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  1. Hakan Nesser - Serie Intrigo (2018-2019) (3 titoli) Trama Trama tratta da Morte di uno scrittore: David Moerk è un traduttore che vive una vita solitaria dopo la scomparsa della moglie in circostanze misteriose e ha appena ricevuto l'incarico di tradurre l'ultimo romanzo – inedito – di un celebre scrittore, Germund Rein. Rein è morto e non può più spiegare perché pretende che quella sua opera non debba essere pubblicata in lingua originale e, soprattutto, perché si debba mantenere il massimo riserbo al riguardo. Dopo le prime indagini, le circostanze portano tutti a pensare che l'uomo si sia suicidato... Traducendo quell'ultimo, enigmatico lavoro, Moerk si convince tuttavia che Rein sia stato ucciso da qualcuno a lui molto vicino. Determinato a capire cosa nascondano realmente la scomparsa della moglie e quella dell'autore, David scoprirà molto presto che il contenuto di quel libro è destinato a stravolgere per sempre più di una vita. La sua, per prima. 2015 - Morte di uno scrittore, Guanda, 2018 2015 - La nemica del cuore, Guanda, 2019 2015 - L'omicidio Vera Krall, Guanda, 2023 Genere: Giallo Formato: EPUB singoli in cartella ZIP Dimensione: 1,4 MB Download Se trovate offline, segnalate per reup.
  2. Alexandra Bracken - Serie Darkest Minds (2018-2019) (4 romanzi) Trama Trama tratta dal primo volume: Ruby ha sedici anni. È pericolosa. E viva. Per ora. Quando Ruby si sveglia il giorno del suo decimo compleanno, qualcosa in lei è cambiato. Qualcosa di abbastanza preoccupante da costringere i genitori a mandarla a Thurmond, un brutale campo di riabilitazione gestito dal governo dove sono rinchiusi i giovani come lei. Ovvero, i giovani che sono riusciti a sopravvivere alla misteriosa malattia che ha decimato la popolazione e che da allora sembrano aver acquisito poteri speciali. Ci sono i Verdi, dotati di un'intelligenza eccezionale; i Blu, di telecinesi; i Gialli, che controllano l'elettricità; i Rossi il fuoco e gli Arancioni, come Ruby, la mente umana. Ora Ruby ha sedici anni ed è riuscita a scappare da quell'inferno, ma per lei l'incubo non è ancora finito. Durante la sua fuga, però, incontra un gruppo di ragazzini evasi come lei: Zu, Ciccio e Liam, carisma da leader e decisamente carino. Ma Ruby non può rischiare di avvicinarsi a lui. Sarebbe troppo pericoloso. E, in viaggio verso l'unico rifugio sicuro, ci sono già fin troppi pericoli da affrontare... Alexandra Bracken - Darkest minds 01. Darkest minds (2018) Alexandra Bracken - Darkest minds 02. Una ragazza pericolosa (2018) Alexandra Bracken - Darkest minds 03. L'ultimo bagliore (2018) Alexandra Bracken - Darkest minds 04. La fuga (2019) Genere: Fantasy Formato: EPUB singoli in cartella ZIP Dimensione: 2,6 MB Download Se trovate offline, segnalate per reup.
  3. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Hinomaru-Zumou Stagione 1    Episodi 24         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure Un rituale divino, un'arte marziale, un combattimento sportivo: il sumo è tutto questo! Ushio Hinomaru, un "piccolo", nuovo studente del liceo Oodachi, decide di iscriversi al club di sumo, un circolo che purtroppo non gode di alcuna gloria. "Grosso" e "pesante" sono le parole chiave di uno sport come il sumo e anche se Ushio non rispecchia per nulla queste caratteristiche, si impegnerà al massimo. Il ragazzo e il piccolo club ce la metteranno tutta per giungere alla vetta e conquistare il titolo di Hinoshita Kaisan (il grado più alto nel sumo professionistico). 