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Descrizione Beach Invasion 1945-Pacific è un gioco FPS della seconda guerra mondiale in cui i giocatori difendono le spiagge fortificate delle isole del Pacifico dagli eserciti invasori di truppe, carri armati e aerei. Usa una varietà di armi iconiche e autentiche degli Stati Uniti e del Giappone imperiale della seconda guerra mondiale, tra cui mitragliatrici, cannoni navali e cannoni antiaerei. Rafforza le tue difese con mine, barili esplosivi, fuoco di artiglieria e potenziamenti delle armi! AMBIENTAZIONE IMMERSIVA DELLA SECONDA GUERRA MONDIALE CON EFFETTI REALISTICI VISIVI E SONORI Beach Invasion 1945-Pacific, il sequel di Beach Invasion 1944, aggiunge anche per la prima volta l'opzione di giocare in modalità multigiocatore cooperativa con i tuoi amici. I giocatori assumono il ruolo di soldati americani o giapponesi che gestiscono mitragliatrici e torrette per proteggere le isole tropicali del Pacifico. Durante queste enormi operazioni anfibie e aviotrasportate, la missione del giocatore è quella di distruggere quante più forze d'invasione possibili con l'aiuto di diverse mitragliatrici, cannoni antiaerei, nidi di cannoni navali e bonus da rifornimenti. ARMI ICONICHE AMERICANE E GIAPPONESI DELLA SECONDA GUERRA MONDIALE Scegli tra due fazioni e quattro mappe: conquista le difese giapponesi sulle isole del Pacifico di Iwo Jima e Peleliu, o le difese americane nella baia di Manila nelle Filippine e nell'isola di Attu in Alaska. ATTACCHI NAVALI E AEROTRASPORTATI CONTINUI GIORNO E NOTTE CON CONDIZIONI CLIMATICHE CHE CAMBIANO Azione hardcore in un'ambientazione immersiva della Seconda Guerra Mondiale con suoni realistici ed effetti speciali. Rivivi momenti memorabili ed epici dai tuoi film e serie TV preferiti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Azione non-stop con continui attacchi navali e aviotrasportati in condizioni climatiche mutevoli giorno e notte. Apparirà un'ampia varietà di nemici, tra cui marine, lanciafiamme, lanciarazzi, navi da guerra, trasporti, carri armati, veicoli anfibi, caccia, bombardieri e altro ancora. NUOVE VARIETÀ CHE INCLUDONO LANCIARAZZI, VEICOLI ANFIBI E BOMBARDIERI AL NAPALM Puoi scatenare attacchi di mortaio e far piovere distruzione sui tuoi nemici! Ottieni potenziamenti temporanei per le tue armi, tra cui gas velenosi, proiettili perforanti, esplosivi e bombe incendiarie. Combinati, creano potenziamenti ancora più potenti. DIFENDI LA SPIAGGIA DA SOLO O IN COOPERATIVA Rafforza le tue difese con mine antiuomo, mine anticarro e canne da fucile esplosive. Puoi guadagnare medaglie completando varie azioni man mano che avanzi. OTTIENI POTENZIAMENTI PER LE TUE ARMI Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ITA]
Descrizione The Beach Episode(TM) di To the Moon, Finding Paradise e Impostor Factory. O forse no? ...Sì, tecnicamente lo è. Just A To the Moon Series Beach Episode è proprio questo: un episodio sulla spiaggia della serie To the Moon. Preparati per una nuova breve avventura mentre l'equipaggio della SigCorp. parte per una vacanza con tutte le spese pagate al Golden Lobster Hotel & Resort! Per un totale di 1 giorno, che a quanto pare è il massimo che l'azienda era disposta a sborsare. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unisciti ai volti noti di To the Moon, Finding Paradise e Impostor Factory in questa avventura narrativa piena di minigiochi di vari elementi, misteri e relax, così come-- Aspetta, la maggior parte dei personaggi qui dovrebbe essere già morta..... Caratteristiche principali: - Una spiaggia - Un episodio - Un mix accogliente tra elementi di gioco d'avventura ed estetica classica dei giochi di ruolo - Dialoghi che sembrano così sbagliati ma sembrano così giusti - Platplat l'ornitorinco - Rudog - Long-cat e Ricebot(?) Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
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- (2024)
