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Urusei Yatsura [40/46] (2022-2024) ITA Streaming (In Corso)
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Lamù e i casinisti planetari Stagione 1 Episodi 46 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia narra le bizzarre avventure di un gruppo di liceali che vivono a Tomobiki, località immaginaria nel distretto cittadino di Nerima, Tokyo, dove frequentano l'omonimo liceo. La vicenda in particolare ruota intorno ad Ataru Moroboshi, un ragazzo estremamente sfortunato e donnaiolo, e a Lamù, figlia del grande capo degli Oni giunto dallo spazio per invadere la Terra. Vestita unicamente dal suo bikini tigrato, Lamù si innamora di Ataru dopo aver frainteso una sua frase per una proposta di matrimonio. 柿原優子 Series Composition 木村泰大 Series Director 浅野直之 Character Designer 髙橋秀弥 Series Director mikitail Character Designer 曽野由大 Mechanical Designer 横山克 Original Music Composer 岩浪美和 Sound Director ヒラタリョウ Prop Designer 高村和宏 Character Designer 長田雄一郎 Director of Photography Kanji Oshima CGI Director JNTHED Mechanical Designer 廣瀬清志 Editor Ayaka Nakamura Color Designer 青木薫 Art Designer 野村正信 Art Direction 岩上敦宏 Executive Producer 藤田亮 Executive Producer 笠間寿高 Production Supervisor 桑田靖 Executive Producer 竹枝義典 Producer 近藤秀峰 Producer 沢辺伸政 Executive Producer 田中修一郎 Executive Producer 舩橋宗寛 Music Producer Masaki Hasebe Producer Hisashi Ishiwata Executive Producer Yukiko Takase Production Supervisor Genichi Kimura Executive Producer Kazuki Oshima Producer 亀井隆広 Series Director 三宅将典 Executive Producer Noriko Fujimoto Producer 斎藤みち代 Sound Effects 山田聖実 Assistant Editor 山口貴之 Sound Mixer 小島千幸 Assistant Director of Photography 小山恭正 Sound Effects 石橋啓 Special Effects 高橋留美子 Original Concept 高橋留美子 Comic Book Hiroshi Kamiya Ataru Moroboshi (voice) Sumire Uesaka Lum (voice) Maaya Uchida Shinobu Miyake (voice) Mamoru Miyano Shutaro Mendo (voice) Wataru Takagi Cherry (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro Sakura (voice) Episodi: 46 In onda il: 2022-10-14 1: Corri, giovanotto / Una situazione disperata Un gruppo di alieni invasori arriva sulla Terra, l'unica speranza per l'umanità è sconfiggere la figlia del leader alieno in una sfida ad acchiapparello, ma l'umano scelto dagli invasori per competere è un liceale cascamorto di Tokyo. 1: Corri, giovanotto / Una situazione disperata In onda il: 2022-10-14 Un gruppo di alieni invasori arriva sulla Terra, l'unica speranza per l'umanità è sconfiggere la figlia del leader alieno in una sfida ad acchiapparello, ma l'umano scelto dagli invasori per competere è un liceale cascamorto di Tokyo. In onda il: 2022-10-21 2: Un dono tutto per te / Il nastro giallo della felicità Ataru è perseguitato dalla sfortuna, ma incontra una sacerdotessa che decide di esorcizzare i demoni che lo perseguitano. In seguito Ataru chiede a Cherry di preparargli un nastro per sigillare i poteri da oni di Lamù. 2: Un dono tutto per te / Il nastro giallo della felicità In onda il: 2022-10-21 Ataru è perseguitato dalla sfortuna, ma incontra una sacerdotessa che decide di esorcizzare i demoni che lo perseguitano. In seguito Ataru chiede a Cherry di preparargli un nastro per sigillare i poteri da oni di Lamù. In onda il: 2022-10-28 3: I guai piovuti dal cielo! / Aggrovigliati nel labirinto Al liceo Tomobiki arriva il ricchissimo Shutaro Mendo, un nuovo studente che conquisterà il cuore di tutte le ragazze della classe inimicandosi invece tutti i ragazzi che eleggeranno Ataru a capoclasse. 3: I guai piovuti dal cielo! / Aggrovigliati nel labirinto In onda il: 2022-10-28 Al liceo Tomobiki arriva il ricchissimo Shutaro Mendo, un nuovo studente che conquisterà il cuore di tutte le ragazze della classe inimicandosi invece tutti i ragazzi che eleggeranno Ataru a capoclasse. In onda il: 2022-11-04 4: Un bacio per suggellare il patto! Mentre i nostri protagonisti giocano a tennis, piove dal cielo una bella principessa aliena addormentata. Secondo la legge del suo pianeta, chi le darà il bacio del risveglio diventerà il suo sposo e dovrà trascorrere una notte d'amore insieme a lei. 4: Un bacio per suggellare il patto! In onda il: 2022-11-04 Mentre i nostri protagonisti giocano a tennis, piove dal cielo una bella principessa aliena addormentata. Secondo la legge del suo pianeta, chi le darà il bacio del risveglio diventerà il suo sposo e dovrà trascorrere una notte d'amore insieme a lei. In onda il: 2022-11-11 5: I guantoni dell'amore e della lotta / Quanto a lungo ti ho atteso... Al liceo Tomobiki c'è una nuova infermiera, che però sembra conoscere molto bene Ataru. Nel frattempo, i ragazzi decidono di scrivere una finta lettera d'amore ad Ataru per fare una smacco a Shutaro, ma il giovane si convince che incontrerà una ragazza in carne e ossa. 5: I guantoni dell'amore e della lotta / Quanto a lungo ti ho atteso... In onda il: 2022-11-11 Al liceo Tomobiki c'è una nuova infermiera, che però sembra conoscere molto bene Ataru. Nel frattempo, i ragazzi decidono di scrivere una finta lettera d'amore ad Ataru per fare una smacco a Shutaro, ma il giovane si convince che incontrerà una ragazza in carne e ossa. In onda il: 2022-11-18 6: Un bel giorno per partire / Oyuki / Ataru si ritira Ataru torna a casa ansioso di mangiare il sukiyaki, ma Lamù lo informa che dovrà accompagnarla nell'annuale battaglia contro le divinità della fortuna sul suo pianeta natale. Nella seconda parte, una bellissima donna delle nevi porta una valanga di emozioni nella vita di Ataru. 6: Un bel giorno per partire / Oyuki / Ataru si ritira In onda il: 2022-11-18 Ataru torna a casa ansioso di mangiare il sukiyaki, ma Lamù lo informa che dovrà accompagnarla nell'annuale battaglia contro le divinità della fortuna sul suo pianeta natale. Nella seconda parte, una bellissima donna delle nevi porta una valanga di emozioni nella vita di Ataru. In onda il: 2022-11-25 7: Casa è dove si trova il cuore / Rifiuto umido al mare Mentre sono a divertirsi in un hotel di proprietà di Shutaro, i ragazzi scoprono uno yokai che vive sul fondo della piscina. Dato che il mostro fa scappare tutti i clienti dalla paura, Ataru e Lamù decidono di trovargli una nuova abitazione. 7: Casa è dove si trova il cuore / Rifiuto umido al mare In onda il: 2022-11-25 Mentre sono a divertirsi in un hotel di proprietà di Shutaro, i ragazzi scoprono uno yokai che vive sul fondo della piscina. Dato che il mostro fa scappare tutti i clienti dalla paura, Ataru e Lamù decidono di trovargli una nuova abitazione. In onda il: 2022-12-02 8: Confronto serrato con la nuova studentessa... / Confronto serrato alla festa d'addio... Lamù si iscrive al liceo Tomobiki e diventa ufficialmente una compagna di classe di Ataru. Tuttavia, proprio mentre pensa di poter vivere tranquilla al fianco del suo darling, scopre che anche la sua migliore amica Ran si è iscritta alla scuola e in più vuole portarle via il suo darling. 8: Confronto serrato con la nuova studentessa... / Confronto serrato alla festa d'addio... In onda il: 2022-12-02 Lamù si iscrive al liceo Tomobiki e diventa ufficialmente una compagna di classe di Ataru. Tuttavia, proprio mentre pensa di poter vivere tranquilla al fianco del suo darling, scopre che anche la sua migliore amica Ran si è iscritta alla scuola e in più vuole portarle via il suo darling. In onda il: 2022-12-09 9: Uccidere per amore / Caos durante l'ora di studio Rei, l'ex fidanzato di Lamù, arriva sulla Terra per chiederle la mano. Si tratta di un affascinante ragazzo mutaforma che, quando vede il cibo, si trasforma in un mostruoso e ingordo tigrebue, aspetto che Lamù ha sempre detestato. 9: Uccidere per amore / Caos durante l'ora di studio In onda il: 2022-12-09 Rei, l'ex fidanzato di Lamù, arriva sulla Terra per chiederle la mano. Si tratta di un affascinante ragazzo mutaforma che, quando vede il cibo, si trasforma in un mostruoso e ingordo tigrebue, aspetto che Lamù ha sempre detestato. In onda il: 2022-12-16 10: Gli spaventosi colloqui scolastici / Dopo che te ne sei andata La madre di Ataru va a scuola per i colloqui con gli insegnanti e, una volta arrivata, incontra anche la madre di Lamù e quella di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte dell'episodio, Lamù dirà addio ad Ataru e abbandonerà la Terra. 10: Gli spaventosi colloqui scolastici / Dopo che te ne sei andata In onda il: 2022-12-16 La madre di Ataru va a scuola per i colloqui con gli insegnanti e, una volta arrivata, incontra anche la madre di Lamù e quella di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte dell'episodio, Lamù dirà addio ad Ataru e abbandonerà la Terra. In onda il: 2022-12-23 11: I fratelli Mendo / Strana festa di capodanno nella fastidiosa villa dei Mendo A scuola arriva una strana ragazza a cui piace fare scherzi che si presenta come la promessa sposa di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte, Ataru e Lamù sono invitati a casa dei Mendo per festeggiare il capodanno, ma si troveranno coinvolti in uno strano gioco. 11: I fratelli Mendo / Strana festa di capodanno nella fastidiosa villa dei Mendo In onda il: 2022-12-23 A scuola arriva una strana ragazza a cui piace fare scherzi che si presenta come la promessa sposa di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte, Ataru e Lamù sono invitati a casa dei Mendo per festeggiare il capodanno, ma si troveranno coinvolti in uno strano gioco. In onda il: 2023-01-06 12: È arrivato Ten! / Appuntamento a due Arriva sulla Terra Ten, cugino di Lamù e piccolo oni in grado di fluttuare e sputare fiammate. Dato che tutte le ragazze lo ricoprono di attenzioni, Ataru prova invidia per il bambino e idea un piano per fare in modo che sia odiato da Sakura. 12: È arrivato Ten! / Appuntamento a due In onda il: 2023-01-06 Arriva sulla Terra Ten, cugino di Lamù e piccolo oni in grado di fluttuare e sputare fiammate. Dato che tutte le ragazze lo ricoprono di attenzioni, Ataru prova invidia per il bambino e idea un piano per fare in modo che sia odiato da Sakura. In onda il: 2023-01-13 13: La grande guerra del fast food / Un dono da Ten! I professori del liceo Tomobiki decidono di usare il pugno di ferro per vietare agli studenti di uscire dalla scuola a comprare da mangiare. Nella seconda parte, Ten ordina la Pallina LoveLove™ che mostra l'anima gemella con cui ci si sposerà, ma quando le ragazze la provano non vedono chi si aspettavano. 13: La grande guerra del fast food / Un dono da Ten! In onda il: 2023-01-13 I professori del liceo Tomobiki decidono di usare il pugno di ferro per vietare agli studenti di uscire dalla scuola a comprare da mangiare. Nella seconda parte, Ten ordina la Pallina LoveLove™ che mostra l'anima gemella con cui ci si sposerà, ma quando le ragazze la provano non vedono chi si aspettavano. In onda il: 2023-01-20 14: Il figlio della casata Mizunokoji / Una lettera pLOVEmatica Al liceo Tomobiki si presenta un ragazzo energetico che sfida a baseball Shutaro. Si tratta di Tobimaro Mizunokoji, rivale del giovane rampollo che vuole sconfiggerlo a tutti i costi, però Ryoko, la sorella di Shutaro, è innamorata di lui. 14: Il figlio della casata Mizunokoji / Una lettera pLOVEmatica In onda il: 2023-01-20 Al liceo Tomobiki si presenta un ragazzo energetico che sfida a baseball Shutaro. Si tratta di Tobimaro Mizunokoji, rivale del giovane rampollo che vuole sconfiggerlo a tutti i costi, però Ryoko, la sorella di Shutaro, è innamorata di lui. In onda il: 2023-01-27 15: La tristezza dell'anko, il sapore dell'amore?! / Confronto serrato tra i ricordi... / Una caramella amara Durante un appuntamento, Rei bacia Ran e la ragazza è al settimo cielo; anche Lamù è felice e crede di essersi finalmente liberata di Rei, ma purtroppo non tutto è come sembra. Nella seconda parte, Lamù e Ran ricordano la loro infanzia. 15: La tristezza dell'anko, il sapore dell'amore?! / Confronto serrato tra i ricordi... / Una caramella amara In onda il: 2023-01-27 Durante un appuntamento, Rei bacia Ran e la ragazza è al settimo cielo; anche Lamù è felice e crede di essersi finalmente liberata di Rei, ma purtroppo non tutto è come sembra. Nella seconda parte, Lamù e Ran ricordano la loro infanzia. In onda il: 2023-02-03 16: Scontro violento in famiglia! / Salve, divisa alla marinaretta! Ataru e i suoi amici vanno in spiaggia, ma a causa del mare grosso non possono nuotare. Lì conosceranno Ryunosuke e suo padre che gestisce un ristorante sulla spiaggia tutto l'anno. Tra i due non corre buon sangue, perché il padre vuole che Ryunosuke erediti l'attività di famiglia contro il suo volere. 16: Scontro violento in famiglia! / Salve, divisa alla marinaretta! In onda il: 2023-02-03 Ataru e i suoi amici vanno in spiaggia, ma a causa del mare grosso non possono nuotare. Lì conosceranno Ryunosuke e suo padre che gestisce un ristorante sulla spiaggia tutto l'anno. Tra i due non corre buon sangue, perché il padre vuole che Ryunosuke erediti l'attività di famiglia contro il suo volere. In onda il: 2023-02-10 17: Un sogno che gonfia il petto! / Desideri espressi alla stella Ryunosuke ha messo da parte i soldi per comprare il tanto agognato reggiseno, ma purtroppo non bastano e devi quindi fingersi un uomo in cambio di un coupon in denaro. Poi pioverà una stella cadente dal cielo, pronta a realizzare tre desideri della famiglia Moroboshi. 17: Un sogno che gonfia il petto! / Desideri espressi alla stella In onda il: 2023-02-10 Ryunosuke ha messo da parte i soldi per comprare il tanto agognato reggiseno, ma purtroppo non bastano e devi quindi fingersi un uomo in cambio di un coupon in denaro. Poi pioverà una stella cadente dal cielo, pronta a realizzare tre desideri della famiglia Moroboshi. In onda il: 2023-02-17 18: L'indelebile magia del rossetto! / Il micidiale stufato al buio! Lamù crea un rossetto che fa attrarre tra di loro le labbra delle persone che se lo mettono, ma Ataru lo porta a scuola causando confusione. Inoltre, la classe organizza uno stufato al buio dove saranno inseriti gli ingredienti più strani. 18: L'indelebile magia del rossetto! / Il micidiale stufato al buio! In onda il: 2023-02-17 Lamù crea un rossetto che fa attrarre tra di loro le labbra delle persone che se lo mettono, ma Ataru lo porta a scuola causando confusione. Inoltre, la classe organizza uno stufato al buio dove saranno inseriti gli ingredienti più strani. In onda il: 2023-02-24 19: L'infernale giungla dei brividi! / Il boogie dell'ubriaco Shutaro invita a casa sua gli amici per presentargli i polpi della casata Mendo, ma un raro polpo antartico si smarrisce in una folta giungla. Poi, Lamù si ubriaca mangiando la prugna secca dal pranzo di Ataru e si scatena a scuola. 19: L'infernale giungla dei brividi! / Il boogie dell'ubriaco In onda il: 2023-02-24 Shutaro invita a casa sua gli amici per presentargli i polpi della casata Mendo, ma un raro polpo antartico si smarrisce in una folta giungla. Poi, Lamù si ubriaca mangiando la prugna secca dal pranzo di Ataru e si scatena a scuola. In onda il: 2023-03-03 20: Alla ricerca dell'oggetto perduto Le tre giovani aliene Sugar, Ginger e Pepper rubano la catena di Benten e le mandano un messaggio di sfida, così da poterla sconfiggere e prendere il suo posto come più famose delinquenti della scuola media planetaria. 20: Alla ricerca dell'oggetto perduto In onda il: 2023-03-03 Le tre giovani aliene Sugar, Ginger e Pepper rubano la catena di Benten e le mandano un messaggio di sfida, così da poterla sconfiggere e prendere il suo posto come più famose delinquenti della scuola media planetaria. In onda il: 2023-03-10 21: Il cosmomaestro CAO-2 / Che paura la bambola vudù Nella prima parte si vedrà una storia su Lamù e le sue amiche ai tempi della scuola elementare, mentre nella seconda parte torna all'assalto Ryoko preparando una bambola vudù di suo fratello Shutaro. 21: Il cosmomaestro CAO-2 / Che paura la bambola vudù In onda il: 2023-03-10 Nella prima parte si vedrà una storia su Lamù e le sue amiche ai tempi della scuola elementare, mentre nella seconda parte torna all'assalto Ryoko preparando una bambola vudù di suo fratello Shutaro. In onda il: 2023-03-17 22: Barattolino e barattolone / Toccati dall'amore Ten scambia il suo lecca lecca con un barattolo che fa rimpicciolire le cose, ma per sbaglio lo utilizza su Lamù. Dopodiché, Shinobu salva una volpe da un gruppo di cani randagi che la stanno maltrattando, finendo per farla innamorare di lei. 22: Barattolino e barattolone / Toccati dall'amore In onda il: 2023-03-17 Ten scambia il suo lecca lecca con un barattolo che fa rimpicciolire le cose, ma per sbaglio lo utilizza su Lamù. Dopodiché, Shinobu salva una volpe da un gruppo di cani randagi che la stanno maltrattando, finendo per farla innamorare di lei. In onda il: 2023-03-24 23: Battaglia decisiva al Tomo-1 Queen Contest! Lamù, Ran, Shinobu, Ryunosuke e Sakura si affrontano nella finale del concorso di bellezza per eleggere la reginetta del liceo Tomobiki, ma dovranno affrontare sfide molto più bizzarre di quelle che si aspettavano. 23: Battaglia decisiva al Tomo-1 Queen Contest! In onda il: 2023-03-24 Lamù, Ran, Shinobu, Ryunosuke e Sakura si affrontano nella finale del concorso di bellezza per eleggere la reginetta del liceo Tomobiki, ma dovranno affrontare sfide molto più bizzarre di quelle che si aspettavano. In onda il: 2024-01-12 24: Bubblegum delle Fantasie / L'amore supera ogni confine Ataru ruba a Ten le gomme da masticare che concretizzano qualunque fantasia e le usa per materializzare le donne dei suoi sogni. Nella seconda parte, Lamù sbatte la testa e dimentica come parlare la lingua della Terra. 24: Bubblegum delle Fantasie / L'amore supera ogni confine In onda il: 2024-01-12 Ataru ruba a Ten le gomme da masticare che concretizzano qualunque fantasia e le usa per materializzare le donne dei suoi sogni. Nella seconda parte, Lamù sbatte la testa e dimentica come parlare la lingua della Terra. In onda il: 2024-01-19 25: Diluvio di ricordi?! / L'album dei ricordi / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~L'irruente famiglia Fujinami~ Dopo aver conosciuto la signora Moroboshi, Ryunosuke è curiosa di sapere di più sulla madre che l'ha abbandonata quando era ancora piccola, così si rivolge a suo padre che però continua a evitare la questione parlando di altre donne. 25: Diluvio di ricordi?! / L'album dei ricordi / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~L'irruente famiglia Fujinami~ In onda il: 2024-01-19 Dopo aver conosciuto la signora Moroboshi, Ryunosuke è curiosa di sapere di più sulla madre che l'ha abbandonata quando era ancora piccola, così si rivolge a suo padre che però continua a evitare la questione parlando di altre donne. In onda il: 2024-01-26 26: La giungla addobbata di luci A Tomobiki arriva uno strano ragazzo che vive in una giungla dove crescono vegetali elettrici. Notando che Lamù è vestita nel suo stesso modo si convince che deve trattarsi della sua sposa, così la rapisce e porta nella giungla, ma Ataru e Shutaro si lanciano subito all'inseguimento per salvare la ragazza. 26: La giungla addobbata di luci In onda il: 2024-01-26 A Tomobiki arriva uno strano ragazzo che vive in una giungla dove crescono vegetali elettrici. Notando che Lamù è vestita nel suo stesso modo si convince che deve trattarsi della sua sposa, così la rapisce e porta nella giungla, ma Ataru e Shutaro si lanciano subito all'inseguimento per salvare la ragazza. In onda il: 2024-02-02 27: La ladra di fidanzati / La figlia della casata Mizunokoji I corvi servitori della principessa Kurama si affidano al computer per trovare il ragazzo più sexy del cosmo da presentare alla loro padrona. Nella seconda parte, il padre di Shutaro decide di organizzare un incontro matrimoniale tra suo figlio e la sorella di Tobimaro. 27: La ladra di fidanzati / La figlia della casata Mizunokoji In onda il: 2024-02-02 I corvi servitori della principessa Kurama si affidano al computer per trovare il ragazzo più sexy del cosmo da presentare alla loro padrona. Nella seconda parte, il padre di Shutaro decide di organizzare un incontro matrimoniale tra suo figlio e la sorella di Tobimaro. In onda il: 2024-02-09 28: La figlia della casata Mizunokoji 2 Arriva il giorno dell'incontro matrimoniale tra Shutaro e la figlia dei Mizunokoji, ma il ragazzo è terrorizzato dall'armatura che ha visto in precedenza. Così Ataru decide di aiutarlo e prendere il suo posto, ben sapendo che sotto la corazza si cela una ragazza carina. 28: La figlia della casata Mizunokoji 2 In onda il: 2024-02-09 Arriva il giorno dell'incontro matrimoniale tra Shutaro e la figlia dei Mizunokoji, ma il ragazzo è terrorizzato dall'armatura che ha visto in precedenza. Così Ataru decide di aiutarlo e prendere il suo posto, ben sapendo che sotto la corazza si cela una ragazza carina. In onda il: 2024-02-16 29: Un amore di kotatsu / Lamù si trasforma in mucca / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~La magnifica famiglia Mendo~ Il gatto del kotatsu trova un raro kotatsu da un antiquario, ma quando lo porta a casa scopre che è animato e ha paura di essere coperto. In seguito, Lamù viene morsa da una mucca e, quando le crescono delle corna bovine, è convinta che si trasformerà nell'animale. 