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Anime Sub ITA

  1. Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation [12/12] (2016) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation
    Titolo inglese    Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Avventura  Azione  Combattimento  Gioco  Scolastico  
    Anno    2016
    Tratto da    Videogame
    Stagioni    Inverno (2016)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Adattamento anime ispirato all'omonimo gioco di ruolo online prodotto dalla SEGA per il 15°anniversario del brand. Rispetto al gioco, l'anime segue una storia originale.
    Itsuki Tachibana è uno studente della Seiga Academy, un collegio dall'eccellente programma accademico, collocato nei sobborghi della città. Un giorno, ad inizio del secondo semestre egli viene convocato da Rina Izumi, presidente del consiglio studentesco, cosa lo aspetterà?
  2. Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet - Movie [2/2](2020) ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo Originale: Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet / Date A Live Fragment: Date A Bullet/Date A Bullet: Nightmare or Queen
    Regia e Studio: Jun Nakagawa / GEEK TOYS
    Genere: Azione, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Fantascienza
    Episodio: Movie 01 - Date A Live Fragment: Date A Bullet
    Durata Episodio: 25min
    movie 1 :Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet
    movie 2:Date A Bullet: Nightmare or Queen

    Spin-off di "Date A Live" incentrato sul personaggio di Kurumi Tokisaki che incontra una ragazza senza memoria di nome Empty la quale la conduce verso una serie di scontri contro altre entità spiritiche.
  3. Tenchi Sōzō Dezain Bu (2021)[12/12 + Ona] Sub Ita Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Tenchi Sōzō Dezain Bu
    Titolo inglese: Heaven's Design Team
    Titolo breve: TeDeBu
    Titolo Kanji: 天地創造デザイン部
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV
    Genere: Commedia Fantasy Slice of Life
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Inverno (2021)
    Episodi : 12+ ONA
    Stato in patria: completato
    Nel Dipartimento di Design degli Animali del Paradiso, i designer creano quotidianamente una varietà di nuovi animali, contendendosi le richieste irragionevoli del loro cliente: Dio. Divertente, interessante, e ricca di informazioni utili, questa serie risponde a domande quali "Perché gli unicorni non esistono?", "Cosa rende delizioso un animale?", "Qual è la creatura più forte dell'oceano?" e "Uccelli contro serpenti: chi vincerebbe?"
  4. 2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley Bu (2021)[12/12]Sub Ita Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: 2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley Bu
    Titolo inglese: 2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley Bu
    Titolo breve: 243
    Titolo Kanji: 2.43 清陰高校男子バレー部
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV
    Genere: Scolastico Sport
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Inverno (2021)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: completato
    Kimichika è uno studente trasferitosi da Tokyo a Fukui per iniziare le scuole superiori a seguito a dei problemi col suo precedente club di pallavolo. Qui, incontra Yuni Kuroba, un suo amico d’infanzia e proprio colui con cui aveva litigato durante le fasi finali del torneo prefetturale delle scuole medie. I due si ritrovano così iscritti assieme al club di pallavolo della scuola Seiin. Riusciranno a superare le loro divisioni e, assieme ai compagni di squadra, far trionfare la Seiin al torneo?
  5. Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine (2019)[13/13] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine
    Titolo inglese: Cinderella Nine
    Titolo breve: hachinai
    Titolo Kanji: 八月のシンデレラナイン
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV
    Genere: Commedia Scolastico Sport
    Anno: 2019
    Tratto da: Smartphone Game
    Stagioni: Primavera (2019)
    Episodi : 12+1
    Stato in patria: completato
    Una ragazza, in passato ex asso della lega giovanile di baseball, ha dovuto dire addio alla sua carriera nel baseball a causa di un infortunio. Una volta trasferita nella città natale della nonna si iscrive alla scuola superiore locale, decisa a non entrare più nel mondo del baseball. Qui, però, incontra Tsubasa Arihara che la convince a diventare il manager della squadra di baseball della scuola e a portarla al torneo nazionale delle superiori, al Koshien. Molti dei membri della squadra non hanno mai praticato questo sport, ma durante gli allenamenti daranno tutto se stesse per riuscire a diventare delle campionesse.
  6. Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru [12/12] (2021) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru
    Titolo inglese: The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window
    Titolo Kanji: さんかく窓の外側は夜
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Horror  Mistero  Soprannaturale  Boys Love 
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Manga Boys Love
    Stagioni: Autunno (2021)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli completato
    Kosuke Mikado, timido commesso di un negozio di libri, ha l'abilità di vedere spiriti e fantasmi, abilità di cui farebbe volentieri a meno, dato che ciò che vede lo terrorizza. Rihito Hiyakawa, un esorcista i cui poteri soprannaturali sono spiccati quanto la sua mancanza di capacità nel socializzare, sembra non temere nulla, letale o meno.
  7. Kemono Jihen (2021)[12/12] Sub Ita Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Kemono Jihen
    Titolo inglese: Monster Incidents
    Titolo Kanji: 怪物事変
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV
    Genere: Azione Mistero Soprannaturale
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Manga Shounen
    Stagioni: Inverno (2021)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli completato
    Il storia racconta la storia di un ragazzo soprannominato Dorota-bou, il quale viene evitato da tutti quelli che lo circondano, e di Inugami, un detective specializzato nel campo dell'occulto. Tutto inizia quando Inugami arriva nella città del ragazzo per investigare su un caso particolare: molti capi di bestiame vengono trovati morti e con il corpo marcito in un sola notte. Da quel momento, il potragonista scoprirà l'esistenza di molte creature soprannaturali che si riteneva esistessero solamente nelle leggende.
  8. Kumo Desu ga, Nanika? [24/24] (2021) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Kumo Desu ga, Nanika?
    Titolo inglese: So I'm a Spider, So What?
    Titolo Kanji: 蜘蛛ですが, なにか?
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Azione  Fantasy  Magia  Soprannaturale 
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Inverno (2021) Primavera (2021)
    Episodi : 24
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    In un altro mondo l'Eroe e il Re dei demoni si affrontano e quando i loro poteri magici collidono, l'esplosione che provocano attraversa i mondi e distrugge una classe piena di studenti che si reincarneranno in quel mondo alternativo. La protagonista della storia, la meno appariscente della classe, si reincarna in un ragno e affronta con grande determinazione tutte le sfide che si trova davanti, adattandosi alla nuova vita abbastanza velocemente.
  9. Detective Conan Movie 24: Il proiettile scarlatto (2021) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Meitantei Conan: Hiiro no Dangan
    Titolo inglese: Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet
    Titolo breve: Detective Conan 24
    Titolo Kanji: 名探偵コナン 2020 緋色の弾丸
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Film
    Genere: Giallo Mistero
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Manga Shounen
    Stagioni: Primavera (2021)
    Episodi : 1
    Stato in patria: completato
    Il film è incentrato proprio sulla figura dell'agente dell'FBI Shuichi Akai, sul fratello minore e giocatore professionale di shōgi Shukichi Haneda, sulla sorellina detective liceale Masumi Sera e sulla di loro misteriosa madre Mary Sera. La storia è un evidente richiamo alle Olimpiadi: il Giappone celebra l'arrivo a Tokyo dell'imminente evento WSG (World Sports Games), ovvero la più grande manifestazione mondiale dedicata allo sport, in coincidenza della quale si sta per inaugurare il "proiettile nipponico", ovvero il primo treno al mondo a levitazione magnetica in tunnel sottovuoto, costruito con la più avanzata tecnologia giapponese. Anche questo è un rimando alla tecnologia futuribile maglev, simile al sistema Hyperloop costituito da tubi sopraelevati al cui interno sono collocate capsule spinte da motori a induzione e compressori d'aria. Nel film, la partenza del treno è prevista dalla stazione di Shin Nagoya per giungere a Tokyo Station alla velocità di 1.000 chilometri orari: un incidente segna tuttavia il party tenuto dai principali sponsor dell'opera, e si conclude con una serie di rapimenti di dirigenti. Conan intuisce un legame con i rapimenti seriali avvenuti al WSG di quindici anni prima a Boston.
  10. Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku [12/12] (2022) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku
    Titolo inglese: Akebi's Sailor Uniform
    Titolo Kanji: 明日ちゃんのセーラー服
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Commedia  Scolastico  Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2022
    Tratto da: Manga Seinen
    Stagioni: Inverno (2022)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli completato
    La piccola Akebi Komichi ha un sogno: indossare l'uniforme della prestigiosa accademia privata Roubai, un importante istituto femminile per le scuole medie. Ora che la sua vita dei sogni sta per iniziare, potrà vivere appieno il lento scorrere della gioventù, tra verdeggianti paesaggi di campagna.