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Paradise Beach - Dentro L'Incubo (2016) 1080p
peppeok ha pubblicato una discussione in » HD 1080p / Untouched
Scheda: DATA USCITA: 25 agosto 2016 GENERE: Drammatico , Thriller ANNO: 2016 REGIA: Jaume Collet-Serra ATTORI: Blake Lively, Óscar Jaenada SCENEGGIATURA: Anthony Jaswinski FOTOGRAFIA: Flavio Martínez Labiano MONTAGGIO: Joel Negron MUSICHE: Marco Beltrami PRODUZIONE: Ombra Films, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), Weimaraner Republic Pictures DISTRIBUZIONE: Sony. PAESE: USA DURATA: 86 Min Trama: Nancy sta facendo surf da sola di fronte a una spiaggia isolata quando viene attaccata da un grande squalo bianco che le impedisce di tornare a riva. Anche se solo 200 metri la separano dalla salvezza, dovrà mettere in gioco tutta la sua forza di volontà per sopravvivere. Paradise.Beach.Dentro.L.Incubo.2016.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv-
- drammatico
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Mike & The Mechanics - Beggar On A Beach Of Gold (Japan) (1995) [FLAC]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Mike & The Mechanics - Beggar On A Beach Of Gold (Japan) (1995) [FLAC] ( VJCP-25134) Country: UK Genre: Pop Rock Format: FLAC (image+.cue) Quality: Lossless Time: 01:00:09 Full Size: 982.45 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t435QDdsmyY Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/661ea345920cc -
Scheda film: Titolo: Paradise Beach - Dentro l'incubo Titolo Originale: The Shallows Genere: drammatico, thriller, orrore Nazione: USA Anno: 2016 Durata: 87 min Regia: Jaume Collet-Serra Cast: Blake Lively, Óscar Jaenada Trama: Nancy sta facendo surf da sola di fronte a una spiaggia isolata quando viene attaccata da un grande squalo bianco che le impedisce di tornare a riva. Anche se solo 200 metri la separano dalla salvezza, dovrà mettere in gioco tutta la sua forza di volontà per sopravvivere. Paradise.Beach.Dentro.L'Incubo.2016.Blu-ray.2160p.UHD.HDR10.AC3.5.1.x265.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
Descrizione Jack naviga fino all'Isola della Morte per disperdere le ceneri del suo amico Donald. Immediatamente dopo l'arrivo, Jack si rende conto che non sarà così facile lasciare l'isola. Tutti gli abitanti e gli ospiti dell'Isola della Morte sono personaggi ambigui. A chi di loro ci si può fidare? Sink Again Beach è un gioco d'avventura in prima persona per giocatore singolo sui pirati. Nel gioco troverai un'avventura non lineare e divertente con viaggi nel tempo della durata di 2-4 ore. La sequenza di progresso nel gioco dipende solo da te. Caratteristiche del gioco: - Una vera simulazione di viaggio nel tempo - Diversi finali - Grafica stilizzata e bellissima - Voci dei dialoghi fornite da attori professionisti - Mondo aperto e tempo aperto - Atmosfera densa - Molti enigmi e riferimenti a opere d'arte famose - La trama è presentata in modo non lineare - Il tuo unico nemico è il tuo sé del passato - Un'esperienza di gioco insolita Dettagli Nel gioco non è possibile morire, ma è possibile rompere il continuo spazio-temporale. In questo caso, torni semplicemente al punto di controllo. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download SKIDROW [SUB ITA]
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Scheda: Data di uscita: 25 febbraio 2000 Genere: Drammatico Anno: 2000 Regia: Danny Boyle Attori: Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Carlyle, Virginie Ledoyen, Guillaume Canet, Daniel York, Somboon Phutaroth, Jak Boon, Jerry Swindall, Patcharawan Patarakijjanon, Weeratham Norman Wichairaksakul, Tilda Swinton Paese: USA Durata: 119 min Distribuzione: 20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Sceneggiatura: John Hodge Fotografia: Darius Khondji Montaggio: Masahiro Hirakubo Musiche: Angelo Badalamenti Produzione: Figment Films Trama: Richard, un giovane americano come tanti di oggi, arriva, zaino in spalla, a Bangkok con pochi