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Trovato 23 risultati

  1. Descrizione Governa il reame fantasy dei tuoi sogni in Age of Wonders 4! Esplora magici mondi tutti nuovi nel celeberrimo mix di strategia 4X e combattimento tattico a turni di Age of Wonders. Controlla una fazione che cresce e si evolve mentre espandi il tuo impero a ogni turno. La pluripremiata serie strategica di Triumph Studios è entrata in una nuova era, portando l'iconica fondazione di imperi, il gioco di ruolo e gli scontri al livello successivo. Il nuovo sistema, incentrato sugli eventi narrativi e sulla personalizzazione del regno, offre un'esperienza rigiocabile all'infinito, in cui ogni partita aggiunge un nuovo capitolo alla tua saga in continua espansione. I potenti Re stregoni sono tornati nei reami per governare come divinità tra i mortali. Trova e domina i Tomi magici per far evolvere il tuo popolo e preparati a un'epica battaglia che determinerà le ere a venire. Crea l'impero dei tuoi sogni: - Plasma i tuoi seguaci combinando forme corporee, tratti sociali e poteri arcani. Sbizzarrisciti: preferisci un clan di halfling cannibali? O mistici elfi lunari? Troverai tutti gli archetipi fantasy più amati. - Cerca potenti tomi magici per incantare i tuoi eserciti e far evolvere il popolo! Noterai che le persone si trasformano fisicamente in esseri angelici o in araldi del caos per affrontare i nemici. - Cerca la gloria attraverso il dominio brutale, astute alleanze o la conoscenza arcana suprema, e ricama la tua leggenda nel tessuto del regno! Strategia e gioco di ruolo uniti come mai prima d'ora: - Ogni scelta apre nuove possibilità e vantaggi tattici. Le strategie, sfaccettate e onnicomprensive, consentono di provare tattiche inedite o testare nuovi poteri a ogni turno. - Le battaglie tattiche a turni danno vita ai tuoi eserciti, mostrando la loro potenza in un'ambientazione plasmata dalle tue decisioni. Dalle schermaglie con mostri vaganti ai prolungati assedi con decine di unità per parte, con un sistema basato sulla moralità e altre funzionalità, ogni battaglia porta con sé una nuova sfida. - Un'incredibile varietà di imperi, unità e ambientazioni garantisce una rigiocabilità infinita. È di gran lunga l'Age of Wonders più moddabile e ampliabile della serie. Lascia il segno in un mondo vasto e reattivo: - Esplora un nuovo reame a ogni partita, oppure creane uno tuo! Sfida nuove varianti e combinazioni di ambientazioni e funzionalità, da lande gelide desolate governate da regine del ghiaccio a rovine sperdute dove si aggirano draghi. - Un nuovo sistema di eventi offre livelli di narrazione mai raggiunti prima dai giochi 4X. Vedrai le tue decisioni plasmare ciò che ti circonda, dal prosperare delle città allo schieramento degli eserciti, fino agli incantesimi in grado di sconvolgere il mondo. - Guida il tuo impero verso la grandezza, ma la storia non finisce con una vittoria o una sconfitta! Potrai far ascendere i sovrani in un pantheon di gioco, e sbloccare vari modi per personalizzare ulteriormente la tua esperienza. Incontrerai le tue stesse creazioni nelle partite successive, sia come potenziali rivali che in qualità di alleati, e vivrai il prossimo capitolo della tua storia! Ways of War DLC: Raggiungi la perfezione in battaglia con Age of Wonders 4: Ways of War. Abbraccia la cultura delle Spade giurate e dedicati al loro codice del guerriero. Schiera monaci disciplinati e assassini oscuri. Indaga su eventi misteriosi che vedono i tuoi compagni Godir sostituiti da demoni e draghi. Guida due nuove forme per le tue fazioni: gli imponenti Ogrekin o i forti Simiiformi. Questo pacchetto di contenuti contiene una nuova cultura, nuovi tomi, nuove unità di fauna selvatica e un nuovo tipo di catena di eventi narrativi. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Age.of.Wonders.4.Ways.of.War-RUNE [ENG]
  2. Primal Scream - Come Ahead (2024) 44.1-24 Country: UK Genre: Alternative Rock, Indie Electronic Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:22:45 Full Size: 1.02 GB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  3. Edoardo Castellano - Primal Instinct (2023) 48-24 Country: Italy Genre: Instrumental Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 42:54 Full Size: 531.92 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  4. Primal Fear - I Will Be Gone [EP] (2021) 44.1-24 Country: Germany Genre: Heavy Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 20:27 Full Size: 258.97 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  5. Primal Fear - Metal Commando (2020) 44.1-24 Country: Germany Genre: Heavy Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 56:58 Full Size: 697.71 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  6. Primal Fear - Code Red (2023) 44.1-24 Country: Germany Genre: Heavy Metal, Power metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 57:51 Full Size: 728.37 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
