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Anime Sub ITA

  1. Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3 [12/12] (2023) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3
    Titolo inglese: Rent a Girlfriend 3
    Titolo breve: KanoKari 3
    Titolo Kanji: 彼女, お借りします 3
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Commedia  Harem  Sentimentale 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Shounen
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : ??
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Terza stagione della serie "Rent-a-Girlfriend".
  2. AI no Idenshi [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: AI no Idenshi
    Titolo inglese: The Gene of AI
    Titolo Kanji: AIの遺電子
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Drammatico  Fantascienza  Psicologico 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Shounen
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    Il sogno dell'umanità si è realizzato ed è in possesso della tecnologia umanoide. Anche gli androidi si ammalano, come gli esseri umani, ma i trattamenti sono differenti...
  3. Dekiru Neko wa Kyō mo Yūutsu [13/13] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Dekiru Neko wa Kyō mo Yūutsu
    Titolo inglese: The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today
    Titolo breve: dekineko
    Titolo Kanji: デキる猫は今日も憂鬱
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Commedia  Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Shounen
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : ?
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Quando Saku ha preso con sé un gatto randagio nero non avrebbe mai e poi mai immaginato che sarebbe diventato un coinquilino domestico! Yukichi è un gatto gigante, non proprio un felino ordinario... è molto orgoglioso delle sue doti culinarie e i migliori sconti al supermercato fanno sempre vibrare i suoi baffi! Saku non sarà una persona completamente responsabile ma per sua fortuna Yukichi sì.
  4. Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyō desu [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyō desu
    Titolo inglese: My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1
    Titolo Kanji: レベル1だけどユニークスキルで最強です
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Commedia  Fantasy  Harem  Sentimentale 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : ?
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio in corso, Sottotitoli in corso
    Con l'aiuto di alcuni oggetti che aumentano le abilità, Ryouta riesce a raccogliere un gran numero di armi e altri oggetti che solo lui è in grado di usare e, sebbene continui a rimanere fermo al livello 1, possiede l'equipaggiamento più forte di tutti.
  5. Liar, Liar [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Liar, Liar
    Titolo inglese: Liar, Liar
    Titolo Kanji: ライアー・ライアー
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Azione  Scolastico  Sentimentale 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: annunciato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato
    L'accademia "7 Stars" è caratterizzata da un sistema di punteggio degli studenti, che si sfidano fra loro. Hiroto è un ragazzo, trasferitosi da poco nel luogo, il quale sconfigge improvvisamente la ragazza più forte dell'istituto.
  6. Tenpuru [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Tenpuru
    Titolo inglese: Tenpuru
    Titolo Kanji: てんぷる
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Combattimento  Ecchi  Scolastico  Sentimentale 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: annunciato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli annunciato
    Il padre di Akagami Akemitsu ripete spesso a suo figlio che "nessuno può vivere da solo" ma Il ragazzo è fortemente determinato a dimostrare il contrario. Un giorno però, un incontro con una giovane donna lo lascia con pensieri troppo impuri e Akemitsu decide di ricorrere ad un metodo piuttosto drastico: diventare un monaco buddista e rinunciare ai piaceri mondani. Peccato che il tempio a cui decide di dedicarsi... è pieno di donne!
  7. Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Kuraki Yūyami no Scherzo (2022) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Kuraki Yūyami no Scherzo
    Titolo inglese: Sword Art Online the Movie Progressive: Scherzo of a Dark Dusk
    Titolo Kanji: 劇場版 ソードアート・オンライン -プログレッシブ- 冥き夕闇のスケルツォ
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Film 
    Genere: Avventura  Azione  Combattimento  Fantasy  Gioco 
    Anno: 2022
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Autunno (2022)
    Episodi : 1
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio completato, Sottotitoli completato
    Secondo film di "Sword Art Online: Progressive".
  8. Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru Made ni Shitai 100 no Koto [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru Made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
    Titolo inglese: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
    Titolo Kanji: ゾン100 ~ゾンビになるまでにしたい100のこと~
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Azione  Ecchi  Horror  Soprannaturale 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Estate (2023)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio annunciato, Sottotitoli in corso
    Dopo aver lavorato per tre anni in una "black company" (espressione giapponese usata per identificare quelle aziende che costringono i propri dipendenti a lavorare in condizioni degradanti), Akira è arrivato allo stremo, sia mentalmente che fisicamente. Ma una mattina, mentre si avvia verso l'ufficio, scopre che la città è stata invasa dagli zombi. Come potrà sopravvivere in queste condizioni?
  9. Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid [36/36] (2021-2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Duke of Death and His Maid
    Stagione 1    Episodi 36        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma
    A causa di una maledizione infantile, tutto ciò che il Duca tocca morirà, il che rende il comportamento della sua cameriera civettuola ancora più scioccante! Riusciranno il Duca e i suoi compagni a spezzare la maledizione, o è condannato a una vita in cui l'amore è per sempre fuori dalla sua portata?
    Sound Mixer 伊藤悠公
    Producer 和田俊也
    Sound Effects 大和田智之
    Producer 髙橋和彰
    Producer 藤平直孝
    Music Producer 渡辺剛
    Original Music Composer 奥田弦
    Original Music Composer 福世晋吾
    Director of Photography 畑野雄哉
    Character Modelling Supervisor 明田川仁
    Sound Director 坪根健太郎
    Editor 木村美保
    Color Designer 鈴木朗
    Art Direction 井上小春
    Comic Book 桑波田満
    Character Designer 白根秀樹
    Series Composition Yoshiki Yamakawa
    Series Director 花江夏樹
    Duke (voice) 真野あゆみ
    Alice (voice) 大塚芳忠
    Rob (voice) 水瀬いのり
    Viola (voice) 倉持若菜
    Cuff (voice) 神谷浩史
    Zain (voice) 内田雄馬
    Walter (voice) 日笠陽子
    Dulles (voice) Episodi: 36 
    In onda il: 2021-07-04 1: "Il Duca e Alice"
    "Un adolescente vive nel profondo della foresta, lontano dalla sua famiglia e maledetto per uccidere tutto ciò che tocca. La sua cameriera, Alice, lo prende costantemente in giro e si avvicina troppo..." 1: "Il Duca e Alice"
    In onda il: 2021-07-04 "Un adolescente vive nel profondo della foresta, lontano dalla sua famiglia e maledetto per uccidere tutto ciò che tocca. La sua cameriera, Alice, lo prende costantemente in giro e si avvicina troppo..." In onda il: 2021-07-11 2: "Il duca, il suo maggiordomo e un gatto smarrito"
    "Dopo essersi ripreso da un infortunio alla schiena, l'anziano maggiordomo del Duca, Rob, riprende il suo posto. Ma mentre il suo lavoro è impeccabile, alcuni dei suoi cinque sensi non sono proprio all'altezza. Nel frattempo, una coppia di ospiti inattesi fa visita alla villa del duca..." 2: "Il duca, il suo maggiordomo e un gatto smarrito"
    In onda il: 2021-07-11 "Dopo essersi ripreso da un infortunio alla schiena, l'anziano maggiordomo del Duca, Rob, riprende il suo posto. Ma mentre il suo lavoro è impeccabile, alcuni dei suoi cinque sensi non sono proprio all'altezza. Nel frattempo, una coppia di ospiti inattesi fa visita alla villa del duca..." In onda il: 2021-07-18 3: "Il Duca e la pioggia di meteoriti durante la luna piena"
    "Dopo aver perso una scommessa con Alice, il Duca accetta di portarla alla festa in maschera della città. Ma i due si separano quando il Duca, vestito con un goffo costume d'acciaio per proteggere gli altri dal suo tocco di morte, viene trascinato via dalla folla..." 3: "Il Duca e la pioggia di meteoriti durante la luna piena"
    In onda il: 2021-07-18 "Dopo aver perso una scommessa con Alice, il Duca accetta di portarla alla festa in maschera della città. Ma i due si separano quando il Duca, vestito con un goffo costume d'acciaio per proteggere gli altri dal suo tocco di morte, viene trascinato via dalla folla..." In onda il: 2021-07-25 4: "Il Duca, Alice e i ricordi della neve"
    "Quando Alice perde uno degli orecchini di sua madre nella neve, il Duca esce nella notte fredda e buia per cercarlo. Nel frattempo, una strega smarrita trova il Duca che giace privo di sensi nella neve e decide di aiutarlo. Ma lei sa come spezzare la sua maledizione?". 4: "Il Duca, Alice e i ricordi della neve"
    In onda il: 2021-07-25 "Quando Alice perde uno degli orecchini di sua madre nella neve, il Duca esce nella notte fredda e buia per cercarlo. Nel frattempo, una strega smarrita trova il Duca che giace privo di sensi nella neve e decide di aiutarlo. Ma lei sa come spezzare la sua maledizione?". In onda il: 2021-08-01 5: "Il giovane maestro, l'uccello e il pattino"
    "Improvvisamente, Viola viene a trovarci in casa. Naturalmente, sta cercando Rob, ma è anche interessata ad Alice, che non è sicura di che tipo di ragazza sia. Così Viola dà ad Alice un corso di fascino, stile Viola. Qualche giorno dopo, quando il ragazzino e Alice stanno pattinando su un lago ghiacciato, un corvo bianco parla improvvisamente al ragazzino e ......." 5: "Il giovane maestro, l'uccello e il pattino"
    In onda il: 2021-08-01 "Improvvisamente, Viola viene a trovarci in casa. Naturalmente, sta cercando Rob, ma è anche interessata ad Alice, che non è sicura di che tipo di ragazza sia. Così Viola dà ad Alice un corso di fascino, stile Viola. Qualche giorno dopo, quando il ragazzino e Alice stanno pattinando su un lago ghiacciato, un corvo bianco parla improvvisamente al ragazzino e ......." In onda il: 2021-08-08 6: The Duke, Alice, and a Night in the Witches' World
    The night of the blood moon has arrived, and Cuff and Zain show up at the Duke’s mansion to take him to the witches’ sabbath. What will he do if he finds the witch that cursed him there? 6: The Duke, Alice, and a Night in the Witches' World
    In onda il: 2021-08-08 The night of the blood moon has arrived, and Cuff and Zain show up at the Duke’s mansion to take him to the witches’ sabbath. What will he do if he finds the witch that cursed him there? In onda il: 2021-08-15 7: The Duke's and Alice's Uneventful Day
    With the witches' sabbath over and the Duke no closer to ridding himself of his curse, he and Alice spend the day trying out various enchanted items to break the curse, with hilarious results… 7: The Duke's and Alice's Uneventful Day
    In onda il: 2021-08-15 With the witches' sabbath over and the Duke no closer to ridding himself of his curse, he and Alice spend the day trying out various enchanted items to break the curse, with hilarious results… In onda il: 2021-08-22 8: White Snow, Black Clothes
    On a snowstormy night, Alice is reminded of when she first began working as the Duke's maid. Despondent and holed up in his dark, messy room, the Duke can't even remember who Alice is and is ready to dismiss her. How will she get him to open his heart? 8: White Snow, Black Clothes
    In onda il: 2021-08-22 On a snowstormy night, Alice is reminded of when she first began working as the Duke's maid. Despondent and holed up in his dark, messy room, the Duke can't even remember who Alice is and is ready to dismiss her. How will she get him to open his heart? In onda il: 2021-08-29 9: Il Duca, Alice e il voto della vigilia di Natale
    "È la vigilia di Natale e gli amici e i parenti del duca si riuniscono nella sua villa per una festa di Natale. Ci sarà tutta la banda: Alice, Rob, Cuff, Zane e Viola. Ma quando Walter vede Viola partire e decide di inseguirla..." 9: Il Duca, Alice e il voto della vigilia di Natale
    In onda il: 2021-08-29 "È la vigilia di Natale e gli amici e i parenti del duca si riuniscono nella sua villa per una festa di Natale. Ci sarà tutta la banda: Alice, Rob, Cuff, Zane e Viola. Ma quando Walter vede Viola partire e decide di inseguirla..." In onda il: 2021-09-05 10: Il Duca, Alice e una canzone per due
    Jain, che è stato criticato da Viola, dicendo: "È colpa tua se Carp è così stupido". Ho dovuto mandare Carp da solo per vedere se c'era qualcosa che stava cercando di capire. E... Nel frattempo, per il maestro che non riesco a dormire nella villa, Alice ha suggerito di dormire accanto a lui..." 10: Il Duca, Alice e una canzone per due
    In onda il: 2021-09-05 Jain, che è stato criticato da Viola, dicendo: "È colpa tua se Carp è così stupido". Ho dovuto mandare Carp da solo per vedere se c'era qualcosa che stava cercando di capire. E... Nel frattempo, per il maestro che non riesco a dormire nella villa, Alice ha suggerito di dormire accanto a lui..." In onda il: 2021-09-12 11: Il duca e la magia segreta
    "Durante la perquisizione della residenza principale, Viola si imbatte in un vecchio registro della servitù, tenuto all'incirca nel periodo in cui il duca fu maledetto. Quando lo dà ad Alice, Dalet lo scopre e cerca di distruggerlo. Cosa vuole tenere segreto Dalet?". 11: Il duca e la magia segreta
    In onda il: 2021-09-12 "Durante la perquisizione della residenza principale, Viola si imbatte in un vecchio registro della servitù, tenuto all'incirca nel periodo in cui il duca fu maledetto. Quando lo dà ad Alice, Dalet lo scopre e cerca di distruggerlo. Cosa vuole tenere segreto Dalet?". In onda il: 2021-09-19 12: Insieme al Duca...
    "La madre del duca lo convoca nella residenza principale e gli dà un ultimatum. Ma anche il duca ha qualcosa da dirle..." 12: Insieme al Duca...
    In onda il: 2021-09-19 "La madre del duca lo convoca nella residenza principale e gli dà un ultimatum. Ma anche il duca ha qualcosa da dirle..." In onda il: 2023-07-09 13: The Duke, Alice, and the Magic Pool
    On a cold winter's day, Cuff arrives at the mansion with a magic item that can summon a swimming pool from out of nowhere. 13: The Duke, Alice, and the Magic Pool
    In onda il: 2023-07-09 On a cold winter's day, Cuff arrives at the mansion with a magic item that can summon a swimming pool from out of nowhere. In onda il: 2023-07-16 14: The Duke, Golf, and the Mysterious Beauty
    Alice and the Duke play a game of mini-golf while receiving an unexpected visitor. 14: The Duke, Golf, and the Mysterious Beauty
    In onda il: 2023-07-16 Alice and the Duke play a game of mini-golf while receiving an unexpected visitor. In onda il: 2023-07-23 15: The Duke, Alice, and the Spectral Bride
    The Duke and Alice receive two visitors: a ghost, and a woman who says she can break the curse. 15: The Duke, Alice, and the Spectral Bride
    In onda il: 2023-07-23 The Duke and Alice receive two visitors: a ghost, and a woman who says she can break the curse. In onda il: 2023-07-30 16: The Duke, Alice, and Circus 101
    The Duke and Alice join the circus as the Duke prepares to talk to Zain. 16: The Duke, Alice, and Circus 101
    In onda il: 2023-07-30 The Duke and Alice join the circus as the Duke prepares to talk to Zain. In onda il: 2023-08-06 17: Cuff, Zain, and the Confession
    Zain decides it's time to leave Gemini Circus, but wants to confess his feelings to Cuff before he goes. 17: Cuff, Zain, and the Confession
    In onda il: 2023-08-06 Zain decides it's time to leave Gemini Circus, but wants to confess his feelings to Cuff before he goes. In onda il: 2023-08-13 18: The Duke and Everyone's Daily Life
    The Duke and Alice return to the mansion, bearing gifts from Circus Gemini. Cuff and Zain go out for their first date, but get caught out in the rain. 18: The Duke and Everyone's Daily Life
    In onda il: 2023-08-13 The Duke and Alice return to the mansion, bearing gifts from Circus Gemini. Cuff and Zain go out for their first date, but get caught out in the rain. In onda il: 2023-08-20 19: The Duke, Alice, and the Encounter in the Witches' World
    Walter, Alice, and the Duke head to the Witches' World to find out more about the curse. Walter has an unexpected encounter. 19: The Duke, Alice, and the Encounter in the Witches' World
    In onda il: 2023-08-20 Walter, Alice, and the Duke head to the Witches' World to find out more about the curse. Walter has an unexpected encounter. In onda il: 2023-08-27 20: The Duke, Alice, and the Kissing Window
    Walter, Alice, and the Duke learn more about the Duke's curse, and the Duke gets a lamp that can grant any wish. 20: The Duke, Alice, and the Kissing Window
    In onda il: 2023-08-27 Walter, Alice, and the Duke learn more about the Duke's curse, and the Duke gets a lamp that can grant any wish. In onda il: 2023-09-03 21: The Duke, Alice, and the Second Anniversary
    It's been two years since Alice came to the mansion, and the Duke wants to do something special for her. 21: The Duke, Alice, and the Second Anniversary
    In onda il: 2023-09-03 It's been two years since Alice came to the mansion, and the Duke wants to do something special for her. In onda il: 2023-09-10 22: The Duke, Alice, and the Flying Broom
    Alice gets a flying broom, and the Duke gets a pair of unusual visitors with a shocking offer. 22: The Duke, Alice, and the Flying Broom
    In onda il: 2023-09-10 Alice gets a flying broom, and the Duke gets a pair of unusual visitors with a shocking offer. In onda il: 2023-09-17 23: The Duke, Alice, and the Wizardry School
    The Duke and all his friends head off to the wizardry school, and Daleth follows as well. 23: The Duke, Alice, and the Wizardry School
    In onda il: 2023-09-17 The Duke and all his friends head off to the wizardry school, and Daleth follows as well. In onda il: 2023-09-24 24: The Duke, Alice, and the Curse Witch
    Zain takes the crew back in time to confront Sade in the past. 24: The Duke, Alice, and the Curse Witch
    In onda il: 2023-09-24 Zain takes the crew back in time to confront Sade in the past. In onda il: 2024-04-07 25: The Duke, Alice, and Reuniting with Mom
    The Duke, Alice, Cuff, and Zain spend some time at the wizardry school. Meanwhile, Daleth finds someone rather unexpected in the Underworld and takes them to the Duke's mansion. 25: The Duke, Alice, and Reuniting with Mom
    In onda il: 2024-04-07 The Duke, Alice, Cuff, and Zain spend some time at the wizardry school. Meanwhile, Daleth finds someone rather unexpected in the Underworld and takes them to the Duke's mansion. In onda il: 2024-04-14 26: The Duke, Alice, and the Mysterious Clone
    Sharon, having been freed from her curse, reunites with her former friends and acquaintances. Unbeknownst to her, Sade hid within her magical clones, bent on attacking anyone who threatens her plans. 26: The Duke, Alice, and the Mysterious Clone
    In onda il: 2024-04-14 Sharon, having been freed from her curse, reunites with her former friends and acquaintances. Unbeknownst to her, Sade hid within her magical clones, bent on attacking anyone who threatens her plans. In onda il: 2024-04-21 27: The Duke, Alice, and Mother and Mother
    The Duke catches a cold, and Alice's mother reunites with the Duke's mother after years of separation. 27: The Duke, Alice, and Mother and Mother
    In onda il: 2024-04-21 The Duke catches a cold, and Alice's mother reunites with the Duke's mother after years of separation. In onda il: 2024-04-28 28: The Duke, Alice, and Sade's Love
    The Duke and Alice get a very unexpected pair of visitors at the mansion. 28: The Duke, Alice, and Sade's Love
    In onda il: 2024-04-28 The Duke and Alice get a very unexpected pair of visitors at the mansion. In onda il: 2024-05-05 29: Dance Party (Part 1)
    The Duke and Alice visit the family mansion, where a fancy ball is about to take place. 29: Dance Party (Part 1)
    In onda il: 2024-05-05 The Duke and Alice visit the family mansion, where a fancy ball is about to take place. In onda il: 2024-05-12 30: Dance Party (Part 2)
    Daleth tells Walter that she wants to become human, and Nico arrives to tell the group that final preparations are complete. 30: Dance Party (Part 2)
    In onda il: 2024-05-12 Daleth tells Walter that she wants to become human, and Nico arrives to tell the group that final preparations are complete. In onda il: 2024-05-19 31: Coming Together
    The Duke enjoys his last few days before going back into the past to meet Sade. 31: Coming Together
    In onda il: 2024-05-19 The Duke enjoys his last few days before going back into the past to meet Sade. In onda il: 2024-05-26 32: Persuasion
    The Duke and his friends go back into the past and try to persuade Sade to break the curse. 32: Persuasion
    In onda il: 2024-05-26 The Duke and his friends go back into the past and try to persuade Sade to break the curse. In onda il: 2024-06-02 33: Loneliness and Uncertainty
    The battle with Sade begins in earnest as Zain tries to persuade her to come to the present with them. 33: Loneliness and Uncertainty
    In onda il: 2024-06-02 The battle with Sade begins in earnest as Zain tries to persuade her to come to the present with them. In onda il: 2024-06-09 34: Victor's Grandson. Sharon's Daughter
    Alice goes inside Sade to help heal her loneliness. 34: Victor's Grandson. Sharon's Daughter
    In onda il: 2024-06-09 Alice goes inside Sade to help heal her loneliness. In onda il: 2024-06-16 35: Friends, a Broken Curse, And Then...
    The battle with Sade ends as Alice decides what decision she'll make about her future. 35: Friends, a Broken Curse, And Then...
    In onda il: 2024-06-16 The battle with Sade ends as Alice decides what decision she'll make about her future. In onda il: 2024-06-23 36: Episode 36
    Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Episode 36
    In onda il: 2024-06-23 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Eiyū Kyōshitsu [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Classroom for Heroes
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Molto tempo fa, un potente signore dei demoni governò il popolo fino a quando arrivò un eroe altrettanto potente a sconfiggerlo. Per contrastare le minacce future fu creata la Rosewood Academy, una scuola per eroi in formazione. Oggi alla Rosewood Academy si iscrive solo il meglio del meglio, e Arnest Flaming è la migliore di tutti. Arnest è la studentessa più importante della scuola, è una ragazza rispettosa, e viene soprannominata "Imperatrice della fiamma". Un giorno, nel corridoio della scuola, ha un incontro irritante con un ragazzo scanzonato che non ha mai visto prima, nonostante sembri avere poteri tali da eguagliare i suoi. Il ragazzo si presenta solo come Blade e Arnest scopre presto che non solo il ragazzo è un nuovo studente appena trasferito, ma anche che lei è stata personalmente richiesta dal Re per aiutare il nuovo ragazzo ad ambientarsi nella vita quotidiana della Rosewood Academy.
    Keiichiro Kawaguchi
    Series Director Kousuke Kawamura
    Character Designer Naoki Hayashi
    Series Composition Shin Araki
    Novel Yui Ando
    Sound Effects Hideaki Nakano
    Assistant Director Noboru Jitsuhara
    Prop Designer Yasuhiro Moriki
    Mechanical & Creature Designer Miki Matsuda
    Mechanical & Creature Designer Ryou Akizuki
    Prop Designer Sachiko Harada
    Color Designer Junichi Higashi
    Supervising Art Director Shinya Tanaka
    Art Direction Ryota Fukai
    Art Designer Makoto Endo
    3D Director Kohei Tanada
    Director of Photography Mika Narukawa
    Special Effects Go Sadamatsu
    Editor Takayuki Yamaguchi
    Sound Director Shiori Saito
    Sound Mixer Kotaro Nakagawa
    Original Music Composer Yuki Tezuka
    Music Producer Juno Shin
    Executive Producer Ereka Wang
    Producer Reiji Kawashima
    Blade (voice) Misuzu Yamada
    Earnest Flaming (voice) Nao Toyama
    Sophie (voice) Hina Kino
    Cú Chulainn (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-07-09 1: Earnest
    Blade is an ex-hero who just wants to make friends and live an ordinary life. But on his first day at Rosewood Academy, he catches the eye of the school's number-one student, Earnest Flaming, who wants to get Blade expelled! 1: Earnest
    In onda il: 2023-07-09 Blade is an ex-hero who just wants to make friends and live an ordinary life. But on his first day at Rosewood Academy, he catches the eye of the school's number-one student, Earnest Flaming, who wants to get Blade expelled! In onda il: 2023-07-16 2: Sophie
    Blade is asked by Earnest to look after Sophie, who always practices by herself during class. But as he grows closer to Sophie, he discovers that beneath her aloof exterior and powerful fists lies a dark, disturbing secret... 2: Sophie
    In onda il: 2023-07-16 Blade is asked by Earnest to look after Sophie, who always practices by herself during class. But as he grows closer to Sophie, he discovers that beneath her aloof exterior and powerful fists lies a dark, disturbing secret... In onda il: 2023-07-23 3: Cu Chulainn
    A dragon is on the loose in Rosewood Academy, but Blade quickly subdues it with a well-placed punch. To everyone's surprise, the dragon then shapeshifts into the form of a human child... who seems to think Blade is her parent?! 3: Cu Chulainn
    In onda il: 2023-07-23 A dragon is on the loose in Rosewood Academy, but Blade quickly subdues it with a well-placed punch. To everyone's surprise, the dragon then shapeshifts into the form of a human child... who seems to think Blade is her parent?! In onda il: 2023-07-30 4: The Rosewood Academy Training Exercise
    Earnest and the student body challenge Cu to battle, to prove that they are worthy of being friends with her. Is the combined might of Rosewood Academy's heroes-in-training enough take down this fearsome dragon, fair and square?! 4: The Rosewood Academy Training Exercise
    In onda il: 2023-07-30 Earnest and the student body challenge Cu to battle, to prove that they are worthy of being friends with her. Is the combined might of Rosewood Academy's heroes-in-training enough take down this fearsome dragon, fair and square?! In onda il: 2023-08-06 5: The Demon King's Daughter
    One day, Claire asks Blade to do a favor for Maria, a quiet, clumsy girl who happened to take part in the battle against Cu. As it so happens, Maria's request for Blade is none other than... to kill her?! 5: The Demon King's Daughter
    In onda il: 2023-08-06 One day, Claire asks Blade to do a favor for Maria, a quiet, clumsy girl who happened to take part in the battle against Cu. As it so happens, Maria's request for Blade is none other than... to kill her?! In onda il: 2023-08-13 6: The General and the Sacred Bird
    While exploring the royal capital, Blade comes across Dione, a centaur who once fought alongside him as a hero. As it turns out, Dione was tasked by the king with transporting what happens to be some very special cargo... 6: The General and the Sacred Bird
    In onda il: 2023-08-13 While exploring the royal capital, Blade comes across Dione, a centaur who once fought alongside him as a hero. As it turns out, Dione was tasked by the king with transporting what happens to be some very special cargo... In onda il: 2023-08-20 7: The Springtime of Life at Rosewood Academy
    The king unveils a new virtual reality training program at Rosewood Academy. However, it inadvertently creates a rift in the friend group made up of Claire, Yessica, Clay, and Kassim. Now it's up to Blade to patch things up! 7: The Springtime of Life at Rosewood Academy
    In onda il: 2023-08-20 The king unveils a new virtual reality training program at Rosewood Academy. However, it inadvertently creates a rift in the friend group made up of Claire, Yessica, Clay, and Kassim. Now it's up to Blade to patch things up! In onda il: 2023-08-27 8: Less Than Human
    A mysterious robot shows up on the Rosewood Academy campus. Claire quickly befriends the robot, who she dubs Iona, and decides to enlist help from her friends to accomplish Iona's mission: to eradicate Blade! 8: Less Than Human
    In onda il: 2023-08-27 A mysterious robot shows up on the Rosewood Academy campus. Claire quickly befriends the robot, who she dubs Iona, and decides to enlist help from her friends to accomplish Iona's mission: to eradicate Blade! In onda il: 2023-09-03 9: The Superorganism Suppression Committee
    The Superorganism Suppression Committee is a motley crew of Rosewood Academy students, united by a common goal: to defeat the superorganism himself, Blade. But this fearsome Great Hero isn't about to go down without a fight! 9: The Superorganism Suppression Committee
    In onda il: 2023-09-03 The Superorganism Suppression Committee is a motley crew of Rosewood Academy students, united by a common goal: to defeat the superorganism himself, Blade. But this fearsome Great Hero isn't about to go down without a fight! In onda il: 2023-09-10 10: I'm Looking for Something Tastier than Me
    Earnest decides that a birthday meal for Blade would be the perfect gift, so the king arranges for a trip down to the Royal Pantry, a sprawling wilderness inhabited by vicious foodstuff. Now, it's eat or be eaten! 10: I'm Looking for Something Tastier than Me
    In onda il: 2023-09-10 Earnest decides that a birthday meal for Blade would be the perfect gift, so the king arranges for a trip down to the Royal Pantry, a sprawling wilderness inhabited by vicious foodstuff. Now, it's eat or be eaten! In onda il: 2023-09-17 11: The Sophie Series (Part 1)
    One day during training, Blade is suddenly attacked by Sophie. This Sophie, however, turns out to be one of five identical clone assassins, who will do anything it takes to murder the Great Hero and prove their superiority! 11: The Sophie Series (Part 1)
    In onda il: 2023-09-17 One day during training, Blade is suddenly attacked by Sophie. This Sophie, however, turns out to be one of five identical clone assassins, who will do anything it takes to murder the Great Hero and prove their superiority! In onda il: 2023-09-24 12: The Sophie Series (Part 2)
    Blade wakes up to find that Sophie has left Rosewood Academy in the middle of the night, in pursuit of her clones. Now, it's up to Blade and his friends to find a way to save both Sophie and her sisters from their cruel fates... 12: The Sophie Series (Part 2)
    In onda il: 2023-09-24 Blade wakes up to find that Sophie has left Rosewood Academy in the middle of the night, in pursuit of her clones. Now, it's up to Blade and his friends to find a way to save both Sophie and her sisters from their cruel fates... Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu [23/24] (2023-2024) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
    Stagione 2    Episodi 24        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Il 34enne vergine perdente viene cacciato di casa dalla sua famiglia e si rende conto che la sua vita è completamente finita. Mentre si pente di aver sprecato la sua vita, un camion lo investe e muore. Quando si sveglia... è in un mondo di spada e stregoneria! Rinato come un bambino di nome Rudeus, decide che questa volta vivrà una vita di cui non si pentirà!
