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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Dear Edward Stagione 1 Episodi 10 Dramma Un ragazzo di dodici anni risulta l'unico sopravvissuto di un disastro aereo. Mentre lui e altri colpiti dalla tragedia cercano di trovare un senso all'accaduto, nascono inaspettate amicizie, amori e comunità. Jason Katims Executive Producer Jeni Mulein Executive Producer Ann Napolitano Novel Ann Napolitano Executive Producer David Boyd Co-Executive Producer Lori Keith Douglas Co-Executive Producer Colin O'Brien Edward Adler Taylor Schilling Lacey Anna Uzele Adriana Idris Debrand Kojo Carter Hudson John Amy Forsyth Linda Maxwell Jenkins Jordan Connie Britton Dee Dee Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2023-02-02 1: Pilota Edward è agitato per il trasferimento della sua famiglia a Los Angeles. Il matrimonio di Lacey è messo sotto pressione. Dee Dee e Zoe festeggiano. Il volo di Edward parte per Los Angeles. 1: Pilota In onda il: 2023-02-02 Edward è agitato per il trasferimento della sua famiglia a Los Angeles. Il matrimonio di Lacey è messo sotto pressione. Dee Dee e Zoe festeggiano. Il volo di Edward parte per Los Angeles. In onda il: 2023-02-02 2: Cibo Lacey si sforza per fare ciò che è più giusto per Edward. Conoscerà altre persone colpite dalla tragedia aerea nella seduta di terapia di gruppo per i parenti delle vittime. 2: Cibo In onda il: 2023-02-02 Lacey si sforza per fare ciò che è più giusto per Edward. Conoscerà altre persone colpite dalla tragedia aerea nella seduta di terapia di gruppo per i parenti delle vittime. In onda il: 2023-02-02 3: Frammenti Shey e Edward vanno in cerca di indizi sulla ragazza misteriosa. Adriana decide di candidarsi per la carica di sua nonna. Dee Dee si reca a Los Angeles in cerca di risposte. 3: Frammenti In onda il: 2023-02-02 Shey e Edward vanno in cerca di indizi sulla ragazza misteriosa. Adriana decide di candidarsi per la carica di sua nonna. Dee Dee si reca a Los Angeles in cerca di risposte. In onda il: 2023-02-09 4: Crisalide Essere il "ragazzo del miracolo" pesa su Edward. Adriana aiuta Kojo ad organizzare un funerale ghanese. Dee Dee scopre il mistero di suo marito. 4: Crisalide In onda il: 2023-02-09 Essere il "ragazzo del miracolo" pesa su Edward. Adriana aiuta Kojo ad organizzare un funerale ghanese. Dee Dee scopre il mistero di suo marito. In onda il: 2023-02-16 5: Tarli Edward si dirige in città in cerca della ragazza misteriosa. John visita il luogo dello schianto. Sam si confida con Lacey. Amanda è tormentata per il litigio con Brent. 5: Tarli In onda il: 2023-02-16 Edward si dirige in città in cerca della ragazza misteriosa. John visita il luogo dello schianto. Sam si confida con Lacey. Amanda è tormentata per il litigio con Brent. In onda il: 2023-02-23 6: Verità Shay ed Edward partono all'avventura per trovare Mahira. Lacey si affeziona a Linda. Kojo si prepara a ritornare in Ghana. Dee Dee dà fiducia a Zoe. 6: Verità In onda il: 2023-02-23 Shay ed Edward partono all'avventura per trovare Mahira. Lacey si affeziona a Linda. Kojo si prepara a ritornare in Ghana. Dee Dee dà fiducia a Zoe. In onda il: 2023-03-02 7: Folklore Il padre di Shey ripiomba nella sua vita, portando tensione tra lei e Edward. Adriana e Kojo portano Becks in montagna. Lacey e John sono ad un punto di stallo. 7: Folklore In onda il: 2023-03-02 Il padre di Shey ripiomba nella sua vita, portando tensione tra lei e Edward. Adriana e Kojo portano Becks in montagna. Lacey e John sono ad un punto di stallo. In onda il: 2023-03-09 8: Musica Edward inizia a vivere male la situazione. Adriana chiede consigli ad Eric. Sam si apre con Vernon. Dee Dee fatica a gestire la sua nuova vita. 8: Musica In onda il: 2023-03-09 Edward inizia a vivere male la situazione. Adriana chiede consigli ad Eric. Sam si apre con Vernon. Dee Dee fatica a gestire la sua nuova vita. In onda il: 2023-03-16 9: Carta batte sasso Una scoperta irrita Edward. Adriana si prepara a dire addio a Kojo. Amanda e Steve si avvicinano. 9: Carta batte sasso In onda il: 2023-03-16 Una scoperta irrita Edward. Adriana si prepara a dire addio a Kojo. Amanda e Steve si avvicinano. In onda il: 2023-03-23 10: Rifugio Lacey e John cercano Edward. Dee Dee dà una festa. Per Adriana arriva il giorno delle elezioni. Edward ripercorre il suo passato. 10: Rifugio In onda il: 2023-03-23 Lacey e John cercano Edward. Dee Dee dà una festa. Per Adriana arriva il giorno delle elezioni. Edward ripercorre il suo passato. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Followers Stagione 1 Episodi 6 Commedia Liv celebra il traguardo dei 100.000 iscritti, ma un uomo riemerge dal suo passato minacciandola di cancellarla dai social. Per proteggere la propria popolarità Liv diventa una serial killer. Tuttavia una podcaster potrebbe smascherarla. Mariana Bastos Director Mariana Youssef Director Camila Agustini Writer Manuela Cantuária Writer Daniel Castro Researcher Nina Kopko Script Tainá Muhringer Script Pedro Perazzo Script João Menna Barreto Editor Marcelo Pedrazzi Editor Alexandre Rocha Editor Saulo Simão Editor Raoni Seixas Casting Iza Araujo First Assistant Production Coordinator Camila Biondan Executive Producer's Assistant Clara Machado Executive Producer Fernanda Chasim Executive Producer Maria Bopp Liv Ayomi Domenica Gabz Antonia Raissa Chaddad Ananda Tatiana Tiburcio Nátaly Neri Victor Lamoglia Tatsu Carvalho Giselle Batista Maria Gal Cauê Campos Gabriel Godoy Episodi: 6 In onda il: 2022-03-06 1: Andrà bene, funzionerà Per festeggiare il raggiungimento dei 100 mila followers Liv organizza una diretta instagram alla quale partecipa anche Ananda, influencer di successo. Per una serie di eventi due ragazzi vengono fatti a pezzi da Liv e seppelliti in un bosco. 1: Andrà bene, funzionerà In onda il: 2022-03-06 Per festeggiare il raggiungimento dei 100 mila followers Liv organizza una diretta instagram alla quale partecipa anche Ananda, influencer di successo. Per una serie di eventi due ragazzi vengono fatti a pezzi da Liv e seppelliti in un bosco. In onda il: 2022-03-06 2: Quel che semini, raccogli Antonia pubblica il primo episodio del podcast rivelando l'identità di uno dei due cadaveri ritrovati: Felipe. Attraverso i podcast Liv scopre che per essere considerata una serial killer ha bisogno di tre vittime. 2: Quel che semini, raccogli In onda il: 2022-03-06 Antonia pubblica il primo episodio del podcast rivelando l'identità di uno dei due cadaveri ritrovati: Felipe. Attraverso i podcast Liv scopre che per essere considerata una serial killer ha bisogno di tre vittime. In onda il: 2022-03-06 3: Liv e il cane fantasma Dopo il video del finto incidente d'auto e il blocco da parte di Ananda, Liv si sente sempre più sola. Durante una visita a casa della cognata riesce a entrare di nascosto nel suo bagno e rimane sconvolta da quello che trova. 3: Liv e il cane fantasma In onda il: 2022-03-06 Dopo il video del finto incidente d'auto e il blocco da parte di Ananda, Liv si sente sempre più sola. Durante una visita a casa della cognata riesce a entrare di nascosto nel suo bagno e rimane sconvolta da quello che trova. In onda il: 2022-03-06 4: Ogni vincitore ha le sue cicatrici Marisol e Ananda sono le nuove vittime di Liv. Antonia continua la sua personale ricerca dell'assassina aiutata da Adriely e con il sostegno di Cammila. Anche gli agenti Rocha e Elano proseguono con le indagini. 4: Ogni vincitore ha le sue cicatrici In onda il: 2022-03-06 Marisol e Ananda sono le nuove vittime di Liv. Antonia continua la sua personale ricerca dell'assassina aiutata da Adriely e con il sostegno di Cammila. Anche gli agenti Rocha e Elano proseguono con le indagini. In onda il: 2022-03-06 5: Sopravvivere non è vivere Liv si sveglia in una camera d'ospedale e Marisol è in coma. Antonia scopre l'identità della Macellaia mentre la polizia continua le indagini. Braccata dalla polizia, Antonia affida a Cammila le informazioni su chi ha commesso i delitti e scappa. 5: Sopravvivere non è vivere In onda il: 2022-03-06 Liv si sveglia in una camera d'ospedale e Marisol è in coma. Antonia scopre l'identità della Macellaia mentre la polizia continua le indagini. Braccata dalla polizia, Antonia affida a Cammila le informazioni su chi ha commesso i delitti e scappa. In onda il: 2022-03-06 6: Se non ha funzionato, è perché non è finita Liv trova la cimice piazzata da Antonia e, credendo che la podcaster Destroyer sia Cammila, si reca presso gli studi televisivi dove la ragazza è ospite dello show di Kassia. 6: Se non ha funzionato, è perché non è finita In onda il: 2022-03-06 Liv trova la cimice piazzata da Antonia e, credendo che la podcaster Destroyer sia Cammila, si reca presso gli studi televisivi dove la ragazza è ospite dello show di Kassia. Trailer Ufficiale [ITA] ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Harlem Stagione 2 Episodi 8 Commedia Quattro migliori amiche di Harlem, New York City, ambiziose e alla moda: una professoressa che cerca spazio per la sua vita amorosa, un'imprenditrice che esce sempre con una diversa; una cantante "senza filtri" e una fashion designer romantica. Insieme affrontano il lavoro, le relazioni e le speranze da grande città. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Nessun dato per il Cast disponibile Episodi: 8 In onda il: 2023-02-02 1: Rimangiarsi la parola Riprendendo da dove si era interrotta la prima stagione, Camille e Ian si trovano di fronte a un bivio, Quinn si prepara per il suo primo appuntamento con una persona del suo stesso sesso, Angie cerca di porre fine alla sua serie di sfortune e Tye cerca di imparare a empatizzare. 1: Rimangiarsi la parola In onda il: 2023-02-02 Riprendendo da dove si era interrotta la prima stagione, Camille e Ian si trovano di fronte a un bivio, Quinn si prepara per il suo primo appuntamento con una persona del suo stesso sesso, Angie cerca di porre fine alla sua serie di sfortune e Tye cerca di imparare a empatizzare. In onda il: 2023-02-02 2: Se non puoi dire niente di carino… Camille affronta Jameson, Tye scopre di essere su un sito di appuntamenti, Angie trova la propria fortuna nell'immobiliare e Quinn esplora la propria relazione con Isabela. 2: Se non puoi dire niente di carino… In onda il: 2023-02-02 Camille affronta Jameson, Tye scopre di essere su un sito di appuntamenti, Angie trova la propria fortuna nell'immobiliare e Quinn esplora la propria relazione con Isabela. In onda il: 2023-02-09 3: Un assist da bordo campo Camille e Ian trascorrono la giornata cercando di lasciarsi andare con l'aiuto di alcuni dolcetti alla cannabis, Angie trova conforto nella compagnia della sua famiglia allargata, Quinn annuncia ai genitori le sue novità e Tye ragiona sulla relazione ideale. 3: Un assist da bordo campo In onda il: 2023-02-09 Camille e Ian trascorrono la giornata cercando di lasciarsi andare con l'aiuto di alcuni dolcetti alla cannabis, Angie trova conforto nella compagnia della sua famiglia allargata, Quinn annuncia ai genitori le sue novità e Tye ragiona sulla relazione ideale. In onda il: 2023-02-09 4: Il bambino e l'acqua per il bagno Camille e Ian si prendono uno spavento, Tye è costretta a iniziare a prendere decisioni riguardanti la sua salute, Quinn si prepara per l’intervista più importante della sua carriera e Angie incontra un nuovo ragazzo. 4: Il bambino e l'acqua per il bagno In onda il: 2023-02-09 Camille e Ian si prendono uno spavento, Tye è costretta a iniziare a prendere decisioni riguardanti la sua salute, Quinn si prepara per l’intervista più importante della sua carriera e Angie incontra un nuovo ragazzo. In onda il: 2023-02-16 5: Pride Camille, viene convocata dalla Dottoressa Pruitt. Tye, come rappresentante della comunità, si ritrova a fare da guida turistica al primo pride di Quinn. Angie aspetta un'importante telefonata. 5: Pride In onda il: 2023-02-16 Camille, viene convocata dalla Dottoressa Pruitt. Tye, come rappresentante della comunità, si ritrova a fare da guida turistica al primo pride di Quinn. Angie aspetta un'importante telefonata. In onda il: 2023-02-16 6: Dal ghiaccio alla brace Camille si ritrova ancora una volta intrappolata tra Ian e Jameson, Tye affronta una grande decisione per la sua vita, Quinn lotta con le sue recenti sconfitte e Angie ottiene un'altra grande occasione. 6: Dal ghiaccio alla brace In onda il: 2023-02-16 Camille si ritrova ancora una volta intrappolata tra Ian e Jameson, Tye affronta una grande decisione per la sua vita, Quinn lotta con le sue recenti sconfitte e Angie ottiene un'altra grande occasione. In onda il: 2023-02-23 7: Andate e ritorni Camille, Quinn, Tye e Angie partono alla volta di un agognato viaggio tra ragazze. 7: Andate e ritorni In onda il: 2023-02-23 Camille, Quinn, Tye e Angie partono alla volta di un agognato viaggio tra ragazze. In onda il: 2023-02-23 8: Gioia, gioia, gioia Camille dà vita al suo progetto, Tye trova un amore inaspettato, Quinn e Angie fanno pace. Tutte insieme ricevono una sorpresa. 8: Gioia, gioia, gioia In onda il: 2023-02-23 Camille dà vita al suo progetto, Tye trova un amore inaspettato, Quinn e Angie fanno pace. Tutte insieme ricevono una sorpresa. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Harlem Stagione 1 Episodi 10 Commedia Quattro migliori amiche di Harlem, New York City, ambiziose e alla moda: una professoressa che cerca spazio per la sua vita amorosa, un'imprenditrice che esce sempre con una diversa; una cantante "senza filtri" e una fashion designer romantica. Insieme affrontano il lavoro, le relazioni e le speranze da grande città. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Nessun dato per il Cast disponibile Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2021-12-02 1: Pilota Mentre Camille crede di avere il controllo totale della sua vita, il suo ex torna in città, facendole mettere in discussione le sue scelte. Tye riceve un'offerta d'acquisto per la sua app. Angie si chiede quale sarà il prossimo passo per la sua carriera. Quinn affronta una dura notte a Long Island. 1: Pilota In onda il: 2021-12-02 Mentre Camille crede di avere il controllo totale della sua vita, il suo ex torna in città, facendole mettere in discussione le sue scelte. Tye riceve un'offerta d'acquisto per la sua app. Angie si chiede quale sarà il prossimo passo per la sua carriera. Quinn affronta una dura notte a Long Island. In onda il: 2021-12-02 2: Il ritorno di Saturno Tye ha un'intervista per Forbes e decide di rompere con Shayla. A Angie viene offerta una parte in un musical. Quinn lotta per arrivare a fine mese ma le viene aumentato l'affitto. Camille riceve cattive notizie dal suo capo e poi si ritrova davanti al suo ex, Ian, alla festa di fidanzamento dei loro amici. 2: Il ritorno di Saturno In onda il: 2021-12-02 Tye ha un'intervista per Forbes e decide di rompere con Shayla. A Angie viene offerta una parte in un musical. Quinn lotta per arrivare a fine mese ma le viene aumentato l'affitto. Camille riceve cattive notizie dal suo capo e poi si ritrova davanti al suo ex, Ian, alla festa di fidanzamento dei loro amici. In onda il: 2021-12-02 3: Zuccherini Le ragazze provano a tirar su di morale Camille, dopo la notizia del fidanzamento di Ian. Tye ha un incontro imbarazzante con la giornalista di Forbes. Angie ha una certa intesa con il suo autista di Uber. Quinn ha un nuovo suggerimento dall'app di incontri. 