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Idol Lord - The Other Side (2025) [44.1kHz/24bit]


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Idol Lord - The Other Side (2025) 44.1-24
Country: USA
Genre: Stoner Rock, Desert Rock
Format: FLAC (*tracks)
Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit]
Time: 34:06
Full Size: 403.42 MB

The origins of Idol Lord began on the south bay beaches just south of Los Angeles, where the sounds of Black Flag, The Circle Jerks and RKL were as common as Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, and Black Oak Arkansas. Forged by surf, skate, punk, metal and classic rock, the members slowly started moving northward into the less densely populated area of the high desert of northern Los Angeles county.

Based out of the small, high desert community of Quartz Hill, Ca. Idol Lord has fused it's classic rock childhood, punk rock adolescence and metal adulthood into it's own unique brand of fuzzed out stoner/desert rock.
The album is saturated with a deep, heavy fuzz, and the band is very proud that this release will be featured on 12" vinyl as well as being available for streaming on all major platforms.


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