Fairy Tail
Stagione 7 Episodi 12
Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia ◦ Mistero ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Il Regno di Fiore è un paese neutrale di diciassette milioni di abitanti: in questa nazione la magia è comprata e venduta come una merce qualsiasi ed è parte integrante della vita quotidiana della popolazione. Di quest'ultima però solo una parte, il 10%, è specializzata nel suo uso: si tratta di coloro che vengono chiamati maghi. Molti di loro compiono lavori su commissione che solo loro sono in grado di svolgere e sono riuniti in diverse gilde sparse per tutto il paese, riunite a loro volta in leghe, coadiuvate dal Concilio della Magia, legato strettamente al Governo. Tra le più importanti, la gilda Fairy Tail è famosa per il carattere esuberante e per il grande potere dei suoi membri. Nel tempo questa corporazione è entrata più volte in contrasto con il Concilio a causa dell'anomalo comportamento dei suoi maghi e per il modo a volte disastroso e incurante con cui essi compiono il proprio lavoro. Ma in fondo è anche per questo motivo che il popolo, soprattutto quello della città di Magnolia, dove si trova la sede della gilda, li ammira. Attratta da tale fama, Lucy Heartphilia, una giovane maga degli Spiriti Stellari, parte per accedere a Fairy Tail; durante il suo viaggio, si imbatte in Natsu Dragonil, un mago del fuoco di Fairy Tail alla ricerca del drago Igneel, insieme al suo fidato compagno, il gatto volante Happy. Essi la introducono nella gilda; Lucy conosce così molti altri membri: dal mago del ghiaccio Gray Fullbuster, rivale di Natsu fin dall'infanzia, alla maga guerriera Elsa Scarlett, denominata Titania (regina delle fate). In mezzo a loro Lucy impara che fiducia e amicizia legano tutti i membri della gilda in una grande famiglia. Affezionatasi al gruppo, la giovane maga contribuisce con tutta se stessa a difenderlo ogni qual volta se ne presenti l'occasione, vivendo meravigliose avventure.
Episodi: 12
In onda il: 2016-01-09
1: The Fairy In Your Heart
Natsu and Happy make a pilgrimage to Tenroujima, site of Mavis Vermillion's grave. This sets the stage for the origin story of Fairy Tail, with a six-year-old Mavis caught in the middle of a bloody war between two guilds on the island. -
1: The Fairy In Your Heart
In onda il: 2016-01-09Natsu and Happy make a pilgrimage to Tenroujima, site of Mavis Vermillion's grave. This sets the stage for the origin story of Fairy Tail, with a six-year-old Mavis caught in the middle of a bloody war between two guilds on the island.
In onda il: 2016-01-16
2: The Adventure Begins
Mavis encounters treasure hunter Yuri Dreyar on Tenroujima and accepts his mind game challenge over the Tenrou Jade. This eventually leads to the beginning of a journey, but will Mavis's oldest and only friend Zera agree to go? -
2: The Adventure Begins
In onda il: 2016-01-16Mavis encounters treasure hunter Yuri Dreyar on Tenroujima and accepts his mind game challenge over the Tenrou Jade. This eventually leads to the beginning of a journey, but will Mavis's oldest and only friend Zera agree to go?
In onda il: 2016-01-23
3: Treasure Hunt
As Mavis's journey by sea continues, she explores an ancient underwater temple in an effort to find treasure that will fund the near-broke Yuri and Warrod. However, she inadvertently sets off a trap that seals all three of them inside with a giant deadly fish. -
3: Treasure Hunt
In onda il: 2016-01-23As Mavis's journey by sea continues, she explores an ancient underwater temple in an effort to find treasure that will fund the near-broke Yuri and Warrod. However, she inadvertently sets off a trap that seals all three of them inside with a giant deadly fish.
In onda il: 2016-01-30
4: Dancing with Blades
After taking in the sights, sounds, and tastes of the port town of Halcyon, Mavis gets down to the business of searching for Blue Skull. She teams up with a reticent Precht and the two end up in a bar that's more than it seems. -
4: Dancing with Blades
In onda il: 2016-01-30After taking in the sights, sounds, and tastes of the port town of Halcyon, Mavis gets down to the business of searching for Blue Skull. She teams up with a reticent Precht and the two end up in a bar that's more than it seems.