  11. Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! 2nd Season [12/12] (2023) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Eminence in Shadow
    Stagione 2    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure
    Gli uomini che vivono nell'ombra sono quelle persone che passano inosservate, come persone ordinarie, ma in realtà detengono il potere da dietro le quinte. Questo è ciò a cui aspira Shido e per raggiungere il suo obiettivo vive una vita insignificante di giorno, mentre di notte si allena duramente preparandosi alla sua ascesa al potere. Finalmente riesce a raggiungere il suo obiettivo quando, dopo un fatale incidente, si risveglia in un mondo misterioso e si ritrova a capo di un'organizzazione segreta che combatte i demoni rimanendo nell'oscurità!
    Aya Iizuka
    Producer Kazuya Nakanishi
    Series Director Kanichi Kato
    Series Composition Makoto Iino
    Character Designer Daisuke Aizawa
    Novel Touzai
    Character Designer Naoto Tanaka
    Color Designer Junko Okazaki
    Color Designer Takeshi Hirooka
    Director of Photography Kenichiro Suehiro
    Original Music Composer Jin Aketagawa
    Sound Director Lee Bun-sun
    Art Direction Daichi Kitahara
    Prop Designer Kentaro Tsubone
    Editor Tom-H@ck
    Theme Song Performance Asuka Yamazaki
    Executive Producer Akira Kubota
    Executive Producer Sho Tanaka
    Executive Producer Masahiko Takeuchi
    Executive Producer Hiroaki Arai
    Executive Producer Lee Bun-sun
    Art Designer Toshirou Hamamura
    3D Director Rei Ueno
    Sound Effects Kazufumi Kikushima
    Producer Hiroto Utsunomiya
    Producer Hajime Maruyama
    Producer Takeo Mizuguchi
    Producer Kimitaka Shindo
    Sound Recordist Kimitaka Shindo
    Sound Mixer Seiichiro Yamashita
    Cid Kagenou / Shadow (voice) Asami Seto
    Alpha (voice) Inori Minase
    Beta (voice) Suzuko Mimori
    Gamma (voice) Fairouz Ai
    Delta (voice) Hisako Kanemoto
    Epsilon (voice) Reina Kondo
    Eta (voice) Rina Hidaka
    Claire Kagenou (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-04 1: The Lawless City
    Cid and his sister Claire venture to the huge slum known as the “Lawless City.” There, Cid gets caught up in the commotion caused by the Red Moon. 1: The Lawless City
    In onda il: 2023-10-04 Cid and his sister Claire venture to the huge slum known as the “Lawless City.” There, Cid gets caught up in the commotion caused by the Red Moon. In onda il: 2023-10-11 2: The Haven
    The moon is red. The frenzy has begun. Shadow is introduced to power players in Lawless City. Meanwhile, Mary and Claire run into Juggernaut. 2: The Haven
    In onda il: 2023-10-11 The moon is red. The frenzy has begun. Shadow is introduced to power players in Lawless City. Meanwhile, Mary and Claire run into Juggernaut. In onda il: 2023-10-18 3: The Hour of Awakening
    The night the red moon rises, the Blood Queen Elisabeth makes her return. 3: The Hour of Awakening
    In onda il: 2023-10-18 The night the red moon rises, the Blood Queen Elisabeth makes her return. In onda il: 2023-10-25 4: Mask of Falsehood
    The Mitsugoshi Company is doing great, all thanks to Gamma! However, the biggest crisis imaginable rears its ugly head. 4: Mask of Falsehood
    In onda il: 2023-10-25 The Mitsugoshi Company is doing great, all thanks to Gamma! However, the biggest crisis imaginable rears its ugly head. In onda il: 2023-11-01 5: He Who Pulls the Strings
    Alpha and Gamma carefully plot not take any actions that would implicate Mitsugoshi's connection to Shadow Garden. Meanwhile, John Smith has a plot of his own. 5: He Who Pulls the Strings
    In onda il: 2023-11-01 Alpha and Gamma carefully plot not take any actions that would implicate Mitsugoshi's connection to Shadow Garden. Meanwhile, John Smith has a plot of his own. In onda il: 2023-11-08 6: John Smith
    John Smith's skill is leagues above even the most skilled fighters! Who is this mysterious person? 6: John Smith
    In onda il: 2023-11-08 John Smith's skill is leagues above even the most skilled fighters! Who is this mysterious person? In onda il: 2023-11-15 7: Something Precious
    The Major Corporate Alliance has forced closure of all their storefronts, bringing the citizens' unrest to its peak. But can Shadow Garden weather the storm? 7: Something Precious
    In onda il: 2023-11-15 The Major Corporate Alliance has forced closure of all their storefronts, bringing the citizens' unrest to its peak. But can Shadow Garden weather the storm? In onda il: 2023-11-22 8: The Dragon’s Tears
    With Cid missing and things getting hot, the Shadow Garden springs into action. At the Mitsugoshi Hot Springs Land that is! 8: The Dragon’s Tears
    In onda il: 2023-11-22 With Cid missing and things getting hot, the Shadow Garden springs into action. At the Mitsugoshi Hot Springs Land that is! In onda il: 2023-11-29 9: The Key
    On the way to the Kingdom of Oriana, Cid is also on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. He feels like something's missing. Is he imagining it? 9: The Key
    In onda il: 2023-11-29 On the way to the Kingdom of Oriana, Cid is also on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. He feels like something's missing. Is he imagining it? In onda il: 2023-12-06 10: Caged Bird
    Did Princess Rose Oriana take it upon herself to join up with the enemy? Not even the Seven Shadows have authority over this matter anymore. 10: Caged Bird
    In onda il: 2023-12-06 Did Princess Rose Oriana take it upon herself to join up with the enemy? Not even the Seven Shadows have authority over this matter anymore. In onda il: 2023-12-13 11: Determination
    With Princess Rose’s hands tied as Perv has taken her mother hostage, the Eminence in Shadow must move to free the captive himself. 11: Determination
    In onda il: 2023-12-13 With Princess Rose’s hands tied as Perv has taken her mother hostage, the Eminence in Shadow must move to free the captive himself. In onda il: 2023-12-20 12: HIGHEST
    Let the banquet of slaughter begin in the season finale. 12: HIGHEST
    In onda il: 2023-12-20 Let the banquet of slaughter begin in the season finale. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. Boku no Hero Academia the Movie: Heroes:Rising (2019) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Boku no Hero Academia the Movie: Heroes:Rising
    Titolo inglese: My Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising
    Genere: Azione, Combattimento, Supereroi
    Categoria: Film
    Anno: 2019
    Durata: 104 min
    Deku, Bakugo, Todoroki e tutti gli altri studenti della classe A tornano in una nuova avventura. All Might, l’eroe numero 1 ammirato in tutto il mondo, a malincuore dovrà rinunciare al suo ruolo di simbolo della pace. Proprio per questo, una figura oscura che si muove dietro le quinte deciderà di uscire allo scoperto. Ma un Villain di nome Nine farà la sua comparsa…
  13. Majo no Tabitabi (2020)[12/12] Sub Ita Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Majo no Tabitabi
    Titolo inglese    Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina
    Titolo breve    Majotabi
    Titolo Kanji    魔女の旅々
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Avventura  Fantasy  Magia  
    Anno    2020
    Tratto da    Light Novel
    Stagioni    Autunno (2020)
    Episodi    12

    In un certo luogo esisteva una strega di nome Elaina. Era una viaggiatrice, lungo il suo cammino aveva incontrato molte persone e attraversato molti paesi, ad esempio un paese in cui erano ammessi solo i maghi, aveva incontrato un gigante, ma anche una principessa abbandonata nella sua città in rovina... Avendo conosciuto persone straordinarie e avendo vissuto momenti indimenticabili, ancora oggi la strega prosegue il suo viaggio fatto di benvenuti e arrivederci. “Non badate a me, dopotutto, sono solo una viaggiatrice”
  14. Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi Kimluck-hen [11/11] (2021) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi Kimluck-hen
    Titolo inglese: Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck
    Titolo Kanji: 魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅 キムラック編
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Commedia  Fantasy  Magia 
    Anno: 2021
    Stagioni: Inverno (2021)
    Episodi : 11
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli inedito
    Disponibilità: Amatoriale
    Seconda stagione del remake di "Lo stregone Orphen".
