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Descrizione Ordina, impila e organizza gli oggetti sistemandoli nel posto giusto in A Little to the Left, un gioco di rompicapo con un gatto birichino a cui piace movimentare le cose! - Rompicapo nascosti tra gli oggetti domestici. - La presenza di soluzioni multiple rende il design dei rompicapo intuitivo e soddisfacente. - Un rompicapo unico al giorno grazie a L'Ordine Quotidiano. - Perfetto per i giocatori occasionali appassionati di rompicapo e per gli amanti degli spazi ben organizzati e ordinati. Da quale parte devono puntare le lancette dell'orologio? Come devo sistemare le uova? Chi ha messo tutte queste etichette su questo frutto?!? Goditi un ambiente rilassante grazie a questo gioco di rompicapo basato sull'osservazione, con una sorpresa dove meno te lo aspetti. Con illustrazioni accattivanti, scenari sorprendenti e più di 75 rompicapo da scoprire, A Little to the Left è un gioco soddisfacente e curioso. Tieni d'occhio il gatto birichino che ama fare confusione! E ora è il momento di presentarti... L'Ordine Quotidiano! Con l'Ordine Quotidiano, riceverai OGNI GIORNO una nuova variante dei nostri rompicapo preferiti in esclusiva per te. E giocando otterrai anche degli stemmi divertenti! Se solo mettere in ordine fosse così soddisfacente anche nella vita reale. A Little to the Left: Vedo le stelle si basa su soluzioni multiple. Ottieni fino a 100 stelle e sfrutta la logica per elaborare vari metodi per riordinare la tua casa. Ripiega, ribalta, schiaccia, unisci, attacca, butta, impila, manipola e distruggi i nuovi oggetti interattivi presenti nel gioco. Goditi un totale di 38 nuovi livelli stratificati con soluzioni semplici, ma anche rompicapo più complessi. E potrai incontrare anche dei simpatici visitatori. Caratteristiche principali: - 33 nuovi livelli: un mix di rompicapo classici e a "soluzione multipla". - 5 livelli bonus aggiuntivi. - 100 soluzioni da scoprire. - Livelli risolvibili in un massimo di 5 modi diversi! - Oggetti interattivi da piegare, ribaltare, distruggere, unire, attaccare, buttare, impilare, manipolare e schiacciare. - Grande varietà. - Nuova colonna sonora. - Suggerimenti per TUTTE le soluzioni. - Livelli stratificati con soluzioni semplici o più impegnative. - Gatti in quantità! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download A.Little.to.the.Left.Seeing.Stars.v3.1.4 [SUB ITA]
Descrizione Stanco di sentirsi intrappolato a casa, Moka, un gatto viziato, decide di scappare e cercare avventure. Il suo viaggio prende una piega inaspettata quando il guardiano del canile minaccia le strade. Moka deve imparare a sopravvivere e ad apprezzare ciò che si è lasciato alle spalle, prima di perdere il suo migliore amico e tutto ciò che aveva. CARATTERISTICHE: - Esplora un meraviglioso mondo di acquerelli disegnati a mano. - Senti la magia dei classici del cinema d'animazione. - Scopri il potere dell'amicizia. - Vivi un viaggio emozionante. - Diventa un gatto.. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
Descrizione Promettendo il tocco Sabotage in ogni sistema, Sea of Stars mira a modernizzare il classico gioco di ruolo in termini di combattimento a turni, narrazione, esplorazione e interazioni con l'ambiente, pur offrendo una sostanziosa fetta di nostalgia e il buon vecchio, semplice divertimento. Coinvolgente combattimento a turni. Premendo il pulsante di azione in sincronia con le animazioni aumenta il danno inflitto riducendo il danno in arrivo. Oltre ai colpi a tempo, il combattimento prevede attacchi combo multi-personaggio, potenziamenti e un sistema di "blocchi" strategici che offre opzioni per giocare con diversi tipi di danno per ostacolare i nemici mentre stanno canalizzando attacchi potenti o incantesimi, il tutto in un'esperienza coinvolgente. il genere; nessun incontro casuale, nessuna transizione verso campi di battaglia separati e nessuna macinatura. Attraversamento senza catene. Nuota, arrampicati, volteggia, salta giù o issati sulle sporgenze mentre attraversi senza soluzione di continuità il mondo con un sistema di navigazione basato sull'esperienza dei platform che si libera dal classico movimento dei riquadri legati alla griglia. Illuminazione dinamica completa. La nostra pipeline di rendering personalizzata consente la creazione di un mondo mozzafiato che prende vita spingendo i limiti dei giochi pixel art 2D. Un'avventura ricca di storia. Decine di personaggi e archi narrativi originali ti porteranno in un viaggio avvincente. A volte epico, a volte sciocco e altre volte emozionante, Sea of Stars fa il suo dovere di gioco di ruolo esplorando i temi classici dell'avventura e dell'amicizia, pur essendo pieno zeppo di colpi di scena ed eventi inaspettati che ti aspetteresti da una produzione di Sabotage. Un mondo che puoi toccare. Esistono molti modi per uscire nel mondo di Sea of Stars se senti il bisogno di cambiare ritmo nelle tue avventure. Navigare, cucinare, pescare, fermarsi in una taverna per ascoltare una canzone o giocare al famigerato gioco da tavolo noto come "Wheels"... ogni sistema è stato progettato per offrire un'esperienza che rispetti i classici retrò, ripensandoli in alcune aree per offrire un'esperienza fluida e modernizzata. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Sea_of_Stars_Dawn_of_Equinox-Razor1911 [ENG]
Astral Magic - Those Who Came from the Stars (2024) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Astral Magic - Those Who Came from the Stars (2024) 48-24 Country: Finland Genre: Psychedelic Rock, Space Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 53:25 Full Size: 689.81 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylVHwXK1zT8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rlf0Iau7CEE Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/670a60248a1e5 -