  7. Descrizione Il premiato franchise di Far Cry, dopo aver visitato i tropici e l'Himalaya, si avventura nella lotta per la sopravvivenza agli albori dell'umanità, con il suo innovativo sistema di gioco in un mondo liberamente esplorabile, belve gigantesche, paesaggi mozzafiato e imprevedibili incontri nella natura selvaggia. Benvenuto nell'età della pietra, dove il pericolo è estremo e le avventure non conoscono limiti. Un'era durante la quale enormi mammut e smilodonti dominavano la Terra, mentre gli esseri umani erano in fondo alla catena alimentare. Nei panni dell'ultimo superstite di un gruppo di cacciatori, dovrai imparare a fabbricare un arsenale letale, respingere i feroci predatori e battere le tribù nemiche, conquistando le terre di Oros e diventando il predatore assoluto. CARATTERISTICHE: - L'ETÀ DELLA PIETRA SECONDO FAR CRY: la ricca ambientazione dell'età della pietra regala uno scenario imprevedibile, traboccante di pericoli e di storie incredibili, in pratica tutti gli elementi che hanno contribuito alla fama di Far Cry. - SCONGIURA L'ESTINZIONE: gioca nei panni di Takkar, esperto cacciatore e ultimo superstite del suo gruppo. L'obiettivo è uno solo: sopravvivere in un mondo in cui gli umani sono prede. - UN MONDO MAESTOSO CON UNA FAUNA FEROCE E SELVAGGIA: siamo agli albori dell'umanità, quando le tigri dai denti a sciabola dominavano il mondo, i mammut regnavano incontrastati e branchi di enormi alci popolavano le pianure. Scopri queste e altre temibili creature nel selvaggio mondo esplorabile di Oros, nelle foreste rosse, nell'inospitale taiga, tra le gelide montagne e nelle umide paludi. Per rendere l'esperienza più coinvolgente, tutti i dialoghi sono in una lingua primitiva ispirata al protoindoeuropeo, la lingua parlata dai nostri antenati 12.000 anni fa. I sottotitoli sono in italiano. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download CPY |SUB ITA|
  8. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Primal Stagione 2    Episodi 10         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma Un uomo delle caverne crea un legame con un dinosauro mentre lotta per sopravvivere in un mondo ostile. Genndy Tartakovsky Director Karie Gina Pham Casting Aaron LaPlante Spear (voice) Episodi: 10  In onda il: 2022-07-22 1: Sea of Despair Spear and Fang venture into the unknown to rescue Mira from her captors. 1: Sea of Despair In onda il: 2022-07-22 Spear and Fang venture into the unknown to rescue Mira from her captors. In onda il: 2022-07-22 2: Shadow of Fate Spear and Fang get separated in a strange new land. 2: Shadow of Fate In onda il: 2022-07-22 Spear and Fang get separated in a strange new land. In onda il: 2022-07-29 3: Dawn of Man The quest to find Mira leads Spear and Fang to the village of fearsome warriors. 3: Dawn of Man In onda il: 2022-07-29 The quest to find Mira leads Spear and Fang to the village of fearsome warriors. In onda il: 2022-08-05 4: The Red Mist Spear and Fang fight to save Mira from the warrior clan who enslaved her. 4: The Red Mist In onda il: 2022-08-05 Spear and Fang fight to save Mira from the warrior clan who enslaved her. In onda il: 2022-08-12 5: The Primal Theory A night of horrors reveals the true nature of man's origin. 5: The Primal Theory In onda il: 2022-08-12 A night of horrors reveals the true nature of man's origin. In onda il: 2022-08-19 6: Vidarr Spear, Fang, and Mira are hunted by the last survivors of a village decimated by their carnage. 6: Vidarr In onda il: 2022-08-19 Spear, Fang, and Mira are hunted by the last survivors of a village decimated by their carnage. In onda il: 2022-08-26 7: The Colossaeus (1) Spear, Fang, and Mira's journey home is threatened after encountering a mysterious threat at sea. 7: The Colossaeus (1) In onda il: 2022-08-26 Spear, Fang, and Mira's journey home is threatened after encountering a mysterious threat at sea. In onda il: 2022-09-02 8: The Colossaeus (2) Spear and Fang are used as instruments of war for the tyrannical Queen of a formidable warship, the Colossaeus. 8: The Colossaeus (2) In onda il: 2022-09-02 Spear and Fang are used as instruments of war for the tyrannical Queen of a formidable warship, the Colossaeus. In onda il: 2022-09-09 9: The Colossaeus (3) Spear, Fang and Mira lead a daring escape from the Colossaeus and the Queen bent on their destruction. 