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Descrizione Vent'anni dopo l'uscita dell'acclamato titolo di azione-avventura Outcast, pionieristico nel genere dei giochi a mondo aperto non lineari, l'attesissimo seguito vede Cutter Slade tornare allo spettacolare mondo alieno di Adelpha. Resuscitato dagli onnipotenti Yod, al suo ritorno ha trovato i Talan in condizione di schiavitù, le risorse naturali del pianeta prosciugate e il suo stesso passato intrecciato con quello degli invasori robotici. Toccherà di nuovo a lui intraprendere una missione per salvare il pianeta. L'originale team di sviluppo di Outcast 1 si è riunito per creare questo mondo affascinante, pieno di creature pericolose e dimora dei Talan, un antico popolo il cui destino è divenuto inestricabilmente legato a quello della Terra dopo gli eventi del primo gioco. Vestirai i panni di Cutter Slade, ex Navy SEAL, dotato dello stesso cinico sarcasmo che aveva negli anni 90. Ma il mondo in cui si ritrova è cambiato e, infine, anche lui dovrà adattarsi. Per salvare Adelpha... - usa lo zaino jet per saltare, scattare in aria, planare e spostarti velocemente nel fantastico mondo aperto del gioco - combina decine di moduli diversi per creare la tua arma personale con cui affrontare gli invasori robotici - vivi la storia al ritmo che preferisci in questo mondo non lineare - esplora un mondo senza confini, scopri i templi nascosti e la pericolosa fauna - impara a conoscere la cultura Talan, aiuta questo popolo a liberare i suoi villaggi e accedi ad antichi poteri Talan legati alle forze della natura per annientare i tuoi nemici - scopri un meraviglioso mondo ricco di dettagli con l'accompagnamento dell'epica colonna sonora di Lennie Moore, il compositore delle musiche del primo Outcast Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Outcast.A.New.Beginning.v1. [SUB ITA]
Descrizione Vesti i panni di Cutter Slade, un soldato élite veterano, per andare alla scoperta del pianeta Adelpha in totale libertà. Man mano che ti addentrerai in questo magnifico mondo, in cui c'è un confine labile tra magia e scienza, scoprirai città esotiche, affronterai nemici agguerriti e cercherai di svelare i segreti di una civiltà avanzata. Prendi le decisioni giuste in questo mondo vivente sistemico, perché il destino di questi due universi dipende dal tuo successo. UN MONDO DI POSSIBILITÀ Attraverso centinaia di missioni, l'enorme mondo aperto di Outcast – Second Contact offre un'avventura su scala epica. - Inizia la tua avventura in totale libertà in questo immenso mondo aperto. - Avanza secondo il tuo ritmo tramite varie missioni disponibili in qualsiasi momento. - Affronta direttamente i Talan in combattimenti audaci oppure punta sull'infiltrazione. - Padroneggia un arsenale di armi in evoluzione e gadget ad alta tecnologia, adattando la strategia alle diverse situazioni. - Altera l'equilibrio delle forze che si trovano su Adelpha. Outcast – Second Contact si svolge su un mondo vivente in cui le tue azioni hanno conseguenze dirette e visibili sull'ecosistema. UN PIANETA VIVENTE Parti per un viaggio fantastico alla volta di Adelpha, un incantevole pianeta popolato da creature straordinarie e dimora dei Talan, una civiltà aliena avanzata. - Esplora 6 diversi continenti a piedi o sulle spalle di un Twôn-Ha, addentrandoti in terre selvagge sconosciute agli umani. - Man mano che ti introdurrai sempre di più in questa cultura aliena, ti avvicinerai al cuore della società Talan: tratta con i mercanti di Riss, negozia con le forze ribelli o segui il percorso mistico del grande Shamaz. - Ogni incontro, ogni evento è un invito ad avventurarsi in questo mondo emozionante. LA MISSIONE DELLA TUA VITA In un prossimo futuro, l'umanità ha scoperto di non essere sola nell'universo: anzi, negli universi. Purtroppo il primo contatto con altri esseri intelligenti si rivela un disastro, quando una sonda inviata dal governo statunitense viene distrutta dagli indigeni di un mondo chiamato Adelpha. Questo evento crea un cataclisma energetico che minaccia di distruggere la Terra stessa. Tu vesti i panni di Cutter Slade, un Navy SEAL inviato in missione su Adelpha per trovare e riparare la sonda in modo da evitare la catastrofe. Accolto dagli indigeni come l'""Ulukaï"" (cioè il messia di un'antica profezia), scoprirai che i destini di Adelpha e della Terra sono ormai legati. - Oltre 50 ore di avventura all'interno di una storia dinamica e frenetica. - Affronta tiranni assetati di sangue e libera un popolo soggiogato. - Vesti i panni di Cutter Slade, un eroe carismatico e schietto. L'ULUKAÏ È TORNATO Outcast – Second Contact è un remake totale del titolo cult Outcast, il primo gioco in 3D a mondo aperto nella storia dei videogiochi, pionieristico nel suo genere di avventura dinamica moderna, che è uscito nel 1999 ed è stato premiato oltre 100 volte, compreso il premio ""gioco d'avventura dell'anno"". - L'universo di Outcast è stato ricreato completamente con una grafica moderna. - Il combattimento è ora ancora più dinamico grazie a schivate, rotolate, scatti e a un sistema di copertura. - Contiene nuove aree nascoste che rivelano alcuni dei misteri di Adelpha più discussi dai fan del gioco originale. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download GOG [SUB ITA]
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Hitori no Shita: The Outcast 2 [24/24] (2018) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Hitori no Shita: The Outcast Stagione 2 Episodi 25 Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia Soran Chō (Zhang Chulan) conduce la vita di uno studente universitario molto comune fino a quando non si ritrova coinvolto in un terribile incidente accaduto in un piccolo villaggio. Mentre camminava in un cimitero, viene assalito dagli zombi. Pensando che per lui fosse finita, una misteriosa ragazza che porta una spada improvvisamente lo salva e scompare. 孙忠怀 Executive Producer 马延琨 Executive Producer Chen Ye Screenplay Chen Ye Director Chen Ye Storyboard Artist HeartStrings Original Music Composer 米二 Original Series Design Dong Man Tang Original Series Creator 米二 Comic Book 小连杀 冯宝宝 (voice) 冯盛 徐四 (voice) Yuntu Cao 张楚岚 (voice) Xin Teng 徐三 (voice) Shan Xin 夏荷 (voice) 阿杰 张灵玉 (voice) 王晨光 吕良 (voice) 宝木中阳 王也 (voice) Peng Yao 诸葛青 (voice) Episodi: 25 In onda il: 2018-01-16 1: Raten Taishou The Raten Taishou is beginning soon, and the various competitors are making their way to the tournament. To sweeten the pot, Rikukin announces that he will give his Tsuutenroku technique to the winner of the Raten Taishou. 