TV americana del 2015, elevandolo a serie cult per la nuova generazione. Lucious Lyon e' il re dell'hip-hop: artista di talento, CEO della Empire Entertainment ed ex delinquente, ha visto il suo impero vivere incontrastato per anni.  Ma tutto e' destinato a cambiare quando scopre di avere una malattia che lo rendera' paralitico e si trova costretto a decidere a quale dei suoi figli cedere lo scettro senza distruggere la sua famiglia gia' fratturata.  Il suo preferito e' Hakeem, il piu' giovane, un musicista di talento e un playboy viziato. Il figlio di mezzo, Jamal, ha un animo sensibile ed e' un prodigio della musica, ma preferisce stare lontano dai riflettori e il suo essere gay fa infuriare suo padre.  Andre, il maggiore, istruito e con portato per gli affari, manca pero' di carisma. Come se non bastasse, la scelta di Lucious diventa ancora piu' difficile quando la sua ex moglie, Cookie, torna nella sua vita dopo essere stata a lungo in prigione. Lee Daniels Executive Producer Terrence Howard Lucious Lyon Taraji P. Henson Cookie Lyon Bryshere Y. Gray Hakeem Lyon Trai Byers Andre Lyon Gabourey Sidibe Becky Vivica A. Fox Candace Episodi: 18  In onda il: 2015-09-23 1: The Devils Are Here Still in federal lockup, Lucious is trying to run Empire from inside, while a headline-grabbing state prosecutor hangs her political ambitions on bringing him down - no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, Cookie stages a star-studded #FreeLucious concert in his support, while scheming with Andre, Hakeem, Anika and the business savvy Mimi Whiteman to finalize the hostile takeover of Empire. 1: The Devils Are Here In onda il: 2015-09-23 Still in federal lockup, Lucious is trying to run Empire from inside, while a headline-grabbing state prosecutor hangs her political ambitions on bringing him down - no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, Cookie stages a star-studded #FreeLucious concert in his support, while scheming with Andre, Hakeem, Anika and the business savvy Mimi Whiteman to finalize the hostile takeover of Empire. In onda il: 2015-09-30 2: Without a Country Cookie and her cohorts decide to start their own small record label, but it’s off to a bumpy start as everyone has different visions for the new label. As his first project for the new company, Hakeem decides to form a girl group and woos a hot Latina lead singer, proving that he can be more than just an artist. Meanwhile, Lucious, feeling extra pressure from a bloodthirsty prosecutor, hires a new lawyer and records an epic track from inside jail. In Lucious’ absence, Jamal neglects his music and makes business moves that further his journey toward becoming every bit as ruthless as his father. 2: Without a Country In onda il: 2015-09-30 Cookie and her cohorts decide to start their own small record label, but it’s off to a bumpy start as everyone has different visions for the new label. As his first project for the new company, Hakeem decides to form a girl group and woos a hot Latina lead singer, proving that he can be more than just an artist. Meanwhile, Lucious, feeling extra pressure from a bloodthirsty prosecutor, hires a new lawyer and records an epic track from inside jail. In Lucious’ absence, Jamal neglects his music and makes business moves that further his journey toward becoming every bit as ruthless as his father. In onda il: 2015-10-07 3: Fires of Heaven Anika secretly work together behind Lucious’ back to pull off a surprise performance that catches the eye of Pitbull. Meanwhile, Lucious tracks down Frank Gathers’ daughter, Young Ma, to try to convince her to sign with him at Empire, while Hakeem is hard at work on his girl group, Ménage a Trois. Also, Andre and Rhonda hope their baby-on-the-way will be the key that unlocks Lucious’ cold heart and opens the door for Andre to return to the Empire fold. 3: Fires of Heaven In onda il: 2015-10-07 Anika secretly work together behind Lucious’ back to pull off a surprise performance that catches the eye of Pitbull. Meanwhile, Lucious tracks down Frank Gathers’ daughter, Young Ma, to try to convince her to sign with him at Empire, while Hakeem is hard at work on his girl group, Ménage a Trois. Also, Andre and Rhonda hope their baby-on-the-way will be the key that unlocks Lucious’ cold heart and opens the door for Andre to return to the Empire fold. In onda il: 2015-10-14 4: Poor Yorick The Lyons are still split into warring factions, but they all decide to shoot a music video that will capitalize on Hakeem and Jamal's duet from Hakeem's leaked album, a collaboration that will benefit both companies. Meanwhile, Lucious trades his real handcuffs for virtual ones. However, knowing he can't fully control his company with a federal murder case hanging over his head, he sets out to find Vernon and make him permanently disappear. 