  15. New Game! 2 [12/12 + OAV] (2017) [2° Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: New Game!!
    Titolo breve: New Game 2
    Genere: Commedia  Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2017
    Stagione: Estate (2017)
    Episodi: 12 + OAV
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli completato
    Dopo essersi diplomata, Suzukaze Aoba inizia a lavorare presso la società di giochi Eagle Jump, dove finisce per occuparsi della terza puntata del gioco che amava da bambina, "Fairies Story". Aoba qui incontra Yagami Kou, che l'ha ispirata a diventare una disegnatrice di personaggi, e altri senpai nel suo nuovo lavoro che l'aiutano a crescere lungo il cammino. Una commedia sulla vita lavorativa e sulla vita quotidiana delle ragazze che lavorano in una società di giochi!
  16. Lupin Sansei Prison of the Past (2019) Sub Ita Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Lupin Sansei Prison of the Past
    Titolo inglese: Lupin III: Prison of the Past
    Titolo Kanji: ルパン三世 プリズン・オブ・ザ・パスト
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Special
    Genere: Azione Commedia Crimine Poliziesco
    Anno: 2019
    Stagioni: Autunno (2019)
    Episodi : 1
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli inedito
    Disponibilità: Amatoriale
    In questa nuova avventura i protagonisti s'infiltreranno nel Regno di Doruente, per trarre in salvo un famoso ladro gentiluomo dal carcere. Nel mentre tutti i ladri più bravi al mondo convergono nel regno. Questo special avrà un tono più leggero rispetto alla serie della "giacca rossa".
  17. Heike Monogatari [11/11] (2021) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Heike Monogatari
    Titolo inglese: The Heike Story
    Titolo Kanji: 平家物語
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Adattamento di una storia classica  Drammatico  Guerra  Storico 
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Romanzo
    Stagioni: Autunno (2021)
    Episodi : 11
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli inedito
    Ambientata durante la guerra Genpei (1180-1185), un devastante conflitto civile che divise il Giappone, la storia è raccontata dalla prospettiva di Biwa, una giovane ragazza che si guadagna da vivere come menestrello. Biwa è dotata della capacità di vedere il futuro. Quando incontra Taira no Shigemori, uno dei patriarchi della potente famiglia Taira, e scopre che anche quest'ultimo ha un potere soprannaturale che gli permette di vedere i fantasmi, gli parla della profezia che potrebbe cambiare il futuro del suo clan, causandone la caduta.
  18. Goblin Slayer 2 [12/12] (2023) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer GOBLIN SLAYER
    Stagione 2    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    I goblin sono noti per la loro ferocia, astuzia e rapida riproduzione, ma la loro reputazione di mostri più umili fa sì che la loro minaccia venga trascurata. Invadendo civiltà rurali per rapire femmine di altre specie per la riproduzione, queste vili creature sono libere di continuare il loro assalto mentre gli avventurieri chiudono un occhio in favore di incarichi più gratificanti con taglie più grandi.
    Misato Takada
    Series Director Satoshi Hattori
    Prop Designer Takaharu Ozaki
    Series Director Hideyuki Kurata
    Series Composition Noboru Kannatsuki
    Original Series Design Kenichiro Suehiro
    Original Music Composer Kumo Kagyuu
    Novel Yuuichirou Umehara
    Goblin Slayer (voice) Yui Ogura
    Priestess (voice) Nao Toyama
    High Elf Archer (voice) Yuka Iguchi
    Cow Girl (voice) Maaya Uchida
    Guild Girl (voice) Yuichi Nakamura
    Dwarf Shaman (voice) Tomokazu Sugita
    Lizard Priest (voice) Yoko Hikasa
    Witch (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
    Spearman (voice) Aya Endo
    Sword Maiden (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-10-06 1: An Ordinary Spring Day
    Priestess is worried about the possibility of ranking up and Goblin Slayer encounters a strange bespectacled boy. 1: An Ordinary Spring Day
    In onda il: 2023-10-06 Priestess is worried about the possibility of ranking up and Goblin Slayer encounters a strange bespectacled boy. In onda il: 2023-10-13 2: The Red-Haired Wizard Boy
    Priestess leads her first quest with the usual party but they also bring Wizard Boy along. They go to a mausoleum in search of a party of adventurers that went there prior but never came back. 2: The Red-Haired Wizard Boy
    In onda il: 2023-10-13 Priestess leads her first quest with the usual party but they also bring Wizard Boy along. They go to a mausoleum in search of a party of adventurers that went there prior but never came back. In onda il: 2023-10-20 3: The Training Grounds on the Outskirts of Town
    Many of the guild adventurers are spending time training outside of town. While there Goblin Slayer is invited for a guys' night out to which he acquiesces. 3: The Training Grounds on the Outskirts of Town
    In onda il: 2023-10-20 Many of the guild adventurers are spending time training outside of town. While there Goblin Slayer is invited for a guys' night out to which he acquiesces. In onda il: 2023-10-27 4: Onward to Adventure
    Goblins ambush some rookie adventurers on their way back home from training and it's up to Goblin Slayer and the other higher-ranking adventurers to save them. 4: Onward to Adventure
    In onda il: 2023-10-27 Goblins ambush some rookie adventurers on their way back home from training and it's up to Goblin Slayer and the other higher-ranking adventurers to save them. In onda il: 2023-11-03 5: Beard-cutter, to the Southern River
    High Elf Archer receives mail about a wedding. She invites the rest of the party to join her in attendance. With plans to travel via river the group is warned that many boats have recently been sunk. 5: Beard-cutter, to the Southern River
    In onda il: 2023-11-03 High Elf Archer receives mail about a wedding. She invites the rest of the party to join her in attendance. With plans to travel via river the group is warned that many boats have recently been sunk. In onda il: 2023-11-10 6: The Elven King's Forest
    Having successfully navigated the goblin-infested cliffs along the river, Goblin Slayer and the others make camp and are come upon by a helmeted elf who turns out to be the High Elf Archer's cousin. 6: The Elven King's Forest
    In onda il: 2023-11-10 Having successfully navigated the goblin-infested cliffs along the river, Goblin Slayer and the others make camp and are come upon by a helmeted elf who turns out to be the High Elf Archer's cousin. In onda il: 2023-11-17 7: Jungle Cruise
    Goblin Slayer and the crew have encountered the Mokele Mubenbe and, much to their surprise, it's being ridden by a goblin. After capturing Mokele Mubenbe Goblin Slayer decides to head upstream in search of the goblins' nest. 7: Jungle Cruise
    In onda il: 2023-11-17 Goblin Slayer and the crew have encountered the Mokele Mubenbe and, much to their surprise, it's being ridden by a goblin. After capturing Mokele Mubenbe Goblin Slayer decides to head upstream in search of the goblins' nest. In onda il: 2023-11-24 8: Heart of Darkness
    While searching the abandoned building, Goblin Slayer and the others come upon a goblin horde led by a shaman presumed to be the one who was controlling Mokele Mubenbe. The adventurers press the attack but are overwhelmed by the shaman's magic. 8: Heart of Darkness
    In onda il: 2023-11-24 While searching the abandoned building, Goblin Slayer and the others come upon a goblin horde led by a shaman presumed to be the one who was controlling Mokele Mubenbe. The adventurers press the attack but are overwhelmed by the shaman's magic. In onda il: 2023-12-01 9: Once There Was Youth, Now There Is Nothing but Ash
    After returning from a mission in which there were no goblins, Goblin Slayer and the others are tasked with being the archbishop Sword Maiden's bodyguards to protect her from goblins on her trip to the capital. 9: Once There Was Youth, Now There Is Nothing but Ash
    In onda il: 2023-12-01 After returning from a mission in which there were no goblins, Goblin Slayer and the others are tasked with being the archbishop Sword Maiden's bodyguards to protect her from goblins on her trip to the capital. In onda il: 2023-12-08 10: City Adventure
    The party arrives at the capital and splits ways. The girls go to a public bath and as they're about to leave, they find that Priestess's belongings have been stolen. 10: City Adventure
    In onda il: 2023-12-08 The party arrives at the capital and splits ways. The girls go to a public bath and as they're about to leave, they find that Priestess's belongings have been stolen. In onda il: 2023-12-15 11: The Princess's Ordeal
    Goblin Slayer and party head into the Dungeon of the Dead to go save the Princess. 11: The Princess's Ordeal
    In onda il: 2023-12-15 Goblin Slayer and party head into the Dungeon of the Dead to go save the Princess. In onda il: 2023-12-22 12: O Prayers, Have You Reached Heaven?
    Goblin Slayer and party manage to save the Princess but end up having to face a rather unexpected, terrifying foe. 12: O Prayers, Have You Reached Heaven?
    In onda il: 2023-12-22 Goblin Slayer and party manage to save the Princess but end up having to face a rather unexpected, terrifying foe. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  19. Majo to Yajū [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Witch and the Beast
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Dramma
    In una città abitata dalle streghe, un giorno giunge un uomo che trasporta una bara in compagnia di una ragazza con gli occhi di una bestia. I due seguono le loro prede, le streghe, scatenando una feroce battaglia a ogni loro incontro.