soldi e parecchi interrogativi. Prende alloggio in un albergo di terza categoria, e qui conosce una coppia di francesi, Françoise e il suo compagno Etienne. Nella stanza accanto alla sua incontra anche un altro uomo, un certo Daffy, che si definisce un viaggiatore segnato dal sole e dalle droghe. Su un foglio Richard vede disegnata una mappa: indica un'isola incontaminata che Daffy dice di voler raggiungere. Richard rimane colpito e, dopo averci pensato, capisce che deve unirsi a lui. Va per dirglielo ma lo trova riverso per terra con le vene tagliate. Più che mai Richard si convince di dover proseguire. Coinvolge i due francesi e insieme partono per un viaggio verso l'ignoto. The.Beach.2000.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv
Clutch - Sunrise on Slaughter Beach (The Complete Edition) (Reissue 2023) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Clutch - Sunrise on Slaughter Beach (The Complete Edition) (Reissue 2023) (2023) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 43:54 Full Size: 518.63 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOQAWa6k108 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MhLY6Iv4wc Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6479fef1ecdcc-
- [44.1khz/24bit]
- 2023)
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The Beach (2000).avi WEBRip AC3 ITA
HP00 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
Scheda: Data di uscita: 25 febbraio 2000 Genere: Drammatico Anno: 2000 Regia: Danny Boyle Attori: Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Carlyle, Virginie Ledoyen, Guillaume Canet, Daniel York, Somboon Phutaroth, Jak Boon, Jerry Swindall, Patcharawan Patarakijjanon, Weeratham Norman Wichairaksakul, Tilda Swinton Paese: USA Durata: 119 min Distribuzione: 20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Sceneggiatura: John Hodge Fotografia: Darius Khondji Montaggio: Masahiro Hirakubo Musiche: Angelo Badalamenti Produzione: Figment Films Trama: Un giovane turista americano (Leonardo Di Caprio) trova una mappa con vaghe istruzioni per raggiungere un paradiso leggendario "The beach", decide quindi di intraprendere il viaggio. The.Beach.2000.iTALiAN.AC3.WEBRip.XviD-PiNG.avi -
Scheda: Data di uscita: 25 febbraio 2000 Genere: Drammatico Anno: 2000 Regia: Danny Boyle Attori: Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Carlyle, Virginie Ledoyen, Guillaume Canet, Daniel York, Somboon Phutaroth, Jak Boon, Jerry Swindall, Patcharawan Patarakijjanon, Weeratham Norman Wichairaksakul, Tilda Swinton Paese: USA Durata: 119 min Distribuzione: 20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Sceneggiatura: John Hodge Fotografia: Darius Khondji Montaggio: Masahiro Hirakubo Musiche: Angelo Badalamenti Produzione: Figment Films Trama: Un giovane turista americano (Leonardo Di Caprio) trova una mappa con vaghe istruzioni per raggiungere un paradiso leggendario "The beach", decide quindi di intraprendere il viaggio. THE_BEACH.iso
A Grammy Salute To The Beach Boys Tribute Concert (2023) HD 1080p
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
VA - A Grammy Salute To The Beach Boys Tribute Concert (2023) HD 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Andy Grammer - Darlin’ 02 - Beck - Sloop John B 03 - Beck & Jim - Good Vibrations 04 - Brandi Carlile - In My Room 05 - Brandi Carlile & John Legend - God Only Knows 06 - Charlie Puth - Wouldn’t It Be Nice 07 - Fall Out Boy - Do You Wanna Dance 08 - Foster The People - Do It Again 09 - Hanson - Barbara Ann 10 - Norah Jones - The Warmth of the Sun 11 - Lady A - Surfer Girl 12 - John Legend - Sail on Sailor 13 - Little Big Town - Help Me Rhonda 14 - Luke Spiller & Taylor Momsen - Surfin’ USA / Fun Fun Fun 15 - Michael McDonald & Take 6 - Don’t Worry Baby 16 - Mumford & Sons - I Know There’s an Answer 17 - My Morning Jacket - I Get Around 18 - Pentatonix - Heroes and Villains 19 - LeAnn Rimes - Caroline No 20 - St. Vincent - You Still Believe in Me 21 - Weezer - California Girls Info: Genre: Rock Quality: WEB-DL | 1080p Format: MKV | 13.8Gb Length: 01:27:31 | 8.8Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 30.000fps Audio: E-AC3 | 640kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English Download: Uploadgig.com, Rapidgator.net, Ddownload.com https://www.keeplinks.org/p84/643508ee5f595 pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download. -