    Toshiya Otomo
    Production Supervisor Sou Yurugi
    Producer Nobuhiro Oosawa
    Executive Producer 山崎史紀
    Executive Producer 菱山光輝
    Producer LONGMAN
    Theme Song Performance Sanae Shimada
    Character Designer 大野敏哉
    Series Composition Shirotaka
    Character Designer Yoshiaki Fujisawa
    Original Music Composer 理不尽な孫の手
    Novel 齊藤佳子
    Character Designer Takurou Hatakeyama
    Producer 大須賀翔
    Producer 大和田智之
    Producer 今井遼介
    Producer 山中隆弘
    Producer 小林健樹
    Music Producer 明田川仁
    Sound Director 頓所信二
    Director of Photography 三宅昌和
    Art Direction 三嶋章紀
    Editor Makiko Doi
    Color Designer 上野励
    Sound Effects 内山夕実
    Rudeus Greyrat (voice) 杉田智和
    Rudeus Greyrat's Former Self (voice) 茅野愛衣
    Sylphiette / Fitz (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2023-07-10 1: Il mago disperato
    Rudeus viaggia verso le aspre terre del nord alla ricerca della madre perduta. O almeno, questo è ciò che dice a se stesso. Le cicatrici della separazione da Eris sono profonde e rimettersi in piedi potrebbe non essere così facile. 1: Il mago disperato
    In onda il: 2023-07-10 Rudeus viaggia verso le aspre terre del nord alla ricerca della madre perduta. O almeno, questo è ciò che dice a se stesso. Le cicatrici della separazione da Eris sono profonde e rimettersi in piedi potrebbe non essere così facile. In onda il: 2023-07-17 2: La foresta a mezzanotte
    Rudeus si avvicina sempre di più a Counter Arrow, mentre si ambienta alla vita di avventuriero nelle Terre del Nord. Quando il pericolo si ripresenta, si ritrova a rischiare tutto per i suoi nuovi amici. 2: La foresta a mezzanotte
    In onda il: 2023-07-17 Rudeus si avvicina sempre di più a Counter Arrow, mentre si ambienta alla vita di avventuriero nelle Terre del Nord. Quando il pericolo si ripresenta, si ritrova a rischiare tutto per i suoi nuovi amici. In onda il: 2023-07-24 3: Rapido avvicinamento
    Le cose sembrano migliorare per Rudeus. E quando Sara gli chiede un appuntamento, decide di dimenticare il suo dolore e iniziare una nuova storia d'amore. Ma lasciarsi il passato alle spalle potrebbe essere più facile a dirsi che a farsi. 3: Rapido avvicinamento
    In onda il: 2023-07-24 Le cose sembrano migliorare per Rudeus. E quando Sara gli chiede un appuntamento, decide di dimenticare il suo dolore e iniziare una nuova storia d'amore. Ma lasciarsi il passato alle spalle potrebbe essere più facile a dirsi che a farsi. In onda il: 2023-07-31 4: Lettera d'invito
    Dopo due anni di avventure con Soldat, Rudeus non è più vicino a trovare sua madre o a curare la sua impotenza. Ma l'arrivo improvviso di un elfo seducente e un'offerta inaspettata potrebbero dare una svolta alla sua vita. 4: Lettera d'invito
    In onda il: 2023-07-31 Dopo due anni di avventure con Soldat, Rudeus non è più vicino a trovare sua madre o a curare la sua impotenza. Ma l'arrivo improvviso di un elfo seducente e un'offerta inaspettata potrebbero dare una svolta alla sua vita. In onda il: 2023-08-07 5: L'accademia di magia di Ranoa
    Seguendo il consiglio dell'Uomo-Dio, Rudeus si iscrive a scuola. Si riunisce con un vecchio amico e incontra potenziali nuovi nemici, ma troverà ciò che cerca? E cosa riserva il futuro a lui e all'enigmatico "Silent Fitz"? 5: L'accademia di magia di Ranoa
    In onda il: 2023-08-07 Seguendo il consiglio dell'Uomo-Dio, Rudeus si iscrive a scuola. Si riunisce con un vecchio amico e incontra potenziali nuovi nemici, ma troverà ciò che cerca? E cosa riserva il futuro a lui e all'enigmatico "Silent Fitz"? In onda il: 2023-08-14 6: Non voglio morire
    Rudeus si sta adattando alla vita scolastica e sta conoscendo meglio l'enigmatico Silent Fitz. Ma quando i suoi sforzi per insegnare a Zanoba incontrano un ostacolo, il suo nuovo amico propone una soluzione drastica. 6: Non voglio morire
    In onda il: 2023-08-14 Rudeus si sta adattando alla vita scolastica e sta conoscendo meglio l'enigmatico Silent Fitz. Ma quando i suoi sforzi per insegnare a Zanoba incontrano un ostacolo, il suo nuovo amico propone una soluzione drastica. In onda il: 2023-08-21 7: Rapimento e prigionia delle figlie degli uomini-bestia
    Quando Rudeus scopre che due dei suoi nuovi compagni di scuola hanno distrutto una delle sue preziose figure, giura vendetta. Ma anche se potrebbe riuscire a sconfiggere le studentesse in una rissa, capire cosa farne dopo non sarà così facile. 7: Rapimento e prigionia delle figlie degli uomini-bestia
    In onda il: 2023-08-21 Quando Rudeus scopre che due dei suoi nuovi compagni di scuola hanno distrutto una delle sue preziose figure, giura vendetta. Ma anche se potrebbe riuscire a sconfiggere le studentesse in una rissa, capire cosa farne dopo non sarà così facile. In onda il: 2023-08-28 8: Il fidanzato disperato
    L'amore è nell'aria. Innanzitutto, un compagno di classe innamorato cerca l'aiuto di Rudeus per incontrare la ragazza dei suoi sogni. Poi la stagione degli amori delle bestie mette Rudeus in una posizione scomoda, da cui dovrà lottare per uscire. 8: Il fidanzato disperato
    In onda il: 2023-08-28 L'amore è nell'aria. Innanzitutto, un compagno di classe innamorato cerca l'aiuto di Rudeus per incontrare la ragazza dei suoi sogni. Poi la stagione degli amori delle bestie mette Rudeus in una posizione scomoda, da cui dovrà lottare per uscire. In onda il: 2023-09-04 9: La maschera bianca
    Le indagini sul teletrasporto di massa portano Rudeus a cercare il suo compagno di classe più sfuggente: il brillante Silent Sevenstar. Ma quando si reca alla torre del laboratorio di Silent, trova un volto familiare che non si aspettava e che non gradisce. 9: La maschera bianca
    In onda il: 2023-09-04 Le indagini sul teletrasporto di massa portano Rudeus a cercare il suo compagno di classe più sfuggente: il brillante Silent Sevenstar. Ma quando si reca alla torre del laboratorio di Silent, trova un volto familiare che non si aspettava e che non gradisce. In onda il: 2023-09-11 10: Questi sentimenti
    Rudeus si abitua alla sua routine universitaria. Ma col passare del tempo, Silent Fitz è sempre più nei suoi pensieri. Cosa prova veramente per il suo enigmatico compagno di classe? E fino a che punto potrà indagare nei segreti di un amico per scoprirlo? 10: Questi sentimenti
    In onda il: 2023-09-11 Rudeus si abitua alla sua routine universitaria. Ma col passare del tempo, Silent Fitz è sempre più nei suoi pensieri. Cosa prova veramente per il suo enigmatico compagno di classe? E fino a che punto potrà indagare nei segreti di un amico per scoprirlo? In onda il: 2023-09-18 11: A te
    Ariel pone Sylphiette davanti a una scelta: rivelarsi a Rudeus o tagliare i legami con lui per sempre. Determinata a fare un'ultima spinta per rinfrescare la memoria di Rudeus, Sylphiette lo invita a una spedizione nella foresta. 11: A te
    In onda il: 2023-09-18 Ariel pone Sylphiette davanti a una scelta: rivelarsi a Rudeus o tagliare i legami con lui per sempre. Determinata a fare un'ultima spinta per rinfrescare la memoria di Rudeus, Sylphiette lo invita a una spedizione nella foresta. In onda il: 2023-09-25 12: Voglio trasmetterli
    Sylphiette si rivela e Rudeus ammette i suoi sentimenti, ma anche questo non basta a curare ciò che lo affligge. Dopo il loro dialogo a cuore aperto, Sylphiette si propone di porre fine al suo problema una volta per tutte. 12: Voglio trasmetterli
    In onda il: 2023-09-25 Sylphiette si rivela e Rudeus ammette i suoi sentimenti, ma anche questo non basta a curare ciò che lo affligge. Dopo il loro dialogo a cuore aperto, Sylphiette si propone di porre fine al suo problema una volta per tutte. In onda il: 2024-04-08 13: My Dream Home
    Newly cured and brimming with confidence, Rudeus resolves to marry Sylphie. Just one problem: he has no idea how marriage works in this world. And when friends tell him any newlywed needs a house, he winds up with a haunted mansion. 13: My Dream Home
    In onda il: 2024-04-08 Newly cured and brimming with confidence, Rudeus resolves to marry Sylphie. Just one problem: he has no idea how marriage works in this world. And when friends tell him any newlywed needs a house, he winds up with a haunted mansion. In onda il: 2024-04-15 14: Wedding Reception
    The newlyweds have settled into their new home. Next, custom dictates they throw a party for everyone they know. Preparing to host a crowd won't be easy. And even if they pull it off, the big day has surprises in store. 14: Wedding Reception
    In onda il: 2024-04-15 The newlyweds have settled into their new home. Next, custom dictates they throw a party for everyone they know. Preparing to host a crowd won't be easy. And even if they pull it off, the big day has surprises in store. In onda il: 2024-04-22 15: Afar
    Rudeus receives a letter from Paul. The letter explains that Norn and Aisha, Rudeus's younger sisters, have been sent to join Rudeus. Meanwhile Nanahoshi continues her research into summoning magic for a way to return to her original world. 15: Afar
    In onda il: 2024-04-22 Rudeus receives a letter from Paul. The letter explains that Norn and Aisha, Rudeus's younger sisters, have been sent to join Rudeus. Meanwhile Nanahoshi continues her research into summoning magic for a way to return to her original world. In onda il: 2024-04-29 16: Norn and Aisha
    Rudeus's sisters arrive with an unexpected chaperone. After catching up with an old friend, Rudeus decides it's time to send the girls to school. But convincing Norn and Aisha turns out to be more trouble than he bargained for. 16: Norn and Aisha
    In onda il: 2024-04-29 Rudeus's sisters arrive with an unexpected chaperone. After catching up with an old friend, Rudeus decides it's time to send the girls to school. But convincing Norn and Aisha turns out to be more trouble than he bargained for. In onda il: 2024-05-06 17: My Older Brother's Feelings
    Norn shuts herself in her dorm room and refuses to attend classes. Haunted by the specter of his past life, Rudeus sets out to solve his sister's problems, only to discover that he is the cause. 17: My Older Brother's Feelings
    In onda il: 2024-05-06 Norn shuts herself in her dorm room and refuses to attend classes. Haunted by the specter of his past life, Rudeus sets out to solve his sister's problems, only to discover that he is the cause. In onda il: 2024-05-13 18: Turning Point 3
    Life is looking up for Rudeus. His sisters are settling in, and he has plenty of time for friends and family... until an announcement from Sylphie and an unexpected letter upend his idyllic school life. 18: Turning Point 3
    In onda il: 2024-05-13 Life is looking up for Rudeus. His sisters are settling in, and he has plenty of time for friends and family... until an announcement from Sylphie and an unexpected letter upend his idyllic school life. In onda il: 2024-05-27 19: Desert Journey
    With Nanahoshi's help, Rudeus gains a way to shorten his journey, but he and Elinalise will still need to hurry if they hope to return before Sylphie gives birth. Their first obstacle: the harsh desert of Begaritt and its monstrous denizens. 19: Desert Journey
    In onda il: 2024-05-27 With Nanahoshi's help, Rudeus gains a way to shorten his journey, but he and Elinalise will still need to hurry if they hope to return before Sylphie gives birth. Their first obstacle: the harsh desert of Begaritt and its monstrous denizens. In onda il: 2024-06-03 20: Into the Labyrinth
    Rudeus and Elinalise reach Rapan and soon reunite with Paul, only to learn that a deadly labyrinth has claimed both Zenith and Roxy. The fruits of Rudeus's studies offer a last, faint hope to reach his mother and his mentor in time. 20: Into the Labyrinth
    In onda il: 2024-06-03 Rudeus and Elinalise reach Rapan and soon reunite with Paul, only to learn that a deadly labyrinth has claimed both Zenith and Roxy. The fruits of Rudeus's studies offer a last, faint hope to reach his mother and his mentor in time. In onda il: 2024-06-10 21: Magic Circle to the Sixth Stratum
    With Roxy's rescue, the search for Zenith resumes in earnest. Rudeus reconnects with his mentor amid the perils of the labyrinth. But why does she seem a little more awkward around him than before? 21: Magic Circle to the Sixth Stratum
    In onda il: 2024-06-10 With Roxy's rescue, the search for Zenith resumes in earnest. Rudeus reconnects with his mentor amid the perils of the labyrinth. But why does she seem a little more awkward around him than before? In onda il: 2024-06-17 22: Parents
    The rescue party reaches the heart of the Teleporter Labyrinth and confronts its guardian. But when the monster shrugs off Rudeus's magic, they realize they may have bitten off more than they can chew. 22: Parents
    In onda il: 2024-06-17 The rescue party reaches the heart of the Teleporter Labyrinth and confronts its guardian. But when the monster shrugs off Rudeus's magic, they realize they may have bitten off more than they can chew. In onda il: 2024-06-24 23: Let's Go Home
    Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Let's Go Home
    In onda il: 2024-06-24 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-07-01 24: Episode 24
    Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24
    In onda il: 2024-07-01 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Dreaming Boy Is a Realist
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Commedia
    Wataru Sajou, che è profondamente innamorato della sua bellissima compagna di classe Aika Natsukawa, continua ad avvicinarla senza scoraggiarsi mentre sogna il loro reciproco amore. Riflettendo, Wataru si convince di non essere abbastanza per lei ed inizia a tenere le distanze, trattandola come una semplice compagna di classe. Aika è sorpresa da questo repentino cambio di atteggiamento ma non ne sembra contenta e inizia a pensare che il ragazzo la detesti. Una commedia romantica di due persone che non riescono a esprimere i propri sentimenti convinti che il loro amore non sia corrisposto.
    Kazuomi Koga
    Series Director Michiko Yokote
    Series Composition Miyabi Ozeki
    Character Designer Hajime Takakuwa
    Sound Director Mayumi Tanahashi
    Color Designer Shigeyuki Koresawa
    Prop Designer Michiru Odaka
    Art Designer Chikako Shibata
    Art Direction Naomasa Fukuda
    Special Effects Hijiri Yamamoto
    Director of Photography Mutsumi Takemiya
    Editor Ryouhei Sataka
    Original Music Composer Kaori Ishihara
    Theme Song Performance Naoya Miyase
    Wataru Sajō (voice) Akiho Suzumoto
    Aika Natsukawa (voice) Yumiri Hanamori
    Kei Ashida (voice) Mikako Komatsu
    Kaede Sajō (voice) Kaori Ishihara
    Rin Shinomiya (voice) Iori Saeki
    Mina Ichinose (voice) Minami Kurisaka
    Fūka Sasaki (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-07-04 1: I Like You. Please Go Out With Me
    Wataru Sajo is a self-described ordinary student. He's got a crush on his classmate Aika Natsukawa. He dreams of dating her, but he's also perceived as the "stalker guy." 1: I Like You. Please Go Out With Me
    In onda il: 2023-07-04 Wataru Sajo is a self-described ordinary student. He's got a crush on his classmate Aika Natsukawa. He dreams of dating her, but he's also perceived as the "stalker guy." In onda il: 2023-07-11 2: For You. It's a Spare Triangle Chocolate Pie
    Neither of these two can seem to communicate their true feelings! Will Wataru and Aika ever see eye to eye? 2: For You. It's a Spare Triangle Chocolate Pie
    In onda il: 2023-07-11 Neither of these two can seem to communicate their true feelings! Will Wataru and Aika ever see eye to eye? In onda il: 2023-07-18 3: Could You Not Call the Summer Uniform, Scanty Clothing?
    Aika feels happy she's becoming more acquainted with classmates. On the other hand, she's holding onto feelings of confusion and frustration inside her heart. 3: Could You Not Call the Summer Uniform, Scanty Clothing?
    In onda il: 2023-07-18 Aika feels happy she's becoming more acquainted with classmates. On the other hand, she's holding onto feelings of confusion and frustration inside her heart. In onda il: 2023-07-25 4: Dark Brown? That Kind of Has a Cool Ring to It
    Wataru's big sister, Kaede, points out to him that his hair is growing out and it's "grubby." Meanwhile, Aika decides to once again face her own feelings. 4: Dark Brown? That Kind of Has a Cool Ring to It
    In onda il: 2023-07-25 Wataru's big sister, Kaede, points out to him that his hair is growing out and it's "grubby." Meanwhile, Aika decides to once again face her own feelings. In onda il: 2023-08-01 5: Should We Open It? Should We Open It? Should We Look Inside?
    Wataru falls ill and collapses in the classroom. Aika harbors feelings that cannot be expressed in words. 5: Should We Open It? Should We Open It? Should We Look Inside?
    In onda il: 2023-08-01 Wataru falls ill and collapses in the classroom. Aika harbors feelings that cannot be expressed in words. In onda il: 2023-08-08 6: End of First Trimester Commemoration Parfait!
    Wataru blurts out a weird sound. Meanwhile, Aika discusses her summer break plans with Kei. Aika and Sasaki are appointed to be tour guides for middle schoolers. 6: End of First Trimester Commemoration Parfait!
    In onda il: 2023-08-08 Wataru blurts out a weird sound. Meanwhile, Aika discusses her summer break plans with Kei. Aika and Sasaki are appointed to be tour guides for middle schoolers. In onda il: 2023-08-15 7: You Know, Female College Students are Seriously Amazing.
    It’s summer vacation and Wataru goes on a special outing with his older sister. The destination is a beautiful white beach! 7: You Know, Female College Students are Seriously Amazing.
    In onda il: 2023-08-15 It’s summer vacation and Wataru goes on a special outing with his older sister. The destination is a beautiful white beach! In onda il: 2023-08-22 8: Aren't You Way Too Guilty?
    Wataru works part-time at a used bookstore and Mina starts working there as a new hire. Mina is timid so Wataru tries to give her guidance. 8: Aren't You Way Too Guilty?
    In onda il: 2023-08-22 Wataru works part-time at a used bookstore and Mina starts working there as a new hire. Mina is timid so Wataru tries to give her guidance. In onda il: 2023-08-29 9: Coffee. With a Ratio to Milk About 8 to 2. Sugar 1 Teaspoon, Caramel Powder Too, Please.
    Wataru finds out the reason why Mina wants to keep her job, no matter what. Meanwhile, Aika meets up with Sasaki, who is getting tough! 9: Coffee. With a Ratio to Milk About 8 to 2. Sugar 1 Teaspoon, Caramel Powder Too, Please.
    In onda il: 2023-08-29 Wataru finds out the reason why Mina wants to keep her job, no matter what. Meanwhile, Aika meets up with Sasaki, who is getting tough! In onda il: 2023-09-05 10: Your Leg's Already at T-Minus 5 Seconds Before Blastoff!
    Wataru helps out with the school visit tour. He reunites with Rin at school during the summer break. Meanwhile, Aika is lost in thought as she recalls how she met Wataru. 10: Your Leg's Already at T-Minus 5 Seconds Before Blastoff!
    In onda il: 2023-09-05 Wataru helps out with the school visit tour. He reunites with Rin at school during the summer break. Meanwhile, Aika is lost in thought as she recalls how she met Wataru. In onda il: 2023-09-12 11: You Smell Like Sweat... You Must've Worked Hard.
    For the first time in a while, Aika and Wataru spend some time alone together. Aika works up the courage and offers Wataru a proposal. 11: You Smell Like Sweat... You Must've Worked Hard.
    In onda il: 2023-09-12 For the first time in a while, Aika and Wataru spend some time alone together. Aika works up the courage and offers Wataru a proposal. In onda il: 2023-09-19 12: Because, You are Where I Belong!
    Aika stops by Wataru's part-time job once again to invite him over to her house. Can Wataru and Aika be honest about their respective feelings? 12: Because, You are Where I Belong!
