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Jennifer L. Armentrout - Harbinger (spinoff di Dark Elements) (2020-2021) (3 titoli) Trama Trama tratta dal primo volume: Anche se sta perdendo la vista, Trinity Marrow, diciotto anni, può vedere fantasmi e spiriti e comunicare con loro. Il suo è un dono raro, parte di un segreto così pericoloso da costringerla a vivere nascosta in un complesso residenziale isolato e circondato da mura, guardata a vista dai Guardiani, gargoyle mutaforma incaricati di proteggere l’umanità dai demoni. E anche lei. Perché se le creature degli Inferi scoprissero la verità sul suo conto la divorerebbero, carne e ossa, per accrescere il loro potere. Quando i Guardiani di un altro clan si presentano a casa sua con l’inquietante notizia che nel mondo reale c’è qualcuno che uccide sia i demoni sia i gargoyle, di colpo il mondo che Trinity ha sempre considerato sicuro implode. E a complicare le cose c’è il fatto che uno degli stranieri giunti in visita, il biondo Zayne, è la persona più indisponente e affascinante che lei abbia mai conosciuto. Anche lui custodisce dei segreti che potrebbero sconvolgerle la vita... ma quando i demoni penetrano nella residenza del clan e la vera natura di Trinity viene svelata, collaborare diventa l’unica alternativa possibile. Per salvare la sua famiglia e forse addirittura il mondo intero, Trinity dovrà imparare affidarsi di Zayne... cosa niente affatto facile nel bel mezzo di una guerra tra potenze soprannaturali. Jennifer L. Armentrout - Harbinger 01. Tempesta e furia (2020) Jennifer L. Armentrout - Harbinger 02. Rabbia e rovina (2021) Jennifer L. Armentrout - Harbinger 03. Grazia e destino (2021) Genere: Fantasy Formato: EPUB singoli in cartella ZIP Dimensione: 1,78 MB Download http://depositfiles.com/files/iikfv5exy Se trovate offline, segnalate per reup.
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Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo e leggero tra i vigneti della Toscana (2020-2021) (7 titoli) Trama Trama tratta da Invecchiato per un omicidio: Dal momento in cui Olivia Glass, 34, escogita una vincente campagna pubblicitaria per un vino pessimo, l’agenzia pubblicitaria in cui lavora viene catapultata verso il successo. Olivia non è soddisfatta del suo lavoro, anzi se ne vergogna—però le è appena stata offerta quella promozione che sognava da tempo. Di fronte a un bivio Olivia capisce di voler altro dalla vita. Quando anche la sua relazione stabile di quattro anni finisce bruscamente per l’infedeltà del suo compagno capisce che è arrivato il momento di lasciarsi tutto alle spalle e cambiare le cose. Olivia sognava da sempre la Toscana, una vita semplice, un piccolo vigneto tutto per lei. Quando un amica di vecchia data le fa sapere di una villetta nei colli toscani Olivia non può fare a meno di pensare: sarà il destino? Esilarante, un concentrato di paesaggi suggestivi, cibi e vini della tradizione, romanticismo ed eventi sconvolgenti. Un paesino di collina fa da sfondo ad uno sconcertante mistero, che Olivia e il suo adorabile amico a quattro zampe dovranno risolvere—INVECCHIATO PER UN OMICIDIO è una storia accattivante, che vi lascerà col fiato sospeso, ma che vi farà anche ridere di gusto. Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo tra i vigneti della Toscana 01. Invecchiato per un omicidio (2020) Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo tra i vigneti della Toscana 02. Invecchiato per la morte (2020) Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo tra i vigneti della Toscana 03. Invecchiato per il caos (2020) Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo tra i vigneti della Toscana 04. Maturato per sedurre (2021) Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo tra i vigneti della Toscana 05. Stagionato per la vendetta (2021) Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo tra i vigneti della Toscana 06. Invecchiato per l'acredine (2021) Fiona Grace - Un giallo intimo tra i vigneti della Toscana 07. Invecchiato per la malizia (2021) Genere: Giallo Formato: EPUB singoli in cartella ZIP Dimensione: 11,69 MB Download http://depositfiles.com/files/lm8jufm9c Se trovate offline, segnalate per reup.
Han'yō no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizōshi [48/48] (2020-2021) Sub ITA Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Stagione 1 Episodi 48 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure Nel Giappone feudale, le gemelle mezze demoni Towa e Setsuna vengono separate a causa di un incendio. Alla disperata ricerca della sorella minore, Towa si imbatte in un tunnel misterioso che la porta nel Giappone odierno, dove viene trovata e cresciuta da Sota, il fratello di Kagome, e da tutta la famiglia Higurashi. Dieci anni dopo, il tunnel si riapre e Towa può tornare nella sua epoca e ricongiungersi con Setsuna, diventata nel frattempo una sterminatrice di demoni al servizio di Kohaku. Peccato però che Setsuna sembra aver perso ogni ricordo di Towa. Insieme a Moroha, la figlia di Inuyasha e Kagome, le tre giovani donne intraprendono un viaggio tra passato e presente alla ricerca del proprio passato. Shunpei Kurosumi Systems Administrators & Support 椎原操志 Sound Mixer 佐藤照雄 Series Director Miho Norisue Art Designer Kayoko Tomono Art Designer 池田繁美 Art Designer 大久保修一 Art Designer Kana Sasaki Executive Producer 菱田正和 Series Director Hisakazu Naka Producer 佐々木新 Executive Producer 高橋留美子 Character Designer 佐藤美由紀 Color Designer 名倉靖 Sound Director 隅沢克之 Series Composition 和田薫 Original Music Composer 高橋留美子 Comic Book 新居和弘 Editor Shigemi Ogawa Director of Photography Yukiko Maruyama Art Direction 池田繁美 Art Direction 菱沼義仁 Character Designer 松本沙羅 Towa Higurashi (voice) Mikako Komatsu Setsuna (voice) 田所あずさ Moroha (voice) 木村良平 Kohaku (voice) 浦尾岳大 Hisui (voice) ファイルーズあい Takechiyo (voice) Jun Fukuyama Riku (voice) Yoshimasa Hosoya Kirinmaru (voice) Maaya Sakamoto Zero (voice) 藤田咲 Rion (voice) Episodi: 48 In onda il: 2020-10-03 1: Inuyasha: Since Then Towa Higurashi learns about an incident that took place decades ago involving a half demon named Inuyasha and a priestess named Kagome. 1: Inuyasha: Since Then In onda il: 2020-10-03 Towa Higurashi learns about an incident that took place decades ago involving a half demon named Inuyasha and a priestess named Kagome. In onda il: 2020-10-10 2: The Three Princesses Half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna are separated from each other when a mysterious tunnel sends Towa into the future, where she is found and raised by Kagome Higurashi’s brother Sota. 2: The Three Princesses In onda il: 2020-10-10 Half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna are separated from each other when a mysterious tunnel sends Towa into the future, where she is found and raised by Kagome Higurashi’s brother Sota. In onda il: 2020-10-17 3: The Dream Butterfly In the present day, a demon emerges through the Sacred Tree at Higurashi Shrine with Setsuna, Towa’s twin, and the bounty hunter Moroha in tow. Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha struggle to battle the demon, whose powers have been strengthened with two Rainbow Pearls, but seeing Setsuna in trouble awakens Towa’s latent demon powers. 3: The Dream Butterfly In onda il: 2020-10-17 In the present day, a demon emerges through the Sacred Tree at Higurashi Shrine with Setsuna, Towa’s twin, and the bounty hunter Moroha in tow. Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha struggle to battle the demon, whose powers have been strengthened with two Rainbow Pearls, but seeing Setsuna in trouble awakens Towa’s latent demon powers. In onda il: 2020-10-24 4: The Gateway To The Past Towa decides to return to the feudal era to help Setsuna regain her memories. The trio enter the corridor leading to the feudal era, but within it awaits the spirit of a certain priestess. 4: The Gateway To The Past In onda il: 2020-10-24 Towa decides to return to the feudal era to help Setsuna regain her memories. The trio enter the corridor leading to the feudal era, but within it awaits the spirit of a certain priestess. In onda il: 2020-10-31 5: Jakotsumaru of the Red Bone Palace Safely back in the feudal era, Moroha heads to the corpse dealer to claim her bounty. Meanwhile, Towa and Setsuna take on a request to slay Jakotsumaru, a boy who has been extracting bones from humans and beasts in order to revive his father, the demon beast Tokotsu. 