Demon Head - Through Holes Shine the Stars (2024) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Demon Head - Through Holes Shine the Stars (2024) 96-24 Country: Denmark Genre: Diabolic Rock, Occult Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 46:41 Full Size: 982.21 MB Demon Head is one of those bands that manage to sound not quite like anyone else. Though hesitant to compromise the description of the music they perform through generalizing terms of genre, they've coined the term 'Diabolic Rock' as an appropriate presentation. Fans of everything from heavy metal and classic rock & punk to ambient, acoustic and alternative music will discover appealing aspects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BmHkPsN6uo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NEDfIrjBNQ Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/66ed8a7709a90 -
Descrizione Between the Stars e un gioco d'azione ambientato nello spazio, che comprende anche elementi GDR, manageriali e roguelike, mentre ti mette nei panni di un Capitano di un incrociatore stellare. La tua missione consiste nel proteggere il mondo civilizzato combattendo i Figli del Sole, la fazione che domina i mondi esterni dell'universo conosciuto. Per portare a termine la tua missione dovrai attraversare l'intera galassia, fronteggiare nuove sfide ad ogni salto, compiere scelte difficili che si rifletteranno sulla tua nave, il tuo equipaggio ed il mondo attorno a te. Migliora l'equipaggiamento della tua nave e combatti battaglie eccitanti per sopravvivere. - Prendi parte ad intense battaglie spaziali. - Usa le abilità speciali della tua nave al momento giusto per fare la differenza sul campo di battaglia. - Sblocca nuove navi attraverso gli obbiettivi. Ogni nave ha il proprio stile ed abilità speciali che la rende unica. - Scegli il tuo capitano ad ogni partita. Il capitano porta con se il suo stile di combattimento a bonus unici per la nave, ma ricorda che la morte e permanente, e se muoiono nel gioco non potrai mai piú sceglierli e verranno rimpiazzati da un nuovo capitano. - I capitani hanno aspetto e combinazioni di qualità unici. - Settori, mappe stellari, nemici e stazioni spaziali sono tutti generati proceduralmente. Nessuna partita sarà come quella precedente! - Sconfiggi i Figli del Sole completando le missioni che ti vengono assegnate dall'alto comando della flotta stellare. - Equipaggia la tua nave e migliora il tuo equipaggiamento durante il corso dell'avventura. - Recluta nuovo personale per rimpiazzare le vittime e prendi le giuste decisioni per aumentare il loro livello più rapidamente e tenere il tuo equipaggio al sicuro. - Centinaia di eventi metteranno alla prova le tue abilità e quelle del tuo equipaggio. - Le decisioni che prenderai in ogni eventi condizioneranno l'evolversi del gioco e potranno far ottenere qualità al tuo capitano. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download RUNE [ENG]
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Descrizione Infrangi le regole e supera i limiti delle corse full-contact con Wreckfest! Schianti epici, lotte testa a testa sulla linea del traguardo e nuovi modi di contorcere le lamiere. Sono gli irripetibili momenti che è possibile vivere solo in Wreckfest, grazie alla realistica simulazione della fisica realizzata dal leggendario team di sviluppo Bugbear, autori anche di FlatOut 1 e 2! Brucia battistrada e distruggi lamiere nel parco giochi definitivo per le quattro ruote! Wreckfest offre un'infinità di aggiornamenti e opzioni di personalizzazione. Che ti stia preparando per il prossimo demolition derby con paraurti rinforzati, roll-bar, listelli laterali e altro, o che la tua auto debba affrontare una gara Banger con nuovi ricambi motore come filtri dell'aria, alberi a camme, impianti di alimentazione e via discorrendo, Wreckfest si presenta come il miglior gioco di combattimento motoristico esistente al mondo. Drive hard. Die last. Esclusiva esperienza di corse Entusiasmanti corse senza regole con momenti irripetibili che possono essere ottenuti solo grazie a una realistica simulazione della fisica. Partecipa a folli testa a testa su circuiti ad alta velocità, affronta la distruzione totale su percorsi impossibili con intersezioni e traffico contrario o punta a dominare la distruzione nelle arene dei demolition derby. Auto fantastiche Le nostre auto sono vecchie, scassate e rattoppate, ma trasudano stile e personalità! Pesi massimi americani, agili europee e divertenti auto asiatiche! Non c'è niente di simile in nessun altro gioco. Personalizzazioni utili Non cambiare solo l'aspetto delle tue auto, ma potenziane anche il telaio. Rinforzale con ferro e acciaio per proteggerti dai danni e aggiungere peso, con cui influenzare la manovrabilità. Modifica la tua auto per trasformarla in un robustissimo tank o in razzo fragile ma velocissimo, o in qualsiasi cosa stia nel mezzo! Modalità carriera Combatti per i campionati, ottieni esperienza, sblocca nuovi aggiornamenti e auto, e diventa il campione di Wreckfest di tutti i tempi! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Wreckfest.Complete.Edition.v1.299949-G4U55 | 20.3GB [SUB ITA]