    In onda il: 2023-09-19 Aika stops by Wataru's part-time job once again to invite him over to her house. Can Wataru and Aika be honest about their respective feelings? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  13. Bungou Stray Dogs 5 [11/11] (2023) [5° Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bungou Stray Dogs
    Stagione 1    Episodi 60        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Crime ◦ Mistero ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma
    Nakajima Atsushi è stato cacciato dal suo orfanotrofio e ora non ha un posto dove andare e non ha cibo. Mentre si trova in riva a un fiume, sull'orlo della fame, salva un uomo che tenta il suicidio in modo stravagante. Quell'uomo è Dazai Osamu, e lui e il suo partner Kunikida sono membri di un'agenzia investigativa molto speciale. Hanno poteri soprannaturali e si occupano di casi troppo pericolosi per la polizia o l'esercito. Stanno rintracciando una tigre che è apparsa nell'area di recente, nel periodo in cui Atsushi è arrivato nell'area. La tigre sembra avere una connessione con Atsushi, e quando il caso sarà risolto, è chiaro che il futuro di Atsushi coinvolgerà molto di più Dazai e il resto degli investigatori
    Takuya Igarashi
    Series Director Mari Suzuki
    Line Producer Nobuhiro Arai
    Character Designer Yukari Goto
    Color Designer Yumiko Kondou
    Art Direction Fumihilo Katagai
    Mechanical Designer Kazuhiro Wakabayashi
    Sound Director Mamoru Miyano
    Osamu Dazai (voice) Yuto Uemura
    Atsushi Nakajima (voice) Masaaki Mizunaka
    Shirase (voice) Hiroyuki Yoshino
    Mark Twain Sumire Morohoshi
    Kyouka Izumi Junichi Suwabe
    Odasaku Oda Shunsuke Takeuchi
    Lovecraft Takayuki Sugo
    Herman Melville Jun Fukuyama
    Ango Sakaguchi Mitsuru Miyamoto
    Rintarou Mori Kengo Kawanishi
    John Steinbeck Toshiyuki Toyonaga
    Junichirou Tanizaki Yuna Mimura
    Yuan Kana Hanazawa
    Lucy Maud Montgomery Ami Koshimizu
    Kouyou Ozaki Hiroshi Kamiya
    Ranpo Edogawa Hochu Otsuka
    Natsume Souseki Hiroyuki Kagura
    Kenji Miyazawa Kazuya Nakai
    Tatsuhiko Shibusawa Kenichi Suzumura
    Katai Tayama Akira Ishida
    Fedor Dostoevskij Chiaki Omigawa
    Naomi Tanizaki Kaori Nazuka
    Margaret Mitchell Kisho Taniyama
    Chuuya Nakahara Masakazu Morita
    Shousaku Katsura Wataru Hatano
    Motojirou Kajii Rikiya Koyama
    Yukichi Fukuzawa Tarusuke Shingaki
    Nathaniel Hawthorne Yu Shimamura
    Akiko Yosano Minako Kotobuki
    Aya Sora Amamiya
    Elise Takahiro Sakurai
    Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald Kensho Ono
    Ryuunosuke Akutagawa Haruka Kudou
    Yumeno Kyuusaku Episodi: 60 
    In onda il: 2016-04-07 1: Fortune Is Unpredictable and Mutable
    Driven out from his orphanage, Nakajima Atsushi wanders the streets of Yokohama on the bring of starvation. Determined to live, a chance encounter with a drowning stranger changes his fate... 1: Fortune Is Unpredictable and Mutable
    In onda il: 2016-04-07 Driven out from his orphanage, Nakajima Atsushi wanders the streets of Yokohama on the bring of starvation. Determined to live, a chance encounter with a drowning stranger changes his fate... In onda il: 2016-04-14 2: A Certain Bomb
    Despite joining the Armed Detective Agency, Nakajima lacks conviction that he'd be of any use. Just as he's about to bid the agency farewell, a bomber takes over the agency with one of the agency employees as his hostage...! 2: A Certain Bomb
    In onda il: 2016-04-14 Despite joining the Armed Detective Agency, Nakajima lacks conviction that he'd be of any use. Just as he's about to bid the agency farewell, a bomber takes over the agency with one of the agency employees as his hostage...! In onda il: 2016-04-21 3: Yokohama Gangster Paradise
    Now an official member of the Agency after passing their entrance exam, Atsushi is assigned to his first case right away with Tanizaki and Naomi. Though deceptively simple on the surface, there's more than meets the eye... 3: Yokohama Gangster Paradise
    In onda il: 2016-04-21 Now an official member of the Agency after passing their entrance exam, Atsushi is assigned to his first case right away with Tanizaki and Naomi. Though deceptively simple on the surface, there's more than meets the eye... In onda il: 2016-04-28 4: The Tragedy of the Fatalist
    Though saved from the Port Mafia by Dazai's intervention, Atsushi feels responsible for bringing trouble to the Agency's door. Rather than risk another attack because of him, Atsushi decides to leave the Agency and makes a call to the Port Mafia... 4: The Tragedy of the Fatalist
    In onda il: 2016-04-28 Though saved from the Port Mafia by Dazai's intervention, Atsushi feels responsible for bringing trouble to the Agency's door. Rather than risk another attack because of him, Atsushi decides to leave the Agency and makes a call to the Port Mafia... In onda il: 2016-05-05 5: Murder on D Street
    After repelling the Port Mafia's Black Lizards with deceptive ease, Atsushi is tasked with accompanying Rampo to a case. Skeptical of the self-dubbed great detective who seems to lack all common sense, Atsushi is about to witness Rampo's ability first-hand... 5: Murder on D Street
    In onda il: 2016-05-05 After repelling the Port Mafia's Black Lizards with deceptive ease, Atsushi is tasked with accompanying Rampo to a case. Skeptical of the self-dubbed great detective who seems to lack all common sense, Atsushi is about to witness Rampo's ability first-hand... In onda il: 2016-05-12 6: The Azure Messenger
    The Agency investigates a series of disappearances in Yokohama. Kunikida enlists the help of a hacker named Taguchi Rokuzou, but all they find are photos of the victims and mention of a mysterious figure called the Azure Messenger. They follow the trail of clues to an abandoned hospital... 6: The Azure Messenger
    In onda il: 2016-05-12 The Agency investigates a series of disappearances in Yokohama. Kunikida enlists the help of a hacker named Taguchi Rokuzou, but all they find are photos of the victims and mention of a mysterious figure called the Azure Messenger. They follow the trail of clues to an abandoned hospital... In onda il: 2016-05-19 7: Love for the Disease Called Ideals
    Following the Azure Messenger's bomb threat, the Armed Detective Agency must race to prevent the deaths of hundreds, which would taint the Agency forever. However, Dazai's seemingly distracted by Sasaki Nobuko, the lone survivor of their raid on the abandoned hospital... 7: Love for the Disease Called Ideals
    In onda il: 2016-05-19 Following the Azure Messenger's bomb threat, the Armed Detective Agency must race to prevent the deaths of hundreds, which would taint the Agency forever. However, Dazai's seemingly distracted by Sasaki Nobuko, the lone survivor of their raid on the abandoned hospital... In onda il: 2016-05-26 8: Teaching Them to Kill, Then to Die
    Dazai goes missing, but the Agency operatives feel it's just business as usual. Meanwhile, Atsushi accompanies Yosano Akiko on a shopping expedition, where they are suddenly plunged into the middle of a terrorist bomb threat by one of the Port Mafia... 8: Teaching Them to Kill, Then to Die
    In onda il: 2016-05-26 Dazai goes missing, but the Agency operatives feel it's just business as usual. Meanwhile, Atsushi accompanies Yosano Akiko on a shopping expedition, where they are suddenly plunged into the middle of a terrorist bomb threat by one of the Port Mafia... In onda il: 2016-06-02 9: The Beauty Is Quiet Like a Stone Statue
    Kyouka was made into an assassin by those who abused her ability, and Atsushi can't help but feel sympathy toward her. Unable to turn her in to the military police, Atsushi ends up taking her out on a date. Meanwhile, Akutagawa is busy berating his former supervisor--Dazai. 9: The Beauty Is Quiet Like a Stone Statue
    In onda il: 2016-06-02 Kyouka was made into an assassin by those who abused her ability, and Atsushi can't help but feel sympathy toward her. Unable to turn her in to the military police, Atsushi ends up taking her out on a date. Meanwhile, Akutagawa is busy berating his former supervisor--Dazai. In onda il: 2016-06-09 10: Rashomon and the Tiger
    Dazai has a face-off with his ex-partner, Chuuya, as Chuuya attempts to uncover Dazai's true intentions for letting himself get captured. Meanwhile, Atsuhi faces Akutagawa's intense and inexplicable hatred for him, as the ship continues on to the meeting place where he will be handed off in exchange for the bounty on his head... 10: Rashomon and the Tiger
    In onda il: 2016-06-09 Dazai has a face-off with his ex-partner, Chuuya, as Chuuya attempts to uncover Dazai's true intentions for letting himself get captured. Meanwhile, Atsuhi faces Akutagawa's intense and inexplicable hatred for him, as the ship continues on to the meeting place where he will be handed off in exchange for the bounty on his head... In onda il: 2016-06-16 11: First, an Unsuitable Profession for Her. Second, an Ecstatic Detective Agency
    In the aftermath of Atsushi and Dazai's abduction, the Agency must decide what to do with Kyouka, the loose end. Meanwhile, the Port Mafia also deliberates what to do with Akutagawa, now comatose, as his enemies seek vengeance... 11: First, an Unsuitable Profession for Her. Second, an Ecstatic Detective Agency
    In onda il: 2016-06-16 In the aftermath of Atsushi and Dazai's abduction, the Agency must decide what to do with Kyouka, the loose end. Meanwhile, the Port Mafia also deliberates what to do with Akutagawa, now comatose, as his enemies seek vengeance... In onda il: 2016-06-23 12: Borne Back Ceaselessly into the Past
    Francis, the leader of The Guild, a North American organization of gifted members, is the one responsible for the bounty on Atsushi's head. Fukuzawa refuses Francis's offer to buy out the Agency, but their agents begin to disappear... 12: Borne Back Ceaselessly into the Past
    In onda il: 2016-06-23 Francis, the leader of The Guild, a North American organization of gifted members, is the one responsible for the bounty on Atsushi's head. Fukuzawa refuses Francis's offer to buy out the Agency, but their agents begin to disappear... In onda il: 2016-10-06 13: The Dark Age
    On a misty night, Oda Sakunosuke, Dazai Osamu, and Sakaguchi Ango meet as always at their usual bar. For the trio of Port Mafia members, it a night spent in camaraderie like any other, but Ango vanishes that very night. Oda is given a direct order from the Port Mafia boss to find Ango, but... 13: The Dark Age
    In onda il: 2016-10-06 On a misty night, Oda Sakunosuke, Dazai Osamu, and Sakaguchi Ango meet as always at their usual bar. For the trio of Port Mafia members, it a night spent in camaraderie like any other, but Ango vanishes that very night. Oda is given a direct order from the Port Mafia boss to find Ango, but... In onda il: 2016-10-07 14: Nowhere to Return
    The reason that Odasaku went to a certain Western style restaurant was not just because of the curry. He is having the owner watch over a group of young children who had lost their parents two years ago in the war. Odasaku is trying to track down Ango, and remembers the time they first met. Meanwhile, Dazai manages to catch one of the Mimic soldiers alive in a trap he had set. However, once he gets there, all that is waiting for him is a corpse. Another figure was also waiting for him, his subordinate, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. 14: Nowhere to Return
    In onda il: 2016-10-07 The reason that Odasaku went to a certain Western style restaurant was not just because of the curry. He is having the owner watch over a group of young children who had lost their parents two years ago in the war. Odasaku is trying to track down Ango, and remembers the time they first met. Meanwhile, Dazai manages to catch one of the Mimic soldiers alive in a trap he had set. However, once he gets there, all that is waiting for him is a corpse. Another figure was also waiting for him, his subordinate, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. In onda il: 2016-10-14 15: A Room Where We Can Someday See the Ocean
    The Port Mafia's council of five top executives has decreed that Mimic must be annihilated. In the ensuing battle, Odasaku has a fateful encounter with Gide, the leader of Mimic, who makes a cryptic prophecy. Night falls, and the usual bar now awaits Dazai, Odasaku and Ango... 15: A Room Where We Can Someday See the Ocean
    In onda il: 2016-10-14 The Port Mafia's council of five top executives has decreed that Mimic must be annihilated. In the ensuing battle, Odasaku has a fateful encounter with Gide, the leader of Mimic, who makes a cryptic prophecy. Night falls, and the usual bar now awaits Dazai, Odasaku and Ango... In onda il: 2016-10-21 16: Bungo Stray Dogs
    While the leaders of the Port Mafia and the gifted special operations division meet via Ango, Dazai is close to discovering the true significance of the conflict between the three groups. However, in despair, Odasaku's deaf to Dazai's entreaties not to go alone to Mimic's headquarters where Gide awaits... 16: Bungo Stray Dogs
    In onda il: 2016-10-21 While the leaders of the Port Mafia and the gifted special operations division meet via Ango, Dazai is close to discovering the true significance of the conflict between the three groups. However, in despair, Odasaku's deaf to Dazai's entreaties not to go alone to Mimic's headquarters where Gide awaits... In onda il: 2016-10-28 17: Three Companies Conflict
    Trusting in a life that doesn't require her to kill, Kyouka works her first job at the Armed Detective Agency, but the job ends in a minor disaster. As Atsushi attempts to cheer her up, the unthinkable happens--Kyouka's inactive cell phone rings, and a voice orders Demon Snow to attack Atsushi. 17: Three Companies Conflict
    In onda il: 2016-10-28 Trusting in a life that doesn't require her to kill, Kyouka works her first job at the Armed Detective Agency, but the job ends in a minor disaster. As Atsushi attempts to cheer her up, the unthinkable happens--Kyouka's inactive cell phone rings, and a voice orders Demon Snow to attack Atsushi. In onda il: 2016-11-04 18: The Conflict of Strategy
    Mori, the leader of the Port Mafia, sends a letter to Margaret M. and Nathaniel H., threatening to destroy them and the ship they are protecting. 18: The Conflict of Strategy
    In onda il: 2016-11-04 Mori, the leader of the Port Mafia, sends a letter to Margaret M. and Nathaniel H., threatening to destroy them and the ship they are protecting. In onda il: 2016-11-11 19: Will of Tycoon
    John S. and Lovecraft hunt down Naomi and Haruno as they flee from town. While Atsushi and Dazai wait for them to arrive at the train station, Dazai notices a shady figure stalking him. 19: Will of Tycoon
    In onda il: 2016-11-11 John S. and Lovecraft hunt down Naomi and Haruno as they flee from town. While Atsushi and Dazai wait for them to arrive at the train station, Dazai notices a shady figure stalking him. In onda il: 2016-11-18 20: Though the Mind May Be Wrong
    Atsushi is abducted onto the Moby Dick. Meanwhile, Lovecraft succeeds in capturing Q. Francis F. and the Guild prepare to carry out what they call their "emergency plan." 20: Though the Mind May Be Wrong
    In onda il: 2016-11-18 Atsushi is abducted onto the Moby Dick. Meanwhile, Lovecraft succeeds in capturing Q. Francis F. and the Guild prepare to carry out what they call their "emergency plan." In onda il: 2016-11-25 21: Double Black
    The leaders of the Agency and the Port Mafia negotiate an alliance. Meanwhile, Dazai and Chuuya face off against Lovecraft. 21: Double Black
    In onda il: 2016-11-25 The leaders of the Agency and the Port Mafia negotiate an alliance. Meanwhile, Dazai and Chuuya face off against Lovecraft. In onda il: 2016-12-02 22: Poe and Rampo
    Rampo receives an invitation to a detective game from none other than E. A. Poe. He's indifferent at first, until Poe reveals what the reward would be should he win. 22: Poe and Rampo
    In onda il: 2016-12-02 Rampo receives an invitation to a detective game from none other than E. A. Poe. He's indifferent at first, until Poe reveals what the reward would be should he win. In onda il: 2016-12-09 23: Rashoumon, The Tiger, and The Last Emperor
    Atsushi searches desperately for the control terminal, which he would need to stop the Moby Dick from crashing into Yokohama. He's greeted by Akutagawa and Francis, both of whom have other plans in mind. 23: Rashoumon, The Tiger, and The Last Emperor
    In onda il: 2016-12-09 Atsushi searches desperately for the control terminal, which he would need to stop the Moby Dick from crashing into Yokohama. He's greeted by Akutagawa and Francis, both of whom have other plans in mind. In onda il: 2016-12-16 24: If I May Shed Away My Burden Now
    Atsushi and Akutagawa fail to call off the Moby Dick's descent. They search desperately for other ways to protect Yokohama. 24: If I May Shed Away My Burden Now
    In onda il: 2016-12-16 Atsushi and Akutagawa fail to call off the Moby Dick's descent. They search desperately for other ways to protect Yokohama. In onda il: 2019-04-12 25: Dazai, Chuuya, Fifteen Years Old
    Port Mafia leader Mori Ougai orders a fifteen-year-old Dazai Osamu to investigate the appearance of a certain individual in the Yokohama Settlement area. 25: Dazai, Chuuya, Fifteen Years Old
    In onda il: 2019-04-12 Port Mafia leader Mori Ougai orders a fifteen-year-old Dazai Osamu to investigate the appearance of a certain individual in the Yokohama Settlement area. In onda il: 2019-04-19 26: God of Fire
    Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya are attacked by GSS soldiers in the middle of investigating an explosion caused years ago by Arahabaki. 26: God of Fire
    In onda il: 2019-04-19 Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya are attacked by GSS soldiers in the middle of investigating an explosion caused years ago by Arahabaki. In onda il: 2019-04-26 27: Only a Diamond Can Polish a Diamond
    Nakahara Chuuya and Dazai Osamu reveal the truth behind Arahabaki, Randou, the former Port Mafia boss and Chuuya himself. 27: Only a Diamond Can Polish a Diamond
    In onda il: 2019-04-26 Nakahara Chuuya and Dazai Osamu reveal the truth behind Arahabaki, Randou, the former Port Mafia boss and Chuuya himself. In onda il: 2019-05-03 28: My Ill Deeds Are the Work of God
    Port Mafia executive Ace captures Fyodor, who was behind the destruction of the Moby Dick. Keeping him captured may prove to be more difficult. 28: My Ill Deeds Are the Work of God
    In onda il: 2019-05-03 Port Mafia executive Ace captures Fyodor, who was behind the destruction of the Moby Dick. Keeping him captured may prove to be more difficult. In onda il: 2019-05-10 29: Slap the Stick & Addict
    The café that the Detective Agency members frequent is attacked by The Park, who are after the Guild’s property. 29: Slap the Stick & Addict
    In onda il: 2019-05-10 The café that the Detective Agency members frequent is attacked by The Park, who are after the Guild’s property. In onda il: 2019-05-17 30: Herurisu / Portrait of a Father
    The Agency is tasked with finding and delivering an important document. A man is hit and killed by a truck. His identity shocks Atsushi. 30: Herurisu / Portrait of a Father
    In onda il: 2019-05-17 The Agency is tasked with finding and delivering an important document. A man is hit and killed by a truck. His identity shocks Atsushi. In onda il: 2019-05-24 31: Fitzgerald Rising
    Louisa reunites with Fitzgerald, but he’s not quite the man he used to be. 31: Fitzgerald Rising
    In onda il: 2019-05-24 Louisa reunites with Fitzgerald, but he’s not quite the man he used to be. In onda il: 2019-05-31 32: The Masked Assassin
    The leaders of the Port Mafia and the Detective Agency are attacked by an assassin in a mask, leaving both of them ill. 32: The Masked Assassin
    In onda il: 2019-05-31 The leaders of the Port Mafia and the Detective Agency are attacked by an assassin in a mask, leaving both of them ill. In onda il: 2019-06-07 33: Cannibalism (1)
    Tensions between the Detective Agency and the Port Mafia run high as they both scramble to save their own leaders while avoiding an all-out war. 33: Cannibalism (1)
    In onda il: 2019-06-07 Tensions between the Detective Agency and the Port Mafia run high as they both scramble to save their own leaders while avoiding an all-out war. In onda il: 2019-06-14 34: Cannibalism (2)
    The Detective Agency president is in safe hands for now, but unless he or the Port Mafia boss dies, a full-scale war between the two organizations is inevitable. 34: Cannibalism (2)
    In onda il: 2019-06-14 The Detective Agency president is in safe hands for now, but unless he or the Port Mafia boss dies, a full-scale war between the two organizations is inevitable. In onda il: 2019-06-21 35: Cannibalism (3)
    Mori Ougai and Fukuzawa Yukichi fight to the death in a desperate bid to save the organizations they lead from falling into a devastating war. 35: Cannibalism (3)
    In onda il: 2019-06-21 Mori Ougai and Fukuzawa Yukichi fight to the death in a desperate bid to save the organizations they lead from falling into a devastating war. In onda il: 2019-06-28 36: Echo
    The gifted responsible for the virus is on the run as Nakagawa Atsushi and Akutagawa Ryunosuke chase after him. Meanwhile, the Detective Agency has the Rats’ hideout surrounded to try to capture Fyodor Dostoevsky. 36: Echo
    In onda il: 2019-06-28 The gifted responsible for the virus is on the run as Nakagawa Atsushi and Akutagawa Ryunosuke chase after him. Meanwhile, the Detective Agency has the Rats’ hideout surrounded to try to capture Fyodor Dostoevsky. In onda il: 2023-01-04 37: The Lone Swordsman and the Famous Detective
    Security police officer Fukuzawa Yukichi arrives at work to discover that his client had been assassinated. The assassin is already apprehended by the time he arrives, but something doesn’t quite seem right. 37: The Lone Swordsman and the Famous Detective
    In onda il: 2023-01-04 Security police officer Fukuzawa Yukichi arrives at work to discover that his client had been assassinated. The assassin is already apprehended by the time he arrives, but something doesn’t quite seem right. In onda il: 2023-01-11 38: The Day Is a Dream, the Night Is Real
    Fukuzawa gives Rampo a pair of glasses, claiming that wearing them would activate his ability to instantly determine the truth of any situation, and taking them off would give him the ability to tolerate the stupidity of the ordinary person. 38: The Day Is a Dream, the Night Is Real
    In onda il: 2023-01-11 Fukuzawa gives Rampo a pair of glasses, claiming that wearing them would activate his ability to instantly determine the truth of any situation, and taking them off would give him the ability to tolerate the stupidity of the ordinary person. In onda il: 2023-01-18 39: The Secret Founding of the Detective Agency
    Rampo gets a ride to the police station, but the officer doesn’t seem to be who he says he is. 39: The Secret Founding of the Detective Agency
    In onda il: 2023-01-18 Rampo gets a ride to the police station, but the officer doesn’t seem to be who he says he is. In onda il: 2023-01-25 40: A Perfect Murder and Murderer (1)
    Kunikida is being held for a murder that Rampo is certain he didn't commit. Meanwhile, Poe is determined to solve a murder mystery that has had the police stumped. Rampo has some thoughts on that situation, too. 40: A Perfect Murder and Murderer (1)
    In onda il: 2023-01-25 Kunikida is being held for a murder that Rampo is certain he didn't commit. Meanwhile, Poe is determined to solve a murder mystery that has had the police stumped. Rampo has some thoughts on that situation, too. In onda il: 2023-02-01 41: A Perfect Murder and Murderer (2)
    The last page of the manuscript received by Poe appears to have been a photocopy. Rampo seems to know why, but there are still more mysteries surrounding the death of the author. 41: A Perfect Murder and Murderer (2)
    In onda il: 2023-02-01 The last page of the manuscript received by Poe appears to have been a photocopy. Rampo seems to know why, but there are still more mysteries surrounding the death of the author. In onda il: 2023-02-08 42: Tragic Sunday
    The Detective Agency receives an urgent request from the government to investigate a series murders perpetrated by the same culprit. 42: Tragic Sunday
    In onda il: 2023-02-08 The Detective Agency receives an urgent request from the government to investigate a series murders perpetrated by the same culprit. In onda il: 2023-02-15 43: Dogs Hunt Dogs
    The Detective Agency is framed for the brutal murder of several government officials. Its members are on the run from the Military Police. 43: Dogs Hunt Dogs
    In onda il: 2023-02-15 The Detective Agency is framed for the brutal murder of several government officials. Its members are on the run from the Military Police. In onda il: 2023-02-22 44: You, A Child of Sin; I, A Child of Sin
    The president of the Detective Agency is arrested, and Kunikida is missing after having blown himself up with a grenade. Meanwhile, Atsushi and Kyouka are on the run, looking for a way to defeat the true mastermind: Fyodor. 44: You, A Child of Sin; I, A Child of Sin
    In onda il: 2023-02-22 The president of the Detective Agency is arrested, and Kunikida is missing after having blown himself up with a grenade. Meanwhile, Atsushi and Kyouka are on the run, looking for a way to defeat the true mastermind: Fyodor. In onda il: 2023-03-01 45: A Dream of Butterflies
    Port Mafia boss Mori wants Yosano to join them in exchange for assisting the Detective Agency through their crisis. Yosano reveals why she would rather not. 45: A Dream of Butterflies
    In onda il: 2023-03-01 Port Mafia boss Mori wants Yosano to join them in exchange for assisting the Detective Agency through their crisis. Yosano reveals why she would rather not. In onda il: 2023-03-08 46: In Lament of My Wingless Body
    Tanizaki, Miyazawa and Yosano head to the site where Yosano is scheduled to be handed off to the Port Mafia. 46: In Lament of My Wingless Body
    In onda il: 2023-03-08 Tanizaki, Miyazawa and Yosano head to the site where Yosano is scheduled to be handed off to the Port Mafia. In onda il: 2023-03-15 47: Jailbreak
    Atsushi and Kyoka help Mushitaro escape. However, they get surrounded by the Bureau, led by Ango Sakaguchi. 47: Jailbreak
    In onda il: 2023-03-15 Atsushi and Kyoka help Mushitaro escape. However, they get surrounded by the Bureau, led by Ango Sakaguchi. In onda il: 2023-03-22 48: Bungo Hound Dogs
    Suspecting that Lucy is cooperating with the terrorist organization known as the Armed Detective Agency, Jouno and Tetchou pay a visit to the cafe at where she works, in hopes of tracking down Atsushi and Kyouka. 48: Bungo Hound Dogs
    In onda il: 2023-03-22 Suspecting that Lucy is cooperating with the terrorist organization known as the Armed Detective Agency, Jouno and Tetchou pay a visit to the cafe at where she works, in hopes of tracking down Atsushi and Kyouka. In onda il: 2023-03-29 49: SKYFALL
    Teruko goes head-to-head with Sigma. Tachihara rethinks the Agency’s innocence after re-infiltrating the Port Mafia. 49: SKYFALL
    In onda il: 2023-03-29 Teruko goes head-to-head with Sigma. Tachihara rethinks the Agency’s innocence after re-infiltrating the Port Mafia. In onda il: 2023-07-12 50: The Strongest Man
    The members of the Agency, isolated and unable to communicate with each other, are victims one after the other of assassination attempts, thwarted in extremis by a mysterious guardian angel. Who is this ? 50: The Strongest Man
    In onda il: 2023-07-12 The members of the Agency, isolated and unable to communicate with each other, are victims one after the other of assassination attempts, thwarted in extremis by a mysterious guardian angel. Who is this ? In onda il: 2023-07-19 51: The Answer to Everything
    As Fukuchi allies with plans to create an international anti-terrorist organization targeting Gifted, Atsushi and Rampo appeal to him for help. Rampo turns his immense detective abilities to the question of Kamui's identity, and the truth will change everything. 51: The Answer to Everything
    In onda il: 2023-07-19 As Fukuchi allies with plans to create an international anti-terrorist organization targeting Gifted, Atsushi and Rampo appeal to him for help. Rampo turns his immense detective abilities to the question of Kamui's identity, and the truth will change everything. In onda il: 2023-07-26 52: HERO VS. CRIMINAL
    Atsushi and Akutagawa find themselves cornered, with no choice but to fight Fukuchi and his seemingly insurmountable powers. Combining forces and trusting in one another, do they have what it takes to defeat the mightiest Hunting Dog? 52: HERO VS. CRIMINAL
    In onda il: 2023-07-26 Atsushi and Akutagawa find themselves cornered, with no choice but to fight Fukuchi and his seemingly insurmountable powers. Combining forces and trusting in one another, do they have what it takes to defeat the mightiest Hunting Dog? In onda il: 2023-08-02 53: HERO WAR, GANG WAR
    The last member of Decay of the Angel is revealed. Kamui continues to spread chaos. Tachihara entrusts Fukuchi with the information device containing evidence obtained at the Sky Casino, only to face devastating consequences. 53: HERO WAR, GANG WAR
    In onda il: 2023-08-02 The last member of Decay of the Angel is revealed. Kamui continues to spread chaos. Tachihara entrusts Fukuchi with the information device containing evidence obtained at the Sky Casino, only to face devastating consequences. In onda il: 2023-08-09 54: At the Port in the Sky (1)
    The Detective Agency races to stop Fukuchi from receiving the One Order, a devastating mind control weapon that will make his plans for world domination unstoppable. 54: At the Port in the Sky (1)
    In onda il: 2023-08-09 The Detective Agency races to stop Fukuchi from receiving the One Order, a devastating mind control weapon that will make his plans for world domination unstoppable. In onda il: 2023-08-16 55: At the Port in the Sky (2)
    Fukuchi's plans and the Agency's attempts to thwart him escalate, and Aya comes face to face with Count Bram. Meanwhile, Nikolai and Sigma move to rescue Dazai and Fyodor from prison, but Nikolai has more than rescue on his mind... 55: At the Port in the Sky (2)
    In onda il: 2023-08-16 Fukuchi's plans and the Agency's attempts to thwart him escalate, and Aya comes face to face with Count Bram. Meanwhile, Nikolai and Sigma move to rescue Dazai and Fyodor from prison, but Nikolai has more than rescue on his mind... In onda il: 2023-08-23 56: At the Port in the Sky (3)
    As Atsushi races to find Teruko, Kenji arrives to help Aya and Bram escape the airport. 56: At the Port in the Sky (3)
    In onda il: 2023-08-23 As Atsushi races to find Teruko, Kenji arrives to help Aya and Bram escape the airport. In onda il: 2023-08-30 57: Land of Inhuman Demons (1)
    Kenji fights to help Atsushi, demonstrating why he is one of the most dangerous Agency members. Meanwhile, Dazai's machinations within the prison become clearer. 57: Land of Inhuman Demons (1)
    In onda il: 2023-08-30 Kenji fights to help Atsushi, demonstrating why he is one of the most dangerous Agency members. Meanwhile, Dazai's machinations within the prison become clearer. In onda il: 2023-09-06 58: Land of Inhuman Demons (2)
    Fukuzawa and Fukuchi confront their shared past as time runs out for the Detective Agency. 58: Land of Inhuman Demons (2)
    In onda il: 2023-09-06 Fukuzawa and Fukuchi confront their shared past as time runs out for the Detective Agency. In onda il: 2023-09-13 59: Land of Inhuman Demons (3)
    Dazai and Sigma are trapped in a flooding room. Atsushi is attacked by Akutagawa when he attempts to help Aya. During their fight Aya desperately tries to remove the holy sword from Bram. 59: Land of Inhuman Demons (3)
    In onda il: 2023-09-13 Dazai and Sigma are trapped in a flooding room. Atsushi is attacked by Akutagawa when he attempts to help Aya. During their fight Aya desperately tries to remove the holy sword from Bram. In onda il: 2023-09-20 60: Twilight Goodbye
    The final pieces of Fukuchi's plot snap into place, trapping Fukuzawa in a way not even Rampo could anticipate. At the same time, Fyodor and Dazai's deadly game draws to a close. 60: Twilight Goodbye
    In onda il: 2023-09-20 The final pieces of Fukuchi's plot snap into place, trapping Fukuzawa in a way not even Rampo could anticipate. At the same time, Fyodor and Dazai's deadly game draws to a close. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  14. Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Western
    Santa Cecilia è molto amata dai compaesani per il suo portamento e la sua eleganza, ma anche perché dispensa sempre saggi consigli a chiunque le chieda aiuto. O almeno è quello che sembra, perché quando l'ultimo in attesa del suo aiuto se n'è andato, Cecilia diventa totalmente disperata. Soltanto il Pastore Lawrence, molto protettivo e abile in cucina, riesce a non far crollare la santa per farle svolgere i suoi incarichi... e per quanto lei lo metta a dura prova, per lui è parte del mestiere!