9: The Colossaeus (3) In onda il: 2022-09-09 Spear, Fang and Mira lead a daring escape from the Colossaeus and the Queen bent on their destruction. In onda il: 2022-09-16 10: Echoes of Eternity An old vengeance returns to wreak havoc. 10: Echoes of Eternity In onda il: 2022-09-16 An old vengeance returns to wreak havoc. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  9. Primal Scream - Live Glastounbury Festival (2022) HD 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Swastika Eyes 02 - Skull X 03 - Pills 04 - Exterminator 05 - Deep Hit of Morning Sun (dedicated to Mark Lanegan) 06 - English Town 07 - Beautiful Future 08 - Jailbird 09 - Come Together 10 - Loaded 11 - Movin' On Up 12 - Country Girl 13 - Rocks Info: Genre: Alternative Rock Quality: WEB-DL | 1080p Format: MKV | 10.0Mbps Length: 01:21:00 | 5.78Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: AAC | 128kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Download:,, pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  10. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Primal Stagione 1    Episodi 10         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma Un uomo delle caverne crea un legame con un dinosauro mentre lotta per sopravvivere in un mondo ostile. Genndy Tartakovsky Director Karie Gina Pham Casting Aaron LaPlante Spear (voice) Episodi: 10  In onda il: 2019-10-08 1: Spear and Fang Tragedy forces a caveman and a dinosaur to rely upon each other for their survival. 1: Spear and Fang In onda il: 2019-10-08 Tragedy forces a caveman and a dinosaur to rely upon each other for their survival. In onda il: 2019-10-09 2: River of Snakes Man and beast are challenged to find a way to exist together. 2: River of Snakes In onda il: 2019-10-09 Man and beast are challenged to find a way to exist together. In onda il: 2019-10-10 3: A Cold Death In the harshness of the primordial winter a herd of woolly mammoths hunt for the murderers of one of their own. 3: A Cold Death In onda il: 2019-10-10 In the harshness of the primordial winter a herd of woolly mammoths hunt for the murderers of one of their own. In onda il: 2019-10-11 4: Terror Under the Blood Moon The horrors of the red night challenges Spear and Fang for their very survival. 4: Terror Under the Blood Moon In onda il: 2019-10-11 The horrors of the red night challenges Spear and Fang for their very survival. In onda il: 2019-10-12 5: Rage of the Ape-Men An oasis of peace only leads to a brutal attack from a vicious tribe of ape-like men. 5: Rage of the Ape-Men In onda il: 2019-10-12 An oasis of peace only leads to a brutal attack from a vicious tribe of ape-like men. In onda il: 2020-04-01 6: Plague of Madness A relentless dinosaur infected with a terrifying disease pursues Spear and Fang. 6: Plague of Madness In onda il: 2020-04-01 A relentless dinosaur infected with a terrifying disease pursues Spear and Fang. In onda il: 2020-10-04 7: Scent of Prey Spear struggles to nurse Fang back to health and escape the scavengers of the primordial world. 7: Scent of Prey In onda il: 2020-10-04 Spear struggles to nurse Fang back to health and escape the scavengers of the primordial world. In onda il: 2020-10-18 8: Coven of the Damned A tribe of mysterious, primitive women seek to further their coven by using dark magic on Spear and Fang. 8: Coven of the Damned In onda il: 2020-10-18 A tribe of mysterious, primitive women seek to further their coven by using dark magic on Spear and Fang. In onda il: 2020-10-25 9: The Night Feeder A horrific unseen terror stalks the night as well as our heroes, Spear and Fang. 9: The Night Feeder In onda il: 2020-10-25 A horrific unseen terror stalks the night as well as our heroes, Spear and Fang. In onda il: 2020-11-01 10: Slave of the Scorpion Spear and Fang are confronted by a far more developed human than they've ever encountered before. 10: Slave of the Scorpion In onda il: 2020-11-01 Spear and Fang are confronted by a far more developed human than they've ever encountered before. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  11. Primal USA, 2019 Genere: Azione durata 97' Regia di Nick Powell Con Nicolas Cage, Famke Janssen, Kevin Durand, Michael Imperioli, LaMonica Garrett, Tommy Walker, Braulio Castillo hijo, Rey Hernandez... Frank Walsh, un cacciatore e collezionista di animali rari ed esotici, riesce a catturare un inestimabile giaguaro bianco, da rivendere a uno zoo dietro lauta ricompensa. Le cose però non vanno come dovrebbero: la nave che trasporta l'animale ospita anche un assassino politico che sta per essere estradato negli Stati Uniti. Liberatosi, l'uomo apre anche la gabbia del giaguaro costringendo Frank a una nuova imprevedibile caccia tra gli angusti corridoi dell'imbarcazione.