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Shooting Stars 1 h 56 m 2023 Dramma ◦ Storia L'ispiratrice storia delle origini di un supereroe del basket, che rivela come LeBron James e i suoi amici d'infanzia sono diventati la squadra liceale n. 1 del paese, lanciando la carriera mozzafiato di James come quattro volte campione NBA, due volte medaglia d'oro olimpica e tutto l'NBA -tempo capocannoniere. Rachel Winter Producer Terence Winter Producer Chris Robinson Director Maverick Carter Producer Jamal Henderson Producer Spencer Beighley Producer LeBron James Producer Kim Taylor-Coleman Casting Director Karsten 'Crash' Gopinath Director of Photography Lucio Seixas Production Design Victoria Hollar Makeup Artist Kristephan Warren-Stevens Makeup Artist Kristen Ploucha Unit Production Manager Jay Rogers Production Supervisor Eric Richard Lasko First Assistant Director Vince Calabrese Set Designer Amber Cover Set Dresser Erich Davis Graphic Designer Sean McCormack Supervising Sound Editor Scott Osowski Boom Operator David Padilla Supervising Dialogue Editor Jeffrey Roy ADR Mixer Marlowe Taylor Sound Mixer Sean Kachenmeister Visual Effects Editor Nate Carr Second Assistant "C" Camera Jon Cibella Lighting Technician William Clark Rigging Grip Ross Coscia "A" Camera Operator Ross Coscia Steadicam Operator Ryan Forte Camera Operator James Markham Hall Jr. Camera Operator Dan Jarrell Key Rigging Grip Joe Provenzano Assistant Camera Brendan K. Russell First Assistant Camera Rich Schutte Additional Camera Cody Walsh Electrician Mark Yancey Electrician Angela Boehm Extras Casting Shelby Cherniet Casting Associate Jada Taylor Set Costumer Leeza Diott Dailies Manager Dave Hussey Digital Intermediate Colorist Phil M. Bernstein Location Coordinator Wendall Hinkle Location Manager Tim Kanieski Location Scout Kathy Ruggeri Assistant Location Manager Ryan J. Shaw Assistant Location Manager James Cartwright Music Supervisor Sarah Schooley Script Supervisor LeBron James Book Buzz Bissinger Book Frank E. Flowers Screenplay Juel Taylor Screenplay Tony Rettenmaier Screenplay Mark Isham Original Music Composer Brayden Cross St. Vincent-St. Mary Basketball Player / Student Mookie Cook LeBron James Dermot Mulroney Keith Dambrot Wood Harris Dru Joyce II Caleb McLaughlin Dru 'Lil Dru' Joyce III Algee Smith Illya McGee Natalie Paul Gloria James Avery Serell Wills Jr. Willie McGee Scoot Henderson Romeo Travis Katlyn Nichol Savannah Brinson Khalil Everage Sian Cotton Joe Fishel News 10 Camera Man Chad L. Coleman Coach Harold Sams Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Modern Day Heroes - Stars & Skies (2024) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Modern Day Heroes - Stars & Skies (2024) 44.1-24 Country: Switzerland Genre: Alternative Rock, Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 36:31 Full Size: 442.18 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7HH5lgnR7w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hal2Fy8iu0 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6657560d0f213 -
The Mavericks - Moon & Stars (2024) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Cyndi Lauper - Hat Full Of Stars (1993)
_Goldrake_ ha pubblicato una discussione in » Album Stranieri
Cyndi Lauper - Hat Full Of Stars (1993) Artist: Cyndi Lauper Album: Hat Full Of Stars Year: 1993 Genre: Pop Format: MP3 Bitrate: 320 Kbps Total Size: 115 MB File: MUSIC1654 01. That's What I Think 02. Product of Misery 03. Who Let in the Rain 04. Lies 05. Broken Glass 06. Sally's Pigeons 07. Feels Like Christmas 08. Dear John 09. Like I Used To 10. Someone Like Me 11. A Part Hate 12. Hat Full of Stars Link unico, veloce, gratuito e senza premium [Hidden Content] -
Bonnie Tyler - Between the Earth and the Stars (2019) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Bonnie Tyler - Between the Earth and the Stars (2019) 48-24 Country: UK Genre: Pop Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 48:34 Full Size: 610.51 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_152gATW2i0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qAzXf5AAf4&list=PLqlWo0MW0TxP2D2yyNGiYFbyvN1O6Cij0 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/662a05be1e7f6 -
Trash Stars - Never Too Late for Too Much (2024) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Trash Stars - Never Too Late for Too Much (2024) 44.1-24 Genre: Heavy Metal, Sleazy Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 56:22 Full Size: 727.77 MB Argentina based rockers Trash Stars consisting of frontman Geiben, guitarist Marky, bassist Serbin and drummer Herrier have just released their debut album Never Too Late For Too Much a few days ago As if it was released in the 80's, when the rock & roll ruled the world, it's time again for some high gain distortions, phiromaniac explosive guitar solos, loud & powerful drums, catchy & party strong sing a long anthems !!! For those about to sleaze, melodic metal, 80's hair, bubblegum glam punk or simply all in one rock & roll, it's just for you !!!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTcWp5Pk6Hw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bejXuRduqmI Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/bndcylfam1o2 -
Modern Stars - Termination (2024) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Modern Stars - Termination (2024) 44.1-24 Country: Italy Genre: Neo Psychedelic Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 35:22 Full Size: 389.17 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qrtqujwmz4&list=OLAK5uy_m7xyKygXbnOsLGOprfIrSe0J7RWRnUbJM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqyxwIxk9GI&list=OLAK5uy_m7xyKygXbnOsLGOprfIrSe0J7RWRnUbJM Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/31nnzxtx2rcr -
Jerry Garcia Band - Cats Under The Stars (40th Anniversary Edition) [1978] (2017) [88.2kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Jerry Garcia Band - Cats Under The Stars (40th Anniversary Edition) [1978] (2017) 88.2-24 Country: USA Genre: Classic Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [88,2kHz/24 bit] Time: 35:23 Full Size: 704.55 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtThw9EKZ94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ6pkQ7YTXg Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/65e89a9c4c3a5 -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Sailor Moon Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Episodi 34 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Bunny è una ragazza che frequenta le scuole medie, che tramite una gatta parlante chiamata Luna scopre di essere Sailor Moon, la guerriera dell'amore e della giustizia, il cui compito è quello di rintracciare la principessa dell'antico