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Alice Cooper - The Studio Albums 1969-1983 [15CD] (2015) [FLAC]

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Alice Cooper - The Studio Albums 1969-1983 [15CD] (2015) [FLAC]
Country: USA
Genre: Hard Rock
Format: FLAC (*tracks)
Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/16 bit]
Time: 09:25:49
Full Size: 3.33 GB

Weighing in at 15 CDs, The Studio Albums 1969-1983 is a hefty box set but, at $85, it is relatively affordable considering that it contains everything Alice Cooper -- both the band and the man -- recorded at Straight and Warner. Whatever bonus material attached to CD reissues over the years has been stripped away -- nothing from the 2001 deluxe edition of Billion Dollar Babies, then -- and there are no new remasters of the albums, but this set isn't bare bones. The mini-LP replicas contain a few inserts carried over from the vinyl and, more importantly, those early Straight Records are present, which is good because they were out of print for a while. Not everything here is great -- he did have a rough patch in the late '70s and early '80s -- but it's all interesting, and it's especially nice to be able to get the entire catalog so easily and cheaply.

© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo


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