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Descrizione DOMINA VEICOLI LEGGENDARI L'adrenalina degli eventi Monster Jam è pronta a esplodere grazie alle icone più famose del franchise: i truck! Grave Digger, El Toro Loco, Megalodon e tanti altri... Mettiti al volante dei bolidi più potenti dell'universo Monster Jam sfrecciando con i truck ufficiali, con i mezzi che hanno fatto la storia del franchise e con i più incredibili modelli dal catalogo dei toys. Sblocca decine di truck e colleziona innumerevoli livree diverse! PURO DIVERTIMENTO OFF-ROAD ARCADE Immergiti in un arcade racing game unico! Sfida i tuoi avversari in gare off-road mozzafiato ed esegui trick spettacolari. Batti tutti i tuoi rivali utilizzando il boost, schiantati, e distruggi il mondo circostante per ottenere ancora più potenza! Che tu sia un fan sfegatato di Monster Jam o un appassionato di corse arcade, questo titolo ti regalerà un'immediata esperienza di guida, al volante di questi bolidi dal doppio sistema sterzante. FREESTYLE CON STILE Tieniti in equilibrio con un wheelie perfetto, mastica un po' di polvere con donut impeccabili, o spicca il volo per il miglior big air di sempre. In soldoni: preparati a sfidare la gravità in modalità freestyle! Lanciati in salti folli, flip e acrobazie da urlo, scala le classifiche e diventa un maestro dei trick! FAI VEDERE CHI COMANDA NELLO SHOWDOWN TOUR Inizia la tua carriera nello Showdown Tour! Parti per un'avventura non lineare attraverso diverse modalità di gioco, tra arene e natura selvaggia. Sconfiggi gli avversari e sblocca nuovi truck, livree e potenziamenti. Chi è il boss adesso? CONQUISTA LA NATURA SELVAGGIA Correre e saltare in stadi e arene è fantastico, ma a volte si ha semplicemente voglia di uscire un po' dal sentiero tracciato, no? Allora preparati a guidare attraverso gli ambienti incontaminati più spettacolari. Sfreccia tra la polvere della Death Valley, le foreste del Colorado e il ghiaccio dell'Alaska. Ma stai attento, Madre Natura è sempre in agguato: tempeste di sabbia, temporali e bufere renderanno le cose ancora più folli! TONNELLATE DI GAME MODES Monster Jam™ Showdown ti permette di scatenare i trick più folli e le tue abilità di pilota off-road in tante modalità di gioco diverse. Rivivi gli eventi originali nelle venue ispirate agli stadi ufficiali Monster Jam™, o sfida la realtà e l’ambiente con stunt e manovre impensabili anche per il più esperto dei piloti. Sfreccia sui circuiti, evita gli scontri nelle piste in forma 8 o sopravvivi alle corse Orda. Dai il meglio di te nella modalità Best Trick o Extreme Freestyle! È ora di padroneggiare tutte queste sfide per dare il via alla tua carriera oppure giocare con i tuoi amici, anche in split screen. Aloha Expansion: Lo senti il richiamo delle Hawaii? Queste isole da sogno sono pronte ad accoglierti e a regalarti tantissime nuove sfide. All’interno di quest’espansione troverai infatti un nuovo ambiente ispirato alla rigogliosissima e selvaggia natura hawaiana, all’interno del quale potrai esplorare 6 tracciati inediti e una nuova arena. Ma non è tutto, perché in Monster Jam Showdown - Aloha Expansion troverai anche i compagni d'avventura perfetti per questa nuova esperienza tropicale: 5 truck pronti a scatenarsi nella giungla! Il primo è Wreckreation: un RV monster truck sempre pronto alla distruzione che, come dice la scritta sul suo tettuccio, ti invita a "Uscire a giocare". Il boscaiolo Lumberjack, che ha debuttato nel 2015, si troverà sicuramente a suo agio tra i tronchi d'albero hawaiani. E anche Fire Rescue e Full Charge, due truck venuti fuori dritti dritti dal mondo dei giocattoli, sapranno davvero farsi strada tra il fango e il fogliame delle isole. Infine, ultima ma non meno importante, si unirà al viaggio una vera e propria decana, la prima Grave Digger ad aver mai utilizzato la livera "spooky": Grave Digger “Grandma”! Questo DLC contiene: - 1 nuovo ambiente: 6 tracciati e 1 arena - Wreckreation con 3 livree - Lumberjack con 3 livree - Fire Rescue con 3 livree - Full Charge con 3 livree - Grave Digger "Grandma" con 3 livree Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Monster.Jam.Showdown.Aloha-RUNE [FULL ITA]
Nicky Jam - Infinity (2021) Artist...............: Nicky Jam Album................: Infinity Genre................: Latin;Reggaeton Source...............: CD Year.................: 2021 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 44:44 Total Size...........: 105,82 MB Nicky Jam - Infinity - 01 - Magnum (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:02 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 02 - Miami (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:12 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 03 - Te hace falta (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:04 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 04 - Celosa (MP3-320 320 kbps) 02:58 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 05 - Se de y se da (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:11 