5: Jakotsumaru of the Red Bone Palace In onda il: 2020-10-31 Safely back in the feudal era, Moroha heads to the corpse dealer to claim her bounty. Meanwhile, Towa and Setsuna take on a request to slay Jakotsumaru, a boy who has been extracting bones from humans and beasts in order to revive his father, the demon beast Tokotsu. In onda il: 2020-11-07 6: The Cat Juan at the Old Temple Travelers are going missing one after another. Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha head to the northern mountains to crack the case, but instead they find a village completely overrun by ghost cats! 6: The Cat Juan at the Old Temple In onda il: 2020-11-07 Travelers are going missing one after another. Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha head to the northern mountains to crack the case, but instead they find a village completely overrun by ghost cats! In onda il: 2020-11-14 7: Meeting through an Apple On her way to search for the Dream Butterfly, Towa meets a strange young man named Riku. Towa offers him an apple, and in thanks, Riku presents her with the genuine Kikujumonji sword. 7: Meeting through an Apple In onda il: 2020-11-14 On her way to search for the Dream Butterfly, Towa meets a strange young man named Riku. Towa offers him an apple, and in thanks, Riku presents her with the genuine Kikujumonji sword. In onda il: 2020-11-21 8: The Dream Gazing Trap After fleeing from the deputy shogun’s estate, Yotsume borrows the power of a Rainbow Pearl to unleash his Dream Gazing spell upon the Half-Demon Princesses, who are hot on his trail. 8: The Dream Gazing Trap In onda il: 2020-11-21 After fleeing from the deputy shogun’s estate, Yotsume borrows the power of a Rainbow Pearl to unleash his Dream Gazing spell upon the Half-Demon Princesses, who are hot on his trail. In onda il: 2020-11-28 9: Meifuku, the Meioju Moroha accepts a job to slay Konton, a member of the Four Perils said to have defeated Meioju, a demon beast with the ultimate armored shell. 9: Meifuku, the Meioju In onda il: 2020-11-28 Moroha accepts a job to slay Konton, a member of the Four Perils said to have defeated Meioju, a demon beast with the ultimate armored shell. In onda il: 2020-12-05 10: The Gold and Silver Rainbow Pearls The Half-Demon Princesses are tasked with slaying Kinka and Ginka, conjoined twins of the Ka Demon Tribe whose battles for dominance have been wreaking havoc everywhere. 10: The Gold and Silver Rainbow Pearls In onda il: 2020-12-05 The Half-Demon Princesses are tasked with slaying Kinka and Ginka, conjoined twins of the Ka Demon Tribe whose battles for dominance have been wreaking havoc everywhere. In onda il: 2020-12-12 11: Curse of the Man-Eating Pond Something wicked lurks in the Man-Eating Pond, devouring any human, beast or bird that comes near. Towa and Setsuna meet Hikomaru and Chiyo, siblings who lost their parents to the pond. 11: Curse of the Man-Eating Pond In onda il: 2020-12-12 Something wicked lurks in the Man-Eating Pond, devouring any human, beast or bird that comes near. Towa and Setsuna meet Hikomaru and Chiyo, siblings who lost their parents to the pond. In onda il: 2020-12-19 12: Night of the New Moon and the Black-haired Towa The demon Nikosen was a sage before evil consumed his soul. Konton orders him to kill the Half-Demon Princesses. Towa struggles as her demon powers fade and she turns into a human. 12: Night of the New Moon and the Black-haired Towa In onda il: 2020-12-19 The demon Nikosen was a sage before evil consumed his soul. Konton orders him to kill the Half-Demon Princesses. Towa struggles as her demon powers fade and she turns into a human. In onda il: 2020-12-26 13: The Delicious Feudal Monks When a demon begins to devour virtuous monks and Shinto priests in the region, Hisui is assigned to guard his father, Miroku, who has been undergoing harsh training for the past two years. 13: The Delicious Feudal Monks In onda il: 2020-12-26 When a demon begins to devour virtuous monks and Shinto priests in the region, Hisui is assigned to guard his father, Miroku, who has been undergoing harsh training for the past two years. In onda il: 2021-01-09 14: The One Behind the Forest Fire Towa and Setsuna set off to slay Homura, an evil mountain god who has abducted a beautiful maiden. The twins learn that Homura was involved in the forest fire that separated them. 14: The One Behind the Forest Fire In onda il: 2021-01-09 Towa and Setsuna set off to slay Homura, an evil mountain god who has abducted a beautiful maiden. The twins learn that Homura was involved in the forest fire that separated them. In onda il: 2021-01-16 15: Farewell Under the Lunar Eclipse The truth behind the night that sealed the fate of Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha’s parents is finally revealed. 15: Farewell Under the Lunar Eclipse In onda il: 2021-01-16 The truth behind the night that sealed the fate of Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha’s parents is finally revealed. In onda il: 2021-01-23 16: Double-Edged Moroha Moroha once had a master named Yawaragi, who was keeping a life-threatening secret. In order to resolve the secret and protect her pupil, Yawaragi made an agreement with Jyubei. 16: Double-Edged Moroha In onda il: 2021-01-23 Moroha once had a master named Yawaragi, who was keeping a life-threatening secret. In order to resolve the secret and protect her pupil, Yawaragi made an agreement with Jyubei. In onda il: 2021-01-30 17: The Two Evil Traps Konton devises a plan to destroy the Half-Demon Princesses. Riku offers to help him out. The three girls are lured into a ravine and fall right into Konton’s trap. 17: The Two Evil Traps In onda il: 2021-01-30 Konton devises a plan to destroy the Half-Demon Princesses. Riku offers to help him out. The three girls are lured into a ravine and fall right into Konton’s trap. In onda il: 2021-02-06 18: Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru Konton learns of the origins of the Rainbow Pearl and the connection between Kirinmaru and the Dream Butterfly. He summons an ogre to attack the Half-Demon Princesses. 18: Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru In onda il: 2021-02-06 Konton learns of the origins of the Rainbow Pearl and the connection between Kirinmaru and the Dream Butterfly. He summons an ogre to attack the Half-Demon Princesses. In onda il: 2021-02-13 19: Princess Aiya’s Beniyasha Hunting The deputy shogun’s daughter Aiya offers to employ the demon slayers if they win in a battle against the bounty hunters. 19: Princess Aiya’s Beniyasha Hunting In onda il: 2021-02-13 The deputy shogun’s daughter Aiya offers to employ the demon slayers if they win in a battle against the bounty hunters. In onda il: 2021-02-20 20: The Hidden Village for Half Demons Setsuna opens up to Towa about the hidden village for half-demons where she was raised for most of her childhood. 20: The Hidden Village for Half Demons In onda il: 2021-02-20 Setsuna opens up to Towa about the hidden village for half-demons where she was raised for most of her childhood. In onda il: 2021-02-27 21: Secret of the Rainbow Pearls On the night of the new moon, Riku pays Towa a visit to chat. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one planning to drop by. 21: Secret of the Rainbow Pearls In onda il: 2021-02-27 On the night of the new moon, Riku pays Towa a visit to chat. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one planning to drop by. In onda il: 2021-03-06 22: The Stolen Seal Zero removes the seal that Miroku placed on Setsuna to suppress her demon powers, awakening the latent demon blood within. 22: The Stolen Seal In onda il: 2021-03-06 Zero removes the seal that Miroku placed on Setsuna to suppress her demon powers, awakening the latent demon blood within. In onda il: 2021-03-13 23: The Three Princesses Strike Back Setsuna and Towa hire Moroha to help slay Zero. The trio successfully track Zero down, but Riku stands in their way. 23: The Three Princesses Strike Back In onda il: 2021-03-13 Setsuna and Towa hire Moroha to help slay Zero. The trio successfully track Zero down, but Riku stands in their way. In onda il: 2021-03-20 24: Sesshomaru's Daughter Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha are left to confront Kirinmaru, but in the face of overwhelming power, they must pay a great price. 