1: Raten Taishou In onda il: 2018-01-16 The Raten Taishou is beginning soon, and the various competitors are making their way to the tournament. To sweeten the pot, Rikukin announces that he will give his Tsuutenroku technique to the winner of the Raten Taishou. In onda il: 2018-01-23 2: Ryuukozan Soran and friends arrive at Ryuukozan where the Raten Taishou is being held. They make their way through the mountains and across difficult terrain to finally arrive at the tournament, where they get their first taste of the combat abilities of the other competitors. 2: Ryuukozan In onda il: 2018-01-23 Soran and friends arrive at Ryuukozan where the Raten Taishou is being held. They make their way through the mountains and across difficult terrain to finally arrive at the tournament, where they get their first taste of the combat abilities of the other competitors. In onda il: 2018-01-30 3: Shameless Soran's first match of the Raten Taishou begins. As Soran is known for being heir to the great and powerful kitaigen style, his opponents decide to work together against him. Meanwhile, Shokatsu Sei, master of the ancient kimon tonkou style, breezes through his first match with overwhelming strength. 3: Shameless In onda il: 2018-01-30 Soran's first match of the Raten Taishou begins. As Soran is known for being heir to the great and powerful kitaigen style, his opponents decide to work together against him. Meanwhile, Shokatsu Sei, master of the ancient kimon tonkou style, breezes through his first match with overwhelming strength. In onda il: 2018-02-06 4: 32 Men The first round of the Raten Taishou has concluded, and 32 competitors remain. That night, Soran is shocked when he learns from Chou Reigyoku's apprentices why the Tenshi's disciple respected by all seems to hate him so much. Meanwhile, Fuu Houhou's opponent Ou Niken notices something different about her... 4: 32 Men In onda il: 2018-02-06 The first round of the Raten Taishou has concluded, and 32 competitors remain. That night, Soran is shocked when he learns from Chou Reigyoku's apprentices why the Tenshi's disciple respected by all seems to hate him so much. Meanwhile, Fuu Houhou's opponent Ou Niken notices something different about her... In onda il: 2018-02-13 5: Kitaigen Style Soran's opponent fails to turn up in time for his match, earning him a reputation as a cheater. Elder Rikukin and his group of trusted young outsiders realize Koketsu is being manipulated by the evil organization Zensei. Meanwhile, Soran receives a summons from Elders Ou Ai and Ro Ji, who demand he hand over his Kitaigen style 5: Kitaigen Style In onda il: 2018-02-13 Soran's opponent fails to turn up in time for his match, earning him a reputation as a cheater. Elder Rikukin and his group of trusted young outsiders realize Koketsu is being manipulated by the evil organization Zensei. Meanwhile, Soran receives a summons from Elders Ou Ai and Ro Ji, who demand he hand over his Kitaigen style In onda il: 2018-02-20 6: Bait Fire user Kouhin is irritated that his opponent Shokatsu Sei will not fight at full strength. Shinki user Shoushou struggles against Zenshin style user Koumei. Meanwhile, Chou Soran learns from Rikukin the real reason he gathered outsiders at the Raten Taishou 6: Bait In onda il: 2018-02-20 Fire user Kouhin is irritated that his opponent Shokatsu Sei will not fight at full strength. Shinki user Shoushou struggles against Zenshin style user Koumei. Meanwhile, Chou Soran learns from Rikukin the real reason he gathered outsiders at the Raten Taishou In onda il: 2018-02-27 7: 36 Rebels When Soran is shocked to learn from Elder Shinchuu that his grandfather Chou Kaigi was a member of Zensei, the Tenshi and Rikukin explain what happened to him. On their way back, Soran is invited to a party by Rikukin's granddaughter Riku Rinron 7: 36 Rebels In onda il: 2018-02-27 When Soran is shocked to learn from Elder Shinchuu that his grandfather Chou Kaigi was a member of Zensei, the Tenshi and Rikukin explain what happened to him. On their way back, Soran is invited to a party by Rikukin's granddaughter Riku Rinron In onda il: 2018-03-06 8: Nouyou Insou Soran has opened up to the other young outsiders, but his next opponent uses Toumon, the style that killed his grandfather. As the tricks he's been using will be ineffective against this opponent, Soran demonstrates the true power he's kept hidden inside himself. Meanwhile, Houhou struggles against Shoushou. While watching her match, the Tenshi and Rikukin begin to realize there's something about her that makes her different from ordinary outsiders. 8: Nouyou Insou In onda il: 2018-03-06 Soran has opened up to the other young outsiders, but his next opponent uses Toumon, the style that killed his grandfather. As the tricks he's been using will be ineffective against this opponent, Soran demonstrates the true power he's kept hidden inside himself. Meanwhile, Houhou struggles against Shoushou. While watching her match, the Tenshi and Rikukin begin to realize there's something about her that makes her different from ordinary outsiders. In onda il: 2018-03-13 9: Qimen Kenzou Shinpou While struggling against Shoushou, Houhou recalls Niken's words and begins her counterattack. Ouya and Shokatsu Sei's match is next. Shokatsu Sei has realized Ouya is a fangshi and Qimen Dunjia user like himself. During their match, Ouya encourages Shokatsu Sei to stop fighting and admit defeat, but... 9: Qimen Kenzou Shinpou In onda il: 2018-03-13 While struggling against Shoushou, Houhou recalls Niken's words and begins her counterattack. Ouya and Shokatsu Sei's match is next. Shokatsu Sei has realized Ouya is a fangshi and Qimen Dunjia user like himself. During their match, Ouya encourages Shokatsu Sei to stop fighting and admit defeat, but... In onda il: 2018-03-20 10: Fuukou Qimen Determined to know the truth, Shokatsu Sei uses his Qimen Kenzou Shinpou in an attempt to discover the secret behind Ouya's mysterious and powerful Qimen Dunjia. His is one of eight secret arts: Fuukou Qimen. Later, Fuu Saen faces off against Ja Seiryan. The match quickly turns hostile when an impatient Saen destroys Ja Seiryan's phone, interrupting his phone call. 10: Fuukou Qimen In onda il: 2018-03-20 Determined to know the truth, Shokatsu Sei uses his Qimen Kenzou Shinpou in an attempt to discover the secret behind Ouya's mysterious and powerful Qimen Dunjia. His is one of eight secret arts: Fuukou Qimen. Later, Fuu Saen faces off against Ja Seiryan. The match quickly turns hostile when an impatient Saen destroys Ja Seiryan's phone, interrupting his phone call. In onda il: 2018-03-27 11: Sutra of Purity The match between Fuu Shinton and Tou Yuufuku is a showdown of summoners. Meanwhile, Ouya is nearly buried by Houhou at Soran's request, and arrives at the arena just before his match is declared forfeit. However, Ouya makes a surprising suggestion to Soran. 