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 06 - Pikete (MP3-320 320 kbps) 02:33 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 07 - Clavo (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:03 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 08 - Te invito (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:00 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 09 - DM (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:23 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 10 - Una guayaa (MP3-320 320 kbps) 02:50 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 11 - Polvo (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:31 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 12 - Playa (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:04 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 13 - Dándote (MP3-320 320 kbps) 02:43 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 14 - Melancolía (MP3-320 320 kbps) 02:41 Nicky Jam - Infinity - 15 - Fan de tus fotos (MP3-320 320 kbps) 03:17 Password = (8oTTini(8)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. Links are interchangeable if the file is splitted. https://www.mediafire.com/file/w7f85t0mk4fap29/NJIN.rar/file or https://workupload.com/file/s9v7uD4JTgn or https://1fichier.com/?24lbabrv2689egnsgped or https://krakenfiles.com/view/VdC4zs6HCU/file.html or https://terabytez.org/eafrttyd4tj8/NJIN.rar
Pearl Jam - Dark Matter (Deluxe Edition) (2024) [Blu-ray Audio]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Dark Matter (Deluxe Edition) (2024) [Blu-ray Audio] Label: Republic Records [602465084962] Country: USA Genre: Rock Quality: Blu-ray Audio Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 7534 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -31dB) Time: 00:48:21 Full Size: 11.21 GB Dark Matter Setlist: https://youtu.be/8x2D7UXR2EM https://youtu.be/6Fx8LprPMIU https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/66b3a22e0b9d2 -
REO Speedwagon - Live At Moondance Jam (2013, Blu-ray)
Sekes ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
REO Speedwagon - Live At Moondance Jam (2013, Blu-ray) Title: REO Speedwagon - Live At Moondance Jam Year of release: 2013 Genre: Rock Released: Soulfood Music Cast: REO Speedwagon Tracklist: 1. Don't Let Him Go 2. Keep On Loving You 3. In Your Letter 4. Take It On The Run 5. Keep Pushin' 6. Golden Country 7. Can't Fight This Feeling 8. Like You Do 9. Time For Me To Fly 10. Back On The Road Again 11. Roll With The Changes 12. Ridin' The Storm Out 13. 157 Riverside Avenue Bonus: Interview with Kevin Cronin Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-2 Video / 30498 kbps / 1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps Total Size: 20.46 GB Total Time: 01:24:44, 00:03:06 Download Hoster: hitfile.net, rapidgator.net, turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/29B9D28F67.html Pass: 689-
- reo
- speedwagon
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Scooter - Back To The Heavyweight Jam (20 Years Of Hardcore Expanded Editon) (2013) [FLAC]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Scooter - Back To The Heavyweight Jam (20 Years Of Hardcore Expanded Editon) (2013) (Sheffield Tunes, 4250117629533) Country: Germany Genre: Eurodance, Techno Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/16 bit] Time: 02:02:16 Full Size: 898.45 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K46-5UIuOWk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Xae-x31Mo Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6606ddd522199 -
Pearl Jam - Dark Matter (2024) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Dark Matter (2024) Artist: Pearl Jam Album: Dark Matter Released: 2024 Style: Grunge Format: MP3 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01. Scared Of Fear (4:25) 02. React, Respond (3:31) 03. Wreckage (5:01) 04. Dark Matter (3:32) 05. Won't Tell (3:28) 06. Upper Hand (5:57) 07. Waiting For Stevie (5:41) 08. Running (2:19) 09. Something Special (4:07) 10. Got To Give (4:37) 11. Setting Sun (5:46) DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/08D2B89824.html
Pearl Jam - Dark Matter (2024) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Trafic Jam - The Joke Is Over (2024) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Trafic Jam - The Joke Is Over (2024) 48-24 Country: France Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 46:24 Full Size: 613.2 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pb5w0HE1C4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWViRmc8GAE&list=OLAK5uy_mIGA65WBKGmQxy1JrzFdL_SCZyoNPiRdU Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/vyejzk0hzdnp -
Sam Higham - Jam Fish (2023) [48kHz/24bit]
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Sam Higham - Jam Fish (2023) 48-24 Country: New Zealand Genre: Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 39:01 Full Size: 481.34 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9O-or7MXPM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFmHbd0wyzg Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/wg1h00qi10de -