4: Poor Yorick In onda il: 2015-10-14 The Lyons are still split into warring factions, but they all decide to shoot a music video that will capitalize on Hakeem and Jamal's duet from Hakeem's leaked album, a collaboration that will benefit both companies. Meanwhile, Lucious trades his real handcuffs for virtual ones. However, knowing he can't fully control his company with a federal murder case hanging over his head, he sets out to find Vernon and make him permanently disappear. In onda il: 2015-10-21 5: Be True Over at Lyon Dynasty, Cookie and Anika work together with Laz to throw “Cookie Lyon’s Block Party,” a big event to launch their company, showcase their artists and premiere a signature Dynasty anthem written by Hakeem. Meanwhile, Jamal gets busy working on his music with Ne-Yo. Also, Hakeem begins a tender romance with the lead singer of his girl group, and Andre takes steps to rid his soul of past sins. 5: Be True In onda il: 2015-10-21 Over at Lyon Dynasty, Cookie and Anika work together with Laz to throw “Cookie Lyon’s Block Party,” a big event to launch their company, showcase their artists and premiere a signature Dynasty anthem written by Hakeem. Meanwhile, Jamal gets busy working on his music with Ne-Yo. Also, Hakeem begins a tender romance with the lead singer of his girl group, and Andre takes steps to rid his soul of past sins. In onda il: 2015-11-04 6: A High Hope for a Low Heaven Lucious and Cookie must put aside their differences and work together as parents to protect their family and keep them out of danger. Jamal does his best to get back in the studio and break away from being defined solely as a gay artist, while Hakeem struggles with how to feel and act like a man. Meanwhile, Andre works to shut down a division at Empire, until he discovers a disciple in the midst of Lucious' Gutter Life records. 6: A High Hope for a Low Heaven In onda il: 2015-11-04 Lucious and Cookie must put aside their differences and work together as parents to protect their family and keep them out of danger. Jamal does his best to get back in the studio and break away from being defined solely as a gay artist, while Hakeem struggles with how to feel and act like a man. Meanwhile, Andre works to shut down a division at Empire, until he discovers a disciple in the midst of Lucious' Gutter Life records. In onda il: 2015-11-11 7: True Love Never Lucious begins to strategize the ascension of Empire from record label into global music monolith, so he looks into starting a partnership with Jago, the founder of a music streaming company. Meanwhile, Andre has to twist his newfound values to achieve a delicate balance between his faith and his career, Hakeem begins to work with Laura to turn her into a star and Cookie sets her sights on having Lyon Dynasty be a part of an epic televised charity music event. 7: True Love Never In onda il: 2015-11-11 Lucious begins to strategize the ascension of Empire from record label into global music monolith, so he looks into starting a partnership with Jago, the founder of a music streaming company. Meanwhile, Andre has to twist his newfound values to achieve a delicate balance between his faith and his career, Hakeem begins to work with Laura to turn her into a star and Cookie sets her sights on having Lyon Dynasty be a part of an epic televised charity music event. In onda il: 2015-11-18 8: My Bad Parts Lucious, eager to assert his power, releases a rap by Freda challenging Hakeem as his heir. Not to be outdone in Lucious' eyes, Hakeem fires back at Freda with a rap battle challenge that could put Lyon Dynasty's future in danger. Meanwhile, Cookie gets a special visit from her spitfire sister, Candace, Jamal is working on landing a major sponsorship deal and Anika receives some life changing news 8: My Bad Parts In onda il: 2015-11-18 Lucious, eager to assert his power, releases a rap by Freda challenging Hakeem as his heir. Not to be outdone in Lucious' eyes, Hakeem fires back at Freda with a rap battle challenge that could put Lyon Dynasty's future in danger. Meanwhile, Cookie gets a special visit from her spitfire sister, Candace, Jamal is working on landing a major sponsorship deal and Anika receives some life changing news In onda il: 2015-11-25 9: Sinned Against Cookie and her sister, Candace, team up with a former