29: Un amore di kotatsu / Lamù si trasforma in mucca / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~La magnifica famiglia Mendo~ In onda il: 2024-02-16 Il gatto del kotatsu trova un raro kotatsu da un antiquario, ma quando lo porta a casa scopre che è animato e ha paura di essere coperto. In seguito, Lamù viene morsa da una mucca e, quando le crescono delle corna bovine, è convinta che si trasformerà nell'animale. In onda il: 2024-02-23 30: I paraorecchie paranormali / Parentela Ataru compra due paraorecchie da uno strano venditore per strada e quando lui e Ten li indossano si scambiano di corpo. Nella seconda parte, Lamù apre un varco per evitare che Ataru faccia tardi a scuola, ma il luogo in cui finiscono non è quello che si aspettano. 30: I paraorecchie paranormali / Parentela In onda il: 2024-02-23 Ataru compra due paraorecchie da uno strano venditore per strada e quando lui e Ten li indossano si scambiano di corpo. Nella seconda parte, Lamù apre un varco per evitare che Ataru faccia tardi a scuola, ma il luogo in cui finiscono non è quello che si aspettano. In onda il: 2024-03-01 31: Apri la porta (1ª parte) Shinobu è disperata e pensa di essere stata maledetta perché ha sfortuna con gli uomini, ma mentre torna a casa da scuola trova un bel ragazzo vestito da lepre stramazzato al suolo che le chiede del cibo. Per sdebitarsi, il giovane decide di aiutarla a realizzare il suo futuro brillante. 31: Apri la porta (1ª parte) In onda il: 2024-03-01 Shinobu è disperata e pensa di essere stata maledetta perché ha sfortuna con gli uomini, ma mentre torna a casa da scuola trova un bel ragazzo vestito da lepre stramazzato al suolo che le chiede del cibo. Per sdebitarsi, il giovane decide di aiutarla a realizzare il suo futuro brillante. In onda il: 2024-03-08 32: Apri la porta (2ª parte) / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~La proibita famiglia Miyake~ Dato che Shinobu sembra insoddisfatta dei futuri visti finora, Inaba la accompagna nella fucina del destino dove è possibile forgiare il proprio futuro ideale, ma le altre lepri continuano a inseguirli per punire il loro collega. 32: Apri la porta (2ª parte) / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~La proibita famiglia Miyake~ In onda il: 2024-03-08 Dato che Shinobu sembra insoddisfatta dei futuri visti finora, Inaba la accompagna nella fucina del destino dove è possibile forgiare il proprio futuro ideale, ma le altre lepri continuano a inseguirli per punire il loro collega. In onda il: 2024-03-15 33: Il fantasma di Mendo / L'ultimo appuntamento Un giorno, uno dei nobili polpi della casata Mendo scompare e quella stessa notte Mendo è visitato da un'entità misteriosa. In un'altra storia, Sakura riceve il diario di una ragazza morta che sognava un appuntamento con un ragazzo che vedeva sempre dalla finestra della sua stanza d'ospedale. 33: Il fantasma di Mendo / L'ultimo appuntamento In onda il: 2024-03-15 Un giorno, uno dei nobili polpi della casata Mendo scompare e quella stessa notte Mendo è visitato da un'entità misteriosa. In un'altra storia, Sakura riceve il diario di una ragazza morta che sognava un appuntamento con un ragazzo che vedeva sempre dalla finestra della sua stanza d'ospedale. In onda il: 2024-03-22 34: Il caso delle percosse sul preside / Il giardino segreto / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~L'infernale famiglia Moroboshi~ Ataru e compagni devono pulire la presidenza per punizione, ma d'un tratto Onsen trova il preside a terra privo di sensi e dà inizio a un'indagine per trovare il colpevole. Qualche giorno dopo, Ran coltiva dei fiori che si diffondono spargendo voci. 34: Il caso delle percosse sul preside / Il giardino segreto / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~L'infernale famiglia Moroboshi~ In onda il: 2024-03-22 Ataru e compagni devono pulire la presidenza per punizione, ma d'un tratto Onsen trova il preside a terra privo di sensi e dà inizio a un'indagine per trovare il colpevole. Qualche giorno dopo, Ran coltiva dei fiori che si diffondono spargendo voci. In onda il: 2024-03-29 35: Amore ♡ Darling in pericolo! / Le volpi al chiaro di luna / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~Onsen Mark nello spazio~ Ataru trova un muffin preparato da Ran e decide di mangiarlo, ma subito si sente male. Quando Lamù lo trova svenuto, lo fa visitare da un medico che gli dice che il ragazzo è stato avvelenato. In seguito, torna a Tomobiki la piccola volpe amica di Shinobu, che vuole farle mangiare un germoglio magico. 35: Amore ♡ Darling in pericolo! / Le volpi al chiaro di luna / Visite a domicilio da lacrime ~Onsen Mark nello spazio~ In onda il: 2024-03-29 Ataru trova un muffin preparato da Ran e decide di mangiarlo, ma subito si sente male. Quando Lamù lo trova svenuto, lo fa visitare da un medico che gli dice che il ragazzo è stato avvelenato. In seguito, torna a Tomobiki la piccola volpe amica di Shinobu, che vuole farle mangiare un germoglio magico. In onda il: 2024-04-12 36: Oh, povero Shutaro! Shutaro si sottopone a un addestramento speciale per curare la sua paura del buio e degli spazi angusti, ma dato che i suoi sforzi non sembrano efficaci e hanno ripercussioni sulla sua salute, Lamù decide di usare una macchina del tempo per tornare indietro e scoprire la causa delle fobie del ragazzo. 36: Oh, povero Shutaro! In onda il: 2024-04-12 Shutaro si sottopone a un addestramento speciale per curare la sua paura del buio e degli spazi angusti, ma dato che i suoi sforzi non sembrano efficaci e hanno ripercussioni sulla sua salute, Lamù decide di usare una macchina del tempo per tornare indietro e scoprire la causa delle fobie del ragazzo. In onda il: 2024-04-19 37: Il ritorno di Asuka / Un appuntamento burrascoso (1ª parte) Dato che Asuka continua a essere ossessionata da suo fratello Tobimaro, la madre decide di affidarle un messaggio per Shutaro e la manda a scuola da lui dove sarà circondata da ragazzi, in modo che si abitui. In seguito, organizza anche un appuntamento tra la figlia e il rampollo dei Mendo. 37: Il ritorno di Asuka / Un appuntamento burrascoso (1ª parte) In onda il: 2024-04-19 Dato che Asuka continua a essere ossessionata da suo fratello Tobimaro, la madre decide di affidarle un messaggio per Shutaro e la manda a scuola da lui dove sarà circondata da ragazzi, in modo che si abitui. In seguito, organizza anche un appuntamento tra la figlia e il rampollo dei Mendo. In onda il: 2024-04-26 38: Un appuntamento burrascoso (2ª parte) Prosegue l'appuntamento a villa Mendo tra Shutaro e Asuka, ma Ataru è pronto a intromettersi alla prima occasione per poter trascorrere del tempo insieme alla bella figlia dei Mizunokoji. Intanto, Tobimaro arriva alla villa preoccupato per sua sorella, ma Ryoko non se ne starà a guardare. 38: Un appuntamento burrascoso (2ª parte) In onda il: 2024-04-26 Prosegue l'appuntamento a villa Mendo tra Shutaro e Asuka, ma Ataru è pronto a intromettersi alla prima occasione per poter trascorrere del tempo insieme alla bella figlia dei Mizunokoji. Intanto, Tobimaro arriva alla villa preoccupato per sua sorella, ma Ryoko non se ne starà a guardare. In onda il: 2024-05-03 39: I promessi sposi sulla spiaggia / Il parasole del folletto Ataru e compagni ricevono l'invito di Ryunosuke per andare su un'isola dove si trova il nuovo ristorante sulla spiaggia dei Fujinami, ma mentre sono lì scoprono che nello stesso locale sono avvenute delle morti misteriose. Nella seconda parte, Ten decide di aiutare un folletto a ritrovare il suo parasole. 39: I promessi sposi sulla spiaggia / Il parasole del folletto In onda il: 2024-05-03 Ataru e compagni ricevono l'invito di Ryunosuke per andare su un'isola dove si trova il nuovo ristorante sulla spiaggia dei Fujinami, ma mentre sono lì scoprono che nello stesso locale sono avvenute delle morti misteriose. Nella seconda parte, Ten decide di aiutare un folletto a ritrovare il suo parasole. In onda il: 2024-05-10 40: La battaglia di una notte / Rischiare la vita a lezione! Nagisa inizia a vivere a casa di Ryunosuke, ma dato che il giovane fantasma continua a cercare di baciarla lei perde la pazienza e decide di sfidarlo a uno scontro per chiudere i conti. In seguito, Ten cerca di disturbare Ataru a scuola che rischia di dover seguire lezioni di recupero. 40: La battaglia di una notte / Rischiare la vita a lezione! In onda il: 2024-05-10 Nagisa inizia a vivere a casa di Ryunosuke, ma dato che il giovane fantasma continua a cercare di baciarla lei perde la pazienza e decide di sfidarlo a uno scontro per chiudere i conti. In seguito, Ten cerca di disturbare Ataru a scuola che rischia di dover seguire lezioni di recupero. In onda il: 2024-05-17 41: Il fiore dell'amore e del coraggio Shinobu trova di nuovo Inaba svenuto per strada che le chiede di accompagnarla all'Ufficio amministrativo di manifattura dello spaziotempo per aiutarlo a prendere parte all'esame di promozione. Tuttavia, durante il test, si mette in mezzo Ataru che non vuole lasciarli da soli. 41: Il fiore dell'amore e del coraggio In onda il: 2024-05-17 Shinobu trova di nuovo Inaba svenuto per strada che le chiede di accompagnarla all'Ufficio amministrativo di manifattura dello spaziotempo per aiutarlo a prendere parte all'esame di promozione. Tuttavia, durante il test, si mette in mezzo Ataru che non vuole lasciarli da soli. In onda il: 2024-05-24 42: Lamù su tutte le furie! / Col cuore in mano Ten finisce per bruciare una sciarpa che Lamù ha sferruzzato per Ataru e scappa via pensando che la ragazza sia arrabbiata. Nella seconda parte, Ran lascia a Lamù un pacchetto di caramelle che materializzano il cuore di chiunque le mangi e che se afferrato permette di conquistare il suo amore. 42: Lamù su tutte le furie! / Col cuore in mano In onda il: 2024-05-24 Ten finisce per bruciare una sciarpa che Lamù ha sferruzzato per Ataru e scappa via pensando che la ragazza sia arrabbiata. Nella seconda parte, Ran lascia a Lamù un pacchetto di caramelle che materializzano il cuore di chiunque le mangi e che se afferrato permette di conquistare il suo amore. In onda il: 2024-05-31 43: Boy meets Girl: La mattina dell'addio Il bisnonno di Lamù viene ritrovato in una capsula criogenica dopo vent'anni e la ragazza torna a casa dei suoi per incontrarlo, ma l'anziano è sconvolto quando scopre che sua pronipote è una ragazza. Poco dopo, arriva anche un abitante del regno dell'oscurità che afferma di aver vinto Lamù in una scommessa e che se la prenderà come moglie. 43: Boy meets Girl: La mattina dell'addio In onda il: 2024-05-31 Il bisnonno di Lamù viene ritrovato in una capsula criogenica dopo vent'anni e la ragazza torna a casa dei suoi per incontrarlo, ma l'anziano è sconvolto quando scopre che sua pronipote è una ragazza. Poco dopo, arriva anche un abitante del regno dell'oscurità che afferma di aver vinto Lamù in una scommessa e che se la prenderà come moglie. In onda il: 2024-06-07 44: Boy meets Girl: È vero che ti sposi? Lamù è stata rapita da un ragazzo misterioso ammantato di nero e Ataru vuole correre in suo soccorso, ma non sa come raggiungerla. A quel punto arrivano Benten e Oyuki che gli rivelano che è stata portata nel regno dell'oscurità. Così, il gruppo di amici prende in prestito la navicella spaziale di Ran e tutti insieme partono al salvataggio. 44: Boy meets Girl: È vero che ti sposi? In onda il: 2024-06-07 Lamù è stata rapita da un ragazzo misterioso ammantato di nero e Ataru vuole correre in suo soccorso, ma non sa come raggiungerla. A quel punto arrivano Benten e Oyuki che gli rivelano che è stata portata nel regno dell'oscurità. Così, il gruppo di amici prende in prestito la navicella spaziale di Ran e tutti insieme partono al salvataggio. In onda il: 2024-06-14 45: Boy meets Girl: Con un animo contorto Sentendosi tradito da Lamù, Ataru decide di abbandonarla nel regno dell'oscurità e di tornare sulla Terra insieme a Karula e agli altri. Però, una volta a casa, i ragazzi mangiano per sbaglio funghi originari dell'universo di Rupa che a contatto con il calore della pentola iniziano a crescere e a propagarsi senza controllo. 45: Boy meets Girl: Con un animo contorto In onda il: 2024-06-14 Sentendosi tradito da Lamù, Ataru decide di abbandonarla nel regno dell'oscurità e di tornare sulla Terra insieme a Karula e agli altri. Però, una volta a casa, i ragazzi mangiano per sbaglio funghi originari dell'universo di Rupa che a contatto con il calore della pentola iniziano a crescere e a propagarsi senza controllo. In onda il: 2024-06-21 46: Boy meets Girl: I want you anche se è impossibile Lamù ha sfidato Ataru ad acchiapparello con in gioco il destino della Terra. Se il ragazzo riuscirà ad afferrare le corna della giovane oni entro dieci giorni, Rupa farà divorare i funghi che hanno invaso il pianeta dai suoi maiali. Ma se fallirà, tutti i terrestri perderanno ogni ricordo riguardante Lamù e tutti gli altri alieni. 46: Boy meets Girl: I want you anche se è impossibile In onda il: 2024-06-21 Lamù ha sfidato Ataru ad acchiapparello con in gioco il destino della Terra. Se il ragazzo riuscirà ad afferrare le corna della giovane oni entro dieci giorni, Rupa farà divorare i funghi che hanno invaso il pianeta dai suoi maiali. Ma se fallirà, tutti i terrestri perderanno ogni ricordo riguardante Lamù e tutti gli altri alieni. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Blue Lock Stagione 1 Episodi 38 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Dramma Con l'eliminazione del Giappone ai Mondiali di calcio del 2018, la federazione calcistica giapponese si decide a creare un programma in cui trovare giovani promettenti atleti e prepararli per i mondiali del 2022. Isagi Yōichi, un attaccante, riceve l'invito per partecipare a questo programma, proprio subito dopo che la sua squadra perde la possibilità di accedere alle nazionali a causa sua, che nel momento decisivo passò la palla a un compagno meno esperto invece che tentare di tirare lui stesso. L'allenatore del programma sarà Ego Jinpachi, il cui obiettivo è quello di "distruggere il calcio perdente giapponese" con un metodo rivoluzionario: isolare 300 giovani e promettenti attaccanti in una struttura simile a una prigione, chiamata "Blue Lock" e sottoporli a un rigoroso allenamento volto a creare "l'attaccante più egoista e migliore del mondo". 岸本卓 Series Composition 浅黄康裕 Director of Photography 上村泰 Concept Artist 興津香織 Prop Designer Sakura Komatsu Color Designer 渡邉徹明 Series Director Yuu Shindou Character Designer 長谷川舞 Editor 坂本ひろみ Action Director 東島久志 Action Director 広沢範光 3D Director 石川俊介 Assistant Director 東島久志 Prop Designer 杉山晋史 Art Designer 郷文裕貴 Sound Director Kento Toya Character Designer 高木佐和子 Art Direction Toshiyuki Yamashita Concept Artist 金城宗幸 Comic Book 金城宗幸 Story Supervisor Jun Murayama Original Music Composer Kanako Yamada Special Effects 中島裕里 Costume Designer Takamasa Nishimura Casting Nobuaki Abe Associate Producer 木村淳一 Executive Producer Naoya Sato Associate Producer 淡路徹 Associate Producer Ryoya Arisawa Producer 渡邊雅文 Foley Artist 上野励 Sound Effects 平田秀夫 Executive Producer Ayumi Ohigashi Associate Producer 飯島江美子 Executive Producer Yuki Mori Producer 八巻大樹 Sound Recordist 古川慎 Producer 高見洋平 Executive Producer Yuki Shoji Music Producer 中野雅俊 Online Editor 黒須信彦 Associate Producer 髙橋和基 Online Editor Yoichi Sekine Executive Producer Junko Sano Executive Producer 田辺謙司 Lead Character Designer Haruhito Nakayoshi Co-Producer Yusuke Nomura Character Designer 長濱裕章 Line Producer 長井七海 3D Animator 浦和希 Yoichi Isagi (voice) 海渡翼 Meguru Bachira (voice) 小野友樹 Rensuke Kunigami (voice) Sōma Saitō Hyoma Chigiri (voice) Jun'ichi Suwabe Shoei Baro (voice) Nobunaga Shimazaki Seishiro Nagi (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Jingo Raichi (voice) Episodi: 38 In onda il: 2022-10-09 1: Dream Isagi Yoichi, a first-year forward, loses his chance for the Nationals because he has passed the ball to his fellow player in front of the goal. That's when he receives an invitation for Blue Lock. It's a facility to train one world's greatest striker out of 300 high-school-aged forwards so that Japan can win the World Cup. 1: Dream In onda il: 2022-10-09 Isagi Yoichi, a first-year forward, loses his chance for the Nationals because he has passed the ball to his fellow player in front of the goal. That's when he receives an invitation for Blue Lock. It's a facility to train one world's greatest striker out of 300 high-school-aged forwards so that Japan can win the World Cup. In onda il: 2022-10-16 2: Monster Kira is eliminated from Blue Lock, and with that, the first day at the Blue Lock that promises to create the greatest center forward in the world begins in Isagi Yoichi 's life. 2: Monster In onda il: 2022-10-16 Kira is eliminated from Blue Lock, and with that, the first day at the Blue Lock that promises to create the greatest center forward in the world begins in Isagi Yoichi 's life. In onda il: 2022-10-23 3: Soccer's "Zero" The first selection is the round-robin tournament of five teams of V, W, X, Y and Z in Building Five, with only top two teams being eligible to move forward. Isagi's Team Z, the lowest ranking team, plays against Team X. But because of the special rule that allows the top scorer of the team to proceed to the next section, the match turns into chaotic scrambling for the ball, regardless of the teams. It was Barou Shoei, Team X's formidable striker, who changes the flow of the game. 3: Soccer's "Zero" In onda il: 2022-10-23 The first selection is the round-robin tournament of five teams of V, W, X, Y and Z in Building Five, with only top two teams being eligible to move forward. Isagi's Team Z, the lowest ranking team, plays against Team X. But because of the special rule that allows the top scorer of the team to proceed to the next section, the match turns into chaotic scrambling for the ball, regardless of the teams. It was Barou Shoei, Team X's formidable striker, who changes the flow of the game. In onda il: 2022-10-30 4: Premonition and Intuition Team Z was crushed by Team X, who centered the offensive play around egoistical yet skilled Barou. Responding to Ego's urge to "take up a weapon," the players discuss what their weapons are in preparation for the next match. However, Isagi struggles to identify what it is. Using "the smell of the goal" he felt in the game against Team X as a hint, Isagi and the others go against Team Y in the next match. 4: Premonition and Intuition In onda il: 2022-10-30 Team Z was crushed by Team X, who centered the offensive play around egoistical yet skilled Barou. Responding to Ego's urge to "take up a weapon," the players discuss what their weapons are in preparation for the next match. However, Isagi struggles to identify what it is. Using "the smell of the goal" he felt in the game against Team X as a hint, Isagi and the others go against Team Y in the next match. In onda il: 2022-11-06 5: To Be Reborn Isagi relies on "the smell of the goal," his raw instincts, to make a move, and it leads to the fierce battle of "reading" each other's hand with Team Y's playmaker, Niko Ikki. Isagi and Niko's battle as they both watch over the whole field and throw their ego at each other, brings them to the last one minute of the match. Can Isagi and Team Z beat Niko's final strategy, "One Time Kill Counter"? 5: To Be Reborn In onda il: 2022-11-06 Isagi relies on "the smell of the goal," his raw instincts, to make a move, and it leads to the fierce battle of "reading" each other's hand with Team Y's playmaker, Niko Ikki. Isagi and Niko's battle as they both watch over the whole field and throw their ego at each other, brings them to the last one minute of the match. Can Isagi and Team Z beat Niko's final strategy, "One Time Kill Counter"? In onda il: 2022-11-13 6: I'm Sorry After the match with Team Y, Isagi's rank moved up, and he became the center of the team. The next match is against Team W, led by the Wanima twins. Their eye contact and impeccable combinations are hard to beat. They used to play in the same team as Chigiri Hyoma, and they use his past trauma to egg him on. Chigiri says that he joined Blue Lock to find a reason to quit soccer. Team Z leads the game with Kuon's play. Everyone's elated for the good start of the match, but Isagi feels something is off. 6: I'm Sorry In onda il: 2022-11-13 After the match with Team Y, Isagi's rank moved up, and he became the center of the team. The next match is against Team W, led by the Wanima twins. Their eye contact and impeccable combinations are hard to beat. They used to play in the same team as Chigiri Hyoma, and they use his past trauma to egg him on. Chigiri says that he joined Blue Lock to find a reason to quit soccer. Team Z leads the game with Kuon's play. Everyone's elated for the good start of the match, but Isagi feels something is off. In onda il: 2022-11-20 7: Rush Because of Kuon’s betrayal, Team Z is faced with a desperate situation of playing 12-on-10, with the opponent knowing everything about their weapons and strategies. Even under such a circumstance, Team Z never gives up on the fight, and Isagi continues to believe in himself. Inspired by their passion, Chigiri runs through the field at an incredible speed, his weapon he has sealed away. His ego rocks the match when they are losing at 3-4. 