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  1. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer South Park Stagione 4    Episodi 17         Animazione ◦ Commedia Stanley "Stan" Marsh, Eric Cartman e Kyle Broflosky e Kenneth "Kenny" McCormick, quattro ragazzi che frequentano la scuola elementare e vivono nella cittadina di South Park, in Colorado. Pestiferi, osceni e sfacciatamente intelligenti i ragazzacci affrontano temi di attualità con immediatezza e sana cattiveria sfatando tabù e demonizzando la società americana. Le loro "armi" sono la parodia, la commedia nera e il linguaggio scurrile. Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile Trey Parker Eric Cartman / Stan Marsh (voice) Matt Stone Kyle Broflovski / Kenny McCormick (voice) Mona Marshall Sheila Broflovski (voice) Episodi: 17  In onda il: 2000-04-05 1: Il racket dei dentini La Fatina dei denti lascia 2 $ sotto il cuscino di Eric Cartman. Al risveglio la madre (la vera artefice del dono) consiglia ad Eric di aprire un conto bancario, ma al contrario lui desidera spenderli. Alla fermata dell'autobus condivide la bella notizia con gli altri ragazzi che si stupiscono, in quanto loro solitamente ricevevano un solo nichelino. Arrivano alla conclusione che, se riescono a trovare altri denti, riusciranno ad ottenere così tanti soldi da poter comprare la console Sega Dreamcast. Avendo però già perso tutti i denti da latte, i ragazzi scelgono Kenny come cavia perché avendo una famiglia povera prima o poi i denti gli cadranno comunque. Quindi legano con uno spago un dente di Kenny alla sedia a rotelle di Timmy. Prima che Timmy possa procedere arriva Butters con in mano il dente da latte che gli è caduto poco prima. Così i ragazzi decidono che la notte stessa ruberanno il dente di Butters da sotto il suo cuscino cambiando il piano. 1: Il racket dei dentini In onda il: 2000-04-05 La Fatina dei denti lascia 2 $ sotto il cuscino di Eric Cartman. Al risveglio la madre (la vera artefice del dono) consiglia ad Eric di aprire un conto bancario, ma al contrario lui desidera spenderli. Alla fermata dell'autobus condivide la bella notizia con gli altri ragazzi che si stupiscono, in quanto loro solitamente ricevevano un solo nichelino. Arrivano alla conclusione che, se riescono a trovare altri denti, riusciranno ad ottenere così tanti soldi da poter comprare la console Sega Dreamcast. Avendo però già perso tutti i denti da latte, i ragazzi scelgono Kenny come cavia perché avendo una famiglia povera prima o poi i denti gli cadranno comunque. Quindi legano con uno spago un dente di Kenny alla sedia a rotelle di Timmy. Prima che Timmy possa procedere arriva Butters con in mano il dente da latte che gli è caduto poco prima. Così i ragazzi decidono che la notte stessa ruberanno il dente di Butters da sotto il suo cuscino cambiando il piano. In onda il: 2000-04-12 2: Il reato di odio di Cartman Le ragazze della scuola sfidano i quattro protagonisti ad una gara di slittino. Cartman però lancia un sasso a Token, perché questi lo ha preso in giro per il suo peso, ferendolo all'occhio. Cartman viene così arrestato da due agenti federali perché, essendo Token afroamericano, il suo gesto diventa automaticamente un crimine razzista. Così Cartman viene giudicato colpevole e condannato a reclusione nel riformatorio fino all'età di ventuno anni. Ma prima di essere preso dagli agenti, scappa dall'aula e va a casa di Kenny pregandolo di portarlo con la sua macchinina a pile in Messico. Si genera un surreale inseguimento di tredici ore a velocità minima tra le auto della polizia e la macchinina a pile, che viene seguito in diretta anche dal telegiornale locale. Quando la macchinina giocattolo si ferma perché ha esaurito l'autonomia delle pile, Cartman viene arrestato e portato al Riformatorio di massima sicurezza di Alamosa. Il suo compagno di cella è il temutissimo Otto Cazzotto. 2: Il reato di odio di Cartman In onda il: 2000-04-12 Le ragazze della scuola sfidano i quattro protagonisti ad una gara di slittino. Cartman però lancia un sasso a Token, perché questi lo ha preso in giro per il suo peso, ferendolo all'occhio. Cartman viene così arrestato da due agenti federali perché, essendo Token afroamericano, il suo gesto diventa automaticamente un crimine razzista. Così Cartman viene giudicato colpevole e condannato a reclusione nel riformatorio fino all'età di ventuno anni. Ma prima di essere preso dagli agenti, scappa dall'aula e va a casa di Kenny pregandolo di portarlo con la sua macchinina a pile in Messico. Si genera un surreale inseguimento di tredici ore a velocità minima tra le auto della polizia e la macchinina a pile, che viene seguito in diretta anche dal telegiornale locale. Quando la macchinina giocattolo si ferma perché ha esaurito l'autonomia delle pile, Cartman viene arrestato e portato al Riformatorio di massima sicurezza di Alamosa. Il suo compagno di cella è il temutissimo Otto Cazzotto. In onda il: 2000-04-19 3: Tutti "fatti" di Ritalin A Timmy viene diagnosticata una sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività, e ciò causa un'ondata di abuso di droghe mediche alla scuola elementare. Inoltre, Timmy diventa il cantante di una band in rapida ascesa. 3: Tutti "fatti" di Ritalin In onda il: 2000-04-19 A Timmy viene diagnosticata una sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività, e ciò causa un'ondata di abuso di droghe mediche alla scuola elementare. Inoltre, Timmy diventa il cantante di una band in rapida ascesa. In onda il: 2000-04-26 4: Che noia il circo! Al circo, i ragazzi incontrano un gruppo di cinque gemelle che lavorano come equilibriste e decidono di imitarle. Queste ragazze, intanto, tentano di sfuggire agli ufficiali del governo rumeno, che le vogliono riportare in Romania. 4: Che noia il circo! In onda il: 2000-04-26 Al circo, i ragazzi incontrano un gruppo di cinque gemelle che lavorano come equilibriste e decidono di imitarle. Queste ragazze, intanto, tentano di sfuggire agli ufficiali del governo rumeno, che le vogliono riportare in Romania. In onda il: 2000-06-21 5: Giù le zampe dai bambini Stanco di avere amici "immaturi", Cartman si iscrive ad una chat online: "Uomini a cui piacciono i bambini". Quando riceve decine di messaggi, ingenuamente crede che questi uomini vogliano essere semplicemente suoi amici, mentre invece sono dei pedofili. Nei giorni seguenti Cartman si incontra con molti di questi uomini (tra cui il signor Garrison) ma vengono tutti arrestati. I pedofili sono membri della NAMBLA, tradotta in italiano come "Associazione Maschioni-Bambini Liberi di Amarsi", un'associazione nata per legalizzare i rapporti sessuali tra adulti e minori. Senza saperne nulla, Cartman si iscrive all'associazione. 5: Giù le zampe dai bambini In onda il: 2000-06-21 Stanco di avere amici "immaturi", Cartman si iscrive ad una chat online: "Uomini a cui piacciono i bambini". Quando riceve decine di messaggi, ingenuamente crede che questi uomini vogliano essere semplicemente suoi amici, mentre invece sono dei pedofili. Nei giorni seguenti Cartman si incontra con molti di questi uomini (tra cui il signor Garrison) ma vengono tutti arrestati. I pedofili sono membri della NAMBLA, tradotta in italiano come "Associazione Maschioni-Bambini Liberi di Amarsi", un'associazione nata per legalizzare i rapporti sessuali tra adulti e minori. Senza saperne nulla, Cartman si iscrive all'associazione. In onda il: 2000-06-28 6: Fatti curare da un indiano Kyle ha bisogno di un trapianto di rene, e salta fuori che solo Cartman è perfettamente compatibile. Cartman offre con gioia il suo rene a Kyle... per la modica cifra di 10 milioni di dollari! Stan, depresso dalla malattia del suo amico, decide allora di prendere il rene di Cartman con la forza. Intanto l'intera cittadina si lascia prendere dalla mania della Medicina ortomolecolare. 6: Fatti curare da un indiano In onda il: 2000-06-28 Kyle ha bisogno di un trapianto di rene, e salta fuori che solo Cartman è perfettamente compatibile. Cartman offre con gioia il suo rene a Kyle... per la modica cifra di 10 milioni di dollari! Stan, depresso dalla malattia del suo amico, decide allora di prendere il rene di Cartman con la forza. Intanto l'intera cittadina si lascia prendere dalla mania della Medicina ortomolecolare. In onda il: 2000-07-05 7: Chef va fuori di testa Chef inizia una protesta contro la bandiera di South Park (rappresentante un uomo di colore impiccato circondato da dei bianchi esultanti) e così da fuoco all'intera città. I bambini si dividono allora in due fazioni: una, formata da Stan e Kyle, che difende la vecchia bandiera; e una, formata da Cartman e Wendy, che ne propone una nuova. Wendy si scopre stranamente attratta dal suo compagno di protesta. 7: Chef va fuori di testa In onda il: 2000-07-05 Chef inizia una protesta contro la bandiera di South Park (rappresentante un uomo di colore impiccato circondato da dei bianchi esultanti) e così da fuoco all'intera città. I bambini si dividono allora in due fazioni: una, formata da Stan e Kyle, che difende la vecchia bandiera; e una, formata da Cartman e Wendy, che ne propone una nuova. Wendy si scopre stranamente attratta dal suo compagno di protesta. In onda il: 2000-07-12 8: Boy band "Fingerbang" è la nuova band formata dai ragazzi di South Park, e anche il nuovo piano di Cartman per fare soldi. 8: Boy band In onda il: 2000-07-12 "Fingerbang" è la nuova band formata dai ragazzi di South Park, e anche il nuovo piano di Cartman per fare soldi. In onda il: 2000-07-19 9: Predica bene razzola male I ragazzi vanno in chiesa, e il reverendo inculca in loro la paura dell'Inferno. Tutti i ragazzi decidono di confessare i loro peccati ma sono preoccupati per Timmy, un bambino paraplegico che non può dire altro che il suo nome. 9: Predica bene razzola male In onda il: 2000-07-19 I ragazzi vanno in chiesa, e il reverendo inculca in loro la paura dell'Inferno. Tutti i ragazzi decidono di confessare i loro peccati ma sono preoccupati per Timmy, un bambino paraplegico che non può dire altro che il suo nome. In onda il: 2000-07-26 10: Probabilmente In seguito a quanto accaduto nell'episodio precedente, Cartman si mette a predicare, e i ragazzi pianificano di costruire una chiesa. Kenny non era stato ucciso, ma il bus che l'ha investito l'ha trasportato in Messico, che il bambino crede essere l'inferno. Satana, in tempo di crisi, si rivolge a Dio per chiedere aiuto. Infine, Cartman è punito da Dio e mandato in Messico. 10: Probabilmente In onda il: 2000-07-26 In seguito a quanto accaduto nell'episodio precedente, Cartman si mette a predicare, e i ragazzi pianificano di costruire una chiesa. Kenny non era stato ucciso, ma il bus che l'ha investito l'ha trasportato in Messico, che il bambino crede essere l'inferno. Satana, in tempo di crisi, si rivolge a Dio per chiedere aiuto. Infine, Cartman è punito da Dio e mandato in Messico. In onda il: 2000-11-08 11: Ebbene sì, sono gay! I bambini di South Park si apprestano ad iniziare la quarta elementare. Cartman però convince gli altri ragazzi che la quarta elementare sarà terribile, per cui interpellano due nerd appassionati di Star Trek che abitano vicino a Kyle per tornare indietro nel tempo. Decidono di utilizzare la sedia a rotelle elettrica di Timmy come congegno, essa però va in tilt: rischia di esplodere sia che si fermi, sia che Timmy si alzi (in riferimento al film Speed). Alla fine il viaggio nel tempo funzionerà davvero e Timmy attraverserà le epoche fino a tornare nel presente. 11: Ebbene sì, sono gay! In onda il: 2000-11-08 I bambini di South Park si apprestano ad iniziare la quarta elementare. Cartman però convince gli altri ragazzi che la quarta elementare sarà terribile, per cui interpellano due nerd appassionati di Star Trek che abitano vicino a Kyle per tornare indietro nel tempo. Decidono di utilizzare la sedia a rotelle elettrica di Timmy come congegno, essa però va in tilt: rischia di esplodere sia che si fermi, sia che Timmy si alzi (in riferimento al film Speed). Alla fine il viaggio nel tempo funzionerà davvero e Timmy attraverserà le epoche fino a tornare nel presente. In onda il: 2000-11-15 12: L'astuccio del cacciatore Cartman è molto orgoglioso della sua nuova cartellina di Dawson's Creek e se ne vanta con tutti. A un certo punto, però, uno sconosciuto lo informa che quella cartellina è in realtà un essere soprannaturale che distruggerà il mondo se non lo fermano. Cartman non accetta di separarsi dalla sua cartellina e sarà compito di Kyle fermare l'essere. 12: L'astuccio del cacciatore In onda il: 2000-11-15 Cartman è molto orgoglioso della sua nuova cartellina di Dawson's Creek e se ne vanta con tutti. A un certo punto, però, uno sconosciuto lo informa che quella cartellina è in realtà un essere soprannaturale che distruggerà il mondo se non lo fermano. Cartman non accetta di separarsi dalla sua cartellina e sarà compito di Kyle fermare l'essere. In onda il: 2000-11-22 13: Helen Keller! Il musical Quando Butters informa i ragazzi di quarta che la recita dell'asilo è stata un successo, i ragazzi decidono di fare del loro meglio per mettere su una recita e battere i bambinetti. 13: Helen Keller! Il musical In onda il: 2000-11-22 Quando Butters informa i ragazzi di quarta che la recita dell'asilo è stata un successo, i ragazzi decidono di fare del loro meglio per mettere su una recita e battere i bambinetti. In onda il: 2000-11-29 14: Grandi speranze Questo episodio è dedicato a Pip Pirrup ed è una rivisitazione del classico Grandi speranze. Prima di arrivare a South Park, Pip era stato assunto nella tenuta Havisham e si innamora della piccola Estella, che però si dimostra fredda e maleducata nei suoi confronti. Scoprirà alla fine che Miss Havisham brama di usare le lacrime di Pip per creare un dispositivo che le permetterà di vendicarsi di tutti gli uomini. 14: Grandi speranze In onda il: 2000-11-29 Questo episodio è dedicato a Pip Pirrup ed è una rivisitazione del classico Grandi speranze. Prima di arrivare a South Park, Pip era stato assunto nella tenuta Havisham e si innamora della piccola Estella, che però si dimostra fredda e maleducata nei suoi confronti. Scoprirà alla fine che Miss Havisham brama di usare le lacrime di Pip per creare un dispositivo che le permetterà di vendicarsi di tutti gli uomini. In onda il: 2000-12-06 15: Ciccia che ti riciccia La famiglia e gli amici di Cartman lo costringono ad andare a un campo per perdere peso. Nel frattempo, Kenny diventa la stella di un reality show dove fa cose pericolose o disgustose come lavarsi i capelli con acido di batteria o massaggiare sensualmente suo nonno. 15: Ciccia che ti riciccia In onda il: 2000-12-06 La famiglia e gli amici di Cartman lo costringono ad andare a un campo per perdere peso. Nel frattempo, Kenny diventa la stella di un reality show dove fa cose pericolose o disgustose come lavarsi i capelli con acido di batteria o massaggiare sensualmente suo nonno. In onda il: 2000-12-13 16: Che palle i genitori, anzi no Questo episodio è una parodia del film Grano rosso sangue. I genitori di Kyle non lo lasciano andare ad un concerto, e lui per ripicca dice alla polizia che questi l'hanno molestato. Presto, tutti i bambini prendono esempio e fanno lo stesso. Con tutti gli adulti in prigione, i ragazzi governano la città. 16: Che palle i genitori, anzi no In onda il: 2000-12-13 Questo episodio è una parodia del film Grano rosso sangue. I genitori di Kyle non lo lasciano andare ad un concerto, e lui per ripicca dice alla polizia che questi l'hanno molestato. Presto, tutti i bambini prendono esempio e fanno lo stesso. Con tutti gli adulti in prigione, i ragazzi governano la città. In onda il: 2000-12-20 17: Un Natale davvero di merda Kyle e Ike attendono ansiosi l'avvento di Mr. Hankey. Quando questo non si presenta, Kyle scopre che Hankey vive con la moglie alcolizzata e tre figlioletti. Lui dice ai ragazzi che ormai a nessuno interessa più del Natale, così questi decidono di provare a spargere un po' di spirito natalizio in città. 17: Un Natale davvero di merda In onda il: 2000-12-20 Kyle e Ike attendono ansiosi l'avvento di Mr. Hankey. Quando questo non si presenta, Kyle scopre che Hankey vive con la moglie alcolizzata e tre figlioletti. Lui dice ai ragazzi che ormai a nessuno interessa più del Natale, così questi decidono di provare a spargere un po' di spirito natalizio in città. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  2. iTALiANO

    Anne Rice - Pandora (2000)

    Anne Rice - Pandora (2000) EPUB/PDF Parigi, oggi. La giovane Pandora sta contemplando la Senna. Ha deciso: esiste un unico modo per mettere fine alla sua disperazione. Ma viene avvicinata da un uomo affascinante e misterioso che non solo la dissuade dal suicidarsi, ma la convince a scrivere la complessa e tragica storia della sua vita... che dura da duemila anni. Sì, perché sia Pandora sia il giovane sono due vampiri e, insieme cercheranno di capire (e di spiegare) che cosa significhi essere un vampiro. Inizia così un lungo viaggio a ritroso nel tempo fino al 15 a.C., quando Pandora, figlia "mortale" di un potente senatore romano, s'innamora perdutamente di Marius, dal quale viene iniziata al vampirismo e al culto della grande dea Iside. Download Links Backin
  3. Lee Ritenour & Dave Grusin - Two Worlds (2000) .Mp3 320 Kbps Artist...............: Lee Ritenour Album................: Two Worlds (Original Version) Genre................: Jazz Source...............: CD Year.................: 2000 remastered 2009 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 53:07 Total Size...........: 123,24 MB 1. Lee Ritenour - Concerto In A Minor For Four Keyboards And Strings, BWV 1065: Movement 1[04:27] 2. Renée Flemin - Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5: Aria (Cantilena) [04:58] 3. Lee Ritenour - Sonatina: Andante II [04:30] 4. Dave Grusin - Elegia (A Henri) With Introduction & Epilogue from _Liebeslied_[03:20] 5. Lee Ritenour - Suite Popular Espanola: No. 3 Cancion [03:57] 6. Lee Ritenour - Lagrima [04:18] 7. Renée Flemin - River Songs: The Water Is Wide_Shenandoah [06:59] 8. Lee Ritenour - Romanian Folk Dances: Stick Dance, Sash Dance, Stamping Dance, Horn Dance, Romanian Polka, Fast Dance[06:43] 9. Lee Ritenour - Suite Compostelana: III, Cuna [04:24] 10. Lee Ritenour - Suite Popular Espanola: El Pano Moruno [03:16] 11. Lee Ritenour - Siciliana [02:11] 12. Lee Ritenour - Canto Invierno [03:58] Password = [o Worlds (208:Ot(8)T0.8] Square brackets are included, just copy and paste. Workupload support multiple simultaneous download
