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Stagione 1 Episodi 24
Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
La maggior parte dei bisogni del mondo sono soddisfatti da robot umanoidi chiamati hIE. Un giorno, la diciassettenne Arato Endo incontra l'androide Lacia e diventa il suo proprietario. È una dei cinque androidi con IA avanzata. Ognuna delle cinque unità ha le proprie motivazioni e lotta per ottenere le abilità l'una dell'altra. Quale sarà il rapporto tra uomo e macchina? Questo è qualcosa che Arato deve trovare.
Episodi: 24
In onda il: 2018-01-13
1: Episodio 1
Aprile. Arato, studente del secondo anno di liceo, aveva una vita normale che trascorreva con i suoi amici Ryo e Kengo. Fino a quella sera. Mentre torna a casa dopo aver fatto la spesa, Arato viene attaccato da un hIE corrotto, ma una bellissima hIE di nome Lacia arriva in suo soccorso. -
1: Episodio 1
In onda il: 2018-01-13Aprile. Arato, studente del secondo anno di liceo, aveva una vita normale che trascorreva con i suoi amici Ryo e Kengo. Fino a quella sera. Mentre torna a casa dopo aver fatto la spesa, Arato viene attaccato da un hIE corrotto, ma una bellissima hIE di nome Lacia arriva in suo soccorso.
In onda il: 2018-01-20
2: Episodio 2
Dopo aver firmato un contratto con Arato, Lacia è venuta a vivere con gli Endo. Yuka, la sorella di Arato, ha accettato completamente Lacia e l'ha persino iscritta a un'audizione per modelle di HIE. Nel frattempo, Arato non riesce a nascondere la sua apprensione per la convivenza con una ragazza che sembra avere la sua stessa età. -
2: Episodio 2
In onda il: 2018-01-20Dopo aver firmato un contratto con Arato, Lacia è venuta a vivere con gli Endo. Yuka, la sorella di Arato, ha accettato completamente Lacia e l'ha persino iscritta a un'audizione per modelle di HIE. Nel frattempo, Arato non riesce a nascondere la sua apprensione per la convivenza con una ragazza che sembra avere la sua stessa età.
In onda il: 2018-01-27
3: Episodio 3
Nonostante la consapevolezza dell'hacking analogico, Arato non può fare a meno di essere attratto da Lacia. In mezzo a tutto questo, Lacia viene "rapita" proprio davanti a Yuka. Arato è arrabbiato con la polizia e con la sua riluttanza a trattare questo caso come qualcosa di diverso dal furto di proprietà, così chiede l'aiuto di Ryo e Kengo per indagare da soli. -
3: Episodio 3
In onda il: 2018-01-27Nonostante la consapevolezza dell'hacking analogico, Arato non può fare a meno di essere attratto da Lacia. In mezzo a tutto questo, Lacia viene "rapita" proprio davanti a Yuka. Arato è arrabbiato con la polizia e con la sua riluttanza a trattare questo caso come qualcosa di diverso dal furto di proprietà, così chiede l'aiuto di Ryo e Kengo per indagare da soli.
In onda il: 2018-02-03
4: Episodio 4
Kouka, la violenta hIE che si definisce la prima sorella di Lacia. Grazie al suo controllo sulla rete di anticorpi, sta progettando di compiere un terribile atto di terrorismo. Quando Arato viene a sapere che il suo piano sta mettendo in pericolo Kengo, si mette in viaggio per salvare Kengo con l'aiuto di Lacia. -
4: Episodio 4
In onda il: 2018-02-03Kouka, la violenta hIE che si definisce la prima sorella di Lacia. Grazie al suo controllo sulla rete di anticorpi, sta progettando di compiere un terribile atto di terrorismo. Quando Arato viene a sapere che il suo piano sta mettendo in pericolo Kengo, si mette in viaggio per salvare Kengo con l'aiuto di Lacia.