7: Rush In onda il: 2022-11-20 Because of Kuon’s betrayal, Team Z is faced with a desperate situation of playing 12-on-10, with the opponent knowing everything about their weapons and strategies. Even under such a circumstance, Team Z never gives up on the fight, and Isagi continues to believe in himself. Inspired by their passion, Chigiri runs through the field at an incredible speed, his weapon he has sealed away. His ego rocks the match when they are losing at 3-4. In onda il: 2022-11-27 8: The Formula for Goals The Z team has only one game left to play, and it will decide the future of its members. While everyone seems to be nervous about the kickoff, Isagi is trying to find a way to score goals without anyone's help. 8: The Formula for Goals In onda il: 2022-11-27 The Z team has only one game left to play, and it will decide the future of its members. While everyone seems to be nervous about the kickoff, Isagi is trying to find a way to score goals without anyone's help. In onda il: 2022-12-04 9: Awakening The match continues to leave Team Z scared of Nagi's abilities. However, one of the members is not scared, even though they are facing a soccer genius...? 9: Awakening In onda il: 2022-12-04 The match continues to leave Team Z scared of Nagi's abilities. However, one of the members is not scared, even though they are facing a soccer genius...? In onda il: 2022-12-11 10: Just the Way It Is Each player unleashed their weapon and ego, and Team Z has caught up to a draw. They totally have the momentum of the game, but that has “awakened” Team V’s monster, Nagi. In the chain reaction to awakening, Isagi also learns to use his weapon and keeps fighting. The “heat” generated by the clashing of ego from both teams starts to affect Kuon as well. 10: Just the Way It Is In onda il: 2022-12-11 Each player unleashed their weapon and ego, and Team Z has caught up to a draw. They totally have the momentum of the game, but that has “awakened” Team V’s monster, Nagi. In the chain reaction to awakening, Isagi also learns to use his weapon and keeps fighting. The “heat” generated by the clashing of ego from both teams starts to affect Kuon as well. In onda il: 2022-12-18 11: The Final Piece Team Z launches a final counter to try and win against Team V. Isagi is trying to find the last piece he needs to crack the formula to become a goal machine. 11: The Final Piece In onda il: 2022-12-18 Team Z launches a final counter to try and win against Team V. Isagi is trying to find the last piece he needs to crack the formula to become a goal machine. In onda il: 2022-12-25 12: The Second Selection With many dropouts, the "Blue Lock" project enters the second selection. A harsh second selection where former friends become rivals and former enemies become allies at a dizzying pace. There, Isagi meets Rin, the most powerful egoist ever, the younger brother of the genius Itoshi Sae, and the new Blue Lock ranking TOP ranker. Seeking further evolution, Isagi's fight advances to a new stage. 12: The Second Selection In onda il: 2022-12-25 With many dropouts, the "Blue Lock" project enters the second selection. A harsh second selection where former friends become rivals and former enemies become allies at a dizzying pace. There, Isagi meets Rin, the most powerful egoist ever, the younger brother of the genius Itoshi Sae, and the new Blue Lock ranking TOP ranker. Seeking further evolution, Isagi's fight advances to a new stage. In onda il: 2023-01-08 13: TOP3 In this new stage of the second selection, the white team formed by Isagi, Nagi and Bachira will finally go against the top three in the ranking of the previous stage, running the risk of losing one of their three players if they lose the game. Still, the willingness to test their new skills against the top three is much stronger in the white team members. Will they be able to win this match? 13: TOP3 In onda il: 2023-01-08 In this new stage of the second selection, the white team formed by Isagi, Nagi and Bachira will finally go against the top three in the ranking of the previous stage, running the risk of losing one of their three players if they lose the game. Still, the willingness to test their new skills against the top three is much stronger in the white team members. Will they be able to win this match? In onda il: 2023-01-15 14: The Geniuses and the Average Joes The loss of Bachira on his team makes Isagi very anxious about what his future with Nagi will be like. To make matters worse, the situation is now even more complex: the ideal would be to go against a weaker team, but that would mean taking a weaker player too, which would make it more difficult to advance the next stages. So what are Isagi and Nagi going to do? 14: The Geniuses and the Average Joes In onda il: 2023-01-15 The loss of Bachira on his team makes Isagi very anxious about what his future with Nagi will be like. To make matters worse, the situation is now even more complex: the ideal would be to go against a weaker team, but that would mean taking a weaker player too, which would make it more difficult to advance the next stages. So what are Isagi and Nagi going to do? In onda il: 2023-01-22 15: Devour Isagi realizes that the conclusion of the match is in his and Naruhaya's hands. However, how will he go about beating Naruhaya? This will be a game that will not depend on genius players, but on "mediocre" players. 15: Devour In onda il: 2023-01-22 Isagi realizes that the conclusion of the match is in his and Naruhaya's hands. However, how will he go about beating Naruhaya? This will be a game that will not depend on genius players, but on "mediocre" players. In onda il: 2023-01-29 16: Tri-Fusion Barou joins Isagi and Nagi's team, already causing quite a stir with his conflicts with Nagi. Isagi is trying to see a way to mediate these two, which will be very complicated. 16: Tri-Fusion In onda il: 2023-01-29 Barou joins Isagi and Nagi's team, already causing quite a stir with his conflicts with Nagi. Isagi is trying to see a way to mediate these two, which will be very complicated. In onda il: 2023-02-05 17: Donkey Isagi begins to realize that his former teammates made a great trio with Reo, making the best use of their own weapons. Now, he'll have to think about how he's going to get his much-desired "chemical reaction" with Nagi and Barou, if not, he won't be able to win. That said, the Barou remain not very cooperative... 17: Donkey In onda il: 2023-02-05 Isagi begins to realize that his former teammates made a great trio with Reo, making the best use of their own weapons. Now, he'll have to think about how he's going to get his much-desired "chemical reaction" with Nagi and Barou, if not, he won't be able to win. That said, the Barou remain not very cooperative... In onda il: 2023-02-12 18: The Stage for the Lead By understanding and enhancing each other’s weapons, Isagi and Nagi are drawing countless paths to the goal. In contrast, with Chigiri, who has further evolved, at the center, Kunigami and Reo find themselves struggling to keep up, and a back-and-forth battle unfolds on the field. Meanwhile, Barou, who should have been the king of the field, was left behind in the evolutionary chain because of his overpowering ego. Having been robbed of the leading role on the field by Isagi, Barou finally falls to his knees. 18: The Stage for the Lead In onda il: 2023-02-12 By understanding and enhancing each other’s weapons, Isagi and Nagi are drawing countless paths to the goal. In contrast, with Chigiri, who has further evolved, at the center, Kunigami and Reo find themselves struggling to keep up, and a back-and-forth battle unfolds on the field. Meanwhile, Barou, who should have been the king of the field, was left behind in the evolutionary chain because of his overpowering ego. Having been robbed of the leading role on the field by Isagi, Barou finally falls to his knees. In onda il: 2023-02-19 19: Dancing Boy Isagi and his friends barely manage to win as Barou awakens as the "villain" of the field. In order to cause a further "chemical reaction", they take away the only player who showed their ego to "eat" themselves and advance to the force stage. On the other hand, Bachira, who is looking for an opponent for the next match with TOP3, sees through the existence of a "Monster" in himself during training with Rin, and faces his own "ego". 19: Dancing Boy In onda il: 2023-02-19 Isagi and his friends barely manage to win as Barou awakens as the "villain" of the field. In order to cause a further "chemical reaction", they take away the only player who showed their ego to "eat" themselves and advance to the force stage. On the other hand, Bachira, who is looking for an opponent for the next match with TOP3, sees through the existence of a "Monster" in himself during training with Rin, and faces his own "ego". In onda il: 2023-02-26 20: Super Link-Up Play Finally, Isagi and Nagi are going to have a rematch with Rin's team. However, adding Bachira to Rin's team will bring some unforeseen circumstances. 20: Super Link-Up Play In onda il: 2023-02-26 Finally, Isagi and Nagi are going to have a rematch with Rin's team. However, adding Bachira to Rin's team will bring some unforeseen circumstances. In onda il: 2023-03-05 21: I'm Not There Isagi captures everything that’s happening in the field to see its future, and Nagi controls the space. Their combination bursts, and their series of play lights up the fire in Rin. Rin’s dominating play that encompasses everything on the field, from the skills of all players, the ball, positioning and tactics gradually corners Isagi’s team once again. As chaos and ego clash, one man is covertly sharpening his fangs to devour the game dominated by Rin. 21: I'm Not There In onda il: 2023-03-05 Isagi captures everything that’s happening in the field to see its future, and Nagi controls the space. Their combination bursts, and their series of play lights up the fire in Rin. Rin’s dominating play that encompasses everything on the field, from the skills of all players, the ball, positioning and tactics gradually corners Isagi’s team once again. As chaos and ego clash, one man is covertly sharpening his fangs to devour the game dominated by Rin. In onda il: 2023-03-12 22: Voice The thrill of finally finding the "monsters" with overwhelming talent became short-lived, as Bachira realizes he's being left behind in the battle between Isagi and Rin. Meanwhile, the game is reaching its final stage, with a fierce back-and-forth battle led by the wild card, Barou. As Isagi takes his skills to the next level under extreme conditions, Bachira is forced to confront his own "ego" amidst the intensity of the situation. Where will their newfound powers take them, and what impact will it have on the game's outcome? 22: Voice In onda il: 2023-03-12 The thrill of finally finding the "monsters" with overwhelming talent became short-lived, as Bachira realizes he's being left behind in the battle between Isagi and Rin. Meanwhile, the game is reaching its final stage, with a fierce back-and-forth battle led by the wild card, Barou. As Isagi takes his skills to the next level under extreme conditions, Bachira is forced to confront his own "ego" amidst the intensity of the situation. Where will their newfound powers take them, and what impact will it have on the game's outcome? In onda il: 2023-03-19 23: Luck Bachira sheds his ideal of the "monster" and finally awakens his own ego. Until now, Bachira had been seeking someone to follow, but now he charges forward towards his own goal, finding in Isagi a companion who trusts in his ego. Isagi performs a decisive cut, but the ball made its merciless way to the victor's side... The time for the ultimate showdown has arrived, making sparks fly as the eight egoists clash. Which team will emerge victorious in the second selection's "Rivalry Battle"? 23: Luck In onda il: 2023-03-19 Bachira sheds his ideal of the "monster" and finally awakens his own ego. Until now, Bachira had been seeking someone to follow, but now he charges forward towards his own goal, finding in Isagi a companion who trusts in his ego. Isagi performs a decisive cut, but the ball made its merciless way to the victor's side... The time for the ultimate showdown has arrived, making sparks fly as the eight egoists clash. Which team will emerge victorious in the second selection's "Rivalry Battle"? In onda il: 2023-03-26 24: The Time Has Come Rin chooses to add Isagi to his team, and together with Bachira they pass the second selection. Waiting for them on the other side is a 5-on-5 match against a team of world-class players. Thanks to Isagi, Bachira, and Rin's coordinated play, they manage to score the first goal, but they soon find themselves overwhelmed by the opposing team's superior skill and ability. Despite this, they desperately keep fighting until the last second, unleashing their own "egos." As a result, the "Blue Lock" project, aiming to produce the world's greatest striker, enters a new phase. 24: The Time Has Come In onda il: 2023-03-26 Rin chooses to add Isagi to his team, and together with Bachira they pass the second selection. Waiting for them on the other side is a 5-on-5 match against a team of world-class players. Thanks to Isagi, Bachira, and Rin's coordinated play, they manage to score the first goal, but they soon find themselves overwhelmed by the opposing team's superior skill and ability. Despite this, they desperately keep fighting until the last second, unleashing their own "egos." As a result, the "Blue Lock" project, aiming to produce the world's greatest striker, enters a new phase. In onda il: 2024-10-06 25: Tryouts 35 forwards remain after the 2nd selection at Blue Lock. With a big match against Japan's U-20s in three weeks, Ego announces that the team will be centered around the top 6 players. The tryouts for the rest of the positions begin. 25: Tryouts In onda il: 2024-10-06 35 forwards remain after the 2nd selection at Blue Lock. With a big match against Japan's U-20s in three weeks, Ego announces that the team will be centered around the top 6 players. The tryouts for the rest of the positions begin. In onda il: 2024-10-12 26: L'assasino e il ninja Isagi viene scelto a far parte del Team A insieme a Nanase e Hiori per giocare contro il Team B dove giocano Karasu, Otoya e Chigiri. Mentre Isagi fatica a trovare un modo per entrare in partita, Chigiri e Hiori dimostrano il loro valore. 26: L'assasino e il ninja In onda il: 2024-10-12 Isagi viene scelto a far parte del Team A insieme a Nanase e Hiori per giocare contro il Team B dove giocano Karasu, Otoya e Chigiri. Mentre Isagi fatica a trovare un modo per entrare in partita, Chigiri e Hiori dimostrano il loro valore. In onda il: 2024-10-19 27: Il mondo percepito Isagi nota l'incompatibilità tra Rin e Shido e cerca di approfittarne. Tuttavia, le sue capacità fisiche non sono sufficienti per farlo e così Hiori gli suggerisce di non pensare meccanicamente ma d'impulso. 27: Il mondo percepito In onda il: 2024-10-19 Isagi nota l'incompatibilità tra Rin e Shido e cerca di approfittarne. Tuttavia, le sue capacità fisiche non sono sufficienti per farlo e così Hiori gli suggerisce di non pensare meccanicamente ma d'impulso. In onda il: 2024-10-26 28: Chameleon Isagi looks back and analyzes what he did when he scored a goal on reflex. Then, when the second match begins, Reo finds his new playstyle: Chameleon. 28: Chameleon In onda il: 2024-10-26 Isagi looks back and analyzes what he did when he scored a goal on reflex. Then, when the second match begins, Reo finds his new playstyle: Chameleon. In onda il: 2024-11-02 29: FLOW The tryouts are complete, and Isagi is chosen for the starting lineup. But Shidou is nowhere to be seen... It turns out Sae has picked him to join the U-20s. Meanwhile, Ego begins the final training camp, where he discusses the secret of "flow." 29: FLOW In onda il: 2024-11-02 The tryouts are complete, and Isagi is chosen for the starting lineup. But Shidou is nowhere to be seen... It turns out Sae has picked him to join the U-20s. Meanwhile, Ego begins the final training camp, where he discusses the secret of "flow." In onda il: 2024-11-09 30: The Big Stage The exhibition match between Blue Lock and Japan's U-20s has finally kicked off. The first play Bachira and Isagi set up has been swiftly shut down by the U-20s' captain, Aiku, and Isagi finds a new challenge in him. 30: The Big Stage In onda il: 2024-11-09 The exhibition match between Blue Lock and Japan's U-20s has finally kicked off. The first play Bachira and Isagi set up has been swiftly shut down by the U-20s' captain, Aiku, and Isagi finds a new challenge in him. In onda il: 2024-11-16 31: Itoshi Sae When Itoshi Sae scores the first goal of the match, the crowd goes wild, making it clear to Team Blue Lock that they're here to watch Sae. Rin changes the strategy and Nagi makes the memorable first goal for Team Blue Lock. 31: Itoshi Sae In onda il: 2024-11-16 When Itoshi Sae scores the first goal of the match, the crowd goes wild, making it clear to Team Blue Lock that they're here to watch Sae. Rin changes the strategy and Nagi makes the memorable first goal for Team Blue Lock. In onda il: 2024-11-23 32: Blue Genes Rin and Sae's sibling match goes to Sae as he takes the ball. But Niko, Karasu, Otoya, and Chigiri set up another goal chance, and Rin scores despite shooting on his non-dominant leg. At 1-2, the U-20s are finally ready to go all out. 32: Blue Genes In onda il: 2024-11-23 Rin and Sae's sibling match goes to Sae as he takes the ball. But Niko, Karasu, Otoya, and Chigiri set up another goal chance, and Rin scores despite shooting on his non-dominant leg. At 1-2, the U-20s are finally ready to go all out. In onda il: 2024-11-30 33: Night Snow Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri's families are happy to see their sons on the field. Meanwhile, we get a glimpse of what transpired between Rin and Sae. Sae is about to quit the match, but he decides to stay when Shidou is thrown into the fray. 33: Night Snow In onda il: 2024-11-30 Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri's families are happy to see their sons on the field. Meanwhile, we get a glimpse of what transpired between Rin and Sae. Sae is about to quit the match, but he decides to stay when Shidou is thrown into the fray. In onda il: 2024-12-07 34: The Subs Take to the Stage Shidou joins the match in the second half and throws everyone off with his crazy play. After he scores a free kick, Chigiri and Niko get swapped out with Reo and Hiori. With Blue Lock’s new formation, Reo proves his worth with Chameleon Defense. 34: The Subs Take to the Stage In onda il: 2024-12-07 Shidou joins the match in the second half and throws everyone off with his crazy play. After he scores a free kick, Chigiri and Niko get swapped out with Reo and Hiori. With Blue Lock’s new formation, Reo proves his worth with Chameleon Defense. In onda il: 2024-12-14 35: Episode 35 Nessuna trama disponibile 35: Episode 35 In onda il: 2024-12-14 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-21 36: Episode 36 Nessuna trama disponibile 36: Episode 36 In onda il: 2024-12-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-12-28 37: Episode 37 Nessuna trama disponibile 37: Episode 37 In onda il: 2024-12-28 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2025-01-04 38: Episode 38 Nessuna trama disponibile 38: Episode 38 In onda il: 2025-01-04 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu [1/3] (2022-2024) [Specials] ITA Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Speciali Episodi 3 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Il 34enne vergine perdente viene cacciato di casa dalla sua famiglia e si rende conto che la sua vita è completamente finita. Mentre si pente di aver sprecato la sua vita, un camion lo investe e muore. Quando si sveglia... è in un mondo di spada e stregoneria! Rinato come un bambino di nome Rudeus, decide che questa volta vivrà una vita di cui non si pentirà! 菱山光輝 Producer Sou Yurugi Producer 大澤信博 Executive Producer 山崎史紀 Executive Producer 大友寿也 Production Supervisor LONGMAN Theme Song Performance 大野敏哉 Series Composition Sanae Shimada Character Designer シロタカ Character Designer Yoshiaki Fujisawa Original Music Composer 齊藤佳子 Character Designer 山中隆弘 Producer 大和田智之 Producer 小林健樹 Music Producer 大須賀翔 Producer Takurou Hatakeyama Producer 今井遼介 Producer 明田川仁 Sound Director 頓所信二 Director of Photography 三宅昌和 Art Direction 上野励 Sound Effects 土居真紀子 Color Designer 三嶋章紀 Editor 理不尽な孫の手 Novel シロタカ Original Series Design 内山夕実 Rudeus Greyrat(voice) Tomokazu Sugita Rudeus Greyrat's Former Self(voice) 小原好美 Roxy Migurdia (voice) 加隈亜衣 Eris Boreas Greyrat(voice) Ai Kayano Sylphiette / Fitz (voice) Episodi: 3 In onda il: 2022-03-16 1: Eris the Goblin Slayer Unaired episode included in the fourth Blu-ray volume. The episode will take place during the same time in episode 16 (episode 5 in second cour) and depict what Eris and Ruijerd were up to outside the main story, as teased by the comment "Goblin Extermination." 