    Sumie Noro
    Series Director Yuka Yamada
    Series Composition Hiromi Nakagawa
    Character Designer Ruka Kawada
    Original Music Composer Chieko Nakamura
    Art Direction Genta Makabe
    Color Designer Seiichi Sugiura
    Director of Photography Mutsumi Takemiya
    Editor Masanori Tsuchiya
    Sound Director Hazano Kazutake
    Comic Book sasanomaly
    Theme Song Performance Karen
    Theme Song Performance Clara
    Theme Song Performance Hime Sawada
    Cecilia (voice) Kaito Ishikawa
    Lawrence (voice) Haruki Ishiya
    Abel (voice) Kanna Nakamura
    Hazelita (voice) Haruka Tomatsu
    Mell (voice) Mai Nakahara
    Rebecca (voice) Makoto Koichi
    Eric (voice) Tomoaki Maeno
    Gieselbert (voice) Reina Ueda
    Frederica (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-07-13 1: The Relationship Between Them
    Saint Cecilia is kind, giving guidance to all. The moment they leave, her saintly manner vanishes. Pastor Lawrence is patient with her, if overprotective, and shows no signs of noticing her feelings for him. One day, they head into the village, and... 1: The Relationship Between Them
    In onda il: 2023-07-13 Saint Cecilia is kind, giving guidance to all. The moment they leave, her saintly manner vanishes. Pastor Lawrence is patient with her, if overprotective, and shows no signs of noticing her feelings for him. One day, they head into the village, and... In onda il: 2023-07-20 2: The Things They Protect
    Lawrence's friend Abel comes to visit and says he plans to work with them for a little while. Lawrence's frank manner with his friend is new to Cecilia. When trouble befalls Lawrence, Cecilia panics, but Abel stays calm. The truth is, he has a secret. 2: The Things They Protect
    In onda il: 2023-07-20 Lawrence's friend Abel comes to visit and says he plans to work with them for a little while. Lawrence's frank manner with his friend is new to Cecilia. When trouble befalls Lawrence, Cecilia panics, but Abel stays calm. The truth is, he has a secret. In onda il: 2023-07-27 3: Lawrence's Concerns
    Abel comes down with a fever and Cecilia insists on looking after him. Lawrence feels a puzzling sense of unease. When he finds Cecilia sleeping near Abel, he speaks curtly to Cecilia and immediately regrets it. What could be making him act this way? 3: Lawrence's Concerns
    In onda il: 2023-07-27 Abel comes down with a fever and Cecilia insists on looking after him. Lawrence feels a puzzling sense of unease. When he finds Cecilia sleeping near Abel, he speaks curtly to Cecilia and immediately regrets it. What could be making him act this way? In onda il: 2023-08-03 4: She Who Is Called the Lady Saint
    There's a knock at the church door. Abel answers it, then slams the door closed again, to no avail. The visitor, Hazelita, has come looking for him and also to see the lady saint. When she mets Cecilia, her manner toward Lawrence turns cold. But why? 4: She Who Is Called the Lady Saint
    In onda il: 2023-08-03 There's a knock at the church door. Abel answers it, then slams the door closed again, to no avail. The visitor, Hazelita, has come looking for him and also to see the lady saint. When she mets Cecilia, her manner toward Lawrence turns cold. But why? In onda il: 2023-08-10 5: First Official Trip
    Lawrence, Cecilia, and the others visit the elderly Corinne. Her home stands near a beautiful lake. Cecilia and Abel each notice something odd about it. Corinne asks for Lawrence's help about the voices she hears at night and he investigates...alone. 5: First Official Trip
    In onda il: 2023-08-10 Lawrence, Cecilia, and the others visit the elderly Corinne. Her home stands near a beautiful lake. Cecilia and Abel each notice something odd about it. Corinne asks for Lawrence's help about the voices she hears at night and he investigates...alone. In onda il: 2023-08-17 6: Abel and Hazelita
    Cecilia helps out at a short-staffed cafe while waiting for Lawrence to finish his errands. When Lawrence finds out about her job, he can't help worrying! Later, Abel receives an envelope containing something Cecilia has been desperately longing for. 6: Abel and Hazelita
    In onda il: 2023-08-17 Cecilia helps out at a short-staffed cafe while waiting for Lawrence to finish his errands. When Lawrence finds out about her job, he can't help worrying! Later, Abel receives an envelope containing something Cecilia has been desperately longing for. In onda il: 2023-08-24 7: Cecilia's Worries
    Lawrence's recent strange behavior has Cecilia worried. Upon hearing her fears, Hazelita leaps into action. They follow him into town where something unforeseen happens. Later, a letter arrives, summoning Lawrence to the town where Hazelita's family lives. 7: Cecilia's Worries
    In onda il: 2023-08-24 Lawrence's recent strange behavior has Cecilia worried. Upon hearing her fears, Hazelita leaps into action. They follow him into town where something unforeseen happens. Later, a letter arrives, summoning Lawrence to the town where Hazelita's family lives. In onda il: 2023-08-31 8: Frederica's Bequest
    Giselbert treats Cecilia and the others to a lavish dinner. The next day, Cecilia tours the city with Lawrence. She notices that he isn't well. He says that his head has hurt since they passed a certain garden—a place which Hazelita will never forget. 8: Frederica's Bequest
    In onda il: 2023-08-31 Giselbert treats Cecilia and the others to a lavish dinner. The next day, Cecilia tours the city with Lawrence. She notices that he isn't well. He says that his head has hurt since they passed a certain garden—a place which Hazelita will never forget. In onda il: 2023-09-07 9: Lady Saint's Divine Protection
    Lawrence wants to know more about lady saints, so Cecilia and Giselbert explain what they can. Giselbert holds a farewell party for Cecilia and the others. How will Lawrence react to Cecilia's party attire, and why is Camilla asking her so many questions? 9: Lady Saint's Divine Protection
    In onda il: 2023-09-07 Lawrence wants to know more about lady saints, so Cecilia and Giselbert explain what they can. Giselbert holds a farewell party for Cecilia and the others. How will Lawrence react to Cecilia's party attire, and why is Camilla asking her so many questions? In onda il: 2023-09-14 10: Their Feelings
    Cecilia and Lawrence return home. He's immediately busy with work, and she's depressed that they can't spend more time together. When Cecilia can't fall asleep, it gives her a chance to spend time with Lawrence. Then, an accident sets her heart racing! 10: Their Feelings
    In onda il: 2023-09-14 Cecilia and Lawrence return home. He's immediately busy with work, and she's depressed that they can't spend more time together. When Cecilia can't fall asleep, it gives her a chance to spend time with Lawrence. Then, an accident sets her heart racing! In onda il: 2023-09-21 11: The Way They Met
    Hazelita hopes that giving Cecilia and Lawrence more time alone together will help their relationship progress. She convinces Abel to get involved, too. Meanwhile, Lawrence isn't sure how he should interact with Cecilia. He recalls the first day they met. 11: The Way They Met
    In onda il: 2023-09-21 Hazelita hopes that giving Cecilia and Lawrence more time alone together will help their relationship progress. She convinces Abel to get involved, too. Meanwhile, Lawrence isn't sure how he should interact with Cecilia. He recalls the first day they met. In onda il: 2023-09-28 12: The Shape of Their Relationship
    Lawrence isn't able to express who Cecilia is to him. A comment from Eric helps Lawrence to see a possible form for their relationship. As the whole village sparkles with the lively energy of the winter festival, Lawrence takes Cecilia to a certain spot. 12: The Shape of Their Relationship
    In onda il: 2023-09-28 Lawrence isn't able to express who Cecilia is to him. A comment from Eric helps Lawrence to see a possible form for their relationship. As the whole village sparkles with the lively energy of the winter festival, Lawrence takes Cecilia to a certain spot. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  15. Dark Gathering [25/25] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Dark Gathering
    Stagione 1    Episodi 25        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma
    Keitarou ha una predisposizione ad attirare gli spiriti e, data la sua esperienza, gli viene affidato l'incarico di fare da insegnante. La persona che dovrà aiutare è una bambina di nome Yayoi. La piccola percepisce chiaramente gli spiriti e ne sta cercando uno in particolare.
    Hiroshi Ikehata
    Series Director Shigeru Murakoshi
    Series Composition Shinya Segawa
    Character Designer Taijiro Nagata
    Art Direction Yuho Ando
    Director of Photography Ritsuko Utagawa
    Color Designer Kohei Yoshida
    Sound Director Takahiro Uesono
    3D Director Kohta Yamamoto
    Original Music Composer Shun Narita
    Original Music Composer Yusuke Seo
    Original Music Composer Kenichi Kondo
    Comic Book Kana Hanazawa
    Theme Song Performance Hirofumi Ito
    Executive Producer Katsuji Morishita
    Executive Producer Yuuma Yokomatsu
    Character Designer Yuko Inoue
    Character Designer Tsuyoshi Sakai
    Character Designer Yuri Ichinose
    Character Designer Kazuaki Funakura
    Assistant Director of Photography Go Sadamatsu
    Editor Yuko Matsui
    Producer Miho Matori
    Producer Masayo Kudo
    Producer Eiji Matsumoto
    Assistant Director of Photography Ryoka Yamamoto
    Producer Cao Cong
    Producer Nao Matsumura
    Producer Kayane Fujimura
    Producer Yoshiyuki Nakahata
    Executive Producer Ginga Kawai
    Assistant Art Director Tatsu Agezawa
    Assistant Art Director Ryoka Yamamoto
    Music Producer Yasushi Inomata
    Sound Effects Kazuyuki Kikuchi
    Sound Mixer Yu Sasahara
    Yayoi Hozuki (voice) Nobunaga Shimazaki
    Keitaro Gentoga (voice) Kana Hanazawa
    Eiko Hozuki (voice) Rina Kawaguchi
    Ai Kamiyo (voice) Episodi: 25 
    In onda il: 2023-07-10 1: Yayoi Hozuki
    A glamorous woman met an unglamorous end inside that phone booth. She's still in there calling for help, but one shouldn't answer her. Keitaro is about to find out why. 1: Yayoi Hozuki
    In onda il: 2023-07-10 A glamorous woman met an unglamorous end inside that phone booth. She's still in there calling for help, but one shouldn't answer her. Keitaro is about to find out why. In onda il: 2023-07-17 2: Keitaro Gentoga
    Keitaro was cursed years ago and receives exorcisms at his grandmother’s shrine. She once warned him not to enter the basement; she locked them away in the dark for a reason. 2: Keitaro Gentoga
    In onda il: 2023-07-17 Keitaro was cursed years ago and receives exorcisms at his grandmother’s shrine. She once warned him not to enter the basement; she locked them away in the dark for a reason. In onda il: 2023-07-24 3: Friends
    Yayoi and Eiko head to the psychic spot Mizuko Memorial Temple which holds its own sad secrets. And what does Yayoi want with Keitaro’s fingernails?! 3: Friends
    In onda il: 2023-07-24 Yayoi and Eiko head to the psychic spot Mizuko Memorial Temple which holds its own sad secrets. And what does Yayoi want with Keitaro’s fingernails?! In onda il: 2023-07-31 4: Eiko Hozuki
    Keitaro had a bad feeling about the Urban Legends class at the university. His instincts were correct: the professor should never have played that cursed videotape. 4: Eiko Hozuki
    In onda il: 2023-07-31 Keitaro had a bad feeling about the Urban Legends class at the university. His instincts were correct: the professor should never have played that cursed videotape. In onda il: 2023-08-07 5: The Freshmen Welcome Event
    Keitaro was looking to make new friends. But he should avoid certain friendships; there’s a reason people warn children to never talk to strangers. 5: The Freshmen Welcome Event
    In onda il: 2023-08-07 Keitaro was looking to make new friends. But he should avoid certain friendships; there’s a reason people warn children to never talk to strangers. In onda il: 2023-08-14 6: The Promise
    Camping was to be a reprieve, but the bridge is calling, the bridge is calling, the bridge is calling, the bridge is calLING, THE BRIDGE IS CALLING, THEBRIDGEISCALL- 6: The Promise
    In onda il: 2023-08-14 Camping was to be a reprieve, but the bridge is calling, the bridge is calling, the bridge is calling, the bridge is calLING, THE BRIDGE IS CALLING, THEBRIDGEISCALL- In onda il: 2023-08-21 7: S Tunnel
    The car had three passengers when it entered the tunnel. A phantom hitchhiker demanded to be the fourth. Let. Her. In. 7: S Tunnel
    In onda il: 2023-08-21 The car had three passengers when it entered the tunnel. A phantom hitchhiker demanded to be the fourth. Let. Her. In. In onda il: 2023-08-28 8: Betrothed to Divinity
    The girl’s eyes shine with stars, but two spectral presences haunt her future. 8: Betrothed to Divinity
    In onda il: 2023-08-28 The girl’s eyes shine with stars, but two spectral presences haunt her future. In onda il: 2023-09-04 9: Blasphemy
    Terrifying enough to be victims in life; utterly horrific they remain so in death. 9: Blasphemy
    In onda il: 2023-09-04 Terrifying enough to be victims in life; utterly horrific they remain so in death. In onda il: 2023-09-11 10: Across Japan
    One does not defy a god lightly. If Yayoi, Keitaro and Eiko wish to save Ai, they must embark on a perilous journey across a country teeming with malevolent ghosts. 10: Across Japan
    In onda il: 2023-09-11 One does not defy a god lightly. If Yayoi, Keitaro and Eiko wish to save Ai, they must embark on a perilous journey across a country teeming with malevolent ghosts. In onda il: 2023-09-18 11: S-Rank Danger: Castle H Ruins
    No happy tales remain within the castle’s forsaken ruins. The danger is unimaginable: Yayoi and Keitaro risk their doom, prepared as they may be. 11: S-Rank Danger: Castle H Ruins
    In onda il: 2023-09-18 No happy tales remain within the castle’s forsaken ruins. The danger is unimaginable: Yayoi and Keitaro risk their doom, prepared as they may be. In onda il: 2023-09-25 12: The Castle H Ruins, Danger Rank S!
    None who have encountered the castle spirit survived to tell the tale, but both the living and the dead should fear the High Priest; it is not salvation he prays for. 12: The Castle H Ruins, Danger Rank S!
    In onda il: 2023-09-25 None who have encountered the castle spirit survived to tell the tale, but both the living and the dead should fear the High Priest; it is not salvation he prays for. In onda il: 2023-10-02 13: Emancipate
    The tunnel is dangerous, and they must keep the High Priest in check. It is for that reason the trio need reinforcements; they need another Graduate. 13: Emancipate
    In onda il: 2023-10-02 The tunnel is dangerous, and they must keep the High Priest in check. It is for that reason the trio need reinforcements; they need another Graduate. In onda il: 2023-10-09 14: Old F Tunnel
    Abandon all hope ye who enter here. There is nothing for anyone in this tunnel, save for the depravity of a sadistic spirit. 14: Old F Tunnel
    In onda il: 2023-10-09 Abandon all hope ye who enter here. There is nothing for anyone in this tunnel, save for the depravity of a sadistic spirit. In onda il: 2023-10-16 15: Old Old F Tunnel
    The Imprisoned Martyr is dead, but he cannot die. He longs for someone to grant him the death he desperately yearns for, and the F Tunnel ghost could be one such opponent. 15: Old Old F Tunnel
    In onda il: 2023-10-16 The Imprisoned Martyr is dead, but he cannot die. He longs for someone to grant him the death he desperately yearns for, and the F Tunnel ghost could be one such opponent. In onda il: 2023-10-23 16: House Hunting
    Eiko did not leave the tunnel unscathed. She experienced the true terror of death, and must now ask herself if her horror obsession is worth risking her life. 16: House Hunting
    In onda il: 2023-10-23 Eiko did not leave the tunnel unscathed. She experienced the true terror of death, and must now ask herself if her horror obsession is worth risking her life. In onda il: 2023-10-30 17: The House of the Virgin Conception
    Yayoi and Eiko have found the perfect home for the Graduates, but they soon discover the dark history of the family haunting the house—as well as their plans for Eiko. 17: The House of the Virgin Conception
    In onda il: 2023-10-30 Yayoi and Eiko have found the perfect home for the Graduates, but they soon discover the dark history of the family haunting the house—as well as their plans for Eiko. In onda il: 2023-11-06 18: Morning Twilight
    The god who branded Ai takes an interest in the entity that abducted Yayoi’s mother. That can only mean one thing: a dangerous threat now brews on the horizon. 18: Morning Twilight
    In onda il: 2023-11-06 The god who branded Ai takes an interest in the entity that abducted Yayoi’s mother. That can only mean one thing: a dangerous threat now brews on the horizon. In onda il: 2023-11-13 19: Within the Brothel
    They’ve arrived at an old love hotel to find a Graduate, but Keitaro must locate her in a hidden room while avoiding other ghosts. Dire consequences await if they catch him. 19: Within the Brothel
    In onda il: 2023-11-13 They’ve arrived at an old love hotel to find a Graduate, but Keitaro must locate her in a hidden room while avoiding other ghosts. Dire consequences await if they catch him. In onda il: 2023-11-20 20: The Old I Watergate: An Innocent Grudge
    A little boy shows Keitaro his drawings as the trio explores an old watergate with a famous spiritualist. To his growing horror, he realizes they are all in imminent danger. 20: The Old I Watergate: An Innocent Grudge
    In onda il: 2023-11-20 A little boy shows Keitaro his drawings as the trio explores an old watergate with a famous spiritualist. To his growing horror, he realizes they are all in imminent danger. In onda il: 2023-11-27 21: The Old I Watergate: Resplendence
    She was beautiful once, but scorn burned her soul until nothing but spiteful ashes remained. Now, her wrathful fury is the only thing that can defeat a child’s rageful grudge. 21: The Old I Watergate: Resplendence
    In onda il: 2023-11-27 She was beautiful once, but scorn burned her soul until nothing but spiteful ashes remained. Now, her wrathful fury is the only thing that can defeat a child’s rageful grudge. In onda il: 2023-12-04 22: The Old I Watergate: Pleasure District in Flames
    The trio walk a dangerous path fraught with peril. Otogiri will not return to her prison willingly, and the spirit that replaced Nagiko is still out there somewhere. 22: The Old I Watergate: Pleasure District in Flames
    In onda il: 2023-12-04 The trio walk a dangerous path fraught with peril. Otogiri will not return to her prison willingly, and the spirit that replaced Nagiko is still out there somewhere. In onda il: 2023-12-11 23: Scary School Stories: Hide and Seek
    Children can be cruel, that much is quite clear. Poor Sakashita lost all he held dear. He plays a game now, the rule is right here: don’t let him find you or you’ll disappear. 23: Scary School Stories: Hide and Seek
    In onda il: 2023-12-11 Children can be cruel, that much is quite clear. Poor Sakashita lost all he held dear. He plays a game now, the rule is right here: don’t let him find you or you’ll disappear. In onda il: 2023-12-18 24: Scary School Stories: Nightmare
    Dorothy has a plan that Yayoi needs to know about, especially since it involves the Spectre of Death. 24: Scary School Stories: Nightmare
    In onda il: 2023-12-18 Dorothy has a plan that Yayoi needs to know about, especially since it involves the Spectre of Death. In onda il: 2023-12-25 25: Dark Gathering
    They now have 7 Graduates, but fighting a god also requires an ambitious, daring plan. With Ai’s time running out, the trio prepare for their next journey; Kyoto awaits. 25: Dark Gathering
    In onda il: 2023-12-25 They now have 7 Graduates, but fighting a god also requires an ambitious, daring plan. With Ai’s time running out, the trio prepare for their next journey; Kyoto awaits. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  16. Synduality Noir [24/24] (2023-2024) Sub ITA Streaming (In Corso)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer SYNDUALITY Noir
    Stagione 1    Episodi 24        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    È l'anno 2242. Kanata, che aspira a diventare un Drifter, incontra Noir, una Magus senza memoria, forse difettosa e, tuttavia, capace di eccellere in battaglia contro gli Ender. Kanata, in coppia con lei, scopre cosa serve esattamente per diventare un Drifter.
    Ippei Gyobu
    Mechanical Designer Yosuke Futami
    Producer neco
    Character Designer Yusuke Yamamoto
    Series Director Takashi Aoshima
    Series Composition Masato Nakayama
    Original Music Composer Kenta Masuda
    Art Direction Ken'ichirou Katsura
    Character Designer Hajime Kamoshida
    Original Story Wataru Inata
    Production Design Kazutaka Miyatake
    Mechanical Designer Hijiri Yamamoto
    Director of Photography Ken Okawara
    Executive Producer Haruhisa Oya
    Executive Producer Shunsuke Matsuda
    Executive Producer Koji Tezuka
    Executive Producer Noriaki Tanaka
    Executive Producer Shin Unozawa
    Production Supervisor Makoto Asanuma
    Production Supervisor Yuya Takashima
    Researcher Hiroaki Murakami
    Researcher Masahiro Satou
    Art Designer Chen Jiahao
    Art Designer Jin Aketagawa
    Sound Director Ryutaro Usukura
    Music Producer Hiroshi Matsuda
    Producer Go Sadamatsu
    Editor Hirokazu Suyama
    Production Supervisor Hidenori Kosuge
    Production Supervisor R・O・N
    Theme Song Performance Ryoko Kaneshige
    Assistant Editor Kohei Fujimori
    Online Editor Yuichi Aoki
    Online Editor Kazumi Taniguchi
    Online Editor Tomokazu Mii
    Sound Effects Kimitaka Shindo
    Sound Recordist Takeo Otsuka
    Kanata (voice) Aoi Koga
    Noir (voice) Nagisa Aoyama
    Ciel (voice) Yusuke Kobayashi
    Tokio (voice) Fuminori Komatsu
    Mouton (voice) Konomi Inagaki
    Ellie (voice) Ayaka Ohashi
    Ange (voice) Taito Ban
    Kurokamen (voice) Mao Ichimichi
    Schnee (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2023-07-11 1: Mi chiamo...
    Kanata, un aspirante Drifter, esplorando delle rovine con un famoso Drifter di nome Tokio, trova una Magus priva di memoria. Poi gli Ender attaccano e Rock Town è in pericolo. 1: Mi chiamo...