    Takayuki Hamana
    Series Director Hiroya Iijima
    Character Designer Kousuke Satake
    Comic Book Yuichiro Momose
    Series Composition Miki Matsuda
    Prop Designer Hirotsugu Kakoi
    Art Direction Mai Hasegawa
    Editor Natsumi Uchida
    Director of Photography Takuya Hiramitsu
    Sound Director Natsumi Tabuchi
    Original Music Composer Hanae Nakamura
    Original Music Composer Daigoro Yamaguchi
    Art Designer Satoshi Miura
    Art Designer Wang Hee-sook
    Color Designer Takuji Goto
    CGI Director Hiroyuki Yazaki
    2D Artist Shoya Goto
    Creature Design You Taichi
    Guideau (voice) Toshiyuki Morikawa
    Ashaf (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-12 1: The Witch and the City of Blazing Red
    Two strangers start asking around town for a witch, but the locals don't take kindly to their insinuations. Do they speak from baseless prejudice, or is there more to the city's hero than she lets on? 1: The Witch and the City of Blazing Red
    In onda il: 2024-01-12 Two strangers start asking around town for a witch, but the locals don't take kindly to their insinuations. Do they speak from baseless prejudice, or is there more to the city's hero than she lets on? In onda il: 2024-01-19 2: The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act
    Guideau's frustration mounts as witch-related cases prove hard to come by, but a string of horrific serial murders may prove the answer to her prayers. Meanwhile, the city police force's only mage has her own ideas about the case. 2: The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-01-19 Guideau's frustration mounts as witch-related cases prove hard to come by, but a string of horrific serial murders may prove the answer to her prayers. Meanwhile, the city police force's only mage has her own ideas about the case. In onda il: 2024-01-26 3: The Witch's Pastime: Final Act
    With all the signs pointing to a witch being behind the murders, Ashaf and Guideau must track down the perp. Unfortunately for them, however, this serial killer is powerful and always seems to be one step ahead. 3: The Witch's Pastime: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-01-26 With all the signs pointing to a witch being behind the murders, Ashaf and Guideau must track down the perp. Unfortunately for them, however, this serial killer is powerful and always seems to be one step ahead. In onda il: 2024-02-02 4: Beauty and Death: Opening Act
    An outbreak of rogue undead baffles local police. Ashaf can't crack the case, but he knows who can: the Order's leading necromancer and her hapless assistant. 4: Beauty and Death: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-02-02 An outbreak of rogue undead baffles local police. Ashaf can't crack the case, but he knows who can: the Order's leading necromancer and her hapless assistant. In onda il: 2024-02-09 5: Beauty and Death: Final Act
    The renegade necromancer has his pursuers right where he wants them—or so it seems. But Phanora remains cool under pressure. Does she have another trick up her sleeve? 5: Beauty and Death: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-02-09 The renegade necromancer has his pursuers right where he wants them—or so it seems. But Phanora remains cool under pressure. Does she have another trick up her sleeve? In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Opening Act
    Ashaf and Guideau's new mission sees them travel to the Third Continent in pursuit of a witch on a killing spree. 6: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Ashaf and Guideau's new mission sees them travel to the Third Continent in pursuit of a witch on a killing spree. In onda il: 2024-03-01 7: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act II
    Helga and Guideau go head-to-head with the Paladin Corps's Matt Cugat, an ice mage with power to rival a witch. While they struggle to escape with the Demon Sword, Ashaf suspects a plot. 7: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act II
    In onda il: 2024-03-01 Helga and Guideau go head-to-head with the Paladin Corps's Matt Cugat, an ice mage with power to rival a witch. While they struggle to escape with the Demon Sword, Ashaf suspects a plot. In onda il: 2024-03-08 8: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act III
    Wounded and worn out, Ashaf, Guideau, and Cugat are all that stand between an Executioner with a fortress full of Paladins at his command and the Demon Sword. 8: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Act III
    In onda il: 2024-03-08 Wounded and worn out, Ashaf, Guideau, and Cugat are all that stand between an Executioner with a fortress full of Paladins at his command and the Demon Sword. In onda il: 2024-03-15 9: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Final Act
    Ashgan has lost control, and Ashaf finally unleashes Guideau to stop it. But even with the curse undone, can the beast stand up to the Demon Sword's apocalyptic power? 9: The Witch and the Demon Sword: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-03-15 Ashgan has lost control, and Ashaf finally unleashes Guideau to stop it. But even with the curse undone, can the beast stand up to the Demon Sword's apocalyptic power? In onda il: 2024-03-22 10: Origin Witch
    Ashaf heads off with Helga to find somewhere safer for her to stay, but while they are gone, Guideau overhears a bunch of kids talking about a witch and goes to investigate. But is the rumor all that it seems? 10: Origin Witch
    In onda il: 2024-03-22 Ashaf heads off with Helga to find somewhere safer for her to stay, but while they are gone, Guideau overhears a bunch of kids talking about a witch and goes to investigate. But is the rumor all that it seems? In onda il: 2024-03-29 11: Eloquence and Silence: Opening Act
    Ashaf reminisces about his first meeting with Guideau. Three years ago, a sleepy farming town blamed a young witch for a string of gruesome incidents. But what kind of "witch" can't use magic? 11: Eloquence and Silence: Opening Act
    In onda il: 2024-03-29 Ashaf reminisces about his first meeting with Guideau. Three years ago, a sleepy farming town blamed a young witch for a string of gruesome incidents. But what kind of "witch" can't use magic? In onda il: 2024-04-05 12: Eloquence and Silence: Final Act
    Ashaf taught Guideau the way of breaking the curse, instead that she would protect the witches. The Executioners, who was a mastermind of that case, instigated the villeges to take the witch's power and caught Falvell. Guideau arrived that situation and tried to save Falvell, but she couldn't show her true power and got injured by the Executioners. Guideau was in the spot, but the kiss with Falvell is awaking her true body...!! 12: Eloquence and Silence: Final Act
    In onda il: 2024-04-05 Ashaf taught Guideau the way of breaking the curse, instead that she would protect the witches. The Executioners, who was a mastermind of that case, instigated the villeges to take the witch's power and caught Falvell. Guideau arrived that situation and tried to save Falvell, but she couldn't show her true power and got injured by the Executioners. Guideau was in the spot, but the kiss with Falvell is awaking her true body...!! Anteprima Ufficiale
  20. Tsugumomo 2 [12/12] (2020) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale    Tsugu Tsugumomo
    Titolo inglese    Tsugumomo 2
    Titolo Kanji    続つぐもも
    Nazionalità    bandiera nazione Giappone
    Categoria    Serie TV  
    Genere    Ecchi  Harem  Soprannaturale  
    Anno    2020
    Tratto da    Manga Shounen
    Stagioni    Primavera (2020)
    Episodi    12
    Stato in patria    completato
    Kazuya e Kiriha continuano la loro ricerca degli amasogi, gli tsukumogami privi di intelligenza che infestano la scuola. Grazie alle esperienze passate, il protagonista si è guadagnato degli amici e per tale motivo ha deciso di approfittare di questa situazione per chiedere il loro aiuto ed aprire un Aula Ascolto in cui gli studenti possano segnalare la presenza di fenomeni paranormali, in modo da facilitare il ritrovamento e l'esorcizzazione degli amasogi. Nel frattempo una misteriosa tsugumomo sta tramando nell'ombra.
  21. Shiroi Suna no Aquatope [24/24] (2021) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Shiroi Suna no Aquatope
    Titolo inglese: The Aquatope on White Sand
    Titolo Kanji: 白い砂のアクアトープ
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Slice of Life 
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Opera Originale
    Stagioni: Estate (2021) Autunno (2021)
    Episodi : 24
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    La storia è ambientata al Gama Gama Aquarium, un piccolo acquario di Okinawa. Kukuru Misakino è una liceale di 18 anni che lavora lì e conosce il "segreto" del posto: di tanto in tanto accadono eventi misteriosi. Un giorno Kukuru incontra Fuuka, in piedi di fronte ad una vasca di pesci, assorta nei suoi pensieri. Fuuka ha rinunciato al suo sogno di diventare un'idol ed è scappata da Tokyo a Okinawa. Cercando un posto a cui appartenere, chiede di poter lavorare nell'acquario insieme a Kukuru. Inizia così un'amicizia tra le due che le porterà a scoprire i segreti più misteriosi e ad affrontare una crisi imminente che potrebbe portare alla chiusura della struttura.