1: Eris the Goblin Slayer In onda il: 2022-03-16 Unaired episode included in the fourth Blu-ray volume. The episode will take place during the same time in episode 16 (episode 5 in second cour) and depict what Eris and Ruijerd were up to outside the main story, as teased by the comment "Goblin Extermination." In onda il: 2023-07-03 2: Guardian Fitz The mass-teleportation in Fittoa places Princess Ariel Anemoi Asura in mortal peril—then drops a powerful new bodyguard into her lap! While Rudeus and Eris journeyed home, a deadly drama was playing out in the halls of power. 2: Guardian Fitz In onda il: 2023-07-03 The mass-teleportation in Fittoa places Princess Ariel Anemoi Asura in mortal peril—then drops a powerful new bodyguard into her lap! While Rudeus and Eris journeyed home, a deadly drama was playing out in the halls of power. In onda il: 2024-05-20 3: Ten`i Meikyuu Hen: Housou Chokuzen Special Nessuna trama disponibile 3: Ten`i Meikyuu Hen: Housou Chokuzen Special In onda il: 2024-05-20 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Blue Lock Stagione 1 Episodi 38 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Dramma Con l'eliminazione del Giappone ai Mondiali di calcio del 2018, la federazione calcistica giapponese si decide a creare un programma in cui trovare giovani promettenti atleti e prepararli per i mondiali del 2022. Isagi Yōichi, un attaccante, riceve l'invito per partecipare a questo programma, proprio subito dopo che la sua squadra perde la possibilità di accedere alle nazionali a causa sua, che nel momento decisivo passò la palla a un compagno meno esperto invece che tentare di tirare lui stesso. L'allenatore del programma sarà Ego Jinpachi, il cui obiettivo è quello di "distruggere il calcio perdente giapponese" con un metodo rivoluzionario: isolare 300 giovani e promettenti attaccanti in una struttura simile a una prigione, chiamata "Blue Lock" e sottoporli a un rigoroso allenamento volto a creare "l'attaccante più egoista e migliore del mondo". 渡邉徹明 Series Director 石川俊介 Assistant Director 岸本卓 Series Composition 金城宗幸 Comic Book 金城宗幸 Story Supervisor 上村泰 Concept Artist Yuu Shindou Character Designer Kento Toya Character Designer 東島久志 Action Director 坂本ひろみ Action Director 東島久志 Prop Designer 興津香織 Prop Designer Sakura Komatsu Color Designer 杉山晋史 Art Designer 高木佐和子 Art Direction 浅黄康裕 Director of Photography 広沢範光 3D Director Toshiyuki Yamashita Concept Artist 長谷川舞 Editor 郷文裕貴 Sound Director Jun Murayama Original Music Composer Kanako Yamada Special Effects 中島裕里 Costume Designer 渡邊雅文 Foley Artist 上野励 Sound Effects 八巻大樹 Sound Recordist Takamasa Nishimura Casting 中野雅俊 Online Editor 髙橋和基 Online Editor 佐藤尚哉 Associate Producer 黒須信彦 Associate Producer 淡路徹 Associate Producer Ayumi Ohigashi Associate Producer Nobuaki Abe Associate Producer 木村淳一 Executive Producer 高見洋平 Executive Producer 関根陽一 Executive Producer 飯島江美子 Executive Producer Junko Sano Executive Producer 平田秀夫 Executive Producer 田辺謙司 Lead Character Designer Yuki Shoji Music Producer 有澤亮哉 Producer 古川慎 Producer Yuki Mori Producer 仲吉治人 Co-Producer Yusuke Nomura Character Designer 長濱裕章 Line Producer 長井七海 3D Animator 浦和希 Yoichi Isagi (voice) 海渡翼 Meguru Bachira (voice) 小野友樹 Rensuke Kunigami (voice) Sōma Saitō Hyoma Chigiri (voice) Jun'ichi Suwabe Shoei Baro (voice) Nobunaga Shimazaki Seishiro Nagi (voice) Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Jingo Raichi (voice) Episodi: 38 In onda il: 2022-10-09 1: Dream Isagi Yoichi, a first-year forward, loses his chance for the Nationals because he has passed the ball to his fellow player in front of the goal. That's when he receives an invitation for Blue Lock. It's a facility to train one world's greatest striker out of 300 high-school-aged forwards so that Japan can win the World Cup. 1: Dream In onda il: 2022-10-09 Isagi Yoichi, a first-year forward, loses his chance for the Nationals because he has passed the ball to his fellow player in front of the goal. That's when he receives an invitation for Blue Lock. It's a facility to train one world's greatest striker out of 300 high-school-aged forwards so that Japan can win the World Cup. In onda il: 2022-10-16 2: Monster Kira is eliminated from Blue Lock, and with that, the first day at the Blue Lock that promises to create the greatest center forward in the world begins in Isagi Yoichi 's life. 2: Monster In onda il: 2022-10-16 Kira is eliminated from Blue Lock, and with that, the first day at the Blue Lock that promises to create the greatest center forward in the world begins in Isagi Yoichi 's life. In onda il: 2022-10-23 3: Soccer's "Zero" The first selection is the round-robin tournament of five teams of V, W, X, Y and Z in Building Five, with only top two teams being eligible to move forward. Isagi's Team Z, the lowest ranking team, plays against Team X. But because of the special rule that allows the top scorer of the team to proceed to the next section, the match turns into chaotic scrambling for the ball, regardless of the teams. It was Barou Shoei, Team X's formidable striker, who changes the flow of the game. 3: Soccer's "Zero" In onda il: 2022-10-23 The first selection is the round-robin tournament of five teams of V, W, X, Y and Z in Building Five, with only top two teams being eligible to move forward. Isagi's Team Z, the lowest ranking team, plays against Team X. But because of the special rule that allows the top scorer of the team to proceed to the next section, the match turns into chaotic scrambling for the ball, regardless of the teams. It was Barou Shoei, Team X's formidable striker, who changes the flow of the game. In onda il: 2022-10-30 4: Premonition and Intuition Team Z was crushed by Team X, who centered the offensive play around egoistical yet skilled Barou. Responding to Ego's urge to "take up a weapon," the players discuss what their weapons are in preparation for the next match. However, Isagi struggles to identify what it is. Using "the smell of the goal" he felt in the game against Team X as a hint, Isagi and the others go against Team Y in the next match. 4: Premonition and Intuition In onda il: 2022-10-30 Team Z was crushed by Team X, who centered the offensive play around egoistical yet skilled Barou. Responding to Ego's urge to "take up a weapon," the players discuss what their weapons are in preparation for the next match. However, Isagi struggles to identify what it is. Using "the smell of the goal" he felt in the game against Team X as a hint, Isagi and the others go against Team Y in the next match. In onda il: 2022-11-06 5: To Be Reborn Isagi relies on "the smell of the goal," his raw instincts, to make a move, and it leads to the fierce battle of "reading" each other's hand with Team Y's playmaker, Niko Ikki. Isagi and Niko's battle as they both watch over the whole field and throw their ego at each other, brings them to the last one minute of the match. Can Isagi and Team Z beat Niko's final strategy, "One Time Kill Counter"? 5: To Be Reborn In onda il: 2022-11-06 Isagi relies on "the smell of the goal," his raw instincts, to make a move, and it leads to the fierce battle of "reading" each other's hand with Team Y's playmaker, Niko Ikki. Isagi and Niko's battle as they both watch over the whole field and throw their ego at each other, brings them to the last one minute of the match. Can Isagi and Team Z beat Niko's final strategy, "One Time Kill Counter"? In onda il: 2022-11-13 6: I'm Sorry After the match with Team Y, Isagi's rank moved up, and he became the center of the team. The next match is against Team W, led by the Wanima twins. Their eye contact and impeccable combinations are hard to beat. They used to play in the same team as Chigiri Hyoma, and they use his past trauma to egg him on. Chigiri says that he joined Blue Lock to find a reason to quit soccer. Team Z leads the game with Kuon's play. Everyone's elated for the good start of the match, but Isagi feels something is off. 6: I'm Sorry In onda il: 2022-11-13 After the match with Team Y, Isagi's rank moved up, and he became the center of the team. The next match is against Team W, led by the Wanima twins. Their eye contact and impeccable combinations are hard to beat. They used to play in the same team as Chigiri Hyoma, and they use his past trauma to egg him on. Chigiri says that he joined Blue Lock to find a reason to quit soccer. Team Z leads the game with Kuon's play. Everyone's elated for the good start of the match, but Isagi feels something is off. In onda il: 2022-11-20 7: Rush Because of Kuon’s betrayal, Team Z is faced with a desperate situation of playing 12-on-10, with the opponent knowing everything about their weapons and strategies. Even under such a circumstance, Team Z never gives up on the fight, and Isagi continues to believe in himself. Inspired by their passion, Chigiri runs through the field at an incredible speed, his weapon he has sealed away. His ego rocks the match when they are losing at 3-4. 7: Rush In onda il: 2022-11-20 Because of Kuon’s betrayal, Team Z is faced with a desperate situation of playing 12-on-10, with the opponent knowing everything about their weapons and strategies. Even under such a circumstance, Team Z never gives up on the fight, and Isagi continues to believe in himself. Inspired by their passion, Chigiri runs through the field at an incredible speed, his weapon he has sealed away. His ego rocks the match when they are losing at 3-4. In onda il: 2022-11-27 8: The Formula for Goals The Z team has only one game left to play, and it will decide the future of its members. While everyone seems to be nervous about the kickoff, Isagi is trying to find a way to score goals without anyone's help. 8: The Formula for Goals In onda il: 2022-11-27 The Z team has only one game left to play, and it will decide the future of its members. While everyone seems to be nervous about the kickoff, Isagi is trying to find a way to score goals without anyone's help. In onda il: 2022-12-04 9: Awakening The match continues to leave Team Z scared of Nagi's abilities. However, one of the members is not scared, even though they are facing a soccer genius...? 9: Awakening In onda il: 2022-12-04 The match continues to leave Team Z scared of Nagi's abilities. However, one of the members is not scared, even though they are facing a soccer genius...? In onda il: 2022-12-11 10: Just the Way It Is Each player unleashed their weapon and ego, and Team Z has caught up to a draw. They totally have the momentum of the game, but that has “awakened” Team V’s monster, Nagi. In the chain reaction to awakening, Isagi also learns to use his weapon and keeps fighting. The “heat” generated by the clashing of ego from both teams starts to affect Kuon as well. 10: Just the Way It Is In onda il: 2022-12-11 Each player unleashed their weapon and ego, and Team Z has caught up to a draw. They totally have the momentum of the game, but that has “awakened” Team V’s monster, Nagi. In the chain reaction to awakening, Isagi also learns to use his weapon and keeps fighting. The “heat” generated by the clashing of ego from both teams starts to affect Kuon as well. In onda il: 2022-12-18 11: The Final Piece Team Z launches a final counter to try and win against Team V. Isagi is trying to find the last piece he needs to crack the formula to become a goal machine. 11: The Final Piece In onda il: 2022-12-18 Team Z launches a final counter to try and win against Team V. Isagi is trying to find the last piece he needs to crack the formula to become a goal machine. In onda il: 2022-12-25 12: The Second Selection With many dropouts, the "Blue Lock" project enters the second selection. A harsh second selection where former friends become rivals and former enemies become allies at a dizzying pace. There, Isagi meets Rin, the most powerful egoist ever, the younger brother of the genius Itoshi Sae, and the new Blue Lock ranking TOP ranker. Seeking further evolution, Isagi's fight advances to a new stage. 12: The Second Selection In onda il: 2022-12-25 With many dropouts, the "Blue Lock" project enters the second selection. A harsh second selection where former friends become rivals and former enemies become allies at a dizzying pace. There, Isagi meets Rin, the most powerful egoist ever, the younger brother of the genius Itoshi Sae, and the new Blue Lock ranking TOP ranker. Seeking further evolution, Isagi's fight advances to a new stage. In onda il: 2023-01-08 13: TOP3 In this new stage of the second selection, the white team formed by Isagi, Nagi and Bachira will finally go against the top three in the ranking of the previous stage, running the risk of losing one of their three players if they lose the game. Still, the willingness to test their new skills against the top three is much stronger in the white team members. Will they be able to win this match? 13: TOP3 In onda il: 2023-01-08 In this new stage of the second selection, the white team formed by Isagi, Nagi and Bachira will finally go against the top three in the ranking of the previous stage, running the risk of losing one of their three players if they lose the game. Still, the willingness to test their new skills against the top three is much stronger in the white team members. Will they be able to win this match? In onda il: 2023-01-15 14: The Geniuses and the Average Joes The loss of Bachira on his team makes Isagi very anxious about what his future with Nagi will be like. To make matters worse, the situation is now even more complex: the ideal would be to go against a weaker team, but that would mean taking a weaker player too, which would make it more difficult to advance the next stages. So what are Isagi and Nagi going to do? 14: The Geniuses and the Average Joes In onda il: 2023-01-15 The loss of Bachira on his team makes Isagi very anxious about what his future with Nagi will be like. To make matters worse, the situation is now even more complex: the ideal would be to go against a weaker team, but that would mean taking a weaker player too, which would make it more difficult to advance the next stages. So what are Isagi and Nagi going to do? In onda il: 2023-01-22 15: Devour Isagi realizes that the conclusion of the match is in his and Naruhaya's hands. However, how will he go about beating Naruhaya? This will be a game that will not depend on genius players, but on "mediocre" players. 15: Devour In onda il: 2023-01-22 Isagi realizes that the conclusion of the match is in his and Naruhaya's hands. However, how will he go about beating Naruhaya? This will be a game that will not depend on genius players, but on "mediocre" players. In onda il: 2023-01-29 16: Tri-Fusion Barou joins Isagi and Nagi's team, already causing quite a stir with his conflicts with Nagi. Isagi is trying to see a way to mediate these two, which will be very complicated. 16: Tri-Fusion In onda il: 2023-01-29 Barou joins Isagi and Nagi's team, already causing quite a stir with his conflicts with Nagi. Isagi is trying to see a way to mediate these two, which will be very complicated. In onda il: 2023-02-05 17: Donkey Isagi begins to realize that his former teammates made a great trio with Reo, making the best use of their own weapons. Now, he'll have to think about how he's going to get his much-desired "chemical reaction" with Nagi and Barou, if not, he won't be able to win. That said, the Barou remain not very cooperative... 17: Donkey In onda il: 2023-02-05 Isagi begins to realize that his former teammates made a great trio with Reo, making the best use of their own weapons. Now, he'll have to think about how he's going to get his much-desired "chemical reaction" with Nagi and Barou, if not, he won't be able to win. That said, the Barou remain not very cooperative... In onda il: 2023-02-12 18: The Stage for the Lead By understanding and enhancing each other’s weapons, Isagi and Nagi are drawing countless paths to the goal. In contrast, with Chigiri, who has further evolved, at the center, Kunigami and Reo find themselves struggling to keep up, and a back-and-forth battle unfolds on the field. Meanwhile, Barou, who should have been the king of the field, was left behind in the evolutionary chain because of his overpowering ego. Having been robbed of the leading role on the field by Isagi, Barou finally falls to his knees. 18: The Stage for the Lead In onda il: 2023-02-12 By understanding and enhancing each other’s weapons, Isagi and Nagi are drawing countless paths to the goal. In contrast, with Chigiri, who has further evolved, at the center, Kunigami and Reo find themselves struggling to keep up, and a back-and-forth battle unfolds on the field. Meanwhile, Barou, who should have been the king of the field, was left behind in the evolutionary chain because of his overpowering ego. Having been robbed of the leading role on the field by Isagi, Barou finally falls to his knees. In onda il: 2023-02-19 19: Dancing Boy Isagi and his friends barely manage to win as Barou awakens as the "villain" of the field. In order to cause a further "chemical reaction", they take away the only player who showed their ego to "eat" themselves and advance to the force stage. On the other hand, Bachira, who is looking for an opponent for the next match with TOP3, sees through the existence of a "Monster" in himself during training with Rin, and faces his own "ego". 19: Dancing Boy In onda il: 2023-02-19 Isagi and his friends barely manage to win as Barou awakens as the "villain" of the field. In order to cause a further "chemical reaction", they take away the only player who showed their ego to "eat" themselves and advance to the force stage. On the other hand, Bachira, who is looking for an opponent for the next match with TOP3, sees through the existence of a "Monster" in himself during training with Rin, and faces his own "ego". In onda il: 2023-02-26 20: Super Link-Up Play Finally, Isagi and Nagi are going to have a rematch with Rin's team. However, adding Bachira to Rin's team will bring some unforeseen circumstances. 20: Super Link-Up Play In onda il: 2023-02-26 Finally, Isagi and Nagi are going to have a rematch with Rin's team. However, adding Bachira to Rin's team will bring some unforeseen circumstances. In onda il: 2023-03-05 21: I'm Not There Isagi captures everything that’s happening in the field to see its future, and Nagi controls the space. Their combination bursts, and their series of play lights up the fire in Rin. Rin’s dominating play that encompasses everything on the field, from the skills of all players, the ball, positioning and tactics gradually corners Isagi’s team once again. As chaos and ego clash, one man is covertly sharpening his fangs to devour the game dominated by Rin. 21: I'm Not There In onda il: 2023-03-05 Isagi captures everything that’s happening in the field to see its future, and Nagi controls the space. Their combination bursts, and their series of play lights up the fire in Rin. Rin’s dominating play that encompasses everything on the field, from the skills of all players, the ball, positioning and tactics gradually corners Isagi’s team once again. As chaos and ego clash, one man is covertly sharpening his fangs to devour the game dominated by Rin. In onda il: 2023-03-12 22: Voice The thrill of finally finding the "monsters" with overwhelming talent became short-lived, as Bachira realizes he's being left behind in the battle between Isagi and Rin. Meanwhile, the game is reaching its final stage, with a fierce back-and-forth battle led by the wild card, Barou. As Isagi takes his skills to the next level under extreme conditions, Bachira is forced to confront his own "ego" amidst the intensity of the situation. Where will their newfound powers take them, and what impact will it have on the game's outcome? 22: Voice In onda il: 2023-03-12 The thrill of finally finding the "monsters" with overwhelming talent became short-lived, as Bachira realizes he's being left behind in the battle between Isagi and Rin. Meanwhile, the game is reaching its final stage, with a fierce back-and-forth battle led by the wild card, Barou. As Isagi takes his skills to the next level under extreme conditions, Bachira is forced to confront his own "ego" amidst the intensity of the situation. Where will their newfound powers take them, and what impact will it have on the game's outcome? In onda il: 2023-03-19 23: Luck Bachira sheds his ideal of the "monster" and finally awakens his own ego. Until now, Bachira had been seeking someone to follow, but now he charges forward towards his own goal, finding in Isagi a companion who trusts in his ego. Isagi performs a decisive cut, but the ball made its merciless way to the victor's side... The time for the ultimate showdown has arrived, making sparks fly as the eight egoists clash. Which team will emerge victorious in the second selection's "Rivalry Battle"? 