In onda il: 2016-02-06
5: Moonlit Lake
During the trek to Magnolia, Mavis and the treasure hunters find a chilling tableau in the woods. It reminds Yuri of an earlier treasure-hunting adventure in which the three of them braved Hell's Valley to track down the Rainbow Flower. -
5: Moonlit Lake
In onda il: 2016-02-06During the trek to Magnolia, Mavis and the treasure hunters find a chilling tableau in the woods. It reminds Yuri of an earlier treasure-hunting adventure in which the three of them braved Hell's Valley to track down the Rainbow Flower.
In onda il: 2016-02-13
6: Blue Skull
Mavis and the treasure hunters explore the decrepit town of Magnolia, looking for answers. Soon enough, they learn of the town's tragic fate and get involved in battle against the town's magically armed and violent oppressors, Blue Skull! -
6: Blue Skull
In onda il: 2016-02-13Mavis and the treasure hunters explore the decrepit town of Magnolia, looking for answers. Soon enough, they learn of the town's tragic fate and get involved in battle against the town's magically armed and violent oppressors, Blue Skull!
In onda il: 2016-02-20
7: Conveyer of Magic
While recuperating from their wounds in a forest, Mavis and her treasure hunter comrades encounter an enigmatic black magic wizard who is agreeable enough to teach them magic so they can get back at Blue Skull. However, not all of them are that adept at picking up such new skills... -
7: Conveyer of Magic
In onda il: 2016-02-20While recuperating from their wounds in a forest, Mavis and her treasure hunter comrades encounter an enigmatic black magic wizard who is agreeable enough to teach them magic so they can get back at Blue Skull. However, not all of them are that adept at picking up such new skills...
In onda il: 2016-02-27
8: Treasure
Mavis and the treasure hunters enlist the good people of Magnolia to stage an uprising against their tormentors, the evil wizards of Blue Skull. It also helps that they now have their own magic power with which to fight back. But what happens when their goal turns out to be much more than a lost treasure? -
8: Treasure
In onda il: 2016-02-27Mavis and the treasure hunters enlist the good people of Magnolia to stage an uprising against their tormentors, the evil wizards of Blue Skull. It also helps that they now have their own magic power with which to fight back. But what happens when their goal turns out to be much more than a lost treasure?
In onda il: 2016-03-05
9: Law
Possessed by the Tenrou Jade and transformed into a dragon skeleton, Yuri runs amok through Magnolia. Only Mavis has a chance at saving him with a form of ancient ultra-magic, but it comes with a terrible price. -
9: Law
In onda il: 2016-03-05Possessed by the Tenrou Jade and transformed into a dragon skeleton, Yuri runs amok through Magnolia. Only Mavis has a chance at saving him with a form of ancient ultra-magic, but it comes with a terrible price.
In onda il: 2016-03-12
10: Eternal Adventure
Mavis says farewell to Zera and contemplates her next move after the successful defeat of Blue Skull. The heartbreaking, hopeful final episode of this arc marks the end of the beginning of Fairy Tail. -
10: Eternal Adventure
In onda il: 2016-03-12Mavis says farewell to Zera and contemplates her next move after the successful defeat of Blue Skull. The heartbreaking, hopeful final episode of this arc marks the end of the beginning of Fairy Tail.
In onda il: 2016-03-19
11: Challenger
One year after the dissolution of Fairy Tail, Lucy has become an editorial trainee for Weekly Sorcerer. On the final day of the latest Grand Magic Games, she spots a scandal and looks on with everyone else as a spoiler appears to disrupt the proceedings after the final match! -
11: Challenger
In onda il: 2016-03-19One year after the dissolution of Fairy Tail, Lucy has become an editorial trainee for Weekly Sorcerer. On the final day of the latest Grand Magic Games, she spots a scandal and looks on with everyone else as a spoiler appears to disrupt the proceedings after the final match!
In onda il: 2016-03-26
12: Message of Flame
After being reunited, Natsu and Happy regale Lucy with tales of their yearlong journey, but are shocked to hear that Fairy Tail is disbanded. Soon, though, Natsu feels the call to action... -
12: Message of Flame
In onda il: 2016-03-26After being reunited, Natsu and Happy regale Lucy with tales of their yearlong journey, but are shocked to hear that Fairy Tail is disbanded. Soon, though, Natsu feels the call to action...
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