The Beach Boys - Sail On Sailor (Super Deluxe) (2022) [88.2kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
The Beach Boys - Sail On Sailor (Super Deluxe) (2022) 88.2-24 Country: USA Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [88,2kHz/24 bit] Time: 06:00:52 Full Size: 6.41 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKwb7NaenBI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkF3iby9zls Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/5ed8f3f2-0759-11ec-a971-0cc47ac4f47e-
- [88.2khz/24bit]
- (2022)
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Clutch - Sunrise on Slaughter Beach (2022) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Clutch - Sunrise on Slaughter Beach (2022) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 33:10 Full Size: 392.87 MB Sunrise On Slaughter Beach proves that even after 30 years and 13 studio albums, Clutch are rock'n'roll's most reliable champions Omnipresent, omni-busy and laudably consistent, Clutch have always seemed slightly more devoted to the whole process of making music than everyone else. Either touring like madmen or blazing away at their Maryland HQ with another album in their sights, the band's last three decades have been a model of rock'n'roll purity and huge, life affirming tunes. As a result, it comes as no surprise whatsoever that Sunrise On Slaughter Beach is another joyous conflagration of riffs, grooves and bittersweet wit. This is, after all, what Clutch do. Nine songs deep and noticeably sharper and snappier than 2018's Book Of Bad Decisions, Clutch's 13th album offers a snapshot of the band at their most intense and energetic: almost certainly the result of being stuck at home and denied the opportunity to do what comes naturally. Widely showcased on tour this year, opener Red Alert (Boss Metal Zone) is a gritty, full-pelt return to undiluted rock fury. Done and dusted in under three minutes, it's the most punk thing Clutch have done in years. Even more inspired is We Strive For Excellence: a jittery stream of Neil Fallon aphorisms tied to some of the simplest and most effective riffing Clutch have written in an age. When the bearded frontman bellows 'Yes we do!' with absolute, gruff conviction, it's impossible to disagree. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxa9xqe4UNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6snEKE4abHk Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/2d925864-350a-11ed-a2c7-0cc47ac4f47e -
Black Beach (2020).avi BDRiP XviD AC3 - iTA
LiZARDER ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-Rip / WEB-Rip / BD-Rip / BR-Rip
TITOLO ORIGINALE: Black Beach GENERE: Drammatico ANNO: 2020 REGIA: Esteban Crespo ATTORI: Raúl Arévalo, Paulina Garcia, Candela Peña, Claude Musungayi, Babou Cham, Lidia Nené, Melina Matthews... PAESE: Belgio, Spagna, USA DURATA: 115 Min DISTRIBUZIONE: Netflix SCENEGGIATURA: Esteban Crespo, David Moreno FOTOGRAFIA: Ángel Amorós MONTAGGIO: Miguel Doblado, Fernando Franco MUSICHE: Arturo Cardelús PRODUZIONE: David Naranjo Villalonga, Crea SGR, Lazonafilms, Macaronesia Films, Nectar Media, Scope Pictures, i60 Productions Carlos è un uomo di successo che lavora per una compagnia petrolifera. I suoi capi gli chiedono di recarsi in una remota isola africana per intercedere come negoziatore per conto di un ingegnere americano che è stato rapito. -
Pet Shop Boys - Live Glastonbury Festival (2022) HDTV