regno lunare, Silver Millennium, e proteggere la terra dal Regno delle Tenebre. Nella sua missione Bunny verrà aiutata dalle amiche Amy, Rea, Morea e Marta, anch'esse guerriere Sailor, e dal misterioso Milord. Takuya Igarashi Series Director Kunihiko Ikuhara Series Director Kotono Mitsuishi Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (voice) Aya Hisakawa Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (voice) Michie Tomizawa Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (voice) Emi Shinohara Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice) Rica Fukami Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (voice) Toru Furuya Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Mask (voice) Keiko Han Luna (voice) Kae Araki Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon (voice) Yasuhiro Takato Artemis (voice) Episodi: 34 In onda il: 1996-03-09 1: The Flower of Nightmares Scatters! The Queen of Darkness Returns As Usagi and her friends begin high school, a mysterious force releases Queen Nehellenia from her mirror, encouraging her to take revenge on them. 1: The Flower of Nightmares Scatters! The Queen of Darkness Returns In onda il: 1996-03-09 As Usagi and her friends begin high school, a mysterious force releases Queen Nehellenia from her mirror, encouraging her to take revenge on them. In onda il: 1996-03-23 2: Saturn Awakens! The Ten Sailor Guardians Unite While Queen Nehellenia continues to exert her evil influence on the earth, the rapidly aging Hotaru re-awakens as Sailor Saturn. 2: Saturn Awakens! The Ten Sailor Guardians Unite In onda il: 1996-03-23 While Queen Nehellenia continues to exert her evil influence on the earth, the rapidly aging Hotaru re-awakens as Sailor Saturn. In onda il: 1996-04-13 3: The Cursed Mirror! Mamoru Caught in a Nightmare People all around Tokyo, including Mamoru, become entranced by mirrors. Usagi remembers a shadow she saw in Mamoru's mirror, and races off with the other soldiers to find him. 3: The Cursed Mirror! Mamoru Caught in a Nightmare In onda il: 1996-04-13 People all around Tokyo, including Mamoru, become entranced by mirrors. Usagi remembers a shadow she saw in Mamoru's mirror, and races off with the other soldiers to find him. In onda il: 1996-04-20 4: Night of Destiny! The Sailor Guardians’ Ordeals Sailor Moon is left devastated after seeing Mamoru get abducted right before her very eyes. To make matters worse, Nehelenia's action is starting to cause a time paradox, which threatens to end Chibiusa's existence. 4: Night of Destiny! The Sailor Guardians’ Ordeals In onda il: 1996-04-20 Sailor Moon is left devastated after seeing Mamoru get abducted right before her very eyes. To make matters worse, Nehelenia's action is starting to cause a time paradox, which threatens to end Chibiusa's existence. In onda il: 1996-04-27 5: For Love! The Endless Battle in the Dark World Sailor Moon runs off to save Mamoru from Nehelina alone. The rest of the Sailor Guardians try to go after her, but one by one they fall victim to Nehelina's traps. 5: For Love! The Endless Battle in the Dark World In onda il: 1996-04-27 Sailor Moon runs off to save Mamoru from Nehelina alone. The rest of the Sailor Guardians try to go after her, but one by one they fall victim to Nehelina's traps. In onda il: 1996-05-04 6: Moon Power of Love! The Nightmare Ends Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Saturn make it to Nehelinia's palace, where Mamoru is being held prisoner. But despite their best efforts, the two Guardians are unable to free him, and Sailor Chibi Moon fades from existence. 6: Moon Power of Love! The Nightmare Ends In onda il: 1996-05-04 Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Saturn make it to Nehelinia's palace, where Mamoru is being held prisoner. But despite their best efforts, the two Guardians are unable to free him, and Sailor Chibi Moon fades from existence. In onda il: 1996-05-11 7: Farewells and Encounters! The Transitioning Stars of Destiny Mamoru tells Usagi that he's accepted an offer to study abroad in the U.S., which will force them to have a long-distance relationship. Saddened at first, Usagi eventually decides to root for her boyfriend's dream and sends him off with a smile. 7: Farewells and Encounters! The Transitioning Stars of Destiny In onda il: 1996-05-11 Mamoru tells Usagi that he's accepted an offer to study abroad in the U.S., which will force them to have a long-distance relationship. Saddened at first, Usagi eventually decides to root for her boyfriend's dream and sends him off with a smile. In onda il: 1996-05-18 8: A School Storm! The Transfer Students Are Idols Usagi runs into Seiya again and is annoyed by his cocky attitude. The next day, she is surprised to find that Seiya and the rest of the Three Lights have transferred to her school. 8: A School Storm! The Transfer Students Are Idols In onda il: 1996-05-18 Usagi runs into Seiya again and is annoyed by his cocky attitude. The next day, she is surprised to find that Seiya and the rest of the Three Lights have transferred to her school. In onda il: 1996-05-25 9: Becoming an Idol! Minako’s Ambition Minako decides to work for the Three Lights as their personal assistant thinking it will help her quickly get into the entertainment industry. But Minkao soon realizes that being a star isn't all fun and glamor. 9: Becoming an Idol! Minako’s Ambition In onda il: 1996-05-25 Minako decides to work for the Three Lights as their personal assistant thinking it will help her quickly get into the entertainment industry. But Minkao soon realizes that being a star isn't all fun and glamor. In onda il: 1996-06-08 10: Fighter’s Secret Identity! The Shocking Super Transformation The Three Lights are rehearsing for their upcoming musical, which they will be starring in. But they seem to have a hard time winning the approval of the stage director, especially Seiya, who feels that he is being personally tested. 