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Descrizione "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" è l'ultimo arrivato nell'acclamata serie di giochi di combattimento Guilty Gear. Creato da Daisuke Ishiwatari e sviluppato da Arc System Works, "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" tiene fede alla reputazione della serie per la rivoluzionaria grafica ibrida 2D/3D con cel-shading e l'azione di gioco intensa e gratificante. C'è una modalità storia completamente doppiata che esplora a fondo l'universo di Guilty Gear, nuovi personaggi che si uniscono a quelli già amati dai fan e un robusto rollback netcode. C'è di mezzo il destino dell'universo… La storia di Guilty Gear, che copre oltre 20 anni, giungerà alla sua conclusione con "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-". Le prove e le tribolazioni degli eroi e dei cattivi della serie troveranno finalmente una risoluzione. Scopri la sorprendente verità che ti attende alla fine di questa avventura. Grafica e animazioni sorprendenti. La grafica ibrida 2D/3D all'avanguardia, introdotta per la prima volta nella serie Guilty Gear, è stata portata a un livello superiore in "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-". La nuova direzione artistica e il miglioramento delle animazioni dei personaggi sono al di là di quanto mai visto in un gioco di combattimento! Nuova rivoluzione nei giochi di combattimento! Guilty Gear -Strive- offre una serie di meccaniche di gioco innovative, progettate per consentire ai giocatori alle prime armi di apprendere rapidamente i fondamenti, mantenendo l'azione di gioco profonda e creativa che è tipica di Guilty Gear. Le novità aggiunte alla serie, come il Wall Break, offriranno nuovi ed entusiasmanti approcci alla battaglia. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download GUILTY.GEAR.STRIVE.Venom-TENOKE [SUB ITA]
Descrizione Per la prima volta nella storia della saga, in Stronghold: Warlords potrai reclutare, migliorare e comandare sul campo di battaglia diverse IA nei panni di "Signori della guerra" del gioco. Ogni signore della guerra che comandi migliora le tue abilità strategiche grazie ai suoi tratti distintivi, alle sue caratteristiche e alle sue abilità potenziabili. Impiegali per migliorare la tua produzione, fortificare i tuoi confini e forgiare armi, oppure falli collaborare per un attacco a tenaglia! Tutte le missioni della campagna, gli scontri e le battaglie multigiocatore forniscono nuovi signori della guerra da comandare e un modo completamente nuovo di giocare a Stronghold. Stronghold: Warlords, il nuovo titolo della serie di strategia in tempo reale di Firefly Studios, è il primo gioco dello studio che ricrea l'economia dei castelli dell'Estremo Oriente. In Warlords, i giocatori possono comandare le orde mongole, i soldati imperiali e i samurai mentre assediano i castelli giapponesi e le città fortificate cinesi. Metti sotto assedio signori della guerra realmente esistiti usando unità classiche e nuove armi d'assedio alimentate a polvere da sparo durante le 31 missioni della campagna, scontri, battaglie multigiocatore e nelle modalità costruzione. - CONQUISTA E COMANDA I SIGNORI DELLA GUERRA sul campo di battaglia per sbloccare castelli, armi e abilità più potenti. - RIVIVI CAMPAGNE STORICHE della Cina del III secolo a.C. fino all'ascesa dello shogunato Tokugawa e all'arrivo dell'Impero mongolo. - RECLUTA NUOVE UNITÀ come le lance da fuoco imperiali, i disciplinati samurai, gli arcieri mongoli e i letali ninja. - ABBATTI I NEMICI con l'introduzione della polvere da sparo e di nuove armi d'assedio come il lanciarazzi multiplo hwacha, le torri d'assedio e i buoi infuocati! - DIVENTA IL SIGNORE PIÙ POTENTE instillando paura o suscitando ammirazione attraverso intrattenimenti medievali, tasse e torture. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download v1.11.24193.24H2-GOG [SUB ITA]
Queen + Paul Rodgers - Live in Ukraine 2008 (2025) HD 1080p
babayHD ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Queen + Paul Rodgers - Live in Ukraine 2008 (2025) HD 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: 01. Cosmos Rocks Intro/One Vision 02. Tie Your Mother Down 03. The Show Must Go On 04. Fat Bottomed Girls 05. Another One Bites The Dust 06. Hammer to Fall 07. I Want to Fall 08. I Want To Break Free 09. Seagull 10. Love Of My Life 11. '39 12. Drum Solo 13. I'm In Love With My Car 14. Say It's Not True 15. Shooting Star 16. Bad Company 17. Guitar Solo 18. Bijou 19. Last Horizon 20. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 21. C-lebrity 22. Feel Like Making Love 23. Bohemian Rhapsody 24. Cosmos Rockin' 25. All Right Now 26. We Will Rock You 27. We Are The Champions 28. God Save The Queen Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format -> MKV ToolNix GUI -> added audio LPCM & DTS 48/24 Genre: Rock Quality: WEB-DL | 1080p Format: TS | 5447kbps Length: 02:00:00 | 6.76Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 25.000fps Audio 1: LPCM | 1536kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Audio 2: DTS | 1510kbps | 48kHz | 5.1 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English Capped by me Download: Rapidgator.net, Uploadgig.com, Uploady.io, https://www.keeplinks.org/p84/67d00ce743879 Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download. -
