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  2. Dragonero N.132 - Mondo Oscuro 19 - L'Anello di Fuoco (SBE Maggio 2024) Italiano | 104 pagine | CBR + PDF | 249 MB Ian ed Ecuba intraprendono un pericoloso viaggio alla ricerca di un prezioso materiale. L'Anello di Fuoco è una vasta area marina, a sud del Vhâcondàr, dove un tempo sorgeva una potente civiltà, spazzata via da un cataclisma vulcanico in tempi remoti. Ora la zona è abitata, ai suoi confini, da diverse popolazioni che vi trovano pesce in abbondanza e rari materiali da commerciare. come per esempio un sedimento vulcanico simile a carbone misto a tufo che sembra respingere efficacemente gli Abominii e che sarebbe quindi perfetto per colmare i fossati di contenimento attorno alle nughrachâve! Ian ed Ecuba partono con una carovana volante per cercare di ottenere il prezioso materiale, ma, oltre alle difficoltà del pericoloso viaggio in territori sconosciuti, dovranno superare anche l'ostilità delle bellicose popolazioni native. Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  3. Dragonero N.131 - Mondo Oscuro 18 - Le Carte del Destino (SBE Aprile 2024) Italiano | 104 pagine | CBR + PDF | 282 MB In un mondo angosciato dall'attacco degli Abomini, si moltiplicano sedicenti indovini che leggono il futuro! Un semplice imbonito da fiere giunge fortunosamente in possesso di un vero mazzo delle potentissime Trahecarde. Queste carte non predicono il futuro ma lo formano. Una lettura prevede la fine della minaccia per una cittadina e la magia delle Trahecarde compie il miracolo. Ma una nuova lettura potrebbe scatenare forze distruttive tali da influenzare l'andamento della guerra e condannare l'intero Erondár. Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  4. Samuel Stern 48 - La Cella (Bugs Comics 11-2023) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 101 pagine | 186 MB Continuando a scavare nel proprio passato, Samuel ha incrociato nuovamente la strada de L'Agenzia ed è venuto a conoscenza di alcuni strani eventi che l'hanno visto protagonista, da giovane, proprio presso la sede di Singularity; eventi dei quali ignorava l'esistenza. Questa volta, però, Gillian e Toms hanno coinvolto, loro malgrado, anche la piccola Lily. Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  5. Kalya 16 - Il Grande Concilio Gjaldest (Bugs Comics 02-2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 110 pagine | 307 MB La guerra è scoppiata: l'alleanza tra Aldelisia e il Sarabri ha sfondato il Varco e ha iniziato la marcia su Galdor. Grazie all'intercessione di Leena, la leva obbligatoria di Aridan si è trasformata nel suo ingresso come soldato del Battaglione Sacro, pronto alla difesa della fortezza di Kalantor. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  6. Maxi Dylan Dog N.56 - Dylan Dog OldBoy 18 - Terre desolate - Il diavolo in paradiso (SBE Aprile-Maggio 2023) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 196 pagine | 303 MB Una famiglia terrorizzata da terribili mostri e un Dylan dandy e disperato Dopo un incidente d'auto, l'Old Boy si ritrova in una casa isolata. Dylan scopre che la famiglia che la abita è terrorizzata da terribili esseri che infestano la zona. Spaventose creature, i cui attacchi si vanno facendo via via più violenti! Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  7. Dust - La caduta di Londra (SBE 2024-03-29) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 134 pagine | 217 MB In una Londra distopica occupata dall'esercito tedesco, un gruppo di impavidi londinesi stanno ancora combattendo per la propria città. Ma per sradicare quest'ultima resistenza, i tedeschi sono pronti a utilizzare una tecnologia mortale creata da un dottore pazzo, una tecnologia in grado di scatenare uno degli Antichi! Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  8. Alan Ford 658 - Il gioco delle parti (1000VolteMeglio)(Aprile 2024) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 132 pagine | 180 MB Alan Ford è un personaggio immaginario protagonista dell'omonima serie a fumetti ideata da Max Bunker e dal disegnatore Magnus, distribuita per la prima volta nel 1969, edita dall'Editoriale Corno e incentrata sulle avventure a sfondo spionistico/umoristico, con tratti grotteschi e di denuncia sociale, di un gruppo di agenti segreti noto come "Gruppo T.N.T.". Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  9. Kriminal A Colori 59 - Silenzio si spara (RCS 2021-09) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 133 pagine | 134 MB Kriminal, uno dei più famosi antieroi del fumetto nero degli anni 60, ritorna in una nuova edizione in supplemento al quotidiano la" Gazzetta dello Sport". Il personaggio ideato da Max Bunker e Magnus nel 1964, viene riproposto in 114 storie a colori, con uscita settimanale. Rivedremo in azione Anthony Logan che cela la sua identità, dietro il costume giallo con impressa la fisionomia di uno scheletro e la maschera di un teschio, per diventare Kriminal e compiere furti. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  10. Satanik A Colori 53 - La donna che uccise se stessa (RCS 2023-07-25) Italiano | 135 pagine | PDF + CBR | 146 MB Nuova indagine non ufficiale per Marny Bannister, iniziata in compagnia di Wurdalak, la sera di un ricevimento nell'ambasciata dello stato fittizio del Naurakobia. Poco prima, l'ambasciatore ha consegnato al capitano Edward Smog un plico contenente documenti segreti sui quali vuole mettere le mani una rete di agenti nemici. Come sempre, le cose non sono per nulla come sembrano e Satanik, salvato l'ufficiale dal complotto, intende scoprire la verità. Peccato che Smog abbia le stesse intenzioni, mentre il Capitano Trent è sempre in agguato. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  11. Edizione Speciale Diabolik & Vasco - Colpo Grosso A San Siro 2024 Italiano | CBR + PDF | 20 pagine | 181 MB COLPO GROSSO A SAN SIRO Lo sapevate che Eva Kant è fan di Vasco? In occasione dei 7 super E20 sold out a Milano, Vasco sarà protagonista in un'edizione speciale di DIABOLIK che sarà un regalo fan club 2025. Dopo "Un colpo spericolato", arriva "Colpo grosso a San Siro", una storia che si svolge tutta all'interno dello stadio milanese. Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  12. Il Piccolo Ranger 42 - Annie Quattropistole (RCS 2023-03-21) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 85 pagine | 144 MB La Gazzetta dello Sport ti porta nel west per farti rivivere le straordinarie avventure del ranger che ha preso vita grazie ad Andrea Lavezzolo e Francesco Gamba. Un'entusiasmante rassegna di avventure che spaziano tra dramma, commedia e fantascienza all'interno di volumi restaurati, interamente colorati e presentati con le storiche copertine di Franco Donatelli e altri indimenticabili maestri del fumetto italiano. Kit Teller e i suoi compagni d'avventura ti aspettano! Download Links Filestore - Katfile - Worldbytez
  13. Blueberry 42 - La soluzione Pinkerton (RCS 2023-08-08) Italiano | CBR + PDF | 61 pagine | 151 MB La Gazzetta dello Sport riporta in edicola le atmosfere del west crudo e selvaggio sceneggiato da Jean-Michel Charlier e illustrato dalla grande penna di Jean Giraud (in arte Moebius). Immergiti nelle avventure leggendarie del tenente Blueberry e scopri il piacere di rivivere le storie che hanno rivoluzionato il genere western in una nuova, esclusiva edizione cronologica dalla copertina rigida in versione deluxe. Download Links Katfile - Filestore - Worldbytez