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Pet Shop Boys - Live Glastonbury Festival (2022) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Suburbia 02 - Can You Forgive Her? 03 - Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money) 04 - Where The Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes Off You) 05 - Rent 06 - I Don't Know What You Want but I Can't Give It Any More 07 - So Hard 08 - Left to My Own Devices (Screen lifted - Chris finally visible.) 09 - Domino Dancing 10 - Love Comes Quickly 11 - Losing My Mind (Stephen Sondheim cover) 12 - You Were Always on My Mind (Gwen McCrae cover) 13 - Dreamland (with Olly Alexander) 14 - Heart 15 - It's Alright (Sterling Void cover) 16 - Vocal 17 - Go West (Village People cover) 18 - It's a Sin Encore: 19 - West End Girls 20 - Being Boring 21 - Spread a Little Happiness (The Cliff Adams Singers song) Info: Source: Genre: Synthpop | Electro Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: TS | 8499kbps Length: 01:31:00 | 6.0Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 25.000fps Audio 1: AC3 | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Audio 2: MP2 | 256kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Download: Uploadgig.com, Fastclick.to, Upload42.com, pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download. -
Pet Shop Boys - The Fillmore Miami Beach (2013) HD 1080p
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Pet Shop Boys - The Fillmore Miami Beach (2013) HD 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Axis 02 - One More Chance / A Face Like That 03 - Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money) 04 - Memory of the Future ('New Single Mix' version) 05 - Fugitive 06 - Integral 07 - Sample of "The Rite of Spring" (Igor Stravinsky song) 08 - I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing 09 - Suburbia 10 - I'm Not Scared 11 - Fluorescent 12 - West End Girls 13 - Somewhere (Leonard Bernstein cover) 14 - Leaving 15 - Love etc. 16 - I Get Excited (You Get Excited Too) 17 - Rent 18 - Miracles 19 - It's a Sin 20 - Domino Dancing 21 - You Were Always on My Mind (Gwen McCrae cover) Encore: 22 - Go West (Village People cover) 23 - Vocal Info: Genre: Synthpop | Electronic Quality: HDTVRip | 1080p Format: MKV | 8865kbps Length: 01:41:00 | 6.69Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: MP2 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Download: Uploadgig.com, Fastclick.to, Upload42.com, pass: 345 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download. -
The Beach Boys - The Very Best Of The Beach Boys Sounds Of Summer (Super Deluxe) (2022) [88.2kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
The Beach Boys - The Very Best Of The Beach Boys Sounds Of Summer 2003 (2022 Expanded Edition Super Deluxe) (2022) 88.2-24 Country: USA Genre: Rock,Pop Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [88,2 kHz/24 bit] Time: 03:38:46 Full Size: 4.07 GB As part of a planned year-long celebration of The Beach Boys' 60th anniversary, Capitol Records/UMe are to release a newly remastered and massively expanded edition of the group's greatest hits collection Sounds Of Summer: The Very Best of The Beach Boys. This collection was originally issued in 2003 and contained 30 tracks. The reissue updates both the number of songs and the audio quality with an extra 50 songs, giving a total of 80 tracks across three CDs or six vinyl LPs. This has been put together by Mark Linettand Alan Boyd who were responsible for last year's Feel Flows - The Sunflower and Surf's Up Sessions 1969-1971 and other Beach Boys packages. This collection features nearly every US Top 40 hit of The Beach Boys' career, including 'California Girls', 'I Get Around', 'Surfer Girl', 'Surfin' U.S.A.', 'Fun, Fun, Fun', 'God Only Knows', 'Good Vibrations', 'Wouldn't It Be Nice', ,Kokomo', 'Barbara Ann', 'Help Me, Rhonda', 'In My Room' and many others. Of course with 50 extra tracks it goes well beyond 'the hits'. In terms of the audio, the collection boasts 24 new mixes including two first-time stereo mixes, plus 22 new-and-improved stereo mixes, which in some cases features "the latest in digital stereo extraction technology", allowing for the team to separate the original mono backing tracks for the first time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JCeL9vCiXY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsY4Es5p6UM Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://hotlink.cc/folder/5ed8f3f2-0759-11ec-a971-0cc47ac4f47e -