    In onda il: 2023-07-11 Kanata, un aspirante Drifter, esplorando delle rovine con un famoso Drifter di nome Tokio, trova una Magus priva di memoria. Poi gli Ender attaccano e Rock Town è in pericolo. In onda il: 2023-07-18 2: Il mio master
    Kanata torna alle rovine dove Noir è alla ricerca di indizi sul suo passato. Mentre Range, a capo della criminalità organizzata di Baccarat Nest, cerca di allontanare con l'inganno Noir da Rock Town, lei incontra Ciel, una Magus dalla voce angelica. 2: Il mio master
    In onda il: 2023-07-18 Kanata torna alle rovine dove Noir è alla ricerca di indizi sul suo passato. Mentre Range, a capo della criminalità organizzata di Baccarat Nest, cerca di allontanare con l'inganno Noir da Rock Town, lei incontra Ciel, una Magus dalla voce angelica. In onda il: 2023-07-25 3: Dietro la maschera
    Kanata, che ora è il master di Noir, è sulla buona strada per diventare un Drifter. Tokio dichiara di voler fare di Kanata un uomo adulto e lo porta a Desire Nest, la città del piacere. Lo vengono a sapere Ellie, Ange e Noir, che si dirigono quindi a Desire Nest per riportare a casa Kanata. 3: Dietro la maschera
    In onda il: 2023-07-25 Kanata, che ora è il master di Noir, è sulla buona strada per diventare un Drifter. Tokio dichiara di voler fare di Kanata un uomo adulto e lo porta a Desire Nest, la città del piacere. Lo vengono a sapere Ellie, Ange e Noir, che si dirigono quindi a Desire Nest per riportare a casa Kanata. In onda il: 2023-08-01 4: Margherita selvatica
    Kanata si allena per diventare più forte combattendo contro gli Ender senza l'aiuto di Noir, ma, poco prima di essere sconfitto, un Cradle Coffin distrugge gli Ender con uno sparo da lunga distanza. I suoi salvatori sono Claudia e la sua Magus Flamme che hanno una richiesta importante per Kanata. 4: Margherita selvatica
    In onda il: 2023-08-01 Kanata si allena per diventare più forte combattendo contro gli Ender senza l'aiuto di Noir, ma, poco prima di essere sconfitto, un Cradle Coffin distrugge gli Ender con uno sparo da lunga distanza. I suoi salvatori sono Claudia e la sua Magus Flamme che hanno una richiesta importante per Kanata. In onda il: 2023-08-08 5: Il labirinto
    Kanata apprende di dover rafforzare il legame con la sua partner Magus, se vuole diventare un Drifter più forte. Parte quindi per le rovine del labirinto di Fes insieme a Noir. Frattanto, Tokio viene a sapere che un gruppo attacca i Magus Amasiani di tipo zero e i loro Drifter. 5: Il labirinto
    In onda il: 2023-08-08 Kanata apprende di dover rafforzare il legame con la sua partner Magus, se vuole diventare un Drifter più forte. Parte quindi per le rovine del labirinto di Fes insieme a Noir. Frattanto, Tokio viene a sapere che un gruppo attacca i Magus Amasiani di tipo zero e i loro Drifter. In onda il: 2023-08-15 6: Il dado è tratto
    Kanata e Tokio vengono sorpresi dalla pioggia mentre cercano i cristalli AO. Tokio suggerisce di cercare riparo nella vicina città di Baccarat Nest dove trovano una Magus solitaria che canta. Si tratta di Ciel, la stessa Magus che Noir aveva incontrato quando Range aveva cercato di rapirla. 6: Il dado è tratto
    In onda il: 2023-08-15 Kanata e Tokio vengono sorpresi dalla pioggia mentre cercano i cristalli AO. Tokio suggerisce di cercare riparo nella vicina città di Baccarat Nest dove trovano una Magus solitaria che canta. Si tratta di Ciel, la stessa Magus che Noir aveva incontrato quando Range aveva cercato di rapirla. In onda il: 2023-08-22 7: Mio caro
    Cercando di sapere di più sul passato di Noir, Kanata chiede a Maria di sottoporla a manutenzione. Ellie, che ha deciso di occuparsi della casa di Kanata mentre Noir non può, scopre che l'abitazione, tenuta solitamente molto male, è pulitissima ora che c'è Ciel. 7: Mio caro
    In onda il: 2023-08-22 Cercando di sapere di più sul passato di Noir, Kanata chiede a Maria di sottoporla a manutenzione. Ellie, che ha deciso di occuparsi della casa di Kanata mentre Noir non può, scopre che l'abitazione, tenuta solitamente molto male, è pulitissima ora che c'è Ciel. In onda il: 2023-08-29 8: Puro sogno
    Kanata invita Ellie al Satellite Aqua. Ellie è emozionata perché pensa si tratti di un appuntamento, ma, quando arrivano, si accorge che non sono soli. Con Ciel sul palco che fa impazzire la folla, il divertimento a bordo piscina è garantito. 8: Puro sogno
    In onda il: 2023-08-29 Kanata invita Ellie al Satellite Aqua. Ellie è emozionata perché pensa si tratti di un appuntamento, ma, quando arrivano, si accorge che non sono soli. Con Ciel sul palco che fa impazzire la folla, il divertimento a bordo piscina è garantito. In onda il: 2023-09-05 9: Eroe leggendario
    Andando a Trader Nest, Kanata vede un Drifter solitario che cammina sotto la pioggia. I due si incontrano di nuovo a Trader Nest. Il Drifter solitario, che dice di chiamarsi Alba, è un veterano e, come spiega lui stesso a Kanata, conduce una ricerca sui Magus. 9: Eroe leggendario
    In onda il: 2023-09-05 Andando a Trader Nest, Kanata vede un Drifter solitario che cammina sotto la pioggia. I due si incontrano di nuovo a Trader Nest. Il Drifter solitario, che dice di chiamarsi Alba, è un veterano e, come spiega lui stesso a Kanata, conduce una ricerca sui Magus. In onda il: 2023-09-12 10: L'orgoglio dei Drifter
    Qualcuno o qualcosa sta devastando i Nest intorno a Rock Town. Kanata vuole indagare, ma Tokio si rifiuta. Quando il leader di Rock Town ordina loro di condurre l'indagine insieme, i due non riescono a trovarsi d'accordo e, in un momento di tensione, Kanata parte da solo. 10: L'orgoglio dei Drifter
    In onda il: 2023-09-12 Qualcuno o qualcosa sta devastando i Nest intorno a Rock Town. Kanata vuole indagare, ma Tokio si rifiuta. Quando il leader di Rock Town ordina loro di condurre l'indagine insieme, i due non riescono a trovarsi d'accordo e, in un momento di tensione, Kanata parte da solo. In onda il: 2023-09-19 11: Tempesta d'IA
    I Drifter dei Nest vicini vanno in aiuto di Rock Town che si prepara ad affrontare la Silver Storm. Frattanto, il misterioso gruppo che cerca Noir approfitta della confusione e ordina a Ciel di eliminare Kanata. Protraendosi la battaglia, i Drifter iniziano a perdere la speranza di sopravvivere. 11: Tempesta d'IA
    In onda il: 2023-09-19 I Drifter dei Nest vicini vanno in aiuto di Rock Town che si prepara ad affrontare la Silver Storm. Frattanto, il misterioso gruppo che cerca Noir approfitta della confusione e ordina a Ciel di eliminare Kanata. Protraendosi la battaglia, i Drifter iniziano a perdere la speranza di sopravvivere. In onda il: 2023-09-26 12: Il miraggio perfetto
    È l'ultima tappa della battaglia contro la Silver Storm. Tutti sono feriti e anche il DAISYOGRE potenziato sta subendo pesanti colpi, ma Kanata si rifiuta di arrendersi. In questa lotta all'ultimo sangue, le preoccupazioni di Noir raggiungono il culmine e lei subisce una trasformazione. 12: Il miraggio perfetto
    In onda il: 2023-09-26 È l'ultima tappa della battaglia contro la Silver Storm. Tutti sono feriti e anche il DAISYOGRE potenziato sta subendo pesanti colpi, ma Kanata si rifiuta di arrendersi. In questa lotta all'ultimo sangue, le preoccupazioni di Noir raggiungono il culmine e lei subisce una trasformazione. In onda il: 2024-01-09 13: Doppio cast
    Sono trascorsi alcuni giorni dalla battaglia infuocata contro la Silver Storm, ma Noir, tramutatasi in Mystere, non è ancora tornata in sé. Kanata porta Mystere nei luoghi dei quali lui e Noir hanno dei ricordi in comune, sperando che ciò risvegli Noir. 13: Doppio cast
    In onda il: 2024-01-09 Sono trascorsi alcuni giorni dalla battaglia infuocata contro la Silver Storm, ma Noir, tramutatasi in Mystere, non è ancora tornata in sé. Kanata porta Mystere nei luoghi dei quali lui e Noir hanno dei ricordi in comune, sperando che ciò risvegli Noir. In onda il: 2024-01-16 14: Il viaggio misterioso
    Mystere dice a Kanata che Histoire esiste, perché lei e il suo ex master erano riusciti a mettersi in contatto con la rete di Histoire durante i loro viaggi. Tuttavia, Kanata dovrà sottoporsi a un duro addestramento, prima di intraprendere un eventuale viaggio verso Historie. 14: Il viaggio misterioso
    In onda il: 2024-01-16 Mystere dice a Kanata che Histoire esiste, perché lei e il suo ex master erano riusciti a mettersi in contatto con la rete di Histoire durante i loro viaggi. Tuttavia, Kanata dovrà sottoporsi a un duro addestramento, prima di intraprendere un eventuale viaggio verso Historie. In onda il: 2024-01-23 15: Duello di destini
    Kanata si dirige a Cartagine, nei cui pressi dovrebbe trovarsi un vecchio spazioporto, alla ricerca di indizi che lo conducano alla leggendaria Histoire. Cerca di entrare, ma all'improvviso lo attaccano. Quando affronta chi lo attacca, viene sfidato a duello per la propria Magus. 15: Duello di destini
    In onda il: 2024-01-23 Kanata si dirige a Cartagine, nei cui pressi dovrebbe trovarsi un vecchio spazioporto, alla ricerca di indizi che lo conducano alla leggendaria Histoire. Cerca di entrare, ma all'improvviso lo attaccano. Quando affronta chi lo attacca, viene sfidato a duello per la propria Magus. In onda il: 2024-01-30 16: La pioggia di Noir
    Noir scopre che potrebbe scomparire una volta completata la sequenza di auto-riparazione di Mystere. Noir accetta il suo destino, credendo che Kanata stia meglio con Mystere al suo fianco, ma Kanata è all'oscuro di tutto. Come gesto finale, Noir decide di cucinare per lui. 16: La pioggia di Noir
    In onda il: 2024-01-30 Noir scopre che potrebbe scomparire una volta completata la sequenza di auto-riparazione di Mystere. Noir accetta il suo destino, credendo che Kanata stia meglio con Mystere al suo fianco, ma Kanata è all'oscuro di tutto. Come gesto finale, Noir decide di cucinare per lui. In onda il: 2024-02-06 17: Zona grigiastra
    Per la sventatezza di Noir, Mystere e Noir stessa non funzionano più. Nessuna delle due si sveglia, così Kanata chiede aiuto ad Alba. Secondo Alba, per salvarle occorre un'altra Magus di tipo zero. Forse ce n'è una tra le rovine di Amasia. Kanata e Ciel si mettono dunque in viaggio per trovarla. 17: Zona grigiastra
    In onda il: 2024-02-06 Per la sventatezza di Noir, Mystere e Noir stessa non funzionano più. Nessuna delle due si sveglia, così Kanata chiede aiuto ad Alba. Secondo Alba, per salvarle occorre un'altra Magus di tipo zero. Forse ce n'è una tra le rovine di Amasia. Kanata e Ciel si mettono dunque in viaggio per trovarla. In onda il: 2024-02-13 18: Oltre il cielo
    Tradito da un fidato alleato, Kanata viene fatto prigioniero e altri due suoi amici vengono visti tra le fila di Ideal. A peggiorare le cose, Weisheit svela un passato scioccante. 18: Oltre il cielo
    In onda il: 2024-02-13 Tradito da un fidato alleato, Kanata viene fatto prigioniero e altri due suoi amici vengono visti tra le fila di Ideal. A peggiorare le cose, Weisheit svela un passato scioccante. In onda il: 2024-02-20 19: Controfigura
    Ellie, temendo per l'incolumità di Kanata, va a cercarlo e lo trova in stato di shock, mentre incolpa sé stesso con Ciel esanime tra le braccia. Non c'è più tempo da perdere per Noir e Mystere, ma lui è incapace di scegliere. Nel corso di un'accesa discussione, Kanata è costretto a decidere. 19: Controfigura
    In onda il: 2024-02-20 Ellie, temendo per l'incolumità di Kanata, va a cercarlo e lo trova in stato di shock, mentre incolpa sé stesso con Ciel esanime tra le braccia. Non c'è più tempo da perdere per Noir e Mystere, ma lui è incapace di scegliere. Nel corso di un'accesa discussione, Kanata è costretto a decidere. In onda il: 2024-02-27 20: I loro racconti
    Pascale ha lasciato un messaggio che descrive il passato di Noir e Mystere quando erano entrate in contatto con Histoire. Nel frattempo, Macht ricorda il momento della stipula del contratto con Schnee. I suoi ricordi rivelano il segreto di Ideal, mentre lo scontro con Kanata si avvicina sempre più. 20: I loro racconti
    In onda il: 2024-02-27 Pascale ha lasciato un messaggio che descrive il passato di Noir e Mystere quando erano entrate in contatto con Histoire. Nel frattempo, Macht ricorda il momento della stipula del contratto con Schnee. I suoi ricordi rivelano il segreto di Ideal, mentre lo scontro con Kanata si avvicina sempre più. In onda il: 2024-03-05 21: La tua canzone
    Nell'imminenza della battaglia contro Ideal, Kanata apporta delle migliorie al DAISYOGRE ALTER. Frattanto Noir, che non si capacita di essere stata salvata da Ciel, girovagando incontra una fan di quest'ultima e rievoca con lei le sue canzoni. Poi Noir dice a Kanata di voler provare a cantare. 21: La tua canzone
    In onda il: 2024-03-05 Nell'imminenza della battaglia contro Ideal, Kanata apporta delle migliorie al DAISYOGRE ALTER. Frattanto Noir, che non si capacita di essere stata salvata da Ciel, girovagando incontra una fan di quest'ultima e rievoca con lei le sue canzoni. Poi Noir dice a Kanata di voler provare a cantare. In onda il: 2024-03-12 22: Gravity Coffin
    Grazie al razzo di Maria, Kanata può finalmente raggiungere Histoire. Tuttavia, Ideal non è d'accordo e cerca di fermarlo. Weisheit ordina a Macht di rapire Mystere dando così il via a un'imponente battaglia tra i Drifter di Rock Town e Ideal. 22: Gravity Coffin
    In onda il: 2024-03-12 Grazie al razzo di Maria, Kanata può finalmente raggiungere Histoire. Tuttavia, Ideal non è d'accordo e cerca di fermarlo. Weisheit ordina a Macht di rapire Mystere dando così il via a un'imponente battaglia tra i Drifter di Rock Town e Ideal. In onda il: 2024-03-19 23: Oltre il limite
    Per riportare indietro Mystere, Kanata decide d'inseguire Weisheit con l'ultimo razzo rimasto. Lui e Noir salutano Rock Town prima di arrivare finalmente a Histoire, dove Weisheit li aspetta impaziente. 23: Oltre il limite
    In onda il: 2024-03-19 Per riportare indietro Mystere, Kanata decide d'inseguire Weisheit con l'ultimo razzo rimasto. Lui e Noir salutano Rock Town prima di arrivare finalmente a Histoire, dove Weisheit li aspetta impaziente. In onda il: 2024-03-26 24: My Name is... Noir / Drifters
    Everything went just as Weisheit planned and every Magus has ceased functioning. However, Noir is the only Magus unaffected due to her unique origins. Now all hope rests on her shoulders. The time has come for Kanata and Noir to face off against Weisheit in their final battle. 24: My Name is... Noir / Drifters
    In onda il: 2024-03-26 Everything went just as Weisheit planned and every Magus has ceased functioning. However, Noir is the only Magus unaffected due to her unique origins. Now all hope rests on her shoulders. The time has come for Kanata and Noir to face off against Weisheit in their final battle. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  17. Higeki no Genkyou to Naru Saikyou Gedou Last Boss Joou wa Min no Tame ni Tsukushimasu. [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Pride Royal Ivy is only eight years old when she realizes that she's been reincarnated, destined to become the future wicked queen and final boss of an otome game. She's got it all in this new life: razor-sharp wit, boss-tier powers, and influence over the kingdom as crown princess. Determined to sow despair and destruction across the land, she... Wait, what kind of a rotten future is that?! Princess Pride decides to drop the maniacal villainess plan and protect the male love interests instead, cheating her way to saving everyone she can! Will this final boss end up earning the adoration of her kingdom?
    Norio Nitta
    Series Director Deko Akao
    Series Composition Hitomi Kono
    Character Designer Hanae Nakamura
    Original Music Composer Junko Nakajima
    Original Music Composer Kanade Sakuma
    Original Music Composer Tatsuhiko Saiki
    Original Music Composer Tenichi
    Novel Teruhiko Niita
    Art Direction Nao Sato
    Color Designer Miyabi Amada
    Director of Photography Yoshiki Ushiroda
    Editor Toshiki Kameyama
    Sound Director Yukie Kinoshita
    Prop Designer Hiromi Nakayama
    Prop Designer Fairouz Ai
    Pride Royal Ivy (voice) Maaya Uchida
    Stale Royal Ivy (voice) Haruka Tomatsu
    Tiara Royal Ivy (voice) Junya Enoki
    Arthur Bersford (voice) Kikuko Inoue
    Rosa Royal Ivy (voice) Toshiyuki Morikawa
    Albert Royal Ivy (voice) Koji Yusa
    Gilbert Butler (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto
    Rodrick Bersford (voice) Toshihiko Seki
    Clark Darwin (voice) Junichi Suwabe
    Val (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-07-07 1: The Selfish Princess Awakens
    The selfish crown princess changes for the better, her newfound precognition deemed the cause. Yet her father and the others don’t know the truth: she had been reincarnated. 1: The Selfish Princess Awakens
    In onda il: 2023-07-07 The selfish crown princess changes for the better, her newfound precognition deemed the cause. Yet her father and the others don’t know the truth: she had been reincarnated. In onda il: 2023-07-14 2: The Villainous Princess Makes a Request of Her Brother
    Someday Stale will avenge his mother. He will get it done no matter what. If only he could remember the dream he had, would that help? 2: The Villainous Princess Makes a Request of Her Brother
    In onda il: 2023-07-14 Someday Stale will avenge his mother. He will get it done no matter what. If only he could remember the dream he had, would that help? In onda il: 2023-07-21 3: The Heretical Princess and the Knights
    When a military exercise goes wrong, Pride must spare no effort to ensure everyone returns alive. 3: The Heretical Princess and the Knights
    In onda il: 2023-07-21 When a military exercise goes wrong, Pride must spare no effort to ensure everyone returns alive. In onda il: 2023-07-28 4: The Worst Princess and the Young Man's Vow
    In another life, Pride's callousness resulted in tragedy and a powerful enemy. But in this life, her compassion saved those fated to die and earned her an unexpected ally. 4: The Worst Princess and the Young Man's Vow
    In onda il: 2023-07-28 In another life, Pride's callousness resulted in tragedy and a powerful enemy. But in this life, her compassion saved those fated to die and earned her an unexpected ally. In onda il: 2023-08-04 5: The Wicked Princess and the Sword
    Arthur abandoned his dream to be a knight due to his embarrassing special ability. Inspired by Pride’s actions, he embraces his ambition once again. 5: The Wicked Princess and the Sword
    In onda il: 2023-08-04 Arthur abandoned his dream to be a knight due to his embarrassing special ability. Inspired by Pride’s actions, he embraces his ambition once again. In onda il: 2023-08-11 6: The Selfish Princess Passes Judgment
    Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Pride must prove her mettle as the future queen by passing judgment on an enemy, but she worries this will set her on the road to ruin. 6: The Selfish Princess Passes Judgment
    In onda il: 2023-08-11 Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Pride must prove her mettle as the future queen by passing judgment on an enemy, but she worries this will set her on the road to ruin. In onda il: 2023-08-18 7: The Coldhearted Princess and the Quitter
    What would drive someone to desperation? The answer is as simple as it is old as time: love. 7: The Coldhearted Princess and the Quitter
    In onda il: 2023-08-18 What would drive someone to desperation? The answer is as simple as it is old as time: love. In onda il: 2023-08-25 8: The Insolent Princess and the Judgment
    Arthur’s power to grow crops is absolutely worthless for a knight. Or is it? Pride’s actions are about to change multiple lives forever. 8: The Insolent Princess and the Judgment
    In onda il: 2023-08-25 Arthur’s power to grow crops is absolutely worthless for a knight. Or is it? Pride’s actions are about to change multiple lives forever. In onda il: 2023-09-01 9: The Cruel Princess and the Criminal
    Pride once told a criminal to seek her out if he was ever faced with an impossible situation. That day has finally come. 9: The Cruel Princess and the Criminal
    In onda il: 2023-09-01 Pride once told a criminal to seek her out if he was ever faced with an impossible situation. That day has finally come. In onda il: 2023-09-08 10: The Coldhearted Princess Sneaks In
    Pride and her friends hatch a daring plan to rescue the kidnapped children. 10: The Coldhearted Princess Sneaks In
    In onda il: 2023-09-08 Pride and her friends hatch a daring plan to rescue the kidnapped children. In onda il: 2023-09-15 11: The Merciless Princess and the Order
    Val won’t leave anyone behind, even at the cost of his life. This time, Pride’s precognition cannot help her; this crisis has never happened before. 11: The Merciless Princess and the Order
    In onda il: 2023-09-15 Val won’t leave anyone behind, even at the cost of his life. This time, Pride’s precognition cannot help her; this crisis has never happened before. In onda il: 2023-09-22 12: The Treacherous Princess Faces the Future
    Pride has changed many lives for the better, but is it truly enough to escape her destiny? She doesn’t believe so. Regardless, that won’t stop her from helping others. 12: The Treacherous Princess Faces the Future
    In onda il: 2023-09-22 Pride has changed many lives for the better, but is it truly enough to escape her destiny? She doesn’t believe so. Regardless, that won’t stop her from helping others. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  18. Helck [24/24] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Helck
    Stagione 1    Episodi 24        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Three months have passed since the Demon Lord was struck down, and the Demon Realm is holding a tournament to select his replacement. The leading contestant is Helck, a human hero who claims to hate his own kind. Some aren't happy with the idea of a human becoming the next Demon Lord—especially Vermilio the Red. She wants nothing more than to protect demonkind and prove Helck to be their enemy, even if she has to rig the competition to do it!
    Nanaki Nanao
    Comic Book Tatsuo Sato
    Series Director Yoshinori Deno
    Character Designer Katsuhisa Takiguchi
    Art Designer Eiji Iwase
    Art Direction Daisuke Suzuki
    Assistant Art Director Miho Hasegawa
    Color Designer Tsuyoshi Shimura
    Director of Photography Ryoko Kaneshige
    Editor Shinji Takamatsu
    Sound Director Yoshihisa Hirano
    Original Music Composer Yusuke Ueno
    Producer Hiroki Nanami
    Theme Song Performance Keisuke Sogo
    Foley Artist Noriko Izumo
    Sound Effects Katsuyuki Konishi
    Helck (voice) Mikako Komatsu
    Vermilio (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
    Azudra (voice) Akira Ishida
    Hon (voice) Shiki Aoki
    Asta (voice) Haruka Shiraishi
    Ista (voice) Shuichi Ikeda
    Narrator (voice) Episodi: 24 
    In onda il: 2023-07-12 1: Helck the Hero
    The Demon Lord is defeated by a human hero. To find his replacement, the demonkin hold a competition. Helck, a human and mortal enemy, is among the participants. 1: Helck the Hero
    In onda il: 2023-07-12 The Demon Lord is defeated by a human hero. To find his replacement, the demonkin hold a competition. Helck, a human and mortal enemy, is among the participants. In onda il: 2023-07-19 2: Anne From Management
    Helck continues to rack up victories as a fan favorite of the crowd. He then proceeds on to the semifinal race! Will he be able to keep up with the other racers? 2: Anne From Management
    In onda il: 2023-07-19 Helck continues to rack up victories as a fan favorite of the crowd. He then proceeds on to the semifinal race! Will he be able to keep up with the other racers? In onda il: 2023-07-26 3: The Unknown Enemy
    Helck displays mind-blowing strength and leaves Vermilio increasingly concerned about the threat he poses. 3: The Unknown Enemy
    In onda il: 2023-07-26 Helck displays mind-blowing strength and leaves Vermilio increasingly concerned about the threat he poses. In onda il: 2023-08-02 4: Shock
    After Helck blocks an attack meant for Edil, Vermilio becomes convinced that he is an enemy. But then, the floor gives away and everyone falls into a dark underground room... 4: Shock
    In onda il: 2023-08-02 After Helck blocks an attack meant for Edil, Vermilio becomes convinced that he is an enemy. But then, the floor gives away and everyone falls into a dark underground room... In onda il: 2023-08-09 5: The Remote Island Village
    The mysterious power of the gate sends Vermilio and Helck to an unknown remote island. Vermilio travels deeper into the island and comes across a fluffy creature. 5: The Remote Island Village
    In onda il: 2023-08-09 The mysterious power of the gate sends Vermilio and Helck to an unknown remote island. Vermilio travels deeper into the island and comes across a fluffy creature. In onda il: 2023-08-16 6: Invasion
    Vermilio poses a question to Helck: “Can you fight against your old friends?” Meanwhile, the others at Castle Urum are fighting an overwhelming number of winged knights. 6: Invasion
    In onda il: 2023-08-16 Vermilio poses a question to Helck: “Can you fight against your old friends?” Meanwhile, the others at Castle Urum are fighting an overwhelming number of winged knights. In onda il: 2023-08-23 7: The Human King
    Hyura and the others escape Castle Urum but soon find themselves surrounded again. Azudra arrives to subdue the winged knights. All the while, Azudra begins plotting. 7: The Human King
    In onda il: 2023-08-23 Hyura and the others escape Castle Urum but soon find themselves surrounded again. Azudra arrives to subdue the winged knights. All the while, Azudra begins plotting. In onda il: 2023-08-30 8: Back to the Continent
    Azudra determines the winged knights are a major threat. Meanwhile, Helck and Vermilio take it easy. 8: Back to the Continent
    In onda il: 2023-08-30 Azudra determines the winged knights are a major threat. Meanwhile, Helck and Vermilio take it easy. In onda il: 2023-09-06 9: Barbarians of the Tothman Tribe
    Helck and Vermilio bid farewell to the mysterious island and its residents as they sail away with a stowaway Piwi aboard. However, they run into a massive whirlpool! 9: Barbarians of the Tothman Tribe
    In onda il: 2023-09-06 Helck and Vermilio bid farewell to the mysterious island and its residents as they sail away with a stowaway Piwi aboard. However, they run into a massive whirlpool! In onda il: 2023-09-13 10: In Pursuit of a Map
    Helck and company end up in the Erille Kingdom where they must fight the barbarians of the Tothman Tribe. The Tothman King goes berserk after tapping into a mysterious power. 10: In Pursuit of a Map
    In onda il: 2023-09-13 Helck and company end up in the Erille Kingdom where they must fight the barbarians of the Tothman Tribe. The Tothman King goes berserk after tapping into a mysterious power. In onda il: 2023-09-20 11: The Troubadour's Song
    Helck and company use their winnings from the cooking competition to buy a map leading to the Empire. They make plans to go northwest into the ruins of two destroyed kingdoms. 11: The Troubadour's Song
    In onda il: 2023-09-20 Helck and company use their winnings from the cooking competition to buy a map leading to the Empire. They make plans to go northwest into the ruins of two destroyed kingdoms. In onda il: 2023-09-27 12: The Spirit of Faith
    Vermilio is frightened by Helck's power as he goes berserk during his battle with Augis. It makes her recall the words of the Great Witch, who warned her about Helck. 12: The Spirit of Faith
    In onda il: 2023-09-27 Vermilio is frightened by Helck's power as he goes berserk during his battle with Augis. It makes her recall the words of the Great Witch, who warned her about Helck. In onda il: 2023-10-04 13: With Younger Brother in Tow
    When they were little, Helck and his younger brother Cless lost both of their parents. One day, Cless gets very sick and Helck begs for someone to save him. 13: With Younger Brother in Tow
    In onda il: 2023-10-04 When they were little, Helck and his younger brother Cless lost both of their parents. One day, Cless gets very sick and Helck begs for someone to save him. In onda il: 2023-10-11 14: The Mercenaries
    Only half a month after Cless departs on his expedition, monsters begin to appear in greater numbers than ever before. The kingdom enacts a military draft to combat them. 14: The Mercenaries
    In onda il: 2023-10-11 Only half a month after Cless departs on his expedition, monsters begin to appear in greater numbers than ever before. The kingdom enacts a military draft to combat them. In onda il: 2023-10-18 15: The Power of Heroes
    Helck arrives at the Demon Lord’s castle and senses a powerful presence. It turns out to be Azudra of the Four Elite Lords, who makes a plea for peace. 15: The Power of Heroes
    In onda il: 2023-10-18 Helck arrives at the Demon Lord’s castle and senses a powerful presence. It turns out to be Azudra of the Four Elite Lords, who makes a plea for peace. In onda il: 2023-10-25 16: The Truth Behind Awakening
    Zeruzeon reveals the kingdom’s terrifying plan, so Helck and his friends sneak into the castle to put a stop to it by saving Cless. 16: The Truth Behind Awakening
    In onda il: 2023-10-25 Zeruzeon reveals the kingdom’s terrifying plan, so Helck and his friends sneak into the castle to put a stop to it by saving Cless. In onda il: 2023-11-01 17: Traitors
    Helck is on the verge of being killed. To save the life of his big brother, Cless is forced to make a choice. 17: Traitors
    In onda il: 2023-11-01 Helck is on the verge of being killed. To save the life of his big brother, Cless is forced to make a choice. In onda il: 2023-11-08 18: Smile
    Helck charges onward but an army of bounty hunters stands between him and Alicia. She is in horrible shape as she faces public execution. 18: Smile
    In onda il: 2023-11-08 Helck charges onward but an army of bounty hunters stands between him and Alicia. She is in horrible shape as she faces public execution. In onda il: 2023-11-15 19: Vermilio of the Four Elite Lords
    Helck's motivations become clear with an awakening of a horrific truth. Vermilio vows to fight by Helck’s side. 19: Vermilio of the Four Elite Lords
    In onda il: 2023-11-15 Helck's motivations become clear with an awakening of a horrific truth. Vermilio vows to fight by Helck’s side. In onda il: 2023-11-22 20: The Mysterious Woman
    The winged knights continue attacking Castle Thor to level themselves up further. Meanwhile, Asta keeps snooping for information in the human realm. 20: The Mysterious Woman
    In onda il: 2023-11-22 The winged knights continue attacking Castle Thor to level themselves up further. Meanwhile, Asta keeps snooping for information in the human realm. In onda il: 2023-11-29 21: Phase 2
    Zeruzeon leads the winged knights in an assault on the newly rebuilt castle. Humans and demons become locked in combat. 21: Phase 2
    In onda il: 2023-11-29 Zeruzeon leads the winged knights in an assault on the newly rebuilt castle. Humans and demons become locked in combat. In onda il: 2023-12-06 22: Spell Breaker
    Hyura and Edil battle it out at Castle Thor while a strange relationship starts between them. Meanwhile, Mikaros is confronted by Azudra and reveals a past grudge. 22: Spell Breaker
    In onda il: 2023-12-06 Hyura and Edil battle it out at Castle Thor while a strange relationship starts between them. Meanwhile, Mikaros is confronted by Azudra and reveals a past grudge. In onda il: 2023-12-13 23: The Chosen Path
    Raphaed’s army attacks a demonkin outpost, when Helck and Vermilio arrive. Raphaed determines Vermilio is Helck's newfound source of support. 23: The Chosen Path
    In onda il: 2023-12-13 Raphaed’s army attacks a demonkin outpost, when Helck and Vermilio arrive. Raphaed determines Vermilio is Helck's newfound source of support. In onda il: 2023-12-20 24: Towards a Hopeful Future
    Helck faces off with his former friend, Alicia. Meanwhile, Vermilio can't help but be concerned about Helck as she continues to fight with Raphaed. 24: Towards a Hopeful Future
    In onda il: 2023-12-20 Helck faces off with his former friend, Alicia. Meanwhile, Vermilio can't help but be concerned about Helck as she continues to fight with Raphaed. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  19. LV1 Maō to One Room Yūsha [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Level 1 Demon Lord & One Room Hero
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Ten years ago, the hero Max defeated the Demon Lord. In order to regain his power, the Demon Lord went into a deep slumber...but when he awakens, his body is only a chibi version of its fearsome form. Now curious to see what his enemy is up to, the Demon Lord visits Max, only to discover the mighty hero living in a dirty one-room apartment. The Demon Lord decides to move in with Max and help his old enemy become a formidable opponent once more!
    Toshiya Ohno
    Series Composition Yoshihiro Watanabe
    Character Designer Keisuke Inoue
    Series Director Akiko Kikuchi
    Art Direction Miho Hasegawa
    Color Designer Eiki Eto
    Director of Photography Yuji Kondo
    Editor R・O・N
    Original Music Composer SHIN
    Theme Song Performance YUKI
    Theme Song Performance LIN
    Theme Song Performance YOU-TA
    Theme Song Performance KAƵUKI
    Theme Song Performance Nenne
    Theme Song Performance Toshiki Kameyama
    Sound Director toufu
    Novel Sho Tanaka
    Executive Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi
    Executive Producer Makoto Hojo
    Executive Producer Asuka Yamazaki
    Executive Producer Shingo Kunieda
    Executive Producer Katsuhiko Matsubara
    Executive Producer Shunichi Uemura
    Music Producer Yuki Kuroda
    Producer Shuka Nishimae
    Producer Akihiro Sotokawa
    Producer Norio Fukui
    Producer Nobuaki Takahashi
    Producer Mai Kawasaki
    Producer Masami Kitakata
    Sound Effects Mitsuharu Ito
    Sound Mixer Ayuka Suzuki
    Online Editor Yuki Kuribayashi
    3D Director Yuichi Nakamura
    Max (voice) Naomi Ohzora
    Demon Lord (voice) Yoko Hikasa
    Zenia (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
    Fred (voice) Hiro Shimono
    Leo (voice) Ami Koshimizu
    Yuria (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-07-03 1: The Demon Lord Returns!
    The Demon Lord did not return after 10 years just to face a pathetic shell of a man who once called himself a hero. This insult shall not stand! 1: The Demon Lord Returns!
    In onda il: 2023-07-03 The Demon Lord did not return after 10 years just to face a pathetic shell of a man who once called himself a hero. This insult shall not stand! In onda il: 2023-07-10 2: Beware the Glasses Girl
    What exactly does a retired hero do all day? The Demon Lord is on the case! But Zenia isn’t thrilled her boss is still traipsing around the world of humans… 2: Beware the Glasses Girl
    In onda il: 2023-07-10 What exactly does a retired hero do all day? The Demon Lord is on the case! But Zenia isn’t thrilled her boss is still traipsing around the world of humans… In onda il: 2023-07-17 3: Fred the Cleric
    Max and Leo are no ordinary travelers. That’s fitting because they meet Fred, who is no ordinary cleric either! 3: Fred the Cleric
    In onda il: 2023-07-17 Max and Leo are no ordinary travelers. That’s fitting because they meet Fred, who is no ordinary cleric either! In onda il: 2023-07-24 4: The Hero’s New Challenge
    There’d be plenty of opportunities for Max if he joined the Demon Lord’s ranks: he could date monster girls and receive a generous benefits package! But does he want that? 4: The Hero’s New Challenge
    In onda il: 2023-07-24 There’d be plenty of opportunities for Max if he joined the Demon Lord’s ranks: he could date monster girls and receive a generous benefits package! But does he want that? In onda il: 2023-07-31 5: With His Grace!
    Max runs into an old acquaintance when he’s out shopping with the Demon Lord. 5: With His Grace!