10: Fighter’s Secret Identity! The Shocking Super Transformation In onda il: 1996-06-08 The Three Lights are rehearsing for their upcoming musical, which they will be starring in. But they seem to have a hard time winning the approval of the stage director, especially Seiya, who feels that he is being personally tested. In onda il: 1996-06-15 11: A Star of Dreams and Wishes! Taiki’s Transformation Ami invited Taiki to come and watch the Wataru's Comet pass by Earth with their science teacher, Amanogawa, only to be rejected. 11: A Star of Dreams and Wishes! Taiki’s Transformation In onda il: 1996-06-15 Ami invited Taiki to come and watch the Wataru's Comet pass by Earth with their science teacher, Amanogawa, only to be rejected. In onda il: 1996-06-22 12: Luna’s Discovery! The Real Face of Yaten Yaten temporarily adopts Luna. 12: Luna’s Discovery! The Real Face of Yaten In onda il: 1996-06-22 Yaten temporarily adopts Luna. In onda il: 1996-06-29 13: Friend or Foe? Star Lights and the Sailor Guardians Taiki asks Makoto to appear on a cooking show with him. Usagi decides to tag along, but her clumsiness creates a huge mess at the TV studio. 13: Friend or Foe? Star Lights and the Sailor Guardians In onda il: 1996-06-29 Taiki asks Makoto to appear on a cooking show with him. Usagi decides to tag along, but her clumsiness creates a huge mess at the TV studio. In onda il: 1996-07-13 14: Calling of the Shining Stars! Enter Haruka and Michiru Usagi and the girls try to buy tockets to a Three Lights concert, only to learn it is already sold out. Michiru then passes by and gives them the tickets, revealing that she will be performing with the Three Lights. 14: Calling of the Shining Stars! Enter Haruka and Michiru In onda il: 1996-07-13 Usagi and the girls try to buy tockets to a Three Lights concert, only to learn it is already sold out. Michiru then passes by and gives them the tickets, revealing that she will be performing with the Three Lights. In onda il: 1996-07-20 15: Seiya and Usagi’s Heart-Pounding Date Seiya asks Usagi on a date, to which she reluctantly agrees. Sailor Iron Mouse attempts to make up for her recent failures by going after Seiya's star seed. 15: Seiya and Usagi’s Heart-Pounding Date In onda il: 1996-07-20 Seiya asks Usagi on a date, to which she reluctantly agrees. Sailor Iron Mouse attempts to make up for her recent failures by going after Seiya's star seed. In onda il: 1996-08-03 16: Invaders from Outer Space! The Coming of Siren Usagi and Lina encounters a little girl who appears to be lost. The two later return home that day and are surprised to find the same girl now living in Usagi's house as her younger sister. 16: Invaders from Outer Space! The Coming of Siren In onda il: 1996-08-03 Usagi and Lina encounters a little girl who appears to be lost. The two later return home that day and are surprised to find the same girl now living in Usagi's house as her younger sister. In onda il: 1996-08-10 17: The Screaming Dead Terror of the Camp Monster Over the summer, the girls go camping in the mountains, where they run into the Three Lights, who are there shooting for an upcoming film. 17: The Screaming Dead Terror of the Camp Monster In onda il: 1996-08-10 Over the summer, the girls go camping in the mountains, where they run into the Three Lights, who are there shooting for an upcoming film. In onda il: 1996-08-17 18: A Night Alone Together! Usagi In Danger When Usagi is home alone, she invites Seiya over. The other Senshi and some surprise visitors show up as well! 18: A Night Alone Together! Usagi In Danger In onda il: 1996-08-17 When Usagi is home alone, she invites Seiya over. The other Senshi and some surprise visitors show up as well! In onda il: 1996-08-31 19: Taiki’s Song Filled With Passion and Faith Taiki begins to question if their activity as the Three Lights is really helping with their goal of finding their missing princess. His frustration continues to grow, to the point where he no longer feels like singing. 19: Taiki’s Song Filled With Passion and Faith In onda il: 1996-08-31 Taiki begins to question if their activity as the Three Lights is really helping with their goal of finding their missing princess. His frustration continues to grow, to the point where he no longer feels like singing. In onda il: 1996-09-07 20: Chibi-chibi’s Mystery! the Big Noisy Chase Lately, Chibi-Chibi has been coming home with a lot of snacks. Curious to know where she's been getting all the snacks from, Usagi and the girls decide to follow Chibi-Chibi around for the day. 20: Chibi-chibi’s Mystery! the Big Noisy Chase In onda il: 1996-09-07 Lately, Chibi-Chibi has been coming home with a lot of snacks. Curious to know where she's been getting all the snacks from, Usagi and the girls decide to follow Chibi-Chibi around for the day. In onda il: 1996-09-14 21: The Shining Power of a Star! Chibi-chibi’s Transformation Usagi finds herself teamed up with Seiya for the annual school softball tournament. To make matters worse, Isagi becomes a target of Seiya's fans, who think she is hitting on him. 21: The Shining Power of a Star! Chibi-chibi’s Transformation In onda il: 1996-09-14 Usagi finds herself teamed up with Seiya for the annual school softball tournament. To make matters worse, Isagi becomes a target of Seiya's fans, who think she is hitting on him. In onda il: 1996-09-21 22: Invitation to Terror! Usagi’s Night Flight Sailor Aluminum Siren learns that Usagi is Sailor Moon. Using this knowledge, she sets a trap on a plane where the Three Lights are holding an in-flight event in order to get Usagi's attention. 22: Invitation to Terror! Usagi’s Night Flight In onda il: 1996-09-21 Sailor Aluminum Siren learns that Usagi is Sailor Moon. Using this knowledge, she sets a trap on a plane where the Three Lights are holding an in-flight event in order to get Usagi's attention. In onda il: 1996-10-19 23: Duty or Friendship? Conflict Between the Sailor Guardians The Inner Senshi and the Starlights learn each others real identities, but distrust each other, Usagi and Seiya try to bring both groups together. 