  14. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Clanes Stagione 1    Episodi 7         Dramma ◦ Crime Quando l'omicidio del padre rivela una doppia vita nascosta, un avvocato cerca vendetta infiltrandosi in un cartello della droga galiziano e stringendo amicizia con il suo leader. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Clara Lago Ana Tamar Novas Daniel Xosé A. Touriñán Chechu Salgado Melania Cruz Miguel de Lira Francesc Garrido Diego Anido María Pujalte Episodi: 7  In onda il: 2024-06-21 1: Episode 1 When her father is murdered, Ana moves to Galicia to lead her own investigation into his past. Soon she meets Daniel, the heir to a drug empire. 1: Episode 1 In onda il: 2024-06-21 When her father is murdered, Ana moves to Galicia to lead her own investigation into his past. Soon she meets Daniel, the heir to a drug empire. In onda il: 2024-06-21 2: Episode 2 The Padíns want to keep young Marco out of their business. After making a deal with Daniel, Ana begins digging into his numerous shady enterprises. 2: Episode 2 In onda il: 2024-06-21 The Padíns want to keep young Marco out of their business. After making a deal with Daniel, Ana begins digging into his numerous shady enterprises. In onda il: 2024-06-21 3: Episode 3 Ana goes on a fancy business trip with Daniel and has a rocky encounter with José Padín. The relationship between Marco and María worries the clan. 3: Episode 3 In onda il: 2024-06-21 Ana goes on a fancy business trip with Daniel and has a rocky encounter with José Padín. The relationship between Marco and María worries the clan. In onda il: 2024-06-21 4: Episode 4 Samuel's release heightens tensions and intensifies police investigations. Ana assists the clan's next operation while keeping her true plan in mind. 4: Episode 4 In onda il: 2024-06-21 Samuel's release heightens tensions and intensifies police investigations. Ana assists the clan's next operation while keeping her true plan in mind. In onda il: 2024-06-21 5: Episode 5 José Padín is accidentally thrust back into the spotlight. A shooting disrupts the town and forces Ana to undertake a mission on Daniel's behalf. 5: Episode 5 In onda il: 2024-06-21 José Padín is accidentally thrust back into the spotlight. A shooting disrupts the town and forces Ana to undertake a mission on Daniel's behalf. In onda il: 2024-06-21 6: Episode 6 While Daniel involves Ana in his future plans, Nazario pokes around the lawyer's past. The Padíns discover that there's a snitch among them. 6: Episode 6 In onda il: 2024-06-21 While Daniel involves Ana in his future plans, Nazario pokes around the lawyer's past. The Padíns discover that there's a snitch among them. In onda il: 2024-06-21 7: Episode 7 It's all set for the big operation. As secrets continue to unfold, Ana is thrown into turmoil in an attempt to warn Daniel before it's too late. 7: Episode 7 In onda il: 2024-06-21 It's all set for the big operation. As secrets continue to unfold, Ana is thrown into turmoil in an attempt to warn Daniel before it's too late. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  15. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Irregular at Magic High School Stagione 3    Episodi 13         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy In un mondo in cui la magia non è una favola ma esiste da cento anni, i fratelli Tatsuya e Miyuki Shiba si preparano a iniziare i loro studi presso l'élite Private Magic University Affiliated High School (Magic High School in breve). Entrando a diversi livelli dello spettro accademico, i due trasformano il campus un tempo tranquillo in uno caotico. 木村佳史子 Editor 中村悠一 Tatsuya Shiba (voice) 早見沙織 Miyuki Shiba (voice) 日笠陽子 Angelina Kudou Shields (voice) 内山夕実 Erika Chiba (voice) 寺島拓篤 Leonhard Saijou (voice) 佐藤聡美 Mizuki Shibata (voice) 田丸篤志 Mikihiko Yoshida (voice) 雨宮天 Honoka Mitsui (voice) 巽悠衣子 Shizuku Kitayama (voice) 花澤香菜 Mayumi Saegusa (voice) 井上麻里奈 Mari Watanabe (voice) 諏訪部順一 Katsuto Juumonji (voice) Episodi: 13  In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: Double Seven (1) It has reached the month of April in 2096, and various aspects of Tatsuya's life was changing as he advances to the second year. Tatsuya and Mizuki transferred to the newly established Department of Magical Engineering, and Mikihiko has also transferred out of Course 2, and was now a Course 1 student. Along with this change, Tatsuya and Miyuki were now living with Minami who was sent to stay with them by the Yotsuba Family. Tatsuya enters the school year hoping they would have a peaceful student life this time around, but the new year meant the arrival of new students, like Kasumi and Izumi, the twins of the Sagusa Family, and Takuma Shippou, the new student valedictorian who feels a rivalry towards the Saegusa Family. All of them having their own quirk or two, for better or for worse... 1: Double Seven (1) In onda il: 2024-04-05 It has reached the month of April in 2096, and various aspects of Tatsuya's life was changing as he advances to the second year. Tatsuya and Mizuki transferred to the newly established Department of Magical Engineering, and Mikihiko has also transferred out of Course 2, and was now a Course 1 student. Along with this change, Tatsuya and Miyuki were now living with Minami who was sent to stay with them by the Yotsuba Family. Tatsuya enters the school year hoping they would have a peaceful student life this time around, but the new year meant the arrival of new students, like Kasumi and Izumi, the twins of the Sagusa Family, and Takuma Shippou, the new student valedictorian who feels a rivalry towards the Saegusa Family. All of them having their own quirk or two, for better or for worse... In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: Double Seven (2) The entrance ceremony has ended, and club recruitment of the freshmen has begun. Amidst the competitive recruitment frenzy, the Robot Research Club and Motorcycle Club were getting in a heated stare off over a freshman that both clubs were aiming to recruit. Kasumi, from the Disciplinary Committee, and Shippou, from the Extracurricular Activities Federation, intervene. However, now the two who had come to break up the fight begin arguing amongst themselves over who should have authority over the situation, and were on the brink of initiating a physical fight. Meanwhile, Koichi, the head of the Saegusa Family, was devising a plan to mitigate the Yotsuba Family's power through a false anti-magician campaign that the USNA's Humanist Extremist group was drawing up for the media. 2: Double Seven (2) In onda il: 2024-04-12 The entrance ceremony has ended, and club recruitment of the freshmen has begun. Amidst the competitive recruitment frenzy, the Robot Research Club and Motorcycle Club were getting in a heated stare off over a freshman that both clubs were aiming to recruit. Kasumi, from the Disciplinary Committee, and Shippou, from the Extracurricular Activities Federation, intervene. However, now the two who had come to break up the fight begin arguing amongst themselves over who should have authority over the situation, and were on the brink of initiating a physical fight. Meanwhile, Koichi, the head of the Saegusa Family, was devising a plan to mitigate the Yotsuba Family's power through a false anti-magician campaign that the USNA's Humanist Extremist group was drawing up for the media. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: Double Seven (3) Information gets out that Kanda, an anti-magic advocate and Diet member, will visit First High School with the media to observe the school's curriculum, claiming that he has heard disturbing rumors about it. He plans to create an uproar with the media and assert that the school is brainwashing students into the military - if he finds anything suspicious of that nature. To stop this ploy, Tatsuya suggests performing an experiment showing the students creating a Sustained Gravity Control-Type Magic Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor = Stellar Furnace. The students plan on demonstrating that the magic education they receive at the school can solve energy problems, and that magic can contribute to the peace of humankind depending on the type of magic they use. 3: Double Seven (3) In onda il: 2024-04-19 Information gets out that Kanda, an anti-magic advocate and Diet member, will visit First High School with the media to observe the school's curriculum, claiming that he has heard disturbing rumors about it. He plans to create an uproar with the media and assert that the school is brainwashing students into the military - if he finds anything suspicious of that nature. To stop this ploy, Tatsuya suggests performing an experiment showing the students creating a Sustained Gravity Control-Type Magic Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor = Stellar Furnace. The students plan on demonstrating that the magic education they receive at the school can solve energy problems, and that magic can contribute to the peace of humankind depending on the type of magic they use. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: Double Seven (4) News outlets were enthusiastically reporting the great success of the stellar furnace experiment carried out by the students at First High School. However, since Takuma Shippou had heard from his father that the Saegusa Family was going to be the ones to deal with Diet member Kanda, he thinks they used Tatsuya to claim credit for the experiment's success themselves. Takuma then takes his pent-up anger out on Kasumi Saegusa, who he happened to pass by on campus. Kasumi, unable to turn a blind eye to these insults against her family, is on the brink of engaging in a magic fight with Takuma... But then, the Disciplinary Committee intervenes before either of them makes their move, and takes them in for questioning. Tatsuya suggests they let them duke it out in an official match to end this mutual enmity between the two once and for all. 4: Double Seven (4) In onda il: 2024-04-26 News outlets were enthusiastically reporting the great success of the stellar furnace experiment carried out by the students at First High School. However, since Takuma Shippou had heard from his father that the Saegusa Family was going to be the ones to deal with Diet member Kanda, he thinks they used Tatsuya to claim credit for the experiment's success themselves. Takuma then takes his pent-up anger out on Kasumi Saegusa, who he happened to pass by on campus. Kasumi, unable to turn a blind eye to these insults against her family, is on the brink of engaging in a magic fight with Takuma... But then, the Disciplinary Committee intervenes before either of them makes their move, and takes them in for questioning. Tatsuya suggests they let them duke it out in an official match to end this mutual enmity between the two once and for all. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: Steeplechase (1) A notice has been sent to the magic high schools across the country that a portion of the events in the Nine Schools Competition will be changed. Shockingly, three of the six events will be changed. In order to respond to the sudden change in events, First High School's Student Council is thrown in a frenzy to understand the new rules, reselecting athletes and readjusting their CADs. While everyone was complaining about the Competition's management due to the sudden change in timing, one month before the start of the Nine Schools Competition, Tatsuya had a growing suspicion about the strong military flavor of all the newly added events. 5: Steeplechase (1) In onda il: 2024-05-03 A notice has been sent to the magic high schools across the country that a portion of the events in the Nine Schools Competition will be changed. Shockingly, three of the six events will be changed. In order to respond to the sudden change in events, First High School's Student Council is thrown in a frenzy to understand the new rules, reselecting athletes and readjusting their CADs. While everyone was complaining about the Competition's management due to the sudden change in timing, one month before the start of the Nine Schools Competition, Tatsuya had a growing suspicion about the strong military flavor of all the newly added events. In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: Steeplechase (2) Tatsuya and the other Student Council members were spending their days extremely busy in order to deal with the sudden change of events for the Nine Schools Competition. However, out of the blue, Tatsuya receives an email from an unknown sender. The email states that the changes in the competition were due to pressure from the JDF, and that the Kudou Family was planning to piggyback on the JDF's order to test out a secretly developed military weapon at the Steeplechase Cross-country Event. This prompts Tatsuya to head to Nara, where the Kudou Family's stronghold is based, to find out more about the experiments they are conducting. 6: Steeplechase (2) In onda il: 2024-05-10 Tatsuya and the other Student Council members were spending their days extremely busy in order to deal with the sudden change of events for the Nine Schools Competition. However, out of the blue, Tatsuya receives an email from an unknown sender. The email states that the changes in the competition were due to pressure from the JDF, and that the Kudou Family was planning to piggyback on the JDF's order to test out a secretly developed military weapon at the Steeplechase Cross-country Event. This prompts Tatsuya to head to Nara, where the Kudou Family's stronghold is based, to find out more about the experiments they are conducting. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: Steeplechase (3) It turns out that the secret experiments that the Kudou Family has been conducting was for developing parasite dolls, a female combat robot possessed by a parasite. Experiments on the dolls' operations are being conducted at the Steeplechase Cross-country venue, where security is abnormally tight - so much so that Tatsuya himself can't even break into the premises. As such, Tatsuya orders Pixie to keep an eye out for the parasites while he conducts adjustments to the CADs and gives instructions to the underclassmen as an engineer. However, this continual sense of nervousness and nonstop days of hard work are tiring out Tatsuya. He's never felt this tired before. 7: Steeplechase (3) In onda il: 2024-05-17 It turns out that the secret experiments that the Kudou Family has been conducting was for developing parasite dolls, a female combat robot possessed by a parasite. Experiments on the dolls' operations are being conducted at the Steeplechase Cross-country venue, where security is abnormally tight - so much so that Tatsuya himself can't even break into the premises. As such, Tatsuya orders Pixie to keep an eye out for the parasites while he conducts adjustments to the CADs and gives instructions to the underclassmen as an engineer. However, this continual sense of nervousness and nonstop days of hard work are tiring out Tatsuya. He's never felt this tired before. In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: Steeplechase (4) The women's division of the Steeplechase Cross-country Event has finally begun. Tatsuya has Pixie figure out the location of all the parasite dolls and tries to eliminate them before they come into contact with the players. However, the parasite dolls unleash their magic at speeds that exceed Tatsuya's imagination. Though it is difficult, he manages to seal away the first parasite doll. Tatsuya goes on to seal away the remaining parasite dolls one after another, but the highest-performance models, the Prime Four, now stand in his way. 8: Steeplechase (4) In onda il: 2024-05-24 The women's division of the Steeplechase Cross-country Event has finally begun. Tatsuya has Pixie figure out the location of all the parasite dolls and tries to eliminate them before they come into contact with the players. However, the parasite dolls unleash their magic at speeds that exceed Tatsuya's imagination. Though it is difficult, he manages to seal away the first parasite doll. Tatsuya goes on to seal away the remaining parasite dolls one after another, but the highest-performance models, the Prime Four, now stand in his way. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: Ancient City Insurrection (1) The Nine Schools Competition has ended, and it is now the second semester. Ayako and Fumiya visit Tatsuya to deliver a letter they were entrusted directly from Maya. The letter was a request asking for Tatsuya's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. The Kurobas were also pursuing him but lost sight of him in the Kyoto area. It seems Gongjin Zhou has been receiving help from the Traditionalists, a faction of Ancient Magicians, in his escape. The Traditionalists and the Kudou Family have been in conflict with each other for many years. So, Tatsuya decides to reach out to Fujibayashi, Retsu Kudou's granddaughter, to ask for Retsu's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. 9: Ancient City Insurrection (1) In onda il: 2024-05-31 The Nine Schools Competition has ended, and it is now the second semester. Ayako and Fumiya visit Tatsuya to deliver a letter they were entrusted directly from Maya. The letter was a request asking for Tatsuya's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. The Kurobas were also pursuing him but lost sight of him in the Kyoto area. It seems Gongjin Zhou has been receiving help from the Traditionalists, a faction of Ancient Magicians, in his escape. The Traditionalists and the Kudou Family have been in conflict with each other for many years. So, Tatsuya decides to reach out to Fujibayashi, Retsu Kudou's granddaughter, to ask for Retsu's cooperation in capturing Gongjin Zhou. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: Ancient City Insurrection (2) In order to obtain cooperation from Retsu Kudou to capture Gongjin Zhou, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Minami visit Nara, the home of the Kudou Family. Retsu Kudou readily accepts Tatsuya's offer and introduces him to his grandson, Minoru. Minoru is one year Tatsuya's junior, and although he is physically weak, he is said to be a very powerful magician. At the dinner table, Minoru hears that Tatsuya and his friends are looking for a traditional magic user and offers his help. The next day, as Tatsuya and the others are scouting the Traditionalists' base in Nara under Minoru's guidance, they are attacked by the Traditionalists at Nara Park. 10: Ancient City Insurrection (2) In onda il: 2024-06-07 In order to obtain cooperation from Retsu Kudou to capture Gongjin Zhou, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Minami visit Nara, the home of the Kudou Family. Retsu Kudou readily accepts Tatsuya's offer and introduces him to his grandson, Minoru. Minoru is one year Tatsuya's junior, and although he is physically weak, he is said to be a very powerful magician. At the dinner table, Minoru hears that Tatsuya and his friends are looking for a traditional magic user and offers his help. The next day, as Tatsuya and the others are scouting the Traditionalists' base in Nara under Minoru's guidance, they are attacked by the Traditionalists at Nara Park. In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Ancient City Insurrection (3) The nationwide Magic High Schools Thesis Competition held by the Japan Magic Association. Also known as just The Thesis Competition will be held in Kyoto. After experiencing the Thesis Competition being attacked by the Great Asian Alliance last year, Mikihiko, the head of the Disciplinary Committee, proposes to the Student Council that this year they would like to inspect the area around the venue in advance to ensure security. Tatsuya, Miyuki, Minami, Leo and Erika will also be accompanying him. On his way home after the Student Council meeting, Tatsuya learns from the news that Mayumi's bodyguard, Saburo Nakura, was murdered by someone in Kyoto. 11: Ancient City Insurrection (3) In onda il: 2024-06-14 The nationwide Magic High Schools Thesis Competition held by the Japan Magic Association. Also known as just The Thesis Competition will be held in Kyoto. After experiencing the Thesis Competition being attacked by the Great Asian Alliance last year, Mikihiko, the head of the Disciplinary Committee, proposes to the Student Council that this year they would like to inspect the area around the venue in advance to ensure security. Tatsuya, Miyuki, Minami, Leo and Erika will also be accompanying him. On his way home after the Student Council meeting, Tatsuya learns from the news that Mayumi's bodyguard, Saburo Nakura, was murdered by someone in Kyoto. In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Ancient City Insurrection (4) As Tatsuya is researching the Traditionalist bases in Kyoto under Minoru's guidance, he meets the owner of a restaurant, who is also a Traditionalist, on the way to Kiyomizu Temple. The shop owner shares that he is concerned about the current state of Nara's Traditionalist sects being absorbed by casters from the Continent and offers to share information with Tatsuya. Based on the restaurant owner's information, Tatsuya narrows down a place in Kyoto where the Traditionalists are hiding. He meets with Mayumi, who wants to find the culprit who killed Nakura, and Masaki, who happened to come across them during a battle against the Traditionalists, and heads to Arashiyama with them. 12: Ancient City Insurrection (4) In onda il: 2024-06-21 As Tatsuya is researching the Traditionalist bases in Kyoto under Minoru's guidance, he meets the owner of a restaurant, who is also a Traditionalist, on the way to Kiyomizu Temple. The shop owner shares that he is concerned about the current state of Nara's Traditionalist sects being absorbed by casters from the Continent and offers to share information with Tatsuya. Based on the restaurant owner's information, Tatsuya narrows down a place in Kyoto where the Traditionalists are hiding. He meets with Mayumi, who wants to find the culprit who killed Nakura, and Masaki, who happened to come across them during a battle against the Traditionalists, and heads to Arashiyama with them. In onda il: 2024-06-28 13: Ancient City Insurrection (5) The night before the Thesis Competition. Tatsuya receives a report from Fumiya that they have located Gongjin Zhou's whereabouts. He was hiding at the JGDF's 2nd Supply Base in Uji. Tatsuya speculates that he would not have enough offensive power to fight alone at the JGDF's base, so he contacts Masaki. When Masaki hears that they would need to invade an army base to get to him, he hesitates for a moment but decides to accompany Tatsuya to fulfill his responsibilities as a member of the Ten Master Clans. The two invade the army base where soldiers controlled by Gongji Zhou await... 13: Ancient City Insurrection (5) In onda il: 2024-06-28 The night before the Thesis Competition. Tatsuya receives a report from Fumiya that they have located Gongjin Zhou's whereabouts. He was hiding at the JGDF's 2nd Supply Base in Uji. Tatsuya speculates that he would not have enough offensive power to fight alone at the JGDF's base, so he contacts Masaki. When Masaki hears that they would need to invade an army base to get to him, he hesitates for a moment but decides to accompany Tatsuya to fulfill his responsibilities as a member of the Ten Master Clans. The two invade the army base where soldiers controlled by Gongji Zhou await... Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  16. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 3    Episodi 24         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. 