3: Zuccherini In onda il: 2021-12-02 Le ragazze provano a tirar su di morale Camille, dopo la notizia del fidanzamento di Ian. Tye ha un incontro imbarazzante con la giornalista di Forbes. Angie ha una certa intesa con il suo autista di Uber. Quinn ha un nuovo suggerimento dall'app di incontri. In onda il: 2021-12-02 4: Solstizio d'Inverno La Dottoressa Pruitt invita Camille a parlare a un convegno. Uno spogliarellista cattura l'attenzione di Quinn. Tye ha un problema con i suoi capelli. Angie mente pur di ottenere un lavoro come tata. 4: Solstizio d'Inverno In onda il: 2021-12-02 La Dottoressa Pruitt invita Camille a parlare a un convegno. Uno spogliarellista cattura l'attenzione di Quinn. Tye ha un problema con i suoi capelli. Angie mente pur di ottenere un lavoro come tata. In onda il: 2021-12-02 5: Limiti Camille va a una festa dai genitori di Ian. Tue e Anna provano a uscire insieme. Quinn cerca di intrattere una relazione non impegnativa con Sean. 5: Limiti In onda il: 2021-12-02 Camille va a una festa dai genitori di Ian. Tue e Anna provano a uscire insieme. Quinn cerca di intrattere una relazione non impegnativa con Sean. In onda il: 2021-12-02 6: La stagione delle unioni Angie cerca un uomo che possa tenerla al caldo durante l'inverno. Jameson e Camille parlano del loro futuro, ma un messaggio manda Camille in confusione. Quinn si fa accompagnare da Sean ad un evento per Isabelle. Tye si spaventa per un problema di salute. 6: La stagione delle unioni In onda il: 2021-12-02 Angie cerca un uomo che possa tenerla al caldo durante l'inverno. Jameson e Camille parlano del loro futuro, ma un messaggio manda Camille in confusione. Quinn si fa accompagnare da Sean ad un evento per Isabelle. Tye si spaventa per un problema di salute. In onda il: 2021-12-02 7: La donna nera forte Tye cerca di riprendersi prima di una conferenza importante. Camille si chiede come rispondere a uno strano messaggio di Ian. Angie, durante le prove, alza la voce contro un membro del cast. Quinn fa i conti con le aspettative di sua madre. 7: La donna nera forte In onda il: 2021-12-02 Tye cerca di riprendersi prima di una conferenza importante. Camille si chiede come rispondere a uno strano messaggio di Ian. Angie, durante le prove, alza la voce contro un membro del cast. Quinn fa i conti con le aspettative di sua madre. In onda il: 2021-12-02 8: Cinque anni fa In questo episodio flashback, analizziamo la vita delle nostre protagoniste cinque anni fa, quando Ian lasciò New York senza Camille. 8: Cinque anni fa In onda il: 2021-12-02 In questo episodio flashback, analizziamo la vita delle nostre protagoniste cinque anni fa, quando Ian lasciò New York senza Camille. In onda il: 2021-12-02 9: Segreti Camille aiuta Ian senza dirlo a nessuno. Le ragazze vanno a vedere Angie nelle prove generali di Get Out: Il Musical. Quinn prova a conquistare le simpatie del figlio di Sean. 9: Segreti In onda il: 2021-12-02 Camille aiuta Ian senza dirlo a nessuno. Le ragazze vanno a vedere Angie nelle prove generali di Get Out: Il Musical. Quinn prova a conquistare le simpatie del figlio di Sean. In onda il: 2021-12-02 10: C'era una volta ad Harlem La scelta della dott.ssa Pruitt per il lavoro dei sogni di Camille fa sì che Camille metta in discussione le sue scelte di vita. Tye combatte per finalizzare il divorzio. Ad Angie viene offerto un ruolo più importante nel musical. Quinn analizza i suoi sentimenti per Isabella. 10: C'era una volta ad Harlem In onda il: 2021-12-02 La scelta della dott.ssa Pruitt per il lavoro dei sogni di Camille fa sì che Camille metta in discussione le sue scelte di vita. Tye combatte per finalizzare il divorzio. Ad Angie viene offerto un ruolo più importante nel musical. Quinn analizza i suoi sentimenti per Isabella. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Your Honor Stagione 2 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Crime Un giudice di New Orleans si trova in una posizione delicata quando il figlio è coinvolto in un omicidio legato alla malavita. Joey Hartstone Executive Producer Michelle King Executive Producer Robert King Executive Producer Thomas Golubić Music Supervisor Liz Glotzer Executive Producer Ron Ninio Original Series Creator Shlomo Moshiah Original Series Creator Bryan Cranston Michael Desiato Hope Davis Gina Baxter Isiah Whitlock Jr. Charlie Figaro Michael Stuhlbarg Jimmy Baxter Lilli Kay Fia Baxter Jimi Stanton Carlo Baxter Benjamin Flores Jr. Eugene Jones Keith Machekanyanga Little Mo Andrene Ward-Hammond Big Mo Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2023-01-15 1: Parte undici Michael Desiato è in lutto e disperato. Eugene riceve aiuto inaspettato. Jimmy Baxter vuole espandere il suo impero criminale, e Gina Baxter scarica la sua rabbia. L'assistente procuratore Olivia Delmont sconvolge la vita di Michael. 1: Parte undici In onda il: 2023-01-15 Michael Desiato è in lutto e disperato. Eugene riceve aiuto inaspettato. Jimmy Baxter vuole espandere il suo impero criminale, e Gina Baxter scarica la sua rabbia. L'assistente procuratore Olivia Delmont sconvolge la vita di Michael. In onda il: 2023-01-22 2: Parte dodici Michael Desiato scopre un segreto e Olivia Delmont lo spinge a prendere una decisione pericolosa. Nel frattempo, un rischioso accordo minaccia Eugene. Elizabeth accoglie Michael e i grandi piani di Big Mo la mettono nel mirino di Gina. 2: Parte dodici In onda il: 2023-01-22 Michael Desiato scopre un segreto e Olivia Delmont lo spinge a prendere una decisione pericolosa. Nel frattempo, un rischioso accordo minaccia Eugene. Elizabeth accoglie Michael e i grandi piani di Big Mo la mettono nel mirino di Gina. In onda il: 2023-01-29 3: Parte tredici Michael Desiato si sottrae a una richiesta di Fia, ma Olivia Delmont lo spinge a sfruttare il nuovo legame. L'affare di Little Mo va a monte e toccherà a Eugene rimediare. Un confronto tra Michael e Jimmy porta a una sorprendente confessione. 3: Parte tredici In onda il: 2023-01-29 Michael Desiato si sottrae a una richiesta di Fia, ma Olivia Delmont lo spinge a sfruttare il nuovo legame. L'affare di Little Mo va a monte e toccherà a Eugene rimediare. Un confronto tra Michael e Jimmy porta a una sorprendente confessione. In onda il: 2023-02-05 4: Parte quattordici Il piano di Olivia per avvicinare Michael ai Baxter lo vede invitato al compleanno di Jimmy, dove assiste al ritorno del gangster padre di Gina. Eugene ripaga Little Mo per la sua gentilezza, ma la sua buona azione rischia di svelare corruzione. 4: Parte quattordici In onda il: 2023-02-05 Il piano di Olivia per avvicinare Michael ai Baxter lo vede invitato al compleanno di Jimmy, dove assiste al ritorno del gangster padre di Gina. Eugene ripaga Little Mo per la sua gentilezza, ma la sua buona azione rischia di svelare corruzione. In onda il: 2023-02-12 5: Parte quindici Dopo gli eventi al compleanno di Jimmy, Michael smette di aiutare Olivia. Charlie fa una mossa inaspettata. Little Mo è nei guai con Big Mo per aver aiutato Eugene. Nancy segue una pista sull'omicidio della moglie di Michael. 5: Parte quindici In onda il: 2023-02-12 Dopo gli eventi al compleanno di Jimmy, Michael smette di aiutare Olivia. Charlie fa una mossa inaspettata. Little Mo è nei guai con Big Mo per aver aiutato Eugene. Nancy segue una pista sull'omicidio della moglie di Michael. In onda il: 2023-02-19 6: Parte sedici Michael ed Elizabeth trovano un indizio sull'omicidio di Robin. I Baxter vogliono far tacere Eugene. Jimmy forma una pericolosa alleanza. Un'overdose causa una rottura tra Big Mo e i suoi uomini. 6: Parte sedici In onda il: 2023-02-19 Michael ed Elizabeth trovano un indizio sull'omicidio di Robin. I Baxter vogliono far tacere Eugene. Jimmy forma una pericolosa alleanza. Un'overdose causa una rottura tra Big Mo e i suoi uomini. In onda il: 2023-02-26 7: Parte diciassette La ricerca della verità di Michael crea conseguenze pericolose per lui e per Nancy Costello. Fia affronta la dura realtà sulla sua famiglia. 7: Parte diciassette In onda il: 2023-02-26 La ricerca della verità di Michael crea conseguenze pericolose per lui e per Nancy Costello. Fia affronta la dura realtà sulla sua famiglia. In onda il: 2023-03-05 8: Parte diciotto Un nuovo pericolo attende Eugene. La trionfale serata di Big Mo prende una brutta piega. 8: Parte diciotto In onda il: 2023-03-05 Un nuovo pericolo attende Eugene. La trionfale serata di Big Mo prende una brutta piega. In onda il: 2023-03-12 9: Parte diciannove Michael va a trovare Jimmy Baxter, che gli fa un'offerta inaspettata. 9: Parte diciannove In onda il: 2023-03-12 Michael va a trovare Jimmy Baxter, che gli fa un'offerta inaspettata. In onda il: 2023-03-19 10: Parte venti Michael fa rivelazioni di enorme peso. Una scoperta spinge Fia a prendere una decisione drastica. Big Mo propone un accordo a Jimmy Baxter. 10: Parte venti In onda il: 2023-03-19 Michael fa rivelazioni di enorme peso. Una scoperta spinge Fia a prendere una decisione drastica. Big Mo propone un accordo a Jimmy Baxter. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Your Honor Stagione 1 Episodi 10 Dramma ◦ Crime Un giudice di New Orleans si trova in una posizione delicata quando il figlio è coinvolto in un omicidio legato alla malavita. Joey Hartstone Executive Producer Michelle King Executive Producer Robert King Executive Producer Thomas Golubić Music Supervisor Liz Glotzer Executive Producer Ron Ninio Original Series Creator Shlomo Moshiah Original Series Creator Bryan Cranston Michael Desiato Hope Davis Gina Baxter Isiah Whitlock Jr. Charlie Figaro Michael Stuhlbarg Jimmy Baxter Lilli Kay Fia Baxter Jimi Stanton Carlo Baxter Benjamin Flores Jr. Eugene Jones Keith Machekanyanga Little Mo Andrene Ward-Hammond Big Mo Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2020-12-06 1: Parte uno New Orleans. Il coinvolgimento del figlio adolescente Adam in un tragico incidente mette alle strette il giudice Michael Desiato, chiamato a prendere una decisione delicata. 1: Parte uno In onda il: 2020-12-06 New Orleans. Il coinvolgimento del figlio adolescente Adam in un tragico incidente mette alle strette il giudice Michael Desiato, chiamato a prendere una decisione delicata. In onda il: 2020-12-13 2: Parte due Il giorno dell'anniversario della morte di sua moglie, il giudice Michael Desiato costruisce un alibi finto per scagionare Adam da ogni responsabilità sull'incidente. 2: Parte due In onda il: 2020-12-13 Il giorno dell'anniversario della morte di sua moglie, il giudice Michael Desiato costruisce un alibi finto per scagionare Adam da ogni responsabilità sull'incidente. In onda il: 2020-12-20 3: Parte tre Michael continua a usare il suo potere per insabbiare la verità sull'incidente, mentre Jimmy Baxter e la moglie Gina pianificano la loro vendetta. 3: Parte tre In onda il: 2020-12-20 Michael continua a usare il suo potere per insabbiare la verità sull'incidente, mentre Jimmy Baxter e la moglie Gina pianificano la loro vendetta. In onda il: 2020-12-27 4: Parte quattro Afflitto dal senso di colpa e invischiato in una rete di bugie, Adam si fa coinvolgere in relazioni pericolose, mentre la tensione sull'accaduto diventa opprimente. 4: Parte quattro In onda il: 2020-12-27 Afflitto dal senso di colpa e invischiato in una rete di bugie, Adam si fa coinvolgere in relazioni pericolose, mentre la tensione sull'accaduto diventa opprimente. In onda il: 2021-01-03 5: Parte cinque Michael cerca di tornare alla sua vita di tutti i giorni, fino a quando non si accorge che qualcuno lo sta ricattando. 5: Parte cinque In onda il: 2021-01-03 Michael cerca di tornare alla sua vita di tutti i giorni, fino a quando non si accorge che qualcuno lo sta ricattando. In onda il: 2021-01-10 6: Parte sei Adam intraprende un'altra pericolosa relazione, mentre Michael cerca di scoprire l'identità del suo ricattatore. Intanto si intensifica il coinvolgimento di Lee nel caso Kofi. 6: Parte sei In onda il: 2021-01-10 Adam intraprende un'altra pericolosa relazione, mentre Michael cerca di scoprire l'identità del suo ricattatore. Intanto si intensifica il coinvolgimento di Lee nel caso Kofi. In onda il: 2021-01-17 7: Parte sette L'indagine sul suo ricatto conduce Michael a confrontarsi con ulteriori guai, intanto il segreto di Adam rischia seriamente di essere scoperto. 7: Parte sette In onda il: 2021-01-17 L'indagine sul suo ricatto conduce Michael a confrontarsi con ulteriori guai, intanto il segreto di Adam rischia seriamente di essere scoperto. In onda il: 2021-01-31 8: Parte otto Jimmy mette Michael sotto pressione per il processo a Carlo. Adam annuncia i suoi piani futuri durante una cena di famiglia. 8: Parte otto In onda il: 2021-01-31 Jimmy mette Michael sotto pressione per il processo a Carlo. Adam annuncia i suoi piani futuri durante una cena di famiglia. In onda il: 2021-02-07 9: Parte nove In una escalation di tensione, Michael trova la soluzione per impedire che Carlo sia arrestato. Charlie aiuta Adam con i suoi guai sentimentali approdando a una verità sconcertante. 9: Parte nove In onda il: 2021-02-07 In una escalation di tensione, Michael trova la soluzione per impedire che Carlo sia arrestato. Charlie aiuta Adam con i suoi guai sentimentali approdando a una verità sconcertante. In onda il: 2021-02-14 10: Parte dieci La scoperta di nuovi dettagli sulla morte della madre destabilizza Adam, mentre il suo piano, costruito insieme al padre, sta per mostrare le sue falle. 10: Parte dieci In onda il: 2021-02-14 La scoperta di nuovi dettagli sulla morte della madre destabilizza Adam, mentre il suo piano, costruito insieme al padre, sta per mostrare le sue falle. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Death Valley 1 h 33 m 2021 Horror ◦ Fantascienza ◦ Azione Mercenari senza nulla da perdere vengono assunti per salvare un bioingegnere imprigionato in un bunker della guerra fredda. Entrando nella struttura devono combattere per la propria vita contro una creatura sconosciuta e mortale. Patrick Ewald Executive Producer Chad Archibald Producer Cody Calahan Producer Ira Levy Executive Producer Matthew Ninaber Screenplay Matthew Ninaber Director Matthew Ninaber Editor Matthew Ninaber Producer Michael McGuigan Executive Producer Melissa Joy Boerger Makeup Artist Audrey Barrett Special Effects Makeup Artist Brent Tremain Cinematography Sean Croley Music Anna Hans Makeup Artist Jeremy Ninaber Beckett Ethan Mitchell Marshall Kristen Kaster Chloe Matthew Ninaber Monster Matthew Daciw Olek Volkov Jacqueline Ninaber Rachel Jonah Fortin Jonah Petrov Melissa Joy Boerger Jessica Justin Moses Moses Jeff Waters Preacher Jacob Fortin Militia Boy Connor Mitchell Flight Crew Jeremy Dueck Cadaver Tyler Garton Flame Thrower Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Paradise City 1 h 33 m 2022 Azione ◦ Crime ◦ Thriller Ryan Swan deve farsi strada nel mondo del crimine hawaiano per vendicarsi del boss che ha ucciso suo padre. Ken Speed Special Effects Coordinator Cole S. McKay Stunt Coordinator Chuck Russell Director Chuck Russell Executive Producer Chuck Russell Writer Stephen J. Eads Executive Producer Johnny Messner Executive Producer Chuck Borden Stunts Peter Devaney Flanagan Editor Christopher Sheldon Supervising Sound Editor Corey Large Producer Corey Large Writer Yagmur Kaplan Sound Re-Recording Mixer Sean Patrick O'Reilly Executive Producer Bernie Gewissler Line Producer Austin Schmidt Director of Photography Jordan Yale Levine Executive Producer Gordon Bijelonic Executive Producer Chadwick Struck Casting Camille Jumelle Costume Design Kimberley Roper Script Supervisor Clenét Verdi-Rose Second Assistant Director Clenét Verdi-Rose Second Unit Director Conor Heffernan Additional Music Chris Polczinski Sound Mixer Lorenzo Antonucci Executive Producer Matthew Helderman Executive Producer Sean Fernald Music Consultant Lee Broda Executive Producer Brian O'Shea Producer Michael Baber Music Editor Luke Taylor Executive Producer Roger Kean Boom Operator Stanley Preschutti Executive Producer Jonathan Saba Executive Producer Sam Ewing Original Music Composer Brian Berger Supervising Sound Editor Lawrence He Sound Effects Editor Jordan Beckerman Executive Producer Mark Todd Osborne Colorist Vivian Williams Foley Artist Aaron Steele-Nicholson First Assistant Director Edward Drake Writer Richard Barner Executive Producer Rajendra Thakurathi Assistant Editor Grady Craig Executive Producer Tatyana Batalova Digital Intermediate Editor Alda Matos Production Assistant John Travolta Buck Bruce Willis Ian Swan Blake Jenner Ryan Swan Stephen Dorff Robbie Cole Corey Large Zyatt Branscombe Richmond Senator Kane Lorenzo Antonucci Scorpion Kate Katzman Nikki Amber Abara Gerry Praya Lundberg Savannah Noel Gugliemi Alfredo Salazar Carrie Bernans Kai Russell Satele Chief of Police Sarah Ashley Rodriguez Maid Kade Vu Manu Micah Giovanni Ern Laird Akeo Koa Patty Lee Bartender Bernie Gewissler Terrance Billford Adam Huel Potter Rookie Cop Mary Ann Perreira Aunty Kona David Tu'itupou Barman Ute Finch Mrs. Tilly Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Dark 1 h 35 m 2018 Horror ◦ Dramma ◦ Fantasy Una ragazzina "non morta", assassina e divoratrice di carne umane, infesta la remota distesa di boschi in cui è stata assassinata decenni prima. Qui, scopre un ragazzo, rapito e maltrattato, nascosto nel bagagliaio di un'auto di una delle sue vittime. La decisione di lasciarlo vivo getterà la sua esistenza nello scompiglio, costringendola a riesaminare quanto della sua umanità sia stato in grado di distruggere chi l'ha uccisa. Danny Krausz Producer Kurt Stocker Producer Klemens Hufnagl Director of Photography Klemens Hufnagl Co-Director Lois J. Drabkin Casting Markus Hautz Sound Editor Jeremy Doiron First Assistant Director Andrew Nicholas McCann Smith Producer Laura Perlmutter Producer Danielle Sahota Production Design Julia Drack Editor Zane Knisely Makeup Department Head Justin P. Lange Screenplay Justin P. Lange Director Florian Krügel Executive Producer Hanna Puley Costume Design Tara Brawley Makeup Artist Marissa Clemence Makeup Department Head Alisha Robinson Assistant Costume Designer Nadia Alexander Mina Toby Nichols Alex Karl Markovics Josef Hofer Margarethe Tiesel Agnes Dylan Trowbridge Jason Chris Farquhar Jeff Scott Beaudin George Dan Beirne Officer Stevens Sarah Murphy-Dyson Noreen Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer MAKE MY DAY Stagione 1 Episodi 8 Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Animazione I detenuti su un pianeta freddo e isolato che promette un futuro migliore sono costretti a estrarre un una rara fonte di energia arrivando così a fare una scoperta letale. Kensuke Ushio Original Music Composer Kiyotaka Oshiyama Mechanical Designer Shoji Kawamori Mechanical Designer Yukihiro Masumoto Director of Photography Kazuto Shimoyama Art Direction Soichiro Kubo Sound Supervisor Hiromune Kurahashi Sound Effects Masateru Ootani Sound Re-Recording Mixer Hiroshi Kitashiro Mixing Engineer Chinami Watanabe Lead Editor Yu Sensui Colorist Jaz Chiang Visual Development Takanori Tanaka Visual Development Makoto Honda Series Director Mei Fukasawa Assistant Editor Chia Hung Yen Supervising Animator Yuchen Wang Title Designer Nobuhiro Hisajima Online Editor Sayuka Suzuki Online Editor Kohei Sugatani Production Manager Liana Monique Yao Production Manager Jung Pang Yang Production Manager Ran Chiang Production Manager Shanny Chen Production Manager Rui Kyo Executive Producer Chiduru Matsuyama Producer Yumiko Yoshizawa Producer Masaomi Yamahashi James 'Jim' Mirror (voice) Ayahi Takagaki Marnie (voice) Kazuhiro Yamaji Walter Hyams (voice) Akio Otsuka Commander Bark (voice) Tomoko Shiota Dr. Hadson (voice) Atsuko Tanaka Cathy Beck (voice) Yohei Tadano Ed (voice) Mitsuru Shiraishi Robert Howard (voice) Kousuke Goto Prof. William Boyd (voice) Yumiko Matsuura Rachel Wise (voice) Episodi: 8 In onda il: 2023-02-02 1: Episode 1 Jim prepares for another day at work as a guard at White Prison. During his commute, he notices that something is off. 1: Episode 1 In onda il: 2023-02-02 Jim prepares for another day at work as a guard at White Prison. During his commute, he notices that something is off. In onda il: 2023-02-02 2: Episode 2 As Jim scavenges through broken pieces of equipment, Walter reluctantly lends a hand. They manage to signal for help but must escape discreetly. 2: Episode 2 In onda il: 2023-02-02 As Jim scavenges through broken pieces of equipment, Walter reluctantly lends a hand. They manage to signal for help but must escape discreetly. In onda il: 2023-02-02 3: Episode 3 Jim has a flashback to his childhood self with Ed and Marnie. Back in reality, an unlikely ally rescues him from the rubble. 3: Episode 3 In onda il: 2023-02-02 Jim has a flashback to his childhood self with Ed and Marnie. Back in reality, an unlikely ally rescues him from the rubble. In onda il: 2023-02-02 4: Episode 4 Devastated by the horrendous sight, Jim rushes to save Ed. But they are no match against the deadly beast. 4: Episode 4 In onda il: 2023-02-02 Devastated by the horrendous sight, Jim rushes to save Ed. But they are no match against the deadly beast. In onda il: 2023-02-02 5: Episode 5 Ambushed while using the restroom, Jim regains consciousness behind bars. Worried about Marnie, he must think on his feet. 5: Episode 5 In onda il: 2023-02-02 Ambushed while using the restroom, Jim regains consciousness behind bars. Worried about Marnie, he must think on his feet. In onda il: 2023-02-02 6: Episode 6 After Dr. Hadson blacks out, Marnie attempts to take over the navigation. Meanwhile, Boyd and Rachel provide vital information regarding the Swarm. 6: Episode 6 In onda il: 2023-02-02 After Dr. Hadson blacks out, Marnie attempts to take over the navigation. Meanwhile, Boyd and Rachel provide vital information regarding the Swarm. In onda il: 2023-02-02 7: Episode 7 All hope is lost, but nature doesn’t wait — Marnie goes into labor. Walter reveals the truth about his dark past. 7: Episode 7 In onda il: 2023-02-02 All hope is lost, but nature doesn’t wait — Marnie goes into labor. Walter reveals the truth about his dark past. In onda il: 2023-02-02 8: Episode 8 With everyone's support, Jim sets his plan in motion to bait the Swarm. All seems to go well until Howard goes rogue. 8: Episode 8 In onda il: 2023-02-02 With everyone's support, Jim sets his plan in motion to bait the Swarm. All seems to go well until Howard goes rogue. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Freeridge Stagione 1 Episodi 8 Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Quattro amici adolescenti cercano di annullare una maledizione dopo che una strana vecchia scatola sembra portare disgrazie e molto altro nelle loro vite. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Keyla Monterroso Mejia Gloria Salazar Bryana Salaz Ines Tenzing Norgay Trainor Cameron Ciara Riley Wilson Demi Peggy Blow Marisol Martinez Michael Solomon Rusty Episodi: 8 In onda il: 2023-02-02 1: La scatola Gloria e Ines mettono da parte la loro rivalità di sorelle per guadagnare denaro con un banchetto dell'usato e trovano uno strano articolo che potrebbe essere maledetto. 1: La scatola In onda il: 2023-02-02 Gloria e Ines mettono da parte la loro rivalità di sorelle per guadagnare denaro con un banchetto dell'usato e trovano uno strano articolo che potrebbe essere maledetto. In onda il: 2023-02-02 2: La torta Gloria fatica a dare brutte notizie al padre e Demi propone che il gruppo organizzi una cerimonia speciale per placare un fantasma e annullare la maledizione. 2: La torta In onda il: 2023-02-02 Gloria fatica a dare brutte notizie al padre e Demi propone che il gruppo organizzi una cerimonia speciale per placare un fantasma e annullare la maledizione. In onda il: 2023-02-02 3: Cinnamon Dopo aver ricevuto una terrificante minaccia, il gruppo cerca aiuto da una strega di TikTok che rivela un'inquietante premonizione: qualcosa di rotto va riparato. 3: Cinnamon In onda il: 2023-02-02 Dopo aver ricevuto una terrificante minaccia, il gruppo cerca aiuto da una strega di TikTok che rivela un'inquietante premonizione: qualcosa di rotto va riparato. In onda il: 2023-02-02 4: La madre defunta In occasione del Día de Los Muertos, Gloria e Ines litigano sul piano per onorare la madre mentre il gruppo indaga sul legame tra Marisol e Mariluna. 4: La madre defunta In onda il: 2023-02-02 In occasione del Día de Los Muertos, Gloria e Ines litigano sul piano per onorare la madre mentre il gruppo indaga sul legame tra Marisol e Mariluna. In onda il: 2023-02-02 5: Edward mani di latta Javier è fuori città e le sorelle organizzano una festa a casa durante la quale emergono veri sentimenti e arriva una misteriosa invitata. 5: Edward mani di latta In onda il: 2023-02-02 Javier è fuori città e le sorelle organizzano una festa a casa durante la quale emergono veri sentimenti e arriva una misteriosa invitata. In onda il: 2023-02-02 6: Vendetta Dopo l'ennesimo incidente scolastico Javier scopre lo stratagemma di Tonio e Gloria. A casa Gloria fa una scoperta sconvolgente e al suo risveglio trova un'intrusa. 6: Vendetta In onda il: 2023-02-02 Dopo l'ennesimo incidente scolastico Javier scopre lo stratagemma di Tonio e Gloria. A casa Gloria fa una scoperta sconvolgente e al suo risveglio trova un'intrusa. In onda il: 2023-02-02 7: Coincidenza karmica Gloria cerca di fare luce sulla misteriosa estranea, sulla scatola e sulla maledizione. Ines e Demi chiedono consigli sulla vita a una veggente. 7: Coincidenza karmica In onda il: 2023-02-02 Gloria cerca di fare luce sulla misteriosa estranea, sulla scatola e sulla maledizione. Ines e Demi chiedono consigli sulla vita a una veggente. In onda il: 2023-02-02 8: Il Ringraziamento Nessuno vuole dire la verità a Gloria sulla sua relazione. Il giorno del Ringraziamento porta lacrime, una sorpresa scioccante e una serie di eventi sfortunati. 8: Il Ringraziamento In onda il: 2023-02-02 Nessuno vuole dire la verità a Gloria sulla sua relazione. Il giorno del Ringraziamento porta lacrime, una sorpresa scioccante e una serie di eventi sfortunati. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La sciatrice dei record 2 h 7 m 2020 Dramma ◦ Storia Un biopic ispiratore sulla leggendaria sciatrice Elena Vyalbe. Nata in una piccola città nel nord della Russia, Elena Vyalbe ha avuto il coraggio e la dedizione di superare una serie di ostacoli sulla strada per diventare la migliore nel suo sport. Il film riprende uno storico evento sciistico ai Campionati mondiali di sci nordico FIS del 1997 a Trondheim, in Norvegia, dove Elena Vyalbe è entrata nella storia dello sci vincendo cinque medaglie d'oro su cinque, un risultato che a tutt'oggi rimane un record. Alexey Aygi Original Music Composer Aleksey Ryazantsev Producer Nikolay Khomeriki Director Andrey Kureychik Screenplay Fedor Lyass Director of Photography Sergey Gudilin Production Design Timur Khvan Screenplay Timur Khvan Producer Marat Kim Screenplay Marat Kim Producer Alexandr Guryanov Screenplay Tatyana Guryanova Screenplay Olga Lerman Elena Vyalbe Nadezhda Markina grandmother Milica Anna Ukolova Lena's mom Darya Ekamasova Irina Makarova Anna Kotova Larisa Lazutina Vadim Andreyev Petr Vasilievich Dmitriy Podnozov Grushin Aleksandr Gorbatov Yura Polina Chernyshova Nina Gavrylyuk Ekaterina Ageeva Olga Danilova Fyodor Dobronravov grandfather Victor Mikhail Bespalov taxi driver Trubitsyn Angelina Vyalbe Elena Vyalbe, 8 years old Aleksandr Ustyugov Maksimych Aleksandr Klyukvin Zharov, sports commentator Johan Elm Urmas Välbe Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer The Plane 1 h 47 m 2023 Azione Dopo un eroico lavoro di atterraggio del suo aereo danneggiato dalla tempesta in una zona di guerra, un impavido pilota si ritrova tra le mire di diverse milizie che intendono prendere in ostaggio l'aereo e i suoi passeggeri. Marco Beltrami Original Music Composer Deepak Nayar Executive Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura Producer Anne McCarthy Casting Gerard Butler Producer Roland N. Thai Sound Designer David Rosenbloom Editor Mark Vahradian Producer Marc Butan Producer Dylan Gray Props Odin Benitez Supervising Sound Editor Joe Bucaro III Stunt Double Brendan Galvin Director of Photography Christian Gudegast Executive Producer Jean-François Richet Director Marcus Trumpp Original Music Composer Charlie Bonilla Pyrotechnic Supervisor Tom Brewster Second Assistant Director J.P. Davis Screenplay J.P. Davis Executive Producer Mark DeSimone ADR Mixer Daniel Curet Hair Department Head Phi-Long Nguyen Stunts Alan Siegel Producer Luillo Ruiz Co-Producer Bradley Parker Second Unit Director Allen Liu Executive Producer Alan Freedman ADR Mixer Kellie Roy Casting John Blake Makeup Department Head Josiuan Rojas Transportation Coordinator Bryan Cartago Stunts Jim Schultz Music Editor James M. Churchman Stunt Coordinator Sam Situmorang Stunt Driver Andrew Wert Armorer Christopher S. Aud Sound Re-Recording Mixer Ray McIntyre Jr. Visual Effects Supervisor Francisco Cueto Dailies Operator Carlos Zayas Camera Operator Kenneth Rexach Still Photographer Ali Lammari Set Costumer Gabriel Padilla Gaffer Jose R. Hilera Assistant Location Manager Nik Bower Executive Producer Eric Catelan Camera Operator Eric Catelan Steadicam Operator Stewart Bradley Special Effects Andrea Marotti Visual Effects Producer Mailara Santana Production Design Mark Avery Costumer Eric Dvorsky Aerial Camera Technician Vicki Dee Rock Executive Producer Scott Elias Production Manager Byron Wilson Supervising Sound Editor Beau Parsons Visual Effects Supervisor Johnna Thomas Costume Supervisor José Gilberto Molinari Rosaly First Assistant Director Carlos García First Assistant Camera Adrienne Franciscus Production Supervisor Luis Antonio Landrau Boom Operator Mark Graham Orchestrator Jimmy Santos Set Dresser Jimmy Santos On Set Dresser Marsi Caraballo Graphic Designer Eric VanArsdale Utility Stunts