In onda il: 2018-02-10
5: Episodio 5
Arato arriva al centro di promozione industriale che è l'obiettivo dell'attacco terroristico della rete anticorpi. Salendo le scale, vede l'androide politico Mikoto sviluppato da suo padre, che lo mette a disagio. Poco dopo, l'unità terroristica guidata da Kouka e un altro HIE di classe Lacia arrivano sulla scena. Sta per scoppiare una grande battaglia! -
5: Episodio 5
In onda il: 2018-02-10Arato arriva al centro di promozione industriale che è l'obiettivo dell'attacco terroristico della rete anticorpi. Salendo le scale, vede l'androide politico Mikoto sviluppato da suo padre, che lo mette a disagio. Poco dopo, l'unità terroristica guidata da Kouka e un altro HIE di classe Lacia arrivano sulla scena. Sta per scoppiare una grande battaglia!
In onda il: 2018-02-24
6: Episodio 6
Arato riesce a salvare Kengo dalla calamità del centro di promozione industriale. Tuttavia, anche dopo essere tornato alla vita normale, si ritrova consumato da misteri sempre più profondi. Nel frattempo, alla Memeframe Corporation si inasprisce una disputa tra fazioni. In questo contesto, la hIE Methode di classe Lacia sta per fare la sua mossa. -
6: Episodio 6
In onda il: 2018-02-24Arato riesce a salvare Kengo dalla calamità del centro di promozione industriale. Tuttavia, anche dopo essere tornato alla vita normale, si ritrova consumato da misteri sempre più profondi. Nel frattempo, alla Memeframe Corporation si inasprisce una disputa tra fazioni. In questo contesto, la hIE Methode di classe Lacia sta per fare la sua mossa.
In onda il: 2018-03-03
7: Episodio 7
Lacia ha un nuovo lavoro come modella. Si tratta di uno spot pubblicitario per promuovere un nuovo tipo di relazione tra gli hIE e gli esseri umani, in cui le persone vedono gli hIE di sesso opposto come un partner alla pari. -
7: Episodio 7
In onda il: 2018-03-03Lacia ha un nuovo lavoro come modella. Si tratta di uno spot pubblicitario per promuovere un nuovo tipo di relazione tra gli hIE e gli esseri umani, in cui le persone vedono gli hIE di sesso opposto come un partner alla pari.
In onda il: 2018-03-10
8: Awakening of Sleeping Beauty
Having made a contract with Shiori, Methode suddenly attacks Lacia while she is filming a commercial. As the circumstances surrounding Arato and Lacia are about to shift again dramatically, a new transfer student arrives at Arato's high school. Erica Burrows-the Sleeping Princess born in the 21st Century who just awoke from suspended animation, and Arato senses animosity from her. -
8: Awakening of Sleeping Beauty
In onda il: 2018-03-10Having made a contract with Shiori, Methode suddenly attacks Lacia while she is filming a commercial. As the circumstances surrounding Arato and Lacia are about to shift again dramatically, a new transfer student arrives at Arato's high school. Erica Burrows-the Sleeping Princess born in the 21st Century who just awoke from suspended animation, and Arato senses animosity from her.
In onda il: 2018-03-17
9: My Whereabouts
Shiori puts her plan into motion. At this rate, Arato will lose ownership of Lacia. "Mr. Arato, please allow me to be with you." This unexpected plea from Lacia moves Arato, and he heads to Chubu International Airport to stop Shiori. -
9: My Whereabouts
In onda il: 2018-03-17Shiori puts her plan into motion. At this rate, Arato will lose ownership of Lacia. "Mr. Arato, please allow me to be with you." This unexpected plea from Lacia moves Arato, and he heads to Chubu International Airport to stop Shiori.
In onda il: 2018-03-31
10: Dwellings and Surroundings
Arato is given two weeks of suspension after the fight between Methode and Lacia leaves him with paying 4.5 million yen worth of damages they caused. In order to apologize to his father Kozo who offered to pay half of the damages, Arato takes Lacia, Yuka, and Ryo to Tsukuba where a large-scale hIE experiment is being conducted. -
10: Dwellings and Surroundings
In onda il: 2018-03-31Arato is given two weeks of suspension after the fight between Methode and Lacia leaves him with paying 4.5 million yen worth of damages they caused. In order to apologize to his father Kozo who offered to pay half of the damages, Arato takes Lacia, Yuka, and Ryo to Tsukuba where a large-scale hIE experiment is being conducted.