田中紀衣 Character Designer 宇田鋼之介 Sound Director 宇田鋼之介 Series Composition 山本靖貴 Series Director 藤原聡 Theme Song Performance 楢﨑誠 Theme Song Performance 小笹大輔 Theme Song Performance 松浦匡希 Theme Song Performance デーモン閣下 Dr. Kanie (voice) 阿部敦 Hinomaru Ushio (voice) 落合福嗣 Shinya Ozeki (voice) 熊谷健太郎 Yūma Gojō (voice) 佐藤拓也 Chihiro Kunisaki (voice) 村瀬歩 Kei Mitsuhashi (voice) 寺島拓篤 Kirihito Tsuji (voice) Mikako Komatsu Reina Gojō (voice) 田辺留依 Chizuko Hori (voice) 冨森ジャスティン Daniel Stefanov (voice) 武内駿輔 Sōsuke Kuze (voice) 杉山紀彰 Jin Yomoda (voice) 吉永拓斗 Shun Kariya (voice) 八代拓 Rion Sawai (voice) Daisuke Namikawa Gennosuke Araki (voice) Kaito Ishikawa Mizuki Sada (voice) 安原義人 Yūki Sanada (voice) 木村昴 Tsuyoshi Kanamori (voicw) 松川央樹 Keiichi Mamiya (voice) 竹内良太 Shidō Tennōji (voice) 増田俊樹 Akihira Kanō (voice) Yoshimasa Hosoya Tenma Hikage (voice) Kazuhiko Inoue Shunkai (voice) 新垣樽助 Norihiro Saenoyama (voice) 郷田ほづみ Oyakata Shibakiyama (voice) Tetsuya Kakihara Takuya Terahara (voice) Daisuke Ono Masato Hyōdō (voice) Episodi: 24  In onda il: 2018-10-05 1: National Treasure Onimaru Kunitsuna His goal is to become a professional sumo wrestler and yokozuna! Ushio Hinomaru is on his way to visit Ishigami High School, famous for it's sumo program, but arrives at Odachi High School by mistake. There he meets Ozeki Shinya, who trains diligently at sumo, but whose dojo has been overrun by delinquents. Angry that they would defile the hallowed practice area, Hinomaru confronts the leader Gojo Yuma and challenges him to a duel. 1: National Treasure Onimaru Kunitsuna In onda il: 2018-10-05 His goal is to become a professional sumo wrestler and yokozuna! Ushio Hinomaru is on his way to visit Ishigami High School, famous for it's sumo program, but arrives at Odachi High School by mistake. There he meets Ozeki Shinya, who trains diligently at sumo, but whose dojo has been overrun by delinquents. Angry that they would defile the hallowed practice area, Hinomaru confronts the leader Gojo Yuma and challenges him to a duel. In onda il: 2018-10-12 2: Wrestling vs Sumo Hinomaru is finally doing sumo in school! However, they need five members in order to participate in group tournaments. Ozeki and Hinomaru try to attract new members at club activity day. But Hinomaru's chankonabe stew which he planned to use to generate instrest tastes terrible and the plan fails spectacularly! But one other student thinks the stew tastes delicious! The student is Kunisaki Chihiro from the wrestling club, and he and Hinomaru hit it off well, since they are both in fighting sports. 2: Wrestling vs Sumo In onda il: 2018-10-12 Hinomaru is finally doing sumo in school! However, they need five members in order to participate in group tournaments. Ozeki and Hinomaru try to attract new members at club activity day. But Hinomaru's chankonabe stew which he planned to use to generate instrest tastes terrible and the plan fails spectacularly! But one other student thinks the stew tastes delicious! The student is Kunisaki Chihiro from the wrestling club, and he and Hinomaru hit it off well, since they are both in fighting sports. In onda il: 2018-10-19 3: The Kusanagi Sword Tsuji Kirihito has joined the club as a supervisor. The club's first step on the road to the national tournament is facing Eiga University High School in a practice match. The club members don't fully trust Kirihito, but they still go to Eiga High. There, Hinomaru encounters his former rival, National Treasure Kusunagi Sword, Kuze Sosuke. 3: The Kusanagi Sword In onda il: 2018-10-19 Tsuji Kirihito has joined the club as a supervisor. The club's first step on the road to the national tournament is facing Eiga University High School in a practice match. The club members don't fully trust Kirihito, but they still go to Eiga High. There, Hinomaru encounters his former rival, National Treasure Kusunagi Sword, Kuze Sosuke. In onda il: 2018-10-26 4: Dachi High's Fifth Member Early in the morning, Kirihito orders the club members to harvest seaweed and do many other strange things, like standing on an unsteady boat to improve their balance. The club members admire Kirihito's methods, but have doubts about his experience and abilities. They eventually confront him. In order to demonstrate his coaching abilities, Kirihito declares that he will have the rookie Mitsuhashi Kei beat the other club members. 