11: Sutra of Purity In onda il: 2018-03-27 The match between Fuu Shinton and Tou Yuufuku is a showdown of summoners. Meanwhile, Ouya is nearly buried by Houhou at Soran's request, and arrives at the arena just before his match is declared forfeit. However, Ouya makes a surprising suggestion to Soran. In onda il: 2018-04-03 12: An Old Enemy Soran decides to continue seeking the truth. Ouya respects his choice and forfeits the match, thus ending the battle between them. Next is Fuu Saen and Houhou's match. Fuu Saen forfeits, and Houhou advances to the semi-finals. Finally, in the match between Fuu Shinton and Elder Ou Ai's great-grandson Ou Hei, both combatants use Kourei Kenshou. Only members of the Fuu family should know how to use the secret art of Kourei Kenshou, so how is it that Ou Hei is able to use it...? 12: An Old Enemy In onda il: 2018-04-03 Soran decides to continue seeking the truth. Ouya respects his choice and forfeits the match, thus ending the battle between them. Next is Fuu Saen and Houhou's match. Fuu Saen forfeits, and Houhou advances to the semi-finals. Finally, in the match between Fuu Shinton and Elder Ou Ai's great-grandson Ou Hei, both combatants use Kourei Kenshou. Only members of the Fuu family should know how to use the secret art of Kourei Kenshou, so how is it that Ou Hei is able to use it...? In onda il: 2018-04-10 13: Kourei Kenshou Ou Hei attempts to use his Shokurei ability to steal Fuu Shinton's treasured spirit Ou Shichuu from him. Shinton makes the difficult decision to let Ou Shichuu's spirit pass on and loses to Ou Hei. Chou Soran, Fuu Houhou, Chou Reigyoku, and Ou Hei advance to the finals, and the tournament nears its end. 13: Kourei Kenshou In onda il: 2018-04-10 Ou Hei attempts to use his Shokurei ability to steal Fuu Shinton's treasured spirit Ou Shichuu from him. Shinton makes the difficult decision to let Ou Shichuu's spirit pass on and loses to Ou Hei. Chou Soran, Fuu Houhou, Chou Reigyoku, and Ou Hei advance to the finals, and the tournament nears its end. In onda il: 2018-04-17 14: Suizourai The final round of the Raten Taishou pits Chou Soran against Chou Reigyoku. Losers Shokatsu Sei and Ouya begin leaving Ryuukosan and heading now. On the day of the finals, Reigyoku receives encouragement from his master the Tenshi and his fellow disciples. Meanwhile, Fuu Houhou tells Soran he hopes he wins the Raten Taishou. In order to learn the truth he and Houhou carry, Soran heads into the final match against Reigyoku. 14: Suizourai In onda il: 2018-04-17 The final round of the Raten Taishou pits Chou Soran against Chou Reigyoku. Losers Shokatsu Sei and Ouya begin leaving Ryuukosan and heading now. On the day of the finals, Reigyoku receives encouragement from his master the Tenshi and his fellow disciples. Meanwhile, Fuu Houhou tells Soran he hopes he wins the Raten Taishou. In order to learn the truth he and Houhou carry, Soran heads into the final match against Reigyoku. In onda il: 2018-04-24 15: Dauntless The rollercaster final between Chou Soran and Chou Reigyoku continues, which has become a contest between Soran's positive power Yougorai and Reigyoku's negative power Ingorai. However, when Reigyoku uses Suizourai, Ingorai's true form, Soran struggles. Enveloped by Reigyoku's Suizourai, Soran recalls the lesson he learned from his grandfather Chou Shakurin as a child. 15: Dauntless In onda il: 2018-04-24 The rollercaster final between Chou Soran and Chou Reigyoku continues, which has become a contest between Soran's positive power Yougorai and Reigyoku's negative power Ingorai. However, when Reigyoku uses Suizourai, Ingorai's true form, Soran struggles. Enveloped by Reigyoku's Suizourai, Soran recalls the lesson he learned from his grandfather Chou Shakurin as a child. In onda il: 2018-05-01 16: Exorcism Chou Soran appears to have defeated Chou Reigyoku when he uses his ace in the hole. However, Reigyoku gets back up, and Chou Soran prepares himself for defeat. Then Reigoyku's body begins acting strangely... Meanwhile, at Rikukin's orders, Tsuu Kinka and Riku Rinron guard Ryuukosan against an attack from Zensei. However, there's no sign of the organization. 16: Exorcism In onda il: 2018-05-01 Chou Soran appears to have defeated Chou Reigyoku when he uses his ace in the hole. However, Reigyoku gets back up, and Chou Soran prepares himself for defeat. Then Reigoyku's body begins acting strangely... Meanwhile, at Rikukin's orders, Tsuu Kinka and Riku Rinron guard Ryuukosan against an attack from Zensei. However, there's no sign of the organization. In onda il: 2018-05-08 17: Way of the Tenshi Having won the Raten Taishou, Chou Soran attempts to learn the Way of the Tenshi from the Tenshi. Meanwhile, Zensei finally appears on Ryuukosan and attacks the Tenshifu. The Tenshifu's monks struggle against Zensei's overwhelming numbers. Chou Reigyoku is surrounded by Zensei leader En Tou and his underlings. That's when Rikukin and the feiends he fought during the Raten Taishou arrive. 17: Way of the Tenshi In onda il: 2018-05-08 Having won the Raten Taishou, Chou Soran attempts to learn the Way of the Tenshi from the Tenshi. Meanwhile, Zensei finally appears on Ryuukosan and attacks the Tenshifu. The Tenshifu's monks struggle against Zensei's overwhelming numbers. Chou Reigyoku is surrounded by Zensei leader En Tou and his underlings. That's when Rikukin and the feiends he fought during the Raten Taishou arrive. In onda il: 2018-05-15 18: Impaction Rikukin takes over for Reigyoku in his fight against Zensei leader En Tou, forcing him to retreat. However, Ryuukosan is swarming with Zensei thugs, and the battle isn't going well for the Tenshi. 18: Impaction In onda il: 2018-05-15 Rikukin takes over for Reigyoku in his fight against Zensei leader En Tou, forcing him to retreat. However, Ryuukosan is swarming with Zensei thugs, and the battle isn't going well for the Tenshi. In onda il: 2018-05-22 19: Juuni Roujoujin Ryuukosan is danger, and the Tenshi finally makes his move. Meanwhile, the tables are turned on Rikukin and Chou Reigyoku when Zensei's Four Sorcerers appear. The cornered Rikukin amplifies his rage to its limit and begins running out of control. All-out battle breaks out between the forces of Ryuukosan and Zensei! 