  4. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Il patriota 2 h 45 m    2000         Dramma ◦ Storia ◦ Guerra ◦ Azione Carolina del sud, 1776. Benjamin Martin, un eroe del conflitto franco indiano, si è ritirato ad una vita tranquilla con la propria famiglia e ha giurato di non tornare mai più in guerra. Ora però la serenità della sua esistenza è minacciata dall'impellente conflitto contro gli inglesi e Benjamin, seppur contrario, scopre che l'unico modo per salvare la sua famiglia è combattere per la libertà del suo paese. John Williams Original Music Composer Harry Cohen Sound Designer Harry Cohen Sound Effects Editor Gary Levinsohn Producer Michael McCusker First Assistant Editor Shirley Fulton Crumley Location Casting Mike Watson Stunts Robert DeVine Special Effects Tim Gilbert Stunts Patty York Makeup Artist Roland Emmerich Director Roland Emmerich Executive Producer Mark Gordon Producer Ueli Steiger Director of Photography David Brenner Editor April Webster Casting Victor J. Zolfo Set Decoration Deborah Lynn Scott Costume Design Dean Devlin Producer Barney Burman Key Makeup Artist Caleb Deschanel Director of Photography Wendy Bell Key Makeup Artist Sloane U'Ren Set Designer Dino DiMuro Sound Effects Editor Bob Bowman ADR Editor Robert Rodat Screenplay David Bloch Casting Christopher Assells Sound Effects Editor Per Hallberg Supervising Sound Editor R. A. Rondell Stunt Coordinator Greg Papalia Set Designer Richard F. Mays Assistant Art Director Ute Emmerich Executive Producer Kirk M. Petruccelli Production Design Barry Chusid Art Direction Stephanie Corsalini Casting Freddie Hice Stunt Coordinator Greg P. Russell Sound Re-Recording Mixer Mic Rodgers Stunts Leo Corey Castellano Makeup Effects Chad S. Frey Set Designer Conrad Pope Orchestrator Joel McNeely Orchestrator William Fay Executive Producer Julie Monroe Editor Kim H. Winther First Assistant Director Peter Winther Co-Producer Peter Winther Second Unit Director Christopher Holmes Editor James Dyer Unit Production Manager Mark Vargo Director of Photography Kenneth Wannberg Music Editor Frank J. Zito III Carpenter Tom Reta Assistant Art Director Casey O'Neill Stunts Jason Rodriguez Stunts Lahly Poore Assistant Costume Designer Shawn Murphy Scoring Mixer John Neufeld Orchestrator Robert C. Albertell Second Assistant Director Clyde E. Bryan First Assistant Camera Kay Georgiou Hair Department Head Troy Brown Stunts Mike Kirton Stunts David Orr Color Timer Kanin Howell Stunts John C. Meier Stunts Nick Brandon Utility Stunts Keith Collea Video Assist Operator Knox White Boom Operator Billy D. Lucas Stunts Bobby McLaughlin Stunts Rok Cvetkov Stunts Matthew Taylor Stunts Chris Howell Stunts Brian Duffy Stunts Leigh Leverett Set Costumer Debbie Lynn Ross Stunts Elliott Glick Scenic Artist George Doering Musician Lonnie R. Smith Jr. Stunts Tim T. Cunningham Visual Effects Coordinator Gary A. Hecker Foley Michelle Schluter-Ford Casting Assistant Richard Bucher Stunt Double Thirl Haston Stunts Brian Brown Stunts Larry Rippenkroeger Stunts Scott Baldyga Casting Assistant David Acord Utility Sound Thomas Nellen Makeup Department Head Mitchell Ray Kenney Costume Supervisor Ivica Bilich Property Master Shane Greedy Transportation Coordinator Geoff Cormier Greensman Michael Dahan Associate Producer Thomas Robinson Harper Stunts Joe Golz Propmaker Frank J. Hart Propmaker Cal Johnson Stunts Lance Gilbert Stunts Clare Scarpulla Set Designer Lars P. Winther Second Assistant Director K. Drew Fuller Greensman Greg Baldi Assistant Camera P. Scott Sakamoto Camera Operator Noelle King Set Designer Randall D. Wilkins Set Designer Scott Getzinger Assistant Property Master Doug Harlocker Property Master Kevin O’Connell Sound Re-Recording Mixer Tommy J. Huff Stunts James M. Churchman Stunts Andrew Cooper Still Photographer Jeanie Baker Set Costumer Chris O'Hara Stunts Jon Carpenter Transportation Co-Captain Randy Kelley Sound Effects Editor Larry Kemp Foley Editor Conny Fauser VFX Supervisor Lauren Stephens Sound Editor Lauren Stephens Dialogue Editor Gary L. Camp First Assistant Camera Lex D. Geddings Stunts Ozzy Inguanzo Art Department Coordinator Ozzy Inguanzo Researcher Stanton Barrett Stunts Rachel Aberly Unit Publicist Jessee J. Clarkson Propmaker James M. Halty Stunts Michelle Pazer ADR Editor Kim Collea Makeup Artist Robert A. Blackburn Construction Coordinator Karen Baker Landers First Assistant Sound Editor Peter Staubli Sound Effects Editor Faye Sevilla Wardrobe Assistant Leigh Ann Yandle Makeup Artist Neil Castles Jr. Driver Jonathan F. Styrlund Visual Effects Producer Dan Hegeman Sound Effects Editor Chris Jargo Supervising ADR Editor Suzy Mazzarese-Allison Hairstylist Tyler C. Daum Driver Kosta Saric Visual Effects Editor Laura Graham ADR Editor Stuart Robertson Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Tina Del Castillo Driver David A. Cohen Dialogue Editor David A. Cohen ADR Editor Amy Andrews Key Costumer Danielle Couture Painter Anita Brabec Makeup Artist Pedro Barquin Greensman Kim Berner Script Supervisor Reid Russell Camera Intern Dan Kneece Camera Operator Dan Kneece Steadicam Operator Dan Kneece Additional Camera Mike Repeta First Assistant Camera Todd J. Labarowski Set Production Assistant Scott Sanders Sound Effects Editor Brigitte Daloin Visual Effects Editor Kelvin R. Trahan Key Hair Stylist Yves De Bono Special Effects Coordinator Kelvin Lee Animation Supervisor Drew McKeen Visual Effects Producer Thomas Dadras Visual Effects Supervisor Matthew Dettmann Foley Artist Dawn M. Baker Scenic Artist Michael Thurman Set Dresser Cristin Pescosolido Digital Compositors Birger Laube Sculptor Geraldine Jones Hairstylist Michele Perrone ADR Editor Paul Drenning ADR Mixer Dale Frye Stunts Alyssa Fong Visual Effects Lee Grubin First Assistant Editor Timothy Burgard Storyboard Artist Thomas Lauifi Construction Foreman Ricky Riggs Scenic Artist Jacob Chambers Stunts Bill Diaz 3D Animator Elizabeth Greenberg Casting Associate Dionne McNeff Associate Producer Paul Bernard First Assistant Director Philip D. Morrill Assistant Sound Editor Clay M. Lilley Stunts Erik Rondell Stunts Susan Buffington Hairstylist Dustin Blauvelt Camera Operator Chuck 'Chaz' Hosack Stunts Christian J. Fletcher Stunts Eric Miranda Stunts Nancy Keslar Hairstylist Lee Orloff Production Sound Mixer Kevin L. Jackson Stunts Susan Ehrhart Assistant Production Coordinator Harry K. Garvin Steadicam Operator James Marbas Digital Effects Supervisor James K. Jensen Post Production Supervisor Andy Barrios Digital Compositors Jens Döldissen Special Effects Supervisor Stephen Eno Painter Alice Powell Seamstress Tony Negrete First Assistant Sound Editor Carey Milbradt Sound Editor Carey Milbradt Sound Effects Editor Jeff McManus Dialogue Editor Dave Rand 3D Animator Mark Franco Executive Visual Effects Producer William S. Lake Propmaker Jeffree Bloomer Sound Mixer Matthew Haskins Second Assistant Camera Victor J. Hernandez Sound Effects Editor Colin J. Campbell Chief Lighting Technician Anthony Cargioli Boom Operator Kirsten Anderson First Assistant Accountant Doug Tubach Digital Compositors Lois DeArmond Costume Illustrator Dana Kroeger Camera Loader Chris Brighton Assistant Director Drake Jenevein ADR Editor Xye Visual Effects Scott Holmes 3D Animator Brian Bennett Stunts Clete Cetrone Construction Foreman Daniel Williams Scenic Artist Daniel R. Kerr ADR Recordist David Fogg Compositors John McLaughlin Driver Dustin Meier Stunts Adria Later Studio Teachers Troy Gilbert Stunts Harry Lu Armorer Mike Revell Production Accountant Jim Grce Chief Lighting Technician Paul Jyrälä Foley Editor Alex Klabukov Grip Jimmy Waitman Stunts Harrison Palmer Electrician Lou Kleinman Foley Editor George W. Harding III Set Dresser Bill Greenberg Rigging Gaffer Diane Crooke Costume Supervisor Peter Damien Propmaker Glenn Karpf Visual Effects Coordinator Dick Deats Key Grip Mo Henry Negative Cutter Daniel Dietrich Greensman Nelson Sepulveda Compositing Supervisor John Lybrand Driver Girard Swan Stand In Tom Boyd Musician R. David Burns Production Coordinator John Emory Grip James Thatcher Musician Patrick M. Walsh Stunts Larry A. Cornick Leadman John Rotan Location Scout Sean Bernard Painter Warren Manser Production Illustrator Alan R. Disler First Assistant Camera Judith H. Bickerton Key Hair Stylist Julie Callihan Makeup Artist Zandra Harding Seamstress Gillian Albinski Set Dressing Artist Christopher Flournoy Carpenter Loren Bess Driver Paolo Moscatelli Sequence Supervisor Clyde D. Baisey Set Medic James M. Crumley Jr. Set Production Assistant Robert Minsk Software Engineer Randy McKenney Stand In John Duino Systems Administrators & Support John Rice Sr. Transportation Captain Jack McCollum Electrician Ronald M. Betts Lighting Technician Jerry C. Deats Key Rigging Grip Cindi Hobgood Location Manager Christina Vaeth Production Accountant Taylor Ammons Production Coordinator Heidi Schuller Production Manager Mary Weisgerber Meyer Production Supervisor Oscar G. Castillo 3D Animator Adam Frazier I/O Supervisor Terry Chapman Special Effects Supervisor Fiona Bull Visual Effects Producer Joni Cuquet Finance Anthony T. Marra II Key Grip Pat O'Mara Grip Greg Hale Second Second Assistant Director Bruce Dukov Musician Chris Gorden Driver John France Set Dresser David Paul Lord Stunts Mortimer Warlimont Visual Effects Coordinator Zsolt Kadar Additional Second Assistant Camera Heidi Gilbert Set Production Assistant Wade Culbreath Musician David Halsey Hairstylist Patrick King Set Dresser Brian Powell Rigging Gaffer Melissa Elliott Title Designer Antonio V. Garrido Dolly Grip Chris Winter ADR Editor Jason Gray Stunts Michael Gaines Stunts Michael Hansen Set Dresser David Carlton White Driver Josh Kemble Stunts Tad Griffith Stunts Jonathan Gaynor Production Sound Mixer Jonathan S. Morgan Location Production Assistant Frank M. Fleming Set Dresser Clifford Happy Stunts Sean Devine Best Boy Grip Kristin Ryals Makeup Artist Craig Rondell Stunts Cooper Taylor Stunts Cecilia Escobar Payroll Accountant Dennis Zoppe Key Grip Richard Duarte Foley Mixer Sofie Scherz Location Manager Dan Sharp Sound Recordist Dave Spencer Grip Eric Tablada 3D Animator Andrew Bain Musician Anderson Martin Stunts David Walling Stunts Davis Bates Stunts Glen Yrigoyen Stunts Jim Pratt Stunts John T. Cypert Stunts Mike Pridgen Stunts Chris Serenil Systems Administrators & Support Mark C. McManus Video Assist Operator Darin A. Drennan Music Editor Darin A. Drennan Orchestrator Ira Shain 3D Animator Manny Wong 3D Animator Todd Harvey 3D Animator Debra Light Assistant Editor Jeff Williams Assistant Editor Janelle Showalter Assistant Sound Editor Lee W. Lebaigue Assistant Sound Editor Laura Reimer Clapper Loader Sean Yaple Camera Loader Ben T. Sineath Jr. Carpenter Tim Kottyan Carpenter Paul H. Lopez Costume Supervisor Abra Grupp Digital Compositors Brian Wolf Digital Compositors Colin Feist Digital Compositors Stephen Drinon Dolly Grip Brett Leslie Driver Genna Long Driver Jan Overson Driver Rick Parkinson Driver Ben Noble Electrician Philippe Cointepas First Assistant Camera Philippe Cointepas Focus Puller Michael Samarzich Greensman Richard M. Cole Greensman William Rampey Greensman Sean Wright Grip Matthew Petty Hairstylist Roxanne Ferguson Hairstylist Kahlil Fadel Lighting Technician Darwin Hensley Makeup Artist Andreas Fischer Modeling George da Silva Modeling Michel Lazarus Modeling René Willand Modeling Saskia Stoever Modeling Silke Hartung Modeling Tim Peters Modeling Volker Reichenberger Modeling Mark O'Connor Musician Justine Hebron Production Coordinator Wayne W. Whited Production Coordinator John W. Morgan Scenic Artist Suzette Gaconnier Script Supervisor Jessica S. Smith Set Costumer Kelly Everett Set Costumer Chester Lee Henderson Jr. Set Dresser Douglas G. Young Set Dresser Larry Sauls Set Dresser Sean Keenan Set Dresser Shannon M. Brice Set Dresser Billy Fields Set Medic Julie Fay Set Production Assistant Peter J. Dowd Jr. Set Production Assistant Peter J. Dowd Jr. Additional Second Assistant Director David Baldwin Sound Effects Editor Ante Dugandzic Special Effects Michael Hansen Stunts Tim Fitzgerald Location Assistant Christopher Warren Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Niamh Murphy Textile Artist Beth Bargas Assistant Accountant Mary Anne Gomulinski Costume Assistant Patricia Buckley-Moss Costumer Maxann Crotts Additional Casting Fong Nickson Effects Supervisor Robin Carlan Extras Casting Assistant Katrina Elder Logistics Coordinator Will Dotter Production Assistant Heather P. Woods Production Secretary John Zimmerman Stunts Steve Park Set Decorating Coordinator Mel Gibson Benjamin Martin Heath Ledger Gabriel Martin Joely Richardson Charlotte Selton Jason Isaacs Col. William Tavington Chris Cooper Col. Harry Burwell Tchéky Karyo Jean Villeneuve René Auberjonois Reverend Oliver Lisa Brenner Anne Howard Tom Wilkinson Gen. Cornwallis Donal Logue Dan Scott Leon Rippy John Billings Adam Baldwin Capt. Wilkins Jay Arlen Jones Occam Joey D. Vieira Peter Howard Gregory Smith Thomas Martin Mika Boorem Margaret Martin Skye McCole Bartusiak Susan Martin Trevor Morgan Nathan Martin Bryan Chafin Samuel Martin Logan Lerman William Martin Mary Jo Deschanel Mrs. Howard Jamieson Price Capt. Bordon Peter Woodward Charles O'Hara Grahame Wood Redcoat Lieutenant Beatrice Bush Abigale the Housekeeper Shane Ayon Grinadier Soldier Shan Omar Huey Joshua Hank Stone Rollins Kirk Fox Skunk Jack Moore Curly Mark Twogood Danvers Colt Romberger Colt Terry Layman Gen. George Washington Shannon Eubanks Mrs. Simms Bill Roberson Loyalist Simms Charles Black Matthew Andy Stahl Gen. Nathanel Greene Kristian Truelsen Hardwick Kanin Howell Postrider Mark Jeffrey Miller Wounded Continental Zach Hanner British Field Officer Randell Haynes Patriot Middleton John Storey Cowpens Militiaman Greg Good Cowpens Militiaman John F. Dzencelowcz II Continental Soldier Kyle Richard Engels Billings' Son John Bennes Speaker John Curran Redcoat Sergeant #1 Dara Coleman Redcoat Sergeant #2 Roy McCrerey Redcoat P. Dion Moore Redcoat Tyler Long Page Poy John H. Bush Abner Gil Johnson Militiaman Scott Thomas Patriot Private Derrick B. Young Slave Boy Le Roy Seabrook Gullah Minister Samuel Brown Jr. Gullah Musician Samuel Brown Sr. Gullah Musician Lillie L. Harris Gullah Musician Braima Moiwai Gullah Musician Patrick Tatopoulos French Naval Officer Il Patriota (2000) - Trailer ITALIANO ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  5. Texas - The greatest hits (2000) .Mp3 320 Kbps Artist...............: Texas Album................: The Greatest Hits Genre................: Rock Source...............: CD Year.................: 2000 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 01:05:42 Total Size...........: 152,69 MB 1. Texas - I Don't Want A Lover [05:01] 2. Texas - In Demand [04:24] 3. Texas - Say What You Want [03:49] 4. Texas - Summer Son [04:02] 5. Texas - Inner Smile [03:50] 6. Texas - So In Love With You (Re-Recording) [04:17] 7. Texas - Black Eyed Boy (Summer Mix) [03:15] 8. Texas - So Called Friend (Re-Recording) [03:44] 9. Texas - Everyday Now (Remix Of Original Version) [04:18] 10. Texas - In Our Lifetime [04:04] 11. Texas - Halo [04:08] 12. Texas - Guitar Song [03:54] 13. Texas - Prayer For You (Remix Of Original Version) [04:18] 14. Texas - When We Are Together (Together Mix) [03:21] 15. Texas - Put Your Arms Around Me [04:32] 16. Texas - Say What You Want (All Day Every Day) (Remixed Version With Method Man & RZA)[04:37] Password = [8:Ot(8)T0.8] Square brackets are included, just copy and paste. Workupload support multiple simultaneous download
  6. Michel Petrucciani - Days Of Wine And Roses - The Owl Years 1981-1985 (2000) .Mp3 320 Kbps Artist...............: Michel Petrucciani Album................: Days Of Wine And Roses - The Owl Years 1981-1985 Genre................: Jazz Source...............: CD Year.................: 2000 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.99 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3 Playing Time.........: 02:04:48 Total Size...........: 273,20 MB 1. Michel Petrucciani - Gattito [06:05] 2. Michel Petrucciani - Amalgame [07:17] 3. Michel Petrucciani - Eugenia [09:14] 4. Michel Petrucciani - Mike Pee [10:04] 5. Michel Petrucciani - I Just Say Hello [08:41] 6. Michel Petrucciani - Santa Barbara [06:43] 7. Michel Petrucciani - It's What I Am Doing When I Miss You[09:44] 8. Michel Petrucciani - Cold Blues [06:33] 9. Michel Petrucciani - Days Of Wine And Roses [07:13] 10. Michel Petrucciani - My Funny Valentine [10:49] 11. Michel Petrucciani - Prelude To A Kiss [15:21] 12. Lee Konitz - I Hear A Rhapsody [04:36] 13. Michel Petrucciani - Round About Midnight [10:06] 14. Michel Petrucciani - Afro Blue [05:25] 15. Michel Petrucciani - There Will Never Be Another You [06:51] Password = [8:Ot(8)T0.8] Square brackets are included, just copy and paste. Workupload support multiple simultaneous download
  7. Paolo Mazzoldi, Massimo Nigro, Cesare Voci - Fisica. Meccanica, termodinamica. Vol. 1 (2000) EPUB/PDF Fisica nasce dalla esperienza didattica maturata in anni di insegnamento nei corsi di Fisica generale. Si tratta di un testo pensato per gli studenti e volto ad aiutarli nell'apprendimento mediante uno strumento di studio che indichi con chiarezza le nozioni fondamentali e sia ralmente di guida alla comprensione ed alla risoluzione degli esercizi. Sono stati tuttavia mantenuti nel testo tutti gli argomenti tradizionali, che formano la base culturale della Fisica Generale e che sono di naturale riferimento per molti corsi successivi. Dalla versione integrale del Volume I è stato estrapolato il quaderno Meccanica pensato per le esigenze dei corsi modulari con numero ridotto di ore, in cui non vengono trattati argomenti di termodinamica. Download Links Links Alternativi: Easybytez - Rockfile
  8. Genere (style) : Dance Data di uscita: 2000 Quality: .flac - 900 kbps Tracklist: 1. Computer Love (radio original edit) 03:57 2. Computer Love (original extended mix) 05:23 3. Computer Love (extended remix) 05:29 4. Computer Love (radio human love) 04:15 5. Computer Love (human love) 05:21 6. Computer Love (beat vocal) 05:31 7. Magic Fett (original mix) 06:15 Unconditional - Computer.Love.2000.flac.900kbps-VaRieD
  9. Richard Ashcroft - Alone with everybody (2000) .Mp3 320 Kbps Artist...............: Richard Ashcroft Album................: Alone with everybody Genre................: Rock Source...............: CD Year.................: 2000 Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec................: LAME 3.93 Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz Playing Time.........: 01:08:24 Total Size...........: 156.59 MB 01 "A Song for the Lovers" – 5:26 02 "I Get My Beat" – 6:02 03 "Brave New World" – 5:59 04 "New York" – 5:30 05 "You on My Mind in My Sleep" – 5:06 06 "Crazy World" – 4:57 07 "On a Beach" – 5:09 08 "Money to Burn" – 6:15 09 "Slow Was My Heart" – 3:44 10 "C'mon People (We're Making It Now)" – 5:03 11 "Everybody" – 6:34 Bonus tracks 12 "Leave Me High" – 5:22 13 "XXYY" – 4:24 Password = [Ot8T0] Square brackets are included, just copy and paste. Workupload support multiple simultaneous download