24: Sesshomaru's Daughter In onda il: 2021-03-20 Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha are left to confront Kirinmaru, but in the face of overwhelming power, they must pay a great price. In onda il: 2021-10-02 25: Wielding the Tenseiga Sesshomaru hands the broken Tenseiga to a grieving Towa, leaving Setsuna’s fate in her hands. Will Towa be able to bring Setsuna back to life? 25: Wielding the Tenseiga In onda il: 2021-10-02 Sesshomaru hands the broken Tenseiga to a grieving Towa, leaving Setsuna’s fate in her hands. Will Towa be able to bring Setsuna back to life? In onda il: 2021-10-09 26: Demon Spirit of the Sea Having restored Setsuna to life and recovered from her exhaustion, Towa finds herself alone as Setsuna and Moroha begin searching for the mystical root needed to forge Towa a new sword. 26: Demon Spirit of the Sea In onda il: 2021-10-09 Having restored Setsuna to life and recovered from her exhaustion, Towa finds herself alone as Setsuna and Moroha begin searching for the mystical root needed to forge Towa a new sword. In onda il: 2021-10-16 27: The Silver-Scale Curse Jaken recalls that fateful day fourteen years ago, when Zero placed a curse on Rin that would make her slowly rot away to an excruciating death. The three girls search for Bokusen-Oh, who may have a lead on the whereabouts of Towa’s new weapon. 27: The Silver-Scale Curse In onda il: 2021-10-16 Jaken recalls that fateful day fourteen years ago, when Zero placed a curse on Rin that would make her slowly rot away to an excruciating death. The three girls search for Bokusen-Oh, who may have a lead on the whereabouts of Towa’s new weapon. In onda il: 2021-10-23 28: The Barrier at Mount Musubi The three girls arrive at Mount Musubi but are trapped by a powerful barrier. Moroha manages to escape and runs into something unexpected. 28: The Barrier at Mount Musubi In onda il: 2021-10-23 The three girls arrive at Mount Musubi but are trapped by a powerful barrier. Moroha manages to escape and runs into something unexpected. In onda il: 2021-10-30 29: The Girl Named Rion Rion used to travel the world with her father Kirinmaru, but one day, her soul was sealed deep within Mount Musubi. Longing for freedom and peace, Rion asks Setsuna to sever the thread of fate that connects her to her father. 29: The Girl Named Rion In onda il: 2021-10-30 Rion used to travel the world with her father Kirinmaru, but one day, her soul was sealed deep within Mount Musubi. Longing for freedom and peace, Rion asks Setsuna to sever the thread of fate that connects her to her father. In onda il: 2021-11-06 30: Hisui the Demon Slayer Setsuna is kidnapped by Princess Aiya, daughter of the deputy shogun. Wanting to escape her studies, Princess Aiya begs Setsuna to be her body double for a day, but the princess’s new tutor turns out to be Hisui posing as his older sister Kin’u! 30: Hisui the Demon Slayer In onda il: 2021-11-06 Setsuna is kidnapped by Princess Aiya, daughter of the deputy shogun. Wanting to escape her studies, Princess Aiya begs Setsuna to be her body double for a day, but the princess’s new tutor turns out to be Hisui posing as his older sister Kin’u! In onda il: 2021-11-13 31: Takechiyo's Request Revealing that he was once the young lord of the Mamidaira Clan, Takechiyo hires Moroha as a bodyguard to help him with the familial strife at his home. During training, Kohaku teaches Towa an important lesson about learning to run away. 31: Takechiyo's Request In onda il: 2021-11-13 Revealing that he was once the young lord of the Mamidaira Clan, Takechiyo hires Moroha as a bodyguard to help him with the familial strife at his home. During training, Kohaku teaches Towa an important lesson about learning to run away. In onda il: 2021-11-20 32: Nanahoshi's Mini Galaxy Zero sets a trap in the garden of Nanahoshi, a demon who feeds on sadness. Kirinmaru pays Towa, Riku, and Rion a visit. Kohaku, Hisui, and Setsuna assist the chief of the demon slayers in the north. 32: Nanahoshi's Mini Galaxy In onda il: 2021-11-20 Zero sets a trap in the garden of Nanahoshi, a demon who feeds on sadness. Kirinmaru pays Towa, Riku, and Rion a visit. Kohaku, Hisui, and Setsuna assist the chief of the demon slayers in the north. In onda il: 2021-11-27 33: Mayonaka the Visitor Kohaku and the demon slayers struggle to put out the fires caused by the Flame Bulls. Mayonaka, who used to be a local deity, demands the people of Gokoku Village hand over the town’s divine object. 33: Mayonaka the Visitor In onda il: 2021-11-27 Kohaku and the demon slayers struggle to put out the fires caused by the Flame Bulls. Mayonaka, who used to be a local deity, demands the people of Gokoku Village hand over the town’s divine object. In onda il: 2021-12-04 34: Battle on the New Moon (1) Moroha learns about her parents’ battle against Shogen Mamiana, the sealing of the Full Moon Raccoon Dog, and Takechiyo’s exile from his clan. Setsuna is attacked by the snow demon Yukinyudo. Zero targets Towa on the new moon. 34: Battle on the New Moon (1) In onda il: 2021-12-04 Moroha learns about her parents’ battle against Shogen Mamiana, the sealing of the Full Moon Raccoon Dog, and Takechiyo’s exile from his clan. Setsuna is attacked by the snow demon Yukinyudo. Zero targets Towa on the new moon. In onda il: 2021-12-11 35: Battle on the New Moon (2) Moroha and Takechiyo strike back against Shogen Mamiana. Setsuna experiences her first New Moon. Towa is trapped by Nanahoshi’s eternity bugs. 35: Battle on the New Moon (2) In onda il: 2021-12-11 Moroha and Takechiyo strike back against Shogen Mamiana. Setsuna experiences her first New Moon. Towa is trapped by Nanahoshi’s eternity bugs. In onda il: 2021-12-18 36: A Place (Not) for Towa Zero unearths Towa’s sadness about growing up in the modern world and corners her with her memories of loneliness and suffering. Sesshomaru appears before the demon slayers and commands Setsuna to pay the Tree of Ages a visit. 36: A Place (Not) for Towa In onda il: 2021-12-18 Zero unearths Towa’s sadness about growing up in the modern world and corners her with her memories of loneliness and suffering. Sesshomaru appears before the demon slayers and commands Setsuna to pay the Tree of Ages a visit. In onda il: 2021-12-25 37: Zero's Wish Towa is consumed by rage and loneliness. Setsuna tries to stop her from killing Zero because the curse on their mother cannot be lifted unless Zero lets go of her regrets. Sesshomaru gives Moroha the Black Pearl. 37: Zero's Wish In onda il: 2021-12-25 Towa is consumed by rage and loneliness. Setsuna tries to stop her from killing Zero because the curse on their mother cannot be lifted unless Zero lets go of her regrets. Sesshomaru gives Moroha the Black Pearl. In onda il: 2022-01-08 38: Kirinmaru of the Dawn Kirinmaru takes the Black Pearl from Moroha and demands that she bring Akuru to him. Towa and Setsuna try to lend a hand, but Sesshomaru arrives at the scene to take on Kirinmaru instead. Meanwhile, Rion and Riku head to Mount Musubi. 38: Kirinmaru of the Dawn In onda il: 2022-01-08 Kirinmaru takes the Black Pearl from Moroha and demands that she bring Akuru to him. Towa and Setsuna try to lend a hand, but Sesshomaru arrives at the scene to take on Kirinmaru instead. Meanwhile, Rion and Riku head to Mount Musubi. In onda il: 2022-01-15 39: Moroha and Family, Together Again Inside the Black Pearl, Moroha is finally reunited with her parents, Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha begins to see a way out of the Black Pearl. Meanwhile, Kirinmaru’s attack leaves Sesshomaru gravely injured. 39: Moroha and Family, Together Again In onda il: 2022-01-15 Inside the Black Pearl, Moroha is finally reunited with her parents, Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha begins to see a way out of the Black Pearl. Meanwhile, Kirinmaru’s attack leaves Sesshomaru gravely injured. In onda il: 2022-01-22 40: The Three Princesses Escape Wanting to prove his strength, Kirinmaru faces off against Sesshomaru. Towa summons the Tenseiga. Shippo waits for Inuyasha and the others at Gozu and Mezu’s gate. 40: The Three Princesses Escape In onda il: 2022-01-22 Wanting to prove his strength, Kirinmaru faces off against Sesshomaru. Towa summons the Tenseiga. Shippo waits for Inuyasha and the others at Gozu and Mezu’s gate. In onda il: 2022-01-29 41: Akuru's Pinwheel In the present day, Osamu Kirin sees the Grim Comet approaching. Meanwhile, in the feudal era, Towa’s life is in danger after she uses her Zanseiken. The Spirit of the Tree of Ages orders the half-demon princesses to go destroy the Grim Comet. 