Niviane - Queen Of Phantoms (2025) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Niviane - Queen Of Phantoms (2025) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: Power Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 57:57 Full Size: 797.19 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNH2WsjubOA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvsYzy3h2WI Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/67cb07025a1bc -
Descrizione Across the Obelisk è un gioco di ruolo cooperativo roguelite per la costruzione di mazzi. Gioca da solo o con i tuoi amici, scegli i tuoi eroi, sblocca oggetti e carte, crea il tuo mazzo e affronta potenti nemici in profondi combattimenti tattici. Avreste il coraggio di attraversare l'obelisco? - Gioco di ruolo dinamico Roguelite per la costruzione di mazzi - Gioca da solo o in cooperativa con un massimo di tre amici - 16 personaggi sbloccabili per creare la tua festa - +500 carte e oggetti da scegliere, fabbricare e potenziare - Sistema generato proceduralmente pensato per essere altamente rigiocabile - Eventi e missioni in cui le tue decisioni influenzano lo svolgimento della storia - Affronta potenti boss in combattimenti tattici Assembla un gruppo di eroi. Scegli tra 12 personaggi sbloccabili e forma la tua squadra. Ognuno di loro ha le proprie carte, oggetti, meccaniche, statistiche e punti di forza... non è la stessa cosa giocare con un mago del fuoco che con un mago ombra, giocheresti con due guaritori o piuttosto giocheresti con un gruppo orientato al danno? Roguelite dinamico per la costruzione di mazzi. Più di 500 carte aggiornabili e 200 oggetti tra cui scegliere, ti permetteranno di personalizzare i tuoi eroi con diverse build: veleni, sanguinamenti, abilità difensive... ci sono molte combinazioni che puoi applicare a ciascun eroe. Un'avventura in continua evoluzione. Ogni partita sarà diversa. Prendi un sentiero, fatti strada attraverso di esso, completa le missioni e il mondo si evolverà davanti a te. Un sacco di luoghi nascosti e misteri da risolvere ti aspettano in Across the Obelisk. Shores of Sahti DLC: Salpa per le isole Sahti in questa nuovissima avventura a tema piratesco. Potenti fazioni si contendono il predominio in questo arcipelago un tempo pacifico. Difenderai gli indigeni, sfrutterai le loro risorse naturali o combatterai per emergere come re dei pirati? La scelta è tua! Lo Story Pack Shores of Sahti introduce un'ambientazione piratesca classica in Across the Obelisk, insieme a una serie di nuovi oggetti, nemici e segreti da scoprire. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Across.The.Obelisk.Shores.Of.Sahti-SKIDROW [ENG]
Paese Corea Anno 2024 Formato serie TV Genere Azione,storico Stagione 1 Episodi 8 Lingua originale coreano È l'epoca Goguryeo del dominio imperiale in Corea, e il re è morto. Mentre le cinque tribù del paese si contendono il potere, la neo-vedova regina Woo deve nominare un nuovo re... sposando uno dei fratelli del re, assetati di potere, entro 24 ore. .ITA.WEBRIP.x264-MrRobot.mkv
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Queen Woo Stagione 1 Episodi 8 Action & Adventure ◦ Dramma Dopo l'annuncio della morte del re a Goguryeo, inizia una feroce battaglia tra le tribù. La regina Woo, che diventa immediatamente il bersaglio dei principi e di cinque tribù in lizza per il trono, fatica a incoronare un nuovo re entro 24 ore. Riuscirà la Regina Woo a trascendere i vincoli di genere ed epoca per ritagliarsi il proprio destino? Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile 전종서 Queen Woo / Woo Hee 김무열 Eulpaso 지창욱 King Gogukcheon / Go Nam-moo 정유미 Woo Soon 이수혁 Go Bal-gi 박지환 Moogol 전배수 Woo So 조한철 Woo Do 강영석 Go Yeon-woo 정재광 Go Gye-soo 송재림 Go Pae-eui 박보경 Yeon-bi Oh Ha-nee Sabi Episodi: 8 In onda il: 2024-08-29 1: The King Without an Heir As King Go Nam-mu is out on the battlefield during Goguryeo’s war against Han Dynasty, Queen Woo Hee and Prime Minister Eulpaso occupy the palace in his absence. However, many begin to covet the royal power, and conspiracies among them begin to emerge. The conflict escalates as the King does not yet have an heir to the throne. 