19: Juuni Roujoujin In onda il: 2018-05-22 Ryuukosan is danger, and the Tenshi finally makes his move. Meanwhile, the tables are turned on Rikukin and Chou Reigyoku when Zensei's Four Sorcerers appear. The cornered Rikukin amplifies his rage to its limit and begins running out of control. All-out battle breaks out between the forces of Ryuukosan and Zensei! In onda il: 2018-05-29 20: Intent to Kill The Tenshi prepares to sacrifice himself in order to return the rampaging Rikukin to his senses. Meanwhile, while searching for Houhou, Soran spots Riku Rinron and Tsuu Kinka, whose lives are in danger. Will he save the girls who are surrounded by a large group of Zensei members? But he must find Houhou as soon as possible! What will Soran do...? 20: Intent to Kill In onda il: 2018-05-29 The Tenshi prepares to sacrifice himself in order to return the rampaging Rikukin to his senses. Meanwhile, while searching for Houhou, Soran spots Riku Rinron and Tsuu Kinka, whose lives are in danger. Will he save the girls who are surrounded by a large group of Zensei members? But he must find Houhou as soon as possible! What will Soran do...? In onda il: 2018-06-05 21: Miracle While saving Riku Rinron and Tsuu Kinka, Soran kills a person for the first time in his life, reminding him of the value of human life. Meanwhile, Zensei members Baron and Ryuusei stand in Houhou's way as she searches for Soran. What is their purpose...? 21: Miracle In onda il: 2018-06-05 While saving Riku Rinron and Tsuu Kinka, Soran kills a person for the first time in his life, reminding him of the value of human life. Meanwhile, Zensei members Baron and Ryuusei stand in Houhou's way as she searches for Soran. What is their purpose...? In onda il: 2018-06-12 22: Master The battle between the Tenshifu and Zensei is over. While the Tenshifu was able to drive back their enemies, both sides suffered heavy casualties. However, their troubles are far from over. 22: Master In onda il: 2018-06-12 The battle between the Tenshifu and Zensei is over. While the Tenshifu was able to drive back their enemies, both sides suffered heavy casualties. However, their troubles are far from over. In onda il: 2018-06-19 23: Repose The Tenshi's servant Hane is actually Kyoukei, acting Master of Zensei, who believes Den Shinchuu possesses an important secret concerning the Koushin War. He reveals that he hid his identity to get closer to Den Shinchuu and planned this attack so he could acquire that secret. However, when Den Shinchuu refuses to talk, Kyoukei summons Meikonjutsu user Ro Ryou and tries to steal Den Shinchuu's memories. 23: Repose In onda il: 2018-06-19 The Tenshi's servant Hane is actually Kyoukei, acting Master of Zensei, who believes Den Shinchuu possesses an important secret concerning the Koushin War. He reveals that he hid his identity to get closer to Den Shinchuu and planned this attack so he could acquire that secret. However, when Den Shinchuu refuses to talk, Kyoukei summons Meikonjutsu user Ro Ryou and tries to steal Den Shinchuu's memories. In onda il: 2018-06-26 24: Beijing Den Shinchuu's death leaves Chou Soran and the members of the Tenshifu overcome by sadness. As the sun rises, news of Zensei's attack on the Tenshifu spreads throughout outsider society in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, Ouya has been expelled from the Butou style and is heading to his home of Beijing alone, followed by mysterious figures. Finally, dark clouds appear to be gathering over Butousan, home of the Butou style. 24: Beijing In onda il: 2018-06-26 Den Shinchuu's death leaves Chou Soran and the members of the Tenshifu overcome by sadness. As the sun rises, news of Zensei's attack on the Tenshifu spreads throughout outsider society in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, Ouya has been expelled from the Butou style and is heading to his home of Beijing alone, followed by mysterious figures. Finally, dark clouds appear to be gathering over Butousan, home of the Butou style. In onda il: 2018-09-30 25: Episode 25 Nessuna trama disponibile 25: Episode 25 In onda il: 2018-09-30 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Hitori no Shita: The Outcast [12/12] (2016) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
aomine ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Hitori no Shita: The Outcast Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia Soran Chō (Zhang Chulan) conduce la vita di uno studente universitario molto comune fino a quando non si ritrova coinvolto in un terribile incidente accaduto in un piccolo villaggio. Mentre camminava in un cimitero, viene assalito dagli zombi. Pensando che per lui fosse finita, una misteriosa ragazza che porta una spada improvvisamente lo salva e scompare. 孙忠怀 Executive Producer 马延琨 Executive Producer Chen Ye Screenplay Chen Ye Director Chen Ye Storyboard Artist HeartStrings Original Music Composer 米二 Original Series Design Dong Man Tang Original Series Creator 米二 Comic Book 小连杀 冯宝宝 (voice) 冯盛 徐四 (voice) Yuntu Cao 张楚岚 (voice) Xin Teng 徐三 (voice) Shan Xin 夏荷 (voice) 阿杰 张灵玉 (voice) 王晨光 吕良 (voice) 宝木中阳 王也 (voice) Peng Yao 诸葛青 (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2016-07-09 1: The Chō Family's Secret? The grave of a man named Chou Shakurin has been disturbed in the Chinese countryside. A girl named Houhou, claiming to be the granddaughter of the grave's occupant, appears there. At the same time, Chou Soran, a student at a college in the city, has returned to the countryside to visit his grandfather Shakurin's grave. 1: The Chō Family's Secret? In onda il: 2016-07-09 The grave of a man named Chou Shakurin has been disturbed in the Chinese countryside. A girl named Houhou, claiming to be the granddaughter of the grave's occupant, appears there. At the same time, Chou Soran, a student at a college in the city, has returned to the countryside to visit his grandfather Shakurin's grave. In onda il: 2016-07-16 2: Master and Servant The morning after the zombie attack, Soran returns to college. Houhou tells him that she’ll be going to the same college he is, and she asks him to show her the power he used to fight the zombies. Soran jokes around, but Houhou takes out her knife and attacks him. Soran refuses to fight back, remembering his grandfather’s words. The time to use the power that his father, Yotoku, made him practice when he was young... Then, something envelopes Soran’s body. As the two of them fight, Ro Ryou, who physically looks like a young boy, and the zombie who defiled the grave are gathered in an abandoned building somewhere. At their feet is Shakurin’s body, and a beautiful woman named Natsuka appears as well. Now, Soran has no choice but to fight, and Natsuka, Ro Ryou, and the Zombie are beginning to make their move as well. What did Shakurin leave to Soran when he died? And what will Soran do now that he remembers Shakurin’s words? 