23: Luck In onda il: 2023-03-19 Bachira sheds his ideal of the "monster" and finally awakens his own ego. Until now, Bachira had been seeking someone to follow, but now he charges forward towards his own goal, finding in Isagi a companion who trusts in his ego. Isagi performs a decisive cut, but the ball made its merciless way to the victor's side... The time for the ultimate showdown has arrived, making sparks fly as the eight egoists clash. Which team will emerge victorious in the second selection's "Rivalry Battle"? In onda il: 2023-03-26 24: The Time Has Come Rin chooses to add Isagi to his team, and together with Bachira they pass the second selection. Waiting for them on the other side is a 5-on-5 match against a team of world-class players. Thanks to Isagi, Bachira, and Rin's coordinated play, they manage to score the first goal, but they soon find themselves overwhelmed by the opposing team's superior skill and ability. Despite this, they desperately keep fighting until the last second, unleashing their own "egos." As a result, the "Blue Lock" project, aiming to produce the world's greatest striker, enters a new phase. 24: The Time Has Come In onda il: 2023-03-26 Rin chooses to add Isagi to his team, and together with Bachira they pass the second selection. Waiting for them on the other side is a 5-on-5 match against a team of world-class players. Thanks to Isagi, Bachira, and Rin's coordinated play, they manage to score the first goal, but they soon find themselves overwhelmed by the opposing team's superior skill and ability. Despite this, they desperately keep fighting until the last second, unleashing their own "egos." As a result, the "Blue Lock" project, aiming to produce the world's greatest striker, enters a new phase. In onda il: 2024-10-06 25: Tryout Ego annuncia la partita contro la nazionale U-20 giapponese. Per determinare chi giocherà in quella partita, ha inizio la third selection. La squadra sarà incentrata sugli attuali 6 migliori giocatori del Blue Lock, mentre gli altri, per aggiudicarsi i posti rimanenti, dovranno dimostrare il loro valore in una partita cinque contro cinque. 25: Tryout In onda il: 2024-10-06 Ego annuncia la partita contro la nazionale U-20 giapponese. Per determinare chi giocherà in quella partita, ha inizio la third selection. La squadra sarà incentrata sugli attuali 6 migliori giocatori del Blue Lock, mentre gli altri, per aggiudicarsi i posti rimanenti, dovranno dimostrare il loro valore in una partita cinque contro cinque. In onda il: 2024-10-12 26: L'assasino e il ninja Isagi viene scelto a far parte del Team A insieme a Nanase e Hiori per giocare contro il Team B dove giocano Karasu, Otoya e Chigiri. Mentre Isagi fatica a trovare un modo per entrare in partita, Chigiri e Hiori dimostrano il loro valore. 26: L'assasino e il ninja In onda il: 2024-10-12 Isagi viene scelto a far parte del Team A insieme a Nanase e Hiori per giocare contro il Team B dove giocano Karasu, Otoya e Chigiri. Mentre Isagi fatica a trovare un modo per entrare in partita, Chigiri e Hiori dimostrano il loro valore. In onda il: 2024-10-19 27: Il mondo percepito Isagi nota l'incompatibilità tra Rin e Shido e cerca di approfittarne. Tuttavia, le sue capacità fisiche non sono sufficienti per farlo e così Hiori gli suggerisce di non pensare meccanicamente ma d'impulso. 27: Il mondo percepito In onda il: 2024-10-19 Isagi nota l'incompatibilità tra Rin e Shido e cerca di approfittarne. Tuttavia, le sue capacità fisiche non sono sufficienti per farlo e così Hiori gli suggerisce di non pensare meccanicamente ma d'impulso. In onda il: 2024-10-26 28: Chameleon Isagi analizza cosa ha fatto quando ha segnato un gol agendo d'impulso. Nel frattempo, durante la seconda partita, Reo trova il suo nuovo stile di gioco: "Chameleon". 28: Chameleon In onda il: 2024-10-26 Isagi analizza cosa ha fatto quando ha segnato un gol agendo d'impulso. Nel frattempo, durante la seconda partita, Reo trova il suo nuovo stile di gioco: "Chameleon". In onda il: 2024-11-02 29: Flow I tryout sono finiti e Isagi è stato scelto come titolare della squadra del Blue Lock. Shido viene invece selezionato da Sae per giocare nella nazionale U-20. Nel frattempo, Ego spiega ai Blue Lock Eleven il segreto dello stato chiamato "Flow". 29: Flow In onda il: 2024-11-02 I tryout sono finiti e Isagi è stato scelto come titolare della squadra del Blue Lock. Shido viene invece selezionato da Sae per giocare nella nazionale U-20. Nel frattempo, Ego spiega ai Blue Lock Eleven il segreto dello stato chiamato "Flow". In onda il: 2024-11-09 30: Grande palcoscenico L'amichevole tra il Blue Lock e la nazionale giapponese U-20 è finalmente iniziata. La prima mossa preparata da Bachira e Isagi viene subito fermata dal capitano della nazionale giapponese U-20, Aiku. È così che Isagi trova in lui una nuova sfida. 30: Grande palcoscenico In onda il: 2024-11-09 L'amichevole tra il Blue Lock e la nazionale giapponese U-20 è finalmente iniziata. La prima mossa preparata da Bachira e Isagi viene subito fermata dal capitano della nazionale giapponese U-20, Aiku. È così che Isagi trova in lui una nuova sfida. In onda il: 2024-11-16 31: Sae Itoshi Il primo gol della partita segnato da Sae Itoshi fa scatenare il pubblico e fa anche capire alla squadra del Blue Lock che tutti sono lì per vedere Sae. Rin cambia strategia e Nagi segna il primo gol per il Blue Lock. 31: Sae Itoshi In onda il: 2024-11-16 Il primo gol della partita segnato da Sae Itoshi fa scatenare il pubblico e fa anche capire alla squadra del Blue Lock che tutti sono lì per vedere Sae. Rin cambia strategia e Nagi segna il primo gol per il Blue Lock. In onda il: 2024-11-23 32: Gene blu Il duello tra Rin e Sae va a favore di Sae, che prende la palla. Tuttavia, Niko, Karasu, Otoya e Chigiri creano un'altra occasione per segnare. Rin tira, nonostante la gamba non dominante, e segna. Con il punteggio di 1 a 2, la nazionale U-20 è pronta a dare il massimo. 32: Gene blu In onda il: 2024-11-23 Il duello tra Rin e Sae va a favore di Sae, che prende la palla. Tuttavia, Niko, Karasu, Otoya e Chigiri creano un'altra occasione per segnare. Rin tira, nonostante la gamba non dominante, e segna. Con il punteggio di 1 a 2, la nazionale U-20 è pronta a dare il massimo. In onda il: 2024-11-30 33: Night snow Le famiglie di Isagi, Bachira e Chigiri sono felici di vedere i loro figli in campo. Nel frattempo, c'è un tuffo nel passato di Rin e Sae. Sae è sul punto di abbandonare la partita, ma decide di restare quando Shido viene fatto scendere in campo. 33: Night snow In onda il: 2024-11-30 Le famiglie di Isagi, Bachira e Chigiri sono felici di vedere i loro figli in campo. Nel frattempo, c'è un tuffo nel passato di Rin e Sae. Sae è sul punto di abbandonare la partita, ma decide di restare quando Shido viene fatto scendere in campo. In onda il: 2024-12-07 34: Sostituzioni Nel secondo tempo entra in campo Shido e sconvolge tutti con le sue folli giocate. Dopo aver trasformato un calcio di punizione, Chigiri e Niko vengono sostituiti da Reo e Hiori. Con la nuova formazione del Blue Lock, Reo dimostra il suo valore. 34: Sostituzioni In onda il: 2024-12-07 Nel secondo tempo entra in campo Shido e sconvolge tutti con le sue folli giocate. Dopo aver trasformato un calcio di punizione, Chigiri e Niko vengono sostituiti da Reo e Hiori. Con la nuova formazione del Blue Lock, Reo dimostra il suo valore. In onda il: 2024-12-14 35: Ciò che ci hai insegnato Shidou entra nello stato di "Flow" e si scatena per segnare un altro gol. Isagi chiede a Ego di condurli alla vittoria. Ego fa entrare in campo Baro per creare il caos in campo. Gli altri giocatori, uno dopo l'altro, iniziano a entrare nel "Flow". 35: Ciò che ci hai insegnato In onda il: 2024-12-14 Shidou entra nello stato di "Flow" e si scatena per segnare un altro gol. Isagi chiede a Ego di condurli alla vittoria. Ego fa entrare in campo Baro per creare il caos in campo. Gli altri giocatori, uno dopo l'altro, iniziano a entrare nel "Flow". In onda il: 2024-12-21 36: Fiori Aiku ripensa al motivo per cui è diventato un difensore e la nazionale U-20 utilizza la sua forza per attaccare. Reo copia l'abilità di Nagi per tenere a bada l'avversario. Baro che ha atteso la sua occasione nell'oscurità, ruba l'occasione a Rin. 36: Fiori In onda il: 2024-12-21 Aiku ripensa al motivo per cui è diventato un difensore e la nazionale U-20 utilizza la sua forza per attaccare. Reo copia l'abilità di Nagi per tenere a bada l'avversario. Baro che ha atteso la sua occasione nell'oscurità, ruba l'occasione a Rin. In onda il: 2024-12-28 37: Non sono solo Vedendo il miglioramento dei giocatori, Sae porta il suo gioco al livello sucessivo. Rin inizia ad allinearsi con Sae cambiando il suo stile di gioco. 37: Non sono solo In onda il: 2024-12-28 Vedendo il miglioramento dei giocatori, Sae porta il suo gioco al livello sucessivo. Rin inizia ad allinearsi con Sae cambiando il suo stile di gioco. In onda il: 2024-12-28 38: Ultimo attacco A pochi minuti dalla fine della partita, il Blue Lock ha la possibilità di sferrare l'attacco finale con Rin, pronto a far fuori tutti gli avversari che lo ostacolano. 38: Ultimo attacco In onda il: 2024-12-28 A pochi minuti dalla fine della partita, il Blue Lock ha la possibilità di sferrare l'attacco finale con Rin, pronto a far fuori tutti gli avversari che lo ostacolano. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Bleach: Sennen Kessen Hen [40/40] (2022-2024) Sub ITA Streaming
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Bleach Thousand Year Blood War Episodi 40 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Bleach segue la vita di Ichigo Kurosaki, uno studente quindicenne con l'abilità di vedere i fantasmi, e di Rukia Kuchiki, uno Shinigami che lo incontra durante una caccia ad un Hollow. Durante lo scontro con lo spirito, Rukia rimane gravemente ferita ed è costretta a trasferire parte dei suoi poteri ad Ichigo, che accetta la proposta della Shinigami nel tentativo di proteggere i suoi familiari, alimentando così la speranza di Rukia che lui sconfigga l'Hollow al suo posto. Tuttavia, durante il processo di trasferimento qualcosa va storto, e Ichigo assorbe tutti i poteri di Rukia, diventando uno Shinigami a pieno titolo. Da qui parte la loro avventura. Insieme, danno la caccia agli Hollow ed eseguono la sepoltura delle anime, mandando gli spiriti erranti nel posto che gli spetta di diritto, sia questo l'Inferno o la Soul Society. 水槽 Theme Song Performance 奥原聡美 Assistant Director of Photography 武藤晶子 Sound Effects Genki Negishi Producer Yoshihiko Tominaga Producer 本多祐 Producer Wataru Hamamoto Line Producer 山内真治 Music Producer 土方真 Producer 星野賢爾 Sound Mixer 宮川治雄 Prop Designer Kazufumi Goto CGI Director 谷岡善王 Art Direction 田口智久 Series Director 佐々木俊宏 CGI Director 三嶋章紀 Editor 長崎行男 Sound Director 山田和弘 Director of Photography Saori Goda Color Designer 平松正樹 Series Composition 田口智久 Series Composition 天田俊貴 Art Designer 鷺巣詩郎 Original Music Composer 工藤昌史 Character Designer 森田成一 Ichigo Kurosaki (voice) Fumiko Orikasa Rukia Kuchiki (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto Yasutora Sado (voice) 松岡由貴 Orihime Inoue (voice) 杉山紀彰 Uryu Ishida (voice) Episodi: 40 In onda il: 2022-10-11 1: The Blood Warfare The Soul Society is observing a sudden surge in the number of Hollows being destroyed. 1: The Blood Warfare In onda il: 2022-10-11 The Soul Society is observing a sudden surge in the number of Hollows being destroyed. In onda il: 2022-10-18 2: Foundation Stones Arrancars Nel Tu and Pesche Guatiche have come to seek Ichigo’s help explaining that Hueco Mundo is under attack by an unknown enemy. Unable to ignore the situation, Ichigo and his friends decide to set out for Hueco Mundo. 2: Foundation Stones In onda il: 2022-10-18 Arrancars Nel Tu and Pesche Guatiche have come to seek Ichigo’s help explaining that Hueco Mundo is under attack by an unknown enemy. Unable to ignore the situation, Ichigo and his friends decide to set out for Hueco Mundo. In onda il: 2022-10-25 3: March of the Starcross Ichigo and his friends arrive in Hueco Mundo to confront Quilge Opie and learn that their latest enemy are Quincies. 3: March of the Starcross In onda il: 2022-10-25 Ichigo and his friends arrive in Hueco Mundo to confront Quilge Opie and learn that their latest enemy are Quincies. In onda il: 2022-11-01 4: Kill the Shadow The Wandenreich mobilizes its elite force, the Stern Ritter, to annihilate the Soul Society. Creating massive flaming pillars of Reishi as a distraction, the Stern Ritter easily enter the Soul Society to bring carnage to the Soul Reapers. 4: Kill the Shadow In onda il: 2022-11-01 The Wandenreich mobilizes its elite force, the Stern Ritter, to annihilate the Soul Society. Creating massive flaming pillars of Reishi as a distraction, the Stern Ritter easily enter the Soul Society to bring carnage to the Soul Reapers. In onda il: 2022-11-08 5: Wrath as a Lightning Quilge Opie uses his power to imprison Ichigo inside the Garganta. As he tries to break free, Ichigo begins to hear, through his Soul Phone, the screams of the Soul Reapers falling to the enemy's onslaught. 5: Wrath as a Lightning In onda il: 2022-11-08 Quilge Opie uses his power to imprison Ichigo inside the Garganta. As he tries to break free, Ichigo begins to hear, through his Soul Phone, the screams of the Soul Reapers falling to the enemy's onslaught. In onda il: 2022-11-15 6: The Fire Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto confronts Yhwach for the first time in a thousand years. As Yhwach finally draws his sword against Genryusai, the Soul Reapers notice an abnormal change taking place across the Seireitei. 6: The Fire In onda il: 2022-11-15 Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto confronts Yhwach for the first time in a thousand years. As Yhwach finally draws his sword against Genryusai, the Soul Reapers notice an abnormal change taking place across the Seireitei. In onda il: 2022-11-22 7: Born in the Dark Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto learns that the Yhwach he defeated was an impostor. The real Yhwach then reveals himself and easily kills Genryusai, sending a wave of shock and devastation across the Soul Reapers. 7: Born in the Dark In onda il: 2022-11-22 Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto learns that the Yhwach he defeated was an impostor. The real Yhwach then reveals himself and easily kills Genryusai, sending a wave of shock and devastation across the Soul Reapers. In onda il: 2022-11-29 8: The Shooting Star Project [Zero Mix] Rescue efforts are being made across the Seireitei to find and help those who've survived the Stern Ritter attack. Meanwhile, Ichigo meets with Mayuri Kurotsuchi about fixing his broken Tensa Zangetsu. 8: The Shooting Star Project [Zero Mix] In onda il: 2022-11-29 Rescue efforts are being made across the Seireitei to find and help those who've survived the Stern Ritter attack. Meanwhile, Ichigo meets with Mayuri Kurotsuchi about fixing his broken Tensa Zangetsu. In onda il: 2022-12-06 9: The Drop Squad Zero brings Ichigo back to the Royal Palace to prepare for the coming battle. Meanwhile, Kyoraku is appointed as the new Head Captain to lead the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. 9: The Drop In onda il: 2022-12-06 Squad Zero brings Ichigo back to the Royal Palace to prepare for the coming battle. Meanwhile, Kyoraku is appointed as the new Head Captain to lead the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. In onda il: 2022-12-13 10: The Battle Kenpachi Zaraki removes his eye patch to fight Retsu Unohana, a.k.a. Yachiru Unohana, “The First Kenpachi.” Meanwhile, Ichigo and Renji head to Hoohden to meet Oh-Etsu Nimaiya, the man who is said to have created the Zanpakuto. 10: The Battle In onda il: 2022-12-13 Kenpachi Zaraki removes his eye patch to fight Retsu Unohana, a.k.a. Yachiru Unohana, “The First Kenpachi.” Meanwhile, Ichigo and Renji head to Hoohden to meet Oh-Etsu Nimaiya, the man who is said to have created the Zanpakuto. In onda il: 2022-12-20 11: Everything but the Rain Ichigo is kicked out of the Royal Palace by Oh-etsu Nimaiya for failing his test. When Ichigo next opens his eyes, he finds himself standing in front of his house in the World of the Living. 11: Everything but the Rain In onda il: 2022-12-20 Ichigo is kicked out of the Royal Palace by Oh-etsu Nimaiya for failing his test. When Ichigo next opens his eyes, he finds himself standing in front of his house in the World of the Living. In onda il: 2022-12-27 12: Everything but the Rain: June Truth Squad 10 Captain Isshin Shiba of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads decides to not report his encounter with the Quincy named Masaki Kurosaki in the World of the Living to the Head Captain. 12: Everything but the Rain: June Truth In onda il: 2022-12-27 Squad 10 Captain Isshin Shiba of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads decides to not report his encounter with the Quincy named Masaki Kurosaki in the World of the Living to the Head Captain. In onda il: 2022-12-27 13: The Blade Is Me Ichigo learns that he is the child born of a Soul Reaper and a Quincy. Finally understanding the truth behind his heritage, Ichigo decides to return to Hoohden with a renewed resolve to finish what he has started. 13: The Blade Is Me In onda il: 2022-12-27 Ichigo learns that he is the child born of a Soul Reaper and a Quincy. Finally understanding the truth behind his heritage, Ichigo decides to return to Hoohden with a renewed resolve to finish what he has started. In onda il: 2023-07-08 14: The Last 9 Days Ichigo prepares to leave the Royal Palace to return to the Seireitei but is stopped by Hyosube, who claims that Ichigo cannot defeat Yhwach as he is now. 14: The Last 9 Days In onda il: 2023-07-08 Ichigo prepares to leave the Royal Palace to return to the Seireitei but is stopped by Hyosube, who claims that Ichigo cannot defeat Yhwach as he is now. In onda il: 2023-07-15 15: PEACE FROM SHADOWS Yhwach sets his plan to end the world in nine days in motion. 15: PEACE FROM SHADOWS In onda il: 2023-07-15 Yhwach sets his plan to end the world in nine days in motion. In onda il: 2023-07-22 16: THE FUNDAMENTAL VIRULENCE Mayuri receives a call from Urahara, who had stayed behind in Hueco Mundo. 16: THE FUNDAMENTAL VIRULENCE In onda il: 2023-07-22 Mayuri receives a call from Urahara, who had stayed behind in Hueco Mundo. In onda il: 2023-07-29 17: HEART OF WOLF The Stern Ritters drive the Soul Reapers deeper into a corner. 17: HEART OF WOLF In onda il: 2023-07-29 The Stern Ritters drive the Soul Reapers deeper into a corner. In onda il: 2023-08-05 18: RAGES AT RINGSIDE Kensei Muguruma joins the battle against Masculine. 18: RAGES AT RINGSIDE In onda il: 2023-08-05 Kensei Muguruma joins the battle against Masculine. In onda il: 2023-08-12 19: THE WHITE HAZE A fearless Rukia takes on Äs Nödt. 19: THE WHITE HAZE In onda il: 2023-08-12 A fearless Rukia takes on Äs Nödt. In onda il: 2023-08-19 20: I AM THE EDGE Isane and Yachiru are attacked by Gwenael. 20: I AM THE EDGE In onda il: 2023-08-19 Isane and Yachiru are attacked by Gwenael. In onda il: 2023-08-26 21: THE HEADLESS STAR Candice, Meninas, Giselle, and Liltotto try to take down Kenpachi. 21: THE HEADLESS STAR In onda il: 2023-08-26 Candice, Meninas, Giselle, and Liltotto try to take down Kenpachi. In onda il: 2023-09-09 22: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES Ichigo tries to stop Yhwach upon learning that his real target lies within the Royal Palace. 22: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES In onda il: 2023-09-09 Ichigo tries to stop Yhwach upon learning that his real target lies within the Royal Palace. In onda il: 2023-09-16 23: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES 2 Ikkaku, Yumichika, and the Arrancars work together to fight off Giselle’s zombies. 23: MARCHING OUT THE ZOMBIES 2 In onda il: 2023-09-16 Ikkaku, Yumichika, and the Arrancars work together to fight off Giselle’s zombies. In onda il: 2023-09-23 24: TOO EARLY TO WIN TOO LATE TO KNOW Yhwach finally enters the Royal Palace. 24: TOO EARLY TO WIN TOO LATE TO KNOW In onda il: 2023-09-23 Yhwach finally enters the Royal Palace. In onda il: 2023-09-30 25: THE MASTER Yhwach confronts Hyosube, who is protecting the real Royal Palace. 25: THE MASTER In onda il: 2023-09-30 Yhwach confronts Hyosube, who is protecting the real Royal Palace. In onda il: 2023-09-30 26: BLACK Yhwach performs Auswählen to bestow power to his fallen Royal Guards. 26: BLACK In onda il: 2023-09-30 Yhwach performs Auswählen to bestow power to his fallen Royal Guards. In onda il: 2024-10-05 27: A The battle between Squad Zero and Yhwach's Royal Guards for the Soul King rages on. 27: A In onda il: 2024-10-05 The battle between Squad Zero and Yhwach's Royal Guards for the Soul King rages on. In onda il: 2024-10-12 28: KILL THE KING Ichigo and his friends hurry to the Reio Greater Palace to stop Yhwach. 28: KILL THE KING In onda il: 2024-10-12 Ichigo and his friends hurry to the Reio Greater Palace to stop Yhwach. In onda il: 2024-10-19 29: THE DARK ARM Ichigo tries to remove the impaled sword from the Soul King and save his life. 29: THE DARK ARM In onda il: 2024-10-19 Ichigo tries to remove the impaled sword from the Soul King and save his life. In onda il: 2024-10-26 30: THE BETRAYER Ukitake takes the place of the slain Soul King by releasing the power of Mimihagi. 30: THE BETRAYER In onda il: 2024-10-26 Ukitake takes the place of the slain Soul King by releasing the power of Mimihagi. In onda il: 2024-11-02 31: AGAINST THE JUDGEMENT Yhwach is overflowing with power from having absorbed the Soul King. 31: AGAINST THE JUDGEMENT In onda il: 2024-11-02 Yhwach is overflowing with power from having absorbed the Soul King. In onda il: 2024-11-09 32: THE HOLY NEWBORN The Soul Reapers regroup to prepare their counterattack against the Quincies. 32: THE HOLY NEWBORN In onda il: 2024-11-09 The Soul Reapers regroup to prepare their counterattack against the Quincies. In onda il: 2024-11-16 33: GATE OF THE SUN Yhwach builds his new castle, Wahr Welt. 33: GATE OF THE SUN In onda il: 2024-11-16 Yhwach builds his new castle, Wahr Welt. In onda il: 2024-11-23 34: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND Kenpachi and Mayuri's group advance through Vier Ast. 34: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND In onda il: 2024-11-23 Kenpachi and Mayuri's group advance through Vier Ast. In onda il: 2024-11-30 35: DON'T CHASE A SHADOW The change in Mayuri's Spiritual Pressure is also felt elsewhere by Urahara and Kyoraku. 35: DON'T CHASE A SHADOW In onda il: 2024-11-30 The change in Mayuri's Spiritual Pressure is also felt elsewhere by Urahara and Kyoraku. In onda il: 2024-12-07 36: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND 2 [NEVER ENDING MY DREAM] Nemu ignores Mayuri's orders by intervening in his battle against Pernida. 36: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND 2 [NEVER ENDING MY DREAM] In onda il: 2024-12-07 Nemu ignores Mayuri's orders by intervening in his battle against Pernida. In onda il: 2024-12-14 37: SHADOWS GONE Lille undergoes further transformation to hunt down and pass judgment on Kyoraku. 37: SHADOWS GONE In onda il: 2024-12-14 Lille undergoes further transformation to hunt down and pass judgment on Kyoraku. In onda il: 2024-12-21 38: FRIEND As the battle between the soul reapers and the quincies rages, Haschwalt finds himself confronted by Bazz-B inside Wahrwelt 38: FRIEND In onda il: 2024-12-21 As the battle between the soul reapers and the quincies rages, Haschwalt finds himself confronted by Bazz-B inside Wahrwelt In onda il: 2024-12-28 39: THE VISIBLE ANSWER Kyoraku has paved the way for the soul reapers to reach the enemy's stronghold within Wahrwelt, but Gerard Valkyrie prevents them from advancing any further. 39: THE VISIBLE ANSWER In onda il: 2024-12-28 Kyoraku has paved the way for the soul reapers to reach the enemy's stronghold within Wahrwelt, but Gerard Valkyrie prevents them from advancing any further. In onda il: 2024-12-29 40: MY LAST WORDS Haschwalt suddenly attacks Uryu to pass judgement. The ensuing explosion and smoke draw Ichigo to the scene where he and Uryu are reunited. 40: MY LAST WORDS In onda il: 2024-12-29 Haschwalt suddenly attacks Uryu to pass judgement. The ensuing explosion and smoke draw Ichigo to the scene where he and Uryu are reunited. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e-