伏瀬 Novel 岡咲美保 Rimuru / Slime (voice) 豊口めぐみ Raphael (voice) 前野智昭 Verudora (voice) 古川慎 Benimaru / Ogre (voice) 千本木彩花 Shuna / Ogre (voice) 市道真央 Shion / Ogre (voice) 江口拓也 Souei / Ogre (voice) 大塚芳忠 Hakurou / Ogre (voice) 山本兼平 Riguldo / Village Mayor (voice) 泊明日菜 Gobuta (voice) 小林親弘 Ranga (voice) 山口太郎 Geld / Orc General E (voice) 福島潤 Gabiru (voice) 田中理恵 Trainie (voice) 日高里菜 Milim (voice) 春野杏 Ramiris (voice) 櫻井孝宏 Diablo (voice) 沼倉愛美 Hinata Sakaguchi (voice) Episodi: 24  In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: Demons and Strategies Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. 1: Demons and Strategies In onda il: 2024-04-05 Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: The Saint's Intentions Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. 2: The Saint's Intentions In onda il: 2024-04-12 Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: Peaceful Days Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. 3: Peaceful Days In onda il: 2024-04-19 Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play In onda il: 2024-04-26 Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: Meeting of Both Sides A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. 5: Meeting of Both Sides In onda il: 2024-05-03 A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: Those Approaching The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. 6: Those Approaching In onda il: 2024-05-10 The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: Saint and Demon Clash As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... 7: Saint and Demon Clash In onda il: 2024-05-17 As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: Misunderstanding The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. 8: Misunderstanding In onda il: 2024-05-24 The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days In onda il: 2024-05-31 Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: God and Demon Lord Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... 10: God and Demon Lord In onda il: 2024-06-07 Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Reconciliation and Agreement The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. 11: Reconciliation and Agreement In onda il: 2024-06-14 The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Festival Preparations Everyone in Tempest is busy preparing for the festival to celebrate the country's opening. Rimuru visits Mjöllmile to share ideas on forms of entertainment that will keep people coming back for more. 12: Festival Preparations In onda il: 2024-06-21 Everyone in Tempest is busy preparing for the festival to celebrate the country's opening. Rimuru visits Mjöllmile to share ideas on forms of entertainment that will keep people coming back for more. In onda il: 2024-06-28 13: Invitation for All Nations Demon Lord Ramiris tries to argue her way into moving to Tempest, where there's great food, hot springs, and ample entertainment. Rimuru happens to walk into the argument and comes up with a way to make use of Ramiris's skills. 13: Invitation for All Nations In onda il: 2024-06-28 Demon Lord Ramiris tries to argue her way into moving to Tempest, where there's great food, hot springs, and ample entertainment. Rimuru happens to walk into the argument and comes up with a way to make use of Ramiris's skills. In onda il: 2024-07-05 14: Episode 14 Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14 In onda il: 2024-07-05 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-12 15: Episode 15 Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Episode 15 In onda il: 2024-07-12 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-19 16: Episode 16 Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Episode 16 In onda il: 2024-07-19 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-26 17: Episode 17 Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Episode 17 In onda il: 2024-07-26 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-02 18: Episode 18 Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Episode 18 In onda il: 2024-08-02 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-09 19: Episode 19 Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Episode 19 In onda il: 2024-08-09 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-16 20: Episode 20 Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Episode 20 In onda il: 2024-08-16 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-23 21: Episode 21 Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Episode 21 In onda il: 2024-08-23 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-30 22: Episode 22 Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22 In onda il: 2024-08-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-06 23: Episode 23 Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23 In onda il: 2024-09-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-13 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-09-13 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  17. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer My Hero Academia Stagione 7    Episodi 21         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy In un mondo in cui essere supereroi è la normalità, nascere senza particolari poteri equivale a una vera e propria disgrazia. Izuku Midoriya dovrà mettercela tutta per ottenere un superpotere e, nonostante l’impresa sembra impossibile, qualcuno finirà per notare le sue capacità. 中山奈緒美 Series Director 長崎健司 Series Director Yoshihiko Umakoshi Character Designer 堀越耕平 Original Story Nessun dato per il Cast disponibile Episodi: 21  In onda il: 2024-05-04 1: L'Occidente all'improvviso!! Arriva un pezzo grosso Mentre il caos dilaga in Giappone, Star and Stripe vola dagli Stati Uniti per aiutare e trova Shigaraki che la aspetta nel mezzo della sua traiettoria di volo. 1: L'Occidente all'improvviso!! Arriva un pezzo grosso In onda il: 2024-05-04 Mentre il caos dilaga in Giappone, Star and Stripe vola dagli Stati Uniti per aiutare e trova Shigaraki che la aspetta nel mezzo della sua traiettoria di volo. In onda il: 2024-05-11 2: Spettro La lotta tra Star and Stripe e Shigaraki sta volgendo al termine, ma Star ha un altro asso nella manica con il New Order. 2: Spettro In onda il: 2024-05-11 La lotta tra Star and Stripe e Shigaraki sta volgendo al termine, ma Star ha un altro asso nella manica con il New Order. In onda il: 2024-05-18 3: Villain Dopo aver fallito nel rubare il Quirk di Star e aver perso molti altri Quirk, Shigaraki e All For One si preparano per la loro prossima mossa. Chi è il traditore alla U.A.? 3: Villain In onda il: 2024-05-18 Dopo aver fallito nel rubare il Quirk di Star e aver perso molti altri Quirk, Shigaraki e All For One si preparano per la loro prossima mossa. Chi è il traditore alla U.A.? In onda il: 2024-05-25 4: La storia di come tutti siamo diventati Heroes A causa della sua relazione con All For One, Aoyama si definisce un villain, ma Deku gli dice che può ancora essere un eroe e gli tende una mano. 4: La storia di come tutti siamo diventati Heroes In onda il: 2024-05-25 A causa della sua relazione con All For One, Aoyama si definisce un villain, ma Deku gli dice che può ancora essere un eroe e gli tende una mano. In onda il: 2024-06-01 5: Let you down Mentre eroi e cattivi si preparano per la battaglia imminente, Deku e gli altri lasciano la U.A., e Deku viene chiamato da Aoyama, che dovrebbe essere ancora imprigionato. 5: Let you down In onda il: 2024-06-01 Mentre eroi e cattivi si preparano per la battaglia imminente, Deku e gli altri lasciano la U.A., e Deku viene chiamato da Aoyama, che dovrebbe essere ancora imprigionato. In onda il: 2024-06-08 6: Division È finalmente giunto il momento della battaglia decisiva tra eroi e Villain! Il piano di All Might, Aizawa e gli altri prevede che inizino i loro combattimenti in vari luoghi del Giappone! 