Alastair Burlingham Executive Producer Kevin de la Cruz Production Assistant Edward Fee Executive Producer Glenda Rosa Set Decoration Kimberley Sutton Stunt Coordinator Trevor Hill Special Effects Tyson Lozensky Score Engineer Divyansh Mittal Visual Effects Supervisor Michelle Cortés Stunts Ayumi Funatsu Digital Compositor Jason Kozsurek Digital Compositor Erinn Knight Costume Design Gladys Bustos Property Master Orlando Suárez Gaffer Ricardo Naveira Construction Foreman Malay Kim Stunts Miguel Baerga Techno Crane Operator Mike Sowa Colorist Joe Rosenbloom First Assistant Editor Lloyd Barachina Stunts Duncan McRae Sound Re-Recording Mixer Mathew Dunne First Assistant Director Denya McLean-Adhya Visual Effects Coordinator Mariarosa Calderon Controller Julian Wall Second Unit First Assistant Director Marta Ezal Colón Key Makeup Artist Mariella Navarro Art Department Coordinator Carlos Cali Rivera Rigging Gaffer Eric Damazio Key Grip Charles Cumming Screenplay Charles Cumming Story Gary Raskin Executive Producer Antonio Betancourt Sound Mixer Martin O'Brien Visual Effects Producer Carlos J. Vázquez Video Assist Operator Jessica Nam Stunts Alvin Chon Stunts Arjun Demeyere Sound Tim Prawitz Pyrotechnician Michelle Pak Casting Assistant Anna Rottke First Assistant Editor Nicole Leaño Colón Key Makeup Artist Diego Chamorro Set Costumer Torri Knight Assistant Costume Designer Tim Lee Executive Producer Michael Cho Executive Producer Phillip Dang Stunts Vern Nobles Jr. Second Unit Director of Photography Marek Stout Production Assistant Giulio Campiglia Visual Effects Producer Eric Ng Digital Compositor Jennie Shea ADR Recordist Thomas Early Construction Coordinator Geisha M. Barreto Assistant Makeup Artist Merly Jan Jiménez Makeup Artist Carolina Wolf Production Office Coordinator Jose Juan Garcia Camacho Set Designer Sergio Morales Colon Set Dresser Juan j. Garcia Perez Props Michael Scott Rivera Set Dresser Barbara Yuya Rivera Boom Operator Erik Bloomer Special Effects Ryan Harms Special Effects Technician Amanda Hollingworth Digital Compositor Cailin Munroe Visual Effects Coordinator Wen Qian Compositing Supervisor Nerina Sanchez Digital Compositor Mike Suta Digital Compositor Hyunsu Yang Digital Compositor Enele Ma'afu Tauteoli Stunts Carlos Giovanni De Leon Second Assistant Camera Natasha I. Nieves Grip Steve Collins Special Effects Gerard Butler Brodie Torrance Mike Colter Louis Gaspare Tony Goldwyn Scarsdale Yoson An Samuel Dele Evan Dane Taylor Datu Junmar Paul Ben-Victor Terry Hampton Daniella Pineda Bonnie Lane Lilly Krug Brie Taylor Kelly Gale Katie Dhar Otis Winston RCMP Officer Knight Ángel Fabián Rivera Karim Rahim Fernando Chang Chan Yuen Modesto Lacen Antonio Ortega Joey Slotnick Matt Sinclair Rose Eshay Ana Fernández Ricky Robles Cruz Javier Molina Jessica Nam Rosalie Jeong Quinn McPherson Riley Donahue Oliver Trevena Maxwell Carver Tara Westwood Sydney Michelle Lee Isabella Yu Amber Rivera Maria Falco John J. Shim Joshua Jeong Claro de los Reyes Hajan Remi Adeleke Shellback Matt Cook Moses Pete Scobell Jim Lake James Sang Lee Willis Heather Seiffert Carrie Torrance Haleigh Hekking Daniela Torrance Jeremy Denzlinger Marc Richards Edwin Lee Changi Security Agent Yao Tsai Changi Security Guard Jeff Francisco Lolo - Old Fisherman Ariel Felix Alan Nick Brandon Drunk Passenger Michelle Cortés Flight Attendant Jeffrey Holsman Trailblazer Captain Enele Ma'afu Tauteoli Hulking Man Jimmy Fung Vhong Manuel Álvarez Kim Filipino Man Kate Bisset British Woman - Maria Burnham Kate Rachesky Second Flight Attendant The Plane - il nuovo film di Gerard Butler dal 25 gennaio al cinema | Trailer ITA HD ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Commedia In questo spinoff di "Detective Conan" una sagoma sospetta si trasferisce nel quartiere di Beika infestato dal crimine con l'intenzione di commettere un omicidio. Gosho Aoyama Original Story Mayuko Kamba Original Story Akitarou Daichi Series Director Leon Niihama Theme Song Performance Mai Kuraki Theme Song Performance Mayumi Nakajima Art Direction Chieko Nakamura Supervising Art Director Fu Chisaka Character Designer Hiromi Miyawaki Color Designer Akemi Sasaki Director of Photography Ikuyo Fujita Editor Yasuyuki Urakami Sound Director Keiko Urakami Sound Director Kaori Yamada Sound Effects Jun Abe Original Music Composer Seiji Muto Original Music Composer Yojiro Arai Opening/Ending Animation Hiroyoshi Oosumi Music Producer Shuho Kondo Producer Emi Sato Producer Hiroya Nakata Producer Kiyoaki Terashima Producer Odashi Opening/Ending Animation Chie Saito Opening/Ending Animation Masanori Osawa Opening/Ending Animation Minami Seki Opening/Ending Animation Takashi Kawaguchi Opening/Ending Animation Kentaro Kawajiri Opening/Ending Animation Chikashi Kubota Opening/Ending Animation Yoshimichi Kameda Opening/Ending Animation Noriyuki Fukuda Opening/Ending Animation Takumi Nakamura Associate Producer Hiroki Okamoto Associate Producer Yuta Umezu Associate Producer Yasuichiro Yamamoto Graphic Designer Hisashi Yamamoto Sound Mixer Katsuaki Yamagishi Sound Editor Shouta Aoi Makoto Hanzawa (voice) Inori Minase Pometaro (voice) Minami Takayama Conan Edogawa (voice) Wakana Yamazaki Ran Mouri (voice) Megumi Urawa Hitoe Hanzawa (voice) Rikiya Koyama Kogoro Mouri (voice) Megumi Hayashibara Ai Haibara (voice) Akira Ishida Saguru Hakuba (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2022-10-04 1: Episode 1 The first thing Hanzawa needs to do is find an apartment to live in, but it's almost impossible to find one where a murder hasn't taken place. 1: Episode 1 In onda il: 2022-10-04 The first thing Hanzawa needs to do is find an apartment to live in, but it's almost impossible to find one where a murder hasn't taken place. In onda il: 2022-10-11 2: Episode 2 Hanzawa moves into a very nice apartment and becomes fast friends with a fellow resident. But then, a murder takes place. 2: Episode 2 In onda il: 2022-10-11 Hanzawa moves into a very nice apartment and becomes fast friends with a fellow resident. But then, a murder takes place. In onda il: 2022-10-18 3: Episode 3 Hanzawa heads to the town hall to run some errands, but must also make a pit stop in enemy territory — the local police station. 3: Episode 3 In onda il: 2022-10-18 Hanzawa heads to the town hall to run some errands, but must also make a pit stop in enemy territory — the local police station. In onda il: 2022-10-25 4: Episode 4 It's an emergency: Hanzawa starts taking a nice morning shower, only to realizes that there's no shampoo in the bathroom. 4: Episode 4 In onda il: 2022-10-25 It's an emergency: Hanzawa starts taking a nice morning shower, only to realizes that there's no shampoo in the bathroom. In onda il: 2022-11-01 5: Episode 5 After waking up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, Hanzawa makes a terrible decision and goes out into the dangerous streets of Beika at night. 5: Episode 5 In onda il: 2022-11-01 After waking up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, Hanzawa makes a terrible decision and goes out into the dangerous streets of Beika at night. In onda il: 2022-11-08 6: Episode 6 Hanzawa needs a job fast, but the only work available is risky, scary, and probably illegal. But desperate times call for desperate measures. 6: Episode 6 In onda il: 2022-11-08 Hanzawa needs a job fast, but the only work available is risky, scary, and probably illegal. But desperate times call for desperate measures. In onda il: 2022-11-15 7: Episode 7 Finally, Hanzawa gets a job at a new video rental shop. But then, the manager gets murdered — and all eyes turn to Hanzawa!? 7: Episode 7 In onda il: 2022-11-15 Finally, Hanzawa gets a job at a new video rental shop. But then, the manager gets murdered — and all eyes turn to Hanzawa!? In onda il: 2022-11-22 8: Episode 8 While stopping by a pet shop, Hanzawa has a fateful meeting with an impossibly cute, fluffy and very, very expensive Pomeranian. 8: Episode 8 In onda il: 2022-11-22 While stopping by a pet shop, Hanzawa has a fateful meeting with an impossibly cute, fluffy and very, very expensive Pomeranian. In onda il: 2022-11-29 9: Episode 9 In an effort to look cool, Hanzawa goes out in search of some fashionable clothes. But watch out; in this town, the wrong outfit can get you killed. 9: Episode 9 In onda il: 2022-11-29 In an effort to look cool, Hanzawa goes out in search of some fashionable clothes. But watch out; in this town, the wrong outfit can get you killed. In onda il: 2022-12-06 10: Episode 10 Hanzawa’s mother comes to check out Beika — but then a hostage incident occurs, and she might be one of the victims!? 10: Episode 10 In onda il: 2022-12-06 Hanzawa’s mother comes to check out Beika — but then a hostage incident occurs, and she might be one of the victims!? In onda il: 2022-12-13 11: Episode 11 It's been a few months since moving to Beika, and Hanzawa hasn't gotten any closer to murdering that certain man. 11: Episode 11 In onda il: 2022-12-13 It's been a few months since moving to Beika, and Hanzawa hasn't gotten any closer to murdering that certain man. In onda il: 2022-12-20 12: Episode 12 Hanzawa has finally found the man, which can only mean one thing; it's murder time! But then, a certain master thief shows up. 12: Episode 12 In onda il: 2022-12-20 Hanzawa has finally found the man, which can only mean one thing; it's murder time! But then, a certain master thief shows up. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Unforgettable Stagione 4 Episodi 13 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Carrie Wells è una ex detective della polizia affetta da ipertimesia. L’ipertimesia è una malattia molto rara, che dà la particolare capacità a chi ne è affetto di ricordare con esattezza ogni avvenimento vissuto. Carrie riesce a ricordare ogni istante della sua vita, tranne quel momento della sua infanzia in cui sua sorella è stata uccisa. Frustrata da questa situazione decide di lasciare la polizia e di dedicarsi al volontariato. Una sera però si ritrova ad essere testimone dell’omicidio di una vicina di casa. Collabora con la polizia e con il suo ex collega ed ex fidanzato, il detective Burns, che sta indagando sul caso. Quando Burns le offre la possibilità di unirsi alla squadra Omicidi, Carrie accetta sperando di avere finalmente l’occasione di far luce sull’omicidio della sorella. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Poppy Montgomery Carrie Wells Dylan Walsh Al Burns James Hiroyuki Liao Jay Lee Kathy Najimy Captain Sandra Russo E.J. Bonilla Denny Padilla La La Anthony Delina Michaels Episodi: 13 In onda il: 2015-11-27 1: Blast From the Past Eddie Martin, Carrie's long-lost husband, pays a visit to Major Crimes while investigating a meth crew that is involved in something more nefarious than dealing drugs. 1: Blast From the Past In onda il: 2015-11-27 Eddie Martin, Carrie's long-lost husband, pays a visit to Major Crimes while investigating a meth crew that is involved in something more nefarious than dealing drugs. In onda il: 2015-11-27 2: Gut Check Carrie and Al are assigned to transport the star witness in a high profile securities fraud case to Miami, while attempting to evade the killers on their trail. 2: Gut Check In onda il: 2015-11-27 Carrie and Al are assigned to transport the star witness in a high profile securities fraud case to Miami, while attempting to evade the killers on their trail. In onda il: 2015-12-04 3: Behind the Beat The killing of a young jazz prodigy leads Carrie and the team into the halls of a competitive music conservatory and the underbelly of the city's jazz club scene. 3: Behind the Beat In onda il: 2015-12-04 The killing of a young jazz prodigy leads Carrie and the team into the halls of a competitive music conservatory and the underbelly of the city's jazz club scene. In onda il: 2015-12-11 4: Dollars and Scents The Major Crimes team learn that a deli employee's murder is linked to a foreign criminal organization that has the ability to cripple the world's financial markets. 4: Dollars and Scents In onda il: 2015-12-11 The Major Crimes team learn that a deli employee's murder is linked to a foreign criminal organization that has the ability to cripple the world's financial markets. In onda il: 2015-12-18 5: All In Things heat up for Carrie when an old flame and a murder investigation lead the Major Crimes team to Atlantic City, NJ. 5: All In In onda il: 2015-12-18 Things heat up for Carrie when an old flame and a murder investigation lead the Major Crimes team to Atlantic City, NJ. In onda il: 2016-01-01 6: The Return of Eddie Carrie and Al suspect that a cameraman's death during a convenience store robbery may be more than a random act of violence. 6: The Return of Eddie In onda il: 2016-01-01 Carrie and Al suspect that a cameraman's death during a convenience store robbery may be more than a random act of violence. In onda il: 2016-01-08 7: We Can Be Heroes Major Crimes determines that the kidnapping of a prominent scientist's son was not a crime of opportunity but rather a calculated scheme for revenge. 7: We Can Be Heroes In onda il: 2016-01-08 Major Crimes determines that the kidnapping of a prominent scientist's son was not a crime of opportunity but rather a calculated scheme for revenge. In onda il: 2016-01-15 8: Breathing Space Suspects are plentiful in a case of a murdered aerospace engineer, the Major Crimes team learns that the victim was working on a billionaire's top secret space mission. 8: Breathing Space In onda il: 2016-01-15 Suspects are plentiful in a case of a murdered aerospace engineer, the Major Crimes team learns that the victim was working on a billionaire's top secret space mission. In onda il: 2016-01-15 9: Shelter From the Storm Carrie, Al and a captured criminal hole up in an abandoned precinct as a sinister storm approaches, with their captive's violent crew hot on their tail. 9: Shelter From the Storm In onda il: 2016-01-15 Carrie, Al and a captured criminal hole up in an abandoned precinct as a sinister storm approaches, with their captive's violent crew hot on their tail. In onda il: 2016-01-22 10: Game On Carrie and Al investigate the world of high-stakes video games and corporate espionage after a man is found dead inside a haunted-house attraction. 10: Game On In onda il: 2016-01-22 Carrie and Al investigate the world of high-stakes video games and corporate espionage after a man is found dead inside a haunted-house attraction. In onda il: 2016-01-22 11: About Face Carrie and Al receive new information in the cold case of a missing surgeon, putting them on the trail of two con artists. 