23: Duty or Friendship? Conflict Between the Sailor Guardians In onda il: 1996-10-19 The Inner Senshi and the Starlights learn each others real identities, but distrust each other, Usagi and Seiya try to bring both groups together. In onda il: 1996-10-26 24: Truth Revealed! the Star Lights’ Past Seiya and Usagi try to stay together after the Outer Senshi and the other two Starlights forbid them from seeing each other. 24: Truth Revealed! the Star Lights’ Past In onda il: 1996-10-26 Seiya and Usagi try to stay together after the Outer Senshi and the other two Starlights forbid them from seeing each other. In onda il: 1996-11-09 25: Butterflies of Light! a New Chapter on the Horizon Ami and the others try to clear up the misunderstanding the Three Lights have about Usagi but are unable to get in touch with them. As a last resort, the girls decide to enter a video game tournament where the winner gets a chance to speak with Taiki. 25: Butterflies of Light! a New Chapter on the Horizon In onda il: 1996-11-09 Ami and the others try to clear up the misunderstanding the Three Lights have about Usagi but are unable to get in touch with them. As a last resort, the girls decide to enter a video game tournament where the winner gets a chance to speak with Taiki. In onda il: 1996-11-16 26: Go for Your Dream! Minako Becomes an Idol Minako is close to realizing her lifelong dream of become an idol after making it to the final round of auditions in a talent-search contest. But Minako is now thinking of turning down the offer, as she cannot ignore her duty as a Sailor Guardian. 26: Go for Your Dream! Minako Becomes an Idol In onda il: 1996-11-16 Minako is close to realizing her lifelong dream of become an idol after making it to the final round of auditions in a talent-search contest. But Minako is now thinking of turning down the offer, as she cannot ignore her duty as a Sailor Guardian. In onda il: 1996-11-30 27: The Stolen Silver Crystal! Princess Kakyu Appears Usagi and her classmates are all busy preparing for the upcoming Juban School Festival. Meanwhile, Sailor Lead Crow finds a note left behind by her deceased friend Sailor Aluminum Siren that contains information on Sailor Moon's true identity. 27: The Stolen Silver Crystal! Princess Kakyu Appears In onda il: 1996-11-30 Usagi and her classmates are all busy preparing for the upcoming Juban School Festival. Meanwhile, Sailor Lead Crow finds a note left behind by her deceased friend Sailor Aluminum Siren that contains information on Sailor Moon's true identity. In onda il: 1996-12-07 28: Crusade for the Galaxy! Legend of The Sailor Wars Princess Kakyu, the missing princess whom the Star Lights have long been searching for, finally appears before the Sailor Guardians. Princess Kakyu explains that she has come to Earth in search of the Light of Hope. 28: Crusade for the Galaxy! Legend of The Sailor Wars In onda il: 1996-12-07 Princess Kakyu, the missing princess whom the Star Lights have long been searching for, finally appears before the Sailor Guardians. Princess Kakyu explains that she has come to Earth in search of the Light of Hope. In onda il: 1996-12-14 29: Princess Kakyu Perishes! Advent of Galaxia Usagi finally confesses to Rei that she has been unable to get in touch with Mamoru for the past several months. Meanwhile, the Three Lights publicly announce their intention to disband their group. 29: Princess Kakyu Perishes! Advent of Galaxia In onda il: 1996-12-14 Usagi finally confesses to Rei that she has been unable to get in touch with Mamoru for the past several months. Meanwhile, the Three Lights publicly announce their intention to disband their group. In onda il: 1997-01-11 30: Countdown to Destruction! the Sailor Guardians’ Last Battle Princess Kakyu perishes after being defeated by Galaxia. Devastated, the Sailor Star Lights go after Galaxia to avenge their fallen princess. Meanwhile, Sailor Moon and the rest of the Guardians also prepare for their battle to protect the galaxy. 30: Countdown to Destruction! the Sailor Guardians’ Last Battle In onda il: 1997-01-11 Princess Kakyu perishes after being defeated by Galaxia. Devastated, the Sailor Star Lights go after Galaxia to avenge their fallen princess. Meanwhile, Sailor Moon and the rest of the Guardians also prepare for their battle to protect the galaxy. In onda il: 1997-01-18 31: Ruler of the Galaxy! The Menace of Galaxia Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus lose their star seeds after shielding Sailor Moon and the Star Lights from Galaxia's attack. The four Outer Guardians entrust Sailor Moon to the Star Lights while they try to stop Galaxia. 31: Ruler of the Galaxy! The Menace of Galaxia In onda il: 1997-01-18 Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus lose their star seeds after shielding Sailor Moon and the Star Lights from Galaxia's attack. The four Outer Guardians entrust Sailor Moon to the Star Lights while they try to stop Galaxia. In onda il: 1997-01-25 32: Dying Stars! Uranus and Neptune’s Last Stand Uranus and Neptune have turned against the Sailor Guardians by swearing allegiance to Galaxia. Despite Sailor Moon's desperate plea, the two continue their attack, forcing Sailor Moon and the Star Lights to retreat. 32: Dying Stars! Uranus and Neptune’s Last Stand In onda il: 1997-01-25 Uranus and Neptune have turned against the Sailor Guardians by swearing allegiance to Galaxia. Despite Sailor Moon's desperate plea, the two continue their attack, forcing Sailor Moon and the Star Lights to retreat. In onda il: 1997-02-01 33: The Light of Hope! The Final Battle for the Galaxy Galaxia is revealed to be the Legendary Sailor Guardian who sealed away Chaos long ago. However, she has since become corrupt and has gone to conquer the galaxy herself. 