  22. Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! [20/20] (2021) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!
    Titolo inglese: The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!
    Titolo Kanji: ジャヒー様はくじけない!
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Azione  Commedia  Ecchi  Slice of Life  Soprannaturale 
    Anno: 2021
    Tratto da: Manga Shounen
    Stagioni: Estate (2021) Autunno (2021)
    Episodi : 20
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli completato
    Lord Jahy è un'entità temuta e rispettata nel mondo dei demoni... O meglio, lo era. L'ex numero due del regno demoniaco è ora impegnato a prendersi cura della casa e a lavorare nel mondo umano! Si può permettere solo germogli di fagiolo, acqua e caffè, ma non si farà scoraggiare!
  23. Hyо̄ken no Majutsushi ga Sekai wo Suberu [12/12] (2023) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Hyо̄ken no Majutsushi ga Sekai wo Suberu
    Titolo inglese: The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World
    Titolo Kanji: 冰剣の魔術師が世界を統べる
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Azione  Fantasy  Magia  Scolastico 
    Anno: 2023
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Inverno (2023)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: in corso
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli in corso
    L'accademia di magia Arnold è una prestigiosa scuola in cui vengono formati molti grandi maghi. Ray White, un ragazzo proveniente da una normale famiglia, ha deciso di frequentare l'accademia. A scuola Ray è circondato da studenti provenienti da famiglie aristocratiche e maghi che prendono le distanze da lui. Ma nessuno sa che il giovane ha avuto in passato diverse esperienze in estremo oriente che lo hanno portato a eguagliare, o addirittura superare, in abilità i sette grandi maghi del mondo.
  24. High Card [12/12] (2023) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer HIGH CARD
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Fourland Kingdom è una nazione insulare nel Nord Atlantico. In questo paese ci sono 52 X-Playing Cards, considerate l'origine delle carte da gioco. Una carta con un'abilità soprannaturale unica può donare le sue abilità a una persona qualificata: il giocatore. Un giorno, le X-Playing Cards sotto la custodia del governo furono sparse in tutto Fourland provocando problemi causati dalle abilità soprannaturali dei giocatori. Il re assegna segretamente a Pinochle, una delle principali società della nazione, una missione per raccogliere le carte che stanno causando il caos nel paese.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
    Zenon (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro
    Burst (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2023-01-09 1: ONE SHOT
    A blonde boy is looking around the people on the street. His name is Finn Oldman, and he's collecting funds by pickpocketing, using his extraordinary power of observation, in order to save the Sun Fields orphanage he grew up in from the land shark. But the pawn shop owner rejects his haul since they are stolen goods. Instead, he offers that he would buy the card Finn carries around. But this card is something Finn will never part with... He goes to the casino to get rich quickly. But this leads him to a mysterious fate. 1: ONE SHOT
    In onda il: 2023-01-09 A blonde boy is looking around the people on the street. His name is Finn Oldman, and he's collecting funds by pickpocketing, using his extraordinary power of observation, in order to save the Sun Fields orphanage he grew up in from the land shark. But the pawn shop owner rejects his haul since they are stolen goods. Instead, he offers that he would buy the card Finn carries around. But this card is something Finn will never part with... He goes to the casino to get rich quickly. But this leads him to a mysterious fate. In onda il: 2023-01-16 2: MAKE A CHOICE
    The man in a red suit, Chris Redgrave, is an employee of a long-established car manufacturer, Pinochle. Why is a car maker after the card? What does this card do? And who are the Klondike Family, the biggest mafia organization in the Fourland Kingdom? Confused, Finn is half-forced into working for Pinochle and becomes a member of High Card. Chris becomes his mentor. The two don't quite get along, but they're on their way to their first mission together. 2: MAKE A CHOICE
    In onda il: 2023-01-16 The man in a red suit, Chris Redgrave, is an employee of a long-established car manufacturer, Pinochle. Why is a car maker after the card? What does this card do? And who are the Klondike Family, the biggest mafia organization in the Fourland Kingdom? Confused, Finn is half-forced into working for Pinochle and becomes a member of High Card. Chris becomes his mentor. The two don't quite get along, but they're on their way to their first mission together. In onda il: 2023-01-23 3: CRAZY RICH
    Finn comes out of the tailor in a good mood, dressed in his new custom-made suit. But something rains on his parade: A young man gets kidnapped right in front of his eyes. Finn succeeds in rescuing him using Neo New Nambu, but is taken aback by the young man's attitude. He's bossy and rude, looking down on Finn. But the kidnappers continue to come after this young man, and they seem to have their reasons... 3: CRAZY RICH
    In onda il: 2023-01-23 Finn comes out of the tailor in a good mood, dressed in his new custom-made suit. But something rains on his parade: A young man gets kidnapped right in front of his eyes. Finn succeeds in rescuing him using Neo New Nambu, but is taken aback by the young man's attitude. He's bossy and rude, looking down on Finn. But the kidnappers continue to come after this young man, and they seem to have their reasons... In onda il: 2023-01-30 4: SAMURAI GIRL
    Wendy Sato has determined that she is going to walk the path of solitude, just like her father she admired. But it's not so easy. Despite herself, she's late for work from oversleeping, and gets hammered at Finn's welcome party. At this rate, she will not be anything like her father, let alone mastering the power of the ace of spades inherited from her father, "Love and Peace." That's when High Card is put in a tight spot by a player from the Klondike family. 4: SAMURAI GIRL
    In onda il: 2023-01-30 Wendy Sato has determined that she is going to walk the path of solitude, just like her father she admired. But it's not so easy. Despite herself, she's late for work from oversleeping, and gets hammered at Finn's welcome party. At this rate, she will not be anything like her father, let alone mastering the power of the ace of spades inherited from her father, "Love and Peace." That's when High Card is put in a tight spot by a player from the Klondike family. In onda il: 2023-02-06 5: POWER GAME
    Detective Sugar Peace suspects Pinochle. The footage of them wrecking town is deleted from social media, and any investigations they're involved are unnaturally cut short. She suggests at the station that there must be something going on, yet no one takes her seriously. When she's bothered by something, it keeps her up at night. So she decides to investigate on her own. In the meantime, her boss, Captain Greg Young gets in touch with two of the big names in town. And they turn out to be... 5: POWER GAME
    In onda il: 2023-02-06 Detective Sugar Peace suspects Pinochle. The footage of them wrecking town is deleted from social media, and any investigations they're involved are unnaturally cut short. She suggests at the station that there must be something going on, yet no one takes her seriously. When she's bothered by something, it keeps her up at night. So she decides to investigate on her own. In the meantime, her boss, Captain Greg Young gets in touch with two of the big names in town. And they turn out to be... In onda il: 2023-02-13 6: TAKE BACK FIVE
    The 5 of diamonds is put into an auction. This is one of the cards that were scattered all over the country due to the X-Blind when the Klondike Family attacked the Trapla palace. High Card must stop the card from falling into the wrong hands. They go on a secret mission to recover the 5 of diamonds on a luxury cruise ship where the auction takes place. But an extremely troublesome man for Pinochle, Norman Kingstat, is also participating in the auction. 6: TAKE BACK FIVE
    In onda il: 2023-02-13 The 5 of diamonds is put into an auction. This is one of the cards that were scattered all over the country due to the X-Blind when the Klondike Family attacked the Trapla palace. High Card must stop the card from falling into the wrong hands. They go on a secret mission to recover the 5 of diamonds on a luxury cruise ship where the auction takes place. But an extremely troublesome man for Pinochle, Norman Kingstat, is also participating in the auction. In onda il: 2023-02-20 7: LOVE & FAKE
    When Finn and Chris approach Chelsea Hammond, the player of the 2 of diamonds, "Love Connection," she uses that power to stick their hands together. Chris, who has an important date coming up, chases Chelsea around all over town day and night with Finn to collect Chelsea's card and undo the power. But catching a girl with no fixed address turns out to be not so easy. Not having been able to undo the power, Chris goes on a date with Chris in tow. 7: LOVE & FAKE