1: The King Without an Heir In onda il: 2024-08-29 As King Go Nam-mu is out on the battlefield during Goguryeo’s war against Han Dynasty, Queen Woo Hee and Prime Minister Eulpaso occupy the palace in his absence. However, many begin to covet the royal power, and conspiracies among them begin to emerge. The conflict escalates as the King does not yet have an heir to the throne. In onda il: 2024-08-29 2: Death of the King Upon returning from battle, King Go Nam-mu is poisoned and dies. The rumor of this unexpected event soon spreads, and those who seek power conspire. Meanwhile, Queen Woo Hee must protect herself without the King. So with the help of Moogol, she flees to meet the Third Prince. 2: Death of the King In onda il: 2024-08-29 Upon returning from battle, King Go Nam-mu is poisoned and dies. The rumor of this unexpected event soon spreads, and those who seek power conspire. Meanwhile, Queen Woo Hee must protect herself without the King. So with the help of Moogol, she flees to meet the Third Prince. In onda il: 2024-08-29 3: The Empty Throne As instructed, Queen Woo Hee visits the Third Prince to initiate the levirate marriage. However, upon seeing the consequences of his heinous actions, she concludes that the Third Prince is unworthy of any claim to power. Realizing the urgency, she escapes to avoid further complications. Meanwhile, those who have been biding their time sense that the moment has come to reclaim the throne they believe is rightfully theirs. 3: The Empty Throne In onda il: 2024-08-29 As instructed, Queen Woo Hee visits the Third Prince to initiate the levirate marriage. However, upon seeing the consequences of his heinous actions, she concludes that the Third Prince is unworthy of any claim to power. Realizing the urgency, she escapes to avoid further complications. Meanwhile, those who have been biding their time sense that the moment has come to reclaim the throne they believe is rightfully theirs. In onda il: 2024-08-29 4: Assassins Attack Queen Woo Word of the king's death travels in the ears of Yeon-bi of Jolbon. His passing gives rise to her ambitions of being the next queen. She travels fast to make the first move. Meanwhile, Queen Woo seeks refuge as groups of assassins close in on her. 4: Assassins Attack Queen Woo In onda il: 2024-08-29 Word of the king's death travels in the ears of Yeon-bi of Jolbon. His passing gives rise to her ambitions of being the next queen. She travels fast to make the first move. Meanwhile, Queen Woo seeks refuge as groups of assassins close in on her. In onda il: 2024-09-12 5: The Chase Eul Pa So continues to list potential suspects who might be responsible for His Majesty’s death, ultimately concluding that the spy must be someone who knows of the king's demise. Meanwhile, the White Tigers draw closer to Queen Woo, coming within an arm's length of capturing her. 5: The Chase In onda il: 2024-09-12 Eul Pa So continues to list potential suspects who might be responsible for His Majesty’s death, ultimately concluding that the spy must be someone who knows of the king's demise. Meanwhile, the White Tigers draw closer to Queen Woo, coming within an arm's length of capturing her. In onda il: 2024-09-12 6: The Fourth or the Fifth? Queen Woo is confronted with a life-or-death choice that will shape the destiny of her entire family clan, all while being relentlessly pursued by White Tigers. In the heat of this peril, she senses that someone within her circle is covertly leaking her whereabouts. At the same time, Eul Pa So waits in the shadows, ready to act on the moves he expects her to make. 6: The Fourth or the Fifth? In onda il: 2024-09-12 Queen Woo is confronted with a life-or-death choice that will shape the destiny of her entire family clan, all while being relentlessly pursued by White Tigers. In the heat of this peril, she senses that someone within her circle is covertly leaking her whereabouts. At the same time, Eul Pa So waits in the shadows, ready to act on the moves he expects her to make. In onda il: 2024-09-12 7: An Inescapable Attack While preparing to leave, the Queen kills the Head Maid after finding out that the Head Maid betrayed her. Believing that Eul Pal So will come and help them with returning to the palace, the Queen takes the risk and goes to the ferry dock despite being chased by the White Tigers. Meanwhile, the Queen decides to make the Fourth Prince the new king through a levirate marriage. 