In onda il: 2018-04-07
11: Dystopia Game
Methode abducts Yuka right in front of Lacia. Arato and Ryo head to rescue her, but standing in their way are all of the hIE's in the experimental city who have been infected by Ginga Watarai to act like zombies. In order to get the hIE's to regain control, Arato and Ryo head to the administration center, but... -
11: Dystopia Game
In onda il: 2018-04-07Methode abducts Yuka right in front of Lacia. Arato and Ryo head to rescue her, but standing in their way are all of the hIE's in the experimental city who have been infected by Ginga Watarai to act like zombies. In order to get the hIE's to regain control, Arato and Ryo head to the administration center, but...
In onda il: 2018-04-14
12: Slumber of Human
Ginga Watarai's death puts an end to the incident at the experimental city. During all of the chaos, Arato had revealed his feelings to Lacia which she accepted. Yuka has mixed feelings about this sudden new coupling within her household. Meanwhile, the security police and Lacia-class masters begin to respond to the ever-changing situation. -
12: Slumber of Human
In onda il: 2018-04-14Ginga Watarai's death puts an end to the incident at the experimental city. During all of the chaos, Arato had revealed his feelings to Lacia which she accepted. Yuka has mixed feelings about this sudden new coupling within her household. Meanwhile, the security police and Lacia-class masters begin to respond to the ever-changing situation.
In onda il: 2018-04-28
13: The Prayer Within
After being summoned by Erika to the Burrows estate, the Lacia-class hIE's fight entered the next phase. As each of them contemplated their next move, Kouka felt her possibility for a future quickly closing as she was being pursued as a suspect in the Chubu Airport bombing by the security police. -
13: The Prayer Within
In onda il: 2018-04-28After being summoned by Erika to the Burrows estate, the Lacia-class hIE's fight entered the next phase. As each of them contemplated their next move, Kouka felt her possibility for a future quickly closing as she was being pursued as a suspect in the Chubu Airport bombing by the security police.
In onda il: 2018-05-05
14: An Answer to Survive
Kouka carries out an antibody network terrorist attack against the Next-Gen Society Research Center on her own. Kouka's overwhelming destructive power is streamed around the globe, inspiring fear and zeal to the masses. This was Kouka's path to her future. -
14: An Answer to Survive
In onda il: 2018-05-05Kouka carries out an antibody network terrorist attack against the Next-Gen Society Research Center on her own. Kouka's overwhelming destructive power is streamed around the globe, inspiring fear and zeal to the masses. This was Kouka's path to her future.
In onda il: 2018-05-19
15: Edge Line
Kengo is arrested by the security police in connection to Kouka's terrorist activities. Arato decides to save Kengo and gives Lacia the order. Following the plan she has devised, Arato finds himself face to face with the PMC “HOO,†the military group responsible for destroying Kouka. -
15: Edge Line
In onda il: 2018-05-19Kengo is arrested by the security police in connection to Kouka's terrorist activities. Arato decides to save Kengo and gives Lacia the order. Following the plan she has devised, Arato finds himself face to face with the PMC “HOO,†the military group responsible for destroying Kouka.
In onda il: 2018-05-26
16: Plus One
Affected by Kouka's destruction, Snowdrop moved up her own plans, taking over the Mitaka transformer substation to secure a steady energy supply and bringing disaster to the surroundings. Arato and Lacia try to stop her, but Methode and Ryo stand in their way. -
16: Plus One
In onda il: 2018-05-26Affected by Kouka's destruction, Snowdrop moved up her own plans, taking over the Mitaka transformer substation to secure a steady energy supply and bringing disaster to the surroundings. Arato and Lacia try to stop her, but Methode and Ryo stand in their way.
In onda il: 2018-06-09
17: A Reason of Our Own
Lacia's secret is revealed. Arato is unable to handle it and steps away from Lacia. Defenseless on his own, he's captured by Ryo and Methode where he could do nothing but watch the monitor as Snowdrop spread her seeds of destruction. -
17: A Reason of Our Own
In onda il: 2018-06-09Lacia's secret is revealed. Arato is unable to handle it and steps away from Lacia. Defenseless on his own, he's captured by Ryo and Methode where he could do nothing but watch the monitor as Snowdrop spread her seeds of destruction.