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Shadowverse Flame [98/98] (2022-2024) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Shadowverse Stagione 2 Episodi 98 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Hiro Ryouzaki è un ragazzo della Tensei Academy che vive assieme al nonno, il quale non gli ha mai concesso di possedere un cellulare. Un giorno, il ragazzo sente una voce che lo chiama proveniente dal magazzino della sua casa, dove troverà un misterioso cellulare. Adesso anche lui potrà finalmente giocare al famoso “Shadowverse”, un gioco molto popolare tra i ragazzi della sua età. Nonostante si tratti di un novellino, Hiro dimostrerà fin da subito di essere portato e ciò gli consentirà di incontrare molti nuovi avversari e amici. 大嶋慎介 3D Director 林直孝 Assistant Director ぽんず Art Direction 鐘權濱 Art Direction 中村雄太 Director of Photography 緒川マミオ Art Designer 越山麻彦 Director of Photography 森田祐一 Sound Mixer 嶋崎英郎 Producer 土方真 Producer 松本准平 Producer 佐藤茂薫 Executive Producer 竹中信広 Executive Producer 木村唯人 Executive Producer 中原隆太 Sound Effects 岩永悦宜 Prop Designer 池頼広 Original Music Composer 佐藤直子 Color Designer 品地奈々絵 Color Designer 川口敬一郎 Series Director 飯田里樹 Sound Director 浅川茂輝 Director of Photography 磯崎輪太郎 Series Composition 原田大基 Character Designer 三重野瞳 Series Composition 平木大輔 Editor 上村祐翔 Light Tenryu (voice) 山村響 Itsuki Mitsutagawa (voice) 浦和希 Subaru Makabe (voice) 井澤詩織 Dragnir (voice) 森久保祥太郎 Gentleman (voice) 武田羅梨沙多胡 Ren Kazamatsuri (voice) Miyu Tomita Tsubasa Takanashi (voice) 榊原優希 Mikado Shirogane (voice) Ryōta Ōsaka Ryoga Jasei (voice) 集貝はな Shion Otosaka (voice) Episodi: 98 In onda il: 2022-04-02 1: My Shadowverse Begins Here! Light Tenryu is a new kid who's just come to the Shadowverse Battle College after a strange man told him he could "find his destiny" here. What fantastic adventures await him? 1: My Shadowverse Begins Here! In onda il: 2022-04-02 Light Tenryu is a new kid who's just come to the Shadowverse Battle College after a strange man told him he could "find his destiny" here. What fantastic adventures await him? In onda il: 2022-04-09 2: This Is My Brilliant Plan! The Seventh Flame Shadowverse club has to get more members if they want to survive. But everyone who wants to play Shadowverse has already joined a club, so where can they find new members? Light has a brilliant plan... 2: This Is My Brilliant Plan! In onda il: 2022-04-09 The Seventh Flame Shadowverse club has to get more members if they want to survive. But everyone who wants to play Shadowverse has already joined a club, so where can they find new members? Light has a brilliant plan... In onda il: 2022-04-16 3: I Can Tell Because We Battled! Light wants Shinobu to join Seventh Flame, but she'll only listen to him if he can beat her first. The only problem is... he has no idea how to play Shadowverse! 3: I Can Tell Because We Battled! In onda il: 2022-04-16 Light wants Shinobu to join Seventh Flame, but she'll only listen to him if he can beat her first. The only problem is... he has no idea how to play Shadowverse! In onda il: 2022-04-23 4: Lady & Gentleman Light faces off against Gentleman, a strategic genius who uses the avatar of a magician's rabbit. Can he prevail against his foe's gigantic brain? 4: Lady & Gentleman In onda il: 2022-04-23 Light faces off against Gentleman, a strategic genius who uses the avatar of a magician's rabbit. Can he prevail against his foe's gigantic brain? In onda il: 2022-04-30 5: Do Me a Favor Light's battle with Gentleman reaches its peak as he gets ready to summon his ultimate card. But what if his best card isn't his best move? 5: Do Me a Favor In onda il: 2022-04-30 Light's battle with Gentleman reaches its peak as he gets ready to summon his ultimate card. But what if his best card isn't his best move? In onda il: 2022-04-30 6: Courage Will Always Give You Strength! The gang meets Ren, a young girl with Fifth Sword. She likes running and working out, but feels left out when she's with the other girls in her club. Is there a better place for her to belong? 6: Courage Will Always Give You Strength! In onda il: 2022-04-30 The gang meets Ren, a young girl with Fifth Sword. She likes running and working out, but feels left out when she's with the other girls in her club. Is there a better place for her to belong? In onda il: 2022-05-14 7: That's My Strength! Itsuki battles the head of Fifth Sword to allow Ren to join the team. Can the timid, shy Itsuki stand up to the most athletic Shadowverse player of them all? 7: That's My Strength! In onda il: 2022-05-14 Itsuki battles the head of Fifth Sword to allow Ren to join the team. Can the timid, shy Itsuki stand up to the most athletic Shadowverse player of them all? In onda il: 2022-05-21 8: Expectations Are a Curse Subaru challenges Hahajima, the Club President of Fourth Wind. Hahajima gives it her all for the sake of her club members, but Subaru seems like he's not having fun... 8: Expectations Are a Curse In onda il: 2022-05-21 Subaru challenges Hahajima, the Club President of Fourth Wind. Hahajima gives it her all for the sake of her club members, but Subaru seems like he's not having fun... In onda il: 2022-05-28 9: Show Me Your Battle! Subaru and Fuwari's battle reaches its last half. Can Subaru win? And does he even want to? 9: Show Me Your Battle! In onda il: 2022-05-28 Subaru and Fuwari's battle reaches its last half. Can Subaru win? And does he even want to? In onda il: 2022-06-04 10: There's No Point in Getting Serious Tsubasa is cool, pretty, and liked by everyone. She spends her days doing karaoke and hanging out with her friends. Sure, her team was shut down by Haruma Hazeura. But what's the point of even trying, anyway? 10: There's No Point in Getting Serious In onda il: 2022-06-04 Tsubasa is cool, pretty, and liked by everyone. She spends her days doing karaoke and hanging out with her friends. Sure, her team was shut down by Haruma Hazeura. But what's the point of even trying, anyway? In onda il: 2022-06-11 11: I Don't Want Your Understanding... Light begins his battle with Tsubasa, the head of Third Feather. She's convinced that there's no hope left in Shadowverse. Can he prove her wrong? 11: I Don't Want Your Understanding... In onda il: 2022-06-11 Light begins his battle with Tsubasa, the head of Third Feather. She's convinced that there's no hope left in Shadowverse. Can he prove her wrong? In onda il: 2022-06-18 12: That's What Makes Shadowverse Fun! Light's battle with Tsubasa reaches its conclusion. Can Seventh Flame get the last team member they need to survive? 12: That's What Makes Shadowverse Fun! In onda il: 2022-06-18 Light's battle with Tsubasa reaches its conclusion. Can Seventh Flame get the last team member they need to survive? In onda il: 2022-06-25 13: Only the Strong Survive in Shadowverse! Now that Seventh Flame has a full crew, Light decides to challenge Haruma. But Light is acting very strange... 13: Only the Strong Survive in Shadowverse! In onda il: 2022-06-25 Now that Seventh Flame has a full crew, Light decides to challenge Haruma. But Light is acting very strange... In onda il: 2022-07-02 14: What You Lack Is Inevitability! As Light faces Hazeura, he realizes quickly that he's gotten more than he bargained for. Will his luck hold out against the President of First Reaper? 14: What You Lack Is Inevitability! In onda il: 2022-07-02 As Light faces Hazeura, he realizes quickly that he's gotten more than he bargained for. Will his luck hold out against the President of First Reaper? In onda il: 2022-07-09 15: Battle in a Way That's True to Yourself! Following his defeat to Hazeura, Light decides to buckle down and learn more about Shadowverse. His first opponent is none other than the legendary idol and Shadowverse player Alice Kurobane! 15: Battle in a Way That's True to Yourself! In onda il: 2022-07-09 Following his defeat to Hazeura, Light decides to buckle down and learn more about Shadowverse. His first opponent is none other than the legendary idol and Shadowverse player Alice Kurobane! In onda il: 2022-07-16 16: I'll Show You Real Shadowverse! Subaru saves Mimori from an overly-aggressive street proselytizer. As they get to know each other, they decide to play a game of Shadowverse. 16: I'll Show You Real Shadowverse! In onda il: 2022-07-16 Subaru saves Mimori from an overly-aggressive street proselytizer. As they get to know each other, they decide to play a game of Shadowverse. In onda il: 2022-07-23 17: I Want Shadowverse to Excite Me! Subaru continues his battle with Mimori. A miserable childhood left him cold to Shadowverse. Can she help him find the fire inside him once more? 17: I Want Shadowverse to Excite Me! In onda il: 2022-07-23 Subaru continues his battle with Mimori. A miserable childhood left him cold to Shadowverse. Can she help him find the fire inside him once more? In onda il: 2022-07-30 18: My Rhythm Is the Heartbeat of a Devil! Itsuki challenges Ryoga, a powerful Bloodcraft player who hangs out by the riverside, and claims that his "rhythm is the heartbeat of a devil." 18: My Rhythm Is the Heartbeat of a Devil! In onda il: 2022-07-30 Itsuki challenges Ryoga, a powerful Bloodcraft player who hangs out by the riverside, and claims that his "rhythm is the heartbeat of a devil." In onda il: 2022-08-06 19: I Have My Own Ace in the Hole! Itsuki's battle continues against the demon of sound. Can he rise above the noise and win the day? 19: I Have My Own Ace in the Hole! In onda il: 2022-08-06 Itsuki's battle continues against the demon of sound. Can he rise above the noise and win the day? In onda il: 2022-08-13 20: That's What Makes It So Fun! Ren wants to be friends with Tsubasa, but Tsubasa has other things on her mind. That's about to change though, when Ren challenges her to a game of Shadowverse! 20: That's What Makes It So Fun! In onda il: 2022-08-13 Ren wants to be friends with Tsubasa, but Tsubasa has other things on her mind. That's about to change though, when Ren challenges her to a game of Shadowverse! In onda il: 2022-08-20 21: If You Can't Surpass Me, There's No Point Ren challenges Tsubasa, the girl she admires so much. Can she win her respect, and her friendship? 21: If You Can't Surpass Me, There's No Point In onda il: 2022-08-20 Ren challenges Tsubasa, the girl she admires so much. Can she win her respect, and her friendship? In onda il: 2022-08-27 22: I've Finally Found You! Ren and Tsubasa are hot on the trail of Gentleman, the most mysterious member of Seventh Flame. But when they find him, he's not at all what they expect! 22: I've Finally Found You! In onda il: 2022-08-27 Ren and Tsubasa are hot on the trail of Gentleman, the most mysterious member of Seventh Flame. But when they find him, he's not at all what they expect! In onda il: 2022-09-03 23: You Can't Surpass the King! Tsubasa battles Gentleman, who's even tougher in real life than she is as a digital avatar! 23: You Can't Surpass the King! In onda il: 2022-09-03 Tsubasa battles Gentleman, who's even tougher in real life than she is as a digital avatar! In onda il: 2022-09-10 24: You're Dense, Aren't You? In search of a way to master Shadowverse before his battle with Haruma, Light challenges his own teacher. But he's shocked when he finds out what her rank is! 24: You're Dense, Aren't You? In onda il: 2022-09-10 In search of a way to master Shadowverse before his battle with Haruma, Light challenges his own teacher. But he's shocked when he finds out what her rank is! In onda il: 2022-09-17 25: So This Is Your True Form? As he readies himself for a showdown with Haruma, Light must first defeat his own teacher to master the secrets of Shadowcraft. 25: So This Is Your True Form? In onda il: 2022-09-17 As he readies himself for a showdown with Haruma, Light must first defeat his own teacher to master the secrets of Shadowcraft. In onda il: 2022-10-01 26: The Shadowverse Club Tournament Begins! The Shadowverse Club Tournament begins as Gentleman challenges Shinobu in a duel to prove who's the real master of Runecraft at Shadowverse Battle College. 26: The Shadowverse Club Tournament Begins! In onda il: 2022-10-01 The Shadowverse Club Tournament begins as Gentleman challenges Shinobu in a duel to prove who's the real master of Runecraft at Shadowverse Battle College. In onda il: 2022-10-08 27: I'm Not Who I Used to Be! Gentleman finishes his duel with Miki, the girl he once thought he had under his thumb. Does she really hate him for the way he bossed her around? 27: I'm Not Who I Used to Be! In onda il: 2022-10-08 Gentleman finishes his duel with Miki, the girl he once thought he had under his thumb. Does she really hate him for the way he bossed her around? In onda il: 2022-10-15 28: I'm Everybody's Senpai, Too! Tsubasa challenges her old club president, Seira, in a battle to see who's the true leader of Third Feather. 28: I'm Everybody's Senpai, Too! In onda il: 2022-10-15 Tsubasa challenges her old club president, Seira, in a battle to see who's the true leader of Third Feather. In onda il: 2022-10-22 29: I'll Show You the Person I Want to Be! Ren challenges her old club president as Seventh Flame faces Fifth Sword! 29: I'll Show You the Person I Want to Be! In onda il: 2022-10-22 Ren challenges her old club president as Seventh Flame faces Fifth Sword! In onda il: 2022-10-29 30: It Doesn't Feel Bad It's Subaru's turn to take the stage in the battle against Fourth Wind at the Shadowverse Club Tournament! 30: It Doesn't Feel Bad In onda il: 2022-10-29 It's Subaru's turn to take the stage in the battle against Fourth Wind at the Shadowverse Club Tournament! In onda il: 2022-11-05 31: I'll Show You the Strength of a Flower that Blooms in the Fields! Itsuki fights Ryoga Jasei in a duel to see if Seventh Flame can advance to the final round of the Shadowverse Club Tournament. 31: I'll Show You the Strength of a Flower that Blooms in the Fields! In onda il: 2022-11-05 Itsuki fights Ryoga Jasei in a duel to see if Seventh Flame can advance to the final round of the Shadowverse Club Tournament. In onda il: 2022-11-12 32: You're Going to Despair, Too! Light duels Haruma in the final battle of the Shadowverse club tournament. Can he win this time after failing before? 32: You're Going to Despair, Too! In onda il: 2022-11-12 Light duels Haruma in the final battle of the Shadowverse club tournament. Can he win this time after failing before? In onda il: 2022-11-19 33: Now I'm Strong Enough to Reach You! The showdown with Haruma draws to a close as the Shadowverse Club Tournament reaches its end. Can Light truly come to understand his foe? 33: Now I'm Strong Enough to Reach You! In onda il: 2022-11-19 The showdown with Haruma draws to a close as the Shadowverse Club Tournament reaches its end. Can Light truly come to understand his foe? In onda il: 2022-11-26 34: It's a Resort, Everybody! It's a resort, everybody! With victory in hand, the members of Seventh Flame get ready for a relaxing day at a private island. 34: It's a Resort, Everybody! In onda il: 2022-11-26 It's a resort, everybody! With victory in hand, the members of Seventh Flame get ready for a relaxing day at a private island. In onda il: 2022-12-03 35: Let's Make Memories Together! There's more fun in the sun as Seventh Flame relaxes on Genesis Island! 35: Let's Make Memories Together! In onda il: 2022-12-03 There's more fun in the sun as Seventh Flame relaxes on Genesis Island! In onda il: 2022-12-10 36: It's All a Game Light challenges Mikado, who plays a Neutral deck. Neutral cards are supposed to be the weakest type, but Mikado's might be stronger than it appears... 36: It's All a Game In onda il: 2022-12-10 Light challenges Mikado, who plays a Neutral deck. Neutral cards are supposed to be the weakest type, but Mikado's might be stronger than it appears... In onda il: 2022-12-17 37: I'll Give You Fulfillment! The duel with Mikado continues as he unleashes a flurry of powerful Fallen Angels, and an unstoppable dragon. 37: I'll Give You Fulfillment! In onda il: 2022-12-17 The duel with Mikado continues as he unleashes a flurry of powerful Fallen Angels, and an unstoppable dragon. In onda il: 2022-12-24 38: Come Unto Us! A shocking turn of events takes place as a new Shadowverse tournament begins. 38: Come Unto Us! In onda il: 2022-12-24 A shocking turn of events takes place as a new Shadowverse tournament begins. In onda il: 2023-01-07 39: This is the True Power of the Joubert Sisters! Light battles the elder of the two Joubert sisters and her tricky combo deck. 39: This is the True Power of the Joubert Sisters! In onda il: 2023-01-07 Light battles the elder of the two Joubert sisters and her tricky combo deck. In onda il: 2023-01-14 40: Why Do You Get Stronger? Light challenges his first pro player, a tricky Earth Rite Runecraft user! 40: Why Do You Get Stronger? In onda il: 2023-01-14 Light challenges his first pro player, a tricky Earth Rite Runecraft user! In onda il: 2023-01-21 41: This is Our New Power! Light challenges Mikado once more, this time with more powerful cards. Can he defeat the school's strongest player? 41: This is Our New Power! In onda il: 2023-01-21 Light challenges Mikado once more, this time with more powerful cards. Can he defeat the school's strongest player? In onda il: 2023-01-28 42: I'll Take This One Step with All My Might! Subaru fights his brother in a surprise bonus match! 42: I'll Take This One Step with All My Might! In onda il: 2023-01-28 Subaru fights his brother in a surprise bonus match! In onda il: 2023-02-04 43: Some Sights Can Only Be Seen Alone! Shion battles a powerful Grand Master who wants to teach her a lesson about being alone. But is that really what she needs to hear? 43: Some Sights Can Only Be Seen Alone! In onda il: 2023-02-04 Shion battles a powerful Grand Master who wants to teach her a lesson about being alone. But is that really what she needs to hear? In onda il: 2023-02-11 44: I'll Light Up Your Future Wolfram Zerga challenges dark horse Ryoga Jasei in an attempt to make him enter the World Ranking. 