Pearl Jam - Soldier Field, Chicago 1995 (2023)
Skyware ha pubblicato una discussione in » Album Stranieri
Pearl Jam - Soldier Field, Chicago 1995 (2023) Artist: Pearl Jam Album: Soldier Field, Chicago 1995 Released: 2023 Style: Grunge Format: MP3 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01 - Intro _ Release (Live) [00:05:20] 02 - Go (Live) [00:02:52] 03 - Last Exit (Live) [00:02:41] 04 - Spin the Black Circle (Live) [00:02:46] 05 - Tremor Christ (Live) [00:04:31] 06 - Corduroy (Live) [00:07:05] 07 - Whipping (Live) [00:02:50] 08 - I Got Shit (Live) [00:05:16] 09 - Dissident (Live) [00:03:54] 10 - Even Flow (Live) [00:05:12] 11 - Improv (Live) [00:06:58] 12 - Jeremy (Live) [00:05:20] 13 - Glorified G (Live) [00:03:19] 14 - Daughter (Live) [00:09:48] 15 - Animal (Live) [00:11:22] 16 - Habit (Live) [00:02:30] 17 - Lukin _ Chatter (Live) [00:05:38] 18 - Not for You _ Instrumental (Live) [00:04:09] 19 - Chatter (Live) [00:07:06] 20 - Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town (Live) [00:01:09] 21 - Immortality (Live) [00:04:43] 22 - Alive (Live) [00:06:21] 23 - Porch _ Radio Announcer (Live) [00:05:36] 24 - Everyday People (Live) [00:03:20] 25 - Let My Love Open the Door (Live) [00:10:22] 26 - Better Man (Live) [00:03:50] 27 - Rearviewmirror (Live) [00:04:18] 28 - Black (Live) [00:08:07] 29 - Blood (Live) [00:06:07] 30 - Yellow Ledbetter (Live) [00:06:07] 31 - Starboy (Live) [00:05:42] 32 - Little Wing (Live) [00:03:00] 33 - Instrumental (Live) [00:02:57] DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/D211264673.html -
Tesla - Five Man London Jam (2020) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Tesla - Five Man London Jam (Live At Abbey Road Studios, 6/12/19) (2020) 96-24 Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock, Acoustic Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:06:01 Full Size: 1.42 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS0-jm0IZlo&list=OLAK5uy_ldic4-FcnrsE2y19Q2BBeOLLrsWH9OjHc Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/646f9ef4bed6a-
- [96khz/24bit]
- (2020)
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Descrizione Ispirato agli sparatutto retrò e ai giochi arcade, Gun Jam è un FPS frenetico, energico e d'azione esagerato, in cui i giocatori devono sparare a ritmo per sopravvivere. Entra nel solco della musica e spara, scatta, calcia e salta a razzo per combattere orde di nemici che ti vengono incontro e accumulare il punteggio più alto possibile. Dotato di una colonna sonora con 3 generi diversi, 4 arene di battaglia, una serie di nemici, boss e armi e un importatore di musica personalizzato per creare la tua esperienza e suonare al tuo ritmo. Preparati ad alzarlo fino a 11! Caratteristiche principali: - Spara, scatta e calcia a ritmo per sopravvivere a ondate di nemici attaccanti - Riproduci sulla nostra OST o aggiungi la tua musica con il nostro importatore per creare la tua esperienza di gioco - Sperimenta quattro mappe diverse e vibranti che si sincronizzano con la musica - Sconfiggi vari nemici e boss impegnativi, ognuno con i propri comportamenti e attacchi - Gioca con personaggi diversi, con i propri attributi e un'abilità Overdrive unica - Padroneggia una varietà di armi, ognuna delle quali infligge danni diversi SCONFITTA A TEMPO Abbina attentamente i tuoi colpi e le tue azioni al ritmo, combatti orde di soldati e altri nemici per sopravvivere e poi affronta i potenti boss. SINCRONIZZA CON IL SUONO DELLA CITTÀ Gli scontri a fuoco FPS sono sincronizzati con la nostra colonna sonora originale multi-genere con musica EDM, TrapHop e Metal. Immergiti nel nostro stile artistico e in un ambiente vibrante che reagisce alla musica. GIOCA CON LA MUSICA PERSONALIZZATA Gira al ritmo della tua colonna sonora e personalizza la tua esperienza con il nostro Custom Music Importer. Carica semplicemente la tua musica per generare una beatmap personalizzata e suonare insieme alla tua musica in una qualsiasi delle nostre mappe. Il gioco supporta MP3, WAV, FLAC e OGG. BLAST BADDIES CON VARIE ARMI Usa il fucile a pompa a doppia canna, il fucile a rotaia, il lanciarazzi e il fucile al plasma per colpire le orde di soldati diretti verso di te e infliggere diversi livelli di danno. RIBELLE CONTRO L'ALTOPARLANTE Benvenuti nella vibrante città di "Mubel", dove l'onnipresente "Beat" significa tutto e la musica è usata come mezzo di controllo. Mentre gli abitanti della città ballano al ritmo della melodia dominante di The Speaker, tu devi ribellarti e uscire con la forza dal suo flusso ipnotico. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download SKIDROW [ENG]