  10. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La tempesta perfetta 2 h 10 m    2000         Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Dramma ◦ Thriller Gloucester, Massachusetts: un gruppo di pescatori, guidati dal determinato capitano Billy Tyne, dopo un periodo di magra, si dirigono al largo in cerca di maggiore fortuna; l'equipaggio del peschereccio "Andrea Gail" naviga oltre le normali rotte di pesca del New England, fino al Flemish Cap, noto per i ricchi banchi di pesce spada. Mentre si trova già in alto mare, la barca riceve l'allarme riguardo ad una tempesta che sta montando alle loro spalle, ma, decisi a non rinunciare alla ricca battuta di pesca ed ai guadagni che con essa ne ricaveranno, ignorano l'avvertimento e procedono nel loro intento. Sfortunatamente la situazione meteoreologica peggiora e l'uragano Grace è in rotta di collisione con altre due aree di bassa pressione, una proveniente da Sud, l'altra da Nord, dalla cui unione scaturisce la cosiddetta tempesta perfetta, un evento che, secondo gli esperti meteo, si verifica molto raramente. Harry Cohen Sound Designer Doug J. Meerdink Set Designer James Horner Original Music Composer James Horner Orchestrator John Seale Director of Photography Janet Hirshenson Casting Scott Martin Gershin Sound Designer Jane Jenkins Casting Director Richard Francis-Bruce Editor David R. Ellis Second Unit Director Wolfgang Petersen Director Wolfgang Petersen Producer T.J. Healy II Location Manager John Frazier Special Effects Coordinator John Frazier Special Effects Supervisor Todd Arnow Unit Production Manager Duncan Henderson Unit Production Manager William Sandell Production Design Kevin Ishioka Assistant Art Director Erica Edell Phillips Costume Design Ernie Bishop Set Decoration Airick Kredell Leadman Ellen Heuer Foley Artist Mark Peterson Costume Supervisor Walt Lloyd Second Unit Director of Photography David Rapaport Extras Casting Assistant Paula Weinstein Producer Stu Bernstein Foley Editor George Jenson Storyboard Artist Sebastian Junger Novel William D. Wittliff Screenplay Gail Katz Producer Chas. Butcher Art Direction Bruce Crone Art Direction Stefen Fangmeier Visual Effects Supervisor Samir Hoon Sequence Supervisor David Sandefur Assistant Art Director Alan B. Curtiss First Assistant Director Gary Capo Underwater Director of Photography V. Scott Balcerek Visual Effects Editor Erik Heiberg Production Assistant J.A.C. Redford Orchestrator Carl Johnson Orchestrator Waldo Sanchez Hairstylist Keith Woulard Stunts George P. Wilbur Stunts Al Cerullo Pilot Doug Coleman Stunt Coordinator David Orr Color Timer Daniel W. Barringer Stunt Coordinator Nerses Gezalyan Sound Mixer Kimaree Long Dialogue Editor Kimaree Long ADR Editor Jeffrey Wilhoit Foley Artist Greg Zimmerman Foley Recordist Claudette Barius Still Photographer Kevin Fennessy Extras Casting Dianne Dreyer Script Supervisor Kerry Ann Carmean Sound Effects Editor Joseph Alfuso Orchestrator Douglas C. Merrifield Marine Coordinator Mickey Giacomazzi Stunts Steven Bernstein Orchestrator Tim Rigby Stunts Peter Daulton Animation Supervisor Wendy Washbrook Extras Casting Susan A. Cabral Makeup Department Head Donald Mowat Makeup Artist Aimee McCue Costumer Donna Marcione Pollack Costume Supervisor Kurt D. Lott Stunts William A. Petrotta Property Master David E. Campbell Sound Re-Recording Mixer Gregg Rudloff Sound Re-Recording Mixer John T. Reitz Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jon Title Sound Effects Designer Wylie Stateman Supervising Sound Editor Joel Aron Sequence Supervisor Gary Tuers Props John Leimanis Set Designer Kevin Bartnof Foley John M. 'Jack' Wright Set Costumer Gary Deaton Construction Coordinator Gerald Lehtola Set Decorating Coordinator Helen Elswit Visual Effects Producer Michael John Meehan Location Manager Mohen Leo Visual Effects Technical Director Greg Maloney Digital Compositor Bill Taliaferro Set Designer Katrina Siegmund First Assistant Sound Editor Wayne Burnes Special Effects Randy Kelley Sound Effects Editor Joe E. Rand Music Editor Martha Johnston Assistant Art Director Walt Conti Animatronics Supervisor Annie McEveety First Assistant Camera Jim Henrikson Supervising Music Editor Hugh Waddell ADR Supervisor Ginger Theisen Visual Effects Producer Robin Saxen Visual Effects Coordinator David B. Nowell Aerial Director of Photography Candice D. Campos Assistant Production Coordinator Richard Dwan Jr. Dialogue Editor Richard Dwan Jr. ADR Editor Rob Harris Publicist Hector C. Gika Sound Effects Editor Huston Beaumont Lighting Technician Laura Graham ADR Editor Mark Johnston Sound Recordist Anthony Pitone Visual Effects Editor Robert Weaver Sequence Supervisor Kim Marks Camera Operator Daniel C. Gold Camera Operator Lisa A. Doyle Set Costumer Tim Stratton Electrician Theodore Suchecki Construction Foreman Butch McCarthy On Set Props Beth Bajuk Art Department Coordinator Craig B. Ayers Sr. Head Greensman Scott Sanders Sound Effects Editor Douglas J. Schulman Sound Mixer Curt I. Miyashiro CG Supervisor Jennifer Mann ADR Editor Hayley Stuppel Wardrobe Assistant Michael Pescasio Techno Crane Operator Michele Perrone ADR Editor Jennifer Spenelli Assistant Editor Tom Barrett Visual Effects Editor Vivian McAteer Hairstylist Tommy Frazier Special Effects Philip Keller Storyboard Artist Dana Baker Rigging Grip Rick Harris Rigging Grip Eliza Coleman Stunts Robert Huberman First Assistant Director Mitchell Ferm Visual Effects Coordinator Bryan Wohlers Special Effects Technician Carlos DePalma Rigging Grip J. Eric Schmidt Orchestrator Tom Williams Cableman Virginia G. Hadfield Hair Department Head Wayne Baker Assistant Camera James Keys Rigging Gaffer Bill Gilman Digital Compositor Keith A. Wester Sound Michele Payne Hairstylist Alfred Ainsworth Video Assist Operator Cookie Lopez Set Costumer Robin Lynn Bonaccorsi Stunts Emma C. Rotondi Key Hair Stylist Wade Wilson Sound Effects Designer Robert C. Lusted First Assistant Editor Denise Heinrich Production Coordinator Bruce West Set Designer Bob Munoz Key Grip Tom Jung Storyboard Artist Tony Chavez Prop Maker David E. Hall Post Production Coordinator Timothy P. Salmon Boom Operator Greg Wimer Assistant Camera Daryl Richardson Grip Rocky Gehr Special Effects Coordinator Casey Jones Key Grip Peter McAdams Dolly Grip Dana Dru Evenson Stunts Diane Pepper Hairstylist Steven Fidler Prop Maker Patrick Murray Underwater Gaffer Anthony Gaudio Standby Painter Jay Cooper Digital Compositor Daniel Berkowitz Production Assistant Jamie Kehoe Craft Service Julie Adrianson-Neary Digital Compositor Marshall Richard Krasser Digital Compositor Amy Gross Production Assistant Joakim Arnesson Sequence Supervisor Michael Conte Compositor Valerie Davidson Foley Editor Maureen Crowe Music Supervisor Antar Abderrahman Jr. Lighting Technician Craig S. Jaeger Foley Editor Raul Essig CG Artist Mo Henry Negative Cutter Mike Schwake Dolly Grip James Thatcher Musician Jefferson Murff Set Dresser Sue Smith Production Assistant Carol Demarti Ager/Dyer Bruce Dukov Musician Jesse Mather Lighting Technician Norman Page Makeup Artist Jeff Sutherland Digital Compositor Kris Fullan Martinez Production Coordinator Billy Green Grip Mark Chadwick Stunts Brian Rosso Grip Kenneth Sayers Set Dresser Vince De Quattro Digital Compositor Stephen Kennedy Digital Compositor Gary Metzen Painter Cory Foster Craft Service Christine Kaseta Cornelius Scenic Artist Eric Gotthelf Foley Mixer Jenifer Bonisteel Production Assistant Marleen Alter Makeup Artist Dominick De Rasmo Ager/Dyer Gregg Frazier Boom Operator Patrick Tubach Compositor Chris Nickerson Electrician Erik Hecomovich Grip H. Barclay Aaris Special Effects Andy Wong Animation Barry Safley Digital Compositor Gerald Gutschmidt Sequence Supervisor Eric Dressor Special Effects Technician Christopher A. Suarez Special Effects Technician Habib Zargarpour Visual Effects Supervisor Glen Purdy Grip Danielle Fenati Production Assistant John Carney Chief Lighting Technician Jeff Pelton Second Assistant Camera Sean MacKenzie Digital Compositor Paul Farley Grip Julia Garrison Painter Cabernet Murray Assistant Accountant Michael Rudolph Electrician Jeff Graham First Assistant Camera Susan M. Weeks Digital Compositor Stacey Shear Visual Effects Coordinator Chuck Turner Rigging Grip Ken Mieding Special Effects Technician Ray L. Wilkerson Special Effects Kimberly Lashbrook Digital Compositor Eric D. Shain Assistant Accountant John McEveety Assistant Camera Heather Scobie Assistant Camera Donald J. Vos Best Boy Grip Elizabeth Algieri Camera Loader Curtis Failor Electrician Zachary K. Lazar Electrician Brendan Keefe Electrician Michael E. Reynolds Grip Greg Wilson Grip Porfirio Dominguez Grip Chris Bennett Lighting Programmer Timothy Rose Extras Casting Assistant April Hunter Reed Costumer Paris Paul Assistant Accountant Katie Zaslaw First Assistant Accountant Ed Nyerick Marine Coordinator Joseph Bouvier Production Assistant Anna Bradley Production Assistant Angela Goodwin Production Assistant F. Carl Hansen Production Assistant Patrick J. Healy Production Assistant Kevin McNamara Production Assistant Humberto Ramirez Jr. Production Assistant Carlos A. de Castro Production Assistant Catherine H. Vlasuk Production Coordinator Kevin Bissada Production Secretary Jennifer Scott Travel Coordinator Henry Preston Sequence Supervisor Dan B. Goldman CG Supervisor Ronnie E. Williams Jr. Digital Compositor Monique Gougeon Visual Effects Coordinator Leslie Safley Visual Effects Coordinator Doug Lovett Colorist H. Franklin Baker III Location Assistant Dan O. Healy Location Assistant Andy Weltman Location Assistant Ty Boyce Animatronics Designer Kenneth Van Order Special Effects Ross Young Special Effects Dominic V. Ruiz Special Effects James G. Thomas Special Effects Technician R.J. Mino Production Manager Michael Green First Assistant Director Basti Van Der Woude Third Assistant Director Michael Parenti Painter Jennifer Watson-Johnston Stunts George Clooney Capt. Billy Tyne Mark Wahlberg Bobby Shatford Diane Lane Christina "Chris" Cotter John C. Reilly Dale "Murp" Murphy William Fichtner David "Sully" Sullivan Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Linda Greenlaw John Hawkes Mike "Bugsy" Moran Dash Mihok Sgt. Jeremy Mitchell Karen Allen Melissa Brown Bob Gunton Alexander McAnally III Cherry Jones Edie Bailey Allen Payne Alfred Pierre Josh Hopkins Capt. Darryl Ennis Todd Kimsey Lt. Rob Pettit Christopher McDonald Todd Gross Michael Ironside Bob Brown Rusty Schwimmer Irene "Big Red" Johnson Janet Wright Ethel Shatford Chris Palermo Flight Engineer Borgers Wiley M. Pickett Sgt. Millard Jones Hayden Tank Dale Murphy, Jr. Merle Kennedy Debra Murphy Jennifer Sommerfeld Alfred Pierre's Girlfriend Joseph D. Reitman Douglas Kosco Sandy Ward Quentin - The Old Timer Melissa Samuels Pam - Todd Gross' Assistant Steven Barr Commander Brudnicki Billy Mayo C-130 Pilot Marcio Rosario Pool Player (uncredited) Brad Martin Gloucester Fisherman #1 (uncredited) THE PERFECT STORM (Theatrical Trailer) ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  11. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Il gladiatore 2 h 35 m    2000         Azione ◦ Dramma ◦ Avventura Dopo una vittoria contro i Britanni l'imperatore Marco Aurelio, che disprezza il figlio Commodo, decide che il suo successore sarà il generale Massimo, uomo straordinario, amato da tutti. Ma Commodo uccide il padre e ordina la morte del generale e della sua famiglia. Massimo fugge in Africa, diventa gladiatore, torna a Roma dove si fa riconoscere. Diventa l'eroe del Colosseo, idolatrato dal popolo. Tanto che lo stesso Commodo non può farlo uccidere. Lo sfida a un duello nell'arena, dopo averlo vigliaccamente ferito. Massimo uccide finalmente l'orrendo imperatore. Hans Zimmer Original Music Composer Ridley Scott Director Ridley Scott Executive Producer David Franzoni Screenplay David Franzoni Producer David Franzoni Story Branko Lustig Producer Branko Lustig Unit Production Manager Douglas Wick Producer John Logan Screenplay William Nicholson Screenplay John Mathieson Director of Photography Crispian Sallis Set Decoration Janty Yates Costume Design Arthur Max Production Design Lisa Gerrard Original Music Composer Lisa Gerrard Vocals Louis DiGiaimo Casting Pietro Scalia Editor Colin Coull Visual Effects Walter F. Parkes Executive Producer Scott Martin Gershin Sound Eugene Collier Stunts Benjamín Fernández Supervising Art Director Neil Corbould Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects Peter Russell Art Direction Laurie MacDonald Executive Producer Lisa Dennis Post Production Supervisor Keith Pain Art Direction Paul Engelen Makeup Artist Carmel Jackson Hairstylist Adam O'Neill Assistant Art Director Terry Needham Associate Producer Terry Needham First Assistant Director Stuart Clark Stunt Double Dino DiMuro Sound Effects Editor Christopher Assells Sound Effects Editor Per Hallberg Supervising Sound Editor Stephanie Corsalini Casting Associate John King Supervising Art Director Alexander Witt Second Unit Director of Photography Alexander Witt Second Unit Director Neil Finnighan Stunts Mike Lambert Stunts David Faivre Stunts David Allday Supervising Art Director Derek Lea Stunts Rosemary Burrows Costume Supervisor Graeme Purdy Property Master Ray Nicholas Stunts Petr Drozda Stunts James Moriana Foley Jeffrey Wilhoit Foley Branko Knez Camera Operator Vincent Keane Stunts Chuck Jeffreys Stunts Alejandro Cobo Stunts Martin Hub Stunts Tom Lucy Stunts C.C. Smiff Stunts Peter Hric Stunts Trevor Lovell Stunts Adam Somner Second Assistant Director Thierry Le Portier Animal Wrangler Alejandro García Stunts Ricardo Cruz Stunts Eddie Stacey Stunts Peter Miles Stunts Jane Omorogbe Stunts Jennifer Stoute Stunts Nikki Penny Visual Effects Producer Graham Mullins Stunts Trefor Proud Makeup Artist Alex King Hairstylist Marese Langan Hairstylist William McPhail Wardrobe Master Ivana Primorac Makeup Artist Klemens Becker Steadicam Operator Klemens Becker "B" Camera Operator Laura McIntosh Makeup Artist Roger Holden Greensman Dan O'Connell Foley Jon Title Sound Effects Editor Scott Millan Sound Re-Recording Mixer Charles Jarman Stunts John T. Cucci Foley Philip McDonald Property Master Phil Neilson Stunt Coordinator Chisako Yokoyama First Assistant Editor Annie Penn Script Supervisor Bob Beemer Sound Re-Recording Mixer Randy Kelley Sound Effects Editor Clive Jackson Camera Operator Simon Stanley-Clamp Compositors Lauren Stephens Dialogue Editor Peter Taylor "A" Camera Operator Jaap Buitendijk Still Photographer Frank A. Montaño Sound Re-Recording Mixer José Luis del Barco Assistant Art Director Richard Dwan Jr. Foley Editor Tim Burke Visual Effects Supervisor Rob Harris Unit Publicist Chris Jargo Supervising ADR Editor Laura Graham ADR Editor David A. Cohen Dialogue Editor David A. Cohen ADR Editor Jeremy Johns Location Manager Rob Harvey Visual Effects Supervisor Terry Blyther Location Manager Ivana Němcová Hairstylist Zdeněk Dvořáček Stunts Laurent Hugueniot CG Supervisor Graham Johnston Hairstylist Bruce Bigg Property Master Dale E. Grahn Color Timer Anita Burger Hairstylist Brian Smyj Stunts Marek Toth Stunts Tony Lucken Stunts Pavel Vokoun Stunts Simon Coke Dialogue Editor Melissa Lackersteen Makeup Artist Jo Allen Makeup Artist Cynthia Sadler Scenic Artist Bob Walker Scenic Artist Astrig Akseralian Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects Wesley Sewell Visual Effects Editor John Nelson Visual Effects Supervisor Ben Gooder Camera Operator Felix Schroer Camera Operator Agapios Louka Camera Technician Mustapha Charif Location Casting Kathleen Mackie Higgins Location Casting Michael Reynolds First Assistant Editor Dashiell Rae Music Editor Gerry Gore Transportation Coordinator Mike Higgins Location Manager Ty Warren Production Supervisor Hamid Ait Timaghrit Extras Casting Miroslav Lhotka Stunts Joss Gower Stunts Ivo Krištof Stunts Ben Bellman Stunts Carlo Antonioni Stunts David Appleby Key Grip Daniele Botteselle Gaffer John Evans Special Effects Robert Dawson Title Designer Ali Cherkaoui Assistant Director Viktor Cervenka Stunts Lou Kleinman Foley Editor Adrian McCarthy Best Boy Grip Georges Branche Stunts Yann Mari Faget Casting Assistant Sallie Beechinor Production Coordinator Stephanie Lelievre Stunts Seoras Wallace Stunts Mark Anthony Newman Stunts Ken Weston Production Sound Mixer Rupert Lloyd-Parry Key Grip Eugenio Alonso Yenes Stunts Mark Taylor Set Production Assistant Morgan Johnson Stunts Gary Fry Stunts Gary Fry Utility Stunts Peter White Stunt Double Vincent Bellina Stunts Billy Dowd Extras Casting Sebastiano Cartier Stunts Lesley Keane Assistant Production Coordinator Barbara L. Roche Extras Casting Colin Codner Boom Operator Pia Zammit Casting Assistant Guy List Stunts Mohammed Enahal Stunts Hernan Ortiz Stunts Mirek Navratil Stunts Chris Manger Stunts Tubardh Wilson Stunts David Weiss Stunts Ian Walker Stunts Martin 'Mato' Uhrovcik Stunts R.J. Steel Stunts Gordon Smith Stunts José María Serrano Stunts Ken Scotland Stunts Jean-Phillipe Roman Stunts Marc Roberts Stunts Pauline Richards Stunts Peter Olgyay Stunts Mustapha Natouri Stunts Randy Miller Stunt Double Ivan Miča Stunts Robbie MacFarlane Stunts Radowan Kak Stunts Kevin Johnson Stunts Carlton Headley Stunts Kamil Fojtik Stunts Walter Difrancesco Stunts Michel Didier Stunts Forbes Cowan Stunts Gianluca Coppetta Stunts Alessandro Casalino Stunts Sergio Casadei Stunts Manuel Cabrera Stunts Ryan Alber Stunt Double Bill Hargreaves Propmaker Rob Martin Casting Assistant Russell Crowe Maximus Meridius Joaquin Phoenix Emperor Commodus Connie Nielsen Lucilla Oliver Reed Proximo Richard Harris Marcus Aurelius Derek Jacobi Gracchus Djimon Hounsou Juba David Schofield Falco John Shrapnel Gaius Tomas Arana Quintus Ralf Moeller Hagen Spencer Treat Clark Lucius David Hemmings Cassius Tommy Flanagan Cicero Sven-Ole Thorsen Tigris Omid Djalili Slave Trader Nicholas McGaughey Praetorian Officer Chris Kell Scribe Tony Curran Assassin #1 Mark Lewis Assassin #2 John Quinn Valerius Alun Raglan Praetorian Guard #1 David Bailie Engineer Chick Allan German Leader David J. Nicholls Giant Man Al Hunter Ashton Rome Trainer #1 Billy Dowd Narrator Giannina Facio Maximus' Wife Giorgio Cantarini Maximus' Son Allan Corduner Trainer 1 (extended edition) Michael Mellinger Trainer 2 (extended edition) Said Amel Proximo's Man (extended edition) Adam Levy Officer 1 (extended edition) Gilly Gilchrist Officer 2 (extended edition) Paul Bateman Germanic Swordsman (uncredited) Nick Beardshaw Roman Dignitary (uncredited) Corey Booth Yeroc Thoob (uncredited) Michael Dickins Germanic Soldier (uncredited) Malcolm Ellul Centurion (uncredited) Simon Faulkner Roman Soldier (uncredited) James Fiddy Roman Soldier (uncredited) Peter Francis-Wemyss Barbarian Chieftain (uncredited) Ruth Frendo Roman Girl with Maximus (uncredited) Cara Higgins Vestal Virgin (uncredited) Earl Hundt Rome Citizen (uncredited) Mehdi Kashani Roman Soldier (uncredited) Tom Kay Roman Soldier (uncredited) Phil Lowes Rider (uncredited) Nic Main Roman Soldier (uncredited) Ray Mangion Centurion (uncredited) Antonio Meitin Battlefield Medic (uncredited) João Costa Menezes Roman Soldier (uncredited) Mike Mitchell Fighter (uncredited) Arnold Montey Roman Soldier (uncredited) Antone Pagán Fighter (uncredited) Norman Campbell Rees Sedan Chair Carrier (uncredited) Neil Roche Roman Soldier (uncredited) Paul Sacks Catapult Commander Shouts "Loose" (uncredited) Steve Saunders German Barbarian (uncredited) Christopher Say Roman Soldier (uncredited) Brian Smyj Coliseum Gladiator (uncredited) Richard Stride Swordsman (uncredited) Tony Tomlinson Man (uncredited) Paul Woodadge Germanian Barbarian (uncredited) Michael Yale Rome Citizen (uncredited) Il gladiatore (Gladiator) - Trailer italiano ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  12. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Goal of the Dead 2 h 20 m    2014         Commedia ◦ Horror E’ sabato 18 aprile del 2012, e in un piccolo paese del nord-est della Francia, con un’agricoltura industrializzata, una centrale nucleare, e soprattutto un basso tasso di disoccupazione. Inoltre la squadra di calcio è riuscita a qualificarsi per i trentaduesimi di finale della Coppa di Francia. Sono tutti entusiasti per l’arrivo del Paris Olympic, quando durande il match, una strana epidemia inizia a trasformare tutti in creature inquietanti e furiose Nicolas Peufaillit Original Story Thierry Poiraud Director Marie Garel-Weiss Screenplay Marie Garel-Weiss Adaptation Marie Garel-Weiss Dialogue Benjamin Rocher Director Raphaël Rocher Executive Producer Tristan Schulmann Screenplay Tristan Schulmann Adaptation Tristan Schulmann Dialogue Ismaël Sy Savané Screenplay Jérôme Vidal Line Producer Quoc Dang Tran Screenplay Laëtitia Trapet Screenplay Virginie Arnaud Stunt Double Alban Lenoir Sam Lorit Charlie Bruneau Solène Tiphaine Daviot Cléo Ahmed Sylla Idriss Diago Bruno Salomone Marco Patrick Ligardes Coubert Xavier Laurent Manu Litrac Sebastien Vandenberghe Jeannot Alexandre Philip Pitt Vincent Debost Nounours Benoît Moret Michel Renaud Rutten Pierre Jean-François Cayrey Cuillère Philippe du Janerand Dr. Belvaux Philippe Rebbot Fred Joana Person Béné Franc Bruneau Boucey Anthony Pho Park 1 Vibol-Joseph Sok Park 2 François-Marie Nivon Park 3 Gauthier De La Touche L'arbitre Sarah Belala Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  13. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Final Destination 1 h 38 m    2000         Horror Con i suoi compagni di liceo è in partenza per Parigi, ma Alex Browning non riesce a combattere la sua fobia di volare. Una volta a bordo dell'aereo, sente improvvisamente una terribile premonizione che lo convince a scendere a terra in preda al panico, seguito da cinque compagni di classe, tra cui Clear Rivers e Carter Horton. Mentre i sei studenti guardano l'aereo prendere il volo, uno spettacolo orribile prova la veridicità della macabra premonizione. Hanno evitato la morte una volta, ma il destino crudele li inseguirà uno ad uno travolgendoli in un vortice di terrore. Presto i sopravvissuti scopriranno con disperazione che la morte non può essere ingannata... Chris Bender Associate Producer John Papsidera Casting John Seale First Assistant Camera Scott Martin Gershin Supervising Sound Editor Heike Brandstatter Casting Associate Thomas J. Wright Second Unit Director Dino DiMuro Foley Editor Dana Belcastro Production Executive Eric Batut Sound Mixer Chris Boardman Music Arranger Craig Perry Producer Warren Zide Producer Carla Fry Executive In Charge Of Production Lisa Love Makeup Department Head Shirley Walker Original Music Composer Jori Woodman Costume Design Jay Vinitsky Post Production Supervisor Geoff Wallace Set Designer William Heslup Art Direction Marny Eng Stunts Roger Scott Russell Second Assistant Director James Bamford Stunts Melissa R. Stubbs Stunts James Wong Screenplay James Wong Director Robert McLachlan Director of Photography Jeffrey Reddick Screenplay Richard Brener Executive Producer Brian Witten Executive Producer James Coblentz Editor Glen Morgan Screenplay Glen Morgan Producer Gillian Goodman Assistant Property Master Mary-Lou Storey Set Decoration John Alvarez Set Designer Stephen Jackson Chief Lighting Technician Kelly Zombor Boom Operator Brian Basham ADR Recordist Ron Bedrosian ADR Mixer Nerses Gezalyan Foley Mixer James Moriana Foley Artist Jeffrey Wilhoit Foley Artist Greg Zimmerman Foley Recordist John Willett Production Design Shane Harvey Still Photographer Charlie Campbell Carpenter J.J. Makaro Stunt Coordinator David Mylrea Stunts Mike Fields Makeup Effects Christopher T. Welch Dialogue Editor Mary Eilts Unit Production Manager Anneke Van Oort Set Designer Rich Brown Payroll Accountant Debbie Geaghan Costume Set Supervisor Graham Coutts Property Master Alan Rankin Sound Effects Editor Paul Timothy Carden Sound Effects Editor Tom Ozanich Sound Effects Editor Melissa Sherwood Hofmann Sound Re-Recording Mixer Constance A. Kazmer Dialogue Editor Ray McIntyre Jr. Visual Effects Supervisor Lara Fox Script Supervisor Ariel Velasco-Shaw Visual Effects Producer Brad Sherman Sound Re-Recording Mixer Charlene Eberle Douglas Visual Effects Coordinator Casey Hotchkiss Camera Operator Chris Helcermanas-Benge Still Photographer Derick McLeod Construction Coordinator Stacey Butterworth Wigmaker Michelle Pazer ADR Editor John Adams Gaffer Heather J. Morrison Visual Effects Editor Dan Hegeman Dialogue Editor Hector C. Gika Sound Effects Editor Peter Zinda Sound Effects Editor Gloria Davies Unit Publicist Scott Nicholson Stunt Driver Ron Goodman Camera Operator Marc Messenger Storyboard Artist Thomas Milano Music Editor Thomas O'Neil Younkman First Assistant Sound Editor Karen Eisenstadt Production Accountant Stephen Coutu Lead Painter David R. Anderson Transportation Coordinator Scott Wolf Sound Effects Editor Scott Sanders Sound Effects Editor Logan Breit First Assistant Editor Philip A. Hess Foley Editor Thom MacIntyre Key Hair Stylist Andrew Emde Art Department Coordinator Bill McMahon Assistant Art Director Judy Siver Greensman Dave Tennant Greensman Joey Jow Set Decoration Buyer Dave McMoyler Supervising Sound Editor Terry Sonderhoff Special Effects Coordinator Terry Calhoun Gaffer Ron Precious Camera Operator Michael Wrinch Camera Operator Frank Halpenny Rigging Gaffer Marnie Ander Set Costumer Andre Brouwer Set Costumer Don Bell Picture Car Coordinator Peter Pantages Location Manager Bill Burns Location Manager Paul Edwards Hair Assistant Art Schaefer Co-Producer Kevin Knight Assistant Costume Designer Randy Kerber Additional Music Mark N. Tompkins Standby Painter Stephen R. Sheridan Color Timer James Marbas Visual Effects Terence Chase Security Carolle Alain Assistant Editor Roy Erickson Systems Administrators & Support Bruce Babcock Orchestrator Brent Crowell Third Assistant Director Tony Gort ADR Mixer Paul Prokop Production Controller Mark J. Levenstein Production Supervisor Mike Splatt Special Effects Technician Karen Schell Sound Assistant Cam Esau Lighting Technician Gary Burritt Negative Cutter Tyler Woeste Camera Trainee Leslie McMichael Stunts Ray Scalice General Manager Corry Glass Stunt Double Laurie Edmundson Lead Set Dresser Jody Chow First Assistant Production Coordinator Michael J. Siver Head Greensman Mike Sowa Digital Color Timer Fraser Boyle Key Grip Adam Hamilton Original Music Composer Vance Conway Construction Foreman Terry Brooks Location Scout Dave Brown Grip Kasia Dzieciolowska Set Dressing Artist Will Baum Chef Maureen Young Craft Service Jon Tanimoto Digital Effects Supervisor L. Michael Eddy Driver Jeanie Won Post Production Assistant Julia Minnie Production Office Assistant Jason Claridge Scenic Artist Benjamin Glenday Stand In Bud Lafaut Video Assist Operator Jack Hardy First Assistant Director William N.J. Barber Rigging Grip Bill Burns Location Manager Karla McIntyre Production Coordinator Jim Gorman 3D Artist Burpo Storyboard Sally Hudson Graphic Designer Ginger Joyce Accountant Lisa Ratke Extras Casting Coordinator Gilbert Jamault Generator Operator Matt Evans Post Production Coordinator Andy Fraser Casting Assistant Johanna Mazur Art Department Production Assistant Adam R. Mehr Attorney Herminio Kam Paint Coordinator Rachel Griffin Assistant Makeup Artist Kathryn McPhie Costumer Pam McLeod Construction Buyer Carla Swanson Title Designer Bill Pankiw Special Effects Assistant Richard Brooks Stunt Double Ivor Pedersen Best Boy Grip Glen Forrieter Dolly Grip Ariane Behrend Second Assistant Camera Trevor Fieldhouse Assistant Location Manager Lynda Mills Location Production Assistant Leona Maddeaux Accounting Trainee Lee Jenkinson Assistant Accountant Phaedra Eccleston Assistant Production Coordinator Lonnie Mackenzie Extras Casting Assistant Brian V. Siador Production Assistant Holly Amber Proulx Second Assistant Production Coordinator David Lewis Head Greensman Yuka Kobayashi Stunts Alette Falle Stunt Double Devon Sawa Alex Browning Ali Larter Clear Rivers Kerr Smith Carter Horton Kristen Cloke Valerie Lewton Seann William Scott Billy Hitchcock Chad Donella Tod Waggner Amanda Detmer Terry Chaney Tony Todd William Bludworth Daniel Roebuck Agent Weine Roger Guenveur Smith Agent Schreck Brendan Fehr George Waggner Forbes Angus Larry Murnau Lisa Marie Caruk Christa Marsh Christine Chatelain Blake Dreyer Robert Wisden Ken Browning Barbara Tyson Barbara Browning Fred Keating Howard Seigel P. Lynn Johnson Mrs. Waggner Larry Gilman Mr. Waggner Guy Fauchon Hare Krishna Randy Stone Flight Attendant Mark Holden Co-Pilot Marrett Green TV News Anchor John Hainsworth Minister Pete Atherton Student Singer Nicole Robert Ticket Clerk Kristina Matisic Reporter Troy Yorke Lou Gehrig's Man (uncredited) Alessandro Juliani Guitar Player in Final Paris Scene (uncredited) Final Destination 1 trailer ita ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  14. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer InuYasha Stagione 1    Episodi 167         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia ◦ Mistero Kagome, una normale studentessa che frequenta la terza media, cade nel pozzo di casa sua e viene riportata indietro di 500 anni, nell'epoca Sengoku. In quest'epoca Kagome scopre di essere la reincarnazione di Kikyo, una sacerdotessa vissuta cinquant'anni prima incaricata di custodire la preziosa sfera dei quattro spiriti, gioiello in grado di accrescere il potere di demoni e altre creature maligne. È l'inizio di un lungo viaggio per Kagome che, insieme al mezzodemone Inuyasha, dovrà viaggiare per evitare che demoni e malvagi entrino in possesso del potere della sfera. Shigemi Ogawa Director of Photography Miyuki Sato Color Designer Yasunao Aoki Director Masashi Ikeda Director Kappei Yamaguchi InuYasha (voice) Satsuki Yukino Kagome Higurashi (voice) Episodi: 167  In onda il: 2000-10-16 1: La ragazza e il demone In un punto imprecisato dell'epoca Sengoku, il mezzo-demone Inuyasha tenta di entrare in possesso di un gioiello mistico; la Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti. La sacerdotessa Kikyo lo sigilla ad un albero in un sonno eterno e perde la vita subito dopo a causa di una ferita mortale, in punto di morte chiede alla sorellina Kaede di bruciare la sfera con le sue spoglie mortali per farla scomparire poiché essa è portatrice solo di atrocità. 1: La ragazza e il demone In onda il: 2000-10-16 In un punto imprecisato dell'epoca Sengoku, il mezzo-demone Inuyasha tenta di entrare in possesso di un gioiello mistico; la Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti. La sacerdotessa Kikyo lo sigilla ad un albero in un sonno eterno e perde la vita subito dopo a causa di una ferita mortale, in punto di morte chiede alla sorellina Kaede di bruciare la sfera con le sue spoglie mortali per farla scomparire poiché essa è portatrice solo di atrocità. In onda il: 2000-10-23 2: I predatori della sfera Inuyasha libero mira di nuovo ad impossessarsi della Sfera, ora nelle mani di Kagome; il mezzo-demone l'attacca ma Kaede gli impone un rosario della soggiogazione, così ogni volta che Kagome dice la parola "A cuccia!" (Osuwari! in originale) lui viene atterrato di forza col muso sul pavimento. 2: I predatori della sfera In onda il: 2000-10-23 Inuyasha libero mira di nuovo ad impossessarsi della Sfera, ora nelle mani di Kagome; il mezzo-demone l'attacca ma Kaede gli impone un rosario della soggiogazione, così ogni volta che Kagome dice la parola "A cuccia!" (Osuwari! in originale) lui viene atterrato di forza col muso sul pavimento. In onda il: 2000-10-30 3: La via del ritorno attraverso il pozzo Con la sfera in frantumi, ora Inuyasha e Kagome devono unire le loro forze per radunare tutti i frammenti, in quanto anche solo un pezzo può dare grandi poteri a umani e demoni malvagi. I due ragazzi però non vanno per nulla d'accordo, allora Kagome decide di tornare a casa. 3: La via del ritorno attraverso il pozzo In onda il: 2000-10-30 Con la sfera in frantumi, ora Inuyasha e Kagome devono unire le loro forze per radunare tutti i frammenti, in quanto anche solo un pezzo può dare grandi poteri a umani e demoni malvagi. I due ragazzi però non vanno per nulla d'accordo, allora Kagome decide di tornare a casa. In onda il: 2000-11-06 4: Yura, il demone dei capelli Kagome è finalmente tornata a casa e può riabbracciare i suoi e gongolarsi con le comodità della sua era. Inuyasha va a riprendere Kagome a casa per riportarla indietro, intanto i capelli di Yura hanno seguito Inuyasha. I due tornano indietro nell'epoca Sengoku e affrontano il demone unendo le loro forze. 4: Yura, il demone dei capelli In onda il: 2000-11-06 Kagome è finalmente tornata a casa e può riabbracciare i suoi e gongolarsi con le comodità della sua era. Inuyasha va a riprendere Kagome a casa per riportarla indietro, intanto i capelli di Yura hanno seguito Inuyasha. I due tornano indietro nell'epoca Sengoku e affrontano il demone unendo le loro forze. In onda il: 2000-11-13 5: Sesshomaru, il glaciale principe dei demoni Sesshomaru, demone completo, fratello di Inuyasha, è alla ricerca della tomba del padre per entrare in possesso di una potente spada lasciata in eredità; Tessaiga. Non trovandone traccia si dirige dal fratello e con un crudele stratagemma cerca di strappargli l'ubicazione della tomba di loro padre 5: Sesshomaru, il glaciale principe dei demoni In onda il: 2000-11-13 Sesshomaru, demone completo, fratello di Inuyasha, è alla ricerca della tomba del padre per entrare in possesso di una potente spada lasciata in eredità; Tessaiga. Non trovandone traccia si dirige dal fratello e con un crudele stratagemma cerca di strappargli l'ubicazione della tomba di loro padre In onda il: 2000-11-20 6: Tessaiga, la spada demoniaca Jaken il servo di Sesshomaru, usa Muonna "La donna del nulla" per creare una falsa copia della madre umana di Inuyasha e trovare l'ubicazione della tomba. Dopo averlo scoperto Inuyasha si libera, e finalmente Sesshomaru scopre il segreto; La tomba di loro padre risiede nella Perla nera nascosta nell'occhio di Inuyasha. 6: Tessaiga, la spada demoniaca In onda il: 2000-11-20 Jaken il servo di Sesshomaru, usa Muonna "La donna del nulla" per creare una falsa copia della madre umana di Inuyasha e trovare l'ubicazione della tomba. Dopo averlo scoperto Inuyasha si libera, e finalmente Sesshomaru scopre il segreto; La tomba di loro padre risiede nella Perla nera nascosta nell'occhio di Inuyasha. In onda il: 2000-11-27 7: Scontro furioso! Sesshomaru contro Tessaiga Kagome cede Tessaiga ad Inuyasha che però non vede utilità nell'uso di una spada arrugginita. Sesshomaru si trasforma in un enorme cane bianco e Inuyasha tentando di proteggere Kagome riesce a trasformare Tessaiga tagliando una zampa di Sesshomaru che allora batte in ritirata. 7: Scontro furioso! Sesshomaru contro Tessaiga In onda il: 2000-11-27 Kagome cede Tessaiga ad Inuyasha che però non vede utilità nell'uso di una spada arrugginita. Sesshomaru si trasforma in un enorme cane bianco e Inuyasha tentando di proteggere Kagome riesce a trasformare Tessaiga tagliando una zampa di Sesshomaru che allora batte in ritirata. In onda il: 2000-12-04 8: Il principe demone, il rospo Tsukumo La ragazza e il mezzo-demone incontrano un ragazzo di nome Nobunaga e vengono condotti in un castello per aiutare la principessa di cui Nobunaga è innamorato; Tuttavia il principe del forte è stato posseduto dal Rospo Tsukumo con l'ausilio di un frammento della sfera. 8: Il principe demone, il rospo Tsukumo In onda il: 2000-12-04 La ragazza e il mezzo-demone incontrano un ragazzo di nome Nobunaga e vengono condotti in un castello per aiutare la principessa di cui Nobunaga è innamorato; Tuttavia il principe del forte è stato posseduto dal Rospo Tsukumo con l'ausilio di un frammento della sfera. In onda il: 2000-12-11 9: L'arrivo di Shippo, i fratelli Raiju: Hiten e Manten Shippo, un cucciolo di demone volpe (youkai kitsune) tenta di rubare i frammenti per vendicare la morte del padre fallendo miseramente. Ad aver ucciso il padre del piccolo Shippo sono stati i fratelli Raiju; Hiten e Manten, le bestie del fulmine, possessori di ben 5 frammenti. Kagome viene rapita da Manten, allora Inuyasha e Shippo raggiungono i due demoni per salvarla. 9: L'arrivo di Shippo, i fratelli Raiju: Hiten e Manten In onda il: 2000-12-11 Shippo, un cucciolo di demone volpe (youkai kitsune) tenta di rubare i frammenti per vendicare la morte del padre fallendo miseramente. Ad aver ucciso il padre del piccolo Shippo sono stati i fratelli Raiju; Hiten e Manten, le bestie del fulmine, possessori di ben 5 frammenti. Kagome viene rapita da Manten, allora Inuyasha e Shippo raggiungono i due demoni per salvarla. In onda il: 2000-12-18 10: Scontro violento! Raigekijin contro Tessaiga! Inuyasha inizia a lottare con Hiten che gli tiene testa, mentre Shippo e Kagome devono vedersela con Manten. Inuyasha vedendoli in seria difficoltà corre loro in aiuto lanciando Tessaiga uccidendo Manten. Hiten infuriato per la morte del fratello utilizza tutti e 5 i frammenti scagliandosi su Inuyasha che privato momentaneamente della spada deve ricorrere alla protezione del fodero. 10: Scontro violento! Raigekijin contro Tessaiga! In onda il: 2000-12-18 Inuyasha inizia a lottare con Hiten che gli tiene testa, mentre Shippo e Kagome devono vedersela con Manten. Inuyasha vedendoli in seria difficoltà corre loro in aiuto lanciando Tessaiga uccidendo Manten. Hiten infuriato per la morte del fratello utilizza tutti e 5 i frammenti scagliandosi su Inuyasha che privato momentaneamente della spada deve ricorrere alla protezione del fodero. In onda il: 2001-01-15 11: Pericolo nel presente! La maschera della maledizione! Kagome nonostante le lamentele di Inuyasha torna nel presente per studiare. A scuola, dopo aver scoperto che tutti la credono malata, incontra un alunno di un'altra classe chiamato Hojo che le fa la corte. Intanto una maschera carnivora presente nel tempio Higurashi imprigionata dagli antenati del nonno di Kagome, si risveglia, e dopo aver scatenato un incendio al tempio che manda all'ospedale il vecchio, inizia a seminare panico nel presente usando un frammento della sfera. 11: Pericolo nel presente! La maschera della maledizione! In onda il: 2001-01-15 Kagome nonostante le lamentele di Inuyasha torna nel presente per studiare. A scuola, dopo aver scoperto che tutti la credono malata, incontra un alunno di un'altra classe chiamato Hojo che le fa la corte. Intanto una maschera carnivora presente nel tempio Higurashi imprigionata dagli antenati del nonno di Kagome, si risveglia, e dopo aver scatenato un incendio al tempio che manda all'ospedale il vecchio, inizia a seminare panico nel presente usando un frammento della sfera. In onda il: 2001-01-22 12: Tatarimokke e il piccolo spettro maligno Sota, il fratellino di Kagome, va a trovare un suo coetaneo in ospedale, Satoru, rimasto ferito in un incendio. Kagome si rende conto che uno spettro maligno gira attorno e tenta di colpire tutti coloro che vanno a trovare il ragazzino ferito. Lo spettro è Mayu, la sorella di Satoru morta nell'incendio da lei stessa provocato accidentalmente. 12: Tatarimokke e il piccolo spettro maligno In onda il: 2001-01-22 Sota, il fratellino di Kagome, va a trovare un suo coetaneo in ospedale, Satoru, rimasto ferito in un incendio. Kagome si rende conto che uno spettro maligno gira attorno e tenta di colpire tutti coloro che vanno a trovare il ragazzino ferito. Lo spettro è Mayu, la sorella di Satoru morta nell'incendio da lei stessa provocato accidentalmente. In onda il: 2001-01-29 13: L'enigma della luna nuova! Inuyasha dai capelli neri! Durante la ricerca, il gruppo, a cui si è aggiunto anche Shippo, vengono ospitati da una ragazza che odia i demoni perché ha perso i genitori per colpa dei Kumogashira (demoni ragno). Quando i demoni ragno attaccano la cosa per il gruppo si fa difficile poiché si scopre che Inuyasha è diventato un normale essere umano; egli perde la forza demoniaca ad ogni notte di novilunio. 13: L'enigma della luna nuova! Inuyasha dai capelli neri! In onda il: 2001-01-29 Durante la ricerca, il gruppo, a cui si è aggiunto anche Shippo, vengono ospitati da una ragazza che odia i demoni perché ha perso i genitori per colpa dei Kumogashira (demoni ragno). Quando i demoni ragno attaccano la cosa per il gruppo si fa difficile poiché si scopre che Inuyasha è diventato un normale essere umano; egli perde la forza demoniaca ad ogni notte di novilunio. In onda il: 2001-02-05 14: Il furto delle ceneri di Kikyo La strega Urasue irrompe nel villaggio di Kaede e ruba le ceneri di Kikyo con lo scopo di riportarla in vita con un corpo artificiale fatto di ossa e terra, e di utilizzare il suo potere di percezione dei frammenti per ottenere il gioiello, tuttavia l'anima di Kikyo oramai si è reincarnata in Kagome. 14: Il furto delle ceneri di Kikyo In onda il: 2001-02-05 La strega Urasue irrompe nel villaggio di Kaede e ruba le ceneri di Kikyo con lo scopo di riportarla in vita con un corpo artificiale fatto di ossa e terra, e di utilizzare il suo potere di percezione dei frammenti per ottenere il gioiello, tuttavia l'anima di Kikyo oramai si è reincarnata in Kagome. In onda il: 2001-02-12 15: La sacerdotessa sventurata: il ritorno di Kikyo Urasue rapisce Kagome per trasferire la sua anima nel corpo artificiale da lei creato. Kikyo tornata in vita uccide Urasue supportata da un profondo rancore nei confronti di Inuyasha (i due avevano una relazione), secondo lei responsabile della sua morte. Inuyasha però dice di non essere stato lui e di essere invece stato attaccato dalla sacerdotessa. 15: La sacerdotessa sventurata: il ritorno di Kikyo In onda il: 2001-02-12 Urasue rapisce Kagome per trasferire la sua anima nel corpo artificiale da lei creato. Kikyo tornata in vita uccide Urasue supportata da un profondo rancore nei confronti di Inuyasha (i due avevano una relazione), secondo lei responsabile della sua morte. Inuyasha però dice di non essere stato lui e di essere invece stato attaccato dalla sacerdotessa. In onda il: 2001-02-19 16: Il vortice sulla mano destra: Miroku, il monaco deviato Miroku un lussurioso monaco buddhista sta cercando di radunare i frammenti della sfera, e si imbatte nel gruppo di Inuyasha, sottraendo a Kagome il pezzo di sfera. Miroku si rivela così abile da fronteggiare col suo scettro sacro (shakujo) la Tessaiga di Inuyasha, oltretutto il monaco dispone di un'arma segreta: Il foro del vento (Kazaana). 16: Il vortice sulla mano destra: Miroku, il monaco deviato In onda il: 2001-02-19 Miroku un lussurioso monaco buddhista sta cercando di radunare i frammenti della sfera, e si imbatte nel gruppo di Inuyasha, sottraendo a Kagome il pezzo di sfera. Miroku si rivela così abile da fronteggiare col suo scettro sacro (shakujo) la Tessaiga di Inuyasha, oltretutto il monaco dispone di un'arma segreta: Il foro del vento (Kazaana). In onda il: 2001-02-26 17: L'inchiostro insanguinato del pittore infernale Il pittore Kotatsu utilizza il potere di un frammento per animare gli oni dei suoi ritratti per raggiungere le sue ambizioni. Egli infatti vorrebbe creare un esercito di orchi in modo da conquistare il potere e avere la principessa di un castello tutta per sé. Il gruppo di Inuyasha assieme a Miroku (dopo una separazione temporanea) combattono il pittore infernale. 