33: The Light of Hope! The Final Battle for the Galaxy In onda il: 1997-02-01 Galaxia is revealed to be the Legendary Sailor Guardian who sealed away Chaos long ago. However, she has since become corrupt and has gone to conquer the galaxy herself. In onda il: 1997-02-08 34: Usagi’s Love! The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy As Galaxia closes in to take Sailor Moon's star seed, the Light of Hope finally reveals itself. Turning into a sword, the Light of Hope begs Usagi to use its power to stop Galaxia, who is now fully consumed by Chaos. 34: Usagi’s Love! The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy In onda il: 1997-02-08 As Galaxia closes in to take Sailor Moon's star seed, the Light of Hope finally reveals itself. Turning into a sword, the Light of Hope begs Usagi to use its power to stop Galaxia, who is now fully consumed by Chaos. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Sfondamento dei cieli Gurren Lagann - The Movie 02 - The Lights in the Sky Are Stars 2 h 10 m 2009 Azione ◦ Fantascienza ◦ Animazione ◦ Avventura Sette anni dopo la sconfitta del re spirale, Simon e la brigata Dai-Gurren devono viaggiare verso la vastità dello spazio per sconfiggere una nuova minaccia e salvare l'universo. Taku Iwasaki Music Hiroyuki Imaishi Director Hiroyuki Imaishi Animation Director Hiroyuki Imaishi Key Animation Hiroyuki Imaishi Storyboard Artist Atsushi Nishigori Animation Director Atsushi Nishigori Key Animation Yuka Hirama Art Direction Toyonori Yamada Director of Photography Toru Nakano Sound Director Kazuki Nakashima Screenplay Kazuki Nakashima Writer Kazuki Nakashima Creator Kazuki Nakashima Original Film Writer Yoh Yoshinari Key Animation Toshiya Shinohara Director Harumi Takahoshi Color Designer Hiroshi Yamaguchi Screenplay Tooru Yoshida Director Yoshihiko Umakoshi Key Animation Masahiko Otsuka Director Masahiko Otsuka Assistant Director Ikuo Kuwana Key Animation Yusuke Yoshigaki Key Animation Akemi Hayashi Key Animation Yorifusa Yamaguchi Director Kenichi Yoshida Key Animation Sushio Key Animation Tadashi Hiramatsu Key Animation Hiroki Mutaguchi Key Animation Ryuichi Kimura Director Shingo Natsume Key Animation Shouji Saeki Director Ryoji Masuyama Key Animation Akira Amemiya Key Animation Ayumu Kotake Director Yuka Shibata Key Animation Satoshi Yamaguchi Key Animation Shouko Nakamura Key Animation Hironori Tanaka Key Animation Yutaka Uemura Director Kurasumi Sunayama Screenplay Hitomi Hasegawa Key Animation Chikashi Kubota Key Animation Hiroshi Ikehata Director Yasuhiro Geshi Director Hiromi Wakabayashi Co-Producer Hiroyasu Oda Key Animation Katsuichi Nakayama Director Katsuzo Hirata Key Animation Shoko Nishigaki Key Animation Hirokazu Kojima Key Animation Takashi Mukouda Key Animation Yasuhiro Takeda Producer Itsuki Imazaki Key Animation Kouichi Motomura Key Animation Keisuke Watanabe Key Animation Nozomi Goto Key Animation Fumiaki Kouta Key Animation Shingo Abe Key Animation Tetsuya Kakihara Simon (voice) Yukari Fukui Nia Teppelin (voice) Marina Inoue Yoko Littner (voice) Katsuyuki Konishi Kamina (voice) Masaya Onosaka Leeron Littner (voice) Mitsuki Saiga Rossiu Adai (voice) Nobuyuki Hiyama Viral (voice) Shizuka Itoh Boota (voice) / Darry Adai (voice) Takako Honda Darry Adai (voice) / Leite Jokin (voice) Kisho Taniyama Kittan Bachika (voice) Rina Sato Kiyoh Bachika (voice) Kana Ueda Kinon Bachika (voice) Kana Asumi Kiyal Bachika (voice) Takaya Kamikawa Anti-Spiral (voice) Narushi Ikeda Lordgenome (voice) Nobuyuki Hiyama Old Coco (voice) Daisuke Kirii Attenborough Cortich (voice) / Iraak Coega (voice) Takafumi Kawakami Zoushi Kanai (voice) Gou Shinomiya Gabal Docker (voice) / Jorgun Bakusa (voice) Takashi Kondo Kid Coega (voice) Takahiro Mizushima Tetsukan Littner Kouzou Douzaka Balinbow Bakusa (voice) Katsuyuki Konishi Makken Jokin (voice) Haruhi Nanao Cybela Kuto (voice) Takahiro Mizushima Guinble Kaito (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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Blackfield - An Accident Of Stars : 2004 - 2017 (Reissue) (2023) [Blu-ray Audio]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Blackfield - An Accident Of Stars : 2004 - 2017 (Reissue) (2023) [Blu-ray Audio] Label: Kscope Country: UK Genre: Progressive Rock Quality: Blu-ray Audio Audio: English / DTS Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 96 kHz / 6955 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit) Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit Time: 01:22:08 + 00:44:06 + 00:31:26 + 00:39:32 + 00:42:34 + 00:37:27 + 00:18:51 Full Size: 40.09 GB Friendship & brotherhood are at the core of Blackfield. The duo comprised of Aviv Geffen & Steven Wilson has worked together intermittently across 22 years, going back to 2000, with the entirety of its output through 2017 captured on 'An Accident Of Stars: 2004 - 2017'. Kscope are now delighted to present, for the first time, this run of albums from 2004 - 2017. Collected together & housed in a deluxe book-set, with a 64-page book at the centre, detailing the beginnings & inner workings of their journey through interviews with both Steven & Aviv. Included within are the first five albums as well as a bonus disc of the band's previously unreleased incredible show at Paradiso, Amsterdam from 2011 ('Live DNA'). In addition, a newly produced Blu-ray is featured which has 'Blackfield', 'Blackfield II' & 'Welcome To My DNA' in 24bit 44.1kHz format, 'Blackfield IV' & 'Blackfield V' in 5.1 Surround Sound & High Resolution 24-bit Stereo as well as the full 'Live In N.Y.' show as a visual concert with 5.1 Surround Sound & High Resolution 24-bit Stereo. The bands' promo videos from this period are also included. An Accident Of Stars : 2004 - 2017 Setlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxzxNImqllk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpeOEVVnHX8&list=PLiN-7mukU_RGMR6dGIThDUswB1izDDaYc&index http://fs5.directupload.net/images/161013/fgubkvif.gif https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6543c741a0a2e-