Pearl Jam - Let's Play Two (Live - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2017) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Let's Play Two (Live - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2017) 96-24 Country: USA Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96 kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:19:43 Full Size: 1.7 GB ]Among the many things Eddie Vedder wears on his sleeve is his love of the Chicago Cubs. He was there during the Cubbies' historic World Series win of 2016, singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" during the seventh inning stretch of Game 5, an honor for a fan who held the team dear since a child, but earlier in the season, he and Pearl Jam saluted the Cubs with a pair of August concerts at Wrigley Field. Let's Play Two is a concert film documenting that stand and it's accompanied by a live album, which is Pearl Jam's first mass-market live album since Live on Ten Legs. That 2011 release was a compilation of highlights but this focuses on a particular residency, and the difference is a matter of concentration. Here, it's easier to focus on how Pearl Jam seem strong and settled, enjoying their immense power but also sounding quite relaxed in their passion. It's an appealing blend and one that helps highlight the consistency of their catalog, since the newer songs feel like good fits alongside the chestnuts -- old songs that don't seem worn, since it's clear the band and audience gain sustenance from the music. That warm-heartedness -- which may be accentuated due to Vedder playing at the home of his team, surrounded by fans who love the band and the Cubs -- seems deeper than it has on previous live Pearl Jam albums, but maybe that's a reflection of the band's middle age. They're comfortable in their skin and with their catalog and are happy to indulge in an unabashed celebration, which this album most certainly is. © Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCXZcY7p8wI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUDHK9F4v-E&list=OLAK5uy_nBGNUnMO-VwbYtXbjzjHH74oQENm3g_oQ&index=15 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e-
- [96khz/24bit]
- (2017)
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Pearl Jam - Pearl Jam (Brendan O'Brien Mix) (2017) [192kHz/24bit] [192kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Pearl Jam (Brendan O'Brien Mix) (2017) [192kHz/24bit] Country: USA Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [192 kHz/24 bit] Time: 49:31 Full Size: 1.99 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qM_WVlep0g Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
Pearl Jam - Binaural [2000] (2017) [192kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Binaural 2000 (2017) 192-24 Country: USA Genre: Alternative Rock,Grunge Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [192 kHz/24 bit] Time: 51:58 Full Size: 1.84 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW_x8gujuYs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBJs0_hbTzw&list=OLAK5uy_nA-tMBO3Rpi80ElLoviZgEO69M_MPALqY&index=2 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
Pearl Jam - Pearl Jam (Brendan O'Brien Mix) [2006] (2017) [192kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Pearl Jam 2006 (Brendan O'Brien Mix) (2017) 192-24 Country: USA Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [192 kHz/24 bit] Time: 49:31 Full Size: 1.98 GB Nearly 15 years after Ten, Pearl Jam finally returned to the strengths of their debut with 2006's Pearl Jam, a sharply focused set of impassioned hard rock. Gone are the arty detours (some call them affectations) that alternately cluttered and enhanced their albums from 1993's sophomore effort, Vs., all the way to 2002's Riot Act, and what's left behind is nothing but the basics: muscular, mildly meandering rock & roll, enlivened by Eddie Vedder's bracing sincerity. Pearl Jam has never sounded as hard or direct as they do here -- even on Ten there was an elasticity to the music, due in large part to Jeff Ament's winding fretless bass, that kept the record from sounding like a direct hit to the gut, which Pearl Jam certainly does. Nowhere does it sound more forceful than it does in its first half, when the tightly controlled rockers "Life Wasted," "World Wide Suicide," "Comatose," "Severed Hand," and "Marker in the Sand" pile up on top of each other, giving the record a genuine feeling of urgency. That insistent quality and sense of purpose doesn't let up even as they slide into the quite beautiful, lightly psychedelic acoustic pop of "Parachutes," which is when the album begins to open up slightly. If the second half of the record does have a greater variety of tempos than the first, it's still heavy on rockers, ranging from the ironic easy swagger of "Unemployable" to the furious "Big Wave," which helps set the stage for the twin closers of "Come Back" and "Inside Job." The former is a slow-burning cousin to "Black" that finds Pearl Jam seamlessly incorporating soul into their sound, while the latter is a deliberately escalating epic that gracefully closes the album on a hopeful note -- and coming after an album filled with righteous anger and frustration, it is indeed welcome. But Pearl Jam's anger on this eponymous album is