4: Dachi High's Fifth Member In onda il: 2018-10-26 Early in the morning, Kirihito orders the club members to harvest seaweed and do many other strange things, like standing on an unsteady boat to improve their balance. The club members admire Kirihito's methods, but have doubts about his experience and abilities. They eventually confront him. In order to demonstrate his coaching abilities, Kirihito declares that he will have the rookie Mitsuhashi Kei beat the other club members. In onda il: 2018-11-02 5: The Refreshing Sumo Wrestler, Sada Mizuki The Dachi High sumo club will be practicing with Ishigami High School in the next down. Ishigami High School is a powerhouse which took second in the Kanto sumo tournament. The former middle school yokozuna, national treasure Mikazuki Munechika, Sada Mitsuki is enrolled there. Hinomaru hoped to fight Sada, but Tsuji gives Hinomaru somewhere else to go. Meanwhile, Chihiro, forced to take remedial class for failing his midterm, encounters a mysterious sumo scout from another school. 5: The Refreshing Sumo Wrestler, Sada Mizuki In onda il: 2018-11-02 The Dachi High sumo club will be practicing with Ishigami High School in the next down. Ishigami High School is a powerhouse which took second in the Kanto sumo tournament. The former middle school yokozuna, national treasure Mikazuki Munechika, Sada Mitsuki is enrolled there. Hinomaru hoped to fight Sada, but Tsuji gives Hinomaru somewhere else to go. Meanwhile, Chihiro, forced to take remedial class for failing his midterm, encounters a mysterious sumo scout from another school. In onda il: 2018-11-09 6: Charge!! Shibakiyama Stable Hinomaru is to practice at the Shibakiyama Stable, but he is so small they do not pay him much attention. Hinomaru is able to prove his prowess against a wrestler who had recently graduated. The relaxed atmosphere becomes tense, the practice intensifies, and someone starts watching from the shadows... 6: Charge!! Shibakiyama Stable In onda il: 2018-11-09 Hinomaru is to practice at the Shibakiyama Stable, but he is so small they do not pay him much attention. Hinomaru is able to prove his prowess against a wrestler who had recently graduated. The relaxed atmosphere becomes tense, the practice intensifies, and someone starts watching from the shadows... In onda il: 2018-11-16 7: The Honest Clown The inter-high prefectural prelims have begun! The unknown Dachi High was initially laughed at, but Hinomaru easily defeats a student from another school. Next the other team members also win and Reina and her friends cheer. After winning their initial bouts, they begin their match with the fated Ishigami High School. Kei has yet to win a bout, but he has strong determination in his eyes. 7: The Honest Clown In onda il: 2018-11-16 The inter-high prefectural prelims have begun! The unknown Dachi High was initially laughed at, but Hinomaru easily defeats a student from another school. Next the other team members also win and Reina and her friends cheer. After winning their initial bouts, they begin their match with the fated Ishigami High School. Kei has yet to win a bout, but he has strong determination in his eyes. In onda il: 2018-11-23 8: What's Done Is Done The score is 1-1 as Yuma's bout against Kanamori begins. Yuma is quickly cornered and asks himself why he's here. Before the match, Yuma went to the dojo where he learned karate before becoming a delinquent. He apologizes to the master for the things he's done. He asks to reenroll as a student, but the master flatly refuses, saying she will not teach karate to someone who hurts others. 8: What's Done Is Done In onda il: 2018-11-23 The score is 1-1 as Yuma's bout against Kanamori begins. Yuma is quickly cornered and asks himself why he's here. Before the match, Yuma went to the dojo where he learned karate before becoming a delinquent. He apologizes to the master for the things he's done. He asks to reenroll as a student, but the master flatly refuses, saying she will not teach karate to someone who hurts others. In onda il: 2018-11-30 9: Demon and Moon The tense match between two national treasures Onimaru Kunitsuna and Mikazuki Munechika has ignited. Hinomaru has trouble keeping up with Sada’s movements. The Demon Wheel and Demon