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  2. Lingua Orig. ; giapponese Paese Orig. : Giappone Autore : Tetsu Kariya Shigeru Tsuchiyama Sceneggiatura : Daisuke Minato Takao Koyama Soji Yoshikawa Chikara Matsumoto Yu Yamamoto Char. design : Toyoo Ashida Dir. artistica : Toshihiro Oosumi Musiche : Masahisa Takeichi Studio : Eiken Rete : Tokyo Broadcasting System 1ª TV : 6 aprile – 28 settembre 1976 Episodi : 26 (completa) Rete it. : Televisioni locali Man-ga 1ª TV it. : 1981 Studio dopp. it. : Stud Edizone : Amatoriale (Dosancos) DVD : 7xDVD5 Trama La storia inizia nell'orfanotrofio La Casa del Cielo blu, dove vivono Takeshi e i suoi amici Miki, Goro e Matsuo.Takeshi è anche un brillante giocatore di football americano. Durante un forte temporale, il ragazzo viene colpito da una gigantesca lama di energia che gli trafigge il petto.Tra le nuvole si scorge la figura di un cavaliere su un destriero alato (il Dio Apolon), che trasmette l'energia nel petto di Takeshi, dunque un'astronave rapisce lui e i suoi amici. I ragazzi si risvegliano in una base comandata da uno scienziato, Labi, che rivela a Takeshi la sua vera origine:in realtà, il ragazzo è il Daiapolon, figlio del re Apolon, sovrano del pianeta omonimo. Labi spiega anche che il sovrano è stato ucciso anni prima dal popolo invasore dei Dazaan, che si sono impadroniti del Cuore di Energia. Il Cuore di Energia è formato da due pezzi, il dispositivo di assorbimento e l'Energia Chiave, quest'ultima "installata" nel petto di Takeshi poco prima che il padre venisse ucciso, in corrispondenza di un tatuaggio a forma di sole. L'Energia Chiave non solo aziona il Cuore di Energia, ma può sprigionare una forza speciale sfruttando i raggi solari, grazie alla quale Takeshi può assumere il comando del potente robot Diapolon (in originale Daiapolon) per respingere i Dazaan che vogliono occupare anche la Terra e riprendere l'Energia Chiave. Il Diapolon è il risultato dell'unione di tre robot minori: il robot Edda costituisce la testa; Trangu si converte nel tronco e infine Legga compone l'addome e le gambe. Dopo l'unione, Takeshi - grazie all'Energia Chiave - subisce un doloroso processo di crescita del corpo, assumendo le stesse dimensioni del Diapolon; il robot quindi diventa una sorta di armatura/corazza cibernetica dalle sembianze di un giocatore di football americano. Diapolon ha comunque una debolezza, la sua energia dipende dalla presenza dei raggi solari senza i quali si trova in balia dei nemici di turno. Takeshi e i suoi amici, alla guida di aerei di supporto dalla guisa di UFO, iniziano così una guerra senza quartiere contro i Dazaan, capeggiati dal comandante Gyranic, dal capitano Ydo e dall'infido Gumez. Gli alieni sono alla ricerca dell'Energia Chiave, e ricorrono ad ogni stratagemma possibile per sconfiggere Diapolon. Nel corso della serie gli esploratori UFO imparano a pilotare i robot Edda, Trangu e Legga anche singolarmente, in modo che Takeshi non si stanchi troppo trasformandosi in Diapolon. La base Apolon, in cui alloggia Labi, viene poi distrutta, uccidendo Ydo che era all'interno, ma viene sostituita da un'altra più potente. Infine, la squadra UFO troverà nel magma del vulcano Gyldera la roccaforte dei Dazaan, distruggendola e uccidendo il generale Gumez nella successiva battaglia contro il Diapolon. I posti di Ydo e Gumez saranno presi dal generale Jocket, sorella di Ydo, e da Balai'.Nelle ultime puntate si scopre che la madre di Takeshi non è morta, ma è prigioniera sul pianeta Dazaan. Labi installa in Edda una speciale apparecchiatura grazie alla quale Diapolon può viaggiare nello spazio aperto.Salutati gli amici, Takeshi parte così alla volta del pianeta Dazaan, che si scopre avvolto da uno strato di gas che potrebbe privare il robot dell'energia solare. Diapolon si libera dalle trappole preparate per fermarlo e dunque affronta un mostro molto grande e potente che lo mette alle corde (questo anche per la mancanza di energia solare). Takeshi riesce comunque a raggiungere la madre, ma per salvarla il ragazzo dovrebbe azionare un congegno a detonatore che farà esplodere tutto il pianeta. La regina Apolon rifiuta di essere salvata e propone al figlio di usare il Cuore di Energia per far rinascere la vegetazione sul pianeta martoriato, cosa che ritiene più importante della sua vita. Diapolon deve scontrarsi ancora con il mostro Dazaan, ma stavolta a salvarlo è l'arrivo della nuova base Apolon e dei suoi amici, e si rifugiano in una gola per decidere il da farsi. Gyranic intanto, passato dalla parte del bene, cerca di aiutare la regina Apolon a scappare, ma questa preferisce che venga consegnato il Cuore di Energia a Diapolon per far rinascere la vegetazione sul pianeta. Dopo l'operazione per estrarre l'Energia Chiave dal petto di Takeshi, il mostro Dazaan attacca la base Apolon,provocandone la distruzione, ma interviene nuovamente il Dio Apolon che fornisce a Takeshi nuova energia per combattere e riportare la pace. Il mostro viene così distrutto senza difficoltà, e vengono annientati così anche il generale Jocket e Balai. Il comandante Dazaan scappa su una nave spaziale portando con sé la regina Apolon in ostaggio. Gyranic, nascostosi precedentemente nell'astronave, vuole costringere il comandante a porre fine alla guerra, liberando anche la regina Apolon, ma viene messo fuori combattimento da una scarica di raggi. Obbedendo alla madre, Takeshi preferisce prima azionare il Cuore di Energia e far tornare a splendere il sole sul pianeta Dazaan; Gyranic dalla navicella assiste alla salvezza del suo pianeta, spirando subito dopo. Abbagliato, il comandante Dazaan causa un corto circuito che provoca un incendio su tutta la nave che lo brucerà vivo e ne provocherà l'esplosione. Takeshi può così riabbracciare la madre, rifugiatasi all'interno di una capsula di salvataggio, dopo aver salvato la Terra e il pianeta Dazaan. Screenshots Release Report Media Info: ATTENZIONE!!!!! Password Archivi : vercingetorige
  3. DATA USCITA: 13 dicembre 2017 GENERE: Fantascienza, Avventura, Azione ANNO: 2017 REGIA: Rian Johnson ATTORI: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern, Benicio Del Toro, Peter Mayhew, Billie Lourd, Jimmy Vee, Tim Rose, Mark Lewis Jones PAESE: USA DURATA: 152 Min FORMATO: 2D e 3D DISTRIBUZIONE: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Italia La giovane e coraggiosa Rey prosegue il suo epico viaggio andando incontro a scoperte legate agli antichi misteri della Forza e scioccanti rivelazioni sul passato.
  4. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Costretto ad uccidere 1 h 48 m    1967         Western ◦ Romance Alle soglie dell'inverno Will Penn, un anziano cowboy, si reca nel Montana insieme ai suoi amici Dutchy e Blue per cercare lavoro. Lungo il cammino i tre si imbattono nella famiglia Quint, vagabondi malvagi che non vedono l'ora di menare le mani. Per il possesso di un cervo si verifica uno scontro a fuoco nel corso del quale Dutchy viene ferito e un membro della famiglia Quint viene ucciso. Arrivati in paese Dutchy viene affidato ad un medico mentre Will insieme a Blue parte per la montagna dove li aspettano i Quint. Lucien Ballard Director of Photography Hal Pereira Art Direction Ray Moyer Set Decoration Wally Westmore Makeup Designer John R. Carter Sound Recordist Robert R. Benton Set Decoration Fred Engel Producer Walter Seltzer Producer Tom Gries Director Tom Gries Writer David Raksin Original Music Composer Warren Low Editor Roland Anderson Art Direction C. Kenneth Deland Unit Production Manager Paul K. Lerpae Visual Effects Charles Blackman Makeup Artist Calvin Brown Stunts Charlton Heston Will Penny Joan Hackett Catherine Allen Donald Pleasence Preacher Quint Lee Majors Blue Bruce Dern Rafe Quint Ben Johnson Alex Slim Pickens Ike Wallerstein Clifton James Catron Anthony Zerbe Dutchy Roy Jenson Boetius Sullivan G. D. Spradlin Anse Howard Quentin Dean Jennie William Schallert Dr. Fraker Lydia Clarke Mrs. Fraker Robert Luster Shem Bodine Dal Jenkins Sambo Matt Clark Romulus Quint Luke Askew Foxy Anthony Costello Bigfoot Gene Rutherford Rufus Quint Chanin Hale Girl Jon Gries Horace Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  5. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Verónica 1 h 21 m    2017         Dramma ◦ Thriller ◦ Mistero Una psicologa femminile che aveva smesso la professione, decide di prendere in cura Veronica de la Serna, una giovane donna il cui terapeuta precedente èscomparso misteriosamente. Luis de la Madrid Editor Daniel Wohl Original Music Composer David Treviño Sound Director Enrique Greiner Sound Designer Eugenio Richer Editor Alejandro Martínez Beltrán Director Carlos Algara Screenplay Carlos Algara Director Tomás Nepomuceno Screenplay Miguel Ángel González Ávila Cinematography Alain Garrés Costume Design Rogelio Croda Art Direction Arcelia Ramírez The Psychologist Olga Segura Veronica Sofía Garza Veronica's Mother Eugenia Morales Marín Young Veronica Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  6. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Non c'è campo 1 h 30 m    2017         Commedia ◦ Romance Perennemente attaccati ai loro cellulari e ai social media di cui non riescono più a fare a meno, alcuni liceali romani si ritrovano in gita in un piccolo e sperduto centro della Puglia. Accompagnati da una professoressa in crisi matrimoniale, saranno costretti a vivere un'intera settimana senza connessione riscoprendo la bellezza della natura e dei contatti vis à vis. Federico Moccia Screenplay Federico Moccia Director Marco De Angelis Producer Marco De Angelis Executive Producer Francesco Cerasi Original Music Composer Nicola De Angelis Producer Fabio Conca Sound Gian Gabriele Foschini Line Producer Veronica Lopez Costume Design Daniele Poli Director of Photography Chiara Bertini Screenplay Chiara Bertini Story Carlo Balestrieri Editor Rossella Fusco Casting Elodie Songs Francesco Nitti Production Design Francesca Cucci Screenplay Francesca Cucci Story Vanessa Incontrada Laura Basile Corrado Fortuna Gualtiero Martelli Claudia Potenza Alessandra Cenci Beatrice Arnera Flavia Giuliani Neva Leoni Carlotta Caterina Biasiol Valentina Castoldi Leonardo Pazzagli Claudio Foschi Federico Cesari Massimo Marco Todisco Stefano Marinelli Mirko Trovato Francesco Lamberti Cristina Crisà Marta Alessandra De Luca Michele De Virgilio Filippo Serena Iansiti Giorgia Eleonora Gaggero Virginia Elodie Se stessa Marzia Ubaldi Nonna Adele Gianmarco Tognazzi Andrea Basile Beatrice Bartoni Federica Elio Musacchio Lorenzo Carlo Fonzi Cruciani Davide Fabriani Eleonora Cucurachi Lucia Yuri Alessio Scarlino Gianluca Giacomo Colavito Riccardo Luca Creti Giacomo Saverio Carlino Adriano Sara Martano Elena Giorgio Ridarelli Bigio Giacomo Giorgio Marco Sergio Andrei Daniele Bruno Giannotta Gino Costantino Parma Lele Martina Dell'Anna Nipote di Maria Camilla Tagliaferri Impiegata biblioteca Barbara Cisternino Ragazza chat Francesco Montagna Giuseppe Maria Teresa Amato Teresa Domenica Blandolino Signora Maria Francesco Villanova Receptionist ostello Benedetta Monticchio Greta Luisa Lazzari Segretaria Raffaele Gili Padre di Davide Luigi Giannuzzi Gruppo della Pizzica Giovanna Giannuzzi Gruppo della Pizzica Maria Assunta Giannuzzi Gruppo della Pizzica Giorgia Santoro Gruppo della Pizzica Margherita Principi Cantante discoteca Non C'è Campo - Trailer Ufficiale | HD ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  7. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Malcolm X 3 h 22 m    1992         Dramma ◦ Storia Per Malcolm Little la vita è sempre stata caratterizzata dalla sofferenza e dalla lotta: un'infanzia infelice trascorsa tra orfanatrofi e riformatori. Prova sulla sua pelle la violenza del Ku Klux Klan e il degrado dei ghetti neri; diviene spacciatore, sfruttatore e conosce nuovamente la galera, ma l'incontro con il musulmano nero Elijah Muhammad gli cambia la vita: rifiuta il cognome impostogli dalla società bianca ribattezzandosi Malcolm X e divenendo il capo e la guida di tutti i neri che ... La vita di Malcolm X. È basato sull'Autobiografia di Malcolm X. Wynn Thomas Production Design Eugene Gearty Sound Effects Editor Tom Warren Art Direction Spike Lee Screenplay Spike Lee Director Spike Lee Producer Terence Blanchard Original Music Composer Barry Alexander Brown Editor Barry Alexander Brown Second Unit Director Judy Becker Set Dresser Skip Lievsay Supervising Sound Editor Randall Balsmeyer Visual Effects Supervisor Ernest R. Dickerson Director of Photography Robi Reed Casting Ruth E. Carter Costume Design Alex Steyermark Music Supervisor Ted Glass Set Decoration Alex Haley Book Malcolm X Book Arnold Perl Screenplay Wing Lee Assistant Art Director Marvin Worth Producer Coree Lear Makeup Artist Daniel Kenney Set Dresser Mitch Towse Set Dresser Peter von Bartheld Set Dresser H.H. Cooper Second Assistant Director Ntshaveni Wa Luruli Assistant Director Samir Seif Assistant Director Keith Wall Set Dresser Jennifer Greenberg Set Dresser Tom Fleischman Sound Re-Recording Mixer Michael Leather Set Dresser Askia Won-Ling Jacob Set Costumer Shari L. Carpenter Script Supervisor John Magoun Assistant Art Director Rolf Pardula Sound Recordist Randy Fletcher First Assistant Director Jeffrey D. McDonald Assistant Art Director Gary Aharoni Set Dresser Shirley Belwood Set Dresser Travis Wright Set Dresser Eric Stepper Set Dresser Michael Wiegand Set Dresser Peter Thage Assistant Director Michael L. Benson Set Dresser Jeff Naparstek Set Dresser Dale Pierce-Johnson Second Assistant Director Dan Kirshoff Set Dresser David A. Benninghoff Set Dresser Denzel Washington Malcolm X Angela Bassett Betty Shabazz Albert Hall Baines Al Freeman Jr. Elijah Muhammad Delroy Lindo West Indian Archie Spike Lee Shorty Theresa Randle Laura Kate Vernon Sophia Lonette McKee Louise Little Tommy Hollis Earl Little James McDaniel Brother Earl Ernest Lee Thomas Sidney Jean-Claude La Marre Benjamin 2X O.L. Duke Pete Larry McCoy Sammy Maurice Sneed Cadillac Debi Mazar Peg Phyllis Yvonne Stickney Honey Scot Anthony Robinson Daniel Sonny Jim Gaines Cholly Joe Seneca Toomer LaTanya Richardson Jackson Lorraine Wendell Pierce Ben Thomas Michael Guess William X Leland Gantt Wilbur Kinley Giancarlo Esposito Thomas Hayer Leonard L. Thomas Leon Davis Roger Guenveur Smith Rudy Craig Wasson TV Host Graham Brown Dr. Payson Gerica Cox Eva Marie Kristan Rai Segure Saudi Lauren Padick Lisha Danielle Fletcher Attalah Frank Adu Chuck Aleta Mitchell Sister Robin Curt Williams Mr. Cooper John Ottavino Blades John Reidy Simmons Frances Foster Woman Outside Audubon Ballroom Reggie Montgomery Dick Jones David Patrick Kelly Mr. Ostrowski Gary L. Catus Doctor Sharon Washington Augusta Shirley Stoler Mrs. Swerlin Oran "Juice" Jones Hustler Ricky Gordon Lionel Hampton George Lee Miles Preacher Raye Dowell Sister Evelyn Williams Veronica Webb Sister Lucille Rosary Abdul Salaam El Razzac Fox Keith Randolph Smith Brother Gene George Guidall Mr. Holway James L. Swain Conductor Peewee Love Speedy Lawrence James Tully Steve White Brother Johnson K. Smith Roderick Christopher Rubin Sophia's Husband Matthew Harris Malcolm, 5 Years Old Zakee Howze Young Malcolm Cytia Fontenette Hilda, 3 Years Old Marlaine Bass Hilda, 8 Years Old Benjamin Atwell Philbert, 1 Years Old Peter Dunn Philbert, 6 Years Old Dion Smack Jr. Reginald, 2 Years Old Darnell Smith Elijah Muhammad's Grandson TaiNesha Scott Elijah Muhammad's Granddaughter Chelsea Counts Yvonne, 6 Months Old Chela Counts Yvonne, 6 Months Old Natalie Clanton Yvonne, 1 Year Old Jessica Givens Attalah LaToyah Bigelow Qubillah, 3 Years Old Martaleah Jackson Ilyasah, 2 and 3 Years Old Tamaraleah Jackson Ilyasah, 2 and 3 Years Old Jasmine Smith Ilyasah, 2 and 3 Years Old Valentino Smith Wilfred, 4 Years Old David Thomas Jr. Wilfred, 8 Years Old Simon Do-Ley Son of Elijah Muhammad and Secretary Evelyn Williams Bill Goldberg The "John" Jonathan Peck Phone Voice (voice) Leonard Parker Jason Lennis Washington Mrs. Johnson Dyan Humes Maid at Open Air Market Lizbeth MacKay White Woman at Market Terry Layman CIA Agent Terry Sumter CIA Agent Jasper McGruder Hotel Clerk Mary Alice School Teacher Wyatt Tee Walker Hospital Spokesperson Hazel Medina Cashier Person Wendy E. Taylor Numbers Woman Ed Herlihy Joe Louis Announcer Ralph Cooper Sr. Radio Announcer Christian J. Dacosta Passerby Karen Duffy Sophia’s Friend Walter Jones Barber's Customer Marc Phillips Photographer Showman Uneke Hustler at Grand Central Station Theara Ward Moviegoer Larry M. Cherry Prison Barber Clebert Ford Barber Grafton Trew Barber Rogers Simon Barber George T. Odom Barber Vincent Moscaritola Prison Guard Larry Attile Guard Baines Brendan Kelly Guard Cone John Griesemer Guard Wilkins Fia Porter Coed Billy J. Mitchell Man #1 Kent C. Jackman Man #2 Beatrice Winde Elderly Woman Fracaswell Hyman Bartender Rion Johnson Shoeshine Boy Charles Weldon Follower at Temple #7 Mike Hodge Follower at Temple #7 Iris Little Thomas Follower at Temple #7 Ilyasah Shabazz Follower at Temple #7 Bahni Turpin Follower at Temple #7 Aaron Blackshear Student in Harlem Classroom Nilyne Fields Student in Harlem Classroom John David Washington Student in Harlem Classroom Rudi Bascomb Student in Harlem Classroom Muhammad Parks Student in Harlem Classroom Chinere Parry Student in Harlem Classroom Ian Quiles Student in Harlem Classroom Sharmeek Martinez Student in Harlem Classroom Chuck Cooper Customer Damon Chandler Customer Shellye Broughton Customer Nicholas Barnwell Customer Sam Dixon Customer Barbara Smith Customer Rome Neal Prisoner Earl Whitted Prisoner Michael C. Mahon Prisoner Addison Cook Prisoner Byron Utley Prisoner George Rafferty Prisoner Maxwell Sinovoi Prisoner Eric Sharp Prisoner Stewart J. Zully TV Reporter Colleen Cowan TV Reporter Armand Schultz TV Reporter Reade Kelly TV Reporter Janet Zarish TV Reporter Annie Corley TV Reporter Stephen James TV Reporter Steven Randazzo TV Reporter Chris Skutch TV Reporter William Swinton TV Reporter Marcus Naylor TV Reporter Anthony Nocerino TV Reporter Gareth Williams JFK Reporter Stephen Hanan JFK Reporter Richard Schiff JFK Reporter David Berman JFK Reporter Michael Imperioli Reporter at Fire Bombing Steve Stapenhorst Reporter at Fire Bombing Arthur French Pullman Porter Lex Monson Pullman Porter Judd Jones Pullman Porter C.E. Smith Fountain Waiter Erika Smith-Brown Waitress Raymond Anthony Thomas Crowd Member Delilah Picart Crowd Member Michael Ralph Crowd Member Monique Cintron Hooker Jake-Ann Jones Hooker Sharon Ferguson Hooker / Roseland Dancer Amelia Mimi Walker Hooker Neisha Folkes-LeMelle Hooker Karen Michaels Hooker Lenore Pemberton Hooker Elise Neal Hooker Felicia Wilson Hooker Yvette Brooks Hooker Teresa Yvon Farley Young Hooker Kiki Della Vecchia Teenage Whore John Sayles FBI Agent Martin Donovan FBI Agent Jay Charbonneau Cop at Audubon Joe Pentangelo Mounted Police Mike Farley Mounted Police Nick Muglia Mounted Police David Reilly Mounted Police Nicholas Turturro Boston Cop James Murtaugh Cop at Harlem Station William Fichtner Cop at Harlem Station Tim Kelleher Cop at Harlem Station Michael Cullen Desk Sergeant James MacDonald Lieutenant Steve Aronson Black Legion Leader Bill Anagnos Black Legion Member Don Hewitt Sr. Black Legion Member Jery Hewitt Black Legion Member Joe Fitos KKK Member Manny Siverio KKK Member John Patrick McLaughlin KKK Member Shaun O'Neil KKK Member Andy Duppin KKK Member Elmer Licciardello KKK Member Matthew Underwood DJ at the Harlem 'Y' Dance Renton Kirk DJ at the Harlem 'Y' Dance Tim Hutchinson Fruit of Islam Andre Blair Fruit of Islam Abdul Hakeem Hijrah Fruit of Islam Rony Clanton Fruit of Islam Scott Whitehurst Malcolm's FOI Eric Payne Malcolm's FOI Ali A. Wahhab Malcolm's FOI Terry Hodges Malcolm's FOI Kevan Gibbs Malcolm's FOI Dana S. Hubbard Malcolm's FOI David Reivers Elijah Muhammad's FOI Robert Jason Elijah Muhammad's FOI Kevin Rock Elijah Muhammad's FOI Mansoor Najee-ullah Elijah Muhammad's FOI Dion Graham Elijah Muhammad's FOI Zaahir Muhammad Elijah Muhammad's FOI Gregory Bargeman Elijah Muhammad's FOI Lee Summers Elijah Muhammad's FOI Rich Gordon Elijah Muhammad's FOI Larry Rushing Elijah Muhammad's FOI Monty Ross MC - Roseland Eddie Davis Lionel Hampton Band - Trumpet Reggie Pittman Lionel Hampton Band - Trumpet Patrick Rickman Lionel Hampton Band - Trumpet Gerald Brazel Lionel Hampton Band - Trumpet Clack Gaton Lionel Hampton Band - Trombone Richard Owens Lionel Hampton Band - Trombone Douglas Purviance Lionel Hampton Band - Trombone Mark Gross Lionel Hampton Band - Alto Saxophone Cleave Guyton Jr. Lionel Hampton Band - Alto Saxophone Javon Jackson Lionel Hampton Band - Tenor Saxophone Lance Bryant Lionel Hampton Band - Tenor Saxophone Daniel Lemelle Lionel Hampton Band - Baritone Saxophone David Fludd Lionel Hampton Band - Piano Marcus Lauper Lionel Hampton Band - Bass Dwayne Cook Broadnax Lionel Hampton Band - Drums Preston Vismale Lionel Hampton Band - Music Assistant Miki Howard Billie Holiday Quartet - Billie Holiday Terence Blanchard Billie Holiday Quartet - Trumpet Bruce David Barth Billie Holiday Quartet - Piano Rodney Whitaker Billie Holiday Quartet - Bass William E. Kilson Billie Holiday Quartet - Drums Sonny Allen Roseland Dancer Vanessa Benton Roseland Dancer Cheryl Burr Roseland Dancer Leslie Dockery Roseland Dancer Cisco Drayton Roseland Dancer Byron Easley Roseland Dancer John Elejaide Roseland Dancer Debra Elkins Roseland Dancer Gina Ellis Roseland Dancer John Festa Roseland Dancer Robert H. Fowler III Roseland Dancer Ryan Francois Roseland Dancer Phillip Gilmore Roseland Dancer Jauquette Green Roseland Dancer Wendy King Roseland Dancer Jerome Jamal Hardeman Roseland Dancer Dawn Hampton Roseland Dancer Monique Harcum Roseland Dancer Raymond Harris Roseland Dancer Delphine T. Mantz Roseland Dancer Bernard Marsh Roseland Dancer Greta Martin Roseland Dancer Norma Miller Roseland Dancer Frances Morgan Roseland Dancer John Parks Roseland Dancer Greg Poland Roseland Dancer Judine Hawkins Richard Roseland Dancer Eartha Robinson Roseland Dancer Michelle Robinson Roseland Dancer Tracy Robinson Roseland Dancer Ken Leigh Rogers Roseland Dancer Eddie Sanabria Roseland Dancer Eddie Shellman Roseland Dancer Lynn Sterling Roseland Dancer Keith Thomas Roseland Dancer Debbie Williams Roseland Dancer Charles Young Roseland Dancer Anthony Dewitt Roseland Dancer Cynthia Thomas Shorty's Dance Partner Sharon Brooks Skeleton Crew Dancer Laurieann Gibson Skeleton Crew Dancer El Tahara Ibrahim Skeleton Crew Dancer Keith Lewis Skeleton Crew Dancer Dereque Whithurs Skeleton Crew Dancer Steve Reed John F. Kennedy (archive footage) Jodie Farber Jackie Kennedy (archive footage) Randy Means Governor Connally (archive footage) Columbia Dubose Nellie Connally (archive footage) Vincent D'Onofrio Bill Newman (archive footage) (uncredited) Cliff Cudney Limo Driver (archive footage) George Marshall Ruge Secret Service Man (archive footage) Bobby Seale Speaker #1 Al Sharpton Speaker #2 Christopher Plummer Chaplain Gill Karen Allen Miss Dunne Peter Boyle Captain Green William Kunstler The Judge Nelson Mandela Soweto Teacher Ossie Davis Eulogy Performer (voice) Ralph Abernathy Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Michael Albanese Harvard Law Student (uncredited) Muhammad Ali Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Denise S. Anderson Crowd Member (uncredited) Ashanti Student in Harlem Classroom (uncredited) John D. Bair Bartender (uncredited) Theodore Briseno Self (archive footage) (uncredited) John Carlos Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Bull Connor Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Angela Davis Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Matthew M. Dillon DJ (uncredited) Dave Droge Bartender (uncredited) James Farmer Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Dan Gifford Prison Guard (uncredited) Mark Gorham Police Chief's Driver (uncredited) Ralph Hughes FOI Member (uncredited) Jesse Jackson Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Joe James Shooter (voice) (uncredited) Eddie Kehler Harlem Cop (uncredited) John F. Kennedy Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Martin Luther King Jr. Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Rodney King Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Stacey Koon Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Joe Louis Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Marva Trotter Louis Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Malcolm X Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Frankie Manning Roseland Dancer (uncredited) Willie Mays Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Charles Mitchell Prison Inmate (uncredited) Peter Norman Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Laurence Powell Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Jackie Robinson Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Betty Shabazz Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Tommie Smith Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Billy Marshall Thompson Man in Temple (uncredited) Irapaul Turner Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Zan Turner Man in the Crowd (uncredited) George Wallace Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Sonya Wallace Crowd Member (uncredited) Roy Wilkins Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Timothy Wind Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Andrew Young Self (archive footage) (uncredited) MALCOLM X (film 1992) TRAILER ITALIANO ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  8. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Drive Hard 1 h 32 m    2014         Azione ◦ Commedia ◦ Crime Ladro americano, Simon Keller arriva in un paese straniero in cerca di un pilota per una fuga. Invece di reclutarne uno dalla malavita, Simon decide però di prendere lezioni di guida da Peter Roberts, un ex pilota di Formula 1 che lavora come istruttore. Dopo che Keller rapina una banca durante una delle lezioni, Roberts non ha altra scelta che di usare il suo talento per sfuggire all'inseguimento di polizia e mafiosi. Donald Paul Pemrick Casting Dean E. Fronk Casting James M. Vernon Executive Producer Kristy Vernon Associate Producer Kirk Shaw Producer Kirk Shaw Executive Producer Daniel Grodnik Executive Producer Peter Carrodus Editor Monica O'Brien Costume Design Chad Law Original Story Evan Law Original Story Pam Collis Producer Brian Trenchard-Smith Screenplay Brian Trenchard-Smith Director Keith Shaw Associate Producer Jon Dowding Production Design Tom McSweeney Casting Amanda Dow Associate Producer John Walton Stunt Coordinator Rowena Zande Production Manager Devi Singh Associate Producer Bryce Jacobs Original Music Composer Brigitte Jean Allen Screenplay Paul O'Kane Producer Tony O'Loughlan Director of Photography Jonathon Hannon Art Direction Chrissy Feld Set Decoration Mark 'Tubby' Taylor Still Photographer Anita Howell Lowe Makeup Artist Michael Newton Sound Designer Craig Butters Sound Effects Editor Stuart Welch Sound Effects Editor Andrew Conder Camera Operator Ai Lene Chor First Assistant Editor Charles Boyle Location Manager Dominic Rustam Executive Producer Mic Collis Associate Producer Mark Ward Executive Producer Babacar Diene Executive Producer Bill Bromiley Executive Producer Al Hayes Executive Producer Michael Bayer Executive Producer John Cusack Simon Keller Thomas Jane Peter Roberts Zoe Ventoura Agent Walker Christopher Morris Rossi Yesse Spence Tessa Roberts Damien Garvey Detective Chief Inspector Smith Jerome Ehlers Bank Chairman Carol Burns Granny Christopher Sommers Gas Station Attendant Robert Newman Grandpa Andrew Buchanan Detective Blanchard Jason Wilder Agent Brown Adrian Auld Guild Sam Cotton Tabloid Reporter Francesca Bianchi Staci Anthony Standish Detective Matthew Scully Cop #2 Janine Matthews Cop #3 Adrian Pudlyk Cop #4 Lloyd Johnson Jefferies Kellyn Morris Newscaster Ron Kelly Tessa's Client Caroline Dunphy Tessa's Colleague Meg Lucas Teenager Michelle McNamee Gorgeous Woman Adam Lochowicz Keller Picture Double Timothy McDonald Robert's Picture Double Jason Lucas Robert's Stand-in Avril Maas Television Reporter Julie Brandt-Richards Paparazzi Photographer Nyawuda Chuol News reporter Caitlin Duff Reporter Lachlan Halliwell Media Personnel Victoria Liu Neighbour Brooke Melling Media Personnel Mary O'Neill Neighbour being questioned by Police Yasca Sinigaglia Security Agent #1 Aaron M Watson Office Worker Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  9. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Anaconda 1 h 29 m    1997         Avventura ◦ Horror ◦ Thriller Una troupe cinematografica parte su una chiatta fluviale per realizzare un documentario all'interno della foresta brasiliana. Ne fanno parte l'antropologo Steve Cale, la regista Terri, l'operatore alla macchina Danny, il tecnico del suono Gary, la produttrice Denise e l'attore Warren. L'obiettivo è la ricerca del leggendario popolo degli Indios Shirishama, e a guidare l'imbarcazione c'è il locale Mateo. Il viaggio comincia e, dopo qualche tempo, il gruppo incontra un uomo, Paul, bloccato a bordo di una barca senza equipaggio. Viene fatto salire e, informato dello scopo del viaggio, si offre di fare da guida, dicendosi molto esperto dei luoghi. In realtà Paul ha un motivo personale per ridiscendere il fiume: trovare un letale anaconda assassino lungo dodici metri, un predatore talmente mortale da essere diventato a sua volta leggendario. John Papsidera Casting Associate Bill Butler Director of Photography Webster Whinery Stunt Coordinator Michael R. Miller Editor Mindy Marin Casting Beau Marks Co-Producer Beau Marks Second Unit Director Richard C. Franklin Supervising Sound Editor Philip Sloan Key Grip Jim Cash Writer Jack Epps Jr. Producer Jack Epps Jr. Writer Randy Edelman Original Music Composer Ken Diaz Makeup Artist Kirk M. Petruccelli Production Design Barry Chusid Art Direction Donna Barrett Gilbert Key Hair Stylist Daniel Loren May Set Decoration Martin A. Kline Visual Effects Art Director Jacquie Barnbrook Visual Effects Coordinator Luis Llosa Director Toca Seabra Aerial Camera Guy Moon Orchestrator Hans Bauer Writer Verna Harrah Producer Carole Little Producer Leonard Rabinowitz Producer Susan Ruskin Executive Producer James Dyer Unit Production Manager Andy Fickman Associate Producer Tierre Turner Stunts Tom Reta Assistant Art Director Dennis Scott Stunts Kimberly Harris ADR Supervisor Denney Pierce Stunts James Ryan Stunts Phil Culotta Stunts Valeria Costa Amorim Assistant Production Manager Nerses Gezalyan Foley Mixer John H. Arrufat Dialogue Editor Tony Allard Special Effects Technician Terry Jackson Stunt Double Gary A. Hecker Foley Artist David J. Negron Jr. Storyboard Artist Carol Daniels Stunts Mickey Giacomazzi Stunts Stelvio Rosi Line Producer K.C. Colwell First Assistant Director Stephanie Finochio Stunt Double Gene Kelly Production Accountant Patrick J. Statham Stunts Avram D. Gold ADR Editor J. Mark Donaldson Stunts Barbara Mesney Set Designer Robin Griffin Visual Effects Producer Pete Romano Underwater Camera Jennifer Badger Stunts Michael Douglas Middleton Still Photographer Scott Anderson Visual Effects Editor Marcela Bourseau Second Assistant Camera Serge Sretschinsky Supervising Technical Director Kelvin Lee Lead Animator Dale E. Grahn Color Timer Pedro Moraes Camera Trainee Mike Smith Stunts Deborah Laub Location Manager Gala Autumn Set Costumer Randy Bostic Leadman Chuck Picerni Jr. Stunts Chuck Gaspar Special Effects Supervisor Michael Muscarella Construction Coordinator Simon Coke Sound Effects Editor John Nelson Visual Effects Supervisor Sandy Berumen Stunts John F. Teeple Driver Robert Ulland Steadicam Operator Dino Ganziano Hairstylist Eddie L. Watkins Stunts Terry James Stunts Joanie Diener Music Editor Douglas B. Arnold Sound Mixer Nick Brett Stunts Serge Genitempo Standby Painter Thomas W. Lay Jr. Production Illustrator David Maddux Gaffer Kevin A. Canamar Set Medic Mo Henry Negative Cutter Jeff Podgurski Stunts Richard Epper Stunts Kris Fullan Martinez Production Coordinator Gregory Nutt Transportation Co-Captain Tracy Farrington Property Master Hugh Aodh O'Brien Stunts Jon Aguilar Set Dressing Artist Colin Campbell Compositing Lead Kathy Monderine Costume Design Glen Harmon Greensman Louis Medrano Painter Adam Martyn Sculptor Walt Fraser Camera Operator Alex Touyarot First Assistant Camera Gary A. Beaird Grip Steve Blumenkrantz Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects Todd Johnson Craft Service Gu Ramalho Camera Loader Justin J. LaPresle Propmaker David Tanner Software Engineer Vanessa Grayson Stand In Greg Nutt Transportation Captain Mira Tweti Unit Publicist Roy Bean Video Assist Operator Laurence Cropley Lighting Technician Steve Birkett Boom Operator Destiny Borden First Assistant Sound Editor Bill Houston Ball Visual Effects Rick Senteno Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Caique Martins Ferreira Production Manager Justine Hebron Assistant Production Coordinator Roberto Carneiro Costumer April Weeden Stunts Michael Neal Payroll Accountant Tiffany Fraser First Assistant Accountant Xochi Blymyer Second Assistant Director Lisanne Sartor Second Second Assistant Director Nancy Huffman Special Effects Assistant Ann Monn VFX Artist Patricia Eskenazi Stunt Double Jim Marquette Assistant Camera Walter Royle Best Boy Grip Edward C. Peters Dolly Grip Inéz Salgado Miranda Wardrobe Assistant Jane E. Graves Assistant Location Manager Anthony Ceccomancini Pre-Visualization Coordinator Fred Aghajanian Production Assistant Richard Harrah Production Executive Dain Turner Stunts Jennifer Lopez Terri Flores Jon Voight Paul Serone Kari Wuhrer Denise Kalberg Ice Cube Danny Rich Eric Stoltz Dr. Steven Cale Jonathan Hyde Warren Westridge Danny Trejo Poacher Vincent Castellanos Mateo Owen Wilson Gary Dixon Frank Welker Anaconda (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  10. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Mute 2 h 6 m    2018         Fantascienza ◦ Mistero ◦ Thriller Un uomo muto dal passato violento deve vedersela con la malavita di una Berlino del prossimo futuro, mentre cerca la sua ragazza scomparsa. Mary Vernieu Casting Clint Mansell Original Music Composer Henning Molfenter Co-Producer Charlie Woebcken Co-Producer Sarah Horton Art Direction Ruth Myers Costume Design Gavin Bocquet Production Design Bernhard Henrich Set Decoration Michael Robert Johnson Writer Charles J.D. Schlissel Executive Producer Manuel Puro Casting Duncan Jones Screenplay Duncan Jones Director Gary Shaw Director of Photography Stuart Fenegan Producer David Scheunemann Supervising Art Director Lindsay Graham Ahanonu Casting Christoph Fisser Co-Producer Wolfgang Metschan Art Direction Brooke Lyndon-Stanford Visual Effects Supervisor Laura Jennings Editor Damon Peoples Writer Judith Georgi Loop Group Coordinator Daniel Rogers Health and Safety Barrett Heathcote Editor Alexander Skarsgård Leo Beiler Paul Rudd Cactus Bill Justin Theroux Duck Teddington Seyneb Saleh Naadirah Robert Sheehan Luba Jannis Niewöhner Nicky Simsek Noel Clarke Stuart Dominic Monaghan Oswald Sam Rockwell Sam Bell Florence Kasumba Tanya Daniel Fathers Sgt. Robert Kloskowski Kirsten Block German Chancellor Eugen Bauder Young man Alexander Yassin Cashier Andrzej Blumenfeld Akim Enya Maria Tames Prostitute Gilbert Owuor Maksim Robert Kazinsky Rob Nikki Lamborn Rhonna Ulf Nadrowski Gunther Anja Karmanski Kathy Jarah Maria Anders Young Woman Barbara Ewing Edna Ayers Grégoire Gros Doctor's Assistant Robert Nickisch Employee (Gamer) Ekaterina Chapandze Mother Livia Matthes Young Woman Jameela Shafaq Rajeeyah Babacan Samir Fuchs Neighbor #2 Asad Schwarz Neighbor #1 Stefko Hanushevsky Security Guard Karl-Luis Vossbeck Skinhead #1 Jenny-Francis Kussatz Skinhead #2 Youssef Habbaoui Skinhead #3 Rosie Shaw Young Sybille Mute | Trailer ufficiale | Netflix ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  11. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Mi rifaccio vivo 1 h 54 m    2013         Commedia Biagio è un imprenditore che ha vissuto tutta la vita con un complesso di inferiorità verso il suo ex compagno di scuola Ottone, uomo affascinante sempre un passo avanti a lui. Non sopportando più l'insuccesso decide di suicidarsi. Ma lassù qualcuno lo ama e gli concede un'altra possibilità, che lui vuole sfruttare per vendicarsi. Tuttavia, entrando nella vita di Ottone comincerà a vedere le cose da un'altra prospettiva... Sergio Rubini Screenplay Sergio Rubini Director Sergio Rubini Story Fabio Cianchetti Director of Photography Paolo Buonvino Original Music Composer Domenico Procacci Producer Umberto Marino Screenplay Umberto Marino Story Laura Paolucci Delegated Producer Patrizia Chericoni Costume Design Francesco Vedovati Casting Carla Cavalluzzi Screenplay Carla Cavalluzzi Story Maricetta Lombardo Sound Angelo Nicolini Editor Gianluca Chiaretti Line Producer Roberto De Angelis Production Design Valeria Licurgo Production Supervisor Claudio Zampetti Production Accountant Emilio Solfrizzi Dennis Rufino Neri Marcorè Ottone Di Valerio Lillo Petrolo Biagio Bianchetti Vanessa Incontrada Sandra Bianchetti Sergio Rubini Barbone Bob Messini Direttore Enzo Iacchetti autista del taxi Gianmarco Tognazzi Avvocato Mancuso Valentina Cervi Amanda Margherita Buy Virginia Di Valerio Elisabetta Pellini Rocco Tommaso Cicarelli Segretario Dodi Conti Ugo De Cesare Vanni De Lucia Giulia Di Quilio Adelaide Di Bitonto Alessandro Martellotta Antonio Brundu Gianmarco Pozzoli Addetto biblioteca aldilà Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  12. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Kiss Me 1 h 35 m    1999         Commedia ◦ Romance La coppia perfetta del liceo, lei reginetta di bellezza, lui campione della squadra di calcio scolastica, scoppia. Per scommessa, il ragazzo afferma di poter trasformare una studentessa bruttina in regina del ballo. Robyn Ray Casting Bob Weinstein Executive Producer Harvey Weinstein Executive Producer Richard Pagano Casting Stewart Copeland Original Music Composer Richard N. Gladstein Producer Peter Abrams Producer Robert L. Levy Producer Francis Kenny Director of Photography Denise Wingate Costume Design Lila Yacoub Associate Producer Adam Shankman Choreographer Jennifer Gibgot Co-Producer Charles William Breen Production Design Jeremy Kramer Co-Executive Producer Jill Sobel Messick Co-Executive Producer Louise Rosner-Meyer Unit Production Manager Louise Rosner-Meyer Line Producer Richard Hull Co-Producer R. Lee Fleming Jr. Screenplay Casey O. Rohrs Editor Robert Iscove Director Ed Mitchell Casting Gary Diamond Art Direction James Sbardellati First Assistant Director Paul B. Clay Sound Supervisor Jeffrey Kushon Set Decoration Scott Peterson Script Supervisor Amanda Scheer-Demme Music Supervisor Dan Perri Main Title Designer Kyle Ham Associate Producer Randall Badger First Assistant Director Lucille OuYang Second Assistant Director W. Alexander Ellis Second Assistant Director Donna Barrish Costume Supervisor Freddie Prinze Jr. Zach Siler Rachael Leigh Cook Laney Boggs Paul Walker Dean Sampson Jodi Lyn O'Keefe Taylor Vaughan Kevin Pollak Wayne Boggs Anna Paquin Mackenzie Siler Kieran Culkin Simon Boggs Elden Henson Jesse Jackson Matthew Lillard Brock Hudson Usher Campus D.J. Lil' Kim Alex Gabrielle Union Katie Dulé Hill Preston Tamara Mello Chandler Clea DuVall Misty Tim Matheson Harlan Siler Debbi Morgan Ms. Rousseau Alexis Arquette Mitch Dave Buzzotta Jeffrey Munge Rylander Chris Owen Derek Funkhouser Rutley Charlie Dell Man in Falafel Barn Michael Milhoan Principal Stickley Carlos Jacott Prom Photographer Ashlee Levitch Melissa Vanessa Lee Chester Girl #2 Patricia Charbonneau Lois Siler Katharine Towne Savannah Wendy Fowler Harmony Flex Alexander Kadeem Robert Baglia Beatnik Debbie Lee Carrington Felicity Sara Rivas Vampire Girl Clay Rivers Gustave Amon Bourne 'She's All That' Rapper Takbir Bashir 'She's All That' Rapper Anthony 'Click' Rivera 'She's All That' Rapper Jarrett Lennon Naylon Brandon Mychal Smith JV Cleaning Boy Milo Ventimiglia Soccer Player Kente Scott Sophomore Boy Kim Cottom Dancer T.J. Espinoza Dancer Brian Friedman Dancer Tony Fugate Dancer Caroline Girvin Dancer Alicia Gilley Dancer Scott Hislop Dancer Jennifer Lee Keyes Dancer Richard Kim Dancer Stephanie Landwehr Dancer Dani Lee Dancer Joe Loera Dancer Mayah McCoy Dancer Ayesha Orange Dancer Robert Schultz Dancer Josh Seffinger Dancer Sarah Christine Smith Dancer Christopher Smith Dancer Bree Turner Dancer Christine Vincent Dancer Jerry 'Flo Master' Randolph Dancer Sarah Michelle Gellar Cafeteria Girl Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  13. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La donna esplosiva 1 h 33 m    1985         Commedia ◦ Romance ◦ Fantascienza Gary e Wyatt sono due adolescenti molto imbranati, specie con le ragazze e divengono spesso e volentieri oggetto di scherno da parte dei loro coetanei. Un giorno, in seguito alla visione in tv di un film di Frankenstein, decidono, servendosi del computer di Wyatt, di creare la donna ideale; salta fuori così Lisa, una ragazza bellissima e praticamente perfetta, che si rivelerà per di più dotata di poteri straordinari. Così, per Gary e Wyatt, si apre una serie di appassionanti avventure che li porterà a maturare e ad avere fiducia nei loro mezzi, riuscendo, grazie all'aiuto di Lisa, a conquistare il cuore di due loro coetanee ed a ottenere popolarità tra i loro compagni di scuola. Chris Lebenzon Editor Joel Silver Producer Jackie Burch Casting Mark Warner Editor Matthew F. Leonetti Director of Photography Marilyn Vance Costume Design John Hughes Screenplay John Hughes Director Robert L. Hoyt Sound Re-Recording Mixer John W. Corso Production Design Jennifer Polito Set Decoration Ira Newborn Original Music Composer Scott K. Wallace Editor Gary Wright Foley Editor Bob Herron Stunts John-Clay Scott Stunts Steve Kelso Stunts Shawn Patrick Lane Stunts Phil Culotta Stunts Stephen Hunter Flick Supervising Sound Editor Greg Wayne Elam Stunts Sharon Schaffer Stunts Bennie E. Dobbins Stunt Coordinator Luca Kouimelis Script Supervisor Steve Cremin Stunts Daniel Maldonado Stunts Michael Germain Makeup Artist James Bolt ADR Recordist Roger Heman Jr. Sound Re-Recording Mixer John J. Stephens Sound Re-Recording Mixer Don Zepfel Unit Production Manager Kathy Nelson Music Supervisor James Allen Art Direction Jack M. Marino Property Master James R. Alexander Production Sound Mixer Steve Richardson Foley Editor Paul M. Lane Stunts Jane Vickerilla Associate Producer Dagmar Loesch Hairstylist Randy Tepper Still Photographer Gary Ladinsky Sound Re-Recording Mixer Greg Agalsoff Boom Operator James Fierro Stunts Kay Whipple Stunts Vince Melandri ADR Editor Joseph W. Calloway Second Unit Director of Photography Kimberly Epper Stunts Anthony Michael Hall Gary Wallace Kelly LeBrock Lisa Ilan Mitchell-Smith Wyatt Donnelly Bill Paxton Chet Donnelly Suzanne Snyder Deb Judie Aronson Hilly Robert Rusler Max Robert Downey Jr. Ian Steve James Guy At Table Vernon Wells Lord General Michael Berryman Mutant Biker Jill Whitlow Perfume Salesgirl Britt Leach Al Wallace Kym Malin Girl Playing Piano John Kapelos Dino Prince Hughes Party Guest Ann Coyle Carmen Donnelly Suzy J. Kellems Gymnast Chino 'Fats' Williams Bar Patron Robin Frohman Girl in Bathroom Alison Carole Lowe Girl in Upside Down Bathroom Rick LeFevour Policeman (as Rick LeFevor) James Huffman Young Kid at Party (uncredited) Michael K. Washko Mall Shopper (uncredited) Ivor Barry Henry Donnelly Pamela Gordon Wyatt's Mother Jennifer Balgobin Biker Girl Fred D. Scott Bar Patron Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  14. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Bright Star 2 h 0 m    2009         Dramma ◦ Romance 1818. Il ventitreenne John Keats e la sua vicina di casa Fanny Brawne si conoscono, grazie all'interesse della ragazza per le sue poesie, si frequentano, si scrivono, si fidanzano, nonostante le condizioni economiche disperate del poeta. Minato dalla tubercolosi, Keats si vede costretto a partire per l'Italia, dove il clima è migliore e dove troverà la morte, nel febbraio del 1821. David M. Thompson Executive Producer Stefano Maria Ortolani Art Direction François Ivernel Executive Producer Jane Campion Director Jane Campion Writer Jan Chapman Producer Christine Langan Executive Producer Cameron McCracken Executive Producer Nina Gold Casting Konnie Daniel Hair Designer Peter Gleaves ADR Mixer Alexandre de Franceschi Editor Greig Fraser Director of Photography Caroline Hewitt Producer Janet Patterson Production Design Janet Patterson Costume Design John Dennison Sound Re-Recording Mixer John Dennison Sound Supervisor Robert Sterne Casting Associate Charlotte Dirickx Set Decoration Steve Dunn Visual Effects Producer Mark Bradshaw Music David Hindle Supervising Art Director Glenn Marks Stunt Coordinator Christian Huband Art Direction Angelo Bonanni Sound Recordist Emma Mager Line Producer Tony Vaccher Dialogue Editor Helen Brown Foley Artist Laura Schiavo Makeup Artist Chris Navarro ADR Mixer Dan Johnston Foley Artist Michael Elliott First Assistant Director Anita Anderson Hairstylist Duncan McAllister Foley Recordist Paul Huntingford Foley Artist Jane Logan Makeup & Hair Sean O'Reilly Sound Effects Editor Leon Anderson Foley Editor Fulvia Bartoli Makeup Artist Abbie Cornish Fanny Brawne Ben Whishaw John Keats Paul Schneider Mr. Brown Kerry Fox Mrs. Brawne Edie Martin Toots Thomas Brodie-Sangster Samuel Claudie Blakley Maria Dilke Gerard Monaco Charles Dilke Antonia Campbell-Hughes Abigail Samuel Roukin Reynolds Amanda Hale Reynolds sister Lucinda Raikes Reynolds sister Samuel Barnett Mr. Severn Jonathan Aris Mr. Hunt Olly Alexander Tom Keats Roger Ashton-Griffiths shopkeeper Eileen Davies Mrs. Bentley Sebastian Armesto Mr. Haslam Adrian Schiller Mr. Taylor Theresa Watson Charlotte Vincent Franklin Dr. Bree Bright Star - Official Trailer [HD] ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  15. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 4 padri single 1 h 40 m    2009         Dramma ◦ Commedia Newyorkesi di origini italiane, Jacopo (Alessandro Gassman), Dom (Francesco Quinn), George (Lenny Venito) e Ennio (Joe Urla) sono quattro padri single legati fra loro dalla comune scuola dei figli, la prestigiosa "International school", e dalle comuni sventure coniugali. Testimoni involontari dei rispettivi conflitti matrimoniali e sentimentali, della difficile gestione del rapporto con i figli, i quattro intrecceranno un rapporto di solidale complicita' in attesa che le loro mogli ed ex mogli decidano di perdonarli per gli errori commessi. Denise Chamian Casting Gabriele Muccino Producer Gabriele Muccino Writer Paolo Buonvino Music Lilia Trapani Casting Paolo Monico Director Fabrizio Donvito Producer Tonino Zera Production Design Angela Demo Casting Andrew Cesana Script Supervisor Marco Cohen Producer Liz Tuccillo Writer Julie Schubert Casting Angela Peri Casting R. Vincent Smith Property Master Andrés Sánchez Director of Photography Dawn Marie Richard Grip Alessandro Gassmann Jacopo Francesco Quinn Dom Joe Urla Ennio Lenny Venito George Jennifer Esposito Suzanne J. Jewels Parent at school recital Ronald Boone Police Officer Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  16. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Predestination 1 h 37 m    2014         Fantascienza ◦ Thriller Un agente temporale ha il compito di viaggiare in segreto nel tempo per impedire i crimini di futuri killer e terroristi. L'ultimo incarico che gli viene assegnato prevede che egli recluti se stesso da giovane per rintracciare l'unico criminale che da sempre continua a sfuggirgli. Robert A. Heinlein Short Story Gary Hamilton Executive Producer Michael Spierig Director Michael Spierig Producer Michael Spierig Writer Peter Spierig Director Peter Spierig Producer Peter Spierig Original Music Composer Peter Spierig Writer Steven Boyle Makeup Effects Designer James M. Vernon Executive Producer Ben Nott Director of Photography Michael Burton Executive Producer John Enright Lighting Technician Glenn Newnham Sound Editor Brian Pearce Special Effects Supervisor Leigh Pickford Casting Yvonne Collins Production Manager Matt Villa Editor Chris Goodes Sound Designer Chris Goodes Supervising Sound Editor Matthew Putland Production Design Paddy McDonald Producer Tim McGahan Producer Wendy Cork Costume Design Vanessa Cerne Set Decoration Kasia Kaczmarek Stand In Mario Vaccaro Foley Rangi Sutton Visual Effects Supervisor Mitch Deans Stunt Coordinator Darrin Keough Camera Operator Marky Lee Campbell Fight Choreographer Lynn Wheeler Makeup & Hair Samantha Lyttle Special Effects Key Makeup Artist Tess Natoli Hair Designer Tess Natoli Makeup Designer James Ashton Dialogue Editor Steve Burgess Sound Effects Editor Carly Bojadziski Art Department Coordinator Gretchen Thornburn Sound Recordist Flavia Dias Riley Visual Effects Producer Jeff Gaunt Visual Effects Supervisor Dan Maxwell Steadicam Operator Ben King Still Photographer Cathy Gallagher Unit Publicist Matt Kennedy Executive Producer Alex Francis Sound Editor Carmel Torcasio Script Supervisor Scott Warwick Armorer Andrew Jerram First Assistant Camera Aaron Jones Video Assist Operator Cam Eason Boom Operator Nathalie Resciniti Boom Operator Luke Stone Dolly Grip Mimi Davis-Taylor Production Secretary Diego Ruiz ADR Recordist Jamie Leslie First Assistant Director Julie Barton Key Costumer Chris Weir Stunt Double Angella McPherson Second Assistant Director George Kabot Graphic Designer Gabriel Shipton Assistant Accountant Viliami Topui Electrician Stephen Robinson Best Boy Grip Peni Loloa Best Boy Electric Angela Kenny Production Accountant Selena Pertzel Additional Hairstylist Ross Murdoch Construction Manager Morgan Skivving Carpenter Nick Pledge Props Hanna Nidal Painter Sam Noack Painter Caitlin Dooley Additional Second Assistant Camera Ryan Wilson Assistant Grip Reza Shams Latifi Data Wrangler Clinton Roche Electrician Aaron Farrugia First Assistant Camera Jake Hill Grip Craig Dusting Key Grip Michelle Marchant Second Assistant Camera Sarah O'May Turner Second Assistant Camera Zoe Felice Gymer-Waldron Costume Assistant Pip Hart Assistant Editor Harry Avramidis Post Production Supervisor Ian 'Scooter' Welbourn Third Assistant Director David Fraser Young Third Assistant Director George Alamaras Foley Recordist Clare Chapman Extras Casting Cecilia Condon Stand In Michael Burton Executive Producer Ethan Hawke The Bartender Sarah Snook The Unmarried Mother Noah Taylor Mr. Robertson Christopher Kirby Agent Miles Madeleine West Mrs. Stapleton Jim Knobeloch Dr. Belfort Freya Stafford Alice Elise Jansen Nurse Tyler Coppin Dr. Heinlein Christopher Stollery The Interviewer Christopher Sommers Miller Kuni Hashimoto Dr. Fujimoto Sara El-Yafi Lab Technician Paul Moder Boxing Commentator 1 Grant Piro Boxing Commentator 2 / News Report Announcer Christopher Bunworth Jerry Jamie Gleeson Dirty Hippy Christina Tan Female Reporter Dennis Coard Mayor Davidson Milla Simmonds Baby Jane 1 Ruby Simmonds Baby Jane 1 Cate Wolfe Beth Ben Prendergast Dr, Clarke Carmen Warrington Grace Sharon Kershaw Abigail Charlie Alexander-Powell Baby Jane 2 Smith Alexander-Powell Baby Jane 2 Olivia Sprague Jane 5yo Katie Avram Ice Cream Daughter Melissa Avram Ice Cream Mother Giordano Gangl Ice Cream Vendor Tony Nikolakopoulos Driver Monique Heath Jane 10yo Sophie Cusworth Older Fighting Girl David Rock Orphanage Administrator 1 Richard Whybrow Orphanage Administrator 2 Felicity Steel Mrs. Rosenblum Lucinda Armstrong Hall Blonde Classmate Maja Sarosiek Space Corp Receptionist Vanessa Crouch Recruit 1 Eliza Matengu Recruit 2 Sophie Van Den Akker Recruit 3 Madeleine Dixon Recruit 4 Hayley Butcher Recruit 5 Rebecca Cullinan Dumb Girl Recruit Alicia Pavlis Hooker Girl Recruit Ewa Bartecki Lazy Girl Recruit Arielle O'Neill Nauseous Girl Alexis Fernandez Marcy Kristie Jandric Physical Fitness Trainer Marky Lee Campbell Trainer's Assistant Rob Jenkins Mr. Jones Raj Sidhu Dr. Baldwin Annabelle Norman Suburban Daughter Scott Norman Suburban Father Kristen Norman Suburban Mother Michael Norman Suburban Son Louise Talmadge Mrs. Garner Carolyn Shakespeare-Allen Older Nurse Noel Herriman Dr. Davis Ray Tiernan Conner Dick York Darrin Stephens in Bewitched (archive) Finegan Sampson Fighting Boy Predestination - Trailer Ufficiale ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  17. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La sottile linea rossa 2 h 50 m    1998         Dramma ◦ Storia ◦ Guerra Il film è tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di James Jones, vero reduce della guerra nel Pacifico ambientata durante la campagna americana a Guadalcanal tra il 1942 e il 1943, e che ha per protagonista la Compagnia C dei fucilieri dell'esercito. Il film è ambientato durante la grande battaglia sull'isola di Guadalcanal, durante la quale gli uomini della Compagnia Charlie cercano di conquistare una roccaforte giapponese, una collina denominata 210. La storia, ricostruita con estrema e cruda fedeltà comincia al momento dell'approdo sull'isola, ripercorre i mesi dei sanguinosi ed estenuanti combattimenti, dei pattugliamenti nella giungla, dei brevi riposi nei bivacchi e negli ospedali, e termina con la partenza dei sopravvissuti. Eppure, la conquista della postazione giapponese è del tutto secondaria rispetto agli effetti che questa battaglia comune ha sulle vite degli uomini della Compagnia. Hans Zimmer Original Music Composer Billy Weber Editor Dianne Crittenden Casting John Toll Director of Photography Virginia Cook-McGowan Dialogue Editor Jack Fisk Production Design Grant Hill Producer John Powell Additional Music Saar Klein Editor Ian Gracie Art Direction Arvo Pärt Additional Soundtrack Reuben Aaronson Camera Operator George Stevens Jr. Executive Producer Terrence Malick Screenplay Terrence Malick Director Richie Dehne Property Master Leslie Jones Editor James Jones Novel Robert Michael Geisler Producer John Roberdeau Producer Sheila Davis Lawrence Producer Gary Capo Second Unit Director of Photography Richard Hobbs Set Decoration Suza Maybury Set Decoration James F. Boyle Gaffer Mark L. Mangino Sound Effects Editor Mark Ellis Assistant Editor Margot Wilson Costume Design Simon Whiteley Visual Effects Designer John Roesch Foley Gary Fry Stunts Jenny O'Connell Art Department Coordinator Kerry Thompson Costume Supervisor Andy Nelson Sound Re-Recording Mixer William A. Petrotta Property Master Hilda Hodges Foley Pamela Willis Script Supervisor Stephen S. Campanelli Camera Operator Merie Weismiller Wallace Still Photographer Robert Renga Sound Recordist J. Paul Huntsman Supervising Sound Editor Patrick J. Foley Dialogue Editor John F. Reynolds Dialogue Editor Andrew Somers Sound Effects Editor Christopher S. Aud Sound Effects Editor John Voss Bonds Jr. Sound Effects Editor Jayme S. Parker Sound Effects Editor Karyn Foster ADR Editor Fiona Chilton Visual Effects Producer Hugh Waddell ADR Supervisor Anna Behlmer Sound Re-Recording Mixer Chris Godfrey Visual Effects Supervisor Miles Jones Electrician Leigh Mackenzie Camera Operator Mike Thomas Camera Operator Craig Heath Sound Recordist Chris O'Connell Script Supervisor Chiara Tripodi Hairstylist Mike Smith Stunts Angela Conte Hairstylist Lee Lemont ADR Editor Vivien Mepham Hair Designer Vivien Mepham Makeup Designer John Bowring Armorer Peter Cogar Armorer Randy Woodside Gaffer Scott Warwick Armorer Jenny Hicks Assistant Editor David Nichols Key Grip Herb Ault Key Grip Lance Julian Marine Coordinator Greg Hajdu Construction Manager Alicia Gleeson Assistant Editor Toby Copping Key Grip Toni Ffrench Hairstylist Mick Morris Gaffer Amanda Kirby Armorer David L. Horton Jr. Foley Editor Michael Vivian Dolly Grip Laura Behary Assistant Editor Joan Petch Hairstylist Ian Brown 3D Animator Brett Jarman Gaffer Paul E. Borchardt Key Grip Barbara Collins Casting Associate Bruce Simpson Aerial Coordinator Emily Saunders Script Coordinator Greg Burgmann Sound Recordist Francesco Lupica Additional Music Charles Bunn Assistant Editor Paul Cumming Electrician Stephen Gray Electrician Marcus Watson Electrician Harold Crawford Costumer James P. Cullen Costumer Sean Penn 1st Sgt. Edward Welsh Jim Caviezel Pvt. Robert Witt Adrien Brody Cpl. Geoffrey Fife Ben Chaplin Pvt. Jack Bell Elias Koteas Capt. James Staros John Cusack Capt. John Gaff Woody Harrelson Sgt. William Keck Nick Nolte Lt. Col. Gordon Tall John C. Reilly Sgt. Maynard Storm George Clooney Capt. Charles Bosche John Travolta Brig. Gen. David Quintard John Dee Smith Pvt. Train Dash Mihok Pfc. Don Doll Kirk Acevedo Pvt. Alfredo Tella Jared Leto 2nd Lt. William Whyte Mark Boone Junior Pvt. Christopher Peale Matt Doran Pvt. Howard Coombs Paul Gleeson 1st Lt. George "Brass" Band Don Harvey Sgt. Paul Becker Arie Verveen Pfc. Charlie Dale Thomas Jane Pvt. Ash Donal Logue Marl (uncredited) John Savage Sgt. Jack McCron Nick Stahl Pfc. Edward Bead Miranda Otto Marty Bell Tim Blake Nelson Pvt. Brian Tills Larry Romano Pvt. Frank Mazzi Penelope Allen Witt's Mother Danny Hoch Pvt. Leonardo Carni Benjamin Green Melanesian Villager Simon Billig Lt. Col. Billig Jarrod Dean Cpl. Thorne Travis Fine Pvt. Weld David Harrod Cpl. Queen Don Harvey Sgt. Becker Michael McGrady Pvt. Floyd Stephen Spacek Cpl. Jenks Steven Vidler 2nd Lt. Gore Will Wallace Pvt. Hoke Todd Wallace Pilot Simon Westaway First Scout Dan Wyllie Medic #1 Randall Craig Navy Gunner (uncredited) Kick Gurry (uncredited) Randall Duk Kim Nisei Interpreter (uncredited) Darrin Klimek (uncredited) Dane Moreton Pvt. Alexander (uncredited) Ray Samuelson Navy Soldier (uncredited) Justin Ward Navy Soldier (uncredited) Felix Williamson Private Drake (uncredited) Mickey Rourke Norman Patrick Brown Pvt. Henry Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  18. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Alone in the Dark 1 h 36 m    2005         Azione ◦ Fantasy ◦ Horror Edward Carnby è un investigatore privato specializzato in inspiegabili fenomeni soprannaturali. I suoi casi lo portano negli angoli bui del mondo, alla ricerca di verità in occulti resti di antiche civiltà. Ora, il più grande mistero del suo passato sta per diventare il caso più pericoloso che abbia mai affrontato. Robert Lee Second Unit Director Dan Sales Associate Producer Uwe Boll Director Uwe Boll Executive Producer Mathias Neumann Director of Photography Wolfgang Herold Executive Producer Wolfgang Herold Music Supervisor Dan Clarke Line Producer Michael Roesch Screenplay Peter Scheerer Screenplay Jonathan Shore Associate Producer Maureen Webb Casting Shawn Williamson Producer Reinhard Besser Original Music Composer Frederic Demey Associate Producer Max Wanko Supervising Sound Editor Max Wanko Dialogue Editor Tink Production Design Richard Schwadel Editor Elan Mastai Screenplay Oliver Lieb Original Music Composer Bernd Wendlandt Original Music Composer Peter Zweier Original Music Composer Ed Anders Stunt Coordinator Gerald Paetz Stunt Driver Mike Carpenter Stunt Double Peter Stratford Art Direction Rick Pearce Stunts Brett Armstrong Stunts Doug Chapman Stunts Kylie Furneaux Stunts Owen Walstrom Stunts Andrea Kinsky Stunts Peter Giliberti Lead Animator Maria Livingstone Costume Design Connie Parker Makeup Department Head Bryan C. Knight First Assistant Director David Dowling Property Master Jeff Bruneel Digital Compositors Francois Latremoille Visual Effects Doug Oddy Visual Effects Supervisor Steven J. Winslow Camera Technician Chris Helcermanas-Benge Still Photographer Harlow MacFarlane Makeup Effects Adam Sharpe ADR Mixer Sanna Seppanen Hairstylist Roland Platz Foley Supervisor Daniel Scarcello Sculptor Peter Roigk Foley Artist Gary Lam First Assistant Editor Pete Dionne 3D Artist Terry Mackay Location Manager Ann-Marie Blommaert Visual Effects Coordinator Philip Selkirk Associate Producer Kathy Howatt First Assistant Makeup Artist Robert Milicevic Security Patti Bishop Assistant Costume Designer Laura Lee Connery Stunt Double Ryan Steacy Armorer Mark Cohen First Assistant Camera John Sleep Special Effects Coordinator Jesse Deacon Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Anne Jacobsen Production Accountant Deni King ADR Supervisor Stefan Lochmann Storyboard Artist Paul Lukaitis Unit Manager Shawn Beaton Utility Stunts Jason Weir Lighting Technician David Birdsall Set Decoration Clif Kosterman Transportation Coordinator Joey Setter Production Coordinator Suzanne E. Smith Payroll Accountant Henry Eshelman Publicist Alexis Hinde Second Assistant Director Audrey Wong Set Costumer Jörg Tittel Associate Producer Max Wanko Associate Producer Bruno Bonnell Co-Executive Producer Harry Rubin Co-Executive Producer Chelsea Yusep Assistant Art Director Lise Kuhr Key Makeup Artist Jeremy Hanen Set Dressing Artist Paul C. George Sequence Supervisor Dave Campbell Stunts Frederic Robinson Casting Assistant Bob Holbrook Boom Operator Hugo Sanchez Music Editor William Conrad Sound Editor Martin Gessner Visual Effects Producer Rob Gyorgy VFX Artist Avery Zands Thanks Corinne Mameli Set Supervisor Evan Allen Production Assistant Troy Eirich Assistant Property Master Madeleine Brettschneider Accountant Brendan Rooney Assistant Production Coordinator Eric Milner Special Effects Technician Pedram Goshtasbpour Senior Animator Sara Irvine-Erickson Third Assistant Director Jose R. Castellon ADR Recordist Maria Bückenhoff VFX Artist Carol Macdonald Second Assistant Camera Sheri Mayervich Assistant Location Manager Jason Snea Compositing Supervisor Byron Drinkle Playback Coordinator Christian Slater Edward Carnby Tara Reid Aline Cedrac Stephen Dorff Richard Burke Will Sanderson Agent Miles Ona Grauer Agent Feenstra Ho-Sung Pak Agent Marko Sarah Deakins Linda Françoise Yip Agent Cheung Daniel Cudmore Agent Barr Frank C. Turner Sam Fischer Matthew Walker Prof. Lionel Hudgens Catherine Lough Haggquist Krash Mark Acheson Captain Chernick Darren Shahlavi John Dillon Karin Konoval Sister Clara Craig Bruhnanski 80's Sheriff Kwesi Ameyaw Deputy Adams Ed Anders James Pinkerton Michael P. Northey Guard Malcolm Scott Delivery Guy Ryan Drescher Young Boy Sean Campbell First Mate Brendan Fletcher Cabbie Mike Dopud Agent Turner Dean Redman Agent Richards Brad Turner Beat Cop Donna Lysell Sarah Fischer John Fallon Agent Yonek Dustyn Arthurs Young Edward Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  19. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Mr. Nobody 2 h 21 m    2009         Fantascienza ◦ Dramma ◦ Romance Nell'anno 2092, Nemo Nobody è un uomo di 117 anni, l'ultimo mortale sulla Terra. L'umanità ha conquistato l'immortalità attraverso un continuo rinnovamento cellulare ottenuto grazie ad un processo chiamato telomerizzazione e ora il mondo guarda con curiosità il signor Nobody che si avvicina alla morte. Tutti vogliono conoscere la vita che ha vissuto. Nemo stesso afferma di non ricordare nulla del suo passato e uno psichiatra, il dottor Feldheim, cerca di fargli ricordare delle memorie attraverso l'ipnosi; altri ricordi sono narrati ad un giornalista. Nemo racconta storie contraddittorie e incongruenti, e nessuno è sicuro di quello che sia veramente accaduto. Christophe Beaucarne Director of Photography Philippe Godeau Producer Uwe Bünker Casting Susan Shipton Editor Nathalie Leborgne Costume Design Jaco Van Dormael Director Jaco Van Dormael Writer Regine Constant Set Decoration Sylvie Olivé Production Design Jean-Yves Asselin Executive Producer Alessija Lause Stunts Ulla Gothe Costume Design Stéphane Taillasson Art Direction Matyas Veress Editor Olivier Rausin Executive Producer Stéphane Thiry Key Grip Pierre van Dormael Original Music Composer Jared Leto Nemo Nobody (old & adult) Sarah Polley Adult Elise Diane Kruger Adult Anna Linh-Dan Pham Adult Jean Rhys Ifans Nemo's Father Natasha Little Nemo's Mother Toby Regbo Nemo age 16 Juno Temple Anna age 15 Allan Corduner Dr. Feldheim Daniel Mays Young Journalist Clare Stone Elise age 15 Audrey Giacomini Jean age 15 Thomas Byrne Nemo age 9 Laura Brumagne Anna age 9 Noa De Costanzo Nemo age 5 Léa Thonus Elise age 9 Anaïs Van Belle Jean age 9 Harold Manning TV Host Pascal Duquenne Henry David Schaal Thug 1 Laurent Capelluto Man in Black Harry Cleven Man in Black 2 Andrew Simms Showroom Man Ben Mansfield Stefano age 22-40 Emily Tilson Eve Roline Skehan Joyce Anders Morris Noah Nathan Boydell Paul Vincent Dupont Michael Jenna Wheeler-Hughes Showroom Girl Valérie-Marie Chadelaud Showroom Woman Stéphane Thiry Male Nurse 1 Bruno Verstraete Male Nurse 2 Alice van Dormael Angel of Oblivian 1 Juliette Van Dormael Angel of Oblivian 2 Tedd Dillon Texan Man Melanie Doerr Texan Woman Talya Rubin Shy Woman Vito DeFilippo Shy Man Corey Cleve Bentivegna Boy of Shy Couple Sandrine Laroche Desillusioned Woman Olivier Bony Desillusioned Man Laura Van Hove Teenage Girl Jack Proudlove Teenage Boy Marc Zinga Gay Man 1 Martin Swabey Gay Man 2 Philippe Godeau Golf Player / Sad Man Sarah Gravel Sad Woman John Canoe Mohawk Man Donna Kanerahtenha Jacobs Mohawk Woman Fujio Ishimaru Japanese Gardener Robin Carette Nemo 18 months Hugo Harold-Harrison Pool Instructor Sylvie Olivé Family Mars Mother Stéphane Taillasson Famly Mars Father Jules Taillasson Family Mars Son Jan Hammenecker Shoe Factory Director Serge Larivière Shoe Lace Supplier Leni Parker Teacher Katharina Pejcic Anna's Daughter Alexander Türk Anna's Son Tanya Trombetta Anna's Friend Lola Pauwels Young Stefano's Girlfriend Daniel Brochu Peter Louise Sophia Engel Nemo & Anna's Daughter Aaron Landt Nemo & Anna's Son Christelle Cornil Coma Nurse 1 Tawny Andersen Coma Nurse 2 Christophe Beaucarne Villa Owner Jules Eerdekens Pool Maintenance Collegue 1 Philippe Lévy Pool Maintenance Collegue 2 Renaud Alcalde Spaceship Neighbour 1 Dominique Warnier Spaceship Neighbour 2 Catherine Demaiffe Tender Nurse Pierre Chaves Hotel Entrance Guard Nicholas Beveney Black Man Airport David Kennedy Thug 2 Josselin Moinet Morgue Policeman Virginie Bordes Continuity Girl Carlo Mestroni Police Officer Nicolas Ross Anna & Peter's Son Marie-Ève Beauregard Anna & Peter's Daughter Manfred Andrae Anna's Neighbour Thi-Mai Nguyen Prehistoric Pregnant Woman John Churchill Boy on Slide Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  20. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 27 volte in bianco 1 h 47 m    2008         Commedia ◦ Romance Jane è una ragazza romantica e generosa, anche troppo a volte, follemente innamorata del suo capo e dei matrimoni. La sua passione per le cerimonie nuziali è talmente forte che finora ha partecipato a ben 27 matrimoni in 'veste' di damigella e tiene custoditi nell'armadio tutti i bellissimi abiti indossati di volta in volta. Questo in attesa del giorno in cui arriverà finalmente il 'suo' giorno più bello, magari insieme all'uomo dei suoi sogni, che non sembra essersi ancora 'accorto' di lei e che proprio non riesce a vederla in 'quel modo'. Nel frattempo Jane dovrà accontentarsi del corteggiamento cinico ed opportunista di un'adorabile canaglia di nome Kevin, un cronista a caccia di scoop sulla 'ragazza dei matrimoni'. A svegliare la ragazza da ogni illusione, il ritorno della sorella minore Tess, un'insopportabile viziata biondina mozzafiato che in un colpo solo riuscirà a distruggere i suoi sogni d’amore e la sua fissazione per i ricevimenti di nozze. Zoë Bell Stunts Priscilla Nedd-Friendly Editor Amanda Mackey Casting Cathy Sandrich Gelfond Casting Shepherd Frankel Production Design Roger Birnbaum Producer Gary Barber Producer Chryss Hionis Set Decoration Aline Brosh McKenna Writer Peter James Director of Photography Randy Edelman Original Music Composer Anne Fletcher Director Christopher Assells Sound Effects Editor Wade Allen Stunts Michael Atwell Construction Foreman Robert F. Newmyer Executive Producer Jonathan Glickman Producer Zachary Woodlee Choreographer Becki Cross Trujillo Executive Producer Michael Mayer Executive Producer Erin Stam Executive Producer Catherine Marie Thomas Costume Design Buck Damon Music Supervisor Steven Feinberg Thanks Blaise Corrigan Stunts Nerses Gezalyan Foley Mixer James Moriana Foley Artist Jeffrey Wilhoit Foley Artist Miguel López-Castillo Art Direction Aaron Vexler Stunt Double G. A. Aguilar Stunts Joe Mancini Stunt Driver Linda Grimes Makeup Department Head Steven Ritzi Stunt Coordinator Joseph Kearney Construction Coordinator Frederick H. Stahly Dialogue Editor Jocelyn Thomas Casting Associate Christian P. Minkler Sound Re-Recording Mixer Amanda Goodpaster Music Editor Ray Fisher Leadman Jon Taylor Sound Re-Recording Mixer Ann Miller Property Master Deborah Newhall Costume Supervisor Mark Dornfeld Visual Effects Supervisor Karen Baker Landers Supervising Sound Editor Chris Jargo ADR Supervisor Barry Wetcher Still Photographer Paulina Kuszta Visual Effects Coordinator Jonathan Arkin Art Direction Michele Ferrone Visual Effects Producer Charles Martin Inouye Music Editor Frank Graziadei Boom Operator Susanna David Script Supervisor Jason Mayoh Art Department Coordinator Aja Frary Stunts Adam McCarthy Location Manager Adam McCarthy Production Supervisor Tom Nelson Production Sound Mixer Anthony Veader Hair Department Head Steph Accetta Unit Production Manager Peter Oillataguerre Executive In Charge Of Production Kate Bulpitt Casting Associate Adam Cole Post Production Coordinator Terence Lorino Stunts Dean St. John ADR Mixer Julie Altus ADR Recordist Jodi Pynn Stunts Caroline Duncan Assistant Costume Designer Katherine Heigl Jane Nichols James Marsden Kevin Doyle Malin Åkerman Tess Nichols Judy Greer Casey Edward Burns George Melora Hardin Maureen Brian Kerwin Hal Nichols Maulik Pancholy Trent David Castro Pedro Krysten Ritter Gina the Goth Michael Ziegfeld Taxi Fahrer Khaleel Jennifer Lim Bridal Salesgirl Danielle Skraastad Bride Suzanne Yetta Gottesman Hip Bridesmaid Erin Fogel Shari Rabinowitz Bern Cohen Rabbi Brigitte Bourdeau Salesgirl Olga Peyton List Young Jane Charli Barcena Young Tess Jane Pfitsch Cousin Lisa Laksh Singh Hindu Priest Lyralen Kaye Yoga Instructor Ronald Guttman Antoine Ron Simons Boathouse Chef Robert Clohessy Dive Bartender Michael Mosley Bar Dude Alyssa Bresnahan Diner Waitress Ellen H. Schwartz Diner Waitress Jennifer Bassey Jane's Aunt Alexa Havins Boat Bride Richard O'Rourke Jane's Minister Kathryn Weisbeck Tara Bride (uncredited) 27 volte in bianco trailer ITA ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  21. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Borderland - Linea di confine 1 h 45 m    2007         Crime ◦ Horror ◦ Thriller Ed, Henry e Phil sono studenti in viaggio verso il Messico e verso un weekend di divertimento ed eccessi. I tre incappano però in una setta che pratica sacrifici umani, i cui adepti si aggirano alla ricerca di vittime da immolare. Gli americani sono le prede predilette, capaci di rendere i rituali veramente potenti, grazie alle loro grida di terrore, durante l'agonia che li condurrà dritti tra le braccia della morte. Quando la polizia si rifiuterà di intervenire, i ragazzi capiranno di essere in trappola; nessuno li aiuterà, a parte un ex poliziotto. Ma potrebbe essere già troppo tardi per tutti loro. Il viaggio verso l'inferno è iniziato. Eric Strand Editor Claudia Becker Casting Tim Galvin Production Design Curtis Lindersmith Digital Intermediate Editor George Furla Producer Randall Emmett Producer Scott Kevan Director of Photography Eric Poppen Author Matthew Lessall Casting Robert Hummel Property Master Elisa Salinas Producer Ricardo Del Río First Assistant Director Efrain Lomeli Casting Efrain Lomeli Extras Casting Lauren Vilchik Producer Zev Berman Director Zev Berman Author Tristan Whitman Camera Operator Kevin Hummel Property Master Joshua Malkin Second Unit Director Julian Bucio Stunt Coordinator Dana MacDuff Property Master Amanda Treyz Electrician Andres Levin Music Monica Araiz Costume Design Young-kon Kim Sound Editor Michael Callahan Second Unit First Assistant Director Lynn Reinstein Casting Lynn Reinstein Casting Assistant Ozzy Alvarez Special Effects Makeup Artist Pachilu Moreno Set Decoration Alfredo Michelle Costume Supervisor Alfredo Michelle Wardrobe Supervisor Lorita de la Cerna Foley Editor Gregg Barbanell Foley Artist Chuck Zlotnick Still Photographer Hector Vázquez Sánchez Construction Coordinator Raul Covarrubias Key Hair Stylist Grady Holder Makeup Effects Tania Araiz Production Manager Daniel Herrera Arau Art Department Coordinator Tony Perez Leadman Brian Best Supervising Sound Editor Brian Best Sound Re-Recording Mixer Richard Burton Supervising Sound Editor Richard Burton Sound Re-Recording Mixer Keith Robinson Sound Designer Keith Robinson Music Editor Gustavo Oliva Gaffer Christian Prejza Digital Intermediate Producer Gene Alford Transportation Coordinator Kelly Leffler Script Supervisor Germán Ernesto Margáin Location Manager David Roberson Unit Publicist Eric Leach Second Unit Director of Photography Gabriel Coll Sound Mixer Andrew Gerety First Assistant Camera Dominic Mainl First Assistant Camera Casey Alicino Key Grip Michael Hatzer Digital Intermediate Colorist Andrés Tagliavini Production Consultant Aimee Dominguez Assistant Property Master Erick Schiele Main Title Designer Oscar Inzunza Best Boy Electric Luis Calva Dolly Grip Concepcion Alicino-Saucedo Production Coordinator Kevin Farrell Storyboard Artist Carlos Aranda Electrician Stephanie Saathoff Second Assistant Camera Joel Sutherland Grip Edwin Ventura Electrician Elvia Felix Herrera Makeup & Hair Assistant Caleb Schneider Special Effects Makeup Artist Belén Giménez Wardrobe Assistant Chris Lindsay Key Grip Jamie Mercer Production Coordinator Renan Bendersky Second Assistant Director Zeiddy Viggiano Extras Casting Assistant Kurt Tuffendsam First Assistant Editor Corey Eccles Sound Editor Rick J. Brown Colorist Edgar Luzanilla Best Boy Grip Maritza Carbajal Set Production Assistant Angel Orona Moreno Set Dresser Kevin Aragon Electrician Julián Saavedra Tattoo Designer Luis Alonso Pérez Art Department Production Assistant Yasmin Lopez Arestegui Assistant Set Decoration Jose Refugio Chaidez Marquez Construction Foreman Miguel Angel Gamboa Set Dresser Jorge Iván Sanders Set Dresser Ronaldo Glaumitz Swing Jesus Javier Quiroz Swing Raul Cebreros Barcelo Electrician Heriberto Luzanilla Electrician Manuel Galaviz Delgado Electrician Trevor Haughton Electrician Mark Robinson First Assistant Camera David Hoffman Gaffer Mario A. Angel Grip Francisco De La Cueva Grip Bodie Hyman Grip Jeffrey Miller Grip Cory Peauler Grip Jaime Herrera V. Grip Luis Gerardo Valenzuela Grip John Doherty Second Assistant Camera Linda Naitze Ruiz Costumer Lorena Aguilar Seamstress Janice Ginsberg Music Supervisor Chris Omae Sound Mixer Lucio López Laux Casting Assistant Arturo Romero Production Accountant Conchita Saucedo Production Coordinator Andrea Araiz Production Coordinator Jennifer Olivo Set Production Assistant Eduardo Estrella Stand In Eduardo Estrella Stunt Double Brian Presley Ed Rider Strong Phil Jake Muxworthy Henry Sean Astin Randall Beto Cuevas Santillan Martha Higareda Valeria Damián Alcázar Ulises Mircea Monroe Nancy Marco Bacuzzi Gustavo Roberto Sosa Luis José María Yázpik Zoilo Humberto Busto Mario Elizabeth Cervantes Anna Francesca Guillén Lupe Alenka Ríos Amelia Tomás Goros Captain Ramirez Wilebardo Bucio Ghost Rider Andrés Tagliavini Cult Member Montserrat de León Cult Member Kate Berman Hospital Nurse Eduardo Estrella Extra Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  22. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Lemony Snicket - Una serie di sfortunati eventi 1 h 48 m    2004         Avventura ◦ Commedia ◦ Famiglia I tre fratelli Baudelaire sono ragazzi dotati di particolari capacità: Violet, la maggiore, è un'abile inventrice, capace di trasformare oggetti abbandonati in congegni adatti a quasi ogni occasione. Klaus, quello di mezzo, ama i libri ed è in grado di ricordare tutto ciò che legge. Sunny, la più piccola, si diletta a mordere le cose. Dopo l'incendio della loro casa, i tre fratelli diventano orfani e vengono affidati alle cure di un loro parente: il conte Olaf, un attore fallito interessato esclusivamente a mettere le mani sull'eredità lasciata agli orfani Baudelaire dai loro genitori.I tre ragazzi riescono a sfuggire ad un tentativo di omicidio da parte del conte. Il conte Olaf è un uomo molto scaltro e cattivo... Thomas Newman Original Music Composer Thomas Newman Conductor Avy Kaufman Casting Rick Heinrichs Production Design Michael Kahn Editor John Dexter Supervising Art Director Colleen Atwood Costume Design Dylan Tichenor Additional Editing Walter F. Parkes Producer Anastasia Emmons Projection Scott Rudin Executive Producer Cheryl Carasik Set Decoration Emmanuel Lubezki Director of Photography Barry Sonnenfeld Executive Producer Robert D. Yeoman Additional Director of Photography Tony Fanning Art Direction Laurie MacDonald Producer Brad Silberling Director John Buckley Chief Lighting Technician Jim Passon Color Timer Richard Alonzo Prosthetic Makeup Artist Bill Corso Makeup Designer Scott Aversano Co-Producer Mauro Borrelli Production Illustrator Jim Van Wyck Producer Valli O'Reilly Makeup Department Head Stefen Fangmeier Visual Effects Supervisor Chris Palermo Stunts Robert Gordon Screenplay Pat Banta Stunts Martin Whist Art Direction David Lucarelli ADR Recordist William Hawkins Art Direction Daniel Handler Novel Julia Pistor Executive Producer Michele Panelli-Venetis Associate Producer Michele Panelli-Venetis First Assistant Director Albie Hecht Executive Producer David Witz Unit Production Manager Colin Brady Animation Supervisor Howard Berger Special Effects Supervisor Doug Coleman Stunt Coordinator Susan Engel Stand In Jules Sylvester Animal Coordinator Linda Fields Associate Producer Minor Childers Post Production Supervisor Minor Childers Co-Producer Vivian Baker Makeup Artist Jason McGatlin Production Supervisor Bill Boes Assistant Art Director François Duhamel Still Photographer Thomas Vicari Scoring Mixer Robin Harlan Foley Artist Scott Baldyga Casting Assistant Randy Singer Foley Mixer Carlos Rosario Costume Illustrator Kurt D. Lott Stunts Pamela Wise Costume Supervisor Anthony Almaraz Costumer Richard King Sound Designer Richard King Supervising Sound Editor Michael Magill Dialogue Editor Lori A. Balton Location Manager C. Scott Baker Set Designer Michael W. Mitchell Sound Effects Editor George Billinger III Steadicam Operator Judith M. Brown Studio Teachers John Hoskins Construction Coordinator Pete Romano Underwater Director of Photography Dan Engle Sculptor Amy Pawlowski Digital Intermediate Editor Ed Callahan Sound Editor Jerry Moss Property Master Michael Gleason Visual Effects Editor Donnie Creighton Digital Intermediate Assistant Rob Harris Unit Publicist Linda D. Flowers Key Hair Stylist Laura Graham ADR Editor Peter Owen Wigmaker Thom 'Coach' Ehle Dolby Consultant Kim Marks Camera Operator Gene Strange First Assistant Accountant Brenda Donoho Set Costumer Mark Fitzgerald Assistant Location Manager Robert Martini Transportation Coordinator Rob Hinderstein Makeup Effects Jeff Olson Visual Effects Producer Derek Casari ADR Engineer Elizabeth Lang Additional Casting Jenn Emberly Lead Animator Andrew Bock First Assistant Sound Editor Cameron Baity Production Artist Robert Alidon Special Effects Technician Michael Sean Ryan Transportation Co-Captain Elizabeth Greenberg Casting Associate Steven R. Molen Production Executive Anne Morgan Hair Designer Kathleen Rosen Set Decoration Buyer Gabriel Hardman Storyboard Artist Patrick Crane First Assistant Editor Linda Folk ADR Supervisor Christopher Flick Foley Christopher Flick Foley Supervisor Bruce Richter Carpenter Dotan Bonen Security Steven J. Scott Digital Color Timer Erich Gann Sound Assistant Mimi Abers Digital Compositors Dan Colegrove Propmaker Julie Creighton Visual Effects Coordinator Jamie Felz First Assistant Camera Carlos Baker Electrician Michael Anderson First Company Grip Mark George Gillard Assistant Editor Steve Braggs CG Artist Chris Arnold Driver Carlo Basail Greensman Scott Barnes Lighting Programmer R. Adam Chambers Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Laura J. DeRosa Art Department Coordinator Katie Rowe Stunts Guy Efrat Location Scout Rob Andrews Technical Supervisor James Alden Rigging Grip Rick Chavez Assistant Property Master Megan Blake Art Department Assistant Carolyn Chen Additional Photography Lisa Buford Hairstylist Ann L. Thomas Seamstress Scott Edward Collins Set Dressing Artist Todd Avery Loader Joseph Kelly Padovich Picture Car Coordinator Jason Bierfeld Post Production Assistant Robert D. Brugger Set Medic Christopher Scull Set Production Assistant Vic Cuccia