44: I'll Light Up Your Future In onda il: 2023-02-11 Wolfram Zerga challenges dark horse Ryoga Jasei in an attempt to make him enter the World Ranking. In onda il: 2023-02-18 45: I've Got High Hopes for You Itsuki challenges the legendary player Luca Yonazuki, one of the Seven Shadows. 45: I've Got High Hopes for You In onda il: 2023-02-18 Itsuki challenges the legendary player Luca Yonazuki, one of the Seven Shadows. In onda il: 2023-02-25 46: Heroes Are for Little Kids! Ren meets a fellow fan of the Battle Fencer TV show who has very different ideas about who the best character is. 46: Heroes Are for Little Kids! In onda il: 2023-02-25 Ren meets a fellow fan of the Battle Fencer TV show who has very different ideas about who the best character is. In onda il: 2023-03-04 47: Still, I'll Stay True to Myself! Ren continues her battle with Hina, as each of them seeks to prove whether heroes or villains are stronger. 47: Still, I'll Stay True to Myself! In onda il: 2023-03-04 Ren continues her battle with Hina, as each of them seeks to prove whether heroes or villains are stronger. In onda il: 2023-03-11 48: That Dazzling Light Will Someday Fade Tsubasa talks about her dreams of going pro as she battles the grand master Andrea. 48: That Dazzling Light Will Someday Fade In onda il: 2023-03-11 Tsubasa talks about her dreams of going pro as she battles the grand master Andrea. In onda il: 2023-03-18 49: To Me, You Are... Light challenges Mikado for the final time. 49: To Me, You Are... In onda il: 2023-03-18 Light challenges Mikado for the final time. In onda il: 2023-03-25 50: I've Finally Made It This Far! Light reaches the climactic showdown in his battle with Mikado. 50: I've Finally Made It This Far! In onda il: 2023-03-25 Light reaches the climactic showdown in his battle with Mikado. In onda il: 2023-07-08 51: We Challenge the Strongest! With Mikado defeated, Seventh Flame readies for their next big challenge: defeating the Seven Shadows. 51: We Challenge the Strongest! In onda il: 2023-07-08 With Mikado defeated, Seventh Flame readies for their next big challenge: defeating the Seven Shadows. In onda il: 2023-07-15 52: I Accept Your Challenge! The gang begins their battles in the mysterious Shadow Area, with the promise that if they can defeat the Seven Shadows, all will be revealed. 52: I Accept Your Challenge! In onda il: 2023-07-15 The gang begins their battles in the mysterious Shadow Area, with the promise that if they can defeat the Seven Shadows, all will be revealed. In onda il: 2023-07-22 53: That's Your Weakness The first battle in the Shadow Area begins as Mikado faces off against Hiro and his secret Portalcraft deck. 53: That's Your Weakness In onda il: 2023-07-22 The first battle in the Shadow Area begins as Mikado faces off against Hiro and his secret Portalcraft deck. In onda il: 2023-07-29 54: I'll Make It a Defeat That Means Something! Hiro puts his plan into action. His goal: to help Mikado enjoy Shadowverse! 54: I'll Make It a Defeat That Means Something! In onda il: 2023-07-29 Hiro puts his plan into action. His goal: to help Mikado enjoy Shadowverse! In onda il: 2023-08-05 55: It's Not Just Despair, Right? Tsubasa challenges the secretive Shadowcraft member of the Seven Shadows, whose identity is a mystery. 55: It's Not Just Despair, Right? In onda il: 2023-08-05 Tsubasa challenges the secretive Shadowcraft member of the Seven Shadows, whose identity is a mystery. In onda il: 2023-08-12 56: Neither I, Nor the World, Will Change Tsubasa's battle with the Shadowcraft member of the Seven Shadows reaches its conclusion as she plays her most powerful cards and combos. Will it be enough to bring down the greatest Shadowcraft player in the world? 56: Neither I, Nor the World, Will Change In onda il: 2023-08-12 Tsubasa's battle with the Shadowcraft member of the Seven Shadows reaches its conclusion as she plays her most powerful cards and combos. Will it be enough to bring down the greatest Shadowcraft player in the world? In onda il: 2023-08-19 57: Destined to Disappear Before the Light Ryoga begins his battle against Wolfram. Can his superior rhythm defeat the master of equality? 57: Destined to Disappear Before the Light In onda il: 2023-08-19 Ryoga begins his battle against Wolfram. Can his superior rhythm defeat the master of equality? In onda il: 2023-08-26 58: I'm Taking You with Me to the Pits of Hell Ryoga continues his duel with Wolfram. Wolfram has declared that Ryoga is worthless and beyond salvation. Is he right? 58: I'm Taking You with Me to the Pits of Hell In onda il: 2023-08-26 Ryoga continues his duel with Wolfram. Wolfram has declared that Ryoga is worthless and beyond salvation. Is he right? In onda il: 2023-09-02 59: If It's Too Sweet, It Gives You Heartburn It's Hero Swordcraft vs. Villain Forestcraft once more as Ren faces Hina, the latest of the Seven Shadows. 59: If It's Too Sweet, It Gives You Heartburn In onda il: 2023-09-02 It's Hero Swordcraft vs. Villain Forestcraft once more as Ren faces Hina, the latest of the Seven Shadows. In onda il: 2023-09-09 60: Drown in the Aesthetics of Evil! Ren's battle with the villainous Hina comes to an end, as both players show off an array of powerful new cards. 60: Drown in the Aesthetics of Evil! In onda il: 2023-09-09 Ren's battle with the villainous Hina comes to an end, as both players show off an array of powerful new cards. In onda il: 2023-09-16 61: I've Decided I'm Not Running Anymore! After years of estrangement, Subaru goes to face his younger brother once more. 61: I've Decided I'm Not Running Anymore! In onda il: 2023-09-16 After years of estrangement, Subaru goes to face his younger brother once more. In onda il: 2023-09-23 62: I'm Back from the Graveyard! Subaru reaches the conclusion of his battle with his younger brother. Can the brothers be reunited once more? 62: I'm Back from the Graveyard! In onda il: 2023-09-23 Subaru reaches the conclusion of his battle with his younger brother. Can the brothers be reunited once more? In onda il: 2023-09-30 63: The Hour of Judgment is Nigh The mysterious Arc Ruler lurks in the shadows as Shion prepares to battle Wodin. 63: The Hour of Judgment is Nigh In onda il: 2023-09-30 The mysterious Arc Ruler lurks in the shadows as Shion prepares to battle Wodin. In onda il: 2023-10-07 64: Penetrate Even the Most Forbidden Secrets Shion battles Wodin, the most solitary member of the Seven Shadows. Will she succumb to the temptation to walk the forbidden path alone, or stay with her friends in Seventh Flame? 64: Penetrate Even the Most Forbidden Secrets In onda il: 2023-10-07 Shion battles Wodin, the most solitary member of the Seven Shadows. Will she succumb to the temptation to walk the forbidden path alone, or stay with her friends in Seventh Flame? In onda il: 2023-10-14 65: The Forbidden is Nothing to Fear! Shion finishes her battle with Wodin Kraft. Will she make the choice he wants her to make, or will she find her own path to follow? 65: The Forbidden is Nothing to Fear! In onda il: 2023-10-14 Shion finishes her battle with Wodin Kraft. Will she make the choice he wants her to make, or will she find her own path to follow? In onda il: 2023-10-21 66: I'll Challenge You with All I've Got! Itsuki battles Luca, the legendary Bloodcraft player who fought to save the world. Luca's lost his interest in the game, and Itsuki hopes to reignite his passion. 66: I'll Challenge You with All I've Got! In onda il: 2023-10-21 Itsuki battles Luca, the legendary Bloodcraft player who fought to save the world. Luca's lost his interest in the game, and Itsuki hopes to reignite his passion. In onda il: 2023-10-28 67: It Lies Beyond My Limits! Itsuki has succeeded in reigniting Luca's passion. Can he withstand the full force of one of the greatest Shadowverse players ever to exist? 67: It Lies Beyond My Limits! In onda il: 2023-10-28 Itsuki has succeeded in reigniting Luca's passion. Can he withstand the full force of one of the greatest Shadowverse players ever to exist? In onda il: 2023-11-04 68: Farewell, Mikado Shirogane With only one more loss before Seventh Flame is defeated, Itsuki decides to turn the battle over to a badly shaken Mikado. 68: Farewell, Mikado Shirogane In onda il: 2023-11-04 With only one more loss before Seventh Flame is defeated, Itsuki decides to turn the battle over to a badly shaken Mikado. In onda il: 2023-11-11 69: You Will Learn the Meaning of Your Own Shadowverse Mikado is on the verge of losing to Luca, the legendary Bloodcraft player. Can he find the strength within to keep going? 69: You Will Learn the Meaning of Your Own Shadowverse In onda il: 2023-11-11 Mikado is on the verge of losing to Luca, the legendary Bloodcraft player. Can he find the strength within to keep going? In onda il: 2023-11-18 70: I'll Strike You with the Light and Darkness Within Me! It's finally time for Light to battle Hiro. The battle with the greatest Shadowverse player is about to begin... 70: I'll Strike You with the Light and Darkness Within Me! In onda il: 2023-11-18 It's finally time for Light to battle Hiro. The battle with the greatest Shadowverse player is about to begin... In onda il: 2023-11-25 71: Like is the Strongest Feeling! The final battle against the Seven Shadows has begun, and the final opponent has a question for Hiro: "What is Shadowverse to you?" 71: Like is the Strongest Feeling! In onda il: 2023-11-25 The final battle against the Seven Shadows has begun, and the final opponent has a question for Hiro: "What is Shadowverse to you?" In onda il: 2023-12-02 72: Our Battle is Just Getting Started! Light's battle with Hiro, the strongest Shadowverse player, continues. Can Lævateinn Dragon match up to the power of the champ's best card? 72: Our Battle is Just Getting Started! In onda il: 2023-12-02 Light's battle with Hiro, the strongest Shadowverse player, continues. Can Lævateinn Dragon match up to the power of the champ's best card? In onda il: 2023-12-09 73: I'll Put All My Feelings into This Draw! The battle with the Seven Shadows comes to a conclusion just as a powerful new threat reveals itself... 73: I'll Put All My Feelings into This Draw! In onda il: 2023-12-09 The battle with the Seven Shadows comes to a conclusion just as a powerful new threat reveals itself... In onda il: 2023-12-16 74: I'll Save Everyone! The DigiFriends have gone out of control and are attacking people, and the students of Shadowverse Battle College are trapped on campus. They'll have to work together if they want to survive the onslaught. 74: I'll Save Everyone! In onda il: 2023-12-16 The DigiFriends have gone out of control and are attacking people, and the students of Shadowverse Battle College are trapped on campus. They'll have to work together if they want to survive the onslaught. In onda il: 2023-12-23 75: Let's Save the World with This Power With the countdown to Earth's destruction drawing closer, Shion has a plan to save the day and defeat Arc Ruler. 75: Let's Save the World with This Power In onda il: 2023-12-23 With the countdown to Earth's destruction drawing closer, Shion has a plan to save the day and defeat Arc Ruler. In onda il: 2024-04-13 76: For the Sake of the World, I'll Defeat You! Nekome-cho is overrun by Shades, forcing Subaru and Itsuki to fight their way through as they make their way toward the Gaia Tower to shut down the energy signal emanating from it. 76: For the Sake of the World, I'll Defeat You! In onda il: 2024-04-13 Nekome-cho is overrun by Shades, forcing Subaru and Itsuki to fight their way through as they make their way toward the Gaia Tower to shut down the energy signal emanating from it. In onda il: 2024-04-20 77: Judgment Has Already Been Passed Subaru and Itsuki face off against Arc Ruler Erde in a two-on-one battle. But who exactly is this guy? And why is he so certain of victory, claiming that he knows all about the pair? 77: Judgment Has Already Been Passed In onda il: 2024-04-20 Subaru and Itsuki face off against Arc Ruler Erde in a two-on-one battle. But who exactly is this guy? And why is he so certain of victory, claiming that he knows all about the pair? In onda il: 2024-04-27 78: You're Fighting Against Four! The stakes get even higher in the battle between Arc Ruler Erde and the combined team of Subaru and Itsuki when the duo from Seventh Flame learn that the price of failure is death. 78: You're Fighting Against Four! In onda il: 2024-04-27 The stakes get even higher in the battle between Arc Ruler Erde and the combined team of Subaru and Itsuki when the duo from Seventh Flame learn that the price of failure is death. In onda il: 2024-05-04 79: Open a Path to the Future! The two-on-one battle resumes where it left off, but can Subaru and Itsuki turn the tables on Arc Ruler Erde with the help of their Digital Friends? 79: Open a Path to the Future! In onda il: 2024-05-04 The two-on-one battle resumes where it left off, but can Subaru and Itsuki turn the tables on Arc Ruler Erde with the help of their Digital Friends? In onda il: 2024-05-11 80: I'll Pay the World Back for What It's Done to Me! Hina and Andrea reveal themselves, and begin a team match against Tsubasa and Ren. Can Seventh Flame finally get through to their foes? 80: I'll Pay the World Back for What It's Done to Me! In onda il: 2024-05-11 Hina and Andrea reveal themselves, and begin a team match against Tsubasa and Ren. Can Seventh Flame finally get through to their foes? In onda il: 2024-05-18 81: So This Is What You Call Anger The battle with Hina and Andrea comes to a conclusion as Ryoga and Mikado battle their next opponent. 81: So This Is What You Call Anger In onda il: 2024-05-18 The battle with Hina and Andrea comes to a conclusion as Ryoga and Mikado battle their next opponent. In onda il: 2024-05-25 82: This Is the Truth of Everything! Himmel battles Ryoga and Mikado. She hopes to rattle them by revealing a horrible secret that belongs to Arc Ruler... 82: This Is the Truth of Everything! In onda il: 2024-05-25 Himmel battles Ryoga and Mikado. She hopes to rattle them by revealing a horrible secret that belongs to Arc Ruler... In onda il: 2024-06-01 83: I'm Simply Following My Destiny Another of the Seven Shadows turns traitor, and there's no one left to stop them but Shion herself. 83: I'm Simply Following My Destiny In onda il: 2024-06-01 Another of the Seven Shadows turns traitor, and there's no one left to stop them but Shion herself. In onda il: 2024-06-08 84: I'll Stop Your Unstoppable Desires Here! Shion battles Wodin Kraft, who now has the power of a god. 84: I'll Stop Your Unstoppable Desires Here! In onda il: 2024-06-08 Shion battles Wodin Kraft, who now has the power of a god. In onda il: 2024-06-15 85: Still, It's Our Fate to Win! Wodin Kraft, now with godlike power, attempts to finish off Shion. 85: Still, It's Our Fate to Win! In onda il: 2024-06-15 Wodin Kraft, now with godlike power, attempts to finish off Shion. In onda il: 2024-06-29 86: You're in the Palm of Our Hand The climactic duel with Arc Ruler begins to determine the fate fo the world. 86: You're in the Palm of Our Hand In onda il: 2024-06-29 The climactic duel with Arc Ruler begins to determine the fate fo the world. In onda il: 2024-07-06 87: You Have No Way to Stop Your Destruction! The Nexa system was installed for the other players as well, improving the combat situation against the Shades. 87: You Have No Way to Stop Your Destruction! In onda il: 2024-07-06 The Nexa system was installed for the other players as well, improving the combat situation against the Shades. In onda il: 2024-07-13 88: I Only See the Future! Arc Ruler believes his victory over Light is assured. Can Light beat the odds once more and turn the tide of the battle? 88: I Only See the Future! In onda il: 2024-07-13 Arc Ruler believes his victory over Light is assured. Can Light beat the odds once more and turn the tide of the battle? In onda il: 2024-07-20 89: I Still Have Something Left Light and the Arc Ruler are finishing their battle. However, just as the duel comes to an end, Wolfram Zerga appears and confronts Light with an unbelievable matter... 89: I Still Have Something Left In onda il: 2024-07-20 Light and the Arc Ruler are finishing their battle. However, just as the duel comes to an end, Wolfram Zerga appears and confronts Light with an unbelievable matter... In onda il: 2024-07-27 90: Because Memories Are Wonderful Things... Wolfram Zerga's past, and plans, are revealed. 90: Because Memories Are Wonderful Things... In onda il: 2024-07-27 Wolfram Zerga's past, and plans, are revealed. In onda il: 2024-08-03 91: Destruction is All That Awaits You Wolfram questions what drives Light forward. 91: Destruction is All That Awaits You In onda il: 2024-08-03 Wolfram questions what drives Light forward. In onda il: 2024-08-10 92: You Are the World, Light! The battle to decide the fate of the world comes to a shocking conclusion. 92: You Are the World, Light! In onda il: 2024-08-10 The battle to decide the fate of the world comes to a shocking conclusion. In onda il: 2024-08-24 93: There's No Chance You Can Win Light gets a second chance to battle Wolfram. 93: There's No Chance You Can Win In onda il: 2024-08-24 Light gets a second chance to battle Wolfram. In onda il: 2024-08-31 94: You Can't Save This World Draconir joins the fight with a powerful new form. 94: You Can't Save This World In onda il: 2024-08-31 Draconir joins the fight with a powerful new form. In onda il: 2024-09-07 95: I'll Overcome My Fate! Light's battle with Wolfram nears its end. 95: I'll Overcome My Fate! In onda il: 2024-09-07 Light's battle with Wolfram nears its end. In onda il: 2024-09-14 96: This is the Proof of Our Courage! With the fate of the world in the balance, Light plays his final card against Wolfram. 96: This is the Proof of Our Courage! In onda il: 2024-09-14 With the fate of the world in the balance, Light plays his final card against Wolfram. In onda il: 2024-09-21 97: Episode 97 Nessuna trama disponibile 97: Episode 97 In onda il: 2024-09-21 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-09-28 98: Episode 98 Nessuna trama disponibile 98: Episode 98 In onda il: 2024-09-28 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e-
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Fiona Grace - Serie Thistlewood Manor (2022-2024) (7 titoli) Trama Trama tratta da Omicidio tra le siepi: Per secoli, Thistlewood Manor è stata la dimora della famiglia Montague, un faro per l’aristocrazia britannica nell’Inghilterra rurale. Ma è il 1928, e in questa nuova era di diritti delle donne, Eliza Montague, uno spirito libero di 27 anni, ha voltato le spalle alla sua famiglia per vivere una vita da artista a Londra. Ma quando arriva un’inaspettata crisi di famiglia, Eliza non ha altra scelta che tornare a casa per far fronte alle richieste dei suoi genitori, aiutare suo padre e conoscere il Lord che sperano possa sposare. Quando un cadavere viene ritrovato nel bel mezzo della riunione di famiglia, Eliza si rende subito conto che se non riuscirà a risolvere il mistero, le verrà addossata la responsabilità del delitto e potrà dire addio alle sue speranze di vivere una vita da donna libera. Fiona Grace - Thistlewood Manor 01. Omicidio tra le siepi (2022) Fiona Grace - Thistlewood Manor 02. Un ciuffo di morte (2023) Fiona Grace - Thistlewood Manor 03. Calamità al ballo (2023) Fiona Grace - Thistlewood Manor 04. Disastro alla fabbrica (2023) Fiona Grace - Thistlewood Manor 05. Morte a palazzo (2023) Fiona Grace - Thistlewood Manor 06. Delitto al concorso ippico (2023) Fiona Grace - Thistlewood Manor 07. L'assasinio è servito (2024) Genere: Giallo storico Formato: EPUB singoli in cartella ZIP Dimensione: 6,83 MB Download http://depositfiles.com/files/zhj3iexth Se trovate offline, segnalate per reup.
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Brian McClellan - Trilogia dei Pulvimanti (2022-2024) (3 titoli) Trama Trama tratta da Promessa di sangue: ALL'INDOMANI DEL COLPO di stato che ha posto fine alla monarchia, Adro si trova paralizzata dalla guerra civile. La sollevazione del feldmaresciallo Tamas ha spedito gli aristocratici corrotti alla ghigliottina e ha finalmente garantito pane al popolo affamato. Ma ha anche dato il via al conflitto tra le Nove Nazioni, ad attacchi interni condotti dai partigiani realisti e a una lotta senza quartiere tra i presunti alleati di Tamas - Chiesa, sindacati e mercenari -, dilaniati dalla brama di denaro e potere. Tamas può contare solo su uno sparuto gruppo di fedelissimi, tra i quali il Pulvimante Taniel, abile tiratore nonché suo figlio, e Adamat, ex ispettore di polizia la cui lealtà è messa a dura prova. Come se tutto ciò non bastasse, adesso c'è chi parla di presagi di morte e distruzione. Sono solo vecchie leggende sugli dei che si svegliano e tornano a camminare sulla Terra. Nessuna persona appena istruita e sana di mente ci crede più. Eppure dovrebbe... Brian McClellan - Trilogia dei Pulvimanti 01. Promessa di sangue (2022) Brian McClellan - Trilogia dei Pulvimanti 02. La campagna cremisi (2023) Brian McClellan - Trilogia dei Pulvimanti 03. La repubblica d'autunno (2024) Genere: Fantasy Formato: EPUB singoli in cartella ZIP Dimensione: 9,64 MB Download http://depositfiles.com/files/nufn3wz4w Se trovate offline, segnalate per reup.