41: Akuru's Pinwheel In onda il: 2022-01-29 In the present day, Osamu Kirin sees the Grim Comet approaching. Meanwhile, in the feudal era, Towa’s life is in danger after she uses her Zanseiken. The Spirit of the Tree of Ages orders the half-demon princesses to go destroy the Grim Comet. In onda il: 2022-02-05 42: The Collapse of the Windmill of Time To destroy the Grim Comet, Towa, Moroha, and Setsuna must travel to the present day using the Windmill of Time, but Meidomaru stands in their way. Kirinmaru takes Rion and tries to travel across time by force. 42: The Collapse of the Windmill of Time In onda il: 2022-02-05 To destroy the Grim Comet, Towa, Moroha, and Setsuna must travel to the present day using the Windmill of Time, but Meidomaru stands in their way. Kirinmaru takes Rion and tries to travel across time by force. In onda il: 2022-02-12 43: The Blackout Osamu Kirin has been quietly exterminating the demons that have been appearing in the present day. He asks Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha to slay demons at the concert that is happening. 43: The Blackout In onda il: 2022-02-12 Osamu Kirin has been quietly exterminating the demons that have been appearing in the present day. He asks Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha to slay demons at the concert that is happening. In onda il: 2022-02-26 44: When the Grim Comet Falls Inuyasha and the others have their hands full with the evil spirits pouring out of the burning Windmill of Time. The three girls and Osamu Kirin try to stop the Grim Comet from falling to the earth. 44: When the Grim Comet Falls In onda il: 2022-02-26 Inuyasha and the others have their hands full with the evil spirits pouring out of the burning Windmill of Time. The three girls and Osamu Kirin try to stop the Grim Comet from falling to the earth. In onda il: 2022-03-05 45: Osamu Kirin's Apparition Conquest Osamu Kirin brings the Grim Comet to the feudal era. He convinces Rion that they are both hoping for the same world and promises to make it a reality. Meanwhile, Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha are stuck in the present day. 45: Osamu Kirin's Apparition Conquest In onda il: 2022-03-05 Osamu Kirin brings the Grim Comet to the feudal era. He convinces Rion that they are both hoping for the same world and promises to make it a reality. Meanwhile, Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha are stuck in the present day. In onda il: 2022-03-12 46: The Grim Butterfly of Despair Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha must save Rion, who has linked her fate with the Grim Butterfly, but Osamu Kirin stands in their way. Kirin declares that he and Rion should reign over the world in order to bring about true peace. 46: The Grim Butterfly of Despair In onda il: 2022-03-12 Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha must save Rion, who has linked her fate with the Grim Butterfly, but Osamu Kirin stands in their way. Kirin declares that he and Rion should reign over the world in order to bring about true peace. In onda il: 2022-03-19 47: Father and Daughter Setsuna directs Towa and Moroha as they continue to sever Rion’s threads of fate. Each time a thread is severed, more of Rion’s true feelings are revealed. As Kirinmaru fights Sesshomaru, he realizes the real reason he lost Rion. 47: Father and Daughter In onda il: 2022-03-19 Setsuna directs Towa and Moroha as they continue to sever Rion’s threads of fate. Each time a thread is severed, more of Rion’s true feelings are revealed. As Kirinmaru fights Sesshomaru, he realizes the real reason he lost Rion. In onda il: 2022-03-26 48: A Never-Ending Future The feudal era is saved from the Degenerate Age. Inuyasha helps repay Moroha’s remaining debt. Towa and Setsuna receive kimonos from their mother, Rin. Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha accept a demon-slaying request from a mysterious man. 48: A Never-Ending Future In onda il: 2022-03-26 The feudal era is saved from the Degenerate Age. Inuyasha helps repay Moroha’s remaining debt. Towa and Setsuna receive kimonos from their mother, Rin. Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha accept a demon-slaying request from a mysterious man. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Disney Peaceful Guitar Source...............: CD Year.................: 2020-2021 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Total Size...........: 232 MB Disney Peaceful Guitar - Disney Guitar_ Breathe (2020)\ 01 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - A Whole New World 02:47 02 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Go The Distance 02:25 03 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Part Of Your World 03:04 04 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - If I Never Knew You 02:52 05 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Something There 02:21 06 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - When She Loved Me 03:05 07 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Remember Me 03:15 cover Disney Peaceful Guitar - Disney Guitar_ Calm (2020)\ 01 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Can You Feel The Love Tonight 03:48 02 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Reflection 02:38 03 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - The Bare Necessities 03:03 04 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - The Second Star To The Right 02:24 05 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Alice In Wonderland 02:54 06 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Beauty And The Beast 02:14 07 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - If I Didn't Have You 02:40 cover Disney Peaceful Guitar - Disney Guitar_ Chill (2020)\ 01 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - You've Got A Friend In Me 02:42 02 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - I See The Light 03:53 03 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Do You Want To Build A Snowman_ 03:42 04 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes 02:36 05 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Sally's Song 02:13 06 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - All Is Found 02:23 07 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Someday 03:28 cover Disney Peaceful Guitar - Disney Guitar_ Love (2021)\ 01 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - So This Is Love 02:29 02 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Bella Notte 02:53 03 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Married Life 01:54 04 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Oo-de-lally 02:10 05 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Santa Fe 02:20 06 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - All I Want 02:15 07 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Touch The Sky 02:32 cover Disney Peaceful Guitar - Disney Guitar_ Tranquility (2021)\ 01 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Lost In The Woods 03:00 02 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Where You Are 03:23 03 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Someday 03:12 04 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - Shadowland 04:27 05 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! 02:15 06 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - True Love 03:03 07 - Disney Peaceful Guitar - The Place Where Lost Things Go 02:27 Password = (8aceoTT(8)08) Brackets are included, just copy and paste. Links are interchangeable if the file is splitted. https://www.mediafire.com/file/waoajzz4uur2nim/DPG.rar/file or https://workupload.com/file/Y3AjfDgx7rY or https://1fichier.com/?4npgyfnqaker3t8vxu5y or https://krakenfiles.com/view/1Wx7tLR3hj/file.html