7: An Inescapable Attack In onda il: 2024-09-12 While preparing to leave, the Queen kills the Head Maid after finding out that the Head Maid betrayed her. Believing that Eul Pal So will come and help them with returning to the palace, the Queen takes the risk and goes to the ferry dock despite being chased by the White Tigers. Meanwhile, the Queen decides to make the Fourth Prince the new king through a levirate marriage. In onda il: 2024-09-12 8: The Reason to Fight Bal Gi, Pae Eui, and their soldiers advance to start a war against Queen Woo. Recollecting how he was punished by Nam Mu for desiring the throne, Pae Eui reestablishes his determination to claim the throne. Although the oath of allegiance the five tribes made to King Chung Mo has been broken, Queen Woo still chooses to defend her palace. Then, reinforcements arrive to join hands with Queen Woo. 8: The Reason to Fight In onda il: 2024-09-12 Bal Gi, Pae Eui, and their soldiers advance to start a war against Queen Woo. Recollecting how he was punished by Nam Mu for desiring the throne, Pae Eui reestablishes his determination to claim the throne. Although the oath of allegiance the five tribes made to King Chung Mo has been broken, Queen Woo still chooses to defend her palace. Then, reinforcements arrive to join hands with Queen Woo. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Crestfallen Queen - Horns (2024) [44.1kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Crestfallen Queen - Horns (2024) 44.1-24 Country: Germany Genre: Progressive Heavy Metal, Doom Metal Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 40:54 Full Size: 480.97 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az9iOuCUHbc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7uhUc1Ni-U Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6767db9ceeb0e-
- crestfallen
- queen
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Queen - The Platinum Collection (Greatest Hits I II & III - 2011 Remaster) (2000) [FLAC]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Queen - The Platinum Collection (2011 Remaster) (2000) [FLAC] Country: UK Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/16 bit] Time: 03:27:17 Full Size: 1.35 GB With Queen officially enshrined in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Hollywood Records reintroduces the band yet again with the release of Platinum Collection, Vols. 1-3. While Vols. I & II are full of Queen classics you already know by heart, the third cobbles together odds and sods from the far corners of Queen's canon along with solo cuts from Freddie Mercury and Brian May. Opening with the operatic rock classic "Bohemian Rhapsody," it's easy to hear not only how this British quartet achieved the kind of global acclaim that ensured they'd be enshrined alongside the likes of the Beatles and Led Zeppelin. When they weren't dabbling in playful, '50s-flavored rock & roll ("Crazy Little Thing Called Love"), catchy glam ("Killer Queen"), or hard-edged funk ("Another One Bites the Dust"), Queen was capable of delivering heartfelt love letters ("You're My Best Friend"). The band's '80s output is equally intriguing, ranging from the hard-hitting "Headlong" to duets with David Bowie ("Under Pressure") and soaring movie anthems ("One Vision"). The third volume features more movie themes ("Princes of the Universe"), Freddie Mercury covering the Platters ("The Great Pretender"), and cameos by contemporary artists like Wyclef Jean, George Michael, and Elton John. © TiVo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGkYmbzZmno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyvkmlQVEaA Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/673f86c26b28a -
Queen and Bejart Ballet For Life 2017 (2019) BDRip 1080p
Melissavita ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Queen and Bejart Ballet For Life 2017 (2019) BDRip 1080p Genre: Rock, Documentary Format: mkv Video: MPEG-4 AVC / 12.7 Mb/s / 1920x1080 / 29.970 fps Audio: AC3 / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 640 kb/s Subtitle: English Time: 00:58:42 Size: 5.52 GB Tracklist Maurice Bejart's ballet celebrating the life of Freddie Mercury and Jorge Donn is performed to music by Queen and Mozart, and was filmed at the Theatre Metropole in Lausanne, Switzerland. The choreography is performed by Bejart's ballet company. 1 Ballet For Life: The Documentary 2 Live Salle Métropole, Lausanne, Switzerland 1997: It's A Beautiful Day 3 Time / Let Me Live / Brighton Rock 4 Heaven For Everyone 5 I Was Born To Love You / Cosi Fan Tutte 6 A Kind Of Magic / Thamos 7 Get Down, Make Love / Piano Concerto N°21 8 You Take My Breath Away / Death On Two Legs / Masonic Funeral Music 9 A Kind Of Magic (Ay-Oh) / Sinfonia Concertante / Radio Ga Ga 10 A Winter's Tale 11 The Great Pretender / The Millionaire Waltz 12 Brighton Rock / Bohemian Rhapsody 13 I Want To Break Free 14 The Show Must Go On 15 Ballet For Life: The Making Of via ddownload.com, rapidgator.net, filestore.me, fikper.com https://filecrypt.cc/Container/0A5685061B.html -