    In onda il: 2023-02-20 When Finn and Chris approach Chelsea Hammond, the player of the 2 of diamonds, "Love Connection," she uses that power to stick their hands together. Chris, who has an important date coming up, chases Chelsea around all over town day and night with Finn to collect Chelsea's card and undo the power. But catching a girl with no fixed address turns out to be not so easy. Not having been able to undo the power, Chris goes on a date with Chris in tow. In onda il: 2023-02-27 8: HEAT UP
    To celebrate Lindsey's birthday, Finn visits Sun Fields. While preparing for the party, a couple of kids start to fight, and it looks like it is due to Sam, a boy who joined Sun Fields recently. Finn sees his old self in Sam, and tries to be there for him. And Lindsey's birthday party starts. It's all fun and merry, until Bobby Ball from the Klondike Family shows up. 8: HEAT UP
    In onda il: 2023-02-27 To celebrate Lindsey's birthday, Finn visits Sun Fields. While preparing for the party, a couple of kids start to fight, and it looks like it is due to Sam, a boy who joined Sun Fields recently. Finn sees his old self in Sam, and tries to be there for him. And Lindsey's birthday party starts. It's all fun and merry, until Bobby Ball from the Klondike Family shows up. In onda il: 2023-03-06 9: BY YOUR SIDE
    The royal family has been attacked before when they are expecting to have a coronation, and the eldest prince, Dylan Fourland, has been killed. The mastermind of the attacked seems to be the Klondike Family, who is not afraid to make an enemy of the country to get the cards. Threatened by this, Pinochle secretly orders High Card to immediately collect cards whose whereabouts are known to them. But Finn is nowhere to be seen. He seems to be crestfallen over what happened to Sun Fields. Chris visits Finn’s place to cheer Finn up as his buddy. 9: BY YOUR SIDE
    In onda il: 2023-03-06 The royal family has been attacked before when they are expecting to have a coronation, and the eldest prince, Dylan Fourland, has been killed. The mastermind of the attacked seems to be the Klondike Family, who is not afraid to make an enemy of the country to get the cards. Threatened by this, Pinochle secretly orders High Card to immediately collect cards whose whereabouts are known to them. But Finn is nowhere to be seen. He seems to be crestfallen over what happened to Sun Fields. Chris visits Finn’s place to cheer Finn up as his buddy. In onda il: 2023-03-13 10: TO BE APART
    Finn wakes up to find a woman standing in front of him. Her name is Aya Tawawa. She was a member of the first generation High Card, and is also a target of the secret mission for Finn. Aya happened to find Finn passed out and carried him in, but she feels a strange twist of fate with this encounter. She tells Finn about the incidents that happened with High Card, and what happened to Chris when he was young. In the meantime, Chris is being tortured by Jasper, and he learns that Alexander is going after Finn. 10: TO BE APART
    In onda il: 2023-03-13 Finn wakes up to find a woman standing in front of him. Her name is Aya Tawawa. She was a member of the first generation High Card, and is also a target of the secret mission for Finn. Aya happened to find Finn passed out and carried him in, but she feels a strange twist of fate with this encounter. She tells Finn about the incidents that happened with High Card, and what happened to Chris when he was young. In the meantime, Chris is being tortured by Jasper, and he learns that Alexander is going after Finn. In onda il: 2023-03-20 11: CHRIS
    Why did Chris shoot Finn? Why did he steal the cards? What are his intentions? High Card is at a loss as to what to make of Chris' puzzling behavior that turned him into a fugitive. Finn suggests that they find Chris first on their own, but Leo disagrees, since Owen Alldays, Theodore's secretary, is working to secure Chris under the direct order of the president. In the meantime, the Klondike Family is preparing to invade as they try to rise in rebellion once again. 11: CHRIS
    In onda il: 2023-03-20 Why did Chris shoot Finn? Why did he steal the cards? What are his intentions? High Card is at a loss as to what to make of Chris' puzzling behavior that turned him into a fugitive. Finn suggests that they find Chris first on their own, but Leo disagrees, since Owen Alldays, Theodore's secretary, is working to secure Chris under the direct order of the president. In the meantime, the Klondike Family is preparing to invade as they try to rise in rebellion once again. In onda il: 2023-03-27 12: FINN
    The Klondike Family makes a sudden attack on the palace. Leo and others have their hands full protecting Theodore and the royal family. Finn is apprehended by Owen on the account that he interfered with capturing Chris, and Chris drives off with Michel in the car. Then, Ban Klondike appears in front of Chris. Nhât, Sugar, Young, and Chelsea join the chase and the city is in absolute turmoil. Will High Card and Finn be able to stop Chris' X-Hand in time? 12: FINN
    In onda il: 2023-03-27 The Klondike Family makes a sudden attack on the palace. Leo and others have their hands full protecting Theodore and the royal family. Finn is apprehended by Owen on the account that he interfered with capturing Chris, and Chris drives off with Michel in the car. Then, Ban Klondike appears in front of Chris. Nhât, Sugar, Young, and Chelsea join the chase and the city is in absolute turmoil. Will High Card and Finn be able to stop Chris' X-Hand in time? Nessun Trailer disponibile
  25. Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaa-san wa Suki Desuka? (2019)[12/12 +OAV] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaa-san wa Suki Desuka?
    Titolo inglese: Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
    Titolo breve: Okaa-san Online
    Titolo Kanji: 通常攻撃が全体攻撃で二回攻撃のお母さんは好きですか?
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Azione  Commedia  Ecchi  Fantasy 
    Anno: 2019
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Estate (2019)
    Episodi : 12+1
    Stato in patria: completato
    In seguito a una serie di eventi, il giovane Masato Oosuki si trova intrappolato in un mondo fantasy (un mondo parallelo, un gioco di ruolo virtuale?). Con lui però c'è anche la sua mamma Mamako che tra l'altro risulta fortissima e con un attacco normale può ottenere i danni di due colpi critici altrui, risultando così utilissima nei combattimenti.
  26. Mato Seihei no Slave [12/12] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Chained Soldier
    Stagione 1    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Destructive monsters from the Mato dimension threaten the earth, while women gifted with powers from Peaches try to stop them. But to save the world, Yuuki must be willing to become Chief Kyoka's servant both on the battlefield and at home.
    Comic Book Goro Kuji
    Series Director Hiroyuki Yoshii
    Character Designer Yasuhiro Nakanishi
    Series Composition Kaoru Nishimura
    Color Designer Kohta Yamamoto
    Original Music Composer Chikako Yokota
    Sound Director Akari Kito
    Theme Song Performance Junji Nishimura
    Series Director Kazuhiro Yamada
    Director of Photography Maaya Uchida
    Theme Song Performance Yuya Hirose
    Yuuki Wakura (voice) Akari Kito
    Kyoka Uzen (voice) Yume Miyamoto
    Himari Azuma (voice) Mari Hino
    Syusyu Suruga (voice) Hina Tachibana
    Nei Ookawamura (voice) Maaya Uchida
    Tenka Izumo (voice) Nene Hieda
    Yachiho Azuma (voice) Reina Ueda
    Sahara Wakasa (voice) Sayaka Senbongi
    Coco Zenibako (voice) Rina Hidaka
    Naon Yuno (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2024-01-04 1: Birth, Yuuki, Awakening
    Yuuki Wakura wanders through a gate to an alternate dimension. He meets the Demon Defense Force including Chief Kyouka Uzen, who will reward him for his servitude. 1: Birth, Yuuki, Awakening
    In onda il: 2024-01-04 Yuuki Wakura wanders through a gate to an alternate dimension. He meets the Demon Defense Force including Chief Kyouka Uzen, who will reward him for his servitude. In onda il: 2024-01-11 2: Curiosity, Shushu, Undress
    Yuuki is recruited to work as a caretaker at the 7th Squadron’s dorm in Mato. Shushu catches him unaware and turns him into her boy toy. Suddenly, a giant Shuuki attacks! 2: Curiosity, Shushu, Undress
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 Yuuki is recruited to work as a caretaker at the 7th Squadron’s dorm in Mato. Shushu catches him unaware and turns him into her boy toy. Suddenly, a giant Shuuki attacks! In onda il: 2024-01-18 3: Encounter, Kyouka, Rampage
    With dozens of Shuuki detected, and a score to settle, Yuuki and the Demon Defense Force Squadron take an interdimensional trip! 3: Encounter, Kyouka, Rampage
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 With dozens of Shuuki detected, and a score to settle, Yuuki and the Demon Defense Force Squadron take an interdimensional trip! In onda il: 2024-01-25 4: Whirlwind, Himari, Roar
    The Demon Defense Force decides to take measures against the humanoid Shuuki. Meanwhile, Himari can adopt someone else’s ability, which she does to turn Yuuki “loyal” to her. 4: Whirlwind, Himari, Roar