  12. Primal USA, 2019 Genere: Azione durata 97' Regia di Nick Powell Con Nicolas Cage, Famke Janssen, Kevin Durand, Michael Imperioli, LaMonica Garrett, Tommy Walker, Braulio Castillo hijo, Rey Hernandez... Frank Walsh, un cacciatore e collezionista di animali rari ed esotici, riesce a catturare un inestimabile giaguaro bianco, da rivendere a uno zoo dietro lauta ricompensa. Le cose però non vanno come dovrebbero: la nave che trasporta l'animale ospita anche un assassino politico che sta per essere estradato negli Stati Uniti. Liberatosi, l'uomo apre anche la gabbia del giaguaro costringendo Frank a una nuova imprevedibile caccia tra gli angusti corridoi dell'imbarcazione.
  13. Sert-X

    Primal (2019) Streaming

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Primal 1 h 37 m    2019         Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Thriller Frank Walsh, un cacciatore e collezionista di animali rari ed esotici, riesce a catturare un inestimabile giaguaro bianco, da rivendere a uno zoo dietro lauta ricompensa. Le cose però non vanno come dovrebbero: la nave che trasporta l'animale ospita anche un assassino politico che sta per essere estradato negli Stati Uniti. Liberatosi, l'uomo apre anche la gabbia del giaguaro costringendo Frank a una nuova imprevedibile caccia tra gli angusti corridoi dell'imbarcazione... Nancy Nayor Casting Walter Josten Executive Producer Kirk Shaw Producer Kirk Shaw Executive Producer Daniel Grodnik Producer Vanessa López Associate Producer Randy Charach Executive Producer Cyril Megret Executive Producer Michael Sirow Executive Producer Richard Leder Writer Luillo Ruiz Producer Patricia Alonso Casting Bobby Ranghelov Producer Bobby Ranghelov Line Producer Raúl Marchand Sánchez Editor Geronimo Mercado Additional Music Coraly Santaliz Script Supervisor Guillaume Roussel Music Jeff Bowler Producer David Kitchens Foley Artist Christine Aquino Hair Department Head Luis A. Jurado Transportation Captain Josiuan Rojas Transportation Coordinator Antonio Betancourt Sound Mixer Nick Powell Director Brandon Powers Co-Executive Producer Francisco 'Panchi' López-Franco Set Dresser Francisco Cueto Post Production Supervisor Carlos Zayas Camera Operator Laura Magruder Still Photographer Ali Lammari Key Costumer Alfredo Melendez Second Assistant "B" Camera Raphy Molinary Camera Operator Gabriel Padilla Gaffer Tara Finegan Executive Producer Sean Gray Sound Effects Editor Vern Nobles Director of Photography Patrick Christensen ADR Mixer Jesse Evans Steadicam Operator Jesse Evans "A" Camera Operator Pamela Warden Makeup & Hair David Rogers Executive Producer Ybelka Hurtado Makeup Artist Arturo Melero Best Boy Electric Su-Jeng Sang Drone Operator Brian O'Shea Executive Producer Luis Raúl Alcocer Stunt Coordinator Javier E. Pérez First Assistant Director Edgar Rivera Díaz Dolly Grip Vivian Rebella Location Manager Luis Antonio Landrau Boom Operator Amilcar Rivera Property Master Marsi Caraballo Graphic Designer Katia González Estévez Unit Production Manager Alastair Burlingham Executive Producer Jason Garrett Executive Producer Johannes Peters Dialogue Editor Johannes Peters Foley Editor Jeff Gum Executive Producer Nat McCormick Executive Producer Charlie Dombek Co-Executive Producer Jeffrey Roy ADR Mixer Martha Trinidad Key Hair Stylist Gustavo Accetta Rigging Gaffer Mickey Gooch Executive Producer Miguel Baerga Grip John R. Sherman Executive Producer Michael Becker Executive Producer Mitchell Welch Executive Producer Bret Saxon Producer Luis A. Riefkohl Associate Producer Alexandra Cruz-Montalvo Assistant Accountant Elba Rodríguez Seamstress Lorenzo Orozco Stunt Double Marielena Ramirez Makeup Department Head Marielena Ramirez Special Effects Makeup Artist Carlos 'Carly' Antunez Set Dresser Lea Guivas-Murphy Set Costumer Fabiola Fortuno Special Effects Supervisor Giancarlo Rebella Assistant Location Manager Yasen Denev Storyboard Artist Walt Jones Executive