Yuukoku no Moriarty [24/24] (2020-2021) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Moriarty the Patriot Stagione 1 Episodi 24 Animazione ◦ Mistero Alla fine del XIX secolo, la nobiltà dell'Impero britannico regna mentre la sua classe operaia soffre per loro. William James Moriarty vuole rovesciare tutto. Frustrato dalla disuguaglianza sistemica, Moriarty mette a punto una strategia per riparare l'intera nazione. Nemmeno la consulenza del detective Sherlock Holmes può ostacolarlo. È tempo che il crimine rivoluziona il mondo! 天田俊貴 Art Designer 成田偉保 Art Designer 常木志伸 Mechanical Designer 澤田譲治 Prop Designer 高田晃 Prop Designer 村井沙樹子 Special Effects Yuko Ohara Producer Reiko Oyama Producer 前田俊博 Producer 森廣扶美 Producer Shohei Ochiai Producer Hiroko Kurita Producer 石井知 Online Editor 鈴木萌 Online Editor 出雲範子 Sound Effects 鶴巻慶典 Sound Recordist 大河原健 Co-Producer 藤尾明史 Co-Producer Kenji Ebato Co-Producer 川島麻衣 Music Producer Tooru Ookubo Character Designer Yoshio Tanioka Art Direction Fumika Takahashi Director of Photography Chiaki Kumakura 3D Director 植松淳一 Editor はたしょう二 Sound Director 雑破業 Series Composition 岸本卓 Series Composition 橘麻美 Original Music Composer Sayoko Noda Color Designer 田中宏侍 Director of Photography Ryosuke Takeuchi Comic Book Hikaru Miyoshi Character Designer 梅本享 Executive Producer Kenji Hamada Executive Producer 瓶子吉久 Executive Producer 丸山博雄 Executive Producer 藤咲淳一 Executive Producer Yukio Haruyama Executive Producer Tooru Ookubo Supervising Animation Director Sōma Saitō William James Moriarty (voice) 佐藤拓也 Albert James Moriarty (voice) 小林千晃 Louis James Moriarty (voice) 古川慎 Sherlock Holmes (voice) 小野友樹 John H. Watson (voice) Satoshi Hino Sebastian Moran (voice) 上村祐翔 Fred Porlock (voice) Episodi: 24 In onda il: 2020-10-11 1: The Earl’s Crime A rash of abductions of young boys that end up brutally murdered is plaguing London, and police are powerless to stop it. When William Moriarty discovers a clue linking all the victims, he and his brothers take an interest in the case. 1: The Earl’s Crime In onda il: 2020-10-11 A rash of abductions of young boys that end up brutally murdered is plaguing London, and police are powerless to stop it. When William Moriarty discovers a clue linking all the victims, he and his brothers take an interest in the case. In onda il: 2020-10-18 2: The Scarlet Eyes, Act 1 In 1866, a brilliant young orphan and his ailing younger brother are taken in by a charitable aid organization, where they catch the attention of the son of an earl, who is discontent with Britain’s class system. 2: The Scarlet Eyes, Act 1 In onda il: 2020-10-18 In 1866, a brilliant young orphan and his ailing younger brother are taken in by a charitable aid organization, where they catch the attention of the son of an earl, who is discontent with Britain’s class system. In onda il: 2020-10-25 3: The Scarlet Eyes, Act 2 Albert invites the brothers to come live at the Moriarty’s estate, but the pair are not warmly welcomed by the other members of the household. Albert grows increasingly disturbed by his family’s intolerance, and resorts to drastic measures. 3: The Scarlet Eyes, Act 2 In onda il: 2020-10-25 Albert invites the brothers to come live at the Moriarty’s estate, but the pair are not warmly welcomed by the other members of the household. Albert grows increasingly disturbed by his family’s intolerance, and resorts to drastic measures. In onda il: 2020-11-01 4: A Rare Breed William begins teaching at a university, and is invited to dinner at the home of the Viscount of Belfor. He and his brothers receive a tour of the viscount’s well-kept conservatory, but are taken aback by what they hear of the gardener and his wife. 4: A Rare Breed In onda il: 2020-11-01 William begins teaching at a university, and is invited to dinner at the home of the Viscount of Belfor. He and his brothers receive a tour of the viscount’s well-kept conservatory, but are taken aback by what they hear of the gardener and his wife. In onda il: 2020-11-08 5: The Dancers on the Bridge William learns that Lucian, one of his students at Durhnam University, hasn’t returned for three days. What’s more, the waitress Lucian had vowed to love throws herself from a bridge and dies. However, one of the university’s administrator assures William there’s nothing to worry about, but William disagrees and begins to investigate Lucian’s last movements. 5: The Dancers on the Bridge In onda il: 2020-11-08 William learns that Lucian, one of his students at Durhnam University, hasn’t returned for three days. What’s more, the waitress Lucian had vowed to love throws herself from a bridge and dies. However, one of the university’s administrator assures William there’s nothing to worry about, but William disagrees and begins to investigate Lucian’s last movements. In onda il: 2020-11-15 6: The “Noahtic”, Act 1 A commoner is chased down by a hunter and his dogs before being shot. The ocean liner Noahtic begins its maiden voyage and Count Blitz Enders, an openly arrogant noble, heavily criticizes that commoners are allowed aboard. Days previously, William shared his plan to slowly remake society by plunging London into an era of crime, all while committing murders designed to educate commoners in exactly how the nobility have been abusing them, starting with Blitz. 6: The “Noahtic”, Act 1 In onda il: 2020-11-15 A commoner is chased down by a hunter and his dogs before being shot. The ocean liner Noahtic begins its maiden voyage and Count Blitz Enders, an openly arrogant noble, heavily criticizes that commoners are allowed aboard. Days previously, William shared his plan to slowly remake society by plunging London into an era of crime, all while committing murders designed to educate commoners in exactly how the nobility have been abusing them, starting with Blitz. In onda il: 2020-11-22 7: The “Noahtic”, Act 2 Moriarty pretends to believe Blitz’s lie that he killed Thomas in self-defense and offers to cover up the crime. 7: The “Noahtic”, Act 2 In onda il: 2020-11-22 Moriarty pretends to believe Blitz’s lie that he killed Thomas in self-defense and offers to cover up the crime. In onda il: 2020-11-29 8: A Study in “S”, Act 1 Sherlock Holmes gets in trouble with his landlady Mrs. Hudson for not paying his rent. Holmes’ friend, Dr. Stamford, suggests Holmes get a flatmate and sends Dr. John Watson, whom Holmes deduces is a retired army doctor. Mrs. Hudson is impressed enough to allow Watson to become Holmes’ flatmate. Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard arrives and arrests Holmes for suspicion of murdering Count Drebber. 8: A Study in “S”, Act 1 In onda il: 2020-11-29 Sherlock Holmes gets in trouble with his landlady Mrs. Hudson for not paying his rent. Holmes’ friend, Dr. Stamford, suggests Holmes get a flatmate and sends Dr. John Watson, whom Holmes deduces is a retired army doctor. Mrs. Hudson is impressed enough to allow Watson to become Holmes’ flatmate. Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard arrives and arrests Holmes for suspicion of murdering Count Drebber. In onda il: 2020-12-06 9: A Study in “S”, Act 2 Sherlock and John, searching for the true criminal who killed Count Drebber, set a trap for the criminal using the wedding ring they found at the murder scene. Sherlock is able to deduce who the real killer is, who offers Sherlock a strange deal. 9: A Study in “S”, Act 2 In onda il: 2020-12-06 Sherlock and John, searching for the true criminal who killed Count Drebber, set a trap for the criminal using the wedding ring they found at the murder scene. Sherlock is able to deduce who the real killer is, who offers Sherlock a strange deal. In onda il: 2020-12-13 10: The Two Detectives, Act 1 Sherlock is frustrated because he thinks there’s a mastermind behind the Noahtic and Drebber cases whose identity eludes him. Returning on a train after an unsatisfying investigation into another aristocrat’s death, he happens to meet William again. 10: The Two Detectives, Act 1 In onda il: 2020-12-13 Sherlock is frustrated because he thinks there’s a mastermind behind the Noahtic and Drebber cases whose identity eludes him. Returning on a train after an unsatisfying investigation into another aristocrat’s death, he happens to meet William again. In onda il: 2020-12-20 11: The Two Detectives, Act 2 With 48 minutes remaining before the train reaches the next station, Sherlock declares that William and he can find the murderer in time. Sherlock relies on the evidence at the scene, while William pursues a psychological profile of the killer. 11: The Two Detectives, Act 2 In onda il: 2020-12-20 With 48 minutes remaining before the train reaches the next station, Sherlock declares that William and he can find the murderer in time. Sherlock relies on the evidence at the scene, while William pursues a psychological profile of the killer. In onda il: 2021-04-04 12: A Scandal in the British Empire, Act 1 Military Intelligence Service Director Mycroft orders Albert to recover classified papers that could rock the nation, and kill the woman who stole them. Sherlock is hired by the king of Bohemia to pursue Irene Adler, who threatens the king’s wedding plans. 