Transportation Captain Benjamin Goldman Layout Lance Dickinson Lighting Technician Susan Macke Production Accountant Lisa Greenspan Production Coordinator Julia Parfitt Production Manager Colin Davidson Researcher Dennis Fuller Boom Operator Michael Boustead Music Editor Robert J. Anderson Jr. Sound Mixer Darren Price 3D Artist Giacomo G. Ghiazza Storyboard Wilson Tang Visual Effects Art Director Audie Aragon Dolly Grip Rusty Mahmood Second Assistant Director Heidi Ford Stunt Double Eric Gotthelf ADR Mixer Karine Mauffrey Stunts Narges Takesh Story Editor Craig T. Shordon Decorator John Walker CG Artist Doreen Austria Graphic Designer Ross Levy Utility Sound Malcolm Doran II Second Company Grip James Hayward Brinkley Additional Dialogue Jamie Daddio Second Assistant Accountant Robert Baek Second Assistant Camera Ryan Mayeda Visual Effects Production Assistant Lora Marie Taylor Accountant Dan Duffy Generator Operator Jennifer Bender Extras Casting Carrie Arnold Production Secretary Timothy R. Price Second Second Assistant Director Peter Chan Concept Artist Brian Buller Post Production Coordinator Joe Beckwith Assistant Accountant Emmanuelle-Claude Heroux Assistant Production Coordinator Stephanie DeTiege Executive Assistant Irina Naydichev Payroll Accountant David Allebe Production Assistant Emily Browning Violet Baudelaire Liam Aiken Klaus Baudelaire Jim Carrey Count Olaf / Dr. Stephano / Captain Sham Meryl Streep Josephine Anwhistle Jude Law Lemony Snicket (voice) Kara Hoffman Sunny Baudelaire Shelby Hoffman Sunny Baudelaire Timothy Spall Mr. Poe Billy Connolly Dr. Montgomery Montgomery Luis Guzmán Bald Man Jennifer Coolidge White-Faced Women Jane Adams White-Faced Women Craig Ferguson Person of Indeterminate Gender Jamie Harris Hook-Handed Man Catherine O'Hara Justice Strauss Cedric the Entertainer Constable Bob Clendenin Grocery Clerk Lenny Clarke Gruff Grocer Fred Gallo Le juge John Dexter Gustav Deborah Theaker Mrs. Poe Wayne Flemming Captain Sam Jaimarie Bjorge Dream Gypsy (uncredited) Helena Bonham Carter Beatrice Baudelaire (uncredited) Amy Brenneman Mrs. Baudelaire (uncredited) Julius Callahan Davidious Augustine / Bohemian (uncredited) François Duhamel French Radio Reporter (voice) (uncredited) Gilbert Gottfried Duck (voice) (uncredited) Rick Heinrichs Mr. Baudelaire (uncredited) Alan Heitz Police Photographer (uncredited) Rob Hinderstein Banker (uncredited) Dustin Hoffman The Critic (uncredited) Michael Earl Lane Ferry Boat Captain (uncredited) Jane Lynch Realtor (uncredited) Nick Meaney Voice over (uncredited) Christopher Metas Wedding Audience (uncredited) Crystal Rivers Bohemian #1 (uncredited) Lidia Sabljic Woman in Audience (uncredited) Lemony Snicket: Una Serie Di Sfortunati Eventi - Trailer ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  23. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer 5 giorni fuori 1 h 41 m    2010         Commedia ◦ Dramma Il sedicenne problematico Craig Gilner, turbato da depressione e ansie adolescenziali, decide di farsi ricoverare in un centro psichiatrico. Qui scopre che il reparto dedicato ai minorenni è stato chiuso e che i ragazzi sono stati trasferiti nel settore preposto agli adulti. In seguito conosce il maturo Bobby, che ben presto diventa suo amico e mentore, e si innamora della coetanea Noelle. Carrie Stewart Set Decoration Paul Hsu Supervising Sound Editor Paul Hsu Sound Re-Recording Mixer Ryan Fleck Screenplay Ryan Fleck Director Anna Boden Screenplay Anna Boden Director Anna Boden Editor Jeremy Kipp Walker Executive Producer Andrij Parekh Director of Photography Kevin Misher Producer Beth Mickle Production Design Leo Won Makeup Department Head Cindy Tolan Casting Ned Vizzini Novel Jeffrey Stern Dialogue Editor Ben Browning Producer Peter Rawlinson Executive Producer Michael Maher Executive Producer Michael Ahern Art Direction Roy Farfel Stunt Coordinator Patrick Baker Executive Producer Dan-ah Kim Assistant Art Director K.C. Bailey Still Photographer Maceo Bishop Steadicam Operator Amy Andrews Costume Supervisor Branka Mrkic Dialogue Editor Tony Osso Script Supervisor Bobby Diehl Hair Department Head Noah Timan Sound Elisa Santiago Set Costumer Kortney Lawlor Set Costumer Kurt Swanson Costume Design Bart Mueller Costume Design Keir Gilchrist Craig Gilner Emma Roberts Noelle Zach Galifianakis Bobby Viola Davis Dr. Eden Minerva Lauren Graham Lynn Gilner Jim Gaffigan George Gilner Jeremy Davies Smitty Zoë Kravitz Nia Bernard White Muqtada Thomas Mann Aaron Fitzcarraldo Matthew Maher Humble Adrian Martinez Johnny Aasif Mandvi Dr. Mahmoud Dana DeVestern Alyssa Gilner Karen Chilton Nurse Harper Rosalyn Coleman Monica Daniel London Solomon Leo Allen Mr. Reynolds Morgan Murphy Joanie Billy McFadden Little Craig Jared Goldstein Ronny Alan Aisenberg Scuggs Lou Myers Jimmy MacIntyre Dixon Roger Molly Hager Becca Ato Blankson-Wood Jennifer Ben Folstein Neil Stewart Steinberg Charlie Roddy Skeaping Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  24. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Blue Crush 1 h 44 m    2002         Avventura ◦ Romance ◦ Dramma Sull'isola hawaiana di Maui Anne Marie lavora con scarso entusiasmo come cameriera. L'unica sua passione è il surf. Insieme ad un gruppo di amiche affitta un capanno sul mare e decide di prepararsi ad una gara importante. L'arrivo di Matt, un giocatore di calcio, la distrae dal suo intento. Brian Grazer Producer Todd Bryant Stunt Double Paul Haslinger Original Music Composer Claude Letessier Sound Designer Brian L. Keaulana Stunt Coordinator Sarah Halley Finn Casting Karen Kehela Sherwood Producer Meg Everist Set Decoration John Stockwell Screenplay John Stockwell Director Jon Farhat Visual Effects Supervisor Randi Hiller Casting David Hennings Director of Photography Susan Matheson Costume Design Tom Meyer Production Design Lizzy Weiss Screenplay Louis G. Friedman Executive Producer Louis G. Friedman Unit Production Manager Buffy Shutt Executive Producer Emma E. Hickox Editor Alex Daniels Stunts Denise Hudson Art Direction Dana Sano Music Supervisor Mark Kubr Stunts Steve Maslow Sound Re-Recording Mixer Megan Abubo Stunt Double Craig H. Davidson Stunts Bridget Cook Key Hair Stylist Tarra D. Day Key Makeup Artist Mary Ellen Woods First Assistant Director Jean Ann Black Makeup Artist Gregg Landaker Sound Re-Recording Mixer Brenda Lopez Script Supervisor Rick Kline Sound Re-Recording Mixer Lauren Stephens Supervising Sound Editor Kelly Cabral Supervising Sound Editor Gregory J. Barnett Stunt Coordinator Gregory J. Barnett Second Unit Director Constance Bracewell Visual Effects Supervisor Thad Beier Visual Effects Supervisor Chantal Boom'la Hairstylist Laine Rykes Makeup Artist Sean T. Stratton Post Production Supervisor Michael Trisler Stunts Margaret Doversola Casting James Sartain Key Hair Stylist Rick Dallago Co-Producer Kym Stys Utility Stunts Karen Iboshi Preiser Makeup Artist Jeffrey G. Barnett Stunts Elizabeth Dahl Makeup Artist Sally Sue Beisel Second Assistant Director Cara Hemperly Stunt Double Marlon Rhoden Stunts Paulette Crammond Hairstylist Bernie Bonner Axelrod Second Second Assistant Director Suzy Barbieri Co-Producer Kate Bosworth Anne Marie Chadwick Matthew Davis Matt Tollman Michelle Rodriguez Eden Sanoe Lake Lena Mika Boorem Penny Chadwick Chris Taloa Drew Kala Alexander Kala Ruben Tejada JJ Kaupena Miranda Kaupena Asa Aquino Asa Faizon Love Leslie Fiji Fiji Shaun Robinson Omar Paul Hatter Paul Tamayo Perry Tamayo Kym Stys Maid (uncredited) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  25. Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Stand by Me - Ricordo di un'estate 1 h 29 m    1986         Crime ◦ Dramma Oregon, estate del 1959. Quattro ragazzini partono per un'escursione di 50 chilometri lungo la ferrovia, affrontando varie avventure per cercare il cadavere di un ragazzo scomparso giorni prima. Da un racconto (The Body, 1982) di Stephen King, uno dei film più belli sull'adolescenza degli anni '80, nel miracoloso equilibrio della memoria tra sentimento e avventura. Janet Hirshenson Casting Rob Reiner Director Stephen King Novel Bruce A. Evans Screenplay Bruce A. Evans Producer Raynold Gideon Screenplay Raynold Gideon Producer Andrew Scheinman Producer Thomas Del Ruth Director of Photography Robert Leighton Editor Jane Jenkins Casting Adam Weiss Assistant Editor Jack Nitzsche Original Music Composer Rick Seaman Stunts Steve Nicolaides Production Manager Jeffrey Stott Production Supervisor Jeff Carson Music Editor Rick Barker Stunts Rick Barker Stunt Coordinator Michael Hirshenson Casting Associate Cheri Ruff Hairstylist J. Dennis Washington Production Design Lon Bender Supervising Sound Editor Irby Smith First Assistant Director Gary B. Kibbe Camera Operator Mallory Gottlieb Assistant Editor Amy Vincent Assistant Sound Editor Henry Millar Special Effects Alicia Stevenson Foley Artist Buzz Feitshans IV Assistant Camera Jim Behnke Second Assistant Director Doc D. Charbonneau Stunts Monty L. Simons Stunts Monty Westmore Makeup Artist Joe Gilbert Assistant Sound Editor Richard D. Kent Set Decoration Sue Moore Costume Supervisor Dan O'Connell Foley Artist David E. Campbell Sound Re-Recording Mixer Gregg Rudloff Sound Re-Recording Mixer Rick Ash Foley Artist John T. Reitz Sound Re-Recording Mixer Wylie Stateman Supervising Sound Editor Terry Hager Color Timer Randy Kelley Sound Editor Lorna Anderson Sound Editor Faye Brenner Script Supervisor Stan Gilbert ADR Editor Dan M. Rich Sound Editor Rick Thompson Special Effects Gerald A. King Best Boy Grip Douglas B. Arnold Boom Operator Bruce Birmelin Still Photographer Jack Carpenter Stunts Donah Bassett Negative Cutter Jerry Brutsche Stunts Robert Eber Sound Mixer Tom Ajar Projection Antonio V. Garrido Grip Jack Glenn Grip David L. Merrill Dolly Grip K. Lenna Katich Production Accountant Craig Denault Camera Operator Russell Goble Property Master Elizabeth Galloway Production Coordinator Gary Cox Stunts Tim Roslan Transportation Coordinator Brenda Meyers-Ballard Leadman Celest Ray Music Supervisor Danny Buck Gaffer Sherry Peterson Stunts Brian R. Carson Stunts Darrell Huntsman Greensman Terry Lynn Allen Sound Editor Christopher Ishii Assistant Camera Sherman Fulton Electrician Rick Mercier Transportation Captain Michael G. Riba Assistant Camera Carol D. Bonnefil Additional Second Assistant Director Jon L. Kunkel Assistant Camera Peter Benoit Unit Publicist Helen Mercier Transportation Co-Captain Harvey Keith Stunts Wil Wheaton Gordie Lachance River Phoenix Chris Chambers Jerry O'Connell Vern Tessio Corey Feldman Teddy Duchamp Kiefer Sutherland Ace Merrill Casey Siemaszko Billy Tessio Gary Riley Charlie Hogan Bradley Gregg Eyeball Chambers Jason Oliver Vince Desjardins Marshall Bell Mr. Lachance Frances Lee McCain Mrs. Lachance Bruce Kirby Mr. Quidacioluo William Bronder Milo Pressman Scott Beach Mayor Grundy Richard Dreyfuss The Writer John Cusack Denny Lachance Madeleine Swift Waitress Popeye Chopper Geanette Bobst Mayor's Wife Art Burke Principal Wiggins Matt Williams Bob Cormier Andy Lindberg Lardass Hogan Dick Durock Bill Travis O.B. Babbs Lardass Heckler #1 Charlie Owens Lardass Heckler #2 Kenneth Hodges Donelley Twin John Hodges Donelley Twin Susan Thorpe Fat Lady Korey Scott Pollard Moke Rick Elliott Jack Mudgett Kent W. Luttrell Ray Brower Chance Quinn Gordon's Son Jason Naylor Gordon's Son's Friend Stand by Me - Ricordo di un'estate (film 1986) TRAILER ITALIANO ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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