6: Division In onda il: 2024-06-08 È finalmente giunto il momento della battaglia decisiva tra eroi e Villain! Il piano di All Might, Aizawa e gli altri prevede che inizino i loro combattimenti in vari luoghi del Giappone! In onda il: 2024-06-15 7: Inflation Nonostante le Unicità di Shigaraki siano sigillate, attacca Bakugo e gli altri con un aspetto e un potere strani e nuovi. Nel frattempo, Deku viene trascinato dove Toga è stata teletrasportata e Todoroki e Dabi si affrontano! 7: Inflation In onda il: 2024-06-15 Nonostante le Unicità di Shigaraki siano sigillate, attacca Bakugo e gli altri con un aspetto e un potere strani e nuovi. Nel frattempo, Deku viene trascinato dove Toga è stata teletrasportata e Todoroki e Dabi si affrontano! In onda il: 2024-06-22 8: Due incandescenze Anche se i Quirk di Shigaraki sono sigillati, attacca Bakugo e gli altri con un aspetto e un potere nuovi e strani. Nel frattempo, Deku viene trasportato dove Toga è stata teletrasportata e Todoroki e Dabi si affrontano! 8: Due incandescenze In onda il: 2024-06-22 Anche se i Quirk di Shigaraki sono sigillati, attacca Bakugo e gli altri con un aspetto e un potere nuovi e strani. Nel frattempo, Deku viene trasportato dove Toga è stata teletrasportata e Todoroki e Dabi si affrontano! In onda il: 2024-06-29 9: Extras Shoto Todoroki stopped Dabi with his Great Glacial Aegir, and reports of that bolstered the spirits of the heroes fighting in other locations. And Shoto and Dabi's father, Endeavor, is facing the greatest evil, All For One, with Hawks! 9: Extras In onda il: 2024-06-29 Shoto Todoroki stopped Dabi with his Great Glacial Aegir, and reports of that bolstered the spirits of the heroes fighting in other locations. And Shoto and Dabi's father, Endeavor, is facing the greatest evil, All For One, with Hawks! In onda il: 2024-07-13 10: Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! Nessuna trama disponibile 10: Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! In onda il: 2024-07-13 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-20 11: Episode 11 Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Episode 11 In onda il: 2024-07-20 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-27 12: Episode 12 Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12 In onda il: 2024-07-27 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-03 13: Episode 13 Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13 In onda il: 2024-08-03 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-10 14: Episode 14 Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14 In onda il: 2024-08-10 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-17 15: Episode 15 Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Episode 15 In onda il: 2024-08-17 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-24 16: Episode 16 Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Episode 16 In onda il: 2024-08-24 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-31 17: Episode 17 Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Episode 17 In onda il: 2024-08-31 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-07 18: Episode 18 Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Episode 18 In onda il: 2024-09-07 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-14 19: Episode 19 Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Episode 19 In onda il: 2024-09-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-21 20: Episode 20 Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Episode 20 In onda il: 2024-09-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-28 21: Episode 21 Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Episode 21 In onda il: 2024-09-28 Nessuna trama disponibile My Hero Academia (Trailer) ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  18. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Vita da Slime Stagione 3    Episodi 24         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Mikami Satoru, lavoratore aziendale di 37 anni, disoccupato e senza una fidanzata, dopo essere stato ucciso da un rapinatore in fuga, si ritrova in un nuovo mondo, reincarnato in uno... slime! Con il nuovo nome di "Rimuru Tempest" inizia così la sua nuova vita in un altro mondo con un sempre più crescente numero di seguaci. 伏瀬 Novel 岡咲美保 Rimuru / Slime (voice) 豊口めぐみ Raphael (voice) 前野智昭 Verudora (voice) 古川慎 Benimaru / Ogre (voice) 千本木彩花 Shuna / Ogre (voice) 市道真央 Shion / Ogre (voice) 江口拓也 Souei / Ogre (voice) 大塚芳忠 Hakurou / Ogre (voice) 山本兼平 Riguldo / Village Mayor (voice) 泊明日菜 Gobuta (voice) 小林親弘 Ranga (voice) 山口太郎 Geld / Orc General E (voice) 福島潤 Gabiru (voice) 田中理恵 Trainie (voice) 日高里菜 Milim (voice) 春野杏 Ramiris (voice) 櫻井孝宏 Diablo (voice) 沼倉愛美 Hinata Sakaguchi (voice) Episodi: 24  In onda il: 2024-04-05 1: Demons and Strategies Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. 1: Demons and Strategies In onda il: 2024-04-05 Rimuru has returned to Jura after having attended Walpurgis. Diablo informs Rimuru of his mission to deal with the Kingdom of Falmuth. Having presented the kingdom with three options at a resolution, the clock on the week for their answer ticks down. In onda il: 2024-04-12 2: The Saint's Intentions Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. 2: The Saint's Intentions In onda il: 2024-04-12 Yuuki is saddened by the death of Clayman, and Luminus is saddened by the death of Roy. Steeped in sadness, and having lost their friends, they seek their next move against Rimuru, who has grown in power and become a true Demon Lord. In onda il: 2024-04-19 3: Peaceful Days Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. 3: Peaceful Days In onda il: 2024-04-19 Expecting visitors from all races to come calling after learning that Rimuru now controls the entire Great Forest of Jura, Rimuru decides to hold a festival to introduce himself and Tempest to the world, with the goal of attracting new citizens. In onda il: 2024-04-26 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. 4: Everyone Has a Part to Play In onda il: 2024-04-26 Responding to Rimuru's concerns about monsters in the forest harming humans, Vesta and Kaijin reveal a new invention they hope will keep the road to Tempest safe. Also, Rimuru assigns a new task to Geld. In onda il: 2024-05-03 5: Meeting of Both Sides A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. 5: Meeting of Both Sides In onda il: 2024-05-03 A war council led by Hinata is held in the Holy Empire of Lubelius. Moments after Hinata declares her intent to meet Rimuru and talk to him, she receives a hostile message from Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-10 6: Those Approaching The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. 6: Those Approaching In onda il: 2024-05-10 The spread of false information causes the Temple Knights to assemble, endangering Diablo's plan to conquer Falmuth. Meanwhile, Rimuru learns that Hinata is on her way to Tempest. In onda il: 2024-05-17 7: Saint and Demon Clash As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... 7: Saint and Demon Clash In onda il: 2024-05-17 As Hinata makes her way to Tempest, the ramen and well-built roads she sees along the way prove to her that Rimuru genuinely wants monsters and humans to coexist. But against her wishes, one of her men is also on his way to Tempest... In onda il: 2024-05-24 8: Misunderstanding The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. 8: Misunderstanding In onda il: 2024-05-24 The Crusaders have reached Tempest, and the battle is on. Hinata lays everything she learned from her mentor, Shizu, on the line in a life-or-death showdown against Rimuru. In onda il: 2024-05-31 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. 