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The Flaming Lips - Seeing the Unseeable: The Complete Studio Recordings of the Flaming Lips 1986-1990 (2018) [96kHz/24bit]


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The Flaming Lips - Seeing the Unseeable: The Complete Studio Recordings of the Flaming Lips 1986-1990 (2018) [96kHz/24 bit]
Country: USA
Genre: Psychedelic Rock, Neo-psychedelia, Alternative, Indie
Format: FLAC (*tracks)
Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit]
Time: 05:08:07
Full Size: 6.51 GB

Deliciously strange and eccentric, the Flaming Lips are one of these bands from the 80s alternative rock scene that have survived remarkably well. Their psychedelic and quirky tendencies are as surprising as they are fascinating. With these madmen from Oklahoma, everything takes a different shape. A sort of mix between exaggerated distortions and sped-up headbanging, or even role-play in a world ruled by hallucinogenic mushrooms. That's the kind of atmosphere these rock geniuses have maintained from 1983 to this day, and that caught the eye of label Rhino Records. For the first time, the entirety of the Flaming Lips recordings from 1986 to 1990 for the label Restless Records are being released in a remastered version (by Wayne Coyne, Michael Ivins and David Fridmann, the band's long-time producer) and gathered on six albums under the title Seeing The Unseeable. A huge collection that includes four of their best albums: Hear It Is, Oh My Gawd, Telepathic Surgery and In a Priest Driven Ambulance. And as a bonus, an album filled with rare gems: The Mushroom Tapes. © Anna Coluthe/Qobuz


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