prison mate to rescue their sister, Carol. Back at Empire, Jamal and critically acclaimed pop star Skye Summers begin collaborating and soon share a deep connection. Meanwhile, Laz has truly fallen for Cookie, but things get complicated when she finds out the truth about him. 9: Sinned Against In onda il: 2015-11-25 Cookie and her sister, Candace, team up with a former prison mate to rescue their sister, Carol. Back at Empire, Jamal and critically acclaimed pop star Skye Summers begin collaborating and soon share a deep connection. Meanwhile, Laz has truly fallen for Cookie, but things get complicated when she finds out the truth about him. In onda il: 2015-12-02 10: Et Tu, Brute Lucious makes a reckless play for the streaming service that he believes will make him the most powerful man in music, only to learn that the entire business strategy was part of a scheme that might bring Hakeem’s ex, Camilla, back into the picture. Meanwhile, Cookie decides to plan a concert at the prison where she spent 17 years locked away from her family and a tragic “accident” leaves Rhonda in a scary state. 10: Et Tu, Brute In onda il: 2015-12-02 Lucious makes a reckless play for the streaming service that he believes will make him the most powerful man in music, only to learn that the entire business strategy was part of a scheme that might bring Hakeem’s ex, Camilla, back into the picture. Meanwhile, Cookie decides to plan a concert at the prison where she spent 17 years locked away from her family and a tragic “accident” leaves Rhonda in a scary state. In onda il: 2016-03-30 11: Death Will Have His Day After losing the company he built, Lucious announces he will stop at nothing to regain his power, but Cookie has her own way of handling things. Meanwhile, Rhonda, Andre and the rest of the Lyon family come to terms with a horrific, life-changing tragedy that changes their lives as they know it. 11: Death Will Have His Day In onda il: 2016-03-30 After losing the company he built, Lucious announces he will stop at nothing to regain his power, but Cookie has her own way of handling things. Meanwhile, Rhonda, Andre and the rest of the Lyon family come to terms with a horrific, life-changing tragedy that changes their lives as they know it. In onda il: 2016-04-06 12: A Rose by Any Other Name With Hakeem acting as Empire’s CEO, Camilla sinks her claws further and further into him. The rest of the Lyon family tries to get him to rejoin their side, but Hakeem has his own plan. Meanwhile, Jamal receives backlash from his fans and Andre and Rhonda’s marriage is tested. 12: A Rose by Any Other Name In onda il: 2016-04-06 With Hakeem acting as Empire’s CEO, Camilla sinks her claws further and further into him. The rest of the Lyon family tries to get him to rejoin their side, but Hakeem has his own plan. Meanwhile, Jamal receives backlash from his fans and Andre and Rhonda’s marriage is tested. In onda il: 2016-04-13 13: The Tameness of a Wolf Tensions between Lucious and his sons continue to rise. Back at Lyon Dynasty, Lucious aims to direct his most emotional and honest music video yet and recreates a traumatic interaction with his mother for the new single. Meanwhile, on the Mirage a Trois tour, Tiana and Laura begin viciously fighting over the spotlight, forcing Hakeem to mediate between the two divas. 13: The Tameness of a Wolf In onda il: 2016-04-13 Tensions between Lucious and his sons continue to rise. Back at Lyon Dynasty, Lucious aims to direct his most emotional and honest music video yet and recreates a traumatic interaction with his mother for the new single. Meanwhile, on the Mirage a Trois tour, Tiana and Laura begin viciously fighting over the spotlight, forcing Hakeem to mediate between the two divas. In onda il: 2016-04-20 14: Time Shall Unfold Lucious releases his new music video, as he manipulates and sabotages those around him to regain his CEO position at Empire. Meanwhile, Andre learns more about his grandmother's mental illness in order to understand his own struggle with bipolar disorder, Anika reveals a big secret to the family and Hakeem leads the big shareholder meeting. 14: Time Shall Unfold In onda il: 2016-04-20 Lucious releases his new music video, as he manipulates and sabotages those around him to regain his CEO position at Empire. Meanwhile, Andre learns more about his grandmother's mental illness in order to understand his own struggle with bipolar disorder, Anika reveals a big secret to the family and Hakeem leads the big shareholder meeting. In onda il: 2016-04-27 15: More Than Kin With help from Andre, Lucious hosts a fundraiser, as part of his campaign to prove to the board that he should return as Empire’s CEO. Meanwhile, Hakeem must decide whether he wants to be a father to his and Anika’s child. 