Producer Claudia Calderón Art Department Coordinator Cesar Marrero Sr. First Assistant "B" Camera Orlando Kangry Perez Key Grip Alfredo Colón Visual Effects Coordinator Timothee de Mierry Co-Executive Producer Curt Henderson Executive Producer David B. Katzin Executive Producer Massimiliano Musina Executive Producer Richard Myerson Co-Executive Producer Belly Torres Co-Producer Gary Raskin Executive Producer Anita Ramirez-Velez Costume Design Maynar Magruda Production Design Gilberto Cruz Drone Cinematographer Abner Medina First Assistant Camera Carlos J. Vázquez Video Assist Operator C.J. Sarachene Animation Director Choon Xuan Tan Compositor Raneshkumar Kumboji Compositor Carlos Miranda Digital Compositor Nor Faisal Abdullah Digital Compositor Vipin Negi Lead Animator Nandish Hugar Lighting Artist Andreas Jablonka Sequence Supervisor Walt Jones Visual Effects Supervisor Denes Pagán Sound Designer Denes Pagán Sound Editor Paul Weinberg Executive Producer Orlando Rodríguez Set Dresser Jorge Garrido First Assistant "B" Camera Eddie Antúnez Set Dresser Natalie Mejías Stunt Double Douglas W. McHenry Production Accountant Hiraldo Pino Utility Sound Diana Príncipe Executive Producer Patrick Josten Associate Producer Daniel Pernas Second Assistant "B" Camera Alexandra Burgos Second Assistant Director Jonathan Castellano Stunt Double Ronal Tejada Stunt Double J.T. Foxx Co-Executive Producer Andrés S. Aguayo Stunt Double Nelson Cardona Stunt Double William Montañez Second Assistant "A" Camera Richard Alfaro Rullán Art Direction Dorimar Matías Cordero Set Designer Daniel Rivera Desiderio Leadman Francisco Santaella Set Dresser Bayrex Padro Set Dresser Hector Collazo Set Dresser Emilio Acosta Set Dresser Jesús M. Agosto Set Dresser Nelson Huertas Electrician Luis Benet Electrician Luis Neftali Nieves Key Rigging Grip Griselle Osorio Makeup Artist Sofia Sifre Hairstylist Gary Holms Costume Supervisor Julio Liz Taver Tailor Nilda Pirez Rivera Production Secretary Gabriel O. Encarnacion Construction Coordinator Wilmar Davila Craft Service Carlos J. Dávila Sound Editor Carlos J. Dávila Dialogue Editor Nicolas Cage Frank Walsh Famke Janssen Dr. Ellen Taylor Kevin Durand Richard Loffler Jeremy Jay Nazario Rafael LaMonica Garrett John Ringer Michael Imperioli Paul Freed Isaac Santiago Vasquez Braulio Castillo Jr. Morales Tommy Walker Forrest Sewell Whitney Scuddy Leon Andrew Joseph Jerome Sebastian Vázquez Shelton John Lewis Harrison Rey Hernandez Prettyman Drake Shannon Miller Jaime Irizarry Delgado Daniel Salinas González Barnett Pablo Tufiño Diego Lunarena Del Fresno Diego's Daughter Brian Tester Delaney Juan C. Defendini Cook Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  14. Data di uscita:N.D. Genere:Azione Anno:2019 Regia:Nick Powell Attori:Nicolas Cage, Famke Janssen, Kevin Durand, LaMonica Garrett, Michael Imperioli, Tommy Walker, Rey Hernandez, John Lewis, Bruno Irizarry, Sewell Whitney, Braulio Castillo Jr. Paese:USA Durata:97 min Distribuzione:Notorious Pictures Sceneggiatura:Richard Leder Fotografia:Vern Nobles Montaggio:Raúl Marchand Sánchez Musiche:Guillaume Roussel Produzione:Daniel Grodnik Productions, The Wonderfilm Media Corporation, Imprint Entertainment, Artem Entertainment, Pimienta Primal, film diretto da Nick Powell, è la storia di Frank (Nicolas Cage), un cacciatore di animali rari della giungla amazzonica che, dopo aver catturato le bestie, le rivende agli zoo. Il bracconiere si ritrova su un mercantile greco con il suo bagaglio dall'Amazzonia, che comprende un rarissimo giaguaro bianco. Sulla nave viaggia anche un pericoloso criminale politico, che viene trasportato per essere estradato negli USA. Due giorni dopo la partenza, il terrorista si dà alla fuga, liberando tutti gli animali imprigionati da Frank. Mentre le bestie seminano caos e tensione sulla nave, il cacciatore dovrà decidere se diventare un eroe e dare la caccia a una nuova specie, l'essere umano.