2: Master and Servant In onda il: 2016-07-16 The morning after the zombie attack, Soran returns to college. Houhou tells him that she’ll be going to the same college he is, and she asks him to show her the power he used to fight the zombies. Soran jokes around, but Houhou takes out her knife and attacks him. Soran refuses to fight back, remembering his grandfather’s words. The time to use the power that his father, Yotoku, made him practice when he was young... Then, something envelopes Soran’s body. As the two of them fight, Ro Ryou, who physically looks like a young boy, and the zombie who defiled the grave are gathered in an abandoned building somewhere. At their feet is Shakurin’s body, and a beautiful woman named Natsuka appears as well. Now, Soran has no choice but to fight, and Natsuka, Ro Ryou, and the Zombie are beginning to make their move as well. What did Shakurin leave to Soran when he died? And what will Soran do now that he remembers Shakurin’s words? In onda il: 2016-07-23 3: Lie Not only has he become Houhou’s servant, but now his roommate is calling him suspicious! Just as everything’s going against him, Soran gets a friend request for a social network on his phone. And it’s from a cute girl! Soran gets excited, but Houhou tells him there’s someone she wants him to meet that evening. Soran wants to go on his date, so he ignores his master’s phone call. The girl who appears at the meeting spot is Kenken, who is as cute as her picture, and very kind as well. Meanwhile, Houhou is with Jo San, who she was supposed to introduce to Soran that night. Infuriated, she uses GPS technology to track him, saying that she’ll need to give him a very harsh lesson. What will happen with Soran’s date? Will Houhou find him? What will happen next? 3: Lie In onda il: 2016-07-23 Not only has he become Houhou’s servant, but now his roommate is calling him suspicious! Just as everything’s going against him, Soran gets a friend request for a social network on his phone. And it’s from a cute girl! Soran gets excited, but Houhou tells him there’s someone she wants him to meet that evening. Soran wants to go on his date, so he ignores his master’s phone call. The girl who appears at the meeting spot is Kenken, who is as cute as her picture, and very kind as well. Meanwhile, Houhou is with Jo San, who she was supposed to introduce to Soran that night. Infuriated, she uses GPS technology to track him, saying that she’ll need to give him a very harsh lesson. What will happen with Soran’s date? Will Houhou find him? What will happen next? In onda il: 2016-07-30 4: Chaos Excited by his first chance at a date, Soran is easily deceived by Kenken and his Kinkou is sealed away. Natsuka, Ro Ryou, and Kenken capture him. Houhou and Josan come to save him. A battle begins as the helpless Soran is left tied up in the corner. As more and more outsiders and zombies join the fight, Soran is saved by a new power user, Saru. The place becomes a war zone as all the outsiders use their powers. The capture of Soran brings the two outsider organizations into open conflict. Who will survive? And what will happen to Soran? 4: Chaos In onda il: 2016-07-30 Excited by his first chance at a date, Soran is easily deceived by Kenken and his Kinkou is sealed away. Natsuka, Ro Ryou, and Kenken capture him. Houhou and Josan come to save him. A battle begins as the helpless Soran is left tied up in the corner. As more and more outsiders and zombies join the fight, Soran is saved by a new power user, Saru. The place becomes a war zone as all the outsiders use their powers. The capture of Soran brings the two outsider organizations into open conflict. Who will survive? And what will happen to Soran? In onda il: 2016-08-06 5: Welcome to Express Delivery In the prison on the bottom floor is Kenken, who was betrayed by Zensei and captured by Express Delivery. Jo San tries to get information about Zensei from her, but she refuses to talk. Suddenly, Jo Yon, his older brother, appears, and when she won’t answer his questions he tries to use force. Soran tries to stop him, and it feels like a battle could break out in the prison at any second. Soran wants Jo San to go easy on Kenken, and Jo San is about to agree, when Jo Yon interrupts and refuses. At last, Kenken talks. Why did they steal Chou Shakurin’s body? What does Zensei want? Why did Kenken try to join Zensei? The truth is revealed. 5: Welcome to Express Delivery In onda il: 2016-08-06 In the prison on the bottom floor is Kenken, who was betrayed by Zensei and captured by Express Delivery. Jo San tries to get information about Zensei from her, but she refuses to talk. Suddenly, Jo Yon, his older brother, appears, and when she won’t answer his questions he tries to use force. Soran tries to stop him, and it feels like a battle could break out in the prison at any second. Soran wants Jo San to go easy on Kenken, and Jo San is about to agree, when Jo Yon interrupts and refuses. At last, Kenken talks. Why did they steal Chou Shakurin’s body? What does Zensei want? Why did Kenken try to join Zensei? The truth is revealed. In onda il: 2016-08-13 6: Thunder God Soran is kidnapped, and met by Chou Reigyoku. Reigyoku uses kinkou, the techniques that Soran was taught by his father when he was little. His kinkou is more powerful than Soran’s, so Soran has no way to fight back. At the same time, Houhou goes to save him, but Fuu Saen blocks her path. As the two of them fight, they can feel Reigyoku’s ki off in the distance. They agree to a temporary truce and go towards Soran and Reigyoku. Soran is about to give up in the face of Reigyoku’s overwhelming might. Houhou arrives and says, “Show him your power!” His grandfather, Shakurin, had taught him a power even stronger than kinkou. Soran’s kinkou begins to change color. What power does he have? 6: Thunder God In onda il: 2016-08-13 Soran is kidnapped, and met by Chou Reigyoku. Reigyoku uses kinkou, the techniques that Soran was taught by his father when he was little. His kinkou is more powerful than Soran’s, so Soran has no way to fight back. At the same time, Houhou goes to save him, but Fuu Saen blocks her path. As the two of them fight, they can feel Reigyoku’s ki off in the distance. They agree to a temporary truce and go towards Soran and Reigyoku. Soran is about to give up in the face of Reigyoku’s overwhelming might. Houhou arrives and says, “Show him your power!” His grandfather, Shakurin, had taught him a power even stronger than kinkou. Soran’s kinkou begins to change color. What power does he have? In onda il: 2016-08-20 7: Soran's Feelings Soran has become a Tenshi candidate, and now he lives in a villa with Houhou. When she sees how nervous he becomes when he’s alone with a girl, Houhou decides to make a man out of Soran. Soran is angered by her selfish decision, and says he’s not going to listen to her anymore. He leaves the house, and Houhou is left standing there alone. Fuu Saen of the Tengekai is waiting for him. Soran is taken to the Tengekai, which is actually a huge corporation called the Tenge Group. He is met by Fuu Saen’s father, Fuu Chonhao, who is the leader of the Tengekai. 