Walk Off The Earth - Smooth Like Stone On A Beach (2007)
ottogrunt ha pubblicato una discussione in » Album Stranieri
Walk Off The Earth - Smooth Like Stone On A Beach (2007) Artist...............: Walk Off The Earth Album................: Smooth Like Stone On a Beach Genre................: Tock Source...............: CD Year.................: 2007 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 38:40 Total Size...........: 98,80 MB 01 - Walk Off The Earth - Little Sin 03:13 02 - Walk Off The Earth - 100 Proof Life 03:56 03 - Walk Off The Earth - Rock Me Away 02:40 04 - Walk Off The Earth - Gotta Go 03:27 05 - Walk Off The Earth - My Mistakes 03:10 06 - Walk Off The Earth - Broke 04:01 07 - Walk Off The Earth - Miss Jeppetto 03:58 08 - Walk Off The Earth - Spiralling Son 03:39 09 - Walk Off The Earth - Stolen 03:19 10 - Walk Off The Earth - People Of The Sun 02:00 11 - Walk Off The Earth - Smooth Like Stone On A Beach 03:44 12 - Walk Off The Earth - W.o.t.e 03:42 Password = (8otonTT(8)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. Links are interchangeable if the file is splitted. https://www.mediafire.com/file/bvi7nmtwnzsygdu/WESS.rar/file or https://workupload.com/file/EaYGVFwC9ew or https://1fichier.com/?pxa9nkbtnvofbhtjf1hl or https://krakenfiles.com/view/lHRkccIfAg/file.html -
The Beach Boys - 'Feel Flows' The Sunflower & Surf's Up Sessions 1969-1971 (Super Deluxe) (2021) 88.2-24 Country: USA Genre: Pop/Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [88,2 kHz/24 bit] Time: 06:32:41 Full Size: 7.08 GB Newly remastered! The long-awaited Beach Boys "Feel Flows: The Sunflower & Surf's Up Sessions 1969-1971". A compilation album recorded by the American rock band the Beach Boys. The compilation, assembled by producers Mark Linett and Alan Boyd with the help of Brother Records consultant Howie Edelson, features newly remastered versions of 1970's Sunflower set and its 1971 followup, Surf's Up. It is largely dedicated to material that the group recorded during the making of the albums Sunflower (1970) and Surf's Up (1971). Produced by Mark Linett and Alan Boyd, it is the band's first major archival release since Wake the World and I Can Hear Music in 2018. The title is taken from the Surf's Up track "Feel Flows". "Feel Flows is a sonic labyrinth in which Beach Boys aficionados might lose themselves ad infinitum, though the mainstream listener might wonder what on earth is the point of all these fragments and unfinished takes. I suppose you could use the vocals-less backing tracks to host your own Beach Boys karaoke nights. But if it's for you, you'll know." (Adam Sweeting, The Art Desk) https://hotlink.cc/folder/5ed8f3f2-0759-11ec-a971-0cc47ac4f47e https://daofile.com/go/u1cglszfuh4b
- [88.2khz/24bit]
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The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang: Live On Copacabana Beach (2021) [2xBDRip 1080p]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang: Live On Copacabana Beach (2021) [2xBDRip 1080p] Label: Mercury Records [3591806] Country: UK Genre: Rock Quality: MKV/BDRip1080p Video: HEVC / 10.1 Mb/s / 1080p / 29.970 fps / 16:9 Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: DTS 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit Time: 03:49:33 Full Size: 11,3 GB+11,5 GB Welcome to Rio De Janeiro and the Rolling Stones' legendary show from Copacabana Beach. In front of 1.5 million people, one of the biggest free concerts in history, The