17: L'inchiostro insanguinato del pittore infernale In onda il: 2001-02-26 Il pittore Kotatsu utilizza il potere di un frammento per animare gli oni dei suoi ritratti per raggiungere le sue ambizioni. Egli infatti vorrebbe creare un esercito di orchi in modo da conquistare il potere e avere la principessa di un castello tutta per sé. Il gruppo di Inuyasha assieme a Miroku (dopo una separazione temporanea) combattono il pittore infernale. In onda il: 2001-03-05 18: L'alleanza di Sesshomaru e Naraku Sesshomaru è ancora furioso per non essere riuscito ad ottenere Tessaiga e per aver perso un braccio nel combattimento col fratello. Ad un certo punto, Naraku, ricoperto da una pelle di babbuino consegna al demone cane un braccio umano potenziato da un frammento, in modo che Sesshomaru possa impugnare Tessaiga. 18: L'alleanza di Sesshomaru e Naraku In onda il: 2001-03-05 Sesshomaru è ancora furioso per non essere riuscito ad ottenere Tessaiga e per aver perso un braccio nel combattimento col fratello. Ad un certo punto, Naraku, ricoperto da una pelle di babbuino consegna al demone cane un braccio umano potenziato da un frammento, in modo che Sesshomaru possa impugnare Tessaiga. In onda il: 2001-03-12 19: Addio a Kagome. Il ritorno al presente Kagome tenta di aiutare Inuyasha e la sua vita viene messa in pericolo. Con un grande sforzo il mezzo-demone riesce a strappare il braccio umano al fratello riprendendosi la spada. Nel frattempo Sesshomaru si trova costretto ad abbandonare il frammento grazie ad uno stratagemma di Naraku per assicurarsi di riavere la scheggia, Sesshomaru non gradisce la cosa e tenta di ucciderlo, ma Naraku sfugge. 19: Addio a Kagome. Il ritorno al presente In onda il: 2001-03-12 Kagome tenta di aiutare Inuyasha e la sua vita viene messa in pericolo. Con un grande sforzo il mezzo-demone riesce a strappare il braccio umano al fratello riprendendosi la spada. Nel frattempo Sesshomaru si trova costretto ad abbandonare il frammento grazie ad uno stratagemma di Naraku per assicurarsi di riavere la scheggia, Sesshomaru non gradisce la cosa e tenta di ucciderlo, ma Naraku sfugge. In onda il: 2001-03-19 20: Il brigante derelitto, il mistero di Onigumo Kagome non riesce più a tornare nell'era Sengoku poiché a differenza di Inuyasha, lei dalla sua parte può attraversare il pozzo solo se possiede un frammento del gioiello. Intanto Kaede racconta la storia di un uomo di 50 anni fa chiamato Onigumo. Naraku soggioga il guardiano dei boschi Royakan con due frammenti della sfera per attaccare il gruppo di Inuyasha. 20: Il brigante derelitto, il mistero di Onigumo In onda il: 2001-03-19 Kagome non riesce più a tornare nell'era Sengoku poiché a differenza di Inuyasha, lei dalla sua parte può attraversare il pozzo solo se possiede un frammento del gioiello. Intanto Kaede racconta la storia di un uomo di 50 anni fa chiamato Onigumo. Naraku soggioga il guardiano dei boschi Royakan con due frammenti della sfera per attaccare il gruppo di Inuyasha. In onda il: 2001-04-09 21: L'incombente verità su Naraku, l'anima di Kikyo Kagome riesce a tornare nel presente grazie a Shippo che si era avvicinato alla superficie del pozzo con il pezzo della sfera. Inuyasha e gli altri riescono a sconfiggere Royakan e a liberarlo dalla soggiogazione. Kagome individua Naraku possessore di più di 20 frammenti. 21: L'incombente verità su Naraku, l'anima di Kikyo In onda il: 2001-04-09 Kagome riesce a tornare nel presente grazie a Shippo che si era avvicinato alla superficie del pozzo con il pezzo della sfera. Inuyasha e gli altri riescono a sconfiggere Royakan e a liberarlo dalla soggiogazione. Kagome individua Naraku possessore di più di 20 frammenti. In onda il: 2001-04-09 22: Il sorriso malvagio, Kikyo tra la vita e la morte Kikyo ancora in vita, vive tranquillamente in un villaggio giocando con delle bambine, un bonzo di nome Seikai capisce che ha a che fare con una non-morta e tenta di annientarla per il bene degli abitanti, la sacerdotessa però si rivela più forte e uccide il bonzo. 22: Il sorriso malvagio, Kikyo tra la vita e la morte In onda il: 2001-04-09 Kikyo ancora in vita, vive tranquillamente in un villaggio giocando con delle bambine, un bonzo di nome Seikai capisce che ha a che fare con una non-morta e tenta di annientarla per il bene degli abitanti, la sacerdotessa però si rivela più forte e uccide il bonzo. In onda il: 2001-04-16 23: La voce di Kagome e il bacio di Kikyo Il gruppo scopre che Kikyo è ancora in vita, e riesce a sopravvivere soltanto prelevando anime di defunti prima che questi ascendino al nirvana usando gli Shinidamachu. Inuyasha e Kikyo si incontrano e lei dopo averlo baciato tenta di portarlo con sé nella morte. La voce di Kagome che era lì presente resa invisibile da Kikyo, riesce a svegliare il mezzo-demone. 23: La voce di Kagome e il bacio di Kikyo In onda il: 2001-04-16 Il gruppo scopre che Kikyo è ancora in vita, e riesce a sopravvivere soltanto prelevando anime di defunti prima che questi ascendino al nirvana usando gli Shinidamachu. Inuyasha e Kikyo si incontrano e lei dopo averlo baciato tenta di portarlo con sé nella morte. La voce di Kagome che era lì presente resa invisibile da Kikyo, riesce a svegliare il mezzo-demone. In onda il: 2001-04-23 24: Gli sterminatori di demoni, l'arrivo di Sango Il gruppo dei più valenti sterminatori del villaggio della Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti, stanno cercando di radunare tutti i frammenti, vengono allora richiamati in un forte per sconfiggere un demone ragno. In realtà si tratta di una trappola di Naraku, tutti gli sterminatori vengono uccisi da Kohaku, l'elemento più giovane del gruppo, controllato dalla ragnatela del presunto Re del castello. 24: Gli sterminatori di demoni, l'arrivo di Sango In onda il: 2001-04-23 Il gruppo dei più valenti sterminatori del villaggio della Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti, stanno cercando di radunare tutti i frammenti, vengono allora richiamati in un forte per sconfiggere un demone ragno. In realtà si tratta di una trappola di Naraku, tutti gli sterminatori vengono uccisi da Kohaku, l'elemento più giovane del gruppo, controllato dalla ragnatela del presunto Re del castello. In onda il: 2001-05-07 25: Lotta contro il complotto di Naraku Sango unica sopravvissuta del gruppo, viene curata da Hitomi Kagewaki, il figlio del falso Re. Naraku informa numerosi demoni dell'assenza dei più forti sterminatori, che allora sterminano il villaggio di Sango, sempre Naraku, abilmente fa cadere la colpa su Inuyasha, portando la sterminatrice e il mezzo-demone a combattersi a vicenda. 25: Lotta contro il complotto di Naraku In onda il: 2001-05-07 Sango unica sopravvissuta del gruppo, viene curata da Hitomi Kagewaki, il figlio del falso Re. Naraku informa numerosi demoni dell'assenza dei più forti sterminatori, che allora sterminano il villaggio di Sango, sempre Naraku, abilmente fa cadere la colpa su Inuyasha, portando la sterminatrice e il mezzo-demone a combattersi a vicenda. In onda il: 2001-05-14 26: La rivelazione del segreto della sfera dei quattro spiriti Sango per la gratutine al gruppo di Inuyasha, per averla salvata e per aver dato degna sepoltura ai suoi compagni, decide di raccontare loro tutta la verità sulla Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti portandoli alla caverna di Midoriko, la sacerdotessa che ha dato vita al gioiello. 26: La rivelazione del segreto della sfera dei quattro spiriti In onda il: 2001-05-14 Sango per la gratutine al gruppo di Inuyasha, per averla salvata e per aver dato degna sepoltura ai suoi compagni, decide di raccontare loro tutta la verità sulla Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti portandoli alla caverna di Midoriko, la sacerdotessa che ha dato vita al gioiello. In onda il: 2001-05-21 27: The Lake of the Evil Water God Inuyasha and the gang meet Taromaru, the son of a village leader. They go to the Temple of the Water God, where children are being sacrificed. The Water God has a sacred treasure and toys around with the group. 27: The Lake of the Evil Water God In onda il: 2001-05-21 Inuyasha and the gang meet Taromaru, the son of a village leader. They go to the Temple of the Water God, where children are being sacrificed. The Water God has a sacred treasure and toys around with the group. In onda il: 2001-05-28 28: Miroku Falls Into A Dangerous Trap! After Miroku sucks a mantis demon into his Wind Tunnel, the demon manages to rip the tunnel. Panicked, Miroku returns to the home of his mentor, Mushin, to repair it. Haunted with memories of his father's death, Miroku must come to terms with his Wind Tunnel as demons attack Mushin's temple. 28: Miroku Falls Into A Dangerous Trap! In onda il: 2001-05-28 After Miroku sucks a mantis demon into his Wind Tunnel, the demon manages to rip the tunnel. Panicked, Miroku returns to the home of his mentor, Mushin, to repair it. Haunted with memories of his father's death, Miroku must come to terms with his Wind Tunnel as demons attack Mushin's temple. In onda il: 2001-06-04 29: Sango's Suffering and Kohaku's Life Naraku uses one of Sango's fellow demon slayers as a bargaining chip to try to persuade Sango into giving him Inuyasha's sword, Tetsusaiga. 29: Sango's Suffering and Kohaku's Life In onda il: 2001-06-04 Naraku uses one of Sango's fellow demon slayers as a bargaining chip to try to persuade Sango into giving him Inuyasha's sword, Tetsusaiga. In onda il: 2001-06-11 30: Tetsusaiga is Stolen! Showdown at Naraku's Castle In the hopes of saving Kohaku, Sango steals Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga and hands it over to Naraku. However, a battle against Naraku soon ensues. 30: Tetsusaiga is Stolen! Showdown at Naraku's Castle In onda il: 2001-06-11 In the hopes of saving Kohaku, Sango steals Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga and hands it over to Naraku. However, a battle against Naraku soon ensues. In onda il: 2001-06-18 31: Jinenji, Kind Yet Sad While looking for an antidote to cure the ailing Kilala, Inuyasha and Kagome come across the herb garden of the half-demon, Jinenji, who is constantly bullied by the prejudiced locals. 31: Jinenji, Kind Yet Sad In onda il: 2001-06-18 While looking for an antidote to cure the ailing Kilala, Inuyasha and Kagome come across the herb garden of the half-demon, Jinenji, who is constantly bullied by the prejudiced locals. In onda il: 2001-06-25 32: Kikyo & Inuyasha, Into the Miasma Inuyasha and the others stumble across a cave full of demons fighting to the death. They soon discover that Naraku is using to find a new demon to integrate into his being. However, the large demonic aura brings Kikyo into the mess. 32: Kikyo & Inuyasha, Into the Miasma In onda il: 2001-06-25 Inuyasha and the others stumble across a cave full of demons fighting to the death. They soon discover that Naraku is using to find a new demon to integrate into his being. However, the large demonic aura brings Kikyo into the mess. In onda il: 2001-07-02 33: Kikyo, Captured by Naraku Acting under Naraku's request, Kikyo traps the Inuyasha gang with an illusory mist, causing them to have nightmarish visions. 33: Kikyo, Captured by Naraku In onda il: 2001-07-02 Acting under Naraku's request, Kikyo traps the Inuyasha gang with an illusory mist, causing them to have nightmarish visions. In onda il: 2001-07-09 34: Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga Inuyasha and the others are introduced to Totosai, the swordsmith who forged Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga and Sesshomaru's healing sword, Tenseiga. 34: Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga In onda il: 2001-07-09 Inuyasha and the others are introduced to Totosai, the swordsmith who forged Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga and Sesshomaru's healing sword, Tenseiga. In onda il: 2001-07-16 35: The True Owner of the Great Sword Inuyasha and Sesshomaru continue fighting for the Tetsusaiga. After the fight, while Sesshomaru is recovering, a little orphan girl, Rin, tries to bring him food. When her village is attacked by wolf demons, Sesshomaru returns the favor and helps Rin. Meanwhile, Kagome senses a jewel shard. Inuyasha and gang follow her lead to the massacred village, where they are quickly surrounded by wolves and Koga. 35: The True Owner of the Great Sword In onda il: 2001-07-16 Inuyasha and Sesshomaru continue fighting for the Tetsusaiga. After the fight, while Sesshomaru is recovering, a little orphan girl, Rin, tries to bring him food. When her village is attacked by wolf demons, Sesshomaru returns the favor and helps Rin. Meanwhile, Kagome senses a jewel shard. Inuyasha and gang follow her lead to the massacred village, where they are quickly surrounded by wolves and Koga. In onda il: 2001-07-23 36: Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, the Wolf-Demon When Koga, a wolf demon, kidnaps Kagome and Shippo, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango go on a rescue mission. But there's another foe they must defeat first, before they can reach their kidnapped companions. 36: Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, the Wolf-Demon In onda il: 2001-07-23 When Koga, a wolf demon, kidnaps Kagome and Shippo, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango go on a rescue mission. But there's another foe they must defeat first, before they can reach their kidnapped companions. In onda il: 2001-07-30 37: The Man Who Fell In Love With Kagome Inuyasha and the group must battle the Birds of Paradise, before they can reach the wolf den. Meanwhile, back at the den, Koga expresses his true feelings for Kagome. When the final battle with the Birds ensues, will Inuyasha's jealousy cost Koga his life? 37: The Man Who Fell In Love With Kagome In onda il: 2001-07-30 Inuyasha and the group must battle the Birds of Paradise, before they can reach the wolf den. Meanwhile, back at the den, Koga expresses his true feelings for Kagome. When the final battle with the Birds ensues, will Inuyasha's jealousy cost Koga his life? In onda il: 2001-08-06 38: Two Hearts, One Mind Kagome has returned home from the Feudal Era after an argument with Inuyasha. While waiting for Inuyasha to apologize, she spends time with her friends and Hojo approaches her, once again. Meanwhile, Inuyasha gets some advice from Kaede on the situation. 38: Two Hearts, One Mind In onda il: 2001-08-06 Kagome has returned home from the Feudal Era after an argument with Inuyasha. While waiting for Inuyasha to apologize, she spends time with her friends and Hojo approaches her, once again. Meanwhile, Inuyasha gets some advice from Kaede on the situation. In onda il: 2001-08-13 39: Trapped in a Duel to the Death! While Inuyasha's gang follows a demon bear with a jewel shard, Koga meets with some demons from the northern pack who tell him about their plan to storm a castle where a man has many jewel shards. When the chase leads Inuyasha and his comrades to the castle, they meet up with Koga, who is furious at the slaughter of the wolf demons. 39: Trapped in a Duel to the Death! In onda il: 2001-08-13 While Inuyasha's gang follows a demon bear with a jewel shard, Koga meets with some demons from the northern pack who tell him about their plan to storm a castle where a man has many jewel shards. When the chase leads Inuyasha and his comrades to the castle, they meet up with Koga, who is furious at the slaughter of the wolf demons. In onda il: 2001-08-20 40: The Deadly Trap of the Wind Sorceress, Kagura While Miroku and Sango fight Naraku's demon puppet, Inuyasha and Koga continue their deadly battle, with Kagura planning to kill the winner. 40: The Deadly Trap of the Wind Sorceress, Kagura In onda il: 2001-08-20 While Miroku and Sango fight Naraku's demon puppet, Inuyasha and Koga continue their deadly battle, with Kagura planning to kill the winner. In onda il: 2001-08-27 41: Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror Inuyasha and his companions come upon an orphan named Koharu, a young woman who believes she is in love with Miroku, after he helped her three years ago. When Koharu needs help again, they assist her and find her a home in a new village. When Naraku sends Kagura and Kanna to destroy Inuyasha and his companions, Koharu and the villagers become the new pawns in Naraku's devious plan. 41: Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror In onda il: 2001-08-27 Inuyasha and his companions come upon an orphan named Koharu, a young woman who believes she is in love with Miroku, after he helped her three years ago. When Koharu needs help again, they assist her and find her a home in a new village. When Naraku sends Kagura and Kanna to destroy Inuyasha and his companions, Koharu and the villagers become the new pawns in Naraku's devious plan. In onda il: 2001-09-03 42: The Wind Scar Fails Inuyasha and his group must defend themselves against an attack on multiple fronts. Kanna attacks Kagome, attempting to suck her soul into her mirror while Sango remains unconscious in the same room. Koharu tries to stab Miroku, while Inuyasha battles Kagura. Can Inuyasha use his Wind Scar to defeat her? 42: The Wind Scar Fails In onda il: 2001-09-03 Inuyasha and his group must defend themselves against an attack on multiple fronts. Kanna attacks Kagome, attempting to suck her soul into her mirror while Sango remains unconscious in the same room. Koharu tries to stab Miroku, while Inuyasha battles Kagura. Can Inuyasha use his Wind Scar to defeat her? In onda il: 2001-09-10 43: Tetsusaiga Breaks Inuyasha, though still recovering from his serious wounds, fights Goshinki, a demon who is eating an entire village. 43: Tetsusaiga Breaks In onda il: 2001-09-10 Inuyasha, though still recovering from his serious wounds, fights Goshinki, a demon who is eating an entire village. In onda il: 2001-09-17 44: Kaijinbo's Evil Sword Sesshomaru goes to a swordsmith, Kaijinbo, to get a new sword made from the fangs of the demon that broke Tetsusaiga, Goshinki. But something unexpected happens, and Kaijinbo attacks Inuyasha on the night of the new moon, when Inuyasha reverts to his human form. 44: Kaijinbo's Evil Sword In onda il: 2001-09-17 Sesshomaru goes to a swordsmith, Kaijinbo, to get a new sword made from the fangs of the demon that broke Tetsusaiga, Goshinki. But something unexpected happens, and Kaijinbo attacks Inuyasha on the night of the new moon, when Inuyasha reverts to his human form. In onda il: 2001-10-08 45: Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin Inuyasha, wielding a too heavy Tetsusaiga, tries to defend himself against Kaijinbo who has been possessed by Tokijin. Unbeknownst to Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is looking for Kaijinbo and the sword he had commissioned. Will Inuyasha be able to withstand his brother, when Sesshomaru reclaims Tokijin? 45: Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin In onda il: 2001-10-08 Inuyasha, wielding a too heavy Tetsusaiga, tries to defend himself against Kaijinbo who has been possessed by Tokijin. Unbeknownst to Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is looking for Kaijinbo and the sword he had commissioned. Will Inuyasha be able to withstand his brother, when Sesshomaru reclaims Tokijin? In onda il: 2001-10-15 46: Juromaru and Kageromaru Naraku sends his two new incarnations, Juromaru & Kageromaru, to attack Koga, and also, Inuyasha and his companions. Can Inuyasha and Koga work together as a team to defeat these new foes? 46: Juromaru and Kageromaru In onda il: 2001-10-15 Naraku sends his two new incarnations, Juromaru & Kageromaru, to attack Koga, and also, Inuyasha and his companions. Can Inuyasha and Koga work together as a team to defeat these new foes? In onda il: 2001-10-22 47: Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku As Inuyasha and the others recover from their battle with Juromaru and Kageromaru, Kagome goes home. Meanwhile, Naraku comes after Kikyo, and she must flee for her life. 47: Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku In onda il: 2001-10-22 As Inuyasha and the others recover from their battle with Juromaru and Kageromaru, Kagome goes home. Meanwhile, Naraku comes after Kikyo, and she must flee for her life. In onda il: 2001-10-29 48: Return to the Place Where We First Met Inuyasha and Kagome must sort out their feeings for each other, after Kagome has spied him with Kikyou, again. Who will Inuyasha choose? 48: Return to the Place Where We First Met In onda il: 2001-10-29 Inuyasha and Kagome must sort out their feeings for each other, after Kagome has spied him with Kikyou, again. Who will Inuyasha choose? In onda il: 2001-11-05 49: Kohaku's Lost Memory While searching for Naraku's castle, Inuyasha and his group find Kohaku, who has lost his memory. 