    In onda il: 2023-07-31 Max runs into an old acquaintance when he’s out shopping with the Demon Lord. In onda il: 2023-08-07 6: Border Tug-of-War
    Max and the Demon Lord witness a battle between the Kingdom and the Republic. But just as the Kingdom gains the advantage, Leo arrives to save the day! 6: Border Tug-of-War
    In onda il: 2023-08-07 Max and the Demon Lord witness a battle between the Kingdom and the Republic. But just as the Kingdom gains the advantage, Leo arrives to save the day! In onda il: 2023-08-14 7: The Secretary Does Her Best
    Zenia infiltrates the Bureau of Magic on the Demon Lord’s orders. She fancies herself an expert spy but… 7: The Secretary Does Her Best
    In onda il: 2023-08-14 Zenia infiltrates the Bureau of Magic on the Demon Lord’s orders. She fancies herself an expert spy but… In onda il: 2023-08-21 8: Farewell
    Someone caused the explosion that rocked the Bureau of Magic, but the question is, who? Max and the Demon Lord certainly have a lot of explaining to do… 8: Farewell
    In onda il: 2023-08-21 Someone caused the explosion that rocked the Bureau of Magic, but the question is, who? Max and the Demon Lord certainly have a lot of explaining to do… In onda il: 2023-08-28 9: A Hero Conflicted
    They were once allies, but now Fred and Leo find themselves on opposite sides as war brews between the Kingdom and the Republic. 9: A Hero Conflicted
    In onda il: 2023-08-28 They were once allies, but now Fred and Leo find themselves on opposite sides as war brews between the Kingdom and the Republic. In onda il: 2023-09-04 10: Leo vs. Fred
    The last thing Max wants to do is get involved. But if he won't stop Fred and Leo from fighting, the Demon Lord will force him to. 10: Leo vs. Fred
    In onda il: 2023-09-04 The last thing Max wants to do is get involved. But if he won't stop Fred and Leo from fighting, the Demon Lord will force him to. In onda il: 2023-09-11 11: The Hero, Covered in Mud
    If Max wants to stop Fred and Leo, he'll need all the help he can get. Fortunately, an old friend prepared a backup. 11: The Hero, Covered in Mud
    In onda il: 2023-09-11 If Max wants to stop Fred and Leo, he'll need all the help he can get. Fortunately, an old friend prepared a backup. In onda il: 2023-09-18 12: The Fruits of Their Labor
    Max was a fallen hero, but his actions have paved the way to peace and the public loves a good redemption story. What does the future hold this time? 12: The Fruits of Their Labor
    In onda il: 2023-09-18 Max was a fallen hero, but his actions have paved the way to peace and the public loves a good redemption story. What does the future hold this time? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  20. Ayakashi Triangle [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Ayakashi Triangle
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Il Giappone sembra invaso da misteriosi mostri chiamati Ayakashi, ma a contrastare la minaccia esiste una forza speciale, i ninja esorcisti! Il giovane ninja esorcista Matsuri passa le giornate a combatterli e a proteggere la sua amica d'infanzia Suzu. Quando appare un ayakashi chiamato Shirogane, le cose si stravolgono! Kentaro Yabuki torna su Shonen Jump con una nuova serie fantasy, ricca di ayakashi e romanticismo!
    Noriaki Akitaya
    Series Director Kei Umabiki
    Assistant Director Shogo Yasukawa
    Series Composition Hideki Furukawa
    Character Designer Masafumi Mima
    Sound Director Rei Ishizuka
    Original Music Composer Satoru Kuwabara
    Art Direction Mayu Hirotomi
    Prop Designer Takashi Watanabe
    Lead Animator Tokumi Oiwa
    Creature Design Kazuki Umeda
    Creature Design Yukiko Tadano
    Color Designer Takashi Yanagida
    Director of Photography Takeshi Saitou
    3D Director Naoya Kinoshita
    Special Effects Maki Sendo
    Editor Jin Aketagawa
    Sound Director Yui Ando
    Sound Effects Kimitaka Shindo
    Sound Mixer Nagisa Asakura
    Foley Artist Miyu Tomita
    Theme Song Performance Kana Ichinose
    Theme Song Performance Mariri Okutsu
    Theme Song Performance Takami Tachikawa
    Online Editor Yohei Takahashi
    Online Editor Masanori Miyake
    Executive Producer Akifumi Fujio
    Executive Producer Koji Nagai
    Executive Producer Tomoyuki Ohwada
    Executive Producer Yasuhiro Yamazaki
    Executive Producer Isao Ishikawa
    Executive Producer Nobuhiro Nakayama
    Producer Mayumi Kurashima
    Producer Hiroya Nakata
    Producer Mao Higashi
    Producer Koichiro Kogare
    Producer Kazuyuki Kogawara
    Producer Shoya Chiba
    Matsuri Kazamaki ♂ (voice) Miyu Tomita
    Matsuri Kazamaki ♀ (voice) Kana Ichinose
    Suzu Kanade (voice) Tessyo Genda
    Shirogane (voice) Haruka Tomatsu
    Yayoi Toba (voice) Hina Kino
    Lucy Tsukioka (voice) Shoya Ishige
    Sōga Ninokuru (voice) Satomi Arai
    Ponosuke Ninokuru (voice) Aya Yamane
    Reo Korogi (voice) Atsushi Tamaru
    Garaku Utagawa (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-01-10 1: Matsuri, Suzu, and Ayakashi
    Matsuri, an exorcist ninja, encounters Shirogane, an ayakashi targeting his childhood friend, Suzu, who seems to have something "special" about her. 1: Matsuri, Suzu, and Ayakashi
    In onda il: 2023-01-10 Matsuri, an exorcist ninja, encounters Shirogane, an ayakashi targeting his childhood friend, Suzu, who seems to have something "special" about her. In onda il: 2023-01-17 2: Girl Friend
    Having had Gender Swap Awakened cast on him, Matsuri enters high school as a girl. There, Shirogane attacks in a bid to take the God-Sealing Scroll, but the ayakashi Tadare goes after Suzu instead. Matsuri saves her and decides to become on of Suzu's girl friends. 2: Girl Friend
    In onda il: 2023-01-17 Having had Gender Swap Awakened cast on him, Matsuri enters high school as a girl. There, Shirogane attacks in a bid to take the God-Sealing Scroll, but the ayakashi Tadare goes after Suzu instead. Matsuri saves her and decides to become on of Suzu's girl friends. In onda il: 2023-01-24 3: The Speedster Exorcist Ninja
    Suzu makes Suzu-dumplings, trying to become friends with Shirogane. Matsuri sees her and reminisces about the times he admired her for her ability to befriend ayakashi. That's when they get a visit from the Lightning-Fast Exorcist Ninja, Ninokuru Souga. 3: The Speedster Exorcist Ninja
    In onda il: 2023-01-24 Suzu makes Suzu-dumplings, trying to become friends with Shirogane. Matsuri sees her and reminisces about the times he admired her for her ability to befriend ayakashi. That's when they get a visit from the Lightning-Fast Exorcist Ninja, Ninokuru Souga. In onda il: 2023-01-31 4: The Melancholy of the Ayakashi Medium
    Matsuri does his best to fit in as one of Suzu's girl friends, but he doesn't know how to act around Yayoi and Lucy. Yayoi, in turn, wants to get to know Matsuri better too, but she keeps tripping and getting up close and personal, which complciates matters. She believes Matsuri despises her now, but the cause was actually an ayakashi! 4: The Melancholy of the Ayakashi Medium
    In onda il: 2023-01-31 Matsuri does his best to fit in as one of Suzu's girl friends, but he doesn't know how to act around Yayoi and Lucy. Yayoi, in turn, wants to get to know Matsuri better too, but she keeps tripping and getting up close and personal, which complciates matters. She believes Matsuri despises her now, but the cause was actually an ayakashi! In onda il: 2023-03-07 5: Omokage
    The Suzu that showed up in Matsuri's room was actually an omokage shadow, a cloning ayakashi. What's more, it's still wandering around somewhere, which poses a real threat to Suzu's life. Matsuri and Shirogane frantically scour the town for it. 5: Omokage
    In onda il: 2023-03-07 The Suzu that showed up in Matsuri's room was actually an omokage shadow, a cloning ayakashi. What's more, it's still wandering around somewhere, which poses a real threat to Suzu's life. Matsuri and Shirogane frantically scour the town for it. In onda il: 2023-03-14 6: Those Who See, and Those Who Can't
    Lucy shows Matsuri and Suzu a photo she took, which seems to be a spirit photo! Captured in it is an "Ikon" a cluster of human resentment, which then proceeds to possess Lucy herself. Matsuri must find a way to exorcise the ayakashi and protect her! 6: Those Who See, and Those Who Can't
    In onda il: 2023-03-14 Lucy shows Matsuri and Suzu a photo she took, which seems to be a spirit photo! Captured in it is an "Ikon" a cluster of human resentment, which then proceeds to possess Lucy herself. Matsuri must find a way to exorcise the ayakashi and protect her! In onda il: 2023-08-22 7: Utagawa Garaku
    Matsuri and Suzu receive a visit from a traveling artist, and he has a surprise or two in store for them! 7: Utagawa Garaku
    In onda il: 2023-08-22 Matsuri and Suzu receive a visit from a traveling artist, and he has a surprise or two in store for them! In onda il: 2023-08-29 8: Her First
    Suzu's experiment leads to Matsuri's gear malfunctioning, so they decide to pay a visit to expert artisan, Korogi Reo. 8: Her First
    In onda il: 2023-08-29 Suzu's experiment leads to Matsuri's gear malfunctioning, so they decide to pay a visit to expert artisan, Korogi Reo. In onda il: 2023-09-05 9: An Encounter With 'Him'?
    UFOs, catnip, incense, and alerts galore! After the visit to the Korogi store, Matsuri has high expectations for his new ninja gear. But he doesn't expect what happens while he's trying it out! 9: An Encounter With 'Him'?
    In onda il: 2023-09-05 UFOs, catnip, incense, and alerts galore! After the visit to the Korogi store, Matsuri has high expectations for his new ninja gear. But he doesn't expect what happens while he's trying it out! In onda il: 2023-09-12 10: The Enticing Boy
    A pretty boy transfers into school and asks Suzu for help with an ayakashi, but things take a scary turn. 10: The Enticing Boy
    In onda il: 2023-09-12 A pretty boy transfers into school and asks Suzu for help with an ayakashi, but things take a scary turn. In onda il: 2023-09-19 11: The Spirit of Harmony
    The battle with the Jinyo intensifies, and Shirogane has to fend him off with Suzu in tow! 11: The Spirit of Harmony
    In onda il: 2023-09-19 The battle with the Jinyo intensifies, and Shirogane has to fend him off with Suzu in tow! In onda il: 2023-09-26 12: Kanade Suzu, the King of Ayakashi
    Having lost his powers, Shirogane now has a problem he has to deal with, and a proposition for Suzu and Matsuri. 12: Kanade Suzu, the King of Ayakashi
    In onda il: 2023-09-26 Having lost his powers, Shirogane now has a problem he has to deal with, and a proposition for Suzu and Matsuri. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  21. Suzume no Tojimari (2022) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Suzume
    2 h 1 m    2022        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Avventura ◦ Fantasy
    La storia ha come protagonista una ragazza di 17 anni, Suzume, che vive in una tranquilla cittadina del Kyushu. Un giorno incontra un giovane viaggiatore che sta cercando una misteriosa "porta" e decide di seguirlo. Proprio la ragazza scopre l'esistenza di un vecchio portale tra le rovine delle montagne. La leggenda narra l'esistenza di diverse porte collegate tra loro in tutto il Giappone e che la chiusura di una di esse porti terribili sciagure.
    Makoto Shinkai
    Screenplay Makoto Shinkai
    Director Makoto Shinkai
    Editor Makoto Shinkai
    Story Makoto Shinkai
    Storyboard Artist Ryuuta Nakagami
    Compositing Artist Satoshi Nishimura
    Key Animation Genki Kawamura
    Producer Hiroshi Kawamata
    Key Animation Kenichi Tsuchiya
    Animation Director Kenichi Tsuchiya
    Prop Designer Kenichi Tsuchiya
    Key Animation Noritaka Kawaguchi
    Executive Producer Shiho Takeuchi
    Key Animation Hiroyuki Aoyama
    Key Animation Kenji Fujita
    Compositing Artist Yoshitaka Takeuchi
    CGI Director Shunsuke Hirota
    Key Animation Yojiro Noda
    Original Music Composer Yojiro Noda
    Songs Takafumi Hori
    Key Animation Masami Shimoda
    Second Unit Director Haru Yamada
    Sound Director Yoshiko Okuda
    Key Animation Nana Harada
    Second Unit Director Mizuki Ito
    Sound Effects Mizuki Ito
    Foley Artist Minoru Ohashi
    Key Animation Kazuma Jinnouchi
    Original Music Composer Ryosuke Tsuda
    Director of Photography Ryosuke Tsuda
    Compositing Artist Seiichi Akitake
    Key Animation Ai Yukimura
    Key Animation Chiyoko Ueno
    Key Animation Daisuke Tokudo
    Key Animation Yoshihiro Furusawa
    Executive Producer Bahi JD
    Key Animation Masayoshi Tanaka
    Prop Designer Masayoshi Tanaka
    Character Designer Chikashi Kubota
    Key Animation Kazuya Iwai
    Compositing Artist Akira Kuwahara
    Theme Song Performance Yusuke Takeda
    Theme Song Performance Satoshi Yamaguchi
    Theme Song Performance Tasuku Watanabe
    Assistant Art Director Ei Inoue
    Key Animation Ei Inoue
    Second Unit Director Koichiro Ito
    Producer Yoko Miki
    Special Effects Yoko Miki
    Assistant Director Yoko Miki
    Key Animation Yoko Miki
    Compositing Artist Keiko Kurosawa
    Key Animation Katsuya Shigehara
    Second Unit First Assistant Director Ai Takashi
    Key Animation Maho Takagi
    Prop Designer Maho Takagi
    Key Animation Takumi Tanji
    Art Direction Shigeru Kimishima
    Key Animation Hirofumi Masuda
    Key Animation Takayo Nishimura
    Key Animation Naoki Kobayashi
    Key Animation Hiroyuki Ishizaka
    Music Editor Yuuya Geshi
    Key Animation Kenji Imura
    Second Unit Director Akira Honma
    Key Animation Shiori Fujisawa
    Key Animation Atsushi Tamura
    Prop Designer Atsushi Tamura
    Key Animation Masahiko Yagi
    Compositing Artist Naoko Saito
    Key Animation Asahi Takeuchi
    Key Animation Yuho Tomozawa
    Assistant Art Director Sayoko Narukawa
    Music Producer Tomoko Yamamoto
    Color Designer Hidetsugu Ito
    Creature Design Hidetsugu Ito
    Prop Designer Hidetsugu Ito
    Key Animation Sakiko Yoshida
    Key Animation Kei Machida
    Compositing Artist Daichi Iseki
    Compositing Artist Wakana Okamura
    Producer Keita Nagahara
    Prop Designer Keita Nagahara
    Key Animation Keita Nagahara
    Second Unit Director Hiroyuki Chiba
    Compositing Artist Yuuga Tokuno
    Key Animation Yuuga Tokuno
    Second Unit Director Shinpei Sawa
    Key Animation Ryuji Hirakawa
    Compositing Artist Atsuyuki Yukawa
    Second Unit Director Yui Tsukane
    Online Editor Tomohiro Tokunaga
    Production Supervisor Yuki Hayashi
    Key Animation Masataka Ikegami
    Compositing Artist Moaang
    Key Animation Etsuko Kawano
    Key Animation Tatsuya Akitsu
    Key Animation Kerorira
    Key Animation Keisuke Kobayashi
    Key Animation Luke Asuka Okamoto
    Key Animation Saho Miyano
    Key Animation Tram Anh
    Background Designer Thanh Ngoc Nguyen
    Background Designer Le Dinh Tri
    Background Designer Attachai Boonsamai
    Background Designer Aditep Meechaijreonying
    Background Designer Parinya Phetwiphat
    Background Designer Atsushi Takeyama
    Compositing Artist Anita Kim
    Prop Designer Anita Kim
    Key Animation Tetsuya Ishii
    Key Animation Nguyen Quoc
    Background Designer Thu Yen
    Background Designer Junpei Tatenaka
    Key Animation Rina Kagiyama
    Prop Designer Kinue Ito
    Producer Daigo Matsumoto
    Compositing Artist Seigo Kitazawa
    Key Animation Takuma Shinohara
    Key Animation Ayumi Nagaki
    Prop Designer Duc Hai
    Background Designer Tuan Vu
    Background Designer To Nguyen Ngoc Huyen
    Background Designer Vu Truong Thanh Hieu
    Background Designer Do Quan Thanh Truc
    Background Designer Madoka Yabunami
    Key Animation KURO
    Animation Ut Dy
    Background Designer Thu Ha
    Background Designer Vo Thi My Tien
    Background Designer Pham Thi Ngoc Han
    Background Designer Le Hoang Vu
    Background Designer Pham Van Cuong
    Background Designer Auttapon Boonsamai
    Background Designer Yosanann Rujichayakhun
    Background Designer Watchara Horthong
    Background Designer Hoang Ngoc Nguyen
    Background Designer Phuong Nhi
    Background Designer Thuy Dung
    Background Designer Toaka
    Theme Song Performance Ngoc Xuan
    Background Designer Nobuhiro Nagayoshi
    Online Editor Minako Tsuneya
    Compositing Artist Yuna Azuta
    Compositing Artist Hitomi Watanabe
    Compositing Artist Ichiko Hirose
    Key Animation Mori Hirayama
    Key Animation Kanako Tanabe
    Prop Designer Thanh Thuy
    Background Designer Mai Chi
    Background Designer Khammachat Suwan
    Background Designer Supakorn Kunpratum
    Background Designer Palin Thongsanthia
    Background Designer Theeranan Taejaroenkul
    Background Designer Pichet Chaiyarin
    Background Designer Hong Quan
    Background Designer Mai Dat
    Background Designer Do Quyen
    Background Designer Yuki Teramoto
    Compositing Artist Ayako Hagiwara
    Special Effects Tatsuya Nomura
    Compositing Artist Manabu Komatsu
    Compositing Artist Tadashi Kinoshita
    Compositing Artist Hiromi Yamashita
    Compositing Artist Toshihide Fujii
    Compositing Artist Tomokazu Ohishi
    Compositing Artist Nanoka Hara
    Suzume Iwato (voice) Hokuto Matsumura
    Souta Munakata (voice) Eri Fukatsu
    Tamaki Iwato (voice) Shota Sometani
    Minoru Okabe (voice) Sairi Ito
    Rumi Ninomiya (voice) Kotone Hanase
    Chika Amabe (voice) Kana Hanazawa
    Tsubame Iwato (voice) Matsumoto Hakuō II
    Hitsujiro Munakata (voice) Ryunosuke Kamiki
    Tomoya Serizawa (voice) Ann Yamane
    Daijin (voice) Akari Miura
    Young Suzume Iwato (voice) Yoji Ueda
    (voice) Aimi
    (voice) Yuu Ayase
    (voice) Akihiro Tajima
    (voice) Ryoko Nagata
    (voice) Shinnosuke Imazu
    (voice) Kyo Yaoya
    (voice) Hinano Harumi
    (voice) Nanae Sumitomo
    (voice) Saori Seto
    (voice) Yuri Kimura
    (voice) Tamae Watanabe
    (voice) Tomomichi Nishimura
    (voice) Yoshino Aoyama
    (voice) Kaho Uesugi
    (voice) Kaito Ogawa
    (voice) Madoka Kayama
    (voice) Shinjirou Gouda
    (voice) Riku Sasakura
    (voice) Yuki Sorami
    (voice) Ayumi Tsuji
    (voice) Genta Nakamura
    (voice) Manatsu Hada
    (voice) Katsumi Fukuhara
    (voice) Arisa Maesako
    (voice) Riko Murozono
    (voice) Takuya Yokota
    (voice) Trailer [SUB ITA]
  22. Overtake! [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer OVERTAKE!
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma
    Haruka Asahina is a high school teen racing in Formula 4. He crosses paths with a washed-up photographer, Kōya Madoka, who decides to help Haruka realize his dream and reach the podium. The heat is on, and competition is fierce. Racing for the family-run Komaki Motors team means Haruka must push the car, and himself, to the limits to catch the attention of top teams. Buckle up, it’s time to race!
    Ei Aoki
    Series Director Ayumi Sekine
    Series Composition Masako Matsumoto
    Character Designer Takako Shimura
    Character Designer Katsuhiko Takayama
    Technical Supervisor Akira Ito
    Art Direction Mariko Shinohara
    Color Designer Masaya Machida
    CGI Director Mitsutaka Iguchi
    CGI Director Ryosuke Tsuda
    Visual Effects Tomoyoshi Kato
    Director of Photography Shota Migiyama
    Editor Jin Aketagawa
    Sound Director Kana Utatane
    Original Music Composer kanae
    Theme Song Performance Tasuku Hatanaka
    Theme Song Performance Julien Vig
    Producer Shuka Nishimae
    Producer Arihiro Kato
    Producer Mao Higashi
    Producer Shinpei Yamashita
    Producer Kiyoka Ueda
    Producer Mayu Uemura
    Producer Yamato Sogo
    Producer Yamato Sogo
    Music Producer Masafumi Watanabe
    Foley Artist Rei Ueno
    Sound Effects Nobuhiro Negishi
    Sound Recordist Toshinari Tanaka
    Art Designer Sho Tanaka
    Executive Producer Jiro Hirosawa
    Executive Producer Tomoyuki Ohwada
    Executive Producer Juno Shin
    Executive Producer Manabu Kuroda
    Executive Producer Yoshiki Usa
    Executive Producer Keisuke Sano
    Executive Producer Ryuji Hirakawa
    Assistant Director of Photography Yao Di
    Associate Producer Masanobu Hayashi
    Associate Producer Kanako Kawamata
    Associate Producer Futa Yamashita
    Publicist Anan Furuya
    Haruka Asahina (voice) Katsuyuki Konishi
    Koya Madoka (voice) Tasuku Hatanaka
    Kotaro Komaki (voice) Kengo Kawanishi
    Satsuki Harunaga (voice) Taku Yashiro
    Toshiki Tokumaru (voice) Reina Ueda
    Arisu Mitsugawa (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-01 1: The Man Who Races
    Photographer Kouya Madoka is assigned to work a Super GT event, but as he wanders through the support race paddock, his curiosity is piqued by the sheer variety of teams and drivers on display in the world of Formula 4. 1: The Man Who Races
    In onda il: 2023-10-01 Photographer Kouya Madoka is assigned to work a Super GT event, but as he wanders through the support race paddock, his curiosity is piqued by the sheer variety of teams and drivers on display in the world of Formula 4. In onda il: 2023-10-08 2: Enthusiasm and Spirit
    An inspired Madoka barges into Komaki Motors HQ and declares he wants to sponsor their F4 outfit, but it quickly becomes apparent that he has no idea how much it actually costs to go racing. 2: Enthusiasm and Spirit
    In onda il: 2023-10-08 An inspired Madoka barges into Komaki Motors HQ and declares he wants to sponsor their F4 outfit, but it quickly becomes apparent that he has no idea how much it actually costs to go racing. In onda il: 2023-10-15 3: How Many Kilometers to the Winner's Podium?
    Komaki Motors finally have a sponsor, but Haruka may not be so happy about the terms of the deal. Though out on track, money for more tires equals more practice time. Can Haruka make good use of the extra track time? 3: How Many Kilometers to the Winner's Podium?
    In onda il: 2023-10-15 Komaki Motors finally have a sponsor, but Haruka may not be so happy about the terms of the deal. Though out on track, money for more tires equals more practice time. Can Haruka make good use of the extra track time? In onda il: 2023-10-22 4: The Past and Regrets
    The commercial is ready to air, but Haruka isn't happy about Kouya's photograph being inserted, leading to past traumas being revisited. 4: The Past and Regrets
    In onda il: 2023-10-22 The commercial is ready to air, but Haruka isn't happy about Kouya's photograph being inserted, leading to past traumas being revisited. In onda il: 2023-10-29 5: Chariots of Fire
    Haruka and the two drivers from Belsorriso, Satsuki and Toshiki, take part in a race of a different kind. 5: Chariots of Fire
    In onda il: 2023-10-29 Haruka and the two drivers from Belsorriso, Satsuki and Toshiki, take part in a race of a different kind. In onda il: 2023-11-05 6: Suzuka, Rain
    Haruka is flying high in qualifying for the next round at Suzuka, but when race day comes and the heavens open, he is faced with the tough decision of which tires to run. 6: Suzuka, Rain
    In onda il: 2023-11-05 Haruka is flying high in qualifying for the next round at Suzuka, but when race day comes and the heavens open, he is faced with the tough decision of which tires to run. In onda il: 2023-11-12 7: Underexposure
    Satsuki's horror crash reopens old wounds, and to make matters worse, Mikazuki Beverages abruptly end their sponsorship deal with Komaki Motors. How will Haruka—and more importantly, Kouya—cope with this sudden turn of events? 7: Underexposure
    In onda il: 2023-11-12 Satsuki's horror crash reopens old wounds, and to make matters worse, Mikazuki Beverages abruptly end their sponsorship deal with Komaki Motors. How will Haruka—and more importantly, Kouya—cope with this sudden turn of events? In onda il: 2023-11-19 8: Birds of a Feather
    While Satsuki recovers from his injuries in hospital, his replacement hasn't exactly impressed those in charge at Belsorriso, leading their eyes to be cast in the direction of Haruka. 8: Birds of a Feather
    In onda il: 2023-11-19 While Satsuki recovers from his injuries in hospital, his replacement hasn't exactly impressed those in charge at Belsorriso, leading their eyes to be cast in the direction of Haruka. In onda il: 2023-11-26 9: The Day of the Disaster
    Haruka tracks down Kouya, who has returned to the small town that was ravaged by a tsunami triggered by an earthquake 12 years before. 9: The Day of the Disaster
    In onda il: 2023-11-26 Haruka tracks down Kouya, who has returned to the small town that was ravaged by a tsunami triggered by an earthquake 12 years before. In onda il: 2023-12-03 10: Never Say Never
    Now that Kouya has found some form of resolution to the trauma haunting him, everyone's attention turns to Haruka and his goal of standing on the top step of the F4 podium. 10: Never Say Never
    In onda il: 2023-12-03 Now that Kouya has found some form of resolution to the trauma haunting him, everyone's attention turns to Haruka and his goal of standing on the top step of the F4 podium. In onda il: 2023-12-10 11: Hop → Step →
    After a disappointing conclusion to the last race due to his tires going off, Haruka is determined to do better next time out. Meanwhile, Harunaga is out of the hospital and straight back in the car. 11: Hop → Step →
    In onda il: 2023-12-10 After a disappointing conclusion to the last race due to his tires going off, Haruka is determined to do better next time out. Meanwhile, Harunaga is out of the hospital and straight back in the car. In onda il: 2023-12-17 12: Overtake
    The FIA Japanese F4 Championship is reaching its climax and it all comes down to this race at Fuji Speedway. Will Haruka finally get to stand on the top step of the podium? 12: Overtake
    In onda il: 2023-12-17 The FIA Japanese F4 Championship is reaching its climax and it all comes down to this race at Fuji Speedway. Will Haruka finally get to stand on the top step of the podium? Anteprima Ufficiale
  23. Bōshoku no Berserk [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Berserk of Gluttony
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Fate Graphite was born into a world where magical skills shape your destiny. His skill is Gluttony, a seemingly useless curse of unending hunger that has left him shunned and looked down upon. Until one day, after he takes the life of a thief, his true power awakens: he can devour the skill of anyone he kills to feed his appetite. Will he learn to control this gruesome ability for the better?