12: A Scandal in the British Empire, Act 1 In onda il: 2021-04-04 Military Intelligence Service Director Mycroft orders Albert to recover classified papers that could rock the nation, and kill the woman who stole them. Sherlock is hired by the king of Bohemia to pursue Irene Adler, who threatens the king’s wedding plans. In onda il: 2021-04-11 13: A Scandal in the British Empire, Act 2 Following William’s plan, Albert invites Irene to a masquerade, where a game with the famed “Lord of Crime” as its theme is being played. Dressed as a man, Irene uses the game to contact Albert, pleading for her safety in return for the stolen papers. 13: A Scandal in the British Empire, Act 2 In onda il: 2021-04-11 Following William’s plan, Albert invites Irene to a masquerade, where a game with the famed “Lord of Crime” as its theme is being played. Dressed as a man, Irene uses the game to contact Albert, pleading for her safety in return for the stolen papers. In onda il: 2021-04-18 14: A Scandal in the British Empire, Act 3 Despite Sherlock recognizing that Irene is dealing with the Lord of Crime, he sees her off. Irene negotiates with the Lord of Crime in an abandoned church, but before she can turn over the papers, Sherlock arrives, and makes a deal to keep Irene safe. 14: A Scandal in the British Empire, Act 3 In onda il: 2021-04-18 Despite Sherlock recognizing that Irene is dealing with the Lord of Crime, he sees her off. Irene negotiates with the Lord of Crime in an abandoned church, but before she can turn over the papers, Sherlock arrives, and makes a deal to keep Irene safe. In onda il: 2021-04-25 15: The Phantom of Whitechapel, Act 1 Receiving a new name, Bonde joins the Moriarty ranks, and is sent to retrieve the contents of a safe deposit box with Moran, Louis, and Fred. But when an unexpected bank heist spurs the others into spontaneous action, Bonde is left wondering what to do. 15: The Phantom of Whitechapel, Act 1 In onda il: 2021-04-25 Receiving a new name, Bonde joins the Moriarty ranks, and is sent to retrieve the contents of a safe deposit box with Moran, Louis, and Fred. But when an unexpected bank heist spurs the others into spontaneous action, Bonde is left wondering what to do. In onda il: 2021-05-02 16: The Phantom of Whitechapel, Act 2 A series of murders is being carried out by someone claiming to be Jack the Ripper. In response, a vigilante group of the town's poor confronts Scotland Yard while William and the real Jack scramble to uncover the true culprit's aims and foil their plans. 16: The Phantom of Whitechapel, Act 2 In onda il: 2021-05-02 A series of murders is being carried out by someone claiming to be Jack the Ripper. In response, a vigilante group of the town's poor confronts Scotland Yard while William and the real Jack scramble to uncover the true culprit's aims and foil their plans. In onda il: 2021-05-09 17: The Riot in New Scotland Yard A culprit is arrested in the Jack the Ripper case which was solved by the Moriartys. Suspecting a frame-up by Arterton, Lestrade asks Sherlock for help in finding evidence that would prove it. Meanwhile, Paterson works to sneak Bonde inside the station. 17: The Riot in New Scotland Yard In onda il: 2021-05-09 A culprit is arrested in the Jack the Ripper case which was solved by the Moriartys. Suspecting a frame-up by Arterton, Lestrade asks Sherlock for help in finding evidence that would prove it. Meanwhile, Paterson works to sneak Bonde inside the station. In onda il: 2021-05-16 18: The Merchant of London William outshined the adults in knowledge and nerve while saving the orphanage where he was staying. Judicial records state that William lent a nobleman £600 in the spirit of a certain play. But when the contract is broken, William takes drastic measures. 18: The Merchant of London In onda il: 2021-05-16 William outshined the adults in knowledge and nerve while saving the orphanage where he was staying. Judicial records state that William lent a nobleman £600 in the spirit of a certain play. But when the contract is broken, William takes drastic measures. In onda il: 2021-05-23 19: The White Knight of London, Act 1 Adam Whiteley, a young MP in the House of Commons working toward an equitable society, garners public support as a "White Knight." Milverton is hired by those opposed to Whiteley to oust him. William takes interest in Whiteley, and decides to test him. 19: The White Knight of London, Act 1 In onda il: 2021-05-23 Adam Whiteley, a young MP in the House of Commons working toward an equitable society, garners public support as a "White Knight." Milverton is hired by those opposed to Whiteley to oust him. William takes interest in Whiteley, and decides to test him. In onda il: 2021-05-30 20: The White Knight of London, Act 2 Whiteley goes alone to deal with the House of Lords with the irrefutable proof obtained from Albert in hand, but finds Milverton, the king of blackmailers. Even as Whiteley negotiates with him, Milverton's devilish clutches close in on his dear brother. 20: The White Knight of London, Act 2 In onda il: 2021-05-30 Whiteley goes alone to deal with the House of Lords with the irrefutable proof obtained from Albert in hand, but finds Milverton, the king of blackmailers. Even as Whiteley negotiates with him, Milverton's devilish clutches close in on his dear brother. In onda il: 2021-06-06 21: The Sign of Mary John introduces Sherlock to Mary, his fiancée. A stunned Sherlock realizes that Mary has another concern. She produces six pearls, detailing their connection to her missing father. She asks Sherlock to look into the matter, but is holding something back. 21: The Sign of Mary In onda il: 2021-06-06 John introduces Sherlock to Mary, his fiancée. A stunned Sherlock realizes that Mary has another concern. She produces six pearls, detailing their connection to her missing father. She asks Sherlock to look into the matter, but is holding something back. In onda il: 2021-06-13 22: The Two Criminals Milverton blackmails Mary, exploiting her dalliance in antigovernment activities as a student. Sherlock decides to sneak into Milverton's estate to steal his evidence, but even that act was anticipated. Sherlock finds that he is not the only trespasser. 22: The Two Criminals In onda il: 2021-06-13 Milverton blackmails Mary, exploiting her dalliance in antigovernment activities as a student. Sherlock decides to sneak into Milverton's estate to steal his evidence, but even that act was anticipated. Sherlock finds that he is not the only trespasser. In onda il: 2021-06-20 23: The Final Problem, Act 1 When William James Moriarty claims responsibility for being the Lord of Crime in all the papers, aristocratic condemnation and public anger falls upon the Moriartys. The final problem of the Moriarty Plan that William has concocted at long last begins. 23: The Final Problem, Act 1 In onda il: 2021-06-20 When William James Moriarty claims responsibility for being the Lord of Crime in all the papers, aristocratic condemnation and public anger falls upon the Moriartys. The final problem of the Moriarty Plan that William has concocted at long last begins. In onda il: 2021-06-27 24: The Final Problem, Act 2 William aims to complete his plan with his death, as Albert and the others each carry out their roles. Meanwhile, Sherlock deduces William's true reason for having him vanquish the Lord of Crime. Overlooking London, the pair face each other one last time. 24: The Final Problem, Act 2 In onda il: 2021-06-27 William aims to complete his plan with his death, as Albert and the others each carry out their roles. Meanwhile, Sherlock deduces William's true reason for having him vanquish the Lord of Crime. Overlooking London, the pair face each other one last time. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Shadowverse [48/48] (2020-2021) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Shadowverse Stagione 1 Episodi 48 Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Hiro Ryouzaki è un ragazzo della Tensei Academy che vive assieme al nonno, il quale non gli ha mai concesso di possedere un cellulare. Un giorno, il ragazzo sente una voce che lo chiama proveniente dal magazzino della sua casa, dove troverà un misterioso cellulare. Adesso anche lui potrà finalmente giocare al famoso “Shadowverse”, un gioco molto popolare tra i ragazzi della sua età. Nonostante si tratti di un novellino, Hiro dimostrerà fin da subito di essere portato e ciò gli consentirà di incontrare molti nuovi avversari e amici. 