9: The Scheming of the Seven Days In onda il: 2024-05-31 Diablo descends before the enemy, King Edward of Falmuth. Also present are Saare and Glenda, two of the three Battlesages who are regarded as the most brilliant among the Master Rooks. In onda il: 2024-06-07 10: God and Demon Lord Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... 10: God and Demon Lord In onda il: 2024-06-07 Just after the end of Hinata and Rimuru's duel, Hinata's sword moves on its own and targets Rimuru. Hinata jumps in its way to protect him and is gravely injured. Then the masterminds behind the whole conflict show up... In onda il: 2024-06-14 11: Reconciliation and Agreement The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. 11: Reconciliation and Agreement In onda il: 2024-06-14 The Seven Days Clergy have been purged, and the battle is over. Rimuru and Hinata hold a meeting to discuss future relations between their two nations, and the masterminds behind the whole conflict, the Eastern merchants, are revealed. In onda il: 2024-06-21 12: Festival Preparations Everyone in Tempest is busy preparing for the festival to celebrate the country's opening. Rimuru visits Mjöllmile to share ideas on forms of entertainment that will keep people coming back for more. 12: Festival Preparations In onda il: 2024-06-21 Everyone in Tempest is busy preparing for the festival to celebrate the country's opening. Rimuru visits Mjöllmile to share ideas on forms of entertainment that will keep people coming back for more. In onda il: 2024-06-28 13: Invitation for All Nations Demon Lord Ramiris tries to argue her way into moving to Tempest, where there's great food, hot springs, and ample entertainment. Rimuru happens to walk into the argument and comes up with a way to make use of Ramiris's skills. 13: Invitation for All Nations In onda il: 2024-06-28 Demon Lord Ramiris tries to argue her way into moving to Tempest, where there's great food, hot springs, and ample entertainment. Rimuru happens to walk into the argument and comes up with a way to make use of Ramiris's skills. In onda il: 2024-07-05 14: Episode 14 Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14 In onda il: 2024-07-05 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-12 15: Episode 15 Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Episode 15 In onda il: 2024-07-12 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-19 16: Episode 16 Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Episode 16 In onda il: 2024-07-19 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-26 17: Episode 17 Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Episode 17 In onda il: 2024-07-26 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-02 18: Episode 18 Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Episode 18 In onda il: 2024-08-02 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-09 19: Episode 19 Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Episode 19 In onda il: 2024-08-09 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-16 20: Episode 20 Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Episode 20 In onda il: 2024-08-16 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-23 21: Episode 21 Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Episode 21 In onda il: 2024-08-23 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-30 22: Episode 22 Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22 In onda il: 2024-08-30 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-06 23: Episode 23 Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23 In onda il: 2024-09-06 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-13 24: Episode 24 Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24 In onda il: 2024-09-13 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  19. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Eminence in Shadow Stagione 2    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure Gli uomini che vivono nell'ombra sono quelle persone che passano inosservate, come persone ordinarie, ma in realtà detengono il potere da dietro le quinte. Questo è ciò a cui aspira Shido e per raggiungere il suo obiettivo vive una vita insignificante di giorno, mentre di notte si allena duramente preparandosi alla sua ascesa al potere. Finalmente riesce a raggiungere il suo obiettivo quando, dopo un fatale incidente, si risveglia in un mondo misterioso e si ritrova a capo di un'organizzazione segreta che combatte i demoni rimanendo nell'oscurità! 飯塚彩 Producer 進藤公隆 Sound Mixer 進藤公隆 Sound Recordist Takeo Mizuguchi Producer Hajime Maruyama Producer 宇都宮裕人 Producer Kazufumi Kikushima Producer 上野励 Sound Effects Toshirou Hamamura 3D Director Lee Bun-sun Art Designer Hiroaki Arai Executive Producer Masahiko Takeuchi Executive Producer 田中翔 Executive Producer Akira Kubota Executive Producer 山崎明日香 Executive Producer Tom-H@ck Theme Song Performance 坪根健太郎 Editor 北原大地 Prop Designer Lee Bun-sun Art Direction 明田川仁 Sound Director 末廣健一郎 Original Music Composer Takeshi Hirooka Director of Photography Junko Okazaki Color Designer Naoto Tanaka Color Designer Touzai Character Designer Daisuke Aizawa Novel 飯野誠 Character Designer Kanichi Kato Series Composition 中西和也 Series Director 山下誠一郎 Cid Kagenou / Shadow (voice) 瀬戸麻沙美 Alpha (voice) 水瀬いのり Beta (voice) 三森すずこ Gamma (voice) ファイルーズあい Delta (voice) 金元寿子 Epsilon (voice) 近藤玲奈 Eta (voice) 日高里菜 Claire Kagenou (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2023-10-04 1: The Lawless City Cid and his sister Claire venture to the huge slum known as the “Lawless City.” There, Cid gets caught up in the commotion caused by the Red Moon. 1: The Lawless City In onda il: 2023-10-04 Cid and his sister Claire venture to the huge slum known as the “Lawless City.” There, Cid gets caught up in the commotion caused by the Red Moon. In onda il: 2023-10-11 2: The Haven The moon is red. The frenzy has begun. Shadow is introduced to power players in Lawless City. Meanwhile, Mary and Claire run into Juggernaut. 2: The Haven In onda il: 2023-10-11 The moon is red. The frenzy has begun. Shadow is introduced to power players in Lawless City. Meanwhile, Mary and Claire run into Juggernaut. In onda il: 2023-10-18 3: The Hour of Awakening The night the red moon rises, the Blood Queen Elisabeth makes her return. 3: The Hour of Awakening In onda il: 2023-10-18 The night the red moon rises, the Blood Queen Elisabeth makes her return. In onda il: 2023-10-25 4: Mask of Falsehood The Mitsugoshi Company is doing great, all thanks to Gamma! However, the biggest crisis imaginable rears its ugly head. 4: Mask of Falsehood In onda il: 2023-10-25 The Mitsugoshi Company is doing great, all thanks to Gamma! However, the biggest crisis imaginable rears its ugly head. In onda il: 2023-11-01 5: He Who Pulls the Strings Alpha and Gamma carefully plot not take any actions that would implicate Mitsugoshi's connection to Shadow Garden. Meanwhile, John Smith has a plot of his own. 5: He Who Pulls the Strings In onda il: 2023-11-01 Alpha and Gamma carefully plot not take any actions that would implicate Mitsugoshi's connection to Shadow Garden. Meanwhile, John Smith has a plot of his own. In onda il: 2023-11-08 6: John Smith John Smith's skill is leagues above even the most skilled fighters! Who is this mysterious person? 6: John Smith In onda il: 2023-11-08 John Smith's skill is leagues above even the most skilled fighters! Who is this mysterious person? In onda il: 2023-11-15 7: Something Precious The Major Corporate Alliance has forced closure of all their storefronts, bringing the citizens' unrest to its peak. But can Shadow Garden weather the storm? 