    Tetsuya Yanagisawa
    Series Director Mariko Kunisawa
    Series Composition Yuichi Ono
    Original Music Composer Ichika Isshiki
    Novel Takafumi Furusawa
    Character Designer Eiji Iwase
    Art Direction Maika Hosoda
    Art Direction Satoshi Yano
    Sound Director Hiroaki Tanaka
    Director of Photography Shigeyuki Suga
    Action Director Tomomi Ando
    Color Designer Motoki Niimi
    Editor Daisuke Miyachi
    Music Producer Hidefumi Kimura
    Prop Designer Hiromune Kurahashi
    Sound Effects Hitomi Sekine
    Theme Song Performance Misato Matsuoka
    Theme Song Performance Yang Guoxiang
    Producer Yukihiko Nakao
    Producer Takanori Matsuoka
    Producer Kimihito Sekido
    Producer Hisato Usui
    Producer Tomoyuki Ohwada
    Producer Kozue Kananiwa
    Producer Kazuo Kiuchi
    Producer Ryota Osaka
    Fate Graphite (voice) Tomokazu Seki
    Greed (voice) Hisako Tojo
    Roxy Heart (voice) Hitomi Sekine
    Eris (voice) Misato Matsuoka
    Myne (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-05 1: The Have-Nots
    In a world where status and success are defined by divinely granted skills, those blessed with such skills tread upon those less fortunate. Fate Graphite finds himself among the have-nots until a chance encounter activates a hidden ability of his skill. 1: The Have-Nots
    In onda il: 2023-10-05 In a world where status and success are defined by divinely granted skills, those blessed with such skills tread upon those less fortunate. Fate Graphite finds himself among the have-nots until a chance encounter activates a hidden ability of his skill. In onda il: 2023-10-12 2: Hunger Boost
    Unable to stand by and do nothing, Fate follows the kidnapper into his warehouse. While Fate learns to grapple with the nature of the Gluttony skill, he also works to find his place as a new servant at the Hart estate. 2: Hunger Boost
    In onda il: 2023-10-12 Unable to stand by and do nothing, Fate follows the kidnapper into his warehouse. While Fate learns to grapple with the nature of the Gluttony skill, he also works to find his place as a new servant at the Hart estate. In onda il: 2023-10-19 3: Roxy's Inspection
    Rumors of scores of slaughtered monsters start to circulate throughout the capital, drawing the attention of the holy knights. Fate gets conscripted to take part in a secret mission with Roxy and finds himself going to unexpected lengths to complete it. 3: Roxy's Inspection
    In onda il: 2023-10-19 Rumors of scores of slaughtered monsters start to circulate throughout the capital, drawing the attention of the holy knights. Fate gets conscripted to take part in a secret mission with Roxy and finds himself going to unexpected lengths to complete it. In onda il: 2023-10-26 4: Crowned Beast
    Fate accompanies Roxy to the Hart family's lands, where the harvest is taking place. Kobolds have wandered into the area seeking the now plentiful food. Among them is a crowned beast, a creature far more formidable than anything Fate has faced before. 4: Crowned Beast
    In onda il: 2023-10-26 Fate accompanies Roxy to the Hart family's lands, where the harvest is taking place. Kobolds have wandered into the area seeking the now plentiful food. Among them is a crowned beast, a creature far more formidable than anything Fate has faced before. In onda il: 2023-11-02 5: To Galia
    Fate faces off against Hado Vlerick, putting his pilfered power to the test. Roxy arrives in Galia and takes her father's place. Fate follows after her, but along the way, he finds his prior abusers in desperate need of his help. 5: To Galia
    In onda il: 2023-11-02 Fate faces off against Hado Vlerick, putting his pilfered power to the test. Roxy arrives in Galia and takes her father's place. Fate follows after her, but along the way, he finds his prior abusers in desperate need of his help. In onda il: 2023-11-09 6: The Girl of Wrath
    Fate manages to recover and bring the might of Greed's new form to bear against the gargoyles. Leaving the destruction behind him, Fate encounters an entirely different problem after being reunited with Myne, the mysterious Galian from before. 6: The Girl of Wrath
    In onda il: 2023-11-09 Fate manages to recover and bring the might of Greed's new form to bear against the gargoyles. Leaving the destruction behind him, Fate encounters an entirely different problem after being reunited with Myne, the mysterious Galian from before. In onda il: 2023-11-16 7: The Twilight Swordsman
    An unexpected pause in the journey leads to Fate having a chance encounter with Aaron Barbatos, a powerful and experienced warrior. As he trains Fate, Gluttony's hunger leads him to hunt in the castle nearby where shadows of Aaron's past still lurk. 7: The Twilight Swordsman
    In onda il: 2023-11-16 An unexpected pause in the journey leads to Fate having a chance encounter with Aaron Barbatos, a powerful and experienced warrior. As he trains Fate, Gluttony's hunger leads him to hunt in the castle nearby where shadows of Aaron's past still lurk. In onda il: 2023-11-23 8: The Village of Lost Memories
    Myne and Fate travel to the ruins of Myne's birthplace to face a terrifying new foe. The full might of Wrath and the soul-devouring nature of Gluttony combine their efforts in a fierce struggle against an ancient entity. 8: The Village of Lost Memories
    In onda il: 2023-11-23 Myne and Fate travel to the ruins of Myne's birthplace to face a terrifying new foe. The full might of Wrath and the soul-devouring nature of Gluttony combine their efforts in a fierce struggle against an ancient entity. In onda il: 2023-11-30 9: The Guardian of Lust
    Fate arrives in Babylon and starts adapting to the pace of life and the ludicrous cost of living there. He encounters some of Galia's native monsters. However, Fate quickly discovers that there are threats within the city as well. 9: The Guardian of Lust
    In onda il: 2023-11-30 Fate arrives in Babylon and starts adapting to the pace of life and the ludicrous cost of living there. He encounters some of Galia's native monsters. However, Fate quickly discovers that there are threats within the city as well. In onda il: 2023-12-07 10: Trap
    An excursion to gather materials for gear upgrades leads Fate to a chance encounter with Roxy once more. Powerful monsters seem to be exhibiting unusual behavior, and derelict chimera shells litter the Great Ravine. 10: Trap
    In onda il: 2023-12-07 An excursion to gather materials for gear upgrades leads Fate to a chance encounter with Roxy once more. Powerful monsters seem to be exhibiting unusual behavior, and derelict chimera shells litter the Great Ravine. In onda il: 2023-12-11 11: Death March
    Since returning from the Great Ravine, Fate's found himself in enough altercations around Babylon to get him in trouble with Roxy herself, who challenges him to a duel. Shortly afterward, a death march approaches the city flanked by a masked individual. 11: Death March
    In onda il: 2023-12-11 Since returning from the Great Ravine, Fate's found himself in enough altercations around Babylon to get him in trouble with Roxy herself, who challenges him to a duel. Shortly afterward, a death march approaches the city flanked by a masked individual. In onda il: 2023-12-21 12: Devouring
    After forcing his way into the Domain of E, Fate must face Northern and the Divine Dragon as they move to kill Roxy. As Fate pushes the limits of his newfound power, Gluttony threatens to overwhelm him. 12: Devouring
    In onda il: 2023-12-21 After forcing his way into the Domain of E, Fate must face Northern and the Divine Dragon as they move to kill Roxy. As Fate pushes the limits of his newfound power, Gluttony threatens to overwhelm him. Anteprima Ufficiale 2
    Anteprima Ufficiale 1
  24. Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer 聖剣学院の魔剣使い
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Awakening from magical stasis after a thousand years, the Dark Lord Leonis suddenly finds himself in the body of a ten-year-old boy! He quickly meets Riselia, a girl confronting the Voids, creatures that have nearly exterminated humanity. Determined to uncover the mysteries of this strange new era, Leonis enrolls in Excalibur Academy, a school that trains students to fight back against these enigmatic monsters. Could the Voids hold some connection to Leonis's past?
    Yu Shimizu
    Other Hiroyuki Morita
    Series Director Yuji Nomi
    Original Music Composer Kunihiko Okada
    Series Composition Nozomu Koga
    Art Direction Shuujirou Hamakawa
    Production Design Ley Yumeno
    Concept Artist Takayuki Noguchi
    Character Designer Satsuki Hayasaka
    Character Designer Izumo Yoshiaki
    Creature Design Satoshi Okubo
    Background Designer Sakie Suzuki
    Color Designer Kouji Hayashi
    Director of Photography Maki Satake
    Director of Photography Ayako Tan
    Editor Hisayoshi Hirasawa
    Sound Director Chiai Fujikawa
    Theme Song Performance Marina Inoue
    Leonis (voice) Yui Ishikawa
    Riselia (voice) Aya Suzaki
    Regina (voice) Hiromi Igarashi
    Elfiné (voice) Honoka Kuroki
    Sakuya (voice) Arisa Nakada
    Shary (voice) Tomofumi Ikezoe
    Blackas Shadow Prince (voice) Ai Kakuma
    Roselia (voice) Daisuke Hirakawa
    Demon Lord Leonis (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 1: The Demon Lord Returns
    The Dark Lord Leonis awakens after a thousand years, only to find himself in an unfamiliar world. But that isn't the only change he faces. 1: The Demon Lord Returns
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 The Dark Lord Leonis awakens after a thousand years, only to find himself in an unfamiliar world. But that isn't the only change he faces. In onda il: 2023-10-10 2: A Fate Borne
    Humanity has grown in leaps and bounds. If Leonis plans to rebuild his forces, he must first take stock of human military might. 2: A Fate Borne
    In onda il: 2023-10-10 Humanity has grown in leaps and bounds. If Leonis plans to rebuild his forces, he must first take stock of human military might. In onda il: 2023-10-17 3: An Awakening Soul
    Riselia learns what really happened to her the day she first met Leonis and that makes her worry she can never manifest a Holy Power. That worry is about to be tested. 3: An Awakening Soul
    In onda il: 2023-10-17 Riselia learns what really happened to her the day she first met Leonis and that makes her worry she can never manifest a Holy Power. That worry is about to be tested. In onda il: 2023-10-24 4: The Stirrings of a Bitter Grudge
    The students go about their daily lives while Riselia hones her skills as a vampire. However, they are all unaware they are experiencing the calm before the storm. 4: The Stirrings of a Bitter Grudge
    In onda il: 2023-10-24 The students go about their daily lives while Riselia hones her skills as a vampire. However, they are all unaware they are experiencing the calm before the storm. In onda il: 2023-10-31 5: A Great Uproar
    The city is under attack, forcing everyone on the defensive. 5: A Great Uproar
    In onda il: 2023-10-31 The city is under attack, forcing everyone on the defensive. In onda il: 2023-11-07 6: The Demon Lord's Resolve
    Leonis may be a demon lord, but he still has his honor. He will put an end to the invasion, but he must first draw a sword that will test his resolve before he can wield it. 6: The Demon Lord's Resolve
    In onda il: 2023-11-07 Leonis may be a demon lord, but he still has his honor. He will put an end to the invasion, but he must first draw a sword that will test his resolve before he can wield it. In onda il: 2023-11-14 7: The Princess` Secret Feelings
    Leonis’ platoon attends a commendation ceremony on the SS Hyperion, unaware of the sinister plot to kidnap the Fourth Imperial Princess. 7: The Princess` Secret Feelings
    In onda il: 2023-11-14 Leonis’ platoon attends a commendation ceremony on the SS Hyperion, unaware of the sinister plot to kidnap the Fourth Imperial Princess. In onda il: 2023-11-21 8: A Bond Everlasting
    The kidnappers accounted for many things, but they did not account for the interference of the legendary Demon Lord. 8: A Bond Everlasting
    In onda il: 2023-11-21 The kidnappers accounted for many things, but they did not account for the interference of the legendary Demon Lord. In onda il: 2023-11-28 9: The City Ruins Appear
    A competition gives Riselia the opportunity to show how much she’s improved. The timing couldn’t be better: the next mission will put everyone’s skills to the test. 9: The City Ruins Appear
    In onda il: 2023-11-28 A competition gives Riselia the opportunity to show how much she’s improved. The timing couldn’t be better: the next mission will put everyone’s skills to the test. In onda il: 2023-12-05 10: The Elf Hero
    What quest could be so important that a hero travels to the future in order to fulfill it? Regardless of her reasons, the group must find the Void Lord before it’s too late. 10: The Elf Hero
    In onda il: 2023-12-05 What quest could be so important that a hero travels to the future in order to fulfill it? Regardless of her reasons, the group must find the Void Lord before it’s too late. In onda il: 2023-12-12 11: The Goddess` Voice
    The Void Lord awakens and Leonis discovers an awful truth. 11: The Goddess` Voice
    In onda il: 2023-12-12 The Void Lord awakens and Leonis discovers an awful truth. In onda il: 2023-12-19 12: The Truth Behind the Demon Sword
    Leonis must defeat the Void Lord by any means necessary, even if it means using the souls of the deceased. 12: The Truth Behind the Demon Sword
    In onda il: 2023-12-19 Leonis must defeat the Void Lord by any means necessary, even if it means using the souls of the deceased. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  25. Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijō [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer I'm in Love with the Villainess
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Il mondo si capovolge quando un'impiegata aziendale si risveglia come Rae Taylor, l'eroina nel suo gioco otome preferito, Revolution. Rae è entusiasta all'idea di corteggiare Claire François, la cattiva del gioco e l'oggetto del suo affetto. Armata della sua conoscenza del gioco e degli eventi a venire, Rae si impegna a far innamorare Claire di lei. Ma come reagirà la cattiva alle avances romantiche di Rae?
    Yoko Sato
    Character Designer Inori
    Novel Hideaki Ooba
    Series Director Ayumu Hisao
    Series Composition Hajime Takakuwa
    Sound Director Noriyuki Asakura
    Original Music Composer Usagi to Uma
    Original Music Composer Go Nakanishi
    Executive Producer Fumie Takeuchi
    Executive Producer Tomokazu Sugimura
    Prop Designer Kiyotaka Yachi
    Art Direction Aiko Yamagami
    Color Designer Shigeki Asakawa
    Compositing Supervisor Kashiko Kimura
    Editor Yusuke Inada
    Sound Effects Takahiro Fujii
    Producer Shogo Ikenori
    Producer Takashi Jinguuji
    Producer Yu Serizawa
    Theme Song Performance Karin Nanami
    Theme Song Performance Hiromichi Oishi
    Production Supervisor Yu Serizawa
    Rae Taylor (voice) Karin Nanami
    Claire François (voice) Daisuke Namikawa
    Thane Bauer (voice) Yoko Hikasa
    Yu Bauer (voice) Ikumi Hasegawa
    Lene Aurousseau (voice) Aimi
    Misha Jur (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 1: La mia vita nell'altro mondo è turbolenta
    La dipendente oberata di lavoro Oohashi Rei si ritrova improvvisamente nel mondo del suo gioco otome preferito nei panni della protagonista, Rae Taylor. Ma non è qui per innamorarsi dei protagonisti maschili del gioco: è innamorata dellla cattiva! 1: La mia vita nell'altro mondo è turbolenta
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 La dipendente oberata di lavoro Oohashi Rei si ritrova improvvisamente nel mondo del suo gioco otome preferito nei panni della protagonista, Rae Taylor. Ma non è qui per innamorarsi dei protagonisti maschili del gioco: è innamorata dellla cattiva! In onda il: 2023-10-10 2: Il lavoro di cameriera è un servizio d'amore
    Rae punta sul lavoro dei suoi sogni, ovvero entrare a far parte della servitù di Claire, e farà di tutto per ottenerlo. 2: Il lavoro di cameriera è un servizio d'amore
    In onda il: 2023-10-10 Rae punta sul lavoro dei suoi sogni, ovvero entrare a far parte della servitù di Claire, e farà di tutto per ottenerlo. In onda il: 2023-10-17 3: Il mio amore si rialza dopo ogni batosta
    Rendendosi conto che Claire è innamorata di Thane, Rae conoscendo gli eventi del gioco, cerca di far unire Thane e Claire, nonostante i suoi sentimenti per Claire. 3: Il mio amore si rialza dopo ogni batosta
    In onda il: 2023-10-17 Rendendosi conto che Claire è innamorata di Thane, Rae conoscendo gli eventi del gioco, cerca di far unire Thane e Claire, nonostante i suoi sentimenti per Claire. In onda il: 2023-10-24 4: Non essere pronti a un attacco dei mostri può rivelarsi fatale
    Rae impressiona la sua insegnante e i suoi compagni di classe all'accademia con la sua competenza nella magia... ed è presto costretta a mettere in pratica le sue abilità quando un enorme mostro attacca. 4: Non essere pronti a un attacco dei mostri può rivelarsi fatale
    In onda il: 2023-10-24 Rae impressiona la sua insegnante e i suoi compagni di classe all'accademia con la sua competenza nella magia... ed è presto costretta a mettere in pratica le sue abilità quando un enorme mostro attacca. In onda il: 2023-10-31 5: L'esame dell'Ordine è una tragicommedia
    Rae e Claire superano entrambi l'esame scritto per l'ingresso nell'Academia dei Cavalieri. Il passo successivo è l'esame pratico, che mette gli esaminandi l'uno contro l'altro in finte battaglie per determinare chi è veramente degno di unirsi ai Cavalieri. 5: L'esame dell'Ordine è una tragicommedia
    In onda il: 2023-10-31 Rae e Claire superano entrambi l'esame scritto per l'ingresso nell'Academia dei Cavalieri. Il passo successivo è l'esame pratico, che mette gli esaminandi l'uno contro l'altro in finte battaglie per determinare chi è veramente degno di unirsi ai Cavalieri. In onda il: 2023-11-07 6: La ragione segreta deve restare segretissima
    Si avvicina la Fiera del Giorno della Fondazione e i Cavalieri dell'Accademia discutono sul tipo di negozio che dovrebbero aprire. Un commento disinvolto di Rae porta alla proposta di un cafè bar a ruoli invertiti. 6: La ragione segreta deve restare segretissima
    In onda il: 2023-11-07 Si avvicina la Fiera del Giorno della Fondazione e i Cavalieri dell'Accademia discutono sul tipo di negozio che dovrebbero aprire. Un commento disinvolto di Rae porta alla proposta di un cafè bar a ruoli invertiti. In onda il: 2023-11-14 7: L'asso nella manica per il festival è il café a ruoli invertiti
    Rae sfrutta al massimo la Fiera del Giorno della Fondazione, lavorando sodo al bar cfé dei ruoli invertiti e convincendo persino Claire a fare un giro per la fiera con lei. Ma un incidente con un gruppo di popolani amareggiati getta un'ombra sul clima di festa. 7: L'asso nella manica per il festival è il café a ruoli invertiti
    In onda il: 2023-11-14 Rae sfrutta al massimo la Fiera del Giorno della Fondazione, lavorando sodo al bar cfé dei ruoli invertiti e convincendo persino Claire a fare un giro per la fiera con lei. Ma un incidente con un gruppo di popolani amareggiati getta un'ombra sul clima di festa. In onda il: 2023-11-21 8: Le impetuose correnti sono una trappola machiavellica
    L'Accademia Reale è scossa dallo scandalo quando uno studente nobile presumibilmente attacca uno studente plebeo con la magia. La situazione peggiora quando l'aggressore riceve una punizione minima, spingendo i cittadini comuni a protestare così violentemente che la scuola deve essere chiusa. 8: Le impetuose correnti sono una trappola machiavellica
    In onda il: 2023-11-21 L'Accademia Reale è scossa dallo scandalo quando uno studente nobile presumibilmente attacca uno studente plebeo con la magia. La situazione peggiora quando l'aggressore riceve una punizione minima, spingendo i cittadini comuni a protestare così violentemente che la scuola deve essere chiusa. In onda il: 2023-11-28 9: La mia fedeltà è eterna e infinita
    Quando dietro la rivolta popolare viene svelato un complotto oscuro, l'accademia si trova in pericolo. Riusciranno Rae e Claire a sconfiggere i cospiratori e ad affrontare le conseguenze che ne derivano? 9: La mia fedeltà è eterna e infinita
    In onda il: 2023-11-28 Quando dietro la rivolta popolare viene svelato un complotto oscuro, l'accademia si trova in pericolo. Riusciranno Rae e Claire a sconfiggere i cospiratori e ad affrontare le conseguenze che ne derivano? In onda il: 2023-12-05 10: La mia nuova rivale in amore è semplicemente troppo perfetta
    La Principessa Manaria del Regno di Sousse, una vecchia amica d'infanzia di Claire, si presenta a farle visita. Manaria ha tutto: bell'aspetto, carisma, straordinaria abilità magica e, per finire, Claire è piuttosto presa da lei. Sembra che Rae abbia un nuovo rivale. 10: La mia nuova rivale in amore è semplicemente troppo perfetta
    In onda il: 2023-12-05 La Principessa Manaria del Regno di Sousse, una vecchia amica d'infanzia di Claire, si presenta a farle visita. Manaria ha tutto: bell'aspetto, carisma, straordinaria abilità magica e, per finire, Claire è piuttosto presa da lei. Sembra che Rae abbia un nuovo rivale. In onda il: 2023-12-12 11: Una disputa amorosa è una trappola senza uscita
    Rae insiste che vuole solo che Claire sia felice, anche se non può stare con lei. Manaria le dice che sta semplicemente scappando, e se i suoi sentimenti per Claire sono veri, combatterà per lei. Inizia così il loro duello per determinare chi resterà al fianco di Claire. 11: Una disputa amorosa è una trappola senza uscita
    In onda il: 2023-12-12 Rae insiste che vuole solo che Claire sia felice, anche se non può stare con lei. Manaria le dice che sta semplicemente scappando, e se i suoi sentimenti per Claire sono veri, combatterà per lei. Inizia così il loro duello per determinare chi resterà al fianco di Claire. In onda il: 2023-12-19 12: The Villainess and I Are in Love
    Manaria challenges Rae to prove her feelings for Claire at the Amour Ceremony. Both Rae and Manaria must place an item on the Scales of Love, which will measure the weight of their feelings for Claire. Who will the scales find worthy? 12: The Villainess and I Are in Love
    In onda il: 2023-12-19 Manaria challenges Rae to prove her feelings for Claire at the Amour Ceremony. Both Rae and Manaria must place an item on the Scales of Love, which will measure the weight of their feelings for Claire. Who will the scales find worthy? Anteprima Ufficiale 3
    Anteprima Ufficiale 2
    Anteprima Ufficiale 1
  26. SHY [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer SHY
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    On the brink of a third World War, superheroes appeared on Earth. Gifted with powers, their appearance brings peace to the world. The heroes each selected a country in which they would reside, serve, and protect its citizens. Shy is Japan’s hero, endowed with super strength. Her most daunting enemy yet? Crippling shyness. Join Shy and her super friends as she defends Earth and gains confidence!
    Masaomi Ando
    Series Director Kousaku Taniguchi
    Assistant Director Yasuhiro Nakanishi
    Series Composition Hinako Tsubakiyama
    Original Music Composer Risa Takai
    Character Designer Akihiro Sueda
    Character Designer Tetsuro Moronuki
    Action Director Fūma Aizawa
    CGI Director Kazuto Shimoyama
    Art Direction Maki Saito
    Color Designer Masashi Uoyama
    Director of Photography Megumi Uchida
    Editor Takatoshi Hamano
    Sound Director MindaRyn
    Theme Song Performance Yuichi Tanaka
    Lead Character Designer Wataru Inata
    Art Designer Rémy Boisseuil
    Art Designer Ayumi Fukuda
    Art Designer Megumi Saito
    Special Effects Haruhito Nakayoshi
    Executive Producer Pei Yanjie
    Executive Producer Haruhisa Oya
    Executive Producer Kengo Abe
    Producer Yusuke Nei
    Producer Naoko Ito
    Producer Tetsuro Moronuki
    Prop Designer Akihiro Sueda
    Prop Designer Noriko Ogura
    Prop Designer Mitsutoshi Kubo
    Prop Designer Shingo Takekawa
    Executive Producer Mamoru Maeda
    Executive Producer Kuninori Yoshizaki
    Producer Risa Takai
    Prop Designer Katsuhiro Kawano
    Music Producer Tsuyoshi Oichi
    Producer Yuriko Yamada
    Producer Toru Awaji
    Producer Kota Yamazaki
    Producer Yuri Obayashi
    Producer Rei Jaguchi
    Producer Genta Arai
    Producer Bukimi Miki
    Comic Book Shino Shimoji
    Teru Momijiyama / SHY (voice) Nao Toyama
    Iko Koishikawa (voice) Tomokazu Sugita
    N-Vilio / Ebio (voice) Mamiko Noto
    Pepesha Andrianov / Spirits (voice) Shin-ichiro Miki
    Davie Wonder John / Stardust (voice) Sayumi Suzushiro
    Piltz Dunant / Lady Black (voice) Ayumu Murase
    Ming Ming Li / Meng Long (voice) Kikuko Inoue
    Uni-Lord (voice) Mutsumi Tamura
    Stigma (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro
    Tzveta (voice) Rina Hidaka
    Keheheh (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 1: I'm Shy
    The world is at peace, but there are still everyday dangers. So, a new breed of protectors, known simply as "Heroes" have arrived on Earth. Shy is Japan's new Hero, but is she ready to be a Hero? What does it MEAN to be a Hero anyway? 1: I'm Shy
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 The world is at peace, but there are still everyday dangers. So, a new breed of protectors, known simply as "Heroes" have arrived on Earth. Shy is Japan's new Hero, but is she ready to be a Hero? What does it MEAN to be a Hero anyway? In onda il: 2023-10-10 2: With All of My Heart
    Shy returns to school only to find herself faced with Iko Koishikawa, a girl whose injuries she blames herself for. As if that wasn't stressful enough, a mysterious young boy sows discord and forces the girls to face the darkness in their hearts. 2: With All of My Heart
    In onda il: 2023-10-10 Shy returns to school only to find herself faced with Iko Koishikawa, a girl whose injuries she blames herself for. As if that wasn't stressful enough, a mysterious young boy sows discord and forces the girls to face the darkness in their hearts. In onda il: 2023-10-17 3: Conversation at the Dinner Table
    Koishikawa takes Momijiyama out on the town in an attempt to thank her for everything she's done for her. However, Momijiyama's introverted nature and shut-in lifestyle make this difficult. The two of them are then unexpectedly summoned by Unilord. 3: Conversation at the Dinner Table
    In onda il: 2023-10-17 Koishikawa takes Momijiyama out on the town in an attempt to thank her for everything she's done for her. However, Momijiyama's introverted nature and shut-in lifestyle make this difficult. The two of them are then unexpectedly summoned by Unilord. In onda il: 2023-10-24 4: A Heartless Person
    Shy faces off against Stardust for the right to remain a hero. To stand a chance, Shy has to discover what drives her as a hero and fuels the power of her Heart-shift bracelets. Heroes from the Black Cross help manage the aftermath. 4: A Heartless Person
    In onda il: 2023-10-24 Shy faces off against Stardust for the right to remain a hero. To stand a chance, Shy has to discover what drives her as a hero and fuels the power of her Heart-shift bracelets. Heroes from the Black Cross help manage the aftermath. In onda il: 2023-10-31 5: Shine the Light
    As Shy searches for ways to strengthen the power of her heart, she finds support and inspiration in unlikely places. Help and begrudging assistance from Lady Black helps her understand struggle more as they help someone together. 5: Shine the Light
    In onda il: 2023-10-31 As Shy searches for ways to strengthen the power of her heart, she finds support and inspiration in unlikely places. Help and begrudging assistance from Lady Black helps her understand struggle more as they help someone together. In onda il: 2023-11-07 6: Ice White
    Unilord sends Shy and Spirit on an urgent mission to the North Pole. There, they rendezvous with China's hero and work together to investigate the fate of researchers who had lost contact with the Arctic Base. 6: Ice White
    In onda il: 2023-11-07 Unilord sends Shy and Spirit on an urgent mission to the North Pole. There, they rendezvous with China's hero and work together to investigate the fate of researchers who had lost contact with the Arctic Base. In onda il: 2023-11-14 7: Unchain
    Iko and Pepesha share their experiences fighting Amarariruku, and new information about Stigma and his rings comes to light. Afterward, Shy faces an important aspect of being a hero: building up her image. 7: Unchain
    In onda il: 2023-11-14 Iko and Pepesha share their experiences fighting Amarariruku, and new information about Stigma and his rings comes to light. Afterward, Shy faces an important aspect of being a hero: building up her image. In onda il: 2023-11-21 8: Surprise
    Teru travels to Russia to assist Pepesha's investigation into the mysterious girl they encountered at the North Pole. Not only are details about Pepesha's past brought to light, but new information leads to some disturbing implications about Tzveta. 8: Surprise
    In onda il: 2023-11-21 Teru travels to Russia to assist Pepesha's investigation into the mysterious girl they encountered at the North Pole. Not only are details about Pepesha's past brought to light, but new information leads to some disturbing implications about Tzveta. In onda il: 2023-11-28 9: Melee, Trembling Fingertips
    The battle with Kufufu and Tzveta heats up as Shy and Spirit desperately try to get the civilians out of harm's way. Kufufu's unpredictable actions make her difficult to fight, and Tzveta's ice powers and inescapable heart make her a formidable foe. 9: Melee, Trembling Fingertips
    In onda il: 2023-11-28 The battle with Kufufu and Tzveta heats up as Shy and Spirit desperately try to get the civilians out of harm's way. Kufufu's unpredictable actions make her difficult to fight, and Tzveta's ice powers and inescapable heart make her a formidable foe. In onda il: 2023-12-05 10: The Lonely Ice and Small Flame
    As Tzveta regains her memories, Shy and Spirit witness the tragedy of Letana's adult life firsthand and learn how her ideals formed. The strength of her dark, frozen heart clashes against Shy's warm light. 10: The Lonely Ice and Small Flame
    In onda il: 2023-12-05 As Tzveta regains her memories, Shy and Spirit witness the tragedy of Letana's adult life firsthand and learn how her ideals formed. The strength of her dark, frozen heart clashes against Shy's warm light. In onda il: 2023-12-12 11: What Is Conveyed and That Which Remains
    Stigma's twisted endeavors have provided Pepesha and Letana the opportunity to finally say all the things they never could in the past. As their battle comes to a climax and close, much is revealed about their relationship and Stigma. 11: What Is Conveyed and That Which Remains
    In onda il: 2023-12-12 Stigma's twisted endeavors have provided Pepesha and Letana the opportunity to finally say all the things they never could in the past. As their battle comes to a climax and close, much is revealed about their relationship and Stigma. In onda il: 2023-12-19 12: When I Cough, It's the Two of Us
    Reinforcements sent by Unilord arrive and assist in cleaning up the aftermath of the battle with Tzveta and Kufufu. Afterward, Teru ends up with an intense cold that leads Iko to look after her and realize just how normal heroes are. 12: When I Cough, It's the Two of Us
    In onda il: 2023-12-19 Reinforcements sent by Unilord arrive and assist in cleaning up the aftermath of the battle with Tzveta and Kufufu. Afterward, Teru ends up with an intense cold that leads Iko to look after her and realize just how normal heroes are. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  27. Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Taichi Tanaka is just an ordinary 38-year-old who enjoys video games. He starts a new virtual reality multiplayer game called One More Free Life Online, naming his character Earth. Unlike his fellow players, he decides to master the most menial of skills in the game. He cooks the finest meals, overbrews complicated potions, and hunts monsters with handmade weapons. His fantasy life begins!