15: More Than Kin In onda il: 2016-04-27 With help from Andre, Lucious hosts a fundraiser, as part of his campaign to prove to the board that he should return as Empire’s CEO. Meanwhile, Hakeem must decide whether he wants to be a father to his and Anika’s child. In onda il: 2016-05-04 16: The Lyon Who Cried Wolf A wrench is thrown into Lucious’ deeply personal music video about his mother, when Andre discovers a dark secret. Meanwhile, Hakeem and Jamal are compromised after tempting themselves with new or rekindling, but secretive affairs. Then, Rhonda starts to suspect who her attacker was. 16: The Lyon Who Cried Wolf In onda il: 2016-05-04 A wrench is thrown into Lucious’ deeply personal music video about his mother, when Andre discovers a dark secret. Meanwhile, Hakeem and Jamal are compromised after tempting themselves with new or rekindling, but secretive affairs. Then, Rhonda starts to suspect who her attacker was. In onda il: 2016-05-04 17: Rise by Sin Hakeem feels the pressure of his underwhelming fiancé, Laura, as he struggles to find a place for her both in his family and his career. Cookie finally reveals to Jamal the truth behind what happened to Freda's father, prompting Jamal to warn Freda of his family's ulterior motives. Meanwhile, despite his frustration with the family, Jamal makes a sacrifice for Lucious from which it will be hard to recover. 17: Rise by Sin In onda il: 2016-05-04 Hakeem feels the pressure of his underwhelming fiancé, Laura, as he struggles to find a place for her both in his family and his career. Cookie finally reveals to Jamal the truth behind what happened to Freda's father, prompting Jamal to warn Freda of his family's ulterior motives. Meanwhile, despite his frustration with the family, Jamal makes a sacrifice for Lucious from which it will be hard to recover. In onda il: 2016-05-18 18: Past Is Prologue After a life-changing experience, Jamal refuses to make music until his family ends its seemingly endless cycle of violence and fighting. Meanwhile, the Feds are tailing Anika because they want to force her to testify against Lucious. In order to protect her family, Cookie organizes a meeting at Hakeem and Laura's wedding with various people from her and Lucious' past. 18: Past Is Prologue In onda il: 2016-05-18 After a life-changing experience, Jamal refuses to make music until his family ends its seemingly endless cycle of violence and fighting. Meanwhile, the Feds are tailing Anika because they want to force her to testify against Lucious. In order to protect her family, Cookie organizes a meeting at Hakeem and Laura's wedding with various people from her and Lucious' past. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  23. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Empire Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Dramma Ambientato a Philadelphia e incentrato sul mondo della musica e delladiscografia, questo nuovo musical drama di Lee Daniels e' stato applaudito fin dal suo esordio come il primo grande successo della TV americana del 2015, elevandolo a serie cult per la nuova generazione. Lucious Lyon e' il re dell'hip-hop: artista di talento, CEO della Empire Entertainment ed ex delinquente, ha visto il suo impero vivere incontrastato per anni.  Ma tutto e' destinato a cambiare quando scopre di avere una malattia che lo rendera' paralitico e si trova costretto a decidere a quale dei suoi figli cedere lo scettro senza distruggere la sua famiglia gia' fratturata.  Il suo preferito e' Hakeem, il piu' giovane, un musicista di talento e un playboy viziato. Il figlio di mezzo, Jamal, ha un animo sensibile ed e' un prodigio della musica, ma preferisce stare lontano dai riflettori e il suo essere gay fa infuriare suo padre.  Andre, il maggiore, istruito e con portato per gli affari, manca pero' di carisma. Come se non bastasse, la scelta di Lucious diventa ancora piu' difficile quando la sua ex moglie, Cookie, torna nella sua vita dopo essere stata a lungo in prigione. Lee Daniels Executive Producer Terrence Howard Lucious Lyon Taraji P. Henson Cookie Lyon Bryshere Y. Gray Hakeem Lyon Trai Byers Andre Lyon Gabourey Sidibe Becky Vivica A. Fox Candace Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2015-01-07 1: Pilot Lucious Lyon is the head of a music empire whose reign has been unchallenged for years. But all that changes when he learns he has a disease and must choose one of his three sons to take over: Andre, Jamal or Hakeem. Complicating matters is their mother and Lucious’ ex-wife, Cookie, who emerges from prison to claim her share. 