Storm techniques he developed are not effective. After several attempts at the double combo Hundred Demon Takedown, Hinomaru is caught by Sada’s Crescent Moon. 9: Demon and Moon In onda il: 2018-11-30 The tense match between two national treasures Onimaru Kunitsuna and Mikazuki Munechika has ignited. Hinomaru has trouble keeping up with Sada’s movements. The Demon Wheel and Demon Storm techniques he developed are not effective. After several attempts at the double combo Hundred Demon Takedown, Hinomaru is caught by Sada’s Crescent Moon. In onda il: 2018-12-07 10: Unyielding Feelings Immediately following the team battle, the individual tournament begins. Ozeki worries about fighting his teammates, while Chihiro is thoroughly excited. He uses his fighting instincts to win bout after bout. Ozeki grows nervous watching him. Meanwhile, Hinomaru hides the arm injury he received in the team tournament from the others, believing it would be rude to deny them a proper bout. 10: Unyielding Feelings In onda il: 2018-12-07 Immediately following the team battle, the individual tournament begins. Ozeki worries about fighting his teammates, while Chihiro is thoroughly excited. He uses his fighting instincts to win bout after bout. Ozeki grows nervous watching him. Meanwhile, Hinomaru hides the arm injury he received in the team tournament from the others, believing it would be rude to deny them a proper bout. In onda il: 2018-12-14 11: Barbecue Following their heated tournament battle, the Dachi High sumo club return to school to find a banner congratulating them on their victory and encouragement from the other students. They are taken aback after learning that a video of the tournament has been circulated around the school until first-year Hori Chizuko appears and explains that she recorded and uploaded the video. And she has another confession to make. 11: Barbecue In onda il: 2018-12-14 Following their heated tournament battle, the Dachi High sumo club return to school to find a banner congratulating them on their victory and encouragement from the other students. They are taken aback after learning that a video of the tournament has been circulated around the school until first-year Hori Chizuko appears and explains that she recorded and uploaded the video. And she has another confession to make. In onda il: 2018-12-21 12: Attack!! Nagoya Castle The Dachi High sumo club has been invited to train with the Shibakiyama Stable. At Hinomaru’s suggestion, they go to visit Nagoya Castle. Hinomaru then volunteers for a sumo event there and ends up challenging another student there. That student, coincidentally, is national treasure Odenta Mitsuyo, Hikage Tenma. Their bout quickly becomes a serious battle. Hinomaru tries to execute the Hundred-Thousand Demon Drop, but... 12: Attack!! Nagoya Castle In onda il: 2018-12-21 The Dachi High sumo club has been invited to train with the Shibakiyama Stable. At Hinomaru’s suggestion, they go to visit Nagoya Castle. Hinomaru then volunteers for a sumo event there and ends up challenging another student there. That student, coincidentally, is national treasure Odenta Mitsuyo, Hikage Tenma. Their bout quickly becomes a serious battle. Hinomaru tries to execute the Hundred-Thousand Demon Drop, but... In onda il: 2019-01-12 13: 100-yen-coin Training Reina and Hinomaru are at former yokozuna Shunkai's dojo. He orders them to prepare curry for thirty people with 100 yen. Hinomaru and Reina try various approaches, but all fail. Training time is limited until they can find the answer, when suddenly Tenma comes to the training hall. He demands that Shunkai take him as an apprentice instead of Hinomaru. With the apprentiship on the line, their battle begins anew! 13: 100-yen-coin Training In onda il: 2019-01-12 Reina and Hinomaru are at former yokozuna Shunkai's dojo. He orders them to prepare curry for thirty people with 100 yen. Hinomaru and Reina try various approaches, but all fail. Training time is limited until they can find the answer, when suddenly Tenma comes to the