7: Soran's Feelings In onda il: 2016-08-20 Soran has become a Tenshi candidate, and now he lives in a villa with Houhou. When she sees how nervous he becomes when he’s alone with a girl, Houhou decides to make a man out of Soran. Soran is angered by her selfish decision, and says he’s not going to listen to her anymore. He leaves the house, and Houhou is left standing there alone. Fuu Saen of the Tengekai is waiting for him. Soran is taken to the Tengekai, which is actually a huge corporation called the Tenge Group. He is met by Fuu Saen’s father, Fuu Chonhao, who is the leader of the Tengekai. In onda il: 2016-08-27 8: Infiltration Houhou goes to the Tengekai to take back Soran. She defeats one outsider after another, but then she is stopped by Ja Jongu. He is on a different level than the other foes, and she can’t even touch him. Meanwhile, Soran is with Saen, who has been told by her father to date him. The seal doesn’t respond to Saen! Saen is serious about dating him so Soran runs away. Saen says if he’s serious about running, she’ll stop him with everything she has. She uses her teleportation powers to attack him and he has no way to fight back. Both he and Houhou are losing the fight. Two battle take place inside the Tengekai Building. What will happen to Soran and Houhou? 8: Infiltration In onda il: 2016-08-27 Houhou goes to the Tengekai to take back Soran. She defeats one outsider after another, but then she is stopped by Ja Jongu. He is on a different level than the other foes, and she can’t even touch him. Meanwhile, Soran is with Saen, who has been told by her father to date him. The seal doesn’t respond to Saen! Saen is serious about dating him so Soran runs away. Saen says if he’s serious about running, she’ll stop him with everything she has. She uses her teleportation powers to attack him and he has no way to fight back. Both he and Houhou are losing the fight. Two battle take place inside the Tengekai Building. What will happen to Soran and Houhou? In onda il: 2016-09-03 9: Secret Arts Houhou has no way to stop Ja Jongu’s attacks, and decides that she can’t win the way she’s fighting. She takes off her heels and uses her full power. Meanwhile, Soran negotiates with Saen so that if he can defeat her teleportation attacks she’ll let him go. She agrees, and launches her next attack. But her fist is stopped! What new power has Soran come up with? 9: Secret Arts In onda il: 2016-09-03 Houhou has no way to stop Ja Jongu’s attacks, and decides that she can’t win the way she’s fighting. She takes off her heels and uses her full power. Meanwhile, Soran negotiates with Saen so that if he can defeat her teleportation attacks she’ll let him go. She agrees, and launches her next attack. But her fist is stopped! What new power has Soran come up with? In onda il: 2016-09-10 10: Houhou Houhou defeats Ja Jongu, and Soran defeats Fuu Saen, but a sneak attack from Jongu pierces Houhou’s heart and she collapses. Angry at his dirty trick, The president of the Tengekai defeats Ja Jongu, and the outsiders of the Tengekai try to treat her wounds. Jo San and Jo Yon arrive and tell the Tengekai that they will treat her instead. Do the two of them know a way to save her before Ro Ryou makes contact with Soran, saying he’s come to show him how his grandfather, Shakurin, died. What does he show Soran? Then, Jo San and Jo Yon's father comes out of his coma and says he’s going to tell them about the past. What does he tell them about Houhou’s past? What about his relationship with Shakurin? The mysteries of the past are revealed. 10: Houhou In onda il: 2016-09-10 Houhou defeats Ja Jongu, and Soran defeats Fuu Saen, but a sneak attack from Jongu pierces Houhou’s heart and she collapses. Angry at his dirty trick, The president of the Tengekai defeats Ja Jongu, and the outsiders of the Tengekai try to treat her wounds. Jo San and Jo Yon arrive and tell the Tengekai that they will treat her instead. Do the two of them know a way to save her before Ro Ryou makes contact with Soran, saying he’s come to show him how his grandfather, Shakurin, died. What does he show Soran? Then, Jo San and Jo Yon's father comes out of his coma and says he’s going to tell them about the past. What does he tell them about Houhou’s past? What about his relationship with Shakurin? The mysteries of the past are revealed. In onda il: 2016-09-17 11: 1944 Jo San and Jo Yon’s father, Jo Shou, tells them about Houhou’s past. When Jo Shou was a child, his father and mother saved Houhou when she was being attacked by men in the mountains of the Chinese countryside. At the time she was very quiet, had no memories, and only remembered her name. Jo Shou started to live with her. Houhou trained very hard to control her ki, and Jo Shou would spend time training with her and farming with her. One day, the village was attacked by bandits. The bandits set their eyes on Houhou. Jo Shou’s father begged them to let her go, but they attacked with their sharp blade. What happened to his father? What happened to Houhou? 11: 1944 In onda il: 2016-09-17 Jo San and Jo Yon’s father, Jo Shou, tells them about Houhou’s past. When Jo Shou was a child, his father and mother saved Houhou when she was being attacked by men in the mountains of the Chinese countryside. At the time she was very quiet, had no memories, and only remembered her name. Jo Shou started to live with her. Houhou trained very hard to control her ki, and Jo Shou would spend time training with her and farming with her. One day, the village was attacked by bandits. The bandits set their eyes on Houhou. Jo Shou’s father begged them to let her go, but they attacked with their sharp blade. What happened to his father? What happened to Houhou? In onda il: 2016-09-24 12: To the Future Jo Shou’s father is killed, and his mother begs Houhou to take revenge. Houhou kills the bandits without emotion. It is a terrifying sight. She saved the village, but the villagers treat her like monsters and drive her away. She separates from Jo Shou and is left alone deep within the mountains. Several years later she lives a lonely life, and decides to go find her family. Jo Shou finds a picture of Houhou. It’s been decades since he last saw her, but she hasn’t changed at all. What happens to her when she arrives in town? What does Jo Shou do? What will Soran do now that he is a part of the outsider world, and knows the truth? His destiny continues from the past. But what will his future be? 12: To the Future In onda il: 2016-09-24 Jo Shou’s father is killed, and his mother begs Houhou to take revenge. Houhou kills the bandits without emotion. It is a terrifying sight. She saved the village, but the villagers treat her like monsters and drive her away. She separates from Jo Shou and is left alone deep within the mountains. Several years later she lives a lonely life, and decides to go find her family. Jo Shou finds a picture of Houhou. It’s been decades since he last saw her, but she hasn’t changed at all. What happens to her when she arrives in town? What does Jo Shou do? What will Soran do now that he is a part of the outsider world, and knows the truth? His destiny continues from the past. But what will his future be? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Outcast Stagione 2 Episodi 10 Mistero ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Nella fittizia cittadina di Rome, nella Virginia Occidentale, Kyle Barnes, dopo una vita tormentata da possessioni demoniache che hanno afflitto lui e i suoi cari, cerca di trascorrere la sua vita alienandosi quanto più possibile dal resto della società. Dopo un incontro fortuito con il reverendo Anderson, un pastore evangelico che aveva tentato di aiutarlo da bambino, questi gli chiede aiuto per un esorcismo da compiere su un bambino con il quale apparentemente non ha legami. Tuttavia, scopre presto di essere direttamente coinvolto in tali nuove manifestazioni soprannaturali, accorgendosi nell'occasione di come il suo sangue abbia un effetto repellente nei confronti del demone. Insieme a Anderson, decide quindi di provare a comprendere cosa si nasconda dietro tali esternazioni demoniache e quale sia il suo ruolo. Rebecca Sonnenshine Co-Executive Producer Jenna Bauer Associate Producer David Auge Producer Sarah Byrd Producer Adam Targum Executive Producer Summer Eubanks Set Decoration Ron Cosmo Vecchiarelli Unit Production Manager Howard Deutch Executive Producer Sue Naegle Executive Producer Sharon Tal Yguado Executive Producer Mark White Production Design Leopold Ross Music Robert Kirkman Executive Producer Emmie Holmes Costume Design Wendy O'Brien Casting Chris Black Executive Producer Jeff Vlaming Co-Executive Producer Claudia Sarne Music Geoffrey S. Grimsman Art Direction Chase Paris Casting David Alpert Executive Producer Tara Feldstein Bennett Casting Chris Gehrt Casting Atticus Ross Original Music Composer Patrick Fugit Kyle Barnes Philip Glenister Reverend Anderson Wrenn Schmidt Megan Holter Reg E. Cathey Chief Giles Brent Spiner Sidney Madeleine McGraw Amber Barnes Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2017-04-10 1: Bad Penny Kyle finds the possession phenomenon to be more widespread than he had imagined, while Reverend Anderson struggles with guilt over his actions. 1: Bad Penny In onda il: 2017-04-10 Kyle finds the possession phenomenon to be more widespread than he had imagined, while Reverend Anderson struggles with guilt over his actions. In onda il: 2017-04-10 2: The Day After That The mystery of the supernatural manifestations and why they are drawn to Kyle continues. As the possessions grow, Kyle struggles to protect those he holds most dear. 2: The Day After That In onda il: 2017-04-10 The mystery of the supernatural manifestations and why they are drawn to Kyle continues. As the possessions grow, Kyle struggles to protect those he holds most dear. In onda il: 2017-04-17 3: Not My Job to Judge Megan must face the consequences of her actions. Meanwhile, a disappearance in Rome leads Kyle and Anderson to a new and dangerous consequence of the rise in possessions. 3: Not My Job to Judge In onda il: 2017-04-17 Megan must face the consequences of her actions. Meanwhile, a disappearance in Rome leads Kyle and Anderson to a new and dangerous consequence of the rise in possessions. In onda il: 2017-04-24 4: The One I'd Be Waiting For A dangerous fugitive on the loose threatens the town of Rome, as well as Reverend Anderson’s sanity. Kyle struggles with a new understanding of where his powers – and his curse – originated. Megan and Holly attempt to rebuild their lives 4: The One I'd Be Waiting For In onda il: 2017-04-24 A dangerous fugitive on the loose threatens the town of Rome, as well as Reverend Anderson’s sanity. Kyle struggles with a new understanding of where his powers – and his curse – originated. Megan and Holly attempt to rebuild their lives In onda il: 2017-05-01 5: The Common Good Kyle gets closer to finding Sidney, while Anderson discovers an unexpected potential ally. A prominent member of the Rome community is revealed to be an agent of the possessed, and few characters will escape his plan unscathed. 5: The Common Good In onda il: 2017-05-01 Kyle gets closer to finding Sidney, while Anderson discovers an unexpected potential ally. A prominent member of the Rome community is revealed to be an agent of the possessed, and few characters will escape his plan unscathed. In onda il: 2017-05-08 6: Fireflies Kyle's family and friends mourn the aftermath of a disaster – until a revelation from Reverend Anderson compels them to use Amber's unique powers. Allison rejoins her family in Rome. 6: Fireflies In onda il: 2017-05-08 Kyle's family and friends mourn the aftermath of a disaster – until a revelation from Reverend Anderson compels them to use Amber's unique powers. Allison rejoins her family in Rome. In onda il: 2017-05-15 7: Alone When It Comes Kyle attempts to get his family to safety as the town of Rome becomes increasingly overrun by the possessed. Anderson takes Megan under his wing, bringing her to find solace in an unlikely place. Chief Giles realizes his wife has been resorting to desperate measures. 7: Alone When It Comes In onda il: 2017-05-15 Kyle attempts to get his family to safety as the town of Rome becomes increasingly overrun by the possessed. Anderson takes Megan under his wing, bringing her to find solace in an unlikely place. Chief Giles realizes his wife has been resorting to desperate measures. In onda il: 2017-05-22 8: Mercy Kyle faces the mysteries behind his powers. Reverend Anderson finally confronts Sidney as Doctor Park's plans grow in scale. Megan makes an unlikely friend – one who will prove dangerous. Chief Giles tries to defend himself and his wife from the tide of the possessed in Rome. 8: Mercy In onda il: 2017-05-22 Kyle faces the mysteries behind his powers. Reverend Anderson finally confronts Sidney as Doctor Park's plans grow in scale. Megan makes an unlikely friend – one who will prove dangerous. Chief Giles tries to defend himself and his wife from the tide of the possessed in Rome. In onda il: 2017-05-29 9: This is How It Starts Kyle and Anderson face down Sidney – until an unexpected threat intervenes. Megan leaves the relative safety of the backwoods church, and danger quickly finds her. Tragedy strikes the Giles family. An unexpected stranger rivets Kyle's attention. 