1: Pilot In onda il: 2015-01-07 Lucious Lyon is the head of a music empire whose reign has been unchallenged for years. But all that changes when he learns he has a disease and must choose one of his three sons to take over: Andre, Jamal or Hakeem. Complicating matters is their mother and Lucious’ ex-wife, Cookie, who emerges from prison to claim her share. In onda il: 2015-01-14 2: The Outspoken King Lucious has to defend Empire's IPO launch after one of his artists is involved in a shooting; Cookie hears about Lucious' plans for a huge performance for Hakeem, but not Jamal; Bunkie's murder is investigated. 2: The Outspoken King In onda il: 2015-01-14 Lucious has to defend Empire's IPO launch after one of his artists is involved in a shooting; Cookie hears about Lucious' plans for a huge performance for Hakeem, but not Jamal; Bunkie's murder is investigated. In onda il: 2015-01-21 3: The Devil Quotes Scripture The Lyons head to Philadelphia and get a taste of what their life could have been if Lucious hadn't made it big. Lucious promotes Hakeem's new relationship with hip-hop star Tianna, but tensions rise when another woman tries to catch Hakeem's eye. 3: The Devil Quotes Scripture In onda il: 2015-01-21 The Lyons head to Philadelphia and get a taste of what their life could have been if Lucious hadn't made it big. Lucious promotes Hakeem's new relationship with hip-hop star Tianna, but tensions rise when another woman tries to catch Hakeem's eye. In onda il: 2015-01-28 4: False Imposition Lucious attempts to steal a super-hot, chart-topping artist from his rival at Safe House Records. Meanwhile, Jamal struggles to compose original music and Cookie tries to forge a relationship with her estranged son, Hakeem. 4: False Imposition In onda il: 2015-01-28 Lucious attempts to steal a super-hot, chart-topping artist from his rival at Safe House Records. Meanwhile, Jamal struggles to compose original music and Cookie tries to forge a relationship with her estranged son, Hakeem. In onda il: 2015-02-04 5: Dangerous Bonds Cookie receives an anonymous gift from an admirer that she believes might be a veiled threat from a person from her prison past. Meanwhile, Lucious takes charge of Hakeem's first video shoot. 5: Dangerous Bonds In onda il: 2015-02-04 Cookie receives an anonymous gift from an admirer that she believes might be a veiled threat from a person from her prison past. Meanwhile, Lucious takes charge of Hakeem's first video shoot. In onda il: 2015-02-11 6: Out, Damned Spot Vernon is caught in the middle of a very sticky situation. Meanwhile, Jamal is rising to stardom, but his newfound drive and ambition might stir up trouble in his relationships. To make matters worse, a mystery woman (guest star Raven Symone) from the family's past shows up with a huge surprise. 6: Out, Damned Spot In onda il: 2015-02-11 Vernon is caught in the middle of a very sticky situation. Meanwhile, Jamal is rising to stardom, but his newfound drive and ambition might stir up trouble in his relationships. To make matters worse, a mystery woman (guest star Raven Symone) from the family's past shows up with a huge surprise. In onda il: 2015-02-18 7: Our Dancing Days Tension mounts between Hakeem and Jamal, as Lucious attempts to brand Empire Entertainment as a tight-knit, “family-run” company. Meanwhile, Cookie and Anika don’t hold anything back when it comes to taking over the company. 7: Our Dancing Days In onda il: 2015-02-18 Tension mounts between Hakeem and Jamal, as Lucious attempts to brand Empire Entertainment as a tight-knit, “family-run” company. Meanwhile, Cookie and Anika don’t hold anything back when it comes to taking over the company. In onda il: 2015-02-25 8: The Lyon's Roar It’s time for the Lyon family to come together and record a legacy album with Lucious, Hakeem and Jamal. Cookie and Camilla finally come face-to-face, Andre struggles with some inner demons and Jamal steps into the spotlight with news that surprises everyone. 8: The Lyon's Roar In onda il: 2015-02-25 It’s time for the Lyon family to come together and record a legacy album with Lucious, Hakeem and Jamal. Cookie and Camilla finally come face-to-face, Andre struggles with some inner demons and Jamal steps into the spotlight with news that surprises everyone. In onda il: 2015-03-04 9: Unto the Breach It's an all-out war when Cookie uncovers Anika's big backstabbing secret, and Lucious must come face-to-face with his longtime rival, Billy Beretti. As the Lyon family rallies to save Empire Entertainment, all three sons take drastic measures: Jamal gets close with famous artist Delphine, Hakeem works hand-in-hand with Cookie and Andre is pushed way beyond his limits. 