training hall. He demands that Shunkai take him as an apprentice instead of Hinomaru. With the apprentiship on the line, their battle begins anew! In onda il: 2019-01-19 14: The Inter High Begins Chihiro takes Ozeki and Hori to spy on Kanazawa Kita High in order to test Ozeki's courage. Kita High's captain Aizawa refuses to pay any attention to them, criticisizing Dachi High for lacking tradition and history. Ozeki is shocked. Meanwhile, after training with Master Shibakiyama, Kei gives his opinion on what Kirihito can do to help. 14: The Inter High Begins In onda il: 2019-01-19 Chihiro takes Ozeki and Hori to spy on Kanazawa Kita High in order to test Ozeki's courage. Kita High's captain Aizawa refuses to pay any attention to them, criticisizing Dachi High for lacking tradition and history. Ozeki is shocked. Meanwhile, after training with Master Shibakiyama, Kei gives his opinion on what Kirihito can do to help. In onda il: 2019-01-26 15: Onimaru Kunitsuna and Dojikiri Yasutsuna Chihiro takes Ozeki and Hori to spy on Kanazawa Kita High in order to test Ozeki's courage. Kita High's captain Aizawa refuses to pay any attention to them, criticisizing Dachi High for lacking tradition and history. Ozeki is shocked. Meanwhile, after training with Master Shibakiyama, Kei gives his opinion on what Kirihito can do to help. 15: Onimaru Kunitsuna and Dojikiri Yasutsuna In onda il: 2019-01-26 Chihiro takes Ozeki and Hori to spy on Kanazawa Kita High in order to test Ozeki's courage. Kita High's captain Aizawa refuses to pay any attention to them, criticisizing Dachi High for lacking tradition and history. Ozeki is shocked. Meanwhile, after training with Master Shibakiyama, Kei gives his opinion on what Kirihito can do to help. In onda il: 2019-02-01 16: National Treasure Is Delicious Shibakiyama takes Hinomaru to a clinic he trusts to treat his arm. The clinic's Dr. Kanie initially refuses, saying that urgent treatment won't help because Dachi High won't beat a powerhouse like Kanazawa Kita High. Hinomaru tells the doctor how he feels about the team and convinces Dr. Kanie to begin treatment. Meanwhile, Dachi High must face Kanazawa Kita High, the third-ranked school in the country. 16: National Treasure Is Delicious In onda il: 2019-02-01 Shibakiyama takes Hinomaru to a clinic he trusts to treat his arm. The clinic's Dr. Kanie initially refuses, saying that urgent treatment won't help because Dachi High won't beat a powerhouse like Kanazawa Kita High. Hinomaru tells the doctor how he feels about the team and convinces Dr. Kanie to begin treatment. Meanwhile, Dachi High must face Kanazawa Kita High, the third-ranked school in the country. In onda il: 2019-02-08 17: The One Loved by the Sumo Gods Following the first day of the team tournament, Dachi High heads to thee practice area. The Ishi High team, including Sada, comes to see them. Sada suggests having Ishi High stand in for Tottori Hakuro. Meanwhile, in the individual tournament, the yet-undefeateed Kuze wages battle against the experienced reigning champion Tennoji. 17: The One Loved by the Sumo Gods In onda il: 2019-02-08 Following the first day of the team tournament, Dachi High heads to thee practice area. The Ishi High team, including Sada, comes to see them. Sada suggests having Ishi High stand in for Tottori Hakuro. Meanwhile, in the individual tournament, the yet-undefeateed Kuze wages battle against the experienced reigning champion Tennoji. In onda il: 2019-02-16 18: How I Win Kei has been practicing the reverse, which some consider a dishonorable technique. Hinomaru fights head-on, and Kei worries that he'll stain it. Even so, he wants to get one win for the team, and faces an opponent far larger than himself. Knowing that his reverse will be anticipated, Kei unveils a new strategy. 