49: Kohaku's Lost Memory In onda il: 2001-11-05 While searching for Naraku's castle, Inuyasha and his group find Kohaku, who has lost his memory. In onda il: 2001-11-12 50: That Unforgettable Face! Sango and Kilala fight off demons in the woods, while Inuyasha and Miroku face off against Kagura, a horde of demons and Naraku's wasps. Meanwhile, Kagome faces Kohaku, who is being ordered to kill her by Naraku. 50: That Unforgettable Face! In onda il: 2001-11-12 Sango and Kilala fight off demons in the woods, while Inuyasha and Miroku face off against Kagura, a horde of demons and Naraku's wasps. Meanwhile, Kagome faces Kohaku, who is being ordered to kill her by Naraku. In onda il: 2001-11-19 51: Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured Sesshomaru learns from the wise tree-demon, Boku'seno that when Inuyasha transforms into a demon, his demon blood takes full control turning him into a mindless killing machine. Elsewhere, Inuyasha and the others arrive at a village that is ruthlessly being held under the control of the Moth Demon, Gatenmaru and his band of thieves. 51: Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured In onda il: 2001-11-19 Sesshomaru learns from the wise tree-demon, Boku'seno that when Inuyasha transforms into a demon, his demon blood takes full control turning him into a mindless killing machine. Elsewhere, Inuyasha and the others arrive at a village that is ruthlessly being held under the control of the Moth Demon, Gatenmaru and his band of thieves. In onda il: 2001-11-26 52: The Demon's True Nature Inuyasha, once again, transforms into a demon when faced with Gatenmaru's murderous attack against himself, Miroku, and the helpless women of a village. Sesshomaru then appears to see if what Boku'seno told him about demon Inuyasha was true. 52: The Demon's True Nature In onda il: 2001-11-26 Inuyasha, once again, transforms into a demon when faced with Gatenmaru's murderous attack against himself, Miroku, and the helpless women of a village. Sesshomaru then appears to see if what Boku'seno told him about demon Inuyasha was true. In onda il: 2001-12-03 53: Father's Old Enemy: Ryukotsusei Totosai tells Inuyasha that piercing the heart of Ryukotsusei, the demon that gave his father his mortal wound, will make his Tetsusaiga lighter. Inuyasha then decides to kill Ryukotsusei. 53: Father's Old Enemy: Ryukotsusei In onda il: 2001-12-03 Totosai tells Inuyasha that piercing the heart of Ryukotsusei, the demon that gave his father his mortal wound, will make his Tetsusaiga lighter. Inuyasha then decides to kill Ryukotsusei. In onda il: 2001-12-10 54: The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique Inuyasha fights Ryukotsusei with Tetsusaiga's ultimate attack: The Backlash Wave! 54: The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique In onda il: 2001-12-10 Inuyasha fights Ryukotsusei with Tetsusaiga's ultimate attack: The Backlash Wave! In onda il: 2001-12-17 55: The Stone Flower and Shippo's First Love Shippo develops a crush on Satsuki, a girl who hopes to wish her dead brother back to life with a fake Shikon shard. 55: The Stone Flower and Shippo's First Love In onda il: 2001-12-17 Shippo develops a crush on Satsuki, a girl who hopes to wish her dead brother back to life with a fake Shikon shard. In onda il: 2002-01-14 56: Temptress in the Mist Sango and Miroku investigate a demon princess who is stealing the men from a village. 56: Temptress in the Mist In onda il: 2002-01-14 Sango and Miroku investigate a demon princess who is stealing the men from a village. In onda il: 2002-01-21 57: Fateful Night in Togenkyo (1) After Sango leaves to repair her damaged Hiraikotsu, Inuyasha and the others come across a demon tree and a sage known as Tokajin, who uses humans to feed the tree so it can grow a fruit of immortality. Not only do the four manage to be caught by Tokajin in some way, but it's also the night of the new moon, when Inuyasha becomes human. 57: Fateful Night in Togenkyo (1) In onda il: 2002-01-21 After Sango leaves to repair her damaged Hiraikotsu, Inuyasha and the others come across a demon tree and a sage known as Tokajin, who uses humans to feed the tree so it can grow a fruit of immortality. Not only do the four manage to be caught by Tokajin in some way, but it's also the night of the new moon, when Inuyasha becomes human. In onda il: 2002-01-28 58: Fateful Night in Togenkyo (2) After Sango leaves to repair her damaged Hiraikotsu, Inuyasha and the others come across a Demon tree and the Peach Man who uses humans to feed it so it can grow a fruit of immortality. Not only do the four manage to caught by the Peach Man in some way, but it's also the night of the New Moon when Inuyasha becomes human! 58: Fateful Night in Togenkyo (2) In onda il: 2002-01-28 After Sango leaves to repair her damaged Hiraikotsu, Inuyasha and the others come across a Demon tree and the Peach Man who uses humans to feed it so it can grow a fruit of immortality. Not only do the four manage to caught by the Peach Man in some way, but it's also the night of the New Moon when Inuyasha becomes human! In onda il: 2002-02-04 59: The Beautiful Sister Apprentices As Sango is repairing her damaged Hiraikotsu at her home village, she encounters two sisters who ask her to teach all she knows about demon slaying. 59: The Beautiful Sister Apprentices In onda il: 2002-02-04 As Sango is repairing her damaged Hiraikotsu at her home village, she encounters two sisters who ask her to teach all she knows about demon slaying. In onda il: 2002-02-11 60: The 50 Year-Old Curse of the Dark Priestess Naraku enlists the help of Tsubaki, a dark priestess with a fifty year grudge against Kikyo, to possess Kagome and use her to kill Inuyasha! 60: The 50 Year-Old Curse of the Dark Priestess In onda il: 2002-02-11 Naraku enlists the help of Tsubaki, a dark priestess with a fifty year grudge against Kikyo, to possess Kagome and use her to kill Inuyasha! In onda il: 2002-02-18 61: Kikyo and the Dark Priestess After a confrontation with Kikyo, Tsubaki goes off to face Inuyasha and the others. 61: Kikyo and the Dark Priestess In onda il: 2002-02-18 After a confrontation with Kikyo, Tsubaki goes off to face Inuyasha and the others. In onda il: 2002-03-04 62: Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell Kagome fights Tsubaki's curse from within herself as Inuyasha and the others continue to struggle against Tsubaki and her gaggle of demons. 62: Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell In onda il: 2002-03-04 Kagome fights Tsubaki's curse from within herself as Inuyasha and the others continue to struggle against Tsubaki and her gaggle of demons. In onda il: 2002-03-11 63: The Red and White Priestesses In order to keep Inuyasha and the others at bay while she invokes the power of a sealed-up ogre, Tsubaki enlists the help of two rookie priestesses. 63: The Red and White Priestesses In onda il: 2002-03-11 In order to keep Inuyasha and the others at bay while she invokes the power of a sealed-up ogre, Tsubaki enlists the help of two rookie priestesses. In onda il: 2002-03-18 64: Giant Ogre of the Forbidden Tower Tsubaki uses the once sealed ogre in a final attempt to kill off Inuyasha once and for all... 64: Giant Ogre of the Forbidden Tower In onda il: 2002-03-18 Tsubaki uses the once sealed ogre in a final attempt to kill off Inuyasha once and for all... In onda il: 2002-04-08 65: Farewell Days of My Youth Inuyasha and the gang enjoy the hospitality of a village they saved from a centipede demon. However, their stay is interrupted by a string of strange possessions taking hold of the group. 65: Farewell Days of My Youth In onda il: 2002-04-08 Inuyasha and the gang enjoy the hospitality of a village they saved from a centipede demon. However, their stay is interrupted by a string of strange possessions taking hold of the group. In onda il: 2002-04-15 66: Naraku's Barrier - Kagura's Decision As Naraku's protective barrier around his castle inexplicably weakens, Kagura comtemplates making her move for freedom. 66: Naraku's Barrier - Kagura's Decision In onda il: 2002-04-15 As Naraku's protective barrier around his castle inexplicably weakens, Kagura comtemplates making her move for freedom. In onda il: 2002-04-22 67: The Howling Wind of Betrayal Koga furiously attacks Kagura in hopes of retrieving his stolen Shikon shards. 67: The Howling Wind of Betrayal In onda il: 2002-04-22 Koga furiously attacks Kagura in hopes of retrieving his stolen Shikon shards. In onda il: 2002-05-06 68: Shippo Gets an Angry Challenge Shippo receives a duel invitation from the last remaining Thunder Brother, Souten. 68: Shippo Gets an Angry Challenge In onda il: 2002-05-06 Shippo receives a duel invitation from the last remaining Thunder Brother, Souten. In onda il: 2002-05-13 69: Terror of the Faceless Man A chunk of flesh rejected by Naraku, takes form and terrorizes the countryside. 69: Terror of the Faceless Man In onda il: 2002-05-13 A chunk of flesh rejected by Naraku, takes form and terrorizes the countryside. In onda il: 2002-05-20 70: Onigumo's Memory Restored Muso tries to capture Kagome and Inuyasha must protect her. But there is a new snag when Muso regains Onigumo's memories. 70: Onigumo's Memory Restored In onda il: 2002-05-20 Muso tries to capture Kagome and Inuyasha must protect her. But there is a new snag when Muso regains Onigumo's memories. In onda il: 2002-05-27 71: Three-Sided Battle to the Death Naraku tries to absorb Muso back into his body. 71: Three-Sided Battle to the Death In onda il: 2002-05-27 Naraku tries to absorb Muso back into his body. In onda il: 2002-06-03 72: Totosai's Rigid Training Inuyasha visits Totosai for some help on making Tesusaiga strong enough to destroy Naraku's barrier. 72: Totosai's Rigid Training In onda il: 2002-06-03 Inuyasha visits Totosai for some help on making Tesusaiga strong enough to destroy Naraku's barrier. In onda il: 2002-06-10 73: Shiori's Family and Inuyasha's Feelings To break Naraku's barrier, Inuyasha must strengthen the Tetsusaiga by making it absorb the blood of a bat-demon protecting its nest with a strong barrier. 73: Shiori's Family and Inuyasha's Feelings In onda il: 2002-06-10 To break Naraku's barrier, Inuyasha must strengthen the Tetsusaiga by making it absorb the blood of a bat-demon protecting its nest with a strong barrier. In onda il: 2002-06-17 74: The Red Tetsusaiga Breaks the Barrier! Inuyasha must decide between making Tetsusaiga stronger and keeping Shiori alive. 74: The Red Tetsusaiga Breaks the Barrier! In onda il: 2002-06-17 Inuyasha must decide between making Tetsusaiga stronger and keeping Shiori alive. In onda il: 2002-06-24 75: The Plot of the Panther Devas Inuyasha and Company are targeted by a group of cat demons who are after the Shikon shards... 75: The Plot of the Panther Devas In onda il: 2002-06-24 Inuyasha and Company are targeted by a group of cat demons who are after the Shikon shards... In onda il: 2002-07-01 76: Target: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Inuyasha and Koga fight the panther demons and Sesshomaru joins in the fight. 76: Target: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha In onda il: 2002-07-01 Inuyasha and Koga fight the panther demons and Sesshomaru joins in the fight. In onda il: 2002-07-08 77: The Panther Tribe and the Two Swords of the Fang Inuyasha and Koga separately try to rescue Kagome. Meanwhile, Sesshomaru continues his battle against the panther demons. 77: The Panther Tribe and the Two Swords of the Fang In onda il: 2002-07-08 Inuyasha and Koga separately try to rescue Kagome. Meanwhile, Sesshomaru continues his battle against the panther demons. In onda il: 2002-07-15 78: Only You, Sango When Inuyasha and his group are approached by a man, it turns out that the stranger has been searching for Sango, to ask her to slay a demon that is plaguing his village. When the group arrives in the village, Sango is surprised to meet an old acquaintance. 78: Only You, Sango In onda il: 2002-07-15 When Inuyasha and his group are approached by a man, it turns out that the stranger has been searching for Sango, to ask her to slay a demon that is plaguing his village. When the group arrives in the village, Sango is surprised to meet an old acquaintance. In onda il: 2002-07-22 79: Jaken's Plan to Steal the Tetsusaiga A question from Rin prompts Jaken to question his worth to Sesshomaru. He decides to prove himself by stealing Tetsusaiga from Inuyasha. 79: Jaken's Plan to Steal the Tetsusaiga In onda il: 2002-07-22 A question from Rin prompts Jaken to question his worth to Sesshomaru. He decides to prove himself by stealing Tetsusaiga from Inuyasha. In onda il: 2002-07-29 80: Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin Sesshomaru confronts Naraku after he has ordered Kagura to kidnap Rin. 80: Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin In onda il: 2002-07-29 Sesshomaru confronts Naraku after he has ordered Kagura to kidnap Rin. In onda il: 2002-08-05 81: Vanishing Point; Naraku Disappears Sesshomaru and Inuyasha double-team Naraku as he tries to absorb them to become stronger. 81: Vanishing Point; Naraku Disappears In onda il: 2002-08-05 Sesshomaru and Inuyasha double-team Naraku as he tries to absorb them to become stronger. In onda il: 2002-08-12 82: Gap Between the Ages The group returns to Kaede's village, at which point Kagome returns to modern-day Tokyo. 82: Gap Between the Ages In onda il: 2002-08-12 The group returns to Kaede's village, at which point Kagome returns to modern-day Tokyo. In onda il: 2002-08-19 83: The Female Wolf-Demon and the Lunar Rainbow Promise A female wolf demon asks Koga to keep the promise he made to her, when she was a child. 83: The Female Wolf-Demon and the Lunar Rainbow Promise In onda il: 2002-08-19 A female wolf demon asks Koga to keep the promise he made to her, when she was a child. In onda il: 2002-08-26 84: Koga's Bride-To-Be Koga must resolve his issues with Ayame, while fighting off the hair demon that is after the jewel shards in his legs. 84: Koga's Bride-To-Be In onda il: 2002-08-26 Koga must resolve his issues with Ayame, while fighting off the hair demon that is after the jewel shards in his legs. In onda il: 2002-09-02 85: The Evil Within Demon's Head Castle Inuyasha and company, including a old demon exorcist, travel to Demon's Head Castle, in search of a powerful demon plaguing the people. 85: The Evil Within Demon's Head Castle In onda il: 2002-09-02 Inuyasha and company, including a old demon exorcist, travel to Demon's Head Castle, in search of a powerful demon plaguing the people. In onda il: 2002-09-09 86: Secret of the Possessed Princess Inuyasha battles a demon that has appeared in the castle. Shortly after they take their battle outside, Sango and the old exorcist decide to go find Miroku. Meanwhile Kagome and Shippo discover a secret about the princess in the lord's chamber of the castle. 86: Secret of the Possessed Princess In onda il: 2002-09-09 Inuyasha battles a demon that has appeared in the castle. Shortly after they take their battle outside, Sango and the old exorcist decide to go find Miroku. Meanwhile Kagome and Shippo discover a secret about the princess in the lord's chamber of the castle. In onda il: 2002-09-16 87: Kikyo's Lonely Journey Kikyo comes across an old man, who turns out to have a past connection with Onigumo when he was young. 87: Kikyo's Lonely Journey In onda il: 2002-09-16 Kikyo comes across an old man, who turns out to have a past connection with Onigumo when he was young. In onda il: 2002-10-14 88: The Three Sprites of the Monkey God Inuyasha and the rest of the group are passing by a village, and soon learn of three monkeys that are searching for their master. 88: The Three Sprites of the Monkey God In onda il: 2002-10-14 Inuyasha and the rest of the group are passing by a village, and soon learn of three monkeys that are searching for their master. In onda il: 2002-10-21 89: Nursing Battle of the Rival Lovers Kagome is forced to return home when her cold worsens. While there, she is visited by her school friends, and Inuyasha winds up competing with Hojo to determine who cares more for Kagome's health. 89: Nursing Battle of the Rival Lovers In onda il: 2002-10-21 Kagome is forced to return home when her cold worsens. While there, she is visited by her school friends, and Inuyasha winds up competing with Hojo to determine who cares more for Kagome's health. In onda il: 2002-10-28 90: Sota's Brave Confession of Love As Inuyasha's stay with Kagome in the Modern era continues, Inuyasha takes his first trip with Kagome to a grocery store. Along the way back, they spot Sota and discover he has his first crush on a girl in his class. 90: Sota's Brave Confession of Love In onda il: 2002-10-28 As Inuyasha's stay with Kagome in the Modern era continues, Inuyasha takes his first trip with Kagome to a grocery store. Along the way back, they spot Sota and discover he has his first crush on a girl in his class. In onda il: 2002-11-04 91: The Suspicious Faith Healer and the Black Kirara Kuroro, who is part of Kirara's species except with more black markings, once belonged to a village. She is considered a highly intelligent youkai who helps the village by exterminating all the rats and mice there. She was chased out, though, when a spiritualist person came and said that two-tailed cats were bad fortune. 91: The Suspicious Faith Healer and the Black Kirara In onda il: 2002-11-04 Kuroro, who is part of Kirara's species except with more black markings, once belonged to a village. She is considered a highly intelligent youkai who helps the village by exterminating all the rats and mice there. She was chased out, though, when a spiritualist person came and said that two-tailed cats were bad fortune. In onda il: 2002-11-18 92: Plot of the Walking Dead Kikyo encounters a girl who's also a walking dead. The Inuyasha gang finds out, through the girl, about another walking dead's plan to conquer the land. 92: Plot of the Walking Dead In onda il: 2002-11-18 Kikyo encounters a girl who's also a walking dead. The Inuyasha gang finds out, through the girl, about another walking dead's plan to conquer the land. In onda il: 2002-11-25 93: The Mysterious, Lecherous Monk The Inuyasha group tracks down someone who's been using Miroku's identity. 93: The Mysterious, Lecherous Monk In onda il: 2002-11-25 The Inuyasha group tracks down someone who's been using Miroku's identity. In onda il: 2002-12-02 94: The Sacred Jewel Maker (1) Inuaysha and the others find a demon using a fake Sacred Jewel and, with the help of a scholar, search to find out how, and why. 94: The Sacred Jewel Maker (1) In onda il: 2002-12-02 Inuaysha and the others find a demon using a fake Sacred Jewel and, with the help of a scholar, search to find out how, and why. In onda il: 2002-12-09 95: The Sacred Jewel Maker (2) With his friends imprisoned, body and soul, inside the toad demon's slime to be sacrificed for the making of a second Sacred Jewel, Inuyasha must face off against a half-demon powered up by a dozen fake jewels alone. 95: The Sacred Jewel Maker (2) In onda il: 2002-12-09 With his friends imprisoned, body and soul, inside the toad demon's slime to be sacrificed for the making of a second Sacred Jewel, Inuyasha must face off against a half-demon powered up by a dozen fake jewels alone. In onda il: 2003-01-13 96: Jaken Falls Ill Jaken is poisoned and it's up to Rin to find a cure for him before it's too late. 96: Jaken Falls Ill In onda il: 2003-01-13 Jaken is poisoned and it's up to Rin to find a cure for him before it's too late. In onda il: 2003-01-20 97: Kirara Come Home! When Sango notices that Kilala seems to have disappeared, she starts to worry, and soon everyone starts looking for her. 97: Kirara Come Home! In onda il: 2003-01-20 When Sango notices that Kilala seems to have disappeared, she starts to worry, and soon everyone starts looking for her. In onda il: 2003-01-27 98: Kikyo and Kagome, Alone in the Cave Kagome and Inuyasha are fighting again and Kagome becomes so enraged she storms off. When she investigates a noise coming from a cave, she becomes trapped together with Kikyo. 