In onda il: 2018-06-16
18: Protocol of Love
Pushed by Shiori and Yuka, Arato decided to face Lacia once again. If his last order was still in place, Lacia should be trying to stop Snowdrop. With this thought, Arato heads towards Mitaka, a place which has transformed into an unrecognizable landscape by Snowdrop's power. -
18: Protocol of Love
In onda il: 2018-06-16Pushed by Shiori and Yuka, Arato decided to face Lacia once again. If his last order was still in place, Lacia should be trying to stop Snowdrop. With this thought, Arato heads towards Mitaka, a place which has transformed into an unrecognizable landscape by Snowdrop's power.
In onda il: 2018-06-23
19: Paper Tiger
It has been two months since the tragic events in Mitaka. The world returned to some semblance of normalcy, and Arato and Lacia lay low as they prepare for whatever may come next. However, their brief period of happiness is disturbed after they are contacted by the super intelligent AI Astraia. -
19: Paper Tiger
In onda il: 2018-06-23It has been two months since the tragic events in Mitaka. The world returned to some semblance of normalcy, and Arato and Lacia lay low as they prepare for whatever may come next. However, their brief period of happiness is disturbed after they are contacted by the super intelligent AI Astraia.
In onda il: 2018-06-30
20: Our Error World
Super intelligent AI have spurred society to change. As the fight surrounding Arato and Lacia escalates, the leaders of the old guard discuss how they could maximize their own profits. Among the participants, only Erika Burrows expresses anger towards their foolishness. -
20: Our Error World
In onda il: 2018-06-30Super intelligent AI have spurred society to change. As the fight surrounding Arato and Lacia escalates, the leaders of the old guard discuss how they could maximize their own profits. Among the participants, only Erika Burrows expresses anger towards their foolishness.
In onda il: 2018-09-26
21: Higgins' Silo
The super intelligent AI Higgins. The core of Memeframe, one of the keys to humanity's future, and the creator of Lacia. Arato and Lacia traverse through a giant underground facility in order to contact Higgins. There they will find a future far beyond the human imagination... -
21: Higgins' Silo
In onda il: 2018-09-26The super intelligent AI Higgins. The core of Memeframe, one of the keys to humanity's future, and the creator of Lacia. Arato and Lacia traverse through a giant underground facility in order to contact Higgins. There they will find a future far beyond the human imagination...
In onda il: 2018-09-27
22: Pygmalion
Once again, Methode appears to stand in the way of Arato and Lacia down in the underground facility containing Higgins. They must also be wary of Snowdrop who had been sent there by a rival super intelligent AI. As the conflict escalates, Arato and Ryo try their best to fulfill their duties as representatives of humanity. -
22: Pygmalion
In onda il: 2018-09-27Once again, Methode appears to stand in the way of Arato and Lacia down in the underground facility containing Higgins. They must also be wary of Snowdrop who had been sent there by a rival super intelligent AI. As the conflict escalates, Arato and Ryo try their best to fulfill their duties as representatives of humanity.
In onda il: 2018-09-28
23: Beatless
Snowdrop appears in the underground facility as some sort of hybrid between bird and person, a strange new creature created by a super intelligent AI which no longer needed humanity to exist. Lacia attempts to hack the cloud system that stores hIE behavior controls in order to stop Snowdrop. Her efforts would determine the outcome of the entire human race. -
23: Beatless
In onda il: 2018-09-28Snowdrop appears in the underground facility as some sort of hybrid between bird and person, a strange new creature created by a super intelligent AI which no longer needed humanity to exist. Lacia attempts to hack the cloud system that stores hIE behavior controls in order to stop Snowdrop. Her efforts would determine the outcome of the entire human race.
In onda il: 2018-09-28
24: Boy Meets Girl
Arato and Lacia walk towards the heart of the Higgins storage facility in order to choose a future. The two act like one as they help and support each other. However, damaged from the intense battle, Lacia does not have much time left... -
24: Boy Meets Girl
In onda il: 2018-09-28Arato and Lacia walk towards the heart of the Higgins storage facility in order to choose a future. The two act like one as they help and support each other. However, damaged from the intense battle, Lacia does not have much time left...
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