not only largely invigorating, it is the opposite of the tortured introspection of their first records. Here, Vedder turns his attention to the world at large, and while he certainly rages against the state of W's union in 2006, he's hardly myopic or strident; he's alternately evocative and specific, giving this album a resonance that has been lacking in most protest rock of the 2000s. But what makes Pearl Jam such an effective record is that it can be easily enjoyed as sheer music without ever digging into Vedder's lyrics. Song for song, this is their best set since Vitalogy, and the band has never sounded so purposeful on record as they do here, nor have they ever delivered a record as consistent as this. And the thing that makes the record work exceptionally well is that Pearl Jam has embraced everything they do well, whether it's their classicist hard rock or heart-on-sleeve humanitarianism. In doing so, they seem kind of old fashioned, reaffirming that they are now thoroughly outside of the mainstream -- spending well over a decade galloping away from any trace of popularity will inevitably make you an outsider -- but on their own terms, Pearl Jam hasn't sounded as alive or engaging as they do here since at least Vitalogy, if not longer. © Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qM_WVlep0g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Nv-IuZRlu4 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
Pearl Jam - Riot Act [2002] (Remastered 2017) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Ten (2013) [88,2kHz/24 bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - No Code [1996] (Remaster 2016) [192kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - No Code 1996 (Remaster 2016) 192-24 Country: USA Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [192 kHz/24 bit] Time: 49:28 Full Size: 1.93 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71E_uF0f_XA&list=OLAK5uy_kOkfBPcPzcogWtnoi-dzX8GXr8NaBMAyQ&index=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWfh6ANGdz4&list=OLAK5uy_kOkfBPcPzcogWtnoi-dzX8GXr8NaBMAyQ&index=9 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
Pearl Jam - Vitalogy [1994] (2015) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Vitalogy 1994 (2015) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Alternative Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:08:22 Full Size: 773.53 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoC82RuAxqw Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
Pearl Jam - Constitution Hall - Vault Series #3 (2013) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Constitution Hall, Washington, DC 9191998 - Vault Series #3 (2013) 96-24 Country: USA Genre: Alternative Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96 kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:52:14 Full Size: 2.56 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VQzAq822Wg Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
The Jam - About The Young Idea (2015) Blu-Ray
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
The Jam - About The Young Idea (2015) Blu-Ray 1080i Screenshots: Setlist: 01. About The Young Idea 01:29:49 Interviews 00:25:12 02. Paul Weller And Steve Brookes (9th October 2014) 03. Paul Weller's Schooldays 04. Growing Up In Woking 05. Paul Weller And David Pottinger (5th June 2015) 06. A Monument To The Jam The Rainbow London 3rd/4th December 1979 00:05:40 07. It's Too Bad 08. Saturday's Kids The Ritz NYC 26th May 1981 00:07:31 09. The Modern World 10. The Eton Rifles About: A retrospective view of The Jam, as told through archival footage, interviews with band members, and commentary from those influenced by the band and its music. Info: Genre: Mod | Punk Rock | Documentary Quality: Blu-ray | 1080i Format: M2TS | 29.9Mbps Length: 01:29:49 + 00:38:33 | 32.6Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio 1: LPCM | 1536kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Audio 2: DTS-HD MA | 2250kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Subtitle: English | German | Spanish | French Download: Uploadgig.com, Fastclick.to, pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download. -
Pearl Jam - Ten Redux 2008 (2013) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Ten Redux 2008 (2013) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Alternative Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:18:13 Full Size: 945.81 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBjKKu8gmtQ Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
Pearl Jam - Yield 1997 (Remaster 2016) [192kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Pearl Jam - Yield 1997 (Remaster 2016) 192-24 Country: USA Genre: Alternative Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [192 kHz/24 bit] Time: 48:21 Full Size: 1.86 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=satY_ofTNo4 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/30ec6492-ff8c-11ec-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e