18: How I Win In onda il: 2019-02-16 Kei has been practicing the reverse, which some consider a dishonorable technique. Hinomaru fights head-on, and Kei worries that he'll stain it. Even so, he wants to get one win for the team, and faces an opponent far larger than himself. Knowing that his reverse will be anticipated, Kei unveils a new strategy. In onda il: 2019-02-23 19: Weak Spirit, Strong Will Chihiro will face the Hakuro sumo club’s #2, Kano. Chihiro was having trouble with his powerful sumo, but then counters with his characteristic fighting sense. But being cornered brings out Kano’s fighting spirit and he grabs Chihiro’s belt with both hands! 19: Weak Spirit, Strong Will In onda il: 2019-02-23 Chihiro will face the Hakuro sumo club’s #2, Kano. Chihiro was having trouble with his powerful sumo, but then counters with his characteristic fighting sense. But being cornered brings out Kano’s fighting spirit and he grabs Chihiro’s belt with both hands! In onda il: 2019-03-01 20: Onimaru Kunitsuna and Dojikiri Yasutsuna Go Again In the match against Hakuro, the fifth bout is about to begin. After losing to Kuze, Tennoji thinks of himself as a challenger and works to live up to his teammates’ expectations and become a yokozuna again. Hinomaru, supported by his teammates and the other high school teams that have helped him, rises to the challenge. Having both lost bouts, their battle begins with the contenders anticipating each other’s moves and the advantage trading sides. 20: Onimaru Kunitsuna and Dojikiri Yasutsuna Go Again In onda il: 2019-03-01 In the match against Hakuro, the fifth bout is about to begin. After losing to Kuze, Tennoji thinks of himself as a challenger and works to live up to his teammates’ expectations and become a yokozuna again. Hinomaru, supported by his teammates and the other high school teams that have helped him, rises to the challenge. Having both lost bouts, their battle begins with the contenders anticipating each other’s moves and the advantage trading sides. In onda il: 2019-03-02 21: Idiot and Idiot After winning a difficult match, the Dachi High sumo club cheers, but Reina feels uneasy and does not join in the cheerful mood. Reina breathes new life into Dachi High through their loose and lax mood, strengthening their resolve to win. Then the team tournament begins. Leading off against Eiga High is Chihiro, who will face Hyodo Masato, who turns out to be his brother. 21: Idiot and Idiot In onda il: 2019-03-02 After winning a difficult match, the Dachi High sumo club cheers, but Reina feels uneasy and does not join in the cheerful mood. Reina breathes new life into Dachi High through their loose and lax mood, strengthening their resolve to win. Then the team tournament begins. Leading off against Eiga High is Chihiro, who will face Hyodo Masato, who turns out to be his brother. In onda il: 2019-03-16 22: The Forgotten National Treasure, Onikiri Yasutsuna Kirihito enters the sumo ring. He’s supported the team as a trainer, but shouldering the injured Kei’s strong emotions, he now rises as a competitor. He uses numerous techniques against Eiga High’s Sawai, but the opponent’s skill draws out the bout beyond Kirihito’s twenty-second limit. 22: The Forgotten National Treasure, Onikiri Yasutsuna In onda il: 2019-03-16 Kirihito enters the sumo ring. He’s supported the team as a trainer, but shouldering the injured Kei’s strong emotions, he now rises as a competitor. He uses numerous techniques against Eiga High’s Sawai, but the opponent’s skill draws out the bout beyond Kirihito’s twenty-second limit. In onda il: 2019-03-22 23: Spirit It’s the fourth bout of the Inter-High team championship. Though they were born and raised completely differently, Daniel and Ozeki both joined sumo due to their admiration for yokozuna Yamatokuni. They challenge each other’s love of sumo head-on. Then the fifth bout. The greatest sumo rivalry, Hinomaru and Kuze, is about to ignite. 23: Spirit In onda il: 2019-03-22 It’s the fourth bout of the Inter-High team championship. Though they were born and raised completely differently, Daniel and Ozeki both joined sumo due to their admiration for yokozuna Yamatokuni. They challenge each other’s love of sumo head-on. Then the fifth bout. The greatest sumo rivalry, Hinomaru and Kuze, is about to ignite. In onda il: 2019-03-29 24: The Dream Continues Kuze and Hinomaru are evenly matched in battle. Kuze practiced sumo in isolation from a young age, while Hinomaru’s physique was a handicap he had to overcome. Through the battle, they acknowledge each other’s strength, and give all of themselves to achieve victory. 