Widespread Panic - Hailbound Queen (2024) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Widespread Panic - Hailbound Queen (2024) 96-24 Country: USA Genre: Southern Rock, Blues Rock, Hard Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 34:48 Full Size: 719.09 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK9NgVii9DM Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/672e2cca46afa-
- widespread
- panic
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Queen + Bejart - Ballet For Life 2017 (2019, Blu-ray)
Sekes ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Queen + Bejart - Ballet For Life 2017 (2019, Blu-ray) Title: Queen + Bejart - Ballet For Life 2017 Year of release: 2019 Genre: Rock, Documentary Released: Eagle Rock Entertainment Cast: Queen + Bejart Tracklist: Queen + Maurice Béjart - Ballet For Life" is a documentary that shows the complete performance of the Béjart Ballet Lausanne from 1997, as well as the ballet's creation and success story. The documentary describes how Queen's music serves as the inspiration for a unique ballet that has existed for over twenty years. It combines Queen's hits such as "It's a Beautiful Day", "Radio Ga Ga" and "The Show Must Go On" with classical and modern ballet. It also includes archive material from Freddie Mercury, Maurice Béjart, Queen and Gianni Versace, as well as Versace's breathtaking costume designs. "Ballet for Life" was a unique collaboration between Queen, Versace and the late choreographer Maurice Béjart. With "Ballet for Life" he wanted to bring Freddie Mercury back to life. 1 Ballet For Life: The Documentary 2 Live Salle Métropole, Lausanne, Switzerland 1997: It's A Beautiful Day 3 Time / Let Me Live / Brighton Rock 4 Heaven For Everyone 5 I Was Born To Love You / Cosi Fan Tutte 6 A Kind Of Magic / Thamos 7 Get Down, Make Love / Piano Concerto N°21 8 You Take My Breath Away / Death On Two Legs / Masonic Funeral Music 9 A Kind Of Magic (Ay-Oh) / Sinfonia Concertante / Radio Ga Ga 10 A Winter's Tale 11 The Great Pretender / The Millionaire Waltz 12 Brighton Rock / Bohemian Rhapsody 13 I Want To Break Free 14 The Show Must Go On 15 Ballet For Life: The Making Of Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 29999 kbps / 1080i, 480i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish Total Size: 23.26 GB Total Time: 01:32:02, 00:58:42, 00:23:37 Download Hoster: rapidgator.net, fikper.com https://filecrypt.cc/Container/ECB3D2DFAC.html Pass: 689 -
Queen - Queen I (2024 Collector's Edition) (1973) [96kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Queen - Queen I (2024 Collectors Edition) (1973) 96-24 Country: UK Genre: Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 04:35:40 Full Size: 4.85 GB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQd8o_Hwv-A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiNVqhtjyW4 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/671a84c183b6e -
Mirror Queen - Dying Days (2024) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Mirror Queen - Dying Days (2024) 48-24 Country: USA Genre: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Acid Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 42:15 Full Size: 567.19 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1V0bSrC-LQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ1vedgB_dc Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/66fc26e094558 -
Queen - Days Of Our Lives (2011, Blu-ray)
Sekes ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Queen - Days Of Our Lives (2011, Blu-ray) Title: Queen - Days Of Our Lives Year of release: 2011 Genre: Rock, Documentary Released: Universal Music Cast: Queen Tracklist: This fantastic & moving two-parter tells the story of the finest live band in the history of rock. With unseen footage, candid interviews and plenty of fun" - Guardian Videos (ca. 24 Min:): -Seven Seas Of Rhye -Killer Queen -Somebody To Love -We Are The Champions -Crazy Little Thing Called Love -Under Pressure -Radio Ga Ga Bonus Sequences (ca. 59 Min.): -Queen: The Beginning -Queen On Tour 1974-5 -Bohemian Rhapsody -Working Together -Leaving John Reid -Don't Stop Me Now -Flash Gordon -Making Videos -Scrabble Wars -From Magic to The Miracle -Going Slightly Mad: The Making of Innuendo -Made In Heaven Return To Imperial Bonus Interviews (ca. 19 Min.) Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 22877 kbps 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit Subtitles: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish Total Size: 42.09 GB Total Time: 01:58:50 Download Hoster: alfafile.net, rapidgator.net, fikper.com https://filecrypt.cc/Container/39037989A7.html Pass: 689 -