  15. TITOLO ORIGINALE: Primal GENERE: Azione ANNO: 2019 REGIA: Nick Powell ATTORI: Nicolas Cage, Famke Janssen, Kevin Durand, LaMonica Garrett, Michael Imperioli, Tommy Walker, Rey Hernandez, John Lewis, Bruno Irizarry, Sewell Whitney, Braulio Castillo Jr. PAESE: USA DURATA: 97 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Notorious Pictures SCENEGGIATURA: Richard Leder FOTOGRAFIA: Vern Nobles MONTAGGIO: Raúl Marchand Sánchez MUSICHE: Guillaume Roussel PRODUZIONE: Daniel Grodnik Productions, The Wonderfilm Media Corporation, Imprint Entertainment, Artem Entertainment, Pimienta Frank Walsh, un cacciatore e collezionista di animali rari ed esotici, riesce a catturare un inestimabile giaguaro bianco, da rivendere a uno zoo dietro lauta ricompensa. Le cose però non vanno come dovrebbero: la nave che trasporta l'animale ospita anche un assassino politico che sta per essere estradato negli Stati Uniti. Liberatosi, l'uomo apre anche la gabbia del giaguaro costringendo Frank a una nuova imprevedibile caccia tra gli angusti corridoi dell'imbarcazione.
  16. 0e1cfe76dc 0e1cfe76PRIMAL FEAR - Metal Commando [Japanese Edition] [2020] 0e1cfe76[278 MB] [MP3]-[320 kbps] by @rockbendaDIO 0e1cfe76dc–Info–0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa 0e1cfe76dc3Artist: PRIMAL FEAR0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa26508379 0e1cfe76dc3Album: Metal Commando [Japanese Edition]0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c106 0e1cfe76dc3Content: 2CD Albums [MP3]-[320 kbps]0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a5 0e1cfe76dc3Label: Ward Records (GQCS-90936~7)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576 0e1cfe76dc3Edition: JAPAN0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306 0e1cfe76dc3Genre: Rock0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306cb7 0e1cfe76dc3Style: Power Metal0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265083795 0e1cfe76dc3Date Release: July 24th, 20200e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848 0e1cfe76dc3Notes: 13th studio album by the German power metal band.0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e192 0e1cfe76dc30e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306cb714cdf8955ac888f6d1 0e1cfe76dc–Tracklist–0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb 0e1cfe76dc3CD ONE (Metal Commando)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650 0e1cfe76dc301. I Am Alive (4:34)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306 0e1cfe76dc302. Along Came The Devil (4:21)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265 0e1cfe76dc303. Halo (4:19)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306cb714c 0e1cfe76dc304. Hear Me Calling (4:39)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa26508379 0e1cfe76dc305. The Lost & The Forgotten (4:08)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848f 0e1cfe76dc306. My Name Is Fear (4:04)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa26508379 0e1cfe76dc307. I Will Be Gone (4:26)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265083795 0e1cfe76dc308. Raise Your Fists (3:52)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837 0e1cfe76dc309. Howl Of The Banshee (4:54)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650 0e1cfe76dc310. Afterlife (4:29)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306c 0e1cfe76dc311. Infinity (13:12)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306c 0e1cfe76dc3CD TWO (Bonus CD)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957 0e1cfe76dc301. Rising Fear (1:39)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265083795730 0e1cfe76dc302. Leave Me Alone (4:04)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265083795 0e1cfe76dc303. Second To None (4:12)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265083795 0e1cfe76dc304. Crucify Me (4:06)0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306 0e1cfe76dc30e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306cb714cdf8955ac888f6d1 0e1cfe76dc–Line Up–0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb84 0e1cfe76dc3Ralf Scheepers: Lead & Backing Vocals0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb84 0e1cfe76dc3Tom Naumann: Guitars0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306c 0e1cfe76dc3Alex Beyrodt: Guitars0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306 0e1cfe76dc3Magnus Karlsson: Guitars & Keyboards0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848 0e1cfe76dc3Mat Sinner: Bass & Vocals0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265083795 0e1cfe76dc3Michael Ehre: Drums0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306cb 0e1cfe76dc30e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306cb714cdf8955ac888f6d1 0e1cfe76dc–Additional Notes–0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c1062 0e1cfe76dc3Produced by Mat Sinner.0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa26508379573 0e1cfe76dc3Mixed & Mastered by Jacob Hansen at Hansen Studios, Denmark.0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db 0e1cfe76dc3Photography by Corona Kollektiv.0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa26 0e1cfe76dc3Booklet by Heilemania.0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa265083795730 0e1cfe76dc3Linner Notes by Jun Kawai.0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa26508379 0e1cfe76dc3Cover Artwork by Stephan Lohrmann.0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa 0e1cfe76dc30e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621a576bb848fa2650837957306cb714cdf8955ac888f6d1 0e1cfe76dc–Official Videos–0e1cfe76dc385bb0d34e9149f42be4a0cb64688e1920db3ca85ea43c10621 0e1cfe76dc3 0e1cfe76dc3 0e1cfe76dc3 0e1cfe76dc–Data Download– 0e1cfe76dc3Artist: PRIMAL FEAR 0e1cfe76dc3Album: Metal Commando [Japanese Edition] 0e1cfe76dc3Date Release: July 24th, 2020 0e1cfe76dc3Format: [MP3]-[320 kbps] 0e1cfe76dc3Total Size: [278 MB] 0e1cfe76dc3Included: Artwork 0e1cfe76dc3Password: 6CCAD&a3774b 0e1cfe76dc3Links (last update 2020-08-07): NITROFLARE (full covers...!) OTHER SERVERS (front cover only) 0e1cfe76dc3