9: This is How It Starts In onda il: 2017-05-29 Kyle and Anderson face down Sidney – until an unexpected threat intervenes. Megan leaves the relative safety of the backwoods church, and danger quickly finds her. Tragedy strikes the Giles family. An unexpected stranger rivets Kyle's attention. In onda il: 2017-06-05 10: To the Sea Kyle reluctantly joins forces with a mysterious stranger in an attempt to end the possession threat once and for all, but fears the man may be hiding something. Megan struggles to escape her captors. Reverend Anderson shares an unexpected source of strength with his old friend, Chief Giles. 10: To the Sea In onda il: 2017-06-05 Kyle reluctantly joins forces with a mysterious stranger in an attempt to end the possession threat once and for all, but fears the man may be hiding something. Megan struggles to escape her captors. Reverend Anderson shares an unexpected source of strength with his old friend, Chief Giles. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Outcast Stagione 1 Episodi 10 Mistero ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Nella fittizia cittadina di Rome, nella Virginia Occidentale, Kyle Barnes, dopo una vita tormentata da possessioni demoniache che hanno afflitto lui e i suoi cari, cerca di trascorrere la sua vita alienandosi quanto più possibile dal resto della società. Dopo un incontro fortuito con il reverendo Anderson, un pastore evangelico che aveva tentato di aiutarlo da bambino, questi gli chiede aiuto per un esorcismo da compiere su un bambino con il quale apparentemente non ha legami. Tuttavia, scopre presto di essere direttamente coinvolto in tali nuove manifestazioni soprannaturali, accorgendosi nell'occasione di come il suo sangue abbia un effetto repellente nei confronti del demone. Insieme a Anderson, decide quindi di provare a comprendere cosa si nasconda dietro tali esternazioni demoniache e quale sia il suo ruolo. Rebecca Sonnenshine Co-Executive Producer Jenna Bauer Associate Producer David Auge Producer Sarah Byrd Producer Adam Targum Executive Producer Summer Eubanks Set Decoration Ron Cosmo Vecchiarelli Unit Production Manager Howard Deutch Executive Producer Sue Naegle Executive Producer Sharon Tal Yguado Executive Producer Mark White Production Design Leopold Ross Music Robert Kirkman Executive Producer Emmie Holmes Costume Design Wendy O'Brien Casting Chris Black Executive Producer Jeff Vlaming Co-Executive Producer Claudia Sarne Music Geoffrey S. Grimsman Art Direction Chase Paris Casting David Alpert Executive Producer Tara Feldstein Bennett Casting Chris Gehrt Casting Atticus Ross Original Music Composer Patrick Fugit Kyle Barnes Philip Glenister Reverend Anderson Wrenn Schmidt Megan Holter Reg E. Cathey Chief Giles Brent Spiner Sidney Madeleine McGraw Amber Barnes Episodi: 10 In onda il: 2016-06-03 1: A Darkness Surrounds Him Kyle Barnes confronts a possession case and begins to delve into the secrets of his past. 1: A Darkness Surrounds Him In onda il: 2016-06-03 Kyle Barnes confronts a possession case and begins to delve into the secrets of his past. In onda il: 2016-06-10 2: (I Remember) When She Loved Me Kyle questions his family history. 2: (I Remember) When She Loved Me In onda il: 2016-06-10 Kyle questions his family history. In onda il: 2016-06-17 3: All Alone Now Kyle and Reverend Anderson confront an unusual possession. 3: All Alone Now In onda il: 2016-06-17 Kyle and Reverend Anderson confront an unusual possession. In onda il: 2016-06-24 4: A Wrath Unseen The intrigue intensifies in town as Anderson uncovers startling news about someone close to him. Megan holds fast to her secret. 4: A Wrath Unseen In onda il: 2016-06-24 The intrigue intensifies in town as Anderson uncovers startling news about someone close to him. Megan holds fast to her secret. In onda il: 2016-07-08 5: The Road Before Us Kyle presses his estranged wife, Allison, to meet; a suspicious Chief Giles shadows his best friend. 5: The Road Before Us In onda il: 2016-07-08 Kyle presses his estranged wife, Allison, to meet; a suspicious Chief Giles shadows his best friend. In onda il: 2016-07-15 6: From The Shadows It Watches Rev. Anderson finds his powers sorely tested; Patricia reaches out to Kyle; Sidney delivers a warning. 6: From The Shadows It Watches In onda il: 2016-07-15 Rev. Anderson finds his powers sorely tested; Patricia reaches out to Kyle; Sidney delivers a warning. In onda il: 2016-07-22 7: The Damage Done Kyle and Allison revisit their past; Rev. Anderson gets carried away during Remembrance Day. 7: The Damage Done In onda il: 2016-07-22 Kyle and Allison revisit their past; Rev. Anderson gets carried away during Remembrance Day. In onda il: 2016-07-29 8: What Lurks Within Rev. Anderson finds himself increasingly alienated; Kyle has a stunning revelation from Sidney. 8: What Lurks Within In onda il: 2016-07-29 Rev. Anderson finds himself increasingly alienated; Kyle has a stunning revelation from Sidney. In onda il: 2016-08-05 9: Close to Home Kyle enlists Mark's help to find out where Allison has gone; Anderson fights to keep his grip on his church and the town. 9: Close to Home In onda il: 2016-08-05 Kyle enlists Mark's help to find out where Allison has gone; Anderson fights to keep his grip on his church and the town. In onda il: 2016-08-12 10: This Little Light Rev. Anderson resorts to drastic measures in an attempt to finally rid the town of the devil. 10: This Little Light In onda il: 2016-08-12 Rev. Anderson resorts to drastic measures in an attempt to finally rid the town of the devil. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Scheda Titolo originale: Outcast Paese: Stati Uniti d'America Anno: 2017 Formato: serie TV Genere: horror, drammatico, thriller Episodi: 10 Durata: 45 min (episodio) Ideatore: Robert Kirkman Interpreti e personaggi Patrick Fugit: Kyle Barnes Philip Glenister: reverendo John Anderson Wrenn Schmidt: Megan Holter Kate Lyn Sheil: Allison Barnes David Denman: Mark Holter Brent Spiner: Sidney Julia Crockett: Sarah Barnes Reg E. Cathey: Byron Giles Madeleine McGraw: Amber Barnes TRAMA Nella fittizia cittadina di Rome, nella Virginia Occidentale, Kyle Barnes, dopo una vita tormentata da possessioni demoniache che hanno afflitto lui e i suoi cari, cerca di trascorrere la sua vita alienandosi quanto più possibile dal resto della società. Dopo un incontro fortuito con il reverendo Anderson, un pastore evangelico che aveva tentato di aiutarlo da bambino, questi gli chiede aiuto per un esorcismo da compiere su un bambino con il quale apparentemente non ha legami. Outcast - Stagione 2 (2017) (8/10) WEBMux 720P ITA ENG AC3 x264 mkv Outcast - Stagione 2 (2017) (Completa) DLMux ITA ENG MP3 Avi