9: Unto the Breach In onda il: 2015-03-04 It's an all-out war when Cookie uncovers Anika's big backstabbing secret, and Lucious must come face-to-face with his longtime rival, Billy Beretti. As the Lyon family rallies to save Empire Entertainment, all three sons take drastic measures: Jamal gets close with famous artist Delphine, Hakeem works hand-in-hand with Cookie and Andre is pushed way beyond his limits. In onda il: 2015-03-11 10: Sins of the Father Andre forms a new musical relationship with Michelle, and a woman from Lucious' past, Angie, comes into the picture. Meanwhile, Lucious invites the whole family over to his home. However, everyone arrives with their own agendas. Hakeem, under the influence of Camilla, sets out to show his father that he's a true artist and a good businessman. Then, Cookie prepares to state her own agenda for Empire and for her family, when Olivia arrives. 10: Sins of the Father In onda il: 2015-03-11 Andre forms a new musical relationship with Michelle, and a woman from Lucious' past, Angie, comes into the picture. Meanwhile, Lucious invites the whole family over to his home. However, everyone arrives with their own agendas. Hakeem, under the influence of Camilla, sets out to show his father that he's a true artist and a good businessman. Then, Cookie prepares to state her own agenda for Empire and for her family, when Olivia arrives. In onda il: 2015-03-18 11: Die But Once Jamal and Lucious are on their way to forming a music-centered relationship, but once again, Lucious has a secret that's about to change everything. 11: Die But Once In onda il: 2015-03-18 Jamal and Lucious are on their way to forming a music-centered relationship, but once again, Lucious has a secret that's about to change everything. In onda il: 2015-03-18 12: Who I Am Hakeem decides to flirt with the enemy, while trying to figure out what the best move is for his career. Meanwhile, Cookie is cooking up a plan of her own. 12: Who I Am In onda il: 2015-03-18 Hakeem decides to flirt with the enemy, while trying to figure out what the best move is for his career. Meanwhile, Cookie is cooking up a plan of her own. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  24. TITOLO ORIGINALE: Beyond Skyline GENERE: Azione ANNO: 2017 REGIA: Liam O'Donnell ATTORI: Frank Grillo, Bojana Novakovic, Iko Uwais, Callan Mulvey, Valentine Payen... PAESE: USA DURATA: 105' Il sequel di Skyline. Qui, un detective si imbarca nella ricerca incessante di suo figlio, rapito da una nave da guerra aliena.
  25. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Deserto rosso sangue 1 h 33 m    2016         Commedia ◦ Horror ◦ Dramma A seguito di una apocalisse zombie, Molly si ritrova persa nel deserto con uno dei rabbiosi non morti che le dà la caccia. La situazione si complica ulteriormente quando la ragazza si rende conto che, a differenza sua, il suo persecutore non ha l'esigenza fisica di fermarsi e riposare. Ryan Nicholson Makeup Effects Justin Bergonzoni Sound Brittany Allen Executive Producer Colin Minihan Director Colin Minihan Editor Colin Minihan Producer Colin Minihan Visual Effects Colin Minihan Writer Stuart Ortiz Producer Stuart Ortiz Visual Effects Stuart Ortiz Writer Miguel Nunes Sound Re-Recording Mixer Megan Nicholson Makeup Effects Clayton Moore Director of Photography Brandon Christensen Producer Brandon Christensen Visual Effects Tony Copolillo Visual Effects Supervisor Tony Copolillo Co-Producer Karla Melendez Dialogue Editor Bic Tran Producer Steven McRae Set Decoration Sean Mulligan Music Supervisor Alfredo Montenegro Key Grip Kyle McCachen Co-Producer Michael Karlin Associate Producer Marc Milliard Executive Producer Lorcan Bradshaw Visual Effects Martin Macphail Original Music Composer Dean Rode Original Music Composer Tristan Tarr Original Music Composer Casey Benson Original Music Composer Brittany Allen Molly Juan Riedinger Smalls Merwin Mondesir Nick Kristopher Higgins Ted Andrew Supanz Jason Michael Filipowich Jimmy Dylan Playfair Robbie Nico David Chase Warren E. Thomas Soldier 1 Steve Judkins Soldier 2 Kyle McCachen Flashback Boyfriend Drew Marvick Pipe Wrench Zombie Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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