Descrizione Roguelite? Metroidvania? Roguevania! Sei cresciuto con giochi in stile Rogue? Hai visto nascere il genere roguelite e perfino il roguelite-lite? Bene! Adesso vogliamo sottoporre alla tua valutazione quello che chiamiamo stile RogueVania, figlio illegittimo dei titoli Roguelite moderni (Rogue Legacy, Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon, Spelunky, ecc...) e dei gioci vecchio stile MetroidVania (Castlevania: SotN e simili...). Caratteristiche: - RogueVania: l'esplorazione progressiva di un mondo interconnesso, rigiocabile come un rogue-lite ma con l'aggiunta di quell'adrenalina che solo la morte permanente può dare. - Azione 2D Souls-lite: combattimenti ardui ma giusti, con più di cinquanta armi e incantesimi a disposizione e un gameplay unico! Non può di certo mancare la schivata all'ultimo minuto per evitare il peggio. - Progressione non-lineare: Fogne, Ossuario o Bastioni? Una volta sbloccate, alcune abilità permanenti ti permetteranno di intraprendere nuovi percorsi e raggiungere il tuo obiettivo. Scegli di procedere in base al tuo personaggio, al tuo stile di gioco o semplicemente a seconda del tuo umore. - Esplorazione: stanze nascoste, passaggi segreti e paesaggi incantevoli... Esplora ogni parte del castello e respira la fresca aria infusa di foschia marina... Return to Castlevania DLC: L'ispirazione alla base di tutto torna alle sue origini di azione 2D! Gli indimenticabili personaggi e le ambientazioni gotiche di Castlevania incontrano il frenetico combattimento dell'acclamato roguelite Dead Cells, in una collaborazione senza precedenti. Il cancello di un imponente castello è apparso all'improvviso e un possente guerriero chiamato Richter ti chiede aiuto per sconfiggere il grande male che vi si annida all'interno. Più per la promessa di nuovi bottini, piuttosto che per il dovere morale, ti avventuri tra i saloni e i corridoi di questo castello gotico per scovare e uccidere il misterioso Dracula… BRANDISCI LE ICONICHE ARMI DI CASTLEVANIA Sblocca 14 armi iconiche, tra cui l'Ammazzavampiri, l'Ascia da lancio e l'Acqua benedetta, per decimare l'esercito di mostri di Dracula e infine il Signore oscuro in persona. Ogni oggetto è stato adattato al combattimento frenetico di Dead Cells, conservando comunque la sua essenza originaria. ESPLORA OGNI ANGOLO DEL CASTELLO DI DRACULA Stanze segrete. Corridoi suggestivi. Tombe sinistre. Splendidi dipinti. Cibo nascosto nelle pareti. Con un sacco di mostri originali appartenenti alla saga come le arpie, i licantropi e le armature infestate, l'atmosfera dell'iconico castello ti trasporterà in un mondo fantasy gotico. UNA COLONNA SONORA CLASSICA E RIARRANGIATA Avrai accesso a una colonna sonora alternativa, composta da 51 brani originali di Castlevania, da poter ascoltare nel corso dell'intero gioco. Già, 51! Inoltre, abbiamo scelto 12 tra le tracce più iconiche, come Vampire Killer, Bloody Tears e Simon Belmont's Theme, e le abbiamo riarrangiate nello stile di Dead Cells per la colonna sonora di questo DLC, rispettando ovviamente l'atmosfera di Castlevania. SCOPRI UNA NUOVA STORIA Richter Belmont e Alucard saranno al tuo fianco durante la tua missione per distruggere Dracula: ti aiuteranno a orientarti nel labirintico castello di Dracula e ti forniranno armi potenti (non sempre volentieri). Tuttavia, dove c'è il bene c'è anche il male, perciò fa' attenzione ai temibili nemici che faranno di tutto per impedirti di raggiungere la sala del trono. AFFRONTA TRE EPICI SCONTRI CON BOSS Lotta contro la vera essenza del male in due intensi duelli contro Morte e Dracula, in scenari mozzafiato. Se riuscirai a sopravvivere a queste sfide, preparati allo scontro con quello che finora è il nostro boss più ambizioso… SBLOCCA COMPLETI DEI PERSONAGGI DI CASTLEVANIA Sblocca 20 completi mentre ti aggiri per il castello, che ti consentiranno di vestire i panni di tutti i tuoi personaggi preferiti, tra cui Alucard, Richter Belmont, Simon Belmont, Maria Renard, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades e perfino lo stesso Dracula! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download Dead.Cells.The.End.Is.Near-SKIDROW [SUB ITA]
Shania Twain - Shania The Queen Of Country Pop (2024)
_Goldrake_ ha pubblicato una discussione in » Album Stranieri
Shania Twain - Shania The Queen Of Country Pop (2024) Artist: Shania Twain Album: Shania The Queen Of Country Pop Year: 2024 Genre: Pop Format: MP3 Bitrate: 320 Kbps Total Size: 86 MB File: MUSIC1882 01. Honey, I'm Home 02. Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under 03. Giddy Up! 04. When 05. (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here! 06. Rock This Country! 07. Party For Two (Country Version With Intro) 08. Any Man Of Mine 09. Swingin' With My Eyes Closed 10. No One Needs To Know Link unico, veloce, gratuito e senza premium [Hidden Content] -