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 The Demon Defense Force decides to take measures against the humanoid Shuuki. Meanwhile, Himari can adopt someone else’s ability, which she does to turn Yuuki “loyal” to her. In onda il: 2024-02-01 5: Sisters, Yachiho, Ridicule
    Yuuki hits Yachiho with a “Brand Break,” so she rewinds to before the beginning of the match. Later, Himari appreciates Yuuki; it’s time for his reward to begin! 5: Sisters, Yachiho, Ridicule
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Yuuki hits Yachiho with a “Brand Break,” so she rewinds to before the beginning of the match. Later, Himari appreciates Yuuki; it’s time for his reward to begin! In onda il: 2024-02-08 6: Blitz, Sahara, Twinkle
    Up next in Round 2: It's Shushu Suruga of the 7th Squadron versus Sahara Wakasa of the 6th Squadron! And after the match, Shushu has a surprise for Yuuki. 6: Blitz, Sahara, Twinkle
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 Up next in Round 2: It's Shushu Suruga of the 7th Squadron versus Sahara Wakasa of the 6th Squadron! And after the match, Shushu has a surprise for Yuuki. In onda il: 2024-02-15 7: United Front, Tenka, Soar
    Tenka confronts Rairen, then uses her ability to manipulate space. Later, Yuuuki tidies up and gets a face full of more than dirty laundry! 7: United Front, Tenka, Soar
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Tenka confronts Rairen, then uses her ability to manipulate space. Later, Yuuuki tidies up and gets a face full of more than dirty laundry! In onda il: 2024-02-22 8: Promise, Nei, Remember
    Tenka wants Yuuki as her new pet, but Kyouka declines her request. Nei explains her clairvoyant powers, the “promise.” 8: Promise, Nei, Remember
    In onda il: 2024-02-22 Tenka wants Yuuki as her new pet, but Kyouka declines her request. Nei explains her clairvoyant powers, the “promise.” In onda il: 2024-02-29 9: Reunion, Coco, Lick
    A demon who looks like Yuuki’s sister appears and abducts him! Then after the dust settles, an enemy licks Yuuki down for... medical reasons. 9: Reunion, Coco, Lick
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 A demon who looks like Yuuki’s sister appears and abducts him! Then after the dust settles, an enemy licks Yuuki down for... medical reasons. In onda il: 2024-03-07 10: War, Naon, Recite
    Yuuki learns a less than peachy truth. Later, he receives a finger licking good reward. 10: War, Naon, Recite
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 Yuuki learns a less than peachy truth. Later, he receives a finger licking good reward. In onda il: 2024-03-14 11: Death Match, Aoba, Excite
    With Yuuki tied up and unable to fight, it’s up to the girls to harness the power of the peaches in a non-stop battle. Suddenly, those who control the demons appear... 11: Death Match, Aoba, Excite
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 With Yuuki tied up and unable to fight, it’s up to the girls to harness the power of the peaches in a non-stop battle. Suddenly, those who control the demons appear... In onda il: 2024-03-21 12: Homecoming, New, Resolve
    Yuuki finds a new reason to fight: to return Aoba to her original human form. 12: Homecoming, New, Resolve
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 Yuuki finds a new reason to fight: to return Aoba to her original human form. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  27. Kyokō Suiri [12/12] (2020) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Kyokō Suiri
    Titolo inglese: In/Spectre
    Titolo Kanji: 虚構推理
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Azione  Commedia  Mistero  Sentimentale  Soprannaturale  Thriller 
    Anno: 2020
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Inverno (2020)
    Episodi : 12
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli completato
    Quando era solo una ragazzina, Kotoko fu rapita da alcuni spiriti chiamati Yokai. Questi spiriti la trasformarono in un saggio intermediario tra loro e il mondo umano, ma al prezzo di un occhio e una gamba. Anni dopo, mentre Kotoko osserva uno Yokai pericoloso, sviluppa sentimenti per un ragazzo di nome Kurou, che ha ricevuto poteri curativi in seguito ad un incidente con uno Yokai. Nonostante un'iniziale titubanza, Kurou deciderà di aiutare la ragazza nel suo ruolo di intermediaria.
  28. Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi [13/13 + Special] (2020) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo originale: Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi
    Titolo inglese: Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
    Titolo Kanji: 魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅
    Nazionalità: Giappone
    Categoria: Serie TV 
    Genere: Avventura  Commedia  Fantasy  Magia 
    Anno: 2020
    Tratto da: Light Novel
    Stagioni: Inverno (2020)
    Episodi : 13 + Special (CELESTIAL ARTIFACTS)
    Stato in patria: completato
    Stato in Italia: Doppiaggio inedito, Sottotitoli inedito
    Orphen, uno stregone che un tempo era stato il migliore studente della celebre Torre di Fang, ora fa l'usuraio e passa le giornate a rincorrere i suoi clienti senza speranza; almeno fino quando un suo cliente gli svela un piano per fare soldi: la truffa matrimoniale. Coinvolto contro il suo volere nel piano, Orphen si imbatte in un drago che cercava da tanto tempo, dal giorno in cui ha lasciato la Torre di Fang. Hanno così fine i giorni pacifici di Orphen, che farà di tutto per proteggere il mostro da coloro che vogliono ucciderlo.
  29. Sengoku Yōko [13/37] (2024) Sub ITA Streaming (In Pausa)  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Sengoku Youko
    Stagione 1    Episodi 37        
    Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma
    "Ferma le tue azioni malvagie e percorri la retta via!"; questo è il credo di Yōko Tama e del suo fratellastro minore, Jinka Yamato. I due demoni viaggiano per il paese allo scopo di fermare tutte le persone che compiono azioni malvagie, accompagnati da Hyoudou Shinsuke, uno spadaccino terrorizzato dai gatti incontrato lungo la strada. Nel loro vagare si imbatteranno in un'organizzazione di monaci alquanto sospetta, con la quale, presto dovranno scontrarsi.
    Satoshi Mizukami
    Comic Book Kagetsu Aizawa
    Series Director Jukki Hanada
    Series Composition Jukki Hanada
    Writer Yousuke Okuda
    Character Designer Evan Call
    Original Music Composer Shinpei Kobayashi
    Character Designer Yousuke Okuda
    Supervising Animation Director Shinpei Kobayashi
    Supervising Animation Director Youhei Yaegashi
    Supervising Animation Director Chang Shao-wei
    Prop Designer Ke Wei Lin
    Prop Designer Hiroyuki Kodama
    Prop Designer Miu Miyamoto
    Art Direction Miyuki Sato
    Color Designer Daisuke Horino
    Director of Photography Hisashi Akimoto
    CGI Director Masayuki Kurosawa
    Editor Satoki Iida
    Sound Director Chang Shao-wei
    Creature Design Soma Saito
    Jinka (voice) Yuuki Takada
    Tama (voice) Ryohei Kimura
    Shinsuke (voice) Tomoyo Kurosawa
    Shakugan (voice) Hiroki Nanami
    Senya (voice) Maaya Uchida
    Tsukiko (voice) Kenji Nomura
    Jinun (voice) Aki Toyosaki
    Nau (voice) Tetsu Inada
    Dōren (voice) Kazuki Miyagi
    Resshin (voice) Ayahi Takagaki
    Mountain God (voice) Aina Suzuki
    Rinzu (voice) Kenjiro Tsuda
    Yazen (voice) Hiroki Touchi
    Raidō Zanzō (voice) Episodi: 37 
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 1: We Are Those Who Lament This Barbaric Age
    Shinsuke plans to attack a local group of brigands, only to be beaten to the punch by the eccentric Tama and Jinka. Impressed by their prowess in battle, Shinsuke becomes determined to follow them, and offers to take them to the brigands' leader. 1: We Are Those Who Lament This Barbaric Age
    In onda il: 2024-01-11 Shinsuke plans to attack a local group of brigands, only to be beaten to the punch by the eccentric Tama and Jinka. Impressed by their prowess in battle, Shinsuke becomes determined to follow them, and offers to take them to the brigands' leader. In onda il: 2024-01-18 2: Shakugan
    The party retreats after failing to defeat the rampaging katawara. The monks in their party are shocked when they learn exactly who taught Jinka the secret of spirit transformation. Shinsuke, in turn, is shocked to learn the katawara's true origins. 2: Shakugan
    In onda il: 2024-01-18 The party retreats after failing to defeat the rampaging katawara. The monks in their party are shocked when they learn exactly who taught Jinka the secret of spirit transformation. Shinsuke, in turn, is shocked to learn the katawara's true origins. In onda il: 2024-01-25 3: Year Seven of the Eiroku Period
    Jinka pours his fury out on the Dangaisyuu temple, prompting the local leaders to discuss moving operations elsewhere. Meanwhile, Tama tells Shinsuke and Shakugan a little more about herself and Jinka's spirit transformation. 3: Year Seven of the Eiroku Period
    In onda il: 2024-01-25 Jinka pours his fury out on the Dangaisyuu temple, prompting the local leaders to discuss moving operations elsewhere. Meanwhile, Tama tells Shinsuke and Shakugan a little more about herself and Jinka's spirit transformation. In onda il: 2024-02-01 4: Jinka and Humans
