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Smoking Snakes - Danger Zone (2024) [44.1kHz/24bit]


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Smoking Snakes - Danger Zone (2024) 44.1-24
Country: Sweden
Genre: Hard Rock, Sleazy
Format: FLAC (*tracks)
Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit]
Time: 37:53
Full Size: 264.33 MB

Smoking Snakes, hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden, burst onto the scene in 2022 and quickly turned heads with their self-released debut - turning it up to 11 with their powerful old school rock blended with a modern edge. Drawing inspiration from artists such as WASP, RATT, DOKKEN and KISS, it wasn't long before the band was snapped up by heavyweight Italian label FRONTIERS who are now proud to present the bands longplayer debut 'Danger Zone', set for release in 2024.

The album was produced by Jakob Herrmann, who has worked with renowned acts such as Anthrax, In Flames, Machine Head, and cut his sleaze teeth with Hardcore Superstar, adds his signature touch to "Danger Zone.


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