11: About Face In onda il: 2016-01-22 Carrie and Al receive new information in the cold case of a missing surgeon, putting them on the trail of two con artists. In onda il: 2016-01-22 12: Bad Company Capt. Russo is suspected in the murder of an informant, leading Carrie and Al into a cat-and-mouse game with a corrupt former cop. 12: Bad Company In onda il: 2016-01-22 Capt. Russo is suspected in the murder of an informant, leading Carrie and Al into a cat-and-mouse game with a corrupt former cop. In onda il: 2016-01-22 13: Paranoid Android When a shooter on the loose triggers a flashback that doesn't add up with Carrie's perfect memory, the team at Major Crimes discovers that a nefarious conspiracy is at play and trained killers are among them. 13: Paranoid Android In onda il: 2016-01-22 When a shooter on the loose triggers a flashback that doesn't add up with Carrie's perfect memory, the team at Major Crimes discovers that a nefarious conspiracy is at play and trained killers are among them. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Unforgettable Stagione 3 Episodi 13 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Carrie Wells è una ex detective della polizia affetta da ipertimesia. L’ipertimesia è una malattia molto rara, che dà la particolare capacità a chi ne è affetto di ricordare con esattezza ogni avvenimento vissuto. Carrie riesce a ricordare ogni istante della sua vita, tranne quel momento della sua infanzia in cui sua sorella è stata uccisa. Frustrata da questa situazione decide di lasciare la polizia e di dedicarsi al volontariato. Una sera però si ritrova ad essere testimone dell’omicidio di una vicina di casa. Collabora con la polizia e con il suo ex collega ed ex fidanzato, il detective Burns, che sta indagando sul caso. Quando Burns le offre la possibilità di unirsi alla squadra Omicidi, Carrie accetta sperando di avere finalmente l’occasione di far luce sull’omicidio della sorella. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Poppy Montgomery Carrie Wells Dylan Walsh Al Burns James Hiroyuki Liao Jay Lee Kathy Najimy Captain Sandra Russo E.J. Bonilla Denny Padilla La La Anthony Delina Michaels Episodi: 13 In onda il: 2014-06-29 1: New Hundred Carrie and Al assist the Secret Service with a murder investigation that has ties to a counterfeiting ring run by an assassin. 1: New Hundred In onda il: 2014-06-29 Carrie and Al assist the Secret Service with a murder investigation that has ties to a counterfeiting ring run by an assassin. In onda il: 2014-07-06 2: The Combination Carrie and Al investigate when a championship boxer appears to have been beaten to death without making an effort to defend himself. 2: The Combination In onda il: 2014-07-06 Carrie and Al investigate when a championship boxer appears to have been beaten to death without making an effort to defend himself. In onda il: 2014-07-13 3: The Haircut After releasing a salacious story about the director of the NSA, a reporter is murdered; Agent Simms comes back to help Carrie; Al reconnects with an ex who might be able to assist with the case. 3: The Haircut In onda il: 2014-07-13 After releasing a salacious story about the director of the NSA, a reporter is murdered; Agent Simms comes back to help Carrie; Al reconnects with an ex who might be able to assist with the case. In onda il: 2014-07-20 4: Cashing Out When Carrie recognizes a murdered city official as someone she played poker with at an underground casino, she puts her career on the line by admitting her illegal activities and volunteers to go back to the tables undercover. 4: Cashing Out In onda il: 2014-07-20 When Carrie recognizes a murdered city official as someone she played poker with at an underground casino, she puts her career on the line by admitting her illegal activities and volunteers to go back to the tables undercover. In onda il: 2014-07-27 5: A Moveable Feast Carrie and Al must find the connection between a murdered coast guard officer, a celebrity chef who threw him out of his restaurant and a missing block of C-4 before the explosives are used. 5: A Moveable Feast In onda il: 2014-07-27 Carrie and Al must find the connection between a murdered coast guard officer, a celebrity chef who threw him out of his restaurant and a missing block of C-4 before the explosives are used. In onda il: 2014-08-03 6: Stray Bullet Carrie conducts an investigation off the books when Al becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a parolee he helped put away. 6: Stray Bullet In onda il: 2014-08-03 Carrie conducts an investigation off the books when Al becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a parolee he helped put away. In onda il: 2014-08-17 7: Throwing Shade When one of Eliot's oldest friends, the campaign manager for a mayoral candidate, is murdered, he is forced to face his past and current demons as Carrie and Al work to uncover the killer. 7: Throwing Shade In onda il: 2014-08-17 When one of Eliot's oldest friends, the campaign manager for a mayoral candidate, is murdered, he is forced to face his past and current demons as Carrie and Al work to uncover the killer. In onda il: 2014-08-24 8: The Island Carrie and Al's investigation into the death of a college dropout takes a surprising turn when they discover he had been living in an off-the-grid community on an abandoned island near Manhattan. 8: The Island In onda il: 2014-08-24 Carrie and Al's investigation into the death of a college dropout takes a surprising turn when they discover he had been living in an off-the-grid community on an abandoned island near Manhattan. In onda il: 2014-08-30 9: Admissions Carrie and Al dig into the secrets of students and faculty at an elite prep school when a high-powered CEO and father of one of the students is murdered. 9: Admissions In onda il: 2014-08-30 Carrie and Al dig into the secrets of students and faculty at an elite prep school when a high-powered CEO and father of one of the students is murdered. In onda il: 2014-08-31 10: Fire and Ice When Homeland Security takes over a bombing investigation from Major Crimes, Carrie doubts their conclusion that it's tied to terrorism and secretly continues her own investigation. Meanwhile, Webster makes friends with Murray's daughter. 10: Fire and Ice In onda il: 2014-08-31 When Homeland Security takes over a bombing investigation from Major Crimes, Carrie doubts their conclusion that it's tied to terrorism and secretly continues her own investigation. Meanwhile, Webster makes friends with Murray's daughter. In onda il: 2014-09-07 11: True Identity Carrie and Al investigate the murder of a high-end matchmaking service employee, but each secret they uncover in the victim's life only serves to create a new possible suspect and motive. 11: True Identity In onda il: 2014-09-07 Carrie and Al investigate the murder of a high-end matchmaking service employee, but each secret they uncover in the victim's life only serves to create a new possible suspect and motive. In onda il: 2014-09-14 12: Moving On Carrie and Al delve into the disturbing - and dangerous - world of celebrity obsession when a television star is found murdered in his dressing room. 12: Moving On In onda il: 2014-09-14 Carrie and Al delve into the disturbing - and dangerous - world of celebrity obsession when a television star is found murdered in his dressing room. In onda il: 2014-09-14 13: D.O.A. Carrie is unable to utilize her perfect memory when an assassin doses her with a deadly poison that attacks her brain, leaving Al on a desperate hunt for the antidote. 13: D.O.A. In onda il: 2014-09-14 Carrie is unable to utilize her perfect memory when an assassin doses her with a deadly poison that attacks her brain, leaving Al on a desperate hunt for the antidote. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Unforgettable Stagione 2 Episodi 13 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Carrie Wells è una ex detective della polizia affetta da ipertimesia. L’ipertimesia è una malattia molto rara, che dà la particolare capacità a chi ne è affetto di ricordare con esattezza ogni avvenimento vissuto. Carrie riesce a ricordare ogni istante della sua vita, tranne quel momento della sua infanzia in cui sua sorella è stata uccisa. Frustrata da questa situazione decide di lasciare la polizia e di dedicarsi al volontariato. Una sera però si ritrova ad essere testimone dell’omicidio di una vicina di casa. Collabora con la polizia e con il suo ex collega ed ex fidanzato, il detective Burns, che sta indagando sul caso. Quando Burns le offre la possibilità di unirsi alla squadra Omicidi, Carrie accetta sperando di avere finalmente l’occasione di far luce sull’omicidio della sorella. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Poppy Montgomery Carrie Wells Dylan Walsh Al Burns James Hiroyuki Liao Jay Lee Kathy Najimy Captain Sandra Russo E.J. Bonilla Denny Padilla La La Anthony Delina Michaels Episodi: 13 In onda il: 2013-07-28 1: Bigtime Carrie and Al’s reputation for closing cases results in an offer to join the Major Crimes Section of the NYPD. But when their first case – a high-profile child kidnapping – hits close to home for Carrie, it leaves her wondering if a move from Queens to Manhattan is what’s best for her. 1: Bigtime In onda il: 2013-07-28 Carrie and Al’s reputation for closing cases results in an offer to join the Major Crimes Section of the NYPD. But when their first case – a high-profile child kidnapping – hits close to home for Carrie, it leaves her wondering if a move from Queens to Manhattan is what’s best for her. In onda il: 2013-08-04 2: Incognito Carrie goes undercover with a team of bank robbers when The Major Crimes Section gets a lead on the gang’s leader, a notorious thief who rarely shows his face. 2: Incognito In onda il: 2013-08-04 Carrie goes undercover with a team of bank robbers when The Major Crimes Section gets a lead on the gang’s leader, a notorious thief who rarely shows his face. In onda il: 2013-08-11 3: Day of the Jackie Carrie and Al are unable to discern why a businessman was murdered in his hotel room until it’s discovered that his death was collateral damage in a larger plot to assassinate a diplomat. 3: Day of the Jackie In onda il: 2013-08-11 Carrie and Al are unable to discern why a businessman was murdered in his hotel room until it’s discovered that his death was collateral damage in a larger plot to assassinate a diplomat. In onda il: 2013-08-18 4: Memory Kings When the scientist who helped Carrie understand her memory abilities is murdered, she must track down other people with the same skill in the hopes that one of them holds the key to finding the killer. 4: Memory Kings In onda il: 2013-08-18 When the scientist who helped Carrie understand her memory abilities is murdered, she must track down other people with the same skill in the hopes that one of them holds the key to finding the killer. In onda il: 2013-08-25 5: Past Tense Carrie and Al’s latest case – the murder of an Afghani cab driver – has the potential to turn into a matter of national security when it’s discovered that the victim was a government informant. 5: Past Tense In onda il: 2013-08-25 Carrie and Al’s latest case – the murder of an Afghani cab driver – has the potential to turn into a matter of national security when it’s discovered that the victim was a government informant. In onda il: 2013-09-01 6: Line Up or Shut Up When a young man is found dead in an expensive sports car he was delivering to a diplomat, each clue leads Carrie and Al to yet another possible motive for the murder. 6: Line Up or Shut Up In onda il: 2013-09-01 When a young man is found dead in an expensive sports car he was delivering to a diplomat, each clue leads Carrie and Al to yet another possible motive for the murder. In onda il: 2013-09-08 7: Maps & Legends The murder of an urban explorer leads Carrie and Al to not only search for the killer, but to pick up the trail of clues the victim was following on the hunt for a treasure supposedly hidden under the streets of New York. 7: Maps & Legends In onda il: 2013-09-08 The murder of an urban explorer leads Carrie and Al to not only search for the killer, but to pick up the trail of clues the victim was following on the hunt for a treasure supposedly hidden under the streets of New York. In onda il: 2014-04-04 8: Till Death After a wealthy couple is murdered, Carrie and Al pose as a married couple to lure in the killer, who Al believes is linked to a series of unsolved homicides he once investigated. 8: Till Death In onda il: 2014-04-04 After a wealthy couple is murdered, Carrie and Al pose as a married couple to lure in the killer, who Al believes is linked to a series of unsolved homicides he once investigated. In onda il: 2014-04-11 9: Flesh and Blood Carrie catches a deadly assassin who has eluded her before, but must put her personal vendetta aside when it’s revealed that the woman has vital information to prevent a terrorist attack on New York City. 9: Flesh and Blood In onda il: 2014-04-11 Carrie catches a deadly assassin who has eluded her before, but must put her personal vendetta aside when it’s revealed that the woman has vital information to prevent a terrorist attack on New York City. In onda il: 2014-04-18 10: Manhunt The murder of a prominent lawyer leads Carrie and Al to reexamine a rape case that moved Manhattan thirteen years before. Soon, they realize that the case was not as clear cut as it was portrayed by the media, and an innocent man may have been wrongfully convicted. 10: Manhunt In onda il: 2014-04-18 The murder of a prominent lawyer leads Carrie and Al to reexamine a rape case that moved Manhattan thirteen years before. Soon, they realize that the case was not as clear cut as it was portrayed by the media, and an innocent man may have been wrongfully convicted. In onda il: 2014-04-25 11: East of Islip A murdered body washes ashore in the Hamptons, and Carrie and Al's boss offers them a "paid vacation" in his beautiful Southampton cottage, in order to help local law enforcement find the killer, who may or may not be related to a previous serial killer. 11: East of Islip In onda il: 2014-04-25 A murdered body washes ashore in the Hamptons, and Carrie and Al's boss offers them a "paid vacation" in his beautiful Southampton cottage, in order to help local law enforcement find the killer, who may or may not be related to a previous serial killer. In onda il: 2014-05-02 12: Omega Hour When Carrie and Elliott are attending a party sponsored by the mayor, a group of criminals seizes control of the building, and demand a hefty ransom. It is up to Carrie to thwart their plans by playing from the Die Hard book. 12: Omega Hour In onda il: 2014-05-02 When Carrie and Elliott are attending a party sponsored by the mayor, a group of criminals seizes control of the building, and demand a hefty ransom. It is up to Carrie to thwart their plans by playing from the Die Hard book. In onda il: 2014-05-09 13: Reunion Carrie's high school reunion is suddenly cut short when an alum shows up dead. Carrie has to remember back 22 years to understand the events that led to this crime. 13: Reunion In onda il: 2014-05-09 Carrie's high school reunion is suddenly cut short when an alum shows up dead. Carrie has to remember back 22 years to understand the events that led to this crime. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Unforgettable Stagione 1 Episodi 22 Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Carrie Wells è una ex detective della polizia affetta da ipertimesia. L’ipertimesia è una malattia molto rara, che dà la particolare capacità a chi ne è affetto di ricordare con esattezza ogni avvenimento vissuto. Carrie riesce a ricordare ogni istante della sua vita, tranne quel momento della sua infanzia in cui sua sorella è stata uccisa. Frustrata da questa situazione decide di lasciare la polizia e di dedicarsi al volontariato. Una sera però si ritrova ad essere testimone dell’omicidio di una vicina di casa. Collabora con la polizia e con il suo ex collega ed ex fidanzato, il detective Burns, che sta indagando sul caso. Quando Burns le offre la possibilità di unirsi alla squadra Omicidi, Carrie accetta sperando di avere finalmente l’occasione di far luce sull’omicidio della sorella. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Poppy Montgomery Carrie Wells Dylan Walsh Al Burns James Hiroyuki Liao Jay Lee Kathy Najimy Captain Sandra Russo E.J. Bonilla Denny Padilla La La Anthony Delina Michaels Episodi: 22 In onda il: 2011-09-20 1: Pilot A murder reunites former detective Carrie Wells with her ex-boyfriend and colleague; Carrie must use her rare ability to help solve the case. 1: Pilot In onda il: 2011-09-20 A murder reunites former detective Carrie Wells with her ex-boyfriend and colleague; Carrie must use her rare ability to help solve the case. In onda il: 2011-09-27 2: Heroes Carrie must put aside memories of her sister's death to help a young murder witness lead the police to a killer. 2: Heroes In onda il: 2011-09-27 Carrie must put aside memories of her sister's death to help a young murder witness lead the police to a killer. In onda il: 2011-10-04 3: Check Out Time Carrie tries to uncover the truth when a hotel maid accused of murder says she was defending herself against attempted rape. 3: Check Out Time In onda il: 2011-10-04 Carrie tries to uncover the truth when a hotel maid accused of murder says she was defending herself against attempted rape. In onda il: 2011-10-11 4: Up in Flames After an explosion destroys a crime scene, Carrie's memories become essential to the investigation. 4: Up in Flames In onda il: 2011-10-11 After an explosion destroys a crime scene, Carrie's memories become essential to the investigation. In onda il: 2011-10-18 5: With Honor When Al’s ex-partner is gunned down and the investigation reveals he may have been a dirty cop, Carrie must decide how to support him without getting too close 5: With Honor In onda il: 2011-10-18 When Al’s ex-partner is gunned down and the investigation reveals he may have been a dirty cop, Carrie must decide how to support him without getting too close In onda il: 2011-10-25 6: Friended Carrie and Al’s investigation into the murder of a hard-partying heiress takes an unexpected turn when they discover that the woman apparently didn’t exist until 18 months earlier. 6: Friended In onda il: 2011-10-25 Carrie and Al’s investigation into the murder of a hard-partying heiress takes an unexpected turn when they discover that the woman apparently didn’t exist until 18 months earlier. In onda il: 2011-11-01 7: Road Block Carrie's investigation into the death of her sister moves forward, but her inability to let go may hinder the search for a missing infant whose father was murdered. 7: Road Block In onda il: 2011-11-01 Carrie's investigation into the death of her sister moves forward, but her inability to let go may hinder the search for a missing infant whose father was murdered. In onda il: 2011-11-08 8: Lost Things Carrie and Al investigate the death of a public defender, only to discover that the killer has a larger plan which may lead to a second murder. 8: Lost Things In onda il: 2011-11-08 Carrie and Al investigate the death of a public defender, only to discover that the killer has a larger plan which may lead to a second murder. In onda il: 2011-11-15 9: Golden Bird Al and Carrie investigate the murder of a teen who seemed to have no enemies. Meanwhile, Carrie looks to her estranged aunt for help with the investigation into her sister's murder. 9: Golden Bird In onda il: 2011-11-15 Al and Carrie investigate the murder of a teen who seemed to have no enemies. Meanwhile, Carrie looks to her estranged aunt for help with the investigation into her sister's murder. In onda il: 2011-11-22 10: Trajectories When a second murder suddenly occurs at an active crime scene, Al and Carrie must wade through hundreds of bystanders to uncover if it was retribution or an unrelated attack. 10: Trajectories In onda il: 2011-11-22 When a second murder suddenly occurs at an active crime scene, Al and Carrie must wade through hundreds of bystanders to uncover if it was retribution or an unrelated attack. In onda il: 2011-12-13 11: Spirited Away A renowned ghost hunter is killed and the investigation reveals that his death is linked to a chilling discovery he made while on a recent assignment. 11: Spirited Away In onda il: 2011-12-13 A renowned ghost hunter is killed and the investigation reveals that his death is linked to a chilling discovery he made while on a recent assignment. In onda il: 2012-01-03 12: Butterfly Effect When a construction worker with a promising future is murdered, Carrie and Al wonder if his ties to the mob were the cause of his death or an unrelated coincidence. 12: Butterfly Effect In onda il: 2012-01-03 When a construction worker with a promising future is murdered, Carrie and Al wonder if his ties to the mob were the cause of his death or an unrelated coincidence. In onda il: 2012-01-10 13: Brotherhood A routine investigation into a college student’s death takes a disturbing turn for Carrie when a suspect makes a dangerous move to outwit her memory. 13: Brotherhood In onda il: 2012-01-10 A routine investigation into a college student’s death takes a disturbing turn for Carrie when a suspect makes a dangerous move to outwit her memory. In onda il: 2012-02-07 14: Carrie's Caller A serial killer with knowledge of Carrie’s memory abilities taunts the Queens PD as his list of victims grows. 14: Carrie's Caller In onda il: 2012-02-07 A serial killer with knowledge of Carrie’s memory abilities taunts the Queens PD as his list of victims grows. In onda il: 2012-02-14 15: The Following Sea When a key witness in his murder case vanishes before testifying, Al scrambles to find her before the suspect walks free. 15: The Following Sea In onda il: 2012-02-14 When a key witness in his murder case vanishes before testifying, Al scrambles to find her before the suspect walks free. In onda il: 2012-02-21 16: Heartbreak Carrie and Al are at a loss to explain how a murder victim mysteriously appeared in an empty ballpark. 16: Heartbreak In onda il: 2012-02-21 Carrie and Al are at a loss to explain how a murder victim mysteriously appeared in an empty ballpark. In onda il: 2012-02-28 17: Blind Alleys Al and Carrie are forced to the sidelines by a negotiator when the father of a suspect that Roe shot takes members of the Queens PD, including Nina, hostage in a desperate quest for justice. 17: Blind Alleys In onda il: 2012-02-28 Al and Carrie are forced to the sidelines by a negotiator when the father of a suspect that Roe shot takes members of the Queens PD, including Nina, hostage in a desperate quest for justice. In onda il: 2012-03-20 18: The Comeback When Carrie’s latest case is stalled by a powerful family’s influence, she receives assistance from a lawyer who may be the mysterious caller who orchestrated a series of sniper attacks. 18: The Comeback In onda il: 2012-03-20 When Carrie’s latest case is stalled by a powerful family’s influence, she receives assistance from a lawyer who may be the mysterious caller who orchestrated a series of sniper attacks. In onda il: 2012-03-27 19: Allegiances Carrie’s personal and professional lives collide when her boyfriend, the son of a mob boss, is revealed to have ties to suspects in a murder investigation. 19: Allegiances In onda il: 2012-03-27 Carrie’s personal and professional lives collide when her boyfriend, the son of a mob boss, is revealed to have ties to suspects in a murder investigation. In onda il: 2012-04-10 20: You Are Here Carrie and Al must get inside the mind of a deranged conspiracy theorist before he sets off a series of bombs. 20: You Are Here In onda il: 2012-04-10 Carrie and Al must get inside the mind of a deranged conspiracy theorist before he sets off a series of bombs. In onda il: 2012-05-01 21: Endgame When Carrie's obsessed admirer turns up dead, she must locate the killer while deflecting attention from the prime suspect: her. 21: Endgame In onda il: 2012-05-01 When Carrie's obsessed admirer turns up dead, she must locate the killer while deflecting attention from the prime suspect: her. In onda il: 2012-05-08 22: The Man in the Woods Carrie follows the trail of her sister's killer to Syracuse, where the murderer may have struck again. 22: The Man in the Woods In onda il: 2012-05-08 Carrie follows the trail of her sister's killer to Syracuse, where the murderer may have struck again. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Attrazione letale 1 h 27 m 2020 Horror ◦ Mistero ◦ Thriller ◦ Fantascienza Libby Wells, introversa 16enne, conosce il nuovo fidanzato di sua madre, John Smith, individuo dal fascino e intelligenza talmente rare da non sembrare umano. Libby è stranamente affascinata da John, tant’è accetta le sue confuse avance sessuali. Una notte, la giovane vede una luce rossa dal profondo del lago: John vi si immerge totalmente per poi riapparire alle spalle di Libby totalmente asciutto, instillando nella ragazzina un’orrenda inquietudine… Marc Sedaka Editor Linus Hume Executive Producer Braden R. Duemmler Director Braden R. Duemmler Writer Jimmy Jung Lu Director of Photography Jimmy Jung Lu Associate Producer R.J. Daniel Hanna Editor Stephen Stanley Producer Gavin Keese Original Music Composer Monica Dabrowski Production Design Kristina Esposito Producer Abei Vang Producer Panda Lord Co-Producer Ema Horvath Liberty Wells Mena Suvari Michelle Wells Trey Tucker John Smith Haskiri Velazquez Marley Troy Iwata Tommy Danny Corbo Young Tommy Olan Montgomery Clerk Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Triangle of Sadness 2 h 27 m 2022 Commedia ◦ Dramma Carl e Yaya, una coppia di modelli e influencer, sono invitati su uno yacht per una crociera di lusso. Gli eventi prendono una svolta inaspettata quando si abbatte una tempesta e mette a rischio il comfort dei passeggeri. Jim Stark Executive Producer Bradley Thomas Executive Producer Philippe Bober Producer Ruben Östlund Director Ruben Östlund Editor Ruben Östlund Writer Lizzie Francke Executive Producer Fredrik Wenzel Director of Photography Evi Zafiropoulou Makeup Artist Kalle Boman Creative Consultant Erik Hemmendorff Producer Mirsad Purivatra Associate Producer Dan Wechsler Executive Producer Andreas Roald Executive Producer Ulf Olausson Foley Artist Rose Garnett Executive Producer Julio Chavezmontes Co-Producer Mikel Cee Karlsson Editor Mikel Cee Karlsson Second Unit Director Josefin Åsberg Production Design Mona Fastvold Thanks Sofie Krunegård Costume Design Erik S. Watland Sound Editor Erik S. Watland Foley Artist Peter Hjorth Visual Effects Supervisor Stefanie Gredig Hair Designer Pierre Wallon Line Producer Marina Perales Marhuenda Co-Producer Per Damgaard Hansen Co-Producer Bent Holm Supervising Sound Editor Bent Holm Sound Re-Recording Mixer Bent Holm Foley Recordist Olivier Père Co-Producer Claes Lundberg Sound Editor Claes Lundberg Foley Artist Jovan Marjanović Associate Producer Daphne Koutra Art Direction Clemens Köstlin Co-Producer Andreas Franck Supervising Sound Editor Andreas Franck Sound Re-Recording Mixer Giorgos Karnavas Co-Producer Konstantinos Kontovrakis Co-Producer Mouns Overgaard Line Producer Daniel Steinman Executive Producer Therese Ros Makeup & Hair Assistant Ryan Friedkin Executive Producer Dan Friedkin Executive Producer Daniel Lindvik Sound Editor Vincent Larsson Visual Effects Producer Micah Green Executive Producer Rikard Waxin Production Manager Rikard Waxin First Assistant Director Pauline Hansson Casting Ludwig Källén Assistant Editor Jamal Zeinal Zade Executive Producer Lydia Sandrén Makeup & Hair Assistant Lars Carlsson Tattooist Benny Persson Sound Editor Zahra Waldeck Line Producer Mike Goodridge Executive Producer Johannes Dekko Sound Editor Sandra Jethon Other Alessandro Del Vigna Executive Producer Morten Fagelund Sound Editor Yorgos Korakianitis Third Assistant Director Gabriel de Knoop Art Direction Doris Lang Thomas Post-Production Manager Brina Elizabeta Blaz Executive Producer Anastasia Lamprou Assistant Art Director Gustav Landbecker Sound Editor Danae Spathara Line Producer Dionysia Dimitrakelou Assistant Production Manager Michalis Kyrimis Unit Manager Katharina Heep Makeup Artist Faruk Guven Co-Producer Malin Andersson Makeup & Hair Assistant Kuriaki Dokuka Makeup & Hair Assistant Nikola Grozdic Makeup & Hair Assistant Lobat Jafari Makeup & Hair Assistant Mia Joksimovic Makeup & Hair Assistant Vivi Oikonomidi Other Pia Paprzik Makeup & Hair Jörn Runk Prosthetics Regina Thörnwall Makeup & Hair Assistant Gogo Trabazali Other Regina Törnvall Makeup & Hair Assistant Melodie Von Sass Hairstylist Janina Zeis Makeup & Hair Assistant Tora Greiff Bergström Casting Assistant Daphne Dokoumetzidi Assistant Production Manager Nikos Drekis Assistant Unit Manager Alexandros Kakaniaris Assistant Production Manager Panos Karabinis Production Manager George Nounessis Production Manager Ingrid Skagestad Production Manager Anna Hällgren Assistant Director Peter Toggeth Karlsson Visual Effects Art Director Linton Lundin Third Assistant Director Markus Lusth Second Assistant Director Christoffer Sjöman Assistant Director Trainee Lev Watach Other David Sesemann Foley Recordist Alexander Wunsch Sound Editor Dimitris Bourzoukos Stunt Coordinator Harris Dickinson Carl Charlbi Dean Yaya Woody Harrelson Thomas, The Captain Zlatko Burić Dimitry Vicki Berlin Paula Dolly de Leon Abigail Henrik Dorsin Jarmo Iris Berben Therese Jean-Christophe Folly Nelson Amanda Walker Clementine Oliver Ford Davies Winston Sunnyi Melles Vera Thobias Thorwid Lewis Jiannis Moustos Driver Timoleon Gketsos Handsome Crewman Alicia Eriksson Alicia Carolina Gynning Ludmilla Ralph Schicha Uli Arvin Kananian Darius Mia Benson Dirty Sails Lady Stefan Gödicke Yacht Chef Nana Manu Beach Vendor Fredrik Quinones Male Model Filip Roséen Male Model Chidiegwu Chidi Male Model Charlie Westerberg Male Model Erik Andersson Male Model Hamlet Talje Willoughby Male Model Victor Köhler Male Model Daniel Estehghari Male Model Alfons Miari Male Model Isak Barrow Male Model Alexander Virenhem Male Model Malte Gårdinger Male Model Alfred Lindström Male Model Augustine Kajue Male Model William-Patrik Molvén Male Model Florand Kaufeldt Male Model Theodor Öhrn Male Model Jin Zou Male Model David Alexanderson Male Model Olof Källström Male Model Julian Redaelli Male Model Egil Ahlenius Male Model Carl Jood Male Model Chand Smith Male Model Malick Afocozi Male Model Ludvig Fast Male Model