Human Code - Break The Silence (2024) Artist: Human Code Album: Break The Silence Released: 2024 Style: Hard Rock Format: MP3 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01. Break the Silence (03:29) 02. Say What You Mean (03:56) 03. Rain (05:09) 04. Genetic Dysfunction (05:20) 05. Don't Kill The Messenger (04:29) 06. Evermore (05:31) 07. 40 Seconds (06:10) 08. Socially Incorrect (04:45) 09. Blame Me (04:48) 10. Lying Whispers (04:33) DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/2B9F0F8BDB.html
Queen - Rock Montreal + Live Aid (2024) [BDRip 1080p]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Video musicali & Concerti
Queen - Rock Montreal + Live Aid (2024) [BDRip 1080p] Label: Mercury Studios Country: UK Genre: Rock, Classic Rock Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p Video: HEVC Video /9 961 kb/s / 1920*1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / Main 10@L5.1@High Video: HEVC Video / 15.0 Mb/s / 1920*1080p / 59.940 fps / 16:9 / Main 10@L4.1@High (Live Aid Concert) Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / DTS 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / AC3 5.1 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps / DN -31dB Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 4060 kbps / 16-bit (Live Aid Concert) Subtitles: English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese Time: 02:00:09 Full Size: 13.8 Gb Queen's Rock Montreal is one of Queen's most legendary concert recordings, recorded by 18,000 people over two nights in 1981. In 1979 and 1980 their first number 1 singles in the USA and Canada marked their final breakthrough in North America. At the same time, Queen topped the UK singles, albums and video charts - something that had never happened before! For this new version of Queen Rock Montreal, the old recordings were extensively restored to ensure the best possible quality. The sound of Queen Rock Montreal and Live Aid is presented in Dolby Atmos for the first time. The BluRay and 4K versions each contain Queen Rock Montreal in full-screen format on the first disc, for the first time in upscaled HD with Dolby Atmos sound. The second disc contains the Montreal concert in widescreen format and a behind-the-scenes featurette showing Queen rehearsing for Live Aid, interspersed with an interview with the band recorded shortly before Live Aid. Setlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02hESHVzKIo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHlyCXWhOt8 https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6649ef794d296 -
Queen of Jeans - All Again (2024) [48kHz/24bit]
antonsm ha pubblicato una discussione in » Musica HD Flac Lossless
Queen of Jeans - All Again (2024) 48-24 Country: USA Genre: Alternative Rock, Indie Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 38:29 Full Size: 513.52 MB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqJwoRzrwOo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T0bLd7sQK0 Download from [b]HotLink[/b] https://www.keeplinks.org/p72/6686b579364a9 -
Michael Kamen & Queen - Highlander (Original Soundtrack) (25th Anniversary Edition) (2011)
muw ha pubblicato una discussione in » Original Sound Track
Artista: Michael Kamen & Queen Album: Highlander (Original Soundtrack) (25th Anniversary Edition) Anno: 2011 Genere: Soundtrack Qualità: Mp3 320 Kbps Tracce: 01. Prelude 02. Main Title / Madison Square Garden (Princes Of The Universe) 03. Connor's Flashback / Highlander Theme 04. Incident Under The Arena 05. Scotland, 1536 / The Clan MacLeod 06. Kurgan's Car (Gimme The Prize) 07. Brenda In The Bar (One Year Of Love) 08. Connor & Heather At Play 09. Ramirez Arrives 10. Training Montage 11. Forge Fight / Kurgan Vs. Ramirez 12. Heather's Demise (Who Wants To Live Forever) 13. Manhattan Maniac / Hey Moscow (Hammer To Fall) 14. Kurgan's Wild Ride 15. In The Ancient Artifacts Room 16. The Stab 17. Connor & Brenda's Love Scene 18. Kurgan Kidnaps Brenda 19. 59th Street Bridge (New York, New York) 20. Connor Defeats Kurgan / Silvercup Showdown 21. The Prize Revealed / Epilogue 22. Highlander Theme Reprise 23. Closing Credits (film version) (A Kind Of Magic) 24. Immortal Suite (instrumental) (Who Wants To Live Forever) 25. Postlude 26. Kurgan's Theme (alternate version) 27. Heather's Theme (alternate version) 28. Kurgan's Wild Ride (alternate version) aka Don't Lose Your Head 29. Heather's Theme (alternate version #2) 30. Kurgan's Theme (alternate version #2) https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/4AE7662190.html Password: muw -