Rolling Stones' performance on February 18th 2006 was an historic event; a critical moment in Rock 'n' Roll history. As Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood, and Charlie Watts fire on all pistons from one track to the next, the crowd continues to meet their energy waving Brazilian and British flags while rocking out in the tropical evening sunset. With incredible staging and graphics, this fully restored and remastered concert from their A Bigger Bang world tour now includes four previously unreleased tracks. Setlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt-5STCnVd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr9u9LToZZ4 https://hotlink.cc/folder/f2ccd407-e982-11eb-a971-0cc47ac4f47e -
The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang Live on Copacabana Beach (2021, BDRip 1080p)
Sekes ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang Live on Copacabana Beach (2021, BDRip 1080p) Title: The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang - Live on Copacabana Beach Year of release: (2006) 2021 Genre: Rock Released: Mercury Cast: The Rolling Stones Tracklist: Welcome to Rio De Janeiro for the Rolling Stones' legendary show at Copacabana Beach The British rock legends will release the live recording of their record-breaking 2006 concert in 2021. "A Bigger Bang: Live On Copacabana Beach 2006" will be released in various formats, on DVD and Blu-ray, CD and vinyl On February 18, 2006, The Rolling Stones played a gigantic concert in front of the Copacabana Palace Hotel in the Brazilian metropolis of Rio De Janeiro, one of the biggest free concerts in music history. Around 1.2 million people turned out for the gig, which was part of their "Bigger Bang" world tour. Thousands more watched the concert from the balconies of surrounding houses, boats and ships on the water. They were there live as Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts rocked the stage in the tropical evening sunset, performing a set of songs from their 22nd studio album "A Bigger Bang" from 2005 and hits from their entire career, including "Jumpin' Jack Flash", "Honky Tonk Women", "Sympathy For The Devil", "Start Me Up", "Brown Sugar" and "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" Not only for the fans, but also for the band this concert was a highlight. Keith Richards commented, "It's not like we're not used to playing the biggest concerts in the world, but I have to say Rio just topped everything." 1. Jumpin' Jack Flash 2. It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (But I Like It) 3. You Got Me Rocking 4. Tumbling Dice 5. Oh No, Not You Again 6. Wild Horses 7. Rain Fall Down 8. Midnight Rambler 9. Night Time Is the Right Time 10. This Place Is Empty 11. Happy 12. Miss You 13. Rough Justice 14. Get Off My Cloud 15. Honky Tonk Women 16. Sympathy For The Devil 17. Start Me Up 18. Brown Sugar 19. You Can't Always Get What You Want 20. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction Quality: BDRip 1080p Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 15105 kbps / 1440x1080 / 29.970 fps / 4:3 Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 24 bits / 4805 kbps Total Size: 16.65 GB Total Time: 01:56:00 Download Hoster: alfafile.net, rapidu.net, hitfile.net, rapidgator.net, turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/8ECF0815F5.html Pass: 689 -