98: Kikyo and Kagome, Alone in the Cave In onda il: 2003-01-27 Kagome and Inuyasha are fighting again and Kagome becomes so enraged she storms off. When she investigates a noise coming from a cave, she becomes trapped together with Kikyo. In onda il: 2003-02-03 99: Koga and Sesshomaru: A Dangerous Encounter While travelling, Inuyasha smells a familiar scent; it's the moth demon leader. As they battle the leader, everyone except Inuyasha gets trapped in a cocoon, where they have nightmares about their worst fears. 99: Koga and Sesshomaru: A Dangerous Encounter In onda il: 2003-02-03 While travelling, Inuyasha smells a familiar scent; it's the moth demon leader. As they battle the leader, everyone except Inuyasha gets trapped in a cocoon, where they have nightmares about their worst fears. In onda il: 2003-02-10 100: The Truth Behind the Nightmare: Battle in the Forest of Sorrow While travelling, Inuyasha smells a familiar scent; it's the moth demon leader. As they battle the leader, everyone except Inuyasha gets trapped in a cocoon, where they have nightmares about their worst fears. 100: The Truth Behind the Nightmare: Battle in the Forest of Sorrow In onda il: 2003-02-10 While travelling, Inuyasha smells a familiar scent; it's the moth demon leader. As they battle the leader, everyone except Inuyasha gets trapped in a cocoon, where they have nightmares about their worst fears. In onda il: 2003-02-17 101: The Snow from Seven Years Past Miroku hears that a snow maiden possessing the form of a woman from his youth is terrorizing the village men and goes out alone to investigate. 101: The Snow from Seven Years Past In onda il: 2003-02-17 Miroku hears that a snow maiden possessing the form of a woman from his youth is terrorizing the village men and goes out alone to investigate. In onda il: 2003-02-24 102: Assault on the Wolf-Demon Tribe! A deadly spectre arises in the northeast, driving Ayame and her wolf-youkai tribe from their territories, Koga must step in to avenge his fallen brethren. 102: Assault on the Wolf-Demon Tribe! In onda il: 2003-02-24 A deadly spectre arises in the northeast, driving Ayame and her wolf-youkai tribe from their territories, Koga must step in to avenge his fallen brethren. In onda il: 2003-03-03 103: The Band of Seven, Resurrected! Inuyasha and the group learn about the deadly Band of Seven. This group was constructed of seven mercenaries who were executed for their inhumane acts. When Kagome senses a sacred jewel shard, Sango goes off on her own and finds her lost brother Kohaku. Meanwhile, Inuyasha encounters one of the Band of Seven, Jakotsu. Jakotsu has strange behavior and wields a strange sword that bends, posing a dangerous problem for Inuyasha. 103: The Band of Seven, Resurrected! In onda il: 2003-03-03 Inuyasha and the group learn about the deadly Band of Seven. This group was constructed of seven mercenaries who were executed for their inhumane acts. When Kagome senses a sacred jewel shard, Sango goes off on her own and finds her lost brother Kohaku. Meanwhile, Inuyasha encounters one of the Band of Seven, Jakotsu. Jakotsu has strange behavior and wields a strange sword that bends, posing a dangerous problem for Inuyasha. In onda il: 2003-03-10 104: The Stealthy Poison Master, Mukotsu Inuyasha goes after Jakotsu, and the others are attacked by another member of the Band of Seven; Mukotsu. 104: The Stealthy Poison Master, Mukotsu In onda il: 2003-03-10 Inuyasha goes after Jakotsu, and the others are attacked by another member of the Band of Seven; Mukotsu. In onda il: 2003-03-17 105: The Ghastly Steel Machine Inuyasha is forced to clash with Ginkotsu as he orders Kilala and Shippo to get the poisoned Miroku, Kagome, and Sango to safety. They make it to a monk's temple, unaware that Renkotsu has taken over the place. 105: The Ghastly Steel Machine In onda il: 2003-03-17 Inuyasha is forced to clash with Ginkotsu as he orders Kilala and Shippo to get the poisoned Miroku, Kagome, and Sango to safety. They make it to a monk's temple, unaware that Renkotsu has taken over the place. In onda il: 2003-04-14 106: Kagome, Miroku, and Sango: Desperate Situation Shippo tries to save Kagome, Miroku and Sango from a burning temple. 106: Kagome, Miroku, and Sango: Desperate Situation In onda il: 2003-04-14 Shippo tries to save Kagome, Miroku and Sango from a burning temple. In onda il: 2003-04-21 107: Inuyasha Shows His Tears for the First Time Inuyasha discovers that Miroku, Sango and Kagome have been poisoned. 107: Inuyasha Shows His Tears for the First Time In onda il: 2003-04-21 Inuyasha discovers that Miroku, Sango and Kagome have been poisoned. In onda il: 2003-04-28 108: The Secret of the Pure Light Inuyasha and crew enter a village where a man named Suikotsu, the name of one member of the Band of Seven, is living. They discover that he appears to be a good person. Could he truly belong to the Band of Seven? 108: The Secret of the Pure Light In onda il: 2003-04-28 Inuyasha and crew enter a village where a man named Suikotsu, the name of one member of the Band of Seven, is living. They discover that he appears to be a good person. Could he truly belong to the Band of Seven? In onda il: 2003-05-05 109: Hidden in the Mist: Onward to Mt. Hakurei Dr. Suikotsu continues to fight Inuyasha. 109: Hidden in the Mist: Onward to Mt. Hakurei In onda il: 2003-05-05 Dr. Suikotsu continues to fight Inuyasha. In onda il: 2003-05-12 110: Enter Bankotsu, the Leader of the Band of Seven Long ago the Lord of a nearby castle was responsible for executing the Band of Seven and now they seek their revenge by attacking the castle. Despite warnings, Inuyasha and his friends approach the castle. 110: Enter Bankotsu, the Leader of the Band of Seven In onda il: 2003-05-12 Long ago the Lord of a nearby castle was responsible for executing the Band of Seven and now they seek their revenge by attacking the castle. Despite warnings, Inuyasha and his friends approach the castle. In onda il: 2003-05-19 111: The Big Clash: Banryu versus the Wind Scar Inuyasha has finally met Bankotsu, the Leader of the Band of Seven, and is determined to use the Tetsuiga to bring him down. But Bankotsu is confident that his Banryu will win without fail. And now, Renkotsu has discovered Kagome's ability to see Shikon Jewel shards. Can the Wind Scar defeat Bankotsu and his Banryu? 111: The Big Clash: Banryu versus the Wind Scar In onda il: 2003-05-19 Inuyasha has finally met Bankotsu, the Leader of the Band of Seven, and is determined to use the Tetsuiga to bring him down. But Bankotsu is confident that his Banryu will win without fail. And now, Renkotsu has discovered Kagome's ability to see Shikon Jewel shards. Can the Wind Scar defeat Bankotsu and his Banryu? In onda il: 2003-05-26 112: Afloat on the Lake Surface: The Barrier of Hijiri Island Inuyasha battles with Bankotsu on the island of Hijiri without being able to use the Wind Scar. Miroku learns that Naraku is using the great priest's power to create a barrier around the island of Hijiri weakening Kirara and Shippo, and making Inuyasha unable to use the Wind Scar. Miroku manages to destroy the barrier to allow Inuyasha to regain the power to use the Wind Scar. However, Bankotsu is still confident in defeating Inuyasha. 112: Afloat on the Lake Surface: The Barrier of Hijiri Island In onda il: 2003-05-26 Inuyasha battles with Bankotsu on the island of Hijiri without being able to use the Wind Scar. Miroku learns that Naraku is using the great priest's power to create a barrier around the island of Hijiri weakening Kirara and Shippo, and making Inuyasha unable to use the Wind Scar. Miroku manages to destroy the barrier to allow Inuyasha to regain the power to use the Wind Scar. However, Bankotsu is still confident in defeating Inuyasha. In onda il: 2003-06-02 113: The Sacred Vajra and the Mystery of the Living Buddha Bankotsu continues to fight Inuyasha on Hijiri island, but the island holds one more secret. 113: The Sacred Vajra and the Mystery of the Living Buddha In onda il: 2003-06-02 Bankotsu continues to fight Inuyasha on Hijiri island, but the island holds one more secret. In onda il: 2003-06-09 114: Koga's Solitary Battle Koga, Ginta and Hakkaku go to Mt. Hakurei and meet up with some of the seven warriors. Koga fights in a rough battle with them and gets injured. Meanwhile, Jakotsu meets up with Sesshomaru and they fight. Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo and Kirara are near Mt. Hakurei also, but then, Inuyasha suddenly smells the blood and scent of the wolves and rushes over. 114: Koga's Solitary Battle In onda il: 2003-06-09 Koga, Ginta and Hakkaku go to Mt. Hakurei and meet up with some of the seven warriors. Koga fights in a rough battle with them and gets injured. Meanwhile, Jakotsu meets up with Sesshomaru and they fight. Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo and Kirara are near Mt. Hakurei also, but then, Inuyasha suddenly smells the blood and scent of the wolves and rushes over. In onda il: 2003-06-16 115: Lured by the Black Light Jakotsu attacks Sesshomaru while Suikotsu kidnaps Rin. However, Suikotsu's good alter ego takes over temporarily as he takes Rin to the village where he tended to children. When villagers ask for Suikotsu to leave, his evil alter ego takes over and kills one of the villagers. Jakotsu then shows up from hiding. Meanwhile, Kikyo and Sesshomaru head off to go after the three despite the barrier on the town. 115: Lured by the Black Light In onda il: 2003-06-16 Jakotsu attacks Sesshomaru while Suikotsu kidnaps Rin. However, Suikotsu's good alter ego takes over temporarily as he takes Rin to the village where he tended to children. When villagers ask for Suikotsu to leave, his evil alter ego takes over and kills one of the villagers. Jakotsu then shows up from hiding. Meanwhile, Kikyo and Sesshomaru head off to go after the three despite the barrier on the town. In onda il: 2003-06-23 116: The Exposed Face of Truth Sesshomaru battles with Jakotsu on Mount Hakurei while Suikotsu holds Rin captive. As Suikotsu is about to kill Rin, Kikyo fires an arrow at Suikotsu's neck making him change to his good alter ego. The counterpart wishes for Kikyo to remove the Shikon shard from his neck so he won't have to suffer the thought of killing anymore because of his evil alter ego. Jakotsu removes the Shikon shard and Suikotsu is reduced to a skeleton. 116: The Exposed Face of Truth In onda il: 2003-06-23 Sesshomaru battles with Jakotsu on Mount Hakurei while Suikotsu holds Rin captive. As Suikotsu is about to kill Rin, Kikyo fires an arrow at Suikotsu's neck making him change to his good alter ego. The counterpart wishes for Kikyo to remove the Shikon shard from his neck so he won't have to suffer the thought of killing anymore because of his evil alter ego. Jakotsu removes the Shikon shard and Suikotsu is reduced to a skeleton. In onda il: 2003-06-30 117: Vanished in a River of Flames Renkotsu traps Kagome, Kouga, Shippo, Kirara, Hakkaku and Ginta in a cave that is surrounded by a river of fire. Inuyasha must fight Renkotsu to protect his friends. 117: Vanished in a River of Flames In onda il: 2003-06-30 Renkotsu traps Kagome, Kouga, Shippo, Kirara, Hakkaku and Ginta in a cave that is surrounded by a river of fire. Inuyasha must fight Renkotsu to protect his friends. In onda il: 2003-07-07 118: Into the Depths of Mt. Hakurei Sango and Miroku explore a cave in Mt. Hakurei, where they expect to find Naraku, but fall into Kagura's trap. Sango's weapon is useless against Kagura, the Wind Sorceress. Can Miroku defend them with his Wind Tunnel? Worried that Sango and Miroku have not returned, Inuyasha goes after them, determined to cross the sacred barrier of Mt. Hakurei. 118: Into the Depths of Mt. Hakurei In onda il: 2003-07-07 Sango and Miroku explore a cave in Mt. Hakurei, where they expect to find Naraku, but fall into Kagura's trap. Sango's weapon is useless against Kagura, the Wind Sorceress. Can Miroku defend them with his Wind Tunnel? Worried that Sango and Miroku have not returned, Inuyasha goes after them, determined to cross the sacred barrier of Mt. Hakurei. In onda il: 2003-07-14 119: Divine Malice of the Saint Inuyasha, in his human form, struggles to stay alive during a deadly fight with Jakotsu. When Miroku and Sango find Hakushin in the depths of the mountain, will they be able to destroy the barrier that has suppressed Inuyasha's half-demon powers? 119: Divine Malice of the Saint In onda il: 2003-07-14 Inuyasha, in his human form, struggles to stay alive during a deadly fight with Jakotsu. When Miroku and Sango find Hakushin in the depths of the mountain, will they be able to destroy the barrier that has suppressed Inuyasha's half-demon powers? In onda il: 2003-07-28 120: Fare Thee Well: Jakotsu's Requiem Inuyasha fights for his life against Jakotsu. Kikyo meets Hakushin. What will happen to the sacred barrier after Kikyo intervenes? 120: Fare Thee Well: Jakotsu's Requiem In onda il: 2003-07-28 Inuyasha fights for his life against Jakotsu. Kikyo meets Hakushin. What will happen to the sacred barrier after Kikyo intervenes? In onda il: 2003-08-04 121: Final Battle: The Last and Strongest of the Band of Seven Now that the sacred barrier is down, Kagome and the rest of the gang head up Mt. Hakurei. Inuyasha runs into Bankotsu, deep inside the mountain and is forced to fight him. Can Inuyasha win, now that Bankotsu has seven Shikon shards.? 121: Final Battle: The Last and Strongest of the Band of Seven In onda il: 2003-08-04 Now that the sacred barrier is down, Kagome and the rest of the gang head up Mt. Hakurei. Inuyasha runs into Bankotsu, deep inside the mountain and is forced to fight him. Can Inuyasha win, now that Bankotsu has seven Shikon shards.? In onda il: 2003-08-11 122: The Power of Banryu: Duel to the Death on Mt. Hakurei Inuyasha battles with Bankotsu, who is using Banryu, a weapon infused with a demonic aura. Kagome senses that the Shikon shards inside Mt. Hakurei are becoming tainted. 122: The Power of Banryu: Duel to the Death on Mt. Hakurei In onda il: 2003-08-11 Inuyasha battles with Bankotsu, who is using Banryu, a weapon infused with a demonic aura. Kagome senses that the Shikon shards inside Mt. Hakurei are becoming tainted. In onda il: 2003-08-18 123: Beyond the Darkness - Naraku Reborn! Inuyasha is lying trapped and unconscious inside Mt. Hakurei, where Naraku's new body is being created. Also, trapped inside are Inuyasha's companions and Koga. Will Inuyasha awaken, before Naraku tries to destroy him? 123: Beyond the Darkness - Naraku Reborn! In onda il: 2003-08-18 Inuyasha is lying trapped and unconscious inside Mt. Hakurei, where Naraku's new body is being created. Also, trapped inside are Inuyasha's companions and Koga. Will Inuyasha awaken, before Naraku tries to destroy him? In onda il: 2003-08-25 124: Farewell Kikyo, My Beloved Inuyasha helps Koga to safety and everyone gets out of the mountain safely. Meanwhile, Naraku confronts Kikyo with his new body. 124: Farewell Kikyo, My Beloved In onda il: 2003-08-25 Inuyasha helps Koga to safety and everyone gets out of the mountain safely. Meanwhile, Naraku confronts Kikyo with his new body. In onda il: 2003-09-01 125: The Darkness in Kagome's Heart In the beginning, Inuyasha goes to look for Kikyo. Kagome, Sango, and Miroku get caught by people, and get taken to a village. Kagome gets taken into one of the huts there, leaving Sango and Miroku to fight the people. 125: The Darkness in Kagome's Heart In onda il: 2003-09-01 In the beginning, Inuyasha goes to look for Kikyo. Kagome, Sango, and Miroku get caught by people, and get taken to a village. Kagome gets taken into one of the huts there, leaving Sango and Miroku to fight the people. In onda il: 2003-09-08 126: Transform Heartache into Courage! Failing to find Kikyo after sent on a wild goose chase by a priest, Inuyasha is unaware that Kagome and the others are in danger. Miroku and Sango have to defend themselves against murderous guards, while Kagome is in danger from Kagura and a strange baby who is trying to control Kagome's heart. 126: Transform Heartache into Courage! In onda il: 2003-09-08 Failing to find Kikyo after sent on a wild goose chase by a priest, Inuyasha is unaware that Kagome and the others are in danger. Miroku and Sango have to defend themselves against murderous guards, while Kagome is in danger from Kagura and a strange baby who is trying to control Kagome's heart. In onda il: 2003-09-15 127: Don't Boil It! The Terrifying Dried-Up Demon When Kagome brings back some rare dried food from the feudal era, Inuyasha is forced to travel to modern Japan to protect her, as the food is actually made from dried demons. 127: Don't Boil It! The Terrifying Dried-Up Demon In onda il: 2003-09-15 When Kagome brings back some rare dried food from the feudal era, Inuyasha is forced to travel to modern Japan to protect her, as the food is actually made from dried demons. In onda il: 2003-10-13 128: Battle Against the Dried-Up Demons at the Cultural Festival While Kagome has her hands full preparing for the Cultural Festival, another dried-food demon appears. After Inuyasha saves the day, Kagome admits that there may be three more demons on the loose. Later, when Inuyasha sees Kagome in a love scene with Hojo in the school play, his temper flares. Will Inuyasha and Hojo be forced to fight over Kagome? 128: Battle Against the Dried-Up Demons at the Cultural Festival In onda il: 2003-10-13 While Kagome has her hands full preparing for the Cultural Festival, another dried-food demon appears. After Inuyasha saves the day, Kagome admits that there may be three more demons on the loose. Later, when Inuyasha sees Kagome in a love scene with Hojo in the school play, his temper flares. Will Inuyasha and Hojo be forced to fight over Kagome? In onda il: 2003-10-20 129: Chokyukai and the Abducted Bride This pig demon called Chokyukai has been wandering around the countryside forcing young women to marry him. But when he puts the magical tiara that makes the women fall in love with him on Kagome, InuYasha is the one who's lovestricken! 129: Chokyukai and the Abducted Bride In onda il: 2003-10-20 This pig demon called Chokyukai has been wandering around the countryside forcing young women to marry him. But when he puts the magical tiara that makes the women fall in love with him on Kagome, InuYasha is the one who's lovestricken! In onda il: 2003-10-27 130: Shippo's New Technique, the Heart Scar Shippo meets a group of fox demons who heard a legend about the mighty and powerful Shippo and they ask him to protect them from a lizard demon. Shippo uses his ultimate attack, the Heart Scar. 130: Shippo's New Technique, the Heart Scar In onda il: 2003-10-27 Shippo meets a group of fox demons who heard a legend about the mighty and powerful Shippo and they ask him to protect them from a lizard demon. Shippo uses his ultimate attack, the Heart Scar. In onda il: 2003-11-03 131: Trap of the Cursed Wall Hanging The Inuyasha gang hears about a village of demon women and they decide to find it. 131: Trap of the Cursed Wall Hanging In onda il: 2003-11-03 The Inuyasha gang hears about a village of demon women and they decide to find it. In onda il: 2003-11-10 132: Miroku's Most Dangerous Confession Inuyasha must save Sango and Miroku from the village women and the demon that is controlling them.. 132: Miroku's Most Dangerous Confession In onda il: 2003-11-10 Inuyasha must save Sango and Miroku from the village women and the demon that is controlling them.. In onda il: 2003-11-24 133: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (1) Inuyasha and his group travel to a coastal town where they meet a beautiful woman, who attempts to steal the Tetsusaiga. 133: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (1) In onda il: 2003-11-24 Inuyasha and his group travel to a coastal town where they meet a beautiful woman, who attempts to steal the Tetsusaiga. In onda il: 2003-11-24 134: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (2) Inuyasha and Sesshomaru confront Sara, but Sara has a terrible secret. 