Victor Norlander Male Model Anton Isaksson Male Model Brian Kamara Male Model Eric Svirins Male Model Hugo Palm Male Model Simon Bredenberg Male Model Noa Del Castillo Hallberg Male Model Ann-Sofi Back Casting Jury Robert Rydberg Casting Jury Robert Nordberg Casting Jury Charlotte Brattin Casting Jury Mira Uszkureit Casting Jury Alex Schulman Front Row Amanda Schulman Front Row Emma Warg Front Row Camilla Läckberg Front Row Christina Saliba Front Row Karin Myrenberg Front Row Linnea Olsson Cello Player Asta Stensson Model at Runway Elsa Sjökvist Model at Runway Johanna Ovelius Model at Runway Shaniaz Hama Ali Advanced Extra Catrin Nilsson Advanced Extra Jacob Papinniemi Advanced Extra Mimmi Brundin Advanced Extra Melodie Von Sass Advanced Extra Ellen Dixdotter Advanced Extra Sofia Lücke Advanced Extra Ronja Kruus Advanced Extra Chris Westerstrom Advanced Extra Hedda Rehnberg Advanced Extra Robert Martufi Advanced Extra Hanna Oldenburg Yacht Steward Arnella Zetterström Yacht Steward Sepideh Mazloom Yacht Steward Eric Dernsjö Yacht Steward Nikolas Drosopoulos Yacht Crew Chrysanthi Theodosi Yacht Crew Maria Alexiou Yacht Crew Marilena Lampropoulou Yacht Crew Christos Ntoulas Yacht Crew Nikolas Chalkiadakis Yacht Crew Grace Milaszewski Yacht Crew Melina Marksaitis Yacht Crew Theresa Johannesson Yacht Crew Leocilyn Capanas Yacht Crew Nanette Lipponen Yacht Crew Maria Danica Herrera Yacht Crew Maria Grace Concepcion Yacht Crew Kristin Delfinado Yacht Crew Shanilou Del Mundo Yacht Crew John Michael Yadao Yacht Crew Freedom Ziad Ahmed Yacht Crew Robert Jomar Yacht Crew Garry Villador Deveratturda Yacht Crew Christopher Janiola Yacht Crew Mario Rowen Bugtai Yacht Crew Mohamed Lachras Yacht Crew Taye Nathanail Yacht Crew Athanasios Papaioannou Yacht Crew Alexandros Sargologos Yacht Crew Allen Bandiola Yacht Crew Nicolas Refin Yacht Crew Lontoc Rolyn Yacht Crew John Paul Paugio Yacht Crew John Paulo Yacht Crew Anne Brocklin Bergman Yacht Passenger Johnny Bergman Yacht Passenger Fredrik Wikingsson Yacht Passenger Henrik Thott Yacht Passenger Thomas Peteus Yacht Passenger Magnus Jeansson Yacht Passenger Stefan Martikainen Yacht Passenger Britt-Marie Svensson Yacht Passenger Arash Raoufi Yacht Passenger Nafiseh Hadizadeh Yacht Passenger Inga Hahn Yacht Passenger Lennart Hahn Yacht Passenger Linda Anborg Yacht Passenger Karina Baldock Wiking Yacht Passenger Olof Myhrman Yacht Passenger Rebecca Fager Yacht Passenger Hilde Fager Yacht Passenger Emmylou Saguindel-Holmé Yacht Passenger Ann-Marie Eriksson Yacht Passenger Pål Svensson Yacht Passenger Giorgos Kyriakopoulos Yacht Passenger Pavlos Laoutaris Yacht Passenger Eva Koroli Yacht Passenger Alexia Mpogdanou Yacht Passenger Giannis Papathymios Yacht Passenger Achilles Vatrikas Yacht Passenger Gianna Andritsaki Yacht Passenger Dauda Coneth Pirate Beh Solo Kone Pirate Yussif Zakaria Pirate Papa Cheik Jade Pirate TRIANGLE OF SADNESS Trailer Ufficiale (dal 27 Ottobre al Cinema) ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Mob Psycho 100 Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia La storia di Mob Psycho 100 si sviluppa intorno a “Mob”, un ragazzo che esploderebbe se vivesse le sue emozioni al 100%. Questo ragazzo con strani poteri psichici ha guadagnato il suo nickname “Mob” (la folla, la massa) perché difficilmente si distingue in mezzo alle altre persone. Per evitare di perdere il controllo del suo corpo ed esplodere, quindi, il protagonista cerca di tenere chiusi dentro di sé tutti i suoi sentimenti, per condurre una vita normale. Ma la cosa non si rivelerà per niente facile. Takahiro Hasui Series Director Kosuke Ogata Sound Effects Yoshimichi Kameda Supervising Animation Director Fumihiro Ozawa Producer Yusuke Ueno Producer Tatsuya Saito Line Producer Fumie Ishikura Sound Mixer Masahiko Minami Producer Shuho Kondo Producer Miyo Sato Opening/Ending Animation Shiho Yanase Assistant Art Director Shinji Omori Producer ONE Comic Book Hiroshi Seko Series Composition Yoshimichi Kameda Character Designer Kenji Kawai Original Music Composer Kazuhiro Wakabayashi Sound Director Kiyoshi Hirose Editor Shihoko Nakayama Color Designer Mayuko Furumoto Director of Photography Akio Matsuda Producer Hirotsugu Ogisu Producer Yuzuru Tachikawa Series Director Ryo Kono Art Direction Yasuo Shimura Title Designer Shizuo Kurahashi Sound Effects Setsuo Ito Shigeo 'Mob' Kageyama (voice) Takahiro Sakurai Arataka Reigen (voice) Miyu Irino Ritsu Kageyama (voice) Akio Otsuka Dimple (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2016-07-12 1: Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~ Psychics fight with supernatural phenomena that cannot be explained by science. Arataka Reigen that runs the Spirits and Such Consultation office is one of those psychics... well, a fake one. His only hope is a super dull middle-schooler named Shigeo Kageyama, a.k.a. Mob. 27% towards Mob's explosion. 1: Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~ In onda il: 2016-07-12 Psychics fight with supernatural phenomena that cannot be explained by science. Arataka Reigen that runs the Spirits and Such Consultation office is one of those psychics... well, a fake one. His only hope is a super dull middle-schooler named Shigeo Kageyama, a.k.a. Mob. 27% towards Mob's explosion. In onda il: 2016-07-19 2: Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~ The Telepathy Club is told that they are going to be shut down by the student council due to lack of members. It was then that one of the members, Inukawa, thought of possibly getting Mob to join. However, Mob gets a call from Reigen about taking care of an incident at Highso Girls' Academy... 2: Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~ In onda il: 2016-07-19 The Telepathy Club is told that they are going to be shut down by the student council due to lack of members. It was then that one of the members, Inukawa, thought of possibly getting Mob to join. However, Mob gets a call from Reigen about taking care of an incident at Highso Girls' Academy... In onda il: 2016-07-26 3: An Invite to a Meeting ~Simply Put, I Just Want to Be Popular~ It's great that Mob joined the Body Improvement Club, but he suddenly faints as he's running along the riverside. His wish is to get stronger and to be able to get closer to his beloved Tsubomi-chan. One day, as Mob is feeling troubled, a woman with a strange mask approaches him... Progress toward Mob's explosion: 20%. 3: An Invite to a Meeting ~Simply Put, I Just Want to Be Popular~ In onda il: 2016-07-26 It's great that Mob joined the Body Improvement Club, but he suddenly faints as he's running along the riverside. His wish is to get stronger and to be able to get closer to his beloved Tsubomi-chan. One day, as Mob is feeling troubled, a woman with a strange mask approaches him... Progress toward Mob's explosion: 20%. In onda il: 2016-08-02 4: Idiots Only Event ~Kin~ After the incident with the religious organization (LOL), the evil spirit, Dimple, keeps following Mob around. Also, because of the incident, Mezato Ichi from the school paper starts following around Mob, as well. Then one day, another student joins the Body Improvement Club. Progress Towards Mob's Explosion: 45% 4: Idiots Only Event ~Kin~ In onda il: 2016-08-02 After the incident with the religious organization (LOL), the evil spirit, Dimple, keeps following Mob around. Also, because of the incident, Mezato Ichi from the school paper starts following around Mob, as well. Then one day, another student joins the Body Improvement Club. Progress Towards Mob's Explosion: 45% In onda il: 2016-08-09 5: OCHIMUSHA ~Psychic Powers and Me~ Mob is challenged to a one-on-one fight with Black Vinegar Middle School's shadow leader, Teruki Hanazawa, otherwise known as Teru. Mob doesn't use his powers but Teru goes all out on him, destroying everything around him. Teru continues to unleash his incredible power when Mob suddenly remembers a tragedy that happened between him and Ritsu... 5: OCHIMUSHA ~Psychic Powers and Me~ In onda il: 2016-08-09 Mob is challenged to a one-on-one fight with Black Vinegar Middle School's shadow leader, Teruki Hanazawa, otherwise known as Teru. Mob doesn't use his powers but Teru goes all out on him, destroying everything around him. Teru continues to unleash his incredible power when Mob suddenly remembers a tragedy that happened between him and Ritsu... In onda il: 2016-08-16 6: Discord ~To Become One~ Peaceful days return after Mob's fight with Teru. As usual, Reigen continues to trick people as a fake psychic, and the president of the Telepathy Club, Tome Kurata, drags Mob around to find other espers. Then one day, a mysterious man talks to Mob's younger brother, Ritsu... 6: Discord ~To Become One~ In onda il: 2016-08-16 Peaceful days return after Mob's fight with Teru. As usual, Reigen continues to trick people as a fake psychic, and the president of the Telepathy Club, Tome Kurata, drags Mob around to find other espers. Then one day, a mysterious man talks to Mob's younger brother, Ritsu... In onda il: 2016-08-23 7: Exaltation ~I've Obtained Loss~ Salt Middle School undergoes deep cleaning lead by the student council president, and one thug after another gets targeted. Meanwhile, the story about Mob defeating the shadow leader at Black Vinegar Middle School starts to get embellished and takes on a life of it's own, and Mob gets to be known as "White T Poison." All of the gang leaders from the other schools start to gather at Salt Middle School to confront White T Poison. Also, Ritsu awakens to his dormant psychic powers, and Dimple manages to convince Ritsu to pair with him to become stronger than his brother. Ritsu finally gets to experience those powers for himself. 7: Exaltation ~I've Obtained Loss~ In onda il: 2016-08-23 Salt Middle School undergoes deep cleaning lead by the student council president, and one thug after another gets targeted. Meanwhile, the story about Mob defeating the shadow leader at Black Vinegar Middle School starts to get embellished and takes on a life of it's own, and Mob gets to be known as "White T Poison." All of the gang leaders from the other schools start to gather at Salt Middle School to confront White T Poison. Also, Ritsu awakens to his dormant psychic powers, and Dimple manages to convince Ritsu to pair with him to become stronger than his brother. Ritsu finally gets to experience those powers for himself. In onda il: 2016-08-30 8: The Older Brother Bows ~Destructive Intent~ After defeating all of the gang leaders from the surrounding schools, Ritsu feels omnipotent. And then, he's confronted by none other than his older brother, Mob. Mob knew that Ritsu had wanted psychic powers for a while, so he congratulates him. However Ritsu doesn't greet his brother with kindness. Meanwhile, a mysterious man watches the brothers from a distance. He easily manages to grab Ritsu, and tries to drag him off. Mob activates his powers in order to save his brother. 8: The Older Brother Bows ~Destructive Intent~ In onda il: 2016-08-30 After defeating all of the gang leaders from the surrounding schools, Ritsu feels omnipotent. And then, he's confronted by none other than his older brother, Mob. Mob knew that Ritsu had wanted psychic powers for a while, so he congratulates him. However Ritsu doesn't greet his brother with kindness. Meanwhile, a mysterious man watches the brothers from a distance. He easily manages to grab Ritsu, and tries to drag him off. Mob activates his powers in order to save his brother. In onda il: 2016-09-06 9: Claw ~7th Division~ Ritsu and the others get abducted by a mysterious man named Koyama, and get taken to the secret organization Claw's 7th Division. Claw is an organization who is trying to lead the world to a better future by taking it over. One of Claw's assassins, Terada goes after Mob and Teru, but they overpower him and get him to tell them secrets about the organization. In order to save Ritsu, Mob heads to the 7th Division but encounters another member of Claw. 9: Claw ~7th Division~ In onda il: 2016-09-06 Ritsu and the others get abducted by a mysterious man named Koyama, and get taken to the secret organization Claw's 7th Division. Claw is an organization who is trying to lead the world to a better future by taking it over. One of Claw's assassins, Terada goes after Mob and Teru, but they overpower him and get him to tell them secrets about the organization. In order to save Ritsu, Mob heads to the 7th Division but encounters another member of Claw. In onda il: 2016-09-13 10: The Heinous Aura ~Mastermind~ Mob and Teru infiltrate the Claw's 7th Division to save Ritsu. Meanwhile, Ritsu tries to escape with the other esper kids and they run into the upper echelon and leader of the 7th Division. Teru and Dimple run into trouble after a strenuous battle, and the boss from Claw finally shows himself... 10: The Heinous Aura ~Mastermind~ In onda il: 2016-09-13 Mob and Teru infiltrate the Claw's 7th Division to save Ritsu. Meanwhile, Ritsu tries to escape with the other esper kids and they run into the upper echelon and leader of the 7th Division. Teru and Dimple run into trouble after a strenuous battle, and the boss from Claw finally shows himself... In onda il: 2016-09-20 11: Master ~Leader~ Mob, Ritsu, and Teru are trapped in a room where they can't use their powers. And then, someone rather unexpected shows up in front of them: Mob's master and self-proclaimed psychic, Reigen. Somehow, Reigen is mistakenly thought as the boss of Claw, and easily manages to get inside and successfully saves Mob and the others. However, there is no way that Ishiguro would let them get away with this. As they try to escape the 7th Division, the upper echelon stands in their way. 11: Master ~Leader~ In onda il: 2016-09-20 Mob, Ritsu, and Teru are trapped in a room where they can't use their powers. And then, someone rather unexpected shows up in front of them: Mob's master and self-proclaimed psychic, Reigen. Somehow, Reigen is mistakenly thought as the boss of Claw, and easily manages to get inside and successfully saves Mob and the others. However, there is no way that Ishiguro would let them get away with this. As they try to escape the 7th Division, the upper echelon stands in their way. In onda il: 2016-09-27 12: Mob and Reigen ~A Giant Tsuchinoko Appears~ Mob is finally pushed to his limit when he has to face Sakurai, Muraki, Matsuo and Ishiguro of the upper echelon. But then, he comes to a rather surprising decision... 12: Mob and Reigen ~A Giant Tsuchinoko Appears~ In onda il: 2016-09-27 Mob is finally pushed to his limit when he has to face Sakurai, Muraki, Matsuo and Ishiguro of the upper echelon. But then, he comes to a rather surprising decision... Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Sissy 1 h 42 m 2022 Horror ◦ Commedia ◦ Thriller Cecilia ed Emma sono state inseparabili migliori amiche da ragazzine, ma con il tempo hanno finito poi per dividersi. Oggi Cecilia è una celebre influencer che si occupa di benessere mentale e incontra per caso la vecchia amica al supermercato. Emma insiste per invitarla a un weekend di festeggiamenti per il suo addio al nubilato insieme alle sue nuove amiche. Cecilia si troverà così incastrata in una remota baita in compagnia della bulletta che la tormentava ai tempi delle scuole superiori. Marianne Jade Casting Kenneth Lampl Original Music Composer Steve Arnold Director of Photography Larry Van Duynhoven Prosthetic Designer Kane Senes Screenplay Kane Senes Director Jason Taylor Producer Seth Larney Executive Producer William Day Frank Executive Producer Lisa Shaunessy Producer Renate Henschke Costume Designer Clement Dunn Executive Producer Hannah Barlow Screenplay Hannah Barlow Director Helen Tuck Hair Designer Helen Tuck Makeup Designer Julian Dimase Prosthetic Makeup Artist John De Margheriti Producer Vicki De Margheriti Executive Producer Alexandra Burke Executive Producer Margi Hoy Editor Bec Janek Producer Courtney Westbrook Art Direction Mathieu van de Velde Executive Producer Anna Dadic Executive Producer Jacqueline Kerwick Executive Producer Angela Brookes Makeup Artist Angela Brookes Hairstylist Michael Price Production Design Tristan Lucas Prosthetic Makeup Artist Aisha Dee Cecilia Hannah Barlow Emma Emily De Margheriti Alex Daniel Monks Jamie Yerin Ha Tracey Lucy Barrett Fran Shaun Martindale Constable Martindale Amelia Lule Young Cecilia April Blasdall Young Alex Camille Cumpston Young Emma Louise Barlow Chemist Melissa Brownlow Pregnant Lady Victoria Hopkins Officer Hopkins Neil Parikh Jamie's Party Date Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Il metodo StanisLastrico 1 h 10 m 2022 Commedia ◦ televisione film Maurizio Lastrico festeggia in teatro il suo primo speciale. Le sue celebri terzine dantesche in chiave moderna, i suoi racconti di vita vissuta e i guizzi creativi vissuti a tu per tu con il suo pubblico. Una delle proposte più originali e coinvolgenti degli ultimi anni: né attore, né stand ho, né cabarettista né comico semplicemente Maurizio Lastrico. Roberto Cenci Director Maurizio Lastrico Self Maria Chiara Giannetta Self Enzo Paci Self Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