Artista: Queen Album: Singles Collection Anno: 2008 - 2010 Genere: Rock Qualità: Mp3 320 Kbps Singles Collection Volume 1 (2008) Tracce: 01. Keep Yourself Alive 02. Son And Daughter 03. Seven Seas Of Rhye 04. See What A Fool I've Been 05. Killer Queen 06. Flick Of The Wrist 07. Now I'm Here 08. Lily Of The Valley 09. Bohemian Rhapsody 10. I'm In Love With My Car 11. You're My Best Friend 12. '39 13. Somebody To Love 14. White Man 15. Tie Your Mother Down 16. You And I 17. Good Old-Fashioned Loverboy 18. Death On Two Legs 19. Tenement Funster 20. White Queen (As It Began) 21. We Are The Champions 22. We Will Rock You 23. Spread Your Wings 24. Sheer Heart Attack 25. Bicycle Race 26. Fat Bottomed Girls 27. Don't Stop Me Now 28. In Only Seven Days Singles Collection Volume 2 (2009) Tracce: 01. Love Of My Life (Live) 02. Now I'm Here (Live) 03. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 04. We Will Rock You 05. Save Me 06. Let Me Entertain You 07. Play The Game 08. A Human Body 09. Another One Bites The Dust 10. Dragon Attack 11. Flash's Theme 12. Footbal Fight 13. Under Pressure 14. Soul Brother 15. Body Language 16. Life Is Real 17. Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love) 18. Cool Cat 19. Calling All Girls 20. Put Out The Fire 21. Back Chat 22. Staying Power 23. Radio Ga Ga 24. I Go Crazy 25. I Want To Break Free 26. Machines (Or Back To Humans) Singles Collection Volume 3 (2010) Tracce: 01. It's A Hard Life 02. Is This The World We Created... 03. Hammer To Fall 04. Tear It Up 05. Thank God It's Christmas 06. Man On The Prowl 07. Keep Passing The Open Windows 08. One Vision 09. Blurred Vision 10. A Kind Of Magic 11. A Dozen Red Roses For My Darling 12. Friends Will Be Friends 13. Princes Of The Universe 14. Pain Is So Close To Pleasure 15. Don't Lose Your Head 16. Who Wants To Live Forever 17. Forever (Piano Version) 18. One Year Of Love 19. Gimme The Prize 20. I Want It All 21. Hang On In There 22. Breakthru 23. Stealin' 24. The Invisible Man 25. Hijack My Heart 26. Scandal 27. My Life Has Been Saved Singles Collection Volume 4 (2010) Tracce: 01. The Miracle 02. Stone Cold Crazy (Live) 03. Innuendo 04. Bijou 05. I'm Going Slightly Mad 06. The Hitman 07. Headlong 08. All God's People 09. The Show Must Go On 10. Queen Talks 11. Bohemian Rhapsody 12. These Are The Days Of Our Lives 13. Heaven For Everyone (Single Version) 14. It's A Beautiful Day 15. A Winter's Tale 16. Rock In Rio Blues 17. Too Much Love Will Kill You 18. I Was Born To Love You 19. Let Me Live 20. We Will Rock You (Live) 21. We Are The Champions (Live) 22. You Don't Fool Me (Edit) 23. You Don't Fool Me (Album Version) 24. No-One But You (Only The Good Die Young) 25. We Will Rock You (The Rick Rubin 'Ruined' Remix) 26. The Prize (Instrumental Remix For 'The Eye') 27. Under Pressure Rah Mix (Radio Edit) 28. Under Pressure (Mike Spencer Remix) 29. Under Pressure (Live At Knebworth) https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/28C352B045.html Password: muw
Queen + Wyclef Jean ft Pras & Free - Another One Bites The Dust (1998)
muw ha pubblicato una discussione in » Album Stranieri
Artista: Queen + Wyclef Jean ft Pras & Free Album: Another One Bites The Dust Anno: 1998 Genere: Rock - R&B Qualità: Mp3 320 Kbps Tracce: 01. Another One Bites The Dust (Small Soldiers rmx) 02. Rock 'n' Roll (Part 2) 03. Another One Bites The Dust (Instrumental) https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/6F84317A31.html Password: muw -
Queen Dance Traxx Featuring Captain Jack - Another One Bites The Dust (1996)
muw ha pubblicato una discussione in » Album Stranieri
Artista: Captain Jack Album: Queen Dance Traxx Featuring Captain Jack Anno: 1996 Genere: Euro House Qualità: Mp3 320 Kbps Album Completo: Queen Dance Traxx I QUI: https://ddlstreamitaly.co/topic/295610-va-queen-dance-traxx-i-1996/ Tracce: 01. Another One Bites The Dust (Radio Mix) 02. Another One Bites The Dust (Club Mix) 03. Another One Bites The Dust (DJs Extended Mix) https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/7602D0A451.html Password: muw -
Artista: V.A. Album: Queen Dance Traxx I Anno: 1996 Genere: Eurodance Qualità: Mp3 320 Kbps Tracce: 01. Captain Jack - Another One Bites The Dust 02. Scatman John - The Invisible Man 03. Mr.President - A Kind Of Magic 04. EX-IT - I Want It All 05. Culture Beat - Under Pressure 06. Worlds Apart - I Was Born To Love You 07. Masterboy - I Want To Break Free 08. Blossom - Bicycle Race 09. Magic Affair - Bohemian Rhapsody 10. E-Rotic - Who Wants To Live Forever 11. U96 - Flash's Theme 12. DJ BoBo - Radio Ga Ga 13. Voice - Scandal 14. Interactive - We Will Rock You 15. Music Instructor - Friends Will Be Friends 16. Acts United - We Are The Champions https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/299E6B8051.html Password: muw