Urusei Yatsura (2022) [46/46] (2022-2024) Sub ITA Streaming
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Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Lamù e i casinisti planetari Stagione 1 Episodi 46 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy La storia narra le bizzarre avventure di un gruppo di liceali che vivono a Tomobiki, località immaginaria nel distretto cittadino di Nerima, Tokyo, dove frequentano l'omonimo liceo. La vicenda in particolare ruota intorno ad Ataru Moroboshi, un ragazzo estremamente sfortunato e donnaiolo, e a Lamù, figlia del grande capo degli Oni giunto dallo spazio per invadere la Terra. Vestita unicamente dal suo bikini tigrato, Lamù si innamora di Ataru dopo aver frainteso una sua frase per una proposta di matrimonio. Hideya Takahashi Series Director 木村泰大 Series Director 柿原優子 Series Composition 浅野直之 Character Designer Kaoru Aoki Art Designer Yoshihiro Sono Mechanical Designer JNTHED Mechanical Designer Ryo Hirata Prop Designer Kazuhiro Takamura Character Designer mikitail Character Designer Masanobu Nomura Art Direction Ayaka Nakamura Color Designer Kanji Oshima CGI Director Yuichiro Nagata Director of Photography 廣瀬清志 Editor 横山克 Original Music Composer 岩浪美和 Sound Director Yasushi Kuwata Executive Producer Atsuhiro Iwakami Executive Producer Nobumasa Sawabe Executive Producer Ryo Fujita Executive Producer Genichi Kimura Executive Producer Hisashi Ishiwata Executive Producer Shuichiro Tanaka Executive Producer Yukiko Takase Production Supervisor 三宅将典 Executive Producer Yoshinori Takeeda Producer Kazuki Oshima Producer Noriko Fujimoto Producer Shuho Kondo Producer Masaki Hasebe Producer Toshihiro Funahashi Music Producer Hisataka Kasama Production Supervisor 亀井隆広 Series Director 小山恭正 Sound Effects Michiyo Saito Sound Effects 山口貴之 Sound Mixer Kiyomi Yamada Assistant Editor Chiyuki Kojima Assistant Director of Photography Tasuku Ishibashi Special Effects 高橋留美子 Original Concept 高橋留美子 Comic Book 神谷浩史 Ataru Moroboshi (voice) 上坂すみれ Lum (voice) 内田真礼 Shinobu Miyake (voice) Mamoru Miyano Shutaro Mendo (voice) 高木渉 Cherry (voice) 沢城みゆき Sakura (voice) Episodi: 46 In onda il: 2022-10-14 1: Corri, giovanotto / Una situazione disperata Un gruppo di alieni invasori arriva sulla Terra, l'unica speranza per l'umanità è sconfiggere la figlia del leader alieno in una sfida ad acchiapparello, ma l'umano scelto dagli invasori per competere è un liceale cascamorto di Tokyo. 1: Corri, giovanotto / Una situazione disperata In onda il: 2022-10-14 Un gruppo di alieni invasori arriva sulla Terra, l'unica speranza per l'umanità è sconfiggere la figlia del leader alieno in una sfida ad acchiapparello, ma l'umano scelto dagli invasori per competere è un liceale cascamorto di Tokyo. In onda il: 2022-10-21 2: Un dono tutto per te / Il nastro giallo della felicità Ataru è perseguitato dalla sfortuna, ma incontra una sacerdotessa che decide di esorcizzare i demoni che lo perseguitano. In seguito Ataru chiede a Cherry di preparargli un nastro per sigillare i poteri da oni di Lamù. 2: Un dono tutto per te / Il nastro giallo della felicità In onda il: 2022-10-21 Ataru è perseguitato dalla sfortuna, ma incontra una sacerdotessa che decide di esorcizzare i demoni che lo perseguitano. In seguito Ataru chiede a Cherry di preparargli un nastro per sigillare i poteri da oni di Lamù. In onda il: 2022-10-28 3: I guai piovuti dal cielo! / Aggrovigliati nel labirinto Al liceo Tomobiki arriva il ricchissimo Shutaro Mendo, un nuovo studente che conquisterà il cuore di tutte le ragazze della classe inimicandosi invece tutti i ragazzi che eleggeranno Ataru a capoclasse. 3: I guai piovuti dal cielo! / Aggrovigliati nel labirinto In onda il: 2022-10-28 Al liceo Tomobiki arriva il ricchissimo Shutaro Mendo, un nuovo studente che conquisterà il cuore di tutte le ragazze della classe inimicandosi invece tutti i ragazzi che eleggeranno Ataru a capoclasse. In onda il: 2022-11-04 4: Un bacio per suggellare il patto! Mentre i nostri protagonisti giocano a tennis, piove dal cielo una bella principessa aliena addormentata. Secondo la legge del suo pianeta, chi le darà il bacio del risveglio diventerà il suo sposo e dovrà trascorrere una notte d'amore insieme a lei. 4: Un bacio per suggellare il patto! In onda il: 2022-11-04 Mentre i nostri protagonisti giocano a tennis, piove dal cielo una bella principessa aliena addormentata. Secondo la legge del suo pianeta, chi le darà il bacio del risveglio diventerà il suo sposo e dovrà trascorrere una notte d'amore insieme a lei. In onda il: 2022-11-11 5: I guantoni dell'amore e della lotta / Quanto a lungo ti ho atteso... Al liceo Tomobiki c'è una nuova infermiera, che però sembra conoscere molto bene Ataru. Nel frattempo, i ragazzi decidono di scrivere una finta lettera d'amore ad Ataru per fare una smacco a Shutaro, ma il giovane si convince che incontrerà una ragazza in carne e ossa. 5: I guantoni dell'amore e della lotta / Quanto a lungo ti ho atteso... In onda il: 2022-11-11 Al liceo Tomobiki c'è una nuova infermiera, che però sembra conoscere molto bene Ataru. Nel frattempo, i ragazzi decidono di scrivere una finta lettera d'amore ad Ataru per fare una smacco a Shutaro, ma il giovane si convince che incontrerà una ragazza in carne e ossa. In onda il: 2022-11-18 6: Un bel giorno per partire / Oyuki / Ataru si ritira Ataru torna a casa ansioso di mangiare il sukiyaki, ma Lamù lo informa che dovrà accompagnarla nell'annuale battaglia contro le divinità della fortuna sul suo pianeta natale. Nella seconda parte, una bellissima donna delle nevi porta una valanga di emozioni nella vita di Ataru. 6: Un bel giorno per partire / Oyuki / Ataru si ritira In onda il: 2022-11-18 Ataru torna a casa ansioso di mangiare il sukiyaki, ma Lamù lo informa che dovrà accompagnarla nell'annuale battaglia contro le divinità della fortuna sul suo pianeta natale. Nella seconda parte, una bellissima donna delle nevi porta una valanga di emozioni nella vita di Ataru. In onda il: 2022-11-25 7: Casa è dove si trova il cuore / Rifiuto umido al mare Mentre sono a divertirsi in un hotel di proprietà di Shutaro, i ragazzi scoprono uno yokai che vive sul fondo della piscina. Dato che il mostro fa scappare tutti i clienti dalla paura, Ataru e Lamù decidono di trovargli una nuova abitazione. 7: Casa è dove si trova il cuore / Rifiuto umido al mare In onda il: 2022-11-25 Mentre sono a divertirsi in un hotel di proprietà di Shutaro, i ragazzi scoprono uno yokai che vive sul fondo della piscina. Dato che il mostro fa scappare tutti i clienti dalla paura, Ataru e Lamù decidono di trovargli una nuova abitazione. In onda il: 2022-12-02 8: Confronto serrato con la nuova studentessa... / Confronto serrato alla festa d'addio... Lamù si iscrive al liceo Tomobiki e diventa ufficialmente una compagna di classe di Ataru. Tuttavia, proprio mentre pensa di poter vivere tranquilla al fianco del suo darling, scopre che anche la sua migliore amica Ran si è iscritta alla scuola e in più vuole portarle via il suo darling. 8: Confronto serrato con la nuova studentessa... / Confronto serrato alla festa d'addio... In onda il: 2022-12-02 Lamù si iscrive al liceo Tomobiki e diventa ufficialmente una compagna di classe di Ataru. Tuttavia, proprio mentre pensa di poter vivere tranquilla al fianco del suo darling, scopre che anche la sua migliore amica Ran si è iscritta alla scuola e in più vuole portarle via il suo darling. In onda il: 2022-12-09 9: Uccidere per amore / Caos durante l'ora di studio Rei, l'ex fidanzato di Lamù, arriva sulla Terra per chiederle la mano. Si tratta di un affascinante ragazzo mutaforma che, quando vede il cibo, si trasforma in un mostruoso e ingordo tigrebue, aspetto che Lamù ha sempre detestato. 9: Uccidere per amore / Caos durante l'ora di studio In onda il: 2022-12-09 Rei, l'ex fidanzato di Lamù, arriva sulla Terra per chiederle la mano. Si tratta di un affascinante ragazzo mutaforma che, quando vede il cibo, si trasforma in un mostruoso e ingordo tigrebue, aspetto che Lamù ha sempre detestato. In onda il: 2022-12-16 10: Gli spaventosi colloqui scolastici / Dopo che te ne sei andata La madre di Ataru va a scuola per i colloqui con gli insegnanti e, una volta arrivata, incontra anche la madre di Lamù e quella di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte dell'episodio, Lamù dirà addio ad Ataru e abbandonerà la Terra. 10: Gli spaventosi colloqui scolastici / Dopo che te ne sei andata In onda il: 2022-12-16 La madre di Ataru va a scuola per i colloqui con gli insegnanti e, una volta arrivata, incontra anche la madre di Lamù e quella di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte dell'episodio, Lamù dirà addio ad Ataru e abbandonerà la Terra. In onda il: 2022-12-23 11: I fratelli Mendo / Strana festa di capodanno nella fastidiosa villa dei Mendo A scuola arriva una strana ragazza a cui piace fare scherzi che si presenta come la promessa sposa di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte, Ataru e Lamù sono invitati a casa dei Mendo per festeggiare il capodanno, ma si troveranno coinvolti in uno strano gioco. 11: I fratelli Mendo / Strana festa di capodanno nella fastidiosa villa dei Mendo In onda il: 2022-12-23 A scuola arriva una strana ragazza a cui piace fare scherzi che si presenta come la promessa sposa di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte, Ataru e Lamù sono invitati a casa dei Mendo per festeggiare il capodanno, ma si troveranno coinvolti in uno strano gioco. In onda il: 2023-01-06 12: È arrivato Ten! / Appuntamento a due Arriva sulla Terra Ten, cugino di Lamù e piccolo oni in grado di fluttuare e sputare fiammate. Dato che tutte le ragazze lo ricoprono di attenzioni, Ataru prova invidia per il bambino e idea un piano per fare in modo che sia odiato da Sakura. 12: È arrivato Ten! / Appuntamento a due In onda il: 2023-01-06 Arriva sulla Terra Ten, cugino di Lamù e piccolo oni in grado di fluttuare e sputare fiammate. Dato che tutte le ragazze lo ricoprono di attenzioni, Ataru prova invidia per il bambino e idea un piano per fare in modo che sia odiato da Sakura. In onda il: 2023-01-13 13: La grande guerra del fast food / Un dono da Ten! I professori del liceo Tomobiki decidono di usare il pugno di ferro per vietare agli studenti di uscire dalla scuola a comprare da mangiare. Nella seconda parte, Ten ordina la Pallina LoveLove™ che mostra l'anima gemella con cui ci si sposerà, ma quando le ragazze la provano non vedono chi si aspettavano. 13: La grande guerra del fast food / Un dono da Ten! In onda il: 2023-01-13 I professori del liceo Tomobiki decidono di usare il pugno di ferro per vietare agli studenti di uscire dalla scuola a comprare da mangiare. Nella seconda parte, Ten ordina la Pallina LoveLove™ che mostra l'anima gemella con cui ci si sposerà, ma quando le ragazze la provano non vedono chi si aspettavano. In onda il: 2023-01-20 14: That Mizunokoji Boy / Love Letter Trouble All’s fair in love and… baseball? It’s time for a showdown on the baseball diamond! And once the dust settles, a “love letter” stirs up trouble. 14: That Mizunokoji Boy / Love Letter Trouble In onda il: 2023-01-20 All’s fair in love and… baseball? It’s time for a showdown on the baseball diamond! And once the dust settles, a “love letter” stirs up trouble. In onda il: 2023-01-27 15: Anko Pathos, the Taste of Love?! / Memories and a Close Call... / Adverse Effects Lum and Ran are friends, but one can best describe their relationship as prickly. 15: Anko Pathos, the Taste of Love?! / Memories and a Close Call... / Adverse Effects In onda il: 2023-01-27 Lum and Ran are friends, but one can best describe their relationship as prickly. In onda il: 2023-02-03 16: Family Feud!! / Hello, Sailor Suit!! Ataru and his friends were supposed to have a fun beach trip, but they find themselves swept up in Ryunosuke’s family drama instead! 16: Family Feud!! / Hello, Sailor Suit!! In onda il: 2023-02-03 Ataru and his friends were supposed to have a fun beach trip, but they find themselves swept up in Ryunosuke’s family drama instead! In onda il: 2023-02-10 17: A Chest Full of Longing!! / Wish Upon a Star Ryunosuke teams up with three delinquents to help Shinobu ward off an unwanted suitor. Later, Ataru’s family must be careful what they wish for. 17: A Chest Full of Longing!! / Wish Upon a Star In onda il: 2023-02-10 Ryunosuke teams up with three delinquents to help Shinobu ward off an unwanted suitor. Later, Ataru’s family must be careful what they wish for. In onda il: 2023-02-17 18: Indelible Lipstick Magic!! / Lethal Attacks: Yaminabe! There is nothing suspicious about the lipstick Lum wants to put on Ataru. Nope, nothing suspicious at all. Later, Ataru’s class takes the dreaded Yaminabe food challenge! 18: Indelible Lipstick Magic!! / Lethal Attacks: Yaminabe! In onda il: 2023-02-17 There is nothing suspicious about the lipstick Lum wants to put on Ataru. Nope, nothing suspicious at all. Later, Ataru’s class takes the dreaded Yaminabe food challenge! In onda il: 2023-02-24 19: Magic Realm! Jungle of Terror / Pickled Pro tip: never hurt an octopus’ feelings and never give an oni pickled plums. 19: Magic Realm! Jungle of Terror / Pickled In onda il: 2023-02-24 Pro tip: never hurt an octopus’ feelings and never give an oni pickled plums. In onda il: 2023-03-03 20: Recovering That Which Was Lost Three punks challenge Lum and her friends to a duel after stealing Benten’s precious chain. 20: Recovering That Which Was Lost In onda il: 2023-03-03 Three punks challenge Lum and her friends to a duel after stealing Benten’s precious chain. In onda il: 2023-03-10 21: Cosmo Teacher CAO-2 / Ooh, Scary! Voodoo Doll Lum and her friends worry the past will come back to haunt them. Later, Mendo’s life becomes much more complicated thanks to a voodoo doll. 21: Cosmo Teacher CAO-2 / Ooh, Scary! Voodoo Doll In onda il: 2023-03-10 Lum and her friends worry the past will come back to haunt them. Later, Mendo’s life becomes much more complicated thanks to a voodoo doll. In onda il: 2023-03-17 22: Big Bottle, Little Bottle / When Love Strikes Lum is quite the handful, no matter what size she is. Later, a shapeshifting fox takes a liking to Shinobu. 22: Big Bottle, Little Bottle / When Love Strikes In onda il: 2023-03-17 Lum is quite the handful, no matter what size she is. Later, a shapeshifting fox takes a liking to Shinobu. In onda il: 2023-03-24 23: Title Match!! The Tomo-1 Queen Contest The finalists have different motives. Lum wants Ataru’s attention, Ran wants to get in Lum’s way, Shinobu and Sakura want the money, and Ryunosuke has something to prove. 23: Title Match!! The Tomo-1 Queen Contest In onda il: 2023-03-24 The finalists have different motives. Lum wants Ataru’s attention, Ran wants to get in Lum’s way, Shinobu and Sakura want the money, and Ryunosuke has something to prove. In onda il: 2024-01-12 24: Fantasy Balloon Gum / Love Knows No Barriers Surely Ataru wouldn’t misuse bubble gum that has the power to create whatever he wants. But would that be worse than Lum losing the ability to speak other languages? 24: Fantasy Balloon Gum / Love Knows No Barriers In onda il: 2024-01-12 Surely Ataru wouldn’t misuse bubble gum that has the power to create whatever he wants. But would that be worse than Lum losing the ability to speak other languages? In onda il: 2024-01-19 25: Trickle of Memories / Album of Memories / The Home Visit Blues: Feuding Fujinami Edition Ryunosuke grew up without a mother and wants to know more about her. Unfortunately, her father is keeping an important detail from her. 25: Trickle of Memories / Album of Memories / The Home Visit Blues: Feuding Fujinami Edition In onda il: 2024-01-19 Ryunosuke grew up without a mother and wants to know more about her. Unfortunately, her father is keeping an important detail from her. In onda il: 2024-01-26 26: Electric Jungle Lum has a new suitor, but it doesn’t take long before there’s trouble in paradise. 26: Electric Jungle In onda il: 2024-01-26 Lum has a new suitor, but it doesn’t take long before there’s trouble in paradise. In onda il: 2024-02-02 27: Love Thief / That Mizunokoji Girl Relationship drama swiftly follows when Kurama sets her eyes on Rei. Speaking of relationships, Mendo discovers that he’s engaged to Tobimaro’s sister. 27: Love Thief / That Mizunokoji Girl In onda il: 2024-02-02 Relationship drama swiftly follows when Kurama sets her eyes on Rei. Speaking of relationships, Mendo discovers that he’s engaged to Tobimaro’s sister. In onda il: 2024-02-09 28: The Continuation of: That Mizunokoji Girl As Mendo desperately tries to escape his unwanted engagement, Asuka’s upbringing gives a whole new meaning to the term sheltered. 28: The Continuation of: That Mizunokoji Girl In onda il: 2024-02-09 As Mendo desperately tries to escape his unwanted engagement, Asuka’s upbringing gives a whole new meaning to the term sheltered. In onda il: 2024-02-16 29: Kotatsu Love / Lum Becomes a Cow / The Home Visit Blues: Luxurious Mendo Edition Life is full of unexpected events, like an extra lively kotatsu purchase and Lum believing she’s turning into a cow. 29: Kotatsu Love / Lum Becomes a Cow / The Home Visit Blues: Luxurious Mendo Edition In onda il: 2024-02-16 Life is full of unexpected events, like an extra lively kotatsu purchase and Lum believing she’s turning into a cow. In onda il: 2024-02-23 30: Eerie Earmuffs / Family Tree No good can come of Ataru and Ten switching bodies, nor using Lum’s shortcut to get to school on time. 30: Eerie Earmuffs / Family Tree In onda il: 2024-02-23 No good can come of Ataru and Ten switching bodies, nor using Lum’s shortcut to get to school on time. In onda il: 2024-03-01 31: Open the Door (1) Shinobu, Lum, and Ataru take an unexpected trip to the future. The good news is they discover who their spouses are. The bad news is their disappointment is immeasurable. 31: Open the Door (1) In onda il: 2024-03-01 Shinobu, Lum, and Ataru take an unexpected trip to the future. The good news is they discover who their spouses are. The bad news is their disappointment is immeasurable. In onda il: 2024-03-08 32: Open the Door (2) / The Home Visit Blues: Prohibitive Miyake Edition The trio are determined to find their ideal futures, but each one they find leave them unsatisfied. And Inaba’s coworkers are not happy with the group’s meddling. 32: Open the Door (2) / The Home Visit Blues: Prohibitive Miyake Edition In onda il: 2024-03-08 The trio are determined to find their ideal futures, but each one they find leave them unsatisfied. And Inaba’s coworkers are not happy with the group’s meddling. In onda il: 2024-03-15 33: Haunted Mendo / Last Date Whether it’s an octopus or a girl burdened by regrets, spirits need assistance from the living. Unexpectedly, Mendo and Ataru find themselves navigating these burdens. 33: Haunted Mendo / Last Date In onda il: 2024-03-15 Whether it’s an octopus or a girl burdened by regrets, spirits need assistance from the living. Unexpectedly, Mendo and Ataru find themselves navigating these burdens. In onda il: 2024-03-22 34: The Case of the Battered Principal / The Secret Garden / The Home Visit Blues: Hellish Moroboshi Edition Whodunit? No one saw what happened to the principal despite all of them being in the same room. Later, chaos ensues when flowers start spreading rumors around town. 34: The Case of the Battered Principal / The Secret Garden / The Home Visit Blues: Hellish Moroboshi Edition In onda il: 2024-03-22 Whodunit? No one saw what happened to the principal despite all of them being in the same room. Later, chaos ensues when flowers start spreading rumors around town. In onda il: 2024-03-29 35: Lovely Darling in Danger!! / Foxes in the Moonlight / The Home Visit Blues: Mark Onsen Goes to Space Lum finds herself in a race against time to save Ataru. Later, a certain fox seeks to recreate an old legend with magic horsetail shoots. Even later, Mark meets Lum's parents. 35: Lovely Darling in Danger!! / Foxes in the Moonlight / The Home Visit Blues: Mark Onsen Goes to Space In onda il: 2024-03-29 Lum finds herself in a race against time to save Ataru. Later, a certain fox seeks to recreate an old legend with magic horsetail shoots. Even later, Mark meets Lum's parents. In onda il: 2024-04-12 36: Wretched Shutaro!! What kind of training is Mendo doing, anyway? Lum and Ataru are going to find out. 36: Wretched Shutaro!! In onda il: 2024-04-12 What kind of training is Mendo doing, anyway? Lum and Ataru are going to find out. In onda il: 2024-04-19 37: Asuka Returns / A Stormy Date (1) Asuka's mother hatches a plan to help her daughter overcome her fear of men. It appears that drastic measures are on the horizon. 37: Asuka Returns / A Stormy Date (1) In onda il: 2024-04-19 Asuka's mother hatches a plan to help her daughter overcome her fear of men. It appears that drastic measures are on the horizon. In onda il: 2024-04-26 38: A Stormy Date (2) Asuka and Mendo go on a date and to say things don’t go as planned would be a vast understatement. 38: A Stormy Date (2) In onda il: 2024-04-26 Asuka and Mendo go on a date and to say things don’t go as planned would be a vast understatement. In onda il: 2024-05-03 39: Nagisa's Fiancé / The Fairy's Parasol Ryunosuke and her father are now the proud owners of a seaside cafe and an island after paying a suspiciously cheap price! Later, a fairy asks Ten to find his missing parasol. 39: Nagisa's Fiancé / The Fairy's Parasol In onda il: 2024-05-03 Ryunosuke and her father are now the proud owners of a seaside cafe and an island after paying a suspiciously cheap price! Later, a fairy asks Ten to find his missing parasol. In onda il: 2024-05-10 40: One Night's Battle / Deadly Peril in the Classroom Nagisa needs a kiss from Ryunosuke to pass on, which is easier said than done. Later, Mark threatens his class with supplementary lessons if he catches them talking. 40: One Night's Battle / Deadly Peril in the Classroom In onda il: 2024-05-10 Nagisa needs a kiss from Ryunosuke to pass on, which is easier said than done. Later, Mark threatens his class with supplementary lessons if he catches them talking. In onda il: 2024-05-17 41: Flower Petals of Love and Courage Inaba returns and has an important question for Shinobu. 41: Flower Petals of Love and Courage In onda il: 2024-05-17 Inaba returns and has an important question for Shinobu. In onda il: 2024-05-24 42: Lum's Wrath / Steal My Heart Ten must apologize for ruining Ataru’s scarf, but how? Later, candy hearts have the same effect as love potions. Meanwhile, the Dark Dominion lies on the horizon. 42: Lum's Wrath / Steal My Heart In onda il: 2024-05-24 Ten must apologize for ruining Ataru’s scarf, but how? Later, candy hearts have the same effect as love potions. Meanwhile, the Dark Dominion lies on the horizon. In onda il: 2024-05-31 43: Boy Meets Girl: The Morning of Farewell Lum is not happy when she learns she’s being forced into an arranged marriage thanks to her great grandfather. 43: Boy Meets Girl: The Morning of Farewell In onda il: 2024-05-31 Lum is not happy when she learns she’s being forced into an arranged marriage thanks to her great grandfather. In onda il: 2024-06-07 44: Boy Meets Girl: Are You Really Getting Married? Ataru and Mendo team up with Lum’s friends to save her from a forced marriage. But they aren’t the only ones who’re trying to stop the wedding. 44: Boy Meets Girl: Are You Really Getting Married? In onda il: 2024-06-07 Ataru and Mendo team up with Lum’s friends to save her from a forced marriage. But they aren’t the only ones who’re trying to stop the wedding. In onda il: 2024-06-14 45: Boy Meets Girl: Crooked Heart What started as a misunderstanding ends in a falling out. Now Lum refuses to return until Ataru apologizes. 45: Boy Meets Girl: Crooked Heart In onda il: 2024-06-14 What started as a misunderstanding ends in a falling out. Now Lum refuses to return until Ataru apologizes. In onda il: 2024-06-21 46: Boy Meets Girl: I Want You When I Can't Have You Nessuna trama disponibile 46: Boy Meets Girl: I Want You When I Can't Have You In onda il: 2024-06-21 Nessuna trama disponibile Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e