- metodo
- stanislastrico
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer VINLAND SAGA Stagione 2 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ War & Politics Europa, Undicesimo Secolo. I popoli vichinghi sono ormai una forza inarrestabile e nessuna costa del continente può dirsi al sicuro dalle navi con la prua di drago, specialmente da quelle appartenenti alla Jomsviking. Combattere è sempre un motivo di orgoglio per i vichinghi, ma attorno a queste battaglie ruotano anche molti miti a causa del fatto che chi ne parla la maggior parte delle volte non ne ha mai vissuta una, il che comporta spesso a morte certa. Inizia l’epica narrazione di Vinland Saga, in cui si intrecciano la Grande Storia e le vicende personali di un gruppo di personaggi come il giovane Thorfinn, il cui unico scopo è placare la sua sete di vendetta, e Askeladd, astuto mercenario a capo di una torma di vichinghi. Minori Nishita Color Designer Hisashi Matsumukou Director of Photography Nobuaki Takayama Music Producer Makoto Kimura Associate Producer Sei Matsumoto Producer Akira Yonezawa Producer Masae Yamato Producer Kentaro Ohnuki Assistant Art Director Tomoyuki Aoki Art Designer Hikari Kaga Special Effects Kohei Ogawa 3D Director Akiko Kudo Prop Designer Kenji Wakasa Prop Designer Koki Tsujimura Prop Designer Keiko Watanabe Prop Designer Kei Ajiki Prop Designer Takuji Abe Prop Designer Yuri Takahashi Online Editor Moe Suzuki Online Editor Miho Irobe Prop Designer Shoji Hata Sound Director Yusuke Takeda Art Direction Makoto Yukimura Comic Book Hiroshi Seko Series Composition Shuhei Yabuta Series Director Takahiko Abiru Supervising Animation Director Naokado Fujiyama Producer Takahiko Abiru Character Designer Yutaka Yamada Original Music Composer Takuya Hasegawa Sound Effects Akiko Kudo Lead Animator Satoshi Hashimoto Color Designer Toshihiro Funahashi Music Producer Minoru Ozawa Researcher Hiroya Hasegawa Line Producer Yuki Kawashita Director of Photography Yoshinori Shiozawa Art Designer Yukie Inose Art Designer Kashiko Kimura Editor Yuto Uemura Thorfinn (voice) Shunsuke Takeuchi Einar (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2023-01-10 1: Slave Einar lives peacefully in northern England with his mother and sister, but then one day, their village comes under attack. 1: Slave In onda il: 2023-01-10 Einar lives peacefully in northern England with his mother and sister, but then one day, their village comes under attack. In onda il: 2023-01-17 2: Ketil's Farm Einar and Thorfinn are told to convert a wild forest into a wheat field; and if they succeed, they will have the chance to buy their own freedom. 2: Ketil's Farm In onda il: 2023-01-17 Einar and Thorfinn are told to convert a wild forest into a wheat field; and if they succeed, they will have the chance to buy their own freedom. In onda il: 2023-01-24 3: Snake The farm guards convince Ketil’s 17-year-old son that he needs to make his first killing to become a man. 3: Snake In onda il: 2023-01-24 The farm guards convince Ketil’s 17-year-old son that he needs to make his first killing to become a man. In onda il: 2023-01-31 4: Awakening After everything that happened, Einar asks Thorfinn if he's ever fought in a war — and if he's ever killed a man. 4: Awakening In onda il: 2023-01-31 After everything that happened, Einar asks Thorfinn if he's ever fought in a war — and if he's ever killed a man. In onda il: 2023-02-07 5: Path of Blood After the sudden turn of events, young Canute must rise up to claim the throne to a kingdom much reduced and under attack. 5: Path of Blood In onda il: 2023-02-07 After the sudden turn of events, young Canute must rise up to claim the throne to a kingdom much reduced and under attack. In onda il: 2023-02-14 6: We Need a Horse Thorfinn and Einar are working themselves to the bone to clear the forest, but there's only so much they can do without the help of horses. 6: We Need a Horse In onda il: 2023-02-14 Thorfinn and Einar are working themselves to the bone to clear the forest, but there's only so much they can do without the help of horses. In onda il: 2023-02-21 7: Iron Fist Ketil Thieves have been stealing food from Ketil's farm. Meanwhile, Ketil's eldest son Thorgil returns home. 7: Iron Fist Ketil In onda il: 2023-02-21 Thieves have been stealing food from Ketil's farm. Meanwhile, Ketil's eldest son Thorgil returns home. In onda il: 2023-02-28 8: An Empty Man Thorfinn has nightmares almost every night, but he can never remember what he dreamed about — and that bothers him. 8: An Empty Man In onda il: 2023-02-28 Thorfinn has nightmares almost every night, but he can never remember what he dreamed about — and that bothers him. In onda il: 2023-03-07 9: Oath Thorfinn wakes up in a peaceful place and he sees his father again. But then things quickly turn dark, and Thorfinn must face his painful past. 9: Oath In onda il: 2023-03-07 Thorfinn wakes up in a peaceful place and he sees his father again. But then things quickly turn dark, and Thorfinn must face his painful past. In onda il: 2023-03-14 10: The Cursed Head Finally, after three long years, Einar and Thorfinn chop down the final tree in the forest. With hope in their hearts, they talk about the future. 10: The Cursed Head In onda il: 2023-03-14 Finally, after three long years, Einar and Thorfinn chop down the final tree in the forest. With hope in their hearts, they talk about the future. In onda il: 2023-03-21 11: Kings and Swords While in Jelling, Ketil, Thorgil and Olmar meet a man named Leif Erikson who is searching for Thorfinn, the son of his close friend. 11: Kings and Swords In onda il: 2023-03-21 While in Jelling, Ketil, Thorgil and Olmar meet a man named Leif Erikson who is searching for Thorfinn, the son of his close friend. In onda il: 2023-03-28 12: For Lost Love Olmar feels insulted by Canute's messenger and, encouraged by his older brother Thorgil, takes matters into his own hands. 12: For Lost Love In onda il: 2023-03-28 Olmar feels insulted by Canute's messenger and, encouraged by his older brother Thorgil, takes matters into his own hands. In onda il: 2023-04-04 13: Dark Clouds Einar says that even if he gains his freedom, he wants to stay near Arnheid. Snake hears news of a slave who killed his owners, and is now on the run. 13: Dark Clouds In onda il: 2023-04-04 Einar says that even if he gains his freedom, he wants to stay near Arnheid. Snake hears news of a slave who killed his owners, and is now on the run. In onda il: 2023-04-11 14: Freedom A runaway slave appears on Ketil's farm, claiming to be Arnheid's husband. But before he can free her, he's confronted by Snake. 14: Freedom In onda il: 2023-04-11 A runaway slave appears on Ketil's farm, claiming to be Arnheid's husband. But before he can free her, he's confronted by Snake. In onda il: 2023-04-18 15: Storm Arnheid comes to the fortress where Gardar is imprisoned. She wants to see her husband and treat his injuries. 15: Storm In onda il: 2023-04-18 Arnheid comes to the fortress where Gardar is imprisoned. She wants to see her husband and treat his injuries. In onda il: 2023-04-25 16: Great Purpose As Snake intensifies his search, Arnheid tells Einar and Thorfinn everything she's done. Knowing the risks, Einar and Thorfinn offer to help her. 16: Great Purpose In onda il: 2023-04-25 As Snake intensifies his search, Arnheid tells Einar and Thorfinn everything she's done. Knowing the risks, Einar and Thorfinn offer to help her. In onda il: 2023-05-02 17: The Road Home Snake strikes quickly, surprising Thorfinn with his speed and agility. As he lies wounded, Gardar thinks back on the life he shared with Arnheid. 17: The Road Home In onda il: 2023-05-02 Snake strikes quickly, surprising Thorfinn with his speed and agility. As he lies wounded, Gardar thinks back on the life he shared with Arnheid. In onda il: 2023-05-09 18: The First Method After returning home to his farm, an exhausted Ketil starts searching for Arnheid, only to find out what happened in his absence. 18: The First Method In onda il: 2023-05-09 After returning home to his farm, an exhausted Ketil starts searching for Arnheid, only to find out what happened in his absence. In onda il: 2023-05-16 19: The Battle of Ketil's Farm Amidst the confusion of a peasant uprising, Thorfinn and the others try to escape, carrying a severely injured and pregnant Arnheid. 19: The Battle of Ketil's Farm In onda il: 2023-05-16 Amidst the confusion of a peasant uprising, Thorfinn and the others try to escape, carrying a severely injured and pregnant Arnheid. In onda il: 2023-05-23 20: Pain As Thorfinn and Einar head for their escape, Arnheid regains consciousness and asks where they are going — and if there are slaves and wars there, too. 20: Pain In onda il: 2023-05-23 As Thorfinn and Einar head for their escape, Arnheid regains consciousness and asks where they are going — and if there are slaves and wars there, too. In onda il: 2023-05-30 21: Courage The battle has left heartbreaking casualties in its wake. Though Thorgil and Ketil's wife want to continue the fight, Canute demands their surrender. 21: Courage In onda il: 2023-05-30 The battle has left heartbreaking casualties in its wake. Though Thorgil and Ketil's wife want to continue the fight, Canute demands their surrender. In onda il: 2023-06-06 22: The King of Rebellion Snake tries to put a stop to it, but Thorfinn insists on receiving all 100 blows from Canute's brutish guard Drott, shocking the rowdy onlookers. 22: The King of Rebellion In onda il: 2023-06-06 Snake tries to put a stop to it, but Thorfinn insists on receiving all 100 blows from Canute's brutish guard Drott, shocking the rowdy onlookers. In onda il: 2023-06-13 23: Two Paths Thorfinn and Einar have said their piece, but Canute stubbornly refuses to give up Ketil's Farm. Then, Thorfinn breaks the standoff with a decision. 23: Two Paths In onda il: 2023-06-13 Thorfinn and Einar have said their piece, but Canute stubbornly refuses to give up Ketil's Farm. Then, Thorfinn breaks the standoff with a decision. In onda il: 2023-06-20 24: Home At long last, Thorfinn returns to Iceland and finds a moment of happiness, reunited with his loved ones. But soon, he opens up about his next journey. 24: Home In onda il: 2023-06-20 At long last, Thorfinn returns to Iceland and finds a moment of happiness, reunited with his loved ones. But soon, he opens up about his next journey. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Mobile 101 - La vera storia di Nokia 1 [6/6] ITA Streaming
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Mobile 101 - La vera storia di Nokia Stagione 1 Episodi 6 Dramma Serie drammatica che guarda alla storia recente, Mobile 101 racconta infatti l'ascesa e la caduta di uno delle principali aziende produttrici di telefonia, la finlandese Nokia, una società con oltre 150 anni di vita e che ha operato in vari settori prima di approdare alle telecomunicazioni e all'elettronica di consumo. Maarit Lalli Director Andrus Prikk First Assistant Camera Sampo Sarkola Jorma Ollila Satu Tuuli Karhu Katarina Tammi Emil Kihlström Aki Makkonen Aku Sipola Risto Salminen Oona Airola Vuokko Salminen Niina Nurminen Barbro Nyqvist Pelle Heikkilä Antti Lagerroos Episodi: 6 In onda il: 2022-04-13 1: Leadership in crisi Katarina viene assunta come avvocato. Risto vuole realizzare il cellulare più piccolo del mondo. 1: Leadership in crisi In onda il: 2022-04-13 Katarina viene assunta come avvocato. Risto vuole realizzare il cellulare più piccolo del mondo. In onda il: 2022-04-13 2: Violazione di brevetto Katarina è un'abile negoziatrice. La Nokia è citata in giudizio per violazione di brevetto. 2: Violazione di brevetto In onda il: 2022-04-13 Katarina è un'abile negoziatrice. La Nokia è citata in giudizio per violazione di brevetto. In onda il: 2022-04-21 3: H300 Katarina e Aki preparano la difesa per il caso Motorola. Il progetto di Risto viene accantonato. 3: H300 In onda il: 2022-04-21 Katarina e Aki preparano la difesa per il caso Motorola. Il progetto di Risto viene accantonato. In onda il: 2022-04-28 4: Magia di mezza estate Il team legale Motorola arriva in Finlandia. Il progetto segreto Northstar viene messo in moto. 4: Magia di mezza estate In onda il: 2022-04-28 Il team legale Motorola arriva in Finlandia. Il progetto segreto Northstar viene messo in moto. In onda il: 2022-05-05 5: Washington D.C. Katarina e Aki vanno negli Stati Uniti. Risto porta sua moglie in viaggio di nozze in Francia. 5: Washington D.C. In onda il: 2022-05-05 Katarina e Aki vanno negli Stati Uniti. Risto porta sua moglie in viaggio di nozze in Francia. In onda il: 2022-05-12 6: Telefoni cellulari Nokia Il rapporto tra Katarina e Aki diventa teso. Jorma riceve un'offerta. Il rischio di Risto ripaga. 6: Telefoni cellulari Nokia In onda il: 2022-05-12 Il rapporto tra Katarina e Aki diventa teso. Jorma riceve un'offerta. Il rischio di Risto ripaga. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e