  17. Echoes - Primal Scream, Life, Idles (2019) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: Life: 01 - Excites Me 02 - Good Health 03 - Half Pint Fatherhood 04 - Euromillions 05 - Bum Hour Primal Scream: 01 - Moving On Up 02 - Swastika Eyes 03 - Jailbird 04 - Loaded 05 - Country Girl 06 - Rocks Idles: 01 - Colossus 02 - Love Song 03 - Benzocaine 04 - Television 05 - Rottweiler Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format Genre: Alternative Rock Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 9578kbps Length: 01:01:00 | 4.43Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: MP2 | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  18. 773665c379 773665c3PRIMAL FEAR - Metal Is Forever: The Very Best Of [2006] 773665c3[404 MB] [MP3]-[320 kbps] by @rockbendaDIO 773665c379–Info–773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14 773665c379aArtist: PRIMAL FEAR773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed 773665c379aAlbum: Metal Is Forever: The Very Best Of773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0cc 773665c379aContent: 2CD Albums [MP3]-[320 kbps]773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf397 773665c379aLabel: Nuclear Blast (NB 1739-2)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779da 773665c379aEdition: GERMANY773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055 773665c379aGenre: Rock773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff0 773665c379aStyle: Power Metal773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed0 773665c379aDate Release: September 29th, 2006773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779 773665c379aNotes: 2nd compilation album by the German power metal band.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c3 773665c379a773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4e11cce9da305a93 773665c379–Tracklist–773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779da 773665c379aCD ONE773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4e1 773665c379a01. Metal Is Forever (4:46)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baee 773665c379a02. Chainbreaker (4:25)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055 773665c379a03. Seven Seals (3:59)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055d 773665c379a04. Nuclear Fire (4:23)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055 773665c379a05. Final Embrace (5:07)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed05 773665c379a06. The Healer (6:40)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055dd 773665c379a07. Rollercoaster (4:31)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed05 773665c379a08. Armageddon (4:15)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055dd 773665c379a09. Angel In Black (3:59)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed0 773665c379a10. Under Your Spell (5:35)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baee 773665c379a11. Evil Spell (4:34)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055dd 773665c379a12. Running In The Dust (4:38)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8b 773665c379a13. Suicide And Mania (4:03)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8bae 773665c379a14. Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove (5:17)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad 773665c379a15. Fear (4:19)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4 773665c379a16. Tears Of Rage (6:38)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed05 773665c379aCD TWO (Metal Classics Bonus CD)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779da 773665c379a01. Out In The Fields (Gary Moore & Phil Lynott cover) (3:57)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5 773665c379a02. Kill The King (Rainbow cover) (4:32)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779d 773665c379a03. Speedking (Deep Purple cover) (3:59)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779d 773665c379a04. Die Young (Black Sabbath cover) (4:05)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf3977 773665c379a05. Metal Gods (Judas Priest cover) (3:37)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf3977 773665c379a06. Breaker (Accept cover) (3:29)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14b 773665c379a07. Seek & Destroy (Metallica cover) (7:10)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf397 773665c379a08. Two Minutes To Midnight (Iron Maiden cover) (6:01)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c4 773665c379a09. The Rover (Led Zeppelin cover) (4:46)773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779 773665c379a773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4e11cce9da305a93 773665c379–Line Up–773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5 773665c379aRalf Scheepers - Lead Vocals773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8bae 773665c379aTom Naumann - Guitars773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055dd 773665c379aStefan Leibing - Guitars773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed05 773665c379aMat Sinner - Bass & Vocals773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed 773665c379aRandy Black - Drums773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff 773665c379aSpecial Guest:773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055dd 773665c379aMatz Ulmer - Keyboards773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055d 773665c379a773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4e11cce9da305a93 773665c379–Additional Notes–773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf 773665c379aProduced by Mat Sinner.