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Descrizione Scopri segreti a lungo dimenticati e percorsi nascosti in questo mondo di fantasia caratterizzato da battaglie esaltanti, mappe interconnesse ricche di luoghi da esplorare e una storia coinvolgente che muterà secondo le tue scelte. Vesti i panni di Hilda, una giovane e valorosa guerriera della legione di Northwind che intraprende un viaggio verso la città maledetta nel tentativo di salvare suo padre.Gli elementi di gameplay ispirati ai giochi soulslike uniti a un sistema di combattimento più leggero e dinamico creano una nuova interpretazione dei moderni GdR d'azione, offrendo un livello di difficoltà bilanciato e un'esplorazione perfettamente equilibrata. Caratteristiche: - Esplora la grandiosa città di Aphes, ispirata allo stile della Grecia classica, e svela la verità sulla maledizione che la opprime. - Combina e cambia le tue armi sul momento. Equipaggia due differenti tipi di armi alla volta e sii imprevedibile in battaglia. - Affronta oltre 60 nemici diversi e sconfiggi 22 boss nella storia principale e nelle missioni secondarie. - Decidi il destino di Aphes. Ogni decisione presa in Asterigos influenza e altera il corso della storia. - Trova oltre 100 oggetti collezionabili, completa numerose missioni secondarie e forgia il tuo destino nella modalità Nuova partita+. Esplora le vie di Aphes Ti diamo il benvenuto ad Aphes, una città-stato ricca di magia e meraviglie ispirata allo stile dell'antica Roma e della Grecia classica. Dalle nebbiose vie del bazaar alle tetre fognature, da boschi fitti di mistero a periferie e abissi profondissimi ricchi di cristalli splendenti... I paesaggi di Aphes sono tanto suggestivi quanto pericolosi. Decidi il tuo stile di combattimento Scegli sul momento tra una vasta gamma di armi a distanza e da mischia e combinale a tuo piacimento! Il sistema dei talenti ti consente di scegliere ed espandere il tuo stile di combattimento selezionando due tra sei armi completamente differenti: spada e scudo, lame doppie, lancia, martello, bastone e persino bracciali magici. Equipaggia un bastone magico per annientare gli avversari da lontano o brandisci un colossale martello da guerra per ridurli in poltiglia in un combattimento ravvicinato. Affronta una miriade di nemici complessi Sebbene Aphes possa distrarre con i suoi panorami mozzafiato, questa città non è per i deboli di cuore. Fatti strada tra 60 diversi tipi di mostri e affronta 22 boss esclusivi, ciascuno con le sue meccaniche di combattimento uniche. Immergiti nella storia Ogni scelta e ogni decisione influenzeranno la storia. Il viaggio ad Aphes ti aiuterà a svelare la verità che si cela dietro la maledizione che opprime la città e a ricomporre la sua storia attraverso conversazioni, documenti riportati alla luce e cinematiche, nonché lo stesso taccuino di Hilda, che lei aggiornerà con schizzi e osservazioni. Costruisci il tuo retaggio Il mondo di Asterigos è fitto di segreti e storie mai raccontate. Trova oltre 100 oggetti collezionabili, completa numerose missioni secondarie e costruisci il tuo retaggio nella modalità Nuova partita+! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Asterigos.Curse.of.the.Stars.Anniversary-RUNE [SUB ITA]
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Fish - Clutching At Stars Live in The USA 2008 (2023) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
- [48khz/24bit]
- (2023)
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Metalite - Disciples of the Stars (2023) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
- [44.1khz/24bit]
- (2023)
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Blackfield - An Accident Of Stars 2004-2017 [6CD] (2023) [FLAC]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Blackfield - An Accident Of Stars 2004-2017 [6CD] (2023) [FLAC] Country: UK Genre: Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless Time: 04:43:17 Full Size: 1.71 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxzxNImqllk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tazFKXUfvpA&list=PLQXRGwlG5TrbZf0s8jg6qUwyrCmiltnk0&index=3 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/647f53f3de177 -
Blackfield - An Accident Of Stars 2004-2017 [6CD] (2023) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Blackfield - An Accident Of Stars 2004-2017 [6CD] (2023) [Hi-Res] Country: UK Genre: Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48-96kHz/24bit] Time: 04:36:34 Full Size: 3.65 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxzxNImqllk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpeOEVVnHX8&list=PLiN-7mukU_RGMR6dGIThDUswB1izDDaYc&index=6 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/647f53f3de177-
- [48khz/24bit]
- (2023)
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Yes - Cut From The Stars (2023) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
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The Hollywood Stars - Still Around [EP] (2023) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
The Hollywood Stars - Still Around [EP] (2023) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 14:07 Full Size: 193.74 MB The Hollywood Stars have released their new EP Still Around via Golden Robot Records. Born from the '70s Hollywood rock scene, The Hollywood Stars have re-established themselves with their four track EP. The previously unheard title track "Still Around" is a high energy song that captures the bands longevity and passion for rock 'n' roll. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJvyeLH8Ono Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/si7mud9r3wkt