The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang: Live On Copacabana Beach (2021) [BDRip 1080p]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang: Live On Copacabana Beach (2021) [BDRip 1080p] Label: Mercury Records Country: UK Genre: Rock Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p Video: HEVC / 10.1 Mb/s / 1080p / 29.970 fps / 16:9 Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: DTS 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit Time: 01:56:39 Full Size: 11,3 GB Welcome to Rio De Janeiro and the Rolling Stones' legendary show from Copacabana Beach. In front of 1.5 million people, one of the biggest free concerts in history, The Rolling Stones' performance on February 18th 2006 was an historic event; a critical moment in Rock 'n' Roll history. As Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood, and Charlie Watts fire on all pistons from one track to the next, the crowd continues to meet their energy waving Brazilian and British flags while rocking out in the tropical evening sunset. With incredible staging and graphics, this fully restored and remastered concert from their A Bigger Bang world tour now includes four previously unreleased tracks. Setlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt-5STCnVd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYjfJfoWmt4 https://hotlink.cc/folder/ebea621a-eee5-11eb-a971-0cc47ac4f47e -
The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang - Live on Copacabana Beach (2021) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang - Live on Copacabana Beach (2021) 48-24 Country: UK Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48 kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:53:42 Full Size: 1.38 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt-5STCnVd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYjfJfoWmt4 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/64c295605eb89 Download from [b]DaoFile[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/64c295605eb89 -
VA - Mambo & Guts - Beach Diggin', Vol. 5 (2017) Artist...............: Various Artists Album................: Beach Diggin', Vol. 5 Genre................: Electronic, Funk / Soul Source...............: CD Year.................: 2017 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 52:09 Total Size...........: 123,95 MB 01 - André-marie Tala - Sweet Dole 04:36 02 - Tyna Onwudiwe - Lite Low 04:02 03 - Rebles - Sweetest Taboo 03:32 04 - Ricardo Marrero & The Group - And We'll Make Love 02:32 05 - Koko Ateba - Si T'es Mal Dans Ta Peau 04:03 06 - Sookie - Tonight (feat. Jeannine Otis) 05:01 07 - Raphael Toiné - Femmes Pays Douces 05:49 08 - Eboni Band - Desire 05:16 09 - Salero - Teardrops & Wine 03:11 10 - Momo Joseph - War For Ground 04:18 11 - Claude Genteuil - Dreams Of Love 03:01 12 - Gatot Soedarto - Sayangilah Daku Kasih 01:49 13 - Synchro Rhythmic Eclectic Language - Pasto 05:53 Password = (8oTT(8)0ggi8) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. https://www.mediafire.com/file/pmcuu57ljqj6tnd/MGBD.rar/file or https://workupload.com/file/5PkmKkPRSsn or https://1fichier.com/?ywepx3baegwag1rr2oxx or https://krakenfiles.com/view/TlEYmBrz98/file.html
The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Today! (1965)
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The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys Today! (1965) Artist...............: The Beach Boys Album................: The Beach Boys Today! Genre................: Rock, Pop Source...............: CD Year.................: 1965 reissue 2012 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 28:13 Total Size...........: 67,89 MB 01 - The Beach Boys - Do You Wanna Dance_ 02:21 02 - The Beach Boys - Good to My Baby 02:18 03 - The Beach Boys - Don't Hurt My Little Sister 02:09 04 - The Beach Boys - When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) 02:04 05 - The Beach Boys - Help Me_ Rhonda 03:10 06 - The Beach Boys - Dance_ Dance_ Dance 02:01 07 - The Beach Boys - Please Let Me Wonder 02:47 08 - The Beach Boys - I'm So Young 02:32 09 - The Beach Boys - Kiss Me_ Baby 02:37 10 - The Beach Boys - She Knows Me Too Well 02:30 11 - The Beach Boys - In the Back of My Mind 02:09 12 - The Beach Boys - Bull Session With _Big Daddy_ 02:13 Password = (8oTT(8eac)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. https://www.mediafire.com/file/mq997sca1wc7mi8/BBBT.rar/file or https://workupload.com/file/3BfKWsgYWeb or https://1fichier.com/?hm2njhhzzf79g2ezoaa1