24: The Dream Continues In onda il: 2019-03-29 Kuze and Hinomaru are evenly matched in battle. Kuze practiced sumo in isolation from a young age, while Hinomaru’s physique was a handicap he had to overcome. Through the battle, they acknowledge each other’s strength, and give all of themselves to achieve victory. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  4. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The King's Avatar Speciali    Episodi 4         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure Nel videogioco multiplayer online denominato Glory, Ye Xiu è venerato come top player ed esempio da seguire; ciò nonostante viene sbattuto fuori dal suo team. Dopo aver abbandonato il professionismo, trova lavoro in un Internet Caffè, come manager. Ma quando Glory lancia il suo X server, si butta nuovamente a capofitto nel videogioco. Con 10 anni di esperienza sulle spalle, le sue memorie passate e un’incompiuta arma creata da lui stesso, il protagonista torna per cercare di fare la scalata Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile 張傑 Ye Xiu (voice) Xinzhu Tong Su Mucheng (voice) 喬詩語 Tang Rou (voice) Ching Ip Huang Shaotian(voice) Xin Teng Bao Rongxing(voice) 魏超 Wang Jiexi (voice) 金弦 Zhou Zekai(voice) Su Shangqing Qiao Yifan(voice) 宝木中阳 Han Wenqing(voice) Episodi: 4  In onda il: 2018-04-27 1: All-Star Tournament (1) Based on the All-Star tournament from the novel. 1: All-Star Tournament (1) In onda il: 2018-04-27 Based on the All-Star tournament from the novel. In onda il: 2018-05-04 2: All-Star Tournament (2) Based on the All-Star tournament from the novel. 2: All-Star Tournament (2) In onda il: 2018-05-04 Based on the All-Star tournament from the novel. In onda il: 2018-05-11 3: All-Star Tournament (3) Based on the All-Star tournament from the novel. 3: All-Star Tournament (3) In onda il: 2018-05-11 Based on the All-Star tournament from the novel. In onda il: 2019-08-16 4: The King's Avatar: For the Glory Two years ago, Glory started out as just another MMORPG, but its real-world influence has grown as more countries begin to recognize esports as an official sport. Now, in China, arrangements are being made to hold the first professional league of Glory, culminating in the Glory Championship. Friends Ye Qiu and Su Muqiu both aspire to make a career out of esports. However, due to personal reasons, Ye Qiu has been hesitant until now to chase his dream onto the national stage. When the two boys finally agree to form their own team, they are supported by Tao Xuan, their boss and the owner of Excellent Era internet cafe, after which they name their team. And so, Team Excellent Era sets their sights on defeating all opponents who stand in their way of reaching the ultimate summit of Glory. 4: The King's Avatar: For the Glory In onda il: 2019-08-16 Two years ago, Glory started out as just another MMORPG, but its real-world influence has grown as more countries begin to recognize esports as an official sport. Now, in China, arrangements are being made to hold the first professional league of Glory, culminating in the Glory Championship. Friends Ye Qiu and Su Muqiu both aspire to make a career out of esports. However, due to personal reasons, Ye Qiu has been hesitant until now to chase his dream onto the national stage. When the two boys finally agree to form their own team, they are supported by Tao Xuan, their boss and the owner of Excellent Era internet cafe, after which they name their team. And so, Team Excellent Era sets their sights on defeating all opponents who stand in their way of reaching the ultimate summit of Glory. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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