134: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (2) In onda il: 2003-11-24 Inuyasha and Sesshomaru confront Sara, but Sara has a terrible secret. In onda il: 2003-12-01 135: The Last Banquet of Miroku's Master Miroku finds out that Mushin, the monk who raised him, is dying, and he goes to see him. 135: The Last Banquet of Miroku's Master In onda il: 2003-12-01 Miroku finds out that Mushin, the monk who raised him, is dying, and he goes to see him. In onda il: 2003-12-08 136: A Strange Invisible Demon Appears! Inuyasha and his group meet someone they know when they travel to a small town and Miroku plans to make use of his exorcist skills to earn some money. 136: A Strange Invisible Demon Appears! In onda il: 2003-12-08 Inuyasha and his group meet someone they know when they travel to a small town and Miroku plans to make use of his exorcist skills to earn some money. In onda il: 2004-01-12 137: An Ancestor Named Kagome Inuyasha and his gang take on the task of purifying a cursed sword brought to them by Akitoki Hojo, ancestor to the Hojo in Kagome's time. Back in present day Japan, Kagome finds out that Hojo has ancestor named Kagome, who married Akitoki! What does this mean for Kagome? Does she stay in the feudal era and marry Akitoki, or is it mere coincidence? 137: An Ancestor Named Kagome In onda il: 2004-01-12 Inuyasha and his gang take on the task of purifying a cursed sword brought to them by Akitoki Hojo, ancestor to the Hojo in Kagome's time. Back in present day Japan, Kagome finds out that Hojo has ancestor named Kagome, who married Akitoki! What does this mean for Kagome? Does she stay in the feudal era and marry Akitoki, or is it mere coincidence? In onda il: 2004-01-19 138: Mountain of Demons: Survival of the Duo While on a mission to purify the Ken blade, Kagome and Akitoki become separated from Inuyasha and the others. Then Kagome and Akitoki get attacked by the ninja demons. What will be their fate? 138: Mountain of Demons: Survival of the Duo In onda il: 2004-01-19 While on a mission to purify the Ken blade, Kagome and Akitoki become separated from Inuyasha and the others. Then Kagome and Akitoki get attacked by the ninja demons. What will be their fate? In onda il: 2004-01-26 139: The Great Duel at Shoun Falls Inuyasha and the others go to meet the ninja demon, who has taken Kagome hostage, at Shoun Falls. 139: The Great Duel at Shoun Falls In onda il: 2004-01-26 Inuyasha and the others go to meet the ninja demon, who has taken Kagome hostage, at Shoun Falls. In onda il: 2004-02-02 140: Eternal Love, the Naginata of Kenkon Hoshiyomi plans to destroy humanity using the Naginata of Kenkon. 140: Eternal Love, the Naginata of Kenkon In onda il: 2004-02-02 Hoshiyomi plans to destroy humanity using the Naginata of Kenkon. In onda il: 2004-02-09 141: Entei, the Demon Horse Unleashed! Inuyasha and his group decide to investigate a series of murders which they hear were committed by a woman with a baby. 141: Entei, the Demon Horse Unleashed! In onda il: 2004-02-09 Inuyasha and his group decide to investigate a series of murders which they hear were committed by a woman with a baby. In onda il: 2004-02-16 142: Untamed Entei and Horrible Hakudoshi Naraku's child Hakudoshi kills Rygokoki, takes his weapon and earns the right to ride on the legendry horse demon Entei. 142: Untamed Entei and Horrible Hakudoshi In onda il: 2004-02-16 Naraku's child Hakudoshi kills Rygokoki, takes his weapon and earns the right to ride on the legendry horse demon Entei. In onda il: 2004-02-23 143: 3,000 Leagues in Search of Father When Inuyasha and his friends visit a a new town, they find out that a headless demon has been frightening the townspeople. 143: 3,000 Leagues in Search of Father In onda il: 2004-02-23 When Inuyasha and his friends visit a a new town, they find out that a headless demon has been frightening the townspeople. In onda il: 2004-03-01 144: Hosenki and the Last Shard Inuyasha searches for Myoga to figure out how to get to the border between this world and the next, and his father's grave, where the last shard of the sacred jewel may be hidden. 144: Hosenki and the Last Shard In onda il: 2004-03-01 Inuyasha searches for Myoga to figure out how to get to the border between this world and the next, and his father's grave, where the last shard of the sacred jewel may be hidden. In onda il: 2004-03-08 145: Bizarre Guards at the Border of the Afterlife Inuyasha and his friends attempt to reach the graveyard located beyond the border of this world. 145: Bizarre Guards at the Border of the Afterlife In onda il: 2004-03-08 Inuyasha and his friends attempt to reach the graveyard located beyond the border of this world. In onda il: 2004-03-15 146: The Fiery Bird Master, Princess Abi After Inuyasha and his friends return from the Land of Fire, they come across several villages where everyone has had all their blood sucked out of them. 146: The Fiery Bird Master, Princess Abi In onda il: 2004-03-15 After Inuyasha and his friends return from the Land of Fire, they come across several villages where everyone has had all their blood sucked out of them. In onda il: 2004-04-19 147: The Tragic Love Song of Destiny (1) Kaede narrates a special episode that explains Kikyo's life as a priestess (a miko), how she met Inuyasha, how she ended up receiving the Shikon no Tama and more. 147: The Tragic Love Song of Destiny (1) In onda il: 2004-04-19 Kaede narrates a special episode that explains Kikyo's life as a priestess (a miko), how she met Inuyasha, how she ended up receiving the Shikon no Tama and more. In onda il: 2004-04-19 148: The Tragic Love Song of Destiny (2) Kaede narrates a special episode that explains Kikyo's life as a miko, her recieving the Shikon no Tama and Naraku's trap for her and Inuyasha. 148: The Tragic Love Song of Destiny (2) In onda il: 2004-04-19 Kaede narrates a special episode that explains Kikyo's life as a miko, her recieving the Shikon no Tama and Naraku's trap for her and Inuyasha. In onda il: 2004-04-26 149: The Single Arrow of Chaos Inuyasha and the others are on a mission to find Princess Abi and her nest of birds. However, they must get past Hakudoshi, first. 149: The Single Arrow of Chaos In onda il: 2004-04-26 Inuyasha and the others are on a mission to find Princess Abi and her nest of birds. However, they must get past Hakudoshi, first. In onda il: 2004-05-03 150: The Mysterious Light that Guides the Saint Princess Abi goes after a group of villagers who are hiding in a cave. 150: The Mysterious Light that Guides the Saint In onda il: 2004-05-03 Princess Abi goes after a group of villagers who are hiding in a cave. In onda il: 2004-05-10 151: Kagome's Instinctive Choice Kagome must decide if she wants to save Kikyo, or not. 151: Kagome's Instinctive Choice In onda il: 2004-05-10 Kagome must decide if she wants to save Kikyo, or not. In onda il: 2004-05-17 152: Protect and Plunder! Princess Abi no longer wants to be in league with Naraku. 152: Protect and Plunder! In onda il: 2004-05-17 Princess Abi no longer wants to be in league with Naraku. In onda il: 2004-05-24 153: The Cruel Reunion of Fate Kohaku must kill the castle guards to retrieve the infant, Naraku's incarnation. 153: The Cruel Reunion of Fate In onda il: 2004-05-24 Kohaku must kill the castle guards to retrieve the infant, Naraku's incarnation. In onda il: 2004-05-31 154: The Demon Linked With the Netherworld After meeting Kikyo, Inuyasha and the gang rush to stop Naraku, who confronts Abi and her mother. 154: The Demon Linked With the Netherworld In onda il: 2004-05-31 After meeting Kikyo, Inuyasha and the gang rush to stop Naraku, who confronts Abi and her mother. In onda il: 2004-06-07 155: The Demon Protector of the Sacred Jewel Shard! Inuyasha and the gang follow Naraku. Before the group can confront their nemesis, Inuyasha must battle Hosenki, an old friend of Inuyasha's father. 155: The Demon Protector of the Sacred Jewel Shard! In onda il: 2004-06-07 Inuyasha and the gang follow Naraku. Before the group can confront their nemesis, Inuyasha must battle Hosenki, an old friend of Inuyasha's father. In onda il: 2004-06-14 156: Final Battle at the Graveside! Sesshomaru Versus Inuyasha Naraku appears to steal Hosenki's shard, but Sesshomaru arrives on the scene, to everyone's surprise. 156: Final Battle at the Graveside! Sesshomaru Versus Inuyasha In onda il: 2004-06-14 Naraku appears to steal Hosenki's shard, but Sesshomaru arrives on the scene, to everyone's surprise. In onda il: 2004-06-21 157: Destroy Naraku with the Adamant Barrage! Sesshomaru faces off with Naraku, while Inuyasha tries to cut Hosenki's diamond body to gain a new power. 157: Destroy Naraku with the Adamant Barrage! In onda il: 2004-06-21 Sesshomaru faces off with Naraku, while Inuyasha tries to cut Hosenki's diamond body to gain a new power. In onda il: 2004-07-05 158: Stampede of the Countless Demon Rats! Naraku lets Hakudoshi employ a new method to bring Kikyo out of hiding--a tidal wave of endless demon rodents. Also, Kohaku finds himself in a dilemma. 158: Stampede of the Countless Demon Rats! In onda il: 2004-07-05 Naraku lets Hakudoshi employ a new method to bring Kikyo out of hiding--a tidal wave of endless demon rodents. Also, Kohaku finds himself in a dilemma. In onda il: 2004-07-12 159: Kohaku's Decision and Sango's Heart Sango attempts to stop Kohaku and the demon rats, while Hakudoshi tries to subdue Kikyo's Mayose spell, intended to destroy the stampede of rodents. 159: Kohaku's Decision and Sango's Heart In onda il: 2004-07-12 Sango attempts to stop Kohaku and the demon rats, while Hakudoshi tries to subdue Kikyo's Mayose spell, intended to destroy the stampede of rodents. In onda il: 2004-07-26 160: The Lucky but Two-Timing Scoundrel! Kagome returns home to get some rest without telling Inuyasha. Angrily he follows her and breaks her bike. Despite spending the day trying to fix it, Kagome is still furious and tells her friends he is cheating on her. Her friends then ask to meet him. How will this end for Kagome and Inuyasha? 160: The Lucky but Two-Timing Scoundrel! In onda il: 2004-07-26 Kagome returns home to get some rest without telling Inuyasha. Angrily he follows her and breaks her bike. Despite spending the day trying to fix it, Kagome is still furious and tells her friends he is cheating on her. Her friends then ask to meet him. How will this end for Kagome and Inuyasha? In onda il: 2004-08-02 161: Miroku's Past Mistake Miroku is confronted by an old flame from his past, to Sango's chagrin. 161: Miroku's Past Mistake In onda il: 2004-08-02 Miroku is confronted by an old flame from his past, to Sango's chagrin. In onda il: 2004-08-09 162: Forever with Lord Sesshomaru Rin has her doubts about whether or not she will be with Sesshomaru forever, after Jaken tells her that he and Sesshomaru will probably live longer than her, because she's mortal and they're demons. 162: Forever with Lord Sesshomaru In onda il: 2004-08-09 Rin has her doubts about whether or not she will be with Sesshomaru forever, after Jaken tells her that he and Sesshomaru will probably live longer than her, because she's mortal and they're demons. In onda il: 2004-08-23 163: Kohaku, Sango and Kirara: The Secret Flower Garden Kirara recalls Sango and Kohaku's past, when they were children. 163: Kohaku, Sango and Kirara: The Secret Flower Garden In onda il: 2004-08-23 Kirara recalls Sango and Kohaku's past, when they were children. In onda il: 2004-08-30 164: Possessed by a Parasite: Shippo, Our Worst Enemy A parasite demon infects Shippo, causing him to attack his friends, but Inuyasha seems to be the Shippo's real target. 164: Possessed by a Parasite: Shippo, Our Worst Enemy In onda il: 2004-08-30 A parasite demon infects Shippo, causing him to attack his friends, but Inuyasha seems to be the Shippo's real target. In onda il: 2004-09-06 165: The Ultimate Key to Defeating Naraku Naraku confronts Kikyo, while Hakudoshi creates a new monstrosity for Inuyasha and friends to deal with. 165: The Ultimate Key to Defeating Naraku In onda il: 2004-09-06 Naraku confronts Kikyo, while Hakudoshi creates a new monstrosity for Inuyasha and friends to deal with. In onda il: 2004-09-13 166: The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! (1) Inuyasha and the others find a strange man with demonic powers. Could this be the reincarnation of Naraku? 166: The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! (1) In onda il: 2004-09-13 Inuyasha and the others find a strange man with demonic powers. Could this be the reincarnation of Naraku? In onda il: 2004-09-13 167: The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! (2) As Inuyasha and his team go after Kagura, they find a weakness which they plan to use to defeat their opponent, Naraku. Yet, Naraku has already taken steps to lead Inuyasha and his team into a terrible trap. 167: The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! (2) In onda il: 2004-09-13 As Inuyasha and his team go after Kagura, they find a weakness which they plan to use to defeat their opponent, Naraku. Yet, Naraku has already taken steps to lead Inuyasha and his team into a terrible trap. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  15. Skyware

    Godsmack - Awake (2000)

    Godsmack - Awake (2000) Artist: Godsmack Album: Awake Released: 2000 Style: Rock Format: 128Kbps - 320Kbps 1. Sick Of Life 2. Awake 3. Greed 4. Bad Magick 5. Goin' Down 6. Mistakes 7. Trippin' 8. Forgive Me 9. Vampires 10. The Journey 11. Spiral DOWNLOAD LINK 128KBPS 320KBPS
  16. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer FLCL Stagione 1    Episodi 6         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy A bordo di una Vespa gialla una giovane ragazza dai capelli rosa, Haruko, travolge letteralmente il protagonista della storia, Naota, uno studente delle elementari, e dopo averlo miracolosamente rianimato lo colpisce violentemente in testa col suo basso elettrico. Dalla fronte del ragazzo spunterà, proprio a causa di quest'ultima botta, una strana protuberanza a cui Haruko sarà tanto interessata da insediarsi in casa di Naota facendosi assumere come domestica dal padre. Naota ha però ben altri problemi a cui pensare: oltre a dover nascondere il "bernoccolo", ormai eccessivamente grande, ai suoi compagni di classe, deve far fronte alle avances di Mamimi il cui ragazzo, fratello maggiore di Naota, è partito per l'America in cerca di successo. Sarà proprio quel bernoccolo a complicargli la vita: in seguito a delle radiografie effettuate da Haruko si scopre che il cervello di Naota è scomparso e, al suo posto, vi è ora un varco dimensionale che lo collega alla Medical Meccanica, una fabbrica di "robot per assistenza medica" che sembrano avere in realtà funzioni belliche. Episodio dopo episodio dalla testa di Naota usciranno macchine sempre più stravaganti, più o meno antropomorfe, in grado di creare grande scompiglio nella tranquilla cittadina di Mabase, tutto ciò grazie a una misteriosa capacità chiamata "N.O."; grazie a questo potere, apparentemente innescato dalla differenza dei processi cerebrali tra emisfero destro e emisfero sinistro (anche se non viene mai spiegato chiaramente come), è possibile richiamare oggetti di qualunque genere da ogni parte dell'universo grazie a un portale interdimensionale che si forma all'interno della testa del portatore. Peraltro, in alcuni contesti il N.O. sembra essere usato come una metafora della virilità dei protagonisti, specie quando Amarao si stupisce di come un bambino come Naota abbia un N.O. tanto più potente di un adulto fatto e finito come lui, e la reazione di alcune assistenti di Amarao alla rivelazione dei poteri di Naota). Il bernoccolo di prima si rivelerà essere il dito di un androide con uno schermo al posto della testa, Canti, l'unico robot abbastanza docile da riuscire ad obbedire a Naota e alla sua famiglia che, infatti, lo impiegherà nelle piccole commissioni e nei lavori domestici più disparati. Sarà Canti ad apparire come obiettivo degli altri robot che, uno dopo l'altro, cercheranno di contrastarlo con qualsiasi mezzo: egli rappresenta, infatti, una minaccia per la Medical Meccanica poiché, assorbendo Naota, è in grado di ottenere una forza straordinaria. Ma anche Haruko è interessata a questo enorme potere: armata del suo micidiale basso Rickenbacker cercherà di proteggere il prezioso Canti, e non ha intenzione di smettere di combattere fino a che non si sarà riappropriata di ciò che la M.M. le ha rubato, Atomsk, il mitico Re dei Pirati, un essere il cui N.O è tanto grande da permettergli di rubare interi pianeti. Jason DeMarco Executive Producer Maki Terashima-Furuta Producer Mitsuhisa Ishikawa Executive Producer Kazuya Tsurumaki Original Series Creator Karen Miyama Kana Koumoto (voice) Shoya Chiba Masaki Aofuji (voice) Satomi Amano Harumi Araishu (voice) Yutaka Aoyama Tabata Kanda (voice) Episodi: 6  In onda il: 2000-04-26 1: Fooly Cooly Naota is a detached sixth-grader afflicted by the pangs of puberty. When a crazed girl on a motor scooter runs him over and brains him with a bass guitar his life gets weird - giant-fighting-robots-shooting-from-his-skull weird. 1: Fooly Cooly In onda il: 2000-04-26 Naota is a detached sixth-grader afflicted by the pangs of puberty. When a crazed girl on a motor scooter runs him over and brains him with a bass guitar his life gets weird - giant-fighting-robots-shooting-from-his-skull weird. In onda il: 2000-06-21 2: Fire Starter Naota’s attacker, Haruko, is now his dad’s live-in housemaid and she says she’s an alien. Mamimi names the robot from Naota’s head Canti, the God of Flame. Does Canti have anything to do with the mysterious fires burning all over town? 2: Fire Starter In onda il: 2000-06-21 Naota’s attacker, Haruko, is now his dad’s live-in housemaid and she says she’s an alien. Mamimi names the robot from Naota’s head Canti, the God of Flame. Does Canti have anything to do with the mysterious fires burning all over town? In onda il: 2000-08-23 3: Marquis de Carabas The president of Naota’s class, Ninamori, is no stranger to the dirty deeds of politics. She rigs the vote to cast him as the lead role of their class play. But she gets in over her head after a crashing introduction to Haruko. 3: Marquis de Carabas In onda il: 2000-08-23 The president of Naota’s class, Ninamori, is no stranger to the dirty deeds of politics. She rigs the vote to cast him as the lead role of their class play. But she gets in over her head after a crashing introduction to Haruko. In onda il: 2000-10-25 4: Furi Kiri (Full Swing) There’s a guy claiming to know Haruko and why she’s using Naota’s head as a portal for oversized battling robots. It’s too late, though, as a malfunctioning satellite is heading straight for them and it’s up to Naota to stop it! 4: Furi Kiri (Full Swing) In onda il: 2000-10-25 There’s a guy claiming to know Haruko and why she’s using Naota’s head as a portal for oversized battling robots. It’s too late, though, as a malfunctioning satellite is heading straight for them and it’s up to Naota to stop it! In onda il: 2000-12-21 5: Brittle Bullet Jealousy spurs an epic pellet gun battle between Naota and his dad over Haruko. The object of her desire will be revealed, and she’ll do whatever it takes to get him! 5: Brittle Bullet In onda il: 2000-12-21 Jealousy spurs an epic pellet gun battle between Naota and his dad over Haruko. The object of her desire will be revealed, and she’ll do whatever it takes to get him! In onda il: 2001-03-16 6: FLCLimax A hand statue looms over the Medical Mechanica building, threatening to iron out the city. As Mamimi’s new pet turns out to be a crucial element to Haruko’s plans, Naota finally proves that he’s no pushover. 6: FLCLimax In onda il: 2001-03-16 A hand statue looms over the Medical Mechanica building, threatening to iron out the city. As Mamimi’s new pet turns out to be a crucial element to Haruko’s plans, Naota finally proves that he’s no pushover. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  17. Primer 55 - Introduction To Mayhem (2000) Artist: Primer 55 Album: Introduction To Mayhem Released: 2000 Style: Nu-Metal Format: MP3 128Kbps TRACKLIST 01. Loose 02. Something Wicked This Way Comes 03. Supa Freak Love 04. G's 05. Chaos 06. Pigs 07. Stain 08. Revolution 09. Set It Off 10. Hey Bubba 11. Introduction To Mayhem 12. Dose 13. The Big Fuck You 14. Violence 15. Hate 16. Funhouse 17. Trippinthehead 18. Profanity (And Alot Of It) DOWNLOAD LINK
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