    Shinsuke and Shakugan are staying with Jinka and Tama, but Shinsuke isn't learning much in the way of fighting skills. Instead, Shinsuke is left behind to do chores when Tama and Jinka are informed of trouble with a local katawara. 4: Jinka and Humans
    In onda il: 2024-02-01 Shinsuke and Shakugan are staying with Jinka and Tama, but Shinsuke isn't learning much in the way of fighting skills. Instead, Shinsuke is left behind to do chores when Tama and Jinka are informed of trouble with a local katawara. In onda il: 2024-02-08 5: Higan
    Shinsuke starts training with Zanzou, who's recuperating in a mountain cave and requests payment in the form of food. Zanzou tells Shinsuke about his sister, and how she came to join the Dangaisyuu as a nun. 5: Higan
    In onda il: 2024-02-08 Shinsuke starts training with Zanzou, who's recuperating in a mountain cave and requests payment in the form of food. Zanzou tells Shinsuke about his sister, and how she came to join the Dangaisyuu as a nun. In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: Fukou
    Raidou departs the party, but not without giving Shinsuke a surprising gift first. The journey to Kagan's home is long, and the others are exhausted when they cross paths with a group of monkey katawara. 6: Fukou
    In onda il: 2024-02-15 Raidou departs the party, but not without giving Shinsuke a surprising gift first. The journey to Kagan's home is long, and the others are exhausted when they cross paths with a group of monkey katawara. In onda il: 2024-02-22 7: Kagan & Shakuyaku
    The party finally reaches Kagan's hometown, a settlement of katawara. Coincidentally, a pregnant human arrives at the same time, seeking shelter so she can give birth. Not coincidentally, some Dangaisyuu agents also arrive... 7: Kagan & Shakuyaku
    In onda il: 2024-02-22 The party finally reaches Kagan's hometown, a settlement of katawara. Coincidentally, a pregnant human arrives at the same time, seeking shelter so she can give birth. Not coincidentally, some Dangaisyuu agents also arrive... In onda il: 2024-02-29 8: Mystic Swordsman
    Nessuna trama disponibile 8: Mystic Swordsman
    In onda il: 2024-02-29 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-07 9: The Mountain Goddess (Part 1)
    Jinka, Tama, and Shinsuke meet with the Mountain Goddess to discuss their next course of action against the Dangaisyuu, while Jinun and Senya continue to hunt for them. 9: The Mountain Goddess (Part 1)
    In onda il: 2024-03-07 Jinka, Tama, and Shinsuke meet with the Mountain Goddess to discuss their next course of action against the Dangaisyuu, while Jinun and Senya continue to hunt for them. In onda il: 2024-03-14 10: The Mountain Goddess (Part 2)
    Nessuna trama disponibile 10: The Mountain Goddess (Part 2)
    In onda il: 2024-03-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-21 11: The Strongest of the Dangaisyuu
    Nessuna trama disponibile 11: The Strongest of the Dangaisyuu
    In onda il: 2024-03-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-03-28 12: Jinka & Douren, Takekichi & Barry
    Battles unfold in parallel with Jinka and Shinsuke taking on Douren and Resshin. But even if they succeed, how can they take down Taizan, who's been turned into a walking fortress? 12: Jinka & Douren, Takekichi & Barry
    In onda il: 2024-03-28 Battles unfold in parallel with Jinka and Shinsuke taking on Douren and Resshin. But even if they succeed, how can they take down Taizan, who's been turned into a walking fortress? In onda il: 2024-04-04 13: Godbeast
    Jinka squares off for the final battle against Yazen, but as the two spiritually transformed humans fight, Jinka treads into dangerous territory. 13: Godbeast
    In onda il: 2024-04-04 Jinka squares off for the final battle against Yazen, but as the two spiritually transformed humans fight, Jinka treads into dangerous territory. In onda il: null 14: Episode 14
    Nessuna trama disponibile 14: Episode 14
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 15: Episode 15
    Nessuna trama disponibile 15: Episode 15
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 16: Episode 16
    Nessuna trama disponibile 16: Episode 16
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 17: Episode 17
    Nessuna trama disponibile 17: Episode 17
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 18: Episode 18
    Nessuna trama disponibile 18: Episode 18
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 19: Episode 19
    Nessuna trama disponibile 19: Episode 19
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 20: Episode 20
    Nessuna trama disponibile 20: Episode 20
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 21: Episode 21
    Nessuna trama disponibile 21: Episode 21
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 22: Episode 22
    Nessuna trama disponibile 22: Episode 22
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 23: Episode 23
    Nessuna trama disponibile 23: Episode 23
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 24: Episode 24
    Nessuna trama disponibile 24: Episode 24
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 25: Episode 25
    Nessuna trama disponibile 25: Episode 25
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 26: Episode 26
    Nessuna trama disponibile 26: Episode 26
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 27: Episode 27
    Nessuna trama disponibile 27: Episode 27
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 28: Episode 28
    Nessuna trama disponibile 28: Episode 28
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 29: Episode 29
    Nessuna trama disponibile 29: Episode 29
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 30: Episode 30
    Nessuna trama disponibile 30: Episode 30
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 31: Episode 31
    Nessuna trama disponibile 31: Episode 31
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 32: Episode 32
    Nessuna trama disponibile 32: Episode 32
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 33: Episode 33
    Nessuna trama disponibile 33: Episode 33
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 34: Episode 34
    Nessuna trama disponibile 34: Episode 34
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 35: Episode 35
    Nessuna trama disponibile 35: Episode 35
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 36: Episode 36
    Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Episode 36
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: null 37: Episode 37
    Nessuna trama disponibile 37: Episode 37
    In onda il: null Nessuna trama disponibile Anteprima Ufficiale
  30. Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector [3/3] (2020) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Psycho-Pass 3 Movie: First Inspector
    2 h 17 m    2020        
    Fantascienza ◦ Azione ◦ Crime ◦ Animazione
    L'ispettore Kei Mikhail Ignatov si trova coinvolto in un'organizzazione chiamata Bifrost con la possibilità di liberare sua moglie se tradisce l'Unità Uno. Koichi Azusawa coordina un assalto alla torre del Public Safety Bureau usando il suo hacker Obata, bloccando l'edificio e rapendo l'ispettore Arata Shindo. Azusawa esige che il governatore Karina Komiya si dimetta dalla sua posizione.
    Yugo Kanno
    Original Music Composer Naoyoshi Shiotani
    Director Tow Ubukata
    Screenplay Tow Ubukata
    Series Composition Naoyuki Onda
    Character Designer Naoyuki Onda
    Supervising Animation Director Makoto Fukami
    Screenplay Choe Gong-sook
    Animation Director Yoko Matsuzaki
    Production Supervisor Shintaro Itoga
    Second Unit Director Ilya Kuvshinov
    Animation Director Ilya Kuvshinov
    Key Animation Masumi Hattori
    Animation Director Isuta
    Key Animation Kwon Yong-sang
    Animation Director Kwon Yong-sang
    Key Animation Choi Mi-ja
    Key Animation Kazuhiko Ishii
    Key Animation Shao Yiyi
    Key Animation Miku Nakamura
    Theme Song Performance Shunsuke Matsumoto
    Theme Song Performance Ryosuke Fujita
    Theme Song Performance Who-ya
    Theme Song Performance Miyuka Kidachi
    Publicist Takanari Iwata
    Publicist Takahiro Sakurai
    Hinakawa Shou (voice) Junichi Suwabe
    Irie Kazumichi (voice) Yuichi Nakamura
    Kei Michael Ignatov (voice) Kaori Nazuka
    Kisaragi Mao (voice) Ayane Sakura
    Shimotsuki Mika (voice) Yuki Kaji
    Shindou Arata (voice) Akio Otsuka
    Todoroki Tenma (voice) Hiroshi Naka
    Daigin Youki (voice) Noriko Hidaka
    Dominator (voice) Kenji Nojima
    Ginoza Nobuchika (voice) Takako Honda
    Frederica Hanashiro (voice) Mamoru Miyano
    Houhan Seika (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro
    Karanomori Shion (voice) Yoko Hikasa
    Komiya Karina (voice) Tomokazu Seki
    Kougami Shin`ya (voice) Shizuka Itoh
    Kunizuka Yayoi (voice) Sayuri Yahagi
    Obata Chiya (voice) Toshiyuki Morikawa
    Round Robin (voice) Kenyu Horiuchi
    Serizawa Junichi (voice) Hiroki Touchi
    Sugou Teppei (voice) Kana Hanazawa
    Tsunemori Akane (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile
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