7: Something Precious In onda il: 2023-11-15 The Major Corporate Alliance has forced closure of all their storefronts, bringing the citizens' unrest to its peak. But can Shadow Garden weather the storm? In onda il: 2023-11-22 8: The Dragon’s Tears With Cid missing and things getting hot, the Shadow Garden springs into action. At the Mitsugoshi Hot Springs Land that is! 8: The Dragon’s Tears In onda il: 2023-11-22 With Cid missing and things getting hot, the Shadow Garden springs into action. At the Mitsugoshi Hot Springs Land that is! In onda il: 2023-11-29 9: The Key On the way to the Kingdom of Oriana, Cid is also on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. He feels like something's missing. Is he imagining it? 9: The Key In onda il: 2023-11-29 On the way to the Kingdom of Oriana, Cid is also on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. He feels like something's missing. Is he imagining it? In onda il: 2023-12-06 10: Caged Bird Did Princess Rose Oriana take it upon herself to join up with the enemy? Not even the Seven Shadows have authority over this matter anymore. 10: Caged Bird In onda il: 2023-12-06 Did Princess Rose Oriana take it upon herself to join up with the enemy? Not even the Seven Shadows have authority over this matter anymore. In onda il: 2023-12-13 11: Determination With Princess Rose’s hands tied as Perv has taken her mother hostage, the Eminence in Shadow must move to free the captive himself. 11: Determination In onda il: 2023-12-13 With Princess Rose’s hands tied as Perv has taken her mother hostage, the Eminence in Shadow must move to free the captive himself. In onda il: 2023-12-20 12: HIGHEST Let the banquet of slaughter begin in the season finale. 12: HIGHEST In onda il: 2023-12-20 Let the banquet of slaughter begin in the season finale. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  20. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Evil Stagione 4    Episodi 14         Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero La scettica psicologa clinica Kristen Benoist si unisce a un prete in formazione e a un appaltatore operaio mentre indagano su presunti miracoli, possessioni demoniache e altri eventi straordinari per vedere se c'è una spiegazione scientifica o se qualcosa di veramente soprannaturale è all'opera. Victor Rivas Alvarez Compositing Supervisor Katja Herbers Dr Kristen Bouchard Mike Colter David Acosta Aasif Mandvi Ben Shakir Michael Emerson Dr Leland Townsend Brooklyn Shuck Lynn Bouchard Skylar Gray Lila Bouchard Maddy Crocco Lexis Bouchard Dalya Knapp Laura Bouchard Andrea Martin Sister Andrea Kurt Fuller Dr. Kurt Boggs Christine Lahti Sheryl Luria Marti Matulis The Manager Episodi: 14  In onda il: 2024-05-23 1: How to Split an Atom Kristen learns the details of Leland's evil scheme involving her ovum, and Sheryl's involvement in the plot increases the tension between mother and daughter. Meanwhile, David, Ben, and Kristen are sent to investigate a particle accelerator suspected to be a gateway to Hell. 1: How to Split an Atom In onda il: 2024-05-23 Kristen learns the details of Leland's evil scheme involving her ovum, and Sheryl's involvement in the plot increases the tension between mother and daughter. Meanwhile, David, Ben, and Kristen are sent to investigate a particle accelerator suspected to be a gateway to Hell. In onda il: 2024-05-30 2: How to Train a Dog Kristen, David, and Ben look into a possible werewolf attack that isn't what it seems. Andy grapples with his mysterious trauma, while Ben uses science to solve his Jinn problem. 2: How to Train a Dog In onda il: 2024-05-30 Kristen, David, and Ben look into a possible werewolf attack that isn't what it seems. Andy grapples with his mysterious trauma, while Ben uses science to solve his Jinn problem. In onda il: 2024-06-06 3: How to Slaughter a Pig Potentially demonic pork products lead Kristen, David, and Ben to a pig farm to investigate. David increases his remote viewing skills and Leslie, the surrogate carrying Kristen's child, comes to her for help. 3: How to Slaughter a Pig In onda il: 2024-06-06 Potentially demonic pork products lead Kristen, David, and Ben to a pig farm to investigate. David increases his remote viewing skills and Leslie, the surrogate carrying Kristen's child, comes to her for help. In onda il: 2024-06-13 4: How to Build a Coffin A couple seeking an exorcism are plagued by a demon that thrives on taking away the ability to speak clearly, and its influence spreads to the team. Brainwashed, Andy is pushed to deadly measures, and Andrea confronts a new demon attached to Father Ignatius. 4: How to Build a Coffin In onda il: 2024-06-13 A couple seeking an exorcism are plagued by a demon that thrives on taking away the ability to speak clearly, and its influence spreads to the team. Brainwashed, Andy is pushed to deadly measures, and Andrea confronts a new demon attached to Father Ignatius. In onda il: 2024-06-20 5: How to Fly an Airplane Kristen, David, and Ben travel to the Vatican with a possible relic from Jesus' cross. Back in New York, the Bouchard girls face increasingly strange and sinister incidents in the house. 5: How to Fly an Airplane In onda il: 2024-06-20 Kristen, David, and Ben travel to the Vatican with a possible relic from Jesus' cross. Back in New York, the Bouchard girls face increasingly strange and sinister incidents in the house. In onda il: 2024-06-27 6: How to Dance in Three Easy Steps A possibly-possessed dancer leads Kristen, David and Ben to a dance troupe with coven-like practices; Sheryl reaches her breaking point with Leland. 6: How to Dance in Three Easy Steps In onda il: 2024-06-27 A possibly-possessed dancer leads Kristen, David and Ben to a dance troupe with coven-like practices; Sheryl reaches her breaking point with Leland. In onda il: 2024-07-04 7: How to Bandage a Wound Ben and David join a train engineer who believes he's being haunted on the tracks; Kristen cares for her mother; Ben starts to question his sanity as gaps in his memory cause problems in his relationship with Renee. 7: How to Bandage a Wound In onda il: 2024-07-04 Ben and David join a train engineer who believes he's being haunted on the tracks; Kristen cares for her mother; Ben starts to question his sanity as gaps in his memory cause problems in his relationship with Renee. In onda il: 2024-07-11 8: How to Save a Life David stumbles into the life of a man planning murder-suicide and the team rush to find him, Sheryl executes her plan to stop baby Timothy from becoming the Antichrist. 8: How to Save a Life In onda il: 2024-07-11 David stumbles into the life of a man planning murder-suicide and the team rush to find him, Sheryl executes her plan to stop baby Timothy from becoming the Antichrist. In onda il: 2024-07-18 9: How to Teach a ChatBot The team looks into bizarre text messages, Sheryl tries to beat Leland. 9: How to Teach a ChatBot In onda il: 2024-07-18 The team looks into bizarre text messages, Sheryl tries to beat Leland. In onda il: 2024-07-25 10: Episode 10 Kristen must protect her family, Sheryl and Leland's war peaks. 10: Episode 10 In onda il: 2024-07-25 Kristen must protect her family, Sheryl and Leland's war peaks. In onda il: 2024-08-01 11: Episode 11 Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Episode 11 In onda il: 2024-08-01 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-08 12: Episode 12 Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Episode 12 In onda il: 2024-08-08 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-15 13: Episode 13 Nessuna trama disponibile 13: Episode 13 In onda il: 2024-08-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-08-22 14: Episode 14 Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14 In onda il: 2024-08-22 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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