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055 773665c379aEngineered & Mixed by Achim Köhler, Charlie Bauerfeind and Mike Frazer.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c 773665c379aRe-Mastered by Achim Köhler.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8bae 773665c379aCover Artwork by Stephan Lohrmann.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14 773665c379a773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4e11cce9da305a93 773665c379aRecorded at:773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4e11 773665c379aThe Warehouse Studio. Vancouver, Canada.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779d 773665c379aMorissound Studio. Tampa, USA.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8b 773665c379aSonic Ranch Studio. El Paso, USA.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14b 773665c379aHouse Of Music Studio. Winterbach, Germany.773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf397 773665c379a773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf39779dad5d14ba8baeed055ddff07d4e11cce9da305a93 773665c379–Official Videos–773665c379a1c0a4ba7c4ebbb5a717b7c4c60c31470c5f4ed5c414f0ccdf3 773665c379a 773665c379a 773665c379a 773665c379–Data Download– 773665c379aArtist: PRIMAL FEAR 773665c379aAlbum: Metal Is Forever: The Very Best Of 773665c379aDate Release: September 29th, 2006 773665c379aFormat: [MP3]-[320 kbps] 773665c379aTotal Size: [404 MB] 773665c379aIncluded: Artwork 773665c379aPassword: rockbendaDIO 773665c379aLinks (last update 2020-02-08): NITROFLARE (full covers...!) FILEUPLOAD (front cover only) 773665c379a
  19. Primal Scream - Screamadelica Live (2011) BDRip 720p Screenshots: Setlist: Screamadelica Live: 01. Movin' On Up 02. Slip Inside This House 03. Don't Fight It , Feel It 04. Damaged 05. I'm Coming Down 06. Shine Like Stars 07. Inner Flight 08. Higher Than The Sun 09. Loaded 10. Come Together Rock Set: 01. Accelerator 02. Country Girl 03. Jailbird 04. Burning Wheel 05. Suicide Bomb 06. Shoot Speed/Kill Light 07. Swastika Eyes 08. Rocks Info: Genre: Alternative Rock | Psychodelic Rock Quality: BDRip | 720p Format: MKV | 6505kbps Length: 01:18:12 + 00:41:11 | 6.13Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio 1: LPCM | 1536kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Audio 2: DTS | 1510kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  20. Primal Scream - Screamadelica Live (2011) Blu-Ray 1080i Screenshots: Setlist: Screamadelica Live: 01. Movin' On Up 02. Slip Inside This House 03. Don't Fight It , Feel It 04. Damaged 05. I'm Coming Down 06. Shine Like Stars 07. Inner Flight 08. Higher Than The Sun 09. Loaded 10. Come Together Rock Set: 01. Accelerator 02. Country Girl 03. Jailbird 04. Burning Wheel 05. Suicide Bomb 06. Shoot Speed/Kill Light 07. Swastika Eyes 08. Rocks Bonus: Screamadelica Classic Album documentary Description: Live recording from the year 2010 from the Olympia in London. As a bonus there is a 40-minute rock set Info: Genre: Alternative Rock | Psychodelic Rock Quality: Blu-Ray | 1080i Format: M2TS | 26.9Mbps Length: 02:57:26 | 44.65Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio 1: LPCM | 1536kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Audio 2: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Audio 3: DTS-HD MA | 48kHz | 3059kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  21. Primal Scream - Screamadelica Live (2011, Blu-ray) Title: Primal Scream - Screamadelica Live Year of release: 2011 Genre: Rock, Alternative rock Released: Edel Germany Cast: Primal Scream Tracklist: Screamadelica Live 1. Movin' On Up 2. Slip Inside This House 3. Don't Fight It , Feel It 4. Damaged 5. I'm Coming Down 6. Shine Like Stars 7. Inner Flight 8. Higher Than The Sun 9. Loaded 10. Come Together Rock Set 1. Accelerator 2. Country Girl 3. Jailbird 4. Burning Wheel 5. Suicide Bomb 6. Shoot Speed/Kill Light 7. Swastika Eyes 8. Rocks Bonus Screamadelica Classic Album documentary Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 26957 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: English LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit Audio: English Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -27dB Audio: English DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 3059 kbps / 16-bit Total Size: 45.98 GB Total Time: 02:57:26 Download Hoster:,,, Download via Download via Download via Download via Pass: 689
  22. Primal Scream - Maximum Rock 'n' Roll: The Singles [Remastered] (2019) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Sony Music Country: UK Genre: Alternative,Indie Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 1:57:31 Full Size: 1.4 GB Career-spanning set and near-as-dammit complete singles collection from Bobby Gillespie and co, showcasing the many musical twists and turns of an incredible and innovative band and covering 30 years across four discs, starting with the scene-defying Velocity Girl and concluding with the singles from their last album Chaosmosis.'n'_Roll_The_Singles_(2019)_44.1-24.rar.html <
  23. Primal Fear - Angels of Mercy: Live in Germany (2017) Blu-ray Genre: Heavy metal,Power metal,Speed metal | Label: Frontiers Music [FR BR 798] | Year: 2017 | Quality: Blu-ray | Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 20000 kbps / 1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 | Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit | Time: 01:26:25 | Size: 21.32 GB Download:
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