    Touko Machida
    Series Composition Yuichi Nakazawa
    Series Director Hideya Rokudo
    Comic Book Howahowa Shiina
    Novel Yamaada
    Character Designer Yuuko Watabe
    Lead Character Designer Yuuko Ooba
    Lead Character Designer Satoshi Shibata
    Art Direction Aki Watanabe
    Color Designer Yukina Nomura
    Director of Photography Masanori Tsuchiya
    Sound Director Tohru Fujimura
    Original Music Composer Tomohisa Ishikawa
    Original Music Composer Youhei Matsui
    Original Music Composer Kaito Ishikawa
    Earth (voice) Daisuke Namikawa
    Taichi Tanaka (voice) Reina Ueda
    Fairy Queen (voice) Tasuku Hatanaka
    Zwei (voice) Miho Okasaki
    Milly (voice) Shiori Izawa
    Ryu-chan (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 1: Earth Logs In
    An ordinary Japanese dude logs into a brand-new VRMMORPG, ready to adventure in an exciting new world... as much as his work schedule allows! 1: Earth Logs In
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 An ordinary Japanese dude logs into a brand-new VRMMORPG, ready to adventure in an exciting new world... as much as his work schedule allows! In onda il: 2023-10-10 2: Earth Joins His First Party
    Earth joins Zwei and his Blue Color guildmates on their hunt for a Wild Bear. Later on everyone is stoked for the upcoming update known as "The Fairy Ball". 2: Earth Joins His First Party
    In onda il: 2023-10-10 Earth joins Zwei and his Blue Color guildmates on their hunt for a Wild Bear. Later on everyone is stoked for the upcoming update known as "The Fairy Ball". In onda il: 2023-10-17 3: Earth, Fairy-playah?
    Earth becomes an object of adoration for fairies everywhere, as the game gets another big update. 3: Earth, Fairy-playah?
    In onda il: 2023-10-17 Earth becomes an object of adoration for fairies everywhere, as the game gets another big update. In onda il: 2023-10-24 4: Earth Receives a Reward He's Not Sure He's Happy About
    Silver informs Earth to be careful and avoid Glad, a former party member, who is targeting players with the "Fairy-playah" title. Earth then goes about working on upgrading his skills and crafting new items. 4: Earth Receives a Reward He's Not Sure He's Happy About
    In onda il: 2023-10-24 Silver informs Earth to be careful and avoid Glad, a former party member, who is targeting players with the "Fairy-playah" title. Earth then goes about working on upgrading his skills and crafting new items. In onda il: 2023-10-31 5: Earth Has a Big Battle With the Queen
    After Earth meets the Fairy Queen, she rewards him for his efforts by... challenging him to a battle?! 5: Earth Has a Big Battle With the Queen
    In onda il: 2023-10-31 After Earth meets the Fairy Queen, she rewards him for his efforts by... challenging him to a battle?! In onda il: 2023-11-07 6: Earth Gets Excited Over a New Dungeon
    The latest patch brought with it a new dungeon, and Earth can't wait to play! 6: Earth Gets Excited Over a New Dungeon
    In onda il: 2023-11-07 The latest patch brought with it a new dungeon, and Earth can't wait to play! In onda il: 2023-11-14 7: Earth Challenges a Boss
    Earth fights a powerful boss at the bottom of the game's new dungeon. 7: Earth Challenges a Boss
    In onda il: 2023-11-14 Earth fights a powerful boss at the bottom of the game's new dungeon. In onda il: 2023-11-21 8: Earth Meets A Dragonian Girl
    Earth meets a bossy healer and a hungry dragonian girl, and the Fairy Queen has something to say to him. 8: Earth Meets A Dragonian Girl
    In onda il: 2023-11-21 Earth meets a bossy healer and a hungry dragonian girl, and the Fairy Queen has something to say to him. In onda il: 2023-11-28 9: Earth Goes to the Fairy Kingdom
    A new area has opened: the Fairy Kingdom! Earth travels there and is given a special welcome by the Fairy Queen. 9: Earth Goes to the Fairy Kingdom
    In onda il: 2023-11-28 A new area has opened: the Fairy Kingdom! Earth travels there and is given a special welcome by the Fairy Queen. In onda il: 2023-12-05 10: Earth Gets a Partner
    Earth partners with a fairy to save a girl who's gone missing. 10: Earth Gets a Partner
    In onda il: 2023-12-05 Earth partners with a fairy to save a girl who's gone missing. In onda il: 2023-12-12 11: Earth Finds a Baby Dragon
    Earth finds a baby dragon, and also finds himself in big trouble when its parents come to reclaim it! 11: Earth Finds a Baby Dragon
    In onda il: 2023-12-12 Earth finds a baby dragon, and also finds himself in big trouble when its parents come to reclaim it! In onda il: 2023-12-19 12: Earth Gets Angry
    After a green dragon pushes him too far, Earth has finally had enough. 12: Earth Gets Angry
    In onda il: 2023-12-19 After a green dragon pushes him too far, Earth has finally had enough. Anteprima Ufficiale
  28. Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannō Desu 2 [12/12] (2023) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent
    Stagione 2    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
    Sei, un'impiegata di 20 anni, viene evocata in un mondo alternativo dopo aver terminato alcuni straordinari. Ma la persona che l'ha evocata la guarda in faccia e dice "Questo non è il Santo!". Sei lascia il palazzo reale e nasconde il suo titolo di santo. Inizia a lavorare in un laboratorio dove prepara pozioni e cosmetici. Usa la sua magia per soddisfare le richieste della gente che, lentamente, inizia a sospettare che le sia una santa... Riuscirà Sei a godersi la sua vita da sogno in questo mondo senza che il suo titolo di santa venga scoperto?
    Scott MacDonald
    Art Direction Erika Fukushima
    Sound Mixer Masakazu Ishikawa
    Character Designer Kenichi Kuroda
    Original Music Composer Yayoi Tateishi
    Sound Director Yuki Hayashi
    Color Designer Wataru Watari
    Series Composition Aira Yuuki
    Music Producer Terushige Yoshie
    Music Producer Yasushi Inomata
    Sound Effects Katsuhisa Takiguchi
    Art Designer Yasuyuki Itou
    Director of Photography Toshihiko Kojima
    Editor Tsutomu Miyazawa
    Creature Design Shouta Ihata
    Series Director Yuka Tachibana
    Novel Yasuyuki Syuri
    Original Series Design Wang Lu
    Assistant Art Director Nagisa Asakura
    Foley Artist Makoto Kohara
    Executive Producer Yui Ishikawa
    Sei Takanashi (voice) Takahiro Sakurai
    Albert Hawke (voice) Takuya Eguchi
    Johan Valdec (voice) Yusuke Kobayashi
    Yuri Drewes (voice) Taku Yashiro
    Jude (voice) Kana Ichinose
    Aira Misono (voice) Reina Ueda
    Elizabeth Ashley (voice) Yuuichirou Umehara
    Erhart Hawke (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 1: The Trading Company
    Sei greets her second summer in this world. Now that the miasma is under control and she has a bit of free time to do a little exploring... 1: The Trading Company
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 Sei greets her second summer in this world. Now that the miasma is under control and she has a bit of free time to do a little exploring... In onda il: 2023-10-10 2: A Foreign Country
    After discovering coffee, Sei decides to go to Morgenhaffen, a port city in Salutania, in her search for items or ingredients from Japan. 2: A Foreign Country
    In onda il: 2023-10-10 After discovering coffee, Sei decides to go to Morgenhaffen, a port city in Salutania, in her search for items or ingredients from Japan. In onda il: 2023-10-17 3: The Ceremony
    Sei is invited to the royal palace for the Holy Saint's official debut. On top of that, it seems like she must also attend the royal ball. 3: The Ceremony
    In onda il: 2023-10-17 Sei is invited to the royal palace for the Holy Saint's official debut. On top of that, it seems like she must also attend the royal ball. In onda il: 2023-10-24 4: The Imperial Prince
    The royal palace summons Sei once again. It seems they are getting a foreign exchange student, an imperial prince from Zaidera... 4: The Imperial Prince
    In onda il: 2023-10-24 The royal palace summons Sei once again. It seems they are getting a foreign exchange student, an imperial prince from Zaidera... In onda il: 2023-10-31 5: Purpose
    Sei remains wary around the imperial prince, but after learning a bit more of his situation, she grows curious about what he's really doing in the country. 5: Purpose
    In onda il: 2023-10-31 Sei remains wary around the imperial prince, but after learning a bit more of his situation, she grows curious about what he's really doing in the country. In onda il: 2023-11-07 6: Divine Blessing
    Now that Sei knows Prince Ten'yuu needs her help, she tries to think of a way to create a panacea without exposing her powers as the Holy Saint. 6: Divine Blessing
    In onda il: 2023-11-07 Now that Sei knows Prince Ten'yuu needs her help, she tries to think of a way to create a panacea without exposing her powers as the Holy Saint. In onda il: 2023-11-14 7: Interlude
    Now that things have settled down, a new problem is arising. It seems that everyone is trying to get the Holy Saint to marry into their family... 7: Interlude
    In onda il: 2023-11-14 Now that things have settled down, a new problem is arising. It seems that everyone is trying to get the Holy Saint to marry into their family... In onda il: 2023-11-21 8: Frontier
    Sei goes to the farthest end of the kingdom, the Hawke Region, for what the royal palace believes to be her final expedition as the Holy Saint. 8: Frontier
    In onda il: 2023-11-21 Sei goes to the farthest end of the kingdom, the Hawke Region, for what the royal palace believes to be her final expedition as the Holy Saint. In onda il: 2023-11-28 9: Final Act
    To combat the source of the miasma and the unusual monsters in the area, Sei and her faithful guard venture into the local mine, where a frightful danger awaits them... 9: Final Act
    In onda il: 2023-11-28 To combat the source of the miasma and the unusual monsters in the area, Sei and her faithful guard venture into the local mine, where a frightful danger awaits them... In onda il: 2023-12-05 10: Longing
    It seems that Sei's duties as a Holy Saint are coming to an end with the purification of the last miasma swamp. Now Sei must start thinking about her future. 10: Longing
    In onda il: 2023-12-05 It seems that Sei's duties as a Holy Saint are coming to an end with the purification of the last miasma swamp. Now Sei must start thinking about her future. In onda il: 2023-12-12 11: Theatergoing
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: Theatergoing
    In onda il: 2023-12-12 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2023-12-19 12: Blessing
    Rumors are swirling about Sei and her theater date, which has her feeling self-conscious with everyone. Can she acknowledge her own... 12: Blessing
    In onda il: 2023-12-19 Rumors are swirling about Sei and her theater date, which has her feeling self-conscious with everyone. Can she acknowledge her own... Nessun Trailer disponibile
  29. Paradox Live THE ANIMATION [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Paradox Live THE ANIMATION
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma
    Saturated in hip hop culture comes the birth of a new movement known as "Phantom Live." Each of the artists have a metal accessory known as "Phantom Metal" which chemically reacts to the wearer's emotions to produce an image, setting a magnificent stage for enthusiastic youths. With legendary club "CLUB paradox" hosting the mysterious Paradox Live, four teams: BAE, The Cat's Whiskers, cozmez and Akanyatsura each receive an invitation to participate, each with their own genre of music in a race to the top.
    Naoya Ando
    Series Director Koji Haneda
    Character Designer Takayo Ikami
    Series Composition Taku Iwasaki
    Original Music Composer Masatoshi Kai
    Art Direction Yukio Nagasaki
    Sound Director Hisashi Matsumukou
    Director of Photography Sayuri Yoshida
    Color Designer Miyuki Koga
    Costume Design Go Sadamatsu
    Editor Yū Wazu
    Prop Designer Kazuto Matsumura
    Executive Producer Taemi Hirakawa
    Executive Producer Kento Yoshida
    Executive Producer Katsunori Naruke
    Executive Producer Hirotaka Kaneko
    Executive Producer Yoichi Kurashima
    Producer Yasuhiro Shinohara
    Producer Emi Kashimura
    Producer Ayu Asamizu
    Producer Kyouka Hashimoto
    Producer Shinji Omori
    Producer Gakuto Kajiwara
    Allen Sugasano (voice) Ryota Takeuchi
    Naoakira Saimon (voice) Yusuke Kobayashi
    Kanata Yatonokami (voice) Takayuki Kondo
    Iori Suiseki (voice) Kensho Ono
    Chisei Kuzuryu (voice) 96neko
    Anne Faulkner (voice) Ayumu Murase
    Hajun Yeon (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 1: CLUB Paradox
    In the near future, a unique metal known as "phantometal" is used to usher in a new trend into the hip-hop scene. Illusions are manufactured through emotions, making a magnificent display for the "Phantom Lives" sweeping across the world. 1: CLUB Paradox
    In onda il: 2023-10-03 In the near future, a unique metal known as "phantometal" is used to usher in a new trend into the hip-hop scene. Illusions are manufactured through emotions, making a magnificent display for the "Phantom Lives" sweeping across the world. In onda il: 2023-10-10 2: DESIRE
    cozmez, a team of twins named Kanata and Nayuta Yatonokami grew up in less-than-ideal circumstances. Living in the slums of society, the brothers make a living to support one another. 2: DESIRE
    In onda il: 2023-10-10 cozmez, a team of twins named Kanata and Nayuta Yatonokami grew up in less-than-ideal circumstances. Living in the slums of society, the brothers make a living to support one another. In onda il: 2023-10-17 3: JUSTICE
    Ryu Natsume is a unique member of The Cat’s Whiskers. He doesn’t experience trap reactions when using phantometal and his past is wrapped in mystery. One day, Ryu finds a kitten and brings it home. 3: JUSTICE
    In onda il: 2023-10-17 Ryu Natsume is a unique member of The Cat’s Whiskers. He doesn’t experience trap reactions when using phantometal and his past is wrapped in mystery. One day, Ryu finds a kitten and brings it home. In onda il: 2023-10-24 4: PRIDE
    BAE pay a visit to The Cat’s Whiskers dressing room before the battle. Disregarding Allen and Anne’s respect for them, Hajun makes a harsh evaluation, but Ryu’s brief comment sets Hajun into a rage as he leaves the room. 4: PRIDE
    In onda il: 2023-10-24 BAE pay a visit to The Cat’s Whiskers dressing room before the battle. Disregarding Allen and Anne’s respect for them, Hajun makes a harsh evaluation, but Ryu’s brief comment sets Hajun into a rage as he leaves the room. In onda il: 2023-10-31 5: FAMILY
    Akanyatsura are a family full of chivalry. Each of them burdened by the trauma of a certain event, they think of each other as a family unrelated by blood. 5: FAMILY
    In onda il: 2023-10-31 Akanyatsura are a family full of chivalry. Each of them burdened by the trauma of a certain event, they think of each other as a family unrelated by blood. In onda il: 2023-11-14 6: SECRET
    The first single from when BURAIKAN were independent appears, which catches the attention of many. Elsewhere, Iori and Kanata discuss the dangerous truth about Phantometal. 6: SECRET
    In onda il: 2023-11-14 The first single from when BURAIKAN were independent appears, which catches the attention of many. Elsewhere, Iori and Kanata discuss the dangerous truth about Phantometal. In onda il: 2023-11-21 7: LOVE
    Shiki is forced to confront his inner demons to remember what happened "that night" with Nayuta. 7: LOVE
    In onda il: 2023-11-21 Shiki is forced to confront his inner demons to remember what happened "that night" with Nayuta. In onda il: 2023-11-28 8: VIBES
    In the run-up to BAE's challenge against Akanyatsura, Hajun suffers the consequences of his exposure to the Phantometal. His BAE teammates must enter his mind to save him. 8: VIBES
    In onda il: 2023-11-28 In the run-up to BAE's challenge against Akanyatsura, Hajun suffers the consequences of his exposure to the Phantometal. His BAE teammates must enter his mind to save him. In onda il: 2023-12-05 9: BREAK
    After saving Hajun, BAE decide to go to a traditional Japanese inn with hot springs in search of tranquility. However, a legend that speaks of the good fortune attracted by a rainbow beetle that inhabits the area will transform this break into a meeting of rappers in search of the beetle. 9: BREAK
    In onda il: 2023-12-05 After saving Hajun, BAE decide to go to a traditional Japanese inn with hot springs in search of tranquility. However, a legend that speaks of the good fortune attracted by a rainbow beetle that inhabits the area will transform this break into a meeting of rappers in search of the beetle. In onda il: 2023-12-12 10: LOST
    Allen's past haunts him to the point that a reunion with his father causes him to flee from BAE's battle against cozmez. 10: LOST
    In onda il: 2023-12-12 Allen's past haunts him to the point that a reunion with his father causes him to flee from BAE's battle against cozmez. In onda il: 2023-12-19 11: MEMORIES
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: MEMORIES
    In onda il: 2023-12-19 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2023-12-26 12: Paradox Live
    Nessuna trama disponibile 12: Paradox Live
    In onda il: 2023-12-26 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile
  30. Bullbuster [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer BULLBUSTER
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
    Mysterious creatures have been terrorizing an island, forcing locals to flee their once-thriving home. With government funds lacking for monster eradication, Tajima purchases the only construction company left and transforms it for the task. Thankfully, the brilliant Testuro Okino and his new robot, Bullbuster, come to their aid. But the team is on a tight budget. Can they save the island?
    Eisaku Kubonouchi
    Character Designer Hiroyasu Aoki
    Series Director Takahisa Katagiri
    Character Designer Takahisa Katagiri
    Supervising Animation Director Hiroyasu Aoki
    Series Composition IZMOJUKI
    Mechanical Designer Hiroyuki Nakao
    Original Story Konomi Suzuki
    Theme Song Performance Yuya Takashima
    Researcher Kei Ichikura
    Art Direction Yoshinori Horikawa
    Color Designer Shinya Matsui
    Director of Photography Yumi Jinguji
    Editor Kohei Yoshida
    Sound Director Masahiro Tokuda
    Original Music Composer Takahisa Katagiri
    Creature Design Haruki Satomi
    Executive Producer Keisuke Sano
    Executive Producer Hajime Maruyama
    Executive Producer Hirotaka Kaneko
    Executive Producer Yoshihiro Kanno
    Lead Animator Daisuke Hiraga
    Executive Producer Nobuyuki Takeuchi
    Executive Producer Sho Tanaka
    Executive Producer Maori Yusa
    2D Artist Tomoyasu Fujise
    Art Designer Masato Takahashi
    3D Director Gou Wakabayashi
    Music Producer Chieko Mizutori
    Music Director Saori Takeyama
    Music Director Kazufumi Kikushima
    Producer Kenichi Tokumura
    Producer Aya Iizuka
    Producer Takuji Wada
    Producer Riko Higa
    Producer Nao Matsumura
    Producer Shoya Chiba
    Tetsurō Okino (voice) Asami Seto
    Arumi Nikaidō (voice) Shin-ichiro Miki
    Kōji Tajima (voice) Yuuki Takada
    Miyuki Shirogane (voice) Uoken
    Kintarō Kataoka (voice) Taiten Kusunoki
    Ginnosuke Mutō (voice) Yuma Uchida
    Shūichi Namari (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-04 1: Bullbuster, Activate! A Small Business on the Verge of Bankruptcy Challenges a Mysterious Monster?!
    Pest control company, Namidome Industries, receives a new helper robot along with a new pilot for it at a critical time. But what exactly are these so-called "pests" they are tasked with exterminating? 1: Bullbuster, Activate! A Small Business on the Verge of Bankruptcy Challenges a Mysterious Monster?!
    In onda il: 2023-10-04 Pest control company, Namidome Industries, receives a new helper robot along with a new pilot for it at a critical time. But what exactly are these so-called "pests" they are tasked with exterminating? In onda il: 2023-10-11 2: No Money! No Ship, Either?! The Only Way to Survive Is to Rebrand Namidome!
    Namidome's history as a construction company brings them under fire from the local Builders Union, which fears the competition they might represent. To relieve the pressure, they'll need to undergo a full rebrand. 2: No Money! No Ship, Either?! The Only Way to Survive Is to Rebrand Namidome!
    In onda il: 2023-10-11 Namidome's history as a construction company brings them under fire from the local Builders Union, which fears the competition they might represent. To relieve the pressure, they'll need to undergo a full rebrand. In onda il: 2023-10-18 3: Okino Steps in It! The Islanders Are Angry... In the Company's Hour of Need, Its President Stands Tall!
    Tetsuro makes a terrible mistake that could threaten the very existence of Namidome Industries. More information about the islanders' plight comes to light, while Tajima pursues the mystery of the toxic gas. 3: Okino Steps in It! The Islanders Are Angry... In the Company's Hour of Need, Its President Stands Tall!
    In onda il: 2023-10-18 Tetsuro makes a terrible mistake that could threaten the very existence of Namidome Industries. More information about the islanders' plight comes to light, while Tajima pursues the mystery of the toxic gas. In onda il: 2023-10-25 4: The Incredible Operation to Capture a Giant Beast Alive Begins!
    Arumi's late-night run-in with a smaller "pest" on Ryugan Island raises a number of questions on the true nature of the Giant Beasts and reviewing footage captured by Bullbuster reveals something startling. 4: The Incredible Operation to Capture a Giant Beast Alive Begins!
    In onda il: 2023-10-25 Arumi's late-night run-in with a smaller "pest" on Ryugan Island raises a number of questions on the true nature of the Giant Beasts and reviewing footage captured by Bullbuster reveals something startling. In onda il: 2023-11-01 5: We Can Count on Manpower! The Help of a Young Researcher Reveals the Truth of the Giant Beasts?!
    While a Shiota Chemical offer to send the company a college-educated intern leaves Tetsuro feeling threatened, a brave move by a young researcher may be the break they need to learn what the Giant Beasts really are. 5: We Can Count on Manpower! The Help of a Young Researcher Reveals the Truth of the Giant Beasts?!
    In onda il: 2023-11-01 While a Shiota Chemical offer to send the company a college-educated intern leaves Tetsuro feeling threatened, a brave move by a young researcher may be the break they need to learn what the Giant Beasts really are. In onda il: 2023-11-08 6: The New Star Employee Is a Problem Child?! Okino Snaps at the Cold-Hearted Smarty-Pants!
    The new intern arrives but immediately starts getting the backs up of the rest of the team. Meanwhile, the mouse released by Tetsuro on Ryugan Island re-emerges in an altered state. 6: The New Star Employee Is a Problem Child?! Okino Snaps at the Cold-Hearted Smarty-Pants!
    In onda il: 2023-11-08 The new intern arrives but immediately starts getting the backs up of the rest of the team. Meanwhile, the mouse released by Tetsuro on Ryugan Island re-emerges in an altered state. In onda il: 2023-11-15 7: Shiro Loses Control! Can They Save Their Stranded Companions? Bullbuster’s First Urban Battle!
    The Giant Beast that was formerly Arumi's pet dog turns out to be less dead than it first appeared. With it running amok in Shiota Bio's HQ, can the team neutralize the threat before things get even more out of hand? 7: Shiro Loses Control! Can They Save Their Stranded Companions? Bullbuster’s First Urban Battle!
    In onda il: 2023-11-15 The Giant Beast that was formerly Arumi's pet dog turns out to be less dead than it first appeared. With it running amok in Shiota Bio's HQ, can the team neutralize the threat before things get even more out of hand? In onda il: 2023-11-22 8: Muto Roars! The Sorrows of a Man Left Behind by Time... And What Does Shiota Have Up Its Sleeve?
    With the company modernizing more and more, old hand Muto feels like things were simpler before all the high-tech machines and smartphones. But with the bigwigs looking to throw extra funds at Namidome, will this stick-in-the-mud prove to be a hindrance? 8: Muto Roars! The Sorrows of a Man Left Behind by Time... And What Does Shiota Have Up Its Sleeve?
    In onda il: 2023-11-22 With the company modernizing more and more, old hand Muto feels like things were simpler before all the high-tech machines and smartphones. But with the bigwigs looking to throw extra funds at Namidome, will this stick-in-the-mud prove to be a hindrance? In onda il: 2023-11-29 9: The Merger Draws Near! Shiota's Plot, and the Origin of the Giant Beasts, Are Both Revealed! What Will Namidome Do?
    As the finer points of the prospective merger between Shiota and Namidome Industries get hammered out, a potential root cause of the giant beast mutation is finally discovered. 9: The Merger Draws Near! Shiota's Plot, and the Origin of the Giant Beasts, Are Both Revealed! What Will Namidome Do?
    In onda il: 2023-11-29 As the finer points of the prospective merger between Shiota and Namidome Industries get hammered out, a potential root cause of the giant beast mutation is finally discovered. In onda il: 2023-12-06 10: Namidome Industries on the Verge of Collapse! A Clash of Emotions... Tajima Makes the Hard Call!
    Following the bombshell about the potential origins of the Giant Beasts, each member of the team grapples with what to do with the info. Will they simply stay quiet and let the merger happen as planned, or will their desire for the truth win out? 10: Namidome Industries on the Verge of Collapse! A Clash of Emotions... Tajima Makes the Hard Call!
    In onda il: 2023-12-06 Following the bombshell about the potential origins of the Giant Beasts, each member of the team grapples with what to do with the info. Will they simply stay quiet and let the merger happen as planned, or will their desire for the truth win out? In onda il: 2023-12-13 11: Namidome Strikes Back! The Secret Weapon to Resist an Evil Corporation Is... Leather Coral?!
    After the collapse of the merger between Namidome Industries and Shiota, it seems like Namidome's days are numbered. That is, until a man representing another company shows up with an interesting proposal... 11: Namidome Strikes Back! The Secret Weapon to Resist an Evil Corporation Is... Leather Coral?!
    In onda il: 2023-12-13 After the collapse of the merger between Namidome Industries and Shiota, it seems like Namidome's days are numbered. That is, until a man representing another company shows up with an interesting proposal... In onda il: 2023-12-20 12: Rise, Bullbuster! All Out War Between Namidome and Shiota! Which Will Prevail: the Big Business’s Logic or the Small Business’s Guts?!
    Standing up for the little guy against big business, Namidome Industries declares war on Shiota Chemical and sets about ridding Ryugan Island of the Giant Beasts as well as the bacteria that has been causing the animals to mutate. 12: Rise, Bullbuster! All Out War Between Namidome and Shiota! Which Will Prevail: the Big Business’s Logic or the Small Business’s Guts?!
    In onda il: 2023-12-20 Standing up for the little guy against big business, Namidome Industries declares war on Shiota Chemical and sets about ridding Ryugan Island of the Giant Beasts as well as the bacteria that has been causing the animals to mutate. Anteprima Ufficiale
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