大嶋慎介 3D Director 林直孝 Assistant Director ぽんず Art Direction 鐘權濱 Art Direction 中村雄太 Director of Photography 緒川マミオ Art Designer 越山麻彦 Director of Photography 森田祐一 Sound Mixer 嶋崎英郎 Producer 土方真 Producer 松本准平 Producer 佐藤茂薫 Executive Producer 竹中信広 Executive Producer 木村唯人 Executive Producer 中原隆太 Sound Effects 岩永悦宜 Prop Designer 池頼広 Original Music Composer 佐藤直子 Color Designer 品地奈々絵 Color Designer 川口敬一郎 Series Director 飯田里樹 Sound Director 浅川茂輝 Director of Photography 磯崎輪太郎 Series Composition 原田大基 Character Designer 三重野瞳 Series Composition 平木大輔 Editor 上村祐翔 Light Tenryu (voice) 山村響 Itsuki Mitsutagawa (voice) 浦和希 Subaru Makabe (voice) 井澤詩織 Dragnir (voice) 森久保祥太郎 Gentleman (voice) 武田羅梨沙多胡 Ren Kazamatsuri (voice) Miyu Tomita Tsubasa Takanashi (voice) 榊原優希 Mikado Shirogane (voice) Ryōta Ōsaka Ryoga Jasei (voice) 集貝はな Shion Otosaka (voice) Episodi: 48 In onda il: 2020-04-07 1: This Is Shadowverse!! Hiro is ready to play the coolest game around, Shadowverse. But when a bad guy steals his friend's phone, he'll have to endure a trial by fire if he wants to get it back! 1: This Is Shadowverse!! In onda il: 2020-04-07 Hiro is ready to play the coolest game around, Shadowverse. But when a bad guy steals his friend's phone, he'll have to endure a trial by fire if he wants to get it back! In onda il: 2020-04-14 2: Hiro's Resolve To get his friend's phone back, Hiro will have to challenge the toughest Shadowverse battler around: Luca Yonazuki. 2: Hiro's Resolve In onda il: 2020-04-14 To get his friend's phone back, Hiro will have to challenge the toughest Shadowverse battler around: Luca Yonazuki. In onda il: 2020-04-21 3: The Plot of the Genius Among Geniuses Hiro is challenged by an amazing new foe, the "genius among geniuses!" Can he stand against this intellectual onslaught? 3: The Plot of the Genius Among Geniuses In onda il: 2020-04-21 Hiro is challenged by an amazing new foe, the "genius among geniuses!" Can he stand against this intellectual onslaught? In onda il: 2020-04-28 4: Something Special Mimori wants to be someone special... like her favorite idol, Alice Kurobane. She meets a girl who offers to introduce her to Alice... if she can beat her in Shadowverse first! 4: Something Special In onda il: 2020-04-28 Mimori wants to be someone special... like her favorite idol, Alice Kurobane. She meets a girl who offers to introduce her to Alice... if she can beat her in Shadowverse first! In onda il: 2020-05-05 5: Fierce Battle! Hiro vs. Kazuki! Kazuki and Hiro face off at a local tournament, with an exciting prize on the line! 5: Fierce Battle! Hiro vs. Kazuki! In onda il: 2020-05-05 Kazuki and Hiro face off at a local tournament, with an exciting prize on the line! In onda il: 2020-05-12 6: The Reason for Strength Kai is interested in the secret of Luca Yonazuki's strength. But Luca only cares about one thing... 6: The Reason for Strength In onda il: 2020-05-12 Kai is interested in the secret of Luca Yonazuki's strength. But Luca only cares about one thing... In onda il: 2020-05-19 7: Aim for Master Rank! The National tournament is here, but if Hiro wants to enter, he'll need to get to Master Rank, and he'll need to do it in a single day! 7: Aim for Master Rank! In onda il: 2020-05-19 The National tournament is here, but if Hiro wants to enter, he'll need to get to Master Rank, and he'll need to do it in a single day! In onda il: 2020-05-26 8: The National Tournament Finals Begin! The final rounds of the National Tournament have begun, and to make his way up the ranks, Hiro will first need to defeat the mysterious Elica! 8: The National Tournament Finals Begin! In onda il: 2020-05-26 The final rounds of the National Tournament have begun, and to make his way up the ranks, Hiro will first need to defeat the mysterious Elica! In onda il: 2020-06-02 9: The Curtain Rises! A Beautiful Witch Show! Hiro moves on to the second battle. His next opponent is Seiya, a powerful pro player! 9: The Curtain Rises! A Beautiful Witch Show! In onda il: 2020-06-02 Hiro moves on to the second battle. His next opponent is Seiya, a powerful pro player! In onda il: 2020-06-09 10: Mauro's Spellcasting! Hiro challenges the mysterious Maura to progress in the finals! Maura has plenty of tricks up his sleeve! 10: Mauro's Spellcasting! In onda il: 2020-06-09 Hiro challenges the mysterious Maura to progress in the finals! Maura has plenty of tricks up his sleeve! In onda il: 2020-06-16 11: Hiro vs Luca It's time to face off against Luca for the national championship! But he's no easy foe! 11: Hiro vs Luca In onda il: 2020-06-16 It's time to face off against Luca for the national championship! But he's no easy foe! In onda il: 2020-06-23 12: Who Will Claim Victory? The battle against Luca draws to a close! What drives him, and why does he play Shadowverse when he hates it? 12: Who Will Claim Victory? In onda il: 2020-06-23 The battle against Luca draws to a close! What drives him, and why does he play Shadowverse when he hates it? In onda il: 2020-07-07 13: The Shadow Grand Prix Begins The nationals were just the beginning, it's time to challenge the whole world! The Shadow Gran Prix begins! 13: The Shadow Grand Prix Begins In onda il: 2020-07-07 The nationals were just the beginning, it's time to challenge the whole world! The Shadow Gran Prix begins! In onda il: 2020-07-14 14: A Mouthwatering Battle! Marcel Tabeoka! It's a mouth-watering battle as Hiro challenges a famous chef for his first match in the Shadow Gran Prix! 14: A Mouthwatering Battle! Marcel Tabeoka! In onda il: 2020-07-14 It's a mouth-watering battle as Hiro challenges a famous chef for his first match in the Shadow Gran Prix! In onda il: 2020-07-21 15: Super Rich! Miyabi Zaizenji! Hiro fights the incredibly rich, and incredibly bratty, Miyabi Zaizenji! Is money enough to win at Shadowverse? 15: Super Rich! Miyabi Zaizenji! In onda il: 2020-07-21 Hiro fights the incredibly rich, and incredibly bratty, Miyabi Zaizenji! Is money enough to win at Shadowverse? In onda il: 2020-07-28 16: An Invitation to the Underworld! The Joubert Sisters! Alice and Minori team up for their first tag battle! But their opponents won't go easy on them! 16: An Invitation to the Underworld! The Joubert Sisters! In onda il: 2020-07-28 Alice and Minori team up for their first tag battle! But their opponents won't go easy on them! In onda il: 2020-08-04 17: Special and Ordinary Mimori and Alice face off! Is it better to be special, or normal? 17: Special and Ordinary In onda il: 2020-08-04 Mimori and Alice face off! Is it better to be special, or normal? In onda il: 2020-08-11 18: A Terrible Trap! Zuo and Ko Kai and Kazuki battle the crazy hunters Zuo and Ko in a battle of wits and courage against tag battle mastery! 18: A Terrible Trap! Zuo and Ko In onda il: 2020-08-11 Kai and Kazuki battle the crazy hunters Zuo and Ko in a battle of wits and courage against tag battle mastery! In onda il: 2020-08-18 19: Bearers of Shadow A new force has joined the Gran Prix, the mysterious Shadow Knights! These bearers of shadow will stop at nothing to take out the competitors! 19: Bearers of Shadow In onda il: 2020-08-18 A new force has joined the Gran Prix, the mysterious Shadow Knights! These bearers of shadow will stop at nothing to take out the competitors! In onda il: 2020-08-25 20: A Smile That's Black Mauro challenges Hiro to a rematch. If he wins, Hiro will learn the truth about the Shadow Gran Prix. 20: A Smile That's Black In onda il: 2020-08-25 Mauro challenges Hiro to a rematch. If he wins, Hiro will learn the truth about the Shadow Gran Prix. In onda il: 2020-09-01 21: Battle of Destiny Hiro heads for the central tower to unlock the mysteries of the Gran Prix. Barring his way is Luca, who's ready for another confrontation. 21: Battle of Destiny In onda il: 2020-09-01 Hiro heads for the central tower to unlock the mysteries of the Gran Prix. Barring his way is Luca, who's ready for another confrontation. In onda il: 2020-09-08 22: Conclusion, and... Hiro and Luca finish their battle. Can Hiro open a path to Luca's heart? 22: Conclusion, and... In onda il: 2020-09-08 Hiro and Luca finish their battle. Can Hiro open a path to Luca's heart? In onda il: 2020-09-15 23: Unknown Encounter The true nature of Shadowverse is revealed, as Hiro and his friends begin their ultimate test. 23: Unknown Encounter In onda il: 2020-09-15 The true nature of Shadowverse is revealed, as Hiro and his friends begin their ultimate test. In onda il: 2020-09-22 24: Blessings and Woe Hiro is forced to battle the 8th class, Portalcraft! 24: Blessings and Woe In onda il: 2020-09-22 Hiro is forced to battle the 8th class, Portalcraft! In onda il: 2020-10-06 25: Seven Hopes Having proved themselves worthy to battle the Tree of Woe, the team heads out into a shattered world to find the 7 legendary cards. 25: Seven Hopes In onda il: 2020-10-06 Having proved themselves worthy to battle the Tree of Woe, the team heads out into a shattered world to find the 7 legendary cards. In onda il: 2020-10-13 26: Grab the Legend Hiro fights a deadly duel against a pro player... to win the first legendary card! 26: Grab the Legend In onda il: 2020-10-13 Hiro fights a deadly duel against a pro player... to win the first legendary card! In onda il: 2020-10-20 27: The Ultimate Dragon If he wants to beat Shiro, Hiro's going to need some help. He'll need the first legendary card: the awesome Infiniflame Dragon! 27: The Ultimate Dragon In onda il: 2020-10-20 If he wants to beat Shiro, Hiro's going to need some help. He'll need the first legendary card: the awesome Infiniflame Dragon! In onda il: 2020-10-27 28: Overlapping Answers! Kai and Alice battle the bounty hunter sisters for the rights to their own legendary cards. 28: Overlapping Answers! In onda il: 2020-10-27 Kai and Alice battle the bounty hunter sisters for the rights to their own legendary cards. In onda il: 2020-11-03 29: Proof That I Am Me Luca tracks down his opponent: his own sister. If he wants to get the legendary card, he'll have to see the truth behind her fake smile... 29: Proof That I Am Me In onda il: 2020-11-03 Luca tracks down his opponent: his own sister. If he wants to get the legendary card, he'll have to see the truth behind her fake smile... In onda il: 2020-11-10 30: Resolve and Courage Mimori is locked in a tough battle with a possessed Seiya. She can't win on her own, but a familiar face has a score to settle with the pro player... 30: Resolve and Courage In onda il: 2020-11-10 Mimori is locked in a tough battle with a possessed Seiya. She can't win on her own, but a familiar face has a score to settle with the pro player... In onda il: 2020-11-17 31: Hero's Blade Kazuki is on the verge of losing to the duo of Zuo and Ko. But he'll never give up, no matter how bad it gets! 31: Hero's Blade In onda il: 2020-11-17 Kazuki is on the verge of losing to the duo of Zuo and Ko. But he'll never give up, no matter how bad it gets! In onda il: 2020-11-24 32: Footsteps of Hope Mauro suddenly challenges Luca to a battle without warning. What secrets is he hiding in his heart? 32: Footsteps of Hope In onda il: 2020-11-24 Mauro suddenly challenges Luca to a battle without warning. What secrets is he hiding in his heart? In onda il: 2020-12-01 33: Fate of Destruction Mauro is possessed by a huge number of Empty Shadows. They twist his mind, causing him to became an enemy of mankind. Hiro and Luca fight to bring him back. 33: Fate of Destruction In onda il: 2020-12-01 Mauro is possessed by a huge number of Empty Shadows. They twist his mind, causing him to became an enemy of mankind. Hiro and Luca fight to bring him back. In onda il: 2020-12-08 34: Battle of Despair Mauro's 3 divine instruments are too much for Hiro and Luca, and they're losing the battle. But still, Mauro is a friend, and a comrade. They'll bring him back no matter what it takes! 34: Battle of Despair In onda il: 2020-12-08 Mauro's 3 divine instruments are too much for Hiro and Luca, and they're losing the battle. But still, Mauro is a friend, and a comrade. They'll bring him back no matter what it takes! In onda il: 2020-12-15 35: Prelude to the End Hiro finds himself meeting an unexpected person: his missing father. Now his father is on the side of the enemy! 35: Prelude to the End In onda il: 2020-12-15 Hiro finds himself meeting an unexpected person: his missing father. Now his father is on the side of the enemy! In onda il: 2020-12-22 36: A Heart That Believes Hiro's battle with his father reaches its climatic end, with the fate of the world in the balance. 36: A Heart That Believes In onda il: 2020-12-22 Hiro's battle with his father reaches its climatic end, with the fate of the world in the balance. In onda il: 2021-01-05 37: A Voice That Calls to Awaken Hiro battles Rowen in this new, strange world. But Rowen's deck is a dragonslayer deck, which can insta-kill any dragon. How can Hiro's dragons defeat it? 37: A Voice That Calls to Awaken In onda il: 2021-01-05 Hiro battles Rowen in this new, strange world. But Rowen's deck is a dragonslayer deck, which can insta-kill any dragon. How can Hiro's dragons defeat it? In onda il: 2021-01-12 38: Hiro and the Black Dragon Knight Hiiro battles the black dragon knight! But the knight's deck is full of dragonslayer cards, and Hiro's deck is a dragon deck! 38: Hiro and the Black Dragon Knight In onda il: 2021-01-12 Hiiro battles the black dragon knight! But the knight's deck is full of dragonslayer cards, and Hiro's deck is a dragon deck! In onda il: 2021-01-19 39: Mimori's an Idol Mimori's the hottest idol around! But what good is it to be an idol in a world that's fake? 39: Mimori's an Idol In onda il: 2021-01-19 Mimori's the hottest idol around! But what good is it to be an idol in a world that's fake? In onda il: 2021-01-26 40: Alice's Truth Alice is happy in her new life, as an anonymous girl with no responsibilities. But it's time to go back to reality... 40: Alice's Truth In onda il: 2021-01-26 Alice is happy in her new life, as an anonymous girl with no responsibilities. But it's time to go back to reality... In onda il: 2021-02-02 41: Kazuki's Great Escape! Kazuki wakes up in a strange world, and quickly finds himself in a prison cell. How did he get here, and more importantly, how does he get out? 41: Kazuki's Great Escape! In onda il: 2021-02-02 Kazuki wakes up in a strange world, and quickly finds himself in a prison cell. How did he get here, and more importantly, how does he get out? In onda il: 2021-02-09 42: Kai and the Forbidden Magic Kai is living a perfect life: getting a hundred percent on every test, mastering kendo, and never losing a game of Shadowverse. But what good is a world with no challenge for a genius among geniuses? 42: Kai and the Forbidden Magic In onda il: 2021-02-09 Kai is living a perfect life: getting a hundred percent on every test, mastering kendo, and never losing a game of Shadowverse. But what good is a world with no challenge for a genius among geniuses? In onda il: 2021-02-16 43: Mauro's Wish, a Longing that Cannot Be Mauro's finally got what he's always wanted: a life where he's cared for and loved by Leon. Even if it's not real, can he bear to leave it behind? 43: Mauro's Wish, a Longing that Cannot Be In onda il: 2021-02-16 Mauro's finally got what he's always wanted: a life where he's cared for and loved by Leon. Even if it's not real, can he bear to leave it behind? In onda il: 2021-02-23 44: Luca and the Undead King Luca lives in a dream world, where Shiori is healthy and happy and spends her days playing Shadowverse. But what will he do when it's time to wake up? 44: Luca and the Undead King In onda il: 2021-02-23 Luca lives in a dream world, where Shiori is healthy and happy and spends her days playing Shadowverse. But what will he do when it's time to wake up? In onda il: 2021-03-02 45: Castle in the Sky The seven chosen ones have awakened, and the hour of destiny is here. The final battle is about to begin. 45: Castle in the Sky In onda il: 2021-03-02 The seven chosen ones have awakened, and the hour of destiny is here. The final battle is about to begin. In onda il: 2021-03-09 46: Ruler of the World Hiro falls to his knees before Eiji's overwhelming power. But Shadowverse is about never giving up. 46: Ruler of the World In onda il: 2021-03-09 Hiro falls to his knees before Eiji's overwhelming power. But Shadowverse is about never giving up. In onda il: 2021-03-16 47: Time of Evolution Leon uses his ultimate card, "Shadow Mode". Can Hiro control his rage long enough to stop the ultimate evil? 47: Time of Evolution In onda il: 2021-03-16 Leon uses his ultimate card, "Shadow Mode". Can Hiro control his rage long enough to stop the ultimate evil? In onda il: 2021-03-23 48: Battle! Shadowverse! Hiro has one final card to play to stop Leon from trapping the world in eternal slumber: the Ultimate Legendary Dragon, with the combined powers of all the legendary cards! 48: Battle! Shadowverse! In onda il: 2021-03-23 Hiro has one final card to play to stop Leon from trapping the world in eternal slumber: the Ultimate Legendary Dragon, with the combined powers of all the legendary cards! Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e